#i just ate a bunch of it
hivemindofevilbats · 11 months
YOU WILL NEED -bread, preferably white but whatever is good -butter -avocado -kewpie mayonnaise (the best mayonnaise) -tomato -salt & pepper
thank me later it's literally the best thing i have ever done
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molsquinn · 2 years
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rouge-the-bat · 4 months
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kurama deserves to go on a killing spree whenever he wants. good for stress relief
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solara-bean · 2 years
Death x Halloween Costume Red Riding Hood! Reader
( Reader is an artist/writer with extreme burnout )
( I really tried not to write this oneshot but goddammit he's got me intrigued 😫)
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Halloween in Far Far Away was always a blast. Townsfolk filling the streets in their best tailored costumes, kids running about with candy and on the hunt for more. The weather was always the perfect temperature, too, with just enough chill in the air to wear heavily layered costumes without too much of a sweat. Which is why Y/n had adorned a long, beautiful, bright red hooded cloak over a simple, yet regal outfit. Unfortunately, their perfect look couldn't mask how shitty they felt.
For the past decade or so, they'd been one of the kingdom's most renowned creatives. Their works ranged from colorful illustrations, kids books, paintings, murals, YA novels and a few spicier adult novels that got much popularity to their embarrassment.
Needless to say they were a jack of many trades, and yet they've been able to create nothing for the past year and a half. Everyone had figured that the great artist was just taking a well needed break. Which was true for five months until they tried to make something and nothing happened. No spark. No idea. Nothing happened no matter what they tried or what medium they attempted to mold into something new and exciting.
It eventually lead to a depression that left them barley leaving the house, vowing not to do anything fun until they got an idea. Well until their entire friend group dragged them to this tavern's Halloween party in a costume that one of them conveniently had in their size. Yeah this was definitely a premeditated scheme to get their groove back. And as much as Y/n appreciated that they couldn't find the energy to leave the bar and join everyone else drunkenly dancing and singing on the dance floor.
Y/n sat in a big heap of silken red on the barstool looking down into their glass of Victorian Orphan Tears, a fruity drink made specifically for the holiday. They kept pondering on where their magic had gone. Had they used themselves up? Was this the end of their career? Would they have nothing else to show the world before they died?!
A few of their own tears were about to join the orphan's when they heard a soft whistle amongst the tavern band's melodies. Confused, they blearily glanced at their side to see a large, darkly hooded figure. They would've flinched if they had the energy to. No one had sat next to them all night due to the gloomy aura they'd been emitting. Yet here sat a mysterious stranger, who soon turned upon sensing their gaze, whistling halted. Y/n was met with the face of a white wolf. Wolves weren't uncommon in their society but something about those eyes jarred them. Those rich, blood red eyes. So bright that their costume couldn't dare be called red ever again. Y/n wasn't aware that they'd been locked in long moments of eye contact until the wolf leaned close enough that their noses almost touched. He made a soft but audible sniff.
" Mmm that smell..."
Y/n shivered at hearing the wolf's deep, gravely voice. It was all they could hear as if they weren't in a large room full of party-goers.
"...So sweet..."
"I..uh..what???" Y/n managed to mutter, slowly but surely pulling themselves back to the present reality, but the world aside from the wolf still remained blurry.
" Your drink."
They blinked. " Huh?"
" Your drink." He pointed at their glass. " It smells amazing. What is it?"
" Oh...Oh! My drink. Yeah uh this is Victorian Orphan Tears. It's a Halloween special drink."
" Hm, I'd better get one now before the night's over."
They nodded and looked back into their glass. Surely the wolf would would want to leave their gloomy presence and this was were the interaction would end. But no he stayed after his drink was served, enjoying three long sips.
" Mmm, that is as tasty as it smells. Glad I found an autumn drink without pumpkin spice in it. No offense if you're a pumpkin lover yourself, Little Red."
" Hm? Oh no offense at all. I've got nothing against the flavor but I can see how it can get overwhelming this time of year. There are other spooky flavors out there."
The wolf let out a light chuckle, pearly white fangs twinkling as bright as his fur.
" Yes exactly. I for one would love to see more cherries next halloween."
