#i hope ur having a great thursday anon!!
inkykeiji · 1 year
Oh godness ahhh that was so good can't wait to have more Clarii makes me want to read it again (which will happen eventually ehehe) reading this is making me twirl and giggle I love this so much 💕 take care and sending hugs ~squishymallow anon
aw anon bb i’m so glad you enjoyed it!!! (´∀`)♡ flawless tomu really is just so fun hehe <33 i can’t wait to share part two with you!! aw thank you sweetpea i am sending u so much love!! <3
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inkyclive · 1 year
some more thoughts for science and funsies
do you think cid is open to sharing? not to just like anyone, more specifically gav?
gav who always watches over the princess when he’s gone? gav who always has his baby girl’s interests at heart?
surely that’s worth a reward right? at the very least a show. and if cid is feeling super generous maybe gav even earned a few participation points ??? 🥹🐥
YES, 100%!!!! i can see cid sharing with gav, especially since they’re close and he trusts him, he knows gav does everything he possibly can, everything in his power, to keep his lil princess safe when cid’s away, and cid greatly appreciates that. it enables him to leave her with minimal anxiety because he knows she’s going to be well looked after + taken care of, even if gav does spoil her a little too much, and cid comes home to a baby that’s extra bratty, extra entitled, extra clingy <3 (not that he necessarily minds, of course)
honestly, cid doesn’t strike me to be someone who is extremely selfish or possessive. i think he’s extremely protective, so like you said he wouldn’t share with just anyone, but people he believes genuinely have your best interests at heart, and people he himself loves and trusts, are okay in his book. if they’ve earned it, if he thinks they’re deserving of it, then yeah he’s up to sharing! i could also see him sharing with clive!!! lately i have this idea bouncing around in my lil head of reader/you/us being her bratty, slutty, needy self and being extremely playful and teasing with clive, especially when he’s v new to the hideaway c: just flustering him, ‘accidentally’ flashing him her pretty panties or putting a dainty palm a little too high on his thigh to be appropriate, generally seeing how far she can push until he breaks—gets mad or gives in, not knowing is half the fun!—and then getting to make it up to him (or get punished! by him or cid or both <3).
cid thinks it’s pretty cute, thinks it’s pretty amusing, can’t help but chuckle to himself with a fond shake of his head when he sees her bending over in front of clive or touching him or batting pretty lashes at him as she says something borderline indecent and giggles at the way he chokes on his words or sputters and gargles his drink or growls about how she’s being inappropriate and she should stop this instant <3 cid’s pretty curious to see just how far she can push, too, and how clive will react when he finally snaps and loses it. will he take matters into his own hands immediately, grabbing lil princess’s wrists in a single large palm and shoving her against the wall and snarling at her to cut it out already? will he give into all of her teasing because he just can’t take it anymore, bending her over the nearest surface in a thick lust-and-anger induced haze and pounding the life out of her without thinking twice about it? will he come to cid with shame in his eyes and remorse in his voice and express that he doesn’t know what to do or how to handle this, worried cid might get angry at him, or her, or both? it’s a game to them both <3
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kusakabesimp · 1 month
hey! hope ure having a good day ★
I don't know if everyone had questioned this before, remember that Kusakabe has a younger sister and a nephew? i reread that chapter and it made me wonder.. what kind of brother and uncle he is and how does he act? unckabe lol
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— Kusakabe Headcanons : In Gentle Company —
Hi Anon! I hope you're having a great day as well!!
We know that canonically, Atsuya loves his family deeply and will do whatever it takes to make them happy. So it's natural that my headcanons of him as an uncle and an older brother are very tender and sweet.
Takeru's Tie When Kusakabe saw Takeru again, his eyes were immediately drawn to the familiar polka-dot tie around his neck, instantly pulling him back to a tender Thursday morning from a year ago.
Takeru was perched on the bathroom counter, his legs swinging as he watched Kusakabe get ready for work. "Oji-san, why do you have to wear that thing with your suit?" he asked, his tiny voice cutting through the quiet.
Kusakabe gave a low chuckle and continued working on his tie, carefully looping one end over the other. He wished he could tell Takeru everything — where he was going, why he wore the suit, and that he did it all to keep Takeru safe. But for now, he settled for these brief, precious moments. "They say I have to look professional," Kusakabe finally replied with a playful smile. "This is the best I could come up with."
