#i just do some basic google research as a ref and use what i kind of know 😭😭😭
spaceyflowerswriting ¡ 2 years
Can you write hcs if gaeul with a slender and tall s/o is dresses punk/goth?
gaeul with a slender and tall punk/goth lover
details: gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and gaeul are dating
a/n: thanks for requesting 💖
> y'all would genuinely be such a cute couple 😭💓 clashing aesthetics, tall and short, opposites attract and all that!
> gaeul is super protective of you; if anyone makes fun of your fashion sense, she gets all fired up and defends you 💪
> also gets mad at people who tell you to eat more because of your slenderness; they should just mind their businesses 💢
> she's always doing her best to find you cool new accesories and clothes :] even if she's not that great with fashion,,
> often texts you with links to clothes/accesories she think would fit your aesthetic! please forgive her if she mixes up punk, goth, or even emo fashion styles 😭
> she really wants to help you do your makeup sometimes because it makes her happy knowing she contributed to your self expression !! once again she's not that great because of her clumsiness, but it's charming anyway <3
> allowing her to do something as simple as picking out what accesory to wear for the day would also really make her day <3
> wouldn't regularly dress in a punk/goth style, but she'd love if you gave her a makeover at least once! maybe she could discover a new side of herself with a new aesthetic ^_^
> if you lean more towards punk: the message of non-conformity and fighting back oppression really resonates with her! also she'd 100% gift you a diy patch she made and hope you wear it with pride <3
> if you lean more towards goth: honestly, since gaeul's a rather bright person who doesn't like negativity, she's going to be worried that you find beauty in the darker parts of life. at the same time, she thinks it's nice you can enjoy it because it's better than actually being miserable ;;
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cosplaytutorial ¡ 5 years
I'm trying to put together a Jiangshi Mei and I'm having a hard time of where to begin.. Any tips or suggestions for me? //Thank you so much for this blog!
Hello there!
This is going to be a generic response to “how do I begin on a cosplay” type questions. Normally I don’t answer these, but this allows for a guide that other cosplayers can follow.
The first thing I would do is take a look at the slides for my Planning Your Cosplay panel, which was developed to answer this exact question. It should, at the very least, give you a starting point.
The next step is to start researching! This can be time-intensive even if you generally know what you are looking for, but even more so if you don’t, so here’s a few pointers. Often, research and costume breakdowns (as described both in the panel linked above and in the section below) go hand-in-hand, since you may need to research what something is before you can come up with any sort of plan for it.
- Get your references in order. If the costume is from a live-action property, you may get lucky and find information from the costumers or from other fans who have seen the costumes in person (or spent the hours watching the series or movie so you don’t have to). If the costume is from a video game, see if models of the character have been released or ripped. Some game companies also put out cosplay guides these days with breakdowns in them! If the costume is from a 2D animated property, see if character reference sheets have been released. These should show all angles of the character in order to keep the artists on model as they draw.
-  Look for tutorials or WIPs posted by other cosplayers of the same outfit. This doesn’t always exist, but you may get lucky and see someone else’s breakdown of the outfit, how they made specific pieces, or if you get extra lucky, you might find a tutorial or other instruction on how to make specific pieces. Don’t count on finding this, but it’s a good thing to just see if it exists. 
- Use other cosplayers as a guide. This doesn’t mean that you should copy everything they did, but rather to look and see what others cosplayers did and whether it works for you or not. What fabrics did they use? What other materials? How does it appear to wear? How did they interpret tricky bits of the design? Seeing how others turned something from an image into real life may spark some inspiration, and can give you ideas on what works (and doesn’t) in real life.
- Determine who this character is. What culture are they from? Era? If their garments are inspired by historical and cultural garments, looking up information about how to make garments of that culture and era can help you gain pattern and tutorials for those garments. It helps to first find out the name of the garment if it is something you are unfamiliar with, and then look for how-tos from there. You may not end up making something entirely culturally accurate, since it’s a cosplay, but it can get you much closer to modify the types of garments that the costume design is based on. If the setting is purely fictional, is it based on any particular culture and era? For example, many fantasy series are loosely based on medieval Europe, and looking at clothing from that culture can help you figure out what you are looking at and how to make it, even if it will almost certainly require modifications.
- Once you have determined who the character is, you can use that for more editorial decisions about the costume as well. What fabrics would this character wear? Would it be mostly natural or synthetic fibers, or does it not matter? Is the outfit more formal or casual? What textures would make the most sense? How can you make the colors and textures cohesive in real life? What kind of weathering and other details would this costume have? Much of this will be determined by the nature of the costume itself (such as requiring a stretch fabric for a bodysuit), but you will always have at least some leeway to make these decisions.
- Once you have your breakdown done, how are you going to make each piece? Are you doing sewing with fabrics? Armor? How are you going to attach pieces together? What is the order of the layers of the costume? How are you going to finish items on the surface (such as painting vs. using vinyl on armor pieces)? Even if you have some ideas, I would recommend combing through as many tutorials as you can get your hands on for more ideas on construction methods, especially on specialty sewing techniques you may not find in commercial patterns or sewing books and on cosplay-specific crafting methods like armor.
- Combing through the sections for what you are making on our master tutorial list, as well as doing research on your own on the google, can give you many ideas on how to go about construction. Choose a method that fits your skill level, time budget, money budget, and the effect you want for the costume. You can place any level of importance you want on those individual categories, and even take into consideration other things, such as comfort. Even if you don’t know the specifics of what you want to do and are just looking through, say, the armor section or the horns section generally, you can apply the principles of those tutorials to the specific costume you are making, and even combine techniques if you find something that seems like it would work.
- If you find a tutorial or advice on a technique but it’s not for the specific outfit you are doing, keep in mind that shapes and colors can always be changed to adapt to what you need.
While you are doing your research, it helps to also be simultaneously working on a breakdown. This is a listing of everything in the costume that you will need, and can range from very basic to very complex. This will help you to know what you are looking at when you are looking at a complex costume, will help break down the costume into manageable pieces, and will give you a starting place to work from.
- Get your references in order. Clear images that show are angles are best, but not always possible to find, depending on the design (I’ve personally done a lot of weird old JRPG cosplay where there is only one image of the outfit…). If there are multiple conflicting references, combine them for the effect you like best, or choose one and stick with it. If you are to be competing with the costume, be sure to include all references and explain your rationale for choosing from one ref or another.
- Start labeling each part of the costume. It can help to print out a physical copy of a full body shot or character reference sheet so that you can label each piece of the costume and sketch out parts that may be unclear or that you want to fully understand how they work. You can also sketch out things like the layering of parts of how pieces attach to each other, or any modifications you are making or parts you have to make up (such as if there is no back shot of the outfit).
- I like to make an Excel spreadsheet that lists each material I need, how much I need, and the estimated cost, since it helps to see each material clearly laid out and helps with budgeting. Some people prefer to use an app like Cosplanner. Do your breakdowns however fit you best.
