#i kinda liked the shading but it was all covered up by the background lighting and all and how i needed it to be dark so
mechanicalinfection · 10 months
Found You!
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aliidarling · 2 months
yandere!gojo with civilian reader
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GOJO SATORU x fem!reader
— dark content / lil oneshot kinda blurb
summary; gojo is interested in you, a broke college student! aren’t you just the luckiest!… right?
warnings; gojo, no nsfw but gojos creepiness makes up for it, yandere, stalking and creepy gojo.., mentions of blood, cursed spirits, gojo being an asshole, no beta we die like satosugo, this isn’t too dark ngl
this is just a small thing i thought of, it’s very random and definitely not finished LMAO
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let’s say your a civilian in tokyo. you’re halfway done with college and you work half time at the local bakery, always stuffing your face in pastries or books. not one moment of your life is eventful or ‘exciting’— it’s quiet, calm and mostly, peaceful. you wouldn’t have it any other day.
until one day a tall pale man with an odd hair color waltz into your bakery. he has snow-white locks and wears black sunglasses, the lenses completely hiding away his eyes for some reason. you found it odd at first but you’ve learnt over the years to not butt your nose in other peoples lives.
he’s absolutely gorgeous, sadly. tall, a lean build under his light blue blouse, with a cocky smile on his perfect pink lips. he was something straight out of a fairy tale. too bad you would never be the princess in one of those tales, instead the background character you’d walk pass and never think about again.
you greet him with your famous smile, your apron covered in flour with your lashes fluttering at him so sweetly he can feel his heart skipping a few beats. he had never seen someone so gorgeous, so pretty and cute. you had the cutest round cheeks with a natural pink tint, perfect hair with perfect eyes and perfect body and perfect everything—
“can i get a mochi filled rice cake with rainbow sprinkles? and a caramel frappe with extra whipped cream and caramel— ooh! and id love some strawberry pudding too, sweetheart.” he giggles.
your slightlyyyy taken off guard by his sugary appetite, but hey, at least he wasn’t an alcoholic or one of those ‘black coffee’ freaks. you smile and type his order in, your tongue sticking out slightly in concentration.
“that will be twenty six dollars and thirty nine cents, sir.” you smile politely, trying your best not to check this absolutely gorgeous stud out.
he grins, fiddling with his wallet. he makes sure to flash the wallet at you subtly, wanting to impress you. you spit the glimpse of something gold glinting in his hands and quickly sneak a side eye, the expensive brand name immediately making you flinch. rich people scare you.
“take the change.” he winks, handing you exactly twenty seven dollars. oh wow. sixty one cents tip. how kind.
“thank you, sir.” you nod in gratitude and stuff the money in the cashier, ringing up his order. your fingers quickly type in his order and print out the receipt, handing it to him. his clean nails and slender fingers catch you off guard as they brush against your fingers, obviously on purpose if you take a small look at the glint of smugness in his blue eyes(if he wasn’t wearing those stupid sunglasses.)
you don’t see him for a little bit after that. he’s completely disappears and you eventually forget about him, forget the fact he even exist. he was just another civilian after all.
but then one day on the way home you’re challenged with a threat to your life. it was a peaceful day so far, only three classes with the entirety of your evening spent in your bakery, cooking and baking and socializing with others as little as possible. you accidentally pricked your finger with a knife at one point which led to a small bandage wrapped around your index fingers, right under your gel-covered nails of your favorite shade.
a cursed spirit near by is strolling past with its jaw open, drooling at the scent of yummy cinnamon rolls and chocolate chips. you smelt so good, like a bakery, so tasty. it smelt something stronger in you as well; a familiar coming that belonged to the strongest. it wants a piece. it wants you.
it doesn’t take long to catch up with you, grabbing you from the back and sending you stumbling. you gasp as your thrown onto the hard concrete before you, blinking stupidly at the lack of people around you. what just happened? you scurry onto your feet, patting down your knees that were slightly bruised now, a frown on your quivering lips. no way a gust of wind had made you collapse so abruptly. it felt like someone had shoved you with full force.
a shaky sigh leaves your lips and you decide to move on with your night. you want to go home, after all. today was going to be movie night with you and your roommate. only ten more minutes till you reached the comforting presence of your apartment, you could do this.
you start walking back in the direction of your destination when you’re met face to face with the most disgusting thing you’ve ever encountered. no way it’s human, not with gouging eyes and melting skin, the distasteful scent of death attached to it. the aura around you became dark immediately, as if the entire street had faded into a dark abyss.
was this really how you were gonna die?
suddenly, the disgusting piece of crap literally explodes on you, covering you in purple blood. you immediately feel your lunch come up your throat, a shocked sob coming out of your throat as your knees buckle. you stumble back in shock, not sure on what the hell happened, before you feel your back collide with a firm chest.
you shriek and turn around quickly, blinking quickly and holding your backpack for dear life, phone to your chest. you’re covered in the purple blood and maybe a little bit of your own vomit, a completely distraught and terrified expression on your face.
and now the cocky bastard from a few days ago stands in front of you with his infamous cocky grin, holding up your keys with his finger, dangling it in front of your face tauntingly.
“you dropped this, honey!” he chirps, humming as he opens your backpack and stuffs your keys inside it obnoxiously, smiling down at you. he zips up your backpack and gives you a little pat on the head, cooing down at you like you were the most adorable little thing he had ever come across. you were. he wanted to grab you and kidnap you, keep you all to himself. his little secret.
“did you see that? the thing? it exploded— it’s all over me, i can’t— i can’t breathe, it’s so strong, the scent,” you ramble dumbly. you’re too sweet, he thinks. you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into. you’re freaking out, your breath heavy as you hyperventilate. he gently shushes you, bringing his hand over your sticky hair and gently petting you.
“are you okay? you sound crazy, no offense.” he chuckles lightly, taking your hand in his. he’s very touchy for a man you’ve only met twice.
“let me walk you home, okay? we can’t have anything happening to a sweet little thing like you.” he soothes you. his charming tone and award-winning smile wins you over, sadly. you’re led home by him, trembling still. you don’t even realize the fact he knew your address without asking you for it.
he let you off that night with a simple kiss on the forehead. he came into your life like it was nothing, out of nowhere, seconds after you almost died— only to disappear once again like he never existed. you couldn’t process what was going on, what that disgusting animal was, what happened and how it exploded, and how he was there in the dark alley way.
all those thoughts clouded your brain, distracting you from reality. you couldn’t focus on your work, couldn’t focus at school, you accidentally spilled flour while you baked or tipped over a customers drink. your fingers couldn’t stop trembling whenever you’d look up and you’d see one of those disgusting animals on the ceiling of your bakery. sitting there. waiting.
they were everywhere. you’d go on the street and you’d see almost a dozen of them as you tried to walk home. there were some even clinging onto people, some stalking and others making their moves. you didn’t know what to do. what were these things? why were you the only one who could see them? were you cursed? damned?
meanwhile, satoru was having the time of his life. stalking you from the shadows, coming to your cafe every other day to ask for the same sugarized order, a big silly grin on his face. he made sure to play with your feelings. he thought this was so much fun.
“wait— before you go,” you suddenly spoke up one afternoon, stopping him right when he was about to walk out. a knowing smile tugs at his lips as he turns back to you, leaning against the counter.
“hmmm? what is it?”
you fiddle with your fingers for a moment, glancing anxiously around the shop and noticing how all the disgusting animals had suddenly disappeared. this happened every time he would walk in, the animals would scurry off in fear leaving just the two of you. it eased your worry but made you question as well.
“the other week.” you start hesitantly, leaning closer. “the alley way.. did you.. are you sure you didn’t see anything? there was someone— something!” you plead, a ting of desperation in your voice. of course you were desperate, you thought you were going insane.
“i’m sorry, but i don’t know what you’re talking about.” he coos sweetly, sipping his caramel frappe. the loud slurping fills the silence between the two of you. a few more weeks of this madness surrounding you and you’d have the courage to jump over the counter and pounce on him.
“..okay. have a good way, sir.” you mumble, sulking in defeat.
“satoru.” he corrects.
you blink in surprise. you peek up at him as he casually leaves the store, leaving you standing there in silence. soon enough, the dark animals come back and surround you, staring at you. doing nothing else but gaze.
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typicalopposite · 1 month
For @bucktommypositivityweek! Prompt: meeting the family. Now you may be wondering can something be positive and yet have a deeper meaning that is actually kinda angsty. 🫣🫣 well the answer would be yes. iykyk…
Buck lets himself in with the spare key Tommy gave him. He lifts up on the door as he pushes it open to soften the creak so Tommy doesn’t hear him come in. There’s a heavy scent of paint when he steps inside and he can hear Tommy’s muffled voice coming from somewhere towards the back. He slips off his shoes and tip toes further, gleefully anticipating how good he’s about to scare his boyfriend. 
The door to the last room is cracked open: The guest room. Buck knows Tommy was planning on releasing his artistic creativity there today. It was a huge shock when Gerard took over the 118, and even if that doesn’t directly affect Tommy, it’s affecting Buck and that seems to bother Tommy worse than if he was back under Gerrard himself. So he needs an outlet. Art is his outlet. 
If Buck startles a little accidental paint splatter out of Tommy… he’s just helping. Or something like that…
Buck nears the room, ready to throw the door open screaming like a banshee… when he hears a second voice; a woman’s voice. 
“—and I haven’t seen you in almost half a year,” she says. 
“I know,” Tommy sighs; Buck hears his crinkly footsteps walking around on the plastic covered carpet. “I’m sorry, it’s just been— it’s been busy.”
“Oh you hush apologizing,” she says, so lighthearted Buck can hear the smile in her voice. “I know you can’t just drop your life to come up here, and besides with that old—” she stops and Buck swears she growls; he has to cover his mouth to muffle the startled laugh it causes. “—that old dirty rat in charge of your old station… I can imagine your mind is all over the place worried about Evan and your friends.” 
So she knows who Buck is, but who is—
“It’s already so bad, Mama…” Tommy sighs. Ooooh, Buck thinks. “He is being so awful… I hate it.” Buck lifts his hand and gently knocks on the room's door— deciding not to scare Tommy's next abstract masterpiece out of him— and Tommy startles anyway. “Evan?!” 
“Evan?!” His mom repeats. “Hi Evan— wait, am I on speaker? Tommy put me on speaker…”
“You’re on speaker mom…” Tommy says, his face starting to turn a light shade of pink. 
“Hi!” she says again, bright and cheery, Buck can’t help but smile. 
“H- Hey, Mrs. Kinard—”
“Oh goodness! Call me Mrs. K,” she says. Everyone does, all the way back to when Tommy was in school.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Buck laughs. 
“Oh and he’s so polite!” Buck smirks at the eye roll Tommy gives his phone. “How are you doing, sweet pea?” 
Tommy hands Buck the phone, mouthing ‘have fun’ with a quick peck to his lips. He goes back to his opened can of paint and dips his brush in, pulls it out and flings the paint at the wall, making random streaks of color across the white background. “I’m good, thanks. How about you?”
Buck talks to Mrs. K for almost an hour; he doesn’t even mean to, she’s just so easy to carry on a conversation with… just like Tommy. He hears embarrassing stories (that have Tommy threatening to drop the phone in a paint can), and shares some with her (that have Tommy threatening to drop a paint can on Buck). “Well, I better let you go before Tommy gets too jealous,” she teases. “Tell him to bring you up here so we can meet properly, okay?” 
“I’d love that,” Buck says, and promises he’ll talk with her more another time before hanging up.
By now Tommy is covered in paint and the room is as well; both looking like chaos, Buck wants a part of that… So he finds an extra paint brush and dips it in the nearest can, pulling it out and swiping it across Tommy butt while he’s working on a design. He yelps and turns, taking his own brush across Bucks forehead with a playful “Simba”. 
They quickly go full on paint fight, and Buck can’t help but make a mental note to thank Mrs. K for raising such an amazing human, and to mention a trip up to NorCal as soon as they can get some days off together.
