#i just don’t want to look at that stuff on my acc anymore
ziggykatzfan · 8 months
I think it’s better to make fics you no longer like anonymous cuz then you can still change them (I see so many orphaned fics that have the persons socials linked or mentioned lol) and you can get it back if you decide you wanna claim it again
omg i didn’t know this was an option after you’d posted. thank youu
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
// fantasy creature cruelty. yandere themes. heteronormative society (sort of?? both your paternal and maternal grandparents come in hetero pairs)
I don’t know if you guys read my yan! father fic yet but do go check out @yoru-no-seiiki for it (Unless you’re a minor cause that acc doesn’t allow those) as it happens in the same universe(ish) as this one.
So by now you’ve already met yan! father.
(honestly would love to see my moot’s takes on yan! grandparents so if ya’ll see this. it’s not only a sign but a call to aid plez)
mostly based off of mairimashita iruma kun’s sullivan, your YAN! PATERNAL GRANDPA and GRANDMA spoil you a shit ton.
YAN! P! GRANDPA is more on the type to spoil you physically/monetarily. If you have a need or even the slightest hint of desire for something, consider it received. He has saved so much of your drawings and if you happen to be the kid who drew monsters/weird abominations as a child then ya boi definitely has frankensteined some into being. His creations happened to net him a ton of money which he spent all on you as ‘thanks’ but everyone knows it’s just cause he’s infatuated with his cute grandchild.
YAN! P! GRANDMA leans heavily on the ‘unhealthily allowing this kid(you and yan!dad) to do whatever you want and even encouraging it’ sort of parenting. She taught how to kill and do it efficiently as a young child. Uncaring of whatever prophecies schmofeces oracles have of your future. She will make you into an indestructible machine and is hell-bent on it. … You have probably ingested a lot of poison from her cookies as a way to built immunity to the stuff.
Now your maternal grandparents are a lot let on the damaging side but are still pretty over the top.
Your YAN! MATERNAL GRANDPA loves showing off. He’s probably like a war general with many wives and sees love as ‘you worship/admire me’ which he sorta maybe passed unto you. He’s kind of like a caveman and believes a show of strength is in order to be successful. So there’s a lot of him flexing and challenging YAN! PATERNAL GRANDPARENTS to a duel.
Only for YAN! PATERNAL GRANDMA to swiftly have his ass wipe the floor.
YAN! MATERNAL GRANDMA is a jaded woman. She never loved her husband and had always wanted to flee the family and high society until you came along. I see her as the old version of those Manhwa female protags that have rebirthed multiple times and is just tired of the shitty life they’ve been dealt with. She’s incredibly knowledgeable on fashion, trends and the industry as a whole. She’ll make sure you look good at every turn. Maybe even start trends of your own. It doesn’t matter your body type and if isn’t what’s in at the moment, she’ll make it the moment. Unlike the paternal grandma and her husband, she would never put you in harms way. Even extending your time with her so you don’t have to do those barbaric acts with the others.
And then there’s YAN! MENTOR who swore to never have another child under him ever again. The last time he did that, said child (your father) destroyed his precious astrology tower and had him imprisoned for 5 years for a thing he never even did. Sure, 5 years is nothing for thousand or so year old man but boy was he pissed off.
YAN! MATERNAL GRANDPA had to threaten him to have you and YAN! MENTOR is almost thankful that he did.
YAN! MENTOR believes you to be his best student. It definitely did not start off that way. He thought that a prissy, spoiled brat like you would leave the moment he gave you a difficult task but you surprised him with your tenacity. Throughout all his trials for you, you always came out at top, if not persevered until your body couldn’t handle it anymore.
He definitely wants you to kill your dad as compensation though, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up writing him as the reason why you plotted to end the dude’s life.
To keep things fluffy, let’s say in this timeline, he saves you from your dad’s entourage and adopts you.
Your YAN! GRANDPARENTS definitely riot but all are mature enough to understand the situation in the end.
will write more on this on the future but for now, i gotta go! byeeee!!
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laladellakang · 7 months
i’m finally back and i owe you all an explanation. tw a lot of text so the summarised ver. is; i still have writer’s block but i’m feeling more inspired so hopefully content since it is birthday and anniversary month, and i’m revamping this account/editing my fics
so thankfully, i’m not dead, but my account(s) definitely has/have been. the last thing i posted was the beginning of december and the last fic i posted was november
as you all know, i’ve been having constant writer’s block these past few months, and i did some reflecting on my ‘break’ and realised that it’s just a massive accumulation of a lot of things
firstly, it took me so long to just reply to asks because (and i feel like i always say this) i feel horrible if all i do in this acc is yap around and not actually post a fic, because this is why you’re all here for. now i realise that… well maybe if you’re only in it for the fic you wouldn’t follow me and just stalk my page. I DIGRESS, but i just don’t think it’s fair if i come back with no fic, and the problem is; my writer’s block is still going strong.
