#i just. really wanted to write something where will and max Officially introduce themselves to one another and become friends
ice-sculptures · 2 years
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for miwip wednesday, here's a snippet of my post-s2, pre-s3 madcleric fic: i've been a lot of lonely places
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Our Last Summer - B. Boeser
A/N: just a girl who thought she’d try writing for a different player. Shocking, I know. Also this is an OC and I love her, enjoy!
Yes, after the ABBA song. Also shoutout to my least favourite Taurus @brockadoodles for convincing me to follow through with writing and posting this and being an A+ beta reader always.
Word Count: 9.2k
To Brock, summer was the best time of year. As much as he loved hockey season, summer gave him the chance to unwind, relax and spend time with his friends and family. It also allowed him to be at one of his favourite places all the time, the lake. 
The lake was a sanctuary of sorts for him, his little piece of paradise. Even before he moved to Vancouver, he spent every summer there, which is why he ended up buying a home on that lake to spend his off-seasons in. It also happened to be where he got to see Lennon—the only place. 
Brock and Lennon first met almost ten years ago. Right away, Brock could tell that she wasn't from the area based on her lack of a so-called Minnesotan accent but eventually learned how her family started vacationing on the lake the same year they were both turning fourteen. 
Lennon's family has been back every year since. How she and Brock first crossed paths was on the beach one fateful afternoon at the end of June. Brock was standing in line behind her, waiting to buy a bottle of water while she ordered ice cream from the man operating the little stand. Once Lennon was handed her snack, she turned around and went to walk away but didn't realize Brock was standing right there and ended up knocking into him, which resulted in her ice cream spilling down the front of the t-shirt he wore. She quickly grabbed some napkins and tried to clean up the mess she made all over him, but he just laughed it off and told her it was fine. 
The two of them parted ways after that, not thinking much of the interaction and didn't cross paths again until the following summer. When they did meet again, it was on that same beach, at the same ice cream stand, but Lennon didn't spill anything that time. Instead, the pair just stared at each other as they were both hit by the most intense wave of deja vu either of them had ever experienced. After that initial shock, they talked and properly introduced themselves because what were the chances they'd run into each other again. After commenting on how he assumed Lennon wasn't from there, Brock learned that she only came to Minnesota in the summertime with her parents and twin brother because her dad was from there and her parents owned a lake house they wanted to retire to one day. It was one of Lennon's favourite places to be and had her looking forward to summer every year because of it. 
That summer, Brock and Lennon saw each other on multiple occasions after the run-in on the beach, and a friendship gradually began. That friendship only grew with each summer that passed as Brock's friends became Lennon's friends too after being invited to hang out with them as they went boating, jet skiing, exploring and had bonfires each night. These activities made Lennon's summers even more memorable than before. 
However, as they got older, things began to change. 
The summer before Lennon turned 19 was the last summer she spent entirely at the lake for a few years. Brock had already turned 19 that February, and Lennon would be doing the same in early November. However, that fall, she began going to university and spent the summers working. Lennon didn't get as much time off but still managed to squeeze in at least two weeks at the lake to spend with her family, friends, and, of course, Brock. 
Four years later, once Lennon graduated from her bachelor's program, she returned to the lake for the whole summer. Lennon also mainly spent that summer with Brock as he sat with her for hours while she applied to various jobs in her field and did phone interviews with possible employers. It was odd for him, though, because it wasn't until then, Brock realized how even though he felt like he knew Lennon very well, he hardly knew anything about her life outside of the lake. Sure, he knew that she took English and Literature at university, but he didn't know what school she attended. He also didn't know where her family lived the rest of the year. Brock only knew Lennon and summer. 
There was a massive disconnect between the two of them when they weren't in their little summer bubble. Brock and Lennon didn't speak when they weren't at the lake. They had each other's phone numbers, but the thought of using it while he was in Vancouver felt foreign, and although Lennon did cross his mind, he knew the two of them would pick up where they left off like they did every summer once both of them returned to the lake. 
That's what happened last summer too. Brock and Lennon were reunited on her first day back and spent almost every day together, seeing as it had been four years since the last full summer she spent in Minnesota. It was a summer to remember for sure. They somehow became even closer, which naturally led to them feeling a sense of dread as the days became shorter and summer gradually came to an end. 
But, everything became ruined when Brock and Lennon slept together on her last night at the lake. Then Brock woke up to a cold and empty space next to where he laid in his bed the morning after. 
The piece of him that Brock didn't realize Lennon had a hold on broke that morning. She left him feeling hurt and confused. He texted her, but she didn't reply. Then when he took his jet ski out on the water and rode by her family's house, only to see it completely dark and no cars in the driveway, he knew summer was officially over and that he wouldn't hear from her again. 
That is why he was looking forward to this summer. There was no guarantee he'd be seeing Lennon. He didn't know what had gone in her life over the past ten months but was sure he'd get filled in on it once he saw her family, but he had this unexplainable feeling that she was going to be there, and that was enough to get him nervous. However, Brock was still excited even with those nerves because his summer just wasn't complete without Lennon in it. Regardless of how the two felt towards each other.  
Brock's first day back consisted of getting everything ready, and the house opened up for the season. With his roommates and family's help, the boat was launched into the water and docked, so were the jet skis, and everything just slowly fell into place. The only thing missing was Lennon.
However, he tried not to think of things like that. He was convinced he'd get some closure about what happened between the two of them last summer, but when he casually brought her up in conversation, no one knew if she was back or not. Lennon's family was at the lake, everyone knew that much, but no one had seen her yet, which made Brock feel a little less hopeful. 
Once everything at the house was finished getting ready, all of his company stayed for dinner but then headed back to their own homes, his roommates included. They'd be back on the weekend and be staying there for good afterwards, but for the next few days, it would just be Brock and his dogs, which was fine by him.  
After everyone left, Brock headed out to the back yard, letting Milo and Coolie run around for a bit before going back inside for the night. The sun was setting, leaving warm pink and orange trails of light chasing after it while slowly disappearing in the distance. A few boats still drove around on the water, finishing up their rounds before it got too dark. Brock could also hear chatter from somewhere nearby where he assumed people were outside having a bonfire or just socializing as they enjoyed what was bound to be a beautiful evening. 
Brock then wandered to the edge of his dock and sat down, letting his legs hang off the side then swaying them slightly as he continued taking it all in. Not too long after, Coolie joined him as he took up the spot next to him and rested his head on Brock's lap while looking out at the water as well. Meanwhile, Milo continued wading in the water, ready to attack any fish that dared come near him. 
About ten minutes later, after Milo had gone up onto the dock as well, Brock spotted a boat heading towards him. As the boat got closer to shore, he could hear the familiar voice of Wesley Schultz as a song by The Lumineers played and watched as the boat slowed down then took a wide right turn before coming to a stop about 20 feet from the edge of his dock. Confused, Brock looked around for someone else because surely whoever was on the boat wasn't stopping to talk to him. But then he remembered that he was at his own house and that there was no other explanation for what was going on. 
"Hey!" A voice greeted over the music, then a man, who Brock assumed was around the same age as him, came into view. He had dark brown hair that wasn't quite as long as Brock's but still long enough to noticeably be pushed back away from his face with a pair of sunglasses and wore only a pair of green swim trunks and an unzipped white sweater. "So you're the person who lives here. I'm Max. My family just bought a house around the bend over there. It's nice to meet you."
"Oh, cool!" Brock responded, a wave of relief washing over him as he realized the guy was just being friendly. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Brock. I live here with a few friends, but it's just me here right now. I'm sure you'll see the others around soon. Have you been to the lake before?"
"No, this is my first summer here," Max explained and smiled. "But, I know someone who's been coming here for a while and told me all about it. I must say, it's living up to its hype."
"Your friend sounds like they know what they're talking about," Brock chuckled, then heard a voice say something from where they must've been sitting out of sight on the boat. But what really surprised him the way Coolie perked up at the voice and caused a low whine to leave his mouth. 
"Yeah, I'd say she does," Max replied, then leaned to the side and looked down into the boat's cabin. "She's right here actually, said it was too cold then went inside—Babe, wanna come say hi to my new neighbour? Maybe the two of you know each other."
The thought of how Brock might know the other person on the boat made sense, he knew the area so well and had met lots of people over the years, but that still didn't prepare him for the way he felt once Lennon stepped into view. 
Brock's nickname for her fell from lips so quickly as he took her in, he didn't even have to think about it. Lennon's deep brown hair was longer than it was the last time Brock had seen her, that much he could tell even in the messy fishtail braid she had it in. Usually, Lennon liked to cut her hair going into the summer because she always complained about how hot it made her feel whenever it was down and not being held back with the hair tie that usually resided on her wrist. 
He then took in the rest of her appearance. She wore bright yellow crocs, a pair of white terry cloth shorts and a baggy pullover that had Minnesota written in a large yellow font across it as well. Brock recognized the sweater because it belonged to him until the last night of the previous summer. 
It was a simple look, but to Brock, Lennon still seemed stunning in the evening glow surrounding her. 
That was when Coolie stood up and barked, snapping Brock out of the trance he'd fallen into upon seeing Lennon again. Coolie recognized her. That much was evident with how he whined and started wagging his tail just at the sight of her, Milo joining in soon after. 
"Hi Coolie, hi Milo," Lennon spoke softly and smiled at the two dogs, making Brock feel as if he walked into a brick wall just by hearing her voice again. 
"Oh, you two do know each other!" Max exclaimed, snapping Brock back to reality once again. 
Then Lennon looked Brock in the eyes for the first time, and her smile fell slightly. 
"I guess you could say that," she stated, not breaking eye contact. "Hey, Brock."
"H-hey," was all he could reply with, still recovering from the initial shock of how Lennon, the person he spent the last ten months thinking about, was finally standing in front of him again, but with another guy. "You're back."
"Yeah, I am," she nodded, then looked back at Max. "We should probably get going, though. It's getting dark."
"You're right," Max agreed. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you around, Brock. Have a good night."
"Uh, yeah, you too," Brock responded, whispering almost as he observed Max start the boat back up and begin driving off. 
He watched the two of them go, refusing to take his eyes off of Lennon, which was how he didn't miss the way she looked back at him too or how she didn't look away until the boat rounded the bend and disappeared out of sight yet again. 
About a week went by before Brock saw Lennon again, and he hated it. He saw her family, who all asked when he'd be stopping by again. But Brock didn't know how to explain that he and Lennon had barely spoken or the reason behind it all. It then got worse when his parents came over that weekend and told him how they ran into her while they were at the store and that she seemed to be doing well.
It sucked for him because all he wanted to do was talk, but he knew Lennon. And he knew that if she wanted to talk, she would. However, it was clear that she didn't, so Brock didn't push her into talking with him regardless of how badly he wanted to. 
The thought of just messaging Lennon and asking her to come over crossed his mind many times that week, but he couldn't bring himself to send the text he typed out and would end up deleting it instead. His summer was already off to a very different start than he was hoping for. 
One day, while he was out boating with some of his friends, things started to change again. 
After being out on the water for most of the day, Brock and his friends all decided to dock the boat at the marina near, of course, the beach that Brock couldn't step foot on without thinking about Lennon. Once he saw that beach, he was reminded of how much time he and Lennon spent there together over the years since first meeting. Brock would've been lying if he said he didn't want to run into her again on that same beach, but he tried not to get his hopes up. 
However, to his luck, Lennon was walking along the dock at the marina the same time Brock was hopping off the boat to help tie it up. Brock spotted her first, but she was busy scrolling through her phone, her eyebrows furrowed with an unreadable expression on her face as she did so, and she didn't notice Brock or the others as she continued walking towards them, but then came to an abrupt stop. 
Whatever Lennon was looking at on her phone seemed important, and Brock didn't want to interrupt, but then one of his friends, who also knew Lennon, spotted her. 
"Lenny!" Sam exclaimed as he brushed past Brock, making Lennon jump, but still, smile once she saw who was approaching her and accepted the hug she was about to be pulled into. "You're back!"
"Lennon's here?" Someone else asked, and soon enough, everyone who Brock was with rushed by him to see their friend. 
"Hey, guys!" She greeted happily, a much different mood than how her reunion with Brock was a week prior. 
"Are you here all summer?" 
"I am," Lennon confirmed, still smiling. 
"That's awesome," said Claire, Sam's girlfriend. "We've been waiting to see when you'd get here. We missed you! Is Mick here too?"
"Yeah, he is," Lennon responded, letting the group know that her brother had returned to the lake as well. "He's at the house right now helping my dad get the new barbecue set up. I was sent here to pick up things to get grilled tonight."
She then held up the plastic bag she was carrying for emphasis, earning chuckles from the rest of the group. 
"Well, we won't keep you then," stated one of Brock's roommates. "But come over to the house soon, and we'll all hang out."
"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you guys later!"
Everyone said goodbye to Lennon, then continued on their way, but Brock stayed back. She still hadn't noticed him, and he didn't want her to feel cornered by him, especially around their friends, but he needed to talk to her. Just the two of them.
He observed her as she watched their friends walk down the dock, taking in the jean shorts and mint green tank top she wore, then cleared his throat, making Lennon snap her attention in his direction and not missing the way her eyes widened as she did so. 
"Hey, Lemon," he greeted her and felt an instant wave of relief wash over him while he saw her expression soften as he said that. 
"You're never going to drop that nickname, are you?" She asked while shaking her head and smiling.
Brock pursed his lips and looked away from her as if he was deeply considering her question but couldn't help the small laugh that left his mouth as he did. 
"No, I don't think I can."
"Right. Whatever you say, Broccoli."
At that, Brock's grin grew much wider. Hearing Lennon call him the nickname she's always said in response to him calling her, Lemon, hit differently this time because, although he knew things weren't normal between them, it almost seemed like it was. But, it was short-lived because his nagging thoughts about the girl standing in front of him started creeping back, making his smile falter a little bit. 
"Brock?" Lennon asked, noticing how he was getting too deep in his thoughts. Something she knew he did often. "You ok?"
"Yeah," he replied and shook his head slightly. "I was just thinking. Um, listen, can we talk? You know, about… everything?"
Lennon let out a sigh, knowing this conversation needed to happen between the two of them, but still not sure if she was ready to have it just yet. "I don't know what to say."
"Me neither, to be honest. But maybe we can start with what happened last summer and how you're seeing someone else now?"
"Brock, me and you aren't in a relationship. You can’t corner me like that. I don't owe you an explanation."
"Lennon, that's not fair and you know that’s not what I’m doing," he stated. "I'm not saying you have to explain yourself. That's your business, whether I like it or not. But, I would like to know where we stand because I have thought about you every day for the past ten months and seeing you on that boat last week sucked. I was caught off guard, but that doesn't matter. I just miss my friend and don't want this summer to be weird because we slept together when clearly it didn't mean anything."
Once Brock finished his spiel, Lennon took a shaky breath then let her gaze fall to the ground, knowing he had a point. 
"I'm sorry," she spoke softly. "You're right, it's not fair, and I'm also sorry for just leaving you last year. But Brock, I don't know what to tell you right now because I know it's not going to be what you want to hear."
"The least you could do, as my friend, is tell me why. Why did you leave and act as though nothing happened between us and avoid me completely?"
"I panicked, ok!"
"About what?" Brock questioned, feeling even more lost than before. "Len, what are you talking about?"
“Because Brock, before we slept together, it was just you and the lake,” she explained. “It was easy. It was like we lived separate lives, and that worked until they crossed paths again in the summertime. Maybe having sex messed that up, but I don’t want it to. I want things back to the way they were.”
“Why do we have to live separate lives outside of the lake? You’re one of my best friends. I would love to share all of my life with you. But I feel like I know nothing about you.”
“Why now, though? Why didn’t you want me to be part of your life or know more about mine away from here before last summer?”
“I never said I didn’t!” He stated firmly and stressfully pushed his hand through his hair. “That’s just always been how we worked. How can you expect me to know that was something you wanted when you didn’t express it either, Lennon? But I will say this; I care about you. I have feelings for you, alright? If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have asked you to stay over on that night last summer. That all seems pretty irrelevant now, though.”
"I-," Lennon started but had to stop as a voice cut her off. 
"There she is," Max said as he and another guy that Brock didn't recognize approached them. "And Brock! Good to see you again."
"Uh, yeah," Brock replied hesitantly, suddenly not knowing what to say as he watched Max casually walk up and wrap his arm around Lennon's waist. "You too."
"Did we interrupt something?" Max asked while glancing at the other guy he was with, then moved his gaze between Brock and Lennon. 
"No," Brock spoke and looked Lennon dead in the eye. "I guess we're done talking. I'll see you guys around."
"Brock, wait," Lennon said and pulled away from Max as Brock walked past them. 
"Just like you, I don’t know what else to say, Lennon. Say hi to your family for me."
And with that, Lennon was left watching Brock leave her behind this time.
Later that evening, Brock was at home with his roommates, putting some plates into the dishwasher after they were all finished eating when Milo and Coolie started barking like crazy. He wasn't sure what was going on and looked at the rest of the guys, who all shrugged in response, then went over to the glass sliding door the dogs were standing in front of and saw what had them acting the way they were. 
Outside he saw a woman hopping off a jetski, then watched as she pulled it up to the small shore that met his property. Once she was sure the jetski was beached enough and took off her lifejacket, she walked up the slope that led to the rest of the lawn, then walked across the grass onto the dock before sitting down at the edge of it and facing the water like she owned the place. It didn't take long for Brock to realize the girl was Lennon. 
He then looked back at his roommates, all of who were watching him intently, almost as if they knew this was coming, but they all quickly looked away and pretended to be busy looking at something else. Brock rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. He didn't want to give them the satisfaction of a response, so instead, he stayed silent and opened the door so he could step outside. 
Milo and Coolie continued barking as Brock slipped by them but didn't let them outside with him. He knew that Lennon wouldn't have just shown up unannounced after the talk they had earlier that day unless she really needed to get something off her chest, and Brock wanted to hear what she had to say without any interruption. 
Lennon didn't look back as he walked across the grass and onto the dock. It was like she knew he'd join her regardless of how rough things may have seemed between them. And she would've been right for assuming that. As much as Brock wanted to be mad at Lennon, it still seemed like magnets pulled him towards her, and it just wasn't possible for him to fight. 
Brock didn't say anything as he sat down next to his friend, just joined her in silence while they both looked out over the water and observed the sun as it began its descent in the late evening sky, but he couldn't keep himself from observing Lennon out of the corner of his eye and taking in how she looked. 
Her hair wasn't tied back or anything. It just fell down her back in loose natural waves that shifted ever so slightly whenever there was a breeze. She wore a faded red Beatles pullover, which was somewhat ironic seeing as she was named after one of the band's members, making Brock smile because that was just a very Lennon thing to do. The sweater was paired with some jean shorts and Nike slides, but what caught his attention the most was her eyes. Lennon had light brown eyes that Brock thought were stunning all the time, but when the sun hit them just right, like it did in that moment, they seemed golden almost, and it was so hard to look away. He's always loved her eyes. 
However, his moment of observing her in silence was cut short when she let out a sigh and then glanced towards him. 
"New York," Lennon stated, earning herself a confused look from Brock. 
"New York?" He asked, genuinely unsure of what she was implying. "Lennon-."
"That's where I'm from," she elaborated, then looked from him to the water again. "Upstate New York, to be exact, near the Buffalo area. My birthday is November 2nd. I was actually born in Minneapolis, but my parents moved when me and Mick were about ten months old for work and I hadn’t been back until they bought the lake house. Uh, when my parents found out my mom was pregnant, they thought they were expecting twin boys at first. They wanted to name me John after the Beatles still and then Michael after Mick Jagger, but when I came out a girl, they had to improvise."
Brock was speechless. He was so shocked. Lennon was telling him everything that he's always wondered about her and then some. He was intrigued, and there was no way he would stop her from sharing whatever she wanted to say.
"As you know, I took English and Literature in university," she continued. "I took that program at NYU and have been living in New York City for the past five years because of it. I have a freelancing job, which has been paying the bills. I've also spent the last month and a half applying to various master's programs at different schools, and it's been pretty discouraging if I'm completely honest. Since moving to NYC, I've made many trips to Toronto to visit Mick, seeing as that's where he went to school, but coming back to the lake each summer remains my favourite place to be, and you are a huge part of why Brock."
"Lemon, I didn't know any of this," he replied, shaking his head as he still processed everything she said. 
"I know, that's why I'm telling you."
"Wow, I, I don't even know what to say. I've always wondered these things about you, but other than seeing you here; you've always been like a blank slate to me. I've known you for so long now, but I've never known so much about you. I just figured you never really wanted me to be part of your life outside of summer, y'know?"
"Yeah, about that," Lennon started and let out a small laugh. "That is so incorrect. You don't even know."
"What do you mean?" Brock questioned, feeling puzzled by her again.
"My friends in New York are huge into sports," she explained. "I can't even begin to explain how many times I've been dragged to a Yankees or Knicks game, but when it comes to the Rangers, I always look forward to it a bit more. They're not my team, I've got to give props to the Sabres for the hometown representation, and because of Mick, I started not entirely hating the Leafs. What always surprises my friends, though, is how adamant I get about going to the Rangers games whenever Vancouver is in the city. But I haven't told them I have a friend that plays on the team. They just think it's odd that I have a Boeser jersey."
"Woah, wait a minute. You've seen me play hockey?"
"Every time you've been in New York since starting with the Canucks, yeah."
"Lennon, what the hell?" He asked disbelievingly. "Why didn't you ever say anything?"
Lennon just shrugged before responding. "Like I said earlier today, Brock, it's always been you and the lake. I thought about messaging you but then figured you might not want me to and chickened myself out, so I never did. I don't know why I didn't just reach out, but now you know. So, please, never assume that I don't think about you when I'm not here. Because I do, all the damn time. And what happened between us last summer did mean something to me. You are way too important for it to not. I could never consider you as just a random hookup, Broccoli."
Brock could feel his heart swell an insane amount as she said that, but before he could say what he really wanted to in response, he needed to know something still. 
"What about Max?"
"Max is not my boyfriend," she stated, not missing a beat. "He's one of my best friends from school, yeah, but we are not together. He's from Minneapolis, which was how we actually bonded when we first met after telling him my dad was from this area. And let me tell you, I've told him if I'm still single by 40, we're getting married, but I don't think that'll be happening. He's very happy with his boyfriend, Connor, who was on the dock with us earlier, and I would've happily introduced you to if you hadn't stormed away before I got the chance."
"For fucks sake," Brock said, not being able to stop himself from grinning at how stupidly he overreacted. "I am so bad for jumping to conclusions, aren't I?"
"You always have been."
They laughed together as Lennon nudged him with her shoulder teasingly, then a comfortable silence fell amongst them again. However, it didn't last too long because Lennon was speaking again soon after. 
"I really am sorry for just leaving you last summer," she told him softly. "It's just- I knew I was going back to New York, and I figured it'd be easier if we didn't talk about what happened for both of us. I shouldn't have assumed that. It wasn't fair to you. But, I also have spent the last ten months thinking about you constantly. I like you too, Brock, more than I can explain, and I just feel stupidly vulnerable admitting that, but I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't have feelings for you that weren't entirely platonic. I don't expect things between us to be like they were last summer, but I missed you a whole freaking lot this past year and will be glad to have my best friend back."
"I would love nothing more than for that to happen," Brock responded and waited for her to look at him again before continuing. "Maybe we can; I don't know, take things slow? We can see what happens over the summer, what it all leads to and you know, actually talk after. I also want to know as much about you as I can, but only if you'll let me.”
"Please. And yes, I'll tell you whatever it is you want to know. I want to get to know more about you too if that's ok."
