#i know her partner should be melissa benoist
karel-luthor · 2 years
The fact that I consider Katie's McGrath soulmate actor, to be Melissa Benoist...
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lipzlipzlipz · 3 years
Supergirl is ending tonight and I am sad. She’s a superhero that’s been one of my favorites since I was a little girl, and this show had so much potential. And yes, one of those potentialities was making Supercorp canon. The chemistry between Melissa Benoist and Katie McGrath is undeniable. Which is good. There should be chemistry between cast members. Makes for great tv. But what we watched were seasons full of chemistry between Kara and Lena that could’ve lead to one of the greatest slow burn tv romances ever. It could’ve been canon for Kara to fall in love with a woman who had become her best friend. With someone who inspired her, supported her, and challenged her, but not in a way that belittled or ignored her. The fallout/breakup of s5 was exaggerated to soapy comic book levels but that’s a superhero show and it could be forgiven if they had followed that up with the epic reconciliation Supercorp deserved this season, as well as with a character arc deserving of Kara Zor-El. Sigh
I don’t know what the ending holds for Kara, whether Supercorp becomes canon or we get an ambiguous open ending or just plain nothing, I don’t know. I’m not optimistic, to be honest. Even if it isn’t canon, it’s frustrating that I can’t feel confident the show will do right by her, and I’m sad but I won’t stop hoping for a worthy end. For this hero who loves her found family on earth, who wants a fulfilling career and to help people, who wants love with a partner she can have fun and be herself with.
Are we going to get an ending that lines up with the Kara we’ve come to know? I hope so. I hope the Dansen wedding is as wonderful as the promo pics make it look. I hope Brainia survive but if not, I hope their parting is full of love without regret. I hope Lena is happy with who she is while being a badass scientist witch bettering the world. I hope I hope I hope.
I’m sure I’ll cry either way.
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fandomele · 5 years
I feel like what happened with Melissa Benoist, and the slutshaming she got and all the ‘she and Chris cheated because she was married and we just know it’ ‘they are bad people’ and so on should be a lesson for people in other fandom too: A woman fought to get out of a very abusive, violent relationship, a woman people don’t know much about since she’s a stranger, an actress, and she and the man she married next have been attacked for years on socials, mostly because of a tvshow ship, with personal insults and assumptions about their life, and now the truth came out and there is still some judgment, the hate hasn’t stopped even if directed to her husband for ship reasons. And the haters are likely hardly ashamed, but this goes to show why other fandoms too need to STOP with their assumptions. 
Bob Morley and Eliza Taylor got married? lots of people, also based on a tvshow ship involving the actress) decided one of them or both cheated and they are awful; big public discussions about things you don’t know. You don’t know them, you don’t know what happened. And damn, most people here read so many fanfiction, you really can’t picture that there are several ways for people to get together that you won’t get to see but that don’t involve being that willingly careless? 
Jennifer Morrison and Colin O’Donoghue were crucified and accused of the vilest things (supporting r*pe culture, homophobia, and so on), which, again, depends on how you interpret a show and/or project your own views, and were personally attacked for years in ways that could send anyone to therapy to deal, and you DON’T KNOW THEM, you don’t know their mental state at the time and you were ganging up on them and being the bullies you all have in your lives. 
and shipping actors? Aside from obviously not respecting boundaries and making everyone uncomfortable, you don’t know if you are throwing them under the bus depending on how their real romantic partners are, their couple life in general. You wouldn’t want people to do the same to you. Let alone that you could help in worsening the abuse someone is already taking. 
You don’t know these people. You don’t know if they are/were in abusive relationships. You don’t know their position on anything, their shows or moral issues in real life which by the way differs from their characters. You don’t know their mental state at the time, what they are struggling with. Stop assuming you can publicly discuss their private lives and not damage them and other sensitive people reading your invasive opinions and unrequested comments based on your fantasies.  (And by the way, even if their lives are great? You are still being terrible)
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sookiesookster · 4 years
just going to do a quick run down of my character i’ll be bring to life on the site! as well as things i’m hunting for, for them! and there is a lot going on with everyone and ugh i’m just incredibly excited for them alllllll!!!!
makani viali - roman reigns (39) , divorced with one child -- halea’s kj apa.  line back for the dallas cowboys and he is slowly coming to the end of his football career. has been divorced for the last ten years, they have a very civil relationship with one another. bryce dallas howard is the suggested face for the mother because well she is quite fitting if you ask me ;) they’ve got a good co-parenting relationship! he has two brothers (all of whom have different fathers guess you could say mom was a bit of a whore) suggested faces are dwayne johnson and jason momoa. lastly his love life.. i’m digging the idea of a dallas cowboy cheerleader type relationship, but truthfully i haven’t given it a lot of thought! <3 
beaux kendall - chris wood (35) , single/complicated/it is in the works/but he is definitely off the market. has seven younger sisters. 24, 25(taken), 26, 27, 28, 29(taken), & 30. they’ve all got southern bumpkin names going for them so that is a lot of fun! beaux is protective of them all! he is a police officer with the austin police department and i’d love to have his partner who i’d love to be female and definitely would not mind having melissa benoist and yes i know they are a love interest in real life but i just love a cute friendship dynamic for them! also maybe an ex who fucked him up/cheated on him/made him believe love was impossible? beaux is legit a puppy dog of a human being. 
chicago rowley - thomas doherty (23) , in a relationship. came from a single parent home where his mother was worthless and didn’t raise him he raised himself type of situation. ran away at the age of 17 with the love of his life and never looked back. spends a lot of time on the road, never stays anywhere longer than a year. sings country music and plays guitar at local bars to get by. wouldn’t mind finding a small group of friends for him to make over the years that he and his lady have crashed with a time or two. 
mattea stafford - demi lovato (30) , married to an enforcer of the MC. had a horrible childhood never really though highly of herself until she meant her husband and he quickly swept her away and it was a whirlwind of a relationship. one that got worse before it ever got better, now though better than ever. has two shithead brothers (older most likely) that she has helped get out of tight spots even though they probably do not deserve it but they’re the only family she has left now -- well besides her husband and niece. owns a burlesque club and treats all her girls like fine wine and is also a front with the MC business in austin (most likely girls whom are partnered or have hooked up with MC men). 
quinne upwood - john krasinski (43) , has been married for the last 14 years and has two children (gage 10, bridget 7). their marriage has been very rocky so quinne spends a lot of time away from home -- he is a professor at baylor university. thinking maybe emily blunt for the wife -- just because we can? also looking for a student early to mid 20′s, that quinne has started to sleep with and it is complicated and he isn’t sure what he thinks of the whole thing and thinks he should tell his wife or leave her or honestly doesn’t know. this could be something that turns into a polyship, but could be something that continues where he is married but has a girlfriend? or could be one where he goes back to is wife or leaves his wife -- i want to play it out! comes from a big texas family and ALL the siblings are over the age of 40! 
rebel ellison - jeffrey dean morgan 2 (55) - married to  his wife for 26 years (jessica chastain preferred) has four children  (24, 22, 19, 18) -- runs the MC out of austin while his twin brother (remington halea’s JDM) runs the MC out of dallas! he is happily married meant his wife in the navy fell in love. also runs a motorcycle shop as the club front -- obviously. also hunting christina hendricks for remington (halea’s jdm) ex wife and the sister of jessica chastain! (bc why not have siblings married) jessica is a patch member as well as the elite bitch old lady ;) also wouldn’t mind kristofer hivju as their brother and a police officer (i will totally make you a cute little ship for him because i fucking love him and i’m not ashamed) just a whole lot of fuckery going on! and obviously need more MC members. ranking members MUST be 30+ (except vp, secretary, treasurer must be 40+) patch members must be 25+ and prospects must be 21+ there will be a lot of information for the MC and there is one in dallas and one in austin <3 and nomads in waco!)
sage davenport - sebastian stan (40) - married to his husband for ten years and i would LOVE for it to be jamie dornan! about five years ago they decided to turn their marriage into a polyship when the married couple brought in a third male (matthew gray gubler? hehe) and while everything seemed to be perfect, sage recently started hanging out with his intern/secretary in a friendly minor before he easily became smitten and now he wants to bring her into their love nest as a 4th (mostly his bc i’m thinking the other two may not be keen on females?) i’d really love for that to be shailene woodley because since seeing the gifs i’m like FUCK please man! comes from a decent size family 6-10 siblings (more information will be figured out!) 
obviously i have so many character ideas this is just my first 8 freebies ;) but i need so many things and i’m always down for smashing plots/ships and doing shit! so if you got ideas, interested in things message me here or hit me up on discord: jamie#7222
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the thing is that ryan wasn’t attacked at all until he went on IG live and told everyone that he uses slurs all the time. his partner had tweets of hers brought up and he responded because he felt he was being attacked through her. ryan initiated this entire thing by going public about his racism.
He was attacked through her. I mean if someone attacks my significant other for something she said in 2011 when she was really young I would feel attacked too. And, and I repeat, he had an idiotic reaction, he was wrong saying that he uses slurs all the time cause he’s a public figure and some things just can’t be said. He was wrong. He was 100% wrong and what he said is 100% wrong. And I said it time and time again. I don’t know how else I can say that he was wrong. I still think that this shouldn’t be the only thing he’s defined for.
