#i keep going back to edit because i realise i can't spell
boygiwrites · 10 months
Harley D. Dixon 2
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An amazing edit inspired by this story! (Cred to Cora_Line99) Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note. Get ready for the first major change in the canon story-line hehe
Please enjoy reading! :)
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"You want me to sing tonight, chicken?"
It's way past my bed-time. The sky looks like a giant film of blue cellophane above us, with millions of little white holes poked through. I pick out the shiniest one, 'cause that one's my Momma. Then I realise I gotta pick one out for Uncle Merle, now, too, so I pick the one right next to Momma's and wish him goodnight in my head.
After my Dad dragged all our stuff further into the woods, because we shouldn't sleep next to people we don't trust, we curled up in his camping chair and we haven't moved since. I'm wrapped up in a grubby gray blanket that I think used to be white, 'cause it's all we got, and I'm wearing two pairs of socks plus my Dad's jacket but it's still cold. I feel like a baby joey in a Momma kangaroo's pouch. Through the trees, I can see the main camp's fires all glittering like tiny orange fireflies and I can hear 'em all laughing. I think they're celebrating. Me and my Dad — We're mourning.
Tomorrow, they're heading back to the city to look for my Uncle Merle, even though we all know he's dead already. He's dead and he's gone and he ain't never coming back, so why does my Daddy wanna go get killed, too? Don't he know I need him?
"I don't wanna go to sleep."
"Well," He reminds me, "Sometimes it don't matter what little girls want. I'm sayin' it's time to sleep, so it's time to sleep."
If he wanted to talk about it, I'd tell him that I don't wanna go to sleep because it means that when I wake up, it'll be the day my Daddy either dies in the city or he doesn't, and then I'll be all alone forever. I don't wanna pick a star out for my Dad. But I don't tell him any of this.
"Now, you want me to sing, or not?" He asks me again.
"I said," And half-way through I'm huffing this out, I know I've made a mistake, but I keep goin', anyway, because at least if I make him super angry, he might wanna talk. Unlike Officer Rick, my Dad is easy to make angry. "I don't wanna go to sleep."
I feel his stomach fill with air underneath me. "Scuse me?"
I twist to face him. Half his face is glowing from the fire, and the other half is glowing just from how mad he is.
"I... don't... wanna," I spell it out real slow. That's what people do when someone's not listenin' properly. "Go... to... sleep."
I hear main camp laughing again. For just a second, I wish I was over there, instead.
I look my Dad in the eye. It's really hard.
"You lookin' for a spanking, Harley Dixon?"
"No," My voice wobbles.
"'Cause you keep back-chattin' me, that's where you're headed."
"What I just say?"
I snap my mouth shut like a kettle lid. Does he even have the words in him? Do I gotta beat on his chest 'till they come flying out? Do I gotta kick and yell and scream 'till he can't hold 'em in anymore? What do I gotta do to make him talk? How am I meant to like it over here, in this lonely camp with no Momma and no Uncle and maybe after tomorrow, no Dad, neither?
"Quit that look, Harley Dixon. I'm warnin' you."
"You really gonna make me repeat myself?"
I snap.
"Maybe I'on care!" I shout. We're both shocked. Then, he's about to lay me over his knee and whoop me 'till I'm black and blue, but I don't stop for nothin'. "Maybe I'on give a crap! I said I don't wanna go to sleep, so why you makin' me? I don't wanna! Uncle Merle's dead! He's dead and you don't even care!"
"How can you say tha—"
"You don't care because you're goin' back to the city tomorrow and you're gonna die, and I'm gonna be alone again, and you don't even care! Uncle Merle is dead! Just like Momma, he's dead!"
"We don't know that, Harley."
"Yeah, we do! Rick killed 'im, and now he's dead."
"That ain't true. Harley, you listen—"
He grabs my arms, but I smack him away. He gets angrier.
He points a finger in my face. "Do not fuckin' hit me, girl."
"I'on care."
Now he really grabs me, and it's so tight I can't smack him at all, or wriggle, or even look away. I see two miniature versions of our campfire in his eyes, burning away. It's a familiar look. I start to cry. I wish I wasn't here. I wanna be in main camp, where they're laughing.
"You stop this bullshit right now, Harley." He says, low. "I don't know what's gotten into you, but if it don't stop right this second, you're gonna regret it. You understand? Don't you ever hit me again. I'm leavin' tomorrow, and that's final."
"But why?"
"'Cause I'm choosin' to believe in yer Uncle Merle. You heard what all them said. There's a chance he ain't dead, and that's a chance I'm gonna take, because I'm a Dixon. Dixons look out for each other." He gives me a little shake. "If it were either one of us in that city, he'd be raisin' Hell on his way there already. Now, I don't wanna hear another word outcher mouth 'bout this. No more tears, neither. Got it?"
It's still not good enough. I want more.
"You wouldn't go back for Momma." I mutter, before I even realise that's what I've chosen to say. Somehow, that's the worst thing I've told my Dad all night, and I didn't even need to shout it. We stare at each other for a bit. "You wouldn't go back for her. You killed her."
I promised I'd never bring it up again, but there it is. I said it.
I think I might throw up again.
Just like that, our argument is over. He doesn't say anything, and then I don't say anything, either, and the not-saying-anything keeps going until we're back to sitting against each other in silence. The moon is high in the trees, now. One by one, the orange blips in the distance die. The chatter gets quieter and quieter until it's gone, and then me and my Dad are truly alone. He holds me tight, but it doesn't feel nice like it did before. It just feels like we're back to square one, because we are, and everything is a little to the left. Like when you get a pebble in the corner of your shoe, and you gotta walk a little funny to pretend it's not there, but it is, and you can feel it, and you hate it.
"You want me to sing for you, chicken?"
This time, I just say yes.
I watch the cube van drive into the distance until it's a white speck.
Dale stands next to me, even after everyone else has shuffled back to camp. "You've probably heard this from ten other people by now," Dale says, holding onto the strap of his heavy sniper rifle, "But your Dad? Well, he's going to be just fine. Toughest man in camp, I'd say."
My Dad, he's tough as nails, and he could shoot a walnut off a fencepost from a mile away, but he's also just a man. He's just skin and bones and blood like everyone else, like me, like deer and squirrels, and a bite from a dead person will kill him just the same. I don't say this to Dale.
He doesn't seem to mind. "Do you remember your first day here?"
A strange thing to ask. 'Course I remember. "What about it?"
"Things were a little more desperate, back then. We'd just ran out of our last tin of beans. People were hungry. I remember your Dad spent the whole morning telling people to leave him alone, because everybody was just begging him to go hunting. I think I did, too." Dale laughs. "One by one, he shot them all down. We were all so sure we'd have to start rationing. Then, the next morning, I go to wash my face behind the RV, and what do I see? Your Dad, dinged up and covered in sweat, dragging this... just... huge, simply huge... deer, into camp. I was gobsmacked. I remember thinking, 'who on Earth could have possibly convinced this stubborn man to go hunting'? Then, later in the day, I see him handing you a bowl of fried deer meat, happy as a clam, and that's when I knew he did it all for you. Tooth and nail, he made sure you were fed. And that's how I know he's coming back."
I think about all the times my Dad's done somethin' like that for me, like with Ronnie, and I feel a little better. My Momma once said my Dad would crawl back out of Hell on hot coals for me, and that I should never forget that. I feel bad for forgetting.
