#i just want to encourage people to work on their original stuff more often even if it doesnt get as much attention is all
bulkhummus · 2 years
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Welcome to OCtober! The chance to draw your OC’s! Do you have an OC? Do you want to create an OC? Do you think they deserve more attention? Do you want an excuse to draw them more? Well, your good friend Bulk is here to tell you a secret— the ‘OC’ in October stands for Original Character!
I created this because I’d like to get into habit of interacting with my own original characters more often! The prompts were chosen to develop less fleshed out characters, but were kept vague enough to still be creative with more focused ones. Here is the run down:
1. The point is that it’s an original character! I suppose this can be an OC created within the context of a preexisting show, but I’d truly love to see your original material. I care about it, a lot actually! It deserves attention!
2. It is not a challenge. Pick one day, pick a week, do every other, do them all, do none— it’s whatever you’d like!
3. There are no material restrictions! You can create work digitally, traditionally, or you can even write! Write a blurb, write a description, create a diagram, do sketches, etc. etc.
4. Tag art/writing you make with these prompts as #bulktober22 so I’ll be sure to see it! I hope to reblog/like as many as I can.
5. Have fun! I’ll be doing them along with you with my own OC’s!
thanks <33
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AITA for entertaining a friendship with a child?
okay so this might be a weird one or even a controversial one i honestly have zero clue how other people will receive this, apologies in advance if i ramble!
to begin, i (23ftm) and this kid (15f) first met about a year ago. one of my best friends (23m) is a pretty big model and tiktoker and she was a fan of his, and she was pretty recognized online for making cool edits and stuff of him and coming to meetups etcetera, so he knew of her from there, and over time with always seeing each other at meet ups and her being in his discord server (where i mod) she kind of became pretty well known to us.
an important thing to note is that she's SUPER neurodivergent and she's had a really tough life. she lost her older brother a few years back and she's (i'm not sure of the correct way to put it, her family is originally from the netherlands and their english is kind of in the works so this is how they put it) developmentally behind a few years - her parents describe this as her being "mentally more 13 than 15" but her behaviour to me is even younger than that. she's very very innocent and trusting, very overemotional and sensitive to criticism etc, loves stuffed animals and pink and cartoons and all of that. she's told me she feels like a little kid sometimes and will talk/act like one so maybe there's an element of trauma-rooted age regression there, i'm not super sure - i'm not gonna get into detail but she's talked to me about her life a lot and she's had some pretty fucked up shit happen to her.
from the beginning she pretty much imprinted on me - she's told me before i remind her of the big brother she lost, and ever since then she's called me her "big brother" and "family" etc. at first i was more just playing along with it to make her happy but over time she really has become something like a little sister to me, i feel super protective of her. i want to become a teacher after college (not to mention eventually a parent with my fiancee) so i think at least part of it is that taking a kid 'under my wing' so to speak is giving me experience with it all. i've always been kinda paternal/protective over kids in general but i was the youngest sibling in my family so i never really had anyone to utilise that on before
she does rely super heavily on me emotionally, especially because after i found out she was being bullied pretty badly at school i started dropping by to keep her company during breaks/lunch and making sure shit was okay (which her still-living brother used to do, but he's a famous?? - unsure How famous, i don't know sports at all - footballer/soccer player who's often in another country and can't see her often anymore), and i've been working with her to curb that. i'm actually currently working with her parents to find her a good therapist and support system. she's no longer in the tiktok friend's discord just because it was getting a little all-consuming for her and we encouraged her to take a break, but she's done a TON of work on herself and maturing since then and she does plan to rejoin at some point soon.
however, i find it really really hard to gauge whether being so close with a child is... like normal? or not. i honestly can't tell if it's kind of the internet caution about adults talking to minors kind of warping my brain and making me overly wary of what people will think or if i'm doing something wrong or if it's genuinely like a weird situation, so i guess i'm looking for outside perspectives.
the things that make me question it is that like i said she's very 'mentally young', she's very sheltered, and there definitely seems to be an element of her kind of replacing the older brother figure she lost with me. on top of that, we met through her being a fan of my friend, and though she's now separate from that i worry there could still be an element of power there because i'm close with the guy she calls her idol. her family knows me and seem totally chill with everything, but they've told me she tells people at her school that i'm literally her brother and basically 100% talks about me as if i'm her biological family, which i find super sweet but at the same time wonder if it's healthy.
she obviously needs therapy and hopefully soon we can get her it, but: AITA for entertaining a sort of found family dynamic / friendship at all with someone very vulnerable and young or is this genuinely helpful for her?
What are these acronyms?
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lafaiette · 3 months
I've seen some people ask for comparisons between Pen's Chinese and English lines, so I made a small compilation to show the biggest changes that most baffled me.
There is a kind Chinese player, Yu, who offered the fandom much of the info and insight contained in this post, and she was the first to shed light on these differences! Without her enthusiasm, I doubt people would have started investigating Pen's original lines ;_;
Under the read more because this is long!
Brief premise: the Chinese dialogues in the game are often less "harsh" than the English ones. For example, Qi can sound rude and condescending in English, while he's pretty polite, if not a bit aloof, in Chinese. Justice's lines in English rely on the typical "hey pardner" cowboy accent, while in Chinese he's very professional, almost overly so.
That said, the English writer who worked on Pen made it no mystery that he based his characterization of Pen on Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. There is even a line directly referencing the movie: "[...] when I was a boy I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. Now that I'm grown I have five dozen eggs [...]"
As such, English Pen sounds much different from Chinese Pen. He's more patronizing and rude, and the writer added stuff that it's simply not present in the Chinese text. So while in English Pen can sound like a knucklehead obsessed only with muscles and training, surrounded by adoring women and fans when in Duvos, in Chinese he shows a different, almost more innocent side, as if he were a very tall and big child who has never had a day of legitimate and healthy fun in his life (and that's carried across in some of the English lines - that's why his English version is a bit contradicting sometimes).
Here are some examples:
One of his lines as a Good Friend is:
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Here it's implied that Pen gives the Builder a hard time not only to push them to improve themselves... but also because he likes doing it, referencing his friendship mission where he admits he doesn't like teaching people anything, he just wants to fight them.
Meanwhile, the Chinese version says:
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I keep calling you a weakling just to urge you and encourage you to exercise hard and break through your limits. If you won't have me to protect you in the future, you will have to become an eagle for me!
Here "eagle" is a reference to the way Pen calls the Builder in Chinese: 小弱鸡 "little weakling/little chicken" - and the latter is a rude way to call someone in Chinese, especially if they are a man and the "chicken" character (鸡) is repeated twice (but 鸡 by itself is also slang for "female prostitute"... so if you want to read it that way, Pen can call the Builder "my little slut" when in a relationship. HEH.)
In any case the tone in this line of dialogue is much different from the one in English, and Pen sounds genuinely enthusiastic.
Another example:
At the start of the game, Pen asks the Builder to craft a Sword and Shield for Burgess, who apparently misplaced his own. It turns out Burgess hid them under his bed, so when the Builder tries to give the weapons they crafted to Pen, he will tell them to keep them.
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As usual, the English version is mocking and patronizing ("Hah! That'd be rich!"). In the Chinese version, Pen first compliments the desert:
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In this case, take it back and use it for yourself! Use it to explore the desert and fight those monsters - what a thrill! The desert is very dangerous, but it is also full of charm.
