#i just want. a flat che as t.
trenchcroats · 6 months
One day I will have a binder. One day I will come out to my parents. One day I will be comfortable in my own skin. One day-
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sgiandubh · 9 months
Come ho già detto non ho copiato o memorizzato quelle foto viste le mie scarse attitudini tecniche. la foto estiva ricordo che era in un gruppo di foto insieme ad altre degli interpreti di Outlander, come se ne trovano anche adesso quando si cerca sotto S e C o C e T. In quei momenti non eravamo alla divisione del fandom come ora e il signor T non era ancora diventato famoso .La foto della festa durante la quale C era seduta sulle ginocchia del signore di cui ho parlato sono state messe in rete dai blogger molte volte , anche se non tutte, e credo che quelli di quel periodo possano ancora ritrovarle. Ho solo messo mano ai miei ricordi e ho voluto condividerli.Spero che ciò non provochi altri rumori . So che quando si dice qualcosa la prima parola è “provalo!” ed è giusto. Se ci saranno critiche lo capirò ma non mi faranno male perché la mia coscienza è tranquilla.Grazie, grazie davvero .
Dear @findanserwers,
Grazie per la tua risposta e grazie per il tuo coraggio!
Traduzione e dopo, reazione:
'Like I already said, I did not copy or save those pictures, on account of my very limited technical abilities. I remember the summer picture was included in a bigger batch, together with other photos of the OL cast, like the ones you can still find when you look for S and C or C and T. At that time, we didn't have these fandom wars, like nowadays, and Mr. T was not famous yet. The picture of the party when C was sitting on that gentleman's lap has been shared many times by bloggers and I think the more senior bloggers could still have it or find it. I was just revisiting my memories and I wanted to share. I hope I did not start even more rumors. I know that every time someone says something the first reaction is 'prove it!' and it's only fair. If this post will be criticized, I will understand, but I will not be hurt, because my conscience is clear. Thank you, truly thank you.'
I am now wondering if this mysterious summer pic is not one of the series taken for RDM's birthday party and if memory serves (and I can, of course, be awfully wrong and sure - always correct me, please), it was a whole flurry at the time about S being cut off some pictures. That would mean you have somehow seen a picture that was not very widely circulated. As for the lap pic, still no clue - but many pics of C with many other men (dr. Colbert comes to mind, too) are very affectionate, whereas with McIdiot - flat cardiogram and blink twice if you want us to rescue you.
Maybe one of the veterans could help? At the moment, I feel like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack and there is nothing more irritating for someone like me (granted, chronically curious - a detail that, remember, got me here, LOL).
I will never blame you for not finding those photos, by the way. I think it was incredibly brave to step out with your handle and own your thoughts and words: it is rare and for this, my dear, I do admire you! And I can only look back, with my historian glasses, this time, and think of all the tiny details that were forever lost with each and every deactivated or erased blog, all those comments and all those tidbits that once kept this community on tenterhooks every single day. Back when this place was lively, and fun and smiling and young and naïve.
A time I never knew. But a story I can relate to and understand maybe as well as our veterans, who lived through the sorrow and puzzlement and are still here, with us. And I feel incredibly honored to see you found this page to be a safe haven. It will always remain so, for all the shippers who will engage with me. You have my word.
Please don't be a stranger. Grazie, grazie mille e un abbraccio per te. Pace e Bene! 😘
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vlntnthecat · 10 years
Dirty Blonde Jesus
I noticed him up ahead. His cut-off jean shorts and shoulder-length, wavy, dirty blonde hair covering a small part of his backpack was unmissable. Maybe only because he was the only person walking ahead of us. Other than that, he didn’t really stick out to me.
He was halfway across the street to the other side of the sidewalk when he turned around quickly. We barely reached the end of the sidewalk. I thought maybe he forgot something. Or maybe he was just walking aimlessly and decided not to go any further. (I guessed his ‘walking aimlessly’ just developed aim a little.) He had a dirty blonde mustache that matched his dirty blonde head. It was thick. A little out of place. Made his face more rememberable. He immediately spoke, "Are you guys thinking of coming to school here?"
"What?” One of us replied. “No, we’re just touring the campus.”
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” We were stopped just shy of the center of the road. “Are any of you coming to school here?”
“Yeah, he does already.” The one that replied spoke again, pointing in my direction. 
The dirty blonde dude had a warming smile. “Yeah, I do,” I finally spoke, “just wanted to give them a tour of the place.” I eyed the three other people with me. “It’s huge and I don’t think any of them believed me. They’ve seen for themselves now, I guess.” I said, as if it wasn’t evident through our sweat soaked t-shirts and faces. 
“Yeah, it’s amazing isn’t it? You go to A&M and it’s all flat. Boring…” he trailed off. “Even at UT… Well that’s just too much in the city. Here you have all this scenery. A river flowing in the middle of campus. All of these hills. You can’t beat that.” We all obviously agreed without having ever visited the other campuses to actually agree with his opinion. We just knew this campus was beautiful. Even on a humid, sunny day as this. 
He went further to talk about how long he’s been enrolled in the university and how ridiculously expensive it was compared to the community college he transferred from. He even went on to explain that he’s living with his parents in a nearby town for the summer because he’s living with seven other dudes in a house on San Antonio street – slightly off campus. Fuck, I thought. “That’s a lot of dudes." 
"Yeah, and we have no A/C.” I grimaced at the thought of trying to get by the hot Texas summer living with seven other guys. “Wow,” I said, “that’s a lot of dudes.” “Yeah, that’s why I’m living at home. Right now anyway. I couldn’t take summer classes living there. There gets to be too many people in the house.” “And in that heat.” I quickly added. He let out a smile and nodded. 
“It’s cool. We’re all Christians. There’s only been one altercation in the house.” I rolled my eyes. I don’t think he noticed. “Was it over Jesus?” I mockingly questioned, letting out a quick smile. He matched my smile and added, “No… It’s just good to let people know how you feel before it blows up.” I think he wanted us to question more about the incident. Or maybe he was trying to stay away from answering what the altercation was about. I couldn’t tell. I couldn’t really care anymore at this point. It was hot and this Christian kook was holding us up in the middle of a scorching road. I looked around and saw other people walking by. A truck trying to pass around us. Why were we still standing here? What does this dude want? 
The others and him exchanged three or four more sentences and we took off from the spot. Of course with him saying his goodbye blessings. Oh god, I thought. I asked him what his name was and he told me it was Justin. We were only fifteen feet away from two different forked paths when he caught up with us again. We stopped. This time in a parking lot in front of the President’s house. “Are any of you guys feeling any pain?” What did he just ask? Pain? This is getting weird. “What?” “Sometimes I can feel the pain of others around me. I usually pray it away and it works on the other person. Are any of you feeling any chest pain?” “Like a cramp?” “No. I just thought…” “You should try taking some antihistamine medicine.” That’s not what he meant, I thought. He must think he’s some empathic holy healer or some dumb shit like that. Dude must think he has some spiritual connection to his god. Who is this weirdo? “Yeah, I know." he replied seeing that none of them understood what he meant. I think I was the only one, but I didn’t say anything. He said his last goodbye and walked off. Probably feeling a little embarrassed that his empathic ability lost whatever impressiveness that he hoped it would have on us. 
Walking back to the truck (all the way across campus) had us even more hot and sweaty. My stomach started cramping up and I said out of breath, "Oh god, that Jesus freak was right. I am hurting. I know he said chest pains, but I can’t breath out of my chest at this point.” They laughed. Giving him one final thought and thinking how ironic our walk back forced us to experience the pain the wannabe empath thought we were experiencing. Then again, campus is pretty huge and we were hot. Difficulty breathing under these conditions has no supernatural context, just a physical one.
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badassbuchanan · 4 years
Take A Break
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Plot: all work and no play makes Y/N a whiny little brat
Warnings: smut; teasing, dirty talk, dom!sub, choking, shaming, unprotected sex, rough.
a/n: I'm not happy about the ending, but I couldn’t think of a better one
also, thank you to everyone who has followed me over the last couple of days - I hope you enjoy this! REQUESTS ARE OPEN
“Buck.” I called out across the empty level of the compound, absentmindedly tiptoeing across the floor.
Bucky had been busier than usual recently with Steve’s decision to give the former Hydra assassin an increasing load of responsibility. “If something happens to me, Buck, I need you to take over. There’s no one I trust more.” Is what Steve had told Bucky on multiple occasions.
Bucky was taking his new position very seriously, which recently meant spending most of his time in his study. It was a no go zone for me. Somewhere Bucky liked to be alone, to focus on his work.
But this evening was the last straw, he’d been in there hours and I wanted nothing more than to be with him. To have his attention. All of it.
The door was already open when I got there, Bucky’s large frame shadowed the desk where his palms firmly pressed into the surface.
“There you are.” I smiled excitedly, swiftly walking over to where he stood. My, well actually Bucky’s, t-shirt I wore tickled the top of my thighs, barely covering my panties.
“Hey.” He huffed with a frown, standing straight to press his hands into his hips. His eyes stayed focused on the computer screen as I skipped over to him.
As soon as I reached him, I hugged both of my arms around his flesh one, looking up at him sweetly. “Hi.” I whispered with admiration, taking in his gorgeous profile.
He sighed, his metal hand running through his hair. “This team planning is endless.” He tutted, scrolling down the computer screen.
“Then take a break.” I replied matter-of-factly with a shrug. I was trying not to sound too eager, even if I was literally hanging off of his arm.
Bucky scoffed with a roll of his dreamy eyes, collapsing back into the big desk chair, pulling me with him.
I landed on his lap, adjusting myself to sit sideways, my legs splayed out across his as I giggled.
“You think Old Man Rogers believes in breaks?” He raised his eyebrows, an amused look on his face as he shook his head, his hand finding its way under my shirt to rub the bottom of my back. His face was so close to mine I could feel my body heat up at his presence.
“But I haven’t seen you in forever, Buck.” I whined softly, resting my face in the crook of his neck. I breathed in his intoxicating scent, his soft skin pressing against mine.
My hand pushed under the loose t-shirt he wore, immediately coming into contact with his rock hard abs. I felt myself get wetter at the feeling, becoming needier by the second.
“What are you talking about? You see me everyday.” Bucky dismissed my comment, his gaze falling back on the screen in front of him as he went back to his work.
“But sometimes I need more than to see you.” I mumbled shyly into his neck, my fingers tracing delicate patterns on his stomach.
“Oh.” He faked a shock of realisation, raising his eyebrows with a light chuckle. His metal hand stopped scrolling on the computer and wrapped itself around my waist, adjusting my body to force me to straddle him. “Why don’t you tell me what this is really about, or sit quietly so I can get on with my work, Princess.”
I huffed quietly, trying not to upset him further as I relaxed against his chest. My body rose and fell with every one of his breaths. The soft touches on my back were nice, but it wasn’t enough.
At a desperate attempt for more intimacy, I began shuffling on his lap, immediately flustered as I realised his thick cock was sitting perfectly between my thighs.
I let my lips leave soft kisses on his jaw as I began slowly grinding myself on his lap. Bucky didn’t seem too phased by my actions, the only indication that he could feel my movement was the hardening of his member.
I smiled proudly, continuing to kiss his neck as I rubbed my pussy against his thick length. Bucky continued his work, the wet spot on my panties increasing rapidly.
My nipples hardened beneath the thin t-shirt, rubbing against his chest with every rock of my hips. My movements were no longer subtle, I was shamelessly grinding on his fat cock like a little slut.
His cock nudged through my folds as nicely as it could considering the confined material we still wore. I felt his length twitch against me, letting my imagination wander to his big red tip fucking its way into my tight hole.
It was only when my cheeks were flustered with a tint of pink and my underwear stuck to my soft pussy lips from my leaking juices that I stopped rocking onto him, the sensation of his tip nudging my throbbing clit no longer enough to satisfy.
“Bucky.” I whined softly, wrapping my arms tighter around his neck, my head falling against his chest.
“I’m busy.” He reminded me sweetly, his thumb dropping to rub gentle circles on my exposed thigh from where the t-shirt had ridden up.
“But I want you.” I pouted against his skin, kissing a line up his neck gently. He’d finally got me desperate enough, fucked out enough, to say it.
“I said I’m busy.” His voice grew stern, his whole body stiffening beneath me as his patience wore thin.
He wasn’t doing this because he didn’t want to fuck. Oh no, I could feel his hard on pressed firmly against my sensitive cunt. He wanted this just as much as I did. Bucky was doing this because he loves to see me beg. He loves to see me so desperate for him that I’ll do anything to get his attention.
“Please.” I breathed out shakily, my poor pussy dripping with need. I rolled my hips down onto his again, his hard cock pressed against my core with such force it caused me to moan. “You want it just as bad as I do. I can feel how hard you are.”
“Because you’re grinding on my cock like a desperate puppy.” He snapped back with slight annoyance from my tenacity as he gave me as little attention as possible.
I let out a whine as my head fell into his neck again, my lips leaving soft pecks against his delicate skin. “Please Buck.” I whimpered softly, my skin grazing his sweet spot as my body became weak with frustration.
“Whining isn’t going to make me any quicker, doll.” He tormented me with his words, his dominance only making me want him more. I wanted him to show me who was boss. To pin me down and fuck the attitude out of me.
“I need you.” I cried desperately, my palm rubbing along the bottom of his tummy as I rocked my hips again for any type of friction. “My pussy hurts so bad, Buck.”
“I know Sweetie, but you’re being impatient.” His words were understanding, yet so patronising at the same time. My juices had flooded my panties, dry humping his crotch no longer satisfying the ache. I needed to feel his big cock deep inside of me.
His hands held me still on his lap, causing me to bite down on his jaw in annoyance. “No.” I pouted childishly, unhappy with his actions - or lack there of.
“Hey, stop.” Bucky’s voice dropped an octave, the room falling silent as he grew serious. “Look at me.”
“Buck.” I whined his name with a pout, shy to lean back and look at him as my eyes fell to his lap.
His gaze trailed up and down my body, his metal hand lifting to my cheek to make me look at him.
“You need my cock that bad, baby?” He asked sweetly, his ego growing almost as big as his cock.
Even the thought of getting his thick, hard cock in me made my pussy tingle. I nodded softly, my hand tugging his shirt up enough to expose his abs.
Bucky watched closely, leaning back in the chair as I traced the pads of my fingers over his stomach admiringly, my breath shaky with anticipation.
“How ‘bout a kiss?” He asked softly, my eyes lighting up at the mere thought of such attention. Before Bucky could change his mind, I leaned up and pressed my lips against his.
I immediately whimpered, repeating the action. Bucky smiled against me, letting me peck his lips over and over without kissing me back.
“More.” I mumbled between kisses, my palm still flat against his exposed, warm tummy. I reached up to hold his shoulder with my free hand, balancing on top of him for a better angle.
He finally moved his lips against mine, his hands firmly on my hips as I relaxed into the kiss. Bucky’s cock was straining against the material of his pants, although he seemed unphased by his throbbing member.
I moaned loudly when his tongue flicked against my lip, parting them to allow him access.
But much to my disappointment, Bucky took his lips away from mine, tutting as he did so. “Such a greedy girl for me.” He growled through gritted teeth, cupping my face with his prosthetic palm as his thumb pressed against my lips.
I whimpered with a slight desperation, willing to do anything to get his cock. My mouth opened for Bucky who immediately took the hint, pushing his metal thumb into my mouth.
I hummed around the cold metal, my saliva soaking the digit as I made eye contact with him. Bucky’s pupils were blown out, his eyebrows formed a frown as he pressed his lips together tightly, using all of his willpower not to give in to my begging.
He watched as I swirled my tongue around his thumb, closing my eyes as I took him deeper. I let my hand slide down from his tummy to the waistband of his pants, trying not to smile deviously as I snuck beneath the material, my fingers tracing over his heavy cock.
Bucky reacted just as quickly, his thumb covered in my saliva left my mouth to rip my hand away from his member. “I said a kiss Doll, nothing more.” He growled animalistically, his metal hand squeezing my wrist so tight I thought it was going to break.
“Bucky, no.” I cried weakly, my head throwing back in defeat. I couldn’t take much more of his teasing, especially after feeling his throbbing member in my touch. I needed him inside me.
My chest rose and fell rapidly, on the brink of crying out of frustration. But Bucky wasn’t cracking, pulling my chest against his as he made me snuggle up against him.
I sighed softly as my eyes closed, the tapping of the computer keys let me know that he had well and truly gone back to his work. He used his metal arm to contain me now, knowing his flesh hand wasn’t going to cut it today, I was in a defiant mood.
“Doll if you’re that desperate why don’t you go get yourself off, hm?” He asked after a while of silence. I rolled my eyes, shuffling slightly to let my head rest against his shoulder comfortably.
“It’s not enough,” I huffed sassily, a pout clear on my face. “Your cock’s so big and hard.”
“Fine, you little brat.” He sighed in defeat, standing up with me still clinging to his body. He stepped forward, letting my ass rest on the desk as he angrily shoved a pile of paperwork onto the floor to give us more room. “You better be able to take all of me.”
I nodded eagerly in response, my legs widening for him instinctively as I leaned back on my palms. I watched Bucky’s eyes travel over my body, his flesh hand running over the bare skin of my thigh.
“You’ve made quite the mess of those pretty little panties, baby.” Bucky licked his lips with a smirk, his hand pushing the T-shirt up my body to completely expose my lower half to him. His fingers rubbed over the wet patch of my panties, the outline of my pussy lips evident.
“I told you I needed you.” I pouted in response, bucking my hips up at the feeling of his fingers on my core. He hooked the material of my panties with his finger, taking his time to slowly pull them down my legs.
I kicked them off the rest of the way once they’d gotten to my knees, my bare pussy glistening in the low glow of the office lights.
“Your juicy little pussy is just begging to be fucked, Princess.” Bucky grunted, his fingers pushing into my folds teasingly as my thighs tensed, heels of my feet digging into the desk.
His hands moved to slide up and down my thighs, his head coming down toward my centre. “I could just eat you up.” He mumbled just before his lips came into contact with my pussy.
I gasped loudly, my upper body falling back against the desk as his tongue licked a strip up my lower lips. “Bucky no,” I let out a defeated whine as my back arched off of the desk, my hand tugging his hair. “I want your cock not your tongue.”
Bucky growled deeply, his metal hand quickly moving to hold my throat down, keeping me against the desk as he hovered above me. “So fucking ungrateful today, baby.” He mumbled, his fingers squeezing harder around my throat.
My body began tingling at the pleasure coursing through my veins, his dominance and the attention I was getting gave me an enormous high.
I suddenly felt Bucky’s tip against my tight hole, my juices already drenching his cock. I gasped loudly at the feeling of finally getting what I wanted, Bucky’s breath hot in my ear as he tried to control himself.
“Such a selfish little brat.” He grunted, stretching my hole as he pushed his length inside me. I moaned at the familiar dull ache of my pussy trying to accommodate his size.
My hands dug into the muscles of his back, trying to distract myself from the pain. Bucky’s cock felt so good, it was just that getting my pussy to take him comfortably took some time.
“Don’t even care that I’ve got work to do,” Bucky turned his head toward me, kissing my lips softly as he shoved his whole length in me. “Just want to get your own way.”
Bucky started thrusting in and out of me, my body having no choice but to take his size. His metal hand stayed around my throat, his flesh one pulling my ass to the edge of the desk, impaling me on his cock.
“Oh, Bucky.” I whimpered, closing my eyes in pure extacy. My hand moved to grab his flesh bicep, trying desperately to steady myself as he made my body jolt with every thrust.
