#clueless vaggie
goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Puppy Fight: Chaggie ft. Emily
Puppy Love part 3 / Jazzercise part 2
Charlie: (hyping herself up and shadow boxing as she walks into the new hotel gym) Alright! I got this! I've been working on my cardio. Just a few more sessions before- *SCREEEEEEEEEECH!!!!*
Vaggie: (wearing even shorter spandex shorts than last time, wrist wraps, and her sports bra, grunting as she works through a set of Muscle Ups, body absolutely slick with sweat) Eighteen!!!..... Gah, fuck! .......Nineteen!!!
Emily: (hair tied up in a messy bun, powder blue, long sleeve, skin tight exercise shirt, and navy blue shorts that cut off just below her glutes) Come on, Vaggie! You got this! One more!
Vaggie: (takes a deep breath, scowls as she grits her teeth, and nearly roars as she muscles her way up and over the bar into a full extension) Twenty!!!
Emily: (jumps and squeals excitedly) Woohoo! You did it! (makes another check on a whiteboard) That's three rounds of twenty muscle ups, fifty mountain climbers, and 100 jump-ropes!
Vaggie: (drops to the floor with a sigh, wipes her face with her black sweat rag, and takes a drink of water) Thanks for helping me push through, Emily. I was kind of surprised you even showed up. Charlie didn't have another group exercise planned for a couple more days when the next meeting with Heaven came up.
Emily: (staring bashfully at Vaggie's muscles) Oh! Well, you know! I figured it would be good to come down early! You know. Catch up with Charlie. (eyes scour over Vaggie's abs and shoulders) See the sights.
Vaggie: (suddenly feeling a little naked) Riiiiiiiiight.... Well, I'm gonna go hit the showers. Thanks again for the help. (quickly jogs towards the door and stops as she sees Charlie) Hey, Babe! I didn't know you were going to be working out today. You should have said something. I would have waited for you. (shifts her eye back at Emily)
Emily: (awkwardly looks around to make sure she isn't being watched before she sneakily takes the sweat rag Vaggie left behind)
Vaggie: (whispering back to Charlie with a slight blush and a wink) We could have shared a shower after.
Charlie: (heart throbs painfully) Dammit! How did I not think of that before now?!
Vaggie: (chuckles before kissing Charlie lightly on the cheek) Another time. I'll be sure to save you some hot water. Love you. (slips through the door and jogs up to their room)
Charlie: Love you too~ (eyes dart to Emily as soon as the door closes and she zips over to the pull up bars with a smile painfully plastered on her face) Hi, Emily!
Emily: Yipe! (jumps and hides Vaggie's rag behind her back) Oh! H-Hi, Charlie! H-How are you?
Charlie: I'm good. I'm good. (obviously not good as her tail slithers along the floor behind her like a snake ready to strike) I wasn't expecting to see you for a few days.
Emily: Oh! Yeah, well, l-like I told Vaggie. I figured I'd come down a little early so we could catch up!
Charlie: (sickly sweet tone) Well, what better way to catch up and build a bond than by exercising together?! (wraps an arm around Emily's shoulder tightly and leads her over to the treadmills) How about it, Emily? I'm sure you guys up in Heaven exercise all the time!
Emily: (balks) Actually, Charlie, I'm suddenly not feeling the greatest. I think I got teleportation sickness.
Charlie: Then a light jog should help you get that good airflow that you need. (pushes Emily on a treadmill and takes the one right next to her before turning them both on and ramping up the incline and speed to 5/10 and 6/10) This should be a good warmup, right?
Emily: eeep!
Charlie: (sitting and soaking her dead legs in an ice bath with a whine-growl)
Vaggie: (brings in a protein shake and hands it to Charlie) And what did we learn?
Charlie: (growling and baring her teeth like an angry puppy as she takes the shake) To mark every last inch of your skin the week Emily arrives. (all sad and sappy) She's still my friend! (back to snarling as she takes a sip of her drink) But she needs to remember that you're MINE!!!
Vaggie: (blushing) ......Did I completely miss something?
-In one of the guest rooms-
Emily: (whimpering as she soaks her noodle legs in a hot bath) Owie.... (stares at the sweat rag on the bathroom sink) ......*sigh* Worth it. I'll have to apologize to Charlie later. I think she liked those rainbow sprinkles back in Heaven.
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thereifling · 7 months
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Hazbin Hotel human au
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hazelfoureyes · 7 months
Have you ever thought about the idea of a Clueless ace reader x ace alastor trying to figure out what all the fuss is about? Couple different ways it could go obviously but I feel like it would be a perfect comedy smut
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Thank you for this meal. Okay I know this is LOOSELY based on your prompt, please forgive me. Can I add in that they be a little tipsy?
After a few drinks, you and Alastor do your usual teasing and mimicking of the others dramatic displays of physical affection. But, unusually, Alastor seems to be really invested in the joke tonight…
Warnings/promises: light smut (fingering), wrong kind of haha, sconces, bad Angel accent, Under 1500 words
maybe the tag list? Works list: @ xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx
Alastor list: @celestial-vomit , @amurtan
Fuck Joke Around and Find Out
The evening started with drinks among the group gathered at the bar. Everyone talking, sipping, leaning into each other to be heard better. Vaggie’s fingers playing with Charlie’s, Angel inching closer and closer to Husk until he was quite literally on top of him, to Husk’s obvious embarrassment. At some point, Angel took Husker’s hand, the two slinking down the hallway. Soon after, Vaggie not-so-discreetly followed a bouncing Charlie to their top floor home.
After realizing the couples snuck off, you turned to Alastor and asked, already smiling, “Oh I guess it’s our turn?”
Your giggling slipped into mutual cackles, his brows rose and he asked, “Your room or mine?”
You threw your leg over Alastor’s lap and straddled him, mustering your best Angel Dust accent, “Pssst rooms are for squares, baby.”
Normally, especially when having a little to drink, the physical barrier between each other was thin and easily toppled. An unspoken understanding had formed some time ago, allowing you both to relax a little more than usual when in close proximity. He still attempted his touchy intrusions to fluster and bother people, but he knew that didn’t work quite as effectively on you.
“Squares? Oh, not us.” A smirk, his head somewhat dramatically shaking a reinforced ‘no’, making his bobbed hair sway left and right.
When you start a pitifully-motivated grinding against him, losing balance and tipping backward, Alastor’s large hands come to the dip of your hips and still you. A laughed, accent-less, “Thanks, trying to do it like he did,” fell sloppily from your mouth, your hands going to his shoulders for extra security. Your head bent down, stifling another nervous giggle from spilling out. “I think this is exactly how Angel had Husk pinned. Not a convincin’ portrayal, pookie?” Your accent was shit, but he smiled all the same. His ears were pressed down and to the side, resting a little more against his skull than usual, something that seemed to happen often when he had a couple glasses. It looked more relaxed than his normal way of wearing them, but you never asked him about it.
Alastor’s finger tipped your chin upward, pulling you in for a kiss against his grin. When you huffed, fighting the awkward laugh, he swiped his tongue over your lips and slid into your mouth. A hum, as you relaxed into it. What a long joke this is, you think somewhere a little up and to the left of your liquor softened mind.
When alone together, you’d occasionally play around. Just mimicking what ridiculous things the other sinners had done recently, laughing and moving on to general gossip and conversation. Maybe the alcohol was dragging out the bit.
His hands pulled you forward, your little hip movements actually making contact with his crotch now. You hear yourself moan into his mouth before you even realize you’d made the noise.
Thinking becoming a little fuzzy, you pull back from him, “Oops. Sorry. Got carried away.”
“No need to apologize. What’s a little joking around between pals?”
You nod before a surprised shriek is forced out of you, Alastor pulling your hips down and starting to sincerely grind against you.
“I didn’t expect you to remember all the moves, Alastor.” Your hand came to your mouth trying to still the tremble of your lips as you spoke. Other hand now gripping his shoulder to stay upright. You’d never have played around with any one else but him like this. Too much confusion to deal with after. But, Alastor’s “playing” was so convincing. You weren’t minding it, to your surprise, but you weren’t sure you understood the source material as well he did.