- Start with the most general and move into more specific. For example, first label “skirt” and “blouse,” and then go into more specific things such as “circle skirt” or “knife pleated skirt,” and then even more specific, such as listing out potential materials, tutorials you might use, patterns you might use, etc. This is why a lot of your research and breakdown work will happen simultaneously!
- Figure out material choices, as discussed above. If you are stuck on materials, look at the backs of pattern envelopes for similar garment types and see what they suggest. I also recommend simply going to a fabric store and looking at and touching fabrics (and taking flash photos) in order to find materials that have the properties you need. Does the material on the reference look thick or thin? Does it drape stiffly or fluidly? Does it have any particular shine to it, and if so, what is the quality of that shine? Does the fabric need to stretch in order to encapsulate the body?
- While choosing materials, also keep in mind things like who the character is/the the world they come from, your skill level, your budget, and your personal comfort. If you are going to be wearing something covering in a warm climate, for example, be sure to choose natural fibers so the costume breathes.
- Start gathering things like tutorials and patterns. If you don’t know where to start on sewing something, look at the shapes of the garment compared to real-life garments, including what other cosplayers have done. Look at sewing patterns and see what types of garments are similar to the garments you are trying to make, and start thinking about how to modify the shapes into what you need. If you are doing historical costuming, do the same, only with historical or culturally-specific garments. If doing armor, see how others have patterned armor in similar shapes.
- Start figuring out how to make things! Once you know what everything is in the costume and you have some ideas of techniques, you can start deciding on techniques to use. You may find it helpful to create a document that you write out your breakdown in (so listing out each piece) and then creating a written description of the item, adding reference images, and compiling links to tutorials. This way, you can always go back and reference this document later when you are working on the costume, ensuring that you don’t lose any of your important references or tutorials. If you are competing, you have the added bonus of being able to adapt this document into one where you record what you ended up doing to present to the judges.
This may seem like a lot of steps, and it is, but once you gain experience with cosplay, a lot of this becomes quick decisions that you can make based on your experience. It can be very helpful to look at something as overwhelming as an entire character design and break it down into smaller, manageable components, especially if you are just starting out on your cosplay crafting journey and don’t know where to begin. By following a step-by-step road map such as this, you can get over that initial hurdle and start making!
I hope that helps! Good luck :]
—Fabrickind / Q&A Staff / Twitter
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remington-zero ¡ 6 years
Your costume and outfit design is always so incredible. Do you use any references when designing them (such as an insp blog) or is it just pure creativity?
hi anon! thank you for the compliment
i do use references as a starting point in the actual design itself, and rely on a knowledge base; i follow a bunch of fashion blogs (i’ll put up a list when i have the time) and absorbed a lot from concept art books, what other media gets reblogged onto my dashboard, and the artists i follow
a lot of design hangs on what effect/look you want or what you think is necessary for the character/their role in any plot, but once you have that it’s really important to go look at refs and use it to give believability to your design while incorporating what you like personally + what you liked from other designs you’ve consumed from other media
i wanted to give my d2 exo warlock an elegant, 19th century aristocrat kind of aesthetic to fit in with the huntsman theme/their hound
since the design had to be at least somewhat athletic, i decided to look at riding outfits; i liked how they looked from watching the occasional horse show, and they have an association of ‘fancy’ with me from the agatha christie books i used to read, and overall they look pretty sharp
i googled riding outfits from different time periods and chose one i liked, then structured the general outfit from that (long boots, pants, that weird short jacket)
i needed the design to be Extra because of who the character is, so i decided to incorporate some gothic cathedral looks for the armour (which is a relatively short leap from 19th century europe) and then ringwraiths from lotr/the general spiky fantasy aesthetic (which is a relatively short leap from gothic cathedrals)
i settled on colours and detailing based on the general aesthetic i built from my references, and since i wasn’t going for any aesthetics clash in the outfit itself i used relatively dark harmless colours (black, burgundy, brown, gold)
there’s usually a lot of research involved especially in designing a fandom oc, because you have to look at the existing visual language and adjust your oc to fit (e.g. overwatch and destiny are different flavours of futuristic armour that rely on different shapes and structure/layering to communicate different things)
basically it’s best to look at what already exists and use it to communicate your design to your viewer. a shirt is a shirt and only has so many variations in structure/shape, but the way you drape it, whether you add a print or physical extras like beading/etc., where the seams are/aren’t and what materials it uses will affect what effect it creates by affecting how it plays against what the viewer is willing to accept as a shirt/their suspension of belief. and you’re not limited to just clothes for this either! you can look at architecture, you can look at shoes and bags and other non-clothing fashion items, you can look at nature, you can look at household objects, etc.
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inu-fiction ¡ 7 years
so Kagura dresses like a dancer and Hakudoshi wears his 'suikan' like a noble. but i've never heard anything about what Kanna wears. the inuyasha wiki claims that both she and Shunran wear kimono but I'd like to know more if that's possible. sorry if you've already answered something like this before, but I can't even figure out how to work some of the websites in the research guide...
Thank you for actually checking out our Research Guide before asking (a lot of people don’t think to)! Sorry to hear you couldn’t find the answer that way on your own; let’s see what we can do to help...First, let’s get this out of the way: it’s technically never inaccurate to refer to traditional Japanese-type clothing like Kanna’s as “kimono” since it’s still a term used for it today. However, that’s very general - literally, the word originally meant just  “thing to wear” (mono was “thing”, ki is one way of saying “wear”)...so in other words, my hand to god, at the time the story is set, it just meant “clothing”. Congratulations Kanna, you are wearing clothing! :DAh...not helpful? No, not helpful.All kidding aside, it’s true that the term as it’s used today is a little more specific, but it’s not by much: these days, even in post-Meiji era Japan, "kimono” refers to specifically “ethnically Japanese” i.e. traditional Japanese clothing (the more general term in the modern era for “clothing” in Japanese is apparently 被服, which we would romanize as hifuku)... but, that is still unhelpful because yes, we can see it’s “Japanese” clothing, but seeing as “Japanese clothing” refers to a REALLY broad swath of clothing ranging from furisode to yukata, suikan etc - it’s incredibly non-specific. In other words, almost as bad as calling both pants and skirts “hakama”; accurate, but not helpful in the least! :PSo. What IS she wearing?Well, I...am sorry to break it to you but I’m not entirely sure yet, anon. >_>Since I’m prepping for Hurricane Irma as I respond to this, I’m unfortunately unable to do that much poking around, but I will say I immediately noticed something interesting about it after looking up reference pictures, one of which was this screencap from the anime adaptation (which is I believe from "Kagura's Dance and Kanna's Mirror", from Season 2, in which Kanna first appears):
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Actually, let’s summarize what I’m noticing here, which helps me tell you what it is definitely NOT, and hypothetically might be (or...I thought it might be, more on that in a moment):1.) Looking at the ends of the sleeves near the wrist I can tell her garment is NOT any kind of furisode (literally “swinging sleeve”) type kimono, which have long sleeves that hang down  (Sesshomaru’s top, for comparison, is a furisode).2.) Her sleeves are more like those found on the kimono type called a kosode (literally “small sleeves”). They are meant to not get in the way, in other words (Sango wears a kosode when she’s not just wearing her armor by itself, for another comparison; you can see the end of the sleeve near the wrist is of similar design).  