why and how did this happened has been eating me up terribly and NOW i know why
1. online class is over, so with in person classes and going to uni + my job + maintaining irl relationships, i realised that my brain isn’t entirely focused on just classes and this fic anymore. but i really want it to be because this fic used to be is an escape for me
2. my fucking thesis OH MY GOD. i had so many written assignments + a thesis that writing was suddenly a chore and i wanted to avoid ANYTHING writing
3. my laptop broke :/ thankfully i have a new one now
4. ANXIETY FUCKING SUCKS. as a perfectionist, i feel like my style of writing is so shitty. and i keep trying to fix it but i just don’t know how. i keep rewriting the same thing over and over again just because i think it doesn’t look right
(and also a bonus; i found out a family member of mine is in enhaficblr and i kinda felt sick knowing they might read my stuff)
SO i have ultimately decided to edit and rewrite my fics and keep them within the same link and post BUT keep the archives on wattpad just in case you like them better <3 bc i know the pain of going through fics you liked OR WORSE, COMFORT FICS and finding the links or the work gone
and i’m also going to STOP FUCKING WHINING and try my hardest to write more. i feel like those tiktok comments that go “chop chop movie boy, you chose this life.” i have recently entered the jujutsu kaisen fandom (even though i’m not much of an anime person) and have been really inspired so i hope it can push me through this shitty ass slump i’m in
i love you guys a lot. i see your asks and your comments and they always make me push through (and oftentimes giggle). i’m really really really sorry for the constant wait and i appreciate you so so much. i’ll reply to asks soon 🤍
(pls still love me too 🥺)
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dtmsrpfcringe · 1 month
You really are a dumb fuck, aren't you? You repeated exactly what I said, then told me I was wrong for saying what you parroted back to me. Living in your brain must be fucking insufferable.
Your own words were that they did not know each other ten years ago. Incorrect.
They have both said that they have known each other socially (i.e., friends) since 2001. They did not become close until they were in Good Omens. Yes, that is what I said. That's what you agreed to after I corrected your initial false statement. My god, little wonder you think this blog is a good idea when these are your thought processes.
Nothing else you said makes the slightest bit of sense. I can't even decipher the point of that word salad, and I am a teacher. Why would Michael use the names of the characters when he is talking about the show that the characters are in? What? You are reaching so hard that it is comical.
You are a class act making jokes about a congenital defect that kills newborn infants. Is that the kind of thing the mother of a newborn infant who claims to be a nurse would do? We have established that you are lying about both of those things. You are just an awful person. When it comes down to the real point of this blog, you don't care about the greater good of the fandom. You only want attention. You are shouting about a tiny corner of Tumblr that draws no attention to itself. You bring attention to it. You make it loud. Even when it disappears, you keep bringing it back. What's the real point here? You want attention for yourself. You want to be the hero in a war that doesn't exist.
Maybe you don't ship the hairband. Maybe you just have bad taste in music? I don't care. Either way, you have no place calling out anyone when you support those losers. They are the epitome of the scum of society. Actual misogynists. One of them even murdered someone while driving drunk. That is just the tip of the iceberg. But someone no one knows said something mean about Georgia Tennant on Tumblr? Someone suggests that two men who keep talking about having sex and being in love might be in love. Better clutch your pearls over that! Pathetic.
bae that isn’t what you said. You said they’ve been friends for almost 25 years. Do you write things and just fucking forget them? Or can you just not stop lying?
Tumblr media
I can’t imagine being a teacher and just constantly being so goddamn wrong, I bet your students can’t stand you.
also saying you don’t have a brain isn’t making fun of a congenital defect babe. I’m neither lying about being a mom or healthcare professional. Most people I talk to pretty regularly here have seen my baby, and it would be pretty hard work to have an entire baby to…fake being a mom??? I’m not going to put my baby’s face on here to prove to someone like you that she’s real, and frankly I think it’s a little strange you wanna see that bad babe. Like? Your obsession with an internet stranger’s newborn (i guess infant now omfg) is kinda creepy.
As for my health certification, you don’t know shit actually. I busted my ass in high school to be licensed because of the people who helped me as a kid. Also I’m not a nurse😉 you are right about that. There’s more to healthcare than your RN and MDs lol. You seem like you’d yell at underpaid healthcare workers in the worst way possible.
you obviously did understand, but didn’t want to lick your wounds and slink into the corner.
btw this group absolutely does draw attention to yourself. I found these people by looking for cute Georgia and Anna stuff and finding hate and misogyny spread about them. As for Motley Crue, I hardly listen to them anymore, if literally ever. I haven’t posted anything about them in over a year and that is why I removed 2000 of my followers on instagram and made it private to have a personal acc. I just never bothered changing the username lol. So try again I guess.
Anyways here’s my daily reminder to you that David and Michael would be disgusted with you. Hope you have the day you deserve!
Keep sending these I think we’re falling in love boo🚨🔵🚨🔵
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ryuichirou · 1 month
Some replies!
Anonymous asked:
Hehe thank you!!
I am happy I managed to figure out how to draw the fishies… Azul is one thicc boy
Anonymous asked:
What do you think of Silver x Kalim? Cater x Leona? LMC + Rook x Idia?
Kalim/Silver is cute but unfortunately too cute to click with us; their interactions are sweet and wholesome, but they don’t really give us anything we look for in ships.
Cater/Leona is hmmm nothing against it, but we’re not invested enough in either of them to ship them, plus we haven’t seen anything from their interactions that would grab our attention yet.
Love Rook/Idia though! We have a tag for them and just posted them a week ago, and I’ll write a hc post about them soon… well, at some point…
Anonymous asked:
🐩 anon has arrived once more to thank you for your absolutely delicious art. I had to come out of twst burnout, it's so hard to enjoy the fandom when it's all self righteous antis trying to police the game as if it's not catered to basically young adults and older. These kids have me baffled, it's as if they believe pixels are real people.
I can hardly stand to look at TWST Tumblr anymore either, they're all so white knighted that you'd think they were paid to be piss babies in circles they don't belong in. It's one of those "Why put yourself in that position to see it, if you didn't want to be there in the first place".
Hi 🐩 anon, long time no see! Thank you for being around and still enjoying my art.
I feel you, it really is difficult when you keep seeing people saying the same type of antis bullshit over and over and over again; even if you become apathetic about it, it’s still very annoying. Mostly because it’s impossible to ignore completely – they love to invite themselves to spaces that aren’t meant for them. That’s like the whole idea. No one is forcing anyone to see anything, every ship and triggering trope is always tagged in some way or another, but instead of avoiding this type of stuff they use the tagging system to shit on certain characters and ships directly, just so you couldn’t look for your favourite thing without seeing their outbursts of unsolicited opinions.