"I didn't tell him I love him, before he left." I admit to Dale. "I was real mean to him last night. I wish I told him."
"That's okay," Dale bumps my shoulder, and when I look up, there's a smile in his white beard. He winks. "I think he knows. Dads always know."
Something about Dale's cheeky attitude makes me giggle. I think I believe him.
"Now, lucky for us, we're certainly not short on food around here anymore. So, how about we go get you some breakfast?"
The day goes by like it always does, 'cause it don't know any better.
I can see Amy and Andrea fishing from the bank of the lake. Their boat looks like a little grain of salt in the middle of a giant green coin.
I'm up to my knees in the water. I'm trying to catch frogs. I'm missing. Shane and Carl are here, too, because even though we ate a whole sleeve of cheese and onion crackers for breakfast, Officer Shane says frog legs are gonna be all the rave, soon, when the peaches and jerky run out. We told him that's super gross, but he just smacked his lips and told us to grab our hats. We gotta do things like this, now. Things like sharing one tube of toothpaste, and only using two squares of toilet paper when you gotta go, and the adults gotta try and make it sound fun. 
I hear Carl somewhere down the rocks, going awww and man 'cause he keeps missing, too. All I know 'bout Carl is he can't spell 'adventure'.
"Hey, man, it happens. How you doin' over there, Harley?" Officer Shane asks me. "You managed to catch any of the little suckers yet?"
"No, not yet." I say. "But I can see 'em."
When we first got down here, Shane asked us kids to provide a little muscle for him. Shane's got plenty of muscle, already. He was just kiddin'. He does that a lot, and his laugh is real loud. He also gives high fives that knock you on your butt, and he's got a heavy walk and a dog tag. I think he must have taught little league, or somethin', before, 'cause he talks like a teacher. All fun and games, but also lots of rules. Like how if you say a bad word, he flicks you on the ear and tells you to mind your language.
I'm still not used to any of these people talking to me. I think they're just glad I ain't biting and hitting on them, anymore.
"How many's in there?" Shane wades over to me.
The only reason I trust Shane is because he's an adult, and adults can be trusted.
I count the frogs. "Um... Three."
"Three? Hm, talk about a gold mine, huh?" He laughs and, yep, it's real loud. "Let's see if I can't help you out here."
He sets our bucket down, which has two wet frogs slipping around inside it.
He rubs his hands together. "C'mon, girl. Let's catch us some frog legs."
He says they eat frog legs in France. I never knew that before today. French people are weirdos.
"You gotta get 'em quick, 'cause they're quicker." I warn Shane. It's something my Dad says 'bout squirrels and possums, so I say it now, too.
"Sure are." Shane agrees. "How 'bout I scare 'em out, and you try grabbin' one?"
"With my hands?"
"What? You plannin' on using your feet?" Shane grins, and he splashes me. I giggle. "C'mon. Get ready."
Officer Shane rolls up his blue sleeves. I take three long steps backward and squat a little, like I'm playin' basketball or somethin', and then Shane grabs the metal bucket and clangs it against the rocks, and all three of the fat froggies come bursting out into the water like wind-up toys. I almost panic — almost — but that's what idiots do, so I steel myself, which means I'm not an idiot. I lunge at the closest frog and wrap my hands around the green blob it makes under the ripples.
When I pull my hands out, I realise I've caught it. It's real wriggly and its skin is cold.
I jump a little, smiling wide. "Look, Shane! I got one!"
"Way to go, Harley!" Shane says, and if I pretend hard enough, it sounds like my Dad's accent praising me instead. "Look at you!"
I drop the frog in the bucket. I hear cheering, and when I look out, I see it's Amy and Andrea. They're clapping. I guess they were watching. Carl comes hopping over, too, and tells me I did a good job. I know he's a bastard cop, and I know his friend murdered my Uncle, but maybe Shane ain't so bad. He makes me miss my teachers. Maybe this group ain't so bad. Maybe, maybe, maybe.
We call it a day after that, and we squeeze out all the water in our clothes on the gravel shore.
"C'mon, y'all," Shane says, "Time to haul butt back to camp."
What he really means to say is ass.
The sky goes from blue to purple, and soon, it'll be black.
We're gonna have a feast tonight. A fish feast.
Dale, who's sitting up on the RV, because he's like a barnacle on a boat, reads us a poetry book while we scrape scales off of fish with plastic spoons. After the book runs out, we pop cassettes in the radio. It's nothin' like what my Dad listens to. It's too nice.
I try really hard not to think about my stomach. It hurts real bad, which is what happens when you're nervous. I realise, a little guiltily, that I almost haven't thought about my Daddy or my Uncle Merle all day, until just now. I say sorry to them in my head, because I didn't do it on purpose, I promise. I was just focused on other things, like doing dishes, and getting my hair brushed by Lori, and strippin' fish skin. It was easy, during the day. But it's gettin' late, now, and every minute that goes by, I'm closer to being the only kid in camp with nobody to tuck me into bed.
I'm standing on a crate, which means I'm almost as tall as all the ladies. Makes me feel a little better. All women remind me of my Momma.
Maybe if I ask, Lori can tuck me in tonight.
"Hey, Harley, you're doin' real good over there." Jacqui tells me. The sun's on her shoulder. "Doin' better than me, at least."
I mumble a thank you, because it's good manners. I done dressed plenty of fish before. It's easy. Like peelin' bananas.
"Our Dad used to take us girls fishing all the time." Andrea tells us. "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, you name it. We were out on the water."
"Sounds fun," Lori says. "I always wanted to go fishing with Rick and Carl, but it never happened. We were indoor people."
Jacqui laughs. "Not anymore, you're not."
Lori makes a face. "You don't gotta tell me twice."
"What about you, Harley?" Asks Amy. "Your Dad ever take you fishing?"
There it is again; my stomach climbing up the back of my throat like a balloon. "Uh," I mumble. "Yeah. A lot."
Carol asks me, "You like it? Being on the water?"
"It's okay if you don't." Amy scrunches up her nose, smiling. "I was never that into it. Motion sickness 'n all."
I'm about to say no, I didn't like it, but something stops me. It's true, I never liked stabbing the alive worms on the hook, or gettin' sunscreen smeared all over my face, or carrying all them heavy buckets full of crayfish and bluegills back to the truck, but that doesn't matter. I was with my Dad. And I liked that. So, "I liked it," I say. "We went every weekend, in Dad's boat. It was sorta old, but he liked it a whole lot. He let me name it."
Lori smiles. Lori loves when people tell nice stories. "What'd you choose?"
"I named it after our old dog." I tell her. Hey, I'm smiling. "His name was Tank. So, Dad's boat was, 'The Tank'."
Lori pouts. She loves animals, too. "Aw. That's nice. We had a dog."
"What was his name?"
"Fido," She scoffs. "You can thank Carl for that one."
"I can't imagine Daryl lettin' anybody tell him what to do," Amy chuckles. "He's always so grouchy."
Dale must be eavesdropping, because he leans over his fold-out chair and calls down to us, "Now, now, remember that time with the deer?"
The story he told me this morning, to make me feel better.