He smiled in amusement, his metal thumb rubbing my neck soothingly as he fucked me. Sounds of our bodies slapping together filled the room along with my little whimpers.
“This what you wanted baby?” He chuckled proudly before biting his lower lip. Bucky lowered his upper body, almost pressing against mine as his hot breath tickled my cheek. “Tell me.”
“Y-“ I panted out breathlessly, my thighs wrapping around his waist to pull him closer. He was fucking into my cervix from this new angle, the pleasure too much for me to handle.
Bucky kept up his pace, little grunts leaving his lips as he dug his metal fingers into my throat. I could hear the whirring of his arm, his body moving with every thrust.
“I said tell me.” He moaned as my pussy clenched around him, my walls hugging his cock. His balls slapped against my ass, soaked in my wetness that was dripping onto the table.
I could hardly breathe from all the pleasure, Bucky’s chest pressing on mine didn’t make it any easier. My tits bounced beneath my shirt, rubbing against his chest. I tried to answer him, but my head was spinning so much I couldn’t think straight.
”Oh,” Bucky chuckled against my lips, his gorgeous eyes gazing down at me as I looked up at him. “Look at you baby.” He grunted, angling his hips to fuck me into the desk. “So fucked out you can’t even speak.”
“Buck.” I tugged on his hair, pulling his face down onto mine. I kissed him softly, Bucky’s hips stuttering as I sucked on his bottom lip.
“What’s wrong baby?” He asked in a patronising voice, licking over my top lip before I bit down on his. “Did I fuck you silly, hm?”
I felt my pussy begin to pulsate as I looked up at him, his handsome face edging me to my climax. His pupils were blown out, his lips swollen and glossy.
Bucky knew I was close, slowing down his pace as he fucked deep into me. “Look at my dumb little Princess.” He teased, his flesh hand moving off of my hip to grab my thigh.
He cupped the underside of me knee, lifting my leg as high as it would go to rub his cock a different way. “So desperate to cum you can’t even form a sentence huh?”
My eyes closed again as a familiar pressure started to build in my lower tummy, signalling I was about to orgasm. I moaned out Bucky’s name, begging him to go faster.
“Is my stupid baby gunna take my cum like a good girl?” Bucky asked as his hand moved more toward my jaw than my throat, cupping my cheek to make me look at him.
I nodded innoncently, turning my head to the side and opening my mouth to suck on his metal thumb again. The taste of his bionic digit was something that never failed to turn me on.
I cried out in pleasure as a tingling sensation took over my pussy, the throbbing of my clit made me clench around his length. I sucked harder on his thumb as Bucky pushed his digit further into my mouth, saliva dripping down my cheek. “C’mon baby, cum on my cock.”
I gripped his metal forearm, unable to stop my hips from bucking up to meet his thrusts. The rough stubble on his lower belly rubbed against my clit, sending me over the edge.
“Fuck.” I moaned loudly as my back arched from the desk, both of Bucky’s hands moving down to my hips as he stood back up straight.
I desperately tried to cling to something as I rode out my high, my hands gripping at the edge of the desk behind my need. “That’s it, good girl.” He encouraged me in a grunt, his jaw clenching as he chased his own high.
My pussy pulsated around his cock erratically, causing his member to twitch inside of me. I came down from my high, my sensitive body jolting with his continuous hard thrusts.
I looked down at where our bodies connected, his thick cock disappearing inside of me. A sudden surge of adrenaline had me sitting up to get a better look, my arm wrapping around his neck as our chests pressed together.
Bucky’s eyes were screwed shut, his lips pressed together as he fucked himself into me hard. “I love the way you fuck me, Buck.” I whimpered softly as I pulled his head down, our lips colliding in a slow kiss.
“Yeah?” He asked sarcastically with a raise of his eyebrows, suddenly pulling his cock completely out of me.
Before I could protest, Bucky pulled me from the desk, making me stand in front of him. He spun me around, my back pressed against his chest. I could feel his hot cock against my ass.
“I’m gunna cum deep in this desperate little pussy.” He moaned into my ear, his stubble scratching my neck as his flesh hand rubbed over my ass.
“That’s what my greedy little cockslut wants, isn’t it baby?” Bucky continued, his metal hand lining his cock back up with my dripping core. “To have my cum deep inside of her.”
His flesh hand moved up to my shoulder, shoving me face down against the desk. He pushed his cock back inside of me, making me cry out a “yes” in response.
My overstimulated clit bashed against the desk with every thrust of his hips, his movements getting more erratic as he reached his high. I clenched around him consistently, desperate to get him to his orgasm.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Bucky clung to my hips, smashing against me as his head dropped back, his jaw going slack as he felt his climax take over.
He let out a heavy breath, his hips shakily pressing against mine as his hot spurts of cum filled me up. I let out a satisfied hum as Bucky recovered from his high, pulling out once he’d gotten his breath back.
I stood up straight just before Bucky pulled me back into his arms, hugging my waist as he left a soft kiss on my forehead.
“Do you still have work to do?” I asked softly, still in a stage of euphoria that was clouding some of my senses. I leaned my head against Bucky’s chest, my hand on his metal arm.
Bucky snickered softly at my question. “I think you know the answer to that.” His voice was raspier than usual, his hair tossed and out of place. My heart sunk at the thought of him having to keep working. “But how about you come and keep my cock warm until I'm finished?”
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starbornvalkyrie · 4 years
prom dress
Prompt 6: “that was impressive” Fandom: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas {next-gen Nessian} Rating: T Warnings: N/A 
A/N: I wrote this in my soccer moms au (read the original story here), again in the POV of my OC, Cassian’s daughter, Joana. Enjoy!
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“Hey, dad!” Joana called through the house. “I’m biking to Cheska’s house!”
She was in the process of opening the front door when she heard him yell, “Wait!” Joana closed the door and listened as her father’s heavy footsteps thudded towards her. “I’ll drive you.”
Joana rolled her eyes. “Dad, it’s a less than ten minute bike ride to the other side of the neighborhood.”
“Sure, but I’m offering you a sweat-free mode of transportation.” Joana analyzed his face. Something was off. 
“You just want to see Aunt Nesta,” she accused. 
Her dad just flashed her his trademark grin. “You bet I do.” He winked. 
“That's disgusting. Whatever, let’s go,” she mumbled as she turned away from the front door and went to the garage. She hopped up into the passenger seat of his truck and waited. And waited.
No less than ten minutes later, her father finally walked into the garage. When he got in the car, Joana gawked. “Do not tell me you changed into a fresh polo and fixed your hair just to see Aunt Nesta.” To her amusement, the hardest Commander of Prythian’s Air Force blushed. 
He still denied it. “My work shirt smelled bad,” he shrugged.
“Dad, Aunt Nesta shared a car with you after that one summer picnic when it rained and you and Uncle Rhys wrestled in the mud. I don’t think she'll mind you smelling like an office.” It’s been a month since she and Cheska walked in on them making out after their soccer game, and it was still a little weird. They still bicker like no tomorrow, they wouldn’t be “Aunt Nesta and Uncle Cass” without it, but it’s less like frenemies and more like an old married couple. Humorous and nauseating at the same time.
But if Joana were being completely honest, not all that much had changed. The Soldatos frequently infiltrate the Archeron’s and vice versa it’s as if they all live in both houses. She has to admit, the visits are more peaceful now that they don’t have to tiptoe around their parents when they’re in their fighting moods.
Five minutes later, Joana jumps out of the car before her dad even turns off the engine and runs up the front steps. She lets herself in yelling, “Honey, I’m home!” The answering squeal sounded like it was coming from the kitchen, so she made her way in that direction.
She finds Cheska and her mother in the middle of mixing ingredients for some type of pie. Banoffee, from a glance at the ingredients. Joana kisses Aunt Nesta on the cheek and swipes her finger through the batter Cheska was whisking, eliciting a “hey!” from both parties.
“This is delicious,” she said, her voice muffled around her finger.
“And off-limits until we’re done,” her best friend scolded.
“What’s the occasion?”
Cheska shrugged, and said, “We just felt like it,” and went back to whisking. After a little bit, her mom gave a pointed cough. “Oh! I almost forgot! Our prom dress came in!” Aunt Nesta groaned when Joana shrieked.
“What’s all the commotion?” The three women looked towards Joana’s dad in the kitchen archway when he spoke. Aunt Nesta put down the knife that was slicing bananas and met him for a kiss. Their daughters dutifully gagged; the adults chuckled.
“Prom dresses,” was all Aunt Nesta said.
“Say no more. Why don’t you girls go try them on? I think Nesta and I can take it from here.”
Cheska immediately jumped at the opportunity and shoved the bowl of batter in her uncle’s arms. “One condition: there is to be absolutely zero parental make out sessions within a fifteen foot radius of the pie. I’m looking at you, Soldato,” she warned before dragging a cackling Joana by the arm and up the stairs. Cheska chattered the whole way to her room.
“I couldn’t wait, so I took the dresses out of the box but left them in their bags, and oh my gods, Jo, you are going to look amazing in yours. Together, you and I are going to be the talk of prom. I know somebody is for sure going to ask you to dance.” At that, Joana pushed her friend, almost making her fall down the stairs.
“Shut up, Cheska. Even in the most bombshell of dresses, he’s not going to see me as anything other than Izzy’s ‘kid sister’.” Aunt Elain’s son, Isaiah, is on the boys’ varsity soccer team at their school. He and his friends are one year above Joana and Cheska, and Joana has had the same crush on Izzy’s best friend since she learned boys didn’t actually have cooties but was too nervous to do anything about it. Guys usually went gaga over their cheerleaders, not other soccer players.
“I’ll maybe listen to you after you try on your dress,” Cheska bargained.
When they walked into Cheska’s room, Joana was stunned. Even bunched up by the clear protective bag, her dress was gorgeous. “Fine,” she agreed, “Let’s do this!” Joana grabbed the gown and went to Cheska’s closet to change.
The dress: perfection.
How Joana looks in it: average.
“Ches, I don’t know. Does this look a little… flat to you?” She asked as she stepped out of Cheska’s closet. The gown she chose was a stunning red with a slight pink undertone. It was strapless with a form-fitting bodice that opened into an A-line skirt from the waist. The dress was meant to bring out a woman’s curves, but too bad Joana didn’t have any. “I’m a soccer player, not a model. Maybe I was a little too ambitious, I don’t think I can pull this off.”
Her best friend circled her, analyzing her from head to toe. “Hmm… I have an idea.” In her own gown--a simple, black strapless piece with a mermaid cut that, of course, looks like it was made for her--she walked out of her room to call for her mom’s help.
When Aunt Nesta saw Cheska, her eyes lined with silver, but before she could gush about her baby girl in a prom dress, Cheska pointed at Joana and said, “Fix it.”
In a similar way as her daughter moments before, Aunt Nesta circled Joana, assessing her. She left and came back with some pins, placed them in different places, then ordered Joana to slip out of it so she could work on it.
Joana remembered the stories about Aunt Nesta helping Aunt Elain with her clothes after their mother passed away, and she wondered where Aunt Feyre was at those times. While they waited, Cheska changed out of her own dress. They laid on her bed watching Gilmore Girls and talking prom details until Aunt Nesta came back.
“Try this on,” she ordered. The moment she stepped into it, Joana could tell it was a masterpiece. Zipping it up confirmed that. Aunt Nesta must have magical powers. Joana walked back into the room so she could look in the mirror. Cheska squealed, again.
Aunt Nesta had cinched the top of the skirt and added a belt to add volume around her hips, making it look like she had a bigger butt than she actually did. But what really made it the perfect dress was the slit she cut up the right side so that when she walked, it showed off her muscular legs.
“Aunt Nesta,” she breathed, her eyes lining with silver, “this is beautiful.”
“Seriously, Mom.” Cheska glanced at the clock on her nightstand. “Oh my gods you did that in less than an hour, that was impressive.”
Aunt Nesta just smirked. “Well, I had to do something to help that Snow boy see what he’s been missing out on.”
Joana whipped her head at her, eyes wide. “Wha- How did you--” she stammered.
“Mother knows best,” was all she said. With a wink, she left to join Joana’s dad in the kitchen once more.
Joana tried her best not to cry. She never had anyone to call “Mom”, but Joana couldn’t help but think that she wouldn’t mind that person being Aunt Nesta.
my full masterlist
A/N pt. 2: No, her crush is not a Snow from the Hunger Games lol. It’s Kallias and Viviane’s son.
Thanks for reading! If you’d like to be added to/taken off my general SJM tag list just send me an ask! i’m very good at losing them in the comments. love y’all!
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susiequaz12 · 4 years
Carrot Top- 14: Afraid
Woooh! Another update! I didn’t expect this one to come so soon, but it did, so here yah go. Time to also meet some new people!
CW: Medical whump, restraints, blood/knives/torture mention, non con (nonsexual) touch mention, possessive/creepy whumper.
Tag list: @imagination1reality0, @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, @thehopelessopus
Masterlist here.
The small girl burst into the Doctor’s office, dragging a boy behind her by the hand. 
“Dr. Tusik!” She called. “Tusik!” She threw out her arms, releasing the boy’s hand as the Doctor turned around from his stack of papers he was investigation. “It’s been far too long! We definitely have to do something.”
The doctor set a paper down and looked at the girl, speaking in a slow voice, with an accent long faded of his home country. “Slow down vnuchka, is this about what I think it is?”
“Andrew!” She cried. The doctor nodded. The boy standing in the doorway dropped into a seat behind them in the small office. 
“This is not like him.” She continued. “I mean, sometimes he’ll hold a grudge- and, and we’ve all argued before, but usually you just, give him a day, you give him some space and he’ll be fine. Dr.- It’s been five days.”
“Slow down now child, just breathe. We’ve sure to find an explanation.” The old man pushed his glasses up his nose. He adjusted the papers on his desk and took the stethoscope off from around his neck, placing it on the messy pile of paperwork and writings.
“An explanation for why Andrew’s been mia for almost a week?” The boy asked. “I’m sorry Dr Tusik, but what kind of good explanation could there possibly be for something like that?”
The girl spoke again. “Justin’s right, where could he have gone? He lives with us for goodness sake, he hasn’t answered his phone, his mom’s is too far away and he doesn’t have a car, there’s- I don’t know where else he could be! There isn’t anywhere else he could be!” 
“Ali, calm down, pozhaluysta, please.” Dr. Tusik stated gently. “It’d do good to remember you’re not the only ones with concerns for the boy.”
At the shouting and the noise, a figure had stood in the doorway behind the two. They turned around to find a young girl. Younger than Ali by a few years, but much taller and ganglier. She had beautiful curly auburn hair that tangled itself up no matter what you did, and freckles across her nose. You couldn’t mistake who she was related to- it was obvious. 
Andrew’s sister. 
Her eyes were red and she held a crumpled tissue in her fist. She sniffled and wiped her eyes, and then smiled. 
“Hey guys.” She stepped into the small office. 
“Mickie- hey.” Ali stated. She approached the younger girl and wrapped her arms around her in a hug.
They all sat down in chairs around the small office while Tusik explained.
“Mickie came in a few minutes earlier with the same concerns. She’s visited a few times now, and we’ve previously discussed some things. Possible explanations, and solutions.”
“I just can’t get it out of my head that he’s really mad at us.” Justin stated. “I mean, I feel like I kinda pushed him over the edge a little that night- it’s understandable if he’d want to ignore us.”
Mickie shook her head. “Andrew doesn’t ignore people. He’s too kind for that.” She sniffled. “We’ve literally gotten into some of the worst arguments you could imagine growing up. I mean, he shoved me in a suitcase once that ‘accidentally’ fell down the stairs, all because I’d broken his Star Wars Lego set. We didn’t talk for the rest of the day but after that we were fine.” She turned to Justin. “He doesn’t hold grudges. Andrew’s not mad at you, so don’t blame yourselves.”
Ali kept a hand on the girl’s shoulder. She changed the subject. “So have you heard from him? When was the last time you guys talked?” 
She shrugged her shoulders and got quiet, wringing the bottom of her t-shirt in between her hands. “Just that night. We were texting and I could tell he was getting frustrated with you guys-”
Justin interrupted. “I knew it, I knew he was mad at me, I should have given him that ride home, I shouldn’t have-”
“Justin shut up.” Mickie stated. Justin stopped abruptly. She brought a hand to her face. “Sorry, I- he wasn’t mad at you okay? Just frustrated- trust me.” She sighed and fiddled with the crumpled tissue in her hands. “He talked to me more than anyone. Sure, he lives with you guys, but put yourselves in his shoes. You have each other to hang out with. When you’re spending all your time making him feel like the third wheel it’s understandable for him to get a little frustrated. He wasn’t mad, I promise. Just tired. He was saying how he needed to clear his head, just walk, spend a bit by himself.”
Dr. Tusik began to speak, breaking the silence that had begun to fill the room. “Mickie and I have previously discussed where he could be- potential theories and such, as well as our ideas as to how to solve the problem.”
“Oh?” Ali asked.
“Andrew and I talked almost constantly. I mean he’s not just my big brother, but he- he’s my best friend. He’s not- he’s not ignoring anyone, he couldn’t be, so- he... he-” Mickie’s voice began to break. Ali rubbed her back as she began to cry.
Tusik finished for her. “He was taken.”
Mickie regained her composure quickly, dabbing at her eyes with the torn up tissue. “There’s no other explanation. Why else would he ignore us all for so long? He probably- he probably feels just as bad about it as we do.”
“But who? Who possibly could have taken him?” As Justin asked the question, silence filled the room once more. They all knew the answer immediately after the idea had been posed. The man had been looking for them for a while now, ever since they all discovered their abilities. 
No one wanted to admit that that was where he was right now. 
- - - 
Andrew twisted his own fingers in his hands as he sat. He twisted the bottom hem of his shirt up, wrinkling it between his fingers.
His ears popped as a yawn got trapped in his mouth. It was late at night, after dinner. He knew because he hadn’t been fed- his stomach growled ever so slightly. He had been left alone all day, and had fallen asleep only to be awoken roughly to be dragged down to another one of these rooms.
There were often times he’d be dragged down here, and spend all day in an endless misery. 
Those days were the worst.
They were the days he was taken in to be tested- to be poked, prodded, examined. Rough hands grabbing at him, stabbing him with things, treating him like a lab rat incapable of cohesive thought.
One day he was forced to run on a treadmill until he passed out or threw up. They were testing his heart rate apparently.
Another day they cut into his muscles. Poking at them to “see how they worked”. Other times they just sat and stared. 
So when Splice said that the doctors had a new drug they wanted to try, anything could have been possible.
He was placed in the medical chair as Splice sat on a stool next to him, waiting for the “Doctors” to come in. They were called Doctors, but for all intents and purposes, they were just people curious about how peculiari worked- hired to treat them like lab rats using whatever unconventional methods they saw fit. 
When they came into the room a wave of cold chills instantly ran over Andrew’s body. There were three people- all wearing medical masks in white coats and gloves. They didn’t acknowledge Andrew as they walked in and set a massive amount of supplies down on the counters. 
Splice stood up from his stool while one of the doctors spoke to him in regards as to what could be expected from this procedure. Andrew tried to pay attention, but it was difficult when the other two doctors were surrounding him where he sat. 
His wrists were grabbed and strapped down to the armrests of the chair- his ankles restrained in a similar fashion. He felt the mechanical humming of the chair through his muscles as it was lowered until Anrew was laying nearly flat on his back. Then a thick strap came to wrap across his forehead as well, keeping his head in place.
He tried to remember to breathe as he began lose track of what was happening around him. 
