#i just Realllllyyyyy like this
real-life-senshi · 1 year
Waking up to see this notification from my Tumblr app this morning had me do a double-take and question if I was still asleep dreaming.
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This might be the biggest "senpai noticed me" moment I've ever experienced! (Besides that one time Ayaka read my comments on the live broadcast. lol)
Their blog literally is one of the first blogs I've visited on this loveable hell site. And the fact they've had actively and positively blogged about PGSM when I randomly stumbled upon their blog was the reason I realize I might finally be able to find my place here on Tumblr, to share my love and obsession over PGSM. My random visit to their blog ultimately led me to making PGSM content beyond fanfic. So to see this comment pop up in my notification this morning from THE blog absolutely made my week! (And Tears of the Kingdom is coming out tomorrow, so that's a high bar. lol)
Anyway, I just have so much feeling about this I can't contain it and I had to make a post before I self-combust. But no, I'm NOT tagging them, coz I'm awkward like that. 🙈
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 9 months
thinking about how the holidays are actually incredibly hard for jensen because he's never really celebrated and he doesn't know how even if he tried and his friends are talking about their fam holiday celebrations the whole month and he doesn't really know what to say or how to respond. and then it's the day of and he's working and people are constantly asking him or pitying him about not going home and not having anything to do. at the end of the day he leaves to an empty apartment and makes himself something for dinner before going to bed because even though it's only like 9 pm it's easier to sleep than be upset or annoyed or sad about not having any traditions or people to celebrate w
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I'm playing ffxiv again and I have such bad tankxiety. I run as tank with my npc squadron to level my warrior and I'm like yeah it's whatever but as soon as I think about playing with real people I'm like WOW we're not doing that
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
ok ok I have a really sick and twisted idea for the omegaverse—
there are special collars that can apply pressure to an omega’s glands in their neck, essentially keeping them scruffed and docile and in the haze of their instincts. They’re difficult to find these days bc of society pushback on doing something like that to an omega, but Simon gets his hands on one for their omega who still refuses to let them touch her, even though they’ve done so much for her.
im sooo mixed on this because i don't think abo simon would really care about you wanting him to touch you or not lmao, but also this idea??? is so sick and right up my alley??
maybe you get realllllyyyyy sensitive before your heat. like, you know what's coming and you're extremely resistant to it still, so if they even brush you you're having a meltdown. simon finds the collar, locks it onto your neck the night before he knows you're gonna start getting really mood. you wake up already in a daze, hardly even able to life your head. whine a little, confused and kinda scared, and johnny and simon are just right there in front of you smiling, tell you how good you're being already :(
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mynahx3 · 15 days
My Dear in the Night 1.2K
HELLOOOOO LOVELIES!! I live! HA! Months later and i'm finally happy with what I'm writing. Life kinda just got crazy so I had to put writing on the back burner for a bit. I do have a few goodies I'm editing rn so I can't wait to share em once they're done. This story is a little sneak peak to the one I'm realllllyyyyy excited about. It's a Author! Suguru x Ghost! Reader. Nothing to warn rn but it will get dark so buckle up! Should be out latest end of Sept
It was a cold autumn evening, the moon shining brightly above, as expected given that it was midway through October.
A man sat in his dark room, silent as he hunched over his desk. Tired eyes looked over his laptop, the damned cursor almost mocking him as it blinked on an empty page. He felt his lip twitch in irritation; the only other movement was the tapping of his leg against the wooden floors.
In the morning, he would have to face the consequences of his actions. He would wake with a dull ache in his lower back as a result of his terrible posture; his wrists hurt from years of misuse, and his eyes burned from the brightness of his laptop, yet he couldn't sleep. He wouldn't until he had something.
Hours of sitting at his desk had gone by with nothing to show for it. He was supposed to be a renowned horror author with plenty of titles to his name, but lately, nothing seemed to flow from his mind like before. Any and all inspiration for the particularly gruesome topics of his writing was gone. The creative spark in his mind kept the flames of his imagination burning bright like an inferno, seemingly with no end, but now it was fizzled out. Dimmed and barely flickering.
A desperation gnawed inside him, urging him to find that spark once again before it was too late. The pressure to produce something, anything, weighed heavily on his shoulders as he stared blankly at the empty page before him. That desperation is what drove him to this small community. It was a much-needed reprieve from the rush and bustle of city life.