Takeru's eyes lit up, and he hopped off the counter, running down the hallway. Moments later, he came rushing back, clutching a brightly colored tie with small polka dots. "Can I wear one too, Oji-san? Takeru asked eagerly, his eyes shining with excitement.  
Kusakabe's smile softened as he took the tie and knelt down to Takeru's level. "Alright, watch close, ok?" he said gently, guiding his nephew's small hands.
Takeru leaned forward slightly, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he focused. His little fingers fumbled at first but gained confidence with his uncle's steady support. Takeru looked up at Kusakabe, his eyes wide with pride. "Do I look professional now, too?" he asked, tilting his head to see himself in the mirror from different angles.
Kusakabe's expression softened. The tie hung crooked, but it was perfect just the way it was. "You look very professional," he agreed, reaching out to ruffle Takeru's hair.
By the Water's Edge Fishing had always been an escape for Kusakabe, a quiet way to unwind and reflect after a noisy, stressful week of dealing with curses. This weekend was a little different — his sister, who wasn't much for the outdoors, had reluctantly agreed to spend the day with him. From the start, it was clear she wasn't thrilled. As they settled on the dock, she crossed her arms and let out a dramatic sigh. "I'm bored, oniichan."
Atsuya took a sip of his beer and lazily cast his line, unfazed by her grumbling. "There's strawberry mochi in the cooler."
She pulled out a mochi and shut the cooler with a playful huff, unable to stay mad at her brother for very long. As the afternoon drifted by, the rhythmic sounds of the water worked its magic. Her initial boredom began to fade, replaced by a quiet contentment. Atsuya, ever patient, took the time to teach her how to cast a line, guiding her hands with the same gentle care he'd always shown her. He listened intently as she talked about everything from how Itsuki had broken her heart yesterday, to the color she'd like to dye her hair—if she ever found the courage.
As the conversation naturally tapered off, they settled into a comfortable silence, casting lines and enjoying the peaceful stillness of the water. They shared a quiet laugh when she brought in her first catch—a small fish, but a victory nonetheless.
As they packed up to leave, Atsuya reached into the cooler and pulled out a cold beer. He handed it to her with a warm smile, and they clinked their bottles together. Sitting side by side, watching the sun set over the water, she realized how special this moment was. Atsuya, usually so reserved and private, had opened up and shared a part of himself with her. It was a rare and meaningful glimpse into a world few ever saw.
"Thanks, oniichan," she said softly.
** 'Takeru's Tie' was inspired by a re-read of the manga, where I noticed that Takeru's doll wears a polka-dot tie. Given that Yaga created Takeru with his memories, the tie must hold special significance. It seemed to me that this tie represents something deeply meaningful to Takeru—a cherished memory or bond that he carried with him into his next life. By creating this moment with Atsuya, I wanted to honor the idea that such simple, tender moments can become lasting, heartfelt symbols of love and connection. **
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rinsuniverse · 1 year
I am coming out of anonymity~ I'm the creative woozi + monotone day seokmin anon^^ the seokmin one made me laugh so hard because there was part of it of him like brushing his teeth in ur post and I could just imagine him in don't lie yelling indignantly that he DID brush his teeth during the lie game. (Of course, also the legendary video of him using mingyu's toothbrush)
I have an interview for a job in my desired field on thursday, and I'm so nervous 😖 how about a woozi imagine of him supporting a s/o who's nervous to hell and back (like me)
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woozi with a nervous s/o ✧˖°.
omg i've been busy with my other requests, but i'm making sure to answer yours in time for your interview today!
woozi is very logical in his help/support
he is the type to mark your important dates in his own calendar
if you're getting ready in the morning, putting on your makeup, and getting dressed well, he'd check his phone as he wakes up
for this scenario, i'll make it more specific for you!
"oh, you have that job interview today," he says, still laying in bed as he looks on his phone
"yup! i'm so freaking nervous," you say, trying to get the jitters out by shaking your arms around as you check yourself out in the mirror
"hmm, i get that," he hums, turning in bed so he can look at you.
"if i fail this interview, i don't know what i'm going to do-"
"let's not think about that, y/n/n. i seriously doubt you'll fail."
