#i hope u are all doing well sending u lots of love and hugs <333
OK. UM. first of all, hiiii! <3 ok lemme just gush a lil bit:
2. god, i don't even have the slightest idea of how tennis works, but this is just so????? like?????? you know. and i kinda get how the play goes?? YOU'RE AN AMAZING WRITER GOSH.
3. i actually remembered most of the characters?? considering there's a lot of em, this is practically a miracle. again, you're goddamn amazing. i dont know how. maybe the pace is great, but definitely THE CHARAS ALL HAVE PERSONALITY/DEPTH??? like, i actually even remembered the side charas!!! mike, thalia, diego, felix, that cool ass girl in that shooting game, etc. umh just perfecto.
4. THE TENNIS MATCHES ALL FEEL SO SATISFYING!!! <3333333 omg. i feel like WUOOOOOH u know. i feel so cool playing a cool talented mc omg im loving it (i play a i-win-everything type of mc becuz im a perfectionist with a fear of failure) the matches me on edge in my seat oh gosh <3 and when u win it somehow just go WOOOOOOOH again!!! AAAAAA<3
5. aw, and of course, my beloved rivals to lovers rayyan <3333 *sigh* the slowburn.... (hes actually my first & only one. i go: ohhh tension!?!? and make a run for it. um, if it's ok to ask, is there a lot of content in the romance area as of now or in the future? like, replayability in terms of romance? im sorry if this is rude, i didnt mean to, i suck at words & i wont ask that again.)
6. FOUND FAMILY YAY! FOUND FAMILY YAY! <33333 (we genuinely lack those in the if community pls.) soulmates w/ sam. ride or die diego. very reluctant ride or die G (imma be honest, his name is just so hard so my head for some reason just go Guacamole 😭). aww tobin u very big cinammon roll ill protect u. shenanigans. & others too many to name honestly.
7. help this is just so good i had to force myself to sleep at 3am for a 7am lecture and i sat in the front rows and i put my head on the table and the fricking professor called me out ohmygod- BUT IT WAS WORTH IT GODDAMN!! ILL DO IT AGAIN IF I HAVE TO! HA! i cant wait for the next update- i'm gonna have this fic in my head for the next week oh pls noooooo. (no pressure tho. u do u author! take ur time!!! ill be here to support u, whoo!)
8.ALL IN ALL, I LOVE IT I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYONE I LOVE YOU AUTHOR *runs over & hug you w/ consent* <333333333333
ok. um. that's not it but if i continue it's literally gonna be an essay so i'll stop.
author. i will die for this fic. ahaahahahah. if i may ask, what's ur fav IFs? (i really, really love this one so im kinda hoping maybe u have similar taste in IFs eheh. again, im sorry if this comes as rude or insensitive.) oh uh & if my long rambles bother u, i won't send it again sorry.
<333 okok. take care of urself, dont forget to eat healthy, drink water & good sleep. have a nice day :D
Wait. I think I might have missed replying to this I am so sorry!!! It gave me so so much joy. Maybe I subconsciously did not want it to leave my inbox haha.
1. And 2 -> THANK YOU!
3. Gosh this is such a great thing to hear. There are a looot of characters, and I definitely worry sometimes that it gets to be too much, but I think the IF is getting long enough for me to give enough-ish screentime to each character... though it takes me a while to cycle back to different side characters. I cant believe you remembered the cool ass girl in laser tag! :)
4. AWESOME to hear! 🥰
5. Yup, being a character driven IF, there will be a lot of romance (or friendship) beats / moments in the IF (which is already true now). The next couple of chapters will follow the same mix of sports, school and romance / hanging out, so you should already have a sense of how much romance there'll be (it'll just keep unfolding / developing for each of the RO routes!)
6. Hehe found family is my fave trope to insert in stories as well.
7. Hahaha aww oh no fictional college life is catching up to your real college life!!
8. HUG YOU BACK (with consent)!!🤗🤗
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seiwas · 7 months
sel!!! hiii!!!! how are you doing!!
idk if you already got iwa for the ask game/if you’re still doing it, but if you haven’t, pls gush abt him and what he would wear <333
if u have already gotten iwa…. i have a question for u two… what do you guys do to end the day and wind down!
anyways i hope everything’s going well for you and you’re having a great day!!
sav helllloo!!!! i'm doing great 🥺 how are you!!! i hope this weekend is great for you!! and that you're having a wonderful time!! with lots of rest too!!
thank you for joining this lil game of mine, and for sending iwa too omg no one's asked him yet!! (and with good reason, i think everyone's looking out for my sanity lmAO JK HAFBASB)
now. okay. i will obviously say hajime looks good in all of it because i am so deeply madly truly in love with him but i'll have to say that i rank a white shirt + blue jeans on hajime last. he looks built in it, don't get me wrong, but it just isn't his element, y'know? the denim hugs his ass and thighs just right, years of hard earned muscle supporting each curve. the white shirt puffs out slightly because of his chest, sleeves almost ripping because of his biceps. it's a casual outfit he doesn't pick often simply because he isn't really a fan of denim (no stretch, or something)—and hajime looks best when he feels best, dressed in something comfortable.