Currently, he finds himself in a deeper stump.
Ravenwood, located in the Appalachian Mountains, was a small town known for its cold weather almost all year and even colder residents, particularly to outsiders. Most wouldn't even think to look twice at the drab town, but it seemed to gain a second life with holiday season. Many came for a vacation in the snowy mountains to find a nice retreat from the reality of their lives. A place many went to have that perfect winter wonderland experience for half the price of others.
What had garnered his attention wasn't the mountain sights to see nor the cozy, cheap cabins for rent; no, it was the history. One that has been soaked with blood since it's founding.
This place only seemed to be a magnet for misery and despair. Disasters, fires, murders, and everything else that could go wrong were common occurrences in this cursed town. Many speculated what the cause was— monsters in the night, a witch in the woods, a vengeful spirit haunting the mountains, or simply bad luck. One thing was for certain: this winter wonderland had a dark side that no amount of snow could cover up.
Those seeking excitement, debunkers, and ardent supporters of the supernatural were drawn to this. Tourist traps littered across town saw many people flocking like moths to a flame, which locals were quick to capitalize on. Each one caters to the morbid curiosity and fascination with the town's dark history, offering ghost tours, haunted house experiences, and other macabre attractions.
Just as many took advantage of the town, others frowned at the exploitation of their past, telling the yearly visitors to stop while they were ahead. Despite the warnings from locals about the dangers of delving too deeply into the town's past, visitors continued to flock in, eager to uncover the secrets.
The man had only come to find inspiration. He didn't care for the talk of ghosts, of curses, or even of aliens- funny enough. Not that he ever believed in any of those things to humor even the thought of them.
He was a writer, after all, and all he needed was a good story to tell. And the town of Ravenwood seemed to hold more than enough material for his next bestseller. He thought that the rich, dark history would help rekindle that fire inside him. To let his mind flow once more for his next book, the start of a new series after his last overwhelming success. So far, he had gotten the characters down, the setting figured out, but he only needed that extra push to get the plot ironed out. For months, he had thrown together ideas, ideas he tossed after thinking on them for a bit.
A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he refocused his vision, looking from the white of his laptop to the window in front of him. The branches of the dead tree in the lawn swayed with the wind, the leaves rustling softly. It was a quiet night; like always, the neighbors always made sure to avoid any disturbances. He straightens his back in his office chair, moving his long bangs back with his hand, releasing some of the tension from his stiff shoulders. The stress of his deadline and unending nagging from his editors had almost made him forget how nice the quiet was. Looking down, he saw the houses all dark and quiet, with only a few dim lights shining through the curtains.
The neighborhood was old but well kept; houses stood with character along the streets. Each one is now decorated for the upcoming holiday, with carved lanterns on almost every porch and tacky decorations adorning the lawn. Something swayed in the wind that caught his eye, chimes jingling from it. It was a talisman.
The same bundle of different herbs, crystals, and wax symbols was hanging from every door in the neighborhood. Supposedly, it was an item to ward off any evil spirits, something they kept up year round. The townsfolk had a sense of unity in their efforts to ward off any negative energy. They seemed to take pride in their traditions and beliefs, creating a unique atmosphere in the community.
As he adjusted to the new surroundings, he finally felt comfortable enough to ask about it. The older woman next door was happy to inform him of the significance. She even made sure to gift him one, her eyes hardening as she warned him to keep it and hang it above his door at all times. Being raised with respect, he took the item with a small, grateful smile, pocketing the item with care before discarding it onto the very desk he sat at. Left and forgotten. When he continued unpacking, he chuckled at the sight of it in his office, unsure of the strong belief in a bundle of twigs and rocks.
Picking the talisman up, he turned it over, his thumb rubbed over the wax seal. Feeling the grooves and ridges of the strange symbol carved into it.
Evidently, he did not take superstition seriously… in the beginning. Even beliefs can change at the drop of a dime. The months he spent in the town had changed him.