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Hey!! I don’t know if you do requests but I have been exploring your page and figured I might as well ask :)- SO if you’re open to it, I would love to see a Dick Grayson x Reader where they’re friends at first (lots of tension) and she knows he’s nightwing but doesn’t get involved bc she’s a civilian and he wants her to keep a safe distance from it, BUT one day they’re hanging out together and a villain shoots her with some sort of blaster and the effects mess with her and end up giving her some type of meta human ability (your choice!) she ends up freaking out and he helps her gather her composure and comforts her with a lil angsty fic where he’s rlly worried but then she ends up being okay- IF YOU DONT DO REQUESTS DONT FEEL PRESSURED TO DO THIS ‼️ thank you so much for your time babe :)
i feel like this one was definitely a little hard to get a good ball rolling, but I finally got there. i actually physically wrote bits of this at work cause of how bored I was and how slow it was. i hope this is to your liking! barely proofread so forgive possible bad grammar and stuff
pairing: dick grayson x fem!reader (use of y/n) wc: 1.8K
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for once it seemed to be a pleasant day in gotham. early spring with flowers blooming brightly and trees growing to share their shade with commuters. the sky was like a shimmering ocean with how blue and cloudless it was; it seemed like everyone was outside if they didn’t have an obligation somewhere.
you and dick were two people taking advantage of the once-in-a-blue-moon seasonal weather. dick was growing his hair out while he was away at college so when the sweet-scented breeze swept by it toyed with his jet-black strands, some sticking in the air and others poking his eyes. he was wearing a long sleeve white cotton shirt, his sleeves pushed to his elbows with two top buttons left open to show more of his collarbones off. his long legs and thick thighs were covered in a light blue pair of levi’s 501s and damn did they do him excellent justice, your eyes couldn’t help but glance over every chance you could for just a peek.
“sweetheart!” was called which was followed by a light shove to your left shoulder. you blinked a few times and quickly shook your head then turned to see dick staring at you with a smirk on his pink lips. “you okay?”
a slow blink, “yeah.” you coughed then looked forward, “yeah. all good, just…zoned out.” trying to play it off.
“oh, so my talk about the latest night activities is boring to you?” a playful hurt tone as dick set his open palm on his chest. he added a pout for more dramatics.
now you rolled your eyes and shoved his right shoulder which didn’t do anything to his tall and muscular figure, he just chuckled at your attempt. 
“no. talks of your night activities are interesting. i just got concerned after a while. still makes me nervous, hearing you talk about riddler or penguin or even joker like it’s something normal.” your eyes held a softness as they locked with dick’s. his baby blues melting at your words.
he looked forward then licked his lips before saying, “well it is my normal. i’ve been dealing with some of these people since i was thirteen. kinda got used to them and their gimmicks.” shrugging his words off.
the both of you went quiet. the background noise of children giggling and screaming from joy in the park, dogs barking and rushing about to chase thrown sticks. parents with strollers chatting beside each other getting in some steps, and a few older men sitting at a stone chess table and playing their game in their comfortable silence.
shyly you glanced down to see your hands swinging beside each other. you bit into your bottom lip and swooped in, sandwiching your hands together before looking straight down your path. dick didn’t say anything, you only felt the way his hand squeezed yours and the goosebump-inducing way his eyes were watching you.
“why don’t you restart your account? i’ll listen this time.” taking a glance at the handsome boy before forcing your eyes away.
he hummed but didn’t say anything right away. you didn’t bother forcing him to retell the story, rather enjoying the blissful bubble that formed around the two of you. but after a few minutes rolled past, dick slowly started to dive into retelling his encounter with riddler when he was patrolling with bruce. his unoccupied hand moving about in the air, not able to keep any part of his body still. you watched his face with intense focus, pupils following the movement of his jaw and the way his lips formed his words.
just staring at him made your heart thump thump thump faster.
“and so i threw one of my sticks and caused the machine to blow up.” that was all you were able to catch before screaming erupted causing chaos. people were running any way they could, some tripping and falling as the ground shook.
your knees buckled from the unexpected quake, but dick wrapped his arms tight around your middle and held you flush to his chest. you could practically feel his heart beating against your back and on his pulse point where your fingers circled his wrist. 
green smoke starts to flood the slowly deserted park. large monstrous roots break apart concrete and patches of grass, and sharp thorns barely miss bystanders. “ivy.” dick’s voice dropped an octave, his hold on your tightening even further you thought he was gonna break a rib.
“dick, what’s-” “we need to leave. now!” dick pushed the both of you forward, his more giant hand crushing yours as you pushed your shorter legs to run faster.
just as you rounded a bend, one of the thick roots tangled itself tight around your ankle, causing you to trip and sprain your wrist. a strained cry for dick as the plant tugged you along the ground, spiked thorns digging harshly into your skin. Then suddenly you came to a stop and there was a loud snapping sound behind you. when glancing over your shoulder the root was broken in two, dick removed the piece stuck to your bleeding skin. you couldn’t help the pathetic whimpers or the tears staining your cheeks.
“it’s okay. it’s okay, sweetheart. i got you, you're safe with me.” dick was comforting you as he shuffled your body around so he could hold you in a fireman's hold. your arms started to feel like dead weight as you worked to fling them over dick’s shoulders to keep yourself close to his heart.
“dick… i don’t- i don’t feel…” and everything went black behind your eyes and static rang in your ears.
there was a tingle in your body, zipping up and down, head to toe hitting every nerve ending. muscles felt coiled tight, and sore like you did too many workout sessions at once. a groan deep in your throat as you tried moving your arms, pushing yourself upward.
“woah, woah strong girl. stay down.” firm hands held your upper arms to lay you gently when you moved your hands away.
squeezing your eyes tight before trying to peel them apart, feeling eye boogers crusting the edges near your lashes. your throat felt like sandpaper as you tried asking, “what- what hap-“ “wait, wait. drink some water.”
dick’s voice was low and gentle. a hand warm and firm holding the back of your neck as your lips fumbled for the plastic straw so you could sip down ice cold water to soothe the ache in your throat. a relieved sigh just as you opened your eyes completely.
dick was leaning over you, overhead lighting casting him in a halo glow. his growing black hair falling forward, his stunning blue eyes moving quickly and you noticed his dark circles looked deeper. his plush chapped lips turned to a saddened smile with the corners turned up.
“there she is. there’s my girl.” it was almost a purr and a delighted sigh escaped from you as you let your body relax.
your heart monitor started to beat quicker and you felt warm knowing it was due to dick and his words, but he looked panicked and then called for bruce.
“dick, it’s nothing serious.” not understanding why he was stressing when he’d usually just tease you. reaching with your right hand to touch him, you stopped short when you saw the skin of your hand was… green.
looking at your other hand and it was also green. you pushed the white sleeves up your arms and more green just followed. now you had a reason for your heart to beat faster, you were panicking, not understanding what happened to you.
“y/n, i need you to slow your heart rate. your body will react differently with this chemical in your blood.” bruce’s deep commanding voice went in one ear out the other. you tried taking slower breaths, curling your fingers into your palms to ground yourself. none of it was working.
“dick, what’s happening? what happened after the park?” voice getting wobbly and thick with emotion.
he licked his lips and reached towards you before pulling back, it hurt you to see that. “you- you passed out in the park and so i brought you back to the manor. and alfred was taking care of you until your skin started to stain into his green shade. so we took some blood samples and brought you down here for safety, turns out…”
he trailed off as he licked his lips again. “what, dick? what’s infected me?” trying to sound firm but it cracked on the word infected. scared this might be permanent.
dick sighed, “we’re still not one hundred percent sure. but can confirm that it’s from poison ivy, which explains the green complexion. which- which doesn’t change your beauty, glowing even more.” he rambled as you got quiet.
without realizing it, you slowed your heart rate back to normal. bruce and dick seemed more calm and dick walked closer to rest his hand over yours.
“i don’t want to be stuck like this.” shiny teardrops fell from your eyes and down your cheeks. you didn’t want to be different, chemically altered. you liked who you were, completely fine in your mundane life.
dick moved his palms to cradle your plush cheeks, his thumb or knuckle working to swipe away your distress and fear. “it’s okay. we’re- bruce is working on an antidote. should take a week, tops.”
“a week!” almost yelling at this information. “i- i can’t be out of work for a week. my boss will kill me.” groaning to yourself.
“hey,” dick whispered the word and tilted your head to make eye contact with him. “it’s okay. already told your boss a version of medical retellings. and bruce already put more than a month's worth of pay into your checking account.”
“i- i can’t accept that. that’s too generous of him.” overwhelmed by the care and looking after. not used to all this. dick thumbed at your cheek, “we just need you to stay here and get better. i’ll be by your side the whole time.”
you sank your teeth into your bottom lip, “you will? don’t you have things to do? i- i don’t want to be a burden.”
“no, no.” he leaned forward to plant a kiss on your forehead, “you're not a burden in any way. i’m happy to spend any amount of time with you. you're my favorite person in this whole world.”
you felt warm and bet he could feel the heat growing on your face, “really? what about wally?” trying to play off how strong his words affect you.
his smile was easy, lovely. his eyes are warm and homely. his touch gentle and grounding. “wally already knows you’re my favorite person. he’s accepted that he’s second.” and he leaned forward again to plant a longer, lingering kiss on your forehead. eyes closing as you hold onto his wrist.
“it’ll be okay.” words kissed into your skin.
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squircatlies · 5 months
Today is the day I unleash my Mr. Bonzo fanart upon this webbed site.
This post is relatively safe up until the cut.
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Is the *tips fedora* meme over a decade old? Yes. Do I care? No, absolutely not.
Now this is where I recommend "getting off" this post to anyone bothered by graphic depictions of body horror, blood, violence, or Mr. Bonzo (monster, not mascot like above).
I know the first image is silly, but I cannot stress enough how serious I am when I say:
Proceed at your own risk.
Now that you have chosen to continue, I have arranged the images in order of least to most vile and disturbing (though that might be slightly subjective on my part).
Remember that you can click off this post at any time.
Final warning: split tongue Bonzo.
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I tried channeling Julia Drawfee with the lineart a little bit. Didn't feel like shading that one, so it's a bit flat.
Where did I lose my colours? Plot twist: the first image in this post is actually the last I've made, so technically I gained the colours. I wanted it to have more of a cheery vibe, unlike the ones under the cut, which I wanted to be kinda dreary and I feel like adding too much colour can mess that up.
Alright, I'll address the tongue. Remember how his head splits in tmagp 12? Yeah, it's a nod to that and also I asked myself "how do I make his design worse than it already is?" and that's the only answer I could come up with. I debated adding stitches connesting the two halves of the tongue but couldn't figure out how, so you're welcome. It will be present in all the upcoming drawings as well.
The next one is bloody, but it's not that much worse than the previous one overall.
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I was playing with filters after I was done with this piece, because I felt like it lacked something, but didn't know what. Really liked this one, I think it's some sort of a gradient map. It pixelised the image and adjusted the colours a bit, it also really made the blood pop out, though it covered up some of the details.
Why did he lose his hat? It's stupid and hard to draw.
You may have noticed the artstyle change a little, the previous images having neat lineart and little to no shading. That's because I am using different tools, sketchy and soft brushes, that allow me to experiment with lighting and textures more (plus the aforementioned filter altering the image even further).
Alright, I feel like this last image deserves a separate warning. It references episode 12 (spoiler ahead), specifically the moment before the bartender loses a hand, though it's not entirely accurate. It's rendered in more detail than any of the previous images, so keep that in mind before scrolling down.
Basically it's pov: Bonzo licks your hand.
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I feel like I could've made his tongue bigger in this one, it seems kinda small compared to his mouth. I really like how the skin on his face ended up looking. It took a lot of work.
The spit makes it look weirdly sexual, doesn't it? Listen, that was not my intention, but I'm not erasing it. I set out to make the worst thing I could and, though not without cost, I have achieved it.
I tried splattering Bonzo in blood, but it wasn't really working for me and it covered up a lot of the detail I liked, so I just put it in the background.
The human hand is drawn from reference, which I found by googling "hand reaching out away from the viewer". And let me tell you: google is shit at looking for drawing references, but I figured it was just going to be a sketch to explore an idea, so I didn't bother trying to get a better one. And then I fixated on it for a couple hours, you know, like a normal person.
I literally (and I mean no exaggeration) dusted off my drawing tablet after a few months of no use to spend the entire weekend, after tmagp 12 came out, glued to the screen making those images, except for the b'onzo one, which I made this evening.
Just to clarify: I drew all of those by myself. No filthy AI image generation is allowed in this house. I am capable of committing far greater sins than an artificial intelligence ever will.
The only thing left here is to extend my sincere congratulations/condolences to whoever got this far. It's up to you to either think you're brave or realise that you're foolish for doing so, but be comforted by the fact that at least you didn't make this post, which I cannot say for myself.