" Cherries?" Y/n snickered almost into a chuckle of their own, a rare reaction for them these days. " What's scary about cherries?"
The wolf grinned slyly.
" Well, there's nothing seemingly scary about them. So they usually get overlooked as a cute little fruit. But then you squeeze 'em just right into a glaze and they look just like blood. Even so you can't help but want to take a bite. Then you realize how good it is and can't get enough. By then your mouth's already stained red as if you did actually consume blood." he finishes, taking another sip of his drink.
" Wow, I guess cherries are a good fruit for Halloween." they say, taking sips from their drink as well.
" I'm surprised you hadn't considered it. You know with your costume and all. It's the perfect shade of cherry red just like the actual Little Red Riding Hood." he leans in a bit and whispers. " Though I'd steer clear of her tonight, I hear she's trying to copyright her likeness like Fairy Godmother did."
Y/n chokes a nearly spits out half their drink.
" Wait really?!" they panic looking around the room for a similar red hooded figure.
The wolf throws his head back in a guffaw.
" Oh man." he catches his breath. " I'm sorry. I just wanted to see how you'd react.
Y/n catches on and playfully punches his shoulder.
"You jerk, I thought I was in legal trouble for a second." they finally manage a full laugh.
" I know I know, but you seemed so down. Thought a good laugh might help. "
" Yeah. It did actually. Thanks."
They get caught once again into prolonged eye contact, now with something softer between them. The wolf is the first to break.
" Oh forgive me. I've been rude."
" What? No you haven't." they almost said ' you've been lovely ' but stopped themself in time before coming on too strong to a guy who was probably just making friendly small talk. They hadn't been looking their best lately and worried tonight wasn't an exception. Their friends' makeover only barely made their dark circles disappear.
" No but I have. I've been rambling on with you as if you're not here with someone."
Their brows shot up.
" U-uh. I'm not here with anyone. I mean! I am technically with my friends. So yeah in a way yeah." ' smooth real smooth Y/n.'
The wolf raised a brow, intrigued.
" I see. But you're not here with someone as a couples costume kinda thing?"
" No. Who would my partner come dressed as anyway?" they asked genuinely confused. ' What kind of pair would that be? Little Red & Granny? Cute and funny but not romantic partner material.'
The wolf stared intently, amused grin spreading.
" The Big Bad Wolf." he said in a low tone.
Y/n eyes widened with embarrassment. ' Oh God! I'm so stupid of course that would be it!!! ' Apparently self induced seclusion plus whatever magic charisma this guy had was enough to turn their mind to mush within a few minutes. Luckily the Tavern band's leader got everyone's attention on the mic.
" Hey hey how's everyone feeling tonight?!" a loud drunken applause came in response from the crowd. " Great cuz we're nearing the end of the night." a not so pleased ' aww' responded with one ' boo ' that Y/n hoped wasn't one of her friends. " Alright settle down, let's end the evening off with a slow but sensual number."
Soon enough the band filled the room with a tune that got the crowd coupling onto the dance floor. Some more sober than others but all having a good time. Y/n couldn't help the tinge of envy at seeing all of them so happy. But they were pleasantly surprised when they noticed the wolf extending a hand ( paw?? ) to them.
" I know it's a bit on the nose. But would you mind if I played the part of your wolf tonight?" he asked. His hood was off now, revealing cute slightly lowered ears that looked soft to the touch and ruby eyes filled a hint of vulnerability. How could Y/n say no to such an adorable face.
They smiled and took his hand. It was much colder than expected but still a little warm. His obsidian claws gently clutched the back of their hand, careful not to scratch.
" I wouldn't mind at all."
They joined the rest on the dance floor. His other hand pulled them in by their waist just enough to leave some space in-between them as they swayed to and fro. From the outside perspective they made quite the pair. Their cloaks flowed into a wonderful shade of red and black with every spin. Onlookers thought that the two were apart of a couples costume and hadn't just met. Y/n didn't notice any of them, even her friends who caught sight of them after not finding them at their stool. No Y/n didn't notice at all because they got lost in the wolf's red eyes again. Would any paint be vibrant enough to replicate its color?