I mean remember like 3 years ago when Jeremy Jordan was attacked for a supposedly homophobic line he put in a song during coming con. I remember how Chris Wood and Melissa Benoist were attacked cause they defended him. He apologized and people kept insulting him and them for ages. And he isn’t an homophobe he isn’t a bad person. He just did a bad thing and he apologized and it took a couple of weeks but the fandom moved on he stayed on the show and there was a riot when he left. I simply think that this should happen with Ryan and 911 too. That’s all.
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whoopigirlberg2015 · 5 years
i am so disgusted by people taking melissa’s post/video as an excuse to talk about everybody but melissa herself. like this is about her is it not? sure make and rb/rt posts naming her abuser all you want (people do need to know what kind of person he truly is and stop supporting his past and any upcoming work, but his name shouldn’t be trending on twitter for god’s sake). praise her current husband if you feel as though you must (despite this not really being about him or his being her “knight in shining armor” as i’ve seen said... :/). but remember that above all else we need to be showing our support for the actual victim here. the spotlight should not be on men, especially men who are not survivors themselves. talk about melissa’s bravery and strength and about domestic/intimate partner violence in gerneral first and foremost.
and if we as the general public should learn anything from this it’s that we do not know what goes on in a celebrity’s life. period. melissa herself said that her eye injury was the result of an accident while she was being threatened and abused in the shadows. she laughed and smiled while she was hurting so much inside (as d/ipv survivors typically do, so i better not hear any dumbasses or abuse apologists acting like this is a sign that she’s lying or some baseless bs) and we as the gp didn’t suspect a thing. do not make assumptions based off what is handed to you about celebrities - even from the celebrities themselves. bc we know roughly 3% of what goes on in their lives.
melissa benoist is an amazing and brave person and i truly admire her so much. nothing but love for her♥️ in her name and the name of all abuse survivors and victims, choose to spread awareness about domestic/intimate partner violence and stand with those who have experienced it
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karazor--el · 5 years
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Supergirl's Katie McGrath Reacts to Eve's Betrayal, Explains Why the Latest Alex/Kara Twist Is 'Gratifying' for Lena
If you thought Lena Luthor had trust issues before, just wait until you see how she recovers — or doesn’t — from the shock of learning that her loyal assistant has been anything but. Sunday’s episode of Supergirl, appropriately titled “All About Eve,” finds Lena teaming up with Alex and the Girl of Steel to investigate Ms. Teschmacher’s insidious connection to Lex.
“I missed working with Melissa [Benoist] and Chyler [Leigh],” Katie McGrath tells TVLine. “I missed the power you feel from having these very strong — yet slightly opposing — women coming together, putting everything aside to solve the problem at hand. They’ve all got very different strengths and skills, and it’s been a while since you’ve seen them all working together.”
Of course, the complicated (and ever-changing) relationships between the three characters made their scenes together “a bit confusing,” McGrath admits. “It’s like, ‘I know Kara is Supergirl, but Lena doesn’t know that. And now poor Chyler, on top of everything, has to add in, ‘Oh, I’ve lost my memory, so I also don’t know she is.’ All three of us just stood around trying to figure everything out.”
But McGrath isn’t complaining. In fact, she finds it “gratifying” that Alex has temporarily had her memory swiped. “I always get asked, ‘Lena’s so smart. How does she not know Kara is Supergirl?’ So now I get to say, ‘Look, if her sister can’t tell the difference, I think you should let up on poor Lena.'”
Below, McGrath discusses the many twists her character’s journey has taken as of late, including what the future may hold for Lena and James…
TVLINE | Let’s start with Eve. What was your reaction when you learned about her betrayal?
I was so unbelievably excited, because I love Andrea [Brooks]. She’s a spark of joy in my life and on set, and I was so completely gratified to see that they were taking her character and making it something integral. She’s such a huge part of the comics. You don’t really think about Lex without thinking about Teschmacher. She’s such an icon, and she so perfectly fit into the Supergirl story of strong, intelligent women. … If you think about it, they’ve been playing the long con for two years. I was like, “Man, you’ve really been setting this up for a while.” And Andrea plays it so wonderfully, so wide-eyed and innocent. When she turns, it’s heartbreaking, but so compelling.
TVLINE | It’s like Eve and Andrea have been playing the long con.
[Laughs] I swear to you, it’s making me question my friendship to her.
TVLINE | I imagine this will be a huge blow to Lena’s sense of security.
Oh, it’s massive. Lena has very deep-seated insecurities, which have to do with her trust issues. It takes her a long time to let her guard down and to let someone in, so to find out that someone she trusted so completely — in a way she’s never trusted anyone — is not only untrustworthy, but has been working with the one person who destroyed Lena in the past … I don’t think you’ve really seen the effects of what this has done to Lena as a human.
TVLINE | Is it bad that I’m excited to watch her fall apart?
You know, she’s always so composed and capable. Sometimes we forget that she’s one of the few human characters on the show. She doesn’t have special powers. She and Alex are the everywoman. Lena’s usually so smart and on top of things, you almost see her as a super, but to see her so frail will be very interesting. It’s going to be very dramatic to watch.
TVLINE | I’m also excited for the big Luthor family reunion we’ve been promised.
I haven’t had a scene with everyone together yet, but I will say that there is never a moment where I see Brenda’s name on a call sheet and don’t squeal with joy. She is the most elegant, most wonderful woman with the naughtiest sense of humor. She’s delicious and mischievous, and she brings such a gravitas to Lilian. For the past few episodes, I’ve just had scenes with her in prison scrubs, and she’s still the most beautiful, chilling, wonderful woman. I’m like, “How do you do this? We’re sitting at a table, and you’ve created a character that jumps off the screen.” Between that and Jon Cryer coming in, I feel like the Luthor family is absolutely spoiled with talent.
TVLINE | Speaking of Lex, we were all very curious to see what Cryer would bring to the role. As his scene partner, was there anything you found surprising about his take on the character?
We had quite a few scenes when we first started, but they were all of him with cancer. I was still really interested in what he was doing, but when we filmed the opening scene … he completely blew me away. I’d only seen one side of him when we were filming all the cancer stuff, so when I saw him playing the mad megalomaniac, I was like, “Oh, we are in for a treat.” He’s taken the idea of Lex from the comic book and really brought it to life. We are so lucky. Robert [Rovner] and Jessica [Queller] got it so right in casting him.
TVLINE | Switching gears, what can we expect coming up from Kara and Lena?
Lena’s going to have a difficult time coming to terms with the fact that she lied and betrayed her friendship with Kara to help Lex. It’s weighs on her very heavily, but it’s addressed coming up, so I don’t want to say too much.
TVLINE | How about Lena and James? Will she regret giving him the haranel?
For sure. She gave it to him not thinking it was going to give him powers. The man she loves, but ultimately realized she couldn’t be with, was dying. She didn’t fully understand what she was doing, but it was a Hail Mary. As the season goes on, you start to see the ramifications of that decision. I think she feels guilty that she made that choice for him, yet he’s the one who has to deal with it. She’s a strange Luthor, because she has such a huge moral compass. Any decision like this will weigh on her and affect her. The more you see Lex and Lilian, you see that the morality is uniquely Lena.
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slytherinwrites · 6 years
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hey ! i’m currently looking for some new plots + partners, so i’ve put a list below the cut of some stuff i’m interested in doing. there is also a list of fcs at the very end ! if you would like to do any of these with me, please either shoot me a dm, like this post (and i will message you), or add me on disc/ord ( lizzie#5644 )!! 
most of these should work with any pairing !! i’m happy to do f/f, m/f or m/m !
Anything with sirens, but especially a plot inspired by To Kill a Kingdom. Muse A is a siren that loses her abilities and has to kill a notorious siren hunter (aka Muse B) to get them back, so she boards their ship, with the intent of killing them, but shit happens. Probably feelings + a game of cat and mouse.
I am currently in love with the Marauders era of Harry Potter and I’m willing to do almost anything related to that (my favorite characters to write are James Potter, Rita Skeeter and Bellatrix Black, but I’m open to writing anyone + any ship).
With that said, Harry Potter plots are my kryptonite and I am always down to do any hp plot !!
Anything with Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour ( I’ll write either! ). Just cute things, them being married, domestic stuff. 
Also anything with James Potter and Lily Evans. ANYTHING.
A Hogwarts professor plot where two professors fall in love. Maybe they are the heads of two different houses, and are always lowkey bickering? 
There are so many fun occupations in the hp universe too? Give me some fun plots with dragon keepers, obliviators, hit wizards, mediwitches, potion makers. Again, anything.
A plot where Ares and Aphrodite walk the Earth and they’re both women and in love (dibs on Ares).
A vampire royalty plot, preferably taking place sometime between 1700 and 1900. The royal family have all been turned into vampires and it’s probably a mess. Lots of drama. Other sub plots could include: Muse A as a vampire, Muse B as a vampire hunter. Or maybe Muse A is the prince/princess from another country and is the one that brings vampirism to Muse B’s court.
