#i know ive got cis ocs
sparklecarehospital · 9 months
been reflecting on my year a bit, and i was thinking about something. i think i know what the best thing i did for myself this year was.
making cometcare public. making the ask blog.
ive had this AU stirring in my brain since 2019, ever since i got really attached to doomi during the haunted arc. one reason i went so long without revealing pollarrydoomi as a ship to readers was because doom's crush wasn't public information until late 2021.
i had kept his crush a mystery for 3 years, but revealed it after a fun experience where people figured out who it was through guessing. i'm pretty sure i did a poll about it? asking people to guess who they thought it was, and uni won the vote, meaning everyone had already figured it out.
after pollarrydoomi was revealed and i started drawing art for it and people made fanart for it, i still couldn't post any of my AU art because ally wasn't public and she and howie were in the AU. in july 2022, for the comic's birthday, i revealed ally as a character to the readers. others around the time had started to notice characters i had in pfps and i ended up telling everyone i did have pollarrydoomi ship kids, but i didn't make them public.
in november 2022, i revealed eve on toyhouse. after her reveal, i would soon reveal sly as well in december 2022 on my birthday (revealing sly as a birthday present to myself is such a funny gesture now that you guys know how important he is to me). over the next few weeks i revealed cream, frosty, and marco as well. all of the main cometkids except chem.
then one day someone out there suggested that i make an ask blog for the cometcare AU. it was such a spontaneous decision, and i didn't even really know what i was gonna do with it at first. i was just kinda messing around. but when i made the blog i realized that if i wanted this AU to be experienced in complete authenticity, i couldn't make uni cis.
so i revealed uni being trans through the blog, despite the fact i'd gone so many years without ever revealing her identity. why did i do it? there's a lot of reasons. not wanting to make her a "dad" in the AU contributed, but also i felt like it wouldn't be detrimental to the story to confirm a character being trans. it also made me (and the crew in general) a lot more comfortable being able to properly refer to uni with her actual pronouns.
making the ask blog really changed me, because finally i could share this little family and comfort story i'd built in my brain with the world and make it real and make content for it and let people consume it.
but what stopped me most of all?
i've said it many times before... but i felt like it was cringey.
i felt like making an AU with 93985893844 fankids in a ridiculous complicated polycule wasn't something a Serious content creator should do, and i was really worried the reception would be negative or people would think it was stupid or something. i did NOT expect it to become as popular as it is. the blog actually has more followers than the MAIN ASK BLOG for the canon comic. it was received SO POSITIVELY and the fact it was just kind of blows me away.
it means so much to me. being able to share the most special thing in my life with people and for people to actually like it and have fun with me and want to see it, and for me to be able to not have to follow strict professionalism about spoilers and chronological storytelling, and being able to change and add in things whenever i felt like it. it's such a freeing experience.
when i was a kid, i used to make stories and OCs and i didn't take them as seriously as i do the sparklecare reboot. this kind of turned into my entire life and career kinda, so i had to take it more seriously. but making this AU honestly just makes me feel like i'm a kid again, it makes me feel like i can have fun and literally do whatever the fuck i want without worrying what people think or if it's realistic or if it makes any sense.
i know though, that some people don't like pollarrydoomi. and i know why. whether it's because of being attached to barruni (of course, they're the canon ship and main characters, i get it) or just having discomfort with the idea of shipping doom with anyone when canonically he hasn't experienced a redemption arc... i get it. i know not everyone likes it.
and that's okay! people are entitled to having their own feelings about content. i understand it. and i've come to accept that's always going to be the case with anything i do with these characters.
but i'm still going to do this for myself. i do this because it makes me happy to just have fun and not worry about being serious all the time. it feels good, especially when it's with characters that are really really important to me.
cometcare is genuinely the most special and important thing i've ever made for myself, it's such a huge piece of my identity and it makes me who i am. and being able to make this story public and share it with people and share these things that have been in my brain for so long with others means so much to me.
that's why i think it was the best thing i've done this year. it's kind of literally changed my life to be able to talk about them. it's made me happier than i've ever been making content. i'm not just making it to entertain myself alone anymore, i'm making it to entertain others like i do with other stuff. and the fact people actually like it still is unbelievable to me.
so, i guess my outlook for next year as it comes is to continue to stop taking everything so seriously. i can tell my stories however i want to. i hope others can realize they can do this too.
please make whatever you want, whenever you what, as much as you want, even if it doesn't make sense or if it's "cringe". you will be so much happier when you realize as a creator you DON'T have to take all of this so seriously. the comic still exists and people read it even if i'm doing this. You Can Do Whatever You Want And Nobody Can Ever Stop You. the only person who can stop you is yourself when you let your inhibitions get in the way of your ability to create things for yourself.
have fun! life is too short to take everything you do seriously
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fatsmyname · 9 months
for so long i did not think i could be a lesbian because ive known i am transmasc. but now i am thinking and i am like. hm.. HOW DO YOU KNOW. because i feel like i am attracted to other mascs but not men. like i would not date a cis man. i just want to date butches. ive always identified as bisexual, i know i am attracted to women.... i feel like the issue is that im mostly t4t and i just cannot tell what that means anymore. also i am worried im just questioning this bc i have a crush on a butch nonbinary lesbian rn so i am worried i am just like trying to make shit up so we can relate more. but also my ex is a butch nonbinary lesbain and i always related to them so much. I DONT KNOW. I ALWAYS thought i was into men and most of my OCs are men who are into men but maybe i am just a butch into butches and i did not know how to express that other than like being a transmasc who wanted to be in a mlm relationship. but man never felt right and ive always felt an attachment to lesbianism even tho i thought i was into men but maybe im just into mascs. ANYWAY I DONT KNOW WHY IM SENDING THIS TO YOU I AM JUST TRYING TO FIGURE MY SHIT OUT
hehe hi anon first i just wanna say i did laugh a little at the desperation in this message its very endearing to see lol. secondly!! there's no pressure to have an answer to these questions! you don't have to know the ins and outs of ur attraction to other folks nor do you ever have to explain urself to other peoples/prove yourself to others. sometimes attraction is just odd and something you can't control.