" You know. You seem really familiar. Have we met before?" he asked, looking down at them while still taking the lead with ease.
" I would've remembered if we met before." those eyes were unforgettable, unless they were contacts, but his voice surely was real and no way in hell they'd forget it. " I've been in the newspaper a few times though." they said sheepishly.
" Wait...are you Y/n L/n?"
They nodded, kind of surprised that he guessed correctly that fast.
" Oh man I knew it! I love your work by the way. It's mesmerizing."
Y/n's pride and joy began to rise.
" Really?"
" Of course. You capture the radiance of life that most people overlook."
" Huh. I've never though of it that way. Thank you."
" No thanks needed. I'm merely speaking the truth. I'm glad that you're taking a break. You've done so much over the years."
Y/n's mood immediately dropped and they looked away, going back to the dark place they had been in not too long ago. The wolf caught on.
" Are you alright, Y/n?" he asked. They could clearly hear his concern. He deserved an honest explanation.
" I'm not taking a break," they admitted. " I'm stuck."
" Isn't that the same thing?"
" No. Breaks are by choice. This is different. I can't get out of this rut no matter how hard I try."
" Then don't try. Just don't make anything and let it come naturally."
" What? I can't do that."
" Why?"
They were starting to get really upset now. Why didn't he get it.
" Because I'd be letting everyone down." they met his gaze. Despite how much he seemed to not understand, his stare was serious and knowing.
" Wouldn't letting yourself down be more important?"
Y/n felt everything stop, realizations and questions coming in at once. It took them a while to notice that the music had stopped, everyone was getting ready to leave, yet the wolf held onto them until their thoughts settled.
" I think your friends are coming to get you." they followed his gaze behind them and sure enough, the gang was approaching. " If you're not busy later tonight. Come meet me by the woods. There's something I want to show you."
He kissed the top of their hand before letting them go and departing swiftly from the tavern like a shadow.
Y/n's group wanted all the details on the mystery wolf but were a bit too tipsy and tired to keep up. Y/n wanted to get everyone home safely, but the responsible parent friend of the group took charge. They heard the wolf's proposition and sent Y/n on their way to finally getting some action. But not before a stern talk about strangers, and safety and giving them a pocket dagger. Honestly Y/n could ask for better friends.
As promised. The wolf was waiting by the woods, cloak flowing in the wind. He smiled when saw them. He offered them a hand and they took it once again.
" I have a confession to make." he said as the two strolled through the forest.
" Yeah?" they couldn't help but stare at how the moonlight perfectly illuminated his fur. It was as if he was made for the night.
" I wasn't smelling your drink..."
Y/n stared at him confused and thought for a minute. It hit them once they saw the mischevious look in his eyes. Heat began to rise to their face. He chuckled at their dumbfounded look.
" The words slipped out before I could stop them so I tried to cover myself. To my luck the drink was sweet too."
" I can't believe you'd sniff a total stranger." they palmed their face with their free hand that had been chilled by the night air.
" Well technically I didn't have to try. My nose is pretty strong. Though I will admit there was some conscious effort. People with scents of life like yours due tend to catch my attention."
" Scents of life?" they asked as the wolf took the lead in front to guide them through a narrow path of trees.
" Yes. It's a bit complex but I'd describe it as a mix of sunflowers, lilies and tulips but," he glanced back at them," yours has an extra hint of vanilla, very soft and sweet."
The heat that had started to fade came back with full force to Y/n's face. They weren't wearing anything that smelled like that. There's no way they'd have a natural scent like it either.
" That's nice but I doubt I smell like that."
The wolf let go of their hand to jump down a sizable dip in the path.
" Trust me you do." he held out his arms to them. Although unsure at first if he could support their weight, they soon jumped down. Once caught, the wolf held them close to his chest, gaze deep and grin wide. " You possess the sweetness of life that I adore dearly."
There was no doubting his truthfulness with the look in his eyes and softness of his voice. Y/n was content enough in the moment that they wished it lasted longer but he put them down and lead the way again.
" Unfortunately it's starting to fade away. Which is why I've brought you here."
