#i hope you're having a great monday anon
inkykeiji · 7 months
weird question but did touya-nii top or bottom when sleeping with guys? he gives kinda power bottom energy but idk😭😭
omfg anon i love this question I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!!! the answer is: both! you are entirely correct, he’s absolutely a power bottom. but he likes topping, too. despite being pansexual, he’s got quite a bit of Toxic Masculinity in him (as we know) which leads to him needing to be The Boss, the Dominant one, always, irregardless of the gender and sexuality of his partner (but especially with women). so even if he’s bottoming when he’s with a guy, he still needs to be the one in power and in control—he’s the one setting the pace, the strength/force, calling all of the shots, etc. etc., and he’s usually riding them.
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writeandsurvive · 11 months
Hi. I’ve been reading your work and it’s been sooo funny. It’s my first time asking for fic. Could you write a fic where Gibbs and reader is in the secret relationship in the bullpen. And one day they’re having breakfast or lunch or anything and they’re cute, sweet, and so in love each other and then being caught on the scene by someone in the bullpen.
Thank you so much for good works!
Hello anon, thank you for the request and your kind words, it means so much to me ❤️ I hope this is what you were looking for!
Busted ~ Jethro Gibbs
It's not easy to give a relationship secret, but it's even worse when it happens in the workplace, and the people you're the closest with are all trained investigators. However, you and Gibbs have been doing a great job at hiding it. It's a lot thanks to him, to be honest; the man has one hell of a self control and when he puts his mind into something, he never fails.
Most of the times you were almost caught was because you couldn't keep your hands off of the man you love. A stolen kiss here, a lingering hand there. The closest to being busted happened when a lawyer was clearly hitting on Gibbs, and your jealousy went over the roof. You trust Gibbs more than anyone, you know he'd never do something like that, but seeing this woman being too comfortable with your man, touching his arm, and giving him flirty looks, that was hard to handle.
However, it led to the first time Gibbs allowed himself to let go in the office. Noticing how jealous you were getting, he got you to follow him to autopsy, taking the elevator and shutting it down. He immediately grabbed you and kissed you intensely. Then he looked deep into your eyes, silently asking if you got the message. You smiled and nodded. Gibbs was a man of a few words after all.
Weekends off were a very rare thing for the team, so when the boss said 'see you on Monday' by Friday night, it was a race to the parking lot. Obviously, a few minutes after you got home, Gibbs let himself in and you immediately jumped into his arms. "An entire weekend, just you and me?"
"Why else would I let everyone go this early?" He kissed you.
After spending the Friday night at your place, ordering takeouts and simply relaxing together, you went to his place on Saturday. Gibbs feels more comfortable there, and he likes to work on his boat while you're reading a book in the armchair he specifically brought into the basement for you.
But Gibbs wanted to spoil you. He knows he's not the most outgoing and adventurous man, and there's this tiny voice in his mind that keeps telling him you're gonna get bored of him and the relationship. So, he used all of his computer skills to search for the best and fanciest restaurants in Washington. He wished he could've asked McGee for this, but how would he explain it? 'I want to take my girlfriend on a fancy date, and spoil her the way she deserves, cause I'm afraid she'll get bored and leave me. Also, my girlfriend is someone you love like your own sister.'
It was a nightmare to do this research, but Gibbs was satisfied with himself when he found the perfect place to take you.
"Your burgundy dress is still here, right?" He asked, joining you after he took a random shower.
"I think so, why?"
He kissed your forehead. "Go get ready, we're going out."
"You're kidding? Where are we going?"
You excitedly got up from the couch. "Okay, but I need to take a shower too!"
He looked at his watch. "You got an hour, good enough?"
"Yes sir!" You quickly pecked his lips and rushed upstairs.
You don't remember the last time you got into a fancy restaurant like this, you kinda felt out of place. But it was amazing to see Gibbs being this romantic with you, holding doors, pulling out the chair, he even ordered your first alcohol drink, for the both of you instead of going with a beer or bourbon. "You're spoiling me," you shyly smiled. "And you look extra handsome tonight. I still love the polo shirts and hoodies though."
"You deserve to be spoiled." He grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips. "Had to clean up nice so people don't wonder why the hell you're doing with me, more than they already do, at least."
It was amazing. The food was exquisite, the conversation flew smoothly between you, and Gibbs kept complimenting you, and not just physically. He hinted several times how lucky he felt that you were with him, loving him and standing by his side no matter what. "Jethro," you looked at your joint hands on the table before getting lost in his wonderful blue eyes. "You don't have to do this to make me happy. I'm happy as long as I'm with you."
He stayed silent for a moment, processing what you were saying and looking for the right answer. When he opened his mouth to answer, a voice came out from behind you. "Boss! Wow, fancy seeing you here!" Tony DiNozzo. Great. You couldn't get out of this, could you? "Who's your da--" he reached the table, and finally laid eyes on you.
"Hi Anthony," you teased. "Didn't recognize me from behind? That's offensive from you."
Tony kept looking between you and Gibbs, mouth open. "I think he's having a stroke." You joked to Gibbs, who softly chuckled. He had accepted that the cat was out of the bag.
"DiNozzo, you gonna keep standing here or let us go back to our date?" Gibbs asked.
"I, um, wow. I got some many questions." Gibbs gave him his famous, which got Tony to solely look at you. "I got many questions." He said, lower.
"I can still hear you, DiNozzo, and most importantly, I can still see you."
You nodded to Tony with a smile, silently telling that you'll indulge his curiosity.
"Well," you laughed after Tony was finally gone. "I guess we're no longer in a secret relationship."