A pirates plot where Muse A is a princess runaway, who escapes her life at court to become a pirate on Muse B’s ship. She hides her identity, but Muse B probably catches onto her being a total amateur. 
A city witches plot but with gangs. Muse A and B belong to rival witch gangs, and should definitively not be friends. Yet, they feel drawn to each other, and eventually end up hooking up. I think just the idea of witch gangs could be so much fun? 
Another city witches plot but loosely based around The Magicians where Muse A and B both practice underground magic. Maybe they get in trouble for it? Or maybe one of them is against the use of underground magic and the other one supports it ( and maybe they are roommates )? ANYTHING.
A plot based in the Harry Potter universe where Muse A and B both work in Hogsmeade. Muse A owns a small bakery, while Muse B works as a bartender / barmaid in one of the pubs. They form a habit of meeting after work and discussing their days and lives, and eventually start falling in love. Little do they know that they are on opposing sides in the war (either first or second).
A plot where Muse A is a news anchor / reporter and Muse B is a police detective. Muse A is always hounding Muse B for the latest story and Muse B is lowkey annoyed ( but Muse A is also really cute, so sometimes Muse B will let something slip ). They kinda always butt heads because of their jobs but deep down they really like each other.
A plot where Muse A and Muse B are actors working on the same tv show, where they play the main and most popular couple. On the screen they have insane chemistry, but behind the scenes, they hate each other and can barely stand being in the same room.
A medieval plot where Muse A is a prince/princess of Country A and Muse B is a prince/princess of Country B. It has been a hard couple of years for both countries, but a union between the families would benefit the economy for them both. Unfortunately, Muse A and B know each other quite well, and can’t stand being in the same room at the same time. But they reluctantly agree to get married anyways, for the greater good. 
Another medieval plot where Muse A comes from nothing, but has managed to work their way up the social ranks using only their charm and their looks. Meanwhile, Muse B is the bachelor king/queen who hasn’t settled down yet (rumor has it that they sleep around a lot). Muse A’s plan is to get Muse B to fall in love with them, but Muse B - although enticed by Muse A, is easily distracted. After a while, they become friends, but both want different things from their relationship.
A witch plot where Muse A and Muse B are childhood best friends. Once they reach puberty and pick their paths, Muse A chooses light magic, while Muse B chooses dark magic. They break up due to their differences, but 10-something years later, they both show up for the same job interview and get the same job. Now they have to work together and it’s kinda awkward. Possible subplots could include Muse A being very suspicious of Muse B, Muse B thinking Muse A is way too stuck up / righteous, both becoming a little more grey as they spend more time together.
A ‘The Little Mermaid’ inspired plot where Muse A is a marine biologist who’s studying the coral reefs. Muse B is a mermaid who lives very close to the reefs, and is a little too curious for their own good and often observes Muse A while they are working. One day, Muse A is in trouble and Muse B decides to save Muse A, even though it reveals who and what they are. The rest probably goes along with the original plot of The Little Mermaid?
A Gone Girl inspired plot, based on Nick and Amy’s relationship. Just something really toxic, based on their general backstory. 
I want more plots based on the ‘villains before they became the villain’ trope (aka villain origin stories)! Maybe two villains from popular fairytales or Disney movies, before they went evil? We could design our characters and give them a fun backstory that is totally AU? This plot bunny is mostly inspired by Sea Witch and Heartless.
A fairy plot. I’m so in love with fae mythology, the fairy courts, their dynamics and their powers. We could do something loosely based on The Cruel Prince or Wicked Lovely. I’m game for anything! 
FCS I CURRENTLY WANT TO PLAY / PLAY AGAINST ( I have no preference when it comes to gender + fc & these are in no particular order !! ) :
Emeraude Toubia • Joe Keery • Zoey Deutch • Jenna Coleman • Melissa Benoist • Lucy Liu • Sarah Shahi • Rosamund Pike • Rachel McAdams • Katie Stevens • Candice Patton  • Taron Egerton • Dominic Sherwood • Phoebe Tonkin • Kat McNamara • Natalia Dyer • Melissa Fumero • Matt Daddario • Dave Franco • Diego Luna • Ryan Gosling • Lily James • Virginia Gardner • Gregg Sulkin • Amy Adams • Candice Accola • Avan Jogia • Chris Pine • Chris Evans • Ricky Whittle • Noah Centineo • Amanda Seyfried • Vanessa Morgan • Maddie Petsch • Ryan Destiny.
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slythrnwrtes · 6 years
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Hey there!! I finally have the time to write again, so I’m currently looking for new plots + partners. I’ve put a list below the cut of some stuff I’m interested in doing, so if you’d be down with doing any of these with me please either shoot me a DM or like this post and I’ll come to you. I am currently mainly looking for f/f and m/f plots !!
Disclaimer: Some of these are recycled plots I never got the chance to do in the past but I still wanna do !!
A city witches plot where two witches are roommates in New York and they use little spells in their everyday life to make things easier, but they have to hide it from the world. While Muse A is really strict with their magic and makes sure to always be as careful as they can be, Muse B could care less and is very free spirited and risks exposing magic to humans on a daily basis. It creates a lot of tension but they’re best friends (or lovers) so they try to work through it. Inspired by this.
Some modern mythology plots based off literally any of these would be lovely!! I am weak for modern mythology plots in general (some of my absolute favorite pairings are Dionysus x Ariadne, Ares x Aphrodite and Hades x Persephone).
A modern Disney princess / slightly OUAT inspired plot ( or mumu ) where all the Disney princesses live in modern day New York but are still highly influenced by their Disney counterparts.
I am currently in love with the Marauders era of Harry Potter and I’m willing to do almost anything related to that (my favorite characters to write are James Potter, Rita Skeeter and Bellatrix Black, but I’m open to writing anyone + any ship).
With that said, Harry Potter plots are my kryptonite and I am always down to do any hp plot !!
A plot where Ares and Aphrodite walk the Earth and they’re both women and in love (dibs on Ares).
[drug/alcohol cw] An f/f plot slightly inspired by Elementary where Muse A is a rich and successful businesswoman that struggles with drug/alcohol abuse. Muse B is hired by Muse A’s company to be her sober companion and basically keep her on track, although her job is soon made difficult by Muse A’s moodiness and high demands. I think this could be a classic “thundercloud x ray of sunshine” sort of thing.
A con artist plot where Muse A and B are roommates and rivals, always trying to upstage the other’s most recent heist. It does not occur to them that they could work together and achieve even greater success, because they’ve always been at each other’s throats.
A fallen angels plot inspired by this. Muse A and Muse B were kicked out of heaven and are now living in the big city, both doing their best to move on ( but never quite knowing how ).
A city witches plot but with gangs. Muse A and B belong to rival witch gangs, and should definitively not be friends. Yet, they feel drawn to each other, and eventually end up hooking up.
A bad girl x bad boy plot !! Or a bad girl x bad girl plot.
A plot based in the Harry Potter universe where Muse A and B both work in Hogsmeade. Muse A owns a small bakery, while Muse B works as a bartender / barmaid in one of the pubs. They form a habit of meeting after work and discussing their days and lives, and eventually start falling in love.
A gold digger / age gap plot where Muse A is this young and bright-eyed college student who marries Muse B for their money. Muse B is older, experienced and can kinda guess what Muse A is after, but marries Muse A anyways because they’ve been looking for love for years and never finding it so what the hell, right? People will finally stop asking questions at the very least. A few months into their marriage, Muse A starts falling for Muse B but Muse B is kinda hesitant because they have been hurt before.
A similar plot where Muse A needs to marry someone to stay in the country, and Muse B agrees, despite barely knowing Muse A. In order to pass all the inspections and to stop the authorities from exposing their marriage as a fraud, they are forced to move in together and pretend to be happily married.
Another marriage plot where Muse A and B are acquaintances that go to Vegas together, and end up getting wasted and accidentally married. Both are dirt poor and can’t afford an annulment or a divorce, so they stay married. 
A plot where Muse A is a news anchor / reporter and Muse B is a police detective. Muse A is always hounding Muse B for the latest story and Muse B is lowkey annoyed ( but Muse A is also really cute, so sometimes Muse B will let something slip ). They kinda always butt heads because of their jobs but deep down they really like each other.
A plot where Muse A and B broke up months ago, but they are both pretty poor and can’t afford a new apartment right now, so they continue living together. They also haven’t told their parents and friends that they broke up, so they have to pretend to still be together a lot.
A plot where Muse A and Muse B are actors working on the same tv show, where they play the main and most popular couple. On the screen they have insane chemistry, but behind the scenes, they hate each other and can barely stand being in the same room.
A medieval plot where Muse A is a prince/princess of Country A and Muse B is a prince/princess of Country B. It has been a hard couple of years for both countries, but a union between the families would benefit the economy for them both. Thus, although Muse A and Muse B have never actually met before, they agree to get married.
Another medieval plot where Muse A comes from nothing, but has managed to work their way up the social ranks using only their charm and their looks. Meanwhile, Muse B is the bachelor king/queen who hasn’t settled down yet (rumor has it that they sleep around a lot). Muse A’s plan is to get Muse B to fall in love with them, but Muse B - although enticed by Muse A, is easily distracted. After a while, they become friends, but both want different things from their relationship.
