#i just have a bunch of cute clothes saved to put her in
zeearts · 11 months
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i like drawing meryls for my mental health tbh
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jellitchi · 7 months
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vat7k designs in my head...
i thought their canon designs were a eensy weensy bit Unpolished so i made these mostly for myself. erm if u rly want it i think varian is 19 here, hugo 19, nuru 18, yong 12.
i also made rhem all playlists and had to draw them a cover so thats what the last img is I linked each of em under my notes for all of em... Under the cut is Like a Huge Infodump of notes i have for each chara,,,,,,
i kept varians design basically the same, i dislike the design w the orange neck thing so i just Nuked it😭... Here's Varians playlist
Hugos design i just wanted to put him in something more Loose. hes a thief, a professional escape artist. i dont think wearing clunky metal is ideal for him. i also gave him a prosthetic arm (blond w no arm design trope!) but u cant see it in the ref so i added another drawing of him in his under layering👍 i vaguely referenced russian(?) clothes for him as well... Yeah not too much changed w him i just tried to make him slippery-er. Here's Hugo's playlist
yong came relatively easy to me, if it wasn't obvious i did rip gaming from g*nshin's hoodie. i thought the lion hood was Adorable and freaking perfect for what i had in mind for hos character. since the og notes said the fire kingdom is loosely Chinese inspired i basically just kept that. i mashed tgt a buncha diff dynasties though sorry for how inconsistent i was... i think he looks Okay. anyways i changed yongs role a bit, ill explain why im adjusting some of their roles later but i kept yong as the Jinx Type character. hes the eldest in his family and has a buncha younger siblings, hes a lion dancer and does performances w his family/siblings. he rly like special effects n keeps tryna incorporate his fireworks into their performances (it flops and he has to sew up the dmg) ill explain more of yongs role in another post maybe shrugs... Here's Yong's Playlist
miss nuru was a bit of a struggle for me i might share my full design process with her coz i did a Bunch of mockups for her😭😭😭... i didnt have a specific country of reference for her but i chose to make her vaguely south asian inspired. i also really wanted to keep the sheer fabric w the star / constellation map. i love that idea its so cute so shes still technically the navigator. but she also wields a sword too, fencing or whatever. (her and varian r Huge Cass fangirls which is probably why she started tryna use a sword (snuck out to watch cass compete) Okay ill talk abt this later) in my head, okay ill Probably make a whole nother post talking abt how im interpreting/writing each chara, but in my head i think nuru is the youngest and her kingdom's archivist. shes mostly in charge of like Her kingdoms history / artifacts / etc. ok im getting too side tracked ill save the lore dump for later but thats Nurus role in the party. Here's Nuru's Playlist
uhm below i made their character stats mostly to help me with planning / role developing. the yellow is their base stats the color behind is their end stats i guess. i was gonna explain my reasoning for their stats but ermm this post is kinda Really long so sorry😭... varian max int for obvious reasons, also max charisma just coz i feel like u kinda learn a thing or two being around a couple manipulators and spending time in jail idk shrugs... (also lets not forget the "ud b surprised what ppl would do for a cookie!") Hugo slippery guy, if a brick is thrown at him as hes running hes gonna try n run faster to shatter it, his mindset is Run Run Run! i think hes relatively agile too but yeah mostly a Speedster. i think he n varian got no Physical strength varian maybe just like A little coz Farm boy but I rly doubt quirin is making him do a Lotta heavy lifting. yong has incredible stamina and agility because hed a performer. nuru is the strongest coz this team would literally Flop without a proper Offense😭... i think varian n hugo r able to outwit plenty of their opponents but i think nuru is pretty good in a fight, same w yong. Yeah Okay Sorry for a Long Long Post thanks hope u guys enjoy
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hyperfixat · 7 months
part three wooowooo this is like. half rushed. urgh. i want to get to the good part already but that can’t happen until i establish a world that it can happen in. she is a bit short this time around, uh i don’t have an excuse, bcs this is probably my least fav location/character bunch ☹️ i still like them but its a bit flat whatever just read it if u want
shortest chap. yet… 2.5k> words… [melts] on the bright side this ‘book’ or ‘series of events’ ..whatever has over 10k words now!!
< prev .. next >
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** Written PRE 1.6 – Any mentions of new characters is pure speculation and or headcanons.
“I guess we have to talk to Ms Herta now,” Caelus sighs.
Part of you wonders why Caelus is so intimidated by Herta’s puppets. Maybe he has Pediophobia or something? The other part of you is intimidated at the prospect of meeting the eighty-third member of the Genius Society.
“I’m sure Herta will provide us with valuable insight regarding,” Welt says your name, “situation.”
Dan Heng has his nose buried into his phone screen, the dim light from the screen lights his face up, highlighting the planes as his eyes flicker from side to side as he reads. March slides into the spot next to him and you, grabbing for the half full coffee pot at the table.
“Ugh, how long till the warp jump?” March’s voice is grouchy as she stirs in a pod of creamer to her cute Pompom mug. She sways in her spot a little and her hand pauses for a second before she comes back to herself.
Dan Heng doesn’t look up, “two hours.” March lets out a dramatically anguished moan.
You had spent the night in Himeko’s room, it’s cozy and elegant like a hotel room. It’s the best way you think to describe it; beautifully decorated and clean, yet lived in. She let you share the bed with her and borrow a night shirt – after the day on the Lofou your lack of clothes was quite distressing. You were stinky and smelly from a busy day, and in desperate need of a shower and Himeko was your saving grace.
The ship stopping at Herta’s Space Station is useful regarding your (lack of) clothes, seeing as there should be plenty of regulation uniforms for you to wear until you accumulate a wardrobe of your own. (Luckily Caelus being an androgynous inhuman, somewhat recently synthesized being had a clean pack of proper undergarments for you to have.)
You had taken your retreat from Himeko’s room when she started brewing her (in)famous coffee.
Caelus puts their head in their hands, fingertips grasping at the gray strands loosely.
“Why are you so… scared, intimidated by Herta?” you breach their stupor, making them offer you a weak smile.
“I’m not scared of her per say, but she can be so brash, and I never know if I’m talking to an active puppet,” they sigh, “seriously she has so many puppets all over the station that it’s creepy like one per room. She does not need that many. It’s just that she’s hard to deal with sometimes, all geniuses are I’m told.”
Taking a deep gulp from her mug, March smacks her lips, “with you with us, I’m sure Herta will give us the time of day.” She smiles at you, still sleepy.
You aren’t sure what to make of Herta Space Station when the Astral Express arrives, the tracks are almost deserted save for a few spare workers. March hooks her arm around yours as your group traverses the grand place. There are some nearly deserted hallways that echo your footsteps, where the lights flicker and the only sound is your collective’s walking; just as there are some that are beyond packed, making you shrink into the center of the group, away from all the new sounds, scents, and people.
Sometimes you come across a Herta doll, prompting one of you to walk up and attempt to initiate a conversation with her, before walking off when she doesn’t react, idly staring blankly. It gives you the time to appreciate the craftsmanship Ms Herta put into the puppets. Their eyes are unlike any dolleyes that you saw on Earth, the glassy sheen over them glowing faintly. The joints look sturdy, as in some of the crowded rooms you saw some staff bump into her with decent force, making no movement from the collision.
“I guess we go to the room for the Simulated Universe testing,” Caelus suggests.
“Sounds good,” Welt affirms.
You wonder why you aren’t using any waypoints, maybe it was simply a game mechanic? You did see a Space Anchor when you were getting off the train….
The guards see Caelus approaching and tap on their wristbands simultaneously and the door’s to the testing room open up.
Herta’s eyes track over you and the other passengers, “I take it you’re not here to test the Simulated Universe?”
“No, not right now. Actually we came here because we thought you might be able to provide some insight to our situation right now. Besides, it concerns you as well.”
“Oh, and your strange guest? I take it they’re the center of this situation.” Herta stares straight into your soul with those doll eyes, making you shift behind Welt a little further. “Get on with it, don’t waste my time.”
“Wait!” March jumps in, “we need to gather a few more people!”
Herta sighs and her doll does an almost eye roll. “I’ll be here, or just get whatever doll is closest.” She sounds exasperated.
Asta is the easiest to find, not too far from Herta’s testing room. She’s standing where you usually find her in-game, looking at her phone, texting someone. She looks up when your group approaches her, giving you all an inviting smile.
“Hey there, trailblazers! Anything I can help you with?”
Her hair is really pretty, you note, the braid is tight against her scalp and it looks like she puts a lot of care into maintaining her look. You decide to subtly move away from the back of the group to stand next to Dan Heng and Caelus as they talk to her, explaining that she should follow them for an important meeting.
“Oh, and who’s this? I don’t think we’ve met before. Hi, I’m Asta, lead researcher here at the Herta Space Station.” Asta thrusts her hand forward for you to take, you do, introducing yourself in turn. “It’s lovely to meet you. Will you be a part of this meeting as well?”
“They will.” Dan Heng nods, corralling Asta into your party to head off to search for the next and final person, Arlan. “Do you know where Arlan is right now Ms Asta, he’s the last one that will be joining us.”
“Hm, I think he was talking with Adler, something about a missing Wubbaboo?”
“That kid…,” Caelus mutters under his breath, though it sounds more fond than annoyed, like one would talk about an annoying little sibling.
It takes a while to catch Arlan, you all find him coming out of the elevator on the second layer of the storage zone, close to where you first arrived. You convince him to join you and set off to look for one of Herta’s puppets to talk to.
“Hello? Helloooo?” March 7th waves her hand back and forth in front of the doll’s face and huffs when it doesn't react. Just when she's about to give up the doll jolts and Herta’s voice comes out of the voice box.
“I’m here. I’m here, what is it?”
“Asta, Arlan, you might want to sit down,” Dan Heng suggests kindly. “It might be a bit shocking.”
“Hm?” Asta tilts her head, eyes carefully decoding the emotion on his face, before taking the initiative to lean against the wall.
“Don’t say we didn’t warn you~!” March laughs, before Welt and Himeko bring the proper air of authority to the situation and begin helping you explain that they’re video game characters, you don’t belong here, and may need their help to get back home. At some point Herta’s doll stops its idle motions, but the light behind the eyes shows she’s still there, listening.
Arlan desperately looks at Asta, then you, then Caelus, as if at any moment you’ll all start laughing about how he definitely believed you for a moment. When that moment doesn’t come he takes a place with his back against the wall next to his pink haired superior.
There’s a block of quiet as they all process the bomb you’ve dropped on them, before Herta cuts into it, saying your name. “I’d like to speak with you, in person. Not now, I’ll have Caelus schedule it, but I may be able to offer some… wisdom.”
“Oh, that’s much appreciated, Ms Herta. Thank you,” you nod at her.
“Don’t be thanking me yet,” and at the mildly ominous words she promptly goes offline.
Hm. That’s not exactly reassuring, but it could always have been worse.
