blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
Christmas with Tech headcanons
Christmas with Tech is very festive.
Tech would create Christmas lights that shine brightly and program a remote so you could chose if you want them to flash in impressive colour patterns, provide a soft festive glow, or white lights that twinkle.
When you have Christmas music on while Tech is working he would occasionally look up from his work to tell you facts about the songs and what year they were top of the charts.
You would leave Christmas cookies that you make next to him while he’s working late at night just before you go to bed.
Tech would always remember to turn the Christmas lights on in the morning and off when he goes to bed, as he knows how much you love them.
The Batch would come over on Christmas Day to celebrate Christmas with you guys. You would all be stuffed into your small apartment trading presents and drinking eggnog and mulled wine.
Tech would give you such thoughtful gifts that he makes himself.
You would share such a passionate kiss at midnight on New Year’s Eve, even though he isn’t usually a fan of PDA.
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
Im working on a new fic now. I haven’t had the motivation for so long but something new will be coming soon. ❤️❤️
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
What about Crosshair and Rex and Tech’s characters do we collectively love so much? Anyone have any ideas? I can’t quite put my finger on it.
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
sleepy morning cuddles with hunter and gender neutral reader? 👀
Sleeping morning cuddles
Warnings: None :)
You could feel the warm weight of Hunters arm draped over the top of you as you woke from a deep sleep. It felt like you had been asleep for years but dear god you needed it after your last mission. Your body had a deep ache all over, but the warmth Hunter radiated felt so soothing.
You rubbed your eyes opening them slowly letting the light in. Hunters face was right in front of yours, his brown eyes studying you as you stirred from your sleep.
“Your awake already?” You mumble.
“Yeah your snoring woke me a little while a ago.” He chuckled softly.
“Oh I’m so sorry! Did you get enough sleep?”
“Loads.” He reassured bringing his hand up to trace the side of your face.
“Also I don’t snore.” You lie.
“Yes you do. Just like a gundark.” He laughs.
“If you’re not careful, I won’t make you any pancakes.”
“Well we wouldn’t want that would be we?” He smiles. He then pressed a sweet kiss to your temple.
“Did I hear Y/N is making pancakes?” Wrecker shouts from the next room over.
You let out a giggle at Wrecker’s eavesdropping.
“Time to get up then.” You sigh resting your head on Hunters chest.
“Five more minutes.” He pleads squeezing you closer to him.
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
Post is linked here 😊.
Write something with imperial Crosshair pleeease <3
Right on it!! 😉❤️
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
Warnings: possessive jealous partner.
Pairings: Crosshair x female reader
Summary: Crosshair wants you to remember what’s his after being apart for so long.
A/n: This is for the imperial Crosshair request I got. I hope you like it ❤️.
Six months before order 66 you had been assigned to work with the bad batch as their Medic, as the boys had got themselves into a few scrapes. The republic had wanted to protect their valuable resource and that’s why they assigned you to them. The team for the most part had been really welcoming to you. Tech always asked about the latest medical research and development of new equipment, and you would also be invited to Echo’s sabacc games on coruscant with the 501st.
But who intrigued you the most was Crosshair, at first it had started with teasing comments here and there that you weren’t sure if they were flirty or not. Then one day he started calling you pet names like Love or Doll and would smirk when you would get all flustered. Finally, he started to find excuses to touch you, grabbing your waist to move past you in tight spaces on the ship, or pressing himself against your back to reach for something high on a shelf you were struggling to reach and making you plead with him to give it to you when he holds it just out of reach. You found the sniper so attractive, but you weren’t sure if he was actually interested in you or if he just liked to tease you and make you flustered.
Your questions were answered one night when you and the batch went to 79’s. Echo had suggested you all played a drinking game. You were a light weight and dropped out pretty quickly leaving the boys to raise the stakes whilst you made a trip to the refresher. On the way back a drunken clone stopped you by putting a hand on your shoulder.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?” He flirted shamelessly.
“Probably that same thing you are.” You laugh over the loud beat of the music.
“Somehow I doubt it sweetheart” He winked. “Can I buy you a drink?” He asked.
You had a few too many drinks and this sounded like a great idea at the time because he was a good-looking guy so you let him put his hand on the small of your back and lead you up to the bar where he orders you a bright pink looking drink.
However, just as you go to take a sip two large hands grab you rather harshly round the waist almost spilling the pink liquid on your white dress. You turn your head to see Crosshair to be the would-be assailant of your dress pressing himself up against your back.
“Is this guy bothering you Doll?” He says loudly glaring daggers at your suitor.
