#i just. he’s a high school freshman from a small town in indiana in the 80s
blushweddinggowns · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about Eddie having a massive bitch fetish for mean girl Steve, especially after they get together.
Like before, sure, he was just as much in King Steve's thrall as every other high school girl was, even if it was a secret he had planned on taking to the grave. Every time he'd hear him make a snappy comment to one of his friends or say something particularly cutting when he talked back to the teachers was enough to make Eddie flush.
But now that they're together it's even worse than high school Eddie could imagine. Because Steve Harrington is protective as fuck and when you mix that with being gay in small-town Indiana with a boyfriend whose the town pariah for murders he didn't commit, you get a lot of opportunities for bitchy Steve.
The check-out lady at the grocery store scoffs when she sees them holding hands? Steve's jumping in, "Wow Linda, guess you're not a champion for love huh? Is that why your husband left you last year?"
An ex-jock and current gas station attendant makes a comment about how Eddie should be in prison? "Weren't you the guy who shit his pants at Carol's party freshman year? Honestly, I feel like that's a worse social crime than anything my Eddie ever did."
An old teacher comments on how he's not "surprised" that Eddie never graduated when they run into him? "I guess that just goes to show how shitty of a teacher you were doesn't it? He passed his GED test on the first try, maybe you should just think of a different career option?"
He has an arsenal of embarrassing stories and tidbits for almost every person in Hawkins, courtesy of his near-daily gossip sessions with his mom. Even when they move in together, those don't stop, they just switch to weekly three-hour phone conversations. (The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?)
And Eddie loved how willing Steve was to stand up for him, he did, really. But every time Eddie had to bear witness to Steve tearing someone down for his benefit, it felt like he was losing his mind.
He'd flush, go bright pink, get weak in the knees, everything you would expect from a love-struck sixteen-year-old girl, not a twenty-one-year-old drug dealer. Half the time he had to drag Steve to the nearest unoccupied space just to kiss him, and the other half he was too busy trying to hide a humiliating hard-on.
Eddie keeps that specific obsession to himself, but he knows he doesn't have much time left before he figures it out. There are only so many impromptu make-out sessions mixed with snide comments before Steve puts two and two together.
And Eddie just knows that he will never let him live it down, which will only add fuel to the fire if he starts doing it on purpose to tease him. Steve already had him wrapped around his finger enough as is, he didn't need another thing to make him realize just how gone for him Eddie was.
No, this one was going to stay with him, a secret that he'd actually manage to take to his grave.
Or so he thought.
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princesssdaisyy · 2 years
until i found you.
eddie munson x shy!reader
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eddie munson knew everyone in the small town of hawkins, indiana. or at least he thought he did. it was a normal tuesday at hawkins high school when eddie was sitting with his friends from the hellfire club discussing the next campaign as per usual in the school cafeteria. he was laughing at a stupid joke one of the boys made before his eyes landed upon what he believed to be the most beautiful girl his cynical eyes have ever come across. she was sitting at a lunch table by herself with a chapter book in front of her and she seemed greatly interested in whatever she was reading. her eyebrows were furrowed and her tongue poked out of her mouth as she read what was in front of her. 
eddie knew it was weird to stare, but he just could not help himself. “dude, what are you staring at…oh god” dustin henderson trailed off as he watched eddie get up from his seat and make his way over to the girl’s table. the hellfire club watched in anticipation, wondering which way this was going to go. eddie sat down in front of her and she pulled her attention from the book in front of her. even up close, she was just as beautiful. she watched as his chocolate brown eyes widened and he gulped a bit. “i-uh… what are you reading?” he asked nervously as he fiddled with the rings on his fingers. 
she could feel her heartbeat quicken with each second. she never would have thought that the cutest guy in school would just walk up to her and start a conversation. “um..the princess bride.” she spoke. her voice was so soft and sweet, eddie swore he could have collapsed right then and there. they sat there for a split second, gazing into each other’s eyes. at that moment, it didn’t even feel like they were in public. “i-i’m eddie by the way. leader of the infamous hellfire club” he introduced. she smiled. a beautiful genuine smile. 
“yes, the hellfire club. i’ve seen you guys around” she said. eddie felt his heart immediately skip a beat. “you’ve seen us around, huh? don’t know how i could miss such a beautiful face” he smirked. he watched as her cheeks tinted a light red shade and she looked down at her closed book with a smile on her face. “you’re cute” she chuckled. her eyes immediately widened at the words that slipped past her lips while eddie smiled so hard his dimples were visible. 
“hm.. well, you think i’m cute and i think you’re absolutely breathtaking so..would you wanna get some coffee with me sometime?” eddie asked, holding in a nervous breath. her heart was doing somersaults at this point. she’d had a crush on the metalhead since the beginning of her freshman year and now, here she was being asked out by him. eddie waited for her response with a heart full of hope. she nodded her head. “i’d love to” she smiled and eddie let out that breath he was keeping in. “good, good..i’m glad” he smiled at her.
it was that exact weekend they went on their coffee date. they talked and got to know each other to the point where there was nothing left to tell. eddie admired her love for books and cliche movies while she admired his love for music and dungeons and dragons. ever since that date, their friendship grew quickly. it seemed that no matter where eddie was, you could always find her by his side, following him around like a lost puppy. and eddie absolutely adored it. he never thought a girl would enjoy being around him as much as she did. 
she didn’t care for the way people viewed him. she didn’t care for the weird looks she received from other students in the hallways. to the town, he was a “freak”. but to her, he was the sweetest angel she had ever crossed paths with. and eddie seemed to grow fiercely protective of her once he came to notice how emotionally sensitive she could be and how she wasn’t necessarily a social butterfly. after a few months of hanging out nearly every day, their friendship started to change. but not in a negative way. they both looked at each other in a way he didn’t understand. it was a look of admiration and love. one day after school, eddie drove her to lovers lake where he already had a picnic laid out on the grass with a soft blanket. 
he held her hand as they walked over to the little setup. they sat there until the sun began to set. they talked, laughed, ate snacks, and flirted with each other. as she stared at the beautiful sunset, eddie took this as a chance to make his move. he gently put a finger under her chin and turned her head softly to look at him.
 he didn’t miss the way her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “can I kiss you?” he asked. their faces were so close that their lips were already brushing. she almost immediately nodded her head. “yeah..please” her voice came out in almost a whisper. in that moment with their lips pressed against each other, eddie swore he could melt. he loved how soft her lips were. how perfectly they both moved together in sync when kissing. “i never thought i’d ever fall in love until i found you” he mumbled with a smile as his forehead rested on hers.
just wanna say, i haven’t written anything in such a long time so, i’m so sorry if this is horrible. but thank you for taking the time to read it ♡
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two-red-lungs · 2 years
I Can’t Hardly Stand It
BFF!Eddie/Fem!Reader NSFW
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Summary: College guys, despite your best attempts, have been leaving you high and dry and desperate in the bedroom. Now, with you back in Hawkins for winter break? Let’s just say your six-foot-something best friend is looking like a real good way to relieve some of that long-standing sexual tension. 
That is, if you don’t ruin your friendship in the process. 
Word Count: 5.5k
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How do you ask a friend to be more than a friend? To lift a foot and place it, however tentative and skittish over the well-established boundary? To enter into a realm of unknown, unfamiliar feelings that, in all likelihood, could destroy that friendship? Crumble it to dust? How the hell does one do that, exactly?
It was a question you had been turning over and over in your head for days, hoping that contemplating it enough would bring you a sudden enlightened answer. But nope. It was still the same agonizing question. You thought it, and in your mind you saw Eddie’s eyes. Big, brown, wet and wide. 
How do you ask your friend to fuck you?
When the idea first came to mind you discarded it like a deer stumbling away from a car on a highway. The thought was obscene. Way outta line. You and Eds… you went back years. Maybe a decade at this point. You and him in fifth grade, goofin’ it up out on the playground in the Indiana winter cold, play-fighting with sticks as swords. And now, him calling you once or twice a month: the connection long and expensive and only affordable if all you said was hi, how are you, that’s great, talk to you later. But NYU was your dream school. He knew that. He’d encouraged you to take the scholarship, to get the fuck out of the sleepy town that too often trapped people in little lives that went nowhere. 
And you did. You did it. Packed your shit and left, moved into a freshman dorm buzzing with excitement and academia and dirty laundry. It was fun. New York was big and loud and alive and full of cute boys to meet. Oh, meet them you did. Date after date, smiling faces, clumsy, heated kisses. 
That’s where the problem really was, see. 
You wanted it. The big sin. La petite mort. And without fucking fail, every single skinny-legged eighteen-nineteen-twenty year old you collapsed into bed with was baaaaad. Like, painfully, stupidly, unbelievably bad. Their breath stank or they sweat too much or they popped off like bottle rockets against your bare thigh after just a minute or two of naked squirming and sloppy makeouts. And that left you alone, buzzing with a deep, red hunger. Unfulfilled, day after day. Month after month. It made you realize you needed something more. Someone you could talk to, tell what to do, share information and words with without it feeling awkward or dictatorial or rude. Someone who wasn’t, by and large, a stranger. 
Your mind went to one person and now you just couldn’t fucking shake the idea. Kept seeing it in your head. Kept thinking what if.
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The plane from JFK landed back in Indianapolis for winter break. Snow was high outside, brilliant diamond-white against cerulean sky, icicles trimming the roof over the pick-up zone in great crystal stalactites. Your breath was fog in the air. And, right on time, god bless him, the familiar brown-and-tan Chevy Nomad van came rolling up with tire chains that growled against the heavy ice. 
Your heart jumped directly from your chest into your mouth. Eddie rolled down the passenger window. 
“Lookin’ to hitchhike, hot stuff?” He was grinning ear-to-ear, brown eyes crinkling. Ever the comedian. When you muddled through the dirty snow and tugged on the locked handle a few times, that grin got bigger. “Gas, grass, or ass. Can’t let you ride for free.”
“You let me outta the cold right now, Munson, or I’ll have to resort to violence.”
“Oooh, scary. Fine. Get in here.”
 He’d driven three hours out to get you, through a small snowstorm and over miles of ice, and three hours back. Not a single complaint. Not a peep. No, instead, Eddie was all sunshine smiles and wicked, warm cackles, asking about your adventures in the city and pulling animated reactions. His rings winked in the cold winter light slanting through the van’s dirty windshield, and his hair was just slightly longer (and drier) than when you’d left four months ago. But he was the same old Eddie, really. Taller than you by a million miles. Soft, broad lips with a sprinkle of new-growing mustache. Bitten fingernails, long eyelashes. A voice like tire rubber and tobacco smoke, which he reeked of. 
Funny. It was easy to downplay how much you missed him when you were sequestered in the warrenous dorms at NYU. Now, with him a foot away, watching his veiny hands tap tap tap on the wheel to the rhythm of ‘Rattlehead’? There was heat in your bones. Lapping across your skin, over your cheeks when you glanced down at his narrow thighs, the way they flexed when he accelerated. You hadn’t considered the what if throughout the years of being friends with him. Now it wouldn’t leave your brain. Now that what if brought new thoughts. New need-soaked mental imagery. 
Christ, you were hopeless. A single thought about Eddie’s legs flitted through your mind and it brought that roaring wall of unfulfilled heat back with a vengeance. You needed a drink, or several. Or maybe a mallet to the head.
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When the Hawkins town sign blew past on the frosted asphalt road to town and Eddie offered you a beer, you leapt at the chance. Especially when he’d enthused about his uncle already booking it to his shift at the plant by now. It wasn’t until you were stomping snow off your boots on his stoop in the late afternoon sun, walking into his shared trailer and getting hit by that unequivocally Eddie smell that you realized the error of your ways. Maybe, just maybe, hanging out alone with the guy you’d been sexually fixating on for weeks in the place you imagined him in the most at night, a hand between your thighs in the dark, wasn’t a good idea. 
Eddie popped the top off a heineken in the narrow kitchen and handed it to you. His fingers were icy from the winter chill, smooth against yours. You hid the way your hand jerked a bit by bringing the drink up to your mouth, not even bothering to set down your carry-on before taking a hefty pull. 
“Two more months and I can buy these babies on my own. Twenty-one, here I come.” He boasted warmly. His mane of hair shimmied and shook as he fought with the cap on his own bottle: it popped off, plinking against the cabinet before escaping to the linoleum ground, and he scurried after it. You got a long lecherous view of his broad, lithely muscled back under his tight Megadeth shirt before he stood up again, blowing hair away from his mouth. “Won’t even need to use the shitty fake ID ol’ Ricky had made for me.”
“It is pretty crappy.” You agreed. Your mouth was dry. God, you two were so alone right now.
“Yeah. I’m, like, genuinely surprised nobody’s called me on it yet.”
“Is Charles still manning the gas station? That guy’s ancient. He probably doesn’t have the energy to call the cops on you when you’re buying a six-pack.”
Eddie snickered and fuck, it was like liquid sunlight, all soft and good. Another thing you hadn’t realized you’d missed, its effects diminished over the phone. “That’s totally it. Hadn’t even crossed my mind.” He leaned on the counter and sipped his beer, looking down at you and tilting his head to the side. His hair followed like water. “Damn. I kinda missed you, Agatha Christie.”
You swallowed, hard. It was difficult to be under his gaze, now. Knowing the fantasies you’d had. Those brown eyes dredged up every sweaty, slick-fingered moment of imagination between your sheets. “You expect me to be surprised by that?” You replied with a plastered-on smile. “The six-hour commute and free beer kind of gave it away.”
He thunked a hand against his chest. “Foiled again. You see right through me. C’mon.” His beer bottle clinked on the fridge as he passed you, swaggering to him room like he was king of the world. “I got a new strain shipment and a ‘lil freebee along with it. You’re gonna dig it, for sure.” He turned around in his bedroom doorway with dramatic fury, a hand clutching each side. “Two words: Purple haze.”
“Lead the way, king ditchweed.”
“It’s not ditchweed!”
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It wasn’t ditchweed. It was, in fact, a nice, smooth smoke. That’s what you elected to focus on, passing the blunt between you and Eddie on his bed, the window cracked just enough to circulate the air but not enough to turn his cramped, messy room into a freezer. 
He was leaned up against the headboard, all relaxed, that smile-crinkle under his eyes near-permanent. Eddie took the blunt from you and took a hit, exhaling through his nose: vapors curled up the sides of it and into his curtain of dark hair. 
You remembered your fantasy from a week ago, about the ball of that thick nose pressed hard against your clit while his broad, flat tongue punched deep into your— you cleared your throat and shifted around, working sensation back into your buzzing cross-faded limbs. 
Well, the sun's gone down, and you're uptown. And you're just out runnin' around: I can't hardly stand it, you're troublin' me! Lux Interior was whining, Elvis-esque, on the record lazily spinning on Eddie’s player. “Okay.” You conceded. “This is good.”
“The song, or the weed?” He brought up a sock-clad foot to deflect your attempt at hitting him, laughing. “What? New York mighta changed your taste in music. Mighta made you forget how good the Cramps were, and shit.”
“You know I was talking about the weed, dummy.” Soft, sentimental affection in your voice was as unmistakable as anything. You just couldn’t help it. Eddie smiled, pressing his lips together and looking away: your eyes drifted to the tendons in his long neck. Beautiful. You wondered how they’d feel under your tongue. 
“So. Tell me about the city boys.” He said after a few moments of comfortable silence. When you groaned and put your face in your hands he chortled. “Seriously! Are they cool? Do they do slam poetry? I bet they’ve got you just hooked, huh. Ridin’ the subway and shit.”
“We don’t have to talk about boys, Eds. I can’t imagine that’s entertaining for you.” 
The metalhead shrugged and took another drag. “Can you blame me for wanting to keep tabs on your bodice-ripping paperback escapades?” He cupped his face, mimicking a cherub. “That’s just how good of a friend I am.”
“Alright, alright! You ham.” You turned that what if over again in your mind. “It’s been. Weird. I’ve met a lot of guys, sure, but. I dunno. They’re not… great?”
“Define not-great. Do I need to kick someone’s ass?”
“How honest do you want me to be?”
“Uhh, mega-honest. Obviously.”
“Eddie, they’re shit in bed.”
Eddie exploded into a cacophony of coughs, thumping his chest and bending away from the headboard. Only when he was done, eyes watering, did he speak, giving a disbelieving shake of his head. “Wow, that was… honest.”
“Hey, you asked.” The ragged hem of your comfy travel shirt was looking really interesting right now. You chose to focus on it. “I’ve, uh. Been with a couple guys, now, and each time, they’re just…” You sucked on your teeth, trying to phrase it tactfully. “Selfish. Like I’m not even there. Like they don’t care at all about me. And I’m half the fucking equation in that— that goddamn horizontal tango, you know?”
“That sounds pretty frustrating.” Eddie, for once in his life, sounded serious. His voice was soft, like he cared. 
“Trust me, it is. I thought about calling it quits a couple of times, y’know? But I’m human! I got… wants. And needs, and stuff.” The silence after your words was deafening, and the record switched softly-playing tracks. The what if came back. And fuck it, you were a little high and a little tipsy and hey, if bringing this up ruined everything, you’d be on a plane to New York in a few days anyway. “You know how you used to, like… joke? When we were high? That it was just you and me, whining about being lonely, and we should just.” You struggled. “Help each other out. Let off steam.”
Eddie stared. And stared. His eyebrows lifted. For a moment you were worried he would be frozen for eternity. “Uh. Okay. I, hah.” A laugh of disbelief jumped out. He pinched his nose and shook his head. “Okay, uh. If I’m, uhh… misinterpreting this, feel free to, like, punch me. Just… full force. You, uh…” God, how many interjections could this man use? “You wanna. Have sex with me?”
“It’s so weird, I know.” Your words were a blurting, flushed, panicked tumble. You hadn’t really registered it until he said it out loud. “It’s so totally weird, and I shouldn’t have said anything, seriously, just forget it—”
“No, no.” He wetted his lips nervously, that pink tongue darting out. Eddie’s eyes were wide. “No, uh. It’s— I get it. We all, like. Get a little backed up sometimes, right? Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“God, you did not just say backed up—”
“You know what I mean!” He ran a hand down his pink-flushed face, hunched forward and cross-legged, close enough to touch. Close enough to feel his body heat. “Jesus. Jesus shitfuck.”
“Eds, let’s just pretend I didn’t say—”
“We could. We could do it.” He interjected. That tongue between his lips again, trapped, a little slice of wet, shining pink. “Um. I, uh. If it’s something you wanted to do.”
Your stupid betrayer heart was drumming double time, making your palms clammy and face red. “You don’t have to say yes because of me.”
“Hey. You’re a chick, and I’m a dude, and that’s like, basic biology 101 so… I wanna.” His gaze, skittish, like he was a timid fawn, met yours for a second and it was like steel against flintstone. It sent a zing up your spine. “It’d just be like… helpin’ each other out, and shit, right?”
“Yeah.” God, your mouth was dry. You hadn’t felt like this, shaking like a virgin, since you were sixteen. You’d laid yourself emotionally bare in front of him. Told him you needed to be touched. Loved. And he’d said yes. “Just helping.”
A beat of silence. Then another. Then another. Eddie leaned forward and then you were kissing.
It was a wet, searing thing. Like a current of electricity was passing between you, hot and bright and so, so unlike anything you’d felt at fucking NYU. He grunted against your mouth, leaning forward into you. Then there was a hand on your knee and god, fuck, fuck your life, that wasn’t supposed to feel good. That wasn’t supposed to feel like your skin was lighting up gold under his palm, and yet here you were. Illuminated by his touch like a celibate. 
“You gotta,” Eddie spoke in breaths, crowding you against the thin wall of the trailer, heat bleeding from his chest through his shirt, “tell me what you need, ‘kay? Promise?”
“More.” You replied immediately. You grabbed at him on instinct, getting a fistful of his shirt, tugging it up, up over his head: he moved with you immediately, pulling it off like it offended him, and oh. His nipples were dusky-dark pink, his pectorals small hills. The skullish demon head over his heart was staring you down. 
Eddie pressed a sloppy kiss with searing lips to your upper cheek, eyes centimeters from yours. Looking at you all gentle and needy. “Can I take your shirt off? Please, I wanna—” He swallowed and his adam’s apple bobbed. “Wanna see you.”
“Yeah.” Your voice trembled like an autumn leaf. “You can see me, Eds.”
His hands were so broad and firm. They rolled your shirt up over your head: Eddie hissed through his teeth. “God, fuck. Fuck me, man. Look at you.” That dark brown gaze was locked on your tits, the way your bra cupped them together. “Those New Yorkers have no idea what they’re missing, man.”
“Eddie.” You said softly. His gaze snapped back up to you, framed by dark curls of hair. “Touch me.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I can, uh. I can do that.” His lips parted as he touched you, hot palms traveling up your ribs, over your shoulders. He dipped his head, planting kiss to your collarbones: it was like you’d been shot, a slow, scalding heat spreading from that point. Eddie held one of your hips and slowly, ever so slowly, eased you onto your back. You knew he could see your jackrabbit heart racing in the veins on your neck, see the way your shallow breaths were so fucking fast. 
When you pawed between you two, sticking an arm against his burning-hot stomach to fumble with the fly of his jeans, he made a choked noise and grabbed your wrist. Eddie was breathing heavily against your face, holding himself over you with one arm braced by your head. “Wait, wait.” He took a deep breath. Hairs tickled your face. “Uh, just. Just wait.”
