#i keep playing the clip of it lol and it's stuck in my head now
naffeclipse · 2 years
How okay are you with cusses? Cuz I came across this post of old hollywood bloopers and since the Detective AU/Sleuth Jesters takes some inspiration from film noir (at least I thought it did?), my mind immediately wandered in that direction. They do cuss a bit tho but there’s something funny and sincere about old-timey people just being people and dropping the perceived propriety by swearing. here's more if that's alright
Also in the very hypothetical case of SJ being a film noir production, I’d think it cute to image Eclipse, who plays the nastiest of nasties, actually being super kind and sweet irl (and constantly bumping his head cuz he’s just too tall lol). Sun and Moon may be more laid back or more like their SB selves perhaps? just goofy and having fun. But ignore that if actor au type stuff isn’t your cuppa tea ^^’ I do prefer SJ as is in its fictive context. Just thought it a funny set of clips to share :)
I'm okay with reading/hearing curses, I just don't like to write too much of them! And yes, Sleuth Jesters is very inspired by film noir! I love gag reels and bloopers, they're so funny!
AHHH AN ACTOR AU WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN! I wouldn't write a full fledge story but it's really exciting to think about ♥ (psst @luminitewrites I think you mentioned an actor sleuth jesters AU a while ago? but if not then feel free to ignore!)
Oh gosh, Eclipse just being a real sweetheart (hehe)! He gives me vibes of this one interview with an actor who was asked about people who idolized the very evil and morally messed up character he played and he just bluntly says: that's wrong and you should probably get therapy if you do. (I can't remember who exactly was the actor/quote but if I do, I'll put it here lol)
Sun and Moon would be their Security Breach selves. They're fun behind the scenes just as much as they are while in character!
I also think about the boys knowing their lines perfectly, because, animatronics, so Y/N would be the one who curses and apologizes whenever they forget a line. However! Y/N is the best at improv and delivering great, unexpected lines that enrich the scene/dialogue! Of course, that's not to say the boys wouldn't have their share of flukes with missing cues or messing up an action scene, or keeping up with Y/N when they do some improv.
I'm going to put a few of my favorites from the bloopers here as the boys and Y/N if you don't mind hehe (sidenote: I love how often they shout nuts lol):
Sun: Let me do it again, right now! Keep rolling!
Moon: Well, I can't work around here! *camera follows Moon as he walks away* Oh, you're following me. Oh. I didn't know that.
*Y/N and Sun kissing for a scene*
Y/N: *leaning back in Sun's arms* What was it? What was the... *forgets line* Sonuva—
Sun: *chuckles* Language.
Y/N: Oh, I'm fine. You've been getting any lately? *misses a keyword*
Moon: *grinning* Overtime, you mean?
Y/N: *laughs bashfully and blushes as they turn away*
Sun: Geez, these city women are... *realizes he's delivering it wrong* Nuts.
Y/N: *smiling* Well, I don't think so.
Director: *during a scene where the actors are standing in water and are wet* Don't pull your hair back!
Y/N: Well, I gotta see, if you don't mind!
Moon: *chuckles*
Y/N: *hat falls off during a scene*
Eclipse: *hurries to pick it up and put it back on them*
Eclipse: *trying to light his cigar but fails repeatedly in frustration* My match won't strike.
Y/N: *collapses against Eclipse in a dramatic scene* Help me... *tries to lift their head but realizes their hair is stuck* Help me, please, help me. *laughs* I'm caught on his button!
Eclipse: *laughs as he frees them*
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
I've got a reverse friendship ask for you! What LotR friendship do you think fits the song Same Blood by Aloe Blacc? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcX_n1RSr4k
YOOOOOO NEW FAVORITE SONG CHECK HELLO??? Thank you Anna I am gonna be listening to this for the next WEEK—
Okay okay, to answer your question: I wish I could narrow it down to just one friendship, but when listening to this song and thinking of LotR makes one of those quick-cut movie clip AMVs play in my head (you know the ones), it’s a little difficult to choose.
Let’s look at the lyrics. The recurring line of “we’ve got the same blood” makes me think of all the relationships between characters who are related to each other: Frodo, Merry, and Pippin; Eowyn, Eomer, and Theoden; Boromir and Faramir; and so on. But there’s also the line “don’t matter where you came from”, which implies that the definition of “brother” here is looser than the literal one, so we can also look at the characters who aren’t closely related.
Of course Frodo and Sam are my favorite bromance, so most of these lines are gonna make me think of them; particularly “tell the story when you're gone” for that conversation about stories on the Path of Cirith Ungol, “walk through the same mud” for the Dead Marshes, and “I'll carry you home on my shoulders” for that iconic scene where Sam carries Frodo up Mount Doom.
“We're the 'never tell a secret/Ain't no way we're gonna leak it/To the grave we gonna keep it' kind” made me think of the Conspiracy first, but it also applies to Merry and Eowyn in the movies, or—even more broadly—to everyone who knows about the Ring. That’s the biggest secret in the story, and it’s the one that saves their world.
But I also look at the general “vibe” of the song in addition to the lyrics, and I’ve gotta say, this one is a bit too hardcore for any of the hobbits, LOL! I saw a lot more clips of Aragorn and Legolas and Gimli and the Rohirrim and the soldiers of Gondor in that AMV in my head than I did many clips of the hobbits.
I need to settle on an answer. I think…in the end, this song makes me think of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields more than anything else. Maybe—and here’s a brand new concept—it’s a song about the friendship between Rohan and Gondor, and the individual soldiers who make them up; each with the blood of Men in their veins, fighting the same fight for the fate of the world.
Again, thanks so much for the song rec, Anna! Now pardon me while I get this firmly and securely stuck in my head—
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
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queenangst · 3 years
It's me again lol. Just wanted to ask, would you mind sharing any nice pl bkdk fics you've read? The craving for this ship is sparkles consuming me sparkles
Ragged Edges by Withstarryeyes
Izuku sighs, opening his eyes. Above him is a large crack, slowly dripping water. Izuku watches as a drop collects, gaining mass until its weight drags it down, where it lands on Izuku’s cheek. “Yeah Kaachan?” “Status report.” The words are clipped, bored. Izuku turns his head, looking at the pile of rocks separating Kaachan and him. He supposes they should have known this was a trap, when the call went out for Ground Zero and Deku specifically. Still, Izuku has always been optimistic, and he really didn’t think villains would be gunning for them this hard before they’ve even graduated high school. “I’m still stuck. You?” Or...Izuku and Bakugou get trapped in a cave. Stuck waiting for rescue they play never have I ever, and Bakugou learns things about Izuku he never knew before.
if you can fill the unforgiving minute by the_crownless_queen
Comically, some part of Izuku had always thought they’d end up here. Oh, he’d gotten some of the details wrong — for example, he’d always kind of figured Kacchan would be the one to collapse the building on them in a fit of rage, not villains — but the whole shape of it is still right. Kacchan and him, trapped under a collapsed building, alone. It sucks pretty much as badly as in his nightmares.
Like Muscle Memory by anna7130
Five times that class 1-A underestimates Midoriya and Bakugou’s friendship, and one time they all know exactly what's what
spinning out of control by mollE
He can’t scream. He wishes, oh, he wishes he could. He’s already tried. He’s been trying, but he’s stuck in his own head, watching his hands wrap around Deku’s skinny neck and squeeze until his face turns purple and then let go again like he’s toying with him, taking him to the brink of unconsciousness and keeping him there. Deku sputters and coughs, and his chest heaves between Katsuki’s thighs. There are tears running down his face, and it’s not the first time he’s ever cried because of Katsuki. It’s not the first time Katsuki’s ever hurt him. But never like this. -- Katsuki joins the 'I've Been Mind Controlled' Club. He wishes he hadn't.
crude matter by Sour_Idealist
“Deku!” bellows, unmistakably, Kacchan. “Are you in there or what?” “Hey, Kacchan,” Izuku calls, or tries to. It’s kind of a rasp. He does his best to clear his throat. “I’m in here!” Still a rasp. “Deku?!” Kacchan manages to get even louder. “Answer your fucking door, dammit!”
silence is what i do best by notreally
When Recovery Girl asks him how he’s feeling, Midoriya desperately wants to say that everything’s fine. He masters his best smile and says, cheerful as ever, “Disgusting.”  “I see,” she says thoughtfully, as if this was a very vital piece of information. “Anything else? Bakugou?” “My head’s spinning like crazy and I can’t focus for shit,” the blond blurts without a moment's hesitation, catching up to that only after finishing a sentence with a pissed, “What the hell?” “Oh, boy.” or the one where both Izuku and Katsuki were hit with a truth serum sort of quirk, and things aren't going all too well.
Still I Sing (There'll Howl No Demon Louder) by IncineraryPeriphery
“Hey,” Kacchan says from his nest of blankets a little ways away, flat on his back and staring up at the ceiling like it’s personally offended him within the last five seconds, “I’ve got an idea.” “About what?” Izuku mumbles into his hand with a yawn. “Your quirk.” Kacchan says.
take care by Chrome
There are words to say stay safe, I’ll miss you, I love you, but Kacchan has always preferred to leave things unspoken. Izuku isn’t much with languages, but he thinks he’s figured out this one. --- “Emotional constipation manifested as over-the-top housewifery?” Mina asks. Before Izuku can say that is not what he meant at all, she nods. “Yeah, I can see it.”
accidentally childhood friends by pandacchi
It's not that Ochako forgot they're childhood friends, it's quite literally impossible thanks to the ever-present kacchans, but it's definitely a rare occasion when it's Bakugou the one admitting to it. He usually seems very intent on making everyone forget he and Deku-kun have known each other all their life. or: a collection of little moments in which the students of class 3-A are subjected to the weird and wondrous dynamic of their resident childhood friends.
ain't gonna play the fool (you will hate yourself in the end) by Jazer
Your story is not made up of you alone - the side characters, the antagonists, even the main character themselves, they all have their own backstory to tell. Sometimes, you have to learn how to read or, in some cases, how to listen.
A Million Words To Say (and sorry isn't enough) by PotterheadAvengerDemigod
It’s well known that Deku and Ground Zero are friends. That they used to be anything less, that it took them more than a decade and a half to get to where they are now, only their former classmates and teachers know.
Reliable by dogloser
Midoriya and Bakugou help each other. Situation: One is recovering from a wound/illness. Prompt: "Don't tell me what to do."
here's a handful.
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paunchsalazar · 3 years
hey!! i loved your hoo playlist! can you explain more or less where which book begins and ends? or just your thought process behind picking the songs?
omg hi!! this is going to be really long I’m so sorry... I vaguely broke them up by book and sorta character/event/theme, it’s not super strict or anything but that was the logic!
I kinda imagine it playing out like a movie or tv series.. and so some of these kinda play over a scene or transition to the credits in my head? some more than others! otherwise it’s like punny titles or just songs that remind of plot points!
Lost Hero
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- Goodbye Stranger - for Jason, since he has no idea what’s going on lol
- Teenage Dream - for the three of them, but mostly Piper!
You think I'm pretty without any makeup on You think I'm funny when I tell the punch line wrong
- Parachute - kinda Jason and Piper, I think as she realizes their relationship isn’t quite what it seems? (and just playing with his flying lol!)
- Metal Guru - Leo! 
- Pretty Girl - Piper, I was imagining this when she clashes with Drew/learns about the Aphrodite cabin
And I could be a pretty girl Shut up when you want me to And I could be a pretty girl Won't ever make you blue And I could be a pretty girl I'll lose myself in you
- The Sky’s The Limit - when the three of them take off on Festus
- Snowqueen Of Texas - this was for Khione lol
I'm on my knees, your majesty; Snowqueen, save a cold kiss for me I'm on my knees your majesty
- Sweet Talkin’ Woman - this is book-wide but it’s for Piper’s charmspeak!
- Are You Gonna Be My Girl - is sorta general but I was imagining it when Jason and Piper kinda decide to be together/give it another go
- It’s Not Unusual - I think this was sorta the entire book/wider series but I just think it’s cute and fun and a Guardians of the Galaxy type end credits song? And just them accepting their very bizarre situation 
Son of Neptune + Mark of Athena
I put these together because there wasn’t really a set bookend in my head!
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- Hello Stranger - finally reuniting with Percy! (and I wanted the Percy and Jason songs to mirror each other)
Hello stranger (Ooh) It seems so good to see you back again How long has it been? (Ooh it seems like a mighty long time)
- Diamonds - Hazel 
- Don’t Go Breaking My Heart - Frank trusting Hazel with the wood, also Percy + Annabeth, everyone really
Don't go breaking my heart You take the weight off of me Oh, honey when you knock on my door Ooh, I gave you my key
- Beautiful Soul - I literally don’t know why I added this I just wanted an excuse to add a Jesse McCartney song (which feels so tonally correct to me?) but also I think it’s Frank liking Hazel in spite of her big secret and Percy loving Annabeth
- Pocketful of Rainbows - encountering Iris!
I don't worry Whenever skies are gray above Got a pocketful of rainbows Got a heart full of love
- Am I The Same Girl - Annabeth’s POV upon reunion!
Why don´t you stop And look me over Am I the same girl you used to know?
Why don´t you stop And think it over Am I the same girl who knew your soul?
- Bizarre Love Triangle - Frank, Hazel, and Leo
- Treasure - Hazel again + the literal treasure?
Pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl you should be smiling (you should be smiling) A girl like you should never look so blue (blue) You're everything I see in my dreams I wouldn't say that to you if it wasn't true
- The Sweet Escape - off on the Argo II
- Okay Okay - to Italy! and I just think Italian disco is so fun
- On An Evening in Roma - walking around Rome, seeing all its history
Though there's grinning and mandolining in sunny Italy The beginning has just begun when the sun goes down So please meet me in the plaza near your casa I am only one and that is one too few On an evening in Roma Don't know what the country's coming to But in Rome do as the Romans do Will you on an evening in Roma
- Stuck on the puzzle - Annabeth + the Mark of Athena
- Coca Cola - I was imagining the pirates+sacrifice to Dionysus/ his appearance
- Edge of Seventeen - I think Annabeth remarks to herself something like am I really going to die at 17? so this is for her and all the kids just on the cusp of being 17
And the days go by, like a strand in the wind In the web that is my own, I begin again Said to my friend, baby (everything stopped) Nothin' else mattered
- Landslide - when everything goes wrong and they start falling to Tartarus
Oh, mirror in the sky What is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?
Well, I've been afraid of changin' 'Cause I've built my life around you But time makes you bolder Even children get older And I'm getting older too
House of Hades + Blood of Olympus
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these are more thematic I think? but a few moments in particular
- Head Over Heels - falling down... 
I made a fire, and watching it burn Thought of your future With one foot in the past, now just how long will it last?
Something happens and I'm head over heels I never find out until I'm head over heels Something happens and I'm head over heels Ah, don't take my heart, don't break my heart Don't, don't, don't throw it away
- You and Me - Percy and Annabeth in Tartarus
If the stars don't shine If the moon won't rise If I never see the setting sun again You won't hear me cry as I testify Please believe me boy you know I would I lie As long as there is you and me
- Don’t Worry Baby - Percy and Annabeth in Tartarus, on the shore of the river
Well it's been building up inside of me For oh I don't know how long I don't know why But I keep thinking Something's bound to go wrong
But she looks in my eyes And makes me realize And she says "don't worry, baby"
- It’s Only A Paper Moon - the mist and Hazel starting to understand it
You smile, the bubble has a rainbow in it Say, it's only a paper moon Sailing over a cardboard sea But it wouldn't be make-believe If you believed in me
- Money, Money, Money - Hazel + Pluto
Money, money, money Must be funny In the rich man's world
- Magic - the whole story, but particularly with the presence of Hecate 
- Summer Wind - Jason harnessing the winds!