“It’s fine Cross, you can go.” You huff in annoyance.
“Is this your boyfriend or something?” asked the clone.
You both answered at the same time. You give Crosshair an exasperated look.
“whatever, Sweetheart I’m out.” Says the clone as he turned around and stalked off into the dance floor leaving Crosshair looking smug like the cat that ate the canary.
“what the fuck Crosshair?” You exclaim.
“I don’t like people touching what’s mine.” He smirks.
Just as you were about to ask the million questions you had flying around in your head. He grabs your shoulders turning you to face him and pulls you into a brutal and searing kiss, that left you feeling dizzy and unable to think about anything but the feeling of him smashing his lips to yours.
And since then, you had been his. Life had been great having not so secret rendezvous on The Marauder, and in the back allies of the clone bars. It was perfect. Until Order 66. Crosshair’s departure had left you devastated, it’s like when he left he took your heart and the light out of your eyes with him. The pain of missing him was far worse than anything you could imagine The Empire ever doing to you. Eventually You began to get frustrated with Hunter and his lack of effort to get Crosshair back, it was like he didn’t even care about the fact that his Brother could be anywhere doing anything, possibly dead. It all built up until one day it all became too much.
“What is your plan Hunter?” You ask.
“Lay low and protect Omega.” He says dutifully.
“I mean to get Cross back.”
He pauses for a moment. “I don’t know. We can’t risk it at the moment. It's too much of a risk.”
“It’s too much of a risk?” You started to raise your voice. “Hunter are you even hearing yourself right now? Crosshair is your Brother! It’s like you don’t even care.”
“He tried to Kill us Y/N! Or did you forget?”
“It’s not his fault Hunter. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. We need to find him and remove the chip like we did for the others.”
“It’s too much of a risk to do that right now and you know it Y/N”.
You needed some air after your confrontation with Hunter, so you snuck off The Marauder and into the woods nearby to think. Deep down you knew Hunter was right, it was too much of a risk to engage The Empire directly to retrieve Crosshair and how would you even remove the chip once you had him? All you knew was that nobody even wanted to try, and you missed him so much that you would do anything to see him again.
Lost in your thoughts you became distracted and unaware of your surroundings. You didn’t even notice the flashlights up ahead until they were almost on top of you, it was too late. You tried to duck behind a large tree to your left but a pair of large hands grabbed you from behind pulling you into their tall frame one hand covering your mouth.
“Did you miss me Doll?”
It was Crosshair. You knew that smooth voice anywhere. Lord knows you had been thinking about for months on end.
“Crosshair!” You exclaimed your voice still muffled by his hand over your mouth.
“You did not make yourself easy for me to find Love. I would almost think you have been hiding from me.” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
“You were looking for me?” You asked stupidly. Of course, he was looking for you, he was looking for Clone force 99.
“Of course. I Like to keep track of what’s mine.” He whispers into your ear as he pushes your hair from your neck. His warm breath on your cold skin making you shiver.
“I hope you haven’t you haven’t forgotten that you’re mine.” He says before grazing your ear with his teeth making you shiver once more.
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Gif by: @kybacrystal
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
Could you please do headcanons for the bad batch with a mute s/o? Preferably gender neutral but if not that’s ok! :)
Ofc!! This isn’t something I know much about tho, so I will have to do some research to do your idea justice! ❤️❤️
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
would you ever write a fic with a male or gender neutral reader?
I have never written from male point of view before so that’s definitely something I would want to practice before posting. As for gender neutral that’s something I definitely can do!!
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
Write something with imperial Crosshair pleeease <3
Right on it!! 😉❤️
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
i am SO excited for u to write more fics - they’re so good!!!!
Omg! Tysm ❤️❤️❤️❤️ it means so much. I definitely want to write more fics I just need to find an idea I’m excited about atm.
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
Bad batch Fic requests.
If you have any fic requests for TBB, I would love to write some if anyone has anything they want to see. ❤️
Edit: Now closed! Working on requests rn 💚
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
Master list
Requests are CLOSED
Cooking with the bad batch
The bad batch cat sits for you
Random Howzer headcanons
Slow dancing with the bad batch
Christmas with Tech
Put your head on my shoulder
Howzer invites you to The Republics Grand ball, but things don’t go as planned.
Crosshair wants you to remember what’s his after you have been apart for too long. Imperial Crosshair x reader.
Sleepy morning cuddles
Sleepy morning cuddles with Hunter after a hard mission.
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
Head on my shoulder
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Summary: Howzer invites you to the Republic’s grand ball, but things don’t go as planned.