A Gilded Ashes inspired plot where Muse A is the crown prince/princess of the land, and Muse B is a disgraced heiress. Muse A does not believe in love since they found out that the supposed love of their life was only using them for their title. Muse B does not believe in love either, because they are haunted by demons who threaten to punish anyone that hurts Muse B. On the night that Muse A is supposed to choose their husband/wife on their father’s orders, they run into Muse B and feel an instant connection. Still, neither Muse A or B believe in love... But they continue to see each other.
A witch plot where Muse A and Muse B are childhood best friends. Once they reach puberty and pick their paths, Muse A chooses light magic, while Muse B chooses dark magic. They drift apart due to their differences, but 10-something years later, they both show up for the same job interview and get the same job. 
A ‘The Little Mermaid’ inspired plot where Muse A is a marine biologist who’s studying the coral reefs. Muse B is a mermaid who lives very close to the reefs, and is a little too curious for their own good and often observes Muse A while they are working. One day, Muse A is in trouble and Muse B decides to save Muse A, even though it reveals who and what they are.
FCs I currently want to play / play against ( in no particular order & I’ll play both males and females ):
Joe Keery • Katheryn Winnick • Jenna Coleman • Alberto Rosende • Gal Gadot • Melissa Fumero • Candice Patton • Melissa Benoist • Matt Daddario • Lily Collins • Rosamund Pike • Charlie Hunman • John Boyega • Amanda Seyfried • Leighton Meester • Phoebe Tonkin • Katie Stevens • John Krasiniski • Alycia Debnam Carey • Emeraude Toubia • Taron Egerton • Kat McNamara • Virginia Gardner • Lily James • Lucy Liu • Keiynan Lonsdale • Gregg Sulkin • Deborah Ann Woll • Margot Robbie • Madchen Amick • Amy Adams • Sarah Shahi • Daniel Radcliffe • Franz Drameh • Sophie Turner • Dominic Sherwood • Troian Bellisario • Dave Franco • Diego Luna • Rachel McAdams • Tessa Thompson • Jeffrey Dean Morgan • Ryan Gosling • Cody Christian • Natalia Dyer • Violett Beane.
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⭐⭐ + To Be Human -Riley
@raging-violets Thank you so much for the ask, Riley!
Let’s see, there’s a lot of director’s cut for To Be Human, so I will start with the original version.
⭐ When I thought of this story idea, the focus would have started with Jason Starr—Karen’s younger brother. Back then Karen didn’t have a name, but she and her brother would’ve been Earth-1′s doppelgangers of the Super Family. Yes, she even had Melissa Benoist as her faceclaim while Jason’s was Dylan Sprayberry (who played a young Clark Kent in Man of Steel). 
Jason had recently graduated from high school and was waiting for news of his college application when the Particle Accelerator explodes. Like the current Karen, he would’ve suffered of fever for three months and then gone back to normal. Except he later begins to display a growing invulnerability. And he’d make his debut in the Tony Woodward episode, man of steel vs Man of Steel. Because he was looking to study a scientific career, he and Team Flash would’ve gotten along marvelously. Then the whole Reverse-Flash thing happens, and Jason sacrifices himself to save Central City from the Singularity alongside Ronnie. 
Enter his sister. This unnamed OC would’ve risen to the front in S2 as she and Team Flash grieve over Jason. Her storyline on Earth-2 is the same as the current one, so no spoilers there. She and Barry get close and just before Henry Allen’s death, they had decided to give their relationship a try. 
Then Flashpoint happens. Jason is alive again, but no longer a metahuman; he instead chose to become a police officer and has been recently assigned as Joe West’s partner. The role of metahuman now fell onto his sister, who not only acquired powers during the Particle Accelerator explosion but she also refuses to do anything with them. Because of her lack of involvement in the Singularity (Jason acted back then because of a hint Eobard Thawne gave and it’s the same here), Caitlin believes OC could’ve saved Ronnie and blames her for his death. 
That’s all I had for this original draft.
⭐ Now, for the original idea of the Nora West-Allen plot (or S5 in general).
Instead of that Nora, it would’ve been a 17-year-old Dawn Starr-Allen and her older sister, Nora Starr-Allen AKA Impulse. 
Before the events of S5: Nora inherited Karen’s inability to age, so she’s in her twenties stuck looking like she’s 16; she’s also inherited Barry’s ability to manipulate lightning (but isn’t a speedster) and that’s her gimmick. She, alongside Wally West and Meena Dhawan, is a founder of the Speed Force Academy. 
She’s a superhero all on her own, and Dawn idolizes her. But when Dawn was 12, a worldwide attack happened; her sister was murdered while her mother went MIA. The traumatic experience activates her dormant speedster abilities; filled with revenge, she kills her sister’s murderers and dashes into the night. Dawn then reached out to Eobard Thawne—a much younger version of him anyways, as he has been Nora’s close friend and confidant for many years. No one—except Karen—knew of the role he’d come to play in the Allen family, but Dawn discovered it shortly after their disappearance and decides that he will train her to become faster so she can save Nora. 
But when the time comes to time travel, Dawn overshots her target and ends up in S1 of The Flash. It is while here that she meets the Eobard Thawne/Harrison Wells version we all know and he proposes a new plan: to save Barry Allen from the Crisis. That in turn will avert Nora’s future. Under the tutelage of this Wells, Dawn begins to tap into the Negative Speed Force. Little by little, she makes changes to the current timeline until we reach the Thinker’s Enlightenment. By this time, Dawn has completely turned to Thawne’s side; she believes Barry Allen is the source of all her suffering. So up she goes by mid-season and turns Team Flash in to Cicada II (another pawn of Thawne’s)—
Then Nora Starr-Allen appears. But it isn’t the sister she knew. It’s a younger Nora, recruited by Wally West to defeat Dawn. 
Obviously these plots are no longer the ones that will occur in the current storyline but it’s so cool to see how much they have changed. Again, thank you so much for the ask, I had a lot of fun answering this one!
PS. Should I put all of this under “Keep Reading”?
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Supergirl Comic-Con incident
First and foremost, if you already haven’t please watch the two interviews that the Supergirl cast did at comic-con.
MTV interview: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LQLU58Adtd4
TV Line interview: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TzIFGPt6eMo
MTV 1:27-1:48 Jeremy Jordan’s singing MTV 6:13-7:55 “debunked supercorp” TV Line 3:30-4:03 “I brought it back to reality you brought it back to singing”
The purpose of my analysis is to show that things can get twisted due to the media and that unless you watch the interviews yourself you cannot form a fact-based opinion.
Let’s start off with the infamous musical recap shall we? In the MTV interview from 1:27-1:48, Jeremy Jordan refers to how Supergirl met Lena Luthor and chanted “THEY’RE ONLY FRIENDS THEY’RE ONLY FRIENDS THEY’RE NOT GONNA GET TOGETHER THEY’RE ONLY FRIENDS”. After singing this statement, nearly EVERYONE in the room INCLUDING Katie McGrath and Odette Annable laughed.
In the same MTV interview from 6:13-7:55, Jeremy Jordan says how he “debunked SuperCorp” and Melissa says “that’s brave”. The interviewer asks Katie McGrath and Melissa Benoist if they’re caught off-guard by SuperCorp. Melissa Benoist replies that “It was surprising not what Katie and I expected to say the least”. After Melissa’s reply, Katie basically says that at the end of the day this is art and you can take from it whatever you like because there are different ways to see things. Melissa nods along in agreement. Chris then responds by saying that “Sexuality is all about others perception of yours, right? Am I right? That was sarcasm”. Jeremy Jordan then says “Hey, listen I went to musical theatre school I know all about other people’s perception of sexuality”.
In the TV Line interview from 3:30-4:03, the interviewer asks Katie and Melissa “What is it about that friendship that people just love”. Melissa and the interviewer agree that because they are a Luthor and a Super they give hope that enemies can be friends. Katie then responds by saying that other people’s perceptions do not define you it’s who you are that matters. Melissa nods along in agreement.
Now, let’s discuss the meanings behind what each person said in relation to this incident.
