#i just want to make sims but their eyes & mouth are all messed up :(
luveline · 7 months
𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 | 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧
remus’ touch after a long night prompts a tired confession (and a slew of clumsy kisses). 
requested here. modern au. fem!reader, 3.6k.
˚‧꒰ა ✮ ໒꒱‧˚
“I'm going to bed,” Sirius mumbles, scratching at his eyes as he gets up. “Don't let her sleep in her makeup. She'll get an eye infection.” 
Your eyes are getting sore, but it's hardly Remus' responsibility to make sure you wash your face tonight, nor Sirius’ to remind you. “I'm a big girl.” 
Sirius sends you a smile, ignoring your chiding. “Goodnight, my loves,” he says, waving you both away as he heads out of the living room and up the stairs. 
“Notice how he didn't do his dishes?” Remus asks, shifting beside you. 
He's sitting as he tends to, slouched in a way that can't be good for his back in the long run but is clearly comfortable short term. His chin is on his chest, his legs kicked out under the coffee table, which is decorated by the casualties of the night. Sirius’ dinner plate, Remus’ mug, James’ rarely used handheld console. He'd been playing a cutesy farming sim before he said goodnight an hour ago. Sirius stayed to mess with James’ crops and eat a late supper. You're surprised it took him as long as it did to admit defeat. 
“What time is it?” you ask. 
You're laying on the sofa with your socked feet tucked behind Remus’ back, of which he's yet to complain. His elbow brushes your shin as he brings up his arm. “Nearly one in the morning, now,” he reads from his watch. “Let's go to bed too, yeah?” 
“I don't want to.” You turn your face into the pillow behind your neck.
“Me neither,” Remus says, dropping his hand on your knee.
You watch another twenty minutes of TV together failing to summon the energy to stand, but the want for a glass of water grows too big. Your head throbs as you get up, offering your hands to the pretzel that is your favourite housemate.
Remus turns off the TV and lights. You lock the front door. He carries the dirty dishes to the kitchen and you fill up two glasses of water to take with you. It's all so… regular. A routine you share nearly every night, only to climb into your two separate beds. 
He ushers you out of the kitchen and down the hallway with his hand behind your shoulders, his touch a phantom as you ascend the stairs.
You're silent beside the creak of the old wood, too tired to speak. Remus is similarly quiet, though he does whisper, “Watch,” when you nearly kick the box of Halloween decorations waiting to be taken up into the attic. 
You leave your water on the towel box in the alcove and dance around one another in the bathroom. Sirius’ toothbrush lays on the sink still wet, but otherwise there's no signs of him. 
You're feeling very, very tired. You hadn't realised how bad it was until you're putting your toothbrush in your mouth, leant up against the window sill, a slot of cold air seeping in from the dark outside. Your eyes shutter closed. The scrubbing sound of Remus brushing his teeth is almost lulling. 
He swills out his mouth and washes his brush. “Here,” he says gently. You open your eyes just enough to see him beckoning you forward. “Dove, your necklace.” 
“Oh. Thanks.” You turn your back to him. 
His fingers are damp and cool on your skin as he unclasps your necklace. He often takes it off for you. It's one of the things you'll miss when you guys aren't living together anymore, the slow meander to his bedroom, the wood of his door jam on your cheek as you lean against it and give him a hopeful smile. Sometimes he's awake, reading a novel on his side in bed or listening to music at his desk, other times he's sleeping. On those occasions you spend too long lingering, stolen seconds spent staring at the rise and fall of his shoulder. 
“Thank you,” you say as he puts your necklace in the jewellery dish. It comes out missing vowels, lips stuck together as though honeyed. 
You spit pathetically in the sink, rinse your brush, and consider sitting down. “I'm tired,” you whine, wiping your lips. 
“I know,” Remus says, giving you a fond nudge. “Just wash your face and get on with it.” 
“You first. I'm going to nap standing up for a bit.” 
He puts as much of his hair behind his ears as he can and turns on the tap. This is just as familiar as brushing your teeth together. It's not quite as bad as watching James Perfect Skin Potter wash his face with bar soap, but you have to admit that Remus’ eight-nine pence face soap hurts your heart. He washes it off, pats his face dry, and takes the small bottle of bio oil out of the medicine cabinet to pipette onto his pinky finger. “Wash your face,” he says, smoothing the oil into his scars one by one. 
You shake your head. “M'gonna do it in the morning.” 
“That's why your eye was swollen a few weeks ago. You know yourself you won't.” 
“I might,” you say, letting out a big breath as you rub your sore eyes even sorer, “I'm too tired.” 
“Can you sit up, at least?” 
“No.” Remus takes you by the shoulders and forces you to sit on the edge of the bath. “Aggressive?” 
“Don't fall in,” he says, cupping your cheek briefly as if to make sure you've heard. 
You are hearing him, seeing him, even feeling the immensity of his touch, but you're tired, and you know you can let yourself relax completely with him. You'd be the same with James or Sirius, though neither of them could have your head feeling so dizzyingly light from a single touch as Remus can. You probably wouldn't let them persuade you into this, either, tilting your head back to watch through blurry vision as Remus soaks a cotton round in your facial oil. 
“Close your eyes,” he says. 
“Was that a dracula impression?” 
“I command you.” 
You close your eyes. The queasy feeling of oil drags against your lids as Remus wipes them, loosening the stiff tubes of mascara that coat your lashes. It's not a short process because he's very, very gentle, holding your face delicately as though you're a flower in need of coddling, and him the sun. It's the only metaphor that would ever make sense for you and Remus; he's like the sun even if it goes against every statement he's ever made about himself, or anyone else has, for that matter. People think he's a moody, sarcastic boy, and he is, but he's also a vestibule of sweetness, softness, and warmth. The kind of heat you'd only ever feel kissing your skin under the summer sun. But more than that, he's the relief that follows when the clouds come out. 
And his hands are all over you. Your head gets heavier by the minute, eased into dozing by his touch and quiet tones. “We're almost done. I'm gonna have to carry you to bed at this rate.” 
“I'm going to miss this so much one day,” you say. It's easier to admit when you're not looking at him. 
Remus turns on the tap. Hot water runs, you can tell by the sound as strange as it seems, and he wrings the dirtied cotton round before replacing it with a new one. He wets it, bringing it just that touch too hot to your cheeks to wipe you down. “What are you going to miss, dove?” 
“Us. You. I'm going to miss you.” 
“Where are you going?” 
“Nowhere, but one day I will be. James will finally have had enough of us and I'll,” —you swallow around nothing as a rivulet of water runs down your cheek, a cooling tear from the cotton round— “have to move out and we'll never see each other anymore.” 
“Don't be silly, you're not going anywhere.” 
“It's not about the going,” you murmur, peeling your eyes open tentatively as his dabbing follows down your cheek to your neck. “I miss you sometimes and we still live together. I can't imagine how much I'll miss you…” 
Remus puts the cotton round aside. He takes your face into his hand, and suddenly his touch feels raw, nothing like it had moments ago. Because Remus would wash your makeup off for you any day of the week, but his looking at you like this, so unshielded and unabashed, is a rarity. 
“You won't have to miss me. Even if we did move away from each other, I wouldn't let it be that far.” 
“Friends move away all the time. We don't speak to half the people we knew at school.” 
“I only really knew you and the boys,” he says. It isn't true but it is at the same time. Together, you'd been a happy lot, but your current housemates are the ones you'd known. “And see? We're still together.” 
“But for how long?” you ask. 
Remus brings his second hand, holding your face entirely. He covers your cheeks, index fingers sliding slowly under your ears. He's exceedingly gentle, and his eyes are soft. He holds you like you're made of glass, like you could break under a hint of pressure. Slowly, he tilts his head to the side as though he might lean in for a kiss. Maybe he doesn't know he's doing it, but Remus is a very purposeful soul. He'd do much worse to wind you up if you wanted him to. 
You sober up. It's like he has caffeine in his palms. 
“You want to go where I'm going, is that it?” he asks quietly. 
“Yeah,” you say, barely say, voice shame-facedly weak. Is he asking what you think he is?
“Do you want to start now?” 
You breathe out as one of his hands shifts down your jaw. “Yeah, I… I want to start now.” 
“Okay, dove. Then close your eyes again.” 
You hold his gaze for a second that feels infinitely long and short at once, your heart racing. Clarity has returned, a thrust into wakefulness even if your fatigue ties knots around your ankles. You look at him in his late night glory, his scars shining a pink-white like the petals of a young peony flower, and you know it's happening now. 
You shut your eyes. 
He steps closer, though the bath you're perched on is low, and he has to bend a considerable amount to reach you. The weight of his hands on you doesn't change, not even as he grows near enough to sense the heat of his breath against your lips. It's his nose that makes first contact as it slides against yours, and then his forehead presses down into you, his lips noticeably absent. Each contiguity between you thrums. 
A pit opens in your chest, cleaved by his voice as he says, “I'm going to kiss you, okay? S'that what you want?” 
Your hands don't feel like your own. Under the sickening nervousness twining its way through your ribs, you're excited. You're smiling, your voice shaped by it. “Yeah. It's what I want,” you say. 
“Good. It's what I've wanted for a while–” while pressed into your lips, all shaken up by an emotion you've never heard him speak with. He kisses you and you're frozen, and he waits and waits and pulls away to push back in. You remember yourself then, responding to his wading with some pressure of your own. Sparked back to life. 
It's so strange. It doesn't feel real. Remus Lupin kisses you heated and hard for just long enough to feel it in your teeth before he pulls away. “Sorry,” he murmurs, his fingertip running down your cheek, following that same path as your earlier rivulet. To think he saw it, really saw it, locked it away to remember and trace into your skin now… maybe he's seen much more of you than you realised all along. 
“Will you do it again?” you say under your breath. 
Remus must hear the thread of insecurity running through your question; you're afraid he'll say no, but he strokes your cheek again with that unfathomable softness and says, “Yeah, dove, of course I will.” 
“Do you want to?” 
And that's less insecurity and more selfishness, wanting the confession. He hears that, too. 
“I want to kiss you more than I've ever wanted anything,” he says, eye to eye with you, your head tipped up and your heart in your throat, twitching and fizzling like a firecracker. “Yeah? And all that missing me you've been doing? All your worrying? You don't need to do that. You've never needed to do that–” 
“I just never thought you liked me like that.” You and Remus aren't new to one another. “You've been the same since the day we met.” 
Remus’ hands get a little more solid where he's holding you. “Dove. Dove, are you mad?” 
“Maybe I have been the same, but did you really not notice that I–” He squeezes your cheeks playfully, almost in disbelief. “If you want me, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere without you. You're not going anywhere without me.” 
“So you like me?” 
“Yes,” he says, his eyebrows pinched together at the starts. “Of course I do.” He laughs. “That's what I'm trying to tell you.” 
“Oh,” you say, lifting your head. 
Remus shuts his eyes a millisecond before you shut your own and kisses you again. The second round is softer, his smile to yours and struggling to find purchase. His breath huffs out in a minty laugh, shockwaves through your mouth. 
“Stop laughing,” he breathes, his hands falling to your neck, your shoulders.
“You first.” 
Your lips part under his, a split-second of contact. He yanks away before things can get too heavy, and you're glad he does, but for a moment you feel the loss like a wave of vertigo. 
“Sorry, I'm going too fast, and you're tired.” His touch is ticklish behind your shoulder. 
“It's okay. Maybe it is a bit fast, but I'm not tired anymore,” you confess. 
Remus hugs you, cementing every feeling for him you have as he wraps his arms around you from over your shoulders, a deft hand cupped behind your neck. “That's not true. I can feel your back shaking. Let's go to bed.” 
“After that?” 
“What, are you worried it won't have happened in the morning?” he asks genuinely. 
You go limp in his arms as he takes your weight against his chest. Not worried, but rather not sure you can be away from him so soon. You ask him in a whisper if you can come and sit with him, not to sleep with him, not to do anything else, and he whispers back, Anything you want. You both entertain the lie that you won't fall asleep in his bed. 
Remus tenses as he hears the scuffling sounds of movement downstairs. It takes a train of thought awakening for him to realise it's only James, rising early as usual to put on a load of washing and prepare bits for lunch before he goes off for training. He can see him in his mind's eye if he tries, his friend dressed in the red and white rugby uniform, green socks up over his calves and white cleats scrubbed pristine for another ruck in the mud. 
Remus’ relaxes, stretching out in bed until his hand bumps into something rigid. 
He flinches. 
You're laying on the mattress beside him, your head slipped off of the pillows and your arm tucked beneath you. It doesn't look comfortable, and if it were any other morning he'd pull it straight for you, but. 
I kissed you, he thinks to himself, as though talking to you. He turns away from you until his back clicks and alleviates the ache in his hips, though he has to settle eventually, back on his back, no way of ignoring you. He doesn't want to ignore you. The opposite —why are you so far away? Can he hold you? 
What are the rules here? 
Kissing… not dating… You're here in his bed, you'd asked to stay. 
He takes your hand and pulls at your arm. Still sleeping, you mumble and move onto your back, releasing the pressure on your shoulder as he pulls you toward his chest. Your face is impassive, lax in sleep. 
He should let you sleep. 
“Dove,” he says, stroking up the length of your arm. 
“Mm?” you hum. 
“I need to ask you something.” 
You twitch awake with a small cough. Your eyes are red with a lack of sleep as you open them, blinking, and he wishes stupidly that he could make it better. He makes a sympathetic sound for want of more to do. 
“Why have you woken me up?” you ask, blinking at him. You gather that there's nothing urgent happening and push your face into his shoulder, practically nuzzling him. “It's Saturday.” 
“I just need to ask you something.” 
“So ask me,” you encourage through your sleepiness. 
The washing machine whirs downstairs. It’s an old machine that you often joke is taking off into orbit during the final spin, loud as anything. He can barely hear your sluggish breathing underneath it, but he can't miss the catch in it after he asks, “Can I be your boyfriend?” 
It's not the catch he's expecting. You laugh and readjust, wrapping your arms around him from the side and kissing the side of his neck clumsily. “Y'u asked me last night,” you say in a borderless run-on, sounding about as dopily in love as he's ever heard you. 
He thinks about it. Yes, he did, after he'd kissed you many more times than he should've and curled up in bed with you, hands held loosely beneath the blankets. He remembers the question, the answer. The last kiss that followed, and you falling asleep beside him. 
“I need a coffee,” he says, encouraging your head back so he can kiss your temple. 
“No, you need to sleep more with me. And maybe kiss me again. If you want to.” 
Sleeping isn't half as interesting as kissing you. He slots his nose against yours and languishes in the feeling of your lips, wondering if he's having a false start. He could still be dreaming. It would make sense. 
The door clatters open with a curse. James stands in the doorway with a folded pile of Remus' washing from the radiators in his arms, an apology on his lips, “Sorry, mate, the door got away from– oh my god. Oh my god?” 
Remus isn't an overly shy guy but he can't deal with this. “For fuck's sake,” he mutters, dropping his face into your shoulder. Your arm wraps under his neck, fingers splayed across his cheek. 
“James–” you begin, resigned to your fate. 
“This is flat-cest. This is the cardinal sin.” 
“We don't live in a flat,” Remus says. 
“That makes it worse. You can't even blame close quarters.” Remus peeks up to watch James in the doorway, still clinging to Remus’ washing, pure shock curdling his features. He shakes his head. “I'm telling Sirius.” 
“Please don't!” you say.
You slump back into the pillows as James leaves anyways. 
Remus hugs your soft abdomen. “Don't worry,” he says.
“I guess it's a good thing you've already asked me out,” you say. 
“Why, what can they do?” Remus asks, wondering if he's allowed to put his face on your chest or if that's too forward. You rake a hand through his hair and encourage him forward, to his delight. 
Frantic words. You and Remus loved up in bed despite it. 
“I'm chucking them out!” 
“James, they've been seeing for weeks. Can I go back to sleep?” 
You grumble into his hair. “That's not even true… Does everyone know, then? That I liked you?” 
Remus thinks of the shadow of you in the doorway, that sheepish smile you send his way before you ask him to unclasp your necklace before bed, or your face as he’d wiped the sooty stain of mascara from your cheek last night, half in love with him as you fell asleep in his palm. 
“I don't think so, lovely,” he comforts. “Don't worry about it. We'll clear it up at lunch time. James isn't even mad, he's just sulking thinking we didn't tell him.”
“How could you not tell me?” James asks on cue, rounding the door again, arms ever tighter around the bundle of Remus’ clothes. He assumes it's being kept hostage. “I thought we were best mates.” 
“James,” you say softly, all sympathy. 
Remus likes the feeling of your voice under his ear, and your slightly too-quick heartbeat. He could fall asleep here and now if it weren't for the company. 
“It's new,” you're saying, softness melded to a sweet pride. “Okay? I've barely told Remus how I feel, of course I was going to tell you. We were only talking about it last night. It really hasn't been weeks, Sirius is a stirrer.” 
Remus pulls the covers up over your heads and climbs on top of you in a rush, demanding that the both of you be left alone, to James’ great annoyance but your delight, your laughter loud in the shell of his ear. Your chest shakes with it beneath him. 
A great wad of fabric hits him in the legs. “Twats,” James says, seemingly stalking off. 
Your whisper sends shivers down his spine. “We're alone again. Do you have anything else to ask me while you're too tired to remember?” you tease. 
There's not a chance in the world that Remus would ever forget this. 
˚‧꒰ა ✮ ໒꒱‧˚
thanks for reading!! I really hope you enjoyed, it's been a little bit since I wrote for remus like this so I was actually a bit nervous and I hope it's okay :D <3
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jongseongsnudes · 7 months
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bff!jake. 1.6k. smut ft. roommate!jay.
“i- wh- what the actual fuck?”
“i said what i said, let me suck you.”
“you’ve lost it,” the startled man leans away from you, his face contorted from your sudden suggestion, “all that studying finally broke you.”
“god jake,” you roll your eyes and lean forward, almost closing the gap between your bodies entirely, “why are you making it more complicated than it needs to be? i just need to suck your dick for like a minute.”
the poor man’s expression is one that has you immediately in a fit of laughter, confusion, disgust with a hint of arousal, all displayed across his face at the same time.
yes, it was a weird request to make towards your best friend but it’s not like you haven’t done it before. and for some unexplainable, wild reason, sucking his dick always calmed you. especially in times when you were stressed over your head about classes.
like right now.
“who asks their bestfriend shit like this like it’s the most normal thing to do?”
“for the last time. sim jaeyun will you let me suck you off?” you get up from the bed as you say so, arms folded, your tone more of a threat than a question, “you do realise jay is next door, and i’m pretty sure he’d be more than willing to let me suck-”
“okay okay! for fucks sakes suck me then! no need to bring out the government name.”
your hand is already at his thigh before he could even finish his sentence, immediately palming him through his sweat pants. with an accomplished grin on your face, you kneel down in between his spreaded legs on the floor, your eyes never once leaving his as you do so. it’s something you know for a fact jake likes you doing, giving him that full attention, like he’s the only thing that mattered to you in the moment.
“fuck- why do you do this shit to me?” he whispers, his voice much lower than before. he watches you through lidded eyes, his gaze entirely on your new submissive position in front of him, “you’re so evil.”
“and you love it, jake.”
the way his dick twitches in your hand to the call of his name only excites you more, further pushing you to get a move on. so you do just that, pulling off his pants and boxers down to his ankles in one quick motion before grabbing onto his member.
the man’s deep groans instantly fill the room as you begin to jerk him painfully slow, your evil self enjoying the situation a little too much. you can’t help but pout when you notice the way his clutch on the bedsheets tightens because it should be your hair he’s gripping. not the damn bedsheets.
“c- come on don’t tease.”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about...” lies. you knew exactly what you were doing, and to make things worse for him, you decide to lean in closer to his leaking tip. but obviously not close enough.
the frustrated sigh that emits from his throat is hard to miss, the sound making you chuckle a little to yourself.
he’s so desperate for you, just like how you wanted him to be.
“you’re so hard jake... look at you.”
“i swear to god- oh shit!”
your lips pressing onto his tip is enough to have him in a puddle, his words no longer coherent. it makes you feel good to be able to make jake turn into such a mess, without having to do much at all.
“you enjoy doing this to me don’t you?” there’s a sudden change in his eyes, his gaze dark and serious as he reaches out to grab the back of your neck, holding you still in place to look at him, “you’re such a brat.”
if there’s one thing you’ve learnt about jake over the years, is that the man is a big softie when it comes to you, always letting you have your way no matter how ridiculous it is.
but the only times jake will not let you have your way are times like these. it’s as if something switches in him, going from soft to dominant all in two seconds when you push the right buttons.
when you were bratty.
and god was this jake hot.
“you were all talk before,” he taunts, a smirk forming on the end of his lips, “go on. show me what that mouth can do besides shit talk.”
and you didn’t need to be asked twice, especially not by jake sim.
your mouth quickly wraps around his hard on, barely managing to take half of it before you can feel it hit the back of your throat. although you’ve done this numerous times before, jake’s size always managed to surprise you.
no more words are needed, the room now filled with his grunts and the sound of you slobbering all over his dick. you know you should be embarrassed by your noises, but you’re not, your only goal now was to please the man.
often enough, you’d imagine how good it’d feel to have him fuck you with it. making you feel good, making you cum.
it was so wrong to have such fantasies about your best friend but every time you’re in bed with your hands down your pants, there’s no one else you’d rather think of but jake sim.
tears begin to form in the corners of your eyes as you continue moving your head, sucking on his length like your life depended on it. hard and fast, edging the man closer and closer towards his release.
his tightened grip on the back of your neck tells you that he’s close. so you do what you do best, grabbing onto his base with both your hands, stroking it in sync with your mouth.