With the whole conversation thing done and dusted for everyone on the spaceship, you take a lone walk, breathing in the somewhat stuffy air, searching for any inner wisdom that could come from time alone without distraction.
Your mind doesn’t provide much thought, though being alone with yourself after so many eventful moments – spanning so close together too, gosh – is therapeutic in of itself. Only when it begins to get to the point of eerily quiet in the part of the station you’d wandered into does a small ‘yip’ sound at the end of the hall from whence you came. Spinning on your heel you spot a small, white and awfully cute dog.
You gasp in elation, kneeling where you stand and holding out your hand hoping the dog will come trotting over to greet you, it does, to your excitement, letting out another woof before following through.
“Hello there, little guy,” you coo at the dog, smiling as it yips happily at your soft touch.
Distantly echoing you here what you think is Arlan’s voice echoing down the halls, he sounds far. You lift your gaze away from Peppy as another echoing call arrives.
“Peppy!” you lift your eyebrow at the dog, giving it a skeptical look, almost as if it knows what you’re attempting to portray it averts it’s gaze, eyes flicking to the side.
An out-of-breath Arlan comes speeding down the hall, only stopping upon seeing you and the target he was searching for.
“There you are, Peppy. Lady Asta was looking all over for you,” he scolds the dog gently. “Sorry about this…” Arlan talks to you, bending in front of you to pick up the fluffy dog. His hands almost disappear into Peppy’s coat when he picks the dog up. “I hope Peppy didn’t cause you any grief?”
“They’re a sweet thing,” you laugh, petting the dog in his arms. Arlan smiles at you, verbally expressing his agreement.
Herta Space Station was fun to explore, and by the time your body begins to feel the wear of the day you aren’t far from a Space Anchor… hmm, you wonder if you could utilize it to make the trip back to the express much easier.
You walk up to the geometric floating object and hesitate before placing a hand on the surprisingly cool ring of gold around it. There’s no one around to hear the sound of alarm you let out when your entire vision is taken over by a bird’s eye map of the station. Oh! It’s just like the game, relief fills you at that.
Now, all you need to do is: click on the Pompom waypoint that will take you to the express and… your vision then goes white and you feel your legs fall.
This time someone is around to hear the sound you make as you crash and tumble into the carpet of the Astral Express. That someone being Pompom. Well. At least you managed to teleport.
Speaking of Pompom they were watering some of the plants over by the passenger log, but when you came in they jump, falling to the ground themself, landing on their furry butt with a huff. “HEY! Don’t scare Pompom like that!”
“Sorry, sorry,” you clasp your hands into a steeple; as if praying for forgiveness. “I didn’t know what would happen:” a half truth, as you had your expectations.
They brush their clothes off and you help them to their feet. You yawn then, holding a hand over your mouth.
“Have any of the others returned yet?”
“No. Pompom has been waiting for the first arrival to start making lunch,” the shuffle their paws together in a way that is sure to look dignified and professional, but from your perspective looks adorable. “Speaking of, the first passenger to return sometimes offers to assist the conductor….”
You pick up what they are putting down, as the idiom goes. “I can help in that case!”
You assist Pompom in the train’s kitchen. For a creature like them they’re quite purposeful with their movements, not that you have any reference of how a creature like them would usually move. That is to say they’re good in the kitchen. The rabbit(thing?) wears the cutest little bonnet and gloves to avoid getting fur into the meal, and tasks you with some simple chores to prepare the meal.
Cooking with Pompom is overall a fun and positive experience, and luckily the rest of the crew arrive just in time to eat. You all sit down around the dining cart’s table to discuss the day’s events and your future plans.
“The station is very clean. I like it,” you start the small talk the best you can.
“Indeed, the staff are very diligent,” Dan Heng nods.
There’s the scrape of utensils against plates and March speaks up, “so Jarlio VI tomorrow?”
“That is the plan,” Welt affirms. “Unless,” his eyes glint under the overhead lighting as they meet yours, “there have been any last minute change of plans.”
“Nope, we should be set.” You nod, feeling warm under the older man’s gaze.
“Well then, that settles it, Jarlio VI is tomorrow’s destination. All this adventuring isn’t meant for someone my age…” his last sentence is quieter and followed by a heavy sigh.
Himeko covers up a giggle with a bite of food, and March looks at you with mirth in her eyes.
“Jarilo-VI, here we come!” She finally laughs, lifting her glass in a mimicry of a toast. The rest of the table joins in, lifting their cups as well.
Jarilo-VI, here we come.
tags (comment or leave an ask to join) : @leafanonsforest @c00kie-cat @andromeda-gay
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Just read the Dottore x Fragile!Reader fic and I absolutely utterly adore it!
Can’t help but picture Columbina sneaking the reader out in bundles of clothes to show them Snezhnaya, meanwhile the lab is in pandaemonium like the burning SpongeBob meme because wheRE OR WHERE DID THEIR PRECIOUS GO???? ITS NOT UNDER THE BED! ITS NOT WITH ZANDY! ITS NOT BY THE FIREPLACE! WHERE IS IT?!?!?!
A similar idea where Zandik or a segment takes the reader out for once, be it Snezhnaya or a more tranquil region. He turns for one second and oop— where… where is the butterfly?????? While he scowers the town the frail butterfly crosses paths with a rather tall and intimidating wolf (idk what Capitano would be) who knows of them but isn’t quite sure what to do. The reader, having recognized the stylish clothes of a Fatui Harbingers, just starts to follow him around until eventually crossing paths with a squawking raven(s).
You've rarely ever left the lab, perhaps there was just one or two times Dottore allowed you out, and even then it was barely a few footsteps. To think you've lived in Snezhnaya for so long, but have yet to see or know the vastness of the nation. So when Columbina hears your melancholic desire to see the outside world, she is on board immediately. As much as you appreciate her enthusiasm, you laugh, as Dottore would never allow you to leave like that, especially not with her. But Columbina is a sneaky lady. You often take naps during the day, don't you? And the clones don't like to disturb your rest, so they most likely won't come in for a while. And even if they peek in, you'll just stack a bunch of pillows and cover them with the blanket! She'll sneak you back into your room's window and it'll be as though nothing happened, promise. Columbina's words convince you far more than you want to admit. And it happens. She sneaks you out and you see many beautiful things! And you visit her mansion as well, even meeting Arlecchino! You three had a wonderful chat.
Only that you're a very unlucky person and it just so happens that today of all days a segment decides to come wake you for a meal... only to see you gone. And oh boy, the regular Fatuis are in for a hell of a show 😭 not once have they seen the lab or the segments in such disarray. Not an inch of the lab doesn't go unchecked and they're all losing their minds. I imagine Zandy would be on the verge of tears because why did you leave him like that 😭 When you return from your little joy ride, Columbina dips so quickly though, she knows that Dottore would never hurt you, but her? Oops, she'll just have to lay low around him for a while~ (And you get a very long, long talking to from your lover and get to see the segments clean up the lab from how badly they tore it up 💀)
AHH AND CAPITANO... PUTS THIS IN MY MOUTH (The wolf sits quietly and stares at the butterfly perched on its snout, until a raven appears and snatches it away.) You need to stop going where he can't see you, Dottore lectures. By his side is where you must remain, for the sake of both of you... and really? Befriending more Harbingers? He's exasperated. Though of course, Capitano would be a very quiet and silent gentleman. He doesn't speak much to you, but he'll let you talk and talk. He's surprised Dottore likes you so much though, considering the man doesn't care for useless chatter. Hehe the same could happen with Pierro too! I imagine fragile reader feels quite indebted to him and likes him a lot for recruiting Zandik and therefore saving you as well, he is your old man!
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starieq · 4 months
Are you going to finish loving her seems tiring???
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“Lovin her seems tiring..” Part 5! a/n; sorry I haven’t been making part five! Haven’t been feeling motivated, but I know that’s no excuse. Also tysm for 165 followers??? Please forgive me and enjoy 😊! -Arianna 
Taggies/ warnings; Pro!HeroKats, cheating, fingering, creampie, blowjob, ridding, cumming, squirting, swearing, mention of sex toys, dirty talk, titty fuck, drinking, drunk messaging, dry humping.
Oh here we go again, It’s the next morning where you have to wake up to the morning sun. Though, you wish he was next to you in bed. Morning sun on his shirt less pecs and abs. His perfect dirty blonde hair over his eyes while he sleeps. God, he was really a fucking goddess. You still wonder if he feels the same. 
Now waking up sucks when you know Katsuki Bakugo isn’t by your side, holding you close to his chest. You really can imagine, huh. You roll out of bed, and do a little stretch. You grab your phone off the charger seeing the time is 7:21AM. You walk to the bathroom with your messy hair. You bend down the splash some water on your face to get yourself going. 
You pull out your phone to see a bunch of messages from your brother. You slide to see the messages to see your cute cat Loki. He had an apple under his chin while holding it with his little tiny paws. 
“Awww. My little kitty is so adorable!” You quickly send an heart emoji as well with an apple. You didn’t think twice but send it to Bakugo. Why? You honestly don’t know maybe he’ll find it cute? He never liked your cat, and Loki sure didn’t like him either. Every time it’s bring your pet to work day, Bakugo will try to give Loki some treats, but Loki just hides in your chest. You find Bakugos face really cute when he gets offended by Loki. 
As soon as you put your phone down, a “ding!” comes out your phone. You turn it over to the screen to see Bakugo has messaged. 
:Dynamight🧡💥: fuckin cat is cute n’ all, but he’s also a fuckin menace. 
You giggle at his message, and type back a silly message too.
:y/n: Nuh uh! You’re just jealous he doesn’t like you are your treats for him. 🙂‍↕️
He almost replies instantly with, 
:Dynamight🧡💥: no, he’s just fuckin bratty cat, just like you sweetheart. 
You swear he’s going to be the death of you. You feel yourself blush at the message. sweetheart. His text keeps repeating in your head.
:Dynamight🧡💥: what happen love? Did ya die or something? Need your strong pro hero to come and save your tiny self? 
Katsuki Bakugo you fucking-
:y/n: no thanks love, I can handle myself <3
He can’t be serious right now. You cant be serious right now! He has a fucking girlfriend! What are you thinking? Love? Well, it’s fair since he called you sweetheart and love too.. but it feels wrong, but right at the same time? Kira was a fucking brat. You could do way better than her. Treat him better, love him better. Do everything better.
Fuck you want him to be yours. 
I bet loving her seems tiring.. 
Katsuki’s POV!;
I just masturbated for her, and now I have to wake up with her not in my fucking arms? Fuck this. 
I wake up at 5:30 to go to the gym. Heard there was one here, so I figured there wasn’t going to be anyone there this early in the morning. I get into my gym clothes and walk by her door. 
“She’s probably sleepin Katsuki. Leave her the fuck alone and don’t knock.”he mutters to himself walking away. He really did love you. But his girlfriend is in the fucking way of his only love at this moment to forever. 
