#i just like to think that if they were in a relationship kazuki would be super affectionate
vwenties · 2 years
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bsd-elle · 2 years
Thoughts on Buddy Daddies Episode 9
I have so many thoughts about this episode and it all stems from P.A works' fantastic SUBTLE writing choices.
This episode, on paper, sounds like a pretty cliche sports day episode, but they somehow managed to show us the character progression and the relationship progression between the characters.
The biggest progress we can blatantly see is Rei taking an effort to help Kazuki more.
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And we can see that Kazuki reacts accordingly.
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Kazuki is surprised by this development, and voices his concern.
Rei was genuinely impacted by the events in episode 7, realizing that he was pretty 'useless' when it came to raising Miri, and has taken the initiative to give a helping hand.
And what I love about that is, we know that Rei had absolutely no clue how to work a microwave or any basic cooking, so for him to automatically suggest and start making onigiri shows that either he had previously asked Kazuki how to make simple items, or two, he was more observant when Kazuki was cooking, because he wanted to be able to do more, do anything to make his little girl smile.
And it's so wonderful to see them actually bring up this plot point and continue it, rather than letting it be a one-off plot point.
They pick up on his interest to be more involved and we see him actually trying.
Knowing the unfortunate circumstances of his childhood, it's not that Rei doesn't want to help out or get into Miri's activities, but rather that he simply doesn't KNOW what to do. Doesn't know what's right.
His hesitance throughout the Episode is evidence of that, his hesitance to give Miri his riceballs.
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He genuinely looks so sad, feeling like he can't compete with Kazuki's sheer talent with cooking.
His hesitance to even cheer for Miri.
Growing up in a family full of espionage and assassination, quietness and taking up little to no space must've been embedded into his system, into his psyche, and the fact that he's actively trying to be loud, to draw attention to himself, just shows the effort he's putting into taking care and raising Miri, something his father never attempted to try.
And both Kazuki and Miri appreciate his efforts.
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They understand that he's trying and are so enthusiastic and receptive to his attempts.
Which is why he takes it to heart that Miri fell down because he was 'loud'.
I think, in that moment, he thought that he failed, that failure is never acceptable.
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But, that final reassurance from Miri (in the cutest way possible), that he didn't fail, he didn't do anything wrong, and Miri considers them all to be a family, something he never had, something he's never known, that's all he needed to realize that, yes, maybe he'll fail, but at the end of the day, Miri is happy, and there's nothing else that matters.
The other one I wanted to talk about, which is definitely more subtle, but the progression of Kazuki and Rei's relationship is truly so beautiful.
Kazuki treasures the help Rei attempts and supports him in every way possible.
When Rei said that he wanted to make riceballs and was worried if Miri would like it, Kazuki instantly reassures him that Miri would love it.
In fact, he proudly proclaims to Miri that Rei would be making onigiri. And I'm sure that if he hadn't, there might be a chance that Miri wouldn't have been able to eat it, while Rei was clouded by his doubt.
When Miri says that she likes the onigiri and she thanks Rei, Kazuki immediately tells him, "hey, you did good, look our daughter agrees too. You're doing good and trying, and we both see that".
When Rei is drowning in his self-loathing about potentially causing Miri to lose the gold medal, Kazuki tries to reassure him and tell him that he didn't do anything wrong.
Finally, when they're walking back, Kazuki tells him that he's proud of him, that he worked hard, and you can tell that Rei really appreciated that, to know that his efforts were being accepted.
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And that's why their relationship grows in such an organic manner, Rei puts in the effort, tries his best to help out to the best of his abilities, and Kazuki reassures him, let's him know about things that he would have no idea about, and vocally supports him.
And Miri, my sweet angel, with her bright personality and even brighter smile, constantly comforts both Kazuki and Rei, that she's happy, that they ARE a family.
The reason they are a family is because each one of them helps each other, is an equal part in the group.
And at the end of the day, they're just all trying their best, taking one step at a time, while the others, cheer them on.
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(And this picture is the perfect symbolism of that sentiment, Rei awkwardly trying his best to smile, and Kazuki physically trying to bring him closer into the picture).
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ultfreakme · 2 years
Okay I’m still on the verge of tears and can’t do this rn so buddy daddies ep 10 jumbled thoughts
Idk wtf anyone says anymore the entire kazurei relationship is queer there is absolutely NO denying it anymore. That scene where Kazuki is looking at kids with their moms, then it cuts to himself? Yeah that’s basically insecurity and feeling terrible he can’t fit their own family into societal standards. Yeah it’s about Miri missing Misaki, about how their careers aren’t meant to accommodate a child but its also about how society has made us all internalize that a ‘right’ family involves a mom, a dad, and a child/
Miri is absolutely sad that Misaki isn’t with her, but she’s never like, so upset she gets devastated. Misaki herself asks “do you like it here better than with me?” and what does Miri answer? She doesn’t says “yeah i like it better here”, BUT she also doesn’t say “I like it best with you!”, she completely dodges and says “I love you mama, and papas too”. Any time a situation involving a mother comes up, she’s like “would be nice if mama were here....anyways!” and doesn’t dwell on it.
I thought Rei smiling would kill me but Kazuki almost CRYING DESTROYED MY SOUL. It’s like watching either of my parents cry its heartbreaking and horrible and i want it to stop. He thought he’d never find that normal happiness, wanted it oh so desperately and then it’s....gone. The Ferris wheel symbolism was horrible I hate the OP for doing that to me. That opening where they’re in front of the billboards was just-- IT WAS IN FRONT OF US THE WHOLE TIME
I think even Rei almost cried. On the ferris wheel, when they focused on his mouth and it twisted downwards before Miri pointed to the city. Kazuki crying was bad enough and had me tearing up too. If Rei was added into the mix I’d have been in shambles
Misaki holy shit wtf, life hates her, cut the woman some slack wow. Throughout the show she was defined by her singing and they took her voice away. It’s horrible, but I’m glad she has parents to go back to. I’m not fully convinced she can take care of Miri, but if she’s being genuine I think she’ll be just fine and would learn just like Kazurei.
Rei sounded so devastated when he was like “you can’t do this when we’re all attached”. Yeah this was his glimpse at normalcy, the one time in his entire life he got to be part of something that didn’t stifle him and it’s gone now. 
Kazuki wrapping the scarf around her- hey why don’t I just eat glass? Why don’t I just go on top of a cliff and scream?? Or set fire to my bed???
“I guess we can’t change” BABY NO YOU CAN. YOU CAAAN!!!
I thought Rei would defy the organization and say “screw it I want to protect this family I have”......but his most prominent memory of his mentor is him dying. How defiance led to his and his wife/gf’s horrifying death. In his head he’s probably thinking that’d be Kazuki and Miri if he doesn’t quit while they’re ahead. Alive and miserable, or dead while holding onto hopeless situations?
Kazuki.....idek.....just Kazuki baby I’m so sorry
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bred-is-a-dumb-name · 2 years
Okay. So. Hot take? Ig? But. I keep seeing people on here talking abt how kazuki and rei can't be seen as a QPR, that they act too explixitly romantic and are definitely dating married and fucking. They wear each others clothes, slept in the same bed, and are raising a child together. Etc etc.
