#i know i said that was it but this week's warmup was Something
swordsmans · 1 year
With the revelation that their Captain is a god, the crew worships.
pairings: nakamaship/gen
word count: 2645
ao3 tags: religious imagery; spoilers through the end of wano; third person plural/crew pov
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fruitjoos · 11 days
sweet revenge
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stanford!art x stanford!tashi x reader
summary: you and art broke up months ago, yet you still can’t get over him. he moved on a lot faster than you thought he would. if you were going to be miserable, so was she.
warnings angst, slight bullying, maybe? i guess
You stood by the court, arms crossed, the early evening sun casting long shadows over the freshly mown grass. The tennis balls bounced in time with your heartbeat as you watched them, Art and Tashi on the other side of the fence, in their own little world. He leaned in close, whispering something that made her laugh, her hand lightly swatting his chest in that playful, teasing way that used to be yours. They exchanged love taps, barely noticeable to anyone else, but to you, they were searing hot brands pressed into your skin.
You swallowed hard, your throat tight. You were supposed to be over this. Over him. It’s been months, months since the final, hollow “goodbye.” The final, “we’re not right for each other anymore.” Months since you swore you wouldn’t let him get to you again. But here you were, rooted in place, your chest tight with anger and pain, humiliation, longing. Why her? Why not you? Why did it seem so easy for him to move on, to laugh like that, to be happy?
Your hands balled into fists, nails digging into your palms as you turned away, unable to watch anymore. You hated the way he could still twist you up inside, the way seeing him happy with her made something bitter bloom in your chest. He was supposed to be yours, or at least the memory of him was. But watching him with Tashi only solidified one thing: it’s over. Really over. And it would never happen again. No second chances. No rewinds. You told yourself that over and over, but the mantra didn’t stick. Instead, it made your blood boil.
That’s when you started making Tashi’s life difficult. You couldn’t stop Art from moving on, but you could make sure she didn’t enjoy it. In the locker room after practice, you waited until she wasn’t looking, then scraped her expensive deodorants into the trash. You moved one of her tennis shoes to the opposite side of the locker room, making her late for warmups. You cut in front of her in line at lunch, bumping into her just enough to make her spill a drink. When she complained—oh, how you reveled in her complaints. You just ignored her, pretending you didn’t hear, didn’t care. You wanted her to feel what you felt: powerless, insignificant, alone.
But one day, Tashi went to Art. You didn’t see her that afternoon, but you heard from someone else that she’d been crying. And that, apparently, was enough to spark Art’s rage.
You didn’t expect to see him standing outside your lecture hall that day, not after all this time. His tall frame blocked the doorway, his expression dark as he waited for you to pack up. He didn’t say a word as you slung your bag over your shoulder, but when you walked toward the door, his hand shot out and grabbed your wrist. Hard. Hard enough to make you stop, hard enough to make your pulse skip in a way you hated to admit. The force of his grip sent a shiver up your arm, part fear, part something that still simmered just below the surface.
“Leave Tashi alone,” Art said, his voice low and sharp. His words were clipped, his anger barely restrained, and for a moment, you were stunned. Not by what he said, but by the way his touch still made your heart flutter. You hated that he still had this kind of hold over you, even after everything.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said, batting your eyelashes and feigning innocence. You tried to pull your hand free, but he only tightened his grip. There was a flash of something in his eyes, something that told you he wasn’t buying it.
“Don’t play dumb with me,” he snapped, his voice rising slightly. “Tashi told me everything. The stupid deodorant thing, the shoes, bumping into her—” He listed off every petty, vindictive thing you’d done in the last few weeks, and you felt a slight satisfaction that he noticed. That he cared enough to confront you about it.
But your face remained blank, a mask of boredom. You stared at him, expressionless, as though every word he said was just background noise. The little games you played with Tashi were nothing compared to the way he had gutted you, left you behind like you were just some phase in his life he was done with. You blinked slowly, taking in the storm in his eyes, feeling something close to triumph in the fact that he was this worked up.
Then, just as quickly, he delivered the final blow. “Hating her won’t make me love you again.”
The words hit like a punch to the gut, winding you. For a split second, your carefully constructed walls cracked. He didn’t even realize the impact his words had, didn’t stay to watch the devastation in your eyes. Art let go of your wrist and shoved your hand away like it was nothing, like you were nothing, before turning his back on you and walking off into the distance without so much as a second glance.
You stood there, frozen, as his words echoed in your mind. Hating her won’t make me love you again. He had walked away before, but this felt different. Final. The sting of rejection, of abandonment, was overwhelming, and you realized with a sickening clarity that he had moved on. He was never coming back.
Your throat tightened as you watched him disappear down the hall, and for a moment, you couldn’t breathe. All of the venom you’d been spewing, all the petty revenge, suddenly felt hollow. Useless. The truth was, you didn’t hate Tashi. You hated what she represented. She was everything you weren’t, everything you used to be, when Art still looked at you the way he now looked at her. She had the life you used to have, and no amount of sabotage or cruelty was going to change that.
And now, you were left with nothing. Not even the hope of him coming back.
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bloatedandalone04 · 6 months
Bets & Bargains - Part 5
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Series Masterlist
➪in which bradley finds something out about you that has him barely in control of himself, and he decides he needs to test something out before going forward with you.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 4k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
You were still reeling from the kiss you had with Bradley, even well into the next day.
Kissing his cheek was one thing, but feeling his lips against yours was something else entirely. You wanted more. 
You didn’t get the chance to see him after class yesterday since your schedules were so different, but you didn’t mind since you two had been texting nonstop. 
The texts you shared with Bradley were a nice refresher to the last few messages you shared with Luke, especially that last one he sent you that you didn’t even bother replying to. If he thought that the four years you were together were a waste of his time, then you wouldn’t give him another minute of yours by texting him back. 
Your phone went off as you were walking to the gym that was a few blocks away from the campus, and you sipped on your coffee as you read Bradley’s latest text. 
Fratley: It’s been over twenty four hours since I last saw you. Can we do something today? Pretty please?
You laugh and text him back with one hand as you reach the gym and use your key card to unlock the door to the room you rented for an hour. 
I can’t right now, I’m teaching a yoga class in a few minutes. After?
Bradley read your text but instead of replying to it, he called you. “Why am I just now finding out that you teach a yoga class?” He asked as soon as you accepted the call. 
You laugh and set your bag and mat down onto the floor. “Hello to you, too,”
“Hi. Why am I just now finding out that you teach a yoga class?” He repeats his question, making you laugh loudly as you sit down next to your bag. 
“I don’t know,” you answer and look at your reflection in the mirror that was along the wall across the room. “It never came up, I guess.”
“Fuck,” he cursed and you laugh again, stretching your legs out in front of you and beginning your warmup while on the phone with him. “I should’ve asked you more about yourself. I had no idea you taught a yoga class. That’s so hot.”
Rolling your eyes, you put your phone on speaker and set it down on the floor next to you before reaching forward with both arms and stretching out your back. “It’s really not,” you brush off his words. “It just keeps me busy when I’m not in class. I only do it once a week, though.” 
Bradley mutters something you can’t quite hear before he sighs. “You’re teasing me, aren’t you?” He asks and you snort as you sit back up straight. “First you kiss me, and now you’re telling me you do yoga.”
“You liked that, huh?” You murmur and lean off to the side, opening up your ribcage to get it ready for the positions you would be doing once everyone got here. 
“Liked it? Are you seriously asking me that right now?” He asked in disbelief. “You should let me come to this class.”
“No,” you immediately answer, sitting up again and picking up your phone. “Not a chance.”
“See, I knew you were teasing me,” he muttered. “Please? I’ll be good, promise.”
You scoff. “You’d just be a distraction,” you say. “I can’t focus on anyone else when there’s a stupidly hot guy in the room.”
You could practically hear the smirk in his voice as he said, “So I distract you, too,” then he added, “That’s what you get for kissing me then bailing right after.”
“I did not bail,” you defend yourself with a stupid smile on your face. “I had class to get ready for, and I’m pretty sure you did, too.”
“Alright, alright, fair enough,” he murmured and you gave up on your warmup, instead you sat against the wall with your knees against your chest. “Still can’t believe you’re blowing me off to teach yoga. I’d be mad if I didn’t find it so hot.”
“I’m not blowing you off, I said we could hang out after,” you remind him just as the first few people came through the door. “Speaking of; I gotta go.”
Bradley hummed, “Okay. Can I pick you up after? We can get pizza or something,”
You hadn’t actually eaten much today since you would be wearing tight fitting clothing and didn’t want to look bloated, so pizza actually sounded really good right now. “You know the way to my heart,” you tease and he laughs that deep laugh that had you pressing your thighs together. “Sounds perfect.”
“Great, you should send me the address now so I can be prepared, you know?” He trailed off and you rolled your eyes again. 
“You’re not watching me do yoga,” 
“Fine,” he huffed, making you grin. “I’ll see you later, babes.”
There was that name again. You thought he called you it by accident yesterday, but here he is saying it again and making you feel all flustered right before you were about to teach a class. “Okay,” you agreed in a whisper, hanging up after before you could say anything embarrassing.
Bradley couldn’t believe how turned on he got when you told him that you taught a yoga class every week.
It was yoga, for fucks sake, why did he find the image of you doing it so attractive? Then he remembered that he’s found literally everything you’ve done since he met you attractive, then it started to make sense. 
An hour or so passed since his call with you, and then you sent him the location of a gym that was a fair distance from campus. He had a feeling you walked there, and were probably planning on walking back if he didn’t offer to go get you, even though it was nearing seven thirty at night and it was getting darker by the second. 
He wasn’t very fond of the idea of you walking around all the time by yourself, even if the areas surrounding the campus were relatively safe. He knew he shouldn’t be this protective over you so soon, but he couldn’t help it. His mom raised him right in that sense.
Bradley stopped for pizza on the way to pick you up, and he made sure the seat warmer was on since he knew you liked being scorching hot while in the car for some reason. 
He was waiting for only a couple minutes before you exited the gym, and you looked insanely sexy for someone who just finished teaching a class. Your black leggings and tight tank top was really doing something to him, and Bradley had to quickly adjust himself in his jeans just as you opened the car door and got in. “Hi,” you greet and drop your bag onto the floor. 
“Hey,” he managed to say back before gesturing to the pizza on the backseat. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I got pepperoni to be safe.”
“That’s fine, thank you,” you smile and put on your seatbelt as he starts driving again. “Sorry, I look kinda bad right now. If I had known we were hanging out after, I would’ve brought a change of clothes.”
Bradley wanted to laugh, then he realized you were being serious. “You don’t look bad,” he scoffed and turned onto the street that leads out of town and back to campus. “You look as hot as I thought you would. Maybe even more.”
“You’re full of it,” you repeat what you told him the last time you were in his living room, and it once again had him laughing quietly to himself. “You remembered to put the seat warmer on.”
He glanced over at you with a raised brow. “Yeah, you’re the only person I know that puts that shit on when it’s still summer,” 
You laugh, covering your mouth as you did so and he couldn’t stop himself from calling you out on it this time. 
“Why do you do that?”
You look over at him with confusion on your face, “Do what?”
“You cover your mouth when you laugh,” he said, then lightened the mood by adding, “You don’t have anything in your teeth, I promise.”
“Oh, my God,” you cover your whole face this time as you groan, and he cackles. “Thanks for that, I know. I don’t know why I cover my mouth, I guess I just don’t like the way I look when I laugh. That’s all.”
That was by far the craziest thing Bradley has heard all day. He saw you laugh at the party, and even though he was drunk, he still remembered how pretty he thought you were, and it only intensified when he made you laugh the other night at Five Guys. You were carefree that night, but now you were restricting yourself around him, and he didn’t like it. It felt like you were going backwards, and he was more than prepared to go forward with you. 
“I think you look pretty when you laugh,” he said and thought it would make things feel like a cheesy moment in those romcoms he forced himself to watch with Bri, but it didn’t. It felt normal. “You don’t have to pretend with me, you know. I like how natural it’s been between us since we met.”
You lean back in your seat and look over at him in a way that makes him want to pull over and kiss you again. “I like it, too,” you confess quietly.
The rest of the car ride passed by quickly and comfortably, and soon enough Bradley had you sitting on his lap at the small table in the kitchen he barely used. He kicked out the chair next to his for you to sit on, but you surprised him by draping your legs over his and pressing your side against his front. 
He wasn’t complaining a single bit as he casually wrapped his arm around your middle while you both ate. “So, do I get to have a private one on one now that there’s no one here for me to distract you from?” 
You blushed and shook your head as you bit into the crust. “Absolutely not,” 
Bradley whined. He actually whined as he said, “You keep teasing me,”
“I’m not,” you laughed, but this time you didn’t cover your mouth, and that had his pout softening until he was smiling up at you. He thought the whole yoga topic was done after that, then you shifted on his lap and offered him something that made his hold around your waist tighten just a bit. “Ask me that question again at some point and my answer might change.”
You stayed over for another hour after that, and then you rejected his offer to drive you back to your place as you said you wanted to ‘work off the three pieces of pizza’ you ate. 
Bradley already missed having you in his space as he cleaned up the kitchen and put away the leftover pizza, and when his phone went off with a new text, he shamelessly hoped it was you. 
It wasn’t.
Bri ❤️❤️: Hi, Brad. I was thinking about you all day. I know it’s kinda late, but can I come over? 
Had she sent him this text before he started getting to know you, he would’ve been all for her coming over right now. But as he read her text over and over again, he didn’t really feel anything. Maybe he was thinking about you too much right now to be able to take in her request fully, and he honestly hoped that wasn’t the case.
You were so different from Bri. You were sweet, funny, nice, and everything she wasn’t in all the months he was with her. 
Still, he found himself wanting to test something out. He wanted to make sure of some things before he continued hanging out with you.
Sure, I’ll leave the door unlocked. 
He sent the text before he could talk himself out of it, then went upstairs and waited for Bri to arrive. He was flipping through the lecture notes he took today when she knocked on his bedroom door and invited herself in. “Hey,” she said, dragging the word out as she closed the door behind her. 
“Hi,” he said back, finding himself not feeling the way he usually did every time he was alone in his room with her. 
“It’s been a while since I was in here,” she commented as she dropped her bag onto his floor, making herself at home as she began to inspect his room. 
If you consider less than a week a while, he wanted to say, but held off on it. “Yeah, I guess,”
She smirked over at him as she trailed her finger along his desk before lifting her gaze up to the bulletin board that was hung up on the wall above it. “Ooh, the Botanical Gardens?” She asked as she pulled the ticket from the board and held it in her hands. “We should go there. It’d be so pretty this time of year. And I hear it got recently renovated.”
It did. He got to see it firsthand with you. And it was pretty. But Bri wouldn’t get to see it with him. He went to the gardens with you on what he considered a date now that you and he were getting closer, and he refused to let Bri taint his prior experience there. He didn’t want to go there with her, not when he had already gone with you and ended up having a really nice time. 
Bradley stayed silent, making Bri look back at him as she set the ticket you bought him down on the desk instead of putting it back on the board. “Not feeling talkative tonight?” She cooed, reaching up to slide off her jacket. It dropped to the floor as she made her way over to his bed, where he was still laying on his side and watching her every move. “That’s okay. I can think of a few ways to get you in the mood.
When she pressed one of her knees onto the mattress and traced her fingers along his thigh, he tensed up. “Bri,” he said in a warning tone, but she must’ve thought that was an invitation to continue. 
“I know, I know. I’m really sorry about the way things ended between us,” she murmured, biting down on her lip as she moved so she was on her knees next to him. “I miss you, Brad. I shouldn’t have broken up with you.”
This was it. This is what he wanted to hear her say ever since she walked out of this very room the morning of the day he threw that party. The party he met you at. He wanted this, but not anymore. 
It was clear to him now, and by the way his body reacted negatively to her instead of him getting turned on by her advances, that she wasn’t what he wanted anymore. Maybe she never was. 
Maybe it was all just a filler until he met the person he did want. And he was pretty sure he’d already met that person. It was you. 
“Bri,” he tried again, but she ignored him.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, leaning in to brush her lips against the side of his neck. He pulled away from her touch, but she followed after him with a laugh. “We were good together, weren’t we, Brad? I know you miss me as much as I miss you. Come on, quit teasing.”
He already knew that he wasn’t physically attracted to her anymore, he didn’t need to let this continue on any further. He felt guilty, even though you and he weren’t even together. He wanted this to be you. He wanted you. 
When she reached for the zipper of his jeans, his hand shot out and wrapped around her wrist, halting her actions instantly and making her jump slightly in surprise. “Briana,” he muttered and her eyes widened at the seriousness in his voice. 
She looked so dejected, he almost felt bad that she clearly wasn’t going to get what she came here for, which was his body. She made sure he knew that his body is all he’s good for when she broke things off with him, and it was obvious that’s what she was wanting to get out of this little reunion. 
Still, he didn’t want to completely offend her or make her feel bad. “I have an early class tomorrow. You should go,”
But then her gaze turned cold. “Oh, my God,” she gasped, pulling her hand out of his grasp. “You like that girl you were talking to at the party, don’t you?” So she did see him talking to you, but still went home with Jensen anyway.
Bradley stayed silent again as she didn’t need to know about his relationship with you. No one did. What he had with you, that obvious connection you shared, he wanted to keep that just between you and him. 
She let out a humorless laugh. “You really moved on that quick?” She scoffed and he narrowed his eyes. 
“You moved on the day we broke up,” he pointed out and she rolled her eyes. 
“That’s different,” she muttered and he pushed away his notes and sat up.
“How? How is that different?” He asked and she huffed, standing up and grabbing her jacket from where she dropped it by his bed.  
“It just is,” she answered, throwing her jacket on and glaring at him. “I can’t believe you. What, you meet one girl who actually gives you attention for more than five minutes and you suddenly forget about me?” 
Bradley opened his mouth to defend both you and himself, fed up with the way she talked to him at this point and now about you, but she went on,
“You’re pathetic, Bradshaw,” she laughed again and grabbed her bag. “Thanks so much for wasting my time tonight.”
She opened the door and slammed it behind her, and he could hear her loud footsteps as she went downstairs and left the house, slamming the front door behind her as well. 
Bradley scoffed and ran a hand through his hair, kind of pissed off at the way that whole thing went, but he also didn’t let himself get too heated. She really wasn’t worth it anymore. 
He was getting better at calming himself down before he got too mad, but he was still feeling irritated because of Bri, even after he had a shower and got ready for bed. 
He wanted to call you, wanted to talk to you and let himself get lost in your kind and sweet voice. 
Fuck it.
He grabbed his phone and pressed on your contact, holding it to his ear for a few seconds as it began to ring.
Wait. No.
He didn’t want to bother you with this. You had a good day today, and he didn’t want to ruin it by calling you when he wasn’t fully calmed down yet. 
Bradley quickly ended the call and threw his phone onto his bed before falling down onto his pillow and groaning. He was only a few seconds into his pity party when his phone went off, and when he grabbed it, he saw that it was you calling him back.
“Fuck,” he muttered, rolling onto his back as he accepted your call. “Hey.”
“Hi,” you say and he could hear the small amount of panic in your voice. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” he answered, draping his arm over his face as he sighed. “Why?”
“You called me then hung up,” you laugh nervously, “I got worried.”
Bradley felt himself beginning to smile, and he somehow knew you would be able to make him feel better. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, dropping his arm back down to his side. “Something happened and it made me….never mind. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you say quietly, then it was like you read his mind as you asked, “Do you want to talk for a bit?”
Bradley leaned back on the pillow and let himself picture the way you looked at him when he said that he thought you were pretty when you laughed. The smile you gave him in the Jeep was so pretty, he was getting flustered just thinking about it. “Yeah,” he answered just as quietly. “Can we?”
He heard you shuffling on your end of the call, and he wondered if you were in a similar position he was in. “Of course,” you say. “What do you want to talk about?”
He thought about it for a few seconds before asking the first question that popped into his head. “What’s your favorite color?”
You laugh in response, and the sound has Bradley’s mood lifting considerably. “Mint,” you reply. “What’s yours?”
“Blue and red,” he rasped, “What’s your favorite animal?”
“Mmm, a fox,”
“The Catcher in the Rye,” 
“Do you like coffee?” He asked and added before you could answer, “This one is very important.”
You laugh again, “Oh, is it? Yes, I do, sometimes,” 
Bradley falls silent for a few seconds after that, feeling himself get lost in the way you sounded so sweet and genuine right now. 
“Did I answer it right?” You asked him and he turned onto his side, sliding the hand that wasn’t holding his phone under the pillow. 
“How do you like your coffee?” He asked instead of answering your question, and you didn’t seem to care very much as he was met with your laugh again. 
“I like french vanilla. It’s actually the only way I can drink coffee,” 
Perfect. You were perfect. You sounded perfect. 
He felt like he didn’t deserve to be talking to you like this or even to be talking to you in general. Bradley has always messed with things that didn’t need to be messed with and almost always ended up ruining it, and he really didn’t want to do that with you. 
But he didn’t want to end the call so soon. “What’s your favorite movie?”
“That’s a tough one,” you mumbled and he could hear you holding back a yawn. 
“I’m boring you, aren’t I?” He teased and you huff out a laugh.
“No, not at all. I’m just in bed right now and I guess my head automatically thinks I’m supposed to be sleeping,” you say in a quiet voice. “Um, my favorite movie…oh, I Know What You Did Last Summer.”
Bradley laughed at that. “A 90s slasher? Why am I not surprised?” 
“Hey, you asked,” 
You and he ended up talking for a while after that until you eventually had to go to sleep. He ended the call before getting up and putting the ticket from the gardens back on the board, looking at it for a few seconds afterwards. 
By the time he plugged his phone in and got under his covers, Bradley realized that he was no longer mad or annoyed about what happened with Bri, and that you had successfully calmed him down with just your voice. 
He hadn’t felt this way about anyone in his entire life, and not once did he ever feel like this about Bri. He knew he needed to tell Wes and Eli that he was done with Bri and that although he was hanging out with you, it wasn’t because he made a bet on you. 
He assumed they would be checking in on how things were going with the bet soon, and even though he had that brief conversation with Eli the other day about you, he knew it wasn’t enough to have him believing that Bradley’s intentions with you were pure. 
And maybe they weren’t in the beginning, maybe he went to those gardens with you after Bri broke up with him just to spite her, but it wasn’t like that now. He knew that, he just had to make the guys believe it, too.
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cat got your tongue - Cole Caufield
Word Count - 3k
Requested - Yes a mutual dared me weeks ago to write a entire fic only about Cole Caufield's tongue.
Author's Note - thank you as always for reading. 💞🫶🏻 This literally took me forever to write because writers block is very real even when you love an idea, also I got this request back in the middle of July before anyone wants to come into my asks. I'm not sure if I like this ending, but that might just be me being my biggest critic.
Warnings - oral receiving but I think that's kind of obvious given the title of this fic. 🤣
Summary - Cole finally convinces you to come to one of his games, but what happens when all you can focus on is the way he sticks his tongue out during a celly.
Tonight was the first time that Cole has finally convinced you to come to one of his games. To be fair you did just meet the guy a month ago in a bar. Unlike Cole, you did not know everything when it came to hockey which could have been one of the reasons that you weren’t pressed on going as soon as Cole brought up the idea. But his constant insisting that turned into begging which was kind of hot finally got you here. In the back of a shared Uber with your friend who actually knows hockey and said she would tag along to explain what the fuck everyone is doing on the ice. At the end of the day trying to learn all the rules of a sport you never even watched was hard. 
Just to mess with Cole a little, you did purchase one of his jerseys which granted a lot of money. But your friend who came along with you to the game, insisted to “do it for the plot.” So here you both are, you in his jersey, entering the arena. Due to the amount of time it took to get through security, you weren’t able to be in your seat until after warm ups had already started. Your seat was center ice but a few rows back purely because you told Cole if he thought your ass was sitting front row at your first ever NHL game, you would simply walk out because you didn’t wanna accidentally end up caught on TV looking like someone who had no idea what was happening around her. 
As soon as Cole saw you, he skated over to the bench although you couldn’t see what he was doing talking to one of the trainers you assumed. He then skated over and started bouncing what looked like the nearest puck on his stick as many times as he could and then passing it over the glass. A fan tried to take it, but he shook his head no and pointed at you. Then he threw another one over for the little boy who was a couple seats down from you, before skating off continuing on with warmups. 
“Why was that kind of hot?” you whispered to your friend. 
“Wow who knew a basic white boy would have you down this bad?” she teased.
“Bitch shut up.” you said before you finally looked down at the puck. Cole must have asked the trainer for a marker and signed the puck before coming over. 
You look hot with my name on you. Meet me in the tunnels after the game. 
Deciding not to tell your friend about the message you look up to see Cole sitting on the bench now making direct eye contact with you as he watches you read his message. Nodding your head yes and mouthing ‘okay’, even from the other side of the arena the smile that spreads across his face is seen clearly from your seat. 
Cole was literally playing like his life depended on it tonight. Now granted you might not understand all the little detailed rules when it comes to hockey. But you knew an assist was a good thing, in period one alone Cole had 2 assists and something about the way that he got one knee skating for a celly with his tongue slightly sticking out. Something that is so simple, made you feel your stomach drop, getting more and more turned the second time he did it. 
During intermission, you and your friend went to the bathroom and maybe it was the 3 beers you consumed but somehow you both started joking around about what your friend calls “your new fetish Cole’s tongue.” Jokingly you stuck your tongue out ever so slightly. Not realizing in that millisecond your friend took a mirror selfie, your side to the mirror the famous ‘22’ on display with Caulfeild, sticking your tongue out ever so slightly with your butt teasingly pushed up. Honestly, you kind of looked hot in the picture and made a mental note to ask your friend to send the picture to you later. 
As the first intermission was about to end you just made it back to your seat. Cole was able to pull off another assist during the second period. Your friend who has been a fan of the Hubs her entire life told you that you're never allowed to miss a game again because if this was how the rest of the season was gonna go they might make it to the playoffs. All you could do was chuckle at her superstitious behavior. But stopped when the fans around her were agreeing with her when she told them this was your first ever game, Cole invited you and this is how he was playing. 
“Oh my god please stop. I don’t want my life to end on twitter. Y/B/F/N.” you begged, taking your hand and covering her mouth. She drunkenly agreed to stop and both of you turned your attention back to the game. Even when he wasn’t on the ice, your eyes couldn’t leave Cole. Every once in a while he would catch you staring at him and making a teasing face back at you, pecking his lips, or sticking his tongue out extra far in order to get an air sip of his water. Every time he did all you could think about was his tongue wrapping around the clit or lapping your pussy like it was on display right now for thousands to see. Every time he was on the bench and went to lick his lips you found yourself squirming in your seat. All your friend could do was roll her eyes at your behavior. 
Somehow you made it to the third period, but that’s when Cole scored a goal. You swear it was just to tease you, he skated past your section sticking his tongue out and wiggling it. “Fuck” you mumble to yourself. 
“Y/N there are children around. Stop ya nasty!” your friend says as she can’t help the laugh that escapes her. Your mind couldn’t stop thinking about sitting on top of Cole’s face or him on his knees with one of your legs over his shoulders. As you rolled your hips against his tongue dragged. - 
Suddenly your brain was brought back to real time as the final buzzer went off. Everyone around you cheered as the HUBS won a shutout - which your friend just told you is what it’s called when the other team doesn’t score a single goal during a game. But to be perfectly honest you weren’t really paying attention to your friend explaining any more slang hockey terms, your eyes focused on Cole as he skated around the ice with his teammates celebrating. The crowd was going crazy as it was the only shutout in what seemed like a lifetime, you could feel the energy of the crowd as you felt your body slightly move with all the jumping fans around you. Cole finally looked over at you from center ice and smiled. He titled his head towards the tunnels slightly reminding you of the puck and the note written on it, you nodded your head yes as you felt your cheeks heat up slightly from anticipation. 