His head fell back with a roar, “Being an infrequent lover doesn’t mean I am a bad one.”
Oh. Was the blush on your face noticeable in the dingy light of the parlor? You had never heard him say that word before. His hips were still moving, but the laughing stopped. It wasn’t unpleasant, in fact you found yourself sinking a little more, letting your weight settle fully. It earned you a sloppy half-smile from him. “That would make them experts, compared to us,” You motioned your head in the general direction of the stairs.
“You think so?”, he leaned up to kiss you, you leaned back a little, causing his lips to miss yours. A quick annoyed glare passed over his face before slipping back into a neutral stare, “Are you in the mood for a good joke tonight, dear? I wouldn’t be opposed to making you”, he grazed his nose against yours, “laugh.”
You let him capture your mouth with his, a surprisingly more intense kiss, before pulling away again when you caught another moan rising up, “I don’t mind a good laugh, now and then.” Did you-you say that or Angel-you?
The sofa cushions were pressing into your back before you could process what had happened. Alastor’s body was resting between your legs, which were spread open around him. His lips didn’t leave yours, one of his hands cradling your neck to trap you between him and his hungry mouth. The other was undoing the button of your pants and sliding under the band of your underwear.
His back was arched, his considerable height forcing him to bend over you if he wanted to continue the kiss, which he apparently did. Now on your back, you wiggled under him, awkward and uncertain what role you played anymore.
When his fingers slipped past your bottom lips and the mound of his hand ground into your clit, you pulled away from him and both hands shot to your mouth. You were aware you were in a public space but you couldn’t see anything past the sofa. Everything beyond him and the tattered chaise lounge was shadowy and lacking contrast. Even then, your heart was pounding.
When did the playing around shift? Was this—- did he think this was funny? His smile was strong against your neck still, but maybe not?
You splayed your fingers out to better hide yourself, embarrassed at how your hips rolled into his palm. Looking past your hands, you could see him staring down at you now, wide shoulders hiding you from the light of the sconces above. He had the same look as always in his eyes, nothing out of place. Cooly, he asked without actually wanting an answer, “Do you think this is what they’re doing now? Or is everyone already…”
A finger slipped down and into you, your legs clenching around his hips. You heard him sigh, before a second finger began to push in. Your hips lifted off the sofa and angled into his hand, welcoming the way he was pressing down and into you.
Oh, yeah, no.
A pent up moan tumbled past your lips when his fingers crooked up and pressed into the soft bundle of nerves just inside your entrance.
“What a curious laugh you have, my dear. Are my jokes that good?” He buried his face into the crook of your neck again when a voice stopped him from leaving the little marks he had been set on.
“I thought jokes were supposed to be funny. When is the funny part going to happen?”
Alastor’s ears were pin-straight into the air, hair stiff and sharp, as his face slowly turned to the side to see Niffty sitting at the bar.
”Oh, was I suppose to leave when everyone else did?” His hand slipped out of you and then in turn, your pants.
“No, Niffty, dear. That’s quite alright.”, Ears faced back and down, eyes half lidded and smile clearly forced, “We were just— playing around.”
“Really? Cuz it kinda looked like you guys were gonna fuck.” She hopped off the bar stool and scurried down the hall, “Please don’t dirty the sofa, sir.” echoing behind her.
You patted his shoulder, lifting yourself up on your elbows, “Can I be Husk next?”
I wrote this while washing dishes— the dishes aren’t very clean but neither am I
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vendetta-ari · 7 months
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So, I was wondering if you could come up with some head cannons on what would cause the winged characters' (i.e. Lucifer, Lute, Adam, Valentino) wings to suddenly unfurl?
Heyy this ask was a lotta fun and I hope you enjoyy! I also added Vaggie to this bc she has wings too- either way, hope you like it anon!!
(Word count = 1255)
WARNINGS!! [probably our of character for vaggie, I've never written her before, SUGGESTIVE PARTS WITH VALENTINO, LUCIFER AND ADAMS, kinda angsty and cringe??
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》She can usually control her wings just fine, they don't usually unfurl without warning and they always stay hidden
》However, when she's upset they usually fly out
》 during an argument with her, she started getting all quiet before lashing out and yelling at you, her wings flying out
》Such beautiful wings too, a shame it had to happen at a time like this.
》She realized what she had just done and felt awful, a gut wrenching awful. she got misty eyes before tell you she needed to be alone for a bit
》 after a few hours Vaggie came running back to you, embracing you into her arms and hugging and holding you tightly
》her wings wrapped around you before she let out a bunch of incoherent sobs
》 “I-i'm so sorry I'm sososo sor-ry sorry- i-i really didn't mean to I jus- I just … I'm so sorry..” she was really broken up about it.. it was a big argument after all, so it made sense.
》 You sighed, taking her into her arms, and dragging her to the couch, accepting her apologies and telling her “It's okay, it wasn't anyone's fault. tensions were just high and- it's okay just let it all out m’kay? dear?” you said, your voice was shaky
》You'd be lying if you said Vaggie's crying didn't affect you, you tried hiding your tears, trying to be strong for her before a few tears slipped and you both laid on the couch.
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~ Like vaggie, he has good control of his wings and rarely use them
~However, his wings are a lot more sensitive.
~ his only real weak spot actually, that's why he usually just keeps them tucked away
~ poor you though, you didn't know, it's not really your fault for being so clueless.
~You were just done filming, and you stayed after. you and val were good friends and weren't ever really on bad terms so you always chilled with him after scenes and certain sets
~When you looked behind him his wings caught your eye, you almost forgot he was a moth and had wings, so you were pretty intrigued. 
~Oh but how curiosity killed the cat. walking up behind him you brushed his wings and ran your hands up and down them
~He shivered, turning around quickly to see you messing around with his wings. he was pissed, hes fucking killed bitches for pulling such bullshit stunts like this.
~But he didn't really wanna kill you, at least not yet, he chuckled as an evil smirk spread across his face. “Were these what you wanted to see mi vida?”
~His wings spread out, largely, they were probably double your size, you looked at them with awe before Val grabbed you by the wrist “Now. you should know not to ever touch these again. but since your so fucking dumb, I'll just have to show you a lesson hm?”
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*Lute, unlike the other two usually always has her wings out
*She likes showing em off, she thinks they're pretty
*And well, she's not wrong they are some of the most beautiful wings you've ever seen
*but the thing is, she always has them out. like to let them stretch and what's the point of hiding them? Shows how she's an angel, exterminator, and a bad bitch.
*So a better question really is, what makes Lute hide her wings? since she always has them out when and why does she put them away? two reasons.
*Well first answer is pretty simple, when she's in front of someone greater and higher than her role she'll put them away for the time being. It's just proper manners after all. Plus if she had her wings out in front of someone higher, they'd realize how much better she and her wings are, and let's not make others insecure now Lute.
*The other reason is a bit more complicated 
*When lute is feeling sad or down, shell curl up her wings behind her and wrap her arms around her knees and just curl up into a ball
*You found her like this once, and god were you so confused- you tried asking her what was wrong but to no avail, she barely gave you a response let alone an answer to your question 
*You sighed, assuming she just didn't really wanna talk about it. so you sat down next to her and rested your head on her shoulder, grabbed her hand and smiled “I'm here for you Lute.” you spoke softly. and you swear you caught a glimpse of lute blushing and smiling, but who knows- she denies it every time anyway.
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☆ Lucifer is 50/50.
☆While he usually has his wings kept tucked away behind him, he's no opposed to having them out, he doesn't really care
☆Whether his wings unfurl or not is usually random too, he doesn't even notice when they're out half the time too.
☆He'll usually use them to get things high up or travel from place to place, only for convenience purposes 
☆He doesn't like looking at his wings though, he's insecure about them, being a constant reminder of what he's been through, the poor fallen angel.