it's also like that novelty thing, how seeing someone in athleisure all the time suddenly dresses up and cleans up good. hajime in a button-down + slacks is just OOOUGH. i'm having him. he slicks his hair up a bit, the spikiness of it smoothened out with some gel; it isn't flat, just a controlled type of texture that looks cleaner than how it normally is. the top button of his sleeve is popped open, because when he lifts his arms the buttons feel like they're about to give up anyway. each movement of his arms have his biceps forcing their way to rip though the fabric of his shirt—it's sinful, the way he guides your hand to rest on the crook of his elbow, fingers slightly touching the mass of muscle. you feel it press into your fingertips when he pulls your seat for you later.
those pants of his look made to fit because it hugs his ass just right, the roundness of it, the dips that flex when he walks to get more drinks. you watch him tuck his hand in his pocket while talking to a few of his colleagues, shaking his wrist to let his watch fall to the top of his wrist. you know he's antsy checking the time, because he can hardly wait to go home with you.
he's domesticated and sexy but what truly makes hajime handsome and hot to me is a simple black fitted compression shirt, short sleeves (but the long sleeves do equal damage too). it matches who he is, no fuss, comfortable, straightforward. you see him in it and see everything—the sculpt of his chest, the shoulders he's worked so damn hard on. his back has widened over the years and you see a bit of the muscles flex when he tips his head over as he drinks his protein shake. hajime doesn't have the most narrow waist but you know it's packed, dense to the touch. and his arms, they pop even more against black. the cuts of his biceps and triceps deepen with each movement he makes, the veins on his forearm practically screaming at you for them to take you however which way.
it's criminal how much you want him when he looks like that, his sweatpants hanging perfectly to accentuate the curve of his ass. when he returns back from the gym, it's started to droop down, the band of his underwear visible and the dip of his lower back deeper than should be allowed. what's truly cruel about this? hajime knows everything, is aware of every single look you send his way, how you hover around and touch him ever so slightly as if you aren't doing it on purpose. he lets you though, because, what kind of boyfriend would he be depriving you of your morning treat?
send me a character and i’ll tell you which outfit they’d look 🥵 in: white shirt + blue jeans / fitted black shirt + sweatpants / button-down + slacks
and what hajime and i do to wind down!! omg i do believe we just kinda lie in bed for a while—him going through all the stuff he has to do tomorrow and maybe a few reports and me going through instagram or something, maybe reading a book. other than that though, i think our bathroom routine is especially relaxing! we brush our teeth next to each other, do some skincare (he allows me to do it on him!!!!) and then we head to bed 🥺 hmm... a massage is not entirely out of the picture but that's just relaxing for me 🥺 i can never remove the knots in his back jhsdbfj i'm not strong enough 🥺 i'll cuddle him to sleep instead 😋
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youremyheaven · 2 days
Princess here. I'm so sorry baby I've been really busy with uni and exams are going on. I hope you're doing well and i missed you too 🥺
Sending love and the warmest hugs your way.
good luck with ur exams!! i hope u ace them all<333
im doing well angel and i missed all of u and being my normal self<333
lots of love to u and to everybody else<33 MWUAH MWUAH
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itsjaywalkers · 25 days
Hehe, the sweet ranter is already back, because I missed you too and I really appreciate the hug!🥰
I've been a bit stressed lately because school started again and my teachers obviously hate free time, I have so much homework to do (I'm living in Germany and doing my "Abi(tur)", I don't really know what it's called in english or if there even is something like that in England... but here we must do this first so we can go to uni (i hate the school-system in Germany). Okay, I am rambling a bit again...).
I'm really happy, that you appreciate my silly little asks, so here I am with another update on "luck came (and died 'round here)" because I love this fanfic and I've finished the first half of my homework (the other half is for tomorrow) so I need a little treat. By the way I am learning Spanish at the moment and it is so much fun (I can say hello, ask how you are and all this basic things), but now back to my reading update!
Firstly, I really love the dynamic Barty and Lily have, they are just so funny while they are bickering. I really, really love it and giggle so much! 🤭
Secondly, the fact that Barty knows her whole schedule but he doesn't KNOW that he is literally stalking her... :')
Thirdly, the PRINCESS! Good lord Laurie, are you and Barty trying to kill me? IT'S SO CUTE!!🤭
And lastly, I love the Rosier Twins! They are my on top siblings (sorry Sirius and Regulus... I love you, but you are not as cool as Pandora and Evan).
Okay, this ask is already ridiculously long so I'm just going to say, that I love the story (like everything that you write!) and because it is the weekend I will read deep into the night (Yey!) and hopefully give you many updates!
Sending you many loving bites, kisses and hugs!
Much love! <3
it must be like a levels!! never done them bc i was still in spain back then (we also have an equivalent it's called bachillerato and then we do selectividad aka the actual exams to get into uni) so i absolutely get the stress.. unfortunately i've been there </3 wishing u the best of luck!! and hoping that ur teachers will relax a bit..
