#i know nothing jon snow
sherlokiness · 1 month
Jonsa as the last card
Not to sound delusional but I think jonsa is GRRM's trump card in the books. We were never meant to have them in the show. The author has got to have an ace up his sleeves, right? What convinces me of this is the changed dialogue between Arya and Ned during the 1st season. The book goes "You will marry a King..." to which Arya replies "No, that's Sansa" while the show's version was "You will marry a lord..." to which Arya says "No, that's not me."
Some say this was just a leftover hint from the og outline bc why would Ned say Arya will marry a King? There can only be one and Joffrey is already betrothed to Sansa. Well ofc I'd beg to differ. It'll be abandoned foreshadowing if one disregards Arya's response. Did you know that Abraham Daniel who adapted GRRM's graphic novel wanted to change what he deemed to be a throwaway line but GRRM refused bc it was a clue to suggest the endgame in ADoS?
There was one scene I had to rework because there's a particular line of dialog -- and you wouldn't know it to look at -- that's important in the last scene of "A Dream of Spring."
I have a meta about this but the link has been lost to time. 💀 So it's part of a dialog, inconspicuous, and should be before ACoK since only AGoT adaptation has been confirmed by that time.
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The show had to rewrite it to make sense bc even so many readers found it perplexing but the comics had it exactly right.Look, it even has Arya winking perhaps as a nod to the audience.
"Not all," said Jaime. "Lord Eddard's daughters live. One has just been wed. The other …" Brienne, where are you? Have you found her? "… if the gods are good, she'll forget she was a Stark. She'll wed some burly blacksmith or fat-faced innkeep, fill his house with children, and never need to fear that some knight might come along to smash their heads against a wall."
I believe this is a nod by the author to make us think of the "No, that's Sansa" line bc here it's Arya who knows Gendry and Hotpie. If we take Jamie's line to be the opposite, can we infer that Sansa will never forget she's a Stark? Moreover,she will not marry a nobody and always need to fear her children will end up like Aegon- Rhaegar's heir.
If Arya's line comes true then the last scene will be of Sansa and Jon with their children. My ideal would be Sansa singing a lullaby to her baby with Jon by her side. It's a callback to the end of the first book's "music of dragons" where music refers to cries of newly hatched dragons. It also makes us think of Jon's memory of Sansa before his death.
I'm not saying the baby's lullaby is the song of ice and fire but...🫣🫣🫣 Baby+Song+Couple of a Stark and Targ
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My favourite kind of Gendrya fic is either a reunion or post-reunion fic or a relationship reveal fic of any kind where Gendry and Arya obviously seem to know each other and Jon is just stood there watching them like:
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sare11aa11eras · 1 year
Actually I think Jon coming to King’s Landing could have been incredible. For various reasons but like. He’d go to the Tourney of the Hand and watch Loras give Sansa a rose and at first he’d be like. Literally whatever. The Hand’s daughter got flowers at the Tourney of the Hand fork spotted in kitchen. But then all his brain alarms would go “!!!! Some southern fucker just gave flowers to a Stark girl at a tourney!!!! I have a working understanding of geopolitics of the last 20 years!!!” And he would Have to go wreck Loras’s shit in the training yard (since obviously Dad Isn’t Allowed To) and they would beat the crap out of each other and Jon would absolutely hiss and snarl at Renly too if he got mad enough and anyways that’s how Jon becomes like attached to Renly and Loras, like they are one shouting match away from becoming a toxic gay throuple of outsider youngest sons, and Ned is watching this sweating bullets waiting for either the Targ-Baratheon Grudge Genes or the Stark-Baratheon Attraction Genes to win out. Arya is highly dubious of everything going on and Sansa just wants people to stop kicking the shit out of each other so she can go back to not paying attention. Renly is trying to figure out whether letting his possible new boyfriend’s?? dad get fucked over by his sister in law is like. going to play well or not.
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dirtytransmasc · 10 months
idk man, whatever Jon and Tormund had going on.... pretty gay, if I do say so myself. I can't find a single hetero explanation for anything that happened between them.
