#i imagine they probably just ended up losing their first one they had when miranda found them
valleynix · 1 year
So ik everyone refers to reader as ‘they’ out of convenience more than anything else but it’s funnier to me to think of them 1. being a gender less being and you just can’t tell and 2. one day earlier on, they had to approach Alcina and just awkwardly be like ‘so… My binder was ripped the night I came here… And I feel weird without it… Is there a chance I could have one ordered in?’ or smth
Cue Alcina just staring blankly as they try to explain what a chest binder is 😭😭 she’s supportive but probably like ‘I didn’t think you had any???’
i feel like they've definitely had a conversation before where Reader explained their identity as best they could (with the girls getting it pretty quick and Alcina... struggling a bit), and on the off-chance someone says something or calls them the wrong thing (intentionally), it's a warning at first and to the cellar after that
(they want to make sure their idiot bird is happy and comfortable <3)
imagine how much they would have smiled when it came in, though 😔 more lively than they had been in recent days and easily excitable now that they feel a little better. i bet the Dimis would still think back on that day from time-to-time, just remembering the bright grin on their face as they showed off their flatter chest </3
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
OKAY BUT I LOVE YOUR HEADCANONS AND THE ANGST. THEY MAKE ME FEEL THINGS. This is gonna sound like a Weird Af request, you totally don't have to do it if you don't want to or can't or for any reason, BUT PERHAPS can I request some argument hcs? Like the OL Boys did something really bad / really made MC upset, like not just the other person's request where they're like scowling or just mildly upset, but like GENUINE Upset, like I mean somewhere near Heartbreak. Like how would they feel? How would they apologize? Stuff like that. WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE, but if not, I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY ANYWAY
Oof these poor boys :( They're all going to be devastated
-- If Cove does something to upset you this badly, then I think it would be because he's angry (reference: that dramatic phone call with Miranda and Terri). So he would be mad, but after he cooled down, just immediate regret.
-- He can't be on bad terms with you. He just can't. So he's going to apologize his head off, probably cry some. He'd try not to because he knows this isn't about him, but he is who he is.
-- His stomach hurts, his heart is going funny, everything is just upside down because you're his best friend, his favorite person, and wow did he mess up. Seriously, he will do anything, please just tell him what to do to make it better.
-- If you can't get back on good terms immediately, if you're too upset and want space, then he's going to be an absolute mess.
-- One thing about Cove is that he's going to google something. So if that happens, he's going to get on his trusty laptop and be searching things like "how to apologize when you screwed up."
-- Cliff is going to try to talk to him, depending on how old Cove is he's not going to want to hear it though.
-- Is it bedtime and you're still not ready to make up? Better get ready for a tap on the window, because guess who's coming over.
-- He is physically incapable of sleeping if you are mad at him.
-- This will ruin Derek.
-- Like Cove will be heartbroken about this, but Derek will be just plain broken.
-- Honestly I can't even imagine what he would do to make you this upset because he's so careful.
-- He would probably at least think about breaking up with you because you deserve better.
-- I cannot overstate what an emotional crisis this is.
-- He'll apologize, but he won't want to apologize too much because he won't want to bother you. But then he'll feel bad about not apologizing enough. Then he can't figure out if he should be doing more to make you feel better or less to give you space. And THEN he gets anxious because he can't figure it out.
-- Eventually, if you don't come to him first, he'll compose himself enough to give you a heartfelt apology, telling you exactly what he did wrong, how he'll be better, and letting you know that if you don't want to be with him anymore, then he understands.
-- Baxter already did this in Step 3 lol, so let's focus on Step 4.
-- Oh no he's done it again.
-- This guy is going to straight up hate himself, all character growth down the toilet, he's the same messed up person he's always been, he never should have let himself believe that he deserved you, he should have left you alone because breaking your heart once was enough, and now he's done it again?
-- Suffocation, no breathing
-- This is a straight up spiral.
-- Derek and Baxter had very different childhoods, but they are also similar in many ways. The self-loathing is a real problem.
-- Baxter is going to think about running again. It's not that he doesn't love you, it's that he doesn't trust himself to love you properly.
-- But he doesn't want to lose you, not really, so he's going to have to do what's always worked: actually talk to you about the issues.
-- Please forgive these boys, because if MC ends up with any of them then they will never love another for the rest of their whole entire lives.
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explosionshark · 1 year
The first time Miranda mentions kids, it’s so off-hand, so absent that Jack’s surprised she still remembers it, years later.
It had been a long night. Both of them worn thin by the strain of the war effort: by the looming knowledge that whatever world-saving scheme Shepard has been working on is almost finished, that they’d soon be recalled to Earth for one last stand against the Reapers, that this night could easily end up being the last they’ll ever be able to share together. Technically, that’s been true of their entire relationship, but it had been getting progressively harder to ignore. An urgency had set in, by that point, that hadn’t quite dissipated until months after the end of the war.
Miranda had been lying on her stomach, datapad in hand, composing a reply to the latest message received from her sister, with Jack draped across her back. Jack’s clinginess, and Miranda’s indulgence, were strange, new, guilty things. It was embarrassing to be desperate, to want something so badly, so plainly, to let it be known. But there was so little left to lose, they allowed themselves the luxury of it, stretched their patience with each other, dared to ask for more.
“It’s still surreal,” Miranda had murmured and Jack, nearly dozing, might not have heard her at all if her body wasn’t so dialed in to Miranda’s. When Jack hummed curiously, Miranda had spoken up a little louder, still staring fixedly down at the datapad. “Oriana. Seeing her, talking to her, touching her.”
They’d talked, a few times, by that point. Another one of those facts of Jack and Miranda’s relationship that had been enabled, fast-tracked, by their life-or-death circumstances. The exchanges had been cordial, if awkward. Jack and Oriana had both been curious about each other, both unsure of what they would mean to each other if they lived long enough to share parts of their lives.
Jack had only known the very basics of their history: that Oriana, like Miranda, had been a genetically altered clone of Henry Lawson. That Miranda had kidnapped her sister and fled from Lawson, had ended up approaching Cerberus for protection. The sick irony of the whole thing isn’t lost on Jack, but she tries to push down the still-simmering rage it causes, to stay in the moment, to take the opportunity to learn more.
“How old was she?” Jack asks. Miranda breathes out through her nose, taps the side of the datapad with her thumb. “When you saw her last, I mean? Like, before.”
“Only a baby,” Miranda says, voice soft, far away. “About seven months. He’d been keeping her a secret. Probably so he could — well, let’s not.”
Jack can’t be sure what Miranda was going to say, the reasons she suspects her father had been hiding an infant clone from her, but she knows this: Miranda was not his first attempt at a perfect daughter. And she knows this: Miranda and Oriana have no surviving sisters.
The rage flicks in Jack’s chest again. She imagines Henry Lawson’s skull exploding into chunks like a ripe melon. Remembers the flare of the blast when she and Shepard had blown Pragia to hell. She chews her lip and waits for Miranda to continue.
“Anyway, I… found out. It was the first time I’d ever held a baby. I had only ever been around children my age or older, to challenge me, develop my social skills. I couldn’t believe how small she was.” There’s a tone in Miranda’s voice, hushed, like she’s sharing a secret that Jack will someday be able to recognize as reverence. “I knew we had to get away. It was the most terrifying thing I’d ever done.”
“Running?” Jack asks, when Miranda pauses.
“Yes, that. But also just taking care of her. I was so scared every time she cried and I couldn’t figure out why, so exhilarated when I was able to comfort her. When it came time to give her up I was… relieved, but also devastated. I wanted more time with her. I was convinced that, with practice, I could get it right. I could be really, really good at raising her. I wanted to be able to try.”
“What stopped you?”
“From trying?”
“I was sixteen. I had commitments, I knew that Cerberus would help me if I could be useful, but I couldn’t offer them much with an infant to take care of. Besides, they offered me a family for her - people who actually knew what to do, who could keep her safe, away from danger, give her a life where she’d never have to burn everything down and run. Or so I thought,” Miranda pauses again, smiling bitterly and Jack drops an absent kiss to her bare shoulder. “Besides, I thought I’d get another chance, someday.”
The memory has stuck with Jack all of these years because of that admission and the way Miranda had reacted.
The implication was obvious, but the past tense was troubling. The way Miranda stiffened immediately once the words fell from her lips was the most alarming thing of all.
“Hey,” Jack had tried to pitch her voice, low, comforting. “What do—”
But Miranda rolled her over before she could finish talking. Distantly, Jack registered the datapad clattering to the floor, but the insistent press of Miranda's body over Jack's, the soft bite of Miranda's nails against Jack's scalp as Miranda dragged her up into a kiss eclipsed the whole world.
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
Demon or Human?
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Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x Demon (Fem!)Reader
Summary: A foreign invader comes into Castle Dimitrescu just as you were settling in with your new family. However, how far would you be willing to go to protect your newfound home and your newfound love?
Warning: Game spoilers (I’ll try to keep those at a minimum), Blood, Slight G0R3, uncontrollable demon rage, fluff at the end
A/N: In light of some Resident Evil Village spoilers... Let’s just say I WILL NOT HAVE IT! So, I guess this is another entry to my The Demon Amongst Vampires series! R is My Character: Hydrangea Dragonfold
1 Year..
You’ve been inhabiting Castle Dimitrescu for one year. Alcina had been able to persuade Mother Miranda to keep you in her care instead of letting you be hunted for sport. You’d probably survive it anyway, with your demon abilities. 
“I have to go to a meeting,” Alcina announces to you and her daughters, “Apparently Mother Miranda has found a foreigner man-thing in our village grounds.”
“A man?!” Daniela squeals of excitement
"A new plaything?!” Cassandra asks
“You must bring him here at once mother,” Bela says
She looks at her three children, almost looking like she is tired of their pleas. However, she recomposes herself
“I will have to persuade Mother Miranda as best as I can,” Alcina says, “I appoint Hydrangea on watch. Bela is in charge.”
You leave your mouth agape, hearing your name after while of Bela calling you “micul meu demon” or everyone else calling you demon.
“But mother-” Cassandra interrupts
“Why can’t it be either one of us?” Daniela motions to her and Cassandra
“Because I’m the oldest,” Bela flaunts her ‘eldest sibling title’
“There will be no complaints my daughters,” Alcina says, “Guard the castle well Hydrangea.”
“Of course My lady,” you say out of respect
“You have permission to call me Alcina Hydrangea,” She smiles
Alcina makes her exit. 
“I get the first bite on the man thing,” Daniela blurts out
“Not if I catch him first,” Cassandra interrupts
“Enough!” Both you and Bela scream
Your blue flames ignite slightly, almost setting the table on fire. However, you compose yourself. Thus, your flames ‘dieing’.
“We will wait for your mother to return,” You sigh, “Gosh you two are rowdy. No wonder why Bela is in charge.”
You ignite your flames once you stand, heading off towards the staircase. However, Bela follows you. You didn’t notice her presence until she grabs your wrist and pulls you into a room.
“Bela love what are you doing?” You ask
You try to get her to let go of you however, you stop fighting her as she doesn’t reply to you but only snakes her arms around your midsection, taking in your warmth that you were producing. Not only from your natural body heat, but your demon form as well. You were also sure that she was also listening to your racing heartbeat. The one thing you feared was giving too much heat, too much to the point where Bela and possibly everyone else you’ve come to love and care about they turn to ash because of your carelessness of your flames. 
“I... Love, I have to leave,” You sigh, placing your hand on her head and the other on her waist 
“No you don’t,” She counter argues
“I do my love,” You say, looking down at her, “I have to keep you three safe.”
“And you think we can’t protect ourselves?!” Bela asks
“That is not what I meant love,” You say, “It’s just... It’s just I’m not over what happened last time... If I hadn’t come when I did, you would have died... I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself for that. I’d die if anything happened to you.”
Bela’s grip on you only tightens when you finish your sad ramble. This gets you in tears. You really couldn’t imagine the rest of your life without her.
“You’d die... For me?” She asks
“Of course I would love,” You smile, swooping her into your arms
Fortunately, your blue flames weren’t ignited enough to accidentally burn her. Your foreheads touch as you give her a kiss
“This is so much better,” Bela sighs in relief
“It really is,” You smile, “Thank you Bela.”
She kisses your forehead. You lay your head against her shoulder, hoping you could just stay like that for a little bit longer.
“Bela?” You ask, breaking the silence
“What is it my love?” She asks
“If this man... If this man scurries around the castle and hurts any of you,” You start, “What if I lose control of my demon form and I no longer see the human in me?”
“Simple, I‘ll get you out,” She answers
“What if you can’t?” You ask, worried now, “What if I’m the one who ends up hurting you?”
“Can you promise me one thing then?” She asks
You nod.
“The don’t use your full demon form,” She requests, “If you’re worried about hurting us, don’t use it. Should you though, I will pull you out.”
You had wished you were able to stay like that forever. However, you knew you had to begin your task. You and Bela give each other one last kiss before departing each others’ presence and embrace. Bela goes back down to the foyer to meet her sisters once more.
“You two okay?” Daniela asks, breaking the silence
“We are fine Daniela,” Bela answers
“Then when will the both of you just shut up and get married?!” Cassandra asks, clearly teasing Bela now
 “We are not-we don’t plan on that yet,” Bela says, “It’s never come up when we talk and we don’t need to yet.”
“Sure,” Daniela teases
As you were scouting the grounds of the castle, you already see Alcina returning to the castle.
“My lady!” You call out, “I’m assuming it didn’t go well?”
“Mother Miranda gave that man-thing to Heisenberg, of course I’m upset!” She groans in frustration, “I need a drink.”
You follow her back into the castle where her daughters immediately stand to greet her.
“Where’s the male foreigner?” Bela asks
“Mother Miranda gave him to Heisenberg that fool,” She groans
You all watch her walk up the stairs and disappear into the castle. You four seat back down into the couch, Bela leaning into your embrace. 
“How was scouting O-great demon king?” Daniela teases
“It was fine Dani,” you chuckle, “Are you just going to continuously make nicknames for me Dani?”
She nods as she leans back into the chair. However, before any of you could converse on, you could hear footsteps. You motion for the girls to stop talking.
“You guys hear that too?” You whisper
You motion for the three of them to follow you and once you get to the grand entrance of the castle, you see a man. 
“Looking for Rose?” Daniela calls out to him, taunting him
The three of them begin forming into their fly swarm and move toward him. You make the decision to tell Alcina herself that a man has entered the castle. 
“My lady, there is a man in the castle,” You sigh, “Your daughters are on the case. I’m not sure who he is- oh, speak of the devil, here they are.”
You hear the doors burst open along with struggled grunts. You look over and notice Cassandra and Bela dragging him in.
“Mother, I bring you fresh prey,” She says, trying to take the credit
“Oh, you are so kind to me daughters,” Alcina smiles, her daughters letting a slight giggle out of their mouths, “Now, let’s take a look at him.”
She stands up and faces him, “Well, well, Ethan Winters. You’ve escaped my little brothers’ idiot games did you? Let’s see how special you are.”
You watch Bela, Daniela and Alcina taste his blood. You stand next to Cassandra as you watch.
“Hey-Hey you, help me out!” Ethan pleas at you
You turn to look at him for a second. You feel your human willing to help him however, you end up turning your back to him, not willing to help him. If anything, you also hated men. 
“Starting to go a little stale,” Alcina says, “But, I must inform Mother Miranda. Later, there will be enough for everyone. Put him up.”
You watch again as Bela and Daniela hook his hands and Cassandra hoists him up. You hear him groan in pain as you all begin making your exit.
“Hey... Hey you!” He again calls for you, “Help me... Please...”
You stop in your tracks and look up at him. You only let out a low chuckle as Bela gently grabs your wrist and pulls you out from the room.
As you were finishing something with Cassandra you suddenly hear Bela’s grunts.
“Hey, I gotta go,” You say out of the blue
You follow Bela’s voice, rushing even further when you could hear her voice getting louder and louder.
“Bela! Bela!” You call out for her
You pass through the kitchen and notice Bela on top of Ethan. However, she doesn’t notice how he’s aiming his gun. Only you had noticed.
“Bela! The windows!” You scream, “He’s gonna shoot the windows!”
Believing that she didn’t hear you, you ignite your flames even more so than earlier. But, it’s concentrated to your palms. You begin melting the bars that had separated from you reaching Bela. However, just before the glass had gave way to the heavy damage, the bars melted enough for you to burst through. You hear Bela’s pained scream as the glass gave way to the heavy damage. 
“You- stupid man-thing!” Bela screams
You only pictured how she was the last time she was out in the cold. You let out an ear-piercing roar as you forcefully push Ethan out of the way to get to Bela. Igniting your flames ever so slightly, you pick Bela up and begin warming her up with your flames and your natural body heat. You go back into the dungeons and place her down gently, hoping you had warmed her enough.
“Are you okay?!” You ask, tears welling into your eyes
“I am now love,” She smiles, caressing your cheek
“Go!” You say, “Get your sisters an get somewhere safe! He knows! I’ll come find you.”
You watch Bela disappear into the dungeons, hopefully back into the castle to warn her sisters. You go back to where Ethan had shot the window. He was hoping you’d feel pain with the cold however, when you emerged from the cold wind, you came out, unphased.
“What the HELL ARE YOU?!” Ethan asks
“The one who will kill you,” You growl, taking in the cold, “My blood’s boiling...”
Your blue flame continue to ignite more than usual and you pounce onto him, snarling in his face. He tries to use his shotgun on you and he manages to graze the side of your head. He manages to wriggle himself out of your grip and shoots at you again, this time, in the shoulder. 
“Stay down kid,” He says mercilessly and runs into the direction you came
“Get back here you coward!” You scream, trying to stand
As your body began regenerating, you continuously crawled in the direction he was going in, beginning to track his scent. It was difficult as you were in the room where the wines are created. However, it didn’t stop you from continuing on the path. When you fully regenerated your shoulder, you get up nd try to track his scent as best as you could. However, when you only got back into the castle.
“Bela!” you call
You felt a hand on your wrist as you begin getting pulled into a room. A feeling of relief washes over you as you hug Bela tightly. You look over her shoulder and only see Cassandra with her.
“Where’s Daniela?” You ask, in a panicked state
“She ran off, hoping to take down the man herself,” Cassandra sighs
You hear the door burst open and it’s Alcina.
“That man will pay for what he’s done,” She growls, “My daughter are you hurt?”
