#i like javi as a character tho
bones-partys · 4 months
I can understand why people dont like the 3rd season of the walking dead game. Its very quick and dosent let you explore as much as the first 2 games. The 3rd game feels very railroaded. Now i didnt play the game when it came out and didnt keep up with its production but it dosent make sense to have split the first 2 episodes up. The 3rd episode goes by very quickly as well. Woth the first 2 games you could explore your surroundings a little more and learn about the world. Id love to know more about the places! But the game is full of walking quick time events wich is fine for the action but i want to know more about richmond and Prescott from the enviorment more than speach.
It just dosent have the same charm as the first 2 seasons.
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abigail · 1 year
tagged by the lovely @newordertshirts to list five comfort characters and then tag five people !!! :-) thank you auden !!! <3 sorry it took me so long to do lol
din djarin, the mandalorian
joel miller, the last of us
john kramer, saw (listen… it’s more so that saw is the comfort but yeah john I love u.. I want him to adopt me)
the addams family (to me they are all one.. but if I have to narrow it down then morticia and gomez - cannot and will not separate them further though)
???? jason voorhees, friday the 13th
this was difficult because I realised I more so have comfort shows/movies/etc than singular characters.. also if I can pick outside of film/tv/games/etc then obviously miffy is number one <3 anyway !!
no pressure tag (tagging more than five people seeing as I kinda listed more than 5 characters anyway hehe): @horrorwild @tonighttonightliveindenver @lynchiangf @alexturner @obiknights @userabby @romanoy @macbethwitches @breadmp3 @diabolicjoy <3
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snstse · 5 months
Finished watching S3 of the Walking Dead game series. I remember watching a play through years ago and not liking it much… but watching a play through by a different YTber gave me a different perspective. Or maybe it’s ‘cause I’m older that I ended up having a diff opinion.
Either way. I’m glad Gabe lived. He’s a bit of a shithead, but like, he’s getting there. I can’t hate on teen or child characters much TBH. Javi and Kate are okay too.
I liked how Kate is so straightforward and how she never really faltered in her feelings. Maybe she’s different if you pick the nonromantic options, but I felt like she was the most clearheaded. Also, I loved her VA. She has a beautiful voice.
David… I pity him in the sense that I pity the fact that he convinced himself that he wasn’t capable of change. I can’t say good riddance—I don’t think he deserved to die—but, like. Yeah. I feel sorry for Javi, mostly. David was so insecure and took it out on him, and everyone around him.
Tripp… Okay, I accept his apology. Too bad they just killed him off right away lmao. Honestly, he was really everywhere IMO. I feel like he warmed up to Javi way too fast (saying he could trust him with his life), when they’d only known each other for a few days… and then the apology after, like. I feel like he cooled off way too quickly. Then again, I suppose the trauma of nearly being killed would change someone lol.
Ava… She was cool and very level and helpful. So disappointed she’s just… killable. She didn’t even get to reunite with Clem, which is sad! (She died first in this play through.)
Eleanor… Oh my god, she pissed me off. Like, did she (and Tripp) fucking forget how Joan’s raids killed their people too!? (And did Tripp forget how Joan raided their town!?) Like, yeah, Javi might’ve been the unfortunate catalyst—but, like, it was Joan’s plan! I cannot believe she and Tripp were, like, maybe we’ll join Joan! Like, fuck offff.
Jesus… He can ride a horse and use a katana. Telltale deprived him of screentime, because he was too high-spec.
Clementine… Poor baby. Also, very awful and anti-climactic way of killing off Kenny. Yeesh. And Clem trying to spin David as Not as Bad as You Think felt like a very weak attempt to try to grasp at sympathy for a character who was not endearing in any way. Ofc, I get that Clem is just so relieved that AJ is alive that it overrides anything else. Plus, she shot David after, so.
AJ… He’s so cute, ugh. Baby boy.
Joan… Perfectly hate-able. There’s always gotta be some raging, greedy asshole. I like how useless Clint was lol. Some kind of system you got there… I also like how IDK few(?) her appearances were? She showed up the perfect amount and exited at the right time lol. I like villains that don’t overstay their welcome.
0 notes
spacedlexi · 4 months
Wait, people think Carver is the best TWDG villain?? I always thought he was basic as hell, and the fact that he was beefing with an 11-years old girl... Now Stranger on the other hand was great, he was super intimidating and off-putting and I was genuinely so scared he would hurt Clementine. I also liked Minnie for the same reasons (she was so creepy/off-putting), but I still think Stranger is the best villain bc he had a great setup while Minnie was kind of a secondary villain. But going back to Lilly/Carver, I also definitely prefer Lilly over Carver even though neither are my favorite... And now I'm kind of curious how you would rank the rest of the TWDG villains? 🤔
carver being the best villain is a sentiment ive heard for years 😭 im sure its coming from the "S2 is the best season" crowd tho which i also dont agree with 💀
the stranger is an effective villain. hes not exactly the typical villain type people expect. but hes very unsettling and him stalking clementine for who even knows how long through the walkie talkie is 🤢 he really makes me feel sick. she was using that talkie to deal with the loss of her parents, and this fucking creep took advantage of that so hard he was able to convince her to trust him. ugh he makes me feel so gross. and think of all the guilt clem must have about that situation. trusting this freak to help her find her parents, when if she had just stayed then lee wouldnt have gotten bit looking for her, and her parents were already dead the entire time anyway. oof. theres no way that isnt one of the biggest regrets of her life
carver is fine. i definitely think his character wouldve made more sense if they put kenny in that role instead. that way theres less "i am a grown man beefing with an 11 year old" and more "this is a child i helped look out for once, and im gonna make sure shes raised Right". but i agree that carver as he is is just over the top. overly villainous to the point of it being a little comical. like when villains are all tough like that my reaction is usually "god i WISH youd fucking kill me already so i dont have to hear your bullshit anymore do you know how GOOFY you sound??". if it was kenny in that role i definitely think they wouldve been able to tone it back a bit, and him "having a good side" wouldve been way more believable. as he is carver is kind of one note
joan.... definitely the weakest of the bunch. i dont really have much to say about her. david isnt even technically a villain but i definitely saw him as the better antagonist for the season. i mean hes definitely a villain in clems eyes. and is a constant semi-antagonist towards javi throughout the whole season. joans just kinda.. there.. doing things behind the scenes to cause conflict until the final confrontation. and then she can just disappear... okay
i like the way the antagonists work in S4. theres more of a discussion around what actually makes someone a villain and the difference between a person who fucked up and made (very horrible) mistakes, and a person who is straight up a threat. and i like that it connects back to the idea of lee and his murder of that senator. did he do something horrible? yes. did he destroy his relationship to his family? yes. does he regret what he did? i think so. and he definitely has guilt about his fucked up relationship with his wife. in S1 they mention how non-guilty people got sent to prison all the time. while lee is Definitely a murderer, we get to see over the season that hes a good guy who just wanted a family and in a moment of rage and betrayal did something he can never take back. this is why i never hated marlon. did he fuck up and do horrible things? of course. but he was a scared fucked up teen leading a group of other scared fucked up teens. he knows he fucked up, and continued fucking up to cover for his previous fuck ups lol. but he can be talked down. its a shame it ends the way it does, but i really like being able to teach aj the difference between people like marlon and people like lilly
lilly takes that kenny/carver idea and applies it to a clementine that has grown up and has been looking out for herself (and baby aj) for years now, instead of the 11 year old trying to figure shit out she was in S2. shes too old for lilly to be able to sway her in a way she couldve been more susceptible to in S2, and when lilly finally realizes this she just turns her attention to aj instead, seeing the potential in him (a potential clem does NOT want aj to live up to, wanting him to get to be a kid and not just a survivor, let alone a killer). lilly is fun because you can see in her that she WANTS clementine on her side, and throughout the season progressively realizes that its just never going to happen. both lilly AND clem come to the realization that this person they once considered family is beyond reason, their views too different, and so the fighting begins. their fight at the end of EP3 really feels like a "so its finally come to this" moment for both of them, their final fight. i always shoot her.
