#i just need to start new and get rid of some of the negative energy )
livin4woso · 1 month
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Silent until spoken too-(arsenal x adhd! Reader)
Summary- growing up reader has always been told that they talk too much or too loud so when transferring to a new team they decide to take a new approach dont speak unless spoken too. Yet it only takes the young aussie to break the readers doubts and the rest of the team follow in persuit.
It was a fresh start for you but this time you need to make a good impression. The words of your mother rang in your thoughts,'no one likes the loud girl' it was something as much as you tried to explain she never understood your talkative behaviour or uncontrollable volume when you speak.
It was when you were 18 that you were finally diagnosed with adhd it was like a weight lifted of your shoulders that you never knew you were carrying to begin with. Knowing this information gave you clarity of why you did certain things yet you still could never justify them and you let the words of ignorant others to swirl in your mind.
Don't be the loud annoying one. Instead, be the opposite. Be silent until spoken too.
The first day of training had arrived quickly and you sat and hyped yourself up in your car to get all of your pent up energy out as you couldn't get rid of it by talking someones ear off then you had to do it some other way. You made your way into the changing room to be introduced to all the sqaud, which was relatively quick and filled with hand shakes and a few hi's and normal chat.
Until you reached the young aussie midfielder, she was a little bit older than you as you were just freshly 20, and she was 22, but there was something different about her a welcoming energy. "Hi, im kyra, but you probably know that.. wait, unless you didnt sorry i shouldn't assume" the words tumble out her mouth at rapid pace yet too you it was the perfect speed. "Hi im y/n nice to meet you" you say back holding your hand out "also i do know that you're kyra so don't worry" you reply letting go of her hand before making your way to your cubby to put on your boots.
Training began, and the negative thoughts still swirled in your mind each time you began to get more talking, which caused you to shut down into silence again, giving people one or two word answers. Yet eachtime you were with kyra you forgot all those doubts and it was if she just knew how to make you talk.
As you walked into lunch the words speeding out your mouth as fast as they could and your conversation getting gradually louder without you realising until one of the older girls commented "y/n can you stop shouting please the person you're talking to is right next to you not a mile away" lia said not meaning any harm but it sends you spiraling that if one person thinks that then soon enough everyone else will "oh right yeah im sorry" you respond in barley over a whisper while toying with the braclet on your wrist.
"Erm im sorry I'll leave you be now you probably want to talk to your other friends" you say to kyra with a forced smile as your thoughts consume you "no its okay come sit with us im sure they would love you and i like listening to you its fun" she said grabbing your hand and dragging you to the table where lessi and vic sat so there wasn't much of a choice.
Dinner was great, and it felt like you could speak without worrying that you are talking too much. Then came something slightly worse there was a pre training meeting which was going to cover what you were doing for the next couple weeks and important dates. Its not that you hate meetings but trying to sit still for so long without irritating the person next to you was the challenge.
The meeting dragged. Well, for you, it did that one hour felt like a year and of course being new you were sat right at the front next to kim and leah so you had to be on your best behavior. It started off okay. You could focus when jonas was talking, then you heard the clock tick, and that was all you could focus on. Then, about 20 minutes in your legs started bouncing, but that wasn't enough, so you started playing the finger drums on your thigh until kim gave you a death stare from next to you. After 40 minutes you'd zoned out completely just staring at the board as you let your thoughts wander you knew you shouldn't have but you couldn't help that you either had the attention span of a goldfish or could only pay attention to one thing.
The meeting had ended, and that's when leah snapped you out of your trance by waving her hand over your face "oi y/n, were you even listening to what i was saying.. the meetings over, " she said."Oh right, yeah, my bad, sorry, I'll get ready to go home, " you said, staring up at her, but as you were about to leave the room, she stopped you.
"Look i dont know whats going on but next time you need to pay more attention you were distracted the whole time and it might just have been nerves becauses it your first day but next time just be more aware" she said in a serious tone yet it had a hint of politeness to it as she meant well. However, at this point, you knew you couldn't hide your adhd forever, and it would give you a reason for your behaviour. "Oh right im sorry erm its my adhd its just hard to pay attention in meetings when i dont have something to fidget with but next time I'll be more prepared" you say your voice laced with worry waiting for her response.
"Well, why didn't you just tell us in the beginning we would have been much more accommodating for you" she says smiling back. "Honestly im not sure its just hard to talk about" you say back.
Since that conversation with leah, life and arsenal had become so much easier, and unlike the words of others, being the loud girl isn't so bad after all. You can't be the annoying one when you accompany yourself in people who don't find you annoying.
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ambermotta · 10 months
Cleansing Basics – Crash Course
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What is cleansing? When should I do it? How do I do it?
These are some of the questions I'll be tackling today. I hope this post will be useful to those who are not quite familiar with how to cleanse and why it's important for any witch or pagan practice!
Long post based on my experience and research. Meant to be informative. I don't claim to know the absolute truth.
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What is cleansing?
Cleansing is clearing away energy from someone, something or somewhere.
When should I cleanse?
Whenever you need to clear away energy.
Personal opinion: you should cleanse yourself and your house at least weekly.
It is generally recommended that you periodically cleanse magical items and cleanse before and after any type of magical/ spiritual work. Cleansing before contacting deities (even if it's just prayer) is also considered "standard protocol" in some cultures, like in Hellenic paganism and Shintoism.
From my personal experience I do feel I can connect better with spiritual beings when I cleanse beforehand, but I believe my emotional state has a bigger influence on the matter. Cleansing generally calms me down too so –
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Why should I cleanse?
The number one reason you'll see cleansing everywhere is because it is a way to help get rid of excess negative energy.
I'm not going to say you can clear away all of it because as living humans, we are constantly emanating energy and a lot of times it is "negative" energy. Which is okay, it's part of being alive. Plus, there are other factors that come into play.
However, cleansing often can help you stay in touch with spirituality and ease your mind since you'll be getting rid of excess (and oftentimes unwated) energy.
Cleansing also comes into play when you want to clear away any other kind of energy, for example, when you get a new magical tool (such as a tarot deck) or finish a magical working. You don't necessarily want the energy that was on that object or that spell sticking to you all day, you know?
How to prepare for cleansing?
First of all, gather your stuff. Gather everything you need and try to avoid interruptions.
I personally recommend you always do a physical cleaning up of whatever you are going to cleanse. Tidy up your house, take a shower, and clean your magical items (if possible).
Dirt and clutter feel bad, and it can distract the mind. Starting your cleansing in the physical plane can definitely make it more powerful in the astral too.
How do I cleanse?
Most cultures/religions/spiritual practices have their own way of doing things (ex: hellenic pagans have khernips), so first of all, do your research! And respect the fact that some things are out of your reach.
There are A LOT of techniques you can use to cleanse that are not particularly tied to a single culture and that can be done in many different ways. I'll quickly go through some of them, but it is by no means an extensive list.
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Cleansing with the 4 elements:
Earth: I've mainly seen this in two ways, which are sending energy to the earth (something like grounding) and burrying objects.
Fire: commonly used together with air in smoke cleansing. There's also energy work that pulls energy and sends it towards the fire for cleansing (either a candle, a bonfire, or a visualization flame)
Water: mostly used for cleansing yourself or objects. It can be through herb baths and showers, rain/sea/river water, salt water, or sacred waters. For cleansing spaces, there are things such as water spray bottles and floor washes (though I've only seen this one being used in hoodoo). Careful with objects, some may not be resistant to water.
Air: generally the most common for cleansing spaces or people. Usually achieved by lighting up incense or herbs with cleansing properties and using the smoke to cleanse.
Sidenote: burning a herbs ≠ from smudging. Smudging is a native american practice that is closed to their people. Don't smudge, don't call some herb-burning smudging. It's not the same thing. Stick with what's appropriate for your culture.
Sun and moon: using sunlight or moonlight to cleanse (and often charge) yourself or objects. Always make sure what you are cleansing can actually be left in the sun and handle weather.
Crystals: Some crystals have cleansing properties, usually back ones (onyx, obsidian, black tourmaline), smoky quartz, and selenite, to name a few. Keep in mind that they usually need to be cleansed periodically, too.
Sound: Praying, chanting, singing, music, and using bells or drums are some ways you can use sound to cleanse.
Visualization: There are many techniques used for cleansing this way. While it can be effective, it is definitely not for everyone as a lot of people will find that using tools is easier and more consistent. Visualization requires some practice and a lot of focus.
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What to do after cleansing?
That depends on your objective.
If you are cleansing a space, such as your home, and you want to keep it "clean" for longer, you can cast a protection spell.
If you are cleansing yourself or an object, you may want to do a Charging of some sort. When you cleanse, you are getting something out, which opens up space for the new, so you can use this as an opportunity to "fill in" with another type of energy.
Cleansing is very versatile and unique to each practice. There are a lot of things you can do that are fairly neutral, but in general, cleansing always has the same purpose and is done in a similar fashion.
Knowing what your tradition (if you have one) usually does to cleanse objects, people, and places can be very enriching, so do your research!
Thank you for reading!
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oddlittlemiss · 2 years
✨House Cleansing✨
If you recently moved into a new space, you might want to consider cleansing your home of any negative energies that might still be there from the previous owners. Clearing your home from bad energy is also a good idea if you gone through a breakup, had a big life transition, or if you’re just feeling off.
A home should be a place where you feel relaxed and at peace. But when bad energy is lingering around, your home can become a place of hostility and negativity. This negative energy in your home can affect every other aspect of your life. Which is why house cleansing is an important practice to do regularly for your personal well-being.
