#i know most high schools suck this isnt news but no one who went to my hs besides the favorite kids enjoyed it
leggyre · 1 year
You got any adivce for someone who's considering dropping drawing completely since they don't like what they're making at all?
honestly i've been in the same struggle recently bc it just hasn't been a good year for me. i haven't been drawing a lot bc most of the time i'm either sick or i just.. can't. I've been picking myself up as of late and it's a really difficult grind, but honestly the fact i've been able to actually start this grind is already good for now. I guess that counts as advice; be patient with yourself. Self-esteem doesn't come easy and the little steps are worth so much more than you think.
ok so uh,
-if you just started, don't think about it too much. we all start with the weird scribbles. if you stop now you might never get back to it -if you've been trying to doodle often and always end up hating the result, just take a break. art block is seasoning for burnout and you might just be tired. a lot of times i've felt bad about my art i kinda "gave up" for a while and when i came back to it it was like "wtf this easy what was my issue (it was burnout)". so take a break, play some videogames or hang out with your friends for a week. idk write essays about the media you like? it feels like you're being unproductive but resting IS part of productive because just pushing yourself will just result in nothing being done at the end of the day. -look at your favorite work! im not quite out of my latest artblock yet because its a tough one(it's been teaming up with depression caused by health problems it suuuuucks :/), but when i went long enough without being able to draw I kinda started feeling like I can't do shit and can't call myself an illustrator at all specially bc what i do isnt that big of a deal compared to others(<- comparison also big mistake remember youre the only one who can make YOUR art), going through my folders and seeing the stuff I like the most gave me a LOT of motivation to keep going, even if I was still unable to start drawing right away. not giving up is so important. -so yeah love your art. focus on drawing things you like because it's a gift from you to you, and you should treat it as such. i know it's really hard to be positive about it all the time but it can be really good to go through all your artwork at the end of a day and look at the things you like about it, even if it isn't much. -on that note, find something you really like drawing!!! back in high school i had massive periods of depression that kept me from drawing but i occasionally found sort of a 'life hack' for myself which were things i was always able to work with even during the worst times. one of them was just.. bees. i just doodled random characters as these bees and made og designs too and it was fun. the other one was using colored pencils instead of a regular one bc i just like colors and it made me happy :] it didnt matter that they always had the same overall shape or if i couldnt erase when i messed up, i was just feeling good being able to draw something that i liked. -experiment more!! expand your palettes and download some new brushes. i even change from my newest to my old busted tablet that still sorta works occasionally because using a tool that feels different is.. refreshing somehow? idk -when you need to get yourself back up, do the little steps at your own pace. do a little doodle every day. it's okay if it's always the same thing. the same character. the exact same idea. it's okay if it sucks or if it's unfinished because you struggled. Just give it little pushes. What matters is to try. and it's okay if you can't do it every day. maybe every other day if you need a slower pace. -and remember. engagement doesn't measure your skill. art is subjective anyways!!!!! i spent YEARS doodling and posting only my ocs and getting little to no notes. i think one of my favorite artworks from the time i had ~100 followers had like 0 notes for the longest time. to be honest i don't even know if it has any likes at all nowadays i'd have to look it up bc it's a bit buried
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vaugarde · 2 years
on my commute today i got like this fitness inspiration ad on youtube where it was like cheesy “defy the odds” kinda stuff and it blasted me back to high school where like this guy who had lost his arm as a kid came to the school and did like this really forced (well meaning but i hated it bc the student they had running it was the same girl calling me slurs and assaulting me with books and they took this opportunity to bully me further bc they kept insisting on being assigned to me) anti bullying session based around like “you can do P.E. without being fully able bodied” and again i personally hated it but my teacher that hosted it at the time just played the video and took the opportunity to just mock him for losing his arm and the whole class and her just laughed and joked about calling him “stumpy” or something and i feel like. this paints a decent picture of my high school personally
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rolaplayor101 · 2 years
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There's this thing in the Ben 10 fandom that i wanna talk about that often goes ignored and its the fact that there's always conversations about "The Girls Of Ben 10" and how they deserved better... But here's the thing
All the characters of Ben 10 are underdeveloped. All of them are robbed of times to shine. Its not just Ben's old dates, who get the most attention in these conversations, it's women who exist outside of Ben completely. Its men who we see a few times but still know next to nothing about.
Look at Charmcaster. Charmcaster had a huge story line. She had soooo much going for her that was outside of Ben completely. She was the daughter of a man who fought against oppression and died, then she went into Legerdomain and took it back from said oppressor, and became its new ruler. But then?? She was a bad guy again?? Like, even outside the Michael Morningstar thing, she wanted to get her dad back and she killed all those people and even managed to kill the plumber squad, and then after uaf they completely got rid of that storyline. She has a rich backstory and so much ahead of her story wise that is so interesting!! And it was left for.. Whatever happened in omniverse..
And then there's Pierce, who was the older brother of Helen and friend to Manny, who had so much personality hyped up before we'd actually met him. He was capturing plumbers kids, then got sucked in himself, and met Max, and... Then what?? He joined Max's team with Helen and Manny, who, also, we know nothing about, and then we didn't really hear anything more about them. They went to Plumbers school. I dont even wanna talk about the Rooters arc rn, that's so far away from, like, an actual in depth character analysis to even mention. How did they grow up on Earth if they looked like that... How'd they meet Manny... That was covered?? In Omniverse?? I guess?? But whyd they stay together??
Oh my gosh Elena lets talk about Elena. Shes gotta have PTSD. Her body was taken over by nanites, she didn't even have a full sense of self by the end. She was creating these robots, then she went into the sewers, and eight or something months later shes in a gameshow for Ben's heart. What's up with that?? She has such a plot, a story line-- How'd she get her body back?
Then theres Alan. How long has Alan known he could turn into a alien. Who's his dad? Ok rooter arc stuff again but can we all agree that that retcon sucked?? What is Alan doing now? He was the same age as Ben when he first got his Omnitrix when we were introduced to him for the first time. And his last line was "i think my story is just beginning" like WHAT we were ROBBED
What's Cooper doing? Sunny? They introduce characters with so much interesting stuff going on in their lives or stories and then they never get to have a satisfying story line. Its not just the girls. Its really just background characters in general. They do a couple of things with Cash and JT too, but they never go anywhere--despite having some regular human high schooler dudes with a average redemption arc in play could be interesting in itself. And Jimmy! He's a kid detective! And he has one episode dedicated to it and then rarely shows up again!
I mean, look how many Anodite aus are on this site. Gwen isnt a love interest to anyone but Kevin-- and her, Sunny, and Verdona's experiences with being anodites have people so curious that you have countless headcanons loitering about the tag all the time. Anyway, all im saying is that various plot points are brought up and never seriously or fully explored to their full potential with both the men and women of Ben 10.
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xgryffinwhore · 4 years
september nights
request:  i was wondering if you could write another soft bill smut? i don’t really have a specific plot in mind, we’re just really lacking content on tumblr rn :( in some really precarious place where they don’t want to get caught
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warnings: soft smut, like i mean very soft.
word count: 2118
before your lips met bill denbrough’s, love was always, to say the least, a conundrum. lets be real for second, boys wasted your time, and you let them. only the cute ones of course. you are a hopeless romantic, drunk off of molly ringwald and john travolta films. you wanted any relationship you had to be just like the movies.
through your heart breaks, your best friends stood by you, your losers. eddie, richie, bev, stan, ben, and bill. for each tear you shed a punch was thrown to the man who caused it, they were protective over you. bill the most though, he always got so defensive when you were in the mix. all throughout middle & high school, bill has had to deal with every guy who even dares to think about breaking your heart.
“its not fair bill” you wailed into your pillow. he stroked your back and hushed you, his eyes welling with tears. “im never fucking good enough for any guy and its so fucking sad!” your complaints being cut off mid sentence by a choked out cry. “y-y/n. all of y-your boyfriend are i-idiots. anyone w-who would d-d-do this to you isnt w-worth your t-time. anyone w-would be the luckiest in the w-world to have y-you in their life” you picked your head up and looked at him with swollen lips and blood shot eyes “there no one out there for me bill, no one.” 
he bit his lip, fighting back any tears dripping from his eyes “they j-just dont see how p-pretty you are. how g-gentle and caring and s-s-sweet, and h-how your face c-can light up any room. theyre f-fucking idiots, and you d-deserve m-more.” you clearly thought he was being nice, because you could take a MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN hint, so you replied “i wish there was someone out there like you, for me, that thinks of me the way you do.” 
he furrowed his brows, tossing his head back and running his fingers furiously through his hair. “d-dammit y/n!” he cursed “cant you s-see what ive b-been trying to say? w-w-what ive been t-trying to say f-for the last f-five years!?!” your expression was bewildered, your brain was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what he meant. his frustration got the best of him, he got up and stormed out the door,  feeling embarrassed and stupid for trying to make you understand how he felt.
he was half way out your front door, fuming for his keys lodged deep into his front pocket; when suddenly:
his head turned at the call of his name, “y-y/n please i d-”
your lips locked with his, he rain pouring heavily outside. bills lips stilled at the contact, but this lasted briefly, he deepened this kiss by pulling you in to his abdomen by your mid back. your bunched the front of his base ball t shirt with your fists, and he did the same but with your hair.
the rest is basically history.
now six months later, and you couldnt have been happier. bill knew how to treat you, nights out twice a week (you always wanted to pay but bill insisted,) holding your hand to and from classes, he let you borrow have his varsity baseball jacket, which smelt just like him and was a little too big for you. 
when he would drop you off and your classes, he would always grab your hand and transfer a tiny piece of paper into your palm. when you got into class to unfold it, it was always a cute little message about his love for you. 
bill had it bad for you, everyone knew that, and you loved every minute of it. he met every and any standard you had, and exceeded your expectations. 
it was september, still warm enough in derry to wear shorts, so you and your friends thought of a last hurrah for the ending of the summery weather.
“camp out, its nearly perfect” Richie exclaimed. eddie rolled his eyes “like youve ever been near anything perfect toizer, do you even know what perfect means?” richie shoved eddie “yeah eddie i actually have. have you seen amanda’s tits?”
 you tuned out richie and eddies bickering as you’re boyfriend cleared his throat. “you g-gonna go?” he said into your ear, “only if you promise to wear bug spray bill, you know how bad-” he cut you off with a kiss, his mouth forming a small smile at how cute you were. “get a room, honestly” stan poked, pda wasn’t his favorite... “at least i h-have something to k-kiss aye s-stannie”
you arrived at the edge of the forest, parking your car at the last parking ish space. you walked toward the sounds of ben and richie fighting, and came to see that richie really went all out. three tents, sticks for a fire, and more snacks than anyone needed. 
you all spent the remanence of the daylight dancing in the light sky, sharing stories, and eating waaaay too many chips. it was dark now, you all huddled in a circle near the fire; making small talk and trying not to admit you were all very tired.
“ok folks, im off to bed” richie yawned “me stan eddie n’ mike will take the green tent, bev and ben in the red.” richie paused and smirked over at you and bill, you were tangled in his limbs, golfed in his navy blue pull over. “and uh- heh- billy boy and y/n in the yellow tent eh?” you could practically feel bills eye roll, god richie was so immature.
“w-we dont have to s-sleep in the s-s-same tent, i c-can ask ben if he’d s-switch” you look up at bill and reassure him “bill no- its not a big deal, right?” he tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses the side of your temple “c-course not.”
you both went into the tent, bill began to unroll the blankets you both had packed tightly into your bags. You both set up your makeshift bed, bill leaned against a pile of pillows while you hugged his side, your face buried in his neck. his smell was absolutely intoxicating; his skin had remanence of his milk and honey body wash, but it was slightly overpowered by wintergreen, clove, and his bourbon cologne. 
you were like this for around an hour, the orange crank-powered lantern being the only source of light. you switch positions though, you now laid your head on his lap, reading a magazine you stole from the hair salon. he watched your eyes scan every letter, when you read something funny you’d huff to yourself, and when something was intresting you stuck your tongue out from between your teeth. he adored you.
“d-dont stay up t-too late” he stroked your hair off your shoulder “we have t-to have you w-well r-r-rested.” you sat up from beside him, as he adjusted the pillows and took off his pull over, then his pants. he got under the covers and waited for you.
“nice donut boxers” you laughed. “s-shut up” he blushed and regreted not changing them when he had the chance. you turned around took off your shirt, you were shy about how you looked, but it was just bill. it was just bill. you heard his breath hitch, his eagerness radiating off his body onto yours. the air became tense as you unzipped your pants and threw them to the corner. you turned around, bills pupils growing until you were completely facing him.
“yeah i know. mine are boring” you laugh nervously, brushing your hair behind your ear and getting under the covers next to him. he didnt respond, he couldnt take his eyes off of you.you began to sit up again “i can go put back on-” “n-no!” he interrupts, his blush taking up his entire face.
“i j-j-just cant b-believe i g-get to see something s-so special” he gulped “s-so b-b-b-beautiful.”
you grabbed him by his shoulders and kissed him, hard. youve been with boys before, i mean youve dated plenty of people. but no one ever called your body special. hot, yeah. nice, yeah. beautiful, sure. but no one ever thought that it was special. 
bill was a kind boy, the most you two have ever done is get each other off with your hands, always clothed. bill never asked to see more, he felt lucky enough just to make you feel good, and that was enough for him. so when you felt the heat of his hands hovering over your body but not touching it, you new you’d have to call the shots tonight.
“bill,” you laid down “just touch me everywhere, please.” he crawled in between your legs, kneeling so that he could lean over your face “m-my pleasure.”
he traced your collar, leaving small, delicate, kisses to make up for what his fingers left behind as they trailed. he kissed the valley between your breasts, licking slow striped down your skin. he picked up your upper back a little and cocked his head to the side, you nodded and he unclipped your bra. he sat their with his mouth open, taking in the view. you blushed and muttered “hey, keep that mouth to good use.” he dipped down and sucked on your nipples, his mouth felt so good against your skin grazed with goosebumps. he was gingerly with his tongue, it was sexy, it was romantic. he kissed down your stomach, his fingers sweeping down your sides. you could see his member pressing against his boxers, the pressure made him wince every once in a while. his fingers met your panties and he hooked them. again, he looked up for permission, you nodded once again. 
he brought your underwear down your legs and off, looking back to see what he had relieved. he licked his lips, getting ready to please you more than he already did. but you felt bad, bill always gave gave and gave. “its ok, im ready right now.” bill looked up at you in shock, he wasnt expecting you’d want to go all the way. “y/n, y-youre sure?” you lean up and kiss his lips, swiping your tongue against his bottom lip “please.”
he pulled down his boxers eagerly, his member sprung out to hit his stomach. he lined up with you, checking once more that it was ok. then he pushed in, bottoming out. he felt bigger than you thought, of course he was well endowed, but he filled you up so well. you mewled, the pain and pleasure making a delicious feeling that made your toes curl.
he waited, but began slowly moving after a bit. he grunted, feeling you wrapped around him was something he’d never be able to get out of his head he thought to himself. he grunted “f-fuck this feels g-good’ he grunted, his breath becoming heavy and full of lust. with every stroke, you felt yourself get more and more lost in the bliss he made you feel. “youre making me feel so good  bill” you moan, the sound of his name coming out of your mouth driving him absolutely crazy. he speeds up, loving the view of your face contorting in pleasure and your body moving with his. 
he couldnt help but feel admiration to you, your hair formed a halo around your head, and the sweat that coated your skin made you glisten in the orange light. “im t-the luckiest in the world” he husks, holding your cheek. 
you felt the knot in your core coming undone, “bill im close” you strain, trying not to be too loud so you dont wake your friends. he moved your leg up to his shoulder, hitting you from a different, deeper angle. his fingers went to your clit, making you bite your had to stop you from screaming. “you l-look so p-pretty y/n, t-taking me s-so well. making y-you feel so good.” “so good bill” you repeat, drunken off his cock and fingers. 
without warning, you came came, your legs spazzing as you moaned “fuck bill” he followed, his hips stuttering, as he cried out into your shoulder. he pulled out and laid next to you, both of you breathing heavily and coming off your highs. 
