#i just don't have the mental energy to put them into words :sob:
inmyloveworld · 3 months
i'll look after you (bradley "rooster" bradshaw x reader)
word count: ~1.3k
synposis: "don't think, just do," was a challenging mentality to live by. but bradley quickly finds there is a balance to be had between thinking and doing.
warnings: allusions to anxiety, work abuse, overthinking
a/n: another hurt/comfort, who's surprised? this has been sitting in my drafts with an unfinished smut ending for a month but i’m electing to post without it as i’m not confident in my ~other~ writing abilities yet.. enjoy!
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It was rare that the Navy ever let its aviators off early for the day; even more so for the elite members of Top Gun. Yet, with the clock barely stroking past a sunny four, Bradley was reclined on the sofa with a beer in hand. The house was spotless thanks to a shared cleaning spree the day prior. Nothing could have made for a more perfect turn of events.
But Bradley was pondering on the few texts he'd received that day. They were void of any of the color and character he was used to. None of the words exaggerated their spelling, and periods punctuated every short sentence. Everyone had once remarked him as a chronic overthinker both in the air and on the ground. It was easy to dismiss the gnawing he felt in his gut as the remnants of that mentality.
So, he cracked a Heineken and let himself indulge in uncommon solitude. The flat screen played his favorite drama to placate his mind. A subtle hunger led to perusing online menus for takeout ideas. Every little bit of stimulation was a welcome distraction from his pompous presumptions.
And then he heard it: the abrupt slam of a car door. Fumbling footsteps made their way to the front stoop followed by a clamoring of keys against the painted wood. Bradley grinned as he awaited the arrival, even through the slight tug of worry in his chest.
He watched as you stumbled inside without care. Shaking hands hung up tightly gripped keys and those same fumbling feet kicked off their shoes in frustration. Your shoulders rose and fell sharply with every short breath.
Was I overthinking?
Bradley had yet to see your face, had yet to meet those eyes always bright with excitement. Your face remained tucked toward the wall with each passing second. Swallowing his hesitation, Bradley spoke over the TV. "Baby?"
Your body reacted in shock, jolting up as your head whipped around.
I wasn't.
Hot tears were rolling down your cheeks. Said cheeks were splotchy, proof that these tears were far from the first you'd shed that day. The bright eyes he adored were puffy and red. Their brightness now was not out of joy but sorrowful watering.
Bradley's heart clenched tightly. "Oh, angel," he cooed, hurrying to displace his Heineken to a coaster and mute the TV. You had little time and no energy left to fight his comfort. As your boyfriend stood before you with open arms, you crashed into them.
He wasted no time in embracing you. Sobs broke past your wobbling lips and muffled against his shoulder. "I've got you, babe," Bradley soothed. "I've got you, it's okay. Just let it out."
All you had ever wanted was for someone to support you whenever life put you through the wringer. Bradley felt it a great privilege to be that support, knowing you'd do nothing short of the same for him. He almost cursed himself for letting his insecurities derail his intuition for you, but dismissed the old habit of self-deprecation. Nothing mattered more in this moment than helping you get back on your feet.
"I- I didn't know, you'd be ho-home," you blubbered. The comment irked something in him. How long had you been coming home in a similar state, putting yourself together just in time for him to get home? Were there more despondent texts or other warning signals he hadn't picked up on?
Each hypothesis built a greater desire to look after you, and to follow up on any twinge of doubt he felt. He needed not only to think but to take action on what he thought. "Shh, none of that, baby. None of that. You can always let go around me, okay? 'Can always tell me what's bugging you."
The words lifted heaviness off of you little by little. You cried more at the safety you felt in his words. Bradley guided you, leaden-legged, to the couch. He sat first before gently tugging you atop his lap.
Warm palms rubbed against your cheeks to dry them. Warmer brown eyes sunk into yours, unconditional love seeping through every glint of gold. "Do you wanna talk about it now, or later?" Though not wanting to let your feelings fester, Bradley didn't desire to press you for answers.
He watched as you took in a steady breath and nodded slowly. "Work's just.. just been really frustrating." You sniffled before continuing with anecdotes of being overworked and underappreciated.
Bradley continued to rub softly at your skin as you spoke. His lips pressed assuring kisses to your temples at times you got too worked up to continue. He gave every ounce of care and attention he could to your stories as you vented them out.
You slumped forward in his hold as you finished with a heaving sigh. Another soft kiss was pressed to the crown of your head. "Thank you for telling me, baby." His hands took up rubbing up and down your arms to help ease any remaining tension.
Bradley wasn't sure what he could say or do to make any of this better for you, to help resolve your problems in one fell swoop so that you never had to feel this way again. At the same time, he wasn't sure that a fix-it attitude was what you wanted or needed.
Don't think, just do.
"I want you to know that you're amazing. You work your ass off in everything you do without any promise of reward, and that's really admirable." You lifted your head slightly to see him, to see the sincerity dripping from his praises. "But you deserve recognition for it. It's not fair that you're continually overlooked for fuckheads who don't do a fraction of the shit you do. And it's not fair that you're made to feel so much less than you're worth. I'd kick all their asses if I could." His empty threat broke a small giggle from your lips as grateful tears replaced those of frustration.
Bradley returned your smile with one of his own before resuming a serious tone. "You don't ever have to put on a show for me, okay? I want you to know you're safe to come to me with anything, even the littlest complaints that you write off as whining. Do you ever think I'm whining about Jake getting on my nerves? Or Maverick getting too tough with me in the air?"
"Okay, that wasn't the best example." You laughed again, louder this time, and Bradley felt his chest swell with pride. He leaned forward to catch your lips against his, softly, allowing you to take the reins. The kiss stayed soft and sweet as you melted against him. Soft breaths filled the space between you as you parted, resting foreheads against one another. "I'll always look after you, angel. Don't forget that." You nodded in agreement before kissing him once more.
"Thank you."
🏷️: @avengersfan25
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
What happens to Teen Fushiguro in the Shibuya Arc after Kenjaku & Mahito kidnap her?
Ah yes, I forgot about this one. Okay, so I imagine that they take you underground or wherever their lair is and like idk... cast spells on you to keep you from using your powers against them. You continue to threaten them, hurl insults at them and they find it amusing because 1. You're a child 2. You don't even know how easily they could kill you. 3. You're a child, why are you trying to fight the boss fights??💀
Anyways, you grow on them and they do end up becoming yanderes for you too. I mean, Kenjaku is like grandfather/guardian figure to you, and if like Getou is still alive/concious inside him, then he's like an uncle/godfather figure to you. They're bothe very protective, Getou more than Kenjaku, while Kenjaku is more like those veteran granddads who want you to become the best version of yourself and be independent, so they don't help you unless they absolutely do need to step in, but nevertheless love you. And once you do learn whatever skill/lesson he wanted you to, or actually become independent, he does not want you to use those new skills or become independent and stop relying on him for "protection" (even if u don't want it in the first place) or leave him/try to replace him. Nuh uh.
Same goes for Getou too, only he's far more gentle with you. Of course he wants you to be stronger and independent too, but he's far more likely too jump in to help you way before any true harm befalls you. He's softer in his lessons, always has that gentle smile on his face as he dodges whatever attack you launch on him. Encouraging words as he pats your head while you're on the ground trying to catch your breath.
As for Mahito, he's much more like an annoying older brother who bullies you for shits and giggles but God forbid if anyone else hurts you. I mean he'd still make fun of you for getting hurt, but rest assured whoever harmed you is now obliterated.
Your time with them is spent with Kenjaku provoking you and finding whatever it is that makes you tick and then having you spar with curses or with Mahito (who takes great joy in being a jerk). And sure, compared to all of their other victims, you're in "paradise," but in reality, your mental is taking a plunge very fast. Because Kenjaku and Mahito have realised your trigger point-
Abandonment issues.
So they use that against you. Everyday, they tell you that your father left you, that Megumi never fought hard enough for you because he didn't like you, that Gojo knew Megumi had a sister but he didn't take you in with him, and that the Zenin clan did consider you a nuisance which is why they let Gojo take you to Jujutsu High, just so that Gojo can use you as a weapon.
And sure, you'd argue that none of it is true but when a lie is told enough times, it starts to feel like the truth. So with the constant feed of negative words and being cut off from the outside world, reader couldn't help but believe all those lies, and that's how her self esteem and mental health took a turn for worse. She becomes more isolated, more quiet, more... dead. She lacks the energy to fight off those curses, not even fazed as they come a little too close to actually killing you (obv Kenjaku or Mahito step in before they can). And this is the point where they think that now that they have broken you down, they can start building you up again... and have you join their side of the battle. Of course, you're still against that, just not putting any actual effort into reacting to them, but then... they bring Megumi.
Or well, Sukuna occupying Megumi's body.
You instantly recognised them both- recognised the shift in the energy, recognised the monster who was disguised as your brother and you broke down. Fell to your knees, sobbed hard enough for your body to shake until Sukuna gathered you in his arms and moved to a private space, away from prying eyes.
You cried and cried, and Sukuna didn't need you to actually say anything for him to understand. You were mourning for your brother, who you knew has a target on his back now that he was Sukuna's vessel, who wouldnt be leaving him so easily. He just patted your back and assured you that everything will be alright if you just listen to him, made you remember how he promised that he'd always be there for you, made you promise to stick by his side and nothing bad will ever happen to you.
"Sukuna?" Your teary voice croaked, the curse king hummed in response. "Promise you won't hurt Megumi? Won't let anyone else hurt Megumi?"
Despite everything, you still cared for your brother. You didn't really need him, but the way you begged... Sukuna didn't have the heart to say no.
"Okay. Only if you listen to me." You nodded, sniffling as you rested your head against his shoulder.
From there on, I think that Kenjaku will continue to help you weild your powers to become the perfect vessel for Sukuna (who has actually no intention of using you as a vessel, no he just wants you by his side for eternity, all for him to spoil and pamper). You follow Sukuna's rules, stay indoors and only come out when he let's you accompany him, sometimes he'd let you enter his domain expansion so that you could meet Megumi, who tries to convince you run for your life and don't worry about him.
Now, I like to think that a point comes when Gojo is finally free from the prison realm and is now ready to beat everyone's asses, and that's when Sukuna mentions how he has been having a good time with you, which only provokes Gojo to fucking murder him and even Megumi, before he finally decides to just beat his ass and look for you (probably when you stop Gojo from killing Megumi) and that's how Gojo ends up snatching you away as you scream for Sukuna to not kill Megumi, beg Gojo to let you go because Sukuna would kill Megumi if you're not there. And all of this sounds like Stockholm syndrome to Gojo and the gang, who again, keep you under lock and key.
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fatuismooches · 17 days
Sobbing rn I just got hit with the cutest hurt/comfort idea for fragile!reader and Dottore
(The hurt in this instance is just fragile!reader's self deprecating inner monologue 😭)
What if reader was the sort who fussed over their appearance a lot? In the Akademiya they wouldn't be caught dead with dark circles under their eyes or having their hair messy.
Even if they did pull all nighters for a project, they always found time to put just a little bit of make-up on to lighten up their eyebags, and always had a simple yet neat hairstyle in mind in times they're in a rush.
They might be perishing from all the studies and assignments but they're going to look good doing it!
This made Reader and Zandik an even odder pair in the Akademiya. Reader who is always neat and in style, versus Zandik who just spent the whole night taking apart a ruin guard somewhere in Avidya Forest until the sun rose and he showed up as is.
That was one of the features Zandik found 'annoying' about Reader before they got together. Like - ugh they're so bubbly and energetic! They're running around everywhere and they're so chatty! Them with their— nice hair! And— pretty eyes, and those robes that actually fit them as if they were tailored! How pretentious of them— (he was down bad. Bro was coping with anger to bat away the feels)
But of course, that was all in the past. In the present, Reader can't take care of their appearance anymore. They couldn't even pick up a hairbrush, their joints ached horribly, they don't have the strength to hold something so light, they don't have the energy to do the basic care of untangling the strands of hair either.
They can't stand looking at their own reflection. That sense of 'wrongness' they couldn't fix, what they couldn't hide. How desperately they wanted to put just a little bit of blush at least, to give their skin some life with how sickeningly pale it was, no longer warm and saturated as it used to be.
They can't look at their eyes either. The greying, sagging bags beneath their lids was a taunt. No amount of sleep would get rid of them.
They can't wear outfits that were too elaborate. Their temperature fluctuated too much, a deathly cold beneath their skin, then a sudden spike in heat as if they were being scorched by the desert sun. They have to wear basic garments, comfortable without hindering layers to slow down their daily check-ups.
Reader is thankful for the segments caring for them, they really are. A segment brushing their hair while talking to them is a highlight of their day.
But... it wasn't the same.
Of course it wouldn't be, the segments were carers, nor stylists.
Still, the fact that they had no control over their appearance and presentation had their mental state withering.
Dottore noticed this. How withdrawn his dear had become. They had their days of silence, yes... but this was more sombre than usual.
He concludes that their illness was flaring up again, and that they were masking their pain instead of consulting with him. He comes to their room of course, his current duties be damned (not that he could've been productive even if he had wanted to, the Segments were restless and shrinking away from their tasks, their darling's current disposition bothered them.)
Opening the door slightly to enter, he sees them blankly staring at their reflection, prodding a finger on their prominent eyebags, rubbing their cheek to see if it would redden.
Ah... how could he had forgotten that. They were once very particular of how they looked. He should have known this possibility, witnessing their own sickly reflection would be distressing...
[The Crow visits a certain Dove. Despite how stiff and vague the Doctor had been with his words, the Damsalette only tittered in understanding, and imparted the knowledge he was seeking.]
The next day, Reader is sat on their vanity, waiting for a Segment to tend to them (always with a little bit of struggle to walk in the morning, but it's the least they could do to be less of an inconvenience already.)
The minutes tick by... he's late. Did something happen?
More time goes by, and they become more worried. They were about to get up and search before the door creaks open.
Zandik...? And he's carrying a... why does he have a bag?
They have plenty of questions. Why the late arrival? What was in the bag? Why was Zandik himself here?
Before they could ask all of this, however, he sets the small bag down on the vanity. He riffles through it... are those make-up brushes?
Wait, make-up?
