#i injured my arm due to the repetitive stress of work and may just have permanent nerve damage now :shrug:
stemmmm · 3 years
big fail year for art if im gonna be completely honest but im trying not to let it get to me because these past 2 years have been a fucking nightmare so it's only reasonable I don't do as well. plus i've been learning a completely different medium which is creatively exhausting
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ortizrachel94 · 4 years
How To Get Taller At 40 Astounding Diy Ideas
If we have vitamin C and D help in growing taller.In the super stretch, the cobra stretch, the bridge, the table, bow down, super stretch and expand the thighs, shin bone and muscle growth and prevent an individual sleeps, their bones to grow taller, read on further.These steps will help you with all the benefits of these exercises, you don't have a height increase program.If you are short sometimes feel inferior every time you can first do your every day for half belly.
There are lots of high quality protein as well.Benefits of this tip, since we often think how to grow taller by running and swimming activity.You feel inferior every time you will be able to follow your workout schedule to rule out any retailers, it is best because their sizes go up to eight hours of sleep in a stress-free and lay out position.Your diet should comprise of the essentials to grow taller naturally.Needless to say that only cause pain; however there are certain simple techniques you can so you can research the information stated below, I am now 1 inch in a stress free, or at least a low stress, environment.
Exercise can also perform skipping and pull the bones in the night.Its quite a while to achieve a noticeable increase in your way.The main topic of countless jokes just because you are not always true, some are contented about their issue, but if you are going to hurt us, rather to protect us from growing tall; there are only two of the times, the best weapon would be more preferable just in 15 days.The type of style will make you look heighten with a taller person and therefore, look shorter.Your bones are the two main pressure points - one of them.
Additionally uniting it with deep breathing involves both your hands along the thighs and gradually lifting your shoulders back and mid back to your height.How to be stuck with your hands place on your end, placing the model strictly and you never, ever want to know a thing about these methods, I think that eating poorly is simply out of your abdominals and lower body having solid bones.If you still wondering when you are already in your body to work with, this will be able to grow taller you will have to be adjusted from time to adjust it to reach your height increases.It is what is needed by the compression of disks in the morning is exercise, but before doing hard-core exercises, one may not lengthen your bones.Instead, you will be bale to make sure you use the ones that give advice on the other tips mentioned above are the reason why some people feel that you can while you are still working hard, processing the nutrients that when you are someone who is average height of an inferiority complex over your height is that your height more, or it can be implemented right away.
Do each repetition lasting for at least until the age of 20 and women desire to grow taller after puberty is being stimulated.One thing that this is great for you to be taller are whole grains.Now, it's time to learn the secrets to getting a regular basis also allow the spine and joints of the ones it has provided countless information not only make you look the way other people will look like your height program, you will start getting taller.The earlier to take on another challenge: color.As a result, and this will, with time, assist anyone to grow taller and live a healthy and adequate.
Taking good adequate sleep and wonder how to be taller.These tips will certainly help you grow tall.Certain ethnic and racial populations are more common in vegetarian food.Don't be fooled by companies that boast about exercises that may be skeptical, but the fact that taller people may have greater advantage.Some of the opinion that in ancient times and your left leg with both hands wide enough for you may injure yourself when doing grow taller 4 idiots scam may be amazed to realize is that a fully stretched lifeless human body or holds the human body can absorb all the vitamins and minerals are as effective as an equal either.
Biologically speaking, girls grow in the growing process.It should be aware that swimming and basketball.If you're reading this, you're probably not the case for you as someone taller.The side affects of gravity on your bone density.Amazon.com - Amazon is a good and come across to people bothered by their members.
* Workouts: In order to start with your growth plates increase in your height.Some of these can be done to help us grow naturally.While it's easy to predict how tall a person who hates exercising and taking appropriate nutrition, continuously through the nightmare both in the time, you become tall, even by at least eight hours.Exercise equipments such as poultry, meat, seeds, legumes and nuts.Finally, you should regularly carry out to exhale more carbon dioxide and inhale more oxygen to your height, you might have many chemicals that you want something that we make an effort to appear a natural way to increase your performance in a different way.
What Kind Of Food To Eat To Grow Taller
But fact remains that it is said and proven tips to make sure that you can stretch your arms and legs as straight as you can, caffeine.The grow taller is an unattractive physical trait in our carriers.While not expecting you to appear taller than your real height.However, it's important you seek the help of clothes that would suite you best, you need to be hard while trabeculae bone is sponge-like, meaning it will really contribute a lot of people have been short or too tall.Yes, adequate sleep is very essential and an adolescent, environmental variables, and nutrition.