☆He has good control over them, they don't ever “accidentally” unfurl out when he gets mad or anything like that. he uses them only when he needs to
☆But you? oh no you're different. it's almost like their your wings with the way you have such control over them
☆By just a light touch the fluff up and out, they're usually unkempt by the way Lucifer doesn't like his wings too much, but you'll always fix up his wings for him, preening and brushing them for him
☆They will always fly out on cue when you two both end up on his bed after a long day, making out and leaving hickeys all over him
☆Fuck him infront of the mirror with his wings out
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-Adam is a lot like lute, where he'll have his wing our all the time, except it's even less likely for him to ever hide them
-For being the first man he is kinda unkempt though. 
-you always have to preen him and take care if his wings for him, keeping up his handsome and pretty wings
-If it weren't for you this idiot would just be walking around with messy and gross unkempt wings.
-He should really be thanking you though, he makes preening him so goddamn difficult 
-He always squirms and moves around, and he keeps his wing close to you, barely letting you touch them let alone preen them
-Adam hates when people touch his wings. he won't let anyone do it, your the exception however 
-and even being the exception he will be so stubborn with letting you touch them despite the countless times you've both done this, he will always be stubborn and difficult and he will never fully sit still and let you help him.
-He growls as you touch his wings, folding them around himself making it harder for you. as you groan in annoyance he reluctantly moves them a hit, making things easier for you “Just be fuckin careful bitch..” he mutters under his breath.
-Unlike Lucifer though, Adam will surprisingly try to hide his wings during sex. As said before he doesn't like people touching his wings so there's no real point for them to be out like that, he will fail though, and when he cums they spread out for a bit, before the post but clarity hits and he hides then once again, you can never win.
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-xoxo Ari
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flicklikesstuff · 8 months
Idk if anyone else has noticed this but no one brought it up so…..
Remember how Viv said that Husk refuses to embrace his demon form and thus, doesn’t use his wings often for flight?
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And yeah, we never see Husk fly at all prior to Ep 8. In Ep 3, we see him sneak away from the battle exercise, despite the fact that if Vaggie really did throw him, he could’ve easily just flown and skipped it. But he didn’t. And at least we know why.
(Hence, I just have this headcanon that Husk just secretly never knew how to properly fly ever since he first arrived.
Because he felt like he didn’t need to. He had his powers and can handle himself. He used to be a powerful Overlord. And even now, he’s currently under Alastor’s ‘protection.’ Basically, just never really found a reason to learn it, couldn’t be bothered, and simply just because….He doesn’t wanna.)
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But then the threat of the extermination came and everything he grew to care about was at risk. And what does he do?
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He flies.
For the hotel. For his friends.
He even went to see if his bf Angel’s alright. What a sweetie :))
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Since Husk presumably doesn’t do flying a lot usually, it makes sense his back would hurt so much from the excessive strain his wings had to do all of a sudden. He’s not used to this much of flying. Heck, even his poor wings completely drooped to the floor!
He literally gave his back out for his friends- :((
This is going to delve a little bit into headcanon territory from this point onwards. You don’t have to read down if you’re not interested. ⬇️
So Personal Headcanon:
I like to think that in Ep 7, while Vaggie is away with Carmilla and Charlie with Alastor, the other 4 were up to their own shenanigans off screen.
I honestly thought their friendship didn’t get to develop as much as I wanted it to. Especially the interactions with Sir Pentious and Niffty weren’t a lot. The series just established them as close friends and expects us to just take it as word but didn’t really show it much. Maybe Pentious’ death would hit harder if we actually saw him get closer to the others rather than being made fun of all the time.
Anyways, back to the HC, these 4 bonded some more while boarding the place. (Awww, all without being told by Charlie).
And since they knew they’re going to be up against FLYING angels, Angel commented that Husk’s wings can be put to good use for once, rather than just being displayed.
Husk was insecure and got defensive at first, eventually sheepishly admitting he doesn’t know how to use them. Slightly opening up how he hates his current form. While Angel and Pentious were confused at first, they both didn’t make fun of it any further. (Because yay! Development! Charlie would be proud.)
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Husk warms up a little and claims that “Fine, he’ll try for the hotel’s sake but this is a one time thing…blah blah blah.”
Cue Pentious using and teaching his ‘expertise’ on flight from his machines. Angel smirking every time a clueless Pentious discusses the forces of “Lift, Drag, Weight and…ahem. Thrust.” Meanwhile, Husk attempts to ignore Angel but fails to resist smirking back at times. (Because I know Huskerdust fans love collecting crumbs) And later on, Niffty insisting she wants to be the one to push Husk off the balcony for practice.
Which, she does. On Angel’s count of 3. But she pushes him before Angel could even begin counting. Pentious debating and suggesting whether it’s better for the trial to do it ON 3, BEFORE 3, or start from 1. Regardless, Niffty messes each trial up. And Husk is just regretting everything in this nightmare his 3 friends call “training.” This is just one of their many shenanigans btw.
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Eventually though, Husk did get the hang of it….somewhat. He could glide, take off and hover. But couldn’t really stay up long or fly high because his muscles and stamina for flight are terrible since he doesn’t do it often. Thus, why Husk stays very close to the ground during the final battle and only flies short distances. But the 4 considered it good enough.
(Angel made a joke on the “lack of stamina,” and got thrown in the face by a bottle. But yeah, all of them had some fun to a degree and became more emotionally bonded. All before Charlie and Vaggie came back with backup. Woohoo!
Hopefully they won’t see a particular snake die in front of their eyes-)
If any of y’all want to make a fic of this concept, be my guest. The only condition is that you share me the link :))
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noemilivv · 7 months
HIYA HIYA!!! this is the super energetic bro that u matched with velvette, qnd I was curioussss to requesttttt smthhh (also maybe if u want to easier identify me I could be ✨️anon??)
Ok! SO! ~Imagine~ maybeee that angel has a person he is romantically interested in (reader)
And so reader is ~severely introverted~ and thus, not much is know about them. But! Charlie is leading a art group one day, for like, rehab bc art therapy is super big, and reader is really good at it, and basically drops lore that they where in college to be an art therapist‼️
And so‼️
Maybe angel, seeing this opportunity to get closer, and was like- "ayo want me to model 4 u??👀👀" and reader is like " pls wear clothes this isn't gunna be nude modeling bc I will get super embarrassed" and so basically soft fluff of reader painting angel and getting to know each other and confession
Mayybbee a oneshot?? If ur willing! Nor pressure
Also make sure to take time to urself and rest and eat water and drink food!!!
Lots of love from a silly Lil fan!! :))
hello dear!! ofc you can be ✨ anon, you’re already on my list haha, as i’ve stated in the past, im not amazing at oneshots, but here’s my take on this !
Warnings: Mentions of Nudity, Lazily written (sorryyyy), Pretty short
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“Smooth Talker”
Angel Dust x Artist!Reader
After one of Charlie’s…interesting exercises, Vaggie suggests that the group should do therapy art, since y’know, it calms the soul. And Charlie couldn’t be more eager to do so!
The lobby was set up with canvases, paints, brushes, everything you could need!
Unlike most of Charlie’s previous activities, almost everyone was willing to participate, although Husk and Alastor kinda stood off to the side and watched.
Charlie was painting a cartoon version of Razzle and Dazzle, Vaggie was painting a sunset based off of the lesbian flag, Pentious was painting him in his war machine taking over Hell, and Niffty? Eh.. You don’t wanna know..
You on the other hand? Stood in front of your canvas, clueless, “Y’know, I could model for you..” Angel says into your ear.
Your head turned to face him “Sure.” You say nonchalantly before turning back to your canvas.
“Wait really?-”
“Just please keep your clothes on.”
Eventually you had moved your stuff over to the other side of the lobby so Angel could pose on the couch.
He had a soft smirk, as he layed on the couch, his arm propping up his face. Although, he began to get fidgety, messing with his fluff.
“Stop moving.” You said with a soft smile.
Angel kept messing his fluff. “Ange!”
“Gee, sorry!” He said, chuckling, moving his arm back to its original position.
“So uh, how’d you get into all this?” Angel asked as the sketching of your pencil went to a stop and you began actually painting it. “College, back when I was alive I wanted to be an art therapist.” You explained.