“I wanna touch to you too, Eds.”
He looked like the words falling from your lips were as good as head. “Jesus— not yet. Not— I don’t wanna end this too fast, and if you keep, haah—” another expletive when you pressed fingers blindly to his fly, down against his dick, “— doing that, that’s where we’re gonna end up.”
With a hum of frustration at being denied, you tilted your chin up in a demand for another kiss: he conceded without a fight, saliva-slick lips heady and addictive. You felt like you could kiss him forever, like this: the curtains drawn, early dusk darkening the room, his skin against yours sending frissons from your head to your toes. You pawed like an animal. Fingers clutching his back, feeling his shoulder blades move under his skin, his ribs expand and contract. 
When you brought a thigh out, knee bending to hook a leg around his narrow hips, he seemed to make up his mind. “Fuck, okay.” He broke the kiss again. “D’ya think— can I take your pants off?”
“Yeah. Yeah, god, Eddie, please.”
Like it was a goddamn race Eddie had your buttons undone and you were helping him shuffle your pants down and throwing them to the floor. He made another noise in the back of his throat and rested himself at your side, up on one elbow. Eddie put a hand on your sternum and slowly, agonizingly slowly, dragged it down. His face turned up to you every once in a while: checking in. Making sure you were still here with him. His fingers caught on the hem of your underwear for a second and you sucked in a breath, but he kept going. 
Feather-light pads landed on the lips of your pussy over your underwear. So light you could barely feel it. They traced up and down in slow, careful circles. Eddie looked almost hypnotized by the fact that he was even touching you: he watched his own hand like it was a magic show. 
“Tease.” You huffed out, bucking up slightly against his fingers. 
That crooked smile returned. “Nah.” He looked at you with affection. “Just tryin’ to make it good.” Those finger pads went up, up, up. Eddie tracked your expression, lips parting gently when your eyes bulged because oh, yep, that was your clit he’d caught for a second. He focused in on that little stiffening nub, snug under damp fabric, and the muscles in your stomach curled. “Ohhh, fuck. You like that, huh? Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You barely eked it out. “Feels nice.”
“Bet nobody gave her any attention at your college, huh?” His words hit you like thunderbolts, and you swore you felt yourself clench around nothing. Eddie’s tongue was trapped between his teeth again. He thumbed your clit round and round in circles. 
“Eds.” Your voice was a warning, desperate though it was. “More, c’mon.”
“Tell me what you need.” Maybe with someone else the words would have come out commanding, domineering. But Eddie was looking down at you with those big wet eyes like you’d hung the moon, like he’d do anything to please you, lips parted all rosebud-soft. 
“Get inside me. Please. Just— your fingers, put them in, please.”
Still laid out long beside you, his fingers crept underneath the hem of your underwear, rasping against your trimmed bush as he slowly pulled the fabric down, down, down, till it pooled around your knees. “Fuck.” He said again, intelligently. “Fuck. Fuck. Can’t believe you’re letting me do this.” A finger ran down the parting line of your folds as he spoke and you jerked like a woman possessed. “Can’t believe you’re letting me touch you, god.”
His finger hooked at your soft, sopping, willing entrance. “Wait.” You blurted. His veiny hand froze. “Two. Two, uh, fingers, Eds.”
“Okay, yeah. Okay.” His voice shook. And then those long, calloused, beautiful fucking fingers were delving into your flesh, just thick enough for a little stretch, a little delicious addictive burn: if you weren’t so hyper turned-on by the sight you’d be embarrassed about how absolutely sopping you were. 
Your walls fluttered around his fingers and he looked like he’d died and gone to heaven. “So warm.” Was all he got out unevenly. There was no warning before he was slowly and rhythmically fucking you with his fingers, the slick squelch loud as thunder. The sight of his broad hand disappearing between your gently parted thighs was... addictive. You held his forearm tight as he fingered you, your grip moving with each slow thrust. 
This was fantasy. This was perfect fucking gratification. Sweating nearly-naked on his messy duvet, surrounded by his quintessential smell, Eddie inches away from you all laid out with a tent in his jeans so hard it looked like it hurt. This was just like your daydreams. Better, even.
You let your head fall to the side, where he was laid out all long next to you. It rested against his chest. You could feel the hum of his hummingbird heart behind the flesh and bone. “Eddie...” the word was a breathy sigh, but it earned him dropping his head over yours, pressing a wild, wet kiss to the crown of your head, leaving his mouth there. He groaned into your hair when you squirmed, thighs shifting, clenching around his fingers. 
“Shit— sorry, hold on, thing is fuckin— killin’ me, hurts so bad.” He muttered hoarsely, pulling fingers from your heat to fumble with his fly. His digits were too slick to get a grip on the zipper and oh man if that didn’t do something for you. You reached across your stomach without a second thought and pulled it open, and hello.
Eddie was so hard it looked like it ached. The head of this fat cock peeked out from the top of his briefs, so red it was nearly purple. It was shiny, smeared with drooling precum that slicked up the turtleneck skin around it. 
You thumbed the shaft over the fabric. Eddie sounded like he’d been socked in the gut. “Ohhhhkay.” He wheezed out. You crept upwards, dragging down his underwear and popping his bobbing cock out. It twitched, kissing his hair-dusted abdomen for a moment. God. You’d never wanted anything in your mouth so badly. You bet he tasted good: like salt and skin and Eddie.
The noises he made when you cupped him, running a loose grip up and down his shaft in lazy pumps, should have been illegal. They made the soft, wanton and slick heat between your legs feel like a bonfire, like an ancient calling demanding you do what humans had been doing for centuries before you. 
You wanted to swallow him to the base. Wanted to stay there for eternity, feeling him throb under your fingers and feeling his fingers in you. But poor Eds was on a timer. And you wanted as much as you could get. 
“Eds...” You trailed off, looking at him, how he held himself coiled-up tight while you touched his dick, like he was focusing so hard on not cumming. His wide eyes glittered in the low light. You kissed him again: quick and messy. “Can we...”
“Yeah.” His reply came out as a squeak and he cleared his throat. “Yeah. Please.” 
“We need a condom.” 
He was off the bed like a shot, shaking the mattress, flinging open bedside table drawers like a mob croney coming to collect debt money. He rifled through their contents with extreme (almost desperate) prejudice. The prize was found: a shiny gold-foil-wrapped Trojan. Seeing him stand at the foot of the bed, framed between your knees in front of you, dick twitching in the air and foil between his teeth? That was a sight that was going to be burned into your mind for the rest of your life. 
Eddie tore open the condom with his teeth and spat out the corner. He fumbled to roll it on with shaking hands. “Shit.” He hissed, the condom springing off several times. It was like someone had set him to vibrate. 
Your hand closed over his bigger one. Slowly, together, you got the condom on: shiny and off-white on his cock. 
He was still huffing like a racehorse. You couldn’t blame him: your body was alight, all active like you’d run a marathon. You didn’t know what it was: it was never like this with other guys. Little touches didn’t set you on fire. Gentle, caring fingers didn’t make you gush. 
With Eddie’s help you laid flat onto your back once more and eased your hips to the edge of the mattress. He stood between them, thighs pressed against mattress cover. His hands were warm on your thighs: kneading them, drifting up and down a few times while he looked down at you, his chest patchy with blush. 
“You sure?” He asked. There was anxiety in his voice. This wasn’t just being handsy. This was all the way. 
“Yeah. ‘M sure.” When he let his cock rest on your pelvis, hefty and scalding, you swallowed hard. “It’s you, Eds. I trust you.”
Eddie bit down on his lower lip, hard, and lined himself up with you. It was only when the head of his cock nudged your slick entrance and your pussy clenched rhythmically in reply, in excited hopefulness, that you realized how true that statement was. 
That’s why this was taking you apart. Not because it was sex. Or good sex. Because it was Eddie. 
He pushed into you slow with a hand clamped down on each thigh and it was like seeing god. The breach was fat and full, heat on heat, no resistance. You both made noises. He fit you like a goddamn glove. 
Eddie swore, over and over, when he got up to the hilt. His eyes clenched shut, face screwed up, steeling himself against the overwhelming pleasure. And for you, that was agony.
“Eds, c’mon, please, please move.” You weren’t above begging. 
“Fuuuuuck me, man.” He groaned out all high and breathless, and then he was clenching his teeth and snapping forward, hips bumping against you so hard it made the fucking bed sway. He fucked you like he was trying to keep you, like he was trying to make this the best you’d ever had: he even canted his hips up, hunting for that spot inside you that he’d read made girls go mad. 
“So good, so wet, god, so good,” Eddie rambled like a lunatic, a drop of drool falling free from his red lips. “So fucking warm, huh, aren’t you? Yeah you are. So nice and warm, warm on my dick, fuck, love how fucking soaked you are.”
You were in heaven. No, somewhere better. Somewhere where sex wasn’t a sin and you were getting your guts rearranged by your best friend, the guy who knew you the best, who saw you, the real you. “Eddieeeee.” You almost couldn’t get it out, breath punched out of you so deliciously with each thrust. “My clit, Eds, touch it.”
He brought a hand to it instantly, fingers sliding through the wet where his cock spread you open and dragging it up in rough, wild circles around your clit. You could see all his dark-eyed focus was on you: fucking you, filling you, giving it to you exactly how you had needed it for so long. Taking care of you. 
Fuck, that thought was gonna make you cum.  
“More, please,” You begged, “so close, Eds, so—”
“God, fuck me man, you— you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to see you cum, oh my god.” Eddie spoke like he couldn’t stop himself, all disjointed and panting over the pornographic slap of his balls on your ass. “Wanted to see it for so long, please, please, lemme see it, lemme see you—”
His begging, his disclosure, his desperation— you went careening off the edge into the abyss while he rubbed frantically at your clit, and you swore your eyes rolled up into the back of your skull.
There it was. The thing you’d been craving, bone-deep, for months. 
The perfect orgasm. 
Drifting back to earth, you had a body made of melted butter. A body made of summer sun and amber. Pure contentment radiated through every single immaculate cell. 
Eddie was still fucking you. Short, uneven thrusts, sweat beads rolling down his chest, long, wild hair sticking to his face. His brows were down in focus, lost in sensation. You lifted two shaking legs and wrapped them around his waist, locking him into your snug cunt. He looked up at you in hazy, pleasure-drunk shock, and then you squeezed down on him as hard as you could. 
“Fuck!” Was all he barked out, and then he was doubling over, staggering forward against your hips, pelvis stuttering. Gripping your thighs like lifelines. He thrust once, twice, three times more, and then Eddie— your exhausted, beanstalk-tall, wild-child Eddie— collapsed on top of you, heavy as all hell. The crown of his head was right under your nose, and you could feel his ribs against yours. 
He couldn’t see you right now. You let yourself smile fondly, satedly, into his hair. 
Together you breathed raggedly, radiating body heat. The clock in the kitchen, past the ajar door, continued to tick. The silence was no longer charged: it was honest, relaxed. Fulfilled. 
“You’re so heavy.” You said eventually. 
“Thanks. I’ve been working out.” Eddie’s voice was muffled in your tits. After a time, though, he raised his head. Propped himself up a bit on his elbows over you. Spat hair out of his mouth. “So, uh.” His lips opened and closed like a fish, awkward and unsure. “Was that, um. Good for you, or...?”
“Of course it was good, Eddie. Obviously! Don’t ask stupid questions.” You replied with mock seriousness: an age-old bit you’d always done with him. A sign that hey, no camaraderie lost, right?
He played along, looking mock wounded. “Well, I didn’t want to assume. It’s not like it went on for an hour, or ended with a squirt, or—”
“Okay, okay, I get it.” You laughed. He was staring at you in that fond way again. The guitar pick on his necklace tickled your clavicle. “I mean... we have the rest of the night, right?”
He looked stunned. He blinked a few times. “I mean— yeah, like, if that’s something you want to—”
“I want to.”
Another blink. The tongue made its reappearance. “Okay. We can... okay. Yeah.” The slow grin began its climb onto his broad face. “We can totally do that. All-nighter.”
“Don’t get cocky.”
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The Munson landline was a little ragged, but it worked. “Yeah, mom, I can’t wait to see you too.” You said into the phone tucked between your ear and bare shoulder as you leaned against the kitchenette counter, hand in a bag of chips. You watched Eddie fight a box of waffles for their delicious cargo and pop four into the toaster. “The snow’s just real bad right now. You know how it is. I’ll get in tomorrow, I swear.”
Eddie slowly shook his head, hands on his hips, hitting the disapproving church-mom pose. He mouthed for shame and wagged a finger. You threw a chip at him. It plunked ineffectually off his bare chest. 
“Love your too, mom. Yeah, I’ll sleep warmly tonight. Bye.”
“Oh, you’ll be sleepin’ warm, alright.” 
“I knew you were gonna say that!”
“How could you possibly know what I was gonna say?”
The two of you returned to amicability, trading jabs and scoffs and sparkling smiles: but in your mind, somewhere in the far back, you held on to what he’d divulged in the heat and fervor of the moment. That he’d wanted to see you cum. Wanted to see it for ages. 
He’d thought about you. Like you’d thought about him. You tucked that away for later. Now, though? Now you were laughing your ass off while Eddie juggled burning-hot waffles with his bare hands before dumping them onto a plate and flapping his singed palms about like a bird. 
So. How do you ask your friend to fuck you? Turns out, sometimes, you just ask.
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damon-loves-pie · 2 years
“Wish I Could Be Your Man.”
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I had to reshare this again this morning because I couldn’t find it any of the original hashtags I had done. And I spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME writing this for it to not get the recognition it deserves. 
Pairing: Eddie Munson x female reader.
Word count: About 11k words. ( I GOT CARRIED AWAY)
Warnings: 18+, SMUTTY- FLUFFY- ANGSTY KIND OF SLOW BURN STORY. Talks of reader moving around a lot, there is angst with crying and fighting between the reader and Eddie at some point. Reader was cheated on by an ex who slept with her best friend. LOTS OF POT SMOKING.(Eddie is her dealer.) There is pussy eating, fingering, sex of course, and not really much dick sucking. No safe sex happens, (WRAP IT UP PLEASE, I AM PREGNANT BY ACCIDENT SO DON’T BE LIKE ME), Reader does drive stoned. (DO NOT DO THAT PLEASE.) Cigarette smoking, other than that I think that’s all???
I did use inspiration from Eddie’s and Chrissy scene in their first hang out.
Requested by: Anonymous, link to request is here. Overall was requested for a female reader x Eddie fic based off the ending of the song, The Summoning By Sleep Token. (I am not taking anymore request at the moment.)
Summary: Reader had moved around most of her life leaving her unwilling to let anyone close to her after having her heart broken at a young age, she’d rather spend her Senior year alone than with people who probably wouldn’t care for her. She starts working at Family Video in which she asks Steve if he knew where she could find the local dealer. After learning about Eddie Munson ,reader starts buying from him, overtime starting to grow fond of him till a small relationship forms. Eddie wants more than the reader is allowing, causing a fight to break out over him begging her to come see his band play. Reader in the end pulls her head out of her ass, and realizes she cares about the boy as much as he cares about her.
Author’s note: I WILL SAY THE BEGINING IS LONG, AND EDDIE DOESN’T COME IN FOR A MINUTE. BUT PLEASE bare with me. I HAD TO ESABILISH SOME KIND OF STORY. You don't get to see Eddie till a little over 2,000 words in. BUT I PROMISE YOU, IT’S WORTH IT.
I spent the last few days working solely on this and have proofread but it was superlong so I hope I didn’t miss anything.
But to whoever requested this I hope you enjoy the vision I had came up with.
Writing Masterlist
Hawkins, Indiana. The home of the small town high school, Hawkins High, which I'll be attending till graduation in the spring.
Other than that, Hawkins was just another small town on the list of places I've lived.
It was a place that probably won't cross my mind ever again when I leave for college in the fall just like any of the other towns I have called home over the years.
My father's job caused us to move so often that I stopped being interested in finding ties to a town I wouldn't be in for long.
Ever since getting a promotion before I went into 7th grade, he has constantly moved our family  so he could help run or set up different stores across the country.
In result of that, the longest I tend to stay in a place is just for the school year. Maybe for the summer too if I'm lucky, but that seems to be about every other year.
Growing up with constantly moving made me crave structure. I act like I hate the idea of settling down and making friends, but actually I yearned for it.
I wanted strong friendships, I wanted to be on first name basis with the gas station clerk kind of thing, I wanted everything that came with a normal life.
But over the last few years I didn't see the point in making friends who would stop answering my calls or letters after a few weeks of me moving away.
So that dream life will just have to wait till I go to college next fall.
I had been dreaming of it since the summer of my freshman year.
I even started working that summer to save up for my apartment that I'll have during the four years I plan on attending.
I have so much money saved up because how badly I want this, and have worked my ass off to make sure I will get accepted.
I needed to have control of something in my life and this was the easiest most important way I could.
I thought about my life and the things that made up it as I drove down the run down road towards the high school.
How after having been to five other schools as the new girl, this sixth one probably wasn't going to be any different.
The nerves I had in middle school about starting new were gone now, having died out by freshman year.
The thought of being the new girl wasn't scary anymore, it was now routine.
My tires screech against the pavement as I pull into the parking lot, entering into an empty space.
Knowing what awaited me I grabbed by backpack and Walkman off the passenger side, throwing the worn out headphones over my ears.
My fingers pressing play as I hopped out of the seat of my car.
Walking towards the wide open doors, my eyes studied the school.
Hawkins High wasn't anything special, but neither were most the schools I went to.
It was your normal brick building with the school colors scatter about to capture that 'school spirt', with a big welcome sign seated up front to welcome in the new and returning students.
I reach the doors feeling eyes turn towards me from the lockers lined down the hall, other students taking a glimpse at the unknown student.
I was used to people whispering about me, usually wondering about the newest girl of the year. And I defiantly knew it was going to be bigger news once people found out I was a senior.
Not paying them any mind I followed the wall signs towards the door labeled 'office.'
I spent the twenty minutes before class filling out paperwork as the secretary retrieved my schedule. Reassuring the people in the office multiple times that I didn't need a student to show me around before heading to my classes for the day.
My first few classes were as normal as they could be. The teachers having me introduce myself to the class after realizing there was a new student on their roster. Syllabuses got handed out and read, stating what was expected for each class. And then most students avoiding me like the plague or gave me a small smile and a wave when passing in the hall.
Walking into lunch I felt heads turn towards me, knowing all the small-town kids who've known each other since preschool were talking about the new girl. Wondering if she had somewhere to sit or would dare sit alone.
That was the thing they didn't know though, I would rather sit by myself any day then beg someone to be my friend so I wouldn't be alone.
Finding an empty table near the windows I plopped myself into a seat, music playing through my headphones as I pulled out the work Mrs. Click had given us already.
I wasn't wanting to worry about finishing it later tonight since my first shift at my new job started after school.
I would rather eat a quick lunch on the way there than get off tonight and have to worry about finishing the assignment.
After lunch was over the second half of the day seemed to fly by, surprising me as the clock hit four pm when I got home.
I threw my bag onto my bed, grabbing the dark green Family Video vest off my chair as I made my way back to my car.
The job didn't seem like anything special from the outside and I doubt it was going to change my life or anything. But it was a way to make money and something to keep me occupied during my time here in Hawkins.
The sound of the bell ringing greeted me as I entered the store, causing me to groan internally because I knew soon I was going to loathe the sound.
My line of vision hit the front desk, looking for the man named Steve Harrington, who Keith told me would be training me today.
A tall brunette comes from behind the shelf, huge hands holding a small stack of tapes.
"Welcome to Fam- Oh, you must be (Y/N) the new hire. I'm Steve." He smiles, eyes glimmering as they meet the vest I'm wearing.
"That's me." I shrug slightly, watching as he studied me.
Steve wasn't bad looking and defiantly was not my usual type, but he wasn't something I wouldn't mind looking at from time to time. I memorized the way his longish hair sat and freckles that scattered across his neck to the way his muscles peaked out from under his polo as he held the tapes.
Realizing he had spent 30 seconds too long staring, he coughed awkwardly motioning his head towards the back of the counter.
"We should probably get you clocked in before we start training you in the 'Family Video way." He quotes sarcastically.
His free hand making quotations causing me to roll my eyes playfully in response.
Steve notices, laughing lightly while he placed the tapes on the counter.
"It's what Keith says we have to say when we train someone new. But I think he just likes trying to make my job a little harder." Steve explains, rummaging through a drawer till he pulls out  a blank time card.
Laughing at his comment, I take the time card and pen from his grasp.
"So you can smile, I was worried you were going to have the whole 'I'm going to kill you vibe' all night long." He teases, watching as I write my name and the date across the paper.
"Don't get too excited, if I end up not liking you it could still happen." I shake my head playfully, going to sign on the time.
"You can write you were here 10 minutes earlier, Keith never checks the cameras." Steve promises, catching me off guard as my eyebrow raises in response.
"You trying to get me fired already Steve?"  I mock, watching his lips turn up into a smile.
"I wouldn't do that unless you actually tried to kill me." He jokes, causing me to grin in amusement, scribbling 4:15 onto my time card.
The bell rings again for the second time that night as I look over to him,
"Looks like we have our first customer of the night." I sigh, placing my time card with the rest on the counter.
As the night went on I realized my job here at Family Video was actually one of the easier jobs I've had over the years.