In the dark hours of the night, he experienced things that could not logically be explained. It started small. Things that could be explained away by a forgetful mind. His keys disappearing only to come up in a place he would never leave them. Furniture was being moved so slightly that he initially thought it was his imagination. That's what any logical man would do. Chalk it up to his aging mind, even at the age of thirty, or simply an overactive mind caused by insufficient sleep and too much caffeine. But as the occurrences became more frequent and unsettling, he couldn't ignore the feeling that something was off. Shadows seemed to linger longer than they should, and whispers could be heard in empty rooms. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, even when he was completely alone.
Then one day, it all became clear: it was her.
Tap, tap, tap.
A sharp knock jolted him from his thoughts once more; he seemed to be getting more and more lost in his mind as of late. He now saw a figure blocking the moonlight. Well, a normal person would block it. The figure in his window, on the second floor of his house, casts a bluish tint onto him; their body was almost transparent; he could see the branches swaying behind her still. When he finally looked at her face, a sweet smile appeared on her lips.
"Hellloooo!" She called with a singsong voice, tilting her head at him. Hand waving at him excitedly. "You gonna let me in, Sugu?"
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totallynotselene · 25 days
I’m back-
Hiii, it’s me Reese/Denise. (Please don’t call me Aqua, she’s not my oc anymore 😭) And I’m sosososososo sorry for not being active in such a long time- I lost my interest in dream smp/mcyt, and school is getting realllllyyyyy stressful nowadays.. (especially as a Filipino-)
But, now that I finally remembered my tumblr password, I will try to stay active moreee (sadly, I can’t remember my discord password 😭). Though I left the dsmp fandom, I still like g/t!! And I’m probably just gonna post about Enhypen g/t :)). I missed interacting with u guysss… ty for understanding!! (Also, I’m currently still trying to make a new oc.. (who is probably gonna be a tiny again.))
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scarfacemarston · 7 months
I saw someone saying in a rdr tiktok once, that whoever likes John wants to be special 💀
That's tiktok for you. TikTok is mostly garbage to me in general, but the rdr section realllllyyyyy seems like garbage. I'm not basing that off of this comment, just everything that I've heard lately.
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anotherkindofmindpod · 10 months
Just wanted to say, you are truly doing the Lord’s work with the Tune In series, thank you so much. Every single episode I become more and more indignant, outraged and disgusted (using a tricolon, much like Lewisohn did to describe Paul’s behaviour towards Stuart, to realllllyyyyy get my point across!) at his insidious bias. I also wanted to ask, as someone who hasn’t read the book, does he ever at any point suggest that John and Paul’s relationship was full of love and affection, in any way at all? Having listened to your ‘Leader Lennon’ episode, this seems almost impossible given the way he’s painted their partnership as unequal and John as dominant and entitled to put Paul in his ‘rightful’ place.
Hi Anon! To be honest, I don't remember reading ANYTHING heartwarming about John & Paul in Tune In! That's not to say there isn't anything, there's just nothing I recall. John's love for Paul is referenced 4 times (remember John is the ONLY PERSON in Tune In ever said to love Paul!) and Paul's admiration for John is obviously discussed ad infinitum, but not much about their mutual affection or special bond. It's really quite a shame, but as you say, not surprising given how Tune In portrays Paul v. John. If we come across any GOOD examples, though, we'll make a note of it! Thanks for writing and listening.
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specialmouse · 2 months
i really cant believe i fell for that. my self esteem is so fucking low i just let a straight white man say those things to me ABOUT MYSELF. and i was like hehehehe realllllyyyyy omg . disgusting. disgusting! SAD!
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geteffed · 9 months
rick headcanons?
SHDHAHSJDA AAAAAA yes okay let me smoke first
Alright I just smoked.
So, this is gonna be long and scrambled but here we go
Rick definitely loves morty a lot but refuses to admit it to himself because what is love yknow? You have so much love for one person (Diane) and then you don’t really feel the same type of love for anyone else. He loves Morty and Beth (his favorite relatives) a whole lot but not in the same way. Even Beth and Space Beth are loved and admired in different ways guys he just loves his family okay. He even cares for Jerry. Like okay rant right here umm TW emotions but I love my dad right and he loves my uncle but I don’t really no my uncle so I can’t say I really love him. I care about him. Idk if it’s love for sure
Okay rant over
Um also this one is like… tmi so I won’t stay on it long but in a world where beth looked exactly like Diane…. Yeaaaaaaaah that’s more of an intrusive headcanon I’m sorry to fuck y’all’s eyes up
And also HES IN LOVE WITH BIRDPERSON LIKE BACK ON THE DIANE TOPIC I think he loved Diane in the way that you would want to spend the rest of your life with them and he loved birdperson in a similar perspective to that but he loved birdperson in the ride or die way. Like, 50/50 everything on the table, trauma bonded stoner husbands (omg shoutout to Cade + his husband who don’t know I use tumblr) like their relationship is literally rick/birdperson wish you guys knew them.