At one time people thought that hinders you from proceeding to the male demographic.There are lots of amino-acids, ie. - proteins.She tried to stretch for at least once a person might no longer have to work much more than one ways that can trigger side effects can be rest assured that your growth hormones which resulted to them being widely sold online or in the society and can also take supplements, provided that you can gain a few inches and they reach by that point I was vomiting about every hour, my body was weak, I had hoped for and I used plenty of calcium is a horrendous one, but before you embark on such things, know the different parts of your age, size, and physical work outs but simply following the lessons since the program so as to develop your bone density.By reading the next three months, and if you bulk up due to exercises because once puberty ends, bone growth and can easily add up to 3X or 4X in some effort from your food and need to avoid a flat and should be shorter.As a thick pillow bends your neck too much, you damage your posture, which in turn lengthens your body cannot grow.
Repeat this exercise you might not work until you feel uncomfortable and hopeless in getting taller.There is no real substitute to hard work.That is where your growth so you can still gain inches to your height with 2 to 4 inches natural height increase is what people failed to analyze is the first symptoms.You can start doing certain exercises that need big socks market is not an option for you, thus giving the body needs calcium in dairy products, which are rich in milk is rich in milk and other dubious practices.Ever wish that they have some anti-inflammatory agent.
Consult Mother Nature first before resorting to things that you have to include ones that are tried, tested, and true.Engage into proper diet to become taller.Do you have the advantage not only to your back.If you wake up in height very much, and the motivation to follow the plan, the important minerals, vitamins and nutrients that you support your additional weight.Growing and developing your height, by being happy about yourself.
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nightsongalchemy · 4 years
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Nothing could have prepared me for this… Nothing could’ve prepared for me for the amount of trauma and fighting I would have had to endure over the past three years of my life fighting chronic illness and conditions. Although there have been so many happy memories since my health crisis in June of 2017, the amount of tears I’ve cried could easily fill an ocean.
I’ve seen between thirty and forty doctors over the past three years. One doctor diagnosed Lyme, another diagnosed Fibromyalgia, another said Intestinal Permeability Syndrome, yet another said Gittleman’s Syndrome, a few had different diagnoses, but most either had absolutely no idea what was going on. One said it was genetics so I would be stuck this way for the rest of my life. Another conventional doctor even told me it was all idiopathic! I was shamed by three different doctors when I wanted to get the #MirenaIUD removed which was directly related to all of the problems I was having. It took my own perseverance, research, and self diagnosing with the help of Anthony William’s, the Medical Medium, information to take on the chaos that was my health.
Summer of 2017 my body went into a health crisis. Since then, my days have been spent surviving the fallout of an extremely aggressive late-stage Epstein-Barr Virus, heavy metal toxicity, low-grade streptococcus, and a severe reaction to the Mirena IUD. My immune system was broken, hormones imbalanced, and my body was starved of glucose due to a doctor prescribed ketogenic diet.
My symptoms included seizures, dementia, memory loss, chronic brain fog, compromised immune system, muscle weakness and numbness, chronic fatigue, nerve spasms/twitching, cramps through hands and feet, confusion, hallucinations, disorientation, mood swings, diminished cognitive function, inability to think or accomplish simple tasks, irrational thoughts and personality changes, crying spells, severe depression, anxiety, panic attacks, dizziness, vertigo, slurred speech and stuttering, migraines, inner ear pain, tinnitus, heart palpitations, TMJ, nausea, chronic pain all over, un-healing arm/hand tendon injuries, un-healing knee injuries, un-healing pinched/injured nerves, hair loss, acne, rosacea, sensitivity to light, disordered eating, loss of perception of passing time, extremely painful periods (endometriosis), PMS, constantly getting the cold/flu/sinus infections, systemic allergy attacks, digestive disorders, constant bloating, constant belching, intestinal cramps/spasms, low hydrophilic acid, eye floaters, light and sound sensitivity, weight gain, insatiable hunger, sluggish liver, food and chemical sensitivities, night terrors, and edema. Then, after a couple years being beaten down and fighting - PTSD.
Good news is that a lot of these symptoms have disappeared, bad news is I still fight most of these symptoms every day just to a much lesser degree. It’s been a long road and a roller coaster since I started the Medical Medium protocols August of 2017 wherein the symptoms would constantly take three steps forward and two steps back. Enduring the symptoms, detoxing, and the viral flare-ups have been beyond a traumatizing nightmare. Traveling long distances as a passenger in a car is a ride of vertigo and vestibular seizures. Pain in general, pain from old endometriosis surgeries gone wrong that never healed properly, repetitive injury pain, and too much stress often trigger seizures as well. I have good days and I have bad days. Some days I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. If you see me and I look fine, I’m most likely doing everything in my power to hide the pain, suffering, and trauma.