There really wasn't much to it other than helping customers, keeping track and stocking innovatory,  taking care of the store plus it's merchandise and either closing or opening the store depending on your shift.
Not to mention as well that Steve was surprisingly a good trainer. He was fun, light hearted, and didn't get upset or acted like I was stupid if I forgot how to do something. Instead he would explain it again understanding sometimes it was hard to get used to some things.
The night went by fast due to the steady stream of customers we had, which Steve promised wasn't normal for a Monday and that next week would probably feel so slow compared to today.
Steve had allowed me to do honors of locking the door after waving off the last customer of the night,  celebrating a successful evening.
We finished rewinding the brought back tapes and putting them into their designated areas before closing down the register, deciding to save sweeping and mopping for last.
Steve followed behind me as I swept, mopping the hardwood floors.
"How is Hawkins treating you so far?" Steve asks filling the quiet air while swirling the soapy mop against the walkway.
Thinking about my response I stop sweeping, turning towards him.
"Can I be honest or are you going to judge me if I say the wrong thing?" I ask him with a serious look on my face.
Stopping his movements as well, he brings his eyes to mine.
"Why would I judge you?" He asks, bringing his hand to his hip while the other hand leaned against the mop handle.
"Hawkins has been fine the past couple of days, but uh" I trail off, moving my eyes down to the broom handle I was playing with nervously.
"But?" He asks as I sigh, lifting my eyes back up to meet his.
"But I can't seem to find out where to get any uh-stuff around here." I tell him, hoping he would understand.
"What stuff?" He asks confused, causing me to roll my eyes at the boy.
"Weed Harrington, weed. I haven't learned who sells here yet." I laugh watching the realization of what I meant wash over his face.
"Oh okay. Well that's easy, you could go to Eddie Munson." He tells me, dipping the mop back into the bucket of water.
"So where do I find him then?" I ask, going back to moving the broom across the floor, picking up pieces of dirt and dust.
"Uh, I think he's actually in school again this year since I didn't see him at graduation.  So you could probably find him tomorrow." He answers, letting the loud thud of the mop head hit the floor.
"But be careful around him." Steve warns, lifting up a finger to me.
Stopping my movements again I turn towards the boy.
"Wait why be careful?" I ask him, confused on why he would say that. Unless the guy was like a serial killer or something.
"He's just a little bit of a freak. He listens to crazy music and of course as I told you deals drugs. Plus he plays that kid game, DND, and he's also in like a satanic band." Steve explains, the judgment in his voice lingering as he mops the dry wood.
"In a band you say. Does he play the guitar? Can he sing?" I joke, going back to finishing the floor.
"Yeah, I think he does play and if you want to call what he does singing." Steve answers, chuckling slightly.
"Sounds like he may be my type Harrington." I tease, knowing he's rolling his eyes behind me while we finish closing the store.
Heading into the school the next morning I was praying to find this Eddie Munson that Steve had told me to find.
I was desperate need of release because I finished the rest of my stash after getting off work last night.
If I don't get something soon I don't know how I'll survive the stress of senior year and work.
I had asked Steve before getting into my car where I would more than likely find him at school but he didn't have a clear answer since he didn't know much about the boy.
Just said I'll know he's him when I see him, that him and his friends are different from everyone else the high school.
Which basically left me with nothing, because what the hell was the supposed to mean?
I've came to notice two things over the years when figuring out who the dealer or dealers of the schools were. They were usually either the jocks no one would expect or the students with just enough charisma that they could convince anyone they wouldn't dare do that.
But they didn't always fall into those categories.
I scanned the halls as I walked to my first class, seeing the usual cheerleaders and jocks in their letterman jackets but none of them giving off the vibe of the local dealer.
The rest of the students left in the hall looked like they wouldn't dare touch it, let alone sell it.
None of them looked the way Steve had led me to believe Eddie would look like.
I felt discouraged as I sat down at my desk, hopping to find him at some point in the day. But at the moment it felt like I was looking for a needle in a haystack.
By the time lunch came around I wondered if Steve might have been wrong about him still being in school. Maybe he did graduate and Steve hadn't noticed. Or maybe he dropped out, having not wanted to finish school.
Or maybe he wasn't as bad as Steve tried to make him out to be so I'm looking for the wrong person.
Sitting down at the table I had sat the day before, I listened to the music playing through my ears. My eyes scanning the room over the top of my book.
I saw the usual cliques as I looked around the room but nothing screaming "Satan worshipers' like Steve had warned.
Turning my line of vision towards the tables in front of me I see a group stand out over the rest of the students a few tables down.
The occupants of the table were wearing leather jackets, torn vests and jeans. Just overall looking like themselves compared to the other students who looked like they walked out of a page of the latest magazine.
Leaning back slightly I eyed the table. My vision being drawn to the front to see a long curly haired brunette telling what seemed to be a dramatic story. The rest of the table watched in awe, laughing and making comments at the boy.
I took his appearance in, he was wearing black jeans that were ripped at the knee. There was a chain poking out beside him, the leather jacket he wore had a battle vest paired with. It had patches and pins scattered across it. The hand that brought whatever he was eating to his mouth were decorated in chunky silver rings, leather and chain bracelets sticking out as his sleeve rolled down slightly.
That has to be him, I thought to myself as I drooled mentally for a second.
I may have been right, this man was just my type.
I decided to let myself admire him for a second longer, not realizing he would notice the feeling of my eyes observing him so soon.
His eyes turned to meet mine as I adverted my sight quickly towards the words in front of me, feeling my face reddening slightly while the boy watched me for a moment.
I didn't dare to look up from my book the rest of lunch and wondered if the stares I felt were coming from him or someone else in the room.
I was one of the first students out of the lunch room when the bell rang to dismiss us.
Nervous about having been caught, I headed to the bathroom before going to class to catch my breath for a second.
Making my way down the hall I turn the corner not expecting to run chest first into someone this late into the passing period.
"Oh shit I'm so- you're new right?" I hear as I look at the chest of the person I ran into.
The battle vest and leather looking familiar as I took in the pins and patches, realizing as I stepped back that I had ran into the person I've been looking for.
"Are you alright?" He asks with concern in his voice, his hand moving to touch my forearm gently.
"I'm fine, just kind of shocked that's all." I laugh lightly, lifting my gaze to meet his to see the worry in his eyes disappear.
"And uh- yeah I just moved here for my senior year." I finish, watching his brown eyes crinkle while his lip curl up into a smile.
"Well welcome to Hawkins, I'm Eddie. Eddie Munson, I do wish we could of had a less painful introduction than this though." He grins, dimples popping out as he extends his hand towards mine.
"(Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I smile lightly, taking his hand into mine.
The bell above us rings making me pull my hand away in shock as we realize passing period is now over.
"I should get going if actually plan on graduating this year." Eddie chuckles, pulling his hand back awkwardly.
Nodding in agreement we both stand there for a second, neither of us taking the first step to leave.
"Before I go, I uh saw you sitting alone at lunch. And if you want you could always join me and the rest of hellfire." He offers, twirling the ring on his left pointer finger nervously. A small blush playing on his cheeks, while he glances down at his shoes.
"Hellfire? Is that your band?" I ask curiously, watching his demeanor change in response.
"It's not, but you have heard of me?" He questions with amusement in his voice. His body stands a little taller, moving to lean against the lockers next to me as his arms cross across his chest. Smile tugging on his lips playfully.
"I had um- asked around about finding uh- supplies and I got your name along with some warnings." I tell him sheepishly, hearing his laugh escape through his lips.
"Sounds about right, just I can't get you stuff at the moment." Eddie tells me, glancing at the clock on the wall.
"But we are already late, so how do you feel about going out to the woods?" Eddie asks with a raised eyebrow, bringing his fingers to his lips in a smoking motion.
"I would beg please." I laugh, watching his smile widen.
He leads me out the door in the hallway, showing me the way to the picnic table in the woods.
I sit down across from him watching him dig around the pack of camels he pulled out of his jacket pocket.
Pulling out an already rolled joint Eddie smiles in triumph, handing it to me along with his lighter.
"Most people around here have smoked my weed at some point before they even come up to me. So um since you're new I figured you can smoke it before you decide to buy it." Eddie explains, watching as I bring the joint to my lips. The clicking of the lighter lighting the paper into a burning ember.
Inhaling I feel the familiar haze wash over my body and mind releasing all the stress and tension the day had brought so far.
Coughing slightly due to the harsh hit, I pass the joint back to Eddie.
"Thank you, you don't know how bad I needed this." I thank him, exhaling the thick smoke into the air around us.
"Trust me, I get it. High school and life can be rough." He welcomes, bringing the burning smoke to his lips.
"So tonight doesn't work for me to meet up with you because I'm playing at the hideout tonight. But I could meet up with you here tomorrow or after school at one of our places if you're comfortable with that." He tells me, as my smaller fingers takes the joint back from between his.
"I couldn't do tonight anyway because I work Tuesdays, but I can do tomorrow. And meeting at your house will work, I need to learn my way around town anyway." I laugh lightly feeling the high starting to hit me as I breathe out what was left of my hit.
"So what's the hideout?" I ask him curiously, seeing his eyes spark up as he takes a hit.
"It's just some shitty bar here in town, and it's pretty cool actually. And we get a crowd there of about um- five drunks." Eddie tells me, humor in voice.
I hear myself giggle in response, fingers brushing against his more the higher I get.
"Yeah, it's not exactly the Garden, but you gotta start somewhere right?" He finishes, playfully shrugging his shoulders.
"So is that what you hope to do with your life? Get somewhere with your music?" I ask, taking the second to last hit that was left.
"That's the plan. I love music and love the thought of being able to travel the country while doing what I love." Eddie nods, taking the joint between his lips before putting it out on the table.
"If that's what you want, then it sounds nice. I think everyone should do what makes them happy." I tell him, touching his forearm gently.
"How about you? What plan do you have?" He questions, resting his chin on his hand.
"Um, I've moved around every year the last five, six years so I'm really trying to make it to college and decide from there." I admit to him.
"So we're on two different spectrums?" He chuckles, as I nod in agreement.
"So it would seem." I laugh lightly.
"Do you know much are you wanting tomorrow?" Eddie asks, pulling a cigarette out of the pack on the table.
"What are your prices?" I ask him, watching him light the cigarette.
He inhales, chewing on his lip for a second before talking.
"I can do a half ounce for um $20." Eddie offers, lifting the cigarette up for me to take.
"That works and would be great." I smile, taking the cigarette from him.
"You know you don't seem as bad as people say." I tell him as the cigarette rest on my lips, my glassy eyes smiling over at him.
"Mean and scary?" Eddie asks, hand rubbing his cheek while a smile forms.
"Yeah." I nod, biting back my smile as I pass him the cigarette.
"Actually in other good news- flattery works with me. " Eddie smiles, as I raise an eyebrow.
"So uh 25% discount for the half. I can do fifteen bucks. But just so you know, you're robbing me blind here." He finishes, with a grin and a blush across his face when he brings the cigarette to his lips.
The moment in the woods with Eddie helped me surive the rest of my classes and made me ready to set Steve straight at work.
"Steve, he is not that bad." I tell him grabbing my time card out of the stack.
"Who?" He asks, glancing up from the computer.
"Eddie." I tell him scrunching my eyebrow, because who else would I be talking about?
"Whatever you say." He shakes his head, tying away on the keyboard.
"So does that mean you got your stuff?" Steve asks, looking up to me as I peak over from the side of him to watch him check accounts for past due movies.
"No, but I did talk to him. We're supposed to meet at his place tomorrow." I shrug, watching him mark an account with a late charge.
"Meeting at his place huh?" Steve teases, playful smirk on his face as I bump my hip against his shoulder.
"Stop it's not like that, plus I don't do relationships. I learned that after my freshman year." I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest.
"You do know you don't have to be in a relationship for stuff to happen right?" He asks, eyes meeting playfully with mine.
"Steve, we aren't close enough yet for you to tease me like this. Now stop before I do go back to having my murderous stare." I laugh, giving him another small shove.
"I was just saying." He shrugs, going back to typing away.
The next day and a half went by fast as I waited in anticipation for meeting with Eddie.
Pulling into the Munson's drive, I felt more nervous now than I had felt about starting school.
It felt different being here than being out in the woods with him since now I knew he wasn't a dick like some of the drug dealers I had in the past.
Walking up to the door I take a deep breath as I knocked, praying to god Eddie would be the one to answer.
A few moments after my fist met the door, it opens to reveal a smiling Eddie.
"Hey, you made it, come on in." He tells me, extending his arm out into the home.
"Why wouldn't I?" I ask him, taking a step inside.
All the mugs scattered on the walls catches my eye as I scan over them. Turning towards him with a raised brow, I smile watching him redden up a bit.  
"Yeah sorry about that, they're my uncle's. It's just me and him here, but don't worry he's already gone for work. And uh, I was worried you might have decided against meeting here." Eddie tells me, leading me to the kitchen.
"But anyway, my stuff is on the counter over here." He motions to the counter where a scale and a jar sat.
I watched as he set the scale, weighting the product to measure it out.
"You want to take a look?" Eddie asks taking a step back so I could read the scale.
"Eddie that's a little more than a half?" I turn towards him to see him nodding lightly.
"Consider it a gift for being a first time buyer." He winks, going to bag it up for me.
"Can I just give you $20 then, you're already giving me a great deal." I beg digging into my purse for the money before holding it out to him.
"I told you 15 yesterday so it's 15."He shakes his head, pushing away the 20.
"That was for a half though, and this clearly isn't a half." I argue holding the bag he gives me, feeling bad because he gave me two more grams than he was supposed to on top of the deal he was already giving me.
"Sweetheart, it's fine I promise you." Eddie reassures me, as I feel my cheeks redden at the nickname.
"Whatever you say Eddie." I sigh, going to grab a 10 and a 5 to complete the transaction.
Eddie walks me to back to the front door, his hand resting in his back pocket.
"Thank you for this, it should last me a while." I tell him, tapping my purse.
"It's no problem really, thank you for coming to me." He smiles, freehand rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well it's kind of late, I should probably be heading home." I trail, looking around nervously, not wanting to intrude.
I'm about to reach the doorknob as Eddie interrupts.
"Unless you want to stay for a little while?" He asks, causing me to turn back around.
"We could watch a movie and match joint for joint?" He offers as my thumb plays with the strap of my purse while I contemplate staying.  
I don't usually hang out with people, let alone smoke with other people, especially more than once.
But he doesn't seem to be a horrible person to be around, and I probably will be seeing him for a good amount of the next year.
"Okay." I nod, watching Eddie's face light up.
We sat there watching something that was playing on TV, surrounded in thick smoke as we passed the joint back and forth. Bodies naturally getting closer with each pass we do.
"So what do you do in your free time? Other than smoke obviously?" Eddie asks me, pulling my attention away from the movie.
"Oh um, I mostly work or just do homework. Like I said the other day, I've been dreaming of college so I mostly just focus on that." I tell him, blowing out smoke.
"I wish I could say the same for me, this is my third year as a senior. My GPA is like less than 1 if that's even possible." He admits to me, a nervous laugh following as I give him the joint.
I watch him take a hit, feeling shy to look over after sharing the information.
Leaning in a bit more, I rest my hand on his freehand.
"Hey, at least you're here. There's many people who would of gave up after failing the first time. Plus everyone has their own speed, life isn't a race to win." I smile softly, Eddie's brown eyes moving to meet mine.
"Plus, if you ever need help you could just ask me." I tell him, feeling my eyes glimmer.
"Thank you." He nods before opening his mouth again.
"I actually really think this is my year." Eddie tells me smiling slightly, causing me to laugh lightly in response.
"Yeah?" I grin at him.
"Yeah," He nods, giving my hand a light squeeze.
Seeing through the cloudiness in my brain, I realize we're still holding hands after a few moments.
Pulling away, I glance over to the clock by the TV.  
"It's been fun, but I should really get going." I tell Eddie, standing up.
"It is getting late, but I'll see you at school tomorrow right?" He asks, standing up as well.
"Yeah, I'll be there." I nod at him, feeling him watch me gather my things.
"Think you might sit with Hellfire at lunch?" Eddie questions as I start heading towards the door.
Reaching the door I turn around slightly, hand resting on the knob.
"Probably not Eddie, nothing against you or them I promise. I just don't like to make friends, I've lost too many of them over the years." I confess, his face dropping slightly as he nods.
"Well if you ever change your mind, there's always a spot available." He smiles lightly, trying to mask the pain while taking a step forward.
"But really thank you for this Eddie, I really needed it." I tell him truthfully. Taking a step forward before I realize what I'm doing, I find my lips being placed on his cheek.
Pulling away shocked at my actions, I open the door quickly, turning to tell him goodbye.
"I'll see you soon, I promise," I smile, basically running out of his trailer.
It's been a little over a month of me living in Hawkins since that first transaction with Eddie.
School had been decent and working with Robin and Steve had actually been a blessing. I don't know how I would survive there without them.
Eddie and I talk quite a bit actually, sometimes just in passing through the halls. Sometimes before entering lunch as he asks me if I'm sure I didn't want to sit at his table, which I reassure him I'm okay alone especially since I usually work on homework anyway and didn't want any distractions.
Sometimes we just meet up in the woods for a smoke break on days that seem unbearable.
With everything going on with Eddie and the duo at work I've been feeling conflicted and have been questioning everything.
I don't usually allow myself to be so vulnerable with people.
I've had laughs with them, hell have hung out with them all at some point even.
That wasn't who I was when I got here, I hadn't allowed myself to feel for years before moving here.
It has me wondering what was in the air here in Hawkins.
Hell Robin even sits next me in the few classes we have together, leaving me to have a partner when a teacher says to partner up for the first time in years.
I am thankful for her though because she does make school not be as boring.
Exiting our last class for the day, Robin follows me towards my locker.
"What are you doing today on your day off?" She asks as I open the door.
"I have no idea, but I need to talk to Eddie about getting some more.. stuff soon." I whisper quietly motioning to the teachers standing outside their doors.
"On a Friday?" She smirks teasingly.
"Stop, it's not like that." I tell her, rolling my eyes while putting away the books I didn't need.
"Mmmh. Well because of Dustin I know they have Hellfire tonight, but I'm sure Eddie would love meeting up with you after its over, you know late at night." Robin says playfully, leaning against the locker next to mine.
"Robin, I swear to god I will quit our job right now leaving to work with either Steve or Keith alone on all of your shifts." I raise an eyebrow, challenging her to continue.
"Okay, I'll stop but I just think you two would be cute, and I know you two like each other. I can see it." She says holding her books in defense.
"I think you're delusional, plus shouldn't you be leaving to get to work on time since band isn't needed today?" I ask her, packing my backpack.
"Okay, I may be delusional most days but I promise you not on this." Robin laughs, removing her back from the locker.
"And yeah, Steve's probably outside. I'll see you tomorrow night at work though, and make sure you tell me everything that happens." She calls out, turning down to walk towards the exit.
"Nothing is going to happen!" I yell, hearing footsteps approach me on my other side.  
"What's not going to happen?" A curious Eddie asks as I look over.  
"Robin was just being stupid and teasing me about not having anything to do on a Friday since I'm off." I shake my head, throwing my bag over my shoulder while my free hand closed my locker.
"Oh?" He asks, playing with his rings.
"Yeah, but actually would you be free tonight for me to come... visit? I got paid yesterday." I trail off, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Are you already out again?" Eddie chuckles as I redden.
"No but I'm getting close, I don't think you understand how much I uh-consume a day." I chose my words carefully, waving as Mrs. Click walks pass us.
"Would around 8:30/9 work for you? I have hellfire tonight and it's probably going to go on late tonight." He asks.
"Yeah, I'll be there then. Thank you, see you then." I smile, touching his arm before waving goodbye.
I wait till it's closer to nine to leave my house, determining it would be better to arrive later in case he wasn't done as early as he thought.
Pulling into his driveway I see his van parked and Eddie waiting on the porch for me, smoking a cigarette.
"How was your campaign?" I ask climbing out of my car as he stands up.
"It actually went really well, how was having some free time for once?" Eddie teases while I make my way to the porch.
"Actually I uh did homework for most the night, but now I don't have to worry about finishing anything this weekend." I tell him, shrugging slightly, feeling my lips turn up into a smile.
"You're something else (Y/L/N)." He chuckles, opening his door for me.
"Same as usual right?" Eddie asks as I nod.
As he goes to weight it I sit on the couch opening my draw string bag I brought with me.
"Yow know, I um checked this out last night before I left work because in the next couple months everyone's going to want it once the second one comes out. I still haven't gotten around to re-watching it, and really don't want to waste the money I spent renting it?" I explain, waving Nightmare On Elm Street between my fingers.
"Is that your way of asking if I want to watch it with you tonight?" Eddie grins teasingly, walking over to hand me the bag he filled.
"Might be." I laugh, handing him his money and the tape.
"What if I would of been busy tonight?' He questions, humor in his voice as he puts the tape in.
"Then I guess you would of had to cancel." I tell him, raising an eyebrow as Eddie shakes his head making his way towards the couch.
Smoke filled the room while we watched the movie.
Even though I had seen this a few times, I tucked my head against his shoulder throughout different portions of the movie. My high making me jump more than I would usually.
"Scared princess?" Eddie smirks, lighting another joint he had rolled.
"No," I lie, taking the joint from him as he gives me a blank stare.