The summer wind came blowin' in from across the sea It lingered there, to touch your hair and walk with me All summer long we sang a song and then we strolled that golden sand Two sweethearts and the summer wind
- Mala Femmina - the return of Khione
- Would You? - Leo and Calypso
Well, you know she took my hand And we walked away And I can't understand why she would stay Would you like to fall in love with me?
-  Love is Like a Fire - Leo and also Frank 
- Don’t Wanna Fight - Percy and Annabeth
Take from my hand Put in your hands The fruit of all my grief Lying down ain't easy When everyone is pleasing I can't get no relief Living ain't no fun The constant dedication Keeping the water and power on There ain't nobody left Why can't I catch my breath? I'm gonna work myself to death
- Love Really Hurts With You - Leo after leaving Calypso’s island
- What Makes the Sunset - Percy and Annabeth (and by extension Bob and Damasen)
What makes the sunset? What makes the moonrise? What makes the tide remember to hide and why does it soon rise? What makes a star fall? Where does it fall to? Why does its flight make us stop in the night and wish as we all do?
- Dedicated to the One I Love - everybody, but an ode to Bob and Damasen (their goodbye made me cry!)
While I'm far away from you my baby I know it's hard for you my baby Because it's hard for me my baby And the darkest hour is just before dawn
Each night before you go to bed my baby Whisper a little prayer for me my baby And tell all the stars above This is dedicated to the one I love
- Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want - Percy and Annabeth in Tartarus, I was thinking about this post-curses and them being so done with everything
Good times for a change See, the luck I've had Can make a good man Turn bad
So please, please, please Let me, let me, let me Let me get what I want This time
- Lonely Boy - Nico 
- Fantasy - indulging all their visions... the mist, etc. 
- Stupid Cupid - Nico and Cupid (of course)
Stupid Cupid you're a real mean guy (stupid Cupid) I'd like to clip your wings so you can't fly (stupid Cupid) I'm in love and it's a crying shame (stupid Cupid) And I know that you're the one to blame (stupid Cupid)
Hey hey, set me free Stupid Cupid stop picking on me
- Suzanne - still Nico, looking over at the couple (sorry... all the mopey songs)
- Dream A Little Dream of Me - dreams... also Percy’s wishes of the future
Stars shining bright above you Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you" Birds singing in the sycamore tree Dream a little dream of me
- Our Day Will Come - I think Annabeth says a line almost like this? somewhere at the end of HOH, I think when they’ve just gotten out of Tartarus and are all sitting together, like haven’t they had enough? won’t their day finally come?
Our day will come If we just wait a while No tears for us Think love and wear a smile Our dreams have magic because We'll always stay In love this way
- Call Me - all of them! also Nico and Reyna, just being there for each other
Tell me and I'll be around Now don't forget me 'cause if you let me I will always stay by you You've got to trust me, that's how it must be
- Nobody - Nico... oh buddy 
Venus, planet of love Was destroyed by global warming Did its people want too much too? Did its people want too much?
And I don't want your pity I just want somebody near me Guess I'm a coward I just want to feel alright
- I’m a Believer - Jason and Piper
I thought love was only true in fairy tales Meant for someone else but not for me Love was out to get me That's the way it seemed Disappointment haunted all my dreams Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer Not a trace of doubt in my mind
- Summertime - Piper singing and it being the end of summer
- Happy Trails - more singing ( I want to include the songs actually mentioned!)
- The End of the World - the big battle!!
Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Don't they know it's the end of the world? 'Cause you don't love me any more
- Too Late To Turn Back Now - departing with Festus (I think Leo almost says this too!)
- Here Comes The Sun - day comes, the Athena Parthenos is back
Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
- Walking On Sunshine - Will Solace
- Evil Woman - Gaea fight
Evil woman, how you done me wrong But now you're tryin' to wail a different song Ha, ha, funny, how you broke me up You made the wine, now you drink a cup I came runnin' every time you cried Thought I saw love smilin' in your eyes Ha, ha, very nice to know That you ain't got no place left to go
- Seven Wonders - the seven! also traveling the world... making it this far
If I live to see the seven wonders I'll make a path to the rainbow's end I'll never live to match the beauty again The rainbow's edge
- This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) - to me this is just after Annabeth and Percy’s kiss, shots of everyone back to camp, wides of people running around, new cabins under construction, the sun is shining, the camera pulls out 
Loving you is some kind of wonderful Because you showed me just how much you care You've given me the thrill of a lifetime And made me believe you've got more thrills to spare, oh!
- Love Makes the World Go Round - like the end credits! last pov with Piper, love makes it all happen
Without love flowers wouldn't grow in the spring And without spring, yeah the birdies just couldnt sing Everybody needs love to watch the twinkling stars above It makes a boy and girl, Say they feel so fine, now
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jisungscaramel · 4 years
can i | changbin
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❀ genre: smut, college au  ❀ pairing: changbin x reader (fem) ❀ word count: 1.5k
[warning] explicit sexual content, oral (fem receiving), public sex, bathroom sex, alcohol consumption
“Can I kiss you” 
Holy fuck, let’s rewind a bit… okay, more than “a bit”:
“Little, you have to come to my party this time,” the way your fraternity big, Chan, hit you with that ‘uwu’ face had you questioning who the older one in this line was.
Nevertheless, you assured him, “Lol big, I’ll be there. How many times do I have to say it?” 
“Well,” he crossed his arms, “seeing how you always say you’re gonna come and then flake, you’ll need to keep saying it ‘til you’re literally at my place.” 
“Okay fine, how about this? If I don’t come, I’ll treat you to sushi.”
Chan snickered, “well RIP to your bank account…” 
But when the time came several hours later, you were at Chan’s doorstep as promised, dressed casually… which, for you, meant a half-beat with lashes, shorts, a cropped hoodie, and hoops.
“Little! You’re here!” he was practically speaking in all caps, constricting you in a classic bone crushing hug… yep he was definitely drunk, and no, it wasn’t his actions that gave it away, it was the apparent smell of lychee soju and yakult.
For most of the night, things were practically the way you expected it to be: you drank, you danced, you hung out with friends, you made some new friends… but then something caught your eye, or rather, someone. 
The sound of clipped laughter carried through the kitchen despite the oscillating chatter and the constant booming music. You couldn’t help but scan the room to see where the source was, and your gaze froze once you did. 
He was unfamiliar to you, but that was the least of things that had you intrigued.
His dark hair was neatly cut on the sides, revealing the thick gunmetal hoops adorning his ears. His bangs almost completely curtained his eyebrows, drawing more attention to the gorgeous details of his eyes. His outfit was… simple - a white t-shirt, ripped black jeans, Adidas originals, and a gunmetal chain to match his hoops - but it managed to complement his body so well. You didn't even want to get started on how stunning his honey skin looked embellished with black ink.
It didn’t even occur to you that you were staring that intently until he looked up and locked eyes with you. It’s hard to explain the sensation that took you over in that moment. 
Butterflies? Nervousness? Desire? It was everything, honestly. The medley of sensation stirred your heart.
How long would you be stuck in that moment with him? Well, you didn’t get to find out, because seconds later, your friends reeled in your escaping focus. 
Only a few minutes later, Chan came up to you. “Little!”
He placed a hand on your shoulder and gestured to the other end of the kitchen. “See that guy over there with the tattoos in the white shirt?” 
“Mmm yeah, what about him?” 
“He’s really cool; his name is Changbin, he’s an exchange student from Korea and he’s thinking about rushing Sigma…”
“And?” You didn’t mean it in a standoffish manner or anything like that. You were genuinely curious since you figured Chan had something specific to tell you about this “Changbin,” seeing as he came up to you just to talk to you about him. 
“Okay, well he told me he thinks you’re really pretty but he’s only been here for a week and he’s nervous about approaching you…” 
“Oh I’m definitely down… don’t worry about it though, I’ll handle it… somehow.” 
You slipped away from Chan to go to the bathroom.
‘Alright, looks like the lashes are still in place,’ you took a final moment to fix your hair before opening the door to exit, and you involuntarily jerked your head back a bit, not expecting someone to be standing at the door. 
He looked just as surprised as you did, eye widening while he lowered the fist he was about to knock the door with. 
It was him. 
You visibly relaxed. “Uh.. hi(?)” Okay, never mind, you still felt a bit awkward. 
“Hey…” he said, facial expression morphing to become more serious, more deliberate, as if he was determined. Determined to do what, though? 
You didn’t want to assume anything about how this would play out, but of course, the universe had to work in mysterious ways. 
The unidentified tension hanging in the air thickened into something more tangible, more stifling. It was probably only a few seconds, but it felt much longer - his eye contact definitely had more of an effect on you from the reduced distance.
‘God damn, he’s stunning.’ 
His left hand steadied on the door frame while the other reached behind you, hovering over the small of your back. The sporadic taps of his fingers on your bare skin made your nerves tingle, sending waves up your spine… and down. 
He carefully leaned in, lips almost touching your ear, “Can I kiss you?” 
And without missing a beat, his lips were on yours. His hand pressed firmly against your back, crashing your body onto his. He guided you further into the bathroom so he could close the door with his free hand - and lock it. 
You reached up, wrapping your arms around his neck, and his hands dipped down to your thighs, lifting you to the bathroom counter. His grip remained on the back of your knees, thumbs massaging circles into your thighs. 
You could feel the increasing pressure of the pulse in your core, and the subtle grind of his hips on you catalyzed it. 
You gasped when his lips pulled away from yours. Any disappointment you felt from the loss of contact disappeared when his lips latched onto your neck. His tongue probed your skin through the gentle kisses before latching onto a particular sensitive area below your jugular.
The way he was sucking and biting that spot had you gripping his hair and moaning into his ear. He chuckled softly against your skin, only further exciting your nerves. 
He started trailing down to your collarbones, fingers toying with the hem of your sweatshirt to give him proper access to them. “Can I take this off?”
You responded wordlessly by methodically pulling the top over your head, wedging it between your back and the mirror. 
It seemed like he wanted to take his time at first, slowly massaging your breasts under your bra, peppering more kisses on your exposed skin, but as his lips moved lower and lower down your abdomen, he seemed to be in a rush - kisses becoming hasty and sloppy. 
You leaned back, head touching the glass of the mirror, to give him better access to your body. As he kissed below your navel, his fingers tugged at the button of your jean shorts. 
He gazed up at you with a look of sinful innocence. “Can I…?” His hand cupped your pussy over the thick fabric. 
“Yes,” you gasped, involuntarily grinding against his hand. 
He smirked. 
He brought his teeth to the button and flicked it open, pulling the zipper done in the same fashion. You propped your body a little, and in seconds, your shorts and underwear were falling onto the bathroom rug. 
Now he was on his knees, prompting you to open your legs further for him with a gentle press on your inner thighs. 
He licked his lips at the sight of your dripping desire, dipping his head down while staring into your soul with outpouring lust; his expression alone was enough to send electricity through your body, and he kept that eye contact locked as he pressed the flat of his tongue on your clit. 
He slowly added more pressure. 
You whined and snapped your hips on him. His tongue started working on your clit, moving it from side to side, up and down, and everything in between. Then without warning, he french kissed it, taking your juices in with an exaggerated swallow. 
His eyes rolled back for a second, “So sweet.” 
He alternated between kitten licks and little flicks, progressively slowing his pace. Then he ran it back in reverse, adding his fingers to the mix of stimulation. 
The orgasm that was already building in you only amplified. You didn’t even bother to hide the melody of your pleasure - surely no one outside would hear you over the loud music. 
His tongue stopped moving for an instant. 
“Come for me, baby,” his words reverberated through your core.  
That was all it took to send you over. “Fuck, Changbin.” The wave of your orgasm poured over his lips and he drank you down, taking it all in. 
When he stood back up, he sweetly kissed you, remnants of you on his lips. 
He pulled away and licked his coated fingers, playfully grinning at you. “How did you know my name?” He shifted over to the sink to rinse his face. 
“Um…” You got down from the counter to pick up your clothes, “Chan may have told me earlier…” 
He looked up at you through the mirror, smirk widening. “I see… do you wanna get outta here?” 
“Depends… do you have a single?” 
A/N Binnie has really been coming for my soul as of late >_<
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dc41896 · 3 years
There You Are
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Something I thought of inspired by the song “There You Are” by Zayn. Hope you guys like it☺️!
Pairing: Chris EvansxBlack Reader
⚠️: Bit of angst, drunk reader, fluff mixed in
Need you when I'm broken, when I'm fixed
Need you when I'm well, when I'm sick
Friends that I rely on don't come through
They run like the river, but not you
The erratic knocking at his hotel room door makes Chris turn on the bedside lamp as he sits up annoyed and confused. Picking up his phone, the time read 2:17 am making him mentally groan as the knocking continued.
“Hold on!,” he called out as he slipped on his sweatpants draped over the lounge chair in the corner and pulled his hooded jacket over his arms before lazily zipping it up. Coming closer to the door, he slightly pauses now hearing humming mixed with faint giggles only making him more confused and eyebrows knit together.
Although warped due to the view from peephole, he could see you clad in your satin like, short, black dress leaning against the door swaying to the song coming from your smiling lips. You ran into each other earlier at a wrap party neither of you knew the other would be attending, and briefly talked before going your separate ways for the night agreeing to try to meet later to catch up on lost time.
So why you were here at his hotel room, he had no idea.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?,” he asked once opening the door to see you visibly drunk, heels in your hand, as you continued to sing to yourself and dance as if he wasn’t there.
“I jus keep em satisfied on the weekend,” you giggled leaning forward until your head was nearly at your knees. If it wasn’t for Chris reaching out to hold you up by your waist, your body would’ve eventually touched the floor as well. Head tilted, you dreamily take in those familiar features that always made you weak. His soft beard covering that sharp jawline, barely noticeable freckles speckled near his adorable nose. And the cherry on top, his bright blue eyes shielded by those infuriating long lashes that you, and probably every woman in the world, were envious of.
“Hi,” you whisper being met with his small smile.
“Let’s get you inside.”
His arm moves to wrap around your waist holding on a bit tighter noticing your unsteady footsteps. Really they shouldn’t even count as footsteps since you barely moved your feet, instead letting them slide along the carpet as he took a couple steps back.
“You feel sick?,” he asked closing the door behind him with his foot before padding across the cool floor with your chests firmly pressed against each other’s. Shaking your head no as he carefully sits you on the edge of the disheveled bed, you instantly fall back laughing with your arms stretched out bringing them up and down trying to make snow angels.
“Glad you feel at home,” he chuckles to himself removing your phone from your purse. Luckily he knew your passcode would be your birthday from being friends for so long. “I’m gonna call your boyfriend to pick you up okay?”
“We broke up,” you sigh, stopping your arms movements.
“Oh...I-I’m sorry.”
“Yep. Last year.”
“Wait you broke up last year?,” he repeats stepping closer to the bed leaving your phone on the dresser next to your purse. “But earlier you said-,”
“I lie.”
“So,” he starts as he sits next to you. “You’re out here on your own and came here all by yourself?”
He couldn’t help but think of everything that could’ve gone wrong during your journey making him want to hold you close being glad that you were, for the most part, okay.
“Mhmm,” you nod looking up at him with innocent, doe like brown eyes as if you saw nothing wrong with what you did. Fingers raking through his messy hair, he quietly sighs sympathetically peering down at you.
“It’s good you made it here safely, but promise me you won’t do that again.”
Whispers in the background, behind closed doors
I got myself in a mess and without you I'm in more
Oh, I'm a little drunk now, that's why I went to war
Oh, yeah, you are my sober when I'm on the floor
“...I’m a terrible person,” you slur, back still pressed against the mattress.
“No you’re not. That’s just the shots talking,” he replies returning beside you with a bottle of water from the minibar. “Here, so you’ll start to feel better.”
“But I am,” you insist holding onto his arm as you sit up. “I hurt people.”
He couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips and the amused look that spread across his face. You were one of the nicest people he’d ever met, so to hear you, or anyone for that matter, call you terrible, or anything bad, only made him want to laugh since clearly it had to be a joke.
“Who did you hurt then?”
