#i learned SO much while I was drawing it and I'm genuinely very very proud
anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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lonely little life and nobody believes you now, you're bleeding magic out
[Image description: Mr. Neighbor from the comic Be Kind My Neighbor, wearing orange pants and an open, collared purple shirt sliding off his right shoulder and billowing out behind him. He is smiling with eyes half-lidded and posing with left hand brushing his hair back out of his face, and right hand resting on his thigh. There is a coil of rope hanging around his left arm. The seam on his chest has come undone, with a curled length of thread hanging up. There are splotches of blood over his clothes and body, especially on his hands. There are billowing pink clouds at the bottom of the image, and blue tile which gradually gives way to a red wall with several shelves. On the left side is a shelf with two lit candles, on the right a shelf with several bottles and a vase with Lady Trudy's face. Also on the left are various hanging tools, including a hatchet, a hacksaw, and rubber gloves. On a higher set of shelves are Mr. Neighbor's puppet friends - Pardy and Sir Viktor on the left, Janice 2 and Gordy on the right. Behind and above Neighbor's head is a window showing a cloudy night sky and a large full moon that has taken the form of Lady Trudy's mask.]
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cerealforkart · 1 year
Announcements and Updates
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I already mentioned this with my anniversary comic this morning (I'm glad people seemed to like "it's back on air"), but Dungeons and Daddies the Manga is a whole year old today and I wanted to talk about a couple things!
For starters, thank you to everyone who's been on this journey with me, from those of you who have been here since lesson 1 to those of you who only just discovered lesson 42 yesterday (you probably don't exist because the tags hated lesson 42). Whether you like or reblog every single lesson, you silently read the updates without ever interacting with them, and even if you fell out of the fandom but you read the manga at some point, I appreciate you all so deeply.
I might be making this a bigger deal than it actually is, but Dungeons and Daddies the Manga is a really special project to me. I'm so proud of my growth and I've put a genuinely crazy amount of time and effort into this. There was a time when I was trying to catch up when this was basically a second job. I would come home from work and draw manga pages until I went to sleep, it was all I did, it probably wasn't healthy tbh. People in the discord know, I've gotten crazy efficient at making these, if I don't have anything else going on, I can pump out 2-3 of these a day when new episodes drop. I've never undertaken a project this big before, I'm more the kind of person with a million abandoned first chapters, so to actually still be keeping up with this is huge for me, so I'm hyping this up a little bit.
If anyone has ever thought, "wow, I would love to support cereal financially! They seem to work very hard and would probably really like some money! I would also love some of cereal's cute art to plaster on my belongings," please keep your eyes open, I'll be dropping stickers in near future (Taylor in the trash can will be one of them)! I meant to have them ready for today, but I've never sold anything online before, and I'm kind of stumbling through the process. I'll try to have them up soon! So keep an eye out in the upcoming weeks.
For those of you who only care about Dungeons and Daddies the Manga, you can stop reading here, thank you so much for enjoying my manga this past year! For anyone interested in some personal updates and projects, please keep reading, I've been working on something I'm finally ready to announce.
I've learned a lot from my work on Dungeons and Daddies the Manga. My art has improved a lot, and it's still improving all the time, and I've really come to love making comics. Which is why maybe it won't be so surprising to learn I've decided to start an original webcomic. This webcomic won't interfere with my work on the manga, no need to worry, but as much as I love the manga, and the DnDads community, there's only so much I feel like I get back from it. I've been pouring so much time, energy, and love into Dungeons and Daddies the Manga over the past year, and I'm so proud of my product, but I want to start putting some of all that into something that's actually mine. I've been through a weird past couple of months where I went through some really bad burnout, looked around my life and realized "oh wow, this ALL sucks! I don't like a single thing I have going on here!" So, I quit my job, moved, and while I've been restructuring my life, I started dusting off some of those old abandoned first chapters I mentioned earlier and getting back into original work.
The webcomic is called The Rotting Things, I've teased it a very little bit here and there. It's about a boy with a power that is slowly but surely killing him and a man said to be unable to die trying to maneuver through a world of magic that hates anyone unlucky enough to be able to wield it.
I'm kind of nervous about starting a webcomic, but I've been waiting to be "good enough" to put something out there for a very long time, and I'm trying to come to terms with the fact I'll never be fully happy with my own work and just diving in. It would mean a lot to me if anyone wanted to give it a chance.
An eight page prologue will be dropping next Friday, September 29th, after which pages will start to drop one at a time every Friday. We'll see how I handle the one update a week schedule, it might go up to two pages a week depending on how confident I feel. Just like the manga was, this will be a learning curve for me, but I'm eager to try it out! Please give it a shot!
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nimarts · 1 year
trying to figure out how to make art for myself again is genuinely, like, one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.
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going to art school and then freelancing full-time for two years made me beat as many "inefficiencies" out of my art as possible. for a while, making illustrations became purely a matter of streamlining my process to take as little time as possible in achieving a result. even now, I feel a little demon in the back of my head screaming at me when I try out a new coloring technique, or take a little too long settling on a sketch.
the demon is also always screaming at me about marketability. you know, like:
"how will this fit in with the rest of your portfolio?"
"what skills of yours will this piece highlight in the eyes of recruiters?"
"will the dimensions of this canvas be eye-catching on twitter? what about instagram?"
they get a little quieter every day. but not by much. not as quiet as I want them to be. not quiet enough to keep me from still being too intimidated to draw on a lot of days, because god forbid I draw anything that looks a little rough, or imperfect, or abstract. when you have clients paying you for art, there's a standard of quality to be adhered to. there's a way they expect it to look. anything else wouldn't make for very strong branding as an artist, now would it?
I don't think that my art is bad. I think I'm pretty good at it, actually. it's why I tried taking a professional route with it in the first place. I thought that with my passion driving me, I'd always be able to strike a healthy balance between making art for a living and making it for myself.
but I... I don't think that I can. I don't think that I ever can. not even in a self-depreciating way; it's just, how can I pour my heart and soul into creating just for the sake of creating the way I used to... while also making sure that I stand out amongst my peers? making sure that I can work consistently and efficiently? making sure that my art is appealing to others?
I don't think that I can get the two to coexist, personally. and that sucks to figure out. I wish I had figured it out before I'd pushed my relationship with my truest passion to the brink of destruction. it sucks to figure out now, after I've gone to art school because art was the only thing my teen self had ever loved for so long, so wholeheartedly. because it was the only thing I ever felt I was kind of good at. like it was the only thing that could possibly get me anywhere in life or make people proud of me.
