#i just wanna try so bad to get back into fantrolls
trollbriidge · 11 months
took duffie down from my sellable adopts bc i love him 😭
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zzoupz · 2 years
oc questions !!! feel free to answer all or none :))
1. tell me about your favorite! (/pos)
2. tell me about your least favorite! (/pos) (stinky awful garbage man *gender neutral)
3. anything living in your head rent free? story concept, single scene without context, oc concept you wont get around to making?
4. tell me about your favorite relationship (friendship included!) between ocs!
5. do you have a favorite oc name? what is it and how'd you get it?
6. anything driving you truly batshit? going insane over them?
7. tell me something sad about an oc!
8. tell me something sweet about an oc!
9. any ""retired"" ocs you still think about?
10. pick a favorite character n tell me three songs you think theyd like!
hihi! sorry this is a bit late I want to get back on my pc for this
1. oh damn I have multiple favorites! I think ones that I enjoy the most (at the moment) are them
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(yellow: Lee Harrison | blue: Bryan Dickinson)
they are basically a (in the 2000s) newbie punk band formed by two friends who are like brothers to each other. they bonded over both having not so great families (not like tragic-backstory awful but yknow. the average traditional family)
yeah I still can't figure out what their band name would be. yeah since 2020. sorry. such is life.
while they're not the ones I've wrote the most about, as in not much at all, I just really like them :)
2. Bartholomew. I used to like him then I realize how generic he is so I hate him now (/j) (yeah I actually do want to post about him less though)
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3. been thinking about the dynamic normal human x immortal who finds them in every life. so simple and common but I go insane over it every time. I think it would be fun
4. ohohohoho man ok here are some in no particular orders
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Time & Denial core, Denial/Dan (black hair, also the last image) is by @/ akamavarii
they were basically our coresonas, but they've became their own characters at this point so I think it counts
friends who commits OSHA violations together!!!
they share 1 brain cell and takes turns over it like an Xbox (quote from ami himself)
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Iandithas & Lumeous (if you noticed one of the name changed its bc I did)
a bard & a wizard duo who are retired and are now a shopkeeper & a chemist
its funny I care about them this much bc Lumeous was supposed to be a dad and a side character to my other oc and Iandithas was a doodle of a random guy and now they mean the world to me
there have been like 5 people who pointed out that they look like a couple and you're right and I fucking hate that you're right. and they were roommates etc
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Overseer / Conqueror
this one is new very obviously but I've been thinking about them for a LONG while.
friends to lovers to enemies heehoo heehoo heehoo heehoo heeh
can you tell I like it when queer relationships
5. Fakzky HAS to have my favorite origin. fun fact there's a bot on facebook that would combine the names of their followers (only if they request, don't worry) and it was my source of inspo for my fantroll names in 2020, Fakz is the only one I took completely from it and the post is still there!
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6. the 35 awesome and cool animatics that exists in MY mind
7. oh man I don't wanna say something sad :( mostly bc I'm bad at it and it would sound cringe :(
8. I have a plague doc oc and she has 3 pet rats ^_^ they're all named after murderers from the bible but yeah whatever
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(Dias Cain Jael in that order btw)
9. hmmm them I think. I make stuff about them way less nowadays but still draw them time to time. Cath is from 2018 and funnily is originally a fusion of two characters. and Danya is from early 2021 when I was just trying stuff out. I made them friends just cuz I think they look like they would do drugs together
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10. I have no idea man I created them not know them (I am so so bad at this)
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prince-liest · 3 years
fic writer interview!
How many works do you have on AO3?
37, though another one is going up tomorrow because haunted AO3 hours started and I don't want to post it in the middle of the night on a Monday. Also like 4 or 5 more in reserve from zines/bangs. I'm kinda impressed with myself, but also, side-eyeing y'all with fic counts in the 100s. Phenomenal. Effervescent.
What's your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
In chronological order of first fic on AO3: Percy Jackson, Soul Eater, Steven Universe, My Hero Academia, Dragalia Lost, Avater: the Last Airbender, the Witcher, and Genshin Impact! That's 7 fandoms and I'm not counting Homestuck (I only wrote OC stuff) or D&D (same thing).
I also have works from Axis Powers: Hetalia and Katekyo Hitman Reborn! on Fanfiction dot hell that none of you will ever see. I definitely posted and deleted a Twilight OC fic once.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dish Duty | ATLA
The Sword of Damocles is Swinging | MHA
The Ancient Art of Jerkbending | ATLA
Dishabille | MHA
Summer Break | MHA
ATLA is a powerful fandom so I'm not surprised both my ATLA fics made top five. Dishabille's popularity continues to pleasantly surprise me. Damocles is only surprising because it isn't first. I am so proud of Summer Break and that entire Shinsou series, I'm glad it made top 5 and is gonna break 1k kudos soon. <3
(Now get Dog-Tired up there, I fucking love that story. q^q)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
To quote Mido: I do, but not consistently. Q^Q I read them all and I really want to reply to them all, but I very frequently simply to not have the energy. I have it posted on my AO3 profile, though, so hopefully it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings... I have recently been trying to at least answer all new incoming comments and not let the backlog increase! (That said, the backlog is over 100.)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't tend to do angsty endings (I am a hard lover of angst with a happy ending), but I've written some questionable and bittersweet ones. I think arguably the best contendor for angstiest ending is probably Kindred Spirit. I wrote it to low key revenge myself on @thegc4life for insisting that Shinsou gets a hug (he does! technically!) and it certainly ended ominously.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
As much as I love "Edward Elric gets transported into X universe and proceeds to kick everyone's ass" crossovers, I don't relaly write any. I do enjoy full transplant AUs, though, and the one I recently posted on AO3 is an MHA-at-Hogwards AU called the Birds and the Mares that I wrote for the HP/BNHA Zine!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Deeeeepends on what you mean by 'hate.' :X has gotten two comments (one much politer than the other, haha) complaining about my use of the r-slur in Shinsou's internal narrative in one of the chapters, but one person backpedaled and said they understood the purpose of it while the other (more vehement) one never replied to my explanation. That's all, though!
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yeah. It's never going on my main AO3 (and the one time it did, I orphaned the fic). I have a side account I might post it on once I get over the fact that people who know me also know about the account. It's all 100% PWP of stuff I personally am into, and I have a very specific set of things I'm into, so... idk, feels a little personal! ^^"
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, but I've had people adopt general concepts I used (fabulous!) and steal my RP OCs back in ye olde fantroll days (not at all fabulous! incredibly hurtful, actually). I am vehemently opposed to plagiarism, even of concepts. It feels so gross.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone in the comments mentioned that they are translating Bloodied Hound into Russian and I am SO EXCITED. I desperately want to read it. Of all the languages, it happened to be the only other one I'm decently literate in! I also want to show my grandparents. I really hope the person follows through. <3
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've roleplayed a lot, but I can't see myself ever co-writing a fic. I'm not even sure how it works, to be honest!
What’s your all time favourite ship?
Urgh. Pass. I can't pick one. Perils of a multishipper.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I was going to proudly say "I never post things I don't plan on finishing!" but in reality that is a lie, because Falling Down A Rabbit Hole exists from back in 2015 and is in fact the reason I made that rule for myself. ^^" Honestly, what's there still holds up, but the reality is that I didn't actually come up with a plot, so there's nowhere for it to go.
What are your writing strengths?
Interesting/relatable/funny dialogue, and also writing feelings in a 'show, don't tell!' kind of way that leaves strong impressions with people!
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting out long stories with good pacing! People thought Damocles had a plot, apparently? Joke's on you, it was a series of "I wanna see this happen" scenarios that I made Hawks suffer through and subsequently strung together like a haphazard multicolor plastic bead necklace that I told everyone was actually pearls.
That's why all my stories after Damocles are either short or split into a series. Shinsou's Bad Days is my attempt at proper pacing, hence it being so episodic.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'll do it if I know the language well enough (so, Russian and ASL, I don't trust my casual Japanese), but I'm generally a stickler for making things come off naturally, so I otherwise will instead try to find the closest tonal equivalent in English (such as having Childe call Zhongli "professor" instead of "xiansheng"). Sometimes there just isn't one (like Kazuha calling Beidou 'big sis' but in a way that doesn't sound kiddish and overly casual for him), though, which sucks. :( Language is cool!
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
T. Twilight. QUQ I wish that fic still existed, it was like a single chapter of two multicolored hair OCs befriending Alice Cullen and being cool. I deleted it but I SHOULDN'T HAVE. IT WAS HISTORY.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
This totally changes with each new slew of fics I post. I think currently it is Dog-Tired because despite being unsatisfied with the title, I think the story itself turned out amazing. I also am extremely happy with the entire Shinsou's Bad Days series (including upcoming installments).