Then there is the line about Logan and his band:
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Hey! Maybe you can still find traces of Logan's gang! If you subdue them, you will gain both fame and fortune! [Okay, see you next time] [not shown here]
Now, some romance stuff : >
This is the description for the Robo-Love Couch. In English it says:
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Meanwhile the Chinese description:
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Referred to as the "Love Sand Machine", Peng Hu specially built a loving sofa for you, pieced together from the remains of robot monsters in the ruins.
He specially built a loving sofa for the Builder. It seems like a silly detail, but wording is important!
And yes, Pen's full name is Peng Hu, 彭虎. Peng is his family name, Hu his birth name. Hu 虎 means "tiger", and now you can understand why Grace suspected him to be Tiger the spy. But that would have been too easy!
Peng 彭 is a common Chinese surname. Its original meaning is believed to be "sound of war drums" (sad implication), but it's also used as an adjective to mean "big". So Pen's full name can mean "big tiger" :D
Back to the couch! Lines are different during the date in Paradise Lost, too.
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Come on, little weakling, come and sit next to me. Let's give this trophy a "kiss of victory"! Do you do this with everyone you date? Wait, it seems I'm regretting it a bit... Happiness comes too suddenly...... (Kiss Peng Hu)
In the English version, the Builder can ask "How many of these thrones have you built...?", implying that Pen has had so many lovers he can craft this couch in a matter of few seconds. But in Chinese, the Builder's question is much different, it's more like: "Damn, are you always so over the top when dating someone??"
One of the biggest differences is in this set of lines:
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Meanwhile, in Chinese:
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Today's experience made me realize that love has used a deadly locking technique on both of our hearts. Let me no longer doubt the feelings between us. This love is true love! Now, I am even more unwilling to take my eyes away from you! Haha!
Also, in Chinese Pen never mentions the infamous 12 girlfriends when the Builder and Grace question him in jail. Yu confirmed that throughout the game Pen doesn't brag about his love life or his popularity with women, probably also due to the negative way Chinese culture sees this kind of "bragging".
Not only Pen and many other characters are younger in Chinese Sandrock (Pen's age ranges from 25 to 27, while he's confirmed to be 31 in the English localization), but he's depicted as being not very experienced in relationships in general. He basically only knows how to fight, punch people, and destroy stuff. Anything else - having friends, being with someone who truly loves him and whom he truly loves, having a normal life - are something he never experienced before. He did date (see his final letter later), but he's not described being the Casanova of Duvos like he is in the English version. In fact, it seems people only liked him due to his body and status, and a remnant of this piece of characterization is left in the English text when he says:
Surely, you understand… I am quite the prize. I can’t take myself off the market just to become arm candy for you to show off at your little buildy guild awards or whatever it is! No, what I desire… is true love…
In Chinese, he says during the Masterclass friendship mission: "To be honest, I never thought I'd be able to make friends, let alone with someone of your stature/body size! But here we are, with a sick relationship!"
In English: "You know, Skinny, I’ve never had someone I really considered a friend before. Furthermore, I always promised myself I’d never be friends with anyone who didn’t have an awesome cape, but… you made me break that promise."
"I never thought I'd be able to make friends" is different from "I’ve never had someone I really considered a friend before." In the first line, the focus is on Pen ("I don't know how to make friends; I'm not good at it; it's not for me; how do you do it?"), in the second it's on other people ("I've been surrounded by people all my life, but I don't consider any of them to be a friend of mine; yeah, I call this one 'friend', but... they are not really really a friend")
The Chinese line is much sadder, and it shows how lonely Pen's life has been. One of his main characteristics, after all, is being "special", "the strongest", "different from everyone else"; but more often than not, being special and different also mean being "lonely". ("I must say it gets lonely at the top… What I wouldn't give for a truly talented opponent who could really keep me on my toes! Alas...")
And now, the grand finale :'>
A screenshot from Yu's playthrough, Pen's final line:
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Farewell, Yu. This time it's for real. You're free.
The Protector, the bracelet Pen will leave for the Builder in the cave, is called "Guardian of Love" (爱的守卫者) in Chinese. Its description says:
A very delicate bracelet that protects the wearer's wrist. Wearing it gives the wearer a feeling of being emotionally confined. Perhaps this feeling is similar to what Peng Hu often said, "Marriage is a boring bondage".
His letter in Chinese is also sweeter and sadder:
Dear [name], I've had a little more time to think lately in this so-called Atara Maximum Prison, and I'm more than a little sorry that I couldn't bring you along to accompany me. Well, it's my fault. Anyway, you are still the most beloved lover I have ever been with, and one of the few that I continue to miss even after a breakup. So, I'm going to forgive you. Yeah - I forgive you.I don't think there's a chance we'll ever be together again. You're just doing what you're supposed to do in your position, so there's nothing to complain about. I should have tried my best to recruit you from the beginning, and it would have been the best way to keep you with me. Of course I don't blame you, you're indeed excellent. I also left you a final challenge. In some ruins, there are a few of my most valuable things, and if you can get them, they're yours. It should be easy to get there, using the tricks I've taught you. My dear little weakling, this is the last time I'll call you that, I believe in your abilities. Remember, don't slack off on your training. We won't meet again. (but 后会无期 can also mean "meeting at an unspecified/unclear date")
And finally, if romanced, Pen will leave for the Builder 5 pieces of gold, 2 diamonds, and 1 Protector. 521 (and 520) are a cute way to say "I love you" in Chinese, because when read aloud they sound like "我爱你, Wo ai ni, "I love you". But in some cases, 521 also means "Yes, I will [marry you]" - and Pen does drop a diamond ring after his final battle (apparently he drops it only if you romanced him, but it's unclear yet. I'm pretty sure he didn't drop it during my Fang playthrough, while he did drop it when I romanced him, but I'll need to check that).
WELP, this is pretty much everything I got on this! If the kind Yu will tell us more or I find anything else, I'll update this post!
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𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝟏 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (+ 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥 𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫)
Hi! I really wanted to write some LiS stuff, because I didn't write awhile of this fandom. 😅
I still love them very much! 🥺😭💕
Btw I will definitely do this with LiS 2 as well-
×❢ About my work ❢×
fluff!, everybody is kind, no assholes, really, just fluff, petnames, no pronouns used for Y/N (The Reader), the reader can be in a relationship with them!
Fandom: Life is Strange 1
Character(s): Max Caulfield, Mark Jefferson, Chloe Price, Warren Graham, Nathan Prescott, Victoria Chase, Rachel Amber, Frank Bowers, Y/N|The Reader, Pompidou (mentioned)
Ship(s): Y/N | The Reader x the characters
Type: Headcanons
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(The gifs, pictures are not mine! Credit to the original creator!)
𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈: by your side by flatsound
“Counting weeks
Getting more familiar with how you speak
While you're away from me
But I don't want to say goodbye
Because it's safer when I'm by your side”
Max Caulfield
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Physical Touch
• she saw that something bothers you
• you are frustrated
• you opening to her with tears in your eyes
• she will definitely give you a tight hug and little kisses to comfort you
• and won't let you go until you are finally feel comforted
Rachel Amber
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Quality Time
• chatting, playing on a train what nobody knows where it goes
• dancing in the sunlight
• going out in the middle of the night
• sneak into cinemas to watch free movies
• hiding and listening songs on the junkyard
• drinking and shooting ✨😌
• just feeling free with Rachel Dawn Amber
Chloe Price
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Acts of Service
• if somebody hurts you
• she will definitely fuck that person up
• or at least threat them
• when you are feeling down, she will bring you to your favourite snack to cheer you up
• she even does the dishes as well 😳
Nathan Prescott
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Physical Touch
• i know
• he doesn't seems that type of touchy people
• but trust me
• hugging each other as tightly as you two can
• it will definitely give both of them some comfort
• you guys won't need any words
• you just need each other close
Victoria Chase
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Receiving Gifts
• almost everyday she surprises you with something
• some netro but cute pencilcase you saw and liked? No problemo
• want to wear matching outfits with your bestie but it's over 300 dollars? Where's the problem?
• You are really appreciate it
• but you often say that she don't have to do this
• but she just shrugs because she knows that you are happy from it
• and she loves it when you are happy
Mark Jefferson
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Acts of Service
(i would give him the reveiving gift as well, but no sugar daddy mark yet-)
• he doesn't have that much time because he is a teacher ofc
• and there's the dark room as well
• but even if he is tired he does the dishes
• cooks you breakfast when he wakes up earlier than you
• (with a soft kiss!)
• when you are tired or sick he take cares of you
• makes your bed
• when you are tired he carries you to the bedroom
• helping you with the school projects
• (plus: kisses and sleeping together while watching a movie)
Warren Graham
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Physical Touch
• I belive that this guy is the BEST at the comforting!
• will hold your hand to give you some motivation and strenght
• and will squeeze it to show that he is here with you
• for comfort he hugs, kiss and holds you
• "You are not alone Y/N. I'm here for you."
Kate Marsh
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Quality Time
• study together
• drawing doodles on class when the teacher is not looking
• and giggling of them
• watching a movie or sleeping together after a long day
• listening stories from her of the Bible (even if you don't care, you just know that it makes her happy)
• helping her with the book writing
• writing cute messages on class for each other• bunny petting time
• just talking peacefully in her room about some random things
Frank Bowers
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Words of Affirmation
• "You are too good for me, Dear."
• will hug you for comfort while whispering sweet and encouraging words in your ear softly
• he will listen you quietly
• will use Pompidou for the comfort and for the cuddles
• saying "I love you!" multiple times on a day
• "I love you, hon!"
• or
• "You look stunning as always, honey!"
• petnames all the time
• sweety, honey, babe and etc.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
I mean, I'd *like personally* if using CNTW meant something, as someone who genuinely does prefer to avoid the stuff covered in the archive warnings.... but I also understand the whole point is that it doesn't, and that in an archive you absolutely need a setting which just opts out of the need for warnings altogether.
They could be someone who puts that on every fic, because they don't feel like going through each of them like that, or because they ideologically oppose the idea of content warnings for whatever reason.
They could be someone who feels that putting specific warnings on it will spoil their fic, and they don't want to spoil. (I'm someone who doesn't care about spoilers ESPECIALLY with fanfic so I've always been a bit "eh" about this, but I get that I'm the minority here and also, it's the norm in original fiction. And I also get it's ultimately the author's discretion if they'd rather not spoil, and I respect that.)
They could mean that the person MIGHT include something that is warning-worthy later, but they aren't sure yet, so they're putting CNTW on there just in case because they feel putting on "No Archive Warnings Apply" and then changing it if they do decide to include character death/non-con/etc. later would be unfair to their readers.
They could mean that their use of something is borderline - for instance, underage sex alluded to, dubcon rather than noncon, violence they're not sure is graphic enough for the warning, etc. - and so they want to head off people who might be wary of that in any form/cover their asses, without drawing in people who are specifically looking for that element with false advertising. (This is how I often use them.)
They could be that they uploaded someone else's work with permission, but didn't specifically ask if they're okay with having warnings applied to their work.
It could be any of these things, and that's totally fine. The whole point is YOU DON'T KNOW. And if you click on a fic with that warning and it doesn't explain why it uses it, you're going in aware of that lack of knowledge and up for whatever version it is.
TBH, looking at my old stuff, I have a couple of cases where I barely remember the work and don't care to reread it. That's another common use, and it's really helpful for encouraging historical preservation. True, the CNTW means fewer people are clicking on these, but they're the kind of thing I'm including for completeness because I tell other people to do that.
I've also got some where I just got rid of the CNTW but I'm pretty sure it was on there because I was uploading in a hurry and meant to go think more deeply about tags later. Again, a "If I can't upload this in 2 seconds, I'm probably not getting around to it" issue.
Another one is for people who are very sure their dubcon is not noncon but who also know their fandom is full of douchebag antis who will constantly report them to AO3. If CNTW is on there, PAC will just tell the person reporting "Sorry, we're not even going to look at it", and the poster never gets contacted and bothered about this.
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snivel1 · 1 month
I need to get these out of my system, so‼️‼️
Meet my ultra original Homestuck fankid!!
Dead-Eyed Cindy!
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a.k.a. Cynthia Lenore!🗝️
A completely normal teenager, just like every other teen in Homestuck, trust!!🤚
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More about her under the cut!!