He felt something tight around his bicep, cutting off circulation, and then something cold and wet wiped across the crook of his arm. This was followed by the sharp sting of a needle before an iv was slid into his vein. 
The cuts on his other arm were quickly cleaned and bandaged without a second glance. 
He flinched, as cold gloved hands reached under his shirt, placing several small patches onto his chest. They connected to wires that stuck out of his shirt and tangled around him, leading to machines that surrounded the chair he was strapped to.
The third doctor quickly finished explaining things to Splice, and the man sat back on the stool, content with whatever was about to happen to the boy in front of him. 
A cart was rolled over with a massive amount of different knives, tools, vials, and bottles. Andrew shivered- thankful at least for the small protection of his shirt.
The actual administration of the drug went quickly. It was slid into the iv and Splice and the doctors sat with clipboards, simply waiting.
At first Andrew didn’t feel anything. 
And then all of a sudden everything was closing in on him. The world started spinning around his head- he felt cold chills up and down his spine and sweat started dripping down his face. His eyes couldn’t focus on any specific thing as shapes distorted, growing larger and smaller, spinning around and flying through the air. Any slight movement around the room seemed to fly at his head, causing him to flinch and recoil back at the foreign objects.
He thought he heard voices but they were muffled. Just sounds that echoed in his ears and throughout his brain. Undecipherable, but loud and invasive.
And then out of nowhere, his heart seemed to betray him.
Without a second warning, his heart sped up, pumping as fast as it could. He heard harsh, shrill beepings around him as it felt like his heart would explode out of his chest. His breathing got heavier and he felt a weight on his chest. Like all 350 pounds were suddenly on top of him again and he couldn’t breathe. 
And then he had a singular, prominent thought. It spoke so loudly, and so clearly in his mind.
I’m going to die.
The fear of that thought struck into him and he suddenly had the image of Splice coming towards him, knife in one hand, whip in the other. Then the man was on top of him, and his hands marked ownership- gripping at the collar, grabbing at his hair and face. He saw the whip crashing down over his body, the knife tearing through his skin. His limbs began to feel warm and sticky as he felt his blood pooling over his sides, washing down him in rivers, splashing onto his face as Splice began to beat him senseless.
And Andrew screamed.
Though he was muzzled, you could still hear his terrified cries as he truly believed that his tormentor was carving him open and beating him to death at that moment.
Though at that moment- Splice was still sitting on the stool next to the Doctors, watching Andrew thrash about on the bed. He smirked as the screams tore at Andrew’s throat, coming up empty behind the muzzle surrounding his face. 
“That’s genius.” The man stated. “You said it mimics fear?”
The doctor closest to Splice nodded. “The drug triggers the body’s natural responses to fear, making them actually think they’re in danger. We’re hoping with some alterations it will cause more extreme hallucinations and paranoia. Of course this is just a test run.”
“It’s brilliant.” Splice stated.
Andrew’s eyes were clenched shut tightly as tears and sweat poured down his blood-stained face. His body shook, knuckles white as he mumbled incoherently through the muzzle. 
He suddenly arched back as if in recoil from pain, his chest heaving in the air, legs scrambling to try and curl into himself. 
And he screamed once more. 
It was harsh, and loud, and guttural, and brutal. He choked on his own spit before bursting back into a series of sobs. The whole time his body continued to shake and thrash about, eyes occasionally shooting open, only to be clenched tightly once more.
They waited maybe an hour or two to try and see the full effects of the drug from beginning to end. Andrew didn’t know how long it had been, and Splice didn’t care to know himself. The boy had periods where he would flare up with terror, the shock and phantom pains taking over his face and body. And then for long stretches of time he would lie there, quietly sobbing to himself as tears streamed from his eyes. 
Sweat dripped from his forehead and chills wracked his body as his temperature spiked. His wrists and ankles were raw and red from where he’d struggled against the restraints.
His reactions were getting slower as the drug began to wear off.
They watched the boy suffer for a few more minutes before one of the doctors inserted new fluids into his iv. The fluids ran through and within a couple more minutes the drug had been completely flushed out of his system.
Andrew lay in a broken mess where he was restrained in the chair. The doctors pulled off his restraints, and Splice chuckled as the boy flinched at every hand that came near his face, and every jostled movement of his body.
After a couple more minutes, the iv was removed, the machines turned off, and Andrew was being pulled to his feet. Splice stood in front of him, hands bracing his shoulders to keep the boy from toppling over. 
Andrew fell forward, his head lolling into the man’s chest. Splice rested a hand on the back of his head, gently carding through the pale locks of hair. 
“I want full updates on the progress of this drug. I expect an updated version within the week.” Splice stated. He tilted the boy’s head up by the chin to look him in the eyes. They looked blurry and unfocused.
“How nice it will be to be able to hurt you without getting my hands dirty.”
He let Andrew’s head fall back to his chest.
Splice began to guide the boy towards the door when a guard burst into the room. The man look disheveled, clearly in pain, and a little confused.
“Sir!” He cried.
“What is it- what’s happened?” Splice asked.
“There’s been a break in. We have intruders in the building.”
A look of shock washed over Splice’s face, followed by a small smile. The man gripped Andrew by the shoulders and looked down at the boy. “Well, let’s go meet our guests, shall we?”
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minidigidestined · 4 years
Lost in Love 1/3
A three part digi//mon g/t vore series about my Digidestined OC/sona, Charissa, and her experiences and thoughts with being eaten by her three significant others--her primary partner and husband Jazz (another Digidestined), and her two secondary partners Beelstarrmon and Voltaboutamon. Lots of polyamorous fluff, soft safe vore and sweetness. Will likely do a little series of blurbs with her and Jazz’s digi///mon teammates vore shenanigans too, I just wanted to write up some romance~
Part one focuses on Charissa and Voltaboutamon--in this story, they have only very recently began their relationship, and are still navigating the awkwardness of a new love and the tangled web of the enemies to friends to lovers past they share. After Charissa struggles with sensory overload and the resulting shutdown, Voltaboutamon comforts her in a shrunken state, and considers what her two longer-term significant others have (obnoxiously) told him about her vore fixation.... He decides to try and comfort her in a new way, exploring her very strange form of intimacy. 
In his hands, I am small and pliable. The pad of his thumb, black and tough as onyx, presses softly against the plushness of my cheek. I melt into him and sigh, softly. 
I am home. 
“I have no idea what I’m doing.” Voltaboutamon looks down at me, the shy indigo blush on his cheeks radiating warmth. “Do I just.... Put you in?”
I smile, stimming nervously with the scrunchie on my wrist. “Ye--ah, I g--uess. You just, um, uh, um tre--at me like you wo--uld would any other f---ood. Except che--w--ing.” I am happy, but the words are forced and almost painful--after a shutdown, speaking always is. 
“You don’t need to make yourself talk.” His narrow eyes seem to edge into slits. “I… I want to make you feel better. You don’t need to force yourself for me, Charissa. I am always prepared to accommodate you. I love you.” 
I almost open my mouth to force out more, but stop. Jazz, Beelstarrmon and Voltaboutamon are the greatest partners I could’ve ever hoped to love--and I found myself frustrated with the disservice both to them and myself whenever I tried to shift myself to try and please them, like I had with so many others. With so many abusers. It was okay to be me. It was safe to be me. With the three of them, I could love freely.
No pretending. No masking. No suffering. Only truth. 
I smiled and nodded. Two taps for thanks, and a squeeze of his fingers for love. 
The wraith-like Digimon smiled, his eyes softening. “And you will be safe?” 
I nodded again, pointing to the small oxygen mask at my hip. I slumped against his needle like fingers, lightheaded from the butterflies fluttering about in my stomach. 
After my surrogate father, Grandracmon, shrunk me down for my own comfort, both Voltaboutamon and I retreated to his quarters for privacy and silence. For not one second did he (nor my father, the kindest beast in existence might I add) judge my desire to be small, and instead he looked down at me as if I was the greatest treasure his hands had ever held. 
For awhile, we lay in silence, my darling removing his chest plating so that I could curl up on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. A steady rhythm, safe and powerful, even through the leathery armor-like chitin that covered him from clavicles to toes, cool and textured against my own skin. Two of his arms tucked behind his head, relaxed, one over his stomach and the last’s palm cupping me gently.
 I was always small, a mere 5’5 to his 12’, but at 5 inches tall, he was now truly massive to me. Even after removing his intimidating armor and mask and the extra bulk of his hat and headscarf, his presence still felt absolutely massive. And yet, despite what a cruel figure the digimon struck, he felt as safe and secure as any home I could have ever imagined. Better than anything I could imagine, in fact.
So when my dear one looked down at me and whispered, with nothing but a soft red light from the lamp in the corner lighting the space around us, if I would like him to eat me, I felt my own heart skip a beat. Pretty sure I felt his do the same. 
Voltaboutamon had never really been interested in the whole vore thing, and after we began dating only a few weeks ago, it was one of the hardest discussions to have with him, perhaps even moreso than our rocky history of hate-filled enemies to reluctant friends to hopelessly yearning. Explaining the intricacies of affection, intimacy, trust, safety and closeness involved in vore for me was terrifying, and having to share that with someone who had been shut off from closeness and emotional intimacy for so long? I figured he would never be comfortable with it beyond some light teasing and letting me lay on his belly. 
And now here we were, both blushing, flustered and awkward. 
His stomach growled, a low rumble beneath me, and the butterflies surged with a vengeance. I loved him so much, so deeply, and just wanted to find myself in the world of his body, his physical self, the very essence of Voltaboutamon. After everything we had endured, the trauma of our pasts, the struggle of our present and the serenity of the new love we had found, all I ever wanted was to get lost in him. Right now, literally. 
“And you trust me? You feel safe?” He was nervous, maybe even more than I was. 
I smiled gently. One long, deep squeeze. Always. 
He nodded, clearing his throat. “Well. I am hungry. I was busy earlier today and forgot to eat so… Yes. Here we go then. Vore.” 
He picked me up with two long, claw tipped fingers, squeezing into the softness of my plump frame. He lifted me up and I felt myself go a bit dizzy with vertigo, until I looked down and saw his mouth yawn open. 
Poppy-red eyes gazed up at me, gauging my reaction. Voltaboutamon’s face was narrow and framed with long locks of wavy snow-white hair, his features all hard as flint. His full lips opened wide, lavender skin giving way to a bright pink mouth and pearly teeth. A set of long fangs, his teeth all just a little bit sharper than normal--likely the Myotismon data--and his tongue long and flat and waiting. 
I swallowed hard, goosebumps popping up along my arms as I fixated on the strands and bubbles of saliva framing his maw, leading all the way back into the beckoning tunnel of his throat. 
He lowered me in gently, and I almost laughed at the severe juxtaposition of how differently he placed me in comparison to my other dear ones. His soft, thoughtful handling a contrast to the greedy but assured stuffing-in that Jazz and Beelstarrmon would begin eating me with. I suppose it makes sense, gluttons as they are and gourmet as he is. I almost giggle thinking about the shenanigans and contrasts of our love-filled little quad, but I’m broken from my ruminations when he places me right atop his tongue. 
Instantly the butterflies surge, a swarm of nerves and exhilaration twisting up my insides. His tongue undulates beneath me, his sharp teeth framing the outside world. Before I know it the digimon’s mouth closes, the last shreds of light glinting off his fangs and threads of drool before I’m shrouded in darkness. 
I squish my fingers against the slick flesh of my darling’s tongue, gasping as it presses me against the roof of his mouth and then to the inside of his cheek. I’ve been eaten so many times before, by friends and lovers, and yet I still find myself growing pink and amazed and feeling so very very small, and I can’t help but just close my eyes and smile. 
His breath is hot and smells of tart undiluted cranberry juice, and I recall the mug he left on the kitchen counter. It rushes over me as he carefully shifts me around the slimy cavern, his teeth gently scraping at my skin and saliva coating me like a second skin. I press my hands against his flesh, tracing veins with my fingertips and slipping around at his mercy. A low hum builds in his throat and I blush, pleased that he seems to find me a tasty snack. 
I found myself pushed to the back of his mouth, going lightheaded with both happiness and an unbidden anxiety--like the top of a roller coaster drop--as the tips of my toes slipped past the entrance of his throat. His uvula tickled the top of my twin buns as he swallowed thickly, unaccustomed to such a large morself, not that my girth likely helped much. His gulp pulled me down instantaneously, and then peristalsis got to work. He swallowed and gulped again, clearly straining to get me down. 
The powerful muscles pulled me down eagerly, the soft flesh crushing and massaging against me as it effortlessly took me further into Voltaboutamon. I felt his fingertip press against the bulge I must’ve made in his slender neck, following me as I trailed deeper into him. I heard the rush of his breath from his lungs, his relief once I started falling down his throat smoothly, and he no longer had to swallow powerfully. 
I enjoyed the trip down, my oxygen mask providing me air during my smothering descent, the pressure providing me sensory stimulation and relaxation in the best possible way. Utter bliss. 
It wasn’t long before Voltaboutamon’s throat opened up into his stomach though, and I yelped as I was deposited into the much more roomy cavern. I slipped right in and slid down into a fetal position, shifting about to get comfortable. The sludgy chyme and the unmistakable tang of cranberry juice sloshed around me, his belly grumbling loudly upon my arrival. The muscular walls flexed and kneaded gently, like a hug. The darkness and heat was utterly smothering, and while the smell wasn’t delightful, it was reassuring in some strange way. 
His heart beat thunderously somewhere above me, and the hum of his digicore was a barely noticeable constant thrumming. His lungs translated in and out, in and out seamlessly, a low gurgle from lower in his guts sounding out every now and then. His stomach continued its kneading and soft growling, and I felt all my muscles loosen and relax. 
“Are you alright, Charissa?” I was jostled a bit as he must’ve leaned down, trying to get as close as he could. “I feel ridiculous talking to my stomach…” A pressure from outside pushed against me, kind and gentle as ever. Voltaboutamon rubbed his belly, and I eagerly pressed back and into the sweet touch, rubbing my hands tenderly along his stomach walls in thanks. 
“I love you, dear.” His voice blended in with the cacophony of sounds, the symphony of his body. “You were...a, ah, good meal. A nice little bite. Morsel. You melt in my mouth. ….Ah. Fuck. Yep.” He went quiet, and I could almost see the frustrated look on his face. I giggled sweetly as we both continued our rubbing. He had the spirit, and my heart swelled with pure adoration.
I let myself melt into him indeed, leaning back into the undulating stomach walls and letting the heat encompass me. Right now, Voltaboutamon was my entire world, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I relaxed into him, his body keeping me enshrouded and hidden like a treasure chest, and I felt my eyelids grow heavy.
I began to daydream about whenever he’d spit me back up, and we’d return to Jazz and Beelstarrmon--oh, how they’d tease him relentlessly, and how he’d pout and huff and give out halfhearted threats. We would all laugh,and they would all pull me close, and I would be even more surrounded by love than I was right now. Maybe I could slip into Jazz’s gut before bed, or Beelstarrmon could have me for breakfast. Maybe we’d all just lay together and play board games and talk until the suns came up and the Digital World came to life. 
The pain of today slipped away, melting away in Voltaboutamon’s belly as easily as any food. Just as my muscles relaxed my mind did too, the overwhelming sensation of sensory overload from earlier suffering giving way to peace. This was what vore was to me--each experience with each person I loved, each friend, each pred and even accompanying prey friends was always different--but at the core it was the inexplicable, even moreso unexplainable, sense of safety, closeness and belonging. 
My eyelids fluttered closed, breathing growing even. I felt so lucky to be loved like this, to be held like this. Down someone’s throat, below their heart, in the soothing darkness of their belly was my home. 
“I love you, Voltaboutamon.” I whispered softly to the world around me. I would tell him to his face, accompanied by a kiss on the nose, whenever I reemerged. For now, I sunk down with a sigh and let myself fade into sleep.
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
ah, this day has been very long, hello there my dolcezza!! 💌🌠🌺 has the day treated you well? i hope it has!! things have been quite busy but i managed to get some rest time today, so i hope you did too!! ❤ so i saw that someone said i'm bruno in real life?? that made me laugh a lot!! i do wish to be like him,, considering he's one of my all-time favorite jojo characters!! (but you already know that hehe) the fact that you agree with that anon makes it even better 😂 (1/8?)
"oh and, i have something important to tell you dear,, of course i fell in love with your personality!! you may think that you're not so great and that your personality is flat and unappealing, but i wholeheartedly think otherwise!! something about your indifference and chaotic behaviors is very charming to me,, (2/8?)
frankly, i can see many different hidden layers,, your personality has much depth to it,, and you really are such a sweetheart to me, which i can't help but find appealing!! you truly are very entrancing in my eyes, and something tells me that you need to hear that more often 💞💞💞💞💞 i really do admire you caro!! (3/8?)
so most of my day was spent cooking, napping, and playing some video games (since i had some more free time!) my sister and i got to start playing eyes of heaven, and i won my first battle playing as jolyne with joot as a sidekick!! their interactions are so cute,, i love them so much!! 😊 (5/8?)
and i also played more ps4 minecraft today on a friend's world, we finally finished a huge build project, which was a giant renaissance style villa,, it took us only a week since i would play for a few hours a day (while he played up to 12 hours,, che pazzo!!) we were so happy when we finished that we started jumping up and down while on video call,, it was so funny 🌺✨ (6/9)
i also got to make some fresh marinara with my mom since our gardener neighbor brought some very large tomatoes!! we have this secret family recipe that comes from my bisnonna, so we made a pot full of it and stored it away,, i also got to help make some more pastries,, and my dad said that i should open up a restaurant hehehe,, i think it would be a nice side goal in the future but i have some big dreams to pursue first!! 🌠 (7/9)
i also slept lots today, i was very lethargic today for some reason... but we had this huge scary storms come through that really frightened my cats and i!! my twin told me i was being a baby about it, but i think he got karma when a huge bolt of lightning struck nearby,, i had to hide under my blankets and pillows the whole time 😖 (8/9)
oh well, at least i'm still alive!! it's very late, so i'll just end it here! make sure to keep taking care of yourself for me morgy darling, you are very important to me and the army!! 💗 - much much love from your sleepy fiancée, waifu anon xoxo 💖💘💕💓💗❤🌺🌼🌸🌻(9/10)
ps: 1) my friends are quite impatient about this wedding apparently!! ive been telling them that it's coming up and that they need to be patient,, but quinn started ranting to me about impatience, i'm gonna have to lecture her 😅 2) if you do ever need to hear something uplifting about yourself,, you can always count on me dear 💖💖💖💖 (10/10)"
Darling once again u amaze me....not only did one person ever said before to me that my indifference and overall behavior are charming and such...quite the contrary actually🤡🤡🤡 i still cant comprehend what is there thats absolutely charming to u but at the same time it does make me a little more happy knowing that somehow u like it😳😳😳✌️✌️✌️
On another note, i did acc hear from one of my american friends that there's alot of storming going on (we acc dont get such massive storms often and its kinda a shame since i love em) and heY i would have teased u a lil for hiding under the blankets too since thats lowkey cute but i wouldnt call u a baby, girl u wanted to join the military thats the opposite of a baby😩👊
Also u always helping out ur family with cooking and baking and saying that u have family recipes sounds surreal and hella magical jsudjsjs maybe yall b secretely some sort of sorcerer family and i believe it esp after i saw how enchanting u are dear👁️👀 and i was just gonna say i can so see u opening up a little pastry shop...even if its like a side business since ur gonna b a top vogue model after all🤭🤭 i bet ppl (me included) r gonna b standing in huge ass lines to buy handmade desserts carefully crafted by the one and only vogue waifu😤😤
Oh since u mentioned Quinn (im just gonna answer their ask here since its easier, they sent an ask sayin u been feeling lowkey wacky today??? Idk whats goin on but make sure to at least eat smth properly and dont stress so much dear...im awful w advice and comfort i know but still me and the clown army are a t u r s e r v i c e in case of anything ma'am👁️👁️
As for myself i just watched more of cowboy bebop (almost finished it a h a) and then ended up playing this cringe fail racing game until almost 1 am skhddhsh sELf cARe😩😩😩🤪🤪🤪🔥🔥
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cosmictrust · 5 years
back to you
sweet pea x fem!reader ♀
warnings: angst
you and sweet pea have been dating, but sweet pea isn’t quite over his ex.