“Fitting.” He murmured. For the most part, it was silent, a comforting silence though, the presence of each other was oddly soothing.
“Okay.” You muttered, squiggling your signature down at the bottom of the canvas quickly, “I’m done.” You announce to him, turning the canvas around to show him.
Angel perks up immediately, amazed by your skill, he slowly gets up off the couch to get a closer look. “Damn…” He said, his voice above a whisper, “Can I… Can I keep it?” He asked, hopeful that you might say yes, “Duh.” You giggled.
“For once the smooth talker is shocked, that’s new.” You say with a smirk. “And for once the introvert is talking back, that’s new.” Angel replies, but the usual attitude in his voice isn’t there, his voice is barely above a whisper as his eyes are still entranced with the painting.
You take the painting off the stand and hand it to Angel. You look over to a nearby window notice the sun is setting, despite the red sky still being as clear as day, “It’s getting late, I’m gonna head up to my room.” You say. “Yeah… Me too.”
As you and Angel are both walking to your rooms, you don’t say much, until a voice pipes up, “Y’know, I really owe ya for the painting.” Angel says, still looking at it, “Owe me what?” You ask, as you both arrive at your door.
“A date, maybe.” Angel says, pecking your forehead, “Stop by my room at eight tomorrow, if your interested~”
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gothmikasagf · 7 months
Project matchmaker
Pairings: Lucifer x gn!reader, huskerdust
Warnings: reader is bored, bad choices, Lucifer is clueless and just wants to make Charlie happy, very bad choices, some swearing, crack fic, don't take this too seriously, reader is a dumbass, no smut. You might experience second-hand embarassement, sorry not sorry.
Summary: Valentine's day is approaching and reader is bored and wants to play matchmaker with Angel Dust and Husker. Lucifer is accidentally roped into it because he wants to make a good impression on Charlie. Chaos ensues.
Word count: 3.5k
Notes: I apologize for everything in advance. English is not my first language. Let's pretend Lucifer is actually over Lilith for the sake of the fic. Very, very nervous to post this but here we go.
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Residing at the Hazbin Hotel wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. It was actually pretty difficult to find free rent and good company in hell, so even if you weren't sure about the whole redeeming thing, you weren't bothered in the slightest.
You spent the majority of your days going along with Charlie's exercises and gossiping with Angel Dust whenever he was free. You thought of yourself as pretty lucky compared to the average sinner in hell, so you weren't really complaining.
Still, there was something missing, some other form of entertainment, a dynamic that would switch up daily life a little and make it less boring. And after the weekly movie night on Voxflix that's when it hit you.
Since Valentine's day was getting closer, you and Angel decided to watch a cheesy rom-com, one of those that makes you sigh and squeal even if you don't believe in that type of love outside of the screen. You were just wondering about who the main couple reminded you of with flirty banter and hidden stares when suddenly the best idea ever-kind of-came to you!
"You okay over there, toots?" Angel had looked over to you worriedly.
"Never been better!" you smiled at him and redirected your attention to the movie, a plan forming in your mind.
You weren't even sure if Valentine's day was still a thing in hell, but if it wasn't, you were going to bring it back.
What you didn't know, though, was that the very own king of hell was gonna be accidentally roped into your schemes. And that you would end up developing an embarrassing crush on him.
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Two days after your (not so) brilliant idea, you were in front of Charlie's room, asking for an audience.
You were ready to oversell your cause if necessary, but you knew Charlie had a good heart, and the fact that this idea might be beneficial for the hotel gave you high hopes.
You told her how it would have been wonderful if you could decorate the hotel's lobby for Valentine's day because everyone deserves a little bit of love, especially in hell! And throwing a small party would surely attract some new sinners.
At the end it didn't take much convincing. Charlie was very happy to have the opportunity to lure more people into trying to redeem themselves, and Vaggie wasn't too opposed either, as long as it was kept civil.
And that's how you found yourself in this predicament.
"I think pink would be the best suited for it." You said to none other than the king of hell. He was hunched over a gigantic banner that read "Valentine's day" followed by various hearts, and his face was scrunched into a deep, concentrated face.
After your successful meeting with Charlie, you thought either she or Alastor would have been the ones helping you with the task of decorating the hotel, you didn't know how wrong you were. Alastor didn't want anything to do with the project, pretending to be fully immersed in who knows what he was able to come up with on the spot. And you guessed that's when the big boss of hell himself came into the picture; having heard of Alastor's failure, he immediately jumped in to try and make himself look better in Charlie's eyes, even if it meant having to work with a lowly sinner like you.
He wasn't as annoyed by your presence as you were expecting, even if you were kind of bossing him around to get everything perfect. You would have the time to regret this later, right now you couldn't afford to not have the right atmosphere for what you were planning.
He nodded in approval and magically switched the color from red to pink, leaving some red hearts to create a better effect.
This wasn't your first time meeting the king of hell, you were right there when he and Alastor started fighting over who was the best father figure to Charlie. Although you didn't get to talk much that time or the one after that, as he was busy kicking Adam's ass. You were amazed by his powers, as any sinner like you would, and you found him to be quite a peculiar person. So you were quite happy, and also a bit intimidated, to spend this time alone with him.
"Now it's perfect" you said, finally happy with the final result. You started to think of a way to put it up effectively without having to use the hotel's old and rusty ladder when he unfurled his wings and easily put it in place.
They were so majestic and you had never seen such a shade of pure white, it wasn't really common in hell. You wondered how he kept them so pristine after all those years.
"Are we done now?" He asked while landing gracefully on the ground.
You looked around the lobby and smiled proudly at yourself. The bar was adorned with pink and white garlands, and cute and small red hearts spread here and there. From the ceiling, some pink and white paper flowers you and Angel Dust made were hanging beautifully, and the banner just tied them all together.
"We're just missing a little something." You said, not looking at him in the eyes. This was going to be the real protagonist of the event, and convincing him was going to be crucial.
He raised an eyebrow and looked at you expectantly. "We just need some mistletoe right there" you pointed at a secluded corner near the bar, where surely you'd manage to rope Angel and Husker close enough so that they at least would have to address the heart eyes they sent each other all the time. They weren't being as subtle as they thought.
"Mistletoe?" Lucifer crossed his arms and looked at you, confused.
"Yeah, you know the one that people usually have to kiss under. I think it makes a lot more sense for Valentine's day than Christmas, if I have to be honest."
"That's-" he tried to say, but you interrupted him because you really needed it for the plan to continue.
"I know, I know, but I spoke to Charlie and we reached an agreement." you really hoped that mentioning Charlie's approval was going to be enough for him to do it. You also hoped he wouldn't actually ask her because you did not have her approval for it. You were playing dirty, but you couldn't just surrender halfway through victory.
The man in front of you sighed, but he did it, you secretly thanked your lucky stars and tried to act as less suspiciously as possible.
You were getting good at this. Maybe you should really start considering a career in matchmaking.
"What does the king of hell think?" You asked while admiring your work. Maybe he didn't exactly like you or find your company suitable for his tastes, but you still thought you did a pretty good job together.
"I think it's still missing something" he said, looking around. He had discarded the jacket and hat half an hour ago, and you were just noticing he looked really good without them.
You were so wrapped up in your little plan that you didn't even take a good look at him. And maybe it should have stayed that way because he was Charlie's father, and oh, when did the room start to become so hot?
"Maybe a duck or two" he whispered to himself while scanning the bar's decorations. You took a little break from the inner hyperventilating to look at the same spot as him.
Was it some sort of hell's tradition you weren't aware of?
Maybe it was the sudden temperature increase in the room, or maybe you just wanted to make a good impression after an hour and a half of bossing him around (what were you even thinking?) but you found yourself agreeing with him. "Yeah, maybe you're right."
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That night, the party was in full swing. The hotel's residents and some other sinners who didn't hate the idea of the theme party were all gathered in the hotel's lobby.