“y/n” he looked at you “t-that was really j-just wow- thank y-you.” you kissed him, chaste and sweet “that was great yeah?” “it w-was perfect babe. t-thank you f-for t-that. i love you y-y/n.”
“i love you too bill.”
he sat up, his fingers dancing on your inner thigh.
“c-can we p-please do t-that again?”
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cas-rivaille · 3 years
Undertaker here! How are you today?
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I was thinking the other day and I remembered an idea of mine I requested some time ago to another blog and I wanted to see your point of view as well, if you're comfortable with it ofc! I'll change it a bit because I have more ideas about it than before.
What if, hear me out, Obey me!MC was Sukuna's vessel??
I was thinking about a Female!MC but if you want you can keep them gender neutral (I don't mind!). So let's get into it, shall we?
Some facts about MC before the Devildom:
- They've already eaten all Sukuna's fingers
-But they are able to keep him calm inside themselves because over the year they've been together, MC decided to approach him more (Ya know if you have to die with/for someone, at least know them better)
-Sukuna took a liking to the MC, even though he would never admit it. (I mean- They always visit him in his domain to talk to him, read together, play cards (yes. You heard me. The king of curses loves Poker and UNO) or chess, they always ask him where would he like to go eat something, offer him some of their food to let him try new things, ect. Sometimes, but only SOMETIMES, they let him take control (not fully but they both can talk from the same mouth and he has control over one side, while MC has control over the other one))
- Having said that, Sukuna's still a stinky sassy bastard King. He's still rude, acts like he doesn't care about them and always finds a way to let them down when they're too happy. If they're sad though, he doesn't hurt them more. Sometimes MC even asks him advice whenever they're in doubt and after his bulling he actually gives pretty good advice (if you consider extreme violence a good advice that is)
Anyway, MC was going to get executed when suddenly they fell into Devildom. Their file didn't mention Sukuna at all and MC noticed that because when they arrived covered in talismans and chains the demons were confused about it. So, they kept the King a secret until lesson 16.
After Belphegor's crushing hug, while MC (the one from the original timeline) is in Mammon's arm, before Barbatos Thanoses the other timeline, Sukuna heals them and takes fully control of their body (the tattoos, the fangs, the long black claws, the other pairs of eyes and arms appear).
Now, HOW would the brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos react?
If it is too much or I did something wrong, feel free to ignore this! It's okay! Love you and have a good day!
(i think i'm gonna do it hc style for the individual characters feelings but also some dialogue n stuff and each hc thing for each character is written as like in the game like they all like MC except belphie for obvious reasons)
tags: swearing, lesson uhhh smth spoilers ?? i think like 16 ?? (lmk if i need to tag anything else)
also hi ‘taker🥺🥺 i’m good today,, had a bit of a rough morning but i got to see my partner so i feel better !! how are you ? :D
and without further ado..
MC who is Sukuna's Vessel
- hold up
- hold the fuck up
- it was confusing enough when there were two MCs and one of them was near death in mammon's arms
- but now the injured MC gets healed and comes back to life ? but has another set of arms and eyes and is covered in strange tattoos ?
- then the other MC disappears ?
- when the demon MC starts talking, their voice is different and what-
"What the fuck did you to do MC?" Sukuna hastily spits out, checking the body for any other injuries. MC's voice is back and talking out of the same mouth.
"Sukuna, stand down," MC says.
"But he almost killed you ! Without me we wouldn't be standing here right now !" Sukuna argues back.
"I'm aware of that, but we have to be civil about this and talk to them," MC responds sternly.
"Then I want to be present for it. I'm not letting anything happen to you- I mean me. Yes me because I die if you die and I'm too godly to die," Sukuna rambles out before retracting the other set of arms but leaving the tattoos. He opens one of the eyes and forms a mouth on MC's right cheek to watch and participate in the conversation.
All the brothers and Divolo looked stunned at the scene that just happened.
"Questions ?" MC jokingly asks.
Lucifer -
- what ?
- questions ? is MC joking ?
- who the fuck is talking out of MCs body and what jurisdiction does he have
- isnt MC supposed to be human ??
- what does this mean for their relationship ?
- why did MC keep it from him ?
- he looks at dia and barbatos with the most confused face
- looks back at MC equally confused
- def hurts his pride that he didn't know
Lucifer's confusion turns to anger because that's the only way he knows how to cope/react to this.
Sukuna starts talking.
"Show a little more respect. I'm a king after all."
"Don't be an ass," MC shoots back. MC looks at Lucifer a little embarrassed.
"Uh, so this is Sukuna. He's the king of curses ? We kind of share a body because... uhh... it's a very long story but i mean the gist of it is I ate his thousand year old fingers ? There was 20 of them because he had two sets of arms like you saw before- it was very gross- but i had to because of the energy they posses ? When you brought me here and I was covered in seals and chains, was when I was about to be executed because I have all of Sukuna in me. So,, he can do stuff like heal my body and give me cool powers ? I don't really know what else to say." MC rambles using awkward hand motions and finishes by scratching the back of their head.
"Way to make me sound like a total fucking loser," Sukuna glares at MC.
"For the love of god stop talking-" MC shoots back.
- huh ? someone has been sharing a body with his MC the whole time ?
- were they present the whole time ?
- did they see him acting like an idiot in love ?
- was sukuna there during e v e r y conversation he's ever had w them
- never felt more insecure and betrayed tbh
- why wouldn't you tell him ? he was your first
- wants you all to himself
- doesn't want to share you with some four armed idiot
"So he's just, there all the time ?" Mammon asks.
"Not really? He has a headspace and he usually just chills in there but he can watch what's going on if he wants to." MC responds.
"That makes me sound lazy," Sukuna complains.
"Well if you don't like how I describe you then maybe you can talk about yourself. You're very good at it," MC smirks.
"Fine. I can do whatever I want. We can trade who has control over MC's body. I have a large supply of cursed energy and will beat the shit out of the next person who touches MC," Sukuna glares at Belphie.
"Yeah beat them in poker maybe. But not mariokart. You suck at video games in the headspace," MC laughs.
- was that how MC was so good at video games ?
- because they spent hours on end with this guy in their head playing video games ?
- why didn't MC come to him to play games ?
- why is MC okay with sharing a body with Sukuna ?
- why can he be the one to share a body with MC ?
- why was MC playing video games with literally anyone else ?
"So let me get this straight, you are his fingers and now you share a body ? How does that even work ? That sounds like something out of the manga 'My best friend ate some ancient object and now shares a body with an immortal warrior'" Levi questions MC.
"Okay so, Sukuna lived a really long time ago. When he died, the only thing that survived were his fingers. They each hold an incredible amount of cursed energy and it's only his fingers so from there you can imagine how powerful he was with the rest of his body," MC explains.
"Okay but that doesn't tell me why you ate the fingers ?" Levi raises an eyebrow.
"Oh. So I went to a high school for Jujutsu sorcerers, which are people who can manipulate cursed energy, and once I ate the first one to save my friend from dying, my choices were to die now or eat all of Sukuna and then be executed because he would die with me," MC says as if them dying was nothing.
- why has he never heard about Sukuna in any of the books he's read ?
- he historically doesn't exist in anything the devildom has book-wise
- so who is he ?
- needs to find out everything he can about him
- is there a way to separate MC and Sukuna ?
- his blood is boiling at the thought of MC sharing a body with someone
"So you've basically had super human powers this entire time and elected to not tell us ?" Satan glares at MC.
"Well, when you put it like that it sounds bad. I just didn't want you all to meet Sukuna because he has a lot of anger issues and is quite an asshole and I was trying to avoid this entire conversation that is happening," MC sighs.
"Rude," Sukuna says.
"Anger issues. You think we couldn't deal with this ? Are you serious right now ?" Satan asks.
MC shrugs their shoulders nervously.
"How much do you actually know about what sharing a body with him does to you ?" Satan asks while looking at the small mouth and glaring.
"I mean, I get these marks because he had them when he was alive. He was also so powerful to the point he had four arms and another set of eyes, like you saw before. I get those when he takes over mostly, but I can kee him restrained. But the eye thing is why I've always had slits under my eyes because the eyes are the most common thing to show up. The arms don't really. But it's entirely painless so don't worry," MC somewhat calmly explains.
- those marks make MC look so good wtf-
- not the time
- so this Sukuna person lived a thousand years ago ?
- what was this about jujutsu sorcery ?
- what even is that ?
- asmos not the brightest on the block but from the looks on his brothers faces none of them know what the fuck MC is talking about either.
- they've explained a little bit of it b there's still some missing info
- what is sharing a body really like
- how much of MCs body can change to be like Sukunas ?
"So how much of your body can he control ? What can he heal ? Could he bring you back from the dead ?" Asmo curiously asks.
"He can't control much because it's my body and I have a lot of raw power by myself. I don't know if he can bring us back from the dead. I don't think so though or else the Jujutsu school wouldn't have tried to execute me. He used to be able to bring us back when I hadn't eaten all of his fingers, but now I don't think he can," MC explains.
"So why do you let him live in your body if he can't do much for you ?" Asmo questions.
"Well one, I don't think there's a way to get him out-"
"I'm still here you know," Sukuna interrupts.
"You've made that clear," MC says before continuing, "And two he can do stuff for me. It's like a symbiotic relationship. I give him a host and he protects me."
- protects MC ?
- that's his job
- why is someone else protecting MC ?
- overall confusion
- even tho MC has gone over it multiple times, he doesn't get how or why Sukuna is in MC's body
- maybe it's the shock
. was this why MC could challenge him to armwrestling and almost win ?
"So how long has he been in you ?" Beel asks.
"About a year," MC responds.
"Can he make you live longer aside from healing you ?" Beel asks hopefully.
"I'm sorry, I don't think so..." MC says while looking at the ground. They cross their arms. They look small, as if they aren't small enough compared to him already.
"So, what does this mean ? Now that your secret is out... are you going to stay in the devildom with us ? Or do you have to leave ?"
" If I leave I'll surely be executed when I go back to the human world. If I stay I don't know what will happen to me, but it's not up to me. It's up to you guys if you want me to stay. I understand if you want me to go, I was harboring a big secret and it's probably unnerving to know that you're never truly alone with me, but Sukuna actually cares about my boundaries even though he acts like he doesn't. There are some pluses and there are some drawbacks but ultimately you have to decide." MC responds, looking from brother to brother then at Dia and Barbatos
- MC ? dead if you back to the human world ? doesn't bother him
- he doesn't care
- he hasn't known MC long enough to care
- diavolo may have told everyone that MC was a descendant of human Lilith and he told everyone the events that actually happened, but why should he have any attachment to MC
- MC isnt Lilith, and MC sure as hell doesn't like him after the events that happened today
- from what he's heard, MC dying would be good for the human world
"I say send MC back. What happens to them isnt our problem any more," Belphie says while under his magical restraints Diavolo put on him.
"Of course you would say that," Satan glares at him.
"Shut up Belphie !!" Mammon and Levi yell.
"You don't have any right to an opinion in this matter." Lucifer states.
"Belphie that's mean," Asmo says.
Beel frowns.
"I vote they stay. I like MC regardless, and if all I have to do is adjust to Sukuna then I'll do it," Beel says while looking Belphie dead in the eye.
There's a beat of silence.
"Me too," Mammon says.
"Hey ! I was going to say that !" Levi protests.
"Oooh~ Count me in !" Asmo says with a smile.
"I also think they should stay," Satan says and looks at MC.
"My personal preference is also that they stay, but Lord Diavolo it's up to you," Lucifer says and looks at Dia.
- he knew there was something off, but couldnt place his finger on it
- he also constantly got a powerful vibe from MC and this explains it
- he was very fond of MC and enjoyed their presence
- he knew what he was going to do
"Barbatos, what do you think ?" Dia asks him.
"The decision is up to you m'lord," Barbatos responds.
"Well Id also like the input of my trusty all knowing butler," Diavolo laughs.
"Then, I see no reason to send them back to the human world. They can live out their lives here and safe from the school that wants to execute them. It also wouldn't be an issue to get anyone from the human world here if MC so desired," Barbatos replied.
"Then it's settled ! Welcome to the devildom for the rest of your life MC!!" Diavolo smiled and welcomed MC with open arms.
MC smiled and accepted the hug.
- he didn't know all along, but he know when the timelines crossed and he had to erase the other
- MC was very near and dear to his heart though and he wasnt about to let them be killed
- just wants to keep MC safe
- mars :)
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strawbxrryneptune · 3 years
Hood Bakugo gives me life.
I NEED you to write about the whole UA gang in the hood because this was just *chefs kiss*
Easily in my top 5 fav fics of all time ♥♥♥
Idk what you mean by whole UA gang but here's a lil smth smth
Bakugou in the hood is beautiful. Dating him is like a religious experience tbh. He's definitely the plug/dealer everyone's afraid of. If you owe him money or anything, I pray for you. He does not take shit lightly, you will leave his place with 4 missing toes, and if you don't pay your debt by the end of the week, you won't have any legs 🤷🏾‍♀️. Carries a glock around all the time, but you wouldnt know cause he hides it. Has a temper but it's not as bad as it used to be when he was just starting out. He sits back and watches, the kind of gangsta that doesnt do the whole 'gang signs for everything' type shit, and he's not soft. For you, yeah. For his bros, sometimes, but if he needs to kill a bitch he won't hesitate.
He loves ass. Like if you walk into his crib and you're wearing shorts??
Game over.
He'll push you down onto the plush carpet of his office and make you suck him off while he takes drags of a blunt, offering it to you while you gag around him. If you accept, he'll have you blow rings around his cock while you suck it, then when he's about to cum he'll pull you off and fuck you from the back, grabbing at your ass and cursing into the air.
Gives you a smack on the ass and a bunch of rolled hundreds so you can go shopping. Get as much shit as you want, but at the end of the day you better be in his bed.
Denki's headass is a fake hood nigga . He's probably a super senior (got held back lmfao) cause he kept getting caught either blowing bitches backs out in the stairwell or hot boxing the bathroom. When he was in high school, he was def the type to put a speaker in his backpack and blast NBA youngboy. He throws gang signs in the hallways, not even knowing what some of them really mean.
He's been shot at multiple times.
The only reason he's not always in trouble is cause he and Bakugou grew up together. No one fucks with Bakugou's crew.
He has an unhealthy obsession with tits for sure. He sees you in a tank top or an off the shoulder and hes pulling you to a secluded corner and kissing you breathless, hands tugging and pinching at your chest.
Loves when you ride him cause he can watch your tits bounce.
Even if you dont have big ones, he still loves them, sucking at your nipples and rubbing up and down your stomach.
Leaves lots of marks.
Would die for you. Has threatened to shoot your parents for making you cry, even though all he has is a pocket knife.
