#i jumped the gun here but i'm hoping it'll work
payaso-gomi · 11 months
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Trying my best
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starstruck-cupid · 1 year
The Sweater
Part 6 of Unnamed Charlie fic. Final part
Kirby x reader at end
(edit: name change. Formerly unnamed)
A/n: I hope this is an okay ending. It isn't what I envisioned but I suppose it's close. This is the finally part of the Charlie x reader. I'm thinking of doing a continuation with Kirby x reader set in the 6th movie.
TW: mentions of stabbing, harm towards reader, smoking. I think that's it?
After a few minutes, I go to find Charlie. Waking up the stairs, I call him, Jill, and Trevor. No answer. Finally I find a bathroom. I walk in, crack the door, and light a cigarette. Analyzing myself in the mirror, I don't realize Charlie is behind me. I feel a hand on my back. It makes me jump and I look up.
"Oh, hi"
He doesn't say anything. He grabs the cigarette and puts it out using the sink faucet. I turn to face him.
"Are you okay?" He's making me anxious.
Still no answer. The look in his eyes is unrecognizable. It's empty but loving at the same time.
"I'm sorry, bunny." His eyes may not be genuine but his words are. "I don't have any other choice. If I don't do it, if I don't make it easy and painless, she will, and she won't be nice."
"Charlie, what are you-" I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. His arms wrap around me
What's happening?
It hurts. Everything hurts. Everything is spinning. I look down.
He stabbed me?
"Char?" Looking at his face, my eyes welled up with tears. "I-" I can't get it out. Everything hurts. My lungs are burning.
"Shhh. Don't say anything. It'll be over soon, princess."
I can't stand anymore. I slowly start to slip down to the floor. Charlie keeps a firm grip on me the whole time, making sure my fall is calculated.
"I loved you" I finally managed to get it out. The thing I've been trying to tell him for days. I finally worked up the courage to do it today, and he stabbed me.
It's almost like I can see his heart break through his eyes.
"It had to happen this way." Not even an I love you too.
I can feel tears sliding down my face as I see Charlie reach into my bag. I didn't realize he had it. Pulling out my walkman, putting in my favorite cassette, he places the earbuds in my ears.
I hear Jill call out his name. I don't have the energy to tell her to run. He didn't say anything else. He just leaves. I don't have have the energy to cry
I don't know how long I sat there. I know 5 songs played. Sometime during the 5th, a police officer walked into the bathroom, gun drawn. Realizing it was just me. She quickly puts the gun down and rushes to me.
I don't remember what happened after that.
I woke up in a hospital. Kirby in a wheel chair next to my bed.
"How'd you get here?" I ask her with a weak voice.
"I snuck over." She said with a smile.
"He got you too?" The thought of Charlie being behind all of this makes me tear up again.
Kirby weakly sits up, needing against the side of my bed.
"Yeah." She said sadly, wiping the tears away from my eyes. It was the first time I've heard her anything but happy.
"Will you lay with me?" She nods, pushing down the assistant rails. I sit up a bit, helping her climb into my bed. For a while we lay there, wrapped in each other's arms.
~2 month time skip~
Everything was back to normal. At least for the rest of Woodsboro. For me and Kirby, it wasn't. We were recovering, but it was slow. All of our friends were dead and it was our friends who did it. I'm not sure if we'll ever be completely normal again. But we have each other.
I'm not sure what we are, but we've grown very close. We're planning to move in together once high school is over. We're getting as far away as we can. She decided she wants to join the FBI. I fully support her and I'm willing to go wherever she needs me.
For one in my life, I am both content and calm at the same time. I'm not sure if I'm happy, but one day I will be.
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tngrace · 6 months
Chapter 4
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I feel like I jump from Pete to Tom to Mike and vice versa in this chapter a tad too much, so I tried to use line breaks to break it up. Thanks to @firefly-graphics for the divider. Hopefully it doesn't make it too confusing. I'm planning on working on the last chapter today/this week so it'll be ready to post next Friday, and I'm so excited for how I wrap up this part! Stay tuned and I hope you enjoyed! <3
A03; Tumbler Masterlists: Main; Mav Chronicles
Cleaning out Goose’s things after getting home from the hospital is one of the hardest things Mav has ever done. He fights the tears with everything he has, knowing Carole and Bradley are just on the other side of the door, but some still fall. He’s doing his best to be strong, to be there for Carole to lean on, but holding Goose’s things is almost too much. He boxes up things he knows she’ll want to keep and leaves things he knows can just be donated. He pockets Goose’s spare tags knowing Carole won’t mind. Once he has the box together, he leans against the door just breathing. He doesn’t think he can do this, but he knows he has to. He takes a few more deep breaths, and then faces his best friend’s widow. 
Carole telling him Goose would do it without him feels hollow because he doesn’t think he can do this. It doesn’t feel right. Nothing feels right without Goose by his side. 
The next few days pass in a blur. Mav spends most of it helping Carole and Bradley with anything they need. He hears from Cougar as well, which is a surprise, and Cougar is the only one Mav shares his thoughts about quitting with knowing Cougar would understand. It’s a refreshing conversation even if it doesn’t help him make a decision one way or the other. 
Mav is right back at class as soon as it resumes, his decision of what to do put on hold; his brain is too scrambled to think clearly anyways and Carole seems to think getting right back to it might be good for him, despite Bradley crying any time Mav leaves his sight. The board cleared him of any wrongdoing and returned him to flight status immediately. He doesn’t want to go back to work, but Mike pushes him to get back into the air. Mav is still so out of it, he can’t differentiate between Mike as his dad and as his commander, and he goes along with it because disappointing Mike is the last thing he ever wants to do. Mike doesn’t feel one hundred percent comfortable sending Pete up in his current mental state, but he knows that’s what any other commander would do. It kills him, but he tells Rick to get him up as soon as possible. 
He’s waiting on the tarmac for his first flight back, Goose’s tags tumbling back and forth in his hands as he’s lost in thought. 
Bradley is in his arms, his tears too much for Mav to resist picking him up. He has a hand on Carole’s back as she cries quietly. Mav’s eyes are tear filled, but he doesn’t let them fall. He stands at attention despite holding Bradley, as his eyes never leave the flag draped casket. He never thought he’d be here, standing next to his best friend’s wife, holding his best friend’s kid, while said best friend is being lowered into the ground. And it’s all his fault. He can’t get the sound of Goose hitting the canopy out of his head. It haunts him day and night. He can’t get the images of Goose, covered in blood, lifeless in his arms out of his head. It’s always there. Carole and Bradley will blame him, just as he blames himself.  His arms tighten around Bradley as the flag is folded and presented to Carole by Viper while the twenty-one gun salute takes place. He can feel Bradley jump in his arms with each fire, and it’s all Mav can do to stay at attention. He knows Carrie, Cat and Jamie are there somewhere as well, but he can’t act like he knows them. He feels Tom nudge his arm when it’s time for them to pound their wings into the casket. He sets Bradley down, despite the little boy trying to desperately cling to him, not understanding what is happening or why his favorite people are upset. The entire class steps forward, and one by one drive their wings in. Mav is the last one to do it, Tom standing by his side the entire time. He feels his breath catch, a tear falling despite his best efforts, and then it’s done. He stands at full attention at the end of the casket as the missing man formation flies overhead.  People start disperasing after that, some stopping to offer Carole their condolences, but Mav doesn’t move. It isn’t until Tom whispers to him that they need to go, does he snap back into reality. He gives Tom a nod and then he’s scoping Bradley up once more, the little boy burying his face in Mav’s neck as they head back to the vehicles. He sees Mike join Carrie, Cat and Jamie and he gives them a long look. He wishes he could fall into Carrie’s arms and let her just hold him until the pain disappears like when he was a child, but he knows that’s not possible. He gives them a nod and then joins Carole in the car, Tom taking them back to the house. 
“Lieutenant Mitchell you are cleared for takeoff” It’s being shouted in his ear by Jester, so there’s no telling how many times they’d tried getting his attention while he’d been lost in thought. He drops the tags in his flight suit pocket, and acknowledges the order. He’s in the air before he knows it and it just feels all wrong. He’s been so out of it, he doesn’t even know who’s in his back seat. He can’t engage, barely feels like he’s flying the jet, before he’s landing once more, only breathing once the canopy is clear and his mask is off. 
“He won’t engage Mike, not in the air or on the ground.” 
The rest of the week goes about the same. Mav stays lost in his head, doesn’t engage with anyone, and won’t engage in the air, half the time barely getting in the air. The whole time there’s only one thought circling through Pete’s head; I can’t do this anymore. Everyone watches as Pete falls apart, no one more than Tom, but no one knows how to help. 
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“It’s only been a few days.” 
“I know. I know. But he might not make it back from this.” 
Mike sighs knowing Rick might just be right. “Keep sending him up.” 
“I know ok! I know. He’s my kid,” he hisses quietly because they are still on base, even though no one should be near his office. “I don’t like this any more than you. But I can’t… we can’t…. If we coddle him, it’ll look like something to the Brass. We have to keep sending him up.” 
“And if he quits?” 
Mike is silent, stewing over the question. 
“Mike, have you even talked to him?” 
“Not since the hospital,” Mike sighs, sinking into his desk chair. “I had to make sure the Brass were done snooping around. You know it would kill Pete if they made the connection now.” 
“Maybe you should talk to him… not as a Commander.” 
“Maybe…. I don’t know that he’ll want to talk to me though.” 
He gives Rick a nod, and then his best friend is gone. Mike thinks over how to talk to Pete, but he’s not sure he can make it happen. The next day it all goes to shit before he ever formulates a solid plan. They thought putting Sunny with Mav would help him engage, but it didn’t. It just made things worse, and the entirety of the class saw him finally blow up. 
Mike catches Tom’s eye across the tarmac, Tom and Ron having been observing from a distance as well. Tom drops his eye before Mike can convey or deduce anything and then he’s gone.  
Tom finds Pete in the locker room, cleaning out his locker, but he doesn’t know what to say. He tries to apologize once more, but Pete won’t even look at him. It’s tearing him up inside to see Pete like this, but he doesn’t stop him from leaving. Tom hears Wolf calling Charlie letting her know Pete has quit. While it angers him, he can’t do anything about it because no one but Slider knows Pete is his. He finds Slider waiting by his truck when he finally makes it out. 
Word of Mav leaving reaches Mike and Rick before Pete is even off base, and Mike is lost. He let his kid down and he doesn’t know what to do to fix it. He just hopes Pete reaches out before he does something rash. 
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“He’s gone. I… I didn’t know what to say to stop him. He won’t even look at me anymore.” 
“He’s hurting Tom. He doesn't know what he’s doing.” 
“He asked for space and I gave it to him.” 
“Maybe you shouldn’t have.” Tom gives him the side eye glare because they’ve had this argument plenty over the last several days. 
“Don’t give me that look. Listen, you feel guilty so you’re giving him whatever he wants. And maybe he’s too messed up to say what he really wants; that he wants someone to fight to be there for him, to not let him push them away. Nick’s told us how messed up the kid was from his shitty past. Maybe it’s time you fight back and show him you’re not going anywhere.” 
Tom ponders his words and finally decides maybe Slider is right. “He’ll probably go to the airport,” Tom concedes. 
Pete doesn’t know where’s going, but he knows he has to get out of there. Being there without Goose is just too much. There’s too many eyes on him, and he’s letting too many people down. He doesn’t feel like an aviator anymore, and he knows he needs to leave before he hurts or kills anyone else. That’s how he finds himself at the airport. He’d sat down to rest while he decided where he needed to go, and hadn’t realized he’d been dozing off. Charlie’s appearance is a shock to his system though. 
“Let’s go get him.” 
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“Excuse me?” Pete jerks at her voice. He has no clue what she’s doing there and he definitely doesn’t want to see her. “May I?” 
Despite not wanting to see her, Carrie raised a polite man, so he nods. 
“I’ll have what he’s having,” she says when the waitress walks up. He can see a blonde figure watching from right inside the door, and Pete holds in his sigh knowing Tom won’t step in for fear of giving anything away to Charlie. He shouldn’t be surprised Tom found him either, but he is a little surprised Tom came after him. He clues back in when Charlie questions his drink; “Hemlock is it?” 
“Ice water,” he gets out quietly. 
She acts like she doesn’t believe him and it grates on his thin frayed nerves. He just clenches his jaw to keep from saying something smart. 
“You weren’t going to say goodbye?” He’s not sure why she still thinks he owes her something. 
“I heard you got that job in Washington,” he says instead. “Congratulations,” he tacks on, again hearing Carrie’s voice in his head about manners. 
“Thanks. But I wasn’t going to leave without saying goodbye.” Her hand on top of his makes him cringe, so he subtly pulls it back into his lap. He wants out of this conversation so bad it’s making his skin itch. He glances back to where he knows Tom is waiting, wishing the asshole would come end this conversation. He tries to be dismissive, tries to get her to see he wants no part of this, but she just won’t relent. 
“You don’t even have a ticket do you?” 
What the fuck it is to her, he has no idea. He glances around the airport once more, his eyes landing on Tom, but not long enough for her to notice. He knows his eyes are pleading, but he turns back as she starts talking once more. 
“Listen, I’ve seen all the evidence, and it’s not your responsibility. It’s not your fault.” 
He’s so sick of hearing that statement it’s not even funny. He won’t even look at her now; he doesn’t need her placating statements or her assessment of his flying anymore. Her voice is grating on him, so he totally shuts down. He can tell by her change in voice it pisses her off, but he can’t bring himself to care; manners be damned , he thinks.
“You’re one of the best pilots in the Navy. What you do up there is dangerous. But you’ve got to go on.” 
“No you don’t understand,” he says softly, hoping she’ll get the fucking hint and leave. 
“When I first met you, you were larger than life.” It’s almost a sneer, and Pete hopes she’s finally got the fucking hint that he’s so done. “Look at you.” 
Pete is getting pissed, and he knows he’s going to say something he can’t take back, but she just won’t quit. “You’re not going to be happy unless you’re going Mach two with your hair on fire, you know that.” 
“No. It’s over. It’s just over.” He makes it sound as lifeless as possible.
“To be the best of the best, you make mistakes and then you go on. It’s just like the rest of us.”
“You don’t think I know that?” he growls. He can finally see Tom moving towards them, and Pete curses him for not doing it sooner. 
