#i just know sometimes leo is she and probably sometimes not a she?
svtskneecaps · 10 months
quesadilla island is scared of women REAL. evidence: the hypothetical women in the freezer this entire time, baghera constantly misses lore, jaiden is actually respected by cucurucho and cucu lets her give it headpats, there are two women (players) on this island, juanaflippa and tilin (two eggs who used she/her pronouns at least once) died very very quickly, pomme was oneshot like 9 times (and remembers it), leo has to wear ugly armor otherwise the island kills her, need i go on
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niniiko · 8 months
Astrology Observations part 2
*not a professional astrologer these are just my personal observations!
♠️ Taurus venus men usually like women who are on the curvier chubby side
♠️ People who have an 8th house lilith or even saturn sometimes feel guilty for their sexuality and many people also tend to make them feel guilty for being sexual, they often feel repressed
♠️ Nobody talks enough about how Virgo risings have an amazing face bone structure... I've noticed that their cheekbones are often prominent and their face features are so femenine
♠️ Aquarius placements and their unique voices? We can take as an example Jungwon of Enhypen and Rosé from Blackpink, i also noticed that when they sing they have this kind of nasal type of voice and it's so pleasant to hear (can also apply to people who have Aquarius over their 3rd house!)
♠️ Mars over the 6th house can give someone a VERY sensible skin (even allergies) Virgo also rules over the skin since its a Mercurial sign and if Mars is there the native could have a lot of issues with their skin. I have a friend who has this placement and she always has something going on with her skin 😭
♠️ People who have Moon in conjunction with Jupiter can be prone to over eating
♠️ Mercury square Saturn individuals often have a hard time expressing their love through words, they cringe at the idea of doing it
♠️ Libra placements (specially Mercuries) don't shy away from talking about current issues when it comes to politics, injusticies etc... They have very clear ideas and know how to send across their message
♠️ Whatever house Neptune falls into is where people tend to copy you the most:
1st house: your appearance, the way you dress, your energy
2nd house: your material possesions, the things you buy, your finances
3rd house: your personality, internet persona, the way you talk
4th house: your house furniture
5th house: your romantic partners, your vibe
6th house: your daily routines, your connections with people
7th house: your romantic partners, your clothes, your beauty
8th house: your depth, your way of thinking
9th house: the places you travel to, your ideas
10th house: your career choice, your skills
11th house: your friendships, your connections, your popularity, your goals
12th house: your spiritual side, the way you see things in a unique way
♠️ Leo placements like to show off their partners and making sure EVERYONE knows they have a partner, i have some leo placements friends and they are always posting their partners, i think it's very cute
♠️ Pluto in the 2nd house individuals (specially if they also have Taurus placements because Taurus rules the neck and throat) have some sexy and deep voices . . . they also tend to be very possesive 🤣
♠️ If a woman has her Mars in conjunction with her Sun chances are she looks very much like her dad, a friend of mine has this placement and she inherited her dads height and she looks so much like her dad
♠️ Having 12th synastry with someone is beautiful and painful at the same time, specially if personal planets are in there like the moon for example, if your moon falls in their 12th house it's probable that you have a more than physical connection with that person, even if you guys are not together you might still dream of them or viceversa, a very hard to forget connection
♠️ Someone with a lot of Air and Fire placements might be into dancing or doing some sort of creative and artistic stuff
♠️ Air mars's are the real masterminds . . . 💅🏻
Thanks for reading! I wanna thank the people who have interacted with my post, it was my first astrology observations post and I've been learning astrology for just a year and seeing how many people have agreed and rebbloged my post made me very happy 🥹 My intuition told me to post one and after some days of hesitating I decided to upload my personal observations and im glad I did! Anyways, thank you so much I love you always 🤍
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astrow1zar6 · 4 months
Astro Observations- 23
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In some cases your mothers moon sign is usually the same sign as your 7th house
Libra Venuses are really into cosmetics, whether that be skin care, makeup products, hair care. They are most likely to go into beauty school as a career
Venus in 1st house men can be very feminine, I know a lot of male hairdressers and beauticians (that are straight) with this placement. The men with this placement really appreciate feminine beauty.
On the flip side Mars in the 1st house women tend to be pretty masculine. I had a friend who would only wear boy/baggy clothes because she believed her body was too “masculine “ so she believed feminine clothes looked bad on her. They most likely grew up tomboys.
I know a lot of aqua moons that are highkey fruity but never come out the closet. It’s very consistent with this placement idk why. most of them I notice never come out or not till later in life but it’s obvious usually.
Mars in the 5th house individuals start their relationships really fast just for them to end just as quickly
The sign in your 8th house is usually the sign you’re either extremely attracted too to the point where they’re intimidating or your very repulsed by this sign.
Cancer suns can be more obsessed with finding love then Libras (especially with a Leo moon)
Leo moons have an easier time finding their soul mates than most I notice. I think their hearts are so authentic and genuine that attracting someone with the same vibe is usually effortless with them.
Venus conjunct the ascendant in the 1st house are huge pick me girls. If u met someone with this placement ik uk. Especially when it’s in libra or Gemini. Very aesthetically pleasing to look at though.
If I had a dollar for everytime a Virgo moon complains or corrects you I’d probably solve world hunger.. but seriously these people are always complaining or nagging about something. These people are also not afraid to correct you a 100,000 times, u say one thing logically incorrect and they will go on a lecture on how it’s this & not that. They do make good points but it can be extreme sometimes.
Venus in virgo 🤝 being celibate for no reason even when in a partnership
Virgo placements either look like foxes or vintage dolls
Aqua moons/Venus have the most outta pocket playlists. They will listen to the oddest music lol.
Pisces moon men don’t know what to do unless they have someone constantly helping them. They can be very lazy & have abnormally low energy at times. They usually do better however when dating someone. They can be very codependent tho (unless that have a lot of earth & fire placements)
All cancer sun women remind me of Cassie from Euphoria (don’t kill me cancers)😭
Jupiter in the 8th house is probably the most difficult house for Jupiter to be in. Jupiter is literally expands the 8th house thru your life and 8th house themes can be quite ruthless. You could however receive a big inheritance somewhere in your life.