And, look, I'll be the first to say, I do adore those two as a couple-i think they're adorable and personally do wanna believe they'll get together at the end, but like. It's not guaranteed thats how the shows gonna end. And also-there's no reason they can't be a QPR?
Like, yall do realize QPRs can be just as close and loving as a romantic relationship, right? It isn't just "bro" stuff, it's different than if you were just friends, you would even call the person your partner, just platonic partner not romantic partner?
QPRs can and do get married, adopt children, and yes even in some cases have sex. Like there's very little difference between a QPR and a romantic relationship. And as an ace/aro person I think the concept that platonic relationships are less loving or less valuable is just a very amatonormative/heteronormative idea.
Again, I love them as a romantic couple, but if someone views them as platonic that doesn't make the relationship they have any less caring or loving, just a different kind of caring and loving. And this romantic elitism is rlly annoying ngl. Like bro it's a headcanon. Let people see them how they want. Its not queer erasure if the characters aren't even canonically together. Also they'd still be queer. That's what the Q in QPR stands for. Also bc it's usually for aromantic headcanons. Which is still very queer.
Idk, I just needed to say this bc I keep seeing ppl get mad at QPR headcanons bc they don't know QPRs are different than friendships. And I just wanted to say my piece. K thnx that's it lmao--
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reallypleasanttree · 3 months
Hashira Training Canon Divergent AU Drabble. Obamitsu obviously. 🙃
“Isn’t Tanjiro the sweetest?” Mitsuri asked, taking the cup of water Obanai offered her. They just finished a mock battle for hashira training. She won this time and he won the time before. Her attacks were long range and if he was able to get within short range, he could beat her. Though, she was smart enough to keep distance between them and her flexibility and speed allowed her to feign movements before switching them last second. 
His right eye twitched at the mention of the boy. “He’s always smiling and you can’t help but smile back, you know?” Obanai shook his head.
“No,” he said, steeling his facial expression. He loathed the boy ever since they met. He defied the demon slayer’s code of conduct. He allowed his sister to live as a demon. It would have been kinder to slay her. Admittedly she had never eaten a human but she would give into her true nature eventually. The Master’s word was the only safeguard from Obanai and Sanemi striking her down. “His demon shouldn’t be here,” Obanai said coldly. “The Corps wasn’t created to protect demons.” Kaburamaru hissed, sensing Obanai’s irritation. Mitsuri’s face wrinkled and she held a finger to her mouth. 
“You mean Nezuko?” Mitsuri asked. “At the village we hung out quite a bit. She’s not really like a demon,” she said and tilted her head in thought. 
“Then what would you call her?” he gritted his teeth. Mitsuri could be naive to the true nature of people and demons. It was another reason he adored her. She could see the good in anyone, but it also made her easy to take advantage of. 
“My little sister,” Mitsuri smiled and took a sip of water.
“Your little sister can regenerate limbs?” Obanai asked sarcastically. 
“Well, no, but her personality. She’s so kind and willing to help others. A lot like Tanjiro,” she admitted. A blush graced her cheeks when she said his name. Obanai squeezed the bamboo cup in his hand. Fire raged inside his stomach thinking of Mitsuri’s fondness over the boy. 
“What is he to you?” Obanai heard himself ask. He knew she would say she liked him and saw him as a potential husband. That much was clear from her letters and current conversation. Kamado was strong, compassionate, and seemed to like Mitsuri as she was. The boy wouldn’t be the worst choice. Bitterness filled his gut. 
“Tanjiro?” She looked up towards the sky in thought. She kicked out her legs absentmindedly. His eyes lowered to her feet and traveled up her green socks, following the lines up to her thighs. If she confessed to liking the brat, Obanai would have to throw his unrequited love away. His throat formed a lump. 
He wasn’t good enough for her. He knew that yet he kept a sliver of hope deep inside he could be. 
Not in this life. Obanai reminded himself and looked down at the dirt. In truth, he was below the dirt and the worms burrowing through. You're nothing more than trash. 
“He’s like my little brother. Haru always has a smile on his face and it brightens the whole room,” she finally answered. “It’s so cute to see how protective he is of his sister.” 
Brother? Obanai’s mind paused considering the word. Familial relationships were foreign to him having grown up in relative isolation. His interactions had been limited to food deliveries and the demon’s summons. The summons that led to his scars and family’s demise. 
On the other hand, Mitsuri came from a loving family. She spoke fondly of them and would visit them once every few months. He had several letters outline how she spent her weekend with her siblings fishing or shopping. Haru was the second born Kanroji followed by Jun, Kazuki, Shouta, and Suzume. Her parents had a textile business that was thriving. They seemed kind, much like the woman sitting in front of him on the ledge. 
“Though, to be fair, I see most of the demon slayers as family. Himejima and Rengoku were like my big brothers. Shinazugawa is my scary cousin who tries to intimidate others, but deep down he’s a softie. Uzui is another cousin, but we don’t see him often because he lives far away. Shinobu is my younger sister, but she acts older. Tomioka is like the boy who lives next door, but we love him anyway. Tokito is like my younger brother who gets distracted easily,” Mitsuri rambled on and listed off other members of the corps. Eventually, she stopped to catch her breath. She failed to mention how she saw him. 
Was he another brother, cousin, uncle, or some third cousin twice removed? Maybe he wasn’t even good enough to be considered family. He wouldn’t blame her. Obanai caught her gaze. 
“And what am I?” Obanai asked, preparing himself for the answer. If he was just another family member, he could put aside his feelings for her. 
Her face reddened and she opened her mouth, but no words came out. Great, she didn’t even consider him. He gritted his teeth and squared up his shoulders. Tension pulled on his neck and he could feel a headache coming on as Mitsuri looked away. She hid her face behind a braid. 
“You’re different,” Mitsuri replied, her voice soft. If he had not been focused, he would not have heard her. What did that mean? His nostrils flared. “You’re like…” her voice trailed off. 
“Like?” Obanai questioned. Kaburamaru uncoiled slightly and twisted his head to look directly at the Love Hashira. Mitsuri glanced back briefly and mouthed something he didn’t understand. He tilted his head and narrowed his gaze. 
“You’re not quite family, but you are, erm,” her lips twisted and she set the cup of water down. Her eyes drifted to her shoes. “Please don’t get angry,” she whispered, shutting her eyes. 
That set him back. The Snake Hashira relaxed his arms and stepped closer to her. He had been on edge ever since he talked to Sanemi about the calm before the storm. Normally, he held back showing his volatile side when he was with the Love Hashira. 
“I won’t,” Obanai said, lowering his tone to come off as calmer. She raised her head then and her green eyes focused on his two toned gaze. Her entire face was red at his proximity. In truth, he should step back and give her space. Before he could move back, she spoke. 
“You’re different because I want you to join my family,” she admitted. “Or I guess, it would be me joining your family since I’d take your name,” she swallowed. 