"Of course it is, I'd like that," he replied before falling silent again as his gaze dropped to her lips. Brock was overcome with the urge to close the already small space between him and Lennon by kissing her, but he didn't. Although he was pretty sure she wouldn't necessarily be opposed to him doing that, he didn't want to fuck this up by rushing into anything again. She, too, was way more than just a hookup to him and Brock wanted to make sure she knew that. "Will you stay over tonight?"
Lennon's eyes widened in surprise at Brock's question, but she quickly realized he wasn't trying to make a move. He just wanted to spend more time with her, and honestly, she loved the idea of just hanging out with him all night.
"Yes, absolutely," she stated. "I'll also never say no to Milo and Coolie snugs."
"Good, because I'm pretty sure I can still hear Coolie whining over the fact that he can't come out here and see you."
The two of them laughed, then stayed sitting together for a few more moments before Brock eventually stood and helped Lennon up, then made their way back to the house together.
Although nothing intimate happened that night between Brock and Lennon, aside from some cuddling as they both fell asleep in his bed, it set the pace for the rest of their summer. The two, once again, became inseparable. 
The next few weeks went by very quickly, and everything was great. Lennon was over at Brock’s all the time, and he made sure to go over to her family’s house and visit with them lots too. Things were normal again. There was no tension as they hung out with all their friends. Brock even got to know Max a bit better, who, to Brock, ended up being a really cool guy. It was nice for him to hear more stories about Lennon’s life outside of the lake, and Brock loved every minute of it. 
However, as good as things were with the two of them while keeping their relationship platonic, there was no denying both Brock and Lennon had intense feelings for each other. 
From an outside perspective, it was apparent how much those two cared for each other, and it was often shown in the little things. It was gestures like Brock pulling Lennon onto his lap and wrapping her up in the blanket he had with him while having a bonfire. Or the time Lennon briefly gave Brock his Minnesota sweater back for a few hours while he was over at her house because she wanted it to smell like him again. It was so obvious the two of them had a thing. And yet, nothing more happened between them. They were both afraid that it may get fucked up again, which neither wanted. Especially with how fast summer seemed to pass by. 
One Friday afternoon in late July, things hit a rough patch again. 
Brock and Lennon were at his place, hanging out on the stairs of the back deck with Milo and Coolie, when Lennon dropped the bomb about having to leave the lake in the upcoming days. 
Understandably, Brock was confused. He knew that he’d have to return to Vancouver in a few weeks to get ready for training camp and the upcoming season with the Canucks, but Brock thought he still had a few weeks left with Lennon at least. Brock took the news pretty well, but when he asked her why, feeling like he could after the talk they had on the dock over a month prior, she started shutting him out again. 
“I’m moving,” Lennon stated as she shifted away from Brock, not getting up from where she sat between his legs on the step in front of him, but enough to let his arms, which he had wrapped around her shoulders as she leaned back against him, fall to his side again. “I have to go back to New York on Monday and start packing up my apartment. My master’s program isn’t there, and I knew this was coming. I just didn’t think it’d be so soon.”
Brock understood, he really did, but then he got thinking and became confused. 
“You never told me you got into your program, Len. That’s great,” he replied and leaned forward so he could look at her better. “Where are you moving to?”
“Oh, um, you know, nowhere spectacular. Just the west coast.”
“Nice, what school? Maybe if it’s near a city with an NHL team, we can meet up when I play there. I’d also love for you to visit me in Vancouver if you’re able to or up for it.”
“Yeah, maybe,” she replied, smiling because she really liked that idea, but then it was like a switch went off in her mind, and that expression soon fell as she stood up from the stairs and turned to face him. “You know what, Brock, I have to go. I think my mom needed my help with something.”
That puzzled Brock even more. 
“I was at your house with you yesterday when your parents left for Minneapolis,” he reminded her with a small laugh. “They said they were going for the weekend.”
“Oh, right.”
“Yeah. Uh, Is everything alright? You’re acting weird all of a sudden.”
“Everything’s fine,” Lennon lied, which Brock was aware of with the way she started picking at her nails and avoiding making eye contact with him. “I just have a lot on my mind, I guess.”
“Lemon,” he started softly. “You know you can talk to me, right? You don’t have to block me out again.”
Lennon let out a sarcastic chuckle. 
“Why does everyone always say that? Lennon quit blocking people out. Lennon, no one will continue breaking down those walls you put up all the time… But, no one gets that it’s just easier for me that way. I feel safer. It’s nothing personal.”
Brock’s expression fell at that a bit. “I get that, I do. Sometimes it is easier that way, but it’s also very lonely. You have people in your life that aren’t going to hurt you the way you think someone could. I want to think I’m one of those people.”
“You are, Broccoli,” she assured. “You always have been. I just, I can’t help but always think of the worst possible situation when going into new things. That’s just how my mind works. And even when it comes to you, when it comes to us and whatever we are, I’m still scared because there are so many unknowns. We don’t know what will happen when I leave for New York again, and I know I should’ve told you sooner, but I didn’t want to dampen the rest of our time here together. This has been the best summer I’ve had in a long time, and I didn’t want to ruin it.”
“You’re not ruining it,” he explained. “We know we both can’t stay at the lake forever, but that doesn’t mean we can’t bring what we have here with us when we leave. Lennon, I want you in my life all year round, not just when we’re here. I wish you realized that. And now, once you leave, it’s like I know nothing all over again because you won’t let me in enough to tell me. Which honestly sucks a lot.”
Lennon just looked back at him, not caring that her eyes were on the brink of overflowing with tears as she processed what he said. Brock cared for her. Probably more than any other guy she’s ever felt this intense of feelings for, but she was still absolutely terrified of accepting that for some reason. 
“I’m sorry, Brock,” she said, then took a shaky breath as she stepped further away from him and started backing down the stairs. “I- I’m going to go, and please, don’t come after me. I promise I’ll say bye before I leave, but I just need to think.”
She then turned and rushed down the rest of the stairs without looking back. Brock immediately stood up and went to call after her, but Lennon was already rounding the corner that led to the driveway and soon disappeared out of sight. Milo and Coolie were about to go after her, but Brock stopped them as he heard a door close and the sounds of a car pulling out of the driveway. She was already gone again, and there was nothing he could do about it. 
That night, Brock went to one of the bars nearby with their group of friends for a karaoke night. Lennon was initially supposed to join him and his roommates to venture over there together, but he knew that would no longer be the case after what happened earlier. 
After Lennon left, Brock went back inside the house, and his roommates just knew something went down between them. However, when they asked, Brock didn’t want to talk about it and just kind of went to his room alone until it was time to leave later on.  
He thought going out with their friends would make him feel a bit better and at least get his mind off the situation, but Lennon’s absence was way too noticeable for him even to try to enjoy himself. Brock didn’t take part in karaoke. Instead, he sat at one of the tables nursing a seltzer that was room temperature because he just wasn’t in the mood. 
After an hour passed and Brock still hadn’t finished the drink or taken much part in the group outing whatsoever, he figured he might as well call it an early night and head home. However, before he could, someone sat down next to him and started talking to him. 
“What are you doing over here by yourself?” Asked Michael, Lennon’s twin brother, before he sipped on his beer and gave Brock a judgy look that resembled the same one he’d received from Lennon many times before. 
“Hey, Mick,” Brock greeted with a smile. “I’m just not feeling it, I guess. I think I’m going head out soon.”
“Fair enough. It seems like my sister felt the same way. What a no-show.”
Mick scoffed jokingly, then looked around at their friends. Brock let out a small laugh and shrugged in response, but then he figured that maybe he could ask about Lennon seeing as he knew her twin probably knew more than he did. 
“Speaking of your sister, do you know why she didn’t want to come out tonight?”
“I’m surprised you don’t,” Mick deadpanned. “But no, I haven’t been home. I figured she’d be here with you, actually, but I guess you never really know with her. I don’t know how you’re going to put up with living in the same place as her beyond the summer.”
“Same place as her?” Brock asked.
“Yeah, Lennon got accepted to do her master’s at UBC in Van,” Mick replied, then watched as Brock’s eyes widened in shock. “Woah, wait. She didn’t tell you, did she?”
“No, didn’t mention it at all.”
“Fuck, of course not. I honestly wish I could say I was surprised, but then I’d be lying.”
Brock glanced down for a brief moment, still processing what he just told, then shook his head before responding. “Mick, I say this in the nicest way possible, but Lennon gives me fucking whiplash, I swear.”
“Join the club,” Mick laughed. “I’ve been president for almost 24 years now.”
“I just, how could she not tell me?”
At that, Mick’s expression turned a bit more serious than it was before, then he sighed. 
“I know it may not seem like it right now, but she really does care about you, Brock. More than she’ll let herself admit. You’re someone that’s important to her and has been for a very long time.”
“I wish she had a better way of showing it. Then I wouldn’t have to doubt so much.”
“I know,” Mick replied. “It’s a lot. But, let me tell you that what Lennon feels for you is very different from what she’s felt for any other guy before. My sister has been in a relationship with a fair share of people. I’m talking frat guys to Wall Street douchebags, she has had a few what could have been serious relationships, but those guys were not it for her. They betrayed her trust, belittled her for getting too in her head at times and then left her in the dust after they broke her. She’s always blamed herself for that and hated that she even bothered putting her heart out there, so it’s something she struggles with. But with you, Brock, she can be herself. I see Lennon at her happiest when we’re here, and it’s because of you. That’s not even something I have to think about because it’s always been that way. You’re her best friend, but what she feels for you is more than that and what it is, is that she’s scared to admit it. She doesn’t want to ruin what the two of you already have or risk getting hurt in doing so.”
Brock didn’t know what to say. He hung on to every single word that Mick said and took a moment for him to wrap his head around it all, but he already knew what to say. He’d known for a while.
“Mick, there is not a single part of me that would ever want to hurt her,” Brock explained. “Lennon is just such an important part of my life, and after what happened last summer, I also didn’t want to fuck up what we have. But, I really want to.”
“I know,” Mick stated. “And I trust you with her, Brock, that’s why I told you all of this. I don’t think you’ll hurt my sister, and she deserves someone like you. Now, I know you probably have more that you want to say on that topic, but why don’t you say it to her. She’s gotta be at home, and I just think the two of you need to not lie about how you feel anymore.”
As Mick said that, Brock couldn’t help but smile, then nod in agreement before standing up and grabbing his keys. “You’re right. I’m going to go talk to her. Thanks, Mick. I’ll see you around.”
“Make good choices!”
It didn’t take long for Brock to drive to Lennon’s house, but everything was dark when he got there. He thought about texting her but decided against it because he knew she wouldn’t answer. So instead, he got out of his car and listened. Sure enough, he could hear City and Colour’s The Girl playing softly from the backyard and knew she was there. 
Brock shut the car door, knowing that Lennon would hear it, then walked down the driveway on a mission. 
By the time he reached the backyard, Lennon was leaning over the railing, trying to see who it was that just got there, and Brock didn’t miss the way her eyes widened in surprise after realizing it was him.
“Brock?” She asked, then moved over to the top of the stairs as he climbed up them, still not saying anything. “What’re you-.”
Before Lennon could finish asking her question, she was cut off by Brock as he wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her towards him, not stopping until their lips met in a very firm yet delicate kiss. He took her by surprise, but Lennon reacted by closing her eyes and melting into his touch, then wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and kept him close as she deepened the kiss. 
After a moment, the two of them broke away slightly, and Brock leaned his head against her’s, smiling like crazy. 
“I wish I didn’t wait a month to do that again,” he said, making Lennon laugh.
“I’m not complaining,” she replied. “That’s definitely one way to make an entrance, though. But why do I have a feeling there’s more to why you’re here besides just wanting to kiss me?”
Brock smiled at that because she was right, but before he could respond, he needed to think about what he wanted to say first. As he did that, he noticed that she was wearing the same outfit as she was earlier, right down to the messy bun, but now she wore his Minnesota sweater again, and his smile grew at that. Although the sun had already set, Lennon’s eyes still glowed with how the fairy lights strung around the deck reflected in them and that mixed with the Dallas Green’s voice still singing in the background. It was tough for Brock not to just lean down and kiss her again. But he knew he couldn’t, not right away at least.
“You’re right,” he told her, then let out a breath and smirked as the song changed to She Will Be Loved. “There’s something else I want to talk about, something we haven’t discussed yet.”
“What’s that?”
“Come back to Vancouver with me. After you’re packed up in New York, let’s go to Van together.”
“Wait, you know that’s where I’m moving?” Lennon asked, surprised. “Mick told you, didn’t he? Brock, I didn’t tell you because I thought-.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” Brock cut off her ranting and smiled. “It doesn’t matter. I want you there, Lennon. I want to be with you while you’re there, as more than just your friend.”
A surprised gasp left Lennon’s mouth, but she recovered quickly by smiling and pulling him in for another kiss. 
“As long as I get to do that all the time, I’m game,” she responded after she broke away from him briefly, then let him close the space between them again. 
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
Without even having to voice it, Lennon started leading him back towards the house, hinting at how she wanted him to stay the night, and there was no way Brock was going to say no to that.
“I had a feeling you’d have a lot of things, but I was not expecting this,” Brock huffed as he peeked out from behind a stack of moving boxes. He and Lennon were standing in the living room of her new Vancouver apartment, getting ready to unpack everything. “This is excessive.”
“Shut up, the place was unfurnished,” she grumbled in response. “What did you expect?”
“I’m just saying, this would’ve been a lot less of a hassle if you had moved in with me.”
Lennon gave her boyfriend an unimpressed look, which he responded to with a wink and a smirk before he walked towards her and pulled her into his embrace. 
It was the end of August, and Lennon was finally ready to move into her new place. After she left the lake for New York a month prior, it took her about a week to get everything packed up and organized for the move to British Columbia. Lennon already had a storage locker rented in Vancouver to keep her stuff in until she was able to start moving into her apartment and had plans to go back to the lake until her lease began on the first of September and spend the rest of the summer with Brock. However, when she, Mick and their parents landed at the Vancouver airport, he was already there waiting for them. 
He helped them get everything to the storage locker. Then, after Lennon’s family left to go back to the lake, she stayed with Brock at his condo with Milo and Coolie for about three weeks before getting the keys to her place.
“That’s a little forward, don’t you think?” Lennon teased him. “What a strange thing to say to your girlfriend of what, a month?”
“I mean, I’ve also known my girlfriend for almost half my life, so does that month really make a difference?”
“Cheeky,” she responded, then stood on her tiptoes so she could peck his lips before moving away from him and over to where her phone rested on the small breakfast bar. “We can see where we’re at when this lease is up. But for now, I hope you’re ready to listen to the entire Lumineers discography as we start tackling these boxes.”
“Oh, you know it,” he told her as a matter -of- factly. “And let’s not forget about the wine in the fridge.”
“Yes, we can enjoy it once there’s room to sit down somewhere.”
Brock laughed in response and shook his head as Lennon pressed play on her phone and Sleep On The Floor started playing from her Bluetooth speaker. 
The two of them then started moving the boxes labelled ‘clothes’ to Lennon’s bedroom and started there. All of the furniture Lennon bought was set up already, so it was just a matter of putting things away and getting them organized. They got right to work, and although Brock was going to leave putting the clothes away to Lennon, so they went where she wanted, he figured he could at least unpack them so that she could just grab the items and go. Lennon grabbed a box and started unpacking it, so Brock did the same but had to pause once he opened the box closest to him and saw what was there. 
Laying on top of a pile of sweaters was the Boeser jersey Lennon told him about. Until that moment, Brock completely forgot that she had one, but it sure made him feel good seeing it for himself. A smile tugged at his lips as he lifted it from the box and set it on the bed, then glanced at Lennon to see if she saw his reaction. She was busy getting ready to hang things up in the closet, proving that she hadn’t seen him, which Brock was perfectly content with. He did, however, feel himself getting overly happy at the thought of seeing her wear the jersey that upcoming season and grinned even wider because of it. Brock had a really good feeling about them as a couple and couldn’t wait to see where things went from there.
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popcorn-hero · 4 years
Long Read
MHA Chapter 1: I want to be the number one hero and save the world like All Might
MHA Now: Hero Society was created by the establishment to prevent the loss of power over citizens after the emergence of quirks. Its very foundation is built on legitimate domination and any act that veers away from that submission will be deemed criminal and punished.
To participate in this society is to participate in a system of child exploitation, oppression, and an oligarchy of power
If you don’t read MHA: Vigilantes, then spoilers
Leading into the panels below, the female character here is helping Koichi (the main protagonist)  with his hero sociology assignment (or something like that) We are introduced to the fact that the hero licensing started in Rhode Island United States.
Before the Licensing, there was a vast amount of people using their quirks to solve crime. Think of this of this period being how majority of DC and Marvel heroes operate.
 But then after the licensing exam was established, she asked of the 189 known vigilantes to be active, how many become heroes:
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thats 0.37% certified. Only 7 were permitted to operate as a hero and the rest were deemed villains
Now I want to reiterate what is said above:
“ The true objective of the Official Hero System was NOT APPROVAL AND LICENSURE of vigilantes, but rather to define the TRUE VILLAINS......This was just a single part of the larger plan to implement a SOCIETY WIDE QUIRK CONTROL SYSTEM”
We are looking at a new method of Law and Order in the United States.
I am going to take a slight detour below, but bear with me!!
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Other Key things to point out
“Violate the Rights to Bear Arms and Self-determination”
"Its as if they created the problem just to get credit for solving it”
The rights to bear arms (and this is my interpretation of the constitution btw) is the right of the citizen to defend themselves from the state if it’s conducting in a manner that threatens their lives.
Self-determination below is defined as:
1: free choice of one's own acts or states without external compulsion
2: determination by the people of a territorial unit of their own future political status
(this was taken from the Webster dictionary) 
The emergence of quirks meant the threat to one thing: Control
Power is in numbers and numbers with power is dangerous. How can the state oversee the population when that said group could fight back without the need of guns or an army?
In this excerpt taken from another excerpt:
The connection between the power of the people and the ideal of nondomination can be traced back to Machiavelli in his Discourses on Livy where, for the first time, ‘the people’ is defined as that subject position occupied by whoever acts in political ways that are motivated ‘only [by the] desire not to be dominated’ (Machiavelli 1517, I, 5).
Though quirks range for the minimalist like having objects gravitate towards you, we know that those exist to have quirks to erase everything
So to mitigate the possibility for the citizens becoming both individualized and unified, you nip it in the bud by establishing regulations. 
You create the others.
You create classifications
You create privileges
When you have a society that is divided based on appearance, power, and status, you have a society easier to rule- the iron law of oligarchy 
 Just look at real life.
You then raise people to submit to this idea of what it means to be a good civilian and self-police. Legitimate Dominance as I mentioned before: Specifically, Socially legitimate dominance
According to sociologist and philosopher Max Weber, we have 3 types of authority
Charismatic: power based on the exceptional qualities of an individual, such as his or her heroism or sanctity
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The heroes of the story
Traditional: power that is justified by a belief in long-standing customs
The government
Legal: based on the legality or acceptability of rules and laws that outline appropriate courses of action
“it is when we follow rules because we believe in the process, regardless of who is giving us the order. “
the civilians and the heroes
From the  International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences by  James Wright he write he comments the following about  Vilfredo Pareto
.....He [Pareto] argued that the elite class is maintained by the circulation of especially apt nonelites into the ruling group. Mosca takes a more sociological approach to the study of elites by emphasizing structural and organizational factors in the maintenance of elite classes, such as their superior organization and their control of resources.
Noneleites= the heroes: We know there is financial and political gain associated with being a hero (even more so when you are in the top percent)
The society that BNHA exist in creates an environment for people to be villains: "Its as if they created the problem just to get credit for solving it”
The society creates an environment where it’s not abnormal to send children into high risk raid without experience of this kind:
The society creates an environment of the idolization or heroes and strips away independence on ones self.
 Now, I don’t know if Vigilantes is really “cannon” so I do take some of the interpretations of the story with a grain of salt. I also don’t know if the main story line will even touch of this topic, but I like to keep this is in my head.
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terramythos · 4 years
TerraMythos' 2020 Reading Challenge - Book 12 of 26
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Title: The Hanged Man (The Tarot Sequence #2) (2019)
Author: K. D. Edwards
Genre/Tags: Urban Fantasy, Alternate History (I guess), Mystery, First-Person, LGBT Protagonist
Rating: 10/10
Date Began: 4/12/2020
Date Finished: 4/18/2020
Things take a turn for the worse for Rune and his small family when The Hanged Man, a powerful and sadistic Arcana, attempts to kidnap Rune’s seventeen-year-old ward Max and force him into a political marriage. Outgunned and unable to retaliate directly, Rune and his team instead investigate the disappearance of a young man named Layne, who vanished into The Hanged Man’s court under mysterious circumstances. Along the way, Rune discovers morbid and disturbing secrets that threaten New Atlantis’ existence in the modern world. 
I took a thin breath. 
There weren’t many moments like this in a person’s life. 
Most of the time, change fell on you like a load of bricks. You didn’t see it coming. You didn’t plan for it. You didn’t have an actual awareness of the moment you tumbled and slammed through it. 
But sometimes? 
Sometimes you were the one who stood with your hand on the lever. Sometimes you were the one that stepped off the cliff, or walked in front of the gunfire or pulled the pin from the grenade. 
“I asked you here to bear witness,” I said. 
You can probably tell from my rating (the first 10/10 of this year!), but hot damn did I love this book. Edwards really hits his stride in his followup to The Last Sun, with a much heavier emphasis on plot and character development. Typically, I struggle with book twos. They often feel like a bridge between books (such as in trilogies) that don’t stand on their own, or the story and characters don’t feel as interesting after the excitement of the initial concept. It’s been long time since I’ve read something where the second book surpasses the first, but The Hanged Man does just that. It’s just a solid and entertaining read all the way through, addressing what criticism I had of the first book, while exceeding expectations on its own merits.
This entry expands on the key characters of the first book, and it is great to run around with them again. Edwards does an excellent job conveying character relationships through the dialogue and banter; the writing feels genuine, funny, and emotional. It’s very enjoyable to read out loud. I love the bond between Rune and his Companion Brand, as well as the developing relationship between Rune and his boyfriend Addam. Rune himself continually copes with horrific trauma from his adolescence, and I appreciate the realistic depictions of PTSD and frank discussion regarding emotional triggers. Supporting characters like Quinn, Max, and Ciaran play major roles in the story and have their own interesting arcs and interactions. The Hanged Man also introduces several fascinating new characters, especially Anna, Corinne, and various members of the Arcana such as Lady Death.
While I liked The Last Sun, my main criticism was that it relied on a lot of same-y action scenes. I’m glad to say that’s not the case here. Much of the novel focuses on investigation, subterfuge, and uncovering mysteries centered around the main conflict, with occasional (but sparing) action peppered in. The action scenes themselves are also much more unique and interesting. Around the third act, there’s a significant character-driven twist I find very exciting, and the rest of the novel totally goes off the rails. The status quo by the end is significantly different than where the book started, and I’m excited to see what happens with the series going forward.
We learn a lot more about the world and politics of New Atlantis, which builds upon the promising worldbuilding teased in The Last Sun. I have a stronger sense of New Atlantis being a patchwork, ramshackle city of stolen structures and buildings throughout history. And while it’s a small part of the story, I think the expansion on necromancy is creative and interesting. While The Hanged Man does answer some overarching mysteries from the first book, there’s still an enticing amount left unsolved or unsaid. There’s several “throwaway” lines and scenes between the books that I’m just like “Are... are we elaborating on that? No? OK”. In particular, this book reinforces the fact that Rune is an unreliable narrator, especially regarding one secret we’re still totally in the dark about. I REALLY want to know what the hell it is, although I have some suspicions. Also, what the hell is up with Anna, actually?