oh i loveee ur asks babe <3 very happy to hear my story feels like a lil treat to u !! and omg that's so cool!! spanish can be a hard language to learn but . i adore it (i'm very biased i know but it genuinely is so beautiful.. besides i'll never be as funny in english as i am in spanish </3)
I GIGGLE TOO their dynamic is everything to me, i've always loved the academic rivals trope so i'm glad i got to write it!! and it works so well with bartylily i think
HE'S SO OBSESSED WITH HER but he lacks a lot of self-awareness in that regard i'm afraid.. which makes the whole situation even funnier imo
the 'princess' thing is one of my fav parts in that story.. never been super fond of that pet name but i fucking love it in a bartylily context, whenever barty says it i lose my mind a little
omg i didn't expect u to mention the twins, they're unfortunately very in the background but i also love them very much. i've realised i enjoy writing them A Lot so it makes me very excited to see u appreciate them <333
you're so very sweet.. thank you so much darling, sending u kisses and hugs and my whole heart MWAH
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hello my love! hope you are well…not to sound strange or weird but i just wanted to say i have noticed recently that ive got this little habit of scrolling the dash and seeing a post and seeing the most lovely and sweet and positive tags on it and thinking to myself i bet if i scroll up and check who’s reblogged it it will be thea. and i do and it always is. and well there is not really any point to this ask other than to say you are always such a wonderful and positive and kind presence on my dash and it is so delightful to be mutuals with you..that is all..mwah!! <3
HII hellooo my gorgeous lovely ridi <333 first of all i hope u are having the most wonderful day + weekend!!! full of lots of time for reading and baking perhaps? xx and SECOND OF ALL oh my GOD this was such a lovely ask to recieve MWAH xx :')))))) youre so so gorgeous i'm so glad you enjoy my tags hehehe thats sososo lovely mwahhh :))) and!!!! actually!!!! i'm the one who is soso lucky to have you as a mutual ridi youre simply!!!! so wonderful and funny and kind and well so so beautiful MWAH i am as always so enchanted by youuu sending so so much love your way and a big hug !!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3
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6okuto · 1 year
QKHDEKRBWBDJDH Im too shy to go off anon but just know that im ur secret admirer ahshdjshdjejd also sending u anon love is fun hehe 💓💓😚😚
im glad to hear that ur eyes r getting better! Hope ull be able to get the rest u need and deserve after ur sem is over <333 im doing great myself !!seeing ur reply to my ask just made my week 💗💗💗💗💗 i hope u too r eating well and staying hydrated and most importantly get enough sleep 😭😭😭😭 i hope ur day continues to be filled with happy things love u !!!💕💕💕💕💕
U dont know what kind of beast uve unleashed when u said u wanted to know more abt my ocs ong...Osjxiejdieje pls dont mind my rambling im so shameless byeee 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ also these infos might be weird its just based off my own understanding of stuff and not accurate to common knowledge so ⚰⚰
The alchemist- she's a bit on the gloomy side and honestly just tired of life 😭😭 i went with this origin first so her personality is like pretty much based off the game mc we play as, just a tad bit more passive 🚶‍♀️will melt down and turn into mush at the slightest bit of affection so i paired her with leander, and since shes gone through a lot i thought, she deserves some treat <3 and throw in mhin into the equation too hehe another random fact abt her is that she loves plain water... a LOT. Since shes a mage apprentice, i imagine that she probably learn a lot of magic stuff after meeting leander, mostly to get stronger and for self defense
The hound- she got massive trust issues (being betrayed by her friend in the thief syndicate and all) so shes extremely wary of the LIs, like if u think the in game mc is wary of the ppl in eridia, she's like 10x worse. Honestly lowkey like mhin 2.0 except a lil bit snappier 😭 i pair her with kuras and their relationship is kinda like him trying to get a stray cat with human issues to warm up to him 😭😭 doesnt get along with any of the LIs at all and always keep an arm's length around them, but she only lets kuras into her life (and fun fact he loves feeding her) surprisingly tolerates mhin too, and learns a lot abt how to use weapons from them, and since she was in a thief syndicate i imagine her agility lvl is v high (and dont tell this to my unnamed mc but my alchemist and hound mc is my favourite children...)
The unnamed- shes raised like a royalty all her life, since being an oracle means that everyone borderline worship her, but being raised at a temple also means theres many restrictions and shes honestly lowkey sick of being treated like it, though she keeps the perfect facade up, all smiles and all. Shes kind of a lil shit since after running away from the temple, she finds it hard to keep her nice facade up but still tries too hard to keep em (this results in her going 😄😄 but when she suddenly snaps she was like- omg i accidentally let my true colours out- and went back to being nice and all smiles as if her previous outburst didnt just happen- yes shes two faced) i pair her with ais and vere (aka the lil shits 😭) honestly their relationships r just ais and vere trying to make her snap and drop her nice facade its kind of hilarious
Andd yeahhs thats abt it abt them !! Sorry this got much longer than it shouldve been 😔😔 but thank u for being curious abt my silly goofies 🥺🥺 my personal fave is mhin!! And after finish talking to ais and kuras i...im lowkey interested in them disjdjejdjejdj theyre so fun??¿¿ 😭😭 leander is high up in my list too but i mostly see him as a big bro figure bc of his friendliness 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
its fine i know who u are. im lying. im not. i have a hypothesis i wont say bc well thatd be awkward if i was wrong wouldnt it. STAY PERF! SENDING U ..NOT ANON LOVE...wtf is the opposite of anonymous. KNOWN! IDENTIFIED! jesus. i need to go back to sleep i think i slept for like 3 hours my body hates me or sometign....THANK YOU!!!! i will continue 2 look 4 happy things 2day. reacted under cut 2 save space :heart:
HELLO ALCHEMIST MC!!! the plain water imcirny?@%? that's real actually stay hydrated OMGG learning magic after meeting is saur smart... is she ending up w leander... WHAT IS MHIN DOING. stay so strong
HOUND MC AND KURAS that's so real. handling 2 mhins...u can do it bro... LOVES FEEDING HER 🙁 i cannot wait 2 hear abt how she lets her walls down i think the hound option is just soo good for that and kuras is an interesting choice 4 it.. + w mhin's own...defensiveness and such....yeah . stuff is going to happen here
WOWW. UNNAMED FACADE OF HAPPINESS...love the trope I LOOVEEE WHEN CHARAS DO THAT i giggle a little like omg AIS AND VERE. jesus. wow. oh wow. there is so much u can do there. oh that sounds like itll be so fun to develop
DO NAWTT APOLOGIZE i like 2 hear abt everyones ocs bc i dont make them LOL i am sure mhin would love u. i think they need the same amnt of support + self care reminders u give me like TAKE CARE OF URSELF...LET PEOPLE TAKE CARE OF U... i hope something so awesome happens for u today :heart:
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catcze · 2 years
nia!! dearest!! hello bub ^^
i saw you're reblog of my gift and i am so so glad you like it! initially, i was planning on making a small and simple birthday artwork but then i remembered i was doing this big guft for my moots whom i hold dear to me and consider friends and was like "catte is awesome, it'd be a crime for me not to include her into this passion project of mine" and here i am! or should i say here we are!