He gets to the gym and starts his workout. He loves thinking about you, and what you’d look like under him. But he also loves thinking about making you his cute little housewife. Thinking about you waking around the house pregnant with his baby. You making dinner for him after a long day at work. Running a warm bath and you joining him. Seeing your cute body and his big bulky body hovering in front of you. His big hands around your cute waist. Fuck he loved you a lot.
After his workout was done, (7:20AM) we wipes the sweat off his forehead when he gets a message. He looking at the screen noticing your name. 
:y/n: Lookie at Loki! Isn’t he just the cutest Katsuki? 
“Not as cute as you.” He almost types, but says out loud.
:Katsuki: fuckin cat is cute n’ all, but he’s also a fuckin menace. 
“Hidin in my girls chest when I’m right in front of him.” He mutters to himself. 
:y/n: Nuh uh! You’re just jealous he doesn’t like you or your treats for him. 🙂‍↕️
“He’s fucking lucky I even offer him my homemade cat treats. Bratty ass cat.” He types so fast he can hear the phone tap with him.
:Katsuki:  no, he’s just fuckin bratty cat, just like you sweetheart. 
“Sweetheart. Fuck now she’s not responding. “ little does he know you’re a fucking blushing mess at the other end.
:katsuki: what happen love? Did ya die or something? Need your strong pro hero to come and save your tiny self? 
“Fuck, now I’m fuckin flirting with her.” He waits for your response tapping his phone screen.
:y/n: no thanks love, I can handle myself <3
Love. Fuck that was cute. Now he’s a blushing ass mess. 
:Katsuki: if ya say so sweets.
You don’t respond after that, but you do heart the message. Maybe you do feel the same for him. He’s hoping and wishing oh a fucking star you love him like he loves you. 
Fuck, loving Kira is so tiring when he has you.. 
Taggies!; @slayfics @queenpiranhadon @zanarkandskylines @gold24fish @gina239 @bakugonextswife @lalachanya
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bakusquad-101 · 11 months
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Christmas with the Bakusquad (Headcanons!)
made it early because I might not be active during the holidays 😞!
• Mina is the one that cooks the food like ,,she makes the food that give Christmas vibes ..Cookies,Muffins,Cake,mainly sweets but Kirishima tells her to cook real food ,knowing if they ate all that they would end up with cavities 😓! .Mina gets the Christmas spirit and always takes it very seriously,she saves up a lot of money to get all her friends something,buttt in results she doesn’t have enough to get her anything 😥!(im pretty sure the guys got something ofc).
what did mina get the boys?
Kirishima -A bunch of Nike stuff,and a huge teddy bear…maybe a couple of love things in there because why not?
Kamanari-She would definitely get him shirts that’s his style and another teddy bear !! (Definitely got him a pikachu plush)
Sero- Definitely got his ass some headphones because he always playing his loud music ,OUT LOUD!! (and a bracelet)
Bakugou-She got him a bunch of all might posters and probably got him braclets as well ..maybe thru some Nike socks in there..
(Ofc they all loved it bcs it’s Mina how could they not appreciate the only girl in the group?)
•Sero plays the music of course,a bunch of Christmas songs and his own music (he listens to Lil Tecca you can tell me otherwise !!,,maybe Drake too 🤫!) but he plays the music and helps wash dishes and make the food..he also got a bunch of movies they can watch after they eat.Overral he’s just chilling and listening to his music 😎!
What did Sero get them?
Bakugou-Got him some shirts (his style)and maybe a all might poster 😭
Kirishima-A bunch of workout stuff and also maybe some Nike things?
Kamanari-Some hats and definitely got him a matching braclet that costed like 30 dollars ,,ykykykyky those expensive matching braclets🌝!
Mina-Maybe a doja cat poster ,and a necklace(she owns a tons of them already tho? 😭)
•Kirishima is the one that helps with groceries when Mina needed other things for the food ,,it took him like a hour too get back because it was a lot but he also helped with the food,,he maybe took like 2 naps,he was moving all day helping his family and buying his friends their gifts (he so sweet goodbye 😞😞!!)
What did he get them?
Bakugou-OMGOGMOMGOG ,definitely got him matching shirts,braclets,and most definitely got him a allmight figure that costed like 100 dollars or sum (daddy and bf material 😘!)
Sero-Maybe a beanie with and a jacket (those designer ones) and got him a bracelet that also costed like 30$
Denki-Got him a shirt and a sweater bcs it’s cold and his quirk doesn’t do right in the coldness 😞!(also got him a Childish Gambino shirt bcs uhm..HE LISTENS TO HIM????!!!)
Mina-Got her a lot of stuff …Definitely got her some shirts and got her boots!!,maybe threw a 50$ bill in there (daddy and bf material🌝also..)
Denki definitely decorated the tree ,,like he went the store and spent half of his money on decorations 🙃!,it probably took him 2-4hrs to actually get setup because the tree kept coming apart and bakugou wasn’t helping he was to busy on his phone 😞!!..but finally he got it put up and decorated it ,possibly putting some photos up there of all of them and taking a pic ..and posting it on instagram (he so cute bye)
What did he get them?
Mina-Got her a matching shirt and one of those pink jumpsuits that had “M” it 🌝🌝!
Sero-Also got him like 5 beanies with some of those baggy pants (u can’t tell me he don’t wear baggy clothes 😭!)
Bakugou-Got him all ,All might stuff including a shirt,pants,and a jacket 😭😭!
Kirishima-why is everyone giving him Nike stuff?,anyways he got him some Nike socks and some shorts ,,BRO GOT HIM A NIKE TECH JACKETS ,SO YOUR JUST RICH??
Bakugou just sleeps thru the whole thing..only wakes up when it’s time to eat ..and goes back to sleep during the times they watch all the movies ..reason why he was sleep?,he was up all yesterday getting his friends presents ,,even Deku!! (Awe)
What did he get them?
Kirishima-Nike stuff..again..and maybe got him some matching things 😘😘!,very much threw 30$ in there
Mina-Got her a bunch of Doja Cat and Sza stuff ,,he definitely got her like 2-4 jumpsuits and a necklace!!
Sero-got him a bunch of beanies bcs Sero..likes beanies?,and got him some jackets AND GOTT HIM THOSE EMO ONES 🌝🌝!
Denki-Got him some shirts and maybe threw some glasses or a pair of socks in there for him 🌝,,I’m pretty sure he got him more but I can’t really think what he would give him 😞!
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Erm guys I ship Kirimina and Kiribaku ,,pretty sure you guys already knew from the get-go 😫
Hope you guys enjoyed,this took me atleast a hour 😭
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sweetie-bri · 7 months
*Quietly slips you $20*
How about a caption about a woman who finds out how to grow by disenfranchising money from people and then she finds out how to get money by doing the same to corporations. And then she gets very big by doing the same thing to governments?
Upward Mobility [Giantess Growth Caption Commision]
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Despite the process being BAFFLINGLY simple, Veronica was an airhead and requested myriad re-explanations of how her new implants worked. The scientists had perfected explaining it in 2 sentences for her as they awaited the dreaded 7-word sentence.
"So... What did you do to me exactly?"
"Imagine that inside of your body is a bunch of little house guests! These guests are powered by *money* in *this* bank account to make more of themselves. Now, since they're polite house guests, they dress up the exact same as your normal body, so they become more of *you!*
"So... The implants eat money and... become more of me?" There was no chance anyone could explain to Veronica the currency gas-cycling e-mechanism so... they just nodded. Veronica was overjoyed! "Then I'm going to get *all* money!"
On impulse she immediately pumped the account full of her entire savings. $60,000. pulsed through her veins and her body began slowly inflating her feminine curves. She didn't mind at all that her underwear was all that remained of her cute outfit as she continued to ascend, eventually totaling about 12 centimeters taller. The height looked good on her, and the scientists were relieved the job was well done. After much of what Veronica probably thinks is contemplative thought. The epiphany dawned on her, realizing how small-time she was being.
Veronica left out for bank after bank post-hast. Not even bothering to change clothes. She had credit as a notorious impulse purchaser, so many banks were dying to put a credit card in the girl's hands. She signed any contract that gave her a 6-figure credit limit. She must have felt like a genius when she pumped 12 maxed credit cards into her body. $1.2 million dollars.
Her body trembled, but not painfully as she struggled to maintain footing. No clothes fit her figure anymore, but she wanted to see her results anyways. It wasn't stopping. Watching her veins swell, her muscles tense, her curves explode. It was exhilarating! Eventually finalizing with her being over 12 feet tall! But 4+ meters wasn't enough for her! She had another of her "good ideas."
"I bet supermarkets and stuff have money!" The eager giantess streaked from building to building. Unsurprisingly. It was a giant woman screaming "GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY" worked to great effect and she was raking in thousands more. Veronica was *juuust* smart enough to know that items cost money, too. So, she was quick to snag expensive goods and make it off like a literal bandit. As the cash flowed in, her growth was exponential.
She began with a few centimeters, then grew meters and now was growing tens of meters. Once she hit 100 feet tall, the milestone put an excited pit in her stomach, she wanted more... But she'd looted most every convenient place... "Who has the *most* money?" The titan knew just who to ask.
She knocked on window after window until she found someone who claimed to be a CEO. The mass hysteria and her total ignorance that the police were trying to arrest her was endearing if anything. Veronica was looking for sponsorships. She would sign any contract that would give her cash up front. As afraid as these shrewd businesspeople were, they were more excited by the possibility of *not dying.* Millions of dollars were given to this newfound giantess. Veronica was so excited! She had no concept of how much money was a lot, but she knew her "house guests" would be happy.
Bigger, BIGGER. The ground was so far away that it was often blotted by clouds. Roads couldn't fit one of her feet. No scientist imagined that Veronica could get a hundred million dollars as quickly as she did. The only place left to ask, wasn't too far. Not that anything was far away from her anymore. Veronica collapsing on her knees in front of the buildings sent a huge rumbling earthquake through the capital. She stooped low enough that her huge face wasn't obscured by the sun anymore.
"Hey... You guys *make* the money, right?" She asked the entirety of the federal reserve at once. Rumbling the building with her voice. "Can I make a withdrawal? All of it?"
Reasons to Tip Sweetie-Bri 1.) She loves positive reinforcement. 2.) It's fast, it's easy and it's free. 3.) She- Wait, isn't 2 like... 3 reasons?
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #19
Riddle's Extremely Specific FOP Problems
Just came from looking at screenshots I'd saved of Dev, like these ones from "A New Dev-elopment":
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I don't think I've said this yet, but the funny thing about Dev is that his hair reminds me of how I draw Happy Peppy Gary, who's been one of my main doodle muses since 2016. They both have ginger spikes:
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This week I actually redesigned Gary's hair by letting it grow longer and more curly in the back, so I'll keep Dev's short in the back and only spiky in the front.
They have different skin and eye colors, etc., but it is funny that like, 6(?) years ago, I put Gary in a zipper hoodie.
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I do a lot of traditional art, and I'm really gonna have to do a sketchpage nailing their designs down so they look different in pencil.
