#i just couldn't get this out of my head
pisscreant · 1 month
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Harry Du Bois as a Madre peone
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joshisodd · 11 months
I've always imagined Knives to have a sort of nasally voice. Not too high and not too low. A good middle ground. I played around with the idea is my head to try and come up with different voices. I finally settled two voices.
#1. David chen. I heard him in Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born and he does the opening narration. I think a more natural voice from him would work really well!
#2. Patton Oswalt (Yes, Remy). I'm so fucking serious. Like, in a lower register and slower cadence. I think it works super well and literally NOBODY is going to make me think otherwise. But also I need to know that I'm not crazy for saying this?? Right? I'm not fucking with you I genuinely think this
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sodalpop · 1 year
okay, so i've been thinking a lot about those analysis type posts about leo being underestimated lately. i don't know if this counts as analysis type post or anything, but it's my thoughts about something i noticed when rewatching rise again.
so when i first watched rise i remember watching the episode Many Unhappy Returns and not trusting leo's plan at all, so when i first watched this scene:
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How come nobody trusts me? None of you guys have any faith in me. Why?
i remember being really surprised. i also remember thinking about how leo never really gave a reason for his family to trust him though.
during my rewatch, while watching The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek, i saw how leo was the one who got him and his brothers caught after he failed in his attempt to grab gus' dog tag and thought that could be a reason for why his family doesn't think he's trustworthy. But after thinking about that for a while, i realized that scene where he tries to grab gus' tag it could be argued that's why he is trustworthy. i'll explain.
during the first half of the episode, the turtles are shown to be bad at doing and recognizing what splinter teaches them. this is specifically shown with mikey trying to turn off the sun to keep to the shadows and raph stomping the ground trying to be light as a feather i think donnie also specifically fails in a method, not via attempting it, but not recognizing it here:
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if you count donnie's failure to recongize his tech-bo staff being pulled from him as a specific instance, all the turtles have a specific instances of failing spilnter's teachings, except leo.
later on in the episode raph, mikey, and donnie execute splinter's lessons poorly again, with donnie trying to blend in with his surroundings with an out of place cart, mikey and donnie speaking loudly enough to be heard making his slow motion jitsu very easy to spot, and raph trying to stick to the shadows by covering himself with a leaf, and later a painting. splinter ends up saving them. both indirectly and directly by not being an actual bellhop in mikey and donnie's case and throwing a painting in cover raph.
when leo tries splinter's lesson of blind spots, he's a lot more successful than his brothers. no one in the crowd of people he's in notices him advancing on gus, not even gus himself. where gus was shown to realize another presence because of a smell in the the other turtles cases:
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Something doesn't smell right!
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What is that awful smell?!
he doesn't have this reaction to leo at all because leo catches him at a time where he's distracted:
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leo out of all his brother's actually gets the closest to actually stealing gus' dog tag and only gets interrupted and caught is because everyone starts cheering after the announcer announces that kid cthulu won. an outside force is the reason for why leo failed to grab gus' tag, not because he was noticed for bad execution of splinter's teachings and then needing to be saved.
but because he was the one who ultimately ended up getting him and his brothers caught:
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that's the scene i remembered the most before rewatching the episode despite leo actually doing well this episode.
i don't really have a conclusion for this, other than i think leo doesn't get enough credit for when he actually does do things well and he deserves to be trusted a lot more than i initially thought.
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
Wow. Artists ARE NOT YOUR Robots.
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This lovely ask was sent to me after I reblogged THIS
Where would I even begin with this ask? I was just going to ignore it at first, pretend I hadn’t gotten it like I do with all the other bullshit asks I get but it’s just really gotten under my skin. For many reasons. Number one being the last two paragraphs that were stated.
I would just like to say that I don’t “flood the tags” as they suggested I do. I merely have a consistent uploading schedule *Not a dig at any writers that don’t, I just don’t have a life outside of writing* And I happen to used the appropriate tags as each fic requires. I don’t tag it unnecessarily and I don’t add members that aren’t included in the piece I have written.
Moreover I do believe I’ve improved on my writing. Not only do I personally see it but so do a lot of my friends that happen to write and a lot of people who have followed me for a while now.
Stating that I “don’t work hard” because my writing is “mediocre” is like a kick in the gut. I spend hours working on this fics for people, sometimes it can take me longer than a couple of days if the writing is longer than expected to be. So claiming that I “don’t work hard” is harsh. I spend a lot of time thinking of the plot, as well as writing down the scenes and trying to make sure it all makes sense and comes together neatly for people to enjoy. Its all hard work. Just because I’m not physically building a house or making a rough doesn’t mean my WRITING isn’t hard. 
