#i include myself in that of course
can-of-worm · 1 year
i'm not super big on trans headcanons but william is like if you congealed every trans guy i've met in my life into one MCR-loving twig
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crimeronan · 4 months
when i was 14 years old and in eighth grade, i got cast in the importance of being earnest as cecily, a main character who is 18. this was a mainstage show, so the rest of the cast were adults. it was an insanely huge honor and i was extremely proud of making the cut!! there was just one problem-
cecily shares a single very boring kiss with her love interest.
and my scene partner was 24.
PREEMPTIVELY, i Promise this is not going anywhere horrifying. my mom supervised all of the rehearsals and i was honestly excited to kiss an older man because i have problems. my scene partner had excellent boundaries and was very respectful. none of this was traumatic; if the environment had been toxic, i would've dropped out.
HOWEVER. my scene partner was VISCERALLY uncomfortable with kissing a 14-year-old. as pretty much any chill 24-year-old man would be.
so. i got it into my head that he'd be less uncomfortable if he was kissing a high schooler than a middle schooler. (this distinction seems very prominent when you're in eighth grade and much less prominent when you are 24.)
so when the other cast members asked me what grade i was in. i told them i was a freshman in high school.
.....and one of the other cast had worked at my district's high school before.
so i had to, um. continually make up information about my classes and classmates and teachers.
for months.
.......and i got away with it.
the cast party.
at which point my mom casually mentioned that i'd been cast as a lead in my middle school's show for that year.
and so the former teacher was like, "oh, you're dropping down from high school to do it??"
and my mom, so blankly, unaware that she was about to Ruin My Entire Shit Forever, was like, ".....no??? kitkat's in middle school??"
and he went, ".......oh!"
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Finally back, with a lil more of Chill's Artist Admiration Sketchbook; making fanart for blogs I like :D
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Accessoires and colours my beloved <3 <3 <3
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muchmossymess · 18 days
okay but the unexplored potential of a revali and purah dynamic
revali is so keen to be the best of the best and push himself past all conceivable limits, and purah wants to find the limits of sheikah tech and magic only to barrel past them and nearly become god
so one day, purah comes to revali "how high can medoh fly?" and he pauses bc he hasnt thought about that much, which he realises is asinine how has he not thought of taking her higher "well her resting altitude is x but its possible to go higher, though i dont know her limits" and they just look at each other bc well now they have too know-
and it continues like that, purah coming to revali with questions about medoh or the rito or his wind magic or eventually just requests for assistance "i need you to fly this up there for me, clear out this monster camp, ect ect" and revali loving the attention and the chance to show off, and that hes able to prove himself as truly better (he often tries to rope in the other champions to compare) and purah is loving all the data and the chance to work so closely with a pilot and they both compliment each others personalities quite well, both sassy and intelligent and where purah is overbearing and bubbly revali is insecure and sulky
anyway this is all pre calamity stuff, i want them to be very good friends and cause chaos together and push each other to constantly better each other, and purah would scoff at revalis creative insults but internally laugh and file them away to use later, and revali may act uninterested when purah talks for hours about conclusions shes come to and different approaches they could take hes actually paying complete attention and thinking of ways to use this knowledge in piloting or training
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guardianspirits13 · 3 months
I have a theory that people who are the most critical of neurodivergent traits in others are more likely to be neurodivergent themselves.
We've heard this before through the lens of parents who say "that's normal, even I do that" and failing to realize that they likely have the same variety of neurodivergence, but I think on a deeper level people who have spent their entire lives memorizing social cues and societal norms and masking strongly without realizing it will probaly find it easier to spot people who regularly break those rules and become upset because they hold themselves to such a rigid standard and are frustrated that others freely reject standards that they put so much effort into meeting themselves.
Very rambly, but just a thought.
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(whispering into the void) you can’t be mad at a game for having battles when that is one of the whole points of the game. it’s not a tv show it’s a recording of a game where battles are one of the main components. you can’t only want roleplay just watch a tv show for that. anyway please don’t smite me
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luc3ks · 5 months
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bunch of misc stuff I've been doodlin and and chipping away at
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mittland · 1 month
i loooove reading replies on popular tumblr posts its like an anthropological study in there. like lifting a rock and seeing so many strange little guys i didn't even know existed scurrying about
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good-beansdraws · 8 months
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I am allowed one batshit au every so often 🩰
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nyoomkitty · 1 year
Oh hey, I forgot all about this manga edit I did, Tumblr might like it.
This is how the scene in the snow happened at the end of the Sugar Mountain arc in SBR. I reject all other realities.
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transgenderer · 1 month
There are more fake bisexuals than there are stars in the sky
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qpjianghu · 11 months
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Outcast, fallen angel, you are loved. You are forgiven. You are redeemed. You are loved. -The Exorcist [insp]
Li Lianhua | Mysterious Lotus Casebook
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happy mothers day to the best mom ever
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chalkeater · 2 years
ur art is crunchy /pos !!! how do you have the confidence to use stuff that isnt pencil and cant rlly be erased if mistakes are made?
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make more mistakes
ACTUAL ANSWER BELOW because it got too long. oops lol
anyway. i wrote “DO IT ON PURPOSE” because when it comes to doing a whole drawing with ONLY a pen- you gotta force your brain get creative- at least practice. in other words- work with what you have. it’s basically like solving a problem every few seconds-
because sometimes my hand eye coordination glitches for a split second. or maybe my hand shook or maybe the line is actually shit looking. but instead of scrapping the thing entirely i gotta to try and make it work. ok so if my line looks like crap here maybe i can make it a Part of the drawing by making everything look messier. OR maybe i can even just. hide it!! by coloring a thicker line along it too!!
you can actually HIDE a LOT of mistakes with a pen without erasing anything. and sometimes the mistakes are part of the art- like when i see the most beautiful art online and i see an uncolored pixel. what matters is your final output not the things you cant change now or mean nothing in the big picture
honestly going from sketch to lines and rendering with a pen is about weight control (like with a pencil- sketching yk) and not beating yourself up. in order to gain the “confidence” you gotta absolutely ANNIHILATE the need for 200% perfection. because theres beauty in a mess.
anyway so. when you get the basic stuff down like “in order to to make less mistakes with pen stuff- make sure youre used to what youre drawing already!!!” or “draw/doodle stupid shit with your pen and make it (pen) a PART of you and not some scary beast (pen)
i think it all stems down to forgiving yourself and just having fun. having fun is always my motto. if you ever go “oh no i made a mistake!!!” imagine me yelling “WHO CAAARRESSS!!!!!!!! (#love #positive)” in your EAR
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small wip I don't feel like finishing
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leupagus · 9 months
I’ve had a post go moderately viral, oh God
but I will say I’ve been scrolling through the replies/reblogs to this and it is F A S C I N A T I N G to see how many people use it to complain about the way others have behaved toward them without once examining how they in turn have behaved.
Thinking of yourself as primarily the victim of other people’s unkindness is treating yourself as a character (albeit a main character) and that might be the most fucked up thing of all.
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