It really is very annoying.
Anonymous asked:
🐩 anon again, but now with one that's more funny and teehee haha random info that I thought you'd think it'd be interesting or funny
On that note, I came here because I started a DND campaign with a group over a twst based campaign. It reminded me of you, which made me invested in the campaign. Now I have a whore serving with 18th century fashion, giving Vil a run for his money. So far, 10/10. He has major Edmund and Idia vibes, wants no part of it, gets shit luck anyways and so far, has slept with Bird Man for Ramshackle funds on a bad roll. Mans is a survivor and we are barely halfway into chapter 1 😭
It’s so sweet that you got reminded of us and got invested… I am very glad you’re having fun! “Rewriting” your negative fandom experience with a positive one and good associations is so important.
Major Edmund and Idia vibes + a 18th century fashion whore??? SLEEPING WITH BIRD MAN??? An icon and a hustler. I don’t know him but I love him already…
Anonymous asked:
Good lord. I had randomly followed a twst blog but then I saw them posting about how even though there is a two year age difference between the third-years and first-years, it’s wrong to ship them because the first-years treat them, especially the housewardens, like idols and apparently that’s grooming. Like, no, that’s you in Delululand and I’m about to unfollow and block. #staytoxicbestie
Yeah they seem to have discovered this idea and now put it everywhere, harassing JackVil shippers and such. It’s one of those moments when I genuinely hope that they deliberately lie and reach because I am scared of the idea of anyone being this dumb.
It does suck that there seems to be more people like that lately, and they don’t even tag their accs with “proship dni” anymore either. Gee I wonder why.
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homeonthesea · 4 months
i’ve been working on a scu fic (but at least the ceiling’s very pretty/baltcvp) for like over a year now (the og vers of the first 4 chapters are on my og ao3 acc) and i got bored and made up lore in my bathroom taking a fat shit and then i wrote it down and im really proud of it tbh!!
lmk if this needs any warnings or anything it’ll be below the cut if anyone wants any context to points jus ask me i dont have access to the actual fic doc rn but i rember things
first. the mortal/god stuff.
the reason why their bodies are all at first mortal is the residual imbalance from grizz being dead. in this sort of “au” ig idk, when one god of a pantheon (i.e grizz) dies (which is VERY rare and usually only happens when one god takes out another, i.e bebo shooting him) there’s an imbalance in the world, so the divinity of the others begins to lessen until they’re mortal again. but, as they’re all reunited and grizz is somehow revived, which i’ll get to later, that divinity begins to return to them all
and on the topic of the reunion and grizz’s revival....
it’s a mystery until the end (even after they get charlie back) how they all are back at molympus. but since im god and i wrote this lore bit, i can say it now ^_^
some backstory:
after the boys beat the game, their divinity slowly left them until they were mortal to keep that aforementioned balance. the world became godless, but the people survived, praying to the gods of old (the boys) and believing they could still help (they cant). charlie....is a story for another paragraph, bizly became a recluse and chose to hide in the forests and nature almost to torture himself (grizz was the god of nature and bizly was the one who killed him so), and condi dedicated himself to finding out how to bring grizz back so the world could gain its gods again.
charlie was whisked away by schlart to be readied for the next story ^_^ simce he’s the main character after all :3 anyways hes not relevant
since the world began to crumble in on itself without its gods, thus starts 100 days. schlatt brings charlie in to carry out his final story, but the other two, who are still alive, don’t realize until he shows up again
bizly realized how different charlie was the second he saw him even from a distance, almost miraculously recognizing him, and decided to make a new persona so he wouldn’t have to act like he knew him. he’d been hurt enough by charlie and his distance and his disappearance that he didn’t want to have to try and jog his obviously lost or repressed memory. he left him in the end because he just couldn’t face him anymore. he hated how he looked at him with no recognition despite looking basically the same, maybe just with shaggier hair, sounding the same, just with a slight accent for the bit, being the same. so he left. he was so blinded by anger and frustration that he couldn’t even be fully aware of charlie’s differences and issues.
though he did come back and fight by charlie’s side, in the end. he still cared that much.
condi, on the other hand, almost didn’t recognize charlie by the time he found him. he’d been so beat up and coated in dirt and grime that he was almost unrecognizable. charlie always kept in tiptop shape, so if condi hadn’t recognized the slimes on him he probably would barely realize who he was. plus, his voice was so fucked up due to the haze in the air and still apparent years of disuse that he didn’t even sound himself. where bizly was angry, condi was concerned. condi was genuinely worried at first, but then his focus shifted back to his projects almost unnervingly quickly when he was asked of them.
though he did sacrifice his life to save charlie’s, in the end. he still cared that much.
grizz is dead as hell LMAOAOAOAOAO
after day 100, bizly was the only god of the pantheon alive. still using his florida man persona as basically a coping mechanism at this point, saddled with these two random mortals, one of whom disturbingly reminded him of grizz, he was frustrated. done. he wanted his life back. his friends back. his divinity back.
and one day he woke up back on molympus.
how, you ask? bizly’s frustration, his anger, his grief, it all bottled up in him alongside the last dregs of divinity left in their realm. basically, the world follows the stability of its gods, and since bizly was the last god left, when he broke, so did the world. when the world broke, it killed him in the process.
the death of the gods, with nobody left to be able to channel their divinity, ended the world.
but, like in minecraft, you can always make a new one.
bizly, in his state, accidentally created a new world and revived all four of the gods of old. which lines up, because he was always the healer. the god of life, being the last one to have it.
the god of life, being able to restore it.
now, to clarify charlie’s whole situation.