All at once, the women start giggling together, and nodding, yes, they do remember that time with the deer. I catch it, like a stomach bug, and I start giggling, too, because I guess it is kinda funny. My Dad, with his squinty eyes and angry mouth and big, scarred fists, doin' whatever I tell him to. I never saw it like that, because it's always the other way 'round. For the first time today, I'm thinking of my Dad, and it doesn't hurt, not one bit.
"Like a gaggle of geese over there," Shane shakes his head from the fire. He's laughin', too. Bunch of eavesdroppers, these people. "Get back to work!"
"Yes, sir!" Andrea salutes, rolling her eyes.
We can't stop giggling.
The fish fry is, basically, a family barbeque.
My dinner is hot, and greasy, and it's even got yellow rice and onions in it, like takeaway. Takeaway is always good. Around the fire, all I see are happy faces and all I hear are jokes, and gasps, and laughter. They're talking about college, and how Lori used to wear the ugliest skirts, and how, yes, Shane can confirm, he was there to see it and, no, it wasn't pretty. When I look through the trees, I imagine me and my Daddy's sad little camp on the other side, abandoned. I was right. It is better over here. I hope he would think so, too.
"W— Hey! They were in style, back then!" Lori holds her fork up, like a pointing finger. "Everyone was wearin' them!"
"Oh, I remember." Shane shakes his head. "N— No, listen, I remember, alright! So short it was like a damn belt!"
Amy slides off her tennis shoe and launches it at Shane's legs. "You can't argue with fashion, Shane!"
He laughs. "Oh, that's what that was? Fashion?"
"Hey, I got some pretty nasty pictures of you with that damn perm on your head, so you might wanna quit while you're ahead." Lori sasses.
We all picture Shane with a mop of curly poodle hair, prolly posing like He-Man, and we all roar with laughter again.
Up until the very last grain of rice gets eaten, we talk about everything and anything, because stories are all we got to give each other anymore, Dale says. Dale talks about how he planned to take a trip around the state with his wife, in their RV, but she passed away before it could happen. So, when the world ended, he was in a gas station, buying ice creams and lookin' at maps, 'cause he was doin' the trip on his own. He says he's glad that all the small decisions he's made in life has led him to this quarry, with these people. Everybody calls him a sap, but he gets a side-hug from Jacqui. He smiles over the fire at me. Andrea and Amy talk more about their Dad.
I talk about the tyre swing I used to have, in my yard. Shange suggests building one here, too.
Jim talks a little about his old job as a mechanic. Morales talks about how much he misses his recliner.
"Aw, man, I'm telling you," He groans, like he's in a deep, deep pain. "It was remote-controlled, and it had blue-tooth, and everything."
Shane slaps him on the back. "Too bad the world ended; Had to get off your fat ass!"
More and more warm, silly laughter.
It's around us kid's bed-time when Dale checks his watch.
The other kids all complain straight away, but we get dragged away, anyway. I can hear my Daddy's voice in my head, telling me sometimes it don't matter what little girls want. Lori and Carol take us around the back of Shane's Jeep, where all the bathroom stuff gets kept, like the gallon jugs of water, the towels, and stuff Glenn brings back from runs. We brush our teeth, and splash our hair with water, and use baby wipes on our armpits.
I can see the tippy-tops of the city's tallest buildings from here, like skinny black popsicle sticks in the smog. I keep lookin' back, for my Dad.
I'm lookin' right now. Everyone else is trying to find Sophia's hairbrush in one of the bags, but I'm not helping. I can't look away.
There's a figure, stumbling up the road.
At first, I think it's my Dad, somehow. When you're expecting somethin' so much and for so long, and with all your heart, it's the first thing you think of. Even if it makes no sense. If they were really back, they'd all be together; Glenn, T-Dog, Daddy, and Rick, because my Daddy would make them all stick together, 'cause he's smart like that. But the shadow's alone. And he's got a limp. Just a little one. He hop-shuffle-hop-shuffles closer to us. No, no it's not my Dad. There's no crossbow; no big boots, no backpack. The shoulders aren't wide enough. Actually, the shoulders aren't wide at all. They're droopy. Too droopy, like they're... like they're melting off the bone, like hot cheese melts off pizza.
I hear a gurgle through the night. That's when it all makes sense.
And one second after that, the fish feast goes to Hell.
Someone snatches my wrist. We go rushing back into camp, where there's people, and lights, and noise. And shouting. Lots and lots of shouting; so much shouting it's like being stuck inside a beehive. I see flashes of legs and t-shirts and hands pulling me around, toward the bonfire. The bonfire must be brighter than a lighthouse out here, in the dark. Suddenly, I'm noticing everything wrong with the fish fry. The smells, the noise. I'm remembering my Daddy's rules, 'bout how loud is dangerous and dangerous is stupid and oh God — I can hear Amy shrieking like a piglet, near the RV. I hear shotguns pumping and bullets exploding and sloppy plops of skin falling of the dead people afterwards. I'm screaming.
The bag — The emergency bag, the one in our tent. I should grab it, right? That's what I'm supposed to do, right? So we can live?
"Lori!" Shane's hollering. "Carl! Harley! Where are you?"
"We're over here!" Lori cries.
"Start moving!"
Everywhere, everywhere, legs, legs, legs, all rotten and slimy and dead. Then, a gap, filled with darkness. The tent is out there. The bag.
I can make it. I know I can.
That's Lori, screaming like she's never screamed before, because I just broke away from her, and I can feel something hot sliding down my arm, and it must be blood, 'cause she must have ripped my arm open with her short razor nails. I run straight for the gap in the wall of dead people, and I throw myself past them, like they're bowling pins and I'm the ball, and then I'm on the other side, in the dark, dark woods, running, running, running, all by myself. I remember the path to our camp. Big rock, little tree, old fence. It's all there, it's just covered in night.
I hear Shane yelling for me, and Morales, too, and more screaming, more dying.
A dead man slams into me. We go tumbling into the branches and the leaves, and then down a little hill, and then into a ditch. I smack his growling face away from mine, and I kick his stomach, and I wriggle away. The dirt is slipping away from underneath me, like dust, but the roots are easy to climb so I climb those, and the dead man follows me out. He's swiping at my ankles, scampering for my legs, slobbering on his lips.
His nails catch my arm.
I see the tent.
I'm running again, but only for a second. It's my pants. They're stuck. The dead man's grabbing onto them. I kick his fingers off.
"Get away," I grunt.
The pebbly ground barks under my shoes when I tear off again, and it only takes a couple heartbeats for me to reach my Dad's camping chair, and then the black fire pit, and then the truck, and then the tent. I rip open the zipper and fall inside. The bag, the bag, the bag. I scramble for my Dad's sleeping cot, and drop to my knees, and pat around all the spare shirts and pants and socks and blankets he's got stuffed under here, praying, please God, it's gotta be here, like he says it is. My fingers hit something soft, then something hard. A buckle. I grab. I pull.
It's the bag. It's the bag, with the compass and the rope and the matches. I did it.
A branch cracks. I look over my shoul—
The dead man crashes on top of me, all two hundred pounds, through the tent lining. He squirms against me like a finger in a glove.
I scuttle backward as fast I can, under the cot. The dead man flops and turns and twists until he finds the tent opening, and he slithers inside, 'cause he's a hungry animal and I'm his food. An electric lamp clicks on underneath my foot. The dead man's shadow gets projected onto all four of the tent walls; big, like the bogeyman. I hug the bag like a teddy bear and then that's it, and there's nowhere else to go. His fingers reach for me, and they look like big, black, dead spiders, all curled up. I see his face, now. It's shredded. It's beaten.