There are many different ways to cleanse a home or even a single room in the house, and here’s how I cleanse my home/room.
1. First Thing’s First: Clean And Declutter Your House
Get rid of all the clutter by either putting things away or disposing them. Make sure to clean every corner! As you clean your home/room, know that keeping broken items (a statue with a broken arm put back with glue is fine but specifically ones that are irreparably broken) can bring down good energy. As well as items that doesn’t make you happy when you look or hold them. Use this time to get rid of it or donate if they are still in good condition and move on.
Then spend some time to dust, vacuum, and check for cobwebs. You don’t want the negative energy to have any reason to stick around.
Make sure to open all blinds, windows and if possible the doors. Let in as much light and fresh air as you can while you clean.
2. Remove Negative Energies From Your Home
When you cleared away the clutter, it is now time to start removing negative energies. A simple and fast way to clear out bad spirits and negative energy is smoke cleansing. You will need;
~ A fireproof dish for catching embers and ash
~ Any cleansing herb (frankincense, rosemary, cedar, etc.)
~ A small fan or your hand
Begin by standing in the center of your home or at the front door of the room you want cleanse. Then light your herb bundle or incense and let the flame die out which is fairly quick. Let the smoke carefully waft around you first, beginning at your head and working down toward your feet. Walk clockwise going from room to room if it’s a home or just walk clockwise in a single room. Fan the smoke paying special attention to the walls, corners, floors, and even the ceiling. Envision the smoke absorbing bad energy and carrying it away through the open windows and doors.
Some people like to recite incantations or make positive affirmations as they are smoke cleansing. If you want, saying a prayer or appealing to a higher power for extra help with the house cleansing is perfectly fine.
If smoke cleansing isn’t possible, there are sprays you can use instead. Just mist carefully around you first and then spray around the home.
3. Further Protect Your Home
After smoke cleansing, I like to cleanse my home with salt. Pour salt (as much as you feel guided too) into each corner of your home/room. Ring a bell 3 times in each corner to break up any stagnant energy which the salt will absorb afterwards. After 2 days, vacuum or broom/dustpan the salt and throw it away. If your place has carpet or you want to clean up the salt easier you can pour the salt into a bowl and place them in the corners. If you don’t have a bell clapping with your hands works too.
Doors and windows are where outside energy can enter your home. Keep these spaces purified with a house cleansing solution. Mix a bucket of water with;
~juice from 5 Lemons
~1/4 cup ammonia or white vinegar
~1 cup of Sea Salt
Using a cloth, clean the doorknobs, doors, frames, and windows in your home with the solution and let it air dry. If you are cleansing a single room use 1 cup of water, 1/2 lemon, 2 teaspoons of ammonia or white vinegar, and 1/4 cup of sea salt.
4. After Cleansing Tips
Now that you’ve cleared the bad energy from your home, you can focus on attracting positive energy and protecting your cleansed space. Here are some things you can do:
You can keep cleansing and protecting your space with crystals. Place your chosen crystals in areas where bad energy seems to collect. Here are some crystals you might want to consider;
~Selenite can cleanse energy and raise the vibration in your home.
~Black Tourmaline is a protective crystal that absorbs negative energy.
Many people like to keep salt lamps in varies rooms around their place to continue clearing bad energy.
Witches broom also known as besoms, can help sweep away bad energy and protect against evil. Place a besom just inside your front door or room, hanging with bristles up, to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. A small besom can also be hung over the door with the bristles down to help catch negative energy before it enters the home.
Rearrange the furniture and objects in your home in a way that makes you happy. You can also buy new things to make your home feel better.
Planting rosemary near the front and back door of your home is said to keep negative spirits away.
Consecrate a candle or buy a candle created to bring good things, protection, etc. and light it to invite good energy into your home.
It is important to be aware of the energy in your home - good or bad. If you notice a shift in energy as time goes by, consider cleansing your home/room again. After all, your home should make you feel safe and be a place you can restore your energy.
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elysiumblue · 1 year
Pick a card - How you view yourself VS How others view you 😳
It's me with another pick a card general reading 😬 Decided to do a topic more that is more general to see what message will come through. The context of the reading is just as the topic. The spread I used is here.
This time, some message is really specific, so don't force it to fit your situation if it doesn't resonate at all. I may need to consider doing more piles next time to get more general messages 😭
👇🏻 Anyway, pick a color that you felt drawn to. 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
It seems that you have self esteem issues. You believe that you are less than others, but you are not working on bettering yourself. Instead, you are putting almost all your energy to comparing yourself to others, finding out how others are better than you. This puts yourself deeper in the problem. The lack of self esteem also makes it very difficult for you to make decisions, as you are always doubting yourself. You tend to wait for others to plan out your life.
Such problem may seems to be impossible to solve in your eyes, but others can see that such problem is not as worse as you think. They believe that it is more like an illusion, and you have the power to get out of it. You are not as doomed as you believe.
The negative mindset may be created as a coping mechanism for something happened in the past. It may be in your brain for years. However, it doesn't mean that you should let it define you. You need to search for the voices within you, instead of rejecting them. It is meaningless to make yourself suffer, and it is not helpful for your spiritual growth at all.
Taking yourself out of the equation is as bad as taking anyone else from the equation. You deserve to better, and the world is waiting for you to stand in your power. Try to make changes in your mindset. Put your happiness as a priority. It will guide you to remember who you truly are, and lead you to reach your highest potential. It may sounds difficult to do so now, but once you start working on it, you will find it very easy for you.
Pile 2
You probably just get out of some nasty stuff, maybe something like being deceived or betrayed. The energy of being hurt and questioning what was going on is still lingering. However, it seems that you have done a great job of withdrawing yourself from the situation! If you are looking at this reading to find confirmation on whether you have handled the situation properly, the answer is yes.
Instead of delving deeper into finding out why they did that to you, you took a leap of faith to get rid of the situation, or cut ties with those people who were sus. You recognize that thinking too much about the situation will only prolong the suffering from it, and that suffering is not that meaningful either. So, you accept the fact that sometimes bad things just happens.
Your decisiveness also grants you new perspectives on relationship in general, as you did not spend too much energy on what happened in the past. You try to earn something from this situation, by learning to recognize the red flags, heal from this kind of stuff, and even try to help others that are affected by similar situations with your experience.
It may be hard to believe, but others think that you're a badass in handing the situation! They believe that you are powerful, and they think that you know your worth. Even for those who may be hurt by your decision, they can't help but admire your boldness for a little bit. 😭 (Actually, I am impressed by your energy too when I am reading the cards 😬😭)
Pile 3
This pile probably has some unsupportive people surrounding you, especially unsupportive family members. If this is not what is happened to you, it may not be your pile, because I feel about this very strongly.
Due to the constant stress and negative feedback from your surroundings, you feel that you lack the ability to make good decisions, doubt everything you do, and some may even believe that you are set for failure. However, this is not true at all!
You are beautiful, admirable, and capable. You are unable to recognize it, but it is not your fault, as the negative mindset is what people feed into your brain. However, people failing you does not mean that you are a failure.
You have the quality to turn this around, and become the beautiful being you are supposed to be. All you lack is the mindset. You can start working on it by believing that you are worthy, and you deserve to receive blessings from the universe, or just good things in general.
Your haters are very nasty. They see your suffering, or know that what they are doing to you is hurtful, but they hope that you never get out of the pain. Some even believe that you don't deserve anything! I feel that they don't even want me to tell you that you're perfectly fine as I feel resistance in getting the message.
However, it is just their opinions, and we know that it is not what you truly are. Also, now you know where your negative mindset comes from. It's not from you! You can make a change, as you are not the problem. It sucks that your family is unsupportive, but their opinions are not the only opinion in the world. I can see that you will find a group that will celebrate you in the future, and receive the love and support that you deserve.
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herballwitch · 2 months
Home Cleansing 101
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Hello, My name is Alva Tauri! I am an herbalist, spirit worker, tarot and oracle reader, and lunar and herbal witch dedicated to closing the education gap when it comes to herbalism and witch practices!
As today we are in the midst of the Waxing Gibbous moon cycle, where cleansing your space is extremely important, I thought i'd discuss some ways that I like to cleanse my home before doing rituals or just for a quick refresh!
NOTE: as I always say before these posts, these methods I will be discussing are simply methods that work for me. If you do not wish to use these methods that is okay! please do your research before committing to any decisions! thank you
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"What is cleansing?"
cleansing is the act of ridding something of previous energies (more often than not this refers specifically to negative energies, though that is not always the case). cleansing refreshes your space or objects energetically. 
"When should I cleanse my home?"
I believe answering this question is a great start to understanding home cleansing. When you decide to cleanse your home is going to be entirely up to you, as it is your space and you will have a better understanding then anyone as to when it may need cleansed. However, on a base level, most witches agree that your home should be cleansed when you first move in, when introducing new items to your altar or new tools to your craft, and before rituals, spells, or spirit work. As a lunar witch, I also cleanse my home during the Waxing Gibbous, the Full Moon, and the Waning Gibbous. However, whether or not you choose to abide by that is up to you!