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callsign-dexter · 8 months
Heatwave of Emotions 18+
Request: Hey hooooo my dear ❤️ I love your blog sooooo much that I cannot resist to send in a Kelly Severide idea for my bday on Monday 🫣🥰 but of course you can write it whenever you have time !It would be something where you're just moved to Chicago, working at 51 and everyone immediately loves you, especially one grumpy Lieutenant. So after some weeks adjusting to everything and even getting closer with Kelly, which everyone notices and sees how happy you make each other, you finally agree on a date with him. Which turns out absolutely great and you're about to kiss as some random chick disturbs you both (she's been a one time thing with him at some point but not something serious) and you leave him standing there, being hurt and sad. The next days you barely talk with him and don't get him any chance to explain, so the rest of 51 tries talking in your mind that he's never been that serious about a girl until you showed up and stuff. Sooooo on a free day you show up at his apartment, wanting to talk with him, but as he opens the door you notice he just came out of the shower and you cannot get your thoughts together, so you kiss him, which he gladly returns and the situation gets into his bedroom, getting away all doubts of you🔥😉
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut
A/N: Happy Belated Birthday to the anon who sent this in! I hope you enjoy it!
A/N 2: @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms here is some Kelly Severide for ya!
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When you moved to Firehouse 51 in Chicago from your old house back in Colorado, who wasn’t the best towards women, you thought this was going to be the same way. Boy, were you wrong. When you walked in you saw several women and the house and when they saw you, they immediately welcomed you and made it feel like home. Sylvie Brett, Stella Kidd, and Gabriela Dawson became your immediate friends and you couldn’t ask for anyone better to hang out with. When you were introduced to the rest of everyone, they were quick to make you feel welcomed and that made you smile. There was one person that caught your eye and you could tell that you had caught his eye as well. Once everyone cleared out and it was just you and him in the room, he approached you. “Hi I’m Kelly Severide. I work on Squad 3.” He said and smiled a dazzling smile that had you swooning and you smiled back at him.
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I’m gonna be working on Ambulance 61 with Sylvie and Gabriela.” You said and he smiled and nodded.
“You’ll be with the best. So, what made you move here?” He asked and you could tell he was actually curious and not looking for small talk.
“My firehouse back in Colorado wasn’t the best towards women and my ex-boyfriend cheated on me and he worked in the same house. I was the laughing stalk and needed a new start.” You said and he looked like he was actually pissed that happened to you.
“That is no way to treat someone as beautiful as you.” He said and you actually blushed and you were going to say something else but the bells rang for Ambulance 61 and he looked at you. “Well, it looks like it is your time to shine.” He said and you nodded as Sylvie came and motioned you to come and you did as you were walking towards the ambulance and got in the back, she turned to you.
“You and Kelly, huh?” She said with a smirk and you just bowed your head and smiled while blushing.
“Ohhhh, what is this about?” Gabriela asked and Sylvie turned to her.
“When I went to get her, she and Kelly were talking up a storm and he was smiling like actually smiling.”  She said
“Are you saying that Kelly and Y/N have a crush on each other already?” She asked and you just blushed furiously because yes it was true.
“Exactly what I’m saying.” She said
“Stop it guys.” You said but you were smiling and they laughed.
“In all seriousness, this is the first time I actually saw him smile an actual smile.” Sylvie said
“Really?” You asked and she nodded and turned back to look at you.
“Yes, he doesn’t smile a lot and he has been a grouch for a while.” She said but you didn’t get to ask any more questions because you had arrived at the scene. You three worked perfectly together but you couldn’t stop thinking about Kelly and he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
4 weeks had gone by and you were loving your new house and they were loving you. You fit in well with the group.  We were close with all them but you were very close to none other than Kelly Severide. You won’t admit it but you had a crush on the handsome Squad 3 member whenever you were in the room together. Both of you could not stop smiling and making heart eyes with each other.
Not many calls were coming in so you took this time to tidy things up and get to know more of your coworkers. You had just come back from using the restroom when you heard Casey's voice and stopped where you couldn’t be seen, especially when you heard your name. “Ever since Y/N came, Kelly has been a lot nicer.” He said
“Oh absolutely, he is smiling a lot more and it's creepy but it’s nice.” Stella said and everyone agreed this made you smile to yourself. You had noticed that his mood had changed and to be honest it was nice to have a male being so nice and making you feel noticed. It had gone quiet so you had walked away with a smile on your face. You walked where the trucks were and found Kelly sitting there and that just made you smile even more. You walked over to him and sat down and he looked up and smiled.
“What are you smiling about?” He asked with a smile.
“Oh, nothing really. I just love this house and it’s nowhere near my last one and I’m so grateful for that.” You said and he leaned up further.
“We absolutely love having you here. I know I do most of all. Speaking of knowing you. I have to admit that I do have a crush on you.” He said and that made you blush.
“I do too.” You said shyly.
“Well, if we feel the same way then maybe go out on a date with me. I know you have turned me down in the past.” He said, this hasn’t been the first time that he had asked and each time you had politely turned him down and he understood and didn’t push but that didn’t stop him from asking a few weeks later. You looked at him thinking, this is the first time that you both had admitted that you had crushes on each other.
“Ok, fine. I’ll go on a date with you.” You said and the biggest smile appeared on his face.
“Really?” He asked and you nodded.
“Really.” You said
“What kind of food do you like?” He asked
“I really love Thai food.” You said and he smiled and nodded.
“I know this really good Thai place. I’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow night.” He said and you nodded.
“Sounds like a date.” You said
“Indeed, it does.” He said and then the bells went off. You all were heading out onto the call.
The day of the date started the few days you had off and you were somewhat looking forward to it but not really, you had really just wanted to be with your crew because being alone in a house by yourself sucked. You had spent all day getting ready for your date that you had even called Stella, Sylvie, and Gabriela over to help. When they asked why and you told them they practically squealed and dragged you to your room and started going through your closet. After finally settling on a pair of jeans that hugged your legs and accented what they needed and a nice red shirt that once again accented everything it needed to, you were ready. While you waited, they did your hair and makeup and then you all gossiped. It was mostly about Kelly but you didn't mind not in the least bit. They left around 6:30 PM and now you just had to wait.
7 PM rolled around and Kelly was knocking on your door. During the weeks everyone had exchanged phone numbers with you and some of them, mostly the 3 females that had become your friends, knew you address one being Kelly. You walked to your door and opened to find him on the other side holding some flowers and that made you smile. “These are for you.” He said and handed you the flowers which you gladly took.
“Thank you. Peonies are my favorite.” You said taking them and bringing them up to your nose to smell them. “Come inside while I put these away.” You said and stepped aside and he did just that. 