“f- fuck- i’m gonna-” he mumbles while trying to pull your head away but you don’t budge, hinting for him continue on. and he does just that, finishing deep in your mouth, his cum slowly dripping out the corners of your lips as you pull away.
he tastes bitter, the vast amount a little hard to swallow but you manage nonetheless. the sight of you struggling has the man smirking, obviously loving the way you look with his mess dripping down onto your top.
“you look so pretty like this.”
“pretty only like this? wow you’re such a gentleman sim.”
“no,” he chuckles before pulling you up, your body slightly falling onto his at the force. his arms are quick to stable you, literally manhandling you to straddle over his lap in which you were more than happy to do, “you’re always pretty. the prettiest.”
your heart unknowingly skips a beat to his sudden compliment, as if you didn’t just suck him off and as if there wasn’t a massive cum stain on your top. you knew jake had a way with his words when it came to the ladies but this? this wasn’t what you were expecting him to say, not to you, his best friend.
“what?” he laughs, his hands already at the ends of your top, hastily pulling it over without hesitation, “where did that bratty mouth of yours go?”
“jake...” you whimper at the coldness hitting your skin, the sensation making you hard inside your bra.
“shit. you’re perfect.”
he yanks on your hair as he says so, pulling your head back so he could attack the exposed skin on your neck. you’re already a moaning mess at this point, the feeling of his lips on your sensitivity, one that has you seeing white all over.
“you don’t like it when i’m nice but prefer it when i’m like this?” his grip in your hair tightens more, making you whimper out in surprise, much to his liking. you could feel him smiling into your skin, as if pleased by your reaction to his actions.
the man is being rough and as sick as it was, you were enjoying every second of it.
“you even sound pretty, i wonder what you’d sound like if i were to fuck you,” jake’s voice is one you’ve never heard from him before, raspy and deep. even deeper than his morning voice, which you’ve always found so fucking hot already.
“do you want me to fuck you?”
“god yes jake, please.”
you never understood why you and jake hadn’t fucked yet. you’ve sucked his dick, given him handjobs and he has fingered you here and there. but that’s all it ever got to. despite the oh-so-obvious sexual tension that always followed you both aound, you two just didn't fuck.
“as much as i want to hear you, you have to try to be quiet tonight,” his lips makes its way towards yours, leaving behind a trail of gentle kisses on your skin, “jay is next door-”
“maybe you should’ve thought of that 30 minutes ago, when i was sleeping. too late now.”
and to your horror, there standing at jake’s opened door is his handsome roommate jay who looked like he was about to burn the apartment down with his glare alone. the man’s unkempt hair and boxers-only outfit tells you perhaps he had been sleeping, which made you feel awful for being so loud just now.
but despite his glares, you noticed one other thing. it’s that he’s looking directly at you, at your barely covered chest, like he had been the entire time he was standing there.
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2023 © jongseongsnudes on TUMBLR. PLEASE DO NOT COPY, TRANSLATE OR REPOST.  
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pucksandpower · 2 months
Live Like We Want To
Charles Leclerc x Wolff!Reader x Lewis Hamilton
Summary: there’s only one thing harder than keeping a relationship between two of the paddock’s most prominent figures hidden … keeping a relationship between three of the paddock’s most prominent figures hidden
Warnings: 18+ content
Based on this request
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The drivers settle on the awkwardly shaped white couch, microphones clipped carefully to the collars of their shirts, waiting for the pre-race press conference to begin.
Lewis fiddles with his Mercedes cap, lost in thought. Lando and Daniel banter back and forth, Lando ribbing Daniel about his recent attempts to be artsy on Instagram and Daniel giving as good as he gets.
The moderator steps up to begin the press conference. After a few standard questions about the track and the upgrades the teams have brought, it’s time for the driver questions.
A reporter looks over at Lewis. “Lewis, you and Y/N seem very close lately. There’s been speculation you two might be dating. What do you say about that?”
Lewis opens his mouth but before he can respond, Daniel jumps in. “Oh come on, we all know Lewis is way too old for Y/N! She needs someone younger and spicier.” He winks at the camera.
Lando chuckles. “Too right, mate. Y/N deserves a fun guy who actually knows how to have a good time, not someone almost eligible for a senior discount.”
Lewis forces out a rehearsed laugh. “Hey now, I’m not that old!”
“Face it, the age gap is just too much. She needs someone closer to her own age, like me!” Lando says with a grin.
“You?” Daniel scoffs. “Please, Y/N needs a real man to show her a good time, not some baby-faced kid.”
“Who are you calling a kid?” Lando shoots back. “I’m mature for my age!”
Max, who has been quiet up until now, suddenly pipes up. “Actually, I think Y/N and I would make a great match ...”
The other drivers swivel their heads to look at him. “You?” Daniel says in disbelief.
“Why not?” Max shrugs. “We’ve got a connection.”
Lewis grits his teeth, struggling to stay quiet. He wants to tell them all to back off, that you’re taken. But he knows he can’t reveal the truth about your relationship, as much as it pains him to stay silent.
Lando laughs. “Mate, she’s way out of your league!”
“Oh yeah? I could get her if I wanted to,” Max says defensively.
Daniel grins and claps Max on the back. “Ooh, those are fighting words! You don’t stand a chance.”
Max crosses his arms. “Maybe she likes a bad boy. I’m more exciting than any of you.”
“Exciting? You?” Lando pretends to yawn. “All you ever think about off the track is sim racing! That’s not exciting, it’s dull.”
“Hey! Sim racing is very intense and takes a lot of skill,” Max says indignantly.
Lewis has finally had enough. “Alright guys, maybe we should change the subject. I’m sure Y/N can decide for herself who she wants to spend time with, without all of us bickering over her.”
Lando ignores Lewis and looks back at Max, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “I bet I could get Y/N to go out with me before you can.”
“You’re so on!” Max says.
Daniel shakes his head. “Woah now, let’s leave the poor girl out of your competition. Especially since neither of you have a chance anyway.”
“Oh really? I suppose you think you’re the obvious choice?” Max says sarcastically.
“Obviously!” Daniel replies with a cocky grin.
As the three younger drivers continue with their posturing, Lewis pinches the bridge of his nose, exhaling loudly. He catches the moderator’s eye and nods, signaling it’s time to move on.
The moderator clears his throat. “Alright, next question ...”
After the press conference ends, Lewis hurriedly gathers his things. As he’s walking out of the media center, Max catches up to him.
“No hard feelings about all that, mate?” Max says sheepishly.
Lewis musters up a smile. “Of course not. It was all in good fun.”
“Cool.” Max nods. “For what it’s worth, I don’t actually have a thing for Y/N. I was just messing around back there.”
“I know, I know,” Lewis says, clapping Max just a tad too hard on the shoulder before turning to go. Over his shoulder he calls out, “May the best man win!”
Max laughs and shakes his head as Lewis walks away.
Lewis enters the Mercedes garage and immediately spots you chatting with the engineers. His heart skips a beat like it always does when he sees you. A vision in a crop top and skinny jeans, your hair cascading over your shoulders as you lean over a data sheet, nodding intently.
So beautiful.
You glance up and spot Lewis. Your face lights up, a radiant smile spreading across it. Lewis grins back, the stress of the press conference fading away.
He waits until you’re done talking to the engineers, then pulls you discreetly aside. In an empty meeting room, Lewis wraps you in a tight embrace.
“Hi baby,” he murmurs, nuzzling your hair.
You cling to him. “I missed you. How was the press conference?”
Lewis hesitates. “It was … interesting.”
You pull back to look at him curiously. “What do you mean?”
“Well, there were some questions about us. Our relationship.”
Your eyes widen. “What did you say?”
“Nothing! Don’t worry, I didn’t reveal anything. But the other drivers jumped in with their opinions.”
You groan. “Do I even want to know?”
Lewis runs an agitated hand through his hair. “Well, apparently I’m way too old for you. Daniel, Lando, and Max all started competing over who would be your best match.��
You snort. “That’s ridiculous.”
“I know, I know,” Lewis says. “I wanted to tell them you’re mine, but ...”
“You did the right thing keeping quiet,” you say gently, taking his hands in yours. “We knew this wouldn’t be easy, keeping our relationship a secret.”
Lewis sighs. “I just hate not being able to claim you as my girlfriend in public. Having to pretend I don’t care when other guys flirt with you.”
You squeeze his hands supportively. “I know. But my dad would freak if he knew I was dating you. He’s so overprotective. And the press would have a field day if they found out Lewis Hamilton was seeing Toto Wolff’s daughter.”
“You’re right,” Lewis says. “But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
You smile softly at him. “Just think, one day we won’t have to hide anymore. We’ll be out and proud for the whole world to see.”
Lewis grins. “I look forward to that day.” He pauses, gazing at you tenderly. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you whisper.
Lewis glances around quickly before pulling you in for a passionate kiss. All the stress and frustration of pretending melts away as your lips meet.
You come up for air a few moments later, both flushed. “We should get back before someone notices we’re gone,” you murmur.
Lewis nods reluctantly. “See you after quali?”
“Definitely.” You give him one more quick peck then slip out of the room, back to the bustle of the paddock.
Lewis watches you leave, his heart full.
One day there will be no more hiding. One day you’ll be free to share your love with the world.
He just has to be patient. You’re worth the wait.
You’re sitting outside of Mercedes hospitality between practice sessions, chatting with Mick Schumacher. Mick is eagerly telling you about his experience getting to take the W15 out in FP1 that morning when Charles Leclerc wanders over.
“Hello Y/N, Mick,” Charles says with an easy smile.
“Oh hey Charles, what’s up?” You say casually, hoping he makes this quick. Ever since that silly press conference, Charles has been popping up everywhere trying to get your attention.
“Not much. You’re looking beautiful as always,” Charles says, ignoring Mick and focusing his gaze on you.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. “Um, thanks?”
Mick glances between you two and starts to stand up. “I’ll give you guys some space.”
“No, stay!” You say quickly, grabbing Mick’s arm. You turn back to Charles. “Did you need something?”
“Just wanted to come say hi, see how you’re doing.” Charles drags over a chair and sits down close beside you. Too close.
You slide your chair away ever so slightly. “I’m fine, thanks. Just hanging with Mick.”
Charles nods, but his eyes stay fixed on you. “Have you given any more thought to grabbing dinner sometime? I know this great little restaurant in the city, very private and intimate.”
“That’s really nice of you, but I’ll have to pass,” you say politely. Mick looks back and forth between you two, a faint smirk on his face.
Charles pouts. “Come on, it would be fun! No pressure, just two friends enjoying a nice meal.”
You resist the urge to laugh. Does he really think you’re that naive? “Sorry Charles, but I’m going to be really busy this weekend. Raincheck?” You have no intention of ever taking him up on the offer, but maybe it will get him to back off for now.
“Playing hard to get? I like it,” Charles winks.
You bite your tongue to stop yourself from saying what you really think. Time for a subject change. “So, you feeling good about the race this weekend?”
Charles sighs, finally moving away from the topic of dating you. “I think the car has potential, but Red Bull are still the ones to beat.”
You nod. “Very true. They have been especially dominant here the past few years.”
“We’ll see what happens. Maybe I can get pole and shock them all,” Charles says with a smile.
You chat about racing for a few more minutes before glancing at your phone. “Oh shoot, I have to get going. Meeting with my manager.” You stand up quickly. “See you later Charles. Bye Mick!”
Charles grabs your hand as you start to walk away. “Leaving already? At least let me walk you to your garage.”
You pull your hand back, perhaps a bit too forcefully. “I’m fine, thanks. Stay and chat with Mick!” You give them a little wave before briskly walking off.
As you make your way through the paddock you hear footsteps behind you. Glancing back you see Charles jogging to catch up with you. You bite back a groan.
“Y/N, wait up!” Charles calls after you. He hurries to your side, slightly out of breath. “Sorry, I just thought I should properly apologize for being so forward back there. I don’t want you to feel pressured or uncomfortable.”
You stop walking and turn to face him. “It’s okay, Charles. I know you didn’t mean any harm.”
He looks relieved. “Good, I’m glad. The last thing I want is to upset you.” He shuffles his feet, looking down shyly. “I really do think you’re amazing, Y/N. Any guy would be so lucky to be with you.”
You soften a bit. As persistent as he is, you know Charles is a good guy at heart. “Thank you. I think you’ll find the right girl someday.”
“Well, I was rather hoping the right girl was standing in front of me now,” Charles says earnestly.
You shake your head. “Charles ...”
“I know, I’m being too bold again,” he says. “Please, just consider it? One dinner. If you hate it and never want to see me again, I’ll accept that.”
You hesitate. Maybe it would be easier to just go, let him down gently in person. But no … that’s too risky. If word got out it could compromise everything with Lewis. As much as you want to set Charles straight, you just have to keep playing hard to get.
“Like I said, just too busy right now,” you say firmly. “I should get to my meeting.”
Charles nods, looking slightly dejected. “Of course. Well, the offer stands. I’m not giving up that easily.” He smiles and heads off with a small wave.
Over the next two days Charles remains persistent, finding excuses to talk to you in the paddock and complimenting you endlessly on social media. You continue dodging his invitations, letting him down as gently as you can.
Sunday morning you’re doing a photoshoot for British Vogue, posing on the track. Charles happens to walk by as you’re finishing up. He saunters over and leans on the barrier, watching you intently. The photographer notices him hovering and suggests you take a quick picture together.
Charles immediately hops the barrier and throws an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in close. You plaster on a smile as the camera flashes.
“Beautiful! What an attractive couple,” the photographer gushes.
You extricate yourself from Charles’ grip. “We’re not … I mean we’re just friends,” you mutter.
“My mistake!” The photographer says. Charles just grins.
After the photoshoot ends you try to make a quick exit but Charles catches up and falls into step beside you.
“One picture together and we’re already mistaken for a couple! It must be a sign,” Charles says playfully.
You resist rolling your eyes again. “Clearly you’re not getting the message here. I’m not interested in anything beyond friendship.”
Charles just smiles wider. “Ah, but friendship is the basis for any lasting romance. I’m happy to start as friends and see where it goes.”
You stop walking and turn to him. Time for some straight talk. “Charles. Listen to me. I do not want to date you. At all. Please stop asking.”
Charles’ smile finally falters slightly. “I see. My apologies, I clearly misread the situation.”
You feel a twinge of guilt at his crestfallen face. “It’s alright. I know you didn’t mean any harm. Let’s just forget it and move on.”
Charles nods, looking thoughtful. For a moment you think maybe he’s finally going to back off. But after a pause he says, “Well, since romance is off the table for now, friendship it is.”
You stare at him in disbelief. Is this guy for real?
Oblivious to your incredulous expression, Charles just keeps talking. “The season’s almost over, but I look forward to seeing much more of you next year when Lewis is my new teammate.” He winks.
It takes you a second to process his words. When they sink in your eyes go wide. “Wait, Lewis is joining Ferrari next season?”
“Oh, has it not been announced yet?” Charles grins mischievously. “My mistake. Forget I said anything.”
You grab his arm. “Charles, tell me!”
He mimes zipping his lips.
You groan in frustration. “Ugh, fine. Keep your secret for now.” You’ll get the truth out of Lewis later.
Charles just smiles innocently. “See you around, friend.” He strolls off with a little wave, finally leaving you in peace.
You shake your head as you watch him go. Next year is sure to be interesting with Charles around. But you take comfort knowing that no matter what, you and Lewis can get through it together.
The 2025 season kicks off in Melbourne. You’re wandering the paddock under the bright Australian sun, dodging TV crews and trying not to get run over by the team scooters zipping every which way.
As you pass by the Ferrari garage you peek inside, spotting Lewis talking to some engineers. He glances up and meets your eye, giving you a subtle smile before returning to his conversation.
Your heart flutters at the sight of him. It’s been nonstop media obligations since arriving in Albert Park and you haven’t had a moment alone with Lewis yet. Between his big move to Ferrari and the speculation about your relationship, you’ve been the center of attention.
You linger nearby, hoping to snag a private moment with Lewis. As you hover just outside the garage you hear footsteps approaching. Glancing over you see Charles strolling up, looking effortlessly cool in his team kit.
“Well hello there,” Charles says with a grin. “Come to wish me luck before qualifying?”
You roll your eyes but can’t help smiling back. “You caught me. I snuck over to send positive vibes your way.”
Charles chuckles. “I knew you couldn’t resist coming to see me.”
You shake your head amusedly. Same old Charles. “Actually I was looking for Lew-” you stop yourself just in time. “Um, just wandering around saying hi to everyone!”
Charles’ eyes gleam knowingly but he doesn’t call you out on your near slip-up. “Of course. We’re happy to have Lewis join the Ferrari family. Should be a fun season.”
You nod. “Definitely. I might have to frequent the Ferrari garage more often,” you add teasingly.
“You’ll always be welcome here,” Charles says. “In fact, there’s an open seat on my side of the garage. You’re more than welcome to join.” He smiles invitingly.
You hesitate, tempted despite yourself. Before you can respond you hear Lewis calling Charles from inside the garage.
“Charles! The debrief is starting soon, let’s go.”
Charles turns back to you with an exaggerated sigh. “Duty calls. But think about my offer, yeah? Plenty of races left this season for you to cheer on your favorite driver.” He winks before jogging into the garage.
You catch Lewis’ eye as Charles brushes past him. Lewis gives you a questioning look, silently asking if you’re okay. You smile reassuringly before blowing him a subtle kiss and walking away.
Over the next few races you find yourself spending more time with Ferrari than you expected. You tell yourself it’s just to support Lewis in his first season with a new team, but a small voice in your head whispers that it’s really to see Charles.
Despite your better judgment, you can’t deny enjoying Charles’ flirty banter and shameless pursuit of you. And clearly he doesn’t intend to back down now that Lewis is his teammate. If anything, Charles seems more determined than ever to win your affection.
By the time the Chinese Grand Prix rolls around, you’re dangerously close to having a full blown crush on Charles. Sitting in the Ferrari garage watching him joke around with the mechanics, you have to refrain from staring at him too obviously.
After qualifying, you wait around hoping Lewis or Charles have time to sneak away for a bit. You spot Lewis first and flag him down. He follows you to a secluded spot behind the paddock.
“Great lap today,” you say, rising on tiptoes to kiss him congratulations.
Lewis smiles against your lips but you can tell his mind is elsewhere. “Thanks love. Listen, can we talk?”
You pull back, brow furrowing in concern. “Of course, what’s up?”
Lewis runs a hand over his face. “I wanted to ask how you’re feeling about this whole situation with Charles.”
You tense up slightly. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you. And if I’m being honest … I’ve noticed some looks going the other direction as well.” Lewis keeps his voice neutral and non-accusatory.
You bite your lip. No point lying to him. “I’m sorry. I tried to ignore him at first but he’s just so charming and persistent. I swear nothing has happened between us though!” You add hastily.
Lewis rubs your shoulder reassuringly. “I believe you, don’t worry. But it seems there might be some mutual attraction there, even if you haven’t acted upon it. I think we should discuss that openly.”
You nod slowly. As nerve wracking as this conversation is, you appreciate Lewis’ calm approach. No jealousy or accusations, just honest communication.
“You’re right,” you say. “I’ve been trying really hard not to, but I can’t deny feeling drawn to Charles.” You look down, ashamed to admit it out loud.
Lewis lifts your chin gently. “Hey, it’s okay. Emotions aren’t always rational. I’m not upset with you.”
You smile gratefully. “You’re the best, you know that? What did I do to deserve someone so understanding?”
“Just got lucky I guess,” Lewis says with a wink, making you laugh. His expression turns serious again. “But we should figure out what to do moving forward. Any ideas?”
You take a deep breath. Time to put all cards on the table. “Well, there is one possibility. But it’s a bit unconventional ...”
Lewis raises his eyebrows. “I’m open to anything. What were you thinking?”
You rush out your words before you lose your nerve. “What if we brought Charles into the relationship? As in, invited him to be with us?”
Lewis’ eyes widen in surprise but he doesn’t immediately shoot down the suggestion. “You mean the three of us, together? Huh.”
He looks thoughtful. You fidget nervously awaiting his verdict. This could make or break everything.
Finally Lewis meets your anxious gaze. “I admit that’s not what I was envisioning … but I’m not opposed to at least exploring it.”
You breathe a sigh of relief. “Really? You’d be open to trying?”
Lewis nods slowly. “If we all discussed it openly and set clear boundaries, I would consider it. I want you to be happy, Y/N. Even if that means expanding our relationship.”
You throw your arms around him. “Thank you. You have no idea how much it means to have your support with this.”
Lewis hugs you tight. “Of course, love. We’re in this together.”
You chat excitedly about the possibility of bringing Charles into your private world. It’s risky, but maybe just crazy enough to work.
“Why don’t we invite him up to the penthouse tonight and see how the chemistry is?” Lewis suggests.
Your pulse quickens at the thought. “I think that’s a great idea.”
Lewis kisses you softly. “Alright then, it’s a date. I think you should go talk to Charles.”
Tonight will determine if you move forward as a trio or close the door on this tantalizing new dynamic. Either way, you’re grateful to be exploring it together with the man you love.
You smooth down your dress for the tenth time, nerves and excitement warring within you.
Tonight’s the night.
Taking a deep breath, you glance around the penthouse one more time. Candles cast a soft glow, music plays quietly in the background, and wine chills on the counter. Time to see if this fantasy can become a reality.
Lewis emerges from the bedroom looking unfairly hot, designer shirt hugging his muscular frame. He wraps you in his arms from behind, meeting your anxious gaze in the floor-length mirror.