The next half-hour was spent in stunned silence for Reader's part, Zandik was silent as well out of careful concentration. Gently applying everything, his touch on the brush strokes and blending soft... applying gloss on their lips.
Once Zandik moves on to their hair, they finally catch a glimpse of their reflection. Their cheeks were rosey, the dark circles under their eyes concealed, their lips no longer appearing dry, and instead plump and shimmering.
... they almost looked like the way they were before their illness.
But it was enough.
(Reader tries so hard not to cry. Fighting back tears, not wanting to ruin the make-up Zandik so diligently applied. Once Zandik was finished with their hair... they may have hiccuped a little bit.)
They may no longer have that upbeat energy they once boasted... but it was comforting to see their old reflection once again. It had been far too long.
You know, I really love this ask because my whole life I've pretty much never used make-up even though I want to so having Dottie do it for me heals me a bit. Also, I'm not very knowledgeable on it so apologies if anything is wrong. Okay, I'm done. 🤏
In all honesty, Dottore was never one to care much for outward looks but he has to admit that you still always manage to look good despite all of the work from school plus all of the work you help with for his experiments, plus... literally everything life throws at you. Yet you still bounce back like it was nothing. The scholar still had not discovered your secret to this yet despite observing you for so long, which furthered his interest in you even though he didn't admit it.
Zandik did maintain his appearance, to an extent of course as he didn't go out of his way to look great, but nothing compared to the effort you put in. So while he did look presentable most of the time, there have been quite a few times you made him late to class because there was no way you were going to let him out looking like that. You don't regret it, even when you get weird looks from the other students. Being 'odd' with your equally as odd lover was nothing to worry about, in your humble opinion.
Although Zandik couldn't hope to understand your strange nature, always mumbling under his breath about you while you laughed at his comments, he also couldn't help but enjoy being around you. You kept him on his toes (your words, not his.)
Unfortunately, this nature and style of yours gradually dissipated into nothing when your illness struck. At first, you refused to accept it, pushing yourself to do what you usually did but soon enough you realized that it simply wasn't going to work out. You had all these tools and resources and options in front of you but you couldn't use them anymore. The self-consciousness only grew more and more each day as you struggled to see yourself as beautiful - struggled to see yourself as a person Dottore would find beautiful.
Of course, your gratitude to the segments couldn't be properly expressed or put into words. You quite literally wouldn't be here without them. However, it is still incredibly demoralizing to be unable to do what you once loved. You really did love them, but... it wasn't enough.
Dottore, despite spending much time in his lab or elsewhere, still kept tabs on you of course. Not just as your doctor, but as your lover, it was important. He had seen you at your lowest numerous times before, comforting you through the worst moments, and he was angered - not at you of course, but rather at himself for being unable to do anything that would be enough for you. Yet he continued, even when you hid yourself from him.
This time, however, maybe the scientist could do a bit more. He doesn't particularly... approve of the Third, or your "friend", but she's far more knowledgeable in this area than he'll ever be. Thankfully, she didn't tease him too much, knowing of your current state.
Dottore had never been one to take much interest in your make-up or style, preferring to simply watch as you worked your magic. So seeing him walk in with make-up makes you think you're still dreaming. (You remember laughing at his segment's various fashion tastes when you woke up though.)
The questions die on your lips the moment he lays everything out and the soft brush tickles your face, not to mention how he's obviously inexperienced yet he's still doing a good job. A part of you aren't surprised because of course he'd be skilled at most things, but still, you thought Celestia would sooner fall on Teyvat than Dottore do your make-up for you. Slowly, you watch as he transforms your face into something that was once dearly familiar.
It's not the same. It may never be. But it's more than enough for you, to revisit the old days that you loved so much. You fear you may cry full-on if you speak, so a simple kiss on your husband's face will have to do.
But regardless of what you look like, no matter how much your body and looks will change, Zandik will always view you as the most beautiful creation on this planet.
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pugwitharug · 2 years
Hello, I want to make a request, about some headcanon of the main 4 with an mc who is a very fragile health person since childhood and who is a very insecure person about his fragility since he feels that it is a burden and the main 4 they comfort you, I just want fluff your honor
Ohohohoho the honorable judge Puggo will grant your request! Or whatever lawyers say idk I'm not one
GN Reader, lots of comfort, I don't have the mental energy rn to put a whole story with each person so yeah, spoilers in Felix's section for Chapter...11? 12? The back end of it really
☠️Felix Iskander Escellun ☠️
His own mental health isn't the best (let's face it none of them are mentally stable) so he 100% understands the struggles of feeling like a burden
Especially if you're later in Felix's route where *SPOILERS* he loses his magic, he constantly talks about feeling useless and like a burden to everyone else trying to help
He takes the greatest care to make sure you know that you are not a burden and you will never be one
You made a small mistake and now you're spiralling? He's by your side, walking you through deep breathing and positive affirmations and pulling yourself up
He will never ever judge you for not being the epitome of mental health. I mean look at him, do you think he's a hypocrite?
Okay maybe he is sometimes but not in this sense!
Honestly the best out of the M4 at helping you lol, they try their best I swear
⚔️Anisa Anka⚔️
Okay if I had to rank them in order of actually knowing what to do, Anisa would be third
She's better for when you're desperately trying to hold back sobs in the middle of the night because your dumb brain makes you feel like shit and she catches you and holds you close and listens to you try to explain your feelings through a broken voice, less for everyday things
Like she'll try to distract your mind with a task to do but then you make one small mistake and you start spiraling and she's trying to fix it and you feel like even more of a burden and yeah it's not a good time for anyone
Her way of showing love is by giving gifts but it may or may not backfire so it's really a lot of trial and error
But she loves you so very much and she will do anything and everything to make sure you know that
🐱Sage Lesath🐱
He puts on a humongous bravado of this confident suave catman but in reality, he's pretty insecure, so he gets where you're coming from, at least a little bit
If you want some advice on how to look more confident, he's your guy! Though maybe you should go to Anisa as well cuz his version of confidence might not work for you
He's...kinda in a tough spot on bringing you along with bounties. If he brings you on bounties your anxiety might kick in and make you feel like a burden and make you spiral. If he doesn't bring you on bounties your anxiety might kick in and make you feel like a burden and make you spiral
Really between a rock and a hard place
But besides that, he's second to Felix in being helpful. He also knows what it feels like to be a burden, and he's always there for you and will encourage you to have better coping mechanisms for your anxiety
But please force him to do them with you cuz good god he needs it
🦌Rime Solano Varela🦌
Before he was brought back to life, he might be higher on this list, but now he's at the bottom
He really doesn't know how to help you, and on the inside that kills him. He knows he could be better, that he was better at emotions and other people, but now he's all fucked up
He'll always have an ear and a shoulder open for you, of course, but don't expect any wise words of advice
He'll definitely offer to kill someone if they're the source of your anxiety for the moment. Please don't let him
He'd try to distract you from your mind. I don't think he has that many funny stories left in his mind, but he'll use his magic! You wanna go ice skating in the middle of summer?
But he knows that might not be what you need, and might nudge you towards one of the others who can help you better
He really does want to try his best, but he's just...not the best equipped for the job
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apuppetmuseum · 1 year
Ain't no way I'm sending this in an ask so have this mess, Allie | @divinaer
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"That's the reason you're doing this? That's the reason we're out here busting our asses to stop you?"
She couldn't help but speak up before Idia could get another word in. Her job was to remain out of sight and ring the bell, but to hell with that. She steps out in front of the mages, her eyes glowing red like the flowers around them, like the flames Rollo summoned, instead of her black death-like stare. The third years look concerned, except for maybe Malleus, but she doesn't care. These fiery red eyes had one target.
"How stupid can you get?"
Her fingers curled into fists that shook at her sides. "So you lost a family member, I get that. The grief is...exhausting, in both body and soul. But that does not give you the right to use them as an excuse for your stupid actions." She takes a step forward. "Do you think your brother would have wanted this? Do you think in his last moments of the fire burning his skin, as he felt his nerve endings die and his lungs fill with smoke, that he wanted you to do this?" Step. "You think as he lost all feeling in his body, as his consciousness faded, that he wanted you to have so much anger? So much hatred?" Step Step Step.
In one large stride, she pulled back her fist and landed a solid punch across the other's face. She hadn't realized it before, but she was breathing heavily, and tears were welling up in her eyes. This was all too familiar, it was all too real.
"DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS LOST SOMEONE?!" She finally snapped, hat flying off her head and into the night sky. Her braided hair coming undone and long locks flowing into the air. She looked wild, she looked angry, she looked so, so sad. "My older sister died in a fire," Her voice shook, but was still strong as she stared him down. "I crawled through a maze of fire, I crawled through hell and back to recover from that. And do you know what was waiting for me on the other side? My adoptive sister jumping off the roof to her school!" She grabbed him by the front of his robes, pulling him down and forcing him to look into her read eyes, now spilling over with tears.
"I died in that fire physically. I died on that rooftop mentally. But you don't fucking see me trying to take away people's fucking livelihood!" She shook him once, catching her breath for a moment and coughing, choking on the smoke made from all the debris and chaos around them, but she still kept going, her grip on him only becoming tighter. "You don't like magic! Fine! You can make that choice. But don't you dare blame magic, mages, and other people for your brother's death. Don't you dare use your brother's death as a damn excuse for your own fucking god complex!"
In one hard shove, she pushes him against the bell, unintentionally having Rollo ring the bell and stop his own madness. As the flowers started to dissipate, Kido fell to her knees, no longer having the energy to stand up after all the grief she was reliving. She lets herself let out a choked sob before covering her mouth, trying to keep those years of repressed grief within. They weren't too different, her and Rollo, no matter how much she wanted to think otherwise. They had just taken to dealing with their grief in different ways. If Ayano hadn't taught her the lessons she had..would Kido have ended up just like him?
She's helped to her feet by the students she came with, wiping her eyes and taking a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, they were no longer red in the sense that they had been glowing earlier. They are red from crying, from putting so much of her heart out there for once, instead of being the one hiding in the shadows.
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"You know...." She stepped towards Rollo again from where he had fallen onto the ground. She doesn't bother offering her help, instead forcing it upon him as she grabbed his arm and pulled him up to his feet. "Someone told me once that Red was the color of heroes." She lets out a short dry laugh at the memory. "So where did we go wrong, huh? When did my eyes, and your fire, stop helping and start hurting?"
She lets go of his arm after mumbling the words, walking back towards the stairs. She had nothing else to say.
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devils-dares · 1 year
Anon get a life challenge. Literally people on the internet with takes like that are irrelevant.
Some of us have lives and things to do outside of working on fanfics WE put out for yall. If you fucking wanting something done asap DO IT YOURSELVES!!! telling someone to kts is literally so fucking childish, just cuz ur not getting what you want immediately.
Writing takes so much time and energy!!! @ anon YOU DONT FUCKING KNOW THIS PERSON
You don't know what the fuck they are doing outside of writing so stay in your fucking lane bro.
Devon, I hope you have a good rest of your day/night depite those absolute lugnut anons you are getting. In the end of the day, they clearly have nothing better to do, and are just garbage people who need to get over themselves. Keep going at your own pace and I hope you feel better.
thank you truly for typing this out. i don't think non-creators realize how much time, effort, and energy it takes to make something. being so blantantly for real under the cut/tw for mental and physical health, hospitals
thank you for supporting me, for being here, for reading my material, reblogging my works and leaving comments. i'll try my damndest to be here for all of you.
this past week has drained me more than anything ever has. i went from going to the college campus nurse to thinking i could die while getting fucking rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. i have been holding it fucking together at home by the seams, the literal seams. coming out of the hospital on wednesday, i was diagnosed with a rare form of complex migraine, added onto an already not widely known form of chronic dizziness, as well as possible endometriosis. i am at my fucking wit's end. i am in chronic pain. i can't fucking focus anymore. i'm crying every chance i get when i'm alone because i am overwhelmed with every single thing possible. i've been playing this game since i was 14 and i'm 19 now, and there's not going to be any improvement, and i have to come to terms with that.
for those who aren't medically dependent on someone, this might not make sense, but i need to get it off of my chest: i feel like a burden because my family is too fucking nice. they've been there every single goddamn step of the way and misstep i have hurts them too. i felt so bad laying alone in that hospital bed that when my parents burst through the doors i sobbed and apologized over and over again because i immediately knew i ruined everyone's days and weeks.
for me to come to my happy place where not really anyone knows that about me, just to be told to k word myself when i'm already fucking on the edge of it anyway is just so fucking draining. i have near nothing left to give. i'm trying my best.
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chuulord · 2 years
My Experience in Loona's Mexico City's Show!
First of all I gotta say, I'm still crying over everything that happened yesterday. Both in a happy and a sad way. I'll be talking about all the good and the bad in a chronological way.
Just as I arrived I felt Orbit's incredible atmosphere and energy, we were all just filled with love for them and you could feel it a block away. There were posters of Chuu around with "Have you dreamt of this woman?" and the overall love was felt. Even as we were told that Hyeju and Yerim wouldn't be able to join the show there was a purple and grey sea of lightsticks and the cheers the entire show never ceased for any of them. We where all respectful when they talked and cheered as loud as we could when it was time to cheer.
So we start the show with nine of them. Now, I... How can I even put this into words? They are a thousand times more gorgeous in person, I was bawling my eyes out the instant they stepped foot on the stage. It's just, seeing my personal supports there, in person was overwhelming. And for that one concert, and especially with their physical and mental condition in mind, it felt like I could return that to them, even for a bit.
You could tell they were tired, I even commented that Yeojin didn't really look well and probably wouldn't be there the entire show. And even if I was unfortunately right, I would rather see her take a break and I was still incredibly thankful she endured as long as she did just to see us.
Nonetheless, they were all lifted by the energy at the venue. Before the heavier choreography songs block Yeojin was seen happy and smiling and jumping around. There were times Haseul couldn't contain herself and stood up to dance a bit with the girls because you could see the excitement in her face. Yves usually ran back between songs, but you could see she didn't want to, Vivi, Kim Lip and Gowon also exited the stage a few times. Heejin, Hyunjin, Jinsoul looked the more energetic during the entire show, but you could tell they wished to feel better.
I want to give an special shout out to both Jinsoul and Haseul, because you could tell they were trying their entire best to, as they said it themselves, 'Fill the empty positions of the missing members'. Wouldn't be surprised if the show drained them the most.