“So, our reservation is at 7:30 PM.” He said “It doesn't take that long to get there.” He added and you nodded as you finished putting the flowers in a vase. When it was close to 7:30 PM you both started to head that way. It turns out it was a walking distance but he insisted on driving and you let him. He found a place to park and then he was shutting off the engine and walking over to your side of the car and opening the door for you and that made you smile. 
“Thank you.” You said and he smiled.
“You’re very much welcome.” He said and when you were plenty enough away from the door, he shut it and locked it. You walked in and straight to the desk “Reservation for two under Severide.” He said and the hostess nodded and smiled.
“Right this way.” They said and you followed them. You both were led outside to a semi-private area and Kelly pulled out the chair for you. The date was going well and you two got to know a lot about each other. When the date was over, he paid for it and then you both left. As you were walking to his car that was parked a few feet away, the both of you stopped at a little park that was close by with a fountain. 
“I really had a nice time with you.” You said looking up at him and he smiled.
“I did too. Do you wish you would’ve gone out with me sooner?” He asked and you chuckled.
“I think I was right to turn you down those three other times. It just helped make this night even more perfect.” You said and he chuckled.
“I get it. I’m just glad you said yes, this time.” He said and then turned to you and the both of you stood there staring at each other and you both slowly leaned in. Your lips were almost touching when a female voice sounded.
“Kelly? Kelly Severide?” The voice said and that made you both look up and over at the voice.
“Alexa.” He said and your stomach dropped. Everyone told you about his flings and relationships that didn’t work out. You expected to meet them sooner or later but not now.
“Why haven’t you texted me back? I wanna hook up again.” Alexa said and that made you feel even worse.
“I told you we were done.” He said and he shook his head and looked over at you. 
“Baby, I promise we are done.” He said and you just shook your head. Alexa put her hands on his biceps and got all up and close. 
“It’s only been a week. A week too long. Ditch this tramp and come back to my place with me.” She said trying her hardest to work. Kelly didn’t say anything.
“I can’t believe I actually fell for this. I should’ve known better. You’re just as bad as my ex, you were hooking up with her when you were talking and trying to go out with me. You know what? I’m so done. Never talk to me again, Severide.” You said and he cringed and started to panic. You only called him Severide while at work all the other times it had been Kelly. You pushed past them and started to walk away. You heard some talking and the fact he wasn’t running after you right now broke your heart and tears fell. “I was so stupid.” You told yourself you were almost home when you heard your name.
“Y/N, please stop.” Kelly said and you did but didn’t turn around. “I haven’t talked to that girl in months and when you came into the house all communication stopped. You have to believe me. She was lying.” He said and you shook your head and turned around and when he saw the tear tracks running down it broke him. 
“I can’t. I’m sorry. How do I know she’s not lying?” You asked and he hesitated and you let out a watery chuckle. “Do me a favor and lose my number. The only time I will speak to you is at work but that’s it.” You said and walked the rest of the way to your home leaving him standing there. You shut the door and slid down it and sat there and sobbed. 
Kelly was distraught. Since you had come into the house, he hadn’t hooked up with anyone, he wanted you and only you. You made his days better and his drinking had cut down tremendously. He just hoped that he could talk to you and let you know that but right now you weren’t listening to him. He immediately pulled out his phone and sent a couple of text messages to you and called you but the messages went unanswered and the calls went straight to voicemail. 
When it came time for you to go back to work you were dreading it. You didn’t want to see him at all. You told him all about your ex and how awful men were to you. When you had arrived at the station the only spot available was by Kelly’s car and you sighed but parked next to it. You killed the engine and got out and walked into the nearly silent station. You walked into the locker room and got changed and then you were heading to find everyone else. As you were searching for anyone, Kelly rounded the corner and you stopped and so he did. He looked like hell. He had bags under his eyes and his eyes weren’t as bright. “Y/N.” He said your name with a breathless whisper but you just shook your head and walked away.  
Each time he tried to talk to you, you would just back away or make up an excuse that you had something to do and leave. You felt bad for doing so but he did break your heart and most importantly your trust. You still love him but you had built walls up and they weren’t going to come down anytime soon. You had to put up with him for 3 days while you worked and it was gonna be difficult but you were going to pull through no matter what. 
Over the next few days, you avoided him like the plague and each time he tried to corner you and tried to explain the bell had rung each time saving you. You honestly didn’t know if you were going to give him another chance or not. Everyone had settled into the kitchen while Squad 3 was out on a call. While you were there, they got to talking about anything but the subject of Kelly had come up. “Gosh Kelly has become so irritable in the last few days. He’s even more grumpier and pretty much has gone back to his old ways.” Stella said and then she turned to you. “How was the date?” She asked.
“It was great and he was a gentleman. Afterwards we went to a little park near my house and as we were talking some girl came up named Alexa. She said that they hadn’t hooked up in weeks. She started touching him and he didn’t even try to stop her. He knew my history with men and how I was cheated on.” You said and everyone was quiet. 
“You know he has certainly changed since you came here. He started to become happy and friendly. His attitude has changed drastically.” Sylvie said and everyone nodded in agreement. 
“You’ve changed him for the better.” Gabriela said and you just sat there quietly taking it all in. 
“This Alexa girl he hasn’t talked to in months, almost close to a year.” Casey said and you looked up surprised.
“So, he was telling the truth?” You asked and they all nodded and now you felt bad for not giving him the time of day to actually explain. 
“He was. He is so in love with you that it is almost sickening.” Herrmann said, you thought about it and then the bells were ringing and Ambulance 61 and Truck 81 was being called out. As you were walking to the ambulance, the Squad 3 truck was pulling into the station. As Kelly got out you both made eye contact with each other but you had gotten in and shut the doors and you were off.
When you got off shift you had debated on going straight home but you needed to see Kelly. You walked out to your car and noticed that he was already gone and you sighed. You got into your car and started the engine and headed over to his apartment. You knew where it was because you had been over there several times just to hang out and that was the first time you had admitted to yourself that you were absolutely in love with him. 