My current Gary design does have a spiral in his hair since I do that for all my witches, and I don't think that'll ever come up for Dev, especially if Dale Dimm really is Dev's ancestor - the one person who's extremely UNlikely to be a witch - so... there's that.
Some old Gary sketches where he IS in his Learnatorium clothes:
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I feel like I could redraw any of these poses with Dev, lol. The freckles do a ton of heavy lifting here.
....... I've been writing Ed Leadly and Gary as rivals for YEARS and this is once again adding a cruel layer of irony to my "Ed Leadly as Dev's grandpa" situation.
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Every time I see this kid, I see My Boy in him.
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They are the same person to me...
The Haunting of Wells House
I like how Marcus keeps calling his daughter Hazelnut. It's cute. I'm glad to see him ready to hunt the "apartment ghost" he's been after since Episode 1.
Hooray for Cosmo and Wanda acting like neighbors!
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I feel like they shouldn't be giving a horror movie to a child if they haven't seen it themselves and then walk back to their room, especially since their line of work is about trauma recovery (or at least... helping kids avoid hurt). They should know better than that.
I'm so glad you can see into their apartment from the hall. Literally nothing stops you or hides their magic stuff. You can just do it...
Marcus sniffing the video while fancy dinner music plays is my everything. They're BOTH silly.
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I like how Cosmo and Wanda poofed up a TV for the apartment and included cobwebs and spiders on it. I guess that makes sense; they were giving Hazel a horror movie.
Ooh, ghostly lightning spirit of the actress trapped in the video?
Hazel has learned nothing from her last experience of wishing to be part of a TV show. She's 10.
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Wait, so... Cosmo and Wanda can hear Hazel's casual wish from across the hall? And poof over?
Uh, maybe we don't tell that to Dev, who just flipped out last episode when Peri didn't show up despite Dev whisper-calling for him when Vicky was putting him to work...
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She... Also, I can't believe Marcus left his daughter under a heavy machine for 4 hours.
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So far, our only canon fairy death fits the OG series' implied canon that only non-magical items can kill Fairies [i.e. "magic doesn't affect magic" from "Abra-catastrophe"], so I like that.
I don't have much to say. Pepper seems interesting I suppose, and I can probably have her be a friend of Blonda's in 'fic.
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I enjoy Jorgen grumpily cleaning up magic messes. That feels right.
... Unclear if Jorgen is keeping a bunch of fairies locked in the basement or if he just has a shelf full of similar-looking items.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Firefight aaron hotchner coming homw to see his lover dressed in lingerie asleep and him taking it off and putting her in one of her(hid old tshirt ) and her mumbling while he starts. To drift off " i was supposed to be sexy " in his arms
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
There's a certain level of sexiness that Aaron always sees in you. You could be hunched over the toilet spewing your breakfast, but you're his wife, and that sends a shiver down his spine. Now is no different, but fondness wins over lust.
You're curled up on Aaron's side of the bed, a black lacy lingerie set stretched over your soft curves. Your eyes are shut, and there's drool seeping from your lips, and you're beautiful.
He's already shed his work clothes, stains on his jacket and a rip in his jeans from a training exercise where he'd scaled a chain link fence. He's dropped them both into the laundry hamper, though there's no saving the jeans, and he stands before you in only his boxers.
He knows the lingerie is meant for show, not function. He starts with the panties, hooking his thumbs into the waistband and tugging them down your thighs. Typically, after doing that, he sinks to his knees by the edge of the bed, but this time he replaces the black lace with a pair you fondly call your 'granny panties'.
Then he goes after the bra. He knows it'll give you a rash if you wear it too long, the itchy lace around the border irritating your skin. And he's sure your boobs wouldn't thank you either, sore and achy from their confinement. He unclasps it with barely an ounce of difficulty, your back on display where you're laying on your stomach.
He has to shimmy you slightly to get your chest free of the cups. It rouses you a little too much, and you blink blearily at him in the mood lighting you've set up.
"Aaron," You groan, spotting the t-shirt he's bunching up around the neck hole, "I was supposed to be sexy."
"You are sexy," He promises, leaning forwards to kiss you once, then slip the shirt over your head, and kiss you again. You seem ultimately unamused, but when he hovers with his nose gently brushing yours, you give up your grudge.
"Tomorrow," You promise groggily, eagerly rolling into his arms when he settles on your side of the bed. Your lingerie is neatly and carefully laid out on the windowseat, but Aaron doesn't know if he'll be able to have patience enough for you to put it on just so he can take it back off again.
"Tomorrow," He agrees, voice husky as the jaws of sleep nip at his consciousness. He lets you curl into his chest, his lips pressing against your temple. You let out a contended sigh against his skin, and his hand rests idly on the curve of your ass where the hem of his t-shirt lies. There, drifting off to sleep, he decides that you're just as sexy in an old ratty t-shirt of his as you are in lingerie.
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yandere-fics · 5 months
Sleepover with Darla (I had plans for this to be more straightup smut but it ended up being something else. Idk what but just general fucked up warning.)
"It's ok... we're both girls. It's not like I'm some creepy dude who's gonna do anything to you."  Darla smirked, twirling her hair around her finger.
"I knowww, but are you sure ALL of your clothes are in the laundromat??" You whined, fruitlessly trying to wipe the sticky mess off of your shirt. You knew Darla was clumsy, but this was disgusting, she'd bumled into you and spilled your sodas all over your shirt. It was even in your hair, it felt awful.
"All of the comfy ones. I'm sure you don't want to be sleeping in anything that's got zippers. I wash all my clothes in bulk so I can save more money." She poked her tongue out of her lips mischeviously, if you didn't know any better you'd think she did this on purpose.
"Look, my roomies are out, it's just you and me. No one's gonna perv on you!! Here, I'll even take my own shirt off so you don't feel as naked!" She grinned, whipping her top off, causing you to snap your head away fast enough to break your neck, you aren't certain, but you swear you saw a nipple. Or two. Is she really so sheltered she doesn't know what a bra is???
"Th-thanks Darla that's... lovely. Of you. Um. I just. I don't mind if you keep yours on."
"You're all gross and sticky. Let's go shower." She grinned, causing you to go red in the face
"C'monnnn, it's nothing you haven't seen before. Do you not shower with your friends? My sisters and I used to shower and bathe together all the time!!"
"I- um" you stammered, trying not to stare as she pulled you towards the bathroom.
You'd been staring at the cieling for who knows how long, trying to distract yourself from the fact Darla was standing right in front of you, completely nude. You were naked too of course, but you tried your hardest not to think about it. You just focused on the warm shower water running down your body.
"Do you want me to wash your back~" Darla asked, grinning as she gathered a ton of lotions and soaps, not even bothering to wait for a response. Her hands felt nice on your back, but she did get a little adventurous, her hands moving a little lower than they should, lightly rubbing your ass and gripping your hips, pulling you against her. You didn't want to say anything out of fear of making it weird, surely she didn't have any ill intentions right?
Once you'd dried off and put on some underwear, the two of you ate, played a few games, drank a bunch of hot chocolate and went to bed. You had to admit it wasn't as weird as it should've been, you did see her staring at your tits a few times but you figured she was just curious. You'd been friends long enough to trust her not to purposefully overstep any boundaries. She was just a little oblivious, but it was cute in a way.
"Are you sure? I can just sleep on the couch" you stammered, but Darla was insistent, pulling you under the covers to cuddle you.
"Don't be silly, get in!! You'll be all cold on the couch. Don't make it weird~" she giggled. You had to admit, It felt nice, having her pressed against you. She was soft, sweet. And warm. So so warm. You suppressed the rising feeling in your groin as she cuddled you, it felt wrong, she was just being sweet and if you got turned on... well that made you a pervert didn't it? You turned away from her and crammed your eyes shut, hoping the morning would cause the feeling to dissapear.
You awoke to the feeling of weight on your pelvis and spit on your lips. It was Darla. She was straddling you, kissing you gently in your sleep, the drool leaking down your chin suggested she'd been doing this for a while, a good while.
"Shhhh. Shhhh. It's okay. It's okay. I just wanted to know what it felt like, that's not bad, right?" She whispered, planting another soft kiss on your lips
"Darla, s-stop"
"Nono it, it's ok! I'm just curious! I just wanna practice" she continued to plant kisses on your lips, her breasts pressing against yours, you pushed your hands gently against her shoulders, trying to get her off of you without hurting her.
"N-no Darla, that's enough." You spoke firmly, you made sure not to yell, but you were resoloute. You didn't want to make your friend cry, she was innocent and sheltered after all, but this couldn't continue either. She looked at you, her expression changing as you tried pushing her off, her round curious eyes turning sinister, her hand quickly covering your mouth as the other pinched a nipple. She leant in real close, staring into your wide, scared eyes.
"It's okay... it's okay... I just want to make you feel good, kay? You wouldn't be making those noises if it didn't feel good right?" She tweaked your nipple between her fingers, tugging and causing you to whimper into her hand. You tried pushing her off but you were tired, so tired. Your body was weak, too weak to resist her. And you were warm. So fucking warm.
"Wanna know a secret? I was microdosing your drinks all night. Mhm~ my sister told me exactly how much to give you to make sure you're just awake enough to stay conscious, but too exhausted to move. I also slipped you something else, I don't remember the name, but it's the reason you're so wet down there. I'm sorry, I simply couldn't resist running my fingers along that adorable slit of yours... I was just so curious." She continued to grope you as she confessed, grinding against you and planting soft kisses on your neck. You panicked realising your body was feeling heavier by the second, like you suddenly weighed a million pounds. You couldn't even struggle against her, she had total control over you. Over your body.
"Shhh shh, it's okay baby don't cry... nonono don't cry... here... here let me just..." she mumbled, moving her hand from your mouth to reach towards her waist.
"HELP ME!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!" you screamed, Darla quickly stuffed her panties into your mouth in response, they tasted sour, and they were soaked.
her hand struck you hard enough you saw stars, your ear was ringing from the impact as she turned you back to look at her. She was somewhere between furious and distraught
"What the hell was that? Why did you scream?? Do you want us to get in trouble or something??? Yeah, I said us. My roomies already think we're dating, everyone does. They went out tonight because I said my sisters were coming over to meet my girlfriend. If you go out and make a ruckus, my sisters have already set up an allaby for me, and no one would even believe you regardless. They'd all wonder why you'd accuse 'poor sheltered Darla' of doing such horrible things to you. Yeah. They would. So get the idea of telling on me out of your head" She leaned in real close, whispering in your ear "I've been planning to do this to you ever since I saw you. I know you think we met 3 months ago, but I saw you 2 years ago. I remember it so vividly, you were checking out your books, we were both first years. I watched you every single day from then on, learned everything about you, even got my sister to stalk you when I was too busy studying. Truth is, I've been stealing your panties from your dorm this entire time. Even a few used shirts if I can get away with it. I have polaroids of you naked in that drawer over there. Some of you sleeping, some of you showering. Even a few of you having a little alone time. Well... at least what you thought was alone time."