I’ve got a big problem with how the interviewers asked their questions. When they asked about SuperCorp’s “friendship” and whether this caught them “off guard”, they are asking leading questions. In any government or communications related class, you will learn that a leading question is asked in order to receive a desired response. The question is biased towards a certain point of view. In asking the questions, it is implied that a romantic relationship between Kara and Lena seems absurd and illogical. Jeremy Jordan did what a lot of actors and actresses do. He invalidated a relationship on a show and proceeded to mock people who liked the said relationship. Nothing new. Except this time this particular relationship is between two girls. Did he intentionally mean to hurt the LGBT+ community? No. Did he exhibit internalized homophobia and use that to defend his perception of a relationship? Yes. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a self-proclaimed ally or a member of the LGBT+ community. You have internalized homophobia because of how the heteronormative standards in society have shaped your beliefs since birth. It is your responsibility to recognize your internal homophobia and actively change your instincts. Moreover, homophobia isn’t always about nasty slurs and getting kicked out of the house. Homophobia is getting uncomfortable stares when holding hands with your partner. Homophobia is a guy scoffing at the idea of ANYTHING remotely romantic or sexual with another guy. With that mind, let’s discuss Melissa Benoist’s comment in response to the SuperCorp question in the MTV interview from 6:13-7:55. She gave the typical response that a straight person would give to the idea of a relationship between two people of the same gender. She didn’t quite understand how people saw chemistry between Kara and Lena. Did she mean to hurt the LGBT+ community? No. But should she realize that two people of the same gender falling in love isn’t something of a fantasy but something that could actually happen? Yes. It is worth noting that in the MTV interview, Katie refers to how she AND Melissa have discussed that all of this is open to interpretation. Furthermore, Melissa nods along to everything that Katie says about this in both interviews. So, she does agree with Katie about the perception thing but it does not show in her actions. God I wish I didn’t even have to discuss this particular incident and that people could see the interview and understand how people COMPLETELY blew it out of proportion. In the MTV interview after Katie’s response about how art is open to interpretation, Chris replies WITH SARCASM that sexuality is about others perception of yours. If you need me to break it down EVEN further, Chris means the opposite of what he says. He believes, like Katie, that you can only define you.
Finally, I want to give some overall analysis of the interviews and some general musings.
When Jeremy Jordan was singing the song, nearly EVERYONE was laughing and smiling. The “shady” looks that were thrown may not have been shady. They were probably looking at the person intently to listen to what they have to say. Look at the interviews of other shows–people have that same face when listening to someone. On the other hand, the cast members who have disrespected the LGBT+ community need to give a sincere apology to their fans. It is not up to them or any other allies to decide whether or not their comments hurt and disrespected the LGBT+ community. As discussed earlier, they need to recognize their internalized homophobia. Just because they went to a musical theatre school, it doesn’t mean they have a PHD on the LGBT+ community and sexuality. This incident just goes to show that there is more than what meets the eye and that social media can be very deceitful. When I saw all the comments in the tags, I was forming opinions based off of nothing. But I took the time out to actually watch and analyze the interviews. But, I am able to say such things because I come from a place of privilege. I am an ally to the LGBT+ community. Thus, I cannot dictate how hurt the LGBT+ community can be because I’m not impacted by this situation. However, I can give an analysis of this situation and why people act the way they do.
I thank you if you’ve managed to read this far. I hope I have shed some new light and that my thoughts will be influential in people’s reactions to this incident.
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yumi-michiyo · 7 years
my lost was saying found [1/1] - the extended author’s notes and meta
Rating: T
Genre: Slice of Life/Romance/Angst/Friendship
Pairings: unrequited Quinn Fabray/Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray/Marley Rose, background Santana Lopez/Brittany Pierce
Summary: Quinn didn't ask for any of this to happen. Unrequited Quinn/Rachel, Quinn/Marley endgame. Rarepair. AUish. Oneshot.
Links: FF.net | AO3
On the origins:
A couple of months ago, my good friend Curionenene sent me a link to a Kpop song called Star by Heize. It's a nice but sad song, and I enjoyed it until she mentioned that it sounded like a slowburn romance.
As it were, I was still working on For You I'd Burn the Length and Breadth of Sky and didn't take her up on the offer. Besides, I didn't have any other pairings that fitted the song.
Everything changed when the Fire nation attackedwhen I saw a bunch of Melissa Benoist publicity pics, as well as candids from Supergirl. Now, Melissa is a complete cinnamon roll, in Tumblr meme parlance, and far too good and pure for this world; the only reason I'm not in the Supergirl fandom is because I don't want to throw away my feels on yet another femslash pairing that is Not Canon.
Digression aside, I felt that Marley (who is more or less Melissa herself) would be an excellent partner for Quinn (or at least a version that is more Dianna). She has a lot of fandom!Rachel's strong points, but far more patient and down to earth. Apart from the dangling storyline Glee gave her, she's just a confused kid finding her place in the world – much like S3!Quinn. More importantly to my horndog self, they're both incredibly attractive women.
I remembered reading a lovely Marley/Quinn fic, and the headcanon that Marley was the freshman who told Quinn never to change in the famous bathroom Metro pass scene, and this fic got its start.
On the writing process:
Not gonna lie; writing this fic was a lot tougher than nearly all my other Glee fics. I didn't know where I wanted to go with the story (a first draft had Rachel and Quinn getting together, then Rachel died) or how I wanted to get Quinn and Marley together.
The sharp-eyed and fanatical reader will notice a lot of continuity and canon errors littered through the fic, where I couldn't be bothered to research the facts due to frustration with the pace of the fic, and being too busy with real life.
The turning point came, 3k words into killing Rachel off, when I realised that there were worse things than death I was also quite distraught while writing Quinn's suicide in FYIBtLaBoS and didn't want to kill off someone again. I reworked the fic to have Rachel and Quinn break up, before hitting yet another revelation; canon!Rachel is rather self-centred (especially in S4) so why not just have her be completely oblivious to Quinn's feelings? Why can't the girl raised by two gay men be absolutely, completely straight?
While talking to Curionenene about those things, I realised that the main dynamic of this relationship working (based on my understandings of their characters) is if Marley is the patient one who waits while Quinn stops running away.
Armed with those three pieces of information, the fic practically wrote itself, coming to a halt at a staggering 12k+ words.
On Quinn Fabray:
This has always been Quinn's story. I balked at it initially, because this is the first time I'm writing from Quinn's POV. I have never felt confident writing Quinn because her character feels a little too close to home – especially fandom!Quinn.
Over the course of the story, Quinn grows from being just Quinn Fabray, to reconciling the different Quinns, and Lucy. A lot of her emotional walls come down – some with her knowledge, some without – and she learns how to accept help, and accept herself. Most importantly, she learns that she can be stronger and not weaker by letting others take care of her.
Being from Quinn's point of view, she is a unreliable narrator half the time when she's not paralysed by her insecurities and her latent hang-ups about how a person should conduct themselves; whatever is not apparent in the story has to be inferred from her interactions with other people.
On Marley Rose:
Confession time: I watched S4 more than a year ago, in a single sitting, and do not remember much of Marley Rose's character apart from the plot. I do remember she was a good kid who, like many other kids her age, was pretty confused about everything, and made plenty of bad decisions. I decided that she got a pretty bad treatment by the writers (what else is new?) and tried to rebuild the character from the basic facts.
My interpretation of Marley's character was also largely influenced by the very talented and amazing ineedtoleavethissite's and her Santana/Marley fics, especially Maybe This Time. This writer made me pay attention to Marley as a leading woman, and made me go off on a Santana/everybody tangent for a while, but that's another story altogether.
On Rachel Berry:
I genuinely like canon!Rachel. I love fandom!Rachel. In S4, she became less Rachel and more Lea, and that was fine too. But for this fic, I simply stuck to the self-centred aspect of her character, and capitalised on the huge story gaps between S3 and 4.
Rachel is still recognisably our 110%, driven Rachel Berry, but she's the version that doesn't have a homosexual bone in her body (figuratively speaking) and doesn't seem to understand that the way she cares for Quinn is gay to the rest of the world. Being Rachel, she doesn't let it stop her.
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pocmuzings · 7 years
Hello hello! I'm starting up a skeleton rpg and I really don't want to use problematic FC's, but I'm not fully aware of which fcs are problematic? I know some, but most who are called out in rpgs I wasn't even aware of? So I was wondering if you could just please point me towards a list or educate me on which FC's are problematic because I don't want my rpg to be on the side of toxicity? Please and thank you!!!!!
Sure lovely! First of all, there’s nothing wrong with putting in somebody who’s problematic if you don’t know they’re problematic. This is about educating yourself, and your rp’ers! So don’t be too hard on yourself. Also take note, that some celebrities can be problematic, but learn from their behaviour, or have been problematic 5+ years ago. It’s important to remember that everybody makes mistakes and we’ve all been problematic at some point, so you are allowed some leeway. However, if a celeb is continuously problematic, and you use them, that’s when you run into issues. 
Without much further ado, here are some problematic FCs
Bella Thorne: Made racist comments about Zendaya Coleman, has used the ‘N’ word previously
Blake Lively: Woody Allen apologist
Camila Cabello: racist to fellow band mate
Cate Blanchette: Woody Allen apologist, named her child after convicted child-rapist Roman Polanski
Chris Colfer: Sexist
Colton Haynes: Does black face repeatedly
Cole Sprouse, Alex Pettyfer, Michael Fassbender, Johnny Depp: have history of abusing ex partners
Dominic Sherwood: called fellow cast mate f*g on live stream
Emma Roberts, Evan Peters: both have physical abuse allegations
Emeraude Toubia: Appropriated black culture and hairstyle
5 Seconds of Summer: Sexist.
Gigi Hadid: Extremely racist. Wears other cultures clothes as fashion statements, posted a photo recently making fun of Asian people’s eyes.
Herizen Guardiola: Dated a minor
Ian Somerhalder: Sexist. Also… Forced his girlfriend to get pregnant by throwing away her birth control pills without her knowing. 