I’m a little nervous that there’s no official announcement for the third book yet... but I know it’s planned. Some Serious Research uncovered that The Tarot Sequence is intended to be a nine-book series with three trilogy arcs, so I sincerely hope it gets that far. It sucks to be totally caught up in an ongoing series when you really want to read more, but I’ll do my best to be patient... somehow...  Edwards clearly improved a lot in this book and I have high hopes for where he’ll take us next.
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samclownchester · 4 years
Supernatural Rewatch 01x14
(Next Episode | Masterlist | Previous Episode)
(Not Spoiler Free, I’ve seen up to 15x13) 
Alright, it’s taken me a while to write my summary of this episode because it deals with some pretty heavy stuff, and I’m not sure if it deals with it very well. There are people who are much more knowledgeable about this subject than I am who have written really good essays on The Winchesters and abuse, so I’ll leave that to them. I’m just going to try and talk about what we learn specifically from this episode:
I’m going to start at the end, when Sam and Dean are walking away from the home of an abused kid who just committed suicide in front of them and they say:
SAM: Well I'll tell you one thing. We're lucky we had Dad.
DEAN: (Looking astounded and pleased) Well, I never thought I'd hear you say that.
SAM: Well, it could’ve gone a whole other way after Mom. A little more tequila and a little less demon hunting and we would’ve had Max's childhood. All things considered, we turned out ok. Thanks to him.
DEAN: All things considered.
This is an argument used very often throughout the show to absolve John Winchester of his guilt, of how much he failed as a father – it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. It could have been worse. Much worse. At this point in the show Dean is still completely dedicated to his father, and although Sam pushed back against him and thinks how they were raised “was jacked,” I don’t think he’s fully conceptualized it as “child abuse.” I don’t know if either of them really ever do. (Once they kill Chuck, they really need to go to therapy). What we do learn here is that John didn’t regularly beat them. And Sam is grateful for that. That’s a really low bar.
A moment that I feel like is worth commenting on is when Sam is talking with Max, trying to understand him and Max says, “When my Dad used to look at me, there was hate in his eyes. Do you know what that feels like?” and after a long pause, Sam answers “no.” I can’t tell whether Sam is lying here or not.
In my personal, very unprofessional, and uninformed, opinion, I think Sam is realizing that his relationship with his dad wasn’t That Bad ™ and so he doesn’t feel qualified to compare it to what Max is describing to him. (For instance, I have been Depressed ™ but when I had a friend who was officially diagnosed with Clinical Depression and started taking medication for it, I didn’t feel like my experience was bad enough to really compare and I started to think that maybe I had never really been depressed to begin with (news flash, although my experience was different I was still definitely depressed)). But that’s what I think Sam is feeling here. He had a bad childhood, he has a bad relationship with his father, and normally he’s not afraid of acknowledging that, but when faced with something that is bad on a whole different level, he suddenly feels like he doesn’t have a right to dislike his dad. Like he doesn’t have a right to be hurt by the way his dad treated him, because his dad never hurt him in this way.
I think he does know what it’s like to see hatred in his father’s eyes. But John never crossed that line so … it couldn’t have been abuse, right?
   This episode also features an argument between Sam and Dean that we will revisit often throughout the course of the show: Kill the monster or give them a chance to be human?
Sam: … I was connecting to Max! The thing is I don't get why, man. I guess -- because we're so alike?
DEAN: What are you talking about. The dude's nothing like you.
SAM: Well. We both have psychic abilities, we both...
DEAN: Both what? Sam, Max is a monster, he's already killed two people, now he's gunning for a third.
SAM: Well, with what he went through, the beatings, to want revenge on those people? I'm sorry, man, I hate to say it, but it's not that insane.
DEAN: Yeah but it doesn't justify murdering your entire family!
SAM: Dean...
DEAN: He's no different from anything else we've hunted, all right? We gotta end him.
SAM: We're not going to kill Max.
DEAN: Then what? Hand him over to the cops and say 'Lock him up officer; he kills with the power of his mind.'
SAM: No way. Forget it.
DEAN: Sam...
SAM: Dean. He's a person. We can talk to him. Hey, promise me you'll follow my lead on this one.
DEAN:(After a long pause) All right fine. But I'm not letting him hurt anybody else. (takes Gun)
Something interesting that I’ve notice is, up to this point in the show, almost every monster they’ve faced has looked very inhuman. In later seasons we see more Vampires and Werewolves, monsters who look mostly human until they attack. The monsters the brothers have faced in season 1, even the reaper in “Faith,” don’t look like people. Even the demon they exorcised in “Phantom Traveler” didn’t act like the demons we meet later in the show – it didn’t talk much, and when it did it was with a monstrous voice. None of the monsters have been shown as sentient, conscious beings who can make decisions for themselves (with the exception of the Shapeshifter in “Skin” but he was so obviously creepy and messed up that any sympathy the audience felt for him was mixed with revulsion).
The point is, Max is the first “monster” we are introduced to who we understand to be fully human, capable of reasoning and understanding. Sam, with his deep empathy, sees himself in Max even before he knows they’re connected. He wants to help him. Dean, on the other hand, believes that evil deserves to be killed, and if something is killing people by Supernatural means – even if those killings are “justified” – then it’s his job to put a stop to it. This is something that the brothers never see eye-to-eye on, and it’s interesting to track how it affects the way they approach problems all throughout the series. (Including Jack who, sadly, Dean sees as a monster before he’s even been given a chance.)
 The last comment I wanted to make is just an observation of the different ways Dean tries to protect Sam. There are two points in this episode where Dean is forced to confront the reality that his little brother suddenly has psychic abilities:
Once, while driving:
DEAN: I don't know Sam but we'll figure it out. We've faced the unexplainable every day. This is just another thing.
SAM: No. It's never been us. It's never been in the family like this. Tell the truth, you can't tell me this doesn't freak you out.
DEAN: (After staring straight ahead for a long moment) This doesn’t freak me out. 
And again later, at the very end of the episode as they leave their motel room:
DEAN: I know what we need to do about your premonitions. I know where we have to go.
SAM: Where?
DEAN: (Deadpan) Vegas.
DEAN grins at SAM
DEAN: What? Come on man. Craps tables. We'd clean up!
DEAN follows SAM to the door and pauses on the threshold. He considers SAM, looking very thoughtful, then turns to pull the door closed.
In the first scene the audience (and honestly probably Sam) can clearly see that Dean is worried. But he won’t admit it. He knows Sam is scared of what’s happening to him, but it’s Dean’s job to protect his brother and he’s not going to make this any scarier than it needs to be. So he calls it “just another thing” and he tries to casually say that it doesn’t freak him out, even though it does.
Later, we see him joking about it. In a previous episode I made a comment about how I feel like Sam is bothered that Dean doesn’t seem to be taking this seriously, but in this episode, we see that the jokes are being used to mask his fear (in typical Dean Winchester fashion.) He is deeply worried about Sam’s powers, but he doesn’t want Sam to know. He doesn’t want Sam to worry. So he makes light of it, forces himself to laugh about it, all in an effort to protect Sam.
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sky-casino · 6 years
Competitive as Hell
Genre: Angst, Fluff Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader Word Count: 7,472 a/n: I was inspired to write this fic based on two facts about Jae: 1) he can drink 3-4 soju bottles according to the members themselves 2) he's competitive as hell. Enjoy!
Monday morning. First day of college. You were right in front of your university's tall and intimidating gates, hesitant to enter as you watched your fellow students excitedly do so.
Originally, you were thrilled to start this new chapter of your life. But the heartbreak caused by your ex overpowered the excitement. You've been with him for the last two years of high school when he suddenly broke up with you last week. After all the summer adventures that brought you happiness and made you think he really was the one, he dumped you out of the blue. When you asked him why, he couldn't even form a single coherent sentence. A few mumbles and stutters later, he simply said that he wasn't so sure anymore. That's it.
As you slowly entered the gates, you felt like a fragile porcelain doll that might crumble anytime. Your cheerful self is dead and gone and the excitement of entering college has turned into pressure and discomfort. 
You were not in the mood to be friendly to anyone. But during the freshmen orientation that morning, you found yourself sat beside a very talkative Japanese student. His name was Nakamoto Yuta. He kept trying to befriend you and you were a little bit pissed at the beginning. However, you realized that your ex and what happened between the two of you shouldn't dictate how you treat others. You started to talk more and smile more, even just a bit. 
After lunch, your professors dispersed you into your respective courses and sections, separating you from Yuta who was taking up Sports Education.
"I'll go this way. Let's keep in touch, okay?" He said after you exchanged numbers.
"Sure. See you!"
And with that, you were alone again. You realized how harder college life would be if you didn't have any friends. You told yourself that you needed to bring back your old friendly self, but it was difficult and you might come off as fake if you try too hard to make new friends. So you decided to just go with the flow and not overthink.
Going with the flow earned you another friend, Seulgi. This girl shares the same course as you, Psychology. You sat together during the first official class and you were thankful that you clicked right away. From then on, you were pretty inseparable.
Fast forward to the end of the school week, Friday. You were having lunch with Seulgi who was talking about the welcome party that the student council was throwing for you and your fellow freshmen that night. It was meant to encourage camaraderie and sense of belonging. Seulgi was excited about it and wanted to go, but you weren't really hyped.
"Come on, Y/N. Let's go! It sounds fun. Please~" She said with her hands clasped together.
Before you could reply, Yuta suddenly showed up and sat beside you.
"Hey!" You greeted the boy. 
Instead of greeting you properly, Yuta took a couple of your fries.
"Seulgi, meet Yuta. Yuta, meet Seulgi. My BFF and classmate." 
"Wow, it's just the first week and you already have a BFF?" Yuta retorted at you as he chewed. "Nice to meet you." He said, nodding at Seulgi. "Oh, by the way. You're not the only one who made a friend, Y/N. Meet Winwin. He's in my Literature class." Yuta said as he introduced the shy and cute Chinese boy.
"Hello. Take a seat!" You said as you gestured him to sit beside Seulgi. 
"Are you going to the party later?" Yuta asked you and Seulgi.
"I want to! But Y/N is thinking twice." Seulgi said with a pout.
"What? Are you serious? It's gonna be fun! I heard there's gonna be a huge bonfire and lots of food and booze. Winwin and I are going." Yuta said as he playfully tugged your left arm.
"Fine, fine! I'm going! Jeez." You said in a defeated tone which made your three friends cheer.
"So where do we meet up?" Winwin asked.
"Hmm, how about here in the cafeteria at around 5pm? It starts at 5:30 and will take place at the open field." Seulgi replied and to which all of you agreed.
Yuta and Winwin had to leave earlier for their Laboratory class and a few minutes later, you and Seulgi headed to the library.
"I'm so excited for later! It's great we're gonna be with those two. The more the merrier. Are you excited?" Seulgi asked.
You hated to admit it but yes, you were starting to feel the thrill. "Hmm, I guess? Yes, I'm excited." You replied with an embarrassed chuckle.
"See! You need to enjoy and loosen up! We're gonna help you forget that jerk who broke your heart." Seulgi said in a cute but supportive tone before you entered the library. You really appreciate your friend.
A few hours of studying and boring lectures later, you and Seulgi are with Yuta and Winwin again on the way to the open field.
The bonfire is not yet ignited but you could already see the huge logs of wood being drenched in gasoline. People were starting to swarm around it and tables of food and drinks were being lined up already.
When the clock hit 5:30, the student council president went onstage to deliver his welcoming speech and to announce the beginning of the party. He along with the other student council members lit up the bonfire and it was one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen. The sun was setting and the fire complimented the sky.
You quickly found a table for you and your three friends while Yuta and Winwin got food and drinks for the four of you, which were all free of charge.
"Here you go! Samgyupsal, ttokbokki, and sausages with some cider and soju." Yuta said as he and Winwin placed down the plates and drinks.
A few seconds after you started munching, you heard a loud voice from the neighboring table.
"Yuta!" A tall boy with brown hair yelled as he approached your table.
"Hey, Johnny! I didn't know you're just near." Yuta replied as he high-fived the much taller guy.
"Hey guys! Are you all having fun? I'm Johnny, Yuta's roommate." Johnny said as he shook his hand with each of you. You were pretty sure this boy is friendlier than Yuta. 
"Do you guys want to merge your table with ours? That way, it'll be more fun." Johnny suggested.
"Oh, sure. It's.. it's fine." You said as you looked at Winwin and Seulgi for confirmation, to which the two of them nodded in agreement.
Johnny single-handedly pulled your table right next to theirs and when you finally took a good look to see who he's with, you were intimated and overwhelmed because all of them were boys, good-looking boys.
"Meet Taeil, Taeyong, Doyoung, Mark, and Jaehyun. We all live in the same floor in the dorm so Yuta already knows them." Johnny said.
You were too shy to say anything so you just smiled at them before focusing on your plate of food and bottle of soju. 
Doyoung suggested for all of you to introduce yourselves one by one. You didn't expect it to be that fun because along with the usual introduction, the boys also said some weird and funny stories that happened in the dorm.
"One time, Taeil was choking on ice but we just kept laughing because we thought he was just joking! We didn't know he was actually choking!" Yuta said and all of you laughed out loud. 
You drank the last drop of your first bottle of soju and was about to open your second one when Jaehyun called your name. He sat diagonally from your spot.
"Hey, Y/N."
"Hmm?" You asked with wide eyes. You weren't sure but hearing him say your name felt nice yet so foreign. You could get used to it, though.
"How many soju bottles can you take? Like, the maximum? Before you completely pass out?" He asked with a slight smirk, showing his dimples.
"F-five? Why are you asking?" 
The entire table let out a loud and long "Woah~" after you replied.
"I'm asking because you're already on your second bottle while the rest of them is just reaching half of their first. I'm opening my second bottle right now, just like you." Jaehyun said. 
"Damn, girl. Five?!" Doyoung asked loudly.
"I don't believe it." Jaehyun retorted as he slowly shook his head.
You were starting to get pissed at this guy. He's handsome as hell, yes. But a bit arrogant.
"You don't have to." You said as you rolled your eyes, drinking from your second bottle.
This time, everyone let out a low "Oooh~". They're feeling the tension from you and Jaehyun.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." Jaehyun began. "I just found it unbelievable that a girl can drink five bottles. I can only drink max of four."
You didn't even look at him and just continued eating.
"Alright. I understand you're pissed. I have a suggestion to settle this down. Let's have a showdown." Jaehyun said and Mark's jaw dropped. 
"Showdown?" Seulgi and Mark asked at the same time. The others were looking at each other, realizing that this has turned into something serious.
"Yup. With that, Y/N can show us that she can actually finish five. Plus, it'll be fun." Jaehyun replied, smirk still plastered on his face.
"I don't need to prove anything to anyone. But your competitive and stubborn ass needs to learn, so alright. I accept your challenge." You said, finally looking at Jaehyun and finishing your second bottle with ease. 
Everyone is getting pumped up except for Seulgi. "Y/N, calm down. As you said, you don't have to do this. We can leave if you want to." 
"No, I'll be fine. I can really finish five bottles." You smiled at your friend. 
"Game?" Jaehyun asked before finishing his second bottle.
"Alright. Both of you have finished two bottles already. So in order to win, each of you have to finish three more. Got it?" Doyoung announced.
"Yep. No problem for me. I don't know with him, though. He said he can only finish max of four." You said confidently as you looked at your competitor.
Honestly, Jaehyun was very surprised yet impressed by your confidence and fighting spirit. It's his first time to invite a girl to a drinking showdown and he didn't expect that you'd actually accept it. While everyone were making weird cheering noises, he chuckled awkwardly as he looked down at his bottle. His cute dimples were distracting you a bit.
The game has started and by the end of the third bottle, you were starting to feel a little tipsy. Just a little. While Jaehyun was now as red as tomato and had his eyes closed, struggling to keep them open. 
"You know, you don't have to do this. It's clear for everyone to see who's gonna win." You told him not with the intention of mocking him, but because you're honestly concerned. 
"No need to worry about me, darling. I can hold my own." He said after massaging his temples, finally opening his eyes to look at you. You wanted to deny it but your heart fluttered a little when he called you "darling". Just a little.
"Fine." You said as the two of you twisted the cap of your fourth bottle. You looked at him more carefully to observe how he is when he's drunk and you realized that he was actually cute. He's still arrogant but it's really cute how red his face, neck, and ears were and how his smirk that has become a smile showed his dimples. And to top all of these, he had his eyes closed, obviously wanting to just doze off right there and then. He was letting out subtle giggles too.
You gulped your fourth bottle fairly smoothly, but not as smoothly as before. You were starting to wince. Jaehyun on the other hand only took a couple of gulps when he started vomiting.
"Ugh I knew this would happen." Taeyong panicked a little as he held both sides of his head.
"Okay and the winner is-" Doyoung playfully announced but got interrupted by Jaehyun.
"No! I'm not yet done. There's still no winner here." Jaehyun said as he wiped his mouth. He quickly grabbed his bottle before anyone could stop him.
To your surprise, he successfully drank the alcohol bottoms-up. You were about to open your fifth bottle with more determination when Jaehyun suddenly passed out. Right. His max was four, remember?
The rest of the boys either let out yells of complain or were laughing and clapping hysterically. 
"That was fun, Y/N!" Yuta patted your shoulder before giving you a high-five.
"I recorded the whole thing!" Mark said as he played the video for everyone to see.
"Jaehyun is the most competitive and the best drinker among us. I'm sorry for what happened." Taeyong told you with a solemn expression.
"It's fine. Don't worry. I should be the one to say sorry." You replied, looking at Johnny and Doyoung supporting Jaehyun from both sides as they walked slowly to the dorm.
"I think we should go? It's kinda late already." Seulgi whispered to you.
"R-right. Yes." You replied.
"We'll go now. Thanks. I had a good time." You said as you slowly stood up, careful of losing your balance. 
"Bye! We had a lot of fun because of you!" Mark yelled.
Yuta walked with you until you found a cab to ride together with Seulgi. "Like what Taeyong said, Jaehyun is competitive. Expect him to invite you for another showdown." 
"What?! Another one!" You exclaimed.
"Uh, yes? You can turn him down, though."
"Yeah, will do that. Or not. It was fun to beat him." You said and the three of you laughed.
A cab eventually arrived and Yuta bid you and Seulgi goodbye. "See you on Monday!"
"They.. they are a weird but fun bunch of guys." Seulgi said with amusement.
"I know right. Really weird but really fun." You replied with a giggle, secretly thinking of Jaehyun's cute drunk face.
The next morning, Jaehyun woke up with an almost unbearable hangover he couldn't get up from his bed.
"Fuck!" He said after a long and loud groan.
"Oh, you're awake." Doyoung, his roommate, said non-chalantly.
"Meds. I need meds. Give me painkillers." Jaehyun begged as he was so close to crying.
"They're right beside your bed, dumbass." Doyoung replied.
Jaehyun struggled getting up because even a slight movement caused the throbbing pain in his head to worsen. He took the pill and laid down again.
"You looked so stupid last night." Doyoung said as he laughed non-stop.
"Shut up."
"But it's true! She defeated you so easily. Johnny and I had to walk your unconscious ass back here while Y/N walked to the taxi bay just fine to get a ride home. That's how huge your differences are! You can't beat her. Never." 
"I'll drink with her again and again until I beat her. Remember that." Jaehyun said groggily but still with determination.
"What the hell? Fine. If you wanna look stupid in front of her again, then be my guest."
"How stupid did I look anyway?"
"You were beet red and giggling for no reason and then the worst: you vomited." Doyoung hit the table repeatedly as he laughed.
"Oh, for fuck's sake." Jaehyun groaned.
Mark entered the room with a pot of hot beef soup. "Morning, here's the hangover soup Taeil and Taeyong made for you."  
"Thank you so much. Just put it on the table, I'll get up soon." 
"Mark, guess what."
"This loser is planning to invite Y/N to another showdown just to get defeated again." Doyoung said.
"Hell no."
"Hell yes." The two high-fived and kept laughing and laughing.
"Can the two of you fuckers get out? You're making my headache worse."
"Sure. We'll get out now to announce your stupidity to the others. Bye!" Doyoung said sarcastically, leaving Jaehyun alone in his agonizing headache.
Yuta was right when he told you to expect another invitation from Jaehyun.
It was Monday morning, right after your first class ended. You were surprised to see Jaehyun leaning on the locker beside yours after you closed it.
"Jeez, you scared me. What do you want?" 
"Uhh, okay. First of all, good morning." Jaehyun replied as he followed you.
"Okay. Good morning. What do you want?"
"Why are you so snappy? I'm the one who lost the showdown last Friday. If there's someone between us who should be irritated, it's me." Jaehyun protested as he took a closer look at your face.
"I'm just asking, what do you want?" You said as you continued walking to your next class, not sparing him a glance.
"Are you free this Wednesday? Let's do it again! I swear this time, I'll win."
You scoffed in response. You expected this.
"Can't. I have a 7am class the next day."
"How about Friday night again?"
"Why are you so confident? You should practice drinking five bottles without passing out first before you challenge me again." You raised your brow at him.
"That's what I did this weekend, as a matter of fact."
"Oh, is that why you don't look.. your best?" You teased.
"What? What do you mean?" Jaehyun asked with a slight panicking voice, trying to fix his hair and straightening out his shirt.
"Hmm.. I'm not really sure, but you look exhausted? Eyes a bit red and dark spots under them. You should just give up. What's in it for you, anyway?" You said as you examined him from head to toe.
"I don't like losing. That's all. And I have my reputation." Jaehyun said as he suddenly cornered you against the wall with his arm, smirking at you.
"Oh please, it's not like you're gonna lose your friends just because of this."
"Ugh, can you just say yes? Please?" He backed off and looked at you with pleading eyes. Which surprised you because you realized how much this matters to him. Like what Taeyong said, he's competitive.
"Fine. But this will be the last time, alright? Whether you win or lose, it'll be the last."
"I promise! Thanks, Y/N!" Jaehyun said before going for a quick hug that was so quick you weren't even able to hug him back. 
"See you on Friday night! I'll text you the place!" He yelled across the hall as he ran away. 
"Yeah, see you. Loser." You whispered to yourself with a blank face as you watched him.
Yes, you had another drinking showdown with Jaehyun that Friday night. But no, unlike what you told him, it wasn't the last. 
In contrast to his snarky and confident self the first time he challenged you, he was more quiet and serious this time. But still, you beat him the second time and the other boys were present to witness his downfall. There was no improvement in his performance, still passed out right after finishing his fourth bottle. 
Another Monday came and he challenged you again while you were having lunch with Seulgi at one of the benches under the trees. 
"Please, Y/N?"
"I already told you that Friday night would be the last, remember? Or did forcing yourself to drink five bottles has affected your memory already?" You scoffed.
"I.. I only agreed to that because I thought I'd be able to beat you." Jaehyun admitted.
For the first time, you just looked at him because you didn't know what to say. 
"Alright. See you. Same time, same place." You replied as you picked up your chop sticks. You weren't exactly sure what it was but looking at him convinced you to say yes, again.
"Yes! Thank you and sure, same time, same place! Bye!" 
You continued eating as Seulgi looked at you with a displeased face.
"Why did you agree?
"No important reason. Just realized I'm actually having fun with this stupid showdown." 
"You're... you're not catching feelings for him, are you?" Seulgi asked cautiously.
You choked on your drink upon hearing the weird question. "Excuse me but what?"
"I'm sorry. I just can't help but think-"
"For the record, no. I don't feel anything for him."
"Well, that's great. Because we both know you just..." 