"How do I cleanse my home?"
this is a fantastic question! there are a multitude of methods for cleansing your home - some that anyone with no recourses can do, and others that do involve a bit more work and product. as per usual with my blog, we will be discussing methods that new witches can do as well as methods that those of us who may have more materials can do! let's break down some steps you can take to cleanse your space:
methods that involve no supplies: (perfect for new or closeted witches)
open a window: this one, I believe, is actually one of the most affective methods on this list. opening your window and letting fresh air in to clear out the stale air from your space can do wonders! it gives space for positive energy to enter and negative energy to exit. (perfect for wind/air magic as well)
let sunlight into your space: the sun is a cleansing force that can do wonders for your room. if you are able, let some sunlight into your space. (perfect for fire magic as well)
visualization: cleansing an object or a space can be as simple as visualization, at times. simply close your eyes and imagine a white mist coming over your room or the items you are cleansing. imagine this mist completely covering the item/space and melting away all the energy on/in it. take a deep breath and then imagine the mist slowly disappearing, taking the energy with it.
run your item over water: if you are cleansing an item and not a space or room feel free to take that item (as long as it is safe to do so (I.E. you wouldn't want to do this with a tarot deck as it would ruin the cards)) and run that item under water. feel free to use the visualization method that we discussed above while doing this. simply imagine water instead of mist. (perfect for water magic)
let your item rest overnight in the moonlight: if it is a specific item you are wanting to cleanse, put it out in the moonlight overnight. this works best during a full moon, though it is not 100% necessary for it to work. (perfect for moon magic)
actually clean your home: getting out a dust rag and a broom can do so much! dedicate your cleaning to your Gods, deities, or spirits and to the cleansing of your items or space spiritually and get to cleaning! I usually do this before I start, as I find a clean space means a cleansed space.
make and/or recharge your sigils: this is a great moment to make some sigils to protect your home. and if you already have done this step, this is a great time to recharge those sigils! (check out my spells and sigils page (linked here) for more information on that)
methods that involve minimal supplies:
make a cleansing spray: find my recipe for this spell here! this is a perfect beginner spell and does wonders to your space when cleansing!
burn herbs, incense, or a candle: burning cleansing herbs like rosemary, lavender, sage or even incense or a candle and walking from room to room to disperse the smoke can cleanse a space quickly and safely. this is another method I take every single time I want to cleanse a space. (for incense and for candles I recommend blowing the flame out after a moment and using the smoke to cleanse the space.)
ring a bell or use a sound bowl: sound can cleanse your space! get a bell or use a sound bowl in or around the space or object you are wanting to cleanse. it can be as simple as ringing a bell over your tarot deck or altar tools. In some cultures, bells are even symbols of good luck.
leave a dish of flower water in your room: this is as simple as it sounds - if you have any sort of flower water (rose water, for example) you can leave a bowl of this out overnight to cleanse your space. it is tradition to add alcohol to this water, however it is not necessary if you do not have any or cannot attain any. you can also choose to do this method with hot water so that the steam can cleanse your space as well. if you do not have any flower water and need to make your own, check out this post here.
place your item in a bowl of salt and earth: if it is an item and not a room you are wanting to cleanse, you can make a bowl filled with dirt and salt and bury your item in that to cleanse overnight. if these items are not available to you, you can actually bury your item outside in the dirt as well
now, cleansing you home can get more complex than this. there are a plethora of spells out there that involve more supplies and are more time consuming. if you feel that your space is not properly cleansed enough, feel free to do some research on this or ask me for more information! however, nine times out of ten, I do not feel the need to do any sort of magic that is more complex than what is listed above. remember, when it comes to cleansing your space your intentions are more powerful than anything your spells will have to offer. be intentional with all you do when cleansing.
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That's all for home cleansing! I hope that you found this helpful in your spiritual journey and I hope that you are able to apply this information to your practice.
if you have any questions regarding anything discussed here or anything you feel that I have missed, please send an ask to my ask box! I appreciate all comments and questions and would be more than happy to go into more detail about spirit work!
For more information on my practice, witchcraft, herbalism, spirit work, and divination please check out the guide on my page (linked here)! Everything I have ever posted can be found there!
I wish you all a blessed day filled with peace, endless wealth, and eternal health! Until the next time we meet!
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drk-mnd-fds · 1 month
Hello can you give us more facts on fallen dreamswap
Of course, no problem!
In fact, I would like to create just 1 large document with all the information, but I think I would edit it many more times, since I am constantly trying to find my own non-logical solutions in the canon and correct them.
It's useless enough for me to talk: "Tell me anything," because I get lost, I want to tell you everything at once, I keep repeating myself and so on, it's better to ask something specific. I have already told you the basics, but you still need to look for it in my posts below...
Well... I'll start the story, I'll tell you a few facts per character. I will try not to repeat myself with the last post, I will write facts that I did not mention somewhere other than my discord server, but rather that I did not post them on my discord server at all.
– In fact, Nightmare won't be much stronger than Dream. Dream gained strength by eating 198 positive apples, the strength of Nightmare is equal if he ate somewhere around 90-100 negative apples. They both take out battles only at the expense of their skills. Nightmare is lower, faster and more agile, so he manages to dodge, he can't inflict any special injuries on Dream.
Dream changed negative energy to positive energy in Nightmare, since the nature of Nightmare is not used to and is not able to carry positive energy, so the negative began to absorb the positive, we can say that the negative returned in greater volume. The nature of Nightmare decided to make the negativity bigger and worse, just so that a similar situation would not happen again. It's just a defensive reaction of nature and the balance of the universe.
– Sometimes Nightmare experiences pain in the bones, but for this it must be surrounded by a lot of positivity. During the negative incident, the bones of Nightmare broke in some places, so that not only the back was damaged, but also the rest of the bones. In a couple of days, Nightmare has grown by 5 cm, so he is 170 cm tall.
– Nightmare sometimes experiences panic attacks at night, he wakes up from a strong feeling of heat in his body, anxiety makes it difficult for him to breathe and collect his thoughts. This state brings him back to the day of the negative incident, as these are the emotions he experienced when negativity filled his body again.
– There is a possibility that if you change negative energy to positive energy in Nightmare again, then Nightmare's body will not stand up and he will die.
– Nightmare is like a mother hen for Kevin, he began to protect him more. If Cross or Error accidentally offend Kevin, then Nightmare will start threatening them, but it won't come to action, he won't kill his friends.
– Yes, I make Nightmare look like a complete bastard, but in fact he won't leave any of his friends in trouble. Negativity gives him strength, but he will rather help his friends get rid of negative emotions so that they do not suffer.
– He feels that something is wrong with Error still can't figure out what it is.
– kinn song –  Robbie Williams - Party Like A Russian
– Cross regrets what he did to Chara. During one of his rages, Cross was able to completely get rid of Chara.
– A kleptomaniac of 100500 level will not hold him, even if the thing is tightly glued to the place.
What? A new wardrobe and sofa in the BHS house? Nothing new.... WAIT, CROSS STOLE IT FROM SOMEONE AGAIN!
Cross, okay, you stole the vase... WHERE DID YOU TAKE THE CLOSET?! PUT THE CLOSET BACK IN PLACE!
– Cross will always be on the side of Nightmare. Yes, they sometimes have light fights, from which Cross leaves the loser, but still Cross does not know what must happen for him to betray Nightmare.
Cross was very angry with Dream when he saw what happened to Nightmare after the negative incident, Cross was ready to immediately go to JR Castle to deal with everyone there. Cross was not allowed anywhere by Error, who simply tied him to a chair.
– If we talk about strength, then Cross will be stronger than Nightmare, but still Cross will never fight Nightmare in full force.
– An idiot who can sometimes just fight with Nightmare.
– Cross sleeps with a stuffed penguin.
– kinn song –  GHOST - Honey I'm Home
– If you suddenly realize that coffee has disappeared all over the world, then know that Error bought it all.
– The mom of the band
is the very person who always stops Cross and Nightmare from making hasty decisions.
– Sometimes he can spend the whole night knitting, so in the morning there may be few things that can be taken to the shelter.
–  If the Error is on the verge of hysteria, then he will run away from the BHS house deeper into the forest so as not to disturb others and not feed the negative energy of the Nightmare once again. An Error can run away even in what he walked around the house in. At such moments, it is better not to touch him, he reacts very sharply even to touches from friends
– Error can often go to OuterTale, he bought himself a small house there a long time ago, just to take a break from everything, I can compare it to a sleeping cat in his favorite cot.
– When no one is at home, Error can do baking
– On missions, he often takes a secretive position and stays somewhere in the bushes, just to watch and be alert, although sometimes he can take an active part in the battle, even if he does not like it.
– He will sit quietly in an armchair with Kevin on his head and drink coffee, sometimes giving Kevin seeds, watching how Cross and Nightmare argue over small things.
– kinn song –  Set It Off - Horrible Kids
– Dream is very sorry for what he did to Nightmare. Dream did not think that the negativity would return, he just hoped that the positive energy would simply replace the negative one and they could continue to live peacefully.
– Dream reviews all his notes on energy replacement several times a month, but he still cannot find a mistake in them.
– Dream keeps a photo of Nightmare on his desktop before the negative incident. Nightmare photo stands next to Anya's photo.
– There is a rumor that Dream adds a little cognac to his coffee or tea.
– Who knows when and how long he slept? Why did he manage to spend a couple of hours a day reviewing his notes, as well as filling out documents, being at a meeting at the shelter, helping Ink and much more?!
In fact, Dream just needs 5-6 hours of sleep to get enough sleep, and of course, the positive will give him energy
– Now he I want to swear much more often, but he restrains himself, still he does not like obscene language.
– Dream SAW how Error took things to the shelter, but he would never bring up this topic in front of anyone.
– kinn song –  Vundabar - Alien Blues
– Sometimes he experiences phantom pains in his arm.