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when you began dating sweet pea, it was only a few months after school had started. which meant that josie and SP’s relationship had come to an end four months before yours. you thought that sweet pea would be okay now, that he was ready for another. you’d taken a generous amount of time to really talk with him, getting to know his emotions well before anything would become complicated.
he swore that he was over josie, and that he wanted you. and you believed him. 
“it just doesn’t make sense,” you admit, looking at reggie over your milkshake. you agreed to hang out at pops, just once. the whyte wyrm was your usual. “i mean, i thought i could trust him.” you frown, sweeping back a piece of hair from your face. 
“i say, you break up.” reggie deadpanned. 
“hey!” you laughed, reaching across the booth to slap his shoulder. “i’m serious!” 
he smiles, pretending that he wasn’t wishing that you would crack the serpent's heart in two. 
“i don’t know, sweetheart. i’m not good at this.” he admits, throwing an arm across his seat, the other ruffling his hair. 
“i know, reg. i’m just happy that you listen anyway.” 
reggie sometimes thought you were too innocent and kind to be a serpent at times. you attracted the opposite; sweet pea being the prime example. maybe even reggie. 
“thank you, y/n, but i already know how amazing i am.” he laughed, and she just scoffed playfully. 
he loved how she made time for everyone. she was a careful being, always checking in on the ones she cared for. 
reggie’s eyes flicked to over your shoulder as the bell over the door rang. he groaned and rubbed his forehead as furrowed your brows. 
“what’s wrong?” you ask, slowly turning your head to follow his gaze. you feared reggie’s ruthless ex veronica, would come to ruin a fun time. 
fangs approached your table, a warm hand coming to clasp your shoulder as you smiled in relief. “fangs,” you exhaled. “hey, good to see you.” at the very least, fangs would offer you a smile. 
but, something was different. 
his posture is tense, his face was unwelcoming and rigid. your fists balled by instinct, and your jaw clenches. “what?” you ask, a bit anxiously. 
“it’s pea.” fangs says, tugging your arm to come with him. your heart sank as you quickly rose out of the booth, pulling your purse out with shaking hands. 
“i’m so sorry, reggie.” you quickly apologise, beginning to shuffle through your purse for a five. 
“don’t worry about it, i’ve got it.” reggie gives you a forced smile. 
you wave goodbye for a split second before whipping around as fangs drags you out of the chock’lit shoppe.
fangs doesn’t say anything until you arrive at the whyte wyrm. as you throw the stick into park, fangs finally speaks to you. 
“it’s bad this time,” he warns you, a disappointed look on his face. “he’s drunk.” 
you thank fangs before rushing in, seeing sweets on a bar stool, head in his hands. 
“baby,” you’re relieved that he’s in one piece, still conscious. “i was so worried.” 
you hug the cool leather of his serpent jacket, kissing the spot behind his ear. 
after a brief hug, you come to sit in the bar stool next to him, gently raking the stray hair from his face. “let me see, sweets.” coaxing him into seeing the damage done. 
“go away.” he mumbles grumpily. 
“i just wanna help,” you try again, your hands nimbly attempting to pry them away. 
sweet pea doesn’t reply. his shoulders sink further. 
“sweet pea, i’ll just t-“ 
“fuck, y/n! just go!” he stands up suddenly, staring down at you. 
he has a deep cut across the bridge of his nose, and deep purple bruises scattered across his face, the most prominent on his right cheekbone. 
your cheeks turn red as the bar falls silent and most of them stare. 
“pea, i’m just trying to help you get home safe.” you look at him in the eyes, your voice hard. “fucking fangs had to come while i was having fun, and take me away to take care of you.” 
you don’t even know why you argue with him when he’s drunk. he’s not in the state of mind to even process your words. 
“yeah, and who were you with, baby?” SP lets out a flat scoff. 
“let’s just go.” you groan, standing up and glaring at him expectantly. 
pea rolls his eyes, giving you a dirty scowl. 
“i’ll help you home, yeah? get you something to drink at your house. you don’t gotta be here.” fangs cuts in, sounding desperate. 
although you’re pissed at sweets for embarrassing you, and although it feels deeply buried inside you right now, you want him to get home. 
“c’mon, sweets. i’ll take care of you. tuck you in and we’ll forget about it.” you offer, a tone so soft you know only he’d hear. 
he groans in response, finally standing and wrapping an arm around fangs to go back to your car. 
he’s practically asleep when you manage to get him in and buckled, mumbling a few incoherent words here and there. 
when you and fangs finally lay him down in his bed, you thank fangs and reassure him you could take it from here. he gave you a long hug, before departing. 
sweets was asleep by now, and you tugged off his serpent jacket and hung it up. you worked quick, sure to organize everything the way he’d want things. his chest and ribs seemed fine, just a few light bruises. the most damage was to his face, so you worked as quietly and carefully as possible. cleaning away the shallow cuts with alcohol pads before applying just a bit of ointment. 
sweets was really pretty. his hair was pushed back, so you could really look. 
he was in the deep sleep, on his way to a hangover, you quickly realized. he hadn’t even moved a bit while you fixed up his cuts. you pulled a tylenol from the bathroom mirror and set it on the nightstand before leaving. “good night, sweets.” you whisper before kissing his forehead, your heart fluttering as you turn to leave. 
pea mumbles something, and you look back, thinking maybe he’d woke. his eyes were shut, and you chuckle to yourself as he continued on a string of jumbled sleep talk. that is, until you could make out a certain name, four different times. 
the next day, you don’t talk to anyone. you’d spent the night thinking about everything you weren’t to him. that each time you kissed, had sex, held hands, touched.. 
he thought of someone else.
it absolutely broke your heart. it seemed like no matter what you did, you’d always be second.  even worse, it made sense. why he didn’t want to go to the winter dance. why he never wanted to go to veronica’s speakeasy. he loved josie too much to see her. 
sweet pea calls three times and texts more when you don’t respond for the better part of the day. you don’t read anything. 
you ask toni if she’d come over. everything is bottled up in you, and the constant flow of tears isn’t helping. when she comes, you absolutely fall apart. you can barely breathe as you explain everything, including your feelings. you wish that the sting of rejection didn’t hurt so bad. 
sweet pea is worried. he first woke with a bitch of a hangover, then realized how everything was arranged. the tylenol, the hung jacket, and his face was properly taken care of. he was so lucky for a girl like her. 
he called to tell her how much he appreciated it; to thank her. she didn’t pick up, and he thought nothing of it, but when he texted six times and called twice more by noon, he felt a sinking feeling of dread as he asked all of his friends around the wyrm if they’d seen her.  
he decided toni as the last chance before going over to her place. calling her, toni picked up on the second ring. 
“what?” she hissed, not sounding very happy. 
“jesus, i didn’t even say anything.” 
“shut up. what do you want?”
“have you seen y/n?” pea asks hopefully, clinging to the last of his hope. 
“yes. i’m here. comforting her, asshole.” 
sweet pea had no idea what she was talking about. 
“what? why? what happened?” was all he could rush out, already getting up and reaching for his keys. 
“fucks sake, sweet pea. you really fucked her over last night.” sweet pea froze as she spoke, in utter shock. 
“me? toni, what the hell are you talking about?” 
“you don’t even remember. well, why would you? you were drunk.” toni says with a razor edge in her voice. 
“fuck. what did i do?” sweet pea’s hands shake, his heart racing. 
“fix it, pea. now.” 
the next three school days, you avoid him. he searches for you, constantly, desperately missing you. toni wouldn’t tell him; she claimed he had to make it up to y/n. she didn’t have a say in their relationship. fangs knew a part of it, but they shared details of everything that had happened with each other. 
he waited outside of your biology classroom. up until the bell, he watched closely as students filled the hallways, waiting to see his girlfriend. 
unsurprisingly, she’s talking to reggie. sweet pea forces himself to swallow the rage that he feels.
was this why you’d been ignoring him? the bulldog had gotten to you?
he briskly pushes past others, grabbing your forearm and yanking you to the side of the hallway. 
“what the fuck, y/n?” sweets jaw is jumping, his fist clenching and unclenching. “you’ve ignored all of my texts and calls? you ditched me for a bulldog?” 
“get the fuck off of me!” you push at sweet pea, but his grip only tightens as he grabs both forearms. 
“what the fuck is your problem?” sweet pea asks, glaring down at you. 
“you’re a fucking liar! that’s my problem!” y/n stares back up at him, eyes filling with tears and spilling before she could stop them. 
sweet pea lets go of her, his hands dropping to his sides. his heart aches, seeing her like this. 
“y/n,” reggie’s unwelcomed voice intrudes the couples conversation. “we should go.”  
sweet pea stares at her as she looks at reggie, then back up at him.  he’s trying to suppress it all; every nerve in his body is tense and on edge. he was ready to kill reggie. 
“stay out of it.” sweet pea snaps at him, looking past her to glare at him for a second. “slumming it with a north sider?” sweet pea humorlessly laughs. 
“accusing me of cheating? again?” she’s tired of sweet pea being such a fucking hypocrite. she crosses her arms as she doesn’t take her eyes from his own. “that’s rich. you know, coming from you.” rolling your eyes, you throw a look over your shoulder to reggie, a half smirk on your face. 
you receive the same look back.
“coming from me?” sweet pea narrowed his eyes. 
“well, considering how much you love josie..” you trail off, ignoring the sting. 
“oh my god! that’s what this is about?” sweet pea shoves a hand through his hair, raising his voice. 
“no, it’s not! it’s about how you never cared about me! it’s about using me, wasting my time, a-and..” your voice cracks as you almost hug yourself, finding comfort in the serpent jacket you wore. 
“stringing me along.. but still thinking of her.” you shudder, not even being able to continue all the reasons you should hate him. “a-and making me love you!” you turn away from sweet pea, breaking down into tears as you rush towards the girls bathroom. sweet pea nor reggie had time to react. 
because, holy shit, you just said you loved him. sweet pea stood appalled, his own throat tightening as his fists clench.
toni tells him that she had left early that day. so, he does one thing right; follows her. he doesn’t care how insane it seemed, or how stupid it make him. that’s what people who love each other do, right?
you’re sitting on the end of your bed when he opens your door, one of his huge tee shirts on your body. you don’t say anything as he comes and sits next to you. your cheeks and nose are red. guilt drowns him. 
before he can rattle off a speech of his feelings, everything he’d wanted to say to her, she broke the silence. 
“i think we should break up.” 
sweet pea snaps his head up to look at her, and her face is almost sympathetic. 
“i don’t deserve this. i don’t want to be your rebound. then when you kept saying her name while you were asleep.. pea, fuck. i felt used. i had sex with you. and then you accused me of cheating in front of everyone at the wyrm.. i still brought you home, and cleaned you up, sweets! do you have any idea how dumb that makes me feel? i took care of you. the entire month of that dumb school dance.. i waited for you to ask. but you probably already had your plans with josie, huh? couldn’t bear to go through it with someone you didn’t love?” you look at him, then. he realizes you weren’t the girl that you were at the beginning of your relationship. you’re tired of him. he ruined you. 
he’s crushed. all this time, you’d quietly suffered. 
“i love you.” sweet pea admits. he should tell you how he didn’t love josie; that she doesn’t compare, and never will. he belongs to you. but he can’t seem to choke out a single word. He tries to blink away the tears. this can’t be the end of it.
there’s a long silence between the two of you. 
“yeah, i love you too.” you stare at the ground. 
sweet pea isn’t sure what to do. he feels rigid; like you hate him now. 
his body longed for yours. you look at him again; you realize he’s crying, too. your eyes wonder to his lips for a mere second. 
he just wants to make it better. he has no idea how. he’s never done this. 
he moves to kiss you, his hand cupping your cheek but you turn away. 
“i think you should go, now.” your skin is practically buzzing with sweet peas warm touch. it’s mournfully cold when he pulls away again. 
“i’m sorry,” he mumbles, trying to keep his voice clear and strong. hands running through his hair in frustration. “i’m clueless when it comes to this.” sweet pea stands up, getting on his knees in front of you. “y/n, come on, we can’t break up.” his hands rest on your thighs, gently squeezing them. “i’m sorry. fuck, i don’t care, i’ll do whatever you want me to. anything,” sweets hates feeling so fucking helpless. “please. i love you. and this is all so new to me! i don’t wanna lose you.” you look away, slipping your hands over his own. 
“sweet pea.. i don’t want to be with you.” you lied, clenching your teeth. you wanted him to leave you alone.  
that was the last thing sweet pea wanted to hear. she was drawing out his heart ache painfully. 
he left her that night, wounded by her words. even though each of their hearts told them to stay. 
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fancykraken · 5 years
pls talk about the new falcon and winter soldier logo next, i have Many Emotions about it
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Well, the first thing that came to me when I saw that was:
What I say next is not to offend my American followers, but speaking as someone who is not American I had to roll my eyes and look into the camera like I was on the Office. The very shape of it screams American flag and of course the colours. Yes, Sam is the new Cap, but we could have gone a bit less subtle, I think? 
It gives me the feeling that this would be on a t-shirt of some skateboarding, vaping teenager who wears vintage band t-shirts or ones with Che Guevara on it without knowing the meaning behind any of it. Only because it looks cool. I can see this being a best seller at Hot Topic.
I really prefer the logo they unveiled at that investors meeting for Disney+:
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This at least has fun movement and feels actiony. It could have had Caps shield or reference to Caps shield somewhere there, played with the shape of the star on the end of Winter Soldier or used the colours of Caps shield. It feels more lively, more in tune with Sam and Bucky’s superhero persona’s. I dunno if I’d have the wing on Flacon, but it at least feels like you’re in for a fun ride.
The new one feels very flat, although what they unveiled at SDCC seemed to have more depth and texture to it:
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Overall I don’t hate it like I do the Loki one, but I’m not impressed. It doesn’t feel as lively as it could have been. The shape of it is just so blocky and square it feels boring. The shapes we see with Caps shield make it feel like they wrote up more of the logo but had to black it out. Like secret documents where parts have been covered up with black ink. Maybe the shield covers a secret message or something.
Font wise… very blocky, hard, military feeling which I guess is what they want. Overall I don’t think the logo needed the shield in quite so bold of a way. It feels a lot more geared to Captain America (Steve) and less about Sam and Bucky. It’s too rah-rah-America in literal shape and colours. 
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isitgintimeyet · 6 years
The Ties That Bind
Thanks for reading this far. Hope you enjoy the next chapter. Just a wee visit to Lallybroch. Thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge for the beta
Bit NSFW below the cut
Chapter 11: A Home Visit
I never realise how much I like being home unless I’ve been somewhere really different for a while. Juno MacGuff, Juno
As they drove out of the Glasgow suburbs and into the countryside, the clouds lifted and the sun shone out of a perfectly blue sky. They had not spoken much since Jamie picked Claire up and dumped her overnight bag in the back of the car next to his rucksack, walking boots and walking poles. Somehow, the silence between them wasn’t awkward. It seemed calm and peaceful, as though they had no need to fill it with meaningless chatter.  As Claire’s hand rested on Jamie’s thigh, she turned to gaze at him, admiring his chiselled profile, high cheekbones and full lips. She thrilled at the thought that he was hers and happy to be so.
Jamie briefly turned his head to Claire as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
“What ye staring fer, Sassenach? Have I got food on ma face?”
“No, sorry. I was just wondering, can we have the roof down?”
Jamie smiled and pressed a button. As the roof retracted, swirls of wind invaded the car, whipping Claire’s hair into a Medusa-like tangle of curls.
“I hadn't really thought this through!” Claire shouted, pulling the hair from her mouth.
“What?” Jamie yelled back as he pushed the car faster.
Eventually, the car began to slow as Jamie pulled into a picnic area at the side of the road. He laughed as Claire frantically ran her fingers through her hair, wincing as she pulled at the tangled mass. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head before climbing out of the car.
“Look at this, Sassenach, just look around ye. Have ye ever seen anywhere more beautiful? On my way hame, I always stop here. Just tae take in the scene. The peaks, the waterfalls, everything. Doesna matter what the weather is… sunny and the colours sae bright, or grey wi’ great dramatic clouds. It doesna matter. Ye must have been here afore, aye?”
Claire moved around to join Jamie.
“Oh yes, quite a few times… Frank’s area of expertise at the university was the various Jacobite risings, so he’d come up here to Glencoe many times...”
She turned to face him, noticing the unconscious look of distaste that passed over his face at the mention of Frank’s name. “But we never really stopped to look around. Frank was not an outdoor kind of guy.”
Jamie headed back to the car. “Come on then. I want tae get ye hame tae Lallybroch.”
With the roof of the car firmly in place (“I am not turning up to meet your father looking like something the cat dragged in, James Fraser!”), the drive to Lallybroch continued. Up through Fort William and Fort Augustus to the lower reaches of Loch Ness, then alongside the Loch to the instantly recognisable sight of Urquhart Castle, where Jamie veered from the main road to a series of smaller roads.
Claire had visited Fort William and Fort Augustus in the past, had even gone as far north as Inverness and Culloden, but those journeys had inevitably been accompanied by details of the quashing of Highland uprisings, English army manoeuvres and a way of life condensed into a series of bloody statistics. All delivered with Frank’s characteristically detached manner. This journey was very different. Jamie recounted a stream of stories about the areas they passed through. Some true historical events, some fanciful myths, their origins lost in time, but all delivered with the passion and pride of the Highlander with an accent becoming more pronounced the further north they travelled.
“Tell me about Lallybroch.” Claire prompted as Jamie finished his tale of kelpies.
“Och, weel, the family ha’ lived there for nigh on three hundred years. Da still lives there, wi’ Murtagh, who’s a cousin and looks after the production side of the distillery. Since Mam died, and Jenny and I moved tae Glasgow, the hoose is tae big fer them, but they willna move. There’s always been Frasers at Lallybroch, he says, and he willna be the last. No’ even the English redcoats could force the Frasers tae leave. Ye can still see the marks of the English swords in the door frames … always there tae remember.”
“Oh dear, will I be welcome do you think? Or should I practice my Scottish accent?”
“Dinna mock,” Jamie chided gently. “‘Twas a long time ago. Besides...”
His lips made a lopsided smile as he reached out and squeezed her knee reassuringly.
“Ye may be a sassenach, but ye’re my sassenach and ye’ll always be welcome in our hame.”
Eventually, they pulled off the road and onto a short drive and Claire caught her first glimpse of Lallybroch. While not huge, it was certainly much larger than the average family home, spread over three floors with, Claire was sure, attics and cellars in addition. An imposing grey stone house, designed for function rather than beauty, built to withstand the fiercest of Scottish weather and hostile visitors. And it was home for Jamie. Claire had never had that attachment to one place. The flats and houses that she had shared with her uncle had all been nice, but they had always moved to the next without a pang of regret or sorrow.