"Got my heart broken? Yes, I'm very much aware of that, thank you. But that's also the reason why I should put my mind on other things, to distract myself."
"And drinking with Jaehyun is your way of distracting yourself?"
"Seulgi, I'll be fine. Okay? It's not like I'm gonna hook up with him. I'm not like that. Just relax. Yuta and the other boys are with us too, it's not like it's just me and Jaehyun."
"Fine. Just text me if something happens."
As the weeks passed by, the other boys ended up getting bored of your showdowns because you always won, anyway. There was no thrill anymore. And so it was just you and Jaehyun, eventually. 
Besides his competitiveness, you got to see different sides of Jaehyun when he's drunk. He's not only giggly but he could be very dramatic as well. There were nights when he'd just laugh and be silly and nights when he'd sulk and rant about life. He amused you to no end, which was why you ended up saying yes to each of his invitations.
Jaehyun always waited for you to arrive at the bar before he took a single sip. So you were a bit surprised when you saw that a quarter of his first bottle was already empty that night.
“Aww, you didn’t wait for me?” You asked sarcastically.
“Sorry, I just needed a sip.” He sighed deeply, not looking at you.
“I was just joking, jeez. I don’t mind. Are you okay? You seem... off.” You replied, taking off your backpack and signaling the bartender for a bottle.
“Hmm, so-so.” Jaehyun replied curtly.
“That’s not good. Want me to invite the rest of the boys?”
“Nope. I like it like this. Just the two of us.” He smiled bitterly.
“Oh, alright.” The bottle of soju came at the right time to distract you as you felt your cheeks heat up. You finished it without stopping.
“Damn Y/N, relax.” Jaehyun said with a chuckle.
“Can’t. You started without me so I had to catch up.”
Instead of replying verbally, Jaehyun finished his own bottle as his response to you. “Now we’re fair.”
Second bottle.
Jaehyun was unusually quiet and serious, just looking down at his bottle and swirling the alcohol in it around. Looking at his phone from time to time and overall just avoiding your gaze. You were worried about him.
Third bottle.
Jaehyun was starting to get giggly and laughing for no reason. You felt relieved for a few moments until you realized that his laughs and smiles weren’t genuine like before. There were sadness and bitterness in them that you couldn’t exactly point out.
Fourth bottle.
He was showing a mixture of dramatic and silly and you were very weirded out by what you were seeing. He was laughing one second and then sobbing the next.
“Jae, maybe now is not a good time. We can disregard this night and just start again tomorrow. Let’s go home?”
“No! I wanna defeat you.” He protested while stomping his legs repeatedly like a child.
“Oh my god, Jeong Jaehyun. I swear to god.” You placed your bottle down with a thud.
The both of you just looked at each other with polarizing expressions. You looked exasperated and he was starting to smile flirtatiously.
“You know,” He began as he leaned on the table, studying your face more closely. “You’re actually pretty. Really beautiful, if I do say so myself.”
You were pretty sure your breath hitched and your heartbeat started to race as you looked away, unsure of what to say.
“Oooh, you’re turning red!” Jaehyun teased you, pointing his finger at you as he laughed heartily.
“Shut up, Jaehyun. It’s the alcohol, not you and your stupid cheesy words.”
“Whatever, Y/N. What you say doesn’t matter… because…” He said in between hiccups.
“Because what?”
“Because all I know is that I really like you.” He continued, looking at you with serious yet sleepy eyes.
“You don’t know what you’re saying.” You shook your head.
“No, honey. I actually do.” He said with a bitter smile. “All this time, I thought I was just spending time with you because I wanted to defeat you. But along the way I realized that I genuinely enjoy your presence. When we’re not together, I miss you so bad. I always think of you. I want to text you and invite you to hang out without getting drunk and just spend the day sober, doing normal things. But... but I was afraid. I am afraid.”
You looked at him as tears threaten to fall from your eyes. Is this the reason he’s been acting strange the whole night? You asked yourself.
“Well, congratulations. You finally won, Jaehyun. You have defeated me in this game of yours.”
“What? What are you talking about? We’re not yet… done.” He said right before he passed out.
That’s when you finally let the tears fall. You didn’t know why but seeing Jaehyun so hurt and sad broke your heart.
“Hey. Pick up your passed-out friend here at the bar. I asked the bartender to watch over him until you arrive. I’m going home now.” You told Yuta as you looked at Jaehyun sleeping soundly.
“Wait! Why are you in such a hurry? Wait for me there and I’ll drive you home too.”
“No need. I’m fine. And also…”
“This is the last time I’m doing this with him.”
“Doing what? The drinking showdown?”
“Yes. This is the last time, no more next.”
“Woah, that’s surprising. But why?” Yuta asked as you heard his car starting up in the background.
“Nothing. I just don’t find it fun anymore. I’m tired. I’ll be hanging up now. Bye.” You ended the call even before Yuta could say anything in reply.
You hesitated to bring yourself closer to Jaehyun but you realized that this might be the only chance you’d ever get to look at him so closely. You laid down your head next to his, your noses almost touching and you could feel his hot breath hitting your lips. You stayed in that position for a few seconds before you ruffled his soft dark brown hair. You loved the smell of his shampoo.
You bid goodbye to the bartender and reminded him about Jaehyun. This bartender, Yukhei, became your and Jaehyun’s acquaintance due to the frequent visits at the bar.
10:34 AM
"Good morning, Y/N. I lost to you again last night. As usual, I was gonna challenge you again. But Yuta told me just now that you don't want to do it anymore? He said you no longer find it fun. May I know why?"
2:15 PM
"Hey, Y/N. Did I do or say something inappropriate last night? Please tell me. I want to apologize properly :("
4:48 PM
"Looks like I really did something you didn't like. I'm sorry. But please tell me what exactly happened. My memory always betrays me the day after I get wasted. You know that. Really hoping to hear from you."
You didn't reply to any of those messages because you had no idea what to say. Obviously, Jaehyun wasn't aware of the fact that he confessed to you and you decided that it's better to stay that way. Telling him about it would just embarrass him and make things awkward between the two of you. Or worse, he might completely deny everything. 
While you laid down on your bed looking up at the ceiling with these thoughts in your head, Jaehyun couldn't stay still in the dorm, never letting go of his phone as he waited for at least one reply from you.
"Jeez, Jaehyun. You're making me dizzy. Can you sit down for a while?" Doyoung asked irritatingly.
"She's not replying. What the fuck did I do last night?" Jaehyun let out a deep and loud sigh.
"Who knows? We weren't there, were we?"
"Yuta, is that really everything she said? 'It's not fun anymore'?" 
"Yeah, that's all."
"How did she sound like? Was she mad or anything?"
"Hmm, no. She wasn't mad. She sounded.. tired and.. a bit sad." Yuta rubbed his chin with his thumb as he tried to remember his call with you.
"What if you accidentally confessed to her?" Mark innocently asked before filling his mouth with potato chips.
"Accidentally what? Confessed?" Jaehyun squinted his eyes at the boy.
"Y-yeah. Confessed."
"And what will I confess to her?" The taller boy defensively asked as he approached Mark.
"That you like her, duh?" Winwin said, playing on his phone.
"W-what? Excuse me? I do not like her."
The rest of the boys snorted in response.
"Wow you guys. You don't believe me?" Jaehyun asked with wide eyes and scrunched brows, obviously taking full offense.
"Okay, listen. First, you are so worried about her not wanting to drink with you anymore and not replying to you. Second, you called all of us here in your room to ask us for advice. Those pretty much confirm our theory that yes, you do like her, Jae." Johnny declared.
The other boys nodded their heads in unison and Jaehyun's face and ears were red as tomato.
"I think you should just talk to her in person on Monday." Taeyong suggested, realizing that the discussion must be ended soon for Jaehyun's sanity.
"Yeah, I agree." Mark replied.
"There's nothing wrong if you like her. But you should act fast or I will." Doyoung wiggled his eyebrows.
"Oh, so you like her now too? Sorry but I won't allow you to make a move." Jaehyun smirked at him.
"There goes our third confirmation." Taeil said before sipping his tea.
"You're not yet her boyfriend but you're already possessive." Mark said, shaking his head.
"Nah, Jae. I was just playing with ya and you fell for it." Doyoung was laughing hysterically.
Realizing what just happened, Jaehyun couldn't help but let out a loud groan of defeat.
You always dreaded Mondays but you dreaded this particular Monday even more. You've been so cautious about your surroundings and deliberately moved faster, hoping that you wouldn't bump into Jaehyun. 
But it's Jeong Jaehyun you're avoiding, the most determined and persistent guy you've ever known. So of course, any attempt was futile.
"Y/N. Y/N!" You heard him calling from a far but you didn't look at him. His running footsteps were getting louder and closer and you mentally gave up.
"Hey, good morning." He said as he was catching his breath.
"Morning." You replied, focused on the ground.
"Uhm, so... Did, did you get my texts last Saturday?" The dreaded question.
"Y-you texted?" You pretended.
"Yeah! Several times. You didn't get any of them?" 
"No, I don't think so. I was on digital detox the whole weekend so I turned on my phone's airplane mode." You tried so hard to sound normal so he wouldn't catch you lying.
"Oh, digital detox. Yeah, I've heard people have been doing that lately. That's.. that's great."
You didn't respond and so he continued.
"So I texted you because Yuta said you didn't.." His voice faltered and you swallowed hard. "He said you didn't want to drink with me anymore?" You felt his eyes focused on you and it made your whole being jittery inside.
"Y-yes. I said that."
"Because it's no longer fun?"
"Yep." You never thought that your classroom was this far from the main gate. You wanted nothing more but for it to suddenly appear so you would have an excuse to end this awkward conversation with Jaehyun.
"May I know why?" Jaehyun asked, putting himself right in front of you, stopping you from walking any further. For the first time that day, you looked him in the eye, causing you to stop breathing for a second. His eyes are full of worry and you never saw him this sad before. Was he really this affected by your decision?
"No special reason. I just.. don't enjoy it anymore. As simple as that."
"But why? You kept on winning against me."
"Maybe because winning is not everything, Jae."
Jaehyun was left speechless for a short while before he continued, "Did I do or say anything that offended you? I'm sorry-"
"Don't worry, you didn't. As I said, no special reason." 
"Okay. Well, we can do other things. Things that are fun for you. What do you want to do? We don't have to drink anymore, if that's what you really want." He asked, a glint of hope in his eyes. A hope that you weren't sure if you're ready to entertain.
"I..." You began as Jaehyun anticipated your full reply.
"I'm already five minutes late, Jaehyun." You stated with a tight smile and you saw his face turn from hopeful to disappointed. 
He slowly moved out of your way and you ran to your classroom quickly, with him watching your back from a far.
You had a hard time focusing on your classes for the rest of the day, extremely guilty that you have hurt him. You were on your way to meet with Seulgi at the main gate before going home when you saw Jaehyun again. This time, he was sat on one of the benches. You saw him looking at you and he just gave you a slight smile before turning back to Mark who was chatting passionately. It didn't look like he was going to talk to you again about the same topic. He must have accepted your reason and moved on, you thought to yourself.
It was Saturday night and Jaehyun is back at the bar with the other boys. 
"I have no intention of passing out, thank you. One bottle is enough." Jaehyun announced after they settled in.
"You're no fun." Yuta replied before the others started booing Jaehyun. But the latter didn't change his mind.
While the other boys were having fun drinking, dancing, or fooling around with girls they just met, Jaehyun only took a couple of sips from his first bottle of soju.
"You look so out of it. Sorry if I forced you to come with us. Just wanted to help in taking your mind off things." Yuta comforted Jaehyun.
"Oh, no it's fine. Thank you. It's just.. this was the place where Y/N and I had our last drink exactly a week ago. I wonder what really happened. She wouldn't tell me. Or maybe I'm just overthinking."
"Jaehyun, Yuta! What's up?" Yukhei called out as he began his shift for the night.
"Hey, Yukhei. We're good. You?"
"Great. By the way, Jae. How did Y/N respond to your confession? Been curious about it the entire week!" Yukhei excitedly inquired as he started working on a drink requested by a customer.
Both Yuta and Jaehyun looked at him, very confused. "What did you say? What confession?" Jaehyun asked.
"The confession last week. Oh yeah, you were already drunk that time. No wonder you forgot about it. You even passed out a few minutes later. But dude, I gotta be honest. That was so sweet! Didn't know you had that romantic side." 
Jaehyun's heartbeat gradually got louder and faster as he realized what Yukhei was talking about. 
"So I actually confessed to her?" He asked Yuta with wide eyes.
"Looks like Mark's guess was right."
"I need to talk to her." Jaehyun said as he ran out of the club, so quickly that Yuta didn't even manage to say anything.
Jaehyun drove to your house and in thirty minutes, he was already slamming your doorbell button.
"Jaehyun?" You asked, surprised to see him on your doorstep on a Saturday night. "What are you doing here?" 
"You told me I didn't say anything that night." He replied, face and ears beet red. You didn't know if he was mad or whatever.
"I asked you, remember? I asked if I said anything inappropriate or something you didn't like that night."
"Are you still on about that? I thought we're already done-"
"No. We're not yet done." Jaehyun's aura was so strong that you were starting to get a bit scared and intimidated. 
"I honestly don't know what you're talking about, Jaehyun."
"Yukhei said I confessed to you while I was drunk last week."
You couldn't help but widen your eyes and open your mouth in shock. You had no idea that Yukhei heard everything.
"So it's true, huh?" Jaehyun scoffed before rubbing his face with his hands. This was what you were avoiding, seeing him extremely embarrassed. 
"That's the reason why you suddenly decided to stop drinking with me, am I right? Why you started avoiding me. Why didn't you tell me about it? I already asked you what happened that night so I can apologize." Exhaustion and frustration were apparent in his eyes and voice.
"And I already told you not to worry about it because you did not say anything that ticked me off. You don't have to apologize for anything!"
"Then why did you suddenly act like I'm the worst person to be with?! No calls, no texts. Just pure avoidance and you didn't even have the guts to tell me face-to-face that you didn't want to drink with me anymore because it's no longer fun for you. Why? You think I won't be able to handle that? If you don't like me back, you can just tell me. Instead of acting like we never knew each other."
Listening to his tone and words made you realize how much you have hurt him, which was totally unintentional on your part. 
"Y/N, don't cry. I'm.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Jaehyun hesitantly reached for your arms to caress them.
"I'm not ready." You said and Jaehyun just squinted his eyes and scrunched his brows in confusion.
"I'm not ready for feelings. I got hurt last summer and so now I'm scared."
"To get hurt again?" You nodded.
"But I won't hurt you. I'm not like that bastard. I'll even help you forget."
"By what? Drinking the night away? Jaehyun, please-"
"No. Like I told you before, we don't have to drink ever again and I'm totally fine with that. We can do other things that you want to try or things that you already enjoy doing. Watching movies, cooking together, visiting coffee shops, reading books, whatever you want. Just tell me and I'll join you so we can do it together. Please, just let me spend time with you. Let's do something where I'm not gonna pass out." He said the last sentence with a chuckle, an attempt to make you smile even just a bit.
"You deserve someone better." You said with a bitter smile because in your head, that's what you believed to be true. Even though it was painful for your heart.
"But all I want is you."
"No, Jae. You deserve someone who's not scared, someone who's willing to love you and be with you right here, right now."
"But I can wait. I will wait until you're ready."
"I promise!" 
You looked at Jaehyun and given that you knew how stubborn he was, you were certain he wasn't going to back down in any way.
"Fine. But I'm not gonna blame you if you end up leaving. I'll understand."
"Honey, I know you underestimate me when it comes to drinking. But I'm telling you, you shouldn't underestimate my feelings."
You and Jaehyun spent the last few months of the semester still a bit distant from each other but in better terms. Now that he confessed his real feelings and you admitted your fear, things have become clearer and you knew how to treat each other better. 
He constantly exerted efforts to let you know that he still likes you and he's still waiting, but he also made sure to give you some space so you wouldn't feel pressured. He sent you flowers every two weeks with some chocolates and sweet messages and even though the two of you were not seen physically together, you always texted to see how each other was doing or just to talk about anything. He assured you that you would always have him, whether as just a friend or something more. He made you feel at ease and the jokes he sent through texts always seemed to erase all the exhaustion from your stressful days. Jaehyun was always the last person you text at night before sleeping.
While finals week was approaching and everyone was busy studying and working on projects and papers, Jaehyun was at the rooftop waiting for Yuta.
"Where's he? He's fifteen minutes late already, damn it." Jaehyun asked himself as he looked at his watch.
The door slowly opened and Jaehyun stood up ready to complain to Yuta when he saw you instead of the Japanese boy.
"H-hey, Y/N." He greeted you with wide eyes and rosy cheeks.
"Hey." You replied with a smile as you walked to him. 
Jaehyun seemed so speechless so you decided to continue, "You're alone?"
"Y-yes. Actually, I'm waiting for Yuta. He asked me to tutor him for Chemistry. But as you can see, he's late." Jaehyun stuttered as the two of you walked to his original spot and sat down.
"Hmm.. actually he's not coming."
"What? Oh.. okay. So did he ask you to come here to tell me that?"
"No. It's the other way around. I asked him to tell you to come here so I could meet you. I wanted to surprise you."
Jaehyun just looked at you with mouth slightly open.
"I'm sorry I know that sounded confusing!" You said in embarrassment as you fanned yourself, feeling your cheeks burning up.
"Don't worry, I got you." He laughed.  "This feels a bit... weird. Don't you think?" He continued.
"What feels a bit weird?"
"This." He replied as he pointed to the two of you. "It's been a while since we actually spent time together like this. We text every day and night but we haven't been with each other, right?" 
"Oh, yes. You're right." Your heartbeat started to go faster as you realized that you were in Jaehyun's presence again, that he was right next to you and you were only three inches apart.
"But I like it." He continued. You quickly looked at him and you saw his dimples that you missed so much. 
"It feels weird but I like it. I missed you so much, Y/N. No amount of texting can replace being with you." 
You looked away and shook your head after hearing his words because you literally couldn't take his sweetness and cheesiness. "Still as cheesy as ever, Jeong Jaehyun."
"But I mean it." He said with a pout.
"I know. Here, I have a gift for you." You said as you brought out a bottle of soju and placed it in his hands.
"Woah, darling. You're the one challenging me now?" 
"Oh, this is not a challenge. I only bought one for each of us." You showed him your own bottle. "It's not a challenge, but a celebration."
"Celebration? For what?" He asked as you opened both your bottles.
"Because I'm saying yes." You smiled warmly at him.
"Yep." Jaehyun just squinted his eyes in response.
"You know Jaehyun, you're smart and competitive as hell, but you're real slow sometimes." You rolled your eyes.
"I'm sorry..."
"I'm saying yes to you, Jae." 
You said and the two of you shared a moment of silence as you waited for Jaehyun's reaction. When you saw his eyes lit up and his mouth about to move to say something, you quickly pressed your lips on his. You could feel that he was taken aback but in just a second, you felt his arms wrap around you to hold you tight.
You pulled away to catch your breath. 
"So this is what you mean by 'yes'?" Jaehyun chuckled.
"Uh-huh. That's the answer you've been waiting for, remember?" The two of you laughed for a while.
"But I'm sorry." You said.
"For what?"
"I feel like I made you wait too long. You didn't deserve it. I just didn't know how-" You started sniffling.
"Baby, don't worry about it. It's totally fine. I understand, okay?" Jaehyun said as one of his hands caressed your cheek and the other your hand.
He kissed you again before raising up his bottle, "Cheers?"
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weekendwarriorblog · 4 years
The Weekend Warrior Home Edition May 29, 2020 – I WILL MAKE YOU MINE, THE HIGH NOTE, HBO MAX and more!
Before we get to any potential theatrical releases – there aren’t many (if any?) this week  –  today is the day that HBO MAX launches! I hope to add it to the streaming section below, but since it’s a newborn baby launching today, it will get the lead in this week’s column…
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Some of the HBO Max original programming at launch will include On the Record, the new doc from The Hunting Ground and The Invisible War directors Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering, which looks at the story of music exec. Drew Dixon and her decision to be one of the first women of color to come forward about being sexually assaulted by Russell Simmons. I’ll freely admit that I haven’t watched this yet, but my friend/colleague Candice Fredrick did this amazing interview with Dixon and the other subjects for Shondaland, which you can read right here, and it’ll make it obvious why  (like Dick/Ziering’s previous docs), this one NEEDS to be seen, even if you don’t have a horse in this race.
Anna Kendrick will be starring in new romantic comedy anthology series called Love Life from Sam Boyd, each season which will follow a different person from their first to last romance. I hope this is better than Kendrick’s Quibi series.
On a lighter night, there’s a new series of Looney Tunes Cartoons, a series of 11 to 12-minute cartoon collections featuring all your WB favorites. While I was mildly dubious about new cartoons, apparently WB has been making these for a few years although they’ll now be migrating over to HBO Max. Some of the first toons will include a couple Porky Pig-Daffy Duck shorts: “Curse of the Monkeybird” and “Firehouse Frenzy”; another one called “Harm Wrestling,” pitting Bugs Bunny against long-time nemesis Yosemite Sam, and another Bugs one called “Big League Beast.” These new toons definitely have their own identity and charm and are pretty clever with wackier modernized cartoon violence ala “Ren and Stimpy” or maybe Adult Swim would be a more current reference. The series is exec. produced by Peter Browngardt, and I don’t think regular Looney Tunes fans (or cartoon fans in general) will be too disappointed by these offerings.
There’s also the Not Too Late Show with Elmo, which looks cute, but it’s definitely veering more towards the TV side of things than movies, at least for now.
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Something rather strange and interesting happened leading up to this week’s “Featured Movie,” but it involves an introductory story: Just before the lockdown on March 12, I went out to see Emily Ting’s great new comedy, Go Back to China on its very last day in New York theaters. One of the actors in the movie, Lynn Chen, seemed vaguely familiar but I couldn’t figure out where from. Sometime after that, I started seeing a few tweets about Alice Wu’s 2004 film, Saving Face, which I thought I was one of the only people who knew about it, having covered it 15 or 16 years ago. This led to a Twitter conversation about Wu’s new Netflix movie, The Half of It, which made me realize that Chen was one of the two leads in Saving Face. One thing led to another and besides learning about Wu’s new movie, I also found out that Chen’s own directorial debut would be coming out soon. That movie, I WILL MAKE YOU MINE (Gravitas Ventures), is now available digitally and on DVD/Blu-ray. Got all that? Good. So that’s what I’m going to write about next.
Chen’s directorial debut is an interesting black-and-white romantic dramedy, but you really need to go into it knowing that it’s also the third part of something being labelled, “The Surrogate Valentine Trilogy,” based on two indie comedies directed by Dave Boyle. I did not know this the first time I watched Chen’s movie, which may be why I was so confused about the relationships between three Asian-American women with a musician named Goh Nakamura (who plays himself in the film). Once I watched the previous movies, Surrogate Valentine from 2011 and Daylight Savings from 2012, things became a LOT clearer.
Both those movies were quirky comedies mostly based around Nakamura’s day-to-day, but they also had romantic undercurrents with three different women over the course of the two movies: Lynn Chen’s best friend Rachel, “the professor” Erika (Ayako Fujitani) and fellow singer-songwriter Yea-Ming (Yea-Ming Chen, also playing a version of herself). It’s immediately clear that Chen’s movie is going to focus on the three women, but it my not be as evident who these women are or their relationship to Nakamura without having seen the previous two films.
The movie takes place five years after the previous one, so Chen is taking the Linklatter “Before” trilogy approach, at least in concluding the overall story with a few players from earlier movies also making apperances. Erika and Yea-Ming are still polar opposites with Erika’s moodiness being increased by the death of her father and having to care for her five-year-old daughter (Ayami Riley Tomine).  Yea-Ming is still single and ready to mingle, while Rachel is now married but she is still reminiscing about Goh, who she long ago put in the friend zone despite his feelings for her.