whats interesting about minnie is seeing her evolve from secondary antagonist in EP3 to straight up primary villain in EP4. the things shes done, the way shes been broken. she becomes her own downfall, seeing herself as someone beyond redemption. that this is just who she is now, its how things have to be. because if they didnt have to be this way? well then theres a lot more guilt she'd have to deal with. yelling at her in EP4 to just STOP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS ANYMORE but she has been changed (in her eyes) so irreparably that she cant see any other option. and she progressively sees clem as the one who fucked everything up for her, instead of accepting that it could all finally be OVER. after killing sophie, the delta was all she had left. it cant have all been for nothing. and so she blames clem for taking it all away from her, even tho clem is just trying to protect her family. the family that used to be minnies. and so in her rage she gets bit. something else that she couldve avoided. but shes just too lost to her own downward spiral, unable to be reasoned with. by that point she just wants it all to be Over. and she wants to take tenn with her so she can finally pretend things can all go back to the way they used to be. her, sophie, tenn, and their parents all together again, where no more bad things have to happen to them. shes super tragic and i love her for that. and i love how she holds this dark mirror up to clem. clem struggles to let go of her past too, and the guilt she has over the things shes done and people shes hurt. and that if she cant learn to let go and move on she could get lost to it the same way minnie did. theres a reason clem is so quick to accept her fate, but shes finally able to leave that guilt holding her to her past behind in that barn. and she returns to ericson a much happier and lighter person, so much weight finally lifted from her shoulders. its finally over for her too
so yeah. my fave villains are definitely the S4 ones due to their nuance and layers. then the stranger, then carver, then joan. if i had to put david on this list he'd probably be above carver. but thats mainly because he has more nuance than carver ever did
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aliorsboxostuff · 10 months
can I request Javier Peña x ftm reader ?
Like reader maybe works at the us embassy and he becomes friends with javi and tries not to fall desperately in love so fluff angst smut whatever all is good idk or care what happens haha I will do anything for that man 😓 tysm for being another male writer i am so sick of Pedro universe characters being written about with only women :((
and if y are not in a fixation (am the same way with that too) of Peña I would love maybe Tim Rockford +ftm reader or Joel if u are into them at the moment. just Pedro simping out rn it’s insane
thank u so much again ! am stoked to see this or any other fics yu write!!
Holy SHIT this took a while!! I'm so sorry but i literally finished Narcos s3 and fell into a writing slump T-T I finally got this out tho and tbh, i like this one, so i hope you all too! Tysm for requesting, I hope this is a good enough Javier Peña fic! If there are any mistakes please don't hesitate to tell me! <3  Remember to Reblog!
Tags: Javier Peña x FtM!reader, Javier Peña x m!reader, Javier Peña x agent!Reader, Steve Murphy, Connie Murphy, Colonel Carillo, other DEA personels, First Meeting, Fluff, Slight smut, making out, Kissing, EXCESSIVE eye contact, Slight OOC, Smitten Javier, Javi is DONE FOR, Bisexual Javier Peña, supportive Steve, He’s an ally!, I dont understand how police ranks work okay, so sorry if theres mistakes about those!, Period typical Homophobia, Period typical Transphobia, Use of queer slurs, sorry guy!, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Patching up, All English, Gunshot, Alcohol, injuries, No one dies! (Note: I can reclaim the slurs used in this fic as I am in fact a queer, trans man.)
Javi’s breath got caught. The man simply meets his dark browns, thick lashes blink slowly before he promptly tilts his head. Then he breaks eye contact, turning back to Carillo, continuing their conversation. The colonel said something which made the man laugh, creases on the edges of those captivating eyes, the way his lips curled with a professional laugh. Javier finds it hard to rip his attention away. Only when Steve promptly cleared his throat did Javi blink, glancing over to his workmate, who was fixing him with a glare. 
Javier scoffs, turning away. 
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Javier was at his desk when an unfamiliar face came waltzing into the department. The guy seems to follow behind Steve, a confident smile on his lips. The agent takes a sip of his coffee, following the man with his eyes before he disappears into Carillo’s office. He blinks, promptly places his mug back down and rereads the passage before he got distracted.
A minute later, Steve walks out without the mystery man and makes his way to his desk, facing Javier. Curiosity got the best of him, so when his friend went to take a seat, he leaned over his desk enough to whisper to him.
“A new guy? One of yours?”
Steve blinks, before he huffs. “Yeah, the embassy sent him over, apparently he’s got a record with tracking down slippery dealers back in the US, and thought we need more help,”
“Sure, more mouths to feed,” That made Steve scoffs. Javier sits back down, still eyeing Careillo’s office, which makes the blond raise a brow. 
“Don't break him Jav’s,”
“What are you even talking about?” The agent picks up his cup, taking a gulp. 
“You know what I mean,” Steve simply replies, already pulling up his file folder and looking into it. Javier shakes his head, backing up into his chair and resuming his work.
The new guy spent half an hour in the office before he came out, shaking Carillo’s hand with a firm nod. Seems like he already got the guy on his side. Carillo talks to him out of earshot, then suddenly points to Javi’s and Steve’s direction, which makes Javi meet the guy's eyes. 
Javi’s breath got caught. The man simply meets his dark brown, thick lashes blink slowly before he promptly tilts his head. Then he breaks eye contact, turning back to Carillo, continuing their conversation. The colonel said something which made the man laugh, creases on the edges of those captivating eyes, the way his lips curled with a professional laugh. Javier finds it hard to rip his attention away. Only when Steve promptly cleared his throat did Javi blink, glancing over to his workmate, who was fixing him with a glare. Javier scoffs, turning away. 
“Gentlemen, meet our new field agent,” Carillo stands next to their desks, beside him the man stood, button up and in casual pants as he hugs a briefcase, a dark denim jacket over everything. 
“This is Agent Javier Peña, and you’ve met Murphy,” He continued. The man nods at Steve before extending his hand to Javi, which he shakes easily. He notes the calluses on the man's hand before he lets go. 
