#i just wanted to finish this before playing the demo
oxavane · 1 year
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BIG TITTIED ELDRITCH SOMETHINGS SORCERERS (??) IN YOUR AREA!!! THE SPICE IS AVAILABLE HERE: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv https://www.patreon.com/posts/leander-82983566
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g0nefischin · 8 months
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Fallen down
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non-fantasy · 8 months
Hello!! I saw your post about the game you're making - it sounded fascinating, and out of curiousity about a genre I don't know much about I got into a visual novel/dating sim related rabbit hole.
If you don't mind my asking, do you have any recommendations? VN or datesims or both! or any adjacents too.
(thank you, and good luck with the game!!)
i'm a huge fan of it gets so lonely here because it does a lot of cool things with the narration and multiple playthroughs. her tears were my light does similar things with the multiple playthrough thing and it was the first visual novel to really open my eyes to what the genre could be like! and because apparently today is horror yuri day i will add liar liar and liar liar 2. the artstyle is very cute! and there's blood!
for less horror yuri and more dating sim, i am currently completely obsessed with tokimeki memorial girls side 1-3, the dating sim/visual novel/stat-raising hybrid that inspired a lot of otome games—— and for good reason, too, because it's JUST THAT GOOD. i almost exploded something trying to play the fourth game but i will not let that stop me
in pure visual novel, i have to recommend heartbaked, it was one of those games i played in my free visual novel frenzy when i was younger and it really stuck with me! i still think about the radley ending.
i adore adore adore pacthesis games and i would love to direct you to my number one favourite and inspiration, number days sim date, because the intertwining of plot and romance and friendship was wonderful. xolga and mr toko is more point and click but check those out too
i love you was REALLY GOOD and i adored it. if you want proactive women and blushing boys this is the game for you! kill them with blushing right now
senpai please look at me was good!!! i love it! absolutely worth sticking around for all the bonuses! very short and sweet and you will love it
sweetest valentine is a game. in a genre called :). if you don't know what :) means don't worry about it!
play yuki 4p for lesbians and its sequel, scheme, for even more dumb lesbians. i am absolutely begging you to click those links because the names are too long for me to type out and i don't know if googling lesbians scheme will bring you to the masterpiece properly
hermes and gry is REALLY FUNNY but also one of those games that opened my mind to how complex the ren'py system could be. you made a map, a constantly-updated journal, an inventory, and the best damn ending ever? i was screaming when all my evil schemes came together. absolutely 10/10 worth it if the creator wants my liver i'd hand it over
hot coffee is SO SO SO good that i ended up reaching out to the creator just to praise it so much please play it please i'm on my knees please
speaking of games i am begging you to play
absolutely play i want to pursue the mean side character and my sweet zombie!!!! tsun is a great artist and the stories are good and you have to have to have to have to play okay!!! tsun is also making i just want to be single which is so so so cool the game of the year every year and it hasn't been released yet and you need to become. a fan okay because aro pride is right now
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good morning!! <3
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dobercorgis · 1 year
Does the en dub for triangle strategy get better? I just vaguely remember the blond dude being like the only okay performance in the demo
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wereh0gz · 1 year
Pikmin is kinda fun actually
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infamous-if · 13 days
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238K -> 457K WORDS
Please read this post before playing! It's finally here! After five months of writing and rewriting and salvaging and crying and sweating and bleeding I finally finished sort of kind of! Firstly, I want to thank you for your patience and understanding over this duration of this rewrite. It was stressful at times but I'm happy with the end result and I hope everyone else will be too :)
This will be the last chapter I release without beta testers/other sets of eyes so expect errors. I can playtest until my fingers turn blue but I'm just one person </3 I'm bound to have missed stuff.
Please let me know of errors! I tested it a few times with no problems but we know how it goes lol
some betrayal
some surprises
just...read it lmao
**chapter two was too large of a file to upload on dd so I had to split it last minute and I uhhhh dont know how that translates in the demo but it should work lol please let me know if its wonky!**
fixed up grammatical errors and typos
expanded some scenes and added some more choices
you can now choose that your mc has "changed" in some way (drinking, no longer drinking, partier, no longer a partier, negative, positive, attached, detached, or a general default. I was asked to add an MC who "gets around" or hookups a lot but I'm still debating on whether I'll add that since there's already quite a bit lolol)
you can choose to have changed your band's genre before/after seven
you will be able to explicitly state your sexuality in the beginning. this was a big ask and I apologize for not doing it earlier! I wasn't good at coding when I started and I knew I always wanted to make the genders separate from MC's sexuality but I didn't know how to do that at the start :) So you can still choose the genders of the ROs for story purposes and variety. IF YOU DO NOT SEE ROMANCE OPTIONS THAT IS NOT A BUG. You simply chose a RO gender that doesn't correlate with the sexuality you chose for your MC. Having said that, if you do see a romance option available and it's not supposed to be there please let me know! That means I may have missed it coding-wise.
the stats have been all fixed! I've added all the necessary variables and such. The stat portion of the game has been updated with the appropriate pages but they're not finished. Still, the stats should be fine.
You will now have confessionals in the stat page! The feature still isn't a thing yet because I haven't come up with the confessionals lolol but you can click on it to see what it's about. Essentially, as you progress through the story you will be able to see confessionals from the cast of Infamous throughout. They disappear and appear periodically so if you miss it, THAT'S IT! You won't get a chance to see them again until MC watches an episode where it's relevant.
There is now a: Discography page, Infamous wiki, botb cast and staff page, and other characters page for organization. Those are not finished but they're there!
I changed a few stat names but their functions remain the same.
You will be able to choose how you would like to be described (masculine, feminine, neither, both).
O is officially gender-selectable.
You can set the genders of the ROs at the start or wait till you meet them.
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thatbennybee · 21 days
ChordStriker!AU Q&A
I'm doing a bit of a Q&A about my ChordStriker!AU on insta after sharing this teaser WIP, so I figured I'd present some of the questions here! (Feel free to ask more btw!)
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Q: "Is Poppy's family (Peppy & Viva) still with her since the Bergens didn't attack them?"
A: Peppy is with her, but he is confused/in mental decline like canon King Thrash was. Viva is missing. Poppy was old enough to remember her.
Q: "Will Viva play somewhat of a role in this AU?"
A: Yes, she's had a much bigger impact on Poppy's life, even till this day even though she's been missing for many years now. Poppy has never stopped looking for her.
Q: "Is King Peppy still a liar in your AU?"
A: Nah, he's normal. Sometimes hating him with my entire being is hard, so he gets to be a good dad this time. He's just not all there mentally so Poppy is more like his caretaker now.
Q: "Poppy's relationships don't last long because she gets bored... So how long is Branch going to last?"
A: The Rat Pack (Snack Pack) is wondering the same thing, but Poppy's never used the bf/gf/partner labels before meeting him which is strange... 👀
Q: "Does Poppy still party?"
A: She's a total party animal! Her parties are even more intense than a Pop Troll party since Rock Trolls are pretty extreme. LOL
Pop!Barb (Barbie)
Q: "What does Barb look like?"
A: For now, this is her design, it might change once I have time to draw her digitally.
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Q: "Does this mean Barb has to go through the events of Trolls 1?"
A: Nope, Barb never befriends Bridget because they have never met. They have found a way to remain undetected in the forest. (Thanks to Branch’s constant nagging about safety)
Q: "How does Barb's gang look? Is there any significant differences in their dynamics?"
A: I haven't had time to finish them all, but here's some of them for now. There's more members of The Lunch Rush, but this is all I have for now!
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Val Thundershock → Valentina Wondershock.
Only Queen Barbie calls her Val. She is very optimistic & loves to sing & dance! She's Barbie’s right-hand troll, BFFL & knows everything about her. They have a very... "close" relationship. ;] She's a popstar who's managed by Demo and loves to help make Pop Village a happier place.
He's a university student studying to be an engineer. He's very soft spoken, doesn't like to make a fuss and is probably the nicest guy around. He's quite close to Barbie and sees her as an older sister. He's actually on friendly terms with Branch. His favorite treat is lollipops. 🍭
But you can call her Carrie! Everyone does. She's a bit of a diva, loves to look good & dull things bore her. She will ignore anything that doesn't catch her eye, even trolls. Best to be looking your very best!
Sid Fret
Just call him Sid, no need to be so formal. He is every trolls dream guy and he knows it! He's a great roller derby racer and loves the attention trolls give him. Sure, he's a little self-absorbed, but he's a very loyal friend.
Not much has changed about Demo. He's perfect as he is <3 He's just a little more excitable & cutesy than before. He cares about Valentina a lot & they are very close friends.
She is the blueprint, she's the moment, she's everything. A model, actress, singer, you name it, she can do it. She's perfect... Who doesn't want to be her?
Q: "How different is Branch in this AU vs canon Branch?"
A: He is the same Branch essentially, just without the development he gains at the end of Trolls 1 & so-on. None of it occurred, so he is still grey, miserable & a recluse. He helped Barb to come up with a plan to keep everyone safe after nagging & warning her for ages, but after that, he returned to his bunker & is still not well-liked by the village.
Q: "Does she know Branch's whole past? If she does, what was her reaction?"
A: Not sure if you meant Barb or Poppy, so I'll answer for both. Barb—no. I don't think she'd ever find out, and she's also not the type to ask. Their personalities clash a bit too much, she stays out of his way like he asks her to.
For Poppy—I think it would come up naturally in conversation after a while when Branch feels more comfortable sharing. Poppy isn't the type to pry, but makes it clear that it's out of understanding, not a lack of caring. She can tell that he is closed off for a reason. She relates to that. I think she'd be beyond pissed once he told her, though.
Q: "Will Branch's brothers be in this?"
A: Yes, but Floyd will be getting the bigger role this time.
Q: "How quickly does Branch fall for Poppy? I'm sure the answer is yes, but is he happy?"
A: I'd say he's quite guarded in the beginning. He is cautious around her for the first few weeks, but he starts to come around once he picks up on Poppy being emotionally guarded herself.
Things move quickly once their walls come down around each other, & a mutual understanding is there. Poppy fell for him first. (At least, that's what Branch lets her believe, as it was love at first sight for him, but he'd never tell her that; she'd get a big head about it.)
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melodic-haze · 4 months
I just want to bend Navia over and fuck her with my strap ^_^ her thighs are so tempting I can’t do this I need this woman right now
(also, can I be 🐿️ anon?)