Um yeah so he loved birdperson but not the same way as Diane like, I would be explaining this with percentages but 1. I’m so fucking stoned rn and 2. You can’t measure a nonexistent thing in percentages. Love is a concept, love mean something different to everyone and it really can’t be calculated… I think I might be demisexual wow okay breakthrough
I feel weird about that one paragraph now wow whatever y’all don’t think about it too hard. Open your minds to concepts even if they are fucked up. It’s so fun to think about but it gets sad when it’s reality idk don’t cancel me? Or do. Cowards.
Also. He invents things for his grandkids to show love. Like, sometimes I wish I could build a robot to help my dad because damn I want him to get helped but also ummm also um fuck what was I— OH YEAH I WANT HIM HELPED BUT I realllllyyyyy don’t feeling like being in his presence yknow I don’t really wanna have a “dad” conversation rn
Wow I’m talking a lot about my own life. Okay spoiler alert I have a dad and a brother and both of them suck.
But yeah I’m out of thoughts and I’m gonna smoke more now
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
hey girl so i just got around to reading chap 13 and its fucking Insane! got me all attached to mikey just to hit me with reality real bad... i really admire how you take every detail into account; down to saving the candles and including minuscule (yet non-minuscule) details in the flashbacks like the painting tony gave carm. i just realllllyyyyy love how you just!!! make them feel so real!!! like yes tony is a real person who keeps narcan and kid's bandaids on her at all times. what do you mean that's just someone created in carmenized-onion's head?
the parts leading up to mikey's death fuckin HURT, MAN!!! felt so real. i didn't start connecting the dots to what it was all leading to until uncle jimmy got involved and i was like fuuuuuckk... you're so unbelievably talented.
chip also making sure she's aggressively letting mikey know she's rooting for him and he shouldn't always have to be fending for himself was so... Damn i wish i had that YEOWCHHHH we all need a government assigned chip in our lives.
the ending of it was also very healing and gives me just a tinge of relief that maybe everything will be totally okay and we'll be happy again. everything came full circle fr like syd was tony's bff and now they're coworkers once removed?? woah...
but yeah. been waiting on this one for a WHIIILE but didn't get to read it til just now, i am a squidink truther (what kind of friend talks about their "friend" like that like no girl you were crushing). also the blatant affection richie and mikey showed chip, someone clearly struggling, was sooooooo Oh my god man. keep up the amazing work you're a GENIUS!
Anyways. Thank you thank you thank you so much for noticing the small details. It’s literally. A nauseous amount of re-reading on my part to make sure I really fucking dot my Is and Qs. Something I admire so deeply about the first 2 seasons of The Bear is how much they constantly referenced something from several episodes ago or possibly the previous season that is SO small in retrospect but if you’re someone that notices that shit it HITS! And so I try to really really emulate that and I’m so happy that it pays off. 
And TO THE CROWWWDD, TO THE WRITERS OUTT THERREEE, when it comes to making Tony feel real— I am fully pulling from my own self and the friends I love and have in reality honestly. I keep kids bandaids in my wallet, painkillers (cause I get migraines), gum, clothespins, and an unused narcan kit on me (your local drugstore might give them out for free! Go check online baby!). And my best friend keeps chewable tums, pepto, and lactaid (because her stomach is a fucking nightmare). My advice to making characters feel very real: Pull their traits from very real places and people! No one asked for this advice…
YEEOOWCCHH is right. With every time I re-read bits of 13 in prep for 14, I fucking OUCH MAN. It’s like. Deeply annoying that we don’t have Mikey. I truly was like. Well what if I just kept writing Mikey/Chip/Richie 2 years ago because they were so fun. And maybe down the line I’ll have some flashback spinoffs after the series is done but GOD it sucks to not have Mikey anymore man. HE WAS THE FUCKING GUY!!!!!