“I was but- thanks to Hydrangea,” Bela sighs in relief, leaning into your shoulder to warm up some more
“Where’s Daniela?” Alcina asks
“She went to the library to take down the man mother, we tried to stop her,” Cassandra sighs
“You two stay with Hydrangea until I return with his head and Daniela,” Alcina orders before leaving again
She makes her leave. The three of you sit on the couch, Cassandra and Bela huddling against you for warmth. However, Bela practically seating herself into your lap.
“Do you have to be such a hog of the human furnace?” Cassandra looks at her older sister in annoyance
“I’m her girlfriend so buzz off,” Bela says
“She may be your girlfriend but I need some warmth too,” Cassandra growls
You could hear Daniela’s pained grunts and screaming. You stand up and place Bela down onto the couch next to her sister. You flick your finger and a small flame goes into the fire place, igniting the firewood.
“Alcina hasn’t found her yet,” You say, “I’ll go get Daniela the both of you stay here okay?”
Once you left the room you break into a run towards the library. You break through the door just as Ethan begins opening the roof to let in the cold air again.
“STOP!” You scream, grabbing onto Daniela
Sorry Bela... I have to do this... To protect all of you. You four accepted me almost instantly... I have to protect my home. I’m not letting anyone die here! The only one dying is him....
The ground around you became engulfed in blue flames, surrounding both you and Daniela
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[A/n: not my gif]
“I got you Dani,” You say, the last time you heard your own voice
You look at Ethan completely deranged, more than Cassandra could ever look deranged at one of her “pets”. Ethan begins to walk backward however, tripping over an object.
“Let’s talk about this kid!” Ethan pleas, “From one human to another-”
“I’m not a human!” You spat, your demon voice overtaking your real voice, “I’m a demon! I protect my home and everyone in it!”
You let go of Daniela and leave her on the floor for Alcina to check on her. You throw Ethan out of the library. Alcina takes Daniela to where her other two daughters were. You throw him down a set of stairs. Coincidentally where Bela had opened the door.
You stand at the top of the stairs, looking down at Ethan, “You’ve overstayed your welcome... Time to say goodnight.”
“No-No please I beg you please I just wanted to find my daughter!” He screams
“All of this? For a child who isn’t even here?!” You mock him, “Your little baby could even be dead for all I care!”
Ethan draws his gun and pulls the trigger as a last resort to get you to stand down. However, you slice his arm off. You could hear his screams of pain as you now stand over him.
From the other room, Bela, Daniela, Alcina and Cassandra watch as you begin devouring his flesh. You stop after two bites out of his flesh you turn to the four women. Unable to feel your human, instead feeling your demon take full control over your body, you charge at Cassandra, Daniela, Alcina, even Bela. Alcina, being the protective mother she is, stands in front of her daughters, ready to slaughter you so if you lay a finger on her daughters like this. However, Bela runs past the three.
“Bela, get back here!” Alcina yells
Before you could lay a finger on them, Bela throws her arms around you, holding onto you tightly. As you flail your arms about, Bela still held onto you
“It’s me,” Bela says, calmly, “It’s okay now... I’m right here. Come back to me...”
You finally stopped flailing, your blue flames dissipating and your demon eye slits turning back into their round pupils.
“Be..la?” You call 
You gently place your hand on her head and the other around her. You sink into her touch and fall to your knees, Bela following your movements.
“It’s okay now,” She coos, “I’ve got you love. I’ve got you.”
You choke on your sobs as you hold onto Bela for dear life, sobbing into her shoulder.
“Bela did manage to get you out after all?” Alcina admires her oldest daughter, “And I thought I was going to have to kill her.”
Alcina sips her wine.
“Mother!” Bela growls
“I need to protect my prides and joys,” Alcina states
Bela was sitting in your lap as Daniela is huddled against your side and Cassandra on the floor facing you, Bela and Daniela.
“Do you really have to hog to the human furnace Bela? I’m the one who almost died,” Daniela growls
“She’s my girlfriend,” Bela draws the ‘girlfriend’ card for the millionth time
“How long do you intend on pulling that card against us Bela?” Cassandra asks
“As long as I want,” She smiles down at you
You smile back up at her, “Daniela, I also warmed you up in almost an instant with that amount of flames I emitted earlier. Did that not help?”
“Oh it did,” She smiles
“Then you don’t need to be complaining,” Bela scoffs
“By the way, I am digging the new look on you Hydrangea,” Cassandra says, smiling at you
Black horns with bright blue accents had remained from your blue flame horns or at least under them and a tail remained.
“Do you now Cass?” You smile, “I do too.”
Your tail unconsciously wraps itself around Bela’s waist. You could feel Bela’s fingertips playing with the fluff end of your tail, making your cheeks flush a faint pink.
“Awwww micul meu demon is blushing,” Bela teases
“Ssshut it,” You hiss
You weren’t sure how well you were going to do with that man-thing called Ethan Winters roaming around the castle. However, this was your home. You went to great lengths to protect it. Especially your new family and your girlfriend. Even if you would lose your human, you had Bela. You trust her enough to bring you back, should you lose sight of that human in you.
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halsteadsfave · 4 years
Sex On Legs - Part 2 (j.l.s)
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Part 1
Pairing: Jesse Lee Soffer x Reader
Word Count: 1611
Warnings: alcohol, possible spelling errors
A/N: here is part 2 for you! hope you’ll enjoy (:  Once again: Send in some request! You can send some prompts too!
Climbing into Jesse’s car, you were putting on your seatbelt.
'Where do you live (Y/N)?' He asked, starting the engine and driving to the gate of the Universal Studios.
'Currently, I’m living in a hotel. I haven’t had time to look for a suitable apartment. Plus I’m new in Chicago' you said, watching him drive his car.
Jesse had an amused grin on his face. 'So, you’re telling me you’re living the hotel life? This sounds pretty nice though'
'Oh trust me, it is‘ you laughed a little. ‚Getting food 24/7, having your room cleaned and the hotel feeling is fantastic.'
'I never thought of it. This is amazing. Life would be so much easier.' Jesse was in his thoughts and you had to laugh again.
'To be honest, it is quite expensive and you can’t have everything as you want it' you added and he shrugged.
'I just imagine it being super cool. Walking into a hotel every day like a real businessman? I’m still waiting for this job offer' he commented and you both laughed.
It was really nice being around him. Jesse had a great sense of humor.
'You can pay me a visit if you want' you suggested and he smiled at you for a moment.
'Been waiting for this offer' he winked at looked back at the streets.
'Oh, I already thought so' you grinned.
'Ok, so we’re nearly there' he told you, while you took a look at your surroundings.
Some minutes later you were in his apartment, which was amazing. The sunset was shown through the big windows. It really looked magical. You liked his interior and it smelled very good.
The doorbell rang and Jesse went to open it. Miranda, Taylor, Tracy, and Kara came in. They brought pizza and beers.
You sat down at the big table next to the kitchen. Miranda sat across from you and winked. You could just shake your head and laugh.
'Why are you laughing?' Kara said with her mouth full of the first piece of pizza. '(Y/N)’s just falling in love with the owner of this wonderful apartment' Miranda replied to her before you could say anything.
Your eyes went wide. 'Would you stop it?' You whispered fully aware that the other three of you were still in the kitchen and probably couldn’t hear her comment.
'Really? That would be amazing!' Kara ignored your reaction.
'What would be amazing?' Tracy came in and took the seat next to Miranda.
'I was just talking about (Y/N)-' 'Taylor could you help us to cut the pizza?' You asked him a little bit louder to stop Miranda talking about your little crush.
'Umm, I can do that' Jesse came up to you with the cutter. Standing next to you, you had to think about who smelled better. The pizza or the absolutely handsome man next to you.
Taking the piece of pizza out of his hand you saw Miranda watching you two. You kicked her under the table and she mumbled a little 'Ouch.' You could just smile to yourself while she was glaring at you.
'I think we could go for a round of strip poker. What do you think guys?' Miranda asked after we all cleaned up the mess we made while eating.
'Be right back' Jesse told her after everybody agreed. You definitely will lose a lot of clothes, because poker wasn’t made for you.
'I suck at this' you admitted. 'Me too. Let’s strip together' Tracy laughed and fist-bumped you.
Jesse came back with the game and Kara prepared everything.
'I hope you all are wearing something nice under your tops and bottoms' Taylor grinned. 'Except for Jesse of course' he added quickly and we laughed.
'I actually do wear boxer shorts, but I hope I can keep my jeans on' he smirked and popped another beer open.
You were thinking of what you are wearing today, but it was nothing special. It was probably a set of black underwear. Re-checking with taking a look through your shirt, you saw the black lace.
'Already preparing for getting rid of your shirt?' Miranda smirked. 'No, just checking if everything sits right' you gave her a quick smile before taking your cards.
While Taylor and Tracy were discussing the rules, you caught Jesse's eyes and smiled at him. He smiled back and turned to a poker face afterward. You both had to cover your laugh because Kara was starting the round.
To your surprise, you weren’t the first person to get rid of a piece of clothes. It was Kara. 'So I’m going for my jeans, but don’t expect something hot. I’m on my period' she said while stepping out of the jeans.
Miranda fake whistled while admiring the black panties with little red hearts on them. 'Kara, you can’t be serious' Tracy laughed at Kara wiggling her butt at her.
A round later it was Jesse’s turn. He lost because you had the better cards at the end. 'Oh (Y/N) I promise you, you’ll be the next' he said with a mischievous smile.
'In your dreams, Soffer' you grinned and he took off his shirt. You froze for a second. Scanning his body, you completely lost it. He was charming, funny as hell, with clothes hella attractive, and now?
'I told you, girl. He’s the definition of „sex on legs“!' Miranda laughed.
'You really introduced him to her like that?' Taylor asked her with a surprised face.
'How could she not?' Jesse interrupted trying to make a shocked expression and threw his t-shirt into Taylor’s face.
'Have you seen my body?' Taylor asked, removing Jesse’s shirt. I took a sip of the beer bottle in front of me and followed the conversation with my eyes.
'Sadly yes. I had to shoot some scenes with you, my love' Miranda winked at him and everybody laughed.
'Time for a revenge' Jesse mentioned and took his cards. You were looking at him and his body again. Did you already think about how perfect he is? His eyes, his freckles, his smile, his arms, his...
'Earth to (Y/N)?' Kara was waving her hands in front of your face. You shook your head a little and met the warm green eyes, you were looking at before. Jesse laughed to himself and you turned red.
'Yes, I lost. What do you wanna see?' You asked, trying to cover your embarrassment.
'Take off the top' Tracy told you. Quickly removing it and throwing it on the floor. Avoiding the glances of the others, you were taking another sip.
'Damn, you look hot' Tracy rose her voice again. You felt the redness coming back. Of course, the whole nation saw you in your bra before, but these were other circumstances.
'Thanks to you' you smiled at her and saw Jesse agreeing with nodding a little and taking a sip of the beer just like you before.
Continuing with the game, everybody had either their pants or their tops next to them on the ground. It was a lot of fun because everybody seemed to suck at this game. But maybe this was the intention of playing it.
You didn’t mind seeing the other ones without clothing. You were all trained and perfectly in shape. But one of them especially caught your eye.
Jesse lost again and was standing up. He opened his belt and his jeans straight after it. Of course, you were watching him. Everybody did. Except for Miranda. She was watching you with an amused smirk on her face.
'Sorry to tell you that, but you will see me in my boxers' Jesse looked next to him. Taylor laughed. 'I was already aware of it. Don’t worry. The other ones won’t mind at all.'
Stepping out of his jeans, you had to look at the white Ralph Lauren boxer he was wearing. Thinking of things you shouldn’t, you looked away and took your cards.
'Next one who will lose has to host our next match' Kara announced and your eyebrow shot up in surprise.
'This is a good one. (Y/N) maybe you could lose. I’m sure we all agree that a hotel would be nice for hosting it' Jesse said while sitting down onto his chair again.
‚Pah, you wish' you grinned at him. Of course, you’ll lose. You had no concentration left and under pressure, you sucked the most.
Some minutes later, you leaned back, crossing your arms in front of you. Yes, you lost.
'Is there a spa at the hotel? Maybe we could go in there after getting rid of all our clothes next time' Taylor asked grinning like an idiot. Everybody was pretty happy about you losing the last round.
'You have to show your beautiful bum, (Y/N). Even though it is the last round and we can technically put our clothes on again, you owe us the show' Miranda raised her voice.
You exhaled loudly and stood up. Quickly opening your jeans, you were removing them. 'There you go' you said. This was embarrassing, but you didn’t mind anymore. The beer you were consuming the last hour, was worth it now.
'Oh man, that looks hot' Jesse admitted and winked. Everybody drank a lot, but he sounded totally sober. It made you blush again.
'I wouldn’t mind if you girls would just stay like this' Taylor added and you all laughed.
Continuing after the game with a lot of talking and laughing. When you finally arrived home, you were absolutely happy. The whole evening and night were hilarious. You couldn’t wait for the next time. Furthermore, you couldn't wait to meet Jesse again.
PS: I won’t upload tomorrow
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nancydfan · 3 years
I think that Mia gets too bad of a rap from a lot of people.
Like yes, was she an agent of a super shady organization responsible for making a bio weapon that destroyed a great deal of lives? Yes. However we don’t know her motivation for joining them yet.
They could have lied honestly. Like The Connections could have advertised themselves to be a great, loving work environment and maybe Mia was young and naive and joined them. Or maybe she was desperate for money, and it was the only job that would hire her. Or hell, maybe she fully knew what they were and joined anyway, either on account of her morals being twisted back then or thinking that even though the company was evil maybe she could do good. Who knows, honestly.
Either way, with The Connections being a shady organization there’s like a very high chance that you don’t get to walk away from them alive. I’m sure if you quit they’d see you as a liability and take you out with no mercy. And that’s why I think Mia didn’t leave, because she knew she would be killed if she did, and maybe that’s why she took the job with Eveline, because it was more of a “you will do this or else” than an option for her (whether it was implied by her boss or if they were upfront about what bad things would happen if she didn’t take the job).
And maybe if her morals were twisted before I fully think meeting and falling in love with Ethan changed her if that was the case, because the Mia we see in RE7 and RE8 is a good person. We see that in how when the Baker’s rescue her she thanks them but tries to leave immediately and tries to warn them about staying away from Eveline (as shown in the note she left in the dlc “Daughters”). She could have tried to get them to call the hospital or her company but she didn’t, because she knew that she was under Eveline’s control and the longer she stayed there the more danger the family was. If she was a shitty person she wouldn’t have done this, she would have done everything she could to save herself.
We also see that in how she leaves a final video note for Ethan, telling him to stay away no matter what, because she didn’t want him to get dragged down in her mess. She knows how much Ethan loves her and I’m sure she knows if she sent a video saying “Ethan pls help” he’d come running for her, but she didn’t because she loves him and wants him to live even if she can’t be there with him. We see it AGAIN when she saves Ethan from Eveline’s grasp, when she tears him from the mold thing he was in and pushes him out so Eveline couldn’t hurt him. Fully knowing she’d have to face Eveline’s wrath.
And for everyone saying “why didn’t she just tell him then” I mean think about it. I think if this super shady organization found out someone they didn’t hire knew what was going on they’d kill them because again they’d be a liability and a threat. And that’s why she doesn’t tell Ethan because she doesn’t want him to be targeted and killed by them. I think if she had the opportunity she would have left The Connections but knows that it would result in her death anyway, and telling Ethan the truth would just end in his death if they found out and it was too risky in her mind.
And I think it’s this same form of protection that prevents her from telling Ethan he’s infected. She says (or at least we can assume that this was her) in Donna’s section that she didn’t tell him because she was afraid she’d lose him. I don’t think he’d divorce her if he found out he was molded (that doesn’t really make sense for his character), I think she was genuinely afraid he’d die (again) or worse begin to transform into a monster the way the rest of the infected did. And that’s why she keeps it hidden because she was scared to death he’d die or suffer a worse fate. Am I saying she was right in hiding it? No, but I think that everyone saying she’s manipulative and gaslighting are wrong because she truly loves Ethan and Rose, and I know she’d give her life gladly if it meant they could live.
I saw other people get mad because Rose is essentially being used as a bio weapon and how could Mia let this happen and I’m like?? She probably doesn’t have a say?? I mean yes Blue Umbrella is supposed to be “the good guys” now but like they’re still a huge organization, I’m sure Mia did her best to prevent this from happening and keep Rose safe but like at the end of the day what can she really do against a huge company?? If anything get mad at Chris because I’m sure he’s got some clout or something in that company that could have allowed Rose to live a normal life without Umbrella or maybe not being used as a weapon but idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ a lot of people were like “Mia’s sO annoying at the beginning of the game” but fam that wasn’t even her?? That’s Miranda?? Besides even if it was Mia that blew up on Ethan in the hospital (as per Ethan’s diary) 1.) people deal with trauma differently, and I’m not saying it’s healthy but she’s scarred and doing her best and 2.) probably was afraid if they talked too much about Louisiana Ethan would realize he was infected and then BAM he’s either dead or a mutated monster. And in the cutscene of Mia saying “you matter!” Can you imagine the stress of knowing your husband is Mr Mold Man and not being able to do anything about it, out of fear of what could happen to him? Like of course she’s upset and going to blow when provoked (not that Ethan was aggressive or anything just that he was prying into a very high pressure soda that is Mia’s emotions lol) because she’s been bottling this up and has no one to talk to, and after a while anyone would explode. I think she would have told him if he hadn’t answered that call. Also marriage is not rainbows and butterflies, sometimes you get into messy fights with your partner and sometimes you or the other person say things you don’t mean but at the end of the day you love each other and try to be better. If anything Capcom was depicting a normal marriage tbh.
At the end of the day Mia is not the bad guy. She is only human who tried her best to keep her family safe against all the odds and idc what anyone says, Ethan and Mia love each other and have a healthy relationship and that’s that.
I hope I do this ask justice cause this is the kinda ask I’ve been like hoping for cause you are absolutely gosh damn right.
I’m a chill person & I’m never gonna probably get up into someone’s face about anything cause it’s fandom. I’m not here to cater your experience. That being said, when I see some of these frankly bad takes on Mia I’m like
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We know Jack shit about why Mia joined the Connections. Literally nothing so people who have a whole solidified nasty opinion of Mia should probably just sit down. You don’t have to like her. But you also could like, idk, be absolutely dead wrong cause lol Capcom went, yeah we’re not gonna explain any of that.
I got the impression that in between re7 and re8 that they are hiding from the connections too but I may have misunderstood that In re8. I think it makes sense it’s the type of organization you do not leave. No matter how badly you want to and once Ethan came along, do people really think she’d risk him? Spoiler alert: no, no she wouldn’t.