the character i drew in the video is an oc i made for you! you can also consider it as a self insert i made just for you! and the story i wrote is part of the universe i made, you specifically are in a royal au that takes place in old inazuma! i had so much fun plotting out and writing and and so was the same for coming up with a perfect design to suit you! (inspired by you're oc, mao hua! i love her she's so pretty 🥺) and i absolutely cannot wait to share everything i have with you sometime next year! 💗
i'm glad to see you like it bub, and i'm so so happy to have managed to make you happy in a way! i hope the rest of you're day goes lovingly and amazingly and i wish you all the best, may today, tomorrow and beyond treat our beloved mrs. sangonomiya all the more kindly and lovingly! 💕
remember to take care, okay bub?? sending you loooots of big hugs and personally made sakura macaroons! love you lots bub 💖
happy birthday 🎉
— much love, yoi.
Literally I love love loveddd the character you drew of me 🥺 Honestly, at first I thought it was Mao Hua because of some of the features but when I realized that that was 'Nia' I went so SOFT omg !! I deffo loved your birthday gift so much and I'm literally so honored that you're including me in your project 😭 That royal AU sounds super interesting !! All the best of luck for u in creating that babes ♡♡
Everything has gone pretty well, so thank you so so much for the well wishes Yoi !! i hope the future treats you kindly too 🥺♡♡
Take care as well and thank you so so much for the sakura macaroons–– I'm holding them so softly in my hands omg 😭🫶🫶🫶 Love you !! Mwah mwah <333
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iuwon · 2 years
my asawa :<<<< i missed you so muchh. i haven't been active as much since college is a pain in the ass 😭, but my notification for your blog popped up and i needed to send this in. how are youu, love?? have you been eating well?? how's your dayy? i hope everything is going okay for youu, asawa ko <333
NUUUU I REALLY HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL I LOV YOU MY ASAWA PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF :((( i've been inactive as well because of classes😭 just been doing school work all day 💔 i've been stress eating a lot and have been drinking coffee AHAHHFREH but how are you ??🥺 how's the week been so far? please don't pressure yourself!! i hope you've been taking rests and eating well, i'm always rooting for u mahal please accept my hugs :( <333
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sungbeam · 2 years
today’s your first day right ??? i’m probably a lil bit late but gl with your classes today !! <333 i hope everything runs smoothly and i’m sending you all the virtual hugs rn 🫂🫂🫂 but ah, physics. pls i was never a science person, so i feel you 😭 it’s ok tho, i’m sure you’ll do just fine. and humanities wow !! pls i was never much of a humanities person either 😭 so that’s admirable honestly 😭 i hope you have a lot of fun !! not just in hum but also physics !! and just all your classes in general ^_^
thank youuu !! the program, like i said, allows me to go at my own pace, so rlly it could be as short or as long as i’d like, but average is supposed to be 6 months skdjdkd and i started it back in january bc my dad encouraged me to but that was obviously when i still had about 6 months of school left djsjsjsk so i obviously prioritized my actual school over this program since i could take my time with it anyway, and it’s rlly inexpensive which is nice. but yeah my goal is to complete then certificate within the next few months to hopefully get a ux design job by like ,, february or so ?? but yeah :D
and oooh the medical field ok i see you 👀 that’s actually rlly cool and is also smth i wish i was interested in bc i love that you get to help so many ppl !! but unfortunately there’s a lot of things that gross me out bc i’m rlly sensitive to certain things 😭😭 sksjsj which is why i rarely watch medical shows sksjksk but i’m glad that’s smth you could possibly pursue !! wishing you the best, whether you decide to go into that field or find smth even better for you on the way 🙏🏻 i’m sure whatever you choose tho will be a good decision :) also gl again on your classes today !! have fun !!
