#accept them even though their parents have shown no sign of negative idea of trans people AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
trenchcroats · 3 months
One day I will have a binder. One day I will come out to my parents. One day I will be comfortable in my own skin. One day-
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gigakoops · 11 months
A Rant About Censoring LGBTQIA+ Content From Kids
CW: Mentions of sheltering, abuse, and internalized transphobia
While I'm not thinking that the absolute worst-case scenario is set in stone to happen, the thought of conservatives trying to censor LGBTQIA+ content from the internet to "protect kids" is absolutely infuriating to me. The very idea that kids learning that anything other than cishet identity exists would somehow be harmful to them is making my blood boil, because of anything, not letting them see such things can be very harmful down the line.
Take me, for example. I grew up sheltered, with no internet, and raised to be a god-fearing, conservative boy. But something about that always felt "off." Yet every time I showed any sign of being feminine I was told to stop it, and that I needed to "man up." I wasn't allowed to express myself, even to myself.
Flash forward several years later, and I find out that I'm trans, thanks to talking to other trans folks online and finding out "Oh wait, that's exactly how I feel!" Along with that, though, came a major depression and self-loathing over this very fact. I was raised to hate the very things that I found in myself, and so I had to take additional time to grapple with that. And now, every time I discover some new aspect of myself, I react negatively, despite the fact that I already accept these things in other people.
Whereas if I were to have been shown trans-supportive things at a younger age, I wouldn't have had these mental health struggles, because I'd have known then that what my caretakers were talking about was complete bull. And I wouldn't have to train myself to not take it out on myself every time I feel something other than what they'd want me to feel.
So a note to conservatives: by not letting kids see LGBTQIA+-positive content, you'd effectively be hurting every queer child whose parents would be hindering their growth. You'd be subjecting millions of children to psychological abuse.
If anything, censoring these things would be the abuse. The very thing you're swearing these bills are trying to do.
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zombie-renji · 5 years
When I was 17
I came out to my family as transgender and bi, I didn't quite get the support that I thought that I'd be getting from my family, but I got something better, I got acceptance from my parents. My siblings were a bit iffy, because I didn't show the classic signs, or they didn't pick them unlike my aunt. My two oldest sisters were crying openly from joy as I came out.
When I was 18
My mother sat me down to talk more in depth about the whole deal, in a way, to both clear things to her and to myself, my older sister and younger brother eaves dropped the whole conversation, because they wanted to learn more, but were too proud to ask.
When I was 19
My father told me that he'd come in terms with the idea, and showed me the research he had been constructing of the whole thing, he also mentioned that one of the legendary heroes, Joan D'Arc was thought to be a trans man.
When I was 20
My brother and I had a lengthy conversation about everything, we just sat down and took time to truly talk. He told me that he believed that my mind was man's but he reminded me that the "solution" currently available may not be the best, he reminded me that on the level of the chromosomes, I'd still have two Xs and while there might be a chance for the third hidden chromosome, it wouldn't change.
He reminded me of the dangers of the transitioning, pleading me to find another way to be happy without risking my health. In his words "What you have, is the maximum level of dysphoria regarding your own body. If you go to a hormone replacement therapy, there's a high chance that the hormones added will only increase your feeling of discomfort. And taken in your medical history... You are at the high risk. So before the decision, learn to love yourself a little more".
It wasn't oppression, it was him trying to figure out a way to help me, he was trying to protect me from what he saw as harmful. He was trying to make sure that I gave a good thought to the decision and understand the dangers of the choice. He wanted to make sure that I'd be okay mentally first.
He showed me how much he'd truly spend time with everything, despite the fact that he hadn't shown any signs of support nor acceptance before, but that's the kind of person he has always been, trying to get to the root of everything first and then make his own opinion.
When I was 21
I came out to my grandmother. She looked at me for the longest time before she smiled, she had guessed that it was something like that, what I'd been painfully hiding from her, fearing that she wouldn't be able to understand.
My father also said that his mother would've been so damn proud to call me her grandson should she have been able to hear my confession to my mother's mom before passing at the humble age of 80.
I am turning 22
I think that I'm starting to get ready to face the consequences, I think that I have grown enough as a person and achieved mental stability to face a psychiatrist and ask for their opinion and thoughts.
Will I do the transition?
