#i know this barely counts as plus size model wise
fashion-runways · 4 months
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
I’ve done what no other has done before (to my knowledge) and found the aging system for the Zora! 
Ok so this started as simple research for this ask
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See, I misread the phrasing of “best educated guess” to “research for 2 hours and come to a conclusive answer” so anyhow before I indulge you into the answers of the universe allow me to explain the research I’ve come across 
[TL;DR at the bottom]
So firstly, we have to look at our conclusive evidence, from which we’ll base our theory/headcanon on, which can mainly be found in the Creating a Champion book, and some dialogue in game. I’ve compiled them all in these bullets here
Zora children are around 20ish years old [as said by dialogue with Finley in her love letter sidequest, I don’t have a screenshot but please just take my word for it]
150ish is considered middle-aged for Zora
Muzu is around 4 centuries old 
Curved claws, weathered fins, and worn noses are signs of an older Zora that is more than 3 centuries(ish) old
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Zora that were friends with Link must be around 150ish (not just 100), since you need to also account for the 20+ years of growing from a child stage, to the more normal sized form that you see them in the game, ergo, it’s that age plus the 100 years stasis that we determine the “middle age” of around 150
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150 is the middle age, double that for the average old age of 300 years, but I say it could go to 400 too for additional reasons I’ll explain later with examples with my final age system. Anyhow, Muzu is around 400 if you take the 100 years for actually growing up from childhood, additional 100+ years of holding a different job as I doubt you just straight out hire a councilman without experience, and then another century for where he first started working in in the council, training Mipha, which would overlap with the period of the pre and post Great Calamity and Link’s return, meaning that’s 3 centuries plus 50ish years if we’re being generous with the overlap. This would help line up with the “for over a century” line as that doesn’t quite mean 2 centuries of working in the council, but Muzu is definitely getting up there to 4 centuries for his age alone
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Now, I thought, this was gonna be my breakthrough, this screenshot here, depicting the traits of the older Zora. The elderly Zora are probably around 3 centuries old (since King Dorephan said they were young men around Mipha’s time, 150ish+100 gives us the range of 250-300), so I was like “Oh l can look at the size of their fins and noses and head/tail things and find a more efficient way to find their age” but nOPE. There is very little variation in that ballpark, the Zora either have exaggerated weathered noses or nice and shiny fins and no in between. The size of their head fins are roughly the same, with again, the only exaggerated differences being with the King and Sidon which doesn’t help at all because the Royal Zora already have a bunch of other difference such as their SIZE to name one.
I even went to the part about their curved toes, which initially would line up with some other Zora like Muzu
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And let me tell you
I’ve looked at their toes
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This is them from a child, a middle-aged, and an elderly. Color doesn’t matter and the curve? Well there’s
At least not nearly enough to find an efficient way to find age. Even Muzu’s final model didn’t have the exaggerated curvature as seen in the book.
I looked at their tail tail fins, (not the tail on their head, but their actual small rounded tail fin by their butts) because the book also mentioned how the grown Zora have more pronounced tail fins compared to the kids, but it was the same for the 150s and the 300s sooo not that helpful
So I kept digging. In the book I found that King Dorephan was crowned around 100 years before the game started. In addition I reread the 10 Zora stone monuments and found that he had killed a Guardian with his bare hands and thrown it off a cliff, which he still had a scar from. 
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[and yes I attempted to find his definitive age by seeing how long it takes for a scar to fade but I gave up cause Zora anatomy is too different to find a conclusive answer]
So I was like, “ok Dorephan had to have been around 150 when he came to the throne, then 50 years later the guardians are excavated giving way to the story about the guardian...” blah blah blahbla I even went to the supposed site where that guardian was, but it all didn’t really give me that much more info than what I already knew. I was researching ways to age the rock monuments from visuals alone which needless to say is pretty impossible, so I gave up on finding Dorephan’s age and I kept digging. 
All I wanted was something physical that could properly give way to identifying a Zora’s age was that too much to ask???
Now this is where I had all but given up, it seems that my only answer was this vague note about how their fins move up when they grow
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Which, to be fair, held true when I looked at the in-game character models myself, but I can’t exactly pixel measure these things for each Zora.