THANK YOUUU (_ _;) just had my first class which was english so it was really chill, and i have a history class in the afternoon (phys tmr sjxnskndjd) so v chill first day lmao but omg EM !! i made another friend today 🥺🥺🥺 i feel like i unknowingly target the chinese-speaking girls 😭😭😭 but she looked really confused and lost and i felt that, and ig it also helps that i speak chinese skxndnfk but she told me after class that she thought i was pretty and i went (´Д⊂ヽ ME????? ME ???!?!?!? like she's so pretty too tf and i feel bad cuz my chinese sucks :') but yeah i hope she doesn't drop out cries
ooh six months !! yes def take ur time w it and that's so great that it's inexpensive like my wallet and my mom's wallet r crying from uni expenses :') sometimes i wonder if i made the right choice picking this school, but i remind myself to make the most of it 😔✨ hope u get the best job and by february as well !! manifesting great things bc i see u doing great things in the future 🙏🏼 what made u want to pursue a career in this industry? do u like coding or compsci things :0 (dunno if im even in the right BALLPARK tbh but pls do educate me TT)
tysmm yeah kind of on the fence abt medicine rn but i really do love helping people :') it's like one of the two major factors that convinced me this was a worth-it path to pursue (?) but yeah, the cards have not fully been revealed just yet and my mom's hoping i can miracle my way into graduating in three years so i can have a gap year btwn med school and undergrad (which would be nice too but we'll see haha)
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nar-nia · 2 months
hi my cutie introverted sweetheart,
it's been a while? im sorry, i got swamped with uni, the last few months were so stressful and i just finished my exams, so my summer started like yesterday
i failed one important exam, so i have a retake in September, but this aint my first rodeo so i hope that ill mange to pass this time and make to my last year of uni ( soooo fucking scary mann)
but hey! thats just life! i saw that u had some hardships to get through :(( i hope u know that ure very precious honey! and sometimes its gets tough but u will get past all that cuz i think ure capable, amazing and brave !! 
its ur birthday?????? or was ?? im not sure BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! what an amazing that must have been when u were born! bet the sun was sushining like it is now!! i love u a lot ! please always stay healthy and happy!!  muah muah sending soo many kisses
SO excited for the comeback!! cant wait to blast enha all summer long!!!
dont worry about writing ! it will come to u when it comes to u!!!!!!!
PLEASE have the most amazing summer ever ever <333
-beloved anonie! dude are u from germany ( fucking random the euro spirit got me)?? cuz if so, mine country and yours love to joke about each other a LOT lmao - if not ignore this
i missed uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <33
beloved anonie, helloooo 🥺 oh i missed you. things were getting busy those past few days but now i finally have time to respond 🩷
i wish you all the best for your exam retake, you can do this 💪🏼 i'm sorry you have to retake it but i am sure you will do great next time. try to enjoy your summer despite that please, you deserve some rest and relaxation after all of this! and hopefully good weather too. i can't believe you'll be in your last year of uni though, didn't we just talk about how nervous you were about starting it? time flies.. now i feel old 🥲
you're so sweet anonie 🩷 the beginning of the year was shit, i'm not gonna lie, but i am doing so much better now. there are always bad days, of course, but overall i am happy with how things are going right now. i finally found a good job with great coworkers and my friends are great too 🤭 i hope it is or will be the same for you because you deserve it too!! and yes, it still was my birthday when you texted so thank youuu 🩷 i am sending you so many hugs and kisses back, MWAH!!
AND THE ENHA ALBUM. ANONIE. it is so good 😭😭 i am away on a trip this weekend so i couldn't fully get to embrace it, i need to relisten when i am home alone again, but wow. they are getting better every time, it's so amazing. my favorite is royalty with brought the heat back right after, those two are so captivating. what about you? OH AND HEE PINK HAIR. it suits him so well, i am so in love. they all look so good this comeback but heeseung >>>
i hope you will have the most amazing summer too! please enjoy it, and i love you so much 🩷 (and yes, i am from germany 🤭 if i remember correctly we are both out of euro right now? i don't really care about it to be honest but we can meet up and hug it out 🤭)
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gojoest · 1 year
I hope you're doing well !! sending u lots of love and hugs !! I missed u on the dash !!
spirit my lovely hii smooching you back 💋💋 i was lowkey gone for only a day but what can i say missed being annoyingly all over your dashes :( hope you're having the most wonderful 24 hrs ! <333
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lenteur · 2 years
honestly i used to have the worst confidence when i started working in customer service, i used to cry whenever someone was even slightly frustrated, but now when someone insults me on the phone, i have the power to hang up on them and i LOVE it <3 i think some customers do think "oh if i'm awful to them, they will cave and give me what i want" but actually when you are an angel to me, i will love you forever <333 i do the same, i always compliment them or tell them to have a nice day :) sending u good vibes !!