(Note that this drawing was made when I just returned to HS and haven't yet seen some of the amazing variations of their designs here on Tumblr, so my design for Dave will probably be changed, idk)
She lived with her Big Sister, they were Strider's neighbors from a floor down
They lived in hard financial conditions, her Sister overworked herself to provide for them both and was almost never home to look after Cindy, which forced Cindy to fend for herself most of the time when she was little
She met Dave on the roof once, the meeting involved spying on his Bro and her Sister talking about some secret Older Sibling Stuff or something. It looked like her Sister was crying? Overall a pretty awkward first meeting
Cindy felt guilty often about their situation for some reason, so she helped with whatever she could in the house
But her relationship with her Sister was.. not ideal, it was very strained and painful for both of them, Cindy felt hurt from her Sister not being around much, even if she understood why that was
Even so, she still felt cared for and appreciated her Sister and her sacrifices
Cindy was bullied in school, I know, shocker, she was considered weird, dirty, ugly, scary, and was avoided most of the time. Some kids called her "Dead-Eyed Cindy", because of how her eyes resemble the ones of a dead fish, but she reclaimed that nickname for herself, because she thinks it makes her sound badass. She didn't know what friendship was supposed to be like, and convinced herself she was better off without anyone, but she desperately wanted to have real friends she could trust one day
She was very stiff emotionally when she first started chatting with Dave, but with time became more sincere and open thanks to also getting to know Rose, Jade, and John
She and Dave are both weird dead thing collectors, but Cindy prefers to collect animal bones and skulls. Their music preferences don't match like. In any form, but Cynthia greatly enjoys Dave's mixes and tunes, and always encouraged him to do more
She adores gothic rock, punk rock, heavy metal, screamo and any other "edgy" music genre you can think of
Of course she didn't have money to go to concerts and buy merch of her favorite bands, so all the posters in her room were home printed
She's all about that messy grungy look. Her hair? Intentually cut like that by herself. Smeared makeup? Her favorite style. Her clothes? Ripped and modified by herself. She wanted to ward off normies away from her this way, not caring about what other people think of her, and also just because she likes the style
She didn't like Rose's overly posh way of wording things at first(so pretentious), but they quickly clicked over shared interests in goth culture and the paranormal unknown, Cindy cares about her greatly and comforted her through the hardships Rose had to endure
Cindy didn't know what to think of Jade's strangeness and, quite frankly, didn't like her vibes at first, but warmed up to her greatly with time and really sympathized with her, Cindy really believes Jade deserves so much better, and is determined to let her know they care
John was very intimidated by Cindy at first, and Cindy assumed he just didn't like her, so she acted more coldly towards him, and it continued to be like that for a pretty awkwardly long time, but of course his dorkiness hooked her up quick, as it did his other friends, and they slowly but surely became very close; Cynthia became very protective of Egbert fast
Cindy always tries to put in work into her friendships, as she naturally doesn't want to be alone again, but also because she doesn't want her friends to feel left out or ignored, cause she knows what it's like
Which also seems like overcompensation, as she feels like she's not the best person to be around, so she tries to be helpful, even when she no longer has any mental resources for that
She had no clue about what kind of game Sburb even was, and she definitely didn't have time to ask when meteors suddenly started raining from the sky
No fucking way was she going to die if she could help it, so she fought for her and her friends' lives with all she had
How was she able to godtier and whatnot without entering the game? Beats me, you're asking as if I should know and write some good explanation for it and make it make sense🙄🙄💅 I just wanna play touoys, hope you understand💓
Cindy started questioning her identity along the way of their adventures on the meteor, and started using she/they/him pronouns
If I had to write about her relationships with all of the trolls we'd be here all day, so let me just point out the most relevant things here <3
Gamzee had a pitch crush on her, and they entertained the idea for a while, but she quickly recoiled from that when Gamzee, uh, started doing Stuff. She actively maintains friendships with Aradia, Kanaya, and Tavros, and is on good terms with Terezi, Sollux, and Nepeta. It's a bit more complicated with the others, though.. Their relationship with Karkat was very murky and tense at first, she wasn't having his bullshit, but he grew on them with time, when Cindy realized they both have similar goals and wants. She can't tolerate Eridan's bullshit and mostly avoids him, doesn't like Equius for his attitude and hates him for what he did to Aradia, Feferi.. well, they just can't find a common ground, especially because Feferi's royalty, and Cindy holds no respect for them. And Vriska.. he justifiably doesn't like her, at all, but is somewhat sympathetic of her issues.
She is a Page of Blood, and their journey of self-realization had to teach him that she can't win and please them all, that they can be their true self around her friends, and that he can also depend on others for help when she needs it
She learned to make chains from blood, his or otherwise, and use them in battle, and at their highest potential she can bind someone's body to another's and adjust what it means according to situation.
You're badly injured and there's no one else to help in sight? She can bind your body to hers and share their life essence with you, practically making it so you both share an internal system, and if she's healthy enough, then you'll be too in a second
He can drain someone's blood and give it to another if they need it, she can solidify blood inside someone's veins to make it hard to move
She can make a dying person's heart beat via a blood bind, but it's very draining for her and can be quite deadly if done hastily and improperly, and he can't do it when a body already went cold, at least they didn't learn how to, maybe with enough conviction and training she could one day🤔
Maybe with time she found even more uses and possibilities for her chains
She's a great motivator, especially if it's his friends that need morale, they always have their friends' backs
She's not a fan of being a leader, but can be if the situation calls for it
Overall, Cynthia is a person with an intimidating exterior, and warm and genuine interior!🥹
Here's the ref with both the casual fit and the godtier pajamas in full color👇
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its-dean · 7 months
I’ve been posting on other online platforms about Fossil Fighters for a long time now, and most who are familiar with what I share know that a lot of my content has a heavy focus on original vivosaur ideas. With these vivosaurs I come up with, as well as the stats I create to go with them, I notice that there are often people questioning whether what I come up with would be balanced or not from a gameplay standpoint.
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As I’ve gone on with developing this unique vision for my vivosaurs, I’ve also slowly refined my idea of Fossil Battles entirely. All of us are aware that both the original Fossil Fighters and Fossil Fighters Champions don’t have the best balancing in the world. There are certain cast members and even a few core game mechanics that allow so many otherwise memorable characters to fall to the wayside, and with the stats I was coming up with I was only further encouraging that type of hostile environment. The more I worried about whether something I was coming up with would feel realistic or balanced the more I considered the fact that the formula itself may have been broken in the first place.
There have been others in the community that have projected their own ideas of how to change things up regarding gameplay, things like adding new elements or even having customizable skills. Because the series felt like it had ended so suddenly there's become so much to dream for in a potential sequel. These are the people that inspired me to attempt something similar myself back when I was making my vivosaur last year. It inspired me to take a step back with my thinking and ultimately led to me creating a total re-imagining of the classic battle system we all know and love. 
That's the thing, the games may not be perfectly balanced, but I always find how these games work to be something that's just inherently fun in a very unique way. Above everything else, with this project I wanted the new system I was creating to still have the "feel" of having a good old-fashioned Fossil Battle. These games have incredible potential for an interesting competitive landscape, just if only some of those unbalanced mechanics were to be adjusted. This is what I strive to achieve the most with my ideas: an environment where every vivosaur has something practical to them, a format where you CAN win using your favorite vivosaurs. The only thing that should stop you is how well thought-out and unique of a strategy you can come up with.
Fossil Fighters Odyssey is a personal project of mine that I've technically been working on for over half a decade now. Still, I think it's most important to stress the fact that everything I come up with and will be talking about in this post is for fun. This shouldn't explicitly be seen as a vehicle for a potential fan game, I make these things for my own enjoyment and have no plans or obligations to turn any of these ideas into tangible content in the future. We all can pretty unanimously agree that it’s fun to dream about a theoretical continuation of this franchise, especially because of how it felt like it came to such an abrupt halt in a way none of us were really ready for. This project is simply meant to represent the changes I'd most want to see if that were to ever somehow happen, and that vision of mine simply might not appeal to your individual preferences.
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But now moving to the fun stuff itself. I strive to be as in-depth as possible when taking into account how I would rework the gameplay, taking a comprehensive look at the entire series. To keep things feeling familiar while also feeling like an "evolution" of sorts, I found it most compelling to try and utilize standout mechanics from all three of the previous games. Yes, that includes Frontier because, while I can't defend its battle system as a whole, I do think there are some features it introduced that can really enhance potential team building and strategy (mainly referring to the boost system it uses).
Since there are far too many changes to cover in a text post, I created a PowerPoint to explain everything in a more presentable and organized way. The link to it can be found directly below this paragraph, with the presentation being separated in order of different areas of discussion, from how vivosaurs have changed to the differences in the battle system to new and altered abilities and so much more! Plus, attached to this post are the stat sheets for every single vivosaur, #1-300. My own vivosaurs as well as the 10 unique vivosaurs from Frontier are included in the lineup, and all the vivosaurs you're already familiar with have received numerous changes and enhancements to their skill sets so that they can thrive in this new Fossil Battling format.
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Link to the PowerPoint (in case the picture quality is too poor to be able to read on this website)
FFO Mechanics.pptx
Link to all 300 vivosaurs and their stat sheets:
FFO All Vivosaurs.pptx
(Disclaimer: not all of the vivosaurs have artwork to correspond with their dino medals, but those will be hopefully trickling out down the line in the future.)