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Navia x dom!fem!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Strap-on use
☆ — NOTES: I shit you not I remember only logging in to get Navia and then stopped playing again when I got her. ALSO YES YOU CAN BE 🐿 ANON MY FIRST ONE HIIIII 🥰🥰🥰🥰 SORRY I'M GOING FOR SHORTER SHIT RN 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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I NEED HER RIGHT THIS SECOND TOO OUGHHH I'm gonna indulge with you anon good god
The. The gap where. Her thighs are visible ughghhghg save me SAVE MEEEEE
You sit down together and you squeeze that part of Navia's thighs and she sits up in alert brfore fully debating on whether to keepy your hand there or to swat it away. It usually stays though 🤷‍♀️
Using her like some kinda fleshlight would be so fun lol
Bend her over and fuck her reaaaaally nice and hard 🫶🫶 have her absolutely SOBBING telling you to slow down but you don't bc really lol why would you??? Especially not when she grinds herself on your strap whenever you stop
DUDE fold her in half so that she can't move, or like hold her thighs down as you absolutely RAIL her to oblivion oh my god
Can I just say the ripple effect would go crazy though. LOL yes ugghhgh watch her thighs and her ass move and jiggle every time you bottom out inside of her
You felt her quaking from underneath you as Navia came for.. maybe the third or the fourth time so far. Her loud moans echoed through the room like a pleasant chime as your hips moved to carry her through her high, your eyes still utterly transfixed at the way her thighs ripple whenever your hips slam into yours.
When you think your lover's orgasm had mostly receded, you give her thigh a soft smack before squeezing it, the former action earning what sounded to be a cross between a yelp and another moan from her. She doesn't seem mad at the sudden impact though—in fact, she seems delighted in the way that she gives you a tired grin as she combs her blonde hair out of the way of her sapphire blue eyes.
Instead of continuing again, you decided to take a little break for a short while, though you don't really make the move to pull out. Instead, you keep the strap inside of her as you reach for the cup of water prepared on the nightstand with your other hand.
You lightly tapped your lover's beautiful thighs to gain her attention, "Can you drink on your own or do you want me to pass it to you?"
"Mmm... Think I can drink it on my own for now, thank you." She slowly sat up and took the glass, carefully making sure that you don't slip out from the movement, "I don't know how stable my motor skills will be when you continue with doing that, though."
"Oh? Not if, when?" You raised an eyebrow jokingly as she basically gulped down her drink, "You expected more from me? What if I wanted to stop here?"
She puts the glass back down once she's finished before leaning on her palms behind her, "Then we'll stop. But I really doubt you want to, considering this--" she nods her head down at the toy, "--is still inside of me."
"That your detective skills at work right now?"
"No, just that I know you intimately enough to know you haven't had enough of me."
"I mean, you're right." You buck your hips to make a point and she lets out a gasp, biting her lip as she drops to lean on her elbows instead, "I definitely could never have enough of you."
She gives you an impish smirk, "Then take all of me, ma douce."
Really, the most polite answer would be to do so.
I reckon she's a chronic biter yk. Like hold her close to you as you piston her and she'll bite whatever part of you she can
Don't just bend her over too guys make her ride you 🫶🫶🫶☺️☺️ she happily will!!!! Wielding a huge axe like that has GOT to do shit for your legs too not just your arms so she has the STAMINA go bounce on your cock like her life depends on it, giving you the fill view of you cunt practically consuming you whole like a woman starved. Oh my god I'm having such a fixation with them now that you've said it sorry LOL UM anyway yeah grab onto her thighs, dictate her pace or else she'll do what she wants and chase her release before you actually want her to :((((
Bonus points I think she'd be a size queen too :3 the bigger the better❗️❗️❗️ She swears she can handle it when she first asks you to use one that's Big but then you're in bed with her rn and she sobs out like "it's too much" or "I feel so full" but like just tell her to take it cuz realistically she put this on herself 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
When you're all done, have her clean you off ☺️☺️☺️☺️ she'll take it aaaaaallllllll the way down to the base without any complaints. Even if it's too big, she'll try her very best❗️❗️❗️ And after that, perhaps you could have her service you in return when you take the strap off :3333 it's only fair, and she wouldn't want to leave you unsatisfied after all you've done for her 🤷‍♀️
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seraphinitegames · 2 months
Hey Sera! Not so much a question as some well deserved praise. Just wanted you to know I literally started book one on sunday and stayed up until 2am last night to finish Book 3. I have become a big fan in a super short amount of time! XD Love your work and can't wait to check out the demo! And please, our most benevolent liege, have mercy on us poor A-romancers 🙏
Aah, thank you SO much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! I'd say it's not good to stay up so late for playing…but I do the exact same thing, hehe! ;D
A-mancers will certainly hopefully get their fix in Book Four! I really want this book to be a seriously romance-heavy one, especially before the drama and extreme angst of Book Five!
So even though A isn't at the point yet to just give in, they did admit they have feelings at the end of Book Three, and it's difficult for them to just shove that away again so soon…especially with this villain supernatural running around making advances on the MC, hehe!
Thank you so much again for the amazing message! <3
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catskets · 2 months
From Desires to Demo: How to Write a Good Demo for your Visual Novel
I'm deciding I want to expand on some topics in longer, fuller-length posts based on points I made in this general VN development post.
There is a problem that players have expressed to me about visual novel demos, especially in horror/romance/yandere circles these days: they are not demos at all. Rather, they feel like introductions to the characters and the setting, and nothing happens at all. No one wants to have to go find out everything good about your game by going to your Tumblr and going through 10+ months of asks to get themselves hyped up for your game. Most people are not going to do that. They will instead play your demo and go "this isn't enough for me to come back to" and never think about it again.
How, then, do you get people playing your demo and being excited for the full game? This is my personal guide on how to make a compelling visual novel demo.
In case you've never heard of me, I'm Kat, also known as catsket. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Game Design. I've been making games for nearly 5 years, and I've been doing visual novels more "professionally" for 2. You may know me for Art Without Blood, 10:16, God is in the Radio, or Fatal Focus. I'm here to help you make your first visual novel, or, perhaps, improve on what you've already made.
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What is the purpose of a demo?
A demo is short or a demonstration. Your job is to demonstrate a portion of your game to players. In more "traditional" games, a demo typically takes place in a very tightly-constricted space that is meant to show off how the game feels. Maybe this is the first few levels of a platformer that showcases the general atmosphere and gameplay of the game.
We aren't making action and adventure games in explorable spaces. We are making visual novels. Most visual novel demos just showcase a small portion of the game, maybe the first few scenes.
What your demo should have is this:
A general vibe for your game. You're writing a psychological horror game. Give me a taste of that! Show me a bit of the gore, a bit of the horror.
A sense of urgency. A lot of demos I've played and discarded have been discarded because the game itself does not give me a motivation
An established plot. What is going to happen in the future? Why am I in this world?
In general, think of your game as the back cover of a book. That's where the hook that draws you in to read it. Just give me a proper taste of your game!
There are cases in traditional games where things are hidden from the player in demos (let's all remember MGS2) and where things are changed in from the demo to the final product. That's perfectly okay! You are not obligated to update your demo unless you find gamebreaking bugs and other issues. If things change from the demo to the final product, let your players be surprised and intrigued by these changes!
I can make this a list of do's and don'ts:
Before writing your demo...
Do: Outline, plan, and everything else.
Unless you're blessed by Mnemosyne herself, you need to outline where your story is going to go.
When starting a project, I write a 1-2 page document that has this information:
Name of the game
The target audience
The genre and moods
A paragraph summary of the game
1-2 sentences describing main characters and their roles
Write a short scene that captures the essence of the game
Write a basic outline. You don't need to fit everything in and outline it all, but give yourself an idea. A beginning, a middle, a climax, and an end. Some people just write the start and the finish, and then the middle gets all muddled and convoluted.
While writing your demo....
Do: Make it clear how the choices will impact the game
Visual novels are a medium where player choices affect the game. Make sure those choices actually matter. They don't all have to, of course. They might matter later in the game, but you should at least try to write an example of how a choice may matter.
For example, in Art Without Blood's new demo, certain choices mean you meet the characters in a different order and experience different sides of them.
Having a certain amount of a sanity stat will cause characters to give you some flavor text.
Here's a very simple idea: if you're running your game on a "love points" or other points system, you can make it so if player gets 10 points with love interest, get a different scene. It shows that your choices are impactful. Just let players have a taste of the consequences of their actions.
Don't: Character dump.
Many demos I have played were just character dumps. This means using the demo just to introduce to us the characters but not giving them room to truly show their personalities or their attachments to the problem.
For example, I played a game recently that had the player complaining about their living situation, showing us the characters in the same living complex, showed off the yandere, and then had the player deal with an annoying, evil boss. That sounds like lots of games, right? And that doesn't sound very fun, does it?
Do: Ground the player in the world
Try to immerse your player character in your world. I want to read like I'm part of it. What is our purpose? If we are a stranger, how can you immerse us in a world so far removed from ours?
Do it slowly, and do it with necessity. You don't necessarily want an exposition dump either.
Establish the world, establish the conflict, establish why they got into this conflict, and leave us off with a reason to come back.
Don't: Make your players have to visit other sites to get important information
Your ask blogs or other social medias should contain supplemental material that keeps players engaged, but it should not be a place where you should go "well, actually, in the demo, x y and z should have happened but it didn't."
Try not to spoil your game on your socials. What's the point of playing if I can just read it all on your blog?
I should learn about the plot and the characters from the game itself. I should not have to get a sense from your blog about a character because they were so dry in the demo.
Obviously, this isn't to say you need to include everything about a character in your demo. But we need to get a sense of personality. I shouldn't have to go to Tumblr to find that personality.
Do: Ask for help
Making a game on your own, especially for the first time, is scary. It's okay to ask for help. It's okay to get people to help you out with parts you aren't so familiar with. It doesn't make you any less of a developer. A lot of people need some degree of help. There is nothing wrong with that.
Don't: Start your marketing until you know you can finish the demo
I've seen lots of demos that have been in the works for years. It can be disappointing for fans and demotivating for the developer to have an idea, tell the world, and then not see a demo for a long time. This is especially the case when money is involved, but it's still irresponsible to promise a product and never deliver it. Be honest about the status of projects and your life.
Do: Outline content warnings properly
It is up to the player to decide if they think they're capable and ready to play your game. Make sure to outline your content warnings. Cover the basics, and feel free to leave an extended warnings list in your game or on your game page for specifics.
Content warnings are usually things like blood/violence, profanity, sexual content, etc. Trigger warnings typically get into specific things, like suicide, dentists, or religious trauma. Think of content warnings like the ERSB.
Put a splash screen before the game starts that showcase the content warnings and a place to find trigger warnings.
Don't: Pull back punches with what your characters are capable of
It's fiction. It doesn't necessarily mean you support your characters being crazy stalkers. Know the audience you want to write for, and don't feel a need to cower. Let them be filthy. Let them get their hands deep into someone's chest cavity and rip a body apart.
What I'm trying to say is you really shouldn't tone down what you think your characters are capable of because you're afraid of making fans sad or upset because pookie isn't acting the way they thought pookie acted in their head. It's your character. You're commanding the story. You are choosing where it goes, not fans. Just because you have an audience doesn't mean you need to tone it down to be more palpable to others.
Once your demo is released...
Do: Keep a balance
Making games is very, very hard. And the world is very, very harsh. It is okay to let your fans know about delays or potential cancellations, such as through the devlogs on itch.io for your game, in your community spaces, or on your blog. Please be honest. If you do not think that, after a demo's release, you can continue on the project, make it clear that it has been cancelled or on hiatus.