He introduced himself, stating his purpose. And Steve was right, the embassy did send another agent they thought could help on the hunt. “Pleasure meeting you, Agent Peña,” 
He smiled, a small nod before he moved back beside the colonel. Javier only ran his gaze up and down the man, before promptly nodding. “Welcome to the hunt,” 
Agent Peña looked at you up and down, before he nodded. “Welcome to the hunt,”
The colonel smirks, before he pats you on the shoulder. He turns, presumably to return to his office, which leaves you in front of the two agents. On Steve's left, there's an empty desk, which must've been cleared out for you. You gave Agent Peña a once over, the man currently blowing smoke from his lips, before you cleared your throat. “Good luck on today, agents,” 
And with that, you left the two to set up your own space. You heard a huff from one of them, you couldn't pinpoint who, which made you roll your eyes. The embassy entrusted you to help the Search Bloc on locating Pablo Escobar, or at least find more of his sicarios and drug kitchens in order to stop and raid them. You did your job well back in the US, easily finding many drug distributors, often leading the raids there. Seeing your rapid success, you’ve been transferred to the DEA, which you took with pride. In the midst of all the wars, the good guys need all the manpower they can get. 
You begin to open your case, pulling out files you brought from the US of what leads you’ve gathered even before getting assigned to Bogota. After setting them out, you slide off your jacket and drape it over your chair. Maybe it was your mistake of wearing denim to a hot climate, but there wasn't as much time as you anticipated when Steve picked you up from the apartment you were staying in, so you picked the jacket you arrived with the day before, which resulted in a steady gathering of sweat near your collarbones. After securing your jacket, you begin rolling up the sleeves of your beige button-up, exposing your forearms to what air is still available in the stuffy office. You sigh, before taking a seat at your desk, beginning work. 
The brunette swore under his breath as he saw their new agent standing meters away from him, just behind Steve. He begins to roll up his sleeves to combat the heat, which exposes his forearms, the soft smattering of hair running up the lengths of them. Javier could keep his thoughts to himself when the man only took off his denim jacket, which Javi almost snickered at and almost commented on the ‘rookie mistake’, but when he peeled the jacket off, it reveals the way his pants hugs the swell of the man's ass, which raises heat under Javier's collar.
He tried to look back down to the important paperwork he should be pouring work into but he’s long abandoned that when steady hands reveal entracing arms. When he sat down, Javi instead bit the inside of his cheek before taking a long drag of his cigarette. There's no way Steve didn't notice, but he appreciates the silence he gives him instead of an accusatory glare.  
Javier had his fair share of experiences with women, mainly his valuable informants around the city, but aside from that, men are unfamiliar territory for him. That doesn't mean it deters him, Javi is anything but exploratory on that side of the spectrum. But finding interest in a co-worker is new, especially a fresh face that showed up mere hours ago in the compound. It worries him, something small in the back of his head telling him to reel back, to run away from those hypnotizing eyes and soft smile, but another part urges him to know, to be curious. Javier stands, pocketing his cigar packets.
“Where are you going?” Steve glances toward his friend, brows furrowed.
“Out, smoke,” Javier simply says before he leaves his partner. Steve only stares at him incredulously before shaking his head, turning back to his papers. 
It had turned late. When everyone in the office had decided to retire, some of the guys invited themselves to one of the bars near there, and somehow Javier found himself roped in with the others. To be fair, Steve was the one that invited him, and Javi doesn't really refuse a chance to get himself drunk, maybe pick up a gal before bringing her home for the night, but all his plans went straight out the window when he heard that they also invited the rookie. 
He was standing beside Steven when the man decided he has had enough of socializing with the others and excused himself, heading to the bar. Javier has already started to miss his short laughs and nods as if he understood what his co-workers said. It would surely surprise him if he knew Spanish, maybe basics and everyday words, but unlike Steve, he only arrived in Bogota this week. But it’s rude to assume, people come with varying background knowledge, so Javier turns to the group instead. 
“I heard some gossip about the new guy,” One of them says, eliciting a curious glance from Javi. “Something about him not being a man?”
“Like one of those queer freaks?” 
“Apparently they're called a tranny now,” Some laugh, others shudder before muttering the Lord's prayer.
“God save them,” A couple drinks to that. Steve meets eyes with Javier, something wary in his glance. Javi only rolls his eyes before finishing his shot. He has no business spending time with the likes of these men, if they even deserved to be called men. For all he knows, the man that currently has his back turned toward the table is more of a man than any of them. 
He’s glad to have Steve as his partner. Maybe it's due to the nature of having grown up somewhere like the USA, but the first time Steve found out that Javier has an interest in men, he only shrugged and never saw Javi in another light. From this conversation, Javier also clocks how tired Steve is over the homophobic bullshit their co-workers have. The brunette sighs, blowing out smoke. He goes to take another sip but realizes his empty glass, and pats Steven to indicate his leave to the bar.
He saddles up next to the rookie, the man's fringe slightly blocking Javi to those addictive eyes. He orders another drink, which catches the man's attention. 
"Peña,” He nods and takes a gulp of his drink. Javier is momentarily distracted by the long column of the man's neck, before he shakes his head, resting one arm on the counter. 
"So, what's a handsome man like you doing here?” Javi tries to smile, which might have worked, judging by the grin that appears on the man's lips. He looks down, the condensation coating those lithe fingers, Javier notices. 
“Just trying to pass the night,” He shrugs with a small smile, deciding to humor him. He swirls the alcohol in his glass and Javier follows the movement. He hadn't realized how close he was sitting next to the man. “Listen, Agent Peña-”
“Javier- Javi,” 
Javi’s response made him chuckle. He sips at his drink, before fully turning to face the brunette. “Isn't there a rule against fraternizing with a fellow co-worker, Javi?” 
“Not when it’s outside of work,” That makes the man grin, subconsciously leaning into Javi’s space. 
“I’ve noticed that you’ve been following me with your eyes,” He says, glancing briefly at Javi's lips before returning to his eyes. Javi gulps.
“What can I say, I have an eye for attractive people,” 
“Well, considered me flattered,” Javi tilts his head just so, breathing in the tang of alcohol in the man's breath. They’re dangerously close, too close for just ‘co-workers’. Regardless, Javier finds himself entranced by those deep eyes. 
“But,” He suddenly leans back. “You’re gonna have to try harder than that,” The man picks at his breast pocket before putting down some bills, already reaching for his draped jacket. He swiftly pulls it on, making Javi scramble out of his seat, before he pats his shoulder twice, a dangerous glint in his eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Peña,”
Javier is left starstruck. He stays in his seat, following the sway of the man's hips as he walks across the bar, waving to Steve, before exiting through the door. Javi swears, his brows furrowed as he gulps down what's left of his drink. He turns in his seat, spotting Steve still at the table with the others, an accusatory brow raised. 
Steve drives back to the apartment with Javi. They share an understandable silence. 
It's the second month since your arrival. 
To your disappointment, progress was slow. To no one's surprise, it seems, but from your prestigious work back in the US, the expectation that you’d help with the hunt was high. To just be another field agent with no lead on Escobar in the compound would be a failure to you.