3.) SLITS IN THE SHOULDERS.I’m going to have to add some visual ref here to point out why this jumped out at me as a detail.This is a “standard” looking kosode:
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(image pulled from this nifty overview of the evolution of kimono! I recommend giving it a read, it’s very informative!)Now. Pay attention to the shoulders. Scroll back up, and compare - again, there are slits in Kanna’s kimono’s shoulders, but not in “standard” kosode designs.
Slits in that position on the shoulders aren’t at all unheard of in traditional Japanese clothing - they’re found in the suikan type garment that Inuyasha and Hakudoshi both wear, for instance, which as we’ve mentioned before, is designed for as a “hunting jacket” type garment, making me think that that’s why this garment of hers also has them? - but it’s not always a standard feature.(It’s also a feature in Kikyo’s outfit by the way:
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Kikyo is an archer, so it makes sense she’d enjoy the fuller movement that those slits provide! Why does Kanna need it though if she relies on her soul-sucking mirror as her “weapon”? Hm. Good question!)Oh -and one more thing. Which I almost missed but which kicks it out of just “kosode” into “okay no, this is a fair freaking question, what IS this??”Look at this other screenshot from the anime I ran across when trying to see “what her obi looked like”:
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What in the....there’s. Wait. No. That - can’t be.....?*googles more screenshots, confirms*
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THERE’S NO OBI.NONE. AT ALL. WHATThere’s no belt?? Where’s the ties?? Is this even a real old-school kimono style or at this point is Takahashi kind of just making it up because “hey it’s a youkai anyway so whatever”? Is it tucked up in there?? How is this even staying in place...? (There’s also those little bows to consider, granted - but I feel like most of those are probably decorative? - but it’s hard to tell, without knowing what the garment even is! Maybe they’re not! Schrodinger’s bows)Okay, Anon. Yes. I see now why you sent this in. I SEE it. I never looked closely at her outfit before and now that I have, I am so far baffled. o_O All in all, I’m not sure exactly what is up with Kanna’s outfit  - not 100%. But I do find it interesting (and probably notable!) that it has slits in sleeves, and that it’s clearly not held in place with a normal old-fashioned obi, as we think of one at least. It’s possible (just spit-balling here, especially with Hakudoshi “wearing his suikan like a noble”, and Naraku’s having taken over a noblemen’s place!) that it’s a REALLY old-fashioned noble class children’s outfit? Maybe? That might be a good avenue for research (and I probably would have tried it, were I not prepping for a major hurricane this weekend, sorry anon! ^^;;). I wouldn’t even be surprised if it would be old-fashioned even by Sengoku era standards, mind - we know Takahashi included a by-then-“old-fashioned” suikan for Inuyasha (and Hakudoshi) and put Inuyasha’s very much human mother in a junihitoe (the latter is more like from the Heian period, MUCH earlier), so you never know. Keep it in mind!I will say this though:The more I think about it, the more I find it extremely interesting, too, that the ENTIRE outfit - outer garment, undergarment (which she does have; you can see it under her collar, peeking out through the sleeve-slits, and if you saw a full-body shot that showed her feet, peaking out from under the bottom of her outer garment as well)... the bows on the outfit... even her very hair, and even the decorations in her hair! - All, ALL of them, are solid, pure, non-patterned white.Why do I find this so striking?Because of the various nuanced implications of that in Japanese culture (warning: this link includes a picture of a Japanese corpse being prepped for burial. It’s actually not gross looking at all, but you may find it spooky or unsettling when you realize what it is, so I feel a need to warn ahead of time).Now, despite what the warning in parentheses for that link might seem to imply, and despite what some rumors may say, “death” isn’t the only association with white (and especially white clothing) in Japanese culture; it’s associated with “purity” and cleanliness as well. People aren’t just buried in white, they’re often married in it, too, and many priests and priestesses in Shinto and Buddhism include white clothing in their garb, especially for specific rituals requiring “purity”.I also will clarify that that is NOT a funerary kimono, in the sense that she’s wearing it folded the normal way, and not the opposite way, which corpses are dressed in, so let’s clear that up right away, that she’s not dressed “like a corpse”. At all. But.Still...This feels like it can’t be coincidental...? It’s hard to tell if the white theme is a sign of her “blankness”/emptiness (which is another fair possibility), or if it’s indeed meant to evoke those other WELL known elements in Japanese spiritual beliefs (and it’s still noteworthy I think that to the Japanese, it IS still common to see ghosts wearing solid white, because they are still buried in white, so there’s the subconscious “creepy factor” too, sure)...hn. It’s a real question!I am starting to doubt that it was purely for aesthetics or to save on ink though :P  So basically the short answer is: I am real sorry anon, I have no idea. :( I wish I did!The long answer, clearly, is: “WAIT, THIS RAISES EVEN MORE QUESTIONS...??”-Mod VorpalGirl(PS: I probably will not be online the rest of this weekend, at least on here. Seriously, Irma is making her cranky way right up my home State and we decided not to evacuate sooooo. Not only do we need to prep like heck tomorrow, power will likely go out for us before Monday, and given what happened with Hurricane Matthew last year, that could keep me away from ya’ll for up to a week or so. >_> Wish me luck....and Tekka too, since she’s still likely in the path of it as well)
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fountainpenguin ¡ 5 years
P & Q
P: How much do you plan in advance versus letting the story unfold as you go?
Story-wise, ends and general events are always planned early on (All 130 Prompts, most of Identity Theft, Hawthorn Haven, Little Imperfections, No Anesthetic, Factor It In, Devil’s Backbone, and so on are already planned even though I won’t be posting some of these things for years), so it’s just a matter of doing the actual writing. Beginnings come next and middles come last.
For me, writing is a matter of saying, “Here is my destination. Where are we coming from and how do we get there?” Depending on what I’m writing, sometimes where I’m coming from is the previous chapter, sometimes it’s a specific point in my timeline. Chapters don’t require a lot of set-up because readers should more or less remember what’s recently happened to a character, but with one-shots I have to clarify not only the setting, but recent events as best as I can. There’s a different mindset there.
Origin, Knots, and the Prompts are divided into over a hundred different files in Google Docs, so I can’t give an accurate word count, but I probably have 200k words on hand for both Origin and Knots and at least 300k for the Prompts. I wrote scenes I consider significant early on and I’m working my way towards them, correcting inconsistencies along the way.
What I plan worldbuilding-wise for a fantasy series is another topic altogether (Expanded on below the cut).