People will be understanding. The world sucks, and it sucks the life out of us. People are more forgiving if you are honest with the status of your game, rather than leaving it in a perpetual limbo.
Don't: Think that the popularity of your demo constitutes how "good" your game is.
Your demo may not do well. That could be a number of factors. Maybe your marketing didn't hit where you think it should have. Maybe you posted it at the same time as another game. Not your fault. The full release may do better. Don't let the numbers be the reason you give up.
Do: Network!
Get to know fellow developers in the space so you can learn from one another and get more ideas for improving your own games.
Don't: Use developers.
Use a developer's resources. You should not be making friends with other devs if your desire is to try and become friends with big people. That's a parasocial relationship, buddy!
Do: Tell your fans the course of action
Do you have a development timeline set up? Writing multiple days? Give fans a general outline that you planned before writing your demo. It's okay to miss things as long as you're honest. But a timeline will help you hold accountability for yourself.
Don't: Charge for it.
I've seen at least 3 games take the "I'm going to charge for a demo" route in an effort to sway children from playing the game. This is going to sway everyone. Especially if players have not seen a complete + finished product from you, they will not be buying an unfinished game. There are other ways to hide your games from children, such as using itch.io's adult content filters and applying them to your projects.
Main takeaway: Be honest.
I say this a lot throughout this post, but it's because it pushes on a particular trend I see in beginner visual novel developers. There's this desire to create, but there is also the desire for fandom centered around what characters and world spawn from your creations. To maintain that fandom, you need to create. You need to be consistent. It may be harsh, but it's the reality.
Life is hard, and a large majority of us are NOT doing this for a living. Life will get in the way. It always has, it always will.
That's why it's good to practice integrity. Know yourself and your limits. Take steps back and be willing to be open + honest.
Fans won't be happy if you keep saying a game is delayed and show little to no work. Posting unrelated artwork and spending months answering Tumblr asks instead of making a game will eventually run you in the mud without anyone to enjoy what you have the potential to create.
Live up to your promises, and if you can't, be honest. Your community will support you as long as you're open.
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lovecla · 20 days
IF YOU LOVE ME, LET ME KNOW | jack hughes.
chapter two:
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➴ warnings: none <3
➴ word count: 2.5k
➴ author’s note: this is pure fluffiness, the calm before the storm, the hughes being the best family in the world and jack making my heart MELT (i literally wrote him). i hope u guys enjoy this too. let me know what u think of this one:))
“AND that, my loves, it’s a wrap on ‘rip to my feelings’!” Grace yelled, and everyone yelled too.
You were in your studio with all of your producers and song-writers, plus Grace, and you had just finished recording the last song on your album.
You were beyond happy. Finishing this meant getting over everything Harris did to you. It was like closure. It was like restarting again.
“Guys, I’m so fucking happy, I love you all so much I could kiss you on the mouth right now,” you said, hugging John— the main producer.
“Don’t think Jack would appreciate that,” Grace mumbled when you hugged her, and you smacked her butt.
You had sent him the demo of the album as soon as it was sent to your phone, not really sure why. You just wanted his opinion, that’s all.
Not much fuck buddy of you but whatever!
“Fuck off, Grace Morgan,” you fake whispered, laughing.
You all celebrated and laughed for hours, the time passing quickly whenever you spent it with the people you loved. You were grateful for having so many amazing people in your life, helping you to make your dreams come true.
Your phone rang, and you picked it up, unlocking it and smiling when you saw who had texted: Jack.
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It was funny seeing how he complimented you in his own little, weird way. It made your heart beat in the wrong— right— way all over again.
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“Did he just ask you on a date?” Grace whispered, probably reading your texts over your shoulder. Everyone else had already left— it was late, after all— and only Grace was left. You were sure she was probably going to sleep at your place anyway.
“I guess? We never just ‘hanged out’ before.” You sighed, replying to Jack’s texts.
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“Woah,” she whistled, sitting back on the couch, looking at you funny. “Are you in love?”
“What?” You laughed, locking your phone. “What do you mean, we’ve been fucking for six months only. Chill.”
“Girl, like time matters to you!” She raised her arms. “You fell in love with that piece of shit in like three weeks, imagine with Jack, who fucks you every other week and treats you like you’re the most precious thing ever.”
“Excuse me? Are we talking about the same Jack?” You scoffed, crossing your arms. “Jack doesn’t treat anyone differently. Besides his family, that is.”
“Like the shit he does for you isn’t anything special, right? Like knowing your Five Guys order, or your favorite movies, or how you eat apple pie before your concerts,” she started listing those things on her fingers.
“He doesn’t know those things!” You raised your voice, trying to convince both you and her.
“Girl, I love you but stop playing dumb. He knows and you know he does! Why are you pretending that he doesn’t care about you? He just asked you on a date, for fuck’s sake.” She rolled her eyes.
“First of all,” you started, mentally listing your reasons. “We don’t know if it’s a date. He just said: dinner. He didn’t say ‘I wanna take you out on a date’. Second of all, I’m not denying anything, but I think I would know if I was in love with him, wouldn’t I?”
Actually. The answer was probably no. Harris fucked up your perception of love, and even though it’s been more than a year that you broke up with him, you still feel like you can’t really trust anyone anymore.
So you wouldn’t exactly be able to tell if you are in love or not. At least, you don’t think so.
But talking about love with your fuck buddy? Hell. No.
“You piss me off.” Grace bickered, turning the TV on. “Go change to your little date. I’ll be here, all alone and sad.”
“Pff, shut up. You’re just alone because you and Nico are dumbasses.” You said like it was a matter of fact and left the leaving room, leaving a very pink Grace behind.
Changing didn’t take long, and applying a light makeup didn’t either. You weren’t going to do anything special because, let’s be real, if you and Jack decided to be reckless and fuck somewhere, that makeup wouldn’t last long. So, why bother?
You left your house, saying goodbye to Grace and kissing her cheek. Jack’s fancy ass car was in front of your garage and you smiled, entering it.
“Hi, Jackie boy,” you greeted him, noticing how fucking good he looked, wearing his burgundy suit. Thank god to whoever created the suit rule in hockey. You’ll forever be grateful.
“Hey.” He greeted back, and did something surprising. He kissed you. Softly, and not like any other kiss you’ve shared in the past.
And that didn’t do anything to help the little cardiac arrest you had every time you were around him.
“Are we ready to rock our lasagna?” You asked, half embarrassed and half confused with what you were feeling. Food always made it better though.
“We sure are.” He smiled before starting the car again.
The silence was comfortable but your thoughts were too loud so you took the liberty of turning the radio on, scaring yourself with how loud the music playing was. And, shockingly, your music. Already Over was blasting through the speakers.
You looked at him, and he just shrugged, cheeks red.
“Were you listening to my music on the way to my place?”
“Yeah, why not? It’s good,” he blushes so cutely you find yourself wanting to chomp a piece of his cheek.
“You’re so cute, Jackie. Thanks, means a lot,” you had a feeling you were blushing too, and you thanked God he wasn’t looking at you. “I’m excited to release it.”
“When are you doing it?” He asked, making a U turn.
“Beginning of the next month. Now I have to take pictures and set up the concept for it. It’s my favourite part.”
“Are you doing any music videos with a guy dying?” He asked and you stared at him, once again surprised. Had he been watching your music videos? All of them? “What?”
“Are you a fan?” You giggled, genuinely happy. Harris hated to talk about your work, and he never listened to your songs for more than ten minutes.
“Nico forces us to listen to your songs and watch your music videos,” he answered, nonchalantly. You smiled, nodding your head. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” You played dumb.
“Like that. You have this little minx stare that you do whenever you’re plotting something.” He smiled this time, and God if the sight didn’t make you feel full.
“You’re no fun,” you sighed, looking at the view. “Also, where is this restaurant? We’ve been driving for at least twenty minutes and nothing in Jersey takes more than that.”
“The restaurant is actually my parents’ house.” He says, like it’s nothing.
“What?!” You yelled, turning your head in his direction. “What do you mean you’re taking me to your fucking parents’?”
“Yeah. Ma’s making lasagna for you.”
Your cheeks were burning hot and you had this bubbly feeling inside of you. You were feeling something really weird and you started to wonder if Grace was right and—
“Soph?” You heard his voice, gentle and soft. You looked at him, noticing that he wasn’t driving anymore, and that the car was now parked in front of a big, beautiful, colonial house. His parents’ house. “We can go back if you want to, baby. Ma won’t be angry or anything like that.”
Stop making me want to trust you, Jack.
He caressed your cheek, and you snapped out of it. “No, it’s fine. I just… you could’ve said something, y’know? I’m wearing sweatpants.” You tried to make a joke, smiling. He smiled too.
“I’ll put on some sweatpants too, so we’re matching,”
You left the car, taking a deep breath. It was just his parents. You weren’t even dating so it would be fine.
“What did you tell them? That you’re bringing one of the girls you’re fucking home?” You asked just before you walked in their property.
He raised an eyebrow at you, scowling. “First of all, I’m not fucking anyone else. It’s just you. Second of all, I told them I’m bringing a friend.”
You nodded, not trusting yourself to do anything else.
He’s not fucking anyone else? Jack Hughes? The man whore of the NJ Devils?
Yikes, sure.
You both walked into the house, Jack not bothering knocking before entering it. A delicious smell of fresh tomato sauce and herbs reached your nose and you could swear your mouth was watering.
“Ma, we’re here!” Jack yelled, making you jump a little bit. You eyed him before facing the woman in front of you, who was absolutely gorgeous. She looked so fucking young and pretty, and you were biting your tongue, trying not to say something stupid. “Hi, Ma, this is Soph. Soph, that’s Ellen, Ma Hughes,”
“Hi, Mrs. Hughes. Nice to meet you.” You said, certain that your cheeks were on flame.
Ellen took a step closer, smiling. “Hi, darlin’. No need for formalities, dear, it’s just Ellen. I would hug you but,” she pointed at her apron and shrugged. “A bit dirty.”
“Thank you for having me.”
“No, thank you for making this guy over here visit me,” she slapped Jack’s shoulder, both of them smiling together. “He only called because he said you wanted to eat lasagna and he loves mine so that’s why he’s here.”
If your face wasn’t going to melt before, it definitely was now. You were going to kill Jack. For real this time.
“Come on, Ma, I can’t be worse than Luke and Quinn. They don’t even remember your address anymore,” was Jack actually pouting? Jesus. Your heart was not ready to see that.
“Stop throwing us under the bus, dickhead.” Luke’s voice was heard and you and Jack both watched as both Quinn and Luke entered the room. “‘Sup, Soph.”
“Hi, Luke. Hi, Quinn,” you greeted them with cheek kisses, not even wanting to acknowledge that you had actually missed them. “Long time no see.”
“Hey, Soph,” Quinn quietly answered, not a single thought behind those eyes. “Great to see you.”
“I hope you’re all hungry because your mom outdid herself tonight,” Jim, the dad, said, smiling when he noticed you. “Hello there. I’m Jim.”