I think I pushed myself so hard to make art for a living because I couldn't let go of those ideas for a really long time. of course, as an adult, I've learned plenty of different ways at this point to be proud of myself, and that other people will also be proud of me outside of my career and the material things I'm capable of producing. crazy!
even so, trying to draw now after everything feels like trying to coax a hurt, traumatized animal out of its hiding place, knowing that it used to be so sweet and full of love and life. like, I'm trying to make it understand that if it comes to me, I'm not going to yell at it or try beating it with a stick.
and... I'm making progress! I definitely am. it'll sniff my hand now before scurrying away again. and if I'm patient, maybe soon I can give it a pat on the head, too. it's an agonizingly slow process that I know I can't rush, no matter how much I want to.
trying to figure out how to make art for myself again is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. but there's a certain comfort in knowing it is something i have to do- for myself and myself only.
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sroloc--elbisivni · 9 months
bunnyguard reflection
in the spirit of 'fuckit it's my own blog i can be sappy if i want to' as well as 'this took a year and 78k and i get to keep talking about it for at least one more day' now and here is the time and place for personal yap that did not go in the last author's note.
preliminarily speaking, i had this concept in mind before I'd finished either the usagi yojimbo comics OR watching Rise. i spent so much of both of those series fishing out little moments and choices by leo and usagi that made me go 'oh my god i NEED these guys to meet, i need to watch them bounce off each other.' I kept collecting snips of ideas, and dialogue, and encounters that never quite all panned out or fit together because this was just so much fun for me to play in. I had a lot of wanting to turn this into a real story but no concrete frame to build it on, and then in january i saw the year of the otp prompts go by. and went 'oh haha that looks fun.' it was even the year of the rabbit. and then i went 'oh!! what if i did VIGNETTES for these!!' and then less than three days later the Battle Nexus as political element of the Hidden City, complete with connections to the very different other iteration of it that we'd seen, fell into place and suddenly this silly little whim was an actual big project staring me down with an ambitious goal in mind, and I had no idea if I could pull it off.
structuring it as a month by month thing was something i'd never done before. it forced me to wait to find out what would happen, to keep building to something that didn't exist yet, to lay down the track while I was driving the train. and at the same time, it gave me space to grow, to practice putting together a beginning, middle, and end every month. and it gave me something to look forward to, and the excitement of dropping in threads that wouldn't pay off for months, and watching as it went to see what the audience reaction would be. were people getting out of it the things i wanted to give them? was i hitting the notes i wanted? i had the sketch of the year, but i was still learning what was going to happen until the moment the last word hit the page. plot and character choices, but also big thematic stuff! i described November's fic as 'the ten of swords' to Space and then went 'wait a fucking second' and realized that I could draw a connection, in order, between each fic and a numerical card of tarot's suit of swords. (mostly one-to-one --october straddles 9-10, and December loops us back around to the Ace of swords, for new beginnings.) i couldn't have done that on purpose. if i'd had that thought in january i would have gone 'no that's too pretentious and too hard' and avoided it.
also!! this has been a year of my life!! over the course of this series, i've had four different living situations (that lasted longer than a week), two different jobs, and gone back to school. i had to change meds, which was an anxious ordeal in 'am i even going to be able to focus on anything now?' the cat that was purring on my lap while i worked on the first few months has now passed away. this fic kept me company on the flight for my move to a different continent. it kept me sane in the middle of a very stressful summer. it's helped me meet and get closer to some really cool people. i can FEEL how it's made me a stronger writer.
and on top of all that: i am deeply, genuinely, truly proud of this series. i'm glad i wrote it. i'm amazed at how it's turned out. i can see things i would change if i did it over, but i'm glad i won't be. i'm glad this is the way it exists. and i am utterly blown away that there are people who told me they were looking forward to it every month, that they've been following it since the beginning, that they like what i've done with this place. this is the longest-term project i've ever done. it's the most words i've ever put into a single narrative. i can't believe it's never going on my wip rotation again. whadda hell.
i have no idea if i'll ever do anything like this again. i hope it won't be anytime soon--there are other things i want to do in the meantime. but god, am i glad i did it.
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So, this year I did my first Art Fight; I had joined in 2021 but kept myself as a spectator to observe it and see what the rules would be like, how things are done, the general etiquette of it - and I think, being involved in the fight is very different from watching it.. Wholesome, sweet and kind on the outside; very distant, lazy and disorganized on the inside.
Personally, however, I had a wonderful time! I think I pumped out loads of art and I am proud of what I did for others; high-quality, fully-rendered, respect being given to character features and everything being on-model. I drew exactly 80 pieces, majority of them being waist or fullbody, and only about 5 simple-shaped characters and 3 mass attacks. It was heartwarming to see much of it later being posted on Toyhouses, in the character's reference pages, and elsewhere. All around, I was satisfied in what I was able to provide and enjoyed drawing characters I wouldn't personally design, like drawing really cute girls and ferals when I usually lean to monsters and men! I found unique designs, novices and beginners, all sorts.
And while I got a quarter of defenses in return which I absolutely cherish and some sweet comments on a majority of my pieces, I saw how others have complained about not being given responses for work that they've poured hours into... That made me wonder if that's just.. Generally the mentality of artists now; either too introverted to show appreciation to fellow artists in spite of us collectively knowing how challenging it can be to make art, or just joining to farm and then acting too tired or busy to actually participate. - And then the other half almost kill themselves and psychologically drain themselves in the parasocial cycle that Art Fight has to offer in its "trading environment". Sure I could be classified in the latter group too, but I still practiced self-care and got shit done compared to the burnout horror stories I see. It's quite a wild contrast to observe, and leads to psychological turmoil on both sides when one only gives and the other only takes.
There's also the case of people joining the fight and not contributing at all; just picking a side, dropping some characters, (sometimes a broken promise) and then disappearing. I do not want to hear the "they have real lives off the internet, they were busy" excuse, either - I too have a life: I am a teacher during the week /and/ I have a weekend job. When it is summer holidays for the Northerners, I am down in the Southern hemisphere, dealing with the winter, working and freezing my hands up to the point I don't want to create art sometimes when I get home - but I was still perfectly diligent and on top of things.. But hey, maybe I'm built different, and some people are simply just lazy and want rewards without the effort, or quickly assume they deserve more than what they should.