“I’m here to help!” 
“If I wanted help, I would’ve asked for it.” He blows out an aggravated breath as her eyes scan the room. When they land on Tom walking towards them she scoffs. If he won’t take help from me, there’s no way he’ll listen to his arch rival , she thinks. 
“So I’m too late!” She carries on with more nonsense, but Pete tunes her out. His jaw is clenched so tight when she makes a dig about him quitting, like his dad . She doesn’t say it, but it’s heavily implied and Tom has finally had enough. “That’s enough!” His voice booms in the quiet room, and Charlie just rolls her eyes. 
“He’s already gone,” she scoffs. “Not like he’d listen to you anyways.” 
Tom doesn’t dignify that with a response and she stomps out of the airport. Good riddance , he thinks. He’d heard more of their conversation than he’d liked and he mulls over how to approach Pete as he makes his way to him. 
“Water you say?” Tom asks, nodding to Pete’s drink as he sits down letting him know he’d heard the previous conversation, even though Pete had met his eyes more than once. He gives Tom a nod and then he’s ordering one as well. They just sit there, Mav almost asleep on the table and Tom watching him. 
“Can I take you home? Get some sleep in a bed instead of this table?” His voice is soft like when they’re sneaking time just the two of them, and it makes Pete want to cry.
“Won’t sleep. Can’t sleep. I’m fine.” 
Tom’s hand closes around Pete’s forearm giving it a squeeze. He doesn’t give a fuck in that moment that they’re in public. Pete is his only concern. “You’re not fine, but that is ok. You shouldn’t be expected to just be fine after everything.” 
Pete cracks his eyes open and just watches his boyfriend, if he can even still call him that after the last couple of weeks of Pete avoiding him. “Why are you here?” 
“Why do you think?” He wants to scream that he loves him, that he cares about him, but he refrains. It’s not what Pete needs to hear in this moment. 
“Afraid of having no competition Ice man?”
Tom snarls at that, his icy glare boring into Pete. He knows Pete is just lashing out because of the conversation with Charlie, but it still stings. “No, asshole. You know better.” 
“Do I?” 
He takes a deep breath, counting to ten before replying. “You should.”  Pete seems to deflate before his eyes meet Tom’s once more. “I know things have been a lot. I know you’re not sleeping. But please…. Let me take you home right now? If you still want to leave after some sleep, I’ll bring you back and book the ticket myself.” 
Pete eyes him for several long minutes, before he finally gives in with a nod. Tom lets out a relieved breath, before he pulls Pete up and out the door. He takes the bike keys out of Pete’s jacket and tosses them to Slider as they head for Slider’s truck. “Thanks,” he whispers to his best friend, who just gives him a nod. Pete is asleep before they’re out of the parking lot. 
Tom carries him in and tucks him into bed once back at their housing. Slider hits the couch, and Tom isn’t the least bit surprised when Pete tries to cling to him when he goes to leave. He gives a small smile even though Pete is still asleep, and slides into bed with him. Pete sleeps like the dead, the exhaustion finally winning out. It’s early the next morning, the sun not even up yet, when Pete wakes. Tom rouses easily when he feels Pete moving, and he pulls him against him, barely kissing his forehead. 
“Morning,” he whispers. 
“Morning.” Pete’s voice is gravelly and Tom moves to get him some water. Pete gives him a small smile as he drinks it down before curling back into the blankets. Tom lays back with him, his arm stroking up and down Pete’s back in comfort. He’s thought over his words very carefully since yesterday, not wanting to make things worse or scare Pete off once more. “I know you’ve been avoiding me and I know you want to quit.” He feels Pete tense under him, and he barely holds in his sigh. “But I don’t think you should quit. You’re a talented pilot Pete, and the accident was not your fault. I know you think it is, and I know no matter what anyone says, you’re going to blame yourself. But it wasn’t your fault.” 
“Then who’s was it?” His voice is so small, and Tom knows he’s just looking for somewhere to place the blame so he can absolve himself of the guilt he can’t let go. 
Pete shoots up, hovering over Tom, his head already shaking in denial. 
“How so?” Tom asks. His hand has not stopped rubbing up and down Pete’s back the whole time. 
“It wasn’t yours Tom.” 
“Explain it to me. How was it not mine?” 
“You’re not the one who lost control and couldn’t get it back!” 
“No. But you didn’t lose control Mav. You flew through jet wash. A freak accident that could happen to any of us. I know you did your best to regain control in the spin. But it wasn’t possible.” 
“It wasn’t your fault.” Pete sinks back down in the bed, his head resting on Tom’s chest.
“It was my jet wash Pete. I took too long to make the shot. If I had just got out of your way the first time maybe things would be different.” 
Pete struggles to find an argument for that, but he’ll be damned if he lets Tom carry any guilt for this when it wasn’t his fault. “It wasn’t your fault.” 
“It wasn’t yours either.” 
They lay there in silence, Pete sinking further into the comfort of being with Tom once more. 
“Does your family know?” Tom eventually asks because he doesn't remember seeing anyone out of the ordinary at the hospital or the funeral. 
“All the details?” 
“Yea,” Pete whispers. 
Tom hums thoughtfully. “Maybe it would do you some good to pay them a visit?” Tom suggests. He’s not sure what their relationship is like, but he remembers how carefree Pete was when he returned from family dinner after the volleyball match. Tom’s willing to risk anything at this point to help Pete. 
“Maybe. I’ll think it over.” 
Tom just nods and Pete ends up drifting back off in the silence. Tom manages to pull him out of bed around lunch and between him and Slider they’re able to get Pete to eat some pizza. He ends up curled in the corner of the couch watching a baseball game after, and then he’s crawling back in bed around sunset. They didn’t try to force too much on him that day, knowing he needed rest more than anything. 
Tom is surprised to find Pete still awake when he crawls into bed a little later. 
“I used the phone in here earlier.” 
“Ok?” He can tell Pete is nervous, but he’s not sure why.
“I took your advice. I think… I think I’m going to go home for a visit tomorrow.” 
“I think that’d be good for you.” Tom softly kisses his forehead as Pete finally relaxes once more and cuddles close. 
“I’d love for you to come with me,” Pete whispers in the dark. “But it’s… I’m protecting you too.” 
“I know Mav. Maybe one day, when you’re ready.” 
“Yea… maybe.” 
It’s not long after that Pete drifts off into another deep sleep. 
The next morning, Pete heads back over to his place to clean up and change clothes before his visit. He wasn’t lying when he said he wished Tom could come with him, but right now it’s too risky. He knows he still looks like death, and Carrie is going to fret, but he can’t change it. He throws on his jacket and his aviators before jumping on his bike and taking off. 
Once there, he notices his sister’s car in the drive as well and he sighs. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever inquisition Cat will bring, and heads for the front door. He tries to remind himself that it’s a good thing he’s here, but he just feels weighed down and nervous. He knows he’s probably been a huge disappointment to Mike the last week and half, and it’s killing him inside on top of losing his brother. After another deep breath on the stoop, he rings the doorbell - something he rarely does, heart in his throat. He's not surprised when Carrie answers. "Pete? Oh honey come in. You know you never have to knock."
He steps through the door, and before he can say anything she's pulling him into her arms. "Pete. Just breathe," she whispers, holding him tight. 
"Mom," he chokes out. 
"Jamie honey go help your sister," Carrie calls over her shoulder knowing Pete wouldn't want his siblings seeing him break down. 
"It's ok. You're ok," she whispers over and over, rubbing his back. "I'm here Pete. You're ok." 
He clings to her, breathing in the familiar scent as tears roll down his cheeks. He hears the stairs creak and knows Mike is coming down. He tries to pull back and straighten up, but Carrie just holds him tighter. "No. Right now you're here as our son. You stay right here as long as you need."
Pete's never been able to tell her no, so he stays right there until he feels his heart rate settle. "You're staying for dinner," she tells him, when he finally pulls back. She cups his cheek and gently wipes his tears. "Yes mam." 
She gives Mike a stern look before she leaves them. "C'mere kid." 
He breathes a huge sigh of relief when Pete still sinks into his hugs like when he was a kid. He’s careful of Pete’s fading bruises, but he holds him tight. Watching him struggle this week has almost broke Mike. He rests his chin on the top of Pete’s head. “I’m so glad you came home.” 
“I…. I’ve been so mad at you!” 
“I know. I know.” He lets out another sigh. “So has your mom kid.” 
Pete can’t stop the snort of laughter at that. Carrie has always been protective of him, so he’s not really surprised by that. 
“I…. I don’t know what to do Dad.”  Mike’s heart breaks hearing such uncertainty and heartbreak in his kids voice. 
Mike gently squeezes the back of his neck before he steers him towards his study. It’s been so long since Pete has actually called him “Dad” so he soaks it in for a minute. He settles on the couch beside his kid, weighing his words. 
“I heard you were gone,” he starts with. 
“Mmmm. So I’m curious what brought you back?” Mike’s watching him carefully and it makes Pete nervous. Mike didn’t really believe much of what Charlie told him, but he also wants to see what Pete says about it.
“I….” Pete chews on his lip and stares out the window. “I couldn’t leave without telling Mom bye. She’d never forgive me.” 
“This is true. But…” Mike reaches over and squeezes his knee bringing Pete’s attention back to him. “But you wouldn’t ask me what to do if you were really leaving.” 
“No, sir.” 
“Pete… You’re not here as my Lieutenant. You’re here as my son…. I hope,” he tacks on at the end quietly. 
“I am. I just… It’s already dangerous enough that the brass might find out you took me in. How you’ve kept it a secret this long and kept it out of the inquiry, I don’t know. Them not knowing protects us both and I…” he gets up to pace unable to sit still any longer. “I’ve already almost cost you a lot. I’m no good just like everybody says and if I tell you…” 
Mike cuts him off at that; he spins Pete to face him, gently cupping his cheeks. “Don’t ever say that about my kid again. You are perfect the way you are Pete and if people can’t see that, then that’s their loss.” 
Pete gives him a feeble nod. 
“We’ll tell you as long as it takes, just like when you were a kid. But you are perfect just the way you are.” 
“If I tell you, I’m just asking you to keep more secrets, more things you’ll think you have to protect me from. That’s not fair to you.” 
“You’d be surprised at the things a parent would do for their kid. I know you probably don’t remember it, but I told you in the hospital if it came to you or the Navy, I’d pick you every time. That hasn’t changed kiddo. Never will.” 
Pete absorbs the words and knows they’re true. Mike would sacrifice it all for him, even if he doesn’t deserve it.  “It was Ice,” he whispers, his gaze dropping to the floor. “He came in right behind Charlie.” 
“Mmmm. I had a feeling.” 
Pete’s head jerks up at that, but Mike quickly reassures him. “Don’t. It’s just because I know you son. Nothing is obvious.” 
Pete lets out a deep sigh, his body sagging almost as if his strings had been cut once more. 
“Come on let’s take a walk. Get you some fresh air.”  
Pete follows him out the back door into the yard overlooking the ocean. He hates how close the neighbors are, but that’s base living for you. He briefly wonders where Jamie is running off to so close to dinner, but his head is quickly drawn back to Mike. He hasn’t been able to go near the ocean since the accident, but breathing in the salty air he grew up with, relaxes him. “You have two options. First you’ve acquired enough points to show up and graduate with your Top Gun class. Or… you quit. There’d be no disgrace in quitting Pete. That spin was hell. It would’ve shook me up. Hell listening back to it shook me up. Not just because you’re my kid either.” 
Pete stares out over the ocean, trying hard not to let the accident play in his mind. Mike’s hand on his shoulder draws his attention back once more. “So you think I should quit?” he asks less confidently than he’d like. 
“I didn’t say that Pete. I’m just laying out your options. But… you feel responsible for Goose, and you’ve been off your game. You’ve lost your confidence. I know you know this Pete, but a good pilot is always compelled to evaluate what’s happened so he can apply what he’s learned. Pushing it in the air is our job. We have to do it. It’s why I put you right back up once you were cleared. As a father, I would’ve never even considered it. As your CO, I had no choice. I had to push you.” He pauses as he considers whether to keep pushing in that moment, but thinks better of it. Pete’s had enough pushing since the accident. It’s time to just let him be.”I can’t make this decision for you kid. But I can say I will support whatever decision you decide. So will your mom.” 
Before Pete can answer he feels little arms wrap around his legs and he looks down to see his adorable niece clinging to him babbling in her little gibberish. “Well hey there Cin,” he grins, lifting her into his arms. He’d given her a nickname just like he’d given her mom when he’d been a kid. It was something just for them and it always made him smile knowing Cat let him get away with it to make him feel comfortable. Mike smiles watching Pete relax into himself and smile for the first time in weeks. 
“I’m guessing someone escaped from your sister,” Mike laughs, as they turn to head back into the house. 
His older sister is standing on the back steps with her hands on her hips. “Sorry. Someone was determined to see you.” 
“It’s alright. I’m glad she found me.” He tickles her belly, drawing out a giggle before Cynthia buries her face in his neck babbling “Mab” over and over. Mav was easier to say than Pete so they’d taught her the shortened version of his callsign for now. 
“I’m glad you're home,” she says softly, drawing Mav into a hug, squishing her daughter between them. 
“Just for dinner. You know I can’t be here much.” 
“Still. I’m glad you’re here.” 
He follows her into the kitchen where Carrie is finishing up dinner. “Where’d Jamie run off to earlier?” 
“The beach. She’ll be back.” 
Mav bounces Cin in his arms to hear her giggles once more. He’s not sure he’ll ever be able to step back onto the beach or in the ocean ever again. 
“She got a boyfriend she was meeting?” Cat asks, causing Mav to freeze. 
“Nope. Nope. No. We are not doing this. No. It was bad enough when you started dating and got married. Baby sis is not doing this too.” 
“Like you can stop her. Couldn’t stop me. Besides, she's eighteen now, Mav.” 
“Oh I can talk her out of it. Just you wait.” 
Cat rolls her eyes and takes Cin from him. “Well go for it little brother,” she smirks pointing towards the beach. She’s calling his bluff and he knows it. 
“Fine!” he huffs as he stomps out. Carrie and Mike join her at the door to see if he’ll actually do it, all three holding their breath. He gets to the edge of the sand and freezes, his eyes staring at the waves. He feels his lungs start to burn making him realize he’s holding his breath, but he can’t seem to draw in any air. 