You pulled into a space and parked and killed the engine. You started your way into the building and walked to the elevator and pressed the button and it immediately opened. You got in and then pressed the button for his floor. You waited anxiously for it to arrive at his floor and when it did you knew there was no going back. You got off and walked to his door and knocked. There was no answer. You debated on going back home or not but didn’t get a chance to turn around because the door was opening and it was revealing Kelly with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair was wet. “Y/N?” He asked and you couldn’t think of anything to say as you looked him up and down. 
After a few minutes you finally had enough and no words were coming to you so you just smashed your lips onto his and he returned it. He was so surprised that it had pushed him back but he had grabbed your waist and pulled you inside and shut the door. He pushed you up against the door and the heavy make out session continued. You finally pulled apart when air was needed and you could feel his erection from underneath the towel. “I’m sorry. I believe you and should’ve let you explain.” You said and he shook his head.
“That doesn’t matter right now. Jump.” He said and you did so and then he was back to kissing you, hard. He walked his way to his bedroom and gently laid you down. You broke the kiss and pulled the towel off and your mouth watered at the sight, he was huge and you loved it. “You like what you see?” He asked and you nodded.
“Very much so, but I’m wearing too many clothes.” You said and he chuckled and then started to slowly undress you while caressing every part of your body and kissing it. Soon you were completely naked and showing all of you to him. 
“You’re absolutely beautiful.” He said and you blushed. He laid down on the bed and gently spread your legs and dove in. When his mouth met your hot core, you moaned and grabbed onto his head and pushed him more into you.
“Kelly.” You moaned out and he smirked, he circled your clit and then he pushed a finger into and you were throwing your head back. He thrusted into you and then added a second finger “Oh my gosh.” You moaned out that the rubber band feeling was starting to get tight and you were close. “I want to come on your cock.” You moaned out and he nodded and licked one more broad stripe up you before he was lifting his head and pulling out his fingers. He crawled up to you and kissed you, you tasted yourself on him. 
“You ready, Baby?” He asked while pumping himself twice and you nodded.
“I need you inside me.” You said and he nodded and positioned himself at your entrance and he pushed in. You both moaned together as he did so.
“You’re so tight.” He said and when he bottomed out you felt so full and he stretched you in all the right places. He stayed still for a minute letting you adjust.
“Move.” You moaned out and he nodded and started to gently thrust into you. Your hands went to his back and your fingers dug into his shoulder blades.
“You’re perfect.” He said and started to thrust faster making you moan louder.
“Right there.” You said as he hit your g-spot. “Oh my gosh, I love you.” You moaned out and that just made him go faster.
“I love you too, Baby. You’re the only one for me.” He said and dipped his head down into your neck and sucked on it. He gently bit it and that you were clenching around him. 
“I’m close.” He said and you moaned out.
“Me too. I want you to cum in me.” You moaned out and that just seemed to make him go faster. 
Kelly’s thrust was becoming sloppy and you knew he was close. Your fingernails bit into him making him hiss. He reached a hand down to your clit and started to rub vigorously which helped you get closer. “Cum with me.” He moaned out and then he was bending down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth and sucking on it. When he gently bit it is when you came and you clenched around him which made him cum. You both came while calling out each other’s names. You both were coming down from your highs when he pulled slowly out of you and laid next to you. You both panted out of breath but a smile was on both of your faces. “I wasn’t lying when I said you’re the only one for me.” He said and you turned to look at him.
“I know. Everyone talked to me. I’m sorry for not letting you explain.” You said and he smiled at you.
“It’s ok. I’m just glad we’re here with each other now.” He said and you nodded “I love you.” He said and you smiled.
“I love you too.” You replied
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked and you sat up leaning on an elbow.
“Yes. I would love to.” You said and he smiled and he leaned over and kissed you.  You were his and he was yours and that is all that mattered. Nothing was going to change that not now or ever. 
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copperbadge · 2 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
bread-tab linked to a fundraiser for boyfriend Tobin, who is raising funds to replace his wheelchair; they are a low-income disabled queer couple, and his insurance is refusing to cover mobility aids. You can read more and reblog here or support the fundraiser here.
Anon linked to a fundraiser for creations-by-chaosfay, who has been dealing with chronic hand pain and has recently identified equipment that would make it possible for her to quilt on a regular machine as if it were a special quilting machine; she received the equipment but it doesn't fit her particular machine, so she needs to purchase a new one as she can't do any hand quilting. You can read more, reblog, and find information on the machine and other support purchases here.
merpancake is raising funds to cover bills after missing work around the anniversary of his father's death, including covering extra costs for his mother; he's taking commissions via DMs/asks at artcake or Merpancake on discord, and also taking donations via paypal here.
Buy Stuff, Help Out:
sailorsol linked to beloved-monarch, who is taking commissions to raise emergency funds for unexpected vet and mechanic bills; they make crochet plushies for various fandoms including Star Wars, TMNT, MCU, and Transformers, and also have some ready-made stock. They've managed to raise enough to cover rent but a cushion is always helpful; you can read more, reblog, and find commission information here.
News to Know:
rionsanura, who is the cover artist on the Meg Boudoun cover of Star Spangled Man from an old fanfic of mine, is working on an album and hopes to have information up about it soon; Sanura's a longtime fandom friend and makes great music, so I can heartily recommend; if you want more news you can follow the Instagram for the band here.
Recurring Needs:
chingaderita is still facing multiple expenses including for water during a drought, medical equipment and medication for family, and food for a family of nine. You can read more, reblog, and support the fundraiser here.
rilee16 is raising funds to get out of an abusive home situation, where their roommate has been harassing them and vandalizing their belongings; they are trying to move out but need funds to do so. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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writers-ex · 2 years
Hello, I hope you're doing well. may I please request a yandere Yeji x female reader fic? Where reader is secretly equally obsessed with Yeji, she has no one she wants to be with and relies on more. Her family is horrible, and most of her friends are fake and two-faced. With Yeji being the only constant in her life, she latches on and willingly stays with Yeji when taken. Yeji confused yet thrilled decides to ask why and learns readers true feelings. With smut and claiming/praising kink
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flipping finally T-T enjoy anon <3
warnings: yandere themes, bullying, abusive family and friends, stalking, marking up, whatever this is
word count: 961
"i could've sworn i hid her panties underneath my shoe box...?" searching around her room yeji grumbles to herself and sighs. this was the third time this month that your panties she 'found' were misplaced in her own apartment?! the feeling of someone's gaze on her causes her to look out the window to see the rustle of a bush when your text notification dings making yeji jump for her phone. 
your face on her phone never ceases to amaze her but what really ticked her off was hearing your parents fight for the 800th time this week. the amount of times you wince and zone out during her conversation makes her blood boil.