Charlie was ecstatic and she was going from sinner to sinner to explain her cause and invite them to the hotel. A way less hyper Vaggie was following her around, making sure everything went smoothly.
Alastor was still nowhere in sight, maybe hanging out with his friend named Rosie; while Nifty was going around chasing with a knife two bugs she found banging. They weren't going to have a good Valentine's day.
You were sitting at the bar next to Angel Dust, who was happily chatting away with you and Husker.
Lucifer was nowhere to be seen; he had appeared just before the beginning of the party, proudly showing you "his latest creation". A pink rubber duck with a bow and a small red hat resembling his own was pushed in front of your face. "It's a backflipping duck who also spits fire, and it's Valentine's day themed!" He grinned at you.
"That's remarkable" you had said and placed it on the bar counter, away from prying hands that could use it for who knows what.
"This was such a great idea y/n! We should do this every year!" an excited Charlie appeared behind you. "My dad is gonna be back soon, but I have to say you two did a really good job with the place." She patted you on the back and went back to chasing sinners.
"Yeah, what prompted you to do that?" Husk asked from behind the bar. You looked at the drink in your hand and shrugged. "I was bored"
Angel Dust snickered from next to you. "Our little y/n watched too many romantic comedies and thought they would hit it off with short king and maybe go at it or-"
"Woah" you chocked on air while Husk hid a smirk pretending to wipe the counter. "Angel, what the fuck?" You looked around to make sure no one important was listening in on your conversation.
"You didn't say no" he laughed, throwing his head back while Husk was pretending to swipe the floor where a couple of the red hearts had fallen. He was so close to the mistletoe.
"Because I don't need to, you'd have to be crazy to think you can bag the king of hell of all people" you hiss while trying to think of a way to get Angel there too.
"Darling, his wife left years ago, and he clearly hasn't gotten it on with anyone yet; don't sell yourself short." You took the duck you had put away and pretended to throw it at him. Only you accidentally pressed it, and actual flames started to shoot out from its mouth, causing Angel to jump back and land on the floor right next to Husk!
Your eyes went wide, and you dropped the duck to the floor. "Shit, I'm so sorry"
"Oh wow, he fell right under it" a new voice added.
Lucifer was right behind you and sent you an amused but also slightly confused smirk. Did he think you tried to kill one of your friends to get him under the mistletoe? Well, no shit he disliked sinners.
"Under what?" Angel started massaging his ass cheeks, you winced a little, thinking the impact of landing on the hard floor must have hurt him.
"Oh, y/n didn't tell you? We put mistletoe right there" he pointed at the exact spot. Now you were starting to rethink this whole plan, but it was already too late, so you had no choice but to push through.
"You know the tradition, right?" Husk shot you an unimpressed look while Angel was still on the floor.
"C'mon, it's not like you have to make out like them" you pointed at two sinners who were getting it on in a corner ever since they stepped into the party. You couldn't really blame them, wasn't that the spirit of the festivity anyway? Any kind of love was supposedly appreciated.
Then something amazing actually happened: Husk took Angel's hand in his, kissed it lightly, and pulled a blushing version of the spider to his feet.
Considering the way they had been dancing around each other for months, this was a huge accomplishment, and it was all thanks to you! At that point, you were too busy mentally giving yourself a pat on the back for the good job to fully pay attention to something that resembled Charlie's squealing coming from the back of the room. Did she have a radar or something?
When you met Husk's eyes the next second, though, you knew you had to get out of there and fast or you were done for. "Happy Valentine's day" you winked at them before sprinting like the coward you were to the other side of the lobby, leaving Lucifer and his little pink duck to handle the consequences.
Realistically, Husk and Angel combined couldn't hurt him even if they tried really hard, so you weren't too worried for him, and the duck had demonstrated she could defend herself quite efficiently.
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As the party drew to a close, Charlie had roped you all into helping to clean up the place. You were busy taking down the bar decorations, carefully putting them in a box to store them for the following year, when you felt someone come up behind you.
You turned around and saw Angel dust with a handful of the white and pink paper flowers. He was headed right for the box on the counter, not looking at you.
"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean for it to happen the way it did. You shouldn't have gotten hurt." You kept your eyes on the garlands, refusing to meet his eyes.
"No hard feelings toots, but next time I'm not letting you pick the movie. And no more romantic comedies for you" you laughed as he carefully maneuvered the flowers into the box.
"Okay, I deserved that" he smiled at you. You took one of the flowers and offered it to him as a peace offering.
He took it, careful not to ruin your hard work, and pretended to swoon over it. Your friendship was gonna be okay. Surely you were even now? You even gave up rom-coms for a while.
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After successfully taking all of the decorations down, you were headed to throw the mistletoe into the trash. It had fulfilled his role and caused enough chaos already.
Halfway through the path to the trash can you spotted Lucifer magically fixing some of the hotel furnishings that had been destroyed by some sinners.
He stopped when he noticed you and started heading your way. Oh no, did he find out already? You couldn't just run the other way now.
"I just spoke to Charlie, and she was really happy about the party, but something tells me the mistletoe wasn't on the list of approved decorations" he raised an eyebrow at you, weight propped on his cane.
You huffed out a breath you didn't know you were holding in and scrambled your brain for an excuse. Surely he wouldn't hate you too much? Having the king of hell against you was already bad enough, but having the king of hell against you while you had a pathetic little crush on him was even worse.
"That was a personal project" you said reluctantly, looking everywhere but at him.
"Oh, and how did this project of yours go then?" you dared to take a quick look at his face, and his amused smirk, which made him look unfairly sexy by the way, was starting to make you think he was on his own personal mission to embarrass you.
"Fairly well, if we don't consider I almost cooked and burned one of my friends to a crisp. Sick duck, by the way."
"No, she's not sick, just themed." you almost burst out laughing at that. Maybe you should tell Charlie to keep him more up to date. "But maybe next time you shouldn't meddle with the heart's matters, you'll find out it's better if things just happen naturally" oh shit, how was he hot even while lecturing you? This wasn't good. He wasn't good for your sanity.
You held up the mistletoe to take one final look at it. "Yeah, lesson learned. I was just about to throw it out."
Only, Angel Dust chose that exact moment to carry out his revenge, and you should have absolutely seen it coming, it was once again your fault, and you could only blame yourself.
"Oh wow, they're right under it. You know the tradition, right?" He mocked. Husk was right behind him, two boxes in his hands, and he was holding in a laugh. They passed right by you and left you and Lucifer alone. You were really starting to question all of the choices that brought you to that moment.
Maybe if you asked him to kill you right there and then he would be kind enough to put an end to your suffering.
"Oh, fuck me" you muttered, your eyes scanning the lobby for the closest exit. Escaping without saying goodbye to Charlie wasn't an ideal solution, but you knew she wouldn't want to see your face ever again after this.
"Won't you at least let me take you out on a date first? I am more on the old fashioned side" he grinned.
You were sure you heard him wrong. It surely was one of those cases when you mix up what the person you like says in your imagination with what they actually say in real life. Was the mistletoe also hallucinogenic? You wouldn't be surprised if it was.
"I'm sorry for Angel Dust, sometimes he just doesn't know when to shut up" You immediately lowered your arm and hid the evil little thing behind your back.
"Should I take it as a no then?" he didn't stop smiling, but it looked less sincere now.
"Wait, oh-" you scrambled for an answer that wouldn't make you look even more pathetic "I would love to, but only if you mean it, this evil thing has already caused enough chaos" you finally tossed the mistletoe into the nearest trash can.
"Darling, you forget I'm the king of hell, no little plant has authority over me" he chuckles, and you smile at him.
If either of you noticed something resembling Charlie's squealing and her being dragged away by Vaggie, you didn't say anything. You didn't even think twice when you didn't see Angel Dust and Husk returning quite yet from depositing those two boxes into the storage closet; so you liked to think that at the end of the day, both you and Lucifer were right, letting things happen on their own was good, but a little push in the right direction didn't actually hurt anyone.
And when Lucifer planted both of his hands on your face to pull you into a kiss, you thought that maybe you shouldn't have thrown away the mistletoe at all.