Her hands made their way down to your panties, pulling them free, she huffed the scent from the fabric and tossed them aside, climbing back up to your ear, enjoying your gagged whimpers as she presses her knee against your aching pussy.
"Tonight's the night you become mine, so just enjoy it, ok? I know you want this. After all, it's not even our first time, just our first time you'll remember. I've had my fun with you a couple times~ you get so tired after exams you don't even notice it when I eat you out. Sometimes I wonder if you dream about me when I'm doing that to you~" she giggled, running her slender fingers down your body, making you convulse as she drifted over your more sensitive parts.
"But tonight. I have something special planned for you. For us." She grinned, hopping off the bed and retrieving a strap from her closet. Your eyes widened in fear at the sight of it, you shook your head rapidly, pleading through your gag for her not to use it on you. Even with all the lube in the world it looked like it'd split you in two. And yet your body yearned for it, you found yourself using all your energy to spread your legs against your will, whatever she slipped you had your mind and body working against one another. Making you crave her. Despite how terrified of her you were.
"It's okay, it's okay!! It's my first time using this too. We'll learn together, alright? Just close your eyes and relax. It's gonna be fun~"
Omg she's so manipulative, I love her
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joshanniesworld · 1 year
Beautiful Mistakes | k.m.g
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one | two | three coming soon!
pairing: kim mingyu x reader
summary: You have a crush on Mingyu, but unfortunately, he's your older brother's best friend. Not to mention that he only sees you as a little sister. So you're stuck between confronting your feelings, getting over your crush, or being forever single.
genre: romance, fluff, university au, brother's best friend
tags/warnings: fem! reader, unrequited love, university au, very slow burn, alcohol consumption, hoshi flirting again, like two suggestive comments, pretty sure there is a curse word somewhere, mingyu is an idiot but so is reader, jeonghan is a little shit but we love him, probably has a bunch of mistakes sorry, I suck at proofreading , idk what else
word count: 3.2k words
author’s note: Did it take me a whole month just to write this? yes, it did. honestly, didn't like this part but hopefully next one is better. we finally get some progress between mingyu and reader! Reblog, like or comment if you’d like to support my work! <3
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“You’re wearing…that?”
You looked at your outfit, confused. Clearly, you didn’t understand why Seungkwan and Gahyeon were judging your choice of clothes.
“What do you mean? It’s nice and simple.” You argued.
Your friends gave each other a look that probably meant they disagreed. They walked up to your closet without acknowledging you and started rummaging through your clothes.
“Hey! Don’t do that. I already made a mess, and you’ll make it worse.” Complaining, you walked towards them and tried stopping whatever they were doing.
“Look, the outfit is cute. But it’s basically what you wear every other day.” Seungkwan complained. Gahyeon agreed and showed him one of your blouses.
“What about this? Maybe with a skirt?”
“Oh yeah! That’s cute. Wait, let me find a skirt.” Seungkwan enthusiastically agreed with Gahyeon’s choice and started looking for a matching skirt. “Got it!”
He pulled a skirt from the closet and put it next to the blouse to see if it matched.
“Yup, that’s it. Here Y/N, get changed.” Rolling your eyes, you grabbed both items and went into the bathroom to get changed. “Hurry up, Jeonghan is probably almost here.”
You quickly changed into the new outfit and went back into the room. Standing expectantly, you waited for their approval.
“10 out 10. You look so cute!” Gahyeon commented, and your other friend agreed. “Maybe it will finally make Mingyu ask you out. God knows it has taken him long enough.”
You scoffed and shook your head. “Sure, he will.”
“Babe, have you not seen how he looks at you?” Gahyeon insisted.
“Oh yeah, he looks at her like a lovesick puppy. It’s disgusting but endearing,” Seungkwan agreed.
“Or he’s just trying to be nice.” You grabbed your phone and wallet and put them in your purse. “It doesn’t matter anyways. Can we please finish?”
“Okay, fine, whatever you say.” Gahyeon gave up trying to convince you. “Want me to do your makeup?”
You nodded and sat in front of the mirror. “Something light, though, It’s hot, and I’m going to get sweaty.”
“By the way, why is Jeonghan going with you to the party?” Seungkwan suddenly asked while he was looking through his phone.
“Mingyu said he could come too when telling me about the party.” You told him. “I begged him to say yes, and now I have to buy him coffee for two weeks.”
Seungkwan chuckled. “That sounds like Jeonghan.”
A knock on the door interrupted our conversation. From behind the door, Vernon’s head popped up, “Jeonghan is here.”
“Give me a minute; we’re almost done.”
“Okay, I’ll tell him.” He said and walked away again.
Gahyeon quickly finished the makeup and fixed your hair before sending you off. “Done, now go have fun!”
You grabbed your purse and quickly made your way outside of the room. “Got it. Bye, guys!”
Walking into the living room, you saw Jeonghan waiting with Vernon by the door.
“Hi, sunshine. Ready to go?” Your older friend asked.
“Yup. Bye, Vernon. If you guys order food, save some for me.” You reminded him. He rolled his eyes but nodded.
“Sure, have fun.”
You and Jeonghan walked out to his car and got in.
“Buckle up, kid,” Jeonghan said jokingly.
“Shut up, old man.”
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When you finally arrived and the party you could hear the music from outside. A get-together, my ass.
“So, you ready?” Jeonghan asked for the last time. You sighed and gave him a thumbs up.
“Let’s go.”
You had mentally prepared for the next few hours. Loud music, sweaty bodies, lots of alcohol, and Kim Mingyu flirting with someone new.
Jeonghan walked in front of you when you went into the house. Looking around, you spotted a few familiar faces. Two of the most popular heartthrobs on campus, Jeong Jaehyun and Cha Eunwoo, were playing beer pong. By the bar, you saw Xu Minghao, who was in your art class. And tonight’s Dj, Johnny Suh, your lab partner in biology class last semester. Lee Seokmin, one of Mingyu’s closest friends, was the first to spot you. Smiling, he walked up to you.
“Y/N! You made it. Mingyu is around, but he’ll be glad to see you.” He greeted you over the loud music. “You’re Jeonghan, right? We had English class together last semester.”
“Yeah, I remember. You like pizza.” Jeonghan said, grinning.
Seokmin’s eyes widened a little in surprise and then started laughing.
“Yup, that’s me. So, you guys want a drink?” He asked, pointing to the bar.
“I’m good. I’m the designated driver.” Jeonghan passed up the offer looking at you.
You shrugged your shoulders. “I’m down for a drink.”
Seokmin clapped his hands excitedly and walked us to the bar. A girl was chatting with a few people around the bar while serving drinks. She quickly turned to you when she spotted Seokmin walking to the bar.
“Youngji, this Y/N and Jeonghan. Guys, this is Youngji. The unofficial bartender of the party.”
“It’s nice to finally meet Seungcheol’s sister. I’ve heard a lot from you!” She greeted you.
“My brother seems to talk a lot about me from what I’ve been told.” You said, chuckling a bit awkwardly. She and Seokmin both laughed a bit.
“Honestly, you have no idea.”
“So, drinks?” Youngji asked. You raised a hand. “What do you want?”
Honestly, you weren’t much of a drinker. It didn’t hurt once in a while, though.
“Something fruity?” You asked, unsure.
“Coming right up!” She announced as she started working on the drink.
You looked at Jeonghan, who you knew was judging you.
“What?” You asked innocently.
“I’m not dealing with puke, so if you get wasted, I’m leaving you in the street.”
You laughed a little and hit him in the arm playfully.
“Relax, I’m only going to have one drink.” You tried to reassure him, but he didn’t seem convinced.
“Here you go, one fruity drink for you,” Youngji said, giving you the drink. You took a sip and tasted orange juice with a bit of alcohol. Youngji was starting as if waiting for your approval, so you gave her a thumbs up. “Glad you like it, have fun, by the way. I’m going to dance for a bit; see you around!”
“Do you guys play pool?” Seokmin asked once Youngji was gone.
“I can play. Not sure if Y/N can,” Jeonghan answered.
You shook your head, smiling a bit embarrassed. The memory of Seungcheol trying to teach you how to play last summer popped up in your head. It was better if you stayed as a viewer.
“I’ll watch.”
“Great! Hey Minghao, want to play pool?” Seokmin called for his friend.
Minghao stopped doing whatever he was doing and agreed to his friend’s request.
“Sure, I’ll get Jun to play in pairs.”
“Cool. Come on! The pool table is in the other room,” Seokmin called us to follow him.
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You weren’t sure of how you ended up back at the bar. Or when one drink turned into a third drink. One moment you were watching the guys play pool, and the next, Seokmin was dragging them somewhere to do God knows what.
“Hey! You’re Cheol’s sister!” Interrupting your thoughts, you hear someone say excitedly. Turning to look for the culprit, you find Vernon’s coworker, Hoshi.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, surprised.
He laughs a little and takes the empty spot beside you.
“One of my friends invited me,” he explained. “I wasn’t planning on coming, but I’m glad I did.”
You had to admit that he was hot but endearingly cute at the same time. Last time he was wearing the coffee shop’s uniform. But this time, he wore loose jeans, a tight black tank, and a gold chain around his neck. His piercings and dyed blonde hair gave him a cool, almost punk vibe. He caught you staring at him and gave you a charming smile. Flustered, you shifted your eyes to the drink in your hands.
“So, why are you on your own?”
“Uh, well, I came with a friend. Somewhere along the way, we separated, and now I’m here.”
“Ah, I see. Mind if I keep you company?”
You chuckled and looked at him. “Isn’t it a little late to ask? You’re already sitting next to me.”
“Okay, fair enough.” He agreed, laughing.
“So, do you go here?” you ask, trying to make small talk.
“Yup, I’m a dance major. Usually, I’m in the practice rooms.”
Ah, that explained why you hadn’t seen him before.
“You know, I’ve heard a lot about you. But, I mean, to be honest, who hasn’t?”
Thank you, big brother.
“I’m going to start taking a shot every time I hear that.”
He laughed again, and you noticed his eye smile. It was so cute that it made you smile too.
“Sorry, that’s all Cheol’s fault. He’s basically the campus celebrity, so word gets around quickly.” He explained. “You two are pretty close, huh?”
“Yeah, we’re close. Our Dad wanted us to have a strong relationship despite the age difference, so he always made us spend time together.” You said, remembering how it was growing up with Seungcheol. “Don’t get me wrong, we fight about ninety-nine percent of the time. But he’s always the first person to be there for me.”
“That’s cute. It’s like my older sister and me.” You noticed he brightened up when speaking about his sister. “We fight a lot, but she’s always caring for me.”
“That’s it!” You exclaimed, clapping excitedly. Hoshi seemed confused by your sudden outburst. “Sorry, I was trying to figure out your vibes. You definitely give off little brother energy. It totally makes sense you have an older sister.”
“Ouch, did you just brother-zoned me even before I made a move?” He whined, placing a hand on his chest as if he was hurt.
You looked at him surprised but tried to play it cool by clearing your throat.
“So, what does Hoshi mean? I haven’t heard it before.”