Though the search hasn't gotten any easier, your relationship with your co-worker has. Mainly with Murphy and Peña, and at this point they’ve insisted on you using their first names, so it's Steve and Javier now. They've invited you to drink more than once, spent late nights with you when the paperwork came down like an avalanche, and most of the time, Steve always brings back three boxes of food when it comes to lunch. 
Somehow, Steve has grown closer to you than you expected. When you were overcome with work, Steve would make sure you and Javi weren't missing your break time. He’d pull the both of you out into the cold night air when it turned too late. He fusses over your choice of fashion more times than you could count, commenting on your choice of jacket or shirt, reminding you of the weather and how it’ll be affected with heat. On stakeouts and recon missions, Steve would be the one to pat your jittery leg softly, an encouraging smile beneath his stache. You’d nod, inhaling deeply before releasing the air alongside your tension. 
Then there is Javier. Though you met Steve before him, Javier had caught your interest since the first day. His constant sharp eyes and the lingering smell of nicotine become addictive, the memory of that night at the bar in constant repetition. You could still remember his scent, a combination of something heady, a touch of smoke and sun underneath it all. You were a breath away from his lips, the dimmed light of the bar didn't help to distract you from his captivating brown eyes. 
Ever since then, thankfully, you’ve gotten closer to him. Javi spends more time with you than Steve. Some nights, he’d stay behind when Steve needed to retire earlier. He’d give you a ride back to your apartment, which turns out just a couple blocks down from where he and Steve stayed. Some nights you’d stop by, from Javi’s invitation, and chat about nothing and everything while sharing a couple of bottles of beer. He’s good company, and you always find yourself hoping for an invitation from him whenever it gets too late. 
This week was different.
There was a shootout. While raiding one of Escobars many drug kitchens, a stray bullet from one of the guards shoots your arm. You screamed and dropped to the floor, immediately gripping your upper arm. You were sure the bullet was still inside which doesn't make it a clean shot. The pain shoots throughout your upper body, making you wheeze out every breath, sweat gathering on your crown. A minute later, Steve was crouched beside you, hauling you up, putting most of your weight on him. 
He brought you outside and into the awaiting medical group. You were rushed into the emergency room, and you shortly passed out. 
Buzzing fluorescent lights woke you up. Blinking away the groggy sleep, you notice a heavy weight on the back of your arm and realize it must've been the IV. Finally regaining enough strength to fight against the blaring lights, you open your eyes to find Javi slumped on a seat next to your bed, a thin blanket draped over him. Seeing him asleep, clear lines of exhaustion under his eyes, something wells inside your heart. You quickly dismiss the feeling as dehydration instead and try to turn your body to reach for the glass of water on the tray next to you. The noise must've awoken your partner, because as soon as you try to stretch your arm for the glass, Javi quickly fills it up with water and hands it to you. You blinked, before slowly accepting the cup and taking big gulps. 
The water extinguishes your drought, but not the other growing feeling. The cup sits on your lap, both of your hands holding it while you catch your breath. Javi has taken his seat again, the blanket draped over the back of the chair. “How are you feeling?”
“Like shit,” You scoff, glancing at your currently bandaged hand. Javi looks at the tiled floor. “But, not my worst,”
“You’ve been shot before?”
“Yeah, on my calf once, the other near my ass,” You chuckle, remembering those years prior before officially gaining your Agent title. “Almost made my legs not work if it weren't for the surgery,”
You found yourself looking into Javi’s deep browns, his brows knitted. “This is just another day on the job,”
“Yeah…” Javi nods solemnly. You were back to staring into the half-empty glass before you felt your partner's warm hand wrap around yours.
It had been a couple of days after that.
Your arm was sadly still in a light, and you were lucky it wasn't your dominant one. Menial tasks are made difficult by the pain that still spreads sometimes, which also raises your annoyance. 
Javi has graciously allowed you to crash in his apartment until your arm has properly healed up. The doctors said it’d take another week or two for your arm to sort itself out, so you're stuck doing things one-handed for the time, sometimes helped by Javi. You've been given orders to stay out of the office because you were insistent on finishing work there, but Javi and Steve brought back your paperwork into Javi’s apartment against your wishes. 
The clock reads 8 PM. Javi has decided to come home earlier than his usual shifts, his excuse; is to help you prepare dinner. Javi has gone as far as to get a cookbook with the help of Connie, making dishes he’s familiar with. 
The sound of the door clattering pulls you away from your paperwork, and you spot the brunette bringing two whole bags of groceries inside. You quickly stand and rush over, prying one bag from his hand. 
“Javi, what's all of this?” The man only blinks as he hauls the bag onto the countertop.
“We can't really survive with just beer,” He shrugs, which makes you chuckle, and bring the other bag, putting it next to it.
“What were you working on?” He continues, pulling out groceries from the bag. You leaned on the counter, caressing your bandaged hand. 
“Just finishing up the report from our last bust,” You wiggle what you could of your bandages arm. “Y’know,” 
Javier solemnly nods, pushing a can into the cupboard. You've moved on pretty quickly from the incident, but something hangs around Javier, making him hard to reach sometimes, especially if you bring up the subject. You know trying to pry the reason out of him would result in coming up empty, so you've decided to wait until he's come to his own term. 
“I'm gonna start on dinner,” He turns, hips leaning on the counter so he faces you. Your eyes impulsively trace the languid way he sways before turning your head slightly, not meeting Javier's dark browns. 
You nod quickly, already feeling the blush forming. “Yeah, sure,” You add before walking back to the couch. 
Dinner went by quickly, Javier whipped up something easy for you to digest and quick to make. When you were writing down other notes in your report, Javi calls you to eat and spends the rest of the time talking about his day in the office. Apparently, Steve was worried, asking Javi if he’s been taking care of their partner correctly. He’s had to shrug off Steve’s insistent questions the whole day, which made you chuckle.
After cleaning up, Javi joins you on the couch, bringing two bottles of beer. He hands one to you which you accept with a thankful nod. The couch dips as Javi takes a seat, his head tilts back as he takes a gulp. You blink before taking a short sip, averting your eyes. 
When the man beside you shifts, you half-heartedly thought he was reaching for his pack of cigs. He hasn't been smoking since you crashed in his home, and it slowly became odd, watching Javi’s relaxed posture whenever you both sit together without silver smoke framing his profile. But you've been expecting wrong, because he only shifts to adjust his seating before settling back, his usual pack of cigarettes nowhere in sight. You worry slightly if he stopped because of your presence, even though you enjoy sneaking glances whenever he inhales, the muscles on his neck almost prominent, the way he’ll tilt just the slightest to reveal the expanse of skin, most of the time glistening under the Columbian heat. 
“Listen… About the last week,” Javier’s tone sobers you from your daydreaming. The man is hunched over, arms on his knees, one hand swirling the alcohol. Something in the air sours. 
“I should've been there, I should've- Shouldn’t have gone for that fucking guy, I should've stayed behind-”
“Javi there wasn't any way we could've known-”
“But it shouldn't have been you.” His hand lands on your injured arm, his body facing you. He hesitates; the movement seems accidental, but your hand covers him before he can move it away. You can't keep letting Javi get away with blaming things on himself. 