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as requested, a list of highly very oddly specific AOTV predictions that wont happen:
hes trying to install LED lights on an object people really wouldnt
"Im in Payno" joke when hes feeling sad
welcome to my crib tour of his stash of random mancave expenses stored in a hoarderly fashion (think life sized superheroes, the forrest gump braces, tiny toy cars, unopened 3d printer, designer chair shaped like a dog, some very shiny unidentifiable object too large to fit anywhere in the middle of the room on the floor)
he pets a horse
he has friendly chitchat with the delivery person bc they know him bc he orders his coffee (bonus: throwing a fit bc his starbucks is taking too long just before)
hes recording a song but hasnt written the lyrics yet and hes singing "ya no wha a mean" as a placeholder
cinematographic subtle shade (like paralleling some [within fandom] iconic footage but no words used or context given and it actually is on purpose but well never know that for sure)
he's got a strand of niall's blonde hair framed
wears yellow and says "I look like a banana"
for whatever reason hes trying to glue something together and it doesnt work as hes not using the right glue and nobodys telling him
hes claiming he does know how to cut a tomato by now but then doesnt show any proof
shoutout lighthouses
an ad for barneys beanery in the middle
he makes an analogy that one direction is like a burger and then goes on a long ramble that hes the bun oh no wait hes the burger harry is the lettuce oh no wait harry is the bun niall is the tomatoes liam is the gerkin zayn is the sauce no wait harry is the sauce no wait he is the sauce no wait-
footage of him making a business call of placing an order for a ridiculous amount of black pants
A look into his closet and there will be some comment you can take as having a double meaning and it will make me feel bad for responding the way i will (bonus shows off the grease jacket he still has)
a total of 28 subtle dick jokes can you spot them all?
recorded zoom meetings during the pandemic with cliff barking in the background with dramatic music when hes like i need to take 5 guys this pandemic is getting to me
he reveals the weird hobbies he got into during the pandemic like everyone else
he makes nice comments about his own eyelashes like multiple times throughout unprompted
continuous zoom ins on unhinged signs in the crowd, if we list them all together the first letter of each sign will make a sentence but itll spell out "h a h a y o u f i g u r e d i t o u t"
every scene he wears the same pants but a size smaller till we notice (possibly related to the order of black pants this was not on purpose)
reveals his favorite color dramatically
drinks red wine and then trashes it but later in another fragment hes just drinking it like normal
hes watching some pawn shop /auction tv show screaming at it like as if hes bidding along
hes playing minecraft, there will be carrots in his hotbar also his hotbar will be a mess also hell get thrown of the mountain by a goat
silk pjs
he lights something on fire by accident
some kinda quick bambambambam pic collage edit thing that just like has a lot a lot a lot of unseens but it goes so fucking quick like youre like WAIT WHAT SHIT HOLD UP and ok ok unhinged then there are shirtless pics in between
home video of cutting his own hair (LHL around the euros)
covers sweet caroline while showing footage of football fans and his crowd back and forth
keeps confessing his deep love for his fans (will happen) but laying flat on the floor bawling making whiney noises completely unintelligible
there will be enough onions
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jonathanstims · 1 year
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here she is!! very long progress description under the cut
So I started with the drawing, which is already posted separately on this blog. I cut it out with an x-acto knife and the extra paper I glued to the back in three areas to make it pop out a bit.
Then I worked on the leaves -- I've never liked cut-out leaves I've made, but I came up with a way to make them work!! I drew the outline and cut out as usual (I used origami paper) and then drew the major veins on the back. I folded the paper along the veins I drew and then darkened the folds on the front with pencil. It gave them texture and they actually look like leaves now!!
For the Big Flower I took red origami paper, drew and cut it, and then added the hard shadows (like the difference between petals) in thin and thick sharpie. I cut out pink origami paper and pasted it on to make the lighter inside. then I found a piece of cardstock that was too light but worked the right-ish shade with a few layers of red marker, and cut out little shadows to paste onto the flower. then I cut out some small almond-shapes from the white paper I drew vash on, and pasted that on as the stamens.
I arranged the flower and leaves and lightly glued them together, then taped them to the paper (double sided tape my beloved).
Then I bemoaned how much work I put into all that and decided not to have vash just cover it all up, so I put velcro on him and now he's removable!!
I decided I hated the white background, so I found some black construction paper and kinda forced it around the Big Flower by eyeballing it and marking it with folds so I could cut it to make it look like one solid background instead of little chopped up pieces.
For the little flowers, I took what was left of the red origami paper and a whole puncher. I rubbed circles of glue on the background and forced the punched circles into flower shapes. I took what was left of Vash's white paper and used my leather punch to make tiny circles that I used to be the stamen/lighter inside of the flower. then I found purple construction paper and did the same thing but with extra black construction paper for the stamen. You can't see it too well but there's a transition period between the red and purple flowers where two petals are purple, three petals are red, and the centre is black.
I tried to use as few materials as possible but I still am down quite a lot of stuff lol. I was pretty proud of this one.
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i think ive decided fr actually. good lord you guys better appreciate this bc i dont know if i ever intended to think this intensely about this au....
and sorry if u dont like it but it's my au <3
Patton Foster (alias: Guardian. Just a normal guy who trained super hard, has a handful of cool tech and a mask. He's basically Batman. - Costume is probably mostly shades of dark grey / light grey and pale blue highlights - has a cowl)
Roman Valdez (alias: Hurricane. He's basially Superman, was an alien baby who crashlanded on earth. - Costume is white with a red? gold? H on his chest, red cape, red boots and gloves. probably not masked Or has a little over-the-eyes Green Lantern/Mr Incredible style mask. Probably built like Mr Incredible too)
Remus Valdez (alias: Maelstrom. He's basically Aquaman. Also not human - half-Atlantean (im gonna steal this i can do what I like). Raised on the surface. Can control water and sea life, can talk to fish, LOVES octopi/tentacle motif above all else. - Costume: probably yknow super green black and silver, probably has that scale-like skintight chest piece and maybe some armour motifs (bc Atlantis) Face is not covered)
Side note: i think Roman And Remus were found by like. a lighthouse keeper. who went oh boy!!! free sons!!! and raised them as brothers. They fully consider each other brothers. they grew up together and hero together, probs dont live together currently tho.
also i came up with the names separately but it means they both named themselves after weather phenomena and that is twin behaviour godbless
the three of them have something like a justice league together - it probably has Other Heroes in it part time too but. waves hand. background characters. They have an HQ. Somewhere.
Janus [Surname Pending] (alias: Siren. A magician-cross-catburlgar... he's like... Catwoman if she had Zatanna's powers and aesthetics. Magic is real and he has it. And uses it for. Well. Everything. Morally grey rogue rather than evil villain. He's still super fucking with Guardian. - Costume: face half-scaled (genuinely from a magic curse) the other half masked phantom of the opera style. wears like... a magician's get up crossed his canon outfit but with bootyshorts and fishnets)
Logan Sanders (alias: [pending]. He's not really evil, or, not if you ask him. But he does think having these so called super-'heroes' running around without a contingency plan is... irresponsible. In private he is building a mech suit capable of taking down Hurricane Should He Need Taking Down. Has strong morals <- not good morals, just strong morals. Sometimes funds smaller villains/rogues for ,,,reasons. Patton is his secretary but they dont know the other is hero/villain (a shame, if they were on the same side, they'd get along very well) - Costume: well. it's a mech-suit, bulkier / more armoured than, say Iron Man, but not,, like,,, ten feet tall. all cold steel, maybe burnished black in parts, and i can see it having a visor with electronic eyes that can be Logan's signature blue.
Virgil (Surname Pending) (alias: [also pending] <- probably storm Or shadow related. He's the most nebulous to me right now but tbh i can see a semi-harley quinn backstory where he was tangled up with a gangleader who won him over into a life of crime but he's not that happy (i.e., open to...persuasion) with it. Don't know if he should have powers or not... - Costume: blacks, purples w/ hints of yellow. Hood covers hair and eyes and mask covers lower face. dresses in layers typical of like... a medieval assassin (he's not an assassin) (he's probably killed people before tho)
Virgil and Janus have probably crossed paths before as their rogue aliases. Janus has met Logan (under a fake name). it's possible Logan (in costume, under alias) has worked with Virgil/Virgil's boss before. Generally, esp now Virgil's striking out a little more on his own, Virgil and Janus are kinda too low on Logan's radar for him to seek them out so far. (Janus likes it like that) (tbh so does Virgil)
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canayams-art · 1 year
the immortality concept in tgcf is always interesting to think about, especially with the age range that the human mind cannot really comprehend... but maybe it's best for me not to think too much about it at midnight when i have uni early in the morning 😞😭 there are a lot of thoughts tho
you described the dynamic i had in mind for them perfectly!! mq's way of showing care by scolding and nagging and teasing that at time could come out as a touch too sharp. lqq's of being loud when defending and engaging into banter but keeping it light and not taking the teasing too close to heart unless it comes to his morality stands. they just weirdly compliment one another, especially with the way you said lqq takes the spotlight on the stage while mq is more "behind the curtain" type when dealing with things. you're so right, thinking about them makes me deranged as well
i do feel like the gods would be more vocal about the dislike towards mq when he was still a young god, and yeah especially those 33. while mq we see is well respected, and still very much disliked and distrusted, it is mq of 800+ years of presence in the heavenly court, and i do think many would be tight lipped around him regarding whatever his business are. but thinking about the backlash he would be facing during their earlier years/ centuries of friendship, i think they would be more vocal about it, if a bit sneaky with the way they would talk considering mq's temper with fx and general reputation that has been following him. 🤔 and well... there's also the broom throwing thing that has been going on apparently :'))
and he would definitely be on the bigger receiving end of it than lqq, especially considering their backgrounds and what the heaven considers "right". while lqq may be considered naive, he is still a noble that technically belongs in a way mq never could in their eyes.
but lqq still not standing by the bullying, even during the 'fight' is ekejjejejeej especially because i lqq knows that bullying is wrong no matter who's at the receiving end and, parallel to the mulian situation, there would be no shielding behind the higher authority to make it stop, just a very straightforward way to handle it. and i feel like mq, even if he is somewhat even struggling to admit he's miserable without lqq, would feel extremely touched knowing the way lqq would handle it 🥹🥹
no shade at mulian, literally my fave ship ever! i talk about them so much to my friends i feel like all of our brains are fried at this point lol they can fit so much angst and there are honestly dozens of ideas for fics that would likely never see the light of the day but we have the hope cuz we're all delusional 😔✊
just the parallels between them make me absolutely crazy, especially since i always kinda pictured mq as a type to get particularly adopted by the idealistic "sunshine type" people around him and get dragged around while he scowls and acts like he doesn't enjoy it, and then eventually ending up genuinely liking them, no matter how much they would clash at times with their ideologies. xl, sqx, i have an ongoing rants about mq and qyz friendship every other week. kinda pissed off that i didn't remember lqq until recently but it's never too late to start the brainrot anyway
i also went and checked the extras qianqing interaction, and it was actually mq seeing that lqq was in an awkward position being both the victim and the culprit and trying to send him back to heaven (it was the extra chapter where xl felt pain bcs of the guoshi mask he melted into a key?? i only searched for their names so again i have no idea/) but that was enough to have me covering my mouth and squealing
no at this point i will have to write *something* about qianqing, it would literally eat at me alive if i don't. life is busy and hard rn, but it will have to be done in this lifetime 😭
Mq has always given me the sense that he seeks out people with more emotional freedom than he feels he has. He spends so much of his time showing restraint and being distant that whenever I read sections of the book where Fu Yao makes an appearance, I see the way he lets his personality come out more. Maybe choosing the name “Fu Yao” was (among other reasons) mq’s way of literally saying he’s giving himself more freedom.
So like— it makes sense that mq has a pattern of associating with people who express themselves so freely— even if he sometimes takes shots at those people (mostly fx but also occasionally xl). Lqq is entirely unrestrained in a way that’s familiar but still unique. He’s one of the few gods who would step in or stand up for another without any ulterior motives— there’s nothing lqq would want to gain by standing up for mq in their early years. Whether he’s still angry with mq or not— it’s the right thing to do and that’s enough for him.
Meanwhile I feel like mq hates feeling like he’s once again being seen to hide behind another prince for protection. Mq likes to be in control of his circumstances— even if he could ask for help.
“I don’t need anyone fighting my battles.”
“No— but someone should have your back.”
Maybe that’s what it is about them actually? Lqq is so quick to jump up and declare injustice that mq thinks lqq would be trying to shield him when lqq is actually trying to advocate for his better treatment. Lqq learned the importance of unity and he practiced it well before ascending, so his type of support might be less about defending mq personally and more about shaming the gods for not setting a better example. Maybe he doesn’t even give mq the option to hide behind him.
(Related note, I can’t help thinking this type of tension would rise if lqq caught mq throwing a broom or snapping it in half— like ofc lqq is still mad but ofc he’s gonna try and connect the dots— maybe he even heard some of the gods laughing about their “gifts” to the young General.)