“Ah, I’m glad you asked. It means gaze of a tiger.” He explained excitedly. “Can you guess why that’s my nickname?”
You looked at him and took a guess. “Is it because you look like a tiger?”
“Yes! I do look like a tiger, right?” He exclaimed. “You know what you just earned?”
“What?” You asked skeptically.
Smiling, he raised his hand and did a claw. “Horanghae!”
You burst laughing, and he joins you, covering his face in embarrassment.
“You’re funny, you know that?”
“You’re cute, you know that?” He asked rhetorically. You huffed, rolling your eyes, but it only made him smile more. “Do you want to dance?”
You stared at him for a minute, weighing your options. He was cute and definitely fun to be around. Plus, it was a given that he was a good dancer. But you were completely aware that by now, you were tipsy. That didn’t matter, though, because Hoshi was probably drunker than you. Why not? Jeonghan was probably having fun with some girl, and so was your crush. Sitting here for the rest of the night was a waste.
“Lead the way, tiger.”
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Hoshi was indeed a good dancer. You were in the middle of the dance floor swaying to the beat of the music. Your back was pressed against his chest, and his hands were around your waist. The room felt hot, but you weren’t sure if it was due to the crowd or Hoshi’s proximity.
“Should I be concerned for my well-being?” Hoshi whispered into your ear.
Frowning, confused, you look at him.
“What do you mean?”
“Kim Mingyu is staring at me like he wants to bury me.”
You follow Hoshi’s gaze. There, Mingyu stood away from the crowd with some girl. He didn’t seem interested in whatever she was saying; he was too busy staring at you and Hoshi. For a moment, your eyes crossed, but he quickly looked away. What the hell is wrong with him? Ignoring the awkward situation, you bring your attention back to Hoshi.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Right, he was clearly not planning my murder.” Hoshi scoffed. “So, you like him?”
“Hoshi,” You said, warning him about whatever he would say next. “Whatever you’re thinking, forget it.”
“I’m just asking. He didn’t seem happy to see us dancing the night away. And for a moment, you seemed almost hopeful when I said he was staring.”
You sighed, knowing he wouldn’t let it be.
“I have a crush on him, but he’s my brother’s friend. That’s it, end of the story.”
“I knew it!” Hoshi grinned. “I admit, though, I’m a bit disappointed that you like him. But now I’m curious.”
You looked at him skeptically. “What do you mean curious?” “Let’s try something.”
Hoshi’s lips were on yours before you could ask what he meant. You grabbed onto his shoulder to balance yourself. The kiss was sloppy—probably because of the alcohol—but surprisingly good. Instead of pushing him off, you decided to follow his lead. You had to admit Hoshi was a hell of a kisser. Sadly, the kiss was cut off by someone pulling you away.
“Time to go home.”
You looked up at Mingyu, surprised. Before you could say anything, the taller man dragged you away from the crowd. In the middle of the chaos, you could only catch a glimpse of Hoshi grinning and giving you a thumbs up.
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“What the hell is wrong with you?” You snapped at Mingyu. “I was dancing!”
He scoffed and kept walking ahead. “You seemed to be doing a lot more than dancing.”
“So what? It was just a kiss.”
He suddenly stopped and turned to look at you, annoyed. He was frowning so much you were sure he was about to pop a vain. Not that it was important. But why did he lowkey look hot when mad?
“Just a kiss? Please, you don’t just kiss people; Kwon Soonyoung doesn’t either.”
Oh, so that was his real name. Yeah, no. He looked more like a Hoshi.
“And what would you know about me kissing people?” you argued. “More than you think. Now get in. I’m taking you home.”
You were too caught up in the discussion. You hadn’t even realized you were in front of his car.
“I came with Jeonghan. I can’t leave just because you say so.”
“Jeonghan left with a girl earlier. He told me because his battery died, and he couldn’t find you.”
That little traitor. You were definitely going to kill him.
“I’ll walk, thanks.”
You held onto your purse stubbornly and started walking away.
“Y/N, get in the car,” he demanded.
“No, leave me alone!”
“Oh my God, why are you acting like a child?!”
“Because you’re treating me like one!”
You heard him take a deep breath, and for a moment, you felt guilty. But you remember he acted like an ass, and the guilt disappeared.
“Y/N, please get in the car. You’re drunk, and I want to make sure you get home safe,” he pleaded for the last time.
By the way his tone changed from agitated to concerned, you could tell he was tired of arguing.
"Fine," you murmured.
Begrudgingly, you went back to the car and got into the passenger seat without waiting for him. A few seconds later, he got in and started the car.
You both stayed quiet for a while until he broke the silence.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to act like that earlier,” he apologized.
You played with your hand and nodded.
“I’m sorry too. I wasn’t thinking straight,” You apologize back. “I’m still mad at you, though. You didn’t have to do that.”
He looked at you briefly from the corner of his eyes and turned back to look at the road.
“I know. I just got worried, okay?” He clarified.
“You don’t have to worry about me. That’s not your job.” He scoffed unamused.
“It is, though, remember? Your brother was clear on the "take care of Y/N" talk.”
“Yeah, I know. But, still doesn’t mean you can tell me who to kiss or not.” You argued back.
“Look, I know that. But it's Kwon Soonyoung. His reputation precedes him.” You must have looked at him like he had grown a second head because he quickly clarified. “Mine does too, but that’s different. I’m not trying to get into your pants.”
Yeah, that’s the problem.
“I’m sorry, okay? I don’t want you to get hurt.” He insisted. “You deserve a nice guy. Not some douchebag that will break your heart.”
The car stopped at a red light, and he turned to look at you. You stared at him for a little too long. Awkwardly looking away, you hoped he didn’t notice. If only he knew you wished that your nice guy was him. For the rest of the ride, you decided the buildings outside were far more entertaining than him.
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Despite sharing a class together, you hadn’t seen Mingyu after he dropped you at your place. In a way, you were glad you didn’t have to deal with the Soonyoung conversation. But at the same time, you felt down not seeing him around.
“Why are you sulking?”
Startled, you looked up from your food. Kwon Soonyoung is standing in front of you, looking at you quizzingly.
“When did you even get here?” you asked, confused. “And I’m not sulking.”
Soonyoung chuckled and took the empty spot in front of yours. He grabbed the open bag of chips and shamelessly started eating them.
“So, how did it go with Mingyu?”
“To sum it up, he basically told me to stay away from you,” you explained. “Apparently, you have a reputation.”
Soonyoung looked offended by your words.
“Hey, that’s not fair,” he complained. “I never lie about my intentions!”
“And what exactly are your intentions with me?”
“Originally, I was going to ask you out. Now, I’m invested in the Mingyu situation. Oh, look, Seungkwan!" He pointed at your other friend walking your way.
Seungkwan walked to your table and sat next to Soonyoung.
“What are you doing here?” Seungkwan questioned Hoshi.
“Me? I’m here for the chips.”
“I can see that,” Seungkwan mumbled. “So, Y/N, have you seen Mingyu yet?”
“No, and I’d like to keep it that way for a while.”
“Uh, that might be a problem then,” Hoshi noted.
“What? Why?” You asked.
“He’s walking this way.” Seungkwan announced.
Had there been more time, you would’ve made a run for it.
“Y/n, can I talk to you?”
You looked at Seungkwan, and Soonyoung, who were busy pretending they weren’t there.
“Mingyu, hi,” you greet him. “Um, you know Seungkwan, right? And Soonyoung?”
“Yeah, hi,” Mingyu greeted them quickly. “So, can we talk?”
Both of the boys greeted Mingyu and went back to pretending.
“What did you want to talk about?” You ask him.
“Um, here?” Mingyu asked, glancing at Seungkwan and Hoshi.
“Uh, yeah. Why not?”
“Okay, I just wanted to apologize for everything that happened. You know?”
“Oh, I know.” Hoshi chimed in. Mingyu rolled his eyes. Seungkwan quickly covered his mouth and smiled apologetically.
“Ignore him. Carry on.”
“Mingyu, don’t worry about it. You already apologized.” You reminded him.
“Yeah, I know. I still felt bad, though.” He insisted.
“It’s fine. Really.”
“Okay, then. That’s it. I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, see you around.” You waved goodbye as he started to walk away. Suddenly, he stopped and turned back in your direction. “Wait! Are you doing the class presentation alone?”
“Oh, I was going to ask Jeonghan.”
“Can’t. I already have a partner.”
You got startled by Jeonghan’s voice, who was standing right next to you. Apparently, today was the day for everyone to sneak up on you. You frowned, confused.
“Since when? We always partner up in class?”
Jeonghan shrugged his shoulders.
“Great! We can partner up.” Mingyu cheered. “I’ll text you later so we can meet. Bye!”
And just like that, he was gone again. Crossing your arms, you stare at Jeonghan.
“Who’s this partner of yours?”
Jeonghan smirks and sits next to you. “Just someone I know from the class.”
“I bet.” You scoff.
“Can we please talk about Mingyu asking Y/N out?” Seungkwan interrupted.
“Seungkwan, he asked me to work on the presentation. How is that a date?”
“Oh, Y/N. The presentation is just an excuse to hang out.” Soonyoung explained.
“No, it’s not,” you complained.
"It is," Seungkwan and Jeonghan agreed.
“Okay, whatever. I’ve got a class in five minutes. I’ll see you later.” You say, grabbing your bag and heading for your class.
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rachel-of-autumnbow · 11 months
Day 10 of @fanovember: Online Dating
Vax is surprising his online girlfriend by watching her performance (and her) for the first time irl.
Vaxleth. Fucking cute i almost died writing this shit. Soft Vax. Feat Korring being the best dad. Probably grammar mistakes. Enjoy.
10. Online Dating
Vax put his phone back in his inside pocket and straightened the jacket lapels for the millionth time. He hated formal robes in general, but suits were a special kind of hatred for him. He had a comfortable set of clothes back in the motorbike chest. “Only a couple of hours,” he thought. “Then back to moving freely.” He waited until the theater doors opened and tried to sneak inside. It would have been easy, if it wasn’t for the flowers he was holding.
Kiki: im so nervous i think im gonna puke 🤮
Vax: itll be fine, its not the first time you do this
Kiki: it’s not the same today, my dad came
Vax: im sure he’ll be very proud of you
Kiki: i hope i don’t mess this up
Vax: you wont you’re a great actress
Kiki: you never saw me on stage
Kiki: or ever
Vax: yet
Kiki: anyway, i should get ready
Vax: go break a leg
Kiki: thanks babe 💚
“Hey, you, I will need your ticket, please.”
“Oh, sorry.” Vax pretended to look for his entrance ticket he didn’t have in his pockets. “I must have left it at home.”
“Sorry, sir, no entrance, no show.”
Vax nodded. “Alright, at least could you make sure to give this to Keyleth by the end of the play? Please.”
The doorman sighed. “Fine, but get out.” Vax turned around and pouted as he examined the hall for a different way to get in.
“Excuse me, young man.”