On the bright side, I'm glad I didn't deal with anyone hostile or disrespectful, and I only encountered two genuine art farmers who pretended they didn't know how to draw or "weren't skilled". Always the same excuses, at some point we have to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt so often; As gatekeepy as it is, I'd imagine a game for artists should be reserved for artists, it's not like an unfit marine biologist would want to participate in the Olympics, let alone be allowed to, so why should people who otherwise hate drawing or don't want to learn the skill and deliberately say such things want to join? In a sense it feels like a mockery towards art and the exchange of creativity in general, and I've been on porn sites that check the quality of your art before they post it better than this! There should be at least an entry requirement for signing up for Art Fight where you send in an artwork before the mods verify your account; there would be a fuckload less farmers, for certain.
I'm hoping that maybe, just because it was my first Art Fight, that /maybe/ this high-attack low-defense ratio of mine is to be expected, and if I just manage to spread my art to even further crowds and find new people to attack, I'll find others who will like my designs and be eager to draw them with the same level of eagerness I had to draw theirs. All that matters to me is if I find people who /want/ to draw my characters, not feel obliged to, in the same way I was never obliged to draw that pink, ridiculously-well-endowed Succubus or stocky, angry little Pokemon - but I did it anyway! I simply enjoyed the spontaneity and diversity of character design and unfamiliar fandoms. In the end, after all I've said, it doesn't matter how much art you get in return, it's about how proud you feel about what you contributed to the fight, and what you learned and discovered in the fun little world of character design.
I don't feel discouraged to draw less next year, I'm going to simply relent, but I can see why other artists hang their heads after their first time when they encounter hostility, are ignored, or don't get what they want out of it.
I think these are some things that I would want to improve if I could:
The ratio should calculate points, that will really incentivize people into prioritizing quality over quantity with their attacks. If you want to see how many attacks VS defenses someone has, just go and check on their front page (if you want it to specifically see how many attacks and defenses they had in one year specifically, they should add a sorting filter for that). The only "downside" I can imagine is an increase in mass-attacks, a joy for some but not for others.
After July, I think that we should still be able to submit Revenge-Only attacks during August - and to not have revenge chains be exploited, only be able to post a revenge once on a Level 1.. Level. I see a lot of people seeming guilty for not being able to attack back within the month or being a minute too late to submit a revenge, and then also just being too shy to submit the attack off-site / not being able to do it offsite / not thinking it's worth it without getting points / etc. - and easy resolve would be to allow revenges to still be posted during August, and Moderators can calculate the event scores and winners in September; trying to cram all of the admin into 12 days is insanity and I am speaking from a perspective that deals with a painful amount of admin. Also, get a fucking search bar that's accessible for everyone, holy Hell.
I'm.. Not sure if my tangent was in good spirits or not, it's rather just thoughts that have been rolling around in my head while I've been reflecting on my experience. Hope everyone else had a good Art Fight and reached their goals, or met and made some friends through it. :)
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stardustjessie · 4 months
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Commissions | Ko-Fi
OH WOW! What a little practice does to one's art style. Decided to draw her without glasses to make the face colours more visible. THE GLASSES ARE NOT OPNIONAL! IT'S PART OF HER CHARACTER!
If you aren't familiar with my OCs, I have an AU of the daughters of the Mane 6. This is Twilight and Starlight's daughter, Star Gloom! She's gloomy and anti social, but very excitable and sweet to her friends. Her sister is Cookie Pie, the daughter of Pinkie Pie and Twilight (Damn, you go girl) which is now her roommate!
Gloom is fascinated by the stars and works as a freelance astronomer, publishing her researches and reports on Ponyville's "Astro Madness" magazine. It isn't reliable since she moved to Ponyville, so she also works as a cashier at the Cupcake Home, Cookie's business and rival of the Blueberry Stand. She's single, as she hasn't been able to find comfort in any other pony and remains hanging out with her family, primarily Golden Noble, as she is very welcoming and listens to her rambles.
That's a lot of lore! I know! I've been having a whole lot of lore for these gals and never get to write it! I've been wanting to write whole fics, but I always get lazy. Maybe I'll get back to it! I did write about her arrival in Ponyville, as my first fan fic ever. I did write a second one, but felt like nobody liked it as it was just a simple fun adventure of her and Obscurer Wonder. I am writing a third one of her and Golden Noble, on their first trip together to Manehattan! Look forward to that I guess!!!
About the art itself! I'm genuinely so proud. I've been experimenting with the anatomy, as I was really unhappy. My best friend gave me some feedback which I really appreciate, and I got to work. It led to the art the other day. Then while browsing I saw some MLP art and I was obsessed with the legs! Can't find the references, but it did make it all click in my brain how to make it all look good. As soon as I got home from work I went straight to SAI and did it! And I'm proud of how she looks! Still unsure about the eyes however, and hope I can improve on that.
Also the design- Oh my gosh it improved so much. Her design in 2021 sucked!!! So my friend did like a redesign to school me about designing an OC (Which I learned a lot from) which led to the 2023 design. In this sheet her design stayed the same really, just made the hair more saturated. But it still looks so much better, despite being the same design.
That's enough rambling from little old me! Have a great day everyone!!!
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w4t3rgun2 · 2 years
hi! No idea if this blog is still open but can I request Winston loomis with daughter reader (FAMILIAL NOT ROMANTIC) with either it pronouns or fem ones whichever’s easier! Or dr Albert Krueger x reader (romantic) same pronouns!! I love your blog theme btw
Hello! I hope you're well, anon! And thank you!! :∆ my blog is always open for asks!! ^^ so sorry I am doing this late!!!
(I'm doing this in a different format! Hope it's cool!)
Type: Familial + Romantic!
Ship(s): Winston Loomis + daughter! Reader / Albert Krueger x Reader
Pronouns: It/Its & She/Her (I flipped between the two) for Reader | He/Him for Loomis | They/He for Albert | 🎉3rd person🎉
Owner information: I'm doing this headcanon style, if you want it changed; I will! ^^ And also might be OOC (out of character) due to me not returning to the fandom/writing in so long lol
CW?// "It" (as in the accidents and experiments), Myer (Yes that is a content warning), Albert Krueger in general, eyes small mention, OOC
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Winston Loomis' daughter / (Y/N) Loomis!
This is a certainly interesting situation. A very quiet man with a child, unexpected! (Positively speaking of course)
It would probably depend on its age
If she's a kid; He'd definitely try to make time from his work to hang out. After all, kids need attention!
He'd probably also take her to work (before "it" started) with Myer's consent
While Myer isn't a big fan of kids, it is basically Myer's favorite in the workplace
and sometimes will take it to his office to let it just do whatever as Winston takes care of business.