"i-i-i can't take it anymore can i sleep over ji?"
"you don't even have to ask, my place is open for you baby." as you hang up the call yeji quickly picks up hiding any of her latest 'borrowed' items from you. once you open the door yeji pulls you in for a hug letting you cry it out as she guides you to bed. as your tears calm down yeji sings you a lullaby until you're fast asleep in her arms with the moonlight outlining your features yeji stays up to stare at you for a bit. 
as you shift your body closer to her your hands start to move lower down her body and slide into her shirt, confused yeji stays quiet to watch your next move. you groping and play with her nipples letting out soft whimpers until yeji shivers making you stop your actions and flip over. only one thing went through her mind the following day when you got up to shower and couldn't look her in the eye.
you took advantage of her in her 'sleep'.
"thanks for letting me stay over yeji. i'll pay you back with some dessert at that cafe you like, see you after school?"
"sure thing!" waving goodbye yeji makes her way to class and after first period she remembers that she packed your lunch in her bag. outside the door, those friends of yours that yeji always saw you with are huddled together pointing and laughing.
"did you see it? she's wearing the same thing again!!"
"lazy pig, i bet her parents kicked her out."
"why do we hang out with her again?"
"because she's friends with the hottest girl in school hwang yeji duh?!" 
"and she makes a great gopher, i wonder when she'll be coming back with our-WHAT THE FUCK?!" the group of now sopping wet girls turns around to find you holding empty cups with what were their drinks. hot tears in your eyes one of them raises their hand at you when yeji rushes over to pull you away.
"don't you dare touch her you, ungrateful bastard! i'm going to make sure you're blacklisted from ever leaving your room." screaming threats at yeji she simply turns around and drags you out of the school.
"yeji wait where are we-"
"baby i think it's time we took our long weekend today."
"but yeji it's only monday?!" not saying anything else yeji guides you back to her car and drives you away from the rural place you call home and enters the unfamiliar bustling city. driving up to a building yeji parks and takes you by the hand to the elevators inside going up to the top floor. as the doors open she opens one room and immediately you feel a sense of familiarity as you walk inside. the whole apartment looks exactly like your room at home, before you can say anything else yeji bolts the door shut and looks at you with a crazy glint in her eye.
"you'll be safe here. together we can live and support each other without all the horrible people trying to tear us apart." she walks closer to you with her voice rising and hands grabbing your arms. "no more bullies. no more evil parents. no more tears. you'll stay here with me as my most beloved, as ...as mine."
"thank you for this opportunity."
"i'm sorry what did you-"
"i said thank you yeji." her eyes study your face as your blank look turns into a full-out grin as you embrace yeji cackling. "i can't believe it took you this long to ask me."
"i well i...ok then so that means-"
"i like you silly, i've only ever liked you. why do you think i try to sleep over every chance i get? or maybe even why you have so many of my things at your place which by the way i had to get some of my panties back since you left me with just the one pair i currently have on?" unbuttoning your pants they fall to the floor revealing a cute cherry pattern panty.
"fuck this." crashing her lips onto yours the two of you stumble toward the bed as yeji moves her lips to mark your leg while you grip tightly. now on the bed yeji towers over you eyeing your now disheveled hair and crazy smile. "strip now i need to get one more thing to make this day just right." as you remove your clothes eagerly yeji rushes to the kitchen and pull out of the drawer a small wrapped gift box. returning to bed she sees you sitting up your bare body on display as she throws you the box while ripping her clothes off.
"yeji what is-oh yeji my love." the now unwrapped box reveals a collar with yeji's name written beautifully in your favorite color. standing in front of you yeji grabs the ends of the collar and ties it to your neck as she cups your face looking into your eyes.
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Don't know where you're from but I'm in Erasmus in Barcelona and it's insane the amount of news.
Tv3 but specially RAC1 is informing constantly and it really makes me scared. I trust them but I don't trust Lyon and the ref (she has a bad fame in the WSL despite Alexia rizzing her up in an international game back then)
On the other hand... I like Laporta but the timing to destitute Xavi isn't it. I mean yes, he has been pissed by Xavi's pessimism for weeks but maybe don't do it when tomorrow Barça can win a freaking UWCL? Istg I've been hearing his news for weeks and now the Bilbao news and I'm not coping alright, both make me so nervous
hi anon - i'm not in spain right now, but i follow tv3, 3cat/esport3, rac1 on twitter and am getting bombarded with updates.
the xavi news is particularly upsetting, and couldn't the timing have waited until sunday or monday?! i just wish laporta accepted xavi's decision when he first announced it months ago, instead of asking him to continue, only for laporta to humiliate him and sack him in this fashion is terrible.
i understand that xavi has not been a great manager, but to treat club legends like this is just a bad precedent that barça has been doing over and over again, especially in the last few years.
and i hope the tv media is doing a better job of promoting the girls because my timeline has been overrun about news on xavi and hansi flick instead of the champions league final. and the girls should not be overshadowed this weekend! we need all the support that we can get!
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utilitycaster · 9 months
started Midst on Monday thanks to all the posts I kept seeing about it from you and others; I just finished season 1 and I am SO gleeful; thanks for rec'ing it! (I do wish that the advertising for it were better at capturing the narrative voice of the thing because I was NOT expecting it and was immediately sold once I actually heard it.)
Hey anon, glad to hear it and hope you have a great time with season 2!
You're right though, the ad is like...I do actually like the concept of it and it did not personally grate on me but it also is absolutely not indicative of the podcast's style and I think that turned people off.