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lup-ines · 4 months
by lup-ines
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1. Venus-Ascendant aspects are often known as THE beauty indicators in astrology, but in my opinion, I think Neptune-Ascendant deserves the title more. Neptune-ASC aspects are often found in the beauty icons of the world, and in comparison to Venus-ASC beauty, Neptune-ASC beauty gives more of an “other-worldly”, “she’s not from here” vibe (I will make a post about this).
2. Aquarius men and Virgo men are the same people, Aquarius men are just stranger.
3. When Mars transits over your 1st, 5th, or 8th, you tend to attract more sexual partners/attention.
4. Neptune in the 11th house people are may be blessed with friends that are artistic, loving, and caring but they often have a lot of friends that are secret haters.
5. Saturn in the 10th requires a lot of hard work before you actually get the flowers you deserve. Saturn in the 10th is the definition of the underdog. Often people with this placement find that they are constantly underestimated by those who work with them, but when they persevere wealth, fame, and admiration follow them. This can also mean get praise in the later part of your life (usually after your Saturn return).
For example, Queen Elizabeth II has Saturn in her 10th. At the time of her coronation, she was only 25 years old. This caused a lot of chatter due to many people thinking that she was too young and unfit to rule as a queen. As she got older, she slowly started to gain the respect and love from the people around her and had a VERY long career (Saturn in the 10th often indicates a stable/long career life depending on how it is aspected in your chart).
6. Fire signs moons/venuses (sometimes mars) have no concept of hiding their feelings for someone. When they like you, YOU WILL KNOW. If you’re confused, they probably don’t like you.
7. If you ever find yourself in bed with an aries mars or someone with mars in their 1st, pull their hair a little bit and watch what happens 😉
8. Leo placements have celebrity energy without even trying.
9. In 2024, Gemini risings and those with heavy gemini placements will see a boost in attention (good and bad depending on your chart) and popularity because of Jupiter moving into Gemini.
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aezuria · 2 months
*ੈ✎ xoxo, gossip girl!
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content: leo valdez x reader, percy jackson x reader, jason grace x reader
╰┈▸ back cover: how would gossip sessions with them go?
warnings: cursing, rude humor??
librarian's annotations: doing this instead of requests um
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god hes probably talking shit more than u
"oh her? yeah she was such a bitch like no way she looked at you like that when i said i was so obviously taken!"
"and her hair? has she ever heard of a brush? like, if you're gonna come at my girlfriend, at least make yourself look better so you don't embarrass yourself. oh wait, you can't!"
probably laying on you as he does this, and starts squeezing you tightly
"because my girlfriend is the prettiest girl in the world!"
awww that's cute right?
WRONG this man is so quick with his comebacks its actually insane
does NOT think before he speaks
doesnt hold back, even against you (booo why did ur gf privileges not apply to that)
"leo! can you like, move your fat ass off me?" you groan under him as he lays down with his dead weight on top of you.
"like the fat ass you don't have?"
were you silent or SILENCED
everytime you think he wouldnt take it that far?? oh he will go THERE (but he always makes sure u know hes joking)
doesnt want to invoke your wrath so he apologizes IMMEDIATELY
"fix your hair-"
"fix your face- IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO-"
guys. we cant forget abt the OG SASSY MAN
also talking shit a whole lot more than he should
"uh, she needs to get her act together before she can start coming at others; like-" rolls his eyes for EMPHASIS "who does she think she is, talking to you like that?"
damn, who taught this man sass?
bro was BORN with it or smth
even outsasses you sometimes
if you tell him to get like a snack or something and hes in the mood to just lay down with you, he will huff SO loudly
"ugh, fine!"
gets you extra snacks anyway in case you want more (and drinks obviously)
SO SO INVESTED like he has the WHOLE story down
but sometimes mixes up the ppl if its been a while
"wait wait, so the library girl and the jock are dating?"
"the nerd and the library girl are dating, but the jock wanted library girl."
"that makes a lot of sense, actually."
has tea of his OWN because the sea knows everything apparently
"tobias told me-" percy started.
"who the fuck is tobias?"
"the turtle, duh. anyway, he said that this guy always takes girls to the beach on their first date, to make them fall in love with him or something. like, every single girl he's dated."
"...does that count as a manipulation tactic?"
will be on your side no matter what
like if you end it with an "it is what it is"
um??? it is NOT what it is hello?
doesnt look like hes listening but hes paying attention to EVERYTHING
like hes "reading" a book but hes been on the same page for the entire time youve been talking
tries not to laugh at your rather creative insults, but sometimes you get a soft chuckle out of him
you take that as a win
once, you caught him listening through the door as you gossiped with piper over the phone
he was SO embarrassed omg
after that, you made sure to tell him all the tea as soon as you have it
"—and he cheated on her with her SISTER. who's like, three years younger than him! like, what the fuck? that's not even all he did!" you sit up, hands playing with the blanket. you think you see him lean a bit closer, as if wanting to hear more. "she fucked his brother in his room, like, her ex boyfriend's room for revenge! okay, that was a bitch move, but was it deserved?"
jason shrugged. "i'd say no one deserves to be cheated on, but he kinda did deserve it."
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priniya · 1 year
hi lovie! could you do some percy (or leo, maybe both?? i love them sm hahaha) headcanons abt dating an aphrodite’s child?
I COMPLETELY LOVE THE IDEA OMG??? tysm for requesting anon <3
sorry if it’s not like you imagined it😭 it’s my first time with headcanons like that
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dating percy as an aphrodite’s child would include . . .
okay you all gotta admit that if percy could, he would brag about his partner being so beautiful that no one can compete with them
i feel like he’s at the university and some guys are talking and he just waits for a chance to show you off and be like “they are literally a goddess’ child”
BUT IN FRONT OF YOU??? he’d get so awkward even if you were dating for so long
also i’m 100% sure annabeth would sometimes point it out and laugh at the way he turns into a hot mess around you
but tbh you thought it was cute, cus let’s be real. it’s percy jackson, if you weren’t a hot mess around him as well, who would you be?
if you two are sent on a mission together, he rarely thinks about himself first, always making sure you’re okay before he checks himself
in his dorm he probably has pictures of you sticked to the wall in like a heart shape and his roommates might make fun of him for being such a simp but those photos gives him strength whenever you two are apart 🔥
he’s all in for that relationship, he even officially introduced you to both his parents and paul
you taught him how to braid hair and whenever you stay at his mom’s he braid his sister’s hair under your supervision ☹️☹️
when he started dating you he probably became such a gossip guy LIKE hear me out, he started paying attention to details and people’s behavior to talk about it with you
“you won’t believe what i heard today from piper.” “nah, she didn’t told me about it directly, her body language did.”, “i know right, how could he do that to her?”
he’s all in for the tea‼️‼️‼️
OH and also when you began dating he started paying more attention to jewellery and his outfits upgraded so much??