Take my name? His mind could not begin to process what she was insinuating. Did she want him to adopt her? That didn’t make any sense. If that were the case-Wait. Her hand reached up to his face, caressing the cream bandages. 
“If you see me in the same light, I’d like to be your bride,” Mitsuri whispered. His heart stuttered and his mind went blank. Instead he responded by reaching up to his bandages and pulling them down. He didn’t wait for her reaction to his scars. 
His lips crashed into hers. She made a shocked noise before returning his fervor. He would be lying if he said he never daydreamed about kissing her. Her hands grasped his haori and pulled him closer. He took a step forward and stood between her legs hanging off the stone guard rail. 
Her lips were softer than he imagined. His body warmed as they explored each other. It was probably hotter now than it had been from their mock battle. He set a hand down beside her hips to prevent himself from pushing her over as he leaned further into her. Kaburamaru slithered off his shoulders and down his arm. Mitsuri’s arms wrapped around his neck. 
Mitsuri was the first to pull back, trying to catch her breath. Her eyes crinkled at the edges as their eyes refocused. She had not released him from her grasp. His body hummed with excited energy. 
My bride. 
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thebisexualdogdad · 8 months
Dating Rei Suwa (x male!reader)
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● it had been a year since Rei and Kazuki left the organization to live normal lives and raise Miri
● and in that year they opened up a diner that just happened to be in your neighborhood which you became a regular at
● the food was incredible and it didn't hurt that one of the cooks was super cute as well
● Kazuki picked up pretty quickly that Rei liked you too
● you were the only customer that he willingly talked to instead of hiding from in the kitchen
● and he knew your order by heart and would start cooking it as soon as you stepped through the door
● he would even bring it to you himself so he could say hi
● Kazuki often teased him to ask you out already which Miri overheard and then joined in on
● “papa's got a boyfriend, papa's got a boyfriend” she would gleefully chant
● after a couple of months of getting to know each other he finally asks you out on a date
● which Kazuki and Miri spent all day helping him get ready for
● picking out the perfect outfit, where to go and everything
● and they definitely not so secretly follow you guys around the entire night
● they gave themselves away when they loudly cheer when you kissed him
● “I'm sorry for them”
● “it's okay Rei I knew they were following us the whole time”
● Kazuki from the background “Wait you did??”
● “yeah you aren't very sneaky you'd be a terrible assassin” which makes Rei chuckle and Kazuki gulp
● the start of your relationship is a little rough as Rei had never actually dated someone before (and was still processing the trauma of his past life)
● you just figured his reservations was due to him being a parent and needing to learn how to balance that and his romantic life
● and then there was the pretty confusing totally not ex-hitmen for hire story about how he and what he assured you was his completely platonic best friend came to be raising a child together that was not biologically either one of thiers
● but in time he finds comfort in you and opens up to you about a watered down version of his shitty childhood
● there's a lot of dates involving pizza and video games
● you think it's adorable when he lets Miri win at Mario kart
● waking up with Miri in between you guys when you spend the night because she had a nightmare
● Rei making you guys his signature French toast for breakfast
● days out with Rei, Kazuki and Miri
● you helped Miri start a scrapbook of all your adventures
● Beach days, zoos, museums, theme parks etc
● Rei secretly looks at it all the time to remind himself he deserves to be as happy as he's become
● one of Miri's favorite trips was seeing the dinosaur exhibit at the museum
● you bought her a dinosaur book from the gift shop that she became obsessed with
● you have so many photos of Miri in Rei’s lap as he reads it to her
● and Miri tells all her friends and teachers about her awesome uncle Y/N
● it's equally as confusing when you try to explain to other parents that you're the boyfriend of the guy raising a kid with his friend but you wouldn't change a thing about your perfect family
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Misaki Unasaka - Old Habits Dying Hard - BD - E10 - SPOILERS
I like Misaki as a character. I like the complexity of her character, and I’m glad to see that the reason they had her come back for Miri was because of a truly life altering situation like cancer. 
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I don’t wish ill on her (I saw a tweet over on Twitter that was basically saying they hoped the cancer killed her). She hit rock bottom, or hit the end of the sea, as the name Unasaka can mean. The kanji for sea also has the kanji of “regret” making up a part of it:
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And I do think that we are seeing Misaki expressing regret here. Addicts, people stuck in abusive relationships, and other such situations, often don’t realize how bad things have gotten until they are at their absolute worst. That’s what’s happened to Misaki here. She’s trying for a fresh start:
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A hair cut, new set of clothes, and wanting Miri back in her life.
I do think that she’s coming from a good intentioned place, and for wanting what’s best for Miri. But, some things are still feeling off, but not in a “she’s evil and wants to ruin them” kinda way, more in a “I don’t know if Misaki will be able to break out of bad habits that will end up harming her, her relationship with Miri, and Miri.”
When Kazuki met Misaki, she was at the end of her rope and most definitely burned out. Now, Misaki has had a year without Miri, so seeing Miri again and interacting with her can be viewed as easier, especially since she seems to want to try and due right by Miri this time. But she still seems to be floating, she mentions living with her parents, but then Rei brings up the Christmas show coming up at the daycare, so she states she’ll rent an apartment.
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She lost her job and “her man,” but hasn’t stated what her new source of income is yet. And while she seemed comfortable enough in the kitchen, and Miri is nothing but smiles at seeing her Mama again, the way she interacts with Miri feels more like a visitor than a mother:
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There is a distance there, which could be explained by the one year absence, but not quite. I lived in Japan for six years. I was an adult at the time, but my family experienced a lot of changes at that time. But when I came home for good, it felt like no time had passed at all. 
With Misaki, it feels more like a friend of the parents dropping by with the way Miri introduced everything to her. I do like how Misaki’s mother asked Miri her thoughts on who she wanted to live with:
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It’s important. She may be young, but her thoughts and feelings on the matter aren’t pointless or useless. That being said, the way Misaki asked it seemed a bit competitive in a way. Or, a better way to say this, is that she might feel a bit inferior here. They were likely able to provide for Miri in a way that she couldn’t. Both her and Kazuki are butting heads here, since they are both trying to fulfill a similar “mother” based role, and both feel a bit threatened in a way. Rei just doesn’t fit into that role, which is why he is able to mediate between the two of them.
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As the end of the episode stands, it seems like Miri is going to go off and live with Misaki. That’s what Kazuki and Rei think, that that Ferris wheel ride was the last time they would be with her. And while that could end up being the case, the series is an anime original, so none of us know what will happen yet...A part of me just don’t think that will end up being the case.
Both Kazuki and Rei have shown that they can grow and change, especially if its for Miri’s sake. They talk a lot about that in the Ferris wheel, and we (the audience) have seen this. But with Misaki, we don’t know yet. We hear her talking about change, we see her physically changing her appearance, but the moment that stands out to me is this one:
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She was reaching for a cig even though she has throat cancer! She likely got that cancer because of smoking, and yet, here she is - smoking still. Rei used to smoke too, but once Miri came into the picture, and after he really started to bond with her and care about her, we haven’t seen him smoking, even at Kyu’s cafe. I think the last time he smoked was back in Episode 4 or something. It’s been ages.