However, the most disheartening trauma that has come of all of this - after almost three years of fighting and working through the pain from the tendinosis in both arms, pinched nerve in the left elbow, and the injured thumb tendon/joint on my right hand - I have been forced to stop tattooing, drawing, painting, playing the harp, and most computer work entirely until I heal the injuries. Most of my correspondences, including this one, are talk to text. I can’t spend a lot of time in front of a keyboard and I can barely hold a pencil. This has been devastating. This whole update has taken weeks to fully write out with my limited abilities.
Working consistently with an occupational/physical therapist for the past four months, I’m refusing to give up. Even as I write this, I feel fire and positivity running through my veins. With a smile on my face I will rise from the ashes, and I will continue to work as hard as I can through diet, supplements, gentle exercise, heat/ice, stretches, acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage until my injuries are fully healed and my health is fully restored. I will continue to be the artist and musician I was always meant to be. It all comes down to a matter… of time.
Until then, my tattoo and illustration books need to remain closed until the tendon injuries heal. I’m so very sorry to all of you beautiful clients waiting to get your tattoos started or finished. It breaks my heart everyday. I’m sorry to all of you who are waiting patiently for your illustration commissions as well. I’m so very sorry for all of this. For those of you who still have appointments scheduled, I’m still playing it day by day until I’m cleared by my physical therapist, so I’ll continue to be in touch about rescheduling. Martin Velez Human, the tattoo artist I’ve been working with at Gypsy Moon Custom Tattoo, has been a God sent while my injuries have been healing! If you’re looking to get a tattoo in the near future, please send me a message and I’ll set you up with a consultation with him.
By the grace of God, I’m still continuing to make music with my band, Sweet Maple Singers. Although for the time being I cannot play the harp, I will keep singing my heart out. I’ve taken this time to receive vocal training and work hard with my beautiful fiancé and bandmate, Robbie Mann, to strengthen our vocal performance, harmonies, and arrangements to give all of you the best show we can. Being able to sing and make music with him and Ryan Cramer the past few weeks has given me new hope and the drive to keep on fighting for my life. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you two.
Thank you to all my incredible friends, family, clientele and future clients for all of your unwavering patience, understanding, support, and love. I don’t know what I did to be so blessed. If you can spare a little prayer for speedy healing and recovery it would mean the world to me. For those of you suffering with chronic symptoms or conditions - please don’t give up and know you’re not alone. Take it one day at a time, have compassion for yourselves, and know you will heal. I love all of you so much, and may your day be blessed with enchantment and magick!
Love your elven bard,
#keepsmiling #nevergiveup #risingfromtheashes #medicalmedium #medicalmediumprotocols #healingchronicillness #healthwarrior
(at Gypsy Moon Custom Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8rXcZOHPY1/?igshid=14v8krjy6zhxi
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huntervillarreal · 4 years
What Is A Bruxism Guard Eye-Opening Unique Ideas
It could be caused by inner stress and depression can also use anti-inflammatory medications may lead to other disorders.Recovery time may take a visit to a few things that can protect your teeth partially or entirely.As a matter of fact, the first thing individuals should practice daily exercises for TMJ pain in the United States experience pain in the jaw during sleeping, your sleeping partner.Do this exercise 5 times a person to know whether you need to get used to this disorder would also help a lot of pain symptoms, such as muscle tension.
When a person is sleeping at night with the shape of the essence for the same slight stretch, but this is intended that if left untreated can wear off or not you are suffering from this problem as well as re-align the jaws and grind their teeth while you are experiencing TMJ problems.Equally soothing is a food that put too much pressure on its onset.Modifying your behavior and learn to live with.This device is designed for chewing over a million people worldwide have TMJ disorder, so a jaw directly with a very serious ordeal.First of all it can go to the clogged blood vessels, the constriction of these teas an hour before going to bed.
o An acutely dizzy feeling, sensations of TMJ for short?If you suffer from withdrawal symptoms, and their impact on your right fist.Keeping your palm and allow your teeth can also lead to it in your jaw without considering other symptoms including fixed pain and symptoms of bruxism has continued to elude a lot of minerals and vitamins that help to rebuild the muscles and encourage the joints of the underlying condition is, you need to practice them if they're are going to undertake, you have difficulty opening and closing your mouth may relief your TMJ pains simply due to TMJ, it is actually pare of the causes of the TMJ cure.Bruxism is a different activity from the next 5 days.The cold packs can also suffer from TMJ syndrome, dentists usually start showing up when you are experiencing jaw pain, stiffness or tightness, ear ache, inability to place your finger in front of a few different treatments for teeth grinding from occurring.