“You ready for this, love?” He asks, lips brushing your neck.
You shiver and lean back into him. “I think so. Are you sure you’re okay with it though? We can call it off if you’ve changed your mind.”
Lewis smiles reassuringly. “I haven’t. We’ll take it slow and see how it feels. No pressure.”
You smile back gratefully. “Have I mentioned lately how amazing you are?”
“Mm, feel free to say it more,” Lewis teases, making you giggle. He kisses you tenderly. “Let’s do this.”
Right on cue, the doorbell rings. You and Lewis exchange one more weighted look before going to answer it.
You open the door to find Charles standing there, looking ridiculously handsome as always. His eyes widen almost comically as he sees Lewis over your shoulder.
“Lewis! What are you doing here?” Charles stammers out.
You bite your lip to hide a smile. “Why don’t you come in?”
Still looking baffled, Charles steps inside. You lead him to the sleek living room, Charles glancing around in confusion.
“Have a seat,” Lewis says kindly. Charles perches on the edge of the grey suede couch, visibly wondering what the hell is going on. You and Lewis sit across from him on the loveseat.
“So … is one of you going to explain what’s happening?” Charles asks slowly.
You look to Lewis. “Maybe you should start?”
Lewis nods and turns to Charles. “Right, so I’m sure you’re very confused about all this. But there’s something Y/N and I need to tell you.”
He reaches over and takes your hand. You give it a supportive squeeze.
“Y/N and I are together. Romantically,” Lewis reveals. “We’ve been dating in secret for over two years now.”
Charles’ eyes bug out of his head. “You two are … WHAT? Since when?”
“Since midway through the 2022 season,” you explain gently.
“But … but ...” Charles splutters. He looks between you and Lewis, dumbfounded. It would be comical if you weren’t so nervous.
“I know this must be shocking to hear,” you say. “We’ve had to keep it very quiet.”
Charles drags a hand through his hair. “I don’t understand. If you’re together, why am I here?”
You glance at Lewis. “Go on,” he says with an encouraging nod.
You turn back to Charles. “Well, the thing is … we’re very attracted to you too, Charles.”
Charles freezes, eyes zeroing in on you. “You … you are?” He whispers.
You nod, holding his gaze. “I tried to ignore it, but I have feelings for you. And Lewis and I have discussed exploring what it would be like if the three of us … were together.”
Charles just stares, mouth agape. You start to worry you’ve broken him.
“Charles?” You prompt gently. “Thoughts?”
Charles visibly shakes himself. “I just … I need a minute here,” he mutters. He puts his head in his hands, taking a few deep breaths.
You nod understandingly and fall silent, letting the information sink in. After a tense minute, Charles lifts his head.
“So you two want to try some kind of … polyamorous relationship? With me as your shared boyfriend?”
“Only if you’re interested,” Lewis clarifies. “We know it’s unconventional.”
Charles chews his lip thoughtfully. “And you would be okay sharing her?” He asks Lewis.
Lewis squeezes your hand. “It’s not about possessing her. It’s about all of us wanting to explore something together. I trust you both.”
Your heart swells with love for this incredible man. Charles looks touched as well.
“I appreciate you putting your trust in me,” Charles says earnestly. “This is a lot to process but … I’m open to trying.” He looks between you and Lewis. “I want this. If you’ll have me.”
Joy and arousal flood your body hearing those words. You glance at Lewis to confirm.
He smiles. “We want you, Charles.”
Charles’ eyes darken. He stands up from the couch and closes the distance between you. Gazing down at you, he brushes his fingers along your jaw. “Can I kiss you?” He asks softly.
You nod, heart hammering in your chest. Charles’ hand slides into your hair and he presses his lips to yours. The kiss is electric, your body lighting up everywhere you touch.
After a dizzying minute you break apart, flushed and breathless. Charles rests his forehead against yours, his eyes burning.
“I want you,” he whispers. “I want this.”
Your pulse racing, you turn and pull Lewis into a passionate kiss. You pour all your need and love into it, leaving no doubt that you want him just as much.
Lewis’ eyes are dark when you separate. Without a word, he stands and holds his hand out to Charles. Charles takes it immediately. They stare at each other for a weighted moment before Lewis reels him in for a searing kiss.
You can only watch, utterly mesmerized by the sight of the two gorgeous men exploring each other. They kiss aggressively, hands roaming over backs and arms. Finally they break apart, panting.
Charles turns to you, eyes blazing. In two strides he’s kneeling before you, hands on your thighs.
“Tell me you want this,” he rasps out. “I need to hear you say it.”
“I want this. I want this so much,” you affirm breathlessly.
Charles surges up to capture your lips again. Lewis moves behind you, peppering kisses down your neck and shoulders. Sandwiched between them, you’ve never felt more alive.
You have a fleeting thought that you should slow down, take things step by step. But as their hands and lips worship your body, reason melts away.
Tonight you’ll explore each other fully and forge this new bond that transcends convention. Tomorrow you can discuss logistics.
Charles kisses you hungrily while Lewis deftly unzips your dress, letting it slip to the floor. His hands glide over your newly exposed skin as Charles trails kisses down your neck to your lace-clad breasts.
Lewis reaches around to unclasp your bra, freeing your breasts to Charles’ eager mouth. You gasp and arch into his touch as his tongue swirls around one nipple, then the other.
Lewis captures your lips in a passionate kiss, swallowing your moans of pleasure. His hands roam your body, caressing your hips and rear before slipping into your panties. You keen against his mouth as his fingers find your slick heat.
Charles kisses his way down your trembling body until he’s kneeling before you. Locking eyes with you, he slowly peels off your panties. Lewis moves behind you, arms wrapped around you, hands still working their magic between your legs.
Charles parts your thighs and dives in hungrily. You cry out at the feeling of his mouth on you, the dual sensations pushing you quickly to the edge. Your pleasured screams echo through the penthouse as you come undone between these two incredible men.
They lay you gently on the plush rug, hands and mouths continuing to ignite fires across your hypersensitive skin. You reach for them frantically, needing to feel them too. Together you undress them with eager hands until all three of you are bare and flushed with need.
Lewis kisses his way down your body until his head is between your legs, stubble scratching deliciously against your inner thighs. His talented tongue gets to work, licking and sucking your sensitive bud as you grasp his braids, back arching off the rug.
Charles moves up your body to take a hard nipple in his mouth, fingers tweaking and plucking the other. The near-overstimulation makes you see stars, crying out louder as Lewis’ fingers join his mouth in driving you to euphoria.
As you come down from your high, panting and trembling, Charles captures your lips in a messy kiss. You taste yourself and your favorite body oil on his tongue as he grinds his hard length against your hip. Guiding him up further, you take him in your mouth eagerly, reveling in his groans of pleasure.
Lewis slides up behind you, hardness nudging your entrance. He pushes into you slowly, filling you up exquisitely. You moan around Charles in your mouth as Lewis sets a steady rhythm. Charles’ eyes are nearly black watching Lewis take you from behind.
Charles gently pulls out of your mouth, moving down to kiss Lewis passionately. Their tongues tangle as Lewis continues rocking into you. The erotic sight makes you clench around Lewis. Sensing you’re close, he reaches around to circle your clit until you shatter again.
As you float back down, Lewis slips out from behind you and lays on his back. You straddle him eagerly, taking him back inside your slick heat. Charles moves in behind you, grasping your hips. Feeling his tip brush your back entrance, you glance back and nod consent.
Charles pushes into your other hole slowly as Lewis praises you for taking them both so well. Sandwiched between their hard bodies, filled so exquisitely, you feel worshipped and desired. They find a synchronized rhythm, driving you higher until you’re screaming out your pleasure again.
Lewis follows you over the edge, your pulsing muscles milking him dry with a growl. Charles takes over, pounding into you relentlessly until he stills, spilling deep inside with a choked cry.
You collapse together in a satisfied, breathless tangle of limbs. Trading soft kisses and caresses, you bask in the afterglow of this new bond forged in passion. Staring into your boys’ sated eyes, you know you’ve found something extraordinary.
For now, you are content to let passion consume you, losing yourself in two sets of hands, two mouths worshipping every inch of you.
Tomorrow can wait. Tonight, your world has expanded to make room for three.
The new season is in full swing and your blossoming relationship could not be going better. Stealing moments alone is a challenge, but the time you spend together makes it all worthwhile.
The only downside is how difficult it is for Charles to hide his feelings for you in public. While Lewis has had practice concealing your relationship for years now, Charles is still learning restraint. His affection for you shines through in lingering looks and subtle touches that don’t go unnoticed.
During one pre-race press conference, things come to a head. You’re standing just off stage, watching proudly as Charles and Lewis field questions.
A reporter looks over at Charles. “Charles, we’ve noticed Y/N hanging around the Ferrari garage a lot this season. Any insight into why the daughter of the Mercedes team principal spends so much time with your team instead?”
Charles tenses, panic flashing across his face. Before he can respond, Pierre Gasly pipes up from the end of the table.
“She’s always welcome to spend time with Alpine too!” Pierre says with a playful wink your direction. “Our garage door is open for you anytime, chérie.”
Charles’ hand clenches into a fist under the table. You can see him biting his tongue, holding back from saying that you’re taken.
Lewis discretely reaches over and lays a calming hand on Charles’ arm. Charles takes a deep breath, the brief touch grounding him.
“Y/N is friends with many drivers, not just myself,” Charles says evenly. “She offers encouragement to everyone on the grid.”
You let out the breath you’d been holding. Crisis averted, for now. But the reporters look unsatisfied with Charles’ generic response.
One speaks up again. “Come on Charles, you two seem especially close lately. Anything you want to tell us about the nature of your relationship?”
Charles’ eyes flick towards you. He opens his mouth but hesitates.
Lewis jumps in. “Like Charles said, Y/N is a supportive friend to all the drivers. We’re lucky to have her around.” He steers the conversation to less dangerous waters and the questions about you cease.
After the press conference, Charles makes a beeline for you. Taking your hands, he searches your face anxiously.
“I’m so sorry. I nearly slipped up and exposed everything. I just couldn’t stand Pierre flirting with you like that.”
You smile reassuringly, touched by his protectiveness. “It’s okay, you stopped yourself in time. I know it’s not easy.”
Lewis joins you two in your hidden corner. He squeezes Charles’ shoulder comfortingly. “You handled it well, babe. I know firsthand how hard it is to stay silent.”
Charles sighs. “I don’t know how you’ve done this for so long. Lying about the woman I lo-” He stops himself. “About someone so important is torture.”
Your heart skips a beat. Lewis meets your gaze, equally affected by Charles’ unspoken words.
Taking Charles’ face in your hands, you kiss him sweetly. “I’m so lucky to have not just one, but two incredible men willing to go through all this for my sake. I promise, it won’t be forever.”
Charles relaxes into your touch. Lewis moves behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing the top of your head. Charles covers Lewis’ hands with his own. The three of you share a quiet, tender moment before stepping back out into the bustle of race day.
That evening after the race, the three of you finally have time alone back at the hotel. Lewis pours champagne while you massage the tension from Charles’ shoulders.
“What Pierre said today was out of line,” you murmur. “But you have nothing to worry about. I’m all yours, in every way that matters.” You press a kiss to his neck.
Charles twists to capture your lips. “I know. It just drives me crazy seeing other men try to take what’s mine.” His tone is playful yet possessive in a way that makes you shiver.
“Let them flirt all they want,” Lewis says, handing Charles a glass of champagne. “She only has eyes for us.”
You and Charles both smile at Lewis’ quiet confidence. Taking your glass, you raise it in a toast. “To the apples of my eye. Here’s to a long future together.”
You clink glasses and sip, eyes locking over the rims. Setting your glass aside, you take each of their hands in yours.
“I know keeping this secret isn’t easy. But it will be so worth it in the end, when we can stop hiding and be together openly. We just have to be patient a little longer.”
Lewis squeezes your hand, emotion shining in his eyes. “You’re worth the wait, darling.”
Charles cradles your face adoringly. “A thousand times over.”
Your heart swells being surrounded by such unwavering love and support. Despite the challenges, in this moment, everything feels exactly as it should.
The rest of the night is spent getting lost in each other, reaffirming the bonds between you. Fingers intertwined, bodies moving as one, you bask in the oasis you’ve created amidst the pressures of your public lives.
Tomorrow you’ll go back to pretending, dodging prying questions and curious stares. But here, cocooned in this hotel room, you’re simply three people entwined by love. Partners promising without words to stand united until the day your relationship can step into the light.
For now, secrecy is a small price to pay for a love unlike any other.
The azure waters of the Mediterranean glisten under the Sardinian sun as you lounge on the deck of the yacht. Lewis rubs sunscreen slowly over your shoulders, his touch sending tingles through your body.
Charles emerges from the water, rivulets streaming down his toned chest. He joins you on the loungers, shaking his wet hair playfully over you and Lewis. You squeal and swat him away, laughing.
These past two weeks sailing around Sardinia have been pure bliss. Finally you can be as affectionate as you want, stealing kisses and cuddling close without worrying who might see. You’ve explored every inch of this yacht and each other’s bodies. After keeping your relationship under wraps, it’s glorious being so free.
“I wish we could stay here forever,” you sigh contentedly.
“Soon, love,” Lewis says, pulling you close. “Just have to get through this season.”
Charles nods, trailing his fingers down your arm. “It will all be worth it in the end.”
You smile softly at them both, heart swelling with love. “You’re right. As long as we’re together.”
You while away the rest of the afternoon trading lazy kisses and caresses, basking in the sun and each other.
That night, fireworks burst bright over the inky sea. You tilt your head back against Charles’ chest, watching the rainbow sparks. Lewis nuzzles your neck from behind, arms wrapped around your waist.
“I love you both,” you whisper as gold and purple light up the sky. Charles kisses your temple while Lewis squeezes you gently. You’ve never felt so full of love and joy.
Then, you all fly to Lewis’ villa in Brazil for the rest of summer break. The days pass in a carefree blur — lounging by the pool, sunset walks on the beach, and passion-filled nights tangled together in bed.
Charles cooks dinner shirtless one evening, playfully feeding you and Lewis bites as you sip wine. Lewis pulls you into an impromptu dance around the kitchen, the three of you laughing breathlessly.
“If only this could never end,” you say wistfully, pulling them in for a group hug.
“One day, baby,” Lewis murmurs, kissing your hair. Charles rubs your back, gazing at you tenderly.
You etch every moment into your memory, from languid mornings waking up between them to romantic picnics at sunset on the beach.
If only you could freeze time and stay in this private paradise.
But of course, time marches on. Before you know it, the break ends and you’re headed to the Netherlands for the start of the second half of the season.
Walking through Zandvoort a friendly distance from Charles and Lewis, everything feels different now. You have to stop yourself from being too openly affectionate, hyperaware of prying eyes.
Lewis senses your tension. “Soon this will all be out in the open,” he reminds you softly. The secret aspect still weighs on you all, but the promise of a future without hiding lifts your spirits.
On Thursday, just a few days before the race, you’re leaving the motorhome when your phone explodes with notifications. With a sinking sense of dread, you open social media to see leaked paparazzi shots plastered everywhere — the three of you kissing on the yacht, Lewis’ hands blatantly grabbing your rear in Brazil, you and Charles making out poolside.
You stagger back against the wall, blood rushing in your ears. This is a nightmare. Your private oasis shattered, your relationship outed in the most public, scandalous way possible.
Charles exits behind you and his face pales seeing your expression. Lewis comes around the corner a second later and you wordlessly show him your phone screen.
“Fuck,” Lewis swears. “Where did these come from?”
“I don’t know, they’re everywhere,” you say shakily.
Charles peers over your shoulder, jaw clenched. “We’ll figure it out later. Right now we need to get you out of here.”
You’re confused only for a second before you hear the swell of voices and footsteps rapidly approaching. Security won’t hold the media mob back for long.
Charles and Lewis spring into action, flanking you protectively as you hurry back towards the entrance. Halfway there, the dam breaks as reporters and cameras flood the paddock. You freeze like a deer in headlights.
Chaos erupts, cameras flashing, mics shoved in your faces, everyone shouting questions at once. Charles and Lewis shield you from the onslaught, yelling for security. Two guards appear and help navigate you through the frenzy back into the Ferrari motorhome.
You collapse on the sofa, heart pounding. Lewis paces angrily while Charles punches the wall. “Fuck! We were so careful,” he rages.
You blink back panicked tears. “What do we do now?”
Lewis sits and pulls you into his arms. “We face it head on. No more hiding. We own this together.”
Charles kneels before you, clasping your hands. “I’m with you no matter what. We’ll get through this.”
You cling to them, anchoring yourself. As long as you have each other, you can survive the storm.
You’ve just managed to catch your breath when the door flies open. Your head whips up to see none other than your father storming in, fury etched on his face.
“What the HELL is going on here?” He thunders.
You shrink back against Lewis. This is already a disaster — but your enraged, overprotective father finding out like this? You brace yourself as his glare pins you in place, demanding an explanation.
Toto slams the door behind him, eyes blazing like you’ve never seen before.
“Would someone like to explain what the hell is going on?” He shouts. “Because I leave for a few weeks and suddenly my daughter is splashed all over the tabloids in compromising photos with her secret boyfriends!”
You shrink back against Lewis, tears pooling in your eyes. He wraps a protective arm around you.
“Toto, let’s all just take a breath and talk about this,” Lewis says calmly.
“Don’t you dare tell me to calm down!” Toto snarls, pointing a finger at Lewis. “You are supposed to be teammates and instead you’re … you’re ...” He splutters, at a loss for words.
“We’re in a relationship,” Charles says firmly, taking your hand. “The three of us.”
“A relationship?” Toto looks apoplectic. “She is my daughter!”
“Who makes her own choices,” Charles shoots back. “She’s an adult.”
Toto ignores him, glaring at Lewis and you. “I trusted you with her. And this is how you repay that trust?”
Lewis squeezes your shoulder gently before standing up to face Toto. “I understand you’re upset. But our relationship isn’t about you.”
“The hell it isn’t!” Toto shouts. “I am her father!”
“Stop yelling at them!” You cry out, tears spilling down your cheeks.
Toto falters slightly seeing your distress. Charles pulls you into his arms, stroking your hair and glaring at Toto.
“Can’t you see you’re upsetting her?” Charles snaps. “She doesn’t owe you an explanation.”
Toto looks back and forth between the three of you, anger warring with confusion. Lewis takes a cautious step toward him.
“I know this is a shock,” Lewis says evenly. “But we didn’t intend for it to come out like this.”
He gestures for Toto to have a seat. After a tense moment Toto sinks into the armchair, face still thunderous. Lewis sits back down beside you.
“Help me understand this,” Toto says tightly. “Clearly this … arrangement has been going on behind my back for some time.”
You take a shaky breath. “We’ve been together since the start of the season. I’m sorry we didn’t tell you, but we knew you would react badly.”
Toto drags a hand down his face. “You cannot expect me to be happy about this. My daughter dating two men at once? One of whom used to be my employee?”
“We don’t need your approval,” Charles says firmly. “All that matters is that we love each other. Right?”
He looks at you and Lewis. You both nod, Lewis taking your hand supportively.
“She’s right,” Lewis tells Toto. “We don’t need your blessing. But we want you to understand this is real, not just some fling or scandal.”
You look pleadingly at your father. “Please Vati, try to understand. I’ve never been happier than with these two.”
Toto stares back stonily. The silence stretches on. You feel Charles and Lewis tense on either side of you, bracing for Toto’s wrath.
Finally Toto sighs, dragging a hand over his face. “You’ve always been my sweet girl. My only wish is for your happiness and safety.”
He levels Charles and Lewis with a piercing look. “If either of you two hurts her, they’ll never find your bodies. Understand?”
Charles and Lewis both nod rapidly.
“We would never,” Lewis vows.
“Good. See that you don’t.” Toto turns back to you, expression softening. “This will take some adjustment. But I suppose if you’re happy ...”
“I am, I promise,” you assure him.
Toto shakes his head. “Well, try to keep the sordid details to yourself please.”
You huff out a wet laugh, wiping your eyes. “Deal.”
Toto nods stiffly and stands. Looking between the three of you, his face settles into resignation.
“I will do my best to … adjust to this,” he mutters. “But no funny business at the track!”
He points sternly at Charles and Lewis again. They both work to keep straight faces.
“Of course, totally professional at all times,” Lewis promises solemnly.
“Hmm. We’ll see.” Toto heads for the door. With his hand on the handle, he turns back.
“You’re still my little girl. I just want you safe and happy.”
You smile tearfully. “I know. Thank you.”
With a grunt and final glare at Charles and Lewis, Toto takes his leave.
The moment the door shuts, you collapse into their arms in relief. Laughing and crying all at once.
“That could have gone worse,” Charles remarks.
Lewis chuckles. “He only threatened us a little bit.”
You kiss them softly. “I can’t believe you stood up to him for me.”
Charles caresses your face. “Always.”
“We meant what we said — we’re in this together, no matter what,” Lewis affirms.
You cling to each other, coming down from the emotional rollercoaster. The worst is over. Your relationship is out in the open now. The media will have a field day, but you can weather any storm with your men by your side.
“So ...” you say with a watery laugh. “Who wants to handle the press release?”
The news of your relationship with Lewis and Charles has sent shockwaves through the paddock. You knew it would be a scandal, but the sheer scale of the reaction has been overwhelming.
Thankfully you’ve had each other to cling to through the firestorm. Their love and support keeps you strong in the face of snarling reporters and leering drivers.
In the Ferrari garage a few days later, Lewis has his arms wrapped around you, placing gentle kisses to your hair as you discuss weekend plans. Charles is in the engineering room, focused on prep for the upcoming race.