“Damn it Catherine. I told you not to push him just yet. I’ve done enough of it the last few weeks.” 
“Dad. You know he’s gotta work through this.” 
“Antagonizing him to go to the beach wasn’t the way.” 
“I got it,” she tells him with an eye roll, passing Cynthia off to Mike as she goes out the door. She walks up behind her brother, carefully wrapping her arms around him. She rests her head against the back of his neck as she keeps tightening her arms. “Just breathe Pete. Follow my breaths.” 
It takes several, several minutes, but he does end up matching her breathing. “Cat?” he chokes when he doesn’t feel like the world is going to fade to black. 
“I’m here. I’m sorry. I thought… I thought if I made it a challenge you could do it. I shouldn’t have pushed.” 
“It’s ok. I see Jamie coming back now. Let’s go back in and you can wear my child out so she’ll sleep like a rock tonight ok? She doesn’t get enough time with her Uncle Mav, so let’s give her all the time possible.” 
He gives a nod and lets his sister spin him back towards the house. “We’ll tag team Jamie after dinner too,” she smirks, letting out a relieved breath when Pete smirks back at her. “But first, please tell me you have someone and you’re not losing yourself in the Navy?” 
“Uhhhh not really been top priority there sis.” 
“So the blonde at the funeral that couldn’t leave your side isn’t your other half?” 
Pete freezes once more causing Cat to sigh. “Would you stop doing that?! Dad is going to have my head.” 
“What… Cat… you…” 
“Relax! It’s just me. Your big sis, your secret keeper, your partner in crime? Remember me? You know you can tell me anything Pete and it stays between us.” 
“It would ruin his career if it got out. He’s got big dreams, and he deserves to reach them. Why he’s wast....” 
“Don’t you fucking dare,” she growls. “You’ve never been a waste Peter Duke Mitchell-Metcalf and you never will be.” His big sister has always been overprotective of the sacred little boy that came into her life as her little brother. Some things never change. He also knows she’s really good at keeping secrets for him, even if he hates he has to ask her to keep this one if he wants to be honest with her. 
His head falls to her shoulder as he softly sighs. “Fine. Yes. Tom and I have been seeing each other since like the first day of class.” 
“So almost six weeks. I believe that might just be your longest yet,” she teases. 
“Oh fuck off,” he laughs as he pushes her away. 
“Don’t be letting your niece hear you talking like that!” 
“Like you don’t cuss like a sailor too?!” 
They reach the back door and Cin comes running back to Mav. “Hi sweet baby. Let’s go play til Gigi is ready for us to eat.” 
“My Mab,” she babbles, squishing his cheeks between her tiny hands. 
“Yea I’m all yours princess.”
The night turns out to be just what Mav needs, and when he leaves, he’s the most relaxed he’s been in two weeks. He heads back to Tom’s base housing, knowing he can’t go to his alone right now. Slider is perched on the couch watching a game, and Tom is in the kitchen when he enters. 
“Hey pipsqueak,” Slider calls as Mav heads straight through to the kitchen. He’s still not sure how to handle Slider being extra nice to him, so he just nods and keeps going. 
“Hey,” Tom smiles over his shoulder at him. 
Mav walks over and wraps his arms around him, burying his face in Tom’s back. “Hey.” 
“Feel better?” 
“Some.” Tom spins in Pete’s arms and tilts his boyfriend’s face up to him. 
“You look more relaxed,” he murmurs softly before giving him an even softer kiss. 
“Both of my sisters and my niece were there. Cin is… She’s two and she’s really good for somebody.” 
“Mmmm yea I bet. Carole stopped by with B. Told her you’d gone on a visit. She said to call her.” 
He feels Pete tense in his arms but he just keeps talking. “W… Wh…Why?” Pete finally gets out. 
“Why what babe?” 
“Why’d she… why would she…. Why call her?” 
Tom softly cups Pete’s cheeks as he stares into the eyes he loves so much. “Sweetheart, why wouldn’t she be looking for you or wanting to talk to you? She said she hasn’t heard from you in two weeks and she’s worried.” 
“I… I … Why? I killed Nick! I took her husband, Bradley’s dad! Why would she want anything to do with me?!?!?!?!” 
Tom sees Ron in the doorway, having come when Pete started yelling. Tom was at a loss on what to say though because Carole and Bradley were Pete’s family. 
“Because she’s worried about you, Mav. You’re like her brother. Bradley’s uncle. Bradley was looking all over for you here because he misses you. They don’t blame you,” Slider said softly. 
Pete turned, staring at him with wild eyes. “I killed Nick!” 
Slider walked closer, but kept some distance so Pete didn’t feel caged in by them. “No you didn’t. It was a freak accident. The board ruled on it. Viper’s told you that. We’ve told you that. No one… absolutely no one blames you. Everybody knows how much Goose meant to you and that you would never do anything to harm him. It was not your fault.” 
“Sli’s right,” Tom whispers into his neck where he’s holding him tight. “We’ll tell you as many times as you need to hear it, but it wasn’t your fault.” 
“It feels like my fault,” he cries, sagging in Tom’s hold. 
“It feels like ours too,” Slider says. He walks closer wrapping them both in his arms, both of them hugging Pete as tight as they dared knowing he was still sore. Once Pete is all cried out, Tom takes him to shower while Ron calls Carole with Pete’s permission to bring Bradley back over. 
It’s a night of more tears, of healing, of meaningful conversations reaffirming Pete’s place in their life as Carole’s brother and Bradley’s uncle. Bradley even falls asleep in Pete’s arms, and no one has the heart to move him. Graduation is in two days, and still no one knows exactly what Pete is going to do. 
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misfit0789 · 5 months
Trapped: Jennifer Jareau
She felt for the lock in the dark room the best she could with her hands bound behind her back, the only light coming from the boarded up windows on the walls. She had no idea how long she had been there or even how she had gotten there.
All she could remember was that she was at the store getting groceries on her day off. She was preparing to make a big anniversary meal for her wife when she got home from work. She had gotten the day off to prepare for their meal seeing as only one of them was needed at the office that day.
And now here she was sitting in a dark room with no visible way out.
"Cmon Y/n, where are you?" She whispers under her breath.
JJ knew Y/n had to have known something was wrong by now. Not only should she have felt something was off but she had to be home from work by now and not seeing JJ in their apartment making dinner must have confirmed her suspicions.
Y/n was pacing around her apartment trying to figure out where JJ could have been. The kids were with Will and she had already called him making sure they were okay and that her wife wasn't there. He told her no but said he would call if she showed up.
Her next step...call on the mastermind of technology, Penelope Garcia, and see if she could track JJ's phone.
"Yes my fine furry friend? What can I do for you at this hour?" Garcia asks, Y/n can tell by her voice that she is tired.
"Garcia, it's JJ," Garcia realizes that by the tone of Y/n's voice something happened to JJ and it wasn't good.
"Is she not home? She texted me earlier she was grabbing groceries and then heading back to your apartment to make you dinner," Garcia explains pulling up her locator app she has on the team's phones. This had been there since their teammate, Morgan, was captured and tortured a couple years ago.
"No, she's not. I can feel something is wrong Pen. I know she's not okay," Y/n says, trying to hold in her tears. She had grown up her whole life not having anyone. Being in a foster home you don't exactly get a loving family to take care of you. But when Y/n was old enough she got out of there and made a name for herself. She went to college, got a job at the FBI and met her forever family. She met JJ and instantly felt an attraction. Yes JJ was with Will but as soon as she met Y/n she knew she was meant to be hers. Will understood, JJ may have been his person but she wasn't his and he understood that...
"It'll be okay Y/n, JJ is strong, she can handle anything thrown at her, I'm already pulling up her location as we speak." Garcia says typing away on her computer for JJ's location. "Got it! She is at that old abandoned house on the corner of Maxon and Wentworth," Garcia is barely able to get the information out before she hears a click indicating Y/n hung up. She quickly sends the address to the other team members with a quick message:
JJ's in trouble, Y/n's already on her way.
The rest of the team get the message and immediately gear up and head out their doors hoping to beat Y/n there. Y/n tends to be very overprotective when it comes to JJ and the boys.
He knew what he was doing and he had no regrets. She left him behind and he vowed to make her suffer the way he did when she never returned for him. He was overjoyed when the other man approached him and offered him a deal no one could refuse. Not only did he get to kill the one who left him but also the one she loved.
He sat in the dark watching Y/n rush around and grab her stuff before running out the door. She jumped in her car and drove off. The man watched happily with the knowledge of what was about to happen.
Y/n was in the car on her way to the address. She knew exactly what house Garcia was talking about. It was the old orphanage she used to live in when she was younger. The place was shut down a couple years after Y/n left.
The car screeched to a halt as Y/n jumped out, her vest on and her gun in hand. She walked up to the door of the house to find it already cracked open. She pulled her gun up to her sights and kept an eye out. She slowly pushed the door the rest of the way open and made her way inside with her gun drawn.
"Look Max, I'm sorry about what happened in the past. You didn't have to bring her into this. She is innocent," Y/n calls out in the house as she clears each room. She slowly makes her way to her old bedroom. She hears a gunshot go off and hears JJ scream.
She pushes the door open and sees what she feared...Max, her foster brother, was standing behind JJ as she sat in front of him, wrists tied behind her back, visible cuts all over her face, blood pooling on the ground from the bullet wound in her leg. A sinister smirk on Max's face. Y/n gasps at the image of her wife in such pain.
"About time you figured it out! I thought for sure you would have been here sooner. Seeing as you two have that 'connection' and all." Max spits out. He and Y/n used to live in this house together. They promised each other they would make it out together but Y/n left Max behind without looking back.
"Look Max, I tried to come back-" Max cuts her off.
"NO! You left me...you promised me you would come back for me. You never did. Do you know the pain they put me through after you left? I never made it out until after they closed the place, even then they put me in a new home just as bad, you were my best friend. I trusted you and waited for you," He cries, Y/n can see his grip on the gun loosen. She takes another step closer.
"Max, I'm sorry. I know I hurt you. Let me-"
"No! I'm done with you...and her" Max pulls the gun up and cocks it back. Before he can pull the trigger Y/n beats him to it and shoots him in the shoulder. He groans in pain and falls to the ground, the gun falling out of his hands. Y/n runs over and kicks it out of his reach.
"Max, we will get you help. I know what we went through. I can't imagine what you went through after I left. I broke my promise then, but I promise to help you now." He shakes his head holding onto his shoulder in pain.
"You don't know what's coming. If I don't end you he will." Max seethes. Just then the rest of the team burst through the door guns drawn. Morgan holsters his gun before grabbing Max and helping him up and leading him throughout the door.
"It's a long story," Y/n explains, sensing the question coming before Emily could even ask, Y/n takes hold of JJ following behind Morgan. The rest of the team watches in confusion.
Morgan puts Max in the cop car, Garcia had called the cops as well after she told the team. Y/n takes JJ to the paramedics helping them load her into the back of the ambulance.
"Y/n, go help the team, from the sounds of it Max isn't done yet and whoever he's working for it doesn't seem they'll be letting the job go unfinished. I'll be okay" JJ pleads with Y/n. Y/n nods, pressing a kiss to her head before stepping back allowing the paramedics to leave.
Once JJ is out of sight Y/n pulls out her phone and calls Garcia.
"What can you tell us about Max's history? He was working with someone who is targeting JJ and I. I wanna know who this son of a bitch is." Y/n says.
"Max Ernest grew up in foster care. No biological parents listed in the system. It seems once the home on Maxon and Wentworth closed down he bounced around from house to house until he aged out ten years ago. Since then nothing. Though he has been making numerous calls to this number (555) 241-3909. It is listed to-"
"Will," Y/n cuts her off. "JJ's ex and father of the kids. Son of a bitch was involved. I knew he wasn't happy with JJ and I. How could I have not seen it?" Y/n scolds herself. She moves to get in her car and go to Will's but is stopped by Morgan and Emily.
"We get him together. You aren't going on your own Y/n. Not this time." Emily says, Y/n sighs but nods and allows the two to help her. They all pile into Emily's car and make their way to Will's.
"We need to be careful with how we handle this. The boys are still at his house. I don't want to scare them." Y/n says. The other two nod.
"Why don't you go up and play stupid and tell them JJ is in the hospital and wants to see the boys. You take them in my car and get them out of here and bring them to your mothers. Morgan and I will stay behind and take care of Will. Get back here as soon as the boys are safe." Emily offers. "And no you don't have another option." Emily counters before Y/n can protest.
The three arrive at Will's. Emily and Morgan get out around the corner and allow Y/n to get in and drive to Will's driveway. Y/n gets out and walks up to Will's door and knocks. Will opens the door looking surprised to see Y/n standing at his door.
"Y/n? What are you doing here? Did you find JJ?" He asks. She nods
"Yes, she was shot in the leg but she is alive. Her captor is too but he's also injured. She is at the hospital and wanted to see the boys. I figured I would stop by and grab them and bring them with me to the hospital to see her." Y/n explains.
"O-Oh, uh...y-yes-sure. I forgot I had somewhere to be tonight anyway." He stutters. Y/n internally smirks knowing what he's gonna try and do.
"Henry! Michael! Grab your night bags, Y/n is here to take you for the night." Will calls out. The boys shout out an 'okay' before a lot of moving around can be heard from upstairs. The two boys come tumbling down the stairs overnight bags slung over their shoulders.
"Hey boys, ready to go?" Y/n questions earning eager nods in response. For some reason the boys seemed eager to leave Will's...it was unusual.
"Alright let's go guys. See you Will" Y/n calls over her shoulder as she leads the boys to Emily's car. She opens the door and helps them in the car before getting in the driver seat.
"Boys, how come you didn't wanna stay with Will?" Y/n asks.
"He's always on the phone to some guy and never pays attention to us. He always sends us to our room and doesn't let us leave. He's no fun anymore," Henry, the oldest, says. Y/n nods wanting to turn back and kill Will for treating her boys like that. She pulls off towards the hospital letting Emily and Morgan deal with Will.
Once Morgan and Emily saw the boys get in the car and leave with Y/n they made their way towards Will's door. Before they can knock they hear Will yelling through the door.
"You idiot, you were supposed to kill them both, not keep them both alive and only injure one. I gotta find better help. Who else has a grudge against Y/n and JJ?"