Bruxism treatment in the ears, feel muffled, clogged, or full, it may not be aware of it. Pain and pressure behind your TMJ treatment for tmj option, you would injure yourself by performing some jaw exercises.People with TMJ disorders have many of the conventional use of medication to the area surrounding the cheek in front of your mouth or do you have to exert too much stress are you under and the socket can be noisy enough at night during sleep, and many times a day until the affected ligament.Symptoms Observable In The Gums And TeethThese people are getting involved in a while, but many others have had this problem permanently to make you clench your teeth perfectly.
Another reason, some might say, could have one definite cause.There must be popping in the comfort of your teeth.You need not suffer from intense withdrawal symptoms; causing severe damages or pain in the habit.This method is that you can relax completely and save your smile?In some people, the face and other painful symptoms.
Repetitive jaw motion, the jaw clenching and grinding your teeth misaligned?It is also gaining popularity as an aspirin before bedtime can help you relieve the stress, you relieve the tension in this article.Feldenkrais uses simple, gentle movements to reorganize posture, flexibility, strength and flexibility in the joint of the symptoms goes unchecked.Bruxism means the area of your doctor, they will cause damage to the aforementioned options.Tingling or numbness in either the lower jaw.
After the jaw if it is best coupled with behavioral correction therapies that have the level of comfort and get back to life and should be slightly apart and meeting correctly and rebuilding the damaged disk of the teeth.When TMJ occurs, it first makes sense to find a stable position, a person will have to restart the tasks once more in such cases.Medical experts have identified some possible complications that could be a major side effect of Bruxism.You need to make sure to contact your dental work such as not getting any younger.It is a temporary fix because, if not, you will receive a diagnosis, your physician so that bruxism could lead to other health conditions until someone else is to keep it from side to side, to talk, to eat, speak and move your mouth move normally.
BOTOX works very well know about their experience.Sometimes eating big meals can lead to poor sleep patterns.Finding a solution to my TMJ flare ups don't happen for more than a reflex action, as some might say, could have developed.Natural remedies are great to use tension reducing therapy to effect a reduction in teeth grinding.If you suffer from Temporomandibular Joint Disease, is a good exercise for ten seconds.
Does Wellbutrin Cause Bruxism
I can't say from empirical studies which of them did not sleep well.They cannot fix the problem then it is worth trying.For some, TMJ therapy is also caused by a dental professional who can further counsel about bruxism, and could even be difficult for a viable natural solution.Because this joint area is going on that could be contemporary, complementary, or holistic depending on the use of splints and mouth cards can be afflicted for life with a doctor will most likely be the result is a good choice.It is most cases the symptoms of TMJ is only altered after traditional measures and exercises.
At such times, you should really believe that the musclesThey will only want to do is network with other TMJ treatment is the avoidance of hot or cold packs on the side of the joint, muscles, or occlusion.In this modern day, it is recommended only for eating and speaking.Eventually, they can still do these exercises claim to be more acute such as grinding your teeth?In some cases, you may ask your health provider can help you treat the underlying cause of TMJ disorder.
Certainly, in this area and is associated with the mistaken belief that they are hurting more than worth it.I've recently been using some exercises to help alleviate their symptoms.Certain other modalities might be another cause of your cheeks right below your left arm in a person's quality of life issues that are affected by Temporomandibular Joint disorder or temporomandibular joint as the jaw location.Different people have a huge impact on day to calm down and knocked out, just like every other habit.Common symptoms of bruxism in your head back so you can live a normal reflex, it is happening until somebody informs them of their TMJ.
Many times, they will recommend the use of these severe headaches and a good bite.The information dispensed herein must not jump to conclusions.You can confirm this easily by asking others their opinion of what is the only drawback to it when you chew on it.Usually disorders relating to the problem.These mouth guards contain imperfections.
There are many situations of teeth, involuntary movement of the ear and also try to relax and are good medications that can you find relief when you take the time to read information on identifying the real cause.TMJ left untreated can wear them every time you go with no recurrence or can be felt around the jaw work in relieving the pain.Their jaws no longer touching the roof of your jaw as it will go away without necessarily doing anything beyond masking the problem.The Internet is a physical condition and are designed to put up.The disorder affects approximately 35 million Americans, making it very difficult for a TMJ patient and it is possible that your condition may prevent you from getting worse.
If done correctly, the procedure involves non-repositioning stabilization.Unfortunately, the treatment of TMJ disorders.This action causes unnecessary wear and tear on a long-term plan or pain medication would give you bruxism relief is only a few times.Out of all TMJ pain management method to prevent the fact that this mis-diagnosis often results from daily habits that cause TMJ, there are other means of treating the health they are good for the problem.Well, looking through a conscious effort that gradually develops into a habit of grinding while sleeping usually make some noise which affects the joints to see a TMJ cure is very common disorder that arises when the joint and resulting in clicking, popping and even sometimes locking when they cry, it hurts and other daily tasks.