Sociopolitical Aspects
For my Mario works, for example, the first thing planned was how the Koopa Kingdom is laid out, and where the Koopalings fit into my ideas. Then it was a matter of deciding which parts of canon I want to draw from and what I want to do with it. I didn’t rule out the new kingdoms revealed in Odyssey, but I definitely didn’t erase Sarasaland and the Beanbean Kingdom either. I worked out the political systems of a few countries, what the social norms and big crimes are, and the basics of Bowser’s inclination towards violence.
I have a document noting what the people of each land are called and what their native languages are so I don’t have to worry about contradicting myself later, which has been extremely useful. I even determined populations for different kingdoms, with the Mushroom Kingdom at about 235 million people, the Koopa Kingdom almost twice that, and the Beanbean Kingdom a measly 4 million. Even if this info never comes up in story, it helps me understand how people interact with one another and fit into this system.
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In my FOP works, I worked out the history of Fairy/Anti-Fairy conflicts, drawing from aspects of canon such as the known war over human godchildren. The Pixies fit in there too as the neutral party. Then there’s the matter of fitting in the aliens and humans. Deeper yet, the Ghosts and Beasts. Figuring out the international relationships up front works best for me, and then I can later determine how characters with this background interact in this environment.
In my Danny Phantom works, I drew from a comment Butch made once that although King Pariah was a tyrant, he did keep the Ghost Zone organized and it’s fallen to chaos since he was overthrown. I worked out Ghost-Skeleton relations, how the Observants play into things, and what the space within the world might be like.
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In my WordGirl works, determining how Hexagon functions was crucial to what I decided to do with Kid Math: In this case, his planet is obsessed with math to the point they only have spoken language, not a written one. They use numbers and mark up blueprints, but written language is for the Lexiconians [Insert snobby scoffing].
When writing Rhyme and Reason backstory, I worked out how common powers are, how those with certain powers are treated by society, what kind of education kids with powers get pushed towards, what laws might exist, how many heroes there might be, and how police involvement works in cities that have heroes. In this alternate world, there are things called charm schools that are “finishing schools” for kids with powers, and Rhyme was almost sent to one until she ran away.
Physical Aspects
I made the Mushroom Kingdom an archipelago and chose Indonesia as my main inspiration country, researching the climate, seasons, plants, and meals typically found there. I know exactly when the dry season ends and the wet season starts and how this affects the Piranha Plants.
In FOP, I understand the landscapes of Fairy World and Anti-Fairy World, what kinds of mountains and water features they can have, and the flora and fauna found in each location. I know ways to move between locations, what travel is possible with magic, and what happens in times there isn’t any magic. I know what the major buildings are, where they are, and what they do.
In my DP works, there are certain stable parts of the Ghost Zone and certain unstable parts. It’s easy to get lost if you’re new there and not used to things moving around, but as you learn the rules of the world, you’re able to identify landmarks. I know which populations live where and what those landscapes are like. I came up with rules for how lairs work and how far things can move about the Zone. I know how things work and which characters know X amount of information about their surroundings.
Cultural Aspects
I pored over a LOT of small details in canon for my Mario works. I took painstaking notes about the Soybean civilization, the ancient Luffs, the fallen Bask Kingdom, and all sorts of historical tidbits and worked those into modern canon. Some stuff didn’t cross my path during my personal gameplay, but I like knowing about it anyhow.
I considered Peach’s pathway to becoming queen and how she fits her role, especially compared to her predecessors. I made stars important in Mushroom Kingdom culture and the moon important in Koopa culture. I created lore for why karting exists, canonizing all locations and the general idea of kart racing even if I’m not going to make every kart track canon or organize each game in a timeline.
FOP worldbuilding involved gathering as much canon from the show as possible, collecting info from folklore, plucking bits and pieces from insect and bat biology, and marrying the three together. It was important to me to give Fairy World a distinct culture different from any on Earth, and really examine how magic affects daily life in this world.
Anthropomorphizing insect behaviors gave me Fairies who lick faces as a form of greeting and who favor those with freckles above those without. Not exactly accurate to show canon, but it works great. Gyne and drone relationships have been fun to build, and I made sure my timeline included points in the past where such relations were different than modern times. Changes in relationships over time is something that really fascinates me.
Anti-Fairy World also gets a unique culture. Since they’re evil antagonists in show canon, I certainly didn’t want to race-code them like any group of people on Earth. I’ve tried to design them their own culture, heavily inspired by bats and a belief in luck above all. Bats aren’t sociosexual, but they are promiscuous, so I don’t stick wholly to bat behaviors either: they’re partially based on bonobos. Most importantly, I made sure everything I did was fun for me to write.
With my particular writing style, it works to have deep, complex culture for the Anti-Fairies. If I wanted to write short, lighthearted pieces, that would impact where my worldbuilding priorities lay (Probably lots of cute holiday traditions and less focus on why Anti-Fairy culture revolves around causing others harm).
General Research
Heights, timelines, food, and clothes are all things I settle as soon as possible, and I keep ref sheets on hand so I can fact check myself at a glance. Fairies and Anti-Fairies, being a species who live in the clouds, have easier access to silkworms than cotton plants. That determines what their clothing is made of, what products are expensive, and what gets worn on certain occasions. 
I draw from canon where possible, using screenshots or known character heights (Mario canonically 5′1″) and comparing them to others. Being of a different height can impact how others view you. Dining etiquette is a fun cultural difference that can create conversation or social awkwardness and really set the mood.
With fanfics, I dig as deep as I can. Did you know Wario canonically doesn’t know how old he is because his mom never threw him a birthday party? Or that he keeps a matchbox of ants in his cabinet and is “waiting until they worship him as a god”? I drink details like this by the gallon.
I prefer nailing this stuff down before getting far in my writing because that’s what works for me personally. I worldbuild further over time as I think up new questions I didn’t already have answers for.
Unique Aspects
Magic systems are complex. They generally take me longest and are more work than play. I like to have an outline of how a magic system works, write the story, figure out what I absolutely need magic to do and what I don’t want it to do, and then tighten the system during the revision process. For example, I weakened shapeshifting in my FOP works so you can’t easily hold another form while aroused- I personally didn’t want age changes to be involved in lovemaking. That expanded to making it hard to hold a form when you’re drunk too.
It was important to me in my Mario works to have 1-Up mushrooms exist and be capable of saving your life, but I also needed a reason why people don’t walk around with 99 lives and consume 1-Ups at all times. After wrestling with plans for a while, I decided to make them time-sensitive. You have to consume them often to have more than one life on a regular basis, and they’re pretty rare. As long as I can justify why someone has access to this rare item, I can utilize a 1-Up’s power, but I can also justify killing someone off if enough time has passed since they last consumed one.
With Fairly OddParents, I’d seen enough episodes to understand the basics of wishes, magical backup, and Da Rules. When I became serious about writing FOP ‘fics, I started noting the times Cosmo and Wanda failed to use magic for reasons other than Da Rules (Not in sync with each other, low battery, lack of belief in magic, Big Wand toppled over, etc.) and built my version of the FOP magic system to accommodate as many of these “inconsistencies” as I could. My take on magic is complex, but I can stretch the system many ways, so it works great for me.