Jamie lifted their bags out of the car and walked round to a door at the side of the house. Claire followed him through a small hallway filled with wellies, walking boots, waterproof jackets and umbrellas into a large square kitchen dominated by a huge wooden kitchen table. Jamie dropped the bags and headed for the tall American-style fridge. “Ah, Mrs Crook has left us a wee snack. It’ll be a fair while till dinner and we havena had lunch. So, how about we go and drop our bags upstairs, then we can have a wee bit of refreshment afore I show ye round.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.”  
Before Claire had chance, Jamie picked up her bag and led the way out of the kitchen, down a stone floored passage and through a door into a large wood panelled hallway, with several doors off it and a large wooden staircase ascending to a first floor galleried landing.
“When ‘twas built, the kitchen was no’ fer guests,” Jamie explained as Claire looked round admiringly. “And sae the panelling and the finery ended at that door.”  
He pointed to where they had come from. “Now the kitchen’s the room we use the most.”
Jamie climbed the stairs as Claire trailed behind, looking at all the family pictures on the walls. This was a place that Uncle Lamb could happily have called home. He opened one of the heavy doors on the landing. Claire stepped into a bedroom with oak furniture and a massive stone fireplace, currently unlit.
“Am I in here?” She asked.
Jamie nodded. “Aye, we’re both in here. This is ma room.”
Claire tried to imagine this room as it had been when he was a boy, full of toys and books with Lego strewn across the carpet, or when he was a teenager with posters and video games and that particular adolescent male aroma - three parts testosterone, two parts stinking sports wear and one part sheer horniness.
She wandered around, noticing the framed photographs dotted round the room, the various rosettes and silver cups and the airfix model airplanes placed on the highest shelves of the bookcase - the room of a man too old for such juvenile pastimes, yet loath to get rid of his boyhood achievements. She guessed there was probably a Nintendo N64 tucked away in some cupboard, ready to resume a Super Mario game last played in 2004.
Her attention fixed on the large bed in the centre of one wall. “Is your father OK with us both sleeping in here?”
She kicked off her sandals and primly sat on the edge.
“Sassenach, I’m thirty-two years old. I have my ain hoose. I think he kens what goes on between a man and a woman.”  
Jamie pulled off his shoes and joined her, grabbing her around the waist. “Besides, I’m living oot fifteen year old Jamie’s fantasy, a bonnie woman in his bed, with a round arse jes’ made fer fondling.”
“So, I’m not going to find anything I might regret here in your room, am I? Like porn magazines or...”
“Porn mags, Sassenach?” Jamie appeared horrified. “What d’ye think I am?  There are no porn mags in this room, I promise ye... ye can get everything ye need off the internet nowadays.”
Claire playfully punched him on the shoulder. Jamie responded by drawing her closer to him.
“I dinna need porn,” he whispered, his breath hot on her neck. “I have ye… and my imagination.”
Bringing his lips to meet hers, he teased them open and his tongue ran between them. She moaned against his mouth as she felt his arms tighten around her and she met his tongue with her own, rubbing it seductively around, licking the inside of his mouth, her fingers tangling in his hair. “Claire, what ye do tae me...” he breathed as he pulled away, looking into her eyes.
She smiled and ran her hands down his back to the bottom of his shirt scraping her nails lightly over the bare skin she slowly uncovered. He moaned and closed his eyes briefly before lowering his head again and claiming her mouth. Jamie’s lips moved lightly across her cheek to her neck and he smiled as he felt her quiver in his arms. His fingertips traced her jawline as he sucked her ear lobe, loving the feel of her pressed against him, her head thrown back in pleasure. His hands slid along her body, pulling her on top of him as he sank back on to the bed.
Copying Jamie’s actions, Claire began to kiss his neck. He inhaled sharply as her warm mouth found his earlobe and nibbled at it gently. Rising up, she threw one leg over his body to straddle him. As her hands caressed the hard muscles of his arms and shoulders, she instinctively moistened her lips with her tongue. Jamie grew harder as he watched his Claire astride him, her breathing becoming more ragged as he ground his hips against her.
Jamie’s hands reached up to fondle her breasts through her t-shirt. She moaned at his touch and instinctively rolled her hips. Her hands roamed over his muscled stomach and chest as she unbuttoned his shirt.
Claire moved her head back a little and smiled at him. “What time does your dad get home?” She teased.
"Oh god, is this like a teenage makeout session then?” Jamie groaned as he began to push at her top, trying to get it off. She moved her hands down to help him, and together they removed her top and her bra.
“Kind of, although I think we may be going all the way this time.” Claire giggled as she climbed off him.
Lying next to him, she pulled off her jeans and panties. Jamie watched momentarily before quickly stripping off his own jeans and underpants. Claire ran her eyes over his naked body.  “Jamie...” she reminded. “...socks.”
There was a playful quality to their lovemaking. Laughing together as they sought each other’s mouths, limbs entwining with accidental collisions of elbows and knees, their movements together becoming more heated and urgent with every breath.
Jamie paused momentarily, and leant over the side of the bed, fumbling with his rucksack before returning to Claire, foil packet in hand. Together they eased the condom on before Jamie positioned himself and entered her. Claire’s body wrapped around him, her thighs around his waist, arms around his neck. Locked into another deep, passionate kiss, she clung to him as their moans blended together.
Their bodies grew slick with sweat as they moved in unison. Claire closed her eyes as she began to feel her orgasm wash over her. Jamie felt her tighten around him, pushing him over the edge as she cried out his name.
Still panting, Jamie rolled off Claire and lay on his side to face her.
“I need a shower now…” Claire began.
Jamie interrupted her with a gentle kiss. “Fifteen year old Jamie thanks ye, from the bottom of his heart. Better than any of his imaginings!”
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4. I have a robot inside me.
Original prompt: https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/bo0yiq/wp_youre_a_little_slower_than_others_but_its/ If you like my story, please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/storyforger
“The whole time you have been whispering. You are scaring people off.”
“What, I did?” Walid looks at his boss. Her face is filled with wrinkles, some from old age, some from worry.
“Yes, you are also looking at Waruna. She is crying in the freezer because she thought you are still angry at her.”
Walid slaps his face a little, trying to mold it to a more presentable look. His face now has a bit of a smile, and his eyes doesn’t gaze as sharp as before.
“She already paid for the damages. After all, I wasn’t angry at all. I just...”
Now Walid’s boss is the one massaging her face, mostly around her forehead. “Whatever it is, hold it in for now okay? We are all on the rush season. I will close this bakery for a week after Festival. Deal with your problems, get a psychiatrist, or meditate or something. Okay?”
“Yes, Mdm Kamisah.”
She holds Walid’s face and smiles broadly. “Work hard. The Festival is just three days away. I promise, we will get a big fat bonus, hm?”
“Yes. Well, I need to carry the pastries.”
“Good! That’s the spirit.”
Mdm Kamisah enters the office. Walid turns to the tray of tepung puluts. The smell of glutinous rice and pandanus flour mix in the sweetmeats are alot for him to handle. Walid thinks he is going to eat it all.
If you eat it all, you will have stomach problems again!
Walid sighs. “I am carrying food,” talking to himself again.
Oh you will, see the puddle you will flip!
[I won’t wait what oh god!]
Walid slips and almost fall flat on the tray. The floor where cakes are baked is made rough to prevent slipping, but the floor to the presentation aisles are made from smooth tiles. At least the cakes are safe.
Hamid takes the tray from Walid and places it on the counter. He then lifts Walid up, whose legs spread too far for his level of joint mobility.
“God you’re heavy!”
“Oww, oww, oww, my thighs.”
Hamid steadies Walid, who is groaning slightly from the gymnastics. “Well, I’m sending the tray.”
“No, wait.” Hamid gets a dry towel and wipes the floor from the accident to the aisle until it’s dry. “Ok, go.”
Their work that day is rather hard, and all workers are tired. Walid isn’t as tired, but his limping isn’t making things more comfortable either. At least the cleanup is made easy by the dishwashers and bots.
“That’s a wrap for the day. See you tomorrow!”
“See you!”
Walid hails a Grab and lets himself be carried to his flat. The city lights are pretty at night, especially when we are sleepy. The Grab driver thanks Walid too soon. Walid grumbles his thanks and clumsily walks up the stairs.
[Oh yeah, elevator] Walid goes to the elevator only to see that it is under maintenance. “Augh! Today?” He really wants to kick the door, but the last time someone did, that is how the elevator stopped working. Dejected, Walid winds wearily to his bed and falls asleep without even changing clothes.
Yo, how’s life?
[Life-threatening, thanks to you.]
You slipped, and I’m to blame? LOL GG.
[You’re my subconscious. How do you even know what is LOL GG?]
I am not blind when you control this body. I see what you see, I learn what you learn, I am aware of what you are aware. Well, and other things.
[What do you mean?]
We. Need. Diagrams.
Walid’s dream now forms a room. It is cozy, with two blue long sofas facing each other and a lamppost standing guard next to it. The table in between the sofas has a jug of lychee drink. Walid knows it by the smell. He pours a cup and pours the liquid into his mouth. The sweetness slams his tongue, and it flows into his body, making him... happy. He sits on the sofa, drinking more lychee juice.
You like what you’re seeing?
[Yeah, pretty much.]
Now! I will introduce myself. The subconscious slithers from behind the sofa and towards Walid. It is like the root of a ginger tree, only that it has a single straight shaft and many root fibers jutting through it. One of the larger root fibers extend a hand, as if in greeting. Walid shakes it. It does not show its face.
Subconscious, glad to meet you.
[Walid, pleasure’s all mine?]
The ‘ginger root’ slithers to the other sofa, its body reclining regally upon the sofa. Tired, Walid lies down to imitate the ‘ginger root’.
I think you have a lot of questions.
[Are you a ghost? Will you kill me? Is this poison?]
No. I need you alive. I can’t really tell you what I am yet, it will only create more questions. But I am ready to show you.
Walid thinks of the ginger root unzipping its costume and a pretty woman’s leg jut out of it.
No, unfortunately, I am not that sexy. But let me show you.
[How are you going to do that?]
I am going to take over your body. Just for a day. You will have my word, you can get full control of it once I have done my business.
Walid chugs down the lychee. The entirety of his life’s lessons flash before his eyes. All his life, his parents never told him what to do when your subconscious wants to take control of your body. Don’t open the door if the parents don’t expect guests, don’t touch other people’s breasts (and dicks once he came out), don’t steal, don’t show your private parts on the internet, and most importantly, if the offer is too good to be true, turn it down and run like hell.
I am twenty and honest to God, I need an adult.
[As frightening as it is, I am an adult. I assure you, your good health and functioning body is in my best interest.]
Come to think of it, the stress of his life isn’t going away anytime soon either. He still have to work hard tomorrow at the bakery. And he had to take Chinese exam next week, just so employers will consider him a worthy job candidate. Walid pours another cup. He raises it. To the last possible day of me being the conscious mind.
[To a more fruitful Walid.]
They both chug down the lychee. Walid sees the ‘ginger root’ face for a split second before the dream ends.
The next morning, Walid finds his body to be moving to the fridge. It dips some wholemeal bread into the black coffee and sends the bread into its mouth. Walid tried to move his body but it can’t.
Ginger root, are you controlling me?
[Yes, I do. You want answers. I am in the process of showing you. But first, your body needs some fuel and coolant!]
Fuel? Coolant? I am not a robot!
[Oh you’ll understand. By the way, you have a sick leave today. Convenient!]
Convenient for what? Hey, why are we walking?
[To the Doctor!]
The body washes itself. It washes its muscular body with water, then lathers soap on it. The body cleans everywhere, including the nether regions. Walid feels a slight pain as that area is stil a bit overstretched from yesterday. Walid can feel how clean his body is. And how it hurts to almost slip again from water puddles.
The body then pats itself dry with a towel. Walid tries wipe his face a bit more but the body doesn;t listen.
Ginger root, wipe my face!
[Alright, fine!]
Walid feels the intrinsic itch to his soul scratched for now. The body wears a tight T shirt and a sports trousers. Walid always feel comfortable wearing the trousers, but the tight T shirt is chafing his nipples.
Can we get a looser shirt?
[No, I always want to show off this awesome body.]
Walid would like to huff, but it only manifests as the word ‘huff’. He spies to the side of his eyes. There are numbers and letters, some jumbled.
Are those coordinates, distance in kilometers, and name of The Doctor?
[Yes! Now be quite and observe!]
The body hails a Grab and calmly enters the car. The body chats with the driver a bit. Walid thinks the mouth is moving but the language isn’t what he is used to.
“Ni de shangban meiyou mang ma?”
“Aiya, zui mang! Quanbu ren bu yao mai che, he quanbu de shangdian hen yuan la!”
And they both laughed. This son of a bitchy ginger root, he actually knows Mandarin!
The chat ends as the car arrived before the clinic. The sign says ‘The Doctor’s Swig’. This isn’t a clinic, this is a bloody pub.
Wait! I am a Muslim, I can’t drink alcohol.
[Oh come on, we’re meeting a doctor, not drinking!]
This is a pub!
[Oh god, just watch!]
The ginger root moves the body. Well, the insides is a pub. People are eating sunflower seeds and pistachios while watching the news. And drinking beer. There is a blackboard with a chalk drawn picture of a jar and ‘Lihing Limited Edition’ hanging above the bartender’s head.
“Bear with me bro, I need a help.”
The bartender winks. “What help?”
“Health Care.”
“One sec.” The bartender gives a call. “Number?”
Ginger root gives a small paper. The bartender whispers to the phone, and burns the small paper. The bartender then whispers to Ginger Root. “The Doctor is available now. Please come in.”
The Ginger Root smiles and nods. The back of the pub has three doors. Two unisex toilets and one closet. Ginger Root presses the code and the closet door opens. He enters the room, which is littered with brooms, mops, and scoops for the dust. Ginger Root places his hand on a brick, and pushes. A door swings open, away from the body. The body bravely marches through the darkness.
The dark path isn’t very dark to Walid, but he’s still afraid. He instinctively makes command to jerk his foot, but the body remains stoic, moving forward without flinching. They make their way down some stairs and more dark alleys, some branching.
Ginger Root, where are you taking me?
[Oh I’m Ginger Root now? Well, like I always said, just watch. We have a checkup AND a job.]
Walid is too afraid to complain further.
The darkness ends at the end of the tunnel, where the body pulls the door open. Inside is a room. Bodies of men and women are hung, suspended from the ceiling with ropes and hooks.
[Stop shouting, I almost jumped!]
A young man, barely 20, rushes forward and shakes the body’s hand with much enthusiasm. “I am always honoured to service you sir.”
“Hello to you too. Please check this body first.”
“Yes, this way.” The room of bodies gave way to a few beds. Ginger Root lies the body on an empty bed, the eyes pointing upward.
“Sir, we are about to begin checkup. Please leave the body.”
And Walid lose consciousness.
Walid finds himself still unable to control his body. The body is strapping some belts and pouches.
Wait, what time is it?
[10 am. We have a mission. Rescuing hostages.]
Wait, I am not a soldier!
[I am. Sit tight, you’re my mecha. Switching off auditory output, Auxilia HI.]
Wait, don’t shut me... And Walid can only see and think, not form words. The eyes emits a small screen of the ginger root. His face like an odd, jagged, jack-o-lantern, but Walid doesn’t feel a thing from it.
[I need you to listen closely. I am on a high risk mission to rescue fellow, well, ‘ginger roots’. They are stuck in some continents away. You must trust me that I will bring us alive okay.]
Walid would like to say yes, if only from desperation.
[We may get injured. Yes, even me in this cockpit. You will have extra functions in the fight, but mostly for your brainpower. Just remember, even if you lost all four limbs, you can be repaired.]
[Switching on auditory output, Auxilia HI.]
I thought I was human! Well... if I survive whatever comes, I need a lot of questions answered.
[OK, fair enough. I need to concentrate, so... Switching off auditory output, Auxilia HI]
Ginger Root meets with a few other people. Men and women, they are well-equipped with weapons and body armour.
“Listen up, our hostage situation has turned sour. The kidnappers decided not to further negotiations, and will kill all hostages this midnight. We have to save them. We do not have to kill all of the kidnappers, but we will kill anyone standing in our way. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir!” Their voiced are lowered, but their voice are filled with fire.
“Good. We Drive Humanity Forward...”
“... So Our Survival’s Assured!”
The team raced to a truck and is driven to an abandoned building. There they dismounted and fan out to secure the perimeter. “The police has been notified of our mission and they will not stand in our way. If you see any uninfected policeman, rescue them. Reports shown that some are held hostage after a failed assault.”
“Our target is 200 meters southwest. We will have to secure a rooftop entry, Damit. Then, Hamidah, Rizal, Shafwan, you three enter first and get a foot hold. We will enter as soon as it’s clear.”
The team races to the top of the abandoned building. To the southwest, they could see three men chatting and drinking coffee on a rooftop balcony. Damit scopes with the sniper rifle. “Three men, mostly bored.”
“Are they armed?”
“No, I don’t think so, Ikhlas.”
Walid knows the name doesn’t refer to him, but Ginger Root. Ikhlas eh?
Ikhlas looks intently with a binocular. “They are, I could see their rifles resting on the wall, behind the sitting man drinking.”
“What’s the plan?”
“Shoot the sitting man first. Then the two.”
Damit pushes the sniper stock close to his shoulder, aims at the sitting man’s neck. He holds his breath, and shoots.
The sitting man falls on the rifles and the two other fumbles to grab their guns. Damit shoots their heads clean off with one shot.
“Double headshot at 200 meters. Easy gg lol.”
Damit sighs. “That isn’t how humans speak.”
Ikhlas writes down the kills. “I know. Still funny though. Shafwan, the rappel.”
Shafwan shoots the rappel rope with his crossbow. The bolt buries deep into the wall. Shafwan slides down first, with some equipment. The others slide down one by one, Ikhlas being the last. They switched equipment amongst each other, as they had carried others’ equipments too.
Walid sees the map screen appear before his eyes. Ikhlas gives the signal to huddle.
“Everyone have maps and possible enemies?”
Everyone nodded.
“We stick together. Rizal at front, Shafwan and Hamidah center, me and Damit behind. Get to the target, fight our way out to the ground floor. Then we evacuate.”
Ikhlas points at the door. Rizal rammed the door with the butt of his gun and the rest streamed in. They move quickly downstairs, but stop before the first door facing the stairs. Two gunmen gets out from the door, laughing along the way. Rizal throws a smoke grenade.
Instead of shouting ‘Boogies’ or something, the two writhed in agony. Their bodies twist and turn, coughing out blood and mucus. Soon, some organisms escape their mouth. It tries to wipe itself clean from the smoke, but it drops as it shouts a small screech of pain.
The two gunmen lays unconscious. Ikhlas’ team moves forward. A few minutes later, they are stopped by three kidnappers running to them. The team manages to take cover behind the walls as the kidnappers shoot to kill. They only stop to reload.
Shafwan takes the opportunity to shoot them in the head, but they do not drop. Instead, they keep firing. Shafwan remains unfazed as a bullet rips through his right upper arm. Some wires frayed out, but his movement isn’t hindered as he reload. Hamidah is about to throw another smoke grenade, but Ikhlas stopped her. Ikhlas waits until they reload again, and turns to shoot.
He aimed at the stomach of the kidnappers. They drop dead as soon as the bullet hits them. Damit moves forward and pumps another bullet in the temple to each of them. Rizal takes the forward position and the team keeps moving forward.
Rizal raises his fist, a signal to move forward. They stopped before the turn of a hallway. Rizal watches the other side with a mirror. “Four men. Standing guard.”
Ikhlas nods to Hamidah. She hands over a defragmentation grenade to Rizal. Rizal removes the pin and moves forward to throw it. The four guards points the gun at Rizal.