He broke a habit and changed for Miri.
Will Misaki be able to do the same? Or do old habits die hard for her? 
I don’t know how, exactly, they are going to chose to wrap this situation up fully. Will they have Misaki pass away due to the cancer, and then have Miri going back to Kazuki and Rei in the end (or would she end up with her grandparents then, since they still seem to be in the picture)? Will Misaki realize that maybe motherhood really is just something that isn’t for her in the end and allow Miri to return to Kazuki and Rei? Or will they go for a “blended family” type of situation?
I don’t know. They could go in a totally different direction as well. We’ll just have to wait and see, which is a scary prospect, I know, but I’m extremely intrigued by the direction they might take things.
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aleespace · 2 years
Hot take?
I hate that we never got to see more of Kazurei relationship like outside of this parental thing. All they talk about is somehow related to Miri or their work. I need them to talk about their feeling towards each other.
Especially because of the latest episode where they were like "There's no reason for us to stay together if Miri is gone" I mean yes Rei had this situation with his father and he couldn't stay with Kazuki but the way it was shown like they only care about Miri and not each other?? I hoped that in this episode they would say something like "Miri is gone but we still have each other" or "I don't want to lose you too" I don't ask for much just something along the lines of "It's not all about Miri, I care about you too" but apparently i do ask for much
And I don't want to hear about this poorly animated car scene where Rei basically just said "I liked it how you cleaned my house" of course you did but this is not the way writers should've shown Rei's affection or at least it shouldn't have been the only time Rei showed his appreciation simply because this is not enough, not in the show about a family
Imagine me being a casual watcher. I don't dig in dip, i don't analyse and think about the subtext, i only know what i see on the screen and i see that they only care about Miri because they always talk about her and when she's gone i see that they don't talk at all.
"But they lived together before Miri! Kazuki took care of Rei!" Yeah, but why? Why??? Sure we can speculate on it but isn't it writers job to explain us, the viewers, reasoning behind characters actions?
So yeah... Just needed to speak out
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hoejosatoru · 1 year
your faves written by my faves
I believe all anime men can be categorized by if they were written by Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey, or Ethel Cain. 
Characters: jujutsu kaisen, haikyuu, chainsaw man, tokyo revengers, demon slayer, attack on titan, hunter x hunter, buddy daddies, MHA, hell’s paradise
CW for suggestive content, toxic relationship for Ethel Cain category. All characters are time skip as applies (ex Tokyo rev/haikyuu). MDNI 
Written by Taylor Swift
Sweet & Romantic. The boy next-door type. Friends to lovers vibe. The type to throw rocks at your window and get you to sneak out just to watch the stars. Writes you letters. So many of each other’s firsts. Feels like a fairytale. Can range from a soft and gentle love to one that's fast and exciting, depending on person/situation. Always holds your hand when walking. A strong, healthy relationship. Would literally rather die than upset you. Buys you flowers. Sends you songs he thinks you’ll love. Calls you sweetheart, baby, my love. Loved by your friends and family. Makes you believe in love.
Yuta Okkotsu, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Denji (I swear once he calms down a lil he’d be a great partner), Takemichi, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Chifuyu, Kazutora, Shinichiro, Hinata Shoyo, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Akaashi, Bokuto, Kageyama, Osamu, Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Kenma, 99% of the haikuu cast unless listed elsewhere, Giyu, Rengoku, Jean, Connie, Armin, Kurapika, Leorio, Kazuki, Hawks
“Can I tell you a secret?” your best friend asks. You’re laying out on a blanket, watching the stars. You look at him, admiring how they twinkle in his eyes.
“Of course.” 
“I think I love you.” He looks at you then, filling your chest with warmth. You’ve waited for him to say those words for so long, to name what has always existed between you.
“Can I show you what I think?” He nods eagerly. You lean in, pressing your lips to his. It is everything you always hoped it would be. He smiles into your kiss. “I think I love you, too.”
Written by Lana Del Rey
Sensual & Intense. Bad boy or hard exterior, but soft on the inside. Likes showing you off, but hates when other men look at you. Always has a hand on your lower back. Possessive, but in a controlling way. Dress slutty I can fight type. And he means it he will fuck anyone up for you. Makes you feel safe. Most likely to have a scandalous type of relationship (like an age gap, he has a bad reputation, etc). Probably has some sorta vice (smoking/drinking/fighting). High sex drive, he just can’t resist you :(. Probably has a daddy kink or is a dom (mostly soft/pleasure). Calls you princess, angel, pretty girl. Sometimes the relationship can be toxic, but you know the foundation is built on love. 
Draken, Mikey, Ran, Rindou, Wakasa, Baji, Taiju, Inui, Koko, Sanzu, Izana, Kakucho, basically all of tokyo rev unless listed elsewhere, Rei, Toji, Geto, Gojo, Nanami, Suna, Terushima, Atsumu, Ushijima, Coach Ukai, Aki, Kishibe, Tengen, Obanai, Sanemi, Akaza, Levi, Eren, Reiner, Zeke, Aizawa, Gabimaru, Yamada Asaemon Shion, Tenza
“Come ‘ere baby,” he calls to you. He’s been eyeing you in that little sundress all night and his will power has run thin. You stand between his legs, looking down at him with a soft smile. The setting sun twinkles against the chain around his neck, making him look extra handsome. His large hand is on the back of your thigh, sliding up higher and higher and- you gasp his name and he squeezes your ass under your dress.
“People are gonna see!” you whisper yell, gesturing to all your friends mingling in your backyard. He has a lazy smile on his face as he rubs circles on your inner thigh.
“Don’t care,” he says, “Can’t resist my pretty girl anymore.”
Written by Ethel Cain
Toxic & Addictive. A waling red flag, but baby you are color blind. You know you shouldn’t, but there’s just something about him. He’s addictive. Super possessive and controlling. Always has his hands on you. Leaves bruises. Most likely to be a criminal or something darker. Would kill for you. Swears he loves you and that's why he acts so crazy. Honestly brings out the crazy in you too. Super high sex drive, wants you all the time. Hard dom. Calls you my girl when feeling nice, slut when he isn’t. Says my slut when he’s somewhere in between. Codependent. Fuck everyone but us type.
Sukuna, Douma, Hantengu clones, Muzan, Gyutaro, Hanma, Aza Chobe, Chrollo, Feitan, hisoka, illumi
He has your jaw in his hands, squeezing. Hard. There’s a twisted smile on his face, one that makes your heart race and your thighs rub together. 
“You know you can never leave me, right?” he questions you. Though you know it is no question right. “You’re mine. Forever.” His hips have you pinned to the bed as he licks up your neck.
“All yours,” you reply. And you mean it. You were two halves of a fucked up whole. You loved him even if it drove you crazy.
His hand goes down your pants. “Good girl.”