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I really don’t think we should be treating morality as a linear thing in ASOIAF because what often happens is that we start to stray from the actual conversations that we need to be having regarding the depths of making a moral choice and even the circumstances involved. To try and blankly paint any one character as the “most morally good” isn’t really taking us anywhere. And it certainly isn’t helpful when people in this fandom want to try and prove that characters are “grey” but not moral (what does that even mean??) because they did one “bad” thing. If ASOIAF stans were to have their way, then:
Jon is not a morally good person because he threatened Gilly
Dany cannot be considered to be compassionate because she sanctioned torture against the wine seller’s daughters
Arya cant be good because she has killed people
and so on, and so on….
But this is such a draining, and oft times frustrating, conversation to have because you see just how shallow the above listed examples are? Readers are listing only singular instances across a narrative that spans thousand and thousands of pages, and there’s absolutely no context involved. Why did Jon threaten Gilly? Why did Dany resort to torture and at one point did she do it? Who did Arya kill and why? And why do those singular instances negate everything else in their arcs?
What usually happens when we have the 12847647282th unnecessary conversation about who is the “most good” character in ASOIAF is that we start getting blanket statements with no elaboration. And the only people ever considered are Ned, Brienne, and Davos, and sometimes the children like Shireen or Tommen. Mind you, Ned and Davos are not perfect or without their own faults either; much has been said about Ned’s abilities as a father and it’s implied that Davos was not entirely faithful to his wife. And based on her current arc, Brienne will surely have to make morally tough choices regarding oaths and knightly honor. Plus theres the irony of including literal children when they have not been put in situations where they actually have to make morally difficult choices and live with the consequences.
ASOIAF shows us that people who are capable of incredible kindness and compassion are also capable of doing unpleasant things.
Jon threatened Gilly….because he was trying to save another child whom he believed to be at risk of human sacrifice(!!) and was stuck between a rock and a hard place. But why does that singular instance negate the fact that his arc has been about him standing up for the “lesser than”? Why does that negate the fact that he stood up for Sam against a superior when there was nothing to gain for him? Why does it negate the fact that he went out of his way to equip Arya in a way that society would have deemed inappropriate? Why does it negate the fact that he dedicated the entirety of his time as Lord Commander to fight an institution that had upheld racism/xenophobia for millennia? Why should we filter out all those moments of kindness, compassion, and deep empathy that Jon has even without him thinking?
Dany sanctioned torture….but she was trying to solve the murder of an innocent victim AND this brought her no joy. But why does that negate the fact that when she gained unimaginable power, she could’ve high tailed to Westeros to use it to her benefit and become queen, but instead chose to stay in Essos where she has no personal responsibility just so she could fight the institutional evil that is slavery? Why does it negate Dany who went to personally treat plague victims at great risk to herself?
Arya has killed some….but it’s in self defense or in defense of others who are disenfranchised. But why does this negate that she is one of the few people in the series how goes out of her way to show kindness and friendship to those who are not as economically or politically advantaged as she is (e.g., Mycah)? Why does it negate that she took fellow slaves under her protection when she herself had little power to fight for her own survival at Harrenhall? Why does it negate that when she saw those caged soldiers whom she was angry with for their actions, instead of leaving them to die instead offered them the only kindness she could at the moment: a drink of water?
Trying to have arguments about morality but stripping everything down to ‘x character did y bad thing (regardless of context) and that’s why they can’t be good’ is, to be blunt, ridiculous. And it isn’t a particularly interesting way to engage with the text. Character journeys, especially well written ones, are rarely ever in a straight line. There’s amazing highs and terrible lows. GRRM gives us so many characters like Jon, Dany, Arya, Sansa, Ned, etc. who even in their lows, have gleams of compassion and exceptional kindness. It doesn’t do anyone any good to filter those moments out to make the books more digestible; and I’m being a little generous here, because so many readers have a very shallow level of engagement with the series and it shows in conversation. And we also shouldn’t pit these characters unfairly against those who have never been in similarly difficult situations that required them to make hard choices. Because when we do, we start to completely miss the point all together.
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swordsandarms · 9 months
There's nothing more self-inserting in this fandom than the people who actually hate Rhaegar Targaryen (and sometimes by extension Lyanna and Daenerys and other Targaryens).
But with Rhaegar it's very peculiar. With either Rhaegar positive or neutral fans, you can discuss things like connections he has with characters in actual canon, by actually canon references, that give him some depth whatsoever in turn. Love RxL shippers with all the actually newer clues highlighted compared to your typical "Jon's parentage" checklists because it gives more character interiority. Love the Jon and Dany fans who've given more attention to the connections clearly drawn on purpose by the author that are also doing that.