– The Ink was offered to make several more types of prostheses, but he refuses, saying that one is enough for him, which he wears on a regular basis.
By the way, the attachment of the prosthesis can be compared to the anime "Fullmetal Alchemist", before that the prosthesis moved exclusively on magic, but after watching the anime, I decided to change the device of the prosthesis.
– Dream is almost the only one who can help Ink with the prosthesis. Dream can remove the prosthesis so as not to hurt the Ink. Ink is regularly examined by doctors once a month, so Dream's help always helps out.
There are also a couple of scientists and a mechanic, but they specialize more if the prosthesis needs to be repaired somehow or slightly modified for further more convenient use. Doctors simply examine the body to identify any problems in connection with wearing a prosthesis.
– Do you see Ink sitting hugging his knees in huge shock? Nightmare and Dream are influencing him with their aura again.
– He decided not to meet with Error anymore just to talk, because I completely distrust the BHS team.
– kinn song –  Сavetown – Devil Town
Blue. (I do not know what new things can be written about him, so I will duplicate my post)
— Blue only comes to JR Castle when Dream calls him, or if Blue suddenly gets bored. Often he just sits in the OuterTale and admires the stars
— If Blue comes because of boredom, he will start flirting with Dream, although he does this out of habit, in fact, he does not care deeply, he is paid for his work, and this is the main thing.
— From now on, Blue takes the position of searching for information. Dream only gives a task, so Blue goes to the anti-void to look for information from there, although he often calls Error to help him finish the search as quickly as possible and in greater volume.
— Due to all the drastic rearrangements of plans and frequent attacks by BHS after the negative incident, Blue experienced severe stress, after which he began to suffer from insomnia.
— Blue and Error made a deal, as Error also didn't like the whole situation with the negative incident, and they decided to work together to try to minimize the battles and damage as much as possible.
— During work, he always has a liter mug of coffee next to him, by the way, Blue likes how Error makes coffee, Error does it best.
"Sweet cake and sugar–free coffee is the best combination! What? Error, don't you agree? Well, swallow your empty coffee, and I'll have a cake!"
— Funny fact, Blue feeds street cats.
— Blue always carries bandages in his pockets to quickly wrap up wounds and not see blood, because of stress, his hemophobia has only gotten worse.
— During one of the battles, Cross severely injured Blue's cheek, feeling pain and seeing blood, Blue almost experienced a panic attack, fortunately Dream was nearby and was able to seal the wound with a plaster. The whole situation was too stressful, only Nightmare was happy about all this negativity. Since then, Blue has a scar on his right cheek, sometimes Cross can tease Blue that he mows under the Ink, although this scar remains because of Cross!
– kinn song – Guchiry feat. Flower - Abnormality Dancin' Girl
I regularly reread the DreamSwap canon to be aware of where I've made mistakes. I could just forget about my own principles and continue with exactly the trash that I created in 2020, but it's a blessing that I was able to stumble upon Poison!DreamSwap, which pushed me to completely change the canon of Fallen!DreamSwap. I could have left Nightmare just a parody of the original Nightmare, but still I rewrote his canon several times.
Fan fact: I wanted to add songs in my native language to Kinn Songs, but I understand that my playlist is too cruel and in which case it would not be convenient for you to get into the translation of songs, given that it is very difficult to find adequate translations from my native language, if I need it, then I'm translating manually!
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momo-no-tane · 1 year
Peach-Pit Artbook Scanning Project - Complete!
On August 1st, 2015 I made the first post of this artbook scanning project to provide high quality scans of Peach-Pit’s illustrations, because there was barely anything available online, or if there was the quality was absolute garbage. 7 artbooks and 648 illustrations later, the Peach-Pit Artbook Scanning Project is finally complete... really, really late.
I was supposed to finish this project in April 2018. I finally uploaded the last illustration yesterday - July 8th, 2023. Unfortunately I was never able to finish it back in 2018 like I wanted to. Life got really busy, I had gone back to school, my computer battery died, I started getting lazy... when I only had 5 illustrations left to post. I’m so sorry it took so long to finish. I really hated myself for not finishing it back then. I was constantly beating myself up over it. I really wanted to get it done this year though. Thank you so much for all the likes and reblogs over the course of this project. You can find each of the artbooks below.
Artbook 1 (Peach-Pit Artworks DearS)
Artbook 2 (Peach-Pit Artworks Sui Mitsu Kyo)
Artbook 3 (Peach-Pit Artworks Zombie-Loan)
Artbook 4 (Shugo Chara! Illustrations)
Artbook 5 (Peach-Pit Artworks Rozen Maiden)
Artbook 6 (Shugo Chara! Illustrations 2)
Artbook 7 (Rozen Maiden Illustrations: Rose Maiden)
Now for something really annoying... Tumblr’s recent bullshit is another reason why I finally forced myself to hurry up and post those final 5 illustrations.
Tumblr has decided to be completely and utterly stupid, getting rid of the legacy editor and replacing it with a garbage new post editor that makes posts look absolutely hideous on desktop. I initially made this post with the new post editor, but I was so disgusted at how ugly and awful it looked I deleted it. For some stupid reason, all posts automatically become text posts even if I specifically select the photo option. It makes no fucking sense. I realized that all the posts I had saved in my drafts still had the legacy editor, and thankfully I had a few photo posts still in there. So I was able to repost that news post.
The problem was that I only had less than 10 photo posts saved in drafts. If I had known Tumblr was going to be fucking stupid and get rid of the legacy editor, I would have saved dozens of posts to prepare. But I only had enough to make a few news posts and those last 5 illustrations. Now I have nothing but text posts left in drafts. I’m behind on some posts already (Nagi’s birthday post, new SC! Princess Cafe goods, new RM SOLWA goods), and I can’t make a post about them because Tumblr fucked everything up and I’m trying to figure out how to fix the posts on my theme so they don’t look like shit.
I don’t know what to do. I’ve been giving them grief almost daily on their change blog and support section. So many other people are also upset. I don’t want to get too backed up with news posts because there’s so much information that comes out monthly lately. Does anyone know how to fix this? Any code I could add to my theme to make my posts not look like shit because of the new post editor? It pisses me off that I have to waste time and energy focusing on this instead of the project I plan to do next - high quality manga caps. How can I even make nice looking manga cap posts when the new post editor will just destroy it? It’s so frustrating. I’m sorry this post turned so negative, I really needed to rant about this.
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conjuremanj · 2 years
How To Use Floor Washes.
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In this post I'll be speaking on the us of floor washes. Now in the south (New Orleans) we use this quite often and I'm going to teach you how we do it here.
Strating with Herb Baths it can be used as floor washes to cleanse your home, to draw in positive influences and to protect your space. Cleansing your home with a floor wash is one of the most traditional and effective ways to get rid of curses (negative energy) and clear the house of any powders that have been sprinkled, doesn't get rid of of any dark spirits or entities that may be present just energies or build up spirit residue.) Burning some sage just isn't enough to clear away all these influences. What you need is to wash that floor, the old fashioned way. It's also common to cleanse your home with a floor wash immediately after taking a magical bath so that both your body and your home are cleansed and protected.
How to Cleanse Your Home With a Floor Wash:
Make Your Wash. First I would start by if your useing premade wash then skip this part.ajd add it to your bucket.
Start by taking your choice of of herb bath and emptying the packet into a coffee cup. Pour boiling water over the herbs and allow them to sit for about ten minutes so that the herbs can release their essences into the water. After ten minutes, strain the herbs out and save the liquid. You can dispose of the herbs in the trash.
2. Cleanse Your Home. Cleanse your home from the back of the house to the front or if you have more then one floor top to bottom. Use a mop on tile, cement and wooden floors. If you have carpet then use a clean broom and lightly moisten the tips of the broom straws with the floor wash and use this to "sweep" the carpet.
Another option is that you can put some of the floor wash into a spray bottle and lightly spray the carpet. You can use a cloth moistened with floor wash to wipe down the base boards, doors, window sills, and thresholds of every room. Make your way to the front door of your home. While you clean you can pray in your own words, or if you'd like you can pray Psalms 23 or a selected psalm of your choice.
When you reach the front door, cleanse the door step or porch very well making sure to cleanse under the doormat.
3. Cleanse the Front Door. Using a moistened cloth, thoroughly wipe down the front door of your home, inside and out, using your floor wash. As you wipe the door, pray for it to be a portal for goodness into your home. You can anoint the front door with small crosses drawn in a condition oil I use Holly Water.
4. Dispose of the Floor Wash. Now that your home cleansing is complete, take the used bucket of floor wash out to the street with an "AMEN!"
Protecting and Anointing the Home. It is typically a good idea to go through your home after you've washed it. Go through and anoint and bless all the doors and windows. Select your oil, Holy Oil. Holly Water etc. and then dab a tiny cross onto the four corners and center of every door and window in your home. As you anoint the doors and windows pray in your own words for God to bring positive blessings into your home and into your life. This is very similar to the body anointing you perform after taking a personal magical bath.
Remember put all your thoughts and energy into it ask your spirit guides or ansestors for help.
If you use this please let me know in comment or message how it turned out.
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pokefossilclub · 3 months
Hey! Dreepy man! Thanks so much for the help!
I am nearing my travelling date back home, so I wanted to ask for ideas on what Pokemon I should get for my second brother.
He used to be a photographer and used to travel the world, but now he's an editor for a channel and last time I heard he wasn't... doing so well mentally. In that he doesn't necessarily take care of himself that well. He barely goes outside and he's mainly editing for the company that he's working for. So I wanted to at least give a Pokemon that'll give him at least some boost in morale.