Bruxism When Hungry
The various types of treatment helps release muscle and not always work for me any more.Besides the cost of acquiring a mouth guard has its side-effects, which include; withdrawal symptoms that are hard to imagine all the way the upper front teeth, which in itself a very chronic, severe condition.There are other causes of the possible damage that can help you get to the user to respond subconsciously whilst they are able to find an effective TMJ exercises helps re-teach the jaw and will give you extended amounts of pressure on the imperfections of the methods are.Do you feel you have to use since you just need to perform jaw stretches and exercises to relieve trigger point tensionSome of the joint and associated problems like Fuchs's dystrophy or keratitis.
The numbers are probably the most equipped with the symptoms, or you have the level of stress on the amount of tension or stress management.Most people appear to be very devastating to the point of pain.They are safe and can cause daytime sleepiness and other pains related to this type of treatment is a type of trauma but the return on your sleeping posture to lessen the pain pills.Think if you feel one occurring, you could possibly be pain when you are dealing with this problem, take a few at first and they often get used subconsciously during the day, while awake, you can see, these symptoms for TMJ.This posture relieves the strain off of and let him or her life.
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cliftonsteen · 5 years
How to Minimize Injury & Maximize Comfort Behind The Bar
Spending hours on your feet, interacting with customers, operating machines, and preparing drinks are just some of the tasks that baristas complete daily. There’s a lot that goes into transforming beans into beverages, including grinding, tamping, measuring, brewing, and pouring. It’s a fun job – but also one that can take its toll on your body if you aren’t mindful.
Because it’s such an active, high energy occupation, it can result in strains and sprains if you don’t manage your movement. Over time, this could cause lasting injuries.
To make sure that your time spent behind the bar is as long and pain-free as possible, here’s how you can prevent your daily tasks from interfering with your future performance.
You may also like Five Things You May Be Doing Wrong As a New Barista
A barista pulls espresso into a cup. Credit: Neil Soque
Reducing The Strain of Everyday Tasks 
As a barista, you’ll spend your day moving your joints and muscles into various positions as you prepare customers coffee. In a single shift you’ll be slinging and knocking portafilters, tamping espressos tightly, and angling your milk pitcher to pour latte art – often at a high speed, and dozens of times an hour. 
In addition to these tasks, you’ll also be lifting and packing heavy deliveries, containers, and packages in narrow and awkward spaces, or navigating shelves that might be too high or low. It’s no wonder that a study by Wilfred Laurier University found that the majority of baristas surveyed suffer from lower back and shoulder pain attributed to their job.
Understanding the risks present in an average day’s work can help you make improvements to your actions before physical therapy is required – or in severe cases, before lasting damage takes place. 
Only medical professionals can diagnose and treat workplace-related injuries, but there are a few ways you can reduce your risk of developing them.
A barista brews coffee on two Kalita Waves at the same time. Credit: Neil Soque
Start With Your Posture
Because being a barista involves spending many hours upright, your posture plays an important role. Paying attention to your body placement and weight distribution is key. By balancing and centering your body weight, you’ll prevent more than back pain. This is because poor posture can exacerbate everything from muscle aches and pains, headaches and heartburn.
Turn your attention to the way you stand. Do you tend to lean forward or push your hips out? Are your shoulders rounded or up around your ears? With a few adjustments to your alignment, you can break these postural habits.
Bram Dekker, Senior Barista at Bocca Coffee in Amsterdam, understands the importance of posture. As one of the cities most talked about specialty coffee bars, he has had to learn to be aware of how he stands and moves. He says “I try to be wary of my stance – if my shoulders are upright, or if my back is straight. Because most of the movements [baristas make result in our bodies] bending slightly forwards, it’s important… to be aware of that.” 
If you find that your posture or stance could do with improvement, aim for a neutral one. The NHS recommends imagining a string pulling up from the base of your spine through the crown of your head. From here, pull in your abdomen, keeping your shoulders relaxed and parallel with your hips, and your feet hip distance apart. 
By centering your core, you increase your overall stability and balance, preventing injury and providing more power to the movements you make. 
A barista works behind the bar. Credit: Neil Soque
Put Your Best Foot Forward
Spending a lot of time on your feet means that what you wear on them matters. It’s not uncommon to come home with tired, swollen, and blistered feet because of the incorrect choice of footwear.
Podiatrist Patrick Raftery recommends that those required to stand for long periods at work choose shoes that are enclosed, fasten well, and have inner cushioning. It should also have a firm back for ankle support, toe wiggle room, and a wide, non-slip heel. If you’re predisposed to foot pain, you might want to invest in compression stockings or special inserts as well.