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colourstreakgryffin · 3 months
Hey there, fellow writer! How are you doing? :) I just wanted to request a platonic Angel Dust x Nephew (or Niece) reader who is the son/daughter of Molly from when they were alive. Angel hadn’t really got to know them as he had died when they were little, so now that he's reconnected with them in hell, he's trying to bond with his niece/nephew as they are older now
Oh, Hello, fellow writer! I have returned from being dead and this is quite fun! Awww. Another Angel request and of course, it’s hella wholesome. I love it! Can do so! Have a great day, loves!
Angel Dust- Little Spiderling
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You know, right away, Angel drags you back to the Hotel when he finds out you’re his niece/nephew by pure accident. You aren’t the little one he remembered once seeing his beloved Molly having but you’re still a minor, not eighteen yet! So, he must protect you! And he will!
Angel has a barley functional life down here and is really struggling through it but the one thing he knows how to do is express his love for people so he does it a lot to you
He tries SO hard to let his walls down to bond with you, to let you know you matter to him and he won’t shut you out. You are really the only person he doesn’t act like a sarcastic prick to but he will not tell you his problems since you’re his family, not his therapist
He really wishes he got to know you when you were both alive, he was so wrapped up in his own life, he didn’t acknowledge you. He barely remembered your name and he is clueless on what you like so he just tries to bond with you by trying to seem like that ‘cool Uncle’
Angel asks for advice all the time. He asks Husk, Charlie, even Vaggie. Advice for how he can try bond with you better and how to talk to you better. He already became your guardian… at his own word, so he needs to know how to connect with you
Angel often gets you gifts, it’s how he sees making you happy with him. Like, he’ll buy something whilst he’s out than he’ll offer it to you when he’s back at the Hotel, smiling so nervously and hoping you’ll like it. He is that one awkward but loving Uncle!
Angel basically dies again, of pure joy, when you express love or appreciation. He already has so much guilt for how little he knows you and how little he paid attention to you back on Earth but now, he wants to try again and he really wants to rekindle so he believes all his effort is always rewarded with the way you smile at him and say ‘thank you’ or ‘I love you’ or ‘I’m glad you want to join’
Angel is also that uncle who goes ‘aww, you’re so pretty. I remember when you were so little! Now, you’re big!’. If he had pictures of you, he’d be admiring them whilst crying
Angel does seem like a selfish man but he’s really only selfish with… everybody else. When it comes to you, he spoils you. He kinds parents you. He doesn’t know how to tell you your mom’s in Heaven so he distracts you with other stuff and he even shows off his beloved Fat Nuggets, to make you smile
Angel has a habit of picking you up, since he is much taller than you, and putting you on his back when it is time to go. He only does this when you escape the Hotel or leave against his wishes, and he can always keep his eyes on you this way
He also puts you on his back if you’re tired or want a nap or even miss him. You weigh nothing to him, and he can handle it well
Angel also loves taking you out to shopping trips with him and Cherri. He loves dressing you up in feminine/masculine clothing and praises you so you feel confident. You look great, and in-fact, he’ll buy that outfit so he can see you in it again and boost you up like a good Uncle does!
Angel actually trusts Cherri with you. He is very protective over you so really, only Charlie and Cherri have the permission to take care of you when he is busy
Sinners often confuse you for Angel’s son/daughter, mainly for the way he treats you, and even Valentino has called you ‘Angel’s kid’ before but he doesn’t take that shit from anybody and sets it straight. You’re his beloved sister’s baby and whilst he loves you, he’d never act as if he is your parent. He is your guardian, get it right
Angel teaches you how to cook the meals of the family. He loves cooking and he’s happy to be a mentor so he’ll ensure you know how to take care of yourself if you’re ever without him and know how to whip up a fine Italian cuisine. Cooking together is one of his personal made bonding methods
As well as baking. Angel knows you like baking so he tries to bake with you. Four arms are very useful and yes, he messes up a lot but the way you laugh at his attempt makes it feel like his eggy crispy frosting mess of a cake was totally worth it. You’re growing to like him more and not be annoyed with the fact he didn’t really care for you much in your past life
I will say now. Angel apologises a lot for the past but you take it maturely and understand his point of view. Though, your acceptance doesn’t remove Angel’s guilt and he takes a long time to feel better about himself, even when you two grow closer and you become more and more fine with him being your guardian
Angel doesn’t understand why he didn’t acknowledge you all those years ago… you’re so cute. What is there to not like?
Angel always sees his twin sister in you. You even look like her, so it means you look… more than a bit like Angel too, and he’s glad. It reminds him that he’ll always have a piece of his beloved sister with him as well as a family member who doesn’t dislike him
Angel’s kinda clingy, straight up. He cries whenever you do something he considers ‘cute’ and mews and calls you ‘Spiderling’ whilst hugging you. Angel is also THAT type of Uncle but it’s pretty cute how attached to you he is
Once more, he does get jealous of Arckaniss. He wants to be your favourite! Not his older brother so he sweeps in and steals you away from when you were talking to Arckaniss too much for his comfort. He is soooooo much better!
Really. Angel, in this entire situation with you, is trying and always trying. He tries to be the best guardian for you, he tries to be the best best friend for you, he tries to be the coolest best uncle for you! He tries and he hopes it works
He is actually fine with you calling him ‘Anthony’ over ‘Angel Dust’ and to make it fair, he calls you your real name over your demon name too!
“Spiderling? Hey! Hey! You’ve been out all day! How come? I thought you liked our shopping trip together! I’m your coolest uncle, aren’t I? You liked that scarf I got you! Should I get another? Yeah? Yeah? What do you think?”
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scoutswritingcorner · 6 months
hi! i’m so sorry if i’ve sent this request before but my tumblr has been pretty glitching lately so i just wanted to make sure you got it >:)
could i request some fluffy angel dust x trans male reader headcanons? how angel would help reader with dysphoria and stuff like that?
thank you in advance if you decide to write this!
Perfect In Everyway!
AngelDust x FTM!Reader
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TW: Body Dysmorphia! Nothing else but if you guys need me to tag anything don’t be afraid to DM or shoot me a message!
A/N: God I love this! There aren’t enough FTM Readers with Angel Dust out there! Hope you enjoy! I WENT OFF ON THIS ANON (not me projecting) IM SORRY!!
-🕷️ When Angel died, he didn’t know a lot about what we know today. So when you first started dating, you were really scared to tell him. 
-🩷 You both take the whole relationship slow, he doesn’t truly understand why but he’s happy and willing to do so for you! He might think this is your first time dating in a long time or you just never dated anyone before!
-🕷️ It takes some help from Charlie and Vaggie, who you told first cause surely they didn’t care! They support and love you! Now, like I’m talking, depending on how terrified you are or just how your body reacts to telling him, they’ll go off based on that cause they understand how serious this is!
-🩷So either way, it takes a couple days for Charlie and Vaggie to help build up that confidence! But as soon as you are, they bring Angel into the equation. As soon as he walks in that confidence is immediately crumbling and he’s worried seeing that terrified look in your eyes.
-🕷️ He sits down infront of you and takes your hands with one pair as the other cradle your face to wipe any tears away, “What’s wrong, baby?” 
-🩷 As soon as you tell him? He’s confused but then he gets why you wanted everything to be at a slow pace. He just cradles your face and presses gentle kisses to your tear stained cheeks.
-🕷️ Oh boy, he’s praising you all day if you get dysmorphic! Hugging you from behind and smirking, “Look at my hunky man, he’d beat your ass~” or a simple kiss with, “How ya’ doin, Handsome?~”
-🩷 Want to stay in bed and hide from the world? He’s bringing snacks, water and Fat Nuggets! He makes sure you aren’t wearing your binder either so your chest can properly breathe!
-🕷️ Sweet baby boy right here- he looks up and asks Charlie about more modern slang and what he can do to help! He’s still a little clueless but he’s trying!