Tagged by: @touchmycoat (THANK U LOVE <3)
Tagging: anyone who's read this far, LOL. seriously, though, I have a lot of writer moots and I don't have the time to tag them all but PLEASE do this and tag me so I can read it if you are so inclined! <3
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
:skull_crossbones: I worry i'm overbearing.
no! listen, I don’t think anyone is overbearing. everyone has their reasons on stopping every now and then or just something else that would either make them think they’re too much of a hassle or whatnot. I don’t think of that about anyone and especially the same where people are worried on how they should roleplay whether they should stick with how they’re doing it or match how I do it and so on.
you are not overbearing. you are not bothersome and you should have fun and enjoy having fun roleplaying your characters with another, making a story, relationships, and all that! trust me, you all deserve to pat yourselves on the back for trying and actually doing the things and feeling great about it towards the end!
[ramblings down in the readmore! :o]
I’m not a great rper. I don’t consider myself to be. I don’t have great art to attract other’s attention. I’m not popular or have interesting characters to captivate people. I like having fun. there’s been times I wanted to just quit. I want to give up. but I don’t want to. not in a bad way. not in a way that fantrolls is getting boring to me. no. to me, it’s never boring.
maybe it’s the amount of characters I have. maybe it’s people thinking I have high expectations. maybe because I just can’t approach people straight on asking if they want to roleplay. maybe I just think I’m not in their radar of what people expect out of a rolaplayer like me that I feel like everyone is avoiding me. I have that thought. those thoughts keep creeping up on me. but when I get nice messages saying the nicest things to me whether it’s about my art or my characters, I just want to cry. I want to shed into tears. I don’t care if I’m a grown ass man but I get sensitive over the dumbest things and just reading those nice things always keep me up. I always remember those and I never want to give up rping.
I rp with whoever but I always be sure to just keep it simple. I want everyone to feel welcome and know I don’t have high expectations. not in a bad way like “oh man I don’t see us roleplaying again.” I mean I don’t have high expectations as in we’re here to have fun! and if something just “SPARKS” then we’ll go for it! c:
it’s okay to have these thoughts. it’s okay to thinking maybe you’re too much for someone or something around that. I have those same thoughts, too. trust me. I have them all the time. I always do. there’s many people I wanna roleplay with. so many but I often feel like I’m not the right person they’d want to roleplay with or something along those lines. just keep your chin, keep looking ahead yourself. there may be a few bumps but you’ll eventually get to where you need to go <3
to anyone, and I mean, ANYONE, take your time! I’m here to have fun the same as the rest of you! don’t worry about whether this character would go well with this or whether you should match my rping style. please do not worry! I encourage you all to just be yourself, rp how you usually do, and just wing it!
to me, I’m always okay with everyone and I don’t mind however you rp. I’d usually stay with my rp style and let you do yours or I will match it myself. I try my best to make things easier for everyone. all of you take your time. you’re all welcome to come to me when you’re finally ready. I love you all. I have never met or talked to any of ya’ll but know that I admire all of you that I follow <3
- Juan
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wykedtrolls · 5 years
a dissertation nobody asked for, ft. my dysphoric trans ass (on the subject of truscum, cisgender medicine, and stupid assholes)
I know that nobody asked for this post, and definitely nobody needed it, but you know what? Fuck it. You’re getting this post anyway.
Very recently someone in the community outed himself (himself, because I’m aware that he uses he/him pronouns and am not a piece of shit who will misgender someone under guise of offering anonymity. Cough cough.) as a transmedicalist. A truscum, if you will, because we all know that they mean the same thing and anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is a bitchcoward and a bigot.
Very disappointing, yes, considering the amount of transgender people* I know exist in this community, myself included. Disappointing, frightening, and rage-inducing. Particularly because this revelation followed an encounter said truscum had with a close friend of mine. Which I admit might make me a little biased but shhh. Neither me nor my friend(s) started this. The contents of that conversation had between the truscum and my bro should have been handled privately like an adult but- hey, since we’re putting all this shit out there now, guess I get to put in my two cents! Awesome!
And because we apparently like to bring science into shit, let’s get a lil scientific up in this bitch.
*Note: transgender from here on will be used to refer to as the umbrella of non-cis gender identities just for context and ease of reference. And also because that’s what it is, fuck off.
So, guys. Let’s talk about dysphoria.
Dysphoria. Most of you have heard of it, particularly those among us (both within and outside of the fantroll community) who happen to be transgender.
But what does it actually mean? Let’s look a little closer. Dysphoria, as defined by Merriam-Webster:
dysphoria (noun)
dys·​pho·​ria | \ dis-ˈfȯr-ē-ə  \
Definition of dysphoria
: a state of feeling very unhappy, uneasy, or dissatisfied
But this is just semantics. Let’s look at it, and gender oriented dysphoria in particular from a mental health perspective-
“Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might accompany a difference between gender identity, sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics. This type of distress doesn't affect everyone who is transgender.
Gender dysphoria is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association to diagnose mental conditions. Gender dysphoria is a diagnosis that is given to individuals who are experiencing discomfort or distress due to the difference between gender identity, sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics.”
This is from the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit academic medical center based in Rochester, Minnesota, lauded as the best hospital in the nation for 2018-2019 by the U.S News and World Report. Do with that information what you will, but most would consider the Mayo Clinic (while not a good replacement for proper doctor’s visits and medical treatment) a pretty credible health resource.
But we’ll come back to this.
For now, let’s look at another definition. That of the word ‘opinion.’
opinion (noun)
opin·​ion | \ ə-ˈpin-yən  \
Definition of opinion
1a : a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter
We asked them for their opinions about the new stadium.
I have no great opinion of his work.
2a : belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge
a person of rigid opinions
Opinions are inherently biased. It may be influenced by facts, but opinions in and of themselves are not fact. To borrow and paraphrase from Fowler, H. Ramsey. The Little, Brown Handbook. Boston: Little, Brown, 1986.:
When forming personal convictions, we often interpret factual evidence through the filter of our values, feelings, tastes, and past experiences. Hence, most statements we make in speaking and writing are assertions of fact, opinion, belief, or prejudice. The usefulness and acceptability of an assertion can be improved or diminished by the nature of the assertion, depending on which of the following categories it falls into:
A fact is verifiable. [Determinable by] ...researching the evidence. This may involve numbers, dates, testimony, etc. (Ex.: "World War II ended in 1945.") The truth of the fact is beyond argument if one can assume that measuring devices or records or memories are correct. Facts provide crucial support for the assertion of an argument. However, facts by themselves are worthless unless we put them in context, draw conclusions, and, thus, give them meaning.
An opinion is a judgment based on facts, an honest attempt to draw a reasonable conclusion from factual evidence. [Opinions are] potentially changeable--depending on how the evidence is interpreted. By themselves, opinions have little power to convince. You must always let your reader know what your evidence is and how it led you to arrive at your opinion.
Unlike an opinion, a belief is a conviction based on cultural or personal faith, morality, or values. Statements such as "Capital punishment is legalized murder" are often called "opinions" because they express viewpoints, but they are not based on facts or other evidence. They cannot be disproved or even contested in a rational or logical manner. Since beliefs are inarguable, they cannot serve as the thesis of a formal argument. (Emotional appeals can, of course, be useful if you happen to know that your audience shares those beliefs.)
Y’all get what I’m getting at, right?
Oh, but one more thing I’d like to add- And I think this one is important.
“Another kind of assertion that has no place in serious argumentation is prejudice, a half-baked opinion based on insufficient or unexamined evidence. (Ex.: "Women are bad drivers.") Unlike a belief, a prejudice is testable: it can be contested and disproved on the basis of facts. We often form prejudices or accept them from others--family, friends, the media, etc.--without questioning their meaning or testing their truth. At best, prejudices are careless oversimplifications. At worst, they reflect a narrow-minded view of the world. Most of all, they are not likely to win the confidence or agreement of your readers.”
We’ve all encountered our fair share of these sorts of prejudices, disguised as “opinions.” Because isn’t that a much sweeter word for what it is? It’s not bigotry to delegitimize the experiences of other transgender people, it’s just an opinion. Like which is the best ice cream flavour, or something equally harmless.
But when your opinion involves the dehumanization, invalidation, exclusion and harm of other people… Well, that’s not so harmless, is it?
Racism is prejudice influenced by opinions and beliefs. Transphobia is prejudice influenced by opinions and beliefs. They are not fact, they are not based in rational thinking, and in many cases they cannot be argued because these prejudices are willingly cultivated and held.