Has to beg Bakugou for a glock.
Sero is the plug. Like, Bakugou does some runs for him occasionally but Sero has everything. He's always in this really ratty recliner with a pitbull at his feet, smoking a blunt and playing some dumbass game.
He has so much money constantly, its crazy.
Even tho what he does is against the law in so many ways he's friends with all the neighborhood cops. Mans never gets in trouble LMAO.
He and Bakugou are the ones who run shit.
He loves thighs. Around the house you're only allowed to wear short shorts and thigh thighs. Or, even better, naked with thigh thighs 👀
Sadly, the last option is virtually impossible cause there's always people coming in and out.
But when he isnt working, he loves to lay you down and feast on you, making you play his game or try to finish his blunt without choking or losing.
Goes down on you for hours, won't even fuck you unless you beg for it.
Doesnt give a shit about himself when it comes to you :((
Kirishima isnt a part of the hood LMFAO
Hes like that one friend who everyone loves but doesnt belong there.
Like Jaden, Shawn, Daeshawn, and Mark.
We love Mark.
Kiri was Bakugou's childhood best friend. He and Bakugou went on different paths, and Bakugou is a growing gangsta while Kirishima is manager in training at Game Stop.
He doesn't smoke often but when he does it's really fun.
Gets the gang discounts at the store, even tho they can all afford to buy the entire Gamestop chain.
That's why Sero has every new Play Station, Balugou has every Xbox, Denki has all the Legend of Zelda merch, Mina has a bunch of cute plushies.
He always comes in clutch 😫
He loves everything about you.
Like he cant pick a favorite body part, but loose clothing (sundresses, baggy clothes, his clothes??) Makes him lose his mind.
He will lift up whatever you're wearing finger you till your creaming all over him, then slide home and make your legs shake for days.
Feral Kirishima is not a common thing, hes usually sweet and doting, the ultimate service dom, but wear his shirt with some thigh highs or a garter belt?? Or even his uniform shirt ??
R.I.P that pussy, ayyy
Mina is literally the most fun out of all of them.
She always has some type of substance on her, a little flask, some weed in a cute baggy, some suspicious pills, you name it.
Always dresses in juicy merch.
Shes always wearing those silky sweat outfits with the crop jackets, with a gold chain and some filas.
Nails always done, hair always done.
Ms. Girl can fight, period.
Will and has beat a bitch for you.
Don't get her mad. She angry cries, and will swing on you if needed.
She also loves everything about you, but she be staring at your ass a lot.
Doesnt care what you're wearing, she will smack it.
Shes usually more domineering. Shes definitely a switch, but she takes control in the way that she knows what she wants and she'll guide you through it, even if shes "subbing"
Loves going down on you.
She gets insecure sometimes when you wanna eat her out, but always shakes in pleasure at the end of the night, manicures nails scraping down your back and scalp as she screams your name.
You literally have no idea what she does or where she goes when she disappears randomly, but she always has cash.
No one asks questions tho
Let me know if you want a Dekusquad or individual fic/drabble :)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 32
Happy Halloween to everyone! I hope that you enjoy this treat. Sorry this took so long to write out. This one took a few rewrites to get it where I wanted it to be.
Plus, Real life stuff got in the way So hopefully this will be a nice little treat for you all.
(Master Post)
Marinette watched in horror as she watched her best friend struggle on the floor.
She dashed to her side, and tried to help Alya get that weird mask off her face.
“By all means go right ahead. Its already too late.” Masquerade laughed as she watched Marinette struggle. “Soon enough she will be helping me take you down.”
The designer pushed the words of the psychotic akuma out of her mind. She refused to let her friend get turned into a mindless drone like before.
“It wont come off!” Marinette grunted as she tried so hard to remove it.
Masquerade watched her bracelet, waiting for a change to occur.
Alya’s muffled screams and frantic movements stopped.
Marinette jumped up as she watched her friend transform, her casual clothes transformed into a familiar black and white costume. The Wi-Fi symbol on her chest. Lady Wifi has returned.
Masquerade’s bracelet gained a new charm, one looking reminiscent of a cell phone.
“And now she is my friend.” The villain stated as she watched Marinette start stepping away from the enslaved akuma.
“Alya… you need to fight it. You can’t let her control you.”
“Sorry Marinette, but Alya is unable to answer.” Masquerade mocked. “But I can take a message for you.”
Lady wifi stood silent, like an inactive robot, awaiting orders from its master. The inner machinations of the mind are not shown with the emotionless white mask covering her face.
Marinette turned her eyes toward the mask themed akuma, anger burning in her pupils.
“Let her go Lila. Let them all go before things get serious. Your plan will fail, Ladybug and Chat noir will arrive and beat the akuma out of you. Then you will have to answer for this too.”
Masquerade’s smile faded when she saw the fierce look. Marinette was not a sniveling mess, she actually looked even more defiant then before!
“Acting all high and mighty. I think I will enjoy turning you into my helpless puppet next.”
Masquerade lifted her hand towards Marinette, waiting to unmask her deepest secrets, and break her down.
“When I get a peek at what is hiding behind all of that fake courage, it will all come crashing down. Now let’s see your greatest secrets.”
Marinette looked around, trying to think of something. If Lila figured out her big secret, it was over. Ladybug would be exposed. She needed a way out, until she noticed something. Masquerade wasn’t doing anything.
Marinette was perplexed by the akuma simply standing there.
“Ummm... are you going to do it now or...”
“Why can’t I see your secrets? My powers should allow me to see what you’re hiding and allow me to exploit it. It worked on everyone else I used it on, why not you?”
“Maybe I just don’t have any secrets to hide.” Marinette commented, watching with a bit of satisfaction as the akuma’s smug look shift.
Masquerade felt her frustration and anger boil at the comment. Something wasn’t adding up.
“Hawkmoth!” She cried out in rage.
A purple butterfly outline popped out.
“What is it?” The dark voice connected in her head.
“Why can’t I read Marinette’s secrets?” Masquerade angrily questioned.
“Her secrets! I was able to zero in on everyone else I’ve used the ability on. Why does it not work on her!? Of all people I want this power to work on!”
Marinette felt both concerned and a bit flattered that she was the one Lila wanted to defeat the most. It was sort of mutual.
“Your power works on anyone I’ve akumatized, regardless of who it is.” The butterfly villain communicated. 
“So… your saying you didn’t akumatize her before? How is that possible?”
“I haven’t gotten to every single person in Paris.”
“You’ve akumatized that stupid pigeon man 26 times! How have you not gotten everyone!?”
“Paris is a big city, even if I akumatized someone every day, I doubt I would have hit 1/10th of the population. Besides, it takes strong negative emotions for me to send out an akuma. And that man seems to just be the easiest target for it. “ Hawkmoth defended himself. “Its not like I WANT to akumatize him every other day.”
“Just get the miraculous. That is your focus, the girl can wait for later.”
Masquerade’s butterfly outline dispelled as hawkmoth was finished with that conversation.
“Well that sucks. I guess I can just go back to plan A. Having you watch as I turn everyone against you... aren't here. What!”
Masquerade frantically looked around for the teen she had been antagonizing and found that she was no longer in the same spot. In fact, she was no longer in the office!
Marinette had decided to slip away from the akuma while she was having her little tantrum to the evil butterfly man.
“Why didn't you do something!” She shouted at Lady Wifi.
“You did not give me an order.” Lady Wifi answered robotically. 
Masquerade glared at the akuma servant. She would almost think it was rebelling against her.
“Even as a mindless servant you still find a way to ruin things.”
She looked around and noticed the other akuma in the room that was still on the floor.
“Dark Owl get up!”
The owl themed akuma got up from the floor. Removing parts of the broken pot from his costume.
Masquerade snapped her fingers. Catching the attention of Dark Owl and Lady Wifi. 
“Both of you, I want Marinette brought back to me right now! I want to make sure she stays quiet and sees everything we have set up. I don’t need her causing trouble.”
“…and that is everything.” A young woman said with a mixture of relief and excitement. She had finally finished setting everything up in the school infirmary. She had organized the files, restocked the bandages, changed the sheets on the resting cots, and put her personal decals on the desk. She was starting her first day as the school nurse, and things have been going up.
She put herself back out there and started dating Curtis, the sweet guy she met last week despite what would’ve normally been a deal breaking misunderstanding, she got into the med school program she wanted to get into and will be attending part time, and she managed to get a job at the school she went to when she went to Lycee.
She heard a ding from the front of the nurse’s office just as she was about to sit down.
“First student of the day. I better see what they need.”
She exited the small office area in the infirmary to see a blonde student who was clearly impatient
“What is taking so long!?” The teen shouted.
“Hello there. How can I help you?”
The blonde looked up a bit to see the nurses smile, she rolled her eyes.
“Who the hell are you? Isnt there supposed to be a different woman here?”
“If you are referring to the previous school nurse, she retired officially last week. I am the new school nurse. You can call me Nurse Angela.”
Angela never really liked using her last name, it made her sound old. So, she would be fine with the kids calling by her first name. It also helps with psychology, allowing more for a social dynamic based on mutual respect rather than authority.
Angela felt a twinge of frustration at the girl’s dismissal. But she kept her smile.
“And you are?”
The teen smirked.
“Chloé Bourgeous. And before you ask, yes, the daughter of the mayor.”
Angela felt a shiver go down her spine. She remembered from what the previous nurse told her. That Chloé was the mayor’s bratty daughter who would use her father’s influence to get anyone fired if she got angry enough.
‘That at least explains her rude attitude. She is a spoiled Brat.’
Angela was not going to let this bother her. She was going to take it in stride. She would be kind and courteous as she planned to be with any student at the Dupont.
“So, Chloé. What brings you here?”
Chloé walks in.
“My chair broke because someone sabotaged my chair. I ended up bruising my… anyway I need some ice, and anything to numb the pain.”
“My goodness! That sounds terrible. Who would do such a thing?”
“It was probably Marinette, that nasty little rat. Adding insult to injury now that she is dating Adrien.”
Nurse Angela moved to get some ice from the freezer for the bruised bottom of the Mayor’s daughter, listening to the girl vent. She was sure that whoever this Marinette girl was, probably didn’t do it. And if somehow, she did, it was likely because the annoying blonde deserved it. But that was not something Angela felt was worth mentioning. She kept that bit to herself.
“She is probably blackmailing my adrikins with something. There is no way he would be dating her without some sort of reason.”
“Is it possible that maybe he just likes her?” Angela inquired as she presented the bag of ice to Chloé.
Chloé looked at the nurse as if she had just told her that she had 3 eyes and a scorpion tail.
“Adrien liking Marinette?! That is ridiculous, Utterly ridiculous! There is no way that Adrien would…”
Chloé felt her mind flash through moments. Adrien and Marinette about to kiss for that movie, Adrien and Marinette dancing at her party? The photos she found of them running from fans, that kiss at the picnic during heroes’ day. Adrien taking Marinette to that interview instead of her… The stubborn blonde felt as if everything clicked into place.
“Chloé? Is everything okay?” The nurse called out, trying to get the spaced-out teen’s attention.
“He might actually LIKE her!”
Chloé felt her own skin crawl as she made her realization.
Angela didn’t know how to respond to this situation.
“I am going to straighten Adrien out right now! I am not going to let him make such a foolish mistake!”
The nurse could tell this could be bad if the mayor’s daughter was so heated, what if she got this innocent girl expelled? If she stood by and did nothing then her time at the school would be internally marked with the regret of not stopping such a potential disaster.
“Wait, Miss Bourgeois.”
Chloé stopped.
“What is it?”
“I… I just noticed that you’re limping. The injury might be more serious than you think. Let me have a look at it closer before you leave.”
The mayor’s daughter would simply have left without a second thought. But having a limp would make her walk much less dignified and lacking the power she needs to intimidate, but mainly that she would look lame with a limp.
“Alright, just make it quick.”
“I don’t get why you felt the need to leave.” The cat kwami rolled his eyes. “If you want to be rebellious Adrien, we could leave the school and head to the movies. Though if we do, you should invite your girlfriend.”
“Plagg, this isn’t about rebellion or future date ideas. Something isn’t right with this whole situation. I just want to sneak a peek in the office, make sure Marinette and Alya get their story out, and then I am headed right back to class. No problem.” Adrien summarized as they kept walking.
Plagg noticed someone headed their way and went to hide in Adrien’s pocket.
Adrien took notice that it was his homeroom teacher. Perhaps he could ask her.
“Hey Ms.Bustier. Can I ask you a quick question?”
The red headed teacher walked past the teen without acknowledging his question. Her eyes focused on what was ahead.
“That’s weird… She would always stop to help a student.”
Adrien could feel that his favorite teacher may have been affected by something sinister.
“Ms.Bustier, can you hear me out for a second?” He asked as he touched her shoulder to try and get her attention.
The mirage of her appearance shifted from the homeroom teacher to the stylized patchwork costume of a familiar akuma enemy.
Adrien was surprised to see the true form of the imposter. The kiss zombie maker, Zombizou.
The akuma turned to show the face mask that hid her face. Her attention was now firmly on the boy, whether he wanted it or not.
Adrien backed away, nervously keeping his eyes on the teacher as he carefully backed up.
“You know, I think I will just ask someone else.”
Adrien took down the next hall running.
Masquerade reclined in her chair, her frustration was growing as she wondered what was taking those two minions she sent out to capture Marinette so long.
“They shouldn’t be having that much difficulty. She is just one person!”
She heard a ring, and knew her sentimonster was trying to contact her.
“What is it Simulare?”
“The illusion I had on Zombizou was broken. Someone is on to us, and the minion is in pursuit.”
Masquerade felt a headache forming. She didn’t have time for a wild goose chase. She needed to move on to phase two of her plan, making her army of akuma.
“Track down Marinette and this other  person that found out about Zombizou, keep them busy as long as possible. I am going to move on to phase two. Make sure no one is on to us.”
“Understood. I’ll get them back in the office and make sure neither of them escape.”
Masquerade ended the call and felt her head ease a bit. The sentimonster she was given was obedient and competent. It was based on her mindset, so it would make sense that it would be capable of handling this problem.
“Now, let’s get that army.”
“Give me a break.” Marinette muttered to herself.
She thought she would have time to transform once she escaped the office, but the two akuma were right out of the office before she had time to make sure everything was clear.
In her rush she cut a corner down a hallway and ended up colliding with another person.
“Ouch.” They cry out in unison, both looking to realize who they bumped into. Their faces turned to relief.
“Marinette!” “Adrien!”
The two called out in unison.
“Why are you running?” “Why are you running?”
“An akuma!” “An akuma!”
“An akuma?” “An akuma?”
They both look behind the other to notice the incoming akumas approaching them.
“As cute as this is, we need to go.”
Adrien Grabs Marinette’s Hand and they both head to the open area and try to get to the main entrance.
‘I need to get Adrien somewhere safe, then I can go transform into Ladybug.’ Marinette thought to herself, unaware that Adrien was thinking the same thing.
They make quick movements down hallway, moving up and down staircases to confuse their pursuers. They managed to give them the slip as the controlled akuma seemed to not be able of basic reasoning and quick fake outs and movements.
The two make their way down to what appeared to be the front of the school.
“The entrance!” Marinette called out. “Okay, we split up at the entrance and try to get help. They can’t catch us both.”
The run to the entrance only for them to stop short, colliding with some invisible wall.