i will say to just focus on whats comfortable for you. if you find yourself leaning towards butches, then go for it! butch4butch romance/dynamics can look a lot like mlm ones, so maybe that's why you've always gravitated towards those. i mean, half the characters in media that im attracted to are men! because i see parts of my masculinity in them and love to see masculine people with other masculine people. lesbianism has got tons of gender fuckery, so you are fully welcome within the world of lesbians no matter what! if the word lesbian resonates with you for whatever reason, then more power to you if you decide to take on the label :3
ur always welcome to pm me to talk more about this tho! i understand your confusion haha, it took me a couple years to take on the lesbian label, and i've since come out twice (as butch and now transmasculine). you never stop learning new stuff about urself lol
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new-ish to the blog (been here about a month....,,) and i wanted to finally get this off my chest bc it was killing me. i'm queer as hell now but BACK THEN when i was 11-13 i was a cis boy who just liked reading comics and doing a jump everyday in hopes of becoming the tallest jumper in the world. and at the time i found out about happy tree friends and got into it very fast, both bc the gore and extremity was edgy and cool to me and because i genuinely liked the characters. i developed a crush on flippy, because, who didnt, and finding out a LOT of htf fans felt the same made me happy at first. but it became really clear nearly all the people who crushed and fangirled over him were girls irl and i felt like a weirdo about it because i was a BOY and i had a crush on flippy who was ALSO a boy. BUT seeing those same people ship flippy with other boy-characters in the show gave me massive mixed messages, because everyone seemed to love it when it was in-show only and i hadnt EVER met another boy online who had a crush on flippy so i wondered if it just wasnt allowed when it was outside of that, even though i wanted to express it with everyone else so bad. i couldnt go to my irl friends bc none of them were into htf and i was worried theyd think i was weird anyway. so my solution to keep crushing on flippy while still being normal to everyone else was making a htf oc that was quite literally a self-insert of myself, all the way down to the comics i liked irl, and shipped him with flippy. but i never told anyone it was my self-insert and just said it was an oc very unrelated to me and i wanted to keep it that way. i made horrible art of us and wrote equally horrible fanfic of this "oc" and flippy, bc i thought it was a genius solution to expressing my adoration for flippy whilst keeping the handful of followers and online friends i had satisfied bc it was boy x boy stuff. i never wrote/drew raunchy stuff about them bc as far as i can remember it was just shit like going on a date with flippy at the library or having picnics with him etc etc. but once i shared a recent fic with one of my online friends about them and at some point they went "you wrote it like an x reader so i thought it was self insert lol" and i was genuinely in shambles. i thought they were accusing me of having a crush on flippy myself and they were about to expose me or something (they didnt even know i was a boy irl so i dont know??) so i defensively told them it wasnt a self insert and i wasnt attracted to flippy in the slightest. but i was really rude about it and they replied saying they never said that, they never accused me of having a crush on flippy or anything like that and it was just a mistake. i dont remember the entirety of our messages but i remember getting so butthurt and angry i kept telling them to fuck off and that it wasnt a mistake on their end and they HAD to be accusing me of actually liking flippy. i blocked them and i cried so hard into my pillow i could barely breathe and i considered running away from home that day bc i was convinced that person was gonna tell everyone i liked flippy even though i was a boy and somehow get to my irl friends and family and i would be considered a freak for it forever. i stopped posting my art and fics of that "oc" and flippy after that and i didnt know how to delete my account at the time (it was on deviantart) so i just logged out and never touched it again. ive been thinking about it recently now as an adult and i forgot the password to that account so everything is still up and there hasnt been a new comment since 7 years ago but it keeps me up at night thinking about the person i cussed out and all the published stuff
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vacantgodling · 5 months
🍕 ❤️ 💚 🧠 FOR HYA MY DARLINGGGGGG and mayhapeth toph my beloved
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
i actually just learned this about hya, he’s a red meat + white sauce kind of guy. think about steak fondue or steak bechamel type of energy. he really likes umami and savory flavors in general.
for toph it’s mint flavored anything. mint juleps are his favorite cocktail, mint chocolate or mint chocolate ice cream is his favorite dessert, he just loves Mint. he even uses mint cologne LMAO.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
this one is tough for hya frfr. i honestly don’t think he has his best memory until after canon and he and amon fly the coop and get wedded. and it probably isn’t anything grandiose—just getting a full night’s sleep and waking up to find everything is still at peace and amon’s there beside him. he would not admit to this shit under pain of death but he really cherishes it lol.
for toph, it’s definitely when dolley (nix and trisha’s baby) is born which happens like 3/4 of the way through the story. it’s really emotional for him bc if he hadn’t met trish and nix, dolley wouldn’t even Be here (to;dr trish almost died in a car accident and toph showed nix his demon form to save her) and so there’s something very precious about that to him. he’s the first person who gets to hold her after the parents ofc and he’s just so awestruck haha. dolley’s always gonna have scary uncle toph wrapped around her finger lmaooo.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
hya is troibemme (nb). his sexuality is. complicated. he’s not aroace (neither of us would call him that tho some will definitely headcanon him that way, i already know) but he’s just extremely picky. he doesn’t quite love labels, but i think if i HAD to classify him it would be gay with a Huge asterisk. amon is literally the only person he’s ever been attracted to, even in slum aus where he’s arguably more of a normal person. like amon just does it for him and that’s it pff.
toph is a cis guy (tho being a demon makes his relationship to gender funny cuz he’s like the hell? about it) and he’s extremely bi. he does have a preference for men tho. he and nix are similar where he’d like a woman to overpower him and bc he’s a demon that’s very rare to find. with guys he’s more about being in the lead and so it’s easier for him to cultivate relationships he likes in that regard lol.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
i went on a whole rant about hya already but i can do another one. i really really like his appearance. that sounds really shallow and kinda horny at first, and it is, technically, but i more like the fact that hya puts in such EFFORT for his appearance. i don’t think ive ever had an oc until him who was so genuinely concerned with grooming and keeping themselves to a standard of what they wanted to look like and then doing the work to craft that visage. obvs if i bring it back to myself it’s the translation of my desire to want to be more confident WANTING to look however i want to look (esp when it comes to gender) vs trying to be “convenient” for others and not making a big deal about it. i could say more but yahhh.
dude i love everything about toph (he was actually my first biggest obsession oc but then a lot of stuff happened and then i made hya and ya see where i am now) but i love how he’s crass. making pretty boys who are crass (gestures to hya) is my favorite thing but the thing that really separates hya from toph is the fact that toph is so straightforward about both himself and his feelings and he doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks about it. when i think about his old story before LR, he and hya were way more similar bc #traumabaybee but when i made LR i did kinda kick out a lot of that old baggage and he got more confident and more loud and more sure of himself and he’s GLOWING BABYYYY. i love him so much 😭
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goblinbugthing · 11 months
ok so there’s stuff in my brain again. thoughts
basically i have this group of 7 ocs that i originally made during my dra phase and haven’t touched in years, but ive been thinking about them a lot recently and ive started to feel like revamping their characters, giving them a good old redesign, and rewriting them and their story.
ofc im gonna remake them so they’re less. yknow, really terribly written. but when i say i wanna rewrite their story i mean i wanna turn it into a fic, instead of just remaking them and leaving them alone and rotting again.
im gonna ramble more under the cut, but that’s the basics of what’s happening in my brain rn
(cw for mentions of cults, human experimentation, death/murder, and implied abuse)
anyway, these guys are pretty old characters — i made the first two of them when i was like 11 — and so of course, they are. Not Good. and its gonna take a solid amount of work to actually fix them up and make them decent. but i really want to.
lemme introduce their dumbasses real quick:
first of all, we’ve got jay! real creative name, i know (/sarcasm). they’re 16, agender, intersex, and bisexual, using they/them pronouns, and they’re a human experiment. they were abandoned when they were 6 by their (super religious) parents who thought they were a fucking demon, and they got picked up by some cultists that claimed to work for an orphanage. spoiler alert, they did not work for an orphanage, and those fuckers grabbed jay, dragged them to a facility, and experimented on them for the next 10 years. those experiments turned them into a shapeshifter. dont ask me how because i dont know. they’ve also got several very badly written mental illnesses, as is the usual with creepypasta ocs. oh yeah they were a creepypasta oc btw
then there’s jay’s gf, willow. she’s 17, cis, pan, and ace, using she/her pronouns, and she’s just a normal human girl with no special abilities. but she does have a shitty dad and a dead mother. she and jay kill her dad after a bunch of Wild Shit. violent revenge, yay!