when he was revived, schlatt was alongside him because the two are deeply intertwined for some insane reason that involves that first encounter. he became the main character of the story schlatt wanted to weave by being the last one left standing. he was the largest subject of the torture put upon everyone. he caused the problems that led to his friends, eventually fellow gods, to hate him, deep down. everyone else were just plot devices for him.
so when he was revived, so was schlatt. and schlatt missed his story. so he decided he’d loop it as many times as it takes charlie to get out with his memories being reset with each loop.
all he had to do was take his shot in the final moments of day 101.
anyways off the topic of charlie because although the fic is based around trying to get him back it focuses on the others more
everyone being revived brought them all to where bizly wanted them to be again: molympus. he’d missed the actual good times they’d had over the few thousand years they spent together, building their world bit by bit, code by code. it held shitty memories of practical verbal abuse, yeah, but it was also one of the safest places he’d ever had. he wanted it back. he wanted his friends.
and, in the end, he got them.
to summarize: everyone turned mortal, fucking died, and bizly revived his friends and fucking brainblasted a new world into existance because he was sad abt all of it. also charlie’s stuck in a time loop but that's not important
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i really don’t feel like a teenager ever
like i feel more like a 50 year old woman than a 16 year old girl. i don’t really talk w my friends abt anything but schoolwork mostly cause that’s the only thing my one school friend talks abt besides her bf and one hobby. i don’t talk abt current shows i gossip some but i find myself not really talking to ppl at all, i don’t go to the movies, i usually only go to the mall alone, when i go over to my bfs house sure we do teen stuff like kiss and cuddle but we don’t talk much mostly just touch, idk i just feel like i wasted all my youth and i feel like an old woman now like my life has been so much longer than it has been. i worry abt all kinds of adult things and i’ve never even really felt like a kid when i was a kid. idk i just see ppl my age having so much fun w their friends and such going places doing things and i just do most things by myself and my life mostly revolves around school rather than the few friends i have. i just feel kinda lonely but not really in a way that more friends would fix it i don’t want a huge friend group. what i miss was the feeling of friendship i had w my middle/elementary school friends it was mostly just the 4 of us and i’ve never had a connection like that since it’s just got me feeling weird abt myself. idk idek if this makes any sense to y’all. i made this acc and started blogging in it the summer before high school cause i felt lonely i lost 3 of my bestest friends and didn’t know what to do and here i am feeling such a similar way and i have been for awhile idk i feeel like isolating myself but i still crave that feeling of not being lonely. idk i’m hoping i can find that in college but i fear i’ll be too old to do all the fun high school things. everyone’s always busy and no one really texts or calls me anymore just my bf and we mostly text and then i ask if he can call. i just feel a bit casted to the side in ppls lives. y’all are really my new best friends cause i just tell y’all everything since i have no one else to tell no one else cares to know. i used to be so happy and idk what happened. i feel like i’m too young to be this sad and depressed these r supposed to be the best years of my life but i’m just angry sad and depressed 90% of the time. snapping at ppl and wanting to run away and go missing or smthn. just to see who comes out of the woodwork (if anyone) to help. i don’t feel like myself anymore i can’t even draw well anymore. like someone took my brain out and replaced it w a diff one. a worse one. i miss that excitement i had the fun other ppl seem to have all the time going out on weekends, going to games w friends, hanging out gossiping and chatting reading magazines. i feel stuck in this limbo of angst and sadness. there must be something wrong w me (more than there already is). i know i had to grow up fast cause of my parents who cause they were always working and my ma in chronic pain couldn’t take care of the house so i’d always spend all of my time cleaning and doing their work for them. i went away for 2 days once when i was like 10 and i came home and rhe house looked like a tornado went thru a frat house. i walking the door there were pizza boxes on the table cans a bottles on the floor garbage everywhere. idk i just feel like i’m too young to already be so tired w life.
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moonjxsung · 7 months
STAR IM DEVASTATED so i have a priv twt acc right w some irls and this stay from stayville req-ed me a long time ago and i was soooo happy that i was mutuals w someone from stayville and i THOUGHT everything between us was cool? but today they unfollowed me and removed me as a follower and im devastated i dunno why they did that :((( i don't think they had a problem w me saying nsfw stuff cuz they previously tweeted things like "cancelling someone over saying smth nsfw abt an adult is stupid" and also ive seen them interact w nsfw minsung posts so i dunno if me tweeting smth like "i wanna suck flxs cock sooooo bad" couldve made them wanna break the mutual??? i dmed them too and i was like "heyy is there a reason you don't wanna be moots w me anymore </3" and not even minutes later they turned off their message perms and im devastated. its STUPID bcs they'd barely interact w me Sure but it felt nice to have a stay be my friend on my priv twt that's usually just for my irls and i </3 it's ironic that they did that too bcs just earlier today (before they broke the mutual) i noticed that my followers went down (i have a very low amt already. like. 25. not even joking) and i tweeted "yall dont wanan be friends w me anymore </3" bcs like. my followers are QUITE LITERALLY only my irls + a skz writer so i was (i think rightfully??) alarmed that the number went down!!!! man im just Sad about it and SIIIGH i know i shouldnt care so much bcs at the end of the day they're just a person online but the least they could've done was dm me back and explain why and GHFSDDSJHFKJADDSDSAAAAA you get me!?!! also im sorry i dropped this on you randomly feel free to ignore LMAAOOAOAO can i be 💫 anon? thank yew <3
(Adding 💫 to the anon list!!! Also fun fact that’s my favorite emoji of all time. Slay)
I feel like I’m the LAST person who should be giving advice abt this bc one of my mutuals and a very good friend of mine who I’d been talking to every day randomly blocked me on everything this week after me literally being there to console this person for every little thing and playing into this pretend homoerotic friendship we had even though she was clearly looking for another boyfriend and would get mad if I even called another girl pretty (???) I wish nothing but the absolute best for her but like…. The double standard is WILD. to not provide closure to a months-long friendship is just genuinely a very mean spirited thing to do imo.