Honestly speaking, I am not sure, I was born with a broken set of genes that might make it impossible, and I accept it. What matters really is the fact that I know that I am valid transman with or without the process. It doesn't really matter if someone tells me that I can't be transgendered or not if I don't go through the process, but I must ask them "Are you inside my head? Do you really know what I am in there? Can you see my gender through my clothes?" the answer is no. Gender refers to the mind, what I identify as, it doesn't have anything to do with sex, sex is just what my physical form is.
Also if one were to say that I can't identify as a man because I wear make up, I can always point out the fact that in movies, all of the men wear make up. And transmen often wear makeup in order to enhance their masculine traits like their jawline and cheek bones. But I also have to point out that I am a cosplayer, and knowing how to use make up to bring the character alive is essential in it.
What is the point of this post?
No matter in which situation you are as a transgendered person, you are valid. Your decision to go through the transition or not go does not make you more or less trans. If you identify as the opposite gender than you were assigned at birth, you are valid.
But also, don't think that everything negative said about transitioning (or anything in general) is oppression, the person could just be worried over your safety, and life as they are aware of the possible side effects and that the current method isn't perfect.
Welcome to my Ted talk, I hope that someone who is reading this is feeling a better and hopeful even slightly
Stay healthy guys, gals and non binaries
Edit: Hey so uhh apparently the term "transgendered" is offensive term and I had no idea of that? I won't change it though since I know that the version that's now going around is the one that has the error and editing the post won't won't change it on every reblog.
But hear me out why I used it.
It's because of the flow of the sentence. Try using the one that's apparently "the only appropriate term" aka transgender and see how much it changes the sentence. It doesn't flow anymore. Which isn't how this language works.
But also, this term was taught to me by my lovely English teacher from Elementary school, whom followed the Oxford way of writing and using the language, and she was old. Very old. Hence I myself use certain old ways of writing the language like redd (former, past tense of the verb read), lit (past tense of light up something, but also something that means bad). She used that word because that's what we were called BEFORE it was turned into an offensive word, and I assure you that she is very acceptive and kind woman, very encouraging too. So before you decide to attack me over the usage of this term, please remind yourself that I didn't know it was offensive and I am using it as a positive term which I was taught and I used it as a conjunction since that sentence needed it to flow better (though APPARENTLY someone decided that the term shouldn't be able to be conjugated in any way, thanks for that). So in this case, it's a conjugation, not an offensive word. Rarely used, yes, but not offensive.
I apologise for not being up to date with the slurs and offensive words of English speaking countries.
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spiritrot-a · 6 years
hey here’s the about under read more bc it’s really long
General Information
NAME: Raleigh James Ravenson.
AGE: Twenty three. 
BIRTHDAY: June 26th, 1995.
ZODIAC: Cancer. 
BIRTH PLACE: Victorville, California.
GENDER: Trans man. 
SEXUALITY: Bisexual, biromantic.
SPECIES: Medium.
POWERS: Can speak to spirits. It's an ability he can't turn off and he sees them constantly. He's dabbled a bit in summoning spirits and if he tried he would be able to manipulate spirits, force them to move on, or touch spirits. He also has the power of necromancy, however he doesn't use it often, afraid to throw the universe out of balance. 
RELIGION: Raised in a Christian household, however he doesn't believe in anything specific anymore. He realizes there's a higher power or something else beyond death due to his powers, but he doesn't have any idea of what exactly. 
OCCUPATION: Actor, namely known for his horror roles. 
LANGUAGES KNOWN: English is the only one he's fluent in. He does however know some Spanish, ASL, and German.  
ACCENT: American. 
VOICE CLAIM: Leigh Whannell.
FACE CLAIM: Leigh Whannell.
EYE COLOR: Green, with a small mix of brown.
STYLE: Short, just kind of a mess.
HEIGHT: 5'8"
TATTOOS: Most of them are actually covered by his clothes, but he has quite a few of them so far. A heart grenade on his upper right arm, billy from dead silence on his lower left leg, star-lord between his shoulder blades, ghostface on his right leg, the words "'cause I won't let go til we both see the light" on his left shoulder to match Haley's, a fast forward / rewind / pause / play button on his stomach below his belly button, and a rainbow outline of a heart that looks spray painted on his wrist to match Haley's.
PIERCINGS: He has a tongue piercing, a helix on his right ear, and an eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow.  