Before they could ask they saw the answer in front of them. They were on a small cliff and beyond it was the expanse of the forest with a valley in the center. Y/n was already entranced by the breathtaking view before they noticed light begin to peek over the horizon.
" Ah we're just in time." said the wolf at their side, leaning against a tree arms folded.
The sun slowly rose, chasing away the dark. The valley began to wake with a new life, colors coming forth as flowers bloomed. With the sun came warmth as well, getting rid of the chill that Y/n had gotten use to. They weren't sure how long they stood there, but birds started to sing as the night turned to morning. It was all so beautiful that they wanted to find the words, write the words and maybe even paint them, but as usual nothing came.
" You see Y/n. I think I know what's got you stuck," the wolf began, Y/n had almost forgot he was there. " You began creating things for the enjoyment of yourself. Those creations then became joy for others. But as time went by, you started to only create to make others happy. To fit their expectations. You used up more of yourself than most people do in their lifetimes. Am I making sense for far."
They nodded, still unable speak.
" It's a frustrating dilemma. Frightening even. But take the sun for example," he gestured to the light that was now brighter than before," It's a creator too. It's light gives way for all sorts of life to prosper. Yet at times it can be too much for some to handle. Or perhaps a few clouds get in the way and it's light can't shine through. And in moments like this, it creates little things that most wouldn't know to appreciate. Even so, the sun doesn't care. It travels across the sky shining endlessly."
He walks up to them, places a hand on their face and wipes away tears they hadn't noticed were falling.
" You need to create for yourself. Whether you feel its good enough or not I'm sure people will love it. And if not, you'll have more than enough love for it. Just go easy on yourself and take your time."
" But...what if I'm running out of time?" their voice came out quiet and shaky.
The wolf continued to hold their face. He held a gaze so caring that they wanted to melt into him.
" Don't worry. You're not going anywhere any time soon."
While Y/n almost took that assurance as normal, wanting to remain in the bliss of the moment, something was different about it. In fact everything felt different about him. Wait who the hell was he anyway?!
" Who are you?"
His smile dropped into a frown, as if he wanted to stay in the bliss of the moment as well. But this was reality and they deserved the truth.
" I'm Death."
There was a long moment of silence, both remained still. As if reading their mind he continued.
" Yes seriously. And no I'm not messing with you this time."
Y/n managed to find their composure.
" Wow uh...nice to meet you."
" Hah, you're taking this well."
" Not sure how else I'm supposed to take it. Might freak out later though."
He laughed again. His hands had traveled down to theirs without them knowing. They didn't mind. They found comfort in them despite now knowing why they were so cold for someone with fur.
" That's very kind of you. It's always nice having some be calm around me. Though I'm sure you know that I mean you no harm."
" Yeah," they smiled up at him, " You've helped me a lot actually. I think my spark's returning."
" Good," he let them go, going back a few steps, " Then my work here is done."
" Wait!" they grab his hands. " You're leaving?"
Death's shock of their suddenness then turned to a saddened look.
" Yes. I've already interfered more than I should. It would be best if I go now. I'm sorry. I was really having a lot of fun with you."
" Then stay a little longer." they pulled him in closer. " Please?"
" I..." he hesitated, pondering over something he knew he shouldn't. " I'll always be around so I could come visit when I can."
Y/n beamed with joy.
" That would be great. I look forward to it." though they couldn't help but push further. " But are you sure you can't stay a little longer right now?"
Death thought on it. He knew he should say no. He'd already been taking too long of a break. But their eyes were pleading to him and their hands were so warm. The souls of the dead weren't going anywhere he supposed, but it'd be a lot of overtime.
" I guess, but on one condition."
" Anything."
He regained his signature sly grin and leaned in closer.
" I want to be the first one to see what you create next."
They gave him a warm smile in return.
" I'd love to. I think I'm writing mood right now."
" Oh?," Death's ears perked up and his tail wagged a bit. " I hope it's another novel then."
" Huh, I didn't peg you for the YA type."
" Yes I like those too but I was thinking of your other ones."
" What other o-" then it hit them. " No..."
Death grinned, fangs and all.
" Yes."
" No. Oh no! You read those?!" they put their flaming face in their palms, silently cursing their friends for convincing them to publish those spicy books. " Oh god I could die right now."