But THAT’S where the revelation came. I was so focused on finding inconsistencies within the elderly Zora, when I should have been looking at the young baby ones. See, this pictures, literally right next to the page about elderly Zora that I was analyzing for ages, is the key to it all
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Now, I was thinking about the rings on a tree, and certain species of banded fish that grow and discard different markings as they grow older, I even counted the neck rings on certain Zora to see if they did that thing where they add a ring for each birthday like some African and Asian cultures do (look it up, that stuff’s pretty interesting!) and that is where it struck me.
Count how many luminescent markings are on their head 
The males have 11, the females have 8  (on the one side, the other side has the same number of dots but for simplicity purposes I’m doing one side)
Now let’s count for these Zoras, who are middle aged-ish
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The male has 10, the female has 7.
Now let’s look at the oldest Zora that we know of
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3 dots above the eye, four on the tail. Muzu that motherfucker has 7 damn dots and I couldn’t be happier.
First we have Muzu, who as I’ve preciously stated is around 4 centuries old. 11-4? Oh, it’s seven, and that’s the amount of markings he has? OOoo??
How about this Zora Lady who recognized Link from 100 years ago?
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Seven dots? 8-7 is 1 so shes just over one century which lines up timeline wise. You can even see how the third dot is slowing shrinking on her head so she’s coming up on 2 centuries 
Ok how about the elders?
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NINE. 11-9 is 2 centuries, with again, the dot by their head shrinking significantly showing how they’re getting up on 3 centuries.
The part I circled in green there is jewelry, not a marking, however this only goes further to prove my point. What better way to appear youthful than to have jewelry that makes it look like you have more markings than you have, made with luminous stone, no less.
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This guy? Seggin? Super close to 4 centuries, those dots are fading away fast. Count your days old timer
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Random dude that doesn’t recognize Link but is an new apprentice for sculpture making? 10 dots, a fresh 1 century pal, lookin young
I was a feral child running across the Domain screaming people’s ages in their face like a rude, naive, brat, I was elated to say the least. Especially since this system even works on the King himself
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[plus one dot slightly behind the fin here...]
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King Dorephan has 7 dots, he’s 400 years old. Which still lines up timeline wise, especially since he’s similar age with Muzu who he has stated is one of his most trusted advisors, beecaaaaaaaause of the years they’ve spent working together the timelines match uppppppp
This system works for almost all Zora, with 2 exceptions. Guards have helmets that cover their markings, so it’s impossible to tell. In addition, Prince Sidon, has sixteen lights on this hammerhead because he’s fancy like that (we already know he’s canonically 2ish centuries old anyhow from the DLC)
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EDIT: I WAS WRONG THIS WORKS FOR SIDON TOO. The sixteen markings I was referring to was actually the amount of marking on each side of the head total, however if we look at the markings for only one side, like intended
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Ten dots, Sidon’s over 100 years old. I’d say he’s closer to 150 given the timeline
Essentially, the most surefire way to find almost any Zora’s age is to identify a male or female Zora, count the number of lights on the side of their head/tail thing, then subtract from 11 if they’re a male, and from 8 for a female. The number left is how many centuries they’ve lived. You can check to see if their markings are shrinking and fading to get a sense if they’re coming up on the next century anytime soon. Comparing this with the oldest Zora we see in game, we can conclusively say that the Zora lifespan is around 3 to 4 centuries since no Zora has been seen with less than seven markings
Now go and make your Zora ocs with your appropriate number of lights. I’m gonna have a cookie
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str-spangled-banner · 7 years
Home - Part 2 - Bruce Banner X Daughter!Reader
Send in questions for my Q&A, and send as many as you want about anything! Nothing is too personal.
Summary: You start settling in with the Avengers and in the Stark Tower as you now live with your dad, Bruce. Your first day turns into more of an adventure than you expected as you and Peter risk getting late for school.
Warnings: None.
Words: 4 343 (Longest thing I’ve ever written!)
A/N: This is part 2 because I loved the request so much and the idea for the story! This is also very long which I don’t personally mind! Hope you like it and please tell me if you want more of this!