There was an awkward silence as his eyes slowly shifted from you to the plastic bottle in his hands. He wouldn’t say you hurt him those few years ago, but he was definitely left with unanswered questions. Your friendship seemed to slowly be turning into something more as texts became more frequent and calls became longer, lasting into the early hours of the morning. You even started visiting his place more after being prompted with his many invites, and persuaded by pictures of the beautiful scenery that surrounded him.
“Ugh so jealous😩! Rather be there than stuck with this meeting” you’d reply to his small video clip of the sun shining down on the terrain in front of him and Dodger during their hike.
“Come by after and we can go again😋”
“Hmm...maybe I will☺️. Don’t tempt me with a good time lol”
“😂 wasn’t trying to purposely tempt you, buttt not gonna lie and tell you not to take the bait😉”
One day though, the mood between the both of you shifted as he felt you become more distant. Chris thought that maybe it was something he’d said or done and tried to talk with you about it, but you kept avoiding it.
So much so, that you eventually left without a warning not telling him until he tried to come see you.
“Don’t worry about that, get some rest.”
“You’re so amazing, and kind, and-and beautiful! I was scared, and always I run,” you sniff hanging your head. “You d-deserved better, I’m terribully.”
Palms finding your cheeks, he gently tilts your head so you’ll meet his soft eyes while his thumbs wipe away the couple tears that just started to fall.
“Hey, you’re not terribully okay? Yea we have some things to talk about, but we can do that later. Your mind doesn’t need the stress right now.”
His calm voice and sweet words only make you feel worse as a few more tears fall to meet his hands.
“And you’re patient. There for me,” you add playing with the zipper on his jacket. “I mess up.” Noticing your slight shivers, he moves to his open suitcase getting one of his sweatshirts.
“Think you can put this on by yourself?,” he asks to which you nod yes. “Go ahead and change. I’ll be right outside the door if you need me.”
Only you know me the way you know me
Only you forgive me when I'm sorry
“Y/N? You okay?,” he asks a few moments after no longer hearing you shuffle and stumble about. Peeking in, he softly chuckles shaking his head at the sight of you sleeping across the bed in his sweatshirt. He gently lifts your head placing one of the many hotel pillows under it before pulling the comforter over your bare legs.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble sinking your face further into the side of the oversized hood pulled over your head.
“Shh, get some rest.”
Taking one final look at your still body to make sure you were okay, he moves towards the couch with head cycling through all those feelings he thought were buried deep enough he’d eventually forget. Who was he kidding though? Even after everything that happened between you two he knew those feelings would always be there.
And seeing you tonight practically glowing; looking every bit as angelic as he remembered only confirmed it.
Eyes slowly opening to the dimly lit room, your instincts to quickly sit up and take in your new, unfamiliar surroundings are halted by the pounding in your head. All those shots definitely weren’t as enjoyable now as they were going down.
You let your head roam to the best of your ability eventually falling on the navy blue hoodie keeping you warm, bringing back last nights events along with embarrassment and shame as you groan.
“Okay new rule, no more drinking when you’re out since apparently you get diarrhea of the mouth and spill all your emotions when no one asked.”
“So I guess that’s a no to bar hopping tonight then?,” you hear making you sit up with a wince and a few ow’s. Standing in his seemingly shmedium black tee over dark jeans and sneakers, his Boston ball cap shades his face but not enough that you can’t see his dazzling smile.
“Hey. How are you feeling?”
“Pretty good, besides my head feeling like I’m gonna have a brain blast in the worst way that is,” you answer making him chuckle as he moves closer to the bed.
“Yea I kinda figured, which is why I got breakfast for you.” Setting down the plastic bags in his hands, he pulls out takeout containers still steaming from the top causing you to mentally aw at his sweet gesture. “Hope you’re okay with waffles, eggs, and bacon. I wasn’t really sure what your go to was.”
“I’d honestly take anything right now,” you softly laugh carefully removing the lid to your waiting food. “Thanks Chris. Not just for the food, but for last night too.”
Even when I messed it up
There you are
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anybody wants to be tagged, have asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for (can be found in masterlist), or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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Raya cleans Cat litter!
Note: This is a crack fic ig lmao. I based it off my cats since I have two and as much as I love them, I always dread cleaning the cat litter lol. So then I wondered, what would happen if Raya cleaned it? Well, here u go! Enjoy :))
(You can read it here or in ao3)
She shouldn’t have agreed to this. She should’ve just lied and say she was busy taking care of her younger brother Boun instead of being nice. She should’ve just said she was busy at work but she knew Namaari would see right through her and catch her in the lie seeing she had the day off that day and decided to spend it doing her own thing and then planned on picking up Boun later that day to go get some ice cream.
Instead, she was here.
When she got a text from her best friend, asking if she could do her a favor, she should’ve just pretended she didn’t see it or act like her phone was dead. Instead, she answered.
Hey dep la, can you do me a favor?
Yeah, what’s up?
Turns out I'm working late tonight 🙁  and the cats need their litter changed. Do you think you can do it?
Uhhhh yeah I guess
Ok. You have the key to the apartment. It’s easy to clean. Just use the scooper, it’s next to their litter and if u can, replace the old litter and put new litter. Afterwards, can you feed them?
Woah, sounds like a lot but I can do it
Ok, thank you <3
Raya really didn’t think much of it. I mean, it was just poop, she’s dealt with it before. She has a dog, his name was Tuk Tuk, and she’s taken him on walks and has picked up his poop a thousand times. This was easy! What could go wrong?
So much.
Raya entered the apartment building before walking up to the second floor where Namaari’s apartment was. She fished for the key Namaari had given her and unlocked the door.
She went inside and as usual, it was quiet and clean. Namaari lived a pretty big apartment for someone who didn’t make a lot at work, but Raya knew a lot of this was thanks to her mother who had a lot in pocket.
“Meow” Raya looked down and smiled when she saw the two cats. “Hey you two” she greeted as she bent down and picked up one of them. She's known Mai and Buan since they were kittens when Namaari called her one day excitedly telling her she adopted two baby kittens.
She looked around. “Alright, well your mom wanted me to clean your litter so where is it?” She asked as she looked around. She then remembered the text where Namaari said the litter was in the wreck room where the cats’ toys were.
She glanced at the door and walked towards it, the cats following her. She turned the knob and opened the door, and the worst smell known to man hit her nose. Raya gasped, placing a hand over her nose as she kept herself from gagging, the cats looking up at her wondering why she was acting the way she was.
“Ugh, what the heck.” She groaned as she squeezed her nose. She sighed. “Let’s just get this over with” she said as she opened the lid of the cat litter and gagged at the smell.
“Ugh! What does your mom feed you guys?” She asked. From what she knew, Namaari bought her cats Rachel Ray food, saying she wanted to feed her cats good, healthy organic food instead of the ones that were filled with processed stuff that can make them sick.
The cats meowed as they ran off. Raya looked for the scooper and found it. She bent down to grab it as she grabbed the bag that was folded. She opened it and began to scoop the feces. “Ewww” she squealed as she dropped it into the bag.
She gagged again. “Hold on, let me see if Namaari has a mask or something” she said as she got up. She left the room and found the pantry where her best friend kept everything.
She found the box of masks her friend bought after the pandemic hit. If Raya was being honest, she felt like Namaari was being a little overdramatic when she stocked up on food and supplies, freaking out that everything was gonna go out of stock and they would have to survive like in those zombie movies.
Of course, as you know, things were slowly beginning to get better but Namaari still had that paranoid mindset. Raya grabbed the mask and put it on, walking back to the room, almost tripping on one of the cats.
“Ah! Damn cat” she groaned before entering the room. The smell wasn’t that strong anymore but still strong enough to go through the mask. “Ugh” she groaned as she grasped the scooper and began to throw the poop in.
Suddenly, Mai began to attack Raya’s hand that was holding the scooper. “Hey! What are you doing?” She asked as she picked up the cat and swiftly threw her aside.
She began scooping again, and was almost done before Buan came by and jumped into the litter box. Raya groaned. “Really? I’m busy here” she commented. Suddenly, Buan went into his bathroom stance and Raya’s eyes widened.
“Oh no-AGHH!” She yelled as the cat began to poop. “Ew, ew” she practically sobbed as the cat finished its business and jumped out without covering his business.
Raya groaned. “Really? You could cover it!” She yelled after the cat. She covered the poop with the litter, cringing at the smell. Both cats then ran into the room, playing with their toys as the girl scooped out their business.
“Okay, now I have to changed your litter” she said as she scooped out the old litter and threw it in the bag. “Ugh” she groaned as she finished getting the litter in. She then looked at the floor and sighed when she saw that some of it fell. “Really?” She said before getting up.
She tied the bag shut and threw it next to the trash, making a mental note to herself to throw it out. She remembered Namaari’s text telling her the cat litter bag was next to the room and noticed the very, very big and possibly very heavy bag.
“Okay Raya, you can do this” she said before grasping the bag and groaning when she dragged it into the room. “Ugh, how does your mom deal with you guys?” She asked as the cats meowed.
“Okay” she said as she opened the bag and found the mini scooper in it before scooping litter into the box. She scooped as much as she could before agreeing with herself that it was enough.
“Okay, cool” she said as she clipped the bag shut and dragged it all the way out, groaning. “Ugh, how did Namaari carry this thing. Well, she is buff and can probably knock me out with one punch so that’s a stupid question” she said to herself before setting the bag down.
Buan meowed up at her. “Alright, where does your mom keep the broom?” She asked as she walked to the pantry again. She saw the red broom in the corner and grabbed it before heading back to the room.
She swept up the left-over litter. Mai then began to attack the bristles of the broom, trying to chew on it. “Aye! Shoo! Go!” She hit the cat gently with the broom. The cat refused to listen and Raya rolled her eyes.
She picked up the cat and put it in Namaari’s room where Buan was sleeping. “Stay in your mom’s room” she said before closing the door, rolling her eyes when she heard the cats meow.
She finished sweeping and threw out the litter. She grabbed the bag and walked to the back to throw it out, cringing at the smell as she threw it out.
As she walked up the stairs to go through the back door of Namaari’s apartment, her eyes widened when she saw a disgusting moth. “Ew, oh my gosh” she said as she ran to the door, practically screaming when she heard the moth fly.
She slammed the door shut as she panted. Did Namaari know there was a giant moth living in her porch? From what she remembered, Namaari despised bugs. Even the smallest bug can make the once tough Fang girl turn into a scared toddler, jumping onto the counter and calling Raya to kill it.
Raya went back to the room and sprayed it with air freshener. Once she felt that the room was at a better smell, she grasped the two bowls and went to fill them with cat food.
“There's a red cup in the bag. Just give them half a cup each” Namaari’s words echoed in Raya’s head as she scooped the food out. She filled their bowls and set them out before giving them fresh water.
She went back to Namaari’s room and opened the door and the two cats ran out. “Go! You guys are disgusting” she said as she sighed. This was the last time she was doing Namaari a favor.
That binturi owed her.
“Don’t be dramatic. They’re not that bad” Namaari rolled her eyes as she and Raya sat on her couch in the apartment as Raya told her the adventure of cleaning the cat litter.
“They were! Don’t you clean it?” She asked. Namaari scoffed. “Yes, I do. I clean it 3 times a day but I had to work late today, which is why I told you to clean it, but you’re such a chicken” she said.
Boun laughed as he pet one of the cats. “Ha! She called you a chicken” he laughed as Raya stuck her tongue out at him. “Well, it was disgusting, and that’s the last time I’m doing you a favor” she said as Namaari rolled her eyes.
“Whatever. You’ll come crawling back to me”
“Pff, as if”
“I bet you”
“Oh, you will?”
“Alright, bet”
That bet did not go well.
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doubleddenden · 3 years
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Well I said I was going to have to figure out how to work out the team shot and trainer card, but it turns out I didn't need to do much, so it all went about as planned.
All of these Fakemon are not made by me, and in this case are made by Watertrainer from DA. I did do another lazy splice and rearrange of my own trainer sprite though. I wanted to sort of give myself a similar vibe to the protagonist design, and I think I'm okay with the design, although I am a bit too lazy to resize my head lol.
Anyway, my team from Solar Light and Lunar Dark.
more under the cut
I actually played a demo a few years back that went about to Rassic City, but got stuck due to a bug that stopped me around gym 4 or 5. The game's creators are (or were at the least) pretty cool, with one even offering to fix my bug for me (and he probably did, I just didn't know how to implement the fix). I said it in my review, but I really like the fakemon concepts and designs, and there was so many that I wish I had room for about 4 more Pokemon. Apparently a lot of the designs were conceptualized pre gen 4, and that's just fantastic.
I've been trying to do some unique things with my regional cards, but SLLD is actually somewhat unique among the fakemon games I've played because it's pretty unique in that its more traditional without a regional gimmick. So, I improvised a bit with sort of a clipped design and some zig zags at the corners. I also made a new background design by making a grid out of a series of circles, so hopefully that looks good too. Plus, I used pentagons instead of my usual stuff to try and account for the bigger sprites, and I had space between them, so I did a little sun and moon mural for the Solar and Lunar title thing
As for how Poke Den got to Rikoto, well, how does he get anywhere other than by accident? I feel like he probably went for a boat ride in Tandor or something, took a nap, and found himself in Poke New Zealand Rikoto. The stakes weren't really as high as other regions, so I imagine he just kinda went "fuck it" and decided to explore and take in the beautiful scenery. And as usual, for some reason he pisses off just the right people and ends up babysitting some kids that keep claiming they're his rivals.
Gonna be real, I liked the fact that I stumbled across the New Zealand map in the game because I wasn't able to tell before, but now its super obvious. Rikoto is a beautiful region and probably my favorite in terms of diversity in the recent fan games I've played, not to mention I would KILL to live in the tropical areas.
this is my team
1. (Mega) Salaslam: Water/Poison: Our starter for the region, and funnily enough, just like my first Pokemon ever, a Typhlosion in Silver, I didn't realize she was a girl until like, 7 gyms in. She's strong boi, and I relied on her a bunch especially in late game after I acquired her mega. I think I like water types in theory the best, so I imagine it was a very obvious pick for me, especially when its baby form is so adorable. Probably went from the rambunctious baby to friendly but dangerous monster as it evolved.
2. Aeroma: Flying/Grass: One of the earliest caught Pokemon on the team, and I almost replaced him, but he's honestly very useful and comes in clutch when I need him to the most. I imagine ours sings a lot since it learned Sing and Grass Whistle at some point in our journey
3. Lunape: Psychic: A traded monke boy that I loved so much as a Moonky. I just loved saying his name. Moonky. It awoke something primal in me. Its funny because I accidentally over trained him at first, so he initially wouldn't listen to me until until like gym 3. I imagine we're good friends now. He's actually pretty good for capturing Pokemon, not so much for battles, but he comes in clutch sometimes. In fact, he pretty much carried my team in the champion battle.
4. Werehide (Shiny): My favorite of the bunch I believe. Apparently there's a bug that makes it easier to find Shinies in this game, which I believe since I found 2 of them, but this one was my first and I decided to keep her. She spent the longest time as her previous form, Beopup, until like level 53 so she could learn Play Rough. I imagine she was my shoulder buddy for the longest time because of that, and despite being theoretically the "weaker" of the team, she kept up just fine as Beopup. After evolving, she became SO much stronger, I actually solo'd the ice gym with her, I think. The only issue is that Werehide's ability is Hustle, which makes her hit like a fuckin truck, but she's about as accurate as a broken clock. I do imagine she's like my dog and is a good doggo that likes pets, but goes feral in a fight.
5. Dinopion: Fighting/Dragon. I almost replaced him too, but there was really no reason. As a Dinomite, he was kinda weak and kept getting KO'd a lot, but once he evolved he started kicking ass and didn't ever stop. His Moxie ability, monstrous attack, and diverse move pool make him such a MONSTER to deal with for my enemies, but he is kinda frail. But if he outspeeds you and knocks out one of your guys, you've basically already lost the battle. My Dinopion was basically able to Solo Rick's Elite 4 team. I gotta imagine he's a rough and rowdy but good dino boy with a hankering for power and glory. I think my guy likes him a lot now because he's a DINOSAUR, and we like dinosaurs in this house.