It was only after making contact did the front entrance of the school shift back into a wall. The layout of the entire school seemed to shift instantly. The school had been put under an illusion to trick them into thinking they were escaping.
“It’s an illusion. Which means Lila must be involved with that group of akumas.” Adrien exclaimed.
“More like she is the cause. She is the one controlling the akumatized mask wearers. She got the Principal and Alya.”
“Wait, does this mean that Lila’s power is to make akuma!?”
“From what I saw, she can only akumatize people that have been akumatized before using her face masks. You haven’t been akumatized right?” Marinette questioned.
“No, and since she didn't get you, you haven't either right?”
“Yea, though I have had a few close calls.”
“So, if Lila’s power is akumatizing people, what akuma made this illusion on the school?”
“That would be me.” A third voice calls out.
The two turned to look and see a familiar fox themed villain smiling confidently.
“Not exactly.”
The Volpina impersonator looked around to see if the other akumatized servents were going to arrive.
“Seems you both are quite clever when it comes to annoying Mistress Masquerade.”
“That’s what Lila’s calling herself.”
“Oh... cause of the masks.”
The villain rolls her eyes, encapsulating the personality of the arrogant volpina that it was pretending to be.
“Masquerade realizes that you two are both quite difficult to snag with mindless servants, so she requested I handle this.”
“No, you won’t.” Marinette grabs Adrien’s Hand and tries to run away only for the Faux Fox to flip in front of them
“Yea, I am not letting you out of my sight. Now be good and come along peacefully.”
Adrien moves in front of Marinette.
“Go, I’ll hold her off.”
“Go. I trust you.” Adrien smiles as he looks to her for a moment.
Marinette wanted to stay and fight with him, but she knew that she needed to go and transform. Ladybug will be needed before this blows up.
“I’ll get help.”
Marinette runs away from the two as fast as she can. Adrien making sure to block the way should their foe get any ideas.
“She won’t get far, she will get captured before she even gets a chance.”
Adrien shook his head.
“You would be surprised with how just how amazing Marinette is.”
Marinette rushed out of sight and into the closest bathroom, quickly making sure it was a safe place to transform.
“Coast is clear. Time for Ladybug to step in.”
“Let’s hope we can get to Adrien in time before things get worse.” Tikki commented.
“Don't worry, I trust he’ll be okay. Tikki! Spots on!”
“Can you believe it Juleka?” The peppy perfume enthusiast squealed. “Marinette and Adrien are finally an item.”
“Yes, I was there rose.” Juleka commented with an eye roll and a smile.
“I know! I am just so happy for them both.” Rose calms herself a bit. “Though… how will your brother take it?”
The purple haired teen reflected on the comment.
“It will be an adjustment, but I am sure Lulu will be fine once he gets a couple songs out of it.”
“I’ll be sure to be supportive.”
Juleka patted Rose’s head, smiling sweetly at the blonde’s caring attitude. She decided now would be a good time to spring that surprise on her. She was planning on showing her during lunch, but since Ms.Bustier wasn’t in class. Now would be the perfect time to show Rose the earrings she got her.
She casually reached into her bag, sliding her hand into her lunch bag, trying to find the earring box, only to notice it not there. Her hand moved frantically searching.
“Is something wrong?” Rose inquired, a bit of concern on her face.
“No, nothing. Nothing is wrong, just…” Juleka dismissed as she kept searching only to know for certain that her gift was not in there.
“Are you sure?”
“I just need do something really quick.”
She quickly grabbed her phone and calmly while hoping that her brother would see her text.
In her quick movement, she failed to notice the door of the classroom opening.
“Psst, Luka. Luka!” A dark-haired teen whispered, trying to get the attention of the teal-tipped hair guitarist that was hiding his sleeping face with an open science book.”
“Hmm?” The tired teen responded with his eyes still closed. He was barely awake. He had been up all night working on that new song that was stuck in his head. He could still hear it playing in his thoughts as he tried to shake himself awake.
“Your phone vibrated, seemed important.”
“Oh, thanks Theo.” He moved his hand to take a look at his phone.
The science teacher was rambling on about molecules or something, clearly unaware of how disinterested everyone in the class was with his boring lecture.
Luka looked through to see a few text messages from his sister.
‘Hey, can you check your lunch to see if there is a jewelry box in there? Rose’s gift is in there.’
‘If you find it, can you swing by around your free period to bring it to me?’
Luka quickly snuck his hand into his backpack and sure enough he felt the small box. He was about to text a response. But stopped when he read the last two texts.
‘Sh*t there is an akuma in the class!’
Luka’s eyes shot open, his sister was in danger. Which also meant his band was also in danger. He needed to get there.
He shot up from his chair. And started making his way to the door.
“Mr.Couffaine, where do you think you’re going?”
“Family emergency.”
The science teacher was about to tell the young boy to wait until his parent calls, but he remembered who is mother was and what she did the last time he held up her kid when Anarke wanted to pick him up early. The teacher proceeded to held back his response.
“Proceed. Just be sure to get the notes from today’s lesson.”
Luka was out the door before the teacher could finish.
A car speeds down the road, the driver cursing to herself as she tries to move faster.
‘Get in, get Adrien, and get out before everything hits the fan.’
Nathalie mentally repeated to herself. She knows that pushing herself too hard was also dangerous. She couldn't risk feeling weak right now.
The driver slammed the break as she arrived at the school. She needed to hurry. She parked the car and opened the door.
“Lets hope that this akuma hasn't gotten to Adrien yet.”
Ms. Bustier’s class had diverted all their attention to the costumed individual in the front of the classroom. The eerie masks that adorned her costume seemed to unsettle everyone.
Juleka put her phone away and joined in on what everyone was staring at
Alix was the one to say what was on everyone’s mind.
“Who the f*** are you?”
The akuma smirked.
“Excellent, a volunteer.”
Raising her hand and pointing towards Alix, her charm bracelet began to glow.
“Interesting, seems that you have quite a soft spot for cute things.”
The class turned to look at Alix with confusion.
Alix kept her cool.
“And? Is there a point?” Alix rolled her eyes, ignoring the akuma’s attempt to get under her skin. It would take more than that to actually do anything to her.
“You pretend you have this ‘Devil may care’ attitude, that you are too cool to care about what people think, but really you are more obsessed with how people perceive you than anyone else in here.”
Alix felt her smirk falter for a second.
“You are really sensitive about your height and anytime someone brings it up you are in a bad mood for the rest of the day. But what really gets to you is your ‘Family’. You hate how your brother is a laughing stock because of his crackpot theories and your greatest fear is that no matter how much you try to be this punk rebel, you will always be cast as ‘The Conspiracy nut’s sister’.”
“Shut up! You don’t know my life!” Alix yelled.
“Not so fun getting exposed, is it?”
The class realized immediately who this mysterious akuma was.
Masquerade smiled as she flung a mask right at the pink haired teen. Causing her to fall down. And struggle to get the mask off, but before anyone could help her. It was too late.
The class could only watch in horror as their classmate transformed into their Akuma persona. Before standing up.
The class tried to make a break for it. They knew full well the dangers of this new akuma.
“Timebreaker, guard the door.”
The akuma skated to the door and everyone jumped back. They knew that touching Timebreaker was not a good idea.
“Lila, this isn’t cool. Let Alix go.” Nino called out.
The Mask akuma shook her head.
“Lila is not a thing anymore. She was unmasked and dismissed. But now I have a new mask, I’m Masquerade. Soon enough, you will all be unmasked and given a new mask that better suits you. Alya knows that very well.”
Nino’s his eyes flared at the statement.
“What did you do to my girl?”
Masquerade pointed her hand at him just as her charm bracelet glowed, now with a rollerblade charm added to it.
“The same thing I am about to do to all of you.”
Will the rest of the class fall victim to Masquerade’s evil plan? Will Ladybug be able to save Adrien from the Sentimonster? Will Nathalie get to Adrien before its too late? Will I ever update consistently?
Fine out all these questions and more in the next part.
Thank you all for reading the most recent addition to Soulmate Survey.
Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter and if you really liked it. Reblog it. (Sharing is the only way my story actually gets out.) Plus, tagging has been kind of glitchy for me, so until that gets straightened out, I can't tag people for the story at the moment.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom episode 4-7 Thoughts: (under a readmore because, these got kinda long!)
-the outfit danny had to buy for dash's party. CLASSIC 2000S i cannot stop laughing. And also showing up to the party and everyone is dressed like the trio is hilarious. and further proof that everyone looks good dressed goth.
-dash has a closet full of cute lil bear plushies?? LOVE that. adorable. also his response to danny trashing his room fighting a ghost was SO valid if somone BROKE MY BED IN HALF ID BE PISSED TOO.
-technus being like 'oh smart, u should be a tutor!' then later being like 'forget tutor, be a teacher!' :) supportive king <3 I also really like his upgraded suit/design. AND SPOCK CAMEO??? HELLO??
-the music in this show is super. its so funky. I looked it up and the guy who does it, guy moon (awesome name) also did music for other cartoons like fairly odd parents, barnyard, chalkzone, billy & mandy, AND some actual movies like FIGHT CLUB??? the whiplash I got from reading that)
-sam being rich explains a lot about her, actually.
-I know the moral of the episode was supposed to be 'dont ditch your friends for popular people/spend a lot of money on clothes that arent You to Fit In'. but tbh. it wouldve been easy for danny to have been like 'well, okay, ill come but only if my friends can!' but I get. that hes 14. so. not a lot to say there.
-BOX GHOST IS BACK!!!!! also, danny sitting up and wearing the dress/wig/makeup. umm thats how I dress everyday LMFAO. unironically me. (hate the jokes that boil down to 'haha funney man in dress' tho. but this is a look)
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-jazz being protective of her brother once again being like NOOO YOU GUYS BETTER NOT STAKE OUT HIS (actually haunted) LOCKER!! shes aware of how people perceive him and she wants to help :( which is also probably why she told dash to invite him to that party even tho she had no interest in going!! she wants to help him out :(
-gotta say im with tucker on the whole 'should danny use his powers to get back at bullies' debate. 100% yes. let him teach kids to fight back. making dash throw his food at paulina out of the blue? no. but when hes actually about to pick on someone? yeah! for self defense? YEAH! if dash and his friends just threw food at him, I think rather than. idk doing sneaky shit with frogs he couldve just threw it back and not pulled punches if they tried to fight. I kNOOWWW its a kids show so they are like 'if u fight back ur just as bad!! violence bad!!' but. theyre HIS POWERS. WHO CARES.
-like my only gripe is that dash really isnt LEARNING ANYTHING WHEN DANNY GETS BACK AT HIM IN THE MOST PETTY INDIRECT WAYS. whatever they had to add a bully psa episode I guess. I hate it and I hate the way cartoons usually handle it because these methods simply Do Not Work. 'aND YouRE USinG YOur poWErs FOR EVill???!' this is Not Evil. even when poindexter takes dannys body, theyre only being 'nice' bc hes stealing soda for them!! bitches deserve what they get (nothing too brutal bc theyre high schoolers but damn, if they pick on danny he doesnt need to be the 'bigger person' he needs to start biting people)
-SAM TRYING TO SMUGGLE FROGS OUT OF THE BIO LAB?? girl in middle school when we had to dissect frogs we could opt out, also, they came to us already dead and preserved...
-sidney's lingo and the fact hes in black and white is sending me. also, danny is a ghost celebrity apparently for being a halfa?? ok. thats interesting to know
-I LOOOVE the trope of 'wishes gone wrong'. not crazy about the stereotypical genie, or the use of the dreamcatcher looking design. (also, I KNOW theyre scientists but the way theyre handling a cold...are the fentons ANTIVAX)
-the genie. she. whitewished paulina. JKASDFHKJ. (the ghost literally just being hello kitty???? im dying) 'why do i feel that im special and wonderful? because I AM! <3' paulina ilu self worth queen. felt bad for her also getting possessed by (2) boys later who were arguing INSIDE HER. WTF.
-imagine being the guy trapped in his now flying car. he thought danny and tucker were HALUCINATIONS. imagine being trapped in a flying car with two, what you think are imaginary arguing 14 year olds convinced ur gonna die. i WOULD say this dude is gonna need so much therapy, but he seemed totally fine and excited when they landed (I would be happy too if a chicken was on my head. chickens rule) stoner rights
-sam's bat slippers??? iconic. SO cute.
-I think desiree's backstory is so :( do all ghosts have messed up sad backstories?? poindexter's was sad too...cannot imagine box ghost has any kind of fucked up backstory. but what if. his mom got pushed off cliffs by boxes...........a la cruella... anyway her 'no man may lay a hand on me' iconic. ilu
-I know danny has no concept of how much bras cost but my god dont attack tucker with some girls bra. those are so expensive.
-its really. well its not a GOOD THING he went into the portal and got fucked up, but its good danny was the one to do it rather than sam or tucker. because even tho he was being influenced by desiree and kept getting more malicious and it prob wasnt 100% him...he sucked as a ghost like most the people he 'pranked' were innocent ppl just Chillin and he didnt want to help anyone at all. I think danny is the most responsible out of them but also, hes 14 and shouldnt HAVE to feel obligated to fight every ghost. hes a good kid and wants to, but I also feel like he feels like...responsible for the portal turning on?? because his parents did give it up,, but it was an accident and not his fault (if anything, why was the on switch on the inside. why was it that easy. why was there no safety measures. that seems like smth OSHA needs to hear about). like thats my son. hes a good boy. and hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever. if anyone hurts him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. etc.
-danny's curfew is 10PM????? DUDE. when I was 14...shit I couldn't be out that late, I had to be back at like, 8 at the latest, and my parents had to know exactly where and who I was going with, AND i had to call/text them regularly...is this a case of my parents being overbearing, or the fentons sucking??? the only time i could EVER be out that late was if I was at an overnight sleepover or smth...
-the vultures have lil fezes. why do they have fezes...theyre so fuckin funny 'ask him for directions' 'I KNOW WHERE IM GOING' these ghost vultures are my new grandpas. pick them up, put them in the adopt box.
-'I wonder why those guys were trying to waste dad!' THEYRE GHOSTS. YOUR DAD HUNTS GHOSTS. why is that not a conclusion you'd immediately jump to??
-*jazz voice, clearly disgusted* WISCONSIN???
-mrs fenton with the lab coat and leg warmers and PERM. YESSS STYLISH.
-was going to say 'ew billionaire' @vlad but. super valid he used his powers to assumedly steal and cheat to get that money, thats how all billionaires do it! but ew hes a SIMP. and spending your billions on FOOTBALL STUFF?? you are Not Valid overall. I DO respect the fact you have a castle instead of a mansion. in wisconsin. if youre going to be stupidly rich might as well go all out, torches on the wall and all. I DO like his ghost form's little kitty ears. catman. and his cape! every design can benefit from a cape. and how different his forms look, like danny looks the EXACT SAME IN BOTH FORMS ASIDE FROM COLOR CHANGES. vlad's is like,, I could believe they were different people!! also I love the drama. but dude you are fighting a 14 year old. lame. also he was like, telling danny he wanted his mom and him and like, wanted him to renounce his dad?? WHAT ABOUT JAZZ?? bitch. those r MY kids and they are both important and special. I do agree they need better parents but thats not u sir <3
-I thought vlad's 'little badger' nickname for danny came from the football mascot of the packers, but google says they have NO MASCOT?? so now I'm like?? is it because his hair is sometimes black and sometimes white?? I hate to give him props but thats a PERFECT NICKNAME. theyre also tiny and vicious!