“i know you’re a child of aphrodite but these people gotta know i am your ares. or hephaestus.” “wait, am i your ares or hephaestus?”
dating leo as an aphrodite’s child would include . . .
this man is head over heels for you, and i know i said percy also is head over heels for his partner but LEO is on different level
he often drags you to the bunker whenever he feels like it and make you sit there with him, while he crafts something (mostly for you)
that man dedicates all his work for you, like
“oh this? i made it for yn cus they said [insert thing] fall apart so i just… did it.”
ngl he is kind of insecure that you’d left him for a child of ares just like your mother did to his father. even though you reassure him he’s the one on your mind, it still stings him sometimes
getting an approval from your mom wasn’t even that hard as you thought it could be. though she wasn’t exactly the most delighted you were in love with her husband’s child but… love is love right?
pet names in spanish ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
n you would pick it up and surprise him by calling him something in spanish <3
EVEN THOUGH he’s insecure about history repeating itself he jokes about it way too much sometimes 😭😭
brags to jason about you so much jason wants to off himself and i am not kidding
he once asked you to charm-speak him just to see how it feels
“what? don’t be like that, mi amor. i gotta know what’s your power’s like in case you do it subconsciously.”
(that’s literally the dumbest excuse you’d ever hear but didn’t care, considering it was your boyfriend who asked)
MANY people says you remind them of charlie and silena and when you heard it for the first time, you broke down crying because it was such a good compliment
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punksocks · 10 months
Astro Observations No.19
(Thank you so much for the support everyone! I appreciate you following my blog c:)
*Just based on my experiences, only take what resonates
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-Starting a new relationship during Venus in retrograde is guaranteed to teach you a karmic lesson with a probably karmic partner (I’ll never forget mine oml)
-Under developed Venus ruled men/ Men with heavy Venus placements are a nightmare. Underdeveloped ones choose to be chaotic with charming energy. Like f-boys or like vampires. They just tend to run through people and use them for validation. Sometimes they grow out of it and become better. A lot of times they just get too big of an ego and get narcissistic in this energy and are just destructive.
-The house your Juno is in could be an indicator of your soulmate’s placements (ex if your Juno is in Aries your partner may have Juno in first. Or if your Juno is in 5th they may have Leo in Juno. If your Juno is in Libra they may have Juno in 7th.)
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-Libra/Taurus/Venus in 1st house people can get away with such criminal behavior lol, people will never blame them or they will always want to see the best in their actions. I feel like Leo Asc/Sun in 1st can get through a lot of actions with confidence but they usually do face blow back at some point if they’re behaving badly.
-Neptune 1st house/Pisces rising will have a more erratic sort of filter applied to them. Like usually they’ll get like subconsciously softened and idealized by others but they’ll also get certain traits like air head or spacey applied to them. Basically getting elevated and infantilized the most imo.
-Having North Node in Pisces can be a murky karmic placement. I’ve found that North Node in Pisces can manifest as anything from spiritual devotion and detachment from others to lifelong addiction and reliance on substances, any path that has heavy Neptunian themes which feels like a roulette since Neptune rules over confusion.
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-Mars MC can be a sex symbol placement for any gender, someone known for their body or having a striking presence.
-Venus MC is definitely someone that’s known for being a charmer at best and a player at worst. Still very good with people either way.
-MC in Scorpio can manifest as someone that’s seen as constantly going through transformations and tribulations in their career and public life. Alchemy or catastrophe, always at an extreme.
-Venus can show where you are the most appealing to others (Venus in 1st would be seen as charming and probably having a very pretty face, Venus in 2nd would been seen as luxurious and having many resources and having a pretty body, Venus in 3rd would be a very charming speaker and likely have a voice that draws in others, etc I can make a whole post on this if anyone’s curious)
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-Aquarius Venus/Venus in 11th fall in love with someone unconventional, or someone they met in an unconventional way (online dating, penpal programs, stuff like that)
-I find all fixed moons have really intense emotions, they just express it in different ways (yo if you’ve ever just disagreed with an Aquarius moon you know they can get touchy if you’re not on the same page with their logic)
-Aquarius is not a great way to figure out if someone is queer imo. The connotation of being lgbtqia+ being essentially strange/out of the norm is … something already but plenty of queer icons that live with their careers/lives revolving around the queer community have no Aquarius in their charts at all (I was looking at Elvira’s chart after this Matt Baume video on YouTube about how she’s a queer icon that was elevated by the queer community and was a closeted lesbian and she turned out not to have a single Aquarius placement, a Virgo stellium and Leo placements stood out the most to me). Sappho is the asteroid to check out for wlw I’m not sure for mlm but I’m sure Greek mythology has given us a great asteroid for the mascs
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-Squares to north node can present “delays” with your destiny (more so having to hone aspects of your personality, having certain experiences beforehand, and coming into your destiny later in life, Joe Biden is an interesting example of this lots of squares and harsh aspects to north node and he ran for president like 7 times before he won, even became Vice President before, so interesting)
- (TW scars, harm) Scorpio can show where you have organic scars/birthmarks (Scorpio in 1st birth marks/freckles just appear on my face) where as Pluto can show where you get scars through experiences (I have Pluto in 2nd and I got burned on the lower third of my body when my dad left me in a hot water bath as a baby :/)
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #21
Moon signs edition part 2!🍂
Having dated a few Leo moons, I’ve noticed they have a thing for acting more vulnerable and caring with their partners in private then acting the complete opposite when their friends are around because they think that vulnerability is only for their partners to see.
I’ve noticed some Taurus/Libra moons tend to have greedy mothers who are keen on good looks and manners or their mothers might gravitate towards friendships with people who have money. 
Let me know if I’m onto something but, I believe Saturnian moons (Cap/Aqua) and their relationship with their mothers often times also depends on their Venus sign. E.g. my sister is a Capricorn moon with a Sagittarius venus and although she has the typical Saturnian moon qualities/issues, her mom still has never really been verbally affectionate and treats her bad. Whereas I’m an Aquarius moon with a Pisces venus and although me and my mom aren’t the closest/on the same page and yes I also carry the typical Saturnian moon qualities/issues, my mom is very caring and affectionate.