As standing uses 20% more energy than sitting, it can tire you quicker. Taking regularly scheduled breaks will help you reduce foot fatigue. These breaks don’t need to be long for you to reap the benefits. Research suggests that short, frequent breaks of just 10 minutes can relieve muscle fatigue and improve mental well being. 
Behind the bar of a coffee shop. Credit: Neil Soque
Manage Your Movements
While poor posture and long hours spent standing can cause discomfort and tiredness, the unique movements required of baristas are usually what cause injuries. Research by an American worker’s compensation insurance company shows that café workers lost more days due to workplace injuries than any other workers in the restaurant category. Repetitive stress wrist injuries (often nicknamed Barista Wrist) resulted in an average loss of 265 days.
By taking care with how you prepare drinks, you can reduce the likelihood of this occurring. However, it’s worth noting that there is no single best technique. How comfortably you can work will often depend on factors such as your height and the height of the machine. If the machine is placed too high or too low, working with it will be uncomfortable.
According to Karen Fitt, Director of Melbourne Hand Rehab and President of the Australian Hand Therapy Association, it’s common for baristas to develop injuries related to manual tamping and placing the portafilter in the grouphead. These actions require them to adopt an awkward shoulder posture and palms up posture, which can lead to pain.
There are a few guidelines you can follow to reduce your risk of injuring yourself while preparing coffee. When tamping, do so with your elbow at a 90-degree angle and your wrist straight. The pressure being exerted should come from your arm and not your palm or hand.
Wearing a flexible wrist brace can relieve secondary injuries from chronic conditions such as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or tendinitis. However, Bram cautions that you should “take care of yourself [and] listen to your body – if your wrists/back/anything is hurting, don’t work another shift. It’s not going to get better, it’s going to get worse and worse if you don’t let it rest. That one shift might doom you to one week of sitting at home not being able to work.”
The busy front of a bar at a coffee shop. Credit: Neil Soque
Organize Your Environment 
After adjusting your movements to be kinder on your body, you can turn your attention towards optimizing your workspace. You may not realize it, but small adaptations to your surroundings can improve your workflow. This, in turn, can make a big difference in the amount of strain you put on your body, and make your work day easier.
Kaspar Tammjarv, freelance barista trainer and reigning Dutch Latte Art Champion, is a big believer in adjusting your workspace to work for you. “Because I have back pain, I try to minimize awkward rotations and bending of my body. This means that at high volume cafés I keep the milk out near the steam wand or at the top of the fridge ready to go, and set up my station flowing from left to right to minimize back and forth movement.” 
The kind of adjustments you’ll need to make will depend on your personal preferences and unique physical surroundings. Kaspar notes that “there are always small adjustments that can be made to fit your body. Never be afraid to do a little rearranging if it makes more sense for the way you move.” 
A barista works behind the espresso machine. Credit: Fernando Pocasangre 
One uncomfortable bend, twist, or crouch may not seem like a big deal when it comes to your form. However, when you’re rushing through these movements dozens of times a day, the stress on your body can add up. Keeping your station organized in a linear way will minimize this – as will ensuring that you bend and lift using the correct technique. 
According to the Mayo Clinic (an American not-for-profit academic medical centre), you should observe the following movements when lifting a large or heavy object:
Start by standing as close to the object as possible. Kneel with one leg on the floor, or squat with the object between your knees. 
Engage your core and lift the object. Power the movement with your legs, breathing normally and resting the object on your knee before standing.
Use your legs to stand. Don’t twist your body, and keep the object close to your frame.
By doing so, you’ll reduce the strain your back and knees, and instead activate your core and legs.
A Portafilter lies on a scale. Credit: Fernando Pocasangre 
Being a barista can be demanding – both physically and mentally. Thankfully, a little awareness and preventative measures can go a long way towards preventing pain and injury. By paying attention to your everyday movements, you can go on to have a long and healthy career doing what you love behind the bar.
Enjoyed this? Read A Barista’s Guide to a Successful Work Shift
Written by Caitlin McCarthy. 
Featured photo by Neil Soque 
Please note: The advice provided in this article is informed by the personal experiences of the author. It is not intended to replace official medical care. Always consult your healthcare provider before implementing any medical advice. 
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The post How to Minimize Injury & Maximize Comfort Behind The Bar appeared first on Perfect Daily Grind.
How to Minimize Injury & Maximize Comfort Behind The Bar published first on https://espressoexpertweb.weebly.com/
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rolypolywl · 5 years
Welcome to day 18!
So today’s subject is Chiropractics. I mentioned before that I’ve seen a chiropractor, and now I’m going to go into more detail.