Sometimes Myer makes Victor take of it as well.
Victor has tried to give it alcohol on multiple occasions; with Vincent stopping him. (Husbands /hj)
But after "it" started, he'd definitely have someone such as Draco take care of her. Winston doesn't want for his daughter to see what he's done.
Tbh, Winston might've also made a system for Draco in which Draco acts like a second parent for it!
But if she was to be a teen/older; He'd definitely let her come along to his work (with Myer's permission of course) and teach it about the work place
Also, note that He's not much of an affectionate, touchy or showy person. He stays quiet (he usually coughs) but with his daughter; he's definitely more talkative
If it decides to work alongside with Winston, he'd definitely be proud and show it the way
Especially if it's in the robotic industry; Winston will let it use Draco as practice (Sorry Draco)
I headcanon that Winston does sign language so his daughter might also have to learn it and they can have conversations
Winston would definitely get into whatever it is into; especially if it's technology related
Loomis the single parent👍
He's trying and he definitely tries whatever he can to make it happy and healthy
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Albert Krueger x Reader (Romantically💞)
Oh my dear Atlantis. (- sincerely an Albert Krueger fickin /hj)
Let's start off with the dates between the two lovebirds;
Albert loves ocean life. So if it takes them to anything ocean related, they're head over heals for it already. (/Hj)
But Albert definitely goes to aquariums, holding its hand and ranting about all of the different animals (I hope you have patience)
But otherwise, Albert is definitely not into PDA. They love reserved hand holding and such.
Holding hands while deeply breathing together is something he loves much
He seems like to be the small spoon and say that he's a knife (he's not.)
Oh definitely plushie and blanket castles. Only it is allowed in
But also; free therapy! Like genuine therapy not .... (That)
It will occasionally find eyes in his room. Don't panic; it's just his ... Collection
He sometimes works later than usual so he'll definitely quickly call and say that
Since he's a dream therapist; he'll definitely try to make sure it doesn't have any bad dreams or nightmares or whatever
But if it does happy, comfort all night long!
Definitely drawing her on his papers and paperwork whenever he doesn't want to do it
Every patient knows a bit about her; not in a creepy way but they know of her existence and wondering why Albert
Albert loves playing games, wether it'd be card or cup and ball; he'll play it.
He gets very competitive in card games.
And when I say competitive; I MEAN IT.
Also definitely bought it one of those messager boxes and all and he sends cute little photos via it
He takes photos of dates and has them on repeat on his computer (like a slide background), it helps him get through the day
Overall; weird boyfriend but he's cute <3
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Thank you for the request!! I had fun and feel free to ask me to do more/to change something/to remake!! <333/p
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Hello hi hello! I love your Springdad Au and art, very big fan!
I was wondering how you get your motivation to draw about your AU? I have one of my own by I'm very shy and nervous to post anything about it. any advice?
asdjajbdsj this is funny bcs sometimes I don't have the motivation to draw or write about anything. I've held back so many things I wanted to post and say that ultimately stopped working for a while haha...
My best advice is to have fun doing what you love. Good time to remind the blog is yours (I presume you'd post content of your AU on your blog?) and you do what you want with it!
Don't think too much, just create.
Be proud of your work, or at least recognize you worked hard on it and genuinely hoped for it to be good. If you think it looks bad, it's a breach for you to improve. Artists make mistakes all the time as they learn (and we learn until we die), so don't be afraid of making them.
Hope this helps in some way, and take your time Anon :]
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Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
(No pressure if you don't want to though!)
What a wonderful ask to wake up to! A tall order, tho, so I had to think about this for a bit, and it was harder than I thought it'd be. I've got a lot of favorites! Here are my top five favorite works of my own, not in any particular order:
The Art of Being Alive — Bendy and the Ink Machine
What would you expect if your former best friend wanted to see you again after seven years of silence?  Not this, Henry thought viciously as he swung his axe back and forth, like a murderous metronome. Never this. Or; an AU where Joey invites Henry back after less than a decade, because he discovers that only Henry’s drawings work in the Ink Machine. It's all downhill from there.
Of course this story is on my list. TAoBA was my first big project, fic or otherwise, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. I learned so much by writing this story, and while I'd do some things differently now, after years more practice and experience, TAoBA still makes me so incredibly proud. I met a lot of friends and amazing people through this fic, genuinely had so much fun with it, and I credit it and BatIM as a whole for where I am today as a fic writer.
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Side Effects of Friendship — Little Nightmares
Six deciding to save Mono in the Signal Tower was only the beginning.  (this is a good-end, no-loop AU of my own making, as part of my quest to give these kids a happy ending)
Is it cheating to put a whole series as just one entry? I say no, lol. This AU and series is one of my favorites for a number of reasons. It's a very cohesive story, which I'm super proud of, and the journey I put the kids through mentally, emotionally, and physically was just so dang fun to write. I was super excited as I worked up to and hinted at the surprise twist at the end, and I really enjoyed taking this nightmarish world and expanding it in my own way. The themes of healing really seemed to resonate with a lot of people, and that also makes me super proud of this set of stories.
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Flood and Firestorm — Bendy and the Ink Machine
But it must have paused near his corridor because there was no way to ignore it. And the words registered. “…the Ink Demon’s refusal to terminate. Keepers have administered quarter hourly sessions of physical tortures—” Henry’s eyes snapped up. The kindling caught. (Henry overhears a Keeper making an audio log about how they're torturing the Ink Demon and goes ballistic.)
I've got a lot of BatIM fics that I'm super proud of, but this one makes the list because I am just so pleased and proud of a lot of the language in this fic. This was one of the first ones I wrote upon my return to the BatIM fandom, and I love it a whole lot. Henry gets to go a little bit feral, too, and that was a genuine blast to write. I've returned to reread this one a whole bunch of times.
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93% Stardust — Godzilla
Indignation on his behalf, lingering irritation at Monarch, determination to help—she held on to those feelings. They’d gotten her this far, and if she forget why she was about to throw herself headfirst into the head of a giant mech with Ghidorah of all monsters at the helm, then she might as well give up now.  She slid the helmet on, squeezing her eyes shut as she did, and it was like being struck by lightning.  It was like becoming lightning. (I can't be the only one who wanted Maddie to get in the pilot seat, c'mon)
This one makes the list solely because of how much I love the final product. The abstract section was so much fun to write, and I still love the idea of Maddie getting into Mechagodzilla's head. The self-indulgence for this one was off the charts, which makes this one of my favorites!