Warnings: None :)
Pairing: Howzer x female reader
A/n: This is the first time I have written a fic! So enjoy and let me know what you think.
You sat on the sofa in your hotel room excitedly waiting for Howzer. He had asked you to be his date to the Republic’s grand ball in coruscant.
You had worked as an admin assistant for Howzer’s battalion for the last six months, and you couldn’t help but notice how sweet he is to his men and how he takes an interest in everyone that he meets. He made such an effort with you when you first started the job, he asked how your day was and how you were finding your new job. He even brought you a caff to your office one morning, so the next day you brought him one back and it stated a routine everyday Howzer was on planet. The more time you spent with him the more you started to notice even more little things about him like how when he is working hard a strand of his hair would come unstuck and fall into his face, and that he would rub his scar when he was thinking really hard about something.
His men had even started to take notice of how much he dropped by your office to see you, and made jokes calling you the Mrs, and insisted to Howzer that he bring you to the clone bars with them on their nights out. You loved that his men were so welcoming to you and it was fun to see Howzer kick back a bit, while his men told you stories about their captain on missions they had been on. They would tell the story about Howzer single-handedly fought a gundark and ended up with his scar, you had heard this story so many times as they loved to tell anyone that would listen.
The more time you spent with him the more feelings you developed for him, and you just weren’t sure if he felt the same way about you, until you heard a knock at your door one night.
It was late and you had just got into your pyjamas to get ready for bed when you heard the knock at the door.
“One second!” you shouted grabbing a dressing gown.
You looked through the peep hole and saw Howzer stood there, your heart did a flip. Why could he be at your apartment this late you thought. You unhooked the latch and opened the door.
“Howzer! Come in, what are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry it’s so late, I wanted to drop by on the way back from work but I had to stay late. I just had something I wanted to ask you.”
“Go ahead! Shoot” you smiled nervously.
“Y/N I wanted to know if you would come to the Republics grand ball with me?” he asked cautiously nervous that you would say no.
“ Like a date?”
“Yeah, like a date. Its ok if you don’t –“
“I would love to” You interrupted grinning widely.
So there you were in coruscant dressed to the nines in a blue floor length ball gown waiting for Howzer. He had commed you to say he was held up at work and would be a little bit late, but that was two hours ago. You started to worry that he got cold feet and didn’t want to go on the date with you anymore or he had been injured at work. You lay down on the sofa and look at the ceiling and think about what could of happened to him. It’s Howzer you reassure yourself hes perfectly capable of looking after himself, everything is fine and he will be here soon. He still wants to go out with you. Eventually your eyes begin to close and you drift off to sleep.
You wake up to Howzer shaking you gently. “Y/N. Y/N. Wake up.” He whispered.
“Hmmm” you moan groggily opening your eyes. “Oh Howzer. You’re here.” You yawn.
“I’m so sorry. I got called into work last minute. It was an emergency. I’m so so sorry”
You notice burn marks on his armour that weren’t there when he left earlier, and ash on his forehead.
“Are you ok? Is everyone ok?” you ask.
“Yes, everyone is fine. There was a fire in one of the warehouses but nobody got hurt. I guess we missed the ball. I’m so sorry” he apologized again.
“Howzer, it’s not your fault. I’m just glad you’re ok!”
“I was really looking forward to the ball, and dancing with you in your beautiful dress” He said his warm breath fanning your face, your breath hitches when you notice how close you are.
“I’m sure we can next time” You say gingerly reaching up to wipe some ash from his face.
“we could now” He says putting his large hand over yours, his skin hot yours.
He lets go and turns to find your holopad on the table, and with a few clicks he plays a slow song. He reaches out his hand to you and helps you up pulling you close to his chest. Your head rests on the breast plate of his armour as you sway together, his hands resting on your waist whilst yours are around his neck. You look up at him into his dark eyes.
“Hey Howzer?”
“This is really nice.”
He looks down at your lips and back up at you and slowly moves in to press a gentle kiss to your lips.
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
Slow dancing with the bad batch
Hunter is a very good and confident dancer.
He would definitely take the lead.
He would pull you very close looking in your eyes, as he would twirl and spin you.
Here and there he would steal a kiss from you when he dips you close to the floor.
The music would play very softly though, so it wouldn’t overwhelm his senses.
Dancing with Wrecker is a lot of fun.
Neither of you know how to dance, so you just mess around giggling to some cheesy music.
You would stand on top of Wrecker’s feet as you slowly step side to side and forwards and backwards together.
You would definitely do the dirty dancing lift together, and you would feel so safe in Wrecker’s arms.