“Hi,” you whispered, mortified with all the attention you were getting. Some would think that performing for big crowds would make you less anxious to meet people. Nope. “I’m Sophia. Thank you for having me.”
“It’s fine, as my baby was saying, we do need our son to visit more.”
As they discussed why Jack didn’t visit them more frequently, you felt Jack’s arms around your waist and his mouth on the tip of your ear. You froze. “Yeah, they call each other baby and honey. Sorry about that.”
You managed to smile, trying not to get his family’s attention. They certainly wouldn’t understand why he was this close to a friend.
“I think it’s cute.”
The dinner went awesomely well. The lasagna was amazing and Ellen and Jim were the cutest couple ever, you could see how they’ve raised three amazing men.
They asked questions about what being a postar meant nowadays, and what was it like during your tours, and how could someone sing and dance at the same time, and have you ever met Adele?
They’re great people. Even Quinn and Luke, who had talked to you before on different occasions, made sure you were included in every topic, and Luke even asked for a signed cap so he could wear it at UMich.
“Do you guys know what we should definitely do?” Ellen started, after forcing all of the boys to organize the kitchen and do the dishes, while you sat with her drinking wine. Yeah, you loved her. “Karaoke. Let Soph here show us how good she is.”
“Maa,” you could hear Luke whining, while running his hands through his beautiful curls. “You do this every time.”
“You’ll make her work on her day off? That’s wild, Ma.” Jack joked, putting his arms around your shoulder. You froze again, looking at the expressions of his family, trying to picture anything out of place.
No one was looking at you weirdly, besides Ellen who plastered the most gorgeous smile you’ve ever seen, which made you smile too.
“I don’t mind singing…” you said, softly.
“Perfect!” Ellen stood up from her seat, pouring more wine on her glass. “Jim, set the karaoke thing on.”
“It’s called YouTube, Ma.” Jack rolled his eyes.
“Leave your mom alone, ugly face,” Jim called him out, on his way to do exactly what Ellen asked. “Sophia, can you sing some Elvis?”
“Yes, ‘course.” You also got up, discussing with Jim which song he wanted you to sing.
“Tell her to sing our song, honey!” Ellen yelled from the dinner table.
“Ah, yes, yes.”
Turns out that their song is Can’t Help Falling in Love, which was so freaking sweet. You sang the romantic lyrics while Jim and Ellen danced with each other, swinging slowly and delicately.
Quinn and Luke were recording themselves with you singing in the background, while you waved happily to the camera.
Jack was sitting on the couch, watching you sing. You could feel his eyes on you, observing your every move, smiling whenever you’d hit a high note or change the song’s rhythm.
It was nice. So, so nice. The Hughes were such nice people and you felt so safe and adored around them. They asked you to sing more songs and when you noticed, you were singing an upbeat song with Jim and dancing between Quinn and Luke while Ellen filmed everything. Until Jack grabbed you again and made you sing in front of him, for him. And boy, how you wanted to kiss him. His blue eyes were shining brightly and he looked just as happy as you felt.
You ended the singing when it was around midnight, everyone exhausted and sweaty— even if it was winter.
You started saying your goodbyes and thanking Ellen and Jim for the best lasagna you’ve ever eaten and for the hospitality too.
“I hope you come back soon.” Ellen whispered in your ear when you were hugging her, and you held her slightly tighter.
When you left the house with Jack, you couldn’t contain your happiness inside you. Grabbing his arm, you pulled him until you were near his car, and standing on your tiptoes, you kissed him.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer, both of you moaning inside each other’s mouth. His tongue made its way inside your mouth, pillowy and so soft. You were finally melting into Jack’s arms and nothing could be better.
Until you realized what was going on.
You had just had dinner with Jack’s family, sang and danced with them, and now you were in the middle of the street of a fancy neighborhood, with Jack Hughes holding you close to his chest, while devouring your mouth.
And instead of not feeling anything, instead of keeping things casual, you were feeling everything. Each tiny part of every emotion there is in this world were making their way into your heart and, unfortunately, you didn’t want to take them out.
Because for the first time in more than one year, you wanted to feel.
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yeonjuns-beanie · 2 years
Don't You Want Me?
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warnings:18+, unprotected sex, jealous hongjoong, roommate au, face grabbing, roughish sex, lusty bitches, mutual pining, idiots in love, hair pulling, overstim, oral ( m & f receiving), lil possessive nothing crazy but im feeling disgusting lol, pussy slapping( once..), dirty talk, spit play, 
summary: You and Hongjoong have been roommates for a while and friends for even longer. Over time he’s realized his feelings for you and now they can't be ignored. He asks you to accompany him to a release party hoping to find it within him to tell you his truths. When you get a little too close for comfort with one of his members, he decides how he’ll finally tell you. 
word count: 7.4k (my bad ;-;)
a/n: this is my first time attempting Ateez, so I hope I did okay! i love feedback good or bad. also our requests are open if interested! have a great day everyone :3 ~nero
Your eyes slowly blinked open as you awoke to the sun peaking through your blinds and exasperated groans coming from across the hallway. Forcing your body to sit up, you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and begrudgingly removed yourself from your warm sheets. Walking across the hall you opened up Hongjoong’s door. 
“What’s with all the noise?” 
He almost didn’t notice your presence, but with the sudden extra light coming in through the door he looked up. You jutted your head forward, raising your eyebrows waiting for his response. He clicked the spacebar on his computer pausing the track he was working on. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“I said, what’s with all the noise? I could hear you groaning in my sleep. Damn near woke me up.”
“Well, it’s almost noon so you need to be up anyway. But to answer your question, I can’t layer these tracks the way I’m hearing them in my head.” 
You walked into his bedroom sitting on his bed, not wanting to stand in the doorway anymore. He turned around to face you and you pointed towards his computer motioning for him to play the track. He took his headphones out of the input and turned up the master volume on his computer. You closed your eyes listening to the track. 
This was something that happened often between the two of you. Hongjoong would get frustrated with a track and you’d come in and offer your opinion cutting away at some of the edge he was feeling. As you listened to the demo he was working on you caught on immediately to the hiccup he was talking about. 
“Pause..go back like 5 seconds.”
As he clicked back to where you said you let the audio play through before you told him to stop the track again. Humming the instrumental to yourself, you started thinking about how you would construct the section. 
“You might not like it but what I would do is allow a little bit more space before the riser. And then maybe do some low pitch snare hits at the beginning of the riser. Right now I think there’s just too much going on and that’s why it’s not coming together.”
He turned back around in his chair and input the changes you said and rolled the track back a little bit to hear the difference. Lightly moving his head with the beat he paused the track again and turned back to you. 
“How do you do it?”
“It’s 'cause I’m not the one staring at it from scratch. I’m not as frustrated with it.”
He nodded his head and swiveled the chair back around to save the file. 
“I agree this sounds better but I still think something is missing. Thank you, for your help though.” 
“Anytime. You know I’m right down the hall.” 
You heard his laptop close and gathered yourself up from the bed. 
“Can’t imagine you’ve eaten yet, wanna go grab something for lunch?”
He nodded and you went back into your room to begin getting ready.  As you finished your morning routine, you walked out of the bathroom to make the change from pajamas to whatever you were planning to conjure up for an outfit. As you brought your head up from facing the floor, you felt your heart drop to your stomach and your heart skip a beat. 
Hongjoong was perched perfectly on the edge of your bed watching you finish your routine. 
“Jesus! Scared the shit outta me Joong. Also, get out, I have to get dressed.” 
Hongjoong looked up at you, eyes lazy with intent and thoroughly unamused. 
“After all these years, you still kick me out. Have you no shame?”
“Shut up, I’ll be done in a second.”
You smiled to yourself as you shook your head trying to rid yourself of the feelings bubbling back up again. It was horribly cliche, but you had a suffocating crush on your best friend. You’d never utter a word to him about it for fear of losing him or at the very least ruining the years of friendship that you created. 
Jumping into your jeans, you wiggled the rest of the fabric over your hips and secured the button. You settled on a top that did wonders for your chest, rounding out your boobs and cinching your waist most slightly. Grabbing a sweater from off your floor, you sprayed yourself with perfume before heading out into the main room where Hongjoong was scrolling on his phone. 
He heard your footsteps before you could come and leer over his shoulder, but if you were quick enough you would've caught him staring at a picture of the both of you. If you could read minds, you would've been privy to the extensive fairytale life he was imagining with you. As you came over, he swiped out of his photos and locked his phone. 
“Mhmm. Where should we go?”
Furrowing his brow, he thought about all of the food options near your apartment. 
“Why don’t we go to that cute cafe down the street?”
“Oh yeah! I’ve been seeing people post all about it. It looks really cute and the food looks good.”
Nodding you both headed towards the door and began the walk to the cafe. As you guys followed the gps on your phone, you almost missed the cafe. It was hidden in plain sight. There was no real sign designated where it was, but when you stumbled in front of it you opened the comically large door to the inside. As you walked in you were met with a cottagecore dream. It was cute and cozy and you could see why everyone had been obsessed with it lately. 
You guys ordered and were waiting in front of the cashier to finish typing everything in. Reaching into your purse you got ready to put your card to the reader, which had Hongjoong smacking your hand. 
“Stop that.”
“But you always pay.”
“As I should y/n.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, knowing that you weren’t gonna win this time. On occasion, you were able to get him back, but he always seemed to beat you to the reader. As the cashier handed him the receipt, he told you guys that your order would be called out over the speaker in a few moments. Thanking Hongjoong timidly, you guys walked around the cafe looking for a place to sit. Settling on two chairs and a table situated under some fairy lights, you guys got comfortable. 
Leaning forward on the table, you rested your chin on your hands. 
“Soooo, whatcha thinking about.”
Hongjoong smiled at you lightly, a barrage of sirens sounding in his head at how cute you looked sitting across from him. If anyone on the outside were to see you two, they would easily assume that you were dating. The way you both looked at each other was so obvious you couldn’t miss it on the outside, but for some stubborn reason neither one of you could see it on the other. 
Hongjoong leaned forward coming closer to you. 
“Funny you should ask. I’ve been meaning to ask you this but it always left my mind.” 
You raised your eyebrows, silently telling him to go on. 
“So, you know how we have that release party coming up?”
You nodded, eyes layered with curiosity. Now was the time. He had been mulling over this for weeks now and it was either now or never he had to ask. 
“I was thinking about it and we’re all allowed a plus one…and I would like that to be you.”
“Oh, word?”
You tried your best to seem unphased and that this would be just another ordinary outing with him, but your heart was accelerating thinking about all of the possible what-ifs of attending with him. 
“Yeah. I would love for you to be there. You know you’re always there to help me out when I need it and I think it would be the perfect time to show you off.”
“Show me off?”
Your eyebrow raised, wondering what he meant by that comment. Even though there was a line of friendship between you two, it still felt nice to hear. 
“Well not like show you off, ‘casue obviously were not dating but like you come up all the time and I think it would be a perfect time for the guys to meet my mini producer.” 
You rolled your eyes at the compliment suddenly feeling a bit of imposter syndrome set in. 