But okay now I’m thinking about the extra you mentioned and oooooooo
Mq confronting lqq in the mortal realm and failing to convince him to return to heaven. It’s a side of lqq mq has never seen. He’s not driven by a sense for justice anymore, now lqq wants revenge— maybe mq tells him that. Maybe it only angers lqq more. Either way, lqq doesn’t return.
(I actually have a similar scenario in my brain between lqq and newly-mortal pei xiu, which was actually the idea that got me started in qianxiu rarepair hell but that’s a separate space altogether LMAO)
Anyway—! If writing is too exhausting given life’s demands I am always happy to keep exploring these deranged (affectionate) scenarios. Life persists, but so does the brainrot!
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4056-isa · 12 days
Camera Controls
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Frozen motion:
An example of frozen motion is a javelin jumper, at the exact moment they jump, the moment where all of their muscles go tense, their faces look completely concentrated, you can see how de javaline is bending towards them ready to go back to its straight position, you can see how everything except them is blurry, as if nothing else matterd in that moment, but in this frame, she is immortalized in her peak time frozen in motion, the intensity in their eyes tells a story of power and determination, captured in all its clarity.
Blurred motion:
The ferris wheel filled spining its different coloful lights, the laughter and the exitment of being that high almost touching the clouds, those lights that cover all the wheel  forming streaks of different colors, some green, some red, some blue, all these colors joining in with the colors of the night everything else around the ferris wheel looks still, like if only the wheel was trying to catch up with the speed of our fast and rushed lives, only to see that the rest of the world is standing still. It feels like a dream fleeting away
Minimum Depth of Field
A bird standing at the edge of a cliff, the world around it fading into a blur of different shades of blue and green all joining in together. The bird looks almost unreal, like if you were on a dream, only showing the beautiful details and the colors of the bird, showing even the smalles feather of the beautiful creature, it’s because of the blur around the bird that the aye is attracted to the magnificence of the bird, this being a perfect and small frame of the amazing  and perfect world we live in.
What difficulties did you find when trying to apply the three photographic techniques to writing?
One of the biggest dificulties I found while writing was that I didn’t feel like my images could express something so beautiful as a proffessional picture could, it wasn’t easy for me, but when I taught of the different photos I have seen I realized how easy is to express that beauty in paper, it was still kinda hard but it was still easier than with my begginers practice photos
What limitations did you find when you tried to apply these techniques to your photographs?
One limitation I found was the lack of experience, especially in the minimum depth of field ones, because I knew they weren’t supposed to be perfect, but I still wanted to get them right and it was hard to only focus something while the background was blurry, I tried with different things and every time I tried everything went blurry, and when I finally thought I had it I tried taking another picture and I would go back to 0, and with frozen motion, it was hard for me to time the photo correctly, so I was to early or to late.
0 notes
vatrpg · 4 months
Foramen: An Alien Biosphere
Hey! First purely worldbuilding actual post in a bit! I decided to talk a bit about the native flora and fauna of Bor.
So, Bor orbits the red dwarf known as the Daystar, which due to its light, has made all plant life on Bor evolve to be, fundamentally, not green. In fact, it's shades of blue! Just keep this fact in mind.
One thing regarding the alien life was exploring different types of symmetry other than the bilateral kind that dominates Earth. There's still bilateral symmetry, especially regarding humans, but it's uh. Humans didn't really evolve naturally! For reasons that are currently secret. Don't worry about it but it's not like a super important detail, it's in the background and isn't meant to detract from the fairly grounded main story. Purely relegated to the metaplot. So, I'm constantly figuring out different life forms that are on Bor. Vegetation has some similarities, but other ground coverings exist to fill the niche grass does. From slime to plates to just barren dirt. Instead of trees, pillars of tubes rise from the ground alongside giant spikes or rock hard monoliths with a texture reminiscent of brains. Sextapeds, pentapeds, chimeras, ptagons, and pinwheels are the main classifications of animal life. Sextapeds are radially symmetrical megafauna which operate off of muscles and hydraulics. Pentapeds are carapaced radially symmetrical animals where one of their 5 legs has evolved into a grasping appendage. Chimeras are fucked up bilaterally symmetrical critters with a penchant for asymmetry that have scales, feathers, AND fur. Ptagons are like if a bat was a bird and had a cone for a face that split into 3 distinct parts. I don't know how to succinctly describe pinwheels but they're funny. They have a manipulative appendage that also is a sensory appendage. Their mouth is in their torso and is surrounded by tendrilled lips. THey have a tail that's just an arm. They walk on two digitigrade legs. Uhhhh, that's all for now! Kinda scatterbrained as I wrote this because I was futzing with my internet all day but. You know. Drawings of these beasts, or even miniature versions of these beasts, are to come! Oh yeah, when I posted those miniatures? The dog with a man's head was a chimera, specifically a manticore. I would've put more detail on there but I'm still getting good at green stuff.
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wannawritefast · 11 months
Just You
A/N: I have been pulled out of another accidental hiatus by this absolute buffoon of a man. Full and vulnerable disclosure, I stumbled upon fancams of this man on TikTok and fell in love with him. The only things I know is what I have found on the wiki and what I have seen on TikTok. I see folks are desperate for fics so I thought 'why the hell not'? I apologize for any OOC stuff. Reader is fem but most of the fic is pretty gender neutral; I tried to keep it GN but it just didn't quite work. Warnings: no use of y/n, language, very blatant references to sex, pining, a lil spicy at times, no smut but it's definitely not implied in any uncertain terms, nothing explicit as far as what you "see," but it's there, Johnny being a fucking doofus, reader is also kinda stupid, sorry Summary: You and Johnny are famous and shameless flirts especially with each other. But it's all in good fun, right?
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“Yeah,” you answered, leaning back again after leaning forward to hear the interviewer. “Well, this role was certainly more demanding than any of my other previous ones but it was functional so when my trainer and I were coming up with a plan I told him, ‘train me like someone who actually wields a weapon like this.’ A lot of it was blended with-”
A cheer rose in the background but you didn’t break focus with the interview at hand.
“-the aesthetic desires of the production but I absolutely trained for real. I did my own stunts-”
Through the glare of the light above the massive camera you saw the interviewer smile at something just over your shoulder. “Oh, we have a crasher incoming…”
You didn’t even have a chance to complete the full turn before a strong, charcoal-colored suit jacket-covered arm wrapped its way firmly around your waist with a mischievous ‘hey’ and chuckle in your ear. That cologne… You smiled and laughed instinctively, knowing exactly who it was. His warm breath fanned across your ear and neck as he lifted you off the ground in a one-armed hug from behind. “Hey, hot stuff.”
“Johnny Cage, ladies and gentlemen,” the interviewer said as you laughed in kind.
He released you slightly so you could turn in his arm as you smiled up at him. You looked up at his eyes through those signature shades as he smiled down at you, abandoning all of your attention from the camera to playfully scold him. “Hey! This is my interview!”
“You look amazing.” He quirked a brow up at you, the arch slanting upward just above the top edge of the frame of his sunglasses. There was no doubt in your mind that his eyes were running up and down the length of your body.
"Well, you look good too but you don't see me crashing your interviews."
"I wish you would."
"Johnny!" You exclaimed.
“What? I’d apologize but I never apologize for seeing my favorite person in Hollywood!”
Before you could answer, the interviewer interjected, pulling both of your attention back to the camera, “Me right?” 
Johnny guided you carefully back to the duct tape ‘X’ on the red carpet, practically carrying you the short distance there, splitting it with you and being careful to not step on anything draping off of your expensive ensemble. The kerchief tucked in his front pocket was the same as the main hue of your look for the evening, the design of your agent no doubt. It complimented his charcoal silver duochrome suit. He looked sharp.
“You can be my second favorite,” he answered the interviewer, holding eye contact with them before snapping right back to you with that signature Johnny Cage smirk, not missing a single beat. You doubled over a little as you laughed at the implication and his arm held firm. “H-h…hey,” he laughed at you, looking at you from the side, “hey, I’m not that funny. A little excessive for a fake laugh.”
You straightened up again, fighting the unattractive smile that was gracing your lips and the accompanying laugh. “You’re… you’re not. You just surprised me!” 
He dropped his jaw in fake offense. “You’re not supposed to agree!” Johnny made a show of pulling his arm away and taking a step back. You reached your arm and briefly grasped his forearm before he walked firmly out of reach. The smile on his face was wide and identical to yours as you turned fully away from the camera.
“You’re such a diva, Cage.”
“A diva you’re never working with again!” He walked backwards onto the main carpet careful to avoid the droves of entourages. “We’re renegotiating your contract!”
“I’ll see you inside!” You called. How Johnny made you laugh so much was a mystery. He only smiled at you as he officially walked off and you turned back to the camera still catching your breath from the giggles. “Sorry- I’m sorry. He’s just-”
“The two of you are peas in a pod. We get it,” the interviewer answered.
“Yeah, he’s something alright…” You carefully brushed the face framing pieces of hair back a bit and smoothed your dress. “Did that answer your question?... What was the question again?”
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You were seated patiently at a panel with Johnny to your left, his sunglasses sitting idly on the white tablecloth before him. A journalist led a question with your background in performing, referencing a previous production of Shakespeare you had done in your college years. Your head bobbed attentively. 
Johnny’s hand reached for the refill bottle of water between the two of you behind the table, picking it up from the ground without breaking his gaze from the journalist asking the question. As you began to answer, he pulled your glass of water closer to his and topped both off, capping the bottle and setting it back down. Your eyes flitted briefly to the activity with a small smile and you continued answering. 
“-so it was really rewarding to get to re-explore the character in a new context and-” You watched him slide the glass respectfully back to your space out of the corner of your eye. “-with a truly amazing cast including this wonderful gentleman, right here.” Johnny looked surprised to be mentioned but only for a moment as the journalists chuckled and cameras flashed when you turned your eyes to him. Your hand landed on his forearm and shook it affectionately. “He’s an excellent scene partner and someone very dear to me. I wouldn’t have felt as comfortable digging into this role without him at my side.”
His left hand rested at the center of his chest. “My stunning costar, everybody,” Johnny answered, grasping your left hand in his right, planting an exaggerated kiss on your knuckles. “Makes me blush!”
You laughed as you had to look away from him, letting him continue to hold your hand under the table. “We’re never going to beat the dating rumors if you keep it up, Johnny.”
“Wanna get dinner later,” he leaned flirtatiously toward you, holding your one hand in both of his now. The room filled with the hum of amusement.
“You buying?”
“Hell yeah, baby,” Johnny answered, quick as a whip.
You pulled your hand from his to pat his cheek fondly. “You’re cute. I’ll think about it.”
He glanced down at his lap as he laughed and the room joined him, seeming to have deflated a bit. Johnny shrugged toward the room and leaned forward to address the audience. “I’ve been trying for years, folks.”
A giggle bubbled up from your throat as your hand landed on and squeezed his bicep warmly. “Any more questions?”
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“Johnny!” The interviewer greeted, as he sat down across from the two of you.
Johnny said his name back in a matched tone. The interviewer then said your name and you mimicked him in kind. Then Johnny said your name and you replied his name back to him before your costar looked right into the camera he was supposed to ignore and said ‘Rocky!’
The three of you and the crew laughed. You shook your head at him, amused. He glanced at you, ensuring that his glasses were tucked firmly at the apex of his purple button down with one hand as the other found its home along the back of the couch behind you. You shifted your weight in your seat, ever so slightly favoring the side he was on.
“I love The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” the interviewer started as he settled in. 
“So do I,” Johnny piped up. You nodded in agreement. “One of the first movies I remember watching actually… In fact, Janet Weiss was my sexual awakening.”
“Speaking of, and I was going to bring this up later but the opportunity is just too perfect…” Your heart dropped to your stomach as the interviewer continued and you processed what Johnny had said about Susan Sarandon.
“Uh oh…” You knew where this was going. The sleeves of your shirt began to feel a little too tight. Your eyes landed nervously on the interviewer, outstretching your hand to him even at the far distance, attempting a negotiation. “We don’t have to tell him. We can keep this between us.”
“What are you talking about?” Johnny interjected.
“No, I don't think I will,” the interviewer replied. Brutal. This was going to be brutal.
“Please,” you begged. “I thought we had something special.”
“Sorry, I have to do this for the exclusive content.”
“No, you don- How did you even find this out? How do you know this?” You asked, desperate to stall. Johnny’s eyes were on you; you could feel it. The interviewer chuckled at your discomfort as heat crawled along your cheeks. 
“I did my research. I came prepared.”
You pushed a harsh exhale out of your lungs and looked at Johnny anxiously, your fingertips digging into your upper lip. “You have to swear to be normal about this, Johnny. I-”
“Wait, know what? What does he know?” He turned excitedly between the two of you but you could feel the small part of him that was concerned for you as one of your hands came up to visor your eyes. 
