#tmnt x reader sad
I hope you all are ready for a cry round. Because the upcoming tmnt x reader I'm working on is hitting right were it hurts😭
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katanablue · 2 months
The request that I have is for Leo from the 2007 film where the female reader is in a relationship with Leo and is at her apartment and is babysitting her cousins or siblings baby who is about 6 months old and one night Leo visits his girlfriend and is surprised when he sees the baby at first but as time goes by he and the female reader spend time together with the baby and Leo falls more in love with his girlfriend seeing her take care and loving the baby. Something really fluffy like him wrapping his arms around the reader as she is rocking the baby to sleep.
Please and thank you 🙏
HELL yeah bruddeeerrr
I had to use this gif sry
Warnings: none??? Fluff?? Ending could be interpreted as a little sad lmao???
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There’s three knocks on your bedroom window, just loud enough for you to hear and turn your head just in time to see your boyfriend climbing in.
“Shh,” You gently hush as you pat your nieces back, luring her into sleep by barely bouncing with your knees. Leo’s eyes widen in surprise when he spots the small baby in your arms, switching his gaze between the two of you.
“Something I should know?” He asks with a raised eye ridge, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head down at you. You mimic his expression, unable to hold yours for very long once he gestures towards your niece with a tilt of his head and a faint smile.
“Surprise.” You joke, looking down at her and continuing to rock her to sleep since she’s still fighting it off. Leo lets out a quiet chuckle, stepping closer and taking a better look at the baby.
“She’s my brother’s, him and his spouse are having their first night out since she was born so I’m babysitting.” You whisper, tiptoeing to your bed. You delicately place her down in the pillow barrier you created and smile down at her, running a finger down the curve of her arm before stepping away. Leo also spares her one more glance before pulling away, walking to the door and waiting as you set up her constellation projector. You leave the door open an ample amount and make your way to the living room with Leo right behind.
“Is this a bad time?” He asks, raising his voice the tiniest bit. “Should I just come back?”
You shake your head and plop onto the couch with a sigh, patting the space next to you for him to join. Once Leo sits he drapes his arm over your shoulders and pulls you in to place a kiss on your temple. You smile and hum, nuzzling more into his side and throwing your own arm over his plastron.
“You gonna be babysitting more?”
“If they need me to, yeah. I don’t mind it, she’s an easy baby thank god.” You chuckle and lift your head up to look at him. There’s something in his eyes that has your heart skip a beat, a warmth settling in your chest as he studies you.
“You just looked so natural holding her.” He comments, moving his hand to rub up and down your side.
“Aw, did it awaken something in you?” You tease, playfully poking at him. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head, lightly pinching your side. He reaches for the remote and turns the tv on, immediately going to lower the volume to not disturb your sleeping guest.
“Leo? Can you—“
“I got it.”
Leo quickly picks up the pacifier from your nieces bag, walking up to you two. He gives her the pacifier, kissing the side of your head once she takes a hold of it.
“She’s fussy today.” He comments and searches around the room for a toy just in case.
“Yeah, it’s one of those rare nights unfortunately.” You mutter, cradling her close to your chest and starting to rock her again.
The past 2 months have been truly something ever since Leo got introduced to your niece. Slowly but surely, without intention, he fell into routine of helping you out whenever you had to babysit her. He’d ready her bottle, get her clothes ready for bath time, play with her, even taking it upon himself to clean her spit up whenever it happened while you cleaned yourself.
It felt nice having him here with you and Leo could tell that you appreciated it.
And that in turn made him fall all the more in love with you.
He wouldn’t fully admit it, not really, how much he enjoys helping you with your niece. It’s an opportunity to spend more time with you and a way to get to know a piece of your family even though she’d likely wouldn’t remember him once she got older. Not that he really minded, he’s just grateful to even be able to be a part of something like this in the first place.
Leo is snapped out of his thoughts when he hears you let out a small frustrated sound, your eyebrows furrowed as you and your niece stare at each other. She’s wide eyed and fully awake, not a trace of exhaustion in her tiny body.
But at least she’s quiet.
Leo comes up behind you and carefully winds his arms around your waist, hooking his chin onto your shoulder and rocking the three of you side to side. Over the next few minutes it’s just you two looking down at the baby, whose eyes start to steadily close and fall into slumber. She fights it a couple of times but eventually drifts off into sleep, her tiny fists resting right by her face.
You both let out a quiet sigh of relief, Leo kissing your cheek softly and raising a hand to trail his finger across her arm.
“I love you,” He whispers against your skin, painting the scene into his memory.
He knows it won’t be possible for you to have this of your own, but at least he was able to pretend for the time being.
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hotheadedhero · 5 months
All That's Left
There's routine and there's getting used to change. Some are quickly adaptable but, depending on the circumstance, it isn't always that easy.
Leonardo x Reader
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Warning: angst
Being a ninja has its perks: one can evade the eyes of man whilst making way to their destination. However, even with such skill, moving through the night is more optimum, especially for Leonardo. Shifting over buildings and hiding around dumpsters is one thing but more open areas are difficult to navigate whilst adhering to the element of stealth. Luckily, the elements are in his favour: the downpour of rain shielding him by both sound and sight. He isn’t typically one to go to such lengths to get to one place unless it’s in the name of a mission but this has become a routine as of late. He does it as frequently as he can given his circumstances but it never feels as though it makes up for all of that lost time. By now, he knows this path like the back of his hand: sneak past ground watch, jump over the gate, and take the fifth walkway from the left. A few more paces and he’s made it. His observance is dim but his lips pull as best as they can at her sleeping form.
"Hey," he greets quietly. "Sorry, it’s been a few days since my last visit."
Despite the blank, paling face that stares back at him, his smile remains. He lays the flowers down and kneels before her.
"I would have brought everyone else with me but I decided to be a bit selfish today. Just the two of us. I hope that’s okay.”
Again, silence follows and he readjusts his sitting position to get comfortable.
"Things have been quiet lately," he continues, his eyes absentmindedly gazing over her bed. "I'd say it's a nice change but I wouldn’t mind the distraction."
He huffs a laugh and his head cranes towards his shoulder before straightening again. The gentle pierce of his brown stare wanders over the rest of the cold space that surrounds them. Despite having come here for the last two months, there’s still something new to look at. He remembers when he first heard of this being her new residence and how long it took to adjust. Often, he still finds himself heading towards her old apartment out of muscle memory. 
"I know it probably sounds like a broken record at this point but everyone misses you. I… miss you.” 
There’s a grasp on his throat, a squeeze that only tightens the more he tries to fight it. He swallows past the restriction, mouth dry, tongue suddenly alien to him. Just keep a level head. This isn’t anything new by now. His cheeks cave in against the deep intake of air. 
"There's a lot I should have said when I had the chance," he whispers hoarsely, though no words follow in this empty promise of rectification. 
He can’t do it. His eyes clamp shut with his lips, firmly pressed to hold back the internal incursion. He can't even bring himself to say it: what he wants to say; what he's wanted to say for so many years. There's no point knowing that he'll never get an answer. His fingers dig into the sodden ground, pulling away the strands of grass that have only just begun to grow above her. It breaks beneath his palms and sullies the very hands that tremble under his hunched body. He should remain composed. He shouldn’t fall apart like this. Is it not he who should be able to think straight during dire circumstances such as this? Be the voice of reason? For his family but not himself it seems. Not right now. 
With a heavy, laboured breath, his head pries upward to meet her grey face once more. The carved letters of her name stare back at him, dowsed in rain and he can only hope, wherever her spirit may be, that she isn’t crying for him. He doesn’t deserve her tears. He was in South America saving all of those people when he should have been here to save her. If he had come home when he was supposed to, this never would have happened. Leonardo and his brothers would have been back doing patrol before any of this could become a reality. She would still be alive. She would still be with him. He took her for granted and now he’s paying the ultimate price. 
“I thought I might find you here,” a voice calls out to him. 
A familiar voice. Not the one he’d be wishing for but a welcome one nonetheless. He tears his gaze away from the gravestone to be met by his friend April, who kneels beside him. She tilts her umbrella so that he may be sheltered too and together they sit quietly. Rain is their only comfort with this mutual understanding of unrest in the air. There isn’t anything that can be said to make better of this; nothing that hasn’t already been repeated countless times. 
With the clouds readying their part for day’s oncoming dawn, April takes her stand and outstretches a hand to her friend. He waves his muddied fingers with a pathetic attempt at a laugh and rises lethargically.
“Come on. You can’t hold onto this guilt forever, Leo,” she reminds him, just as everyone has been since his return. “She’d want you to let go.”
He's not sure he'll ever be able to rest on that idea. Not until he learns how to say goodbye, at least - the last word he had said to her so carelessly, not realising it would indeed be goodbye.
This is something shorter and a bit different but an idea that would not leave for the life of me. Hope you enjoyed!
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writinandcrying · 2 years
Needs - Rottmnt Raph x GN Reader
Tw: mentions of death, sickness, fear of losing someone, hospital talk, oldest siblings syndrome, extremely self indulgent, shit is really sad sorry loldnjdjd
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You haven’t returned Raphael’s texts.
Or Donnie’s, or April’s, didn’t visualize any of Leo’s memes, not even when the youngest threatened that doctor feelings would make a visit, they didn’t respond, it wasn’t really a surprise, but still unsettling, lately y/n has been isolating themselves since the beginning of the year, everyone understood some sudden disappearances, taking care of a sick parent was no easy job, and to handle it alone was even harder, they knew you needed comfort, a shoulder to cry on, and they all thought they had made progress with opening up, the past 2 months they would discuss their issues more openly, but something changed in the past days
Raph waited, he knew you could be a lot like Donnie in stressful moments, Sometimes Raph likes to imagine his crush as a cat, he knew they would be the cutest, most cuddle-able, fluffy cat ever, but he also knew that you need to give space to a kitty somtimes until they finally feel comfortable enough to come to you on their own
Othertimes you have to meet them halfway
After a week of not responding, Raphael decided to pay y/n a visit, as would Donnie say, if his calculations were right, he wouldn’t like the view he was about to encounter
Raphael always tried to land “softly” or “quietly” on y/n’s firescape, concerned he would frighten any human with such loud noise over his body size, and god forbid he ever wanted to scare them away, tonight he let his patience slide a bit to the side, as anxiety bubbled inside of his heart, his landing was precise, he could feel at least 2 sections of the firescape under him shake with his arrival, quickly entering y/n bedroom window, he didn’t want to be seen as the sun was still setting in the skyline
a slightly damp nose meet his face, following along with many licks on his cheek “Hi, hi there, I missed you” y/n’s dog loved Raphael, Raph whisper the response as she showed her belly to him, tail wagging hassle waited for pets, between the boys, Mikey and Raph would always take the longest time into giving her attention her, so undoubtedly, they had become best buddies, and she specifically gave him the puppy eyesTM when movie night was at y/n place. The dog knew Raph couldn’t say no to those. “clever puppy“it didn’t really matter if she wasnt a puppy anymore, Raph could not hold that thought every time he saw her, the embodiment of excitement and cuteness
“She missed you too” a muffled voice came from the undone bed, at first, Raph thought you only left your window opened, as there was no signs of lights or well- Life, on your apartment complex, just a barely standing light on the door way was on, but he knew you always left that one on for your dog to find her way to her water bowl. Red slowly stood up, scanning the room for evidence, half a dozen empty water bottles on the floor, discarded granola bars around the furniture, along with a thin lair of dust covering 80% of your nightstand, your books, the notebook you loved to doodle in so much, forgotten like it was just a memory, waiting to be picked up again, clothes lazily unfolded one the infamously “dirty clothes”chair, yeah, Raphael’s calculations were right, unfortunately
“What about you?” Raph chuckled right after, to be truthful, forced it out, he didn’t want misinterpretation right now, he knows he needs to start with a light conversation and depending on your tone, shift it, take it more seriously if that’s what you needed
“Always” A hand slowly appear from out of the covers, searching to hold Raph’s, even when you were sad, you managed to comfort someone, to be there for someone when they barely could there for your self, he loved and also hated that about you, how selfless you could be even in your lowest
You could feel Raph lying next to you, by the weight distribution he was in his back, facing the celling, hands briefly connected, as your fingers slowly caressed eachother’s“Do you remember when my mom got sick? “ you spoke after a few minutes of being in silence, you werent ready to lift the covers from your face, you knew that when the turtle saw your state, he would bless you with the most tender embrace anyone could ask for, and you also know you wouldn’t be able to complete a single sentence if they got that right now “really sick, when she had to get hospitalized” you cleared their throat, after so many months, after seeing the worst of the worst, you would get get used to talking about it. No one ever prepares you to see the one who has always taken care of you become so… weak. So tired, lifeless, hopeless, that you will have to be the one to bathe them, to clean them, to dry their tears, to set boundaries because no, they can’t do what they have always done it before, their body can’t handle it. To stop your life because there’s no one else to take care of them, or at least, no one that cares enough to do so, so you take the burden. And god forbid you cry in front of them, otherwise they won’t even tell what they are truly feeling ever again, Guess it never becomes easy.