“Oh come on, you give me too much credit.” 
“But you help me so much and I mean that. I’d probably be bald if I didn’t have you around.” 
You paused pretending to think about your answer. 
“I’d love to.” 
His name was called over the speaker and he went to go grab the tray of food. As he walked away, you were fighting the biggest grin running over his words over and over. When he came back over, your stomach made its presence known with a heavy growl. You guys began to eat making mindless conversation. Everything was just so easy between you two. 
As you guys were finishing up, his phone rang. Silently asking him you cleaned up the table setting the tray in its return spot. As you came back to the table he was shoving his phone back into his pocket. 
“What’s up?”
“Oh nothing, they just need me at the studio to run over what’s gonna happen for the release party.”
“Oh okay, so I guess I’ll see you a little bit later?”
“Yeah, I hate to leave you but-”
“-It’s okay Joong, I need to go shopping now anyway.” 
You guys began walking out of the cafe continuing your conversation.
“Shopping for what?”
“For the party genius, I don’t have anything to wear.”
Hongjoong paused, thinking about the array of outfits he’d seen you go out in before. 
“Yes, you do.” 
You looked at him a little confused which spurred him to continue. 
“That black dress with the leg slit and the mesh center.”
He motioned towards his stomach talking about the last bit. 
“But I thought you said you didn’t like that one?”
“Well, you’re gonna be with me so I can keep an eye out for you.”
There it was again. The ten thousand butterflies swarming your stomach. You knew his tendencies and how jealousy was just in his nature. He meant no harm by it, it was just that he cared about you deeply and didn’t want anyone to do you wrong. At least, that’s what he told himself to keep his sanity. He hated knowing others could gawk at you when you went out and he could do nothing about it. 
“Okay you have point, and I do really like that dress.”
“So do I.”
“Shut up, you perv!”
“Hey! I’m just being honest.”
He held his hands up in defense. 
“Well, anyways I still need to get some makeup but at least I don’t have to worry about an outfit.”
Hongjoong nodded to you and leaned in for a hug before pulling away in the opposite direction. 
“Alright, I’ll see you later tonight. Be safe and text me when you get home.”
“I will.” 
Smiling to yourself, you walked back towards your apartment, knowing that there was a drug store right around the corner. You didn’t need a lot you just really wanted a new lipliner. Before moseying over all of the colors, you started to think about what kind of makeup look you’d settle on. You picked up a deep brown liner and decided on indefinitely doing a bold red lip and you’d figure out the rest the day of. 
Checking out, you walked back to your apartment, somewhat relieved to be back home. You were a homebody at heart no matter how much you claimed to love city life. Kicking off your shoes, you pulled out your phone to text Hongjoong.
Y/N: just got in
You didn’t get a response back but you did get a notification that he hearted the message. You grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and wandered into your bedroom to scroll on your phone. At some point, you felt your eyelids become heavy and you drifted off. 
When you woke back up, your room was shrouded in darkness and the apartment was a little colder than usual. As you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, you heard the lock on the front door turn. 
“Y/n/n, you home?”
“In here.”
Your voice scratchy and your throat dry from just waking up. You saw the light in the main room flick on and heard him shuffle into your room and he switched on the overhead light in your room. 
“Turn that shit off bro, it is so bright.”
“Aw did princess just wake up from her nap.”
You looked at him with narrowed eyes and huddled more underneath your blankets. 
“As a matter of fact, I did. And now I’m cold and hungry.”
Hongjoong crawled up on your bed and snuck under the sheets with you wrapping his body around yours, letting his head rest on your shoulder. 
“You know, body heat is the best way to warm up.”
“And so is turning on the heat.” 
“Okay lemme turn it on then.”
As he went to get up from the bed, stopped him by leaning back into him. 
“No, don’t, the body thing is working. How was the studio stuff?”
Hongjoong smiled to himself, and with him behind you, you couldn’t see how wide it was beginning to spread. 
“It was alright. A little stressful but we got everything figured out.” 
You nodded and you nuzzled more into him. You turned your head to face him as best you could. 
“By the way, when is the release party again?”
You whipped your head around, eyes wide, dramatizing your reaction to his answer. 
“Well, at least you told me today, might’ve had a stroke if you told me tomorrow.” 
“You’re so dramatic.” 
“You love it.” 
You were cut off by your stomach growling against Hongjoong’s hand that was resting against it. You both laughed as you looked at each other completely surprised by how loud it was. As you went through your list of options you both decided that it would be more satisfying to cook something at home. Hongjoong got out of your bed first and as you heard the clanging of pots in the kitchen you found yourself wandering after him. As you guys helped each other with dinner, you couldn’t help but relish in the domestic feeling you were feeling with him. Unbeknownst to you, he was feeling the exact same thing. Finishing up cooking you guys decided on something to watch before eating in comfortable silence. 
You excused yourself to go through your night routine. When you finished you walked back out to the main room and noticed Hongjoong wasn’t in there anymore. Shuffling to his room, you peeked through his cracked door and saw him posted up in front of his computer again, his headphones sitting around his neck. 
“You need help with anything?”
He looked up at you with such a soft look you couldn’t help but fall even deeper into the grave you were digging. 
“Huh? No, I’m okay actually. Thanks for checking in.”
“Okie, I think I’m gonna head to bed.”
“See you in the morning.” 
He smiled at you before putting his headphones back on. You gently shut his door and walked down the hall to your room where you snuggled up against your stuffed animals and fell into a deep sleep quickly. 
When you woke up the next morning, your stomach was in knots suddenly nervous with the idea of meeting the rest of his members and attending the party in general. As you opened your phone you finally saw the time and almost flew out of the bed. Opening your door you saw Hongjoong fixing himself something to eat. 
“What time do we have to leave tonight?”
“Like 5ish, why?”
You finally took a regulated breath and calmed yourself down. Pulling yourself out of the panicked state that you found yourself in fresh out of sleep. 
“Okay good. You know I need 7 years to get ready, I thought I woke up way too late.”
“You should eat something before you make yourself go crazy in the bathroom though.”
Agreeing you fixed yourself some cereal and then waddled back into your bedroom flopping on your bed, the task of getting ready seemed so incredibly daunting now that you had to do it. You checked the time and it was only 1:30pm. Giving yourself half an hour to dick around, you figured you could get ready in three hours. 
Once your precious thirty minutes expired, you groaned the entire way into the bathroom. After brushing your teeth, you turned on the shower gathering all your necessary products. Grabbing your face wash last and throwing on a shower cap, you begin the extensive process that was showering. After you finish your shower, you moisturized your body, and put on your undergarments and a dressing robe. 
Before starting your makeup, you grabbed your speaker from your bedroom, turned on some music, and started the painstaking process of making sure your entire face was symmetrical. Deciding on a smokey liner for your eyes, you made sure everything was even. 
Before you knew it, the sky outside began to change colors, the hues reflecting into your room turning much warmer than when you started getting ready. You checked your phone and the time read 4:32pm. You took a breath realizing that you still had time. Lining your lips and filling them in with your favorite red lipstick, you rubbed them together, blending the two products. Satisfied with your look you slipped off your robe and left it on the bathroom floor. 
Sliding through your racks of hangers, you found the dress you were looking for. Heading back into the bathroom you slipped into the dress, fighting with the fabric as you pulled it over your hips. As you pulled the straps up over your shoulders, you situated your boobs so that they sat higher creating the perfect cleavage. You played with the slit on the dress cinching it a little higher up your leg. 
You gave yourself a once over, loving the way the dress hugged your curves before heading back into your room to grab your jewelry pieces. You settled on a small, silver Cuban link necklace that Hongjoong gifted you for your birthday one year, small dangly silver earrings, and a few rings adoring your fingers. Grabbing a clutch and your black, pointed pumps from your closet, you sat in the main room waiting for Hongjoong to come out. 
As you sat on the couch he called out for you.
“Y/n! Are you ready?” 
“Yup! Just gotta slip my shoes on.” 
As you wiggled your feet into your heel, you heard Hongjoong’s shoes clicking from the hallway. He was clad in a pair of ripped blue jeans, a white dress shirt, and a black and white cropped and frayed jacket. You thought he was attractive before but staring at him dressed up had you at a loss for words. When he lifted his head from the floor and his eyes landed on your figure, he couldn’t help but widen his eyes and be in awe of you. If he wasn’t completely smitten with you before, he surely was now. 
“You, you look great Y/N.”
“Can say the same for you Joongie.”
He felt his heart melt. Whenever you called him that he couldn’t help but be whipped for you, he wanted you all for him and now he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to share you with everyone else. His thoughts were running wild with nothing but you in them. Your voice pulled him from his thoughts. 
“Should we get going?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” 
Walking to the parking lot by your apartment, Hongjoong opened the passenger door for you before letting himself in. The drive to the venue was a little silent except for the music coming through his speakers. You were wracked with nerves and were honestly a little more than nervous about the event. 
“Y/n, why are you so nervous?”
“Wha-, I’m not nervous!”
“You’ve been silent the whole ride, cmon I know you.”
You sighed, knowing you wouldn’t be able to hide your feelings. 
“I don’t know, I guess I just don’t wanna mess anything up for you.” 
He looked over at you as he pulled into the venue parking lot. 
“Everything is gonna be fine. Besides, when have you ever messed anything up for me?”
“Well, there was that one time-
“-Something serious.”
You were silenced knowing he was right. You took another breath and didn’t even realize Hongjoong had already come to open your door. 
“Thank you.”
As you walked to the entrance, Hongjoong had his hand on your lower back keeping you close to him. Walking into the building, there were neon lights everywhere, an array of people, Ateez’s music blasting through the overhead speakers, and of course, you picked out immediately the seven other men you were destined to meet. San noticed Hongjoong first, waving his hand to come toward the group. 
You had a large grin on your face, masking your conglomerate portrait of emotions. 
“Hongjoong! And I’m assuming this is the special lady we’ve all been hearing about?” 
You held your hand out towards San and introduced yourself. 
“Y/n, it’s nice to meet you!” 
San gently moved your hand away and pulled you into a hug. 
“It’s so nice to finally meet you! Hyung here is constantly talking about you.”
Whom you would later find out was Wooyoung, made his presence known by shouting over the music and commenting on how you looked next to his friend. 
“Hongjoong! You didn’t tell us she was taller than you too!”
You smiled and chuckled to yourself, feeling slight steam come off of Hongjoong.
“It’s just my shoes!”
San dragged you to the rest of the group to introduce you to everyone to which you realized you had nothing to worry about. All of them were so inviting and greeted you with a near bone-crushing hug. There was someone who stuck out from the rest though. 
The way his gaze lingered on you, you noticed it from when you walked in and when you were pulled so close to him, his touch loitered on your skin a little bit longer from the rest. 
You had to admit everyone single one of them was attractive in their own right and perhaps this is exactly what you needed to get over your little massive crush on your best friend. As the night went on, you got along with everyone so smoothly. The conversation never seemed to have an end. 