"FBI OPEN THE DOOR!" Morgan calls out. Will jumps and grabs his gun he has hidden before taking refuge behind the wall.
"WILLIAM OPEN THE DOOR!" Morgan calls once again. This time they get a bullet through the door in response. Morgan opens the door and immediately ducks for cover as Will fires another shot. Emily takes this time to go around the back to try and sneak up on Will.
Will and Morgan keep exchanging shots. Morgan is nicked on the arm while Will only has a scratch from a vase that broke.
"Take one more shot and you're dead," Emily says, pressing the barrel of the gun to the back of Will's head. He raises his hands in surrender and drops the gun to the ground.
"You would think an ex-detective would cover his tracks better," Morgan says, sarcasm evident in his voice. He moves from his position behind the couch and handcuffs Will as Emily grabs the discarded gun from the floor.
"Have a good time in prison. You just couldn't let JJ be happy could you?" Morgan asks as he escorts Will to the front of the house and leads him to the cop car that showed up during the gun fight.
"Those women are going to be great mothers to those boys, meanwhile you will rot in prison," Emily says as Morgan slams the door in his face.
"Emily and Morgan called, Will was arrested." Y/n whispers. JJ was out of surgery a couple hours after Y/n and the boys got there. Now the boys were asleep on the bed with JJ while Y/n was in the chair beside her bed.
"I've been meaning to ask you something." JJ whispers. Y/n nods for her to continue. "Will you officially adopt the boys?" She asks. Tears form in both women's eyes at the question.
"Of course! I love those boys as though they were my own." Y/n whispers. She leans over and kisses JJ on the forehead before sitting back in her chair and reflecting on the day.
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changingplumbob · 10 months
York Household: Chapter 8, Part 6
Time to move in Paris! First up a look at the foster home she's been living in, and it's manager. Then back home Deanna finally finishes the robotics project she's been working on and Paris ages up.
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Here we have Ms Gallheizer's Orphanage built by EA ID: Chronicll
Paris: Home sweet hell
Deanna: At least you're finally leaving
Paris: Hopefully everyone will be eating and we can slip in unnoticed
Aaron: We do have to tell the manager you're leaving though, legally speaking
Paris: She'll be thrilled
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Deanna: Should we go find her
Paris: We'd better not disturb dinner
Ms G: Where have you been
Paris: I signed out for the afternoon
Ms G: But not the evening. Dinner is at 5:30 sharp and you are late. Again!
Paris: Sorry
Ms G: Don't say sorry, be better girl! You've been here long enough to know
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Paris: It won't happen again Ms Gallheizer, because I'm leaving
Ms G: It's not your birthday yet so get upstairs and be glad I kept your dinner portion aside
Paris: I...
Ms G: No smart reply? Of course that would require being smart
Aaron: Perhaps I should introduce myself
Ms G: Why? You a cop?
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Ms G: A social worker?
Aaron: Well no-
Ms G: Then you have no authority under my roof
Aaron: I'm a lawyer
Ms G: Sure you are
Aaron: Mr York, prosecutor in Tartosa
Ms G: We're not in Tartosa Mr York
Aaron: Perhaps we should talk in your office, Paris has things to do
Ms G: On that we agree
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Deanna: She is exactly like you described, maybe a bit worse
Paris: You think your pa can sort it
Deanna: He can be your legal guardian for a day, no problem, promise
Paris: My room is this way
Deanna: I didn't hear much from the dining room
Paris: No talking allowed at dinner, one of the first rules we learn
Deanna: What a hag
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Aaron: Her birthday is only tomorrow, she would have to leave then anyway
Ms G: Be that as it may this is highly irregular. I raise my kids to be independent dependable members of society, not run under their girlfriends skirts
Aaron: You certainly can turn a phrase
Ms G: Paris has no self discipline, give her an inch she will run a mile. How do I know you can provide a suitable environment
Aaron: It's just one day
Calista: Is this the right room
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Aaron: This is my wife, Captain York
Ms G: Captain?
Calista: Is there a problem here amore
Aaron: Ms Gallheizer had some doubts about our parental skills
Calista: Did she now
Ms G: Well- Perhaps I jumped the gun
Aaron: So we can take her home
Ms G: Why you would want to is beyond me. But yes, I'll get you the forms
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Paris: It's strange, these four walls have been my life for almost a decade
Deanna: No posters
Paris: *shrilly* no damaging the walls
Deanna: *laughs* feel free to coat our walls at home
Paris: Home sounds nice
Deanna: Ready to leave it behind
Paris: Babe, did you notice I already packed
Deanna: *laughs* I did
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Kelly: My tooth still isn't out yet
Calista: It'll fall out, don't worry
Kelly: What if I accidentally eat it
Aaron: I did that once, I survived
Calista: Aaron! Chin up caro, you'll be okay
After dinner Kelly mopes to mantis for a while before deciding to just pull it out. Success! Evil laugh!
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Paris gets her stuff moved in and Deanna welcomes her with a celebratory pillow fight.
Paris: Your pillows are so poofy
Deanna: All the better to hit you with
Paris: Oh two can play at that game babe
Deanna: I hope you enjoy losing
Paris: In your dreams. En garde!
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In the end Paris concedes the fight. She does a quick bit of study for her exams tomorrow then happily climbs in to bed beside her favourite person.
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Paris woke up early from a horrible nightmare so decides to polish off her homework until Deanna wakes up.
Deanna: Happy birthday baby
Paris: Thanks. I'm not looking forward to these exams, thank the watcher they're my last
Deanna: You'll be great
Paris: I average a c miss valedictorian but thanks
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Deanna: And Joey helped me make you a cake
Paris: I don't suppose I could just age up now
Deanna: No way, you go crush those exams, then come home. We'll celebrate then baby
Paris: Okay, last day of high school, here I go!
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Calista had another awful nightmare so works out early to try chase the scare away. She reaches level 10 fitness and discovers she is a perfectionist. I might need to make the skill gain even slower than it already is at this rate! Deanna finally finishes... whatever the heck this thing is.
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Pictures of the quadcopter doing quad-copter things
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To my complete surprise, but not Deanna's, Paris absolutely aced her final exams! It's finally age up time for her and as she makes a wish Deanna cheers her on. Deanna did a cute little song as well. Paris rolls Creative as her third trait which compliments her cuisine hobby that she rolled earlier.
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Deanna: Want to go on a date
Paris: With you? Absolutely babe
Deanna: I'm thinking, beachside
Paris: Sounds perfect
The two head to central Tartosa and take some time to soak in the romantic atmosphere.
Paris: It's so lovely here, and no snow
Deanna: Snow can be good for snuggling
Paris: Maybe so
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Paris: But we don't need snow to snuggle
Deanna: I love you baby
Paris: Right back at you babe
They share a kiss and a cuddle
Paris: That sunset is stunning
Deanna: You're stunning
Paris: De, we're in public
Deanna: What do you want to do then
Paris: Play in a g rated way, come on
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Deanna: I haven't built a sandcastle in ages
Paris: I won't hold it against you. I've always loved making them. My parents...
Deanna: Did they help
Paris: Yeah, we made them as a family. Once we made one as big as me. I wasn't a tall toddler but still
Deanna: Do you have any photos
Paris: A couple
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Paris: Photos of my parents that is, not the sandcastles. They only exist in my memory now
Deanna: I think we did a pretty good job with this one, a castle for my princess
Paris: You're sweet
Deanna: Sometimes
Paris: All times De, I know it
Deanna: And you're happy, with us?
Paris: I am babe
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And this chapter wraps up back home with everyone in their right beds. I had to take some shots of the house again as I love property pictures, and sleeping pictures, to bookend my chapters.
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Previous Part ... Next Part (New Goth)
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vanosslirious · 4 months
BBS Dialogue Prompts #320
ʙʙꜱ ᴅɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛꜱ & ꜱᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀꜱ: [ 10 ]
Oh my God, I almost died, you fuck.
Please don’t die.
No, don’t die, don’t die!
Is he dead, did he die?
He died!
Alright, off to a terrible start.
Looking for a shipwreck, looking for a shipwreck~
Okay, we found it, now what?
We gotta kill this fucking guy.
I just teleported.
We gotta find the dungeon, right?
He’s almost dead, he’s almost dead!
I don’t fucking know, just run!
Do we have to kill more?
Hold on, I’m in a tornado.
Close the door!
We’re fine, right?
Am I dead now?
Yeah, it was pretty cool, it was pretty cool, it was like an action movie.
We were winning!
We should not be allowed to cheat.
Bitch, I got him, I knew it was you.
I'm done with it, I'm just shooting anyone.
I was watching you study that guy.
Don't worry, I insta-avenged you.
I don't know what he is anymore.
That's how my garage is going to look like in a few days.
Oh my gosh, he's so fast.
That looks fun as fuck.
That scared the shit out of me for a second, I thought for sure I was dead.
Cautiously, let's find our stuff.
This was a fucking mistake.
I mean, I think we need a better strategy.
This one's pretty standard.
Do we need to start drinking?
I got the gold!
Look at our fucking score!
I don't like the way you said that.
Well, I fucking did!
What is knocking me over?
I could’ve actually, if I was funny.
I’m so proud of you!
You stupid fuck!
I didn’t gargle nothing.
Are you going to get me back?
Use the other one now.
It was just really delayed.
You’re never wrong.
Someone could have jumped in and I'm gonna note that down…
Good communication, guys.
What do you mean he flew?
I want to show you what I am.
He’s flying in the sky, how are you flying in the sky?
I was running from nothing, shit.
I still got a chance.
I thought I could jump through that window, that’s what I was trying to do at first.
Get the heck off me.
I’m right above you.
Let’s both get on this.
That’s right, I’m all powerful.
Somebody take a crucifix and drop it on the floor.
We're gonna die.
Do you hear that noise?
Where the fuck was he?
Was that Slenderman?
Is he using it?
There he is.
Yes, Jesus Christ, do you need someone to hold your dick when you piss?
No, he ran through the salt, I'm gonna die!
Oh, wait, that's you…is that you in the picture?
What are you getting me to draw right now?
It looks like one of your art pieces.
I haven't paid you a single cent.
Wait, you're on my team?
I can't move cause you're on my goddamn wing!
Oh my God, you hit him so hard!
I didn't throw anything, I just shot you in the head.
I’m looking away.
Alright, nah, you can die.
We just spoke it into existence, didn't we.
Oh no, he's on fire!
I'm going to the boat, bye.
Is this how sailboats work, what is happening?
You spawned right in front of me.
What the fuck, you look dead, that doesn't look comfy.
Why is the couch like this?
I knew it, I fucking knew it, I knew your ass was gonna back out!
This is actually a cry for help.
Come here, let me kiss you.
What the hell am I doing here?
I got carried away.
That was such a hard brake.
Thank God, it saved me.
I need motherfucking help.
I think our car is almost broken.
I'm gonna break the rock, ready?
Is it just us vs them?
I'm so gonna die.
Yeah, that's crazy.
Do not leave your car.
Oh, I'm on fire, look at that.
I tried to shoot you in the face, I hope you understand that.
There looks like there has been a murder, I'm here to investigate.
It'll be fine, just drive, we'll be good.
Trust me.
Don't do that.
Where are we sailing to?
To be honest, I would rather have flew into a tree and died than made it.
What are you doing with a gun?
See you later, boys, I'm going to the ocean.
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pumpkin-spike18 · 6 months
✨Weekly Progress #11-12✨
Weekly Progress #11
Wrote 400+ words for BWBOK (fin)
Prepared SYVNH script for editing, discussed with editor
Wrote 2.9k+ words for a gift
Did 2.5 panel coloring for DGM
Sketched 4 illustrations for [fan project #1]
Revisited Peter Pan idea
Weekly Progress #12
Prepped SYVNH new art
Made Peter Pan idea outline
Finished 4 linearts for [fan project #1]
Programmed in all new SYVNH art
Sketched sprite for SFB
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This is probably the only art I have to show for the past two weeks so here it is...!
The Beauty Which Only Beast Knows
The script is now done and currently being edited. Unfortunately, we have slipped a bit on the dates we hoped to meet for milestones. I'll probably need to make a new schedule soon.
But, hey... If we take until May to finish, we can submit it for Otome Jam!
Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel... HELP!!
Okay, I may have dropped the ball on this 💦 I got the script to my editor/proofreader and they did amazing!! They finished reviewing well before the deadline they gave themself, but I didn't realize that lol;; So I could've started scripting a lot earlier, but I didn't;;
I was really hoping to finish the entire project by the end of March, but since March has 3 days left, that probably isn't possible. But, it should be done soon. I just have 20k words to script...
But other than that, all the art has been programmed in! (Until I decide I want more animation during CG moments lol
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Other Fanworks
I won't go into a lot of detail for this, but since it took a lot of my time the past few weeks, I decided to add it here as accomplishments.
(I think I wrote over 10k words in gifts the past couple weeks.)
A Sky of Falling Birds
The script for this has been finished for a while so I thought I'd start making some sketch sprite work for it. I still don't know for sure what sort of visual theme I want to use for the game so I didn't get very far.
[Peter Pan Project]
Perhaps I'm jumping the gun a bit, but since SYVNH is coming to a finish, I started thinking about what future projects to do. This idea was something I came up with on a whim last year and I decided to revisit it to see what I can possibly make out of it.
It'll likely be shorter than SYVNH (read: for my sanity, future me, please make it shorter) and is inspired by Peter Pan. It'll be a BL so we have Wendell as our main character, exploring a fictional Victorian-esque kingdom. I'm still debating on the routes and gameplay.
The visual themes for this project are inspired by Pandora Hearts, D. Gray-Man, and possibly Smokin' Parade.