And I'm not complaining with or about the girls at all. It feels like I'm somehow married to them because I know I'm with them in sickness and in health, the good and the bad. I love them so much and I, and the entire venue, really enjoyed our time in there with them. We really did. I think both sides truly want to see each other again, but they taking care of their health right now would be the best present they could give us.
When Playlist started playing and we raised our proyect banners, not only the girls were crying, we were too. It was our promise. That no matter what we would stay with them. They said they would be back, we promised we would never leave, and at least on my part I don't think that's happening ever ever.
I'm pretty sure Gowon and I made eye contact once, Hyunjin has now ascended to my bias list and honestly I fell a thousand times more in love with Heejin. And like I didn't even know that was possible.
I just don't think that a lot of you know, but Loona saved my life. I don't like to base my happiness on others, but when I was on one of my lowest points in life, somehow, I was recommended one of their music videos. "Do not accept the fate of the moon," it said, "Burn Yourself" it said. So I did. And to everyone that eventually left my life because of it I said "So What."
I walked the trails of life that I feared with their songs on my headphones, and always stepped forward to their rhythm. And while everyone was vibing and shouting around me, I was sobbing my soul out. There was around 8,000 orbits right there, without them... Only the world would know there would be 7,999.
They girls kept asking themselves if they really deserved all that love. They saved my life, I'll give them as much love as I am able to give out for the rest of it.
And of course, I'm just glad Heejin got to eat her esquites. If she didn't I was going to personally take her for one, no matter the cost.
To end in a sweeter note... I only recorded once. The ending. And that's a moment I'll forever cherish in my heart.
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azpher-omega · 2 years
Wanted to make a 'what I've been up to' post, both cuz I forget to post So Much and I want people to Look and also because its really good to look back on my very slow but continuous progress.
This is where I would say 'I'm most active on my Discord' but I've also forgotten to post there too, whoops-
Here it is anyway: 
Its still the best way to look at my stuff. Its got conlangs, worldbuilding, eventually website progress, creatures, general WIPs of stuff, my musing and ideas, and a taster of my comic.
So, what have I been up to.
Well I recently reformatted my conlang's dictionary in such a way that makes it much, much, much easier to make dialects. So now there's 4 of them I'm working on, with at least one I need to add, and several fringe cases I could do too where there logically should be mixes of languages. As part of this I'm slowly reviewing every word for how its meaning shifts, whether or not it works (initially the word for green came from the word for grass- in a place where the primary speakers grass is blue. Lots of little things you don't think about) and how to flesh it out. It's real promising, and I feel like a big roadblock on the language has been lifted off of me, now I don't just have to stick with the one universal language that cant account for each different cultures unique outlook. Grammar is still nonexistent, but again, more room to experiment!
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I have, hopefully for the final time, redesigned the world, and am making a complete map, complete with globe. I'm doing it very detailed, and its going slow, but it looks amazing. Its going to have elevation on land and sea, language regions, creature ranges, climates, temperature, roads, flight paths, so much I can do with it. Some of these I will do via the website though, with a handy dandy plugin that lets you make interactive images.
Speaking of, the plugin for webcomics finally works! Woo! Nowhere near putting anything up, but I would like to trial sooome kind of thing there. Its... kind of ugly and theres not a lot of customisability for it, but infinitely less painful than making it manually and infinitely less precarious than hosting on a webcomic site, which I dont like anyway (I wanna make my own siiiite)
Website in general, I said I wanted to focus on it before potential college, but well as usual I bounce around from thing to thing as my brain gets ideas. Its hard to write when your brain has motivation to revamp a 1000 row long google sheet, something that doesnt really happen often and should be taken advantage of. At the very least... new project logo? Maybe? The old one, while cool, is hard to read and not very relevamt symbolically. This feels much more focused on the Creatures and well, being able to be read.
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Creature wise to follow on, haven't done much lately, aside from that model. Dragon model i've steered away from to making a simpler dragon first, which is going well.
Now, the comic. Hrm. Not going great. Last year I unintentionally intentionally took a break from it, because it was my last year of school. It's been... hard to get back into it. Technically I've improved it plenty mentally in the meantime but actually Getting it done, very hard. Checking off days does help, but I inevitably get energy for other things and it feels a waste to not use said energy, then I get rusty and forget to check off stuff and suddenly its been a month since I worked on it. Its technically the primary, core thing to all my work and yet I treat it so poorly, sob sob. Slow and steady at least, I have no intention of stopping it, even if my will to make it does wane every so often.
So yeah. Thanks for reading or something. I'm sure someday I'll get into a habit of posting. I want my Stuff to be Seen :]
Also, since its on now, if anyone wants, heres my artfight! Probably gonna stick to doing colored sketches at most, and who knows how much I'll do, but I'll try my best~
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planetdream · 2 years
dreamie imagine a sunwoo yeonjun threesome 🤭
you know...i was in the middle of eating a lovely dinner i made for myself and suddenly i was attacked from all angles by you and this ask.....
im shaking, sobbing, and (s)creaming because OH MY FUCKING GOD. they would be so fucking rough??? losing my fucking mind. not only are they rough but they're also major teases and i think they both have similar energy?? like they both make threats or whatever on what they're gonna do to you and if you're a brat and challenge it; they're definitely putting their words into actions. they want you to beg for them and won't give you what you want until the begging satisfies the BOTH of them. they love to make you all messy too: face stained with tears and cum, cum covering your cunt, etc. just lots of cum and spit honestly. lot's of choking and hair-pulling too!
at the same time, they're soft with you too, or at least it seems like it the more they fuck you dumb. they're not too big into degradation (though i think sunwoo is more into it than yeonjun) but both of them can be condescending as FUCK. they both want to shrink you down and make you feel small and helpless, almost like they're hunting you. and if you respond positively—a moan, a cry, tears even—to what they're doing, they're just gonna torture you some more. laughing at you because you love how they fuck you so much and can't live without it bc you keep crawling back to them (not that they don't love it either). and any chance they get to make a mess of you, both physically and mentally—bc they both like dumbification—they will take it.
but also they're both so fucking competitive too, so expect to get manhandled and pushed around a lot bc they can't come to an agreement on what position you should be fucked in. and if they're really being 🙄 one of them will ask who fucks you better: whether you respond to the question or confront them with silence, you're still gonna be ruined because now they have to prove that one of them is the better fuck.
and i need to reiterate how rough they are together because OH MY GOD. lot's of throat fucking! and double penetration! just being passed back and forth between the two. sometimes they do this thing where one of them will hold your mouth open or hold onto your face, while the other fucks into your mouth. but like im saying...if you're not a fucked out, stupid little mess by the end of it, then they have to tire you out again. they're both into brats and overstimulation too, so beware.
like i can hardly think straight rn but just imagining this??? i think i could honestly talk about this for hours.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Stuck in 1903
Part Two
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Summary: Damon and Bonnie had come to your rescue, or so you thought, but it is Kai’s every intention to get close to you again
Pairing: Kai Parker x reader
Warnings: angst, smidge of fluff, mentions of smut, mentions of death, mentions of murder, bad friendships, mentions of poison, swearing
Word Count: 2052
Find Part One Here
divider by @firefly-graphics
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If the Other Side continued to exist, then you would be there rather than this subordinate prison world which had been designed for one bad witch. Kai's own kind feared him, you had experienced him mentally draining your energy, he was a chore to put up with, but he could do much more than that, you had learnt from Bonnie. He fed off magic, physically stealing it from bodies and items that harboured any of it, which had poisoned his mind to hunt for power. Your friends had informed you that he had murdered his siblings, well some of them anyway, and had attempted to do so to more of them. And now you knew, with supporting evidence, never to trust Malakai Parker.
Without Damon and Bonnie you had to resort to fending for yourself, which was not at all difficult since this version of Mystic Falls that you were trapped in was quite literally a ghost town. The forever enveloping silence was torture, though the method of ignorance had not been designed for you; it was all for Kai, and that unsettled you. There was one more thing that you had been dreading - the possibility that you could not escape from the remote isolation without the aid of the guest starring siphon himself. This hell was built to contain him for eternity, but now there was magic that he could use to his own advantage nearby.
Your cheek rested upon the side of your hand, mushing the flesh whilst your elbow was poised upon the countertop of the kitchen island in the Salvatore house. All of your concentration validated your deep thoughts, of which you were broken from as a plate was placed directly in front of you, a pancake decorated with chocolate chips and syrup to form a smiley face. Damon was the culprit as he threw a tea towel over his shoulder, expectedly looking at you.
"I'm not hungry." You informed the vampire, who simply frowned at your lack of an appetite. "I ate yesterday, which was technically today." Beneath the table, you crossed your ankles, as you earnt a sigh from your well aged friend; he clearly was not impressed by your behaviour. But you didn't know what he had expected from you, you had been trapped here for longer than you could remember, and alone until you had discovered the man that had been outcast by his own family. At the time you had not known of his murderous tendencies, and had wanted nothing more than to get away from him, and you wouldn't like to admit it but you even missed him a little.
He was annoying and cocky, and withheld crucial information from you, though there was something that contradicted that all. Whenever any one of your friends had suffered the fate of death, they were always attempted to be brought back to life against the natural order of things. It made you wonder and doubt a little if they had even tried to resurrect you. In this separated reality, there was no jurisdiction so that you could know, though each time that either Damon or Bonnie looked at you, you could swear that there was guilt written in their gazes.
"Look I knew being stuck here with Kai must have fucked you up-" he should have bit his lip, his assumptions were anything but correct. And that was proven as you defensively darted out of your seat and jabbed your finger in his face, making him pivot his jaw back. There were many things that were 'fucked up', and supposing that you were one of them because you had died after sacrificing yourself to ensure that they all continued to live just didn't settle right with you. The context of the morbid situation did not help with condoning any reassurance at all, in fact, it gave a spine to your lack of faith in him and the others in the first place. Out of everyone, it was inherently worse to be here with Damon, all he had cared about was his precious Elena as well as himself, and after existing for well over a century, that was insurance that he was never going to change.
"It wasn't him who did that to me, it was roaming this damned place by myself, I had no one. And as crazy as it sounds, I think spending time with the notorious Malakai Parker helped me keep what was to spare of my sanity. If I'm not wrong, I may even say that I've found more being here than dealing with the bullshit y'all cause back home." Perhaps your words were a tad harsh, if Bonnie were in the room you were sure that she'd have a somewhat understanding of what you were saying. Though she was not, and thus you had to deal with the harshness of her best friend all by your lonesome. And it seemed that you had rattled him, apparently he couldn't handle the truth.
"Then why don't you run back to the sociopath? When we discovered that you were here, we found the pair of you attached to the hip anyways. And with him inside of you, I'd never seen you so darn happy, better here with him than tempting me to drink bleach from the way that you constantly complained when you were alive; I swear you were worse than Donovan." It was on your mind's own command for you to take a step back, and away from the toxin that Damon had so cruelly spat at you. Ans the way that he compared you to Matt made you angry; it was though he were ignoring that there were valid reasons for the blond to be the way that he was - after all, the monster before you had practically killed his sister. A laugh renegaded out from your mouth as you realised that you had been right all along, none of them cared. You were just a burden that stopped them from having a perfect life together. If this were a book, then this would be the beginning to your villain arc, and ironically enough Damon saw himself as one of the good guys. Now that was utterly ridiculous after every reckless thing that he had ever done!
"Have it your way then bloodsucker." All along, you should have trusted your guy, and from now on you knew that you would listen to it. And strangely enough, it was calling you to Kai, maybe it was because he was your last resort to escaping this imprisonment that had been meant for him alone. Turning on your heel, you heard Damon flop the towel down on the side and sigh, though you continued to walk, appeasing your better judgement elsewhere. "Wait." He tried to convince you to stay, belatedly understanding the mistake that he had made, but it was no use, you were already on your journey of getting as far away as possible from him.
The Mystic Grill, it remained to be familiar in your eyes as you entered. It was empty and void of drunken assholes and narcissists that you had wasted too much time on. The only person that you missed in the modern alternative was Matt Donovan, he was the only person that didn't treat you as though you were invisible or a nuisance. You wondered how he was coping with your absence, knowing him, he was probably relieved that Damon was gone. But you weren't, because he was here with you instead. Trailing your fingertips over the counter of the bar, out of the corner of your eye you saw a lonely glass of bourbon that was sat there as though it were lamenting you with mockery. You tried to hold your sentimental sob inside, but it was practically impossible. It tore through your body, bellowing out from your mouth as you stifled and fought through your tears.
A hand caressed the landscape of your back causing you to jump and flinch from the unexpected contact. One thing that you had learnt from evading and eventually experiencing the qualms of death, was that you could never be too careful. For no more than a second you had predicted that the intruder to your pity party was Damon, that he had followed you as you tried to distance yourself from him, but alas it was not, instead of being greeted by a fretless vampire, you were condemned by the sight of a powerless witch, of whom had purposely interjected your moment of cracked emotion and wore a brave smile for you. Wiping your eyes with the back of your sleeves, you couldn't help but snap at him. "If you're here to finish what we started then tough luck Parker, you've been here long enough and you have two hands, figure something else out."
His tongue darted out to swipe at his own bottom lip, as he raised his hand, showcasing his offering to you. "I was only going to see if you wanted a pork rind, you look like you could use one." Sighing, you dug your hand into the pungent packet that was littered with dust and crumbs, retrieving a few treats for yourself as you placed them in your mouth. "And now should be when the poison kicks in..." With your hand, you gave him a little shove as you tolled your eyes at his homicidal comedy. "Come on, that was funny! I'm funny!"
"If you say so, there's not very many people around to give you an honest opinion." It was true, the only other human like lifeforms impartially close by were Damon and Bonnie, and well, you weren't going to scurry back to them anytime soon. "And if you had poisoned me, then you would know that I would be fine and dandy in not so long, It wouldn't make a difference if that wasn't the case either, I mean I'm already dead, what could be worse than that?" Kai looked at you with shock; he didn't know that about you, that you had actually suffered a final breath. Now he thought about it, the grand scheme of things he didn't know much about you in general, though he was prepared to learn. He had often found death to be fulfilling, satisfying even, but he'd never thought about its victims being so beautiful. Yet here you were before him, by chance the one force that could motivate and help him find a way out of this jarring hole of reaping misery.