Jennifer Lawrence: racist, ableist, transphobic, culturally insensitive
Jared Leto, Casey Affleck, Kevin Spacey: Rape charges against them
Justin Timberlake: Exoticizes Black Culture, and uses it to make money
Justin Bieber: there’s so much problematic about him i don’t know where to start. He’s just an overall very awful person.
Kristen Stewart: Woody Allen apologist
Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson: Sexist. Louis has also used the ‘n’ word.
Miley Cyrus: Culturally appropriates, and racist
Nina Dobrev: Johnny Depp supporter. Appropriated Cinco De Mayo.
The Jenners / kardashians: Appropriate black culture
Nicola Peltz: Shrugged away racism, especially of her whitewashing in Avatar
Nina Dobrev: appropriated mexican culture, and day of the dead, and used it for fashion. then upon being called out, deleted the caption. Supports J*nny Depp.
Naya Rivera: physical abuse assault allegations
Melissa Benoist: offended LGBT+ community by repeatedly laughing at fans saying her ‘supergirl’ character would be bi/lesbian.
Melanie Martinez: Rapist.
Taylor Swift: white feminist, racist
Timothee Chalamet: Worked with Woody Allen then lied about it when called out. Was also in a film that promoted pedophilia. 
Tyler Oakley: Racist, sexist, transphobic
Uriah Shelton: Encourages posts that say feminism is not needed.
Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez: Shrugged away BLM movement, saying bullshit “all lives matter” instead. Culturally appropriate clothes and bindi’s
Zayn Malik: Supported his racist girlfriend, sexist.
Helpers of Indie have a list of banned and grey / murky area banned FC’s
These xx, xx blogs are very helpful and i indeed think you should check them out whilst looking at FC’s
Yourfaveisproblematic is very helpful, but bear in mind that some of these celebrities on the list were problematic a few years ago, or possibly before educating themselves, so make sure to check how recent the sources are.
A masterlist of banned FC’s, but i’m not too sure how frequently it is updated. This is also helpful for finding a celeb who possibly does not like to be RP’ed
I also have this tag here, where i put banned and problematic FC’s!
All of these have been sourced and double checked by me, although i am not perfect myself, there could be a few mistakes. If you need me to send over sources, i’m more then happy to send you all of mine! I’m sure there are more, but these are the main ones i see still used in the RPC/H/A community.
Thank you for wanting to educate yourself, that is already such incredible stuff! Good luck, and if you need any more help, let me know!
P.S if anybody knows anybody i should include in the list, please let me know!
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onemilliongoldstars · 7 years
the future is female
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anon: the marches this weekend have made me so emotional!! can you write a fic about lexa and clarke meeting at the women’s march ??
tw: language, misogyny, tiny bit of violence
“Jesus Griffin, watch your sign!”
“Sorry, god, don’t push me Reyes!”
“It’s not fault, Octavia stepped on my foot.”
“Hey!” Octavia whips around to glare at them, her sign swinging dangerously in her hands and several people let out a yelp, ducking out of the way. Octavia grimaces, holds a hand up in apology and falls back into step with the streaming crowds.
“Just be careful where you’re waving that thing O, you’ll take someone’s eye out and this is meant to be a peaceful protest. We don’t want anyone in the emergency room,” Raven nudges at her shoulder.
“Plus we didn’t fly all the way here from New York just so I could spend even more time in a hospital, this is supposed to be my day off.” Clarke pushes her hair over her shoulder, tugging at the tangles and pulls her hat more securely onto her head. In the distance they can hear music from somewhere over the sounds of women laughing and chanting and Clarke feels excitement spark inside her at the sound.
A mother goes past, carrying her tiny daughter on her shoulders in a shirt that reads the future is female in vibrant pink and Clarke returns her eager wave.
“Where are your friends again Raven?” She hauls her sign up a little further, “god, I’m glad I let you design this. Are you sure the lab won’t miss the carbon fibre poles?”
“This is more important than the lab,” Raven shrugs, staring down at her phone and Octavia pulls a face at them over her shoulder.
“Weren’t you building robots?”
“Listen, right now I’m more concerned with making sure there’s a future in which we can use the robots, okay?” Raven finally drags her eyes up, her jaw set grimly.
“Okay, okay.” Octavia laughs, “what does Anya say?”
Raven’s cheeks heat and she shoves her phone in her pocket, “She’s found Lincoln and Monty at the corner of 36th and Broad Street. It’s only a few minutes up there.”
They move with the crowd, easing their way through the streets until Octavia spots her boyfriend’s hulking figure looking vaguely ridiculous with a pointed pink hat  on his head and pushes her way towards him until she can throw her arms around his neck and kiss him soundly. Clarke and Raven follow her, apologising in her wake, and Clarke finally spies Anya’s lanky figure lounging a little too casually against a lamp post. She’s wearing a shirt with my pussy is bigger than yours written on it, a bomber jacket thrown over it and her hat is crooked on her head. Monty is standing a few steps away from her, looking slightly out of place but smiling nervously, holding a sign that says THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN AT HOGWARTS and Clarke goes to give him a quick hug as Octavia untangles herself from Lincoln. Her boyfriend is wearing a shirt he clearly got from work, pink with white letters reading I support planned parenthood and Octavia’s lipstick has left an equally pink mark on his cheek.
Anya raises her chin in a short nod, “Nice of you guys to show.”
“Do you know how long it took to get from the airport?” Raven shoots back and Clark exchanges an exasperated look with Octavia when Anya’s lips quirk into a smirk.
“Did you guys see Melissa Benoist?” Monty asks, before the pair can fall into their usual flirty squabbling. “Apparently she’s around here somewhere?”
“Really?” Raven’s eyes widen, momentarily distracted from Anya.
“Anya wasn’t your friend supposed to be joining us?” Clarke peers around Monty and Raven to eye the girl curiously.
“She’s been held up at work, but she’ll meet us soon.” Anya shrugs, her eyes on Raven and Clarke rolls her eyes.
“Okay, if we’re waiting I’m going to grab some food before we start marching.” She hands off her sign to Octavia, who offers:
“I think there was a hotdog cart over there?”
“I’ll bring a few back.” Clark promises and turns, disappearing down a slightly quieter side street. The hotdog cart from earlier has disappeared, but she shrugs and keeps walking. The back streets are filled with normal civilians, although she sees a few women sporting the familiar pink and carrying signs as they search for sustenance. She receives a few nasty glances and meets them with a cutting stare. Her blood is boiling with righteous fury, whipped into a flurry, and she dares someone to approach her, eager for an argument.
Her phone buzzes in her pocket, a request from Raven for something vegetarian for Anya and she’s so distracted by it that Clarke walks straight into something soft and warm. Her phone goes spinning out of her hands and she is propelled backwards, barely keeping her footing. It takes her a moment to regain her bearings, finding her feet as the woman she barged into begins to apologise.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking.”
Clarke finds her partner in crime bending to collect her phone from the floor and straightens her hat as the woman rises and she is met with piercing green eyes, dark hair falling from a once elegant updo to frame her face. She is caught for a moment, struck by how attractive the stranger is in her dark coat as a flash of familiarity shoots through her.
“Here,” The stranger blushes, tucking her hair behind her ear as she hands back the phone. “It’s okay I think, I’m sorry again.”
“No it’s… it’s okay,” Clarke is still staring at her, “Do I… know you?”
The woman hesitates, looking at her cautiously for a moment before asking carefully. “Do you watch a lot of news?”
“You’re Representative Lexa Woods!” Clarke almost slaps herself for not recognising the young politician earlier. “The youngest woman elected to the House!”
“Yes,” Lexa visibly straightens, though Clarke can tell that she is still flustered, her cheeks pink. “I’m not normally recognised in the street.”
“I was interested in your campaign,” Clarke explains vaguely, unwilling to admit that she and Raven had once agreed at the bottom of a bottle of vodka that Lexa would be on their celebratory free pass list. “Are you not at the march?”
“I’ve just left the office actually, I’m meeting a friend.”
Clarke’s brows tighten at the words and she feels her belly coil with annoyance, “So you’re not even going? That’s just typical!”
“What?” Lexa frowns, holding her hands out as if to ask for peace, “No I just have to-”
“You politicians are all the same,” Clarke riles, her fists clenching into balls in her pockets, “You’re just out to protect yourselves and your own image, you can’t seem too radical one way or another. I bet you were at the inauguration yesterday?”
“Well-” Lexa fumbles with her words, “Yes, I was but-”
“So you can make time for that but not for the march?” Clarke snaps, “Whole lot of good you are, you’re supposed to be a women’s candidate,” She shakes her head, glowering, “Well it’s okay, we can stick up for ourselves, we don’t need you.”
With that she marches around Lexa, not sparing her a cursory glance, and leaves the Representative spluttering in her dust.
Clarke is thoroughly lost. The crowd seems as if it’s grown since she went for hotdogs and her frantic texts to Raven are proving totally fruitless. Everywhere she turns are towering placards and pink hats and their corner has been abandoned, leaving her stranded and cursing when Octavia doesn’t pick up her phone. She’s about to try Lincoln, always the more reliable of the pair, when a commotion ahead of her catches her attention.