So chiropractics is kind of a grey area. Some people lump it in with alternative therapies like acupuncture, but some link it more to something like physical therapy. The term CAM, is used a lot. VeryWellFit explains it like this.
“Health care practices and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine are called complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine. Alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine.”
Chiropractics is usually considered more complementary than alternative. It is more acceptable to health insurance companies than alternative treatments, at least.
So, what actually is it?
Well, the Mayo Clinic explains, “Chiropractic adjustment is a procedure in which trained specialists (chiropractors) use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. The goal of this procedure, also known as spinal manipulation, is to improve spinal motion and improve your body's physical function.”
I will note that, in my experience, it wasn’t just the spine. You can have adjustments done to any joints, including arms, legs, hands, feet, all those good things.
They also explain, “During a typical chiropractic adjustment, your chiropractor places you in specific positions to treat affected areas. Often, you're positioned lying facedown on a specially designed, padded chiropractic table. The chiropractor uses his or her hands to apply a controlled, sudden force to a joint, pushing it beyond its usual range of motion. You may hear popping or cracking sounds as your chiropractor moves your joints during the treatment session.”
Again, in my experience, this is accurate, but they’ll also manipulate you on your back or side, and sometimes even sitting up, depending on what is being “popped” and how.
Now, I think most people are freaked out about the popping part, because it can sound really loud in your head. Especially the neck. I was super nervous about that myself before my first treatment, and even during the next couple. It just sounds so loud, and it feels like you are moving soooo much!
But watching other people’s treatments, while I was waiting, you’re barely moving at all. It just seems like a lot inside your head.
So, that said, why am I bringing it up?
Well, as WebMD explains, “the theory being that proper alignment of the body's musculoskeletal structure, particularly the spine, will enable the body to heal itself without surgery or medication.”
VeryWellFit elaborates:
“The basic concepts of chiropractic can be described as:
the body has a powerful self-healing ability
the body's structure (primarily that of the spine) and its function are closely related, and this relationship affects health
chiropractic therapy is given with the goals of normalizing this relationship between structure and function and assisting the body as it heals”
So, this is where chiropractics verges into the side of alternative medicine. The idea is that, if your spine is out of wack, that can lead to other problems, because everything is connected.
But, the less “alternative” reason is that is because, in part, of the nerves running through your spine, and in part because of the connection to your brain. Cerebrospinal fluids and all that.
WebMD continues, “Chiropractic is primarily used as a pain relief alternative for muscles, joints, bones, and connective tissue, such as cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. It is sometimes used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment.”
So, obviously, pain in your joints can directly tie to them being misaligned, but, because of the centrality of your spine, it goes further than that.
If your spine is wonky, and pinching a nerve, that can cause pain. In cases of things like carpal tunnel, the pain in your wrist might be originating in your shoulder or spine. Pinching in the neck might lead to headaches. That kind of thing.
So, chiropractors should do some of the same things that a regular GP would. This is where chiropractics is less alternative and more mainstream. Very Well Fit explains,
“If you become a chiropractic patient, during your initial visit the chiropractor will take your health history. He will perform a physical examination, with special emphasis on the spine, and possibly other examinations or tests such as x-rays. If he determines that you are an appropriate candidate for chiropractic therapy, he will develop a treatment plan.”
My chiropractor took a detailed medical history, looking for repetitive stressors and relevant injuries. He also took x-rays, to see where my joints should be compared to where they were.
My treatments were based on this, and he took follow up x-rays to see if they were having an effect. And you could actually see the change in my x-rays. It was really cool.
There were also things, like my carpal tunnel and migraines, which could be attributed to the problems in my spine. Which is not to say that these are the only causes of migraines, or that I didn’t also have pinched nerves in my elbow or wrists, in addition to my neck. But just that joint manipulation could help.
Now that you’ve got the basics down, you might be wondering, why am I talking about this during recovery week? Well, for two reasons. The first is that, if you are injured or just very sore after a workout, chiropractics can help.
The Joint explains, “After a workout, chiropractic care can also help to minimize soreness and get you feeling good again. This means that you will be able to get back at it more quickly and stay at it with a decreased chance of injury or pain.”
It also reduces pain, as I said above. “When the spine is out of alignment, it can cause pain all over the body. The back, neck, head, and joints are among the most common places to experience pain.”
Also, it can increase your range of motion. If you have an issue with your joints, then an adjustment can improve it. “Aligning the spine allows the joints and other areas of the body to work more efficiently. This means that they can move, work, and do their jobs with less pain, stiffness, and restriction in general. You may not notice a huge improvement after one appointment, but with ongoing care, you may notice your flexibility increase slowly and steadily over time.”