"You're here, that's all that matters." As soon as those words fled from his lips he realised exactly what he had said, and a blush framed his features. "I um - that wasn't what I - you know, yeah..." He scratched the back of his neck as you shook your head at this new side that you were seeing of Malakai. His parents called him Malakai, of course he was going to become a killer, but right now you saw nothing more than an embarrassed boy whose skin had flushed as an affect of his own words. From your experience, everyone was either the killer or the killed - you two were one of each. Like ying and yang, you fit perfectly, it was a balanced divide that was settled on whichever rhythm played out in the air. And to correspond with that thought you walked over to the jukebox, a song beginning to play which made Kai want to cover his ears. "I hate this song." He told you; he really did, if he could murder it, he would without a doubt.
"Then don't listen, just dance with me." You extended your hands out to him, to which he begrudgingly reached for. And as he snapped his eyes open, he realised that was all a memory, and that goddamn song was still playing. All he could think about was you, he had seen how upset you had been to die, and yet you were gone again, and it was all down to your so called friends. One was standing before him as he sat in chains, imprisoned against a chair. "Are you here to punish me?" He asked Bonnie, wanting nothing more than shut his eyes and see your face again.
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multiverseofwonders · 3 years
Much needed comfort
Hal Jordan GN Reader
・ 。゚☆: *.🌌🌟🌙🌟🌌.* :☆゚.
Genre: fluff/comfort
Long AN, skip green to go to the fic//
Hi, I have orientation in about 5 hours and I've never been more mentally stressed in my life because I realized how deathly afraid I am of people but I'm not allowed to go back to full virtual so I kinda just wrote this as a comfort fic so I'd stop, panicking. It's a general fic and the thing bothering the reader is kept vague. The reader is also kept vague so any gender and and race can read 💚💚💚
Word count: 874. It's shorter than my normal stuff but I'm tired and stressed out. I just really needed to write something to make me feel better. This isn't proofread so my apologies for any mistakes.
Oh and psst, here's a song i listened to while writing this. I always associate it with Hal and when i listen to it i go :)
・ 。゚☆: *.🌌🌟🌙🌟🌌.* :☆゚.
"Hey, sweetheart I'm baaaack!~"
A familiar and sweet voice sang out. Hal set down his keys and held a bouquet of assorted flowers; his own way of saying 'Sorry I'm home late... again.' Even if they were discounted he thought you wouldn't really mind. The house was dark but he didn't pay much mind to it. It was summer, not to mention one of the hottest days of the year. You, his beloved, were probably just hot and decided to turn them off.
"Sorry for being late again, I had to deal with something for the Justice League. Carol had my head for disappearing so suddenly again but the look on Sinestro's face when Guy flashed him was priceless. Oh and don't even get me started on how fun chasing him was. For someone who gets strong from the fear of others, you'd think he wouldn't be such a coward. I wish I could take you with me at times but…" he paused. A feeling of dread began to sink in. He realized that the house was silent. It was never this quiet.
Even on days when you were napping or asleep, the TV would be on for background noise. He carefully put down the bouquet and balled his fist. In almost an instant he donned the green, back, and white suit you loved so much. 
"Ring…" he said quietly, sternly, yet worriedly. "Scan the house for any entities." His breath hitched in fear of hearing something like a 1 or 3. What if something had happened to you while he was gone? What if today was just a distraction? 
"There are currently 2 conscious life forms in this house."
Hal paused for a second before asking another question 
"And how many of the 2 are not intruders?"
"There are no intruders. All conscious life forms present live here."
A brief moment of silence passed before the sound of Hal powering down his ring broke it. 
Hal hastily maked his way from the living room to your shared bedroom. The door was closed and he saw no light from underneath the door. He tensed up a bit. He had silently hoped that today you just left the TV on mute or something while asleep. 
Hesitantly, he turned the knob and cracked the door open, still afraid that somehow, someway, something had happened. His mind raced thinking of the possibilities as the door creaked loudly, as a rush of cold air hit his exposed skin. Instead of seeing some big monster waiting to jump him, he just saw you.
Your rarely moving form curled up on your shared bed, beneath the covers you picked out when you two were getting furniture. Your back was facing away from the door, something you rarely did, as your side of the bed was on the far end and you said a long time ago that you wanted to see Hal whenever he came back.
He closed the door behind him silently and approached for a better look before something had broken his heart.
You weren't asleep. You were crying…
He wanted to tell you not to cry, to tell you that everything would be okay but instead, he just took off his shoes and jacket. He lifted the covers and placed his jacket you had loved so much on your shoulders before he joined you beneath the covers of your shared bed. You had flinched a bit and the initial feel of his touch, though you had heard everything and was aware that it was him, it somehow didn't click with you that he was actually home with you. 
Hal shifts slightly, wrapping his arms around you and burying his head in your shoulder, and placing his slightly calloused hand over the back of yours. He doesn't say a word, doesn't ask what's wrong, and doesn't even dare think about asking if you want to talk about it, because sometimes those are the last things someone wants to hear.
His thumb brushed over the back of your hand and he placed soft kisses on your shoulder and the back of your neck. He's not completely sure of what to do, hell, he can't even tell if this is the best option, but he just wants to be there for you. He just lets you cry it out for now while he stays there with you. 
He didn't think less of you for your broken sobs or whimpers. He didn't judge you for needing time to yourself. You weren't a bother to him and he wanted you to know it. For you and you only he'd spend all of his time and energy, his whole life even, to make sure you were okay. After all, he loved you. You were his one and only, his soul, and he'd rather die a million horrid deaths than let you stay this way.
He stayed there for hours just comforting you, even long after you stopped crying after you had shifted and brought his hand closer to you and kissed his hand ever so softly. After you had fallen asleep next to him. He stayed. 
And for you, he'd spend more than a million eternities doing it again.
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yngross · 2 years
ft. baji keisuke x fem!reader
genre: angst.
summary: how to stop loving someone.
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going through a breakup may or may not slap you right on the face mentally but it is one of the hardest things you go through, especially you really loved that person. adjusting to the new reality and start moving on immediately.
how to stop loving someone. one, start hanging out with my friends and family more, turning off your phone and get to know more new people and maybe try some things you've never done before. it'll help you distract you from thinking about him or her.
"god we should do karaoke more often!" you suggested, taking another bite from your burger as your friends were searching for other songs to sing "well look at you, it's nice to see you try new things.." your friend smirked, nudging on your arm.
"hey you sure you're doin alright babe?" emma asks, putting her arms around you, pulling you into an embrace and kissed your forehead "i guess, we were too young anyways...and besides there are other boys i can date
two, remove everything that reminds you of them, clothes, pictures, messages, etc. it'll only make you miss them even more.
"uhhh, hey sis mind if you explain why your stuff is taking half the part of the garage?" nahoya asks, leaning on your bedroom's door while you were trying to look for more stuff to put out.
"don't mind them, i'm going to sell them, just leave them be for awhile, i'm not done yet."
the hardest part was to recall each memory on each item, sad or happy, it made your heaet ache.
"hey..i know it's really a bad time to tell you this...but baji died."
it felt like time had stopped, it felt hard to believe nahoya's words. when did that happen? how did it happen? where did it happen? what happened? all you wanted to do was throw all that questions at your brother's face.
"yeah..i'm sorry, y/n."
you didn't even realized that tears were coming out of your eyes not until nahoya hugged you, that's where the sobs came out, wanting to think that this was just a dream and it wasn't. it's reality.
few weeks passed, you attended baji keisuke's funeral with your brothers. it didn't even felt real, chifuyu was there, manjiro was there, emma was there, draken was there, everyone was there and the hardest part was to see keisuke's mother crying quietly and tried her best to hold her tears back.
it drained your energy to see this happening. it really doesn't feel real and when it was your turn to go up, you'd like to imagine how it felt like you were walking on an isle while keisuke was there waiting for you, excited to put the ring on your ring finger but this was a different isle you were walking up to.
"found this letter in keisuke's room...he really loved you." his mother gave you a smile of reassurance, giving you a quick embrace after giving you a paper and keisuke's phone and left shortly.
"i love you too keisuke." you mumbled under your breathe, turning keisuke's phone on to see he didn't change his wallpaper. it was still you, it was always you.
three, you can't. you can't stop loving someone, eventually time will pass by and you'll soon forget about things and you may love someone else now but you can never forget about you loving that one person that has a special place in your heart.
"now i have to remember you for longer than i have known you."
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angellesword · 3 years
It’s Sunday. Jeongguk was supposed to be at the gym, serving looks. You were supposed to be at the church, serving the Lord. But you two were at the mall, looking for baby toys. You guessed this was your punishment for letting him stick his dick inside of you instead of just using an adult toy.
“We share the same painful views. Won’t you please stay in my dreams.”
word count: 2.6k (one-shot) PART OF INTRO SERIES
pairing: husband!Jungkook x wife!reader
genre and content warnings: established relationship, angst, fluff, married au, (forced marriage) mention of premarital sex, pregnancy, abortion, Catholic guilt, death, and mental illness.
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Sunday was church day.
This was what your whole family made you believe ever since you were young. They were firm believers of God. In fact, your first word wasn't like what most babies said.
Jesus. This was your first word and your mom wasn't even complaining. She loved to brag about it to other lectors and commentators. Your father, a lay minister, also took pride sharing the same story over and over again.
Frankly speaking, you were getting tired of it.
Don't get it twisted. You loved Jesus and you believed that he was your savior. You even sang worship songs at the church every Sunday. You were the head of the choir; every church goer knew you—well, not only church goers.
Literally everyone around you knew you.
You were also popular at school. People referred to you as the good girl who had it all.
You were pretty, smart, and your boyfriend was none other than Jeon Jeongguk.
The man you were dating was a jock. He made it clear that he didn't like studying, but he still wanted to go to a university and apply for scholarship. You had no doubt that he would get what he wanted.
Jeongguk was a star football player after all.
"Babe, what do you think of this?" You showed Jeongguk a stuffed animal. It was a rabbit.
"Cute," he grinned at you. Jeongguk wasn't sure what he found cute. Was it you or was it the stuffed toy?
You and Jeongguk were currently at the mall, buying toys for Haneul, your son who was turning one this month.
"We'll buy this next time.”
The smile Jeongguk was sporting turned into a scowl when you put the toy back to the shelf.
"Next time?" He furrowed his brow, reaching for the rabbit. "Why can't we buy it now?"
"Guk," you let out a sigh. He was feigning innocence but you knew better.
You knew you couldn't afford this kind of toy. Why did you even ask him to go here? It was obvious that you didn't belong here.
Years ago, you and Jeongguk had plans. He wanted to be a famous football player while you decided to major in Marketing; however, your dreams had been shattered when you found out that you were pregnant with his baby.
You didn't know what to do that time. You just graduated high school. Actually, you were supposed to take the college entrance exam at Seoul University.
The test didn't happen because you felt sick that day. You had been vomiting non-stop and everything smelt awful.
You still took a test, though. It wasn't the kind of test you were expecting. You woke up that day to chase you dream, but instead you ended up chasing your breath as you cried and cried and cried.
You took a pregnancy test and the numbing slap of your mother was enough for you to know that you were a disgrace.
A disgrace, a disappointment, an animal, a disrespectful child, and a....
You accepted it all. You didn't mind that your whole family was insulting you inside and out.
You didn't blame them—couldn't blame them.
How could you do that when you saw yourself the same way they saw you?
Your mind was poisoning you. You were blaming yourself. You were blaming Jeongguk. He did this to you.
He did this to you because you let him.
So basically, this was your fault.
You ruined your future and the only way to restore everything back to normal was to have an abortion.
Of course you considered abortion. You were young and so, so scared. How could you take care of a child when you couldn't even take care of yourself?
And what about Jeongguk? He didn't deserve this shit. He was young too. He deserved the world, not a punishment.
You considered your child as a punishment. Why didn't you just stick to dildo? Or a fucking vibrator?
There were so many options. Why did you have to trust that stupid condom? You knew it didn't work all the time.
Nothing worked according to your plan.
"You are going to marry Jeon Jeongguk." Your father's words screamed authority.
Everyone in your family was aware that once your father demanded something, it should be followed without any questions. He rarely spoke, but when he did, it was absolute.
"But—" despite knowing the end of this discussion, you still tried to reason out.
You were only able to utter one word before you felt another deafening slap from your mother.
Or was it your father?
You had no idea.
All you knew was that everyone was either physically hurting you or emotionally manipulating you.
"No buts! My decision is final! You are going to marry that Jeon boy!"
Ah, that Jeon boy.
Poor Jeon Jeongguk. He had no idea what was about to happen to him. God. He didn't even know that you were carrying his child.
"We won't allow you to live like a slut anymore," your auntie crossed her arms.
This was the thing about your family. Everyone had a say, even your relative could discipline you. According to them, elders should always be respected. You had to follow what they said because apparently, they knew better than you.
Maybe they did. But still, you didn't want to force Jeongguk to marry you.
Sure, you two had been dating for three years now, but that wasn't enough. What if the love he felt for you wasn't the kind of love that you and your kid needed?
Perhaps you should have thought of that before giving into lust. The tiny voice inside your head sneered at you.
You could only sob.
It seemed like crying was all you could do.
You cried when you found out that you were pregnant, you cried when your parents found out that you were pregnant, and you cried when Jeongguk found out that you were pregnant.
All of this was happening because you were pregnant.
Except one thing:
Jeongguk wanted to marry you not because you were pregnant but because he loved you.
"You don't have to force me.” Jeongguk gritted his teeth when your whole family barged in his house.
Of course the Jeons were surprised. They weren't close to your family even though you lived two houses away from one another.
Your family didn’t want to associate themselves with the Jeons. The latter didn't really believe in the Lord, or even if they did, they were still far from religious.
They raised Jeongguk to be a sinner.
Your family firmly believed that you only got pregnant because Jeongguk forced you.
It wasn't true. You both wanted it to happen. You were consenting adults. Besides, your boyfriend asked you thousands of times if you truly wanted to do it.
He didn't force you. He respected you.
"I will marry her." Jeongguk said with confidence. He was looking at your father as if he was ready to knock him down.