(If she’s reading this, best of luck with everything and I hope you know I cared for you a lot more than you think I did. I distanced myself because you were clearly looking for someone to fill a void in your life that I could simply not fulfill, and I didn’t want to lead you on, nor be kept around like I wasn’t allowed to talk to other girls either. Regardless, I hope you know I used to sleep with my phone on full volume in case you called, and I deleted a page worth of poetry in my notes app for you I meant to deliver on your birthday. I also deleted your number so I have zero way of contacting you, but I will always be here if you need me. Take care and I love you always, I hope you still see me when you look up at the moon)
It’s not the first time I’ve lost an internet friend to the magical world of blocking, but fortunately the attitude I’ve developed towards it is that none of this is real!!! These are people on the internet miles away you’ve never met irl and they have no real impact in your life whether they remain following you or not. I’ve lost internet friends nearly a decade ago that I don’t even remember anymore. Better ones will come along!!! Especially stays! This fandom has so many beautiful remarkable people who are actually worth following and they wouldn’t cut you off like that. Sending so many positive vibes your way and I KNOW that the universe will send you some better mutuals. In the meanwhile I will be your internet bestie and I would never unfollow you for nsfw content or without some form of an explanation. And I also want to suck Felix’s dick. 🩷🫶
(I love you, don’t be so hard on yourself!!!! You’re wonderful, angel 🩷 anyone would be lucky to be moots with you)
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transboysokka · 10 months
Yes, hello, hi! I would love to see any of the dialogue you want to share from your Love Lives in Injuries and Those Who Know Them.
Sure! For context this was supposed to kind of tie together this post about Sokka and disability and these posts (and a ton more like it) about the issues and trauma he's always dealt with and how he would be after the war. We see a lot (including from me) about Sokka helping Zuko through some stuff after the war, but it's time to flip the tables
So this was meant to be Sokka learning how to be vulnerable and accept help from others and we would have seen some cute scenes of Zuko taking care of him on his bad days, like using his firebending to heat Sokka's leg, omg
That's the vision I had from the title, which by the way comes from this post I saw the other day by @zukkaart
anyway im rambling again. i didnt get to a LOT of the cute stuff before this got too long and out of hand and begged to be abandoned but here are three of my favorite dialogue scenes I'd written
between sokka and katara:
“Sokka, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” “Can you honestly tell me if you would have been able to fix it?” “...Maybe not. I’m sorry…” “Don’t be sorry.” “I’m still mad at you for not involving me in this for almost a decade. You’re very lucky you weren’t nearby when I first got Zuko’s letter.” “I know, but–” “Sokka, what have we been working on? We’re both adults. You don’t need to protect me anymore. The war is over. You can ask for help. Zuko was right there for you this whole time and–” “Old habits die hard, I guess…” “Sokka–” “How are the kids?” “...They’re fine... Kya’s coming along really well with her bending. Does that hurt?” “Always.” “Has the brace been helping at all?” “I thought the new one I made would help more, and I know it is helping but I still…” “And your other knee and hips?” “Yeah, it’s definitely starting to spread.” “Well, not spreading technically, but the way you’ve learned to walk around the injury is starting to permanently affect your other joints…” “Uh huh. So what happens now?” “I’m gonna give it to you straight. If you keep on working as hard as you do, that’s all going to get worse. I’m surprised you aren’t feeling it more in your back yet.” “Spirits, I’m so tired of–” “Listen first, okay? I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I think we both know how lucky you are after falling from that airship. I’m glad it’s taken this long for it to catch up to you.” “But?” “But… It’s only going to keep getting worse– Let me finish! You need to hear this. You need to make some changes. If you keep training as hard as you are and pushing yourself so much, it’s going to get worse faster.” “You can’t ask me to stop training, Katara. You know how much it means to me. I need to–” “Sokka. I know how you feel. But you don’t need to work so hard to protect us anymore, okay? Zuko can take care of himself, and he has Suki and all of his guards. Aang and I have been on our own for years now. The war is over. Let us take care of you for a change.” “You know I can’t–” “I’m not asking you to just sit around the palace. You just need to change up your schedule and routine, can you do that for me? Healer Sano can help organize some new exercises for you.” “Fine. I get it.” “You need to start taking more advantage of your downtime. Sit when you can. Stay inside and rest at least one day a week. I should recommend more, but I know you…” “I get it, Katara. I do. Thank you.” “There’s one more thing. You’re not going to like it.” “...What.” “You need to start using a cane.” “...” “Sokka?” “Katara. I’m not even thirty-five years old.” “I know, and like I said, it’s amazing you’ve made it so long without needing it. There’s no shame in–” “I’m too young to need that.” “Sokka. We both know you can barely walk across the palace anymore without needing to sit down. This will help you.” “I can’t– I don’t want–” “Sokka. Look at me. This has been coming for a long time and I know you’ve been ignoring it, but it’s time to accept that there are just some things you can’t do anymore and that you need help to do the things you still can.” “I–” “It’s important to have these feelings. Don’t feel bad for them. You need to work through the anger and shame and whatever else you’re feeling. You can talk to me or you can talk to Zuko, and I know it’s hard for you to talk through anything, but it’s important that you do talk to someone so you can work past this. Don’t bottle it up again.”