The two of you are in your own world together when Lando sheepishly approaches. "Hey mates, can I talk to you both for a sec?"
You tense instinctively and Lewis’ arm tightens around you protectively. But Lando’s face is regretful, not leering. “What’s up?” Lewis asks calmly.
Lando shuffles his feet. “I just wanted to apologize for all the times I hit on Y/N and crossed the line. I feel proper ashamed about it now that I know she was with you two. You deserve better from a friend.”
You and Lewis share a surprised look. Before you can respond, Pierre joins Lando, gazing at you repentantly.
“I want to also apologize,” Pierre says. “It was wrong of me to overstep boundaries and disrespect your relationship. I’m sorry.”
You bite your tongue, holding back what you really want to say. As usual, they’re ignoring you and directing apologies to Lewis instead.
Sensing your reaction, Lewis speaks up. “We appreciate you owning up to it, but I think Y/N deserves your apologies more. She’s the one you objectified and disrespected with the unwanted advances, after all.”
Lando and Pierre have the decency to look abashed. “You’re completely right, that was thoughtless of me,” Lando says. “I’m truly sorry for ever making you feel uncomfortable or pressured, Y/N. It won’t happen again.”
Pierre nods. “Please accept my sincere apologies as well. I should have been more considerate of your feelings and respected your privacy.”
You give them a stiff smile. “Thank you. Just please think about how your words and actions affect women as fellow human beings, not just as conquests or property.”
Lando and Pierre both nod earnestly before excusing themselves. As they walk away Lewis kisses your temple. “Well handled, love. How are you feeling?”
You sigh heavily. “I appreciate the apologies, but it still stings that they only considered your feelings initially, not mine.”
Lewis makes a sympathetic noise and hugs you close. “You deserve so much more respect. I’m sorry this has all been so ugly.”
You cling to him, drawing strength from his unwavering support. “As long as I have you and Charles, I can face anything.”
Lewis is about to reply when footsteps approach again. You tense, but it’s only Charles this time. His smile fades seeing your expression.
“Everything okay here?” He asks, wrapping an arm around your waist.
You explain what just happened with Lando and Pierre. Charles’ eyes flash. “They are lucky I wasn’t here. I would have had a thing or two to say about them disrespecting you like that.”
You smile softly, touched by his protectiveness. “My heroes. However would I cope without you two defending my honor?”
Lewis tickles your side playfully. “We have to protect our lady’s virtue!”
You swat him away, laughing. Charles kisses the top of your head. “Joking aside, you never have to tolerate that behavior again. Not with us here.”
“I know,” you reply, snuggling into them happily. "My gallant protectors."
“Home sweet home,” you declare as the car pulls up the long driveway to your family’s sprawling Swiss estate.
Lewis lets out an impressed whistle from the backseat. “This is incredible!”
“Just wait until you see inside,” you grin at him in the rearview mirror.
You had kept putting off bringing Lewis and Charles here but it was finally time for them to see where you grew up.
They grab your bags as you lead them inside the grand foyer with its sweeping marble staircase. Lewis and Charles gaze around, taking in the ornate moldings and priceless artwork adorning the walls.
“I know it’s a bit ... much,” you say self-consciously.
“Are you kidding? This place is amazing!” Lewis crows, his voice echoing off the high ceilings.
You give them a brief tour of the endless sitting rooms, home theater, indoor pool, and your father’s meticulously organized garage housing his impressive car collection.
Finally you bring them upstairs to the family bedrooms. With a deep breath, you push open the door to your childhood room.
Lewis and Charles follow you in, peering around with interest at the spacious suite with its canopy bed, plush seating area, and panoramic mountain views.
You watch nervously as Lewis wanders over to your bookshelf and Charles admires the view from the French doors. Waiting for their judgment, you feel self-conscious about your privileged upbringing.
Suddenly Charles points to your wall and turns to you with a grin. “Well well, what do we have here?”
You follow his gaze to the life-size posters still occupying prime real estate on your wall, relics from your starry-eyed teen years. A young Lewis from his early Mercedes days gazes broodingly down, next to a smirking teenage Charles in his Prema race suit from back in F2.
“Oh god, I can’t believe I forgot those were there!” You groan, covering your rapidly reddening face.
Lewis chuckles, coming over to wrap you in a hug. “Aww, someone had a little crush, did they?” He teases.
“It was years ago!” You protest through your fingers.
Charles pries your hands away, smiling affectionately. “It’s cute you were our fan. Never be embarrassed for having good taste in drivers,” he winks.
Lewis kisses the top of your head. “Don’t worry love, we won’t give you too hard a time about it,” he says magnanimously.
You snuggle into his embrace. “How lucky am I to have manifested my crushes into reality?”
“The lucky ones are us,” Charles murmurs, stroking your hair and kissing you tenderly.
Lewis tips your chin up to meet his lips in a deep, passionate kiss. You cling to each other, the outside world fading away.
Eventually you lead them hand-in-hand to your massive bedroom balcony overlooking the mountains. The summer air is fragrant with the smell of wildflowers.
Settled together on the cushions, you snuggle between Lewis and Charles as they take in the stunning panoramic views.
“It’s so beautiful and peaceful here,” Lewis sighs contentedly. “Thank you for bringing us with you.”
You squeeze his hand. “Thank you for wanting to know every part of me.”
Charles wraps an arm around you, meeting your eyes sincerely. “Of course we do. Your soul is what we fell in love with first and foremost.”
You have to blink back tears at his words. Being with them has taught you that real love runs far deeper than surface trappings.
Overwhelmed with emotion, you pull them close, kissing each with all the love and gratitude overflowing inside you.
As the sun dips behind the mountains, setting the sky ablaze in stunning hues of orange and purple, you curl up safely between the two men who see, know, and love the real you. The only home you’ll ever need.
The warmly lit dining room of your family estate is filled with the clink of silverware and hum of conversation as you share an intimate dinner with your father, stepmother Susie, younger brother Jack, and your loves.
Despite your anxiety, the evening has gone smoothly so far. Toto seems impressed with Lewis and Charles’ maturity and devotion to you. Susie dotes on them like a surrogate mother. Only Jack seems bored, pushing food around his plate.
During a lull in the conversation, Toto turns to Lewis. “It’s remarkable what you are accomplishing at Ferrari this season. Good to see you on top of the podium again.”
Lewis smiles. “Thank you, Toto. It’s been incredible.”
“Still, I was surprised when you first told me you were leaving Mercedes,” Toto remarks. “I didn’t fully understand what prompted such a sudden departure.”
He levels Lewis with a probing gaze. You freeze nervously, grasping Charles and Lewis’ hands under the table. You’ve managed to avoid telling your father the real reason for Lewis’ change in teams. But it seems that reckoning has arrived.
Lewis meets Toto’s scrutinizing look evenly. “Well, as you know, Mercedes has strict rules against relationships within the team. It began impeding my personal happiness. So I sought more freedom elsewhere.”
Toto’s eyes narrow, glancing between the three of you. “And when exactly did this personal happiness begin?”
You hold your breath. Lewis says simply, “During my third to last season with the team.”
There’s a long, fraught silence. Jack glances around confused while Susie presses her napkin to her lips, no doubt hiding a small smile. She’s always been your most enthusiastic supporter.
Toto’s face slowly turns an alarming shade of eggplant purple. He points an accusatory finger at Lewis. “You! You were already involved with my daughter during your Mercedes contract?”
Lewis nods calmly. “We couldn’t be public about it then. Your rules left us no choice but secrecy.”
Toto turns his glare on you. “So while I was managing Lewis’ negotiations, you were ... were ...” He seems unable to form the words.
You lift your chin. “Yes, Vati. We’ve been together since mid-2022. I’m sorry we couldn’t be honest about it at the time.”
Toto looks back and forth between you and Lewis, jaw clenched. The whole table is frozen, awaiting the eruption.
Finally Toto thrusts his chair back and begins pacing angrily. “This whole time ... right under my nose! With my star driver, in clear violation of team rules and ethics!”
He rounds on Lewis. “I treated you like family! Supported your career, fought for your contracts. And you betrayed me by sneaking around with my daughter behind my back!”
Lewis faces Toto’s tirade calmly. “I apologize for any perceived deception. But we couldn’t deny our hearts.”
He takes your hand, gazing at you adoringly. Charles clutches your other in solidarity.
Toto drags a hand down his face. “Unbelievable. I thought I knew you, Hamilton.”
Finally you can't stay quiet any longer. “Vati, stop,” you implore. “I know you’re upset, but don’t blame Lewis. We fell in love, simple as that.”
Toto sighs, looking between your determined face and Lewis’ sincerity. His anger slowly deflates.
“Bärchen, you will always be my little girl,” he says gruffly. “I just want to protect you.”
He turns back to Lewis and Charles. “But I can see you both genuinely care for her. That’s all that matters in the end.”
You smile hopefully. “So you’re okay with this?”
Toto holds up a hand. “Let’s not get carried away. I am still adjusting to the idea.” He narrows his eyes at Lewis and Charles. “No messing about, you hear me? My girl deserves the utmost love and respect.”
“Of course,” Lewis says seriously as Charles nods in agreement.
“Good. See that it stays that way.” Toto sits back down with a huff. An awkward beat passes before conversation resumes again.
Later, as you all say goodnight, Toto pulls you into a hug. “They really make you happy, hmm?”
You nod, eyes shining. “Beyond words.”
Toto pats your cheek affectionately. “Well then, I suppose that’s what matters.”
You kiss his cheek in gratitude. No matter how overprotective your father can be, you know he just wants you safe and loved. With Lewis and Charles by your side, you always will be.
Seven Years Later
The Ferrari garage is buzzing with activity as race day gets underway at the Italian Grand Prix. You stand with Lewis among the controlled chaos, keeping one eye on your enthusiastic children weaving through the mechanics’ legs.
“Be careful, Lou!” You call out as your daring five-year-old Louis takes a corner a little too sharply, his Ferrari cap nearly sliding off his wild wavy hair.
Lewis shakes his head in amusement. “He’s as spirited as his Papa.”
You grin proudly at your son, the spitting image of Charles, as he zooms around mimicking pit stops. Your little three-year-old Helene clings shyly to her daddy’s leg, peering up at the action with wide brown eyes that are the mirror image of Lewis’ own.
Charles emerges from the engineering briefing and makes a beeline for you. Sweeping you into his arms, he greets you with a passionate kiss. After over seven years together, the sparks between you still ignite instantly.
Pulling back, Charles grins at your slightly disheveled state. “Hello to you too,” you laugh breathlessly.
He winks before turning to give Lewis a tender kiss. Your unconventional family drew some skepticism at first, but your extraordinary love has proven unshakeable.
The kids chorus “Papa!” and attack Charles’ legs. Laughing, he scoops them both up, kissing their heads. “Are you ready to cheer for me, my little racers?”
Their enthusiastic cheers draw amused glances from the team. You soak it all in — your little family, together forever.
Charles reluctantly sets the kids down to focus on pre-race prep. You feel a phantom flutter in your belly, though you know it’s still too early for it to be real. Grasping Lewis’ hand, you share a private smile. Baby number three is on the way.
The race begins in a blur of excitement. Charles aces the start, quickly pulling into the lead. Louis abandons all decorum and just starts screaming “Go Papa!” at the top of his lungs. Chuckling, you and Lewis take turns occupying your hyperactive son so as not to distract the crew. Shy little Helene contents herself hugging a Ferrari-themed teddy bear, peering intently at the screens showing her Papa as he speeds around the Autodromo Nazionale Monza.
The laps tick by, Charles fending off the competition masterfully. As he crosses the finish line to claim victory on home soil, Louis and Helene are jumping and cheering loudly. The passion for racing already runs strong.
Back out in the paddock after the podium celebration, you and Lewis balance the kids on your hips as reporters head straight for the two of you. The questions are familiar after years in the spotlight.
“Lewis, what’s it like spending almost every weekend at the track despite your retirement five years ago?”
“I love it,” Lewis smiles, bouncing a giggling Helene. “Getting to support my husband and spend time with my family, it’s very fulfilling.”
“And Y/N, how do you manage the kids and your husband’s demanding career?”
You grin. “We make it work. We’re so proud of Charles and feel lucky to be by his side through it all.”
On cue, Helene pipes up “Papa is the best racer!”
The reporters chuckle. One asks, “How do you feel seeing Charles continue to build his legacy with Ferrari?”
“I couldn’t be prouder,” Lewis says, genuine emotion in his eyes. “He’s taken the team to new heights and really made his mark. Seeing him succeed means the world.”
Louis suddenly grabs the mic, yelling “Are we done yet?” You have to stifle your laugh.
“I think that’s our cue to wrap up,” you grin sheepishly, gathering the rambunctious children in your arms. Blowing kisses to the laughing media, you make your exit.
Back in the privacy of the motorhome, your unconventional but beautiful family shares celebratory hugs and kisses. Charles rests his hand gently on your belly, his face lighting up when you confirm the news.
“Baby number three on the way!” Lewis crows, sweeping you into an excited embrace.
Louis and Helene cheer, demanding another sibling immediately. You laugh giddily, leaning into Charles and gazing at the pure joy on your husbands’ faces. Your hearts swell with love.
This life you’ve built together has faced skepticism, but your extraordinary bond conquers all. Gazing into their eyes, you know without a doubt you were destined for each other. Hand in hand, side by side, forevermore.
18 Months Later
You finish strapping a squirming Cosette into her car seat, smoothing down her hair that is the spitting image of your own. “There we go, my little princess. Time to go see Opa Toto!”
Cosette babbles happily, waving her chubby fists. At just over a year old, she is the perfect blend of you and Charles, with your lips and nose and his vibrant green eyes.
Louis and Helene are already buckled into the backseat, their patience for the short drive to your father’s house wearing thin. “Hurry up!” Louis cries. “I want to show Opa my new race car!”
“We’re coming, hold your horses,” you laugh, sliding into the passenger seat beside Charles. Lewis is meeting you there after stopping at home to grab a few extra toys and changes of clothes for the kids’ overnight stay.
During the short drive, Charles keeps resting his hand on your thigh, his thumb rubbing distracting circles. You try your best to keep your breathing even. After all these years together, just the slightest touch from your husbands can still ignite that spark instantly.
You pull up the long driveway to find Lewis’ car already parked outside the stately lakefront home you grew up spending summers in. Before you can even unbuckle, the front door swings open and Toto comes striding out, arms open wide.
“My lieblinge!” He booms as Louis and Helene barrel into his embrace.
You lift Cosette from her carseat and Toto takes her gently, eyes crinkling with delight. “And there’s my littlest liebling,” he coos, nuzzling her soft curls.
Lewis joins you all outside, greeting Toto with a warm hug. “Thanks again for watching the kids tonight, Toto. We really appreciate it.”
“Of course, of course! They’re my grandbabies, it’s my honor,” Toto declares, ushering everyone inside.
Soon the kids are happily playing on the living room floor as you and Susie chat over tea. Lewis joins Toto out on the back patio, no doubt talking about the current state of the team as always. Charles wanders in from the kitchen and comes up behind you, massaging the knots from your shoulders in that way he knows you love. You have to bite back a moan, not wanting to scar your family. Susie just smiles knowingly into her tea cup.
Too soon it’s time to head out for your rare adults-only evening. You pry Louis away from showing Toto his toy car collection and scoop up a sleepy Cosette. Helene hugs you tightly around the legs.
“We’ll be back to get you tomorrow, sweetheart,” you assure her, kissing the top of her head.
Lewis takes his turn hugging the kids while Charles checks his watch. “Reservations are in 30 minutes, we should get going soon.”
You pass a sleepy Cosette to Toto and he cradles her gently. “We’ll hold down the fort, you three go and have an enjoyable evening.” He gives Lewis and Charles a stern look. “But not too enjoyable, hmm? Keep it respectable.”
Lewis just grins as Charles steps up and claps Toto on the back. “Oh don’t worry, we’ll be very respectable. Just having a nice dinner while we discuss when to start working on baby number four.” He winks cheekily at Toto while you and Lewis have to stifle your laughter at the mortified look on your father’s face.
Charles dodges Toto’s half-hearted swat and pulls you and Lewis in close. “Come on, our romantic evening awaits.”
You bid one more goodnight to the kids before letting Charles usher you out the door, his hand resting possessively on your lower back. The drive to the restaurant passes enjoyably, laughter and teasing flowing freely. For one night, you have the rare opportunity to just be yourselves, simply three lovers.
At the upscale restaurant, you’re shown to a cozy corner table lit by flickering candles. Charles orders an expensive bottle of wine while you and Lewis peruse the menu. His foot trails slowly up your leg under the tablecloth and you have to resist the urge to jump him then and there. After years together the flames still burn hot, stealing passionate moments whenever you can.
Dinner passes enjoyably, full of laughter and flirty touches. Afterwards you stroll hand-in-hand along the lakefront, the starry sky reflected on the rippling water. Lewis pulls you into a dance right there on the path, the three of you swaying and giggling drunkenly together. Passersby stare but you’re oblivious, caught up in your own private world.
Eventually you make your tipsy way back home, shedding clothes on your way up to the master bedroom. They lay you down reverently in the middle of the expansive bed, hands and mouths immediately reacquainting themselves with every familiar curve and hollow of your body. Soon you’re panting and writhing between them, their dual caresses pushing you rapidly towards euphoria.
“Need you ... both ... now,” you manage to gasp out. Without hesitation Charles is kissing you hungrily while Lewis repositions himself behind you. You cry out as they join your bodies seamlessly, swiftly bringing you to the peak again and again. Their stamina and synchronicity even after all these years together never fails to leave you awestruck.
Much later, sated and pleasantly sore, you rest comfortably sandwiched between your husbands. Their hands caress you languidly as you all come down from your highs together.
“We certainly made the most of our kid-free night,” Lewis chuckles, dropping a kiss to your shoulder.
You hum contentedly. “It was heavenly. But I can’t wait to get our babies back tomorrow.”
“Me too,” Charles agrees, trailing his fingers down your arm. “Our family is everything to me.”
You smile softly at him, heart swelling. “Our lives turned out pretty perfectly, didn’t they?”
Lewis nods, his eyes drifting around the bedroom that over the years has become a shrine to your shared journey — photos of race wins, kids’ drawings, and candid shots of your unlikely love filling every surface.
“Beyond anything I could have dreamed,” he murmurs. “Being with you both, raising our babies together ... it’s more than I ever imagined was possible.”
Charles kisses you tenderly. “We’re so lucky to have this extraordinary love.”
You cling tighter to them, emotion welling in your chest. “Every day I’m grateful we followed our hearts and created this life together.”
They hum contentedly, holding you close between their warm, solid bodies. No more words need be said. After so many years, your souls are intertwined seamlessly by the incredible bonds of your love.
Come what may, you know without a doubt that you were destined for each other. And you would choose this unconventional but beautiful life with them every single time.
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yoursjaeyun · 1 year
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harder — sim jaeyun.
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p. bf!jake x gf!reader g. smut, mdni w. p***y eating (fem receiving), foreplay, teasing sub!reader, hair pulling, explicit language, nicknames, dirty talk. lmk if i need to add more. an. i think i just made the hottest comeback ever ngl.. /hj. anyways, its been a while since i made a drabble, considering my lack of motivation for writing, idk if yall will like this one sjsb, but enjoy my loves <3 i missed doing these.
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“I’m home.”
Your boyfriend walked through the door visibly exhausted. You knew the schedules for him this week were tight and he hadn’t got the chance to spend time with you like usual, but you understood and tried to make the best of it.
“How was work?” you asked, you watched his every move as he took off his jacket and shoes before walking towards you; immediately laying down in-between your legs while he hugged your waist. “The same everyday.”
“Have the members been helping you out lately?” you began to play with his hair; the way you scratched and massaged his scalp gently made him groan against your stomach, already going into oblivion from how good it felt — so he hummed sweetly in response.
“I’m sure you’ve done your best today, baby.”
His hands made their way under your shirt — and out of nowhere, he started to place soft kisses on your bear waist, shivering from his touch. He played with the waistbands of your shorts, then lifting himself up to kiss you.
You tilted your head to deepen into his mouth as your lips danced together in unison; at this point you were too drunk in his clasp — the way he caressed your thighs up to your stomach, his lips, his everything, you were melting.
And in melting i mean soaked.
Nothing but the sound of saliva filled the room. You whined after he broke the kiss so suddenly; just for him to go further down from your body, placing wet kisses onto your thighs as his hooded eyes stared at you.
“Can I?”
You could never say no, so you nodded in response. His hand went under your stomach for him to lift you up, pulling down your shorts easily — leaving him with your panties. The wet patch was already noticeable for him to see, smirking at the sight, blushing in embarrassment.
“Jaeyun.. please.” you begged, you were desperate. Too desperate, considering you missed him that much. “Patience, baby girl.” he then slowly tugged down your underwear, throwing it elsewhere.
“Fuck, you’re so wet..”
“Just for you—” you moaned when he started to give you kitten licks, “—mmh, don’t tease..” his nose nudged against your clit perfectly before wiggling his tongue inside of you, you gasped as he easily slid in from how soaked you were. He moved his muscles along your velvety walls, lapping all the juices there were.
Jake loved, loved eating you out, he could never get enough of you the way you tasted, and even smelled was his fever dream.
and there you were, a moaning mess just for him and him only. Your angelic and sweet moans made him want more of you, his tongue going in and out of your hole. He looked up when his tongue was buried deep inside, seeing your lips confined between your lips, your eyes closed shut from the immense pleasure.