“Is she alright?” Raph held his breath, y/n wasn’t even the oldest, yet here you are, another victim of oldest sibling syndrome, something Raphael unfortunately knew it very well, he knew what taking all in made it to someone’s mental and physical state. Y/n couldn’t go to the hospital when their mom was first being hospitalized, due covid was still around, you had to stay home and wait for any news, Raphael promised to himself to never let you get to that stage again, how desperate, how broken you looked, how your sobs echoed in his mind every time he thought about you getting slightly sad or worried, Red has seen people cry out fear from their own life being taken away, but to see someone crying over someone they love, out of fear you might not ever see again? that’s another story, it hurts on a different level
“It’s not her” Raphael slowly reached for the duvet’s, as he let out a sigh he didn’t even knew he was holding in. Only dragging enough to see y/n eyes and puffy nose, Raphael could see trails of tears descending from their eyes to their nose bridge, eyes were puffy and red from crying for probably what has been hours by now, “she hasnt even finish all her chemo sections, and now she will have to take someone else along side wit her”
Raphael held his breath one more time, he stopped on his tracks to listen closely “my dad” “for the love of- please start with that next time” a large hand cupped your check, accidentally slipping a smile align side a soft snort, “sorry, I’m just” “I know. It’s ok” Raph closed his own eyes, he didn’t know it was possible to feel relief and sorrow at the same time
“I can’t go through it again Raph” you met his eyes for the first time, fear, regret, sadness, tiredness, there was so many emotions traveling through them, as heavy tears once again slid on their skin “my mom hasn’t even recovered from all of it, and now we’ll have to go through it, again? Where does it end?” There was no response to that, no one can predict it, seeing so upclose did bring some enlightenment to Raphael tho, his family had it rough, yes. but living a life without health issues was a gift he would never take it from granted again.
“I just wish, I just” hiccups interrupted your speech, it was hard processing thoughts, feelings, reality on that moment “whoever is writing my life, to fucking drop the parental death scare plot, shit is getting tiring” Raphael finally pulled you to his embrace, a heart warming hug, he felt his own eyes stinging with unshed tears
“It is”
“I���m so tired”
“I know”
“it’s so unfair”
“I know, I’m sorry”
There isn’t really a manual on what to do in this situations, or what to say, no one really knows, specially those who are living through it, the only thing Raphael thought it might help right now, was giving them physical security, a long, grounding hug, someone to rock y/n thoughout their sobs and shaking body, to caress their hair and just for a moment- be their rock, as they have been someone else’s through so long
And that’s exactly what y/n needed.
Authors note: I didn’t proof read this, I’m sorry if there’s any grammar mistakes
but yeah
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I’m ok everything is ok hope you guys like whatever this was
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imababblekat · 1 year
I’m exhausted and in my feels so I present to you a tad thought, but can you imagine how Raph would feel if he found the new human companion to the turtles crying because they legit think he hates them. Like Raph isn’t exactly the most kind and welcoming sort to new people, but the reader honestly thinks they did something wrong to him in particular. And Raph upon realizing what effect he’s had on them actually starts to feel kind of bad. He knows he has temper and can be aggressive, but didn’t realize that he came off that harsh to the new reader or that’s what they felt. It’s already hard enough for them to adjust to this new part of their life, he can’t imagine how his attitude has made this much more difficult. Whether the reader realizes he caught them or not, I’d like to think he’d feel pretty bad and try his hardest to be as kind as he can possibly manage to them from then on. Obv, he’s not gonna go skipping through a park and picking daisies with them, instead slowly but surely, they’ll start to get closer and over time become good friends.
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So like- with this whole shadowban thing has been driving me nuts and I might have to delete my Tumblr and start a new one yall-
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geeksauruse · 2 years
…Love is love, love is pain, love is wonderful…
TW: this has some mentions of death,bullying, and some good old lesbian angst love.
this is unedited and was something that i just thought was cool, it takes place in the bayverese world, and i intend to announce them into the story next chapter and eventually may become an X reader ( i don’t know yet man) if i mess any thing up about new York, sorry i don’t live there :,)
please don’t repost or steal!
anyway enjoy!!!!!
It was the fall of 2022 and all was going well. Oh wait, except in bishop kearney high school. Midterms were just around the corner and with that said, everyone from freshman to senior was stressing for the PSAT, ACT, and to top it all off SATs. No big deal, right? Just the tests that could determine your future career and college education admission. 
The ear piercing ringing or the school bell summoned hundreds of children out of their final class to make their way to their rides and clubs, me being one of them.With a soft sigh, I folded the small white piece of paper and neatly put it in my pocket, and proceeded on my way to the front lawn where I met my best friends everyday before track. I almost sprinted down the concrete hallways, two floors down, and out the front door where I was met with a gust of wind; the autumn chill and smell of the city surrounding me in a sunny haze. A smile graced my face as I felt a flurry of leaves fall and circle around me.
“Tammie,” called a monotone voice. I turned, only to be met with stunning yet exhausted green eyes. Jennifer. I wrapped my arms around her curved waist bringing her in for a tight hug, lifting her frame a few inches off the ground, she on the other hand tentatively wrapped around my shoulder, smacking my head lightly.
“Tammie!” she yelled again, playfully. I set her down gently gazing over her sun kissed face. She gave a tired smile.
“How was your day?”Jennifer asked politely. My smile only grew as I took out the folded white piece of paper and opened it to reveal fine printed letters, numbers, and assignments; My most recent grades. But she wasn't looking at me, more behind me. She frowned ever so slightly. She looked down at the paper in my hands, only for her scowl to deepen.
“Look,” I practically shouted, trying to contain my excitement, “straight As except for my B in math, but I just know that I can get that up!” Jennifer’s smile faltered, and I saw something flash across her eyes as she smoothed out her face of an emotion I couldn't detect, but it only stayed for  a moment. She beamed up at me. 
“I'm so proud of you,” she said, grabbing my hand and leading me away from the school, practically pulling my arm out while walking in such a rush.
“Whoa, what's the hurry?” I asked, dragging my feet on the sidewalk. Obviously, something was off in her behavior. So I stopped mid-walk.
She lurched ahead before stopping.
“Jennifer, what's up with you?” I pressed, looking her in the eyes, “You've been acting off all day, please just tell me what's wrong.” Jennifer stopped and looked down, breaking eye contact.
“It's nothin, I don't really want to talk about it.” I furrowed my brow. sighing I took her hands in mine as a car zoomed by us, throwing more leaves in the air.
“I'm just concerned, that's all,” I state, gripping her hand and rubbing my thumb in her open palm, “You're my best friend and I really care about you.” She gave a weak smile and squeezed my hand.
“I'm totally fine, there's nothing to worry about, just lots of homework,” she reassured me, wheeling around to continue walking to the ice cream shop. I smiled up at the familiar parlor, and my favorite memory of it replayed in my mind. It was a warm, clear, afternoon in August, and we had  walked past it after a long day at the library, and a treat was decided to be necessary. We each got a small double cone; once chocolate and one vanilla. We were sitting in the left corner booth with its faded pink seats, where we had a perfect view of the setting sun over the park. I spared a glance at Jennifer, expecting a wistful expression, a smile, or anything remotely happy only to be met with a scowl. She looked up catching my confused glance, which I know because she immediately started to smile. 
“Is she mad at me?” I think, “I know there's something most definitely wrong. But what did I do?”
We stepped inside the small store, a jingling bell ringing above us, signaling our entrance to the employees. I inhaled almost immediately, relaxing as the sweet smell of sugar and fresh cones invaded my senses, and the chilly autumn air only grew colder from the cool treats surrounding us. My gaze fell downward to the familiar ice cream flavors, and the toppings sitting in jars on the counter. I looked around. No one.
The curtains dramatically flung out of the way as a girl with short blond hair wearing the same blue shirt and tan pants uniform I had seen at least hundreds of times at this ice cream place, rocking it better than any other employee ever had. Her shiny name tag said Madeline, in what I could assume was her messy cursive,and was placed right next to her heart.
“Hi! My name is Maddie, how can I help you two today?” she questioned almost gleefully, as if this is where she has wanted to be all her life, in this little ice cream shop with faded walls and seats. I was so taken aback I just stared. Her face contorted in confusion, her smile less bright but still remaining .
“Are you alright?” she asked. It took me a moment but I shook myself out of my trance nodding.
“Um yeah sorry,”I apologized, she just smiled at me in return,”I’ll have a small chocolate cone with rainbow sprinkles please.” she nodded, writing it down on a piece of paper that was covered in several splotches of multi-colored ice cream. She turned her gray eyes to Jennifer, pushing her square periwinkle glasses up.
“And for you?” her eyes fell on our entwined hands. “Oh, did Itell you that couples eat half off on any sundae of your choice?” 
My face turned several shades of amber. A couple? I can't say I haven't thought about it, I mean I thought about it almost every time I saw her. 
“I mean-'' I started to say, stuttering along the entire way, tripping on my words.
“We're not a couple,” Jennifer interjected. My heart sunk at her tone. Distasteful, sad, and…
 Is she crying? The blond girl's smile finally faltered now her expression screamed awkward and concerned.
“I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to,” she stuttered, trying to find the words. “What would you like to order?” The room went silent all except for the song Notion playing in the background on the speakers, and the clock ticking slowly in the corner of the room.
“ Tammie, I think I have to go home,” she said, still looking at the ground, her shoulders shaking and back hunched over.
“Wait, please just-” I tried to say as she dashed out of the building. I saw her tear down a street into the park. I stood there, frozen in place as if I had been shot.
“Ma'am… here. Take this, my treat.” I turned around to have my order being held a few inches away from my face. I couldn't even react, I just nodded and grabbed it from her pale hands.
“I'm so sorry,” she apologized. 
“But for what?” I thought, “She had done nothing wrong, no one had, for that matter.”
“It's fine,”I whispered. 
“TAMMIE!” someone yelled from the front of the store. I whipped around to see one of the best sprinters on the track team, my teammate Nora, ready and waiting in her pristine uniform.
“Come on dude.” she called, entering the store as the jingling silver bell rang again. “We have practice today, we're gonna be late if you don't hurry up.” I pulled out a five and placed it on the display table, taking a bite out of my ice cream. I plastered a smile, turning around, looking at her confused face.
“I'm coming.” 
I was aggravated that's for sure, all I could think about was the interaction I had with Jennifer and it was eating me up. My ponytail swung as I walked through the bustling sidewalks of New York, and up the several flights of concrete stairs on my way back home. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize how dark it had gotten until I looked up slightly to see the sun setting the sky a deep purple. I scanned the crowds of strangers seeing the couples, the random people, and a few groups of dressed up girls wickedly laughing with a sneer on all their faces. Doing only where I can assume was trouble.  I sighed, wishing I could find Jennifer here. Maybe I would be able to ask about what had happened at the ice cream parlor. But sadly hoping that I could find Jennifer in a group of thousands of people after not talking to her for so long was going to be impossible. Since she was clearly avoiding me. The last time I had seen her was tough for both of us, and I knew that but it had been so long; the early snow on the ground was my clear indicator. It was pretty obvious to see, even for people who weren't involved in our lives; both of us needed some space to cool off. I was getting a little too attached to her then, but this was ridiculous. I was so lost in thought that I accidentally ran into someone, the two of us falling to the ground with a scream. People turned to us all around only to turn and keep walking
“I'm so sorry i-”I look up to be met with  green eyes, her beautiful green eyes. She stood there practically gasping for air, skin flushed, and sweaty; as if she had just ran an entire marathon in 10 minutes. 