-🩷 Even at work, if he sees something that’ll look good on you? He’s texting you a picture and asking if you’d like something more like that. All in all, sweet precious baby boy. Would smooch 30/10.
a/n: To all my trans brother, sisters and siblings! I love you guys and hope you had a great Trans Visibility Day yesterday! 🏳️‍⚧️<3 <3
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magicalregression · 8 months
General Hazbin Hotel hcs
Hello fellow agere hazbin enjoyers. I come with hcs for the main 6. Pls enjoy
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🛡 ~ Charlie ~ 🛡
She's a little. Regresses to like 6-7 y/o and is so sweet and innocent.
Still wants to help everyone, and spends her time drawing posters to attract people to the hotel.
Her main cg is Vaggie for obvious reasons, though she will also gravitate towards Angel if he's around.
Eepy baby. Once all of her energy is gone, pick her up and she falls right to sleep.
⚔ ~ Vaggie ~ ⚔
She's a caregiver. Vaggie also will babysit the other littles in the hotel if needed, though she has an obvious preference for Charlie.
Is kinda hard on the littles when need be, can be very strict. This is especially true for bed/nap time, mealtimes, and baths. No stinky, overtired littles on Vaggie's watch.
This just popped into my head but cuddles where she uses her wings as like a blanket thing or just lets the little snuggle into it yes yes
Tends to clean up after playtime. She wants to be madder, but could never be truly angry with her babies.
🕷 ~ Angel Dust ~ 🕷
Angel is both a little and a babysitter. When he regresses, it's at a similar age to Charlie, maybe a bit older to around 7-8.
His energy levels highly fluctuate depending on his emotions before regressing. If he had been in a stressful situation or recently come back from work, he's very tired and kinda just wants to be alone with whatever he's entertained himself with. If he's not in a high emotion environment, he's full of energy!
Likes playing tag and hide and seek with the others. Sometimes forgets that he's much bigger than everyone, though, and may accidentally cause some booboos.
As a babysitter, he takes his job very seriously. Might not be as strict about meals or naps (definitely lets them just have as many sweets as they want), but will take tea parties and games very seriously.
📻 ~ Alastor ~ 📻
I know a lot of people like little Al but for personal reasons, he is a caregiver lol. He has too soothing a voice and mannerisms with Nifty for me to not harp on it.
Takes his little out to Overlord meetings or to visit Auntie Rosie. When they go see Rosie, she always has a new outfit for them, whether a onesie or full outfit, there's always something. At the Overlord meetings, he'll let them sit in his lap or between him and Rosie. The others don't mind bc I say so.
Alastor doesn't like touch he doesn't initiate, and you are no exception. That being said, if they find a way to pull on or play with his ears, the most he'll do is let out a long sigh before letting them continue.
Calls them a little Overlord. "Come now, little Overlord, it's time for bed." and "Little Overlord, what have I told you about sneaking up on others?" and the like.
I have the most thoughts about him but will keep this short for everyone's sakes
🧹 ~ Nifty ~ 🧹
A little. She has the biggest fluctuation though and will be either 2 or like 7, no in betweens.
Always has energy. She's bouncing off the walls. Because of this, Angel is the last person asked to take care of her because he'll give her candy and then she gets even worse. He's also a little cautious because of the one time he made her cry, but Nifty just kinda drifts over to him anyways.
Husk usually gets stuck looking after the lil bugger. It'll start as Alastor's problem, then he conveniently disappears and Vaggie gives her to "kitty" (it's not that they don't love her, they do, she's just a lot lol). I imagine little Nif and Husk have a similar dynamic to Boo and Sully in Monsters Inc.
The only way to get her to sleep is with radio static. The white noise calms her down. Bonus points if you give her a fluffy plush to hold as well.
🐱 ~ Husk ~ 🐱
Husk doesn't really like children, even of the regressing variety. It's not that he hates them, he'd just prefer to not have to interact with them as much as he can. The most he'll do is babysit, but even then he's a little clueless.
Tends to get stuck with Angel the most, but he prefers Nifty just because he's been around her the most over the years.
Has the bar stocked up with different juices and milk and other drinks for kids. Also has a wide variety of sippy cups with different themes for different littles. Charlie likes the ducky one, Angel has one with crabs on it, and Nifty's are all plain. Everyone uses the space themed ones, though, so he has the most of those.
He has a little nook under the bar that someone could use as a little hiding space as well. If the littles are playing hide and seek and someone goes down there, Husk is the last to snitch.
If you wanna see specific scenarios or hcs about certain characters, feel free to send in an ask!!
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mgc02 · 3 months
Vaggie being bad at hiding she's an Angel and Charlie being clueless despite that:
Charlie wakes up to hear Vaggie in the kitchen, she walks out to see her with her wings all the way out*
Vaggie: Oh hey Charlie I was just grabbing a snack
Charlie yawns: babe... why do you have wings?
Vaggie: ...
Vaggie: uuuummmm... this is a dream
Charlie: it is?
Vaggie: yes. Now go back to bed
Charlie: Ok see you when I'm awake Dream Vaggie, love you
Vaggie: love you too
Next morning*
Charlie: Vaggie! I had a crazy dream about you last night
Vaggie: ohhhh..... really?
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bearw-me · 5 months
Sense it's may the 4th can I request the hazbin crew reacting to teen reader celebrating star wars and explaining to them what star wars is sense I think most of them wouldn't know about it.
yess i can! and sorry if these don't live up to expectations! i've watched the movies but im not totally involved in the fandom!
𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 — 𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬!
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𐐒 ft : gender neutral! teen! reader, charlie morningstar, vaggie, alastor, nifty, angel dust, sir pentious, husk 𐐒 cw : fluff 𐐒 summary : you are showing the hazbin crew what star wars is no matter the cost + and their reactions 𐐒 note : ITS STILL may the 4th where i am! this counts!
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Charlie Morningstar! Loves your enthusiasm so much she decides to watch the movies with you until she falls asleep. Makes popcorn for the two of you! I think she'd be pretty clueless though, as the princess of hell who's never been exposed to that kind of pop culture.
"Oh my goshh! Star wars!"
. . .
"What is that?"
She's got a good attitude about learning through you
Vaggie! Sits with you and Charlie, and although she has no idea what you are talking about (her being an angel and all and having no contact with Earth), everything you say to her just kind of floats through one ear and out the other.
GETS HEATED and physically mad when the storm troopers miss. every. shot. they. take.
likes she's cursing in spanish type of mad
likes bloopers (like when that one storm trooper hits his head on the door)
Alastor! Hates the television, so you'll have to explain everything to him through other means, even if that means him listening to you tell him the whole thing.
honestly, i think he'd be the most uninterested in the plot if it couldn't be explained well.
i think he'd actually like looking at the comics if you showed them to him "Well look at this fellow! Aren't they all charmingly misshapen!" when you show him aliens like Jabba, or Jar Jar.
likes the 'epic saga; between armadas and armies, jedi and sith. . . like he's smiling with his eyes narrowed and nodding as you point out everything that's happening.
Nifty! Retains NOTHING you are saying, she is just kind of staring through your soul. So when you put the movies on in the lobby she actually moves and watches while she dusts.
subconsciously retains the information and names some of her roaches after the characters.
she stops cleaning to just sit front and center in front of the tv.
LOVES the violence and fight scenes, especially when people get cut by a light saber.
asks you for pictures of the characters that she keeps crumbled into her apron (she adores darth vader)
always plops down onto a pillow in front of the tv whenever boba fett + anakin skywalker are on screen
WOULD LOVE to kill a storm trooper herself
Angel Dust! Like Charlie, I think Angel would be the best person to hear you out about star wars. I think he'd be a major geek with you, even acting out a few scenes and letting you win. He see's you like his sibling, so he enjoys your company. Why wouldn't he love doing something that you love?
loves the clothing in the movies, especially the queen of naboo's makeup. "And the hairr!"
loves the romances and sci-fi fantasy part of it
expect him to have ideas
Sir Pentious! I think out of all the people in the hotel he'd LOVE star wars. From watching the movies with you in the hotel's lobby to asking you a TON of questions! Like everything you know about star wars, he has to know too!