Also, re7 started w Alan. He’s the one that let eveline get out of control so...I feel like people forget that.
I’ve been talking to a friend about people using the Miranda Mia against the real Mia and I don’t know how to kindly tell people that the game kinda absolutely explained that’s not Mia? I do think Mias got a temper which makes sense because Ethan is so even tempered that he can balance her out better. But Miranda Mia was a fuckin bitch. She was needling Ethan’s pain and mocking him. Do people think Ethan sat around for three years taking that? Ethan’s a big boy. He can take care of himself. He was even fighting back w Miranda Mia so manipulative and abusive takes belong in the toilet w the rest of the shit.
Mia blowing up at Ethan means nothing. My parents have proven to me marriage is not easy. You will lose it on people when emotions run high. It happens. There’s a world of difference between a moment of anger versus abuse. But you still love and forgive people for moments of anger because we all have them. And I’m sure Ethan can be just as much as a pain in the ass. I love him more than most and I’d be the first person to admit I’m sure he didn’t make it easy all the time either.
Mia held the truth from Ethan because she was scared not just for her but for him too. It’s a selfless kind of lie. We all do them so I don’t know why Mia is getting burned at the stake for it. I’m just not movable on this. That was a heavy thing to carry and she was doing her best.
As for Rose, I don’t even know what Capcom is doing. How can anyone else know? She’s special and powerful. Maybe she wanted that life? I think we can reserve judgement until re9.
Like I said above, no one has to like Mia. Maybe you don’t vibe w her or maybe you still just don’t care for her. That’s cool. But my gosh don’t lie about the kind of person she is. If you can’t acknowledge her world and heart belongs to Ethan and Rose, I’m just not sure what to tell you.
Sorry for ranting on your ask nonnie 😆 I really appreciate that you sent this in! It needed said imo
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foilfreak · 3 years
Beauty and Her Beast: Chapter 5
WARNING PLZ READ BEFORE CONTINUING: This fic is rated NSFW and contains graphic depictions of things some people may find disturbing or alarming, including, but not limited to: violence, gore, unhealthy family relationships, Oedipus complexes, gratuitous amount of pornographic literature, ableist language, physical, mental, and emotional abuse, etc. If you are someone who does not enjoy fiction with these elements in them, then I suggest you refrain from reading this, because this fic will have all that, and probably a lot more. So, this is your first and final warning to turn around and go somewhere else if stuff like this just isn't your vibe, because from this point forward, your emotional wellbeing is in your own hands, and I will not be accepting blame if you disregarded my warnings and ended up reading something you didn't like. Idk why I feel compelled to write one of these despite this being Resident Evil fanfic, but I figured I'd cover my ass just in case.
(AO3 Link below)
This was a bad idea... no, actually, scratch that. This wasn’t just a bad idea...
‘THIS WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA’ Salvatore thought to himself, as he frantically hid beneath a large blue tarp covering a couple of old, rotting shipping crates, his body trembling uncontrollably and his shoulders heaving from the terrified and panicked state Salvatore had managed to work himself into.
Now, for those of you who may be wondering why Salvatore was currently hiding behind a bunch of crates like prey hiding from the hunter, despite being in the safety of his own reservoir-
-that would be why.
Yes, the 2 days that Salvatore had been given to prepare for his gift’s arrival had come and gone faster than the disfigured man could have ever imagined. And while he’d done a marvelous job of cleaning up the reservoir to make it suitable for the beautiful young lady who’d now be calling this place ‘home’, what he hadn’t anticipated having to deal with was the full blown panic attack he got the second the villagers arrived to release her into his custody. Thankfully, his anxiety grew more manageable when one of the villagers explained that, due to Nadine’s tendency toward violent behavior, combined with her superhuman strength, Mother Miranda had gone ahead and given the young woman a nice heavy dose of sedative to keep her asleep throughout the journey to the reservoir, as well as for a couple of hours afterwards, too.
You know… just in case.
After the villagers finally left, Salvatore closed and locked the gate behind them before turning his attention to the large wooden coffin that, according to the men who’d carried it here, contained his long awaited gift from Mother Miranda.
Taking a few tentative steps forward, Salvatore takes the metal key the villagers had given him and slowly, but eagerly, unlocked and opened the wooden vessel, gasping in shock and awe as the sight of Nadine’s perfectly angelic face finally came into the light. He wasn’t sure how this was possible, but somehow the young woman looked even more perfect than the first time he saw her, the soft glow of the early morning sun reflecting off her blue scaly skin in a way that gives her a gorgeous, almost iridescent shine.
The continued nudeness of Nadine’s body, while mesmerizing to look at, did unfortunately make the act of keeping his hands to himself rather difficult, and Salvatore quickly found himself grappling with his inner demons as he contemplated reaching in and taking a quick feel, just a quick one, if only for the sake of finally figuring out what on earth her skin was made out of.
Was it smooth and silky to allow for rapid aquatic maneuverability, like that of an eel, or did her soft, feminine exterior hide a rougher, more textured sort of skin, like that of a shark or a whale?
Oh how Salvatore longed, with every fiber of his disgusting, twisted being, to reach inside that wooden carrier and run his hands over the mutant woman’s perfect little body, every atom in him aching to touch, hold, kiss, lick, bite, and devour every square millimeter of this gorgeous specimen, blurring and melting the lines of reality that once separated them until you couldn’t tell where beast ended and where beauty began.
But he refrained.
As much as Salvatore desperately wanted to give in to the primal desires of his still-human mind and mostly-human body, he instead decided to give the young woman some time to wake up first, guessing that she probably wouldn’t want some random stranger, much less one that looks like him, touching her without her permission. So with a deep breath, and a strong swallowing of his raging libido, Salvatore stepped away from the crate Nadine was sleeping in, pocketing the key in case Mother wanted it back later, before turning around and beginning to hobble back toward the lake to complete the few minor tasks he hadn’t managed to get to before the villagers arrived earlier.
It would be well into the afternoon, nearly evening by this point, before Salvatore heard so much as a peep from Nadine. Mother Miranda must not have been kidding when she said she’d given the young woman enough sedative to knock her out for hours. If it weren’t for the fact that she was still breathing, Salvatore might have thought her dead after this amount of time.
Unfortunately for Salvatore, it would appear as though Nadine taking ages to awaken from her drug induced slumber would be the least of the deformed man’s concerns, quickly overrun and forgotten about in the blind panic Salvatore went into once the young woman’s voice, soft and slightly high pitched, though a bit scratchy from lack of use, calls out from, presumably, the spot where Salvatore had left her by the front gate.
The heavenly tone bounces and echoes off the wood and water of the surrounding area, filling the reservoir with a song-like magic that made Salvatore’s knees buckle weakly in reverence, and his stomach want to turn itself inside out from complete and utter terror. Hit with the sudden realization that Salvatore was going to have to actually look at AND speak to Nadine now that she’d awoken, and at the same time no less, immediately sends the mutant man tumbling into a full blown panic, resulting in Salvatore locating the nearest solid structure, the tarp and crates in this case, and throwing himself underneath it, hoping and praying that if he remained quiet for long enough, Nadine would lose interest and go somewhere else-
“Hello? Is anyone here?”
-Unfortunately Salvatore wasn’t a man who had his hopes and prayers answered terribly often, and today seemed to be no different than usual.
Despite being given extra security due to the rapid approach of nightfall, Salvatore didn’t even dare breathe as the sound of footsteps passed by his hiding spot, his heart pounding uncontrollably in his chest as Nadine came within just inches of finding him. This is it, the jig is up, there was absolutely no doubt in Salvatore’s mind that Nadine was mere seconds away from pulling the tarp back to reveal his horrible and disgusting self, scrunched up into the tightest little ball between the narrow spaces of the crates.
Closing his teary eyes and accepting his fate, Salvatore merely sat and waited for the inevitable moment of shocked silence after the tarp had been lifted, followed by the sound of Nadine’s smooth and rich voice bursting his eardrums with a piercingly shrill and terrified shriek, as well the heavy booming of feet against wood as she ran away from him, disgusted, horrified, and appalled by so much as having to look at the monster that Salvatore was, much less do anything else.
“Ah man, I could have sworn I saw someone around here, earlier,” the low but feminine voice of Nadine said aloud, sounding quite dejected as she leaned against the blue tarp covering Salvatore’s hiding spot.
“Maybe they just went out to look for food, and will be back later?” Nadine says to herself, sounding more optimistic than before, though her hopefulness fades as quickly as it arrived when she continues with, “Then again… maybe the poor bastard caught a glimpse of me as I stumbled around and took off in terror at the sight of me. I suppose I can't really blame him… not with the way I look now, at least.”
Nadine pauses, trailing off for a moment as Salvatore remains rooted in his spot, hands clamped firmly over his mouth and nose to prevent any noise from escaping, despite the increasing burning sensation from his human lungs, which, despite their somewhat shaky ability to do their prescribed role ever since the cadou mutations screwed him up, still very much needed air going in and out of them if Salvatore wanted them to continue functioning at all.
The young woman remained in that spot leaning against the tarp-covered crates for a few more moments, not saying or doing anything as far as Salvatore could tell, before the sound of shuffling and more footsteps, softer and less hurried than the ones he’d heard earlier, caught his attention.
Silence persists for another moment, causing Salvatore to grow curious the longer he waits. And so, despite his earlier reservations, Salvatore can’t help but shift his position slightly so that he could peek through a narrow space between the wall of crates, just enough to give him a solid view of Nadine, who currently stood with her back to him just a few feet away from where the mutated man was hiding. Her gaze seemed transfixed on the lake’s surface, or perhaps it was less the water that held her gaze, but the reflection staring back at her from the mirror-like surface.
Even without seeing her face, Salvatore could tell that the young woman was afraid and in pain, and his heart wrenched agonizingly as he watched her beautiful form shrink in on itself. Her arms curled around her body defensively, as if trying to hide herself shamefully from any potential onlookers, while her torso slumped limply forward, shoulders shaking heavily as she sobbed quietly to herself in the ever growing darkness of evening time.
“Whatever, it’s not like it matters anyways,” the young woman sobs dejectedly after a while, pointlessly rubbing the tears from her face away, only for them to be quickly replaced as new ones fell. “Even if somebody did actually live here, it’s not like anyone would even want to help a disgusting abomination like me... much less have anything else to do with me.”
The sound of Nadine jumping off the dock and into the cold lake water below pales in comparison to the sound of Salvatore’s whole world turning itself upside down from beneath the large blue tarp under which he was hidden.
Disgusting abomination?
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!
Of all the things Salvatore has ever heard in his entire life, this one has to be the most ridiculous thing by far.
Salvatore was a disgusting abomination, that much he was more than aware of and had long since accepted, as painful as it still was to admit from time to time. But Nadine… Why Nadine was quite easily the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on, save for perhaps Mother Miranda herself maybe, which was certainly a very high standard to be compared to in Salvatore’s book. While the young woman did indeed have several mutations that would make going back to her previous life almost impossible, that didn’t mean she was disgusting, or an abomination.
Not to Salvatore she wasn’t, at least.
The fact that the poor young woman thought this of herself sent a sharp, stabbing pain directly into his heart, practically tearing him apart from the inside out as he frantically thought of something, anything he could do to make the tiny woman feel better.
Thinking back to when he’d watched her just moments ago, he remembers the way in which her arms and hands curled around herself as she sobbed, looking like they were attempting to cover as much exposed skin as physically possible. How Nadine could call herself an abomination when she looked like the picture perfect definition of beauty, Salvatore didn’t know, but what he did know was that women, at least the women he was used to, always enjoyed receiving pretty things with which they could cover and decorate themselves, like dresses and jewelry.
And luckily for Salvatore, he just so happens to know of a few places where he might be able to acquire both of those things.
With a quick peek from beneath the tarp before taking off, Salvatore quickly makes his way toward the exit gate, barely managing to close the gate behind him and pull his cloak over himself before sprinting, as much as his mangled body would allow anyways, down the snowy path that would lead him to the estates of the only two people Salvatore can think of to help him in this messy situation.
Hopefully Alcina and Donna won’t be terribly upset with him for stopping by unannounced.
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pepperpills · 3 years
The Harvest - RE8 Fanfic
The Harvest
A Resident Evil 8 fan fiction by Joana
Karl Heisenberg x Female Reader
Notes: heey, so here is Part III, hope you all enjoy it! i'm thinking of starting a new story soon, once this is ended, probably focusing more on world building and Karl and reader relationship hehe
Warning: NSFW content
Part I - Destiny (1) Part I - Destiny (2) Part II - The Lord
Part III – The Hunt
Getting to know the factory turned out to be a fantastic experience. You had never seem so many different paraphernalia in your live, the closer you had ever got to that was when you were a child poking around your dad’s storeroom, but there were only some tools, agriculture products and inherited ornaments from your cabin family – these last ones were your absolute favourite.
Heisenberg’s factory, on the other hand, was full of interesting things, some of them you had no idea what were used for. You even found a suspicious “torture” room, but couldn’t dig into it, once he was nearby. Still, you found his journals narrating his experiments, his audio reports and some guide books on mechanics that had you intrigued for a long time while reading them. He was a madman, you were convinced, but at the same time, that secluded part of you was growing a little each day you explored his life.
Lord Heisenberg was nicer and quieter than you would imagine. He basically lived in his various offices across the factory, mostly he would be trying new mechanisms on bodies and seeing how they reacted with the Cadou, the strange parasite the villagers mentioned only on rare and veiled conversations. As far as it wasn’t you, or your family, lying cold on one of the stretchers, you didn’t care. As a matter of fact, you felt tempted to try some things with the gears yourself as you deepen your studies in his books.
At your first days there, you got worried you would have to share the bed with him, which would be much more proximity than you had ever had with another person. The man had already seen your half naked and that was enough. However, he didn’t sleep there with you and you wondered why, once he so enthusiastically mocked you about it when you arrived. Actually, you started doubting he ever slept at all.
You were still a bit scared, though, never knowing if he would play a prank on you, so you were very careful to avoid him for a while - that didn’t endure –, believing you should give him space to get used to your presence after the mood he got into after your reception.
He was disturbed, indeed. His work was getting closer to a crucial point that involved Mother Miranda. He musted be discreet, but it was proving to be a real trial with Soldats activating and running around as lost beasts. Also, having you around actually gave him a new problem.
Lord Heisenberg would walk around the factory looking for material, testing the Soldats and cursing a lot, some of these swearwords you didn’t even know, but started liking how he used them, almost cartoonish. It was never directed to you, of course. He acted like you weren’t there most of the time, in others, when he was more chilled, with less work to do, he asked “how is the mess at the wing, buttercup?” laughing at you blushing at his indiscreet platonic flirts.
You had to find your way around the factory. That place was a labyrinth and a map would come handy, so you drew it on some clean papers you found lying around, loving not to get lost anymore. You hadn’t been face-to-face to one of his creations yet, just saw them on the production lines on the overview of the factory and on some specific rooms. You also avoided it due to fear.
He told you where the wing to be cleaned was and you found it after an hour. It was so incredibly packed with mechanical parts that you could barely come inside to take a look. Huffing, you thought that he could solve that without moving a muscle. It made you mad, but also made you wonder what you were doing there. You cleaned it anyway, as it was your duty and used that waste to build some minor projects.
At the end of your expedient, your hands were orange because of the rusty irons you were moving all day long and you had little cuts here and there, but nothing really bad. As it was going, it wouldn’t take long for you to finish cleaning and could even decorate it for him, making it feel more like home to you too.
You were liking it there. Of course, it was dusty, grey, sometimes rusty and hot all the time, but it was also very different from everything. Once you said goodbye to the cabins, then to the Village and maybe being away from Miranda’s dominance made you feel lighter.
You found some red fabric lying around somewhere, appearing to be forgotten, made some nature sketches on blank papers and put yellow lights on the bedroom and on Karl’s soon-to-be new working room. It looked cosy. You hoped he would appreciate it when he met the reformed wing, until then, you would keep quiet not to bother him.
Though, shortly after you finished decorating the bedroom, an event destroyed your plans of avoiding Heisenberg. On your daily route to what you would now call your wing, you crossed the kitchen and found an overcoat-less Karl trying to prepare a sandwich. He had any chef’s nightmare happening in that place. There were blunt knives flying around, a metal cup chasing the kettle spilling hot coffee all over the floor as he tried to open a bottle of whiskey and, finally, hot coffee hit Heisenberg’s chest and he screamed and cursed like a sore animal.
“FUCK!” He thundered, his word echoing in the corridor where you stood.
You couldn’t ignore that scene even if you tried. You were getting tired of not talking to him, you lived together now and all your few friends were slowly becoming distant memories. You would be happy to hear his voice, something else than gears rumble, even if it was cursing your predecessors.
As a powerful person, he would try to use his powers to do simple things and do a real mess instead. You felt compelled to give him some support, maybe it was a part of your mother’s care for others that lived in you too. You entered the kitchen headstrong, holding a laugh at his misery looks. Now he was stroking his shirt with a cloth and only noticed you when you were getting around the island.
You didn’t know, however, he never “never noticed” you. He felt your presence at the corridor before you saw him and he felt ashamed of you seeing him failing at a stupid task, and so forth his reaction was to be boorish.
“What?” He asked in a rude tone.
“Just let me help.” You offered, placing your hand in the air between you two. It wasn’t really an offer, you were just being polite, you would help him one way or another, you would have your small talk, but he wouldn’t give up so easily. “Please.” You asked, making the sweeter voice you could.
He huffed and threw the wet cloth on the sink. You took another cloth from one of the drawers – you were getting used to the utensils’ places –, wet it a little with water and looked at him, your head slightly tilted to the right.
“What is it, kitten?” Heisenberg questioned, roughly playful then.
“It is your shirt.” You pointed.
“Yes, it is dirty. Weren’t you trying to help?” He started to lose patience.
“Yeah, I am. It is just… You will have to take it off.” You let it out unpretentiously, although in your mind you were revengeful.
“Oh.” He understood and immediately took it off with so much easiness you wondered how many times he did that when you were so uncertain of it at your first day.
You had never seem him shirtless. To be quite sincere, you hadn’t seen many shirtless men in your life. The Village was a very cold town, once it was deep into a forest in the mountains, so even in the summer there wasn’t a hot weather, so people tended to keep their clothes on. Because of this, when he took it off you instantly blushed at his scarred chest.