6. Natoron: Ground. I LOVE DINOSAURS. And this guy is a heckin' dinosaur!!! He had a tough time at the beginning, but once he evolved once, he started kicking ass. There was an awkward time towards the last few gyms where after he evolved again, he started losing a lot more, but he's been very reliable as a wall and tank. By the end, he had both Earthquake, Head Smash, and Stone Edge, so he could dish out a SHIT ton of damage. I gotta imagine he's a bit slower, usually tries to eat grass when he sees it, and he's a gentle giant that my Poke self adores because he's a DINOSAUR
Anyway this was fun to make. I'm gonna be looking for more fakemon games to play through because I just love em, and I love making little trainer cards for my playthroughs.
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
dropping by to tell u that ur my favoritest yan fic writer out there and your yan genshin updates give me life MUAH
thank you so much nonnie!!!! 😘😘😘 i appreciate you!!! i’ve absolutely loved writing for genshin, so i’m glad that the community is thriving with so much content aaaa ❤️ warms my heart...
anon 2 asked: I’m not sure if this has been asked before or not, but have you read/watched Togashi’s other work Yu Yu Hakusho? If you haven’t, I think you’d definitely like Kurama.
i have heard of it but i haven’t watched it before! i looked up the design for kurama and wow... he is a very pretty boy. he has these mysterious vibes that makes me think i would like him. if i ever get around to watching it i’ll keep an eye out for this boy 👀
anon 3 asked: If you don't mind me asking, what other games do you play besides genshin?
my cycle of playing games is kind of messed up by genshin right now since that’s the main game i play whenever i get hit with Gamer Urge. however, the games ive enjoyed the most recently other than that would be divinity original sin 2, darkest dungeon, pokémon, animal crossing, and fire emblem!
anon 4 said: it's nice to see a fellow hu tao simp! i was so excited to see you make a yandere hu tao x reader,, i rarely see any x reader content of her so i just silently suffer most of the time 💔 ty for feeding us hu tao simps good food op i will be reading that story religiously everyday 🛐
we need more hu tao in this world, i fully agree. every time i see her i just can’t help but smoke... i think it’s the super cute hair. long pigtails 🥺 ANYWAYS you have god tier taste anon. i trust anyone that loves hu tao.
anon 5 said: i am going to kiss u on the forehead as gently as i can,,, that hu tao fic was absolutely delicious❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
THANK YOU NONNIE!!! i was worried at first over how much macabre hu tao typical dialogue to incorporate into a fanfic, but i ended up content with the balance. she can be soft when she wants to, after all. i’m happy that you enjoyed it!
anon 6 said: You posted the harem HCs right after I finished work and it was such a treat to read. I love them. I know you obviously didn't write them for me in mind but thank you for brightening up my day!
PHEW what good timing!! i end up working on my writing on and off throughout the day and finishing it around the time people (in american) time zones would be getting home. i’m glad that you were able to enjoy the headcanons after a day of work!!
anon 7 said: I loved the Liyue reverse harem, how can you be such a good write???Xiao being a puppy is actually cute and I love this concept
i was looking forward to including vigilant xiao watching over his crush the most 😭 it’s just an adorable sight to picture. he’s such an intimidating figure, it can’t help but melt your heart that he’s there to ensure you’re always safe. the main trick is writing the most self indulgent stuff, anon. that is what produces the best you have to offer because you’re having such a good time writing it.
anon 8 said: akfhdsh Lock why was that Zhongli fic so hot🔥?? Ahh I haven't been able to get it out of my head ALL day & 5000 words? You are superb 😍 I can't help but feel so sorry for poor darling. Having to do that with him on the very first night, man didn't even give her a break/a chance to settle down. Either way I'd love for you to throw some concepts here & there if you can 👉👈 or share your afterthoughts ^_^  the universe in this one felt especially great! I wish you the best of luck, take care <3
it’s all because of the random zhongli dream anon 😭 i couldn’t get him out of my mind until i wrote a loooong fic for him. the idea of his darling being with him since the archon war days is my favorite! i’ve always had a soft spot for it, ever since i was trying to figure out what a yandere zhongli might look like back in november. it’s just... genuinely horrifying to imagine being stuck with that for thousands of years. especially when people view rex lapis so highly in liyue, darling feels even more alone on her festering feelings. there’s no relief to be had.
i think i’ll do a big ol headcanon post because the world for yan zhongli and his god darling is so big, i’ve given it a Lot of thought. but the main gist of it is how darling deals with the inaccurate portrayal of their history together. and of course, she interacts with others, since zhongli has the reassurance from the contract that she won’t try to escape. so there’s a lot of angst there. 😭
anon 9 asked: Hey! any plans for more Hu tao content in the future? your last story was just really gooood, she's such an interesting character! I've also been hooked to Rosaria and I'm wondering if you plan to write for her aswell... hopefully no one asked this already lol
i’d love to write more for hu tao!! she is a character that i adore a lot. currently, i don’t have any ideas for her that would get me going, but once i see one or get hit with inspiration she’ll make a reappearance. i do have a few hu tao requests so hopefully those will help inspire me. AND ROSARIA... 🥺 WHAT A WOMAN. i want to learn more about her!! i’ll write for her when her stories and voice lines are all out, that way the characterization is more accurate. she captured my heart with that distant attitude and those listless eyes 🥰🥰
anon 10 said: hi hi!! i just wanted to say i discovered genshin impact bcs of you! i saw your yandere genshin posts back in november, i didn't know anything abt genshin or their world but i read it and just googled their names to know their appearances lmfao and until then i just fell into a rabbit hole of genshin. i eventually grew tired of not knowing anything abt genshin and its lore so i craved around early january and downloaded the game despite me not rlly being a gamer™ and now i'm here at ar 51, a hu tao main and no, i haven't touched grass since downloading the game 😭
ah yes, welcome anon, to what could be considered heaven or help depending. if you were able to get hu tao then i’d say you’re in the latter camp (aside from having to grind for her ascension materials, that is pure suffering). it’s a fun game to get into during this quarantine/spotty lockdown time, so i hope you’ll enjoy your time with it! i’m glad that mihoyo releases content often enough to keep us well fed.
anon 11 asked: Lock dearest, have you ever watched Jujutsu Kaisen?
i like that super cute girl with short finger hair!! i’m planning on watching the show when it’s completed, which i think is soon? ill binge watch it. i’ve recognized a lot of my favorite voice actors from the clips i’ve seen posted, so i’m excited to give it a shot.
anon 12 asked: You watch Demon Slayer? It's really great 🤯
i’ve seen clips of the amazing animation before! it’s currently on my list of shows to watch. 👀👀
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goddamnitkastle · 3 years
Tell Me Where Your Heart Is
Hello Brooke! (@the-restless-brook)! Yes, I am your Kastle Secret Santa. Ta da! 
You prompted me with “anything cozy, domestic, or angsty (as long as there’s a happy ending).” 
So full disclosure I really had no idea what I was gonna come up with for your gift. I thought about doing some sort of AU for you (because you really are the the Queen of the Kastle AUs) but that ended up being a red herring cause Season 2 of Virgin River came out and OH BOY did I get inspired lol
And so I ultimately decided to go full on angst, which I hope you will like. There is a happy ending, I promise. And there’s also a couple Marvel/Netflix Universe nuggets I threw in, I hope you’ll catch them :)
But to keep it simple, here’s a post The Punisher Season 2 fic in which Frank and Karen meet up at Josie’s. Will they make their way back to each other? (well, yeah, duh but it will be an angsty ride).
Enjoy! And Happy Holidays, Kastle Fam! <3
Josie’s on a Monday is pretty dead, even in December. Honestly a graveyard is more lively on this weekday than the bar in Hell’s Kitchen, despite the homely effort of the Christmas decorations put up by Josie herself. So when Karen comes strolling in, just dodging the light rain, and takes a seat, she’s not surprised by the look on the bar owner’s face.
“Wow. Must’ve been a hell of a day. Starting early for the week, huh?”
“I guess you can say that. Can I get a bourbon?” Karen asks as she places a twenty down on the bar top.
“You got it.”
Josie turns around and grabs the Four Roses bottle off the shelf. Karen takes a quick survey of the scene, clocks everyone here. Rob and Mira Donohue are having drinks at the table by the pinball machine and Tom Belkin is at the pool table with a friend.
“Here ya go, love.” Josie places the glass in front of her and takes the twenty. Karen takes a sizeable sip, tries to focus on the burn going down her throat rather than her rattling nerves. She doesn’t miss Josie’s eyes go wide though when she gives her her change. 
“Hey should I be worried tonight, Page? This isn’t your usual night and look, I don’t mind... usually…”
“It’s fine, Josie. I’m just... meeting someone. And I need this place to be quiet. I think they need... quiet.”
Josie shakes her head, walks over to the end of the bar. She pulls back a small curtain, revealing a safe hidden under the register. She turns the combination lock, opens it, and pulls out a 9mm.
“Josie come on, that’s not…”
“It’s a precaution. I do trust you... usually... but I got an establishment to protect.” Josie says as she ejects and checks the mag.
She clips it back in and clicks the safety off when the bell rings by the entrance door. Karen resists turning around, even though she is dying to see him.
God how long has it been since the hospital she thinks.
She goes for another sip of bourbon, tries to feign casualness even though his very presence has changed the mood of this dull Monday night. The Donohues have stopped talking and Tom and his friend have stopped playing. Heavy boots pad their way to the bar. Out of the corner of her eye, Frank Castle comes into her line of sight. He’s in all black, sporting a full beard, and scowling, but it doesn’t feel lethal to her. Josie though is gripping her gun like a lifeline.
“What can I do for you... scary hipster?” Josie asks.
Karen has to choke down her laughter. She covers her mouth with her hand and squeezes her eyes shut.
“I’ll just take a beer.”
Frank sits down a seat away from Karen and the tension lifts once Josie clicks the safety back on. The bar patrons resume their activities as she quickly serves Frank a beer, gun still in hand. Josie walks toward the end of the bar toward the safe but not before giving Karen a quick I will never let you in here again if there’s trouble tonight look. She just shrugs in response.
Neither of them say anything for a good while. Karen just focuses on her bourbon. Frank was the one who called her, he can start this. Not like she has anywhere to be...
Although drinking at Josie’s on a Monday night isn’t exactly at the top of her list.
“Hell of a place you picked.”
“Didn’t know what I was getting into. Knew it wouldn’t be crowded here... and I needed a drink.”
“What about your place? Don’t tell me you had to move again…” Frank cracks as he takes a swig of his beer.
“Nope, I’m still there.”
Frank takes a step closer to her. Karen can’t help it, she turns to face him and take him in. No bruises and his hair is growing out again. He looks the way he did when he first came back into her life, just without a blanket and not asking for change.
“Wasn’t sure you were gonna say yes to meeting me.”
“I wasn’t either. Still debating on leaving, actually…”
“Do you want to?”
“Honestly? Yes.”
“Okay. You can go.”
Karen starts to get up and she wishes she missed Frank’s face. Looking like a puppy who got kicked for chewing on someone’s flip flop.
“Hey.” Frank says intensely as he grips her arm. “Come on. Don’t…”
“Don’t what, Frank?”
“Don’t... go.”
“You literally told me I could go. Look, what do you want Frank? Can you just tell me why you called…”
“I will when you stop this.”
“Stop what?”
“Being pissed at me.”
“Being pissed... oh boy.”
She bites down on her bottom lip; a suppression to not straight up scream at him.
“I want to talk, Karen. But if you need to say something to me just say it. Just get it out in the open so that we can move forward.”
His eyes bore into hers. Karen hopes Frank isn’t looking into her soul, he doesn’t get to do that anymore. She knows she needs to break this, needs to move on. He chose the war. He chose to continue being The Punisher. The people that care about him, the peace he could have found... he pushed it all away. And he can’t just decide to want it now after almost a year of silence.
“Fine. I do have some things to say. But first, you’re gonna buy me a drink. Okay?”
She walks back over to the bar and sets her bag and coat down again on the chair. Frank follows. Josie saunters over.
“Another bourbon, Page?”
“No I’d like two shots of whiskey please. He’s buying.”
Karen jerks her head toward Frank who immediately pulls out a wad of cash from his coat pocket.
“You got it.”
Josie walks away to get the shots. Karen takes a seat and Frank takes the one next to her.
“Didn’t take you for a hard liquor kind of girl.”
Karen opens her mouth, then closes it. How exactly is she supposed to respond to that? People have been making assumptions about her all her life and she’s in no mood to tell Frank that he’s wrong.
“But I guess I don’t know that much about you, do I? You always... surprise me.”
The genuineness throws Karen off. She wonders if she should cut him some slack. It’s not like they owe each other anything. The connection that Madani had told her they had will probably always be there but as it stands she doesn’t fit into his life and vice versa. What’s the point in trying to make it work?
“No. You don’t know anything about me.” She says after a prolonged pause.
Josie comes back with the shots and makes herself scarce again. Karen takes the shot and gestures to other one.
“Come on.”
“Jesus…” Frank mutters.
“Not into hard liquor like me? Wait. Let me guess. You actually love wine.”
“I do actually.”
He stares at the shot glass then back at her. He sighs and downs it. The grimace he makes is brief, but then he turns back to her and she knows what has to come next.
“It’s been a year since the hospital Frank. ” Karen starts as she rotates her empty shot glass with her fingertips.
“I think. I’m honestly not sure… anyway. I thought we were done. I thought you were finally out of my life and then those pot of white roses landed on my desk last week and… I really don’t understand what you want for me at this point. If it’s to get information I am not going to do that for you. If you are looking to reconnect I don’t want that either. Not while you continue to wage this war of yours that you chose. Over life. Over love. Over… me.”
She places the shot glass down, the clink on the wooden bar top being the loudest noise in her ears.
“I’m sorry. About that day. And I’m sorry I never called you after that. But I thought you understood.”
“Why I am doing this. Why I couldn’t accept what you were offering me that day in the hospital. I lost my entire family, Karen. I had to watch them die and then bury them. You can’t even begin to imagine…”
“I’ve buried people that I loved. I absolutely know what you are going through. I know hurt. I know guilt. I know how it feels to want to drive a knife into this world just to feel like I had some kind of control over it. So don’t you dare try to tell me how I feel. I just…”
Karen huffs as she runs her fingers through her hair. Frank scratches at his beard, clearly processing.
“Do you think I like feeling like this? I am never going to see Maria again. I am never going to hold Lisa or Frankie Jr. in my arms. They are gone, Karen. And it is my fault that they are gone. If I let myself love you…”
“It’s just a risk I can’t take. If anything happened to you… I wouldn’t be able to survive it.”
Frank’s trigger finger taps away on the bar top.
“So is that it? Is that why you called me? To tell me that you will forever be stuck in this black hole of a life? Stuck in a war that can never be won and you think it’s what you deserve?”
“It is what I deserve.”
“No it’s not Frank. The loss of your family… that is something that you will carry with you with the rest of your life. And the grief will always come straight at you, unexpectedly. But you deserve an after…”
“Karen, no…”
“You do. I know you can’t see it but you will come to a day where you’ll be able to think about them but still go on with your life. And that won’t feel like a betrayal...”
“I can’t do this. I’m sorry. I should’ve never called you.”
He practically bounds out of the bar stool and heads for the door.
“Frank!” Karen shouts.
The door swings and he’s gone.
This is a crossroads moment. Karen can feel it. She could let him go, never see him again. Maybe at last find peace with this pain. Find someone else to build a life with.
“You love him don’t you?”
Karen turns around to find Josie looking at her. She’s cleared their shot glasses away and is washing them in the sink.