"Jeongguk," his mother called softly. She was crying. She was broken. She was ashamed. She was sorry.
"It's alright, mom." The look Jeongguk gave his mother was the opposite of the glare he threw at your father.
Jeongguk was a sweet boy. He loved his parents so much.
"Shall we talk about the wedding, then?" Your father raised a brow.
Everything happened fast after that. Your family and Jeongguk's parents arranged the matrimony that was about to happen.
The Jeons offered to pay for the wedding expenses. Your family agreed. They didn't really care about the details. They only demanded a church wedding. They also wanted to marry you off as soon as possible.
They said it would be a shame if your baby bump appeared before the white event.
Since the preparation was short, you didn't have a choice but to wear a simple dress. Your mother insisted that you add veil as an accessory.
It was a hypocritical move, really. Veils symbolized innocence and purity.
You were neither.
You were a sinner and guilt was consuming your whole being.
Guilt for disappointing your family.
Guilt for breaking your promise to the Lord.
And guilt for taking something away from Jeongguk.
You took his freedom away.
The small apartment where you two now lived was not enough to showcase what he got. This abode was small, suffocating and confining his talents.
It was also too small to cater your unending tears.
You felt like you were drowning.
"Babe..." Your husband whispered, yet his voice still startled you.
You didn't answer—didn't have the energy to do so. You were drowning, remember? It didn't help that you feel suffocated too. The stupid dress you were wearing was too tight.
"You okay?" Jeongguk enquired, sighing.
He was worried about you. The two of you got married today. It was supposed to be one of the happiest days for brides, but why weren't you happy?
Why did you look...dejected?
"Yeah," you tried to offer him a smile. "I just feel hot."
You weren't lying. You didn't like the ambiance of your house. It felt like a vacation place, like you were a stranger, like you didn't belong.
It was because your mother and sisters were the ones who decorated this place.
"You think you can join me outside?" Your husband rubbed circled on your palm. "Let's have some fresh air?"
You nodded in a heartbeat.
You were tired, but you didn't want to be stuck in this room. You wanted...out.
"Okay.” Jeongguk helped you get on your feet. He was acting as though you were an expensive figurine ever since he learned that you were pregnant.
Your husband led you to the small garden of your home. You didn't know that your family decided to buy a place like this.
You were grateful though. The inside of your home was suffocating, but the garden appeared...magical.
"Jeongguk," your eyes widened in shock. "W-What's all this?"
Your hand was shaking as your eyes scanned the garden. There were fairy lights wrapped around the trees. The place was also decorated with different ornaments and pretty flowers.
Your favorite flowers.
"Do you like it?" Your husband was grinning at you. His eyes were shining brighter than the lights.
"Of course," you cupped his cheeks. "This is sweet, Kookie. Thank you.”
"Anything for you," he brought your hands closer to his mouth, kissing it.
"You deserve everything, baby." And with that, Jeongguk dropped on one knee.
"W-What are you doing!?" You panicked, eyes dilating once again.
"I know everything happened so fast." He started, licking his bottom lip. "We didn't have time to process everything. Our family decided what they think is good for us and trust me, I appreciate it."
You knew he was implying that he wanted this to happen.
"But I want to do something that I want.”  He fished a small box out of the pocket of his slacks.
You gasped.
"They told me to marry you." He opened the velvet box.
There was a ring.
"But they didn't give me the chance to do this," he raised the ring in the air.
"Baby," Jeongguk called, looking at your face with so much fondness. "You deserve a better proposal."
You were sobbing.
"You deserve a man dropping down on one knee. A man who will show you that he is serious about this marriage.”
He took your left hand.
"And I want to be that man. I want to be the man you deserved and not the boy your father coerced,"
You laughed, heart hammering through your chest. Jeongguk was so beautiful.
"I love you..." He confessed as he called your name. "Will you marry me?"
The yes that came out of your mouth was instant. You didn't hesitate. You didn't feel guilty. You just felt....happy.
Jeongguk put the ring on your finger. He kissed your stomach before standing up to crash his lips against yours.
Jeongguk no longer tasted like regret.
He tasted like forever.
You swore you would stay with him forever. You felt silly for doubting him.
Jeongguk was a good man.
Your house no longer felt suffocating. It was loaded with love and laughter and it made your heart swell with joy.
Your family didn't bother your life anymore. You were on your own. They stopped supporting you. They said you made a choice—a choice to be a mother.
A mother was a provider, a natural giver.
You provided for your new family. You worked harder. You had two jobs: a waitress and elementary tutor.
Jeongguk continued studying. He was a student in the morning and a delivery boy at night.
You two worked in the same restaurant. Jeongguk tried to cover your shift as much as possible. He was basically doing your job.
He was scared. What if you overworked yourself? He didn't want you to work but you said you had to.
Raising a baby was expensive.
But you did it.
Haneul was turning one year old this month. He was a bright kid and he looked exactly like his father. They had the same brown eyes, so innocent and wide.
You knew you would do anything for your baby—well—except for one.
You wouldn't buy this stuffed toy for him. It's not like you didn't want to. It was more like you couldn't.
You couldn't afford it.
You couldn't, but Jeongguk could.
"Let's buy it...” He repeated. "I have money. I worked overtime last night.”
Your husband was still a delivery boy. You, on the other hand, quit your job so that you could look after your baby.
"Are you sure? This is expensive, Kook." You bit your lower lip.
Jeongguk smiled at you.
"But Haneul will like it.”
His reason was enough for you to just give in.
Of course.
Anything for your little Jeon. You would die for your son.
"Haneul, we're home!" You cooed loudly.
You were excited to see your baby. Jeongguk told you to give Haneul the stuffed toy while he go and express his gratitude to your neighbor for looking after baby Haneul.
Little did you know, Jeongguk was lying.
There was no neighbor to talk to.
It was only an excuse so that he could stare at you through the window as you rocked the empty crib in your room.
You were singing.
"You are the sunlight that rose again in my life..." Your voice was sweet that Jeongguk couldn't help but cry a little.
For you, Haneul was light. He shed light when you felt like giving up.
"You are the cause of my euphoria," your child was also the cause of your happiness.
Without him, you would be lost.
Jeongguk knew it.
This was the name you chose for your kid. It meant heaven.
For you, Haneul was God sent.
But Jeongguk was wondering.
If Haneul was God sent, then why did the Lord take him immediately?
Why did your Lord take him away from you and Jeongguk?
"Close the door now..." You continued to sing.
Jeongguk's heart clenched.
He watched you every day, so he already knew the next line of the song.
He sang with you.
"When I'm with you I'm in utopia..."
Utopia was a special place. A fantasy world. A world where everything was possible.
In Utopia, Haneul was still alive.
Jeongguk wasn't crazy.
He knew you needed help.
You were in denial. Too caught up in fantasy that you refused to believe that your son was already dead the moment he was born.
Haneul died in your womb.
He tried telling you, but you didn't want to acknowledge it.
You became hysterical when the words dead and Haneul were mentioned in the same sentence.
Jeongguk avoided using those words. It had been months now, almost a year actually.
He wondered if he could still continue pretending.
Looking at you hurt.
He guessed it was time to let go.
Not now, but soon.
For today, he just wanted to believe that utopia was real.
It should be fine, right?
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more JJK FICS: Your Eyes Tell or check Masterlist
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kunimikat · 3 years
hi! i'm having a hard time mentally lately and i recently found out that i kind of erm,,,,, when my mental health is really bad my brain is like "no!😀" and skyrockets me into absolute baby mode and just want cuddles and love and i feel really lonely and don't talk a lot. bokuto is my comfort character so if you woudlnt mind could you do some headcanons or whatever you want- about him helping? feel free to ignore this i know it's a bit strange💔 but i thought i'd throw it out there :) 💞
I really hope it gets better for you, I hope my shitty HCs somehow makes your day a little better. Lots of love 🥺🤲❤️oh and this might’ve come off more angsty but I promise I put fluff at the end. And listen to this while reading cause it just makes this- 💔🦟🦗🦟🦗❤️
Requests are open! And if you have requests like this I’m happy to do them :)
Also proof read but still might be mistakes.sorry, there might be some triggering things in here, but there is nothing crazy so I think it’s ok 🧍
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Before you guys even got together he’d always check up on you.
To the point were he subconsciously did it anywhere, and anytime
He’d give you small owl knickknacks or a snack before school started, or when it ended. Making sure you ate something that day.
Or he’d just try to make you laugh as much as he could during then
But sometimes he’d drop everything, and just give you a tight hug. Anywhere, no matter who it was in front of. Holding you close to him, not saying anything but you could hear him tripping over the words he wanted to say but just couldn’t.
He could tell it was a bad day where you’d come in and just sit on the benches or bleachers with both in mind but staring at the bright fluorescent gym lights. Where you’d just zone out mid-conversation and look at your feet or phone in disinterest. When you’d throw in a sarcastic self-deprecation joke when someone would ask if you’re ok.
Or when you’d have days where you’d stay up studying, doing your homework, and not sleeping for who knows how long when you come in with the energy drink in hand. Or the days when you’d get nothing done, and just sleep everything away and just deal with it the next day.
It didn’t take a therapist or a mastermind to tell you weren’t ok.
The nervous tics, the small lip bites, the impulsive “Let’s do something and think about consequences later!”
Bokuto knew he was just like the latter but at least it wasn’t all the time, so when he saw his bestfriend and crush slowly killing themselves mentally (and maybe physically, he was hoping not), yet cracking jokes about it the next second. All he wanted to do was run in and kiss you until all you felt was loved.
He just wanted to see you happy again
He felt like fainting everytime he saw you giggle or laugh at his antics(knowing Bokuto that has probably happened)
Or when you and Ahgkaaashi would hang out with him at the Owl section of the Zoo and pick out your favorite ones
When you two would try cooking some dish either of you couldn even try pronouncing and it ending in a mess. One he didn’t mind cleaning up when he got to talk to you throughout the whole time.
The times you’d have to turn in your work a little late because you were helping Bokuto cope after losing a game, which he felt bad about but you brushed it off with a genuine smile saying “I can’t leave poor Akaashi with Bokuemo for the rest of the week can I?” “H-Hey!”
When you and Bokuto would hang out in the bird themed cafe on the end of the street from school. And just be yourselves without having to impress anyone.
How you excuse yourself from the group of people you barely knew the names of, to go cry in the bathroom then come back as if nothing happened.
Times where you both forget your in highschool with insecurities, voice cracks, stress, and having to make a decision regarding the rest of your life by the end of it. And just laying in some random parking lot, staring into the blaring street lamp light and the stars behind it.
Bokuto loved it when you didn’t use the jokes to cover up how you felt. Or how you jumped to another subject when he would ask. When you tell him everything you’re feeling.,
The confusion, the way you didn’t know why your mind worked the way it did and why you felt horrible all of a sudden but fine the next.
You wanted it to stop, to have an explanation for the way you think and why. Yet now you’re telling no one, and clearly holding it in. Bokuto was now watching you letyour emotions eat you alive from the inside out.
He just wanted the you he knew. The you that he had so many fun memories with. Not the forced persona you played when you needed a cover up for how you truly felt.
This wasn’t the way he wanted to confess but it was getting all too much for Bokuto to watch,
Bokuto’s tears were streaming down his face as he had you held out in front of him. His body was trembling and his grasp was so shaky it was easy to break away. But you knew you could ever do that to him, or yourself. He clenched his jaw , not being able to lock eyes with you, a painful tug at his heart everytime he locked eyes with your hopeless look. You felt tears brimming your eyes yet you didn’t even know why he sat you down here. But you felt it was your fault, so immediately you let out a ‘Sorry-‘
Instead of an answer Bokuto pulled you toward him, pushing your head into the crook of his neck. You let out a choked noise as surprise, instinctively wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Why...why’re you saying sorry Y/N? I should be saying sorry for not helping you, I-“
Bokuto lost his breath for a second as a silent sob wracked his body, bringing you closer to him. Tears were falling down from your eyes but you could barely feel them as they became a stream.
“Y/N, I love you, I love you so, so much. Why are you doing this to yourself? You know you could come talk to me, I-I’m not the the best therapist but,-“
He let out a shaky breath, pulling you back out to look at you directly. You squeezed his arm that was holding you, reassuring him you felt the same way, but also to go on. Puffy eyes and a tear stained face looked at you sternly. “Please, please don’t keep these feelings to yourself Y/N. It hurts, it hurts me so much when I see you like this. Especially since you feel like you can’t come to me. I-, I-“
Bokuto bit his lip, clenching his eyes tight, forcing the tears that were already threatening to fall out. “I don’t want to see you like this. I love you, I love you.”The only thing lacing his tone is the sincerity in it.
He says it again to make sure you understood every word that came from him. But he didn’t need to. His grip so tight on your arms it almost hurt. But in a way, you didn’t mind it as it showed you how much more serious this was to him.
“You have me, Kaashi, the team, and honestly anyone! We all love you and what you have to say!”
You both give small shaky laughs, despite the situation, the tension slowly melting. He wipes the tears that were flowing down your cheeks, kissing each one after he did. You held each one of his hand. Squeezing them to give yourself courage, and to know this was all too real.
“Bokuto...I’m so sorry to you and everyone else. I- I locked myself away because I thought I would be bothering you and everyone and could just get over it then push the feelings down. But now seeing you...seeing you so much...pain, someone I love hurt because of me. I...I really realize how I was affecting everyone.”
Bokuto tried denying but you shook your head, your eyes that were looking down were now up at him.
“I’ve come to reality especially after seeing you like this Bo, I love you too, and I want to make it up to you this whole week! No, month...year? Whatever. I’ll be better for our future. And you know what, why don’t I help you with that math homework so we’re both gonna get better at something by the end of the week!”
Laugher filled the once cold room with a feeling of warmth that you couldn’t explain. Bokuto leaned in and gave a small peck. You were about to give a small hum in happiness. Until he pulled far back away from you in panic.
“I-Is something wrong Bo? Does my breath stink-“
“N-NONONO NOTHING LIKE THAT. ITS JUST...I just kissed you without asking...a-and I read in a magazine you’re supposed to do that or your crush won’t like you back!”
But you interrupted it with your laughter, holding onto to one of his shoulders to not fall over. He had a confused look on his face as he fidgeted, not knowing what to do. “Y-Y/N! What?”