Pisces moons can be somewhat gullible at times due to their very giving and affectionate nature!
Virgo moons at 3, 15 or 27 degree in the 2H are the biggest over thinkers!! Always constantly worrying or thinking about a comeback to an argument that happened a week ago. They can also have stress eating tendencies.
Gemini moons are those best friends you either talk to everyday or just once while! And when you do talk to them there’ll most likely be something crazy happening in their lives. They just give off an air of being restless and pretty much always on the go.
Yes Sagittarius moons are normally really funny but have you talked to one while they were drunk?😭🤣
Aries moons are the type of friends who are ready to let go of everything and just run away with you to another country meanwhile they haven’t figured out how they’re going to survive over there or anything.💀 Ily guys! 😂
Scorpio moons are very generous, most of them have their guards up and I feel like it’s because they get easily hurt and sometimes their expectations of people turns out to be unrealistic.  
Taurus moons and Aquarius moons aren’t the types to apologize!💀 Taurus moons will just try to offer you some of their food or they might soften up to you a little orrr even try to engage in a conversation with you a few moments after an argument. Whereas Aquarius moons won’t apologize if they don’t feel like they did/said anything wrong and they’ll tell it to your face too then tell you exactly what they said and how they don’t see any wrong in it. 🧍🏽‍♀️
Virgo moons with Cancer risings only really truly apologize if they feel like they’d hurt your feelings.
Also I’ve noticed most Air moons tend to not have parental supervision specifically at a very young age. Or their parents (normally their mom) usually leaves them with their family while they go out and do whatever.
Saturnian moons especially Aquarius moons really be out here having mothers who put their boyfriends on pedestal and they barely pay attention to their kids. Then when the kid (Saturnian moon) confronts their mom about it (wether in the moment or years later) the mother will down right deny it and try to make it seem like all their attention was on their child or make excuses about having to go to work because they needed income, etc…
Some Virgo moons I’ve seen with Air/Earth venuses tend to have aggressive or very critical mothers.
Some Cancer moons I know have emotionally manipulative mothers or moms who do them wrong then gaslight them.
Water moons when underdeveloped can be immature and mean.😭
You know that one friend who’s very artistic or just listen to music a lot, is very playful and can sometimes be unreachable or on the go? They’re probably an Air moon.
That one friend that always validates your feelings and tells/shows you they care about your opinions? They’re probably a Water moon.
That one friend who’s probably the class clown, loud, always cracking jokes to make people laugh and is pretty popular? They’re probably a fire moon.
That one friend who loves exchanging ideas, almost always has strong accurate opinions and has a calming vibe to them? They’re probably an Earth moon.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
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was thinking about next-gen kids and decided to doodle a couple. elaborated thoughts below:
Iphis is named with the same naming conventions that Sally used when naming Percy - primarily, mythological figure who had a good fate. Nice for Percy to honor his mom by naming his own kid the same way and Annabeth gets a fun nerdy mythology name. Also sending good vibes to their kid. Plus middle name directly in honor of Sally, of course.
Specific myth is Iphis and Ianthe, with the idea that a.) it's gender-neutral so works regardless of kid's gender and b.) not only does Iphis have a good fate, but arguably nothing bad happens to them ever and they get helped out by like three whole pantheons who show up in a literal parade and they live happily ever after. Percy and Annabeth are pushing for the BEST vibes possible.
(Also I am a very strong proponent of the "I don't think they'd name their kids after dead family/friends" so none of them have that)
Iphis of course inherited the Jackson family early grey hairs <3
Virginia is named after Juniper (cause Juniper is specifically implied to be Juniperus virginiana). She's probably been childhood bffs with Iphis since Iphis was born.
Chuck is Chuck. I gave him a Yankees jersey cause you know he's being raised as a sporty kid.
Do you ever think about how OP Frank and Hazel's kid would be. It's ridiculous. Quadruple legacy, including 2/3 of the Big Three. Frank by himself was already so OP the gods had to nerf him. Hazel came back from the dead and Frank kinda just said "nope" to dying that one time. Hazel presumably has every power that Nico has which is. A lot. Not to mention what Hazel has been shown to just be able to do on her own (including but not limited to SINKING AN ENTIRE SMALL ISLAND). Ares/Mars kids can functionally be completely invulnerable sometimes and also have some limited necromancy. Combo that with Hades/Pluto kids also being hard to kill and having necromancy as one of their main powers. Not to mention how Pluto geokinesis might combo with Chloris (goddess of spring) powers? And this kid is 100% being protected by both Nico (who is probably a deity by that point) and probably Pluto himself as well? Hello?
Anyways Hazel and Frank's kid is a total powerhouse. Possibly functionally immortal. Easily strongest demigod of her generation.
I like to think the latent Chloris legacy would crop up (probably in combo with Mars and Poseidon's plant aspects) and give them an accidental Persephone-type theme and that's fun. Frazel's goth daughter who takes after her grandmother (and uncle).
Figured since Frank is Canadian and Hazel is from Louisiana they'd go for a French name. The flower theme was not intentional on their part it just happened. Law of demigod naming conventions appears nonetheless.
I figure Leo might not have kids of his own but he probably still hangs around with Hazel and Frank so of course he's going to make their kid a cool thematic robot pet. He's probably her godfather or something.
Ronan is literally just some kid who showed up at the Chase Space who coincidentally was a legacy of Freyr and could shapeshift. Magnus and Alex obviously can't have kids cause they're dead, BUT some orphan with essentially a combo of their powers just shows up on their doorstep? Their kid now.
The ironic part is of course their shapeshifting powers just happen to be because they're distantly related to one of Annabeth's friends. Ronan finds himself suddenly gaining two parents and two cousins (Iphis and Lily) in rapid succession.
He only picks up Magnus' last name though cause Alex has 100% disowned her mortal parents.
He has a seal flipper cause shapeshifting and apparently "Ronan" means seal. I just wanted to draw those two showcasing their shapeshifting a lil bit.
Might try to doodle the other next-gen kid thoughts I had at some point but idk when. anyways yeah.