You couldn’t take it. Your body didn’t even know how to respond to this. You were usually pretty brazen with Johnny but after hearing him say what he did about Susan Sarandon just moments ago not knowing this about you… You were suddenly nervous around him and why you really couldn’t say.
“I, uh- used to…” 
“Back in the day-”
Your cheeks were hot and you were silently thankful for your makeup team as you looked up at the interviewer with a breathy chuckle, gesturing for him to continue. You picked up your glass of water, your words leading into the sip you took, “You can go ahead. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
Johnny was looking at you like he was trying to figure out a huge equation in his head and your eyes held the answers. “What do I not know? You wouldn’t be blushing if this was something I knew about you.” He had a wide grin as he looked at the interviewer. “You gotta tell me right now what it is.”
“You may love The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Johnny, but your co-star is a bigger fan of this movie than you are and I have proof.”
“What? There’s no way,” He responded a bit incredulous. You shook your head resigned to it. “I watched that movie religiously for Susan Sarandon. I mean Tim Curry’s hot in the movie too but like… Susan Sarandon.”
“Johnny, you gotta stop-”
“I will not.”
“Oh, this is priceless.” The interviewer laughed. “Your co star used to be in a shadowcast of it, right?”
You nodded with your eyes clenched shut. “Yep, that’s true.” You shifted in your seat, the bundles of nerves in your stomach balling up even more. “For those who don't know what that is, I used to be a part of a cast that regularly acted out the whole movie screen-accurately of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in front of the screen in a movie theatre.”
“That’s right.” The interviewer chimed in.
Johnny’s jaw dropped in gleeful awe. “You’re shitting me…”
“Nope, I’m not. I used to, by choice, run around in the theater in my lingerie where people would yell profane things at me.” You nodded resigned to the truth coming out.
“Would you care to tell Johnny and our viewers what character you used to play?”
Another nervous giggle bubbled up from your throat as you choked out your answer. “I used to play-”
He beat you to it. “Oh my god… Did you play Janet Weiss?”
You nodded with your eyes closed. “Yeah, that’s exactly-” a clear of your throat “-exactly who I played.” You chanced a glance at him and you laughed as he diffused the nervous tension by looking you up and down with a smirk.
Johnny conspicuously adjusted how he was sitting next to you and you turned your gaze away, rolling your eyes. “... are you serious that you played Janet?”
“Yeah, I’m serious.” You couldn’t even look at him.
Silence from Johnny. The feeling that he was looking at you was only confirmed when you finally looked up at the interviewer and then at Johnny. The expression on his face was indecipherable but it was intense whatever it was. Something stirred in your stomach… no, deeper than that, as you glanced between his dark eyes and his lips that hung open almost expectantly.
You broke the quietude, rifling through your memory, anxiously again now that he was looking at you like that. “I think I still have all of my costumes in my closet actually…”
The man just blinked at you again with his mouth still hanging open.
“Johnny, would you-?! What is going on in your head right now?” Your nails itched a spot on your inner elbow over the fabric of your dress, looking him up and down. You couldn’t help but lean back a bit.
His hand found his sunglasses sloppily as he tore his eyes away from you. Johnny pulled his glasses on before resting his elbow on the back of the couch and propping his ankle up on his knee and leaning his head toward you. 
And there it was… that signature Johnny Cage crooked smile. It wasn’t the first time he had flashed it toward you but it was the first time it gave you butterflies. Then he opened his mouth with a nod, “Hey.”
The interviewer cackled but you paid him no mind.
“Hi,” you replied, coy, sitting up a little and tilting your head to meet his gaze more directly; you fought down the laugh in your chest. You twirled a strand of hair around your finger, playing along. “Can I help you, Johnny?”
He scooted closer to you and you let out one segment of a giggle. “You still have those Janet costumes?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
Johnny immediately turned his face away from you, hearing the sharp exhale he expelled from his pursed lips, before he turned back. “Is there a Mr. Weiss?”
“Please, Mr. Weiss is my father.”
“Ohmygod,” he groaned gutturally as he stood up, taking a quick pace out of the frame of the camera. You watched him with confusion and you and the interviewer laughed together again. He stalked back toward you looking down at you as he gestured to your thighs, “Is this seat taken?”
“My lap?” You coughed out.
“Oh, I thought you’d never ask,” he gushed, straddling your hips and moving to settle into your lap, towering over you even as he sat.
Your head was thrown back in laughter, muffled from his shirt rubbing against the mic clipped to your breast. His hands found your wrists to guide your palms to an ass cheek each. Johnny didn’t even falter as he brought one of his, comically in this situation, large arms around your shoulders and turned at the waist to face the interviewer with his hand on his hip. You could barely look around him and his broad chest even if you tried. Everything about Johnny was bigger than you.
He bashfully looked to the ground and then up to the interviewer. “What other questions do you have?”
“Yeah, let’s just finish the interview like this,” you called out of view from behind Johnny, snapping your fingers above your head. “Next question, please.” Your hand came back down and landed with a resounding smack back to where Johnny had initially placed it.
The interviewer laughed heartily and even Johnny guffawed out something like a yelp as he jumped. He quickly pulled his phone out from his pocket and pointed the front facing side down toward both of you almost vertically. You furrowed your brows, bit your lip, and curled your fingers into claws on the curve of his ass as the camera clicked.
“Babe, not here,” he spoke down at you, feigning embarrassment, as he crawled out of your lap finally.
“Oh, sorry, babe, I forgot we weren’t alone.”
If you thought, however, that Johnny was completely removing himself from you, you couldn’t be more mistaken. He opted to settle snugly into your side, resting his interlocked fingers on one of your shoulders. You took the cue to wrap your arm around his waist possessively, hardening your gaze and tilting your chin up at the interviewer. “Sorry about that,” you said, shrugging as you spread your legs in a very masculine fashion. It was comical for how much bigger Johnny was than you alone. You scratched the bridge of your nose addressing the interviewer and the camera. “I can’t help it. It’s just the effect I have on people.”
Johnny nodded in understanding, watching you reach down to grab your glass of water and take a sip of it. He turned his gaze back to the interviewer matter-of-factly. 
“She pegs me.”
You choked on your water.
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It was Johnny’s birthday party and how you had ended up grinding on him for four, going on five, songs was beyond your rational mind. 
People were attempting to take subtle pictures on their phones of the two of you, you could feel it: one of his arms firmly around your waist, his other hand gripping your hip, back to chest, ass to… what you were going to call his pelvis in the middle of the dance floor. You stopped caring about three rounds of tequila ago with him right before he had initially dragged you there.
You were sure that if your eyes were open and you could be bothered to interrupt the moment by turning around and looking at him that you’d see in his face something very similar to what was stirring just about everywhere in your body between your closed eyes and where his hands were. If he didn’t try to kiss you or you didn’t try to kiss him, that is, which is what you were almost certain a few shots in now would happen if you turned around. And if the two of you kissed…
Instead you opted to lean into the rational part of your brain that told you to remain like this lest you ruin the relationship the two of you had built: his unabashed, utterly shameless flirting that you kept at an arms’ length distance, at least until now - right now Johnny’s hands on you were exactly where you wanted them. Dancing was just fine and if this is what the birthday boy wanted, without adding more confusion to whatever the dynamic was that you and Johnny called “being just friends,” well, you were more than okay with it. He wasn’t a bad dancer either.
It was hot… you confessed to yourself silently. He was strong and warm and he smelled really good like he always did; musky, heady, sharp.
It’s not like you could really hear yourself think anyways over the bass booming in your ears and chest. Your body continued to sway against his. You supposed you didn’t entirely hate it actually: his hands preoccupied with you at least in some capacity, his lips (you were certain) were tilted up in a smirk close to your ear, even though you fought wanting them closer elsewhere, his muscled chest and abs against your back, your bodies moving in unison. 
Who were you kidding… you liked it…
Johnny’s hand on your hip stiffened and pulled you to spin you around. You twirled, nimbly obliging it’s direction. Uh-oh…
You began swaying again to the music, feeling the hands on your hips before your eyes could actually focus on what or rather who you were seeing.
And there was Johnny. You knew that. You weren’t that drunk. But there he was. His brown eyes were looking down at you, softened by the way his lips formed a cocky expression, like he was about to say something mouthy about how comfortable you had been dancing with him. Not with him… on him. You looked back up at him, a retort poised about how strong his grip on you had been for someone so willing to hypothetically make fun of you for dancing on him.
“Happy birthday,” left your lips instead. “Having a good time?”
You knew the answer. Johnny sported a smirk. “I’m having a great time.”
“You have a good DJ.” Shameless bait, you knew it.
“And a good dance partner,” he spoke loudly, leaning down so you could hear him. Hook, line, and sinker. Although you weren’t quite sure you could say you were really baiting him if he was probably going to say something like it anyways.
There were a number of things perched on your tongue. One, ‘you’re not too bad yourself.’ Two, ‘that’s the tequila talking.’ Three, some snide remark about your ass having been flush against him so it had been no wonder he had been enjoying it. 
And yet looking at him, your boldness so directly challenged by his undistracted brown eyes, you couldn’t help but be rendered speechless- a rare occurrence for you. It didn’t last.
“If you want me to turn around and shake ass again, I can.”
“As much as I wouldn’t hate that,” he laughed, his forehead briefly knocking against yours in a dangerous way when he slumped a little. “I just like having you close.”
“Aren’t we supposed to be dancing,” tumbled off your tongue before you could stop it. 
Lucky for you, Johnny seemed relatively happy to continue. A hand latched itself more firmly on your body, this time fastening itself comfortably on your ass rather than your waist where it had been. Johnny had big hands, you realized. That was a lie. You realized it a while back when he had pulled your hips to his earlier. You started more confidently dancing to the rhythm again. You weren’t sure when but eventually his second hand slid close to his first one. 
If you had been any more sober, there might have been more nerves about Johnny’s liberties, which you were happy to give him, about touching your butt while also dancing so close. Instead your nerves had more to do with the fact that despite your eyes once again fluttering closed, Johnny’s were definitely on you. You could feel him drinking you in, drinking this moment in. No amount of alcohol would make that sensation more bearable. You chanced opening your eyes, slowing your dancing. 
You were right, against every wish that you hadn’t been. Sure enough, there were Johnny’s eyes on your face. His expression was much more sober than it had been when you first turned around earlier but no less intense. 
You stopped, the rhythm leaving your feet. You were flush against him, chest to chest, one of his arms strong around your waist. 
Words. They were somewhere in your head. But they were all wrong. And Johnny was so right. 
His stupidly attractive slightly messy hair. His eyes traveling along your face. His tongue peeking out from between his lips to wet them. His nose. Just his nose. His cologne. The flashing lights hitting your face. The tequila buzzing ever so slightly behind your eyes. Right.
Johnny’s face approached yours so tentatively, so surprising in how gentle it was, like he was worried you’d spook if he moved too fast, that by the time his lips met yours it felt like they had already been there. Warm. Soft. They belonged there, you decided immediately.
Your hands came up to hold his jaw. ‘Hold’ was the wrong word. You were drawing him closer; his arm tightening and other hand cradling the back of your head answered it. You didn’t hear him groan so much as you felt the hum against your tongue, which itself was testing just as many boundaries as you were against yourself. The deal was sealed when Johnny pulled back momentarily.
“Can I see you in one of your Janet costumes now?”
You were gonna fuck Johnny Cage.
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It was so unnaturally dark when you woke up that at first you weren’t sure you had woken up at all. You were lying on your stomach, that much you could tell, and the time on the digital clock read ‘10:47’ in a knowing shade of crimson. Blinking a few times and stirring your naked body against the so-soft-it-was-cool-to-the-touch, extremely not-your sheets you realized that you were in fact awake and in a bed. Silk. Naked. Then you felt the weight of one large hand wrapped lazily around your wrist.
The realization, or rather reminder, that you were neither in your bed nor alone came embarrassingly slow to you. You smelled it before you saw it. It was too dark to rely on your sight anyways.
And you’d recognize that cologne anywhere…
The panic of what the two of you had done, what you had done to him, what you had let him do to you hit your adrenaline centers like seeing a spider crawl across your hand. Like feeling his hand on your wrist.
Your sheet-tangled legs wheeled you back for the edge of the bed behind you, away from the man, the face you knew you’d find if you had pushed forward against the silk sheets instead of pulled back like you were doing right now. You knew what you had done last night. Boy, did you know… And the scary thing was that you hadn’t hated it one bit if your memory and the sudden fluttering in your stomach served you right.