Both the previous movies were left hanging with no real answers, so it’s quite respectable for Chen to take the reins in trying to answer some of the unanswered questions. The general idea is that all these women are still thinking of Goh, and you’ll have to watch the movie to see which one he ends up with, if any. (Not too sure how I feel about all these beautiful women chasing after the mopey Nakamura, but like the “Before” movies, you’ll be quite invested after seeing the other two movies.)
Nakamura is an incredibly talented musician, songwriter and singer (as is Yea-Ming) but not a particularly expressive actor, especially in comparison to a seasoned pro like Chen. As a director and co-star, she does a better job getting a performance out of him than Boyle did, although her character’s arc is more about dealing with her cheating husband Josh. Chen maintains the quirky humor of the earlier movies without involving as much of the bro-ness of the characters around Nakamura. Putting the focus on the three women trying to discover themselves and figure out what they want in life just makes her film a far more enjoyable experience as a whole, especially as we get to see them interacting with each other.
I particulary like this movie on its own merits due to the very funny and talented Yea-Ming Chen (whose own musical project is called DreamDate). She clearly has the best chemistry with Nakamura, but I Will Make You Mine gains so much more knowing the characters’ history together, even if those relationships were not necessarily the focus of the previous two films. There’s no question Lynn Chen has a solid future as a filmmaker, as she takes the ideas and characters introduced by Boyle’s films to a far more emotional level. I recommend watching the entire trilogy, which hopefully Gravitas Ventures will put all in one place (like a collection of all three movies with a soundtrack CD?) someday soon. In the meantime, you can find out where you can watch I Will Make You Mine on the official site, so do check it out!
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I had been pretty interested in Focus Features’ new film, THE HIGH NOTE, which will be available via PVOD this Friday, mainly because it was directed by Nisha Ganatra, who did such an amazing job with last year’s Late Night. This is a very different movie, maybe more commercial but also not quite as much my thing, which is odd since it’s set in the music business, which is almost definitely my thing.
Dakota Johnson stars as Maggie, personal assistant to legendary soul singer Grace Davis (Tracee Ellis Ross from black-ish), but she would rather be a record producer. Maggie hs been practicing by doing an edit on a live album for Davis who is being drawn by her manager (Ice Cube) to take up a Vegas residency ala Celine. Soon after, Maggie meets Kelvin Harrison Jr’s David Cliff, an aspiring singer and songwriter who she decides to take under her wing, without letting him know she’s actually a personal assistant.
Written by Flora Greeson, her first produced screenplay, it’s almost immediately apparent this movie came about due to the success of the 2018 remake of A Star is Born, which did so well despite winning only a single Oscar for song.  There are a few hurdles the movie had to overcome right away, the first being my general “eh” feelings about Johnson as an actor, but then there are also serious credibility issues of a Hollywood personal assistant getting away with HALF the things Maggie does in the movie. There is definitely an aspect of the movie that reminded me of Working Girl, one of the movies that made Johnson’s mother (Melanie Griffith) a household name, but this sort of “everything works out for the white girl” just seems kind of stale and played and maybe a bit out-of-tune in this day and age.
The High Note is barely a drama and more of a romantic dramedy and while the songs are decent, there’s very little way that this can be deemed any sort of “musical.” There’s also the whole “white savior” thing in play where Maggie is there not only to save Grace’s flagging career but also trying to help David make it big. Harrison is as good as he’s been in almost every role, and that seems almost wasted among the other okay performances.
The thing is that The High Note did eventually win me over, oddly with a pull-the-rug-out twist that for some reason I didn’t see coming. There is a cuteness aspect to it that makes it palatable, if not always entertaining, but I definitely expected more and better from Ganatra for her second feature. It makes it that much more obvious what Mindy Kaling brought to the table as the writer/producer on Late Night.  
Next up is John Hyatt’s documentary SCREENED OUT (Dark Star Pictures), which is probably rather apropos right now as it deals with something very prominent and timely: our addiction to our devices. The movie follows Hyatt and his family who go through their own journey of dealing with screen addiction. It will be available in the US and Canada this Friday. I really couldn’t get too far into this movie, since I generally hate docs where the filmmakers turn the camera on themselves, and I’m not talking about Morgan Spurlock or Michael Moore so much, as those who make these movies about themselves without having too much to offer the viewer.
Film Forum’s Virtual Cinema adds two new repertory films this week: Philip Borso’s 1982 film, The Grey Fox, starring Richard Farnsworth (in a new 4K restoration) and Andrei Ujică’s 1992 film, Videograms of a Revolution.  Film at Lincoln Center’s own virtual cinema adds Mounia Meddour’s Papicha (Distrib Films) about a university student during the Algerian Civil War who is studying French with an interest in fashion so she defies religious conservatism to design dresses for her peers. The film won the César Award for Best Female Newcomer and Best First Film, and was a selection for the recent “Rendez-Vous with French Cinema.”
Netflix’s big launch this week is the new series from The Office (American version) creator Greg Daniels (his second new one in the last month!), SPACE FORCE, a comedy based on the Trump military initiative that reunites Daniels with Steve Carell. He’s joined by John Malkovich, Jimmy O. Yang, the late Fred Willard, Ben Schwartz, Noah Emmerich and more, so we’ll see if I like it more than the Amazon series, Upload. (Granted, I’ve only seen one episode of that.)
I’m semi-flattered that Hannah Gadsby named her second Netflix comedy special, Hannah Gadsby: Douglas, after me, but honestly, I’m one of the few people who never really understood the appeal of her as a comic. She just seems like a snarky Australian who just happens to also be a lesbian, but I dunno, maybe I’ll like this one more?
Fernando Frias’ Mexican teen drama, I’m No Longer Here (also on Netflix), is about a young street gang in Monterrey, Mexico who get into a feud with a local cartel, forcing the leader to migrate to the United States.
Also, I’ve heard good things about Andrew Patterson’s THE VAST OF NIGHT, which will be available on Amazon Prime, this Friday. It stars Sierra McCormick as Fay Crocker, a switchboard operator in 1950s New Mexico, who discovers an audio frequency that can change their small town forever. It sends Fay and a radio DJ named Everett (Jake Horowitz) on a scavenger hunt into the unknown.  This movie played a lot of genre film festivals last year after debuting at Slamdance, and I generally enjoyed it, since it has a very different vibe of other thrillers, even period ones. The two leads are so cute together in the film’s opening scene, you’ll definitely want to see where things are going, and the dialogue is particularly good. Maybe the movie isn’t as direct in its genre elements as others, but it goes to interesting places for sure.
Also, the We Are One: A Global Film Festival is supposed to start this week, running for a week from this Friday to June 7 with proceeds going to benefit COVID-19 relief funds with programming curated by a number of film festivals including Tribeca, the New York Film Festival, Berlin and others. You can see some of the programming here, and the festival will run starting Friday on the YouTube channel.
Next week, more movies (mostly) not in theaters!
By the way, if you read this week’s column and have bothered to read this far down, feel free to drop me some thoughts at Edward dot Douglas at Gmail dot Com or drop me a note or tweet on Twitter. I love hearing from readers … honest!
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
Justin and Hailey Bieber are Getting Married This Weekend, And Not Everyone is Thrilled About it
They did it: Jailey tied the knot. Just two months after their whirlwind engagement, Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have signed the paperwork and legally bound themselves together in holy matrimony. From their on again/off again dating to their Bahamian engagement, here’s everything you need to know about Baldwin and Bieber’s nine year relationship—right up to their secret NYC courthouse marriage, a tell-all Vogue interview that explains the rush and the April 1st Instagram post that nnounced their first baby.
.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
October 2009: The First Meeting
Bieber and Baldwin meet for the first time after her dad, actor Stephen Baldwin, introduced them backstage at The Today Show. The whole encounter is cringe-worthy, with Baldwin looking less than impressed. Bieber retweeted the video in 2016 with the caption “Haha. Amazing”.
Photography by Richard Corkery/NY Daily News Archives/Getty
February 2011: Dad Intro #2
Baldwin attends the premiere of Never Say Never with her dad at the Regal E-Walk 13 in Times Square. Later that month, Bieber confirmed his relationship with Selena Gomez when they attended the Vanity Fair Oscar Party together.
Photograph via twitter/haileybaldwin
September 2011: Hailey Tweets About Jelena
Baldwin shares her support for new couple, Jelena, on Twitter writing, “I don’t care what anyone says but Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez together is the definition of a teenage dream! #word”. Meanwhile, Gomez performs in Las Vegas with “Justin” written on her wrist and Jelena attend the red carpet premiere of Abduction in Los Angeles.
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2 brunettes X 2 blondes
A post shared by Kylie ✨ (@kyliejenner) on Aug 28, 2014 at 8:01pm PDT
August 2014: Getting Cozy with the Jenners
All throughout 2014, Bieber is photographed hanging out with the Jenner clan. In August 2014, Baldwin officially joins the close knit group, appearing in an Instagram photo Kylie Jenner posts of the pair snuggled up with Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid. The above photo was posted four months after Gomez unfollowed both Jenners and deleted all photos with them from her Instagram account.
Photograph via twitter.com/justbieberzone
November 2014: Take Me to Church
Fan taken photos begin to circulate on social media of Baldwin and Bieber attending a service together, alongside Kendall Jenner, at Hillsong Church in NYC, sparking dating rumours.
December 2014: Hailey Denies Dating Justin
In an interview with E!, Baldwin denies dating Bieber, stating, “I’ve known [Bieber] since I was s young, since I was like 13, and we’ve just been good friends over the years. We have stayed close and there’s nothing more to it than that.”
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People are crazy. I'm super single and this is my good friend u would know otherwise
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 15, 2014 at 1:41pm PST
December 2014: Justin Denies Dating Hailey
Bieber also denies dating rumours, posting a selfie of the duo on Instagram with the caption, “People are crazy. I’m super single and this is my good friend u would know otherwise.”
Photograph via twitter.com/haileybaldwin
December 2014: The Denial Continues
After dining together at Mr Chow, Bieber and Baldwin are photographed entering his house and are seen the next morning having breakfast at a diner. Shortly after, Baldwin continued to deny, deny, deny, tweeting, “Glad I got such a good night sleep last night, at MY own home, alone. Quit it with the stories!”
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2015 I'm coming for u
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 31, 2014 at 9:03pm PST
January 2015: New Year Celebrations
Bieber posts a video to Instagram from a NYE party where Baldwin was also in attendance.
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A post shared by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on Jan 22, 2015 at 10:17pm PST
January 2015: Getting Cheeky
Kendall Jenner posts a group pic to Instagram from a Clippers game in Los Angeles, with Baldwin and Bieber posing cheek-to-cheek.
April 2015: “The Couple That Bakes Together, Stays Together”
Questions about the status of their relationship continue to grow as Baldwin and Bieber enjoy a baking class together in Los Angeles alongside Kendall Jenner.
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This is for the strongest couple i know Chad and Julia Veach! Their daughter was born with Lissencephaly. She is incredible and has the sweetest soul. You guys make me better and I'm blessed to have you in my life #Georgia #gtat
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jul 9, 2015 at 5:12am PDT
July 2015: Matching Tats
In honour of a little girl, Georgia, who suffers from Lissencephaly, both Baldwin and Bieber got the letter “G” tattooed. Bieber’s is on his forearm, while Baldwin’s is behind her ear (as is Gomez’s).
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Hiii Sham
A post shared by Hailey Rhode Bieber (@haileybieber) on Dec 20, 2014 at 2:01pm PST
September 2015: Selena Opens Up
In an interview with ELLE, Gomez opens up about how the drama surrounding her and Bieber was beginning to overshadow her career. Shortly after, Baldwin posts a picture wearing oversized sweatpants, which Bieber confirms are his in the comment sections. “Gimme back my sweats dick”, he writes, with Baldwin replying, “No sorry they look better on me.”
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She thought we were taking a photo
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 29, 2015 at 11:28am PST
December 2015: Couple’s Retreat?
Baldwin and Bieber go on a tropical vacation to Anguilla together, alongside Bieber’s family, where they engaged in flirty PDA that’s obviously not ‘just friends’ behaviour.
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A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jan 3, 2016 at 4:12pm PST
January 2016: Insta Official
The pair seem to *finally* confirm their relationship with a PDA-heavy Insta post. On January 3, 2016, Bieber posts this photo of himself passionately kissing Baldwin.
February 2016: Keeping it Casual
After confirming that they are indeed dating, both Baldwin and Bieber insist it’s casual in separate interviews. Baldwin tells E! “We are not an exclusive couple. He’s about to go on tour. Relationships at this age are already complicated, but I don’t really like to talk about it because it’s between me and him.”
Bieber explains to GQ: “So now I’m just more so looking at the future, making sure I’m not damaging them. What if Hailey ends up being the girl I’m gonna marry, right? If I rush into anything, if I damage her, then it’s always gonna be damaged. It’s really hard to fix wounds like that. It’s so hard.… I just don’t want to hurt her.”
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I'm gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don't stop the hate this is getting out of hand, if you guys are really fans you wouldn't be so mean to people that I like
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Aug 13, 2016 at 10:34pm PDT
August 2016: Onto the Next
Bieber unfollows Baldwin on Instagram and is seen with Sofia Richie six months later, confirming that he and Baldwin have ended this casual relationship.
August 2016-April 2018: The Dark Ages
Baldwin and Bieber’s August 2016 breakup seems to have concluded in a falling out. They aren’t pictured together, don’t hang out with their mutual friends, and both unfollow each other on social media. During this time, Bieber reignites his on-again-off-again relationship with Gomez.
May 2018: Friends Again
After 2 years of not speaking—at least, to our knowledge—Baldwin and Bieber reunite…as friends. In an interview with The Times UK, Baldwin states “Justin and I were friends for a long time. I met him when I was really young and he was one of my best friends. Everybody knows that at a certain point in time that turned into something else, but that just happens when you’re 18, 19. We went through a long period of time when we weren’t friends. We didn’t speak for quite some time and there was a lot of weirdness that went on. We’ve moved past that.”
June 2018: Church Cuddles
Dating rumours begin to swirl again after the pair are spotted at church together and then a Miami club getting cuddly.
June 2018: New York State of Mind
Baldwin and Bieber are photographed goofing off for the cameras in NYC. It’s worth noting that on these urban outings, Bieber is wearing hotel slippers. Very casual!
June 2018: It’s PDA Official…Again
Fans capture the couple making out on the Brooklyn Bridge, officially confirming that their on-again-off-again romance is very much on.
Photography via Noam Galai/Getty
June 2018: No More Mendes
After publicly confirming her relationship with Bieber, Baldwin deletes all traces of Canadian musician Shawn Mendes from her Instagram feed. In May, the pair attended the MET Gala together and sparked romance rumours.
July 2018: The Make Out Tour
Jailey continue making out all over the USA, where they were spotted kissing in Washington, NYC, and in the Hamptons after experiencing some roadside car trouble.
Photography via twitter.com/coconiiks
July 7, 2018: He Puts a Ring On It
Although neither Baldwin or Bieber have yet to publicly confirm their engagement, TMZ reports that Bieber popped the question in the Bahamas on July 8. Since then, photos have surfaced of Baldwin’s massive engagement ring, which is enough of an indicator that there is, in fact, “One Less Lonely Girl.”
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@justinbieber Proud is an understatement! Excited for the next chapter!
A post shared by Jeremy Bieber (@jeremybieber) on Jul 8, 2018 at 8:31am PDT
July 8, 2018: A Proud Father
Bieber’s dad, Jeremy, posts a photo on IG, writing “Proud is an understatement! Excited for the next chapter!”
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Was gonna wait a while to say anything but word travels fast, listen plain and simple Hailey I am soooo in love with everything about you! So committed to spending my life getting to know every single part of you loving you patiently and kindLY. I promise to lead our family with honor and integrity letting Jesus through his Holy Spirit guide us in everything we do and every decision we make. My heart is COMPLETELY and FULLY YOURS and I will ALWAYS put you first! You are the love of my life Hailey Baldwin and I wouldn’t want to spend it with anybody else. You make me so much better and we compliment eachother so well!! Can’t wait for the best season of life yet!. It’s funny because now with you everything seems to make sense! The thing I am most excited for is that my little brother and sister get to see another healthy stable marriage and look for the same!!! Gods timing really is literally perfect, we got engaged on the seventh day of the seventh month, the number seven is the number of spiritual perfection, it’s true GOOGLE IT! Isn’t that nuts? By the way I didn’t plan that, anyways My goodness does feel good to have our future secured! WERE GONNA BE BETTER AT 70 BABY HERE WE GO! “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains FAVOR from the Lord!” This is the year of favor!!!!
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jul 9, 2018 at 3:14pm PDT
July 9, 2018: An Official Announcement
It didn’t take Bieber long to confirm the rumours of his proposal on social media. Sharing a pair of black and white photos of him and Baldwin, the “Sorry” singer rambles on about God, the number seven and the love of his life. Despite spelling errors, it’s really quite sweet!
Not sure what I did in life to deserve such happiness but I am so utterly grateful to God for giving me such an incredible person to share my life with! No words could ever express my gratitude. ❤️
— Hailey Bieber (@haileybieber) July 9, 2018
July 9, 2018: An Official Announcement Part 2
Baldwin shares a sappy tweet, detailing her gratitude for being able to spend “the rest of her life” with “such an incredible person.”
September 14, 2018: A Secret Wedding (?!)
Two months after their whirlwind engagement, Jailey have reportedly tied the knot. A “religious source” close to the couple confirmed to PEOPLE that on Thursday, the singer and model “went ahead and did it without listening to anyone.”
Wait… do does this mean we won’t get to gush over photographs of Baldwin in a wedding dress? Not quite: the source also confirmed to the outlet that the newlyweds will have a formal religious ceremony and celebration with friends and family. “They’re going to have a big blowout, in front of God and everyone they love.”
And, before you go rushing to conclusions about why the young love birds rushed the the altar, hear this: multiple sources have told TMZ that “100% she’s not pregnant.” I guess true love can make you do crazy things?!
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my ❤️
A post shared by Hailey Rhode Bieber (@haileybieber) on Nov 10, 2018 at 6:29pm PST
November 18, 2018: Hello @haileybieber
Is it official, isn’t it official…for a while, we didn’t really know. The confirmation we so desperately needed came via Instagram, with Hailey updating her handle from @haileybaldwin to @haileybieber.
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  so excited to cover @voguemagazine’s March issue with my loveeeeeee shot by #AnnieLeibovitz Read our full cover story in the link in my bio 💕💕💕
A post shared by Hailey Rhode Bieber (@haileybieber) on Feb 7, 2019 at 8:35am PST
February 7, 2019: The Vogue Tell-All Interview
Four months later, Mr. and Mrs. Bieber appear together on the cover of Vogue‘s March 2019 issue, and in their joint interview, pull back the curtain on their holy matrimony. “The thing is, marriage is very hard,” Hailey said, “that is the sentence you should lead with. It’s really effing hard.”
The article goes on to reveal that when the pair reconnected in June, Justin was more than a year into a self-imposed tenure of celibacy, working though what he calls “a legitimate problem with sheex.”
“He doesn’t ask us not to have sex for him because he wants rules and stuff,” Justin explains. “He’s like, I’m trying to protect you from hurt and pain. I think sex can cause a lot of pain. Sometimes people have sex because they don’t feel good enough. Because they lack self-worth. Women do that, and guys do that. I wanted to rededicate myself to God in that way because I really felt it was better for the condition of my soul. And I believe that God blessed me with Hailey as a result.”
Justin and Hailey were saving themselves for marriage—and thankfully, they didn’t have to wait long. The interviewer implies that sex was one of the reasons the duo rushed to the alter back in September. The other reason? “When I saw her last June, I just forgot how much I loved her and how much I missed her and how much of a positive impact she made on my life. I was like, Holy cow, this is what I’ve been looking for.”
April 1, 2019: The Instagrammed Sonogram
Around 4 p.m. ETA, Justin shared a caption-less photo of an ultrasound to his Instagram feed, leading the internet to believe he and Hailey are expecting their first child. A few minutes later, he followed up with an image of Hailey in the doctor’s office, cupping her stomach, with the caption: “if U thought it was an April fools.”
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If U thought it was April fools
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Apr 1, 2019 at 1:24pm PDT
The comment section seemed to be split: some people congratulated the couple, while others called it a bluff. April Fools does technically end at noon, with lead us to “belieb” the announcement was genuine. Then, he shared this:
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Wait omg is that a,,, APRIL FOOLS
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Apr 1, 2019 at 2:12pm PDT
HA! Really funny guys.
September 26, 2019: The Bachelorette Party
OK so we know that they’re already legally married however Hailey and Justin are ticking off all traditions for their upcoming wedding (which will be happening on September 30 at South Carolina’s Montage Palmetto Bluff hotel). Hailey and pals, including Kendall Jenner and her stylist Maeve Reilly, partied it up at Ysabel and Delilah in Los Angeles overnight for her official bachelorette party and the model was decked out in a white dress and a veil, naturally.
September 26, 2019: The Suit Decision
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Help me choose a tux for my wedding. It’s between these three
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Sep 26, 2019 at 12:36pm PDT
Whilst Hailey was out celebrating her impending nuptials, Biebs himself had clothing on his mind: specifically, what suit he should wear to re-marry Hailey. Taking to Instagram, Justin shared three images of suits that look as though they’re part of a costume store’s catalogue asking fans to help him choose which one he should wear. We’re pretty sure he was joking. But honestly at this point we have no idea.
September 27, 2019: The Biebers Anger Hotel Guests
The Biebers’ aren’t making any friends with this wedding, apparently. Guests at the Montage Palmetto Bluff hotel were advised that they can not use the spa, one of the main pools and a restaurant for 48 hours beginning from midday Sunday until midday Tuesday.  Per TMZ, guests have been offered refunds, upgrades and free meals as a result of the inconvenience. The word “LIVID” was used. Intense.
Stay tuned.