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“And here is the op-room.” Peter said and opened up the door to show a room filled with a dozen screens, both big and small. In the middle there was a table which also appeared to be a screen, chairs circling it. “Here we plan our missions and a bunch of other stuff. Don’t use the big screen for watching TV though…”
She was about to ask whether he warned her because he had personal experience or not when he shut the door and continued the tour. She was thankful for that he showed her around to say the least. The Tower was massive and she really didn’t want to get lost inside the place where she lived.
“And here we have Bruce’s lab- I mean, your dad’s lab.” Peter corrected himself, calling Bruce someone’s dad being more than strange to him. He shook his head clear and opened up the door.
Y/N stepped inside. Peter tried to stop her from entering from being told not to go inside any of the labs himself without specific permission, but she was out of his reach. She looked around the room which was kept tidy and organized. It reflected her dad perfectly if one knew where to look and what to look for. Peter just saw a room. Y/N could see traces of her dad everywhere.
“You’re quite good with all of this, aren’t you?” Peter asked as she continued further inside the spacious laboratory.
She looked back at him and watched him motion around him to the various screens, tools and machines that spotted the lab.
“I mean obviously you are, considering how you got the scholarship for C.U’s annual Future Scientist recognition.” Peter rolled his eyes as he now found that his question had been rather stupid.
“I’d like to think I am, but you should never grade your own capability. You either think too highly of yourself or you completely misjudge your work.” She said the same thing her biology professor had told her the first week of high school. For some reason, it had stuck with her. Perhaps it had left such a big impact since she had always been judged at home and therefor she had done it herself? She couldn’t put a finger on it.
Peter blinked a few times, taken back by her words of wisdom. “Well, I’m still going to go ahead and guess that you are because of what I just said, and because of what I’ve seen in school.”
As she was about to return the kind words, the door to the lab opened up and Tony stepped inside with a folder in his hand. He stopped in his track as he realized the room wasn’t empty or occupied by Dr. Banner himself.
“What are you two doing snooping around here? Or you, at least?” He nudged his head at Peter who froze, opening and closing his mouth in search of words. “Could you leave for a minute, Spidey?”
Peter was heading for the door before Tony could even finish his sentence. Y/N remained put, swallowing down her worry and anxiousness.
Tony turned towards her as Peter was out of the lab, laying down the file in his hand on the nearby desk. “Banner…” He said seriously before letting out a small chuckle. “It sounds strange to call you that and not your old man.”
“Well, it’s only been nine hours since you first met me, so…” She looked down at the watch around her wrist to count the hours exactly. “Maybe it’s not so strange?”
“Maybe not.” He smiled, walking further into the lab and stopping by one of the screens which was off. “You look an eerily a lot like your father, yet you still manage to be pretty somehow. It takes a real miracle to do something like that.”
“Don’t say that in front of him.” She warned jokingly.
“You’re a lot like him too, personality wise, I mean… Hopefully you don’t mind, but… I might have looked you up.” Tony confessed, glancing back to her. She didn’t know what he could have found, but she liked to believe she had nothing to hide. Of course, it’s always easy to say that when you can’t recall if you have something worth hiding.
Tony suddenly made the screen before him light up and pulled its image to the center of the lab in the shape of a hologram. On the screen there was a picture of Y/N two years prior, smiling widely and holding a chrome statue in her left hand and shaking her right one with a middle aged man.
“That’s you and Preston Lance, chief executive officer of GAST, or Global Association of Science and Technology, as they’re also known as… You received their award for Brightest Mind. That’s one of the most difficult awards they give out, and you’re just a high school student.”
He turned towards her, squinting slightly like he was thinking about doing something. Y/N didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know Tony apart from the little she had managed to catch from the news and local papers. To be honest, she knew a lot more about Iron Man than Tony Stark.
“What does the total mass-energy contain according to the standard model of cosmology?”
“4.9% ordinary matter, 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy.” She answered before her brain had barely processed what Tony had just asked her.
“How many grams of Astatine-211 can be found in the earth’s crust at a time?” He continued.