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randomjreader · 2 years
Here we go, part 2 of my mess of thoughts while watching young royals
Hot take: Simon and Marcus aren't that bad tgt, but Simon's heart isn't entirely into it so it's never going to work out. I just hope Simon is direct with him now before shit goes down with Wille again
Ahhh I get why Simon is mad, but Wille does have more to consider when it comes to big decisions 😭 I feel so bad for him
No honestly? Any doubt I had abt Felice back in season one? Squashed, killed, crushed underneath the sole of my foot. Absolute top tier character I love her to bits
Ok, not them making me feel bad for August??? He set up a whole romantic thing for Sara and she bails? Yikes
Marcus showing up for Simon? Aww
But Simon not telling him the names of his fishes bcs they remind him of Wille :(
FUCK YES THEY FINALLY KISSED!!! BUT SIMON IS STILL WITH MARCUS?? ITS MORE COMPLICATED NOW 😭 Lowkey feeling bad for Marcus man he does seem to like Simon a lot
Simon singing to Wille 😭 y'all I'm in my feels rn
Ughh this whole music room fight, I hate that I understand both sides and it's just a whole djoajdkskfkwjdjxn
Wille going to Simon's house to talk to him 😭 AND IMPLYING THAT HE'D ABDICATE FOR HIM
That phone call, August was tryna buy Rosseaou for Sara right? That's kinda sweet actually
Okok, I rlly do feel bad for Marcus. I mean, he was harsh and Simon is not wrong in saying he did tell him that he didn't want anyth serious, but I do understand his anger and it makes me feel bad for him, bcs I do think he did like Simon a lot
Ok, it doesn't erase that I did feel bad for him when he went thru shit but my rage at him for blackmailing Wille is overpowering any sympathy I feel for the guy
Thereeeee goes Felice and Sara's frnship, it was fun while it lasted 😔
Sara?? Telling the police?? Oh god ok good for her for trying to do the right thing but there's still the drug thing and I think it'll backfire...
The look in the camera 😭 we ended season one with a completely stoic expression and now we have a small smile I LOVEE
Well. That was a giant emotional rollercoaster. I'm gonna need about 3-5 business days to process everything now.
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octolingkiera · 10 months
5, 15, 16, 29
hi!! thanks for your ask!! :3
(the list)
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
so on the one hand, my danny phantom fics always get a lot of attention and it always leaves me a little surprised, but on the other hand, that fandom is very fic focused, so at the same time it Doesn't really surprise me when i get a lot of kudos for them. what surprises me more is how much other fandoms DON'T comment or bookmark or follow fics lol. i was seriously spoiled with those lol
as for a fic that's gotten more feedback, uhhhh hm. a couple of my dp fics have done better than i thought they would, yeah, but i also have this bleach fic that's in second person that seems to have come across really well, so i guess that one's the most surprising lol
aftershocks has done really well, but that's not surprising considering the talent that went into it, the fact we updated every week, and the word count, but it still baffled me as we were updating it how well it was doing lol
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
definitely my rottmnt separated au (chapter 1 is posted on ao3 as sunset hues, jetpack blues (SHJB)) lol. ive been putting a lot of effort into it, more than i give most of my fics, tho i'm realizing now as i'm working more on planning i may have jumped the gun a bit and posted it a biiit early?? but also i wanted to post it on my birthday so i'm not so concerned about that kdshbfhdsf
when i post chapter 2 (which is basically done except for the final revision i need to give it), i'm gonna reread chapter 1 as well and make sure it's up to date with the minor stuff i left out bc i hadn't nailed down some specifics yet (but dw, it'll be Very minor and won't effect the plot lol)
besides that, i have oneshot prompts i wanna fill out and i have a fic in the works i'm calling Fallout, which is inspired by fall out boy songs (which ive been thinking about since like february/march when "love from the other side" dropped lol)
i also lowkey wanna try to get a fic done for danny phantom's 20th anniversary in april but idk how that's gonna go lol. i'm still very focused on ninja turtles
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
of my 54 works on ao3 Fluff seems to be my most used tag with 10 times, which is. lowkey a surprise LOL. Hurt/Comfort comes in second with 7 (tied with "not beta read" and a tag for a danny phantom fic event) and Angst is in third with 6 (barring the two that i'm not counting lol)
going by just my rise fics, first place tag goes to Donatello and Leonardo are Twins (TMNT) with 6 of my 8 fics (ao3 says 9, but one of them is aftershocks, which i won't include bc it's a collab) and only reason it's not all 8 is bc i didn't tag it in fics where it's not a main focus lol
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
hmmmm let's see.... okay what have i written this year....
oh god that's a lot more than i thought, uhhhh
i have a lot of stuff i Really enjoyed tbh. there's a fun little action sequence i wrote for a later part of SHJB that i liked (that i'll prolly have to rework a little), there's a few Other parts of my prewritten SHJB stuff i enjoy, there's a bunch of stuff in my rise august fills i really liked...
but i think for a single line/passage, i'll go with this bit from the beginning of my fic what's in a name? (which is also posted here on tumblr!!)
Donnie, not bothering to look up from his phone, flaps a hand in the air dismissively. “I keep all my anger bottled up in here,” he taps his chest, “and hope one day it will just kill me. Like a normal person,” he adds, as if what he just described is unequivocally a universal experience.
this entire piece was a lot of fun to write and there's some more silly lines in this i really enjoyed but i think this is the one i think about the most, like the exchange directly after this lol
Leo purses his lips and steeples his hands, holding this fingers to his mouth. “So that’s a yes to the mad, then.” “Or it could be, like, the coo-coo for cocoa puffs type of mad!” Mikey chimes in, crossing his eyes and swirling a finger beside his ear. “Y’know, like British people say.” “Ew,” Leo says, because that’s all that needs to be said about that.
and this line a little bit down from that
Raph’s next exhale is heavy, the burden of Atlas in his eternal torment. “Pizza Supreme, I wish.”
thanks again for your ask!!! these were a lot of fun to answer. i love talking about my writing dfjghbdfg get me started and i'll never shut up lol
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lovearne · 2 years
somethings not quite right
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John Price and Kate Laswell platonic fic
Warnings: hints at gender dysphoria, coming out, Trans character, fruity characters, talk of sex (brief), supportive laswel and supportive price, wedding, like 3 time jumps.
Word count: 3.2k
Laswell is a Trans woman because I said so, and if anyone has problems with that get the fuck off my page
Brief summary: Laswell was not always a lesbian, but Price was always supportive. In my head Kate is two years older than Price.
My page is 18+ only. I don't tolerate minors here, this is my safe place to express myself, and I don't consent to minors viewing my works or my blog.
There wasn't a dull moment during war times. At least that's what John Price had thought. Before he joined the military, he thought that it was all combat all the time. He'd done more paperwork than he had field work, and he was sick of it.
This isn't why he joined the army, he didn't want to sit and go through papers on how different bases are doing, or sort through the soldiers mail. He quite enjoyed making people mad, he enjoyed beating people up, and holding his guns. He enjoyed the high that the hunt brought. The thrill that he got from holding his gun, the tingle up his spine when his finger touched the trigger.
He'd often times find himself hoping for more and more combat, wanting someone to walk through the doors of the office he was in waving around a gun so he could be the hero.
It was one of these days that a unfamiliar man walked through them. He was sporting a US standard military flight jacket, he waltzed through the doors as I'd he owned the place. John surmised he could've easily taken himself down. His small yet muscular stature was to be reckoned with, his legs spread shoulder width, he was not easy to knock around.
He tilts his head back down to his work. Silently pulling the tickets for tonight's football game out. He was excited, he and his date were going to the game and then she was coming back to his place for the night. He put them away, smiling as he went about his day at work.
When the clock struck hie off hour, he silently cheered, punching his card on the way out, he grabs his jacket and keys. His face was split wide as he pulled up to his dates house.
"I'm so sorry John, I just got stuck with him." His date opened the door, her kid sat high on her hip. John smiles warmly and shakes his head.
"Don't worry love, we can spend the night here instead." She shakes her head.
"Padt of the court order deems no people that aren't approved while I'm with this little guy." He nods again. "Why don't you and one of the guys go? It'll be fun." He nods, kissing her cheek as he excuses himself.
He drove himself to the game venue, sitting out in the parking lot to himself. He hated being by himself. He figured he'd at least be around more footie fans if he went in. So as he sighs, he pushes himself to go in, greeting people on the way, trekking to his seat, and taking one. The kiosk man walked up the isles asking if anyone wanted beer and a dog, Price nodded for 2 pints of beer, the man compling.
The game was about a quarter way done before someone decided to talk to the Seargent.
"Excuse me." He heard a smooth voice say. His head turning, he caught sight of the blond man from earlier. "Weren't you the guy at the desk earlier?" The man questioned. Price nods.
"Yeah, right before you went into the colonels office." He informs. The blond man laughs.
"Yeah, sorry about that. Just had a lot to talk to the colonel about." The American man said.
"I'm Price," he said, putting his hand out. "John Price." The blond smiled.
"Laswell, pleasure to meet ya." The two laughed together, complimenting the goals scored by each side.
"I always loved soccer." John turned to Laswell, as if he were the final girl in his horror movies.
"Scoccer." Laswell didn't understand why Price got so angry.
"Football. You Americans ruin everything." Laswell scoffed.
"At least we didn't start colonising." Price rolls his eyes.
"At least we didn't have to be told how to behave in Britain during the war." Laswell glares at Price.
"Did we just become friends?" Prices breaks out in a large grin.
"I think we did blondie." They both laugh, cracking up at the hilarity of the situation. "Just call it Football here, people will try to slug ya if you say soccer." The smaller man nods.
One of the times Price sees Laswell a few years after, his hair is longer, and he's wearing better looking clothes. They were more fitted on him, tighter in the waist and flowy down his hips. He looked good.
"Laswell," he greeted with a warm smile.
"Hey John," he was greeted by the blond, his voice was higher and seemed to suit him more. He smiles at the man again.
"Are you sick?" The blond shakes his head.
The two head on their mission, quickly being taken over by bad guys. Laswell puts up a good fight, but is knocked down in the process. Price barrels into the man that knocked over his partner, beating into his face until he deems his opponent is down.
"Laswell?" He turned and moved where the other man was. Seeing him standing there, looking at the man that had him pinned. "You whole? We gotta get you back to your bride in one piece, yeah?" The blond smiles, meeting John's eyes again. He nods.
Laswell, and his fiance invited Price to their wedding; he was to be Laswell's best man.
The two headed out, accomplishing the objective of their mission. They both were on leave as soon as they got back to base. John's bones has been aching to go on break, his desk work finally catching up to him. He was exhausted by it, the colonel had made him into a team watch, he was to write down a mission report for everything, each training.
Coming back to reality, he and Laswell just arrived on base, Price doesn't even shower, he just goes in the uniform he has on now, waiting in the lobby for Laswell, he comes out a few minutes later the two clapping each other on the shoulder heading to the cars to go to the civilian airport.
The two laughed and talked the whole way there, only for John to fall asleep almost immediately after takeoff. Laswell scoffed at the younger man. He was 2 years older than Price, and yet Price acted like a middle aged dad. He tried to take a page from John's book and sleep as well, however he was busy thinking if how uncomfortable he'd be in the suit. He didn't like the thought of it at all. Being trapped in that ugly deep blue suit. He wanted a more colorful, suit. He was afraid to tell his fiancee that. He didn't want her thinking poorly of him, he didn't want to be judged.
He'd tried to wear the opposite clothes as a kid and nearly got beat by his dad. Saying they were girl clothes and he wasn't gonna have a 'sissy' son. He had severe trauma from childhood, like most from his team.
He'd became a CIA agent as a fuck you to his dad. As a final nail in the coffin. He had gone no contact with his dad a long time ago, his mom had died when he was small. He often wondered how his mother would've reacted to him wanting to wear more feminine clothes than masculine. In his mind, she'd let him dress as the queen of England for all she cared, as long as he was happy. He wished he had lived a life like that.
Maybe then he'd be content telling his soon to be wife that he wanted more vibrant colours. He wishes he'd been given support as a child and shown more love. He knows his fiancee loves him, and he loves her. He'd never be like his father, if his kids wanted to play with the 'opposite genders' toys or clothes, he'd get them for them, no questions asked.
He is restless as the plane flies, his thoughts racing. He wonders if his mind I'd moving faster than the plane. He also wonders how he'd look in his finances wedding dress. That thought stops him dead. It blossomed into thoughts of him having long soft hair, him filling the top of the dress, how he'd look if he were born a girl. His mind shuts down.
Was he Transgendered? Did he not want to be a boy after all? Where did this thought come from? What was happening to him? Would he like being called a girl? Would he like being referred to as she? Would he like being called pretty? And beautiful. All these emotions and thoughts were taking their toll on his mind. On his body, one single tear leaked down his cheek as he pushed those thoughts deep down. He couldn't ruin the wedding day, he's just having cold feet.
He'd be fine. He calms his breathing down, compartmentalising as they taught him in school.
He couldn't worry about this today. Today was his bride's day. He wasn't going to burn it by thinking thoughts that make him question his life. He's happy with her, and he's happy as himself, or at least he can fake it until he makes it.
As soon as they land, Laswell grabs John by the hand, carting him through the airport and to the luggage claim, scrambling to grab their bags.
"Move it Price! I'm not going to be late to my own wedding!" He shoves John a little more, "move! Go!" Poor Price had just been woken up as the plane landed, and then drug through a few dozen yards of an airport, just to get their bags. He had zero time to wake up from his admittedly, quite deep sleep.
The two get to the venue with 10 minutes to spare, he didn't have any time to think of anything else but getting dressed. Laswell and Price were tossed into a room to get dressed in the suits they'd rented from the store.
They both helped each other straighten out their ties and lapels. Nodding to one another they headed out to the front of the wedding party, Laswell being ushered into place, and Price standing a few paces away, nodding to give emotional support as Laswell looked at him. John could see a type of sadness and uncomfortable in the blonds eyes. He didn't understand, but he's never been in Laswells position, well, maybe once. But that was when he was freshly 19, in love with a girl he'd gone to high-school with, but he'd been left at the altar, she ran away with his best friend. But that didn't matter right now, all he knew now was his best mate was getting married to the girl of his dreams. And Price was there with full support.
He watched his friend as his bride walked down the isle. The look of love in his eyes, so pure, the tear coming down his cheek, so sweet. His love for his bride was evident. His face was pulled in awe, his eyes never leaving his soon to be wife's. Price smiled broadly as he seen the same look being reflected in Laswells brides eyes, a small tear rolling down her powdered face, leaving a streak in its wake through the makeup.
The look of two people wildly in love with each other. They were the perfect fit. The sight made tears come to his own eyes. Definitely not thinking about how he could have a Mrs. Price if she hadn't run away. He shook the thought from his head, it was so long ago, and he didn't want to think of it. He just wanted to support his mate.