“Oh my god!”I whispered beaming at her,” it's been so long I missed you,what happened? Oh i'm so relieved, whats-”
“Jennifer, where the hell do you think you're going?” called a voice as sweet as honey. I looked up gazing over her brown hair to look at  the heads in the direction of the voice.and standing there were the girls in high heels and all dressed up with, if it's possible, looked even more wicked. My blood ran cold. tabatha. looked back at jennifer who scrambled up 
“Umm nothing…” stuttered Jennifer, fiddling with one of her many loose strands of hair.
“What's happened here?” there was a maniacal giggling from across the sidewalk. The clicking of heels and next thing I know there's a slim shadow covering the ground I sat on. I rolled my eyes standing up and brushing my jeggings off. I turned to be met with hazel eyes and a perfect smile ,I glared back crossing my arms.
“Is there a reason you're bothering my friend?”the smile seemed to get brighter.
“Nice to see you as well Tammie,” she replied coolly looking down at her nails, no doubt admiring their fakeness.
taking a slight step back towards jennifer, the moment i did,i felt her arms latch onto my right, practically clutching my sleeves as if it was her life line.and maybe it was with the sudden jump she gave to tabatha walking forward her eyes scanning, judging our very souls.all of a sudden those perfect lips tied up into her signature smirk, the most vile thing i have ever felt built up in my stomach as it twisted.
“So babe, this is your new girlfriend,”she stated loudly goading the small group behind her to giggle,” i must say she's quite pathetic, you could do so much batter.” hse took a few strides over, getting so close I could smell her overly expensive perfume, so close I could see her layering of foundation and eye make up. I practically fell down trying to get away from all the memories and deja vu flooding my senses. 
“Go away and leave us alone,”I paused,”and don't call me babe.” she pursed her naturally pink lips and narrowed her eyes at me, only to turn her fiery gaze unto jennifer.
“You really aren't worth much, its right to hurt yourself like you do,”she sneered in the malicious voice i thought i only got to hear, i remember those exact words, but in a different time and place.my face contorted in rage as i storm up and slapped her, the sound seemed to echo across the surrounding concrete building
“Never, ever talk to her like that again,”I practically shouted, as she backed up, shocked, angry, and confused.
“ fine,” she said through gritted teeth,” but I hope you both end up dead on the sidewalk some day.” That's when she shoved me, hard.not into a building, not into the ground,but into the black roads of oncoming traffic.Time seemed to slow around me, as the loudest honking sound of a bus i have  ever heard in my life rang in my ears, a cry of distress and then something grabbed me and swung me back. There was a loud crash, a scream of pain, people, noise; everything was there. I fell onto the sidewalk as my head hit the ground, the splitting headache leaving me in a confused dase. I looked around trying to thank my savior, but there was only an ambulance and a doctor of sorts trying to reach me.  All I could think about was how scared Jennifer must be… where is jennifer. I whipped my head around trying to find her the adrenaline kick in once more.
“Jennifer,”i shouther over the noise of the crowd. And all of a sudden it went practically silent; and that's when I saw her;crumpled on the ground, chest heaving, blood across the street and dripping from her torso, her white shirt stained red and bloody.  I shoved through people,the ruins of a bus and part of an ambulance trying to get people out was more exciting, more worrisome than just one to them. dropping  to my knees, I looked over at her, hyperventilating. I tried to find something I can do to help as the background chatter seemed to grow evermore louder. 
“Critical condition-”
“Can't move to unstable-”
It grew and grew some more, the voices sweeping me up into a frenzy of thoughts like a hurricane.
“Tammie,” a soft voice called from below me, my world quieted as I looked down at Jennifer's weak smiling face.
“Did i e-ever tell you how pretty your eyes are,”she questions softly, bringing a shaking bloody hand to my face. I brought it closer holding it there, as I shook my head no, trying to find the words, anything I could say. She shuddered in pain as she forced a laugh. She looked back up at me as her eyes closed,
“I love you”she whispered to me so quietly i barely heard,”did you know that?” her hand fell limp as she exhaled.
I have never run so hard. Never been so in distress that I pushed myself to those limits. I got home and immediately started a course to my bedroom, ignoring my older brother trying to get my attention, questioning my bloodied attire. I shut the door shut, peeling out of my shoes, and leaving them in a heap on the carpeted floors, as I closed my blinds, exiling all light. I couldn't relax, my brain slower than usual and yet faster at the same time, and my mind emptied. Except for the things I wanted to forget. I sighed, closing my eyes, standing in the middle of the room.
“What had I done? How could I help?” I closed my eyes as I sank to the bottom of the floor,  “  Why do I feel so numb? please just feel something.”  opening my eyes ,I practically fell onto my neatly made bed, the white and gray comforter enveloping me in its warm hug as it to become stained.I gazed around my room; up at my star-covered siling, the framed photo covered walls of my achievements and memories,and to my fairy lights strung right above my head. But the final thing I laid my eyes on, sitting on my bedside table staring right at me, my own smiling face right along with Jennifer’s; the two of us sitting on a beach we visited two months before school started. I picked it up, studying Jennifer. Her smiling face in this photo is so different from the time earlier today. Suddenly a wave of pent up aggression and feelings  washed down on me like a tidal wave. I threw the picture against the wall, tearing up anything that was within my grasp; books, papers; anything that I didn’t tear up was thrown angrily onto the floor or into walls in my meltdown. 
I stood there panting, my chest heaving in breaths as if I had just re-ran all those evening sprints; I looked around as the adrenaline left me standing in my newly destroyed and disheveled room. I looked around in confusion, almost as if I had not been the one to create the destruction in the first place, whipping my head around in every possible direction that my skull would turn to without breaking. I tried to walk around, not really knowing where I was going or what I was going to do, but I stepped all the same, and my foot was brought down on something that I could only assume was not my tan rug. There was a searing pain in my left foot almost as if a  red hot iron had been placed there instead. I yelped in pain as I fell back and onto my rear, the pain of bruising my tailbone was nothing compared to this; I quickly brought my foot up in an attempt to find the culprit of what had brought me pain. My stomach churned and practically did flip as I watched blood trickle out of a large gash where a glass shard stood lodged in my foot. I winced just thinking about what I had to do. Grasping the shard, taking care it wouldn't cut my fingers, I swiftly pulled it out. More blood began to flow, faster now than before. I glanced around where I had fallen to make sure I wouldn't have more shards attacking me, only to be met with a cracked frame and surrounding it, littered with fragments of glass. I picked it up, the picture frame I had thrown practically now falling apart in my hands; its wood was splintered, the glass was shattered and part of it was covered in blood. I gasped, looking down at the familiar photo again my own face sploched with blood as Jennifer's body was slowly covered in a thick sheet of it. My vision blurred, but this time I felt something roll along my cheek; bringing my shaking hands up tentatively, I brushed my fingertips against the spot. I looked down at my wet fingertips covered in my own blood, and now my own tears. I hiccup escaped my lips as I felt more and more overwhelmed, the entire room- no world closing in on me, making it feel like I was trapped as if all this, all the problems ever created in mankind were my doing. I sobbed as if I had never felt real sadness till now.I fell onto my side, curling up into a ball crying for my best friend, for anyone to tell me it wasn't my fault, for the comfort that I gave to everyone else but no one returned, t =o tell me it would be okay. 
“Jennifer,”I whispered hoarsely trying to no avail to wipe the oncoming tears away before reaching previous ones, “Jennifer please- I need you.”
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cyanhydrangea · 9 months
Loneliness [Bayverse TMNT x Reader]
[Friendship Fic]
Summary: You feel lonely for the lack of friends you have in school, but the presence of the turtle boys makes you forget about it
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You sigh for what it seems like a hundred time.
It seems like scrolling through social medias was the worst decision you made for the past hour this night. All you ever found was the posts that shows your classmates and friends happily hanging out without you.
You wondered why they never asked you to hang out with them anymore, maybe because they think you were boring. They never actually get to be your close friend, but still, having lots of best friends and gets to brag about it to the world seems fun.
The realization that you never actually have a close friend at school makes you feel lonely.
Turning off your phone, you decided to play on sad songs and cry yourself to sleep.
That is, until you suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder.
You jolted awake from the sudden touch, but relaxed when you see who the culprit was.
"Mikey, you scared me!"
"Sorry, sorry"
Behind mikey, you can see there are also the rest of his brothers, Leo, Raph, and Donnie.
"Sorry [name], we knocked on your window but you didn't respond", the leader in blue explained their sudden presence in your room.
"Right, it's okay", you responded.
"[Name], were you...crying?", The turtles noticed but Donnie is the one who asked.
You didn't realized there were some tears left on your cheeks and you wiped them and said "uh...no?"
"You were, anyone we need to beat up?", Raph ready to throw fist on anyone that hurted you.
"No!" You cried.
"Then, why were you crying, angelcakes?", Mikey asked
A brief silence fell in the room as you didn't answer mikey's question immediately.
"I...don't want to talk about it, guys, sorry"
The four brothers looking at each other, concerned of your well-being.
"Don't worry guys, it's nothing serious, I promise"
The boys weren't convinced, but at least you promised them, and you never break your promises.
"Alright, but we're all ears if you need someone to listen to your problems, okay?" Leo assured you.
"Thank you"
"Well, we bring something that hopefully can cheer you up", Donnie handed you something.
"No way!" You can't believe they just brought you the Blu-ray of the movie you've been dying to watch.
"What are we waiting for!? Let's watch this right now!" You excitedly leave your room and go straight to your kitchen to fetch snacks.
Raph sets the movie on your TV and you guys watch it together
It was in the middle of the movie when you realized you should be grateful the turtle boys being your best friends despite not having one in school.
You might not be able to hang out with the turtle boys out in the sun, not be able to post pictures of you with them on social medias, not be able to brag about them to the world, but with them you don't feel lonely anymore.
Date Written: 09/01/2024
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dancingdonatello · 18 days
hiiii!! I really like your works and I wanted to know if you could write the rise turtles where their crush meets their future selves and their crush is giving all their attention to the future versions. They get jealous and some time after the future versions leave, they confess-
Sorry if you've already got this before!! And thanks for reading this :3
rise tmnt x reader
Raph pouted to himself as you touched all the scars and spikes of his future self. Sure, it was cool to see he got even bigger, even spikier, and even cooler in the next few years, but it wasn’t as nice to watch you fawn all over him.
How could he even convince himself he was better than his future self? They looked nearly identical but Raph was missing an eye. So he was younger, less experienced, and minus an eye. Clearly, he was losing this make believe battle.
When you passed him, Raph made sure to grab you and hold you against his side. You looked up at him in surprise but he looked away, pretending it wasn’t out of character for him to manhandle you. He risked a glance at his future self and looked away embarrassed at the knowing look. Ugh.
No way he could hide his crush any longer from you.
Leo rolled his eyes as his future self recounted yet another tale of saving a baby from a Kraang monster. You ate it up, eyes shining up at future Leo with adoration.
Leo may have started the invasion, but he also managed to stop it before it could kill all of humanity. So, ha! Future Leo had failed… It was weird to bully himself.
Whatever. He continued to glare at himself, tapping his fingers impatiently. You and him were supposed to go out to eat in two-ish minutes and yet you were still chatting it up with him. He’d have to make sure by the end of that day that you were his and his alone. No future version of himself included.
He crushed up a napkin in front of him and threw it at his future self’s forehead. The larger turtle glared at him and he stuck his tongue out at him. He grabbed you, opened a portal, and took you far, far away from the other turtle. Finally, he was alone with you. So what if he was jealous of himself? He was a looker, that’s for sure.
Did you have to feel up his muscles so obviously? Donnie glowered from a distance, arms crossed and posture tense. And you were talking about all of his tech that he made. Well, Donnie could probably do better than that old turtle could do in a wasteland. Why weren’t you talking to him instead?