‘But, Eli!’ I know at least one truscum who may or may not be reading this might cry, ‘It’s a scientifically proven fact that transgender people need to have dysphoria to be trans!’
To which I say fuck you, this is why that isn’t true.
Let’s go back to the definition of gender dysphoria, shall we?
“Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might accompany a difference between gender identity, sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics. This type of distress doesn't affect everyone who is transgender.”
MIGHT accompany a difference between those things, and DOESN’T affect everyone who is transgender. Interesting take coming from a scientific source, right? It’s almost like transmedicalist/truscum thinking is based off prejudice, rather than opinion; much less fact.
Especially considering dysphoria wasn’t even a word we (we meaning transgender people) chose for ourselves in the first place. It was picked by the American Psychiatric Association’s board of trustees to replace the term “Gender Identity Disorder” (GID)
Disorder. A sickness. Because Western medicine, practiced primarily by cisgender people (be they medical experts or not) has never been kind to transgender people. The word doesn’t mean what transmedicalists or truscum think it does. It doesn’t make you more valid than our fellow trans siblings just because the perceptions held by you or others of what your body and gender are worth make you miserable.
Wanna read up a little more on this? Check out these links: 
Not All Transgender People Have Dysphoria – And Here Are 6 Reasons Why That Matters 
Transgender People, Gender Identity and Gender Expression
If you’re dysphoric, my heart goes out to you. I’m dysphoric too. Dysphoric enough to transition despite the medical costs- because I was tired of feeling trapped in other people’s perceptions of me. But you know what? I love that there are transgender people who don’t feel defined by this persistent sensation of wrongness.
You shouldn’t be defined by that. Even dysphoric trans people know (or should, for the sake of their health) that your unhappiness isn’t the only thing that makes you transgender. In fact, in the least unhealthy cases, it’s only the smallest fraction of the gender experience. Being transgender and exploring your gender identity consist of a broad spectrum of emotions. The fact that some of us (US. WE are a community, and have to treat each other as such) get to snip that little fraction out of the spectrum is beautiful.
We’re made stronger by how different we all are, not weaker.
Whether you’re dysphoric or not, whether you identify with a gender binary or not, you are worthy of celebration and validation and love. All of us have it rough- frankly speaking, cisgender people as a whole barely tolerate us even when our identities do follow the narrative most commonly accept us. It’s not our place to judge, or shun, or invalidate one another.
And as both a personal goodbye and a TL;DR to truscum who like to treat gender identity like a competition, like something you get to gatekeep and police, fuck you. Our identities are ours to decide, our experiences to forge, and if that happens to not include transitioning or dysphoria, no matter what your reasons are that doesn’t make you less valid.
Fuck you, for painting your bigotry as an opinion. Fuck you for hurting the feelings of other transgender people. And fuck you for making posts trying to paint yourself as anything other than an asshole so full of internalized transphobia and misery that you can’t look past it to respect other people and act like that’s only your opinion UWU
Anyway, trans rights.
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why do good artists make bad ocs
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Name: Kuraii Iskuss wanna explain Gender: Male Age: 10 sweeps Blood: Neon Green HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Height: 5’10” Tital tital : Knight of Time Planet: Land of Volcanoes and Sundials Trollian Handle: compassionateContamination Typing Quirk: Begins with ’>°’ and ends with ‘°<’. Caps the first letter of each word. thanks but why Ex: >° What Are You Talking About? I Did Nothing Wrong! °< absolutely the fuck you did Strife Specibus Name: Scythekind & Swordkindx2 Name/Species of Lusus: Griffin (Mix between a Peregrine Falcon and a King Cheetah. With two set’s of wings. He calls it Kuro.)  set’s Living Space/Hive: Small sized hive in the woods. Just big enough for him and his lusus to live comfortably together. set’s Powers: Psionics that greatly increase his speed. Quadrants: Matesprit♥: Hisana Kalain Moirail♦: – Open Kismesis♠: – (Reserved for REDACTED) Personality: A rather strange individual, he normally spends his time alone or with the few friends he does have. He doesn’t really smile all that much, really only ever smiling or laughing when he’s with his friends or those he cares about. He suffers from depression, which is rather easy to see if you look in his eyes, but he tries to hide this as he doesn’t want to bother other’s with this problems. Though he looks and sometimes acts cold, he’s rather kind and hates to see other’s get hurt for no reason. When alone he will sometimes hug a large stuffed animal or his lusus and cry into it. He act’s like he doesn’t mind being alone, and sometimes it doesn’t really bother him, but most of the time he hates it and just wishes he had someone to talk with or at least just know there is someone else there. He is extremely shy when it comes to talking to new faces, normally going mute and avoiding eye contact, and when he does speak it’s in a rather low tone that is barely audible. He mostly relies on his friends to do the talking for him, and will mostly just avoid others he doesn’t know if he’s alone. He’s got a pretty bad temper, and can easily snap around those he strongly dislikes, and will really try to restrain himself from just throwing random stuff at them, though if pushed too far then he can’t guarantee much restraint from doing that or just out right attacking them.
hmmmmmmmm i don’t like big blocks of text but i’m just gonna go out on a limb here and say i hate this Extra: - He has a purple bloods lifespan. why also how do you know this - He’s an artist and spends most of his time drawing. - He’s often been called ‘toxic waste’ cause of the colour of his blood, and the fact he’s a mutant. sounds about right - He’s smarter then he looks, he just learns better from doing then writing. - He really loves bacon. Get between him and his bacon, and he will most likely bite you. uh - He’s got ADHD, and has a real hard time sitting still, that he will actually rock back and forth or fiddle with his fingers if he sits still for too long. - He doesn’t take pain very well. - He’s a fast learner. - He likes to play the piano, but he only knows one part from one song, any other time he’s just pressing random keys that sound nice together. me - Others think him to have some kind of learning disorder, but he just learns differently and at his own pace. - He loves to play video games and read books. - He strongly dislikes loud noises and shouting. - Sometimes wishes he had wings of his own so he could fly. - He loves getting hugs just as much as he loves giving them. - He’s got his eerie creepy moments. uhh - His sanity has been questioned many times. uhhh - Tail is normally hidden good, though he does have his moments when he doesn’t bother to hide it. Quadrants: Matesprit♥: Kirios Flerix (Joel-Kingdom) Moirail♦: Hisana Kalain (D-Mau5) Kismesis♠: – Open
Rules Broken: honestly a well-crafted troll in terms of personality, except for the glaring neon blood and the whole “ooh questionable sanity” part, also the tail, why y’all gotta put tails on ya trolls
Fantroll Rating: my eyes hurt the fuck
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anewalternia · 7 years
Title: when the evening is spread out against the sky
Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Telekinetic Sparring Relationships: Psiioniic/Fantroll, Psiioniic & Fantroll Characters: The Psiioniic (Mituna Captor), various fantrolls.  Additional Tags: Ancestor-Era, Pre-Signless Word Count: 2599  Summary: The trolls you pick for your quads aren’t necessarily the ones who will make you grow the most as a troll. And sometimes, the opportunity for a kismesissitude presents with a strange serendipity of its own. Your name is Mituna Captor, a young upstart of a psion, from Sigma Block, like you, challenges you to a duel, you intend to wipe the floor with them, but that’s not quite what happens.
“Since you are six now, your classes will be split between four areas,” Instructor Asyeva says to Pinyix. “Intermediate telekinetic training, elementary instructor training, elementary helmsblock training, and intermediate schoolfeeding.”
She hands Pinyix their new schedule, and then leaves the nutritionblock. You have to admit that Pinyix looks handsome in their new black jumpsuit, the sort that all trolls wear when they are between the ages of six and ten sweeps of age.
“Nine hours on, fifteen hours off?” they ask, after scrutinizing ther schedule, looking around at all of you for guidance.
“You get off lucky now, Pinyix,” Velyor says from his spot, with his head resting against their shoulder. “Next sweep it’ll be twelve hours on and twelve hours off, for you. By the time you’re eight and a half, it’ll be fifteen hours on, and nine hours off.”
Pinyix nods.
“What’s Calculus?” they ask, looking over their schoolfeeding courses. “I mean, I know what it is, but what do you do there?”
“Calculus is basically an incentive to become a helmsman,” Arcsin says, devouring the unfertilized cluckbeast offspring and fried oinkbeast strips that Xhogar made. “Cause if you don’t end up in the helm, you’re probably gonna end up as an instructor, teaching that shit to wigglers. And it’s bad enough learning it the first time.”