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Poetic Justice — Five Nights at Freddy's
tumblr prompt: In one world, Glitchtrap is nothing but Afton and code, forcing Vanessa into the role of Vanny in order to create Afton a new body. In another, Glitchtrap is Spring Bonnie’s original personality (before Afton), and he and Vanessa are looking for the last remains of Afton in order to destroy it for good… and just watched Gregory casually find it after months of searching. (Or, Vanessa's going to have a headache by the end of tonight.)
This one might be a surprise to some people, but I absolutely love this one-shot. The concept, the characters, the potential... it all just ticks a few very specific boxes in my brain, lol. I've gone back to reread this one many times, and I usually end up imagining different first meetings between Gregory and Michael afterward.
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Honorable Mentions:
Taking the Plunge — Godzilla
This one didn't make the cut only because I had other favorites. If the list was a Top 6 or 7 favorites, this one would have been on it too.
Heavy as a Hurricane — Godzilla
I still hope to finish this one eventually, but it's an honorable mention because every time I reread it, I go "dang, hope the author updates someday, this is really good" before remembering that... ah. Yes. The author is me.
Body and Soul — Bendy and the Ink Machine
It was my first story back in the BatIM fandom after years away. Love, love, love the concept still.
the line between freedom and surrender — Bendy and the Ink Machine
This one nearly made the list because it really hits the spot for me. I'm really proud of the dialogue in this one.
see what i've become (i will no longer feed the machine) (strings 'verse) — Five Nights at Freddy's
I'm very proud of the healing in this series, in the first and last stories especially.
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dropintomanga · 8 months
Get That Bit of Chunibyo Inside You
"We must have a bit of 'chūnibyō' inside us. The fact is we like manga because of the moral within that could touch us emotionally, and we have to behave as we are taught from these media." -Chloe Lisa Kung, Organizer of Rainbow Gala 30, Source: Rainbow Gala 30 and the End of an Era: Hong Kong's Biggest Doujinshi Convention Set to Shutter
I stumbled across an Anime News Network article about a Hong Kong doujinshi event, Rainbow Gala, possibly not existing anymore after a long run in a convention center set to be demolished in the near future.
The organizer, Chloe Lisa Kung, was asked about the future and what led to the impending doom of her event. She spoke about how Hong Kong youth aren't allowed to thrive or chase creative pursuits. Kung lamented on how there's no breeding grounds for young artists to shine or inspiration for art in Hong Kong compared to almost 30 years ago when she started to draw at the age of 12 after seeing doujinshi art.
It does make me think about Hong Kong's anime culture today. I remember visiting Mong Kok Shopping Center back in 2009 and it felt like going to Akihabara in some ways. Every floor was filled with anime, manga, video games, artbooks, toys, etc. When I hear about Hong Kong now, I hear that it's "dead." And reading what Kung said now makes me hesitant to go back there in some way. I do feel that Hong Kong is a bit too commercialized at times. I never liked Canto-pop much and listened to counter-cultural Cantonese music. While anime has always been popular in Asia, it does feel like there's a very genuine communal vibe in that part of the world when it comes to anime/manga fandom and outside forces are slowly stripping that away as everyone wants to jump in on the fan convention train.
There's something that Kung says about the future of Rainbow Gala that makes me think about fans in general and the growing appeal of anime to doujin artists.
"Indeed, there are more consumers now than ever, but the most important lead still lies in the people inside drawing."
I think about the kids who draw manga after watching an episode of anime. I think about the various drawings I've seen over the years of their favorite characters. Sure, some adults will find it "cute" and suggest that it's just a "phase." But to me, the magic starts to happen there.
There's so many consumers, but not enough people to create stuff that can touch lives. It's hard to be creative. Creativity is often devalued due to a general obsession over measurable outcomes.
Kung's words about learning from manga also make me think about how much manga has meant to me. While I did write that I needed mahjong to save me, manga is still what I care about the most. A lot of my mannerisms and attitudes still come from manga. I try to incorporate my manga reading experiences into how I behave. Sometimes, I make blunders, but I still try.
I think about how most fans aren't like me and countless others who use their love to talk about manga on the internet (shout-outs to the bloggers, YouTubers, and podcasters that promote manga in their way). What drove us to start talking about our love to manga to people who don't know us in person? What drove us to become more than just consumers? How do we cultivate that mindset? Those are questions that I'm still trying to get the answers for.
I can only speak for myself in that my own personal mental health experiences combined with the environment I grew up in made me want to blog in the first place. I continue to do so because of how much manga has grown in the past few years. I know it's not just a phase for some youth.
Until then, I'm proud to say that I still got a bit of 8th grade syndrome in me. I'm proud to say that stuff that's mostly read by teens still gets me pumped to seize the day. I'm proud to be a fan that wishes for future creators and their youthful enthusiasm to be treasured as much as the mainstream works that inspired them.
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mdverse · 1 year
rating the glee kids based on how easy it was to animate them
finn: 9/10
-1 bc i kept underestimating how long his part was and had to go back and add more frames at least once
all of the frames were pretty similar and tbh that was simultaneously a blessing and a curse
britt: 10/10
im a britt apologist, she can do no wrong to me, so she's the only one whose bopping around did not cost her any points
honestly the best person to get me started experimenting with smear frames here! i love her
-1 bc these aren't my best britt drawings (sorry babe)
+1 bc she somehow managed to look cute in her transitions from finn and to puck. i didn't think that was possible. who else is doing it like her <3
puck: 2/10
did not need to be moving that much. sir pls stop why were u whipping ur head around like that
also the mostly bald head keeps tripping me up but that's just a general puck thing
mike: 7/10
pretty quick, pretty easy! no complaints there he is vv cute and it's nice to draw him more
rachel: 1/10
i was feeling pretty neutral about her for a while but i'm back to hating her just bc of this
i can draw her from one angle only so everything else was a nightmare and i learned to draw her out of sheer spite
she was singing the "it's tough for you to get by" part so a. i had to sync her mouth to the words and b. it felt like a personal attack 😔 yes it was tough rachel thank u for rubbing it in
every time i thought i was done with her i had to go back and add more frames and i was seething about it
mercedes: 5/10
still not used to drawing her so genuinely who knows if the resemblance is there or not
very short segment for her tho so i suppose it could've been much worse? but i don't love what i did
sam: 8/10
so little screentime (literally 4 frames rip samuel)! quick and easy, i have to appreciate that
the hair transition from mercedes to sam was so fun actually
kurt: 9/10
literally the same :D expression the entire time! adorable <3
rory: 5/10
i have never drawn this man in my life and i may never do it again (not an insult)
santana: 9.5/10
the "go girl give us nothing" lack of movement in her shoulders is everything to me
thank u for making my life easier and looking flawless the entire time ily queen
-0.5 but only bc i got really sad the entire time i was drawing her and tbh that's not her fault in the slightest
also shoutout to her for getting The Best frame in this entire animation??