"I'm not, I'm more like grossed out." I laugh, bringing it to my lips, still leaning onto him with my feet tucked under me.
"Don't like gore?" He asks, watching my mouth pull away from the joint.
"No, not at all." I admit, holding down a cough as his fingers linger longer than usual when I pass him the smoke.
"Then why would you pick a glory movie?" Eddie snorts.
"I didn't remember it being it this bad." I tell him truthfully, feeling his arm wrap around to hold me while he leans forward to ash the joint.
"You know, if you wanted to cuddle with me you could of just asked." Eddie jokes, leaning back to pass it to me.
"I didn't want to cuddle with you." I shake my head in response, inhaling the smoke.
I felt my cheeks start to redden as the air seemed to shift, wondering if there was tension between us or if I was just high and imagining it.
"Babe, you're already are." Eddie laughs, giving my side that he was holding a light squeeze.
"Munson, if I wanted to get under you I wouldn't have had to use a scary movie, that's just more work on my part." I tell him, smirk playing on my lip as I give him the last hit.
"Are you calling me easy?" He asks, eyes gleaming as he inhales the rest before putting it out, strong grip never leaving my side.
"I don't know, are you?" I tease, feeling my heart starting to beat faster at the way he was looking at me.
"Are you trying to find out?" He questions, eyes moving from my lips to my eyes while his hand traces circles on the exposed part of my hip.  
I took a deep breath, resting my hand onto his chest.
"And if I was? What would you do?" I ask batting my eyes lightly, the glimmer of the forgotten movie lighting his face.
"What would you let me do?" He gulps, other hand moving to hold my knee.
"Honestly? Anything." I barely whisper, this time taking my eyes from his to his lips and back.
Taking that as a sign, Eddie leans in gently. His lips brushing against mine as his hand lightly digs into my thigh, both of us holding our breath as our lips meet.
Kissing back slowly, I feel him part his lips lightly against mine. The tenderness of the kiss making me breath heavy as he presses into the kiss a little harder. I feel my hand grip his shirt tighter as my other hand moved to hold the back of his head.
We sit there for a few minutes, lips connecting sweetly as we explore each other's mouths. His tongue lightly licking my bottom lip before entering. The feeling of his hair between my fingers made me moan as he ran his tongue against mine, a little rougher than how he had been kissing me.
Not removing my mouth from his, I lift myself up slightly so I can slide onto his lap. Straddling him, I feel his hands move to hold the tops of my thighs as I slowly rock my hips against his. The kisses start to get a little heavier as I start pulling his jacket off his chest, biting his lip lightly between kisses.
I felt like I never wanted this moment to end, the taste of weed and cigarettes taking up my taste buds as I slide my tongue against his. Eddie groans against my mouth, his hands roaming up underneath my shirt to hold me close.
Pulling away I felt my chest feeling like my heart was about to burst through my shirt.
"Eddie?" I ask him, resting my forehead against his.
"Hm?" He hums at me, breathing as heavily as I was.
"If you want this, then that's all this will ever be. Nothing more, and I'm okay with it if you are but I just needed you to know in case you thought this was something else." I tell him watching him take in the information as I pull back slightly.
"If you don't want to do that then we can forget this ever happened." I continue nervously, loosening up my grip on his shirt.
Eddie licks his lips lightly as I held my breath. In reality it had only been a few seconds but the cloudiness of my mind made it feel like forever.
"(Y/N), I'm okay with this if you are." He reassures me, hands moving to hold my hips as he looked at me deeply.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to do something you don't actually want to do." I ask, watching as he groans teasingly.
"God, why won't you listen to what I say?"  Eddie laughs, moving to lay me down on the couch beneath him.
Climbing over me, I smile as he hovers above my face.
"When I say I'm okay with something, I'm okay with it. Doesn't matter if it's this, giving you more weed, or anything. If I said it's okay, then it's okay." Eddie tells me, smile playing on his lips.
"Okay." I nod biting my lip as he leans down to connect his with mine again.
Pulling away he starts kissing on my neck, hands running beneath my shirt to pinch my nipples lightly causing me to gasp underneath him.
"Now, let me make you feel good." Eddie breaths against me, licking a sensitive spot on my neck.
"Okay," I nod, eyes closed as I whimper at the feeling of his rough tongue against my neck. The coolness of it soothing the hash bites and nips he trails across it.
"Good, because you deserve to relax princess." He tells me, tongue connecting with my ear lobe, as my shoulder tenses in response.
"Uh, uh. Sweetheart, lets see you loosen up." He tsks, biting my lobe, causing me to cry out beneath him as I take a deep breathe in hopes of relaxing my body.
"Good girl sweetheart, how about we get these pants off?" Eddie praises, pulling up to unbutton my jeans.
Hooking his long fingers with the inside of the pants, he pulls them down completely along with the purple lace panties I had wore tonight.
"Aw did you expect something to happen tonight sweetheart?" He teases, tossing them to the floor.
"No, but I wore them in case." I admit, breathing hitching as he licks up my thigh. His mouth  leaving small bites while one of his hands moved to sperate my legs. Pulling it over on to his shoulder.
A gasp slips my lips when Eddie takes his tongue lightly between my folds, licking softly.
One of my hand move to hold his hair as he dives in, tongue meeting my clit as he slowly circles around it.
"Hold as tightly as you need baby." Eddie tells me, taking one hand and tracing his finger up and down slowly before slipping it inside of me. As I arche my back in response feeling Eddie smirk against me.
Matching speed with his finger, he flicked his tongue against my clit while he pumped his finger in and out of me leaving me moaning beneath him.
Taking my freehand I move to lift up my shirt, feeling Eddie help me slide it up with his other hand.
Pitching my nipple I look down to make eye contact with Eddie as he moans against me, brown eyes shinning towards mine.
He adjusts himself so he can support himself up and pay attention my other nipple while my hand holds his hair.
Feeling that usual squeeze in my stomach, I cry out feeling him add another finger.
The feeling of his mouth licking and sucking lightly on my clit driving me wild as the edges of his rings press inside of me when he curls his fingers, pumping them in and out.
"Come on princess, let yourself go. It's okay to relax," Eddie mumbles against me.
"I feel you tensing beneath me. Just breathe okay? Let yourself cum all over me." He assures me before diving back into pleasing me.
Nodding, I take a deep breath, allowing my body to feel the pleasure coming from all directions.
Eddie speeds up a little bit. Fingers pumping faster as his tongue rubs against my clit at the same pace.
"I'm getting close Eddie." I cry out, leaning forward more as he hums against me, bringing his eyes back to mine.
I feel the usual wave of emotion hit my body as I unwind all over him, screaming out his name as he rides out my high on his mouth and fingers.
He pulls fingers out of me, bringing them to my mouth which I opened up obediently for him, licking and sucking on them while he licks me clean below.
"Such a good girl baby." Eddie smirks, pulling away from me as he wipes his mouth clean.
"Think you're ready for me? Or do you need a moment?" He asks, sitting up to undo his jeans.
"I'm ready for you." I nod, leaning forward to help him pull them down as his cock springs up.
"You're just full of many surprises aren't you Munson?" I smirk, leaning forward to lick up his long shaft, hearing him groan from the friction.
"Sweetheart as much as I would love to see what that mouth could do, I almost came while taking care of you." Eddie chuckles, hand going underneath my chin to stop me  when I tried to go back down on him.
Nodding I sit up, pulling my shirt off completely as he pulls his off over his head as well.
Climbing on to him I position him below me, moving down slowly as his hands grip my hips harshly.
"Fuck (Y/N), you feel so fucking good wrapped around me baby." Eddie breathes, face scrunching up in pleasure as he bottoms out into me.
"You're so big Eddie, stretching me out completely." I tell him, eyes rolling to the back of my head as I rock against him.
The feeling of his huge cock hitting my cervix makes me whimper as I started to lift and roll my hips against his.
Leaning forward I attach my mouth to his Adam's apple that he had exposed while being a moaning mess beneath me.
I bite the area lightly, letting my nails dig into his chest while I worked on his neck.
"Fuck baby, just like that." Eddie groans, making me moan as I feel the vibrations through his neck while I licked and sucked all over him.  
I whimper feeling him adjust below me as he starts pounding into me while I work my hips down.  
Moving his head so his lips meet mine, I moan into the kiss, tongue sliding against his as I struggled to hold myself still against him. All the movement from both us making me cry out as I felt my stomach starting to turn again.
Feeling Eddie let go of one side of me, I feel my body shutter when his thumb meets my clit, rubbing a circular motion as we both chased to find our highs.
Eddie moves his other hand to hold my throat, making me look straight at him as he pounds up into me.
"Come on baby, you can do it. " He mutters, leaning down to bite my collarbone.
"Let yourself cum for me again baby, just remember to breathe okay?" Eddie orders bringing kisses to my jaw.
I feel my airway tightening as he brings his mouth towards my neck and ear, licking and sucking making me want to scream as I try my hardest to breathe through the stimulation at hand.
"Cum for me princess, cum all over my cock." He whispers.
Taking a deep breathe I cry out feeling my stomach twist, knowing I was done for.
"Eddie, I'm cumming. Fuck." I let out, feeling him not stop his motions as I ride out my orgasm.
Once I was done I felt Eddie twitch inside me, warm liquid pooling as his thrusts got sloppier.
Pulling off of him, I lay down onto the couch, not being able to breathe.
Eddie gets up tiredly, walking to find me a cloth get get cleaned up with.  
"Do you want to stay the night?" Eddie asks, still breathing heavily as he hands me my clothes. Shaking my head, I go to pull my shirt over my head.
"Eddie I can't, I told you what this was going to be. That's going out of territory." I sigh, standing up to put on my bottoms.
"Come on just this once, it's late and you're still a little stoned. We smoked more that usual and  I don't want to risk you getting hurt." He pleads, grabbing my hand to pull me towards him.
I sigh, looking up into his eyes while pressed against his chest, knowing he was right.
"Only this one time Munson, I swear." I tell him, watching his eyes light up the few inches above mine.  
It didn't end up being that one night only.
It's been a few more months since that night and I have spent the night at least one time every weekend, breaking my own rule because I couldn't say no to those big doe eyes.
It had became ritual to hook up either before school or after school, (sometimes even during school,) at least once a day.
Robin and Steve have teased me, especially the day after the first night because it looked like I had been mauled by a bear by the time I had gotten to work the next day.
But they say I look happier, which I shrug off because there wasn't any reason for me to be happier. We were just two people hooking up.
At least we were supposed to be.
But not long after, things started to go into a territory it shouldn't have.  
It started off with small things, Eddie leaving notes in my locker. Sometimes leaving hand picked flowers in my drivers side for me to find after school.
Hell he even brought me lunch at work a few times, trying to pass it off that it was because Dustin wanted to visit Steve.
With every action I would ask him if he was okay with what we're doing, scared he wasn't. But he would always say he was fine with our arrangement, it was my fault I listened.
It wasn't that I didn't like how Eddie was treating me, to be honest I was shocked most the time because I had never had anyone do the things he's done.  
The last time I had fully dated anyone was my freshman year and we promised each other to still talk over the summer and see about me coming down to visit. But before I was supposed to visit I found out he had started hooking up with the girl who was supposed to be my best friend.
After that I swore I wasn't going to date again, or make friends, just leave things casual with me and anyone.
Which is why I wasn't sure how casual it was with me laying in Eddie's arms cuddling with him on a Friday night after hooking up for probably the millionth time.
I felt his fingers run up and down my arm as my eyes grew heavy.
"Do you think you could come see me play Tuesday?" He asks out of nowhere causing my eyes to open up wide.
"What?" I question, sitting up slightly to look down at him.
"Would you come see us play Tuesday, it's been months of this and you still haven't came to a show." Eddie tells me, moving to sit up with me.
Holding one of his blankets to my chest, I stand up.
"Eddie, you know I work Tuesdays." I tell him nervously, looking for my clothes on the floor.
"Just ask for the day off." He shrugs, standing up with me.
Grabbing my shirt off the floor, I throw it on.
"Eddie why would I ask for a day off to see you play? We aren't serious enough for me to do that." I ask him, feeling anger starting to take over.
"Not serious enough (Y/N)? Then what the hell have we been doing?" He expresses, raising his voice slightly as I grab my jeans.
"We've been having fun Eddie, and it's not my fault if you couldn't keep your eyes on the agreement we had made." I spit at him, the words hitting him like venom.
"Well I'm sorry for thinking you had started to feel the same way I did." Eddie rolls his eyes,  grabbing his shirt to put on.
"I think we need to end this." I tell him going to grab my purse as he pulls my hand.
"Wait, please don't go." He begs as I take a deep breath, realizing how serious this fight had gotten.
"Eddie, I think I need to leave before you get hurt and your heart gets broken." I whisper, watching his eyes break.
"(Y/N) I don't care if you hurt me, because guess what if you walk out that door my heart is going to break either way. I would rather have whatever this is as long as I can before it does get broken." Eddie admits to me causing my eyes to water, tear slipping down my face.
Shaking him off my arm and wiping away the tears, I start walking towards the door before turning around slightly.
"That's why I have to go Eddie, I couldn't stand to know how much you were hurting and that it was my fault. I might as well leave before it gets worse." I apologize, turning towards the door before rushing out.
Eddie follows me out in his boxers and t-shirt calling out to me, begging for me to stay and fix things.
I ignored his advances pulling out of his drive with tears streaming heavily, seeing  him follow me out into the street, yelling as he watched me drive away.
Getting home I made my parents promise to tell anyone who may show up other than Robin that I wasn't feeling well or accepting visitors.
I called out from work the next two days, knowing Eddie would show up looking for me and I wouldn't be able to handle seeing him.
Robin came by Sunday night after work demanding to know what was going on.
"Tell me what is going on with you? It's not like you to call out one day let alone two in a row." She asks sitting next to me while I sniffle against my pillow, not wanting to look at her.
"I just feel like a bad person. I broke one of my few rules and hurt someone important to me." I tell her, feeling the sympathy radiate off of her.
"Is this about Eddie?" She whispers quietly, bringing her hand to rub my hair.
"Mmh. And god, why do you and Steve have to be so great too? All of you made me break my rules." I sob into my pillow as she laughs lightly, patting my head.
"(Y/N) most rules are meant to be broken at one point or another." Robin tells me as I catch my breath to look at her.
"You don't understand why I have them." I remind her, sitting up slightly as she scoots over.
"Then tell me, and then maybe tell Eddie." She asks as I nod slightly.
"My freshman year I fell head-over-heels for this sophomore,  thought it was love. All that 14-15 year old crap." I laugh lightly as she nods, listening.
"We did everything together, went on dates, car rides, even lost my virginity to him." I continue, playing with my hands nervously.
"And then I moved and we continued talking on the phone for the first month of summer all the time. But then he started missing calls, or getting off the phone earlier than usual. Then when I would try to call my 'best friend' she would be missing calls as well, and that went on for about a month before I was supposed to go down for the fourth of July." I tell her.
"Then what happened?" Robin asks, face in her hand as her arm rests on her knee
"Then a week before I was about to come down Bailey called me crying one night, telling me she was sorry and hated herself. Told me she had started hooking up with Michael a few weeks prior." I sigh, feeling my eyes water as hers widen.
"No way." Robin exclaims as I nod.
"Yeah, and when I confronted Michael he said it was all true. So from there on out I refused to make friends or even try to let someone in." I  finish, feeling her rest her hand on my knee.
"Why didn't you just tell Eddie that? Look I don't know him very well, but I don't think he could ever do that to you, also I think he would understand what that kind of trauma could do to you." Robin reassures me.
"I don't know if I'll ever speak to him again. He deserves better than me, I'm selfish and don't know how to be social since everything. He deserves someone who can match his energy, which isn't me." I tell her, sniffling to hold back tears as she gives me a sympathetic smile.
"Look (Y/N), you clearly care about him. And I know he gives off golden retriever energy once you start talking to him and you're more of a black cat energy kind of girl. But those sometimes are the best combinations." She tells me, smile still holding on her lips.  
"Trust me, I do work in a movie store, so I do know the best couples." She teases softly.
"Do you think you could do me a huge favor?" I ask her as she nods.
"Anything." She agrees.
I spent the next two days avoiding Eddie the best I could. I would turn back down the hall when I saw him walking, would hide in the bathroom telling the teacher's I was having girl problems. Even ate lunch in the my car and parked down the block in case he decided to go see if I was outside.
I had went to work on Monday, and spent most the night in the back putting the newest tapes into the system.
But by the end of the night Steve had said there wasn't any sight of Eddie.
Now I was sitting in my car tapping my fingers nervously as I stared at the little rundown bar in front of me, wondering if I should actually go in.
Robin had agreed to skip band practice this once to take my shift so I could come tonight.
Glancing at the clock I realized it was now and never, and knew if I didn't go in Robin would kill me for making her take my shift.
Walking inside I hear them playing from the corner stage in the bar.
The lights illuminating only the stage and the bar for those wanting drinks.
I take a seat at the bar stool closest to the door, watching as they finished the song.
Eddie looks around at the small crowed who was hooting and hollering before speaking.
"Our last song for the night is a sneak peak of something I'm working on. So far it is unheard of outside of the band, but it's something I've been dealing with recently and it means a lot to me so I hope you all enjoy." He tells the crowd before starting to strum his guitar, fingers moving up and down as the rest of the band seemed to follow.
I watched him play. Seeing his face focus in concentration, tongue peaking out slightly as he worked against the instrument.
His long hair that was usually free was held back by the black bandana that mostly took home in his back pocket.
Pieces of his hair remained free though, peaking out around his face as his arm muscles flexed slightly with every pluck he gave the cords.
I didn't know what to expect when he opened his mouth, I hadn't heard him sing at all yet.
But god when he opened his mouth I thought I was going to die. If I hadn't already fucked him, I would of wanted to right there.
His voice was so raspy and sexy as he sung into the microphone, keeping eye contact with the crowd.
I listened admiring the beauty of him and his words watching him belt out the rest of the lyrics.
"Oh and my love," He sang into the microphone. Lips brushing against the metal as his eyes came to the bar.
"Did I mistake you for a sign from god?" Eddie hums out, his eyes getting pulled to meet mine.
I feel my cheeks redden as he adjusts his guitar, clearly surprised to see me.
I watch him as he continues, not looking away from me.
"Or are you really here to cut me off?" He questions, eyebrow raising slightly, handing moving down the next of his guitar.
"Or maybe just to turn me on?" He teases into the mic, leaning more towards my side of the bar as he gets into his song.
"Cause these days." He continues as I feel different emotions start to run through my body.
"I would be lying if I told you that, I didn't wish that I could be your man." Eddie sings strongly, both hands moving to hold the mic.
"Or maybe make a good girl bad." He sings out breathy as I feel tears start to run down.
Wiping them away I leave, not wanting to be seen crying in the bar.
Wanting to run away from everything I find myself parked at lover's lake, just thinking about my life and the choices I made. Wondering if it was my fault for how miserable it was.
Laying on the hood of my car I smoked, hoping to find some peace while I decided what to do.
Moving to sit in my car I see the time flash as I start it.
I start my car, not even having a destination in mind as I start to drive.
Just letting my high lead my subconscious as I head down the road.
Which is why I'm not that surprised when I find myself outside of the Munson's trailer.
But Eddie's van was no where in sight, even with how late it was I hoped he would be home at some point soon.  
I opened my car door, lighting a cigarette, listening to music as I waited to the metalhead to get home.
Eddie's P.O.V.
"What do you mean you haven't seen her Robin? She's your friend." I ask her, rubbing my temple feeling a headache starting to form.
"As far as I knew she was supposed to go see you." Robin tells me, loading tapes onto a cart.
"She did, but she left in the middle of a song. It looked like she had started crying." I explain her.
"Why did she start crying? And did you check her house?" Robin questions as I follow behind her.
"Probably because the song was about us, and yes of course I checked her house first. Do you know where else she may be?" I sigh, feeling defeated while she starts loading the sci-fi section.
"I don't really. She is always either at school, work, home, or your house." She shrugs in response.
"Okay, thank you anyway." I tell her, going to head back home in hopes of her calling.  
"Wait Eddie, I think there's something you might want to know about why (Y/N) is the way she is." Robin calls, stopping me.
"What is it?" I ask turning around.
Reader's P.O.V-
I see the van pull up as Eddie's face lights up seeing my car.
Parking next to me, he hops out as I stand up out of my seat.
Eddie takes the first step, walking to wrap his arms around me tightly.
Connecting my body with his, I hold him close. Feeling the tears start to fall down my face as I hug him.
"I'm sorry." I sniffle against his shoulder.
"No it's okay, I'm sorry. I didn't know what you had been through." He shushes me as I pull away slightly, eyes still watering as I look at him confused.
"Don't be mad at Robin, I went to the store looking for you and she told me about what happened your freshman year." Eddie tells me, bringing his hands to wipe away my tears.
"I should of told you before things got this serious." I admit, bringing my hands to hold his wrist as he cradles my face.
"Are we still serious?" Eddie asks hopefully, smiling pulling on his lips as his head tils towards me.
"Do you want to be?" I ask, eyes lighting up as the moonlight danced across his face.
"More than anything." He nods, eyes gleaming down at me.  
"Good, because I want this too." I smile, feeling Eddie bring his lips to mine.
The kiss feeling soft against my lips as he pressed his into mine.
"So does that mean you're going to be my girl?" Eddie smiles, pulling away slightly.