“Trick question. Neither Astatine-211 or the most stable isotope, Astatine-210, can be found naturally. Approximately one gram appears in earth’s crust at a time and it consists of the isotopes -215, -217, -218 and -219.” She answered confidently, tilting her head with a faint smile.
“How many watts does the sun produce a second.”
“3.8 times 10 to the power of 33.” She answered again, knowing she was right and never doubting it.
Tony kept watching her, amazed. “How is it that a high school senior know things like that like the back of her hand? And don’t tell me it’s because you’re interested.”
“It is to some degree.” She admitted, glancing up at the picture of her receiving the GAST award. “I’m not that cunning in the field of human anatomy and more specifically in genetics, but I have to believe that I’ve gotten my brains from Bruce… I became interested at an early age, and as I didn’t have any friends to worry about or a mom that supported me, I spent as many hours I possibly could in school or with school work. Before I knew it, I was head deep in science fair projects and math equations, and I loved it.”
Tony looked down at the floor, feeling bad for asking. “I promise you’ll find support here.” He assured her to her surprise. She didn’t think he would be so kind so openly to what essentially was a stranger. “Did Bruce show you your workshop?”
She stuttered at first, still a bit surprised by his words. “Ehm, no. He haven’t gotten around to it.” She answered and watched as Tony removed the projectile screen and began to head out of the lab.
“Then let me.” He held the door open for her and motioned further down the hallway. “When Bruce asked me for a free place to work I though he was going to get an assistant, like he has said he has needed a few times, so I hope you don’t mind working close to your dad.”
Tony stopped outside of the next door in line after her dad’s lab, gesturing her to enter. She could feel her heart begin to accelerate as she reached her hand out for the door handle, opening slowly.
Inside was a lab equal in size to her dad’s. It was free of miscellaneous items and clutter and was a clean slate for her to fill with whatever her heart desired, she imagined. “This is too much.” She said breathlessly, walking inside with eager steps.
Tony shook his head. “I don’t know if you didn’t hear yourself about thirty seconds ago, but a mind as bright as yours deserves somewhere where thoughts can be processed into projects. Plus, have you seen the size of this place? You can have five more workshops and labs if you so wished.”
She didn’t know what to say. The closest thing to a lab she had ever had was her old bedroom, which had been far from suitable to build all the things she wanted to build.
Her eyes roamed over a long desk when she noticed her portable generator laying on top of it. She pointed at it, clueless. “That’s my-”
“Generator.” Tony completed her sentence. He walked up to the desk and picked the mechanism up, taking a closer look at it again. “I brought it here on your dad’s request. I have to say, I’m impressed. How does it work?”
She smiled wider, more than willing to explain. She had never had someone that wasn’t a teacher of hers asking about her projects. Her mom despised them, had even destroyed a few in hatred, and no one else had cared either.
“It’s pretty much self running. All it needs is a spark to ignite the engine and it’s off.”
“How strong of a spark?”
“1.2 usually does the trick, so I use simple AA batteries to power it up, then the magnets begin to accelerate until it reaches a capacity of about 250 volts, so I used to have it for my computer.” She explained and pointed to the areas she spoke about, removing the removable shell on one of the side to show the actual generator within.
“That’s amazing…” Tony looked at the generator and at the unique mechanism she had constructed. “Better magnets, a bigger spark, and this thing could supply a lot more than a computer.”
“Actually, now that you mention it…” She dug out her phone from her pocket and searched for the image of a more sustainable and powerful version of her generator which she had designed. “I made this.”
As she leaned over to Tony to show her the small screen, Tony suddenly reached his hands out before her and somehow managed to make her old phone project into the air. She wasn’t going to ask how he could possibly do that. She would simply accept the fact that he could and that he had.
She cleared her throat. “I’m thinking that two EM’s would replace the regular magnets and that the copper wires should be replaced with tungsten wiring.”
“Copper is easier to work with and a lot cheaper.” Tony argued, scratching his chin as he concentrated.
“True, but since this version would use electromagnets, the wiring needs to be able to take some heat.”
Tony raised his brows, pouting out of approval and impressiveness. “And if something can take the heat…”
“It’s tungsten.” She nodded when the door suddenly opened once again and Bruce walked in.