“Javier, it wasn't your fault. Like I said,” Your head tilts, mustering a small smile to coax Javi from staring at the floor. He notices the pause and meets your eyes. “It's just another day on the job,”
The air hangs heavy, only mere inches sitting between you and Javi. His brows furrowed slightly, hand tightening beneath yours. Your eyes follow the minutely twitch on the man's lips. Javi gulps when his eyes go to your lips fleetingly. Your breath catches. You feel yourself quiver. 
“Javi….” was the last you breathed out before the man pulls at your shirt, closing the gap and pushes his lips against yours. Javi’s staches tickle the top of your lips, the slide of his slightly chapped lips against yours. Your hand holds his jaw, before brushing at the short hair on Javi’s neck. He shivers, shifting himself to press harder against your lips, his hand releases your shirt but moves to hold your hips, eliciting a gasp from you. He uses the chance to slip his tongue between your lips, making you shift until you hit the back of the couch. Your hand travels down from his jaw to brush over his chest, you stored the slight hitch in Javis' breath inside your memory, before you find the man's waist and he moves to straddle your thighs, aware of your healing arm but somehow not breaking the kiss. 
When the need to breathe finally separates you and Javi, his chest heaves, pretty lashes flutter against his cheek. A steady hue of red spreads on his face down to his neck. You manage to regain your composure slightly, one thumb pressing slithy into Javi’s hip, making him drop to your shoulder, burying himself between your neck. You grin, now patting Javi’s hair softly. Your mind focuses on the unsteady beats of Javi’s heart that matches yours, still trying to tap down your adrenaline. 
“I should be careful about your arm,” Javi suddenly says, sitting upright on top of you. It makes you laugh slightly, which Javi smiles at. 
“I’ll be alright, Javi,” You grin, cataloging the way the dim light reflects in his dark irises. “We’ll be alright.” 
Requests are open! Remember to reblog! ^-^
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joelsgreys · 8 months
important question, which Pedro character are you most compatible with and who would you actually want to date (compatible or not)
so this is an older ask, I remember getting it and being like…AM I comparable with any Pedro boy?! tbh I feel like I’m most compatible with Dieter because he’s mess and so am I
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and who I want to date?
hm. honestly I’m so torn between Javi P and Joel but I think I’m leaning more towards Joel even tho we aren’t the slightest bit compatible
Joel after being in my presence for 60 seconds:
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ok so Narcos update
I just finished S2 E4 like 5 minutes ago AND I AM IN SHAMBLES
I am in so much pain rn this stupid TV show has me feeling tight and clawing at my walls and two seconds from LOSING MY MIND
If you haven't watched Narcos yet like me, spoilers under the cut.
At the beginning when Steve was trying to catch that guy (I believe it was the Prisco brother) AND THEN HE LOST AND GOT SURROUNDED AND PEÑA JUST WENT "ALRIGHT GET IN THE CAR" i was like "damn Steve really had him so close but ok"
The shit with Maritza and Limón like :(((((
I knew I could trust Limón because he was good to her from the beginning but just omg the way she kept resisting and then she fed the info to the DEA and THEN...
That scene was executed perfectly tho and that's what made it worse
The different reactions between Javi and Steve
Bc my boi Steve has been pent up about a LOT OF SHIT. Bro... That helicopter push event with Gato killed his soul... and then calling Connie but not having her around (or Olivia for that matter) and then the chase with the Prisco brother and THEN THE CHERRY ON TOP IS CARRILLO'S DEATH.
And it made me so so so sad that Steve Murphy boi just went and repressed everything AND DRANK HIS DAYS AWAY and finally cried it out to his wife (which confuses me too??? Why did she leave at the start of the season, only to come back so soon? She could've just- Stayed??? Huh?)
The guy who casually went and got the info outta Maritza, went out of base when they weren't supposed to, and spread the information that Pablo Escobar was getting targeted, thanks to Limón. AND THE SURVIVOR'S GUILT.
THE SURVIVOR'S GUILT AND THE BLAME THAT HE LIVED WHILE CARRILLO DIED. THAT HE SURGED THAT MAN TO HIS DEATH. And everyone telling him that it's not his fault just makes it so much worse and SOBS...
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fox-from-fairytale · 3 months
I'm still in the middle of my replay, but I wanted to make one as well!
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A (I don't like them): as stated, I don't like them, but the writing was so good they deserve their own little spot.
The cannibals are iconic, when I think about season one they come to my mind even before the stranger. Starving For Help is also one of my absolute favourite episodes of the four games.
Marlon is another great character. Done Running is spectacular thanks to him too, but this involves his death as well. He leaves pretty quickly, but he makes a real impact on the story, the VA did such an amazing job (like many others in the whole four games), and the sudden death by AJ's hand made my jaw drop. He makes you want more of him, but I don't think he had more to give. His whole arc was perfect to me. I don't like him tho lmao
C: I don't dislike these characters, but I don't really have strong feelings for them whatsoever.
Nick was wasted, just like the other characters of season 2, but if you save his life he completely disappears and I usually forget about him until his one line and then off screen death.
Ava would be ranked higher if I didn't connect her so much to David and the moment they take AJ away from Clem. I like her, she's cool, she's just in a weird spot for me in the game.
Since (for now) I never went for Violet, I don't really know Brody. She seems fine, but if you don't go fishing that's it.
Considering who are the type of characters I usually like, I'm surprised Minerva doesn't do it for me. Maybe, if we got more of her, I would have appreciated her more, but everything about her is just told to us by others, and with her we just fight.
Larry would be ranked lower, but he got charm coming out of his ass, so...
D: the ones I dislike.
David is well written, a great character, but I do find him obnoxious lmao but I'm glad he's in the game, because the whole dynamic with Javi is really good and he makes Javi's character more interesting. The problem with him is that certain scenes are a bit boring, especially the one where they are playing baseball.
Tripp is here because he seems to want to force Eleanor to reciprocate his feelings?? Dude, read the room. Of course she betrayed them, I would too if there was an asshole who insisted like that. Jeez
E: hhh
Sarita's whole personality is "I can fix him". That's it. She literally says so if you don't watch Kenny smash Carver's head.
Carlos at the beginning has such an ominous auras around him, and for no reason. He sucks as a father, and he sucks as a doctor.
Joan is boring. I can't take her seriously. She seems written by Disney lmao she pull all that shit in front of the town thinking it's a good idea for her image?
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low-budget-korra · 1 year
Comments on Yellowjackets s02e09
- Maybe is just me being a big sister and all but no way in hell I would allow them to eat my brother while Shauna baby has the privilege to lay on the ground.
-No wonder why Travis and Nat at the most fucked up ones in the present day.
-All i ask was for moustache guy to die, not Kevyn 😭
I really don't like how moustache acts towards Callie.
-I am with young Misty, like you started all that Lottie, you cant just go off because Shauna beat some sense of you
-How those girls even won games in soccer. They are unable to follow a plan, they all start their own agenda
-I love Van but I'm concerned that she is such a puppet to Lottie and the wilderness shit. Btw I bet she wanted to offer someone's life for her to get rid of cancer and speaking of it ...