But people who outright hate this tertiary character? The emotionally driven rants as if this man was their own boyfriend or father and wronged them specifically and that's all the focus of it? Only ever writing in "depth" about him in scenarios that are clearly made up and can only be explained as projection from some baggage none of us trying to read some book are interested in? Very odd behaviour.
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I love that one of the roles fire plays in this series is to represent how all consuming desire can be, and how it’s framed as something that can be world ending when uncontrolled.
So naming unnatural, untamable green fire ‘wildfire’ is therefore a stroke of genius. It’s the representation of how we humans manufacture our own doom in the pursuit power, of how uncontrolled desire will eventually blow up in our faces.
And the fact that barrels and barrels of it sit fermenting under Kings Landing, Westeros’s breeding ground of maniac desire, and the capital the ambitious and corrupt flock to for what it promises? It’s perfection!
#i’m sure this has been mentioned before~#fire is love and passion and desire and our desires and loves and passions can hurt us and those around us when not checked#green usually represents summer/nature/earth in asoiaf so is wildfire george warning us that an eternal summer is just as dangerous as an-#-eternal winter? maybe? who knows~ but it’s a fun thought#dany’s dragons being an embodiment of fire is kinda the whole ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ lesson in asoiaf and this is-#-why danys humanity is so fking important. while dragons aka the embodiment of fire can’t plant trees#-dany the girl dany the mother dany the human can and she can make a difference by using her fire responsibly <3#that’s why she’s nothing like cersei who’s connected multiple times to wildfire#fire and dragons =\= wildfire#wildfire is the human attempt to recreate something as effortlessly powerful as dragons. but it’s man made so it’ll never be the same.#but it’s important that it’s man made because it showcases mans desire for power and it’s important that it’s gonna blow up in mans face#tho this brings up questions about rhaegal and what narrative role he’ll play as the green dragon with green flames#i do have an idea of what it could be#jon SNOW aka the BLACK bastard riding rhaegal who’s the GREEN of SUMMER?#everything needs a balance 🤷‍♀️#alsooo#the greater the light the darker the shadow and drogon is both the black beast and the winged shadow cause dany’s an icon ;)#my very poorly worded point here is that the dragons provide some sort of balance to their riders :D (just a theory lolol)#asoiaf#jon snow#daenerys targaryen#pro daenerys#you’ll never see any dany slander on this blog she’s my girl my idol my cutie pootie <3#i don’t want ppl to think that i’m one of those ‘dany = the others’ weirdos who think she’s just as bad as the cold inhumanity of the others#patootie* whoops#i love me some messy tags
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zadien · 4 months
Always - A Chenford 6x10 Spec Fic
The whole operation had gone to shit. 

From the shoot-out in the laundromat, to Tim’s desperate leap onto the fleeing vehicle, everything had gone to hell.
Using the last of his ammunition to blow out the rear window of the speeding truck had been a tactical decision that he was paying for as he found himself yanked into the truck, all but upside down, into the passenger seat. 
At least he’d managed to wrestle the man’s firearm from him, but now Tim found himself alone in the cab with an unknown suspect and no backup.
Managing to wriggle into a somewhat defensible position, he reached for his taser, weighing up the cost of tasing the guy versus how fast he could get control of the truck before it rammed into a civilian.
Sensing his intent, the driver yanked hard on the wheel, sending Tim careening backwards into the door, head slamming against the glass hard enough to see stars. He grunted and blinked against the pain that ricocheted through his skull. 
The pointed blade of a scalpel arced towards him and he jerked back, breath clogging in his lungs. 
Read the rest on AO3
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
okay I'm peaking into pre-2003 Supergirl comics and was no one going to tell me that there's actually like 6 different Supergirls or was I just supposed to figure out that Kara (pre-Crisis) and Kara (post-Crisis) and Linda and Matrix are all literally different people by myself
me reading the DC Wiki: "wait so the Supergirl who became an actual literal angel wasn't Kara????"
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thisonetimeinmeridian · 11 months
I miss Gendrya, they were my happy place. I miss thinking about them.