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muikitoo · 5 months
Hi,Ummm,good morning/night
Can I request something regarding the Rottmnt boys,I want them their love at first sight with a female reader in a school ay(More like a mix between the Yokai/mutant/human society
(No rush,It's ok if you don't want to do it and stuff,It's totally fine to take your time☺️,Have a nice day/night)
Love at first sight
Aged up! Rottmnt x fem! Reader
(somewhere around their 20s)
A/N: this was so hard to do for me for some reason (especially Mikey and Raph), i had to think for a few days for certain scenarios and this might come late bc i rlly want it to be good. Im sorry if it isnt what u expected 🙏
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You were an English teacher who recently started working at a new school. Youre quite nervous, but exciting at the thought of what awaits you with this sudden change.
- Donnie was one of those strict science teachers that nobody dared to underestimate.
- At first, he didnt seem too interested when he heard of a new teacher who started working there.
- hes never even been a romantic type, he honestly didnt care and let fate decide if he gets a partner or not.
- When he saw you for the first time though, he thought he might be hallucinating.
- "Oh sweet Galileo help me.."
- you probably immediately checked his "cute but mean" type without even saying a single word
- He became more interested in you, talking to you more often, even at times asking u to meet up during the break.
- "Hey, uhm.. Could i maybe interest u in some coffee during the break?"
- he thought all of this "romantic feeling" thing wasnt real, but he seriously cant help but fall for you.
- Leo is obviously the laid-back cool Spanish teacher.
- Almost every student liked him, he was chill and even jokes around
- (he once drew donnie on the board with a huge forehead and wrote "megamind" next to it)(no, donnie did not take that well)
- He was quite interested when he heard of a new teacher, hell he was probably the first one to interact with you out of his brothers
- The second he saw you, this mf fell straight face down in love with you
- "oh mi gosh thats the new teacher?! Shes gorgeous! Do you see her Donnie?! You see her?! Oh i so need to get her number!!"
- tries to act sly and flirt with you
- and fails miserably
- "Hey there hermosa, how do you feel about a date? Ya know, just you and me? *Wink wink* *leans on wall, trips and falls miserably*"
- (A/N: i cried writing that)
- Mikey is the sweet art teacher and students enjoy being around him, but yet again they probably wont dare to underestimate his "Dr. Delicate touch" side
- He was quite excited when he heard about a new teacher.
- When he saw you, he suddenly felt nervous and flustered. And he knew why.
- at this point, everyone but you knew abt how he admires you, a little more than in the friendly way.
- He couldnt get the courage to go and talk to you, which put Dr. Feelings to shame
- When you actually started talking tho, you got quite close.
- Youd be with him almost every break
- You would often stay in his classroom/art studio and watch him paint during the lunch break
- and during those times he even asks u to pick his colours
- "Hey Y/n, which colour do you think would suit the ladies dress more? Red or blue?"
- Sometimes you even jokingly ask to be his model, but in all honesty he doesn't mind at all
- you guys were an inseparable duo, and he caught himself falling more and more for you
- He's the PE teacher, hes fun but strict when he needs to be.
- He doesnt mind that theres a new teacher, hes quite excited abt it actually - he would gladly want to meet you.
- First thing that catches his eye is that he thinks youre really pretty.
- He's most likely stuttering during ur first convo now😭
- Hes super sweet, bringing you coffee and/or lunch, helping u out with random teacher stuff, checking up of u, ect
- "Hey! How you feeling? I brought you some coffee.. if youd like."
- Hes so shy, but he cant help but feel his heart flutter every time you thank him or show appreciation towards him
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A/N: Raph was so hard and i know it's not accurate at all. Ive literally been beating my ass up bc of him cuz i didnt have any ideas😭😭 this took super long and I'm really sorry about that, i hope it turned out the way u wanted🙏 anyways its 1AM so im js posting this cuz i have nothing else to do😔
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I've been thinking a lot about Leonarda's not-death ever since it happened back in April.
("What death?" you might ask, to which I say: "EXACTLY!")
Back in mid-April, Vegetta and Leonarda were mining together in a one-block wide tunnel. A mob (a Petriman) got between the two of them, and Vegetta told Leonarda to step back while he took care of it. At this point, they'd spent enough time together that he trusted Leo to listen to him.
Instead, she was killed by the same sweeping edge bug that killed her siblings.
Vegetta's reaction here is what's really interesting to me. Unlike most other parents on the Island, there are no shouts or tears – only a very brief "Hmm" and then silence. He very quietly takes stock of the situation, saying "Vegetta, no" and wondering aloud why Leo didn't defend herself. In chat, Foolish says "It was a bug, right? LAG" to which Vegetta slowly responds "Yes, lag. Bug." (Despite this, Foolish still asks "WHAT HAPPENED" in chat, though Vegetta doesn't reply).
Instead, he creates a slightly wider space in the tunnel where Leo's body is. He continues quietly taking stock of the situation, wondering why Leo didn't defend herself (which is what necessitated his intervention). She'd been lagging a lot that day, and he figures that must be the cause, and eventually when Leo re-appears out of thin air in the middle of the cave and collects her stuff, she confirms that the lag got to her and that's why she didn't fight the mob.
Now here's where things get interesting:
Vegetta checks the tab list. Online, it's just him, Leonarda, Roier, and Foolish. He quietly tells Leonarda "The body has already disappeared, and without a body, there is no crime. Nothing is happening. Did you die?" Leo shakes her head, and Vegetta shakes his head too, and in the kind voice he uses sometimes with Leo, he says: "I believe you have not died. Where is the body? It isn't anywhere, no mija. If it was a mistake, it was a mistake."
Leo says: "I saw Diosito (God) pa, and I was scared. God, what am I doing here?" and Vegetta laughs, telling her it's alright. Leo says "No pasa nada (don't worry / nothing happened)" and Vegetta says: "And the people who are watching us have not seen it either." To Foolish and Roier, he messages: "Secreto."
And the funniest thing about this is it worked.
Not a single person spoke about it. I saw this entire event go down live and I didn't see a WHISPER of what transpired among fans. I can't even remember if the QSMP official accounts talked about it (they sure didn't mention it in Vegetta's recap of the day). We could discuss this in meta terms of course– Leo was having known lag issues that day, Vegetta's beloved by the admins so of course they're willing to turn a blind eye rather than slap a "?" over Leonarda's life on the Eggstatistics, but meta talk isn't what I'm interested in here.
I'm interested in q!Vegetta, the weird "god-adjacent" aura he's got, and the way the universe bends to his will.