He has what you would call a dad body. It isn’t really sinewy, although still very strong with thick arms and defined muscles. He has some belly, which means he isn’t a skinny person, but he isn’t fat also. And maybe you took too long looking at him like that and feeling weird feelings you would think about later that night.
“You’re almost drooling there, buttercup.” He teased you and when you quickly, but gently, started cleaning his chest with the cloth, so you wouldn’t have to answer, he gave up a deliciously loud laugh.
You laughed with him, making him laugh even harder. You didn’t want to admit it, but you liked it, this casual connection between you two. The laugh died a gradual death and you started moving you hand on his chest, feeling its warmth below the cloth. You could almost swear his breathing was getting faster and you saw he was biting his lips, maybe because you were taking too long. You didn’t want to finish, but you both know there wasn’t much coffee on him anyway.
You put the cloth with the other one in the sink and as you watered them, you saw him going to get his shirt that had been laying on the island.
“No, no, no.” You said, taking it from his hands kind brusquely, making him confused. “I need to wash these.”
“I see.” He said, raising his hands to show he wouldn’t try again, as a peace offer that made you grin.
“I can finish your sandwich for you, it will only take a minute.” You added, embarrassed to be so bossy with him.
“I will be at my office.” He told you and left without looking back.
You thought he got mad at you because of the shirt situation. It made you sad, you started having a nice approach. To compensate you made him a really good sandwich with the meat and vegetables you found in the refrigerator. Searching for food there you considered asking him to go see the Duke and buy supplies, maybe even hunt, because you didn’t have enough provisions. Anyway, you also prepared the coffee, poured a glass of cowboy whisky – sipped one, two or three times yourself – and cleaned what was there to be cleaned. It took more than one minute, but less than teen.
You were heading to his office when you heard a muffled noise. It sounded guttural and made you shiver. Electricity running through your body, making you feel hopelessly exposed, only that countered by the alcohol it felt good. You stepped carefully as you got closer to the door. You considered not knocking, but the noise made you knock.
“Just…” He gasped. “Leave it at the door, please.” Heisenberg was painting, but he asking “please” was what made up your mind, that politeness wasn’t usual, so you did what he requested.
You wanted to be around him on that day, but chose to respect his privacy. You didn’t imagine that his mind was blowing with you, he desperately wanted to continue the kitchen talk, but couldn’t give himself the chance once he was so close to perfecting the Soldats.
To ease your thoughts, as you were no longer requested at the factory, you tested your stealth skills and slipped to the forest behind it, caring your bow and arrows determinedly.
You were familiar with that area as you have hunted all around the Village, thus, you knew where to go to find good preys. It was by the lake were the deer stopped to drink water. It was far from the factory entrance, but again, you knew exactly what you were doing. When approaching the lake, you climbed a tree and waited.
It didn’t take long until a lonely deer appeared, unsuspicious. It leaned its head so it could reach the water level and started drinking it. You positioned one arrow, held your breath and did the physics magic. The arrow nailed its left eye. It didn’t scream, it was over very quickly.
You climbed the tree down, came closer to the body and tied it with the rope you brough from the factory. Your way back wasn’t effortless, you were slower due to the extra weight and the lycans sensed its blood, their sounds were all around you. They wouldn’t hurt your, though, somehow, they knew you were with Heisenberg.
It was past four in the afternoon when you reached the factory, panting with the effort of bringing the deer. Heisenberg was poking around for something in his front yard. He noticed you just as you appeared in his peripherical vision. He walked towards you, with an intrigued expression that transformed into an impressed one when he saw the deer.
“Some gifts you have there, kitten, ain’t gonna lie.” He commented, squatting to take a good look at the animal. “How did you do that?” It was clear he didn’t mean to offend, quite the opposite, he was genuinely curious.
“A girl has her secrets.” You answered, when you finally stop panting, shrugging when internally you are fulfilled someone knew about you hunting and didn’t seem mad at you.
He wasn’t even angry you left the factory without his permission, which made you happier. He stood below you with the animal for a few seconds more, than got up on his feed, laid his hands on your shoulders, well, on your skin hunting jacket, and said “You are really something, kitten.”
You fell for his words. You never wanted to feel that dependant on someone’s appreciation for you, but with him it was lighter. Karl took the weight of the world off your shoulders by bringing you there and kind off supporting you even though you had only spent little more than a month together.
“Thank you, my lord.” You spoke.
“Stop it. Call me Karl.” He said roughly, but good hearted. “Now, do you know how to clean this deer?” Heisenberg asked.
Usually, Duke would do it for you, although you knew the theory, you hadn’t much practice.
“I was hoping you could help me with it, Karl.” You suggested, toasting him a malicious smile.
“For fuck’s sake.” But he cursed laughing.
He cleaned this table at the garage and disposed the deer there. You helped him doing the messy job, learning with him what you only saw the Duke doing. It wasn’t pretty, but you were comforted by his presence and obstinacy. He probably did it often as it showed, but didn’t bother to take it slower so he could teach you.
Heisenberg enjoyed that night more than you could imagine. He didn’t care for the Soldats, they could wait, it was nice being around you for a change, not running away from your hair, your smile, your presence. For the first time in his life, he actually had someone who wanted to be around him.
Later your prepared venison, demi-glace, potatoes, a fresh arugula salad and both of your enjoyed dinner at the kitchen island with bottles of dark beer. He was funny, he was tripping over words a little, due to the alcohol, but his stories, oh man… He was a real brat. You told him about the cabins and the hunting. He listened carefully, never judging you and laughed at your silly manners, at your etiquette and, over all, loved your cook.
He slept in the bed with you, tired, amused and drunk, he sunk in his dreams. You stayed up a bit longer, resisting your lazy eyes temptations just to appreciate his scent, it would smell like burned wood.
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archaneanscribe · 4 years
A Fresh Brew Shared with You
(So I’ve been getting really into Trio of Towns, and spent about one in-game month throwing coffee at Wayne until he loved me, and I had a lot of time to imagine what was happening in game while I did sp, so enjoy the byproduct of that. I use my farmer’s name, farm name (Aime, and Bloom Farm) plus some animal names, but it’s pretty generic otherwise, as it’s focused on Wayne’s POV mostly.).
Bloom Farm hadn't always been the last stop on Wayne's postal route every morning.
When Aime had first moved in, she was solidly in the middle- he would work his way through the more local Westown residents, then mosey on down to Bloom, before taking the long way around to reach Tsuyukusa and Lulukoko. Back in those days, he would often catch a glimpse of her toiling away in her fields, maybe even snagging her attention long enough for them to exchange a wave. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Then the main bridges reopened, and during the ensuing reshuffling, he and Ethan had worked out that it would be best for him to stop at her farm at the very end to complete his loop of the crossroads.
And he stopped seeing her.
Well, that wasn't nearly accurate- he saw her throughout the day, running about like the busy bee she always was, and they might pass each other by at his other stops. But he no longer ran into her on her own property. By the time he arrived, she was inside her barns, milking the cows.
(He still remembers the taste of that glass of milk, so sweet, but not nearly as sweet as his host.)
It was simply how it panned out, but he couldn't help but feel a little pang of regret at losing those glimpses of her in her element, working the land like she dreamed for half her life.
And then Aime had to surprise him, as she always did.
It was an ordinary fall morning, the red dawn melting away to make room for the blue midday sky while he crunched fiery leaves beneath his boots. She only had one letter that day, which looked like nothing more than a materials invoice from Ludus. In and out, easy as pie. But when he got to her mailbox, he found a curious sight sitting right on it's flat wooden top.
A cup of steaming hot coffee.
He looked to both his sides, then around the box, then behind him, and finally at every which angle he could, resulting in him spinning around like a fool. Shrugging, he dismissed it as her forgetting her beverage in a rush. He pulled open the hatch-
-to find a note, with his name in large letters at the top.
I know you walk your whole route and my farm is pretty out of the way. That made me start feeling badly about how much mail I get everyday, which gave me an idea: Since you like coffee, I'd start leaving you a cup! Please write on the bottom of this note how it tastes, and how you most like your coffee so I can try and make that for you.
I'll be darned, he thought, unable to suppress a wide smile, Does that gal ever run out of ways to make my day?
He shook his head, gently placing the note back down like it was made of priceless crystal instead of hastily written on a torn piece of journal paper, and picked up the mug, still hot as all get out. That means he probably only misses her by a few minutes at most... Sniffing it, he took a tentative sip, smile instantly morphing into an ecstatic grin the moment his throat finished the first swallow.
"Delicious..." he said to no one in particular, punctuating it with another sip. It was your standard black coffee, straight from a packet, but this was brewed by Aime, for him, and she planned to do it every morning. There was no way it was going to be anything less than the best cup he ever had. Before he knew it, he had downed the whole thing, uncaring of the temperature, and was licking his lips to make sure he got every last drop.
Westown's famous playboy slobbering over his own face for any splashes of his crush's coffee. If only the town's gossip hounds could see him at that moment.
After his euphoria passed, he finally realized he was just standing outside her mailbox, letter in one hand and empty mug in the other. With no better solution in mind, he placed the cup back where he found it, before pulling a pencil out from his bag.
Thank you kindly for the coffee, it was divine. My favorite has got to be mocha, but it's hard to get a hold of in these parts, so no need to trouble yourself. It's more than enough for me to know you're thinking of me.
Content with his reply, he placed the note back in the box, covering it with her letter. He was mighty tempted to stay and wait for her, but his grumbling stomach had other plans. Oh well, he'd simply have to be satisfied with her coffee for now. 
As he made his way back to his room at the Postio, the grin on his face was enough to make the birds in the treetops swoon.
Despite what he had written, the very next day, he found a mug full of Cafe Mocha sitting on top of the mailbox. This time, the note was held down by the mug itself, penned on much nicer stationary.
I know you said don't worry about it, but Caolila recently had a large shipment of cocoa, so I couldn't help myself! Especially after remembering how much you enjoyed Vivi's milk. I have a cup myself every morning, so I don't mind doing it at all. I hope you have a great day today.
One again he was no match for this lass' tenacity, it seemed. He was going to be on the receiving end of her kindness no matter what he said.
Well, there was no use resisting now. Fully reconciled with the idea of this being a daily occurance (not that he needed much convincing), he decided to savor the beverage today, taking slow, luxurious sips. It would have been a good cup 'o Joe, even if he wasn't steadily falling for the woman who made it. Smooth and creamy, it was the perfect intersection of sweet and bitter. 
Despite trying to take his time with it, the experience was over before he knew it. He always enjoyed a good coffee, but he had never felt such a pain when it was over before.
...maybe he had it worse than he thought.
Two weeks into their caffeinated ritual, Miranda asked him a question that stopped him in his tracks.
"Thanks for the package as always, Wayne!" she paused, looking down at the box in her hands, before back up at the mailman, "Say... you never come by to buy coffee these days. Is somethin' the matter?"
"W-What? There's- Nothin's wrong, don't you worry."
Unfortunately, the fact that Wayne the Suave Postman tripped over his words was enough to tip just about anyone off that something was up.
She put her hands on her hips, and spoke in a tone that he was certain Noel had heard many a time in her short life, "Well I don't believe that for one hot second mister! Tell me what's eatin' you right now or I won't stop hounding you for the next week."
He knew she meant it.
"I've jus' been having coffee with Aime lately, is all. She makes too much, so she offers me a cup every mornin'," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. He wasn't particularly fond of lying, but if you told Miranda something worthy of gossip, it'd make the rounds by sundown, so he couldn't risk exposing his true feelings quite yet. Amie had to be the first to hear about them.
"Oh, is that so?"
...she seemed to know already, but at least had the decency not to make any accusations.
"I see now, but remember we've always got some in stock! Aime buys in bulk, so I always make sure I've got enough," she punctuated her statement with a wink. She definitely knew.
"...I'll keep it in mind, ma'am. See ya' later."
"Bye bye!"
Even if he wasn't totally convinced she was onto him from her words, by this point she definitely had to be, considering his face was as red as a rose right about now.
Another week after that, as he made his way down the slope that led into Bloom Farm, ready and eager for that day's mocha, it wasn't only a mug that he found sitting by the mailbox- it was Aime herself.
"Heya, Wayne!" she greeted him cheerfully, waving her arm in a large arc. He managed to successfully stifle his shock, though not so much his joy.
"Well, howdy there Aime. Shouldn't you be in that there barn by now?"
She smiled bashfully, "Normally I would, but Betsy the sheep is pregnant, so I've started doing it earlier in the day when I go to check up on her. Which means I've got some free time in the morning for awhile," she held up her own half empty mug, "So I thought I'd wait up for you. A hot drink is best shared with a good friend, after all."
"My grandma used to say the same thing," he replied, expression soft. Deciding to make himself comfortable, he pulled his bag over his head to place off to the side, laid his hat on a nearby fence post, grabbed the mug, and sat beside her on the porch steps. At first, not much was said, the pair instead choosing to mutually enjoy the warmth of the coffee in the crisp, chilly morning air.
"You talk about your grandparents a lot," she asked, cracking the silence like an egg, "What were they like?"
This took him aback briefly- it was his own fault, really, for keeping his past so close to his chest, but that was a rare question for him to hear.
"What were they like...?" he pondered aloud, blowing away the last wisps of steam from the steadily cooling mocha, "Well I'd reckon as nice as you could imagine. They weren't perfect people, nobody is, but they always tried their best to do right by each other, and everyone around 'em. Can't remember anyone ever having an unkind word to say when they were involved."
She giggled into the lip of her cup, shaking her head as she did so, "That sounds a lot like someone I know. You really take after them, if they were really like that."
"Shucks, that's mighty kind of you to say. I try and live like they taught me as best I can. Seems the only way I can repay 'em for all those years takin' care of me."
"Hmmm..." she brought her mug down to her lap, face pensive, "I'm sorry if this is too far, but... do you ever wonder if your life would have been different? If your parents stuck around, or even took you with them?"
He blinked blankly at her for a moment, at a rare loss for words, before quickly regaining his composure and shaking his head, "I can't lie and say I never have, but not for a very, very long time. I made my peace with it years ago. Maybe it wasn't the 'right' choice to leave me with grandad and grandma, but I couldn't imagine being very happy relocatin' all the time either."
That statement made her go quiet, and sent her gaze down to her feet, "It isn't very fun, you've got that right."
"I'm real sorry for being insensitive like that," he pulled the brim of his hat down in embarrassment, "I should have chosen my words more carefully."
"No no! You're fine!" she denied, frantically waving her free hand, "Our circumstances are totally different. We only moved every couple years, it wasn't constant travel or anything."
"Still, it couldn't have been easy on ya' if it was enough to make you decide striking out on your own was better than movin' again."
"That wasn't the only reason," she corrected, "It was just... what really spurred me to take to plunge. I figured the longer I was used to never settling down, the harder it would be when I was eventually able to follow my dreams. I was finally given my 'now or never' moment."
"Well," he knocked back his final sip of coffee, wiping his lips with his sleeve in exaggerated satisfaction, "Pardon me for sayin' so, but I'm glad it happened. You were the breath of fresh air these here towns needed."
She breathed out a quiet laugh, bumping her shoulder into his, the warmth of the contact even through cloth sending a pleasant tingle down his body, "You really are quite the charmer, Wayne. I'll admit to being a little slow on the uptake, so I didn't really get what everyone was tittering about you at first. But I definitely get it now."
If he were a lesser man, he would have tossed his hat into the air and hollered at that statement, but managed to resist.
But it was a close battle with himself.
"That so? Funny thing is, I feel like I'm at my clumsiest talkin' to you. You don't want pretty words or flattery like most folk. There's nothin' wrong with any of that, mind you, it's just easier than deep conversation."
"That's what I mean, silly," she replied with a dazzling smile, "Smooth talking Wayne is nice and all, you can't get to know everyone on a deeper level, but I definitely like the Wayne I know a lot better."
"What's this Wayne like?" he asked, dropping how voice down to his real flirtatious octave, "I'm mighty curious."
"He's earnest, very sweet, just a little bit silly, aaaaaand..." she dragged out the word, smiling growing to face splitting levels, before quick as a flash poking the tip of his nose, "...very cute."
Before he could reply, a nearly ear splitting BAAAAAAA arose from the nearby barn.
"Betsy!" she cried out, rising to her feet immediately, taking off in a run towards the sound, tossing only a single glance back at him, "Just leave the mugs there, I'll clean them up later! Goodbye!"
And with that, she was gone.
His hand rose to cover his nose like he hoped to trap the sensation there forever. His heart had thumped in his chest plenty of times for his other paramours, but it had never raced like a thoroughbred horse before he met her.
"Well I'll be," he said quietly to himself, "I'm in love with her."
The next time he was making his way to Bloom Farm, he had a very precious pendant hanging down from his neck which he could barely keep himself from fiddling with every few seconds.
Maybe it had been pretty obvious that their trajectories were in line for a crash, but he still felt like a million bucks knowing that she felt the same, enough so that it was her who had reached out to him.
The familiar fields came into view, and he immediately started searching the horizon for a glimpse of her, finally finding her dusting off her porch.
"Aime!" he called out, ditching any pretense of composure and sprinting towards her at full speed, which was worth it to see the joy on her face as he approached, "Mornin', darlin'."
"G'morning, Wayne," her grin had an edge of mischief, "Any mail today, or is this just a social call?"
"The only thing I have to deliver is myself today, I'm afraid to say."
"I think I'll be quite alright," her face softened, putting the broom aside and gesturing for him to come up with her, "Come on in, coffee's already brewing, and I tried my hand at making some cookies with Vivi's milk and Patty's eggs."
He nodded, following her with an expression he knew must have been downright lovesick. 
Maybe Bloom Farm hadn't always been the last stop on Wayne's postal route, but from now on, it would always be the last stop for his heart.•
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surprise performance ~ eminem
word count: 1288
request?: no
description: on the night of her first big award show, her boyfriend isn’t even responding to his text messages, but little does she know, he’s already there
pairing: eminem x actress!reader
warnings: swearing
i’ve had this in my drafts since the oscar performance and i wasn’t going to post it cause i didn’t think anyone would like it but fuck it it’s happening now
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She checked her phone again as they called for another commercial break. She sighed in annoyance upon seeing that her boyfriend still hadn’t responded to her text messages.
On any other occasion, she wouldn’t have been this pissed about. He had just released an album and was working on a tour for the album, she understood that. He wasn’t obligated to go to these award shows with her if he didn’t have to, and she knew how much he hated award shows.