i kinda feel like that was exactly how txt were shown as </3 soobin & yeonjun are typically favoured more than the rest of the group while the other three—i feel—were ignored </3 it definitely feels a little bit different now but it used to be so obvious that gyu, taehyun and kai were not as popular :(
OH MY GOD HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT 🥰 yes, dr. reid is my ABSOLUTE favourite. what's not to like? 😭 i love the friendship between penelope & derek. i used to want them to be a couple but after a while, i thought they were definitely better off as friends bc they would lose that part of their friendship that we all love </3 i actually only got into it fairly recently, like a few months ago. my s/o and i were needing something to watch together and he suggested it. but now i'm hooked :/ because it's something we watch together, neither of us watch it without the other so we typically only get through two eps a night (though one day we managed 10 episodes) :( we haven't watched any since wednesday :(
i was like OH MY GOD, but i can get to know the person like i would if i wasn't their secret santa <3 it is !! they are really lovely :) (i'm doing a twice one as well but the chatting is optional and they seem to be quiet busy which is okay <33) i read through the messages like four times to make sure everything is okay :)
the second verse of that song was so good <3 i would definitely have preferred the same 💎
I ALSO LOVE CATS I HAVE TWO 🌷 i will definitely show you photos of them when i can!!!! they are my LOVES, i adore them so much 💎 they are toffee & luna. toffee is ginger & white and luna is a calico so she is black, white and a little ginger but luna can't meow, she just squeaks. we thought it was concerning that after a year she couldn't meow, but the vet said it's completely normal and it happens <3 toffee is two and luna will be two in june 💘 i hope your apartment allows cats, i could not live without a cat <33
OH don't worry i'm the same!!! i'm a smiley bundle of mess :') you're so so sweet <3 (we are also VERY close in age, i'm 29—i don't think i said that yet) 💙
wishing you an amazing weekend!!!!! i hope the weather is nice (very cold here, very icy) 🌨 🌨 🌨
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUU 💝 i hope you have/had an incredible birthday 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 IMAGINE ME HUGGING U VERY TIGHTLY ON YOUR SPECIAL DAY 💖
—svt secret santa 🎅 🎁🎄
i completely understand how you felt when you started working in customer service (is that the right term? it sounds right in my head but it might not be in reality) but i'm happy for you that you found the confidence and are now able to answer customers without being too scared <3 i'm proud of you :) and sending you good vibes as well ^^
oh really? i've never followed txt until this summer so i have no idea how they were perceived/treated before becoming a fan (more like a casual listener with a slight preference towards yeonjun but that's between you and me only *wink wink*) i really do hope things are getting better and there's no favouritism in the group bc that can cause a lot of problems and the members all deserve some spotlight shone on them
how did i know about dr reid? 🥰 I'M A MAGICIAN that's why lmao no but i feel like he's one of the fan favourites along with prentiss. at least, from what i remember? i do like the character (dr reid). i just like how he sees things from a logical point of view and how sometimes his opinion clashes with that of others (who might view things a little bit more emotionnally). once again, i think this was the case in the first seasons. idr when i stopped watching so things might have changed after that. also, his relationship with his mother is very interesting. and, seeing as the same actress played sue from glee gave me a lot of (both) EmoTionAl and bRaIn damage sigh i completely forgot i talked about penelope and derek lol thankfully, you weren't there during the fmvs era. little old me (14-15?) thought those (fmvs) were like compilations of their moments together. how do i tell you that i have damaged and traumatized my brain by watching one of those? 😭 </3 at least, whenever i see fmv somewhere, i know to NEVER EVER AGAIN click on the video!!! and the fact that you're watching the show with your s/o is so cute :( i hope you both enjoy the rest of it. let me know if you want to talk about something. i'm all ears ;)
yes you're right! i hope both the atiny and once secret santa events are both going super well for you :D and if coming here to talk to me becomes too much (job, other secret santa events), i won't mind if you don't come as often or stop altogether. i really really want you to know that your well-being is more important than anything else. i never want you to feel pressured into coming here. i just want good vibes and fun :D so, don't feel guilty if you can't come here. i'm sure we'llhave plenty of time in the future to talk about all the stuff we want 💗
*clutching my heart* YOU HAVE TWO CATS? AND THEIR NAMES ARE TOFFEE AND LUNA? I'm sorry but they are now officially my cats as well. Yes, I have adopted them without even knowing what they look like. Just like that post says, the mutuals' pets are also my pets. So yeah, I'm proud to be toffee and luna's aunt 😻 giving them both a little kiss on their heads as we speak 💘😘
TYSM FOR THE BDAY WISHES 💙💙💙 I had an amazing day and got to do so many things. I also had the pleasure of eating the most delicious bday cake ever 🎂 giving you a slice 🍰
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t-lostinworlds · 2 years
HAPPIEST BIRTHDAYYYYYYYY TIFF OMG HI HELLO I MISS YOU SO MUCH AND I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH I HOPE U HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER MWAH SENDING YOU LOTS AND LOTS OF LOVE AND HUGS 💗🤍💐🌷✨‼️ i hope that this new year treats u v kindly n i miss talking u to so much you're literally the best person ive ever met and im literally so obsessed w u and the way u talk abt things u love its literally so endearing!!!!! you're such a bright spot in my life and thank you for that ilyyyy <333333
TANVI BBY HEY ANGEEEEL <3 I MISSED U 🥺 AND AH THANK YOOOOOU!! ❤️🥰 I LOVE U SO SO MUCH YOU ABSOLUTE ANGEL OMG 😭😭 thank you, thank u 🥺🥺 and pls 😭😭 i feel like you're a long time witness of me going thru fandoms now aslkaslk we've known each other for so long AAH I ADORE U SO MUCH! you're actually just the sweetest ever gosh. i hope you're doing well my beloved <3 sending you lots of love and all the warm hugs!! i'm always here for you!! ily ilyyy <333
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caruliaa · 2 years
!!! okay i neeed to go to sleep (i actually maybe shldve earlier but sisbsjznxjjz its finnee) bcuz i have a long day tmrw but!! i wanted to send this first before i do to say:333 uhmmm i love you so muchhhhhh like you are sososooo very wonderful of a friend dear and your friendship truly does mean thee absolute world to me like you are soososooo much of a warm lovely comforting kind presence in my life and i appreciate smmm all the support and care you bring to my world and!! also that like you bring so much joy and so many smiles to my life and r just such a source of happiness in my world!!!! and then in the world on whole you bring so much brightness and goodness because you are such such scuhhhhhh a good person my beloved peaches..!!! like you really are and i just think ur incredible and !! hope i can b a good friend to u bcuz u so much deserve it and j bcuz it makes me rlly glad to be and!! yah i am here for u always and care sm for you and i love you sooooo muchhhhh (hugs you sooo close and tight if you want that! 💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕)
(edit—naurrr i fell asleep w/o this sending i think 💔 sending it just in case!!)