Also I am now your government assigned Chip. I might not be able to make any actual real impact on your life but I am actually legally your assigned Chip and I am in fact here for you so. Fucking take that bro.
SQUID INK TRUTHERS UNITEE!!!! She won the poll a couple asks down too… To be fair only 18 people voted but much to consider much to consider. I really need to pull back on how clearly ‘at least in one point in love’ I make them before I break my own heart. THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE, hopefully these fuckers get it TOGETHER in Chapter 14— And last thing, truly the ‘amish’ story/intro will forever live in my own brain because EXACTLY they immediately cared for Chip like a little sister I am so. Im ill. ANYWAYS THANK YOU CAN’T WAIT TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE NEXT ONE WHEN IT EVENTUALLY DROPSS
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citrusacidic · 1 year
Who are your favorite/least favorite characters in the new season?
okay i already talked abt my faves time to get evil
- chase. ohhh chase. ITS SO SAD THAT U SUCK SOOO MASSIVELY i love ur design and i wanted to like u so bad but you are also just a realllllyyyyy bad person. sighhhh. UNFORTUNATE. i was rlly rooting for u until you felt zero remorse for the unintentional attempted murder on ur ex/current/ex/current girlfriend
-scary girl slash lauren SORRYYYYY!!! sorry scary girl slash lauren enthusiasts, i just didnt like the whole bit that she was, it was fun for a wee bit for me but after awhile i just did not enjoy it to be tbh... i cheered when u got off, sorry scary girl slash lauren... also why was ur name a secret if they were just gonna say it ? like??? anyways.. cute name tho!
- double time! axel you were okaayyyy just not as fun as i was hoping for tbh AND ALSO i liked ripper more than i expected! still not a lot at all tho, he’s prettyyyy annoying, but he did make me laugh
- hashtag kind of just whatever sorry: julia nichelle mk caleb
-regarding millie and damien, love them, just not many opinions
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wrencatte · 5 months
Cal Kestis, #21 and #24!
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I realllllyyyyy like writing echoes! They're so much fun, and I love how there can be so many different formats to use for them! I think formatting is very important for a story and I love using spacing, bold/italics, and such to my advantage to create an atmosphere.
What I don't like - I'm still working on integrating the Force into my fics. I don't dislike it per se but it's a lot harder than I thought it would be. And on that note, remembering BD-1 when there's another human in the scene. Loveeeee writing BD when it's just him and Cal, but add another human and suddenly I forget to account for him (sorry, BD)
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Hm. I've never really think about comparing characters thb but thinking on it....probably Sora from Kingdom Hearts
Thanks for the ask!! Have some....hazelnuts! 🌰🌰🌰 I think these are hazelnuts? I know theyre not a fruit but i actually like hazelnuts....in chocolate.
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top 5 movie directors?
okay so idk if i can realllllyyyyy answer this super super accurately because i am not into like, auteurism n whatever but this is like, the directors who have multiple films i've watched that i love and who i just think have great track records (i'm working on watching more sort of full ouvres of female directors, so although there are many films by female directors i've watched and loved i don't necessarily have many to choose from for a list like this because i haven't watched like, many films from the same director in a lot of cases)
wong kar-wai (even through the misogyny his films are just so.)
park chan-wook (thirst, the handmaiden and decision to leave in particular are like oxygen to me)
zhang yimou (like. he gets me idk.)
chantal akerman (jeanne dielman changed my life btw)
jordan peele (i really enjoy get out as well but us and nope are some of the absolute best cinema produced in the last decade like)
send me top 5/top 10 asks
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cherryistired · 1 year
Since we’re getting closer to the new season, I’m gonna talk about some stuff I’m hoping for this season:
GEAR. LOTS AND LOTS OF GEAR. I don’t care if it’s more returning gear or more new gear I just want more of it. The fact that basically all of sizzle season’s gear could be obtained through the catalogue was soooo disappointing :(
A BUNCH of new weapon kits. Imagine if they did like 20+ kits instead of the 11-13 they’ve been giving us. We could have mostly untouched classes (cough stringers cough) with multiple new kits.