"but what if i screw up on a question? i prepared, but still."
"slow down for a moment. focus on the things you did prepare for and don't overthink the things you didn't. they're going to be asking you questions that you know the answer to deep down. like your schedule and skills and all that stuff. you know yourself best."
"true, but..."
"aish. you'll do great, don't worry about it! come here," he says, opening his arms wide in bed
"in bed?"
"yeah, just for a moment"
you climb into bed and carefully place yourself in his arms where he holds you gently
he plays with your bangs and the sides of your hair, moving them so they are in place
he gives you a quick kiss on the forehead
"i hope you do well. though i seriously doubt you'd not do well," he says quietly
"thanks, ji."
you get out of his arms and get your things so you can leave
"make sure to eat and take care of yourself at your work when i'm out, okay, jihoon?"
"don't worry about me when you're at your interview, silly."
"okay, okay, i'm going now!"
"good luck, you'll do great," he mutters, barely audible to you, quietly adding on, "i love you, y/n."
"thanks, seriously. love you too, ji."
for more general terms, jihoon isn't the greatest when it comes to comforting you
but he hopes his "thinking rationally" helps you
and that his soft and somewhat awkward head pats will help you feel more at ease
he will check on you throughout the day with some texts
jihoon: hey, you feeling alright?
jihoon: everything going smoothly?
jihoon: remember not to be so hard on yourself and don't worry too much hehe
he's really sweet like that
he makes it seem really casual, though
sometimes he has to remind himself that he's comforting his s/o and not just a good friend
and the way he changes it to be more endearing is by physically comforting you more or adding "babe" or your nickname after his statements
in moments you're feeling nervous, he's all yours
if you need a hug, his arms are wide open
if you feel clingy, you can hold his hand or give him short pecks
if you want to just lean on him, be his guest, go ahead
he's there for you!
if you're nervous for a presentation or something, he's definitely let you practice in front of him and give you honest feedback
if you're feeling nervous because you're naturally anxious (me me me), he'd stay calm and try to give you his calm energy..?
like he'd rub your back and tell you to take deep breaths and check the facts rather than think with anxious thoughts
if you're out with him and you say
"god, i'm feeling so nervous all of a sudden"
instead of asking why, he'll pull out some earbuds for the both of you to share
and he'll play some relaxing music for you
overall, jihoon would have no problem comforting his nervous s/o!
ofc he would do it in his own, logical way
but nonetheless, he hopes to help you
if you tell him the logic doesn't help, he'll listen to you with all of his attention when he asks you what you'd rather him do instead
and he'll try his best to be the best, supportive boyfriend for you specifically
so communicate well with him!
anyway, thank you so much for the request! and OMG HELLO!!! it's so cool you're not an anon anymore (tho there was never anything wrong with that!), and it's so great to kind of meet you! feel free to request many, many more things.
i hope you do super well at your interview!! update me next time if you want! i wholeheartedly support you, just like how you've supported my writings here for awhile now! have a super good day!
(p.s. requests are still open! i specialize in woozi stuff, but i don't mind writing about other svt members! i can also do some nsfw if you want! so request whatever and as much as you want! ς(>‿<.))
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kairithemang0 · 5 months
this abt ur reblog about an anon opinion lol this isnt unprompted
i dont rly interact with u or ur content that much other than reblogging and screaming in the tags, but i admire u a lot!! ur always interacting w other people in the fandom and constantly creating content (even if its just shitposting on a random thursday night). you like talking about a lot of your ideas and you have a lot of close mutuals and i think that is. SO fucking cool. like u intimidate me w ur sheer coolness. u seem really nice and cool and i feel like you'd be a rly good friend!!
hope u have a good day :D
(also please make a curtwen podcast. and PLEASE invite me on it. id probably sit there in silence petrified bc of the anxiety but do it anyway)
I'm screenshotting this and saving this for a bad day, if you don't mind because the smile this put on my face is insane
I swear y'alls comments make me feel so happy I appreciate them to hell and back. I've had a shit day but this literally has put the biggest smile on my face thank you so much anon
I feel bad you're intimidated, I love interacting with people and everyone in this fandom is just so damn cool but also like I love interacting with everyone so much and I don't want to be intimidating 😭 . I appreciate every single one of you for the amazing posts and content you all make.