WELL the good news is that i slept in so late that i still saw this ask right after i woke up this morning so FBDBDBD and yaya sorry abt the long day today but i hope u got lots of good rest dearest !!!! :3 and ougghh youre so so sweet and kind my dearest you really really are ;; i hope you know im really so so glad nd happy that i can be a good friend to you beloved and be like a warm kind presence in your life beloved and bring u support and make ur world happier and joyful because well !! i really do want to so so very much my dearest because you really do deserve it so so very much my dearest and because you really are just so so very special and dear to me and such a wonderful bright presence that brings sm joy and goodness and light in my life and the world my dearest and hope you know that you are so so very much such a wonderful friend to me who fills my life w sm comfort and warmth and support and makes me feel so so loved and cared for and safe with you and having you here for my always just means everything to me and you just mean everything to me you really are such a wonderful person and presence in my world and im so so glad that i met you beloved i really really am i love you so so so much beloved i really do ;; *hugs u back rly close and tight if thats okay love !!* 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💗🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽💕💕💕💕❣️❣️❣️❣️💞💞💞🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
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kyunsies · 4 years
i was tagged by my lovely lil fam @memehyungwon @pansynight @theyoungflexer ;; i love u all dearly!!!!!!
rules: answer these questions and tag 5 mutuals
1. Flowers or chocolates? flowers!!
2. Between day and night I prefer: day 
3. My favorite drink: WATER (more specifically sparkling water) (even more specifically la croix or san pelligrino hehe) 
4. Between sunrise and sunset, I prefer: mmm i can’t choose :( i love the sunrise bc i wake up pretty early naturally but ALSO i have a lil series here on all the sunset pics i take and they’re beautiful so :(( gotta go with both!!!
5. Between dogs and cats, I prefer: dogs, i think i’m allergic to cats LOL 
6. The vegetable I hate the most: eggplant, raw onions, cucumber, cauliflower......i could go on and on i hate how picky i am kfsdfjsdfjs
7. My favorite sound: kyun’s VOICE,,,,,and maybe the ocean (even tho i’m afraid of it) 
8. The first thing I notice about people: their teeth/complexion (i have crooked teeth so when someone shows me a bright smile??? love that!!!)
9. Would you prefer horror or fantasy? i love horror movies but there hasn't been a good one in a really long time (idk why collectively as a society we need to hire The Worst actors/actresses EVER for horror film ugh) so i guess i’ll say fantasy :^)
10. I’d want to be stuck in a lift with: my best friend or my teammate or someone who is strong OR all of the above together :’)
11. What city or town you’d like to live in? it’s been a dream of mine to live in chicago!!!!!! chicago has everything: beach front (lake michigan is so big you can’t even see the shoreline from across the lake so it might as well look like an ocean), the big city life, also a really nice suburban area........you literally have everything <33
12. What I value most in life: to be happy and also like, to love and be loved ;; being in love (not even romantically) with your friends and family is the best feeling in the world idk,,,,,life is so beautiful no matter how many things go wrong no matter what how lucky are we to live on earth and experience love and pain and happiness and sadness and all of life’s lil ups and downs :’)
13. If I could learn any skill, it’d be: hemming my own clothes ;; im so short i don’t fit into anything dfjskdfjsdfj but also i would love to learn how to improve cooking !!!
14. Between the beach and the mountains, I prefer: beach AND mountains its impossible to choose 
15. I’d love to get married in: a church lol (call me a prude religious person) but all of my aunts had beautiful weddings in beautiful churches and :’) im not saying i want an expensive wedding or anything but!!!!! i just love weddings lol 
16. My hidden talent: i can raise my eyebrow??? idk or i can do a one-handed cartwheel but that’s not really hidden i guess 
17. If I could bring anyone back to life, I’d bring back: jesus, and i’m not even lying i wish the world would be a better place ;____;
18. Why? we are in SHAMBLES hehe like i know we all should learn from mistakes and all that but i think collectively as a human race we need like,,,,,,,,a big ‘ol group hug <33
19. Rainy or sunny day? sunny but!!!!! i only like rainy days when a) its not windy b) it’s not humid and c) when its just plain ‘ol RAINING like no thunderstorms or super cells that will turn into tornados idk how to express the fear i have for severe thunderstorms :(
20. Who’s the real model of your life? momma bear!!!!
21. How I relax after a hard day: watching any form of monsta x content on yt, or a recent interest is learning about korean cuisine like i follow these 2 channels on yt where these couples make homemade korean food and i just think everything looks yummy and i would like to either try it sometime or make it sometime on my own!!!!!!