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robynator · 7 months
i love being a pibe/off-book fan who doesn't know anything about baseball. so i get exactly none of the references in those episodes
i don't know what a pitcher is. or anything besides the fact that you need to hit the ball and then run. alexa "hit that home run off her own pitch"? seems legit to me! but i have seen people comment on it so maybe it's not. who knows? certainly not me!
you could literally tell me that baseball originally involved a dozen puppies running around the field trying to catch the ball and i'd say "fair enough" because what do i know
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wise-blue-cookies · 1 year
All jon snow time travel fics to dance of the dragon era has that one thing in common.
Jon : " You'll should listen to Helaena more."
Helaena: " Promised Prince... Sword in the Darkness... White Wolf... The Twice Born... Snow Shroud..."
Jon * tripping, scrambling and almost defenestrating Otto from a very hightower*: "I have to leave"
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crimeronan · 1 year
i made a new neopets account :3 i lost access to my old account bc i no longer have the password or the email and haven't logged in for Years. which is a shame bc that one had fully painted pets, a completed secret lab map, and over 10 million in the bank...... but i made all that money on keyquest which has been gone for 10 years. so i will never be a neopian millionaire again. i AM however going thru and playing all of the reconstructed flash games which function quite well & i'm having a good time! send me a neofriend request if u want. i'm tragically_kitkat.
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dirtytransmasc · 10 months
self indulgent got concept.
Ned brings Jon home, Cat hates the boy, everything stays the same... until Robert Baratheon is charging through the halls of Winterfell looking for the babe, ready to butcher the poor thing where he lay helpless in his cradle.
in a matter of moments Catelyn learns three things:
The babe was never a bastard, Ned had only lied to her to protect Jon, and that she would die before she let Robert lay a finger on the babe she'd previously wished death upon.
cue Catelyn Stark snatching Jon from his cradle, holding him, protecting him, loving him as she would her own son, risking it all to keep him safe, all care for herself thrown to the wind.
like they say, what a mother's love holds no bounds, and what it makes her capable of had no limits.
#listen listen listen#I just want Catelyn to love Jon Snow and I don't care what I ahve to do to make it happen#(plus the angst is delicious)#I was rewatching old kids movies and ended up watching ice age and idk why but the mom sacrificing herself for her babe gave me ideas#I just imagine young Cat holding onto the boy she hated and wished death on for being bastard (only to find out he wasn't one) as tightly-#as she could. knowing Robert and his men were coming. knowing they would slaughter the boy in front of her. knwoing she'd wished for this-#and deciding she'd give her own life to protect him if thats what it came to.#and in my mind she jumped from the window of the nursery knowing the halls will be filled with the kings men and leave little chance for-#escape. before fleeing on injured legs to hide the babe and herself knowing Robert would be right behind her. she's in agony. but she'll-#going for the babes sake. she won't stop until her heart is dead in her chest. even if it hurts to move and breath and think he keeps going#maybe she takes a horse and flees wintefell all together. maybe she hides somewhere in/around the castle. maybe Robert catches her?#if she runs with him she'd have nothing but the clothes on her back. she'd have to feed him and keep him warm. she'd have left her own son-#behind. the potential angst and hurt/comfort as Cat misses her own son and learns to love another. feeding him and keeping him warm from-#her own body while she's injured and lost and at the will of the elements of the strange new place she now considered calling home#idk I just think it'd be an interesting concept#there's something about a mother and her child being cornered by 'wolves' (in this case a stag). this has the added spice of Cat and Jon's-#dynamic. just earlier that day she could barely look at him and now she's willing to die for him. the change happened in seconds.#that was a lot of ranting in the tags. oops. anyway...#catelyn stark#jon snow#I love putting these two in harrowing. life altering. and/or traumatic situations so they can finally just be mother and son#I live for the angsty family feels#got#game of thrones#asoiaf
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oneknightstand-if · 9 months
Bro Formorian War would be the most unhinged 🔥🔥🔥🔥 crossover ever (it's also kinda arthurian if you squint from all the big brain writing)
Cloudcuckoolander MC would have a blast, while Adrian wouldn't just get another migraine but a whole ass aneurysm
*squints* Hey, there's Camelot!
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Adrian: .........why are we in France?
Cuckoolander MC: Oui, oui, pourquoi ne serions-nous pas en France? Omelette du Fromage!
Merlin: (┛✧Д✧))┛彡┻━┻ FRANKISH SLANDER!
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mistressemmedi · 2 months
now why do people hate george, tf did that cringe british lanky ass tall man did to yall?
🤷🏻‍♀️ bestie, I'm just here for a laugh
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