Slowly the crowd started leaving once the boys were leaving the ice, finally there was enough room for you and your friend to make your way to the steps. 
“Hey thanks for coming by the way.” as you stop at the top of the steps. 
“It was fun. Are you ready to go?” 
“Actually Cole told me to meet him in the tunnels after the game.” you admit a light blush still painting your cheeks. 
“ooo okay have fun girly. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t. Text me when you get back to his place.” As she wraps her arms around you to hug you goodbye quickly. 
A laugh escapes your lips at your friend's words. “What do you mean ‘his place'?” Making a quotation sign with your hand. 
“Well we both know you aren’t going home tonight. You know you'll be busy with him, I’ll just check your location.” 
Before you could open your mouth she turned around and was gone. All you could do is laugh as you stood there and watched her walk away. Quickly you turned around and started walking towards the other side of the arena where the tunnels were. Somehow managing to find your way around, you pulled your phone out to text Cole that you were waiting outside of the locker room for him after being stopped by security, but thankfully the pass Cole gave you just in case came in handy. Standing against the wall scrolling Twitter while you waited for Cole to be done. 
Somehow the fan girls work faster than you could have ever imagined because someone made a gif of Cole’s tongue sticking out as he skated against the glass during his celly earlier tonight. Watching the gif over and over your breath caught in your throat as all your thoughts form earlier tonight just wanting to want Cole sink to his knees in front of you and eat you out came flooding back. Imagining your hand in his hair helping his face grind against using his tongue for nothing else except your own pleasure. Your mind was wandering and you could feel yourself dripping at the thought of making Cole sink to his knees, you refusing to pull his hair at first as punishment for teasing you all night. 
Lost in your own thoughts you didn’t even hear Cole leaving the locker room or coming up to you. Cole knew you were lost in your own world and decided to scare you by running up to you from behind wrapping his arms around you and leaving a wet kiss on your cheek. All that could be heard in the mostly quiet hallway now since he was one of the last players out was his laugh as you squirmed in his arms. “Ew Cole let me down.” you shirked in a high pitch voice he laughed in response spinning you around one more time before setting you down. 
“So how did you like watching me play?” he asked, finally facing you, still trying to hold you as close as possible. 
“It was good. It was actually kind of hot watching you play.” you admit with a smirk on your lips. 
Cole gives you a puzzling look as he questions, “oh yeah?” in a teasing tone. 
All you do is flash him a cheeky grin as you admit, “yeah watching you do your little celly on the ice was so hot, but I just kept watching you stick your tongue out all night.” Leaning up to his ear despite no one being around you whispered, “all I could think about was getting you to sink to your knees so I could ride your face, one leg over your shoulder, my back against the wall and not let you touch yourself as punishment for teasing me all night. My hands in your hair pulling and tugging as much as I wanted. All while your tongue is busy, so you can’t even beg me to let you touch yourself to give your hard cock some relief.” 
As you lean back only far away enough to see his face, his mouth is ajar in shock at your words. It’s as if he’s processing your words and for the first time in his life he’s quiet for more than a minute, you decide to further tease him while he stands there frozen. “What’s the matter baby boy, cat got your tongue?” A smirk on your lips as you watch him blink, as if his brain has finally caught up to the world around him. 
“No, not yet.” His voice is an octave deeper than before filled with lust. Suddenly he’s pulling you down the hallway towards the parking garage. “But it will be.” 
But just as you were about to exit the stadium to enter the connected parking garage, Cole made a sharp left turn down a separate hallway. “Where are we going?” you ask. 
“Oh, we're making your words reality mamas.” As he opens a door and suddenly you find yourself in some type of equipment storage closet. In the corner is an extra medical bed, and there are sticks everywhere along another wall. But you don’t have too much time to examine the room before you feel Cole behind you after he locks the door. “ Kissing down your neck, blowing air into your ear and all you can do is compliment him by sighing at the feeling. 
Quickly you regain your composure and turn around in his arms, finding his lips and kissing him hard. Fighting for dominance, and smirking when you slip your tongue into his mouth, he moans as a response and you can feel your underwear being damp from the sound he makes. Pushing him off of yourself quickly. You take a step back, you're against the wall now as you unbuckle your jeans. He says to you “have I told you how pretty you look with my name on your back.” 
Holding your hand up against his chest to stop him from getting any closer to you.”naw ah ah. Let’s put that tongue to good use, less yapping yeah?” Even though you phrase it as a question, your tone is stern and demanding. Taking your left hand that wasn’t on Cole’s chest you move it to his shoulder slightly pushing him down so he’s on his knees. The way he glances up to you with his now darker blue eyes could have made you come right there. Trying to take a breath without showing him how much control he really does have over you at the moment. Pulling your jeans down the rest of the way and stepping out of them, slipping your shoes so you can slip your skinny jeans off the rest of the way. 
Looking down at Cole in a full suit, suddenly deciding he’s in too much clothing as he kisses your exposed thighs in front of you. “Take. Off. Your. jacket.” 
“Yes Momas.” he says, taking his suit jacket, refusing to lose eye contact with you. He tosses the jacket somewhere behind him joining your jeans. He sticks his tongue out to tease you more as you throw your right leg over his shoulder. 
“Don’t even think about teasing Cole.” you grunt. He moves your underwear to the side swiping up and down your cunt in quick motions. “You wanna be a good boy right?” you ask as you tug slightly on his hair. 
“Hmm.” he moans as a yes on your clit, closing your eyes at the taste. Taking your hands you tug hard on his hair. 
“No, gotta keep your eyes open. I wanna see you while I grind on your face.” As you start to lightly roll your hips, Cole’s hands find the flesh of your ass and back of your thighs. He pulls you closer and starts kneading the soft flesh looking directly up to you as he moves his tongue down to your hole. Pushing in and out teasingly as his nose bumps his nose against your clit. “Fuck Cole.” you moan as you push your shoulders against the door, throwing your head back, closing your eyes at the feeling. Your hands go under the jersey finding your boobs squeezing them through your bra trying to play with your nipples. And then you feel Cole move his head so slightly causing a new angle as you roll your hips against his face even harder. “Fuck right there baby. Don’t stop.” you whine. So much for being in control but right now you couldn’t give a fuck with how good Cole was making you feel. 
Cole goes back up with his tongue to do circles over your clit driving so crazy. You don’t even realize one of his hands leaves your ass and his fingers find your hole abusing it even more than his tongue was a minute ago. “Fuck Cole I’m close.” you warn and that’s all you have time to grunt out before your vision blurs and you feel your legs shake, if it hadn’t been for Cole holding you upright you would have fell. He continues to eat you lapping up all your juices until your legs stop shaking and your breathing isn’t so ragged. 
Gently he removes his face from your pussy, careful to keep a steady grip on your legs so you stay up right. He slowly makes his way up to you, pulling you into a kiss so you can taste yourself and all you can do is moan in response. “Usually it takes more than a guy eating you out to feel this tired but holy shit Cole.” you mumble leaning your head on his shoulder closing your thighs. 
“Come on, let's get you dressed.” he says, reaching down for your jeans that were thrown away earlier. 
“No.” you whine. “ I’m not leaving you with this.” As you gently take one of your hands to slightly cup his bulge in his suit pants. He hisses in response. “See your in pain.” you complain.
“I’ll be fine. You just said your tired baby.” he argues. Looking back over at the medical examination bed in the corner of the room you get an idea. Slowly taking one of his hands you turn and walk backwards towards the bed guiding Cole with you. Letting go of his hand, you slip your underwear off the rest of the way and throw in his direction. He catches it on reflex sucking in a breath as feel the medical table behind you. Slowly you climb on and scoot all the way back. 
“I’m not too tired for you. Take what you need. Be good for me, make me cum again baby boy.” you beg as you lay down and spread your legs for Cole to have a perfect few of your still dripping pussy from your first orgasim. 
“Fuck. how did I get so lucky to get you.” he mumbles to himself as you watch him undress and make his way over to you.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Puppy Fight: Chaggie ft. Emily
Puppy Love part 3 / Jazzercise part 2
Charlie: (hyping herself up and shadow boxing as she walks into the new hotel gym) Alright! I got this! I've been working on my cardio. Just a few more sessions before- *SCREEEEEEEEEECH!!!!*
Vaggie: (wearing even shorter spandex shorts than last time, wrist wraps, and her sports bra, grunting as she works through a set of Muscle Ups, body absolutely slick with sweat) Eighteen!!!..... Gah, fuck! .......Nineteen!!!
Emily: (hair tied up in a messy bun, powder blue, long sleeve, skin tight exercise shirt, and navy blue shorts that cut off just below her glutes) Come on, Vaggie! You got this! One more!
Vaggie: (takes a deep breath, scowls as she grits her teeth, and nearly roars as she muscles her way up and over the bar into a full extension) Twenty!!!
Emily: (jumps and squeals excitedly) Woohoo! You did it! (makes another check on a whiteboard) That's three rounds of twenty muscle ups, fifty mountain climbers, and 100 jump-ropes!
Vaggie: (drops to the floor with a sigh, wipes her face with her black sweat rag, and takes a drink of water) Thanks for helping me push through, Emily. I was kind of surprised you even showed up. Charlie didn't have another group exercise planned for a couple more days when the next meeting with Heaven came up.
Emily: (staring bashfully at Vaggie's muscles) Oh! Well, you know! I figured it would be good to come down early! You know. Catch up with Charlie. (eyes scour over Vaggie's abs and shoulders) See the sights.
Vaggie: (suddenly feeling a little naked) Riiiiiiiiight.... Well, I'm gonna go hit the showers. Thanks again for the help. (quickly jogs towards the door and stops as she sees Charlie) Hey, Babe! I didn't know you were going to be working out today. You should have said something. I would have waited for you. (shifts her eye back at Emily)
Emily: (awkwardly looks around to make sure she isn't being watched before she sneakily takes the sweat rag Vaggie left behind)
Vaggie: (whispering back to Charlie with a slight blush and a wink) We could have shared a shower after.
Charlie: (heart throbs painfully) Dammit! How did I not think of that before now?!
Vaggie: (chuckles before kissing Charlie lightly on the cheek) Another time. I'll be sure to save you some hot water. Love you. (slips through the door and jogs up to their room)
Charlie: Love you too~ (eyes dart to Emily as soon as the door closes and she zips over to the pull up bars with a smile painfully plastered on her face) Hi, Emily!
Emily: Yipe! (jumps and hides Vaggie's rag behind her back) Oh! H-Hi, Charlie! H-How are you?
Charlie: I'm good. I'm good. (obviously not good as her tail slithers along the floor behind her like a snake ready to strike) I wasn't expecting to see you for a few days.
Emily: Oh! Yeah, well, l-like I told Vaggie. I figured I'd come down a little early so we could catch up!
Charlie: (sickly sweet tone) Well, what better way to catch up and build a bond than by exercising together?! (wraps an arm around Emily's shoulder tightly and leads her over to the treadmills) How about it, Emily? I'm sure you guys up in Heaven exercise all the time!
Emily: (balks) Actually, Charlie, I'm suddenly not feeling the greatest. I think I got teleportation sickness.
Charlie: Then a light jog should help you get that good airflow that you need. (pushes Emily on a treadmill and takes the one right next to her before turning them both on and ramping up the incline and speed to 5/10 and 6/10) This should be a good warmup, right?
Emily: eeep!
Charlie: (sitting and soaking her dead legs in an ice bath with a whine-growl)
Vaggie: (brings in a protein shake and hands it to Charlie) And what did we learn?
Charlie: (growling and baring her teeth like an angry puppy as she takes the shake) To mark every last inch of your skin the week Emily arrives. (all sad and sappy) She's still my friend! (back to snarling as she takes a sip of her drink) But she needs to remember that you're MINE!!!
Vaggie: (blushing) ......Did I completely miss something?
-In one of the guest rooms-
Emily: (whimpering as she soaks her noodle legs in a hot bath) Owie.... (stares at the sweat rag on the bathroom sink) ......*sigh* Worth it. I'll have to apologize to Charlie later. I think she liked those rainbow sprinkles back in Heaven.
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a/n: this one actively broke my heart while writing it and i hope i did the topic justice. title came from a song on @pyotrkochetkov ‘s barzy playlist and i just knew i had to write something angsty for it. a bunch more happy and smutty long fics and headcanons are coming! seriously, let me know what you thought of this one - much heavier and angstier than i usually write 😬 ignore any inconsistencies, i’m not an expert on this particular medical procedure or professional hockey team travel
word count: 7k
tw: miscarriage, subsequent emotions
summary: on a mini trip to vancouver to watch andrei play, you suffer the worst loss of your life. andrei is your rock throughout the ordeal
Vancouver is a fun city - maybe not as fun as Raleigh or New York, but fun nevertheless - and you’re excited that part of the Canes’ Western road trip fell close to Thanksgiving weekend so you could join in for a bit of it without having to miss too much time at work. Part of your goal this season, your first married to Andrei, is to see him play in every arena. You’ve managed a few of the east coast arenas so far, but this is your first time out west. Nykki joined you too, so it’s like a mini-girls’ trip rolled into a ‘supporting our men’ trip.
The team’s there before you and Nykki get to Vancouver, having already played in Seattle two days before. It’s actually been slightly more than a week since you’ve seen Andrei in person and you miss him a lot. You’ve been with him for four years now, so you’re used to the travel and not seeing him for chunks of time, but this week feels extra hard. Luckily, after this little West Coast swing, Andrei will be home for a good chunk of time - the quirks of the NHL schedule are always insane to you.
You and Nykki get dinner before the game, discussing her wedding plans. It’s scheduled for early August, but time is already flying. You’re a bridesmaid, but you’ve been pushing off picking a dress, knowing that it’s not going to fit you by the time the wedding happens. Your fingers curl carefully against your stomach, hidden by the table and the bulk of your sweater, your little secret.
Butterflies roll in your stomach, excitement mingling with nerves, knowing that you’re going to tell Andrei the news after the game tonight. It’s so early in your marriage, and you’re definitely freaking out a little bit, but the idea of a little baby that looks like Andrei is enough to help the excitement win out.
“Martin wants to do Bali for the honeymoon,” Nykki tells you while you find your way to your seats. You bought tickets for the lower bowl, wanting to be in the middle of the crowd and all the excitement. The Canucks fans are already a little rowdy, with warmups halfway over. There’s a few Canes jerseys smattered through the crowd, but it’s certainly an uneven match.
You sip at your overly large Coke, your stomach turning a little. Dinner isn’t sitting right with you, but it’s manageable for now. “Bali’s nice, I mean, so I’ve heard. But what’s the weather like in August?”
Nykki points at you, her other fingers wrapped around her beer can. “That’s what I said! I thought it would be unbearably hot and humid, but apparently it’s gorgeous - 86 and barely any rain,” she grins. “I promised he could be in charge of the honeymoon, so I think we’re going to Bali.”
“Well,” you smirk back, “there are worse places to spend two weeks with your gorgeous NHL player husband, Nyk.”
She laughs and takes a sip of her beer, eyes twinkling. “You have a point there. How about you and Andrei? What are the big summer vacation plans?”
You pause, thinking of an answer because you’re anticipating having a newborn this summer, so a vacation isn’t likely to happen. Andrei’s been floating the idea of a mini European tour - hitting Rome and Paris for a few days each before heading to Russia for a little bit to visit family. But you haven’t really committed to plans since it’s only November and you have plenty of time. “We haven’t really talked about it,” you answer Nykki truthfully. “Drei’s been focused on the season and I’ve been busy with work. He doesn’t like to plan anything before the end of the regular season anyway.”
“Superstition,” Nykki sing-songs, putting her beer in the cup holder as she stands for the anthems. You get to your feet, pulling off your baseball hat and holding it over your heart, humming along with both anthems. You shift your weight from foot to foot, stretching out your lower back a little.
The puck drops and the game starts - Andrei’s almost immediately put in the penalty box, complaining and shouting at the ref the entire time he skates over. His hands fly in the air as he gestures, but his passion isn’t moving the ref at all and he takes his seat in the box, slumping down. You laugh, shaking your head affectionately. He’s a sweetheart off-ice, but on the ice, Andrei is a borderline criminal. He’s leading the team in penalty minutes and you’ve definitely heard plenty about how he doesn’t deserve it.
The game clock ticks down, Andrei’s released from the box and immediately scores on a breakaway. You and Nykki jump from your seats, screaming and cheering with the Canes up one to nothing. The Vancouver fans around you glare and chirp, but you and Nykki just laugh, giving back as good as you get.
It’s pure fun to be supporting the visiting team and you and Nykki thoroughly enjoy yourselves, dancing to the music and gossiping during TV timeouts and slower moments. Nykki gets another beer and you refill your soda, your stomach still acting up. The popcorn Nykki gets is too salty and you end up joining the crowd when they start throwing their own snacks at the refs. It’s a penalty called on the Canucks, which is good news for you, but the crowds enthusiasm is infectious.
The fans of the Canadian teams are definitely a little more intense and vocal with their displeasure with the refs, you’ve noticed. A particularly obscene chant breaks out when Brady dances around one of the Canucks’ defensemen to set up a powerplay goal for Brent Burns.
You and Nykki throw your arms up and cheer, screaming yourselves silly. Your stomach cramps a little and it puts a damper on the celebration and also serves as a reminder that you really need to see a GI doctor to determine if you’re actually lactose intolerant or if you have a gluten allergy. You grimace and sit back down, clenching your stomach a little, which seems to help. The rest of the second period flies by and the boys are up two to one.
The people around you start to shuffle off to get more food or go to the bathroom, now that the second intermission has started. You finish the rest of your soda and shift in your seat. Nykki looks over at you curiously. “You okay? You seem like you’re kind of uncomfortable,” she says, twisting her hair back into a ponytail.
“I’m fine,” you hum. “My back is killing me though. I must’ve tweaked it on the flight over.”
“You want an Advil?” Nykki’s already shaking around her purse and you can hear things rattling around.
“Let me go refill my drink, pee, and then yeah, I’ll take an Advil,” you reply, holding the reusable cup to your chest and getting out of your seat. Nykki pulls her knees to the side and you scoot past her, stopping when she makes a little noise. “What?”
“Babe, I think you need a tampon too,” she whispers, gesturing to the back of your jeans.
Your eyebrows draw together. You’re not getting your period anymore. “Tamp-?” The word catches in your throat and your eyes go wide. Your mind spins as the pieces start clicking into place and, as if to serve as the final kick in the ass sign, your lower stomach twists unpleasantly with a sharp cramp. Tears fill your eyes and you reach down to grab Nykki’s hand. “Um, surprise, I’m pregnant, but maybe see should go to the hospital or an urgent care?”
Half a dozen emotions cross Nykki’s face before it settles on shock, but all you can focus on now is the persistent cramping in your stomach. The cramping that’s been bothering you all day and you ignored, thinking nothing of it. God, you’re a terrible mother already.
“Okay, okay,” Nykki jumps to her feet, squeezing your fingers and dragging you out of the row and up the stairs to the main concourse. Her other hand is gripping her phone tightly and she’s jabbing at it with her thumb. “I’m calling an Uber. The hospital is like a ten minute drive.”
You nod, feeling numb as Nykki drags you along, your feet stumbling to keep up as you dart around the people waiting in lines for the bathroom and for food. How could your whole night - your whole life - have just taken a complete one-eighty in the matter of minutes. The cold Vancouver air hits your face like a slap, shocking some feeling back into your body. You wish it hadn’t.
The cramping is worse, the feeling between your legs - blood - like free bleeding during your period, but worse, so much worse.
Your stomach lurches and you rip your hand from Nykki’s grasp, bending at the waist and vomiting into a bush next to the entrance to the arena. “Oh, it’s going to be okay. Let it out,” Nykki’s voice is soothing and she rubs a hand in between your shoulder blades while your stomach seizes and you vomit again, spitting into the dirt.
Tears streak down your cheeks and your throat burns now. “I want Andrei,” you whisper, heart clenching with grief.
“Let’s get you to the hospital,” Nykki guides you towards the rideshare pick-up area, where a four-door sedan is already waiting. “I’ll get a hold of him somehow, but let’s take care of you first, okay?”
You let her bundle you into the backseat of the car and swallow back your tears, pressing the heels of your palms into your eyes hard enough to see starbursts. Forcing yourself to take a deep breath, you try to calm down, you don’t know what’s happening for sure. Even though it feels very much like the end of something, you have to find a little piece of hope to keep yourself sane. The driver catches your eye in the rear view mirror as he pulls out of the arena parking lot, his mouth twisted down in a concerned frown even as his eyes are slightly judgmental. He’s driving you from a hockey game to a hospital - god knows what he’s thinking about you.
Nykki squeezes your knee and smiles gently at you, even as she’s typing on her phone with her other hand. “It’s still intermission, no one’s going to have their phone on them, but I’m trying to see if I can get through to one of the trainers or something. Just stay calm and we’ll figure it out,” she’s no-nonsense and you’re so grateful for her taking control of the situation.
Your lower back complains as the driver hits a pothole and another leak of fluid rushes between your legs. The drive is too long and too short all at once and before you know it, you’re being admitted to the Vancouver General Hospital emergency room and deposited on a bed, a curtain drawn around you. A nurse with warm, sympathetic eyes and a kind smile does your intake, her lips twisting to to side as you’re answering her questions.
“I just found out a few days ago,” you whisper, starting your fingers together. “I haven’t even told my husband.”
“Mrs. Svechnikov,” the nurse pats your arm comfortingly, “we really don’t know anything for sure until we get an ultrasound. Try not to put added stress on your body.”
You don’t even bother correcting her about your last name, the Russian name sounding strange in her Canadian accent. Nykki comes behind the curtain, clutching her phone. “There’s about ten minutes left in the third,” she says. “I can’t get ahold of anyone, but I’ll keep trying.”
“We’re going to get an OB down here and check everything out, okay?” The nurse says kindly, but brusquely, and then disappears back into the main emergency room. You roll your neck so your cheek is resting on your shoulder and a few tears leak out of your eyes.
“You didn’t leave any messages or anything for Andrei, right?” You ask. “I don’t want him to see and freak out.”
Nykki brushes your hair off your forehead and shakes her head. “No, I left a few messages for Martin to call me as soon as he could. I figure I’ll get to Andrei that way. Do you need anything?”
“Just Andrei,” you hiccup a sob, pressing a shaking hand to your mouth. Your other hand hovers over your stomach, afraid to touch it. The bleeding hasn’t stopped, so despite what the nurse said, you know it’s a miscarriage. Your stomach rolls and you press your lips together tightly so you don’t vomit.
“I’ll get him here as fast as I can,” Nykki reassures you. While you wait for the OB, she absently braids your hair back from your face, tying it off in an efficient, utilitarian French braid down your back. She talks as she works, trying to distract you, and you’re grateful for her efforts even if they don’t work. All you can think about is the little life that had been growing in you just a few hours ago. Your heart lurches painfully when you realize Andrei’s going to find out about the pregnancy and the loss all at once.
The OB is a middle-aged Black woman with a slight Canadian accent who introduces herself as Doctor Hayes and she doesn’t sugarcoat the news, which you appreciate. “I’m very sorry, Mrs. Svechnikov,” she sighs, looking very much like she hates this part of her job. “But you are actively miscarrying right now. We’re going to admit you overnight for monitoring and will reevaluate in the morning.”
Your entire body goes cold at her words and you grip Nykki’s hand - you hadn’t let her leave your side, terrified to be alone. A cramp rips through your lower body and you bite your lip hard enough to draw blood. “What-“ your voice is hoarse and you clear your throat, trying again, “what, um, are the next steps?”
Doctor Hayes rests her hands on the guard railing on your bed. “Well, we’ll have you on a hydration IV throughout the night while we monitor the miscarriage. There may be a need for a D and C, to make sure it’s complete and there’s no tissue left behind.” Your face blanches as she talks. “But all of that will depend on what happens tonight.”
“Thank you,” you murmur and she pats your hand gently, sympathetically, as she leaves. You can hear her giving the nurse instructions and you slump back against the pillows, completely drained.
Nykki checks her Apple Watch and grimaces. “It’s Martin. I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Be gentle with Andrei, okay?” You reply, desperately wanting him at your side, but also wanting to protect him from this heartbreak a little longer.
She’s back in a few minutes, after the nurse has started you on an IV. “Martin’s going to bring him over,” she says, sitting carefully on the edge of the bed. “I didn’t tell him why you were here, just that you started to not feel well during the second,” she says. “It sounded like Andrei was halfway out the door before Martin could finish his sentence.”
You nod faintly. That sounds like Andrei. “I hope they don’t get slammed by Rod for leaving…” You twist your wedding rings around your finger, the diamonds catching the fluorescent lighting.
“They won’t,” Nykki says firmly. “He’d have to be a real bastard to punish Andrei for coming to the hospital for you. Besides, someone should’ve been available to get Andrei here earlier! It’s ridiculous.”
“Let him have an extra hour of normalcy,” you sigh, shifting on the bed, sore and uncomfortable.
You’re moved into a private room and given a hospital gown that bares your entire back and ass. A giant pad that’s probably as big as a damn puppy pee pad is wedged in between your legs to contain the bleeding and the IV is tugging unpleasantly at your skin. Nykki’s waiting downstairs to bring Andrei directly to you and you hope he’s here soon because now that you’re alone, the reality of the situation is sinking in and your chest is starting to feel tight. You turn your head and try to bury your face in the pillow, but you catch a whiff of the lingering Tom Ford Lost Cherry perfume you’d applied earlier mixed with antiseptic and sterile hospital smell and your brain briefly registers that it’s a shame, because you really love this perfume and now you’ll never be able to wear it again. Your heart thumps painfully in your chest, a reminder that you’re losing more and more of your baby with each passing second.
You hear him before you see him, the pounding of his footsteps echoing through the hallways. He’s running down the hall, that much is clear, and when you look over at the door, you catch the blur of Andrei skipping completely past your room before he doubles back and skids to a stop in the doorway.
He looks terrible - hair still damp with sweat, the red mark across his forehead from his helmet is still prominent, and he looks like he got dressed in the dark - or an extreme hurry - in a pair of basketball shorts and his button down with the buttons done up all wrong. But it’s the look of complete panic in his eyes that scares you the most. Andrei never looks that panicked.
“Solnyshka,” he breathes, his shoulders dropping from around his ears. In three long strides he’s at your side, holding your hand, and you finally feel like you can breathe.
“Hi,” you whisper before bursting into tears.
“Hi,” he replies softly, brushing his thumb over your knuckles. His grip is almost painful, but you welcome it as you hiccup. “What’s going on, solnyshka?”
Insanely, the only words that come out of your mouth are, “your shirt is buttoned wrong.”
Andrei looks surprised, “what?” he asks absently as his gaze flickers down to his shirt. He shakes his head, “I rush. Solnyshka,” his voice is high and nervous, “what is going on? Neci didn’t know anything. Just that you’re here, in hospital.”
“I…Andrei, I’m so sorry,” the words rush out of your mouth on a flood of fresh tears. “I was pregnant and now I’m not. I lost the baby.”
You’re not even sure if Andrei can even understand you, you’re crying so hard. But one glance at his face and the completely shattered expression it wears, and you know he understood you. His fingers tighten around yours and he’s shaking his head, hair falling forward over his forehead.