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keeahh · 1 year
my only real gripe with the Buddy Daddies finale is that it seems like they backtracked on Rei and Kazuki's relationship. And I don't mean like romantically or anything, I really didn't think it would go that way. But during the timeskip part it seemed like they weren't that close? When Miri wanted to take the picture she had to ask them to stand closer together because they were like 2 feet apart?? And they were like "do we have to?" like it's been 10 years and you guys can't hug?? after everything that happened? and when Miri said "Come on we're family!" And Rei was like "Family?" and him and Kazuki gave each other that look, like what? YES family, you only made a huge deal of it and literally shot yourself in the arm and defied your father so you could have this family, and now you're acting like it's weird? I don't know, after how the previous part ended I expected them to be closer and more comfortable with each other. Like what happened to that development? It was disappointing, but maybe it's just me...
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skeletonpunching · 2 years
Buddy Daddies interview with Toyonaga Toshiyuki and Uchiyama Koki
Interview with Toyonaga Toshiyuki and Uchiyama Koki (voice actors for Kurusu Kazuki and Suwa Rei) Interviewer: As we look back on "Buddy Daddies" up to this point - first of all, how do you feel about the early plot developments?
Toyonaga: The very beginning of episode 1 was an incredibly hard-boiled action scene, and then episode 2 was a total about-face - from that point on, it became more of a sitcom. I think that tonal shift was very intriguing, and everyone in the audience might have wondered, "Just where will things go from here?"
Uchiyama: It all started with a scene of assassins carrying out a mission, and the "assassins" premise itself was a very anime-typical hook in the first place. It seemed likely that there would be all sorts of drama, and so I expected a large proportion of the anime to be dedicated to that. But just like Toyonaga-san said, as the story progressed, the sitcom elements were unexpectedly pronounced; that left a strong impression on me as well.
Interviewer: Since then, Kurusu Kazuki, Suwa Rei, and Unasaka Miri have fully become a "family" - in review, are there any episodes that left a particular impression on you?
Toyonaga: Well, it's a fact that Kazuki and Rei are assassins, and they really did kill Miri's father...
Uchiyama: That was quite a grim start to the story, wasn't it.
Toyonaga: It sure was. And so the two of them find themselves obligated to look after this child, and they grapple with the conflicted feelings of "surely we can't actually bring her up, can we?" That's the first half of the series. Kazuki gets proactive about the parenting thing from pretty early on, but Rei's values and mindset change bit by bit over time... The part around episodes 8 and 9, when he reaches the point of thinking "it would be nice if life could go on like this", was very memorable. 
Uchiyama: Episodes 8 and 9 left a real impression on me too. Episode 8 focuses on Rei's biological family, and it depicts a tragic battle with a character who seemed closely connected with Rei in the past. So going from that to the events of sports day in episode 9 is a major shift for him. At first, Rei wasn't especially keen on parenting or living together with a child, but now he's shouting at the top of his lungs in order to cheer for Miri. I found that scene incredibly dramatic. In the recording sessions for the early episodes, I was often directed to perform Rei with more "restraint", so it came as a real shock to raise my voice during sports day and shout "Go for it!" But looking back upon the story as a whole, I've tried to portray his gradual transformation over time; that was the moment it really hit me.
Interviewer: What do you think of Kazuki and Rei's buddy relationship?
Uchiyama: The "buddy concept" is fundamental to the series, but since Miri has been part of the mix right from the start, I have a stronger impression of them as a "trio", when it comes down to it. In a manner of speaking, I think this is a story about the buddies being wrapped around Miri's finger.
Toyonaga: Kazuki and Rei each have their own dark pasts and traumatic burdens, but they've never experienced what regular children go through while growing up and as teens. Of course, the setup of these two falling under the sway of the innocent Miri might be kind of disorienting, but it sure is ripe for drama. There were just so many points where I thought, "Right, of course that's how it'd go!" In that sense, I think the balance of the three-person dynamic is absolutely perfect. And as for my approach as an actor - I give a pretty aggressive performance, so sometimes I'm really riding roughshod over Ucchi (Uchiyama)... Rei is a character who has to be defined in direct opposition to Kazuki, so I'm always like, "Ucchi, I'm so sorry." (laughs)
Uchiyama: No, no, not at all! (laughs) If anything, I really enjoy those plot developments of Rei getting pushed around. The story is richly varied, and every episode has a major shift in tone, so even we actors have a lot of fun during the recording sessions. Speaking from the audience perspective, I think this series was designed to keep the viewers hooked to the very end.
Interviewer: The ins and outs of parenting are very realistically depicted. Which of those scenes left the strongest impression on you?
Toyonaga: Out of everything till now? It's got to be the episode where they send her to daycare.  
Uchiyama: The rules and minutiae of what you have to bring to daycare really are so detailed.
Toyonaga: There's a whole list.
Uchiyama: And you need to put the name on every single thing. It was fun seeing Kazuki getting so worked up over that.
Toyonaga: I bet all the fathers and mothers of the world who've been through the same thing looked at Kazuki and Rei and went, "Right, right! It's tough, isn't it!" It's like Kazuki and Rei are receiving messages from all these viewers, and that leads to a reversal of the original setup. That's the point where I really sensed how far we'd come from episode 1's plot, and how unexpected this gap was. And this is a minor thing, but: Rei sleeping in the bathroom. It felt like a fantasy element in the middle of all this realism - that's the kind of deft balance only an anime can pull off.
Interviewer: Throughout all these interviews, we've heard from members of the staff that Toyonaga-san's performance of Kazuki and Uchiyama-san's performance of Rei "feel like the script was written for them". How do you feel about these comments?
Toyonaga: We were selected through auditions, but if that's how they feel after taking a chance on us, then I'm truly honoured as an actor. Everyone on the production team, starting with Director Asai, has given us a lot of leeway with the performances, and I think that's a huge part of it as well. Even if we take an odd or unexpected approach to the material, they allow it, and they have the capacity to chew it over and examine it closely. That's part of what brings all this together.
Uchiyama: When it comes to an original series, the cast is always wondering how the series will turn out. I suppose those on the staff side don't wonder quite as much as us, but I'm sure there are also things they don't know until they actually get going. For adaptations, the creators often turn to the source material for answers, but in an original series, the image of the characters is truly solidified by listening to the actual voices during the recording sessions. I think that's the true charm of an original series.
Toyonaga: When I think about it, it's a real privilege as an actor - receiving the outline of a character and getting to flesh that out through trial and error. By adding my personal touches to a character, I can put my own spin on things, and that's a lot of fun - but at the same time, it gives me a responsibility. There are things I have to be careful with. I need to present my own take on a character, while making sure that the emotional development and payoff fit perfectly.
Uchiyama: I've worked with Director Asai multiple times, and I know that I can safely leave the directorial decisions to him. I have faith that as long as we do our best during recording, he'll elevate our work to a whole new level with his wonderful images. I feel no misgivings at all. And so, as a viewer, I myself look forward eagerly to every completed episode.
Interviewer: "Buddy Daddies" is entering the final stages of the plot at last. What highlights does it hold?