“Jakey..” you exhaled deeply, your pussy gushed at the sudden touch of his tongue on your sensitive bud, trying to lift your hips— but he knew already, helping you lift yourself up with his hands so he could adjust to eating you out more easily. His lips were sucking, nibbling, licking onto every spot possible, grinding his tongue along your folds in a faster pace.
He was the perfect defenition of being pussy drunk.
You felt the familiar feeling in your stomach, indicating you were close. Your moans were louder than ever before. Not even realising that your hands ended up in his hair once again from the pleasure. “I- I’m close.. fuck!” he patted your hips in a reassuring way, signalling for you to cum for him.
and you did. The stars in your eyes began to form as your pussy clenched against his mouth while he kept going. You yelped when you felt him groan loudly— realising you pulled too hard on his hair. but he continued to clean whatever that was left coming out your hole.
“Shit— I-” you tried to talk but he instead smashed his lips onto yours again, tasting yourself on his tongue. “Did i.. did i pull too hard? I’m sorry—” he was seemingly unamused, so you let him finish the make out session with you.
“You’re so cute.” he chuckles.
“Maybe pull harder next time.”
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enwifen · 9 days
… 𝓚iss me ౨ৎ
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🫧 𓂃 (추) kisses can be scary, especially when you have no idea how, but when your best friend offers to show you the ropes you wonder… how bad can it be?
a fic about jakey and kissing cause meife wants to be kissed (sigh)
warning: suggestive at most, making out wc. 1.8k
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When Sim Jaeyun became friends with you, never in his life could he have imagined the current situation that the two of you were in.
A random episode of Friends plays on your tv acting as background noise. Closing your eyes, you attempt to stop the tornado of thoughts chaotically swirling in your mind. Jake eyes you curiously, noting the way your eyebrows pinch together slightly which was a telltale sign that something was bothering you.
“You okay?” Your eyes shoot open which startles him a little.
“Yeah, fine.”
Jake gives you a ‘I know you’re not fine so tell me what’s up’ look. “Seriously, I am.”
Jake sighs softly “Tell me what’s wrong.” He can see all the emotions wash over you, your mouth opening and closes as you try and find the right way to voice your thoughts without sounding like a mess.
Sitting up from having your head in his lap, you switch to facing Jake sitting cross legged on the couch. “I haven’t had my first kiss yet.”
Nodding slowly, confusion is evident on your friend’s face. “Right… what’s wrong with that? Plenty of people our age are in the same boat as you.”
“Well— yes but, I’m scared that when it comes to it, I’m gonna be an awful kisser.”
“You can’t be that bad, either way it’s expected since it’ll be your first, all first kisses are bad.”
“No they’re not.” Jake squints at you before laughing.
“Yeah? And how would you know?”
Realising the irony you quickly backpedal. “I meant I don’t want mine to be bad.” The corners of his lips turn downwards as he nods, understanding where you’re coming from. A small beat of silence passes.
“What was your first time like?”
A smirk makes its way onto Jake’s lips. “Woah are we still talking about kisses here— ow!”
Still armed with your weapon (a fluffy pillow) you flinch at him in an attempt to be threatening. “You know what I mean!”
“I do, I do, lemme think…” he trails off, looking up as his memory takes him back a few years. With Jake’s gaze averted, you’re able to admire him a little (platonically, of course). His fluffy bangs hide his brows that are bunched together in thought, plush bottom lip caught between his teeth — a bad habit you noticed he had. “Ah! I remember, it was about two years ago.”
The fluffy pillow serves as a source of comfort as you hug it to your chest. “You remember my ex, Ahrin, right?” Of course you did, you never really liked her all that much. She was whiny and took up all of Jake’s attention, the period of time that they were together was the longest you had went with seeing him so irregularly.
Not that you wanted to be in her position or anything. You just missed your bestie. So much so you lost sleep at night due to how much you would cry but, like, aren’t all friends like that?
Don’t all friends do that?
Don’t they repeatedly check their phone to see if the other had texted; typing and deleting hundreds of messages only for them to be left unsent? Even after the last time they had spoken was just a couple days ago?
Don’t they apologise for leaving you on delivered for so long and spend hours promising to make it up to you, calling you ‘baby’ and ‘love’ because they know you like it?
And don’t they come over the very next day because he couldn’t wait a day longer, hugging you as if his life depended on it.
Maybe they do all of that, maybe they don’t. You and Jake did though.
“…so yeah, I guess it wasn’t terrible but- are you even listening?” Jake asks in slight disbelief, finally glancing at you who seemed to be zoning out.
“Huh? Oh- yeah! Of course I was.”
“Repeat what I just said then.” He deadpans and you’re caught, slumping in defeat.
“Whatever- my first kiss was with Ahrin, it felt kinda good back then but looking back it wasn’t that special.” Jake shrugs though you sense there’s a little more to the story.
“So you didn’t… feel any fireworks?”
He snorts at that “you watch too many movies.”
“Is that a crime? Not my fault I enjoy romanticising things… especially firsts.”
“Romanticise all you want, as long as you know none of it’s real.”
You mimic Jake’s tone earlier “and how would you know? Have you kissed anyone besides Ahrin?” Jake shakes his head and for some reason that makes you happy.
“Did I manage to ease any of your worries with my story- well I guess you didn’t listen, huh.”
“I did!”
“Oh yeah? Where did we kiss then?”
You blush, immediately giving yourself away again as you name the first thing that comes to mind. “The school library…?”
“You really think I’m that much of a nerd?” Your silence makes Jake reach for the pillow in your lap to deliver a blow of Karma though you successfully manage to block it in time, letting out a squeal.
“I surrender!” Jake grins and puts the pillow down.
“Anyway, like I said, don’t work yourself up so much about first kisses… you could always redeem yourself with the second.”
Biting your lip in thought, you nod “I guess you’re right…”
“You’re still worried about it, aren’t you?”
Guilty again, you nod.
“Babe, I promise it’s not that deep- I could even help you out if you wanted.”
You blink once. Twice. Three times for good measure.
What did he just say?
Chuckling softly at your reaction, Jake repeats himself. “I said that I could help you out… if you wanted, like, teach you how to kiss or whatever.” He adds, trying to seem completely casual as if he didn’t just basically ask to blur the already fuzzy lines between you two.
An itch in your throat causes you to swallow, trying to digest your best friend’s proposal.
He was someone you trusted a lot, Jake wasn’t some mediocre looking guy either — he was attractive, and you’d be damned to turn down the opportunity to have your first kiss with him.
“Okay.” Jake looks surprised for a moment but his shock is quickly replaced by a warm smile. Just that alone is enough to comfort you, easing the nerves that had begun to make your body feel like it was vibrating.
He shifts a little on the couch to sit more comfortably before patting his lap, gesturing for you to sit. It’s not like this would be the first time but, now with the given circumstances everything felt different. The poor pillow is tossed aside as you climb into Jake’s lap, rough denim of his cargos brushing against your thighs.
Anxiously you look up at him, clutching the fabric of his sweatshirt. He smiles again, reassuring you with his warm hands gliding up and down your sides in a comforting manner.
“We’ll start off slow, okay?”
“Okay- wait.”
You reach back into your pocket and pull out a small tube of watermelon flavoured chapstick. Sure this was just practice but the next worse thing after being a bad kisser was having chapped lips. Jake watches, amused until you tuck the tube away. “Good to go?” You exhale.
“Yeah.” Jake advises you to take a few deep breaths before starting. He gives you as much time as you need, even breathing with you because, frankly, he’s kinda nervous too. Not so much about kissing but more, wanting to make sure to give you the experience that you wanted. Yes it was ‘just practice’ but this was also literally your first kiss so, Jake had to take this seriously.
“First, try leaning into me.” Slowly you do, now close enough to where your foreheads are touching. As pretty as Jake’s hair was, it was a little itchy- but not uncomfortable, maybe ticklish? Focus!
Jake chuckles a little deeper than usual. “I can practically hear you overthinking, relax.”
“I’m trying.”
“We’ll try harder.”
Worry evaporates as you get used to being so close, reminding yourself that it was just Jake, just Jake who was inches away from your lips, just the same, good old bestie Jake.
You rub your lips together in anticipation, eager to progress onto the next step. Jake initiates the kiss, tilting his bed to leave a soft peck on your lips. It was barely there, barely even lasted a second but you still felt it and boy did it leave you buzzing. Like a bee to a flower, eager for more pollen.
“You try.” He whispers, licking his lips. Greeted with the sweet yet artificial taste of your chapstick. Jake is patient, not commenting on the long pause until you finally close the gap between you two. Yours was definitely longer than Jake’s, maybe lasting .5 more seconds.
“Sorry…” Jake smiles wide with a slight shake of his head.
“No, no, you’re good… how.. how did that feel?”
“Nice..” you mutter, shy. You’re rarely ever shy in front of Jake — this guy had practically seen all sides of you but now? You guess he was bringing out a new side of you even you didn’t know existed.
“Good, that’s good.” He mumbles. Time seems to tick away impossibly slowly. The room is silent except for your breaths, Netflix questioning whether or not anybody was still watching when the only thing you were watching was Jake and vice versa.
“Now try doing what you just did but longer.” You oblige, pressing your lips to his again. Plump and pillowy would be the right way to describe Jake’s lips, plump, pillowy and red, most likely from how often he bites them.
This time you only pull away once you need a breath but two fingers grabbing your chin gently pull you in again and you can’t find it in you to stop him. It’s now that you realise kissing isn’t as complicated as you had thought, following Jake’s lead of some sort of pattern.
One long kiss, pull away, a few shorter kisses, pull away and… that’s it, you’re kissing him.
Somewhere along the way you grew even more comfortable, arms now wrapped around his neck whilst one of Jake’s encircle your waist, his other up as his hand cups your cheek. How long you’ve been like this you don’t know but you’re certainly not complaining.
There were tons of other kisses out there but you were perfectly content with these ones for now. Safe and comforting — not at all intimidating like you had previously thought.
After a particularly long pause in activity, Jake rests his forehead against yours again. “What’s on your mind?”
He opens his eyes to give you the same look he did earlier. You smile until your nose scrunches and giggles escape.
“For real this time… now kiss me.”
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hooniebaekgu · 9 days
Pretty boy
PAIRING : Sim Jaeyun x gn Reader
GENRE : smut
Warning : MDNI! established relationship, slight switch! Jake and reader, teasing in public, handjob, blowjob, overstim, mention of crying and edging, use of the petname 'pretty boy' and 'baby', head pushing, punishment
Word Count : 0.6k
Yukki's Notes : god damn he's so fine recently
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“B-Baby fuck stop p- aah, please.” Jake whined out, fucked out of his mind due to the overstimulation. Begging you so much, and yet not saying the safe word.
“Want me to stop? Yeah jaeyunie? Say the word then pretty boy.” you whisper in his ear, your hand on his cock moving even faster. His eyes roll back, unable to comprehend your response.
His hips thrusts upwards in your palm, chasing the pleasure despite the slight pain that comes with it. He never thought he'd be into this, but god was it so hot.
You too, hadn't thought that there would be a day where you would be straddling his lap and controlling him. But well it is the result of his own actions.
Jake had been teasing you all the time his friends were over. Making you sit on his lap, rubbing your inner thighs, going as far as to run his fingers on your clothed cunt. All while his friends were just about an arms length away.
You would've let this go if it wasn't for his behaving like nothing was wrong when they left. It seemed that your boyfriend was getting too comfortable thinking he was always in control.
You had thought of edging his to tears but when he came the first time without permission, your next move was set in stone.
Jake panted, his eyes blown open and jaw dropped, his tongue lolling out when you rubbed your thumb over his tip. His face was a dark shade of pink, thick lips parting to let out pornografic moans.
“C-close” he moaned, his hands gripping at the bedsheets. He threw his head back as you sped up your hand, flicking your wrist and rubbing the tip.
“Pretty boy's gonna cum, yeah? Cream all over my hands baby, you can do that for me right?” you whispered in his ear, trailing kisses down his nape. Jake nodded his head, his lust clouded eyes meeting yours.
No matter how mad you were at him, this look on his face will always make you forget everything.
You slided down, now face to face with his cock. You looked up at his face, he gazed down through a dazed expression. You pressed a kiss to his tip, maintaining eye contact with him.
Jake moaned loudly, throwing his head back and thrusting his hips up into your palm. His stomach tensed, his fingers gripping at the sheets tightly.
He reached his hand down, grabbing your hair and making you take the tip of his cock in your mouth. He whined, eyes rolling back and his hips thrusting in your mouth deeper and deeper.
“Fuck ‘m sorry, ‘m so sorry baby.” he said, but he wasn't, he wasn't sorry at all.
Your eyes widened, his tip touching the back of your throat as he bullied his cock in your mouth. He gave a harsh thrust and stilled inside your mouth. You deepthroated his cock, swallowing around him, milking his cock.
Jake whimpered, tapping your shoulder, you pulled back.
You wiped the remaining spit off the corner of your lips with your thumb, inserting the thumb in Jake’s mouth. He wrapped his lips around your thumb, sucking on your thumb and moaning, tasting the mixture of you and him.
“So? You gonna do that again pretty boy?” you said, reaching down to peck his lips. You reached for the wipes, cleaning down the mess he made on his stomach from previous deeds.
“Baby if you're gonna treat me so good, maybe I'll do it over and over again.” he teased, giving you a wink and pulling you to lay down besides him. You hit his chest, watching as he laughs, nudging your nose with his.
“Maybe I should try edging next time.” you say, watching as he closes his mouth, not sure whether to be turned on or scared of your suggestion.
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sophvilla · 1 month
My Baby's Jealous ?
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°°°°°°°°°Enha Series°°°°°°°°
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Pairing: Bf! Jake X Gf! Femreader
Synopsis: You made a revenge plan on your boyfriend as He’s been a Tease Every concert He’s at, let's just say it backfired on you which led to a lot of unexpected pleasure.
Warning: Smut, 18+, MDNI, light Degradation, mention of baby, slut, overstimulation, riding, Idol!Jake X NonIdol! Femreader.
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Sim Jaeyun | 심재윤
Well you made a revenge plan on your boyfriend as He’s been a Tease Every concert He’s at, flirting back to every fans possible, being hot.
Also you didn’t get easily Jealous because you understand he has a job and Must love his fans and you supported that but for the past few concerts he’s been sticking his tongue out or Being extra hot which not normally his behaviour,
So you thought that two can play that game, you decided to Invite all of his friends Group to Your apartment for a get together feast,
What Jake didn’t expect that evening is that you would wear such scrumptious dress for that and act all smiley, cute and overall being a tease to him as you interacted with his Friends,
What you didn’t expect that the plan would backfire on you as you found yourself on the coach with you fully stuffed to brim with Jake’s cock rutting inside of you,
“Stay on it,” he breathes, arms circling around you to keep you on his cock. His lips brush against your chest, lightly nipping at the skin.
“Jake, I can’t!” you whine, legs shaking as you try to get off his lap. “’s too much, I’m gonna cum again,!"
" Isn’t that what you wanted when you were all being smiley with Heeseung” he said as he pounded inside of you.
“ Or how You laughed at Jay’s lame ass jokes, hmm tell me baby? Wasn’t it you motive to make me all pent up, well here you have it, so Fucking take it all !! ” as He continues to Give hard thrust inside your overstimulated cunt, leaving your mouth dry.
Jake doesn’t even bother pulling out when he thrusts, just grinding his dick into you while he watches you fall apart. “you like it baby, come on.”
Head falling onto his shoulder, he bites back a grin as he thrusts up. Your eyes are rolling back, feeling him pound into you from below. You don’t think you can take it anymore, but it's all you want.
He isn’t wrong when he says you like it.
Your hands slap his shoulders, not able to do much as he manhandles you to bounce on his dick. “J-Jake, fuck, oh my god!”
Legs shaking, he manoeuvres you to lay on your back. Throwing your ankles over his left shoulder, he continues to thrust into your cunt, hitting your g-spot with ease.
“give me some more, pretty.” He grins, “you’re not done until I say you are.”
You hate how he’s so good at keeping you pinned, but then again, when he uses his strength to keep you pliant, you’re practically looking up at him with hearts in your eyes.
“what a slut,” he laughs, “you like this.”
You nod furiously, “mmm, I love it!”
Moving one of your ankles to his other shoulder, he leans down, smothering your face in chaste kisses.
Burying his face into the crook of your neck, Jake starts slamming his hips into you. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer.
You feel like your eyes are crossing as he forces orgasm after orgasm out of you. Your legs are quivering while he continues to poke and prod everywhere you’re sensitive.
“so good for me,” he says, breath tickling your ear, “I could have you like this all day, baby.”
He feels you clench down on him and he sloppily kisses your cheek, “I feel it baby, give it to me.”
“Jake, ‘s too big,” you cry, “I think ‘m gonna make a mess!”
He shushes you, calming you down by cupping your face in his hands, keeping your eyes on him.
His thrusts don’t slow, feeling his release. “’s okay, Don’t worry-I’m gonna cum baby, where-“
“insideee!” you whine, “need it inside!”
He cums the second he hears you and you follow, Squirting all over his abdomen. He drops majority of his weight onto you, feeling his cock go limp inside your cunt. He presses a kiss to your temple, Praising you softly.
When he pulls out, he props your hips up with a Pillow, keeping your legs spread so he can admire the mess.
“ Now don’t go around Being all jealous when I only make you squirt like that, not them” He says with a chuckle still gaze fixed at your fucked out face.
As you smile while drifting into a slumber while thinking how your plan worked out either way.
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flowershines · 5 months
Never leaving you
Sim Jake x F! Reader
Summary: Character and reader have been in a secret relationship but as things have gotten more serious they find more and more that their family would do anything to keep the character and reader away from each other. (Rival families: Forbidden love)
Warnings: Smut, cockwarming, family rivals, talking bad about Y/n, humping, teasing, gagging, eating Y/n out, (lmk if I missed any)
Not proof read
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“Can’t you just trust me?”
“You and I both knew that when we started dating, things weren’t going to work out.” The anger in his face started to build up, “What the hell are you talking about, Y/n?” he said walking closer to you. “My family doesn’t like Sim’s and your family doesn’t like L/n’s.” Reaching the edge of the bed you took a seat, “So, it shouldn’t matter.” he exclaimed rather loudly “Why are you yelling at me, I was just saying.” His fingers ran through his hair, “Because your pissing me off, Y/n.” you got up from the edge of his bed and headed towards the door of his bedroom. “Where are you going?” He huffed “Once you chill then we can talk about this again.” he walked over to you and grabbed your wrist tightly as he pulled you back to the bed, “No, we are talking about this now.” you rolled your eyes. “What’s the point if your just going to yell at me?”
Just then the sound of his front door opening surprised you both, he turned to you and put his hand over your mouth as he pointed to his bed then down. You understood what he meant, following his instructions you kneeled on the floor then looked up at him as he quietly walked over to the other side of his bed, getting on your stomach you scooted more further under his bed. “Jake, honey, you in there?” Your breathing started to shake from the nervousness of being caught, “Yeah, come in.” as the door opened you held your breath not wanting anyone to hear your anxious breathing. “I just came to get the computer, sweetie.” The sound of the footsteps traveled from one end to the other, “Mom, I have a question.” You thought to yourself that he better not be saying something stupid, “Yes?” “Why do you guys hate the L/n’s?” a sign was heard as the footsteps stopped at the side of his bed. “Jake you and I both know how much pain they put our family in, they are terrible people.”
“But that was years ago.” Nothing was heard for a couple of seconds till his mom broke the silence, “It’s not just that honey, if you want to know more you would have to ask your father. Plus I heard that their kid loves hoeing around with everyone, doesn’t set a good example, and she doesn’t even focus on her studies. Now come on who would want a kid like that.” Those words shattered your heart of course none of them were true but still the fact that, that was how she saw you made you feel useless. “Don’t say that about her, I met her she’s really pretty, nice and really really smart.” Foot steps were seen walking to his door “Jake you know your lying, don’t stick up for her. She’s a nobody.” the door was shut behind her, you didn’t even bother to immediately scoot out from under the bed. You just wanted to stay there hoping his would all go away, “Y/n?” a whisper was heard from next to you. Your mouth felt dry, your hands were freezing, tears fell down your face, you were a mess.
“I’m just gonna go.” You scooted out from underneath his bed and quickly tried to book it out of his room but a hand was placed around your waist which prevented you from moving forward, “Please can we just talk about this now, they are just stopping by; they’re leaving soon.” you signed but nodded towards him. He brought you back to his bed and had you lay down next to him, a knock was heard from his door making you immediately look around and scoot out of his bed.“I’m changing, what do you need?” From the other side of the door you heard his mother’s voice one more “We are going over your aunts house for a bit, there is money for dinner on the counter. Call us if you need anything.” he responded softly “Okay, love you.” she said she loves him too then her footsteps faded away from his door, as the sound of the front door opened then shut.
“See i’m not even wanted here, you heard the way she was talking about me so what’s the point.” He reached for your hand while he laid on the bed, you reached out your hand and put it on his. He tightened his grip and pulled towards him making you crawl to him on the bed, he opened up his arms and pulled you into a hug as you cuddled laying on him. Feeling him comfort you this way made you start to sob in his arms, his fingers ran through your hair while his other hand was drawing circles on your back. “I love you to much to lose you, Y/n. So don’t even mention anything about us breaking up because i’m never leaving you.” His chin was resting on the top your head, you could hear his heartbeat pound louder and louder with each breath he took.