“That is hardly the purpose of Calculus,” Arctan says. “You’ll need a grasp of it to understand the math you’re going to learn later on. Matrix Algebra and Differential Equations, and such.”
“I’m telling you, Calculus is a conspiracy to have as many of us practically beg for conscription as possible. It’s pure masochism.”
“If your thing for Arccos is any indication, you’re quite the expert on masochism,” you say to Arcsin, wiggling your eyebrows.
Arccos does not deign to respond to that, except to snort. Most everyone grins. 
Meanwhile, Arcsin flushes bright yellow. You’d apologize for embarrassing him, but can’t not give your ‘rail shit about his burgeoning kismesissitude. It’s practically your job as a moirail.
When Jishui enters the nutritionblock, she looks surprised, and has a new schedule in her hand.
“Instructor training,” she says. “More instructor training.”
“Really? You?” Arccos asks, shocked.
“Advanced telekinetic training, advanced helmsblock training, and intermediate instructor training,” she says, digging an energy grub out of a drawer, and swallowing the entire thing whole, shell and all. “This until I hit twelve, which is when I get tested for conscription again. They wanted to test me again at eleven, but Irvaan and Asyeva overruled them.”
“So Irvaan does have a soul,” Xhogar muses. “Who knew?”
“He’s gotta take his head outta his wastechute every so often so he can come up for air,” Hiongo figures.
All of you laugh.
“So, Tuna,” Arcsin says, sitting down next to you. “What’s your schedule look like?”
“Intermediate instructor fuckshit, intermediate helmsblock fuckshit, advanced schoolfeeding, and advanced telekinetic fuckshit.”
You pass the sheet of paper over to him.
“The Mother has smiled upon us. Same fuckin’ classes,” he says. “Same for Tan, right?”
“Nah, I have helmsblock training with ‘Cos. Advanced,” he says, sounding slightly discomfited.
Only time they put you in advanced helm training at your age is when you’ll probably be up for conscription once you hit the age of ten. You really hope that is not the case for Arctan, because unlike Arccos, Arctan has shown no desire to become a helmsman.
Arcsin shrugs. “Whatever, though, we’re all in the same class for telekinesis. Least we get to fight each other, that’s always fun. Pinyix, you can watch and learn.”
“Yeah, watch you cry every time you get paired off to spar with Arccos, Mother of all grubs,” Jishui says.
Technically speaking, you’re not supposed to be able to spar with your kismesis or matesprit, lest the whole thing degenerate into makeouts. Hasn’t really stopped anyone yet.
As for Pinyix, well, they take all of you up on your offer, and watch you guys fight while instructors look on, assuming Pinyix doesn’t have other work to do.
Sparing is only a portion of what telekinetic training entails - most of it is really fucking boring - so you look forward to these nights. A lot of times, the fighting continues long after the instructors have ended things for the night, telekinetic training usually being your last class.
“Is it okay if I try to spar with any of you?” they ask.
You roll your two-toned eyes.
“This is advanced fuckshit, Pinyix, you probably haven’t learned some of these moves,” you say. “You sure you wanna get your ass handed to you?”
They’re maybe 125 cm, and can’t be any more than 34 kg, although size is no indicator of ability. Just look at Hiongo, Khifos, and Arccos. Pinyix you a smile as small as they are.
“We will see, Mituna.”
Velyor stands between the two of you, concerned.
“I think this is a bad idea.”
Pinyix waves their moirail off. 
“You think everything’s a bad idea, Velyor. Come on. Please?”
After much back and forth between the two of them, Velyor allows this duel to continue, with the knowledge that he may or may not put your ass in the infirmary if you seriously injure Pinyix. 
You get that he’s overprotective of his current, probably because of what happened to his last one, but this is mildly ridiculous. For the love of the Mother, Pinyix once shorted out nearly the entire fence, and that was like… four sweeps ago.
Once again, you roll your eyes. “I promise I won’t hurt the wiggler, swear on my jumpsuit. Can we get on with this so I can eat dinner?”
Etrare agrees to referee this. With her lower-level, but never erratic telekinesis, she fits this role perfectly. Velyor would too, if he weren’t experiencing a bad case of conflict of interest.
“Okay, nothing deadly, you two,” Etrare says. “And if I say stop, I mean stop. I’ll even get Arccos to stun you if I have to. First troll to hit the ground and not jump back up loses. If anyone loses consciousness, this match is automatically over.”
“Yeah, okay, whatever,” you say. “Were you a lusus in your last life?”
“Sometimes I wonder with all of you,” she replies.
You and Pinyix take your positions, hovering 300 cm off the ground, on opposite sides of the sparring enclosure, Etrare floating off to the side, shields already deployed..
“Three… two… one…” she says. 
You start to charge up one of your attacks. That’s not against the rules.
You aim a jet of energy straight for Pinyix’s abdomen. It reverberates off their shields and hits the wall about five inches away from you.
So they were charging your shields while you were charging an attack.
Go figure.
This could be potentially interesting.
Pinyix hits you with a low-energy attack, but one that trips you nevertheless. Oh. This will not do. You deploy shields, and your next attack is so intense that it sends their head rocking back when they absorb it. Somehow, they are still on their feet after that.
“Pinyix!” Velyor shouts.
“They’re fine,” Arctan says. “Look.”
Pinyix, one eyebrow raised, doesn’t drop out of their grief stance, or even seem to have broken a sweat.
You send a barrage of attacks after them, barely pausing to breathe. They dodge some, and absorb others. You don’t know why they’re absorbing some of them. You’ve seen their shields. They can maintain shields with more ease than you can.
At some point, this degenerates into an all out brawl, both of you looking somewhat worse for the wear. Shit, you’re getting tired. You weren’t expecting this to last this long. Judging from the looks on your friends’ faces, neither were they.
Pinyix’s size has actually been an advantage for most of this, enabling them to dodge nearly everything you throw at them. Nearly.
But still. They’re getting more sloppy with their ordinarily graceful footwork, you can see it. You think one more direct hit will knock them out of the running, but not knock them out outright if you can use the precise amount of energy you intend. 
That’s even part of the reason instructors and elders encourage you to spar every now and then, although not typically without their supervision. It’s a good way to learn to maintain your psionic levels at precise intensities, and also as a means of bleeding off excess energy.
You let yourself drift closer to the ground, maybe 140ish cm up. At least if Pinyix falls, now, they won’t get too banged up. And Velyor would probably catch them.
Then, you charge and launch the hit.
Pinyix takes it, and doubles over, their shields flickering, everything about them flickering. They let out one long groan, and drop a full foot.
Oh, shit. Velyor is gonna kill your ass. So is everyone else. You deserved it. You wanted to them up, and you went too far.
“Pinyix?” you call. “Pinyix, c’mon. It’s over. You kicked my ass so let’s call it a draw. Don’t… don’t hurt yourself, now.”
They gaze up, their eyes glowing so brightly that it almost pains you to gaze at them for too long. With one hand, using only their fingertips, they form a violet ball of energy, and then you realize why they’d been absorbing so many of your hits.
They weren’t absorbing them unintentionally.
They were charging up.
They hurl the energy ball at you, ripping through your paltry shields, and sending your ass flying straight toward the ground at a terrifying velocity.
Just when you’re about to hit, and probably fracture something, you stop moving.
Pinyix inhales, and exhales sharply through their nose, as if they’re still exerting their power. You realize what’s going on.
You’re lying on one of their shields. They deployed a shield, just so it would take most of the force of your fall.
They lower you gently, and once you’re on the dirt floor, you sit flat on your ass, able to move, but not particularly inclined to do so. Then, your energy wavers, and you lie flat, staring up at the sky.
When they land, their footfalls barely making a sound, they walk over to to you.
They kneel, one knee on either side of you, some of their long hair tumbling into your face, the hair tie around their wrist now. You grimace at them. They give you a placid smile, although the darkness in their eyes says something else entirely.
“What was it you were saying about handing my ass to me?” they ask, before they help you up.
The worst part is, you actually do need their help to get up.
Mother of all grubs, you hate this tiny troll, and you’re not sure if it’s entirely platonic, which is probably not a good thing, considering that you already have a kismesis. And judging from how vehement Pinyix's expression has become, you’re kind of wondering if it’s entirely platonic on their end.
The two of you gaze around at your friends.
All of them look rather awestruck, well, except Etrare, Velyor, and Arctan. It’s immeasurably difficult to surprise any of them.
“Rock paper scissors on who has to play auspistice,” Arcsin mutters, then.
Etrare elbows him in the side. Velyor just shakes his head.
“Well, um…” he starts out. “That happened.”