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-why did I get so excited that Skulker is back!! its been like. 2-3 eps LMAO. AND THE DAIRY KING. ICONIC I LOVE HIM. hes the nicest guy ever :) more nice ghosts please. danny cannot be fighting alone everytime with no ghost buds like every ghost being hostile sucks :(
-mr. fenton knew vlad was controlling him, but a few episodes ago he had no clue danny was doing the same thing...is it something about how malicious the ghost is?? he just seemed to think his memory had gaps the first time, this time he was INSTANTLY LIKE 'GHOST'. then again in this ep when danny did it again he was just slightly confused but not immediately freaking out like he did with vlad possessing him!!
-'my parents will accept ME NO MATTER WHAT' so. so why haven't you come out to them yet, danny?? if you really think that?? if theres no harm, and you're sure??? if vlad is a real problem, wouldnt that make dealing with him easier, to expose him???? SO WHY HAVENT YOU COME OUT YET?? COULD IT BE,, MAYBE YOU HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT WHETHER YOUR PARENTS ACTUALLY WILL ACCEPT YOU??? 🤔 ... 🏳‍🌈 I get why people say He Is Trans. I totally totally get u danny.
-sorta unrelated, but it just occurred to me in one of these eps they go to casper HIGH not casper middle school??? theyre 14?? dont highschools usually do ages 15-18? (I didnt go to hs so I might be wrong, if I am ignore this...) freshmen are usually 14-15, could just be a case of them not turning 15 yet but they will sometime in the school year (I say they because tucker said he was 14 too)? I know the show has 3 seasons, so by the end of it will they be older? thatd be neat but usually cartoon characters stay the same age...I love shows where you can see the characters age and grow up, though...three seasons seems like a long time to spend on like, 1 year...
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notquiteaghost · 2 years
@bytebun replied to your text post:
Kabu & Cody & fox relationships on kamino vs. now? also how did mirage get her name?
to address your first question,
so As We Know clones-specific canon is A Hot Mess so, for my purposes, jango employed the cuy'val dar to train the clones & the distinction isn't that they only trained some clones it's that they trained some more. jango trained the alphas personally, there were aptitude tests for CC training but jango got final say, CC training meant more time with the cuy'val dar as opposed to flash training & sims. most clones are basically ipad babies. i love domino squad but given the numbers it is insane that tcw tries to say any trainer wld take that much personal interest in just one squad, esp after the war's actually started & they have an idea of actual casualty rates
(oh this is a lot of words ok i will be kind)
similarly, in theory after the war starts choosing who gets CC training wld fall to the alphas but in practise CC training just stops in favour of universal Don't Fucking Die Before Your Third Deployment training. if the war went on long enough they ran out of anyone with formal CC training then hypothetically promotion wld depend on field experience but in practice by the last few months most every company is operating on an Whoever Yells The Loudest command structure. rex is actually just very ahead of the curve in being a captain inexplicably in charge of a battalion
anyway. sorry ive thought abt this too much. my point is, kabu & cody are batchmates but kabu did not get CC training; kabu is a captain, kabu got medic training. fox & cody are not batchmates, tho they are agemates (for my purposes, batches are like being in the same high school class and agemates is being in the same grade and i refuse to actually run the numbers on how many are in a batch but it is more like a few dozen than a handful), and they did CC training Together for that reason.
SO. to get to ur actual question. fox & cody on kamino are new chevrolet in flames dot mp3. nightmare teens who have been told they're The Best Of The Best and also have enough of an inclination to Asking Questions to be overly aware just how dire their sitch is and are very much plastering over that awareness with cockiness & bastardry. (not that every clone isnt aware Shit's Fucked but yknow there's 'wow it sucks we literally don't have rights' and then there's 'if we're meant to be such good soldiers why is there so many of us. how many of us are they expecting to die.' & CC training does in fact go over replacing casualties). they are inseparable from almost the moment they meet; first CC training session involves sparring & they are the two who Will Not Fucking Quit.
cody & kabu are -- ok to be clear when i write clones 'batchmates' is not a guarantee of Sibling Dynamic, but in cody & kabu's case they are Sibling Dynamic. lot of downtime spent together, cody's the first person kabu talks abt gender to, kabu's the one who gets the brunt of cody's Fucking Hells Do I Even Want Command stress, etc. they're very much the siblings who will shittalk each other till the cows come home but stab anyone else in the throat for looking at their sib funny. their batch's Resident Troublemakers
kabu & fox at first are very much like. imagine the spiderman pointing meme but they're both holding a gun. what do you mean cody can have TWO people. this is quickly resolved after the first time fox & cody make out, and then kabu & fox join forces (cody Hates this)
so a summary of the dynamic of all three of them on kamino is they each take it in turns to be the one Causing Trouble while the other two disapprove.
and then once they're deployed, cody & fox very much have to Adjust to no longer being literally joined at the hip, and kabu bears the brunt of cody adjusting. (thorn bears the brunt of fox adjusting. fox & cody are not deployed with a batchmate on accident)
SO. Now, kabu & fox are just as much Siblings as kabu & cody. fox likes to pretend to be mad about this, kabu likes to threaten to bribe fox's subordinates to forcibly sedate him, cody watches these exchanges with a fond smirk. and the further into the war we get the less ghost / the 212th as a whole give any shits abt decorum & the more likely you are to walk in on kabu threatening to tell the entire GAR about That One Live Fire Drill if cody doesn't lie the fuck back down and stay there
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woodsteingirl · 3 years
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chapter two is out here! or read below the cut!
Dean turned the key to unlock the door. they all stepped inside, still in their moment of Revelation. the silence was eventually broken by jack saying, “why’s it empty?”
“It’s ‘cause our furniture isn’t here yet,” Cas explained. Dean tacked on that it would be arriving sometime today. In the meantime, before the stuff arrived, Dean took the time to explain what exactly this endeavor meant for everyone. He had applied online for a mechanic job the week prior, they had only gotten back to him to tell him he got the job the day before. Dean was still reeling from everything happening so fast. it’s like everything hed wanted for so many years was finally coming to fruition, and it was an adjustment.
Cas had signed both Jack and Claire up for school. Jack was going into first grade and Claire into her senior year of high school. Obviously, Claire was older than that, but she could pass as younger just for a little while, while everything was sorted out. Plus she could gather valuable intel that way. The hard part would be getting her to agree to this plan. Jack, on the other hand, was completely thrilled about starting school. He couldn’t wait to be able to have friends his own age. Cas didn’t have much to do throughout the day, but with the other stay-at-home parents in the neighborhood, he was sure he could find some way to help out.
Snapping out of his daydream, Dean took the time to explain how everything would go in the next month or so. “I got a job at the repair shop down the road, Cas will stay here and look after everything, Jack will go to school like we planned, and Claire, we sort of set you up in school again.”
“Wow, you guys are really on a kick of making life decisions without asking me arent you!”
“Claire, it was the best option at the time, we needed the intel from kids that age, and its not like Dean or I could just walk in and ask,” Cas explained.
There was no doubt about it, she reacted as expected. Even though shed only been out of school for a year or so, she’d never enjoyed it when she was involved, so the thought of going back made her sick to her stomach. Since there was really no where to stomp off too, as the entire house was empty, she settled for sitting on the floor behind the kitchen island to process. Some ten minutes later Dean came and sat down on the floor next to her.
“Look, I get it. Nothing can be perfect for us, but sometimes you just gotta tough it out and it’ll be better than you think.”
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾
(This is a flashback to the action point just so everyone knows whats happening)
It was a normal Tuesday evening. The couple was eating dinner just as normal. Quiet conversation, and unspoken glances were commonplace for them, so the feeling over eerie silence was nothing new, and neither thought anything of it. They didn’t even hear the sound of the door open. Did the door even open?
The husband reached across the table for the salt, his wife screamed in horror when she caught sight of the tall hooded figure above him. The town was small and she shouldve known who it was at first sight, but unfortunately, when youre about to be stabbed, those things dont come as easy. She reached across the table for her phone to call 911, but she didnt make it before the figure had stabbed her husband and was moving on to her. Those were the last thoughts she had before being found in a pool of her own blood the next morning.
The neighbor had heard them and called the cops. News spread like the blight, and everyone was taken in for questioning, so far, no motive or prime suspects had been declared. It had been a month since, and the police presence was now slim to none, even though almost no progress had been made into the actual investigation. That’s just how it is when you have to solve a murer case with nothing to go on but a dead couple and a town of suburbanites.
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(this is bak in normal time just fyi)
After about half an hour of just trying to process what was happening, Claire was ready to go back to join the rest of her family in putting their furniture together. Cas was sitting on the floor in front of what looked like it could be a table, if you positioned it correctly.
“You need some help?” She asked.
“Yes, if it isnt too much to ask, I could use an extra hand,” he gestured to the manual, “it says you need two people here anyway.”
Claire sat down next to cas and took the manual from his hands, “what step are you even on? None of the pictures look like whatever you’ve managed to create.”
Upstairs, Dean was trying to show Jack how to use an impact driver, “look, I know youre only like what? Five? But its never too early to learn how to use a set of tools.” He handed the tool over to Jack, it looked wildly disproportionate in his hands but that’s not what mattered, what mattered was the fact that he was having a bonding moment with his son, a positive one too. He was bridging the gap of what he missed in his childhood, and giving Jack what he had wanted.
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The next day was spent almost exclusively on introductions. First they went over and greeted their new neighbors on each side, Tracey and Paul Wayne on their right, and Peter and Vicky David on their left. It seemed to them that neither of them had much of a clue as to what was going on regarding the murder, seeing as that was not mentioned even in passing. However it could be basic politeness and not wanting to scare your new neighbors away. Both couples were in their mid-fiftes and greeted them kindly. The Waynes had a wooden statue of an eagle with some pro-America quote on it, and that was one of the most memorable things about them. The other memorable thing was their brigh red Volkswagon Beetle in the driveway. Dean silently noted a love of older cars as something to connect over in case he ever needed to get closer to them. The Davids had 6 small dogs, and that was their defining trait, they seemed like the people to have “I love my shitzu” stickers plastered all over their car, but they seemed like fine enough people.
The next thing on the agenda was when someone rang their doorbell. It was a woman about their age, who had come to their door both to introduce herself, and to inform them of a house party happening later that night. The woman introduced herself as Hester Stewart from two houses down. Both Dean and Cas were glad to see that there was someone their age who didn’t have a strange amount of pets, or questionable taste in outdoor decor. They made introductions of their own, Claire and Jack even briefly appeared to say hello. They asked her for more information about the party, and she explained that it was being put on by the HOA president to distract from all that was happening, “I guess she figured one shindig would make everyone forget about the murder that happened a few houses down from her house.” She gestured down the road and to the right, apparently in the direction of the woman’s house, “Also she did ask me to invite you, I’m not just asking you to show up without anyone’s permission,” she clarified.
After that they thanked her and went on with their day. “Do you think we should attend the party later today?” Cas asked. Not looking up from the loveseat he was putting together
“I think I was planning on it, it’d be a good way to get out and meet people, not to mention gather details on what’s happening around here without looking suspicious,” Dean replied, flipping the page in the manual.
Cas agreed. Usually events like this weren’t his thing, but he could suck it up for an hour or two if it meant gathering intel. He made a mental note to prepare for more events like this one, and pushed it to the back of his mind. He found himself having to do that more often since becoming human. His angel brain could process more information than any human by hundreds, but downsizing the amount of space in his brain was an adjustment, and he found himself having to push things of the back of his mind more often.
Claire had been eavesdropping from the top of the staircase for the past exchange. Truth be told, she was almost excited to ‘meet the new neighbors’ in such a domestic fashion. She had just gotten off the phone with Kaia, she was showing her the layout of the house, as well as updating her on the situation she had gotten herself into. “They really put you back in high school?” Kaia had asked, thinking about how if anyone had done that to her, she’d’ve put up a lot more of a fight.
“They really put me back in high school,” she had replied. Maybe deep down she did want to sort of have the closure she missed in her high school years.  She missed Kaia a large amount for only not seeing her face to face for a little less than a week, but she had learned from all she’d lost, that she just had to let herself feel her feelings.
They all gathered in the empty living room shortly after. Cas explained the whole plan to Jack and her. Jack was thrilled to be getting out of the house, and getting to see new people. He’d always been a social person, even before becoming a child, but that certainly amplified his social need. This was part of the reason Dean and Cas wanted to get out of the bunker in the first place. Now that they were actually in a position for him to make friends his age, they were certainly going to make that a priority. Dean had noticed that there were more than a few kids Jack’s age in his walk around the neighborhood earlier that day.
The hours before the gathering came faster than expected. Everyone was in a rush to change into nicer clothes and make themselves not look like they’d been putting together furniture all day. (they had, but it was the act of making themselves presentable that matters in this case.) After all, weren’t first impressions the most important? Dean hadn’t really taken account the need for nice clothes this early on in his endevour, so the nicest things he had were a button down and his spare pair of jeans. Not that anyone else was much better off. Claire was wearing a skirt with a jean jacket and combat boots, Jack didn’t change at all seeing as he didn’t see the need, and who were they to argue. Cas was probably the most normal looking of them all, with his blue suit jacket paired with some jeans.
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kweebtrash · 4 years
Pay Attention, Dumbass
Pairing: Demon!Jaehyun x OC
Genre: Smut/ Comedy?? Maybe?
Features: demonic fingering
Summary: two idiot roommates accidentally summon two ancient demons. Forced into a contract, they only had two choices; die or make a deal with the devil. The most logical answer was to make them their boyfriends of course (this is lowkey a bad slice of life hentai, i swear). The demons know nothing about the human world and have to deal with “lessons” from their human girlfriends.
A/N: This used to be on my Kofi which im closing down and just putting everything up on here. This isnt continuing.
Masterlist  Johnny Version Here
"You haven't moved in hours. Don't you do anything else?"
I dug into the chip bag that laid on my desk and grabbed a handful to shove into my mouth. "Of course i do," I said through the mush of chips. "I went to the bathroom."
Jae sighed. "Not what i meant. Do you ever leave your room?"
I shrugged and downed some of my soda. "Yeah. I go to work sometimes."
"Where do you even work at?"
"A bar." I went back to clicking through attacks and swerving around opponents. "Guys, come on, come on, come on!" I said into the headphone and mic set i had on. "Someone head towards the point! At least start trying to take it over!"
"A bar?" He asked, confused. "What is that?"
"Its uh..." I drifted off as i propelled myself forward and released my ultimate attack, sending my mecha exploding in different directions. I quickly reloaded myself into the machine and continued my rampage of gunshots. "Like uh... drinks. Liquor."
I snorted at the stupid word. "Yeah, whatever. That."
"And that's the only time you leave?" He continued asking.
"What the fuck is this? Twenty questions?" I grabbed another handful of chips. "On the left! Move out the way!" I grumbled at my friends who were playing online with me.
"I'm just curious since you don't have the capability to rid yourself of the sin of sloth."
I glared over at him as he was reclined back on my bed, arms behind his head, and torso on full display as he refused to wear a shirt (not that i was complaining). "I do things! I just like playing video games more! Sometimes i go to school too!"
"And what proof do you have of this because i never see it."
"My never ending debt and crippling anxiety." One of my online friends asked who i was talking too and i sucked my teeth. "My boyfriend is being annoying." Queue the kissy noises and jokes of the very mature men i gamed with.