“What? I don’t - a baby?” He rubs at his forehead with his other hand, eyebrows pinched together in confusion. “When did you - why didn’t -“
He can’t seem to get a full sentence out and it only makes you cry harder, your entire body hurting with the effort. You know what he’s asking though.
“Last week,” you manage. “The day after you left. I was going to tell you tonight, but…” You trail off, shrugging one shoulder.
Andrei’s head hangs, chin to chest, and he makes a little noise in the back of his throat. “I’m so sorry, milaya,” he says, voice hoarse. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”
The worst of your tears are drying up and you shake your head. “It’s not…I had Nyk. I hate that you had to find out like this. Baby and then no baby, all at once,” your voice cracks and you trace the little embroidered A.S. on his cuff, barely able to look at him.
Your husband sighs and drops his head so he can rest his forehead against yours. He smells like sweat and fear and Old Spice and your throat clogs with emotion again. “I thought…” he breathes. “I hear hospital and I think the worst. I thought the worst.”
This is the worst, you think. The worst possible thing. But you know what he means, that he thought something even more awful had happened to you, that he was worried he lost you because he didn’t know there was something else to lose.
Andrei’s lips brush against your cheek, soft and delicate, the rasp of his stubble a stark contrast. You sit like that, foreheads touching, for who knows how long. Andrei doesn’t cry, but his chest hitches and you think he might, maybe, when it all sinks in. You’re all cried out and now there’s just bone-deep exhaustion.
“i’m tired,” you murmur, the words getting lost between you.
Andrei nods against your forehead and pulls back, looking like it takes him a huge effort to sit back up. He cups your cheek and his thumb strokes a careful arc over your cheekbone. You lean into the familiar gesture, comforted. “Sleep, okay? I’ll…I have to call Rod. Get my stuff. I’ll take care of everything,” his voice is steady, but his eyes are clouded.
You nod, your eyelids already closing. Andrei gets up and brushes his lips over your forehead, murmuring that he loves you. Once he’s outside the room, you can hear him talking quietly to Nykki and Martin, but your grief and exhaustion pull you under before you can really concentrate on what he’s saying.
Sleep doesn’t last and you’re awake again after a few hours. You blink awake blearily, confused for a second before everything comes rushing back. Andrei’s scrunched up in a chair in the corner, his chin propped up on the palm of his hand, eyes shut. He changed in the time since he left, now dressed in a pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt. His legs are kicked out in front of him, a pair of white sneakers on his feet. You don’t want to wake him, but when you shift, a sharp pain pierces your side and you gasp loudly before biting down hard on your tongue to muffle the noise. It doesn’t work and Andrei’s eyes fly open, his entire body jerking.
“Hey,” he’s at your side in a second, “what hurts? I call a nurse?” His accent is thick with sleep and worry.
You shake your head, the pain subsiding. “I’m fine.” And you are, the worst of the cramps are gone, leaving just a vague soreness and uncomfortable tightness in your chest and stomach. “You should’ve gone back to the hotel.”
“And leave you?” Andrei looks at you like you’re crazy. He shakes his head. “I got my bag and Nykki brought yours back. Do you want anything?”
“No,” you reach for his hand and lace your fingers together. “I just want to go home.”
He nods, looking exhausted. “Me too. I spoke to Rod, if you’re discharged later today then you come with us on the plane. If not, I stay and come home with you when you’re ready,” his lips quirk up at the corner when you start to protest. “Is decided, solnyshka. I’m not leaving your side.”
“But…” you trail off, all the arguments that you can think of fading when you realize that you don’t want to be separated from Andrei, not right now. “Okay,” you whisper.
“Good,” he chuckles under his breath. “I don’t want to argue with you.”
“No arguments from me,” you reply dryly, rolling your head so your cheek is on the pillow and you can look directly at him. “Why don’t you try and sleep some more? I’m not going anywhere.”
His jaw tightens a bit. “Can’t sleep,” he replies, even though you had just seen him asleep. “If the doctor comes, I want to be awake.”
You nod again, sore and tired, and Andrei just sits with you quietly for a while before you think to ask, “how was the game?”
He snorts. “We won, but who cares?” It’s such an unexpected answer - Andrei’s never not cared about winning a game - and it startles you into silence.
A nurse comes in a few minutes later, saving you from having to find an answer. She introduces herself as Kayla and speaks in a soft, but firm tone. You’re starting to recognize the undercurrent of apology and sympathy in the nurses and doctors’ tones and you’re beginning to hate it. Andrei doesn’t let go of your hand while she checks your vitals and puts another bag of saline on the IV pole. “The OB will be in soon to do another ultrasound and see if you need a D and C,” Kayla says gently. “But everything else looks good. You won’t be staying another night and I would guess that you’ll be out of here by early afternoon at the latest, either way.”
You nod robotically, not really absorbing what she’s saying. By this afternoon, everything will be over and you’ll for sure, 100% not be pregnant anymore. It’s a gut punch, even though you knew this was coming. Andrei asks the nurse a few more questions before she leaves, but you don’t really listen, focusing on a small stain on a ceiling tile. It looks like nothing at all, just a blob of brown, but the more you stare at it, the more your vision unfocuses, the more it starts to look like one of those stereotypical ultrasound blobs.
You don’t even realize that you’re crying again until Andrei wipes the tears from your cheeks. “Try and sleep again,” he murmurs, chewing at the inside of his cheek. “I think you’ll need strength.”
“Can you get me some water?” You ask, running your hands over the braid Nykki had done. It’s so messy and it feels like she fixed it a million years ago, but it was only four or five hours. It feels like another lifetime, sitting in the arena and joking around with her. From halfway through second intermission to a hospital room at 2 a.m. Certainly not how you were picturing the end of your trip to Vancouver.
You think you must fall asleep again because the next thing you know, there’s sun coming through the window and Andrei’s at your side again, his large hand resting on the top of your head, cradling the crown. Unfamiliar doctors and nurses are in the room and they all speak to you and Andrei, but the only words you hear are “incomplete miscarriage” and “quick procedure” before you’re being shuffled off to an operating room. It all happens too fast for you to even be scared and the last thing you remember before the anesthesia is Andrei by your ear, whispering in Russian to you, the spicy scent of his deodorant filling your senses.
Andrei’s there again, when you wake up, eyes looking red and face drawn. You’re barely conscious, but the sigh of relief he exhales permeates the fog. His hand is warm in yours and you manage a weak smile at him. “Hey there handsome,” you croak and he laughs weakly. “Miss me?”
“You…” Andrei coughs, “I love you very much.”
“Love you,” your words slur a bit. “I wanna go home.”
“Soon, solnyshka,” Andrei promises, stroking your hair. “Soon.” He’s still stroking your hair when you fall asleep again.
When you wake up again, the overwhelming sense of emptiness is what you notice first. Then Andrei comes into focus again, his weight of his head resting on your leg, his hand on your hip. You’re not sure if he’s awake or not, but you gently run your fingers through his hair and he looks over at you, shifting.
“Hi,” he murmurs, dark circles under his eyes.
“Hi,” you rasp back, fingers still working through his hair.
“How do you feel?”
“Sore, tired,” you hesitate, “empty.”
“Yeah,” Andrei’s reply is barely an exhale. “Doctor said we can go, once they give you the all-clear.”
You nod, chewing at your lower lip. “Andrei,” you choke his name, the words coming out like broken glass, “we don’t have a baby anymore.”
“I know,” Andrei replies simply, sitting up all the way and leaning forward to gather you into his arms. You go to him easily, moving carefully and ignoring the pull of your protesting muscles, and bury your face against his chest. He’s in the same black t-shirt and he smells stale now, like he needs a shower desperately, but under that he just smells like Andrei, like home, and you cry into his chest, the fabric growing wet under your face. He just holds you, his arms a strong cage around your back, his hands running up and down your back. Everything in your body hurts, but nothing more than your heart.
Throughout the next few hours, when you’re given a clean bill of health, instructions to take it easy and abstain from sex or using a tampon for three weeks, and discharged, Andrei is a rock. He’s right at your side, helping you get dressed in the soft joggers you were using as pajama pants and an oversized hoodie. He laces up your sneakers for you and carries all the bags out to the waiting Uber. You were discharged in time to make the team flight home, but after hearing Andrei on the phone before the doctor came in for your exam, you kind of suspect that he may have pressed Rod to change the travel plans. You can’t even start to think about what he’s done for you, exhaustion seeping to your bones.
No one says anything to you when Andrei ushers you onto the plane, but Neci gives you a small smile and squeezes your hand when you walk past him. You return the smile, feeling awful that Nykki has to fly home on her own. She’s been texting, checking in on you, and you haven’t answered yet, too distracted to deal with even holding your phone. Andrei bundles you into a seat near the back of the plane and wraps his jacket around you.
“Thanks,” you say quietly, resting your head against his shoulder.
“Anything for you, solnyshka,” he presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Try and sleep, long flight. I have the pain pills, if you need, okay?”
You nod against his shoulder and wrap his jacket tighter around your body, tucking your hands up into the sleeves. Andrei rests his palm on your knee and before the plane even takes off, you’re asleep.
It’s a long flight back to Raleigh and you don’t sleep the entire way, but after a solid three hour nap, you wake up feeling better. Andrei’s asleep when you wake up, his head dropped back against the headrest, his mouth open slightly. He finally looks relaxed and peaceful and you’re grateful, so grateful, for him.
Your whole body still hurts, but your legs are starting the cramp up, so you carefully shimmy out of your seat to stretch in the aisle. Brady and Jarvy wave at you from a few rows up and you wave back, wondering what they know, if they know anything. No one really tries to talk to you, so you assume Andrei told them that you had some kind of medical emergency. Legs feeling better, you settle back into your seat, finally pulling out your phone and connecting to the in-flight wifi so you can text Nykki.
She reassures you that none of the other guys know what happened and that if you need anything when you’re back in Raleigh to let her know. You’re blessed to have such a good friend in her and you thank her, thinking that maybe in a few days you’ll see if she’ll bring Gigi over for some puppy cuddles.
Andrei wakes up about and hour before you land and he gulps back half of a water bottle before he even says anything. Then he tips his head close to yours and whispers, “how are you feeling? Any pain?”
“No,” you whisper back, “I’m okay. Just sore. It’s like being drained after a really bad period. I feel better after my nap.”
“Good,” he pushes the half-empty water bottle into your hands. “Drink.”
“Yes, sir,” you tease, the moment of lightness making you feel a little better. You sip at it slowly, starting to get a little nauseous. Andrei wraps his arm around your shoulder and you lean against him, drawing comfort from his solid warmth.
When you land, Andrei guides you off the plane, his palm reassuring against your lower back. It’s easy to let him take the lead and to not think about anything. He’s got both of your bags and you don’t even put up a fuss when he refuses to let you carry even your purse. You’re just too tired.
Andrei’s car is parked fairly close and you don’t have to walk very far. You lower yourself into the front seat of the Lamborghini, muttering, “I hate this car.” Your stomach gives a protest of pain from having to climb into the car.
“I know,” Andrei laughs a little, loosening up. His string of ugly sports cars is a long running topic of conversation. The last one was orange, the one before that a strange green. This one is electric purple and it’s hideous. His terrible taste in car colors is his only red flag. “Next one will be red.”
“Why couldn’t this one have been red?” You ask, breathing deeply to stave off the nausea. You sink back against the seat and Andrei pulls out of the parking spot. He’s driving must slower than usual and is taking extreme care with navigating the roads.
“This one was only 75 made,” he explains again. “It’s a collectors item.”
“It’s still ugly,” you tease, a smile playing at your lips.
He reaches over and takes your hand, bringing it up to his mouth to kiss your knuckles. “I love you so much, moya solnyshka, and I’m so…proud of your strength.”
Andrei doesn’t look at you when he says it, but his voice gets thick and he swallows roughly. He continues, “it hurts to know there would’ve been a baby in the summer.” So he did the math, you think. “But, this is maybe the wrong thing to say, but I’m glad I didn’t know before.”
It’s not really the right thing to say to you in the moment, but you can’t blame him. You sniff and nod. “I know. I almost wish I hadn’t known either. It was only a week, but I was so attached to…to the idea of our baby.”
“When you’re ready,” Andrei says slowly, turning to look at you while you’re stopped at a red light, “you tell me and I’ll give you a baby. When you’re ready.”
You nod, unable to even think about trying for a baby right now, but Andrei’s words and his earnest expression make your heart melt. You love him so, so much. “When I’m ready,” you repeat, squeezing his fingers.
When you get home, Andrei runs you a shower and joins you after a minute, soaping up your hair and scrubbing down your body gently. You don’t speak while he works and his touch is nothing but chaste. He’s careful around your stomach and between your legs, impossibly gentle with those huge hands of his. You stand under the spray while he gives his own body and hair a quick wash, the heat of the shower starting to make you a little lightheaded. Right before it gets to the point where you think you’re going to have to say something, Andrei flips the water off and reaches out of the stall for a huge, fluffy towel, wrapping you up in it and rubbing his hands up and down your arms to keep you warm. He grabs another towel and wraps it around his waist, gripping your elbow and guiding you back to the bedroom.
You rummage in his drawers for oversized clothes, not wanting anything constrictive on your body. Once you’re comfortable in an old pair of Andrei’s grey sweats and a threadbare Duke t-shirt, you crawl under the covers and curl up on your side. “Join me?” You ask, looking up at Andrei. He nods, silently climbing into bed behind you and gently scooting you closer to him. The warmth of his body is comforting against your back and he wraps his arms loosely under your breasts, avoiding your stomach. Andrei buried his face in your hair and you let a few silent tears leak out of your eyes.
What did you do to deserve this wonderful man?
With Andrei’s arms around you and your heart heavy in your chest, you fall asleep again, but it’s unsatisfying. After a few hours, you need food even though you’re still nauseous. Andrei makes himself a sandwich and warms up a can of chicken soup for you and you eat in bed, a rerun of The Nanny on TV. Andrei doesn’t really get the show - the humor is too specific - but he does like to point out all the outfits that Fran wear and he thinks you can pull off. It’s a nice distraction.
You take the next few days off of work, just to recover, but Andrei isn’t as lucky. You’re mostly fine physically except some lingering soreness, most of your problems are mental. After talking about it on the way home, neither you not Andrei has really brought up the miscarriage.
Two days after the miscarriage, the team is playing at home and Andrei’s right there in the middle of it all. You don’t watch the game, still too raw to watch hockey after what happened in Vancouver, so it’s a little shocking when he comes home with a blackened right eye and a cut across his nose and part of his cheek. “What happened?” You yelp upon seeing him, getting carefully to your feet and reaching up to lightly touch the side of his face.
Andrei grunts. “Distracted, got hit,” he winces when he moves his face.
You feel awful, knowing he was distracted because he was worrying about you. “Luckily it didn’t need stitches,” you say softly. “Can’t have anything ruining that pretty face,” you tease him lightly.
He gives you a tight smile and his gaze flickers down to your stomach, covered in an oversized sweatshirt. You catch his look and brush your thumb over the edge of his jaw. “I’m okay. You don’t have to worry about me so much,” you say. “I’m tough. I’m strong.”
“I know,” Andrei sighs, dropping a kiss to your forehead. He hesitates, wanting to say more, and you wait. “At the game,” he says slowly, “Burnsie, Staalsy, they had their kids there. I couldn’t help…I was picturing…”
Your heart cracks right over the scabs that had been forming the past two days and fresh pain floods your veins. “Drei…” you’re not even sure what to say to him. You knew he was sad, but you hadn’t really thought about how deep his feelings went.
He smiles sadly at you. “Today, it hit me,” he says, twisting his lips. “We lost a baby.”
“Yeah,” you reply, throat tight. “We did.”
Andrei pulls you close, twisting his hand in the end of your ponytail. “I wasn’t expecting it to hurt like this, when I didn’t even know for very long,” he murmurs and you can feel a few tears drip onto the top of your head. You wrap your arms around his waist tighter.
“I don’t think that matters,” you mumble. “It hurts no matter how long you knew about it.”
You can feel Andrei’s head turn, his cheek pressing against the top of your head. You just stand there in his arms, holding tightly to the only other person that’s feeling the same pain as you. The longer Andrei holds you, the more you feel your fragile heart mending itself, the steady beat of his heart a constant under your cheek.
After that, things slowly start getting back to normal. You’re physically healed and cleared to resume normal activities. Andrei’s not so distracted during games. You can go hours, days without thinking about the baby that’s gone.
Andrei mentions it, off-hand, about a month after you get home from Vancouver, after he’s back from another quick road trip. “We could’ve been telling our families about the baby at Christmas,” he’s clearly been thinking about it.
You nod, a little startled by his comment. “Probably, yeah. Or we would’ve told them already, too excited to keep a secret,” you smile a little to yourself, thinking about how Andrei almost spoiled his proposal twice before he actually popped the question because he was so excited.
He grins at you, dimple popping, and pushes a slim box across the table at you. “Early Christmas present,” he says, answering your unasked question.
Looking at him suspiciously, you pop the lid on the jewelry box, finding a thin gold chain bracelet with two delicate charms on it - the common blue and white Greek mati to ward off the evil eye and a little horizontal cross attached at each end to the chain. You trace your fingers over the chain and look up at Andrei.
“A little luck?” He says, lifting one shoulder. “I saw it in a store window, in Long Island, before we played. Made me think of you.”
“Thank you,” you murmur, getting out of your seat to kiss him softly. You trace your tongue over his lower lip and desire stirs in your stomach, something foreign after the last few weeks, but oh so familiar. You’re not quite ready to have sex yet, but it’s a good reminder that you will one day soon. “It’s perfect.” You hold out your wrist and Andrei clasps the bracelet on.
“Whenever you’re ready,” he says, reminding you of the promise he made in the car.
“Whenever I’m ready,” you repeat, crawling onto his lap and letting him hold you. The thought of getting pregnant again doesn’t make your chest feel quite as tight anymore, doesn’t get the panic alarms ringing in your head. Andrei’s been so patient and gentle, making everything just a little bit easier to bear.
Every day just reminds you that as long as Andrei’s by your side, you can handle anything life throws at you.
He kisses the side of your head and holds you close, chasing the shadows of grief away.
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bbrissonn · 7 months
𝐰𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 - 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐡
☆⋆。°‧★ in which dahlia goes to yet another hockey games, and runs into her mystery boy after ☆⋆。°‧★ will smith x dahlia monroe ☆⋆。°‧★ wc: 1.6k ☆⋆。°‧★ au masterlist
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if someone told dahlia a week before she started college that she would be attending a hockey, she would've scoffed in their face. telling her she would be going to two of them would've sent her into a fit of laughter. yet, here she was a week later sitting in the same seat as before.
"i can't believe im doing this again." the girl mumbled as she sat down in the seat. violette chuckled slightly as the players started coming into the ice for warmups. "he's gonna think im crazy."
"he won't, trust me." dahlia didn't know this, and neither did will, but on wednesday morning, gabe approached the black haired girl. of course violette knew who he was, and she knew that he wasn't sitting next to her to get to know her.
the boy waisted no time mentioning the previous friday night and small moments their two close friends shared. at the end of their lesson, the two had made it their mission to at least get the two to meet each other, but without forcing it.
if there was one thing that violette knew about her best friend is that she would never ever start dating a guy she met through someone. dahlia loved her romance book, the slow burning loves were her favourites ones. so, just bringing the two together was a big no, which led to the two girls sitting in the conte forum yet again.
"he totally will." almost as if on cue, the two made eye contact. will was standing on the red dot across the ice from them, stickhandling, when he looked up as he lost control of the puck and their eyes locked. "oh gosh."
"aw, how cute." violette giggled from besides her receiving an elbow to her ribs.
just like a week ago, the two shared loads of eye contact during the game, will sometimes even looking back over his shoulder and sending her a soft smile. when the boy scored his first goal of his college career, he wasn't shy to send her a wink once again.
for most of the night, dahlia's cheek were a deep shade of red, which violette often reminder her of. as for will, the boys now how knew who this mystery eye contact girl was, and they were not shy to give it to him in the locker during the intermissions. they all now kept an eye on the two, which is why when during a media timeout, they all noticed how his stare was stuck on her. the way he softly smiled whenever she'd laughed to something her friend said.
"smitty, you better find out that girl's name soon." one of the junior said as the team celebrated their win in the locker room. will just rolled his eyes at the statement.
"gosh, not this again." the boy mumbled seconds before all of the boy started pouring out whatever they had to say.
"a little more and you would've jumped the boards, bud." ryan said, making all of the boys, besides will, to chuckle.
"little smitty's in love." malone said from besides the freshman as he noticed how pink will's cheek had flushed.
somehow, will had managed to get out of the locker room even quicker than he had last week. he was surprised at how many people were still lingering in the forum. as he made his way to the door, he saw all the stares coming from people around him and the quiet mumbling all around. the boy just shoved his airpods in with the volume at max.
will hated to admit it, but he somehow let his brain get lost in the though of the girl whos name he didn't know. the small little glances, her soft smile, and her angelic laugh he could hear every once in a while. he so desperately wanted to get to know her, or at least say hi, but he knew it would never happen. he was lucky enough that she had showed up again tonight, but there was no guarantee that she was going to come next weekend as well.
will had been so deep in his thoughts that he didn't even realized where he was walking. his feet just started moving once he got outside and he never once stopped to think about where he was or where he was going. he took a quick glance around him and realized he was on the opposite side of the campus, one he had never been to before. the worst was that he didn't even know how to get back to his place. thankfully, maps was going to be able to help him back, but of course, as soon as he took out his phone, it died.
great. his sister lived off campus and had probably made it home already, and he had no clue where he was. thankfully, there were barely any students outside, meaning no one saw his confused look as he stared turning left and right, trying to at least find his way back to the forum, but it was useless. well, that was until a soft, beautiful voice spoke from behind him.
"lost?" will was scared at first, not having heard anyone walking behind. and then even more when he turned around. their eyes met for the millionth time that night, both of their eye going a little wide as they connected.
dahlia had decided to go over to her boyfriend's frat house for the night, meaning dahlia was on her own to go home. she tried to hold back a chuckle as she noticed a blond boy looking quite confused. she was a little confused herself as to why he was wearing a suit, but didn't think too much about it and instead approached the boy from behind.
the though of the lost boy being the boy had never crossed her mind, she was a little surprise that he was even out of the rink before she was.
"a little." the boy answered with an awkward smile lifting his phone up a little to show that it was dead. the girl bit her bottom lip, trying to hold back her smile.
"which dorm?"
"uh, i'm just trying to go back to the rink." will answered as their eyes stayed connected.
"just go back that way, across the parking lot and you'll see it." the girl explained, pointing to the direction she had just came from.
"thanks." the boy mumbled loud enough for the girl to hear, but he showed no signs of moving anytime soon.
"'course. i should... get going." the girl whispered as she continued making her way to her dorm slowly. thankfully for her, she had to walk past the boy, which allowed their eyes to stay connected for a little longer. the girl prayed deep down that the boy would ask for her name, or even propose to walk her to her dorm, but he stayed quiet.
"wait!" will called out as he turned around a couple of seconds after the girl had pasted him. his brain still hadn't fully understand how she was standing right in front of him and talking to him. which is why it took him so long to realize he was probably blowing his only shot with her.
dahlia turned around at the sound of his voice, as the hockey player started making his way to her. they were standing no more than a feet apart, and it wasn't until this moment that both of them realized how big their height difference was. the girl would be lying if she said she didn't feel small butterflies in her stomach as she looked up to the blond boy in front of her.
"can i have your number?" the boy asked after just standing there for a bit. dahlia held back a smile, deciding to mess with him a little.
"don't you at least want to know my name, my major, my favourite colour, just something before you ask a stranger for their number?" the girl questioned with a small smirk. will's face went blank, scared that he had completely messed it up. until, the girl let out a soft giggle which sounded like heaven to him.
"i'm just messing with ya. you look like a ghost." dahlia giggled, a wide smile on her face as one grew on will's face as well.
"i'm will."
"i'm dahlia." the girl's mind blanked out a for a bit, stuck in a trance as he body moved without her even knowing what was going on. when she came back down to reality, will's finger were typing on her phone. when he was done, he handed her phone back, along with a pen he hand in his pocket.
dahlia stared at him confused as he reached his hand out towards her. will chuckled a bit before talking. "write yours down." and that's exactly what the girl did. her hands were slightly shaking as she wrote her number on the top of his hand. she suddenly felt a wave of confidence take over, and decided to draw a little heart next to her number.
the second she was done drawing the little shape, she regretted it. she wasn't a bold person, she had never done this before, let alone give her number to a stranger. but it was too late, will had pulled back his hand, smiling down at it.
"i'll see you around." will whispered in her ear as he leaned down a little. dahlia swore she felt a shiver go down her spine as she turned around to watch the boy walk away, his pen still in her hands.
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itsybitsybluesy · 3 months
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ELUCIEN / EXPLICIT / WIP, 3 OF 6 CHAPTERS / CH1 CH2 CH3 Stuck in the Florida Keys and tired of letting her sisters make decisions for her, Elain ditches their group vacay plans and signs herself up for a scuba diving course on an impulse. The instructor Lucien tells her he’s never had to fail anyone after the four days she’ll spend with him. What’s the worst that could happen?
wow! this is, i kid you not, my first fanfic in over 10 years. i want you to dive right in (HAHAHA), but let me first say: i was having a really bad time earlier this year, and turned to the work of some fantastic, generous creators as a distraction from stuff going on.
you don't know me, but: @separatist-apologist and @the-lonelybarricade, thank you for the hours / nights / months i spent curling up to read your work and giggle, and really, converting me into a big big elucien stan. the elain and lucien living happily ever after in my head (or let's be real, living the 10,000 stupid idiots in love plots in my head) were born thanks to you.
p.s. i started posting this before @elucienweekofficial so let this be a fun little AU warmup while i get something else kicking around. i think i might??? actually finish this before the weekend so i'm going to ride the high of writing spicy fanfic for the first time ever(!) while it lasts and whip up something else next week if i can. i'm so happy to be here!
xoxo, and please, do NOT bother your dive instructors!!
[read a snippet under the cut]
It was a quick drive to Elain’s hotel, which looked out over the small, locals-only marina he’d been meaning to show her. Elain followed him trustingly down the dock as he led her towards the slip. “You know, I eat my breakfast out here,” she said, pointing to a swimming pier by the hotel restaurant. “Have you been following me?” 
“A coincidence,” Lucien promised, though his heart beat a little faster. “In fact, the question is, are you trying to steal my secret spot?” 
Elain gave him a confused look and Lucien grinned, turning from her to climb onto a small but newly-painted red sailboat. He extended a hand to help her get on. “Don’t worry, we’re not going anywhere,” he said. “I’m not much of a boat captain.” 
Elain stepped over to him, one hand on the rolled-up sail. “And yet, this boat,” she said. Her face said, why are we here? 
Lucien stretched his arms out. “This happens to be the most exclusive place to watch a sunset around here, I’ll have you know,” he said. Then he opened the cabin door, climbed down, and reached up a hand to her. “There’s more.” 
She followed him in, expression unreadable as she made her way down the ladder, then straightened and looked around. They were in a tiny, fully furnished apartment cabin. 
“Whoa,” Elain said as Lucien ducked to switch on the small A/C unit. “You are like, full of mysteries today.” Her voice was soft, leaving him room to fill in the blanks if he wanted to. Lucien reached into the minifridge he still kept plugged in, pulled out two Cokes, passing one to her as he fussed around the cabin to keep from looking at her. 