They centered their fire Rizal’s head, but Rizal ducks while throwing. Instead, his right arm is severely riddled with holes as the grenade flies. The four is about to jump, but the grenade explodes. The four disintegrated into the smoke. Ikhlas’ team fires forward, as Rizal slings his rifle. He looks at the uselessly hanging right hand. He rips it off. The fingers wiggle uncontrollably as the hand is separated from the body. Rizal holds his rifle on the left hand and joins Ikhlas.
Ikhlas leads the team forward. There seems to be no more kidnappers left. It’s... too quiet. Walid begins to feel uneasy. He wants to ask Ikhlas what is going on, but he can’t say anything. They entered an open courtyard, with doors flanking it.
The silence is finally interrupted a few minutes later. Two kidnappers storm out of a door, but Ikhlas manages to shoot them both before they could open fire. Ikhlas is about to walk forward to the target area, but he is suddenly thrown away by an explosion. Ikhlas almost lands at the other side of the courtyard wall.
A large man, about 9 feet tall appears before the team. Rizal fires his rifle at the man’s face. Its face is chipped away as the bullets ricochet off from the metallic skeleton. The rest pumps their gun dry to the robot. But all their bullets do not even dent it.
Hamidah jumps to give the man a flying kick.  Her shin hits his neck. The man calmly grabs her leg and throws her straight through a wall. Shafwan jumps to the man’s shoulders, stand on it, and pumps a new magazine worth of bullets between the chest and the shoulder blade. The man grabs Shafwan and slams him a few times. Sounds of twisting metal can be heard from Shafwan’s body as he tries to stab and sever the wires in the robot’s hands. The robot throws Shafwan and he is impaled on a pole by the left chest. Shafwan tries to remove himself.
The robot is shaking, it finds itself hard to straighten its body. The robot walks to Shafwan, but he isn’t as fast as he was a few minutes ago.
Rizal and Hamidah pumps more bullets into the robot. But this time, they try to aim at the joints. Hamidah fires all her bullets into the left knee, circling to the front and back. The robot swings his fists to Hamidah but Hamidah can easily evade the robot. Rizal aimed at robot’s right shoulder. The robot turns his attention to Rizal and is preparing to launch himself to him.
The robot sprints towards Rizal. Rizal turns to run away, and the robot is running at full force.
Suddenly, the robot’s trajectory is thwarted by a shot to his head. Damit fires more sniper rounds at the robot. The robot turns and runs towards Damit. He holds his ground, but the robot still charges forward.
Ikhlas bodily throws himself at the robot, pushing the robot away. The robot is flat on its back, and Ikhlas desperately tries to reach his shotgun. The robot grabs him by the leg, and pulls Ikhlas towards him.
Walid feels all the past actions of his flood back to him. His killings of animals, his bullying of other kids, his angry rants against his parents’ He wants to say sorry for all he has done, and he can’t even say in it his inner voice!
Ikhlas the Ginger Root is sweating in its cockpit. He can feel all the anguish that Walid has. Added to his own, he is almost mad from all this. None of his training ever prepared him for this, and none of his experiences ever will. What can he do?
The robot tries to stand, but the connections in its body is too damaged to command his legs for the proper procedure. Instead, the legs dig into the soil erratically. The robot grabs Ikhlas by the neck and raises him up.
“Damit, its elbow!”
Damit aims at the elbow. The robot’s right hand plops uselessly as the bullet hits the joint but Ikhlas still can’t remove himself. He drags the robot’s right hand with him as the robot tightens its grip. But the grip gets looser and looser with each wire ripped from the robot’s hand. Ikhlas’ team gives the robot a wide berth.
The robot tries to stand up with its remaining appendages. But it only ends up wriggling and writhing.
Ikhlas looks for something in his back pouch. “Hamidah, you have anymore grenades?”
“I only have two, and it’s all used up.”
Shafwan has extracted himself from the pole. He hands to Ikhlas one smoke grenade.
Ikhlas throws the grenade to the robot, and it gives out a lot of smoke. When the smoke clears, the robot is still writhing.
“We have to deactivate it, it’s not an exosuit.”
Damit pumps a few sniper rounds to the robot’s left shoulder joint. Shafwan ties his bayonet to a stick and cuts all the wires from a few feet away, far from the robot’s grip. The robot’s hand almost come dangerously close to snatching the stick, but Shafwan deftly retracts it. Soon, the robot is uselessly moving its appendages. Rizal steps forward and jams his left hand to the robot’s neck. He pulls the here and there a bit, and soon the robot stops writhing. Its eyes loses its blue colour, fading to transparent black.
The hostages are brought outside by Shafwan, while Damit checks the perimeter. “It seems like all the kidnappers are dead or have fled. The hostages are just behind me.”
One of the hostages rushes forward to hold Ikhlas’ hands. Ikhlas raises his hands to meet it, but the right hand doesn’t budge.
The hostage looks at Ikhlas’ right hand. Shee shakes her head, but then shakes Ikhlas’ left hand vigourously. “All you have risked your lives to save us. I assure you, the High Root will reward your team well.”
“Thank you, madam, but we aren’t necessarily in the clear yet. We should get out of here quickly.”
They allow the hostages to leave from the front door. The police receives them and hands them to the healthcare unit stationed behind the blockade. Ikhlas’ team goes to the back gate. Along the way, they passed through one of the guard’s body. One being of goo is breathing weakly as the body writhes weakly.
“This... isn’t... over... We... will... be... victors...”
“It never is.” Ikhlas shoots the goo with his pistol.
The team gets into the extraction truck. Rizal holds his severed hand, while Damit ogles Shafwan’s large hole in the chest. Shafwan slaps Damit’s hands as he try to touch his dangling wires.
[Switching on auditory output, Auxilia HI.]
Aaa... Aaa... Aaa...
Walid could hear a small screeching on the screen. Is that the ginger root shouting too or the echo in the suit?
[Well, any questions?]
Lots. Wh... Well, what the fuck? I’m a robot? Was my memory real? Did I signed a waiver? Why does all this have anything to do with me?
[Your body is a robot. Your mind is from a human brain, taken from your body. You signed a waiver, but it’s because you are losing all use of legs and hands. It had nothing to do with you, you are just my mecha. Your service to us is how you pay back for the surgery. You also get some money on the side, but from bonuses or bounties.]
Bonuses? Bounties? So I am what, an army equipment? Whose army?
[Yeah. You’re a medium grade military equipment. We are the military arm of Court of Mother Zingiber, Grand Commandery of Lady Goddess Halya of Earth. We have branches in other planets. But in recent centuries, battles are mostly forged here.]
[That goo organism you see is one of our enemies. Just call them Oozes of Doom. As if we want to call them by their regal name, hah!]
So, what happens to me?
[You will be repaired of course. I always intended for you to know about this sooner or later. Having a human on our side helps us to blend in. We can mimic human behaviour, but we aren’t always successful.]
This is too much for me to take in now. You’re in charge I guess, Ikhlas. But can I ask one thing?
[What is it?]
I want to be conscious to see the repairs. I need to see for myself what I am.
Ikhlas takes the body down to The Doctor. Walid sees the ginger root climb out of his abdomen. The Doctor sets up the machinery as they chat. The language isn’t like any on Earth, so Walid stopped bothering to listen.
The Doctor then starts checking Walid’s right hand. He massages the hand to find where to slice, and starts slicing. Soon Wires are pulled out, reattached, and returned into the body. The Doctor continues with repairing the rest of the bullet injuries. Finally, the damaged body tissue are removed and pastes of new body cells are placed on spots.
The operation as a whole is quite soothing. Walid doesn’t feel any pain, and The Doctor’s movements are as smooth as silk. Soon, Walid’s body is as good as new. Walid extends his right palm to Ikhlas and Ikhlas creeps on to the palm of his hand.
“So that’s how I got my muscular body.”
“These days. Even before the surgery, you’re rather muscular.”
Why I didn’t remembered that? But Walid remembers another thing.
“Why I didn’t feel pain during the firefight just now, but I felt pain from my fall yesterday?’
“Pain reception can be switched on and off. Usually when we take over the body from you, we shut off the pain reception so you won’t go mad from it.”
“Can you make it stay off?”
“No, we want to blend in, and includes you having to feel pain in normal life situations. Can I get into your body now?”
Walid shrugged. “Sure.”
The ginger root presses some buttons on a small key that he holds. Walid’s stomach split into two, and door hinges opento both sides. A small podium with a seat extends out. Walid places his palm before the podium and Ikhlas takes his seat. He presses a button, and the podium pulls back in and Walid’s stomach closes shut.
Walid can move his body again. “Hey, Ikhlas, you there?”
Yeah. Enjoy your bodily autonomy for now. We may be called for next mission later.
Walid sighs. Now he has two jobs, one a part-time back breaking work, and the other a part-time body-breaking work. At least this one has good healthcare benefits.
The team is escorted by The Doctor to a door. “Well, this is goodbye for now. I am always honoured to service you. Your pay will be sent to your accounts by this week. And here are the MCs you require should your bosses question you.”
Walid takes a piece of paper from The Doctor. An MC from... Yang Yang and Co. Clinic?
Walid fishes out his handphone from the pocket. Funny how it survived the carnage. Walid hails a Grab and lets the car carry him to his flat.
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tatooedlaura-blog · 6 years
a foray in a sleepless night .... 
a/n: how I spend my early morning in the camper trying not to suffocate the humidity of southern Texas while three fans blow on me :)
The train whistle woke her but the footsteps kept her from falling back to sleep. He was pacing again.
A lot.
With an inner groan and an outer fist clench, she turned over, sandwiched her head between two pillows and prayed he’d go to sleep before the sun came up.
Nothing she wanted less than a tired Mulder and his grammar Nazi ways meeting her head on at 7:05am with a plastered on fake happy attitude and a swiftly declining pessimistic view of the world. It would make for a very, very ugly Saturday.
And she didn’t want an ugly Saturday.
She wanted a quiet Saturday of driving and tottering-pile vehicle paperwork.
Inner ear infection forced them into the car as opposed to flying, driving towards  Denver at less than breakneck speeds. Why did her ear have to act up now? It couldn’t have waited four days before screwing with her, making her dizzy, drops and antibiotics on the table.
This damn suspect better get life for the trouble she was going to to get to his trial with Mulder’s testimony and her science. He’d better be found guilty and possibly rot in a quiet little hole in the corner of the universe she would never think about again.
Now she wanted to pace.
Sitting up too quick, she waited until the world steadied and her ear popped open before venturing to the connecting door. Not thinking to knock, she walked in, took stock of Mulder’s wanderings, calculated proper intercept and began silently moving beside him, matching shuffle, Mulder shortening his slightly, hers lengthening a fraction, meeting in the middle to bounce from door to wall to bathroom to wall to door in a flat loop of speeding mind and tightened heart.
Three passes it took for him to reach over, find her hand, catch her fingers and pull her to a stop, “are you going to pace with me all night?”
“If I have to.”
“You don’t have to though.”
Brief squeeze to his thumb, she kept her hold on it, “I guess it’s more like a ‘you’re awake, I’m awake, might as well be tired as hell tomorrow together’ kind of thing.” Looking up at him, wondering how long it would take for that crease between his eyebrows to become a permanent thing, “will you sit down for me?”
“I’m pacing for a reason, Scully, ‘cause I can’t sit down.”
“How about you try for me and give what I’m going to do a chance?”
Sitting as ordered, “are you going to do some voodoo on me, get my shit in order so I can take a nap and not annoy the hell out of you in 5 hours?”
Brief loss of contact as she shut the bright lights of the room off, dropping the darkness around them in shadowy sheets, she was careful not to poke his eyes as she reached for his face, fingers against temple hairline, thumbs on his eyebrows, “close your eyes.”
“This is gonna get weird, I can feel it.”
“Shut up, Mulder.” Her voice whispered, however, her tone gently as she pushed lightly against the circled bones around his eyes, rubbing, moving from one end of his brow to the other, “I’m going to see if I can get you to relax a little.” Scooting her knees between his, she moved closer, invading territories kept well-guarded except under cover of dark, “you need to take a deep breath and let one thing go for me. The worry your testimony won’t carry the weight it should, your anger at Dennison, your wonder about what I’ll do if I ever discover another of those videos of yours. Whatever you want. Just something.”
His mouth twitched to a smile briefly at the video comment, “I don’t even have those videos anymore.”
Thumbs moving to the crease above his nose, she smoothed the wrinkle back, shaping skin to even contour, “did you wear them out? Can’t afford new ones on a G-man’s salary?”
“Got better things to do with my time now.” His head dropped forward slightly, pressure against the pads of her fingers increasing, “you should do this all the time.”
“What? Get an ear infection and force us to drive halfway across the country? I think not, Agent Mulder.” Her fingers were moving now, too, joining in tandem, ten spots of tactile heaven to a malleable Mulder, drifting away on sensory overload, happy sounds vibrating deep in his throat. With her own smile, she asked him quietly, “enjoying?”
Hhhmm’ing his response, she ramped it up just slightly, shifting fingers behind ears, thumbs now at junction of jaw, able to feel contracting muscles as he smiled again, “I’d pay good money for you to do this every night.”
Yeah, she blushed a little but it was dark and she would not be judged.
“You know I’d do it for tacos and brownies.”
Drifting down his neck, her fingers continued ministration miracles, thumbs now to the sides of his throat, feeling bobbing Adam’s apple and neck tendons she forgot the names of the moment she touched him, “I think we passed a Taco Bell a mile or two back.”
Walking hands to the back of his neck, she rubbed out tense tendons and sent a shiver she could feel down his spine when she slid her fingers into his hair, massaging his skull with practiced movement, “maybe later. Right now, I think you should forget everything else as well and focus just on my hands.”
His head fell forward of its own volition, forehead connecting with her stomach and not giving one good God-damn about whatever else happened in the world because he could feel her warmth through her shirt and the pull of Jersey cotton down over her breasts. If she did this much longer, he was pretty sure he’d probably forget how to breath but …. Well … whatever.
Amused by his head against her, she continued, whisper dropping to his ears as her hands drifted down and out across his shoulder blades, pushing, kneading, working knots, “now, I’d like you to remember that time we skipped work and you took me to sit beside the Potomac, brought us hot dogs from that guy and got him to throw in extra pickles. You got all fancy with your napkin bringing and your water bottle condensation cleaning and we sat there for hours and talked about string theory and mummification and you tried to convince me that pie wasn’t the devil and we took a nap under that tree and then the squirrels came and stole our leftovers and you dropped your shoe in the water and had to go back to work in your sock.”
He would not remove his head, regardless but he did open his eyes for a moment, staring down the barrel of threadbare shirt and flannel covered thighs towards a floor he couldn’t see given her proximity, “we never did that.”
Working now down his spine, back muscles hard to loose under her hands, “we should. I think it would be a good for us to break a rule or two now and again.”
“With steet vendor hot dogs and lost shoes?”
To reach lower, she had to lean in more, press him further into her belly, “sounds pretty perfect to me.”
His smile turned first the right side of his mouth up, then his left, spreading slowly but surely, “I think we can manage that then.”
She reached down as far as she could, the dip in his lower back teasingly just out of reach, then returning north again, she pushed deeper, arms trembling with angle and force.
Hitting a good spot, Mulder’s hands moved, first to her waist to steady her, then, hands splayed, began kneading her ass in sync. He didn’t realize it until almost a minute later, when he felt her hands still on his neck once again, fingers tickling spine, thumbs below ears.
He stopped as well.
But didn’t move his hands.
“I’ve forgotten all those things you told me to forget.”
“So have I.”
Slowly, slowly, slowly, he let his hands fall away, clasping his knees instead of her, keeping them to himself in a wretchingly difficult gesture of partnerly nonsense, “are you tired?”
Sometimes, just sometimes, all the time, she wished things were different, “sort of.”
Having enjoyed her hands a little too much, “I should probably let you get some sleep then, shouldn’t I? We’ve got some driving to do tomorrow if we’re going to make it by Sunday night.
Memories of his touch smoldered on her waist, her ass, her belly, “or you could turn around and I can get at a few muscles I couldn’t reach.”
“T-Rex arms strike again?”
“Always, Mulder.”
He didn’t object, twisting on the bed sheets so her back was to him, “okay?”
“Dino arms can reach you now, thank you.”
Both knew his touching her had been an involuntary thing. He never would have done it had he been awake, aware, attentive to more than just her hands but he felt the guilt creeping up and with it, “hey, why did you just tense up all of a sudden?”
Stupid hesitation was his death knell, “the case.”
As she dug into his lower back, pushing against him with fists and knuckles, “liar.”
Quiet held session between them until his voice carried to her quietly, “I’m sorry I touched you like that. I didn’t mean to. I just … I didn’t mean to.”
Her hands disappeared for a minute then he felt them snake over his shoulders, hugging his tightly from behind, “I know you didn’t. It’s that fine line we have, Mulder. Sometimes someone falls over the edge of it for a minute but then they scramble back, regardless of how difficult and irritating it is to have that line in the first place.”
“It’s difficult and irritating for you, too?”
Chuckling in his ear, she squeezed him closer, breath tickling, “you have no idea sometimes.” Interjecting, as much as she hated to, the humor necessary to pry them apart and get them to sleep in their own beds, “especially when you wear those black socks with your basketball shorts and you have sweaty pit stains on your threadbare tanktop and I can smell you five feet away. You are quite the irresistible specimen right then.”
He hated she was giving them their out but knowing she was right, “kinda like when you have on your autopsy cap on, I mean, I can barely keep my hands off you … especially when you throw in those squeaky white granny tennis shoes.”
Turning her head enough to kiss his cheek, “g’night, Mulder. Try to get some sleep.”
Hugging her arms, he leaned into her lips for a moment, “you, too.”
She left the room, closing the door behind her, pulling the sheets on the bed straight, fluffing the squashy hotel pillow then, without consent from her brain, she turned and opened the adjoining door again. Seeing him pacing, she calculated the intercept for the second time in less than an hour and began walking beside him, holding his thumb and cruising the room in 38 step fashion.
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ryukoishida · 6 years
QZGS|The King’s Avatar Fic: In which something nice happens to our birthday boy.
Title: Ágúst Fandom: The King’s Avatar / Quan Zhi Gao Shou Character(s)/Pairing(s): YuHuang Summary: Since his birthday happens during the summer break, Huang Shaotian is used to spending this day by himself, receiving messages and mailed gifts from his teammates and other pro-player friends in the Alliance. And without fail, his captain will always be the first to wish him a happy birthday, but this year seems a little different. [Takes place during the summer between S9 and S10] Part: 1/1 Rating: PG-13 A/N: Gasp. Me, writing something in canon-verse? Amazing. Literally just… mindless, cheesy fluff. Happy birthday to our beloved chatty Sword Saint! And happy birthday to @andthenabanana~
Writing Commission | Editing & Translation Services
[Flowing Cloud]: Happy birthday, Huang Shao! Did you receive the package I sent you???
[Troubling Rain]: Thx, Xiao Lu! And yeah i did… Speaking of which, how do u figure im gonna finish all those snacks by myself, kid?!
A few days ago, the famed Sword Saint of Team Blue Rain had received an express delivery parcel from an unknown address in Taiwan: a giant box of local snack varieties from the team’s young swordsman. Placed atop of the rainbow packages of Kaui Che pork and beef jerky, fruit jellies, honey layer cakes, sugar and spice nougats, pineapple cakes, and for some strange reason, Alishan tea leaves, was a birthday card — and not just any plain, ol’ greeting card either. The brat had chosen the kind that played obnoxiously loud tinkling rendition of “Happy Birthday to You” when the receiver flipped open the card.