Death laughed and pulled them into his chest, giving comforting pats on the back.
" Sorry that won't be happening anytime soon. And I'm having too much fun with you anyway."
That morning Y/n went from someone who feared Death to someone who welcomed him. They learned surprising things about him as well. Like how his fur was so soft, he liked to be scratched behind the ears and he tasted oddly of cherries.
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bugisawesomeasf · 7 months
you fuckers are really hating on travis when hes literally a he/him lesbian, also the wilderness is literally a metaphor for girlhood do you really think it wouldve let him survive if he wasnt at least a little girl coded ?
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masquenoire · 3 months
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Hey everybody, sorry to have been so quiet lately! Nothing too horrible going on, I assure you but between cleaning an entire house from top to bottom, starting overnight shifts early, setting up a biiiig snake vivarium and getting a new baby to love and care for, it didn't leave much time for writing but now things are settling down! Officially starting overnights tonight and not... you know, Tuesday, but things are as good as they are busy! Hoping to start somewhere tomorrow inbox-wise after a GOOD sleep now that the nerve-wracking part of installing a gigantic vivarium is done for now!
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horanghaepower · 2 months
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finally watching the next ep of nsbu i promise lol
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thychesters · 3 months
oh yeah ace AND whitebeard?? the man died?? what the hell
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stinkypeanutbutter · 5 months
me rn making an aiden angst fanfic and I’m literally dying over it I’m making him struggle fr
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gingerteaonthetardis · 5 months
i love that last year i was soooo distressed about turning 30 and needed so much comfort and assurance but turning 31 was like ✌ who cares. growth!!
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stone-stars · 6 months
in one fell swoop that gideon art from jo made him deeply endearing to me in such a stupid way.
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sporesgalaxy · 11 months
ok wait actually swapping settings between 1pc and trigun would be kind of hilarious and wild. Im sure I will not think about this again for any reason when I reach egghead island arc
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potatobugz · 11 months
ok. hear me out. bear with me. ive been struck with an idea for a kny au in which basically genya and kanao become main characters.
keeping in line with the whole "5 senses" theme, genya would have a heightened sense of taste and kanao would have good eyesight. :)
#rambles#demon slayer#kimetsu no yaiba#kny au#demon slayer au#genya shinazugawa#kanao tsuyuri#INCREDIBLY SELF INDULGENT AU AAHHH LIKE#IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THE 5 SENSES THING BEFORE. AND IK THE STORY WOULD PROBABLY WORK JUST FINE WITHOUT A BUNCH OF MAIN CHARACTWRS#BUT I LIKE BIG GROUP DYNAMICS!!!!#AND ALSO we did not get enough of these fharacters. tbh. they are so cool.i wanna see them#also i imagine genyas sense of taste would b something like “he can tell a lot about something/someone just by taste alone”#aka im just imagining him fucking biting people#like he wouldnt. but he would (?) idk it's funny#hed probably like. know exactly what ingredients werw in soething he ate idk#if you ever meed to steal a secret recipe from a rivalling business then hes your guy#and then kanao could see things from very far away + shed probably have god like aim & accuracy#THAT JUSY MAKES ME IMAGINE KANAO WOTH GENYAS FUCKIGN GUN#tanjiro + nezuko + zenitsu + inosuke + genya + kanao is such a fun friendgroup. i like to imagine them going on missions together#i also have the vivid idea in my mind of genya and kanao being stuck on a mission together and#neither of them say a single word to each other. because Kanao doesnt talk much and Genya is very awkward around girls#especially if it is somebody he doesnt know#the idea of them fighting a demon together; never saying a word to each other but eventually getting along maybe?#fighting in sync? learning 2 fight with each other??? idk i like the idea of a silent mission#hold on. thats cool. storing that in my brain#the dynamic is also pretty funny bc kanao is way better at fighting than genya. this poor guy#ALSO NOT TO MENTION THE TASTE AND EYESIGHT THING GOES ALONG WITH THEIR CANON ESTABLISHED CHARACTERS AS WELL!!!
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xkuja · 9 days
I am drafting slowly here, thanks for your patience OTL
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