“Look at you, already working with the big boss.” He smiled, putting his hands in the pockets of his open lab coat and walking through the doorframe.
“She’s a wonder child.” Tony stated, moving the screen around in the air to turn it towards Bruce. “Look at this.”
Bruce fumbled to quickly put on his glasses, examining the detailed prototype Y/N had drawn, his eyes slowly widening. “You did this?” He looked through the screen to his daughter.
“It’s the same concept as my current generator, just with a few upgrades I couldn’t afford when making the one I have.” She smiled nervously, hoping that the smartest man she knew and one on an equally as high level would like her design.
“It’s incredible.” Bruce nodded his head up and down. “You should make this whenever you have the time for it.”
The door opened, again, and Peter was back. He hesitantly peaked his head inside. “I’m sorry, I know I’m not supposed to be in here-”
“This is my workshop.” Y/N cut him off. “You can be here if you like.”
Peter tried not to smile, tried to hide his joy, but it was difficult. His mind was in other places however and he didn’t have time to focus on where he was allowed to be and where he wasn’t. He had to focus on where he needed to be.
“Thanks, but we really need to leave…” He ushered, waving his hands as if asking her to hurry up.
“What? Where- oh god… School.” She realized, eyes snapping down to her watch only to realize that school started in half an hour and the subway from Manhattan to Forest Hills would take forty minutes alone. “I’ve never been late!”
Y/N practically ran for the door, flying by Bruce in pure panic.
“Mr. Stark-”
“For the hundredth time Peter, I’m not giving you a ride to school in the Quinjet.” Tony didn’t even let Peter finish his sentence as he already knew what the teen would say.
“Dad, I can’t be late.” Y/N stopped by the door, hands flying into her hair in frustration.
“Just report in sick?” Tony suggested like it was no big deal. Bruce knew his daughter however and knew she would never want to lie about being sick.
“Come on Y/N, I’ll fix it somehow.” Peter suddenly changed his attitude, becoming calmer. Puzzled and still in panic, she simply left her workshop with Peter. As the door closed, he grabbed a hold of her arm and began to run down the hall, pulling her with him.
“What are you doing?” She protested but still followed behind him.
He smiled, taking two steps at a time as they came to the stairs. “I’m hurrying to get to school.”
“Were not going to make it.” She explained, wondering if Peter simply refused to believe that fact or if he was planning on defying Tony.
He let go as they came to the floor of everyone’s rooms but she kept up with him still. He opened up the door to his own room, running inside whilst she slowed down for a second, even more lost as she watched him open up his wardrobe. He carelessly pulled his shirt off and she quickly cleared her throat, reminding him she was still there.
“Oh- I… Just look away for a second…” He laughed nervously and continued to strip after Y/N had turned the other way. Her heart was racing both from running and from stressing. She had never missed school or been late with the only exception being three days in fourth grade when she had the flu. As school was the only thing that had been truly consistent in her life as well as her major interest, it meant a lot to her, more than most people realized. She didn’t know what she would do if she was late, no matter how dramatic that sounded.
“Okay…” Peter dragged out and Y/N slowly began to turn around. As her eyes landed on him, her mouth dropped.
“Holy…” She gasped, bluntly approaching and placing her hand on Peter’s chest to feel the material of his Spider-Man suit. He had yet to put on the mask that was in his hand, but she didn’t care about seeing the complete look. She was interested in the technical aspect of his attire. “That’s epic.”
Peter smiled again, the right corner of his mouth quirking up. “I’ll let you try it on some time, but as of right now, this is your ride to school.” He motioned up and down his body. She removed her hand and looked up into his eyes but they were covered quickly as he put the mask on. It was loose and baggy, and she was about to comment on its design, when the material suddenly stretched to a perfect fit.
“Okay…” Her smile disappeared. “That’s not even funny. That’s too cool.”
“Alright Y/N! Thank you very much, but like you, I also don’t want to be late for school. Forget going by train. We’re going by rooftops today.” He walked to the large window of his room, grabbing his backpack along the way.