His fingers strained against you yanking your wrist away from him… then tightened the moment your foot, nay, your ankle rolled. The joint was jelly the moment it hit the cold marble floor, gravity pulling the rest of your lower body and the sheet wrapped around you with it. You heard a grunt as the fall tugged your now-awake counterweight ever so slightly toward you. You grunted in response when he released you and you fell fully backward.
There was a click of a button and the L.A. morning began to shine directly in your eyes. Your hands acted instinctively: one shielding your eyes and the other blindly tugging the sheet up around your body, hastily covering what you could. As if Johnny hadn’t seen all of it hours ago… 
You rose to your feet, more wobbly than expected. Were you… sore? Johnny was already standing, tugging a pair of boxers over him, his back muscles flexing as he did so, angry pink scratch marks running along his shoulder blades… You bit your lip and clenched the sheet tighter between your fingertips. Really… that’s where your mind is right now… 
Johnny turned to his nightstand rummaging through it. “Here.” A tee flew in your direction and you fumbled it between your occupied hands. You could feel the beginnings of Johnny’s smile as he watched you with those goddamn brown eyes. No. Not happening. Not again… not soon anyways.
“Turn around.” You demanded. 
Johnny dropped his jaw, throwing his arms out from sides. “What are you-?! Are you serious?”
“I’m so serious, Johnny.” You said, stone cold. The sheet wrapped around you betrayed your modesty, sliding down, exposing more of your chest. He silently watched, even standing on his toes momentarily as if to get a better vantage point. “Johnathan Carlton.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ! Fine!” It was at this moment he regretted telling you his full name. There wasn’t much else he regretted with regard to you though, especially with how it had led to last night.
You dropped the sheet and hastily pulled the shirt on once he obliged. “Boxers too!” You called tugging the shirt down. It wasn’t short on you per se. It was just… breezy.
“So bossy…” he grumbled, making sure you could hear him, but immediately obeyed, grabbing you a pair and threw it to you with alarming accuracy over his shoulder. “You decent?” he lilted, still turned around. 
Gilda reference… 
“Me? Yeah, I’m decent,” you answered, unable to hide your amusement as you finished the exchange with as deadpan of a tone as you could manage. Johnny turned to face you again right as you began looking around the room.
A table that usually rested against a wall? Toppled. 
The vase usually on top of it? Shattered. The painting hung on said wall? Propped against the floor crooked. 
The hutch that framed the other side of the doorway? Random drawers hung open. One was halfway off the track and broken. There were clothes, yours and his, littered along the path to the bed, shoe scuff marks trailing off the heels of yours and his shoes on the otherwise immaculate marble. Upon closer inspection of the windows you noticed a crack spidering near where it met the next window about the height of Johnny’s biceps. The lamp on the nightstand of the opposite side of the bed was on the floor. 
You don't know why you didn’t look at the bed itself sooner but when your eyes landed on the bed frame off kilter in favor of the right-side of the foot and the head of the bed broken in no less than three different places, your hand came up to your mouth, eyes landing on him. Speechless. As if on cue, the lamp on your side of the bed, his bed, dropped to the ground.
“You’re awfully quiet.” He remarked. 
You simply closed your eyes and shook your head in disbelief. You couldn’t believe that the two of you, just the two of you, had left his room in such a state. It looked like someone had broken in and entered just to smash shit and make a mess of his room. “I just…”
“You weren’t quiet a few hours ago.” Johnny’s smile was back. His arms were crossed over his broad, bare chest. Bruises. Hickeys, actually. The broken bed was still between the two of you.
You tilted your head at him and blinked, eyes locked on his stupid handsome face. “Really? You had to say that?”
“I don’t know what you’re so grumpy about. I had a really good time last night-”
“-I’m not grumpy-”
“-like a really really good time-”
“-Okay, that’s-”
“-like a great time last night-”
“-Best birthday present ever in fact.” He finished pointedly, never once having broken eye contact with you. “Which, by the way, if you keep looking at me like that we’re gonna have to go for round 6. Round 8 for you.”
“Johnny!” you scolded, finally allowing the laughter to escape your body, hearing him reply your name to you in the exact same tone. You felt like you couldn’t do anything but chuckle for about ten seconds.
“I’m pretty damn sure I wasn’t the only one that had a good time,” he replied, throwing his hands up in surrender and sauntering over to you at a casual pace. You watched him walk up to you putting his hands gently on your upper arms. “Am Iiii…. wrong in thinking that?”
Your head lolled up to face him, eyes rolling as you couldn’t quite meet his. A sheepish “no” is all you can manage.
“Okay…? And…?”
Your heart finally got comfortable directing your eyes to him. Just like right before the events of the previous evening your words were once again failing. What could you even say right now? There were a lot of things you had realized in the last twelve-ish hours that past you would’ve been jarred to learn.
“Why are you being so quiet? You’re freaking me out!”
“I’m sorry!” You replied frantic, one of your hands rubbed roughly the side of your face. There was truly no way for you to formulate thoughts, not while he was touching you. “I’m sorry. I’m just… thinking! There’s a lot to think about!”
“Like…?” He led, his hands still on your arms as he began rubbing them.
“Would you get your hands off of me? I can’t think when you do that!” You snapped. There was no anger behind it. Just frustration.
A laugh. You should’ve known he was going to laugh. 
“Okay, while you think, also think about what you want for breakfast. We can order brunch too. I don’t really have a preference.” He pulled you close and you let him press a kiss to the side of your head. It was such a sweet and normal gesture that it startled you how little it startled you. He began walking around back to his side of the bed to grab his phone and moved to head for the bathroom, sticking his head out of the doorway as the shower faucet turned on. “Anything you want. My phone’s on the counter, just add it to the cart.” Johnny haphazardly told you his phone password as he hopped into the shower. Complete trust.
You stared at the doorway to the bathroom like it had just spoken to you. That would have been less confusing than what was running through your mind right now. In less than a day, you had celebrated your costar/“friend”’s birthday, danced on him drunk, gone multiple rounds with him in his mansion bedroom, woken up in his bed, and now he supposedly wanted you to stay for breakfast.
“You can use my toothbrush by the way! And if you hate the shirt you can grab whatever!”
A man notorious for his sex-capades. A bold flirt. Someone you knew had a history of many, many one night stands. Wanted you to use his toothbrush. Why wasn’t he kicking you out?
Your feet carried you swiftly to the bathroom before you could stop them. “Johnny. You’re not kicking me out.” It wasn’t a question. It wasn’t meant to be one. You didn’t know what it was supposed to be.
It was his turn to be confused. “No?” He poked his head out from behind the foggy glass partition, shampoo in his hair, suds running down his chest. “Why… would I kick you out?”
“Don’t you usually kick people out after?”
“Yes?” His form went back behind the foggy glass.
“But not me.”
Your brows furrowed. “Why?”
“Because I like you?” He popped back out, lathering his hair. “I’m sorry, was it not clear before we went at it several times last night that I like you?”
You caught a glimpse of yourself in the steamy mirror you were in front of. You could barely make out the t-shirt you were wearing. A ‘When Harry Met Sally’ graphic tee over some baggy brown checkered boxers. This would be what you were wearing right now…
His hand wiped his face as he regarded you. “Wait, you know we fucked last night, right?”
You scoffed. “Johnny.”
“Like multiple times. ‘Cause that’s what I meant by round number 6. And if you didn’t know what I meant by ‘round 8 for you,’ I meant that-”
He expelled air out of his pursed lips before disappearing again. “Okay, let me level with you. You’re saying my name a lot in that annoyed way that you’re doing and while it’s a lot different than how you were saying it last night, it’s still kinda turning me on-”
“Oh, Jesus Christ-!”
“Actually, you know what? I think it’s the general annoyed tone. I’m discovering something about myself right now.”
“Babe, you have to stop, like seriously…”
You were silent, still standing there, annoyed. Babe. There was steam rolling out of the shower but you were certain that if there were any onlookers to this intimate moment they might also see steam coming out of your ears. Your gears in your brain were running in neutral. What was happening?
“You like me?”
“And you want to have breakfast together?”
“Or brunch, yeah. You want mimosas? I can order us some champagne. I’m in the mood for celebrating.”
You shook your head but not to the mimosas. Mimosas sounded great. “Is there something I’m missing here? You want to get breakfast after last night and you are being so casual about it. What is going on right now?”
The water turned off and Johnny stepped out. As it would turn out you had positioned yourself right next to where his fresh black towels of various sizes were hung. He stopped right in front of you. Tall, buff, dripping wet, naked, and looking down at you. You were fighting to keep your eyes on his brown eyes. You weren’t sure if it was anymore of a relief to look at him like that though.
“Pass me a towel?”
You scowled at him as you shoved one into his chest and leaned against the wall, using your hand as a partition on the side of your face between you and him. Your jaw was set, frustrated.
“Guess what?”
“It’s you looking annoyed that does it for me too.”
“Oh… my God.” You stomped back into the room, taking a seat on the crooked mattress and rubbing your temples.
He called after you from the bathroom. “I didn’t think you’d be so frustrated by being told how sexy you are right now. And you were amazing last night too. Seriously, even better than I imagined.”
“You imagined it?”
“I imagine it with most people.” You furrowed your brows and looked up in contemplation as he said that. Johnny Cage. What a guy. “Did you think I didn’t imagine it with you? I mean, we’re both hot and had some serious ‘will-they-won’t-they’ tension. We’ve played romantic opposites. I hit on you regularly and I’ve definitely been interested in you for some time now. Wait, had you never imagined it with-?”
“Stop, stop, stop,” you waved your hands in front of you. “You’ve been interested in me?”
“It’s basically a habit for me to flirt with you.” The last part of his sentence came out muffled as you heard him take a toothbrush to his busy mouth. “I do it about as frequently as I check my phone.”
“I thought you were joking.”
Silence. Complete silence. Then, “... are you sure you know that we fucked last night?”
You rolled your eyes. “Can we rewind to the part where you said that you’ve been interested in me supposedly for some time? Is that true?’
There was the sound of a spit in the sink and then the faucet running briefly. Johnny appeared in the doorway, leaning with the towel clinging to his hips. Dangerous.
His arms were crossed over his chest and there was a serious expression on his face. You thought to yourself that this was one of very few times you’ve ever seen him wear such sobriety on his features. His dark eyes were suddenly piercing like this. You weren’t sure you liked it. “Okay, what’s wrong? Do you regret last night? Because if you do we can pretend this whole thing never happened. I mean it. I can be a paragon of professionalism as I try to get over you. It’ll be hard but I can do it.”
“No. I don’t regret last night at all. I just…” You wrung your hands together in your lap. “When you talk like that, it makes me think that you actually like me and I can’t tell if you’re joking anymore because I like you.”
“I think you’re the only person to ever think ‘this person hit on me so much that it must mean they don’t like me.’” Your chuckle mingled with his and he pushed off the doorway, beginning his approach to crouch in front of you. His fingers interrupted your wringing hands, gently intertwining them with yours.
And there he was. That was the thing about Johnny - he was always there. There with his brown eyes that always seemed to twinkle like he was about to tell a joke. “I like you, okay? I have liked you. I will probably continue to like you until you give me a reason to hate your guts which will be really, really hard to do.”
“And you’re not kicking me out.”
“Fuck, no. I’m not kicking you out.” He said in a low voice. The two of you were close together. He didn’t need to be any louder.
“I can’t do ‘casual’ with you, Johnny,” you said. You were serious. Your eyes darted between his earnestly.
“That’s perfect because I can’t either.”
Your brows furrowed. “... To be clear, I want this to be serious.”
“Babe, we’re holding hands and you’re sitting on the bed we broke in my clothes and I’m crouched in front of you in nothing but a towel.” He brought your knuckles up to his lips to kiss them.
“Right.” You shook your head, as if to clear the worries. Johnny pressed his lips to your forehead. “Right. And you’re serious?”
He tilted his head at you, incredulous. “I’m not going to ask if you’re sure we fucked again because now I think you’re just fishing for compliments. You’re sexy and great in bed.”
You laughed out his name.
“You know what? I think it’s you saying my name too.”
A playful shove to his shoulder did nothing to deter him from leaning forward to kiss you through the laugh. “You’re way too horned up to talk any kind of sense right now.”
“Yep!” He replied instantly, leaning forward. Johnny’s big hands, with which you had gotten well-acquainted last night, planted themselves on either side of you. Your own hands found his cheeks. “Wanna ‘not talk’ with me?” He whispered against your lips.
You laughed again feeling his smile along your neck as he began traveling downward. He was pushing you back toward the mattress. “Tempting… but I’m hungry…” 
“That’s perfect. So am I,” Johnny practically growled as his hands settled on your thighs, beginning to pry them apart. You obliged, giggling. 