Every time you spoke though you found Seonghwa’s eyes fixated on you, something Hongjoong noticed as well. You looked around for the bar, desperate for some alcohol in your system to maybe find some courage to approach his leering gaze with the same confidence. Seonghwa noticed this and came closer to you leaning to your ear so he didn’t have to shout. 
“You want to go grab a drink?”
“Uh yeah actually. Joong do you want anything?”
Hongjoong’s eyes were cold as he looked towards Seonghwa but softened his expression as best as he could as he turned back to you. 
“Yeah, I’ll just come with you guys.”
As you three went to get up Yunho grabbed Hongjoong’s attention. 
“Hyung! Wait. We have to go over that prompt before you do anything. You have to give that speech here in a moment.” 
His shoulders hunched coming to terms that he had to do his job first before catering to his bubbling emotions. You turned back to him before walking off with Seonghwa to the bar.
“You want your usual?”
He nodded and you and Seonghwa made light conversation over to the bar while you were waiting for the drinks to be made. When the conversation died down a bit, Seonghwa felt that this was the perfect moment to ask. 
“So I have to know, are you and Hongjoong a thing? Or is that just him being possessive?”
“It’s definitely just him being him. Ever since we met he’s always been a little bit protective of me. But to answer your question, no we’re not together.” 
“He definitely acts like your his.”
“Yeah no, just friends.” 
He nodded leaving the conversation there and with perfect time all three of the drinks were finished as well. You walked back to where everyone was congregating and gave Hongjoong his drink. His gaze was still hard but you couldn’t quite figure out why. The music faded out and a light targeted its way to where all of Ateez was sitting. Hongjoong gave his speech and you were nothing but enamored with him. 
The way the light was hitting his face, his outfit, the way he carried himself with such elegance talking about his pride and joy. As you were standing off to the side soaking him in, Seonghwa was doing the same thing with you. Drinking you in with every second that he could. When Hongjoong finished his speech, the music faded back in and you looked back over toward the group. Seonghwa with his newfound information about your single status had to seize this opportunity. 
As Hongjoong was preoccupied with his members, Seonghwa sneaked off to you.
“Wanna dance?”
“Sure, why not?”
He pulled you down to the dance floor where some other people had the same idea. Feeling the music you swayed with the beat and smiled up toward Seonghwa. As the song faded out, you finished your drink and told him you were going to go grab another. He followed you not wanting to leave you alone. As you guys walked back to the main floor you continued dancing with each other. Seonghwa leaned down to you again.
“You know he’s in love with you right?”
His comment caught you off guard and you sipped your drink.
“What do you mean?”
“If you were to see him from my angle…he wishes he could strike me down right now.” 
“Wait turn me so we swap spots, I want to see.”
You did just that but Seonghwa made sure to add a little extra to your turn. When your eyes spotted where the group was sitting you saw how silent Hongjoong was. The way his gaze was now directed towards the both of you. 
He was pissed.
You almost felt bad but at the same time, you desperately begged any god that was listening that this would pan out in your favor. 
“Wrap your hands around my neck.”
You furrowed your brows
“Just do it.”
In beat with the song that was playing you slowly wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“My next question is, do you feel the same way about him? And I already know the answer I just wanna see if you’ll lie to me.”
Seonghwa smirked at you. 
“So much so that it’s excruciating to think about.” 
As the two of you swayed you talked about your crush. 
“Well Y/n, looks like this is your lucky night, 'cause here he comes.” 
You felt a hand grace your back and you turned around to face Hongjoong. He tried his damnedest to hide his hardening feelings from you because they were truly directed at Seonghwa. 
“I’m not feeling too well I think we should head home.” 
“Oh! Okay, do you need me to do anything.?”
He shook his head and you sucked down the rest of your drink throwing the cup in the nearest trashcan.
“Let me just say goodbye to everyone.”
You walked over to the rest of the boys hugging everyone goodbye. When you went to hug Wooyoung, he pulled you a little closer so he could whisper in your ear. 
“Hope you know your man is pissed and I hope you get the best sex out of this.”
Your mouth hung open, surprised by his boldness. You pulled away from him lightly smiling. 
“He’s not my man Woo.”
“Well, he’s been acting like it! Good luck y/n.” 
He laughed and you suddenly felt your nerves settle in your stomach as you walked back over to Hongjoong. Hugging Seonghwa goodbye and began to walk off with Hongjoong. 
“Don't forget to text me y/n/n!”
You turned around and waved towards Seonghwa, confused for only a moment before you understood that he was egging Hongjoong on. Hongjoong picked up his speed and borderline was pulling you out of the venue. When you got to the car he opened the door for you but the drive was viciously silent. His knuckles were gripping against the steering wheel turning a forced shade of white. 
His breathing was heavy and slow and you felt like if you said anything it would be like poking a stick at an angry bear. You couldn’t bear the silence anymore though so you spoke up. 
“Joongie…are you okay?” 
He didn’t answer you. You were only a few minutes away from home so when he pulled into the apartment complex you felt a bit of relief knowing you wouldn’t have to have that question linger in the air. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what I did to upset you but whatever it was I’m sorry.” 
The air was heavy, suffocating even. Your timid voice dissipated immediately into the tension he was spewing into the air. He got out of the car and walked around to open your door, but started walking a bit ahead of you. You both stepped into your apartment door and you let him in first, locking the door behind you both as you took off your shoes. 
“That’s what you call it?”
You almost didn’t hear him, but you didn’t want to make him more upset by having him repeat himself. You didn’t have to ask though, the time you took to respond had him wired up enough.
“I said, that’s what you call it? Not knowing whatever it was.”
“Joongie I can’t know what you're so upset about if you don’t tell me.”
“Don’t ‘Joongie’ me and don’t act like you don’t know. You let him all over you all night and I just had to sit there and watch!”
You paused. 
“This is about Seonghwa?”
“No, it’s about Jongho, c’mon y/n you’re smarter than that.” 
His tone was frustrating you to no end. He was chastising you for no real reason. It wasn’t like you were dating so why was he treating you as such? You loved him you knew that much but every time someone so much glanced at you, you had to deal with some sort of small outburst like this.
“Joong it’s not like we’re dating, I don’t understand why this is bothering you so much.”
“Because you’re mine y/n! You’ve always been mine! And every time I have to sit back and watch you possibly find the feelings that I feel for you in someone else it drives me up the fuckin wall. I can’t stand seeing you with someone else and I-” 
“-Hongjoong I-”
“No! Let me finish. If I have nothing at least I can have the peace of knowing that you finally know.” 
Your heart was in your ears. You felt like you were underwater and slowly watching yourself begin to drown. He was confessing and you didn’t know whether to feel overjoyed or scared at the thought that everything you wished for was happening at such an intensity.
“And I love you. I can’t watch you hold somebody else when I love you with a passion that suffocates me while I sleep. If you don’t feel the same way, I understand but I can’t keep living without you knowing.” 
Now it was your turn to be silent. You stared at him like a deer in headlights unable to form a response for him. 
“Well don’t just stand there, say something! Please.”  
You went to open your mouth but nothing came out. 
“Oh, fuck it.” 
Hongjoong walked over to you, clearing the short distance that was between you two. His hands encased your face and his lips covered yours. Your eyes blew wide for only a second before relaxing completely into his touch. You returned the kiss with equal fervent, curling your nails into the nape of his neck. His kiss became more urgent and he bit at your lip pulling it with him as he pulled away. 
He looked at you trying to read your features. Your eyes were glistening with a mixture of lust and love and there was heat you could feel rushing to your face as you gazed back at him. Lust was evident in his eyes but none of the hardness that he was harbouring earlier. He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
“Don’t you want me?”
His tone was pleading, his eyebrows curling upwards. Everything about him begging to hear a similar response from you. When you finally spoke his heart began to beat again. 
“Hongjoong, I’ve wanted you since I met you and I don’t know how you missed all my signs. But I swear if you don’t take me now I’ve got a text message to send.” 
He grabbed your hand and dragged you down the hallway into his bedroom. He pulled your body close to his once again, pressing his lips firmly against yours. His hand fingered its way through your hair and he grabbed a fistful of it. A weak moan left your mouth and he pulled you away from his. 
“I don’t ever want to hear you say his name again.” 
You carded your hands through his Styx colored hair, smirking up at him.
“Make me forget it then.”
It wasn’t a growl, but it was a sound that reverberated in the depth of his chest before he pushed you onto the bed. You scooted more towards the center of the bed as Hongjoong crawled over you. His lips attacked your jawline, trailing down to your neck where he began sucking crimson marks distinctive to him, claiming you for anyone to see. 
His hands traveled down to your breasts and he played with your nipples through the fabric of your dress as he continued his assault on your skin. 
“Hongjoong please.”
“Oh, now you wanna beg me? What happened to that text message, hmm?”
“I don’t, I just want you. Only you. Please.”
He chuckled against the space where your neck and shoulders connect, the warmth of his breath sending goosebumps up your body. He raised himself on his hands looking you in the eyes. His hand came up to caress your face, his thumb grazing across your bottom lip. You opened up your mouth so that his thumb slipped in and you began sucking on it. Your eyes glazed over in lechery. Your hands trailed down his body and rested on the hem of his jeans, hooking your fingers into his belt loops bringing him closer. 
He removed his thumb from your mouth and went back to teasing your nipple. You whined, attempting to writhe your body against him. 
It took you a second to register his words, but you looked up at him with wondrous eyes and opened your mouth slowly. 
Nothing would’ve prepared you for the wad of spit he aimed in your mouth nor the asphyxiating grip your pussy reacted with. You swallowed without any command and opened your mouth again for another take. 
“Wanna know how I know you’re mine? I didn’t have to tell you to do that. You’re just filthy enough to take whatever I want to give you, isn’t that right, baby?” The pet name had you squirming. The ring it had coming from his mouth had you wanting to cling to him for the rest of time. He snaked down your body and bunched up the skirt of your dress so he could easily remove you from your underwear. He dragged his finger between your slit, gathering not even a fraction of your arousal. The pad of his finger gently swiped over your clit and your body jumped due to the sensitivity. 
“Aw, is my girl a little sensitive?”
You mewled out, words not forming correctly in your mind. 
“Is this all for me y/n?”
You writhed against him hoping that it was enough to satisfy him. The slap against your pussy led you to believe otherwise. You moaned out and pushed yourself to your elbows to look down at Hongjoong. 
“I said, is this all for me?” “Yes, yes, yes! It’s all for you Joongie. Fuck it’s always you~ah!”
He swiped his tongue up your slit ringing your precious little bell with his hellish tongue. He pushed your legs further apart and his fingers toyed with your entrance. 
“You want it?”
“Hongjoong, please! I want you to do whatever you want. Make me yours.”
You whined out finding it harder and harder to keep your composure. Hongjoong entered two fingers into your decadent cunt, your warmth wrapping around him like a tender blanket. His tongue kept a perfervid pace on your clit, bringing you dangerously close to your edge. 
“Hongjoong, I-I’m gonna.”