Also thank you for enjoying my shit posting I'm sorry if you found the SAF rick roll edit
I hope you have a great day anon, take care of yourself <3
(Also. I will make a curtwen podcast ONLY IF I have someone equally obsessed host with me)
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mikhailoisbaby · 1 year
Hiya Harvey! How is life treating you? I missed you cottage folks too. Unfortunately I could not be around much due to my husband and I moving places but now that the worst of it is done with I should be back to buzzing around these parts more often. Maybe I can't promise you all a specific day of the week but I will be more consistent. Here is today's question for you: how do you cope with distance when it comes to romantic relationships? What are the things that hit you and your partner the hardest about it? Would you change anything? My credentials for asking these questions is that me and the aforementioned husband were long distance for quite some time before moving in our first apartment together. This goes without saying, if you don't feel like answering then take this as me greeting you and wishing you a great Thursday. :)
Hi cottage bro 🖤🖤🖤
I’m so happy ur back I’ve been missing you! Hope ur happy and moved in tho!
How do I cope with distance? Ha ha cope … I don’t most nights I cry because I can’t cuddle with him and I’m overly affectionate and some days I just want to give him a forehead kiss and can’t, at least once a day I look at plane flights costs, so cope I don’t.
Things that hit the hardest are when anyone of us is having a bad mental health day recently that been me and I just need and wanted to cry into someone's chest and I just can’t.
I would change the distance so quickly I would sell my arms to change the distance.
It’s good to know someone made it out of long distance happy and married , one day I hope that us
I love you cottage bro anon dearly !
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coryosbaby · 8 months
HEY HEY- so like we’ve been on two ‘dates’ if you could call them that over the past two weeks and it’s been going good!! i’m planning on seeing him this thursday and we’re both super excited, he was trying to get me to spend the night at his place today but i work as an overnight barista so i couldn’t 😭😭
he’s like an actually sweetheart, the only issues is that my bsf was his bsf for like 5 years and my bsf been running around and calling me ‘selfish’ for seeing the guy i like. ALL BECAUSE HE [bsf] WAS NEVER ABLE TO DATE HIM!! it’s been frustrating because my friend cut off the guy i liked for ‘not spending time with him anymore’ but he works AND is in uni so he barely has time to go out.
other then that, things have been great!! he wants to make plans for valentine’s day and wants to see the new bob marley movie together for it!!
- trad goth anon
AAA that’s so cute I’ve been wanting to see the bob marley movie too !! I hope u both have a wonderful time 🩷
As for ur best friend — 😨 I hope yall can work that out fr . Calling u selfish is crazy tho like how? B so fr 😭
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fairyhaos · 1 year
wahhh yena ur making me all teary-eyed omg . . . my exams went pretty good but i have more coming up this month (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) n i missed u too ! ! i missed seeing u and ur posts round the dashie (ᵔᵕᵔ)◜also "i hope wind chime anon is doing okay in this world :((" m gonna cry this is so cute im keeping this in my heart 4 life :< ily ! ! giving you the biggest smoochie eva ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵
also that makes a lot of sense ! it's a v good analogy ! ! but i feel like a fraud plus 'm broke dswjgsk so i most probably will not be paying for a real test,,, im pretty sure im just associating colours w people n that's that ! !
n assigning colours,,, hm idk how to put it but some behaviours just remind me of some colours ? sometimes it's v random and comes automatically but sometimes i have to rly think about what colour a particular character trait (?) reminds me of. hopefully that makes a lil sense ? ? yea. n wahh jihoon reminds me of so many colours ! it's v interesting that u also think he's going to be a tough one.
this ask is shorter than my usual askies lmao bcs i have 2 study for a couple of hours so i'll be back later to ramble about shua's colour but yea,,, good morning ! hope u have a lovely thursday yena ꒰੭⸝⸝´˘`⸝⸝꒱੭ full of bright n sunshiny thoughts ! <3
ohhh good luck with your upcoming exams ㅜ.ㅜ you're gonna do great i believe in you!!
ah okok! that's really interesting omg, but also same haha sometimes it really does take a while to see other people's colours and fr im sitting there staring at photos being like "WHAT ARE YOU??"