You laughed again. “Johnny…”
“Babe, you have to not-”
“It’s your name!”
“I can’t help it. I’m like that guy with the dogs and the bells.” His fingers toyed with your waistband. Well, his waistband… but who was getting technical?
You stood halting him and he stood with you, pulling you into a hug. You needed to clean up at least a little bit. You rested your chin on his chest.
“A shit ton of pancakes and breakfast sides.”
“Got it.”
“I’m gonna get in the shower. After you’re done ordering, you can help me.” You walked to the bathroom and he slapped your butt as you left.
“Will do.” Silence. “Hey, babe.”
“Yes, Johnny?” The shower turned on.
“I think it’s just you.”
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fmp2emilycywinski · 1 year
Drawing Crimson Cover
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I have already mentioned that I wanted to make a front cover and a Webtoon comic as my final project. Since I have completed all of my blog work for now and my character designs, I wanted to start on my front cover since I have only 2 weeks left to do my Webtoon comic.
First I wanted to sketch the cover however I used a different paper this time because I found an A3 sketchbook with actual sketchbook paper that dost destroy itself when you use a rubber.
Anyway, I sketch out what I wanted on the front cover, I knew I wanted to draw the two main characters as the main focus of the cover so I first saw Rose looking back behind her. I wanted her cloak to be dramatic and flow behind her with her weapon also doing the same thing but with blood droplets.
After that, I wanted Valko to do a similar pose I drew on his character design sheet where he is looking behind him as well as Rose but also holding his shadow ball.
But one thing I am super proud of is Rose’s hair, I wanted it to flow dramatically as well and I'm just really happy with how it looks. It's so flowy and very pretty.
But once I was happy with how the sketch looked, I then took a picture of my sketch and put it into Procreate for me to draw over with line art. Not much to say about that because it's just like art, but then once I finished that, it was time to colour!
I grabbed the colour pallets from my character design sheet and pasted them onto this cover. I then coloured everything aproporatly and then started the shade everything. I didn't shade Valko because I just wanted to focus on one person at a time and because Rose is pretty much the centre of the cover, I needed her to look good.
I started by shading her skin and then her hair, her hair was quite difficult because I wanted to shed a little differently then I usually do, I wanted to add way more colours and shading than I usually do. I usually do 2 shading colours but because this was the cover, I wanted to up the quality quite a lot so I gave her quite a few shading colours.
I also went ham on the ADD setting on her hair highlight layers to make it shiny and very pretty. The rest of the shading was kinda simple and I'm very happy with how she turned out. I then started to shade Valko which was very quick and easy since Rose covers 50% of him.
After I completed the shading, I put it in the background. I just used one of my forest landscape images I made for no particular reason but now I'm glad that it has a purpose.
One thing I did that I don't usually do is even more shading but this time it's a little different than usual. Usually, I just shade with certain colours but because the forest might have a sun coming down and hitting out characters, that means that there must be some harsh shadows.
So I created a layer on top over every other layer and colour-filled the whole canvas with a forest green to match the forest background. I then lowered the opacity and rubbed out anything that light would hit on my two characters. I created some sunbeams using the shadow but to make the sunlight look glowy, I grabbed a light-free colour and created another layer, set it to ADD and used an airbrush in the corner of the poster to make the sunshine look very pretty.
Anyway, I'm very happy with how this turned out! I showed my friends and it sounds like they were very pleased with it. But I am so proud, and I worked so hard on this to the point I'm quite tired and can't wait for this project to be over...Haha....
0 notes
outofbinaryspace · 2 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Learn to know your mutuals and followers. 💚
Hey thanks for the ask!
In no particular order:
1. When my cat is mostly asleep/sleeping and I pet her and she shoves her head into my hand.
2. Whenever I’m (usually virtually) hanging out with my friends and start laughing (especially if I can’t stop after a few seconds) and they join in laughing with me even if they don’t know why I’m laughing
This makes me happy cause I haven’t had the best luck in any kind of relationships and even with my own family so having people that laugh with me instead of judging me or laughing at me is a nice feeling.
3. My parents dogs. Well honestly the older boy. I do love the puppy but I’m not as attached to her. The boy was abused as a puppy and we got him when he was 1 or 2. He’s now 5 (I think). He’s a very sweet lad and also a giant. Even for his breed he is tall. Anyway I’m one of his favorite people and I love him. He’s just a giant cuddle bug and while he’s had to overcome a lot, he’s a good boy.
4. I know a lot of people do not like Christmas and how it’s capitalist propaganda and whatever
I love Christmas. I love the cold weather, the hot coco, the pretty lights and decorations, the sappy romcoms, the old stop motion movies, the music (especially the classic old timey songs)
5. This is a bit of a weird one. And kinda gross. TW: skin disease, skin picking
Background info:
Up until I was 20/21 the backs of my ears were basically reptilian. A very pale shade of yellow. Both ears were covered in it. My ears ached from it. And itched. Scratching and peeling it off felt really good. After getting all the scales off I would be in heaven. Because for that precious little time my ears were smooth and light. However peeling and scratching led to my ears bleeding from it. And shedding. It also smelled after being peeled.
It drove me insane. I was paranoid about the shedding. Sunlight hurt more. I couldn’t stand anything touching my ears. Including my glasses that I refused to wear. Gee I wonder why.
When I started fencing I had to worry about how to put my mask on. Because if it touched/smushed my ears I’d tear up from the pain. I remember there was one time I was about to bout one of my teammates and I put my mask on wrong and it folded my ear. I could feel the scales breaking and being ripped from the skin. I had to take a breather and my coach asked me what was wrong and all I could say was I put my mask on wrong which to her made absolutely zero sense.
For those curious: the scales were dead skin cells. For whatever reason they did not fall off like they should have after dying. And because they didn’t i had a constant pile of them on both my ears.
Medicines did not work. When I was a kid I had it on my scalp. My mom used a shampoo on me to try and treat it. The shampoo burned. It burned so badly and I had to let it burn because it was supposed to stay in for twenty minutes. I cried because it hurt so much. And I am not a big cryer. I got hit right in the ankle by an automatic softball machine and didn’t cry.
The shampoo didn’t help. And then there were creams and eventually it was noticed I have it on both eyelids. And they gave me a cream that also did not work and made it look like I had just been crying my eyes out. I had multiple teachers ask me if I was okay. Cue the embarrassing explanation. Even worse when my friends noticed.
My mom and I gave up after that. I accepted I was never going to grow out of it and I’d just have to deal with it.
Then I saw a doc at my (former) uni. She’d help me with my mental health and the times I’d gotten sick. I trusted her. And by god was that the best choice I ever made.
She got me yet another cream. I will admit I did not have any hope. But then it actually worked…after a few rounds my ears weren’t scales. They were normal.
And have stayed that way since!
Even now I’ll mess with my ears just for fun. And it makes me happy. It’s silly I know but for me my smooth and normal ears aren’t something I had until recently. I’ve even thought about piercing them since it’s been threeish years now and it doesn’t look like it’ll come back.
(I still do have it on my eyelids but it doesn’t bother me nearly as much as my ears did. The only noticeable thing is that my eyelids are red instead of skin colored. I am going to see if I can get it treated tho. I did ask before but she was hesitant to treat it cause eyelids being so close to the eyes)
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alroma1 · 3 years
Everything that... not exactly right with Uraraka Ochako. Part 3
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Mangaka can do a lot with their art. And I dont mean just drawings itself. Paneling, shading, bubbles placement and their form, screentones - all this helps to tell a story. But from time to time its used to tell parallel story. 
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Red point. Hidden side here is omoteura ( 表裏) - outside and inside, being two faced, having public and private face.Second kanji( back cover, hidden side) main reading is the same as in first kanji in Uraraka - ura.
 So Kohei told us that she isnt two faced and then gave us this
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But speaking a truth its pretty common for Kohei use  half-face shading. You can find those at every corner if you search for it. Thats to say Ochakos version on these two panels is unusual since its practically exactly half and half.
The closed I find was this one
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If I understood right this means that character has conflicted feelings over something. Its pretty clear over what Bakugou has inner conflict here. But its not clear with those two Urarakas panel. On second one even background is half-half. I remember there was similar page during her second fight with Toga. Speaking of which...
                                          Ochako and Toga 
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At this point (323) chapter we have three established villain-young hero parallels. Deku-Shigaraki, Shoto-Dabi, Ochako-Toga. And the thing is that last one is just... creepy. In my option. Why? Because as a reader I cant grasp whats this parallel is about.
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For someone like Toga, for whom affection is the most important thing, the fact that they both has a crush on the same guy is enough to say that they are the same. But for plot,for readers its not. For making parallel between two characters its not enough in my option. There has to be at least one more something they have in common. 
( Side note - even them both having crush on Izuku as a point of parallel is kinda problematic to me. Personally I wouldnt call too individuals who have feelings for same person similar if one of those has their feelings answered. For them to be called similar both has to have one-sided crush. But that just personal impression.)
Lets see. Their quirks? Totally different. Their upbringing? Togas parents rejected her while Ochako`s feel like loving ones. Even more. Ochako comes from kinda broke family while Mva flashback gave me impression Toga in fact come from wealthy household. Not super rich but about Bakugou family level.So strictly speaking nothing add to this parallel from what we have seen. I mean without going deeper. So lets go deeper.
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Here we probably have panel that may hints an answer. In this position both girls ended up with background of black and white stripes. This is pretty clear symbolism here. I really doubt Kohei drew this on a whim. I suspect its pretty straight forward says that both girls have light (good) side and dark(bad) side. With Toga you can get where this coming from. She is a crazy killer but she did have genuine feeling towards Twice and whole League I think.But with Ochako it feels like revelation. We have only seen her good side. However thats the point. If you ask me it has always been hinted that Ochako has another side to her.
Even her surname,Uraraka ( bright day) if one play with japanese a bit  can turn  into “being two faced”, “having hidden side”
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This is another curious moment from their fight. Ochako was thrown back and accidently broke tv that was in her way. Poor guy last words were “At present...” and then she told Toga she would never feel happy about dropping someone to their death. ( One thing is that original japanese doesnt have the sky part. Just dropping people. Obviously Ochako meant dropping from height to their death. But there were no such concrete thing as sky) But heres the thing  - tv`s last word feels like start of her speech. If you put two together it would be “At present... I would never feel happy about dropping a person from height to their death” At present, not past or future. We shall see what will be in the future but past part... I would like to remind of last point about Aoyama in part 2.
I might overthink this a lot but... its strange that broken tv make so much sense if you add Ochako words. 
Mangakas tend to make retouches\corrections for volume realises. Kohei did it for 30 volume too of course. First is weekly, second volume
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Half-half background again. Its interesting that all those things Ochako picked using her quirk ended up on black side. It sorta feels that what she saying here doesnt go only for her crush. If that All Might keychan she won at Christmas is symbol of her feelings for Deku then maybe all these stuff are symbols too? Could it be the hint that she has shut down, tries to hide other things? And her feelings for Deku is part of larger group? 
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Toga really tried to be super good girl but eventually it never worked. Because she tried shut down too much. Could it be Ochako is the same? That during her life she tried reject a lot things about herself? And with time this baggage have grown too big?  
                                                  Class 1-A
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I remember back in the day there were lots of theories about this spread. People were saying that characters with dark background are going end up as villains or dead... Anyway I suspect thats not a trick here. But before I give my explanation lets me say one thing. 
If this double spread give you impression that theres in fact 21 persons in class A... then you should remember this feeling.
So we have class A characters in something like puzzle with white and dark background. With TWO empty slots. One is very obviously for Hagakure but another? Right now ( with 324) chapters there can be two explanations.
1) It foreshadows Deku leaving.
2) Its for Shinso.
But I think while those two might be the case thats not it. This is an earliest hint about traitor. 
One of those spots goes to one of the students thus making his or her background hald and half, hinting that one of the students has another side to him or to her. Thats might be a reason why Kohei didnt show in which spot Tooru is. White spot might go to characters with dark background and dark one to characters with white. 
 Lets see another interesting double spread, this time from SF. Can you say what weird here?
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15th place that what weird. Sato panel has enough place for two characters.To make matter worse Kohei even drew Sato in profile. Theres literally empty space in this spread. But I think that latter there come hint of why it is this way. But make a note how Ochako right after Sato at 16th place. 
83 chapter was where Mic officially announced they have a mole. I think it would make sense if Kohei gave a small hint about traitor in it. And I believe he did. Very thin, very-very subtle but there was one hint. 
On 13th page of that chapter we got Ochako and Sato sharing panel.  