You were panting, your words barely forming enough to be heard. Hongjoong took your affirmation and used it against you, pulling his fingers and his tongue away from your heat. You whined and writhed against him, in clear distress from the lack of him. 
You got up and he pushed you back down with a searing kiss. The taste of you, tart and something faintly sweet on your tongue. You pushed back against him and you rolled him over so that he was lying on his back now. You kissed him on his jawline and bit at his ear, pulling gently at the skin. You moved off the bed and shimmied out of your dress, presenting all of your glory in front of him. You crawled back up on the bed and unbuttoned his pants pulling them down his legs. 
“I want you in my mouth so bad.”
He lifted himself from the bed, removing his jacket and throwing it somewhere in his room. You fumbled with the buttons on his dress shirt, but you needed to see all of him. With the final button undone, he threw that behind the both of you and your attention was back on the bulge fighting against the fabric of his underwear.
Slowly pulling them down, you dropped them off the bed and eyeballed his length. 
“Can I?”
“Don’t let me stop you, baby.”
You let a glob of spit fall onto his head before you licked him up from base to tip. Hollowing out your cheeks you found praise in the frequency of his moans. You twisted your tongue around his shaft as you bobbed up and down his length. When you looked up at him he was already staring you down. 
“Fuck, y/n! You’re so good. You’re so so good.” 
You picked up your pace, intent on making him cum and making him cum quick. His moans became louder almost turning into whines. He sucked the spit through his teeth and tried to calm himself down.
“Baby, baby, slow down I’m gonna cum.”
But you weren’t listening, you had no intent to. Hongjoong wrapped his hand in your hair and pulled you off of him. 
“You don’t listen do you?” “Maybe you should teach me how.” 
You smiled completely fucked out, your mouth swiped with saliva.
“Get on your back.”
His tone was domineering and you love every drop of it. He brought himself down to your nipple sucking on the tender skin. You moaned out needing more from him. 
“Joongie, please. I need you inside of me. I need to know what you feel like.” 
Your eyes were pleading, you truly needed nothing more in this moment. He lined himself up with your entrance before teasing you and sliding his hot and needy cock between your folds.
“Joong please, don’t tease me~ugh!”
He filled you up so nicely. You could feel every inch of him and the stretch you felt from his size was indescribably delicious. He started with long, slow strokes allowing you to feel every bit of him. Your hands found refuge on his back, your nails leaving red marks of ardor in their wake. 
“More. I need more Hongjoong.” 
He picked up his pace but it still wasn’t enough for you. You needed him to be rougher with you, you needed him to claim you and make you never forget where home was. You grabbed his face with both of your hands and forced him to look directly into your sex-blown eyes. 
“Joong, I need you to fuck me like you mean it.”
Something in him broke. His dam of reservations crumbling with your words. He wanted to be sweet with you and forget about the earlier moments of the evening. But with every bratty comment that left your lips, he simply couldn’t. He flipped you on your hands and knees and began pounding you from behind. The cry that left your mouth was one of pure pleasure. You could feel him hitting the parts of you that made you insatiable. 
The tip of his cock was bruising your g-spot leaving you in a sex drunken stupor. 
“Who’s pussy is this?”
“Who’s pussy is this y/n? I’m not asking again”
“It’s your’s Hongjoong! Fuck it’s always been yours, baby.”
Tears were welling up in your eyes from the pleasure you were feeling. 
“Hongjoong baby, I’m gonna cum!”
“Cream all over my cock baby, let me feel how good I make you feel.” 
That’s all you needed to be sent over the edge. His cock was making you dizzy with lust and you didn’t know if you needed a rest or more of him. Hongjoong already made that decision for you though, fucking through and after your orgasm, wildly overstimulating you. 
It was almost too much to handle and you started crawling away from his pistoning hips. Hongjoong grabbed your hips and pulled you even closer to his fiery drives of pleasure. 
“Stop running. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? To fuck you like I mean it.”
He leaned over you pressing your head into the mattress. His thrusts became more erratic and rougher and you could feel his cock begin to twitch against your seraphic walls. 
“y/n, where do you want me?” “Fuckin hell, inside of me Hongjoong. I don’t wanna forget who I belong to. Fill me up please, Joongie.”
His cum shot out of him at a rate that even surprised him. It colored your walls, making its own rapturously beautiful painting. You were now his color and couldn’t ask for anything more. You flopped down on the bed, your body spent from the adrenaline you were banking on. Hongjoong kissed your cheek and spoke against your skin, his breath sending chills up your spine again. 
“You’re mine, baby. Now, wait here, I’ll be right back.”
You didn’t plan on moving, completely spent from the moments prior. Hongjoong came back into the room with a warm cloth and cleaned you up as gently as he could. Not wanting to cause you any discomfort. He left the rag on the floor and climbed up next to you and you wrapped your body around him resting your head on his stomach. 
“Say the words.” 
He looked down at you.
“What words?”
“What do you want me to be to you?”
“My girl.”
You paused looking up at him giving him the most obvious of hints. 
“Will you?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
You sat up and looked at Hongjoong. 
“Are you hungry?”
“How’d you know?” 
“Well, we didn’t really eat at the party or before we left and it’s now…11 at night.”
You both chuckled and you looked at him thinking of what would be open this late and still be good. 
“Sounds good.”
“Okay, you order I’m gonna go pee.” 
When you looked at yourself in the mirror you felt a sense of relief and pride wash over you. Your post-sex glow gave you something else to gawk at besides the fact that it was this timeline where you would get to be with the one person you thought you could never have. 
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zer0wzs · 5 months
wherein jason becomes the rockstar's gf jason todd x gn!rockstar!reader wc: 1432
AN :: there is an mcr and a fob reference here and both keep staring at me like a sore thumb
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For a split second, your mind wanders off. Suddenly, you’re thinking about how you didn’t have a clue as to how Jason puts up with you.
Between the late-night practices and you cooping yourself in the studio all day, You feel like you don’t give him enough of your time. Somehow, though, he pushes through, and he makes it work. He meets you halfway. He said he wouldn’t trade you and your dreams for the world. 
He’s funny. You love him.
Your mind snaps back to where you once were—on the stage. You feel a ringing in your head as you feel heat radiating off your body. The colorful lights blind you. Your shoulders hurt like hell from the weight of the guitar, and you feel winded as your lack of breath control and the previous song had knocked all the air out of you.
Despite all your qualms, though, you love doing this. The adrenaline courses through your blood and comes a rush you find for almost every night. 
“Alright! You guys having fun so far?” The crowd cheers, buzzing with energy and alcohol in their veins. 
You skim over through the faces in front of you. Some are ones you’ve seen before. They tend to attend your sets regularly, but many, though, were faces you didn’t recognize. 
Most of all, however, you see Jason with a friend by his side, quickly catching your brief gaze on him. He stands right beside the platform of the tiny performing venue. He gives you a nod with a straight face. 
You feel a surge of excitement just from his gaze on you, and you feel that energy course through your blood.
“Keep that energy up! We’re not finished just yet!” 
As your bandmates adjust their effects, retune their instruments, and do one last mixing of sound for your closer, you regain your sense of clarity amongst the smell of booze that lingers throughout the venue. You shortly shot Jason a smile and a nod before readjusting your mic and redirecting your focus to the crowd.
“Now, before we sign off, I wanna thank you all for seeing us tonight. I really hope you guys enjoyed our set.” The crowd quiets down, almost dead. You take it as a sign to get it going again. “But come on now—let’s get this on!”
You breathe in once, breathe once out. It’s the first time you’re debuting this song. You rehearsed for this, but you doubt it's enough. You're scared you’ll blank out in the middle of the song, then fill it with random riffs. You’re scared you’ll sing the demo version and forget your final. You’re scared you might just not do the song any justice.
It’s the final song of the final night of your tour. You were not in the mood to mess this up.
Yet you pause for a moment. How much more in love could you be? Because suddenly, your thoughts are filled with him to calm yourself.
You catch him in the corner of your eyes once more, and you faintly hear a ‘Woo!’ from his direction.
Hell, this final song is about him.
He’s heard it, but he has no idea that you’re playing it tonight.
“Do you want to live forever?” You ask the crowd as the instruments start to set themselves up. “Sing this with me then.”
The song gradually swells, with the drums and bass starting out the song, looping the intro for a few rounds before the guitars join in. You harmonize with the main melody of the song, making up riffs as you go.
You feel yourself building the song, getting into the zone, and even doing a call and response because why the hell not? 
Before you let the performance take over, you quickly slip in a “This one’s for him. Hi, Jay.” You look in his direction and wave.
He’s awestruck, enchanted.
You see him quickly follow your gaze and smile. You seem to have caught him off-guard. You’re sure he’s picked up on the instruments and the vocals. He’s smart, far smarter than you. You’re sure he knows what you’re about to play.
The song ends as fast as it starts. You forget that sometimes when you perform on stage, it’s like you’re on autopilot. This was precisely that, but in the best way possible. You feel your body carry the work while your mind can sit back and watch the scene. For a split second, you even ran closer to the crowd during the final break to hold them, grab on your arm.
Everything had passed by so quickly that you couldn’t even register that it was over. Not until the crowd began to mellow down, but not without an applause.
“Thank you all so much!” You smiled and waved goodbye before your roadies rushed to the stage to gather your equipment.
You look over to the side to find Jason. He’s gone, but that’s more than alright. You figured he rushed to help with fixing the equipment, seeing his size and all. It’s something he often does when he watches your shows.
You feel your throat run dry. Maybe it’s time to steep some tea.
You high-five your bandmates before exiting the stage.
You didn’t quite grapple with the reality of just how exhausted and thirsty you were until you stepped off the stage. The world felt more than just shaky, so you found yourself leaning over some table in the back, chugging as much water as you could. The tea can wait.
You could faintly hear your bandmates hyping each other up and giving each other even more high fives. You stood by the sidelines, watching them and laughing at their antics. God knew you were too drained to even think about joining them.
Still, by the corner of your eye, you see a tall figure standing next to you. 
You’re always more than happy to talk to him.
“Well, hi, you.” You greeted, happy to see him.
In great contrast to your bubbly self, your boyfriend was more… frozen. He was silent, just looking at you with the biggest smile on his face. It wasn’t the first time he’d watched you play live, so you figured that the debut of the song was what made him so giddy at this moment.
As he stood there before you, you saw him in better lighting for the first time tonight after your show. You saw the sweat perspiring from his forehead to his neck and the sweat collected on his shirt. You basked in the light that framed his face from the side, but it accentuated those bright eyes of his. You take note of that smile that he’d been wearing even before your show. It only seemed to grow bigger as the night passed by. 
Fuck, he really is beautiful. You think you may not ever get enough of him.
Finally, after a few moments of radio silence, he spoke. “Shit, babe.”
“Uhuuuh?” You found yourself giggling at him.
He’s really cute. You’re in love with him.
“You guys were amazing. I can’t believe my partner is a rockstar.” Practically stars in his eyes.
“Why, thank you.” You felt yourself warming up to the hand that finds your cheek.
“You also played the song!” The hand holding your head up gently tenses with his excitement. You can’t help but laugh at him.