aaand cora. she’s 17, cis, bisexual (i think, i cant find her info anywhere), and uses she/her. she’s jay’s identical twin, and also a normal human, but she has psychokinesis. like she can move stuff with her brain. cool
next on the list is sigasi. she’s 21, cis, and aroace, using she/her pronouns, and she’s also a human experiment. jay sees her as an older sister, but they’re not actually related. she’s not a shapeshifter like them, but she’s got weird void claw hands and some fucked up wings that don’t work.
and then oh dear god, delta sun. he’s 26 (i think), cis, neptunic, demiromantic, and asexual, using he/him pronouns, and he’s in the same boat as jay and sigasi. instead of being kidnapped, though, he was given to the cultists by his mother (who thought he was a demon) and was raised in the experimentation facility. also, he’s half angel. his dad is an angel while his mom is a (super religious) human.
and SPEAKING of delta’s mom, it’s hope! she’s technically in her 50s but she died at 27, cishet and uses she/her pronouns. she’s essentially just hara before hara, but she is SO MUCH MORE INSANE. LITERALLY. she’s super religious and superstitious, she’s scared of everything, she’s been gaslit and indoctrinated into the same cult that the human experimenting fuckwads are in, she’s dead, she’s fucking crazy, she’s so badly written. i love her.
and as for delta’s dad, that would be ea. he’s 427, completely genderless, and doesn’t label his sexuality. uses all pronouns because fuck it, and they’re a somewhat biblically accurate angel. i dont have much info on him unfortunately, and what i do have written down is unimportant.
as you can see, three of them are human experiments. this is because i had a phase where i was obsessed with human experimentation. i thought it was so fucking cool.
anyway! the lore behind these bastards is super complex and ive been hyperfixating on that for a few days. i dragged some old shit out of the abyss to actually remember stuff about them, and uh. god theyre so badly written it hurts me.
fuck it im making a lore doc
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jupitercl0uds · 1 year
hi! i'm ash
they/them/xe/xem • panromantic • asexual • non binary • autistic (with suspicions of having adhd) • english • atheist quaker • a tad bit silly
been on the tumbler since 2021 so i know my way around here but i dont get every little reference (i get most and for the ones i dont i just nod and smile along). i am still a teenager so some Classic Posts are older than me and most are from when i was in primary school.
i dont really have a sophisticated tagging system, but if it helps, spouting to the void is my text post tag. i dont even strictly use it for text posts tbf
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blogs i run:
this one (obviously)
@blues-amazing-blog - oc blog (currently on hiatus)
@wswe-autism-fic - fanfic blog (for waluigi says 'wa' everyday until dekuyama is popular). i also treat this as an alt account for fandom stuff sometimes
@knuckles-with-a-keyboard - silly little blog where i pretend to be boom!knuckles (i really really love this blog its so fun)
@jupitercl0uds-art - my art blog (shock horror)
@nonbinary-sticks-the-badger - my sonic blog
external links (whoops forgot to add this)
maybe one day ill set up a linktree idk
twitter (i only use this for posting from my switch now)
spotify profile
dm me on discord: jupitercl0uds
i think thats it
click this link for more external links including some of the above ones but specifically how to contact me if i cant use tumblr
omg i love so many things its not even funny. a few important ones are waluigi (special interest), sonic the hedgehog (special interest AND hyperfixation (omg please kill me)), art (like, as a general thing, but particularly visual) and you WILL find me randomly posting oh-so-passionately about something ive never even mentioned before.
i do animation and illustration but that's over on my art blog. also all my animations are WIPs. you probably won't find anything other than a few weird lip syncs from when i was like 11 (i got into animation because of gacha life and animation memes). most of my art is sonic atm lol.
i also read and write fanfic! my wattpad and ao3 is jupitercl0uds :D
wattpad is mostly old stuff, crack and occasional reposts of my ao3 stuff. ao3 is mostly whatever is on my mind at the moment and WSWE.
occasionally i get all heated up about actually important stuff. that's usually sandwiched inbetween my regular goofy goober behaviour. for the basic gist of it: very left wing, the tories are cunts, vote green, free palestine. you also need to understand the weight of that sentence because i hate swearing.
i have other socials too but i dont really use them that much. got bored of twitter and i forget about all my other accounts. only ones i use now are whatsapp (lmao), tumblr and i guess ao3 and wattpad. theres no real point in linking something i havent used in months
anyway, have a nice day and please go to bed on time!
faves (non-exhaustive)
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AUTISM BOY!!!! ANXIETY GUY!!!! MILES 'TAILS' PROWER!!!! he's been my favourite sonic character since i was little!!!! except for that brief period where it was amy because i found out tails was a boy and i, as a 7-year-old girl who had just learned about misoginy, decided amy was better because she was a girl. and that briefer period where it was cream because she had confetti in sonic dash.
my favourite iterations of him are scu tails, classic tails and sonic boom tails!!! i h/c him as autistic, having anxiety, low self-esteem but also being really cheerful and nonchalant about a lot of stuff. i enjoy trans tails of all kinds, but i believe in cis gnc tails.
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NON-BINARY ICON!!!! TOP SURGERY GUY!!!! WALUIGI!!!! call me thomas jefferson cause i have an entire binder on this guy. waluigi is THE blorbo from my spin-off-party-shows. i got into him because 'hahahaha! it is the funny garlic man's funny rose partner!' and that became 'they could marry me and i'd say yes on the basis that we'd get to see each other everyday, even if i only love him as a friend.
im very passionately hateful about 'hot' waluigi. shut up. waluigi is perfect. i hope he can be canon one day <3 i h/c him as autistic, transmasc non binary and really into gothic lolita. i interpret their relationship with wario as romantic partners and waluigi being super super poor. also, wlw mlm solidarity with rosalina!!!!!
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dr starline i love a bisexual icon as much as the next person but starline is not it. i want him to Suffer. which is why i then go on to make loads of fanart of him where he's crying over something. in the one shown above, i have just kicked him in the balls (full image). i also would love to be a VA for him because that'd really piss him off. good style tho. you go girl.
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manjimutt (sorry but i only have 1 image of him)
hello to the other living yokai watch fan out there. i hate manjimutt. when i was younger i felt sorry for him, cause i was like 'oh, poor guy, always going to jail!!!' no. die. i do not like him. i hate manjimutt. i do like saying his name tho. MAnji-mutt! i think i hate him more than starline, because at least starline has redeeming qualities. the only redeeming qualities manjimutt has is pity because hes not actually committing crimes. thats it. hes not a nice person. hes just a guy. hit him with a wooden plank (har har).
that poor poor poodle though
posts i like
idk posts on my own blog i like a lot. idk if thisll be A Thing because im literally only doing tthis because of the first post on the list
recognising a url and the chaos that followed
stuff about my lgbtq+ identity idk
can you call me that slur?
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0rdis · 1 year
Okay fine. Project Moon Headcanons.