Huang Shaotian quickly snapped the card shut and winced at the horrid echo of the melody that had sounded especially strident in his quiet apartment, and one corner of his lips couldn’t help but lift upward into a heartfelt smile.
[Troubling Rain]: i cant stop eating those pineapple cakes and this is all ur fault, so u better buy more and bring them to the dorm after summer break! And whats up with the tea leaves? Im not captain, u know I dont drink that bitter stuff :(
[Flowing Cloud]: The tea is my mom’s contribution, I swear! Maybe you can give them to captain if you really don’t want it?
[Troubling Rain]: well…. in that case, thank ur mom for me, ok?
[Flowing Cloud]: Will do! ;) Anyway, I have to go now.
[Troubling Rain]: aight. And thx again for the present and card!
Popping one of the mango-flavoured fruit jellies into his mouth, Huang Shaotian exited the private message window he was using while texting Lu Hanwen, and scrolled back up the chat log in the Blue Rain group chat, where members had been posting about their summer adventures in the forms of (sometimes rather “artistically” blurry) photographs featuring either gorgeous sceneries of foreign countries or delicious food they’d found. In between the envious ooh-ing and fascinated aah-ing at the colourful photos were members discussing the transfers during the summer window, various Glory-related rumors and news, and other things that only reclusive young men who spent most of their days playing games on their computers were interested in.
Though most of them hailed from different parts of Guangdong, so they’d return home to visit their families and take the time to rest until the new season began in September, a few of them still found the energy and time to take a nice vacation with their friends or family and travel abroad after an intense month-and-a-half of spending hours fighting level 75 Wild Bosses and gathering rare materials in the online game.
Lu Hanwen, for example, was currently enjoying a brief but lovely trip in Taiwan with his parents. Having debuted at such a young and tender age, Lu Hanwen had missed out on a lot of experiences that teenagers his age usually encountered; he had also undergone a lot of pressure and scrutiny that kids his age usually didn’t have to suffer through — this past season had taught him that the hard way.  
On the trip back to Guangzhou, with his eyes still bloodshot from the frustrated tears that he’d wiped dry just a few minutes ago, Lu Hanwen promised both his captain and vice-captain that he would train hard over the summer so that he would not make such mistakes during team matches again.
Before Huang Shaotian could open his mouth, Xu Jingxi was already ruffling the teenager’s hair from the seat behind, which earned him an indignant ‘hey!’ from Lu Hanwen but laughter from the rest of the team.
“It’s okay,” Yu Wenzhou had said, his smile gentle, his gaze calm but warm. “You already did really well, Hanwen, so take your time over the summer to recover and return for another year of hard work come September.”
Since they knew the kind of boy Lu Hanwen was, Yu Wenzhou had made sure to give Lu Hanwen’s parents a call as well.  
And it seemed like the kid was enjoying himself with his family.
Huang Shaotian paused when he saw the photos that Yu Wenzhou had posted late last night. Most of the photos he’d taken were breathtaking nature sceneries: mountain ridges still coated with a layer of snow at the peaks, flat surface of a lake reflecting sapphire and jade specks surrounded by lush forests; only one or two photos featured Yu Wenzhou himself, and even then, those pictures were taken with an unsteady hand, but Huang Shaotian could still appreciate his wind-swept hair and smiling lips — a little more open and carefree than the one he always wore in front of the journalists, a little more careless — amidst the shards of shadows that fell around him from the foliage above.
He mentioned that he was travelling to the west coast of Canada to visit some relatives that had immigrated to Vancouver quite some years ago, and his cousins had taken him to all sorts of local places to hike and camp. It was a fact known by many other pro-players and the fanbase of Blue Rain that Yu Wenzhou, despite his delicate and refined appearance that he displayed before the public, was surprisingly an outdoorsy type; one wouldn’t assume so from the fact that he was the captain of an eSports team who presumably spent a lot of his time indoors, but that’d never stopped him from visiting the closest national park for a half-day hike or going on a two-week long camping trip in the mountainous region of Yunnan.  
With an impatient sigh, Huang Shaotian scrolled back to the most recent messages in the group chat, but what he was seeking was simply not there. He couldn’t help but feel the immense heaviness in his heart grew a little degree more; he bit his lower lip and considered sending the other man a message but almost immediately decided against that.
He slammed his phone into the pillow beside him and dived face-down into the mattress with a muffled groan that sounded like a slowly-dying animal. He couldn’t do this anymore. He couldn’t stand this anymore.
Yes, he liked Yu Wenzhou.
No, not as friends or teammates or bros or anything like that. What were we — still elementary school kids?
No. Huang Shaotian more than liked Yu Wenzhou; he was in love with the guy, all right? He wanted to hold his hand, and embrace him, and kiss him, and… and yes, sleep with him. He wanted to do all those wonderful, wonderful things with Yu Wenzhou but there was only one problem: Yu Wenzhou didn’t know anything about this and Huang Shaotian didn’t know how to tell him without scaring his captain away.
Every year, without fail, Yu Wenzhou would be the first person to send him birthday wishes. In most of those instances, he’d be out of town, so birthday wishes would come in various forms: a mailed card, a text, a voice recording, or even a thoughtful little souvenir from wherever he’d been travelling to. But August 10th was almost over, and other than the small set of photos he’d uploaded onto the team group chat yesterday, Yu Wenzhou’s username and icon remained disappointingly grey in his friend list.
It was 11:46pm when the doorbell to his apartment unit rang with an urgent flair, effectively pulling Huang Shaotian out of his dreary reverie.
He wasn’t expecting any guests at this hour, though it wouldn’t be the first time that a few of his teammates, along with a few close friends from the Alliance, who apparently had nothing better to do than to drop by Guangzhou and pester him (i.e. giving him a surprise birthday party, which, despite his mumbling and grumbling, he actually appreciated), showed up at his door without as much as a text ahead of time.
What he hadn’t expect to find was one Yu Wenzhou, a timeworn suitcase sitting by his feet and a hefty duffle bag on his shoulder. It looked like he’d been rushing to get here, for his breathing was still unsteady and his sweat-stained, ink-black hair was plastered messily over his forehead and stuck to the nape of his neck.
“C-Captain? W-What are you—”
“Did I make it in time?” Yu Wenzhou asked, his brows suddenly dipping in concern, and when he didn’t get an answer from his vice-captain, he added, “my phone battery was dead on the flight back.”
“What? In time for what?” Huang Shaotian was still bewildered; he still couldn’t believe that Yu Wenzhou — who was supposed to be in the wilderness somewhere in the west coast of North America roasting marshmallows over a bonfire or hunting bears or whatever it was that they did when people went camping — that Yu Wenzhou was currently standing in his doorway.
He blinked once, twice, speechless.
“Shaotian…” Yu Wenzhou reached over and touched him gingerly on the shoulder. “Your birthday. Did I come back in time for your birthday?”
“It’s not midnight yet,” Huang Shaotian replied numbly, at least the last time he checked, which wasn’t that long ago, actually.
“Great!” Yu Wenzhou heaved a relieved sigh, and then with a softer smile and a warm gaze that was similar to the usual one he gave his teammates —but it was slightly off, yet Huang Shaotian was still too stunned by his captain’s sudden appearance that he couldn’t quite comprehend the expression that seemed so obvious when he thought back upon it later on — he said, “in that case, happy birthday, Shaotian.”
“T-Thank you,” Huang Shaotian lowered his head to hide the flush that’d suddenly bloomed across his cheeks, realizing that for once, he couldn’t look directly into Yu Wenzhou’s eyes. He was afraid of discovering what lay within those ink-blue depths; he was scared that he’d see something wonderful there only to find out that it was all in his imagination, his misinterpretation, a misunderstanding. Then, his logic — being lost somewhere between his fretful phone-scrolling and Yu Wenzhou’s unannounced arrival — finally caught up. “Wait, wait a fucking minute, hold on for just a second. W-what the hell are you even doing here, Captain? Aren’t you supposed to be in, like, the mountains strumming a guitar and singing songs around a campfire or something?”
Yu Wenzhou raised a brow, one corner of his lips tucked upwards into an amused grin, “I’m absolutely tone-deaf, Shaotian, or don’t you remember?”
Good lord, of course he remembered, Huang Shaotian winced visibly at the reminder. The one time their whole team decided to celebrate someone’s birthday at a karaoke was the last time they did so, because everyone belatedly discovered that, as soon as their captain, who was known to have a gentle, mesmerizing speaking voice, started opening his mouth to sing the first verse of Eason Chan’s famous ballad “Ten Years”, they all wished they’d brought some earplugs with them, even if it meant disrespecting (or insulting) their nice, kind captain.
“Okay, okay, fine, that wasn’t actually even the point. The point is—"
“Shaotian…” Yu Wenzhou interrupted softly with a helpless smile that was enough to stop the other man in the middle of his rant.
“Uh, yes?” Huang Shaotian halted, eyes widening a little.
“Aren’t you going to let me in?”
“Oh. Oh! Yeah, yeah come on in!” His blush deepened, but he turned around quickly to shuffle over and make space for Yu Wenzhou to step into his apartment. After setting his bags and shoes down at the entranceway, Yu Wenzhou made his way to the couch in the living-room, his manner casual as if he’d been here many times, felt comfortable enough to make himself at home on his vice-captain’s couch.
“You want something to drink?” Huang Shaotian was already walking towards the tiny kitchen he barely used, and without waiting for Yu Wenzhou to reply, he muttered, “I’ll get you something to drink. Uh, let’s see, what do I have in here?”
Some rummaging and a yelped curse later — presumably in his haste, he’d accidentally hit his head on something — Huang Shaotian came out with two bottles of beverage.
When Yu Wenzhou glanced over, he couldn’t help but let a corner of his lips curved up into an amused smile. For whatever reason, Huang Shaotian was currently acting like as if he was the uninvited guest, maneuvering carefully around his own home like the floor was covered in glass and he was trying not to startle the man sitting in his living-room. He placed the two bottles of peach-flavored black tea onto the coffee table and sat down gingerly beside Yu Wenzhou, taking special precaution to leave a good amount of space between them.
“You don’t seem too happy to see me, Shaotian,” Yu Wenzhou observed, picking up the bottle easily and twisting the cap off to take a sip of the artificially sweetened iced tea.
“That’s crazy talk, captain! Of course I’m happy to see you — I’m absolutely thrilled to see you!” Huang Shaotian stuttered, and decided that now was a good time to drink his tea as well, but his hands were shaking so much that it took him a few seconds before he could grip the cap properly. He gulped down the liquid as if his life depended on it, and when half of the tea had been consumed, his nerves seemed to have returned as well. He sighed, looking away, and murmured, “I was just — I didn’t expect to see you here, of all places, this late at night, is all. You could’ve said something, you know? I could’ve come to the airport to pick you up.”
“Then it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore, now would it?”
A soft hint of laugher was laced within Yu Wenzhou’s low voice, like the softest breeze ruffling through the summer flower fields — sweet and sensual.
“N-No, I guess not.”
It was the voice that caressed his heart late at night, when his dreams were consumed by the images of the man he’d grown up with — from awkward teenagers who competed with each other for a spot in the team to partners standing side-by-side, protecting each other’s backs, creating opportunities for each other to attack and invade and win — and those images had been strange yet mesmerizing. The slow fumbling fingers on the keyboard that everyone in the Alliance teased about were elegant and left spots of sparks on his bare skin, his smiling lips against the curve of his ear, his neck, his teeth sinking into his supple skin and leaving marks on his hips and the insides of his thighs, his heated breaths mixing with Huang Shaotian’s gasps, ragged and fragmented syllables of their names falling from their parted lips…
Huang Shaotian didn’t remember when he’d first started having these indecent dreams about his captain, but as much as he hated himself for having them in the first place, he couldn’t let the sensations disappear once he woke up; he couldn’t let him go.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t the first person to wish you happy birthday,” Yu Wenzhou began once more after he put the bottle of tea down, his voice slightly strained with regret as he returned his gaze towards Huang Shaotian.  
“Why should you be sorry—” Huang Shaotian snapped his head up and stared directly at the other man, his topaz eyes widened with puzzlement.
“Because I want to spend every birthday with you, Shaotian, and I want to always be the first person to wish you a happy birthday,” Yu Wenzhou smiled up at him, as if the statement that just came out of his mouth was a casual, harmless comment about the weather, like it was the most apparent, most genuine sentiment in the world. He tilted his head slightly to the side so that his dark forelocks fell into his eyes, his cheeks tinting just the faintest shade of pink, his smile soft, his voice softer, “is that not obvious?”
At the back of his mind, Huang Shaotian thought he knew he understood the meaning of each word, but when stringed together like this, when Yu Wenzhou — the man he respected so much as the team’s captain, the friend he treasured so much over the years of ups and downs in their career, the boy he gradually learned to admire though he’d refused to admit this when he was younger, more stubborn — when he spoke to him like this, it was difficult for Huang Shaotian to understand anything.
His mind was buzzing, rearranging the words to make sense out of them, and when it finally clicked, blood roared in his ears, tainting his cheeks red. Everything else in his brain was lost and drowned out by only one, single thought: Yu Wenzhou likes me, he likes me, he likes me, he likes me…
“Y-You’re not playing fair, Yu Wenzhou!”
“They do say those who use tactics have dirty hearts,” Yu Wenzhou’s smile grew a little bolder, a little more mischievous. He shuffled closer, and Huang Shaotian could do nothing but be captivated by the almost animalistic, hungry look in Yu Wenzhou’s eyes — an emotion he’d never seen before, an emotion he dared not fantasize about because it was too dangerous, too damn dangerous — and it wasn’t until his back hit the stiff armrest of his couch that he realized that Yu Wenzhou had successfully trapped him in between his arms.
He leaned forward until their foreheads were touching lightly, their breaths mingling — shallow, hot, irresistible.
There was nowhere for him to escape, but he didn’t want to, Huang Shaotian thought, he’d been running for years now, and he wanted to stop, to rest, to find his way home.
Yu Wenzhou’s eyes held only him, and him alone, and Huang Shaotian felt his heart beating beneath his ribs, beating so hard he was afraid Yu Wenzhou might hear it, might tease him for it, but then Yu Wenzhou was holding his hand and guiding it so that his palm was lying flat against the left side of his chest, and Yu Wenzhou’s heart was palpitating hard, too, like he’d been running for miles, for years.
And Huang Shaotian thought with a smile, gods we’d both been such idiots.
“So, Shaotian, what do you say? Will you let me?” Yu Wenzhou asked in a whisper, words branded on skin.
“Let you… what?” Huang Shaotian sounded weary. This may be a confession — one that he’d only dreamed too many times about in the past, it was true — but he hadn’t forgotten the fact that he was still dealing with one of the great tacticians of Glory.
“Let me accompany you on your birthdays in the years to come,” Yu Wenzhou answered easily, brushing the tip of his thumb gently across Huang Shaotian’s cheek, feeling the heat pooled there, his mesmerized gaze, the way his irises darkened at his touch.
“Only if your kissing skills are better than your terrible hand-speed,” Huang Shaotian challenged him with a shaky grin.
“You’re on,” Yu Wenzhou chuckled, and closed the distance between them with a kiss, too ready and keen to show Huang Shaotian what he was capable of.
This, Huang Shaotian decided faintly before he was entirely distracted by Yu Wenzhou’s consuming kisses, was the best birthday he could ever ask for.
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kerahlekung · 4 years
Anniversary terkubur UMNO di Putrajaya...
Anniversary terkubur UMNO di Putrajaya....
Semalam, 09 Mei 2020 rakyat merayakan hari ulangtahun kedua "kematian" Umno sebagai parti tunjang pemerintah di Putrajaya. Sehingga kini Umno masih tidak bangkit kecuali rohnya yang tergantung di awangan meresap masuk merasuk ke dalam kerajaan pintu belakang pengkhianat. Rekod dan sejarah diukir sepanjang zaman bahawa satu-satunya parti yang berjaya mencabut nyawa Umno dan Bn di Putrajaya adalah gabungan PH. Sejarah turut mengukir nama Umno sebagai sebuah parti yang menjadi sebahagian dari kerajaan di Pusat tanpa mandat rakyat. Di situ bermulalah sejarah Umno yang dilihat hilang maruah dan jati dirinya. Umno yang dulu dilaungkan sebagai parti keramat kini hanya dikenali sebagai parti khianat.
Selama ini mereka menuduh Dap komunis atau kapir harbi, paling tidak Dap lebih bermaruah kerana tidak pernah mencuri mandat rakyat. Kerajaan Dap di P.Pinang tidak pernah menjadi kerajaan tanpa mandat rakyat. Dap kuburkan Gerakan dan Bn di P.Pinang bermula tahun 2008 adalah hasil dari mandat rakyat. Maruah Dap lebih terserlah berbanding Umno dan Pas di dalam aspek menjunjung demokrasi. PM sekarang adalah Wakil Rakyat yang menang pada PRU14 dengan menggunakan logo Keadilan. Saya tidak tahu bagaimana beliau boleh hidup tanpa maruah? Jika dahulu beliau sanggup dipecat dari Umno kononnya atas dasar prinsip dan maruah, tetapi kini maruahnya telah berjaya direntap oleh Umno apabila beliau sanggup bersekongkol dengan parti keris telanjang tidak bersarung itu demi kepentingan serta nafsunya sendiri. - Wfauzdin Ns
Masalah besar Muhyiddin hari ini bagaimana menghadapi desakan2 sekutunya dalam PN khususnya UMNO? Semua tahu gomen Muhyiddin ni survive kerana UMNO/PAS dan geng si kitol yang memberi nafas tanpa mereka ini dah lama Muhyiddin terhuban ke Sungai Gombak. Sekarang kita boleh nampak permainan geng kleptokrat ini satu demi satu depa demand hinggakan hampir 90% CEO GLC dah diambil alih oleh puaka2 politik UMNO/PAS etc... Lepas ini apa pula demand depa? Yes...depa mahu ketua2 dan kaki2 penyamun yang terpalit dengan kes mahkamah dibebaskan. - t/s
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Kiranya Muhyidin bebaskan Najib dan Zahid, rakyat akan marah. PH akan untung besar dari sudut politik. Membebaskan kleptokrat yang dituduh menyamun duit rakyat dengan bukti yang menggunung adalah lebih jahat dari kleptokrat itu sendiri. Kalau itu berlaku, isu 1MDB akan mendominasikan kempen dalam PRU15. Kiranya Muhyidin biarkan Najib dan Zahid masuk penjara, beliau mungkin tidak punya kerusi untuk bertanding dalam PRU15 akan datang. Umno akan membenci dan menghukum beliau lebih teruk dari mereka membenci Tun M dan DSAI. Kiranya Najib dan Zahid masih belum dihukum menjelang PRU15, slogan kempen PH ialah: Undi BN Najib bebas, undi PH rakyat bebas. Tak perlu lagi fikir pasal Bersatu dan Kartel. PRU15 akan menjadi kubur politik mereka. Ingat Al Sisi rampas kuasa dengan bawa tubuh Morsi masuk penjara. Muhyidin rampas kuasa dengan bawa parti Bersatu bergabung dengan BN/UMNO/PAS. - Jamzuri Ardani
The road to reform...