“Don’t try to deny it. And he loves you too.”
“Yeah, sure he does.” Karen replies sarcastically.
“He does. I remember that news story a while about that crazy asshole who shot up that hotel trying to kill ya and that senator or whatever. I read that he took a few bullets for you. That’s love.”
“How did you... nevermind. Yes, that is true, but then when I offered the option to love someone else, he said he didn’t want to.”
‘Yeah but then he asked to see you again. Timing is a bitch, that much I know. Come on, at least go out there and give the man a hug. Man looks like he could use one.”
Karen turns back to the front door. Before she can process it she is heading out the door, barely catching Josie‘s laugh.
The sharp, winter air hits her and the light rain Is back. Karen looks down both sides of the street, knowing that he is probably long gone by now. The man knows how to disappear, and will only be found if he wants to.
She goes to her left to head home. As she turns the corner, he’s there. Against the wall of Josie‘s, barely standing.
She walks toward him but he doesn’t acknowledge her. He looks so broken, looking up at the sky.
“You belong with someone else, Karen. Not with me.”
“You do.”
“Well I don’t want someone else, Frank. I want you.”
He turns away from the sky and stares at her, wide eyed.
“Yeah. It’s still on the table. But if you’re not even going to open yourself up to the possibility of an after… And I’m not saying an after with me. I mean for yourself. If you won’t even allow yourself to try to find it then it’s not going to work. I need hope, Frank. I need to believe that there is a better world to make and to be had. Even if that means I am not going to be around for it. I am still going to try to leave it better than I found it.”
“Who was it?” Frank asks after a few moments.
“Who did you bury?”
“My mom. My brother, Kevin.”
“Tell me about them?”
“Okay. Walk me to my car?”
She thought it would be a lot harder to tell him about what happened to her mom and Kevin, about who she was before she came to New York City. But it fell out of her, everything. He doesn’t interject nor interrupt her. They’re still a block away when she’s done talking.
They reach her car as Karen fishes for her keys. They are stuck at the bottom of her bag and she groans in frustration. She had almost forgotten that Frank is still with her but then she feels a hand lightly touch her shoulder.
She looks up. He is looking better but there is still that same lingering, soul crushing sadness in his eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
The sincerity of his apology stuns Karen. Then it comes back. The memory of when she told Matt about what happened to Kevin.
“Jesus Karen.”
Matt was wrapped up in trying to take down Fisk at the time. Karen was trying to pull Matt back, she knew it wasn’t the right time to tell him. She knows he would’ve probably have had a different reaction under different circumstances. Karen knows this. But Karen would be lying if his response didn’t haunt her dreams every now and then.
“Well I should get home. If you ever wanna talk… well I’m sure you’ll reach me somehow. I’ll keep an eye out for another pot of roses.”
She gets her car door open and climbs into the seat. She turns the key in the ignition but the engine stalls.
“Come on.”
Karen keeps turning the key but the engine continues to stall.
Frank knocks on her windshield window.
“Hey, let me check. I can probably jumpstart your car.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Jesus Karen.”
“I don’t want you here, Karen.”
Karen smacks the steering wheel repeatedly and then screams. And screams. And screams.
“Karen! Karen!”
Frank’s voice is muffled and Karen barely registers that he’s opened her door and is pulling her out of the car.
“Karen it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here.”
The screams turn into sobs and Karen stops trying to pull away from Frank.
She doesn’t know how long they stand there in the light rain while he holds her. Her crying does subside in time and all Karen feels is his heartbeat and his hand running up and down her back.
“I know. I know.” He keeps repeating into her ear.
Frank asks if Karen wants a ride home. Karen just simply nods, now realizing that her legs are numb.
“Okay. Let me make a quick phone call.”
Frank gets on the phone and says hi to Micro. Karen manages a small smile. Good to know that he’s not dead.
“Okay so Micro is calling in some favors. Your car is gonna get towed to a lot nearby. I will take care of it tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Frank.”
“Let’s get you home.”
Frank holds his hand out and Karen takes it. 
It takes an hour but they arrive in Karen’s neighborhood. Frank has to park ten minutes away from her apartment, which has him apologizing and cursing alternate side parking in one breath.
Karen feels simultaneously exhausted and wired. Frank hasn’t taken her hand in his since they got out of his van but they keep drifting and bumping into each other as they walk.
“Thanks for driving me back.”
“You’re welcome. You okay?”
“Yeah I just… I told Matt. About Kevin. And it... wasn’t the best timing and I had never told anyone before that moment and…”
“Yeah well I don’t think altar boy has the best bedside manner. Even on a good day.”
Karen can’t help but laugh. They walk up the front steps of her apartment building.
“Don’t worry about your car. It’ll be safe. I’ll pick it up tomorrow and take it to the shop. It’s probably the alternator.”
They reach her door.
“Okay so I have your car keys but you probably need these back.”
He hands her the rest of her key ring. He turns to go down the steps, their fingers interlocking around each other.
“So hold onto it. You have everything. Use two hands and never let go.”
Never let go.
Never let...
She grips on his fingers and he turns around. She doesn’t say or do anything but hold on to the key ring and his fingers. They just stare at each other but something changes, something shifts.
He walks back up the two steps, and they’re now face to face.
Karen can’t explain it but she’s filled with such a longing that she thought she had buried a long time ago.
They are still holding on to her key ring, the metal becoming warm from the heat of their hands. She inches closer and closer to his face, eventually ghosting her lips over his.
Karen places a small kiss on his mouth. He doesn’t react, which isn’t surprising, so she tries again. She can feel how taken aback he is but he starts to reciprocate soon enough. He angles his mouth as she pushes her tongue past his teeth, his hands cup her face as she wraps her arms around his neck.
The flurry and fury of their movements push them up the stairs. Karen has never been more grateful for her one floor walk up. He gets the door open as she gets to work on getting his jacket off. He helps her out of hers with ease, his mouth never leaving hers.
Karen is trying to take it all in but it’s too much. The ridges of the scars on his skin that have stories and how she wants to know all of them. How strong he is, taking her shirt off with a gentle force she has never felt. How soft his hair is, how his beard feels so fucking good on her neck.
They fall into her bed, still partially clothed but Karen doesn’t mind, she’s content to just kiss him and hold him close to her.
His mouth leaves hers and Karen tries to reach for it but stops. It’s that stare of his again. But it’s different this time. She’s seen him vulnerable but never this vulnerable. He honestly looks terrified.
“Frank what is it? We can stop…”
“No. I want to. I want this... I just... when we’re not together... when I don’t see you... it scares me. And I tried to hide from that feeling all year. Karen don’t…”
She runs her hands through his hair and he frames her head with his.
“It’s okay. It’s okay Frank.”
Instinctually, her hand slides down to his chest. Over his fast beating heart.
“It’s safe. You’re safe.”
She reaches for his face, her finger tips brushing against his lips. He kisses her palm and she pulls him back in.
Frank is warm. A comfortable warm, not the searing kind that comes from his nightmares. Hands are wrapped around his head and his face is pressed against soft skin. Karen’s skin. This stillness, after all that transpired last night between them, is strangely comforting. As is her slow, deep breathing. And when she wakes up, a smile forming at the sight of him, he still wonders if this is all a dream. 
“How do you feel?” Karen asks as she pushes away a strand of hair from his forehead.
“Happy.” Franks answers honestly. 
“That’s good.”
“And safe.” Frank admits quietly.
“That’s exactly how I want you to feel.”
“I do. With you.”
“So do I.”
He reaches for her face, brushes the pad of his thumb on her cheek. For a brief, sudden moment he sees smoke and a bloody cut on Karen’s forehead. How close he came to losing her that day…
“I will come for you.”
Frank shakes away the memory and tries to focus on this one. He wants these kind of memories with Karen, not the ones filled with violence and open ended goodbyes.
“Is everything okay, Frank?”
“Look Karen… I want to be honest. I don’t want to lie to you anymore and… you should know why I called you.”
Frank pulls away from her and sits up against her headboard. Karen follows suit, pulling her comforter up.
“I... want to be done. The Punisher… I want it to be over.”
“Yeah. I won’t, uh, bore you with the details but… I was near death. About a month ago. I really don’t remember much but I wasn’t… planning to come back from this job. But I guess Curtis and Madani weren’t on board. They got me out and… I just remember cracks of light. From the car windows. And each time, I saw you. I honestly thought you had come with them. I kept wanting to let go though, finally be with… but you were there. Telling me to hold on. Cause there was another side to this. An… after. And I did. When I finally came to, I asked where you were. And yeah, I found out you weren’t really there but… it was real. And it got me through. And that was why I called. I want you there. But then you were ruthless... stomped on my heart... which I deserved... and I got scared. I’m still scared, Karen. But I don’t want to live without you anymore. And I don’t expect…”
Karen takes his hand, puts it in her lap. Whatever he was going to say next dies on his tongue.
“This is real, Frank. You know that, right?”
“I do.”
He leans in to kiss her and it is the sweetest touch he can muster. He hopes it is enough.
It was a hell of a journey for them to get to this point. And they still have a long way to go. But her heart is safe with him. And now his heart can be safe with her.
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Sen Çal Kapımı / Edser Asks
After the fragman, I got a few anons this afternoon, my answer are under the cut. 
(Also my initial reactions are in this post.)
Anonymous said: In the spirit of optimism- when Eda broke up with Serkan in 25, everyone freaked out but by the end of the next episode, she proposed LOL. Maybe just maybe they won’t do the “everyone pretends Selin and Serkan are a thing for medical reasons for multiple episodes” route and someone gets her kicked to the curb in 29. I wonder how much of the 2.5 hrs will be before he comes back and how much is after.
LOL, I certainly would like Selin to be back for only one episode. I hope my speculation is right (this post,)and her narrative purpose is to make Serkan distrust Eda from the start and once she’s done that she can exit stage right. 
As for the theory you mention, which I have seen on twitter, I don’t see people pretending they’re together for medical reasons. That makes zero sense to me (not that medical diagnosis on a silly romantic dramedy dizi would be accurate, lol) why would that be necessary? Why would anyone go along with that? Especially when all he would need to do is google himself to find out about his relationship with Eda.  They were all over the tabloids and on the cover of a magazine. Plus it seems like he knows about Eda, Selin tells him "she turned you into someone you’re not and dragged you into a different world.”  He has to know they were in a relationship.
There is a lot of knee-jerk hysteria over there right now which is leading to completely neurosis-induced, nonsensical, worst-case scenario speculation. I recommend avoiding for awhile if anyone is easily upset by that type of thing. 
As for the timeline of the ep, great question. I am hoping that the walk into ArtLife is not the end of the episode. We’re going to need to see Serkan and Eda meeting face to face before this episode is up in order to survive! We know almost the full cast (including Hande and Kerem) were shooting at a cafe yesterday, and the cast looked dressed up. Most thought it was for 1x28, so that seems like there are scenes with Serkan and the full cast in this ep. 
Though, the show has a lot of questions to answer.  How in God’s name did he end up in that cabin? Did he get on the plane or not?  Was he held captive and got dropped in the woods with only Selin’s phone number? Has he been in a coma?  Was there foul play involved?   Was there a brain injury or did Babaanne arrange his kidnapping and give him some experimental drug to wipe out his memories of Eda? 
Not sure if this Deniz is a law enforcement official or some sort of private detective, but there would have been some sort of official inquiry and search when he went missing. So he can’t just be lazing around for 2 months, easily findable. And Selin can’t have been with him for anything length of time without the others knowing he’s alive, because that would pretty much be kidnapping. So what HAPPENED? 
Anonymous said: I hope we get good Eda and Aydan moments. She didn’t get married but she is still Aydan’s daughter now. He’s going to come back and find that this woman has his mother, his company, his dog, his car, his friends.....there’s no way that he doesn’t just know that Selin has been a snake.
Yes, please!  I’m sure we will get Eda and Aydan moments, it looks from the first trailer that they will lean on each other while he’s missing. Which they should, they’ll be the two that will hold out hope and give one another comfort. 
I am LOVING that Eda is driving his car and taking care of his dog. As she should, they were hours away from being married! And yes, you’re correct, he’s going to find Eda so deeply embedded in everything he remembers (except Selin) that it’s going to drive him crazy. Who is this woman and how did she ensorcell him so thoroughly? Can’t wait for him to find out. 
You know what I’m most looking forward to in regards to Aydan? Serkan’s shock that his mother has conquered her agoraphobia. Can’t wait for him to find out that Eda was instrumental in helping her do that. 
She is going to hit him like an emotional freight train. A second time. 
Anonymous said: i know most of the fandom has already accepted it as fact bc they can't wait for the actual ep to make conclusions, but i'm less inclined to believe he's been in that cabin w/ selin for 2 months.. idk HOW he gets there, or how selin ends up there.. but for some reason i think they find him first, and he takes off by himself for a bit as he's overwhelmed with the whole situation.. and then selin enters. idk, we'll have to see it, but i think, like all trailers, it's confusing on purpose.
This theory is definitely possible. That he’s found and freaks out and goes to the cabin. Perhaps the last he remembers he was still with Selin so he reaches out to her for answer about what’s going on.  That would make sense why he accepts her comfort, and she gives it, but can’t help herself from trying to do everything in her power to make him distrust Eda. Even if she doesn’t have hope of reconciliation, just to cause chaos because she doesn’t want them to find happiness together. She’s said it more than once, she didn’t want him happy, while she was not. 
Anonymous said: I am not emotionally prepared to watch the look on Eda’s face when Serkan walks in holding hands with Selin after being missing for the last two months....😭😭😭. Also even if Serkan & Selin are purely platonic watching their scenes together are going to be brutal. I am prepared to cry ( both tears of joy & sadness) & be very mad at various points in this episode. It will be an rollercoaster of emotions for sure.
Yep, pretty much all of this!  I don’t think I’m going to enjoy watching this episode at all. However, my hope is that I will really enjoy watching the storyline that it sets up where we get to watch Serkan fall in love with Eda all over again.  Think of all the delicious, UST-y, sexy, funny, fiery, passionate scenes that are in store for us! 
Off the top of my head, things I want:
Serkan opening Madonna in a Fur Coat and finding their photo
Serkan’s deep-seated memory kicking in and mindlessly tearing the crusts off bread for her without realizing it or knowing why
Finding out his computer password and what it means
Seeing photos of them from their matchmaking party. Looking so in love and surrounded by friends and family and everyone looks so happy
One of the friends, Engin or Piril snapping and telling him the big change Eda brought about in him was just that he was happy
Serkan seeing media clippings of them and their relationship
Eda handcuffing him so they have to spend time together while trying to jog his memory
After being suspicious and trying to keep her at arms length, Serkan finally breaking down and asking her questions about their relationship
Serkan being mistrustful of her, but still unable to say no to her
Anonymous said: So I get that SCK is going through a reset and now we will get to watch Eda & Serkan fall in love again but seriously they brought Selin back like that...WTF? Now she is even worse than Balca. Plus the entire world thinks Serkan is dead but somehow Selin found him and never bothered to tell anyone else...that should send up some red flags for sure. Regardless of the explanation, this situation is going to crush Eda. And it seems like a lot to go through to have him immediately get his memories back so we could be stuck with this storyline for a while.
Yes, poor Eda is going to be crushed no matter what.  However, I know that people have been theorizing that the memory loss would be short, but I never thought it would be.  What’s the point of this reset unless they’re going to follow through with it and milk it for as many episode as possible. They’re trying to find ways to keep this show going and this is their big swing. 
The entire point is to recreate the magic of Eda and Serkan falling in love, and, honestly, I'm not sure why anyone would want that to be over in 2 episodes. I don’t see it as being stuck with the amnesia story, I’m excited for all the parallels, watching Serkan get struck by lightning a second time when he first sees her.  Watching him be suspicious of her, of her motives of her abilities, but then finding out all the same things that he found out the first time, that she’s fierce, kind-hearted, loyal and talented. And just a bright shining light for him. 