“You’re so stupid Bo,”
And like that you pulled him into a kiss, one he quickly melted into. He made a small surprised noise, but that was the only noise of complaint. The kiss turned into Bokuto giving you pecks all over your face. A giddy feeling in your stomach with each one. Between the kisses you say “Y’know I’m surprised you decided to sit down and read a magazine without testing on the real deal.” His face has a small flush, instead of saying anything he just kisses you aggressively all over, causing you to reel back and laugh harder. He pulls away from the assault and grabs your hand. He leads you over to the couch and hugs you as you both flop onto the couch. You looked at him confused, “Bo?”
But he just turned the TV on, clicked through the channels, until he found one he liked. He looked over at you excitedly, “Let’s cuddle and watch the movie I was talking about last week!”
The genuine excitement in his voice was all it took to have you wrapped around his finger. So now it was getting late and you were falling asleep to Bokuto gently rubbing his hand in circles on your back. And his faint smell of cologne luring you to sleep.
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Hey! Sorry if this is on the shorter side, but I tried packing as much emotion as I could into it to make up. I hope you enjoyed this, cause I added a few of my little issues into it so I hope you don’t mind. (Also along with some people ik) I really hope it gets better for you, hopefully by now even though this came out late (sorry really busy this month for some reason🧍) if you need anyone to talk to I’m always open to hear❤️..
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julemmaes · 3 years
Honey - part three
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre roommates au
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A/N: famous last words: I can finish this is in two hours. six hours laters and I feel like I’ve been beaten up by a gang of bigass old faes if you know what I mean.
IT CONTAINS SMUT, not suited for readers under 18
Please be kind I fucking hate my smut, if it’s disgusting just don’t comment on it cause I could hit my head on the wall several times
Word count: 7,519
Aelin's scream was like a stab to the brain, "Get up you nasty little bitch!"
"Ace! Why don't you try with sweet Ellie?" retorted Lysandra.
Elide didn't even have the strength to open her eyes or move from the fetal position she was in, curled up with a pillow pushed so hard against her belly that she wouldn't have been surprised if it had somehow damaged her internal organs, "Please leave."
The two didn't seem to hear her.
"Sweet?" Aelin huffed, "But you did see her last night, right?"
Elide opened one eye, seeing that they had both sat down at the end of the bed. She felt the cracks tugging at her eyelid and grunted, pressing her face into the pillow. She wanted to die. And she wanted Manon to come and free her from those two supposed friends who she knew were about to remind her of her misadventures.
"Except for what happened before we left," Aelin winked, placing a hand on her foot. Elide withdrew it, not wanting to feel physical touch of any kind at that moment. "I would have been willing to break up with Rowan so I could get between Kyllian and you, honestly."
Elide grunted again, her voice muffled by the pillow. "I'm begging you girls, you need to get out before I throw up again."
And it was true, she would throw up if they didn't stop talking. Plus, Elide didn't care in the slightest what the drunk her had done. She hated her so much.
Lysandra giggled and she felt it as she climbed between the covers until she was settled next to her on the pillows, "Between her and Lorcan though, no?"
The cry of disgust that erupted from Aelin and the all too loud laugh from the other didn't make Elide register the words right away, but as soon as she realised what they had said, her stomach began to twist and turn, and not like when Lorcan accidentally brushed her hand or when he put his hand on her thigh during movie nights. Oh no.
With a movement she didn't know she had the physical skills to make, she shifted the covers off her body and launched herself into the hallway, slamming her hand against the bathroom door and throwing herself to the floor in front of the toilet before the highly concentrated alcoholic contents in her stomach spilled onto the floor.
As she vomited and Lysandra tied up her hair, massaging her back, Elide felt her heart break slowly. She wanted to turn around, to ask Aelin what had happened, or maybe not. She groaned as another gag shook her body and her eyes filled with tears once more as she puked what could only be alcohol.
"How do you still have stuff in your stomach?" muttered Aelin from outside the bathroom door.
Elide didn't blame her, vomit was disgusting and she was particularly sensitive to the sound of gagging. The only reason Lysandra wasn't the least bit uncomfortable was her younger sister Evangeline, who she had practically raised without anyone's help. Whatever came out of a person's body, their friend had already seen it in all shapes and colours.
Elide cursed herself for thinking such a thing while she was bent over the toilet throwing up, because it pushed her over the edge one more time and a sob wracked her body, "Fuck-" she managed to mutter between spits.
"I thought you weren't going to barf any more after last night," Lys said, continuing to rub her back.
"True," Aelin mumbled a little louder, "did you keep drinking after?"
Elide managed to turn her head towards the door, seeing that her friend was sitting on the floor just outside the bathroom. She grimaced as a gust of air that smelled like vomit reached her nose, "After what?"
"You and Lorcan left after you threw up," Lys explained to her. Elide didn't bother turning towards her, she didn't have the energy, "And you threw up so much Ellie, everywhere. It's weird that you have anything else to reject."
It wasn't weird at all considering the only thing Elide remembered was the amounts of alcohol she had ingested. She'd started just before seven with straight tequila, desperate to see how indifferent people were to the biggest catastrophic problems in human history, and everyone knew she couldn't handle alcohol even in small amounts. But Elide was also known to be the type who could drink for hours without ever feeling sick, if she now found herself bent over the toilet the next morning, it meant she had gone too far.
"I don't remember anything."
"It's okay, don't worry about it," Aelin said and Elide felt a shiver run through her body at the hint of mischief in her voice. She braced herself mentally to hear how much she'd actually whored out the night before, "We're here to fix the memory loss."
Lysandra made a disgusted noise as Elide flushed the toilet and the water stirred underneath them, but she patted her shoulders and pulled herself up, "You need to take a shower first though. Because you smell like death."
"Geez, thanks," Elide murmured as she began to undress.
The grin that appeared on Aelin's face made her hands freeze around the hem of her shirt. The other arched an eyebrow, looking into her eyes, "What? Lorcan is the only one you can flash?"
Elide closed her eyes, bringing her hands to her face and then let go a scream of frustration.
Oh, god.
"I remember..." Elide scoffed, running her hands through her hair. When her fingers reached the tips, she was horrified to find they were encrusted with what was surely vomit from the night before. "Fuck."
Lysandra snickered beside her, "Why were you so drunk that you didn't realise what you were doing so damn early?"
Elide looked at her, and although she knew the question was only asked to tease her more, there was a note of concern in her tone. Her shoulders sagged a little and she shook her head, starting to undress undisturbed, "I set out to research a few things and the world is a shitty place and there was nothing I could do in the immediate future to save us all so I got drunk."
"Sounds like alcoholism," Aelin joked.
Both Lysandra and Elide laughed, "If you knew what I found out you'd get drunk too," the latter added.
"Send everything my way." the blonde winked at her, and then they went out, leaving her alone to wash away the sins of the night before and letting her mind travel. And Elide's mind travelled far too much as she racked her brains to remember Lorcan's reactions to a naked her.
After her friends had told her everything that had happened the night before. From her taking her clothes off in front of her best friend, to him getting stuck in their bathroom and calling Aelin for help, to her dancing with Kyllian specifically to make her roommate jealous - or so the drunk her seemed to have justified her actions - to Fenrys saving her from what was sure to end up being just casual sex that would only widen the gap between her and Lorcan.
Gap that apparently wasn't as pronounced as she thought.
Aelin and Lysandra had told her about the way he had pushed his way through the crowd and joined Elide on the dance floor. The way they had danced to one of their favourite songs until they had been on the verge of kissing.
Elide had never been so relieved to know that she'd thrown up on someone. And that her plan to attract Lorcan had worked.
She was cooking now, thinking about how bad it would have been for her to find out they'd kissed without having even the slightest recollection of it happening, when the front door opened and the boy who was the object of her dreams walked into the kitchen.
He stopped in the doorway, looking at her with the most emotionless face Elide had ever seen him wear.
"Hello, handsome." she murmured, continuing to cook.
Lorcan stood still in the threshold for a while without saying anything, as if to sort the situation out. Then, without taking his eyes off what she was doing, he took off his jacket and shoes and walked into the kitchen, "How are you feeling?"
Elide had her back to him as she washed some tomatoes, "Just a bit of a headache. I threw up again when I woke up, but other than that I'm fine."
"Did you drink some water? Had breakfast?" he asked her.
Elide shook her head looking at him, "I woke up after noon, Aelin and Lysandra came over." then frowned, "I think it's their fault I threw up."
Lorcan chuckled, "Sure, absolutely." then he gathered his hair into a messy bun and Elide focused on the way the muscles of his biceps tensed every time he pulled on the elastic, "It's not the alcoholic coma from last night at all."
Elide gathered some courage and taking a deep breath, said, "About last night-"
"We don't have to talk about it," Lorcan immediately interrupted her.
She looked up at him, trying not to show any emotion, trying to read his on that sculptural face that remained impassive. Then, seeing the way he was looking at her, she came to a conclusion.
She arched an eyebrow, plastering a grin on her face, "Does this mean you didn't like my tits?"
Lorcan turned red in the face before stuttering, "No. I mean, yes! No, fuck. Shit... I don't know."
Elide chuckled and began to dress their salad, "You've never seen a pair of tits before?" she asked knowing full well how untrue that was.
When she had moved into the flat, both she and he had had their own wild nights out where they brought home a different partner every weekend. On one occasion, Elide had been stunned when she came out of her room and bumped into a girl she had spent the night with a few weeks earlier. The girl had only bid her good morning, winking, before returning to Lorcan's room.
"No, it's not that," he muttered, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"So surely you'll have other samples to compare my boobs to and you'll be able to tell me if they're above average," she continued, prolonging this gentle torture.
He sat down, both elbows resting on the table, and rested his chin on his clasped hands. He looked into her eyes for a few seconds, then whispered, "What are you doing?"
"I'm making our lunch," she replied innocently.
She heard him breathe through his nose, "Why are we talking about your tits, I meant?"
"Uh," she smiled, casting him another quick glance, "I didn't think you were so grossed out that you can't even handle a conversation about them."
The frown on his face went deeper and deeper. He remained silent for so long that Elide thought he would never say anything again, that she would never get his thoughts on her breasts, but when she served the salad, sitting down in front of him, he finally spoke.
"It's not that," he repeated, looking away, "they're very nice. Balanced." he began to eat undisturbed and Elide grimaced in amusement, finding a way to keep the conversation going.
"Balanced? What are they? An economic system?"
Lorcan clenched his jaw, setting his fork down on his plate and looking into her face again. She knew she was playing a dangerous game, that she was risking losing her sanity, but she had to know, had to-
"They're perfect and, maybe they are because they're attached to you, but they're probably the most beautiful tits I've ever seen."
Elide's brain shut down. And he seemed to realise it too because the shadow of a smile began to form on his lips.
Lorcan leaned forward on the table and her eyes snapped to his arms. Fingers flexing, interlocking, caught her attention completely. She returned her gaze to his, feeling her body heat up as he resumed speaking. "If I'm going to be completely honest... If you want the details, Elide," the way he said her name made her most intimate part clench around nothing, "I've never seen such nice, small nipples and that pink?" he shut his eyes, moaning as he brought one of the tomatoes to his mouth and wrapped his lips around the fork.
Elide swallowed the mouthful that had been in her mouth for over a minute and nearly choked when he opened his eyes again and they were darker than normal if that was possible.
She looked away, too many feelings building up inside her, but crossed her legs, trying to relieve some of the tension there.
"Wasn't that enough, Ellie?" he asked in a rough voice, biting into an olive, making sure she saw the way his lips closed around it.
She swallowed again, "No, it was fine..." she cleared her throat when it came out too weak, "Thanks for the feedback."
Lorcan let go a throaty chuckle, "The pleasure is all mine."
Like every Sunday evening, the whole group had gathered at the twins' house. And that night everyone was there, although Vaughan and Vesta, along with Aedion and Sorrel, had gone out into the back yard a few hours ago and had not yet returned. Elide suspected they'd taken to smoking.
Those left in the house were playing one of the most popular games, "I feel like."
The game had no real objective, other than to embarrass people or get them to confess to extreme or obscene sexual acts. It was simply a matter of drawing a card, reading what it said and giving it to the person you thought had done the closest thing to what was described on the card. The only real rule was that you had to tell the whole story of what happened if the card you were handed told the truth.
Quite often the game would be interrupted because one of the two sides of the various couples would cheat, change the rules and instead of passing it on to the appropriate person, they would pass it on to their partner as an invitation to lock themselves in the first spare room they could find to experiment with what was asked by the game.
The cards could range from as basic things as "I feel like your first time was in a public restroom." to as a bit more hardcore as "I feel like you got fisted in the woods."
And in that moment, Elide had a strong feeling that Rowan and Aelin would soon be going home.
"Oh my fucking god," Rowan muttered as he read the words on the card, turning red from head to toe. He looked up at Aelin, swallowing and making his adam's apple bob, "Where do you even find these games?"
Elide giggled beside him, "There's a girl on the internet who updates the cards every month and puts them up for sale, we take turns to see who has to buy them each time."
"Oh god," he said shaking his head. When he slid the card in Aelin's direction, the girl leaned towards him to leave a soft kiss on his lips and when they broke away they were both smiling. Aelin read what was written on the card and for a second it seemed like the colour drained from her face, but then she blinked and cleared her throat, looking at Rowan with wide eyes.
"Maybe we should go away. To try it out." she murmured, so quietly that only those on the couch with them heard her.
Elide looked up at the boy next to her, or rather, behind her, to see if he was listening, but he seemed lost in thought. He had been absentmindedly stroking her arm since they had settled there, and Elide didn't think she had ever been so relaxed in her life.
She and Lorcan were sitting at one end of the sofa, opposite to Rowan and Aelin, her between his legs and with her back against his chest. Every time one of them laughed, their bodies moved closer together and now she had her head resting on the part of his chest between his neck and shoulder.
She was home.
Fenrys and Connall, across the living room, sitting on the floor, booed.
"You can't pass them all on to her!" complained Lysandra.
Aelin didn't even look at her as she spoke, her eyes always fixed on Rowan's, as if they were having a telepathic conversation, "Lys, shut up."
Her friend gasped, bringing a hand to her mouth.