"And you're going to be my man?" I nod happily, referring to the lyrics he sung earlier that night.
Standing up slightly on my the tips of my toes, I connect my lips with his.
Deciding it was okay to be vulnerable with him.
If you made it this far just know I LOVE YOU for reading my work even if you didn’t enjoy it. Thank you so much for your time because I know it was long.  
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heavencasteel420 · 11 months
Don’t Tell Me What It’s All About for the wip ask game!! 🌚
Don’t Tell Me What It’s All About is the original title of my “Robin and Jonathan become friends in the summer of 1983” story. (The title is from the Burt Bacharach song “I’ll Never Fall in Love Again,” which is coincidentally from the musical Promises, Promises, based on Robin’s canonical fave movie The Apartment! I’ve since changed it to Tomorrow’s a Long Way Off, from “Past, Present, and Future” by the Shangri-Las, for thematic reasons, but I haven’t changed the file name.)
Robin, in this story, moved to Hawkins just before her freshman year of high school. She’s from Chicago and has aging hippie parents who decided to start a mushroom farm in small-town Indiana. (I just picked and chose from Rebel Robin, basically.) Her mom does most of the work on the farm while her dad has a day job selling insurance, and (although Robin isn’t fully aware of it) the whole set-up is pretty bad for their finances and their marriage. What she does notice is that her mom is irritable and overly critical of her, while her dad tries to play peacemaker.
Aware of and moderately unhappy about her sexuality (not self-hating but anxious about people finding out and understandably resentful of heteronormativity), Robin has made a concerted effort to fit in her first year and found a place with the band girls, who can be fun but sometimes pick on her for small things (having hippie parents, being a little awkward, not dressing up enough). By the time summer rolls around, she’s socially exhausted. She’s also eager to get out of the house to avoid her mother, so she gets a job at the Hawk, where Jonathan has been working for a year or so.
Jonathan is much as we find him at the beginning of S1: devoted to his mom and brother, socially isolated, and severely overburdened with adult concerns, both practical and emotional. He’s not getting directly bullied most of the time; the rank and file of Hawkins mostly just think he’s weird and stuck-up, the more assholish popular kids talk shit about his family and spread wild rumors about him as a joke (he’s gay AND he’s stealing panties from the laundromat AND he stabbed his dad with a screwdriver), and a couple of times some maladjusted Billy type has taken things to a dangerous level.
He and Joyce are also in the process of buying a used car from Lonnie, because Jonathan’s turning sixteen soon (he has a summer birthday for plot reasons and started school a year late) and they need a second car. Any transaction with Lonnie creates a lot of complications because he’s cruel and manipulative, but he’s offering a good enough price that they can’t really turn it down.
Anyway, Robin is indifferent to Jonathan’s presence at first (assuming that his solitude is more of a choice than it really is) and he’s nervous about working with someone from school thanks to years of ostracism, but then they realize that the other person is actually okay and that they have a lot in common. Which is good, because they both have way too much to deal with on their own.
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b0yishgirl · 1 year
My 5 Stars reads (fiction and nonfiction!)
1. The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. The perks of being a wallflower will always be one of my favorite book it follows 15 year old Charlie in his freshman year. It written so well you believe these letters were written by an actual fifteen year old boy.
2. High school by sara and tegan. I first read this book the summer before 9th grade and it was just so good.written by music group Sara and Tegan who are identical twins. In the book you read about them first starting music, performing, and the average high school stuff too like parties and drama. Genuinely so good I plan to read this again one day.
3.Aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. Read this last week in a little under 3 days. I dont know how to describe this book but it was just so well written and hard to put down. Planned to see the movie but sadly didn’t get to before it left theaters cant wait for it to come to streaming.
4. Crying in H-Mart by Michelle Zauner. read this in about a day this summer and it was just good. So well written . In the book you read about Michelle Zauner who is Korean-American in the book she writes about the grief she expressed from the passing of her mother, her growing up being Korean-American, her relationship with her mother and her music. This book was just so emotional and well written. Would love to see another book from Michelle Zauner one day. (This book was also the way I found out about Japanese Breakfast I’ve been playing pyschopomp on loop for the past week)
5. All the bright places by Jennifer Niven. This one took me a bit to read im gonna be honest but it was so good. In all the bright places you follow theodore finch who is like an outcast or weird kid He’s called theodore freak in the book which shows how he’s viewed at school. And it also follows Violet Markey who had lost her older sister in a car accident and throughout the book is suffering with survivors guilt and a fear of cars as a result of the accident. Throughout the book we see the two slowly become friends and slowly become more while exploring their small town in Indiana. So good still haven’t watched the movie all the way through yet.
This is definitely not all of my five stars I think i have like 11 five star reads marked on story graph but this is already long enough. I dont really write reviews like this on storygraph much but I do every once in awhile feel free to follow my storygraph @ boyishgirl
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ontheroadrp · 2 years
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life on the road can be tough, but we’re glad you and yours made it to taos!
i guess forcing you to watch brokeback mountain really paid off... COWBOYS ARE FREQUENTLY SECRETLY FOND OF EACH OTHER! -- nikki
[BRANDON FLYNN, CISMAN, HE/HIM ] ever heard about [LEE BENNETT]? Out here on the road, they have a reputation of being [DEDICATED, SINCERE] but also [NONCHALANT, SELF SACRIFICING], no wonder they’re called [THE LONE RANGER]. According to local legend, they’re [TWENTY-THREE] and when they pull up to camp not a soul can mistake the sound of [Elton John’s “GOODBYE YELLOW BRICK ROAD”] following them. Some say they carry  [A GOLDEN CRUCIFIX AROUND HIS NECK, A NAPKIN WITH HIS MOM’S HANDWRITING, AND A SLOWLY DEFLATING FOOTBALL.] and have been traveling with [THE COVEN].   [ro, 21, she/they, est]
TW: religion, homophobia, molestation/pedophilia, drugs.
The Bennett Family were simple folk from a small town in Northern Indiana. Elkhart was the type of town that had high school athlete’s faces plastered on posters around the supermarket. It was the type of boring, dreary town that nobody ever left. The Bennetts lived right outside of town on a farm with every animal imaginable and crops that sprawled further than the eye could see. Their house was small, fixed up with a cellar, a few bedrooms, and one bathroom.  Ricky Bennett had inherited land from his father, who inherited it from his Father, who inherited it from his father and so on. It was a family tradition that the eldest son kept up the farm and Lee’s entire upbringing he anticipated that to be his future. However, from the moment his little brother Bo was born, Lee was more concerned with what it meant to be an older brother. Four years his senior, Lee was happy to find a companion in Bo instead of cows and chickens. Even if he didn’t have the words to conceptualize it in 1965, he promised to himself he’d always protect Bo, show him the ropes of just about anything he could, pass on whatever knowledge he had, and most importantly Lee tried to teach him that it was okay to cry. 
Lee was always sensitive. Ricky wasn’t around a lot, he mostly kept to himself out in the fields and kept his commentary to grumbles at the breakfast table. So it was mostly Brenda, a stay at home mother with a newspaper advice column, who raised the boys. She didn’t encourage Lee’s sensitivity, in fact, she was one of those catholic types who tried to drill into her boys that if something was bad, they weren’t to talk about it. Sweeping things under the rug with a charming smile was her specialty. But Lee couldn’t help it. He was soft, he was too soft for all of it sometimes he felt. Like a true catholic, even at age 8 he felt such tremendous guilt about it that when he’d go to confessions with his Uncle Joe– or Father Joe as he preferred to be called at church– he would confess this weakness. Lee felt bad, Uncle Joe was always telling him how that needed to be adjusted, that boys were meant to be strong. This spiraled into more visits to his house outside of church. The visits turned into sleepovers. Then the sleepovers turned into Uncle Joe creeping into Lee’s room in the middle of the night. That was one time he refused to cry. Instead, Lee pretended to sleep. It was after that he learned that sometimes in life he had to pretend to get through things. Lee would pretend about a lot of things after that. Loving God and loving girls, mostly. 
By the time he was a sophomore, he was the starting quarterback at Elkhart High School. Thanks to the mediocre Senior who got a concussion in Lee’s freshman year, he was able to step in and rapidly gained popularity. He went out on dates with girls, got out of doing his assignments because adults loved him so much, and everyone in town knew his name thanks to that rocket-like arm of his. At first Lee had some trouble adjusting to this new role he’d been placed in. Sure, it was nice when he got a pass on the schoolwork he always struggled with, and it was great always being met with a friendly face. But none of it felt real and more importantly, after sleeping with a couple of girls, he knew that wasn’t real either. Lee remembered to pretend. His anger wasn’t something he couldn’t pretend away though. He blamed his uncle and he blamed God for making him this way. He got into fights on the field and got suspended from his first and only game. Sophomore year was rough, but that summer his sixteenth birthday rolled around and on the Fourth of July he used his money he’d saved from his job at Al’s grocery store to buy the green 1965 Ford truck with the bench seat. Mr.Iverson gave him a good deal and that very same day Lee was driving down to Indianapolis to go to his very first gay bar. He wouldn’t ever forget the loud music and how nobody cared that everyone was different. It was 1977 the first time Lee felt comfortable in his own skin. 
The rest of high school continued like a dream. He carried on pretending, he got decent enough grades thanks to favoritism, he kept going to Indianapolis, and he even got into college at Notre Dame because of football. That came crashing down senior year in some kind of cyclical injury to his knee. It didn’t seem worth it to try and play again. But that was fine, college was a pipe dream anyhow. Ricky was getting older and soon enough he’d have to take over the farm. It was also in his senior year that he came out to Bo, who didn’t take it well at all. Lee recalls how he wept and threw up and ached for his brother. After that, they weren’t close, Lee couldn’t keep tabs on him, but he could tell something was up. It was the summer of 1980, a year after Lee graduated high school. He’d been learning how to keep up with the farm in more formal ways for the past year since college was out of the question. It was the great scandal that summer  when a local drug ring got busted. He could clock the guilt in Bo’s eyes from a mile away when they talked about it at the dinner table. Immediately, Lee was ready to take the fall. He saw this as a final gesture to protect his brother. Bo was just a kid. He had a whole life to live. And what did Lee have? A busted knee and a farm to inherit? So, he promised Bo that he was going to make it go away. It was the first sincere conversation they’d had in years. Lee had accepted his fate and by the time he pulled up to the police station to confess a couple days later, he found Bo was already there. In the end, he got a sentence that would last him into adulthood. 
Unable to live with himself and unable to stand  his hometown, Lee took to the road. He didn’t know what he was supposed to be looking for, but he knew he had to look elsewhere. That was about five years ago now. He spent his first couple of summers up in Montana herding sheep so he could get some money for the rest of the year. He met plenty of rubber tramps as he wandered, heard their stories, bought people beers and tried to have conversations. As charming as he was, he never said much, and he never stayed with any one person for long. Eventually, he started traveling home every six months to visit Bo in prison. Once it stopped hurting. He had his routines. For the most part though, he tipped his hat to them and moseyed along. That was until he met The Prom Queen and The High Priestess. They were definitely an odd pair, but The Prom Queen’s kid struck him in a place that he couldn’t resist. It was like he was looking at Bo’s face. He deserved to have a guy around, even if he didn’t doubt that he loved his Mom and the High Priestesses’ quirks. The two have grown on him and Lee couldn’t imagine himself leaving. It isn’t lost on him the way The Prom Queen looks at him, and as guilty as he feels for it, he lets her, Sometimes he even feeds into it, because it’s safer that way. Besides, she isn’t so bad. Lee thinks she’s a great mom and sometimes great company. The High Priestess, he quickly learned, was a package deal. Her religion is beyond his born catholic comprehension, but he appreciates her perspective and her acts of kindness. Lee sees both of them for what they are, and as reserved as he can be, he isn’t so sure he’s ready to leave the pair just yet. 
Please distribute up to fifty points among the following stats! Click here for more detailed instructions on stats.
Athletics: 3
Burglary:  0
Contacts: 1
Crafts: 0
Deceive: 2
Drive: 3
Empathy: 3
Fight: 3
Investigate: -1
Lore: -3
Navigation: 2
Notice: -2
Physique: 3
Provoke: 0
Rapport: 3
Resourcefulness: 2
Stealth: -1
Will: 2
PINTEREST: https://pin.it/7KgbVn9
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6f10AzarXj2ru9Ju5kwept?si=SaEPDcgFSb-XNaHcmgAYmA&pt=88769cccf81a83b97f4d66b95df2e884
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lanne13 · 2 years
I am once again asking people to learn what queerbaiting means
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tinyboxxtink · 2 years
"Spring Break '86" {Eddie Munson/Reader}
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Part 2 is here!
Yeah, I did it. I started a series about Eddie Munson.
This one should go really well because I actually have an outline/timeline to go by. [Stranger Things Season 4, Part 1. Maybe going into Part 2?]
Basically, you are Dustin Henderson's older sister, with a secret "history" with Eddie Munson. And that history is slowly being uncovered when you come home from college for spring break, and find that Eddie is best buds with your little brother.
You get caught into the events of S4, and the truth becomes more and more clear.
I have a full, thought-out plot and story with this, regardless of how S4 ends. Meaning if Eddie dies. But Eddie will NOT DIE. NO. HE WON'T. I LOVE HIM AND WON'T LET IT HAPPEN.
I have a tag list, but it's for Rafael Barba fans so I will not include them here. If you would like to be added to a tag list for this story, please let me know!
I hope you guys like it!
“Ughh where are you, you little worm…” 
You grumbled under your breath as you stomped out of the still cheering gymnasium of Hawkins Highschool. You had just driven back home to Hawkins Indiana from Chicago, and you weren’t in the best mood. 
It was the Spring Break of your freshman year at college, and rather than head to the coast with your new college gal pals, you had stupidly opted to come back home for the week instead. Truth be told you weren’t exactly the “beach babe” type, and you would never admit it but you missed your mom, Mews, and your little brother Dustin. 
However, at this exact moment you were in fact not missing him in the least. Here you had driven all night to surprise him at his best friend’s basketball game, and he wasn’t there. How could he not be there? This was the very first time in any history you knew that Hawkins had made it to a tournament, and you knew for a fact that one of Dustin’s best friends Lucas Sinclair was on the team. How could Dustin and his little “party” not be there cheering him on?
Before you reached your car in the parking lot, you heard cheering come from inside the school. Which was odd, because you were pretty sure anybody who was supposed to be there was in the gymnasium. Then a thought occurred to you:
Your brother wasn’t exactly the “normal” high schooler, like his friend Lucas. No star athlete, not really Mr. Popular. He liked really weird things like sci-fi and nerd stuff, Star Wars, shit like that. But the one thing he loved above it all was his stupid Dungeons and Dragons group he had, which included his only friends. Obviously.
If you were being absolutely honest with yourself, the whole “Satanic Panic” about D&D had started running rampant through your school newspapers, and you’d never admit it but it actually started to freak you out. As far as you knew, those games were harmless. Stupid, but harmless. 
But whether or not it was true, you knew your small town was easily poisoned. Some whiff of any kind of controversy, a threat, a rumor, could roll into that town and the people would be burning people at the stake by the end of the day. You couldn’t let them try to “save” your brother from the “devil’s game’.
All of these thoughts ran through your head long enough to stall you from walking into the school before a group of teens came bursting out in cheers and joyous chants. Among them was your little brother, who stopped dead when he saw you standing there in the parking lot. 
“....Y/N? What are you doing here?” Dustin asked warily, totally confused on why you would be in his High School parking lot at 10 o'clock at night. 
“Jesus Dusty,” You let out a soft laugh of disbelief. “I drove all the way down here to surprise you and all–” 
You were just starting to chastise your brother when the last person you ever expected to see came strolling out of the dark school halls. 
Eddie Munson.
Your nose scrunched as you watched him saunter over to your brother giving him and the others high fives. He quickly stopped and changed his demeanor once he saw you standing behind the group. 
“Henderson, you didn’t tell me your mom was such a babe,” Eddie eyed you up and down devilishly. 
“Shut up,” You narrowed your eyes on the long-haired man.
“Dude that’s my sister, not my–” Dustin started to explain to Eddie who you were.
“He knows who I am, Dust,” you cut him off, still glaring at Eddie. 
“What?” Dustin blinked in confusion. “Why? How is that–”
“Didn’t expect to see you hare, princess,” Eddie smirked back at your daggered eyes, while Dustin and his friends looked between the two of you in shock. 
“Come to cheer on your good ol’ alma mater, cheer captain?” he teased.
“You sure are cocky for a grown man hanging out with children at night, Munson,” You didn’t bat an eye at his insult as you retorted with your own. 
“Damn,” you heard some girl you’d never seen before laugh under her breath at your line. 
“Hey, Eddie’s my friend Y/N,” Dustin defended him. “We’re in school together,”
“Excuse me?” You laughed harder as you stared at Eddie with amusement. “Eddie, you still haven’t graduated?”
“Shut up,” Eddie said in a low, guttural voice. 
 “What are you, collecting a punch card?” you went on taunting him. 
“Shut, your mouth,” you could see Eddie clenching his fists as you continued to laugh.
“One more senior year and they give you a plaque for ‘biggest moron ever’?” you lost yourself in giggles at the last statement, imagining it. 
“SHUT UP!!!!!!” Eddie bellowed in the parking lot, making everyone jump back a foot and a half. None of the kids had ever seen Eddie mad before. Annoyed, sure. Aggravated by the “sheeples” at school, all the time. But this was different. This was rage. 
“What the fuck, Y/N?!” Dustin yelled at you angrily, as you looked back at him with an innocent confusion.
“Henderson I have never hit a girl in my life, and I really would like to keep it that way,” Eddie grunted through gritted teeth. 
“Yeah don’t worry, I’ll hit her for you,” Dustin said without thinking. 
“Dustin!” you gasped.
“No, you won’t either!” Eddie suddenly raised his voice at the boy, making both of you look back at him in stunned confusion.
“What?” Dustin looked between the two of you suspiciously.  “...What is happening here?” 
“Dustin, get your friends in the car. I’ll take them home,” you quickly changed the subject.
“But Eddie was–” Dustin protested.
“Nah man, forget it,” Eddie waved him off. “I’ve got a date anyway,” 
“Sure you do,” you laughed under your breath as you helped the girl you’d never seen before into the backseat of your Mustang.
Once the kids were squished into your car, you closed the door enough so they couldn’t hear you and Eddie’s conversation. 
“Seriously Eddie,” You said in a low but concerned tone. 
“Seriously Y/N, you need to leave. Before I do something I regret,” 
“You’d never hit me,” You looked at him with the smallest of a sad smile. He looked down at the ground, confirming the statement.
“Okay but seriously, what is this?” you shook off the sentiment crawling out of you.
“What is what?” Eddie asked you in annoyance.
“This,” you gestured between the kids in the car and him. “Why are you hanging out with my little brother? Why are you even still here?!”
“You said it yourself, I’m waiting for my official ‘dumbass’ plaque,” He half laughed sadly, playing with the rings on his fingers while still staring at the pavement. 
“Eddie,” your voice softened. “You know I didn’t–” 
“No, I actually think you did, Y/N,” Eddie started walking away backwards from your car. 
“Eddie come on, I–” you tried to walk after him. 
“Just, fuck off and leave me alone, okay?” Eddie yelled back angrily, throwing both of his middle fingers up at you while he faded away into the distance of the parking lot. 
You waited several seconds before giving up on him coming back and got into the driver’s seat, starting the car and driving out of the parking lot. 
“What the fuck was that, Y/N?” Dustin immediately started berating you again. “Why did you have to be such a bitch to him? How do you even know him?!”
“Not now, Dustin,” You warned him as you drove towards Mike Wheeler’s house. 
His friends looked up to the sky, praying to be thrown from the car rather than sit in the car for this awkward sibling fight.
After dropping off his friends, Dustin started his interrogation on you. 
“Alright now you wanna explain to me why you were such a bitch to my friend, Y/N?” he snapped.
“Dusty!” You gasped. “Jesus, language. And you do NOT call women bitches, especially your loving sister,”
“Sorry,” he huffed reluctantly. “It’s just, Eddie–”
“Dustin, Eddie’s a big boy. I’m sure his hurt feelings will–” 
“No, don't do that,” Dustin interjected. “Don’t start acting all high and mighty just because you came home from a fancy college, and Eddie–”
“I know Eddie Munson a hell of a lot more than you Dustin, I think I know what he can and cannot handle,” 
“How is that possible?!” Dusty threw his hands up at the conspiracy. 
“Just— just leave it alone, Dusty, okay? I’m sorry I bitched out your friend,” You sighed, unwilling to get into the ‘history’ of you and Eddie Munson in that exact moment. 
“For NO reason,” he added.
“...For no reason,” You rolled your eyes. 
“Now tell him that,” He crossed his arms with a smile as you pulled onto your street.
“What, now?” you gave him a look.
“Yes, NOW,” he nodded forcefully. 
“He’s on a date,” you protested innocently.
“You and I both know he’s full of shit,” Dustin rolled his eyes. “He’s just gonna go home, and–”
“And get stoned, and feel sorry for himself all night,” you finished his thought.
“Wha—?” Dustin’s eyes widened at the accuracy of your statement. “I mean, I wouldn’t put it that way but, yeah…” 
“Alright fine, fine,” you pulled into your driveway as you spoke. “You go inside, and I’ll go talk to Eddie,”
“You’ll APOLOGIZE to Eddie,” he clarified. 