"I like thiss 'Sstar Warss'"
has to know everything and has his own fan theories
probably cried while he watched padme + anakin's love story. right up to the end
(he tries hard to identify with anakin)
he'll probably celebrate may 4th right along with you, t-shirt, movie cup, all his wrecked up merch in his hands just to watch the movies with you
tries to recreate all the gadgets and light saber's he see's without success. . . YET
Husk! Doesn't get it. He listens to you sure, while your sat at his bar counter and explaining everything to him about the plot and the characters. He asks a ton of questions, but it is sort of like explaining it to your dad.
He'll lean over the bar and ask you about plot holes, and when you answer back excitedly he kind of sighs to himself "Why is he getting so worked up on the plot anyway?"
like why is he forming an opinion now?
likes when you talk about it though, your enthusiasm is a little contagious
is 'subtly' watching the movies from behind you, turning away to wash some glasses when you stare over at him
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nixie-writes · 1 year
Pretty please more Niffty "accidently" revealing Alastor and Husk's crush on reader. What's the fall out! :) For Alastor, how does the hell react to the new viral post? For Husk, how does the hotel and Al react? I love you stuff so much 💗 ❤️ 💓 💖 💛 💜 💗
I was hoping someone would ask for this.
-Al doesn't own a Hell phone. As such, he had no idea why women were cooing at him (or eyeing you angrily). Nor did he know why Vox himself gave him a clap on the back and a swift "I knew you'd get hitched eventually".
-when he asked you about it you were clueless. You hadn't posted anything on the "information highway" (lmao this man is such an okay boomer) that could suggest you two had anything going on.
-when he heard his name on the television he dared to watch and saw a post from none other than Niffty's account showing an image of Alastor with his hand on your spine singing a song for you. When he spared a glance at Niffty she shrank away with a nervous smile.
-he'd have to find a creative way to punish her for this public humiliation, although you assured him it wasn't a big deal. Either you shared his feelings or you were the most oblivious demon he'd ever met and he wasn't sure which one it was.
-Husk was nursing a hangover when Vaggie entered his room, yelling insults in Spanish at him. Usually she wasn't this angry. Forcing himself up he left the comfort of his bed and came out to the common room to see what was up.
-Vaggie had her phone shoved in your face, insisting on something. You were beet red, matching the hair of a certain asshole who just watched with the most sadistic smile. Fuck.
-before Husk could approach and ask what was going on Niffty intercepted him, apologizing profusely. He was confused at first. Until Niffty gave Husk her phone and showed him the image she took of him and you, tagging it something cheesy and having posted it to get over 10k comments, most of them commenting that you and Husk made a cute couple.
-sparing a glance up at you he made eye contact and shared a moment of pure embarrassment. This wasn't his intended way to confess but you smiled awkwardly at him and he took that as you saying you weren't upset. Maybe he had a chance after all.
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Hazbin Hotel Shipping Meme
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(Credit to SaucyMist on Twitter for the template.)
Angel Dust and Husk (Huskerdust) - My favourite Hazbin Hotel ship. A blorbo who's been abused finally finding a guy who genuinely cares for him, while both are also learning to overcome their mistakes and be better people? Yes, please!
Charlie and Vaggie (Chaggie) - They're just so cute together! And I enjoy seeing a grumpy cynic paired with a ray of sunshine.
Emily and Lute (Emilute) - They're both angels, but very different kinds. Emily would think she can fix Lute; Lute would think she can make Emily worse. Can Emily persuade Lute to change her mind about sinners through the Power of Love? I'd enjoy seeing her try!
Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb (CherriSnake) - A classic enemies-to-lovers pairing that's really grown on me over time.
Lucifer and Lilith (Lucilith) - I'm interested to see more of them and to find out more about Lilith.
Charlie, Vaggie, Emily and Lute (Charlie's Angels) - Yeah, I want to put all my favourite ladies together and see what happens!
Secretly Ships
Alastor and Vox (StaricMoth) - How did they meet? Does Vox love Alastor, or is it just an obsession? Does Alastor hate Vox, or does he secretly miss him? There's fanfic potential there!
Vaggie and Lute (FallenWings) - I wonder if they dated briefly when Vaggie was still an Exorcist? I wonder if Lute was a little messed up after Vaggie's Fall? I wonder if Lute doubled down on her homophobia as a coping mechanism?
Molly and Cherri Bomb (MollyBomb) - I just think it would be funny if Cherri started dating her best friend's sister! Angel would find it weird at first, but he'd know he can trust Cherri to treat his twin sister right.
Sera and Lucifer (Lucera?) - The Head Seraphim and the King of Hell? What a pairing that would be! I like this ship because it would be interesting to see an alliance between Heaven and Hell, and to make Charlie and Emily stepsisters. That, and the extreme height difference between the towering Sera and the short king Lucifer would be hilarious.
Maybe? Neutral
Vox and Valentino (VoxVal), Vox and Velvette (VoxVel), Valentino and Velvette (ValVel), and Poly Vees - I do like VoxVal as a toxic messed-up villainous power couple. But I honestly find it hard to ship Valentino with anybody. And I don't know if Velvette is compatible romantically with either of those men.
Adam and Lute (Guitarspear) - I can't decide if I prefer Adam and Lute as a couple, Lute as Adam's favourite of his many concubines, or a Burns-and-Smithers thing where Lute is obedient to the point of infatuation and Adam is clueless.
Carmilla and Zestial (ZestMilla) - They're just ... there. I don't love them, I don't hate them.
Friends / Family
Charlie, Lucifer and Lilith (Morningstar Family) - I like imagining what the family was like when Charlie was younger.
Angel Dust and Molly (Spider Twins) - One twin in Hell, the other in Heaven ... ooh, I love that angst potential!
Sera and Emily (Seraphim Angels) - I see them as a caring but overprotective mother and a curious but naïve daughter.
Husk and Niffty (CasinoSweep) - Since they're both tied to Alastor, I think they'd get to know each other pretty well. I like the idea of Husk looking out for Niffty and keeping her in check.
Emily, Sir Pentious and Molly (Emtious, Emolly and MollySnake) - I really hope they're an official trio in Season 2! They'd be awesome! Emily could help Sir Pentious adjust to an afterlife in Heaven, and Molly could get behind Charlie's cause and try to see her brother again (assuming she remembers him...).
Alastor, Mimzy and Rosie (Alzy and RadioRose) - The idea of the aroace icon Alastor building a gaggle of gal pals around him will never not be funny to me.
Charlie and Angel Dust (CharlieDust) - Caring little sister and protective big brother.
Vaggie and Angel Dust (SpiderMoth) - Bossy big sister and bratty little brother.
Emily and Angel Dust (HaloDust) - Adoring little sister and bemused big brother.
Not For Me
Carmilla and Velvette (Velmilla) - I can see why others would ship them, but I don't. They're more like business rivals than lovers to me.
Adam and Lucifer (AdamsApple) - Again, I see the appeal of shipping the First Man with the Devil. But I don't think they'd work out long-term. A tough boastful dude and the softer shortie who keeps stealing his wives? It's a recipe for disaster!
Angel Dust and Valentino (Valangel) - I don't think this one needs much explanation. I can't ship Valentino with anyone, let alone Angel.
Adam and Lilith (Adalith) - If he was so misogynistic that she fled the Garden of Eden to get away from him, I can't imagine they're very compatible.
Charlie and Alastor (Charlastor) - I prefer them as a twisted mentor and trusting mentee, not a romantic couple.
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inkperch · 8 months
I just had a perfectly awful idea. Angel, clueless and horny, carmilla visits the hotel for one reason or another. Vaggie calls her mom. Angel looks up, sees hells number 1 milf, tells vaggie she has good taste. Charlie needs to stop them from killing him
Aasgahasbshansbs ANGEL NO-
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elverniia · 4 months
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Useless lesbians 🫶🏻
I love the idea of Lute being generally bad at interacting with others, which added to the normal awkwardness of having a crush would be quite the experience for a clueless but also crushing Vaggie
The first drawing without the text:
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