I write porn so that's why the language includes allusions to what parts. I think they have these are literally my toned down fic notes. Still slight nsfw warning for some dick references.
Transfem. She/Her
Pan. Shipped with Binah and my oc
Soft body. No real muscles. Got a bit of a soft tummy after being human for a bit and eating.
Scar on forehead.
Cis...? Genderfluid. Questioning after Ruina Realizations. A bit transfem. He/they.
Bi. Shipped with Chesed, Vergilius, Angelica, Oliver, and my oc. Guy gets around...
Buff. Pecs the size of tits. Tons of scars. Hands are weird texture, used to be very rough but are starting to soften since he started wearing gloves.
Agender. She/her.
Pan. Shipped with Hod, Yesod, and Netzach. (They're all a polycule)
Transman. He/him.
Pan. Upper Layer Polycule.
Tons of scars of course.
Nonbinary. He/they.
Pan. Upper Layer Polycule.
IV scars. The art book lies he's way taller.
Transwoman. She/her.
Pan. Upper Layer Polycule. And Gebura.
Cis-ish. She/her.
Lesbian. Shipped with Carmen and Hod. A weird hatesex thing with Chesed.
Buff. Tons of scars. Especially where Binah cut her limbs off. Naturally high testosterone.
Transman. He/him.
Gay. Shipped with Roland. Casual sex with Gebura.
Nonbinary intersex. They/them.
Pan. Shipped with Angela.
Some athletic muscle. Big scar on chest from death. Almost flat chest and I'm right about this. Nipple piercings, tongue piercing, prince Albert piercing.
Transman. He/him
Gay. Shipped with Ayin.
No surgery. Big saggy breasts, chest hair.
Transwoman. She/her.
Pan. Shipped with Gebura.
Cis. He/him.
Straight, or so he says so. Shipped with Benjamin and Carmen.
Nonbinary amab. He/him.
Bi but aro leaning. Shipped with Roland.
Buff in an athletic way. Very slim waist. Hourglass figure almost.
Yi Sang
Transmasc. He/him.
Aro. I don't know about ships yet. Cute with Faust but not too big on any.
Transfem. She/no pronouns.
Lesbian. Shipped with Ishmael, Don Quixote, Outis, and my oc.
Buff arms for big sword but otherwise slim athletic. A bit fond of the theory she was artificially created in the same facility as Angelica and Argalia.
Don Quixote
Agender afab. She/it.
Lesbian. Shipped with Faust and Ishmael. Her and Meursault is cute too.
Had top surgery. Very athletic build, doesn't look it but is probably the most physically strong of all the sinners.
Nonbinary. She/he.
Don't really ship with anyone yet.
Burn scars on hands.
Agender. He/she
Lesbian. Him and Don are cute. And Gregor.
Hong Lu
Transman. He/him.
Gay. I like almost every ship with him tbh.
His parents paid for his transition. Had bottom surgery (meta not phallo).
Cis..? No one can tell <3 He/him.
Hatesex with Ishmael but also the kind of frenemies who gossip together and also shit talk each other.
Has a dick, may be bottom surgery. Has so many scars you can't tell if any are top surgery ones but it kind of looks like some are. Beefcake.
Nonbinary afab. She/they.
Shipped with Don and Faust. Hatesex with Heathcliff.
Buff. Rope burn scars on palms. May or may not have a tentacle dick and I have A LOT of headcanons behind that specifically.
Transwoman. She/her
Shipped with Gregor. Flirts with everyone and Ishmael and Don get very flustered by it. She would kiss (or fuck) them if they asked.
Curvy but still muscular arms. Softest tummy out of everyone. Her body just stores all the food she eats since she used to not have much.
Transfem (not exactly out yet). She/he. (The original book Sinclair is from, Sinclair is sooo transfem coded.)
Aroace. I guess Demian/Sinclair is cute.
Transfem. She/he
Shipped with Faust.
Buff. Like really buff. Lots of scars.
Transman. He/him
Shipped with Rodion, Hong Lu, Meursault.
Less muscles because he depends on his arm, kind of pudgy and soft. Bear. Genetic modification may have given him a dick. Lactates.
I also ship like every Sinner with Dante. Except Sinclair. I definitely see Sinclair as an adult but I really believe she is aro.
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lacependragon · 3 years
Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 Updated Headcanons
A long time ago, like at least a year but probably several, I made a list of gender and sexuality headcanons for the Battle Force 5 characters. I thought I’d update it.
For reference, my ships these days are:
Vert Wheeler/Zoomer Takazumi
Sherman Cortez/Agura Ibaden/Stanford Isaac Rhodes IV
AJ Dalton/Tezz Volitov
Spinner Cortez/Zemerik (short term, sex) then Spinner with a non-binary OC
Let’s get to it:
Vert is a bisexual cis man. He tends to prefer men, slightly, but has slept with a lot more women. He’s a bit of a slut and has been very fearful of relationships since a bad one in high school. He can and will sleep with anyone he can convince into his bed.
Zoom is a gay cis dude. He doesn’t give a shit about gender roles, he isn’t super concerned about keeping quiet, and he’s pretty cheerful about his experiences.
Stanford is a non-binary (he/they) queer person. He’s got a slight preference for women but he’s never been picky. He’s polyamorous and enjoys commitment. Likes queer as a blanket term and because its non-specific.
Sherman is a bisexual cis man. He’s not super into genders other than women, but he’s open, and he ends up falling for Stanford and Agura. He’s very quiet about it and speed runs a sexuality crisis over Stanford. He ends up rolling into polyamory because it works out.
Spinner is a queer trans dude. He doesn’t know his sexuality. He doesn’t really care. He’s given up. He’s queer. That’s all that matters. He bangs a robot (Zemerik) at one point. Not loud about his sexuality or his gender.
Agura is a cis woman who, as she puts it “is about as straight as you want her to be”. She typically prefers to call herself pan, but she’s also ID’d as bi, polysexual, and queer. She’s demiromantic. She’s never tried being polyamorous before but she likes it.
AJ is a mostly cis pansexual guy. He doesn’t really give a fuck about gender, though he’d probably call himself a demi-guy if he knew the term. He loves everyone. Has no real preference. Just loves love.
Tezz is a cis dude and he is both demi-romantic and demi-sexual. He doesn’t think he really likes anyone, but then he falls for AJ over the course of the war. He ends up really enjoying sexual intimacy.
Grace is bisexual and cis. Loves dates. Not big into slutting it up. Bit of a size queen.
Sage is the Sentient equivalent of a lesbian and has a wife (OC).
Zeke is a little old gay cis man. He’s got a husband (OC) and used to do drag in his younger years.
Zemerik liked Spinner for the boning.
Kalus also has a husband.
Alien Race Shit:
Sentients don’t really care about sexuality or gender.
Vandals are fine with sexuality but being a warLORD with a husband is considered better than being one with a wife. It’s like Old Ass Greece that way.
Corona is Sage’s wife.
Xunsu is Kalu’s black panther husband.
Sun Wuu is Grace’s future girlfriend who is trans and pan.
Noah is Zeke’s gay husband.
Kero is my red sentient OC who is nb and aro/ace.