Not long after the future Donatello gets distracted by something Mikey is doing, Donnie uses a metal claw to drag you away into his more private lab. “You’re allowed to touch only me.” He glared down at you while you blinked at him innocently, clueless.
“I’m the only one allowed to touch you?” He slapped a hand to his face. “Oh!” Your eyes gleamed. “Were you jealous?”
“No,” he grumbled, leaning away from you as you tried to press close to his face. “I could care less about you.”
“So you COULD care less? So you do?” He froze at his mistake as you joyfully giggled.
Mikey bit at his lip, watching anxiously as you ‘ooh’ed and ‘aw’ed over future him’s magic. Come on! Future him totally knew what he was doing at this point. He knew Mikey couldn’t do any of that cool stuff.
He stood off to the side dejectedly as you finally returned to his side. He’d probably learn all of those eventually, but he couldn’t help but still feel like an idiot who didn’t know how to do it just yet. He looked at you with sad puppy eyes. “You still think I’m cool, right?”
“Of course? You’re the same person?” You were confused. He pouted.
“You don’t love him more than me?”
“Mikey… you’re a lot cuter than your future self.” You stared at future Mikey who had somehow grown hair and then balded. Unlucky, very unlucky. “Just promise me you won’t grow hair.”
“Deal!” He hugged you tight and picked you up, dragging you away from his future self.
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(I didn’t find any info if your askbox is closed or not, if you are not taking up requests you can ignore this!)
But hi :) how are you? how you are doing well
this is a bit personal, but would you mind doing either a Headcanon or scenario with reader x turtles (romantic/crush stage) with a…Hopeless reader? Kinda someone who had to tell themselves that love isn’t on their life journey and that seriously bother them? Lol
this weekend I’m gonna attend a friends wedding, while meeting with some shared friends before the wedding, one of them quoted corpse bride’s scene “to Emily, always the bridesmaid, never the bride” for me (most of my friends are married or dating long term), usually I handle the lack of a love life fairly well (by not thinking about it or just making jokes about it lol) but tonight it kinda really bothered me, a lot.) a lot of my friends treat me being single as something I don’t out efforts in it? But holy shit I do, and it really hurts to see them saying or acting like I’m not doing enough? Anyways. I guess the request would be how the turtles would react to a reader who kinda just lost hope, who agrees with the quote even if it makes her very sad? Kinda trying to wing the night lowkey but turtles can sense it hurt her (maybe Vern said the quote lol, or something similar… that’s something stupid enough for the falcon to do 😅)
I hope makes sense, if not I apologize for the messy ask. Have a good day / night
I'm sorry that happened. Your friends definitely need to stfu about that lol dating and relationships are fun, but nobody NEEDS them. If they need a RELATIONSHIP to feel fulfilled, they have shit to figure out.
Definitely been there tho. And being single can be horrible. I see you
Scene: Your turtle has been secretly pining for you for a while now. Hasn't got the guts to say anything yet.
TMNT x Lonely Reader
- He could sense your reaction instantly, despite how well you hid it.
- Your micro expressions, the slight but sudden shift of your bodyweight away from Vern- Leo almost didn't catch that you had smiled and laughed at the comment.
- His own reaction was visceral and overwhelming, at least it was to him.
-He remained still by your side, but the urge to...he didn't even know. Hide you. Push hard at Verns shoulder- something.
-Geez. He hadn't felt like this since he was a child. Like he could protect his little brothers or you from judgment or cruelty.
-He couldn't.
-He sucked in a breath through his nose, scrambling for self-control; watching you handle the interaction like an adult. Forcing himself to as well.
-But it did satisfy him to see that Vern physically felt his animosity. The guy took once glance at Leo before he instantly stuttered an excuse to walk to another conversation.
-"Vern is an idiot." Leo scratched out, desperate to keep what he really wanted to say to you at a minimum. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with you."
-You seemed surprised at that, glancing up at him. But your quite, sincere smile made it it worth it.
- "Always the brides maid, never the bride, huh?"
- "What?" It was a reactive response. Before you could even register what he had said, or the sudden amount of hurt- or embarrassment you felt.
- Raph had turned wide, expectant eyes on Vern as well, something Vern noticed instantly.
- "Well, yunno." Vern stutteres, trying to stay focused on you. "I've seen ya at these events a lot but you never bring a guy around...or-"
-"See that girl over there?" Raph suddenly said, leaning down a little to point your gaze in the right direction.
- "Yeah." You said quietly.
-"Who's that girl, Vern?"
-Vern looked back at you guys, shrugging and putting his hands back in his pockets with an air of pride. "She's my girlfriend."
-Raph smirked, his voice somehow both condescending and unusually soft. "Vern met her a week ago. That makes her..." Raph trailed off, looming back into his full height, towering over Vern. "The sixth one this year, right. Makin' you real good at givin' advice to pretty girls, Falcon boy. Careful with that."
-"Jesus. I'm just- I'll be over there." Vern sighed, awkwardly stepping aside then walking out of sight.
- Raph said nothing, instead turning to you. "You alright?"
-You were desperate not to say everything you wanted to. "Much better." You said instead, looking up at him. Hoping the softness you saw there was a reflection of what you felt for him too.
- Donnie couldn't even react or register the words before you were handling it. Shrugging and waving Vern off.
-He was horrified. His eyes were glued to Vern, completely confused that the guy had missed how rude of a statement that was.
-The conversation came and went, and while he had a wonderful time, he was entirety focused on you.
-While you didn't seem MISERABLE, you were different. Something had obviously changed. And it was Verns fault.
-You had no reason to feel pressure of that kind. You were perfect the way you were! No one should ever, ever, ever make you feel anything less.
-The thought that you did made him physically sick to his stomach.
-He might not have caught it in time to say anything in the moment.
-But Verns apartment locks, car, computer, and bathroom pipes all giving him a hard time all in the next 24 hours?
-A complete and utter mystery...
-"Yeah you should listen to him." Mikey said.
-Shock coursed through you. "What?" You looked at him, wide eyed, heart in your throat- "W- I should-"
-"You should listen to him." Mikey repeated, noding solumley, starting to confidently strole around Vern. "This guy has fantastic dating advise. You don't even know, girl. Look at him!" Mikey's smile was as bright as the sun, gesturing to Vern as if he was a plater he was showing off to you.
-"He's been on this earth so long, his life experience exceeds our very comprehension, girl."
-Vern made a sudden puzzled expression while yours melted quickly into a smile.
-"He's got recipes too. Qualifications, evidence, the whole nine yards. Guy has like- twelve grand kids-"
-"I- C'mon, Mike-" Vern was catching on.
-"Ohhh.. yeah, that's right. No grandkids. But he does have a wife. They just had their fiftieth anniversary-!"
-"I'm not that o- He's joking with you." Vern tried to explain. "I'm not married."
-Mikey snapped his fingers as he had remembered something, suddenly getting much, MUCH closer in Verns personal space.
-"Oh yeah, that's right. You're not married. I forget that your on, like, your sixth girlfriend this month. Maybe actual advise sounds like..."
-Mikey stepped away from Vern, standing infront of you. "Keep those standards up, girl. Pretty face like yours? You could have anyone you want."
-You couldn't stop smiling.
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
May I request a Hunter x middle child! Blight! Reader headcannons?
Summary: The reader is a Blight, and also the middle child who is often forgot about and ignored by both the Blights and everybody else. They’re not as famous as the Blight Twins or Amity, and they spend most of their time inventing abominations to TRY and impress their parents
Reader also has a similar personality to ROTTMNT Don, but I’m not sure if you’ve ever watched it so you can just ignore this bit if you haven’t :)
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A/n: The way this is formatted seems like it was for a one-shot request, but you said headcannons. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted and I'll redo it if so. Also, I've never seen any tmnt things so sorry about that.
-Bro he GETS you.
-The feeling of your "guardian" (If you can even call them that) not paying attention to you. So thanks to Belos's, Odaila's (and Alador's to a lesser extent) "A+ parenting." Y'all both have parental issues.
-Hunter was never the best at comforting but if you are upset with your family problems he'll do what he would want people to do when he's upset. Which doesn't always work but he tries.
-Amity is a pretty good sibling she's not the best mainly when she was mean (Her green hair era.) But bro Hunter hates her even if she's trying her best.
-When Ecilpse Lake happens he is like 50 times meaner. Like dude even though she's not trying to upset you or anything, Hunter is pissed off because of any time she made you even slightly sad.
-When he learns you invent stuff he BEGS you to show him.
-Like even if you agree the first time he asks he counties to ask and you are like "Hunter I'm going to show you-"
-Also he complements them so much! He loves inventions of any kind, magic-based or not, he likes to learn how they work.
-If you tell him he is so invested. Like you can be talking for hours and he is fully listening the entire time.
The dude is so in love with you-
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mytheoristavenue · 1 year
TMNT 2012 Raphel Hamato x Reader - Give Me a Chance
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This was a commission from @virtualdonutenemy, thanks for the work! For any questions regarding commissions, go here.
Summary: After Raph watches your date with a classmate go south, he makes sure not to waste you getting all dolled up.
Warnings: Inuendo, angst, fluff, lime, possessive!Raph, overprotective!Leo, sheltered!Reader, rebounding, lust, sad/desperate!Reader, perv!Raph
You weren’t capable of letting down your smile. There was just no way, you were too excited. After months of subliminal flirting, bashful compliments, and loaning pencils, the cute guy in your comp sci class had finally asked you out and you couldn’t be happier. 
Carefully, you drug the felt tip of your lipgloss wand across your bottom lip, pursing and puckering to spread the shimmer evenly. Glancing down at your phone, you read the time and beamed again. You’d have just enough time to put on some earrings and shoes before having to leave. After doing so, you did a once-over in the mirror, twirling and giggling at the way the hem of your dress flew outwards. Suddenly, as if to rain on your parade, your phone began to buzz, shimmying around in its spot on your bed.
You were expecting to see the name of the gentleman you were meeting tonight, probably calling to cancel your evening plans. The name of your ‘eldest brother’ scrolling sideways across the screen brought you little relief, though. If the boys found out about your date, no doubt they’d try to interfere.
“Hello?” you answered cautiously, pacing through your living room.
“Where are you right now?” Leo’s stern voice rang out through the speaker.
“Home, why?” you asked, secretly impatient as you checked the time. Now you were definitely going to be late. 
“Hang tight, I’m on my way.” The announcement was so sudden that you hardly had time to react but blurted out a flustered opposition.
“N-No, I have a date!” Silence befell his end and you began to wonder if the line had gone dead or he’d maybe lost signal somehow. 
“A date?!” Leo furiously sprang back to life. “With who?!”
“The guy I told you about the other day…?” you murmured, hoping he could recall the conversation well enough for you to avoid elaborating.
“You didn’t tell he’d asked you out!” He pressed further, irritated at your lack of communication. 
“I knew you’d freak out!” you reasoned, a distressed tremble in your voice. “And besides, I didn’t think it was your business!”
“Your safety is our business,” Leo argued, stony as ever. “(Y/N), you know the rules.” The ‘rule’ in question forbade you from doing most things that required you to leave your home unless for school, or to visit the lair; on the few occasions you were allowed to, you were to wear bland clothes. Nothing attention-grabbing like the low cute, crimson red spaghetti strapped cocktail dress you now wore. “There’s no way you can be discrete in that dress, what if someone sees you and follows you home or worse-”
“Please, Leo!” you suddenly interjected. “I rarely ever leave get to do anything and I really like this guy! Please just let me do this one thing!”
The eldest sibling paused for a moment as if taken back, before finally sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose. “Do you promise to be careful? Call us if anything- and I mean anything- goes wrong?”
“I swear, Leo!” You promised, holding your fists tightly to your chest, likely to keep your heart from beating out of it as you waited for his response. 
“Fine,” he reluctantly submitted, shaking his head on the other end. “Have fun and be careful, okay?”
“I will, thank you so much!” You squealed, excitedly stomping in place before abruptly hanging up, presumably to be on your way.