Tears were ripped from everybody's eyes as the vows were exchanged, the devotion of each to each other almost too much to bear, John had to look away for more than a few moments. His own thoughts are torturing him, picking away at his brain. He was ecstatic for his long time friend.
The reception had gone well too, the two newlyweds dancing up and down the floor, smashing cake on the other, and getting ass over teakettle drunk. Price watches on in silent sadness. He wished he could have a life like that, one so carefree and innocent. He wanted a spouse that he could look forward to seeing after a particular difficult deployment. He missed having his hair carted through as he slept on the chest of his love. He needed to get laid. He decided he'd go and flirt with as many people as possible, in order to hook up with someone tonight.
Laswell watched from the spot he was as Price flirted with one of the younger girls at the party. His wife's cousin, she was 20, for currently 25 year old Price, she seemed a fit match. The two laughed as he had made what Laswell assumed was a lame ass joke. Being partnered with the man more than a few times he knows just how terrible Prices jokes were.
Laswell watched as the girl tucked hair behind her ear, biting her lip as Price leaned into her ear. Laswell poked his wife, pointing to where the seargent and the girl were. She giggled and smiled.
"Finally, they both looked so bored out there." She said, Laswell nodded.
"I never see him getting into the dating game. This'll be good for him."
It was another few years later before John met a suitable partner. A man named Henry. He fell so hard and so fast for Henry. He didn't even know he were attracted to men, well he hooked up a few times in high-school with other boys, and a few times in bootcamp. But it knocked him off his feet when he started to feel things for Henry.
It was a cheesy meet, Henry worked at a book Cafe, John frequented it when he was off duty. He made John happy. The smile he got on his face around him hurt his face. He was happy and in love. The two got married quietly, neither wanting to wait after being together for two years. They went down to city hall and signed the marriage certificate. They were happy, Henry would stay at home while - now luitenant - Price would be deployed. Henry would take care of their large family of animals.
The time Price seen Laswell after he'd been married was just a few months later. He now had even longer hair, done up in a military bun, his face was softer, more round, and his body had changed, his hips became more sharply, and his chest had grown. John was confused.
Laswell smiled broadly at the man. She realised she never told him. Probably out of fear of not being treated the same. But she knew now, she knew she was a badass, and how to command respect as a newly out woman. She'd been on estrogen for a while now, HRT was a bitch, but she loved every poke and prod and uncomfortable feeling at the doctors, it got her closer to her goal.
She smiled warmly at Price and gestured for his hand. She waited for him to grab it before speaking to him.
"Hey there handsome." She greeted him, she was very proud of her voice she'd been training it for years to sound how she'd wanted it. His eyes went wide.
"Laswell, you look," he started, swallowing as he was blown away. "You look amazing. When did this happen?" He asked bluntly. Laswell smiled, when wasn't offended, she knew he was in shock.
"I'm Transgender John." She said simply. He nods, still a little blown away. "Do you understand what that means?" He stutters.
"I-I'm gay." Laswell smiles.
"Well big guy, that isn't what that means." She slaps his shoulder.
"No, no." He replies, his mind still shook. "I'm homosexual. I never told you." He replied. She smiles.
"I'm glad you told me." She touches his arm gently.
"I-" He stops. His mind going a mile a minute. "You came out to me, so I figured I'd come out to you." Her smile broadens.
"You're OK with this? It's not odd?" He shakes his head.
"Why would it be odd? You are you." He states, his mind clearing a little. "Do you have a new name?" Her smile was so big it took up most of her face. He decided she looked the happiest he'd seen her, apart from her and her wife's wedding day.
"Kate." He smiles back, "my name is Kate. And my new pronouns are she and her, though I don't mind they and them." She informed him.
"I have a husband." He blurts. Her face pulls in shock.
"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU GOT MARRIED?" She yelled. She slapped his shoulder. He winced.
"Ow! You bitch, you didn't tell me you were lesbian." He retorts.
"You didn't tell me you're gay." They both burst out laughing. The two of them bent over clutching their middles. Once they calmed, they were sitting together outside, looking over the sunset.
"Kate is a beautiful name." John told her. She smiled, looking over at him.
"So much for boys' nights Eh?" He smiled.
"Everynight is boys night at my house." He smirked. She scoffed.
"What's his name."
"Henry." His smile lit up his eyes, talking about the man he loves. "I met him two or three years back. We decided to just go to city hall and sign the papers. Neither of us wanted a bug wedding either way. We just need each other." She nods.
"That's very romantic." He nods back at her.
"I have a picture!" He pulled his hat off to show her the small Polaroid he kept attached to his hat. He hands it to her, watching her eyes as she examined it.
"He looks like a good man." She commented. He nods. "When did you know you were gay?" She asked.
"Well, I'm not sure if I'm gay, or just don't mind peoples genders." She nods. "I kind of dabled in men in school, but it didn't dawn on me until I met him." She nods again. "When did you know you weren't in the right body?" He asks.
She sighs, "I guess I always kind of knew. I always wanted to be what society deems girly. It slapped me in the face the flight we had to my wedding. I realised that's what it was. But I denied it for a bit longer." John nods.
"That couldn'tve been easy." He says.
"It wasn't, but when I started transitioning, it was like the world got brighter, I felt lighter. Like the weight was off my shoulders."
"How did your wife react?" He questioned, hoping on everything they were still together. Kate laughs.
"Yeah, she was surprised, obviously. But she was very supportive." She says. Kate laughs a little. "I was terrified, I told her, but a second later she said. 'Then I'm a leasbian, I'm not letting you go.' She's the love of my life." He smiles.
"Looks like we've both got happy endings on the other side of a job." His face was happy.
"Yeah, let's keep it that way, Lieutenant." He chuckles.
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 7 months
Wreckless - The Invitation
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*Warning Adult Content*
Those boys are cracking me up... have been all day, really.
Rhys just did a swan dive into the pool so he 'wouldn't get wet' from Finn's gun.   
Finn has decided that the only place to wait him out is on my lap.
He's soaked.
Luckily it's still plenty warm out.
The lights are on out here and the fountains are going.
They played with those for about twenty minutes before going back to the squirt guns.
It's really a perfect evening, this whole week has been amazing.
Finn reaches out and taps Quincy on the bicep, then yanks his hand back.
Quincy smiles at him.
"Hey buddy."
"Um, why do you have to leave tomorrow Quincy?"
"We only booked the hotel through tonight, Finn. Weekends are much more expensive so we'll go home."
He doesn't seem appeased although it makes perfect sense to me, weekend rates are usually double.
"So you don't have to go home?"
"We do, buddy but don't worry... we don't live too far from you and we'll see you guys again."
Finn leans over and whispers into my ear
"They can stay with us, can't they?"
I didn't expect that, really.
He's gotten much more comfortable being little around them though which is the only reason I would even consider it.
Plus, it's his house.
If he wants to have guests for tomorrow night.
I'm not really going to argue. We certainly have the space and I like Quincy.
Finn and Rhys are getting on like a house on fire and it's just one day.
"Sure, if you want."
"You ask him," he whispers shyly.
"Quincy, you guys are welcome to stay the night with us tomorrow night if you want to extend your week a bit."
"Hell, that's a nice offer, thank you. I'll run it by Rhys and..."
"Me?" he asks, popping out of the pool.
"Yes bunny. Do you wanna have a sleepover here tomorrow night and stay at the beach an extra day?"
He runs around the pool and cannonballs into it, splashing the entire deck and my feet.
Then he pops back up.
"Wait. Do you have enough meds. Reece's pieces? I don't think I brought extras."
"Don't know. I... no but I can take them in the afternoon, it's only one day, please?"
"No bunny, meds are important. Every morning and every night."
"I know but it's only like an hour later," he whines. "I wanna stay."
"No, you'll miss Friday night and Saturday morning will be six hours late. Let me call the pharmacy and see if we can get a refill here, okay? If they can do it, we'll stay. If not, we have to go back."
"Stupid ADADHDh..." he says, disappearing back under the water.
"What's ADA, huh?" Finn asks
Quincy chuckles.
"ADHD. Maybe if you go swim with him it'll cheer him up."
Finn jumps up.
"Okay. I hope you can make it go, Quincy."
I lean my head back and close my eyes while he fiddles around on his phone.
"Rhys works so hard during the week to keep it in check. When he's little I let him relax a little bit but there's no way I'm willing to miss his meds. He'll be miserable and so will I.... Fucking-A. Looks like I can do it. Okay, gotta do a months worth but that's no problem. Looks like I can pick it up tomorrow morning."
"Good. Glad you guys can stay. Finn's really come out of his shell with you guys... he was nervous at first."
"Yeah, I noticed. Rhys is really good at bringing people out of their shell though, whether they want to or not."
"You've been really good with him too, Quincy, thanks. I'll text you the keycode, just come over whenever. Not sure what we're doing tomorrow."
Rhys runs over and shakes his head over Quincy, making it rain.
"Can we stay?"
"Yes bunny, we can stay. But not tonight. It's getting late so we need to head back to the hotel."
"I don't wanna go."
"And stay here tonight?"
"Rhys," Quincy warns.
"It's almost your bedtime and tomorrow we still have to get up and pack everything but then we'll come back here. If you're going to misbehave we'll just go home tomorrow instead."
"And stay here tonight?"
I almost laugh but manage to hold it in.
He's such a little shit.
"No, bunny, you know what I meant. There will be no staying here if you misbehave, we'll go back to our house tomorrow just like we planned."
"Didn't. You said home tomorrow and I'm confused. Wanna stay here tonight."
"No. Dry off, we're leaving in ten minutes. Say good-night to Finn."
He crosses his arm and stomps his foot.
"No. I'm not leaving. I wanna stay here."
I don't want to stare but I am SO interested in how this is going to play out.
Finn comes over and crawls onto my chair but stays quiet.
I guess he wants to watch too.
"You're about to get spanked in front of Finn, is that what you want?"
"No spankings. We can stay and I can swim."
Quincy looks at me.
"Do you mind?"
Not at all... I look at Finn but he just shrugs.
"Do your thing, man."
Finnegan and I are not that different in size.
I have probably ten pounds on him and maybe an inch but we can wear each others clothes in a pinch.
That is not the case with Quincy and Rhys.
Quincy has at least six inches and probably forty pounds on tiny Rhys, minimum.
He simply stands up, grabs Rhys by the wrist and spins around and in sits back down, pulling Rhys down onto his lap.
He doesn't take his shorts down which is the part I was a little bit hesitant about, just spanks his wet ass right through the shorts.
Probably hurts like a bitch.
After ten he asks a very upset Rhys...
"Tell me why I spanked you."
"Cause, cause I wanna stay," Rhys sobs.
"He's my friend and I wanna stay."
Quincy pulls him into a hug.
"Bunny, I worked your meds out so that you can spend a whole extra day with him. It was really nice of them to invite us, wasn't it?"
"Yyy-y yes."
"And you'll see Finn and Emmett tomorrow and we can swim in the pool again tomorrow night. But you can't do any of that unless we get a good nights sleep and pack our suitcase so we can come back here, right?"
"I... yes."
"Besides, you don't wanna sleep without floppy, do you?"
"No.  I needs floppy."
"Exactly. Now apologize to Emmett."
He stands and turns towards me and has a tear on his red cheek.
It's so cute.
"I sorry that I was bad. I'll be a good boy, tomorrow. I promise."
"No worries, Rhys. We're glad you can come play tomorrow. We'll see you soon, okay?"
"Okay. Bye Finn. I have to go."
Finn stands and gives him a hug.
"I'm gonna sleep too Rhys, I'm tired. But I'll see you tomorrow and we can play some more."
Wow, what a day.
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the-manneh · 10 months
So sorry for the late response but omg Manny, i miss you so much! It's just not the same without you around. But yeah i'm fine. My hours at OG have been cut to like 10 hours a week. No more Sunday morning shifts. Not that i'm complaining. Its about time i get out of the service industry game, anyway. Chris is kinda hinting he wants kids now sooooo eh...The question is, how have you been?! Is it all working out how you planned? You got a nice place to live? Give me updates! Lots of lovexxx
Brace ya'self, Ish. It's gonna be a long one.
Honestly, I'm glad you remembered who I was. I miss y'all too (you especially, you're basically like my she-bro). Sorry about your hours getting cut, I feel like that's something going on with every corporation because at my job (I'm working at Nike now, retail job, customer service), I'm lucky to get more than 12 hours a week and I need at least 30 to keep up with my expenses.
I honestly have no clue how I managed to survive this long but I've been keeping a video journal series on my YouTube to look back on just in case I forget (youtube.com/22aaa).
Chris wanting a family is great! dude making big moves, I just hope that things go well for y'all beforehand because I personally don't trust this economy but if dude wants a family, he also at least has an idea how to manage it so I just hope for the best for y'all :)
As far as quitting the service industry, you have any idea where you wanna go to next? It's a big world out there and it'll drown us if we ain't prepared.
I thought I was prepared but the first two weeks I was out here in Texas, I was sleeping in my car.
I jumped the gun with this job I thought I had set up. Looking back, it would have been smarter if I just requested to come here with vacation time, checked out some things, came back to Georgia and racked up with another tax income check.
Instead, the job I THOUGHT I was gonna get basically told me that they wasn't looking for any new workers. Thankfully, I have a cousin in Houston that was cool with me crashing at her place until I got myself together.
I ended up getting the job at Nike and jumping the gun again with this apartment (sleeping in the car during hot ass August was not the ideal situation for ya boy and I was desperate).
I got the apartment around August and been using what money I had saved up to get myself situated with this place but because I got all these bills and not so many hours, I've been on edge about how I'm gonna pay for a lotta stuff.
If worst comes to worst, I can always go back home to Louisiana, lick my wounds and try again. I'm in surprisingly good shape so I can retain this body for at least another decade before my bones start to go lol.
Positive note, I've been working out a bit more, been training to be a wrestler still. It feels good that some wrestlers know who I am enough to say "hey man, you cool" to me sometimes but dude…every time I go to a wrestling show (I help out as like an usher for seats or like a doorman or something), I just say to myself "I should BE there".
The thing is I need to be able to train for a year straight and the challenge with that is just money and time. I'm willing to do what I need to do to get myself in that action, I just ain't got the money for it as much as I like but when I CAN go train, ya boy has fun every dang time.