A few paces away two men are harassing a pair of protestors, yelling at them. One can’t be older than thirteen and his friend has her arm out, pushing him behind her as she yells back. The men are clearly drunk, swaying and their words slurred and one stumbles dangerously close to the girl, forcing her to stagger a few paces away. Clarke feels rage bubble in her stomach and takes a few steps closer.
“Hey!” The guys turn, distracted and confused by her and she steps between the protestors and the men, glowering furiously. “Leave them alone.”
“Fucking feminazi,” The first man rolls his eyes, sneering at her and the word feels like a physical blow to her skin, stinging.
“Don’t use that word asshole.”
“Get out of here if you’re not protesting!” The girl beside Clarke steps up until their shoulder to shoulder.
“Why are you fucking protesting?” The second man can barely stand upright and they’re beginning to attract the attention of other concerned protestors, glancing back at them anxiously. “President Trump won the vote, that’s democracy you stupid bitches.”
“Protesting is a fundamental right shit head, it’s in the fucking constitution,” Clarke spits, her hands balling at her sides.
“Yeah but it’s not going to change anything, this is going to be the best eight years for America.” The second guy smiles nastily and Clarke scoffs.
“Yeah, you’ll be lucky to have one year. Your precious POTUS isn’t cut out for the job idiots, he’ll quit or be impeached.”
“What do you know, cunt?” The first guy takes a menacing step forward and Clarke’s patience snaps.
“What did you just call me?” She’s readying to square up and punch the guy when a hand on her arm draws her back, tugging her away and she spins to see familiar green eyes and dark hair.
“Hey, hi, calm down here okay?” Lexa Woods is calm and collected, one hand on Clarke’s arm and one holding a tray with two take out coffee cups in it, and Clarke wants to rip herself out of her grasp.
“Let go of me so I can rip this guy a new one-”
“You should listen to your friend little girl,” The guy laughs, taunting them, “Get back to the kitchen where you both belong- when you’re not sucking my dick that is.”
Clarke feels Lexa go very stiff next to her, stilling and she is alarmed to see the stoic, terrifying fury painted into every line of Lexa’s face when she turns to look at her.
Before she’s even able to say her name Lexa has stepped forward and swung her arm in a neat, smooth punch that collides harshly with the first guy’s jaw and sends him reeling. His friend’s eyes bulged at the sight and he staggered forward to push Lexa, catching her by the shoulder and jostling her a few paces back. The first guy curses loudly, spitting blood onto the sidewalk.
“Fuck! You bitch!” He staggers up and Lexa barely manages to dodge when he tries to grab her. His friend has more luck and his fist collides with her eye, sending her staggering. Clarke barely manages to catch her before she falls, her arms wrapping around her waist and she’s struggling to hold up a groaning Lexa when a familiar voice comes from behind her.
“Hey, what’s going on here?”
The guys hesitate at the sight of Lincoln’s hulking figure and Anya’s vicious snarl and Raven rushes to help Clarke keep Lexa upright, glaring at them.
“There are some cops right over there,” She’s barely finished speaking before the guys turn tail and scamper away.
Lexa finds her feet at last, staggering out of Clarke’s arms, one hand still pressed to her eye and Clarke is finally able to take in her appearance. Her coffee had spilled all over the front of her shirt in her tussle. The oversized shirt is worn over a soft grey hoodie, with the words if you’re not angry you’re not paying attention printed on it, and what Clarke had thought was a neat updo is actually a long braid down her back. She is still pressing her hand over one eye, but she struggles to stare out at Clarke anxiously.
“Are you okay? And you guys?” She turns to peer at the kids.
The girl nods, putting a hand on her friend’s shoulder, “Yeah, thank you so much. I think we should find my mom though.”
“You should,” Lexa’s words are a little muffled by her hand, but she is sincere despite it. “Stay safe!” She calls after them, “have a good march!”
Lexa’s eyes spin back to Clarke and the people now gathering around her and, to Clarke’s surprise, she breaks out into a smile. Anya’s arm is around her, surprisingly tender, and Lexa leans into Anya’s touch.
“Hey, you guys found me again.”
“Yeah, well you caused enough of a fuss,” Anya rolls her eyes, but draws Lexa’s hand away to look at her face carefully. “Shit, Lex you’re going to have a shiner.”
“Oh,” Lexa frowns, cringing at the pain the expression clearly causes her. “Damn, that is not going to go down well at work.”
“Screw work,” Anya fusses over her, unlike anything Clarke has seen her do before, but then draws back, frowning and punches at Lexa’s shoulder. “You idiot Lex.”
“Ow!” Lexa rubs at her arm. “What was that for?”
“I thought you were out of getting into fights by now,” Anya gripes and Clarke meets Lexa’s gaze with a slowly dawning realisation, her eyes widening and her cheeks darkening with shame and humiliation.
“You’re Anya’s friend, the one who was held up at work.” She says, uselessly.
“Yeah, Clarke this is Lexa.” Anya gestures between them.
Clarke opens her mouth to respond, but Lexa speaks abruptly over her.
“Hi Clarke, it’s nice to meet you,” She holds out a hand that Clarke stares at for a beat too long before taking it and shaking once, “Sorry I was late,” Lexa smiles sheepishly, “I was stuck in a meeting and then wanted to get everyone coffee to apologise.” Her eyes cut to the trampled coffee cups on the floor and her stained shirt, “That, uh, was supposed to be yours.”
“Thank you,” Clarke can feel her cheeks heating, “that’s so nice of you. And thanks for stepping in there.”
“I didn’t do much good really,” Lexa gives a soft, awkward laugh and rubs at the back of her neck. “But it’s not a problem.”
“Come on,” Anya presses a placard into Lexa’s hands, nudging her head, “Let’s march, I want to get to the White House and see if I can throw my sign over the fence.”
The pair fall awkwardly into step together, their silence unnoticed as the others stream around them, chattering excitedly. Clarke accepts her sign when Raven hands it back, eyes darting up to Lexa’s and she can’t help her smile when she reads to neatly printed words History Has It’s Eyes on You.
“Are you a Hamilton fan?” The words leave her mouth before she can stop them and she curses herself, wishing they were back to uncomfortable silence when Lexa flushes, glancing at her uncertainly.
“Yes,” Lexa admits quietly, “Yeah, I love it.”
“Me too,” Clarke keeps her eyes firmly fixed in front of her and she feels Lexa’s gaze run over her and then her sign- Carrie’s eyes staring out and a woman’s place is in the revolution below them. “I’m a Star Wars fan too,” She explains, before Lexa can ask.
“I love that,” Lexa answers, her eyes darting down from the placard as her cheeks heat even further. “I mean… the sign not… I love the sign.”
“Thank you,” The grin playing on her lips is hard to disguise and they walk for another few moments in silence before Clarke finally gathers the courage to continue, “I’m really sorry about earlier.”
“It’s okay,” Lexa is smiling softly, “You didn’t know.”
“I shouldn’t have assumed,” Clarke counters.
“It was a fair assumption,” Heaving her placard more comfortably into her arms, Lexa turns to look at her. “I’m glad that you called me out when you thought I wasn’t doing what I should. We’re going to need to start calling people out more often nowadays.”
“You’re… welcome?” Clarke offers at last, lamely and then continues in a desperate attempt to salvage the comment. “Again… thank you for coming to look after me as well, I mean I probably could have handled them… you’re kind of a beansprout, but even so.”
Lexa’s eyes widen at the word, blinking at her in surprise and Clarke is abruptly worried that she’ll be angry, but the girl bursts into laughter, shaking her head.
“A beansprout,” She echoes, “Oh my god, never tell Anya that, I won’t hear the end of it.”
Clarke grins, shaking her head, “I won’t, Scout’s honour.”
Lexa levels her with a sceptical expression. “Were you a Scout?”
“No,” Clarke admits, her grin growing, “But I respect their honour code. Anyway, thank you for helping me out back there even when I was rude to you.”
“It’s okay,” Lexa shakes her head, “But you have to tell me… how did you actually know who I was? No one follows local politics that closely.”
Clarke flushes, considering her options. She takes in the flush on Lexa’s cheek, the nervous way she keeps tucked her hair behind her ears and the sparkle in her eyes and finally says, before she can talk herself out of it. “I might have had a celebrity crush on you.”
Lexa lets out a snort of laughter so loud the woman next to her turns around in surprise, “A celebrity crush? You’re serious? Anya didn’t put you up to this?”
“Nope,” Clarke giggles, hitching her sign further into her arms as she feels a flurry of butterflies in her stomach. “I even put you on my free pass list, you should be honoured.”
“I am,” Lexa assures her, quickly and Clarke smiles at her for a second before she says, at last.
“I liked your policies too.”
“Really?” Lexa’s face brightens like a child on Christmas. “I’m so glad, they’re all so important to me. I just think you can’t ignore this sort of stuff you know? The second you turn away things start happening and it’s the responsibility of anyone who can to stand up for what they believe in because so many people can’t-” Lexa cuts herself off with a start, eyes wide as she flushed furiously. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to...”
“No,” Clarke is smiling so widely that her cheeks hurt, “no I like that you’re so passionate.”