But this was different. This wasn’t just any normal award show. This was the fucking Oscars, and (Y/N) was nominated for her first Oscar! In the Best Actress category too! This was a big deal for her, and Marshall knew that.
She wasn’t upset that he couldn’t come as her date, that was fine. But the fact that he wasn’t even responding to her texts was starting to piss her off. He may be planning a tour, but she knew he had at least a second to text her to wish her good luck, like he always did.
(Y/N) shook her head, trying to let the anger wash out of her. The last thing she needed was to be caught looking upset and have every entertainment news outlet write an article about why she looked so upset - they’d probably even twist the story to make it seem like she was angry if she lost the award.
They announced that the show was starting again and advised everyone to return to their seats. The lights went down and a spotlight lit up the stage. Lin-Manuel Miranda took the stage to announce a segment about music within films, and showed a compilation of famous movie scenes that included famous songs.
The compilation had the room grooving along to the songs, (Y/N) included. It started to lift her mood, until the instrumental for Lose Yourself started to play and scenes from 8 Mile were shown. Her slight annoyance returned for just a moment, but seeing Marshall’s face on the screen, she couldn’t help but smile.
The compilation ended and the opening chords to Lose Yourself began to play. (Y/N) sat up a little straighter, not sure if she was imagining the situation. An entire orchestra rose from the floor, and Marshall was stood in front of them, starting to perform his Oscar winning song.
The entire audience was in shock but were soon jamming out to the performance. Marshall had the entire room captivated. (Y/N) was glowing with pride for him. Her face was hurting from smiling for so long.
When the performance ended, (Y/N) was the first out of her seat, cheering the loudest as everyone followed. Another commercial break was called and (Y/N) immediately ran for backstage, determined to find Marshall as soon as possible. He was stood talking to some producers of the Oscars, his back to her. She ran for him - at least as fast as she could in heels - and jumped on his back, nearly pushing him over.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!” she asked, jumping off his back and properly giving him a hug.
“I wasn’t allowed!” he told her. “Sworn to secrecy. These fuckers had a snipper to my head on the regular. If I even hinted at it my head would’ve been gone.”
The producers laughed and continued on to make sure the rest of the show was going smoothly. Once they were gone, (Y/N) took Marshall’s face in her hands and kissed him.
“You could’ve at least answered my texts,” she told him. “I was starting to get upset. Full on ready to be a crazy bitch and start a fight.”
“You’re a crazy bitch anyways.” (Y/N) hit his arm. “See? You’re just proving my point.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come as your date, and I’m sorry I didn’t text you but I knew I’d accidentally tell you and ruin the surprise. I wish I could’ve seen your face.”
“Oh, I’m sure someone caught it on video,” she assured him.
“You know I would’ve walked the carpet and been in the audience with you if this wasn’t planned. I know this is a big night for you.”
(Y/N) smiled and leaned into him. “I know you would’ve. And because your surprise was so epic, I’m not as mad anymore.”
“Not as mad?”
“Yeah, I’m still mad cause you didn’t fucking tell me!”
Instead of going back to her seat, (Y/N) decided to stand backstage with Marshall until the Best Actress category was called. Suddenly, she was filled with nerves. She was shaking so bad she could barley even see.
Marshall squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. “Don’t worry about it, okay? Whatever happens, you’ll always be a winner.”
“That’s way too corny of a thing for you to say, say something insulting,” (Y/N) told him.
Marshall chuckled. “You’re a fucking loser.”
“Thanks, I needed that.”
The presenters gave a brief monologue about the nominees before presenting the award. The mere seconds of silence felt like forever as (Y/N) held her breath in nervousness. She could hear her heart pounding in her chest.
“And the Oscar goes to...(Y/F/N).”
(Y/N) nearly collapsed when her name was read out. Marshall wrapped his arms around her, holding her up while also hugging her tightly. Tears started running down her cheeks and she thanked her stylist for recommending waterproof mascara.
When she finally was able to compose herself, she walked onto the stage and accepted her award. She took a few deep breaths before beginning her speech.
“Wow, this is...wow,” she breathed. “I didn’t even prepare a speech, I really didn’t think I’d win. Um...first and foremost, thank you to the cast and crew. Everyone worked so hard to make this movie a possibility and, I know it’s cliché, but every one of you guys deserve this Oscar too. I wish I could just list off everyone but I’d be here all night. Of course, thank you to my mom and dad who were always there for me, who always hyped me up and told me I could do whatever I put my mind to.”
(Y/N) looked over her shoulder, spotting Marshall standing backstage, watching her speech. “And finally, thank you to the absolute love of my life, Marshall Mathers. Before I even met you, you were such an inspiration to me, and ever since we started dating you’ve been so supportive of me and you’re always pushing me to take any movie opportunities that come my way. You always believe in me, and if it weren’t for you I might’ve let this role pass me by. I owe so much to you, I love you so much. Thank you, and thank you to the Academy for this award.”
The crowd cheered as (Y/N) walked off the stage, gripping her Oscar so tightly as if her life depended on it. Everyone standing backstage cheered and congratulated her. She thanked them all quickly and made a beeline for Marshall, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him deeply, so lost in her happiness that she forgot the full room behind them.
“Let’s go back to my hotel room,” she told him.
“You don’t want to wait for the end of the show?” he asked her, although he didn’t look like he was about to fight back on the idea of leaving.
“Why? I already got my award. And this statue is pretty cool, too.”
Marshall smiled, kissing her again before wrapping an arm around her waist and escorting her out of the building.
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More therapy thoughts part 1/?
Behavior Theory Frameworks/Conditioning and What the fuck does Master Chief talk about in therapy?
Ramblings below - like a lot, like I spent too much time writing this and you should not read this
Behavioral Theory could work well as a framework with rehabilitating Spartan IIs if the case worker focused on Operant Conditioning Theory and Cognitive Social Learning Theory, which I talked about in this ask because I think I’m funny and this blog is an archive of me applying human behavior theories to video games.
Spartans have always been taught the mission comes first! Always! The 2s are indoctrinated from age 6-14 and then have that reinforced the rest of their lives. From the beginning they are taught to push themselves to the limits, earn their food by winning, form bonds with teammates but be ready to sacrifice them for the mission. The whole lives wasted vs spent conversation between John and Mendez after the augmentation surgery!
What the UNSC/ONI wants comes before their lives, the lives of other soldiers, civilians, AI etc. This constant conditioning of expectations and rewards has created the norms cemented in their minds. This becomes standard operating procedure.
Spartans are also an entirely separated social group, other people have made really great posts on how they are Othered and have their own way of communicating with body language. ODSTs hate Spartans, marines see them as cyborgs or saviors, and while they’re allies, Spartans are not seen or treated as human, by literally everyone. They are a means to an end, with the original goal being to maintain the UNSC’s position of power and crush the insurrectionists in the outer colonies, but uh oh Aliens!
Maybe the 2s aren’t as expendable as the 3s but the mindset and reinforcement of “mission first, people second” being repeated their entire lives is going to stick. So is the constant mistreatment and abuse from their fellow soldiers and handlers. 
Addressing the cognitive distortions that come from their upbringing while also balancing the fact that Spartans are so fundamentally different from the way they developed to survive would be so much work, especially considering how much information on them is given to their therapist.  The main distortion I would apply is minimization, making large problems small and not properly dealing with them, and specifically for John, personification, accepting blame for negative events without sufficient evidence. 
Like these are grown ass super soldiers who can kill you in less than a second and calculate the amount of gravity in a room on the fly but then also can flounder when trying to comfort civilians or make small talk because their experiences and values are so alien to adults who had more developmentally “normal” lives. 
Literally applying therapy to Spartans would be like, what was done to you was wrong, the ends do not justify the means, you were children and the adults in your life failed to protect you. You are a human person who is fallible and did the best you could with what you had. And the Spartan would say, “sounds fake but okay, can I pass my psych eval and go back to war now please?”
Jumping back to Behavior Theory
Different approaches to therapy under the Behavior Theory umbrella help modify negative behaviors with treatments like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical behavior therapy that teach individuals adaptive coping like emotional regulation, distress tolerance, cognitive distortions, and interpersonal communication. And that’s just one framework under the umbrella of human behavior theories.
Social work therapy is different from psych as it approaches individuals with heavily researched, evidence-based theories and frameworks in a holistic viewing of person-in-environment, instead of a strong focus on internal psychology. 
Social work looks at all the interacting systems, environment, history, and internal and external factors affecting an individual. One of the most useful frameworks is the Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Frameworks (BPSS) when helping a client. It helps with identifying all the intersecting factors, both risk and protective, that shapes a client’s lived experiences. The most important thing to remember is that the individual is an expert in their own life, they know their experiences best.
The hardest part is applying this to Spartans because they Are So Fucked, their lived experiences, their environments and systems and institutions interacting with them, and the amount of their personal information that is probably so classified.
BPSS is a tool to help social workers assess individuals and their situations by collecting info that is related to the presenting issues and current and past circumstances. Info like medical history, hospitalizations, substance abuse, mental illness, personal relationships, family history and background, culture and norms, education, legal history, spirituality and participation etc. is all under this framework. 
For Spartan 2s most of this info is lost or classified and helping someone who has repressed every negative emotion they've had for the sake of the mission would be so much to unpack but that’s also why you’re reading the mad ramblings over an over caffeinated nerd on the internet.
Life Course Theory which looks at developmental milestones and the individual’s experiences versus the socially expected markers, how do you apply that to children who were taken and have lived such different lives? 
While early adolescence is when “normal” development of thoughts of self and identity take place alongside the physical changes of puberty, Spartans were being turned into emotionless calculating weapons. Sorry John, no forming a sense of identity and peer bonds for you, go kill that Watts guy who betrayed us and joined the insurrectionists. 
And now that I’ve gone this insane and opened 2 whole textbooks up, let’s get to Master Chief thoughts. If you’ve read this far thank you, I swear I’m normal, 2020 has just been a weird year. 
Why the fuck did I think I could write a therapy fic on a guy with 20 minutes of actual dialogue across almost 2 decades of games?
I make fun of him and call him a himbo, but he’s smart, he knows he’s being used and there is resentment there that’s been building for years. 
There’s also decades of trauma and combat experience, physical, and emotional abuse, the lack of a support network,  lack of an identity, the biological factors and aftermath of the augmentations and injuries he’s received, a whole lot of grief and self-inflicted guilt. 
The loss of a third of his peer group with the augmentation surgery, Sam’s death, the loss of Reach (the only place he’s considered home), Keyes, the Pillar of Autumn crew, Miranda Keyes, Johnson, Cortana. He cares about the marines who fight with him!!!
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He just stands there and takes it and rarely snaps, and even then it’s just small cracks on the surface with fissures running deep. The few details I will pull from Halo 5 are Blue Team’s reactions to John pushing himself so hard from the beginning of the game, and the literal crack in his armor from the fight with Locke. Like dude.  
John’s a leader and will get the mission done but he tugs on the leash. He’s earned enough of a reputation and uses it to get his way.
Halo 2’s “Permission to leave the station” with Mr. “I’m going to hand deliver a bomb to the fusion reactor of a covenant supercarrier and hope my friends catch me”. 
Halo 4 is when we see him say no to a superior officer and then 5 is him going AWOL. Palmer literally points out that no one is going to stop him.
Halo 5 kills me for many reasons but John bringing up Halsey and what she did to him and also pointing out that he knows Halo 5 Cortana is trying to manipulate him with psychological tactics hurts. 
He knows what’s been done to him!
I cannot remember which book it was but John isn’t used to working alone. He literally takes fire because he was expecting someone to have his back! 
He’s lost without Cortana! She was in his brain! Y’all! I played Halo Combat Evolved on the original xbox when I was like 8 and I knew these two were meant to be together. From the moment they met they had great chemistry and relied on each other! Cortana literally goes after people who have it out for John! John wants her approval and shows off for her in one of the books. 
I’ve already written too much here but like all of the games have John showing off for Cortana, making dry jokes, jumping out of things he shouldn’t. 
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The whole point of this rambling is to try and get my thoughts about how to approach John’s character under control.
And that’s the thing. He’s lost control. He’s lost people, he’s losing his position and being phased out as an aging spartan, a relic. John’s used to following orders and making some decisions on the battlefield but it was always short term.
He has no identity beyond being a weapon. Complete the mission, clear the LZ, get put in cryo. Rinse, repeat. 
The timeline of the games are what I'm most familiar with but with the comics and books too it’s one long run from Halo 2 to Halo 4. Cairo station to the Dreadnought to the crash landing to Forward Unto Dawn to Requiem to “The Didact is Dead but not really but we’ll deal with him off-screen”.
I know Hood apparently gave John R&R orders before Halo 5 that he ignored and kept running himself into the ground. This is a man who has to keep moving and keep being useful. 
I imagine him giving in and seeking help as a last resort to fix any problems he has with performing his duties rather than helping himself be healthier. 
Any professional he sees is going to have to approach him like they’re approaching a self sacrificing feral cat, with lunch meat and quiet. This man needs to have his support network closer, set up long term goals, and do some serious, and most likely incredibly painful, self reflection on where he’s come from and where he wants to go. Get him out of that tin can and into therapy. I don’t have a nice neat ending because this was a ramble and also therapy is not neat and tidy. Thanks for reading my words about mr halo
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splatterchatter · 3 years
Resident Evil Village  AKA Ethan, for the love of God grow a personality the same way you grew a hand, I’m begging you
Now, I am sure that anyone who has been on the internet the last couple of months is aware that there is a new Resident Evil game due to one Lady Dimitrescu in the promotional material for the game. Now, don’t get me wrong, a giant middle-aged vampire woman is worth the internet’s admiration, but it turns out that there is a lot more going on in this game, which I feel wasn’t advertised as much. So I am here with a review of all things that you missed while pledging your undying devotion and loyalty to Lady Dimitrescu, or one of her daughters. While I will attempt to make this a spoiler-free as possible, I can’t promise I won’t give things away so read on at your own risk if you haven’t played/watched the game yet.
Resident Evil Village, or Resident Evil 8, starts with a fairytale about a little girl who gets lost in the forest and receives gifts from a bat, a spider, and a sea monster before she takes a gear that is not a gift, leading to her to be confronted by an evil witch. Before we get to the end of the tale, we are transported to Mia and Ethan Winters' living room where Mia has been reading to their 6-month-old baby Rosemary. It is established pretty quickly that Mia and Ethan’s relationship is a bit strained since the events in Louisiana, which is understandable, and have been relocated to Europe by Chris Redfield in hopes that they can put the past behind them. As you can imagine, given that this is a Resident Evil game, the calm family scene doesn’t last long and once again Ethan is thrown into horrors beyond his imagination to try and save his child. Ethan, oh Ethan, you are by far the most boring video game character that I believe I have ever encountered. While his confusion and overall horror didn’t bother me too much in Resident Evil seven given how bat shit crazy that situation was for a man who was in IT before that all started, I could give him some leeway. However, after one bat shit situation, when your child is kidnapped and there are lycans running around a small European village, you eventually stop saying what and why all the time and start getting a bit of a personality other than screaming “WHERE IS MY BABY” over and over. Also, Ethan, you have fought enough people to know that you don’t have a whole conversation with them because that always ends poorly and yet on THREE SEPARATE OCCASIONS you have a whole dialogue before getting thrown into some sort of trap or almost killed. I mean you have a character who just reattaches his hand multiple times between 7 and 8 and he is still supremely boring and has no character development. Sliced white bread is more interesting than this protagonist, even with the twist. Now, did I get emotional at the end, yes, but that wasn’t because I gave a shit about Ethan so much as Chris Redfield's reaction to the whole thing. I mean, the character introduced in the after credit scene is more interesting in seven seconds than Ethan was in two entire games. While Ethan was terribly boring, there were several interesting characters, both protagonists and villains, that were underutilized in this game. To start with, a much more interesting game would have been to have the main character be Mia, post her life of lies and their consequences, having to track down her child and come to terms with what she did that led to the events in 7. While I also found Mia getting on my nerves in this game, it was mostly because she was sidelined to snipping at Ethan, not telling him the truth (because that went so well last time), and constantly shrieking questions. Mia was an operative and could have been fleshed out to be a super badass character if they had given her more purpose and screen time. However, you didn’t even need to flesh out Chris Redfield because he has been a staple in the Resident Evil games since the first one. There is already this rich backstory and he was more interesting in the half-hour we see him in the game and I felt for him more than Ethan who I’ve been with for two games. This is a man who's seen the carnage of Umbrella for years at this point and it’s wearing on him. Show me the story of Chris and his team, who were interesting in their own right, going god damn feral on an Umbrella facility. Basically, give me a main character with some sort of personality, I'm begging you. Hell, Beneviento’s little doll was more complex than Ethan.
  Speaking of Beneviento, while I felt that all the villains were pretty well-rounded, I didn’t think that we have enough time with any of them. Lady Dimitrescu is in the game for a surprisingly short time for all the hype she was given. Now, I don’t blame the developers for this as her castle is the first area of the game and therefore what they had completed first to show off to the world. However, I feel that each of the four houses could probably have been their own games, but instead, we were given just enough to get interested in them, and then they were dead. Lady Dimitrescu wanted to live with her daughters, Beneviento wanted to be left alone with her dolls, Moreau just wanted Mother Miranda's approval and Heisenberg wanted to kill Miranda for what she did to him. Heisenberg especially, I wanted to know more about and his history before Miranda. What did he lose when she brought him into her experiment? What did they all lose? There are enough questions there that I felt every section, besides perhaps Moreau’s, ended far too quickly to feel satisfying. At this point, you probably think that I hate the game, which is not the case. I actually found it really entertaining and a pretty good video game. However, I am a huge story person and while no Resident Evil game is a piece of storytelling genius, it doesn’t mean that I’m not going to talk about the things that bothered me. One thing that this game did exceptionally well is the visuals. This game is absolutely beautiful and all of the areas have their own distinct atmosphere and look. If you are a fan of Resident Evil Four, which most people are, the beginning of this game is going to give you the same ambiance with much better graphics. God, what I wouldn’t have given to have Leon kicking people down ladders in this game. While Lady Dimitrescu is far more interesting than Ramon Salazar, don’t get me wrong he is the one Resident Evil villain that I have never forgotten, they have the same thoughts on interior design. Then the Beneviento house and Monreau’s sections were more like 7 and the factory was a new and very beautiful set piece. An utterly stunning game. Resident Evil Village is also in the same vein as Resident Evil 4 in that it is much more action-horror than survival horror. While the Beneviento house is properly scary, the rest of the time you know that you’re going in shooting. I feel as if her house also has the scariest monsters, though there are only a couple. Don’t get me wrong, the lycans look cool and Heisenberg’s monsters are solidly in the realm of body horror, but you get a gun early and use it often. Resident Evil 7 was far more tense, even with weapons, because you have no idea where the family members were and usually they could easily kill you until you got into their boss fight. Again, it’s a fun game, but if you expected the same tension as in 7, you will only have it in a small area of the game. Overall, this is a fun and beautiful game, but not without fault. I am still craving the game with Mia as the main character because I feel as if that would be a much more interesting story. Nothing against Ethan, he was just written that way. I am really hoping that if there is a Resident Evil 9 it follows Chris just laying waste to an Umbrella headquarters because the man deserves it if anyone does. I mean, my dream is a Chris Leon team-up, but that is just the fangirl in me. Chris and Claire would be fun too. Basically, anyone with a personality. I would say that this game is worth the money, but not without fault. Now I am just crossing my fingers for a Resident Evil four remake because I need to see my boy Leon again as well as the president’s daughter popping out of a dumpster like a gopher with stunning graphics.