“When I graduated college, Jurian had this boat,” he started, and stopped for a moment. No one except Jurian and Vassa knew this about him. But she was so open and so lovely to him that he wanted to make up for rebuffing her attempts to get to know him, give her something real about himself even if she hated what she saw. 
“He had the shop, but I still had to get my instructor training, and pay for it too. My dad had died that senior year,” he said, “And my mom was figuring stuff out.” And he’d had no place to go, and not enough money in the bank to sign a lease, and nobody wanted him around. “It was temporary. I showered at the dive shop and ate a lot of microwave meals.” He shrugged. “When you’re 22 it’s like camping.”
He thought he’d die if he saw pity in her eyes, but when he turned, Elain was standing leaned against the lofted bed, fingertips resting on the sheets, eyes closed. She opened them and looked at him. “I can feel the boat rocking,” she said, almost in a whisper, with a small smile. Lucien was so grateful for her kindness he could burst with it. 
“I used to turn off all the lights and A/C when it was cool enough and just lie here and listen to the water,” he said, taking a step towards her. Elain watched him but did not move. There were no windows except a tinted skylight. The sheets on the bed were the same ones he’d made neatly and desperately every morning that long year, as if willing the place into a home beneath his hands. 
“I can hear it,” Elain said, eyes fluttering closed once again. Lucien watched her for a beat as she stood there, trusting him, and then crossed the distance between them and kissed her.
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
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I really....really meant to do this way sooner, I’m so sorry, but I'm finally back with the next segment of characters!! Part 3 will come later, featuring the undateables, but for now, hope you enjoy this one!
Click here for Part 1 - Older Brothers
Part 2 - Younger Brothers
cw: mentions of past abuse + sexual assault, body horror, violence, torture, gore
Or, as these tags so accurately put it last time:
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When you tell Satan that you have something heavy to share, he is the perfect gentleman about it, making sure you feel safe and comforted and giving you space if/when you need it
He memorizes every word that falls from your lips, holding each one preciously in his mind as he holds you in his arms
His heart breaks as you describe what happened to you, and even though he always keeps his own wrath hidden away as much as he can, he thinks guiltily to the times where it has emerged around you
In that moment, he swears to himself he'll never allow it to happen again -- even if you know what he's like, even if you understand him and his rage, he could never forgive himself if he caused you the kind of pain you're describing now
For any anger you may have about it, however, you can express it as much as you want around him, with his own powers helping you let it out safely and absorbing some of it from you when it seems like it's too much for you
On intimacy, he's always been quite shy with you, but he takes care to be a bit more delicate now as well, a little less abrupt and a little bit more communicative about what he wants to do, stopping immediately to check in if you seem uncomfortable in any way
After a few days, though, the wrath in him is about ready to burst, and for all the rage he feels for what this disgusting human did to you...
No, no, he's not going to immediately tear the fucker to shreds, he can't let them die that quickly, no
No, this person is going to suffer for what they did to you
He starts with just a light curse, as a warmup -- invisible barriers just pop up in their path from time to time, causing them to randomly trip and fall whenever they're walking around
While casting the spell, however, he can't help but grow angrier and angrier thinking about what they did to you
He hits them with no less than twenty-two other curses before he collects himself enough to put the spellbook down, each of which would be fairly minor on their own, but which collectively add up to a very miserable existence of constant embarrassments, humiliations, frustrations, and injuries
When he looks in on the damage a week later, he's rather pleased to find them utterly broken down, covered head-to-toe in little bruises and cuts
He's far from done however, and in the dead of night, he whisks them away to an old, abandoned house said to be haunted by vengeful ghosts, much like the stories of the House of Lamentation
There, he immobilizes them with another curse and sets to work with a sharp-tipped pen, carving every last word of what you told him into your ex's flesh
His hand is steady as the pen slices into their body, but each time he reaches a part that especially infuriates him, he can't help but dig the pen a bit deeper in, taking vicious delight in the way their eyes water in those moments, and the wheeze of pain that emerges from their frozen lips
Once he's written out everything you told him across their body, he does what would be unthinkable to an actual book but what he finds perfectly fitting for this human stain upon the world, and sets up a pulley to gradually lower them into a firepit in the backyard
As they are slowly engulfed by the flames, he reads the whole tale upon their body out loud to them, making sure they hear every last word and know exactly what they did wrong before they finally perish
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The Avatar of Lust, while he perfectly understands and embodies desire, is not forgiving of those who disregard consent
To him, so much of the fun comes from seeing that desire and pleasure emerge from his partner, so what the fuck is even the point if they don't want it?
But, as the beautiful and beloved Asmodeus, it's his job to keep everyone smiling and bright, and that's exactly what he's going to do for you
As you tell him about your past, he alternates between fussing over you to try to make you feel better, and quietly fuming over what your ex did
Over time, he helps you feel more in control of your own body again as well, empowering you to feel like it's really yours and yours alone, mixing fashion with feelings of safety and comfort, and always ready with the compliments to boost your self-esteem
Gradually, only if you want to, he'll help you get comfortable with intimacy again -- with his sensitivity to lust, he can always tell if something starts to feel wrong to you, and he'll stop immediately if that happens
Whether you want to take it slow, or try out some wild kink that might be therapeutic, or anything else, he's just excited for anything you want to do, and he'll make sure it's the best possible experience for you
As for your ex, he's sure they'll land themselves down in the Devildom eventually anyway, but if you want them taken care of sooner than that, he'll have a blast doing it -- it's been a while since he's had to a good chance to really use his scorpion venom!
And if not, hey, he'll have a chance to wreak his revenge when they eventually do arrive, in any case
He'll even invite you along too, if you'd like a turn at revenge by your own hands <3
Though his eyes can charm anyone, sometimes he finds it almost more fun to shrink them with magic and physically string them up like a puppet, and he's happy to hand you the reins if you want them
For his own fun, he manipulates the marionette strings to have your ex dance their way through any number of dangerous settings -- spikes, lava, fire, swamps, ghostly manors, you name it
He makes sure they hit every trap or flame on the way through, and malevolently flings them into those points in the most painful ways possible
With the strings, he also bends their body in impossibly painful ways, contorting them into bizarre and freakish poses and laughing over how ridiculous they look
If you want to participate, he teaches you how to move them around too
When you decide you've had enough, he drags the limp doll that your ex has become through coals and discards the charred remains into a lake of corrosive acid
There, your ex, still just barely conscious, feels their body slowly breaking down until they dissolve to nothing
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Beelzebub, in his ever-protective way, grows angry as you tell him about your abusive ex, but first and foremost his concern is making sure you're okay
He's quiet -- quieter than usual, even -- but fully present for you, reassuring you in the warm comfort of his large embrace
He holds you gently the whole time you're talking, and even for a while after, making sure you're feeling okay before he lets go
As thanks for being brave enough to talk about it, and for trusting him enough to tell him, he takes you out for anything at all that you'd like to eat, showering you with affection
He's perfectly happy to take it slow if/when you do eventually decide to ease into anything sexual, and he's so, so careful about his strength and size
His excellent sense of smell helps to guide him too, able to pick up the scents of happiness, desire, fear, lack thereof if you're dissociating, etc., and he adjusts himself accordingly to keep you feeling safe
And in general, though he may not have known you back then, he's filled with resolve to at least protect you from here on out
He won't fail to keep safe someone he cares about, not again -- and that means taking care of any lingering threats from your old life, too
It takes a bit of searching for Beelzebub to find your ex, but he goes up to the human realm and manages to seek them out soon enough because flies are good at seeking out rotting piles of trash
It takes a lot of restraint not to gobble them up on the spot and be done with it, but for how much they put you through, he thinks they deserve to suffer at least a bit
He snatches them away to a hidden alley behind a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant, long after they've closed for the night but with the fragrant scent of meaty burgers still lingering through the air
If the shot of venom didn't already leave their muscles feeling tender, the incessant hits of the brutal physical beating from Beel certainly does
No part of their body is spared from the onslaught of punches and kicks, as joints pop apart and bones start peeking out from flesh through the wounds
Thin, spear-like tubes emerge from Beelzebub's mouth, piercing various veins across their neck and arms so he can drink up all the blood from their veins before it spills out all over the alley floor -- it'd be a waste of a perfectly good drink, after all
Once they're fully drained, he cracks open their carcass, carving each bone loose with knife-like claws for him to crunch on
Then into the restaurant's industrial meat grinder goes the rest of their body
Beel feasts with a certain satisfaction that night upon piles and piles of cheese-world humanburgers human-world cheeseburgers
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As you tell Belphegor about your past and your history with your abusive ex, he gives you his full, undivided attention
His stomach drops, as his prior deception and manipulation of you comes into full focus in light of all you had already been through
Holding you close, he whispers words of comfort and strokes your head gently until you fall asleep for the night, holding his own rest at bay until he's sure you've drifted off first
As a quiet, unspoken apology, he places soft and peaceful dreams upon you that night, filling your dream world with all the things he knows you love
If you're open to it, he also later creates dreams for you where things happened differently, quick to pull you out if anything starts going wrong but letting you get a redo on those traumatic moments where you have more power or where you can watch a cartoonish anvil drop on your ex's head to stop them, whatever works really
Intimacy comes gradually, if/when you're ready, happy to follow or take the lead as you prefer, but communicative every step of the way so that you always feel safe
And as for your ex...
Belphegor already held the opinion for a long time that humans were shit -- but until this moment, he had dropped his desires to destroy them, after everything with Lilith had come to light
But you're still a human, after all, and he loves you, so he'll settle for taking care of just this particular shitstain of a human being
Needless to say, your ex never knows a peaceful night's sleep again
Each time they close their eyes to rest, devilish apparitions appear at the edges of their vision, and menacing claws and teeth rip at their ankles, chasing them across worlds
At times, when the teeth manage to catch them in their grasp, their dreams turn to endless loops of being chewed up and spit out over and over on end
The resulting constant exhaustion is a nightmare of its own, as they begin to fear falling asleep and desperately try to wake themselves any time they feel sleep coming on
However, in their waking hours, too, Belphie twists and warps shadows around them, until the lines between life and dreams blur together
They are practically sobbing for death by the time he comes for them personally, though he's not so merciful as to be quick about it even then
He chokes them to unconsciousness but lets go each time they fall unconscious, dragging the sharp prickly parts of his tail across their face to wake them back up before doing it over again
Once their face has been torn up beyond recognition by these repeated cycles, he finishes them off by trampling across their body in cow form and leaving them to suffocate slowly from their punctured lungs
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
break a sweat: chapter two
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
Chapter Rating: T [Fic Rating: E]
Word Count: 2.4K
“Just between us,” you ask Anne quietly, “Do you think he’s really got a chance at making the team?” “Oh, he’ll make the team,” Anne says easily. “He’s really a brilliant athlete, but don’t tell him I told you that.” “Really?” you ask, surprised. “I suppose I never thought about him that way. He always seemed so… scholarly.” “He is,” she says fondly. “Just like our parents, really, but… after they passed, he decided he didn’t want to go down that same path. All the books, all the research – it can be stifling. He’d much rather be a hundred feet in the air than stuck in a cellar.”
AO3 permalink: break a sweat
September 10, 1892
As Sebastian had predicted, Imelda Reyes had assumed the captaincy of the Slytherin Quidditch team, along with one of the Chaser positions. The morning after the start-of-term feast, she’d posted a notice in the common room formally announcing tryouts.
Sebastian was practically buzzing as soon as he’d read that the Seeker position was available.
“Will you tell the others I’ll be late to dinner?” he asked you casually as he gathered up his practice robes and his broomstick. “I’m going down to the pitch for a bit.”
(The way he said “the others” made something warm and a bit possessive twist in your stomach, but you’d just nodded without a word.)
Two weeks later, you link arms with Anne and Ominis to walk down to the Quidditch pitch and watch the Slytherin hopefuls face Imelda’s famously brutal tryouts. With the September sun shining down, you’re tempted to shed your cloak before you’ve even settled in the stands.
Ominis looks quite smug as the two of you lead him toward the pitch.
“Now that I’ve got a brilliant witch on each arm, I suppose I won’t be needing my wand to get around,” he teases.
“As it happens, I know a thing or two about that wand of yours,” Anne replies. “Last summer I spent a full month reading books on wandcraft that Sebastian brought me from the library. If I had to guess, I think you can probably ‘see’ more clearly than either of us can. It’s very powerful.”
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” Ominis demurs. “I’m just naturally perceptive.”
When you arrive at the pitch, the three of you take seats in the back row of the spectator stands alongside some of your housemates. The crowd begins to whisper excitedly when the aspiring Slytherins begin to take the field, brooms in hand.
You spot Sebastian quickly, even among nearly two dozen others in green and silver practice uniforms circling for warmups on their brooms. Compared to how strong he’d looked at the start of term in just his school robes, he looks powerful now – equipped with pads across his shoulders, forearms, and shins that only accentuate his muscular form.
Being Sebastian, of course, he’d declined a helmet. (Despite his newfound bulk, he’s still the same exasperatingly headstrong boy for whom you’ve held a candle for nearly your entire school career.)
“Just between us,” you ask Anne quietly, “Do you think he’s really got a chance at making the team?”
“Oh, he’ll make the team,” Anne says easily. “He’s really a brilliant athlete, but don’t tell him I told you that.”
“Really?” you ask, surprised. “I suppose I never thought about him that way. He always seemed so… scholarly.”
“He is,” she says fondly. “Just like our parents, really, but… after they passed, he decided he didn’t want to go down that same path. All the books, all the research – it can be stifling. He’d much rather be a hundred feet in the air than stuck in a cellar.”
You watch Sebastian take laps high above the grassy pitch with a joyous smile on his face, and you think you understand exactly what Anne means. He’s free here.
“In that case,” you sigh. “What position, do we reckon?”
Anne smirks. “Truthfully I think he’ll have his pick, unless Imelda wants to humble him on purpose.”
“Which one would be humbling?” you ask, bemused.
“Probably Chaser,” she muses. “He’d be an excellent Chaser, of course, but it’s his least favorite.”
“I’d like to see him become a Beater,” Ominis chimes in. “It would serve him well to have some sort of outlet for his intensity.”
“Fine, then I’ll say… Keeper,” you say, smiling to yourself. “That way he’ll get to stay in one place the whole game and know that everyone’s eyes are on him.”
Anne snickers and extends her hand for you to shake, sealing your first wager of the day.
After tryouts conclude, the hopefuls and spectators return en masse to the Slytherin common room to await the captain’s decision. Imelda immediately sequesters herself in the seventh-year girls’ dormitory to put together her official roster, and the majority of Slytherin’s upperclassmen start passing around Butterbeers while they settle in wait.
Sebastian is inarguably the center of attention, casually leaning against a table in the corner with Anne seated at his side. A flock of fifth-year girls crowds around him to listen intently as he talks about the impressive diving save he’d made during a Seeker drill, capturing the Snitch just feet from the ground.
“He’s going to be insufferable now,” Ominis groans while the two of you observe from across the room. “There’s barely enough room for his ego in this friendship as it is.”
“Come now, we’ve had plenty of practice keeping him in line,” you laugh. “And now we’ve got Anne as well.”
“It really is good to have her back,” Ominis agrees softly, smiling to himself when he hears Anne’s voice through the noise as she starts to loudly tell Sebastian’s lovesick fan club how he’d attempted a similar save over the summer and ended up crash-landing in an abandoned poacher camp.
You glance sidelong at Ominis’ private smile, noticing that his pale cheeks have gone a bit pink.
However, before you can spend too much more time thinking about Ominis and Anne, you hear the noise in the room reach a crescendo as Imelda saunters down the stairs with a rolled-up piece of parchment in her hand.
“Who’s ready to meet the new Slytherin Quidditch team?” she calls out, and the entire room bursts into excited cheers.
You and Ominis weave through the crowded common room to stand by Sebastian. On the outside, he seems to be perfectly calm, but by now you can recognize that telltale tension that lingers in his jaw when he’s nervous. Anne holds one of his hands to reassure him, looking a bit anxious herself.
You discreetly take his other hand and gently squeeze it; he squeezes back without a word.
Imelda starts to read off from her list, allowing brief pauses for applause after each name. While she works her way down, the four of you learn that Sebastian has not been named Slytherin’s Keeper. He’s not a Beater either, nor is he ultimately a Chaser.
“Lastly, your newest Seeker…” Imelda teases as she reaches the end of the list. “Congratulations, Sebastian Sallow!”
Sebastian beams brilliantly while Anne leaps to her feet and pulls him into a tight hug. Ominis smiles and murmurs his congratulations to his friend, assuring him he always knew he’d make the team.
There are several other girls who are eager to offer their congratulations as well, so you wait for the crowd around him to subside and for Anne to escort Ominis to get more Butterbeers before you sidle up next to Sebastian and nudge your shoulder against his.
“Excellent work, Bash,” you murmur. “I have to say, that was quite a show you put on earlier.”
“It was only because you were watching,” he flirts back, and you roll your eyes fondly.
Since the start of term, he’s been relentless with his play-flirting. You’ve tried to resist it as much as you can, but it always makes your heart race when he calls you “love,” or offers to carry your books for you, or even charms little notes poking fun at your classmates into tiny birds that gracefully land on top of your desk.
(You haven’t had the heart to ask him to stop, because even though you know he doesn’t mean it the way you would, it still feels nice to be the center of his attention.)
“Then I’ll have to come to see you start in next week’s match,” you offer. “Especially if you only play that well when I’m watching.”
“You can be my good luck charm,” he jokes. “Felix Felicis is prohibited, but you are not.”
“Merlin, that was awful,” you laugh, but Sebastian just grins proudly.
“I have a brilliant idea,” he says after a moment. “We should make a bet.”
“A bet?” you ask. “What, that you’ll win?”
He shakes his head. “That’s too easy. We’re playing Hufflepuff, we’ll obviously win. I meant something more challenging.”
“You’re very confident,” you laugh. “Fine, what are your terms?”
He considers his offer for a moment and then says, “I’ll bet that I can catch the Snitch in under thirty minutes. I’ll even let you be the official timekeeper, since I’ll be a bit preoccupied.”
“Under thirty?” you ask skeptically. “That’s nearly professional, Sebastian. Ominis told me most games last at least an hour.”
“I’ve been practicing all summer,” he insists. “Anne would release a Snitch and I’d even let it have a five-minute head start, but I never let one get further than the far side of Marunweem Lake.”
“Careful, Sebastian, you sound a bit cocky,” you murmur, and you think you see Sebastian’s gaze dip down to your mouth for a split second.
“I am,” he agrees. “In fact, I’ll even let you pick your prize first, for if you win.”
“Alright,” you laugh. After taking a beat to consider, you suggest, “When I win, I want… for you to write my History of Magic assignments for the next month.
“That’s it?” he says with a scoff. “You could have anything you desire from me, and you want me to write your essays?”
“I didn’t start studying magic with the rest of you lot, and I don’t know a lot of the foundational things that Binns wants us to reference,” you remind him. “You know your history much better than I do, and I need to bump my ‘Acceptable’ up to ‘Exceeds Expectations’ by the time N.E.W.T.s roll around.”
“Love, I would’ve done them for you anyway,” Sebastian says dismissively, and you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from grinning at the nickname. “Why don’t you pick something fun?”
“Fine,” you reply. “I want…”
You mull over your options for a moment, trying to think of something that isn’t obscene or pathetic. Finally, you have an idea.
“There is one thing I’ve been thinking about,” you tell him, a secret smile on your lips.
Sebastian perks up, leaning in closer. “Go on, then.”
“I want you to help me convince Anne and Ominis that they should be a couple,” you say carefully, watching him for any signs that he’s about to throw a fit.
He just blinks at you, bewildered. “...What.”
“I think they would make a lovely pair,” you croon. “And I know that she’s your sister and you’re rather, er...”
“I’m what?” he demands.
“You’re very protective of her,” you say tactfully. “But we’re all adults now, or at least we’re close enough, and I think they really understand each other. I want you to help me convince them that they should give it a chance.”
Sebastian is quiet for several long moments.
“Well,” he finally murmurs. “I would prefer if Anne never dated anyone so I wouldn’t have any more reasons to worry about her, but I suppose if she must, Ominis is a good man.”
You shout excitedly and wrap your arms around his impossibly broad shoulders, pulling him in for a hug. He easily allows it, fondly pressing his nose to your hair.
“I suppose it doesn’t really matter though,” he murmurs against your temple. “Seeing as you won’t win and I’ll never have to aid you in your scheming.”
You lean out of the hug just enough to see Sebastian’s face, not yet ready to pull away entirely. “Speaking of which, what prize will you not be winning?”
Sebastian lets his hands drop down to your hips as he murmurs, “I actually have something in mind.”
You force yourself not to get distracted. “Do tell.”
“When I win, I’d like to take you to the Room of Requirement after the game,” he says, and the way he grips your sides through your skirt ensures you have no way of misunderstanding what he’s suggesting.
“O-oh?” you ask softly, squirming a little in his grasp. “Just me?”
“Just you,” he confirms.
His eyes are dark, and despite the cacophony of the room, he’s focused solely on you.
“And what exactly would we be doing in the Room of Requirement?” you ask softly.
He doesn’t dignify your question with a response. Instead, he deliberately drags his thumbs across your hips, raking his gaze down your body and back up with a pointed look.
Countless generations have come of age at Hogwarts, and much like those who came before you, students in your year are beginning to discover that the castle’s myriad of secret rooms and hidden corridors can be useful in exciting new ways.
You know precisely what it means to be asked to join Sebastian somewhere private – and on top of that, somewhere so entirely yours that you can be sure he’s never asked another girl to join him there.
“Do you mean it?” you ask him quietly. “You aren’t just teasing like earlier?”
“When was I teasing?” Sebastian asks, amused.
“This whole time, since the start of term,” you insist, fidgeting nervously with the laces at the front of his Quidditch robes he’s still proudly wearing. “All the flirting, all this back-and-forth. You’re just winding me up, aren’t you?”
“I’m not,” he says quietly. “I thought about you all summer, love. Nearly drove Anne mad with how pathetic I was over you, and I… I sincerely want you, if you’ll have me.”
Some bold, sensual part of you encourages you to crowd in a little closer so you can lean up to his ear and ask, “Are you sure we shouldn’t simply go to the Room of Requirement right now?”
You hear Sebastian swallow and sharply exhale.
“N-not now,” he answers. “After the match. I just…”
He doesn’t have the words to articulate it, but he wants to earn your affection. He has to prove he’s worthy first – that you aren’t making a mistake by letting him turn your close friendship into something more.
“Alright,” you acquiesce, gently brushing your lips against his cheekbone before taking a step out of his embrace. “Just don’t get too distracted and fall off your broom, because I really want you to win.”
“The match or our bet?” he asks in a low voice.
Before you disappear into the crowd to rejoin your friends, you murmur, “Wouldn’t you like to know, Bash?”
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cuttergauthier · 1 year
Hockey Game
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Colton Dach x Female Reader
Warning: fluff
word count: 0.5k
let me know what you guys think🤍
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My parents and little brother came down to Seattle to visit me. I'm a 19 year old already living away from home. 
Thankfully I live in an apartment alone, so they’re here staying with me for the week but today my parents decided they wanted to go on a date. I told them I'd watch my brother, he’s 10 and a big hockey fan so he begged me to take him to a hockey game tonight.
I finally cave in since I know he won’t stop, so I bought tickets to go see the Seattle thunderbirds. My brother loves Colton Dach, he’s excited to see him play so it’s worth it.
When we were both ready we made our way to the arena, since he wants to be there for warmups.
“Can I get a hat?” He asked me once he saw the team gift shop. He already has a Dach jersey but I nodded anyway so we made our way there. I got good tickets tonight for behind the bench which i know when my brother sees he’ll be excited. I got him his hat and paid.
Then we made our way to our seats. 
When he saw it he let out a squeal which made me laugh.  
“Thank you, thank you,” he said, hugging me. I smiled. 
“You’re welcome. Now sit and enjoy, "I said, chuckling.
“Oh I definitely will,” he said. I rolled my eyes at his response, was i like that at his age?
I sat next to him. I went on my phone until warmup started. A few minutes later my brother started hitting my arm.
“Why are you hitting me?” I asked
“It’s Colton,” he whispered. I looked next to him where he was looking, there was a bunch of hockey sticks and Colton Dach. He looked up at us and smiled before he went back to what I assume is the locker room.
“Oh my god Colton Dach saw me” my brother said, freaking out. I started laughing and nodding. 
“He did” 
“Oh my god, best day ever” he said.
The guys finally came out and made their way to the ice. My brother got fist bumps from the players, he has the biggest smile on his face. 
When warmups were over, Colton was the last one out. He gave a puck to my brother and said something before handing him over another puck.
I saw my brother nod before Colton smiled at me and went to the locker room. 
“What was that?” I asked my brother, confused.
“He wanted me to give you this, and to tell you that you’re beautiful” my brother said and I blushed while taking the puck.
I looked at the puck to see a phone number on it. 
Oh my god, now it’s my time to freak out. He gave me his phone number.
My brother looked at me and smiled.
“You better call him,” he told me with an attitude making me laugh.
“Don’t worry I will.” I replied.
The game went by really quick. My brother and I made our way home, my brother talked my parents off about everything that happened tonight.
I decided to text Colton.
Hi it’s Y/n, the one who you gave the puck to.
I’m glad you decided to text me. I was wondering if you’d like to go on a date with me?
I would love to!
Perfect! Can’t wait!
I guess bringing my brother to the hockey game was worth it.
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mochi-coffee · 1 year
in sickness and in health
ft. random hcs of wakasa and his duality whenever you are sick
A/n: I was sick this week and so what else was I supposed to do when lying painfully in bed but to hc about wakasa 🤣 not proofread, let me know what you think!
Wakasa was never one to be punctual - whether it was a gang meeting ('Shin is there, it's fine') or the cinemas ('there's lots of ads, we'll be fine'). Even the regulars at his gym knows that his classes usually means it starts around 10-15 past the scheduled, and would just do warmups on their own while they wait for the gym owner himself to leisurely walks in with a skewer between his teeth.
But when it comes to you and your medication that's 'recommended to be taken every 6 hours' - he suddenly become a human alarm clock. Gentling rubbing your arm, waking you up at 6am on the dot with a glass of water in hand for you to take your pills with. His sleepy eyes watches as you take your pills before taking the glass from your hand and setting it on the side table, and then proceeds to crawling back in bed with you.
'I'm sick...' you mumbled sleepily, your eyelids too heavy to stay open.
'don't care' he yawns as he pulling you close into his embrace, before joining you in sleep.
Wakasa who has always been incredibly slow at replying to texts - and sometimes leaves people on seen (he reads the notification and forgets) vs the wakasa who would instantly reply with a thumbs up when you texted him to get some painkillers on the way home.
The same Wakasa who would head home during his break (ignoring Benkei's 'whipped' comment) to check on you - just because you haven't read his reminder text(s) after 10 minutes. In your defense, you were sleeping, resting just like a patient should be. Also this was coming from the same guy who replies to your 'good morning's with a 'what do you want for dinner' at 6pm.
(He'd just stop by the house for 15 minutes to check on your fever, make sure you took your meds on time and had some food with it, before jogging back for his next class at the gym. )
Wakasa who would teases you about being a kid when you complained about the abnormally large pills you got , but at the same time would take said pill in his hand and snap it into half so it's easier for you to swallow - and has done that every single time since.
Wakasa who is usually too lazy to cook and would opt for take out, vs the Wakasa who would pick up the chopping board you dropped and escort you out of the kitchen when you tried to cook in your feverish state. He who grumbles slightly as he tucks you back in bed, muttering about how you should just stay in bed and order takeout or something, but then immediately pulls out his phone and looks up recipes on your comfort food while you sleep, trying to find a decent one that's quick and easy with the ingredients in the fridge.