What I'd recommend for anyone who is hesitant specifically because of the ad, without giving any spoilers, is that they listen to the first three episodes (which were re-released three days in a row last year). It's a little over an hour of actual listening, it will give you a solid intro to the three main characters and the setting, and that's around how long it took me to click with the three-narrator style.
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lestappenforever · 10 months
hi angel c:
may I just say that this gp was as a fiction? it served us SO MUCH Lestappen content from the begging to the very end! i was scared that at some point it's gonna be fucked (yep talking about Charles' "luck") but instead we got a joint interview, a lot of waist grabbing, smiles and giggles, press conferences with "inchident" jokes and karting days (i'm so sorry for Checo and Carlos being the third wheel but it's inevitable, guys) AND the most important – a battle even in FP2 and then in race! i mean, Charles has done FANTASTIC job (not only in race but throughout the whole weekend. his quali laps? fuck that was hot). i don't remember when was the last time someone overtook Max in battle for the lead. i wanna scream to see Charles in capable and suitable for his style car (and reliable team that does not fuck up the strategies *side-eye to RBR*) 😭😭😭
is Vegas gp gonna be Austria 2.0? we even had the "dirty move" from Max which helped him to took the lead (as in 2019 but thanks fuck no grudges are left no divorce and yeah this time it was just a grip problem), then battles and the sensual podium. damn let us have every gp as Austria and Vegas and Lecstappen tumblr will go completely insane ._.
i'm also still not over the fact that Max apologized. I mean this man is literally the entire weekend was: FUCK YOU OKON FUCK YOU GEORGE FUCK YOU VEGAS FUCK EVERYONE OF YOU except you charlie you're my sweety lovely im sorry for the turn 1 schatje 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
i've seen some people being afraid of "lestappen divorce" after that turn 1, but i wasn't one of them. i really think that their relationship has seriously changed. sure that Max always treated Charles in a special way, congratulating him on good positions, even if he himself lost. but for some reason I feel that Charles himself now does not transfer what happens on the track beyond its boundaries. Austin sprint was also the proof.
okay thanks for listening to my rambling, i'm sleep deprived, these FPs at 5:30 and a race at 7:00 at the weekend the only fucking days when I can get some sleep kinda killed me
anyway, let me just remind you that you're beautiful and precious and just incredibly wonderful person🖤 i'm always looking forward for your posts and every time you reply to anons it's so warm, it makes my day better when i read it. just all your love and kindness you're giving people here... it's valuable. you're valuable. love ya, have a great day!!❤️
Denis, my darling, hello! ❤️
Once again you are dropping truth bombs in my ask box, and I am so happy to read them. I agree with every take you've shared here: the Las Vegas GP practically being taken straight out of a fic, and it actually giving Austria 2022 a run for its money. (Which I doubt any of us were prepared for, let's be honest.)
Both Max and Charles have grown so much over the years, and it's wonderful to see that their relationship has reached the point it's at now. Max apologizing to Charles for the incident in turn 1 is definitely a testament to the severe shift their friendship has taken recently, and it's just beautiful to watch.
I wasn't worried at all about their friendship suffering because of what happened in turn 1, and I think those who were worried about a potential "divorce" are people who haven't been as up-to-date on the shift of their friendship recently. They've reached a point where they can have incidents like that during a race without it impacting their relationship negatively at all. And if that isn't growth, then I don't know what is.
I hope you're catching up on some much needed sleep following this race weekend. 💙
Denis, you have given me such a good reason to smile this Monday morning with yet another heartfelt and kind ask, and words can't express how much I appreciate that and you. You are such a sweetheart, you're so incredibly beautiful inside and out, and you deserve the entire world. I'm so moved by your words, thank you so, so much. I'm so happy my posts can have that kind of impact on you.
Thank you so much for making my entire day with this. You're so valuable too, and I love you. 💕
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exsqueezememacaroni · 3 months
Ok, so this is now, in my mind, Mike's Tumblr HQ. I have a small request:
Never been to a Bungle concert before, will see them on Monday in Milan. Very excited. Also out of my comfort zone. Help, please.
What do I wear?
Can I shout "Mike, sposami" at some point?
General vibe?
oh anon - flattery will get you everywhere
!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!! Ahhh!!! you're gonna have fun! I felt pretty uncomfortable/nervous going, standing in line, etc. but when the music hits all will be well. if you can muster up the courage to talk to the people near you in line, that can be a pretty fun time - line friends are great and can help save your spot if you go to the merch table or bathroom or whatever.
as for what to wear - eh - i think it's a pretty standard band crowd - lots of black t-shirts from various bands and jeans. so if you want to disappear in the crowd go for that. if you want to stand out...don't do that...colors, fun prints, your sunday best. I don't think anyone would look weird at you if you just wear what you like!! I would say that the band (i.e. Mike) doesn't do much crowd member callouts these days (like, he generally hasn't been singling anyone out), so i wouldn't dress for that...you get me?
You, the person next to you, and some dude in the back will definitely be yelling 'SPOSAMI!' at some point. Please yell it super loud so I can hear it in the bootleg.
General vibe....ahhhhhh...I really, REALLY wonder what the Milan vibe will be - Mike loves Milan and Milan loves Mike, no? For the shows I went to, the vibe has been really different for each - none of it too insane, I would say, and sometimes it's been borderline boring in the crowd (i hope it's not in Milan!). Remember that everyone there waited a long time and really wants to see this band, so generally people are there to have fun, rock out, and not start too many fights. It's your job anon to jump high, dance hard, and yell crazy things at the band. Please, for me.
As a side note....I was generally surprised how many people where there more for like....Dave Lombardo than anyone else in the band???
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st0rmyskies · 1 year
have you ever felt so anxious over writing something you just cannot bring yourself to start writing it? if so, how did you get over it? do you ever manage to write even when irl stuff is stressing you out? how?
ig what i mean is that writing is hard. how do you do it? have you ever felt like giving up on it? you just seem to write so much. ig i just want some advice, if you're willing to give it. i love your stories
Hey anon, thank you for the kind words and thank you even more for reaching out! This one is a little long so it's under the cut.