Before he took a break from the server, Rubius seemed to be a caretaker for the Eggs who died (for example, he was present when Maxo, Quackity, and Mariana & Slime said their final goodbyes to Trumpet, Tilin, and JuanaFlippa). Because of his role as an "angel" and some of his dialogue during the early days of the server, it's not a stretch to say he probably came to collect any Egg who lost a life. I can imagine he did the same when he saw Leonarda die – that is, until Vegetta said "And the people who are watching us have not seen it either." Realistically, we know Vegetta was saying this to Chat (and possibly the admins as well), but again, we're looking at this from an "in-universe" perspective.
I wonder if Vegetta was aware of Rubius' role, and this was his way of telling Rubius "No. I won't allow that to happen." We know Rubius has a soft-spot for Vegetta (and we also know that Rubius was cast out of heaven several months later) so it makes me wonder if these two instances are connected.
Either way, this isn't the first time the laws of the QSMP universe have bent for Vegetta, and I certainly don't think it'll be the last.
Rubius or no, Leo didn't die that day.
Vegetta made sure of it.
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julsvu · 2 months
hello! i saw you take request about pjo and honestly, i loved your fics about leo! i was gonna ask if you could do general dating or crush headcanons about percy, similar to your one leo fic (i dont remember which one but i think you get it???)
thank u thank u thank u if you do it!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
gn! reader
💬: hii!! im so glad you loved my leo fics :D thank u sm for requesting! this is my first time writing for percy :')
📒: fluff, friends to lovers, reader is implied to be a demigod, not proofread (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)
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percy crushing on you hcs
everyone in the camp knew this boy was whipped for you
especially his friends
grover literally knows EVERY detail of you even if you guys aren't close because of percy
he knows that you have a small mole on the left side of your face, how your nose slightly scrunches up whenever you focus on something, your favorite food/the food you always eat for breakfast, the little bracelet you wear everyday because of percy
percy sometimes talks to blackjack for advice?? or just rambles to the pegasus about you (he'd look crazy without context)
the Aphrodite cabin ships you two SO MUCH
sometimes they'd set you and percy up
but to percy's disappointment, you just brush it off because you always interpreted their ways as a way to make fun of you both
spaces out whenever he looks at you
his friends have to physically shake him out of it for at least 9 seconds before he gets back to his senses
whenever that happens though, they have to sike him up to actually talk to you
if a person pulls a dirty trick on you especially during training, percy's eyes would be burning holes through them
he doesn't hide his glare at all too 😭
his friends try and give you hints that percy has a crush on u, but they're REALLY subtle and careful about it
except for leo 💀
"y'know, percy has the hots for you," he randomly says in the middle of your guys' conversation??? like u guys could be talking about how the sky's so blue and then boom he says that
they'd definitely form a game plan to get you guys together for real (annabeth would be the mastermind)
they'd probably set you guys up to a blind date in this pizza place nearby
during the date, percy made up his mind instantly after you laughed at his ridiculous joke
he wanted to date you, not just have a crush on you. he wanted to love you, in a real way, not just from afar
and so he confessed
he was resisting the urge to kick his feet and giggle when you accepted his confession /j
his friends were probably disguised as "normal" customers, sitting in the booth across from you guys, or beside you guys, silently cheering for you both once they overheard that you accepted percy's confession
percy dating hcs
loads of aquarium dates!!
he'd gossip with you, a lot
hear me out!! minecraft dates!!
he'd put your beds together and stuff, and you guys have a pet axolotl whose name is a mix of yours and percy's (basically your shipname)
is BIG on pda, he likes to show you off, even the nymphs know you're dating atp
but he'd tone it down if you want him to, of course
whenever there's a new trend that comes up on any socmed app, he's so quick to invite you to do it
he definitely made a kisses hoodie for you soskpsf
you'd have triple dates with leo and calypso, and frank and hazel 💯💯💯
he's so observant it's scary
he's the first one to notice whenever you aren't feeling good
always checks up on you
sally also hears about you all the time !! whenever percy comes home from camp he likes to tell stories about what you and him have done
she already sees you as an in-law (even if you guys haven't met properly yet)
some of percy's pfps on his main social medias would be him posing with kiss marks all over his face from you
if you ever post yourself on social media, he hypes you up so much in the comments
expect at least a millisecond after posting, you'd have 28 comments from him immediately 😭
"everyone back off they're taken BY ME"
whenever someone compliments you infront of him he's like "i know, right? my partner's so amazing"
he emphasizes the word "partner" whenever he notices that the person might be interested in you, too
he can't help being a little protective
percy jackson, if you can hear us, please percy jackson, please save us percy jackson, please save us percy jackson
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© 2024 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put in other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
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astrow1zar6 · 5 months
Astro notes- 22
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Having a Neptune in the 1st house can feel like your living in a dream. It’s harder for you to not get taken up by your imagination. This placement is known for dreaming with their eyes open. A lot struggle from Maladaptive Daydreaming. Meditation/ Breath work can help with grounding these people.
Aries placements (especially the moon & rising) have amazing eyebrows. They’re all so perfect arched and full. They’re eyebrows can sometimes make them look intimidating as well.
Libra in your big three usually have buck teeth or they just have really big teeth in the front.
People with Pluto risings cannot stand fake energy. Being around too many fake people can literally make them go insane & snap on everyone. These people normally March at the beat of their own drum which causes many people to flock to them for advice.
Aquarius moons emotions can come out really robotically. Like you don’t know if they really care when you vent to them. They act very nonchalantly and bored when people open up emotionally to them. I started crying in front of my aqua moon friend once and she just stared at me & patted me on the back😭😂 she tried tho. Also I notice aqua moons have a weird thing with physical affection. They are the times to give like 2 seconds hugs or just not like to be touched much in general.
Sagittarius suns have a habit of embarrassing themselves to make others laugh. They really have no shame. They will say and no the most outlandish shit just to get a giggle out of someone. They can sometimes embarrass others tho if they do too much. They can be really extra.
People with Gemini & Sagittarius in their big three we’re probably class clowns
Leo suns never wanted the same things as anyone when they were little. They always wanted something that made them stand out from the crowd. (Ex: everyone had pink tiaras for my cousins birthday and my Leo cousin threw a fit because she wanted purple instead so she didn’t look like everyone else) 😂
Aquarius suns are chameleons in social settings. They can fit into any group & usually have a big people pleaser personality. Not in a weak way however but they just understand what people like & how to engage certain people properly.