Actually yeah I want at least 1 new stringer kit. It’s been a year nintendy, the tristringer is on the box art. And personally I don’t think the reeflux should be stuck as a missle spam weapon for much longer
New sub weapons? We’ve had new main and special weapons but no new subs since launch. Idk might be neat
NEW ANARCHY MODE. This is one of the big things I’m realllllyyyyy hoping for honestly. Don’t have any preferences for what exactly it is but I wanna have another one it’s been a whole year
Side Order news????? I’m not expecting anything really, will be genuinely surprised if we get something. But my dream is like,,,, a gameplay trailer and a. Not a release date but like a “releasing spring 2024” type thing? Like we’ll have a better idea of when it’s coming
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Gossip Girl Playlists: Theatre Kid AU edition! —Nate’s
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[Blair's] [Dan's] [Serena's]
I don’t even remember exactly how this started, but it’s @strideofpride’s fault. 
The concept began as: if they were in this world, what would be in the GG mains’ MT books? What would be their go-to song? Their 16 bar cut? And then, I got on spotify, and got wayyyy too carried away (typical me), and it sort of morphed into: what are the NJBC’s (plus Daniel’s) senior musical theatre recital programs? And now I have this: a quartet of playlists of repertoire handpicked by me for these fake people, and I am very proud of them. 
All selections based on my very particular taste, honed from a childhood in community theater, an adolescence in high school musicals, and a 4 year degree from a majority musical theatre school
And, as in the tradition of Glee and all plays within a play, the rep reflects something profoundly personal about the character, because you know I love a theme. 
the meta:
Okay so Nate’s was realllllyyyyy hard to pin down, which makes sense because he as a character is hard to pin down, bc the show really only treated him like a whole-ass person for like 2 seasons. But, the beauty of men in musical theatre is they have much more license to just….do whatever the fuck they want—as opposed to women who get put into teeny tiny uncastable little boxes (but that’s a rant for another day). 
The point is, Nate’s type: because of his looks and talent, people try to put him in the romantic leading man box, but he finds that sooooooo boooooooring. He does play some himbos (bc, why not play to your strengths?) but he gravitates to roles that are more of a stretch. The fun roles, the character roles. The ones that less enlightened folk would say he’s “too pretty to play.” He likes to go for the laugh! He doesn’t want to be Billy Bigelow, he wants to be the Emcee! (I also see him having a great run being one of Les Amis in Les Mis in his 20s; and as the hot boy in Mamma Mia.)
His range is—and I hate that I’m saying this but it really is applicable to men in MT–bari-tenor. He can get up there when he wants to, but doesn’t necessarily want to live in the land of the high belt. He has a great low range that makes him prime golden age hunk material, but again, not really his thing. Also, theatrekid!Nate is a DANCER. He’s good on his feet and he knows it!
References: Hugh Jackman, Jonathan Groff, Derek Klena, Killian Donnely, Matthew Morrison (but like, with a better personality); and a kid in my voice studio who I’ll call Bobby, who had the rich low range of a deep voiced angel but could dance his lil heart out. 
the tracklist:
The Streets of Dublin — A Man of No Importance
A story about an Oscar Wilde stan who’s trying his darnedest to put on Salome with his community theater group. He tries to convince his hunky buddy Robbie to join in, but it’s not really Robbie’s thing. 
I’m Not That Smart — The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
A zany raunchy comedy where grown ass adults play 12 year olds battling to the bitter end for a spot in the national spelling bee. 
Leaf, a homeschool kid, is endearing, if easily distracted.
Joey, Joey, Joey — The Most Happy Fella
I’ll be honest, I just like this one because when sung right, it’s soooooo hot. 
A traveling farmhand (can you guess his name?) explains why he never stays too long in one place. There’s lots of plot happening around him, but his only job as a character is to be sexy and cause problems. 
Try to Remember — The Fantasticks
It’s the world’s longest running musical ever, so it must be doing something right! It’s an inverse Romeo and Juliet. Two fathers pretend to feud for years, to reverse psychology their children into falling in love. There’s also this spanish bandit? Idk. the fathers go a bit overboard with the plot and some strife happens, but there’s a happy ending!