Writing is fucking hard, isn't it. It takes a lot of time, a lot of creative work, a lot of energy that sometimes we don't have in us. Sometimes life gets in the way, or we're too tired from work or school, or we have other obligations to tend to.
First and foremost, it's important to remember:
You need to do what makes you happy.
This is your hobby, it's your free time. If that means you feel like writing 2000 words on Monday, awesome. By Wednesday, if you'd rather sit and play video games, that's cool; you don't need to write every single day. If you can only get 100 words down on a weeknight because you're tired or busy, hey, that's 100 more words than you had yesterday. It all adds up.
I was anxious about writing and sharing the ovi fic. I avoided putting those words down for months and months, just letting the scenario play out in my head instead. Eventually, I really just wanted to see it on paper, and I shared some of it with friends to get excited with people, and that encouraged me to keep going. For me, sometimes sharing and having others to get hyped with helps keep me going. Other times, I may write something completely for myself.
When irl stuff is stressing me out, I use writing as escapism. There are a lot of themes in my writing -- acceptance of people despite their flaws, working hard to be a good person despite setbacks, always getting up and trying again, fuck even just Hyrule being a med student -- that are directly related to my irl stressors. Sometimes I just put down fluff to make me happy. It doesn't have to all relate to a given plot. Hell, it doesn't even need to be the same AU. Just going with the flow at any given time helps me keep going.
There are other times when irl stressors are too great and I have to take a little break from writing, and that's okay too. I'm currently coming off of a weeks-long writing hiatus because health and work things were getting out of hand. And that's okay! You and I don't owe anyone anything. Don't let imagined deadlines or the audience of the internet make you crazy. We're legit just doing this for fun.
Do I ever think about giving up on writing? Yes and no. I have abandoned WIPs because I didn't like where they were going, or because I wasn't finding them fun anymore. Some days, words are hard and they just won't come. But in general, I always like writing and I don't consider giving up on it.
One thing I've learned is that you're not going to wake up every single day and want to be a ___, be that a writer, a doctor, a pilot, a car salesman. Some days you just aren't going to vibe with it, and that's fine. Sit with those feelings, let them come and go. Don't stress about them when they come up, because if it's something you really love, you'll always come back to it eventually.
Finally, don't measure your progress compared to anyone else - especially not to me!! I've written so much over the past few years because writing is my stress response. Truthfully, for a long time I was using it as an unhealthy coping mechanism. Everything in moderation.
I hope that helps, anon, and you can always reach out via the inbox with questions.
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stonenumberone · 3 months
Would you ever consider making quick tutorial? Your edits are so good
Hi anon, thank you <3!
You will have to be more specific, what part of the process are you talking about? Don't want to sound rude or anything, but I can't reduce what I do to a quick tutorial. Sometimes picking the right picture will take me hours and then I have to process that picture, I rarely use actions or shortcuts, is the gritty grainy feel what you're interested in? the text? composition? textures? Can't do a quick tutorial on something that take me days and changes from edit to edit (althought, it seems I unconsciously developed a spn style).
My tip, if you're really interested in graphic design or creating your own edits, don't be afraid of experimenting, put on some music or the show (if that will inspire you) don't be afraid of spending countless hours in front of photoshop trying to find your own style. I swear to god, that's the fun part! And the most important thing, I don't bite, dm me, I'll kindly direct you to resource pages (font, textures, etc).
Hope this was useful, have a great monday <3
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inkykeiji · 10 months
i want to clean flawless tomuras yucky disgusting room bc he’ll be so happy when it’s all tidy and not stinky and i just know his sheets are covered in old cum😭😭
HAHAHAHA ANON well, i mean, you’re definitely not wrong about his sheets being covered in old cum (he’s so icky and he has impressive stamina and an impeccable, almost impossible refractory period so he jerks off like, every night, at least once a night) and his room would be totally yucky n disgusting IF kurogiri weren’t there to tidy it up a few times a week—they don’t live together, but kurogiri has a key to tomura’s flat and regularly checks up on him like the good caretaker he is, bringing along glass tupperwears full of prepared meals + a whole ton of cleaning supplies. if you do decide to help to try and keep tomura’s place clean, you’ll definitely earn extra points in kurogiri’s heart <3 which you’re gonna need, when you’re going head to head with tomura’s daddy >.<
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Hi, aj! How are you?
Just passing by to say that I really really love your fics, and that I miss Mondays with your brand new chapters. So, please, please, come back to AO3 as soon as you can 💕🥹
Wish you an amazing week!
hey, anon!
i'm doing well, thanks for asking! how are you?
thank you for sending such a kind message! i'm so glad to know you enjoy my fics and that you're eager to read more. i am working—albeit at my typical glacial pace—to bring you some (eventual) updates. thank you for sticking with me in the meanwhile. 💕
i hope you have a great week, too!
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alluralater · 11 months
good morning allura and happy monday! <3
i feel so special getting a feature in the anon hall of fame again!! it truly satisfies something inside of me that you fuck yourself to my asks, but are desperately hoping i could be there to fuck you senseless myself. it makes me fucking need to feel you and taste you. as soon as i first saw your profile- especially those eyes, which could quite literally command me to do anything you want, i had to start contemplating me being a switch because the things i imagine doing to you... it's so frustrating for me. im not sure if i want to listen to you whisper the most feral things to me with those mesmerizing lips while edging me by writing love letters with your finger on my clit and making me guess what you're spelling out, teasing me about not being able to focus or if i want to put your legs over my shoulders and fuck you so hard you forget how to speak, only able to let out a mumbled "please" here and there, and slapping you every time i decide you need to speak more coherently. surely though both is a also great option.. i'm sure you'd have some lovely ideas of your own for us to do- i'd love to hear one. it would get me so needy and wet ugh!! (though it's really unfortunate i won't be able to make myself cum until much later!)