My heart melts just thinking about it.  We just have to get rid of that opportunistic, malevolent, bitter hag. 
Anonymous said: one complaint that i've seen in regards to sck is that characters aren't sent off properly.. but outside of maybe fifi (which we don't know how they'll explain her leaving) am i the only one that doesn't... really care? everyone that's left has been unsubstantial or in a villain role, and personally whatever way they leave i'm fine with lol.. i know when selin left ppl were mad bc they wanted a redemption story arc for her.. but not every character NEEDS that by default, if that makes sense.
For context, this ask was sent before the fragman.  I agree with you, no side character needs redemption by default. I’ve said it many times, but on this specific show, really only two characters matter: Eda and Serkan. This is their story. Their love story. Everyone else is supporting in the truest sense of the word. They all exist to prop up the A story. So for most of them their journey doesn’t matter unless it directly affects Eda or Serkan. (Aydan’s growth and redemption has directly impacted Eda and Serkan and that’s why time has been spent on it). Selin is a tool. She’s behaved erratically at time because she only exists for the writers to use her to antagonize the protagonists. Her story in and of itself does not matter. 
I laughed hysterically when some on twitter were thinking Serkan might really be dead and Kerem was leaving the show. 
Seriously? You think they would try to keep this show going without Edser? That anyone would pay money for it, without them?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If one of them were to leave, the show would be over. Dead. Cancelled. There is NO reason for this show to keep going other than for more Edser. Everything else is an after thought, filler, or characters that prop up Eda and Serkan either literally or symbolically or thematically. Nothing else stands on it’s own.
They devised this storyline in order to go back to the magic of these two people falling in love. Full stop. That’s why we’re seeing this reset.  Because no other characters or their storylines are compelling enough to carry the show.  I applaud the writers for creating a situation where we could watch Serkan fall in love with Eda one more time. (just get rid of Selin, please, so I can enjoy it... and do it quickly.)
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desiraypark · 4 years
An Old Friend
Characters: Adam Sackler x Original Character (Black Female/Femme)  OC: Katrina “Trina” Santos - described as petite (particularly short, not necessarily thin) and having been quiet and introverted when they were young. Storytelling purpose: Adam thinks he’s about to turn her out and toss her around like a dodgeball. Content: Chile. Take a wild guess. Licky-licky; pokey-pokey; sucky-sucky. Additional CW: Dirty talk; a tad bit of name-calling; Adam shoves that spray can down OC’s throat and OC guzzles that Reddi Whip.  Author’s Note: I still haven’t actually watched a full episode of Girls lol. YouTube clips and Girls Wiki have been my friends. Word Count: 2,829
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Adam stood outside of the bar, took a deep breath, and walked in. He maneuvered through a small group that was just standing in the middle of the floor for some fucking reason, and sat down. The bartender was way on the other end.  “I’ll be with you in a minute,” he said. Adam nodded his acknowledgement, and used the time to think about what he wanted. “Adam?” a little voice called to him. He looked in the direction it came from--two seats to his left. A vaguely familiar girl with curly hair and gold hoop earrings that complemented her gold eyeglasses smiled at him. “Trina...Santos...” Adam blinked and shook his head a little, trying to adjust his vision. The last time he saw Katrina Santos...well, it was in a cap and gown. But before then, she always wore hoodies, jeans, Jordans and round, black eyeglasses. She rarely wore makeup or even jewelry. And she definitely didn’t talk much. 
Now, she was sitting at the bar with her hair out, gold jewelry placed wherever jewelry could go--wearing red lipstick, that contour or highlight shit that girls wore now, and had a set of jugs partially on display.  “No fucking way,” he said. “Trina?!”  He slid over to the empty seat beside her and gave her a hug. “How are you?” “I’m doing fine,” she replied. She looked down at her half-empty pint glass. “Well, kinda.”  She got a good look at his face. He still looked the same, yet so different at the same time. His hair was longer and his body bulkier. 
“You still live in Brooklyn?” he asked. “No. Harlem now.” Her head tilted a little. She suddenly remembered that Adam had a drinking problem in high school. She cleared her throat, not daring to question him.
“I’ve seen you on TV a few times. I’ve heard about you being on the stage. I’m glad you stuck with theatre. You were so good in school.” “What’ll you have?” the bartender asked. Adam’s head shot up in his direction and he gave the decision deep thought. He felt Trina’s eyes on him, too.  “Club soda with lime.” The bartender nodded and fixed up his drink. “So, what are you doing now? Are you still a shy poet?”  Trina scoffed and chuckled. “Still shy. A poet sometimes.” The bartender handed Adam his drink.  “I work as a reading specialist now. At an elementary school,” Trina added. “That doesn’t surprise me,” Adam said. He took a sip of his drink. Trina felt butterflies in her stomach. She didn’t expect Adam to remember things about her.  “So, what brought you here?” he asked. Trina looked down at her watch. “I’m supposed to be on a date. But I guess I missed the new rule where only one person actually shows up at the meetup spot.” “Wow. Did you call him?”  “Of course. Called, text. No response.”  “Damn. What a dick,” Adam said. 
Trina finished off her drink, then held up her hand. “It is what it is. C’est la vie; que sera, sera. All that stuff.” Adam twirled the straw in his club soda. 
��So, what’s been going on with you?” she asked. Adam looked back at her. “Oh, working. I’m rehearsing for a play right now. Off-Broadway...” “That’s great,” Trina said warmly. “But what I meant was...what’s got you ready to fall off the wagon?” Suddenly, there was silence between them. Beyond them was the chatter of strangers, the sound of liquid being sucked through straws, and easy listening music. Adam looked down at the bubbles in his drink. “My girlfriend broke up with me.” Trina rubbed Adam’s arm. “I’m sorry to hear that...” “I’m fine. It was understandable. Might even say it was karma.” “Oh?” “Yeah...” 
He looked up at Trina’s empathetic face. “But let’s talk about something else. What time was your date supposed to be here?”  She looked down at her watch again. “An hour ago. But I’ll be honest, I was more so hoping to get laid than to make a connection. So, no broken heart tonight. Just a dry puss.” Adam chuckled and shifted in his seat.  “I’m sorry, that was so vulgar,” Trina said, laughing to herself.  “No, I get it.” Lust filled Adam’s eyes. Trina caught them, and cleared her throat. “It just sucks that I got all dressed up for nothing,” she said. Adam used her statement as an excuse to give her another once over. She hadn’t gotten any taller since high school. The only difference between then and now, was that then, she was short and relatively thin. Now, she was short and had a little...umph. “Wanna grab something to eat? Keep the night from being a total waste?” he asked.  Trina gave her watch another glance. “Sure. Why not?” Adam paid for both of their drinks, and they walked toward the door. He held the door open and Trina turned around just in time to catch him looking at her ass. He met her eyes with haste.  “You remember Vinny’s?” he asked. Trina smirked. “Of course.” She started walking and Adam’s long legs quickly pulled him to her left side, protecting her from the street they were actually yards away from. Their shoes hitting the pavement were the only sounds they heard. Finally, Trina looked up at Adam. “Do you live nearby?” she asked. “Yeah...two blocks away...” Trina nodded. Adam could sense the tension that suddenly fell over her. He put his hands in his pockets and looked down at his feet, then noticed her little feet. Red-painted toes in gold, high-heeled sandals. He looked back up at their path, and suddenly, she stopped walking. Adam stopped, too. “Do you wanna fuck?” she asked.  Adam smirked, took her hand, and led her in the opposite direction. Trina giggled as he led her through people, around a corner, and down a couple of blocks until they reached his building. Still not letting go of her hand, he unlocked his door, pulled her inside, and held her face in his hands. Then, he devoured her mouth. “It’s dark in here,” she whispered. Next thing she knew, she was being pulled into a bedroom. Adam flicked on the light and started kissing her again.  “I say some crazy shit in bed sometimes,” he said, pulling just centimeters away from her mouth. “I do some crazy shit. Sometimes.” “You do?” he asked. He nudged her against his door, making it slam shut, then reached under her dress to pull her panties down. “I do.” Adam beamed like a kid in a candy store, and as the panties went down, he went down with them--falling to his knees. When Trina stepped out of her panties, he wasted no time covering her clit with his lips.  “Oh!” she cried, grabbing his door knob. Adam tapped on her calf and she widened the distance between her legs. She watched his head movements as she felt the tip of his tongue exploring her clit. He looked up at her--the light from his ceiling managing to hit his face just enough to reveal his dilated pupils and the many moles and freckles on his face. She ran her fingers through his hair. “You look so good with your face in my pussy,” she said.  Adam’s dick twitched and he pulled his mouth away to say, “Fuck.” Using his thumbs, he spread her lips open to get complete access to her pussy--already glistening. Then, he dove back in--flicking her clit with his the point of his tongue. He sucked and licked it, and spread her juices on his mustache. Her moans resonated throughout the room, and suddenly, he pulled away again and shoved two of his fingers inside of her. “Fuck!” she shouted. Her knees wobbled from the shock and force of the sensation, but Adam pushed his free hand against her belly--nearly adhering her to the door. “I’m gonna make you come all over my fingers, and then I’m gonna stretch this little cunt open with my cock,” he said, massaging her velvety walls with his big fingers.  “Please, Adam. I fuckin’ need it so bad...” “I don’t know whose been in this pussy since I last saw you, but I’m gonna make you forget they fucking existed...” Trina squeezed the doorknob and scratched at the wood of his door, unable to escape his hold.  He pulled his fingers out, sucked them, then jammed them back in, making Trina squeal and back her ass into the door--desperate for some relief. He splayed his fingers across her abdomen, holding her down even more, and pressed the fingers in her pussy in deeper--as deep as they could go. 
Then, he curled them upward--rubbing the roof of her pussy with moderate “come hither” strokes and not taking his eyes off her face for a second. Trina grabbed his hair and pressed her fingers into his scalp.  Soon, her eyes started to roll back, and Adam grinned. Her grip on his scalp tightened and her mouth dropped, but no sound came out. Adam felt her pussy tighten around his fingers, and suddenly, liquid gushed out of her and all over his hand.  “Fuck yeah,” he said, gritting his teeth. He kept pumping into her. “Give me some more. Give me some fucking more...” 
He stuck a third finger inside and rubbed against her spot again. “Ahhhh!” Trina cried out, flailing about and squirting all over the place. 
“Fuck, Adam, fuck! Stop, stop!” Adam pulled his fingers out and sat back on his knees, watching Trina grip his doorknob and gasp for air. He watched like it was a movie. When she seemed to be calming down, he stood up, kicked off his shoes and undid his pants. Trina looked up at him and pressed her back against the door. She tugged at the skirt of her dress and pulled it over her head, revealing a lacy bra that matched the panties on the floor. Then, she dipped her hand between her thighs, collected some of her cum, and stuck four wet fingers into her mouth.  “Fuck,” Adam grumbled. He took wide steps to his nightstand, opened the drawer, and pulled out a condom. Then, he sat on the side of his bed and pulled his pants and boxers down, revealing a hard, veiny, and mouth-watering dick. Trina joined him on the bed, lifted her leg, and reached for the fastener on her shoe. “Keep them on,” he demanded. 
He kicked his pants and boxers away, and Trina put her foot back down. She lied back on the bed and teased her nipples. While getting glances back at her, Adam opened the condom wrapper, tossed it onto the nightstand, and slid the latex sheath over his length. Then, he got on top of her, pushed her legs open, knelt between them, and lined himself up at her entrance. “Give me that dick, Adam,” she mumbled, gyrating her hips under him. Adam pressed about an inch of himself inside, getting a good feel of her wetness. Then, with one swift motion, he buried all of himself inside, causing her to strain out a moan and grip the sheets.  “What a fucking slut you turned out to be,” he said. “So hungry for some dick in you.” He pushed her legs back and got a good look at the limbs--the calves; the band over her ankles; the gold stiletto sandals in the air, then he drilled deep inside of her--moaning just as she was in reaction to her slick walls. “You like my pussy, Adam?” she asked. His dick twitched inside of her. “Yeah, I fuckin’ like it...” “Does it feel good?” “Fuck yeah, it feels good. You like my cock in you?” “Yes, baby. It feels so good in me,” Trina moaned. “And you’re taking it so well, too. Look at you...” he mumbled.
Trina grabbed her breasts and began massaging them. “Move your hands,” he said. “I wanna see those pretty tits bouncing.” “I wanna play with them,” she said, refusing to remove her hands.  Adam yanked his dick out and smacked the side of her thigh. “Get on your hands and knees.” Trina pouted and flipped over, resting on her hands and knees as told. Adam pushed her further down on the bed and smacked her ass cheek. He realigned at her entrance and pushed deep into her. Then, he wrapped his arm around her belly and pulled her up, making the back of her body flush with his front. He fucked up into her slow and deep. “When I tell you to do something, you’d better fucking do it,” he whispered in her ear. He gave the lobe a little bite and snapped into her one hard time. “Understood?” Trina didn’t answer. Suddenly, she felt a hand moving up her neck and grabbing her jaw. He gave it a squeeze. “Understood?”  “Yes,” Trina answered breathlessly. Adam pushed her back down on the bed, grabbed her wrists with one hand and held them back as he picked up his pace--thrusting into her and seemingly finding a new spot to probe and explore with each stroke. The mental stimulation that came with having her hands behind her back, and the physical stimulation of her walls being stroked--it all made her clench down on his dick without thought. Her pussy didn’t want to let Adam’s dick go. “Are you trying to make me come?” Adam asked, with a hint of “I dare you to say yes” in his voice. Trina turned her head to the side. “Are you about to come?” she asked playfully. “No,” Adam answered sternly. He began to fuck her harder. 
“Hey, you shut the fuck up, you little tease,” he added, a delayed reaction to her slyness.  Trina giggled and squeezed on his dick again. “Just come, Adam. Just come. You know you want to.” Adam was quiet as he pounded into her a few more times. “Fuck it!” he said to himself. He pulled his dick out and yanked off the condom. Trina sat on her butt and watched him tug on his dick. Then, she moved his hand away, wrapped her lips around the head, and sucked him off. She stroked his length and covered it with puddles and strings of saliva, giving him no choice but to grab her head and push it down, making her gag. “That’s right. Choke on that shit.” She looked up at him with watery eyes. Her lipstick had smeared onto the side of her mouth. “You look beautiful like this. Wish I had a fucking camera so I could take a picture of you.” He pulled her head back, then pushed it back down. 
Garrrrrm! her stuffed mouth said. “No, I wish I had a fucking Polaroid camera. I’d take a picture of you like this and jerk off to it whenever my cock gets fucking hard. Shoot my cum on the fucking picture.” He released his grip on her head, and let her keep working on her own. 
Trina slathered his dick up with her hot saliva and massaged his balls. Then, she began to stroke him as she sucked, slurping and tugging as he moaned and groaned over her.  “I’m about to come right down your fucking throat. You ready for it?” “Mm-hmm,” Trina moaned. She sucked and stroked him harder and faster, until suddenly, she felt his load squirt into her mouth, and she swallowed it down. Adam moaned and whimpered, and fucked into her mouth with shallow strokes, riding out his orgasm. As he came down from his high, he quickly realized that Trina was still sucking him.  “Shit, stop Trina,” he mumbled.  Trina looked up at him with dilated pupils and a mouth still stuffed with dick. She hollowed her cheeks out and sucked him at a rapid pace--putting her neck to work. “Trina, fuck!” he said. 
His knees began to shake, but Trina kept sucking. She rested her hands on his thighs and slurpslurpgarmgarm’d the sensitive meat. She laughed to herself as Adam’s moans went from baritone to alto. As he reached out and grabbed his mattress to soften his imminent fall, Trina maneuvered in whatever necessary direction to keep his dick in her mouth. When he finally made his way down, she hovered over his crotch with her ass in the air, and sucked and sucked and sucked--even as he did the hokey-pokey with his legs and growled like a tiger. 