Vax looked at the man behind him, “yes, sir, I was about to leave…”
“Oh, no, it’s not that. I couldn’t help but hear you’re an admirer of my daughter?”
Vax blinked. His mind quickly showed him the pictures he had seen him in. Pictures that Keyleth had sent him or posted. “Yes, that can be said.” The man smiled in the same way Keyleth did in their facetimes. ‘I can’t believe I’ve met my girlfriend’s father in real life before even seeing her’.
“May I know your name?”
“Vax’ildan, sir.” The man stared at him for a second as they shook hands and he ended up laughing.
“Oh, so you’re that Vax! It’s a pleasure to meet you. Keyleth talks a lot about you, and now I can see why.” Vax cleared his throat and felt a hand on his shoulder. “Does she know you’re here?”
“No, sir. I had a surprise planned.”
“And you left your ticket at home.”
“Actually… The gas and the flowers took all my savings. I was going to, well…”
“Sneak in?” Vax sighed and nodded. He never felt sorry or ashamed of the things he had to do due to his lack of money, but at that moment, he would rather Kiki’s dad not know any of it. “Then consider this your lucky day, come with me.”
“Sir?” The man didn’t say anything, just went to the doorman and gave him a ticket, pointing at Vax. The guy nodded and let them both in with a gesture. Vax followed Keyleth’s father through a corridor, then up a bunch of stairs and a door that led to a box, right in front of the stage. Probably the best seats in the theater.
The man invited him to sit in one of the front seats. “I always get two tickets for Keyleth’s performances, just in case me and my wife happen to be in town to come. I could make it this time, but she didn’t.”
“Thank you, sir.” Vax sat by his side. He had never been in a box before. He could see people under him moving like a sea of heads, slowly finding their place.
Keyleth’s father, Korrin, as it happened to be his name, talked to him while they waited for the play to start. They talked about their families, friends, and how he had met Keyleth. His pocket buzzed.
Kiki: i thought they were kidding about the sold out but they werent!
“Is that her?” Korrin asked.
Vax nodded. “Yes, she’s quite anxious about today.” He was tempted to say something like ‘yeah, i can see that’, but  he didn’t want to spoil the surprise.
In that moment, the lights faded as the off voice started saying the welcoming. The play was fun, all of the actors were indeed amazing. Vax knew some of them, he had made friends with Keyleth’s circle during their relationship. He was aware, although he didn’t really care, of how dumb faced he looked when Keyleth made her first appearance.
Vax: that means there are so many people that want to see your brilliance.
Kiki: most of these are Scanlan admirers.
Vax: i refuse to believe none of them came for you
Vax: its mathematically impossible
Kiki: i thought you hated math
Vax: thats not the point
Kiki: i know 😁
Kiki: i wish you were here 😞
Vax: be careful what you wish for, it could come true
He had seen her in pictures, he had heard her in voice notes and calls, but none of that did justice to her. He imagined himself jumping out that box, running to the stage and kissing her right that moment, but he didn’t want to mess the show. He stood there, mouth half open and heart pining and longing.
Vax didn’t part eyes from the stage until the end, when the doorman entered the scene during the final bows with his bouquet. He handed it to Keyleth, who read the note and started scanning the crowd. Vax stood up and thanked Korrin for everything before heading out.
He waited in the hall for quite some time, he saw everyone go out and half an hour later, even Korrin waved at him when he was heading out. “I didn’t tell her a word. She’ll be out soon.”
Vax smiled, although he has a bundle of nerves. “Thanks.”
Ten more minutes passed and he heard steps in the hall. "Vax?" He turned around and he felt his heart splutter.
"Hey, Kiki." He could only catch her and spin around in a hug. Her hair smelled like freshly cut grass and her laughter was probably the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard.
"I can't believe you're here." Keyleth pulled away to look at him.
Vax put a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I told you to be careful what you wish for."
Keyleth's smile became even brighter. "Did you watch the show too?"
Vax stroked her face, unable to believe he was actually doing what he had been dreaming of for so long. "Yeah, you're amazing, you know?"
"I-I mean… you came all the way to see me."
"Yeah… I also came to do something else."
"Really? Wha—"
Vax didn't hold the kiss anymore.
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kasaraku · 6 months
Needs more time… star tear disease… why do I go overboard..-
Also, I've been thinking that, what if April Fool's KAITO and dog KAITO became Tsukasa's father figures? Since, you know, KAITO in his SEKAI is pretty much an older brother's ideal, and KAITO always supporting Tsukasa like a father-
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Rui stares at Tsukasa who was being hugged tightly by KAITO, while also looking at Emu that has been squealing in cuteness and Nene stares at the duo in confusion. Both Rui and KAITO are dogs, and Emu, alongside Tsukasa and Nene, dresses in a casual way. Well, if you called Emu and Nene's outfit casual as they dress like nobles, then yes.
They were just talking with Rui clinging onto Tsukasa as it won't be a hassle to tidy his clothes rather than Emu and Nene, while he's also having a cold body. It was a peaceful moment, before KAITO came in and asked Tsukasa for his assistance. As the ever helpful Tsukasa is, he accepted and put Rui to his seat and followed KAITO somewhere.
Some time after, there's a loud thud and some other things before the rest of the troupe run to the source, afraid that KAITO and Tsukasa are hurt.
Turns out, it was a bunch of heavy looking boxes that fell down on the floor that made the sounds. As for Tsukasa and KAITO, they're alright, but KAITO is hugging Tsukasa tightly and he's shaking as Tsukasa tries to calm him down.
And that leads to here. After being able to separate Tsukasa from KAITO, they bring the two outside from the basement of Tsukasa's home.
(AU where Virtual Singers are real humans and stuff like different breed mixing with human breeds, making half - human half - animal or something else)
“Tsukasa - Kun! What happened back there??? The sounds were all bwoon and bam bam!” Tsukasa can only smile in confusion as Emu asked him. He decided to sit beside KAITO as he was almost immediately in his dad figure's arms.
Rui is wondering what happened that tick KAITO's instinct of protection, as he himself has been in a situation where he holds Nene the same way when Nene failed her audition. She was trembling so badly too, and her only source of comfort was Rui at that time too.
Tsukasa sighs while holding KAITO's arm, “Well, I was just helping KAITO searching for something before KAITO accidentally nudged the boxes, and it almost fell down right on top of my head before he pulled me away. “
Now that sounds like his life flashes before his eyes. Typical experience for Tsukasa.
Nene frowns. Tsukasa keeps on in a brick of instant death, that it somehow didn't trigger Rui's instinct to make a safety armor for him to not die in an unfortunate way. Wonder why…
“Tsukasa - Kun. If I ever see or hear another incident where you're going to die, I will lock you up in a room full of safety. “ Welp. Looks like Rui is holding himself from doing such things because of how Tsukasa won't agree to it, but it looks like he won't need any approval as that is his last straw.
Emu nodded, looking determined to help Rui in locking Tsukasa up. KAITO can only watch as Tsukasa begins to argue that he can take care of himself perfectly fine, than needing for them to save his sorry butt from instant death whatsoever.
KAITO sighs, before flick Tsukasa's forehead, tired of him not being aware enough of how much he has almost caused death upon himself too many times to count. The latter gasped at him, offended by such actions before Rui laughed and said how he deserved it.
Nene can only sigh and shake her head. Her circle is definitely… weird by actions. But, the way they all care for each other unconditionally and the support will always follow them through.
She smiles, before joining the argument of ‘Tsukasa's safety lock room. ‘
It's funny and she will definitely use this opportunity to tick Tsukasa off from his usual calm personality.
← ● | ○ →
The cafe feels nice at this hour. There's no customers coming since it's still a little busy, but it's fine. Plus, he's going to close the cafe a little earlier than usual. The cafe's usually full of people eating with friends, lovers, or alone. There's almost never an alone and quiet time around the cafe he owns with his other three friends, who right now, are busy and already left the cafe to his own hands.
He hums. The cafe feels so peaceful. No one but him is in the cafe. He then hums a song, a song that his friend's band group created. It's a cool song but sounds so much softer by his hums.
Suddenly memories struck him like a brick. His friend's concert is cancelled tonight, his… otherworldly friend plans on visiting them, and his demon(?) friend is going to visit his cafe today. Does that mean that…
Oh… he hasn't make any food for greeting-
Snapping his neck to look at them, he saw his performer's friend looking at him in concern and confusion, with his alien friend waving at him excitedly. He put his book down and approached them before his alien friend tackled him in a tight hug.
“ACK- “
Safe to say, Tsukasa is choking because of the alien's hug.
The performer huffs in amusement before peeling the alien away from Tsukasa, with the latter holding his head in dizziness as she accidentally pushes him to the counter that has glasses (that reach to his height when put on the counter) for displaying foods. Good thing the glasses are strong enough, so he doesn't shatter the glass.
“Careful now, Emu - Kun. Tsukasa - Kun might get hurt from your tight hug. It's a good thing Nene is here, too. “
A new voice greets them in surprise. They all look at the wall that has a mirror - like - portal, with a purple haired boy leaning in the mirror, and a blue haired man out from the mirror, looking around with a bored expression.
Tsukasa looks at the man in curiosity, but also wary of him. He doesn't know who this man was, as he never saw this man in his life. Not even his friend told any info about another person joining him on meeting others.
The blue haired man, feeling as he was stared at, looked at Tsukasa. The latter becomes tense as the man comes closer to him and looks at him up and down, circling him. The purple haired boy can only giggle in amusement as the man looks interested in Tsukasa.
“Rui - Kun! You never told us about this person! Who's he???” The ever curious Emu asks, looking all fuwa - fuwa and bling - bling, shining her happiness for knowing a new person.
Nene is still keeping her mouth shut. Another person just came out with Rui, and she never knew about this man. Who knows if this man is evil or not, as he might as well be having a crazy - like personality, like Rui who now looks apathetic and shit. At least he's good looking now, rather the usual childhood friend she knew who knows nothing about style.
“Well, this is KAITO - San. He's actually the one who took care of me and my… other friends inside the manner. Us locked demons are in the hands of the loving and caring KAITO - San who looks apathetic, but he just doesn't know how to show emotions! You don't need to be too tense around him, he's fine. “ explained Rui calmly, leaving the mirror - like - portal before making it disappear.
“That means you don't need to be cautious about him, Tsukasa - Kun~ “ Tsukasa silently panics at his obvious wariness about KAITO. He's not all that used to people who's staring at him in such a way that makes him die inside.
If KAITO knew about his panic, he didn't say anything.
Rui stares at the duo in amusement as Nene approaches him in wary, “Why is he here? You sure Tsukasa can handle him? “
Rui looked at his childhood friend and nodded, saying nothing as he continued to stare at the duo, one tense and other interested.
Suddenly KAITO hugs him softly, getting himself a shocking quiet gasp, as well as a jaw dropped Rui. Nene looks at him and Rui and him again in confusion while Emu squeals in awe.
Rui probably never saw KAITO being THIS bold to give physical affection, nor feels it. That sucks for him.