Rolling his eyes and pivoting to return to his training in the dojo, Leo froze when he noticed Raph standing in the doorway to said room, peridot eyes zeroed in on the exit. Before the older knew it, he was being passed by as the other turtle prepared to leave. “Don’t follow her,” Leo warned knowingly, crossing his arms as his younger brother bustled about the room to gather his things. “This is a terrible idea and you know it.”
“Leo’s right, Raph,” Don piped up, exiting the lab and trekking to the kitchen, empty mug in hand. “You know how she gets, there’s no way this is gonna end well for you.” The first pair both glanced up at the new player in the conversation before going back to it. “I’m just sayin’ I speak from personal experience,” the brainiest turtle continued, pouring his umpteenth cup of coffee for the day and stirring additives into it. “Give her some space, man.”
For just a moment, the hotheaded brother halted, taking his family’s advice into account, before ultimately deciding that, he wouldn’t heed it. “Yeah, whatever. You guys don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” he grumbled, continuing his descent down the stairs toward the exit of the lair. 
Obviously, the others didn’t know you the way he did, he thought. They didn’t know how clumsy and gullible you could be, how badly you needed his guardianship. That's what he told himself anyway, it would be much too embarrassing for him to admit that the real reason he was following you out on this date was to pretend that the guy you were going out with was him.
You stifled a giggle, kicking your legs beneath the table and clenching the rusty satin of your dress in your fists, all in an attempt to calm yourself before your date arrived. Admittedly, you were a tiny bit disappointed to find that your date was nowhere to be seen, even though you were five minutes late yourself. Nonetheless, you got a table for the two of you, ordered a pair of waters and an appetizer, then waited. The tantalizing smell of garlic bread enticed you as it sat untouched in the middle of the table. You thought it was probably bad etiquette to start eating without your date.
Minutes ticked by as your throat became more and more parched- no doubt a product of your constant nervous swallowing. Surely, it wouldn’t be too rude to sip your drink while you wait. Before you realized it, your glass was nearly empty and a waitress was at your side offering a refill. She glanced down at you with a sympathetic smile that you didn’t quite understand at the time before turning and hurrying away. Another check of the time revealed your gentleman caller to now be nearly fifteen minutes that, though to you it felt more like thirty. Screw this, you were hungry.
One basket of bread and another refill later and you found yourself obsessively checking your phone for any word from him, only to find yourself sorely disappointed every time. You were very rapidly beginning to lose hope, when suddenly, your phone vibrated, dancing about on the table. You hastily checked it to find a text from the man of the hour:
“Sorry, can’t make it tonight. Sick.”
You hadn’t even noticed the tears well up in your eyes until you felt them roll off your chin. Even though he’d excused himself as ill, you still felt so…unwanted, so cast aside. Shuddering, you instantly flagged down the waitress, desperately trying to conceal your hurt. You just wanted to pay out and go home.
From a nearby rooftop, Raph watched the entire scene unfold with glossy eyes. It almost reminded him of the pilot to a show you’d made him sit through last summer, only this wasn’t a sitcom. This would likely have a lasting effect on your self-esteem. 
He was a little relieved when you finally stood up and stormed out of the restaurant, frantically wiping tears away with your wrist. You were a bullet train now, racing down the avenue needing to get home as fast as possible. Startled, Raph jumped to his feet, seeing his time to intercept you being diced into seconds. In the blink of an eye, he was on the wet pavement of a sketchy alleyway, stalking behind as your figure darted between cars and tall structures. 
Suddenly, he halted in his pursuit of you- what would you say if you found him following you? There was a good chance you wouldn’t just fall helplessly in his arms like he hoped you would. Was there a way he could surprise you and sweep you off your feet without letting you in on his possessive tendencies?
Wailing, you barged into the lobby of your apartment complex, face hidden in your shoulder as you blew past the doorman, cutting his greetings short. Too embarrassed to sit in anyone’s presence long enough for the elevator to arrive, you burst through the stairwell door, clumsily speeding up them, tripping all the while and crawling back up yourself. After falling up four flights, you finally reached your floor and bolted for the exit, fantasizing about the way your plush bedding would envelop you in security. Still sniveling, but with sanctuary within reach, you shoved your key into the lock and threw the front door open, only to fall forward into the apartment dramatically, catching yourself before gravity could take over.
Exhausted, you haphazardly tossed your belongings onto the floor, shedding layers and accessories as you traversed the space. Heels in the hall, purse on the couch, and earrings on the kitchen island, you finally reached the bedroom in only your red cocktail dress, dainty necklace, and smudged makeup. As your fingers gripped the door handle you stopped, smelling something smokey, possibly with a floral hint. Alert to a possible intruder, you raised your guard and prepared for the worst before gently pushing the door and letting it creak open on its own.
Beyond the door, Raph lounged on your bed, waiting for you to arrive home. Surrounding him were throw blankets and pillows, an open take-out box with a steaming pizza, piled with your favorite toppings, and a rose-scented candle burning on the nightstand. Illuminating it all was your television, set on the menu screen of your favorite childhood film, the remote control resting on his chest. “Welcome home,” he said cooly, voice full of gravel, but a languid smile speaking volumes. You couldn’t hold back the sobs that poured from your throat as you lurched forward, collapsing against him.
Raph went rigid beneath you, having been concealing his anxiety about your reaction for quite a while. As you heaved and wept against him, he eased back into you and slowly wrapped you in his arms, hushing your woes. “Dollface, what’s the matter?” he asked carefully as if he didn’t already know.
“Leo was right,” you shuddered. “I never should have gone out with that stupid prick!”
“A date, so that’s where ya been?” Raph asked lightheartedly, pushing you away by your shoulders so he could see your face. “No wonder you’re all prettied up.” Your heart skipped a beat at his words and blood rushed to your face. “Now tell me who that asshole is and what he did to you.” 
“H-He…” you sniffled, sitting up fully on your knees and in between his. God, you looked so vulnerable in that position, and the way the ruching of your dress pulled your waist in- That wasn’t the point. “He just never showed up…” you muttered weakly. “He didn’t tell me he was sick ‘til way after he was supposed to be there…” You couldn’t keep yourself from crumbling again, falling back into his arms. 
“Shhh…” he cooed, scaly hand caressing your shuddering back. “I got ya, babe, it’s okay.” What seemed to be hours passed with him simply holding you as you cried when you finally spoke again, albeit in a quiet and broken tone. 
“R-Raph, do you think I’m pretty…?” 
“My God, babe, is that even a question?” he suddenly snorted, prompting you to erect yourself to gain distance from him. He could plainly see the hurt in your eyes as you loomed over him, though his eyes were elsewhere- darting all over your body and eating you up. “Like seriously, how honest do you want me to be, 'cause we’ll be here all night.”
“I don’t want you to lie…” you answered, anxiety bubbling up in your blood. 
“I mean where do I start?” he laughed, hands ghosting over your hips, but never actually making contact. “You got these perfect hips and that pretty face, tight ass,” he smirked as you flustered more and more above him, eyelids becoming heavy with want. “You’re a total fox baby.” he dazzled, finally laying his hands on you. “I always wanted to make you feel pretty, just give me a chance baby and I swear, you won’t ever doubt yourself again.” You felt dizzy under all his attention. You’d always had a feeling Raph had a crush on you, but you never would have thought him so passionate. Gradually and instinctually, you leaned closer to him, hazily sealing your lips against his, humming lightly. Kissing him felt so natural, and so necessary, neediness taking you whole.
“(Y/N), I love you,” he confessed, eyes trained on your lips as he parted from you. You weren’t entirely sure whether or not to believe him, as everything around you moved so fast but you felt so special… “So whadaya say, dollface? We got food, your favorite movie, and all night…” he persuaded you, pulling you closer into his lap. “I can help ya get changed into something a little more comfy if ya want...”
Finally, your painted lips curled into a beaming grin and tears pricked your eyes once more, this time for overwhelming joy. “Okay, let’s do it.”
Taglist: @sunshinesdaydream @helpyaw @thelaundrybitch @momii @camillahorne26 @turtle-babe83 @fyreball66 @sharpwindow @roseygardenfan @witchofthenorthstar @pheradream15 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @hyunonion @killmewithafanfic @virtualdonutenemy
625 notes · View notes
yorshie · 10 months
Hii, I just Saw that your request are open and I couldn't help myself because i just love your work so much, especially "Pick Up the phone", i just want to know more! Could you do after the incident how the relationship grew and if the turtles ended up together with her??
hmmmm...listen. I knew exactly where Pick Up The Phone was going eventually when I wrote it, I just got a wee bit distracted writing other things. I guess it's about time I completed the story, I'm just really sorry because I'm sure you weren't thinking there'd be this much angst in it. Thank you for requesting this, hope you like it enough to wait til the third part before you write off the story as just sad.
Bayverse TMNT x Fem Reader Part One
Length: 5.7k
Summary/warnings: SFW, reader deals with the fallout of witnessing the turtles commit violence on her behalf. Warnings include: angst, trauma and coping with that trauma, panic attacks, complicated relationships, and, because when I wrote the first part the relationship was a bit vague, we're going with turtles have caught Feelings but reader isn't aware. Set in 2023 - turtles are 24-25
Tag list: @jackalope-in-a-storm @tmnt-tychou @spooneyes
[Hey Angel! Would you like to come hang out for a little bit? I’m grabbing some noodles and Leo’s pulled out some of his old tapes?]
You stared at the text, thumb hovering over the keyboard, torn between answering- even if it was just a few words- and not responding at all.
Outside your apartment, an early summer storm curled its way in-between the buildings, fog pressing up against the window like a hand pressing its palm flat against the glass. While it wasn’t raining yet, the way your soft hair clung to your sweater said it would soon.
Your arm itched in it’s colorful cast, and your phone screen dimmed from inactivity, pulling your attention back to the problem at hand. You sighed, set the little device to the side before curling in on yourself and scrubbing your free hand over you face.
You didn’t mean to avoid the turtles. It just sort of happened… before you realized it was happening.
Memories of that night were a little hazy, a little blurry when you tried to focus on them. You remember Donnie and Leo dropping you off at the hospital in the wee hours of the morning, Donnie clipping something to the back of your ear to help them keep track of you before Leo nudged you towards the emergency room doors.
You remember the nurses fussing over you, asking questions. You gave them the answers Donnie whispered to you over the little comm, too tired and out of it to keep anything straight. You were barely aware of the way people danced around you, the pointed questions, too preoccupied with the burn in your arm and the fog in your head to worry about what anyone else thought.
They tried to get you to talk to a social worker when you doggedly reiterated your story over and over. When you refused, the nurses traded looks, and it bothered you more that they thought you weren’t aware enough to clock the silent messages than their obvious conclusion to your injuries. 
Finally, after hours of dancing around, they confirmed that your arm was broken, but the break was clean and not all the way through, the doctor coming in to set the cast correctly before leaving you to the nurses once more.
They tried to keep you overnight for observation. When you refused that as well, they slapped a prescription in your hands to help with the pain and you were finally free, too far gone to worry about a tail following you out despite Donnie whispering in your ear.
You left by the front door, not really sure but walking on autopilot, unaware you were moving away from your watching protectors. Leo had scooped you up at the first alleyway you’d crossed, gaze curious. You knew he wanted to ask what was wrong, but you didn’t have an answer to give him. Not one that you could articulate, anyway.
The trip back to your apartment was a blur, but you remember distinctly standing in the middle of your living room, aware that someone had been in your space recently. Things had been moved. It wasn’t quite a good feeling, but you were too spaced to do more than blink and watch silently as Leo brushed past you and headed for your bathroom. He returned with a small bag of toiletries, and you hadn’t had the clarity to wonder how he knew what to grab.
“Why?” You’d asked, and maybe you’d tried to get out more words, but your throat was still so tight, the rest of the sentence trailing off into a slurred hum that had Donnie reaching for your arm.
“Raph forgot your toothbrush. “Leo said like it was common sense, tone gentle despite his tilted head, and you blinked again, an errant, floating thought wondering why Raph was even here in the first place.
Without thinking, you had looked around at your little space again. You swayed, silent, until you clocked movement in the corner of your vision and you realized both turtles were watching you worriedly. 