It's Sophia's Dad.
Something clamps around my shoe, and it's his teeth. A whole row of thick, white teeth. A bite.
I squeeze my eyes closed and hope my shoe's thick enough to keep me safe. There's nothin' else I can do.
Then, a great, big bang.
Then, hot, slippery puddles of blood, and little bits of neck and skin and jaw, splattered across my face. He slumps. Is it over? It's over? His head's cracked open like an egg, and his brains are leaking out like yolk. There's a bullet hole between my two feet. That means — That means someone shot his shadow, through the tent. Only someone with a very good shot could have made that, without killing me at the same time. I claw my way out from under all the blankets, and the body, and the cot. I can hear voices shouting, Oh Fuck, Oh God, and, Where are you, baby, and, If you hit my daughter, I will fucking end you.
The electric lamp flutters off.
The tent is ripped open. 
I look up. I'm blinded by big, white circles of flashlight light. Someone gasps.
My chin crumples 'cause I'm crying, like a little baby.
Rick's standin' there, Sherriff's hat on, revolver smoking. Shane's there, too, wild-eyed, and very, very sweaty, with a shotgun. There's Glenn, panting. They look at the blood on the blankets, and the blood on my face, and their dead friend on the floor, with half a head. Then, they see the scratches on my arm, and for some reason, some of them look like they're about to throw up all over themselves. But the person in front, the person that got here first, that's my Dad. It's my Dad, and he's alive. He doesn't even stop to look, like the others. He doesn't care.
"Harley," He chokes, like he's been punched, and he drops to his knees in front of me. He presses me into his chest. He's alive. He's alive. 
I'm alive.
"Daddy," I cough-sob, 'cause I can't help it.
I only ever call him Daddy instead of Dad in my head, or when I'm really, really upset.
He must notice, 'cause the hug gets tighter; safer. "Baby, I'm here. You're alright. You're alright. S'alright, now."
I bury my face in his sweaty, stinky, dirt-smeared neck, and I never wanna come back out. I sob and I sob and I sob, and I sob some more. He pets my hair and shushes me, like how he does when I get nightmares. We rock back and forth. I sob, sob, sob.
Someone says my Dad's name real weird, like they're boutta keel over, and only then I remember me and my Dad aren't the only two people in the world. Footsteps crinkle on the tent canvas. Someone kneels next to me. It's Rick. He takes off his hat and sucks in a breath, glances at the others — He steels himself — and then he gently grabs my green sleeve, and I wriggle into my Dad, who's lettin' him do this, and he slides it up my arm. Fresh claw marks, and blood, pouring down my skin. We stare at my arm for a long time. They glance at Sophia's Dad. Why are we staring at my arm?
I look at Rick. I look at Glenn; at Shane. I look at my Dad. He's gone white as a ghost.
"Harley, what is that?" He whispers to me.
I look back at my arm. It's just some stupid scratches. I wipe 'em away, 'cause I want 'em gone. "It's nothin'."
"Harley," He says again, this time with a very clear, very angry, no-nonsense voice. "You look me in the eye. What is that?"
Something is very, very wrong.
Glenn has to walk away.
"Wh—?" I shake my head, sniffing. Why do I feel like I'm in trouble? I didn't do nothin' wrong. "It's nothin'. Lori, she scratched me."
"It was Lori?" Rick raises his eyebrows, like it's very, very important that I'm not lying right now.
I'm not lying. Rick, he's a liar, but not me.
"Uh-huh." I nod hard, so they believe me. "It was Lori. H— He got me, too, I think, but it don't hurt. I promise. He ain't do it too hard."
I didn't say the right thing.
They're all looking at each other. They're speaking without talking, and I don't like it.
"Daddy, what's goin' on?" I'm mumbling now, 'cause I only want my Daddy to hear me, 'cause I'm scared. I'm really scared. I don't know what I did wrong, and I don't know what they're thinking about, but I'm sorry, and I'll never do it again. I was so busy worrying about the teeth in my shoe that I wasn't thinking about anything else. I think I should've been, though, and I'm sorry I wasn't. I'm sorry. All I know is that I'm sorry. I don't know why, but I'm sorry. Daddy picks me up, even though he's told me over and over I'm too old for that, now. He's shuddering.
"We'll check Lori's nails." Rick tells him, nice and steady. His police-man voice. "If there's blood under them—"
"This bastard's got blood unn'er his nails!" Dad gives Sophia's Dad a hard kick in the head. I shriek. "The stupid fuck! It don't fuckin' matter!"
"It does matter. It does." Rick keeps saying. "We can't make any conclusions. Not 'til then. We just can't."
"You wanna talk 'conclusions', officer? Let's talk 'conclusions'."
"Daryl, we'll figure this out."
"How the Hell did y'all even let this fuckin' happen?" Dad yells. "You're like a fuckin' bad luck charm, you people!"
"This is nobody's fault." Rick says, but he sounds like he knows he's lying.
I can hear people panicking far away, back at camp, in whispers. Glenn ran back there a few minutes ago.
"First my brother, now my—?" Dad cuts himself off. He's about to cry.
Nobody's got anything to say.
We listen to the sounds of leaves rustling and crickets chirping and the distant yelling and the breeze and my Daddy's big strong heartbeat, which is goin' buh-bump, buh-bump, buh-bump under my ear, real, real fast.
Shane steps forward, but it's all over already.
This is what it was like the night Tank got put down. I realise that I'm like Tank. Tank was dying. I'm a dying dog. The scratches on my arm, I get it now. They're from the dead man and they're from Lori at the exact same time, and until we know which it is, that means I'm dying. He scratched me — I remember, now. He got me. He did. I don't wanna be dying. I was alive just a second ago. I swear I was.
Unlike yesterday, Daddy doesn't bat Rick off when puts a hand on his shoulder. Something changed in the city today. I think we're all one team, now, even if my Daddy likes to bite and snap and blame. There's no more line between them and us. There's not two camps, anymore. Only one.
The stars are bright, tonight. I watch them twinkle over my Dad's head.
"If this happens," Daddy's voice cracks. "Every single one of you are gonna be real, real sorry."
Author's Note. Yep, you guessed it, Jim survives! And Harley is the one that gets attacked.
No more ominous hole-digging for you, Jim. Sorry.
Phew. This took a long time to write. I had to re-work almost every scene about four times, because some things just weren't working, and I had to delete some others. It all worked out in the end, though. Here we are with chapter two.
Please let me know what you think! :)
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7, 17, and 27 for the writing asks 😆
Fic Writer Ask Game <- find the full question list here!
7/ your preferred writing fonts
This question threw me because I don't think I have a preferred writing font, it's just the one the program autos to, but then I realised that I used to write in serif fonts and now I write in sans serif and that is a huge change!
When I was younger I used to think my writing looked better in serif fonts because it looked more like a Real Book, I care less about it now (but I recently learned to change the Background Colour to alter the contrast of the screen which has been great!)
17/ talk about your writing and editing process
I mean I think calling it a 'process' is quite generous, that sounds like I put a lot more thought into it than I actually do...