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msnanu · 1 year
Life Twist 08 | JJK
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⏤ banner by the talented and sweet: @archivedkookie ❣
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⏤summary ❧ After an enormous loss in your life and breaking a long relationship with your now ex boyfriend, you decided you needed a life twist. So you move into a new country to try restart your life and seek for your happiness. What you weren’t expecting was someone like Jungkook entering into your life as soon as you got to Seoul.
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ❧ jungkook x female reader
⏤𝘨𝘦���𝘳𝘦 ❧ fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, 4 years age gap (reader is JK’s noona)
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ❧ mature language
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ❧ 15.1K+
⏤ author’s note❧ Longest chapter ever and I dare to say it is also the best one as of now! I love these two, they're the cutest! 😍 Please enjoy this new chapter and I'll be waiting your thoughts on it as always 🤗
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You have just arrived the gym. Luckily this week has been pretty calm at your job so you’re able to go as much as you want to the gym. JK on the contrary is having a busy schedule these last few days, last time you saw each other was 3 days ago on Sunday, the day you had that awkward encounter with his older brother and Bam at his apartment.
Jungkook had messaged you earlier today and told you that he was finally able to go to the gym, so you were eagerly waiting for him to show up, you already missed him.
You were about to start with your warmup exercises when a stranger’s voice directed towards you caught your attention.
‘Excuse me. I was wondering if you could tell me how much the boxing lessons fee is’
You turned to find out who is the person that is talking to you. You see a blonde guy, he was tall not as much as Jungkook but a similar height, he might be around your age. You don’t think you saw him here before; he must have confused you with the receptionist girl.
‘Sorry, I’m actually not the right person to ask, I don’t work here. You should check at the entrance with the receptionist’ you say politely while giving him a small grin and pointing towards the entrance.
‘Oh, I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I thought you worked here. I’m Ethan by the way’ he says while extending his hand towards you.
‘No worries. I’m Y/N’ you say while shaking hands with him.
‘Nice to meet you Y/N’ he says smiling back at you.
Suddenly you feel someone’s arms on your waist, you don’t even have to turn around because Jungkook already is doing it for you while he cups your face saying, ‘Hi gorgeous, I’ve missed you so much’ and surprises you by kissing you deeply in front of this guy that you have just met.
When you stop the kiss, you see Ethan clearly uncomfortable in his spot.
‘Um, thanks for your help, Y/N. I’ll go ask to the receptionist then’
‘Sure’ you simply say to Ethan who disappears quickly from your sight.
It’s not like you’re not a fan of PDA but there’s moments or places that are just not suitable for that. And you know Jungkook has probably done it only to mark his territory. Once again, you have the unsettling feeling that he doesn’t trust you.
You look at JK who has a poker face now as if he didn’t do anything to make the guy uncomfortable enough to run away.
‘What was that?’
‘What was what?’
‘Jungkook. Don’t play dumb with me. You know what I mean’
‘That guy was clearly flirting with you’
‘What? No. He was just asking me how much the fee for boxing lessons is. He had mistaken me with the receptionist’
‘Baby, that guy has been coming to the gym for the last 2 years at least. Trust me, he knows who’s the receptionist or any other person that works here’
‘Either way if he was flirting with me, I wasn’t flirting back. I think it’s pretty clear that you don’t trust me, Jungkook’
JK didn’t liked the way you said his name. It didn’t sound as sweet and soft as usually. You were clearly annoyed, and he was starting to get nervous because he knows he’s not good controlling his impulsiveness and he didn’t want to say something wrong that might make you angry.
‘I- I do trust you, Y/N. I just don’t enjoy seeing guys flirting with my girl’
‘JK, I don’t enjoy seeing girls flirting with you either, but I still put up with every single woman that you come across because they all flirt with you, even when I’m right beside you they shamelessly flirt with you as if I didn’t exist. Remember last weekend when we went to the grocery store? The cashier was about to jump on you, and I didn’t say anything because I trust you enough to know that you’re not gonna act on it’
Jungkook was clueless about what you were talking about. He didn’t even notice the cashier on the grocery store flirting the other day.
‘The cashier at the grocery store? Baby, I don’t care if they flirt with me, I don’t even realize it’
‘Exactly my point. I didn’t realize that guy was flirting with me because I don’t fucking care. I have you and I don’t need anyone else’
‘Okay okay, I get it. I’m sorry, noona. I should work on my jealousy’ says Jungkook while scratching the back of his head.
‘You don’t need to apologize. Just please, trust me. If we don’t have trust, then we don’t have nothing’ you say in a defeating tone.
The rest of the time you spend at the gym with him, you are awfully quieter than usual. Jungkook is not an idiot, he clearly noticed that you’re still upset about what happened before.
He also realizes that within the span of a week, he managed to make you feel the need to ask him twice if he trusted you and he doesn't like that - it's totally his fault that you're questioning him, and he knows it.
He does trust you. At least that’s what he thinks. He doesn’t think you’re going to act on the guys that flirt with you, but he hates even the possibility of guys coming close to you. He’s always been a jealous guy but with you it’s more triggering for him. He doesn’t like to sound possessive or anything like that, but he fears losing you somehow.
He can’t stand you being distant with him, so he gets closer to you when he sees you turning off the treadmill where you were running for the last half hour without even glancing towards his spot.
‘Did I say that you look insanely beautiful today?’
‘Mmhm’ you hum while you’re stepping down the treadmill. You don’t want to act childish, but you do feel upset because he doesn’t seem to trust you.
‘Noona, you’re ignoring me’
You take one look at him and he’s pouting like a baby. You roll your eyes, annoyed with yourself because you can’t even continue to be upset at him when he looks at you like that.
‘Ugh, you know, sometimes I hate how cute you are’
He smiles proudly because he knows that his pout worked as he wanted.
‘Stop fooling yourself, you don’t hate it, you love it baby’ he says while cupping your face and giving you a peck on your lips.
The rest of the afternoon continued with you doing some squats and ab work while exchanging a few kisses and innocent touches with Jungkook from time to time when you crossed paths.
You were starting to feel thirsty, so you went to find your bottle of water to hydrate when your gaze fell on Jungkook who had just sited on the shoulder press machine to finish his work out for the day.
Jungkook started moaning while exercising and you didn’t even realize that you were looking at him for solid 5 minutes while biting your bottom lip without blinking. This is not good for your sanity, not when you’re holding back on having sex with him to try go slow.
It’s insanely hard to control yourself every time you’re with him but on top of that now you have to control while he’s moaning and he’s all sweaty and dear God you just want to rip his clothes off. Your mind is already in another world.
Why does he have to be this hot? For God’s sake Y/N, the guy is exercising and you’re salivating at him moaning, keep it together.
You suddenly wake up from your trance when you hear some guys’ voices approaching the area near where you are standing but not before Jungkook catches you checking him out.
JK stands up and approaches to you with a smug face while tracing his thumb over you bottom lip and talks with a dark raspy tone.
‘Baby, I think you’re drooling’
Fuck. You want to take that smug face and kiss the shit out of him. But you’re strong Y/N, you can return the tease back.
‘Can you blame me tho?’
His eyebrows shot up for a split second but then the smug face comes back again.
‘Is my baby horny today?’
That fucking pet name is about to make you fold. Come on, you can do it Y/N
‘I wasn’t but you get me horny’
Jungkook’s eyes almost pop out of his head.
‘Did you have any drinks before coming to the gym?’
‘No, I’m just stating the truth. I’m not going to shame myself because you’re such a fine piece of man’ you say softly while tracing your fingers from his chest to his toned abs.
His eyes follow your hand while he gulps, and you see his cheeks turning rosy. You definitely won this one.
‘Fuck. You’re making me blush, stop noona’
‘Why, Kook? I thought you liked it when I touch you’ you say while pouting at him with your hand still on his abs.
‘You little minx, just wait until we get to your place’
You giggled before turning around to go to the girls’ lockers and he followed you laughing while giving you a slap in your butt.
‘I told you, you’re really tempting’
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30. 30 years old. Your birthday day had arrived. You fucking hated that number 3 in your age. Even though you didn’t even look 30. People had always thought you were younger.
The 30’s always come with a lot of expectation. And, with a lot of judgement from the outside world. When are you going to settle down? When are you having kids? You’re not married yet? Thank God you don’t usually give two fucks about what the others think.
You laugh remembering that when you were 18, you used to think that people who were 30 were super old people. Now you’ve become one yourself. Time surely flies.
12 o’clock AM and your phone was vibrating indicating Jungkook was facetiming you. You smile as soon as you see him on the screen of your phone. He had been insisting that he wanted to be the first to greet you on your birthday.
‘Happy birthday gorgeous’ he says with a bright smile
‘Thank you, cutie! You’re the first to say happy birthday to me’
‘I’m gonna make sure to be always the first to say happy birthday to you from now on’
You giggled and nodded at him.
‘Duly noted, I’ll take it as a promise. Is it my impression or were you about to fall sleep?’
He clearly was laying on his bed and he looked totally drained. He told you he had a lot of work today; he wasn’t even able to go to the gym.
‘I’m tired honestly but I’m having trouble to sleep, I think I need you by my side to sleep properly’
He slept at your place 2 days ago, after you went to the gym together, he stayed at your place.
‘Too bad you had to work late. I would have loved to have you with me now. What time did you finished working today?’
He smiled at you shily
‘God, you’re so sweet. I really wanted to be with you too tonight, baby. I finished about an hour ago, I ate and had a shower and now I’m here. So, how does it feel to be 30?’
‘Ugh, don’t even say it. I feel like an old woman’
‘You’re so dramatic. You are not old, and you don’t even look 30. Noona, remember when I met you? I thought we were the same age’
‘You just say it to make me feel better’ you say while pouting at him
‘I want to make you feel better yeah, but it’s also truth what I’m saying. I wouldn’t lie to you, gorgeous’
‘I miss you’
‘I miss you too, a lot. Tomorrow night I’ll pick you up to go to your birthday party. And afterwards you can stay the night at my place, baby’
‘Sounds good. Where’s Bam? I miss Bami too’
‘He’s at my brother’s again. That way at least he has more fun with Song and Paeng than being with me when I’m working almost the entire day’
A yawn escapes from his mouth and he immediately says ‘Sorry’
‘Kook, you really should sleep. You can’t keep your eyes open’
‘Your voice calms me, baby’
‘It’s either that or I’m so boring that I make you fall sleep’
He chuckles with his eyes closed and his head already placed on his pillow.
‘You’re definitely not boring, noona. I really miss sleeping by your side’
‘Okay, I’ll stay here on the phone until you fall sleep. How about that?’
‘You would do that for me? You’re amazing. Any other person would think I’m a weirdo’
‘Lucky for you, I don’t tend to judge people so easily, so don’t worry cutie. You should rest now; it was a long day’
‘You’re the best. Good night my birthday girl. I’ll see you in a few hours’
‘I know I am. Good night handsome, see you’
5 minutes later he was snoring. He looked so cute you took a screenshot of him while sleeping before hanging up the videocall.
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Your doorbell is ringing indicating JK is already here to pick you up for your birthday party. On your way to the door, you take one more look at yourself on the mirror. You think you look pretty good; you love your outfit, and you feel more comfortable with it that what you thought it would feel.
You are wearing one of your last’s acquisitions. You went shopping with Emma and Aria this week and found an amazing thin satin black dress that it’s tight enough to show all your curves in the sexiest ways. The neckline isn’t exposing that much, but the dress surely wraps around your breasts making them noticeable. The dress is short so you’re also showing off your legs and the heels you went for this time helps on making your legs look way longer than what they are.
Thank God Emma and Aria convinced you to buy this dress. You were in the verge of not buying it because it was a bit pricy but you’re not the one to pamper yourself that often and it is your birthday after all so, you decided to go for it this time.
It seems like you and Jungkook are syntonized because as soon as you open the door you see him wearing a black dress shirt that reveals some of his collarbones along with a silver chain. You gulp at the sight in front of you. He’s such a snack. No, scratch that. He’s the whole meal, yes Sir and you're starving for him.
His raspy voice suddenly shakes you out of Wonderland.
‘God, how can you look so fucking beautiful?’ he says eyeing you up and down while biting his lower lip. He has that look that makes him look like a predator eyeing his pray before attacking.
‘It’s exactly what I was thinking when I saw you’ you said in return while smiling at him.
In a second his lusty gaze changes completely and he shows you that bunny smile that you love so much. Talking about duality.
‘Happy birthday noona’ he says in the sweetest tone.
You notice his hands being occupied so you cup his face and kiss him deeply on the lips.
‘I missed those lips’ he says afterwards while leaning his forehead on yours.
‘You can have them as much as you want now’
You realize his left hand is being occupied with 2 bags as the right hand is on his back, surely holding something else that you’re not able to see.
‘You want help with those?’ you say while pointing at his hands.
‘Oh, I almost forgot, I bought you some presents’
He sounds excited as he takes his right hand of his back and hands you over a bouquet of jasmines that makes your heart warm, and you keep smiling at him like an idiot.
‘Thank you. I love them. But I told you, you didn’t have to buy me anything, Kook’
‘I did, you deserve it. You should let me spoil you, baby’
‘Well, if you insist, I’m not gonna complain’ you say giggling.
He goes ahead handing you the 2 bags and if you knew him better you would think he’s even nervous about your reaction because he’s biting his lip piercing while observing every one of your moves.
You leave the 2 bags on your kitchen counter while putting the bouquet of jasmines on water and then continue to open one of the presents left.
The first bag unravels one of the presents in a light blue wrapping with golden stars all over it. You almost feel bad to have to open it in order to get to the actual gift, it’s such a cute wrapping.
JK urges you to open it nudging his head in the direction of his present making you chuckle over his excitement.
As soon as you unwrap your gift and realize what he bought for you, your eyes widen almost popping out of your head. Jungkook notices your reaction and smiles seeing your surprised face, and that you seem to like it.
A Kero teddy bear. He bought you a freaking Kerberos teddy bear. Something that you’ve been wanting since you were 6 years old and binge-watched Cardcaptor Sakura every single afternoon when returning from school.
‘WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKK? ARE YOU FOR REAL?’ you squeaked and screamed while jumping at Jungkook who was startled but he quickly grabbed you by your thighs.
‘I guess you liked it, baby’ he says while chuckling.
‘Like it? I love it so much! You’re the best’ you say while peppering him with kisses all over his face.
He puts you down slowly while giving you another of his bunny smiles. You look the cutest ever with your Kero teddy bear. He can’t believe that such a simple thing can make you this happy.
‘But… how?? I don’t think I ever told you about Kero’
‘Well… I’m not sure if you remember but when we had the bonfire at Hobi’s cottage you were talking to Yoongi hyung and I might have listened what you told him about Kero. So, I thought it would be a good gift’
You look at him with so much awe. He is just too sweet. You want to hug him so bad.
‘You are amazing’ you say before cupping his face and kissing his lips.
‘I’m so happy you liked it. You have one more gift to unwrap tho’
The last gift is not wrapped, as soon as you see the little blue box on it you realize that the inscription on it is from a jewelry store.
You are feeling a little nervous, you don’t know what he bought in a jewelry store, but you don’t want him to waste his money on you by buying multiple things.
But JK can definitely be as stubborn as you are because you already had said a few days ago that he didn’t need to buy any gifts for you. It’s obvious that you’re not going be mad because he didn’t listen, if we are being honest you wouldn’t listen to him either if it was his birthday and he said the same thing to you.
When you open the little blue box, your eyes start to feel watery at the sight in front of you.
It’s a gold necklace with the initial of your dad. It looks the same as the one that your dad used every day.
One day while seeing childhood photos, you had told JK that after your dad passed away, you wanted to keep that necklace for yourself, since it was something that your dad had with him every single day, it felt special for you.
But your older sister was quick enough to take it without permission – clearly not because of the sentimental feeling towards it - and you never saw the necklace again as it also happened the same with a lot more things that your dad owned.
‘I think I’m gonna cry’
‘No, no- noona. It wasn’t meant for you to cry; I thought it would make you happy’
‘I’m gonna cry of happiness’ you say while looking at him with a small grin ‘This is such a sweet gesture, JK. I-I really don’t deserve this much from you’
He grabs the necklace from your hand and helps you putting on. When he finishes, he gives you a little peck on your neck and lifts your chin with his index finger for you to look at him in the eyes.
‘You do deserve it. You make me so happy. This is not even close to return how happy I am when I’m with you’
‘Fuck. My mascara is going to be ruined’ you say while sniffing some tears away.
He hugs you while putting a little kiss on the top of your head.
‘Thank you, JK. I loved every single gift. But you’ve put a high bar now; I’ll have to top that out for your birthday’ you mumble while being squished against his chest.
‘Being with you it’s going to be enough for me’
‘God stop or I’ll keep crying. Only cutting onions made me cry so easily before you came along into my life’
Jungkook laughs at your last words while giving you a small slap on your ass.
‘Come on, baby. We should get going’
‘Yeah sure, let me check my make up first and we can go’
You check yourself in the mirror to see if your make up is ruined. Thankfully it’s not that bad and you easily arranged it in 2 minutes.
‘I feel bad leaving Kero alone now’ you say while pouting at JK and hugging your new teddy bear.
‘Do you wanna take Kero to my place too?’
‘Yes’, you smile like an 8-year-old, and it warms JK’s heart so much, he can’t help but to smile too.
‘You’re adorable’
He helps you grabbing your stuff, you are taking with yourself a backpack with some clothes for tomorrow since you’re staying the night at his place.
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'Birthday girl is here!' yelled a tipsy Aria as soon as she saw you walking hand in hand with Jungkook.
All the guys were already there. You greeted one by one, all hugging you and wishing you happy birthday. It’s been a long time since you actually enjoyed your birthday, it certainly has to do with the fact that you’re now surrounded with this amazing group of people. The first one to congratulate you was of course your best friend.
‘Happy birthday, babe’ Chris eyes you up and down and whistles while making you turn around to see your whole outfit ‘May I say, you look stunning tonight’.
You giggle before you both engulf in a sweet and tight hug. Then you start investigating your surroundings.
The bar where you were celebrating your birthday had a VIP area. That's where Jin organized the party so it would be something more private as you wanted.
You are not sure if you ever saw a VIP area in a bar looking like this one. There was a bowling alley, pool tables, arcade games and of course the bar area that was available for you to use freely. Definitely, one of the coolest bars you have been to.
The bar belongs to Jin's brother-in-law, the same that owns the night club, seems like he is into the night business.
Jin's brother-in-law was one of his closest college friends and Jin ended up acting as a match maker between his friend and his sister so it's safe to say that any favor that Jin asks him is easily granted, therefore how he got to reserve the bar's VIP area all for you tonight.
It was all decorated with purple and blue balloons - your favorite colors - and you noticed too pictures scattered all over the walls of your trip to Hobi's cottage with the guys plus some other photos that you are pretty sure Chris provided because they're either old as fuck or they're photos that not anyone could have access to, one of them being a photo with your dad the day you graduated college.
You smiled at that. And you also couldn't help to feel warm in your heart when you saw some of the photos that you took with JK while hiking when you went to the weekend trip.
It’s impossible not to think how lucky you are to have all these people in your life.
'Oh my God, Jin this is incredible. I absolutely love this. The pictures, the decoration, the place. It's perfect. Thank you so so much for doing all of this for me' you said while hugging him.
'I'm not only a handsome face, see?' He smiles while hugging you back and you giggle at his words.
'I do have to say this, these two over here helped me a lot' said Jin while pointing at your best friend and Jungkook who were right beside you watching your interaction with Jin.
You grab your best friend’s hand while squeezing it 'Thank you, bestie. I love you'
'Anything for you, my soulmate. I love you too' he says while squeezing your hand back then hugging you again and placing a little kiss on your head.
You take a few steps towards Jungkook and put your hands around his neck, his doe sweet eyes looking at you when a small grin appears on his lips.
'And you, you handsome bunny, you don't cease to surprise me' then you lean in and whisper on his ear 'I'll better show you how grateful I am when we get to your place'
'Oh, you will?' he says with a mischievous smile.
'You can count on it, baby' you say while winking at him.
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The night was going smoothly. Jungkook and you played bowling together as a team against the other guys and you beat their asses. They were all complaining because they said it was unfair that the best players teamed up against all of them. Finally, there’s something that you can be as equally good as Jungkook, it seems like he is insanely good at everything he does.
You drank a few gin tonics during the night, but you didn’t want to get wasted so from time to time you drank from a bottle of water. That was your magic trick to not get tipsy, you had to drink water between drinks and that way you feel as if you hadn’t drink anything at all. Tonight, you wanted to be aware of everything that was happening, especially with JK.
'Am I seeing a ring on your hand?' you say to Emma while eyeing the big glittering rock on his hand. You were sitting on a booth chatting with Emma and Joey while watching the others playing pool.
Emma and Joey take a look each other with knowing eyes and smile at you while nodding.
'Oh, my fucking God, congratulations guys!! I'm so happy for you'
'Shhh shh, we don't want to steal your thunder' says Emma shushing you.
'What thunder? For fucks sake. I'm not the kind of person who likes the spotlight so don't worry about it. Go ahead guys, you should tell the others, it's amazing news!' you say while smiling and grabbing their hands tightly.
'Are you sure, Y/N?' asks Emma with a concern look on her face.
'Yes please, I mean if you want obviously, I'm not going to force you' you say while chuckling.
'Since it's your birthday, you can be the one to announce it. That is if you want to'
‘You guys, it’s your news, you should be the one to announce it’
Emma gave you puppy eyes, so you sighed and compelled to her wishes.
'Okay, let's go tell the others, love birds'
‘Yaaaaaaayyyyy!’ happily expressed Emma while getting up hand in hand with Joey towards the guys.
Once you told the others the big news about Emma and Joey’s engagement, they all screamed on excitement and congratulated them. It was the best way to end the amazing night that your friends had organized for you.
Before you part ways with your friends, Chris took you a few steps away from everyone to hand you over his present.
‘I hope you like it’ he said while giving you an envelope.
You furrow your eyebrows and when you open it, you see it’s a paper with the detail for a weekend trip to Jeju Island with all expenses included for two people. Even the flight tickets are included.
‘Chris, are you crazy? This is too much! I can’t accept this’ you say feeling bad because he must have spent a lot of money on this gift. Even though Chris doesn’t have any issues with money, it’s a lot for you to accept this gift.
‘No, it’s not too much and you will accept it. You need to relax a few days, and I thought it was either this or buying you a vibrator, but I figured you have JK now so… I don’t think you’ll be needing a vibrator’
‘Christian!’ you say outraged hitting on your best friend’s arm and he laughs frenetically.
‘You have a few months to use it. I think you should go with Kook, it would be good for you two to spend some quality time alone in a nice island’
You nod and rub your forehead with your hand still astounded. Then you hug your best friend for the hundreth time today while thanking him.
‘You are the best, thank you Chris. For everything. I don’t know what I would do without you’
‘I wouldn’t know what I would do without you either. Soulmates forever, bestie’
‘Soulmates forever’ you repeat after him while you giggle on his chest.
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After getting into JK’s apartment you immediately take off your heels that have been killing your toes one by one tonight while he giggles behind you.
‘Do you want some foot massage, baby?’ he asks sweetly.
‘You would do that for me?’
He nods while softly grabbing your wrist and taking you towards the sofa. After an amazing 10 minutes of foot massage given by Jungkook’s magical hands your attention gets caught into something else.
‘What’s this?’ You curiously sit on the floor and turned an album that you saw in his coffee table over to Jungkook, showing the front of the colored cover to him.
‘It was a gift from a friend in the States, he’s a producer and always sends some of his works to me and the rest of the guys, he likes getting reviews about it’ He reached out to grab it from you, inspecting the setlist on the back. ‘I haven’t really listened to it yet, so I don’t know what it sounds like’
‘Well let’s find out’ You placed your hand on the floor to hoist yourself up, dusting your hand on the edge of your black dress. ‘You should play it’ 
Jungkook nodded while giving you a small grin and slipped out the record from the album cover, removing the paper sleeve to reveal the shine of the black vinyl. He set it down on the platter, hovering the needle arm against the edge, pressing play on the side of the turntable. He closed the dust cover and walked back a few steps, listening to the beginning crackle of the grooves through the speaker.
The record started off with the strum of a guitar, coupled with a soft beat from the hand drums that began to play quietly throughout his living room. The second a man’s voice began to sing through the speakers, Jungkook brought his head up to look at you, eyes flushed with allure. 
You gazed back up into his eyes, noticing the slight glimmer in the corner, reflective of the lights outside the window. For a moment, all you both could do was stare at each other— nothing could interfere surrounding you two, leaving only what was left in the comfortability of one’s gaze.
‘♫ It’s you, it’s always you…If I’m ever gonna fall in love I know it’s gon’ be you ♫’
Jungkook took a step closer to you, gently grasping your fingers, bringing your hand up near his face. With his left hand, he rested it behind your waist — pulling your body closer to his, chests pressed up against each other. While intertwining his fingers with yours, he leaned in near your face, whispering into your ear.
‘Dance with me’ 
You gazed into his eyes again and smiled as you both swayed back and forth, holding on to one other closely. Resting your left hand behind his neck, you caressed his tattoo sleeve, tickling his skin before touching the side of his face. He brushed his right thigh against yours, moving to the beat of the song as your bodies yearned for something more.
As you both slowly danced in the middle of his living room, he took one step forward and dipped your body back, causing you to hold onto his hand tightly. He held you up by placing his hand in between your shoulder blades, making sure you were secured in his arms. Once he pulled you back in, your lips were centimeters away from his as you let out a soft breath, looking deep into his eyes.
He whispered gently, eyelashes fluttering against his cheek. ‘You’re so beautiful’ he said making a thousand butterflies free on your stomach.
Swaying back and forth again, you rested your hand along the back of his neck, letting his forehead touch yours. You ended up following his lead, moving one step at a time as your toes hovered on the cold floor. Regardless of skill, the dancing initiated the growth of intimacy between you two, eagerly longing for the closeness between each step.
He rested his hand down to your waist again, touching your figure through your dress, nerves creeping underneath your skin and down your back. Your legs stepped forward to the beat again while your waist swayed from side to side, gazing deep into his eyes once more. While burying your head into the crook of his neck, you held onto his tight embrace while moving slowly to the beat, bringing your clasped hands closer to the heart. 
‘♫ Met a lot of people, but nobody feels like you… ♫’  
You pressed your forehead against his one last time, completely closing your eyes and leaving yourself vulnerable to his control. Both of your hands moved up to his cheeks, cradling his face in between your grasp. Jungkook caressed down your body, hands aligning at the base of your hips; fingers clutching along the seam of your dress, careful enough not to let himself hurt you.
As the last strum of the guitar faded from the speakers, he leaned in, pressing his lips into yours.
This kiss wasn’t like the last, a spur of the moment — instead, built on the prolonged rising tension, yearned from the start. It was sensual, lips moving in sync; an earned passion of lust with a strong desire for one another, an ignition of fire throughout your souls. With a healing sense of emotional connection, to you both it was something deeper than just beneath the surface of physical attraction.
Slight gasps of air were taken in between the movement of your lips, your mouth parting open for the hot exhales on your skin. Kisses were placed along the side of your jaw, drawing in the pleasure from each touch. You loved every aspect of it, only desiring for more—and Jungkook was willing to give you all of himself under your compliance.