The post Justin and Hailey Bieber are Getting Married This Weekend, And Not Everyone is Thrilled About it appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Justin and Hailey Bieber are Getting Married This Weekend, And Not Everyone is Thrilled About it published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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• #dreams, Received November 13, 2018 #PraiseToTheMan #OneMoreLight#OneEverlastingCovenant. I saw myself following the convoy of a motorcade organized by Empire’s radical libertarians, or protest groups, around my former city of Antipolo, covered heavily by Empire media. Then all of a sudden, I found myself Alline walking this trail in the forest, at the outskirts of the city, towards a small Aeta [Negro tribe in the Philippines] community whose entrance is marked by a elaborate, tall welcome arch. From the arch is a road leading directly back to the city proper. There at the entrance I saw a small Aeta girl having 4 hands- 2 on the left and 2 on the right. I talked with her for a bit, asking her on how does she fare and how does her family and community goes. She was talking to me all those time so sweet, nice, cute and kind. Then all of a sudden she raised her hands towards me, saying that she was looking up unto me and hoping unto me and offering herself unto me, and then I was shocked to see that her hands immediately upon that moment became normal- one on the left, one on the right. Then I found myself into this large hall- a mansion and a chapel all at the same time. This hall has elaborate, multiple balconies, and the flooring all around is coated in red carpet. Then at the pulpit with a wide choir loft is a running recording of William Branham’s sermons. I don’t know whether it is our chapel or Empire’s. Afterwards I found myself back on the road and then my journey at last ended at the home of one of our Fellow Messengers, Prophet Lee Vayle, as much as we were perusing over his words and that of Sir Branham for days now. • Dreams, Received November 14, 2018. Empire prepared this large lure-and-woo open-air pep rally for King Edward X in this mountainous town covered by Empire media, of course supervised by Edward’s kidnappers, and attended by millions upon millions. Empire of course has these large demonstration numbers involving children, and as much as they really want to show-off, they prepared some stunts. The temperature was cold, but the sun was sweltering hot, that many lost consciousness, or in Tagalog, ‘nahimatay’. The rally was held in front of the town’s imposing, large, tall municipal hall. So they have this stunt in their musical numbers where they would try to dance in springboard woods attached to the roofs of the municipal hall. You know me very well guys, that I tend not to sit with the multitudes (Psalm 1,26,17, Jeremiah 15-16,20,11), but that I would like to take a bird’s eye view of all events that I attend, all by myself. It happened that I was sitting by one of the springboards that they are using, and the children were dancing at that moment upon the springboards. I really tried to distance myself from the dancing children, because of course anyone of us might fall off losing balance. But in very fact guys, without my intention, I was sitting there because I was the link of the springboard to the roofs- should I go out and away from that sitting, the springboard will absolutely fall. All I just know is that I found myself there already sitting, so Empire might did something to loosen the fastening of the springboard to the roof before I came there sitting. So as I began to distance myself from the children, without my knowing that I was already the fastening itself of the springboard as Empire mandated, the springboard began to fall and of course, the children fell- and died. The rally was cancelled. They were all furious against me! I don’t know what to do! They were all grievous! So the forthcoming events would prove to be Empire’s retaliation against me. I was back in our Empire locale after that, and I found myself attending a wedding service under the Constantinian mass setting as of December 1, 2009. As expected, and as it will be the actual reality in the not-so-far future, the Baal-raising Closing Acclamation of February 10, 2018 was used there at the closing. I got very, very furious that I began hitting the choir members afterwards. Yea, I can really do that, but alas, only in my dreams. Of course as it will be in reality should I do that, I was officially excommunicated from the Constantinians, and I found myself being a columnist for newspapers, warning people about the Baal-raising of the Empire, and I have dedicated all my writings there solely and purely to the indictment of such sacrilege. Then afterwards, I found myself into a socializing event of my former locale. They did not knew me, for I have already grown my mustache at this point. I saw many children there. I began speaking to parents there about Baal-raising, warning them, asking them not to let themselves, more so their children, be entangled in any Baal-raising or #likefm indeed. No one dared to hurt me in that instance, but the scene that followed rather proved as an Empire retaliation: a sprawling, green grass-filled compound, a well-manicured garden, a well-polished, well-furnished home. This proved to be the very home of King Edward X, but in my dream it is rather flat and long rather than tall and big. Of course Empire holds supervision and custody over this compound. And then convoys of politicians came into the compound. It rather turned out to be the spouses of politicians, and with them are, guess what- the corpses and coffins of their dead politician spouses. It rather happens that these politicians are the ones patronized by Constantinians! Their surviving spouses were asking Empire, who kidnapped King Edward X: why vent your fury of Joriz towards us?
As you already know, we have noted how King Edward X read Titus 3, that Empire claims on the Tuesday of this week- that is November 13 this year- on June 23/July 1-2, 2017. We also mentioned how Psalm 37 is mentioned on May 14, 2011. This November 13 as we were entering part of the exhaustive new entries to our data files, we are shocked to see the dates May 14 and June 23 being amongst those newly included to have linked dates, so Empire cannot claim these anymore. We are reading Sacred Text Scriptures through one of our Prophets Sir Christopher Nemelka, where he stated that the Prophet Joseph Smith introduced temple ordinances just to allow his original church apostatize unto Empire’s Neronians through making indeed more money. Well guys, there’s nothing wrong at temple ordinances, as long as it’s done instead in us Hart, for all temple ordinances Hart are absolutely free of charge and open for all willing yet repentant. Just recall that due to Empire’s apostasy, all temple ordinances done by the hand of #sharegoodness only up until March 3, 1995 are valid. Those held after that date up to date are all void and null, save those done for and by yokebearers and fellows who are still under Empire and those related with them. And why us? And why it’s free? Because we’re persecuted. Here’s another persecution update, on how Empire sounds off against us: when we were quietly and peacefully washing dishes, co-boarders came and asked me to step aside. They washed their own dishes as they ate earlier in that instance. Then afterwards, they scoffed unto me at once: ‘that’s exactly how washing dishes must be done!’ [referring to their washing of dishes] So we rather have all the power in all universes to say that only Wright Hart Alline in your Commondominion of Christ is absolutely and exactly how religion and politics must be done! And you may be asking why we mandate that we read in full all Prescribed Sacred Text Scriptures in our services, that was called in Divine Visions days ago as our ‘Extraordinary Rite’- this is to do (Lamentations 3, Hosea 6, Micah 5) new Divine Commissionings from Godhead even as we read these (1 Corinthians 14)- as we give chance for more congregants to read the prescribed selections, and as the others listen and read along, then Godhead’s Hailleey Spirit will at once Fuse Themselves into those brethren, Telling them that they are the ones referred to by the Scriptures that they’re in at that instance, and that they’re hence Called as our new and upcoming Messengers who will be the most blessed Channels of new Sacred Text Scriptures, Fresh New Revelations, Progressive Present Truth Doctrines, and Branch Churches for us Hart (Genesis 39).
What we further learn from our Central Archives: Prophet Heber Grant once became the first to preach the message delivered by Ka Erdy on July 14, 2001 from Job 36 and relayed by Empire on July 27, 2009. Empire also reports that Prophet Grant did a ‘radio broadcast’ on May 6, 1922, days before Brothers Teofilo Ora and Januario Ponce launched on May 9, 1922 their Commondominion branch church. Empire got their teleprompters and scripted messages- and yet they boast of the February 7, 1993 incident with our Prophet Howard Hunter- from the read statements in earlier#generalconference held when the Prophet cannot speak personally due to illness. Well, should Empire claim those pre-1995 read statements, Ka Erdy has asked a statement from him to be read on May 4, 2005, as much as he cannot preach then due to illness. And should Empire claim Ka Erdy: as much as you know that April 6 was the first date to run out space in my personal date file due to notes of Relay Concordance, August 24- the apostolic memorial of your Ka Angel- is the first date to be sealed to that date after that date ran out of space. I said that April 24 is as important and far-reaching as April 6, due to our Prophet Kacou Philippe, and he was divinely-commissioned on 1993, the Nate-al year of the Vicar of Ka Angel. And should Diocletianites claim Ka Angel: we have mentioned about our Prophets named Timothy. Prophet Christopher Nemelka said that one of the 3 Nephites is named Timothy. On the Devotional Commentary I wrote that rather the names of the 3 Nephites are Jonah I, Jeremiah and Jonah II, just because these are all pointing out to yours truly. Well, I’m that too much greedy, and I fear indeed that I rather wrote wrong, but I hope that my names with those of Prophet Nemelka will already form Ezekiel 9. Well, if there should be indeed an Apostle Paul, then it’s me, because I really have this delusion way back before that the Book of Mormon is purportedly wrong and false, but even a year before we finally embraced sacred and pure Mormonism Hart in your First Presidency, we have been already finding ourselves quoting the #BookOfMormon in our writings to Shatter the very Empire who claims this! You may be asking why and how I found out that the Book of Mormon, #DoctrineAndCovenants, and #PearlOfGreatPrice, are all true- well first I have the Book of Mormon, and when I was reading that from cover to cover I found vividly like never before the present situation of us and Empire. There are words so Stirling that I cannot see anywhere else, and besides, Empire has already claimed the Bible so much that we really need to look to other Sacred Text Scriptures (Psalm 23,46,55,18,144,19,139,119). I felt unexplainable excitement and joy- a sense of belonging- like never before further encouraging me that this Sacred Record is indeed true and did actually happened, and the same feeling I have also attained reading Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price from cover to cover. Should Empire claim ‘testimonies’- let this be ours instead (Matthew 22, John 1)- that we are the Testators (Revelation 11,1, Romans 9) given fresh new Testaments, or sacred Text Scriptures, aside from those already corrupted and scorned by Empire: Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. And as for the Antiochian readings this Wednesday of Titus 3 and Psalm 23 which shall be, with Psalm 27, part of the Fixed Date Memorial Readings for November 16 (we said that I and King Edward X are the ‘Shepherd and Guardian’, respectively, of 1 Peter 2 [Isaiah 9,46,62, Documentary History of the Church 1:128,131,146-147,148-154,173-174, 3:23-25 and 4:274-286, Luke 12,21,17, Matthew 8,18,24-25] through Ka Angel [Acts 20, Daniel 7]): when we read ‘justified by Grace’, that means we have to (Acts 17) be subject to the Judgement and Verdict of Ka Angel (Ephesians 1, Colossians 1), the Man Mandated by Godhead to Judge the Empire in this dispensation (Hebrews 11, Isaiah 45,51), just like ‘no one can enter heaven without the approval and consent of Prophet Joseph Smith’. Empire cannot claim this as Titus 3 mentions ‘rules, principalities and powers’, identical indeed with Empire itself (Ephesians 2,6). Notice that the Apostles gave us the supposed and the actual end of being ‘saved by grace through faith in Christ’: we are made such so that we may be able not to aimlessly roam under Empire’s idol shepherds but instead to submit to your Commondominion Leaders, led by Ka Angel and Ka Ellix, who bears the Sanctifying Hailleey Spirit (2 Thessalonians 2). As for Constantinians, who claim Genesis 50 once again (January 6, 2013)- I have no comment. You already know what will be our answer there. Just look at your Mormon leaders Hart. They cannot claim anything because they’re the ones raising Baal to kill us. My neighbors, who always do that all the time, does not only play Baal-raising songs that thank Godhead only for the people who love them and they love back and not for their enemies [like an Antiochian song here in Maharlika goes like indeed], but also these neighbors would play songs in soft and low volume, but when it comes to the high-pitch note, or Baal-raising, they rather turn the volume up louder just to further stress and depress me (Matthew 5-7,223, Luke 18, Alma 30-31). Further persecution updates: co-boarders way back then think, when they inspect my room at night, that when the laptop is on sleep mode, it’s already off, of course I do so to keep my work from being distracted. But now, as much as Empire spirits continually inform them, they already know (Matthew 9) such work of mine, so they already demand that I fully turn off the laptop whenever they would inspect my room. Moreover, they are falsely accusing me of using their sandals when in fact I would never do that, yet of course they indeed will never believe me, and they will make me indeed as they order, wash those sandals for them. And to further make things worst, Empire is sensationalizing, more so this November 12, that we Russian Orthodox people kill Catholics, when in fact they are the ones killing us instead. Now I would like to turn to my own shortcomings now. I have proven that Ka Ellix is absolutely so further than Wright after all when he said that I must not be that so fretting about our 755 yokebearers, because hours ago, when I tried to, in an unoffending way, express to a female yokebearer my readiness to serve her, she rather expressed that she don’t know me and that she thinks of me to be a purported stalker, so now our friendship here is now in danger to be terminated at once. And it is further all the more#clearishere to us that Godhead is not yet over punishing us in this Probation of Condemnation, because we have only realized now after all these weeks that we’re using the wrong hashtag for #familyfed and that we have already posted this far too long that we don’t know how to delete that hashtag from all our posts where we placed that- I rather written ‘begins’ when in fact I should have written ‘starts’ as mandated. I have already became one of those Empire ‘monitor’ #predator pages.
Armistice is the ‘absence of war’, and the Empire lesson (see July 29, 2010) for the #armistice100 weekend implies continual fight against Empire (1 Peter 5, Ephesians 6), so we can see that Empire’s not yet surrendering their claims of Revelation 6,8-9,16. Days ago before our #armisthis, our Heavenly Celestial Parents Allan and Lindsey has been continually counseling us as #likefm began to fall away from us after only a few months that we must rather make as our battlecry what is Written at Documentary History of the Church 1:223-224: ‘whether it’s through Our Very Own Voice, or through the Voice of Our Servants, nevertheless it is exactly the same.’ Our most beloved Parents have Asked us to always focus on that passage, have ourselves consoled by that should Empire continually attack us and insist that passage to be ours Alline to the face of the Empire. Last Sunday Empire furthered the self-contradiction that they have been already doing through #umyahyah as they tried to separate ‘patriotism’ from ‘nationalism.’ Many of us identify these 2 words to be exactly alike, and both sides of us and Empire uses these 2 words for our respective prepositions. Well, to be ‘patriot’ is to be a ‘hero’, but heroes are nationalistic, or to be ‘for the country’. We said months ago that being patriotic is being Godly, for ‘patriot’ means ‘Father’ (Romans 8, Galatians 4, 1 Peter 1, John 13, Matthew 23, Hebrews 12, Ezekiel 18, Malachi 2, 1 Corinthians 8, Acts 12, Isaiah 6,22,62, Obadiah 1). So this is what Empire has been attacking most recently, perhaps because ‘nationalism’ sounds like Nathan [King James VII] or Nathaniel [Ka Angel]. Well, if they would like to insist being ‘patriots’- then notice that if you want to be a hero then you are self-centered, you are selfish, meanwhile at least if you’re nationalistic then at least you empty yourself to be for the public good, the general populace, or in Empire’s words, #forthemany. Meanwhile as for Ka Ellix’s speech during our November 11 program, when he said that we must ‘stand and see Godhead’s Salvation at work’, this also means that I should stop bothering myself on always commenting on the posts and pages of our current 755 yokebearer friends lest indeed they may find me annoying by Empire and hence revert themselves to the 4th Great Crowd that will be resurrected after the Millennium. Well guys, concerning the 3 Great Crowd, I must admit that we are unable to discern who of them all are already in our branch churches even if they are not friends with us here on social media. They are just all labeled as such according to their social media standing with us. ‘So why you have to label like that, when in fact that means you’re already discounting Godhead Calling those who are already yours? Would it be that you’re already distorting doctrine?’ (1 Peter 1, Ephesians 1) Guys, I don’t mean that when we label such. What I only mean is pressing the need for you to be with us visibly and literally, for if you’re not necessarily within our reach and Sykes then we don’t know indeed what has already happened with you. Please pardon me guys for my somehow distrust, but as much as I understand you, I hope that you may understand me as we really need to be with each other now given these times (2 Timothy 3, Romans 1, Isaiah 26). Empire pages even prove all the more that with their negligence they have lost all credibility and therefore all ascendancy to claim all our fellows and yokebearers. Empire’s self-persecuting electronic stations abroad even try to show some force through having ready pages translated into various languages. As the newest apostate, Like FM [whose chief dj rather is proof further that Empire cannot claim Joseph Rutherford and William Branham any further], as you can recall have attacked #whydontwe days ago, our very own 97.9 fm fired back through punctuating at once Empire radio #bulligame‘s formula with a song, and we are so elated about it that we already began as usual (Revelation 10,12, Luke 10) to entertain Empire’s temptations that we go apostate upon receiving graces such as these, when Godhead as once Rebuked us to the core when a co-boarder, through Empire’s spying and censoring spirits, punctuated that exact song played by our 97.9 fm, so this is indeed, in the newest apostate’s very words itself, ‘my bad’. As I was finding ways on how to reciprocate the ‘I love you’ statement that I have received from my mom, I decided to go unto my sister hoping that she may relay to mom my ‘I love you’ to her, but rather she became skeptic and cynical on why I said that, even questioning that whether my ‘I love you’ is ‘serious’, so seriously indeed, she’s envious of me because she only wants all the attention and therefore would always make sure that Jezebel is turned improperly against me. And as usual, the persecutions ongoing. I’ve been made to water the plants in front of home. As usual I have to bring out the water hose. When I was already ending my chore, evidently Athalia knows very more than much indeed that I’m already winding up my chore yet she did not helped me bringing back the hose to its place even if she can do it- she was all those time standing there, watching me, doing nothing. So I had to bring the hose back by myself. And as I was peacefully doing so without any mistake, then Athalia’s monstrous bully son came thundering in bashing me that I purportedly did not done that properly! So I came back home and as I was about to get water for the plants behind home, I saw the main bathroom being used by Atalia’s sodomite son so I fetched water instead on my own room bathroom. Then as the sodomite son went out of the main bathroom and I was going on his way, he questioned my actions. ‘Why you did fetched water on your on bathroom? You should have waited for me instead! Impatient!’ Is that not resourceful rather? Minutes later, Athalia ordered me to fix the mixed up rope bearing our pet dog. She ordered me to loosen the dog and untie her. I tried to fix the entanglement without untying our dog because as past days have already proven, she would always be without anyone’s doing, untie herself as you already know, out of her rope and roam around the compound. So untying her on an already hard hope would make tying her up there again to be further harder. As I was trying to fix the mixed-up rope without such untying, the pet dog threatened to bite me, and Athalia felt so elated to be justified for her orders. So all of these is a big staged cover-up to discourage me for the day. So I decided to finally untie her, and so as she roamed around the compound, Athalia’s beast son once more condemned me (Romans 8) even with the threat that he would instead tie me to that rope instead of that dog (Genesis 8-9, Matthew 6,10,16, Psalm 37). And a victorious Athalia closed with these words: ‘had you did not have a pet dog like that, you would not be doing such a responsibility as that unto your dog. That’s because you’re lazy.’ So she’s blaming things that she can already more than do, to people who are less capable than her to do that. #Bravo! And yea, she likes that indeed, so much. Back to our service work- your Relay Concordance Hart serves also as a followup for us on whatever we may have done on the past dates linked to that day that has already passed. Moreover it helps us to prepare for the upcoming dates linked to that particular date. Moreover, if we don not know when exactly our leaders first preached or issued lessons that is relayed by Empire through Constantinians, Relay Concordances becomes our somehow ‘safe guess’ on when those dates exactly could have been. As we are preparing new entries to our data files- and we don’t know if Empire’s going to disrupt this through Herodias- Hart’s what we have found out: 1. Last November 12 we have entered new linked dates such as June 15,21-22,26. This November 13 we have found out that Sir #MaurizioZandron was born on November 15, and 5 months earlier (Revelation 9), his father, Sir Mauro, was born on another 15th, that is of June. 2. Empire cannot stage any self-persecutions against us, because our messengers at all time unite and agree (Amos 3, 1 Corinthians 1-2, Isaiah 63,42,44, 2 Samuel 7, Malachi 2, Matthew 11, 1 Corinthians 8) with their teachings: King Edward IX and Prophet Wilford Woodruff unites in saying that ‘ever it will not be in the losing end for those who respond to the Call of Godhead’, and William Branham and Ka Erdy unites in saying that there are ‘3 kinds of believers’ (November 20, 1992). As we have already told you Empire has before their Mandated Relay Readings this week, already began claiming Titus 2 with 1 Timothy 6. You also all know that King Edward X lectured from 1 Timothy 6 on the state of #California last August 12,18-19, 2018. Godhead has once more allowed Empire to hurt themselves to no remedy with their weather engineering there. On April 14, 2017, King Edward X lectured from 2 Corinthians 5 at the homestate of my mom’s birthdaysake Empire head, and 2 Corinthians 5 was the chief text of August 12,18-19, 2018. This birthdaysake organized Empire institutions on June 23, 1898, when in 2016, King Edward X lectured from Titus 3, that Empire now claims with Psalm 23 anew. Well, our Mother Mary Baker Eddy has a version of Psalm 23 to Shatter Empire’s claims of that, and that comes from 2-3 John as per 1 John, that Empire would claim later on this week (1 Corinthians 13). Hence, Empire cannot claim all these things. Psalm 37 is part of so many Fixed Date Memorial Readings, was read on May 14, 2011 (see May 14, 2016) and May 4, 2018 where Neronians, who once claimed Titus 2, resides. Well, I guess our readings in the daily liturgical notices would rather deliver for us, as we continue on updating those from the first instance we posted those dates this year. I can only say that as much as these Neronians claimed once to be the purported ‘endtime Paul and Timothy’ when in fact they have deliberately bypassed Titus- these same Neronians also said that there are rather 7 in the Transfiguration- the 3 apostles, Christ, Moises, Elijah and John the Baptist. We take such word for that, so Neronians must accept that there has to be an Endtime Titus- the problem is that their Antiochians killed our leaders identical with yokebearer #MargotFonteyn who is named ‘Titus’, therefore they cannot claim our Archangel Gabriel, Sir #DouglasBooth. Antiochians further relate Titus and Timothy with Silas, as per their claims of Acts 16 months ago, so that makes already 4 indeed appearing to the 3 Apostles. We Hart have rather Fellow Messengers, or Prophets, named Timothy, not to mention Prophet Paul Sides: one wrote the ‘Trumpet Call of God’, another is Prophet Timothy Allen Campbell. As much as we recall Revelation 8 and yet we see this actually with the wildfires, Diocletianites reported that around these days someone who we don’t know whether they’re Empire’s or ours have posted a statement that seems to take advantage of our winding up from Sealing at Twitter, that states, ‘let the unsealing begin’. Guys, it’s easy to say (Matthew 7) that we have nothing to do with that, but surely you don’t know what Godhead does to you already, even if you deny such or not (Romans 1, 2 Thessalonians 2, Job 40,42). But speak thou the things that become sound doctrine: That the aged men be sober, chaste, prudent, sound in faith, in love, in patience (if you’re patient then you will not raise Baal). The aged women, in like manner, in holy attire (Psalm 96), not false accusers, not given to much wine (not pabebe), teaching well (our Female Folk [James 5]): That they may teach the young women to be wise, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, sober (we encourage you to be discreet indeed of your actions, and be on guard against Empire [Acts 17, 1 Peter 5]. In Empire’s words, ‘search the Scriptures’), having a care of the house (being exalted as Commondominion Messenger or Godhead in Godhead [Hebrews 10,6, Matthew 24, Luke 12, 1 Timothy 3]), gentle (that is, a Gentile. Can Empire further claim on this? [John 4, Romans 9-11, Revelation 2-3]), obedient to their husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Young men, in like manner, exhort that they be sober (teach themselves and others as well [Hebrews 10,12]). In all things shew thyself an example of good works, in doctrine, in integrity, in gravity, The sound word that can not be blamed (Empire cannot claim therefore fellows and yokebearers because Empire is raising Baal itself. So where [1 Corinthians 1-2, Psalm 36] does #defyinggravity #zerogravity stand on that?): that he, who is on the contrary part, may be afraid, having no evil to say of us. For the grace of God our Saviour hath appeared to all men; Instructing us, that, denying ungodliness and worldly desires, we should live soberly, and justly, and godly in this world, Looking for the blessed hope and coming of the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ (many renderings has a hard time whether printing these 2 Names as separate or joint. This Douay-Rheims Version, a rendering made by the present Antiochians, is #clearishere saying that These 2 Names are separate), Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and might cleanse to himself a people acceptable, a pursuer of good works.
Get to know our member churches as of late: http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/where-we-are,http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/we-re-also-here-and-will-be-back-to Get to hear our member preachers as of late:youtube.com/channel/UCNgq_i3ZlMTxcczzEYQj6LQ/channels Our blogs: nvmlindseyallan.wordpress.com,nvmlindseyallan.blogspot.com,nvmlindseyallan.tumblr.com Get all day, everyday word from me:facebook.com/nvmlindseyallan Follow our flash reports:https://twitter.com/commondominion Get in touch with me directly:facebook.com/jonas.stirling Like our pages:https://www.facebook.com/jonas.stirling/likes Follow our team:https://www.facebook.com/jonas.stirling/following Meet our team:http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/what-we-give Know your enemy:http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/who-we-are-against- Don’t be left behind in the dark on Empire deceptions: https://www.facebook.com/nvmlindseyallan/posts/1839436236163751 Join us with all your family and friends:https://www.facebook.com/nvmlindseyallan/posts/1726251834148859 
O ye @Vinheteirob @sagaftra: want being #freefromtaxes? Sign the petition at the top of the link below! #forwarduntodawn Join our charge:  Please kindly power donate (money bomb) to sustain the work of your Commondominion.