“Thanks,” Lexa rubs at the back of her neck uncertainly, casting her a nervous glance from beneath her lashes. “I don’t want to come across as overbearing I just... I care very much about these things. Standing up for your rights and freedoms, it’s so important.”
“You can tell,” At Lexa’s quizzical glance, she explains, “You light up when you talk about them.”
“Oh,” Lexa flushes again, adorably bashful, “Well, we’re lucky to have people like you interested in politics Clarke. Protests are an important way to exercise your rights.”
“This is my first one,” She admits, “It’s amazing, I’d like to do it again.”
“I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities in the next few years,” Lexa is momentarily sombre, but her expression breaks into nervous excitement when she looks back at Clarke. “But maybe when this one is done you’d like to get coffee? With me, on a like… date thing?” She stumbles through her words, flushing and Clarke almost takes pity on her.
“A date?” She clarifies when Lexa finally stops talking, “Like… romantically?”
“I hope so,” Lex gives an anxious laugh and then says, after a second of thought. “It’ll make Mike Pence really mad, if that changes your mind.”
Clarke’s laugh is loud and unladylike, more of a snort, but Lexa just smiles at her hopefully and she feels a curl of something between hope and excitement twine around her heart when she replies. “Yes, I’d really, really like that.” Her hand brushes against the back of Lexa’s as they walk and she can’t help but lace their little fingers briefly, unable to tear her eyes away from Lexa’s.
“Okay,” Lexa smiles softly and squeezes their pinkies gently, “so we’ll take down the patriarchy and then get coffee.”
“Sounds good.”
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I haven't done one of these in years.
So enjoy fuckers. 1 - Who was the last person you texted? Victoria. But technically Michael through Snapchat. 2 - When is your birthday? May 18th 3 - Who do you want to be with right now? No one? 4 - What sports do you play? I run marathons.. Netflix marathons AYYEE 5 - Who is the first person in your contacts? Abbey Ryan 6 - What is your favorite song as of the moment? Thunderstruck by AC/DC 7 - If you were stranded on an island, who do you wish to be with? MICHAEL SO WE CAN SAVE THIS CITY @incaseyoueverwonder 8 - What do you feel right now? A little cold and sleepy tbh 9 - What chocolate is your favorite? Hot chocolate 10 - How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have? Only two. Two girlfriends that is😂 11 - Why did you create a Tumblr account? @cherisethecat got me into this madness 12 - Who is your favorite blogger? @cherisethecat 13 - Where do you want to be right now? In bed watching Netflix 14 - What do you want to be in the future? Asleep in bed 15 - When was the last time you cried? Why? Currently on the edge of falling into depression and I'm trying very hard to stay positive but it's getting more and more difficult as each day passes. 16 - Are you happy? Nope. 17 - Who do you miss? No one 18 - If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life? Nope, I mean I'm going through a really hard time but I wouldn't trade it for anything. 19 - What was the best thing you were given? Love and affection. 20 - Who was the last person who called you? Father was 21 - What is your favorite dish? A good burger always makes me happy 22 - Who is your bestfriend? Sir Michael Jew and Ms. Tracy Tran 23 - What is your biggest regret? I don't have any regrets buddy 24 - Have you ever slapped your partner? Lol well I would need one first, but no. Play fighting yeah. But actually going Ike Turner on her ass? Nope. 25 - Who do you spend crazy moments with? Sir Michael Jew 26 - Name someone pretty. Melissa Benoist 27 - Who was the last person you hugged? My little sister 28 - What kind of music do you listen to? I've actually been listening to a lot of classic rock lately 29 - Are you over your past? Been over it 30 - Who is the last person in your contacts? Someone I met at the club and I don't remember her name and feel awkward asking so her name is a bunch of question marks hahaha 31 - What kind of person do you want to date? Someone who enjoys Netflix and superheroes as much as me, but can also enjoy a cold brew 32 - Do you have troubles sleeping at night? LOLOL DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?? 33 - From whom was the last text message you received? Victoria telling me to go to sleep cause it was late lol 34 - What do you prefer, jeans or skirt? Jeans of course. I'm really not a big skirt fan. 35 - How’s your heart? Cold and lonely but what else is new. 36 - Did you ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend whose name starts with a “J”? Nope 37 - Do you like someone as of the moment? I mean yeah but her ex just died not too long ago and I'm not trying to catch shade from a ghost 38 - What would you want to say to your latest ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend? How's the alcoholic, drug crazed, putting mothers in headlocks, balding before he's 25 years old boyfriend doing? 39 - Do you have any phobias? Nooooo 40 - Did you try to change for a person? No never that. That's barnacles. 41 - What’s the nicest thing have you given to someone? Well my ex basically lived with me because she hated being home with her parents and I wanted to make her life easier. 42 - Would you go back to your previous relationship? Nah. Fuck all that. I mean I really enjoyed my time with her. But I knew it was doomed from the beginning. 43 - Are you in a good or bad mood? I'm cold. So you decide. 44 - Name someone you can’t live without. Kassandra Moreno. 45 - Describe your dream date. Honestly just being with the person. It doesn't matter where, just being with them is enough. 46 - Describe your dream wedding. I'm not even in a relationship, slow your roll. 47 - How many roses did you receive last Valentine’s? All of zero 48 - Have you ever been kissed? Is that where you connect ponytails? Wait fuck that's how avatar people smash. Yes, yes I have been kissed. 49 - How long is your longest relationship? A year... and three months...? 50 - Do you regret your past? I feel like I just answered this, no. 51 - Can you do something stupid for someone else? Duh as long as you get it on video. 52 - Have you ever cried over someone? Who hasn't? 53 - Do you have a grudge against anyone? Definitely not. Hakuna Matata 54 - Are you a crybaby? Yeah, it's a tough world out here. 55 - Do people praise you for your looks? I mean for my eyebrows yeah. 56 - Did you fall for someone you shouldn’t? Yeah, but shit happens. 57 - Have you ever done something bad but you don’t regret? Hahahaha yeah. 58 - Do you like getting hurt? Like emotionally, mentally, physically? Come on get more specific man. 59 - Does anyone hate you? Mhm. Kaila does. 60 - Did you slap anyone whose name starts with an “R”? Nopeee 61 - What hair color do you prefer? Brunette I suppose 62 - If you can change anything about yourself, what is it? Nothing man, I love myself. 63 - Do you love someone as of the moment? Does... does supergirl count or.... 64 - Have you ever thought of killing yourself? Definitely not. 65 - Do you have issues with somebody in your school? Well to have issues with someone in school, I have to be in school.. and I'm not so no. 66 - Can you live without internet? Of course I can. 67 - What’s the song that remind you of your special someone? I don't have a special someone Tumblr. Fuck. 68 - Are you good at holding back your tears? Yeah but I just let them go cause life's too short. 69 - Are you a crybaby? Repeat 70 - Have you ever experienced being hysterical? Yeah when I go to the hospital. 71 - Are you a KPOP fan? Fuck no. 72 - Do you study hard? When I have to. But it's rare. 73 - Have you ever sacrificed something important to you for someone you love? Yeah my place of peace and being alone. 74 - Did you ever had a kiss under the moonlight? Who hasn't? 75 - Have you ever ridden a boat? I own one actually. 76 - Did you have an accident last year? Indeed I did. 77 - What kind of person are you? I'm the kind of person who will compliment you, and ask you to be careful. But who will also help you when you need it, who will not stop doing what I need to do to make you happy. Who also has your back no matter what happens. But if you fuck me over you're in for a world of hurt my friend. 78 - Have you ever thought of killing someone? I mean yeah when I play call of duty. 79 - Have you ever been jealous? In the past yeah but not anymore. That's pointless. 80 - How can you prove your love to someone? You shouldn't have to prove your love to anyone. 81 - What are you thinking right now? Should I eat or sleep. 82 - Who is the 6th person in your contacts? Amanda Ono. 83 - Do you have any memories you want to erase? Nah. I mean there's been shitty ones and ones I wish I could but I never would. 84 - Have you been hurt so bad that you can’t find words to explain how you feel? Nope. I know exactly how to find the words to explain how I feel. 85 - Did you ever badmouth someone? Yeah of course. Have you met me? 86 - Have you ever had an argument with someone? Indeed I have. 87 - Do you have trust issues? Not really. Until you give me a reason to have trust issues with you. 88 - Are you broken-hearted? Indeed. 89 - Who’s the person who first comes to your mind when someone mentions “love”? ......oh I'd rather not answer that. 90 - Do you think all the pain is worth it? It's more than worth it. 91 - Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”? No fuck that. That's a fools wish. 92 - Who do you want to marry? My non existent girlfriend 93 - Do you believe in destiny? Lol nah fuck destiny. 94 - Have you ever thought “I already found my soulmate”? I have. Once or twice. 95 - How do you look right now? Like a mess cause I woke up way too early to do my hair lol 96 - Do you believe that first true love never dies? Ehhhh.... idk. 97 - Have you found your true love? I think they're lost. 98 - What should you be doing right now? Sleeping 99 - Name one of your ex-boyfriends/ex-girlfriends. Amanda. 100 - Did you ever feel like you’re not good enough? All the time.
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