The ruffle of hands trailing on clothing, the crackle of the needle reverbing through the speakers and the storm starting to unravel outside pattering on the window filled the space within the building, a dark and sultry tone overwhelming the mood between you two. Sensual kissing led to hands wandering, feet moving from one room to another. Sooner or later, you were pressed up against the crook of the door leading into his bedroom, his hands and lips never once separating from your body.
The air in his room felt cold on your skin, the warmth of his embrace keeping your body temperate.
Jungkook positioned his hands behind your back and laid you down on his bed, caressing the entire outline of your thighs. He placed another kiss on your lips, hovering himself on top while digging his left elbow on the pillow above your head, rocking his body against yours. Both of your hands remained linked behind his neck, slowly dragging them down his shoulders and onto his chest.
The quiet smacks of his lips down your neck softly rang in your ears before you felt him kiss the edge of your jaw, feeling a warm exhale on your skin that sent a shiver to your spine. With his right hand, Jungkook trailed down your thigh, slipping his fingers underneath the hem of your dress. When he reached for the elastic of your lacy underwear, you gently grabbed his hand.
‘Wait’ you softly spoke, causing him to stop in place. He peered down at you with an apprehensive expression, wondering to himself if he did something wrong. ‘I want you’ you say with a shily tone.
 ’I want you too, baby’ Jungkook immediately responded, no hesitation in between his words.
You look at him with a glisten in your pupils. In a saddened tone, your voice gradually grew quiet. ‘I just don’t want to get hurt again’ 
Jungkook gently grabbed your chin in between his thumb and index finger, lifting your head. When you looked up into his eyes, all you could see was sincerity, something indirectly telling you that he would never treat you like the way you were treated in the past. In that moment, every suspicion you could ever had of him was vindicated, proving to yourself he was truly something else.
‘I would never hurt you, noona’
He lowered his head, placing another kiss upon your lips — sweet and sensual, more so to heal your uncertainties, a remedy to cure your fears. The promise he made felt genuine, something you couldn’t say about other men from before.
He cupped your face with his right hand, the pad of his thumb slowly caressing against your cheek. With his eyelids lowered, another promise escaped his lips. ‘We don’t have to do anything you don’t want. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. All I want to do is to make you feel nothing but pleasure, baby’
‘Actions are louder than words, so show me’ You placed both of your hands back around his neck, brushing your fingers on his tattoo sleeve — his skin was warm, feeling the pulse of his arteries against your touch. A tender smile grew on your lips, indirectly telling him you would be alright. ‘Do whatever you want with me, I’m all yours’
‘Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel pressured to do anything’ Jungkook's voice softened, gently stroking the edge of your forehead. You stared down at his lips, then back up to his eyes, giving him a reassuring smile.
‘It’s okay. I want this, I want you. Fuck me, Kook’ 
Jungkook felt his cock twitching at your demand. Your soft voice asking him to fuck you. It was so hard to control when you talked to him like that.
‘Don’t say my name like that’ he mutters, quietly, but firmly. The look in his eye is serious, filled with promise. ‘Not when I want you so badly’
Your eyes flick to his lips, so soft and pink, in a purposeful movement, and he exhales, sharply. His grip tightens fractionally, and before you could even process it, his lips were pressing against your own. Instantly he sucks your lower lip into his mouth to lathe at it, peppering you with attention and affection, moaning slightly at the taste of you.
‘P-please JK, I want to feel you inside me’
‘Shit. Okay baby, your wishes are my command’
‘Fuck, you taste so good’ he mutters once again against your lips, barely pulling away enough to speak before he’s kissing you, hard and firm.
He took your left hand from his neck, softly kissing the tips of your fingers. ‘Let me know if I’m being too rough’
You nodded before he leaned down to kiss you again and said almost in a whisper to him ‘I kinda like it rough’
‘You’re driving me insane’ he says while his hands are trailing down your neck in order to slip the straps of your dress off your shoulders, pulling your arms through the slits. It fell on either side, letting Jungkook guide you to take the dress off entirely, leaving you in just your black lacy thong. You didn’t wear a bra because this dress didn’t need it, so your breasts were on full display for him. As the fabric dangled at the end of your legs, he stared at your body in awe, admiring every inch of your exposed skin.
‘So fucking perfect. You are gorgeous, Y/N’ he said with a raspy dark tone. The way he said your name made your pussy clench by itself.
As expected, the air in his room felt colder than before; multiple shivers traveling all throughout your body, an uncontrollable reaction to convulse. Yet, Jungkook made sure to keep you warm, running his hands up your chest, caressing both of your breasts along the edge. He lowered his head and kissed at your collarbone, dragging his hands down to grab your waist.
He planted soft kisses up your neck, along your jaw, and finally on your lips again, passionate, and sensual like before, the rising tension of desire slowly building up like a drawn-out fire.
‘You smell so good, noona’ Jungkook whispers, lips grazing your neck as he speaks. The sensation of his lips against you has your body shivering without your permission. He tracks the movement with dark eyes, fixated. ‘Why do you always smell so good?’
Your hands could not find a place to settle; aimlessly running your fingers through his hair and down his back, scratching at the fabric he did not take off yet.
As he pulled his lips away from your mouth, he got almost desperate to feel your touch on his body, so he reached over the back of his black dress shirt and grabbed the hem of his collar, pulling it over his head and off of his body. Jungkook threw it somewhere on the floor, hearing the thud of it fall off the edge of the bed.
Peeking your eyes open, you glanced at his delicious and toned physique; his torso completely exposed to the chilly air. He exerted immense heat, touching the right side of his body — dragging your hand along his defined bicep, feeling every inch of skin on the full tattoo sleeve spanned along his arm.
Jungkook turned to the side reaching for his nightstand and grabbing a condom when he heard your sweet and soft voice again as he faced you again.
‘No, we’re fine if you are. I’m on birth control’ You smiled reassuringly underneath him while he nodded at you with a small grin and his intense gaze followed your hand, tracing your fingers over his muscles, dragging the tip of your nail down his right forearm. ‘Your tattoos are really beautiful’
‘Not as beautiful as you’ He grabbed the side of your jaw and tilted your head to the side, your throat exposed to his devour. While burying his face into the crook of your neck, Jungkook planted another soft kiss, slightly nipping at your skin.
He cradled your face in between his left hand, dragging his fingers down to grasp the base of your throat, pinning your head down into the pillow while he continued to kiss up to your ear. A rush of blood went straight to your brain, feeling your arteries pulsate against his thumb. You gasped abruptly, a sharp inhale at your expense — luckily for him and as he took notice of your previous comment, you liked it a little rough.
He kissed your lips again, this time with a satiating desire for tasting you once again. Another shudder crept down your spine, grabbing onto the back of Jungkook’s hair while he roughly moved his lips down to your collarbone, kissing all the spaces in between on his way down. You softly moaned as he sucked on a thin section of your skin, an aching feeling within your body as his lip piercing dragged in between the crevice of your breasts. 
‘Moan like that for me again, baby’ Jungkook exhaled onto your skin, his fingers gently brushing up against the tips of your nipples.
He suddenly encounters with the third tattoo he only knew you had but had been deprived to see it before. ‘Et lux in tenebris lucet’ he could read. Tracing his fingers on it his raspy voice was heard again.
‘The hidden tattoo, baby. I love it. What does it mean?’
‘It’s Latin. I-In the midst of the darkness – Fuck- the light persists’ you say stuttering in the middle, his touch is intoxicating, you cannot even think.
A growing sensation of pleasure washed over your body, your fingers now messing up the back of his hair as he brought his head down to kiss your right breast, puckering his lips to suck.
‘I love it. It’s perfect. Like every part of you, baby’ he said while continuing sucking your breast.
Another moan escaped your lips as his lip piercing stroked against your sensitive bud, causing your body to feel more than just arousal — curling your toes and scratching at his shoulders, a yearn for his ephemeral intimacy ached in your bones. The tip of his tongue swirled around your nipple, flicking it repeatedly before entirely dragging it along the pad. 
You let out a sharp exhale as Jungkook gently placed it in between his teeth, slowly suckling your nipple with his lips as well — making sure not to hurt you, rolling his jaw from side to side. Tightening your body up from the heightened stimulation, he pinched and massaged the other between the calluses of his fingers, grasping and kneading the edges of your left breast. 
Jungkook released his grip around your neck and trailed another round of kisses down your torso, right in the middle of your chest. The peck of his lips on your stomach intensified the feeling inside of your core, bringing an amplified sensitivity to your body. Every single touch in between made you want to scream, you could feel your heartbeat ringing in your ears.
He crouched down and lifted your legs above his shoulders, bending your knees slightly to spread your legs open. Lowering himself closer, he placed a gentle kiss on the cleft of your pussy before tracing his index finger down. You closed your eyes and released a soft exhale, moaning from his touch. 
‘Someone’s quite excited’ Jungkook teased as he pressed two fingers down, feeling the cloth of your underwear dampen by your own secretions. You chuckled while rolling your eyes to the side, trying to hold in another moan as he brushed his thumb in a circle at the top of your slit. He hooked his fingers against the elastic resting on your hips and slowly pulled it down, your body now fully naked on his bed.
‘Fuck, you’re so wet’ Jungkook spoke softly in admiration, placing both of his hands on either side while pushing down on your inner thighs.
His face disappeared down, feeling his lips caress and kiss your delicious cunt — his tongue pressing against your pussy, slowly flicking the tip on your clit. You arched your back, moaning again to the pleasure of his control. His fingers dug into the flesh of your thighs, feeling the warmth of his mouth from below. Having your body ache for more, you begged him to touch you again.
Jungkook began to flutter his tongue rapidly on your clit, simultaneously sucking repetitively with his lips, encapsulating all of your pleasure in one spot. He devoured any essence trickling down his chin, peering up at you with lust in his eyes. The corner of his mouth lifted up, feeling a warm exhale against your pussy before he closed his eyes again, fixating his focus to solely pleasure your body. 
Your core clenched while your toes curled behind his head, reaching down to grip the back of his hair with your fingers. You opened your mouth, a staggered moan escaping out as Jungkook grazed his tongue on your clit, feeling it collide with the most sensitive part of your body. Unable to properly describe the feeling, your mind went blank.
You pulled the loose strands of his bangs back along his head, revealing the view of his face buried deep into your pussy. Pushing yourself back into the pillow, you stared straight up into the ceiling, breathlessly panting out his name. ‘Fuck, JK—’ 
‘You sound so good moaning my name. I’m gonna make you cum so hard’ Jungkook mumbled beneath you, his voice muffled in between your thighs. ‘Just relax, baby.’
His eyes squinted up, displaying the same lascivious stare as before. A hum vibrated against the back of his throat, feeling the resonance transfer on your body. You kept leaking all over his face, the constant manipulation from his mouth expelling the entirety of your arousal. You tried to restrain most of the moans, feeling your chest tighten up from the way his tongue swirled around your clit, his lips sucking mercilessly around the surrounding areas.
Nobody from before seemed to compare. Jungkook knew exactly how to make one feel cared for, needed, and loved—no less, he knew exactly how to pleasure you correctly. It was an entirely different kind of sexual experience, one that transcended above just physical lust; it was the desire to connect emotionally, the absolute trust in understanding one another.
You barely comprehended a sentence in your mind as you lifted your head up, begging for him to continue pleasuring your body with his mouth. By some means, he understood your incoherent mumbles and obeyed your wishes — yet Jungkook knew exactly what to do in order to enhance your experience tenfold. While keeping his lips and tongue on your clit, he smiled to himself and inserted two fingers into your pussy, entirely guided by the lubrication of your slick.
You let out a sharp exhale as you felt him ease himself in, curling his fingers against the top towards your entrance. At first it was an invading temperature change, but after a while it started to feel comfortable, completely warming up inside of you. He pumped his fingers in slowly yet forceful, making you clench your teeth, releasing an apprehended moan.
Jungkook pulled his mouth away from your pussy and exhaled a low groan, keeping his fingers pumping inside of you. He hovered his body over, bringing his left hand up to the base of your throat again, pinching the sides of your neck with just his middle finger and thumb. So gentle with his grasp, you held onto his wrist with both of your hands, dragging your fingers down his forearm.
‘You like this, huh?’ Jungkook chuckled as you writhed underneath his body, fully submissive under his control. ‘Tell me, do you want more, baby?’
Another whimper escaped your lips, holding in your moans from the repeated thrusts of his fingers. You let out a soft groan as you desperately nodded your head, closing your eyes in the process. With every pump, his knuckles dug into your skin repeatedly, feeling him sink deeper and deeper inside. The sound was lewd and erratic, the squelches from below making you feel embarrassed from how easily pliant and expendable your body was.
You felt him place his tongue back onto your clit—flicking the tip, sucking his lips and grazing his lip piercing against your pussy again. Your mind raced with wavering thoughts; the combined stimulation of his fingers thrusting inside and his tongue swirling constantly to pleasure you drove your body over the edge. Feeling the tension in your core build up, you ached for a release.
You ran your fingers through his hair again, slightly tugging on his soft dark locks. Throwing your head back while opening your mouth, incapable of letting out a moan — you held his head tight in your grip, continuously pulling back his bangs in order to see his face. He was buried deep in between your legs, his mouth, chin, and nose completely wet from your arousal.
Your body was unable to withstand, failing to keep up with the immense amount of pleasure you felt throughout every limb. While resting your hand up your forehead, you closed your eyes, heavily panting from the increase in his pace. Jungkook began to pump his fingers faster, sucking on your clit harder — feeling your body twitch and squirm underneath his direct influence.
You felt exuberant, taking in all the pleasure he was granting so graciously. A wave of ecstasy rushed to your head, causing you to moan out his name once more. ‘Y-yes, oh my god, Kook, I—’
‘Hold it’ Jungkook commanded, a low and guttural murmur erupting from the back of his throat.
You let out a staggered breath while clutching the sheets beneath you, feeling his left-hand loop from under your right leg and grasp over your thigh, fingers digging into your flesh. He knew exactly what he was doing; delaying your release was something he found arousing, already certain of the fact you would comply.
Your legs began to shake uncontrollably from the overstimulation, your chest continually rising from the heave of your breaths. It was almost painful for you to hold it in, begging for him to permit your release. You felt it rising to the top, a tense sensation constricting in one area of your body — hearing only the sound of whimpers echo throughout the room. All Jungkook could do was chuckle, seeing how submissive you were under his control.
He removed his lips and pulled his fingers out from your pussy, only to massage your clit vigorously in a side-to-side motion, triggering your body to finally release. ‘Cum for me, baby’ he ordered.
‘I-I’m gonna- Fuck—!’ You interrupted yourself, screaming in a high-pitched tone thereafter.
Feeling your core explode, a spur of ejaculate leaked out, dribbling all over your legs, the sheets beneath, and Jungkook’s hands. A smirk rested on his lips, watching your face contort to the pleasure of his fingers. Much to your surprise, he continued to eat you out — flicking his tongue back on your clit while slowly lapping up any of the essence remaining.
You stared at the ceiling, your vision becoming blurry and harsh; your chest rising up and down, exasperated from the intensity of your release. Jungkook kissed your inner thighs, dragging his lips and suckling on your skin, brushing his tongue against the slit of your pussy once more, licking through and through for his own satisfaction.
While thousands of thoughts paced throughout your mind, only one stood out clear as day —no one had ever made you cum like that, not even once. You weren’t sure how you were able to do it; much less know you were capable of doing it.
Jungkook helped you discover a part of yourself that was not yet fully aware; allowing himself to explore the very depths of your body, experience something you had not before. It was something you craved more of, the very negation of the experience you lacked, a desire to go through it once again.
He shoved his fingers into your mouth, making you taste the flavor of your own cum. You closed your lips, slowly licked the pads, tasting your slightly dull yet somewhat subjectively sweet secretion. While staring up into Jungkook’s eyes, you grabbed his wrist with both of your hands and brought his fingers deeper into your mouth, letting it sink past your tongue.
He looked down at you speechless and astounded, watching you seductively lick off all of your juices from his fingers. ‘Fuck, you’re so goddamn sexy’
Jungkook pulled his fingers out from your mouth and crouched down to your level, wrapping his hand around your jaw while pinching the sides of your cheeks, giving you another passionate kiss. You felt his tongue enter immediately, grazing the metal of his piercing against your bottom lip; your own tongue pushing through the quiet moans exchanged between you two. He tasted sweet, had you not known already it was the flavor of yourself.
When he pulled away, the warmth of his breath traveled up your face, grazing his lips further along your cheek. In a hushed tone, the rustle of his voice grew deep, another command ringing in your ears.
‘Suck my cock, baby’
It was almost instant; he rolled over on the side, scooting close to the edge of the bed while unbuckling his belt and pants. The minute he kicked them off, he was left in his black boxer briefs, reclining back on the mattress with his hands behind his head. You crouched close on the floor in between his legs, brushing your fingers on the large bulge protruding out, rubbing it gently before pulling down the elastic off his hips.
His dick popped out, sprung and whole. You admired the entirety of it—the large and sturdy size, the emphasized veins on the side and the pale pink head covered in pre-cum. You placed his cock in your hands, pumping it up and down a few times before lowering your head below it, sticking out your tongue to swirl around the tip.
Jungkook winced, placing his hand on your head as you began to shove it deeper into your mouth, moving your head up and down. Your lips curved outwards, slightly tightening the grip of your orifice while he stroked the back of your head, hearing him moan out a shaky exhale. Focusing primarily on the area beneath the head of his cock before it met the shaft, you repeatedly flicked your tongue over and over again on the same spot, earning him to throw his head back.
‘Fuck’ he breathed out, leaning his left hand behind on the mattress, stroking his fingers behind your ear and over the outline of your jaw. ‘God, you’re doing so fucking well’
Jungkook placed his index finger underneath your chin, lifting your head up to see you pleasuring him from down below. He pulled back anything that covered your face, earnestly watching your head move up and down, your lips meeting the base of his cock.
The minute you pulled back towards the head, you grabbed the bottom of his shaft and rotated your wrists with every pump. Trails of saliva began to coat your hand and the entirety of his dick, using it to your advantage to increase the speed of your handling, suctioning the tip a little harder. Jungkook released shallow and staggered breaths above, a needy moan escaping his lips when you deepened his cock into your mouth.
Your tongue caressed the tip of his head again, continually licking the underside of his dick —with this action, Jungkook threw his head back, moaning from the pleasure of your lips. As you pulled his cock out of your mouth, a trail of saliva connecting from the tip of his head to the bottom of your lip caused him to shudder all throughout his body, arousing himself even more than he already was.
You continued to pump the shaft of his cock, using your spit and his pre-cum as a lubricant—rubbing the tip of his head delicately between your thumb and index finger, swaying it in a back-and-forth motion. His dick throbbed against your palm, growing more erect by the motion. Jungkook leaned back and placed his hands behind his head, groaning at the touch of your fingers, earning another breathless moan into the night.
‘Fucking shit—suck it more, you slut’ Your pussy clenching itself once again. He groaned while lifting his upper body up, leaning himself forward to stroke your cheek, holding the base of your jaw in between his fingers. ‘You like being called a slut, don’t you?’
You smiled and stuck your tongue out, staring into his eyes as you brushed the tip of his head against your tastebuds. A soft chuckle escaped your lips, breathing out a hot exhale before kissing his dick. ‘Only if it means I’m your slut.’
Jungkook let out a chuckle of his own, still grabbing the sides of your jaw between his thumb and index finger. He stressed out every syllable, drawing out the effect of the affirmation. ‘Oh yes you are. All mine’
He placed his left hand behind your head, leaning in for a rough kiss on your mouth, biting and dragging down on your bottom lip with prolonged moans forming in the back of his throat. You still had your fingers wrapped around his cock, slowly pumping it up and down with your dominant hand as he stroked the side of your face, bringing you in closer.
He pulled back suddenly, gazing into your eyes with a smug look on his face. While grabbing the back of your head and shoving you down closer to his hips, he wrapped his fingers around yours on the base of his cock, gently slapping the side of your cheek with the tip. ‘Keep sucking it, baby’ 
You obliged willingly, placing it back into your mouth with an intent to continue pleasing. Once again you went through the movements of covering the tip of his dick with your lips, slowly lowering your head down and then back up again, all in one fluid motion. The minute your tongue grazed against the slit of his tip, Jungkook released a staggered moan, one that almost sounded like he was under your control for once.
Stroking the back of your head, he let out a sharp exhale, pressurized air coming straight through his gritted teeth. Jungkook felt like he was going to cum, feeling every single lick, swirl, and stroke of your tongue. Saliva dripped down his cock, all over your hands and the base of his shaft, utterly making it drenched to the brim, warm and sweltered. 
Sweat dripped down his back, his body shaking from your tongue repeatedly flicking the sensitive spot beneath the head of his dick. Nothing but crude and obscene sounds filled the space of his bedroom, coupled with the quiet apprehended moans of the man you were pleasuring. Your knees remained on the floor, the lights from outside shining on the dark silhouette of your head moving back and forth on his cock.
There was a rise in pitch within his moans, Jungkook’s breath suddenly disappearing straight out of his lungs. You could tell he was going to burst, completely unravelling all of himself over into your mouth, the core of his body convulsing against your grip. With the mischievous side of your conscience influencing your judgement, you pulled away from his cock — only to hear him moan out his own version of a low whimper.
He heaved out a sigh, his chest rising up and down with his dark hair slicked back against his head. The corner of his mouth turned down, his eyebrows pinching close together as he shot you an irritated look on his face, grabbing underneath your jaw. ‘Are you teasing me, baby?’
‘I don’t know, am I?’ You continued to slowly but surely pump his dick in between the ring of your thumb and index finger, resting your head on his thigh with a cheeky smile on your lips. 
‘You’re being such a brat’ Jungkook lightly grabbed onto your jaw again, playfully shaking your head side to side.
‘Huh, I thought you said I was your slut’ You mumbled in between his grip, squinting your eyes up at him. A mirthful chuckle erupted out from your mouth, a self-satisfied grin on your face.
‘Shut up’ Jungkook snapped, bringing your face closer to his. ‘Keep that pretty little mouth of yours quiet or I’ll have to punish you for it’
All you could do was shake your head, clicking your tongue against the roof of your mouth. In a mocking response, you mustered out a playful taunt. ‘Mmm, don’t threaten me with a good time’
He slapped lightly your cheek and grabbed onto your jaw, gently placing a quick kiss on your lips again. The sudden impact made your stomach churn and your core clench, feeling yourself become more aroused by the minute. You absolutely loved it seeing him getting rough — and you could not wait any longer for more.
‘We’ll see about that. How about you get on top of me, baby?’
As you got up from the floor, he placed his hands around your waist and guided you to straddle his hips with your thighs, reclining his upper body back on the bed. You placed the base of your palms on his chest, feeling him grab onto your ass. While slightly lifting yourself up, Jungkook wrapped his fingers around the base of his cock, positioning it right underneath the entrance of your pussy.
‘Wait, wait— oh fuck!’ You winced when he pushed himself inside of you, your walls gradually taking in the large shape. At first, you presumed you were able to handle it; yet when he finally inserted himself in, the tip of his cock struck against your cervix, just barely fitting. You breathed out a shaky exhale, feeling all of him finally push inside.
He didn’t even let you adjust to his size first before he placed his hands on your waist, guiding you to rock back and forth. ‘Be a good girl and ride my cock’ he said with a dark tone on his voice you’ve never heard before.
Jungkook looked up with lust in his eyes; his presence dominating every inch of your body, despite being beneath you. While he dug his thumbs into the side of your waist, he pulled your hips forward and then back, forcing you to grind atop him. You placed your left hand around his bicep, tracing the tip of your finger along his tattoos before firmly gripping his shoulder, stabilizing yourself.
He squinted his eyes and brought his right hand up, smacking your ass with a loud slap before reclining both of his arms behind his head. ‘Start moving, baby. This dick isn’t gonna ride itself’
You rolled your eyes, rocking your hips back and forth in the process. While swaying your waist against the rhythm, your ass bounced on his dick repeatedly, earning a low groan from the back of his throat with every grind. He placed his hands on the outline of your body, slowly caressing every inch of your skin as you rolled your hips in a circle, moving in sync with his thrusts. 
You felt a growing ache in your core, stuffed full by the large girth of his cock. You closed your eyes and began to moan while you rocked back and forth, feeling the tip of his cock hit your cervix every time you dropped yourself back down on his hips.
Jungkook caressed your back and placed his hands on the crook of your waist, guiding your body to grind against his. He watched your hips sway back and forth, digging his fingers into the sides of your waist. You moaned at his touch again, placing your hand back on his chest.
‘You’re taking my cock so well like a good girl’ You trembled at his spoken words of praise; your body growing weaker, entirely submissive under his control.
You looked up to the ceiling, watching the reflection of the lights outside brighten the room. Jungkook relaxed himself underneath while you did all the work, taking in the full view of your body as you rode on top of him. Your breast bouncing while you were riding him had to be his favorite view ever.
A complacent smile crept on his lips as he watched the sight of your face contort to the pleasure you felt from his dick, making him throb harder against the walls enclosing in. He bucked his hips up, deepening his cock further into your pussy while you let out an abrupt moan. You closed your eyes, leaning your body over his, your lips just barely touching against his jaw.
‘Beg for it, noona’ Jungkook grabbed the back of your head and pulled you down, inching closer to your face. He slapped your ass again and cupped the bottom of your thigh, causing you to gasp. Menacingly whispering into your ear, he reiterated his command. ‘I want you to beg for me to fuck you’
With a stern voice, you whispered back into his ear. ‘Then make me, big boy’ 
Without any hesitation, Jungkook hooked his foot against your left leg and spun your body around in one swift motion, pinning you down onto the bed again. He kissed you roughly once more, humming a prolonged moan into your mouth while wrapping your throat with his left hand, careful not to block your airway.
He broke the kiss, his left hand still around your throat. With his other hand, he lifted your left thigh over your shoulder and deepened his thrusts further into you — letting out a low groan when you clenched your walls around his cock, driving him further to the edge. It didn’t seem to take much as you wrapped your left leg around his waist and flung your arms around his neck, gasping out a high-pitched whine.
‘O-Oh my god, o-okay—baby, fuck me’ you begged, apprehending your moans with tears forming in the corner of your eyes when you felt the tip of his cock plunge deeper in. ‘I want you to fuck me, p-please fuck me’
‘That’s what I fucking thought’
Within the same moment, Jungkook slammed his hips inside of you again, the sound of his bed frame moving along with every thrust. The silver chain around his neck dangled in front of your face when he looked down at you, sweat dripping down his head, shoulders and back as he panted out your name a few times. He breathed out quick exhales, his chest rising up and down, the pump of his own heartbeat filling the noise in his ears.
You felt his skin slap against yours, the sound perpetually speeding up and growing louder in volume as he fucked you harder and faster. Jungkook was rough with his thrusts, pleasure building on the intensity of the friction. His elbow dug on the pillow above your head, cradling your body beneath his grip, hearing your shallow pants of satisfaction up close in his ear.
He stared at your face, seeing your eyelashes brush against your own cheeks. Your lips parted open to form a circle, still moaning out incoherent words and broken syllables of Jungkook’s name. Both of your hands ran up and down the side of his body, hooking your arms underneath his when you clung onto his shoulders. He bent down, pressing the crook of his hand at the base of your neck, thrusting one more time into your pussy.
‘You’re so fucking tight, noona’ he moaned into your ear, squeezing his hand around your throat.
You felt the rising pressure in your core every time he thrusted into you, digging your nails deeper into his back and his arms, scratching down the ink of his tattoos, making new marks along his skin. The sensation you felt all throughout your body was something you could not describe, your mind going blank as you stared into his eyes one more time. His gaze made you breathless, showing only pure love disguised as lust.