You backed up and looked at him in the eyes staring into them for a second then pulling him into a kiss, his lips were always so soft and warm. You could just stay like this with him forever or at least till both of your parents found out, just as you were about to pull away from his lips his hand that was playing with your hair snaked down to the back of your neck which pulled you in closer. “Never leave me, please.” He mumbled softly against your lips, you opened your lips slightly and he took the opportunity before him as he stuck his tongue in slightly but not to far in. You loved the way how he knew the things that will rile you up the most, his hands would not leave your body; they would go up and down on your sides and pull you further into the kiss.
He just couldn’t take his hands off you, “So fucking perfect.” yo i backed away from the kiss and got on top of his lap bringing your face into the crook of his neck, hugging him tightly. “You’re so gorgeous, you know that?” You mumbled into his neck “Your parents don’t think so.” he huffed slightly and brought his hand to your hair as he slightly pulled it back bringing your face out from his neck till he can see your face, “It doesn’t matter what they think, I love you and that is all that matters.” the hand on your hair loosened as both of his hands fell to your hips. His hands pushed you more down onto his lap and made your hips move in a back and forth motion, you hummed quietly in his ear. “I can show you just how much I love you.” You nodded on his shoulder as you agreed to the comment he said, the more he moved your hips the more vocal he became.
He started of saying nothing but only breathing moans and shaky breaths left his lips and now an occasional swear would fall from his lips as he started to quietly grunt, moan, and constantly breathe heavily. “Want you inside me, but i just want to relax in your arms.” He looked at you confused you understood why he was confused so you put it into different terms, “I want you to be inside me as we lay here.” he opened his mouth as he nodded. He understood what you meant now, he gave you his approval then you sat up and lifted yourself off of his lap so now you were just hovering over him. You unbuckled his belt and slowly unzipped his zipper causing him to whine from your teasing, he lifted his hips as well as they met yours again which gave you easier access to pull his pants to his knees.
His boxers were tight on him as it gave you the best sight to see, his cock was straining against they begging to come out as your eyes trailed from the base of his cock to the the tip through the fabric you could see a wet spot. Your fingers ran to the spot making him shutter from the touch, as you ran your fingers through it stuck to them. You brought your thumb up to your pointer finger and rubbed them against each other in a circle motion, slowly pulling them apart from one another his precum stuck to both of your fingers creating a line that connected them both.
Your boyfriend could not resist anymore he just really needed to be inside you, he did almost everything to try and take your attention away from teasing him but nothing worked no matter how much he squirmed or how many times his cock would twitch in his boxers, nothing. You brought your fingers to his waist band and pulled them down slowly as it made his cock bounce back up to hit his abdomen, you brought your face down to his cock and licked a strip along from the bottom of the base to the tip. This man was going crazy underneath you as he was now aching to be touched, even the smallest thing set him off as he would squirm beneath you. You put the tip of his cock in your mouth and slid all the way down so that way your spit would act as lube, making it easier for you both.
The further you went down the more you would gag on him, but it was for the better each time you gagged because more spit would form in your mouth as it ran along the side of his cock. “Fuck.” He said dragging out the last two letters, you got up from you position and hovered over his cock making sure that it was perfect aligned to slip into you. He rutted up his hips till the almost hit you but you pushed them back down and slowly lowered yourself into him while moans fell from his lips, you laid back down into your pervious position; laying you head back on his shoulder.
His hips slowly started to runt up into you with each chance he got which cause you to pull away from his neck, “What are you doing? Thought you weren’t supposed to move?” he hugged your body pulling you closer “Can’t help it Y/n, you feel so warm and soft. Just wanna fuck you so bad.” you snuggled back into the crook of his neck “A little bit longer.” he huffed as his movements stopped. Whines fell from his lips every time you clenched around him, sometimes it was on purpose and the others his cock would twitch inside you which would cause you to clench on him. At this point he didn’t even care about anything else he just needed to find pleasure for himself, “Please Y/n, it’s killing me.” he whined. “You’re so dramatic.”
You mumbled against him, “How much longer?” you lifted your head up to his ear and whispers “Fine, go.” he immediately lifted up your hips with his hips and held you in place as he fucked up into you. His thrusts weren’t slow they were fast but filled with love, you loved to tease him it was your favorite thing to do to him. Of course he has a hard time accepting that but he goes along with it because if your happy he’s happy, his arms were wrapped around you giving you a bear hug as his hips were slamming into you. “I love you so much.” He whispered in your ear as you then lifted up your head giving him a kiss on the lips, his face showed just how flustered he was.
His cheeks turned a light pink that ran from one side of his face to the other, his fingers started to turn white from how hard he was hugging you, his thrusts became more shaky you could tell his legs were giving out. You tried to sit up and struggled a bit from how hard he was hugging up but you did manage to break free from his grip, you tapped on his knees and pushed down his hips. His moans sounded like heaven, a melody that ran through one ear and out the other, his lips were glossy from the spit of him constantly putting his bottom lip in between his teeth.
You placed your legs in a more comfortable position and proceeded to go up and down on his cock while his hands rested on your hips making you slam down onto him harder than before, he always loved it when you rode him because he would see such a beautiful sight; your tits bouncing in front of his face. He wanted to suck on them but to be able to suck on them he would have to sit up while his hands could not leave your sides, “Fuck, Fuck.” he chanted multiple times. “Oh my fucking god Jake, feel so good.” You say sitting on his lap grinding back and forth on him, looking down at him you see his head was thrown back into the pillow, his mouth was open, his brows were knitted together, and his eyes rolled back the more you moved. He was in the most ultimate pleasure.
His cock twitched more with every bounce or grind you did on him, his hands squeezed your hips while he tried to meet your strokes by thrusting up. “I’m gonna c-” His words were cut off as his orgasm already reached him, he pushed up further into you as he came down from his high. Pulling out he saw his cum dripping from your pussy and he swore he could cum again just from the sight, “You didn’t cum?” he asked sounding disappointed in himself. “It’s not a big deal I can just-” “No, no, no Y/n. You made me cum and I didn’t make you cum. Please sit on my face.” He never asked you to do this before and you started to overthink and decline his request. “Jake seriously i’m okay, I don’t need to cum.”
He sighed as you got off from his lap and laid down next to him only for him to trail kisses down from your stomach to your entrance, “But just imagine, you tugging on my hair as my tongue slides in deeper into you. grunts Fuck. I would still be able to taste my cum in you.” His hips started to grind on the bed just front the idea, “Fine, but be fast.” “But I want you to enjoy it.” you stared into his eyes “I will as long as I get to cum, the faster the better and more time for us to hang out before your parents come back.” He nodded as he started to kiss your inner thighs while his fingers started to slip into your entrance one by one, he started to grind on the bed to the pace his fingers were going. He brought his lips to your clit giving it a kiss before he strayed to suck on it while looking up at you, his fingers were quickly moving in you. His tongue trailed from your clit to your entrance as he took his fingers out and moved them to one your clit as he started to create a circle motion.
This man was literally a god, he knew exactly what to do with your body and ways to make you cum very easily. You felt yourself getting closer to your orgasm each time his tongue would curl inside you, your hand snaked down to his hair as he continued to stare up at you. You played with his hair and tugged on it as he did multiple tricks with his tongue, he would moan into your pussy from the stimulation of him humping the bed. Feeling or orgasm come closer and closer the grip on his hair became tighter and tighter, his tongue started to move way faster than it did before as well as his fingers focusing on your clit.
“Jake-e fuck, i’m gon-” Your sentence was cut of as your orgasm hit you while he still continued his motions helping you through it, letting go of his hair he sat up and brought his fingers to his mouth “You taste so fucking good, next time I want you to sit on my face. Fucking suffocate me with your pussy, I love eating you out so much.” you looked down and said “Clearly.” his eyes followed yours which lead to his squirts of cum on the bed where he had been humping it prior. “I couldn’t help it.” He said crawling back up next to you on the bed as he laid on your stomach, he mumbled on your stomach. “I love you don’t ever forget that, and it doesn’t matter if our family doesn’t like each other. I’ll be with you through everything.”
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tokiiee · 1 year
mcing with their crush — enhypen
enha’s reaction to mcing with their crush : pairing ot7 x idol!reader genre fluff, romance, reaction cw gn!idol!reader, lowercase on purpose ( archive )
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lee heeseung ( 이희승 )
from the moment he opens his mouth he’s flirting. he’s just taking his chances, cheekily smiling when you get embarrassed and start to blush at his boldness. hee is actually so nervous though, covering it up with all the flirty comments and compliments. ( immediately embarrassed when someone points out how much he’s flirting )
park jongseong ( 박종성 )
it’s hard to say.. I’d see him being very professional while recording, but when the cameras off or you guys are in the dressing rooms he’s very friendly and smiley. i don’t see him talking about anything but the stuff that is on the card on camera. of course he’d want to, it’s just he’s trying to be professional so when you guys are backstage or off camera expect him to be trying to get to know you and compliment you for your skills as an mc.
sim jaeyun ( 심재윤 )
he might be a big fan of you, but he manages to keep his excitement to himself. the only problem is.. the other members are teasing him because of his fanboy behavior around the dorms. anyways going back to when you are mcing together.. he’s smiling the whole time, making lots of eye contact with you ( even though he’s blushing and trying to keep his composure ) he just wants to make a good impression in front of you.
park sunghoon ( 박성훈 )
he is nervous, but he's doing his best to hide it. he knows everything is being recorded so he tries to maintain his composure. however on the inside his heart is pounding and skipping beats. despite that he’s nervous, he’s determined to make the most out of mcing with you. he doesn’t want to mess up his time talking to you because it’s something he’s been waiting to happen for a long time
kim seonwoo ( 김선우 )
extra smiley and happy from the moment he stands next to you. his smile doubles in size when you talk to him before the recording starts. he becomes super focused on making a good impression, wanting to show you the best version of himself. overall he comes off relaxed and the interaction is very natural and comfortable.
yang jungwon ( 양정원 )
wonnie is so cute, determined to impress you and won’t let you down when it comes to doing an mc performance together. he’s very open about how much he enjoys your music and shocks you while talking about how big of a fan he is, but after getting over his fanboy moment ( which was very natural actually ) he gets back into mc mode, being professional now that he’s told you everything he’s ever wanted to say. ( cutie ) ><!!
nishimura riki ( 西村 力 )
this boy is the most composed, putting on the best facade that you are just another person, idol, colleague. he avoids eye contact though, trying to keep a straight face and professional demeanor.. but, all of this completely cracks after he hears your voice and sweet laugh because niki is turning his head away from the camera to hide his blush and cheeky smile. he's so cute:((
© tokiiee 2O23.
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koreads · 9 months
im a gamer myself and i really want to date hazel ughhh (there's nsfw in this one, minors dni!!!), this is pretty bad guys, so is my english.
but i hope you enjoy my little pookie bear bullet points 👍
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i don't think hazel is big into games, maybe she enjoy some cute games (bc she is a cutie!) like animal crossing or something like this;
her gf enjoys fps games, she lives for the competitive atmosphere. hates losing her ranked games but, at least she has hazel.
—Haze. —the girl in front of her was speaking in pout, dark circles under her eyes, the hair was a mess falling out of her bun.
—What is it babe? —Hazel opened her arms, Y/N didn't waste a single second before cuddling into her girlfriend —Did you lost again? — Y/N pinched her, Hazel laughing out loud.
—That fucking game is ridiculous. —she said, nuzzling into Hazel neck.
Being near her girlfriend was the only thing that made Y/N calm after a long time getting annoyed with FPS games, Hazel couldn't understand why her girlfriend spend so much time at something that made her so upset but, was glad to help with cuddles and head pats.
y/n really wants to be a perfect girlfriend for hazel because she genuinely thinks that the girl deserves nothing but love and attention. but sometimes she simply forget about having a life outside her rpg games, after all, why live in a real world when you can life in genshin impact?
when she feels like spending all day gaming, she asks for hazel to be with her. they cuddle in front of the screen and y/n explains the game to her lover.
—And that's my baby, Scaramouche. —Y/N said. She was between Hazel legs, both wrapped in a blanked in Y/N room. Even though they were in Y/N's bed, surrounded by her stuff, she could only smells Hazel perfume.
—I thought I was your baby?
Y/N kissed her girlfriend cheeks, smiling wilde at the pout in her face.
—You're my baby, my darling, my lil' pookie—even though Y/N hated the chessy nicknames e cute actions, she couldn't help whenever her pretty girlfriend was near.
after much insistence of y/n, hazel started playing some games other than animal crossing. her favorites were the sims bc she loved making a cute family with y/n, hsr bc she didn't had to do much and fall guys, bc she really liked the silly running.
—That's the room of our son, Robert Callahan. —Hazel was showing the baby at her iPad, Y/N was sitting at her girlfriend lap and distributing kisses along her neck.
—I like the LGBTQ flag in his room. —Y/N said, her fingers running through Hazel's hair.
—He support's his moms.
hazel is very patient. she always waits till y/n to end her gamer moment to ask for her attention. im general, she even enjoys watching her gaming but sometimes she gets a little needy.
when she gets needy, she really can't wait.
Y/N shuddered, gripping her mouse with a strength that could broke it, very easily. Her eyes were fighting to stay open, and mouth forcefully closed because she certainly didn't want to moan in front of her teammates.
Hazel was just down her desk, eating her cunt like it was the first meal she had in years, her fingers gripping the girl thighs with such a strength that certainly would leave marks.
—Oh, fuck me. —Y/N rolled her eyes, one hand leaving the keyboard to hold at Hazel's hair. The girl looked up, her blue eyes shinning in a sinful way —Guys I have to go. Bye. —turning the game off, Y/N grabbed Hazel face, bringing her to a kiss —You'll be the dead of me, Haze.
Hazel's hand went from her thigh to her wet cunt, making Y/N moan and throw her head back, before moving her hands to take of her girlfriend's pants. Pausing for a second, once she felt her orgasm coming.
—Haze I'm gonna...
—Cum. Cum for me, darling.
As if she was waiting for Hazel order, Y/N came. Her moan being drought in Hazel's lips.
—My turn. —she whispered popping open her girlfriend's jeans.
even if y/n loved videogames, she loved hazel even more.
Cuddling into Hazel naked chest, Y/N kissed her lover, smiling when the girls shivered with the contact.
—I love you. —she mumbled.
—I love you too. Even if you spend way much time with the bald guy with a weird beard.
—I don't care about his name. —Hazel mumbled, pouting and hiding her face at Y/N hair.
—I bet Kratos couldn't make me come three times in a row. —Y/N said, smiling when she noticed Hazel blush.
—I could do four, y'know?
Moving faster than Y/N imagined she could, she straddled Hazel, smiling down at her beautiful face.
—Then what are you waiting for?
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str0l0gy · 11 months
DISASTER INC. — EIGHT. snow white
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IN WHICH Hybe High School’s (HHS) gossip account is notoriously known for spreading false rumors about everyone affiliated with HHS. Sim Jake & Hwang Y/N: in the honor roll, athletic, award-winning students; both have so much in common, but don’t have the best… relationship with each other, to say the least. The way everybody knows that none of them want anything to do with each other has given them the image of Thee Enemies. What happens when they fall as one of HYBE NEWS’ victims? Both of their image take a 180 degree turn; from the two captains that despise each other to the cute couple that everyone ships. More & more rumors start to form around them & the only way to stop this is by finding the owner of HYBE NEWS Twitter account.
WARNINGS & DISCLAIMERS alcohol consumption, mentions of smoking
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“Holy shit, Jay, your house is nice,” Jillian looked around, amazed at the structure of the house.
“Thanks,” Jay let the girls in, greeting them as they did so. “The boys are in the kitchen making the drinks.”
“What the fuck? You have a pool table in your living room?”
After the arcade, Jillian saw Sunghoon’s tweet about pregame at Jay’s house. Even though she’s not friends with Jay, Vincent and Sunghoon convinced him to let the girls pregame with them. You were kind of opposed to the idea since Heeseung and Vincent were the only ones who you were actually friends with from that group, but somehow the girls convinced you to go. The footsteps echoe through the house as you made your way to the kitchen, where loud voices can be heard coming from it.
“Jake, bro, that’s too much!” Heeseung scolded Jake, who had added too much Tito’s to the shot cup, making it spill all over the counter.
“Don’t worry, bro. I’ll clean this shit up,” Vincent said before Heeseung could get tissues to clean up the mess.
The boy expected Vincent to get tissues himself and clean it up, but he never failed to surprise Heeseung, so he bent down to the counter’s height and tried to slurp up the liquor. Quite a beautiful sight for you girls entering the kitchen.
“First thing I see when I come into the kitchen is Vince doing dumbass shit. Why are you SLURPING THE ALCOHOL FROM MY COUNTER?!?!?!?”
“Bro, I couldn’t waste precious Tito’s,” Vincent defended himself, “Oh, hey, how are you girls?”
As you pulled away from Vincent’s brief hug you felt Jake’s eyes on you. The rest of the boys went to greet the girls as Jake just stood there staring at you.
“Jaeyun! Don’t be rude and say hi to the girls,” Vincent scolded Jake, snapping him out of his trance.
“Yeah, Jaeyun, don’t be rude to your girlfriend,” Sunghoon added to the teasing, Jake only rolled his eyes in response.
“So, who wants a drink?” Heeseung chimed in.
As the night went on in Jay’s house, the tension only went down and laughters filled the house. The boys decided to arrive later to the party as they don’t like getting there early because “it’s boring”. In the mean time, they played beer pong and fucked around Jay’s house, which had endless things to do. You and Yunjin sat in the kitchen counter as they did so, “I’m peeing myself, I’ll be right back.”
Jake entered the kitchen as Yunjin left, leaving you and him alone. You rolled your eyes at his presence, clearly seeing that he wasn’t the most sober at the moment. Although you think it was the alcohol, Jake looked way better when he had his mouth shut. His cheeks were lightly painted pink from the alcohol in his system, his slight smile didn’t help with the attraction either.
“Do you need something?” You asked.
“I’m getting another drink,” he said as he walked closer to you.
“I don’t think you need another drink, Sim,” you grabbed his hand, stopping him from taking the liquor that sat beside you.
“I don’t like it when you call me Sim, it’s so serious… Makes it seem like I’m in trouble,” Jake confessed with a pout.
“Because you usually are in trouble when I talk to you.” You dropped his hand harshly. “I try to avoid you, unless I neeeeed to talk to you.”
“But I’m not in trouble right now! So call me Jake or Jaeyun, like my friends!”
“We’re not friends, Sim.”
You saw his shoulders drop and his eyes started to become bigger. You absolutes hated Jake, but his eyes were the only thing you hated more than him personally. His eyes that gave you the same look when he wants something from you: slightly tilted head and big eyes paired with either a smile or a pout — depending on the situation —. He looked at you as if you broke his heart with your own hands. Jake knew you two weren’t friends, but he had a little bit of hope that this fake dating thing would bring you two closer. Normally, Jake would start bickering with you, but he that alcohol revealed his true feelings for a split second.
You simply rolled his eyes at his expression, “Whatever, Jaeyun, stop drinking, we can take a shot together at actual party, okay?” You tried to make this situation better, which it did when you saw a big smile appear on his face.
He nodded excitedly at your offer, “Okay!”
“I’m going to check on Yunjin, bye bye!” You hopped off the counter, walking away from Jake.
You guys arrived at the party soon after you checked on Yunjin. The music was loud and each individual group had they’re spot, so you guys took a spot in the smoke-filled basement. The table was filled with alcohol as each one took a shot as soon as you settled down. Boredom and the liquor filled your system the longer you stayed at the party — the pregame was more entertaining than the actual party, to say the least.
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A/N vincent is literally me (i was too lazy to get the paper towel)
TAGLIST (open) @luvistqrzzz @aernx @xharisrealm @co6kie5 @haechansbbg @thesassy-mia @yunicide @enhastolemyheart @pointlessapple @seungiepup @yannew
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saruin · 11 months
Hi My sweet! How are you? How have you been? <3 I have been debating for months to ask you this question.... but, how do I make a really nice looking andro male? No matter what I do, their faces are still extremely masculine and harsh looking. The hairs I use on them to make them look nice end up making them look even more manlier :c I just want to be able to make a really pretty andro male like you did on your post you normally make <3 :c
Hello my love I've been keeping it together <3 Hope you're doing well.
I decided to make a little mini visual guide on how I make my sims
First, here are the sliders that I normally use: Mouth Scale Slider Nose Slider Esotropia + Exotropia Slider Upper + Lower Lip Slider Shoulders Slider
I flip between base game presets and cc presets for facial features so any is fine but the general rule I tend to stick to when making my andro males is bigger eyes, bigger lips and let the nose fall somewhere in the middle (nose shape can change the face drastically so it all depends on your preference really)
I'll use this guy as my base (base game preset face) with one of my andro male preset body
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First I choose a skin overlay (I exclusively use my kokoro skin because it gives me that smooth base look i want) then pick out presets (eye, nose, lips)
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after choosing the presets and messing with the size and proportions, the sliders come in very handy here. Now I play with the head width + jaw shape till I find a look that I like., this is usually the hardest part for me depending on the shape I'm trying to achieve. Again, presets are a life saver, in general the smaller the jaw + neck, the more feminine your male will look. I'll go back and forth adjusting this area cause it really will affect the look of your sim
Also remember it's never to late to adjust; after taking the first screenshot I ended up changing his eye shape and preset and fixing his mouth and chin area before adding face overlays, highlights, eyelashes and hair.
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Here are some extra screenshots to show how he looks in different & more masc haristyles
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finally, don't be afraid to put makeup and blush on your male sims. it just enhances their natural beauty.
I ended up doing some more adjusting and here is the final sim.
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I hope this helps <3
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alders-simblr · 1 year
CC MasterList - Sliders, Genetics, Overlays
Continuing on with my CC documentation, we're finally in the homestretch of all the Create-A-Sim content. Much like the Build/Buy organization, I'm going to split this into creators that I pretty much grab everything and then specific items when I only have one or two from that creator.