"Oh? Im annoying?" Jae grumbled. "Whats really annoying is seeing you rot away while im forced to stay by your side. Hours and hours of boredom and still im trapped in the confines of this ridiculous home with nothing to do."
I set my headset down as the round finished and turned my desk chair towards him. "Are you upset that im not paying attention to you?"
He sat up quickly and scoffed. "Please. What do i need the attention of a human for?"
"You certainly want it when you're horny." I giggled. "Heh...horny...you have horns also so it's...anyway. Are you being a baby because you want attention?"
"I am not an infant. You are infuriating. Of course i had to get stuck with you."
"Oohhh, thats how it is. Yep, definitely being a baby, now with a temper tantrum."
Jae's eyes glowered and his claws dug into my mattress. "There are so many things i want to do to you right now."
"Ooh daddy." I snorted and put my headset back on. "Sounds kinky."
"Which is it? Am i an infant or a father?! I dont understand!"
I sighed and stood up. "Do you want to try playing with me?" I gestured at the now vacant spot of my gaming chair.
Jae stared at me then the seat. "Play that ridiculous thing?"
"Yeah," i shrugged and looked down at my feet. "It's something i like to do and you're my boyfriend sooo...i guess...i mean..." I twiddled with my thumbs as my cheeks began to warm up. "It'd be cool if you tried to like some of the stuff i do."
"Is that what boyfriends do?"
"Y-yeah...sorta. Look do you want to or not?" I huffed in frustration.
He stood up and made his way over, glaring down at me with his humanized yet still terrifying eyes. "Fine. I will try it."
I couldn't help the dorky smile that beamed across my face. "Ok, cool. Sit down."
He placed himself in the seat and i sat on his lap then scooted the chair closer to the desk. I positioned his fingers on the designated keys for offense and defense as well as the computer mouse. "Here, why don't i just guide your fingers the first few rounds so you get the hang of it?"
The smile started to fade as i covered his hands with mine that seemed to dwarf in comparison. "Put your stupid claws away. You cant game right with your pretty manicure."
He growled like an irritated dog and slid the claws back into his skin. With his back pressed to mine, he ended up resting his chin on my shoulder, watching as i joined a new round. His somewhat chubby cheek felt warm against mine and i willed myself not to kiss it. It wasn't like he was going to respond anyway. He was cold hearted in every sense of the word, even when he fucked it almost seemed like a chore. It still was amazing and i loved every second of it but the distant feelings was strong. Of course it wasn't a great idea to make a demon your damn boyfriend but there was rarely a time where i made a smart decision.
Deciding to suck it up and just concentrate i pressed Jae's fingers down as i helped launch attacks and maneuver us around the screen. "This is nothing but hectic destruction " he commented.
"Yep, pretty much."
"And you enjoy this?"
"I am pleased by this." I felt a slight nip at my neck as he purred into my ear. "Very pleased."
"Pleased that i like shooting people and destroying things?"
"Exactly. Its quite...sexy."
"Oh my god. You're a dork!" I snorted. "Its just a damn game, weirdo." I pressed his fingers down harder, not wanting to slow down and ruin my winning streak. "Keep up."
"Well when you're crushing my fingers its hard to do so."
"Just follow me. You dont even have to move them."
"I would like to move them but-"
"Shh, give me a sec. Bastards are on my fucking ass! God i hate when they just gang up on you for no FUCKING REASON!" I screamed at the monitor. "Such dicks. Fuckin' dicks."
"Your mouth is filthy."
"Yeah you said that when it was full of cum too."
"Hm...that was also enjoyable." Another nip to my neck, this time followed by small sucks and kisses. "Continue using your filthy mouth and destroying things. This at least is semi entertaining now."
"Glad you think so. Quit kissing my neck, its distracting."
"Distracting?! You enjoy that! You said it this morning. Specifically 'Jae'," He faked a slightly high pitched moan. "'Keep kissing my neck, oh god'."
I flushed with embarrassment and rammed my elbow into his chest. "I already have to deal with dicks online i dont need go deal with you too."
"I suppose you wouldn't want to deal with this then?"
I felt him press his hips against my ass. The grey sweatpants he had on left nothing to the imagination and i swallowed hard as my concentration wavered. "S-stop." I whimpered.
"I dont think i will." One hand left the mouse and pressed against my stomach to keep me in place. "Support that. I will control these buttons."
I pressed my lips together and simply nodded. How he had the grace to continue slight grinds against me i didn't know but i was responding to them eagerly. I arched my back and wiggled my ass every time he rolled forward, creating a sinful friction between us. My eyes drifted from the screen momentarily to see that his fingers were working perfectly over the keys as if he had played for years. "You're...actually winning."
"What? As if its hard?" He tsked. "Humans have simple minds and-WHY IS THIS MAN PUNCHING ME FROM THE SKY?"
I froze our sensual movements to cackle loudly. "That's just Doomfist. He's so OP and stupid."
"Overpowered, meaning there's no reason for him to even be here."
"Im going to destroy him completely until he can never return."
"They all respawn, Jae. That's how the game continues."
"Not if I can help it. I want that mongrel dead. Get that clicky thing ready. I'm aiming to destroy."
"You think I'm sexy when I want to kill things but I think you're cute, you know that?" I turned towards him to press a kiss to his cheek yet my lips connected with his when he moved.
"I am not cute....but you are...or whatever." I wondered if that tint on his cheeks was real or just my imagination.
I smiled to myself anyway, pleased with his compliment and his valiant effort to enjoy the same things I did. He was truly acting like a boyfriend-one that felt genuine even if he crawled up from hell. Just before, he was complaining about how never moved but we stayed like this for a couple more hours, even sharing snacks and competing with my online friends. There came a point in the night, though, when searching for a server with an open game slowed tremendously. Minutes ticked by and still nothing. Jae's drumming of his fingers against the wooden desk in impatience was starting to drive me crazy. "Doing that isn't going to make it go faster, you know."
"This is about as interesting as watching you play on that small screen."
"We've gone over this. Its a phone, a cell phone, a portable phone."
"Yes, yes. That stupid thing with all the colors. Its like this stupid thing." He pointed at the computer screen. "Only smaller."
"You seem to enjoy the big stupid thing judging by how many kill streaks you got."
His lips tweaked into a smirk. "That's because im an expert killer. None of them deserved to live."
"You did get my rank up and some loot boxes so i guess i should thank you."
"Yes, bask in my glory and show me how grateful you are." His hand that had remained around my waist for most of our play time started creeping its way to my thighs.
"Are you wanting me to show you how grateful i am or are you trying to show me how desperate you are?" I snickered.
"I am not desperate. Since the stupid game is not cooperating im just trying to inject some extra curricular activities."
"Such as?"
He set his head on my shoulder again and i felt his fangs dig in deeper into my neck, making me let out a drawn out whine. "J-jae!"
He chuckled from deep within his throat as i felt his tongue trail from the column of my neck up to my earlobe. "Such as...watching you squirm when i add the slightest of pressure," Two of his fingers slid between the junction of my thighs and pressed firmly against the center of my shorts. "Here."
The tips of his fingers began gliding against the fabric, the soft cotton adding the smallest amount of friction against my clit. My teeth sunk into my bottom lip as my leg began to bounce. I wanted to wait for a new game, my win streak was too precious to me but Jae was something else. Trying not to make it too obvious i adjusted myself on his lap, spreading my legs a little wider. His fingers garnered more room but he didnt move them under the fabric. Instead he kept torturing me with slow movements, occasionally pushing into the most sensitive areas. "Who's enjoying the attention now?" He teased.
Suddenly a little ping from my computer signaled that a game had finally been found. My attention quickly shifted and i put my headset back on and got into position. Jae reeled back in confusion. "Are you really going to continue to play?"
"Well...yeah. I mean it took forever to get into this game. I dont wanna lose it."
"Hey, can you be healer?" I heard my friend say into my ear piece.
"Fuck you! Im not going to be healer! You be healer, you twat waffle!"
Jae let out a heavy and annoyed sigh. I almost felt bad until i was lagging behind everyone else. I had to-
I felt his finger finally move beneath my shorts and press into my hole gently. I had to admit that he had already gotten me worked up enough to provide him with some lubrication and he slid in easily. "C-cut it out." I stammered.
"Oh no, dont mind me. Your game is more important. Keep going."
"I just mean-ah-ahh!" I tried to snap my mouth shut before my moan slipped out for fear of my friends hearing but it was too late. Jae had moved the seat of my shorts aside and pumped his finger faster, occasionally curling it an inch or two from my entrance. I covered the mic part of the headset and glared back at him. "If you dont s-stop-"
I snapped my thighs shut as he added another finger, the 'come here' motions growing stronger. Immediately, he landed a harsh tap to my outer thigh, a small growl floating in the tense air around us. "I said keep going."
"Well i would if you just-HEY! MOTHERFUCKER! I LIKED THESE SHORTS!" I looked down at the center of my shorts that had now been torn open because of his reappearing claws. "What's wrong with you?!"
Without a word he grabbed onto my ankles and set my legs up on the desk, keeping them spread. The clawed hand snaked its way to my throat and with the slightest pressure i could feel them digging in. It wasn't enough to hurt but certainly enough to make my entire body shudder with electricity. "I-i cant reach the keyboard." I whispered.
He scooted the chair closer to the desk, making my legs almost rest on it fully. "Wheres that tappy thing you have?"
"Tappy thing?"
"Where you move the sticks."
"You mean a controller?"
"You can plug it in right?" He questioned as his thrusting resumed which made my mind mush in a second.
"U-uh yeah-um its uh...d-draw-drawer!"
He let my throat go and allowed me to reach into my desk drawer and grab my gaming controller. I plugged it into my computer's usb port as my friends argued about me not pulling my weight and being static. I lied about my game lagging and shifted the mic up so i sounded muffled and they wouldn't be able to hear how much if a slut Jae made me. "There. Now you can play. Keep up that win streak. Have to get the gold and boxes, right? Have to play with your friends and ignore me, right?" He nipped at my ear as his fingers slipped out of me to rub circles against my clit. "Have to beg me to let you cum, right?
"P-please dont make me do that!"
"See? You're begging already. What a good girl you are."
My entire body tensed at those two words and i let my controller go for a moment to grab his hand and press his fingers back into me. "Keep going. I want you to keep going."
"I could but i dont have to. Maybe i can use the tappy thingy instead. More people I can kill." He jerked his fingers away and pushed them against my lips. "Clean these off for me. Dont want to get it dirty, do i?"
"Jaaaeeeee," i whined and leaned in for a kiss but he turned his head away.
"Clean. Them."
Reluctantly, i swallowed his fingers down, lapping between and tasting myself. He tested my gag reflex by moving them to the back of my throat but pulling away when it became to much. It was nothing but entertainment for him, a game of cat and mouse that made me feel doomed. "You know you love being inside me." I panted as my mouth was now freed. "I can ride-"
"Oh, how unfortunate. You died. Now we have to wait to return. You're too distracted, Ivy. A shame, truly."
I didn't care anymore. In the few seconds i had between my respawning i stood up and turned towards him, pulling his sweatpants down to stay around his knees. He had no qualms about his erection. I had felt it, of course, but it was like he paid it no mind, like it wasn't an inconvenience and he enjoyed teasing me instead. Was it another way to give me a taste of my own medicine? What a bastard! "Come here." I tried to sound as sultry as possible but he just laughed and took the controller from me.
"Lets see if i can figure this out now." Jae looked at the buttons and pressed at a few before moving the joy sticks to test them out. "Strange but i believe I can-"
It was my turn to cut him off. I lifted his head and focused on his eyes, angered by the smirk still on his lips. "Fuck me."
That wasn't the answer i wanted.
He craned his head to the side to look at the monitor. "Can you move? Im trying to play here."
"Shut up! You didn't even care about playing before!" I pouted as my cheeks flushed both in annoyance and embarrassment. I sat back on his lap anyway, chest to chest, and guided him inside me. Not a sound from him or even a look. He was focused on fighting now which made me want to punch him but i figured if i fucked myself on him long enough i could break his resolve. I gripped onto the back of the chair and started working up and down his length, adding kisses to his neck in between whimpers. "Jae...come on..."
"Ooh, double kill."
"I swear to god! If you dont-"
"No god, just demons."
"Yeah, you're acting like a demon. A demon asshole who wont even pay attention to his girlfriend! I cant believe you're doing this!"
He finally looked at me, dead in the eyes and it made me nervous. "It doesn't feel good, does it?"
Ok, ok. So i had learned my lesson. It was a two way street and maayybeee i wasn't being the best partner but i never figured he wanted anything from me. He never expressed a lot if affection or wonderment at what i did throughout my day. How was i supposed to know? I guess with his lack of knowledge about human things he truly had nothing to do unless i was guiding him. Fuck, now i really felt bad. What a buzzkill. "Im sorry...i understand how you feel now. I didn't think you cared. I know were just together because of the contract. I thought you still hated humans and didn't want to exist beside them."
"I do hate humans but you're my human now. Unfortunately, i have to rely on you and its maddening to be stuck here. In hell i did hundreds of things. I had a job. I had meetings with other demons. I planned wars, participated in real battles, created weapons. I was someone. Here, im nothing but a prisoner."
"Nonono! Please dont feel like that...i dont want to make you feel like that. Please..." I felt my eyes watering and i quickly buried my face in the crook of his neck. He sighed and tossed the controller on the table and shut my laptop. He kicked off the rest of his pants and with ease picked me up and led me to the bed.
"Dont ever speak of this. Not to Johnny, not to Xan. No one, understand?"
I nodded quickly as my back hit the mattress and he stayed above me. "You will do what i say just as much as im forced to do as you say. Love me unconditionally. Break me free from this world and show me why i shouldn't kill everyone in it."
I swallowed hard and nodded again. "I promise. I promise you everything."
"Good. Secondly...i would like to do battle against you in those games."
I couldn't help the giggle i let out. I didn't expect him to say something like that after being so serious. "Oh? You think you can beat me?"
"Im a strategist and a warrior. Of course i can."
"Oh, ok. You play a few rounds of Overwatch and suddenly you're the master. Just dont say anything when i kick your ass, bitch."
He chuckled deeply and snapped his hips without warning. He had still remained inside me and the sudden movement made me cry out loud. "Bring it on then. We'll see who's the better warrior here. Now," his eyes shifted into pure darkness and his fangs glistened with temptation. "Lets see how fast you can give in."
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queer-as-frikc · 4 years
My coming out story is weird, it gets a lil transphobic so tw near the end tw long post too
So, pretty much throughout my time growing up through elementary school and half of middle school, i grew up in a white middle class area. I didnt know about the LGBTQ+ or anything other than what I saw, which was white people and an occasional poc. Eventually I had to move and I ended up in a super diverse area, and ended up becoming best friends with this person (they are ftm now so imma use the right pronouns but they were f when this story mostly takes place) he told me all about things I didnt know, specifically the LGBTQ+ community and that he was pan, and it was new information so just like any 13 year old learning new things, I questioned myself, I questioned if I could like the same sex or not or possibly more.
Sadly, drama happened between my best friend, his girlfriend and I, so thing got a little weird. But there was a time in winter, when he was off that relationship for more than a month and he said he'd like to date me, and I really thought about it before hand and said yeah, I couldnt tell you how happy I was to have this experience.