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shiroganeryo · 4 years
ah, if you're still doin the character thing, how about Lenalee? (I didn't see anybody asking about her, but if sb did, sorry! maybe Johnny then?)
I’m sorry for the delay on replying to this one! This is probably the last ask thingy I’ll be doing for the Character Questions, as they take me some time to type and I’ve been busy 💓 But thank you all very much for the interest in these, I really love writing for stuff like this! I’ll be covering both Lenalee and Johnny in this one - so, a two character reply again! I was hoping someone would give me Lena so the OT4 was complete, but I also really love Johnny... 😭 
My otp for them: With Lavi! I had never paid much attention to the two of them as a couple, but after I reread the series last year, they have grown on me. Lavi has been Lenalee’s emotional support many times and it’s clear he cares about her. People would consider that the time he snapped at her for grieving over “losing Allen” was bad, but I quite don’t think he meant harm; rather, I think he kinda acted on impulse because he wanted her to feel better. He marvelously made up for that during the following arcs (”I didn’t come here to stop you; this is your decision to make. Just let me come along.” - 150th Night). Those interactions made me like them a lot as a pairing. My brotp for them: Miranda! She played a big part in Miranda’s life, and I’m sure they got really close thanks to that. Imagining them doing all the girly things together without a care in the world makes me so happy 🥺 It’s like getting to see the happy girl Lenalee could have been, if she weren’t another victim of the war. I also used to ship them because I have no self-control apparently, so. XD Any other ships: Have you all ever considered her and Emilia? 💦 Both share guts and very strong legs, it seems. I can picture them bonding easily over shared interests and it makes me weak. I also love Lenalee and Kanda’s relationship, so they also get the cake here. As for Allen, they make a beautiful pairing, but only when it comes to appearance to me; imo they would need to work many things out, personally speaking, to work in a healthy way for both. Their best friend: Miranda, Jeryy and Kanda! Miranda, for the reasons stated above; Jeryy, because he was her “motherly figure” when she was growing up and needed a feminine, understanding input from someone she could feel comfortable around. And Kanda, due to their relationship as “childhood friends”, in a way. Lenalee loves everyone close to her, but I see these three being the ones she’s the closest to. My favorite nickname for them: “Lena”, given by Kanda. It just sounds so cute and delicate; it suits her. My favorite AU headcanon of them: People often say they would like to see Lenalee abandon the Order and join Allen’s side. I say the opposite; she should stay. She could be a big helping hand on throwing a rebellion of sorts that could benefit him from the inside. That way she wouldn’t need to abandon the people she loves for Allen’s sake, but would still be on his side, on her own way. My favorite outfit they wear: Lenalee has the cutest chinese themed outfits! The ones I love the most are the one she used during the Zombie arc, and this one I saw her wearing on Gray Log. She looks so darn cute, too precious for this world. *gross sobbing* Defining color: When I think of her, I think of several shades of green, namely Fern (#4F7942) and Pine (#01796F). I also think of deep red (#D30000), because of the ribbons she uses on her hair and the shapes of her Crystal Type Innocence. Would I date them: Lenalee is a strong, amazing girl! However, I wouldn’t date her. She can also be headstrong, and so am I hahah At times, I find myself thinking we’re similar in the way we’re insistent (at the risk of being unreasonable) about some things and I quite don’t see that working out at all 😅 First impression: Bland. Nice character, but her design didn’t interest or stand out at all to me. Dark Boots are an awesome Innocence though! Current impression: I really like her. Not one of my favorite characters, and I have a lot of criticism when it comes to Lenalee, but I love her design and the development she got so far. I started taking her more seriously after the fight against Eshi; it was one heck of an awesome fight! The way she put everything on the line on that suicidal move was impressive; so badass. Hogwarts House: As much as I would love to assign her to Gryffindor for her commendable courage, Lenalee’s home is in Hufflepuff! Before anything else, she cares deeply for the people she loves, and will sacrifice herself for them without thinking twice. Loyalty and kindness are her most prominent trait, but that doesn’t make her a pushover in the slightest. Which Pokemon starter they’d be: Torchic! According to the Pokédex entries, Torchic feels warm to the touch and this makes it very huggable. I have this type of impression about her, warm and welcoming. It also develops a fighting type upon evolving, and Blaziken are well known for their strong legs and jumping capacity!
My otp for them: With Cache! I’m very weak for couples where the woman looks (and is) stronger than the guy, and we’ve seen her carrying Johnny to the medical wing before - an occurence that, according to her, happens a lot. He seems to have a crush on her, seeing his reaction (fidgety, blushing) when he was saying goodbye to his science friends. According to Vol. 27′s Discussion Room, the scrunchy he’s using to tie his hair used to be hers, and I love how Allen went “hmm, I see...” when he told them she had given it to him hahah (it’s alright, Allen; I ship it too 👌) My brotp for them: Allen, hands down. Differently from what people say, Johnny has always supported and cherished Allen, what he’s doing for him now isn’t out of the blue. It was actually what Johnny told him that started to change his perception on things and realize that his heart longed to be with the ones he loves despite the hardships (”As Johnny Gill and your friend, I’m going to help you!”, - 215th Night). He loves him, and I can tell how important he is for Allen too; he was able to come back from Nea’s inner world thanks to Johnny’s calling that reminded him of his ties with everyone in “Home”. This part has some of my favorite scenes from the entire series; Johnny didn’t even bat an eye, he simply jumped for Allen. I called it Allen would avoid their fall, but Johnny patting his head in happiness and relief and then hugging him, to which Allen returned, as relieved and happy for having come back... It was so sweet and hopeful. It brings good tears to my eyes!  Any other ships: I don’t have any~ Their best friend: I think Johnny is friends with pretty much all of his buddies from the Science Division, but I notice him being closer to Reever. I would like to mention Suman as well; despite him being deceased, Johnny still seems to hold a fond memory of him. And then comes Allen who’s clearly someone important to him, and it doesn’t seem to be one-sided, judging by the time they (used to) spend together having fun. My favorite nickname for them: I don’t have one! But Johnny deserves cute nicknames, let’s give him some, Hoshino-sensei? 👀 My favorite AU headcanon of them: I don’t have one because Johnny is already perfect as a character and for the plot as he already is imho. All I wish is for him to survive until the ending. Hang in there, Johnny! Allen needs you, but for all you’ve been doing, you deserve to make it out alive and earn your own happiness! My favorite outfit they wear: Out of all the characters, I feel like Johnny is the one that has the most “stripped-down” style, quite modern looking. But I love his current outfit the most! He looks great in vests and the long coat definitely reminds me of the lab coats he used to wear while in the Order. I also like a lot more how his hairdo is atm, it looked a little painful to have tied for too long in the previous style (similar to pigtails). His new frame glasses are also pretty! Gives him a more serious look. Defining color: Curiously enough, I think of an array of varied colors when I think of Johnny? I can’t seem to be able to pick one. There is black, yellow like Mustard (#FEDC56), brown like Cherrywood (#CB6F36) and blue like Maya (#73C2FB), to name some. Would I date them: But of course! Johnny is the sweetest guy I’ve ever seen. He gives off all the geek vibes, but not on the annoying way; he looks like the type of person that would talk lots about things that make him happy, excitedly, while you’d look at him go, feeling blessed with all the bright energy vibes emanating from him. He’s also shown to be extremely supportive, and honestly, everyone deserves someone like him 🥺 First impression: Regular geek scientist guy? Current impression: *incoherent sobbing* I love him so much! Why does Johnny not have more appreciation?! Why do people think he’s annoying??? Anyone who loves Allen gotta admit this guy is the MVP. He’s the trope you’d expect for a smartsy science guy, and at the same time, he’s not only that. I’ve babbled enough on that in the reply under this question. Hogwarts House: I’m in a tie between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but I think I would give him Gryffindor. People would be quick to place him in Ravenclaw for his smarts and his love for learning, but this guy is extremely courageous. Despite being seen as “weak” and fragile, he was the one to stand up for Allen in multiple occasions throughout the series. He’s also the one who confronted the Earl to ask him what he wanted with the 14th (196th Night), while no one had really questioned or directly talked to him. He left the Order to go after Allen, knowing he was awakening as a Noah (which is already dangerous on its own) and would be in constant situations of peril because of Akuma and other Noah. Johnny, the “regular guy”, did all that, having no care as to what could happen to him. So, Gryffindor for his extreme courage, but maybe Hufflepuff for his honest loyalty and goodness. Which Pokemon starter they’d be: Grookey! The way Grookey and its evolutions handle wood makes me think they’re skilled Pokémon that can craft things and know how to use them as instruments, just like Johnny does with his scientific creations. The tied “hair” also reminds me of him!
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nicknellie · 4 years
Honestly the fact that March is in two months is actually horrific. Also that’s a mood, my sleep schedule has been weird due to Covid as well. (and technically good night to you when I get this down in like the next hour)
Box stuff
1. Exactly, Alex tells Luke how exactly to get back on good terms with his parents and at the same time tells him how dumb he was but lovingly and of course since it’s Alex Luke immediately listens.
I love that, also he was close to his teachers. Like he would be the one to tell them if Luke (for example) had a bad night and to let him skip the class and the teacher would begrudgingly agree just because they know that Alex is true to his word and will make sure that he’s caught up on everything. Honestly I don’t really feel like Alex is a teachers pet as well but he did get along with his teachers.
Actual points (that did make sense)
Oh my goodness yes, Emily will deliberately try to remember embarrassing Luke stories just so Alex can bring it up.
‘Bold words for someone who cried when they didn’t get to go on the tea cups’
Precisely, they gave the chance for Luke to make up with Emily if he wished because they didn’t really have anything to say to their parents. Agreed, and that’s some thing I hope season two expands on because they had to have friends outside of the band even if they were closer with the band than anyone else they definitely had some acquaintances. Imagine people making tributes 🥺 (honestly I feel like they were all kind of done with school and that Bobby if he didn’t quit like the other boys then he probably did not return). But I love that idea. I feel like Alex had a little sister as well, and that’s a really good theory I feel like it would make sense that Mitch and Emily were a bit more overprotective about the band and everything if they had a miscarriage. Because they want Luke to do so well that to them committing himself to a band that might not take off wasn’t the path to go and they were worried. Agreed, honestly if anything sometimes I just think to myself that the three of them are only children however I feel like it would also work if they had a younger or older sibling (Alex having a younger one and Reggie having an older one).
That’s relatable I’ve had quite a few songs I’ve only listened tofor a bit and then immediately fall in love with them. I hadn’t heard the song before but I checked it out and I agree. If you like it is some thing that Rose wrote towards them just to remind them not to give up. Because, while wake up was personal to Julie and to remind her to keep doing music this song would kind of be Roses way to say all the words she never got to say but not like in an Unsaid Emily way. (Exactly how you said it lol)
I feel like they had a piano as well, so one day Julie does play it for them and it’s so sad.
3. Oh my goodness, Willie setting the kitchen on fire and then Alex trying to help him is everything. And yes he does need to be banned from the kitchen, is the type who would burn water. Yes, every single time Luke and Reggie try to receive the book for Alex just so that he has something to look at but he’s just like ‘nope I don’t need it anymore’
Board games and jam (that is honestly just monopoly and among us at this point)
1. I’m glad this made you laugh because I find it hilarious as well. And that’s exactly what happens because Alex waits for Reggie to be completely unprepared and just like Luke he sends a drumstick at him.
Honestly I’m the one who wrote the sentence and at first I interpreted that way as well. Just like Alex has thrown drumsticks of the band so many times that he has perfected his skills is so true.
He does and Willie is just crying laughing in the corner because Alex is throwing drumsticks at Caleb. I love how Alex just doesn’t stop and Caleb eventually it’s just like okay I guess I will continue on with my evil speech. But he continues to get hit with drumsticks, although he doesn’t understand how.
Among us
I love that so much. That is exactly what happens and bonus points if Alex looks Willie straight in the eye when he kills him. And Alex isn’t even subtle about it he legitimately just follows Willie and kills him immediately.
That is so cruel but hilarious. Building off of that idea a little bit the first time someone finds Luke’s body is Alex and he runs away. After that round Luke is so hurt but Alex is like we’re all just going to be suspicious of each other and there’s no point.
How Flynn has the rules memorized no one understands but she will legitimately say ‘in section B point 2 it says blah blah blah’ and she is always correct.
I love the example you chose was someone, probably Willie, moving three squares instead of two and Flynn just loses it. (bonus points if just like Alex she will throw something at you but it’s usually the rule book and or her piece)
I do have to agree with you but at the same time Alex being friends with Flynn and the two of them plus Julie making friendship bracelets is adorable to me. But with your point, legitimately they are always in agreement together. One time Alex even lies about the rules and just because Flynn is done with Luke, she will agree with him.
I do have to agree with you, I may not start arguments but I am definitely the type to be like ok this is your turn and you have to go twice ect. And as we should
Alex never has any pity for Reggie struggles, legitimately Reggie will not understand how Uno is played and Alex will just be like ‘oh sad, now draw 4’ (I have no clue why I chose Uno but that’s the route I’m going down)
2. That was exactly my intent. And yes, Alex does say that.
6. Honestly Willie trying to have a discussion with Alex and then Alex just panicking while the guys are laughing in the corner is everything.
Actually I haven’t seen Miranda before but I will have to check it out and the American version because anything that has Cheyenne Jackson in it needs to be seen at some point. I don’t know why but that just gives me total Alex energy like Willie just offhandedly asked him about some thing and Alex is immediately agrees although in real life the statement is very false. (Honestly I feel like we’ve already talked about three AU here but you definitely should)
8. Luke- yes he is very selfless which upsets Alex who usually is the one who reminds him to proceed with his day and do things. Also agreed, the band means so much to him that he couldn’t be cocky even is he tried (unless it’s about the others talents)
Reggie- I love his solo in stand tall as well, I don’t think you’ve mentioned that before but that lyric is really good from now or never. (Honestly part of the reason why I love those song so much because both Alex and Reggie have solos in them)
I haven’t listened much to his new EP either but I’ve listened to Uh oh and ballerina (really good)
Alex- exactly, honestly I feel like that scene was kind of uncharacteristic on Luke’s part. Because throughout the show we see him being supportive of Alex and trying to get Alex to appreciate his talent more (after now or never basically him being like Alex you killed it come on) so him basically saying that they don’t need drumming anymore is a bit weird.
Precisely, whenever anything goes wrong they usually turn to Alex because although it may not go the best way he’s always the best person to handle it
Bobby- same here, it’s easier to talk about a character if you know how exactly they are/how they react to things
Umm this is painful. Thinking about Luke being left behind hurts, also your right. Honestly I feel like if any of them and Luke especially lost each other then they would probably lose music because the greatest attachment they have to music is each other. (Which for Luke is a big thing) oh my goodness thinking about him going to the studio and just crying because he’s thinking about the boys is everything. Also thinking about Luke unconsciously going home and just seeing the boys in simple stuff that his parents are doing is heart crushing. Aw just Luke and Emily going to hug each other is adorable, honestly it would be amazing to see him talk about the fact that he lost the boys and then slowly she becomes supportive of his music and, despite what I said earlier, eventually he releases a tribute to them.
17. Yes exactly, bonus points if the wave that Caleb does is the one that he did after Alex says ‘Willie and I. I mean I wouldn’t call it magic’
‘Do what you gotta do’ and nothing to lose are some of the best technically villain songs and Cheyenne Jackson does such a good job at them that honestly seeing his character turn good would be sad. (But that would also mean more songs in general possibly and not losing the character so it’s hard to decide)
19. Exactly, they all just end up attacking each other with snowballs that it’s hard to keep alliances. Also yes, Willie has a really keen eye for perfect moments to throw snowballs.
Agreed, it will be exciting to see them grow as actors and also how they grow in general because as you spend more time with castmates you get closer to them and that chemistry is more evident on screen which will also help out. It’s interesting because the show has kind of like a perfect balance of actors who are in stuff before so they have previous acting experience and actors who haven’t really. So seeing them get more recognition especially for the ones who have been in stuff before but aren’t really recognize/popular because of that is amazing. (also the fact that quite a few of them have picked up learning a new instrument and or in general can play quite a few instruments so I hope that they will experiment with that during the second season)
Agreed, just wouldn’t want the show to have too many villains to the point where it gets overwhelming and just repetitive. Honestly Willie turning the ghost club into a skate park just out of spite for Caleb would be amazing.
I have no clue why but the ‘you’d better run’ made me think of that ‘why are you running’ vine and now I can see Carlos saying that just to be funny.
21. Oh yea Willie almost got arrested while he was alive. Honestly if anything I think that he was running from the cops before he died so he was almost going to get arrested for sure.
Exactly, bonus points if it’s Alex who actually did the graffiti just because he knew that Reggie was upset and although he teases Reggie so much, he will be the first one to say something if anyone ever hurt him.
25. Exactly, also love the ‘she’s going to kill me again’ like Caleb is scary but if you hurt Alex then Carrie is most definitely scarier. That’s how the talk goes, word from word. And yes although Carrie is more so all bite no bark, the boys would’ve definitely killed willie if he hurt Alex. They would find a way, it’s definitely possible. I feel like while all of them would know that Willie wouldn’t actually hurt Alex. They say that just in case because they love Alex and if there’s a slight chance that someone could hurt him then they want to make sure that the person knows repercussions will happen.