To round things out, I definitely want to thank the people that have already been supporting me and the things I create these past few years elsewhere. Without the level of the recognition and approval I see from the people who always respond to what I make, I definitely never would've come this far with developing my ideas. You guys are the ones who've been enjoying these things, from vivosaurs to characters to the overarching story I hope to one day be able to share with you all. I owe it to you for allowing myself to become as invested in my favorite series as I now am. And hey, depending on how people react to what I have here I may make another post outlining the more creative story and character elements I have in mind… 
Thank you to everyone who's been there for all this time, as well as anyone willing to read through everything I've been able to put together here, this project never could've been completed without you all for me to share it with.
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pancake-breakfast · 1 month
I'm a day behind because yesterday was more busy than anticipated, but one final recommendation for Trigun Fanfiction Appreciation Week (@trigunfanfic)!
And this last spot I'm giving to Evocatio by @deludedfantasy
Words: 5,029
Status: Complete
Rating: Teen
Relevant Tags/Warnings*: Vashwood, Vash the Stampede, Eriks Vash, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Prayer, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Post-Canon (Stampede S1, ep 12)
Summary: A year after the destruction of July, Wolfwood returns to what's left of the city to pay his respects. He's never had much faith in a god, but there is one person he feels might be worth praying to....
Ok, ok, I'll get to the story in a minute, but first, I need to gush a bit about its author. Because without Dani, two of my fics wouldn't even exist. They're only here because of their request. Granted, the first one was for a gift exchange and so they didn't know the request was going to me specifically, but do you know how encouraging it is to have someone accidentally end up making a fanfic request of you and then purposely make another one?
I'm pretty sure they've read all of my meager offerings, and they comment on them and share them and seem to love them quite a bit. Most of the fanfic I write is for myself, but at this point, when I write Trigun fanfic, I think I might also be writing it for them. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, Dani, for your constant encouragement and willingness to try and spark my creativity! No one is obligated to like or read every work by any author, but the fact that you give so much of my stuff a shot means the world to me. You make me wish I read more fanfic myself just so I could also be so encouraging.
Alright, on to the fic.
One of the more beautiful things I've found in the Trigun stories is how they provide space for their audience to work through religious trauma. I don't say that to imply that's what the author is doing with this fic, as that's beyond my scope of knowledge. Rather, I bring it up because our dear Wolfwood is working through his own share of religious trauma here, and the way he does it might provide some of that same space the original narrative does to its reader.
It's a beautiful story of a man's struggle for hope in a world where hoping often seems meaningless. Wolfwood wants so much to have a reason to hope... in the world, in others, and mostly in himself. He finds that hope in Vash, but what's he to do when Vash has gone silent? How is he supposed to keep the candle burning when the one who lit the flame is gone?
I could write a pretentious little essay chewing on this fic. Wait, no. I could write a pretentious long essay chewing on this fic. But I'll spare everyone that. Especially myself.
If you've struggled with holding onto the hope you feel you're supposed to have, or with the disconnect between what you've been told you need to be by authority figures and how you know you actually need to be, or with feeling like it's just you by yourself in a very dark world... maybe give this one a read. It may not solve your problems, but at the least, maybe it will make you feel not so alone.
Do it for Vash.
*We all know some AO3 tags are added for fun/shits and giggles/because how does one even tag, so I’m just listing some of the basic ones that might be of use to people when deciding whether or not this is for them.
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mikkokomori · 5 months
Repressed!AU Anon here! Let's try this again: First... I feel honored that there's even a small chance you'd wanna draw something for this au, since ur art is soso pretty and it looks awesome and sydguyfdud /vpos And since you gave me rambling rights,,, you cannot escape it,,,, although for now, I'll give u RW peeps >:3 originally was gonna give DW counterparts too but,, that'll be for another ask thanks to Tumblr being mean </3 Here's the casting call for Real World!:
RW!Sunny: What haven't I said about him than I did in the first post... He's just A Guy with a terrible memory and a passive demeanor! Quiet and reserved, but isn't as emotionless as the original Sunny is, since amnesia of the past can kinda change ur personality me thinks. He also wears bandages around his head, not because he's wounded or anything, it's more of a symbolic thing for his mind/memory being "hurt" thanks to the treatments he gets. He's also allowed to do painting in the mental hospital's activity room, where he mostly draws what he remembers from his Dreamworld. He mostly remembers stuff from Dreamworld than he does for the real world, and he does sometimes mistake some people reappearing in his life as the Dreamworld counterparts that also conveniently reappear as well! RW!Kel: Kel's still as optimistic and playful as he is like his original counterpart, except a lot more grounded and not as much as an idiot (/aff). He often has to take care of his brother, and since he has to pick up on what Hero is now failing to do, he's become a great student in lots of clubs and different extra activities, now becoming the family's golden child. He's the first to visit Sunny mostly out of sympathy, not seeing Sunny as a psychopath like the others at first do, just a boy who'd been victim to mental illness and has been receiving help for the past four years. Just hope his brother doesn't find out about this...
RW!Aubrey: A partially broken girl in a broken home life, now living with Kim and her family because of her bad past living situation. Losing Mari and knowing her old crush killed her made her have fits of anger and depression, but the Hooligans have helped her regain her footing. While not the same Aubrey as she was, she's doing her best to heal. She's quieter than her original counterpart, nor is she as mean or as brazen. She's more of just a punk who spraypaints, ditches school, and sometimes shoplifts with her friends rather than do any sort of bullying. The only reason she ends up at the mental hospital is after she finds out Kel has been seeing Sunny, and with the encouragement of the Hooligans, she decides it's time to try and show him a piece of her mind... although once she sees Sunny's sorry state, will she have the courage to do it?
RW!Hero: A college drop-out who works part-time jobs to try and keep himself afloat. He could never get himself out of that depression, but that depression has now boiled into anger, hatred, and rage, as any mention of what happened makes him a little pissy. The only person he can't be mad at no matter what is Kel, as he's still his little brother and he doesn't have the heart to do it, especially since he's aware of what his brother is shouldering for him, and wishes he could show his appreciation somehow. Hearing Kel visit a mental hospital, let alone Sunny, does make his blood boil, although arriving himself to pull Kel away from this monstrous murderer, he isn't sure how to feel seeing how Sunny doesn't remember anything.
RW!Basil: He's trying to live a normal life, but that guilt of what he's done is still there. He basically ruined Sunny's life and reputation, after all, and all over an accident. He wants to forget what happened four years ago, but he can't, and now since Kel has started making visits, he's becoming more and more scared of what will happen if they ever know the truth...
Stares at this....... Kel always keeps being put in the middle of winning and losing in AUs doesn't he...... I think he deserves a spa break from how much he carries everyone SUDFBLIUGDBFV
and Sunny!!! Sunny!!! Sunny!!!! So he's just a little bit mellower :0 do you think he carries around something in replacement of a knife?
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ribbonetteart · 9 months
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A request for something a little different than usual 🍑👑
Progress stuff below:
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I haven't done progress shots in a bit and I think it's something I want to do more often because I like talking and blogging I guess haha.
Now that I have more experience illustrating digitally, this kind of direct reference drawing is MUCH easier to do digitally 😫honestly this felt like a self imposed challenge lol. BUT I did want to do some more traditional stuff because I feel that I had been doing a little too much digital, if that makes sense. It's nice to play with my markers and color pencils once in a while too!!