Will I use everything I’ve worldbuilt in story? I might not say it directly, but having a pool of information I can draw from helps me find ways to flesh out a character’s life. Some stuff makes it in, other stuff is only vaguely glimpsed. To me, diving into worldbuilding is fun. Taking what I have and creating something with it is even more fun. I could whip out a bunch of one-shots about basic slice-of-life events without doing all this work, but tying my stories to social, political, or culture aspects of the world is what I really enjoy.
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
I don’t like deleting things, so I move them to scrap docs instead. Origin, Knots, and the 130 Prompts each have a scrap file of 50+ pages (91 pages of scrapped Prompt scenes) and I can usually remember keywords so the deleted scenes are easy to search for if I need them. Some get recycled, even back into the same chapter I originally deleted them from, but a lot stay dead because they were either irrelevant or inconsistent with the final material. 
Fortunately for me, I have a good memory of what I kept vs. what I scrapped. I’ve compiled some favorites in my deviantArt Sta.sh and linked them in my FOP sideblog because they’re my version of sketchdumps. Even if they’re unfinished, I still think they’re interesting to look at.
For some reason I don’t delete much from my standalone one-shots, just my multi-chapter stuff. Most of what enters my standalones survives.
The projects I’m most hurt to have left hanging are my Total Drama stories The Beatin’ Path and Lions Under Palm Trees, keeping with my tradition of writing stories about eliminated contestants at that season’s elimination location from the perspective of the first character eliminated. I have a good 15k words written for the former and 25k for the latter, and I just… let them slip through my fingers in favor of Fairly OddParents years ago.
Arguably letting them go is for the best because I took the “cartoon physics are canon” concept and RAN with it, so I have an entire plot arc about one character coming into puberty and having his ability to utilize cartoon physics switch on for the first time. I personally consider Lions one of my best works in terms of matching my niche interests, but the acknowledgement of cartoon physics does stray from Total Drama canon, and I just couldn’t get over that enough to keep posting it.
Some of my all-time favorite scenes and characterizations are in these stories. I’m glad I have what I do for myself because these works make me smile even all these years later, buuut it’s probably best if I keep most of this nonsense private. This is probably my favorite snippet of the entire Lions draft, though:
“What’s in the box?”
Don’t say the hearts of small animals, don’t say the hearts of small animals.
“Stuff for my girlfriend.” It wasn’t untrue.
The least loved always end up my favorites somehow. I’m still so in love with my delusional wizard. I honestly might love Leonard more than I love any of the FOP characters I write about nowadays; he was the best I ever had. I mean, look at this FREAKING CHILD-
“Hand me my dice.”
Beardo dropped the dice in his hand. Leonard rolled them across the grass. Nine. He groaned. But, obediently, he knelt and poked his head inside the damaged zeppelin.
“Roll me an observance check.”
“Snake eyes.”
“Seriously? It’s dark. Try again. Higher this time.”
Beardo gave the dice another toss. “Lucky lucky seven.”
Leonard let out a high whistle between his front teeth. “No response,” he said after a moment. “I don’t think there are any animals down there, except maybe a few rats and some bugs. All right, I’m jumping down. Keep an eye on my back.”
He slid through the gap and dropped out of sight. Beardo heard him say, “Lux up,” and click the penlight on his keychain.
“Incriminatus, television.”
No reaction.
“Incriminatus, television.”
No reaction. The Christmas advertisements blared on. Leonard raised his wand to his eye, then slapped the tip a few times against his palm. “Come on, wand. Tammy isn’t here anymore. Why aren’t you working? I still believe in you.”
The door eased open. “Hey, Leonard,” Jen said in a voice of false cheerfulness. “I got your toothbrush out of… the other room.”
Leonard didn’t try to switch off the TV and faced the window instead. “Brushing teeth is for people who can’t do it with magic.”
“Wait.” Leonard raised both hands above his head, squeezing his eyelids tight. “Wait. What you’re saying is, Scarlett pulled a Courtney to the extreme and hid her secret identity as an ‘evil’ mastermind supervillain shaman queen this entire time. She played a character so well that even her closest friend – not to mention Chris – couldn’t see through her act until she chose to reveal herself. At which point she then convinced everyone that she was actually said ‘evil’ mastermind supervillain. You’re telling me there was a LARPing goddess in my presence, and I completely missed it.”
“I didn’t put it in those words for a reason,” Jasmine said, “but at its core, yes.”
Leonard pressed his hands to his cheeks and stared into his salad. “Holy flipping plot twist. I am so turned on right now.”
“No,” Jasmine said, jabbing him in the chest with one finger, “No you are not.”
Amy clicked her tongue. “Leonard, you have a girlfriend.”
“Not anymore. That’s it. I’m breaking up with Tammy for real this time.”
Beardo slapped him on the back of the head and made a sound like a police siren.
One Lions chapter was named “Baa Baa Blackmail” if that tells you anything. Ah, memories… It’s probably for the best if these projects stay retired, but I love them so very much.
Fanfic Ask Meme
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lindira ¡ 8 years
Heyo! I hope you're having a nice day! I was hoping you might be able to lend me a hand. I have a new OC (not Dragon Age) who is blind, and although I've spent a lot of time researching the subject of portraying visually impaired characters, I wanted to ask if you know any good resources since I believe your husband is blind? I just went through your 'blindness' tag and found some great refs already, but figured I'd ask if you have anything else I might've missed! Thanks so much!
Hi! Yes, my husband is blind (total, no light perception), and I’d be happy to answer some questions to the best of my ability. Before I start, though, it’s important to note that no two blind/visually impaired people are exactly alike, so keep in mind that none of my comments are meant to be a “catch-all” with regards to blind people.
There’s a lot to decide when you’re making a character who is visually impaired because there are a lot of levels of visual impairment. There are totally blind folks like my husband, but also many more people with visual acuity of some degree, light perception, etc. You should also decide what their level of training is. Have they been trained in mobility? Do they use a cane or a dog? If this is a character in the modern age, what kind of adaptive technology do they know how to use? Do they know how to read Braille? The answers to these questions will determine the character’s level of independence.
One of the things a lot of people don’t know about blind people is that they often do “blindisms”. I suggest doing a Google search about blindisms to see if you want your character to have those sorts of physical ticks. Many blind people rock back and forth, press on one or both of their eyes, and bang their heads. Not all blind people do these things - my husband only presses his eyes on occasion, especially when he thinks something is funny, and I know a few blind people who don’t seem to do any blindisms at all. But it’s a common enough characteristic that’s worth mentioning.