“Fine I will apologize to Eddie,” you begrudgingly replied. 
“Okay, he lives–” Dustin started.
“I know where he lives, Dustin,” you shook your head. 
“Wha– seriously?!” Dustin continued to be thrown by your words. 
“WHEN did you have time to get all this intel on Eddie? When have you EVER hung out with him?” 
“In case you haven’t noticed Dustin, you’ve been pretty preoccupied by your own friends these last few years,” you reminded him. “I can’t remember the last time we actually had one of our “Dustbusters,” 
You saw him sadly smile at the mention of your “sibling dates” you two would have when you were younger. You weren’t terribly older than him so when you were kids you were kind of inseparable. But then puberty hit, and you both gravitated towards other things and people. The truth was you really had no idea what had gone on with him in the last few years.
You knew he had a friend that got abducted, or went missing, or something of the matter. It had really shaken him to his core. And after that, he grew more and more isolated from you and your mom, and closer to his “party”. A “party” that apparently included Eddie Munson of all people. 
“Yeah, I guess so,” Dustin rubbed the back of his neck as he thought about what had really gone on in his life in the past three years. Things you would never even dream of. Things he would never dream of telling you. You and your mom worried enough about him.
“Just…go easy on him, please?” he asked you earnestly. “I know you think he’s a moron, but–”
“I know he’s not a moron, Dustin,” you assured him. 
“Then what was the–” 
“Too long of a story, Dusty. Just go inside, I promise I’ll be nice to Eddie,” 
“Alright fine,” he grumbled as he shut the door. The window was still down, so he stuck his head in once more. 
“Hey, sis?”
“Yeah, Dusty?” you asked in growing annoyance. 
“...Thanks for coming home this week,” He smiled at you. “I missed you,” 
“Oh you little—” your annoyance melted away as you jumped out of the driver’s seat and ran over to where he was standing beside the car, throwing your arms around him. This was all you had wanted to do since you left Chicago.
“I missed you too, you doof,” You ruffled his hair and placed an over exaggerated sloppy kiss to his forehead. 
“Gross,” Dustin pulled away from you, making a huge display of disgust as he ran back inside and you got back into your car with an amused laugh.
It took a little longer than you expected to make it to the trailer park. You hadn’t been out there in such a long time, you didn’t remember how to get there as well as you thought. After a few U-Turns and cursing, you finally found the field of glowing trailers. 
You drove down a row or two, looking for Eddie’s car. It wasn’t long before you saw it parked in front of a trailer almost off by itself in the park. You turned off your lights and edged slowly towards the trailer, parking on the other side of it where no windows could see you. If you were going to do this, you’d need a minute to prepare.
Okay, apologize. Apologize to Eddie Munson. For what? A hell of a lot more than you promised Dustin, that’s for sure. You were actually kind of surprised he didn’t even have the slightest memory of you two ever hanging out.
Well, Eddie looked really different when the two of you were in junior high. That was for damn sure. The cute little cow-licked boy with the coke bottle glasses was a far cry from the hairy, volatile beast he was now.
You got out of your car, still unsure of what to say. You were going over so many things in your head, lost in your own thoughts and worries, you didn’t even notice the lights flickering through the windows. 
“Eddie, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that stuff in front of my brother,” you spoke out loud in your best sincere voice as you were still pacing in front of the front door. 
“But you haven’t exactly been the nicest to me since–” 
Before you could say another word of your personal monologue, a bright light came shooting out from every window and door of the trailer as it shook violently. It surprised you so much that you fell back in awe, your eyes darting every which way. The light continued to beam through the trailer for several seconds before completely evaporating, leaving a loud THUMP in its wake coming from inside. 
Then you heard the screaming. 
Before you could register what was going on, a panicked Eddie who was still screaming came bolting out the front door, heading for his car. He practically tripped over your still stunned self-sitting in front of his home. 
“Oof!” He tumbled to the ground, momentarily stopping his screams. He turned to see you sitting there, his eyes were wide with fear. His face was paler than your night time face cream. He didn’t know whether to jump up and run or collapse into your arms. He did the latter. 
“Y/N, I didn’t do it,” He immediately began to sob as he pulled himself tightly into your arms. “I swear to God, I didn’t do it,” 
“W-Wha—did what?” You were still reeling from the light show when Eddie had death gripped himself to your waist. You tried stringing together thoughts as he sobbed harder into your chest. 
“I didn’t do it, I didn’t do it, I didn’t do it to her I swear to God I didn’t,” he whimpered over and over into your chest.
“Wha…Eddie, what are you on?” You furrowed your eyebrows as he quickly dropped his arms.
“What? Nothing!” Eddie suddenly became very defensive. “I am completely sober, that’s why I KNOW I didn’t do anything–” 
“Bullshit,” you rolled your eyes as you peeled him off you, standing up and dusting yourself off. “You’re clearly having hallucinations,” 
“Babe, I swear I’m not–” He started to protest. 
“No,” you stopped him dead in his words. “NOT babe. Not your babe, not anybody’s babe,” 
“....Y/N,” He momentarily rolled his eyes. “Look I swear to God, it’s real. But I don’t want you to—”
“Look?” you finished for him in a snarky tone. “Right, because there won’t be anything there, and then I’ll know you’re full of shit, and are just having a really bad K trip,” 
“I am NOT tripping on anything, Y/N,” Eddie grabbed your shoulders with both of his hands. “But I— you— I can’t– if you see that girl, you’re gonna think I’m–” 
“Eddie, I really can’t see thinking any less of you than I already do, so I think I’m good,” You laughed sarcastically. 
“No, but–” 
Before he could stop you, you were opening the front door and walking inside the trailer. And you were not prepared in the least for what greeted you. 
A girl, not much younger than you, laid on the floor in front of you. Not really laying, sprawled. Her legs and arms were broken, her neck was crooked. Her eyes had been inverted inside her head.
You didn’t scream, surprisingly. You didn’t freak out, or burst into tears. You simply just stared at the girl for what seemed like forever, studying her disfigured corpse. 
“...Y-Y-Y/N?” You heard Eddie’s feeble cries from outside the trailer. He sounded so much different than he had just a few hours ago. 
You stepped out of the trailer slowly, almost as if in a trance. You looked at Eddie who was now shivering in fear next to his car. He looked so broken, so small. Not the Eddie Munson you were so used to, with his brazen tone and that 100-watt smile that you’d never admit in a million years you missed while looking out a rainy University window in Chicago. 
“I didn’t do that to her Y/N, you have to believe me. She–” His blubbering was stifled by your hand over his mouth. 
“I believe you, Eddie,” You said in a soft, calming voice. 
“Y-You do?” He whimpered from under your hand, causing you to remove it. 
“Yes, but we can’t stay here. There’s no way nobody didn’t hear any of that,” you warned him, looking around in every direction.
“But where are we gonna go? What are we gonna do? What am I gonna do? Chrissy, she was just here trying to–” Eddie began to unravel once more, his words falling back into heavy breaths and choked sobs. 
“Eddie, get in my car,” you said very strictly. 
“Your car? What about my car? I can’t–” He whined.
“Eddie,” you shook him furiously, trying to snap him out of it. “You live here. There’s a logical reason for your car to be here. Besides, if they, and they will, think you did this, they’ll be looking for your car. They won’t be looking for mine. So again, GO GET IN MY CAR, okay?”
“......O-Okay,” Eddie nodded feebishly, wiping sniffling tears into his jacket as he scurried towards your car and got in the passenger's side. 
You took one last long moment thinking about Chrissy the pretzel just lying in there, bleeding all over Eddie’s carpet. There was something absolutely insane, and yet weirdly familiar about all of this. 
You finally shook the feeling off of your shoulders and followed Eddie’s trail back to your car, getting in the driver’s seat and slamming the door shut. You looked over at Eddie who was continuing to shake and sob, clearly traumatized from the events of the last few minutes. 
You’d never seen him like this, ever. Not at any point in however long you had known him. And you hated every second of it. 
“Eddie,” you placed a hand on the back of his quivering mane, stroking it gently. You just wanted him to stop crying, for even a minute. 
“Just drive,” Eddie pleaded, jerking away from your hand. He didn’t feel worthy of being comforted right now, especially not by you. 
“Okay,” you shrugged unnervingly, starting the car and peeling out of the trailer park into the night. 
This was certainly not how you wanted your Spring Break to start.
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hopewritcs · 2 years
half of my heart.
pairing: eddie munson x f!reader
word count: 3.5k
requested by anonymous: "Eddie Munson soulmate AU? :)” 
summary: in a world with soulmates, your soulmark ( the proverbial heart on your sleeve ) is a heart that fills as time gets closer to you meeting your soulmate. when you’ve met your soulmate the mark is filled in, if your soulmate is dead the mark is hollowed out once again, shadowed with however much time you had left to meet. 
notes: me, a sucker for a soulmate au and crying about everything that happened in volume 2? this is the product of this. hope you enjoyed. st4 vol 2 spoilers ahead ( pls trust me ) !!!!!! 
triggers: death. 
stranger things tag list: @rockstarmunson ( if you want to be added to the prodigal sister tag list, please ask ! )
You had grown up in California, never thinking about what else there was. California was home. What else could there be? But, as time went on the soulmate mark on your arm never seemed to get filled even close to halfway. Growing up you didn’t think much of it--who really cared, or believed in soulmates anyway? But as you got older and you graduated from high school, you began to think about it more and more. 
The thought of your soulmate not being near you occurred to you when a family moved in down the way from a small town in Indiana. It was almost as if that knowledge made your soulmate mark grow, you sensed it before you actually saw the mark had filled just a bit more. 
Definitely no one from that family, but maybe they were the key to this whole soulmate thing. 
The Byers-Hopper family, you soon learned, came from the town of Hawkins. Jonathan was a senior and his younger siblings were freshman. Joyce, their mother, was working as a telemarketer. 
Your heart was filling at a slow pace, but you could tell that something was around the corner. Something was coming to do with your soulmate. Did you honestly believe in it? No. 
You worked at Surfer Boy Pizza with Argyle, and spent a lot of your free time with the Byers-Hopper family. Argyle wasn’t really a friend of yours before the family moved in down the road from you, but a reluctant coworker and sometimes friendly face. 
“Do you believe in soulmates?” you asked Joyce one day that you had off and were at her house. She was working, but you often spent time at the house while she worked just to keep her company--you liked being at this house more than your own. 
Briefly Joyce looked down at her own soulmate mark and ran he other hand over it, “I do.” she said softly, like she was forcing herself to believe the words she spoke. 
“How did you meet your soulmate?” you asked, watching as she got yet another hang up from a potential customer. 
“I always knew Jim.” she said with a wave of her hand. “I just didn’t know he was my soulmate. We were both a bit...I don’t want to say stupid, but I think that’s the best word for it.” Joyce said it with a small laugh, you could tell she was remembering something and you almost wanted to ask what it was but she continued to speak. “You see, I was with Lonnie and he was dating other girls and we were always friends. I never thought Lonnie was my soulmate, but then I had Jonathan and almost thought that was that.” Joyce shrugged her shoulders. There was more to that story, but you didn’t know it--you’d only heard bits and pieces of their lives before they came to California. 
“So...when did you know?” 
“I think late June of last year. I just saw him differently and thought that somehow I’d been looking at my soulmate this whole time.” Joyce answered your question, with a small frown as she added, “But I never got to tell him. Or anyone that it was him.”
You wanted to ask more questions, because her soulmate mark wasn’t faded in the least. You could see the fact that she was holding back and there was more to the story, but she just picked up the phone and continued on with her work, leaving you to look down at your own soulmate mark. 
Halfway filled. 
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Eddie Munson never believed in soulmates. He never thought there was much to it than some mark on his arm that he paid little attention to--what was the point in that anyway? 
He had been taught at a young age that the people in Hawkins, that people in general, were just going to leave him. What’s to say that this “soulmate” of his wasn’t going to do the same thing when he finally met her? 
He had Hellfire Club, he had his band, he had his Uncle.
Eddie Munson was fine. He didn’t need anything else. 
“Uh, dude, since when is your mark filled up?” his bandmate asked one day as they were setting up for practice. 
Eddie glanced down at his arm, thinking he was just being teased or something. But there it was, his soulmate mark was nearly halfway filled. 
“What the fuck?” he asked himself, shaking his hand as if he thought it was just a trick of the light. 
But no, the mark was still there. 
Still filled. 
He didn’t have time to deal with this. 86 was the year he was going to graduate high school, the year he was going to take his band to the next level. It was not the year he was going to meet his stupid soulmate. Wherever or whoever she was. 
“Whatever, let’s just get practice started.” 
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You were working when Argyle got a call for a pizza delivery to the Byers-Hopper house. Normally, you’d let it go and wouldn’t push to go with him or anything. 
But it was like your gut was telling you something, as if you knew something was coming. 
You grabbed your bag as you walked out the door, claiming an emergency and quickly followed Argyle to the van. You tossed your own Surfer Boy Pizza visor off into the back of the van as you hopped into the truck beside Argyle and looked at him. 
“Dude.” He greeted, a nod of his head. 
What you liked about Argyle was that he wasn’t about to ask any questions. He didn’t see you hopping into the van as something that needed to be questioned. You were glad for that, as you didn’t know what you would even say in the moment. 
What you had to go into was nothing you imagined. 
Everything blurred together, the way Jonathan had run up to the car and scared Argyle so much you felt the car jump before Argyle caught the brake with his foot to stop the car from moving any further. 
The sight of Mike and Will nearly carrying a man with a gun strapped to his side into the van as they spoke in hushed tones about Eleven, about where she was. About what was going on. 
The gunshots chasing after you as the van drove off. 
You barely remember climbing into the back of the van and attempting to help with the dying man’s life, but you do remember stopping when he died and being glad that you hadn’t eaten anything that day yet. 
You felt sick. 
“What the fuck?” you said when you overheard the boys talking about where they needed to go. “Can one of you please explain. I don’t even know what’s going on here. Aren’t you just from fucking Indiana? What the fuck is happening?!” 
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You got what you could only explain as the “quick explanation” version of what happened to them the past couple of years in Hawkins. Finally some things made sense. Why Jane--Eleven--seemed so sad. Why Joyce hadn’t gotten the chance to tell anyone about Jim. 
You couldn’t even mention that, how you knew he wasn’t dead. Because Joyce’s soulmark was still there. Maybe that’s where she’d gone after all. 
You hoped she got a happy end after all that she’d been through. 
That they all would. 
You didn’t know how to react, but you looked down at your soulmark and noticed it was a bit more than halfway filled. You rolled your eyes. Of fucking course your soulmate would somehow get you involved in this shitstorm. 
How would you thank him when you finally met? 
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Eddie didn’t know what to do. When Chrissy died and he watched he was so filled with fear that it was going to happen to him next that the only thought in his mind was to get out of the trailer. 
Immediately after he was outside of the trailer and running away he thought about how cowardly that was and nearly stopped in his tracks, but couldn’t find it in himself to just stop running. 
When he found himself in the boat house of his friend--his dealer--he could breathe again finally. 
But the guilt stayed with him. 
Glancing down at his arm he sighed. 
Of course he was this close to meeting his soulmate. 
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You didn’t exactly know who Suzie was other than Dustin’s girlfriend. They’d mentioned her a couple of times on the ride but it was hard to follow along with everything. You were trying to keep up with all of the names and everything in track in your mind. 
But your head was focusing on the fact that you were so close to meeting your soulmate. 
Suzie’s house was nothing like what you pictured it to be, but then again you didn’t know what to picture. 
Once again, everything felt like a big blur. You were going about the motions of everything as you wandered through it all. 
A hand grasped around your soulmark you were trying to hide it from everyone, as if that helped hide the fact that you were distracted. 
“You okay?” Jonathan asked, looking at you while the younger boys talked with Suzie. 
You nodded your head slightly. “Yeah. Just...processing.” Which wasn’t a total lie. You were processing, it was just a different part than what you were doing. 
Jonathan looked at you like he wanted to ask you something further, but he didn’t. 
When you all were back in the car with the answers, you rested back against one of the sides of the van and let the boys figure everything out while Argyle spoke to Jonathan who had taken over driving. 
You had to have fallen asleep because someone nudging you jolted you out your thoughts and you turned your head to the person who had done the nudging. Will was holding the map to you. 
“Oh, I don’t know anything about longitude and latitude. Other than the basic stuff. If you’re asking for a second opinion.” you replied, shrugging your shoulders as you sat up further and looked at him. 
“I was showing you that we figured it out.” Will said with a small smile. 
“Oh.” you replied. That made more sense. 
“Are you okay?” Will asked, looking to Mike and then back at you. 
You nodded with a smile. “Of course.” 
You had a big sense that something was going to happen, but you didn’t know what. 
That the whole course of your life was changing. 
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Eddie being in the woods without anything seemed fitting. Of course it’s where he would end up. He just hoped that Dustin and the rest of them would be able to find him soon. He wasn’t a fucking fan of the woods--not anymore, not after everything that happened recently. 
Fuck it all, he wanted to say. 
Eddie Munson wasn’t a quitter though. 
He was a lot of things, but a quitter wasn’t one of them. Freak? Sure. Lazy? Probably. 
He was going to see this through, because he didn’t kill anyone. 
For some reason, looking down at his arm with the soulmark that was filling seemingly faster made it seem like he was going to have to be held accountable for other things too. 
For other people. 
Not just Hellfire, or the band, or his uncle. But maybe his soulmate--even if he didn’t know if he believed in it yet. Something was determined to get him to believe in the whole concept though. 
Eddie brushed the mark with his thumb and looked up as he waited for Dustin and everyone, a sigh passing his lips. 
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You had never seen anything like this before. Though, you could say that for practically anything on this “adventure”. You were determined to not really call it that, but it was the only word that you could think of that would fit. 
The helicopter crashing was one thing, it was a movie scene coming to life before your very eyes. 
But the knowledge that Jane--Eleven--had caused it. You didn’t know how to handle that, how to live with that knowledge. 
You had so many questions, but watching as she interacted with the dying man she called Papa you knew now wasn’t the time for any of them. 
You didn’t know if there would ever be a time for any of the questions you had. 
Everyone got her into the van and suddenly the air weighed heavy with her words. 
It was as if the air was ripped from your lungs when you heard what she said. 
You glanced down at your soulmark. 
Still there. 
Still filling. Thankfully. 
“Who’s going to die?” you found yourself asking, echoing the words already spoken. 
Everyone turned to look at you briefly, wondering why you--of everyone in the van--had asked the question. But you didn’t even know what to say if they asked the question, if they asked why you needed to know. 
Somehow you followed El’s vision of how she was going to piggyback into Max’s memories to get to the big evil mind of Vecna, but you still had questions. 
So many unanswered questions. 
At the Surfer Boy Pizza you couldn’t help but wander over to where El sat briefly when she was alone and you looked at her while she watched the boys work and Argyle making a pizza. 
“Is it just Max that’s in danger?” you asked softly, worry coursing through your voice as you whispered the words to her. 
She turned to look at you, like she didn’t know you’d sat down across from her in the small table and she blinked. “She called it cursed.” 
“Is Max the only one?” you repeated, nervously playing with your fingertips. 
“They’re all in danger.” El replied with a slight shake of her head. “They have a plan to fight him.” 
“To...fight the monster?” you asked. 
“He is not all monster.” El quickly snapped, fidgeting in her seat. “He was created to be that way.” 
“This...El, this might not be what you want to hear but what if he is all monster. Maybe he wasn’t always, but he might be now after all this time...” you said with a shrug of your shoulders. “I don’t know, I just don’t know if I’d expect him to pull an Anakin instead of a Vader.” 
“I don’t understand.” El replied, her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at you. 
“Star Wars.” 
“Those are...movies?” she asked. You nodded. “Why do you...want to know if anyone else is in danger?” 
You moved your hand and showed her your arm, your soulmark. “It was nowhere near filled before. But it’s so close and now I’m...worried. I’ve got this fear, I don’t know how to explain it.” 
El looked at you and nodded her head. Like she knew what loss was like, and you knew that she did. “I will see what I can do. What I can learn.” she replied. 
“Thank you.” 
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The moment Eddie cut the rope, he looked up at Dustin and almost mentioned his soulmate. But he hadn’t talked about it yet--not to anyone. That would have made it real. 
Eddie couldn’t handle the reality of a soulmate yet. 
As he chased the bats away from everything trying to give everyone time, trying to make up for everything he hadn’t been able to do for Chrissy--to make up for everything everyone thought he had done--he thought of his soulmate.
What was she like? Was she going to miss him? 
He expected it to be different. 
Dying, that is. 
Expected it to feel different--but then again, he’d pictured his death differently and at different times in his life and never expected it to happen in a different dimension or in this way. 
He felt his soulmark as he was losing consciousness and the last thing he heard was Dustin’s voice. 
The last thing he thought was that he’d never get to hear his soulmate’s voice. 
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You felt the moment it happened. You heard and read stories of it happening to other people, but as you and the boys kneeled around the pizza dough freezer where El laid floating as she tried to fight off the evil but possibly not entirely evil Henry. 
You couldn’t look at the mark on your arm, knowing what you would see if you did. 
Instead you spoke, holding back tears and trying to keep the pain and emotion from your voice, “El, forget about what I said earlier. It doesn’t matter anymore. I just need you to do everything you can for everyone else.” 