Hoping things are working for y'all over there, really glad you reached out. I got scared for a moment lol
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apocalypse-gang · 2 years
are you worried about whether netflix' promo tactics for tua vs st4 ??? ppl have been saying that tua is gonna be cancelled after season 3 and i really hope thats not the case. any thoughts??
Here's the thing. Umbrella Academy is one of their most popular shows, but Stranger Things is the most popular show. It's from an era of netflix gone by, where Netflix was the platform with all the new and unique shows. And now Netflix is struggling, so of course they're gonna be promoting ST a lot, it's gonna be a big focus.
And I think TUA got caught in the crossfire, unfortunately.
It absolutely sucks because this is supposed to be their biggest season yet but the promotions feel like peanuts compared to last season. The promotions are actually a pretty normal amount, but we got so much during season two. But TUA s2 was the biggest thing coming out that summer, so they were putting more into like they are eith Stranger Things. And, unlike tua s3, the promos weren't being photographed/filmed during a spike in the pandemic.
I think it's either thinking "oh it'll be fine on it's own" or "oh it'll get people from Stranger Things"
Logically, it wouldn't really make sense for them to pit their own shows, on the same platform, against each other beyond a sorta light hearted way.
All this said, I don't think this will cancel TUA or that Netflix is trying to cancel the show because of TUA, they'll cancel it because Netlfix is struggling. I imagine right now they're waiting to renew just to see the numbers first, which are gonna be fine no matter what. TUA has always had a lot of viewers, getting huge numbers since s1 and then breaking recordings during s2. And if somehow they werent able to get big numebrs again, people are renewing subscriptions for ST, waiting for part 2, they'll likely check out TUA since it's has a new season. And if TUA was ever cancelled? They'll get picked up again, literally no doubt about it. TUA isn't just a Netflix property, Dark Horse and Universal will probably move it to another streaming services, as it's a hit show for them too and I don't think they'll want to lose those millions of viewers.
Honestly thinking about it, cancelling TUA would be detrimental to Netflix. TUA is less expensive than ST yet it's raking in atleast 40 million viewers. If they're cancelling TUA, one of their biggest hits, then Netflix is dead dead.
I don't know. It's all sort of ridiculous and I'm trying not to worry since there isnt tech icslly anything to worry about. I feel like people on this fandom tend to jump the gun on stuff like this. It's nice that people care about that show so deeply, but this isn't the first time people have started worrying when there really isnt anything official to worry about. Again, it has a tons and tons of viewers, ST will more likely help than hurt. And if you're really worried? Keep watching season 3. Have the show on in the background while you do work. That'll atleast help the Neilson numbers. And also remember that no news is good news.
This is supposed to be an exciting time, not a scary one. This isnt the end of TUA, its another beginning. Don't be so worried about the ending that you forget to experience the joy of a new beginning and another season
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cosmictulips · 3 years
Weekly Horoscope :: 26- 1st Jan 2022
If you would like to receive more messages follow me on TikTok (TulipTaryn), Instagram (TarotofTulips) , Youtube , Twitter, and Here =D --- if you would like to support me, uh. I do have a Ko-Fi, Paypal and CashApp
Here's how we're going to break it down :: you'll get one big ole general reading and then it'll be broken down to elements. check your big 6. this can work for both vedic and tropical. so which ever suits your fancy. .
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General reading::
9 of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Page of Swords, 3 of Swords, 4 of Wands, 8 of Swords
Here's what I'm seeing for you guys this week. I'm seeing a rough beginning or ending or maybe somewhere in the middle. things are looking a bit rough. that's just what it is. but I do see it getting better. Somewhere in this chaos, you find your speed again. for some of you, it might be breaking up. for others of you, it's learning to slow down. I think some of you jumped the gun too quickly on something. but that's okay. because we have communication. you may feel heartbroken, scared, alone. but there is prosperity. there is hope, and happiness. despite all the chaos in your head, you will find comfort this week. I think a good majority of you are just going through it this week. and someone is going to come in and offer you solace from all that pain.
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Earth (Taurus ♉, Virgo ♍, Capricorn ♑) ::
6 of cups, 10 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, the Star, 2 of Swords, 8 of Cups
Some of you are going to be meeting some sort of new romantic partner. others of you are getting a job. some of you are getting both. and I feel like a sprinkle of you walking away from what no longer is yours is just the perfect addition to this week for you guys.
a decision is being made. a very big one but it sets you on a beautiful path full of love and emotional abundance and material prosperity. you are chasing a dream. there is no choice here. you are literally letting go.
I feel like some of you just don't care anymore. you're tired of doing things that isn't aligned with what you want. you wish for happier times again. and you're goingt o get it. You may be seeing a friend, or family member or even a lover. some of you are getting that new job, money in general.
overall, a wish is coming true. and it starts with you just letting go.
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Air (Aquarius ♒, Libra ♎, Gemini♊) ::
4 of Cups, the Empress, the Emperor, Page of Cups, 4 of Pentacles.
Ohhhh some of you are working on a relationship. Maybe not fully together yet -- but regardless, I think there's some miscommunication going on. this doesn't have to be romantic either. this could just be someone that you care about. I'm seeing a lot of empty feelings. a lot of sadness and grief. I think someone is having a hard time letting go of the past. the 4 of pentacles in your case is hopeful. it's talking about building a solid foundation. so you and this person can work something out. if it's love, give them time. you two are a bonded pair. if this is family or a friend or coworker, have a conversation with them. you guys are going to be there for each other no matter want. so just let things resolve. Now if there isn't conflict with another person, I think this is just you needing to express nurturing energy to yourself and perhaps with other people. I think there's a strong desire and urge to sit with yourself and build what you're struggling with. build your finances, your self love, etc. take this week to really figure out what the heart of the issue is and work from there.
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Water (Pisces ♓, Cancer ♋, Scorpio♏ ) ::
the Magician, 8 of Pentacles, 5 of Wands, Queen of Wands, Page of Pentacles, 7 of Cups
Okay, so, there could be a bit of a challenge. especially if you have air in your chart and you just read that as well. I think it's going to be important to work towards your relationships if you are struggling with anyone or having your voice be heard. I think outside of that, you are trying your best to manifest something. you are grounding yourself, putting in a lot of time and effort, especially when it comes to work. and with the 7 of cups, I think you're seeing a lot of options. you dream of all these possibilities. and you're working on creating this beautiful reality.
I think this week is bringing you the first of that. you are working hard, and perhaps you are going to be a mentor for someone this week. especially if it comes to making plans or meeting a goal. there's a lot of passion and enthusiasm with you this week. just be careful with what you say. that fire energy is going to make others think you are angry when you are not. or pushy or aggressive. other than that, also try to take your time. you may feel like you're being rushed, but you're not. people will listen to you. you will meet those deadlines, make those plans, etc. some of you might hit a perfectionist streak. try not to look too much into the details. just allow yourself to take things as they come.
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Fire (Leo ♌, Aries♈, Sagittarius ♐) ::
knight of cups, page of wands, the wheel of fortune, 9 of cups, king of pentacles, 6 of cups
Fire signs! so for this week, I am seeing that you guys may be exploring a new path. something is rounding up in a beatuiful ending and you are beginning something new as this new year rolls around. I'm seeing some of you finding love, or developing the connection further.
I'm seeing a lot of you finally deciding to follow your heart on something. this doesn't feel sudden. I feel like for most of this year you have been pretty good about working towards your goals. a lot of you may have had challenges, but now, you get to enjoy the end of the year. AND I'm seeing that you're doing this by simply having some fun. returning to old habits or routines that are good for you. old hobbies you had to let go of, you now have time to do. but I'm seeing you guys wanting to explore more. no longer does the past interest you. You have that beautiful stability, support and love.
enjoy this week. explore your hobbies. see what the world has for you ;)
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snowgoldwaylon · 3 years
And That's When You Came - Naga X Reader
So this is my first Naga x reader fic, I'm a bit nervous about it y'all. I hope you guys enjoy!
TW: Violence, kidnapping, murder, drugs, strong language.
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This time around, druglords were swarming parts of the Jungles around the world. This sometimes made working with the CIA and Marines hard trying to tie up loose ends.
So, of course, you took a leadership role, and assembled a small, efficient team to head out to the Jungle, and clean up some of these businesses.
You had gotten word over enemy comms that there was a possibility of trafficking coming up, just a few days short of today. So you know today was the day to make the right move and head out.
You gathered the team up, and took off right there and then. You had to head Northeast until you reached the heart of the Jungle. The plan was to ambush whoever was doing this and make them lead your team right to the main compound.
After 4 hours of constant flying, your heli touched down a few clicks North of the potential location. You took out the evidence from the comm broadcast and looked around.
The druglords were smart around these areas. They communicated in code. Morse code, to be exact. Thankfully you could read and understand morse code like you could in your native language. Looks like some classes pay off!
You took a minute and looked over the past conversation between these unknown individuals. You read the morse code with ease, and quickly you understood what was said.
You felt a sick, sinking feeling when it mentioned skulls. Now you knew that you were about to walk a thin line with danger, or possibly even death.
You looked back at your team who geard up. You turned your radio on and spoke to the one man you could trust.
"Lazar, I might not come back from this. If I don't, please send a search team. I'm about to broadcast you my current coordinates." You said calmly.
"Y/N, you will come back. I promise to come to save your ass myself." Lazar said.
"Appreciate that, I'll keep in touch. 2-3 out." And off your radio went.
You rounded your team up and stood upon a rock so they could hear you loud and clear.
"Okay Strike team, we are going in. You will follow me and my orders, we stay together at all times. This could potentially be a large threat, and I will not have any deaths today. Now, follow me. Keep an eye out for any potential harm. Form the formation we talked about. Always check those corners and look back!" You said, strapping your MP5 around you tightly.
You led your team off in the direction that the morse code told you about. You came to the red stream and decided to take a look around and see if you saw any possible movement or another break in the case.
You took your binoculars and scanned the area. In the distance, you saw a small, white building. It was covered by trees, well hidden if you didn't have good vision.
"Hey Houston, take a look over there, almost 3 and a half inches to the left. See the white building?" You said, handing the binoculars to your teammate.
Houston took them and looked, he turned back to you and nodded.
"I see it. Do you think we should go check it out?" He asked.
You thought for a moment. What if this was another building with possible evidence or even someone in there you could question? You looked back towards him and nodded.
"Yeah, I think we should. Let's get in there and at least check it out. It'll be worth it if we do I think." You reasoned.
He quickly gathered the team, and you made a slow but steady movement towards the building in question. There was no doubt you were nervous, you had a really bad feeling and you weren't sure why.
When you came up to the building, it was a garage. It had a large, retracting door and a small door for someone to walk into. But there was no house, just a garage.
"Okay Houston, we're gonna walk into this place very carefully, and slowly." You said.
After getting confirmation from everyone, you walked up to the small door. You carefully took the handle and twisted it. The door creaked open as if this was some sort of horror movie and the killer finds the person hiding.
You took a few steps in and checked all the corners. Your team followed behind and within minutes, the whole place had gotten a clean sweep. There was nobody to be found. So, you quickly gathered everyone in the middle.
"Okay, so this place is clear. What we are going to do next i-" You were cut off by a large bang.
You drew your MP5 and took a protective stance. Suddenly, thats when a loud and frantic banging started to happen. What took you off guard was the cries for help that followed.
"PLEASE HELP, I'M DOWN HERE!" The male voice cried out.
You looked all over the room, and noticed a hatch to what looked like a cellar, the doors chained shut with heavy rocks on top.
"Commander, I don't like the feeling of this..." One of your team, Leon shuttered out.
"Cover me, we must save this man!" You said with no hesitation.
You ran over to the doors, and ripped the rock off with brute strength. You smashed the chains off with the butt of your gun, and yanked them off. You could now open the door.
"Houston, Leon, with me!" You commanded.
They stacked up behind you and took stance. You ripped the doors open, and out came a man fell out, wearing some sort of uniform. And behind him was a some of two dozen men, armed. You had been tricked.
"Commander!" Houston yelled, jumping in front of you as a bullet as shot. It ripped through his heart like a dagger. He fell to the ground, going limp.
"You fuckers!" You shouted.
You went to shoot, but a rock came flying and hit you right in the eye. You heard everyone else struggle and a few gunshots. When you came back from the hit, you were grabbed and restrained.
The man you first saw, immediately tied all your team up, but a couple of the guys had you in a hold, rather than tied up. You were so scared, for everyone. The first guy who came out grabbed his walkie and talked into it.
"Naga, this is Blade. I have their Commander. Waiting your order."
"Good, bring their Commander to me. Take the rest to the pit. We have work that needs done." The mysterious voice spoke over the radio.
"Got it."
When your team started to get taken away like cattle, you got pissed. You saw the bodies of a few crew mates and it made you almost get sick. Houston and Leon were dead, all because of you.
When you started to be dragged away, you began to kick and scream.
"Get off me you rat fucking bastards! I'll kill you all!" You shouted.
The men only chucked, and kept walking.
You were able to get an arm free and sucker punch one. The other, you kicked straight in the teeth, which made him double over. You took the opportunity and snapped his neck with ease.
The other man though quickly recovered and tackled you. You both fought for a minute until you somehow got on top, flipping him to his back. You restrained his arms with your leg and grabbed his face.
"I fucking told you, asshole. Now, join your friend." You said with anger. You quickly pulled his head back, killing him. You got off and took a rifle he wore.
You looked around and started to gather your surroundings. Now you were kind of confused. First thing first, you had to find your team. You ran back to the garage and went to the corpses of Houston and Leon.
"I'm so sorry you guys." You said, picking up their dog tags. This was the only way to identify them now.
You left and followed a blood trail to a nearby meadow. There, in the distance, you saw thick trees. You came up to a set of some, and in front of you was a 4-way split.
"Fuck! I'll be fucked if I go the wrong way...." But before you could even think, you felt a presence.
Like, somebody was watching you. You looked up into the trees, and that's when you saw a man wearing a strange cap, sunglasses, and a bandanna. He held a tube in his mouth.
Before you could run, he put air into it and shot out a dart at you of some sort. Luck was not with you today though.
It sucks right into your neck. And it felt like a rock had just dropped on you from a great height. You fell to your knees and collapsed. You tried to crawl, but the world went black around you.
The man jumped down from the trees and came over. He removed the dart and rolled you over to see your face. When he saw it was you, he picked you up and carried you towards his large camp.