Another thing you should consider is how the sighted people around your character react to them and their disability. I will say that a LOT of people don’t know how to act when a person with any disability is around them. And, honestly, if you’re being realistic, you can’t really go too far into the ridiculous with it. There will be people who are amazed when a blind person does basically anything, no matter how mundane. People have congratulated my husband on walking to the mailbox, for working out, for reading out loud, for eating without making a mess, etc. There are people who are belligerently insistent on helping even when the blind person doesn’t need help, and will actually get offended if you tell them that you’d rather do it yourself. And there are a LOT of people who find blind people inspirational, and will tell them so - seeing them as the grace of God at work or a sign they need to get their lives together. Which seems nice but still feels condescending because there’s the connotation that they shouldn’t be able to do normal things, and that they’re just signs of divine intervention or something.
You might also address people who are prejudiced against people with visual impairments (or disabilities of any kind). Sometimes it’s subtle, like people who talk about you like you aren’t there to the person you’re with. Sometimes it’s a lot more pronounced than that, like people who don’t think blind people should get married or procreate or care for their children alone. There are a great many people who don’t know what blind people are capable of, and just assume that their blindness means that they are helpless.
That’s all that I can think of off the top of my head, but feel free to ask me more specific questions as well, or if you’d like me to elaborate on any one topic. I’m sighted, so there are some questions I might not be able to answer, but I can always ask my husband too.
I’d also recommend that you check out @loquaciousquark‘s “So You Want to Blind Your OC” series if you haven’t already, as they’re an actual eye-doctor-professional-person. I also have a “visual impairment” tag that’s might have some posts that aren’t under my “blindness” tag (I have too many tags...), so you might wanna check that out too. But generally, when you’re looking online, good sources of information about visual impairment will be from non-profit organizations for people who are blind and visually impaired, medical websites, and blogs where the author specifically states that they’re blind/visually impaired.
I hope that helps!
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ultrafelix-blog1 ¡ 8 years
How to Earn Bitcoin - Guide for Newbies
This guide will show you how to earn Bitcoins as a newbie.
There are 15, very easy, methods to start earning Bitcoin, even if you have no skills or experience in the crypto world.
Start earn Bitcoins today!
1. PTC
As the name suggests, these are websites that will give you small amounts of Bitcoin for viewing ads and visiting websites. This is one of the best to start with: Bitcoin PTC
2. Mining
Mining is the process to generate cryptocoins. Anyway, mining is neither easy nor cheap to do as a newbie. So I suggest to use cloud mining platforms.
What is "cloud mining"?
Basically, Bitcoin cloud mining, sometimes called cloud hashing, enables users to buy the output of Bitcoin mining power from Bitcoin mining hardware placed in remote data centres. Then all Bitcoin mining is done remotely in the cloud.
Many cloud mining platform ask users to invest in order to start mining. But there are free options too.
So, if you don't want to invest, I can suggest you two platforms where you can start mining with no investment required. Here they are:
Over Hash: http://cur.lv/14rfdo
Met: http://cur.lv/14rfe0
3. Offers, Tasks, Surveys, etc.
A great method for even faster earning, but it requires a bit more work. On this website you can complete offers, tasks and surveys and get paid in BTC.
4. Reading Books
This website pays users for reading classic books. It is one of the more interesting and engaging methods of giving away free money, as it gives the user the opportunity to engage in more ways than simply getting around a CAPTCHA and pressing a couple of buttons.
5. Dice
Most dice websites allow the user to have a free balance to play with a very small amount. Examples of sites that do this are PrimeDice and many others. It is possible to research dice strategies and take the free amount and turn it into a substantial amount of money if you’re willing to invest the time.
6. Smartphone Games/APPS
These games are for Android and iPhone devices are a fun way to earn free Bitcoin in your idle hours. SaruTobi has a very good payout
Android - Coin Flapper
iPhone - SaruTobi
7. Faucets
Faucets are websites that literally give away coins to users. All you need to do is complete some captcha. The amount you can earn on those websites is usually low, but this is the easiest method to start earning coins.
There are some large and reputable faucets that have consistently made their payouts for a long time. A few that make such a list are:
8. Bitcoin Lending / Investing
By this point u will own some Bitcoins and if you want to increase their value, you can always look into Bitcoin lending. The idea is pretty simple – you lend out a certain amount of your coins to people for crypto-related projects (usually) and get them back with an interest. There are currently three main websites that deal with Bitcoin lending:
Btc Jam
Lone Bas
Bit Bond
You can get very high returns through lending. It’s important to choose your lending projects wisely.
9. Twitter
Get paid in BTC for retweeting sponsored tweets. This is the Website: http://cur.lv/14rfmj
10. Sport Betting
Quite risky, but very profitable. In fact you can earn tons of Bitcoin with sport bets, predicting the right outcome of sport events.
The best crypto-related bookmaker is, without any doubt, Direct Bet.
11. Games
Aside from gambling, which is also considered a game, there are a variety of Bitcoin games that don’t require any investment, and allow you to earn Bitcoins while playing them. Think of them as a fun faucet, since you’ll probably be wasting your time and earning very little as well.
Here are some websites to start from:
Chop Coin: http://cur.lv/14rfok
Coin Brawl: http://cur.lv/14rfp0
Coin Vertin: http://cur.lv/14rfpo
12. Phone Calls
Coin by calls: http://cur.lv/14ri6s
If you have any free minutes on your call plan this company can use them, and will pay you by the minute for letting them do so.
13. Sell Stuff
If you are looking for some spare cash to provide a one-off boost to your finances then digging through your old stuff and picking out a few things that you no longer need to sell on over the internet is a good way to go. But of course you can’t just go to eBay if you want to sell your stuff for BTC. Fortunately, there are some great alternatives out there which let you do exactly that. This may also be a great way for you to start off your own business if have something that people want to buy. Here are some of the best sites to earn bitcoin by selling stuff online:
- Bitify: http://cur.lv/14ri5s
- Bitcoin Talk Forum
14. URL shortening
You don’t even need to have your own website to start generating an income – if you are have a strong social media presence or you fancy yourself as a bit of a marketing guru, you can earn some free coins through social media.
You probably already know about URL shortening services that pay you for traffic on the links you shortened. Example of regular ones are adf.ly, ad.foc etc. If you have legit and clean traffic you can use adfoc as they pay pretty good.
Main alternative that pay's via Bitcoins is Coin url:
Referral Link: https://coinurl.com/index.php?ref=a882a2c3120c17ad16101a62db40e055
Normal Link: https://coinurl.com
Don't worry if u don't see the traffic/earning for the first 24-48 hours of your sent traffic, it takes 24-48 hours for them to verify your traffic once you start sending it. After that updates go every 24 hours and time decreases with time.
Ok now we have URL shortener but how to get traffic. For getting traffic you have couple of ways of doing this :
I. Sharing your links on social networks, forums etc,
II. Use Fiverr as a great way for people to click on your links. Post a request for anything copy a link from YouTube and use your url shortner then in the request ask for someone who can make a video just like this and set a high price. You will see hundreds of legit clicks and bitcoins. (Rinse and repeat)
III. If you have your own website that is getting traffic you can add their automatic shortener script to shorten all links on your site (or just manually shorten ones you want)
IV. Youtube.
My favorite one is YouTube as it can get tons of traffic in short time period and most important traffic that will be there for longer period of time and it can be scaled easy.