They are perfect for each other lol
32. Exactly, and Alex just brushing off the dirt of Reggie‘s jacket and being the mom friend is very in character. Also the handing over the cookies, and Bobby goes with him just to make sure that Reggie doesn’t get lost again. (Luke was probably with Reggie when he got lost and or is the one who wandered off and lost Reggie while doing so)
37. He can do the impossible though I feel like that’s definitely canon. It does makes sense, if anyone can be trusted to do something that is hypothetically impossible it’s definitely Reggie. It will definitely be done in the weirdest way but Reggie will always pull through.
Oh my goodness ‘the timeout corner’ I love that. They are preschoolers thought especially with lighters. Yes, that is the only time Alex did not realize that Reggie had a lighter and of course it was the time that Reggie set Luke on fire. (Love the fact that you said he was panicking because he knows that he will be put in a time out)
I want a Reggie and Julie duet as well, it would be so amazing. And yes that is the title. They have another one that’s pure country because Luke won’t let Reggie have a country song.
Omg I’m so sorry, I’m really dumb and I thought I had posted this forever ago but turns out I just had it saved to my drafts! Aksbdkdk sorry lmao
March is in two months??? That doesn’t sound right. March was like a week ago. I hate this.
Good *insert time of day here* for whenever you read this!!
Box stuff:
1. Yeah exactly! And like what if it’s not just that it’s Alex so he listens, but it’s Alex so it makes sense? As in, if anyone else was telling him he’d wouldn’t get where they were coming from but because Alex takes the time to really explain what’s going on Luke actually gets it (even if he doesn’t want to get it, but Alex can tell when he’s just being difficult and petty)
Omggg I love that! Like he’d arrive to class early to tell them to make sure nobody else heard. And it gives a whole new meaning to his line “I’m pretty sure that was just a you thing. I was always pretty trustworthy ☺️” because like if any of the other boys (especially Reggie) tried it then they wouldn’t have got anywhere at all but just everyone trusts Alex
Actual points:
Agskdlsld I love that also “bold words for someone who once got his head stuck in a lampshade” “SHE TOLD YOU THAT?!?!”
Oooooh I never thought about them dropping out of school but that would make a lot of sense (especially for Luke dropping out because of all people he wouldn’t have seen any need to stay). And exactlyyy they would have had to have other friends and they must’ve been upset by their friends dying so like??? And the idea of people making tributes hurts my heart - like, putting flowers or whatever outside their old lockers at the school, no matter if they were still in school or not, just as their way of saying goodbye, or making sure nobody sat where they used to sit in class. And having a whole-school assembly where they played Sunset Curve’s demo and talked about how inspirational the boys were and I’ve gotta stop or I’ll cry. And yesss because if Luke was their one shot at having a child, something they had dreamed of for years, they’d want him to succeed and they were so blinded by it that they wanted him to succeed in their way, not his which could fail. And yeah, I also usually think they’re only children but for the purposes of fics or adding some more depth to their characters then I like to think about siblings and how that would have changed them as people. But the show never mentions them ever so I mainly stick to canon that they don’t too
Yessss exactly 🥺 it’s her way of telling them that they don’t need to worry or be sad and I love it so much!
3. Lmao Willie just being a kitchen disaster is brilliant - he actually did burn water once (on purpose just to see if he could actually do it) but then every time he tried to cook after that and use water he burnt it on accident and he has no idea how he’s doing it bc it’s impossible and after the fifth time and the fire Alex is like “ok willie just go”
Lol it kinda turns into some sort of game once Luke and Reggie realise Alex is dead set on not having that recipe book. He throws it away and one of them sneaks it into his pocket somehow. So he throws it away again and next time he opens the fridge one of them has put it in there. They just spend hours moving around the book solely to piss Alex off
Board games and jam (lmfao yeah there’s no jam left, it’s one board game, and a random online game):
1. Alex now just uses it as any excuse, like Luke will ask him to make room for him on the couch or whatever and Alex will scowl at him and say “if you make me move I swear to god I will pelt your face with drumsticks” and Luke just backs away slowly and sits somewhere else
Absbdksl with the Caleb bit, it’s like Alex has been secretly practising magic tricks or sleight of hand or whatever, so he’s got these hundreds of drumsticks hidden all over his body and no one can see where he’s getting them from apart from when he literally pulls them out his sleeve. Caleb - the actual magician ffs - spends hours later trying to work out how he did it but can’t. Willie finding it hilarious is everything omg just stood in the corner like “you go babe! Mildly inconvenience that soul-stealing jazz singer ghost!”
Among Us:
LMFAO YES and he does it in front of everyone too, reports the body himself, admits to it on chat, but nobody votes him out because Willie had it coming
I love that sm, Luke looking at Alex like “dude I’m right there” but Alex just completely ignoring him. The anger and hurt just fuels Luke’s weird ability to be able to sense whenever Alex is imposter
Yes definitely! Flynn gives the page number and everything, and Julie watches so smug and proud as he best friend rattled off these rules and Reggie is like “that can’t be right” so Alex checks and everyone is just that little bit more scared of Flynn because god that was weirdly cool
Ajakdlsnd YES she does or if she’s sat beside the person who did it she just repeatedly hits them over the head with the rule book like “MOVE. YOUR. PIECE. BACK. ONE. SPACE.”
Oooohhh I love the friendship bracelet idea that’s so cute! Also, I know I said they wouldn’t be that close, but the idea of Flynn going to Alex before anyone else when she realises she has a crush on Carrie (because she knows he’s gay and also hopefully friends with Carrie at this point and he might be able to be helpful) is literally such a cute idea to me. And the one time they’re not in agreement with the rules is obviously when it comes to Willie - Flynn accuses Willie of cheating somehow and Alex readies his drumsticks to throw at her like “what did you just say about my boyfriend?”
I do that too! But tbh most arguments are because I get competitive and demand we play the game by my utterly made up rules which are very biased towards me. I’m half the reason most card games are banned in my house... 😂
Oh lol I love that Alex just takes advantage of Reggie’s complete lack of uno knowledge. Reggie will pick up a useful card like the one where you change the colour or whatever, and he asks what it means, so Alex is like “oh that means you have to pick up four of every colour”
6. Exactly, so right. And like I feel like that’s definitely the sort of thing we could see in season 2 - like Alex and Willie having a conversation and Alex feels normal and fine but then Reggie and Luke and Julie come in and suddenly everything that comes out of his mouth sounds romantic and sappy and they’re all laughing at him and it wasn’t this hard before they came in!
You should definitely watch Miranda! I can’t remember if it’s still on Netflix, but highly recommend! Exactly, any opportunity to see Cheyenne Jackson act should be taken at once. And yes, it has total Alex energy, Willie could say anything and Alex is just like yes absolutely. (And tbh that’s mainly the plot of Miranda as well so if I did write this hypothetical AU there would be plenty of opportunity for it lmaooo)
8. Luke - yes wait I love all this so much. Like as a totally random example if Luke tries to surprise them all by cooking lunch or dinner or whatever one day (even though he’s a terrible cook and it should always be left to Alex) he just forgets to make any food for himself and Alex has to gently remind him that Luke you need to eat too remember? And Luke being cocky about the others’ talents??? God Tier Thought, I love it so so so much. Like someone will tell him he was really good on stage that night and he’ll brush it off with “yeah, but did you hear Alex’s drum solo? Totally improv, the guy has mad skills. And Reggie’s backing vocals and harmonies - his range is literally unbelievable, better than most people to be honest. Oh and Bobby? Well damn, did you hear his solo? He’s up there with the best, learnt that whole thing in under ten minutes”
Reggie - same tbh 😂 like I love Luke and Julie’s vocals to the moon and back, but it always feels kinda special whenever Alex and Reggie sing y’know bc we hardly ever hear them apart from backing
Yeah I listened to Uh Oh and a few others too, I think Stranger was my favourite (if that’s even what it’s called, I think it is) but I haven’t heard the whole thing yet. Ballerina is my jam omfg I love it and I love he wrote the whole thing for and about Carolynn like that’s so sweet 🥺
Alex - yeah I thought that too! I think I saw a post ages and ages ago that was talking about how it would have made more sense if Luke was worried about being left behind or had some abandonment issues (worries from his days arguing with his parents) so at the first sign that Alex wants to “leave him” (in his mind) and cross over or join Willie he gets defensive and tries to shut Alex out with that line before Alex can leave him. I might not have explained that as well as the post did but I think it’s the general gist?
I think you’re right, I can totally see any of them losing sight of music to begin with. I think for Reggie he would sort of shrink in on himself and just not feel up to doing anything at all, he would really struggle mental health-wise. Then for Alex I think he’d launch himself into boring menial tasks to get his mind off it, maybe go off the rails a little because what does it matter anymore? Then exactly as you said for Luke, bc it’s so important to him he just can’t face it. And obviously we’ve talking about Bobby like a million posts ago and still now 😂 but eventually all of them would take up music again and write a tribute for each other.
This is only a little bit off topic bc we just mentioned Emily and Luke but yeah so if Emily and Mitch saw Julie and the Phantoms perform what would they do??? Bc I can’t imagine it, and I don’t think they’d believe in ghosts, but if they did like would they be happy? Or angry that Julie didn’t tell them? Or sad because they can only see their son if he’s playing and that’s the very thing they encouraged him never to do? Idk idk idk but I just want them to find out about the band in season 2!!!
17. Bonus points definitely awarded, I love that sm lmao
And yeah like Cheyenne Jackson just does villain songs so well??? Like, Caleb is my best friend’s favourite character and I asked her why she loves him so much and to answer she just got Spotify up and started playing Nothing to Lose and I was like ok fair enough. Exactly, like I want him to turn good but the villain songs might be something I can’t lose. But then just general Caleb songs ugh idk I’d love that too
Wait wait wait I had a thought - someone’s probably said it before but Caleb and Willie duet????? Please?!?!
19. Lmao by the end alliances just don’t exist at all anymore
Yes all of this!!! It really is perfect because as you said their friendships will develop and that’ll translate into screen so beautifully and I honestly can’t wait. And of course as you said the balance between upcoming actors and those who have been in stuff before is great, they’ll be able to give each other tips and pointers and learn from each other and eventually start reaching the same levels of fame or whatever and that’ll just be so cool! And yes it’s so cool to see them start getting recognition - like Madison hitting one million followers on Instagram the other day, I’m literally so proud of her and so glad she’s getting what she deserves!! Agreed, it’s great that they all play their own instruments and sing their own stuff rather than having others do that for them - I really want to see more of Sacha playing his guitar as Nick bc he’s so good, but also he’s being possessed by Caleb and I want Caleb to just be terrible at guitar so that’s how they first know somethings off bc Nick suddenly can’t play 😂😂
Ajsndlslf Carlos would totally do that. Carlos would be the one to introduce the guys to Vine and it would haunt Julie’s existence for all eternity because now Alex won’t play anything until Julie has said “bring the beat in” for him to reply “anything for you Beyoncé!” And Reggie would keep saying “I wanna be a cowboy, baby” and it gets on her nerves, and Luke takes to strumming his guitar and going “I love you bitch I ain’t never gonna stop loving you bitch” and yeah lmao
21. Wait yeah lmao that’s the only reason he didn’t get arrested because he freaking died instead, chaotic king
Oh it was DEFINITELY Alex who did the graffiti, it’s his way of being overprotective and cheering Reggie up
25. Lmao I love that - Caleb is scary but oh shit better watch out for Carrie Wilson. The guys would definitely find a way to kill Willie again - they’d go to extremes like figuring out how to do the stamp so he stops existing (or maybe they would just talk about doing that but not actually do it because that feels way too mean and if Willie hurt Alex (not that he would) then they could just keep them out of each other’s way). Yeah exactly, they just want to make sure they’ve got everything covered to try and protect Alex as they would do for anyone in their group - and Alex insists he doesn’t need their protection because it’s just Willie, but really he’s extremely grateful for it
32. YES I love all that like Alex is about to send Reggie on his way but is just like “hang on, take Bobby with you, I don’t want you getting lost or eating all the cookies before you get there” And Luke having got lost with Reggie is everything - both of them were looking at a cool bird or something and didn’t realise Alex and Bobby had kept walking, so Luke tried to lead Reggie in the right direction but got them lost, and then said to Reggie “stay here I’ll get help” and left him and didn’t come back because he couldn’t find him again
37. Oh 100%. Reggie can do impossible things but they’re just in ways that also seem like they should be impossible. I wish I could think of examples, but I don’t know how to do impossible things so 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
Adjoskflfmj yeah he’s not panicking because Luke’s on fire, he’s panicking because he doesn’t want to miss snack time while he’s in the timeout corner (having a scheduled snack time was Bobby’s idea because Luke said he wasn’t allowed to eat during rehearsal because he needed to focus)
Honestly Julie letting Reggie have any country song he wants just because Luke won’t let him is everything I need and more
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 5 years
Could we get a continuation on the proposal head cannon with wedding head cannon
(A/N): Here you go, hun. I hope you’ll like these headcanons
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Miranda Vanderbilt:
○ If you think you’re not getting the most expensive wedding in the entire universe, you’re wrong.
○ Miranda is a princess who wants everything to be perfect and traditional, so she’s gonna get what she wants.
○ That means classic cake, classic white dress, ‘90s dance hits, and abundance of food and a pretty venue… but all of it upgraded to an even higher level.
○ And you know some of her servants have died because of minor mistakes
○ The wedding is obviously going to happen back into her palace, with her royal family and subjects.
○ Of course, your own family and friends are invited, because she wants you to be happy too.
○ You and Miranda spend the whole morning separated because she takes this very seriously and doesn’t want to bring your wedding any bad luck.
○ “We can’t see each other yet! Or else the universe will doomed us!”
○ You find it rather cute, and so despite wanting to see her and hold her close, you do what she says and prepare in another room than hers.
○ Her serfs are the one doing your hair and makeup, and they’re doing an amazing job at it.
○ It doesn’t take long for you to start stressing about everything, because it’s the happiest day of your life and anything could go wrong.
○ But every worry disappears when you see her in her white dress, her eyes sparkling brighter than the sun.
○ You’re not even scared by her father accompanying her beside her, because all you can see is her.
○ And when you both say “I do”, you couldn’t be happier.
○ She cries when you say your vows, and she barely manages to say hers.
○ It’s a very traditional wedding, but it’s the most beautiful one that had ever existed.
○ And thanks to Miranda, you have ten photo albums to remember it together.
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Damien LaVey:
○ You already know that this wedding is gonna happen in Hell, so it’s not gonna be a normal one.
○ Damien loves dark and creepy things, and maybe you do too, so the wedding’s theme is gonna be dark and absolutely amazing.
○ No torturing happening around as to not disturb anything, because Damien might love torturing souls, but he loves you more.
○ Although… torturing souls might be part of one of the reception’s activities… but shhh
○ The classic wedding song where you march towards your future spouse is definitely played in a metal genre, because why the hell not?
○ Also your wedding dress is a dark black that matches perfectly with Damien’s tuxedo (if you’re wearing a dress, that is).
○ It’s a dress (or tuxedo) that he helped you picked out because he has a great sense of style and there’s no way he’s gonna let his other half walk around wearing garbage.
○ So yeah, he doesn’t care about the bad and good luck myths of weddings.
○ “I’m the Prince of Hell, babe. Our wedding is gonna go exactly like we planned it or I’ll lose it.”
○ He’s the one who did your hair and makeup, which almost took forever because he wanted it to be perfect in both his and your eyes, but you’re really glad you got to spend most of the morning with him.
○ One of his dads happily marched with you, and the other one took care of binding your souls together.
○ Yes. Binding your souls. This is a hardcore version of marriage, you have to deal with it.
○ You’re more than glad though, because you couldn’t imagine binding your soul to anyone else and neither does he.
○ It’s a wedding that everyone will remember, not only because of how different and edgy it is, but also because of how much love you two showed each other.
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Scott Howl:
○ Your wedding would be big and somewhere in the outdoors, preferably in the woods, because Scott’s family is absolutely gigantic and every single one of the members is a werewolf.
○ It’s something that you had anticipated in the preparation of the wedding, along with the menu that you knew would need to be very meaty because of them, and so your wedding was perfectly arranged to welcome a hundred of hungry werewolves.
○ Scott was very grateful that you didn’t complain about the things you had to do because of his family, and you could see that he was very happy with everything you had done.
○ Because let’s face it, Scott wouldn’t be able to help you prepare the wedding properly.
○ Why? Probably because he would lose his concentration after five seconds and go play with a random butterfly he spotted earlier.
○ But you love him and you know he wants to help, so you include him in every little thing you have to do without actually expecting him to do any work.
○ And despite all the struggle to get it done…
○ … everything was worth it in the end.
○ You felt so happy when you finally marched towards your one true love, the forest welcoming you with bright colors and an amazing smell while the sun felt warm against your skin.
○ But the best part was seeing Scott looking right back at you, a wide smile on his lips while his eyes watered in happiness.
○ Everything was absolutely perfect, even with his cousins whistling and screaming at you two to just kiss already (even though you haven’t even started the ceremony yet), and the whole crowd erupted in huge acclamations when you did kiss.
○ Then the whole wedding turned to this huge family party with lots of wine and upbeat music, the children chasing after each other in a wild game of tag.
○ But you didn’t care, because those people were now your family too.
○ And you couldn’t be happier to be part of Scott’s future.
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Liam de Lioncourt:
○ You were already so happy that Liam wanted to marry you despite how cliché it was, you didn’t want to give him something that would make him feel uncomfortable.
○ So you crossed the ‘big princess wedding’ off of your list and instead prepared a small one with him, with only a few members of your families and friends.
○ You didn’t mind that at all, because you’ve proved each other multiple times that your love is your own, and you have absolutely nothing to prove to anyone.
○ And big or a small wedding isn’t gonna change the fact that you’re promising to love each other for eternity.
○ But Liam knows you always wanted a beautiful wedding, and so he rents a small venue and actually invests time with you into picking flowers and colors.
○ It’s a beautiful compromise between the two of you so that you can both be happy with it.
○ The fact that it’s a small wedding makes it all so much more intimate and special to the two of you.
○ You were so beautiful to his eyes that Liam felt compelled to compliment you the whole day, without caring about how lovey-dovey he might have sound.
○ It’s his wedding day, it’s the one day he gets to be as romantic and cliché as he wants without getting judged.
○ Also, Liam is lowkey the best dancer in the entire universe and you have difficulties to follow him sometimes
○ While your friends are getting drunk at the reception, you would probably sneak out without getting noticed to have some alone time, and go to a secret spot where you had one of your first dates.