god we'd have sooo so much fun together allura.. just breathing in each others moans, grabbing each other with so much hunger, nails scratching and drawing blood, headboard slamming against the wall, just fucking so loud the neighbors can hear us. we'd wear each other out so nicely. afterwards we'd lay together, i'd gently trail my fingers along your back, making it arch a bit, run my fingers through your hair.. or maybe i'd lay on your boobs, lightly tracing circles around your stomach- i'd just be completely captivated by you. but until then.. i hope it's fun for you figuring out who it is writing these asks 😉 i know it's so much fun for me knowing you have no idea- what about for you lovely? <3
oh my god. my jaw is fucking dropped. by the time of reading this a few days late i've already figured out exactly who you are and we're now mutuals but the fact that we are makes it... so much worse. for you, darling.... darling, for you i would rip the stars from the sky and ask an astrology professor to compare them to your horrendously driven lust. find the difference. i can't see any. god. the way you write is driving me insane. i've read this ask five times and i'm basically speechless. though the thoughts in my mind... those are delicious crimson sunrise. i want you laid out, wrists wrapped and tied above your head. blindfold over those eyes. trailing my fingers over the softness of your abdomen, each sharp edge and warm curve, i want to feel them. watch your lips part. smooth breath leaving in a way that makes me smile. straddling your hips and leaning down to lick up the length of your neck before taking your throat in my hand. be a good girl and stay still. sliding my hand low between our pressed bodies and tracing over your lips. sinking two fingers between them and circling your clit. humming in your ear about how wet you are. those lovely legs writhing and pulling together but it makes no difference. that's an awful lot of struggling for a pretty girl like yourself with a penchant for being slutted out. good girl. now keep those thigh spread. sliding my middle and ring finger to the outsides of your clit and keeping them just tight enough to make you raise your hips up to my hand. my lips lightly grazing over your nipple and lightly biting, working my fingers faster. murmuring that you look so lovely when you squirm like this. breathe nice and even, baby. you can take it.
look i can hardly think and all i can think about is having completely vicious sex with you and making you scream. my brain is way too empty. i can't do this oh my god fuck off.
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dominimoonbeam · 1 year
happy monday from friday anon🤔 how is your writing going? not just fics, but books too. im very excited for a new bodyguard au and tattoo au update! I hope you'll have a good week, you really deserve it. have a great timezone!! im much better than i was on friday im so happy
Friday Anon! I'm so happy to hear you're feeling better this week. I hope being sick didn't wreck your weekend.
I have an update for the bodyguard au ready to share this week and the tattoo au is on my sticky note!
Thank you for asking about my writing!! I was working on Don't Run this last month and have a handful of posts to share. Now I'm back on Bite to Bruise and some audio scripts this week. I've been feeling a little inspiration boom and making a bunch of notes for different projects. I just wish I could write faster... or that they could just materialize finished. That would be great. <3 <3
Thank you for checking in, Friday Anon! And, again, I'm so happy you're feeling better! I hope you have a wonderful week!
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larabiatasstuff · 1 year
I get bullied in school a lot and my teacher has been acting totally indifferent towards my problem, when I was trying to reach out for help 😮‍💨
I just wish there were people that were more compassionate. Could you imagine older Terry as a PE teacher? Being more understanding and approaching the bully or giving me a pep talk to build up my self esteem?
Oh anon I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know why people feel the urge to turn others down. And what shocks me the most is that your teacher doesn't take this seriously, bullying can destroy people. I desperately hope that you have at least a few people you can count on when you need them. I'm more than happy to write a PE Terry for you. I'm sending hugs and much love to you anon 🖤 Stay strong 💪
AU PE teacher Terry Silver (CK)
I was shaking while walking to the gym. It was Monday and that meant PE was on the schedule and I hated it. The only thing that was good was our teacher Mr Silver, he was always kind and nice and always listening to the problems of his students. I took my time cause I hoped that Trina and her girl gang got already changed. I don't know why they didn't like me or why they always made fun of me bullying me day after day. I tried to reach out for help from our principal but he didn't take me seriously, nobody did. When I arrived in the locker room I looked around, none of them was seen. I decided to go to the toilet before changing and as soon as I stepped inside, the door slammed shut and locked. I heard laughing from the other side of the door. "Trina please open the door." I said trying to keep my voice steady. "Trina please open the door." she mocked. I felt tears welling in my eyes, that wasn't fair. Suddenly Mr Silvers voice was heard "Ladies what takes you so long, I want to start. Wait where's Y/N?" again laughter. "Oh they have some serious business in the restrooms." "Okay you three get out of here I'll join you in a minute." I heard the door close and then a soft knock on the bathroom door. "Y/N, it's me I'll open the door now okay?" "Okay." the key turned in the lock and the door opened. "Hey Y/N are you alright? Are you hurt?" I shook my head. "No it's just... they're just being mean again and I don't know how long I can take it anymore . I never did something to them. I'm just myself. Well yes I dress different, I like different things but that doesn't make me a bad person." "How long do they do that to you?" he asked with a worried look on his face. "For months. I tried to tell the principal but he didn't take me seriously." "You know, when I was younger I was like you. I got picked on because of my ponytail or the things I was into and it really turned me down. Then I discovered karate and got my self esteem back. I finally had the mindset to ignore all those idiots. You're a good student and a very nice person. How about that we go outside and try to have fun and later I'll accompany you to the principals office okay? I'm by your side the whole time and maybe we find something that helps you to get your self esteem back. " I gave him a small smile. As soon as we got into the gym Trina started mocking me again" Ooohh do you smell that? It seems our lovely Y/N here made a big number two in the bathroom."" Enough!!! Trina you and your little friends will visit the principals office after class. Please have a little warm up we're playing dodgeball today except for you three you will run a few rounds around the building. " " What? How many? " Trina asked" Till I say it's enough so hop hop. " she stomped angrily" That's not fair, just because we had a little fun? I will talk with my father about this. " she said " Oh that's great I wanted to call him anyway. And also if the other person isn't in on the joke it isn't a joke. You talk about fairness? Is it fair to constantly hurt and bully someone just because they're different? We will have a serious talk about this,with your parents and the principal, now go I gave you an exercise " with a loud groan the three girls made their way outside. " Alright, we need two team captains, how about Y/N and yeah Sara choose your team members. " Mr Silver said and after a long time I actually had fun in PE class.
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