Finally, she gave the poor guy some relief, pulled her mouth away, gave his dick a slap. Then, she tossed a leg over him and hovered over his red face. His eyes were glistening and wide.
“Should have just let me play with my nipples, Adam.” He laughed between the breaths he was trying catch. Then his eyes fell down to her breasts. He gripped and kneaded them a little, then lifted his head to draw one of her nipples into his mouth.
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myforeverforlife · 4 years
all I want is you, my love.
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For @blanknearvana​ Idol Baekhyun (They’ve gone public with their relationship, supporting him during a comeback pre-recording and being insecure because he's a star and she's a nursing student trying to graduate) and 89. "And when did you plan on telling me this?" + 141. "Use your words." (I hope you like it! I think I strayed from the request a bit but I’m hoping everything makes sense LOL) 
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Word Count: 2,837
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You were stressed out, to say the least. For the last three years, you had been tackling a heavy courseload in order to earn your bachelor's in nursing, along with hectic internship hours. Just recently, you had also begun studying for the Korean Nurses' Licensing Exam. The work kept piling up, and some days were more draining than others.
In the roughest of times, your boyfriend was there to help. Of course, it was still difficult, seeing as he was one of the biggest idols in South Korea — correction, in the world. But as faithful as Baekhyun was to his fans, he was even more devoted to you. Baekhyun did everything in his power to be just as present in the relationship as you were, making it home to your shared apartment every night — unless he was out of the country, of course. Both of you took solace in the shared comfort of your relationship for the past couple of years, finding escape from the stresses of work in each other. 
The two of you had been extremely careful in keeping your relationship hidden from the public. Although Baekhyun had everlasting faith in the support and love from his fans, you had heard of enough horror stories when it came to celebrities dating. Plus, the fear of anti-fans figuring out who you were, where you worked and went to school... it was overwhelming. There had already been a few close calls in the past month, a few stalkers getting much too close for comfort. Baekhyun understood how you felt, but he also believed it was better to be the ones to share the news. He had seen how much worse fans reacted when the news outlets were the ones to spread news, rather than the idols themselves. 
A mess of conflicting thoughts swirled around in Baekhyun's head, both of you curled up on the couch as a movie played on TV. "Babe?" he asked hesitantly. He continued on when he heard you hum in response. "I want to go public about us." Baekhyun sat up when he felt you freeze, both of you breaking apart. "Why now?" you asked. "You really want to do this before your album's released?" Sighing, you covered your face with your hands. "Baek, I don't know about this." 
"Hey," Baekhyun gently pried your hands away, his fingers twining with yours. "Look at me, please." He mustered up a reassuring smile when you met his eye, worry written all over both of your faces. "I was talking to my manager, and we were thinking that it would be better to do it before the pre-orders open, instead of after the album release. If we announce it after, people might accuse me of trying to hide a "scandal" to save album sales. At least if we announce it before the album comes out, we'll know who the true Eris are, the ones that care enough to stick around and support us." 
You hated to admit it, but his argument made sense. But something else was bothering you... "Baekhyun, when did you plan on telling me this? You talked about this with your manager before me?"
Baekhyun's face fell, guilt washing over his features. "I didn't want to worry you until I had a plan for sure. I just went to ask him and others at the company for advice, it was literally only a couple of days ago." 
"A couple of days? God, Baek, I wish you had come to me first." You could feel the tears starting to well up, feeling betrayed and angry that Baekhyun hadn't confided in you first.
"Baby," Baekhyun pleaded. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt you, I... I wasn't trying to do things behind your back." 
"We're dating, Baekhyun. We're supposed to talk about this together." You ripped your hands out of his, getting up and heading for the bathroom. "It's like I don't even get a choice." 
Baekhyun got up, following after you. "That's not true. This is still our decision to make, together." 
You rolled your eyes, flipping on the bathroom lights as you reached out to grab some tissues. "Really? What's your company going to say if I don't want to go public now?" You turned around, eyes red-rimmed when Baekhyun didn't respond. "They're not going to take no for an answer, are they?" 
"I... I'll talk to them, if that's what you really want. I will," he added firmly when you stared at him skeptically. "At the end of the day, I care about what you think the most, not my fans, not the company." Baekhyun was desperate, heart breaking as you stood there, teary-eyed and furious with him. How long had it been since the two of you had fought? 
You sniffled through your tears, wiping at your face with the clump of tissues in your hand. "I don't know, Baek, honestly. Huffing in frustration, you tossed your used tissues onto the bathroom counter. "I knew this would happen eventually, but... I guess I just hoped that we'd have more time."
Baekhyun came closer, wanting to hug you but also unsure of whether you'd be okay with it. You settled the matter for him, bridging the gap as soon as he took a step forward. Baekhyun sighed in relief when you wrapped your arms around him, his own instantly coming up to wind tightly around your waist. 
"I'm scared, Baek — for both of us. People can be horrible when it comes to this stuff. Your fans love you so much, I don't want this to affect your career." 
Baekhyun pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "We haven't done anything wrong. And if people have a problem with it, then they were never true fans in the first place. I just want to get this out in the open so that we don't have to hide all the time. I want to go on romantic dates with you in public, to hold your hand without worrying about who'll see." 
"I want that too," you mumbled, the side of your face resting against Baekhyun's chest. The two of you stood in silence, unsure of where to go from here. 
"You don't have to give me an answer right away," Baekhyun finally spoke up. "I'll stall with the company, if I have to." His thumbs traced patterns into your sides, calming you down with each brush of his fingers.
Straightening up, you shook your head. "No, you're right, it's safer to announce it sooner rather than later. But aren't you worried about it affecting sales and charting?" 
Baekhyun shrugged, trying to hide his uneasiness. "If it happens, it happens." His expression softened as he grew serious. "You matter more to me than all of that." 
"But your career — " 
"Means nothing if I have to worry about hiding all the time." His lips turned downwards in a slight frown. "But are you sure you're okay with this? I don't want you to agree because you think you have to." 
You reached up to move his bangs away, staring into those deep brown eyes. "The more I think about it, the more I realize that there never will be a ‘right’ way to announce that we're dating. People will find out eventually, we've always known this. But I'd rather we do it on our own terms, and if it means announcing it sooner than expected, then I support your decision." 
Baekhyun dove in to kiss you, the sweetest you had ever tasted. It was an apology, pouring all of his emotions into one simple kiss.  
But above all, it was a promise — a promise that no matter what, everything would be alright.
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Later that week, Baekhyun posted the announcement on the official fan app, a decision that had both of you wracked with nerves. As expected, there was a group of so-called fans who took no caution in typing up paragraphs of malicious statements online. But there were also fans who typed up sincere notes of congratulations. Even his Twitter mentions were overwhelmingly positive, something that you were extremely glad for.
What neither of you had been expecting were the unbelievable amount of album sales, along with charting at the top of multiple online streaming services. Baekhyun had stared open-mouthed at his phone, refreshing the page as if it were a trick. You could hardly believe it yourself. Baekhyun, your Baekhyun, had managed to break his own record as South Korea's best-selling solo artist.
All with the support of genuine fans who had stuck by him. 
"Congratulations, love." You kissed his cheek with a giggle, pushing his mouth closed as he continued to stare at his phone. 
"This can't be real," he gaped, even as message after message flooded his screen: congratulations from fans, friends, family, co-workers. 
"You deserve this, Baek. I'm so proud of you." 
Baekhyun glanced up from his phone, gaze full of admiration. "Thank you, baby," he said sweetly, leaning down to rest his head against your shoulder. The following days were filled with schedules: radio show appearances, filming for TV shows that Baekhyun couldn't talk about yet, live broadcasts. It was difficult to watch the occasional hateful comment pop up online here and there, but you reminded yourself that the majority of reactions were supportive. 
When Baekhyun had his first comeback performance, you had been so nervous — even more than Baekhyun! You couldn't make it to the live show, too busy with internship hours, but you had texted your boyfriend every so often. Besides, you got to watch the clips with him at home, praising his work as he blushed beside you. 
A few days later, you finally got to go support him in person. You'd be stuck in class for pre-recording, but you would be able to make it for the last bit of the actual show. 
You had secretly been texting Baekhyun's manager, figuring out when and how would be the best way for you to enter the broadcasting studio unnoticed. Fans still screamed for Baekhyun every time they saw him going from one schedule to another, but you were afraid of the reaction you'd get if they realized who you were. Your one saving grace was that they didn't even know what you looked like. 
Since Baekhyun's manager was too recognizable, another staff member came outside when you parked in the lot, ready to escort you in. A hat pulled down low obscured most of your face, a mask covering the bottom half. 
You held your breath as you followed the staff member past the throngs of fans, not making eye-contact with any of them. Although you could hear some of them talking amongst each other, they all seemed to be watching the music broadcast on their phones. If anyone noticed you, they didn’t say anything.
Once you were inside and out of sight, you pulled your mask down. God, your heart felt like it was about to leap up and out of your throat with the way it was beating. 
The staff member led you through the hallways, passing by other artists' waiting rooms. You read each sign, starstruck by the amount of celebrities all in one area. People moved about, loud voices and raucous laughter drifting out from open doors. You could even hear the live broadcast being played from TVs as you passed by. 
All of a sudden, the staff member was stopping before one room, the door slightly open. 
"Thank you," you told them, the staff member looking you over curiously before nodding and walking away. 
You peered in, a grin pulling at your lips when you recognized a few voices. Inside, you spotted Baekhyun’s manager and what seemed like hair and makeup staff. But you also saw a few of the other EXO members: Sehun's lean form seated in a chair, Chanyeol and Jongin seated side-by-side on a couch, and wait — was that Jongdae? 
Knocking on the door, you pushed it open slowly. "Hi," you greeted. 
Sehun was the first to glance over, face brightening when he realized who it was. "Y/N! How'd you get in?" The room was a mess of overlapping voices, the members talking over one another. You were over the moon to realize the fourth member was Jongdae, thankfully looking healthy and happy. But one person was missing.
"Where's Baekhyun?" you asked.
"Ah, he's doing his interview," Jongdae replied. "His performance should be coming up soon." 
You turned to look at the TV screen where sure enough, Baekhyun was being interviewed by the show hosts. You smiled unconsciously, appreciatively taking in his combed-back hair, the way that his white hoodie and red jacket combo only made him look even younger. 
"Come sit down," Jongdae said, patting the open spot beside him. You gladly say down, both of you quickly catching each other up on anything new. Jongdae even showed you pictures of his newborn daughter, both of you fawning over the petite baby. 
"She's adorable, Dae." 
Jongdae smiled a kittenish grin, about to speak when Chanyeol let out a loud yell. The taller man had been playing a mobile game, and he slumped back against the couch as his phone dropped to his side.
"Use your words, Chanyeol," Jongin said with a chuckle.
"I can't beat the level on this game! I give up, my thumbs are about to fall off." He sat up, taking his hat off and putting it on backwards. 
The door to the waiting room opened, a blur of red entering before you realized who it was. You and Baekhyun noticed each other at the same time, his droopy eyes growing bigger before he rushed over to you. 
Baekhyun swept you up into a hug before remembering where you were, a pink flush spreading over his face. "Babe, how'd you get here? How long have you been here?"
"I came as soon as classes ended, I've been texting your manager all day." You ran a thumb over his eyes, tracing the shadows that were barely noticeable there. "Baek, you look tired." 
"I've been up since dawn," he whined. "But I missed doing performances." He nodded towards the monitor with a grin. "You came just in time. They're going to play my performance after this once, but I have to head to the main stage for the voting results." 
Baekhyun's gaze flickered over to a table close by, a knowing smile growing on his face. "I was going to vlog today, for Kyoongtube. The rest of the members are going to show up on stage if I win this week, do you want to come up too?" He seemed to sense your hesitation, hands closing over yours. "You don't have to if you don't want to." 
"I'm just worried about people seeing my face," you admitted. "Is it okay if I wait here until you get back?" 
"Of course," Baekhyun replied quickly. "I'll be back as soon as I can, and then we can go get something to eat. Do you have anything due tomorrow?"
"Nothing that I can't get done tonight." 
Baekhyun grinned proudly. "Such a smartie." He looked back up at the TV screen as his performance began to play. "That's my cue." 
"Go, I'll be here." Both of you were self-conscious about PDA in this room full of members and staff, but Baekhyun still brought his lips to yours in a quick kiss. He laughed when he moved back, enjoying the shocked expression on your face. 
"I love you," he mouthed, only for the two of you to hear. 
"I love you too," you whispered back, face growing warmer by the second. Baekhyun squeezed your hands before letting go, already looking much more awake than when he had come in. Your presence had done more for him than any amount of Americanos could have, instantly waking him up with only a smile from you. 
As you watched him leave, you were struck by the reality of it all. Here you were, supporting your boyfriend instead of quietly at home like you had been for the past few years. It hd taken time, and a huge leap of faith, but you hadn't done it alone. 
Your focus had always been on the future, on predicting anything that could go wrong and taking the necessary steps to avoid them. But with Baekhyun, you were learning that sometimes, there wasn't a perfect way to avoid trouble. Sometimes, the answers weren't so clear cut, and you would have to take risks before you knew if they were worth it in the end. It was easy to give into fears of what lay ahead, to be overwhelmed by the unknown. 
But you weren't alone. Baekhyun was your number one supporter, and you knew that you could rely on him no matter what happened. The two of you had already gone through so much, been there for each other countless times. 
With Baekhyun, you would never be lost.
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A/N: these requests keep getting longer, and I just need to stop LOL. I started off with the entire fic just being them at the broadcasting station for the comeback performance, but I didn’t feel like I could get that whole going public/being stressed by school and baekhyun’s star status without the whole background scene. Also! I know nothing about nursing, and I was honestly trying to figure out how much specific detail to put in without getting things wrong haha (my google searches were literally “how to become a nurse”, “nursing in korea”, “what is it like in a nursing program”) so if any of the very brief mentions of nursing school are inaccurate I am very sorry 😂😂😂  
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pansexualseaanimals · 3 years
Chapter 9 Sneak Peeks ‘Cause You Deserve It
Hey guess what? I’m still alive! I haven’t been writing for a while because these past few chapters have kind of been making me face things about my own life that I hadn’t given due time to address and manage (especially Pyxis and Rory’s thoughts on how parents can “love you but not want you”, and stuff said by multiple people in chapter 9, the one I’m still writing) so I kinda just dealt with those thoughts and came to conclusions and stuff in my own mind while I endlessly binged anime and video games. Not that I don’t normally do that, mind you, but I did it a lot more and not much else.
Luckily, I live in a wonderful gorgeous apartment in my favorite town I’ve ever lived in (the only town I’ve ever called home, in fact! At least, in this world!) and it’s super comfortable and I live with my best friend who is way too good of a roommate if I must be frank - I’d rather be Columbia, honestly - and life has been relatively super good, so like. Don’t worry! I’m so happy in my life the way it is! I’m back home in the Midwest, surrounded by beauty and friends who’ve helped me out more than I could ever ask (but I did, let’s not lie lol) and... I still have depression and I’m working on that and planning on getting a doctor soon, but... I’m starting new good habits, getting into things I’ve been wanting to try, and yeah... I’m rambling at this point so I’ll make the rest quick.
I wanted to give sneak peeks because it’s been SO LONG and I don’t know how many people really actually read this thing? Like, “I’m excited that there’s a new chapter” kind of peeps? But no matter how few there are, you guys all deserve something nice, and this was all I could think of. Instead of just posting one scene, I’ll post a few clips from a bunch of scenes. Everything is subject to change as I keep writing, so it might not match the finished product, but... That just means you guys are extra-special! Heehee! ^__^ 
Excerpts are below the read-more cut. Hope it’s enjoyable! 
"Oh, I've got twenty-five coins for the sea show clanking in the backseat, whoa-oh. I've got thirty-two seashells lined up in a row..." Caurel happily sang as she covered the turquoise side in pink, pausing and hiding in a corner when she noticed Zebra rising out of the spawn pool. The younger Inkling, hesitant, flung her brush wildly to cover the pink ink and swam forward, repeating the process every few feet. When she dropped down to the valley, she triggered another Ink Mine, this time getting away just quickly enough.