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What Ochako says in original japanese if more ambitious. It can mean both 15 humans or 15th human. Thinking about it Kohei could easily made Jiro and Hagakure get well already by that time so more classmates could visit Deku. But I suspect he didnt so he could insert this hint. And I think her panel with Sato is that hint. She is the one that shared 15th place with him at SF race. 
But how could it be if she was on 16th place? 
And heres come one of the main reasons why I am writing these posts. I dont insist on it in any way but I think its worth sharing. I suspect that either its comes together with her quirk itself ( like Twice ) or because during her whole life Ochako desperately tried to shut down everything she didnt like about herself ( like Toga ) but the girl ended up with double split personality. And that... shadow Ochako symbolically shared 15th place with Sato, right after the real one. 
I know it sounds crazy but admit it feels that way because of what character we are talking about not because it would be all that strange in Bnha universe. 
It would explain quite a lot. It would explain one more empty spot on first double spread. It would make All Might words about how all kids at hero course have heroic heart true and not true at the same time. They are in fact true because on the hero course as Toshinori knows it theres no traitor. But he doesnt know that theres one more person since Ochako counted as two.
It would also make clear strangeness in this sketch Kohei drew for the start of 5th season.
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Two girls enjoying meal but the problem is that there THREE set of dishes. 
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If we return to that moment and look at it with theory of shadow Ochako in mind then maybe there should be another hint of that? Lets see. 
(On different note Sato being on 15t place probably a pin since 15 can be read as ichi-go which is also strawberry in japanese. It fits Sato who is Sugarman.)
  Even if we say that symbolically theres another person in this panel theres still only Sato name here. But kanji can be read differently so maybe if we read his name differently there will be surprise? ( Make a note I am pretty sure theres no way Sato is traitor. If anything Kohei probably construct his name that way so he can make a hidden hint latter.) 
His full name ( surname first ) is Sato( 砂藤 ) Rikido ( 力道 ) If you use different reading of kanjis in his surname you can get  シャ ドウ  and doing the same for personal name you can get か ど. With very little stretch this how one would write ( not translate) using japanese alphabets two english words - Shadow Card. 
I didnt know what it might means except literal meaning so I searched it.Turned out its a term in Tarot reading. 
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A shadow card is the card at the bottom of your tarot deck. The shadow card represents your innermost emotions and fears.
I think its fits the theme of repressed negative emotions?  Though I am not into Tarot and might miss a lot of nuances. But still I think it fits.
If we continue Tarot theme and use number 15 as a hint? If we go for Major Arcanas we would get the devil.
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Of course it has wild range of meanings but among others things its 
experiencing bondage accepting an unwanted situation being obsessed feeling tied down against your will losing independence allowing yourself to be controlled being addicted and enslaved submitting to another
I think it makes sense with Ochako having dark side she doesnt want to admit and thus tries ignore it. Tries to shut it down. But one day this wouldnt be enough.
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I have little idea how much Ochako we know is aware of darkness within her. If this all is true I mean. My guess she tries suffocate it. Or maybe its reverse? And she tries to hide it because it might ruin her plan? I think the first guess is more right.But this all hard to predict. IF this true. 
                                                Some moments 
Here I am going to point some moments in manga that felt suspicious\possibly having a hint about Ochako to me.
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This panel is from Deku vs Shoto during SF. I think its curious how words about using half of power placed on Ochako panel. Because it would make interesting point. If she really has another personality which she tries to hide could it be that because of that she cant use her quirk fully? Then she would be the same as Shoto at the start - someone who try to win using only half of her powers. 
In some way it would explain how her name doesnt have a hint about her quirk. As I said prior her surname can means “having another\hidden side” if one uses different construction. Maybe this also makes a point about her quirk having another, hidden ability?
Her quirk,Zero Gravity, makes objects weightless, erasing their gravitation power if she touches it with all her five fingers.( kinda similar to Shigaraki). Opposite of that would be something like... Extra Gravity? Ability to add extra weight to objects. 
 In one chapter of Smash spinoff the encountered villain that could reverse both genders and quirk and thats exactly what Ochako quirk turned out to be
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During Sport Festival Iida had battle with Hatsume. But Mei didnt care for winning. She tricked Tenya into being walking advertising for her creations. During it we got this panel
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 Its caught my attention because all thats written here can fit to Ochako too is she is traitor. It would means one way or another she used Iida`s honesty against him. And thats  one of the reasons why she makes this face here, not just because of her incoming match with Bakugou.
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This is the last moment I would like to mention. There are some else but I think overall this is enough. Narrator here is Deku from future. So its a bit strange why he is saying this if everything ended relatively well. But I suspect its because of Ochako. What future Deku might means here is that if at that moment he had been able to persuade Iida to open up to them there was a chance that she would be moved and shared her problems as well. 
So that the end of my theory on why I suspect theres something off with Ochako and she might be a traitor after all. I dont insist on any of this though. But I think its worth sharing
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Hello :)
“Just shut up and kiss me.”
May I request a prompt story where Mr. pink and the female reader are friends but realize they’re in love, please? Where they’re sharing their first kiss and making out later.
(Fluff and light smut)
I just need some romantic stuff.
Thank you!
Have a nice day!
Hello, how are you doing today? Thank you for your fantastic request, I'm so sorry it took so long to finish. I can absolutely do this for you! And great choice with Mr. Pink by the way, he's my favourite of the Dogs aside from Eddie. It kinda got a little angstier than I intended, but it serves the plot. Is that okay? It will be lighter smut because I am not comfortable with leaning towards heavier sexual content just yet, so thank you for understanding in that regard. But anyways, enough ranting, let me get right into this for you! If it isn’t what you wanted, don’t hesitate to let me know so I can fix it for you. I have no qualms or hard feelings over it! :)
Quick note here that my headcanon name for Pink is Jeremy Davidson, but go ahead and change it to whatever you like if that doesn't fit for you!
Trigger Warnings: AFAB reader, friends to lovers romance, swearing, light smut, and anxiety in some cases!
Genre: REQUESTED Prompt Story/Friends To Lovers
Fandom: Reservoir Dogs
Synopsis: Mr. Pink and his best friend Y/N have been in a platonic relationship for awhile, until they come to a startling realization that there's much more to their feelings than they thought!
Legend: Y/N, your name ( I always forget to put this shit here, dammit ).
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Pink found himself staring at her once again. He couldn’t give any logical reason as to why, nor could he understand the strange feelings within him. Through his shades, his blue eyes gazed at his best friend as she drove the Sedan through suburban Los Angeles. The late afternoon sun caught her jewelry in a golden sparkle, her eyes shining through her thick lashes. The tight pink sundress and heels she wore gave her the appearance of a magazine model, further establishing a beauty that was undeniable in her. The skirt of the dress covered little to nothing, legs bare on display to him. K-Billy’s Super Sounds of The 70′s played softly in the background, Tony DeFranco’s high voice gracing his ears. His heart raced, a blush tinting his cheeks that he was hoping was hidden enough from her. 
‘Oh my god! Quit it, man! She’s your best friend, stop being a horny asshole!’ he berated himself, peeling his eyes away from her. He tried to regain control of his emotions. He sat stifling in his Hawaiian resort shirt, the Californian heat only adding to how hot he was. A fuzzy sensation panged in his chest. There was a magnetic pull he was resisting, fighting his body to stop himself from touching her. Futile as it was, he battled himself. 
“ You’ve been dead silent since we left, Jeremy, s’not like you. Are you alright?” her voice came in a concerned inquiry. Pink almost jumped back in his seat. He had been so engrossed in his inner turmoil he hadn’t realized she was so worried. He turned to look at her. It took his all to stop his eyes from darting to her lips, but he stole several small looks. Her gloss shimmered, enticing him. A brief image of him kissing her filled his brain. Her juicy, plump, silken mouth on his, tongues swirling and moans sounding in the car. 
‘Oh god’, he swallowed, cracking a teasing smile at his best friend. 
“ You’re such a mother hen, Y/N. Can’t a man have a minute of peace and quiet with his own thoughts or did the feminist movement take that privilege away?” Y/N rolled her eyes, smacking his arm.
“ At least you’re still an asshole. We’ll be there soon. I can’t wait to see what feature is on, I hope it’s something exciting.” she laughed, him joining her. 
“ Me too. All this mainstream bullshit is killing me. Brown keeps riding me about taking you out to this joint, says that all the cool indie stuff is here.”
“ I suppose he’d know, being the dorky cinephile he is.” 
“ No shit, Sherlock. Hey, can you crack the window. The heat’s fucking with my head.” 
“ Yeah,” she did as he asked, the cool air hitting his face in a much needed draft. Some form of relief, he supposed. 
“ Oh god, what a drag! That was terrible!” Y/N sighed after the movie had finished, sitting on a cliffside pullout facing Los Angeles. The distant city glimmered in a vast sea of gold, red, and blue hues, twinkling stars in both Pink and Y/N’s eyes. She inhaled her cigarette, the cherry going livid with her drawn breath. A half spent one hung between his lips. He grunted, leaning back in his seat. His eyes closed, head going back to the rest. Once again, thoughts of Y/N crossed his mind. The movie had been awful, one of the worst he had ever seen. The plot was messy, the characters unlikable and dull, cinematography low in quality like a camcorder underwater, and an overall disaster. Why people raved about it and upheld it as the pinnacle of modern filmmaking, he could not understand, nor would he try to. Throughout the movie, he drifted into a series of fantasies around Y/N. He hadn’t questioned why in the moment, just letting them come. It had dawned on him in the passenger seat of her Sedan, as the film rolled on the drive-in theatre’s gigantic screen, what he was feeling--love. It came as if the earth beneath him was caving inwards. He was in love with her. Even thinking about it then, he laughed at the thought. No, Jeremy Davidson was not a man to callously fall in love like a schoolboy. Nonetheless when the person in question was his best friend. Y/N was practically unattainable, she’d be disgusted with him if she ever found out about his silly little infatuation. 
‘ That is all this is, you stupid fuck. Infatuation and nothing more. You’re just not thinking clearly right now, don’t act blindly.’ 
“ Jeremy?” he jerked to look at her, regretting the snap he sent in her direction.
“ For fuck’s sake, what? I’m fine, Y/N!” she recoiled, brows furrowing. He reached out to her, putting his hand on her shoulder. The icy gold of his ring pressed into her skin. She didn’t pull away, looking confused and hurt.
“ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to blow my top on you, Y/N. I... I’m just going through some bullshit right now. You know I didn’t mean to do that.”
“ Jeremy, you know you can tell me anything. What’s going on?” he hesitated, the words wedging in his throat. What wouldn’t sound insane and make sense at the same time? He had no clue how to react, opening his mouth to reply several times but never uttering anything but pathetic squeaks. She shifted forward, suddenly cupping his cheek. He went rigid, eyes bulging in shock. 
“ Hey, it’s okay. I promise I’m not going to come up with some snarky comment or sarcastic jab. You know I love you no matter what.” 
“ Not in the way I want you to.” It left his mouth before he could stop it. He cursed, pushing her away gently. 
“ I’m sorry, I don’t know what the hell’s wrong with me--!”
Going to open the door, she stopped him by gripping his wrist. All traces of worry had vanished from her face, replaced with concern. She leaned forward, crawling onto his lap. 
“ I take it just being friends doesn’t suit you anymore, stupid?” she smirked. In an instant, all his grief dissipated. He could see her determination, her approval, her love for him. No longer did he see through a darkened veil. No, he saw everything clearly for the first time in his life. There was a sense of relief that encompassed him. He grinned back, putting out his cigarette on his jean-clad leg in one go.
“ Just shut up and kiss me, Y/N.” 
They wasted no time, him immediately taking her lips in a fervid kiss. Before they continued any further, he beckoned her to the backseat. She followed quickly, her lipstick bright pink on his lips and the facial hair of his chin. On the beige pleather, she threw herself and spread her legs open to him. It was a thrilling view that he delighted in. He crawled on top of her, launching into another kiss. His hands roamed across her body, hers doing the same. The sudden lust for her came like a crashing wave, and he couldn’t help but channel it into his actions. 
“ Oh god, you don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do this, Y/N.” 
“ Me too, Jeremy. Fuck, you’re so good.” 
“ Are we really gonna do this here?”
“ Why not? I’m not going to stop now that we’re so far into this.”
“ Couldn’t have put it better myself, clever little vixen. Help me get out of my pants and I’ll show you just how hot you make me.”
I hope you are okay with how I did this, I apologize sincerely if this wasn’t what you wanted. Thank you to @guiltyofallsevensins for the request, please go give their blog a follow everyone! Have a good day everyone, and don’t stop with the requests and asks! They make my day, and I love hearing from you guys. 
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