“I want… to stay here.” You slurred out, pressing a hand up to your eye to keep your brain in place.
“You have a concussion.” Donnie interjected softly, practical and no nonsense. His hand slid up your arm to palm the side of your face, to cover your hand. “It’s really not a good idea for you to be alone right now.”
“But…” You tried to tilt your head up to look at him, failing somewhere around his shoulders.
“No buts,” Leo said, and you realized you had trailed off mid-thought. “You’re going to the Lair where we can watch over you. I don’t like how fast you’re deteriorating.”
You didn’t want to- might have even opened your mouth to slur out a weak protest, but Donnie was already hoisting you up, curling his lean arms around your torso and legs to keep you close against him as he followed Leo back out the window.
You had conceded to staying the night in the Lair, let the four turtles take turns making sure you were alright, suffered through the wake up checks before being lulled back to sleep against one of them while the tv played softly in the background, low enough that the sound garbled everything around you. 
You weren’t exactly sure who was who, but you knew you woke up to each of them at least one, vibrant eyes staring into your own and fingers smoothing over the angles of your cheekbones, too close and too personal. You weren’t sure if it was your skin or theirs that felt feverish. Weren’t sure if it was your dreams or them that kept you jolting awake, crying and sweaty, but you were always aware of how strong their hands held you, how alien the rumble in their chests sounded, and the inky darkness always pressing at the edge of your vision.
In the morning you had bullied Mikey into taking you home, claiming the need of showering in your own space. He had conceded after you had threatened walking,  sweet face falling into sadness when he had waffled and you had started outright bawling at the overwhelmed feeling gripping your chest.
Mikey had dropped you off at your apartment, and you had locked the window, turned off your phone, and bawled in the shower for an hour straight.
That had been two weeks ago. Now, the weather was turning, the first pings of rain occasionally hitting your window, and- and your phone was vibrating on the couch seat next to you.
“Please.” You whispered into your hands, before unfurling and letting your head rest against the couch cushions to stare at the ceiling. “Please, stop checking in on me.”
The phone stopped buzzing as if it heard your plea, and you had a moment of blissful numbness, your eyes sliding to half mast as you stared at the opposite wall.
You didn’t know what was wrong with you, why your thoughts moved so slow, so tepid. You didn’t understand why you were avoiding the turtles, your friends, but somewhere in the back of your mind you were scared and tired of the way your hands shook, of the way you kept looking around for the next thing coming. It had to stop.
All at once, you felt that awful ball of emotion in your chest again. The one that hadn’t fully disappeared since you had broken down in the harsh light of Donnie’s medical room, when the turtles had held your breaking pieces together. The seesaw of emotions teetered violently under your skin.
You needed to be held together. 
Your phone started buzzing again, and this time your palm landed down on it with an audible smack, hand curling around to answer before you could think about the consequences.
“Mikey?” You rasped into the speaker, not quite sure what exactly you were asking but hoping he’d have an answer.
“Um… no. It’s me.” Came Leo’s apologetic tone, and you winced hard, but before you could apologize he was barreling onwards, “I can- I can get Mike for you-”
“Leo.” You wanted to shout his name, but it came out quiet. He stopped though, mid sentence, silent as he waited. 
“I’m sorry.” You finally choked out. “I saw Mikey’s message, thought it was him calling.”
“Ah.” Leo breathed into the phone, and your lips almost twitched, the sound familiar despite all the times you’d tried to teach him how to angle his phone so the air wouldn’t whistle. “That’s… why I’m calling, actually? We thought maybe you hadn’t seen it.”
“I saw.” You were quiet for another minute, your mouth opening and closing several times, trying to get the words you wanted to come out but they stayed lodged in the back of your throat, tasting more awful with every passing second.
Leo was patiently quiet through it all, though you know he must have heard you lick your lips and your breath stutter each time you tried to start. Finally though, just as you were on the brink of whining at whatever it was you were failing to articulate, he spoke, his words a low rumble that rubbed against your ears.
“I wish you were here.” He said, and it unfurled something tight in your chest. “We miss you.”
And just like that, whatever was in your throat came out like a sob, and you pressed your arm across your eyes and leaned forward, emotion running from your throat to your chest in a heady rush until you couldn’t tell if it was elation or a sharp stab.
“I miss you guys too.” You got it out, somehow, too raw to know if you were telling the truth, but it was ripped out of you. 
Leo made that low noise that you had only heard a handful of times before, where he was concerned but stuck, and the sound had you hiccuping at the knowledge that with this he couldn’t just pick you up and run from the danger.
“Can… can you come get me?” You started, stopped, powered through, and he answered too quickly, like he had been waiting for those words to leave your mouth.
“Raph’s on his way.” His tongue clicked, voice disappearing for a moment in what you assumed was his head pulling away to check on something. “Should- he should be there any minute.”
There was the heady rush of elation, the swoop at the top of the roller coaster you were waiting on. It felt a lot like falling though. You dug your nails deeply into your leg to stay focused.
“Stay on the phone?” With me, but it felt a little too much like an admission to breathe it out, but he didn’t hesitate in his answer.
“Of course.” 
You breathed out low, letting the soft sounds from his side of the phone lull you back into a sort of calm numbness. You weren’t sure if a minute passed, or ten, but all too soon there was a tap at your window and you startled. 
Leo must have heard the way your breath hitched. “Raph?”
“Y-yeah,” you pressed your palm into you eye, trying to steady yourself. “Guess… I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah, yeah. You will.” He promised, stubborn enough to make you be the one to hang up. 
You don’ think Leo warned his brother, because when you drew back the curtain to unlock the window, you could feel Raph burning a stare into the side of your head despite the way you kept your eyes stubbornly on the tricky task of unlocking the latch one handed.
He took over the job as soon as you lifted it enough for him to wedge his fingers under the pane. The window rattled a bit when he shoved it upwards with a grunt, and you flinched at the sound, before cutting off all movement at the feel of a heavy hand settling on the tear tracks on your cheeks.
“Sweetheart?” He asked, thumb moving across skin made sensitive from you scrubbing at it. “Who- whose ass am I-”
“It’s nothing.” You whispered up at him, ducking away from his hand before chasing it with your own on instinct. You shivered at the way his hand swallowed yours whole and had grip left over for your wrist. “Just… feeling a bit-”
He pulled you closer, and you heard the sound you had gotten acquainted with the night they had watched over you, that rumble deep under his plastron that lingered at the edge of your auditory range. “Are you ok?”
No. “Yes.” Your eyes burned at the outright lie, and he leveled a shoulder against the edge of your window, raised his other hand to slide a knuckle under your chin. “Not… really.” 
You whispered the confession with eyes fixed just over his shoulder, and he tilted his head until all you could see was the color of his bandana. “Talked to… Leo, about it… a bit. Just- well.” You brought up your free hand to press at your forehead, and the hand under your chin slid away. “Not really sure what’s… going on. Sorry.”
“You don’t gotta be sorry.” Raph assured you, tugging your other hand down when you started scrubbing at your face again, grip gentle on your cast. “As long as no one needs a lesson on not messin’ with ya.”
You shivered at the reminder, and the feeling of his hands swallowing yours became just a little to visceral for a moment. When you tried to tug out of his grip, he let you, though his rough sigh showed his frustration at the action. 
You turned your head to the side to avoid the feeling that sound pulled up. “Can we… just go to the Lair?”
“Gotta say somethin’, first.” Raph argued, and you sighed roughly, but nodded for him to continue.
The ledge under the window creaked as he leaned through it, and you felt his fingers whisper over the nape of your neck before he cupped it, finger nudging the far side of your jaw to convince you to look at him.
You did, slowly, hand coming to absently rub at the thin skin above your cast where it suddenly itched. 
“The last thing I ever wanna do,” He spoke lowly, holding your gaze, “is hurt you, sweetheart. I need you to know that, ok?”
You stared into his green flecked eyes, the color starting to swim as you felt tears well up. You blinked hard, nodding when he made a questioning rumble, and didn’t stutter at the feel of his thumb wiping across your face.
“Good. S’long as you know that.” He blew out a breath. When you reopened your eyes, and gave you a small crooked smile that looked like a shadow of the one he normally threw your way. “You ready to get going?”
You nodded, voice still locked in your tight throat, and took his offered hand to help clamber over the sill, straddling the worn wood before he leveled his weight backwards and you had enough room to sling your good arm over his shoulders.
The rain was soft pricks of cold across the back of your neck, Raph’s shell icy where your arm was pressed against it. You had a moment to wonder if you should climb back inside for a coat, but Raph’s next words drowned out the thought.
“Hold on tight with that arm.” He warned, his own arm slotting under your thighs, hand curling around one knee while the other squeezed just under his shell. “Taking the fast route through the tunnels, so might be best to close your eyes, princess.”
You nodded into his neck, breathing out slow when he abruptly let go of the ledge and you both free fell through the fog.
Leo was the first one you saw when you and Raph entered the Lair through the turnstiles, arms crossed and swaying back and forth, eyes trained on the floor as he listened to Donnie speak. The purple turtle was leaning against the table, long legs crossed in front of him, gesturing with his hands as he made some point to the leader in blue.
“-perfectly normal to come away from that with trauma, we should have been on the look out for it.” 
Leo made some low sound at that, shaking his head in denial. “You know for a fact this wasn’t suppose to happen, whether or not we were on the look out for-” He broke off when he caught sight of the two of you, straightening and going still, and the change in his stance was enough to have Donnie turning around to squint as well.
“Mother hens say ‘what’.” Raph groused, large hand only tightening around the bend of your knee when you tried to slide out of his grip. The added height meant you didn’t have to crane up to meet the other two’s gaze, and after a moment you leaned back against Raph’s covered shoulder, let his shoulder pad bite into the slope of your head as Leo moved to stand in front of the red turtle.
“Hey.” He said, gaze flicking to your arm before settling on your face. You could see Donnie’s lips compress out of the corner of your eye, feel the tendons in Raph’s neck flex as he no doubt rolled his eyes.
You gave Leo a tight lipped smile, knew from the way both his and Donnie’s eyes jumped around your face that it was still rubbed raw from crying and scratching at it. “I was told there would be old movies and noodles?”
Leo blew out a breath at your words, his shoulders sagging, but Donnie stepped forward, hands careful as he gestured towards your cast and ran his thumbs along your limb when you held it outwards.
“Any new pain?” He asked, and when you shook your head no he seemed pleased, one hand sliding to cup along the back of your shoulder. “Well that’s good. I’ve projected that you should only have six more weeks in the cast, but I’d still like to take a proper look sometime tonight.”
The thought of going back into the sterile medical room had you swallowing heavily, pulse jumping as nausea rose up to press at your throat. “I don’t- I don’t think-”
“You don’t have to if you don’t wanna.” Raph said from behind you, and your head dipped, pulling your arms back in to hold them tight against your sides. “Don doesn’t have’ta poke-”
You didn’t really hear what he was saying, mouth moving on autopilot, a small voice prompting you to explain instead of keeping everything wrong wedged up under your ribs. When you interrupted him, Raph’s jaw all but snapped shut. 
“-I don’t… want to go in that room again.” You said, more to the hand still locked around your knee than anyone else.
Donnie’s thumb rubbed a soothing stroke across your shoulder, and you made yourself relax into the motion, finding it comfortable when the digit repeated the trek. “Alright, that’s perfectly fine.” He bobbed his head, glasses catching on the light. “As long as there’s nothing new, it should be fine.”
You nodded to show you understood, and Leo spoke up again. “Mikey’s still getting the food, but would you mind waiting on the couch while we do some last minute cleaning?” 
You shook your head no, not missing the way glances were traded over your tendency to remain non-verbal. 
“Ok, then. I’ll start one of those movies to keep you company until we’re done.” Leo murmured, then led the way into the living room area, bending to shuffle an old tape out of its cover and into the player. You were distracted from watching him when Raph finally released your knee and let you slip onto the blanket covered couch. 
“Be right back.” He tapped the top of your head to make sure he had your attention. “Don’t go disappearin, kay?”