Capricorn stelliums can end up being rich or famous. These people are really hustlers. I’ve seen these people start businesses in their 20s with this it worked 3 jobs to get the life they need. One thing these people know how to do is work.
Cancer and Libra suns tend to loose themselves in partnerships the most. I’ve seen these people make their partners their world while they completely neglect other areas of their life. They are both really blinded by love.
Uk an Aries sun women likes you when they start teasing/bullying you. (Playfully!) arguing is foreplay to them bizarrely lol.
If Jupiter is prominently yet negatively aspected in the chart it can show narcissistic or sociopathic tendencies.
Virgo moons tend to like very fresh light scents. Like fresh linen, laundry smells, light floral scents. Nothing to heavy.
Taurus placements look best with minimal to no makeup & Libra placements normally look incredible with a full face of makeup or just glamour looks. It’s really interesting how the two sides of Venus play out. Taurus gives more of an earthy goddess vibe & Libra gives me a more chic fashionista insta model/influencer vibe. Both value beauty & aesthetics but in opposite ways.
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
part two
For all their teasing, they do actually leave him to eat.
Maybe they’re feeling merciful. Maybe they want him to focus on eating. Maybe, worst of all, they’re too scared of him, or something.
Or. Probably. After the ninth consecutive minute of him, unmoving, forehead pressed to the worn wood of the table, desperately trying to resist the urge to open up the ground beneath him, they get bored.
ADHD is a wonderful thing, sometimes.
“— I just think it’s suspicious,” Piper is saying, waving her fork in the air, “I mean, she’s never just, like, nice, you know? It’s — oh, hello, Nico’s Face. Welcome back. I was beginning to think we’d only see your unbrushed hair for eternity, curled into a ball of Oh My God A Cute Boy Smiled At Me And I Stopped Functioning.”
His friends snicker. He flushes, a little, but is determined resolutely to ignore their teasing — seems to be a working strategy — and focuses instead on shovelling cereal into his mouth.
As predicted, they fall quickly back into conversation. They are discussing, Nico believes, strange behaviour from Piper’s sister, Drew, although truly Nico is not listening. He’s really into his cereal.
And he is also, out of the corner of his non-bandaged eye, perhaps noticing, barely, hardly at all, really, the Apollo table.
It’s all stupid — Will’s fault. It is. He takes up every stupid room (stupid pavilion, whatever) with his loud voice and gesturing hands and wide, bright smile, practically demanding attention. It’s hardly Nico’s fault if he looks. If he didn’t want Nico to look, then he wouldn’t have — he wouldn’t have said it.
Easily. Unthinkingly. Like liking Nico was normal, was nothing, was no big deal; like the golden child of Apollo, bright-eyed, best medic of the century, charming, clever, shockingly sarcastic Will, had been — is — crushing. On Nico, of all people.
Had been crushing on him forever, apparently.
Nico’s stomach flips approximately four billion times.
“What is modern courting like?” he blurts, and immediately wants to shove his spoon in his own eye.
The conversation halts. His friends, now silent, look at him curiously, four pairs of eyes digging into his.
He shrinks into his seat, hiding behind his hair.
“…Courting?” Annabeth asks, finally.
Nico flushes. “Nevermind.”
“Hey, wait, no.” He startles when a hand brushes his, yanking it back on reflex. Piper doesn’t flinch, drawing her own hand back gracefully. “We’re not teasing you, dude. Just clarifying.”
“Well, I’m teasing you, a little.”
Leo twitches slightly at Nico’s sharp glare, but the impish smile never leaves his face. Unfortunately, he no longer fears that Nico will send him to (another) early grave.
He’ll have to remedy that.
“What Leo means to say,” interjects Jason before Nico can get any dark ideas about his butterknife. He looks pointedly at his best friend, rolling his eyes fondly at his stuck-out tongue. “Is that while the situation is objectively a little funny, we’re here to help. What do you mean, courting?”
Nico shouldn’t have fucking said anything.
“I just. I mean,” he says, haltingly. He’s hyperaware or Piper practically biting through her lip, of Leo focusing so hard on keeping a straight face that his nose catches fire. “My mother had — a list. Of steps?”
He’s sure his face is flaming.
“Steps,” repeats Piper, face arranged very carefully. Annabeth punches her in the arm, her own face similarly particular.
“Go on,” she encourages.
Nico squeezes his eyes shut, pretending they’re not there, and does.
“She told me courting was a — process. Um. Small gifts. Opening doors. Putting down your sweater to sit on. Walking to the door after the date. Flowers.”
“Very chivalrous,” Jason manages after a moment. His face, too, is pinched. Nico scowls at him.
“Whatever. It might not even — I mean, she said that’s how you get a girl to like you. And it’s probably totally different with boys, right, and I’m not stupid I know the culture is totally different now —”
“I think,” interrupts Annabeth, “that a little chivalry never goes amiss.” She waits until Nico gathers to courage to meet her eyes, warm in the late morning, matching her small smile. “Will, especially, will appreciate it.”
Nico stares at the milk pooling in the bottom of his cereal bowl, calculating if it’s enough to drown him. It’s a quarter of a cup, maybe. Not great. And the bowl is to small to shove his face in.
Someone breaks the silence with a giggle. Immediately, there’s the echoing slap as it’s muffled, silent again for a long, tense moment.
And then everyone cracks up.
“I didn’t say anything about Will!” he says, voice cracking on his name. “I don’t — stop laughing at me! He’s just — I didn’t — he’s not even —”
“We’re not — laughing at you —” Jason tries, and Leo straight-up shrieks.
“Not laughing at me my ass,” says Nico venomously. “Fuck you guys. I’m out of here.”
“Nico, wait! Wait, hold on.”
Despite himself, Nico stops mid-stomp, shoulders hiked up to his ears.
“Nico,” says Annabeth, much softer, although laughter still rings in her voice. “Why bring it up now?”
Nico picks at his nails. Without his brain’s permission, he peeks through his eyelashes at the Apollo table — long empty. By now Will’ll be teaching — “teaching” — his siblings something in Arts ‘n Crafts.
(Ninety percent chance they’ve dissolved to launching globs of paint and glitter glue at each other, screaming about which pop star is better than another.)