Toyonaga: In episode 7, we see Karin - the younger sister of Kazuki's late wife. And Rei's father shows up in episode 8...
Uchiyama: You get to see their respective pasts.
Toyonaga: And after that, in episode 9, their feelings towards Miri gradually merge into one. But it's not just those "emotions" - there are also certain things which mustn't be forgotten... And from episode 10 onwards, those things truly take shape. What will they actually do with Miri? Can the trio's relationship really go on like this? And Ogino Ryo - an assassin who frequents Kyu-chan's (Kugi Kyutaro's) shop - gets involved. In this world of assassins, what will become of a girl like Miri, who lives a cheerful and hearty life despite her forlorn circumstances? That's what the story will address at last.
Interviewer: Just how will all the pieces that have been laid out so far be brought together...
Toyonaga: When you're wondering what will really happen with Miri, you should remember there's still someone who's related to her by blood... I think that relationship is going to play a key role.
Uchiyama: In a sense, there are some rather serious plot developments towards the end. I'm very curious how audiences will react at that point. I think those hard-boiled story elements are depicted in a style that's very characteristically "Buddy Daddies". I feel like those same plot points might be approached quite differently, in another series with a different atmosphere.
Interviewer: I hear the last episode has a plot point that was somewhat unexpected for both of you...?
Uchiyama: I was wondering how this story would be concluded, but I truly didn't have the slightest clue until I read the script for the finale.
Toyonaga: But the fact that Director Asai chose to end the story this way - naturally, it makes you reflect upon what he was trying to convey through this series.
Uchiyama: Personally, it came as quite a surprise.
Toyonaga: As far as the ending is concerned, I'm curious what all the viewers will make of it. For example, there are bound to be the realist types who make comments like "here's how things would go in real life", even for an anime. When it comes to those people, what I want to say isn't "fact is stranger than fiction", but rather, "Actually, isn't this surprisingly realistic?" That's the question I'll put to them. I think the ending makes you consider whether you can accept something like this.
Uchiyama: Considering the story as a whole, if you take out Kazuki, Rei, and Miri's backstories and relationship as a "pseudo-family", I think you'd be left with a very dark atmosphere. It was a new experience for me to witness how this could be depicted in an original series, through the lens of anime, and how it could be shown from this particular angle.
Toyonaga: I think you'll find yourself surprised, in some form or other. Last of all, I hope you'll enjoy each and every episode till the very end.
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
A Kid? (Kazuki Kurusu x gn!reader)
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...notes: I have watched buddy daddies and I love kazukii, also its 12 am so if it doesn't make sense, that's why.
...contains: fluff, a hint of angst, brief mention of cheating, brief allusion to cheating (tho it never happens)
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"WHERE IS HE?!" you thought to yourself as you kept waiting for your boyfriend to call you and tell you how their mission went. It's been over 2 hours since he last texted you, the text said that everything would go smoothly and that he would come over after.
Their missions always ended fast because of how well thought out their plans were, so you don't know what's keeping Kazuki right now. You huffed and set your phone on your night stand, you'll just have to deal with it and give Kazuki his gift in the morning.
Morning came and you checked your phone first thing, still no messages. You sighed and made up your mind to just go visit Rei's place since he'd be most likely there.
You take your keys and gift and walk over to Rei's place, since his flat was just a floor below you. When you get there, you knock on the door and wait for an answer. A minute passed and nobody answered, so you knocked again. Still no response.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, is Kazuki still asleep? Normally he'd be up by now making breakfast. You knocked yet again, "Kazuki? Are you there?" At that, the door finally opened, revealing a very annoyed Rei.
"Rei! Is Kazuki home?" you asked, fiddling with the ribbon you tied Kazuki's gift with. "He's here." Rei grumbled and opened the door wide for you to go inside. Thanking him, you quickly walk to the living room, setting the gift down on the coffee table. When you turned around you saw Kazuki holding a child.
You froze.
What the hell?
Kazuki looked at you confused at first before he finally realized what  you were looking at. "It- it's not what you think! Let me explain!" He waved his arm around nervously and put the child down, "Her name's Miri and we're trying to find a way to get her home."
"How did she get here?" you asked, there was no reason for you not to believe Kazuki. You trusted him with your life so you trust him enough not to have cheated on you during your relationship. He's always been a gentleman, telling you beforehand if a mission requires seduction so you wouldn't have to worry.
"I took the train!" Miri said with glee, like she was proud of herself and she most likely was. Kazuki sighs, "The things we know are that she lives far away and her mother's a singer." You think for a second, trying to remember any celebrity singer that had a child like Miri and you draw a blank.
"That doesn't really give much info." you said, "But you're going to find a way to get that information aren't you?" Kazuki scratches his head, "That's what we're doing next, we were just about to leave actually."
"Me and Rei."
You crossed your arms, "You were just about to leave this child alone, in this apartment, unsupervised?" you could see Kazuki visibly start to sweat, "Rei wasn't going to stay with her so…" If looks could kill, the glare you'd sent his way would've had him dead by now.
"I'll look after her for you." you finally said after several minutes of tense silence. Kazuki sighed in relief, relieved to not be under your intense gaze any longer. He turns on the TV to a children's channel and kissed you on the cheek, "We'll be right back. Miri, be good, okay?"
Miri didn't bother to answer, eyes glued to the screen as she danced with the animated vegetables. You smile and gently push your boyfriend, "She'll be fine, dear, now go."
With that, Kazuki's off with Rei in tow, leaving you with a child, who doesn't seem to be losing energy anytime soon.
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© do not repost, translate, heavily reference any of my works and please reblog
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ideas-4-stories · 1 year
Headcanons for the Roger Pirates
The Roger Pirates as a whole
Pretty goofy people and quite chaotic group of misfits.
You know damn right that why Shanks and Buggy party so much is because of the Roger Pirates. (Especially Roger)
Had harder time watching over those gremlin-like balls of chaos (a.k.a. children) than fighting most foes.
They all helped raised Buggy and Shanks at some point. If they were there when Shanks and Buggy came aboard. Most of them are like Uncles and Aunts to Buggy and Shanks.
Gol D. Roger
Bisexual energy or Pansexual energy or hell both vibes
The only way he can comfort somebody is if he keeps his mouth shut. Usually trying to comfort somebody with words makes everything worse. Example: Buggy.
This man would sleep with only boxers or nothing at all, which is unfortunate when someone decides to attack the Roger Pirates when Roger was sleeping. Cause this man would jump into battle with a second thought. He'll be like, "Welp they couldn't of attack when I was sleeping" Roger is shameless, cuz he doesn't care.
That comes into this is that I totally seeing him getting drunk and losing his clothes. Waking up with a hangover, walking through town without a care in the fucking world. To the dismay of Rayleigh and many of the Roger Pirates.
Roger is a man-child, and that should be a fact in life. This man would rather stare a wall, making weird faces, alongside Shanks than do the captain things of taking care of pricing and just things captains do that's not his type of fun.