Doing the line art on this piece ESPECIALLY felt easier to do traditionally than digitally. For some reason, trying to do line art on a tablet screen feels too smooth or slippery or something. Lining traditionally feels easier, probably because I put so much pressure on the paper in the sketch phase that when the lining phase comes next, it feels like I'm just following the lines on the page like a train on a track ^_^
despite uploading a couple of illustrations colored with marker now, I still feel a bit like a novice when it comes to marker. I got a new pack of markers that I wanted to play with, which was even more motivation to return to paper for a bit. But honestly, I feel like I fudged the window color blending. I watched tutorials and stuff on blending with markers but I guess I still need more practice ^^;;; at least it looks a bit messy to me. This is how this piece came to be a mixed media illustration, since I tried using color pencils to make that transition from blue to green on the windows a little smoother.
I think the pot holding the piranha plant came out a tad too saturated and it's calling too much attention compared to the very light floor and dresser. I was trying to follow the colors on the reference closely as an easy re-intro to traditional art, but next time I do something like this, I think I'll take more liberties with color and see what happens.
Overall, I'm quite happy with how Peach turned out. I don't draw humans too often since I typically draw Sonic characters lol. Sometimes it feels like I have to re-teach myself to draw people as a result. I really liked using the gelly roll for the highlights on her face and the polka dots on her shirt :3 I highly recommend using that pen as my previous experiences with other white gel pens don't compare to this one (not to sound like a commercial I'm just really happy it worked as well as it did!).
And finally, although redrawing a creation from a dress up game screenshot is probably not the most imaginative exercise I could be doing with illustration, I think it's fun and it's pushing me to do things outside of my comfort zone. I'm using new art tools (I'll get better with marker I prommy) and I drew a background! I'd like to do more backgrounds like this as a practice to encourage more original stuff. Maybe. One day. Probably.
If you read all of this until the end, thank you! Have a wonderful day, and thank you for following me and supporting my art :3c 💝
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drdtfuitgumies · 10 days
season 1 summary: may 2024
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i've hit 30 situations! this summary is mainly for my personal documentation (i like documenting stuff), but i thought i'd post this in the blog too just in case anyone else was interested!
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to the surprise of absolutely no one, whit got first place, appearing eight times throughout may 2024! however, his first place is because of a technicality, since i counted the pinned post for this season. otherwise he'd tie with second place and our recently crowned "invasive species", arei, who appeared seven times. i know i encouraged you people to let her commit crimes, but it appears i have underestimated the fandom because there's STILL people telling her to steal even MORE stuff in the inbox. third place is charles, appearing five times, three of which happened in the span of five days. bullying him (and making arei and whit bully him) is really fun though!
also, i think now is a good time to talk about how i "plan" out the situations. i try to draw at least one situation a day as a "warmup" before i draw... Other Stuff, and i try to stock up at least a week's worth of doodles, just in case i become unavailable for whatever reason. i also try my Absolute Best to ensure that everyone* appears at least twice a month, whether by picking requests wildly out of order or taking matters to my own hands through the original situations, though a bias for whit really can't be avoided...
*mai and monotv are excluded from this "rule", though i bring out monotv often when i need a casualty. take arei and whit stacking things and arei and j playing mario kart, for example!
PERSONAL FAVORITES (in chronological order)
1) Motivational words from Min
I still consider this one of my greatest creations in my mortal life. maybe i should reblog this on main everytime i procrastinate on something. i'm sure there will be always someone who needs the encouragement
2) Charles holds Eden's yuri manga hostage
this headcanon sucker punched me on what was a normal afternoon, but i'm glad i realized it to this world... even though i barely read new stuff in the first place, let alone yuri. maybe one day i'll find something that caters to my oddly specific tastes, but for now i'll enjoy the yaoi vs yuri memes from afar and let those more qualified than me to verify how true himejoshi eden and himedanshi charles are
3) A regular "PMD Club" meeting
i am an autotroph and need to create one oddly specific self-indulgent situation per month to sustain myself and the joy i have for drawing. i promise this Will happen again. i might even outright sneak in some of my aus, out of context...!
4) Arei steals Charles' goggles
it really says a lot about me as a person that my personal favorites are mostly unserious shitposts, but i've been meaning to draw arei bullying charles with the nerd emoji since... a few months ago, i think? some of the situations are prompts i've always wanted to draw, but am too lazy to do in my "proper" style
sometimes i think of adding punchlines in the situations, or fix errors after i've put them in the queue, but forget to actually. do them.
after arei stole david's hairclips, emovid's debut would've been something along the lines of arei freeing him from his stage persona by taking away his hairclips. but i forgor.
monotv's body had the wrong colors this one time, but i have since decided that arei got paid by the real monotv to murder a bootleg / defect monotv
as i've mentioned in the tags, teruko on a llama at the machu picchu was supposed to be posted in ace yaps and levi listens' place, but i did an Oopsie and forgot to adjust the queue properly. out of the ~10 posts i had queued up that time, i got insanely lucky that the teruko doodle was the one that got delayed, since i forgot to draw her bandage. ultimate lucky student moment
also as i've mentioned in the tags, if my wii was still working i would've attempted to recreate an actual screenshot of j and arei playing mario kart wii
arei would've have had more time to steal even more things before i put her in jail, but i decided to give her a break this month. i assure you, she will return with a Vengeance.
i've gotten so, so used to drawing whit and arei. i haven't quite gotten the hang of everyone else yet, though i can draw xander, eden, and charles pretty consistently. hardest to draw is hu, but that's mainly because i can't draw straight hair
i kinda wanna add a subtle pattern to the background…? even just a grid would be fine. also thinking of changing the background color every now and then
i'd like to make an animation one day. it's definitely going to be a shitpost and a very unserious situation, but i'd like to make an animation one day
i expected struggling to catch up with requests, but i genuinely didn't expect about two new requests a day?? i really thought i had to pad out the days with more of my original situations, but i'm actually glad i have such a big selection of requests with a decent variety. Aside from arei's many, many crimes.
if you're still here... thank you so, so much! for reading until the end and entertaining my side project! i've never been a particularly "active" artist and tend to lurk more often than not, but seeing the same people regularly come and leave little comments in their reblogs does something to my heart that i didn't think could ever happen. even seeing new people excites me, because i think this is the smallest fandom i've ever been in? i hope i can keep this blog going…!