SCARS: Top surgery scars which are healed very well and barely visible compared to some of the others he has. A gash on his arm and a long scar going down his chest and stomach from a stunt gone wrong. 
CLOTHES: Thrift store punk is the best way to name it. Leather jackets and combat boots, worn out band t-shirts or horror movie shirts ( a lot of nightmare on elm street and scream ), plenty of patches on his jacket, ripped jeans, and occasionally he'll break out the band bracelets.
DISTINGUISHING LOOKS: Piercings and eyeliner for days. Tattoos if his skin is shown.
LABEL: The artist, the rebel.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Adventurous, adaptable, humourous, creative, easygoing, passionate, neat, understanding.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Careless, impatient, impulsive, numb, obsessive, sarcastic, stubborn.
GOALS: To further his career even more so and make more of a name for himself, even outside of the horror community. He wants to make people in his life happy and build a family.
FEARS: Becoming like his mother, ghosts ( surprisingly ), abandonment.
HOBBIES: Reading comics, film ( analyzing and making ), skating, going to parties, graffiti, drawing, chilling at graveyards. 
HABITS: Smokes heavily, bites his nails, bounces his legs, and picks the skin at his fingers during stressful situations.
FAVORITE MUSIC: He can listen to just about anything. He enjoys a lot of punk and his favorite band is Dead Kennedys. 
FAVORITE MOVIES: Horror is his favorite genre, it's the genre he works in most for a reason, but he does enjoy cinema as a whole. His favorite movie is It Follows and he makes pretty much everybody watch it. 
FAVORITE SPORTS: He likes hockey well enough but he doesn't watch it regularly. He'll just occasionally watch some stuff on youtube or catch a game on a TV while he's out and about.  
FAVORITE DRINKS: Pepsi or redbull. Good rule of thumb is to not talk to him before he's had a chance to drink some caffeine. 
FAVORITE FOODS: Snow crab legs, but only eats them when he wants to treat himself.
PHYSICAL: Bad eyesight, but other than that he's perfectly healthy. He has contacts to correct his vision.
MENTAL: ADHD, BPD, and OCD. He has a good handle on his BPD and OCD with the help of medications and coping mechanisms, however he tends to forget or not want to take anything for his ADHD because he feels like it dulls him as a person. Which is not at all true, but it's a thought that's stuck in his mind. 
ALLERGIES: Dogs, chickens. Just the feathers on chickens though. 
SLEEPING HABITS: Awful! Spirits constantly try to bug him during his sleeping hours so it can be difficult to get any sleep when he avoids it. Gets a few hours and is often exhausted. 
EXERCISE HABITS: Decent work out schedule. Works out three times a week and regularly walks. 
EATING HABITS: He's trying to be more mindful about what he puts in his body and is currently trying to eat healthier, however he does still love his junk food. It can be hard. 
SOCIAL: Extroverted. Loves being around people and meeting new people, it puts a lot of pep in his step. 
BODY: Scrawny, but has some muscle. Stronger than he looks, his body is just naturally small framed. 
ADDICTIONS: Caffeine and nicotine. He's trying to quit smoking, but it's not going great. 
DRUG USE: None ever. 
ALCOHOL: Very rarely. He gets very nervous around alcohol so if he does drink, he watches himself very carefully.
MOTHER: Karen McDermott.
FATHER: William "Billy" McDermott.
SIBLINGS: Only child.
PETS: A teddy bear guinea pig named Josh. 
PARTNER: faolán mackenzie ( fiancee )
Lee is a teenage runaway, his story contains mentions of child abuse, alcoholism, drug abuse, and ghosts...Obviously.
When someone walks the very thin line between life and death, things can happen. So even after the doctors said to expect the worse, after Lee's technical two deaths, and after fighting for weeks----he makes it out alive. He shatters the unseen barrier between the living and the dead. Some people might say communicating with the dead is a GIFT, but he prefers the term ANNOYING BURDEN.
Adults passed off the hushed whispers to seemingly no one and the quick glances towards nothing in particular as a sign that Lee held a very ACTIVE imagination. He certainly did, but this certain aspect in his life WASN'T the imagination running wild. Kids were harder to handle, they were brutal towards the weird kid who talked to himself. As Lee grew older, the more he learned how to keep it all in. He didn't converse with the dead in public, he learned to keep his focus on the living----he learned how to act like he wasn't special.