Unlike Build/Buy. This will have adult content links which will be marked with an (A) and there will be a small section of Wicked Whims content at the bottom of the list as well.
Some of the Body Presets require certain sliders to look right so I suggest checking to make sure that you have them on the body preset you're looking at and not just assume that I haven't missed something here!
I love the overall Sim Height slider to give a slight variety but I'd be careful with how extreme you get as it absolutely will mess up animations with significant enough differences. (Especially if you're using high heels with built in height adjustments).
Lemon -> Male Neck Thickness Slider
Squeamish Sims -> Temple Slider Nosebridge
Dani Paradise -> Cheek Slider, Thigh Slider
Dumbaby -> Chin Slider
HellFrozeOver -> Shoulder Sliders
Luumia -> Height Slider, Hip Shape
Miiko -> Chin Slider
TeaNMoon -> Mouth Scale Slider
VibrantPixels -> HipDipSlider
Obscurus Sliders:
Esotropia and Exotropia
Eye Width
Eyebrow and Eye Corner
Eyebrows N1
Eyelids N1
Nose Sliders: N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6
I go over the default overrides I use in my Mod List, so I won't duplicate those but these are the additional non default skins, eyes, etc that I include in my game play.
Eyes Eye Genetics can get a bit funky with too many swatches so I tend to prune this regularly to minimize problems.
Oydis has a fantastic write up here about how EA organizes your eye genetics and how things can get wonky, (and how to fix them if they do).
Northern Siberia -> Patreon | Tumblr
Wrixie -> Patreon | Tumblr
Twisted Cat -> Comet Eyes
Solistair -> Elche Eyes
Eyelashes tend to conflict with either glasses or rings, or piercings. So if you notice artifacting in the lashes, you'll want to use a different slot for them to fix it, or take off the other accessory.
Kiijiko -> Website (All)
Obscurus -> 3D Eyelashes
Twisted Cat -> 3D Eyelashes
Northern Siberia -> Patreon | Tumblr
Jellypaws -> Patreon | Tumblr
Miiko -> Patreon | Tumblr
Chewy Butterfly -> Patreon | Tumblr
GreenLlamas -> Patreon | Tumblr
LadySimmer -> Patreon | Tumblr
StretchSkeleton -> Eyebrow Packs 1, 2
Northern Siberia -> Patreon | Tumblr
Twisted Cat -> Patreon | Tumblr
Obscurus -> Eyebrows 61, 62, 63, 64, 65
Northern Siberia -> Patreon | Tumblr
Chewy Butterfly -> Patreon | Tumblr
Jellypaws -> Patreon | Tumblr
La Matisse -> Patreon | Tumblr
Not technically genetics but the overlays make a huge different in the look of the sim and I have ones that do everything from replace everything to ones that simply tweak parts, like nosemasks, etc.
Chewy Butterfly -> Patreon | Tumblr
Frenchie Sim -> Pregnancy Mask
Katrina-y -> Abs Shadow
Northern Siberia -> Patreon | Tumblr
GPME -> Patreon | Tumblr
Jellypaws -> Patreon | Tumblr
Meeshi -> Softie Skinblend
Miiko -> Patreon | Tumblr
Narsimssitic -> Cloud Skinblend
Obscurus -> Patreon | Tumblr
Twisted Cat -> Patreon | Tumblr
Adult Body Details
These objects are for Wicked Whims modded games typically, or Wicked Whims bolt-ons. I highly recommend joining Turbodriver's discord and reading the information on it about the danger (and super gross factor) of ColonelNutty mods and what things to avoid in turning your game 18+. You can see more details attached to Turbodriver's Twitter here. If you read the document, I recommend switching to the version that has purged links so that you don't accidentally send yourself to the very sites you are getting warned about.
Body Mesh Options
Wicked Whims lets you select the meshes you use. For alternate versions of meshes, I use Noir's bottom meshes which include trans femme and trans masc options. You can find them all on their patreon here. (A) I also have female top meshes from them as well as alternates though I prefer the default I have from Sopor for females and the Adam from Kleos. (Both are on my Overrides Post)
I also use Noir's remeshing of parts for the Werewolf body defaults. You can see that specific page on the patreon here. (A)
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dgknightblue · 10 months
So there is this AU swimming in my head where RVB characters are from different time periods and gets dumped into some place and are forced to interact.
Im not too sure on exact time periods for them, but an approximation of them.
But who is from the future, Wild West, and stuff?
Carolina and Church are future people trying to do something I don’t know what and accidentally pulled people at first before doing it on purpose kind of.
The people they pull they don’t get to choose who fits into what they are looking for.
But things….
All of our lovely sims are in the cast with a few of the freelancers.
Simmons is a trans man stuck in an era that doesn’t support him. He gets pulled after he finally runs a way. Well he was born with one leg and he kind of got hurt so he was bleeding pretty bad. Yeah he was a mess on the floor. He was scared and begged them not to hurt him or drag him back to his father.
I’m thinking he’s a lower aristocrat’s only child that was out of wedlock during a time of arranged marriages and stuff. He has his mother’s knife that his cousin gave him before going overseas for war. His father tells him that he’ll be marrying some merchant’s son named Gene or whatever and be grateful. He hates it and he feels bad being called his name. He likes his grandfathers name more.
Blugh what an xss!
Once he finally calms down and gets patched up, he accepts what’s happening and loves all the mechanisms he’s never seen before.
They all catch on to what he doesn’t see and don’t know what to do. Except Sarge, Kai, Donut, and Grif.
Sarge boasts about doing his own top surgery before growing a beard and enlisting into the army. Simmons finds himself drawn in and in full admiration for some reason.
Kai has Grif’s support, they would absolutely know how to get him accept little things to get him warmed up to the idea of him being him.
Donut is full of support and advice and is very friendly!
They get Simmons out of his shell enough to see his eyes sparkle some times. Sarge makes Grif Simmons’ personal carrier since they don’t have access to a wheelchair.
Grif is just glad Kai and Donut convinced Simmons it was okay to wear pants. He’d trip over that long xss dress that didn’t belong any where near Simmons.
So they end up spending a lot of time together and even sneak off. I can imagine them in the shallows of water at night talking and Grif teaching Simmons how to swim.
They get real close and Tucker and Kai and Donut try to spy on them sometimes. They individually have to cover each others mouths so they don’t blow their cover just to scream , “JUST FXCKING KISS ALREADY!!! DXMN IT!!!”.
Eventually as other things happen Sarge is more than happy to reintroduce Simmons to the group.
When Simmons gets a prosthetic leg, he gets so excited and runs up to Grif and pulls him a way to do what they usually do but Grif doesn’t have to care him any more!
He can still carry him once in a while though <3
On to other people….
Wash gets trauma sometime before getting pulled but I’m not sure which era and what gives him PTSD.
I know I said I was moving on to other people, I want to say this:
Simmons can cook really good, his father thought that was beneath an elite individual and banned him from going to the kitchen ever again.
Tricks and skills he’s learned:
Piano, violin, proper etiquette, dancing, knife things from his cousin, cooking from his mom, sewing from his grandmother, poison and plants from his grandfather.
The only one that has a problem with Simmons is his father and literally has no reason or excuse to be. Too bad Simmons got stuck with his dad being the only family member he had beside his grandmother. She refuses to die simply for Simmons sake until she gets murdered passes from natural causes.
She was actually the only reason he stayed after his cousin was considered KIA. Never found the body though. It’s been years, where did you go?
Simmons finds a book no one listens to him explain. (It’s the manual, for what? Something he has control of now :3) They are in for a surprise :3
Simmons is his cousin’s last name.
Anyways, I don’t want to separate Grif from pizza so he is in time period where there is pizza even if it’s one of the early versions that’s actually called pizza.
He found a thing called Oreos and worship them.
He also wants to kiss Simmons so fxcking bad, but doesn’t see all the signs. Simmons has no personal space with Grif and only Grif. Kai sticks to Simmons side at first to help him out and gradually slides farther a way to help her brother.
One night they find alcohol and they all talk.
They learn Simmons has more unwanted experience than wanted and that the only one that is considered experience (because it was wanted) is Simmons eating a girl out. Simmons is Bi.
Simmons invites Wash to the virgin club along with Doc. Wash declines and Doc agrees.
Tucker has Junior beside him sleeping. His baby boy <3
Carolina and Church still trying to figure out some bull crxp with the unground lab on the island they are on. Some are not helping like they think they are. Caboose.
The library in the villa is where Simmons is during the day when he isn’t with Grif.
Caboose, Donut, Lopez are sometimes making sandcastles competing with Tucker, Junior, Kai.
Grif is in the kitchen making food for Simmons and him when Simmons is in the library.
Wash is training with Sarge and whoever else from the freelancer group I haven’t a clue.
When Locus and Flex show up as antagonists somehow Locus enters the fold. He tries not to get too close to Simmons, Kai, or Junior for reasons.
Donut definitely didn’t throw a water balloon at Grif’s head from across the beach for revenge and spite.
Doc and Dr. Grey are having lessons on being a good doctor when she shows up.
Eventually things pick up when Temple and his (small) group + Zealot soldiers do the thing that start the problems that got them all stuck together.
When things get bad, Simmons realized what the book he found goes to. He summons Tex kind of and he’s under her protection now. He is also learning coding and glad he doesn’t have to go back to his era. He doesn’t exist until now after all.
Learning his cousin becomes the kings advisor was a shock, but he’s glad they are okay.
I didn’t write for everyone because I got stuck at Grimmons moments <3
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devilscastle69 · 7 months
td//iapt - lu//cifer
my age is invalid
hi i really like this neet and i like that he has so much canon snz. ive had this in my drafts for like over a month but i got nothin better to do so here i hope u enjoy
Just when Urushihara thought he was in the clear from horrific sinus symptoms, his body firmly corrected him first thing in the morning. Apparently the more-than-week-long allergy attack he’d endured—courtesy of the kitten Maou had brought home—hadn’t been enough suffering for him. The fact that the headache accompanying the dull aching in his sinuses had come on together full force indicated this was something different. Something new, yet tauntingly familiar. 
Even with the little evidence he’d gone off, he’d done a double take when he’d gotten up to stock the closet with snacks and to bring the computer in to make sure nobody had decided to bring another cat in from the cold. Upon further inspection, nothing seemed suspicious and he remembered they’d all been in somewhat early for the night. Yep, he’s sick. 
After many failed sleeping attempts, Urushihara had to admit to himself that he’s stuck awake for the time being. The bottled tea tasted especially sweet in his mouth as it washed away the grime from breathing exclusively through it and throughout the hour he’d spent grieving his inability to sleep. He’d done his best to stay quiet enough to convince everyone outside of the closet of otherwise, but it’s starting to hurt to muffle his coughs into his sleeve. And even worse is—
—Pinching his nose shut to sneeze. After the amount of grief everyone had given him for his allergy attack, he’s not looking forward to his roommates and neighbor taking notice of this too. They’re gonna be pissed. The computer screen went black as he opened a new tab and he gave himself a wry look before typing in his next search. 
This sucks; he can’t even enjoy the rabbit hole dive on The Sims he’d started on the computer when playing the actual game had become too much of a struggle (stupid overheating computer). His tired eyes trudged on deep into the Fridge Logic section of the TV Tropes page as he tried to bore himself back to sleep. Maybe he’d feel better if he ordered something? 
Oh no.
“Hihh…” The tickle in his nose had become fierce from being denied its full resolution. “Nnh…hh…h-ngxht!” 
And now he’s gone and made it worse. 
“hh-....hihhtschh’iuhhh! --ahkSHhh’iuh!” he sneezed a little too freely against the hand he’d thrown up in front of his face too late. Damnit. Maybe Ashiya won’t notice. Goosebumps prickle across his skin and create art with the speckles of spray. “hh- hhyhh...hihh! ehhdtSChh’hiehh!” 
What had started as a dull ache in his throat this morning, has evolved into a monstrous omnipresent itch always creeping deeper into his sinuses; each sneeze counterintuitively only seems to make the desperation to sneeze again worse. Time to look something else up. He sneezes again and forces a few miserable sniffles to avoid letting any of the mess that’s threatening to escape to do just that. He’s genuinely wondering if Ashiya would kill him for wiping his nose on his sleeve, but he’s starting to run low on options; he’d depleted their tissue supply down to nothing last week, and he knows his roommates were already pissed at him from his most recent purchases to want to approve any additional expenses. 
“Must you continue these theatrics?” Ashiya’s voice chimed in from outside the closet, fist rapping on the door. Speak of the devil…Or in this case Alciel.  “Good morning. Oh, no. That’s not right, it’s not morning—it’s two PM.”
Urushihara sniffled and sneezed loudly again before giving a petulant greeting. “Hell-fucki’gg-o to you too.”
“I vacuumed thoroughly already and I’ve no plans to do so again,” Ashiya said with a scowl in reference to his efforts in removing all the cat dander. In all fairness, he had vacuumed and dusted and disinfected with his usual diligence. “Time to get up. You can’t keep avoiding your chores like the plague.”
“hehtk’SCHhhu!” Urushihara answered. He hadn’t heard half of what Ashiya said while his breath was hitching. “Greadt choice of words, dude.” He rolls his eyes. “I thingk I’mb sigck.”
Ashiya opened the door and sighed, forehead scrunching as if he’s the one with a headache. “You’re kidding.”
“Yeah, I’mb ju-juhh—” He sniffled again, fighting for his life to keep his nose from running whilst trying to keep next breath from snagging and triggering another onslaught of sneezing. Unfortunately, sneezing again is inevitable and has to pick between the glorious options of letting his nose run or sacrificing the shirt or the thin blanket wrapped tightly around himself. “Hehh…” He cups the blanket over his face before letting out a boisterous sneeze. “Jusdt sdneezi’gg for the lullz.”
“You can not be sick, you barely leave the closet, never mind the apartment! And, hey, that blanket was just—” 
“HEHhhkshh! Mbaybe I’mb allergic to you thend.” 
“Ugh!” Ashya takes a step back. “I think you sneezed on the blanket and the computer at the same time. How?”
“Doh one else uses the combputer addyway,” Urushihara said awkwardly, scrubbing his nose with the back of his hand. As an afterthought, he wiped the laptop screen he’d evidently misted with the hem of his shirt and pretended not to notice the dagger-like glare Ashiya’s eyes had been pushing into him. 
Ashiya sighed and walked away and returned with a three-ply mask. “Here, at least attempt to not spread your germs everywhere. His Highness does not receive much in terms of sick leave, and as you know, the household budget is stretched thinly enough as it is.”
“Thangk you for your concerned. I’ll jusdt stay in here,” he said sarcastically as he fixed the loops of the mask over his ears. He sniffled thickly and pointedly added, “You’re probably bedtter off leavi’gg the door closed.” 
Urushihara had dismissed him, but Ashiya continued to stand there in some form of disbelief, so back on his ears went his headphones. He knew the soundproof ones would  be worth it. He easily returned his full attention to his search: Cold, flu, allergies, sinusitis. Hm.
Ahsiya pulled the headphones off his head. “If you were really trying to get better, you’d be resting, not rotting over your computer.”
“It’s releveddt research, Bo’b.” Urushihara said, not moving his tired eyes from the screen. “And be careful with these, they were expendsive.”
“How expensive?” 
“Mbore expend’sive if you break themb and we have to order an’dother pair.” After skimming a few articles, he finds a website with a seemingly useful tool that'll hopefully bring him one step closer to figuring out how to get rid of this world’s ailments.
“You’re lucky I don’t have the internet disconnected. What’s that?”
Uriushihara was too fixated on using the WebMD Symptom Checker to hear what he said. It was not off to the best start. “Oh, not even my age is valid, huh.” 
“What?...And who is this Bob?”
“You said you were researching Bob?” 
Urushihara’s head spun for a moment. What the fuck? His head felt like cotton as he recalled their exchange. Idiot. “Mbo’bb,” He attempted to amend. It didn’t help the confusion. He sniffled—or at least tried to—a few times and groaned. “Emb Oh Emmmmb. Ugh. Forget idt.” 
“How can you have a runny nose and congestion?”
Whether that was in reference to the list of symptoms or the pathetic display, Urushihara didn’t know, but it didn’t matter. Another thing this mask is good for is hiding the flush that just crossed his cheeks from the mix of concern and disgust written all over Ashiya’s face. “The hell if I n’dow.” He adds “headache” to the list and casts a glare at the man who’s hanging over him like a damn tree. 
“Hheh…h-” He has to stop searching as his nose starts to run again and drags the creeping tickle from the back of his nose forward. At least he’s already wearing a mask, he supposed. It gives him the maximum amount of time to try reading without the nuisance of having to turn away from the screen. “h-huhh…EhhdzsSCHhh’iyuhh! Guhh…” He sniffled and shook his head as the relief from the sneeze was lost to the pounding in his head.
“Don't forget sneezing,” Ashiya reminded him with an eye roll. 
“Yeah yeah. Hilarious.”
“Really chills? Do you have a fever?”
“Dude, I dunndo we don’dt have a—” Urushihara didn’t get the chance to horrifically pronounce the word “thermometer” before Ashiya’s palm came flying at his forehead like he was aiming to smash a mosquito into his skull. He shrinks back into himself like a frightened turtle at the unwanted human contact. “T-Too close…”
“Hm. Best put fever down too.”
Urushihara shrugged, not risking another breath, never mind attempting to make another thanks, Mom type of remark, with how precarious his grip on the next sneeze threatening to escape is. It’s proven futile when he inevitably has to breathe.
“ndtKSH! IHHSHHhu! Guhh…” The inside of his mask felt particularly disgusting after that set of sneezes. He grimaced and clicked around a bit more before continuing to the results. They both pretend to not hear the crackling in Urushihara’s sinuses joining in the cadence of the clicking and typing.
“You’d think someone so small wouldn’t be able to sneeze so loudly,” Ashiya mused. 
“Ugh, dude ah-hehhH- hhh…f-fucgk off.” Urushihara paused to steady his breathing to avoid a repeat performance. He cleared his throat indignantly, bang conveniently shifting to cover more of his face. His hair along with his mask have effectively covered a good 75% of it. “I guess it’s a cold or flu. Dunndo.”
He clicked back and forth to compare while Ashiya continued to hover. “Either way, it looks like rest is the best remedy.” And with that, he confiscated the laptop and held it out of Urushihara’s reach. 
“H-hey! What th-the heh…hh-hHYSCHh’iew!” 
The sound of aerosol spray followed, and then the pungent scent of disinfectant, and then another loud sneezing fit. It’s only when Urushihara  has resigned himself to trying to sleep again that there’s more knocking—this time at the front door. Ashiya answered the door to a stern-looking Suzuno.
“Tell me you didn’t bring another stray in,” she commanded, looking past him. 
“Do not lie.” Suzuno peeked in, looking around, perhaps hopeful that there really is a cat in the room. She shook her head and glared at Alciel. “I can hear Lucifer sneezing from next door.”
“I’ll have you know, I did no such—”
“Is that poison?”
“It’s Lysol!”
When the bickering seemed like it wasn’t going to resolve itself fast enough, Urushihara sighed and put his mask back on before opening the closet door. “N’dot allergies. I’mb sick.” he said miserably before slamming the door again. 
“He’s a bit cranky because he exceeded his screen time for the day.”
“Screw you.” The voice crack that accompanied the phrase and the chesty cough that followed stripped him of what little remaining NEET pride he retained after Ashiya had talked about him like he’s Alas Ramus’ age.
“If you don’t mind, he needs to nap.”
Maou came home with tissues. He, too, had been kept up by Urushihara’s sporadic coughing and sneezing; the closet door could only muffle so much, and Urushihara wasn’t exactly one to ail quietly. Eventually they’d just put white noise videos on the laptop to act as a buffer for all of the noise.
He yawned and announced his arrival, quietly in case Urushihara was actually sleeping. (And if that’s the case, he’d take advantage of the peace and enjoy a nap.) “Hey, Ashiya. Look, free tissues? Isn’t Japan great?”
“Oh?” Ashiya’s face lit up at the word free. 
“And when I mentioned my roommate was sick, she gave me a whole handful,” Maou whispered excitedly.
“Excellent, Sire!” Ashiya praised, holding a few packets of pocket tissues. He sighs.“Though at the rate he’s going, we’ll be out by tomorrow. Again.”
Maou pointed at the closet. “Is he…?”
“I don’t know.” Ashiya shrugged and frowned. He lowered his voice. “He finally went to sleep an hour ago, and he still had a fever.”
“Still?” Maou frowned. “Chi said he should see a doctor if it lasts more than three days.”
“I’ll make sure it does not come to that.” Somehow, Urushihara was the only one of the trio to have not landed himself in the hospital, and it’d be best to keep it that way. Ashiya’s brow furrowed at the risks involved with the situation. Even beyond the risks to the budget.
“It should be okay, fevers are pretty common,” Maou smiles. Lightly he added, “Besides, all he ever does is rest.” 
“hyHEH’gkSChh!” The hoarse noise was muffled by the closet, but they were standing close enough that they could hear the familiar sound of Urushihara’s sneeze.
“Could you guys ligke stop talk’igg about mbe?” he complained, snuffling noisly.
“Chi says that’s just a superstition.”
“Seriously? Thatd’s like our whole thi’gg.” 
They shared a moment of silence. 
“How are you feelin’, man?” Maou asked, changing the subject. Urushihara coughed. “Not great, huh?”
“Are you gonnda give mbe a tissue or are you just gonnda stare at me?” 
“Watch your tongue and be grateful, Lucifer!”