I'm not sure on where to start, but I do know it needs to be one of those pokemon that will only tolerate one person and ONLY one person (in our home we have a ranch of Pokemon but our parents are taking care of em, not my brother), I want a Pokemon that will only depend on my brother, forcing him to get out of his room and enrich the Pokemon. I honestly might get him an egg so it can imprint onto my brother if that's the case?
I also don't necessarily want something... too demanding, something that he'll reject completely from the get-go from how hard it is to take care of so... any thoughts on what Pokemon I should get him?
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your brother's struggles! Having a Pokemon to look after has been well-proved to help with motivation and 'getting out there', but you're right that not just any will do!
I would be perhaps wary of getting him an egg, I'm afraid, simply because if you are afraid of him deciding caring for a Pokemon is too much effort, well, freshly-hatched Pokemon require more care than an already mature individual, and an egg as an object can be harder to bond with directly than a creature with a face that can easily respond to you, so it runs the risk that he could decide to get rid of it before it hatches and he bonds! A younger Pokemon in general, however, may be a fine idea.
If you think your brother would appreciate something cute, a Vulpix could be a good option- either Kantonian or Alolan, depending on if he prefers warm or cold! They are cuddly, intelligent creatures who bond tightly with trainers, and they require regular exercise and benefit greatly from socialisation- but their care needs are not too complex, they are popular enough both as battling Pokemon and as pets that food and equipment for them is easily accessible, and they are unlikely to be so clingy that receiving care from others when necessary would be difficult. Skitty would be another similar option, without having to do any Fire-type proofing or minimise cuddles in cold weather- the Normal-type is popular as pets for a reason! However they are very high-energy, and if your brother struggles with that he may find it more annoying than endearing! Delcatty, their evolved form, would remove that potential problem, but if not bonded with early or as a Skitty they can be very independent in a way that could be counterproductive.
Should your brother not appreciate cute so much, or prefer something more unusual, I could suggest Shuppet. They are emotivores, meaning they eat emotions, usually negative ones, and it has been reported that this can help people suffering from mental illness get a better grip on emotions that could otherwise be overwhelming. They are also very sweet and social, and do not require very much bodily care, being Ghost-types. However, they may not get him out much, and if too many Shuppet feed on one singular person, that person's emotions can easily be deadened beyond what is helpful. Another non-overtly-cute option might be a Steel-type such as Klefki or Klink. Klefki are surprisingly social and intelligent little creatures, and he might find interest in collecting keys for them to keep. Klink are, despite their appearances, very curious, and love to find new things and places to interact with, trying to fit themselves and various objects into and around each other! Steel-type care is not always intuitive to newcomers, given many of them are not mammals like humans are, but there are plenty of guides out there (I can give recommendations if requested) and, at least for the two I've named, is really not that complicated!
I wish your brother good recovery from his mental health diffculties, and I hope this gives you a notion what might help him out!
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expirednostalgia · 4 months
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[ simone ashley, cis woman, she/her ] — whoa! DEVI NADAR just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 29 YEARS, working as a NANNY. that can’t be easy, especially at only 29 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit DEPENDENT and HEDONISTIC, but i know them to be BUBBLY and DEVOTED. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to BROOKLYN!
▷  currently  playing  ——  PRIMADONNA BY MARINA. 
Quick Stats !
FULL NAME: Devi Nadar
AGE: 29
DATE OF BIRTH: October 20th
GENDER: Cis Woman
SEXUALITY: Demisexual
AESTHETIC: Pink heart shaped sunglasses, looking toward those around you for direction, tear soaked pillows, constant noise so you never feel alone, the fear of growing up, daydreaming the afternoon away, the scent of vanilla candles, the rug being pulled out from underneath you, glittery stickers
Bio !
Growing up Devi had and got everything she could have ever wanted just by simply asking her parents for it. Aside from their attention of course. Between social engagements and their demanding jobs, Devi was often left in the care of a nanny until she was old enough to be left on her own while her parents were otherwise busy.
On the rare occasions when she accompanied her parents to events, it was always stressed to her that she be on her best behavior and how important the family's image was. The rules were easy enough to follow - be polite, smile, laugh at the right moments - all things she easily did.
As she got older, she started to resent things. Sure she had a comfortable life and every materialistic want was met, but there was some sort of void she couldn't seem to fill. It started to cause problems for her when the ways to fill that void started to cause some trouble.
It was little things at first - an eye roll, a missing smile - things that gave her just a little more attention from her parents, even if it was negative. Things started to slowly and steadily grow more out of hand, making her to appear like another socialite going through a troubling party girl phase.
Fed up with all the stunts and poor behavior from their daughter, the decision was made to cut her off. With no means to pay her rent or fund any shopping sprees or party habits, Devi was forced to move in with a close friend and attempt to enter the workforce for the first time in her life.
After a few failed retail jobs, her friend helped her get a nannying gig. Having grown up with nannies when she was younger, it should be something she's okay at, right?
Misc. !
Somewhere between "I really messed up with that little stunt" and "no, actually I was very justified in it."
So very lost in the world, like genuinely does not know what to do with her life and is only nannying because it fell in her lap through a friend who's trying to help her get back on her feet.
Honestly not adjusting to the sudden lack of funds. It's hard out here for a cutoff trust fund baby! If given the option she would much rather be adored and taken care of than work for a living.
Currently living with a friend but it's not ideal. Aka her stuff is spilling out all over their place and she should really get rid of things or make an honest effort to save up to get her own place.
On the lowest of keys feels very lonely. The solution though? Buying a bunch of things to fill the void. Very “what do we do when we’re sad?” “add to cart” energy.
A little snobby and stuck up from being spoiled most of her life. When things don't go her way it's confusing to her because what do you mean she can't always get what she wants???
Despite her flaws, she's a real ride or die once you can truly win her over. It's not the easiest task, but it can be worth it in the end.
Wanted Connections/Plots !
Family Friends: Wealthier muses that would run in the same social circle as her parents. Maybe they’d run into each other at events and were bored out of their minds together, would gossip together, or just knew each other in passing.
Best Friend: Friends for years, this person is letting Devi stay with them well she figures things out. They also helped her get her current nannying gig.
Parent(s) She Nannies For: Her current employer, taking a chance on someone without any prior nannying experience. Lowkey would be kind of sweet if some sort of found family vibe was later formed there.
A Whole New World: People outside of her usual social circle and come from very different backgrounds that she’s started to get to know now. Maybe they can even help encourage her to grow and be more independent, but also give her some needed tough love.
Out of Spite: Similar to the above connection, someone who comes from a very different background than her that she’s now dragging around to social events her parents would be at in a very petty way to spite them for cutting her off. Whether this person is aware that they are being used in a way and/or if a real friendship/relationship develops can be plotted!
More Ideas
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skygodtraumabond · 1 year
<A video file is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The video opens in a hotel room. It seems to be the one that Team S.C.A.M are currently occupying—evident by Elodie's toolbox on the desk and Marny's ever-present whiteboard of scam ideas. Choice selections from the whiteboard include: "fuck it maybe I WILL go to Johto", "bath bombs????", "haunted house but in July because I'm quirky", "nevermind fuck Johto actually", and "Spanx".
In frame are Ray, Amy, Marny, Juno, and Elodie. Ray and Amy are both talking to Marny, Juno is laying on the bed scrolling through Chatwitter (and presumably starting fights on it), and Elodie is tinkering with something at the desk. Marny seems upset, her arms folded and her eyes wandering as she speaks.
Marny: ... Okay, I get why you're going back to Hoenn, Strawberry, Gotta make sure the science gets scienced, yadda yadda—but Ray? Since when do you ever stay still for this long? It was a bitch getting you to stick around long enough for us to finish up scam ideas back in the day. What, are you becoming a homely old coot at the ripe old age of 37?
Ray looks away, scratching at the Venomoth patch on their chest. They don't seem to know what to do with their other hand, and it hangs rigid and close to their body.
Ray: It's not that. I... Really do want to travel, actually. I've been kind of restless about staying in Hoenn for so long, and—
Marny: Then why don't you come with us again? I mean, we just met again, and it already feels like you're pushing me away again or something. I mean, you've basically been attached to your new boyfriend by the hip since before we even saw each other again—
Amy: Sorry, what did you just call me—
Marny: —and meanwhile I just keep getting left to deal with my shit alone! What gives, Ray?
Ray stays quiet for a moment, collecting their thoughts. It's hard to tell from their blank expression what they're thinking, but their body language—the constant fidgeting with their hands, the slight sideways turn to their head, the occasional shuffling of their feet—all speaks to a deep sense of nervousness. However, as they think, something seems to occur to them, and they freeze for a moment. Then, they take a breath and relax, their hands falling loose by their sides.
Ray: ... Marny, I never said I wouldn't ever come with you. Just... Not right now. You saw what happened back in Slateport. I need a minute to go back and stabilize myself, maybe get rid of this shadow stuff before I go out travelling again. It's a blessing from the skies that nothing happened here...
They step a little closer to Marny, seeming to transfer some of that nervous energy to her. The facade of the strong saleswoman cracks a little more, and that indignant pout and glare begin to melt away.
Ray: I just don't want to hurt you. I don't trust myself not to do that how I am now.