You could feel eyes on you, like they wanted to ask what was happening. But you couldn’t look up at them yet. Couldn’t focus on them and El in the freezer at the same time. 
And if anyone needed your full attention right then, it was the younger girl in the freezer. 
You were on the other side of El while Mike spoke to her through the battle, squeezing her other hand and hoping it was enough to help her. 
You couldn’t lose somebody else today. 
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Hawkins was nothing like you pictured and yet it was exactly like you pictured it too. 
When you pulled up to the Wheeler residence you watched as everyone greeted their loved ones and felt Argyle pull you into a hug too. 
“I didn’t want to be left out.” he said, which only made you laugh quietly. 
After introductions were made, the kids were all talking about everything that happened. You were wearing long sleeves, managed to find a jacket in the back of somewhere and hadn’t bothered to look at your soulmark since you felt it the other night. 
What was the point? 
“Oh, I know we need somewhere to hide El, but we kind of had to hide someone else at the cabin too. So...do you mind sharing the space?” Dustin asked, shrugging his shoulders and looking at his friend with a bit of a worried gaze. 
El shook her head. 
The group split up then, with Dustin, Steve, & Robin going to the donations and the rest of you going to the hospital to see Max. 
At least someone was saved. 
You didn’t know where to stand in the hospital room, but you looked around at everything and you wondered what it would have been like if this is how you met your soulmate. 
If he had only lived, would you be meeting him in a place like this? 
You felt awkward introducing yourself to Lucas and his sister, meanwhile Argyle had taken it upon himself to introduce himself as he walked in with a big hug. You liked that even in situations like this your friend Argyle ( because after all of this that you had been through together he was no longer just your coworker and sometimes friend ) was just himself all the time. 
After a while at the hospital, you knew that things were getting late and you all said goodbye with promises to visit tomorrow and probably everyday following. 
At the cabin, you looked around before you entered the space, “El, this is where you and your dad lived?” you asked. 
Nancy took a tentative step forward and opened the door slowly, “We didn’t have a chance to clean. We just needed a place for after everything happened yesterday. We didn’t think Eddie was going to make it.”
You stopped in your tracks and blinked, not that the name meant anything to you. But you felt something. You turned to look at El, who was looking at you like she knew what you were thinking. 
You pulled up the sleeve of your jacket, and there it was.
Filled in, practically all the way. Just a few more steps and it would be filled completely. 
You took a couple of steps forward, walking up the steps of the cabin, ignoring the fact that Nancy was trying to tell you to be quiet when you walked into the cabin. 
A mess of curls laid upright on a couch as you walked in, eyes half open as you walked in. He didn’t have a shirt on, bandages covered the lower half of his torso, and a blanket was lazily draped across his body as if someone had done it while he was already asleep. 
But he looked alert when he heard footsteps, trying to sit up straight and his eyes focusing on you. 
“You died, I felt you die.” you said quietly, tentatively walking into the cabin and ignoring everything else in the room--the open air to the top, the group of people behind you looking in. 
He looked at you, then looked down at his arm, then back up at you. “If it helps, I think I did die.” 
“That doesn’t make this any better.” you said, taking the final steps and sitting beside him on the couch, looking at him. “I thought I wasn’t going to get to meet you.”
“I thought I wasn’t going to hear your voice.” he said back. 
“I’m glad you’re alive.” you placed a hand on top of his. The hand of the arm that held your soulmark on top of the hand that held his.
“I’m Eddie, and I’m not sure I believe in soulmates. But, I guess I was wrong.” 
“I’m Y/N, and I’m glad we were both wrong.” 
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Exile (Eddie Munson x f!reader)
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Summary: You’re new to Hawkins High and try to join the Hellfire Club, but Eddie doesn’t think you’re the “right fit” for the club.
Warnings: Eddie didn’t get held back pretend that didn’t happen so Eddie and reader are the same grade, also mention of the effects of sun on readers skin but not too specific
Word Count: 1.2K
A/N: ok so i haven’t written anything in a while so this might be kinda rusty- also i am writing this on my phone so bare with me — requests are open!!!
Hawkins, summer 1982
Your mom wanted a new start after the divorce. So she decided the second it was final she was packing the two of you up and moving all the way from Florida to a sweet little small town, Hawkins, Indiana.
Moving from a big beach city in Florida to middle of nowhere wasn’t easy and definitely not ideal, but when you didn’t really have friends in Florida in the first place, the only thing you’re really losing is the sun and your D&D party.
You’ll definitely look out of place, though, coming into the new school. You’ll be a freshman this year, which is hard enough when you have friends and aren’t moving from across the country, and it’s obvious you’re from across the country. Living in Florida your whole life you get a lot of sun, so you definitely have a lot more sun on your skin and weird tan lines than most of the pasty kids in Indiana. So that’s when your mom having a friend who has a kid your age comes in handy.
Steve Harrington. You’d met him a few times when your families had gone on vacations together, but you had a feeling that wouldn’t be happening too much anymore now that your dad was out of the picture.
Steve wasn’t too bad. He was pretty talkative and easy to be around, so when you moved to the same town as him he decided he was going to “take you under his wing”. He definitely wasn’t the type of person you’d usually hang out with, but he was there, and it wasn’t like there were many ways to make friends over the summer. But Steve quickly introduced you to his friends and invited you regularly to hang out with them.
You didn’t mind hanging out with Steve, but couldn’t wait until school started so you could maybe join a new party, because there was no way in hell you were going to even ask Steve and his friends if they wanted to play D&D with you, so you were just patiently waiting until school started. And the first day of school was here before you knew it.
Hawkins, Fall 1983
You quickly realized on the first day of school that Steve was way more popular than you realized. You walked into school with Steve and had eyes on you the whole time, and not in the condescending way that you were used to back in Florida. It was like jumping into cold water, it was such a shock. You were a freak at your old school. You only hung out with boys, you played bass, you played D&D. No one liked you except your small group of friends. So this was a change. It was almost worse than everyone making fun of you. Too weird.
“This is weird, Steve” you whispered to him as you gripped onto your backpack a little tighter. “Don’t worry about it, they’re just all either jealous or crushing on you, it’s not every day we get a new girl, and definitely not pretty ones” Steve said, with a reassuring smile, but it just made you even more nauseous.
You only had a couple classes with Steve, so in the classes you didn’t, you were kind of left to fend for yourself. As much as you liked Steve, you didn’t think you could handle all the attention being friends with him seemed to come with, so you tried talking to different people, trying to maybe get a lower profile group of friends. That’s when you first met Eddie Munson.
It was your 7th period, right after lunch. The only class you had with him. He was wearing these skin tight black jeans with this shirt that said “Hellfire Club” with what you assumed at the time was some kind of demon or devil on the front. He seemed like the most opposite of Steve, so you tried talking to him.
You got the class and you were the second one there, along with Eddie. He was sitting at the back of the room, so you saw him right away, and you immediately made eye contact. You walked right over to him and sat down, and he immediately gave you a dirty look, which made you recoil a bit, but you went on.
“What’s your shirt mean?” You asked with a nervous smile. He rolled his eyes, and didn’t answer. “Um, I wasn’t talking to any of the other zero people in the room, and I’m genuinely curious. What’s it for?” He huffs and turns to face you, “It’s for my D&D club, new girl.” Perfect!! This guy seemed like an asshole, but maybe you were just giving off a weird vibe. And you were desperate for a new party. “Awesome!,” you said with a genuine smile, “I was actually in a party at my old school, any room for another member?” Before you even finished what you were saying, he picked his stuff up and moved to a seat farther away from you and as he was walking he said, “Yeah no, I’m not in the mood for one of you popular people asshole pranks. So no, you can not join, Mrs. Harrington.” You wanted to walk up to him and slap him, but, saved by the bell. Before you could say anything, the bell rang and the teacher walked in. You soon found out from roll call his name.
As you were walking out of the classroom you made sure to catch his arm so you could give him a piece of your mind.
“Hey, asshole, first of all it’s not Mrs. Harrington, thank you very much. The only reason I’ve been hanging out with him today is because he’s a family friend and he’s been my only option this summer. And second of all, get over yourself. I literally have no clue who you are I have no need to prank you, nor do I have the desire to. I’ve been on the wrong end of pranks, myself, so I’m not going to put someone I don’t even know through that for no reason. And, I actually like D&D and was actually wanting to join a new party.” You said angrily as you walked next to him through the hallway.
“Oh I’m sure you’re a huge D&D fan. Did Steve tell you to say that? Because I don’t believe that shit for one minute. If you want to join Hellfire, you’re dreaming, princess. Not in a million years. Go join the cheer squad or some shit. I’m not falling for it.” He said, stopping at his locker along the way. You stopped next to his locker with him, just boiling with rage. He noticed you just standing, staring at him with anger and said, “What? Mad your plan failed? I don’t give a shit. I think tryouts for the squad are today after school.” He said with a cheeky grin. You saw Steve walking up to you, with a confused look on his face and before he could get any closer, you turned to Eddie, slammed his locker, and turned around to walk away, but not before flipping him off.
You were not joining the fucking cheer squad.
A/N pt. 2: Sorry if that sucked, i haven’t written in FOREVER. Also let me know if you want a part 2! I kinda wanna do an enemies to lovers kinda thing with it so if you guys wanna see that please let me know!!!! <3
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Battle of the Bands - Chapter 1
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chpt 1 / chpt 2 / chpt 3 / chpt 4 / chpt 5 / chpt 6 / chpt 7 / chpt 8 / chpt 9 / chpt 10 / chpt 11 / chpt 12 / chpt 13 / chpt 14
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Genre: nothing yet, but eventually fluff and smut, maybe a bit of enemies to lovers :)
Warnings: an au where Chrissy doesn’t die so obviously Eddie graduates high school :)), more of an intro chapter but it gets more interesting I promise
Word Count: 940
A/N: Based on a prompt that @calizmor posted awhile ago. I decided to go with prompt B! I hope you enjoy :)
Battle of the Bands, a haven for popstars, rockstars, and metalheads alike. Bands of all ages and genres, some traveling from across the country, some from even outside the country. A competition that rewards bragging rights, cash, free studio time, or gigs somewhere big in the local town. But you weren’t in it for the bragging rights, maybe a little bit of them money, but mostly for fun. Which was why you were lucky it was held in the Indiana’s capital, Indianapolis. Almost an hour away from your band’s hometown, New Castle, Indiana. So all six of you packed up into your chevy van, almost too small for all of you, and headed over to Indianapolis.
Your band, Shooting Arrows, had met in high school, your sophomore year. You all bonded quickly, due to having band together, a couple classes together, and lunch. Your lead singer, Jenny. A cute blonde with blue eyes, a stereotypical theatre prodigy in all the musical plays, playing the main character. She was pretty, long and slender. She practically had all the boys in your shared grade wrapped around her fingers. Your drummer, Patty. She had graduated with you and Jenny. Brown, short, curly hair. She was sweet. No one would ever put together the dots that she was the drummer for both the high school band and your town’s local girl band at first sight. Your keyboardist, a boy named Chris. He was a junior when you met him, graduating a year before you. He was quiet, little nerdy glasses on his face. But he was friendly all the same. Long, slender fingers, perfect for playing piano. Guitarist number one, Penny. The one who taught you guitar. And the perfect metalhead, listening to Metallica, Iron Maiden, a bit of Kiss, and other bands alike. She was a senior when you met. She took you under her wing and practically melded you into who you are today. She was never not seen with her guitar. Guitarist number two, Charlotte. A sweet girl, on the shorter side. She loved playing melodies against you or Penny. She was a freshman when you met her. She had one more year of high school. She was also taught by Penny. She was just the sweetest thing, more on the introverted side. And then you, the bassist and middle child of the group. Quiet and talkative with the right people. You were more of a parallel play kind of person, having fun in the middle but not necessarily being a part of the fun. It’s like feeding off the vibes of your band. Being the middle child has its perks. But you’re at your loudest when practicing with the band, or at gigs at the local bar. A never ending smile on your face as your fingers plucked along on your bass. You occasionally swapped guitars with Penny, more so for surprise for the crowd. Often, this earned your band more tips that usual and erupting cheers from the crowd. Most of you guys, the ones who graduated high school, had their drivers licenses, but you were the one that drove everyone around, having the van and all. It was big enough to fit all six of you and equipment. And it was like a tiny, small than studio, apartment for you guys. The back area completed with a bench seat, sat against the side doors, that could fold out into a bed, the small kitchenette opposite of it. The cabinets and storage space offering to pack food, clothes, and the smaller of equipment in the van. Also with your tons and tons of blankets. And the furthest back, empty part of the van, laid a mattress on the floor, pressed up against the back doors. There’s where the comfortable spot in the van was, pillows and blankets crowding the floor. You all played rock paper scissors nightly on the road to see who two would sleep on the mattress.
So that’s what you’ve been doing during your few first nights of Battle of the Bands, parked out in the parking lot where competing bands parked. You guys didn’t have access to the hotel that held the competing bands, not that you knew it was a practically free stay and that the people who were in charge of Battle of the Bands were paying for the housing in that hotel as long as the bands needed it.
With the unknowing free housing, you’d been hauling your equipment from your van to the stage. And you’d done that a few minutes ago, middle of your performance. Your opponent gone before you. You stayed on bass, plucking and pressing the strings. And before you knew it, the performance came to an end. Bowing as the cheers erupted, you turned off and unplugged your equipment, hauling it back to your van. Once settled and changed into cooler clothes, thanks to the Indiana summer, you all head back into the crowd.
You spot the new band. You eyed the bass drum on the drum set, it read Corroded Coffin. Interesting name, you hadn’t heard of them before. You couldn’t help but watch their leader, a electric guitarist with frizzy hair, bouncing around his shoulders as he threw his arm into strumming his strings. His voice had a nice tone to it, soft for a heavy metal band. But the metal and his clear voice melded nicely. It’s almost like you were entranced by the boy, he’s so pretty. His soft features, fluffy hair, and sleeveless shirt to fight off the senseless heat. You could only hope that you’d run into each other by chance.
Taglist: @calizmor - as promised <3
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idumpyourgrass · 3 years
Always Waiting Prologue (rewritten)
Always waiting masterlist
Pairing: Slowburn Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
A/N: I’m back!! Welcome to the new readers and welcome back to the old readers! I have decided to rewrite my fanfic Always Waiting and really just make it so much better! I am so excited to be back! As always let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist!
Warnings: language and maybe some spelling errors
Word Count: 600
            Moving to a small town in the middle of Indiana that you’ve never even heard of right after your parents got a divorce the summer before you were going to be an official Freshman at high school was what you thought could be the worst possible thing that could happen to you. The summer of 81’ you, your mom, and your brother moved from the big city of Chicago and moved up to Hawkins, Indiana.
            You and Dustin spent a majority of the summer exploring the town and seeing what it had to offer.  You both would spend most days riding your bikes around the town square. Seeing the same people day after day was weird to you. You were so used to passing by a person on the street once and never seeing them again.
            Mystery boy was a boy you’d see around town quite often, more often than anyone else. He looked about your age, he was tall and fluffy brown hair. He must have started recognizing you too, giving you a smile anytime you passed him or giving you a small way.
            The summer passed, everyone was finally settled into the new house, you had somewhat grown accustomed to the small town life.
            Standing outside Hawkins High on the first day of school watching everyone migrate with their groups of friends intimidated you but that feeling quickly went away when you walked into your first period and saw Mystery boy sitting in the back by the window. He was turned around talking to the couple behind him.
            The seat next to him was empty. Little did you know choosing to sit in that seat would change your life.
            On that first day, you finally found out his name was Steve. You met his friends, Tommy and Carole and that was the start of what you thought would be a beautiful friendship.
            Everything else about freshman year was a blur. You hung out with Steve, Tommy, and Carole, often spent time hanging out in Steve’s backyard around his pool. Dustin made some friends, Lucas, Will, and Mike. Some of them had older siblings who you recognized from school. You found yourself hanging around talking to Nancy Wheeler, Mike’s older sister, while you waited for the boys to finish whatever game they were playing.
            Sophomore year, Steve gained the title of “King Steve” and that was the beginning of the downfall of your friendship. Tommy and Carol were always assholes but you were used to that but Steve? Steve started acting all high and mighty with his new title and you started distancing yourself, not wanting to partake in the “activities” they were doing.
            You found yourself hanging around Dustin and his friends -as it turns out, kids are much easier to get along with- a lot more, they even let you join their D&D campaign. You thought of it more of a distraction from Steve. You no longer sat with them at lunch, you started sitting on the other side of the classroom from them, and soon enough you didn’t even glance in Steve’s direction wondering if he was still thinking about you.
            The only other friend you had was your best friend Barbara Holland and Nancy Wheeler was a friend through association. You spoke to Will’s brother, Jonathon from time to time and got along with him quite well but he tended to keep to himself.
            Your life was just about as average as it got and today was going to be no different. Today was November 6th, 1983, the day that would change your life forever
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neonponders · 3 years
This isn’t what @memes-saved-me had in mind for this post but lol (read their tags, they’re delightful) 
Thinking about a younger Billy and an older Steve today ✨
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
Billy scratched at the hair on his nape. He wanted to grow it out; really had always wanted long hair. And now, as he peered at the other sophomores trying to fluff themselves bigger to match the juniors and seniors, he just might.
Long hair was in. Mullets, rock star manes, extensions - even the opposite. Women with buzz cuts and pixie faux hawks. Pleasant little surprises in Hawkins, Indiana, and Billy might finally indulge in that.
Plenty in this town was backwards as all hell. Girls wearing white stockings like it was the fifties. Boys and girls alike clearly letting having learned hair styling from their out-of-date parents. Two girls with beehives sat in his English class.
But it was fine, because there was plenty of present-day styling, and Billy wouldn’t get any shit at home for matching his peers.
Cherry Lane. The most backwards spot in Indiana.
But that’s okay, too, because small town people need occupations. Parties.
A cool senior with teased, black hair walked right up to him and handed him a neon orange sheet of paper. He saw others holding similar invitations all day. 
Party on Friday night. Address, dress code, and everything.
Caught him by surprise, that a dress code would be needed for one of these things, but the invitation just said ~casual attire~ and someone in his Advanced Biology class told him that Tina hosts the best shin digs, often with costume themes.
So he went. The late summer evening was still humid as all hell, making the party split between the massive house and the matching yard a convenient way to start a weekend.
He’d had alcohol before. Enough to know he preferred tequila drinks over vodka and gin, but the safest way to wake up the next day was to just stick to beer. No matter how bitter or sharply carbonated some of it was made.
Maybe that’s why he heard people hollering about King Steve.
Keg stands weren’t original to Hawkins, but Billy preferred them next to a bonfire on a beach. But people were really yelling for this king to do the damn thing - 
“Steve, why are you even here? You graduated in May,” Tina’s voice cut through the din.
“I live down the street! You really think you’re making this much noise without me noticing? And all of you shut the hell up! I’ll do a keg stand the day one of you dip shits can actually beat my record.”
Another surprise:
Steve Harrington.
Billy’s dumb luck had him three years behind, so he couldn’t look at that face in the hallways. Sit behind that head of glossy, bouncy hair in European History. He still lived in town, apparently. Right down the street. Billy asked around and discovered he worked at the mall and attended the community college -
“Heard you been asking about me.”
Billy stared wide-eyed over his beer. He recovered quickly, but not before Steve bounced on the balls of his feet, smug. That hair was really distracting.
These people really gossip about everything.
“I didn’t think anybody actually went by a title like that.”
“I didn’t put it on my resume, that’s for sure.” Steve’s smirk grew into a smile. Christ, the guy really had that Indiana, home town handsome thing to his face.
That was dangerous. Billy’s gut told him so, the way it bruised like someone had poked it. And wanted to be poked again.
“Let’s do this properly. Steve.” He held his hand out.
It wasn’t queer to accept a handshake. “Billy,” he replied.
“Jesus,” he scoffed involuntarily, releasing Steve’s large hand. His weight shifted over his feet. “Everybody knows everything here.”
“Not everything,” Steve said. His voice sounded...reassuring? But the way his eyes blinked...and a darkness slipped behind his eyes like a curtain. Adults liked to call it maturity. Wisdom beyond years. Billy called it ghosts. Everyone had ghosts behind their eyes. But...he had a hard time imagining what ghosts this pretty senior in suburban America would already have.
Then again, Billy knew better.
Except, as the party progressed and the weekend flowed into a new week, Billy really couldn’t imagine what made Steve slouch a little, and what made his eyes fade out of a conversation. Billy probably should have put more attention into how much he’d begun seeking the guy out.
He worked in the ice cream parlor at the mall. The uniform was equal measures ridiculous and hilarious, but his coworker was cool as hell. Robin. Not Steve’s girlfriend, even though they carpooled to work and community college.
Steve’s house proved just as luxurious as Tina’s, with a pool to boot. A house which supposedly stayed empty more often than it hosted its own family. Steve notoriously didn’t host parties, which....seemed uniquely odd.
Apart from Billy visiting the ice cream shop, it seemed Steve’s only other visitors were high school freshman. Which was weird. That’s weird, right? Then again, Billy was ball and chained to eight hours a day, five days a week to high school. There was plenty of time for Steve to be with friends his own age.
Except he showed up at the next party on Halloween.
Tina’s house boasted a surprising number of Hawkins graduated seniors, forcing the party all the way out onto the street.
Just like before, Steve manifested beside Billy, announcing himself with fingertips brushing his slowly growing, weak little mullet. “Growing that out?”