and after between sokka and zuko
“How did it go with Katara?” “Didn’t she tell you?” “Only a little. How are you feeling?” “Fine.” “Should I ask you again?” “I’m… okay.” “Can I ask why you aren’t using the cane?” “I… have complicated feelings about it.” “Can I help you try to work through them?” “I… okay.” “So do you think it would help your overall pain?” “Yeah.” “And do you think it could help keep the rest of your complications at bay a little bit longer?” “I guess so, yeah.” “But you still feel… weird about it?” “Mm-hmm.” “Okay. Do you think people will… judge you for using a cane?” “No, not at all. It’s… not about how I would be perceived. I don’t think.” “But…?” “I… I don’t know. I feel like I’m giving in. Like I’m admitting to myself that I have this weakness.” “Hm.” “The logical part of my brain knows that’s not true, that it’s not a weakness, that actually the cane would help the weakness, but it still feels like I’m giving up!” “...” “I can’t explain it. I feel like I’m finally being forced to acknowledge that there are things I can’t do anymore and that terrifies me.” “Why?” “I… I need to…” “...” “I need to be able to protect you.” “Babe… I understand that this would be hard for you with everything you’ve been working through since the war. I respect that and I wish you could be dealing with anything else right now. But you know you don’t need to protect me, right?” “If there were another assassination attempt and I couldn’t get to you–” “Baby, there hasn’t been an assassination attempt in years. You saved my life countless times and I’m grateful, but we’re in a time of peace now and you’ll never need to do that again. Besides, there are dozens of guards around at all times.” “I know…” “And more importantly. If there were another attempt and you weren’t able to get to me in time because of your injury, would it be the cane’s fault?” “No! And that’s what I hate! That my own body has betrayed me to the point that I’m not even able to do what I’ve always been good at.” “Sokka. The war is over. I know this whole ordeal has brought back a lot of that stuff for you, but it’s been over for a long time.” “Yeah.” “And you’re good at a lot of things that aren’t affected at all. Does your leg have anything to do with your ability to work on any of your inventions?” “You’re right.” “I’m here for you, babe. Agni knows you’ve been here for me more times than I can count. I know you’re going to be angry about this and I know it’s something you’re going to have to keep adjusting to, but I’m here to go through it all with you.” “I love you so much.” “I’m here for your good days and your bad days. Don’t be afraid to ask me for anything. If I need to cancel a meeting to sit in bed with you, I’ll do it. If you’re too tired to walk back from dinner, I’ll carry you. Anything. There’s no shame in letting others take care of you. You’re safe here.” “I believe you. Thank you”
and later, because it's just so visceral...
“Babe, why is your cane in the turtle duck pond?” “Oh, is that where it ended up?” “Sokka. What’s going on?” “...Having a bad day.” “Yeah, I gathered.” “It’s so beautiful out. And the first thought I had when I woke up was that I wanted to take you for a picnic up the volcano.” “But you weren’t feeling up to it.” “I hate this shit sometimes.” “I know, babe. It really gets to you at times like this. But we can still have a picnic closer to home. The gardens are fine.” “Yeah, okay.”
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crguang · 3 days
ok honestly im kinda done w genshin atp, like the story is okay, the whitewashing tho is pissing me off tho, um idk, i like the game play, and also i gotta get to sneznaya or wtv when that comes out. and did u just not like the sumeru characters bc more of them are men.../j i still dont have yelan or arle very sad...they're like top 10 genshin characters for me, i was too broke to pull for them when they were running
ALSO that's not what i meant abt natasha, like as a character shes good and i like her, and her story is good, i dont dislike her, what i meant is that i cant be attracted to her, like idk...bc all the stuff u listed i should like her, so like idk. i dont skip story, i did her sq, so maybe it is just the fact that shes a doctor, like that was how she was presented at first and i just cant look past it ok... my mom was a doctor so i just cant...my mommy issues strike again, and i just dont rlly like doctors in general havent had good experiences w them before, so i cant be attracted to one...idk, like ik shes like way more than that. and i did get a few adds for her so its prob that as well that kind messed with my perception of her at the beginning, the only hsr adds i every got continously was kafkas trailer.
tbh i shouldve realized i liked women when i saw kafka dragging her fingers across a wall wish i was that wall with like her voice in the background and that was what made me decide to play the game. they know what they're doing...
speaking of which i got her other two messages, shes ridiculous, like i cant believe she can just go to a movie theater like that, and her checking up on you...i did scream. shes pathetic... honestly her being into phycological thrillers makes sm sense, so she was def seeing one of those. and i think shes exposing herself bc of both of the reasons you listed (also like it being on a burner acc incase she gets rejected...i obviously wasnt mean to her tho).
honestly im just shy sat okay...thats why im an anon, but it is funny, since we're all reading ur smut, and thirsting over everyone together.
i did sleep i promise, i dont really like taking medicine, again doctor stuff, but i'll been taking some melatonin bc last night it took be 3 and a half hours to sleep and ive been drinking tea and stuff, but ill be going to sleep after this. wish me luck.
i also wanted to last until snezhnaya like i remember a few years ago when the first fatui trailer dropped after inazuma and my entire timeline went crazyyyy, people who didn’t play the game anymore got back into it just for the fatui like they really united everyone… but since the characters and stories dont do anything for me now i personally never feel like playing. and yes i actually was so bored with sumeru because im not interested in men at all dhfjgkgk but also the whitewashing there pissed me off and how they nerfed dehya and made her a horrible standard character was so annoying like i didnt pull for a single sumeru character 😭 arle/yelan is an insane duo, my yelan is great cause shes been my main for years so she doesn’t need anyone but adding arle is just cheating fr. look at my favs beefing (clorinde was there for the friendship points😪)
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i thought you disliked nat because you said your friend thought you disliked her bc she was a doctor, but it makes sense if you’ve had bad experiences with healthcare professionals and are reminded of them when you see doctors. personally i love when people who work in healthcare actually care about the patients they have because it’s quite literally life saving and sooo many of them dont give a fuck, that’s why i adore natasha a lot. it’s totally fine if you’re not attracted to her, you don’t have to be!
kafka’s trailer changed my brain chemistry and i can recite it by heart from how often ive watched it. they definitely knew what they were doing especially with these shots like can i please be that guy… i’ll take the bullet too idgaf. AND YES THE MOVIE THEATER SHES SUCH A LOSERRR, THE “my life is an action movie btw lol haha” when the tb says they like action films is so ridiculous. i need to look up her other answers but when she said the action movies lacked immersion i pat myself on the back for writing that she likes psychological thrillers over horror or any other genre like i know her for real… im literally inside her head.