He's six when his dad first shows him his first HORROR movie and it sparks something in him. Who knew KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE would create an OBSESSION for the dark and gritty world of horror. It was easier to relate to characters because of his abilities and as he'd get older he'd find it as a coping mechanism. No matter how HORRIFYING his own life would seem, there was no way it was GETTING KIDNAPPED BY A SERIAL KILLER AND CUTTING OFF YOUR OWN FOOT horrifying.
His parents get divorced when he's young, their marriage just isn't working out. They spend more time screaming and clawing at each other's throats than anything else. Their YOUNG LOVE spark is gone and it's just devolving into hate at this point. He doesn't quite get it, but he has other things to worry about. He has his grades to focus on and the dead to actively ignore ( it's a full time job ). His mom gets full custody of him, she has a better job and can support the two of them while his dad crashes on his friend's couch until he can save up enough from his shitty job to get his own place.
His mom starts dating. He's fine with it at first, as long as she's happy. He doesn't even realize his mom is drunk, just that she comes home acting weird. It starts a pattern. His mom starts seeing terrible, abusive men and her drinking habits become more and more apparent. He tries his best to help her, but he's a CHILD and she won't accept his help. Her focus on him lessens with time and soon he's just a kid that lives with them rather than her son. His dad gets a new girlfriend and she's jealous of him---he takes up too much of his dad's attention when he's there. She starts to hate him and eventually his dad begins to fade out of the picture. He starts to learn he needs to survive on his own.
Fourteen and things begin to spiral. Ghosts start to become more violent towards him and SCREAM when they can't get him to help. He's just a kid The abuse from his mom worsens as she lashes out at him and he's neglected more often than not. He starts stealing just to eat. Which attracts a VERY BAD group of people his way. They want someone fast and good with their hands to steal for them and Lee was desperate for a friend and was already one of the fastest kids on his track team. So he goes from a good kid with good intentions to doing terrible things just to make sure someone stays for him. He has to be useful for them. The comfort from watching horrors aren't doing it anymore. He's either too numb or too scared to keep going.
Sixteen and a lot happens in a year. He comes out as transgender and his family doesn't approve, he expected that. They mark it off as a phase and go out of their way to remind him he's supposed to be a GIRL. He meets his best friend that year. Haley, someone who managed to see more than some terribly troubled kid. They reminded him he was someone and he was actually WORTH something. It didn't stop him from dropping out of high school when things got TOO overwhelming, but it did help him try and focus on his end goal. Get the fuck out of this horrible town.
Seventeen and the guy he's been off and on with loses his temper. He hits him and Lee snaps. He's not going to let what happened with his mom happen to him. He's not going to be pushed around by some cowardly guy with an out of control anger. So he packs his things and asks Haley to run off to L.A with him. It's hard at first. They're homeless teenagers, finding a job is hard, and there are more ghosts in a big city than there is a small town. He attracted them, they lashed out, he got scared, but it wasn't going to make him run back home. Not yet, not when he knows he can make it. He's a talented kid. They get jobs and eventually raise enough money to get a shitty, cheap ( cheap in L.A standards anyway ) apartment. They barely scrape by some months, going some weeks without power or water. It was a lot more difficult than he imagined it being.
He starts to transition and he lands a part in some small films, lands a few decent roles in some indie movies. It's a dream come true, but it's not enough to live off of. He's struggling and he wishes he would have thought everything out more than he actually did. He's happier, though. He's not in a toxic environment and he can finally be himself. It's still not EASY for a mentally ill kid, but it's better.
Then at the age of nineteen, he gets an audition for a BIG, ANTICIPATED HORROR. The director's well known and is pretty trust worthy with the genre so the chance has Lee's stomach in flips. Then his power finally comes in handy----a nice ghost girl makes a deal with him. She'll take notes of the auditions and the comments their reactions and report back to him, if he got the part he would have to help her move on. Sure enough, he lands it! It's a big part, one of the leads. He still DIES in the end, but it's more than he could have hoped for.
It's his big break. The movie is successful for a horror and the reviews weren't nearly as harsh as he had expected. Some critics even praised his performance! Thank God for that sweet ghost who helped him get what he wanted. He starts to get more offers, land more roles, get more recognized---his dream's coming true. Things are still DIFFICULT for him, but it's BETTER.
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