None of you really says much of anything on it until you get to the communal nutritionblock, intent on eating whatever magical shit Xhogar and Hiongo have whipped up from their last foray over the fence.
“Long as they don’t start making out in the nutritionblock, I don’t give a shit,” Xhogar says, in a low tone. "Velyor, you're their moirail. I think it's probably time you give them the talk about the drones and the pails, later."
"I don't understand," Pinyix says. "What are all of you going on about?"
"Uh..." Hiongo starts out. "So that wasn't pitchflirting, then?"
Pinyix does not answer. Hiongo snorts.
"Bad form to get your pitch flirt on with a troll already spoken for in that quadrant," Zesria says fairly.
"It wasn't really pitchflirting at first, but Mituna's such an asshole when he wants to be.”
Mianni, your actual kismesis, bursts out laughing at that.
"Be still, my bloodpusher. He’s always an asshole for the record. Still, though, if you have a black crush on him, I don't particularly mind. Tuna? What do you think?"
You have been shoveling diced tubers and spiced grubloaf into your mouth for the longest time.
"What do I think about what?"
"About Pinyix, obviously."
You consider it. You are absolutely not about to say what you actually think out loud.
"I think I'm never letting them challenge me to a duel again."
"Tuna, you know that's not what she meant."
"Pin's six, and I'm seven and a half. And I have a kismesis. End of story."
For the first time tonight, Pinyix looks a little upset.  Hiongo rolls his eyes. Arccos smacks you in the shoulder, and holy hell does it sting.
"So you felt nothing at the end of that fight. Just trying to clarify here, because it definitely looked like you felt something."
"Even if I felt something, I have a kismesis. It's just... not gonna happen. It shouldn't happen."
"There's a difference between 'not gonna happen' and 'shouldn't happen', Tuna," Hiongo says. "Sides, Mianni here doesn't give a shit, right?"
"Not particularly."
Pinyix gets up, declares that they don't want to listen to any more of this - they've been embarassed enough for one evening - and makes to leave the nutritionblock until Khifos stops them at the door.
"Trust me, it'll just get way more embarassing if you don't sort things out now."
"If you say so. Hey, you guys aren't making fun of me, are you?"
"Nah," Arcsin says. "It's way more fun to make fun of Mituna."
Pinyix sits back down at the nutrition platform, across from you, but they're nervous.
And the thing about Pinyix? They're not an unattractive troll, even if they're tiny. They have thin but long horns that scribe their small frame in a great arc, a pleasant face, and a pleasant voice, at least when it's not getting on your nerves.
"Pretty good at pitchflirting, you know that?" you say to them. "You scared me shitless, and then you helped me up. That has got to be... one of the blackest things I've seen here."
That gets the hint of a smile out of them. Jishui nudges Pinyix with her elbow until they start to speak.
"Yeah, um, you too. That you wanted a fight, but whenever you were scared I was actually hurt, you'd either lower yourself so I'd lower myself, or you'd start sending off attacks you knew wouldn't affect me much, or you'd just flat out offer to call it a draw when you thought I went too far. It's um... it's nice to see that you care? Wish you'd care that much about yourself, though."
"Don't we all?" Jishui says.
All of a sudden, there are too many trolls here, with your and Pinyix's declarations hanging in the air.
"Wanna go for a walk? After you're finished eating?" you ask Pinyix.
"Sure, Mituna," they reply, smiling again. "I'm game. Etrare, do you want to come with us?"
"Whatever for?"
"Just in case."
Etrare snorts. "Are you asking me to play auspistice here?"
They look faintly sheepish. "Maybe."
She sighs, mutters something about how someone has to do it, so it might as well be her, and follows the two of you out of the nutritionblock.
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Fandom OCs?
Hey there, Malcolm here! XD (transdude, 28, GMT/UK) 
A few fandom-y things, if I may?
I’ve been rewatching AtLA and LoK again, and I have a real craving to play OCs in this ‘verse once more! In particular, both these guys who would fit in either Aang’s era or Korra’s -
Meimei – Not her real name, but the only one she’ll go by. In wartime, she’s a middle-aged travelling jewel merchant in the Earth Kingdom. She’s a real Lady, practised in the ancient feminine art of crystal-bending, which requires precision and skill over raw talent.
In Korra’s time, she’s an old woman who owns a traditional boutique in Republic City and really wants a friend and student to teach her dying art and bequeath her store to.
Setsu – In Aang’s time, he was a young non-bending thief, on the run from his fire nation heritage.
In his alternate Republic City self, he sided with the Equalists intially when Avatar Korra first came to the place, and has had poor experiences with benders. Like others, he felt betrayed and used when Amon turned out to be a bloodbender, and currently runs a dojo for nonbending self-defense.
(He also moonlights as a killer of discriminating benders, but nobody needs to know that yet XDD)
I also have a parapalegic waterbender who uses bloodbending to walk and fears anyone finding out, an earthbender with ADHD, and a wartime Fire Nation deserter.
All of my characters are queer in one way or another, and I’ve got no problem with any sexualities.
However, if romance is on the cards, I DO need some time to get to know you and I will never ever do RPs that revolve around sex.
Also, I WANNA PLAY GEMSONAS WITH SOMEONE.I have a Citrine footsoldier, a Mistake (Druzy Quartz, if you catch that drift) as well as a Sapphire kind-of office worker and her Seed Pearl. Oh, and a Brown Lace Agate who has been trapped in a sword for a very, very long time, waiting for some human archaeologist to find and free them accidentally :)
Pre-Steven Universe or same Era Homeworld or else back during the Gem War, may it please ya. Also, if you have original ideas about Gem physiology and makeup, I would love to hear them. (Suffice to say I mislike some fandom ideas about them conforming to the human idea of 'female’, put it that way :/)
(See my tumblr post about my ideas about Gem xenogeology, if it please ya. XD)
I’d also like to do some Homestuck fantroll shiz? Maybe? No SBURB? I know it’s a long shot so I’s only a footnote here, but it’d be cool as heckie!
Some notes: I usually try to at least check in with my RP partner daily, and it would be cool if that was mutual. I don’t necessarily expect daily posting, especially if you’re sick or busy, or if I’m sick or busy - hell, I had one partner where WEEKS would go by between our posts and that was awesome because we’d just read back and know what we were doing - but I love talking to my RP partners and getting to know them as friends! 
Nothing would make me happier than someone who doesn’t hear from me for a few days and drops a line to check that I’m still breathing. I do it all the time for my current partners, and while sometimes I’ve deliberately dropped a thread because I can’t think of what to post/ I’ve run into a block, it would be much easier to get back on the proverbial equine if I knew that my partner was still interested, too! Instead of just radio silence and me having to make the first move all the time. 
Dude, I will TELL you if I don’t want to play with you any more. If I’ve gone silent it’s usually just spoons, and knowing someone else gives a shit helps A LOT. 
Also, PLEASE APPROACH ME WITH YOUR OWN PLOT BUNNIES AND IDEAS. Nothing wears me down faster than someone going 'I dunno, what do you wanna do’. This trip oughta be a Fusion, not just two dumbasses who don’t know their seedflaps from their excretion chute XD 
Anyways, if any of that interested you and you think you can handle this hot mess, contact me at: 
or Skype: lilacsofthedead (PLEASE tell me where you found my handle in your contacting message – I have bad experiences with spambots)
I only RP via gdocs or email, but I REALLY love getting to know you over IM, and I find I actually click with people better in realtime, you know?
Good hunting!
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Fandom OCs?
Hey there, Malcolm here! XD (transdude, 28, GMT/UK) 
A few fandom-y things, if I may?
I've been rewatching AtLA and LoK again, and I have a real craving to play OCs in this 'verse once more! In particular, both these guys who would fit in either Aang's era or Korra's -
Meimei – Not her real name, but the only one she'll go by. In wartime, she's a middle-aged travelling jewel merchant in the Earth Kingdom. She's a real Lady, practised in the ancient feminine art of crystal-bending, which requires precision and skill over raw talent.
In Korra's time, she's an old woman who owns a traditional boutique in Republic City and really wants a friend and student to teach her dying art and bequeath her store to.
Setsu – In Aang's time, he was a young non-bending thief, on the run from his fire nation heritage.
In his alternate Republic City self, he sided with the Equalists intially when Avatar Korra first came to the place, and has had poor experiences with benders. Like others, he felt betrayed and used when Amon turned out to be a bloodbender, and currently runs a dojo for nonbending self-defense.
(He also moonlights as a killer of discriminating benders, but nobody needs to know that yet XDD)
I also have a parapalegic waterbender who uses bloodbending to walk and fears anyone finding out, an earthbender with ADHD, and a wartime Fire Nation deserter.