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im glad youre sleeping even if it takes a little while!! hopefully your internal clock stops messing woth you and allows you to get some good rest
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 1 month
(This is more of a personal post/rant so just like ignore it if you want)
Im so so so so tired of the ST fandom- I’ve been taking a bit of a tumblr break recently, I’ve been getting sick a lot (nothing srs, it’s just summer and my body hates it) and like trying to get diagnosed with POTS and all sorts of stuff- but specifically from the ST tag because it’s so negative all the time- there’s so much hate going on, and like I used to just focus on the positive stuff (shout out to my Henry Moots/Henry cultists, y’all are the best) but it’s gotten harder especially with the rise and fall of popularity with filming going on- and just how much hate this fandom throws at each other FOR NO REASON-
And IK that’s like every fandom ever, I know all fandoms have their flaws, I get that- but it just makes me *so sad* because I used to love it, every single bit of it. Byler was the reason I got tumblr in the first place ST was the reason I hopped on and got super into analyzing and it just makes me upset looking in on it now because..everything is so so negative
and this isn’t like a goodbye post to the ST fandom, I love this show and the story they’ve made and everything that’s coming together, I think my moots are awesome and I love a select few Byler accs, and I giggle and twirl around at BTS like any other fan. But I’m just tired, and I don’t get that same happiness and giddiness from the fandom anymore. I’m gonna go on a rewatch with my friend soon once we finish TGP, hopefully anyways, im just sorta sad ig
And this isn’t meant to come off bitchy or whiny or anything like that, it’s just BAGHH I WISH I STILL COULD FEEL SO SO HAPPY IN IT AND LIKE EVERYTJING WAS PERFECT- and im aware that complaining about how toxic smth is won’t make it better and it does make me come off as whiny, but im also allowed to miss what it was and feel nostalgic
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jzdnl · 10 months
Hi Nori! Idk if youre going to see this but I thought I should reach out.. somehow..? I don’t know what happened but the note on the latest chapter of A Family Affair and your twitter acc not exisiting anymore made me worried.. We don’t know eachother but I’ve been religiously reading your fanfics and love your writing. I feel like I should’ve commented more to express it and these recent stuff made me kinda realize it.. I hope my reaction isnt too dramatic lmao, I just appreciate you a lot for all the work you put in your fanfics and feeding us with these stories 💕 I hope everything is alright ;-; please take care
your message came to my email, so i saw it (surprisingly) right away. i decided to respond bc i don't want you to worry about me. i'm totally fine now. i appreciate you reaching out to me, and i'm happy you enjoyed reading my stuff!
i suppose i'll say more here as i didn't say anything on twitter and just deactivated in silence. so: i'm done being jzdnl. i do what i do bc it's fun to write and i get excited sharing my stories with people. i like talking about the scenarios i come up with and i love using fic to explore my favorite characters, ships, and dynamics further. i have been so unhappy in fandom for at the very least a full year. from the bullying to the drama and the bullshit, i'm exhausted. every time i look at twitter user jzdnl or ao3 user jzdnl and now, with this reminder, tumblr user jzdnl i fucking hate it. if you're an avid reader of my stuff, you may have noticed i don't write nearly as much or as quickly as i used to. i felt like i wasn't writing fic bc i loved it anymore. i was just doing it bc i was used to it. the love and enjoyment i had got sucked out of me and i don't care to force it anymore. i'm done with that.
that's really the gist of it. you may run into me on twitter some time, depending on who know, bc i am nori and will always be nori. jzdnl is just a bunch of random letters like the many other names i've gone by. i'm not running away from who i am and i'm not giving up on the things i do like. this era is just over with. i don't want to be around people who just see me as a fic dispenser, nor do i want to be around people (to put it plainly) i don't like. at the end of the day, this is a hobby for me, and i want to get back to enjoying it.
sorry i used your message to rant lmao
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adrealucia · 2 months
Hiya so I'm on anon just because I'm awkward but I noticed you followed me and I followed you back for a while but I looked at your rules and saw you want minors to avoid your blog, and I was wondering if that means don't interact in general or just with any 'smut' I guess? I don't want to follow you back or interact with your writing if you don't want any minors interacting with your content or anything, I'm just asking for clarification
heyya!! i haven’t updated my rules in a while so i understand if you’re confused, back when i started this acc i used to write a lot of smut/nsfw content and felt a little bit uncomfortable with minors reading that or interacting with my content in general!
i am not really writing much nsfw content anymore and i can’t keep anyone from reading the nsfw content i used to write, but i am always making sure to label my content with sfw or nsfw!
so of course you’re free to follow me and also interact with my content (i‘d just prefer if you would keep away from the nsfw stuff)
so sfw: everyone can read and interact as long as they’re comfortable
nsfw: please don’t read or interact if you’re underage
I hope this clarifies things for you and maybe other people who wondered! also i’ll make sure to update my rules as soon as i can :)
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linkneol091 · 1 year
Idk if I’m being correct but I feel like my acc is being associated ONLY with spider man content. Most of my subscribers are for spider man content, my most liked posts are from spider man media ( the only fandom who could compete was tmnt). Even recent spider punk one is being liked much more than jake the dog.
And Imm like. I’m not even in the fandom anymore. Ofc that universe is beloved to me, I love characters, music and depth but Im FAR not as active as I was. And I want to move on to other things.