quinn: 4/10
listen usually i like drawing quinn but this was a struggle
miss ma'am did not need to be tipping her head up and down like that :(
honestly i did my best but ive definitely drawn much better quinns than these
artie: 3/10
by this point i was ready to commit murder this lil fucker would not stop moving and i wanted to cry
why. what was the point of all that. he was doing the most like his part wasn't already The Longest by a lot
every time i thought i might be getting close to the end i realised i was wrong. genuinely so emotionally devastating u don't understand
he earned himself points back tho bc i drew so many good arties and im proud of that. growth babey <3
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margindoodles2407 · 9 months
It's Back- Zelda on Heroforge PART SEVEN: The Classics
I am going to go ahead and put this here: TW for blood
I may ramble a little bit so it's going to be under a break :) And as always, click for best quality :)
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Genesis- The Hyrule Fantasy: Okay, so part of the reason this was on hiatus for so long was because I could not figure out his design. Obviously, very few of my Heroforge designs are exact replicas of how the characters look in my brain and in my hand-drawn art, but man, Genesis here was something else. But after my long break, and with a little fanagling, I am... actually kinda proud of it! He's only 10 in The Hyrule Fantasy, and I tried to mirror that in his pose, with the look of quiet terror on his face and his not knowing how to hold a sword. I kinda imagined he was in the middle or end of a dungeon, perhaps facing off the boss (which explains the bruises and the bloody nose). Also, note the bottles and backpack and the Recorder! I liked being able to add on all of his stuff >:)
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Genesis- Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: This is the Genesis that I accidentally made too handsome 😅 (Only later did I realize that it might be because he kinda looks like Anakin Skywalker. This is what happens when you have two hyperfixations at once, kids.) ANYWAY. He's grown up since the events of THF- it's been 6 years, after all- and now is a much more experienced fighter, so his look of fear has been replaced with frustrated determination, and he now knows how to hold a sword. His outfit has also changed a bit, since he now works in and lives at the castle. Also, he is supposed to be wielding the Magic Sword, and he has less stuff because this game is more focused on magic, so he has a bunch of magic objects in his backpack.
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Dawn- The Hyrule Fantasy: Dawn I struggled with because, while her physical appearance is practically perfect, Heroforge doesn't really provide many options to accomodate her big fluffy dress, to say nothing of my WAYYY overcomplicated fanon design for it 😅 But overall, I think I'm okay with how it came out. So. My ✨vision✨ for this was at the end of the game, after Ganon has been defeated and Genesis stumbles into her dungeon for the first time. So her dress is dirt-stained, and she herself isn't in the best condition. And she has this look of genuine shock and surprise on her face, because I think she was starting to give up on hope. You may ask: well if she was a hostage, why doesn't she have shackles? And my answer is that I simply didn't think of it until now :/ Oh well :)
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Dawn- Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: She doesn't canonically appear in game, but obviously she's still very much a part of the world, and I like seeing how she's grown up since the events of THF. I think her time in Ganon's prison has definitely scarred her, but she's learning how to heal and is doing so very well, being a gentle and very kind woman and a strong, compassionate ruler. I like her dress even less than the previous, but that's just because it's not up to the standard of my drawings. Also, loyal friends will acknowledge her teacup and the headcanons behind it.
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Ganon: This Ganon is actually a direct copy of his design in A Link to the Past (which I'm linking below), except that he no longer bears any of the grandeur of his previous designs or any connection to his Gerudo roots, because he's completely lost his mind. I tried to convey this through his posture and pose. And I actually kind of ended up feeling really bad for him as I designed him, so... take that as you will T^T
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Impa: Okay to be honest. I really have nothing much to say about this incarnation of Impa. I was barely able to cram any Sheikah imagery in there and I just, overall, don't care for this design. Having said that, I find her characterization, on the other hand, to be so interesting. I think she and Dawn are very close, and that Impa practically raised her, and worried so so much about her during her imprisonment. And now, I'd like to think she acts as a beloved mentor to both Dawn and Genesis, helping Dawn rule responsibly and making sure Genesis is successful as a swordsman and as a protector and boyfriend good friend to Dawn.
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Somnia (Princess Zelda I): Okay, I'm going to be honest. I'm not completely in love with how she turned out. But I suppose I did all I could for her. Again, it's just that it's not how she looks in my head. But anyway. I tried to make her look how she would when she's asleep, because I didn't feel like posing her crazily 😅
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The Prince and the Wizard: Full Disclosure- I think this one is my favorite. I love how Somnia's brother turned out (I tried to make him look older than he is in the official art; my logic is that if he inherited the throne instead of Somnia it must be because he's the older sibling, because it's not like their father didn't trust her to rule since he told her the location of the Triforce). And I think the "wizard" turned out creepy enough- I say wizard in quotations because if you look in the official art, he seems to be made of the Prince's shadow, and I think he was perhaps a minion of Ganon's or even, like Aghanim, a projection of Ganon himself.
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Zelink: If you've been around my blog long enough, you'll know about Genesis's love of tea. So naturally, that's what I had to incorporate into this one. I like to think they have tea together every morning :) Note their matching teacups :) AUGH I am so proud of this one :)
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Zelink 2: Okay disclaimer. My heart is set on the previous Zelink in regards to the Classics. But this scene is so iconic that I am legally obligated to include it. So. You get two. Pick your favorite. (If you have questions about this please don't be afraid to ask, I'm sure I'll be much more eloquent when answering 😅)
I hoped you liked it! If you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear them! Next up is Twilight Princess, so keep your eyes peeled >:)
Previous Lineups (in case you're new or just want to revisit them):
Skyward Sword
Ocarina of Time (part one) (part two) (part three) (part four)
Wind Waker
A Link to the Past
Hyrule Warriors (part one) (part two)
Breath of the Wild
Various Zelinks
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datastate · 10 months
Could we hear more about Kai's mom pretty please? 👀🤲
ahhh!! thank you sm for your interest (& patience :'D) ... i'm afraid this leans more into both qingyue & gashu, but...!! i hope it suffices <3
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Qingyuè (清越) Satou was a very ambitious surgical researcher, particularly focused on respiratory health! (Gashu, by contrast, has always strived to do laboratory research with emphasis on medicine—though I'll refrain from talking about him just yet...)