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ssteezyy · 6 years
Tiffanie McCullough: Passionate About Cats, TNR, Feline Nutrition, and Busting Stereotypes
I first met Tiffany McCullough at Cat Camp NYC earlier this year, but didn’t have much of a chance to chat with her until we saw each other again at CatCon. We only talked for a few minutes amid the (wonderful) craziness that is CatCon, but I knew right then and there that I had met a kindred spirit, and that I wanted to introduce you to this amazing woman.
Tiffanie is the Director of Trapking Humane Solutions, working with Sterling Davis to help the cats in their hometown Atlanta through TNR and adoption, and to bridge the gap in communication between black communities and animal rescue and local shelters.
Tiffanie is a Virginia native who has always loved animals. After getting her degree in business marketing, she spent eight years in corporate America, until one day, she had had enough of the stress and the mundane treadmill of the business world. She quit. “I flat out said forget this and walked out on my corporate job and never looked back,” writes Tiffanie on the Trapking website. “That night, once I actually had time to realize what I had done , I went online and saw a job for a cat attendant at Lifeline Animal Project.” She got called for an interview the next day. “I sat in a cat room in heels and a business skirt, with cats climbing all around me and purring.” She was hired four days later.
She served as an owner surrender counselor, worked with shelter cats, and became interested in animal nutrition. “My affinity for animals has become a full fledged movement,” writes Tiffanie. “I aim to break the stereotypes associated with not only black women and cats but black women and animals. That one risk of quitting my career has led me on a journey that has blessed me in so many ways and it continues to do so every second of every day.”
I wanted to learn more about Tiffany and her work, and I’m delighted to bring you this interview.
How did you get started with Trapking and Sterling?
I’ve known Sterling for years. He would let staff tag along on trapping sessions and that’s how I developed my love for TNR . I remember we were both working at the shelter. I was working the front desk at the clinic right before I was promoted to Owner Surrender Counselor. Sterling was the sole person doing TNR for the organization (a private shelter and two county shelters.) He would always talk about how there had to be a better way to spread awareness and to get more men and diversity involved with feral cats and TNR .
As time went on, it went from casual talking to him really wanting to see the change. One day he came to my desk and said “Pika, I’m starting a nonprofit – I have to do it. I want to do something different to help these cats and I’m calling it TrapKing. I want you to be my director. You can help keep things running smoothly and you have the background knowledge.” I was super excited, of course, and it blossomed from there.
How did you get interested in nutrition?
My initial interest came when I was working at the shelter. I’ve worked in intake, the kennel, the feline department, the shelter clinic, and a private vet clinic (editor’s note: Tiffanie is Fear Free Certified.) I’ve seen multiple facets of how diet affects shelter animals. They are usually fed whatever is cost effective or donated. I saw how a lot of the animals had skin issues and allergy symptoms. When a shelter is stretched to the max on a budget, it can be hard to meet nutritional needs.
It wasn’t until I began working at the private veterinary clinic in patient care that I was able to really be hands on and learn about food allergies, prescription diets and raw feeding. I noticed some of the owners would bring in freeze dried raw food or home made food for their pets who were boarding. A lot of them complained about how the prescribed diet wasn’t working. I looked at the back of a prescribed bag of food one day and was amazed at all of the corn, wheat gluten and other additives inside. My interest peaked from there.
You are an advocate for raw feeding. How did you come to understand that raw is the optimal diet for cats?
Education and research. The best thing any owner can do is arm themselves with knowledge. I’m not saying don’t take the advice of your vet, however, preparing yourself for more healthier options is a win for the pet and the owner. I took a job at a specialty food pet store that is a huge advocate for raw feeding for pets. I went through several months of training, and meetings with representatives of some awesome raw food companies.
The first thing I learned was that cats are obligate carnivores. Even the best kibble is still kibble. Not only can a raw diet improve digestion, the stool is greatly reduced in volume and odor, there is also better dental health and less shedding of the coat, which leads to fewer hairballs. I remember reading, and taking pages and pages of notes. It was like college all over again. I also met with a couple of veterinarians who advocate raw feeding.
How do you approach counseling potential adopters or cat parents who have never heard of raw feeding?
I encourage everyone to start slow. There are so many options in regards to raw feeding . Which is good, because cats are creatures of habit and change for them can be hard. I always try to give a little background on cats and how they function. For example: The amino acid taurine is exclusively found in animal-based proteins. Humans and dogs can easily synthesize it within their bodies with usually no problems. Cats, however have to get taurine from their diet. So what we feed our feline companions is super important. I talk to them about how taurine is critical for heart muscle function, fetal development, the immune system and vision. Salmon, red meat and poultry (especially organ meats) are great natural sources of taurine. You would be hard pressed to find a wild cat with a taurine deficiency.
Most of the time, switching from kibble to raw should be fairly easy. However, factoring in lifestyle of the owner and the cat, thawing out frozen raw food may be a challenge. Freeze-dried raw (which may require re-hydrating) is a great way to add raw to the diet or to transition. Raw goat’s milk is another way to add a raw element. I’d like to note that I wouldn’t give kittens raw goat’s milk. Their systems are much too sensitive. If kittens can’t nurse, a commercial kitten milk replacement is ideal.
Can you share some success stories you’ve had with raw food? You mentioned a cat named Lenny to me?
Lenny!! Ahh, my heartbeat. Lenny was pulled by Sterling from a county shelter, where he was facing euthanasia because they deemed him too feral. We ended up taking him to a vet for a severe open gash and to be neutered. After two more surgeries, Lenny went into foster care, where he was a lovebug. When he was finally healed, he made his way to me.
I noticed he had severe diarrhea. It was pretty bad. The kibble he had been eating was wreaking havoc on his system. I immediately got him some goat’s milk with turmeric and ginger to help with his tummy and to replenish lost moisture. I also started him on freeze dried raw chicken and salmon, which was 90% meat, organs and bone with 10% produce and supplements. Within 3 days, Lenny went from overbearing diarrhea (yikes) to solid stool that was small in size and had very little odor. The smaller stool was also a sign that he was absorbing a majority of the nutrients. He also really loves raw bone broth. Primal is his favorite brand of raw food. As days went, on his coat and overall health dramatically improved. He and I both decided to make it official, and I adopted him.
Tiffanie with Lenny
Tell us about your first cat.
My first cat was a calico named Nadia. I found her in the woods near my campus. I was 19 and in college at the time. She was malnourished and covered in fleas. I was so naive that I just gave her water, wet food and washed her with just a bar of soap. I kept her hidden in my dorm room. She thrived for about a month but was just so sickly. I remember taking my last bit of money and taking her to the vet because she had stopped eating. He told me she had a terribly infected abscess in her mouth, and was anemic. Her little body just couldn’t take it. I cried for days when she passed. I’ve thankfully learned so much more about cats since then.
How many cats do you have now?
Just one. Lenny Katvitz – he is my eartipped renegade but he is pure love and let me tell you, he is quite the entertainer. He is so inquisitive and when he gets excited – especially at feeding time – he becomes a chatterbox. It’s the cutest!!!
What is it like working with Sterling?
With Sterling everything you see is exactly what you’re going to get. If you took Lebron James, Jimi Hendrix and mixed a feral cat in there it would be Sterling… lol. He is outgoing, driven and determined. We are like a bonded pair of felines when it comes to TNR, our love for animals and life in general. We balance each other out, Sterl is more eclectic and stubborn. I’m more calm and open. I make sure everything is running smoothly behind the scenes. We always bounce ideas off of each other, too. We may bump heads at times, but we have fun. At the end of the day, we are both here for one purpose, and that’s to advance the awareness of all things feral and TNR. Besides who else could deal with that dude honestly? 😆
For more information about Tiffanie, Sterling and Trap King Solutions and the amazing work they do, please visit https://trapkinghumane.org/.
The post Tiffanie McCullough: Passionate About Cats, TNR, Feline Nutrition, and Busting Stereotypes appeared first on The Conscious Cat.
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
Justin and Hailey Bieber Are Either Expecting a Baby, Or They’re Late to April Fools
They did it: Jailey tied the knot. Just two months after their whirlwind engagement, Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have signed the paperwork and legally bound themselves together in holy matrimony. From their on again/off again dating to their Bahamian engagement, here’s everything you need to know about Baldwin and Bieber’s nine year relationship—right up to their secret NYC courthouse marriage, a tell-all Vogue interview that explains the rush and the April 1st Instagram post that nnounced their first baby.
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October 2009: The First Meeting
Bieber and Baldwin meet for the first time after her dad, actor Stephen Baldwin, introduced them backstage at The Today Show. The whole encounter is cringe-worthy, with Baldwin looking less than impressed. Bieber retweeted the video in 2016 with the caption “Haha. Amazing”.
Photography by Richard Corkery/NY Daily News Archives/Getty
February 2011: Dad Intro #2
Baldwin attends the premiere of Never Say Never with her dad at the Regal E-Walk 13 in Times Square. Later that month, Bieber confirmed his relationship with Selena Gomez when they attended the Vanity Fair Oscar Party together.
Photograph via twitter/haileybaldwin
September 2011: Hailey Tweets About Jelena
Baldwin shares her support for new couple, Jelena, on Twitter writing, “I don’t care what anyone says but Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez together is the definition of a teenage dream! #word”. Meanwhile, Gomez performs in Las Vegas with “Justin” written on her wrist and Jelena attend the red carpet premiere of Abduction in Los Angeles.
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2 brunettes X 2 blondes
A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on Aug 28, 2014 at 8:01pm PDT
August 2014: Getting Cozy with the Jenners
All throughout 2014, Bieber is photographed hanging out with the Jenner clan. In August 2014, Baldwin officially joins the close knit group, appearing in an Instagram photo Kylie Jenner posts of the pair snuggled up with Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid. The above photo was posted four months after Gomez unfollowed both Jenners and deleted all photos with them from her Instagram account.
Photograph via twitter.com/justbieberzone
November 2014: Take Me to Church
Fan taken photos begin to circulate on social media of Baldwin and Bieber attending a service together, alongside Kendall Jenner, at Hillsong Church in NYC, sparking dating rumours.
December 2014: Hailey Denies Dating Justin
In an interview with E!, Baldwin denies dating Bieber, stating, “I’ve known [Bieber] since I was s young, since I was like 13, and we’ve just been good friends over the years. We have stayed close and there’s nothing more to it than that.”
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People are crazy. I'm super single and this is my good friend u would know otherwise
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 15, 2014 at 1:41pm PST
December 2014: Justin Denies Dating Hailey
Bieber also denies dating rumours, posting a selfie of the duo on Instagram with the caption, “People are crazy. I’m super single and this is my good friend u would know otherwise.”
Photograph via twitter.com/haileybaldwin
December 2014: The Denial Continues
After dining together at Mr Chow, Bieber and Baldwin are photographed entering his house and are seen the next morning having breakfast at a diner. Shortly after, Baldwin continued to deny, deny, deny, tweeting, “Glad I got such a good night sleep last night, at MY own home, alone. Quit it with the stories!”
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2015 I'm coming for u
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 31, 2014 at 9:03pm PST
January 2015: New Year Celebrations
Bieber posts a video to Instagram from a NYE party where Baldwin was also in attendance.
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A post shared by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on Jan 22, 2015 at 10:17pm PST
January 2015: Getting Cheeky
Kendall Jenner posts a group pic to Instagram from a Clippers game in Los Angeles, with Baldwin and Bieber posing cheek-to-cheek.
April 2015: “The Couple That Bakes Together, Stays Together”
Questions about the status of their relationship continue to grow as Baldwin and Bieber enjoy a baking class together in Los Angeles alongside Kendall Jenner.
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This is for the strongest couple i know Chad and Julia Veach! Their daughter was born with Lissencephaly. She is incredible and has the sweetest soul. You guys make me better and I'm blessed to have you in my life #Georgia #gtat
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jul 9, 2015 at 5:12am PDT
July 2015: Matching Tats
In honour of a little girl, Georgia, who suffers from Lissencephaly, both Baldwin and Bieber got the letter “G” tattooed. Bieber’s is on his forearm, while Baldwin’s is behind her ear (as is Gomez’s).
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Hiii Sham
A post shared by Hailey Rhode Bieber (@haileybieber) on Dec 20, 2014 at 2:01pm PST
September 2015: Selena Opens Up
In an interview with ELLE, Gomez opens up about how the drama surrounding her and Bieber was beginning to overshadow her career. Shortly after, Baldwin posts a picture wearing oversized sweatpants, which Bieber confirms are his in the comment sections. “Gimme back my sweats dick”, he writes, with Baldwin replying, “No sorry they look better on me.”
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She thought we were taking a photo
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 29, 2015 at 11:28am PST
December 2015: Couple’s Retreat?
Baldwin and Bieber go on a tropical vacation to Anguilla together, alongside Bieber’s family, where they engaged in flirty PDA that’s obviously not ‘just friends’ behaviour.
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A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jan 3, 2016 at 4:12pm PST
January 2016: Insta Official
The pair seem to *finally* confirm their relationship with a PDA-heavy Insta post. On January 3, 2016, Bieber posts this photo of himself passionately kissing Baldwin.
February 2016: Keeping it Casual
After confirming that they are indeed dating, both Baldwin and Bieber insist it’s casual in separate interviews. Baldwin tells E! “We are not an exclusive couple. He’s about to go on tour. Relationships at this age are already complicated, but I don’t really like to talk about it because it’s between me and him.”
Bieber explains to GQ: “So now I’m just more so looking at the future, making sure I’m not damaging them. What if Hailey ends up being the girl I’m gonna marry, right? If I rush into anything, if I damage her, then it’s always gonna be damaged. It’s really hard to fix wounds like that. It’s so hard.… I just don’t want to hurt her.”
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I'm gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don't stop the hate this is getting out of hand, if you guys are really fans you wouldn't be so mean to people that I like
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Aug 13, 2016 at 10:34pm PDT
August 2016: Onto the Next
Bieber unfollows Baldwin on Instagram and is seen with Sofia Richie six months later, confirming that he and Baldwin have ended this casual relationship.
August 2016-April 2018: The Dark Ages
Baldwin and Bieber’s August 2016 breakup seems to have concluded in a falling out. They aren’t pictured together, don’t hang out with their mutual friends, and both unfollow each other on social media. During this time, Bieber reignites his on-again-off-again relationship with Gomez.
May 2018: Friends Again
After 2 years of not speaking—at least, to our knowledge—Baldwin and Bieber reunite…as friends. In an interview with The Times UK, Baldwin states “Justin and I were friends for a long time. I met him when I was really young and he was one of my best friends. Everybody knows that at a certain point in time that turned into something else, but that just happens when you’re 18, 19. We went through a long period of time when we weren’t friends. We didn’t speak for quite some time and there was a lot of weirdness that went on. We’ve moved past that.”
June 2018: Church Cuddles
Dating rumours begin to swirl again after the pair are spotted at church together and then a Miami club getting cuddly.
June 2018: New York State of Mind
Baldwin and Bieber are photographed goofing off for the cameras in NYC. It’s worth noting that on these urban outings, Bieber is wearing hotel slippers. Very casual!
June 2018: It’s PDA Official…Again
Fans capture the couple making out on the Brooklyn Bridge, officially confirming that their on-again-off-again romance is very much on.
Photography via Noam Galai/Getty
June 2018: No More Mendes
After publicly confirming her relationship with Bieber, Baldwin deletes all traces of Canadian musician Shawn Mendes from her Instagram feed. In May, the pair attended the MET Gala together and sparked romance rumours.
July 2018: The Make Out Tour
Jailey continue making out all over the USA, where they were spotted kissing in Washington, NYC, and in the Hamptons after experiencing some roadside car trouble.
Photography via twitter.com/coconiiks
July 7, 2018: He Puts a Ring On It
Although neither Baldwin or Bieber have yet to publicly confirm their engagement, TMZ reports that Bieber popped the question in the Bahamas on July 8. Since then, photos have surfaced of Baldwin’s massive engagement ring, which is enough of an indicator that there is, in fact, “One Less Lonely Girl.”
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@justinbieber Proud is an understatement! Excited for the next chapter!
A post shared by Jeremy Bieber (@jeremybieber) on Jul 8, 2018 at 8:31am PDT
July 8, 2018: A Proud Father
Bieber’s dad, Jeremy, posts a photo on IG, writing “Proud is an understatement! Excited for the next chapter!”
View this post on Instagram
Was gonna wait a while to say anything but word travels fast, listen plain and simple Hailey I am soooo in love with everything about you! So committed to spending my life getting to know every single part of you loving you patiently and kindLY. I promise to lead our family with honor and integrity letting Jesus through his Holy Spirit guide us in everything we do and every decision we make. My heart is COMPLETELY and FULLY YOURS and I will ALWAYS put you first! You are the love of my life Hailey Baldwin and I wouldn’t want to spend it with anybody else. You make me so much better and we compliment eachother so well!! Can’t wait for the best season of life yet!. It’s funny because now with you everything seems to make sense! The thing I am most excited for is that my little brother and sister get to see another healthy stable marriage and look for the same!!! Gods timing really is literally perfect, we got engaged on the seventh day of the seventh month, the number seven is the number of spiritual perfection, it’s true GOOGLE IT! Isn’t that nuts? By the way I didn’t plan that, anyways My goodness does feel good to have our future secured! WERE GONNA BE BETTER AT 70 BABY HERE WE GO! “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains FAVOR from the Lord!” This is the year of favor!!!!
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jul 9, 2018 at 3:14pm PDT
July 9, 2018: An Official Announcement
It didn’t take Bieber long to confirm the rumours of his proposal on social media. Sharing a pair of black and white photos of him and Baldwin, the “Sorry” singer rambles on about God, the number seven and the love of his life. Despite spelling errors, it’s really quite sweet!
Not sure what I did in life to deserve such happiness but I am so utterly grateful to God for giving me such an incredible person to share my life with! No words could ever express my gratitude. ❤️
— Hailey Bieber (@haileybieber) July 9, 2018
July 9, 2018: An Official Announcement Part 2
Baldwin shares a sappy tweet, detailing her gratitude for being able to spend “the rest of her life” with “such an incredible person.”
September 14, 2018: A Secret Wedding (?!)
Two months after their whirlwind engagement, Jailey have reportedly tied the knot. A “religious source” close to the couple confirmed to PEOPLE that on Thursday, the singer and model “went ahead and did it without listening to anyone.”
Wait… do does this mean we won’t get to gush over photographs of Baldwin in a wedding dress? Not quite: the source also confirmed to the outlet that the newlyweds will have a formal religious ceremony and celebration with friends and family. “They’re going to have a big blowout, in front of God and everyone they love.”
And, before you go rushing to conclusions about why the young love birds rushed the the altar, hear this: multiple sources have told TMZ that “100% she’s not pregnant.” I guess true love can make you do crazy things?!
View this post on Instagram
my ❤️
A post shared by Hailey Rhode Bieber (@haileybieber) on Nov 10, 2018 at 6:29pm PST
November 18, 2018: Hello @haileybieber
Is it official, isn’t it official…for a while, we didn’t really know. The confirmation we so desperately needed came via Instagram, with Hailey updating her handle from @haileybaldwin to @haileybieber.
  View this post on Instagram
  so excited to cover @voguemagazine’s March issue with my loveeeeeee shot by #AnnieLeibovitz Read our full cover story in the link in my bio 💕💕💕
A post shared by Hailey Rhode Bieber (@haileybieber) on Feb 7, 2019 at 8:35am PST
February 7, 2019: The Vogue Tell-All Interview
Four months later, Mr. and Mrs. Bieber appear together on the cover of Vogue‘s March 2019 issue, and in their joint interview, pull back the curtain on their holy matrimony. “The thing is, marriage is very hard,” Hailey said, “that is the sentence you should lead with. It’s really effing hard.”
The article goes on to reveal that when the pair reconnected in June, Justin was more than a year into a self-imposed tenure of celibacy, working though what he calls “a legitimate problem with sheex.”
“He doesn’t ask us not to have sex for him because he wants rules and stuff,” Justin explains. “He’s like, I’m trying to protect you from hurt and pain. I think sex can cause a lot of pain. Sometimes people have sex because they don’t feel good enough. Because they lack self-worth. Women do that, and guys do that. I wanted to rededicate myself to God in that way because I really felt it was better for the condition of my soul. And I believe that God blessed me with Hailey as a result.”
Justin and Hailey were saving themselves for marriage—and thankfully, they didn’t have to wait long. The interviewer implies that sex was one of the reasons the duo rushed to the alter back in September. The other reason? “When I saw her last June, I just forgot how much I loved her and how much I missed her and how much of a positive impact she made on my life. I was like, Holy cow, this is what I’ve been looking for.”
April 1, 2019: The Instagrammed Sonogram
Around 4 p.m. ETA, Justin shared a caption-less photo of an ultrasound to his Instagram feed, leading the internet to believe he and Hailey are expecting their first child. A few minutes later, he followed up with an image of Hailey in the doctor’s office, cupping her stomach, with the caption: “if U thought it was an April fools.”
View this post on Instagram
If U thought it was April fools
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Apr 1, 2019 at 1:24pm PDT
The comment section seems to be split: some people are congratulating the couple, while others are calling it a bluff. April Fools does technically end at noon, leading us to “belieb” the announcement is genuine. That said, it is a strange day to strange day to share a sonogram. I guess we’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.
The post Justin and Hailey Bieber Are Either Expecting a Baby, Or They’re Late to April Fools appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Justin and Hailey Bieber Are Either Expecting a Baby, Or They’re Late to April Fools published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
0 notes
jessicakehoe · 6 years
Justin and Hailey Bieber Pull Back the Curtain On Their Secret Marriage
They did it: Jailey tied the knot. Just two months after their whirlwind engagement, Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have signed the paperwork and legally bound themselves together in holy matrimony. From their on again/off again dating to their Bahamian engagement, here’s everything you need to know about Baldwin and Bieber’s nine year relationship—right up to their secret NYC courthouse marriage and a tell-all Vogue interview that explains the rush.
.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
October 2009: The First Meeting
Bieber and Baldwin meet for the first time after her dad, actor Stephen Baldwin, introduced them backstage at The Today Show. The whole encounter is cringe-worthy, with Baldwin looking less than impressed. Bieber retweeted the video in 2016 with the caption “Haha. Amazing”.
Photography by Richard Corkery/NY Daily News Archives/Getty
February 2011: Dad Intro #2
Baldwin attends the premiere of Never Say Never with her dad at the Regal E-Walk 13 in Times Square. Later that month, Bieber confirmed his relationship with Selena Gomez when they attended the Vanity Fair Oscar Party together.
Photograph via twitter/haileybaldwin
September 2011: Hailey Tweets About Jelena
Baldwin shares her support for new couple, Jelena, on Twitter writing, “I don’t care what anyone says but Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez together is the definition of a teenage dream! #word”. Meanwhile, Gomez performs in Las Vegas with “Justin” written on her wrist and Jelena attend the red carpet premiere of Abduction in Los Angeles.
View this post on Instagram
2 brunettes X 2 blondes
A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on Aug 28, 2014 at 8:01pm PDT
August 2014: Getting Cozy with the Jenners
All throughout 2014, Bieber is photographed hanging out with the Jenner clan. In August 2014, Baldwin officially joins the close knit group, appearing in an Instagram photo Kylie Jenner posts of the pair snuggled up with Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid. The above photo was posted four months after Gomez unfollowed both Jenners and deleted all photos with them from her Instagram account.