In all seriousness though, I do a lot of my 'writing' in my head - I'll come up with a scene so thoroughly visualised and playing it over and over until it's perfect, which keeps it memorised until I can sit down with a laptop and commit it to the page!
I'm a big believer in placeholders (bracketed sentences describing what I've skipped to come back to later) so I can keep up the pace of writing whilst I'm inspired. Then the slow bit is going back and turning those placeholders into bridging text to complete the story and link all the scenes together.
Editing involves going away and literally sleeping on it because I can't spot typos, duplication, or changes I want to make until I've had a break from my draft. But also I don't exhaustively revise my fics before they get posted, some of them have only had a cursory second pass for grammar and spelling but I'm happy enough with them :) I take more care with my longfics, and I hope it shows?
27/ your favorite part of the writing process
The bit where a scene reads EXACTLY HOW I VISUALISED IT and I get so excited that I just sit and read and re-read my own writing over and over again, sometimes for days :)
Then if that part lands well with my readers, even better! :D
@theproblemwithstardust thank you for your questions! It was fun! ^_^ <3
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rallamajoop · 3 months
Hi !! I've followed your fics across multiple fandoms, and I've always been really impressed by how quickly and consistently you're able to put out works. How are you able to write seemingly so quickly?! Do you use betas? Do you spend a lot of time planning, or are you more of a chapter by chapter writer? I'm always really fascinated by people's process. Thank you if you answer this, and have a good day!! :D
Well, thank you first of all ‒ it's always such an ego-boost to know anyone's following me across fandoms! But as for 'how I write so fast', I think 'seemingly' may be most of your answer. I do like to have some fic to post every week or so, but my consistency on that comes and goes. I've done okay so far this year, but only if you ignore the part where I posted nothing during the whole month of February, or in the entire last quarter of 2023 ‒ and there was a solid 6 month gap where I posted nothing back in 2022 as well.
Back before I hit my current stride in Witcher fandom a few years back, months or longer between fics was even more the norm for me. Productivity on the fic-writing front comes and goes in bursts for me for all sorts of reasons. But it's not unusual for several bits and pieces I've had not-quite-finished for months to end up getting posted close together though, even after I've been quiet for a while, which might help with the illusion I'm better at keeping up that schedule than is really accurate.
Even when I am actually managing to keep that weekly schedule, a lot of what I post is short (2K or less), and gets lumped together into anthology-fics like Spare Parts, Viscera or The Beast of Castle Heisenberg (and other stories) (which also saves on the minor hassle of thinking up proper titles for them all). Coming up with short concepts like that is something I've always enjoyed doing (going all the way back to my time in xxxHolic fandom over a decade ago). Occasionally, I'll come back later and expand them into something longer (another habit that started way back in Holic fandom, actually), but posting them as shorts means that at least I've posted something, even if the longer version never happens. Whenever a fic works as shorter chapters, I'll post it that way ‒ it's just easier to edit in smaller chunks (and I can't really overstate how big of a motivator positive feedback is for me, if it does go down well with people).
Obviously, not everything I post lends itself to being broken down ‒ smut particularly tends to require much longer scenes, but stories like that have often been in progress for months before they actually get posted. At 15K in a single chapter, Quarantine stands out as the longest thing I've posted in years that I couldn't find any way to break down into shorter pieces ‒ and I'd been working on that one on-and-off since around, oh, August last year? Having multiple different things in progress at once works for me, because if I'm not in the mood to work on one, maybe I'm more in the mood to work on another. I'll often bash out rough drafts of various parts of a few different ideas in one spell if I'm in a good mood to just sit down and write, then come back to finish and polish them later. A lot of my ideas build themselves around dialogue ‒ having a good sense of the characters' voices is really central to how I think about writing for them ‒ so a lot of scenes might start as just dialogue, and then I'll come back and flesh out the rest later.
Planning… really depends on the length of the fic? Sometimes you need to know exactly where a story is going just to figure out how to start it, other times you don't realise half of what's really going on in a scene until you're in the middle of actually writing it down. For example, I currently have about three more (very rough) chapters of Follow Me Home sitting in a word document, which is as much of that story as I had planned out in real detail ‒ the rest consists of scattered scenes I know I'm aiming for later on. But in the process of writing them, I realised more or less exactly what needs to happen in chapter 4, so that's encouraging ‒ we'll see where it goes from there.
For years now, I've done most of my writing on laptops ‒ before that, first drafts were mostly scribbled down by hand in notebooks. I own a desktop computer too, but that gets used for so much else (work, gaming, watching videos, etc etc) that I find it's useful to have a separate platform that's 'for' writing, that's portable, something I can curl up with in a beanbag with, and (crucially) presents less distractions. A notebook or a low-spec laptop (my current one is a tiny tablet computer) is also something I can get out on the bus on the way to work or in a cafe while waiting for a meal. I wouldn't say I do most of my writing out of the home like that, but it's definitely a long-established habit.
It does help that I've been writing long enough to be reasonably confident with the general process of sitting down to make a story happen. I'm reasonably lucky just having the time and energy to dedicate to all this fannish nonsense, and to have an enthusiastic beta-reader/BFF who's always encouraging about my work ‒ she's seriously a huge help (and probably too kind with her critiques, if anything). It has taken many years of doing this to get to the point where I can do something like (for a recent example) realise there's a week or two left before the a challenge deadline and go, "oh, sure, I can bash out a few thousand words worth of smut in that time to fill a treat for that prompt I liked." But as a rule, a posting rate of maybe a couple thousand words a week, not every week, isn't that much of an output (it's probably a lot more if you count all the fannish meta I churn out too, but I mostly don't think about that too much). But writing means a lot to me, even if it's mostly fannish nonsense that makes no money, so it's something I'll make time for.
If I've got any advice that might be useful to someone else, it's to suggest that getting yourself to write something is usually better than sitting on something you're blocked on, even if that does mean perpetually getting distracted by the shiny new idea instead of staying bogged down on the huge WIP you promised yourself you'd finish (and maybe you will come back to that WIP later, fresher for having given your brain a change of scene ‒ or maybe not, that's not the end of the world either). Short fic is fine, more words do not automatically make a story better, and unfinished WIPs are just a fact of fandom (or even original writing). Part of the joy of fanfic is that you can jump straight to the novel bits, trusting your readers already know who these people are and how the base story goes (seriously, the number of fics out there that spend chapter after chapter just retelling canon in prose form boggles my brain).
But like all writing advice, if that doesn't sound like it'd be useful advice to you, it probably isn't ‒ what works for people can be terribly individual. No-one's obligated to aim for a couple of thousand words per week (let alone per day, to hit NaNoWriMo or Stephen King levels of productivity) if they're just writing as a hobby.
And I hope you're having a good day too. *g*
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cappymightwrite · 3 years
Hi! I really like your opinions and my hope for jonsa has increased. I wanted to ask you what do you think about Jon pairings with Arya, ygritte and dany in contrast to jonsa? Have a nice day 😊
Thank you! I have to say @agentrouka-blog has really bolstered my belief in non tragic Jonsa. I actually think it would be truly more of a subversion, more of a twist, and more narratively satisfying to let them end the series together, in love and married. Everyone is so convinced that GRRM would never do that, the grimness of the narrative has completely eroded most people’s faith in goodness and love prevailing...and no doubt that is very intentional.