i hope you have a good thursday too!! sending u lots of strength with your studying you can do it 💪💪
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nomniki · 2 years
ella!!! happy valentine's day!! <3 i hope you had a fun day! i just wanted to say to start that i don't stan txt and i've played like 10 mins of genshin but i read your yeonjun one shot because i love your writing and once again :') you never disappoint it's really good!! like it's really cute and the worldbuilding is top notch,,, n omg stardust??? this is like my dream!! aespa! kim seungmin! rivals to lovers! it's everything i love and more. as innie would say the hoes (me) gone love this (i already do) felix's @ got me good too it's so funny but as to be expected from you, your profiles are just superior,, i can't wait to see where the au because the girls are so funny already they're just the perfect addition to the world like yn in her "there are two wolves inside you" era i cannot believe,, minjeong kinda are her up too like damn,, but i love the sense of character we're getting both subtle and unsubtle and it just seems so fun im an absolute sucker for academic rivalry especially when the hate they have for each other is completely irrational from the outside like yes go on wish death upon this random guy for studying hard i support you always ynnie,, the hater energy is just hilarious and like i said i can't wait to see where it goes!!! and seriously im happy you're working on things you have inspiration for and not just trying to force yourself to write things you don't feel like writing,, everything you write is great but it's best when you have fun doing it too!!! cant wait for the next update, thank you and happy valentine's day again!! 💜
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY ANON :(( i hope ur day was even better !! anon i am so glad u read that it is quite literally my baby and u MUST listen to more of txt this is criminal !!!! if u were looking for recs i would say listen to literally all their title tracks and antiromantic, new rules, no rules, dear sputnik, fairy of shampoo, blue orangeade, THE WHOLE BLUE HOUR EP !!! honestly all of thursdays child and tnc:t too <33 just if u wanted recs .. IVE BEEN WAITINF SO LONG FOR THE OPPORTUNITY FOR ACADEMIC RIVALS TO LOVERS i love them anon i appreciate that sm bc i put an ungodly amount of time into the profiles EXACTLY YN IS SO IRRATIONAL like wait until u see even more of them anon i’m alr giggling anon ur literally my fav ever :(( u rly make my day with these asks i rly hope u know that <33
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robobarbie · 3 years
not an ask but just a small thanks to all the hard work u and the other devs put out for bp and for taking time to answer q's!! i also played ur other game thursday laundry and it was really nice and felt nostalgic somehow ^^ thats about it, hope ure having a great day/night!!
Omg a thursday laundry player! 😎 yw anon -- glad it gave u those vibes. thanks for playin both games! 💚💚
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do you know of any other media that’s similar to the sparrow? or movies that have the same vibes?
i do anon!!! this is nowhere near a complete list, but this is what came to mind immediately; u have very much come to the right place ♡ i put stars next to the ones that remind me most of the sparrow!!
arrival ☆☆☆☆☆☆
the fountain ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
kingdom of heaven ☆☆☆☆
sound of my voice
mistborn trilogy
origami ☆☆☆
the man who was thursday
i origins
another earth
the oa ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
midnight mass ☆☆☆☆☆
annihilation ☆☆☆
contact ☆☆☆
interstellar ☆☆☆☆☆☆
the borgias
the rite ☆☆☆
the matrix quartet
cloud atlas
elysium ☆☆☆
avatar (yes, the james cameron one; don't @ me)
stargate ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
district 9 ☆☆☆☆
blade runner 2049 ☆☆
apostle ☆☆☆
the village
event horizon
firefly (and the accompanying movie serenity)
his dark materials
mary magdalene
first reformed
wayfarers series ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
in case ur wondering almost all of these are more or less philosophical sci fi and fantasy and/or have religious themes.
also i fully admit some of these are Not That Great, but they make me happy, so ♡
also almost all of these are movies ♡ i hope you enjoy anon!!! let me know what you think!!! ♡ like i said, i know i'm missing some stuff, but this is what first came to mind.