“I'm adopting this boy. “
“I will illegally adopt him and visit him. No need to bring him to the manner. “
“I will make time to visit him. He's now my son, and he's under my protection. “
Tsukasa can only smile awkwardly as he illegally adopted as the locked demon's son with Rui arguing for his freedom that suddenly being snatched and him getting adopted. Rui's also never this much to show emotions and raise his voice too.
This day seems to be getting crazier and crazier…
You can see them platonically or romantically. Use this as copium for star tear disease and school huhehuehueheu...
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cafalla · 9 months
Pokémon BW Rival Destinies: Wrath of the Legends (2013) Comic Storybook Scans
The second book (here is a link to the first!) is titled "Wrath of the Legends", and is adapted from parts one and two of the episode "Stopping the Rage of Legends!" This book is about Ash and crew going to the Island of Legends, where they get caught up in a battle between the Forces of Nature.
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Ash tries to battle Clay for the Driftveil gym badge, but instead is given a fetch quest to refill the revival herb stock at the gym.
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They set out for Milos island and meet a guy named Lewis, who says the revival herbs are drying out and the grass Pokémon of Milos island are falling ill.
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They learn that the island has a legend involving the revival herbs and the legendary Pokémon Landorus, Thundurus, and Tornadus.
The crew attempt to summon Landorus, who is the peacekeeper of the three, and instead Tornadus shows up.
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Tornadus is here and it is not happy. Apparently an obelisk that protects the island from Tornadus and Thundurus has been destroyed. Thundurus also shows up, and it too, is not happy.
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And of course, these two are both not happy at all to see each other, thus making them each more unhappy. Quite the unhappy bunch we have here.
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Turns out Team Rocket is behind the destroyed obelisks, and all is going according to keikaku for them. And yes, I'm putting this panel out of sequence because it literally says "according to Team Rocket's evil plan…".
All according to keikaku.
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The gang try to fight the feuding legendary Pokémon to no avail.
For some reason, Lewis is sure Landorus will show up if it is summoned by a shrine maiden. He just decides to appoint Iris as a shrine maiden…I guess because she is a girl?
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Apparently any girl dressed up in shrine maiden clothing will work.
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You look great, sweetie! Also just love how Iris looks like she is indoors while the guys reacting to her are outside? Lewis, it already looks like you are back at the shrine. Also love Ash's singular "Wow!" and Cilan's dead open mouth stare.
Iris does look cute in her shrine maiden outfit. Here are a couple more pics of her.
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I'm a sucker for characters getting interesting alternative outfits for plot.
So the gang summon Landorus - Pokémon battles and Team Rocket shenanigans ensue. All that's really important is that the gang defeat Team Rocket, save the legendary Pokémon, and Landorus stops the fighting between Thundurus and Tornadus.
Now I'm going to share some panels of that are meant to be very serious, but are just downright (Darius) hilarious to me.
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I love when there is supposed to be a serious moment between powerful Pokémon and they aren't saying anything besides their names! It's so comical, I love it.
They have such a way with words.
The legendary Pokémon calm down and work together to give life back to the island. The revival herbs and grass Pokémon flourish and heal from their illness while Ash and gang continue on their journey.
And yeah! That's basically it for this book.
I did forget to mention Lewis has a partner Pokémon, Gothorita. Just like Palpitoad in Book #1, Gothorita steals the show for me with her expressions.
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We stan a goth(orita) queen.
That's all I have for now, it was quite fun going through these books. My Pokémon anime experience ends with Pokémon Advance, which took place in Generation 3. I enjoyed revisiting the anime art style!
I'm not sure if there are more books in this series, as I only found these two (link again to the first one!) at the store.
As always, you can read the whole book(s) and view higher quality scans on my Internet Archive account.
Thanks for reading!
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laramcelino · 2 years
My headcanons for the personality of FT characters cus they are very basic, starting with team Natsu:
It's already canon but, he takes fighting me advantage of everyone thinking he is a dumbass, so I like to think he uses it for everything
He is kinda shy when it comes to talk of sex and romance, maybe Igneel traumatized him idk, so he also plays dumb to avoid questioning and chat about it
Also people say because of his behaviors he looks more childlike, but it backfires when they see him getting serious and is not cute as an angry kid
Discretely start to bury himself inside his scarf when feels shy or uncomfortable
He absolutely hates the fact that the girls of the team think he is cute when shy
He is the type of person who acts drunk without even being that drunk
Like he's not a lightweight, but people assume he is drunk when he is only typsy
He likes his hair a lot, and is the only thing he puts a personal care
He hates being touched unannounced
Has a weird memory so he may forget his own birthday, but remember the name of the flower you said you like in that trip five years ago
He haves ADHD and I take no criticism in it
Has dyslexia this is why he struggles to read and write
Cus of his good hearing he gets a lot of gossip on the guild, half of it he doesn't pay attention the other half he ignores for his own good
And half of what he ignores he forgets until the next day the other half he zips inside of his brain forever, he knows some spicy shit
He likes to hear people tell stories so sometimes when Lucy just want to read instead of doing anything "fun" he asks to her to read for him
It's actually a good coach, so kids in fairy tail love to practice fisical fighting with him
Actually knows very well about trade and bargain, so she always get discounts for the team on hotels and restaurants, call it a family trait or evolution for spending too much with Natsu around
She is broke cus gets impulsive and buys too much clothing and accessories
Anytime the boys let she likes to dress them in a more stylish way
She knows how to flirt and it completely infuriates her when it doesn't work as she wants
As a rich girl she learn a lot of "ladylike" things such as table etiquette, embroidery and flower language
She also knows how to speak two other languages
She is a fast learner so domestic tasks where easy to pic after leaving the kozern
The only thing she suffer to learn is to bake, Mira can't help anymore
She bruises like a peach and even if she doesn't have any big scar, she have tons of small ones, mainly on her legs
People think she may be obsessed with not marking her skin, but actually don't, she cherishes her battle scars
She always knows what to gift someone, doesn't matter if it's expensive or handmade she gives the best gifs in the guild
Is a people pleaser, hard
Is the team therapist
Gives good advice but never listen to herself
She can take compliments on her appearance very well, but talk about her talents and the girl gets all flushed
Can't cook to save her life
Aside of clothes, weapons and armors she also likes to collect plants
Doesn't means she is good at it
Even if she gets flustered when people mention sex, she haves a very dirty mind and will be the first to think dirty 😏
Is very well organized and enjoy cleaning
Secretly enjoy Natsu and Gray constant bickering, if they are fighting it means they are okay
Is overprotective (mainly to kids in the guild) to the point people need to ask her to relax
And when someone spend time to take care of her she gets emotional
She wish she was better with children but always end up scaring them
It makes her a little scared of being a mom
Once in a mission a bunch of kids run away from her after slaying a monster in a harsh way, the one child who didn't run said they wanna be like her when they grow up
Erza cried about it for an hour
Her sense of style is either terrible or spot on, depends on her mood
She loves when people play with her hair, she often sleep during it
Tries to look as cool and stoic as Laxus, but is a dumbass like Natsu
The only thing he is better is at holding his tongue
He had a crush in half of the girls in the guild
He never tried to date cus thinks he would be a terrible boyfriend
Is shy for romance, but will deny it
He is like the protective brother of the girls so he will be jealous of then, especially Erza, Cana, Lucy and Wendy
He likes to hear gossip, even if he don't show or tell anyone
Cana is the one who tells more for him, it's like a bonding time
Also when he knew about the Gildarts thing he felt betrayed for not knowing it before, since they are best friends
Then he blame himself for not being a better friend for her want to tell, and she said: shut the drama! Sit, I have some spicy shit to tell ya
Can't take spicy food
He is very observant and often knows someone is sad just by seeing then
Was the first to understand that Natsu has a crush on Lucy and tease him for it
He have bad self-steam and compares himself too much
Is a heavy drinker but when he gets drunk he became naked honest and may cry a little
He used to go party a lot with Loke and it always end up with him saying: I'm not saving your womanizer ass again!!
As Natsu acts overly dumb she will grow to act overly inocent
But damn, she had read some of Erza steam books
Lucy caught her and promise to never tell anyone
Can't keep her room clean for more than half an hour
As everyone around her is loud she tends to talk more softly
But when she is too much exited she will be just as loud as everyone else
Can tell you are not okay by just hearing your voice
A great cook, and always offer herself to do the meals
It's also a part of the fact she loves take cares of others
She loves when Lucy and Erza let her braid their hair
Sometimes when Natsu's hair is longer than normal he lets her do some hairstyles too
Is very insecure of her abilities and appearance and is always comparing herself to others
Erza and Lucy noticed it and started to do girls nights with her to talk and relax
Doesn't know how to deal with compliments
She's a silent girl but very clumsy so when trying to sneak into someone she end up telling her position
For now I think is it.
I do not have many headcanons for the exceeds even though I love Happy with my heart (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
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moonstruckme · 1 year
maemae!! im thinking about halloween too :] and something popped in my mind, it can be inspo/a req or just rambles, whatever you prefer!!
so!! i thought of reader and the boys who want to all match as fairy tale characters- cause remus and reader absolutely showed james and sirius a bunch of insane muggle fairy tales ( ESPECIALLY the original versions. have you read the original little mermaid?? or rapunzel?!? they're so much darker omg )
and when they inevitably get to little red riding hood, sirius is like "hm.. well we have a wolf right here, but he's not all that big and bad, now is he?" and everyone's giggling and remus is like "wanna bet?" and then they're going as those characters!
reader is red riding hood herself, james is the huntsman because at the slightest "danger" ( read: a little bug ) he goes "i'll save you!!" and starts swinging his fake axe like a lunatic, sirius is the grandma because he wanted to make fun of remus with the "what big ears you have" bit, and remus was ( of course ) the wolf
and he definitely did want to just go as himself as the wolf, for the bit, but he went the extra mile and put together some ragged clothes with fake fur and fake ears and tail and everything to go as the big bad werewolf
and the thought ends there, but!!! i just wanted to share :] they're my loves and i'd adore going trick or treating with them in matching costumes
- ✏️
Omg gorgeous, I'm not sure I could add anything to this, it's already so good!! I haven't read any original fairytales but I have heard about a few and they're insaneeeee I think James and Sirius would be absolutely blown away by the casual gore
The red riding hood bit is PERFECTION! James is SUCH a hero huntsman, and Sirius would soooo eat up the opportunity to make fun of Remus "for accuracy" (I'm positive he managed to turn it into some sort of slutty grandma costume though, Sirius is never going to waste an opportunity to wear a costume without getting to show off even a little). And he and James would probably buy Remus the extra werewolf stuff so that Remus could get into the spirit of things haha
And of COURSE they all think reader looks so cute in her red riding hood costume, and Sirius is messing with her little cape all night. Her basket would make such a good trick-or-treat bucket too!! I feel like they'd be so much fun to do Halloween with, like you know they're getting sooooo into it
Thanks so much for sharing my love :D
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