“Kay.” You made yourself say, just to break your silence. You were rewarded with a little quirk of his lips, and a searching look from Donnie before the three shuffled out of the room and left you with the tv turned down low.
The movie was about a blind samurai, you thought, the opening scene a little familiar. Leo must have shown it to you before, but the monotone coloring was soothing, the subtitles large, blocky and blurry before you closed your eyes and just listening to the way the voices ebbed and flowed, uncaring that you didn’t have any idea what they were saying.
It wasn’t… as difficult, now that you were here. As long as you didn’t go into the medical room. And it was good to see your friends again. Something tight slowly started to ease in your muscles. The Lair was always a safe space, had always been a place you looked forward to visiting when you were invited. You repeated the mantra as the music from the movie started to swell.
The skin above your cast itched again, and you snuck a finger into the space right at the edge, dragged a nail along the little area. A lull in the movie’s soundtrack, and you hummed, knowing a fight scene was coming up, before faint voices had your eyes cracking open.
You sat up slowly, turning just your head to better catch where the words were coming from. 
That was Donnie’s voice, just out of sight, and a harsh answering whisper that sounded like Raph had you moving on autopilot, feet quiet as you slipped a little rounding the couch. The whispers led you to the edge of Donnie’s half dome of monitors, the voices tucked behind the half closed door that led deeper into the Lab space.
“-get your head out your shell and stop pushing.” It was a patient tone you had heard a couple of times, a patent Leo Lecture, as Mikey called them behind his brother’s back to make you and Donnie snort with laughter.
Raph’s voice was much rougher in answering, “‘M not pushin, Fearless. All I did was tell her I didn’t want to hurt her, that’s it.”
“That’s obviously enough to set her off, Raphael.” Leo's stern words were followed by the sound of a palm shoving a face, and you wondered who shoved who before Donnie’s words cut between the two, and in-between your ribs.
“None of us thought it would turn out like this, but we shouldn’t jump to conclusions until we figure out what the problem is exactly. Obviously,” he lingered on the word, “she’s experiencing some fight or flight response concerning us, but it could be left over from the ‘experience’, not our feelings for-.”
“She doesn’t know anything about that.” Raph cut in. “Or it’s not what’s buggin’ her. Came right to me when I got there.”
Your heart stopped, then thundered over itself to make up the difference, and you swallowed hard enough to feel the pull in the tendons on either side of your throat protest. 
“Whether or not she knows, it’s enough that she’s on edge.” Leo’s voice came out clipped, tight, and you took a little step to the side, fingers finding the edge of Donnie’s desk as you struggled to listen through deep breaths. “We had a plan. It was working.”
“If that fucker hadn’t needed a beatdown, we wouldn’t be back to square one, but it is what-”
A hand, palm cool and callused, skirted up your cast free arm, and you shrieked, jumping backwards, hitting Donnie’s desk and sending half the bobbits strew across the surface clattering into the floor.
You were crying before you even registered it was Mikey, the orange turtle cooing and apologetic as he tightened his grip on you and tried calming you down. “Hey, babes- baby, I’m so sorry, please-”
You were shoving at him, ineffectively, palms scraping across the buckles of his backpack, but the sound of the heavy door you’d been eavesdropping at opening violently had you babbling out your own apologies at the green blobs with splashes of color across their faces crowded around you. Your heart thundered in your chest, color high in your face and nose running like a leaky faucet as they tried again and again to get you to calm down.
When they realized you weren’t calming down, and your breathing was turning into high pitched wheezes as your throat closed up in panic, you found yourself picked up, carried through the Lair. You squawked in panic when you thought they were heading for the medical room before whoever was holding you split to the right and the bathroom door loomed up instead.
It wasn’t until you were plopped down in front of one of the personalized sinks that you realized Leo had apparently lost the battle with his ‘get you someplace safe’ instincts, but his distraction with checking you over allowed you to shove your cast into his beak and duck into one of the widened bathroom stalls, effectively putting a barrier up between you and the four turtles.
You slid the flimsy lock home, and braced your arm across the door, shivering and heaving for breath between sobs. The four turtles were murmuring to themselves, not being quiet at all but the roaring in your ears kept you from making out words. With a stilted heave that whistled through your closed throat, you banged your fist against the door, the action sending vibrations through your muscles and tethering you to the ground.
The outside door shut, and for a moment you thought you were alone, that they had left you to settle. The thought had you pressing your forehead against the inside of your elbow, a stifled sob hitching your shoulders.
“Babes?” Michelangelo asked, and every muscles in your body went taunt once more.
He was quiet, though you could hear the sound of his palm sliding across the closed door, before the heavy sigh of him sitting outside the stall had you peering down, just seeing the bottom of his shell tucked against the tile.
“I’m sorry for grabbing you.” He said plainly, and as if a rope was cut, you breathed shakily into your arm, pressing your open mouth hard against your skin. You sunk down slowly, knowing he could hear you moving, until you crouched just behind him. If not for the door, you’d be splayed against his shell.
“You mean so much to me.” He whispered. “Mean so much to us. I should have thought before I grabbed you like that.”
You leaned your head forward, until the edge of your brow gently pressed against the cold plastic. It took two tries, but you finally pulled your mouth back from your skin, licked your lips, and whispered. “I wasn’t- suppose to find out yet, was I?”
You hoped he wouldn’t try and turn the question on its head, knowing he knew what you were talking about. His hearing was better than yours. Still, he made some low, wounded sound at the way your voice rasped broken and raw over the words.
“It certainly wasn’t how I envisioned it.” He offered with self deprecating humor, and you blinked, thinking the tone didn’t suit him at all. 
“Who- who else?” God, it hurt to talk. Your knee hit the tiled floor as you readjusted, and Mikey’s shell shifted on the other side of the thin barrier between the two of you.
“Um….” He trailed off, but you heard the silent all of us, thinking back to the way they’d held you together the night your arm, and heart, had broken.
“Oh- God.” You choked on the word, coughed and brought your arm back to your mouth to muffle the sound. 
Mikey moved, and for one terrified moment you thought he was going to try breaking the lock, but his steps moved away. Water running in the sink, and then he returned, shoved a glass under the little opening below the door.
You didn’t thank him as he returned to his spot, reaching down slowly and grabbing the chilled glass. 
He waited until he heard you take a few sips, before asking. “How’s your arm? You shoved it into Leo’s face pretty hard.”
“It hurts.” You breathed into the glass, aware you’d been holding the cast tight against your chest.
“I’m gonna go get Donnie.” Mikey’s hand appeared under the door, splayed against the tile as he pushed himself upright.
“Don’t-” You cut off, until his hand turned, brushed against your shoe. “-go.” You swallowed. “Please.”
“I won’t, babes,” he promised, “Just gonna go get Dee, ok?”
You nodded, even though he couldn’t see, and sat down heavily as you listened to him moving for the bathroom door.
It was… a lot, to take in. Too much to do so right now, with your arm burning and your mind swirling around like a shaken fishbowl. You wanted to bury it, until the realization felt a little more distant. A little more manageable. You couldn’t-
You brutally squashed that train of thought, sitting down heavily with only one arm to balance yourself with. You stretched one foot out first, then the other, sticking your sneakers out from under the partition and leaning forward to place your fevered, sticky cheek against the door again.
You must have spaced out, because the sound of Donnie’s knuckles rapping gently against the plastic had you startling, pulling your feet back against your chest and scooting to the corner.
“Dove?” He called, and you saw the shadow of his hand on the handle. “I’m going to open the door, ok?”
You hummed in acknowledgement, staring at your shoes as he opened the lock from the outside. The door squeaked when he cracked it open, and you looked up finally, meeting his hesitant smile from where he craned around the door.
“There you are. Are you ready to come out, now?”
You weren’t, but you still moved, letting him grip under your bicep and help you find your feet when you wobbled.
“Good, that’s good. Let’s sit on the edge of the tub.” He led you, and you felt more than saw Mikey hovering just out of your space, watching you with concerned eyes. 
When you were finally sitting on the tiled edge of the basin they called a bath, Donnie felt you for a moment, and Mikey returned to sit next to you, just shy of touching.
“Heya, babes. You’re ok.” He gave you a tilted smile, a little watery, and you scrubbed at your cheek at the realization you probably looked like you had indeed been blubbering in a bathroom stall.
“Alrighty, then.” Donnie was back, and you tipped your head towards him without thinking. His hand came up to grip your chin, tightening when you tried to flinch away. “It’s just me, dove, relax just a little bit.”
The cloth he wiped over your face was warm and sudsy, and you closed your eyes on instinct, leaning into his touch as he wiped away the gunk and the tear stains. The soft, repetitive motions had you sighing unconsciously, shoulders slumping in relief when the cloth ran over clean skin. 
Donnie traded the cloth for his thumbs, stooping to peer into your face as his wide digits scrubbed across your cheekbones. “There you go, that’s better, right?”
You nodded, feeling his knuckles hook around the edge of your jaw, before his snout swung to the side and he focused on your cast. “Can I take a look at that, now?”
You bit your lip, nodded again, free hand casting out to find Mikey’s arm and latch onto it when Donnie lowered his goggles and peered at your arm, hands softly probing at the ends of your cast.
Mikey captured your hand, let you squeeze his palm as Donnie worked. After a moment, his thumb came out to slide slowly over the back of your hand, and you looked up, caught on the baby blues that stared back.
The door to the bathroom creaked open, and Raph stuck his head in. “How’s it goin’ in here?”
“Fine, despite your lack of patience.” Donnie quipped without taking his eyes off his task, and the muscle in your cheek contracted at the heavy eye roll Raph gave his brother before his green eyes focused on you. 
“You alright, sweetheart?”
“…fine.” The word was scratchy, and you cleared your throat before trying again. “How’s… Leo?”
Raph gave you a smirk, “ah, he’ll live, he’s just getting some ice for it. Good shot, though.” 
Donnie made some little noise at your side, pulling your attention back to him. “I don’t think there’s any new damage.” He gave you a soft smile. “Just don’t go shoving your arm into anyone else’s face, kay?”
You sighed, tried to pull your hand from Mikey’s grip, but he wouldn’t allow you to, slotting your fingers between his to maintain the grip. “How bout we go get those noodles before they get cold, babes? I got the spicy ones you like.”
Your stomach rebelled at just the mention of food, but there were sharp eyes on your face, taking notice of every twitch. “I think… maybe just the movie, Angelo.”
Mikey, bless him, looked happy you were just agreeing, tugged you to your feet and almost into Donatello before the taller turtle ducked seamlessly out of your space. 
“Wait, wait-” your head heaved at the quick movements, and Mikey lurched to a stop, that concerned look back. “Just, slow, Mikey. Slow.”
You… weren’t just talking about heading to the living room area, and while it might have gone right over Mikey’s head, you saw the traded looks between the other two turtles, and it made you swallow heavily. No time for that now. The thought got sloshed back to the back of your head when Mikey’s free had touched your shoulder and led you backwards into the main room. 
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writinandcrying · 2 years
One of the boys (whoever lost on the coin flip) having to convince Raph to stop hiding his room just bc y/n arrived with pizzas and his love stink went off rails
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 7 months
hey so how do you think the tmnt 2003 boys would deal with their s/o coming to them just to have fun and cuddle cuz they’ve had a shit day? It’s one of those: crying in solitude and then come see bf when calmed down shit day and need cheering up?
Ohoho, I’m gonna have fun with this. *rubbing hands together, wholesomely.*
Comforting you after a bad day.
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word count: 838
CW: Reader is gender-neutral, reader being comforted, and as usual, nothing but turtle fluff. 🫶
💙 When it comes to cheering you up, Leo offers meditation first. It’s always helped him clear his mind, so he’ll meditate with you, enjoying the calm and quiet.
💙 If meditation doesn’t work, he’ll brew a pot of tea and cut up some fruits. He’ll sit with you and listen to you when you lay out your problems to him, letting him know how your day went and all the built-up stress that went on that day.
💙 He’d even offer a bit of sparring! It’s a good way to get out any anger, and he stays on the defensive side, just letting you work out your stress.
💙 If that’s not what you want, he’s okay with having you sit in his lap, his hands massaging your muscles, working out any knots and the stress. You do it for him when he’s stressed, he can at least return the favor.