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inkykeiji · 7 months
clari! how was ur vday?? 💕
hi hi!! sorry i’m answering this like a week late HAHAHA but it was so lovely!!! we went to the KAWS exhibit (his first exhibition in canada ever!!) and wandered the art gallery until close, and then we went to get ramen at our favourite lil ramen shop c: it was such a wonderful day despite how frigid the weather was, and we really enjoyed getting out to the art gallery again (even tho i was super sad to find that my favourite crepes place, which used to be across the street from the gallery, was one of covid’s many casualties (っ- ‸ - ς) )
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anotherhellchild · 4 years
📂 Not sure if you're into this but considering you're bakugou centric I figured it would be cool if you could do a little bakubowl pls. Only if you want to though if course. Oh, and also I think that you are honestly a wonderful writer. Thanks for your service.
I usually keep things gen and I haven’t really done anything ship related before, to be honest I just don’t really know how to write stuff like that. Having said that though, I definitely don’t mind giving it a try! I’m gonna do my best but pls keep in mind that I don’t really know what I’m doing so don’t expect too much! 😳😳
(Also anon, ur really sweet thank you so much! 🥺 hope u like this:) )
It’s been a really fucking shitty week for Katsuki. He was away on an internship the week before and now he has five assignments due, three exams to take and a lot of homework to catch up on. He’s stressed, tired and he’s barely got any time to fucking breathe because he still needs to keep his usual training schedule up and he needs to tutor his idiot squad too.
All in all, Katsuki’s busy as fuck right now and just has a lot on his mind.
Or in other words: ‘The Beast of 1a’ has been overworking himself like crazy -again- and it’s really starting to show. Living off of coffee, energy drinks and very little sleep isn’t doing Katsuki much good. The class is even pretty sure that the boy’s been forgetting to eat meals. 
Honestly, the behaviour is very unlike Katsuki, but this has happened before. 
Still though, the class is pretty worried. Shoji saw Katsuki walk into a wall last Thursday so it’s for good reason too.
Despite their concern however, the class can’t help but stare at Katsuki when he gets like this. 
It’s cute.
The boy walks around either unfocussed or extremely focussed. He’ll be wearing loose jogging pants, fuzzy socks and oversized hoodies, sometimes there’ll be a blanket draped over his head held tight between his arms, like he’s hugging himself. Light purple circles will hang from red, slightly dazed eyes and his cheeks will be slightly flushed too. His hair is constantly messy (more so than usual) but it’s in this adorable way that just makes it look even poofier than it already is, plus it’s very often tied in a tiny ponytail on top of his head or it’ll be pushed back with little hair clips or a headband. 
He’s just so freaking adorable. Wandering around like a little puppy, searching the kitchen for food, or heading out the door for a run.
It’s almost kind of funny, the class never knows if they’re going to accidentally run into their angry neighborhood hedgehog, because said hedgehog will emerge from his room at the most random times. Sightings can range from anytime it’s dark outside to anytime it’s light outside and there is no in between because there is literally no in between, that time slot goes around the clock. There’s also absolutely no pattern or any other way to indicate when and if Katsuki’s going to emerge either, 1a just kinda has to hope he’ll come downstairs the same time they’re downstairs.
And thus, it gets to the point where everybody’s downstairs, constantly. Just so that they can maybe catch a glimpse of their lost puppy Katsuki for a brief moment.
The best part of all of this though, is that Katsuki’s oblivious dumbass doesn’t even realize what’s going on. He’s way too focussed on other things to notice the way the common area goes quiet whenever he enters, 19 pairs of eyes immediately latch onto him. He’s just so damn cute!
Anyway, the best best part about this, is that in general, it’s way easier to do things for Katsuki without him realizing/ finding out and getting offended or suspicious about it or whatever. 
Kaminari will always have hair ties and clips with him so he can wordlessly hand them to Katsuki when one of his breaks or gets lost.
Sato will cook/bake like crazy and prepare snacks for everyone, he makes sure to make some extra for Katsuki and always puts those to the side for him.
Sero and Jiro will casually (and silently) go study with Katsuki in his room, just so the boy has some company and some people to keep an eye on him. Tokoyami will join them from time to time as well.
Koda will get any random animal to show Katsuki, it gives the boy a tiny break and something else to focus on for a moment. Plus the look of wonder in those red eyes is always to die for. Koda also lends his bunny or finds a cat that Katsuki can take up to his room, the animal will sit in Katsuki’s lap as he works and the boy’ll absentmindedly pet it. Oh and Shoji helps Koda find the animals so it’s a joint effort.