How to do it.
Download some videos for some software, games, tutorials , or just use your imagination , browse google to see what kind of things people look for (tutorials with link to project file from tutorial is easy one as there is not much competition so you will be getting more traffic) now edit those videos just to change their hash (changing md5 hash makes those videos unique in YouTube eyes) you can do that by adding your Logo or some text with the bulk watermarking tools (a lot of free trials available online).
After you changed your videos with watermarking tool upload it to some channel (I recommend making fresh YouTube account for this), Write good title and description, and plant your link in description. More videos, more traffic means more earnings for you.
15. Bitcoin binary options
Bitcoin binary options are a form of trading in which you predict if the price of Bitcoin will rise or fall in a certain amount of time. If you’re correct, you earn the option’s payoff; if you’re incorrect, you lose your investment. They are called “Binary Options”, because the outcome is either win or lose; there’s nothing in between.
This is a good way if u have experience to use the free bitcoins u have made in the other methods and try to double your earnings.
This is the best website to start trading binary options: http://cur.lv/14rfn2
Thank you for reading. Don't just read it and stash it somewhere. This are the real methods that I used and still using and they work for sure if you put them into action!
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The Unusual Branding Strategy That Made This SEO Company a Success
In a sea of vendors, providers, and agencies that all provide the same services, it can be challenging for a company to stand out. Even more difficult is when you’re involved in an industry as competitive as SEO.
Because of this, only a few manage to survive for the long haul. The HOTH is among those companies that were able to overcome this hurdle. With an ingenious philosophy and a remarkable branding, The HOTH has evolved from a 100 percent virtual link acquisition team to a white label SEO service company with a brand new office in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Clayton Johnson, COO for The HOTH, joins SEJ’s Loren Baker to share insights on link building and content and how the industry and The HOTH have changed in the past several years.
What is The HOTH, what do you do, and how have you progressed over the years beyond solely being a link acquisition company?
Clayton Johnson: It’s definitely been a journey. The HOTH started in 2010 and I’m part of the original crew from back in Chicago actually. And so the HOTH, it’s actually an acronym. It stands for ‘Hit ‘em Over The Head.’ And it’s not a reference to physical violence, it’s basically a company philosophy that in 2010 when you’re a small business and you wanted to buy SEO services, it was kind of difficult, the kind of landscape of the market was buying things off of forums. The level of service wasn’t there. It wasn’t as developed of an industry as it is now.
We wanted to really change that so we took a HOTH and then ‘Hit ‘em Over The Head’ as a philosophy in terms of bludgeoning with awesomeness. And we put that into everything that we did. We put our names and faces on it, provided really good customer support, all that kind of stuff. That was kind of the core philosophy.
We started in 2010 which was before Panda or Penguin or any of the big disruptions in the SEO industry. So through that, by using that core philosophy of The HOTH to hit ‘em over the head, to make everything go above and beyond, I think that is what really carried us through that whole period of Google beating down on link building companies.
With that said, we have also evolved with the times, not only survived but really grown quite a bit and we’ve also done that by just evolving the product line. We’re really focused on creating content now. So that’s a huge part of our business. We actually write content.
We have a product called the HOTH Blogger, which we can help you create blog content. We do local citation building, we help you get reviews to your business through our review acquisition software called HOTH STARS, and all these different kinds of things. So we’ve really evolved the product line to be part of what’s going on in the SEO landscape as of today.
What would you say are some of the highest in-demand types of services that you are offering right now? What are most people looking for?
CJ: A big part of our audience is agencies. We’re a white label SEO provider – meaning that we don’t put our names on any of the reports. It’s basically meant to be resold. We have a lot of resellers coming by various types, different things they need for their clients. A lot of these agencies, they service local clients, so local’s a big part of it. Blog content is a big part of it like I mentioned.
But our biggest service that we have right now, the fastest-growing service that we’ve ever released is a totally managed service. We provide you whatever you need for your website – whether that is content or local citation ability – all in a managed package where we do the keyword research, the link building, the content, all that kind of stuff. That’s our fastest-growing service.
How did the branding help from the beginning? How did that set you apart? Because I can’t think of any other companies that have done it in our industry.
CJ: The branding is definitely a big part of it. I always think about how, there’s that quote that they say, ‘People forget what you say, they’ll forget what you do, they might even forget your name, but they’ll never forget the way you made them feel.’ Right? And so to be able to embody that in a character and kind of tell a story, I think that’s something that will stick with you through a sea of SEO companies.
If you go to one of these conferences, you’re going to see 5,000 booths of 5,000 SEO companies that do various renditions of the same type of thing. How do you stand apart from that? Well, you can draw people in with our HOTH monster because it looks so different but then once you [understand and get] the chance to talk, they’re not going to explain the story and the concept behind it and that’s something that can be memorable.
There’s a lot of fly by night companies and we’re not one of those. We’re in it for the long haul. So that guiding philosophy of The HOTH, ‘hit ‘em over the head,’ to go above and beyond, I think that is the thing that helped us survive through everything that happened in the last seven years.
It’s one of those things that’s also non-quantifiable. As a marketer, as a direct response marketer you want to be viable in everything. The thing about marketing is it’s not all science. There’s an art to it as well. And so this is part of our art that’s going to help us continue to be around for a long time.
Loren Baker: I’ve been building links forever, and at the time in 2010, it was just a huge link marketplace going on, right? Most of the competitors that I was up against, they would use a link marketplace and buy links from home pages. I was investing a little bit more time and effort but less money and putting together great articles on sites that were relevant to my clients as opposed to just buying footer links or side bar links…
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mounasser ¡ 7 years
Getting Older Is Not About Eating Less, It Is About Enough Nutrition
I have been helping PEOPLE FIND their best health for a while. Nutrition for the middle age and above is eating to feel good, and avoid genetic diseases, and definitely keep the belly fat to a minimum. Food that works for one does not work for another.