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...it’s a narrative trap.
The majority of people think a “happy” ending is too easy or too expected, but obviously it isn’t because the current tone of the narrative has convinced so many people that it is impossible. And actually, finding happiness, championing goodness, especially in the world of ASOIAF is actually very hard and is not a given. In order to reach a dream of spring, not just the book, but what that title implies, GRRM has to do a lot of narrative work, it would be far easier for him to end it with, well, and then the Westerosi Ragnarök happened and these people died and this person suffered this and this downtrodden person became even more downtrodden, finally accepting the life has 99 thorns to 1 rose, etc., but isn’t that edgy, isn’t that grimness subversive and “real”? 
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No it isn’t!!! It is very easy to tear things down, to deny people all that they value, to fall back onto the defeatist idealogy that “grimness” always prevails, that it is naive to believe in anything to the contrary. It is much harder to rebuild, to regenerate, to reimagine how life and love can continue despite all the pain that has gone before. THAT is a narrative challenge, that, in this day and age, is truly subversive. Frankly, GRRM is the laziest of writers if he chooses to end his narrative with a “grimdark” conclusion, with the bitter far outweighing the sweet (but I don’t think he is, or will). 
Anyway sorry, I shouldn’t talk about “grimdark”, it’s like a red flag to a bull, lol. Onto the second part of your ask...honestly, I try not to engage with these other ships, if at all possible. I believe and like what I like, and they believe and like what they like. I have an interpretation of the text, they have an interpretation of the text. I’m fairly confident that I’m on the money, that I’ve sussed out the author’s influences, his niche predelictions, but ultimately, only GRRM knows the truth. What I will say is that, when it comes down to it, in regards to those particular pairings I don’t read romantic love and marriage as being their deepest, truest heart’s desire, like I do with both Jon and Sansa. So, at their barest bones, discounting all other factors, for me, there is a quite fundamental incompatibility there. But frankly, the best way for me to sum up what I think about Jon’s other popular pairings, for the most part, is this:
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First of all,love your alternative winx continuity (it's really good and I can't get enough of it !!!) My question is how are you planning on rewriting season 4 (with the whole earth fairies being trapped in tir nan og(and being subsequently re-released into the world )and the wizards of the black circle ?)
I've spoken a little bit about season 4 over on this post, but it didn't focus very much on the plot. I have also mentioned season 4 plans in bits and pieces, but they are pretty scattered so here is season 4 the TLDR/in a Nutshell edition:
(Spoilers for season 4, obviously (and also a little Season 5 if you missed the last time I 'spoilered' it.))
Season 5 is getting smooshed in with season 3 and during that time Tritannus activates (or tries to) The Ocean Throne, which forces open ALL of the Ocean Gates throughout the Magical Dimension, including the one on Earth which has been under a Quarantine Lockdown.
Earth's Gate was closed and locked before Morgana and Co activated a Time Dilation Field which trapped all Fairy (and “Fairy Adjacent”) Magic outside of Normal Space/Time, it draws its power from Earth's normal Magical Energy Fields and any ambient Magic floating around, which includes untrained magical cores, so people who are born with magic unknowingly have that magic siphoned off all their live and only a few people experience things like psychic abilities which are just different enough to not count as magic.
With the Gate open, magic spills through it and back into Earth's oceans, upsetting the delicate intake of the Time Dilation spell and causing it to fail over the course of a few months as the spell structure overloads past safety measures.
At the end of the school year certain students (mostly graduates, but any fairy who achieved their Enchantix) is given the Three Wings of Clariel as part of an Alfea Tradition.The Three Wings of Clariel are special Wing Forms which were created by the school's founder Clariel, the wings are the Zoomix, Speedix and Tracix. (Within the Alt Con these three wings have nothing to do with the Believix form and are Exclusive to Alfea Graduates.)
Season 4:
Bloom returns home to Earth for “summer” vacation and notices her parents are worried about something, but they won't tell her what. She notices something out of place but she can't quite put her finger on it at first.
Then she realises: there's way too much magic in the air. (at least more than there normally is for Earth.)
And that's about when she finds out what her parents are hiding from her when one of the girls from Mitzi's Halloween party approaches her to ask for advice “because you know all that magic stuff right?”
The girl reveals that her sister was the latest victim in a series of attacks against women in the area. Women of all ages have been found with strange occult symbols on their backs, inexplicably malnourished and in a coma.
The girl is hoping Bloom might be able to do literally anything because she is hella desperate. So Bloom goes with her to the hospital and checks out the little sister, using her magic to scan the sister's body and discovering a damaged magical core.
Bloom realises she is in way over her head on this one and calls help. (She calls Faragonda because she doesn't have a contact number for medical services in the Magical Dimension, and then she calls the Winx for emotional support because holy wow this is scary.)
Faragonda, Ofelia and Griselda arrive shortly before the Winx and confirm that holy crap, Fairy Hunters!!! And also Magic has Returned to Earth, but mostly: gasp! Fairy Hunters!!!
(Because the magical cores were being drained by a long term spell, none of the awakened fairies have the capacity to transform, therefore their cores can't be pulled out as efficiently as possible, which while sucky and painful, is actually better for the victim when it comes to surviving.)
The teachers plus the Winx decide to begin an investigation to find the Fairy Hunters, letting the relevant Magical Dimension Authorities know what's up.
To help ease the growing number of confused Magicals, the ladies set up a shop called [The Winx Club] where they sell basic magical textbooks on how to figure out your powers and keep them under control, as well as dozens of different charms and picture books of the Magical Dimension, some of which are art done by Bloom. (Eagle eyed readers may have noticed when referring to the group in the Alt Con I tend to refer to them as 'The Winx' and not 'The Winx Club', this was solely for this naming thing right here with the shop... also it means I have one less word to type every time I want to use their official address.)
The girls also sell books which detail their earlier exploits, since Bloom's been writing it all down to share with her parent, and they start a small YouTube channel to try and reach a wider audience.
In addition to helping new Magicals, it also acts as bait for the Hunters.
As things progress, the teachers + the Winx fight the Wizards of the Black circle a few times, save Roxy and receive the Believix, Diaspro comes back from exile to apologise and make things right (for that time she committed treason while possessed by evil), the group discovers that the various civilisations that where trapped are being released one by one.
The Winx take a brief field trip to deal with Diana and Aurora's temper tantrums and catch them up on what's what while the older fairies remain in Gardenia since the Black Circle has been sticking close to it. (Because that's where the highest concentration of magic is for the time being.)
When Morgana and crew are released the group discover exactly how Bloom and Roxy are connected (Bloom skimmed the spell on her way into Earth as an infant and dragged Roxy out by accident) and why the Earth Fairies went to such lengths with the Time Dilation Field.
It was the only spell big enough.
The Fairy Hunters, pre-TDF, had been about to release a Planet Killer spell that would have wiped out All Life on Earth. They couldn't risk the Earth Fairies spreading their Believix Abilities to other Fairies and negating the Black Circle's Fairy Magic “Immunity”.
The Time Dilation Field wasn't supposed to last so long, but the spell's physical ritual components were damaged, so it was “indefinite suspension” or “dead”.
Griffin and Saladin arrive with some back up and the Earth Fairies throw in with the Winx's team to finally put an end to the Black Circle.