Momo makes tea or other beverages, she brings it up to Katsuki and makes sure he’s getting enough to drink/eat. Aoyama and Asui will come with her to check up on the boy themselves every now and then too.
Ojiro has an insane amount of stationary so he’ll always be there to provide Katsuki with any paper, ruler, marker, pen or pencil he needs. Ojiro has it all.
Midoriya does his best to not provoke Katsuki too much. Him and Iida are the ones that provided Katsuki with all the notes he missed whilst he was gone.
Kirishima just buys Katsuki a bunch of shit. He makes sure to keep it subtle though. “Oh yeah, I found this hoodie in the back of my closet! You can have it, otherwise I’m going to throw it out.” “Hey dude, I was just at the store and these chocolate bars were buy one get one free! Here you go!”
Uraraka, Ojiro and Asui are all pretty good cooks so they’ve made dinner for Katsuki a couple times now. All of them make sure to make his portion extra spicy because they know that’s Katsuki’s favorite.
Hagakure’s the one who’s secretly taking pictures of sleepy Katsuki to share with the rest of the class, she’s a godsend in everyone's eyes.
Mina checks up on Katsuki every night. She’ll come by a couple different times to make sure her boy’s eaten enough and she’ll ask if he needs anything (water, food, blanket, a new pen, you name it!) She and the rest of the Bakusquad also send a bunch of memes so Katsuki can have a laugh whenever he decides to take a break.
Shinso always stays in the common area until late in the night because he’s learned that Katsuki tends to wander down there pretty often when he gets like this. The blond will be half asleep and he’ll come down because he either just finished whatever he was doing and needed to get ready for bed, wanted a snack, had a nightmare or was about to go for a late night/ early morning workout. He’ll handle things differently depending on the situation, but it’s usually pretty easy for Shinso to guide the boy to the couch and gently lean against him until he falls asleep, or they both do.
Todoroki is always there whenever Katsuki goes to workout. Whether the blond’s planning on just going for a run, doing an entire boot camp type training or if he just wants to fight, Todoroki makes sure to always be there. Sometimes that means Todoroki needs to stay awake till ungodly hours but he doesn’t care, he’s glad to be by Katsuki’s side and it’s for the better too. Katsuki sometimes needs someone there with him to make sure he doesn’t pass out and Todoroki’s just the one who does that. It’s a pretty important roll.
At the end of the day, the class knows it’s best to just try and leave Katsuki to do what he needs to as much as possible. As long as they keep a careful eye on the boy, and make sure he doesn’t implode, then this ‘mood’ or ‘state’ -whatever you wanna call it- usual passes after a week or two. It’s worrisome, yes, but they know the class’ bomb is gonna be fine. 
Besides, him being like this gives them a great excuse to treat him like the cute lil’ baby he is.
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gotham--fc · 3 years
Yeah omg overtimes are the best when you win and it’s especially better when you manages to actually force a tie when you were trailing !
Yeah it’s said nhl players aren’t going but it makes a lot of sense, but o swear they cancel the Olympics and I’ll cry I wanna watch pou snipe!! And like snowboarding and all that is dead cool.
Yeah like when your used to your equipment you don’t wanna swap unless your used to the new kind like I’m used to mine now and can shoot good with it ( I almost scored from the other end of the ice a couple weeks ago when we were playing posts ) (I can’t score normally tho lmao) tho I do like a cheeky 5 hole but it’s saved 99% the time😂 what’s your fave way of scoring or type of goal ? And you hit any homers ?
😂😂 that’s a mood if defo need a while to get used to a new stick and I like mine so much now I probably wouldn’t switch unless I could make a custom one 😂😂
😂 the petes are cool hope you can get to some games soon if your looking at it lol. Do y’all still like my boi Liam Kirk?
Also I have a game Thursday and I’m excited but the rink is so weird the jump from the benches to the ice is at least a foot it’s so weird you have to like launch yourself onto the ice and jump to get on your bench. And omg my kit now smells nice cause I washed it all twice 😂😂
Nah you don’t need to post more dw, don’t need to apologise for not posting either life is hard and it builds up sometimes.