Bo, my friend, is getting complaints about not eating the meals that are being fixed for him. He is a Blood Type B, and has found out that by eliminating chicken from his diet, he has lessened his chronic fatigue.  It is challenging to do this eating plan, because there is so much pressure from his peers. He found, it is best to keep quiet and go and find food that is "right" for him. It is also a challenge, as it is amazing how many products have ingredients in them that are not "good" for him.  This is why I heartily recommend whole food. It is much easier to put a meal together this way. Bo is feeling better and his overall health is improved, his arthritis is greatly improved, and CHRONIC FATIGUE is a thing of the past. Sallie is my friend from college, who graduated as a Medical Technologist with me. She first heard about the "Eat for Your Blood-Type Diet" and was skeptical. I gave her the book, and she said nothing grabbed her attention. She gave the book away.  Then in 2009 her daughter-in-law gave her another book. She had undergone allergy testing, and wheat, corn, and peanuts came up positive on the test. She was amazed when she looked under Type B in the book that wheat, corn, and peanuts were on the AVOID list.  These for, Blood Type B, are especially responsible for weight gain, and are inhibitors of an efficient metabolism. She had to stop and think about her diet, and how she felt at 58.  She found it interesting that she had always disliked tomatoes and beans, both on the avoid list. (There are beneficial, kidney, navy and lima beans for Blood Type B.) I personally, have some kind of beans EVERY DAY. She had been on a gluten-free DIET for about 2 years, and hadn't felt many changes, except her GI tract seemed to be better. The same wheat, corn, and peanuts also cause hypoglycemia in Blood Type B. She has had trouble with hypoglycemia all her life.  She decided to first cut out the wheat, corn, and peanuts. She still eats yogurt, which had previously, made her hypoglycemic, and made sure she found brands with NO corn syrup. (in my 8 keys to basic health which have been expanded to 10, I recommend, that no one eat high fructose corn syrup).  Within a couple of months, she noticed she wasn't hypoglycemic. She would get hungry, and not get the awful symptoms of hypoglycemia. She lost 5 pounds without trying, and was suddenly IMPRESSED! Since she has been diligent about avoiding foods that cause hypoglycemia and weight gain. She also stays clear of foods on the avoid lists. She slowly added in the highly beneficial foods to her DIET, and also now eats non-processed foods at all meals.  She is eating more vegetables, which is hard for her. It takes time and effort to fix something we have not grown up with, so we can eat it. She now eats nuts and fruits too. As a Blood Type B she is challenged, finding some meats, and she now eats lamb and fish plus beef, buffalo, and turkey. She still makes chicken for her family even though it is an avoid. I assume she doesn't eat any. The hardest and most challenging part of the diet is eliminating wheat and corn. She thought gluten-free was a challenge, and wheat, and/or corn are in everything. Gluten-free products usually contain corn flour or corn starch. She just found out that the gluten-free flour blend she was using contains gelatin, which is on her avoid list.  She would try a bakery gluten-free bread, and later discover it has corn flour or buckwheat in it. She has done a lot of internet searches to find usable products. She found an almond flour cookbook that is fabulous, and uses ingredients she can use. Almond flour can also be used to produce low glycemic goodies. Mexican, Italian and Chinese food contain wheat, corn, and tomatoes. Tomatoes are also on her avoid list. She says it makes eating out difficult. (Turkey would be most beneficial for her or buffalo burgers, and not too many restaurants serve this.) She will try to eat small amounts of wheat or other avoidance food maybe twice a month. She doesn't notice any new symptoms unless she eats way too much of a certain food. She ate a whole wheat waffle just to see what would happen. That night she woke up with a MIGRAINE HEADACHE. She hadn't had a headache in years. She has had blood work done regularly, and 6 months after starting the blood type DIET, she had more tests run. She was surprised to see that her A1C levels, glucose, and insulin levels declined dramatically. In the past they had steadily risen. She now had proof her metabolism was more efficient. Her intestinal tract improved even more, and her allergies have almost, disappeared. She has fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue with is common for Blood Type B. She is not sure the diet has/or will cure this, still she does feel better. (I hope she gets 100% better.)  She was taking arginine for her heart, since Blood Type B's need this to help get rid of their stress factors, and support their heart. She Googled fibromyalgia, and found that it may be caused, or be a result of too much nitric oxide. To get arginine naturally, turkey and spinach are good for starters. It is better to eat precursors and nutrients naturally. Pills can be "too much". Working to DECREASE STRESS is most important, as this can inflame our adrenals, and even make us hungrier. Knowing what foods benefit your system the most, can reduce one factor of stress. She sees a chiropractor and physical therapist, which have all contributed to better health. She takes extra magnesium, and is on a licorice SUPPLEMENT from a naturopath. Her next step should probably be adding in a memory herb, like ginseng or ginkgo, and do the Membrane Fluidizer Cocktail in the morning. Eating for your blood type is quite the journey. Her family thinks she is crazy. She will continue to follow this DIET. This diet fixed her hypoglycemia, and is all the proof she needs, to know, that it works. She looks forward to more research results and hopefully improved health. I, myself, am a Blood Type A. When I started this eating plan, my cholesterol was over 200 (about 225 and rising). I am concerned about heart disease, and type II diabetes, since high cholesterol and sugar, run in my mother's side, and fat bellies run in my father's side. I would "try" things too, in essence I would sabotage my eating plan with potato chips and white rice. Hence, this process is a journey, and healing your colon, so it recognizes good food, and can process it effectively. I eat totally the opposite of the BLOOD Type B's. Buffalo, Beef, Lamb are on my avoid list. Fish, (the cold water kind) are on my highly beneficial list, and Chicken and turkey are on my neutral list.  I actually eat a fish every day. I eat canned salmon, canned tuna or grilled salmon. on top of a large green (romaine) salad, with beans. (Blood Type A beans, are Black eyed Pea, Black Beans and Pinto Beans) I have managed to lower my cholesterol under 200 (187) and normalize my hdl's and ldl's (according to Sallie, out of balance ldl's especially L 3 and L 4 are what cause heart disease in women.) Very important to normalize those ldl's. I even fixed my constipation problem, and take care to keep things running smoothly. In my other articles I have described how eating too much fruit caused problems, and how finally something on my avoid list caught up with me. I have formatted my e-mails to give important health advice, and how I eat my fruits and vegetables to get some of each, and not cause DIGESTIVE issues.  I have since seen this way of combining protein and veggies, TWICE! When to eat fruits in Marilu Henner's book, and "The Truth about Abs". It works!! My family thinks I am crazy too. I KNOW I feel better, and have found what my genetics are missing, so I can correct it with alternative sources. I will never quit eating this way. Log into the 8 keys to basic health and the FREE every-other day e-mails, that will teach you how to put your best eating plan into service, saving you from unsatisfied hunger, surprise inflammation and disease, and irritable bowels. Every-other day to get you started, as fast as possible, to feeling healthier, and more like your best self. And be sure and obtain your copy of the "Eat Right For Your Blood Type Book" under Books to find which foods are highly beneficial for you. Opting into the 10 Keys to Basic Health, will help you put your own eating plan together, and give you the basics of better health.The blogs give support for questions of DIGESTION to energy. The book Eat Right 4 Your Type is the basis of putting your eating plan together.  If you don't know your blood type, you can find out for less than $10.00, Both the book, and the blood typing kit can be found under "books and tests". You will gain the knowledge of everything needed to maintain optimum health. If you can follow and implement the information, you will achieve better health, Get your free "healthier" chocolate chip cookie recipe, too! http://ift.tt/1DTHqdY Article Source: http://ift.tt/2okyhxU
Getting Older Is Not About Eating Less, It Is About Enough Nutrition Getting Older Is Not About Eating Less, It Is About Enough Nutrition from Blogger http://ift.tt/2oklYl9 via best4you-now ref=da&site=tumblr">IFTTT
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