All of my characters are queer in one way or another, and I've got no problem with any sexualities.
However, if romance is on the cards, I DO need some time to get to know you and I will never ever do RPs that revolve around sex.
Also, I WANNA PLAY GEMSONAS WITH SOMEONE. I have a Citrine footsoldier, a Mistake (Druzy Quartz, if you catch that drift) as well as a Sapphire kind-of office worker and her Seed Pearl. Oh, and a Brown Lace Agate who has been trapped in a sword for a very, very long time, waiting for some human archaeologist to find and free them accidentally :)
Pre-Steven Universe or same Era Homeworld or else back during the Gem War, may it please ya. Also, if you have original ideas about Gem physiology and makeup, I would love to hear them. (Suffice to say I mislike some fandom ideas about them conforming to the human idea of 'female', put it that way :/)
(See my tumblr post about my ideas about Gem xenogeology, if it please ya. XD)
I'd also like to do some Homestuck fantroll shiz? Maybe? No SBURB? I know it's a long shot so I's only a footnote here, but it'd be cool as heckie!
Some notes: I usually try to at least check in with my RP partner daily, and it would be cool if that was mutual. I don't necessarily expect daily posting, especially if you're sick or busy, or if I'm sick or busy - hell, I had one partner where WEEKS would go by between our posts and that was awesome because we'd just read back and know what we were doing - but I love talking to my RP partners and getting to know them as friends! 
Nothing would make me happier than someone who doesn't hear from me for a few days and drops a line to check that I'm still breathing. I do it all the time for my current partners, and while sometimes I've deliberately dropped a thread because I can't think of what to post/ I've run into a block, it would be much easier to get back on the proverbial equine if I knew that my partner was still interested, too! Instead of just radio silence and me having to make the first move all the time. 
Dude, I will TELL you if I don't want to play with you any more. If I've gone silent it's usually just spoons, and knowing someone else gives a shit helps A LOT. 
Also, PLEASE APPROACH ME WITH YOUR OWN PLOT BUNNIES AND IDEAS. Nothing wears me down faster than someone going 'I dunno, what do you wanna do'. This trip oughta be a Fusion, not just two dumbasses who don't know their seedflaps from their excretion chute XD 
Anyways, if any of that interested you and you think you can handle this hot mess, contact me at: 
or Skype: lilacsofthedead (PLEASE tell me where you found my handle in your contacting message – I have bad experiences with spambots)
I only RP via gdocs or email, but I REALLY love getting to know you over IM, and I find I actually click with people better in realtime, you know?
Good hunting!
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
💋 A muse (from any blog) you find sexy?
NO. don’t make choose! ;;
they’re all sexy in their own right! I have lots of characters I can choose but I don’t want to feel bad because I didn’t mention so-and-so’s character or something like that. they’re all attractive! honestly, all of ya’lls characters are just awesome and I’m always surprised seeing design after design and just basking in your guys’ never-ending creativity ;w;
😇 Make a positive confession about someone, but don’t say who it’s about!
oh gosh. let’s see if I’ll cry while typing this because these kinds things always gets me (I’m very sensitive. fight me). LET’S SEE ;w;
god. I don’t know where to begin. I remember when I first joined tumblr, I was somewhat lost on what I was doing, not knowing the platform but thankfully I had someone I knew, from a different site, to ease me into this site. then seeing the blue blood fantroll. INSTANTLY loved her at first sight and I still do. and even getting to know you, I’m happy we talked and became friends
even with certain times you have gone to just do your own thing and coming back into the community later on, I still consider you my friend. I always will even if we haven’t talked. I’m sorry we haven’t. that’s my fault for that. I don’t know. I could say lots of things on why I think that but this is just about you
I’m glad I met you. I’m glad to share what was shared up to now. keep continuing improving your art, and trust me, it looks amazing and you should be really proud! keep continuing being you! c:
thanks for being my friend. keep doing you! uvu
😥 What’s something you’ve been wanting to RP with your muse?
lots of my characters I want rp certain things. Manikin I still want to develop him. Rinous is also something I wanna do. at least something to give her a friend or a love interest that’s the opposite of her. Rin acts tough to try and hide her emotions since she still can’t let go the loss of her original mate. if she had someone else to have a crush on, it could slowly put her back in a calming state. possibly make her quit becoming a hitman to not put herself in danger. but would still act like a hard-ass to protect her girlfriend uwu;;;;
Cilrus is still another I want to do but more so having the interactions go along with the story I’m still brewing up with her. I know how the whole thing is supposed to go with her. and I will tell you, she’s gonna go through hell because I am THE MUN .w.
what else, what else... oh! Calrin! Kalikn, Jaxnyi, Neonce, just... lots of my trolls I want to do stuff with. take some time but more so just wanting Jaxnyi to having the dorkiest, one braincell, girlfriend that she would LOVE to death but will still act serious and WILL join a fight with them because she loves them uwu;;;
and Neonce, just having someone to make her be at ease. there’s a reason why I gave her speech stuttering because when she panics/is nervous, she stutters a whole lot more that it’s hard for her to control. BUT when she’s with a close friend/lover, she stutters less and often times doesn’t sound like she’s stuttering at all because she’s comfortable with the person she got to know over time. and to help her self esteem since she thinks of herself as a burden due to her being blind ;u;
there’s lots more but these are the main ones I want to do
🔥 What’s something you love about your community?
I don’t know! I guess just seeing so many characters and seeing each design. some are simple and some are inspiring to the point you can’t help but look at the character for so long. I guess it’s just people’s art and their characters!
they are all never the same and it’s very rare you see one character having one detail that’s the same from another character owned by another person. I love seeing fantrolls. even ones inspired from video games/shows/movies/animes! those always get me smiling if it’s one that I know and I spot it STRAIGHT AWAY or the mention of it
part of way I have a good amount of characters inspired by the things I have watched/played uwu
that shit is awesome to see! ya’ll keep doing your stuff! and fueling my liking of all your characters .w.
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anewalternia · 7 years
so strange it was to see him look so wistfully at the day (part 1)
Word Count: 3230 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: disease, slavery, captivity. Characters: young psiioniic and one million fantrolls Pairings: n/a Summary: Your name is Mituna Captor, and you are not fond of licorice. You’re three and a half sweeps old when a plague descends upon the psion compound, and changes everything you know.
It all starts out when a five sweeps old troll starts coughing her head off.
She says the cough is nothing, apparently a bitchy rustblood kicked dirt into her face on her way back from Octagon Plaza, and she’s been coughing ever since.
Naturally she’s been second-warned for leaving the compound, which means confinement to quarters for two weeks and reduced rations. Trolls from her clade sneak her extra rations and sweets, and the instructors pretty much turn a blind eye to this. She must be powerful if she can just leave like that, and come back without being noticed, all at the age of five. She’s too promising to punish much.
And it’s not like any of you would have dropped a dime on her even if she hadn’t been caught. She’s brought a sack of peppermints back for the younger wigglers. There must be like a million in the sack.
She leaves the sack in the hallway. Even some of the 6+ sweeps sneak down from the second floor to grab a peppermint or two, and exchange greetings with her.
“As long as I don’t step over the edge of this doorway, I can talk to you guys,” Alzirr says. “How’s training?”
“Hard,” a six sweeps old troll answers. He notices you noticing him, comes over, and ruffles your hair. “How you doin’ tonight, Tuna? Kill anyone good lately?”
“No, Alhena,” you say solemnly.
The older trolls like you, because you accidentally zapped Instructor Irvaan with enough energy to knock him unconscious. And since it was a total accident, and you’re still too young to do things with much malice, he couldn’t even get mad and warn you over it.
Besides, warnings are a little bit of a joke in Psi Block, also known as the End of The Line. 
All of you have scored Stupidly High - that’s an official designation, right? - at or above 97 percent on the exams of psionic prowess. Therefore all of you are potential Helmsmen to the Battleship Condescension or other powerful ships in the Imperial Fleet, except for the trolls over twelve who live here, who are on their way to become Instructors and Elders. You’re on the fast track to something prestigious, in other words.
Sometimes, your kinder instructors even give you sweets on your off day. So you arguably receive the most leniency of any other block, even if it’ll disappear once you hit the age of six. 
Then, four sweeps of rigorous training. Once that’s through, the best of you leave the compound right after that. Two male trolls. Two female trolls. Conscripts, all of them. One day you will be so lucky. You hope.
Your name is Mituna Captor, you are three and a half sweeps old, and you are not very fond of licorice. You share your room with several other trolls, all of whom are between 3.0 and 3.9 sweeps of age. Your room is the second youngest in the compound, with the 2.0 to 2.9s next door being the absolute youngest. You are so glad you’re out of that room. 