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no-psi-nan · 3 months
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🥺🥺🥺 not 2 be sappy on main but omg I actually started off in Deviantart ages ago, that was the closest thing to social media for me until the tumblr migration lol. But I never really interacted with people on there, and even upon moving to tumblr, never really interacted with people here too often either. At first I had my main blog which was meant to be more professional since I was selling art to get a little college income, so I didn't really make too many irrelevant posts. Then I decided that I wanted to be able to reblog art and support other artists, so I made a side blog where I carefully curated and tagged the posts I reblogged. I made a few original posts but no one ever interacted, and eventually I realized that people only ever sent me asks there if I tagged anything wrong. Also I found out that adding stuff like series and character tags to a reblog on tumblr is basically useless because the op will pretty much always tag those things which makes it searchable on your own blog even if you don't tag it yourself. And if op DIDN'T tag it those things, your tags will make the post searchable on your blog but NOT in the general search, so it doesn't give op any more of a boost than just reblogging it tagless. So I made another sideblog, which I still have today, and I just rapidfire reblog literally anything I find shareworthy lol. Not any interaction there but at least I'm not wasting my time meticulously tagging strangers posts hsfjdlshfks. Since I was best friends with a big name fan in my main fandom (we became friends when I left a long emotional comment on their fanfic btw <3), I helped run some small fandom events and met more people as well. When I switched fandoms, it was a fandom event that gave me a new friend too, my posts never got any traction. Large fandom discords didn't really work for me either. But on this blog I was lucky, and for the first time people started like actually responding to my comments and posts, and get conversations going! And genuinely that's what's kept my brain rot so powerful I think, because bouncing ideas off each other and joking around and shitposting is genuinely the most fun I've ever had online!! I have to thank desta and oatmeal for the fun times especially, and hillbilly---man left really nice comments on my first few fics that really encouraged me, and I always have fun trading ideas with alienn, saikikthoughts, and crookedlyinnernightmare, plus everyone else who's on here, that's too many people to type out. AND I TYPED UP A BUNCH MORE STUFF BUT TUMBLR FUCKING DELETED IT!! Are you shitting me.... Well I think I remember saying that even if it's been getting kinda quiet and boring lately so my attention is starting to wander (I've pretty much posted all of the meta that's not deep fanfic hc at this point and my drawings take me a long time to make), I'll never delete this blog and I'll still be putzing around online until the day I die probably. And I'll always remember these days fondly and hope to find another great community like this one. And also I highly encourage everyone to post, reply, interact, and play with fellow fans! I've made lifelong friendships over blorbos and even if we don't have the same blorbos any more, we're still friends. Obviously stay safe online, never send money to strangers, probably wait like a year to start shipping each other stuff but still, reach out because you never know who you might meet! I've been lonely irl for most of my life for various reasons, and my online friends have been a lifeline honestly, they're all really important to me. Two of my best friends today come from fanfic comment sections!! Also I need to get around to archiving my meta on AO3 lol (yup, it's for meta too!) but that's gonna be a lot of work so -_-U).
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Other Events During Solarpunk Aesthetic Week
What? You mean to say there's other stuff going on during Solarpunk Aesthetic Week?
Yes! While we didn't want to clash with the usual hosting time for Solarpunk Action Week, it's impossible to host an event without other things also going on! Let's highlight just a few other things that are happening this week, so they can maybe inspire some of what you do for Solarpunk Aesthetic Week!
Pollinator Week 2023 actually takes place June 19th - 25th just like our event!
"Pollinator Week is an annual celebration in support of pollinator health that was initiated and is managed by Pollinator Partnership. It is a time to raise awareness for pollinators and spread the word about what we can do to protect them. The great thing about Pollinator Week is that you can celebrate and get involved any way you like! Popular events include planting for pollinators, hosting garden tours, participating in online bee and butterfly ID workshops, and so much more."
Feel free to check their site here to learn more! Maybe make some pollinator-inspired art and take some biodiversity-boosting actions to celebrate!
Juneteenth/Juneteenth National Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans, celebrated on the anniversary of an order proclaiming freedom for slaves in Texas on June 19th 1865 (two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued). You may see and hear of public readings, street fairs, cookouts, parades, and more celebrating this event in the US--especially since it was officially declared a federal holiday in 2021, meaning its an official day off from school and work for many people now.
Always, but especially on this day, consider the important role and contributions of African Americans and other Black groups have had and will continue to have on history, punk spaces, and the present and future of Solarpunk!
Summer Solstice is June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the official beginning of the summer season! This day symbolizes the zenith of the sun's position in the sky, and the longest day of the year.
We're called Solarpunks for a reason! And coinciding with this date was totally purposeful on our parts. Let the sun inspire your works--whether it be thinking up solar panel concepts, painting a sunny meadow scene, or just imbuing your work with the bright and blazing energy of our brightest star, go forth and create!
Winter Solstice is also June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere, marking the official beginning of the winter season! This day symbolizes the death and subsequent rebirth of the sun, and is the shortest day and longest night of the year.
When we visualize Solarpunk, we tend to think of bright and sunny spring and summer days, with lush green growth all around. But what would Solarpunk look like in the fall and winter? Let's start talking about it, changing up our color palettes and creating! And if it's wintertime for you right now, tell us about how you're solarpunking even in the colder months!
World Music Day, also known as Fête de la Musique, takes place on June 23rd and celebrates the universal language of music. This day originated in France in 1982, aiming to encourage both amateur and professional musicians to showcase their talents in public spaces, while also providing free access to concerts and performances for the public. This observance promotes the importance of music in society and celebrates its cultural diversity.
Music often plays a major role in people's lives today, and I see it being no different in a Solarpunk future. Whether you're writing up song lyrics or making chill beats, or listening and contributing to our collaborative Solarpunk playlist, or anything music related--let's take a moment to consider the power of music to spread messages and hope!
June 25th is the last day of Solarpunk Aesthetic Week, and is the Day of the Seafarer! Day of the Seafarer aims to recognize the invaluable contribution of seafarers to the world economy, trade, and well-being of our people. The International Maritime Organization established this day in 2010, and is observed through various activities like ceremonies, celebrations, panel discussions, and workshops.
When it comes to thinking of Solarpunk societies, its important to consider our relationship with the sea and people who traverse it. In addition, the subsect Lunarpunk often has an association with communities living in close ties with the water--consider looking into it as we celebrate Solarpunk Aesthetic Week--there's all kinds of inspiring content out there, and we can always contribute more!
Is there more we're forgetting? Want to share the way you celebrate a particular event? Sound off and let us know--we'd love to hear about other related events and how you celebrate them!
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the-lincyclopedia · 1 year
On healthy relationships
Recently, I saw a post about how “healthy relationships are built, not found,” which I mostly agree with, but a lot of the advice in the post didn’t resonate with me. I’m not sure if that was because it was bad advice, or if it’s just that humans have different needs and preferences and there are multiple ways to build a healthy relationship, with different ways that work better for different people, or something else. 
Regardless, I’m a little over two months into a relationship that is so far the healthiest I’ve ever had, so I figured I’d share some factors that I think are contributing to things going so well for me at present. A lot of this comes back to the fact that I decided before this relationship started that I would rather deal with a fundamental incompatibility by breaking up than by putting either of us in a position of trying to cram ourselves into a place we don’t fit. That feels essential to me, and I also haven’t seen it talked about much when it comes to relationship advice. 
So yeah, here’s what I’m very consciously doing because I want my relationship to be healthy if it’s going to exist at all: 
1. I’m not pretending to be anything I’m not. This isn’t to say I have zero filter--if an unkind thought pops into my head, I still try not to say it out loud. But I’m not pretending to like things I find boring, or to be okay with behavior I find ethically dubious, or to be more relaxed or cool or whatever than I am, or any of the other many types of pretending that are all too common in the early stages of relationships when people are trying to impress one another. My significant other can take me or leave me as I am, but I’m going to be me regardless. 
2. I’m bringing up potential deal-breakers early, in both directions. Before my current significant other and I got together, there was a lot we didn’t know about each other, so after I told him I liked him, I made a list of questions that I needed answers to before making a final decision about whether to date him. (I did this after telling him I liked him because most of the things on the list would have been none of my business if dating hadn’t been on the table.) 