Kyru is another OC you haven’t met yet who is also NB.
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ooh! do one of Mr. Germany!!!!!!!
Always and forever I will always take time to talk about the best husband ever
Tumblr media
Sexuality Headcanon:
This man is gay gay gay- Like super gay, the most disaster gay. Doesn't know how to handle his feelings gay.
Also I see him on the acesexuality spectrum too, specifically in the realm of grey ace or demiromantic/demisexual, and sex positive.
Like Germany is one of the characters I'm hard sure on it, this boy slowly develops feelings, and trying to get him to one night stand with a guy? Yeah right. Maaaaaaybe if he's really really really wasted. But he's just too dang nervous and thinks waaaaay too much.
Gender Headcanon:
I write him as cis-male who isn't afraid to cross dress. If you're Germany doesn't appreciate dresses, then is he really Germany?
Though the people who write him as ftm trans, yall do the lord's work.
I have written him as genderfluid before though a very fun experience. Might do it again. Or maybe he/him agender? We'll see.
A ship I have with said character:
Yes. (I ship a lot with Germany okay?)
Let's see, GerCanMano is my favorite, but Germano itself is up there. I ship him with my 2p America, it's one of my favorites. Italy Japan and France on very rare occasions. I respect GerAme and Ive also shipped him with his 2p (my Lutz) as well as many ocs of mine.
A BROTP I have with said character:
I don't know if this counts but he has good relations and loves his brother v much, and Gil absolutely ADORES his brother.
Germany and England I see getting along as friends, serious boys with serious plans
and of course even if its not romantic the other axis members italy and japan always always have his back. same with romano.
and Finland! I see Finland and Germany as get coffee and talk about life friends.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Again, if you ship Germany with Prussia, I actually hate you.
and Hungary and Austria, mainly cause the way I write it Austria's a family friend, almost a cousin in a way and Hungary is Germany sees as a mom figure in his life. Just no personal attraction there. But thats just me.
A random headcanon:
Germany likes to watch DIY channels and like take apart put back together videos on youtube to relax. Like restorations of old mechanics; clocks, cars, toys. Watching something be taken apart and put back together seamlessly is really relaxing for him.
Another big one is fashion channels where they talk about and try to remake or re-imitate styles of clothing from different fashion movements countries and generations. I like to think France and England got him into those kinds of videos. They all have a keen eye for fashion and talk about this sort of thing amongst themselves at meetings cause the two are old is dirt and Germany's got an old soul.
Also cooking channels he loves cooking channels.
General Opinion over said character:
10/10 best boy. Fight me on it.
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grasslandgirl · 2 years
for the writing ask tag — 2, 19, 20, & 23?
thank you for sending this in!! i meant to answer it AGES ago but im terrible at answering asks lmao <3 but anyway here we (finally) are
2. Anything that you’d like to write but feel like you’re unable to?
ohhhh goodness. there isnt anything off the top of my head that's like. an idea that feels like a pipe dream, if that makes sense? i have a lot of story ideas in my head almost constantly, and if i end up not writing them its more often because theres not enough meat on the metaphorical bones to go anywhere, or that ive started writing it and gotten blocked or bored- not that im unable to write them
obviously there are stories that, as a cis white woman, aren't mine to write, and stories that i feel uncomfortable digging into alone because of my lack of personal experience with the subject matter, but i don't know if that's necessarily what the question is asking- because it's less of a story that i'd like to write but am unable to, and more of a story i'd like to read, and am unable to write- if that distinction makes sense?
in a larger sense, there are genres and styles of storytelling i kind of want to write but don't know how- large scale sci fi, anything with a depth of world building, vivid historicals, etc- but more often than not, im drawn creatively to the things i can create, because they're more fufilling for me to explore
19. Share a snippet from a wip without giving any context for it.
Fig glanced down at the doodle of Ayda’s eyes, peering up at her curiously from between two scrawled lyrics. She snapped her notebook shut.
I’m just tired, she told herself.
She shoved her notebook back in her pocket and grabbed her guitar by its neck, climbing down the ladder one-handed with practiced ease. She shuffled back to her bunk and collapsed into bed. Jamina was already asleep, her loud buzzing snores filling the whole room. 
Fig told herself that was why she couldn’t fall asleep. Why she spent the whole night staring up at the hammock above her, tapping a familiar beat against her thigh. 
But even Fig, the consummate deceiver, couldn’t believe her own lie.
:)))) iykyk
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?
oh i have SO many wips simultaneously. so many.
i like to jump around a lot, i've found it helps keep me from getting blocked for too long, if i have other projects i can jump to when im feeling uncertain about one, or not in the mood for the story/genre/scene- i tend to stick really strictly to writing chronologically, bc otherwise i never finish things, and so i can keep multiple metaphorical writing plates spinning at one time bc i know where all of them are going- to a lesser or greater extent- cause they're all on a clean timeline in my head !!
according to my annual word count google sheet, ive got abt 7 wips in various stages of completion- but i've also got a bunch of idea docs and notes and unused concepts swirling in my head pretty much all the time that i just havent actually sat down and written yet (i've also got like 6 wips for a non-fic oc type thing that i dont post i just like to write about when im in the mood, that i bounce around between !!)
a lot of the time ill get Really Into one project and work on it for days or even weeks in a stretch, but sometimes i get blocked or bored!! and its really nice to just have a bunch of different things on the backburner that i can go and read through and add a little onto while im looking for inspo <3
23. Dialogue or description? Why is the other one so hard?
god. truly i think it depends on the fic. i feel like every scene i write either starts with a really vivid mental image, or a really clear idea for a conversation/ inner monologue, and what i find easy to write depends on that dichotomy of inspiration- description for the former, and dialogue for the latter. if i don't know exactly what the setting looks like or what the energy of the space is, i tend to write the dialogue first and let the setting fill itself in organically, and if i dont have a strong grasp of characters voices as im writing, ill usually dig into the space and the circumstances and the narrator's thoughts until i find a hook!
that, or rewatching/rereading scenes and moments where character voices are really vivid so i can get them In My Head
oops! i got rambly on this one, but it was really fun to answer!!! tysm for sending in this ask i really enjoyed it <3
send me a writer's ask from this list!!