Steve’s already heavy eyelids were heavier with alcohol. Billy had his customary cup of beer, but his cheeks flushed for a different reason. He had to rub the back of his neck to make the tickle stop.
“Yeah. Maybe it’ll touch my shoulders next year.”
“Have you trimmed it?”
Billy frowned at him. He’d heard some things come out of Steve’s mouth that were endearing in a ‘bless his heart’ kind of way, and this was among them. “No, that defeats the point of making it longer.”
Steve shook his head and waved for him to follow. “Come here. I’ll trim it.”
“You’re not cutting my hair,” Billy scoffed. And followed.
Billy did his best not to look around the living room; to see any eyes apart from the ones he imagined on his backside. He followed at a leisurely pace. Not eager to be with King Harrington anywhere...
The guy walked right into the closed master bedroom. Billy stood outside of it, stunned at his audacity and the fact that no one was inside it already - 
“You coming?”
Billy’s not a coward -
Actually he is. But he’s an overeager sophomore with a dangerous crush even more.
Steve dug through the master bathroom’s drawers until he found a pair of scissors in their own case. “Sit on the tub.”
By tub, he meant jacuzzi edge. Billy perched. Steve gripped his shoulder to step into the tub with a comb that smelled of foreign hair product and aftershave. Billy’s nose wrinkled. “Wash that first.”
Then he jumped at the tub faucet turning on right beside his ass. Steve laughed. “Chill out. I’m washing it.”
Billy settled with a disgruntled shake of his head. “My hair is curly. You’re not supposed to brush it at all.”
“You’re in the hands of The Hair Harrington, sweetheart. Just relax.”
His shoulders sagged right underneath the weight of sweetheart.
I’m so screwed - 
Of all people to show up in the doorway, Robin from Scoops showed up with an energy that insinuated more sobriety than the guy wielding scissors.
Her mouth hung open like she had come with something to say, but then she sputtered through laughter. “Oh shit. Are you consenting to this?”
Billy rolled his eyes. “If he cuts my ear, I’m beating his ass.”
“I’d appreciate more faith from you, Buckley. I cut your bangs for you.”
Billy chirped, “Really?” admittedly feeling a bit better.
Steve intercepted with the order, “Are you gonna play music or what? I’m so tired of Tina’s music.”
That’s how Billy wound up in a bathroom with college freshmen trimming his ends and styling his hair while Steve and Robin shout-sang to Whitney Houston.
It was great.
Steve curled the top of his hair so he had ringlets falling over his bold brows. Steve, who had his hands all over Billy’s head until he washed the hair down the drain and filled the tub for a bubble bath. Billy scrutinized himself with a handheld mirror until Steve wrapped his arms around him and they tumbled backward into the wet landing.
Tina was hardly pleased to find the three of them making a mess of the jacuzzi, but she sassed a quick thank you for warding off people trying to fuck in her parents’ bed. Billy didn’t have words; only laughter at Robin putting her hair into a wet mohawk and Steve piling bubbles onto his head.
Steve insisted they go back to his house afterward. “It’s November and we’re soaked. Your car will be fine. I can come back and park it in my driveway if you’re that worried.”
That wasn’t the problem.
“It’s fine that your parents are never home, but mine will only recently lifted my curfew for good behavior.”
Somehow, he convinced Steve and Robin to drive him back to his house, at the expense of letting them change at Steve’s first. Billy had his eyes on a beautiful Camaro and was just a few more months of allowance and part time jobs away from having her.
It was his first time in Steve’s house. He had to admit, he preferred Tina’s layout and decor, but he got to wander around. He saw Robin use one of the guest rooms. He saw Steve’s....incredibly boring room. And said as much.
“A prison cell has more personality.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, you’re right. Are you ready to go?”
It wasn’t until Billy lay in his own bed that those words tumbled through his brain. His fingertips moved through his still-styled hair. It felt better with those dead ends gone. Steve did a good job. Steve liked Whitney Houston and Blondie and a little of everything, really. Steve cared about his appearance enough to be a self-taught stylist.
Steve didn’t have a lot of furniture in his room. Clutter on the dresser and desk, sure, but all of it monochrome or neutral colors. Steve who had an old BMW, house, and surely a bank account to match, but didn’t buy anything in excess. Like he wasn’t allowed to, or something. Billy indulged every scent he got on things he wanted, but Steve didn’t.
Steve had a nailed bat in his trunk. Billy heard it rolling around on their way back to his house, and finally bent over to look under the seats and saw it.
Steve was a walking contradiction. A contradiction who smelled good but didn’t say much when Billy and Robin talked about history. Who started giving Billy free ice cream but never asked about Billy’s stepsister. Who gave Billy rides and gave him the hookup to the high-paying neighbors of Loch Nora for mowed lawns and dogs walked.
Steve helped him get his car sooner than he would’ve otherwise but didn’t ask for anything in return.
Steve, who was always available for a good time, but looked sad when left with his thoughts.
Billy didn’t take well to not being the center of attention. He’d grown up with an interrogation lamp over his head, and sought positive interaction everywhere else. He got so much of it from Steve, that the occasions where Steve bumped against him...refused him, or ignored him, or reminded Billy that he was a rinky dink sophomore lit a match in his belly. And he’d swallowed gasoline for too much of his life.
“That’s something a virgin says.”
Billy couldn’t even remember what he’d just said. He was already, instantly, seeing the glow of embers on the fringe of his vision. “Excuse me?”
Steve shrugged as he got up from his couch. “It’s whatever. It’s fine. Just showing your hand, is all.”
Billy couldn’t believe it. Steve was either the biggest idiot in Hawkins - which he knew wasn’t true considering there was a real cesspool that smoked underneath the bleachers - or he was so far in denial that Billy had a whole new reason to be pissed.
An involuntary sound left Steve when Billy came up behind him and pushed him against the wall underneath the stairs.
“You don’t know anything about me.”
Billy wasn’t some cute sophomore. He stood toe to toe with Steve, barely an inch shorter. If this is what it took for Steve to realize that, fine.
To realize that Billy wasn’t some teenager scared shitless of a girls’ bra -
Steve regained his footing, and closed the distance between their mouths. It was small, soft, and brief. Rationality should have made Billy step away. Punch him, maybe. But Billy wasn’t rational. His shock held him statuesque, barely breathing while Steve moved a hand to cradle the side of his head and neck -
A sound left Billy this time, as Steve angled his mouth over Billy’s. Where he learned Billy was scared, so scared of Steve. His body dashed rationality against the wall and kissed him back tentatively, and then earnestly, just trying to keep up until Steve’s other hand framed him in. As Steve pushed against him until Billy walked backwards to have himself pressed against the wall.
He felt drunk as his hands let go of Steve’s shirt to hold onto the curvature of his ribs. He panted while Steve kissed his throat and washed Billy’s senses with his warm, sweet fragrance; his hair brushing Billy’s face and inspiring him to turn his face into Steve’s scalp. Inhale him into his lungs.
Billy didn’t know what game they were playing. But Steve outplayed him.
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troop-scoop · 4 years
Youth I
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Chapter One -  Pilot
Word count: 2k
Series Summary: On a family trip to your dad’s home town of Hawkins, Indiana, you make a series of decisions that result in you ending up in the year 1983 with more questions than there are answers presently available. 
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Female Reader ( slow burn ) 
Chapter Summary: You go through what’s become your new ‘normal’ at Hawkins High School
Nothing about your current situation was settling right in your stomach. There were no answers as to how you got here, and you didn’t have any questions that could easily be answered. A series of unfortunate events resulted in the attitude you carried. You used to be sweet, all smiles and laughter unless someone did something to make you upset.
What happened to that girl? The girl who grew up never experiencing fear to the point where it worried her parents and made teachers concerned because she’d climb so high on the playground that if you fell, you’d surely break something.
You’d climbed so high on something, and you fell into this situation, and something did break. Your bravery, your fearlessness, nothing physical, but those two things were shattered, and your ego bruised.
Nothing was like what you were used to. To you, everything in this school hallway was dated. The fashion, the haircuts, the textbooks, and the tech.
The stereotypes.
You shook your head, already knowing whose voice that was. A teenage boy who fit the typical ‘jock’ stereotype that everyone knew. The kid who hated his small town, he got around, played a sport his father probably hated, who would likely never get out of said small town he hated. Yeah, you knew the pattern. Everyone, where you were from, did.
You continued on your trek to the locker, but you could hear the slight squeaking of the soles of the older boy’s Nikes on the linoleum floor trying to catch up. Where you were from, people would be staring at this type of occurrence, but because none of the students surrounding you even batted an eye at the basketball player or you for that matter, told you that it wasn’t abnormal for him to be audacious.
“Hey now, I just wanna talk.” He defended, finally catching up to you, walking alongside, but a little bit behind so he didn’t get in anyone’s way.
“Harrington, the last time you wanted to ‘talk’ was when you needed my math homework.” A chuckle escaped you as you said it, finally stopping at your locker.
“In my defense, you don’t look like a sophomore.” He tried, standing next to you as you were spinning the knob in the locker to get it open.
“Whatever, what do you want?”
“Wow, you’re grumpy. Anyways, Tommy H, Carol, and I wanna hang out but my parents don’t leave for another week, and we can’t be at Carol’s place because her mom hates Tommy, and well, you know how Tommy’s dad is.”
You hummed in amusement. “Yeah, he’s a dick, how does that involve me?” You had your binder and pencil case in one arm, staring at him with your hand inside of your locker, holding onto the cup of coffee.
“Can we hang out at your place?”
Rolling your eyes you kneeled down, placing your things down on the ground before standing upright, grabbing the collar of his jacket and pulling it towards your locker, placing it inside before closing the door on it. “Not happening.” You responded, a bright smile on your face as you grabbed your things, taking a step to walk away.
“Y/n! This isn’t funny!”
“I’m gonna correct you on that, it’s not funny to you.” The situation was probably the funniest thing you’d encountered in weeks, and considering your day to day life before used to be full of laughter and playfully teasing, that then went to quiet days spent alone and pondering, this was a nice change.
“Unlock it or I’ll tell Mrs. Jensen!”
Steve’s threat caused you to laugh, holding your things closer so you didn’t drop any of them. “A tattletale? You always did strike me as the type to tease kids in elementary school, but you never did seem like a snitch, you do know the saying right? About snitches?”
“Yeah, from you!” he responded, and although he had a serious face, you knew he was fighting back a smile as well by his voice and how his brows weren’t furrowed in frustration or anger.
“Snitches are bitches, who get stitches and end up in ditches.” it wasn’t intentional for both of you to say it at the same time, but you had, but in two very different tones of voice. Your’s was more ‘matter of fact’ and he was amused.
You stared at him for a second, your smile remaining before you stepped forward,  turning the dial of your lock to open it, and once you lifted the lever for the door, Steve got himself out, standing up straight and staring down at you, his hands finding the pockets of his jacket as you closed the locker door again. “That wasn’t fair, you look innocent,” he mumbled to himself.
“I’ll see you later?” Steve asked after a second.
“We have study hall together, so. . . maybe,” you told him, stepping away from the locker and heading down the hallway to your English class.
Bulletin boards on the walls, spaced out between each other, with thumbtacks keeping flyers and announcements up for students to see, lockers for students to keep their things throughout the day. It was all odd.
At your previous schools, lockers weren’t available. That was until your freshman year where you had to pay five dollars a year if you wanted one. And instead of bulletin boards, flyers and announcements would just be taped to the walls, or given during morning announcements, or emailed to students and parents. You were pretty sure your previous high school got rid of lockers in the late ’90s when drugs became prominent in your area and then got rid of bulletin boards when one student sent the other to the hospital with a thumbtack to the wrist, but those types of stories always had a few details in them that never made sense, allowing you to cast doubt on them. But maybe the story had just been told so many times that detail got twisted, the truth of what happened got misconstrued. Like a game of telephone.
Reaching the English classroom, you found your seat, with your anxiousness rising as you sat down, placing your coffee at the upper corner of your small desk, keeping your school supplies close to your chest.
You’d been a happy kid growing up. You didn’t have very many friends, but you had your parents, your little brother, and a condo that you’d been brought home to as a newborn that you knew was a safe place. Unlike the few friends you did have, you never really experienced anxiety or symptoms of depression, but you knew the signs, your closest friend, Mandy, dealt with it, and she confided in you often about how it felt and what it was like, and you often did your own research on it to know what you could to help her.
There were weekends where you spent a good few hours learning different breathing techniques to help her whenever she would have a panic attack, but now that you were dealing with moments where your heart sped up, your hands shook and you felt like something was terribly wrong, it was like all of those hours had been a waste because you couldn’t use them without getting more anxious.
“You okay?”
Looking to your left, you were met with a curious glance from your partner on the English project. Giving an unconvincing nod, you looked down at the top of your desk, eyes tracing over the wood pattern, lines connecting that looked like they shouldn’t, forming shapes and allowing you to distract yourself as Jonathan set his things down as well, taking his seat next to you.
Mrs. Jensen went over the usual, giving instructions for the project that everyone already knew, before leaving everyone to work, with her sitting behind her desk, a book in hand and a container of what you assumed were grapes by the purplish color. Though they could have been large blueberries.
“What’s so important about a quote?” Jonathan mumbled to himself, though it caught your attention from your own worksheet, looking over to him.
“In what context?” you asked, taking a sip from your drink as he began speaking.
“We’re talking about Romeo and Juliet, everyone knows what it’s about, you don’t really need a quote to explain things.”
You nodded when he looked over to you. “A lot of people only really know that it was written by Shakespeare and it’s about two star crossed lovers who kill themselves in the end. Mrs. Jensen probably knew that’s all anyone really remembers, she wants to make sure people know what’s actually happening.
“It’s pretty obvious, ‘Romeo, oh Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?’ she’s asking where he is.” He shrugged a bit, placing the book down on the desk, pages open and light reflecting off of the glossy pages.
“No, she’s not,” you told him, getting an odd and questioning look from him. “Well, this was written in the 1500s, English is practically a new language at that point, getting its own footing for once, paintings of historical figures wouldn’t have the English spelling of their names, and English is a language that’s taken a bunch of different parts from other languages, mostly german. If you ever see a period piece that’s set around this period of time, if a child says ‘lady mother’ when they’re addressing their mom, they’re not acknowledging that their mother is a female. They’re acknowledging her title. So her husband is likely a lord of a piece of land, which makes her the lady of that land as well. It was an archaic way of showing respect to their mother by also saying she had a title.”
“How does that relate to the quote?”
“Well, early modern English had many different phrases, and things have changed, we’ve come up with ways to say things that are far more simple. While we think she’s asking where Romeo is, she’s actually asking why he’s Romeo. Why out of all the people she could have fallen for, it had to be him. The enemy. You could use that in the analysis, a bit of how it shows we don’t choose who we love, even if we know we shouldn’t love them.”
Jonathan blinked before looking at his worksheet, picking up his pencil and writing something down, paraphrasing what you had just said and only moments later the bell rang, signaling the end of the class period.
You grabbed your things, leaving as quickly as you could without looking like an idiot, trying to get away from what caused you to be so nervous and make you feel like you could be sick at any moment.
Growing up, you weren’t afraid of many things if any. But maybe you just needed something like this to make you afraid of everything and anything around you. To make you jump at the sound of a drop of water from outside your motel window landing on the metal railing of the stairs and walkway.
But you were terrified, and you wanted to wake up in your own bed, at home, with your dad gently shaking your shoulder to get you up and out of bed. You were terrified you’d never see your parents again, that you’d been too mean to your little brother growing up, and that the last memory he’d have of you was you being mean.
You hadn’t even been afraid to sleep on your own as a kid, and all the things that you weren’t afraid of as a child that you should have been, always seemed to worry your dad. But what would he say and think now? Would he be worried now that you lived in a constant state of fear? Just looking at clothing racks scared you.
Since July you’d been trying to act normal, trying to pretend everything was okay, trying to be your normal self, but your normal self would be odd to everyone else, you knew random things no one else did, you liked things no one even knew about yet, and if you tried to talk about those things, you knew it wouldn’t be a good outcome, not a sour one, but not happy.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
I love the last thing you wrote for Steve being out as Bi. Really heavy but heartwarming. I also loved the idea of him being kinda a queer mentor to little Will. That’s such a big bead canon I have or more like a wish that him or Billy could give some support to my gay son will. Do you have anything more you could write on that? -catharrington
@catharrington sorry for taking so long!
So I have this bad boy that I wrote a little while ago, but I can go for a modern version if that sounds good! So, no monster au, Tommy is a good friend bc I lowkey love him and don’t talk about that enough.
Will had always known he was gay.
He had always been much more inclined to look at boys than girls, had liked looking at the guys on the covers of Jonathan’s records. He had been sure the first time he played baseball.
The little league was during the summer, usually coached by the guys on the high school team that needed a little pocket money.
He had only done it to make his dad happy, make him proud, but the first time he was standing in the field, and Steve Harrington had shown up, just about fifteen, ready to coach their team. He had made varsity as a freshman, and had a bit of a reputation of being a douchebag.
But he was nice. He was kind to Will, took the time to explain things to him, show him patiently what he was doing wrong and how to fix it. He was gentle and had big kind eyes and Will knew he liked boys.
Steve came out later that school year, he’d been dating a guy from the University of Indianapolis. He wasn’t the type of guy people labeled queer in small town Indiana. He was a jock, a cool guy, a womanizer. But all of a sudden he was shrugging and saying I don’t really mind either way, I just kinda like people.
Will once saw Steve and that guy downtown. He was waiting for his mom outside of Melvald’s when they walked down the sidewalk across the street. They were holding hands, laughing with one another. The guy, Will never bothered to learn his name, spun Steve under his arm. He could hear Steve laugh, could see how brightly he smiled when they kissed.
He was mesmerized. It was the first time, he had ever seen two queer men together in public, just being together it made him so happy.
He heard later that Steve caught that guy cheating on him and slashed his tires.
The next time he was Steve with someone, he had his arm around Nancy, was making her laugh, whispering into her ear. He wanted, just once to find someone he could be like that with. So comfortable, so in love.
But then Nancy left him, and started dating Jonathan, and he was happy for Jon, had know about the crush he’d had for years, but he couldn’t help being just a little mad at Nancy, saw Steve crying in his car once, figured it was over her.
When Billy Hargrove showed up in town, Will felt the exact same way he had when he saw Steve for the first time. He knew these little crushes of his wouldn’t lead anywhere, were just little crushes on the only good-looking guys in this town, but he liked looking, and in looking came noticing.
He saw the way Steve’s eyes would light up when he heard the Camaro rumbling down the road. Saw the way Billy would brush their hands together, knock his shoulder into Steve’s, always touching in these really small ways.
When Steve was giving him a ride home, it all came kind of, tumbling out.
“Are you and Billy together?” Steve looked at him, one eyebrow raised.
“So what if we are?” Will shrugged.
“I just, I’ve noticing some things. The way you guys look at one another. Steve was quiet for a moment before sighing, pulling off to the side of the road.
“Look, Will. We are. We’ve been together for a few months now, but, you can not tell anyone.” Steve’s eyes were wide, will nodded vigorously.
“Is he, is he not out?”
“It’s not that, exactly. I mean no, he’s not out, but that’s more because he can’t be.” He took a breath. “His dad reminds me of yours. He’s kind of a huge asshole. It’s not safe for Billy to be out. So, we gotta hide it.”
“I promise I won’t tell! I can keep a secret.” Steve smiled at him, really soft. “I’m gay.”
He hadn’t registered he’d said it until Steve huffed a laugh. He could feel his face going red.
“Yeah? Welcome to the club! Not a lot of us Hawkins queers out there, I don’t think.” Steve winked at him and Will’s face burned.
“That’s the first time I’ve ever said it out loud.” Steve’s eyes softened again, he reached out to place a hand on Will’s shoulder. it was warm.
“Well, thank you for telling me. Letting me be the first to know.”
“How’d you, how’d you do it? Come out, I mean.”
“I’m not gonna lie, it was not easy. Sometimes, it really sucked shit, still does when someone wants to get shitty with me. I had good friends that backed me up, though. Just last week Tommy punched Aaron Rodgers in the face for yelling some shit at me.” He laughed. “Not that I’m condoning violence, it just makes all the bullshit a fuck of a lot easier if you’ve got good people that have your back.”
“I want to, I want to tell my mom and Jonathan. I have for awhile now, I’m just, nervous.”
“Well, they’re cool with me, so I know they’re not, like, huge homophobes, but I get it. Coming out to anyone is hard, and its so scary when it’s your family.”
“Did you come out to your family?” Steve took his hand back, gripping the wheel tightly.
“How’d it go.”
“It was shit. My dad hasn’t spoken to me in like, six months.” Will blinked. Steve usually seemed so carefree.
“I’m, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I know, but I’m still sorry.” He started the car again, continuing on to Will’s house.
“You know, you can always, like, come to me, if you need to talk or something. Between Billy and me, we’ve experienced pretty much everything a queer can experience.” He laughed again, clicking back into plucky, silly Steve.
“Thanks, I, I probably will.” He pulled into Will’s driveway.
“And there’s no rush with your family. It’s okay to keep your cards close to your chest. It doesn’t make you any less valid or mean that you’re like, ashamed of your identity, or whatever. Let it happen in the timing that feels best for you.” He patted Will on the back as he left the car, thanking Steve profusely as he went inside.
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