-NATALIE?! SERIOUS WTF. How could they kill her? How could they kill one of the survivors? And even if she was supposed to die anyway, that's a series finale type of death, not season finale. Which makes me believe that the others will die too.
Gosh but it was also so well done , we saw how Nat felt guilty of everyone's death, she couldn't bare have any more blood in her hands. So, in a way, she did finish what she started in s1 finally. Which makes her s2 journey kinda pointless. I don't know. Again, this was supposed to be a series finale event. If it was going to happen, it was supposed to happen in the end. Not now.
It closes her arc in a way, i believe, but still, give us the feeling that she had a lot to do and show before her death.
Jackie'a death was built since day one but Natalie kinda of feels outta nowhere. Especially because they already had a main character death in Javi. I really want to think this is not just shock value bullshit
And by the hands of Misty....poor Misty tho. She really loved Nat.
-The present storyline is over. Like what else they can do? The past storyline will get interesting since Shauna is now jealous and Ben set their house on fire
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
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may i interest you in some fic recs????😉
y'all know the drill, we got a rec list for fics i read, liked, and were written in the month of may!! there were so many that i actually had to split this into two posts cause tumblr has a link limit LOL
if you wanna see more more of my fic recs and favs, i have em all on my recs blog, here!! please note the navi page is still under construction!!
and of course, if you have any fic recs of your own, feel free to send em my way here or on my sideblog - i love finding new fics and writers!! 💜
may fic recs pt. 2
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Alex Keller
sfw headcanons - @deadbranch
✧ super solid characterization for alex, like you took how i imagine alex to be and explained it in the perfect way. like this line alone "Bearing his thoughtful & intentional demeanor in mind, he is sometimes reticent as he considers how to respond." what is it like to be able to understand a character so well, and be able to so beautifully explain them??
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Anakin Skywalker
redshift - @chaoskrakenuwu
✧ how dare you pull me back into my star wars hyperfixation, and even more so how dare you make me feel things for anakin goddamn skywalker 😭 even though i knew what was going to happen, you still have me tearing up every time i read about anakin and his big feelings
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Arthur Morgan
until the last falling star || blood upon the snow - @lunallaa
✧ i always love me a good arthur morgan fic and this was absolutely fantastic!! i cannot wait to see where this goes, i know it's going to be amazing because you're characterization of arthur (and the rest of the gang) is *chef's kiss*
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
i fully blame @uselsshuman & @lunallaa for introducing me to tg:m and giving me brainrot and also cannot thank them enough!!
right now - @uselsshuman
✧ i'm such a sucker for characters holding in their feelings until a life or death situation when they finally confess, and you wrote it so great. i was giggling, and twirling my hair and cheering along with the rest of the squad at the end!!
i wanna hold you - @uselsshuman
✧ love me a good panic attack/comfort fic and this scratched that itch so unbelievably well!! it felt v close to my own experience with panic attacks and really hit home for me. very easily one of my fav new comfort fics!!
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Carlos Oliveira
untitled - @cowboybxtch
✧ yeah i've been stunned to silence with this one absolutely no words just
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David "Hesh" Walker
crimson fangs sing me lullabies - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ it's the way that i dropped everything to consume all 18k words of this fic like my entire life depended on it!! i've been turned into a hesh girlie, i am obsessed, taken over by the absolute perfection of this fic
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin
darlin' loves only a game - @uselsshuman
✧ i need more "teaching someone how to play pool" fics in my life, esp ones like this!! the teasing, the hands on the hips, the flirty touching i need all of it. such a cute, fun fic emma i love it
would that i - @uselsshuman
✧ "The small tabby cat that had been your kitchen companion—affectionately named Sock for his one white paw." forget everything else, Sock is my new favorite character. this is a Sock stan account now. for real tho, i love the way you write jake and make him the perfect amount of tease and gentleman!!
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Javy "Coyote" Machado
worry, my love - @uselsshuman
✧ ahh the source of my tg:m hyperfixation, i was so excited when you posted this and read it about 87 times and i'll probably read it 87 more time tbh. i love javy and the way you write him (and him using the word skedaddle LOL)
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John "Soap" MacTavish
right person - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ how dare you. really, who gave you the right to do this to me? why must you hurt me in this way? why must you write so beautifully and so captivatingly that i literally could not put this down despite the ever growing pit in my stomach? you've ripped out my heart and crushed it to tiny pieces and all i can say is thank you and how dare you
cleaned up - @bloodyknucklesforme
✧ this was so cute, and omg i adore nina. she's so funny, and their banter and her little quips are adorable. “Next time have Kyle spray you down before you get back." adksadlj i love her.
memories are fresh - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ it's not a fic rec list if i don't include a piece from jo that completely breaks my heart and then puts it all back together again with such beautiful words and sweet moments. idk how you manage to work my emotions so well, i'm in complete awe of your ability and talents.
infinity in the palm of your hand (eternity in an hour) - @yeyinde
✧ hello?? reincarnation!au??? soulmates??? not even a paragraph in and i'm completely bewitched by this fic. i can't be expected to be normal after this, this fic has re-shaped the way i feel and think and read.
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saintedcooper · 2 years
Fic Rec Archive
AGE RESTRICTION: I've been reading fic since I was a kid. I get it. But given the hellish nature of the internet rn, minors do not interact with my posts! Please be safe out there.
Here's the deal:
This is an archive of fanworks that butter my biscuit. Includes: PPCU, MCU + Spider-Man (Andrew's version), RPF of those actors, and Julien Baker RPF (boygenius).
Yes, there is RPF here. If you don't like it, don't read it. Ditto for anything else.
I reliably tag for: pairings, characters, kinks, tropes, and actors. I less reliably tag other things.
The #readqueue tag is things I wanna read. They may or may not end up in the archive, so save anything you see that looks interesting to you.
I write, my work is clearly labeled and tagged #brit writes
This is a fun thing I do cuz I love fic, smut, and curation. But it's not perfect. Sometimes I hornily/sleepily archive and forget a tag. Some things are still in progress. So give it (and me) grace and have fun exploring!
Search the Archive 👇🏽
PSA: make sure your settings allow you to see mature content otherwise you miss all the goods!
Direct link here in case links don't work in the app.
My Work
Future Possibility - Pedro Pascal RPF
Francis (ongoing) - Frank Castle x Reader 1940s New York AU
By Universe
The world in which it takes place. Ex: MCU, Star Wars, etc. Includes AUs unceremoniously grouped in.
Star Wars (currently this is just The Mandalorian. I'm not yet a Star Wars girl, but I am 100% obsessed with hot space babe Din Djarin)
DC (currently this is just Peacemaker and light of my life Adrian Chase)
Vampire AU
Ghost (band)
By Constellation
For when you like an actor and wanna read for any of their characters. Except for Pedrito, most of these are currently just for one character. This includes RPF, which is clearly marked.