“You’re going to carry me?” She questioned as she saw him hold out his arm, more than against the idea. “You’re going to swing around rooftops… With me? No way… You’re going to drop me!”
“I won’t! Look… I may not look like much, but I swear on my own life that I will not drop you.” His tone was too sincere for her not to believe him. Somehow for some reason, she trusted him. She barely knew him when they were only in school together and hadn’t gotten the chance to get to know him any more in the nine hours she had spent in the Stark Tower, but she trusted him. She had seen footage of what Spider-Man could do. She would be fine, no matter if she believed that herself or not.
“Okay…” She gave in, letting out a shaky breath. “But wait… What about my face?”
Peter pulled his head back. “What about it?”
“It’s rather unmasked, if you can’t tell.” She waved her hand in front of her face as the last piece of the puzzle fell into place for Peter.
“Oh! Right, right… Ehm…” He looked around the room, practically hearing a ticking clock in his head that made it no easier for him to calm down. Finally, his eyes landed on a black beanie on the floor. He snatched it and walked to his desk, cutting out two, rough, holes for her eyes close to the rim. “Here.”
She pulled it on without question. The material reached the bridge of her nose and her eyes aligned with the holes well enough. She looked up at Peter. “Do I look like a superhero now?” She smiled, Peter doing the same even if she couldn’t tell.
“Absolutely.” He nodded before walking back to the window and opening it up. A gush of wind welled inside. Peter walked out on the steep ledge and motioned for her to follow. She was scared, she wouldn’t lie, but she somehow managed to keep that to herself as she grabbed her bag and walked forward.
She stepped out on the ledge and carefully moved to the side so Peter could join her and close the window. The busy streets of New York were small lines a gut-wrenching ninety three floors below them, the cars seeming no larger than ants.
“Are you ready?” Peter asked and without processing the true meaning of what “ready” meant in that moment, she nodded. She didn’t have time to mentally prepare herself. She had algebra in twenty five minutes and 8.6 miles to cross before that. “Okay, I’m going to wrap my arm around you.”
She felt his arm snake around her back underneath her backpack, his hand holding onto her waist strongly. Without hesitation she wrapped both her arms around his chest, locking her hands together so harshly that her knuckles were turning white.
“Alright, just see it as a bandaid. It’s better to just get it over with.” Peter warned her and Y/N couldn’t take the anticipation any longer.
“Just go Peter, damn it!”
He leaned his weight forward and they tipped of the ledge. She held her breath, softly shutting her eyes and letting the breath out as a hollow feeling filled her stomach. As she heard a whistling noise she opened her eyes, seeing a long string shooting out of the small bracelet around Peter’s wrist and striking the corner of a nearby rooftop. They swung down a street with tall buildings on either side of them, Peter constantly shooting and cutting loose the strings that carried them forward.
She was surprised by how effortlessly he carried them both, especially since it became extra heavy in the constant swinging due to the g-force kicking in accordingly. She felt her fear leave her body as she could tell that Peter would keep his promise of not dropping her. She felt herself smile involuntarily as they flew across rooftops and between buildings like something out of a bizarre dream.
She let out a long “woo” of excitement, going through what she guessed would be the closest thing to flying she would ever experience, and loving every second of it. Peter laughed, swinging them up once more as they approached the Queensboro Bridge.
“I’ve got this!” He yelled to make his voice heard as they came closer and closer to the water. As the bridge structure became the only thing for Peter to grip onto, he shot his web at one of the two, closest, pillars. She tightened her grip around him as they began to lower in altitude, Peter clearly aiming to go underneath the bridge and not across it.
They flew only a few feet above the water and as the web got wrapped around the bridge itself, they began to fly up, creating a full circle around the structure. He did the same thing for the next set of pillars until they were across.
She had a hard time believing that she wasn’t dreaming. They were already in Queens. If they had taken the train, they wouldn’t even be halfway off Manhattan. The wind howled around her, her body feeling light whenever Peter would heave he two of them upwards. It was so surreal that she would have pinched herself if she hadn’t clung to Peter so fanatically.
“Forest Hill in sight!” Peter called out and pointed to the distance in between cutting loose the previous string and quickly shooting out a new one.