"Finally got you."
Meanwhile, back at the safe house
Lazar came up to Adler and Sims.
"Doc, Y/N was supposed to come back 5 hours ago. I was even told if I don't hear anything, to come to find them." Lazar spoke with worry.
Adler almost brushed it off, until he heard your name.
"Wait, as in Y/N Y/L/N? Commander of Strike team?" He questioned.
"Yes, remember they went into the Jungle for the possible compound raid. I think something is wrong." He said.
Adler put out his cigarette and got up. He walked over to a plan made out by you. His eyes went large, and he immediately started to pack up and get ready.
"Lazar, you are right. There is a good chance they are in danger. We leave right now! Get everyone rounded up and locked and loaded." He commanded.
Lazar did as he was told, and got everything in line. The crew left within 5 minutes.
One day later, Y/N POV
You finally woke back up, but you were changed to a wall. Your clothes have scratches, and your head felt like a bobblehead. The room had a bright, uncomfortable light above the head. You looked around and saw so much drug paraphernalia.
You were about to pass out again until the door opened, and the same man from before stepped into the room. You both made eye contact, and you saw a slight smile behind his bandanna.
He came over to you and ran his hand over your face.
"Well, look who is finally awake. I thought you weren't going to ever wake back up, my precious little dandelion." He said in a creepy tone.
You revolted to his touch and tried to kick. But, you were held in place by the tough shackles.
"No no no, little one. You won't be leaving now. Do you know how long I waited for you? And here you fall right into my lap...." He trailed off.
You still kicked and screamed, until he finally walked away over to a projector.
"Oh Y/N, I've been watching you for months now. I knew you had been tracing people like me to raid their compounds. Well, I didn't want you fucking up my business." He said, pulling up the images on the projector.
You looked at them in horror when you realized they were of you, in many different states. You at your own home, on a date with Lazar, out with the safe house team for bowling and drinks, even you in the shower. The fucking shower!
You began to cry. You were very afraid.
The man only laughed upon seeing your tears and started playing audio logs of you calling your family on holidays.
"Don't cry, little one. I've always wanted you in my life." He spoke, slowly walking towards you. You began to panic, and started kicking and muffled screaming again.
When he reached you, he ran his hand up your side, and to your face.
"Don't worry. My name is Naga and I'm here to keep you forever. You are mine now, you know." He said.
He stepped back and turned on an older song. He kept the pictures up as he walked towards you with a knife. Your heart sank.
"Do you see this, honey? This is what you'll get when you misbehave. Understand?" He spat at you.
"I'm going to undo your gag. Don't do anything stupid." Naga said.
As soon as he did, he smiled.
"There. Now, why don't you tell me something with that gorgeous mouth?"
You looked right at him, and spit right into his eye. He jumped back in disgust. That pissed him off, and his gaze turned cold.
"You fucking bitch! You'll pay for that!"
But before he could even lunge, a man came from behind and wrestled him to the ground. That man was none other than Lawrence Sims.
You started to wiggle as you saw Lazar and everyone else behind him. He quickly ran over to you and got you free. Adler jumped in with Sims and restrained Naga. He put up one hell of a fight though.
You were carried away to the EVAC chopper, where Mason sat.
"Y/N!" Mason shouted, helping you get onboard.
You sat up and coughed. Your body hurt so much, you felt drained.
"Please Mason, clean up this cut on my leg. It's getting infected." You pleaded.
Immediately, he started to tend to every wound you had. It stung like hell but you were relieved it was over. Lazar sat with you and held your hand. You felt like you were in shellshock.
After about 10 minutes, everyone came back to the heli. Lazar didn't look happy.
"What the hell? Where is he??" He questioned.
Adler pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Sims just signed.
"He got away. The bastard is like a snake. Plus not to mention, he turned my balls into innies." Adler said with defeat.
You sat up and hugged the blanket tighter around you. You looked around at everyone as the heli flew off.
"Wait, what about my team? They still might be down there...."
Adler nodded at you.
"We sent in spec ops to recover survivors. But we are glad to see you back here safe."
You nodded with relief and lay back against the heli. You looked out over the dark skies and the now ominous trees below. You knew, deep down inside down there, this wasn't over.
Naga still roamed these trees. You looked down over the treetops and clenched your fist tight.
"I promise, this isn't over. I'll be back, even stronger."
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
You were all I wanted
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Pairing: mob!Peter Parker x plus-sized!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, swearing, kidnapping, human trafficking, slight mention of body shaming, allusion to non-con.
Words: 2195.
Summary: You are bought by the head of Stark crime family for a kid he cares about.
P.S. Peter is an adult!
"We hope you are going to enjoy your new girl, Mr. Stark." The man loosened his grip on your shoulder as he let you march straight into the arms of a stranger in a fancy striped suit and big frightening men with guns surrounding him.
"Nah, this one isn't for me." The stranger who bought you brushed it off as if your presence meant nothing. "She's a present for the boy. Peter, where the fuck are you?"
You almost jumped at his loud voice, keeping your head low and watching your unstable feet. Well, you expected as much - before you that mysterious Mr. Stark bought one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen in your life. Her striking black hair was shining even in the dim lights of the dressing room where all captured girls were taken care of before the start of the auction. She costed twice more than you and had much more admirers - you remembered how men were shouting, trying to outbid each other. You weren't that popular, but still ended up being purchased by the same man she was. Now it all made sense.
"I'm here, Mr. Stark!" A young boy's head popped out in the crowd of other buyers, and he emerged right in front of you with a long men's coat in his hands. "I'm sorry it took me so long!"
"Look at this gent." The man smirked at him, and his guards laughed a little at the boy's enthusiasm. "So caring! I hope you're not going to take the girl straight to church?"
Now there was an inappropriately loud burst of laughter, and you bit your own tongue. They all were a bunch of bastards, but your life depended on them now. You needed to keep your mouth shut if you wanted to make it out alive.
The boy smiled brightly at his patron and looked at you with sparkles of happiness in his dark eyes. Oh, at least he was more or less pleased with the way you looked, you thought.
"Congrats with your first girl, Peter." Mr. Stark's smug grin suddenly turned warm at the sight of the boy who was almost jumping with excitement in front of him. "You're sure she's the one you want? I can still get a replacement if you've changed your mind."
"No, no, Mr. Stark, she's perfect for me!" Once the man in the suit nudged you to come closer to the boy, Peter gently wrapped your shoulders into the coat he carried and smiled at you widely. "Thank you so much for your present, sir!"
"Enjoy, kid." His patron smirked and motioned to the men waiting for him. "Let's get going then, I have business to attend to."
Judging by their nasty smirks, his business had something to do with that gorgeous black-haired woman they took somewhere earlier. You did your best not to throw up at the thought of him forcing her down her knees.
"Can you walk?" The boy suddenly asked you quietly, and you blinked. "Do you want me to carry you?"
Nice joke. The guy looked twice slimmer than you, skinny as a rail. You'd break him in half, probably. You weren't sure whether he was mocking you, but it was obviously not the right time to throw a temper tantrum.
"I can walk. Thank you." You mumbled and made a step towards those men who were already leaving.
"Ok. Come with me then." You thought his boyish smile looked pretty.
You walked past other girls dressed in expensive flashy lingerie adorned with glitter, sequins, and laces. Some of young women were as terrified as you were, their faces red with tears; the others seemed strangely happy, shouting something to each other and giggling in front of their new masters - you thought those girls were prostitutes or someone of the same kind because the idea of laughing happily after being bought like a piece of clothing didn't sit well with you. You spotted a few more ladies who were still unstable on their feet because they were given too much drugs, probably. Two dozens women, maybe more, were gathered in a place like that to become someone's property. Like you did now.
It was cold outside despite September being usually warm in New York. You had never lived here before, but one of your friends moved in the Big Apple two years ago and was always talking about nice weather they often enjoyed.
"It's right over there." The boy pointed to one of the cars in a long row of them, Mr. Stark already getting inside a ridiculously fashionable one. Peter's old Honda was nowhere near that, but you were relieved. It made you feel like you weren't taken to some scary place full of criminals waiting to fuck the shit out of you.
The kid opened the door for you like you were some fairytale princess or something, and you got inside, holding the coat that almost slipped from your shaking shoulders while the boy quickly landed on the driver's seat. You couldn't guess his age, but if he drove the car he was probably older than 16.
"I'm so sorry, I know you're cold." He glanced at your silk robe beneath the coat, your legs bare - you had nothing but fluffy slippers on your feet. "It'll get better in a minute."
What a considerate little guy. If he didn't show up with that overconfident mobster who looked like he owned New York, you'd think Peter was some sweet high schooler who spent his weekends working in an animal shelter. But you weren't stupid to believe his innocent looks.
At one point you thought he might be Mr. Stark's illegitimate son, but something told you  it wasn't that. The way Peter looked at him with adoration proved that the man was more of his patron as you suspected from the very beginning.
"I know they didn't feed you today, so I brought you some chicken soup." He said and reached to grab something from the back seat - you glanced at the metal food jar thermos that softly landed on your naked lap.
Did he bring you food? For real? No, it must be some trick - there were drugs or something like that there, for sure. Why else was this guy playing the role of your mother, for God's sake?
"You're not allergic to chicken, are you?" Kid looked concerned, watching the troubled expression on your face. "Oh shoot, I didn't check your allergies!"
"I'm not allergic." You quickly replied, afraid to make him upset.
He was getting restless too fast, you thought. Peter really behaved like a kid. What was that Mr. Stark told him after the auction? Something like "congrats with your first girl", wasn't it? So, it probably meant Peter had never been with a woman before. Not that you had been with a man, either. Maybe that's why he picked you.
But it also could be all an act. Teenagers weren't getting slaves to take care of their sexual needs. Maybe this Peter wasn't as young as you thought, and in fact he was some psycho who planned to drug, rape and murder you.
Either way, he would get mad if you didn't get started with that soup - you could read it in his face.
Opening the jar, you felt a delicious smell filling your nostrils when your stomach made an ugly sound. Damn, you had never been so hungry in your entire life.
The truth was the supervisors who took care of all the girls before the auction made you starve for two days "to get you in shape". They said you were too fat and they had to do something to make you at least a bit more presentable.
"Well, if I'm going to die, I will die with a full stomach." You thought gloomly and started gulping down the warm soup. It tasted heavenly good.
The boy watched you in awe as if you were becoming more and more beautiful with eash sip.
"I'm not much of a cook, but Aunt May managed to teach me to make a chicken soup." He said with a sudden warmth to his voice. "So, um, don't worry, you won't die of starvation with me."
You forced yourself to smile at his attempt to make a small joke. As far as you were concerned, your body was perfectly okay even after you finished eating. Maybe the drug took longer to start affecting you, but maybe you were just lucky and there was nothing in the soup at all.
All of a sudden, Peter's phone started ringing, and he took it from the pocket of his jacket immediately.
"Where the fuck are you again, kid?" You could hear Stark's thundering voice even from your seat.
"I'm sorry, sir!" The boy squeaked and adjusted his seatbelt. "We're coming!"
The room he brought you to was fairly large and comfortable to your tastes: there were a comfy king-sized bed, a huge table with a dozen of oddly-looking gadgets and two screens, a chair, a drawer and a closet. There was also a newly-bought TV that wasn't set up yet, and a microwave on a side table.
"I'm terribly sorry for the mess." Peter apologized to you as if you were his parent who came to scold him. "Don't worry, I'll take it all away. Please come and sit here."
He briefly gestured to the bed, and you bit down on your lower lip nervously. The kid was fast.
You didn't talk much in the car since you were waiting for the drug to kick in, but nothing happened. As for Peter, you thought that he was too shy to talk, but maybe he just didn't want to. In the end, he asked his patron to buy you for a very different reason.
"The bathroom is over there. You can take your shower, if you want." He smiled childishly at you.
How could he keep such innocent face when he was about to rape you?
You gathered whatever courage you had left and said, "C-can we talk?"
The boy froze on the spot and dropped whatever gadget he was holding back on the table. You glanced at his skinny boyish figure, that dark ruffled hair and a really pretty face - he looked like your neighbor's sweet son who would climb a tree to get a cat stuck up there back to the ground.
"Of course!" Peter landed on the bed close to you, watching you with his undying enthusiasm. "What would you like to talk about?"
"Why did you choose me?"
You really wanted to know. You weren't the usual goods they sold on that auction, the human traffickers said. Though there were a few girls who weren't breathtakingly beautiful, most of the ones brought there were well above average women. They looked like they came straight from Victoria's Secret Show.
"Well... um." You could see his ears getting red. "You're... pretty. I like you."
Huh, funny. Why did you ask? The answer was obvious - you were cheap. Mr. Stark didn't want to spend too much money on a present for the kid, so Peter had rather limited choice, probably.
"Why are you getting upset?" He sounded so concerned that you made yourself smile again to calm him down. Anyway, it was better to be grateful. You were almost sold to some disgusting old man. "Did I say something wrong?"
"No, you didn't. I'm sorry." You hurried to say. "I'm sorry you didn't get anyone better than me. That place was full of magnificent women."
What the fuck were you saying? Did you seriously think those poor souls deserved to be sold like cattle just because they were prettier than you? God, you were so messed up.
"Wait, no!" The boy grabbed your hands in his and made you flinch involuntarily. "No, no, you're beautiful! I chose you because I like you more than anyone else."
Bewildered, you looked at his worried expression, his eyes staring at you intensely while you squeezed your thighs together. Hearing the boy say that felt very odd, but kind of... comforting? Not many people ever called you beautiful, mind your mother and a few friends. It was stupid to think about it now when the one calling you that was the man whose property you had become, yet you couldn't help but get those little butterflies in your stomach.
You eyes watered, and you quickly wiped your tears away.
"People were treating you badly, weren't they? It's terrible." The boy pulled out a pack of napkins and took one, gently pressing it to your wet cheek. "But I swear I fell in love with you once I saw your photos on the website. You're the prettiest girl I've ever met, for real!"
When he removed the napkin, you saw his pupils dilating and felt his breath becoming ragged, heavy. One of his hands rested on your thigh as he leaned closer to you and sniffed your hair. Your body went stiff.
"No one gonna say anything nasty to you from now on. I'll make sure of that."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint @msruchita @opheliadawnwalker3
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