You’re in a room with trolls who know how to not piss in their recuperacoons. Mostly.
Alhena, the upperclassman troll who engaged you in conversation, sits down in front of you and asks if you want to play cards You like Alhena, possibly almost as much as you like Alzirr. He checks up on you. Him and Velyor, although Velyor’s younger than him.
Velyor’s five sweeps old, and he’s her moirail, so he’s probably trying to bring the entire fucking cafeteria downstairs to her. He’s strong enough that he probably could. 
You learned that word a sweep ago. Fuck. It’s a good word to have in one’s vocabulary, or so Jishui Avehoa says. 
Alzirr calls Velyor and Alhena glorified surrogate lusii as she stands in the doorway to the 5 room.
“Like you’re not a contender. You stole a sack of peppermints from some poor confectionary vendor probably running the shop out of his basement. And I know you didn’t steal ‘em for the trolls upstairs,” Alhena points out.
“You got me there,” she replies.
When you go outside, wigglers from other the blocks call the wigglers from your block jerkasses, spoiled fucks, and a few other interesting things. 
Everyone from Psi is kind of used to it, though. You don’t rise to the bait.
So trolls outside Psi continue talking their usual shit, until a few of you start hurling peppermints over the short fence that separates your blocks. At first, they think this is an attack.
Standing beside you, Jishui and Zesria laugh their asses off.
Then the intelligent ones realize you’re trying to share, while the dumb ones run back inside and don’t get any peppermints.
You levitate several peppermints over to your friends in Chi Block. That’s the block for trolls scoring between 90 and 96.9 percent on the exams.
Arcsin and Arctan grab them out of the air, eat the candy, and then pelt each other with the cellophane. 
Arccos grabs a handful and dares anyone who wants to try to take them from her. Nobody takes her up on this challenge. Most of the Chi wigglers get so quiet that you could hear a cricket fart in the ensuing silence.
Meanwhile, Jishui and Zesria are laughing so hard that they’ve stopped producing sound.
More than a few threes from Chi Block think Arccos should be on your side of the fence.
“We don’t want her, you can have her,” Arcsin tells you frankly, after he attempts to steal one of her peppermints and gets his ass handed to him, his hair crackling from static discharge.
She then zaps him, for good measure.
You stand there and try your level best not to laugh, while Arcsin calls her… every swear word in existence, and Arctan tries to intervene. 
Poor Arctan. He deserves better.
Later, in the morning, you try to sleep easy, with a few peppermints on your side of the recuperacoon. 
You’ll share these with one other troll. He’s pretty chill. Dienre is calmer than you are, generally. He’s papped you before, and zapped you a few times too. You do the same to him when he freaks out, which doesn’t happen all that often.
“Want any peppermints?” you ask him, once you get into your recuperacoon. He’s already asleep.
He would be. Screw him.
You only sleep for three or four hours. You can’t seem to get comfortable for some reason. 
You get out of your recuperacoon, unlock your door - it’s way too easy - and walk out into the hallway. 
You see a pair of eyes glowing violet near the floor about a foot away from the room for 2 sweeps olds. Pinyix, you think. 
They didn’t sleep well either. They never have. They have to be the second youngest troll in Psi block, but still. You’d mastered sleep by then. You don’t know why they haven’t. 
In fact, you were a veritable master of sleeping. An older wiggler had to forcibly drag you out of your recuperacoon every night for breakfast.
You hear a voice that doesn’t belong to Pinyix, though. Only one troll sounds like that.
“… and that’s why you have to calm down. It was just a dream,” Velyor says.
“But it wasn’t only a dream,” Pinyix insists. “I saw.”
“You had too much candy.”
“I saw, Velyor.”
Pinyix could not get any fucking creepier if they tried. Yeah, they saw. Any troll with eyeballs who hasn’t stared at the sun can probably see.
“Well, what did you see?” Velyor asks.
“Auxiliatrices.” Pinyix doesn’t speak for a while. “Other things.”
“Auxiliatrices? Big word for a two. Where did you learn it?”
“I saw,” Pinyix repeats.
“What did you see?” he asks a second time, his tone growing exasperated.
“You’ll see too, Velyor. We live.”
Pinyix’s eyes cease to glow.
Velyor notices you noticing him and walks over to you.
“Can’t sleep either?”
“We didn’t wake you, did we?”
“Nope.” You think for a bit. “I haven’t slept this shitty since the week ‘fore the fucking fire.”
“You sure got a filthy mouth on you for a three,” Velyor says. He thinks. “But hm. You might be right. I didn’t sleep right that week either.”
A wildfire decimated parts of Omega and Epsilon Block a sweep ago. 
Alhena raged about it for ages afterwards. He’s a prescient, so he saw it coming in dreams, but no one listened. Why the fuck are all so many buildings made mostly of wood products? he wanted to know. This isn’t the fucking Dark Ages.
Decimated. That’s another word you learned fairly recently. To kill by one tenth. It was probably closer to two in every ten, though.
You think.
“Hall inspections!” A troll yells into the mostly darkened hallway. “Any wigglers with insomnia, go back to your rooms!”
“Fuck you, Alhena!” Velyor calls back.
“Velyor? That you?”
“No, it’s Asyeva. Here to cite you ‘cause your tunic doesn’t cover your ass anymore.”
“Real funny, Velyor. I should give you detention.”
“You wish you could give me detention.”
“I pity the troll who has to give you detention.”
“Wanna pail ‘em?” Velyor asks.
“Not that kind of pity, you pan-rotted dipshit. It’s the kind of pity where you’re like ‘I feel bad for what you’re going through, but I wouldn’t switch places with you for ten billion caegars.’”
“I think that’s what Alzirr feels when she looks at anyone in your quads.”
You wish Zesria and Dienre were up. They would be entertained. You certainly are.
“Velyor, I’ll pay that wiggler in the 3 room,” he starts out. “I’ll pay Mituna twenty peppermints to electrocute you in your sleep.”
“Thirty,” you say. “Take it or leave it.”
Velyor looks down at you.
“Traitor,” he says.
“Thirty,” Alhena agrees.
Pinyix giggles.
“Okay,” Alhena says, switching on the flashlight he’s been given. Apparently he really is in charge of hall patrol today. “How many fucking wigglers are in here?”
“Me,” you say. “And Pinyix. Velyor’s five, though. He’s an adult.”
“Oh yeah, he’s such an adult,” Alhena says. “If anything, I’m the adult. I have the flashlight. I hate being a hall monitor.”
“So why are you doing it?” Velyor asks.
“Because my name came up on the roster. What is this even preparation for? I know I’ll never be an instructor. When will I ever need this experience in the helmsblock?”
“What if someone invades your ship?” Velyor asks. “You gotta know how to detect intruders.”
“The point of me being the helmsman of a ship is that all potential invaders are already gonna be too dead to board me.”
You and Pinyix snort.
“You sound even more pissy than usual,” Alzirr says from her doorway. “And yes, before any of you ask, yes you did wake me up.”
“Call it a slumber party,” Alhena says. “I just had to patrol the wiggler floors of Chi and Phi block. Do you know how many of them are sitting in the hallways?”
“More than there are supposed to be?” Velyor says.
“I almost tripped over the trigonometric triplets. They were in the hallway, right outside the four sweeps room in Chi Block, lying on the floor playing Fiduspawn. They said they couldn’t sleep. Everyone’s got insomnia.”
He looks fleetingly unsettled, then goes back to grumbling.
“Good for them,” Velyor says. “When you do patrol there again, confiscate Arctan’s Fiduspawn cards.”
“Which one is Arctan and why am I confiscating his cards?”
“He’s the one with the stupid hair, and he stole ten of my cards last time I snuck him over here.”
“So duel him and reclaim what’s yours. I’m not getting lectured for abusing my power.”
“Your power consists of a flashlight, and I’m not dueling a four from a lesser block. What if I cull him by accident?”
“Your problem, not mine,” Alhena replies.
At that moment, Alzirr slides to a sitting position on the floor, holding her head in one hand. She groans.
Alhena steps over to her, concerned.
“Alzirr? You don’t look so hot.”
“Yeah, don’t I know it? I’m freezing my ass off,” she replies.
Pinyix’s eyes begin to glow again. You shove them. You hate when they do that.
“Hey!” Alhena says. “Don’t shove the underclassmen!”
“But Pinyix is creepy,” you protest.
“Pin’s a prescient. They’re not creepy. I’m a prescient, too.” Alhena kneels down in front of them. “What’s going on in that thinkpan of yours? What are you seeing?”