There's a lot of similarities with Roger and Luffy, but one thing that's different is that Luffy doesn't think. Roger does, but decides to do that crazy thing anyway, because why the fuck not
Silvers Rayleigh
Straight energy but seems to have platonic relationship with Roger and Gaban like 'Buggy Daddies' Rei and Kazuki.
Rayleigh has many pairs of glasses for the reason of his captain. From the crazy fights he wants to fight and the crazy islands he wants to go to. Rayleigh learned early on that he needs a lot of glasses. Even now that he's retired, he still has another pair of glasses with him. Shakky got him down to five instead of ten.
Rayleigh sometimes just swims for no rest but to destress, which stresses Gaban out because it leaves him in charge of their captain. Which isn't a thing at anyone wants to do. Expect for Shanks and Buggy wanting to be "responsibility", but everyone knows they would all just cause chaos together.
Scopper Gaban
Gay energy, and the reason for one of the unofficial mottos of the Red-Haired Pirates 'Smashed as many brewskis as you can in under a minute. Then try your best not to blackout and just start walking in a straight line, whoever is the best at all wins'
One of the only people in the Roger Pirates that have a sound mind or a person that is sensible and has common sense (alongside Rayleigh and few other people) But of course he has his moments as being as crazy as Roger, this goes as well with Rayleigh.
He was the one that had to always change Buggy and Shanks diapers, when it was just Roger, Rayleigh, him, and the kids. Hell, even with the other Roger Pirates, would try their best to nope out.
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afra-blueraz · 6 months
🦋 Admin Afra talks:
I wanna recommend an anime to you to make you smile from the bottom of your heart. I watched ( Buddy Daddies ) anime yesterday and this anime has become one of my comfort animes. I love father-daughter relationships, and in my opinion, every story and anime needs one of these relationships because it's so cute. Now imagine what would happen if there were two dads instead of one. Also, I'm glad the anime didn't try to force a gay relationship between the two men. I am not a big fan of Yaoi anime. To be honest, I am not a fan of Yaoi and Yuri at all. I'm not saying I hate it, I just don't like this genre. I have not tried to watch Yaoi until now, maybe I will try it later and change my opinion about it. But what was so lovely about this anime was that it didn't try to go with a forced romance. Kazuki and Rei were two friends that a little girl changes their lives and they understand how much this girl is dear to them and decide to change because of this girl.
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Plot Story: Well, at first glance, you think this anime is very similar to Spy x Family, but in my opinion, this anime was better than that. The comedy of the story and the relationship between parents and children was depicted much more attractively. It was very admirable that this story was related to the mafia but tried to maintain a sweet and family atmosphere. And that in the final episodes, we saw a combination of drama, action and the beautiful love of two fathers for their daughter. I was so hooked that I couldn't wait to see the next episode.
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Miri: Cute, simple and lovely little girl. Miri is very cute and kind. I swear, whenever she smiles, I want to hug her and squeeze her so that she suffocates. I know that her daddies will kill me. I was very upset when I heard the truth about Miri's real parents. I don't know if this is true or not, but I'm glad Miri's real parents are dead. Miri is a pure and innocent girl and deserves to always smile. She should be with her daddies. Those two are better parents for Miri.
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Kazuki: Dad as a lovely mom. I love that he became Miri's daddy in such a profound way from the first time he met her. It's as if he's been waiting all his life for the moment when a child calls him daddy. Kazuki's relationship with Miri is sometimes very funny. That he thinks so much about Miri's future and does not want any boy to approach Miri. He is a very cute dad. Kazuki's past and the death of his wife and child were very sad for me. Maybe that was the reason why Kazuki was so afraid of change. But he has Miri now. A girl who really loves him and makes him happy. Kazuki deserves this happy and beautiful family.
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Rei: I fell in love with Rei at first sight. His character and style are very cool. He was always tired and playing games or killing people. I love that in his first meeting with Miri he told Kazuki I can shoot that girl to complete our mission and in the last he turned into a man saying Miri is my daughter. Don't you dare to hurt her, otherwise I will kill you myself. Rei needed more time than Kazuki to get to know Miri and become attached to her. On that first day, he even refused to hug Miri, but he slowly approached her, he told the guards that she is my daughter and hugged her, he played with her, he slept in Miri's arms, he took care of her when she was sick, to the party He went to Miri's kindergarten and encouraged her, and in the end, he fought with his family, his own father to protect Miri. It was very interesting that in the end, Kazuki suggested that Miri be sent to an orphanage in another city so that she would be safe, but Rei refused and said that he wanted to stay with Miri for the rest of his life and raise her like his own daughter. Rei made a lot of progress. I swear I wanted to cry when he talked to his father about his love for Miri. Rei has really fallen in love with Miri and loves her more than anyone else. According to him, he was just like a walking dead before he meet Miri, but now he knows the meaning of life and he doesn't want to lose it. Miri is his dear daughter.
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Kyo: He had a mysterious personality and considering that he worked for the Suwa family, it was natural. When he said that he wanted to take care of Miri, I was very scared and said that if he finds out the truth, he will surely kill Miri, but what did he do instead? He made a special juice for Miri and called her my princess. This man is an exemplary father. The close bond he developed with Miri and helping Rei and Kazuki take care of Miri was so sweet.
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Misaki: I hated her as a mother. I was very angry that she left Miri to go back to her mafia lover. She is your daughter, Bitch. But in the end she also changed. When she got cancer, she realized how precious Miri was to her. She decided to be a good mother to make Miri happy in her last moments. The fact that she regretted what she did is valuable to me, but to be honest, I am happy that she is dead, she does not deserve to be a mother for Miri. She could not be a good mother to Miri.
At the end of this story, it had a wonderful ending. Kazuki and Rei get the happiness they deserve, and Miri lives a happy life with two men who love her more than anyone else. If you want to have happy moments for a few short moments, I suggest you watch this anime.
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impromptu-sketches · 1 year
Buddy Daddies, final thoughts.
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I had such a fun time watching this show one episode at a time every Friday morning. I haven’t been this tuned in to an anime in a long time but I was so excited about this one from the beginning!
It’s so weird thinking back to everyone saying “it’s like Spy x Family with two guys” because that became inaccurate so fast haha we really thought it was going to be a light-hearted comedy... they really got us.
I loved the Wednesday previews, the music (especially the lofi remix!), the instagram posts, the notes, and whoever started the bingo, bless you! ♡
Overall Buddy Daddies was a rollercoaster (not ferris wheel thank goodness)! I really could not guess where it was going from episode to episode, it could have gone in a million different directions, but I am so happy that this is the story we got.
The way Miri burst into everyone’s hearts from episode one ♡ and for a four/five year old, was shown to be such a great kid who wants to be accepted, wants to make friends, who sticks up for others, and who tells people when they’re doing something wrong.
Rei starting out as a stereotypical quiet mysterious dark haired character but becoming SO MUCH MORE. Sure it took him a minute but he was the one who FOUGHT for their family the most - he became the GLUE. We all thought it was going to be Kazuki, but it was Rei. He said ‘I want to be a family’ and then they DID.