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magioffire · 3 years
🍵 body representation !
get yer salt get yer salt ; accepting
alright ive got Thoughts about this. both inside and outside the rpc and tumblr in general. but lets start with the rpc for one.
ive been on tumblr a long ass time, since like....idk 2013? maybe even 2012 idk its easy to lose track of time LOL and ive seen both this website and the rp community go through a lot of different discourse, on all things, but specifically in this case, body representation and positivity, and like a lot of tumblr discourse, i think a lot of people particularly in fandom spaces are very....preformative in their support of people of different body types, particularly bigger body types. like yeah, its easy to say you support fat characters in media, but are you actually taking the time to draw fanart of fat characters, or making your own fat ocs? are you taking the time to actually learn how to draw different body types properly? are you giving characters of different body types the same time of day as other characters? and the answer is often a no for most people. and its not cuz they hate fat people usually or anything like that, though i have encountered a few like that, its more than society has really beaten it into us this idea that conventional attractiveness is the only kind of attractiveness worth admiring.
like alright, ive always had a hard time correcting artists who drew valeriu skinny in the past. because not only was i was like, scared i was coming across as unappreciative, or knocking their art, but also scared that i was going to give the implication that i was telling them they couldn't draw. but over time, particularly in the case of art i am commissioning (where i am much more proactive in making sure if theres any issues of vali's weight not being represented properly, they dont go past the sketch stage, and also making sure the artists i commission *can* actually draw fat people in the first place) because its so disheartening when you pay money for a commission, and youre too un-assertive that you just grit your teeth about it or you dont push hard enough to have it fixed because youre scared of being pushy and unappreciative. but now i know better. i know my character and people like me deserve to be represented properly.
theres also this overwhelmingly trope where fat characters, particularly fat male/masculine characters, are shown as slobs, as being just gross and uncultured people, people with no self control when it comes to food, and comic relief, usually relating to food comic relief, which is a very harmful stereotype of fat people. i really aim to subvert these ideas with vali, who is a very beautiful, eloquent person. also ive noticed in the lgbt community, theres a lot of fatphobia. and theres even less fat representation of lgbt fat people, often because i think in order for straight audiences to view lgbt relationships as 'acceptable', they have to be conventionally attractive queer people, queer people that are sexy but not too risque as too scare the cishets. but its also coming from inside the lgbt community (i repeat, the fatphobia is coming from inside the house). i dont know how many times ive seen jokes or actual examples of cis white gay dudes having "no fats, no femmes/trans, no colors" on their grindr profiles. like imagine the typical media representation of a queer man. youre probs thinking of a conventionally attractive, tall, muscular, white guy with short cropped hair and an otherwise unchallenging, unthreatening gay man, who is nonthreatening not only to straight people, but also gay men who have these cissexist, racist and fatphobic ideas. and this bleeds into fandom. fat characters and fat headcanons of lgbt characters are overwhelmingly less popular and sometimes even ostracized by the fandom at large. its seen as 'gross' and 'disrespectful' to make characters who are skinny in the canon material fat, when there is nothing inherently gross or disrespectful about making a canonly skinny character fat (not talking about fetish art, fat chasers are a whole new ball game and give actual fat creators trying to create serious fat characters a bad name).
and just lastly.....ive seen people try to beat around the bush about vali being overweight. whether its in drawings, or in rps, people as a whole seem to be reluctant to accept the fact valeriu is fat. and lmfao this isnt about anyone specific, particularly my rp partners you all have been amazing, but its just a...general *vibe* i get. that people would *prefer* if vali *wasnt* fat. and im like well. fuck you. hes fat and hes beautiful and hes proud. deal with it. i think people need to come to terms with the fact that fat people can not only be just as attractive as skinny people, but even sometimes *more* attractive in the eyes of some. beauty after all is in the eye of the beholder. and let me say, vali hasnt always been a fat character. and lets just say he got a lot more ship interest when he was skinner. which, im not complaining in the slightest, i would rather have a smaller selection of rp partners that are actually rping and shipping with my character for the love of him, and not just because they like his face.
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decayingdirk · 3 years
𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍: whats up, my name is ares, and i am a man (dubiously) of many talents. im 18, i live in the good ol’ us of a, and im whatever the opposite of cis is. im queer, and i dont feel the need to seek out any label other than that. im a cancer sun, gemini moon, pisces rising, and i dont rreeeeally believe in the zodiac but some part of me does instinctually use it as a tool for judgement so maybe i do really. im nd and disabled and vaguely but not quite jewish. not religious though. hence the prefix. i have opinions but debating serious things on tumblr is actually fucking exhausting so if you send asks or dms trying to do that i will probably just delete them
𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐍: here is the picrew i use in all my icons. i fucking love this picrew
𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐒: ive got a few other blogs, mostly fandom ones, mostly inactive - 🍒  @𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐬 ;; youre here [𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐂] : my main blog, where i dont usually post anything other than reblogs w too much talking in the tags but by god im gonna start trying to post original stuff. fandom stuff occasionally but i mostly try to keep fandom stuff to their respective blogs for the sake of my mutuals. speaking of mutuals i love yall interact w me more [𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒] : OPEN ☄️  @𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐬-𝐨𝐟-𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰  ;; arcane blog [𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐂] : my second most active one as its where all of my fics and art are getting posted right now, since, yk. arcane/league hyperfixation hours [𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐒] : OPEN 🍏  @𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧 ;; homestuck blog [𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐂] : mostly a reblog dump rn that doesnt get used super often but im gonna start trying to post writing and stuff to it more soon  [𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐒] : OPEN 💥  @𝐢𝐝𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐡𝐢𝐦 ;; bnha blog [𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐂] : forgot this existed tbh. its mostly for loving bakugou katsuki because im not actually a super big fan of bnha and am instead just kind of obsessed w a few of the characters. i miss them and want 2 start posting here more as well [𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐒] : OPEN - i also have ATLA [ 💠 ], KNY [ 🌑 ], and TMA [ 🌕 ] reblog dumps but its been so long since i used those and i dont plan on using them again any time soon so they get a link and a mention but not much else. couple other tumblrs here and there i will probably not be using again but if i do youll know where u can find em! here. the answer is here.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: i’m gonna try to remember to use these properly but cut me some slack on it #ares speaks ;; tag with all of my posts where i am saying things #fic boost ;; tag where i reblog all my fic updates and posts #art boost ;; tag where i reblog only the good art posts from the other blogs #my art ;; what it says on the tin, but. But. listen. there is some really fucking old stuff in here, and is indeed the only shit in that tag. i think theres literally pictures of some adult coloring pages i did a long ass time back. do not go and send rude shit on any of those and dont judge my artistic ability on them either, they are literally from middle school #ares answers ;; asks. hate that you cant just search tumblr blogs for asks and i hate searching through ppls posts for them so here we are
𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒: you’ll notice below i have linked a toyhouse profile but it is largely unfinished rn and has very few of my ocs on it BUT i do plan on trying to get it updated soon i prommy. 
- 💋 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 -- 🎸  𝑨𝒓𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒗𝒆 --  ✂️  𝑻𝒐𝒚𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 --  🍓  𝑾𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕  -- 📌  𝑷𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 -
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firebuug · 3 years
for the oc emoji meme; collision, crying, punch (the irony of asking this when all ur ocs are literally murderers /j) and spider for Skuggy, Farrow, Dexter and Buggy!!
FEEDING ME OC CONTENT THANK YOU (is creating the content) also kKHJFKFKFG HEY!!!!! NOT ALL OF THE— ok thats a philosophical question, in the words of socrates these bitches r killers. under da cut its 3 Miles long
💥 what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
LOL so im an emotionally constipated bitch so naturally all my ocs are too
• buggy has trouble dealing with grief without either shutting down or lashing out, and also cannot for the love of god stand up for himself he is traumatized. he had an issue with trying to put on a smile all the time but after the juggy event he is much more willing to be human now LOL. embrace feeling emotion w your friends after grieving together
• skuggy has trouble accepting love both platonic and romantic bc his brain is telling him they r lying or have deeper intentions 😔he also refuses to show any concerning emotion around anyone bc he’ll look Vulnerable but it usually ends up in him burning out and being concerning anyways LNFNDKF.