○ It’s just a cute and adorable wedding that warms both of your heart, no matter how hard you might cringe in a couple of hundred years.
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Polly Geist:
○ You didn’t get a chance to say one word about the type of wedding you wanted that Polly already screamed something:
○ “Let’s have a beach wedding!”
○ She then went on to all the good things that come with a beach wedding: first off, a beach, then the ocean, also the bright and warm sun, and finally, the huge possibility to make the most amazing beach party of all the time.
○ It didn’t take long for you to agree with her (mostly because you knew she wouldn’t stop talking about it if you didn’t agree), and the two of you went on to prepare the wedding.
○ Somehow Polly’s the one who takes care of almost everything.
○ She’s very passionate about your upcoming wedding and she wants it to be absolutely perfect for both you and her.
○ Though, she hides it with well-played jokes, but you always manage to see right through her.
○ You think it’s sweet that she cares so much, and you trust her with all of your heart, so you let her manage everything.
○ Turns out she prepared the most beautiful beach wedding you could ever ask for, both of you holding hands the whole time the judge was marrying you.
○ You loved feeling the breeze in your hair and smelling the salty water, but what you loved the most was the passion in Polly’s eyes.
○ She actually becomes a blushy mess when she says her vows, scared that she’s gonna mess it up.
○ It’s so adorable, you can’t help but give her lips a small kiss.
○ “Wait, you’re not married yet!”
○ That outburst from the judge made everyone laugh.
○ But it cheers you hear when you finally share a passionate kiss.
○ Then music had blaster all around and people with trays full of drinks arrived.
○ “Hell yeah! Now let’s get this party started!”
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Vera Oberlin:
○ Let’s be clear, she’s the one who took charge of everything.
○ This is her wedding, it’s gonna be as perfect as she wants it to be.
○ Of course you reminded her that it’s your wedding too, and so she included you in some of the wedding stuff.
○ But you know she loves you and wants your happiness, so you were a hundred percent sure you would love the wedding she’s planning.
○ And you were right.
○ Much like Damien, the wedding’s theme is very dark.
○ The decoration is a Victorian-style exploiting somber colors, and sinister music is played during the ceremony.
○ She can tell you really like it and she’s so glad.
○ Also, very much like Liam, it’s a rather small wedding, which doesn’t surprise you.
○ Because Vera made a lot of enemies in the past and doesn’t want any of them to ruin her day.
○ But also because she doesn’t know a lot of people she would want to share this incredible moment with.
○ Aside from you, her family and a couple of friends, there’s no need for anyone else.
○ She says her vows first, like she told you when she proposed, and you can’t help but cry at them.
○ It makes her feel proud because she worked really hard on her vows, but also, she’s happy that she managed to make you feel all of her love for you.
○ She also almost cries when you say yours.
○ Almost.
○ It might be her wedding day, but she’s still Vera Oberlin and she will not cry in front of people.
○ The wedding ends up being sinisterly beautiful, and you wouldn’t trade it for any other wedding in the world.
○ Because it’s a wedding where you get to have Vera as your wife, and that’s the only thing you could ever ask for.
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spartanguard · 4 years
(love will see us through these) Dark Days [CSRT; 1/7]
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Summary: A century ago, the United Realms of Pomem had been a land of peace, prosperity, and magic. Until war tore the land apart, leaving behind cruel leaders and even crueler laws regarding the use of magic. And each year, the youth of each realm are subjected to a fight to the death, both for entertainment and to weed out anyone capable of wielding magic. In the 99th Magic Games, past victors Emma Nolan and Killian Jones find themselves serving as mentors, while Alice Gothel and Robyn West end up representing their realm. Everyone has secrets; everyone has something to lose. Who will win? Who will die? Just don’t forget: all magic comes with a price.
rated M | 2.8k words | AO3
A/N: In case this sounds sort of familiar, this is a reworking of Once Upon A Time in Panem, which I've done as part of the Captain Swan Rewrite-A-Thon (@captainswanbigbang​). Thanks to the mod crew for putting on this awesome event! And to @optomisticgirl​ for being the greatest beta in the history of betas.
A note before you read: in this story, Alice is Killian's daughter with Eloise. But the circumstances surrounding her conception are NOT what they were in the show; while Gothel isn't exactly a great person, she's not the main villain and every effort has been taken to illustrate consent. But if the Knightrook relationship isn't your thing, it might be best to pass this one over. Also, as it was inspired by The Hunger Games, there is some mild violence.Story title comes from "Dark Days" by the Punch Brothers; chapter title from “Run Daddy Run” by Miranda Lambert + Pistol Annies.
part 1: Oh how I've dreaded this god forsaken day
Alice fidgeted with the hem of her skirt. It was a nervous habit and she knew what her mother would say about it—what she was probably trying to say telepathically from her seat on the stage. But Alice had never mastered the cool composure of Eloise; her emotions tended to carry her off with them. 
But even her mum had to have some nerves today. It was the Reaping for the annual Magic Games, and at 16—and the daughter of Sherwood’s only past Victor—she knew the odds weren’t in her favor. Statistically, she didn’t have a higher or lower chance of her name being drawn than any other 16-year-old, but Olympus loved a good story, and one they could never resist was seeing how a Victor’s child fared in the Games. 
It was why her mother never really wanted to have her. Not generally something a parent told a child, but it’s not like there was anything all that normal about their relationship anyways. 
So she continued to tug nervously on her skirt, her mother’s thoughts be damned. 
“Welcome, welcome all,” announced the district escort from Olympus, Victoria Tremaine. She’d been in that role for years but was seemingly ageless; Olympus had some skilled plastic surgeons, apparently. “Thank you for joining me today at the Selection for the 99th Annual Magic Games.” As if they had a choice: attendance was mandatory for everyone, no matter how young or old. Even the textile factories were shut down from their normal ‘round-the-clock grind; the air was eerily quiet without their constant hum. “Before we get to the main event, allow me to present a brief program on the history of the Games, so we can reflect on where we’ve been, and see just how far we’ve come.”
Alice sighed and shifted her weight impatiently; it was the same video every year—the same propaganda.
“Once upon a time, the realms of magic were at peace, and a harmonious existence was enjoyed by all,” the narration told. “It was so idyllic that they decided to join as one so as to better share their prosperity.”
She probably had it memorized at this point.
“And so the most skilled magic users in each realm got together and wove the strongest spell anyone had ever seen, joining the worlds in one land: the United Realms of Pomem, from the Latin for apple—representing their hopes to share knowledge and for a fruitful future.” 
Alice shivered; she was always leery of apples.
“There was a land without magic, though, which had landed in the middle of Neverland, one of the most magical. This was decided to be the capital of this new world, and it was given a name that all the realms knew as mythical: Olympus.
“For years, Pomem flourished, sharing ideas and trade and becoming one of the most technologically advanced civilizations in history. Eventually, it became hard to tell where the magic stopped and science began.”
And this was where the video took a turn for the worse, as far as Alice was concerned.
“Those with magic grew jealous of the advancing technology, despite the fact that it put everyone on equal footing. They preferred to be seen as higher than their peers, and more skilled; they didn’t want to lose their power. What once had brought people together was now a point of division.”
Oh, someone was definitely clamoring for power, Alice knew; but it certainly had not been magic-users.
“Harsh penalties were put in place for anyone caught practicing or using magic—a fair law—” Alice couldn’t suppress her snort of derision “—which many didn’t appreciate, even if they didn’t possess it themselves. Tensions built, and the ungrateful citizens of the realms revolted.”
I would have, too, Alice thought; she didn’t dare voice that opinion out loud, though—not when the armor-plated Black Knights from Olympus were standing guard over the proceedings. 
“Four leaders emerged in the rebellion: sorceresses known as the Wicked Witch of the West, the Evil Queen of the East, the Guardian in the North, and the Savior in the South. They led the insurrectionists against Olympus.” The grainy image of four women in old-fashioned cloaks, standing together in a defensive pose, was the only part of this that Alice even sort of enjoyed. She always wanted to know more about them, but any record of who they were outside of the rebellion had been destroyed. 
“But they didn’t stand a chance. Olympus knew something they didn’t: how to destroy magic. Through their advanced technology and incredible force, Olympus obliterated the insurgents, and nearly rid the realm of the offending sorcery. Completely destroyed was the realm of Wonderland, which had been another stronghold of magic.”
That part always bothered Alice the most—as if genocide wasn’t enough, the fact that an entire realm had been destroyed...god. There was an image of the annihilated ruins on the projection—burning shrubbery, charred homes, and what she could only imagine had been plants of a fantastical nature reduced to ashes. What a waste.
“So, to make sure the citizens remembered their place and that magic never gained power again, Olympus took two known magic users from each realm and locked them into an arena in the depths of Neverland, forcing them to fight to the death. The inherent magic in the land made it all the easier to determine who was the most powerful—and ensure they couldn’t unleash their sorcery on the world again. The lone Victor was granted immunity, and was rendered safe for the world by wearing a computerized cuff that blocked their use of magic.”
That part always hit too close to home; Alice glared at the bracelet her mother had to wear.
“To ensure the continued suppression of magic, the Magic Games continue each year, with each of the realms—Phrygia, Oz, Arendelle, Agrabah, Sherwood, Atlantica, Erebor, Misthaven, DunBroch, and Stormhold—” the scenic views of each that flashed overhead were definitely altered; she’d never seen a cotton field in Sherwood look so photogenic “—required to send two tributes each from their young people. Only one can emerge victorious—and those with magic rarely survive.
“Now, Pomem is once more that land of expanding knowledge and growing prosperity, with no magic to be seen. We continue the games to ensure our lasting peace. Now, let the Reaping begin, and remember: All Magic Comes With A Price.” The crest of Olympus—an apple hanging off a branch—appeared onscreen, along with the strains of the anthem, and then faded away. A few government officials clapped, most enthusiastically being Tremaine, who took the mic again.
“Let’s not drag this out any longer, shall we? Let the Reaping for the 99th Magic Games commence!” How she could be so cheery when she was essentially sentencing children to death was something Alice couldn’t comprehend. 
The woman placed her well-manicured hand in the bowl that held the name of all the youth of the realm, everyone from age 12 to 18. Everyone around Alice joined in her restlessness; they all had their names in there five times—once for every year since they became “eligible” (as if it was some kind of honor—ugh). 
Carefully, Tremaine pulled out a slip and made a production of opening it. Alice held her breath. 
“Our first tribute is...Robyn West.”
“No,” Alice gasped under her breath, and her eyes darted around to find the other girl. Robyn was her classmate, though they weren’t all that close. The thing was: she wanted to be close with her—had for ages—but never worked up the nerve. The butterflies she felt whenever she looked at the strawberry blonde girl were dancing a sad flutter in her stomach as she watched the other girl confidently march up to the stage. God, that sucked. 
“Thank you, Miss West,” Victoria said once she’d reached the podium. “And now for our second tribute...Nicholas Zimmer.”
Okay, that was worse; it may not have been her name called, but she felt no relief. Nicholas was only 12, and he and his twin sister were probably the closest thing she had to friends—at least, they were the only ones to take pity on the weird girl who lived practically alone in Victor’s Village. Well-socialized, she was not. That, and she knew the family was struggling—she could see his mother breaking down in tears as he shyly stepped forward to head up. 
No, she wasn’t okay with that at all. But there was only one thing she could do about it.
Good thing everyone already thought she was crazy, because what she did next was pure insanity. 
Steeling her nerves, she squeezed her hands into fists, tamping down the sparks of magic that were trying to escape. Then she stepped into the aisle between everyone. 
“I volunteer!” she shouted. Gasps surrounded her, and Nicholas froze in his spot. 
She jogged up to him, placed her hand on his shoulder, and gave him a look that she hoped told him it was okay. Then she faced Tremaine and said again, “I volunteer as tribute.”
Behind the escort, her mother was giving a stern look that she couldn’t exactly read. But Victoria carried on. “Well, this is quite the surprise! Come on up, then, and tell us your name.”
Before her mind could catch up with what she’d just done, she ran up the steps to the microphone. “I’m Alice; Alice...Gothel.”
“Why, you must be Eloise’s daughter!” Tremaine exclaimed. “How wonderful!” That wasn’t the word Alice would have chosen.
In no time at all, Alice was being escorted off the stage and into the city hall behind them. She threw a glance toward Robyn as they entered the building, only to find the other girl nearly gaping at her. Maybe she would get a chance to tell her how she felt after all. Not that it would do much good. 
Neither of them had great chances of getting out of this alive, coming from a poor realm like Sherwood. But Alice was the daughter of not one, but two victors; that had to count for something, right?
Emma Nolan could hear her mother gasping from downstairs. 
“David! Look at that—she volunteered to save that boy! No one ever does that!” 
“I’m sitting right next to you, Snow.” 
“I know, but—oh my god, isn’t that Eloise’s daughter?”
“Damn, I think it is.”
God, it was like they’d never seen a Reaping before, even though that couldn’t be further from the truth. Not that anyone’s lives were free of the annual anguish, but her family in particular was extra intimate with the affair. 
Snow Nolan and her husband, David—who were victors in back-to-back years, and were basically local royalty—had long served as Misthaven’s mentors, with one main exception: the year their daughter, Emma, was reaped (one of their former mentees, Graham Humbert, had the honor that year).
Which made her wonder—why would the child of a victor who hadn’t been selected enter the Games voluntarily? If she somehow managed to escape that fate, why go chasing it? She didn’t need Henry seeing stuff like that; his odds were terrible enough as it was. At least he was still only 11.
God, even the thought of that made her magic prick at her fingertips. She took a few calming breaths until it subsided; few knew about it, least of all Olympus, and she needed to keep it that way if she was going to have any success this year.
Her mother had been chosen as Mayor of Misthaven a few months ago, which was how Emma found herself rushing to pack a suitcase in anticipation of her first year as a mentor, alongside Graham, who had come to be one of her closest friends in the ensuing years. To the rest of the world, they were more than that—as far as Olympus and its citizens were concerned, Emma and Graham were True Loves, capital letters and all, just like her parents, living happily with their son, Henry. 
And she did love Graham, but more as a brother than a lover, and she knew he felt the same toward her. Their shared experiences in the Games brought them together as friends and Henry had united them as parents, but she had long since vowed to never fall in love again; not after what happened with Neal.
“Mom, hurry up! Dad’s already packed. You don’t want to be late!” Henry shouted from downstairs. Truthfully, she was supposed to be watching the other realms’ Reapings before attending Misthaven’s, but she wouldn’t be her if she wasn’t procrastinating. It was as good an excuse as any to avoid the inevitable crowd shots of weeping parents and terrified kids. 
Henry apparently gave up waiting and just ran into her room. Despite Graham not being his biological father, he looked more like Graham’s son than Emma’s, with their shared dark, messy hair; she’d hoped Henry would inherit her green eyes, but they were definitely Neal’s deep brown. He knew the truth about his father, but Graham was as much his parent as Emma was. 
“I’m almost done,” Emma replied, zipping up her bag. “Just missing one thing: a hug.” She walked over to her son and wrapped him tight. “I’m going to miss you, kid.”
“I’ll miss you, too, Mom. Are you sure you have to go?”
“You know I don’t have a choice, Henry; it’s my turn,” she answered; there were only a handful of other Victors in their realm, but they had all done the mentor thing before her parents. “Plus, I think your grandparents are looking forward to having you to themselves for a few weeks.” Henry laughed at that, but hugged just a bit tighter. “I love you, Henry.” 
“Love you, too.”
Graham poked his head into the room. “Ready?” he asked.
“As I’ll ever be.”
“Shall we, then?”
From his home in Atlantica, Killian Jones, victor of the 82nd Magic Games, watched the events in Sherwood as they were broadcast. He was about to make his way to his own town square for their Reaping, and from there would head with this year’s tributes to Olympus as one of their mentors.
He was nursing his glass of rum with extra careful attention this year. The Reaping always had a way of bringing up unpleasant memories—being reaped twice will do that to a man—but it’d gotten worse each of the past few. The rum didn’t really help, but he supposed it didn’t hurt either. It wouldn’t change the outcome, but he’d gotten so used to the vice over the years that it was something of a comfort—especially given that his only true source of comfort was presently out of reach. 
The same familiar churning in his gut began to coil as he watched the mouthpiece from Olympus stick her fingers in that bowl. The image was nearly identical to the one 23 years ago, when his 12-year-old self was first called up. That one was clearer in his memory than the one six years later, because of what followed.
But he shook his head, trying to dislodge the memory; as much as it still hurt, it was in the past. He turned his focus back on the television, and let out a deep breath when the first name was called, even if it was slightly familiar. It wasn’t the one he was most concerned with.
It was the same with the second name, and he finished his drink. He stood to start to make his way out, but then an all-too-familiar voice rang out from the television, and that memory that had threatened to take over played through his head without restraint. 
“I volunteer!” the voice shouted, and its echo rang out in his head—his brother’s voice, all those years ago.
He watched in horror as the blonde girl from Sherwood took the boy’s place, just like Liam had taken his. No—no, this couldn’t be happening, not again. Gods, he couldn’t watch. 
“I’m Alice; Alice...Gothel,” the girl said. 
(“I’m Liam Jones,” the memory echoed.)
In a weird way, being chosen again for—and then somehow winning—the games when he was 18 had ended up giving him a reason to go on, instead of the aimless drift he’d been on in those intervening years. But in one moment—one more absurd display of nobility and bravery—that was all at risk of crumbling again, and spectacularly so.
With a primal yell, he punched his tv with his hook, shattering the screen and cutting his clothing, but that was the least of his cares. 
The Games had already taken his hand, his love, and his brother. 
They weren’t taking his daughter, too. 
thanks for reading! the rest of the chapters will be much longer, I assure you. tagging some people who might be interested; please let me know if you/don’t want a tag! @kat2609​ @thesschesthair​ @xpumpkindumplingx​ @shipsxahoy​ @amortentia-on-the-rocks​ @mryddinwilt​ @cocohook38​ @annytecture​ @wingedlioness​ @word-bug​ @distant-rose​ @wellhellotragic​ @welllpthisishappening​ @let-it-raines​ @pirateherokillian​ @its-imperator-furiosa​ @killianmesmalls​ @sherlockianwhovian​ @ineffablecolors​ @laschatzi​ @ive-always-been-a-pirate​ @nfbagelperson​ @stubblesandwich​​ @killian-whump​​ @phiralovesloki​ @athenascarlet​ @kmomof4​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @snowbellewells​ @idristardis​ @scientificapricot​ @searchingwardrobes​
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