So like I just wanted to say that yeah, ig I’ll post spider man content but don’t expect me to be active and as enthusiastic. I became a lil cold to it, and I look from a rational perspective, not from emotional. I want to draw other stuff and discuss other stuff and yeah it probably will be hard, but hey, art was always smth personal to me, and when peps asked me to make money I was always like “ HELL NAAAAAAH” bc I want to create what I WANT no matter what.
+ I’m studying in one of the best medical schools in my country ( it has nuclear bombs) so yeah I often wont even have time AND powers.
Ik I don’t have pressure, and I like posting here, but I fet like I had to say this. Just for myself as usual. Pls don’t expect things from me, I’ll do it my way
Also yeah I’ll probably change icons, peter b you were a legend
P.s. https://api-http2.tumblr.com/v2/blog/linkneol091.tumblr.com/avatar/512
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Will leave him here
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everlasting-elegy · 2 years
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I AM REVIVED, I LIVED I LOVED I DIED literally i have a long story time for you to ʕ•ε•ʔ
I had swimming yesterday for a lesson, it was supposed to be three periods and they were holding an examination for like your skills since these people were not our regular teachers 👩‍🦲 I have such low stamina for not training anymore in sports these past few years,, I swam five laps and omw back I was starting to slow down 🏋‍♀️ I was like oh no hel☹️p when I got up to sit back down for the next style my legs were trembling I couldn't even move 😭❓❓ my head was aching and I felt so dizzy I kept waiting and I told my frds about the dizziness and stuff then at some point while waiting I had to urge to vomit 😦 i acc couldnt take it after a few seconds and told my friends one of them told me to go to the bathroom and i was like i dont wanna explain to the instructor since it sounded like a excuse to me but the lady was really nice in general. my friend told me to just run over and she would explain so i did,, i could not even see where i was going from the dizziness LOL the instructor told me to just use the handicapped bathroom 👩🏻‍🍳 i thought it was a storage room tb but anywyadf i stood inside there for so long my frd came back to check on me but the feeling of wanting to vomit wasnt there anymore but i was still so dizzy my legs also couldnt take it, i didnt wanna sit on the toilet 😥 i got forced to go to the nurse after my frd and i took a quick cleanse for our hair and changed she walked me there, thankfully its on the same floor, my hair is really long and still wet with my towel and the nurses were like oomg it so wet change towel pleek 😟 they thought i was gonna get sick or catching a cold because of the sudden weather changes between these few days along w swimming so i rested and fell asleep for like three periods and i still felt terrible and they said to get my phone back to call my mother to pick me up but i was like 🙊 what if she busy w a session, i hesitated alot with the decision but i felt like i was dying and the urge to vomit kept coming back and forth 🏌🏻‍♀️so one nurse took me to the elevator up to the 6th floor to get all my stuff just in case,, in the end she was able to pick me up and when i explained to my mother about everything she instantly figured out like i lacked glucose and sleep 💔💔 she told me to eat chocolate first before telling me that so i was like what ⚰️ felt better this morning but the nauseousness kept coming back from time to time 👬 and im still a little dizzy while writing this, that was so chaotic 👩🏻‍🚀
- 🎎/Ko
OH MY GOD KO YOURE BACK I MISSED YOU SO MUCH don’t tell me you died literally what- 😭😭 BUT ALSO I HOPE YOU’RE FEELING BETTER NOW!! The lack of glucose is one thing but having the extra adrenaline and stress of being examined while being low on fuel probably made everything worse on your body DDD: I’m glad your friends and the instructor were all understanding though!! I’ve heard of some staff who are downright cruel when it comes to students struggling
I had something similar YEARS ago when I actually touched grass did sport. Did an hour of swimming then tennis while there was back burning so I was inhaling smoke for 2 hours straight and without any food 🙃 When I got home I was NOT looking good skdjskdj. I answered this a few days late (IM SO SORRY ABOUT THAT BY THE WAY) but take it easy for now, alright?? <333
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
Hi Mollie from a PR standpoint the step mom making her Twitter private was a move on her part, made in effort to keep her account and stop the hate at least slightly, but the account being deleted was a publicist’s advice. In an effort to delete the interaction as a whole in a way (even though stuff on the internet lives forever) and I’m actually expecting for us to get a pap walk after this. Whether with Kaia to be like “we aren’t commenting on it, but we’re fine” or by himself to make the majority of the general fandom happy like “forget the drama, look at me.”
Kate won’t get involved anymore with that, sadly hate speaks loud and is a part of ALL fandoms especially for men that females want that have partners, unless Austin decides he wants to make a comment but I doubt he will. Make a comment once and it’s gonna make the media think they have a pass to ask on your private life/relationship and I don’t think they want to invite that in.
(if you want me to take this down you can send another anon and i will!!)
oh ive been hesitant to say this bc ik the other side will twist it as like- gerber estate directive LOL. but in my mind there’s no way kate wasn’t looped in on ‘that side’ yesterday- if she wasn’t before. i don’t know if you saw tracy’s last two tweets before she deleted her account (and i’m rlly not comfy posting them since she was private- but it was a heads up she was deleting her acc and saying she didn’t mean to cause a frenzy) but they felt very Drafted and Edited. which is fine and good- i think things escalated to the extent that austin’s team needed to get involved. it just sucks that it even got to this point. like you said, fandoms get mean/weird and that’s unfortunately just the internet. but directly harassing a member of his family is a massive escalation from idk weird link tree essays.
and even if the deleting the account all together was a directive from his team it still hurts my heart for her. she’s been using the account to look at austwt since last summer with 0 issues, but she happened to mention to the “wrong people” who she was and all hell broke loose. i’m glad at least that she was liking ppl’s “you did nothing wrong” tweets before her acc was deleted/knows we aren’t all like that. what a mess.
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