• the only emotions farrow n dex allow themselves to feel is anger and joy LMFNDNDKKSK anything else? nonexistent . poof . farrow filters all his negative emotions so that they come out as rage, while dexter just doesn’t know how to handle anything other than anger or joy because he didn’t have any use for them or time to waste processing emotions, he has a town of take over! so instead whenever he feels a new emotion he internally panics LOL. farrow just refuses to let anyone know he feels at all and has not cried in years. ok maybe thats a lie but before dying he went years without shedding One tear cuz what is there to cry abt when youre winning
😭 what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
• it is not easy to get farrow to cry despite the fact hes been bottling it in ever since he was like 16 because hes so fuckin determined to keep up his image of being Unmovable, but the things that usually does make him cry are just being too overwhelmed, not knowing how to handle his emotions, or being really scared
• seeing skuggy cry is like seeing a blue fuckin moon, he just doesnt do it unless he’s Also overwhelmed with negative shit, really worried about someone, or being thrown back 2 da past. he doesnt even like crying in front of ppl he trusts and he’ll get upset if they try to comfort him
• buggy feels very strongly and still is hesitant to cry as to not worry anyone but youre more likely to see him cry than the others, he cries if he’s really emotionally hurt or worried or if he missed someone a lot. other than that hes a happy guy
• dexter does not cry . i cannot imagine him crying thats how hard wired edgy i wrote him. im still trying to wrap my head around him feeling love for his brother for the first time in dnd so i am not at the point where i can think of what makes him cry yet. why do grown cis men who thrive off toxic masculinity cry? ive only ever seen fathers cry when everything is lost. even then i think dexter would just sit there in silence and zone out or smtng not cry
👊 are they quick to violence?
this is getting really long. buggy is not quick to violence at all, he actively tries to avoid it unless someone is getting up in his face and trying to get at him. skuggy will punch a customer if they push his buttons enough he doesnt give a fuck. he’ll violence anyone. farrow is a rabid animal. dexter does not violence bc he wants to look sane but he will grab your arm or shoulders really tightly to give you a hint
🕷 what is their biggest fear? any irrational/mundane fears?
• buggy fears abandonment the most 😳😔👊 his mundane fear is small dogs bc he got chased and bitten by one when he was dousing LOL
• both dex n farrow fear losing control the most and have phobias of anything related to their death [even like, lying down on a spa bed or doctors table or whatever for farrow] if someone puts their hands near their death scars they get nervous. farrows mundane fear that haunts his anxiety thoughts is bugzz 🐛
• skuggy. u know him. he dont like da fire. his mundane fear is geese and swans cuz theyre vicious but thats normal human instinct. probably doesnt like thunderstorms cuz they can cause fires if youre anxious enough
WE’RE DONE if you made it this far for some reason literally im ur biggest fan youre awesome
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tweedfrog · 4 years
Rhaella, Rhaenys, Aegon VI and Jon Snow?
Rhaella Targaryen
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight but after Aerys she wants everyone to stay 28763685748674967 miles away from her so she doesnt engage in sexual or romantic relationships 
Gender Headcanon: cis woman 
A ship I have with said character: Rhaella/Being alive, Rhaella/Beating Aerys to death with her bare hands. In an AU i think Rhaella/Doran could be interesting given that they’re only a few years apart in age.  
A BROTP I have with said character: Rhaella/The Princess of Dorne/Joanna Lannister. I wish we could have seen more of their friendship. I like to think the princess of Dorne was the cool older sister Rhaella and Joanna never had. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Rhaella/Aerys. 
A random headcanon: Rhaegar got his talent for music from Rhaella. She has a beautiful singing voice and used to sing duets with him as a child. In the begining of Aery’s reign before everything went downhill Rhaella was a patroness of the arts.
In a modern AU rhaenys is the only one of Rhaella’s grandchildren that will go to the opera with her. They often do girls nights out together. Dany doesnt like the opera but she joins in when they go to art galleries and plays.
General Opinion over said character: Rhaella is my canon oc and she didnt die. I can confirm her Elia and Rhaenys are on a beach in the summer islands somewhere sipping sangria and having a grand old time away from their loser husbands.
Rhaenys Targaryen
Sexuality Headcanon: Bicon. Distinguished bi on the outside, disaster bi on the inside. 
Gender Headcanon: cis woman 
A ship I have with said character: Rhaenys/anyone who treats her well. Rhaenys/Willas, Rhaenys/Robb, Rhaenys/Edmure Tully
A BROTP I have with said character: Rhaenys/Viserys. In a modern AU theyre like Troy and Abed from community complete with the fake morning show. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Rhaenys/Jon where Rhaenys is one of Jon’s harem of women. I’ve only seen ONE fic that approaches Rhaenys/Jon in a sensible way that is respectful to Rhaenys so @ that one fic writer good on you.
A random headcanon: Rhaegar named Rhaenys after himself but Rhaenys likes to pretend she was named after Rhaella. Rhaenys is the only child out of Rhaegar’s three children to inherit his exact eye colour. Rhaenys loves dancing but unlike Aegon she prefers slow dances like the waltz.
General Opinion over said character: I will never get over Rhaenys. Her death makes me incredibly sad and I think the story would have been so much better if she lived. She’s alive in my heart tho and is my canon OC along with Rhaella and Elia.
Aegon VI
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight. Aegon VI is the token straight kid out of his siblings. 
Gender Headcanon: cis man 
A ship I have with said character: Aegon/Shireen, Aegon/Margaery, Aegon/Arianne when its done well
A BROTP I have with said character: Aegon/Rhaenys ultimate Brotp. They’d be super close in any AU. Rhaenys sort of mothers Aegon and in turn anyone who even looks at Rhaenys in the wrong way goes on Aegons shit list. Aegon/Arianne
A NOTP I have with said character: Aegon VI/Elia Sand. I hate the fanon idea that Aegon will marry Arianne and secretley lust after Elia and mistreat Ari like Rhaegar mistreated Elia. Literally what would this contribute to the story? Also Elia is FOURTEEN leave her alone.
A random headcanon: Once JonCon got drunk and morose told Aegon a little bit about Elia in between going on about Rhaegar and said that Aegon had almond shaped eyes like Elia. Whenever Aegon misses his mother he looks in the mirror at his eyes and tries imagine what she looked like.
Aegon has a decent singing voice but prefers dancing to singing. His favourite dances are the fast ones such as jigs and reels. 
General Opinion over said character: Aegon is not evil or bad. He is a 16 year old who has normal levels of arrogance compared to other noble boys in Westeros. I love Aegon and I hope he is Elia’s son.
Jon Snow
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi
Gender Headcanon: cis man but i’ve seen convincing headcanons for Jon being trans. Also that post that points out that Jon’s deadname is Visenya.
A ship I have with said character: Jon/Satin gang rise up. Pray tell Jon, how do you know that Satin has soft skin 👀 👀 👀
A BROTP I have with said character: the canon brotp we get with him and Sam. Also Jon/Robb and Jon/Arya are more canon brotps.
A NOTP I have with said character: Jon/his harem of women. These fics innundate the Elia and Rhaenys tags on Ao3 and i hate them so much. Every time i see one i do 1 pushup and i will one day be extremely buff.