He bit your shoulder, dragging his teeth against your collarbone and back up to your neck, roughly sucking on your supple skin. You felt your core tighten up as he gripped the headboard, rocking his hips deeper into your body. While staring up at his face, you saw the same gaze from before; love disguised as lust.
You felt a burning sensation building up in your lower body, awaiting another wave of euphoric bliss to wash over. Jungkook gripped your waist, slowing down his rhythm before forcefully slamming into your core, shoving his cock further into your pussy. Another abrupt scream in pleasure echoed in the room as he repeated the same thrust, slowing down and then violently driving the tip of his dick to kiss the entrance of your cervix. 
‘JK, please, fuck—!’ You couldn’t even finish your sentence as you leaked out, essence dribbling down your thighs and onto the bed. Rolling your eyes to the back of your skull, choking on your own breath; you were unable to process any of your thoughts after reaching another high, absolutely shocked to the bone while quietly muttering incoherent sounds.
While you looked into his eyes again, he pulled his cock out of you, all covered in your slick. Gently, Jungkook crouched down and planted kisses all over your body — down your neck, shoulders, in between your breasts, stomach and inner thighs — leading all the way to your pussy, spreading open your legs once more. He placed his hands behind your knees, pushing your thighs forward close to your chest.
‘God, you’re messy, baby’ He inched closer, mumbling beneath you once more. ‘Now I have to clean you up’
You felt his warm tongue press up against your clit, swirling it in circular motions. With every stroke, your hands gripped the sheets, digging your fingers within the soft fabric. This man is a sex God. With legs trembling against your upper body, apprehensive and staggered moans escaping out your lips — this was what aroused Jungkook, feeling himself grow harder by the second, watching you receive pleasure from his manipulation. 
He ran the tips of his fingers through the white sheets, searching to interlock hands with yours. The warmth of your palm was his signal, quickly hold you in his grip ever so gently. While lacing your fingers together, you squeezed his hand as tightly as you could, skin sticking to one another. Jungkook linked his other arm under your thigh, keeping your legs still from shaking, his head still down below.
Your heart pumped blood continuously all throughout your body, sweat dripping down your forehead. He stroked his tongue against your clit again, another shudder down your spine from his touch. His only focus was to pleasure you more, emulating the exact same way from earlier. The only goal on his mind — to make you cum as much as possible, and not just for tonight.
Jungkook pulled himself away and exhaled in satisfaction, satiated by the taste of you. He stood up quickly, throwing his head back while running his fingers through his hair, slicking each lock drenched in sweat along his scalp. All you could see was the window wall behind him, his figure now just a darkened silhouette against the outside lights. Forcefully, he hooked his arms around both of your legs and dragged your body across the bed, pulling you closer to the edge.
After he held his cock in his right hand, pumping it up and down his shaft— he positioned himself back at your entrance, thrusting in immediately thereafter. Your eyes shot wide open, a loud gasp echoing in the room from his forceful actions, reaching up to place your hand on his chest. With your legs off the end of the bed, high up in the air; Jungkook placed his hands underneath your knees again, pushing himself deeper inside of you.
He thrashed his body against yours, constantly smacking his hips into your pussy over and over again. This was a different sensation from the last positions; you were able to feel every inch of himself fill you up to the brim, the tip of his cock easily hitting your cervix deep within. Every single thrust going in and out could be felt all throughout your body, a twisting sensation growing in the pit of your stomach. Your eyes rolled back into your skull again, another fucked-out expression residing on your face.
‘I wanna hear those pretty little moans of yours’ Jungkook panted out while holding your legs up, wrapping his fingers around your thighs as he plunged himself deeper into you with every stroke. ‘Don’t go quiet on me now, baby. I wanna hear you scream my name as I fuck you senselessly’
You gritted your teeth, trying your best to apprehend another moan forming at the back of your throat. His cock slid in and out effortlessly; so soft, warm and wet inside, drawing him closer to your body, alluring every temptation he had. He leaned over your figure, raising his arm above your head, digging his elbow back into the mattress while he rocked his hips deeper into you again.
‘Oh my god, Jungkook!’ Another jarring gasp erupted from your mouth as he slammed in once again, creating a sensual rhythmic pattern in his thrusts. Almost everything, yet somehow also nothing raced through your mind, any abstract thought entirely clouded by the physical sensory world.
Jungkook breathed out heavily against your jaw, the sound of his low and guttural moans muffling your hearing while he buried his head into the crook of your neck. With his elbow sunk deep into the sheets, he slapped your cheek before wrapping his fingers around your throat again, slowly digging the tips of his fingers into your skin.
He dragged his hands on either side of you down the sheets, grabbing your waist once again. Jungkook whispered in your ear, his lips pressing up against your helix. ‘Turn around, baby’ 
With one swift move, you switched positions again; burying your face into his pillow, letting it muffle the sounds of your moans as Jungkook raised his hand up to smack you hard on the ass. You jerked forward, collapsing your elbows deep into the sheets while the sting of his touch lingered. He did it once more; this time slapping your other cheek, gripping it hard as he positioned himself to the front of your entrance, ramming into your pussy from behind.
Your moans echoed throughout the room again, feeling his entire cock slip inside of you effortlessly, your hands desperately gripping the bed sheets underneath your body. Jungkook gripped your waist, roughly slamming your ass into his hips repeatedly, feeling you sink down entirely on him.
He expelled a loud hiss through his teeth, a faltered exhale trembling out from his lungs the minute he felt you squeeze around him — the tip of his dick grazing against the tightening of your walls, making him unravel at the seams every time he pushed through.
‘Tell me your pussy is all mine’ Jungkook ordered as he gathered some of your hair into one hand, pulling your head back while forcing you to look up at the ceiling. Your eyes widened as he shoved himself through again, sinking his cock deeper inside of your body, making you gasp out in surprise. ‘If that’s mine, then tell me that’s mine’ 
You shut your eyes, breathing in through your nose while he tightened his grip around your hair, your voice shaken and soft spoken. ‘It’s a-all yours—’
‘Say it again’ He slapped your ass one more time, leaving a sting — commanding you to repeat it. ‘Louder, baby’
‘It’s all yours’ you screamed breathlessly.
‘Good girl’
He continued to pull your head back, forcing you to push your arms up from the bed. While leaning over to bite your shoulder, dragging his teeth and trailing his tongue down your back—he thrusted in hard with one stroke, grinding his hips against your ass. You felt the motion of his cock shove itself in out of your pussy again and again, pushing deeper into your body as you arched your back further down into the sheets.
You craved his touch more as each passing minute went by; sensually touching every inch of your skin, the pain that arose when his teeth sinked into your shoulder, his hands caressing all over your waist and back. Emotions ran high, sensory overstimulation taking the force, the linkage between body and soul. Jungkook slowly slipped his cock out of your pussy and pumped it quickly back in, no prior warning to his thrash.
‘Fuck! Kook!’ Your head leaned back, screaming his name loudly while the sound reverbed throughout the room. Dropping your head back down into the sheets, you closed your eyes and clutched the pillow beneath you, holding onto it tightly while pain and pleasure overrode your body.
‘Tell me baby, do you want more?’ He leaned over and reached for the edge of the headboard with his left hand, slipping his other underneath your body to grasp your left breast, fingers kneading into your skin.
‘Y-yes, please’ you panted out while pressing your hand against the base of the black wooden headboard, your sweaty palm sticking to the surface. The temperature between your bodies increased, exerting plenty of heat into the surrounding chilly air, wisps of exhales trailing out of each other’s mouths. ‘I want more, Jungkook’
‘Then get up and place your back against the wall. Now’
He violently grabbed your waist and flipped you around again, your back dropping down on the edge of the mattress. When he climbed off the bed, loomed over your figure and wrapped his arms around your thighs — you saw his body completely shadowed by the darkness, only the outside lights shining on him from behind. Jungkook dragged you against the sheets, pulling the white fabric along with you, dangled and scattered on the floor.
You desperately clung onto him, flinging your arms around his neck, and burying your face into his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin on your cheek. He walked over across the bedroom with you at a quickened pace, feet maneuvering from the middle of the room to the cold wall, rough and passionate kisses exchanged between lips. Within a second, Jungkook threw your body up against the wall right beside the window and pulled you up grabbing you by your thighs.
The cold temperature of the wall shocked you awake, shivers scattered all throughout your limbs and down your spine, pressed up against your hot and sweltered skin. You could hear the heavy rain still pattering against the outside.
Jungkook thrusted into you, sliding his cock back in again with ease as his hands reached down behind your waist, over your ass, and under your thighs — pushing you further into the wall, carrying your legs by hook of his elbows, pinning both of his hands on either side. You kept your head tucked into the crook of his neck as you felt him shove his cock deeper into your pussy, a growing ache from deep within projecting out from your body.
His lips nipped at your neck, the tip of his tongue licking over your ear, sandwiched between the contrasting warmth of his body and the freezing touch of the wall. Muffled breaths exchanged on skin, a quiet reverb of the music playing in the living room and the downpour of rain on the window filled the space entirely. 
‘Are you enjoying, baby? Huh?’ he pressed his forehead against yours, eyes hooded down while menacingly teasing you, a smirk forming at the base of his lips. A fucked-out expression contorted on your face, slight gasps of air inhaling into your lungs. ‘You’re such a good girl, so fucking sexy’
It was instinctual for you to wrap your legs around his waist, crossing your feet and curling your toes against his back. You pinched your eyebrows and closed your eyes, opening your mouth to moan out his name again and again, the back of your head pressing up on the wall, sweat dripping down your forehead.
‘Tell me how it feels’ Jungkook softly mumbled, exerting an exasperated sigh on your lips. ‘Tell me how you’re feeling, baby’
‘I-It feels s-so fucking good,’ you scrunched your nose, your eyes fully shut as another breathless moan escaped your lips. ‘I feel like I’m going to —’
‘I know. I want you to cum for me again’
He buried his head in your neck again, pressing your back further against the wall. Your body slid up and down as Jungkook fucked you mercilessly, grasping your hands behind his neck, pulling yourself up to kiss his lips. He tasted the same as the fingers he shoved in your mouth earlier in the night, his tongue carelessly stroking against yours, the intense carnal desire igniting within.
Your arms felt weak and your mind exhausted, entirely surprised at his prolonged stamina—he was able to pleasure you immensely and efficiently, only the desire to make you cum all projecting outward in his actions.
Jungkook lowered his head down and bit your shoulder, plummeting himself deeper inside of you as he grabbed onto your hips below, rocking your body against the rhythm of his thrusts. He kept moaning out your name in a hushed tone, his eyes entirely shut, breathing uncontrollably against your neck.
You placed your right hand behind his neck, cradling his head in between your grip with his sweaty hair laced between your fingers. The same growing euphoric sensation overwhelmed your body again, tightening the pressure within as Jungkook pressed his hand against the wall, opening his eyes to stare straight into yours.
As you gazed back, your mouth parted open with a shallow breath, escaping softly through your lips. ‘I’m gonna, I’m gonna—’
Jungkook began to pick up his pace and thrusted faster and faster into you, his cock filling you up to the top with every stroke. The tip of his dick repeatedly grazed against your g-spot effortlessly, never failing to bring you over the edge. 
A crude and ungodly noise erupted deep within your lungs as Jungkook shoved himself further against your body, his cock throbbing continuously inside of you — eternally burying his head between your neck just to suck on the thin and delicate skin between your collarbones. You screamed out in pleasure one more time, your face contorting to the pressure held inside your stomach, the beat of your heart pounding straight out of your chest.
He looked directly into your eyes again, watching his face flush red from overexertion, the tips of his ears growing pink in color while sweat dripped down his forehead. He panted hard into your ear, whispering sweet nothings as the last bit of your orgasm passed through. You placed your left hand on his cheek, breathing deeply.
‘Cum inside of me’ you begged, the volume of your voice disappearing against the constant slaps between flesh, muscle and bone — another hot breath exhaling out from your mouth in satisfaction. Jungkook pressed his forehead against yours, hearing you repeat yourself once more, making him lose his mind. ‘I want you to fill me up, I want to feel it drip out of me, I want you to come all over —’
‘Fuck—!’ Jungkook exasperated his final breath into your ear, his lungs tightening in while his muscles grew tired.
Your eyes shot wide open, feeling a hot spur of cum deposit deep inside of you, your entire body convulsing from overstimulation. Throwing his head back, he groaned in pleasure — screaming out a stressed range of vocal pitches echoing into the night, a frustrating buildup of pressure finally releasing. He planted a few final thrusts deep within your body, some of the liquid already seeping out down your thighs and onto the floor.
Jungkook pulled your body close, letting your arms embrace around his neck as you panted out in exhaustion, blood rushing throughout your entire body, your legs growing weak. You gripped his right bicep, digging your thumb into the ink of his tattoos, his skin damp and sticky under your touch. Only staggered and shallow breaths were exchanged in the cramped space between your bodies, feeling him lean all of his weight onto you, squished against the wall.
Gradually, he pushed himself off you, gently lowering your legs back on the flooring. Your toes touched the ground first, feeling the same sharp contrast of heat exerted off your skin to the painfully cold floor.
His bed wasn’t too far from the wall, letting gravity completely take over while falling down onto his bed, buried in the messy sheets once again. You could hear the crackle of the needle feedback on the edge of the record, the speakers from the living room echoing the sound into his bedroom — noticing the door swung wide open, watching the turntable continue to spin in the distance. 
Jungkook walked over to the bed, slowly crawling over your body again, situating himself in between your legs. While placing his hands under your knees, he lifted your legs up, placing a small kiss beneath, right on top of your clit. Up your torso, his lips slowly planted kisses all over your skin again—another placed in between your breasts, on your collarbone and the crook of your neck—finally, one on your lips. With a smile, he dropped his eyelids, gazing down at your face.
‘All mine’ he said once again.
Your mind still felt hazy from the intensity; closing your eyes again as you tried to comprehend every sensation that ran through your body. Feeling high off your mind, up in the clouds reaching the sky, you watched your chest rise up and down, your heartbeat subsiding. Jungkook wrapped his arms around you, burying his head into your neck like it was the only safe space available. You heard him release an exhausted sigh, dragging the tips of your fingers down the tattoos on his arm.
‘God, that was so fucking perfect’ He mumbled into your skin as you reached up to stroke the back of his head, cradling his body in your arms.
‘We need to do this again’ he says while you both chuckle in unison.
‘You are perfect’ you manage to say softly.
His doe eyes going up meeting with yours, glimmering while he smiles brightly and slides one of his hands to your face and caress it.
‘Would you be my girlfriend?’
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 17, "Dead Uncles and Vegetables", Part 2
Read part 1 and all other episodes in my pinned post. Luke is giving Lorelai the run down on the Life and Death of Uncle Louie, which is terribly un important. Think it's funny that he doesn't tell Lorelai about the existence of his family members until there's a crisis like his uncle croaking. Lorelai didn't know he had a sister or nephew until Jess was practically on his doorstep. Frankly, the life story of Liz Danes is infinitely more fascinating than Dead Louie's. I have to make a small correction: in the previous post, I stated that Teach Me Tonight was the next episode, but there's actually another wonderful, glorious, absolutely pointless filler episode next. That one where Richard helps Rory with a project for the Chilton business fair and Madelyn invents the Amazon Alexa a full 12 years before Amazon does but Rory sidelines her invention because no one at Chilton knows how to build a robot.
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I can't think of a more gruesome place to spend the afterlife. If I happened to die in The Hollow, I would come back and haunt you. I'm gonna haunt you so hard, Lorelai Gilmore. You, Dean. Boom, haunted.
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A little healthy competition for Taylor Doose. Just a warmup before Walmart eventually moves in and flattens both markets.
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Love Miss Patty. Back at the Inn, Michel notices the 9 rooms that Lorelai reserved for Luke but there is no credit card on file to pay for said rooms. What's that sound? Could it be the sound of Lorelai Gilmore’s gross financial irresponsibility? Could it be that Lorelai just gifted Luke 9 free hotel rooms with no way to make that money back for the Inn?
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To bring everyone up to speed on the low stakes drama currently under way: Sookie is planning her wedding, and after a fateful soup tasting, Emily has wormed her way in to the wedding planning. Lorelai is predictably miffed. I fear that a day without a Miffed Lorelai would throw the Earth off it's axis.
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For at least the second time in so many weeks, Lorelai has just up and left work in the middle of the day to help Luke do something and no one tries to stop her, on top of that she is leaving her real job to go work another job filling in for Luke.
Lorelai Gilmore is an HR rep’s nightmare. Meanwhile at the diner: the war for small town economic dominance rages on between Taylor and the gentle farmer's market hippie, while Lorelai works behind the counter and Rory....
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WHHHAAAAA???! First Rory paid for her food, now she's working.... a job??!
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Gross. Kirk just ordered lunch, Lorelai is about to bring Luke a turkey burger, and another customer asked Lorelai if they were still serving breakfast, so are we to assume it’s like, around 11am? And Rory is not in school. My word! She pulled a Jess and skipped school to work! It's even funnier when you think about how Luke is basically nobody to Rory at this point but some dick her mom is quietly chasing and her mother pulls her out of school to wait tables at his restaurant. (before anyone says "maybe it's a weekend", Rory was in her Chilton uniform just moments ago). Taylor, observing Miss Patty across the street at the farmer's market: "Since when does Patty eat so much fruit?" This is the woman who told 15 year old Rory that plums were better than sex.
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Taylor is quaking in his cardigan, he knows deep down that at any moment his power and stranglehold over Stars Hollow could be usurped in a blink. Hippie: My market is so busy I don't have time to take a break and eat a meal. Taylor: A well groomed businessman with a good staff can afford to take a break now and again. Kirk:
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The exquisitely timed, deadpan delivery of this line delighted me #TomatosSign #KirkMayBeATouchNeurodivergent
In other Low Stakes Drama, Lorelai has gone upstairs to bring Luke his lunch. He informs Lorelai that none of his relatives are coming to Dead Louie’s funeral, and they both pretend to be sad about it. Jess is nowhere to be found, so I guess unlike Rory, he’s at school, not jerking off for once.
Luke laments the lame excuses that his no good relatives gave for skipping Dead Louie’s funeral, like “I can’t miss work.”
If only they had the generous “Leave work in the middle of a shift to go help the diner guy” PTO package that the Independence Inn provides to Lorelai.
Luke begins the ol’ “name and shame the family members who have stood me up” and to no one’s fucking surprise Liz is among the funeral skippers who isn’t answering his calls (and at the same time isn’t seizing this opportunity to visit her own son and brother).
Oh Liz Danes you are SO getting haunted.
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Now this just throws more Confusion Dressing onto the Dead Uncles and Vegetables Salad. On top of the "Rory gets pulled out school to chase her mom's Dick Goals", Jess also isn’t at school, and Luke says he’s…playing basketball. Ha ha ha. From the fantastical imagination of one Miss AmyShermanPalladino, who bought us “Dean likes/knows how to read”, comes its thrilling sequel, “Jess plays sports!"
Okay. Okay. Nothing is as creative or fantastically fictional as “Dean being literate”. And that being said, I could see Jess shooting hoops, I guess? Like maybe he spent time at the parks and playgrounds of New York City to blow off a little steam. Maybe it’s not a terribly ridiculous notion.
Anyhow, much like “I was playing football with my friends” ala the big fat lie in Swan Song, Rory just accepts this statement without question and then calls him a "little punk". Why? The hell did he do? First ya'll are mad he's causing "mischief" and now he's found a wholesome activity to keep him occupied and off the mean streets of Stars Hollow and you're still mad.
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That brown shirt looked fucking stellar on him and he had to go and ruin it with a poofy lifejacket. 2000's fashion, man. I love how there is clearly nothing for Jess to do plotwise so they made up this z-plot where Rory keeps getting mad at him for taking time off from work, as if it matters to her, and as if he doesn’t have the most solid work ethic in Stars Hollow and shouldn’t be allowed take a break and play his little basketball game if he wants.
The low stakes drama continues: Jackson shows up at the diner and is not pleased about the intrusion on his wedding…by his fiancée’s coworker’s mother, of all people. I’m sure he had a lot of questions for Sookie about that.
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Poor Jess. I'm sure he tried so hard to hold onto that fleeting moment of bliss today, a brief time when he was free, playing basketball, by himself most likely, skipping school, no one bothering him, then Rory shows up and drags him back to work/home for some reason and then Luke forces him to go to a town meeting, He never even got any time to jerk off. I don't understand why Luke goes to these things. Clearly any time there is a meeting he is there not of his own free will, so what are the terrifying consequences for staying home?
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Here sits a defeated man. Taylor: You're late Lorelai, I banged this meeting in a half hour ago. Lorelai: Ooh, dirty. Miss Patty's reaction:
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Dirty old bat. I love her.
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Das a good question.
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Tell me again why he should care about The Town? Why should anyone care about The Town? Fuck Stars Hollow.
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The many faces of Milo. What a cutiemuffin gumdrop. Ah the famous scene where many claim to see Milo mouthing "I love you" at Alexis across the seats, to me it just looks like he's chewing his lip. The way he is looking at her is incredibly precious and adoring nonetheless. Lord, I think I just popped an ovary. Ow. Camp I Love You, Camp Lip Chewer, I respect you both, now let's just meet in the middle where we can all agree Dean Forrester sucks. To be continued.
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kachikirby · 9 months
GranEssex Chronicles: Chapter 3 - Basic Training
It's been two weeks since Meta officially became a member of the GranEssex. As promised, Kurabe was hard at work training him, though all it has been sword training.
"Before we go all the way with your training, Meta, you need to learn how to fight properly." She told him.
Now she had deemed him ready for "the real training" as she described it. What that entailed, though, Meta wasn't sure. He was honestly nervous. While the sword training went well, he was extremely worried about disappointing his mentor. What if he couldn't live up to her expectations? That thought alone kept him up at night.
"Meta, what's wrong? You've barely touched your breakfast. Should I postpone training?" Kurabe asked, snapping the child out of his thoughts.
"No, I'm alright sensei. I just have a lot on my mind..."
"Nervous about training?"
Meta looked at her in surprise. "How did you-?"
His mentor gave a smile. "Us Star Warriors have the ability to sense the emotions of others."
He continued to blink in shock upon hearing that. He never heard of that before!
"We do? Wait... is that how I can tell when you're happy?"
"Not just happy, but sad or angry as well."
Meta just blinked, not sure how to respond to this.
Kurabe chuckled. "Considering your upbringing, it's not surprising that you never noticed. In fact, I didn't learn about it until I met my mentor."
"How do you do it?" The puff questioned.
"Well, that's the thing. It's not something we can switch on and off, it's always active. Whether we want it to be on or not. However, we can somewhat control it. By focusing on a single target, you can read every emotion they have. Try it on me. Close your eyes and concentrate."
The child nodded in understanding and closed his eyes, forcing himself to concentrate solely on his mentor.
"What do you feel Meta?"
"Are... you happy?"
"That I am."
He tilted his head. "Why?"
"Because today's when your training truly begins. I've been looking forward to this day. Now tell me Meta, why are you so nervous about it?"
The child hesitated to answer.
"Um... well... I'm just worried about what will happen... I don't know..." He spoke as if he was unsure of the answer himself.
Kurabe then placed her hand on Meta's head. "You're worried that you'll disappoint me, aren't you?"
The puff nodded shyly.
"Don't be. All I ask of you is that you do your best. Understand?"
"...I understand, sensei."
"Good. Now please finish your breakfast. Training on an empty stomach is not recommended."
He nodded in comprehension and was about to inhale the rest of it, but stopped the moment he realized what he was doing and remembered his table manners.
After breakfast was finished the duo, joined by Mercury, headed towards the training room. Once there, Kurabe had Meta do some warmup stretches while she prepared the first step of the training process.
"Alright, Meta, we're going to start off simple."
Kurabe pressed on a remote, turning on twenty combat droids, all set to rank A.
"Your goal is to defeat them in under five minutes."
Mercury stood up in concern. "Kurabe, with all due respect, do you really think that's a good idea?"
"I've directly fought him, Mercury. I have a vague idea of what he's capable of." She replied somewhat coldly.
"I'm ready, sensei." Meta said while giving Mercury a look that said, "It's fine.".
The woman quietly nodded in response as she sat back down. Kurabe turned to her student.
The child immediately dashed at the group of machines and took out five in a single slash. Two of them attempted to attack him from behind, but he performed a back flip and struck the machines down upon landing. Next, he barely dodged a missile being fired at him, but was kicked down to the ground by another machine and his sword was kicked away from him.
"Now what will you do, Meta?" Kurabe thought to herself.
Meta got back up and kicked the head off the Droid that kicked him. Then a second missile was fired, but Meta managed to catch it and throw it back at the droid, destroying it. Six of the droids then surrounded him in a circle and shot electricity at him. The child quickly inhaled it all, gaining a crown made of yellow electricity. With a single motion, Meta blew the six droids up and turned his focus on the remaining droids and used all his energy to strike them down with electricity, causing a huge explosion. Once the smoke cleared, he noticed that every Droid was defeated. Wiping a bead of sweat off his face, Meta got rid of his electric crown. Suddenly, he heard clapping, turning to see that it was coming from his mentor.
"Well done, Meta. A minute and forty seconds. You passed the first part."
The child looked back at her, his eyes extremely sharp and focused. "Bring on the next ones."
Kurabe looked at him in amusement and drew her twin swords, Rubis and Grenat.
"Ok, pick up your sword, Meta."
The child nodded in silent understanding and picked up his sword once more. Kurabe was upon him instantly, a killing intent radiating off her body. The sheer amount of it scared the student. No... "scare" would be an understatement. He was horrified. Kurabe swung with Rubis, and Meta blocked it. However, the sheer force of her swing caused the floor beneath them to crack and small wound to open on his head. The child attempted to strike, but it was easily blocked, and his left cheek was stabbed. Meta's eyes widened even further upon noticing this wound. He was truly fearing for his life right now.
"Meta, throw it away..." Kurabe uttered cryptically, going back on the attack.
The child frantically dodged it while trying to figure out what she could possibly mean.
"Throw it away? Throw what away? My sword? Is she telling me to throw away my life!? But I don't want to die! I have to live!"
He attacked back, only to be stabbed by both of her swords. Meta struggled to get back up and went to attack, but froze in fear when Kurabe raised her blades once again.
"I can't... I just can't!" He thought.
"You have to let go." His mentor uttered coldly.
"But let go of what!? I can't give up on life! Wait, what if that's not what she means?"
Meta thought back to his previous battle and the emotions he had. Or rather... the emotion he didn't have... fear. Indeed, the child had never experienced fear before, until now.
"But my fear is what's keeping me alive, right? No, it's just prolonging it. I can't live if I don't fight back!"
Kurabe swung down Grenat, and Meta closed his eyes, but not out of fear. He raised his sword and blocked the strike. It hurt like hell, but it gave him the opening he needed. He trusted his blade forward and landed a direct blow on Kurabe. The warrior stared at the sword, then at Meta and then, gave a big smile.
"Good job, Meta."
While still in a bit of pain, the child smiled back.
"I probably don't need to explain it, but I'll go over the purpose of this lesson. Fear is a powerful emotion. At times, it steers us away from danger. Experiencing fear isn't entirely a bad thing. That said, fear can also be a hindrance. It can make you perform actions you normally wouldn't and can jeopardize a mission or even worse. It's important to fight through the fear, to let go of it and focus solely on victory. This is especially true on the battlefield. There, it's do or die. Do you understand, Meta?"
"I understand, sensei." He nodded firmly.
The warrior gave a chuckle as she patted him on the head.