Y/N could see the green patch which was Flushing Meadows Corona Park for sure, meaning they weren’t far away at all. She stretched her neck forward slightly to try and see her watch which was hiding slightly behind Peter’s chest. She managed to get a glimpse of it, not knowing the exact time by the minute, but guessing their journey had taken about twenty minutes instead of the forty plus it would have taken with normal traveling means.
As they came up to the same block as their school, Peter squeezed his hand at Y/N’s waist to get her attention. “Just hold on!”
She didn’t need to be told twice. She squeezed her arms around Peter as he continued to hold onto the web which was a bit longer than the other ones. They swung close enough to the street below that Y/N could see every pedestrian turning up to look into the sky.
Peter kept holding on as they began to swing further up and all the way until their speed began to decrease. It was all Peter’s plan however. They came up to the side of a building and due to his expert timing, the string of web began to swing them back as if had reached its highest point when they were a few inches above the roof.
Peter landed softly and carefully placed Y/N down. She withdrew her arms from him as he did the same with her. He removed his mask, smiling awkwardly as he realized how close they had been to one another. She thought of it to, but she was too happy to be shy and awkward. To Peter’s surprise, and partially her own, she wrapped her arms around him again but hugged him instead of clinging onto him for her life.
His cheeks flushed red instantly, his body frozen through out the entire hug. She took a step back, removing her own mask and adjusting her hair. “Thank you.”
“Ah- no problem.” He stuttered, watching her as she inspected her makeshift mask.
“I’m gonna keep this.” She waved the ruined beanie in her hand, letting out a small chuckle. “I might need a ride home.”
He huffed, shaking his head with a big smile. He thought she would have been different. She was so quiet in class, dull, seeming so insanely focused on her studies. He would have though she would squeal and squirm during the entire time that he took her to school in his Spider-Man way, but she had loved it. Anyone who could have seen them would have been able to tell that she had. He was pleasantly surprised.
“You should probably change.” She said, looking up and down his body which was still tightly wrapped in his suit.
“Probably.” He agreed, putting down his backpack on the gravel roof and digging out his clothes. He threw on his normal attire on top of his suit, making sure that it was hidden completely underneath before picking his bag up again. “Alright, there’s a fire escape over here.”
He wakes to the edge of the roof to where multiple ladders and platforms on the side of building created a perfect way down.
“You’ve done this before, I take it?” She questioned as he seemed to know exactly where to go. He helped her to get down to the first ladder as he nodded.
“A few times…” He confessed, not wanting to even begin to guess how many times it had really been. He wasn’t the best at keeping track of time. More times than not he found himself having too little time to get to school. Since Tony or anyone else refused to dust off the Quinjet, he was left no other choice but to suit up.
He waited until she was on the second ladder until he too began to climb down. They made it down safely, the pedestrians on the street outside of the alley they came down still looking up in hopes to see Spider-Man again.
“Come on, this way.” Peter pulled at her arm slightly and pointed to the back of the building. She followed him around the back to a second alley which they emerged from, their school in front of them.
“Five minutes to go.” She smiled after looking down at her watch, merging with the waves of students that headed for the entrance. They headed inside themselves, blending in with the crowd perfectly. She couldn’t help but be curious as to what everyone around her could be up to without her knowing. She had just gotten a lift to school from Spider-Man, and no one but Peter knew. It made her wonder.
She stopped by her locker and quickly grabbed her algebra book before following Peter to his locker. He grabbed his English book, silently wishing he would have had algebra with Y/N instead of English on his own.
“How about we meet at lunch?” She suggested as they walked by one another’s side down the crowded hallway. She hoped she wasn’t pushing their friendship forward too fast. She had never really had friends, which to some degree had been her own choice, but she had not had them nevertheless. She wasn’t a hundred percent sure how to act or what to say when it came to Peter, but she simply went with the flow and hoped that it would suffice.
Peter didn’t mind at all. He wasn’t exactly the popular guy. Having someone so smart and kind who knew him both as Peter and Spider-Man, who loved to fly along skyscrapers and willingly took extra science lessons, was almost too good to be true.
Part 3? Series? Comment if you’d want it!
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