  "Not falling for that again," they sighed... right before Caurel popped out of her corner and slashed her brush at her, sending her floating right back to the spawn point. Unable to keep from giggling, Caurel re-inked the entrance ramp and climbed up to the higher level, brushing quickly down the alley as Zebra respawned again.
  "And I'll swim, swim, swim, to my darling Martha... And let her lay me down in the bay where the warm winds blow~"
  "Are we singing the same song?" Penny shouted from the audience, loud enough to be heard over the stage music.
"'Martha's Bay' by the Seagulls?" Caurel shouted back for confirmation.
"I knew it! Ahhh, I love you!"
"I love you, too, Butterfly!"
"Boooo!" Rocky shouted as he took out Thresher. "Get a room!"
  "But their love for each other is like our love," Ankyr said with a wink.
"You really are a sea turtle."
  "Hey, only Pyxis can call me-" SPLASH! Ankyr fell prey to Bonnet's Heavy Splatling.
"FOR ANKYR!" Rocky jumped up and flung his roller down before rolling toward Bonnet - and getting caught in a freshly thrown Splash Wall.
  "I love it when he does that," Tiger squeaked.
"What took you so long? Why did you trade Ankyr for these randos?"
"Rocky," Caurel sighed. "They're the friends we were supposed to meet today, remember?"
"Guys, this is Rocky, our squad's leader," Pyxis laughed.
  "Nice to meet you," Carina said, stepping forward to shake Rocky's hand. "Don't worry, my 'boyfriend' will be back soon."
  "'BOYFRIEND'?" The entire crowd turned their attention to the charismatic newcomer.
  "It's just an inside joke," Pyxis hastily assured them. "You'd just have to be there."
"Yeah, he kind of saved me a lot of hassle," Carina shrugged.
  "My Sunshine has inside jokes with people I don't know," Moises thought out loud. "Not sure how I feel about this..."
"Well, you know us now," Hans piped up. "She's Carina, I'm Hans, this here is Shera, and the rude guy is Cygnus."
"I haven't said anything rude yet!"
"We all know you will," Shera said as she scooched over to Abbey. "So, what's your name?"
"I'm aromantic," Abbey said between sips of coffee. Their friends howled with laughter in the background.
"Aw, that's too bad... Are you... asexual, too?"
"They're not sex-repulsed, if that's what you mean," Pyxis jumped in. "That's not what asexual means, though."
"Sweet little Pyxis," Cygnus chuckled, patting his friend on the head. "Always here to educate her friends."
"...You mean their friends," Rocky corrected.
  "What? No. You too? Are all Squids okay with the whole fluid-gender thing?"
"You didn't even last five minutes," Hans sighed, covering his face with his palm.
  "Look, she was born with lady-parts, am I wrong or am I right?"
"Here's what I know," Rocky began slowly, stepping closer to the Octoling and staring him in the eye. "This particular group of friends respects what people choose to call themselves. When you're with us, you refer to Pyxis as they/them. If you can't handle that, you can swim back home."
"ROCKY!" Caurel grabbed her brother's arm and yanked him down to sit beside her. "They're our guests!"
"And Pyxis is family," he bit back. "Which is more important to you?"
"Wow, they really worship you around here," Cygnus laughed, turning to leave. "Do they even really know you? Your history? What have you been telling them?"
"Cygnus, get back here and act your age," Carina commanded.
"No thanks, Your Majesty."
  The crowd was hushed for some time, the noises of the audience around them and the battle down below, permeating their silent space.
  "Sorry about that," Carina finally spoke up. "I told him to behave himself. But he's... how do you say... stuck in his ways."
"He's only twenty-two," Shera rolled her eyes. "He's just a stubborn pufferfish."
"You okay, honey?" Hans asked Pyxis, who was too busy processing their own thoughts to realize they should answer.
"...I'm family?"
And now, here’s Shera going goo-goo over more Inklings
“Vanilla? Is that a brand, or...?"
"Oh no, I just mean, the original one."
"So... Vanilla means original?"
"The basic form of something, yes. Regular. It's just slang."
"Who's the person with the gatling?"
"Ah, that's Pixie with the Zink Mini Splatling. Disruptor and Bubbler."
"Pixie..." Shera turned to where Pyxis was seated. "PIXIE!"
"I can never call you Pixie again! That's the name of my new future wife!" Ecto and Thresher couldn't help but laugh.
"...Glad to hear it?"
"She's actually dating Ty right now," Tandy pointed out. "Sorry, you'll have to look elsewhere."
"Great Overseer," Carina sighed. "Why are you so thirsty today?"
"I dunno, Queenie," Shera shrugged and shook her head. "Look. I had no idea Squidlings could be so attractive, okay?"
"I mean, she's not wrong," Hans laughed. "The first time I saw Ankyr..."
"YOU CAN DO IT, GUYS!" Pyxis suddenly stood up and cheered as loud as they could.
And now for some good parents! Specifically, Ecto’s dads. Well, one of them. The other is busy playing Pokémon with Caurel and co. in the living room at this moment. They haven’t been mentioned much so far, but they’re great friends with the Waters (Waters’? Waterss?) ever since all the families met, and Rocky and Caurel hang out with them a lot.
"That's because you can look back on the past, apply your knowledge of the present, and cook up a better future for yourself. A new happiness. Again, one that won't last forever. And maybe it's not perfect. Maybe you burn your tongue. Maybe you let it go cold without realizing. But there'll always be more soup."
"You just have an answer for everything, don't you?" Rocky scoffed, throwing more tomatoes into the pot.
  "Not quite. There's one thing I've always wondered."
"The secret of life?"
"Nah, figured that out in college."
"What? No. Shut up." The two shared a laugh. Mister Plasma reduced the burner's heat and placed a lid on the pot, before turning to Rocky.
  "Back when you were in Coral Reef's boat... Why didn't you say anything?"
  "Well..." Rocky took a moment to continue. "Figured there wasn't any point, I guess. Can't help it if the person you have a crush on is gay. Like, if Pop was het, you wouldn't have the love of your life."
"Well I'm glad that's not the case," he said with a short laugh, before frowning and patting Rocky on the head. "Sorry, hon."
"It's fine. That's one of those 'just move on' parts in life. So I did."
"Happened with Ankyr, too. But that was back when we were super tiny. Like.. That's a different kind of love. Baby love, I guess. But then again, we thought Ankyr was a girl back then. That was easier to move on from."
  "You just can't catch a break," Dad laughed. "Anyone on your mind these days?" Rocky thought a while before answering.
"I... Not really. I don't know, Oji. Guess I'm kind of giving up for now. I just wanna cook and take care of the ocean. Those are my loves. Well, I'll never get tired of Turf War either. I guess... that's it."
"And that's A-okay," the adult Inkling nodded, before yelling "COME AND GET IT!" There was a multitude of shuffling sounds from the living room as the young adults made their way to the kitchen. "Come see us any time," he said again. "We'll always be here for you."
And that’s all I have for you here today, I wanna stop myself before I give away more than I might have given away... But yeah, working on that slowly but surely now. I was already about halfway-ish done with the chapter before I fell off, I think? Depends if I think of adding any more scenes than what’s already planned. So, look forward to that soon! Catch you on the flip side~
P.S.: As a reminder, this is the second-to-last chapter I’m writing; after 10 is over, we’ll be moving on to the second book in the series, which will hopefully have much better pacing and will definitely be a lot different, but still be about the lives of Pyxis, Ankyr, and their loved ones - that will never change. Some of your favorite characters might not be around as much in book 2, some might get a spotlight where they hadn’t before, and of course we’ll meet lots of new friends, and you’ll just have to decide what you think of each of them. :3 But I hope you have fun. Regardless of anything, thanks for reading. If you’ve read any of Look Alive, Sunshine, you have my Heart Containers, and my eternal gratitude. Please let me know what you think, if you’ve got the time. Love & hugs!
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holographic-chogi · 4 years
Protector pt.15/?
Author: holographic-chogi
Pairing: fem!reader x skz
Warnings: minor sexual content, mentions of abuse. Please let me know if I’ve missed anything!
A/N: I’m not entirely sure if anyone is still around (I’ve taken quite a long hiatus), but my laptop is back and in pristine condition, so I’m planning to continue updating protector. I would love some feedback if anyone has any! And friendly reminder, the Taeil in this story refers to the Taeil of Block B, not NCT.
Summary: a virus has wiped out most of humanity, and society has collapsed. People survive in groups where they live in constant fear and a struggle to survive. Women were the primary victim of the virus, leaving few behind. You are one of the few, kept in secret since the beginning. However, you’ve just been caught.
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You reckon it’s about November now.
As you watch the scenery through the car window, you notice the rusted leaves and the first signs of snowfall. Not enough yet to gather on the ground, but soon.
The silence inside the car was suffocating. Unlike the old, worn truck that the boys would always drive around, Jiho drove a Sedan. You were stuck in the passenger’s seat beside him.
Did you believe Changbin and Minho? After all, you’ve known Jiho much longer. You remember when he was just the boy next door, playing basketball in the back alongside your brother.
That’s right...they were close. You had almost forgotten, due to the shocking nature of what you had just been told, but you remember now. You remember the days where the three of you walked side by side to get ice cream. You remember Jiho applying to your brother’s university, unwilling to go anywhere he wasn’t.
You remember Jiho holding your brother as he sobbed about whichever girl just broke his heart. You remember how he gently rubbed his back, murmuring little affirmations to keep him calm but never speaking over him.
It reminds you of how Jiho treated you when this had all started.
Subtly, you sneak a glance at the man in question. Like you had previously observed, he was much thinner now. Tired. Maybe he was a little more erratic now, but you have no idea what he’s gone through since you’ve been gone. Sure he’s different, but he is your family.
“We’re almost there, Y/N.” he says, keeping his eye on the road.
Caught off guard, you stumble over your words. “O-oh, cool.” you pause, “I wasn’t trying to rush you or anything…”
He doesn’t respond at first, his eyes still on the road, but eventually he glances at you. “You seem nervous. Why?”
Your own gaze snaps back to the window, and you shrug, hoping he can’t see the panic on your face. “A little bit, but just to meet your group.”
“It’s late, you don’t have to meet them right away. You can get some rest and meet everyone in the morning.”
You nod, still feeling his eyes on the back of your head. You keep telling yourself you trust him, but why do you still feel so uneasy?
The car came to a halt just outside the opening to an old nature trail, and wordlessly, Jiho got out of the car. You scrambled behind him, getting out and shutting the door quietly.
“Is this the way to camp?” You asked, slinging the backpack with your few belongings over your shoulder, “Are you guys in tents or…”
He looked back at you briefly, “Some of us, only the newcomers.”
You nod in understanding, “So I’ll be in a tent then?”
He chuckled, showing the most amount of emotion he’s shown on the trip thus far, “Of course not, you’ll be indoors.”
The walk was long. Oddly long. Your legs were sore as you tried to keep up. Perhaps you hadn’t been keeping track correctly, but it almost seemed like you had been walking in circles.
You could’ve sworn you remembered that sign.
“Jiho, I don’t mean to nag, but are we almost there?”
He stops, and his whole demeanor changes as he turns to look at you with doting eyes, “are you tired?”
You hesitate, unwilling to complain, but you knew he’d know better. “A bit, but I can keep going.”
He smiled warmly, “I could carry you the rest of the way if you’d like, you could even get some shut-eye.”
You won’t deny it, getting off your feet would be nice. Besides, you want to keep Jiho in this sweet mood that’s suddenly reappeared. You don’t want to seem ungrateful. “S-sure, if it isn’t that much trouble.”
He beams, and you do your best to muster a smile back. Odd, you can’t explain why the smile doesn’t come naturally to you.
He walks behind you and you realize that he wants to carry you in a bridal style.
Just like Changbin did. The day Jiho ditched you.
“Actually, would it be okay if you carried me piggyback? I don’t mean to be picky, I just have a bad shoulder.” You lie, but it’s easier than the truth. You don’t want anyone else to hold you the way Changbin does. Or did.
You notice the brightness leave his eyes slightly, but he stretches his smile even wider. It almost appears forceful. “Sure, of course.”
Your grip on him is slightly loose as he trudges along. You keep telling yourself you love him, he’s like family, almost like a second brother, but it doesn’t keep the nagging suspicion at bay. And you hate yourself for it. Eventually, the pull of sleep conquers all, and your eyes fall to a close.
The first thing you notice when you wake up, is that it’s morning. You quickly shut your eyes, not yet willing to process a new place. You know you’re in a bed, the sheet and single blanket slightly rougher than you’d grown accustomed to, but you weren’t one to complain. You wiggled your toes, noticing your lack of shoes and socks. You could also tell you were indoors, from your quick glance earlier and the lack of wind.
Finally, you open your eyes. Wood walls again, but this was not a bedroom. The walls are covered in framed butterflies, each one pressed between panels of glass. Your bed was awkwardly placed beside what appeared to be someone’s old desk, still covered in papers, a clip board and various desk toys. You could tell based on the scrapes on the wood paneled floors and squares of discoloration in the carpet that there had been more furniture, it must have been moved recently.
You definitely didn’t feel as brave as when you woke up in the farmhouse. You remember how brave you were, instantly instantly exploring the old place. You chuckle as you remember almost giving Felix a heart attack in the kitchen.
But then you feel a pang of nostalgia as you remember the breakfast he made you. And how he talked you down from your initial fear, making you feel safe and welcome.
You flinch as the door opens, and a man steps in. The expression on his (you’ll admit it, kinda handsome) face is bored at best, and you don’t exactly approve of his decision not to knock.
“Hello? Can I help you?” You ask pointedly, pulling the blankets up to your chin. You were still wearing your tank top, but you wanted to be dramatic.
You had been wearing two shirts and a jacket on top of this. Someone stripped you down.
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?”
You snap out of your thoughts, and focus back on the mystery man. “Y-yeah?”
His tone continues to be as careless as his expression. “Breakfast. I’m supposed to take you there.”
You nod, carefully removing your covers before trodding behind him, and as the two of you emerge from the office, you are led directly outside. It seems that the office is the only room in the cabin you had been staying in. The surrounding area outside is a forest, but to your confusion, there’s no other surrounding buildings.
“Where is everyone else?”
The man simply scoffed, his voice pure poison, “You get your own little den, since apparently you’re too good to sleep outside with the rest of the newbies.”
You don’t bother responding, this man clearly doesn’t like you, and you doubt you could make any progress with him. However, you took notice of his words, and you can’t help but believe them. Is Jiho really keeping you hidden away?
Just like he did at the cell block?
Eventually, the two of you come across several tents littered across what assume is an old campsite. There are three cabins, two small and one large, and two long picnic tables at the center of the site, which are currently packed with people. While no one has eaten yet, there are several unopened cans and defrosted packages still dripping with residual condensation.
The sound of chatter is almost deafening, but it completely ceases as soon as the two of you are in view. You recognize Taeil from the cell block, staring daggers into you.
“Took you two long enough. Did our precious Y/N sleep in?” His voice is thick with hatred, sending a chill down your spine. You much preferred the carelessness of the man who woke you up.
The man in question pushes you forward, roughly. “Go to the big cabin, the boss is waiting.”
You simply gulp and nod, shrinking into yourself as you speed walk past the picnic tables, feeling eyes all over you, all the way until you make it through the cabin doors.
But somehow what’s waiting for you makes you even more uncomfortable.
There’s a single table set for two, with freshly cooked meat and eggs, much nicer food than what everyone else was provided. There’s a man stationed beside it, and his look of pity only makes your heart beat faster.
“He’ll be down soon. You’d better sit down fast.”
Taglist (lol it’s only one person, but just lemme know if anyone wants me to add them): @leetaemintrashnumber1
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