Now for some random questions bc why not
How was ur Xmas? Are you watching the world juniors / other than Canada who are u cheering for (same goes for the women in the Olympics) ?(im cheering for Canada Finland and sweden) How’s your sports going? 🏒🏒😁
Hockey anon! It’s been a hot minute I be busy
But yeah overtime is the best when your team wins otherwise it sucks
Oh yeah I love the Winter Olympics! I hope it still goes on, I love snowboarding too and I love luge and skiing too, and figure skating!!! Omg I love figure skating so much it’s my favourite Olympic event, I’m also lowkey a big fan of curling and I’m pretty sure Canada has a good curling team
Oh yeah I get you with that, I only ever wanna wear the same type and brand of cleats I wear my cleats until they’re completely unwearable because I don’t wanna get new ones, I’ve also been wearing the same bowling shoes since I was 13 (did I mention I bowl sometimes too?) in terms of hockey goals that I like to see I love bar down you know like from the blue line just an absolute banger bar down, let’s be real I just like bangers in soccer too I just wanna see someone hit an absolute banger, I scored from half once, it wasn’t intentional but I’ll claim it 😂 we had the ball up in their half and they cleared it and I picked it up at half and I just wanted to kick it back up into their box to keep the pressure but I overestimated how far it was and I just saw their goalie jump and miss the ball and then everyone start cheering I literally had to ask if it went in 😂 I also scored a pretty nice goal from the six yard box despite me as a center back having no business being anywhere near the six yard box the ball just bounced to me and I volleyed it in it was great, I never actually hit any homers mostly because the diamonds I played at didn’t actually have an outfield fence (I was in church league we got the worst diamonds) so basically you just hit the ball and ran until they threw it in, I hit one pretty far that I probably could’ve scored off but I tripped at first base and had to get pulled from the game cuz my face was bleeding and there’s a rule about bleeding and playing, I never gave up any homers when I pitched which is what I will say I’m proud of I struck a lot of batters out
Haha lol Ontario just cut their capacity limits again so I probably won’t be able to go to any games anytime soon and honestly I’m not even sure when the Pete’s will play again they got shut down right before Christmas with covid exposure and a lot of ohl teams are cancelling games and practices, and yes of course I love any players who used to play for us unless they suck 😂 also! My aunt gave my dad a bunch of hockey cards that she was getting rid of and we found my cousins ohl card from when he played in Guelph! Autographed and everything! Also yeah this is a subtle brag that my cousin used to play in the ohl what about it
My Christmas was good! I got to spend it with my family and thankfully I still got to see my moms side before everything shut down again, didn’t get to see my dads side but oh well, how was your Christmas?
I did not actually watch any of the world juniors, my sister hates sports and my mom hates hockey so I never was able to put on a game because they always snagged the tv and well now it’s uhh no more ig, kinda think iihf shit the bed on that one
My sports so far are good, Arsenal is still top of the league, t6 also still top of the league, Barca killing it as always, my wsl fantasy team is struggling though a lot of my players got injured and then the ones I were relying on to cover their points got covid so I am struggling I need players to come back after Christmas I’m struggling hard 😂
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aeneozen · 3 years
well for starters if i could go by umi in the .. anon.. tag things i'm sorry idk how tumblr works. I lov ur blog and your writing while i have liked a lot of posts so far i wish to be more active in the asks too since ik how it feels to have people communicate beyond a note
second I AM SO GLAD YOU LOVED YOUHA SHE IS SO GREATTT she is truly a gem
third if you want recs outside of kpop i recommend rina sawayama, she is so unique (some songs: stfu, dynasty, 10-20-40, xs, cyber stolckholm syndrome) and you've probably listened to mitski but i'll give you some songs anyway (old friend, i will, thursday girl, real men) i hope you do not feel obligated to listen to any of these these are just for fun tho i do hope you like them
again i love what you write please continue doing it cause you're great -umi
i havent had time to listen YET but i’ll tell you which ones i like when i do !!!!!!! (///▽///) DRINK WATER AND SLEEP EARLY OKAY
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goalies · 3 years
Helo dear!! I hope u have a great rest of the week :D this is partially bc I just realized it was Tuesday rn and its 11.28 pm, when I thought today was both Monday nd Thursday dnxhxhx - <3
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