Photograph via twitter.com/justbieberzone
November 2014: Take Me to Church
Fan taken photos begin to circulate on social media of Baldwin and Bieber attending a service together, alongside Kendall Jenner, at Hillsong Church in NYC, sparking dating rumours.
December 2014: Hailey Denies Dating Justin
In an interview with E!, Baldwin denies dating Bieber, stating, “I’ve known [Bieber] since I was s young, since I was like 13, and we’ve just been good friends over the years. We have stayed close and there’s nothing more to it than that.”
View this post on Instagram
People are crazy. I'm super single and this is my good friend u would know otherwise
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 15, 2014 at 1:41pm PST
December 2014: Justin Denies Dating Hailey
Bieber also denies dating rumours, posting a selfie of the duo on Instagram with the caption, “People are crazy. I’m super single and this is my good friend u would know otherwise.”
Photograph via twitter.com/haileybaldwin
December 2014: The Denial Continues
After dining together at Mr Chow, Bieber and Baldwin are photographed entering his house and are seen the next morning having breakfast at a diner. Shortly after, Baldwin continued to deny, deny, deny, tweeting, “Glad I got such a good night sleep last night, at MY own home, alone. Quit it with the stories!”
View this post on Instagram
2015 I'm coming for u
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 31, 2014 at 9:03pm PST
January 2015: New Year Celebrations
Bieber posts a video to Instagram from a NYE party where Baldwin was also in attendance.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on Jan 22, 2015 at 10:17pm PST
January 2015: Getting Cheeky
Kendall Jenner posts a group pic to Instagram from a Clippers game in Los Angeles, with Baldwin and Bieber posing cheek-to-cheek.
April 2015: “The Couple That Bakes Together, Stays Together”
Questions about the status of their relationship continue to grow as Baldwin and Bieber enjoy a baking class together in Los Angeles alongside Kendall Jenner.
View this post on Instagram
This is for the strongest couple i know Chad and Julia Veach! Their daughter was born with Lissencephaly. She is incredible and has the sweetest soul. You guys make me better and I'm blessed to have you in my life #Georgia #gtat
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jul 9, 2015 at 5:12am PDT
July 2015: Matching Tats
In honour of a little girl, Georgia, who suffers from Lissencephaly, both Baldwin and Bieber got the letter “G” tattooed. Bieber’s is on his forearm, while Baldwin’s is behind her ear (as is Gomez’s).
View this post on Instagram
Hiii Sham
A post shared by Hailey Rhode Bieber (@haileybieber) on Dec 20, 2014 at 2:01pm PST
September 2015: Selena Opens Up
In an interview with ELLE, Gomez opens up about how the drama surrounding her and Bieber was beginning to overshadow her career. Shortly after, Baldwin posts a picture wearing oversized sweatpants, which Bieber confirms are his in the comment sections. “Gimme back my sweats dick”, he writes, with Baldwin replying, “No sorry they look better on me.”
View this post on Instagram
She thought we were taking a photo
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 29, 2015 at 11:28am PST
December 2015: Couple’s Retreat?
Baldwin and Bieber go on a tropical vacation to Anguilla together, alongside Bieber’s family, where they engaged in flirty PDA that’s obviously not ‘just friends’ behaviour.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jan 3, 2016 at 4:12pm PST
January 2016: Insta Official
The pair seem to *finally* confirm their relationship with a PDA-heavy Insta post. On January 3, 2016, Bieber posts this photo of himself passionately kissing Baldwin.
February 2016: Keeping it Casual
After confirming that they are indeed dating, both Baldwin and Bieber insist it’s casual in separate interviews. Baldwin tells E! “We are not an exclusive couple. He’s about to go on tour. Relationships at this age are already complicated, but I don’t really like to talk about it because it’s between me and him.”
Bieber explains to GQ: “So now I’m just more so looking at the future, making sure I’m not damaging them. What if Hailey ends up being the girl I’m gonna marry, right? If I rush into anything, if I damage her, then it’s always gonna be damaged. It’s really hard to fix wounds like that. It’s so hard.… I just don’t want to hurt her.”
View this post on Instagram
I'm gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don't stop the hate this is getting out of hand, if you guys are really fans you wouldn't be so mean to people that I like
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Aug 13, 2016 at 10:34pm PDT
August 2016: Onto the Next
Bieber unfollows Baldwin on Instagram and is seen with Sofia Richie six months later, confirming that he and Baldwin have ended this casual relationship.
August 2016-April 2018: The Dark Ages
Baldwin and Bieber’s August 2016 breakup seems to have concluded in a falling out. They aren’t pictured together, don’t hang out with their mutual friends, and both unfollow each other on social media. During this time, Bieber reignites his on-again-off-again relationship with Gomez.
May 2018: Friends Again
After 2 years of not speaking—at least, to our knowledge—Baldwin and Bieber reunite…as friends. In an interview with The Times UK, Baldwin states “Justin and I were friends for a long time. I met him when I was really young and he was one of my best friends. Everybody knows that at a certain point in time that turned into something else, but that just happens when you’re 18, 19. We went through a long period of time when we weren’t friends. We didn’t speak for quite some time and there was a lot of weirdness that went on. We’ve moved past that.”
June 2018: Church Cuddles
Dating rumours begin to swirl again after the pair are spotted at church together and then a Miami club getting cuddly.
June 2018: New York State of Mind
Baldwin and Bieber are photographed goofing off for the cameras in NYC. It’s worth noting that on these urban outings, Bieber is wearing hotel slippers. Very casual!
June 2018: It’s PDA Official…Again
Fans capture the couple making out on the Brooklyn Bridge, officially confirming that their on-again-off-again romance is very much on.
Photography via Noam Galai/Getty
June 2018: No More Mendes
After publicly confirming her relationship with Bieber, Baldwin deletes all traces of Canadian musician Shawn Mendes from her Instagram feed. In May, the pair attended the MET Gala together and sparked romance rumours.
July 2018: The Make Out Tour
Jailey continue making out all over the USA, where they were spotted kissing in Washington, NYC, and in the Hamptons after experiencing some roadside car trouble.
Photography via twitter.com/coconiiks
July 7, 2018: He Puts a Ring On It
Although neither Baldwin or Bieber have yet to publicly confirm their engagement, TMZ reports that Bieber popped the question in the Bahamas on July 8. Since then, photos have surfaced of Baldwin’s massive engagement ring, which is enough of an indicator that there is, in fact, “One Less Lonely Girl.”
View this post on Instagram
@justinbieber Proud is an understatement! Excited for the next chapter!
A post shared by Jeremy Bieber (@jeremybieber) on Jul 8, 2018 at 8:31am PDT
July 8, 2018: A Proud Father
Bieber’s dad, Jeremy, posts a photo on IG, writing “Proud is an understatement! Excited for the next chapter!”
View this post on Instagram
Was gonna wait a while to say anything but word travels fast, listen plain and simple Hailey I am soooo in love with everything about you! So committed to spending my life getting to know every single part of you loving you patiently and kindLY. I promise to lead our family with honor and integrity letting Jesus through his Holy Spirit guide us in everything we do and every decision we make. My heart is COMPLETELY and FULLY YOURS and I will ALWAYS put you first! You are the love of my life Hailey Baldwin and I wouldn’t want to spend it with anybody else. You make me so much better and we compliment eachother so well!! Can’t wait for the best season of life yet!. It’s funny because now with you everything seems to make sense! The thing I am most excited for is that my little brother and sister get to see another healthy stable marriage and look for the same!!! Gods timing really is literally perfect, we got engaged on the seventh day of the seventh month, the number seven is the number of spiritual perfection, it’s true GOOGLE IT! Isn’t that nuts? By the way I didn’t plan that, anyways My goodness does feel good to have our future secured! WERE GONNA BE BETTER AT 70 BABY HERE WE GO! “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains FAVOR from the Lord!” This is the year of favor!!!!
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jul 9, 2018 at 3:14pm PDT
July 9, 2018: An Official Announcement
It didn’t take Bieber long to confirm the rumours of his proposal on social media. Sharing a pair of black and white photos of him and Baldwin, the “Sorry” singer rambles on about God, the number seven and the love of his life. Despite spelling errors, it’s really quite sweet!
Not sure what I did in life to deserve such happiness but I am so utterly grateful to God for giving me such an incredible person to share my life with! No words could ever express my gratitude. ❤️
— Hailey Bieber (@haileybieber) July 9, 2018
July 9, 2018: An Official Announcement Part 2
Baldwin shares a sappy tweet, detailing her gratitude for being able to spend “the rest of her life” with “such an incredible person.”
September 14, 2018: A Secret Wedding (?!)
Two months after their whirlwind engagement, Jailey have reportedly tied the knot. A “religious source” close to the couple confirmed to PEOPLE that on Thursday, the singer and model “went ahead and did it without listening to anyone.”
Wait… do does this mean we won’t get to gush over photographs of Baldwin in a wedding dress? Not quite: the source also confirmed to the outlet that the newlyweds will have a formal religious ceremony and celebration with friends and family. “They’re going to have a big blowout, in front of God and everyone they love.”
And, before you go rushing to conclusions about why the young love birds rushed the the altar, hear this: multiple sources have told TMZ that “100% she’s not pregnant.” I guess true love can make you do crazy things?!
View this post on Instagram
my ❤️
A post shared by Hailey Rhode Bieber (@haileybieber) on Nov 10, 2018 at 6:29pm PST
November 18, 2018: Hello @haileybieber
Is it official, isn’t it official…for a while, we didn’t really know. The confirmation we so desperately needed came via Instagram, with Hailey updating her handle from @haileybaldwin to @haileybieber.
  View this post on Instagram
  so excited to cover @voguemagazine’s March issue with my loveeeeeee shot by #AnnieLeibovitz Read our full cover story in the link in my bio 💕💕💕
A post shared by Hailey Rhode Bieber (@haileybieber) on Feb 7, 2019 at 8:35am PST
February 7, 2019: The Vogue Tell-All Interview
Four months later, Mr. and Mrs. Bieber appear together on the cover of Vogue‘s March 2019 issue, and in their joint interview, pull back the curtain on their holy matrimony. “The thing is, marriage is very hard,” Hailey said, “that is the sentence you should lead with. It’s really effing hard.”
The article goes on to reveal that when the pair reconnected in June, Justin was more than a year into a self-imposed tenure of celibacy, working though what he calls “a legitimate problem with sex.”
“He doesn’t ask us not to have sex for him because he wants rules and stuff,” Justin explains. “He’s like, I’m trying to protect you from hurt and pain. I think sex can cause a lot of pain. Sometimes people have sex because they don’t feel good enough. Because they lack self-worth. Women do that, and guys do that. I wanted to rededicate myself to God in that way because I really felt it was better for the condition of my soul. And I believe that God blessed me with Hailey as a result.”
Justin and Hailey were saving themselves for marriage—and thankfully, they didn’t have to wait long. The interviewer implies that sex was one of the reasons the duo rushed to the alter back in September. The other reason? “When I saw her last June, I just forgot how much I loved her and how much I missed her and how much of a positive impact she made on my life. I was like, Holy cow, this is what I’ve been looking for.”
The post Justin and Hailey Bieber Pull Back the Curtain On Their Secret Marriage appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Justin and Hailey Bieber Pull Back the Curtain On Their Secret Marriage published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
0 notes
jessicakehoe · 6 years
From First Meeting to Mrs. Bieber, A Timeline of Hailey & Justin’s Relationship
They did it: Jailey tied the knot. Just two months after their whirlwind engagement, Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have signed the paperwork and legally bound themselves together in holy matrimony. From their on again/off again dating to their Bahamian engagement, here’s everything you need to know about Baldwin and Bieber’s nine year relationship—right up to their secret NYC courthouse marriage, and a very important Instagram update.
.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
October 2009: The First Meeting
Bieber and Baldwin meet for the first time after her dad, actor Stephen Baldwin, introduced them backstage at The Today Show. The whole encounter is cringe-worthy, with Baldwin looking less than impressed. Bieber retweeted the video in 2016 with the caption “Haha. Amazing”.
Photography by Richard Corkery/NY Daily News Archives/Getty
February 2011: Dad Intro #2
Baldwin attends the premiere of Never Say Never with her dad at the Regal E-Walk 13 in Times Square. Later that month, Bieber confirmed his relationship with Selena Gomez when they attended the Vanity Fair Oscar Party together.
Photograph via twitter/haileybaldwin
September 2011: Hailey Tweets About Jelena
Baldwin shares her support for new couple, Jelena, on Twitter writing, “I don’t care what anyone says but Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez together is the definition of a teenage dream! #word”. Meanwhile, Gomez performs in Las Vegas with “Justin” written on her wrist and Jelena attend the red carpet premiere of Abduction in Los Angeles.
View this post on Instagram
2 brunettes X 2 blondes
A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on Aug 28, 2014 at 8:01pm PDT
August 2014: Getting Cozy with the Jenners
All throughout 2014, Bieber is photographed hanging out with the Jenner clan. In August 2014, Baldwin officially joins the close knit group, appearing in an Instagram photo Kylie Jenner posts of the pair snuggled up with Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid. The above photo was posted four months after Gomez unfollowed both Jenners and deleted all photos with them from her Instagram account.
Photograph via twitter.com/justbieberzone
November 2014: Take Me to Church
Fan taken photos begin to circulate on social media of Baldwin and Bieber attending a service together, alongside Kendall Jenner, at Hillsong Church in NYC, sparking dating rumours.
December 2014: Hailey Denies Dating Justin
In an interview with E!, Baldwin denies dating Bieber, stating, “I’ve known [Bieber] since I was s young, since I was like 13, and we’ve just been good friends over the years. We have stayed close and there’s nothing more to it than that.”
View this post on Instagram
People are crazy. I'm super single and this is my good friend u would know otherwise
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 15, 2014 at 1:41pm PST
December 2014: Justin Denies Dating Hailey
Bieber also denies dating rumours, posting a selfie of the duo on Instagram with the caption, “People are crazy. I’m super single and this is my good friend u would know otherwise.”
  Photograph via twitter.com/haileybaldwin
December 2014: The Denial Continues
After dining together at Mr Chow, Bieber and Baldwin are photographed entering his house and are seen the next morning having breakfast at a diner. Shortly after, Baldwin continued to deny, deny, deny, tweeting, “Glad I got such a good night sleep last night, at MY own home, alone. Quit it with the stories!”
View this post on Instagram
2015 I'm coming for u
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 31, 2014 at 9:03pm PST
January 2015: New Year Celebrations
Bieber posts a video to Instagram from a NYE party where Baldwin was also in attendance.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on Jan 22, 2015 at 10:17pm PST
January 2015: Getting Cheeky
Kendall Jenner posts a group pic to Instagram from a Clippers game in Los Angeles, with Baldwin and Bieber posing cheek-to-cheek.
April 2015: “The Couple That Bakes Together, Stays Together”
Questions about the status of their relationship continue to grow as Baldwin and Bieber enjoy a baking class together in Los Angeles alongside Kendall Jenner.
View this post on Instagram
This is for the strongest couple i know Chad and Julia Veach! Their daughter was born with Lissencephaly. She is incredible and has the sweetest soul. You guys make me better and I'm blessed to have you in my life #Georgia #gtat
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jul 9, 2015 at 5:12am PDT
July 2015: Matching Tats
In honour of a little girl, Georgia, who suffers from Lissencephaly, both Baldwin and Bieber got the letter “G” tattooed. Bieber’s is on his forearm, while Baldwin’s is behind her ear (as is Gomez’s).
View this post on Instagram
Hiii Sham
A post shared by Hailey Rhode Bieber (@haileybieber) on Dec 20, 2014 at 2:01pm PST
September 2015: Selena Opens Up
In an interview with ELLE, Gomez opens up about how the drama surrounding her and Bieber was beginning to overshadow her career. Shortly after, Baldwin posts a picture wearing oversized sweatpants, which Bieber confirms are his in the comment sections. “Gimme back my sweats dick”, he writes, with Baldwin replying, “No sorry they look better on me.”
  View this post on Instagram
She thought we were taking a photo
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 29, 2015 at 11:28am PST
December 2015: Couple’s Retreat?
Baldwin and Bieber go on a tropical vacation to Anguilla together, alongside Bieber’s family, where they engaged in flirty PDA that’s obviously not ‘just friends’ behaviour.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jan 3, 2016 at 4:12pm PST
January 2016: Insta Official
The pair seem to *finally* confirm their relationship with a PDA-heavy Insta post. On January 3, 2016, Bieber posts this photo of himself passionately kissing Baldwin.
February 2016: Keeping it Casual
After confirming that they are indeed dating, both Baldwin and Bieber insist it’s casual in separate interviews. Baldwin tells E! “We are not an exclusive couple. He’s about to go on tour. Relationships at this age are already complicated, but I don’t really like to talk about it because it’s between me and him.”
Bieber explains to GQ: “So now I’m just more so looking at the future, making sure I’m not damaging them. What if Hailey ends up being the girl I’m gonna marry, right? If I rush into anything, if I damage her, then it’s always gonna be damaged. It’s really hard to fix wounds like that. It’s so hard.… I just don’t want to hurt her.”
  View this post on Instagram
I'm gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don't stop the hate this is getting out of hand, if you guys are really fans you wouldn't be so mean to people that I like
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Aug 13, 2016 at 10:34pm PDT
August 2016: Onto the Next
Bieber unfollows Baldwin on Instagram and is seen with Sofia Richie six months later, confirming that he and Baldwin have ended this casual relationship.
August 2016-April 2018: The Dark Ages
Baldwin and Bieber’s August 2016 breakup seems to have concluded in a falling out. They aren’t pictured together, don’t hang out with their mutual friends, and both unfollow each other on social media. During this time, Bieber reignites his on-again-off-again relationship with Gomez.
May 2018: Friends Again
After 2 years of not speaking—at least, to our knowledge—Baldwin and Bieber reunite…as friends. In an interview with The Times UK, Baldwin states “Justin and I were friends for a long time. I met him when I was really young and he was one of my best friends. Everybody knows that at a certain point in time that turned into something else, but that just happens when you’re 18, 19. We went through a long period of time when we weren’t friends. We didn’t speak for quite some time and there was a lot of weirdness that went on. We’ve moved past that.”
View this post on Instagram
Hailey and Justin Bieber at LIV nightclub in Miami, Florida. (June 10, 2018) @haileybaldwin @justinbieber #haileybaldwin #justinbieber
A post shared by Hailey Baldwin Updates (@haileybaldwincr) on Jun 11, 2018 at 12:04am PDT
June 2018: Church Cuddles
Dating rumours begin to swirl again after the pair are spotted at church together and then a Miami club getting cuddly.
View this post on Instagram
@tommyhilfiger via Instagram Stories #haileybaldwin #justinbieber #jailey
A post shared by Hailey Baldwin Updates (@haileybaldwincr) on Jun 13, 2018 at 3:29pm PDT
June 2018: New York State of Mind
Baldwin and Bieber are photographed goofing off for the cameras in NYC. It’s worth noting that on these urban outings, Bieber is wearing hotel slippers. Very casual!
Hailey and Justin in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. (June 16, 2018) @haileybaldwin @justinbieber #haileybaldwin #justinbieber #jailey
A post shared by Hailey Baldwin Updates (@haileybaldwincr) on Jun 17, 2018 at 10:27pm PDT
June 2018: It’s PDA Official…Again
Fans capture the couple making out on the Brooklyn Bridge, officially confirming that their on-again-off-again romance is very much on.
Photography via Noam Galai/Getty
June 2018: No More Mendes
After publicly confirming her relationship with Bieber, Baldwin deletes all traces of Canadian musician Shawn Mendes from her Instagram feed. In May, the pair attended the MET Gala together and sparked romance rumours.
July 2018: The Make Out Tour
Jailey continue making out all over the USA, where they were spotted kissing in Washington, NYC, and in the Hamptons after experiencing some roadside car trouble.
  Photography via twitter.com/coconiiks
July 7, 2018: He Puts a Ring On It
Although neither Baldwin or Bieber have yet to publicly confirm their engagement, TMZ reports that Bieber popped the question in the Bahamas on July 8. Since then, photos have surfaced of Baldwin’s massive engagement ring, which is enough of an indicator that there is, in fact, “One Less Lonely Girl.”
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@justinbieber Proud is an understatement! Excited for the next chapter!
A post shared by Jeremy Bieber (@jeremybieber) on Jul 8, 2018 at 8:31am PDT
July 8, 2018: A Proud Father
Bieber’s dad, Jeremy, posts a photo on IG, writing “Proud is an understatement! Excited for the next chapter!”
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Was gonna wait a while to say anything but word travels fast, listen plain and simple Hailey I am soooo in love with everything about you! So committed to spending my life getting to know every single part of you loving you patiently and kindLY. I promise to lead our family with honor and integrity letting Jesus through his Holy Spirit guide us in everything we do and every decision we make. My heart is COMPLETELY and FULLY YOURS and I will ALWAYS put you first! You are the love of my life Hailey Baldwin and I wouldn’t want to spend it with anybody else. You make me so much better and we compliment eachother so well!! Can’t wait for the best season of life yet!. It’s funny because now with you everything seems to make sense! The thing I am most excited for is that my little brother and sister get to see another healthy stable marriage and look for the same!!! Gods timing really is literally perfect, we got engaged on the seventh day of the seventh month, the number seven is the number of spiritual perfection, it’s true GOOGLE IT! Isn’t that nuts? By the way I didn’t plan that, anyways My goodness does feel good to have our future secured! WERE GONNA BE BETTER AT 70 BABY HERE WE GO! “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains FAVOR from the Lord!” This is the year of favor!!!!
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Jul 9, 2018 at 3:14pm PDT
July 9, 2018: An Official Announcement
It didn’t take Bieber long to confirm the rumours of his proposal on social media. Sharing a pair of black and white photos of him and Baldwin, the “Sorry” singer rambles on about God, the number seven and the love of his life. Despite spelling errors, it’s really quite sweet!
Not sure what I did in life to deserve such happiness but I am so utterly grateful to God for giving me such an incredible person to share my life with! No words could ever express my gratitude. ❤️
— Hailey Baldwin (@haileybaldwin) July 9, 2018
July 9, 2018: An Official Announcement Part 2
Baldwin shares a sappy tweet, detailing her gratitude for being able to spend “the rest of her life” with “such an incredible person.”
September 14, 2018: A Secret Wedding (?!)
Two months after their whirlwind engagement, Jailey have reportedly tied the knot. A “religious source” close to the couple confirmed to PEOPLE that on Thursday, the singer and model “went ahead and did it without listening to anyone.”
Wait… do does this mean we won’t get to gush over photographs of Baldwin in a wedding dress? Not quite: the source also confirmed to the outlet that the newlyweds will have a formal religious ceremony and celebration with friends and family. “They’re going to have a big blowout, in front of God and everyone they love.”
And, before you go rushing to conclusions about why the young love birds rushed the the altar, hear this: multiple sources have told TMZ that “100% she’s not pregnant.” I guess true love can make you do crazy things?!
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my ❤️
A post shared by Hailey Rhode Bieber (@haileybieber) on Nov 10, 2018 at 6:29pm PST
November 18, 2018: Hello @haileybieber
Is it official, isn’t it official…for a while, we didn’t really know. The confirmation we so desperately needed came via Instagram, with Hailey updating her handle from @haileybaldwin to @haileybieber.
The post From First Meeting to Mrs. Bieber, A Timeline of Hailey & Justin’s Relationship appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
From First Meeting to Mrs. Bieber, A Timeline of Hailey & Justin’s Relationship published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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