Though she was born in China, her parents moved to the Chinese Mainland specifically to find better education/opportunities for her when she was young and first began school. She eventually graduated with high marks and immediately sought out work alongside university courses up until she was given chances to practical clinical work, all of which kept her away from visits to her extended family...
...and, as cold as it sounds, she preferred this feeling of freedom. While she did genuinely care for her family, she has always been curious about the world and wanted to explore it on her own rather than feel tied down to tradition. Beyond her own family, she wanted to learn more about its people, the people she wanted to help. Qingyuè is fond of people who are open about how they see the world, which usually draws her to childrens' uniformed views as well as elders who've already experienced most of it. She very much believed in listening to one's elders - not exactly heeding them, depending on the situation, but understanding the value of their perspectives.
This is out of respect, of course, but also because of her personal view on 'talent'—namely, experience outranks innate talent.
Despite most often commenting on her 'being a natural' at mathematics & chemistry, she wouldn't accept this praise until years into her education when she felt she at last earned it. Especially with her mixed heritage, Wa-Chinese, she often placed pressure on herself to represent something worthwhile... something that she, personally, could be proud of. If she wasn't satisfied with where she was, she couldn't stand for anything. All it took was someone else that they believed was 'just as gifted' and she would be dismissed; she had to prove she was more than that.
In any case... her work in the field was quickly recognized, as was Gashu's in Japan. Some time after he was well-established, he had taken a mourning period; the one thing that reinitialized his work was an overseas request for collaboration on an anti-viral drug that was based upon some of Gashu's discovery. He was invested in it, and found the other scientists easy to work with... but particularly Qingyuè caught his interest with how easily she built upon what ideas he would propose. She was intelligent, thoughtful, and became one of the untold reasons he stayed in China as long as he did.
Truthfully, Gashu already pushed his contract by staying in China for a little over a year. Due to sentiments she'd expressed before, however, he risked asking her if she'd be willing to return to Japan with him. It didn't need to be permanent, but he felt his own [forensics work, at the time] would heavily benefit with her advice. Qingyuè accepts his offer and spends the next few months refreshing herself on Japanese (beyond conversational basics) so they can leave by the year and a half point; meaning Gashu has been inactive in his field for about two years before he returns.
A few years after this, with them building a closer friendship & Qingyuè's occasional messages to her family (she's better with casual technology than most were at this point lol), Gashu's work again caught Asunaro's eye and he was invited to work under their management. It was only with his encouragement that Qingyuè also applied there, and was accepted (albeit on the 'outer circle'—never privy to what they'd eventually disclose to Gashu; though she met the qualifications, only her work in Japan was worth noting, to them).
In reality, this is the point where their relationship somewhat begins to fracture, though it's also where they both cling to it more than they once did. While not unusual to keep information confidential, Gashu's told to keep all advancements Asunaro presents concealed from Qingyuè. And she's not oblivious to it in the least...! However... neither have reason at this point to suspect that Gashu's being slowly indoctrinated into something worse, more dangerous, so she's the one who suggest they go on more outings to reconnect with each other. She's felt distant from him, and how terrible is that? They both need a break from how intense Asunaro can be (Gashu agrees all too sincerely...)
[They've been 'unofficially' dating for a while at this point, which makes it easier to lead into engagement -> having Kai -> marriage...]
Things were steadily improving, other than the fact they couldn't see each other as much at work/how stressful that subject had become. Still, Gashu earned a good reputation among Asunaro's elite and it initiated Hiyori's wondering if Gashu would be best with further clearance.
However... before anything could be laid out concretely, Gashu found one of the first obstructors [meant for assassination training] and ended up confronting one of his superiors on it—but rather than being faced with threat for his curiosity, Mrs. Hiyori takes advantage of it to praise him for his calm reaction. Clever, straightforward, vital for future research... Gashu's forced further into the organization's depths, and with his loyalty proven, he's ordered to stay for increasingly longer times.
So Qingyuè is entirely restless. Many of her corresponding messages with her family have petered out; Gashu's away for longer times and she's not allowed to see him to even say goodbye before her shifts end; and she's very, very alone. Without putting Gashu at risk, she dares to pry into the organization that had conveniently picked them up despite not being especially significant before Gashu left for China. Where had they come from? What were they developing? Who exactly stands on top, and who funds them...?
& Asunaro notices. This is a problem.
Now, I don't especially enjoy talking about racial prejudice, but it is worth noting that there is tension between Japanese yakuza and Chinese groups, which most definitely played a factor in why they were so wary of Qingyuè and led to her being killed (rather than apprehended any other way). Gashu was the first to warn her, and his fear was contagious, but all the more reason for her to push to help get him out of this—but soon after, an Asunaro associate had been next to warn her, and it was this agent that truly confirmed just how much of this organization was a front. Qingyuè seemingly accepts defeat and resigns of her own volition, untethering herself from what they've done and hopefully disallowing them from keeping further tabs on her.
However, Asunaro has no guarantee that Gashu hasn't divulged anything to her that initiated this in the first place, even if it was unintentional on his part to inspire paranoia. Paranoia that they cannot allow to spread to authorities (for inconvenience's sake), but certainly not other organizations. If word of mouth spreads further than it has, there is only so much damage control they can do. They must snip this in the bud immediately.
Hence... she's killed before she can come clean on what Asunaro is complicit in. Mrs. Hiyori has too much attention on her to do it, but it hardly matters once her hit's been sent out. It's a fight, but Asunaro's well-versed in erasing the inconvenient.
It's framed as an accident with the obstructors she sought out. Gashu already knew Qingyuè was breaching Asunaro's rules, but didn't fully register the danger of what he was working on up until this point. He has little room to voice any suspicions that it was staged without risking himself, and certainly not when Mrs. Hiyori approaches him to ask if they should send away his child as well, seeing as family is such an impediment... she understands his hesitance, but, well... who knows what he could become?
(The unspoken irony in this is that Kai does end up mirroring his mother in many ways. Qingyuè's curiosity for the world and adamant desire to protect/act upon what she deems 'right' (even if, especially in Kai's case, it isn't necessarily 'good') and so on...)
In any case... Asunaro eventually lets go of all pretense they're solely a medical facility. Kai is raised to test the obstructors and, inevitably, it is made clear they're raising him to be an assassin. Useful to the organization, and as Gashu hopes, indispensable.