Marny: ... Who says you will? I mean, we have Juno and Elodie here too. I know I can't do the battling thing very well, but—
Ray: I didn't need to attack you in order to hurt you that night. I could see the fear in your eyes... I... I heard that the reverse and hyper mode episodes get more intense the closer you get to purification. I don't know if that applies to people. It's hard to find resources out there for people affected by this. But if it is... I just got you back. I don't want to scare you away again.
The two old friends stare at each other for a few seconds. Ray clearly needs a moment to breathe after spilling their guts like that, the negative emotions nearly overtaking them as their hands begin to shake. Marny finally allows herself to soften up, sighing as she grabs Ray's hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.
Marny: Hey, big guy, it's alright... Don't stress yourself. I didn't mean to make it seem like you wanted to be away forever, I just... I miss having you around, y'know? Even if you are a massive pain in my ass.
She chuckles and goes to ruffle Ray's hair. Ray, however, completely misreads the outstretched arm and leans completely into Marny, earning a startled gasp from her as their arm wraps around her back. Her face can be seen slowly going red as Ray rests their chin on her head.
Ray: I promise, as soon as I'm feeling better, I'll be right back by your side... You lost your chance to get rid of me back at Mt. Chimney. I'm your problem forever now.
Despite the monotone, they still chuckle quietly at their own joke, making Marny roll her eyes and finally put her frozen hand down on Ray's head.
Marny: Wow, look at you, the legend of comedy over here. Please, all I need to do to get rid of you is sneeze at a bird the wrong way.
Ray: You never apologized to Chatot.
Marny: Bird. Anyways... I'm holding you to that promise, big guy. Just don't forget about me, okay?
Ray hums quietly as Marny strokes their hair, a smile forming on their once-blank face as they shut their eyes.
Ray: Wouldn't dream of it.
The video then abruptly ends.
<This transcript was provided by me, Techie! I'm a Rotom, so I might make mistakes! Let me know if I did a good job! :> >
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circusgoth-dotcom · 6 months
Ship: Nancy Downs & Cohen Flamme (foster parent-foster child relationship)
Word Count: 733
Summary: Nancy seeks comfort from her foster dad when things are shitty at home. CWs for implied poor homelife, mentions of conspiracy to murder, mentions of food.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
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Cohen had just come in from his garden when Nancy, his foster daughter, had returned from school.
“Welcome home, flower,” He hummed, dusting off his hands and turning to face her, a frown quickly creasing his calm expression. “My, you look beat, is everything alright?”
“No.” The shadowy girl’s response was a reluctant growl as she tossed her bag to the floor. Instinctively, Cohen knew everything from that simple word.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“What is there to talk about, Cohen?” She kicked her bag aside and bee-lined for the cabinet. “You know how it is.”
“We don’t have to talk about it. Let me,” he halted her from digging further into the cabinet where he kept his teas and hot cocoa mixes, then pulled down Nancy’s favourite, a spicy cocoa mix with chilli powder and cinnamon. “You just relax.”
Huffily, Nancy sat at the kitchen table, her turquoise eyes never wavering from Cohen as he prepared her drink. He continued, “I knew today wasn’t one of our days together, and yet, I’d see you come all the same. Would you like to talk about something else?”
Nancy popped up and began examining the plants her foster parent had brought in from the garden. “What are you working on?”
“Oh, a little of this, a little of that. Offerings to Lucifer, refreshing the protection on the house for the new month, good luck charms. Anything to keep our spirits up… ah, I’m making a Hermes candle for a client, too.”
“You’re good with plants. Can’t you poison Ray?”
Cohen scoffed. “As much as I’d like to, Nancy, it’s not in the cards. The best thing you can do for people like that is not to let their negative energy get to you. I’m sorry there’s not an easier way to get rid of him, seeing as the police aren’t worth dog shit.”
Nancy finally grinned. “Amen, Cohen.”
He smiled back, stirring the powder into a mug of hot milk. “Why don’t you put on some music?”
Nancy shrugged and turned her attention to the radio on the windowsill. She messed with the dials until she found something to her liking, shaking out her wrists and stretching her arms above her head.
“Here you are, love.”
She took the navy blue mug and held the rim up to her lips, breathing in its enticingly spicy aroma. Relaxing, she began to drink. “Thanks, Cohen.” She murmured.
“No thanks is needed. I’m happy when you’re happy.”
Something on your mind, wanna leave me behind, wanna leave me behind…
Perking up, Cohen turned up the volume on the radio, singing along, “You’re spinnin’ me around, my feet are off the ground, I don’t know where I stand, do you have to hold my hand?”
Nancy snickered at him through the steam of her drink. He glanced at her. “What? It’s a good song.”
“You’re such a cornball sometimes. I’m glad you’re not my real dad.”
“Oh yeah? Then you shouldn’t be embarrassed when I—” he took the mug from her and set it on the counter, wrapping his hands around her and gently forcing her to dance with him. She laughed louder. “Dance with me, Nance!”
“No! I won’t do it, I’m not six anymore!” She insisted, letting him swing her around.
“I know you know the words, flower!”
She rolled her eyes and belted out the words with him; “Oh-woah, when you walk into the room, it happened all so soon, I didn’t want to know, ‘cause you really have to go!”
They continued to sing together even when Nancy broke away to tend to her drink. Cohen was glad to see a glow under her heavy make-up as the song came to a close. “Feeling better?”
She shrugged, masking her relief. “Yeah, yeah, sure, a little.”
“Good. Now, go put your bag in your room. I’m going to call your mother and then we can start working on dinner.”
Nancy nodded and finished her cocoa, then picked up her bag and headed for the stairs. She then paused, looking back over her shoulder. “I… I didn’t really…”
Cohen met her eyes. “I know. You don’t have to say it out loud if it's too hard right now.”
She nodded again and disappeared up the stairs. He sighed as he watched her go. In all contexts except biological, Nancy Downs was his daughter.
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i-sveikata · 8 months
hi do you have a schedule for writing? or you just write whenever and update the story spontaneously? 🥰 it seems like it is usually monthly updates but i wanted to ask you. do you recommend writing by following a schedule to new authors?
i dont really have a specific schedule tbh. I just write when i have the energy and the time to do it. so because this story is really engaging to me im usually a monthly updater unless life or health or something unforeseen gets in the way.
honestly no i wouldnt? because i think it creates a lot of unnecessary pressure especially if youre worrying people wont read it because you took too long between updates or theyre not going to wait for you to finish etc etc. because once you start trying to force yourself into a pattern that youre not already doing because it works for you (and youre not doing it because of being swept up by the story and the experience itself but because of outside pressures) then its going to negatively affect your enjoyment of the whole process if that makes sense?
because at the end of the day you are writing it for you first and foremost and you can always set yourself little reminders to try and write once a day or three times a week or once a week if youre worried about forgetting about the story or losing interest or motivation or something. but honestly it is important to take breaks too!! like were not machines we cant just give and give and give indefinitely thats not a sustainable way to live and its not a sustainable way to create either.
really if its honestly not your job and youre not being paid to get things out for a specific deadline then its definitely not one of the first or most important things that any aspiring writer should be worrying about imo. like why add that extra pressure when youre still trying to get into it and develop yourself?
i might not have a writing schedule but once i sit down and start writing im in and its very easy to get immersed in it- the story just flows right out of me and its on my mind often enough that i never worry about losing interest or not ever finishing it or whatever might prompt the need for a strict schedule. because this is meant to be fun!! not homework!! so if youre the type of person who does thrive in a strict scheduled environment and that feels more comfortable to you then just writing when you can then by all means implement a schedule! theres no right way or wrong way of doing it. everyone will have their own different methods and what feels best and most natural to them.
For me i like to always have notes on my phone for when im out and about and have an idea for a scene to add to the story- youd be surprised how often good ideas come to you when youre doing tasks that dont engage your brain fully- like showering, or driving or going for walks or even just being at work and doing that. in those moments thats when the notes come in handy because no matter how much you promise yourself you will- you might not always remember it!!! so i take notes. otherwise im breaking up the chapters with mini scene outlines that i want to happen or that i will eventually write. Not every idea is straight from the brain to the page. sometimes it is just easier to do brief outlines of whats interesting or intriguing to you and then you can come back and write whatever scene that appeals most.
So for example from the latest chap one would have been like (pete secret gets revealed, mr korn uses the opportunity to get rid of him and pete gets kicked out of the main family house, then he grabs oat and they steal an ambulance, escape montage etc) and sure thats basic enough but that really works for me! thats the distinction too because everyone thinks and does things differently- you just have to find out what works most for you. so yes of course i can give you tips and examples of what i do but that will be what works best for me. you could take some of that on board or none of it and it would still be equally fine! whatever gets you writing (and enjoying it- thats the most important part) :)
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amieravenson · 10 months
Cleansing Magick
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This is perhaps the most important magick that any witch can learn. When you're able to cleanse your space and your life, you're able to assert control over the energies that have access to you. Perhaps that's why cleansing is one of the first things that we're taught as baby witches. Keeping the energies that we surround ourself with clear and fresh is the first step to other types of magick. There are several ways you can start cleansing yourself and your space. Take these suggestions and run with them! - Actually clean your space. (Not gonna lie, this is one I need to work on...) The more you move old, stagnant energies out, by cleaning, organizing, and minimizing your things, the more you have room for new, positive energies. I find that whenever I clean my space thoroughly, I feel lighter and more free, and I also have exciting new energies come into my life. It can be a huge pain, but it's worth doing! - Clean your body. Treat showers and bathtimes as a purification ritual. Imagine the water rinsing away any negativity or 'gunk' that can collect and be stored in your body. Use special soaps or rub a little salt on your skin to amplify the cleansing. Use my Florida water or my smudge spray recipes and create a spray that you can use every night before you go to bed. This will help you get rid of anything that you don't want to take with you into dream time. - Clean your mind. Think about the things that bring you down. Too much screen time? Too much gossip? Too much stress? Do you have friends or family that put you in a negative headspace? How can you limit their affects on you? Make a list if necessary. Identifying the problems will help you find solutions and clear your mind. - Clean yourself spiritually. Periodically I like to do a small energetic ritual where I cut cords that I'm no longer needing. I then use my left hand to take back energy I've given to others, visualizing it coming back to me as a silver light. And then I use my right hand to project the energy I've taken from others back to them as a gold light. It helps me to keep myself to myself and not be caught up in others' issues and drama. You can also meditate on your bodies (physical and energetic) being cleansed from above by golden light pouring in through your crown chakra. Whatever floats your boat! And of course, now we need to talk about...