“He told me he liked me,” he admits softly. Slowly, he makes himself turn around, facing his friends now that they’ve finally quieted. “Just like that. And I —”
He can’t bring himself to say it, throat drying up.
“Then you have nothing to lose,” Piper says kindly. Her eyes sparkle, half teasing, half encouraging.
Suddenly, the storm swirling in Nico’s stomach shifts; skeletal butterflies reminding the storm who’s boss. Something warm and pleasant tingles down his spine.
I’ve been crushing on you forever, and I don’t think you’re any less gorgeous. With or without the scar.
Will had called him gorgeous!
“You know what?” Nico murmurs, smile tugging at his lips. “I think you might be right.”
part four
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ssparksflyy · 1 month
Hey Hello! I would like to request some headcanons of Leo V. With a children of Hypnos or Dionysus, thank you!
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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leo valdez dating hcs "(っ- ‸ - ς)ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
pairing: leo valdez x child of hypnos!reader warning(s): swearing probably idk i just put it in case now an: honk mimimimimimimi
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yall remember that scene in frozen where anna is like "the sky's awake, so im awake, so we have to playyyyyy" and shes trying to wake up elsa? yea. thats leo.
he CANNOT sleep. ever.
his hyperactive ass is always trying to gogogogogogogo!
and youre just like lemme sleep ;(
you try your best to stay awake to be out and about with him
he greatly appreciates it and downs like four melatonin gummies with a cup of coffee so he can finally knock out with you
( coffee reduces hyperactivity for people with adhd 👍👍 )
but ohmygod those days when he gets ideas early in the morning ugh
has taken quite a few pillows to the head
but hes fineeeee hes still livingggggggg
mmmm he snores.
leo frickin snores
usually thats a normal human thing
but hes got that latino dad snore
house shaking, earth shattering, loud enough to make you deaf
( my friends and i call it the mexican dad snore because all our dads snore like that 😭)
as of right now its still developing
it still hasnt reached full dad snore
its like in lion king when simba cant roar
it comes with age okay
when his melatonin gummies kick in they kick IN okay
passed out no return
(god i need sleep like that)
im telling you hes either bouncing off the walls or dead
he tries to fight the sleep so badly sometimes
and hes GOOD at it
i honestly dont know how some of yall go days without sleep but hes one of those people
literally falling asleep as hes walking talking about "im fine!!"
but then like one hug from behind and a small kiss on his neck from you is enough to make him give in
hes literally so weak when it comes to neck kisses bye
folds like a blanket
leo sleeps without a shirt but then has some of the funkiest pajama pants ever
all different kinds of designs and stuff
he REFUSES to be basic and wear those christmas checkered red pants whatever theyre called
but that entire genre of pants.. disowned. refuses to wear them
(no hate btw im literally wearing those pants as i write this)
has made sure u have the COMFIEST bed EVERRRR
hes installed like heaters, a cooler, the mattress is flexible (like in those commercials), the pillows are super soft, everything! absolutely everything!
honestly he doesnt seem too much like a plushies guy but at the same time he does
he has like one and its matching with you but like he stays loyal to that plushie and that plushie only
best cuddler tho ♡
he loves being able to hold you but sometimes he wants to be held too :(
a literal godsend during the winter honestly
no need for a heater when youve got mcshizzle over here
you gotta tough it out during the summer though
he feels so bad cause he doesnt want you to be warmer than it already is
but then you tell him you dont mind, just gotta have the ac on full blast !!
oh how i love leo valdez
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Okay we all know that Leo loves his brothers more than anything, he has literally tried to sacrifice himself for his brothers multiple times & we were all there for the ‘I’m nothing without them’ line
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But I feel like we also should acknowledge the part of Leo’s relationship with his brothers that is just, Leo’s brother’s annoying him until he nearly gets a migraine. 
Everyone always places Leo as the annoying sibling but Rise Leo has to deal with his brothers raising his blood pressure just as much as any other Leo does.
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Raph: Good thing we didn’t do Leo’s idea of being afraid of spiders! Ha!
Leo: I don’t know I still don’t trust her!
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Raph: HA! In your face!
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Raph: HA! In your face! And yours! And yours! And yours again!
Yes Raph loves his brothers very much, he takes care of them & looks out for them ect He also teases & makes fun of them relentlessly & Leo is his primary target for said teasing. In the traditional Raph VS Leo fashion Raph has made countless jokes at Leo’s expense & when he’s teasing his brothers in the episode Sidekick Ahoy! He literally rubs getting the Jupiter Jim sidekick position in Leo’s face twice.
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Leo: Then give us ice for our horribly mangled bodies!
Donnie: ... It melted
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Donnie: Sheldon needs time to recharge before firing his anti- turtle ray
Leo: Why is that a ray Donnie!?
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Leo: You turned a cuddly animatronic bear into a psychotic robot bent on destroying us? No? Got April fired? Hmm? Nothing?
Donnie: That does not sound like me
I’m pretty sure that Leo is a vast majority of Donnie’s impulse control there are countless times when Donnie’s first instinct is over the top violence & Leo is the first one to pull him back but if that wasn’t enough to deal with Donnie has a tendency for trying to avoid admitting wrong doing as well just deciding he’s going to make Leo’s day a bit more difficult sometimes.
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Leo: So when she kept growing that wasn’t a clue to stop screaming?
Mikey: Sorry, but hopefully Raph heard me
Leo: Astronauts heard you!
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Leo: This is not a compatition!
Mikey: Says the guy with zero unicorns.
 Leo loves Mikey, he’s probably Mikey’s biggest supporter & Mikey loves & looks up to Leo so much but as emotionally mature as Mikey can be sometimes, Mikey is still the youngest of his brothers which means there are times where he acts immature & either doesn’t read the situation correctly & puts himself & his brothers in danger or he doesn’t take the situation seriously & makes things more difficult. Either way it gives Leo a lot of stress to deal with.
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Leo: Come on! Come on! Come on! Help us fight these guys!
Mikey: No! I want a refill on my coconut!
Raph:  Take us back to Tahiti!
Donnie: More Tahiti!
Leo loves his brothers, he is literally willing to give his life for them on multiple occasions & they are the people he trusts & believes in most but in a true sibling fashion they are also a constant source of stress for Leo. Just because Leo isn’t the oldest in Rise does not mean that his brothers aren’t constantly raising his blood pressure. 
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