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wroteclassicaly · 10 months
Hi Kristen, I hope the holiday season has been treating you well.
So I've been following your blog for a while and I really enjoy your writing. I've seen you post quite a few times saying that your ask box and DM's are open to anyone who might need someone to listen to them or vent to. I hope me sending this is okay. I guess what I'm looking for is more along the lines of advice and if you'd rather not answer this ask I completely understand and I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable or cross a line. That wasn't my intention.
I run a blog on which I mostly write fluff and lately I've found the courage to include a tiny bit of spice in there as well. Not actual smut but I'd love to start writing more of that soon. But something's been holding me back from doing so and this might be a very stupid reason but it's impacted me quite a bit when it comes to writing smut. I'm in my mid 20's and I'm a virgin. I know I probably shouldn't feel this way but I genuinely feel like a loser and fraud for trying to write smut when I have nothing to draw from. I'm so afraid that it'll come out terrible because technically, I don't know what I'm talking about. I remember seeing you answer an ask a while back in which you said that you're a virgin with men and for the first time it made me feel less alone and like it would be okay for me to write smut too. That I didn't need to have experience just to be able to write something smutty but I've fallen back into that old feeling again. I feel stuck in my writing and whenever I try to write smut, despite how much I want to, I end up feeling bad about myself. Have you ever felt that way when you write smut? if so, what helped you to get over it?
I'm sorry this is probably a super weird ask to receive.
It is! How is yours, honey?
First off, I’m so grateful you felt comfortable enough to come to me and share this!
Don’t be ashamed about anything, alright?
Second, virginity is a social construct. You lose it when you feel ready. It doesn’t matter your age, as we all have reasons and circumstances. Media has brainwashed the opinions of what is expected of us. But what we need to remember is that we have our own stories/reasoning. ❤️
And finally, third, I’m proud of you for writing! I decided to channel my energy and gain experience that way. It’s also a helpful tool! A lot of people were surprised that I hadn’t had sex before. And this was before I lost it to my current partner.
I sometimes get sad that I don’t have experience with a man, but that’s only natural if that’s what you want sometimes. Don’t put so much stock into it, love! It doesn’t reflect you or your writing! You can have knowledge of sex without experiencing certain acts, I’ve learned that much! Just remember that research or asking friends is a big help if you think you might need it!
And tmi, but masturbation experiences are also great tools! Hell, I still have trouble writing blow jobs because I’ve never given one, lol. And I’ve only seen dicks on a screen, haha, so describing them is also tricky sometimes, but I just rely on my research! Our instincts are great as well!
Basically, what it all boils down to is being confident in your choice as a virgin and a writer, and not worrying about anyone else ❤️ I’ve felt this way though, so you’re definitely not alone! It can be an ongoing struggle (depends on the day, haha).
I say that you should continue your smut whenever you’re ready, and don’t feel like a fraud, because you’re not! Erotica is open to you, regardless of sexual status. There’s so much things in fic that even non-virgins don’t do, haha. And sex is waaaay sexier/less technical in fics (sometimes. ex: I could not take Steve easily)! Don’t feel bad and just keep going - that’s my advice!
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meursaulty · 2 years
oops all wiz!
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commentary below:
January - I made this when I needed an icon for my new wiz blog. I didn't have a pen though so I did it with my finger lol
February - I was obsessed with the divine paradox look!! I was still learning the ins and outs of digital so I colored all the flats by hand....... but I also remember being very proud of this
March - I drew SO MUCH stuff this month, but some of my favorite works were the little comic pages. I'd do more if they didn't take so long and if I actually had a story to tell
April - Full Mellori hype mode. I had a lot of fun with this even though I had to scrap the first concept and start over
May - Malorn brainrot came out swinging. I did this one on my computer, which has been broken this past year so that everything looks yellow on my screen. So let it be known I genuinely didn't know he was so pale until I looked at the post on my phone 😭
June - A piece from the scrapped wiz calendar. Looking back at this, I'm not sure how well it would do on paper (it seems too dark - i'd have to readjust the values). Tbh I'd still do wiz calendar if other people helped
July - Big art block summer but I wanted to paint something, so I chose pirate aquila. If only the quests were as good as the aesthetics... (hot take: the harpies are worse than the bumballoons)
August - Not much art because my mom was diagnosed w/ cancer and spent the month in the hospital (she is ok now). But i did manage to get some pirate sessions in! A lot of just sitting around and watching people's fits for inspo
September - Quick thing based on a photo i took last November from my old dorm, painted while moving into my new one
October - Trying to get back into the 101 obsession with good old Bonnie Anne
November - Based on a photo I took at school
December - Lowkey cheating because I actually did 95% of this in April, but i fixed it up a little December sooooo I say it counts? There are a *lot* of things I'd change about it now but it's still a vibe, also first time I drew 2 of my wizards interacting I think?
So this was the most I've EVER drawn. I took a long break (2017-end 2021), so January was the first time in literal years that I sat down to draw something, let alone post it publicly. The 101 community on tumblr has been so nice + tolerant of my brainrot that I really enjoy putting my stuff out there as a way to tell myself I'll stop messing with something lol.
Stylistically, I took a big leap. I learned with traditional media and I was taught in a more realism-oriented way, so trying to figure out what I wanted to do was super challenging... This explains why none of my stuff really looks the same, even after a year lol (and you can kinda see the traditional vibe in Jan.? Maybe?)
But anywayyy if you read all this, tell me: what fandom do you think I first started drawing for? I am SO curious what vibe I have
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
I love your art so much, every time I see it on my page it gives me a surge of motivation to keep drawing again! (And I did! Last night with a piece Im quite proud of) Especially the sw/sh art, honestly finding your art while I'm still fixated on the characters of Galar made me so happy because wow your art is lovely!
I love the style you have, with the way you color and shade and give outline, to your poses that have so much energy that it brought me to try learning to do more dynamic poses! (Which I'm still working on, a bit tricky)
I really hope you a wonderful year and amazing day. Your art sparks so much energy and joy and It's so whimsical I smile just thinking of it. I love reading your tags too, like a cozy feeling of hearing someone ramble on something they like or had happen in their life.
Again, best wishes to you and have a happy new year!
!!! there's genuinely nothing that makes me happier than hearing someone's found in my art a motivation for drawing. I'm really glad it's kept you good company, and I sincerely wish you the very best time with your art! happy (late) new year!!
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