I told my mom that night, in a round about way cuz I was nervous, "Hey mom, what if I liked girls?" She told me she doesnt think that I do, because I always expressed feelings for guys, and when I tell her I didnt really understand what being gay was when I was younger, I didn't really know it was a possibility. She snapped at me and said, "Unless you are willing to kiss a girl and do the other stuff, you arent gay at all."
Eventually I have a sit down conversation with her, about how confusing this all was and how I wish I knew how I felt, and so on. She said she had a similar questioning phase but it never stuck so she doesnt think I am.
Like a month later I figure it out and dude that was so gratifying. I came out as bi to my mom, who just dismissed the whole thing, but I was terrified to tell my uncle (it's a long story about that, no it's not "sweet home Alabama") because he always said bi's were wh*res so yeah. I ended up telling him, and he goes, "You know my opinion on it but that doesnt mean that I'll disown you or anything." Btw the relationship (dating wise) with my best friend after he came out as ftm because he went back to his ex, it's all cool tho.
So that was that, or so I thought. It was my first year of high school, and I finally really understood the definition of pan, what was holding me back though was the trans experience, I thought because I didnt know what it was like, I couldnt be pan, even though I didnt have a preference, turns out it just means you like people no matter their gender and it like, clicked finally so yeah. I've told my family about that since but I a similar reaction: my mom said she doesnt think I am and she lectured me on my generation having so many labels and how she hated it. My uncle said he appreciated that I was pan more than me being bi which confused me but he just had a better view of pansexual than bisexual. (I explained to both of them what the difference was but idk man)
I believe it was my second year of high school when I really started to question my gender, and that was mostly because I saw a video of what gender dysphoria looks like if it's not that strong and you arent aware for ftm. So like wearing bagging clothes all the time, always wearing sports bras, and practically no other bra, feeling really good if someone accidentally calls you sir, etc. And I was like, oml it's me. But it wasnt, I didnt find that out until later tho. So, with my friend group, I find a name that seems to fit me well and ask them to address me by it and he/him pronouns, as like a test of sorts. (All of my friends are gay in some way so it was cool) In the end tho, I got a little iffy about the whole thing and wouldnt ever correct them at times or it was just off for me. I felt really bad because I thought that they might have thought that I was just trying to force myself to be more like them, but I wasnt, i still felt bad though and kinda dropped it.
I'm not sure 100% how I figured it out tho, but I remember talking to my best friend (not the same one from middle school, they were my best friend as well but they arent the same person) about the whole experience and I believe they brought up the idea of genderfulid, and I was like :0.... what that. They explain it, you go aall over the gender spectrum, some days you might feel like a boy, others you might feel like you have no gender, some days you might feel like your gender is something completely weird and different, that's just what it is. And I was like, "It fits but like, I barely feel femme at any point in time, maybe like once a year." And they tell me, that's ok and stuff as long as my gender just decides to be a completely weird and went all over the place, it counted, so I was like, "I finally figured it out!!!" And i was so happy.
Then came the time I was comfortable enough to tell my parents. I had been using the label genderfuild for over half a year already and I thought that it was what I was so it was ok to tell them. I saw how ok me being gay went, so I was nervous but not as nervous as I should have been, probably. I told my mom first, she went on a similar rant of her no liking my generations labels and such, but it went fine, I explained it, I thought I was through, I thought I was fine, apparently not. One day I'm in the shower and I hear my mom being very expressive with what ever shes talking about to my uncle, which is fine, she needs someone to vent to sometimes. When I get out though, and I can here her clearly, I hear sees complaining about what I told her recently, that I'm genderfulid, but instead of saying that, she only says I want to be a boy. (Oh no) So shes complaining to him, asking why I cant be more like her and just be a masculine girl and be fine, why do I have to fit in with the crowd of my generation to feel special, why cant I just be fine with who I am now? Etc.
The sad thing is, that night, I was going out shopping for pants and underwear with my uncle because I needed some and I wore men's pants already at that point, because they are more durable, and stuff so I knew it was gonna be a long ride. My mom was snippy with me that whole night, just the entire time which sucked.
When we finally left to go get clothes though, I didnt know it could get worse. My uncle lectured me about how that's just my generations fad, and how his was making tattoos and piercings ok in the work place and mine is being trans a gay and all that crap, and that I'm just trying to fit in, I'm not being myself, no matter how much I chop myself up and cut my hair and take hormones my chromosomes will never change and so I can never be an actual guy. He also said that I would bring just more attention to myself being a woman who does guy things rather than try and be one, and he thinks I'm doing this all for attention. I was mad but silent at this point, I didnt want to cause anything to happen. He ended up asking me, "So did you pick a different name?" I was surprised but I said yeah, and my friends were using it and it seemed to fit better. He asked me what it was and fear over took my body. I told him, "I'll only tell you if you dont use it against me if your mad." He says, "i cant promise that." And then gets mad because I wont tell him. Though I do, because I feel obligated since hes buying me clothes. To be even more confusing, he buys me guys underwear, and undershirts along with the predetermined pants he promised me and now I'm so confused.
But it gets even worse. When we get home, my mom freaks out on him because be bought me all that mens stuff and she said he was encouraging my behavior and stuff, he defended with it's just clothes, and yah it is. Eventually things settle down, obviously my mom isnt talking to be, but that's for the best at this point. I'm in the living room with my uncle and he just then starts harassing me with questions like, how do you know? he asks. "Well, I just feel that way, same as you." I say. But why do you wanna be a guy? he asks. "I dont wanna be a guy, it's just weird that way. Also it's not me being a guy, it me being many more than that," I say. He says that's bullsh*t. I offer to show him videos that better explain what trans is and how it's an actual sciencey thing and stuff but he said he wont take a video because he wants me to say it. And then he just goes off, saying the name I picked out shows how self centered I am because I am selfish, he kept asking me if i liked to fight, to catch and play with bugs, to be strong, to be angry all the time, and all these stereotypes for men and I just left, and went to bed. He wasnt going to listen to me, so there wasnt a point to me staying.
But, it gets worse. The morning comes and I'm awoken by the slam of my door by my uncle and the laughter of my mom. My uncle starts being really aggressive and starts cleaning my room, I only have clothes on the floor mostly so that's all it was, but he starts saying, well if you're gonna be a man, imma start training you like one, the man of the house picks up after everyone, the man of the house does everything he can to help the house run smoothly, the man of the house has to be strong, and all that stuff. (Which I thought was funny because he was "the man of the house" yet I did everything, and still do. I clean up most after him, funny huh.) And, I know what's happening and so I stay in bed, I don't want this to happen. But I literally get ripped out of my bed by my uncle and get told to stop being a little b*tch and a brat because I'm being selfish by my mom and I'm yelled at to sit in the living room and wait while my uncle cleans my room. When hes done hes starts lecturing me and being all aggressive and in my face. He keeps asking me a million questions with the tone that he didnt care so I knew he wouldn't listen. Eventually, him and my mom leave, I'm told to stay there until I get back. When they do get back, they act like everything is fine, nothing happened between them and I and it's just been so hard for me to talk to them about that since.
I'm greatful that I dont have to deal with that anymore but every time something that that is brought up with my family, I panic so much now. I'm fine and I'm safe but it was very traumatic for me. And uh, thanks for listening.
hey, thank you so much for sharing your story. this was just. so heartbreaking. noone deserves to have a person like your uncle in their life. im so sorry you had to go through all of that. i hope you’re in a much better place now <3 (also i loveeddd reading about how you figured it out) =)
again, tysm <3
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xmalereader · 5 years
The Mandalorian X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Summary: Reader used to train with Darth Vader before the falling, noticing that the dark wasn’t for him he decides to bury away his past and keep himself hidden but somehow he allows himself to share his story with a specific mandalorian.
Warnings: Angst, anger, arguments, Luke Skywalker, Ben and Han Solo, slow burn, feelings, flashbacks, memories, light vs dark.
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“Okay, not to sound worried or anything but how did we end up going from tattooine to some secretive planet that I dont even know about with all five of us?!”
When y/n and Ben both felt the force on each other they knew that it was going to be a very long expiation. Y/n had no idea who the boy was until he met the father; Han Solo. Who he had seen and heard of a couple of times so he wasnt as surpised but hearing about Luke skywalker and how he was training many different children with the same abilites as them and how Ben and Hans were on their way to go see him caused Din to convince y/n to go with them and now Luke will be able to help him. But y/n refused, he kept refusing and acting like a child to the point where Din had to drag Y/n to the falcon along with the child.
Hans was actually nice enough to share some of his credits and help Din fuel up the razor crest so that he can follow them to this new planet, at first Din didnt want to interfere with all of this but Y/n forced him to come as well since the other was also going by force.
Y/n had learned that the young Ben Solo was on his way to a special school that his uncle was in charge of. At first he didnt want to have any part of this but Din was making him knowing that it’ll help him when Y/n knows that it wont do anything good for him.
“Here we are.”
Y/n looks out the window from the cockpit, his eyes widen in amazement as he sees a large clear field with green grass and flowers. A large temple stood at the peak of the island, He could feel the strong force coming from this planet that he doesn’t even know if he can handle it. “Din I dont think this is a good idea.” He whispered and leans back in his seat and tries to hold back a panic attack that he felt rising. “This is for your own good y/n, you said that you wanted help so that’s what I’m doing.”
“I meant by shooting me not by sending him straight to Luke Skywalker!!” He exclaims in anger. Din simply ignores him and lands the razor crest next to the flacon. He switches everything off and stands up, he looks down at y/n who remained seated. “I’m not shooting someone that I care deeply about.” With that he leaves the cockpit. Taking the child with him he cant help but sigh at y/n’s stubbornness, he said he was going to help him get better and he wants to make sure that he recovers.
“Where your friend?” Asked Hans as he watched Ben rush to his uncle to greet him. Din sets down his own kid and answers. “Being stubborn.” He placed a hand on his hip and watched the kid coo and take in the sight before him. “He’ll come around, I just hope that this place helps your kid and friend. They are really going to need it.” He walks off to greet his best friend and to check up on his son.
Din watched the small family, from the corner of his visor he sees y/n standing near the razor crest as he too watched the Jedi closely. “Y/n.” He calls out softly and looks over his shoulder.
The young man didnt have ot hear Din speak up, he could hear him clearly. Looking down he makes his way over ot stadn next to din. “I just want you to know that if anything happens while I am here, I want you to be the one to kill me. I cant have any of the students see a dark Sith Lord in front of them.” He spoke in a soft voice.
He doesn’t give Din a chance to protest once he leaves his side to properly meet Luke.
Once y/n came face to face with Luke he slowly frowns. “Luke.”
“Y/n.” Said Luke.
No one may have know who you were but since you were training along side with Darth Vader you obviously knew who Luke skywalker is and he knew you as well since he did meet you once or twice when he was ‘visiting’ his own father on star killer base. The two didn’t get along at all on first glance, Y/n loathed him, but he still has no idea to why?
“I thought you fell with the others but it turns out that you remained standing and now here you are seeking for my help.”
“Actually I was a forced to get your help and I did fall, I’ve been keeping that dark side hidden away for the last seven years. So dont expect much from me when you try to help.”
The two were standing close, face to face as they glared at one another.
Hans was the first to break the tension as he quickly pulls Luke away before he starts anything up or a fight between the two. “Alright listen; we get it you two dont like each other but Luke you’re a Jedi master who isnt only gonna train Ben but Y/n as well and I know that this guy is gonna be harder than Ben—“
“—But you’ve got to try. Mandalorian here has told me some things about this guy and lets be honest He doesn’t sound as bad. I mean he’s been clean for seven years that’s gotta be something right?”
Lukes lips press into a thin line, listening to his older friend reason him out. Once he mentions the mandalorian he glanced over Hans shoulder to see the mandalorian standing afar from the group with a child in his arms. His gaze shifts to the child and gasps. “It’s been years since I’ve last seen a species like him.” He suddenly blurts out and makes his way over other din, his robes dragging along the grass as he approached the mandalorian.
Din steps back in a protective way as the Jedi eyes the child in his arms. “Where did you find him?” Din holds the child close and hears him coo. “He was a bounty, not anymore.” He answers softly. Somehow Luke was giving off a peaceful presence that causes him to hand the child to him.
Luke slowly takes the child and smiles. “You are a strong one with the force. Looks like you’ve got your hands full with force-senstive.” He chuckled out and hands the child back to Din who takes him back in his arms. “The child is like everyone here correct?” He asks.
“Yes, every child on this island has the same ability as your own kid, I will teach them all. The ways of the force.”
“We will be starting off with y/n since Ben is easy to manage.” Said Luke as they stood outside the temple. Y/n only laughs out loud and throws his head back. “yeah I dont think so old man but I can manage on my own.” He shot back with another glare.
Din was standing near Hans as he watched the two argue again. “This is going to be a long week.” He sighs out, turning back to the kid as he watched him levitate the crystal ball. “Don’t worry, Luke can do anything. If he can bring down the empire than he can bring down a Sith Lord.” Hans said and chuckled, he pats Din’s shoulder and sighs as well. “Well I’m heading out, I only promised to bring Ben but I have to leave him behind.” He sends one last smile at the mandlorian and leaves to say his goodbyes to his own son. Leaving the mandalorian on his own.
The mandalorian shifts his head, looking at the child as he began to think. This place was full of force-senstive children, the perfect place for both y/n and the kid but could the kid really learn at such a young age? Is 50 considered a young age for this kids species? Din sighs in frustration, a couple of days ago he was fighting of some Imps from taking the child and hurting his own friends, he’s lost his own clan and was now a clan of two. For all he know he could be the last mandalorian standing, he doesn’t know if their are more out there.
He’s cut off from his thoughts by hearing an angry y/n yelling at Luke. “Long week, huh?” He tells the kid.
The kid holds the small crystal ball and chews on it as he cooed up at the mandalorian. His ears slowly moving downward as he too watched the two most powerful Jedi and Sith Lord arguing with each other once again.
“I’m trying.”
“Not hard enough.”
Y/n growls.
He was sitting on top of a stone with his legs crossed, his back was straight and head held up high as his eyes remained closed. He was trying hard to meditate and to keep the light side from going away, he knows that he once worked along side Luke’s father but that doesn’t meant that their wasn’t any dark in him still.
As he concentrates he could feel Luke staring at him which causes him to frown and groan. “Stop staring.” He mumbled out as he went back to concentrating but of course Luke wouldn’t stop staring which caused the other to groan in frustration. “Quit it!”
“I’m not doing anything.” Said Luke, a grin plastered all over his face.
Y/n covers his face with his hands and groans deeply, “I hate you so much.” He muffled out before taking in a deep breath and sitting up again. “Let me concentrate, please?”
“Please? Well that’s a new one.” Luke steps around Y/n and eyes him. “You said that you kept the dark side buried away, how did you do it?”
The other remains silent for a few seconds before answering. “I cook.”
“I cook.” Y/n repeats himself. “Back where I lived I worked in a cantine, was in charge of cooking and serving the drinks whenever I had the time it kept me distract from causing trouble. Now, if you don’t believe me then that sucks for you because I’ve been clean for the past 7 years.” With that he stands up from his position and makes his way towards the razor crest where the mandalorian was staying for the last couple of days that they’ve been here. Y/n didn’t think it would be appropriate for him to stay in the temple, he just couldn’t be around children that would fear him.
“You’re early.” Din was sitting on the ramp with the child between his legs, watching him float a crystal ball as he giggled. Y/n sighs deeply and plops down next to Din. “I hate this place, I hate being here and I hate you.” He complains out with a groan, he shifts his legs upwards to press up agaisnt his chest and bury his face in his knees. “You say the same thing everyday.” Said Din.