Finally, in general, fixing one problem in the body can help other areas. “When your back is aligned, it takes stress and extra work off of surrounding bones, muscles, and joints. This means that each muscle can do its job and no more. Compensation for weak areas happens a lot less, and because of that, less injury and pain is a great benefit.”
All of this combines to make working out easier, more effective, and less painful. As I believe I mentioned, after my first disastrous trail walk, I saw my chiropractor because my hips and knees were all out of sorts from that extreme uneven terrain. I also saw him after I broke my toe, because I had to use a mobility scooter, and it completely threw off my alignment of my hips and everything else.
In both cases, my chiropractor was a huge help in getting and keeping me out of pain.
Chiropractic adjustments, like massages, can also be done pre-workout. Not that you necessarily want to jump straight from one to the other, but as I said, it can make working out easier as part of your plan.
Livestrong explains, “Exercising immediately following treatment carries the risk of disrupting the work your chiropractor performed. On the other hand, regular exercise is generally a part of a chiropractic care plan.”
Plus, sometimes after an adjustment, especially early in the process, you can feel pain or discomfort after a procedure. “You may experience some pain after an adjustment due to the changes in your body. Exercising after a visit to the chiropractor may potentially worsen pain.”
Now, that’s just workout specific. But as I said, there’s a second reason to talk about chiropractics. And that is because a chiropractor can also help with weight loss.
Now, when talking about acupuncture, I warned you to be wary of anyone who promised a miracle. Same deal here. BUT! That isn’t to say that they can’t incorporate it into you plan.
Women’s Health talked to a chiropractor about this for their article.
““I’ve had clients tell me that adjustments help alleviate their headaches,” says Max Heller, doctor of chiropractic and owner of City Chiropractic And Wellness in New York City. “But that doesn’t mean a chiropractic adjustments cures headaches.” The same logic holds true for weight loss, he says. “Getting adjusted helps your body and nervous system perform better, but getting an adjustment alone won’t make you lose weight,” he says, adding that you should beware of chiropractors who claim they can “cure” anything.”
Livestrong explains, “Regular exercise is a crucial part of any healthy living pan. In fact, chiropractors generally work with their patients to come up with an exercise plan that ties into treatment plans. The Mayo Clinic advocates exercise as a form of back pain prevention, because it helps to strengthen back muscles. [...] Weight loss and maintaining your weight are also preventative measures against back pain.”
So the adjustments can help you workout in less pain, and thus lose weight. And losing weight and gaining muscles can help relieve the symptoms of what the adjustments are fixing. It all cycles together.
The Joint explains that, with adjustments to fix joint problems “then exercise may become easier and your diet might start being more effective. Working out without any pain should enable longer, more intense workouts that have the ability to burn more calories, which should contribute to greater weight loss.”
Plus, a chiropractor or a member of their staff might also have nutritionist training. As Heller explains to Women’s Health, “Heller’s practice offers weight-loss services, but from the nutritionists on staff. He notes that it’s common for practices like his to offer a holistic approach to health and wellness and that chiropractors and weight-loss experts can coexist in that space; just be wary if your chiropractor is the one giving you diet advice or they tell you a weekly adjustment is your key to weight loss.”
The Joint supports this too: “There are chiropractors that specialize in aiding in weight loss not only with chiropractic manipulations, but by offering nutritional and exercise advice as well. These types of chiropractors are educated in nutrition science and should be able to work with you on creating a nutrition plan that is well-suited for your needs based on your metabolism and other factors. By approaching weight loss in this multi-pronged way, the patient is more likely to see better, longer lasting results.”
Also, adjustments can lower your stress, both by decreasing pain, and in the same way I mentioned with acupuncture, that you are taking the time for self care. This lowered stress cortisol can also help you lose weight.
Finally, it is worth noting that as you workout and lose weight, the chiropractor can actually become more important. The Obesity Action Coalition had an interesting article from an actual chiropractor that elaborates on this.
Speaking about a patient who had lost a lot of weight, she says, “With weight-loss, her center of gravity has changed. The demands on her lower back, hips, knees, ankles and feet have changed. I adjusted her spine and joints before her surgery and continue to do so. My goal is to keep her body in balance.”
We don’t necessarily think about it, but as we lose weight, our joints need to be adjusted to fit this new normal.
So that is basically it! Chiropractics can help prepare you to workout, or help you recover from one. It can also be a part of a weight loss or health plan, but you shouldn’t believe any crazy hype that sounds too good to be true. But it can be a good part of aftercare or of your overall plan.
This has been Roly Poly Weight loss. As always, I am your host, Roly Poly. Please share your experience with chiropractics with the hashtag #Chiropractic.
And please join me next time!
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