“Yes, we did.”
“Your closer’s always Saturday. Why’d you guys change it?”
That’s for many reasons. For one, you wanted this final night to be special. It was the last date of your best-selling tour yet. You had to do something else.
Then again, you could’ve chosen any other song that hasn’t or even rarely gets played live.
“Well, it’s not always you watch my shows—with your whole thing and our usual tour dates and locations—so I really wanted to do something special.” You hummed, leaning further into his touch. ”It’s almost your birthday anyway.”
“My birthday is still in, like, three months.” 
You shrug. “It’s never too early to celebrate.”
“That’s the length of an entire season, quierde. I think it’s still early.”
“That means there’s only more gifts to come, yeah?” He half-heartedly murmurs something in agreement. 
There's a comfortable silence between the two of you.
“Love?” You called.
You got on your tiptoes, balancing your weight on his shoulders, and gave him a peck on the lips, yet as you set yourself down, you felt him sweep you off your feet to return the kiss.
Your tea can wait a little longer.
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breachverse · 5 months
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Breach: Chicago War Zone - WIP Update 18 - 26th of August 2023
... This one's actually been brewing for 6 months, so... 1 Million Words folks!
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Update 21 has been released! Last public upload was pretty much a year ago so, I'm very sorry for the long silence, a lot of the updates have been mostly in the private testing phase on Patreon, but I am here with a bunch of fixes and hangout updates.
But most importantly... We've passed the 1 Million Words mark... My fingers are tired. ❤
You may play it on the link below.
Breach: Chicago War Zone (Updated)
DEVELOPMENT LOG#21 (15-April-2024)
Alpha - 21
Fixed something here, fixed something there, fixed something everywhere
SideModule: Fixed Justin's hangout background
SideModule: Fixed Hayne's hangout background
SideModule: Added Anna's 1st hangout
SideModule: Added Charlie's 1st hangout
SideModule: Added Kaz's 1st hangout
SideModule: Added Carly's 1st hangout
Stats_Page: Added Archangel crew background notes
UniModule: Added 7 new weapons to the shop
MISC: Added AA-12
MISC: Added HK G36C
MISC: Added PP-19 Vityaz
MISC: Added Ultimax 100
MISC: Added SR-25
COMPLETED: Chapter 3 Part 1 of The ARC branch (100%) (PT only) W.I.P.: AA Hangout Part 1 (86%) W.I.P.: AA Store system (85%) W.I.P.: FBI Hangout Part 1 (46%) W.I.P.: FBI Store system (65%) W.I.P.: Stat screen upgrade (40%) Word Count: 1,007,622 words including codes (Last update was 971,142)
I'll be completely honest, when I started Breach 2 I knew it was going to surpass 1 million words. I just didn't think it would take this long. Through numerous challenges, both in writing and in real life. Through numerous ups and downs, I'm absolutely surprised and grateful to know that there are people out there who still support me. I've had many thoughts, numerous times, to give up and move on to other things in life, but I didn't want to disappoint, so I kept writing.
I bring to you, the 1 million milestone update. It's really not much, but it is one step closer to completion. This update has been in the works for the past 6 months mostly due to the weapons rework and also story changes for the crew members that I apparently couldn't keep track of without a giant excel spreadsheet. This update finalizes the Archangel's Gamma Crew hangouts, which is Kaz and Carly's hangout as well as Anna and Charlie's hangout.
As before, they share the same storyline so they will both share the same hangout. If you choose to go out with one, you cannot go out with the other. Kaz shares it with Carly, and Anna shares it with Charlie. Keep that in mind. Oh, and there's 7 new guns to play with. Have fun, Ian.
This update does not include the new Chapters. Chapter 3 will still be Patreon exclusive until Breach 2 finishes and I can send the demo to the public testing, and to CoG for the full release.
I really cannot reiterate how grateful I am to have an amazing array of readers and supporters who are still here after numerous hiccups and fuck ups. Thank you all, so very much.
Much, much love. - Max ❤
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scarletwinterxx · 1 month
every comma, every question mark - mark lee scenario
helloo🥺 it's been a while since I wrote a mark lee scenario, and this one was supposed to be out for his birthday but i only finished now, better than never😅😅hope you like it!
all song credits belong to NIKI btw!!! her songs are amazing and I'm a big fan. true story is when I first heard plot twist, all i can think of is how mark lee coded that song is so here we are🤍
and yes the ending may be a hint that there's a next for this (?) not sure tho hahaha anywayssss
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"You need to let him go, it's 5 in the morning. You've been here since yesterday!"
Your manager's loud voice resonated through the room, breaking you from your train of thoughts.
"You're distracting me, if you do more of that I will never get out of here" you told him, turning back to your laptop trying. The only other person in the room besides you and your manager is your co-producer. These two is your closest companions, like your two older brothers. You spend most of your time with them, and you being the introvert you don't really have that many friends in the industry.
"As your manager, I love this whole creative wave you're going through. But as a concerned citizen, I'm begging you. Go home. It's your birthday, why are you hauled in this dark room" your manager continues to rant but you pay him no mind
"Yo, you're just making this last longer than it already is. I'm just letting her find whatever it is she's even looking for" your producer say, he's been here with you since yesterday ready to help you out when you need it.
Those two guys know you take your craft very seriously, each and every song you put out is like your own child. Each and every word, every tune, every melody all came from your pretty little mind. They are both very in awe of the discography you have created throughout the years and you're still so young.
Your manager exits the room, muttering something about getting breakfast and coffee before closing the door to the studio.
"How about one of the songs in your vault? You have a lot of unreleased demos" your producer suggests
"I don't know if there's one fit for this"
"Girl you have tons, surely there's one for now. Let's have a hear"
The two of you go through unreleased tracks, some finished and some still on the works before landing on a few possible candidates
"What are we looking for anyways?"
"Not sure, but I promised my fans I was going to put something out just in time for my birthday. It's my birthday and here I am" you grumbled, then suddenly you come across a demo you've written a while back
"Uh this one's old" you say before clicking on it, the beat playing through the speakers in the room
Where have you been All of my life? It's all growin' dim, now That you've come to light And who could've known, who would've thought Between the wishbones and dot-dot-dots There was always gonna be you and I
"When did you write that?" he asks
Just like that, the exact memory of when and where you first wrote that verse came flooding in your head.
"Oh what?"
"I feel like this is the one but I don't know if I can release this" you say
"What do you mean? Why?"
"I wrote this like some time a few years back... about a guy.. I had a crush on"
He chuckles at your reasoning, "So? All songs are inspired by something. You gotta start somewhere"
"Yea but what will I say when people ask what's the story behind it? I'm suppose to perform this on my birthday event this month"
"Then say it, what's the worst that could happen?"
Turns out a lot of things could happen. On the day of your birthday event where you're going to release your new song, your manager informed you a few artists are also present to watch you.
"What?? Why???"
"Cause they like you?" your manager asks back
"Who is it?" you ask but then the prod team calls for you
"Hey Y/N, we need you backstage now"
You get on stage, go on with your show and a short interview. The host surprises you with a cake from your fans and the crowd sings you happy birthday.
"I know it's my birthday but I have a gift for you also" the crowd cheers
"So I wrote a song, I actually wrote it a while back. It's about those unexpected moments that happen in my all to normal life. To be honest with you guys, I've always liked plot twists. The good kind" you add, making the crowd laugh
"Yea and uh sometimes there's someone who comes in your life who you didn't expect and suddenly the sky is bluer or the sun shines just a tad brighter" you blush a bit while trying to explain the song
"Anyways here's the new song, I hope you like it. It's called Plot Twist"
Look what we got A thickening plot Just when I started getting used to The thought Of closing the book There you were, in every nook Of every word, every page And now I wanna stay and wait, 'cause Met every comma, every question mark Bored of how all of the chapters start But you feel like a brand new arc That I never knew, oh I'd like to think I know a thing or two Like every day the sky's a different blue And then along came you, oh
The crowd turns their flash on, it's like a sea of stars in front of you. This made you smile while singing the words
Where have you been All of my life? It's all growin' dim, now That you've come to light And who could've known, who would've thought Between the wishbones and dot-dot-dots There was always gonna be you and I
You get to the last part of the song, enjoying watching the crowd have fun. Unbeknownst to you, the one who inspired this song was in the crowd bopping his head as he listens to your melodic voice.
Who could've imagined? Who could've imagined you? Who could've imagined? Who could've imagined you?
You finish the song and say your final ment before bidding goodbye to everyone.
Your team welcomes you backstage. congratulating you on another successful event. You were busy talking with the band when your manager pulls you on the side, "There's a few people here who wanted to greet you"
"Huh? Oh okay" you follow behind him down the halls.
When you get there the first person you saw was Haechan, a member of a group you're a fan of.
Your first thought was, what is he doing here
The second being, if he's here then surely his member is also here and you already have a hunch on who it might be
"Y/N, you already know Haechan and Mark. They came to watch tonight" your manager say
"Uh yea, oh sorry I wasn't expecting this. I'm a big fan" you tell them, bowing your head down as a sign of respecting and greeting. The two boys doing the same
"Me too, Love your songs" Haechan says, then adds a greeting at the end
"Happy birthday, we uh wanted to come and see you play live since we're on a break. Usually our schedules clash so we can't go to your shows" Mark says
Not believing this is actually happening, you give yourself a pinch on the back. It hurt.
"Me too, I mean I'm a fan too and uh thanks for coming"
"It's Mark hyung's birthday too so this was my gift to him" Haechan jokes, earning a jab on the side from Mark
"I invited him" Mark clarifies, you just laugh at that.
"You guys want some snacks? Refreshments? Let's go to the lounge room" your manager leads the three of you to the lounge area. The two guys, Haaechan and your manager, have a conversation between them. Turns out they're neighbors and Haechan's manager are friends with yours.
"I uh like your new song" Mark clears his throat as he tells you this
"Thanks, it's been a while since I wrote that actually" you mumble, feeling shy all of sudden. You definitely did not expect Mark of all people to be here tonight.
The very person who inspired you to write the song.
"I love the way you write your songs. There's always a story to uncover, big fan of your word plays" he tells you with a smiles you know will haunt your dreams for nights to come and until you make another song about him again.
"One of the few songs I've written that isn't about a heartbreak. And this is from my own point of view, usually I write them imagining the scenario in my head"
"What a lucky guy" he says
You chuckle, looking down at your shoes "He's great, but that song was a confession I'd probably never tell him"
"How come? It's a great song, he should feel honored"
You smile at that, finding the situation all too unreal.
"If he does figure it out, then I'll take my chance"
For a moment you gather up the courage to look him in the eye as if confessing the words without saying it. Like you wanted him to know it's about him but you're not sure if you can ever admit that to him.
Maybe not now. Maybe some other time, you do after all think he's the biggest plot twist of your story.
Then he's looking back at you, a glint in his eyes you wanted to know more about before he smiles at you again. His voice already writing the words in your head, ready for the melody and for your creative genius. He tells you,
"He'd be a fool not to take a chance with you"
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