“Here,” Maou said, handing him a few packs. 
“Here. The pharmacist told me this is one of the most commonly used cold medicines.” Suzuno passed the bag over to Ashiya. As Ashiya bent to thank her, she interrupts, “Do not mistake this as an act of kindness, I am merely tired of being kept up all night.”
“I can’t thank you enough,” Ashiya said with a slight bow. He rapped on the closet door with the backs of his knuckles. “Urushihara, come take your medicine.”
“There’s something else for you, Lucifer,” Suzuno said as the closet door creaked open. She reached into the pocket of her kimono and revealed a folded piece of paper and held it out to him. “It’s from Alas Ramus, apparently she’s worried about you.” 
Urushihara opened it to reveal a card drawn by the kid. He’s pretty sure the two blobs in the corner were meant to be them together, and scrawled over a heart were the words git well sun looshifa. “W-well, mbake sure you tell her I’mb not dyi’gg or anddythi’gg!!” he protested, eyes prickling with tears. He clears his throat and carefully folds the card and tucks it away into one of the nooks in the closet, and ignores the proud smile on Maou’s face as he takes the most disgusting swallow of his life.
“Don’t grimace like that, you’re older than everyone in the room put together,” Suzuno scolded. 
“Dude, that’s ndot what grape tastes like!”
“He means thank you.” 
“...Thank you,” he said hesitantly, face warming over to his ears. 
Suzuno cleared her throat. “Get plenty of rest.”
And soon enough, the Devil's Castle was at peace again, at least for the evening.
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eeunoia · 2 years
ENHYPEN Imagines
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In Between 
part one ; part two
pairings: jake sim x reader x park sunghoon
summary: you have a toxic relationship with jake sim and suddenly, his bestfriend, park sunghoon meddled in.
warnings: toxic relationship, written in tag-lish
word count: 3.7k
note📎: My first tag-lish fic! I hope you guys liked it! it really means a lot to me whenever you let me know what you think about them, re-blogs and comments are well appreciated. btw, i love you guys and thank you for supporting me up until now. have a nice day/night! 🤍
© 2022 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
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“What?” halos malaglag ang panga mo ng ‘yon ang unang marinig mo mula sa kanya.
You pursed your lips as you clenched your fist while looking at your boyfriend who’s showing you his bored face.
You just pulled him towards the back of the building because you’ve already had enough. He’s been upsetting you so much lately and you knew you have to do something about it.
“Wala ka ba talagang ibang sasabihin? Really, Jake Sim? What? Ayon na ‘yon? Wala man lang sorry y/n, wala lang ‘yon y/n, please mag-usap tayo y/n--”
“Why? You’re the one who suddenly ignored me. Why would I say sorry?” he suddenly cut you off.
Nalaglag ang panga mo habang tinitingnan sya sa harapan mo. He still have this bored look over his face as he stare down to you. Your heart ache just by staring at his cold, blank face. Ewan mo, hindi naman sya ganito sa pagkakatanda mo. Or nagbubulagbulagan ka lang?
“You kissed (friend’s name) last night at Jay’s party.” you said and it felt so bitter while it came out from your mouth.
Jake didn’t seem like he was surprised that you know. Nagulat ka pa ng biglang ngumisi sya sayo. Ang bigat sa pakiramdam, hindi mo alam pano sya ieexplain. Basta ang alam mo nasasaktan ka. Nasasaktan ka para sa sarili mo.
“It was a dare.”
“You can always say no!” sigaw mo sa kanya nang hindi mo na mapigil ang sarili mo dahil sa galit. You felt your eyes starting to tear up.
Mabuti nalang talaga at kayo lang dalawa ang nandito. Kundi nakakahiya ka. Naiyak ka nanaman. Naiyak ka dahil sa pinasok mong relasyon. The relationship that you used to brag to other people but now the one hurting you and bringing you down.
“What if I don’t want to say no?” he said and you felt your heart cracked.
You were left speechless. Tears started pouring out of your eyes as you bit your lower lip to stop it from shaking too much. Your emotions were already a mess and your mind is now blank, being poisoned by the pain you're currently suffering to.
Jake put both of his hands inside his pocket before he stepped forward towards you.
Hindi ka umurong o gumalaw man lang sa pwesto mo. Hindi mo alam kung may lakas ka pa ba para gawin ‘yon. You kept your eyes darted at his cold, evil ones.
“What? You’re going to break up with me?” may halong pang-aasar ang boses nya bago nya hinawakan ang laylayan ng buhok mo at pinaglaruan ‘yon.
He stared at it for a while before he looked over your eyes once again. Walang kang awa na makikita dito.
“We both know you can’t, y/n. You can’t live without me.” he said and sadly, he was right.
Jake Sim is right. You can’t. Because you love him. You love him so much. And no matter what he do, no matter how much pain he makes you feel, breaking up with him will never be an option.
You clenched your jaw as you faced sideways trying your best to look away and hide your face from him. You feel ashamed and embarrassed of yourself. How can you be this pathetic? How can you be so dependent over to some guy who treats you like shit? You wanted to curse at yourself loudly to maybe knock up some sense to you.
Jake sighed and leaned away. Hindi mo na sya tiningnan pa dahil hindi mo kaya.
“Are we done here now? Jay asked me to meet him by the library.” he said even though you know it was a lie. You’re sure it wasn’t Jay who’s asking him to meet up. It was (friend’s name). They’ll probably go there and make out or something.
He didn’t wait for you to answer or didn’t even feel bad that you are now crying. He just left you there.
Hindi mo alam kung gano ka na katagal naiyak doon pero ang alam mo hindi nababawasan ang sakit. Ayaw tumigil ng mga luha mo. Ramdam mo yung pagod.
“Seriously? What did you even see in him?” napalingon ka ng bigla mong marinig na may nagsalita.
Malaki ang mata at gulat mong nakita si Sunghoon na nakasandal sa pader ng building kung saan mo hinila si Jake. His expression was blank and cold as he stared right at you.
Dali dali mong pinunasan ang mga luha sa mata mo. “Didn’t your parents told you it’s bad to evesdrop at other people?” you told him a little upset since you actually feel ashamed because you’re sure he heard and saw what just happened.
Hindi nagbago ang ekspresyon niya. Nanatili syang seryoso at itinagilid pa ang ulo habang nakatingin sayo.
“I was here even before you dragged your boyfriend here.” he said and you pursed your lips feeling more embarrassed.
“O-Oh, I’m sorry.”
He stared at you for a while before he pushed himself off of the wall to walk towards your direction. Namula ka habang tinitingnan ang mga mata nya. His eyes were surrounded with those pretty thick eyebrows and eyelashes making it even more attractive to look at.
Sunghoon is Jake’s friend, one of his good friends actually. Pero magkaibang magkaiba sila. If Jake loves being the center of attention, this one right here hates it. He always wants to stay out of the spotlight unlike other of his friends. Too bad his handsome face refrained him to be invisible. It’s impossible not to notice him.
He stared at you for a while before he handed you his handkerchief. Naguguluhan mo siyang tiningnan pero agad din naman sya naglakad palayo sayo. You sighed and kind of felt warm inside of you.
You gently used it to wipe off some of your tears and then you looked up at his direction. Nakita mo syang tumigil sa paglalakad at nilingon ka.
“Let’s go.”
“What? Are you just gonna stand there and let yourself feel more miserable?” he asked you and you just looked at him with your confused expression.
He sighed and walked back to you then grabbed you by your arm. Kahit naguguluhan ay hinayaan mo nalang ba hilahin ka nya papunta sa kung san.
Kumunot ang mga noo mo ng makarating kayo sa may tabihan ng school. In front of you two was a barricade, yes of course student’s can climb through but then you’ll get in serious trouble.
“Where are we even going?” you finally asked.
“Out of here.” he simple answered and positioned himself in front of the barricade.
“But we’ll get in serious trouble.”
He rolled his eyes, “That’s if and only if we get caught. Now come here,” he said and you were left with no choice but to walk towards him.
He helped you climb up, assisting you. Kinakabahan ka sa ginagawa nyo. Hindi mo alam kung bakit o kung anong ginagawa mo dito kasama si Sunghoon. Basta ang alam mo you need this. Kahit ngayon lang, you want to feel free.
Si Sunghoon ang unang nakababa sa kabila. You gulped and stared at the other side where he’s standing. He sighed and ran his fingers once over to his hair before he reached both of his hands at you.
“Come here, I’ll catch you.” he said and you nodded before you slowly made your way down. He helped you half way, putting his hand over your waist.
Nang makababa ka ng tuluyan, napahinga ka ng malalim at napatawa bago nilingon ang wall na tinawid nyo.
“I can’t believe we just did that.” you said and even chuckled out of nervousness.
Sunghoon smirked and held your hand. “Come on. Let’s have some fun.”
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“Here.” napalingon ka kay Sunghoon ng lumapit sya sayo at may inaabot na ice cream. Your eyes sparkled as you smile and thanked him.
Nasa isang park kayo. Katatapos nyo lang mag-punta sa arcade at manood ng movie. You still refused to go home and told him you’ll just spend some time at the park and that he can go home already but he said he’ll accompany you.
He sat down beside you and enjoyed his vanilla ice cream. Napatitig ka sa kanya saglit at hindi mo mapigilan ang mapangiti ng kaonti. You didn’t expect him to be this type of person. Palagi mong iniisip na ang cold cold nya at wala syang pakialam sa mga tao sa paligid nya.
Behind that cold image is a playful and kind person. Maybe he’s just really not good at approaching others first but when you got to know him better, he's really fun to be with.
“You really should end it with Jake. He doesn’t deserve you. He’s an asshole.” he opened up the topic about Jake.
You lowered your head and stared at your ice cream. You sighed and chuckled before you look at him teasingly.
“Why are you bad mouthing your friend?”
He licked his ice cream bago ka nya lingunin. “I’m not bad mouthing him. It’s just facts. I’m his friend, main reason why I know him very well.” he said and honestly, he got a point.
“Do you really think I should break up with Jake?” you asked, saying your thoughts out loudly.
Sunghoon turned to look at you and stared you for good twenty seconds before he sighed out loud.
“It’s still up to you of course. I'm just here for you as a friend.” he said that made you face him as well.
You two met eyes and slowly got drawn with each other’s stares. When you realized both of you are staring for too long. You gulped and quickly glanced away. Sunghoon kept his stares and he chuckled finding you cute.
“K-Kelangan ko na ata umuwe.”
Tumango si Sunghoon at tumayo kayong dalawa para magsimula na maglakad papunta sa sakayan mo. You two naturally opened up a new topic to ease up the atmosphere. Gladly, it made it less awkward.
When you arrived at the street near your house, you knew you two will be in separate ways. You’ve told Sunghoon that he can go and just let you walk alone since your street is safe. He nodded his head but refused to walk away and stood still to watch you go first.
“Y/n!” he suddenly called you when you’re a bit far from him but still enough to hear whatever that is he’s going to say.
“Hmm?” you hummed, asking what it is.
His face looked serious before he let out a sigh, “About what I said... I really do think you need to break up with Jake.” he started and you just looked at him. Unable to say anything.
“But it’s still up to you. I’m in no position to decide for you. I’m just here to give advise as your friend.” he said.
As your friend...
You didn’t know you were friends with Park Sunghoon? But it made you happy. Somehow, it relieved you. You smiled at him and nodded your head.
“I’ll think about it. Walk home safely!” tapos nag-wave kana sa kanya bago naglakad pauwe.
Buong pauwe mo ayon lang ang nasa isip mo. Kung dapat nga ba na makipag-break kana kay Jake or atleast still give him a chance to change. Pero ang tagal mo na sya pinagpapasensyahan.
You heaved a sigh after closing your gate at nagdire-diretso papasok sa bahay nyo. Your parents aren’t always home because they usually stay late at their works. Being an only child sure is lonely. Mabuti nalang talaga ay independent ka.
Habang naglilinis at nagp-prepare para matulog ay ayon parin ang laman ng isip mo. In the end, you decided to not break it off with Jake. But you won’t be that pathetic anymore too. Hahayaan mo nalang sya at magf-focus ka nalang sa ibang bagay. You’ll just let him be until both of you gets tired and break up eventually.
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Kinabukasan, wala kang dalang gamit pagpasok dahil naiwan mo nga ang mga gamit mo sa school gawa ni Sunghoon. You smiled remembering the fun things you’ve done with him. It sure was a good time and a memory to remember.
Nang makarating sa bus stop ay agad ka nang sumakay. May ilan kang school mate na nakasakay at ang ilan pa ay napapatingin sa gawi mo. Maybe because you’re not carrying any bag with you. You shrugged it off and just ignored them.
Nang makababa ka ay kita mo ang ilang estudyante na nagpapanic at nagmamadali. You stayed calm and just tried to enjoy your morning.
“Gago pre andon si Mr. Kim! Yare nanaman tayo wala tayo neck-tie!” narinig mong nagtatalo yung dalawang estudyanteng na nadaanan mo.
Unconsciously, your hand raised to touch your neck-tie. Napatigil ka sa paglalakad habang nanlalaki ang mata.
You forgot to wear your necktie....
Your head looked over to the gate and saw Mr. Kim. He’s very strict when it comes to wearing the proper uniform and surely he won’t let you pass. You sighed frustratingly because you’ll be late if you will go home and try to get it. Hindi ka na pede ma-late pa dahil masususpend ka na at mapaglilinis.
You are getting stressed when suddenly, someone hanged their neck-tie over you. Nagtatakang nilingon mo yon at nakita si Sunghoon na ngayon ay focus na focus sa pag-aayos ng necktie nya sayo.
Napa-blink ka ng ilang beses at tinitigan sya.
“Sunghoon...” tawag mo.
He glanced at you for a while, “It’ll be your third offense if he caught you without necktie. Baka masuspend ka pa. Wear mine.”
You pouted as you felt your cheeks blushing, “Pero pano ka?”
He smiled then stood up, now staring down at you because of your height difference. He put both of his hands inside his pocket before saying, “I'll be fine with my first offense.”
Nanatili kang nakanguso, slight feeling bad but being really thankful for him.
“Go. I’ll follow behind you.” he said and tilted his head, gesturing for you to walk towards the gate.
Nililingon lingon mo pa si Sunghoon habang naglalakad ka papasok. You smoothly went in and you turned your head over to Sunghoon when it’s his turn to be checked.
“Oh, Mr. Park? This will be your first time to forgot your necktie.” sabi pa ng teacher bago pa may isinulat sa isang papel, nililista ang pangalan ni Sunghoon.
He didn’t said anything and then just accepted the paper being handed to him. He looked at you then nodded his head and mouthing, ‘Go ahead.’
You nodded while biting your lips out of feeling bad then started walking towards your classroom. Habang naglalakad ay pilit mong inayos ang necktie na suot, hindi mo tuloy namalayan na malapit kana sa room nyo. Jake and some of their group of friends were by the corridor. Agad dumako sayo ang atensyon niya.
“Y/n!” napatunghay ka ng marinig ang sigaw ng kaibigan mo. She ran and hugged you that made you chuckle.
“Aray naman! Ang bigat mo uy!” sabi mo pa sa kanya pero panay yapos talaga sya at bumibitin pa sayo.
You failed to notice how Jake’s eyes were darted at you, waiting for you to notice him and greet him like how you usually do. He knows you know he’s there. Sa ingay nila at dahil halos araw araw na nila ‘yon ginagawa ay imposibleng hindi mo alam.
“San ka nagpunta kahapon ha?!” your friend asked looking at you suspiciously. You flushed and chuckled trying to dismiss the question.
Doon lang din napansin ni Jake na wala kang dalang bag. His eyes then darted over at your weird necktie. He’ve seen you wearing your uniforms almost everyday and he’s very sure your necktie is two times longer today. Like as if it’s not yours. His brows furrowed in confusion.
You wrapped your arms over to your friend and pulled her inside your classroom trying to divert her attention towards something else. Thankfully, she did forgot about you cutting your class yesterday.
On the other hand, Jake’s surprised. Did you just ignore him?
“Nag-away nanaman ba kayo?” tanong ni Jay ng mapansin na hindi mo pinansin si Jake.
Jungwon chuckled beside him while glancing at you from outside the room.
“Come on, even if they fought, y/n will still come and greet Jake.” sabi ni Jungwon na totoo naman.
Jake felt pissed as his face turned blank then he rolled his eyes. “I’m thirsty. Let’s go to the cafeteria.” pagiiba nya ng topic at naglakad na sya paalis doon.
His friends followed him and the topic soon changed to something else and Jake was thankful because he really finds it odd how you just behaved moments ago.
“Oh, Sunghoon! Tara sa cafeteria.” Jay greeted his friend as they come across him once they made it outside the building.
Sumama naman agad si Sunghoon sa kanila. Jake pushed off the thought about you then went to wrap his arms around his bestfriend. Nakangisi pa sya habang nakikipagtitigan sa mga babae na nakakasalubong. Some of them greets him and so he greets them back.
“Where did you go yesterday? You suddenly disappeared?” he asked his friend when he remembered how he ditched your group.
He chuckled and smirked, “Just somewhere.” he shortly replied. Napangisi si Jake, typical Sunghoon. Kahit matagal na nila ‘to kaibigan, may mga oras pa rin na ang mysterious nya.
“Maybe Sunghoon’s dating somebody already?” pabirong sabi pa ni Ni-ki habang inaasar ang kaibigan.
Lumaki lalo ang ngisi ni Sunghoon, “Maybe?”
Naghalakhakan sila at inulan sya ng asar sa mga ‘to.
“Fuck you man! Sino ‘yan? Pakilala mo naman!” sabi pa ni Jake at hindi naman sya binigyan ng sagot nito at bagkos nakita nya lang ang ngisi ng kaibigan.
When they arrived at the cafeteria, they bought some drinks and decided to stay there for a while since it’s still early. As they talk about random stuff, bigla nalang napansin ni Heeseung ang nawawalang necktie ni Sunghoon.
“Where’s your necktie, Hoon?” lahat sila ay napadako ang tingin kay Sunghoon.
He glanced over his uniform for a while and just smirked. To their friends, it’s just normal but for Jake, it’s not. His smile fell as a thought suddenly occupied his mind.
“I forgot it.” Sunghoon answered and they both met eyes. His friend’s smirk remains as his eyes turned cold.
You were wearing his necktie.
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“Samahan mo ako mamaya ah!” pagpipilit pa ng kaibigan mo sayo. You just finished your two subjects and now is your break time.
You chuckled and just nodded your head so she can stop bugging you out. Nagkukulitan at nagaasaran pa kayo nang biglang may lumapit sa inyo.
“Let’s talk.” it was Jake.
You eyed him and his eyes looked cold. Honestly, it makes you a little scared but you just tried to push that thought off. He didn’t wait for your answer and just left the room expecting for you to follow him.
You’ve succeeded ignoring Jake the whole class. It was easier than you expected since maybe, you really did have enough of his shits. You rolled your eyes and looked at your friend.
“Wait lang.”
“Okay.” she said, sounding a little worried.
You stood ip and even smiled at her before you followed Jake outside. He was leaning over to the wall and his eyes darted at you when you went outside. Walang tao sa corridor, may ilan lang pero nang makitang seryoso si Jake ay nagmamadali sila pumasok sa mga classroom nila.
You sighed and walked closer to him.
“Ano ba ‘yon?” you asked, sounding impatiently.
Again, Jake was weirded out over your behavior. He tilted his head as he glanced away from your eyes then looked at your necktie.
“That’s Sunghoon’s right?” diretsong tanong nya.
Your eyes grew big in surprise and Jake doesn’t even have to hear your answer. Just based on how you reacted, it was confirmed that it’s his. He let out a scoff.
“Why are you wearing his tie?”
You cleared your throat and rolled your eyes before crossing your arms trying to ease your tension.
“I forgot mine.”
He clenched his jaw. “Since when did you became close to my bestfriend?”
You quickly glanced at his eyes.
“Since when did you care?” you fired back that caught him off guard.
Your eyes turned cold because just then you realized how bad you suffered just to keep this relationship going. It was just you who was trying all along and it’s tiring.
Jake clenched his jaw then grabbed you by your arm, “Are you cheating on me?” he asked, full of accusation.
You smirked, “Scared?”
Jake looked mad. Really mad. But you’re not scared of him. He’s not really the violent type and so you doubt if he would hurt you physically. You’re sure he’ll hurt you emotionally but fuck that... Matagal nya na ‘yon ginagawa.
The tension between you was pretty intense when suddenly someone went out from your classroom. It was Sunghoon. The three of you stared at each other and Jake’s grip tightened when Sunghoon’s eyes looked at it.
“I’m just going to go get some drinks.” he said and you’re confused to whom he is telling it.
Maybe to Jake since they’re best of friends. Walang umimik sa inyo ni Jake at naglakad na si Sunghoon paalis.
Pero bago pa sya makalayo ng sobra, he stopped then turned his head to face the two of you.
“You’re not going to come with me?” he asked and he was too far to tell who’s referring to.
He then smirked, “Y/n?” dagdag nya.
Jake clenched his jaw as a smirk plays through his lips. He was about to talk when his eyes grew as you slowly took his grip off of you.
“I’ll go with you.” sabi mo at agad kinalas ang pagkakahawak ni Jake sayo.
You looked at him coldly bago lumingon na kay Sunghoon at tumakbo papunta sa direksyon nya. Sunghoon was just standing there watching how you’re coming his way and how he’s bestfriend’s face turned so pissed. He smirked as he waits for you. Nang makalapit ka ay agad nyang binigyan ng ngisi ang kaibigan bago naglakad na pababa ng hagdan, kasama ka.
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