“All you do is complain about never getting interactions” I’d like to say I haven’t complained about not getting interaction, maybe once or twice I’ve asked for feedback because that’s how we as artists learnt and grow. But I don’t complain about it all of the time or even get on at you all for it (I’d like to think I don’t.)
To tie it all together with a cute little bow. 
I just want to say that, “We can DEMAND things from you" and the kind little “you OWE us because we asked” If you agreed with this part I would kindly like to ask you to unfollow me right now. Not only is that wrong but at the end of the day I don’t “owe” you anything. 
If I need a break because I’m under mental distress. I’ll take a break.
If I don’t post for one day or more because I’m on vacation. I will not post.
I’m not some robot that works on oil. I need rest and time to let my mind chill in order for you to get your “mediocre” writing. I’ve grown a lot since starting this account and I will not let, nameless and faceless accounts belittle me into thinking my writing isn’t good.
Sure it’s not the best but I will learn and I will grow just as I have in the past.
Also yes I had help from @sulfurcosmos​​ because I’m a bitch that can’t articulate my feelings very well
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endlessfighter · 2 years
So I am in the process of writing Tarlos porn. like really filthy BDSM porn (post raging bull scene)... 
I just... I have never written anything explicit before. If I can actually get it to where I want it to go (already 1500 words in and haven’t even gotten to the good stuff yet)... would anyone be willing to read it before I post it?
Just knowing that I will be blushing the whole time you’re reading it? XD
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fractalist · 2 years
Genie: What is your wish?
Me: I wish that all English verbs were regular.
Genie: It bes as you have sayed.
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c-130jsuperhercules · 2 years
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disastrous-aries · 3 years
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What if Egg had chosen another dish as his name...
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slashmebois · 4 years
I bet that if you taught Lester modern terms he'd just start using them.
Bo: I got stabbed by some fucken' bitch
Lester: and that's the tea
Bo, pissed off but unsure why: ???
Lester looking at some of Vincent's hybrid sculptures: weird flex but okay
Vincent, cocking his head to one side and signing 'wtf'
Lester coming across some messed up roadkill and whispering: big mood
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blueskyandpudding · 5 years
I mean!!!!! UGH!!! I've been looping the whole album for 3 days straight now and can't help thinking how the lyrics fit Malec perfectly
Y'know, like:
And I can still see it all (in my mind)
All of you, all of me (intertwined)
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I once believed love would be (black and white)
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But it's golden (golden)
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Like daylight
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sureuncertainty · 5 years
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sleepy gays 
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justlightlysedated · 5 years
got time on my hands (time to slow you down)
Alex has been waiting for this moment since the second he woke up from a medically induced coma while he was healing from losing his leg and found out that the last couple of months he'd been living through hadn't actually happened.
Or hadn't happened yet since everything since he woke up until this moment, where he's waiting on bated breath for Michael to show up at the Airstream, was exactly the same as he remembered.
Alex couldn't exactly stop the government from requisitioning Foster's Ranch, not without offering an alternative or a really good explanation that wouldn't get anybody arrested or murdered, but he could stop his father.
It had been the highlight of his entire life to see the look on his father's face when he'd been discharged and arrested for abusing his rank and keeping Project Shepherd operational after he'd been ordered to shut it down.
It felt better than knocking him out with his crutch.
And while Alex is sure that he hasn't seen the last of his father yet, given his obsessive behavior, for the next three years that's going to be someone else's problem.
Alex is back in Roswell for a reason, and the alien serial killer is only a part of it.
The much larger part is driving up beneath the Foster's Ranch sign right now.
Alex looks down at his watch and sees that he's right on time.
He turns towards the doors of the Airstream, and peeks through the window, trying to look busy.
Alex had told his supervisors that it was unnecessary to send a whole group of airmen to tell one civilian they needed relocate their Airstream, and he'd been granted permission to go alone.
Which was a good thing, because while Alex really doesn't care anymore, he really doesn't want witnesses to what's going to happen next.
"Hey!" Michael says voice sharp and demanding as his hand closes around Alex's arm and pulls him around roughly. "That's private property!"
The last word seems to die in his throat halfway through as he gets a good look at Alex's face.
And Alex, Alex had been too busy back then drinking in the entire sight of him, eyes darting down the length of him and back up, like a man dying of thirst looking at a mirage of a cool glass of water, to notice the look in Michael's eyes.
But he can't look away now.
It's only been a couple of months for him, not even a full eighteen since he saw Michael last, running out of the Airstream and into the stormy night.
But for Michael it's been ten years, and Alex can feel the weight of it in his gaze.
In the way he can't seem to look at Alex directly, and how bright his eyes get.
Back then, he'd been too afraid with his father right there to let himself look back the way that he wanted to, but he doesn't stop himself now.