Jon/Val is a bit of a notp for me because I think Val represents the normal life of a legitimate son that Jon so longs for but for me it’d be kind of boring at the end if he ended up lord of winterfell with a wife and 2.5 kids. Also dont think Val would love living like that.
A random headcanon: In my Rhaegar wins AU Jon, Rhaenys, and Aegon get raised together in the Red Keep (but its a very unhappy and stressful situation for everyone. They are not 1 big happy family). Jon and Rhaenys resent Rhaegar in particular and when they’re kids Rhaenys gets the bright idea to prank their father and put a ton of salt in his wine. Both of them dont realize salt in large quantities is an emetic and Rhaegar gulps the whole thing down in one go and starts vomiting everywhere. Jon and Rhaenys freak out and are staring across the dinner table like this wondering if theyve become the youngest murderers in Westeros:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
General Opinion over said character: Canon Jon is great and as ive said before he’s an emo 16 year old doing his best. Fanon Jon though? I am looking away. I pretend I do not see him.
Thanks for asking!
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love-to-lgbtq · 3 years
Hi, so I'm a cis girl, and I'm thinking I might be bi but I'm not sure and it's driving me a bit crazy bc I feel like I should've realized before (?) Or maybe I just think that I am but I'm really straight (?) Idk
1- I just started college and I'm living on my own for the first time in my life, and ever since getting to this city I've been like "wow, girls are hot", but I never had that feeling before
2- I've only had one (1) actual serious crush in my life, and it was on a man. But I am notoriously terrible at identifying how I feel, and I've had some mini-crushes on other guys, as well as some rather confusing and unclear feelings for some of my female friends (one of which is bisexual and even had a crush on me at one point, so I always felt like I was just responding to the attention, but maybe I had an actual crush on her as well???)
3- Obviously, I have no romantic nor sexual experience to speak of with anyone of any gender, so...
4- I play a lot of videogames and interactive fiction where you have like romance subplots and the like, and I've almost always romanced men in those. And the few times I chose a woman, my character was an OC instead of a self-insert. However, lately I've become more and more interested in exploring some wlw romance routes on some of the games I'm playing with a self-insert
5- It makes objectively no sense for me to be somehow repressing my sexuality. I grew up in a fairly liberal country, my parents are not homophobic at all, and 3/6 of my closest friends (and many of my more casual friends) are in the LGBTQ community. I don't know why I wouldn't have known before or why my mind would be hiding this information from me
6- I'm not even crushing on anyone. It's not like I fell in love with a girl or anything, I'm just noticing them more. But it's like a switch flipped. On my first day, I was asked my orientation by a very nice lesbian and I said "straight" without hesitating, all the while thinking "she's cute, but I don't think I'd be into her even if I were into girls". The other day I crossed her on the hallway and I was like "whoa 😳". I thought sexuality was something that was always there, but in my case it seems like I somehow acquired it here or something idk 😂
7- I'm scared to start identifying as bi because that would mean becoming part of the LGBTQ community, and I don't want to enter those spaces only to later realize I was straight all along. It would feel dishonest and wrong. Especially since absolutely everyone I know knows me as a straight woman. Not in a "assumed heterosexuality" kind of way, but in a "a lot of people thought I wasn't straight and I've been verbally communicating my heterosexuality for years" kind of way.
8- I also don't want to ID provisionally as bi bc I don't want to feed into the "it's just a phase" myth
9- Sorry for the long ask, but it's just that I needed to vent and to get advice from someone who doesn't know me irl. Should I wait until I actually get a crush on a girl? Is there a way to know for sure if you're attracted to girls? What do I do???
Dear anon,
Oh, honey. Its as if I actually know you. You sound just like so many people im acquainted with. First I will tell you a joke that my mom and i have which is "straight people don't question their sexuality" if youre thinking you might be bi, ive got some news for you. You probably are. College is a time where a TON of people figure out their sexuality. Also I will note another queer joke that queer people tend to "flock" so yes you may be the token straight friend now, but all your queer friends have probably just been waiting for you to realize youre queer too. Different people figure themselves out at different times. Some people figure out in their 40s or later! Theres no shame! And if you realize you arent bi (but I'm almost certain you are) then thats fine! Labels only hold as much power as you let them. They change. Thats life! Ive changed my labels before. I used to identify as gender fluid and now I identify as nonbinary.
I think you should act upon this to your comfort level. If you want to experiment, go ahead. If you want to wait and see, that's fine! If you want to just tell people youre questioning, that works too! It's up to you. Its your identity. It sounds to me like youre bi, but if youre not ready to accept that or if you still arent sure, then that's fine. Live in the moment. Feel whatever you feel without questioning it. The rest will come later. Theres no need to stress over it.
Good luck, let me know if you have any more questions or just need to vent.
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i used to hc mothwing as trans just so she could be genetically accurate and still solid red and not a tortie. i see that as Yikes now ofc but like. i did it with a few other characters too😬 for example bramble and squirrel were both trans so they could still have alder and spark but i also did it so bramble could be a brown torbie instead of red. now i just hc all the cats as cis cuz im cis and it's not my place to make trans headcanons lol (except canon tortie toms cuz chimeras are overrated)
no, the issue was making cats trans JUST so they could have kits in a gay ship (or to make a cishet ship not Straight TM bc ew straighties or something like that idk forgive me on this) what you did wasnt inherently in poor taste. it’s got at least some reason behind it and ive probably done something like that myself once or twice.
people making mothwing trans just so she can sire the three is in poor taste if that’s literally the only reason she’s trans and it’s NEVER touched upon again.
idont talk abt this much bc its usually projection which is FINE, but right now im not gonna hold back. like, why not at least do something with it beyond kits?? if theyre gonna have kits why not delve into the cat’s feelings towards their parental role or something— like a trans molly not being able to birth or nurse her children. how would she feel about that? what about a trans tom and being the one to birth his kits? does he nurse them until they’re weaned or what???? get creative!!! do something with that!!! it gets boring when you dont do anything with it!!!!!
it just feels like trans characters are being used as props so someone’s favorite gay ship can have biological kids or that a ship isn’t Straight TM. also, surrogacy and adoption exist. not all trans people want biological kids, especially trans men because most (KEY WORD: MOST) are squicked out or incredibly uncomfortable with the thought of being pregnant because it is associated with womanhood and the female body and trans men are not women. if a trans guy wants to get pregnant, more power to him! i could never. but that isn’t the only option.
representation isnt just tacking it on like that, it’s actually DOING something with their identity. what about a name change, even? pronoun slip-ups? they happen, even with the most accepting families. and why not branch out from trans tortie toms? why do all tortie toms have to be trans?
i know its already kinda weird bc cats dont have as much sexual dimorphism that humans do and there’s no Cat Surgery or HRT but Do Something With It. Names. Pronouns. How do other cats react? is anyone against it? how quickly do others adapt to the pronoun change? what about the cat’s route to self discovery? what if the cat finds out they’re actually cis and just GNC and/or gay or something like that? there’s a lot you can still do with trans warrior cats despite the differences between humans and cats. it doesnt even have to be canon cats, it could be your ocs. get creative. im begging y’all to actually do something with your headcanons.
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