Andrew Garfield
Andrew Garfield - RPF
Chris Evans
Chris Evans - RPF
Freddie Stroma
Jon Bernthal
Pedro Pascal
Julien Baker - RPF
Pedro Pascal - RPF
Sebastian Stan
By Pairing
Sorted by character name, not grouped by universe or constellation
Adrian Chase x Reader (Vigilante x Reader also exists, same stuff, tho. Separated cuz comics)
Agent Whiskey x Reader
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Cardinal Copia x Reader (separate from the Papa IV tag below)
Dave York x Reader
Dieter Bravo x Reader (see also: Dieter Bravo x Plus-sized!Reader)
Din Djarin x Reader
Frank Castle x Reader
Frankie Morales x Reader (see also: Frankie Morales x Santi Garcia x Reader)
Javi Gutiérrez x Reader
Javier Peña x Reader
Loki x Reader
Maxwell Lord x Reader
Marcus Moreno x Reader
Marcus Pike x Reader
Oberyn Martell x Reader
Papa Emeritus II x Reader
Papa Emeritus III x Reader
Papa Emeritus IV x Reader
Peter Parker (TASM) x Reader
Pedro Across the Street x Reader
Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Steve Rogers x Reader
By Kink or Trope
Breeding Kink
Daddy Kink x
Dirty Talk
Exhibition / Outdoors
Face Sitting
First Time
Getting Together
Good Girl / Praise
Loud Sex
Period Sex
Phone Sex
Pregnancy Kink
Size Kink
WIP (coming soon)
Plus-sized reader character tag (cleaning up my tags to make all of the plus-sized reader fics searchable)
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spacedlexi · 3 months
Who’s your favourite twdg protagonist?
clem easily but mostly because at the end of the day its Her story. its hard to choose tho because i also love lee and javi very much
lee i mean do i even have to say anything. i love that man. incredible protag and the courage they had to kill off the pc i still think is huge. the ending of S1 is just......................... i mean do i even have to say anything. its so good. still makes me ugly cry every time and thats because of the incredible job they did developing lee and his relationship with clementine. and i like that his ghost haunts the narrative
and javi :) i love him too. after the depression session that is S2 he was such a breath of fresh air. hes like lee 2.0 to me as a protag. well meaning guy who fucked up his own life and also hes a little goofy with it. "oh yeah the cell you threw me in was totally 5 star" i love him. i think his little surrogate uncle/niece relationship he has with clem is also very cute. he lost his niece and she needed someone to help give her a little guidance and support. javi is up there as one of my fave characters of the series with lee and clem
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actuallyitsstar · 2 months
jake “hangman” seresin + 12, 21, 22?
✨ send me a number and a character! ✨
omg nonnie hello !!! <3<3 i so so love my boy jake tysm for the ask !!! <3 TW for mentions of child abuse so pls skip if ur not down for that! also this might get long im so sorry 😭 i just have a lot of Thoughts ok 😭
12. what's a headcanon you have for this character?
i know this is like, decently universal, but there are different versions of it, so i would like to spit out my version with the precursor that i have read a lot of versions of jake's shitty childhood and they are ALL valid and i love them all in their own way so i don't mean this to sound like im tryinna say my headcanon is the only correct way or anything lol.
i do in fact think jake had a really shitty childhood (no surprises im sure). i think for me, it falls somewhere in the realm of overly-critical, under-affectionate, duty-based, act-perfect-for-the-public sort of behavior. the kind of parents who married and had kids out of obligation, bc Thats Just What You Do, but didn't really WANT kids, per se. i think jake has older sisters, and he is absolutely the youngest. he has youngest child syndrome So Bad. he was surprisingly straight-laced, and serious, because he had to be. it's what dear old mom and dad expected. straight As, no fucking around. better not get in trouble, and pay for it if you do.
i think the household might have been just a little bit ~physically abusive~. jake probably got the brunt of it- i think that seresin sr. probably grew bolder with time, and had more frustrations and expectations to push onto a son than onto his daughters. jake would've stood up, too, and lept in front of anything for his sisters, regardless of their age difference or the fact that they probably tried to do the same for him. it was CERTAINLY verbally abusive. nothing's ever good enough, why do you say things like that? don't speak to your father that way. i don't know what you want *me* to do about, if you treated your father with respect he would do the same for you. i think jake's mother sided with her husband often, which is complex, because seresin sr. is an emotionally abusive, uptight asshole, and she's under his thumb too, but she was probably complicit in plenty of it. it's easy to learn to perpetuate something you've known for most of your adult life. she probably married young, and she doesn't know relationships to look any different. it doesn't excuse her behavior, but it does explain.
he learned to do a lot for himself, to be competent in areas that children his age usually aren't. to cook for himself (and his sisters) because no one else was going to do it, some nights, and he was sick of living off of cereal. his sisters teach him how to cover a bruise with makeup one fateful night-before-picture-day, and they regret it later when it becomes an excuse, and jake is able to step in front of them despite their begging him not to, because it's ok, i can fix it before school (so not what they meant jake but ok).
jake probably knew javy in high school, and javy managed to pry jake out of his hardass asshole exterior, just a little. jake is an asshole, because he's learned it's the only way to get attention from his parents (and so what if it's negative attention? he doesn't know the difference). javy is the first person to give jake positive attention and jake doesn't know what to do with it or how to accept it. sometimes when the fighting is very bad at home, jake runs to javy's for a while, but he always goes back home to take his punishment sooner than javy or javy's parents would like, because he is afraid of leaving his sisters alone at home for too long with his parents.
eventually, tho, they are old enough to escape, and that means that jake is right on their heels. they check in as often as they can and things are the worst they've ever been for the years between his next oldest sister's departure and the day he turns 18. but when he does, he and javy enlist together. jake tells his parents, against his wishes. somehow it is another thing for his father to be angry about. his mother cries and cries, as if she's ever cared for his well-being before. for the first time, jake hits his father back. all the way to annapolis, he sports a black eye covered by makeup, and prays to the God of the church he was forced to attend in a suit acting presentable each sunday but does not believe in, that seresin sr. is not somewhere in texas right now talking to the police, ruining jake's chance at true freedom before it's even begun.
he must not be, because nothing ever comes of it. jake does not speak to his parents again.
if like all of this ends up in a fic in like idk 6 months or something. dont @ me. akdhfdjfghfjf it probably will even tho i have a wip list a mile long help aaaaaa
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
i have only (publicly) written for jake once, in the first half of chapter twenty-one of time takes no prisoners (you'll see), so that is my ticket to answering this lol. just know that i plan to write plenty for jake in the future, i am just swamped with mav dad and brad brad wips atm lol
i think my favorite thing about writing for jake is walking that exact line between being an absolute asshole and being a normal person, and the way that jake is somehow both entirely self aware of it, and entirely oblivious to it at the same time. the contrast between the things he thinks in his pov, and the things he says aloud, are also everything. his pov is one of my favorites in this fandom (tho ofc i have loved every pov i have written so far !!!) bc he's just so.... him. so much sharp and so much snark but so much heart too, if you can get to it. so much unresolved and unacknowledged childhood trauma manifesting all over the place. rip to jake but it's everything for me as the author lol.