22. I like the way I look: absolutely not lol 
23. My most favorite facial features of myself is: ehhh maybe my eyebrows 
24. My most favorite part of my body is: i don’t really seem to have a favorite body part but ill just say i have a lil mole on my ring finger and i always joke around with my friends that when i meet my soulmate and he puts a ring on my finger that mole will glow gold or something LOL DO U BELIEVE ME NOW WHEN I SAY I AM A HOPELESS ROMANTIC <33
25. If I could change anything about my body: well to start i wish i was taller LOL 
26. If yes, what’s it: my height i want longer and slimmer LEGS 
27. If I could change something from my past: my whole uni experience 
28. How many piercing I have: 4?? two on each ear! 
29. I like makeup? i like makeup but i hate what “influencers” have done with it like,,,,,,you don’t NEED the newest jeffery star palette pls go at your own pace i feel like it’s just CONSUME and then okay what’s the next hottest thing that looks like everything else on the market :’)
30. I wear make up everyday: heck no 
31. My skin type is: combination in the summer but dry in the winter 
32. My skin tone: tanned? i don’t have a deep chocolatey skin tone but, it just looks like i have a tan all the time 
33. My hair color: dark brown 
34. My height: 4′11″ so i think that’s only 149 cm lol 
35. My age: 21 
36. My birthday: december 4 
37. My best friend: my roommate + my teammate + plus some other uni friends <33
38. I have a pet or more: none sadly :(
39. If I don’t, I’d like to adopt: YA my dream pup is a greyhound !!!
40. Video games or social media: social media i hate hate hate video games 
41. I’ve visited outside my country: canada + dominican republic + jamaica + mexico but i would love to go to europe 
42. I have an innocent/dirty mind: both honestly lol 
43. Someone proposed to me or asked me out? nah 
44. If yes, then I liked it and accepted or the opposite: nah 
45. Do you follow some celebrities’ fashion: no, i thin fashion is unique to the individual so there’s no point in copying :)
46. What do you think about your fashion sense: i like it and i feel comfortable in what i wear! 
47. You found someone copying your fashion: my fashion is simple so if someone dresses simple then we have the same BRAIN <33
48. Can you do your makeup properly: yes 
49. You go or used to go with makeup to school: i used to in grade school/junior high bc i had really bad acne but now i dont care anymore :D
50. What color suits you best? neutral colors + cold accessories 
51. Finally, how is quarantine going? it could be better but it's not terrible!! i go back to school this weekend sooooooo oof 
tagging: @ckyunoirs @softhyungkyun @xphenomenon @sohcean @hohyuk and anyone else who wants to do this (and ofc feel free not to as well!!)
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arlertsbaby · 3 years
nsfw alphabet - r. weasley
hii babes! im so glad i finally got the time to do a quick nsfw alphabet on one of my fav characters. hope yall enjoy!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
- hmm.. where do i start with this sweet babe!! he sticks around you after sex, usually grabbing the remote from his side of the nightstand, turning on netflix for the two of you to watch while you drift to sleep < / 333
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
- rons' favorite body part of his is most definitely his hands, because he knows you love them too!! ;) also he uses them a lot in bed
i'd say his favorite body part of yours is your torso, he just loves hugging you and holding your waist close to him
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
- im gonna take this section as a "where do they cum?" typa scenario. i think he enjoys cumming on your stomach, esp when you too are in missionary and he's pulling out
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he's smelled your underwear while you were on vacation hdhdhd
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i feel like ron has had his fair share of sexual partners in the past, so im gonna say he is fairly experienced on how things work down there.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
either reverse cowgirl or doggy style, he's def the type of guy to enjoy seeing ass bounce fs
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
ron is more serious in the moment, unlike his older brothers lmfao
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?)
he definitely isn't the type of guy to shave it all off, so i'm going to assume/say he keeps it tamed but still pretty hairy
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
ron is really into you and how you feel. he'll be so touchy, not for the sexual pleasure, but just because he likes feeling his pretty s/o ^^
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i headcanon that he likes filming himself when he's alone , mainly to send to you later
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
when i found out that ron was 6'1 , the first think i had thought of was that he has a size kink !! maybe corruption too? idk those are the only ones i'd see him having
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
he's more of a basic guy lmao, bed or couch are your go to's when you're feeling in the mood
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
seeing you doing things around the house as simple as doing your classwork for lectures just.. turns him on. he likes being able to reward you after you're done with all that hard work !
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i think his most specific turn off is when you two are having some alone time in his dorm , and he can hear his roommate come home throught the front door , he just doesn't like to continue knowing that you two aren't completely alone
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he loves giving more than he loves receiving. everything about making you feel good is just so special to him
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
definitely a slow tease kinda guy. he wants to hear you beg for him to go faster, and see you desperate for more
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
this man does not do quickies lmao, if he's in the mood in the morning, he won't mind a 30-minute session tho
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he is down with anything you wanna do! he loves trying out new kinks, new scenarios, he's all for it :)
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can probably go for 3-4 rounds almost everytime, depending on what you're up for
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he once surprised you with one of those 8-inch vibrating wands from spencers, and trust me , yall use it OFTEN lmfao
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he teases a lot, even when you two aren't having sex. he likes seeing you all hot and bothered
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
when i tell you,,, this man is VOCAL. he loves moaning in your ear, grunting, etc. he also does whimper occasionally
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he likes sliding his hand under your shirt while you two are having a private movie night in his bed ;))) im freaking out
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
a bit above average, 6 1/2 inches, slight curve upwards, light pink tip, think owen gray dick fr
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
his sex drive isn't really high, you two probably enjoy having sex once or twice a week :)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
this man is big on aftercare, so he'll stay up until he's sure that you're asleep, and then settle down
i enjoyed filling this out sm!! babes, lmk if you'd like me to go into detail with anything, im always up nd happy to write a few one-shots !!
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