The Winx do a short video message for their followers to let them know the danger from Fairy Hunters is over (from the battlefield), and the Earth Fairies decide they like the idea of this (brand spanking new two month old) video platform, and realise they can use it to ease humans into the idea of magic being back, so they start setting up channels and quietly taking students into their magic schools.
Roxy decides to go to Alfea instead of an Earth school, and the fairies figure out what to do with The Winx Club store. (they have a small staff of Earth Fairy trainees who take over at the end of 'summer' when the Winx go back to Alfea.
Bloom's old friend Selena starts hearing a voice from a book in her godmother's house
*It should be noted that the use of the term 'summer' refers to summer on Magix, and not Earth as the events of season 4 take place in April 2005.
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bowieemeddow · 5 years
TRINITY. (Queen Fanfiction)
Part 1 // Runaway.
Summary: Margaret McCullugh comes to the realisation that her life is a total mess. After an argument she realises she’s had enough; she grabs her bags and runs away.
Note:Hi guys this is the first chapter of my new fanfiction. I’m not the best writer and this is my first time so please go easy on me; there will be grammar and spelling mistakes throughout this chapter. Feedback will be greatly appreciated 🙂
Warnings; Swearing, sexual assault, bad writing, slight Scottish slang (I’m from Scotland and I write the way I talk sorry 😉✌🏻)
Thursday // May 1970
"I've never wanted to punch him in the face more in my life than at this point of time." I thought to myself as I glared at him across the dining table. Even from what felt like a mile away; I could still see that smug look on his Greg's face.
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"Margret! Are you even listening to me?" I tore my focus from my bastard of a step father to my bastard of a mother. "You'll be meeting Thomas next thursday remember. To talk about arrangements."
Ah Thomas Russel. Son to a millionaire family; him being a successful doctor in the making at 22 and is apparently a distant relative of some foreign royal family (to be fair I wasn't listening to the shit leaving my mothers mouth)
The cherry on top of it all; I've never actually met the boy and I'm his fiancé.
"Poor Thomas." Gina; my younger sister mumbled under her breath while eating her dinner.
"Mind your own business you little shit!" I spat kicking her harshly under the table. Believe me I know this makes me look bad but I promise you I'm not a bad sister; I was actually excited when I found out I had another sibling on the way. I loved her even when she was a newborn. It was when she started talking; she turned into a sneaky little bully and mummy's favourite.
"That's enough don't you dare kick your sister again!" She snapped at me.
I cringed at my mothers comment; more because of the way she said it. Trying to act as posh as possible; trying to mask the natural Glaswegian accent she's had her whole life; the same thick apparently "rough" accent I also have yet Gina never developed it as bad as me, my dad had the rough accent and I was a daddy’s girl... before he left us.
"Why do I have to marry him. I didn't him pick him, hell I haven't even met him! Marrying me off to becoming nothing but a trophy wife? Fully dependable on my husband with a big empty house full of loads of children. Nothing to do except cooking and cleaning-"
"Can we please change the topic?! I don't feel like sending you upstairs again." My mum sighed
"Oh mother!" Gina exclaimed making me jump; her bloody voice goes right through me.
"This dinner is absolutely amazing!" I chuckled to myself quietly, Gina is so far up mums arse it's embarrassing.
"Thank you darling I made it myself."
Yeah right did she make this shit, she doesn't even know how to use the stove, it was the cook that made it. All of it is vegan since "meat is the reason why your acne is so bad and you've starting to lose that figure Margaret, you simply don't take proper care of yourself."
“Oh god I forgot! I was meant to take you bra shopping today.” Mum informed Gina
“But she’s only 13 mum. I never got my first bra till I was 15?” I argued, Gina got everything she wanted without having to even lift a finger.
“You should go with them Margaret. You wear too small a bra better go up a size sweets." He smirked away as he took a drink of his wine that's likely more expensive than everything I own.
At that point I was so pissed off I grabbed the closest thing to me which was a potato from my plate funnily enough and threw it at his head. If I wasn’t so pissed off I think would’ve found it difficult to keep a straight face.
Friday// May 1970
While sitting in period 7 English I thought back to last night.
After successfully hitting Greg's big head with a potato for his inappropriate comment about his step daughter's breasts; Mum took his side and got sent upstairs without eating anything for the rest of the night; not like I wanted to eat any of that shit anyway.
"God he's so cute!" The girl next to me squealed to her friends who were both in front of her; their chairs turned from their tables to form a circle that I was sadly apart of. I wasn friends with the three girls; Tracey, Yasmine and Gemma were the popular girls, the best housewives in the making.
I looked down at the newspaper which Tracey had in her hands, it was crumpled up due to her "fan girl" moment taking over her senses.
"The Gregory Special." The newspaper was called;
Only rich wankers read it.
"Thomas Russel is ready to settle down but who's the lucky girl?"
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It said with a picture of the boy himself below it . Wasn't his best picture; he was probably flirting with some random girl in while the photo was being taken.
"So who is the bitch huh?" Gemma spat as Tracey read away at the newspaper trying to figure it out.
"YOU! Mrs Reynolds wants to see you in her office.” My English teacher shouted pointing at me it made the three girls jump back to their original spots as if they were actually listening to the lesson.
Shit what have I done now; I usually lose track at this point.
While putting my things in my bag I looked over at the three girls to see them scanning back through the newspaper frantically to find out who the "lucky woman" was.
I accidentally let out a chuckle of sympathy which caught their attention.
“I’m sorry, is there something you want to say?” Jemma snapped.
"Yeah I do actually since you three can't read for shit. Page 24." I sassed back and waited a moment.
"Margaret McCullugh? Who the bloody hell is that?!" I rolled my eyes at the stupidness.
"Margaret McCullugh. Now." My teacher shouted across the classroom which I nodded to standing up and grabbing my bag and coat with a grin on my face.
The three girls had their mouths wide open once they put two and two together; it was me.
"Bye girls." I whispered chuckling while leaving the classroom.
"Please tell me you are joking Miss McCullugh?" Mrs Reynolds pleaded with me
"What's wrong with what I want to do once I leave here?" I argued back.
"Your mother is a politician; she could bloody well be the prime minister in a several years time. How is she gonna get there with her child wanting to do.... textile design?" She gagged at the though of me becoming something that wasn't a doctor or lawyer.
"Why does it fucking matter anyway I can't even do what I want. My mums already set up my whole life." I argued back slouching in my seat with my arms crossed over my chest.
Fuck being ladylike.
"Ah your talking about your engagement with Thomas Russel. Your mother wants you to just be okay, she's worked hard for where she is right now and it was a risky thing she done to get there. She doesn't want you taking any risks when you go onto be a politician or a lawyer-"
"Or a textile design artist." I corrected for her not giving in to her manipulation.
"Margaret I know you okay. Through these past 6 years that you've been in this school you've been very strong willed and feministic attitude to social issues and topics."
"Damn right-"
"But I'm sorry to burst your bubble but this is a patriarchal society we are living in. Woman will not change society. Ever."
I was beyond pissed at this moment of time. I shot up off my seat and slammed down both my hands on her desk in order to shut her up.
"Fucking watch me then!”
Saturday // May // 1970
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"Hey chickadee." Tana smiled as she came into one of the private rooms of the pub, she lifted my feet and plopped herself next to me in the booth then put my feet back down to they were resting on her lap.