one thing that sucks about this as the author tho is needing to BE these things on some level to write them. like im supposed to be witty and charming in this google doc rn ??????? say sike 😭 i spend a lot of time staring at an empty page when i get to jake's dialogue bc i can internal monologue all day long but when he has to be witty out loud its OVER for me lol
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
I GUESS THIS SHOULD COME AS NO SURPRISE. but i love the mav-accidentally-adopting-jake-kind-of trope. it is like. my FAVORITE genre of jake fic. its so multi layered too, because mav has had this fractured relationship with bradley for so long and is still struggling to fix it with him, and now here's jake, and why is jake gravitating to mav so much???? mav just does whatever comes natural in the moment, and i think it's like. kind of part of it, in a way. not a big one, but i think mav gets to interact in this way with jake and gets to A. remember how to do it, and B. remind himself that he is capable. and C. i think jake reminds mav of himself at that age and he has some inherent instinct trying to stop the crash that he sees coming. the idea of jake never having been shown like, just regular kindness or understanding from a parental-coded individual and respecting mav a lot in his career, and then after the mission its awkward bc its like oh shit. this is roosters dad basically???? thats fucking weird. and the next thing you know you are hanging out with roosters dad on the weekends when rooster is deployed and you are not ?????? what is going ON. WHY does he speak nicely to me. why does he praise certain things that i do. why does he listen attentively to things that i say. why does he keep trying to hug me when i am leaving. what is this strange interaction.
that being said, i think we all agree jake has some kind of unresolved childhood trauma, and i LOVE to see him have to face it, but sometimes it can just... go too far. i think something i don't like seeing happen to jake in fic is if he kind of.... gets his sharp edges rounded down??? or like, his claws filed away??? jake is a fully grown adult man, who HAS parents out there somewhere in some worlds, or HAD them in others, and he is bold and brash and sharp and quick-tongued. it's easy to reduce him to kind of an extreme position emotionally, and don't get me wrong. i love to put my blorbos in extreme emotional situations. but idk. i think with jake especially its hard to imagine him in a soft situation, and we have a tenancy to warp his character, or make him too teary, too honest, too direct, too sad. for me i feel like the sweet spot is right in the middle, trying to make sure he stays a little depressed and a little angry with himself all the time and a lot disillusioned, while still staying flippant and charming and evasive. it's easy to bend the character to fit the situation instead of the situation to fit the character, but it's important, i feel, to try and do the latter and not the former, with any character, but especially jake, in this fandom.
THANK U SO MUCH FOR GIVING ME A CHANCE TO RAMBLE NONNIE......i hope u enjoyed and i didnt bore u too much akdhdjdhfjf. i love jake and i love u. that is all. 💕
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spiderlingh · 2 years
includes spoilers !
and if you haven’t watched or finished the show, you should. highly recommend.
alright so
s1 and s2 were better not gonna lie here
i didn’t see it coming that javier’s dad cleaned up the mess and moved the body. nice twist in my opinion
this season was a bit too messy. even if it was still a well done mystery
i missed the chemistry scenes we used to get back in the first two seasons… like between javi and nati but especially raul and sofi
i don’t know i guess i was expecting this last season to be a bit more spicy. it just wasn’t. season 2 really had that going good tho.
bro maria committed suicide ???
which no one really seemed to care about that much i’m so sorry but that could’ve been handled much better
still do not condone gerry’s actions of course but seeing his transformation between seasons 1 and 3 was fantastic and i’m happy he got that development
maybe this season would’ve been a bit better if they spread it out more. maybe 10 episodes instead of 8, including some scenes based on the (different) relationships between the characters? idk just a thought
i am so sorry i have disliked javier since season 1 and i still do
but oh well
so i’m not good at predicting endings at all. but like i genuinely thought netflix was gonna make javier end up with sofi in the end — like every time raul fucked up she’d go back to him and shit so i just really expected them to be endgame
raul and sofi have always had more chemistry and i am beyond glad they ended up together. for real
the idea my man was behind everything just to get her back… fuck it, i love it.
maybe i’ll add more later but this was it for now. i’m sad the show has come to an end but it’s for the best, it would just get worse if they continued it, it’d only get dragged out just like they’re doing with élite right now.
the story is closed, everything has come to the surface and i’m happy with the ending so <3
hats off to the people who worked on this show. it was a pleasure to watch and definitely gonna rewatch it sometime in the future. loved this it so much.
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thepascalproject · 1 year
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)
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Character: Javi Gutierrez
Attributes: Charismatic, fun, passionate, warm
Favorite Quote: “Fuuuuuuuck. Did you see how they just looked over at us?”
I went into this movie with a bit of skepticism, but at this point I know to expect that if a movie is mediocre Pedro will save it. Boy, was I wrong! I was surprised how much I enjoyed this film and how much I laughed. The film stars Nicholas Cage as himself, down on his luck in every aspect of his life. But when he takes a job as a guest of honor for a rich super fan’s birthday party things get wild. He’s roped into a CIA mission, which leads to suspecting Javi, his new unlikely friend, and protecting his family against the cartel dangers surrounding them.
What I loved so much about Javi was how his character was all about misdirection. And it really catered well to Pedro’s skill set! It's surprising how quickly he can switch between light hearted and serious roles, in this character and in general. At first you’re taken in by his endearing fan boying and awkward mannerisms. But as the movie progresses the doubt cast on him by the CIA makes something as simple as Javi drinking from a wine glass look ominous. I was so sure during the first watch he was our villain! One of my favorite aspects of Pedro’s acting is how expressive his eyes/face are, and he has this signature villain look that gets me every time—a flat eyed, dangerous glint to his eyes that’s super effective.
But that’s all it is in this role, a misdirection! In the end he’s not the villain but the figurehead for the actual antagonist, Lucas; Javi’s cousin. Javi is the sunny dispositioned fanboy after all and the bait and switch could only be pulled off by our boi! I was so glad he wasn’t the baddie, because even in the trailers they were hinting at it. He’s then just such an endearing character because we’re proven wrong about him!
And again Pedro is so stinking funny! Just like in the Bubble most of his scenes had me cackling. My favorite, of course, was the LSD scene! The hysterical meme of him and Nick driving high in the car will always make me laugh no matter how many times I see it. We really get to see it all in this movie. Pedro’s amazing comedic timing, a small amount of intensity, his goofy warmth and not to mention his great finesse with an accent. (seriously tho those accents of his are top notch!)
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runa-falls · 10 months
Who are your blorbos so I know who to scream about
so here's who i read/write/dream about:
literally any oscar issac man (some i'm not familiar with but i'll scream about them nontheless). like i haven't been exposed to rydal enough (thank god for mona's series which i need to read!), or duke leto, but i'd still hit :)
nathan bateman is my guilty pleasure, i can't skip a fic with him in it idk -- llewyn is a delicacy that i only see now and again, and poe will forever be my flyboy. miguel is just another notch on my belt 💀
funnily enough, i started on tumblr bc of pedro 🫣 but i've never written for him! i loved him in narcos, the mandalorian (tho i don't associate pedro with din??), game of thrones, the unbareable weight of massive talent (omg i love javi eeee), the bubble (IDK I LOVE DIETER TOO), tlou, etc, etc.
umm i like jon bernthal, henry cavill and adam driver characters, too 🤭 and if i watch anything and find attraction to someone i will immediately look up fanfics!
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