Herbs for Cleansing and Purification
- Hyssop- a brilliant cleansing and purification herb, and a worthy substitute for sage in your workings. - Peppermint- Great for a Winter seasonal cleanse. - Rosemary- Use in baths and cleansing teas. - Rue- Can be used by dipping a bunch into a cleansing water or tea, and sprinkling drops over your space. Also used in exorcism rites. - Sage- perhaps the best known for purification and blessings. Be careful with what you buy, and forego the white California sage (which is sacred to some Native Americans as a closed practice and is being over-harvested). Use garden sage instead (which is easy to grow yourself, and has just as much 'oomph' as white California sage). - Solomon's Seal- used in exorcism or cleansing. - Tobacco- Burn on charcoal to remove negativity. - Vervain- Used in purification incenses and baths. - Woodruff- A Spring herb, used to clear away the stagnant energy of Winter. (From Scott Cunningham's Magical Herbalism)
Stones for Cleansing and Purification
- Agate- Cleansing at physical and emotional levels. - Amethyst- Cleansing, helps over come addictions and blockages. - Ametrine- Cleanses the aura and helps remove toxins from the body. - Black Tourmaline- Absorbs negativity, especially electromagnetic smog. - Petalite- Aids in spiritual purification. - Smoky Quartz- Absorbs negativity and transmutes it to positive. - Turquoise- Dispels negative energy. - Zincite- Can stimulate a healing catharsis. (Use with caution!) (From Judy Hall's The Crystal Bible) How about you? What do you use to cleanse your home, body, mind, and spirit? Are there some things I forgot here in this list? Please let me know in the comments. Blessed be! Read the full article
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Ugh, I did a full moon deep cleansing/banishing negativity spell last night and it didn't go how I wanted it to go.
First, because I didn't do my research beforehand, it took me a long time to do research on materials, herbs, & spell work before I actually got down to business. I'm not a beginner, but I still like to do my research before doing any spell, especially if it's a new type of spell (like what I was going for last night).
Second, when I tried centering and grounding myself, my mind was not having it. Which was weird because I wanted to do nothing more than witchcraft last night, and I kept thinking about it all throughout work. I even drank an extra energy drink to make sure that my CFS wouldn't interfere too much with my energy levels for the working, but all my motivation and attention span just poofed as soon as I said down to start the ritual. (Darn you, ADHD.)
Third, this is my first time burning something that wasn't a candle. I put a layer of sand at the bottom of my small cauldron, plus some herbs (only about three or four) and then a scroll that I had written down on it what I wanted removed from my life. The fire burned bigger and brighter than I had ever seen. It worried me so much that I couldn't focus on my intent or my chant. I just sat there with my candle snuffer in one hand and a glass of water in another, anxiously watching to see if it got too big for the cauldron. The flame was tall, but the fire wasn't wide, yet I still felt so panicked!!
At the end of the ritual, I felt like I might have made things worse for myself. Not that my spell backfired necessarily, but rather that it didn't work, and by virtue of it not working and the additional stress of the experience, I only added to the strife that I was trying to get rid of in the first place with this ritual.
Naturally, I'm not too happy with this experience. However, I can't neglect the fact that it was a very good teaching moment.
I feel like the methods and tools used were great for my intentions and goals, but I learned that maybe I needed to execute it differently so I can focus more on my energy/intent. Maybe instead of burning the scroll, I bury it using biodegradable paper and herbs that won't damage the Earth. Or maybe I'll find a different way of representing what I want banished and go from there. Maybe I make it a point to research what I want to do and how I want to do it the day before so that way I'm not rushed the day of the working.
This also taught me that I still have a lot to learn about alternatives and how to get into the right headspace for spellwork. Maybe I should have spent more time centering and grounding; maybe I should have listened to my non-compliant brain (affectionate) and did a different magical thing that matched my attention span. Regardless, my next study session will cover ways for ADHD people like me to center/ground themselves better.
I often rush into the workings because I want to feel that power that I felt when my other spells worked. I want to feel competent and capable in both the physical and metaphysical worlds. But I keep forgetting that it takes time, patience, and busts like these to mold me into a better, more powerful witch.
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Witchcraft is a journey, and I should enjoy the ride. That's why, these next few workings, I'm going to focus more on building up the basics. Like I said, I'm not new, but I want the refresher so that I can feel that much more confident in my practices moving forward.
If you're struggling with being patient in your workings like I am, it's okay! You're not alone! We're in this together. Step by step, we'll get there, so let's enjoy each step as it comes. 💜 🌊
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redcap3 · 2 years
Charming - Pt. 3
Sunday: Expected and Unexpected Joys
Sunday morning, I needed to be up, mobile, and in one of the Mainsail rooms by 9am so I could attend the volunteer raffle. It was nice to feel appreciated and get a couple little rewards for the work I had done over the weekend (and I still had one more Consent Team shift left!), but ugh. I really was not feeling much joy about getting my butt up for that, even if I did end up with one of Linny’s beautiful glass bottle charms.
I had a little time to get ready for my class at 11:15, and sleepy returned to the room before I left. There had been another positive covid test, and they had attended several of the classes she demo’d for. Her rapid test was negative, but she had made the decision to stay in the room, watch some of the AGDQ runs we’d missed, and wind down as gracefully as she could as a way to manage her mental health. Camden and I both made a point of telling her how proud of her we were before it was time for me to get going for the Kink and Disabilities workshop.
I have presented this “class” something like eight times now. I see some familiar faces each time, and some new ones. 
I have to admit that the last two times I have led the class, I started to wonder if I was just telling people the same things over and over. I worry that people won’t find it valuable, or that I am mostly just shouting into the void. (Especially when teaching online, and it’s difficult for me to ‘read the room’!)
Then I see the reactions of people who had never realized others have the same (or similar enough) issues with limitations, physical play, or mental health making them feel like they couldn’t play, and the lightbulb moments of “I can do this!” that makes the effort worth it every time. 
Several people came up to thank me for the ideas I had given them, and I happily had a quick hello with Goddess where she was doing Door Dragoning before I went over to the Consent Team table to say hello to Jenny, one of the other team members who I actually had met before we both came out to each other as into hypnosis, and we had a nice low key hangout where we both answered some questions, got some feedback on some of the different Sunday uncon plans that people wanted brought back to the concom, and I wished them a safe drive home after T. came to relieve her. 
While I was there, Lynx announced that they were trying to get rid of as much rope as possible before driving home, so, well…I bought more rope. Look, it’s a better habit than drugs.
Or gunpla.
Or battletech minis.
Goddess would stop by to chat with Wiseguy where he was holding down the Concom table, and she mentioned stopping back down later.   (I did not get a chance to talk to her about the ‘collar-versary’ that day, or before we flew back to Minnesota, but it is a discussion we did have later, and we are OK. She is Keeping Me, and I am happily Kept.)
I asked sleepy if she would be ok with running me out a bottle of water or two when I realized I was getting really dried out, and she was awesome and did so before heading back to the room. Not long after that Lynx and I talked as she delivered my final rope order, and we spotted a minor concern that I would end up notifying the concom about, and Psy was a gentleman and a scholar, handling it within a few minutes.
As my shift wrapped up I asked if T would mind me leaving a few minutes early, because my energy was flagging. He happily sent me onward, and as I brought myself back to the room I thought I could hear some noise coming from inside. 
I swiped my key and opened the door to the sound of Daja’s voice trailing off, and a steady Tick…Tick…Tick…Tick…
Without even consciously realizing it I had stopped just inside the room so the door could shut behind me, and started rocking on my feet in time to the metronome that was sitting on the dresser as Miss Dawn approached me with a confident little smile. “Well, isn’t this a lovely surprise…”
I had asked if I might get some trance time on Sunday after basically being in Top Space for a lot of Friday and the parts of Saturday where I was out in public, and Dawn had been happy to assure me that we would make some time. 
Part of me thought it might happen in the midst of a Sunday Evening event we had been planning with friends, but I had stumbled into a perfect opportunity, and Miss Dawn wasn’t about to waste it. I saw sleepy on the bed Cammie had been using, tranced out and blissful, and Miss Dawn guided me over to the other, telling me to leave my roller bag by the armchair and to slip my shoes off. It did not take long at all for her to bring me down into trance, taking advantage of some shared triggers and connections that Goddess has been helping sleepy and I build between us, and I strongly recommend you read her writeup of how it went down, because it was absolutely wonderful to read it again and feel myself back there once more. 