"Hi." I said stretching slightly as I shut my notebook over immediately and set it down on the table.
Tana was probably one of my only friends at this point of time; the moment she turned 19 she was allowed to decorate her parents bar; to which she called me up and asked to borrow my creative mind for help. Before it was just an old looking bar where young ones likes to hang out; now it was a modern neon, rock music bar.
"Glam Rock" it was called and it was placed in a more poverty ridden area of Glasgow. If my mum found out I was here I'd get murdered.
Every Saturday night people from everywhere would come here and celebrate a new "generation" as they called it.
"This new rock generation is gonna grow everywhere. Where men dress like women and women dress like men. Completely and utterly flamboyant!" I remember Tana saying to me when I first came across this bar; it was a Saturday morning and she was getting ready for a party. I was here because I was trying to find the record shop since they sell limited editions for half off.
"We just need someone to spread Glam Rock to every corner of the world."
"HELLO EARTH TO MARGARET!" She shouted snapping her fingers in front of me.
"Huh?" I said snapping back to reality.
"I said were you writing something?" She said pointing to my notebook, I didn't answer yet again because I was too busy admiring what she was wearing.
"For fuck sake! Have you took something?" She laughed trying to get my attention again.
"Sorry, sorry just had a long day. Thinking about what kind of punishment I'll get this time once I make my way home." I chuckled
"Anyways what did you say again?"
"Writing songs... oh and you've also got your camera."
"When am I not writing songs or taking photos Tana?" I said sitting up to grab my vodka and lemonade and down it.
"That's very true. So, let's see what photos you took." She said as she pulled off her slip on heels so she could fold them in a basket.
I put down the two photos I took on the table.
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"Have you got a pen." I asked her as she admired the photos.
"Umm.. yeah I think somewhere in they drawers." She said turning her head to the left to show me where it was.
"This bar does look fucking amazing, you have to admit it."
"It's because I decorated it Tana. I hate to toot my own horn here but I'm fucking brilliant at decorating." I laughed as I took one of the photos and wrote the location and date behind it; then done the same with the other.
"You're good at everything you do it does my head in." Tana complained with a groan as she ran her fingers through her black long curly hair.
"I'm not."
"You are. You can paint, you create these amazing clothes, you can play the piano like no one else. You're an amazing singer..." my smile dropped as I grabbed both the photos from Tana's grip and stuck them in my bra for safekeeping before sticking the the pen back in the drawer; the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop, or more like you could here me slamming the drawer shut.
"I'm not a singer." I said interrupting her.
"Correction, your mum says your not a singer. But frankly love, you're  the best singer I've ever heard. You should join a band."
"That'll never happen."
Sunday // May 1970
Walking up the driveway of my massive house barefoot with my heels in my hand, my make up and hair a mess I knew I was in for it.
I accidentally fell asleep at Tana's last night and now it's 8am in the morning.
I walked in the house and shut the door behind me.
"MARGARET BEATRIX MCCULLUGH!" I heard my mum screech as the sound of her heels became louder and louder.
"God don't say my middle name." I cringed with my face scrunched up; a massive migraine was starting to take its toll on me.
"Where were you?" She shrieked once again; I'm starting to see stars with how bad my freaking headache is. It's way to bright in this house.
"I'm sorry I fell asleep at Tana's I should've called you it's my mistake I won't let it happen again."
One thing to know about me; when I'm in the wrong I apologise.
One thing to know about my mum; she throws my apology right back in my face and calls me immature.
"TANAS!" She started to trail behind me as I clumsily made my way up the stairs to my bedroom door. Once I reached the door I got an overwhelming feeling that I was about to vomit so I stopped for a moment to calm myself down.
I leaned my forehead against the cool marble that the whole house was made from to cool myself down.
She caught a glimpse at my notebook; purple velvet and green floral exterior. She knew exactly what it was and snatched it from my hand.
I snatched the book from her and held it right to my chest. This book was my lyrics, my ideas, my thoughts, feeling. My whole life.
"ITS CALLED ROCK MUM! Get with the times, it's the Beatles that are popular now, not fucking hymns." I snapped as I walked into my room. Before I got the chance to shut the door over she was already invading my space.
"I don't give a shit what it's called. Stop it okay! That part of your life is over. It's time to grow up and face reality. You are engaged-"
"I'm not marrying him you can fuck right off." I looked at her through my full length mirror as she walked up to me. Her expensive heels clicking against my flooring as she walked closer to me.
"You're an ungrateful human being you know that. I found you a man; a millionaire who can take care of you for life you won't have to work a day in your life-"
"Yeah that's what I'll do, I'll go right ahead and marry a man I don't marry so that I'll birth all his kids and be his perfect dumb trophy wife for life. You worked hard to get where you are, why can't I work hard in something I wane you do. I don't need a man to do that." I said smothered in sarcasm making my mother roll her eyes.
"You and your bloody pride. Here's the real world Margaret; a woman's purpose main purpose in life is to get married and as the bible preached, have children. You'll never be anything different." She spat.
"You're going to the Russel's household on Thursday morning  for you to plan the wedding with your fiancé with a big bloody smile on your face you hear me?"
I chuckled softly as I walked up so our faces our almost touching; her Chanel No.5 tickling my nose.
"I'd love to see you try." I spat in her face. I suddenly gasped as her hand connected with my cheek forcing my face to the side as my cheek started to warm up almost instantly.
"I hate you, you're not my daughter you know! I should've aborted you when I had the chance you know that! If it killed me oh well, as long AS YOU WHERE NEVER BORN." She screamed in my face, she turned to leave my room to meet Greg leaning against the door frame.
"Are you okay Darling?" Greg asked my mum; his voice all sweet and soft making my scoff and roll my eyes.
She ignored him and left in anger.
"Would you get the fuck out of my room?!" I asked, his head snapped from watching my mum as she made her way down the landing and down the stairs to me.
"Seems you need to be put in your place a bit huh?" He asked as he walked up to me, so close to my face I could feel his breath hit my skin.
"I don't see the bad thing about being a trophy wife Sweets? You'd be a damn good one anyway."He chuckled as he looked at me up and down licking his lips. His hands were resting on my arse ready to give it a spank. A sudden spur of anger and confidence caused me to push him back.
"Touch me again and I swear I'll rip your tongue out."
"You don't have the guts." He simply said before leaving the room.
He's right I didn't have the guts, I didn't have the guts to go to the police and ruins my mother's career that she worked so hard for when it got out to the media that her husband is a child molester.
So Ive kept my mouth shut for years.
I feel hot years fill my eyes, I take a long deep breath in an attempt to calm myself down while looking up at the ceiling to try and stop the crying; I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.
That's when I found myself packing a suitcase, grabbing my passport, some money I had. A couple of outfits to keep me going two or three weeks.
I grabbed my notebook, my Polaroid camera and my box full of Polaroid's and squashed it all into one massive suitcase.
I had to leave the rest so I could move quickly.
An hour later my family left to go out for lunch without me. I sat at the window and watched them leave.
I watched them get smaller smaller until eventually I couldn't seem them at all.
I would never see them again.
I grabbed my suitcase, grabbed the keys to my mums car and fucked off out of there with the intention of never returning again.
I just had to put Harry Styles in there somewhere.
Sorry not sorry 🤪😩
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