"I say we vote to kick them out of the room," Asterin said, in exactly the same position she was in, but between her boyfriend's legs. Half the people in the room raised their hands to the sky, making Aelin roll her eyes.
Fenrys nodded, always ready to back Asterin up in whatever situation they were in, "It's starting to smell like Rowaelin in here."
Lorcan chuckled behind her, knocking her forward. And as the others lost themselves in the chatter, Elide shifted her gaze to Manon, who sat in the armchair next to the couch, one hand in Dorian's hair, who sat with his head resting on the armrest.
Her friend's bright eyes sparkled with malice as she arched an eyebrow and gestured to the boy she was practically sitting on. Elide felt her cheeks blush, but smiled naively at her, pretending not to know what she was alluding to. Manon smiled back.
Elide had never spoken openly to her about Lorcan, not in that way at least, but she knew Manon knew - in fact, now that she thought about it, she had never had to do that with anyone. Everyone had been rather quick to catch on that. Everyone except Lorcan.
The hand on her arm stopped, clinging completely against her skin and Elide had to force herself not to look at him, but then he lowered himself onto her and whispered in her ear, "Ellie."
She turned her head just enough to look at him and his lips brushed her cheek, so briefly that she thought she had imagined it. Lorcan had pulled back and was now looking into her eyes, "Your turn."
She blinked and turned towards the others, only realising at that moment that all eyes were on them. She felt her face burn, but she nodded, putting a hand on Lorcan's knee and pushing herself forward, rubbing her ass on the crotch of his trousers. She'd been doing this all night, all night teasing him, just as he was teasing her, brushing the side of the breasts from time to time.
And each time, Lorcan would burst into a coughing fit and move further back, which only gave Elide a chance to grind even harder against him in an attempt to regain the comfortable position they were in before.
As she settled back into her seat, she met Fenrys' gaze, who had a shit-eating grin on his face. She lowered her eyes to the maroon card in her hands quickly, shimming her hips between his legs. Lorcan's hands ended on her shoulders and she looked up at him, batting her eyelids like a fawn.
"Stop moving around so much," he grumbled.
She smiled gently and then took up reading. She hadn't touched alcohol that night, for obvious reasons, but she still found it hard to understand what was written there when Lorcan's fingers began to draw imaginary lines across her bare skin.
"I feel like..." she whispered, her eyes going wide. She looked across the sofa at Rowan.
The friend gave her a chuckle, "I told you they seemed a bit extreme."
I feel like you performed a titjob on someone while being eaten out.
Before she could realise what she was doing, she said, "Can I give myself the card or...?"
Dorian turned a quizzical look on her, "You know you have to-"
Fenrys shrieked something unintelligible, but that stopped Dorian. Manon above them clenched her hands into fists, her eyes half-closed at the sudden commotion, "I haven't killed you yet just because-"
"Yeah yeah, just because of Asterin, I get it," Fenrys replied moving a hand midair, his gaze never leaving Elide's, who in a moment of clarity realised what Dorian was about to say. What the blond said only served to confirm her fear, "But Elide just confessed to doing whatever is written on it and I want to know every detail."
She felt Lorcan stiffen behind her and then Elide realised something else entirely. He must have read what was written on the card.
"So?" pressed Aelin, leaning over Rowan and snatching the card from Elide's hands. She opened her mouth wide with an amused expression, then put on a pout, looking at her boyfriend, "These are the things I sometimes wish you'd be a little more open about."
Rowan arched an eyebrow, reading the card in turn, "We can do those two things at the same time and without anyone else having to see you naked."
Lysandra, next to them, picked up the card, "Oh, Aedion and I did that too. Although it was a normal blowjob, no titty job." she exclaimed happily.
One thing that pleased Elide greatly was the fact that no one in that room would judge her for what she did in the bedroom and who she did it with. Also because there was a high probability that they had done it too.
And slowly the card was passed among all the members of their group and when it reached Fenrys and Asterin, the girl winked at Elide, murmuring a sensual, "I've never done it, but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt." Fenrys winked behind her, intertwining their hands. Asterin's smile only grew wider, before she added, "You have our numbers."
Elide blushed, but smiled anyway, nodding.
Everyone began to talk about the various possibilities, as they did during every turn, and the card finally passed from Dorian and Manon and the two exchanged only a glance before giving the card to Lorcan.
Lorcan who was taking deep breaths one after the other and had his eyes closed. Elide had never seen him so focused in her life. She noticed the way he contracted and relaxed his jaw repeatedly and frowned.
Was he alright?
She ran a finger over his thigh to get his attention, tracing a line from his knee to where his leg touched her hip and Lorcan let go a shuddering breath, opening his eyes slightly and tightening his grip on her shoulders, "I don't think you should do that." his voice so hoarse and deep that Elide felt her stomach knot. She didn't understand what he was referring to.
And then she felt it.
Hard and... thick against her ass.
She opened her eyes wide, pointing them at him, and held her breath. She had to stop herself from opening her mouth in surprise, but she couldn't stop herself when her hips pushed against Lorcan's now obvious erection.
Elide had never been so happy to hear Fenrys' laughter as she was at that moment, because if it hadn't been for the sudden noise, the moans that escaped them both would have been heard all too well and neither of them would have been able to look at anyone else in the room for the rest of their lives.
Lorcan swallowed, breathing through his nostrils, and his gaze fell to her lips. Her eyes did the same and she didn't care that they were among everyone and would have everyone's eyes on them if they did exactly what Elide was thinking, because his lips parted slightly and he whispered her name and she was lost.
Without thinking about it for another second, Elide turned just enough to have her face directly in front of his and closed her eyes, feeling his lips brush hers. She released a breath she didn't know she was holding, "Lorcan,"
And then she kissed him, and it was exactly as she had always dreamed it would be, as his lips moved with hers and they tasted and breathed from each other. A sound that Elide had never made in her life rose up her throat as Lorcan shifted and with a sharp movement of his hips turned her fully towards him and now she was on her knees in front of him, both of them breathing heavily as they looked into each other's eyes.
Someone coughed in the room and she heard Aelin whisper a weak "fucking finally", but Elide didn't give a shit.
She placed her hands on Lorcan's face, tilting his head back so she could reach him better. The second his hands landed on her hips, their lips collided again in a fierce kiss and his tongue found its way into her mouth.
The first touch of their tongues was like having a thousand fireworks explode in her mouth.
"Okay, it's time to join the others," Manon murmured.
Elide heard Fenrys mutter, "Please not on the couch, there are guest rooms upstairs."
Lorcan pulled away from her just enough to see what was going on around them and her hands slid around his neck, ending in his hair as she admired the line of his cheekbones and the way his lashes caressed his skin every time he closed his eyes.
God, he was beautiful.
"Which one can we use?" asked Lorcan as he looked at Fenrys.
Elide's eyes went wide, causing him to turn towards her. She ran a thumb over his lower lip, smirking, "So sure of yourself."
Without missing a beat, Lorcan mimicked her grin and squeezed her hips, "You don't want to?"
Elide smiled, turning towards her friends, stopping to look at Fenrys, "The second on the left right?"
When the owner of the house winked at her, nodding, she stood up, pulling Lorcan with her, who had a confused look on his face, "Why do you know that?"
She had the decency to blush, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the stairs, "You don't want to know."
Lysandra burst out laughing as everyone resumed their seats on the floor or the couch, "You really don't."
Elide tugged at him more insistently, not looking at Lorcan's reaction to those words. She just wanted to get to the room and lock herself in with him.
When she felt his hand settle on her hip and slide down to her ass cheek, where he paused to give it a squeeze, she almost turned and slammed him against the wall just so she could continue kissing him how she needed to.
They arrived in front of the door and she stopped with her fingers on the handle, once inside there would be no stopping. There would be no point of return.
His fingers brushed her cheek and she turned to face him, who now wore a ravenous, excited look, but Elide could see the concern and hesitation in taking the next step, "We don't have to do anything, Ellie."
She nodded, because she knew that was the case, but squeezed his hand to emphasize what he said, "But I want to."
"Good thing, cause the thought of you fucking those two gave me some ideas."
She grinned, placing a hand on his chest, "I wasn't the one doing the titty work, but we can always try."
Lorcan groaned softly at the knowledge of Elide licking another girl and then pushed the door open, backing in and taking his-
Whatever Elide was at that moment to him, it wasn't important.
The only thing that was important was his lips on hers.
The difference in height wasn't making it easy for him, and when he leaned down even further, never breaking the kiss, to run his hands under her knees and pull her up, Elide seemed to understand that right away and, pulling away just enough to jump into his arms, they found themselves on each other in seconds.
Lorcan bit her lower lip, making her moan, and when he moved to her jaw, nipping lightly at her skin, Elide threw her head back, pushing her hips against his and drawing a groan from both of them.
He immediately took the opportunity to latch his lips onto the smooth, quivering skin of her neck, feeling the bed behind his knees and sitting up, letting her straddle him. His hands moved up her legs, caressing her inner thighs, but never really getting close to where she needed him most.
Elide began to grope his chest, grazing the skin of his arms, but never staying in one spot, until Lorcan began to suck at the bare skin between her neck and shoulder and she nudged him slightly.
He quickly pulled away, panting, "What?"
There were too many layers. Keeping her eyes fixed on his, Elide lowered her hands to the hem of her shirt and slipped it off in one swift movement. She smiled smugly when she could finally see Lorcan's reaction to her bare tits.
His eyes were slightly wider than usual and his pupils so dilated that Elide realised that she had never noticed that Lorcan's eye colour was not black, but just a very dark brown. When he looked at her, the words died in her throat.
"I love it when you don't wear a bra," he murmured, reaching up to her and brushing her lips with his, "But I love even more the way you shiver every time I do this."
Elide didn't have a chance to dwell on the way he'd said love, because without her noticing, his hands had found their place on her waist and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out in pleasure when he brushed the sides of her breasts with his thumbs.
He pushed himself further against her, brushing his lips over her ear, "When we're alone and you don't have to hold back, I want you to scream my name." and then he moved quickly, leaving only a light kiss on her shoulder before his lips closed around a sensitive nipple.
With the first sweep of his tongue around the hard bead, Elide whimpered, pushing her hips down against his and making him moan into her chest. She brought her hands into his hair, clenching and pulling each time his teeth bit or scraped the sensitive skin around the nipple.
When he seemed to want to move on to the other breast, Elide shook her head, pulling his hair back to its roots and forcing her mouth against his, making him grunt. She had to feel him.
"Lorcan," she breathed, between kisses, "I need to touch you."
One of her hands slipped between the two of them, palming him through the sweatpants that did little to hide Lorcan's huge boner. He moaned against her chin, "Fuck."
They pulled apart again and when he had stripped off his shirt, Elide didn't waste a moment and pressed her bare chest against his, causing him to fall back onto the mattress.
Lorcan had other ideas though, because in one smooth motion she found herself lying on her back, his gentle weight pressing her against the covers and his bright smile lighting up his face. He left a kiss on her nose, on her lips and then down to the split in the middle of her breasts and her eyes rolled back in her head as a flashback from two nights before appeared in her head, of Lorcan doing the same thing with his eyes as they danced.
"Can I take these off?" he asked her, once he reached her hips where he was leaving kisses light as feathers.
Elide was breathing raggedly, but nodded when she understood he was talking about her leggings. Still keeping her eyes closed, she lifted her hips off the mattress, closing her fists around the covers as her bottoms disappeared along with her socks and the cold air hit her bare skin.
Now only the thin fabric of her black panties separated her from achieving what she wanted.
That and Lorcan's slacks.
"Ellie." she heard him as he came back on top of her, one knee between her legs to keep his balance. She licked her lip, opening her eyes and keeping her gaze fixed on him, on that perfect face.
"Do you have a condom?" she asked in a whisper, as if afraid the answer would be no. She had them, but they were downstairs, in her purse, and she had no desire to leave the room right then.
Lorcan arched an eyebrow, "I'm not having sex with you tonight, Elide."
She frowned, folding her arms under her and propping herself up on her elbows, "What does that mean?"
"That I'm not completely sober," he said, leaning his head towards her chest, keeping his eyes fixed in hers, "And the first time it'll be inside you," he murmured in a rougher voice, placing a light kiss on the nipple he hadn't licked before, "I want it to be at a time when I'm lucid and can remember all the noises and moans you make." and then he gave the same attention to her other breast, pushing her against the mattress one more time, until Elide was a squirming mess under him and deemed his treatment sufficient.
"Now I'm going to slip these off," Lorcan murmured, grazing a finger along the hem of her panties, and Elide shuddered, "and touch you. Here." the same finger slid across her covered folds, starting at her clit and following her slit to her entrance. "Already so wet for me."
Elide thrashed on the bed, moaning softly as he applied a little more pressure, "Stop teasing, we'll have time for that when we get home." she managed to toss out between shaky breaths.
"Understood ma'am." he taunted, grabbing the edges of the thing and pulling it down. The sound that burst from him was completely animalistic and threatened to make Elide come before he even really touched her. "So beautiful." he said, kneeling in front of her.
Lorcan's hands wrapped around her ankles and he pushed her legs up, placing her feet on the edge of the bed, until she was left with her knees bent and her pussy at his full disposal. Elide risked looking down between her legs and her eyes locked into his as he lowered himself onto her and smiled.
The way her chest rose and fell made her tits bounce and Lorcan seemed to appreciate it, but he didn't seem to be planning to do anything. Elide tipped her head back, whispering in a weak voice, "Do something, please."
He laughed and her muscles flexed, clenching around nothing. It was at that moment that she felt him, his breath on the most sensitive part of her body. "I'm going to make you cum so fast you won't have time to count to a hundred."
Lorcan's fingers came off her ankles and went to part her lips, making her feel the warm air of his breathe even more. He parted them until he was satisfied and Elide lowered her gaze just as his tongue made contact with her throbbing core. A rush of pleasure coursed through her body, making her legs tremble, "Lor," she moaned.
"Mh, El," he closed his lips around her clit, pressing his tongue against the pearl over and over, until Elide repeated his name like a prayer, "So good. You taste so good."
Her hands ended up in his hair again, pushing his face against her sex, seeking more. She began to move her hips, following the strokes of his mouth on her, but one of Lorcan's arms slithered around her pelvis and pinned her to the bed, lapping her juices as with his thumb he reached to massage her clit with such precision that Elide knew that whatever she would do on her own in the future, she would never be able to match how he was making her feel.