May 9 is the 2nd anniversary of that magical day when the rakyat brought down the proud and mighty BN at the ballot box. Sure, the "Empire Strikes Back", if you’ll permit me a Star Wars analogy, but let’s never forget that we, the people, did manage to do the impossible. In the run up to the elections, the mood had been electric. Huge crowds had come for Pakatan Harapan ceramahs all over the country, even those held near Umno’s so-called “Felda fortresses”. Ceramah audiences were asked to display their handphone lights, and “seas” of lights glimmered, promising a wave of change. I managed to join one of these huge rallies in the Keramat area of Kuala Lumpur. The padang (field) at the venue was soggy and muddy, yet heaps of humanity -- of all races -- were huddled there, under an intermittent drizzle, heaving for hope, for “harapan”, of a better country. Hawkers were doing brisk business too - food, drinks and lots of T-shirts, especially of former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, as if he was some Che Guevara hero or something. I bought a generic Pakatan T-shirt, but refused to spend RM20 on a Mahathir one. Yes, he was needed to swing the tide, but I could not forget how his rule had led to the rot dragging down the country now. Remember the tensions of election day? The huge and eager turnout even before polling stations opened, the long queues, the whispers of conspiracies to prevent certain people from voting and the fear of sudden blackouts when counting ballots. Recall how the results stopped coming out after a certain time when BN was losing? And the rumours flying around. Would the election authorities be fair? Would an emergency be declared? When victory was finally declared in the wee hours of May 10, I could hardly believe it… against all odds, the "Death Star" had been destroyed.
We all know how the story has turned out since. Leaders in Harapan may have been on the same bed, but they had different dreams, as the Chinese proverb goes. The "Dark Side" was found not just on the BN side, but among the so-called “good guys” too. In fact, even after the departure of the Muhyiddin Yassin-Azmin Ali gang, let’s not fool ourselves that all is well. As long as power and greed can easily corrupt people (politicians and ourselves too), as long as we lack a strong system to check these baser instincts, the journey towards reform is not finished. Now there’s talk that the game is still on, that Perikatan National are fighting among themselves for the spoils of their coup, that trouble is brewing between Bersatu and Umno in Johor, that a vote of confidence in Parliament on May 18 could lead to a dramatic plot twist. My take is, even if Harapan somehow manages to regain power, that is merely the first step of a long journey of repairing a damaged Malaysia.  For starters, how will they deal with the weaponisation of the 3R’s - race, religion and royalty? Will any new Harapan communications minister and home minister sit by, seemingly powerless, as before, when political poisons are constantly dripped from the other side? Or will swift action be taken the moment somebody insults another race online (especially using fake news)? But can this be done when Harapan won only 25 to 30 percent of the Malay vote in the last elections? I am especially concerned with the reform of political financing, because if rich tycoons can influence leaders with “party donations”, then we will end up merely shifting one form of elite rule for another, just as Americans alternate between the Democrats and Republicans who both favour corporate interests over that of common folks.
As pointed out by Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, the chairperson of PSM, certain Harapan decisions seemed to be influenced by the mindset of pure market efficiency and this cost it valuable support, especially from the Malays. These included the stopping of subsidy payments of RM300 per month to more than 70,000 traditional fishermen and the price support system for 200,000 rubber smallholders. He noted that Harapan should have kept the allocations for the rural and urban poor, but with full transparency. For example, all funds for, say repairing kampung homes or urban low cost flats, should be published on the internet so that people can monitor how, where and when the money is spent, and to prevent “pihak-pihak tertentu” (certain quarters) from abusing it. If all this is done, will it make the poor, the majority of whom are Malays, realise how much those who claim to be their racial “saviours” have siphoned off into their own pockets? Will it make them believe less in the propaganda peddled by certain politicians day in, day out? The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and probably the most important area for Harapan will be to raise income while lowering living costs. This will be a challenge given that our economy has been hit by the double whammy of the Covid-19 pandemic and low oil prices. But again, as Jeyakumar points out, helping the poor will not cost that much. For example, a Universal Pension Scheme of RM300 per month for all the poor above 70 will only cost about RM3 billion per year. This money will help not only people, but also stimulate the economy, as the elderly will spend it on food and other necessities. And remember the many Harapan manifesto promises? Will they finally be fulfilled?
- Will the police force be cleaned up with an IPCMC? - Will one million affordable homes be built? - Will GLCs be run professionally, free from political influence? - Will draconian laws like the Sedition Act finally be repealed? Now that former PKR members Azmin and Zuraida Kamaruddin along with Bersatu's Rina Harun, Muhyiddin and Redzuan Yusof have joined PN, is there any more excuse not to execute the manifesto pledges? Oh wait, there’s Mahathir. At his grand old age, has he woken up to the need for genuine reform? But let’s stop depending so much on politicians. Ultimately, change occurs when enough people want it. Politicians merely reflect popular pressure and it's up to us to push for what we need and want. In history, that's the only way real change has ever happened. Politicians are not that powerful. If you need proof, just look at how the back door government did several u-turns on their movement control order policies after some online outcries. They also fear the rakyat's anger. See what the French have achieved in reversing unpopular policies, with mass demonstrations while wearing yellow vests. And what we have achieved with our own yellow T-shirt protests. So please don’t surrender, don’t give up in despair. Keep speaking up for a better Malaysia, even if it's just on Facebook or WhatsApp. If you can organise people to do things, even small things at the local level, all the better. At a bare minimum, please vote. We will get the politicians that we deserve, or at least those that we push for. Yes, May 9 is the second anniversary of the people's power. Let’s not forget that.- Andrew Sia,mk
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Sumber asal: Anniversary terkubur UMNO di Putrajaya... Baca selebihnya di Anniversary terkubur UMNO di Putrajaya...
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valkirsif · 6 years
Unthinkable CH7/???
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word 3100
Warning Smut
They had breakfast in silence, Y/N still did not believe that they had been there for two days, two days spent having sex and sleeping, did not know how things would turn out once they got back to Rice's house but did not want to think about it, at the time she enjoyed the company of Tom, who looked at her smiling,
"You're thoughtful this morning darling," said, pouring more coffee,
"I was wondering how it is possible that two days have passed .." she answered thoughtfully, ".. it seems like a few hours",
"Even one night seems to me, if you give me two really nice days" he stroked her face, Y/N smiled, they had been two days calm, hope was that it did not end all once out of the suite, they ended up to eat and get dressed, leaving the Hilton still with the dress of the party was very strange, as the car waiting for them in the garage, they left for home, the woman leaned on Tom during the trip thinking about how to tell Rice what it happened, they came to the friend who was waiting for them,
"I take a shower and i put something more comfortable" said the woman disappearing upstairs followed by Rice,
"Go tells little lustful" was curious to know that it had happened,
Y/N laughed looking at him, "Help me with the dress in the meantime, i'm still trying to figure out how we missed two days", Rice fumbled with the dress and stopped looking at the friend's back,
"What the hell did he do you?" stroked her fingernails, he was furious,
"In what sense Rice?" the woman asked, surprised, "He did not do anything i did not want and if you mean the bite on my neck i asked him," she said quietly, finishing undressing,
"I'm saying your back is covered with scratches, but i'm sorry you did not notice?" He did not know whether to laugh or get more angry, Y/N went to the mirror to look at her back, had nail marks on hips and on ass , thin lines crossed her shoulder blades,
"Ehm..." she explained to him what had happened in the water and in the shower, Rice knew her well enough to know that everything Tom had done had pleased her, he reassured and laughing followed her in the shower,
"You're amazing Poppy, it seems you've made the fight with Freddie and you're happy too" teased her by washing hair,
"I do not tell you the ideas that came to me when i saw the four-poster bed ... how much i wanted to tie me to the supports" she said coming out of the shower and throwing herself a towel and taking from the drawer boxer comfortable and a t-shirt, wiped the hair, got dressed and went down, even Tom had freshened up and put on comfortable clothes,
"As beautiful as ever" smiled, taking her in his arms, "Even if i preferred you last night," whispered kissing her, Y/N squeezed him, putting his hands on his ass,
"Idem..would it be so unseemly if we went to sleep a little?" winked, Tom laughed, ruffling her hair,
"I have to review the script, even if i'm on holiday i can not ignore the job" replied, the woman was disappointed but imagined it would happen,
"In that case i'm going to organize lunch" untied his embrace and went to the kitchen, she wanted to try the pancakes the night before but had no idea of ​​the ingredients and opted for something light, looked in the freezer and pulled out the shrimp, perfect shrimp and zucchini one of Rice's favorite dishes, ideal to be forgiven fright, put a little 'music and devoted herself to lunch, cooking had always relaxed and keep the head busy with the recipes avoided thinking of the hands of Tom who held her, the friend joined,
"Can i do anything Poppy?" asked, picking up the music and engaging her in a makeshift tango, going to crash into the fridge laughing,
"Oh Rice you're all crazy" she rubbed her elbow, "You could clean the prawns as i go ahead with the zucchini",
"I thought you would be locked in your room for the next few days," he said carelessly, putting the clean shrimps on a plate,
"Ahahahah we had wild sex in the last 48 hours, i do not say i'm saturated but if for a day we do not belong, i will not die" she laughed, lighting the stove, "Do we still have chocolate? I wanted to make the cake" looked in the various shelves taking the necessary, she wanted to sweet, Rice took out the planetary and the pan and passed to her friend, the sauce boiled slowly and the cake was in the oven the two friends got comfortable on the couch starting a movie, Tom was in the garden reading the script Y/N was tempted to join him but did not want to bother, they chatted about the party laughing,
"Ehm..did Andrea tell you anything after i left?" asked curiously, even if she did not care, did not even say hello before going out with Tom,
"We crossed each other while looking for you, i lied shamelessly saying you were back home because you did not feel well, your honor is safe" he laughed,
"Thanks, if Thomas had not been there, i would probably have followed him to his room, it was nothing but i appreciate the choice you made in presenting it to me," she replied,"But you with the sexy guy?",
"We went up to him and away, the best blowjob of my life" he sighed, "I was hoping to do more but collapsed to bed, the resistant men no longer existed it was almost dawn so i came back home i did not want you worried, instead.." looked at her with a snout,
"I'm still apologizing, i guess how you felt, we did not realize we had arrived hotel almost at dawn so when we fell asleep we went on until night..the rest you know" stood up hearing the oven timer ring, the cake was ready put on the water for pasta,
“What say we have lunch in the garden it's a beautiful day" she said taking out plates and cutlery,
“Poppy's very good idea" helped her to take the necessary and went to the garden.
Tom was in the hammock concentrated in reading, raised the gap when heard them come out,
"Sorry if i disturb you, soon we have lunch" Y/N came up smiling,
"You never disturbs" replied, supporting the script and taking her in his arms, "​​After lunch, would you like to take a walk just the two of us?" asked kissing her, she was immediately warm and nodded, the man stood up to help Rice set the table while Y/N finished preparing, tossed the dough and put in a bowl the salad heard a strange trill and realized that it was Rice's cell phone that rang through the fridge, looked at who called and answered ,
"Hey Roby how are you sweet?" snapped cheerful, "Ready to make follies all together after months??"
"Poppy you are already from Rice!!" replied the voice of the friend, "Very prompt, i just wanted to discuss the details, if for you guys is okay we'll be here next monday",
"Of course it's okay, very well so i have time to redo the food and prepare the rooms!" she said checking not to overcook the pasta,
"Great then we agree for monday a day, a kiss" the friend hung up, Y/N stopped to think, it was almost 2 weeks since she arrived and met Tom and soon they would say goodbye, she wanted to take advantage of the time left as they would not be seen anymore, she dug the pasta and joined the others in the garden,
"Rice has called Roby we are left coming next monday" said to his friend passing the plate,
"Great i can not wait" he smiled, "It's a century we're not all together",
"Are your friends coming?" Tom asked curious,
"After almost a year the family gets together, not that we have not seen each other but all together is really a lot, since Rice left to be in a group has become a problem" answered happy Y/N, had lunch making plans for the next week.
Rice entered the kitchen to make coffee while the woman was washing the dishes,
"After we look at a movie? We have to finish the sharknado series" he said,
"Maybe tonight, Thomas wants to go for a walk together, bother you?" Y/N answered taking out the tray,
"Absolutely not, i take the opportunity to do some exercise, we can watching tonight the movie" kissed her and brought coffee in the garden, the woman finished with the dishes and joined them by the pool, drank coffee and put her shoes to go for a walk.
Tom took her by the hand and started, was from Rice for almost two weeks and had never moved to the property barely knew the garden,
"The forest you will like, there is also a pond" the man told putting an arm around her shoulders, Y/N tightened his hips, she always felt at ease embraced him,
"I'm curious to see him, we are very close to home and seems full country" she answered relaxed, liked being in nature, walked in silence enjoying the green to the forest, the path in pebbles took away the little illusion to be away from everything but turned the corner the view was incredible perfectly groomed hawthorn trees framed the pond, colored irises blossomed between flat stones and water lilies were beautiful in the water, the lawn was been cut recently, missing only the fawns that were jumping and the photograph of the fairy valley would have been complete, Y/N broke the embrace wanted to take a bath, undressed and entered the pond inviting Tom to reach it, the man took off the t-shirt and sat on the edge of the lake looking at her,
"The water is beautiful," said the woman, "Why do not you reach me?" teased him as approached, the man stroked her face,
"I've heard so many times. stories of girls of water that enshrouded passers-by.." kissed her "..if you see her first, my splendid nymph" he finished undressing and followed her, the woman swam around him and clung from behind, arms around thorax the legs that bandaged his life,
"You're trapped my careless passer-by" laughed kissing his neck, "You have only one way to escape from here," whispered, biting slightly, the man touched the ankles firmly anchored to him,
"The stories tell that the only way is to satisfy the desire of the nymph," he replied, making her slip on his chest,
"Exactly" Y/N whispered kissing him, the man supported her by moving towards the flat rocks that surrounded the lake and put to sit, the woman broke away from his hips, continuing to kiss, the hands came down from the chest, stroking the abs, she heard him moan when took his cock and with gentle movements go up and came down fell clasping him, the man leaned face on her shoulder and biting, his hands resting on the rocks, let the woman play with he for a few minutes, "..Omg darling.." moaned kissing her with carriage, "..do not stop.." playing with her breasts and making meow, the woman reacted by tightening grip on his cock, Tom started to sucking and tightening her nipples with his lips, brought a hand on her pussy and with equally delicate movements teased her clit, Y/N groaned while kissing him, the man inserted two fingers into her, digging into her soft spot, the palm pressed on the clit,
"..Tho..mas.." could not say anything else,
"My..nymph wants..satisfaction?" whispered leaning on her breasts, her hands continued to move on his cock, the woman gave a long moan in response, he put her legs around hips, removing fingers from her pussy, Y/N left him with arms around his neck, the man pushed against the edge and entered in her, the rocks scratched her back as Tom sank in her, they were back in the pool at the Hilton and he was fucking her hard by taking every inch of her, snorting his fingernails on her neck, scratching her shoulders,
"Please.." she moaned, "Thomas..i pray harder" the orgasm that she was wearing,
"Like my nymph need," he grunted, increasing his pace, put his hands on the edge to move as she wanted, felt her cunt tighten around the cock in the impetus of orgasm, slowed the thrusts enjoying the feeling of the thrills of  Y/N,  he stared at her, starting to move faster, with a hoarse grunt came, they remained laced to kiss,
"My nymph i earned my life?" smiled helping her out of the pond, lay down naked to dry in the sun,
"Absolutely yes" Y/N turning and resting head on his chest,
"Darling can i ask you a question?" the man asked,
"You can ask me anything you know," she replied, enjoying the beating of his heart,
"What's all this for you??" stroked her back slowly, the woman pulled up and looked at him questioningly she was not sure understood the question,
"The two days in the hotel and now this, what's for you? " he clarified looking at her,
"For me it was fun spending time with a friend" she answered sincerely,
"Interesting," he said thoughtfully, "I'm not the kind of man who uses women for his entertainment, i did not mean to think i was abusing the ascendant that i"
"As i have already told you in the hotel i am adult and i intend to have fun with you as long as you stay, in Italy it is called friends with benefits" smiled, "I enjoyed every minute spent with you until now, whether it was talking or having sex, is that different for you?” she asked, leaning chin on his chest and looking at him,
"When Rice told me that a fan was waiting for me, i was a little worried, i confess," he laughed, "But i felt comfortable with you, not i had planned to take you away from the party but you were so beautiful that i wanted you all for me, these last days have been pleasant and fun and i'm glad there are no other implications apart from the pure fun" stroked her face, "I hope we will stay friends once i leave",
"Of course, you are a fantastic man and i am happy that we have become friends, i do not want to give it up for any reason " she smiled glad to have discussed, she liked sex, also liked how he took her, but she kept more to his friendship.
They came back home after a couple of hours, Rice was running on the tapis talking on the phone, nodding to them as they sat down on the sofa,
"Simo can not come before monday." stopped run to continue the call, ".. you know that i have guests.." walked gesturing "..no..no..what does she have to do now.." Rice looked at Y/N who choked laughter "Listen to me sorry but i really do not know where to put you, see you monday!" closed the phone call,
"Let me guess Simo arrives casually before?" she asked leaning on Tom,
"He tried, he is in Paris by his uncles and would like to join us today" sitting, in turn, "Fortunately it never came, otherwise we would have found it at the gate",
"He complained because i'm here and he is not..true?" Y/N laughed, the friend stared at her nodding, lay down whining in search of attention, "Oh my little monster wants cuddles," chirped and caressed his friend's hair,
"I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?" Tom asked, getting up,
"What you drink is good for us," said Y/N and Rice,
"Liked the pond beauty?" asked the man taking advantage of the absence of Tom,
"Very much," she said, winking, "The water was beautiful and the choreography even more, you should put fawns that hopping and it would be a corner of paradise" laughed messing their hair,
"I had thought about it in effect," he replied, "Did you reshuffle your genitals?" looked at her mischievously,
"Ahahah i never heard this" laughed out of taste, "I did not do anything except take a bath naked" explained, "It's not my fault if Thomas can not hold back," Tom returned with some cold tea while the two were still laughing,
"Did i miss something funny?" asked, passing the glasses and coming back to Y/N,
"I would say no, i was just explaining to Poppy how the fashion shows," Rice said innocently, "It seems that my work is comic", the woman nodded and to avoid further questions turned and kissed him, Tom squeezed it closer to if and as always, she take on fire.
Afterward they returned home, it had been a long day and Y/N had no ideas for dinner,
"Lucifer can we order pizza or is it a problem?" she asked leaving the kitchen, "I do not really want to cook," admitted ,
"Of course yes, i want pizza is a lot that i do not eat, Tom is fine too?" the man nodded putting himself on the armchair and taking the remote control,
"Let's finish the movie about flying sharks?" asked, laughing
“Good idea so maybe after we watch a decent film" Rice answered lying on the couch and resting his head on the legs of Y/N,
"Very nice both," said the woman sarcastically, "Rice you call for dinner?"
"Already made Poppy, the pizzas will arrive in half an hour, i got you the usual" he confirmed, taking comfort to watch the movie, were in the middle of the final scene with the hero who was chopping the umpteenth flying fish when the bell rang, Rice got up and retrieved the dinner, Y/N took the dishes and joined the others on the sofa,
"How nice, dinner on the couch without much thought, i missed a lot" the woman turned to hug Rice,
"Do you know what it would take after?" replied the friend,
"Cake with coconut and strawberries" they answered in unison bursting out laughing, the pizza was excellent and disappeared in a flash, Y/N got up to clear the table
"I wash the dishes while you seek the film, tonight it's up to you Lucifer" went to the kitchen followed by Tom,
"I'll give you a hand darling, maybe i'll make coffee" said turning on the machine, he moved towards the woman kissing her neck and getting hands down on her hips,
"If your friend wants to get there first i could kidnap you again" he whispered mischievously, Y/N  smiling ... it was a good idea.
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