"Alex," Michael says, and Alex can see him steeling himself, covering the vulnerability he'd just displayed with a smirk. "Back from Baghdad. Your father must be proud. Finally, a real Manes Man."
Alex shakes his head and keeps up with the script. "Three quarters of one," he says and leans down to tap against the metal, and sees how Michael's antagonism immediately drops when he looks down and realizes what it means.
Alex inhales deeply.
"And my father isn't much of a real Manes Man," he says, and has to control his smile when Michael's eyes snap to his face, wide with shock. "Not with a dishonorable discharge and the three years in federal prison he's going to serve for continuing a project his supervisors shut down years ago, under his belt."
Michael continues to look at him in shock, and well, that's the least of the shocking revelations that Alex has in store for Michael, so he waits.
Waits for Michael to blink and look away, before he inhales deeply and looks back at him.
"What are you doing here?"
Alex pulls out the envelope with the eviction notice. "They're requisitioning the Ranch. You have a week to move."
Michael's face shutters, and Alex was fully expecting that, so he just waits for Michael to speak again.
He grabs the envelope, careful not to touch Alex, and doesn't open it as he looks at him.
"Is there a reason why you didn't just tape this to my door?" He asks, and gives him a cocky head tilt and drags his eyes down Alex as though trying to put him off.
"I wanted to see you," Alex says, and once again he catches Michael off guard.
His eyes snap back up to Alex's face, wide with shock once again, completely caught off guard, and Alex thinks that maybe, he's going to enjoy reliving this all more than he thought, if everything he says gets Michael looking at him like he can't believe Alex is real.
"Why?" Michael demands, voice hoarse.
"We have a lot of things to talk about," Alex says and takes one step closer to him even though they're already at arm's length. "But I want to say this first, and I want you to just listen."
Alex reaches for Michael's left hand and Michael freezes, letting Alex lift his hand to his face.
Alex licks his lips and cradles his hand gently between his.
He inhales and looks up at Michael who looks like he's two seconds away from falling apart.
"I'm sorry," he starts, and Michael's eyes fill with tears. "I shouldn't have left you behind when I left. I could stand here, in front of you and tell you that I didn't want to go. But I did."
Michael licks his lips, and looks to the side, blinking rapidly.
Alex inhales and continues talking, running his thumbs gently over the valley of scars on the back of his hand and looking at the way that his fingers twitch in Alex's grip.
"After what my father did to you, I wanted to be the kind of person who could win battles," he licks his lips and can feel the way that Michael's pulse is jumping erratically. "It felt good. But it also made me feel like I was no better than my father."
Michael's hand twitches hard in his, "Alex, no-"
"Let me finish," Alex asks, pleads really, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply.
When Michael doesn't reply, Alex exhales and keeps going.
"I couldn't look in the mirror without seeing his face and I was so afraid of coming back here and having you tell me that I was no better than him, so I stayed away."
Michael's fingers dig into the skin of his palm, and Alex presses his thumbs down against the back of his hand.
"I've been to war, and I lost my leg, and my father was the monster under my bed, and my mother never loved me, but," Alex swallows again and lifts Michael's hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the scars.
He hears Michael inhale sharply.
"Leaving you behind was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do, and if you just give me one more chance, I promise to-"
Michael tugs his hand out of Alex's grip roughly, and Alex feels his stomach sink to the floor.
Fuck, why is he always saying the wrong things?
He looks up to Michael ready to apologize, but Michael's fingers dig into the back of his neck, and he jerks him close, roughly, desperately, and crashes their mouths together.
It hurts, but it feels so good.
Alex moans against his mouth and wraps his arms around Michael's waist and opens up to him, surrendering easily when Michael tries to devour him, biting his mouth open and licking inside and obliterating every single coherent thought in Alex's head.
His fingers are bruises against the back of his neck, keeping him impossibly close, and making noises in the back of his throat that make Alex want to be closer.
Michael pulls away on a gasp and presses their foreheads together, inhaling deeply.
Alex watches the look on his face as he slowly opens his eyes, and he feels like the entire world has finally gotten back on it's natural orbit, when Michael looks at him eyes wide and brimming with wonder and content.
When his eyes meet Alex's he smiles, bright and happy, and just like the boy Alex fell in love with when he was seventeen.
Alex can't help but kiss him again, nice and slow and easy, and when Michael's desperation tries to get him to speed up, Alex slows him down again.
After all, they have all the time in the world, and Alex isn't planning on going anywhere.
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zaraegis · 6 years
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Glados with bulky cords for hair: she can have a hairdresser seat you guys you don’t understand-
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shinjekinootp · 6 years
Snk 106 typeset: Levi and Zeke in a coach and talking
Me: Levi and Zeke sitting in a coach K-I-S-S-I-N-G
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