This is the show opener, sung by the narrator/Spaniard-ex-machina El Gallo
Brush up Your Shakespeare (duet w/ Dan) — Kiss Me, Kate
A musical version of Taming with the Shrew is trying to get off the ground. There’s mobsters and divorced exes with sexual tension and lots of nonsense. And this bop. 
Agony (duet w/ Dan) — Into the Woods 
The only good thing that movie version gave me was Chris Pine tearing his shirt open. Ok, whore. 
Two princes, one in love with Cinderella and one in love with Rapunzel, commiserate on their love lives. I’d call them himbos, but they don’t respect women enough. They’re kinda just sluts. 
I’d Rather Be Sailing — A New Brain
See title for why I picked it. 
The show was written from the composer’s experience when he was diagnosed and treated for an AVM. this song is actually sung by the main character’s boyfriend, so it nautical AND gay!
The Song that Goes Like This (duet w/ Serena) — Spamalot
I can so see Serena and Nate just enjoying being little freaks on stage together, they feed off each other and are big hams. 
Sir Gahalad and the Lady of the Lake tick off the box of the broadway love ballad. And they break some glass. 
I Am Aldopho — The Drowsy Chaperone
Severely underrated musical. This and Curtains are both wild, gershwin-y sounding romps where I don’t really remember the plot, but I remember not being able to breathe for laughing. This show is about a grand 20s wedding, but there’s hijinks afoot, and the bride’s chaperone is drowsy because she’s drunk, and for some reason the Spaniard-ex-machina, Aldolfo, tries to seduce her with this song. I can’t not picture this scene without a cape. 
I Don’t Care Much — Cabaret
I just think. Nate would be such a good MC. I want that for him. I really do. 
MC sings this song as narration, when singer Sally fights with her lover Cliff. Lots of shit is going on, but it’s really about the desperation and precipice and uncertainty that the MC and the Kit Kat Clubbers are living in in jazz age berlin.  
You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught — South Pacific
MT guys get cast in this role if they look good shirtless, so. And it’s a better song than Younger than Springtime, like, yeesh. (this is the soldier set. I think Nate could also play that Miss Saigon guy, I don’t know the whole show well but I tried to listen to the guys big solo and I could not. anyway.)
Even though he’s in love, Lt. Cable’s deeply entrenched racism causes him to be a total jerk to his wartime love, Liat. Nellie’s same deeply entrenched racism ends her relationship with hot french dilf, Emile, when Emile seeks out advice, this song is Cable’s answer. 
Come Back — Dogfight
Everybody was losing their minds over DEH but the real Pasek and Paul opus is this musical. It only ran off broadway but the feelings! And the songs! 
In SF, a young GI meets and falls for a girl the day before he ships out to Vietnam, also the day before JFK’s assassination. This is the eleven o’clock number. He’s returning home, haunted, and broken, a marked contrast to the kid who left. 
Make ‘Em Laugh — Singin’ in the Rain
A classic! Nate the actor would always be going for the bits 
I Can’t Be Bothered Now — Crazy for You
a role for a DANCER. Bobby is a blue-blood banker’s son who just wants to dance. His mission takes him to a small cow town out west where he puts on a show. Gershwinian nonsense like that. It is very cute, though. 
Moon-faced, Starry-eyed (duet w/ Serena) — Street Scene
Street Scene is technically an opera, but it’s a big extravagant blending of musical styles, from romantic 1900s opera to 1940s jazz. Guess which end of the spectrum this one’s on. It’s the comedic dance break before shit hits the fan in this New York apartment building. I can so see besties Serena and Nate being complete hams in this number.
Mae, a tenant of the building, comes back from a night out with her boyfriend, Dick. They are drunk and they are dancing!
Soul of a Man — Kinky Boots
Nate wearing those shoes. Send post. 
Charlie makes the bold—but sound! —business decision to redirect the family shoe factory to produce shoes designed and marketed towards drag queens. When Charlie snaps from the pressure of running the business, he ponders his family legacy and “what does it mean to be a Man”? Nathaniel-coded!
Not the Boy Next Door — Boy from Oz
I just think….theatre kid!Nate is soooo gay. And being in the “gay by may” MT major world, he grows into himself in a marvelous way. 
Aussie musical legend Peter Allen returns to Australia after his separation from Liza Minelli, and realizes he’s grown out of the place. Also he’s so very Not-Straight.
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