Elide cried out in pleasure, bringing a hand to her mouth as she felt his tongue thrust into her and an all too familiar warmth build up in the pit of her stomach.
She brought one hand up to massage the nipple he had only kissed and made a choked sound, her hips jerking upwards.
Lorcan moaned against her, a new sound, different from any he'd made so far, and Elide couldn't help herself. She pulled herself up onto her elbows, continuing to touch herself as he kept sending jolts of pleasure with every thrust of his tongue and every caress of his thumb, and the sight of him eating her out would have been enough to push her over the edge, but the hand wrapped around his thick, throbbing cock pumping relentlessly was the thing that made her eyes roll back and explode as the rope inside her snapped. Her legs gave out, falling over the edge of the bed and finding their place on Lorcan's shoulders.
Her mouth gaped open in a silent scream as her whole body trembled in pleasure as wave after wave surged through her and her back arched so wide she broke away from the bed.
Lorcan didn't stop touching her, but he pulled his mouth away from her, still massaging her clit until Elide was too sensitive and with a groan she tightened a hand around his wrist to push him away. She heard him grunt and then moan, but she didn't have the strength to lower her gaze to what she knew very well was a cumming Lorcan.
She was breathing hard, one hand on her stomach to rest and the other still clasped around his.
Every now and then her body was shaken by a spasm, but she managed to calm down after a few minutes and close her aching legs. She rolled onto her side, letting go of his wrist.
Lorcan was also breathless and kept his forehead pressed against the edge of the bed.
Elide felt a tinge of pain tingle through her heart. She pulled herself up just enough to look into his face, "Lor?"
She reached out a hand towards him, placing it on his shoulder, at which he raised his head and looked at her with bright eyes and an open mouth, "Are you alright?"
She nodded, smiling at him and falling back into the now unmade blankets, "Never been better."
He chuckled deeply, moving from his position on the floor and causing at least two joints in his legs to crack.
The moment Elide saw he'd managed to get at least halfway out of his trousers, her throat went dry. And her brain forgot how to talk when she noticed he wasn't wearing boxers. Elide knew Lorcan often went commando, but seeing it with her own eyes was a different story. Seeing him, was a completely different thing from feeling him against her.
She swallowed. She'd intended to scold him for taking all the fun out of both of them by touching himself, but maybe Elide had overestimated her abilities, because the idea of having to give Lorcan a blowjob when his dick was like this-
"If you keep looking at me like that I'm not sure I can keep the promise I made to myself," he murmured in a serious voice.
Elide looked up at his face and sighed as she saw his eyes as dark as before, just moments before he pulled off his clothes completely and lay down beside her on the other side of the bed.
It didn't take her even half a second to wrap herself around him and press her body against Lorcan's side as he draped an arm around her shoulders.
His fingertips began to trace idle lines on her shoulder as he had done only half an hour before on the couch in front of everyone.
A satisfied and surprised laugh came out of her. Lorcan put his hand under her chin and when she looked up at him he had an equally satisfied smile on his lips. He pushed her head towards his, causing their mouths to collide in a brief kiss that was chaste in comparison to what they had just done and when they broke away, Elide frowned, "I didn't like you touching yourself without giving me a chance to enjoy this in turn."
The corner of Lorcan's mouth turned up, "Sorry honey, but seeing you naked like that on the bed for me has been my dream for a little too long and I was sure I would have come in zero time if I had let you touch me. It would have been embarrassing." he whispered, caressing her cheek.
Elide tried to suppress a smile, failing miserably. She decided to tease him a little, "I thought I heard you say you lasted long in bed, didn't you?"
He chuckled, "You know it's hard to rely on stamina when the girl in question is you."
At those words she felt a particularly strong surge of affection for the boy who had given her one of the most intense orgasms she had ever received and she pushed herself closer against him, making her bare breasts feel against his skin.
Lorcan turned slightly towards her, looking into her face.
He looked so relaxed.
She knew he was.
But there was something that didn't allow her to be one hundred percent.
She fixed her eyes on his, placing a hand on his chest, over his heart. The hand Lorcan had held behind his head until now came to rest on hers, squeezing her fingers tight.
Elide took a shuddering breath, "Now what?"
Lorcan suppressed a yawn, "I guess it's not a problem if we stay here and sleep-"
"No, I'm saying," she interrupted him, looking away, "what do we do now? You and I." then, realizing that question couldn't have been more vague, she closed her eyes, mustering courage, "What are we now?"
"Whatever you want us to be, Ellie," he said softly, starting to stroke her hand, "But I want one thing to be clear. And I'd like you to look at me while I say it."
Elide opened her eyes, lifting her chin slightly so she could see him better, and gave him a small smile, which he immediately returned.
"What is it?"
Lorcan's gaze moved to her lips, before returning to her eyes, "I like you, Elide."
She stopped breathing.
"I really like you and whatever you decide to do with me, I'll respect that, but I also want to say that if you don't want anything exclusive, then this will have been a one night stand and won't happen again."
Although she also wanted exactly the same things, hearing him say them made her chest hurt, because the prospect of not being able to have him again so soon after just finally finding him hurt.
She cleared her throat, nodding, "I like you too." she whispered, noticing his eyes widen a little, "And I don't want you going with any other girls besides me if we decide to continue with this." Lorcan nodded, agreeing with her, then continued, "If you don't want a relationship right away, I can understand that, but know that I do." she felt herself blush as she finally admitted the truth out loud, looking away, "And I know our situation isn't the best with being roommates and all-"
"Our situation is perfect," Lorcan corrected her, moving a strand of hair out of her face.
She looked at him again, seeing him smile.
"Ellie, you're my best friend. The person who knows me the most out of all the people I consider important. We already live together, we won't have to fight over who to stay at every night. We won't have to go on any awkward first dates and the sex seems phenomenal to me," a lump formed in her throat as she tried to keep her breathing regular, but found it difficult when he smiled at her more broadly, "I waited months for you to see that the playlists were all declarations and hoped that after Friday night something would change. For once I won."
Elide figured he was talking about what had happened at the club, but if she was going to be completely honest... "I was the one who showed you my tits twice, letting you know I wanted something more. Don't take all the credit."
Lorcan burst out laughing and it sounded more scratchy than usual, "I'm sorry, you're right."
He kissed her again and again, and held her close as he ran his fingers through her hair and murmured the words to a love song, and before long she fell asleep in his arms, making Lorcan the happiest man in the world.
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moonlightflower21 · 4 years
Sometimes people aren't meant to be in relationships...
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"We need to talk..." The deep voice of your mutant turtle boyfriend filled the room and you turned towards the window, a neutral expression on your face. As bad as it was, he was the last person you wanted to end the night with. Lately everything had been different. Your interaction with him depended on the entirety of his mood. He deemed he was too busy for you but you had drop everything just to be there for him? This wasn't how relationships worked. Granted, this was his first hur even after trying to talk to him, he was the equivalent of a brick wall. Just go through one ear and out the other.
"What?" You answered, sitting down on your bed. A fluffy blanket draped your legs, tiredness crawling in your veins. Hopefully he would go soon, for you really couldn't be asked for his bullshit.
"You haven't called in days, what's going on??" He asked, leaning against the wall with an accusing brow. Yours were now raised, wondering if he was actually being serious. Oh, so now he cared??
"What does it look like?? I'm in bed. And I didn't call because I simply didn't want to. I am not obliged to talk to you everyday especially if you cannot be bothered to put in the effort either" Your fingers gripped the blanket tightly, hoping he was able to pick up on the signs and leave. But he didn't, of course he wouldn't.
"It's like I don't know who you are anymore. You suddenly seem to busy to do anything with me. And when I ask, you leave promptly. How can I put in effort when you can't even be around me anymore!" He snapped, you could practically see the steam coming from his ears. But anger bubbled in your stomach and you stood, ripping the blanket off and throwing it away from you. Any and all signs of tiredness and exhaustion flew out of your body and rage filled the spot instead.
"Who the fuck do you think you are??? Walzing into my bedroom, accusing me of absurd things! Why should I even make the effort?? Everything is always about you! All our talks, all our interactions. When was the last time you've asked me if I was okay?? I'm just a thing you like having on your elbow, something to show off to your brothers but you know what?? I can't do it! I don't give a fucking damn if you're upset because you've made me feel like shit for months! But have I ever made you feel bad about it??" You yelled, watching his figure stiffen and clench at the tone of your voice. You've never raised your voice at him like this before.
But he wasn't a child, he was a full grown adult that had to understand that life isn't easy. Everyone has problems and issues and he isn't the one in the entire world that has it hard.
"And while we're at it, your number one excuse is always your ninjitsu responsibilities and I understand. Believe me, if I didn't I would've left months ago. But suddenly it's my fault these people don't appreciate the work you do for them! Am I supposed to go to every resident in the city and praise you??"
"That's quite enough, Y/N!-" He started but you stopped him there. He wanted to open the bottle of faults and blame, you sure as hell were going to make him understand it was a two way situation.
"Be quiet. I'm not done" You seethed, fists clenched so tightly you were sure your fingernails had penetrated the first layer of your skin. But you couldn't bring yourself to care, your entire body felt hot. Anger, disappointment, bitterness, pain, everything swirled in your head and poured out of your mouth.
"You don't know HALF the shit I'm going through. You obviously don't care so please, tell me what the fuck is this relationship?? For you to dump all your problems on me?? As a partner, I will listen and console you when needed. But I draw the line now, I am not your therapist. You don't bother listening to me, so now it's the same. I don't care what happens to you, Leonardo" Hands raised in surrender, you step back maintaining the eye contact. You heard a soft gasp coming from him as you spilled your true feelings but you couldn't care less. Actually it felt refreshing to say everything that was weighing you down, able to finally fucking breathe.
"What are you saying?" He whispered, voice hoarse. Pins felt like they flooded his throat, following all the way down to his chest. Puncturing his heart. As if everything was on a standstill, the words fell from your lips slowly. And yet, he couldn't do anything to stop them.
"Isn't it obvious? I can't do this anymore. Mentally and physically. I can't be the person you want me to be. And clearly you're not happy with who I am-"
"I am! God, Y/N, I love you for who you are-"
"No you don't. Like I said, you fell in love with the idea of having a partner. But you don't love me for who I am. You want me to be someone who benefits you and you only. I just.... I can't do it" You laughed, however he knew there was anything but humour in your tone.
It hurt you to say the next words but you know he has to hear them, in order for you both to move on. You wouldn't have ever thought you could say it to his face but boy, life sure works in crazy ways.
"Leonardo, I just.... I don't love you" You utter calmly, glancing at those stormy irises. You know he won't break down in front of you but you can sense his sadness from here. It made you feel weird, you weren't ever the cause for his grief.
Leo didn't think he heard you correctly, expecting you to break out in a smile and yell it's all a joke. But your face spoke otherwise. Hands folded, stance rigid, he knew you meant business.
"So this how it's going to end? When... when did this happen?" He sniffs, both eye brows raised trying his ultimate best to not cry in front of you. You knew what he was referring to but was it ever acceptable to tell a partner when you fell out of love with him? It would be too much for him to handle.
"I don't know-" "Tell me" He commands, his stature matching yours and you shrug your shoulders. Fine, you had warned him. See if he can handle the cold truth.
"Around two weeks ago. I realised that this relationship... well, I've already told you" You eye his features. Though he seems unfazed, his eyes tell a different story.
"Okay..." He brushed a hot tear away, knowing it was only going to be the first of many to arrive. His heart pained immensely, as though someone had a tight grip around it. Slowly but surely breaking piece by piece.
"I'm sorry... for everything I've put you through. I'm sorry I couldn't be the person you needed. And I'm so sorry for ever treating you like you didn't matter" He turned to look at you, his sapphire eyes shining with the unshed tears. It just twisted the knife that was in your heart. The tears shouldn't be there, he shouldn't have to feel like this. Your arms pitched with the urge to hold him, pretend that it was all going to be okay. Because even if he put you through hell, you still loved him. And that was what you hated the most. Even after everything, why did your heart still beat for him?
"Just close the window when you leave" You turn away, picking up the tossed blanket on the floor. He nods, taking a deep breath. Feeling another hot tear leave his eyes unwillingly, he obliged. He didn't know what he had expected anyway. You to wipe his tear and kiss away his pain? In another world perhaps, but here? Only a turmoil of pain and he was right in the centre. Quietly, the window gently closed as he vanished in the night.
You had taken a deep breath but your lungs felt empty. Heart heavy, body numb, the pain you tried to keep in all night dripped down your cheeks. Continuous hot tears rolled down and you hadn't the energy to wipe them away. And funnily enough, through this you could feel your heart slowly being relieved. Slowly being let out of the shackles it once was pinned in.
Leo didn't know where he was going, anywhere but his home. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, the tears blurred his vision. Stinging his eyes, burning his cheeks but they were unstoppable. Hearing a loud roll of thunder in the distance, he knew he should have gone home. But he wasn't able to face his family. What a horrible day.
One minute he was on the ledge and the next he felt himself toppling off the edge. Through his heartbreak, he must've miscalculated a step and toppled down the long building. His body banged into the walls, scratched roughly by the bricks until he was thrown into the ground with a loud bang. He was so lucky it wasn't packed and crowded.
Surrounding by the bin bags, drenched with rain, he couldn't hold it in anymore. A shaky cry overcame his body, heavy sobs racking his entire body. He felt like he couldn't breathe, hands trembling trying to console himself. The cries felt like they came from his very soul, gasping for air that never reached his chest. Everything hurt around him. And as if the sky was in agreement, the drizzle of rain became heavy; drenching his very core.
His calf burned, excruciating pain shot up his leg if he added the slightest bit of pressure. Skin was torn from his shoulders and his head felt like it had been punched several times relentlessly.
The rain washed his body, stinging his wounds and carrying the blood away. He heard his phone go off but he hadn't the courage to answer it just yet. He needed help but he couldn't bear to look at anyone. He was where he belonged, with the trash and the dirt. He deserved the hate from other people. He deserved your anger. If only he was able to truly see how you were, maybe this could have been prevented.
Some people didn't deserve love, maybe he was one of them.
No, he was one of those people.
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