The two were able to get closer for the last couple of days, making up the two years that they lost. “I’m sorry...”
“And apologizing like always.” Din picks up the child and moves him towards Y/n, he knows that the kid will cheer him up. The other male smiles softly as he reaches out to touch the child’s head and sighs. “What if I can’t do this?” He blurts out, getting the mandalorians attention. “You will and you can, We’ve known each other for almost two years and I know that you don’t give up easily.”
“You know me to well, Din.”
The two smiled at each other, even though he couldn’t see his face behind that helmet he just knew that he was smiling too. He could feel it.
He’s been feeling like this for awhile now, every now and then I could easily detect what emotion Din was feeling or thinking. He’s even been feeling it since Din disappeared on him. He remembers that one night where h e woke up with a really bad headache, gripping his head in pain as he whimpered not knowing how to make it go away. He’s heard about this feeling and he’s been told about it, it was the force forming a connection between the two. He could feel the child’s force so easily but Din wasnt like that, he didn’t have the same abilities as they did but somehow he could feel him.
He didn’t tell Din about any of this, he doesn’t want to freak him out anymore than he is now.
“I’m gonna try to get some sleep and maybe see if I can mediate inside here instead of out there.” Y/n strokes the child’s ear and stands up, heading inside the razor crest and finding an empty cot. He throws himself on it and lets out a pleased moan, happy to have something soft under him.
The next morning was the same as every other day; he would be up early training wiht Luke while Din would watch from a distance with the child next to his side. It took the mandalorian some time to get used to all of this, seeing multiple people with the same ability as y/n and the child. He would watch y/n get pinned down ever once an awhile and sometimes he would see y/n ragging out on Luke after he was smacked on the head once again with a leaf.
Right now, y/n was sitting on the same rock doing the same thing as yesterday. Trying to meditate and concentrate on finding the light side. “Concentrate.” He hears Luke say bit he ignores him and tries to listen to the sound of the wind and the trees rustling. “Concentrate.” He grits his teeth. “Concentrate!”
He’s tired he’s tired of him telling him what to do and what not to do. “I’ve had enough! Just stop it I cant take this anymore!” He began to shout in anger. “I dont care if I find the light of not! I just want to go back to my regular life where I knew how to control myself but having you here is just frustrating and hard. You make it hard for me!” He exclaims. Shoving past Luke as he marched away in anger.
“I’m trying to help you! The mandalorian brought you here for a reason, he wants you to heal from your past and I’m just trying to fix that!” He follows y/n close from behind. “I don’t need a Jedi’s help and neither a Sith Lords help, I can take of it myself.” Y/n growls out as he makes his way towards the razor crest. “You said that the dark side goes away when you cook, a distraction helps you! Think of something or someone that keeps you distracted or that brings you into the light.”
Y/n stops mid-way, hearing Luke’s words he looks up ahead to see Din walking around the razor crest and making last minute repairs. “Someone that brings the light...” he whispered out.
He began to remember all of those times that Din and him spent together. When din was around he would stay at his place for days and y/n didn’t seem bothered he enjoyed the mandalorian company, he remembers din teaching him about the mandalorian culture and how different it was form others. He remembers Din teaching him the language and giving him a nickname—
The Mandalorian turns around at the sudden language. He sees y/n standing behind him and with Luke not too far away. “What did you say?” He asks.
“Nau.” Said y/n. “You used to call me that when we were together, I never knew what it meant.” He whispered. “What does it mean?” He tilts his head up to look at Din.
The Mandalorian lowers down his arms from holding on to the razor crest, he fully turns to face y/n and slowly smiles under his helmet.
“It means light.”
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ravencrantz · 4 years
ive had some Thoughts And Feelings about body image, body dysmorphia and being fat but as usual I'm not sure I've found the right words so I'm going to word dump in the hopes something sticks
ive been bullied for my size and weight literally my whole life. it started when i was under eight, by my family, and continued by my classmates into middle school and high school. Teased and bullied, every year, every day, called fat, pushed around, saying it sucked is an understatement. And im only just now understanding the damage it really did.
I remember being twelve and breaking down in front of my mom saying I was unhappy with the way I looked and she just responded with "well just drink more water and eat less :)" which isnt The Worst but haha certainly didn't help!
A lot of my current ailments could have been caught years earlier if my doctors didn't focus on my weight, if they told me more than "oh well you need to lose 20lbs and if the problem persists then we'll look into it", if they listened to me when I said my knees hurt so bad I couldn't do stairs leading into being unable to walk at ALL.
And it's not even like I wasn't active! I was an athlete!! I was a fvckin JOCK!!!! I walked everywhere, all the time! Walked the two miles home from school nearly every day! Looking back, I remember being able to feel and see my hip bones jutting out but because i wasn't a size 2, NO ONE CARED!!!!
I never had an eating disorder, but I'm aware my current relationship with food isn't The Best. I'm terrified of true diets because I KNOW calorie counting will not end well for me.
Anyway. My Point.
I've always been pretty vocal about being fat, the fat acceptance movement was GREAT for me, and the start to me not really feeling Good about myself but definitely not hating myself. I went from I'm Disgusting And Need To Be Fixed to I Exist AndThat's Enough.
However, a few years ago I just.....stopped being vocal about it. I realised, when talking to my thin friends and hearing them being unhappy about themselves, talking about their weight and how they wanted to be thinner, I always ALWAYS left those conversations feeling like shit. Like. Absolutely Awful. Because if they thought that way about themselves, what did they think about ME? Someone like four times their size??
So I stopped being vocal because if I felt that way, what do my fat friends feel when I talk poorly about myself? Sure I didn't and don't see my fat friends in the light I see myself, but they don't know that! I didn't want my friends feeling poorly about themselves, especially directly because of something I said.
And recently, what really started this thought process, someone was talking about shit fat people deal with and they said something along the lines of "small fats stay quiet" and I'm like ???? and a light bulb went off.
That's me. And it's like everything hit me all at once, the people in my life calling me skinny throughout the years (a teacher in 7th grade seeing me in the new year and going OMG YOU GOT SKINNY, a nurse I saw for the first time in a year, after I started being active again and lost weight I put on while sick and a friend i hadnt seen in a while who said "oh you put on weight good for you! you always looked too skinny!" each time i was like lolwhat but I'll get to that [none of these are particularly Good Things, never say this shit to anyone]), the hip bone thing, seeing what few high school photos exist of me and really seeing I was mostly skin and bone, it's just that my frame is wide so I was never going to appear small. But an entire life of being told I'm fat by everyone around me created a hell of a body dysmorphia complex. And I only just realised it now.
And it's not like I didn't know what body dysmorphia was, my school curriculum covered various eating disorders starting in grade six. I knew what it was, I just didn't think it applied to me because what people said and what I saw aligned. And now? Right this minute? I can finally recognise that no, I'm not Skinny, I'm not thin, I have a stomach, I have fatty upper arms and large thighs, but I'm also the average size for most people in the country! Weight wise, sure I'm higher than average but 1) bmi is bullshit and 2) I HAVE MUSCLES!!!! I'VE ALWAYS HAD MUSCLES BECAUSE AS PREVIOUSLY STATED I. WAS. AN. ATHLETE!!!!
I feel like I'm losing my train of thought now but idk I feel like I can finally start a journey to healing and kicking dysmorphia in the ass. I'm not sure I got everything out the way I wanted to, so if you have anything to add feel free to!
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anthonyo1234 · 3 years
NY Journal 4
For a long time, I have been comparing my life in New York with the life I had in the Dominican Republic before I moved here. And I even thought about what my future would be like should I ever decide to move back to the island. However, there is just far too many things I have to do here before I even get to decide if I want to move back to the Dominican Republic. Speaking of which, you can ask any Dominican around the city on what they plan on doing in the future and most of them would say they would like to retire in DR. And, I can relate to that. The reason is simple. They have done everything they could in NY and just want to go home and live the rest of their lives in peace and without worry. I know my parents want to do that. I remember this one time in high school. I was attending high school in East Harlem and there was a bunch of Dominicans going there. That being said, there were others as well. African, Asian, etc. Anyways, me and my best friend, who still is my best friend to this day, were sitting outside while we ate. The school would let the students go out and buy food from the neighborhood for lunch. We were sitting and we were talking about our homes.  At some point, the topic of our home islands were brought up. I told him that I would like to move back there once I have achieved everything there could in life. But when i asked what he wanted to do, his response surprised me. He too would move back to Puerto Rico and settle down somewhere. But seeing as he was a wild card, even he wasnt so sure if he truly wanted that. But it was the response alone that caught my interest. Why? Because he was Puerto Rican. At the time, I did not think that the same dream could be shared with other Hispanics. I have heard the whole retiring back to DR so many times from the mouths of Dominicans that i thought it was just an us thing. But, to hear it from someone who isnt Dominican took me back a little. It made me wonder if every Hispanic household had someone that would like to go back to their birthland. In any case, that is one thing that I can remember.  Life in New York has been both entertaining and weird. I say that because NY is just a bag of weird and new things. When you are in the subways, it is never a dull moment because out of nowhere, something will happen. A couple of years back, I was riding the subway to Brooklyn in order to attend class in New York City College of Technology, or City Tech for short. I was listening to my music and minding my business when I started hearing music that was not my own. I looked up and I noticed that there was a small group of Hispanic looking people blasting their music on one of those small Bluetooth speakers. At first, I was mildly annoyed because I wanted to hear my music without putting the volume up on my phone. Everybody knows that hearing something loud for too long can make you lose your hearing momentarily. And, it can also cause hearing loss in the future. Anyways, I was a little annoyed until I heard what music they were listening to. To my surprise, they were playing a song by Juan Luis Guerra.  I know it was him because he is very famous in DR. Every parent would play his songs on the radio or on a disc while they do their daily activities or chores. His songs were heard so much that even I cant forget that voice of his. And the people listening to him didnt look that old to me either. In fact, I think that they were at least in their early to mid twenties. It would have surprised me more if they were just regular people. But looking again, I saw that they were wearing baseball gear. Around the time this happened, they must have come from practice or a game.  Which leads me to another thing. Every Dominican in NY is crazy for baseball. You cant go five feet without someone talking about the Yankees and how they did great or how they sucked last game. That being said, it is widely known that the Yankees are the main stars of NY when it comes to baseball. Anyways, there was this one time that I was out doing some errands with my dad. He is a livery driver (black cabs). At that time, his car was in the shop for maintenance. So, he called up one of his buddies that also works in the same taxi company as my dad and he picked us up. I remember that day because our errands led us to the Bronx Terminal Mall near 161 ST. Which, was the stop you get off on in order to go to Yankees Stadium. In fact, the stadium would right in your face once you get out of the station. Moving on, my dad and his friend were talking non stop about the Yankees and about that day’s game. I believe they were playing against the Mets that day but i could be wrong. They went on and on and I was just listening. Thinking of it now, I have had a small interest in baseball. I mean, I did play that sport with an old fried of mine way back when. And me thinking of it has brought me to the same conclusion as mentioned before. Every Dominican is obsessed with baseball. In this same conclusion, I remembered a baseball team in DR that if famous. The Aguilas. And man, do they win. My grandma lives near the stadium and whenever I visited her when I am in DR, all i hear is talk of that team and how they will crush this season. In the end, there are much more things that I have to discover here in NY. And I know that each will have it’s own adventure and story to tell. 
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
100 Homestuck Asks: *looks at your tags* Hmmmmmm Nr. 74 please?
JKDKHJDKJHDKHJ daawww michi you too sweet spoilin me to fangirl for a sec
100 Homestuck asks!
74. Earth C headcanons? oh now THIS shall be fun~ i got...two ideas on it, course i haven’t finished the series so all dis shit can change but fuck it wha i got so far. lmao under the cut cause this shit is LONG
first idea:
basically kids end up in a dr. stone scenario bout havin to fix some shit and make stuff, food, architecture, shelter, whatever tf, and it ALL ends poorly cause these kids ain’t even 20 yet they are fuckin awful at dis shit the kids are all early to mid high schoolers when startin this game!
also trying to re-create game architect such as the alchiemeter...course not many of em can do it we gotta have the smarties do it...mostly equius, rose, the like and sort.
speaking of: bringing back MOST of the dead thanks to basically fusion space and time powers. firstly because not ALL the troll bloods are around (weirdly jade and john have an issue with this knowledge) and secondly, it just, kinda sucked man they should have a second chance! (they would’ve bought EVERYONE back but that creates the issue on WHO should come back and what people they all know, which isnt alot.)
also making a machine similar to the paradox baby sludge machine but for continuing the species, and keeping the pale motif for it for mostly blood samples (no one wants the OTHER type of samples) and for it to work with humans and human/alien genes, mostly this is run by jade...which also fails multiple times on troll/human and human/human DNA fusing attempts and slowly goes into breakdown territory cause she’s barely 20 yet and she’s worrying bout their species going extinct.
john at some point having an emotional breakdown over nothing being fixed/made/not fast enough...like steven U levels of breakdown. ...also a breakdown over himself getting a teeny prickle hair on his face cause dad would’ve been proud.
also them banning school but then bringin it back but with funner subjects like rap battles and teachin em the ways of the motherfuckin clowning. (don’t worry they got history teachers aranea and...-sigh- kanny to fill in some voids...and a hal 2.0 cause fuck it why not?!)
and everyone at some point making the largest pile of stuff for everyone to lay one/lay inside and cry basically cause honestly everyone’s going through the shit wringer of trauma. now they all do it atleast once every two weeks, not all of em but some do. it’s the closest to a therapist their gonna get.
also mayor became the mayor but everyone keeps making decisions on wha to do, they just gave him the title cause it makes him happy...and cause they wanted to put a lil hat on him.
dats bout it for first idea. second idea i thought of recently and it’s kinda sad...not like cry sad but more so well:
the earth goes back to normal, the one they get on is normal with humans around, none of em know anything or remember anything bout the events. mostly it’s the earth of the beta kids. 
and kiddos just go home and get hit with all these responsibilities cause no guardians are around anymore they gotta take care of shit themselves (except for the harley english’s their used to this) least they got roommates tho...especially john he couldn’t take the sudden whiplash for a while.
all still have their powers, just don’t make em public cause people have weird reactions over em.
and dem trolls? well weirdly all of em got brought back (da beta’s and alpha’s) but considering the planet their in and how apparently havin horns and fins and shit is enough for someone to find ya a threat and shoot you....their teenage mutant ninja turtle-ing the sewers for a while with everyone being annoyed and conflicted on wha to do.
least aranea’s powers got some of em to end up and john’s place after the sewers went off flooding...again...and seperating everyone into four groups of six trolls. (in order we got peixe’s, ampora’s and zahhak’s at the harlenglish island; the pyropes, captor’s and megido’s at the strider hold; the nitram’s, maryam’s and leijon’s at the lalande’s; and the serket’s, vantis’s and makara’s at the crockeggbert household.)
and basically so far i got em all bumming at their places cause firstly no one’s gonna live in the sewer and secondly this new life SUCKS. and all at some point havin to force themselves to just, cover up best they can to live normal human lives...unless their defiant then they just go to harlenglish island while said harlenglish’s are trying to figure out how to get things like lusus and mother grub’s to work cause trolls gotta repopulate atleast while trying not to get the outside world in on their stuff cause man aliens, they’d go stranger things levels with em if they knew em!
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