Tech would be so excited to learn how to ballroom dance with you.
It would be a rest day for you guys on Kamino and you clear a big space in barracks to try it out.
You would watch holovid lessons and pause it now and then to try out the steps.
It would take you both a while to get the hang of it, but when you do it’s a very fun day together.
Dancing with Echo is extremely romantic.
For your anniversary he decorates the ship with candles and rose petals with the lights dimmed.
Music would play softly from the ships radio.
Echo would pull you to him, and your head would rest on his chest and you would sway side to side together.
He would kiss the top of your head and whisper to you saying how beautiful you look.
Crosshair would need some convincing to dance with you. It’s not really his thing.
Once he realizes how much you want to he would eventually give in.
He would be very stiff and it would only last a few minutes but you really love that he did it for you.
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
Random Howzer headcanons
Before order 66 Howzer was one of the most relaxed clone captains.
He is very close to his battalion and when they had a night off in coruscant they would go to the clone bar and play drinking games together. Howzer is definitely a light weight.
His battalion love him and would do anything for him, but he would only ask his battalion to do things he would be prepared to do himself.
He got his scar in a fight with a gundark. His battalion love to tell the story in the bar to any clone that will listen.
He is dependent on caff and nobody will go near him in the mornings until they know he’s had one.
Howzer has a big soft spot for kids and wants his own some day, but he’s not sure he will ever be able to and this makes him sad.
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
The bad batch cat sits for you.
How the bad batch would look after your Loth cat while you are away on a mission.
Hunter would find it difficult to look after your cat, because he’s kind of scared of it.
The noises it makes and it knocking things off surfaces make it difficult for him to sleep.
He would largely avoid the cat, apart from feeding.
When you ask him how it was he brushes it off as easy.
Echo would be so excited to look after your cat.
He would want to cuddle it and stroke it so much.
But the cat wouldn’t like him very much because the temperature of his prosthetics is too cold.
This would make Echo kinda sad.
Tech would do so much research about cats.
He would make all sorts of gadgets to look after the cat like a heated box, scratching post and remote control mouse forgetting that he was only taking care of the cat for 3 days.
You would end up taking all the inventions home for the cat, as well as a new diet plan.
Wrecker would love looking after your cat.
He would call it fluffy and really gently stroke it all the time being so careful not to hurt it.
Wrecker would let the cat do literally whatever it wanted, and would feed it way too much.
The cat would come home 10 pounds heavier.
Crosshair would absolutely hate the cat, but the cat would adore him.
Crosshair would just leave the bag of cat food on the floor and try and ignore the cat.
But the cat would keep sitting on top of Crosshair’s rifle whenever he tried to clean it.
Eventually he would warm up to the cat, but he will never admit it to you and will say it was awful.
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blueskyhappyclones ¡ 3 years
Cooking with the bad batch
A/n: omg so this is the first time I have written headcanons or posted on tumbler EVER. So new experience 💙.
Hunter is definitely the best cook out of all the boys.
When he cooks for you he doesn’t need any help but asks you to do little things like chop vegetables to make you feel useful.
He doesn’t use a recipe and largely relies of intuition, but the food always tastes amazing anyway.
When you eat a meal together you always sit at the table, and talk about your day.
Echo loves cooking together with you.
You do everything together. Chopping the ingredients and putting them in the pans side by side.
He’s steals little touches here and there. Holding you from behind and missing you on the cheek while cooking.
All while sharing inside jokes together and giggling about nothing.
Wrecker is not a very good cook, so you do most of the cooking.
He tries to help you but ends up cutting himself by accident so you laugh and tell him to just watch.
You have to cook wrecker a portion that is significantly larger than your own.
When he tastes the food he loudly compliments how good the food tastes, before wolfing it all down.
You end up having a massive water fight whilst washing the dishes after the meal, and the whole kitchen is soaked.
Tech follows the recipe exactly. So much so that if you go of recipe slightly he will lecture you on it.
You end up just watching him cook as he tells you about why the ingredients work together and what planets they are from.
Tech likes spicy food, but you don’t. So he ends up making side dishes with more spice in them as he can’t bare to go off recipe by adding less spice to your portion.
Tech is always keen to try cooking a new recipe.
Crosshair isn’t a big foodie. He eats because he has to.
He sits on the table in the kitchen while you cook, cleaning his rifle stealing little glances at you while you cook.
While you eat together at the table, he will have music playing in the background softly. He tells you about his games and bets with wrecker whilst you eat and laugh about it.
He always says thank you for the meal, and does the washing up for you.
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