“Alzirr,” Pinyix says.
“What about Alzirr?”
Pinyix shakes their head repeatedly. and refuses to answer.
“Come on. I won’t tell any of the instructors, I promise,” Alhena says. “But if it’s bad, we gotta know. What happens? Does she get in trouble for the peppermints or something?
They put their index fingers on Alhena’s temples and stare at him for a while.
Everything’s quiet. 
Then his flashlight sputters, but doesn’t go out. 
It’s pretty fucking dark in this hallway with the sun shades pulled, but you can still tell he’s gone like five shades lighter.
“Can’t stop this,” Pinyix says, their eyes returning to normal. “I saw.”
Alhena backs away from Pinyix, looking shocked, and afraid. 
He picks them up, and balances them on his hip.
“Let’s go back to your room, Pin. You’ve definitely had too much candy.”
All respect to Alhena, but while Pinyix must have eaten like sixty peppermints - how even? that’s like half their mass - you don’t think it’s the candy anymore.
They protest this, but Alhena’s big for a six and Pinyix is small for a two. You’re pretty sure he’s just gonna throw them back into their recuperacoon anyway.
“I don’t think Alhena liked what he saw,” you say.
Velyor curses loudly.
“What?” you ask.
“Tuna, don’t tell me you’re getting all prescient on me too. I don’t wanna know when I’m gonna die, for fuck’s sake,” he says. “Once, Alhena said I was gonna be in a revolt, so maybe those see forward trolls don’t actually know what they’re talking about.”
“A revolt?”
“Yeah. Like an uprising?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Why would you do that?” 
“Fuck if I know. Maybe for more sauce on my grubloaf.”
That, admittedly, is a pretty good reason.
Then, Alhena comes out of the two room, his expression inscrutable.
“Back to your rooms,” he says to you and Velyor in monotone. “Now.”
“Oh, come the fuck on, Alhena, it’s almost evening anyway.”
“Go back to your rooms,” he repeats.
Velyor flips him off.
“Are you capable of not busting my globes?”
“Go back to your room and I won’t have to.” Alhena puts a concerned hand over his mouth, but you two can hear what he’s about say then. “Oh fuck. I gotta find someone.”
If Alhena’s cursing like that, it’s gotta be serious
“Like who?” Velyor asks, from his spot in the 5 room doorway now.
“An adult! Instructor Asyeva, maybe!”
“I thought you were an adult,” Velyor says. “Six with a flashlight. Monitor of the halls. Can’t be anything but an adult, right?”
“A real one, I mean!” When Velyor tries to help Alzirr to her feet, Alhena zaps him. “Don’t touch her, okay? I’ll explain later. Alzirr?”
“Yeah?” she murmurs.
“I’m going to get you some help.”
Before he leaves this level altogether, he calls on Velyor again.
“And Velyor?”
“What now.”
“Keep an eye on the two sweeps. Especially Pinyix.”
“Yes, Glorious Leader. Are you gonna ever explain anything to me?”
“Just do what I say. You’ll find out later.”
Velyor gives him a mock salute. “Yes, officer.”
Once he leaves, Velyor calls into the hallway, “And that, friends, is why I fucking hate prescient trolls.”
Then, he helps Alzirr to her feet.
She tries to thank him, but ends up vomiting on his tunic.
“Alzirr, what even!” he wants to know. “The fuck?”
“I didn’t–” She pauses so she can retch again, but this time, away from him. “I didn’t mean to do that, Velyor, honest.”
He makes a diamond gesture at her with his index and middle fingers. 
And you know you’re not strictly allowed in the five room, but you want to help Velyor. And you still have a bunch of wadded up napkins from the cafeteria in the pocket of your tunic. You hand them to him.
“Thanks, Tuna.” He turns to face Alzirr again. “And, it’s alright, Alzirr. Forgiven. Let me get you back into your recuperacoon.”
“I feel sick.”
“Yeah, no shit. Did you steal soporifics or something while you were out?”
Alzirr rolls her eyes. “No. You think that low of me? That I’d steal soporifics and not share?”
“I would never suggest anything like that.”
Seventy-two hours later, Psi Block is on lockdown, and Alzirr has been gone for the last sixty-ish of those hours. 
One hundred and something trolls have taken ill between Phi, Chi, and Psi Blocks, at least according to your math. 
Arcsin gave you the numbers from Chi Block, Khifos gave you the numbers from Phi block, you have the numbers from Psi block, and you added them all together. 
You three have been hanging signs out the window to communicate with each other.
Drones remove the recuperacoons in your rooms and replace them with small single-troll cots in the rooms, the hallways, the communal nutritionblocks, and anywhere they can jam one. 
One troll to a cot. Name of the troll written on cardboard square and hung on the foot of the cot. No exceptions. Anyone found lying in a cot with another troll, regardless of quadrant affiliation, is subject to second-warning status and summary culling for a subsequent transgression.
Culling? They can’t possibly execute anyone in Psi Block. You’re all too important.
Additionally, at the start of morning, the drones will inject into your arm a small volume of sopor with single-use syringes. This will put you to sleep for eight hours.
Irvaan reads these regulations in the wiggler hallway. Most of you understand what he’s saying, but don’t quite understand why he’s saying it.
“Where’s Alzirr?” Velyor yells after Irvaan, once he’s done.
“The infirmary,” Irvaan answers.
“Pinyix!” Velyor calls. Pinyix pokes their head out of their cot. “Where’s Alzirr?”
They shake their head.
“Will you answer yes or no questions?” Velyor asks.
They nod.
“Is Alzirr in the infirmary?”
They nod.
Velyor looks like he wants to ask another question.
“Never mind. I don’t want to know,” he finally says.
The sack of peppermints is put into a large bag, dragged into the flogging square, and burned, the acrid, cloying smell of scorched sugar lingering in the air.
The next night, while you’re playing cards with Kolnai, you hear the metal door to Psi Block open. Irvaan leaves. 
Just as well ‘cause you figure, based on the static in the air, that a few trolls are thinking of taking him on the way you did. Except you did it by accident.
“Good evening, ladies,” he says to whoever’s downstairs, leading them into the building. Hold on. Ladies?
“Ladies?” Velyor asks. He shouts, “Anyone got a cot near the window and can tell me what the fuck?”
“Auxiliatrices,” Pinyix says.
“Aren’t you helpful?” Velyor asks them. “Can you tell me when Mituna’s going to die or something? He’s got fifty peppermints under his cot.”
“Why’s it gotta be me, you bulgemunch?” you ask.
“Cause you’re the only troll who thought to stockpile peppermints.”
“He’s not,” Pinyix says, looking rattled nonetheless, as they gaze at you.
“Fucking awesome,” you say. “Pin says I’m not gonna die.”
“That’s practically a clean bill of health,” Zesria says to you from the cot across from yours.
The auxiliatrices stand at the start of the young wiggler corridor, in almost identical formal dress, with identical-looking haircuts. 
Their faces have slightly different features, though, at least you think they do under the face masks. And their horns are all different. 
But they all seem identically afraid of you, except for the first one into the hallway proper, who rips her mask off, and starts to examine the oldest of the five sweeps.
“I don’t know if that’s advisable, Elder–” Irvaan starts.
“Onzozo,” she says. And then, with a heavy accent, she declares, “I’ve seen this before. It can’t spread to jadebloods.”
“I wish I had your certainty,” he says. “Security measures being what they are–”
She gives him a glare so stern that he actually shuts up.
That has got to be the greatest thing you’ve seen all sweep.
“I like her already,” Velyor says. “Wonder if she’s got a matesprit.”
“Probably not interested in you either way,” Zesria says.
“Why are auxiliatrices here, though?” you want to know. “They don’t even use our language most of the time.”
“Cause exiled ones assist medicullers,” Kolnai says. “They learn shit about troll anatomy in the caverns. Way more useful than knowing how to call you a dumbass. Even if someone should.”
You spark.
“Nobody asked you,” you reply.
Velyor rolls his eyes and yells for an auxiliatrix, until he gets the attention of two.
“Ma’am? Can any of you understand Common Alternian well?”
“Yes,” the younger, more terrified one says, trembling all the while. “I can.”
Velyor points to you and Kolnai.
“Well, these two idiots need to be examined.”
“Fuck you!” you and he yell at Velyor in unison.
The auxiliatrix stumbles over and deposits a thermometer underneath your tongue with shaky hands. Since you can’t swear until she’s done taking your temperature, you flip Velyor the double bird. That’ll have to work for now. 
“Least she didn’t put the thermometer up your wastechute,” Zesria says.
You hate all these trolls sometimes.
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