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Kazuki on the other hand, the overprotective mama hen, he created their family. He CHOSE Rei, chose to move in, chose to take care of him, to buy him a couch, cook for him, and stay with him. He took one look at Miri, smiled and chose to run after her - he didn’t have to do that during their mission. He chose to risk the mission to save her, to call himself her papa, to take her home. This means so much more knowing he’s an orphan who never had a family - he went and created one.
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About the queerness specifically ~
From what I saw -from the show- if I knew nothing about it and just hit play and watched all the way through...
Rei seemed ace/aro to me. He’s not shown to have any romantic or sexual relationships past, present, or time skip. This guy grew up with ZERO affection so it’s either he doesn’t know how, can’t, or isn’t interested. But there’s no attempt or interest, so aro/ace it is! Even with Kazuki, we see him accepting help, them clearly forming a bond to be living together for three+ years and be partners doing dangerous work together - that requires a lot of trust and we finally see that trust and teamwork in episode 12 - but it’s unspoken between them. They’re not affectionate with each other, not physically close, etc. (that we see anyway).
Kazuki definitely seems bi or pan. He’s obviously into women, but he also does this thing where he’s kind of flirty with guys in a joking way? (see images below) To me that’s nervous bisexual energy. That’s just the overall vibe I get from him too. Also that look he had on his face when he first saw Rei... suspicious.
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Would I have liked it if they showed each other more affection? Yes! Especially in the later episodes. If their relationship was canon? Hell yes! Because I like BL and I think it would’ve been cute and also made sense and added to their character development. 
There’s ~plenty~ of room to read into queerness in this show... I actually think it would be an even better story if they were in a relationship for a few reasons.
For Rei, finally being free to be his true self, being with someone for love and not for the family bloodline, to accept love and affection. And Kazuki, forgiving himself, letting himself be happy again, finding love again. I think that’s an amazing story for the both of them!
But they didn’t make it that way. This show isn’t (technically) a BL and that’s okay. They still both found happiness and family - and that’s what’s most important.
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Buddy Daddies was FUN and that could have been it but it was deeper than that, watching all of them grow and change together. The ending made me cry tears of joy and relief that they’re all happy and safe.
I have a few tiny things I didn’t like or would have changed, but they’re so minor looking back at the show as a whole.
I do wish they spread out the story, either with more episodes, longer episodes, or both. I wanted to see more small moments, more fluff, more day-to-day family activities, more Rei & Kazuki being friends and having regular conversations, and more assassin scenes with them working together like in the beginning of ep. 1 and in ep. 12. We mostly saw them mess up their work... I wanted to see more action!!
But the show did SO MUCH more than expected with this story. 
The ending episode was AMAZING!! We got to see them fight together for themselves and their family, we saw them being there for Miri, and the time skip!!!! I CRIED EVERY TIME I WATCHED THE TIME SKIP SCENE!!! Miri growing up to be a lovely happy healthy girl. Rei & Kazuki owning a diner at the beach. A simple life full of love and acceptance.
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From episode 1, did I think Buddy Daddies would make me cry? NO
Did I think I would post this much about this show? NO I wasn’t planning on posting about it at all!
But here we are crying and spending all day/night on tumblr sharing our thoughts, reading the thoughts of others. It’s been a blast!
*Update ~
I wrote all that ^ the weekend after ep. 12 came out and now it’s almost a month later.
I’m so happy to see everyone still posting about them ♡♡♡
Lily is still posting drawings - we’ve gotten so many great ones, official images from the DVDs are coming out, and I’ve seen so much fanart and fanfiction going around! Amazing!! Thank you to all of the creators out there!!
Shoutout to some fanarts on twitter I’m loving!
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@KMRbd5118 ^
@tamsekai​ | twitter
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‘Kill the longing, close the wound’
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Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial with the prompt #FFF255 In the Heart
Fandom: Buddy Daddies
Pairing: Kazuki Kurusu/Rei Suwa, Kazurei
Word Count: 605
Warning: Not so fluffy, a bit angsty, written during the first scenes of Episode 11 : Everyone Will Be Hypocrites
“I'll never know which way to flow/Set a course that I don't know.” (“Everything Flows,” Teenage Fanclub)
WHEN Kazuki took the last batch of what he owned from the loft already prepared at the foyer, he realised that Rei was not in. There was, however, a note on the dining table.
“Give me some more time,” it said. Kazuki rolled his eyes and shook his head. He angrily crumpled the paper and discarded it to the next waste bin which was at the kitchen. He missed the target. Kazuki walked on and didn’t bother to pick it up.
He headed back again to his old room to check if he forgot something, just in case, like the rest of his collection of crime fiction that he kept underneath his bed, and the empty vintage American gin bottles he got as birthday presents. For the last time, he savoured the moment to take one last look at the place he once called home for almost three and a half years, which was now devoid of his computers, clothes and other paraphernalia.
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And the kitchen? It was his favourite place in the apartment. He ran his fingers onto the tabletop, glanced at the tidied jars and the cans of spices. Until his sight fell on the bottles of Balsamico and olive oil that one of them forgot to bring back to the cupboards. It irritated him that none of them bothered, i.e. leaving the condiments stay untouched since Miri had lived with her mother. Come to think of it this used to be his kingdom once, but he felt hollow now more than ever.
He let out a sigh he was keeping for so long. When he closed the door of the apartment it felt final and infallible that he never looked back. The action pierced his heart.
Time to move forward, Kazuki.
The Comedian knew the way to the Fairy Lips by heart. He knew it even if his eyes were closed. He could tell the alleyways and pinpoint the correct shield. This was where he always went whenever his heart was heavy, full of sorrow. Just like tonight.
“Well, well, look who’s here? The Comedian is here, Carol, ready to make us laugh,” the violet-haired Dorothy told her girlfriend.
“What can we do for you today, Kazu-kun? Didn’t it work out with your new love?” Dorothy’s punches went straight to his guts.
“Kazu-kun, we miss your jokes! We haven’t seen you in a long time,” Carol quipped, grabbing his arm, kissing his cheeks.
After Rei had decided that they had to go their separate ways, he was without anchor. Miri pointed them to the right direction of their relationship and most of all, held them together like a glue. First it was Yuzu, then Miri was gone. Now Rei too.
He was heartbroken, but what could he do? He was used to it. He was used to people “abandoning” him. Intentional or otherwise. The sound of a rush-hour traffic in downtown Fukuoka couldn’t assuage the pain he was feeling inside.
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Truth to tell it baffled him the moment Rei decided it was better for them to be separated after being partners for less than four years. And in order to save face, he told Rei that he could keep his loft by himself. Besides, the apartment was too big for one person.
But the younger man was insistent on giving him a parting gift: his ST Dupont lighter and a promise that he would abandon smoking forever. It remained to be seen if he would keep it and Kazuki would pretend that he never cared.
Note: June used to be a month for Kazureiweek. So I am reliving it bc I miss it. Also, I’ve been meaning to write a story during the Episode 11 era. I’ve been thinking of other possibilities if things turn out differently: if the situation wouldn’t be resolved during the second balcony scene.
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