But I’m not just asking questions of him; I’m also answering his questions and telling him things that aren’t going to change about me, because there’s stuff about me that I don’t want him to be surprised by later. These have ranged from “I’m asexual” to “the metro area I live in is really important to me and I’m not leaving, even though you live elsewhere” to “I don’t want to have kids” to “here are some things I’ve done in the past that I’m not proud of that you might have feelings about.” I may be going overboard on this, but I would much rather we know these things about each other before we make big commitments to one another than wind up with a nasty shock later. 
3. I’m saying no when I want or need to. I was raised in a family where saying no was not encouraged, and because of that, I got into a pattern in relationships where I would do whatever was asked of me, even if I found it exhausting or traumatic--and then, often, I would get upset about doing something that was so hard on me. In recent years, I’ve realized that it’s better--both in romantic relationships and in much of the rest of life--to say no if I’m being asked to do something that I’m going to regret or resent. Depending on my reasons for saying no, sometimes I’m willing to negotiate and other times I’m not, but getting out of the habit of immediately saying yes in all circumstances has been really important for my ability to have healthy relationships. 
4. I’m speaking up when something bothers me. My family of origin doesn’t deal well with conflict, and I was very much raised to graciously accept whatever love was tossed my way, regardless of how it felt for me or which of my boundaries it crossed. Reacting with anything other than gratitude and humility was considered ungrateful. But shockingly, that’s not a good way to have a healthy relationship! Even more shockingly, a good partner will want to know when they’ve hurt you or even just bothered you. It has been hard to learn to speak up after a lifetime of being told to hold my tongue, but I’m doing it, and my relationship is so much better for it. 
I’ve said here before that becoming the best version of yourself--learning to communicate well, respect people, and handle conflict maturely--is the best way to position yourself well for a healthy relationship. This very much only works when both people are putting in the work. Everything I listed above could be twisted, punished, or taken advantage of in an abusive relationship. This is not a list of tips to keep yourself safe from someone who means badly or is less emotionally mature than you are; it’s an incomplete list of actions that can help you flourish if/when you do hit the relationship jackpot. 
I really hope you hit the relationship jackpot.
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ghostinthegallery · 2 months
One Year Fanfic Anniversary!
It is officially one year since I posted my first 40k fic on AO3 and really started putting myself out there in the online community (parts of it anyway). And I wanted to do a bit of a retrospective. Some stuff I learned about writing, fanfic, fandom etc.
it is much easier to start writing once you let go of wanting to get everything 100% “correct.” Characters, setting whatever. People don’t care nearly as much as your inner critic thinks. Or if they do…you can just disagree. It’s fanfic, playing around with ideas and interpretations is the point
i started writing with original work so transitioning to fanfic was a shift. But the things i learned about pacing novels are still invaluable. If you really want to level up your writing, definitely study how novels and short stories are structured
that said structuring a long fic is different from structuring the novel. Chapter releases mean each section almost becomes a short story in and of itself. This also means things get way longer than you expect (rip my word count)
referring back to the original texts often is 1) fun 2) helps you notice things you didn’t before and 3) helps prevent the spread of fandom misinformation. Cite your sources! Especially in Warhammer, our fandom infosphere is a mess
I don’t let the comments drive where my story goes in the broad sense, but they do influence certain details. It’s fun being surprised by what/who readers latch onto. And occasionally a comment has reminded me of something that exists I totally forgot about/didn’t even know. So I look super smart if I pretend that was my intention all along :D
Something should change between the beginning of the scene and the end. Internally or externally or both, something should be different
people did not bash me in the head with the judgement hammer when i decided to publish smut. This has been very liberating. Perhaps too liberating XD
smut is a great way to practice writing short stories. Sex has a clear arc (set up, build up, climax, come down), it is a great space for character exploration, it necessarily involves relationships between characters. and you only need a few scenes (often only one scene) so it stays short. This has been great practice as someone who could not write a short story to save my life
idk if this has mattered but i feel not allowing anonymous comments on AO3 has saved me a lot of grief.
carving out a small fandom space is the way to go. Curate your feed. Block liberally. Don’t engage with people who annoy you, it is not worth it
reblogging and interacting in the comments has been an awesome way to meet people. Highly recommend
Encouraging other people (especially newer creators) to create gets you more art so definitely do that (kindly of course)
robots really are sexy
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what do you think about the convergence designs?
Hey there Anon, my general thoughts I mentioned on my general art blog: https://www.tumblr.com/ikleyvey/721851451454980096/what-do-you-think-about-the-face-reveal-of-viktor?source=share
In more detail:
I downloaded and saved all parts of the Convergence, I really like comics and I value this one as well. I like the colours especially I think.
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I love them, I want a bunch of content with them they're so dear to me! But we're not here for beauty. We're here for darkness.
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I think we should all have expected bullshit technology that definitely cannot work. Like when sci-fi works slap "quantum" onto anything and think it makes it sound cool and science-y.
No, a severed head bolted onto a thin metal neck connected to the body is not going to be able to live. Riot, stop with putting mechanical parts between organic ones. Stop it. Bad Riot. Just like they wrote in a story about Zaun a woman with mechanical elbows. Her lower arms would rot away!! This is very logical!! And excuses such as "this is fantasy" don't work because the tech level doesn't match super sci-fi. And even in super sci-fi nobody would make such designs because they're impractical.
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Their designs do not fit Viktor's aesthetic at all. They're much more like quickly pulled from Warhammer 40K Mechanicus, and not even that.
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Case in point, all designs are not thought-through much. It's first draft stuff.
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What are these augments?? What are these legs?? Triple faces and spindly arms? No, I want to base my stuff on real stuff...
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I heard tracing maybe(?) helps speed things up, and commissioned comics are so often on very tight deadlines and not paid well, thankfully I'm not forced to trace.
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We do not need another Dr. Doom copied element. Believe me. Not another one. I don't agree with Viktor having a scarred face, that's Dr. Doom's thing. Riot is using this as a cop-out. It's much better to have him use the mask as a symbol of his ideology, and a metaphor for him hiding his vulnerability in a very obvious way. THIS is why he's physically "perfect" in my version because that characteristic I believe enhances his main traits.
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So is he WideViktor, or is he the skinny sickly Viktor from Arcane? Nobody knows, the authors don't know, and I'm sure as hell Riot didn't give clear instructions on that either lolol
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^ Best Viktor art bits in the comic imo, even if I don't like the new mask design. (original mask ftw!)
I don't want to dunk on other artists, but movement and anatomy can be improved. Heck, my anatomy needs to be improved as well! But if problems are noticeable in our art, then they definitely should be improved. I mean this as positive encouragement so that art would be even better. (Also lol did they paint my character in pink? I joke)
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It was HILARIOUS to watch official content regurgitate what I identified and portrayed as incorrect and very simplistic interpretation of lore back in two-thousand-fucking-fourteen:
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I was like 19 or something, never had a single job in my life, had gotten only one commission by then, I was a literal 0. But I always say, believe me when I point out something. BELIEVE ME. Very few people do. And what happens? I end up being right! I'm always happy to talk about stuff though.
I'll make a companion piece to this post specifically about the NARRATIVE of the Convergence comic. Also if anyone wants my opinion on a specific frame from the Convergence comic, send it to me I have open submissions!
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