💙 Will also sit there and read with you, reading out to you while you relax. He most likely chose Dune because he’s just that kind of guy, but you don’t mind either way. You love that nerdy side of him.
❤️ Raph’s good at reading your body language and telling how you’re feeling and he’s quick to ask what’s up. When you just say you need cheering up, he understands very well and does a lot to try and cheer you up!
❤️ One thing he does is doing push-ups while you sit beside him, counting for him, before he slyly drags you underneath him to press kisses to your face, lips and neck, just to get giggles out of you.
❤️ He also likes to take you on the occasional rides around the city on his Shell Cycle, and if you’re into beating criminals, the two of you are fighting some goons on the streets.
❤️ If that’s not your style, he’s just fine with sitting on the couch, or on the bed in his room cuddling away. He has an arm around your shoulder, your head resting on his chest, and his hand gently rubbing up and down your arm in a soothing manner while he listens to you vent, or just in pure silence, enjoying each other’s company.
❤️ Either way, he’s here for you, and he’s good when you need some emotional support. He deals with a lot of his own emotions, he’ll help you feel better the best ways he knows he can.
💜 When you come in looking exhausted, Donnie is already standing up from his desk and making his way over to check up on you, asking if you had gotten any sleep, all that jazz.
💜 When you explain what happened, he’s listening intently, before he pulls you over and sits you in his lap to cuddle. Holding you close as he’s massaging your scalp, using techniques he’s learned that’s made you feel better when you’re upset.
💜 He’ll listen to you talk, but if you’re feeling nonverbal, he’ll fill in the silence with his own ramblings. His hands caressing your back as he does so, turning back to his work table as he continues on.
💜 He’ll put on some music, like jazz to help relax you. He’ll tinker with his inventions, even let you do some of your own tinkering if you’re interested! Anything that makes you feel better!
💜 He knows you probably need some time to relax and destress, so if you’re not up for sitting at the lab table, he’ll scoop you up, take you to his bunk to cuddle in bed, or even draw you a bath to relax together in. Whatever he can do, he will do. He’s a man with many solutions.
🧡 You’re sad?! Not on Mikey’s watch. He’s cheering you right up! When he sees you’re down, he’s hugging you so tight! He’s kissing all over your face and asking what’s wrong. He doesn’t understand that he might be overwhelming you a bit, but don’t be afraid to tell him to back up a bit, he’ll understand while offering a sheepish apology.
🧡 Will actually sit down to listen about your day, but not with either being sad or mad with you. The type of guy who will gossip with you and go, “gasp, oh no she didn’t!”
🧡 He’s a bit silly with it, and in the end, you’re laughing about it and he’s smiling widely. He’ll offer you watch some of his skating tricks, before he casually eats shit at one mess-up.
🧡 After that he’s suggesting video games and pizza. That’s more relaxing and less crashing into walls. He’ll be sitting beside you, letting you win most of the time because he likes when you cheer at your own victory. It makes him happy to see your smile again.
🧡 After that, you guys will watch some TV. He’ll be laying back on the couch, and having you lay on top of him. He’s playing with your hair until you’re both snoring loudly on the couch. Splinter was kind enough to place a blanket over the both of you so you guys aren’t cold.
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Bayverse tmnt scolding their sons since they went a different direction or didn’t listen and didn’t follow with the orders their dad gave out, and nearly got spotted by humans while the eldest was trying to keep the middle from mucking around and go back on track?
I feel like they will be grounded after coming back to the lair and get sent to their rooms and have their mask taken off them. :D
Sons of Leonardo (Fluff/Crack-ish)
Bayverse!Leonardo x reader
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A/N: I love this idea! But I decided to focus on one group of children instead of all four. I went with you and Leo’s kids (aka, my OCS), because that was the first that came to my head😂💙
Buuuuut! If you want me to do more of these with the others, I would happily do so💚
You and Leo are at least in your 40’s.
Warnings: Spelling, you and Leo’s sons being silly teenagers💙
Romeo did not like it one bit. Actually, he had been very much against it from the start, wondering how the hell Marcello had managed to get their father to agree to let them go watch the basketball game. He had probably used that eye trick uncle Michelangelo had taught him. Heck, even Gerardo knew how to make those eyes. But of course, their father wouldn’t just let Marcello and Gerardo go on their own. No, no. Romeo had to come along and make sure that his brothers didn’t do anything stupid, or worse, getting noticed by humans.
And that was how Romeo found himself stuck inside the jumbotron for hours, stuck watching a basketball game he didn’t actually want to see. If this was the “responsibility of the oldest” that his father kept talking about, he could easily understand how he could be so uptight sometimes. And as Romeo pulled 12 year old Gerardo back from the edge, he wished his father would have been more uptight that day.
As soon as the game ended, Romeo was ready to go. They had promised not just their father, but their mother as well, that they would return home as soon as the game had finished. So when Romeo had his brothers returned to the roof once more, the last thing he expected was 15 year old Marcello heading the opposite direction, leaning over the edge of the building in order to get a better look of the people walking out onto the street.
“Marcello! No! Dad told us to get home as soon as the game finished!”, Romeo commanded, pointing in the direction they had to go - away from downtown.
“Calm down, junior, I’m just watching”, Marcello said, waving his hand at his older brother. “I’m just watching”.
“Hah”, Gerardo laughed, pointing at Romeo. “He called you junior”.
“Marcello, seriously”, Romeo sighed. “You know how dad gets when he’s worried. Hell, do you remember the time you went too far out in the sewer, and dad, granddad and all our uncles almost exploded with worry? Do you remember how sad mom was?”
“Dude, I was 4”, Marcello said with a deadpan look. “Now I’m just as old as dad was when he and his brothers started going out”.
“Yeah, but they also listened to dad!”
“Haha!”, Gerardo laughed. “Donnie, Raph and Mikey listening to dad? That was a good one ‘Meo!”
“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?”, Romeo sighed, side eyeing his little brother.
“Relax”, Marcello said, straining his neck to get a better look at the crowd. “I’m just looking around. You never know when you see a pretty girl”.
“A girl?”, Romeo asked skeptically. “Bro, you’re 15”.
“So? Mom and dad met when they were 15”.
“18”, Romeo corrected.
“Whatever”, Marcello said, rolling his eyes, letting his hands rest on the edge of the building.
“Why do you wanna look at girls?”, Gerardo asked.
“I don’t know”, Marcello mumbled. “I just wanna look…”
“You are not going to score a human girl”, Romeo said, crossing his arms.
“Says who?!”
“Dad, who is waiting for us to get home”, Romeo said. “Come on, he knows when the game ends and how long it takes to get back”.
“That hypocrite”, Marcello said. “Mom is a human, dad is a mutant. They didn’t meet because he kept hiding away!”
“No, mom and dad met through aunt April at a house party”, Romeo said, putting a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Now, let’s go before dad and our uncles go looking for us. Or even worse, granddad”.
“No!”, Marcello said, pulling his shoulder away from his brother, getting down to sit on the edge. “I wanna see some humans!”
Gerardo watched the interaction with unease. After 12 years he knew that his two older brothers could get into some heated arguments, just like their father and their uncle Raphael had done when they were younger. But Gerardo also knew that neither Romeo or Marcello would back down so easily.
“You have seen plenty of humans today! You watched a whole basketball game!”, Romeo exclaimed in frustration, grabbing for his brother once more. “Now, let’s go home!”
“I said no!”, Marcello exclaimed, pulling away yet again, this time with much more force. This caused Marcello to tumble forward, his weight pulling him off of the roof, down towards the big crowd of humans below. But thanks to the higher powers for Romeo’s fast reflexes, he managed to get a hold of Marcello’s hand, pressing his heels against the edge before leaning back. Gerardo yelped, running to throw his arms around Romeo, helping him pull their brother back on the roof safely.
Once Marcello was back standing on the roof, slightly shivering from the sudden shock and fear of falling from a high building, Romeo was on him in less than a minute.
“Are you okay?! Did they see you?! What were you thinking!?”
“It wasn’t on purpose, worry fart”, Marcello said, pushing Romeo off of him. “And no! No one saw me”.
“Guys, I think we should go”, Gerardo said, looking over his shoulder in unease.
“Rardo’s right”, Romeo said. “They could be checking the roof soon”. And with those words, the three brothers hurried home.
The three brothers entered the quiet lair, their senses heightened for any sounds of movements that would alert them to their extended family’s presence as they sneaked through the lair.
“Do you think dad has gone to bed?”, Gerardo asked.
Marcello smirked, his back straightened as if he didn’t have a worry in the world as he clapped Romeo on the shoulder in victory. “Told you that old fart wouldn’t notice a thing”.
“Look twice before using the term old fart”, a voice sounded, causing the three brothers to jump in surprise, finding their father standing right behind them. His arms crossed and a scolding expression on his face, his towering statue causing his sons to crane their necks in order to look up at him.
“H- hey dad”, Marcello smiled with a sheepish smile. “H- how long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough”, Leo said, his expression unchanging. “Where have you been?”
“At the game”, Gerardo said. “Just like we told you we would”.
“The game finished an hour ago. It only takes 15 minutes to get from the game and to the lair”, Leo said, his hands resting on his hips.
“The game stretched out”, Marcello said, feigning innocence. This caused Leo to sigh, rubbing the bridge of his beak.
Romeo sighed, knowing what this meant. “You and the others watched the game on TV, didn’t you?”
“We did”, Leo sighed, sounding more than a little frustrated.
“Okay, we might have hung around after the game and watched humans, but that’s it”, Marcello said, ignoring his brothers’ burning glares when he used the word “we”. “But it’s okay now. We’re home, safe and sound. So if you don’t mind, I think I’ll head to bed and get some sleep before heading to dinner at aunt April and uncle Casey’s tomorrow”, the middle child smiled innocently, trying to sneak past the broad form of his father.
“Oh no you don’t”, Leo said, grabbing on to the tails of Marcello’s bandana, janking him back with a small tuck, and then pulling it off of his head with a smooth flick of his wrist. “Because you’re all grounded”.
“WHAT?!”, Marcello yelled out loud, grabbing onto his bare head.
“Aww”, Gerardo said with a sad expression, not resisting as his father took the bandana off of his head. “I hate being grounded”.
“That’s the rules”, Leo said, waiting as Romeo untied his own bandana before handing it to his father. “You don’t follow the rules, you get grounded”.
“That’s not fair!”, Marcello yelled. “You went out all the time when you were 15!”
“Yes, I got grounded too”, Leo said. “You see how that works?” He gathered all bandanas in one hand before pointing in the direction of their rooms. “Now go to bed. We start training early tomorrow”.
The three brothers groaned, Gerardo and Marcello being extra loud as they did so, dragging their feet toward the metal stairs that lead to the second floor of the lair. Leo watched them leave, making sure they had gone to their rooms, before returning back to your and his shared bedroom.
In your bedroom, he found you reading a book in the bed table light, your baby daughter cuddling against your chest as she played with her teething toy. You looked up and saw the bandanas in Leo’s hand, watching as he laid them on top of the dresser.
“Grounded?”, you asked, Valentina wiggling in your arms at the sight of her father, a big smile on her face.
“Grounded”, Leo confirmed as he got ready for bed.
“Hopefully they didn’t take it too hard”, you said, closing your book before placing it on the nightstand.
“Well, Marcello wasn’t too happy about it, but the others took it pretty well”, Leo said, crawling under the covers, wrapping arm around you, before pulling you and blabbering Valentina close.
“So nothing new there?”, you asked, resting your head upon his shoulder, watching as your daughter started to hit lightly upon Leo’s plastron with a wide smile. Leo shook his head in a response, resting his cheeks against the top of your head, watching you daughter place both hands on his chest. Leo sighed with a smile, tickling the side of little Valentina, her giggles loud and happy as she hid against you.
“And you, young lady, better not be like your brothers when you get older”, he said, finding peace in her small giggles.
“That, or she’ll be even worse”, you joked, your fingers soothing her small shell.
“With three big brothers? Yeah, you’re probably right”, Leo chuckled, placing a kiss on the temple of your head.
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