I remember getting very trancey. I remember laying down on the bed. I vaguely remember sitting back up again, but I didn’t really remember how I got into the other bed with sleepy until later. Cuddled up and more than half asleep, we ended up taking a nice nap that would end after Cammie returned to the room to pick up a few things for the evening, and mentioned that Goddess had passed on a community award she had been “given” at the last Charmed to Enscenic. (It was awarded to her at the last Charmed in an online ceremony, but the physical box had to be shipped cross country to her, so we only received it a short time before we left for Maryland!) If I have any regret about my afternoon, it is missing that, but even that was a relatively soft and mild thing considering why I wasn’t there.
Sleepy and I decided to have dinner while Cammie went to Daja’s room, and we had a chance to say goodbye to Scarlett and Emma before they left for the airport, promising to keep in touch. Once they had left,  I took what felt like my 20th rapid test of the weekend so that I would be able to unmask for…
The Vampire Salon
Several weeks before the con, Nath, Panda, Daja, Kitty, and some of our other friends who enjoy vampire play (and / or are LARP nerds like me) had decided it would be fun to do a vampire room party on Sunday night as a nice way to end the con.
Sleepy and Goddess had both been invited to participate, but neither felt up to it, and as I waited for Nath to let us know when (or if) she was ready, I have to admit that I had some moments of doubt that the evening would actually happen - and a lingering fear that without Goddess or sleepy there, I would be a fifth wheel, at best. 
I knew Daja and Cammie had been planning something special for that night, even being given a heads up that Cammie might be acting “out of character”, and I knew that Nath had plans for Panda and Tigress, too. I did reach out to Panda to see if it might like to try some play, and it was open to the idea depending on what Nath wanted it to do, and that helped settle my nerves a bit before I changed into a white chemise I had shown off prior to the con which had gotten a great deal of approval.
I was looking forward to being a “victim”, so to speak, and when I received the message to come up to Nath’s room, it was like being an iron filing drawn up to a magnet.
Welcomed in by our hostess, she noted her own approval of my outfit, and I was ushered in. 
Daja and Cammie arrived shortly after I did, and while I didn’t know the exact nature of what they were doing, it wasn’t too hard to figure out that Daja had essentially taken complete control of Cammie, above and beyond their normal power exchanges. 
(I would later learn that with Goddess’ permission, Cammie was, for one night, completely Daja’s, and I am happy they were able to enjoy that!)
Panda would join us soon after in a similar outfit to mine, and Tigress would join us not too long after. 
Sitting on one of the room’s bed’s I was not explicitly in trance at first, but it was very easy to just relax into watching Daja showing off with Cammie while Nath shared several lovely stories of her own vampiric escapades, including taking a moment to enrapture Panda to her will. 
Then, Nath turned her gaze on me, and as I stared into her eyes she barely needed to say a word to make me feel increasingly fuzzy and enthralled. 
I remember a moment she told me that I could just sit and enjoy myself as a docile little pet, and it sparked off of some of Goddess’ programming in the back of my mind. “Docile and tame,” I murmured, and when asked to speak up, I repeated the phrase. 
Daja smiled at this, and produced a package of tattoo markers. 
I have a thing for body writing, particularly for praise and positivity. It’s often hard for me to see what others appreciate in me, and seeing that in literal black and white on my skin is reassuring and affirming. 
“When I write this on your arm,” Daja instructed me, “the words on your skin will be the commands in your mind.” 
I felt blissful as she carefully wrote “Docile” and “Tame” on my arm, gazing at the nicely embellished words in gentle delight. “Now,” she ordered, “You’ll wash this off tonight before you go to sleep.” I felt a little sad about that, but agreed. After all, it was an instruction, and I was very good at following instructions. 
Nath would slide behind me on the bed, pulling me into a cuddle, and I happily melted into the touch, particularly as she murmured praise and compliments into my ear. 
There would be a point where Daja and Cammie needed to step out, but I knew Cammie would take care of her partner, and Panda was also called away. With Nath now happily playing with me and Tigress, I was given the chance to enjoy being fed from in a gentle, tender moment, and I was pleasantly surprised to realize the two of us were developing some rather lovely sparks that I think Nath and I will be exploring more. 
Unfortunately, further plans were interrupted when I stood up to use the bathroom, and we realized that there was drying blood on the comforter where I had been sitting. I went to the bathroom to take care of my needs and examined my foot, realizing a set of calluses on my foot had broken open and begun to bleed. 
Regretfully, I said my goodnights to Nath and Tigress, then headed back downstairs to the room so I could ask Sleepy to help me clean and bandage my foot before I showered off the markers and began getting ready for bed. 
I am happy to say that Nath and Tigress spent more time together that night, and that when Camden returned, she assured us that she had taken care of Daja, leaving us all tired but in good spirits as she and sleepy settled down to sleep together that night, and I did as much packing as I could before bed to prepare for our trip home the next day.
Monday: And Away We Go
I would wake up to the sounds of sleepy finishing her packing so she could meet a local friend for breakfast, and get out to do some sightseeing with them before she would meet us at the airport. I took the opportunity to give her the digital art I had commissioned for her birthday, gave her a kiss on her way out, and grabbed a shower before eating my remaining leftovers and getting myself ready for the drive back to the airport in a couple of hours.
I was able to say goodbye to both Daja and Turq when I entrusted my unsold books to them, which they would take back and then ship to me in Minnesota later, and I did my best to make sure I had repacked by bags to be a bit lighter for the trip home, and hopefully save me some overage fees.
(Spoiler: Nooope. Paid about the same overage fees on the way out as I did coming in. It would seem that the extra rope and baked goods took a toll!)
Because we had Timbit’s seat converted to a pet ticket, we couldn’t check in early for the return trip, and had to handle getting our boarding passes at the Delta counter when we arrived. 
Thankfully, aside from having to pay another pet fee (ugh) and my bag fee (ugh) the check in went relatively smoothly, and I was able to make sure everyone had their boarding passes before heading to security.
I was also asked if I could check my roller bag due to the flight being fairly full, so I went ahead, forgetting I had put my noise canceling headphones in the roller bag and not the rope bag that I was now using as a drawstring backpack.
At least I had my phone, wallet, and iPad, and my passport so I could go through pre-check and head down for our gate. I knew I needed some kind of lunch and something to drink, and ended up deciding to hit the Smoothie King right by our gate - and as I did, I ran into Skaetlett, who I had barely been able to see that weekend, Linny, and Camden! There were more hugs and catching up on things each of us had missed, and then we eventually moved down to our gate, where YS, Goddess, Timbit, and Jukebox were waiting, and it wasn’t long before Tigress and Copper joined us as well. 
We all got to talk and catch up (while carefully editing some topics for the sake of Younger Spawn’s ears), and it was a really nice way to spend the time before boarding - though I will admit as the time before boarding ticked down, I was increasingly nervous about not hearing from sleepy. 
Thankfully she would send us a picture message about 15 minutes before boarding was to start, letting us know she was at the airport and heading for the gate. 
Even better, her ‘standby’ ticket had been bumped up into the Comfort+ section, meaning Delta would be giving her a bit more comfortable ride home for a birthday present!
Goddess, Timbit, and I pre-boarded, and I made sure all of our tickets were scanned at the gate this time so there would be no confusion over our seats. 
The flight itself was…ok, but not great, especially since we had something like five small children around us, and the lack of my ANC headphones meant that I had to find distractions. I ended up watching a few episodes of No Reservations on the in flight TV with subtitles on, but I also capitulated to paying $5 for Wifi so I could have access to the internet for twitter, facebook, and what I jokingly called ‘ADHD’ tax - where I quickly found that sleepy had done the same thing, which I gently teased her about over DIscord as she sat in the lap of moderate luxury.  When we finally reached Minneapolis again, we regrouped in baggage claim and made our plans: Copper, Jukebox, Camden, and sleepy would take a lyft back so that sleepy would be able to make a scheduled call with her parents, Cammie could have some decompression time, and Copper would grab my car from the house while Jukebox grabbed the Bolt, and they would come back to MSP to pick us and all the bags up. 
Financially this was probably the best call, but I have to admit that by the time they had jumped off, I was tired, hurting, and really just wanted to go back to the house for a bit, have dinner with my family, and go back to my place to unpack. 
I would have happily spent another $30-40 on Lyft for that, but I accepted that this would be easier on Goddess, Timbit, and the others, so I did my best to stay comfortable and wait.  
Copper would end up taking me, Goddess, and Timbit back, while Tigress, YS, and Jukebox got themselves and most of the bags. We ordered dinner from one of our favorite Chinese restaurants that delivered to the house, including extra orders of potstickers for the birthday girl, and had some good general winding down time together with cuddles, hugs, and kisses goodnight before I got myself home.
Mitch, the friend who had been house and cat sitting for me while I was gone had done an amazing job of cleaning up and organizing a bit while I was away, which I still feel about equal amounts of gratitude and guilt for, and Jet and Rocket both made it clear that I had been missed.
I had taken Tuesday off and really should have gotten my bags in, unpacked enough to sleep, and gone to bed, but let’s just say I got wrapped up in some online discussions (including a lot of mutual ‘I miss you all!’ from people I had been at the con with), and it was a lot closer to 2am than 1am when I finally crawled into bed.
It really was an amazing weekend, and for every plan that fell through I felt like something else ended up happening to make up for it, while I very much accomplished my goal of trying to make more connections and friendships in the community. 
I will probably adjust how I do future cons (especially that overcommitting thing!), but I had finally made it to Charmed. I know I will be going back next year, and I cannot wait for June, when I will hopefully get to see many of my friends again
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