"Now, first, let's get you patched up. Then we'll move onto the next step."
The child tilted his head in curiosity. "What's the next step?"
"A good warrior needs good equipment. I'll be teaching you how to make weaponry and armor, as well as how to maintain them. If you go into battle with subpar equipment, you're basically begging to get killed."
"Huh? You can do that on this ship, too?!"
The boy was surprised. He hadn't heard of that during his tour!
"That's correct. It's near the engine room."
"The engine room? Mercury, why didn't you show me that room during the tour?"
"Limets and horrible heat don't mix well..." was the simple reply.
"Ah, right. You'd melt." Kurabe uttered, as if it was an afterthought.
"You'd die!?"
"Not exactly... it'd just melt the liquid metal covering over my core..."
"Why do you have a place that's so dangerous on this ship!?" Meta questioned, alarmed at the idea.
Kurabe and Mercury simply laughed.
"We need the engine to power the ship. Without it we can't do anything." The woman explained.
"Oh..." The child's cheeks turned a dark red as he uttered that shyly.
Kurabe cleared her throat to gain his student's attention. "Now, come, Meta. Those wounds aren't fatal, but you still need to be patched up."
"Y-yes, sensei!" He uttered as he followed her out the door.
After taking care of Meta's wounds duo traveled down to a large room situated to where the engine room is. Mercury stayed behind to set up the next task.
"Alright, say hello to our smithy. This is where we create and repair all of our weaponry."
"It's so hoooot..." The child uttered with a sweat as his mentor gave him a pair of goggles and gloves.
Honestly, he was used to the occasional and stiflingly hot weather on Opasnost, but it never got this horrible.
"You'll have to get used it. Not only will you be coming often, but there's also plenty of planets with temperatures hotter than this. Think of it as training."
He nodded in response. "So, you said we're going to make me armor and a weapon?"
"That's right. We'll start with something simple to get you used to how it works. Pay attention to everything I do."
Kurabe walked over to container in the room and pulled out some iron and a hammer. She then dipped the iron into a furnace.
"First step, get whatever material you are using extremely hot. This makes it easier to shape."
After having the iron in the furnace for a few minutes, she removed it, revealing a red-hot piece of iron.
"Once that's done, we go over to the anvil." She placed the iron down and began to strike it with her hammer.
"Now is the important part. We use the hammer to shape the iron. Now it's important to find a good balance. Hammer it too quickly and you'll break it. Hammer it too slowly and it can harden before you want it to. My tip is to hum while doing this step. Find a rhythm, keep that rhythm as you work. Follow that tip and you'll be fine."
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Her student nodded in understanding. As she began to hammer the iron, the child thought of another question as he listened to his mentor work. It was specifically the fact that she seemed to sometimes quietly sing as she hammered.
"Sensei, do you like to sing?"
"I do, though I don't sing that often. I usually sing when I'm alone. When I was younger, singing would help me calm down."
"You sound like you're good at it..."
"Thank you, Meta. Now then..."
Kurabe finished hammering and walked over to a container filled with water. She put the sword into the container, waited a few seconds and pulled it out. Then she grabbed a tool that looked like a saw blade.
"Now that it's cooled down, we'll use this to smooth out any edges."
The child nodded in understanding.
"Um... sensei, did you make your swords as well?" He questioned, remembering how beautiful they looked.
"Rubis and Grenat? Yes, I did. It's a bit of a long story, but I suppose I can tell you. It starts with me being sent on a mission to a planet known for rare materials and more importantly, mystics. After completing my mission, I decided to look around the planet where I heard a story of two of the strongest materials known in galaxy was being guarded in a temple. Intrigued, I decided to search for it. I thought that I could perhaps use those materials for something..."
"Are your swords really that strong?"
"That they are. Though it was a struggle to obtain the materials. They were guarded by a powerful spirit. It was the spirit of a warrior from thousands of years ago. I had to prove my strength in order to obtain them. It was easily the second hardest battle I ever had."
"What was the hardest battle you've had?" Her student asked in curiosity.
"That's an easy question. The battle I had against my mentor, who is also the current leader of The Organization. In other words, he's the man who I, and now you, work for. That fight lasted for what felt like forever. I had to use every technique that I had and even had to create brand new techniques just to gain a small advantage. We were both in the ER for two months afterwards." She said while laughing.
The child stared at her in amazement. "The leader? He must be super powerful then! Will I ever get to meet him?"
"You will one day. I wouldn't be surprised if he came for a surprise visit sometime soon. He seemed interested in you." She replied, giving a chuckle as she took a moment to examine the piece of metal before returning to work.
"Really?! Wait, who won the fight? Was it a draw?"
"I won."
"Wooow! That's so cool! But... why were you fighting each other?"
"It was for my final test. My mentor wanted to ensure that his student who will live past him and carry on his teachings. He is a Star Warrior like you and me, so he has lived for a long time. So, we battled, and I came out victorious, but barely."
"Then if you won, why aren't you the leader of The Organization? Shouldn't the strongest one be the one at the top?"
"Well... let's just say it's quite stressful to be the general..."
"But shouldn't life or death missions be more stressful?" Meta asked, clearly not understanding what could be so bad about such a position.
"You'd think that, but it's more complicated than you think. As the leader of the entire organization, he has certain responsibilities. This includes overseeing everything that goes on in The Organization as well as the entire universe. Not only that, but also peace talks, negotiations, deciding who to help and who to go after. Eventually, I will have to take over his position, but until then, I'd rather go on life-or-death missions than deal with politics."
The child was silent, as if to process what he heard, and then nodded before going back to watching her work.
After a few minutes, Kurabe was finally done.
"Ok, Meta, do you think you can handle this on your own?"
He seemed to become a bit nervous upon hearing that.
"Um... I think I could..."
His mentor nodded as she handed him a hammer and metal tongs.
"You are to stay in this room until you successfully make one sword. It doesn't need to be perfect, just usable. I'll check in on you in one hour. Good luck, Meta."
With that, she left, leaving a nervous, but determined Meta by himself. She then met up with her second in command once again.
"So, Mercury, is it all set up?"
Her subordinate gave a nod.
"The circle is ready, just have to wait for the kid." The woman then gave a concerned expression.
"Are you sure it'll be fine leaving him alone in that room? What if he overheats?"
Kurabe shook her head.
"This is his training, Mercury. He's learning how to create weapons and is also building a resistance to the heat. If he overheats, I'll use ice magic on him." She replied nonchalantly.
"Well, if you're that positive, Kurabe..." Mercury uttered, still clearly having reservations about it.
"I am. Besides, it's a good prelude for when I decide to start the superspicy curry-only diet."
"Ugh... you're seriously going to make him do that?"
"Not today, no."
An hour passed, and Meta was feeling very lightheaded. Ironically despite being such a horrible planet to live on, his old home never got hot. At least nowhere near as hot as this room was.
"Finally... I think I'm done..." Meta uttered, breathing heavily.
After several attempts, he finally made a sword that didn't look fragile.
"Now... just to wait for sensei to come back..."
He laid on the floor in an attempt to cool off, but it wasn't working.
"Word of advice, Meta, don't lay down on a hot floor. That usually gives you the opposite of what you want."
The child looked towards the door to see Kurabe.
"Sensei! ...why are there three of you?"
She only chuckled and gave him a bottle of water.
"Focus on rehydrating for now. Let me take a look at your results." She said as she examined the sword he had created.
"Hmm. Let's see..."
Using her magic, she created a block of ice and struck at it. The blade went through it effortlessly.
"Bit on the heavier side, but I consider this a success. Congratulations, Meta."
"Th-thank you, sensei..." Her student replied, still exhausted.
His mentor removed the gloves and goggles for the child.
"Come on, let's get you out of here. You'll have a thirty-minute break to regain your energy."
"What are we going to do next, sensei?"
It seemed that he knew there was more to today's training session.
"We're going to awaken your mana. All living beings have mana, which is used to cast magic, enhance physical capabilities and more. Though mana is not something that can be instantly triggered. It needs to be awakened first."
"How do you do that?"
"There's various methods, but I find the most effective is being out under intense stress."
"Is... that from personal experience? And why haven't I awoken it before?" He seemed to pout at that.
"Because you haven't been actively trying to awaken it. Since you had no knowledge of mana, it makes sense that you wouldn't have."
As much as Meta was concerned about what this process would entail, he decided to focus on resting instead.
After the short period of rest was finished, Meta was ready for whatever came next.
"Alright, Meta, follow me. This will be the last exercise of the day." Kurabe told her student.
"Let's do it then." He uttered in determination.
They walked back to the training room where he saw Mercury standing next to a circle made of magic.
"Get in, kid." The woman said.
The child immediately obeyed. "So, when do we start?"
Mercury snapped her fingers and a barrier surrounded Meta. That wasn't the main concern, though. He then felt himself being zapped by electricity. It took all his willpower to not scream in pain.
"A-are they... trying to... kill me!?"
That was the first thought that went through his mind.
"Meta, relax and focus. Close your eyes and search deep within yourself to find the mana inside you." Kurabe explained in an unusually calm tone.
"How will I know when I find it!?"
"Trust me, you will. Oh, and every 30 seconds, the electricity will increase in voltage." Kurabe said, in an almost nonchalant tone.
"Of course not." His mentor replied in the same tone as before. "Remember our first lesson, Meta. Throw it away."
That was easy for her to say! He had just learned about that today! Did she really expect him to be able to do that so easily!?
"And before you ask, this was the exact same way I awakened my mana. I was just as inexperienced as you are right now." Kurabe said.
"Did she just read my mind!?"
"Yes, I did read your mind. Remember, us Star Warriors can feel each other's emotions."
The child only responded with a glare of cold silence.
A full minute passed, and Meta was struggling to stand.
"Please, awaken already...!" He uttered.
Suddenly, a purplish glow began to surround him.
The warrior just smiled.
Meta blinked in surprise. "What's happening to me!?"
"It's your mana. Now focus and let it all out!"
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Focus, huh? The sooner he could escape and punch this old hag in the face. With as slight grin, he began to concentrate, his breathing beginning to slow down.
"Focus... focus..."
Inside his mind, he envisioned the source of his mana. It took the form of a storm cloud. He reached out and grabbed it. His eyes shot open and with a mighty shout, he sent out a shockwave of mana, destroying the barrier and causing Mercury to stagger away from the circle before slamming into the nearby wall. Meta then dashed at Kurabe, only for her to punch him, sending him to the floor.
"I understand your anger, but your body just experienced a large amount of pain. If it weren't for the adrenaline boost, you wouldn't be able to move. Also..."
Her eyes hardened and, from the child's perspective, it became hard to breathe.
"Never call me an old hag, Meta. Do I make myself clear?"
There was an overwhelming feeling of danger in her tone as her red eyes glared visibly at him through her eye visor. The puff only weakly nodded. Kurabe's expression changed completely.
"Good. Now, wait here. I'll be back with dinner. Mercury, would you mind healing him?"
"Right away, captain." The woman nodded as she stood up quickly.
"Thank you, and Meta. Close your eyes and focus on your mana. Try having it flow throughout your body. The sooner you get accustomed to how it feels, the sooner we can train you in how to use it." She said in a gentle tone that was a harsh contrast to the way she spoke earlier.
It was honestly strange to Meta how this lady could be harsh and cold one minute then kind and sweet the next. Seemingly understanding the confused look on his face, Mercury simply replied with a look that said, "You'll get used to it" as she started to work on healing him.
After several minutes, Meta's injuries were healed. He as continuing to focus on sending the mana through his body. He took a brief look at Mercury, who was also waiting for his mentor to return.
"Does sensei always push her students this hard?" He suddenly asked.
"Yes." Her response was blunt.
He only stared at her in silence.
"I'll be honest with you, Meta. The galaxy...no, the entire universe is filled with danger. The reason why she's pushing you so hard is because she wants you to survive out there."
"But I've survived on that horrible planet for as long as I remember..."
"Has that planet ever been attacked by a creature that could destroy it in the blink of an eye?"
The child fell silent. The woman then put a hand on his shoulder.
"Listen, kid, Kurabe cares about you a lot. If she didn't, she wouldn't be making you that chicken parmesan that you liked right now."
His eyes seemed to light up for a moment. "Really?! Is that what she's making?!"
"Don't tell her I said that, though. She wanted it to be a surprise, so you better act surprised."
"I... I see..." The child uttered.
However, Meta then began to feel guilty about his earlier behavior. Why would she go out of her way to make something like that even after how he was acting!?
"Like I said, she cares about you a lot."
The child blinked at her in surprise. "C-can you read emotions, too?"
"No, but I can read your expression. You lashed out in anger, that much is true. Do you know who also tended to do that in their youth?"
"You mean... sensei did, too?" He asked.
"Bingo. She said it herself, your anger was understandable. She knew you would react that way. So don't beat yourself up over it. You'll be living here for a long time, so you have plenty of time to make it up to her."
The child nodded upon hearing that.
This called her attention.
"Is... that what love is?" He uttered, slightly blushing.
"Perhaps. That's something you'll need to figure out for yourself, though. I'm sure you'll find the answer even if it takes years for it to come."
The child pouted in response.
"Then, how should I start making it up to her?"
"Start by apologizing. Though she'll probably just say "there's nothing to be sorry about"." She replied, transforming into Kurabe while saying the last part.
"Mercury, you seem to know a lot about sensei. How long have you known her for?"
"We first met when I first became a member of The Organization. That was... geez, like... seventy years ago? Something like that. I don't really keep track of that stuff."
"Limets live for a long time. Our lifespan is even similar to that of Star Warriors." She replied without reacting to the child's own reaction.
After recovering from the shock, the child spoke up yet again.
"So... um..."
"Trust me, as you get older, you'll learn to not care about being old. Unless you end up like Kurabe." She said playfully.
"No... uh... how did you meet?"
"Oh, that? We met each other on a battlefield. This was before she was a member of the Big Four. Anyway, the squad we were part of was completely wiped out...except for us. Together, we fought against an army of five hundred soldiers. After that, we became friends."
The child stared in amazement. "You both fought against five hundred soldiers!? That's sooo cool!"
"And if you keep up your training, you'll be able to do the same."
"I really want to!"
"Sounds like someone's eager." The one who said that was Kurabe, who had just returned.
"Um... sensei? I-I'm sorry... for being mean to you earlier..." Meta uttered suddenly.
"There's nothing to be sorry about, Meta." Kurabe said with a smile as Mercury mentally laughed at them.
"Anyway, here's your dinner. Make sure to eat all of it." She said, handing him a plate of chicken parmesan.
Even though he knew it was coming, he couldn't help but be excited, his eyes sparkling at the sight of it.
"Thank you, sensei!"
"You're welcome, Meta. Now, remember your manners."
"Ok!" As the child began to eat, he thought of another question. "Um... sensei? What will we be doing tomorrow?"
"Well, now that you have unlocked your mana, we'll start training you to use it in combat as well as trying out Copy Abilities. All Star Warriors have the ability to copy, but as we get older and more skilled, we can use Copy Abilities without needing to copy. We'll find out what Copy Abilities you prefer, though it's fair to assume Sword is the one you want to focus on."
"Uh-huh!" He nodded enthusiastically.
Then he thought of something else.
"What abilities did you master, sensei?"
She gave a slight chuckle. "I think you know at least two."
"Sword and Ice, but what else?"
Suddenly, Meta and his plate started floating in midair.
"What's happening!?"
After gently lowering him to the ground, she created a tiny stone golem.
"Whoa. Do you really think I can become as skilled as you, sensei? I'm not really sure if I can..."
His mentor gave a smile as she pulsed a bit of lighting into the golem.
"It depends on how much effort you put into it yourself. However, I have confidence that if you continue to train and practice, you absolutely could."
Meta smiled, but Kurabe could tell he was still unsure.
"You know, Meta, I was like you when I started. I was inexperienced, confused about the universe around me, and I was unsure of my abilities. I started training as a nervous wreck and there were plenty of obstacles I needed to overcome. Thankfully, I had my mentor to help me, and you have me to help you. You are capable of great things, Meta. You just need to believe in yourself."
"Believe in... myself...?"
The child repeated those words in his head. While he still had his doubts, he felt determined to keep going.
"I'll do my best, sensei."
"I know you will." Kurabe smiled as she patted him on the head.
After a few minutes, Meta had finished eating.
"All done, sensei..." He said while yawning, the exhaustion of the day catching up to him.
"Well, I guess it's time for you to sleep. Do you need help returning to your room?"
"No... I think I can handle-" Meta uttered before falling asleep mid-sentence.
Kurabe gave a chuckle as she picked him up in her arms.
"I'll take that as a "yes"."
She then placed her hand on the child's head, using a little bit of magic on him.
"What are you doing?" Mercury asked as she noticed this.
"A little spell to give him sweet dreams while he sleeps. I've... occasionally heard him screaming in the middle of the night..."
"I see... I can stay up to watch over him if you wish."
"There's no need for that, Mercury." She replied with a smile.
The woman nodded before taking a closer look at the sleeping young puff, who twitched a bit involuntarily.
"Do you know what he's dreaming about?"
"That, I don't. I can only give him a dream, but I have no control over it. No... that's up to him. If anything, I hope that it's a happy one." The warrior said as they entered the child's room.
She placed him into bed and pulled the blanket over him.
"Good night, my little knight. Sleep well and... I'm sorry if I pushed you too hard." Kurabe whispered with another pat on his head.
She then turned towards the door and began to leave.
"Nothing... to be sorry about..." The child mumbled in his sleep.
Hearing that, Kurabe looked back towards him and gave a small smile before closing the door.
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gwen-tolios · 8 months
Etched in Brass
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The shop bells chimed and Jackson looked up from the counter where he’d been polishing machine parts. The woman wore simple pieces that were neat and clean, but a few seasons old. He frowned as he watched her look at the instruments in the window and display cases on the walls. If she could afford any of them, Jackson would eat a boot.
“Hello, sir.”
Jackson placed down the gear and straightened. He rarely got called sir, he was just a shop assistant as his uncle loved to remind him, but he fully planned on taking control of the perceived status of being an experienced occultist.
“Morning, ma’am. How can I assist you?”
“I heard you sell devices that can protect a person or place?”
“Indeed we do.”
She clasped her hands together. Her gloves lacked lace. Still, if Uncle Jonathan knew he didn’t give a customer proper respect, he’d be yelled at.
“What type of protection do you need?”
“I’m cursed and would like it removed.”
Jackson raised an eyebrow. “Can I have more detail?”
“I’m a private vocal instructor, and teach several young ladies in town. However, many of them are getting sick and I believe me, or rather my curse, is the reason why.”
“Ma’am, there are many reasons why someone may get sick-"
“Every single one of my pupils? Ten young ladies across the city?  Whose ailment tends to rapidly decrease in my company?”
Jackson sighed. This was the problem of your family having an occult shop – everyone believed the supernatural was the reason for their troubles. But his uncle had built a reputation – every problem heard. For his uncle to truly teach Jackson how to be an occultist, not just run the shop, he had to uphold the same standards.
Listen. Offer a solution.
Maybe, make a sale. With no guarantee it would work. They couldn’t know the rules every spirit operated by after all!
“I’ll call for tea,” Jackson said, gesturing to a small table in the corner. It’d allow him to watch for other patrons while listening to the tutor's troubles but provided a more proper location to have a conversation than a counter filled with grease, dirty rags, and cuts of metal.
The music tutor was Ms. Emily Farthington, and the more she spoke the more Jackson realized she might truly be cursed. Every young lady she taught developed the same symptoms, and the illness hadn’t spread to the household. More damning, further exposure to Ms. Farthington seemed to increase it's severity.
First, it was a sore throat, which made an appearance halfway through the lesson. The girl would be recovered by the next lesson, only for the singer’s hoarseness to reappear during vocal warmups. The ailment had started to linger for the days between lessons, leading to difficulty breathing, coughs. One student had collapsed as Ms. Farthington knocked on the door to announce her presence.
“One family fired me,” Ms. Farthington said, staring at her empty tea mug. “They feared something about me was making their daughter sick. My perfume, perhaps. Another family informed me that the girl went from struggling to breathe to riding within a week. They then told me that by releasing me from their services, they hoped their daughter could make similar progress."
She stared up at Jackson, tears in her lashes. "I lost my seventh client this morning. If I’m to retain my lodgings, I can’t lose my other three.”
“You feel no illness yourself?” Jackson asked. He racked his mind for which of his uncle's devices might help, but most were preventative. They established wards before a possession or haunting happened.
“What about in the past?”
“Oh, I’ve had my share of bad days.”
“Anything like what your students have experienced?”
“I,” she reached for her neck.
“Ms. Farthington?”
“When I was younger, my sister and I came down with a similar illness. The difficulty speaking, then the coughs, having a hard time getting air. The doctor said something had gotten into our lungs. We were sick for over a month, and she succumbed to it.” As she spoke, she rubbed her hand over a spot on her chest.
Jackson watched the movement. It was too close to her neck to be in remembered pain. A charm, thin enough to not cause a bulge? “What are you worrying with?”
Ms. Farthington startled, blushing as she realized what she was doing. “Oh. My sister was a magpie. She would discover small, shiny objects on the street or shop floors and bring them home. When we were sick, she used a brass disk as a worry talisman. It was one of the few treasures our mother found and gave her. I paid a jeweler to etch her likeness and turn the disk into a necklace years ago.”
“Can I see it?”
“I’m afraid there’s rather a few layers between my fingers and the clasp.” She said stiffly.
He coughed into his hands and scrambled to recover. “Right. Well, I believe that disk may have something to do with your curse. I’d like to run an experiment. Can you bring it back later today?”
She rubbed at the same spot, before nodding. “If you think it’ll help. I can’t afford to lose more students.”
“I do.”
“I’ll come by shortly before you close, if amendable. I’d rather this curse lifted sooner than later.”
Jackson twirled the disk in the dim candlelight. Ms. Farthington had given it to him only after he promised not to damage it. He’d also promised to only hold it a single night, the tutor was very attached to the memento of her sister, which meant there was no chance to ask his uncle’s advice.
He rolled the chain in his fingers, watching the disk move. The etching on one side was well done, immortalizing a girl of ten. Her resemblance to Ms. Farthington was similar enough Jackson wondered if they were twins. There were occult connections between twins. Not always, but often. Was the spirit pushing back the veil and gripping the throats of young singers, cursing her sister’s students?
What would she have against the other girls?
He spun the disk in the other direction and watched the candlelight flash off the one-inch circle. It’d been lovingly taken care of, the brass polished to a high sheen.
Uncle Jonathan used bronze frequently; one could tell a lot about spirits based on how the metal took on a polished look.
Brass had few uses, mainly defensive. There were several devices in the shop, full of pendulums and searching rods, that emitted a wave designed to keep spirits away. Brass knuckles were able to knock a possessing spirit out of a man. And in the cellar, the dark chamber where his uncle kept those ghosts and ghouls he had trapped, were pieces of polished brass in locked wooden boxes.
Jackson watched the disk twist. Was the piece of brass a defensive tool or a trap for Ms. Farthington's sister? Now that it wasn't around Ms. Farthington's neck, his test was live. Pity it put Ms. Farthington at risk.
Jackson didn’t have his uncle’s ability with the supernatural, but he was very good at business.
When Ms. Farthington failed to show the next morning to claim her memento, Jackson closed up the shop to pay her a visit. She lent a room at a popular boarding house, so it was no matter to hail a carriage and tell the driver where to go.
Jackson had expected two results of his test – either Ms. Farthington would get sick or not. As it turned out, she’d gotten sick quickly. The mistress running the house hesitated to let Jackson see her, but when he mentioned he believed Ms. Farthington cursed and had the means to help, the mistress instructed a maid to take him to the appropriate room.
Watching Ms. Farthington struggle with the same illness her students had caught, he came to two conclusions. One, the disk had not been serving as a trap for the dead sister rather but as protection for Ms. Farthington. Two, the spirit causing problems was going after Ms. Farthington specifically.
Jackson wasn’t a full-fledged occultist. His uncle grudgingly taught him, and he’d never tried understanding a spirit by himself. However, he had witnessed the process multiple times, and the maid peering from the corner had no way of knowing it was his first spiritual diagnosis. With that in mind, he took a deep breath and stepped toward the bed, ignoring the faint smell of sweat.
Jackson pulled out and unwrapped three small bronze instruments, arranging them around Ms. Farthington’s pillow. His uncle had a knack for reading them in seconds, half science, half intuition. Jackson took longer but got answers he was confident in.
The spirit was family. It wanted revenge. The desire had been present for a while, possibly linked to the deceased sister. There was no other reason the memento was strong enough to reflect the curse for so long.
Jackson turned to the maid. “Did someone in Ms. Farthington’s family pass recently?”
She nodded. “Her mother, six months ago.”
“Must not have had a good relationship,” Jackson muttered.
He padded his pockets, wincing. There was a reason his uncle had a bag of supplies ready to go instead of grabbing items before leaving the shop. Jackson hadn’t brought the tools needed to talk to a spirit or any of the blessed items required for banishment.
All he found was a lighter, some tobacco, and the brass disk. He’d have to trap Ms. Farthington’s mother within the visage of her daughter.
Jackson looked around for an oil tray, but the boarding house had traded lamps for electric lights. Instead, he used a tea saucer and the back of a hand mirror as ashtrays, placing them on separate sides of the room. Some herbs produced a smoke that clung to spirits, allowing them to be seen. Tobacco wasn't ideal, but it would suffice. He lit the leaves, lamenting the loss of a good smoke.
Jackson had only seen his uncle trap a spirit a few times. Usually, Jonathan sent a spirit to the world beyond or talked it into leaving – both far easier. He asked the maid to leave, for her protection of course, and felt relieved when she nodded.
If he failed, no one would know and he could blame Ms. Farthington’s death on being there too late. He should have been called early that morning.
Cursing his inability to plan, Jackson hastily went through Ms. Farthington’s vanity. He found a brass hat pin, which would do. Now to herd the spirit into the disk.
Jackson watched the smoke swirl, looking for a spot where it stuck and didn’t flow with the air currents. An ash cluster appeared hovering over Ms. Farthington’s head. Slowly he stepped toward it, brass disk on his outstretched palm. As soon as the disk was under the ash-dusted form, Jackson brought the hat pin down from above as if he were performing an overhand clap.
“Drat,” he said, meeting resistance. He’d managed to condense the spirit, trapping it between the hat pin and disk. Jackson struggled to push the pin down, pressing against the air three inches above his palm.
On a whim, Jackson flipped the charm so the portrait of Ms. Farthington’s sister faced up. The spirit screeched. Jackson strongarmed the spirit into the brass, slamming the hat pin's shaft onto the disk.
At the supernaturally loud ding, Ms. Farthington opened her eyes and gasped.
Jackson quickly arranged his hair and collar before attempting to spread out the smoke.
“You were right, Ms. Farthington.” Jackson picked up the instruments near her head one by one. “You were cursed by your mother. I imagine she was upset your childhood illness took you instead of your sister, and saw a chance to remediate that. You’ll live, and your students are healed. I’ll be taking your etching of your sister though, I had to trap your mother in it.”
Ms. Farthington blinked at him. Jackson tugged on his lapels. “The shop will send you a bill for services.”
He rushed out to the sound of the maid exclaiming in awe at Ms. Farthington’s quick recovery.
Jackson rubbed the brass disk in his pocket. He’d have to show his uncle he was an occultist in his own right, not just an apprentice to mind the shop and polish the inventory.
This story is my part of my Roll for Plot series, where I write a story each month based on dice roles. While I'll always share them on Tumblr, you can read then a week early if you subscribe to my Ko-Fi.
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