#i like never talk about it but I have really extensive lore on my ships and si and stuff 😔
earl-grey-love · 6 months
helloooo :] I just wanted to know more about your O/bey Me self insert!! Is Sunny an human, angel, demon, etc? feel free to infodump about him!
Hi Hii! I've had this ask in my box for like, over a month 😔 I'm so sorry. I just really wanted to give it proper attention and haven't been able to.
So, about my s/i. Sunny is a human. (In AUs where she isn't, his demon/angel name is Solaris). Before coming to the Dvldom he was a freelance writer who worked (mainly) from home. He did everything from technical writing to proofreading to writing romance. Other than that, she broke up with her boyfriend a few months before.
Then boom. Suddenly he's going to Demon school. I wouldn't say he's all that happy about it but he rolls with it đŸ€· what can you do? He becomes friends with S-tan and Asmo really quickly because they're her kind of people demons. She doesn't get along well with Luci at first bcus well, he's not exactly playing nice, and they're a bit too similar. (Her sin is also pride). This all works out when Luci realizes she's not actually a threat and they both want his family to be okay. (I basically follow the OG plot).
He joins the Newspaper club as an extracurricular activity. It keeps his writing skills sharp and allows her to try something new. She mainly does articles on things from a humans perspective as a way to eductate her peers and form good interspecies relations. Which is something he takes seriously. But also, he likes Mephi like the second she sees him. Mephi does try to stop her from joining the club but she's like um actually here's written permission from Dia himself, so like, that's too bad. Queen of malcious compliance.
Sunny's primary skill, other than writing, is that she's really perceptive. Not only in the literal sense of seeing physical details others miss, but in all other senses. Inconsistencies, lies, big picture problems, etc. A hyperawareness of more than just what it seems on the surface. This makes him effective at picking up on changes in his friends and avoiding disasters, but also gets him into trouble. Bluntly, he's reckless. He sees what needs to be done and will act on it.
Due to this, he comes across as unpredictable. Especially since he won't wait to ask for help before literally risking it for the biscuit. (Barbs has another full time job with this one). Though Sunny is reliable. She would do anything for his friends. Remember when I said she's like Luci? Yep. Sunny couldn't care less what anyone else thinks of him. But she will do anything to keep the ones he loves safe. It's not like he has anything to lose.
Speaking of friends, Sunny is completely on Solo.mon's side. His whole thing about protecting humans from demons and angels? Yep. She's his partner in that ambition - forever. No matter what it takes. As much as she wants Dia's dream of better relations to be true, she's definitely on the home team's side. Plus, they have a lot to relate on in the first place.
I could get into my ships further but I think I infodumped enough already lol. Thank you for asking! đŸ„°
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routersims · 2 months
president mind situation my take AND WHY I WAS WRONGLY BANNED!!!! (and why you shouldnt hate me!) TW/CW: mentions of shipping (sorta) and nsfw (chonny jash
this gonna be a long wall of text just sayin.. but pleeaaase read im tired of people slandering my name when im not bad.
im way better than the people who got me banned i was literally a scapegoat bro.. cordial and corey and all them mfs are so weird but thats a whole different thing
OK!! FIRST: Addressing the things i was banned for.
i was banned for hms sex jokes and erp yea true there is literally proof of the sex jokes but they're nothing but jokes even ppl who are told of the incident laugh at the screenshots because its so obvious that i WAS KIDDING. and being banned for erp? with no proof? really? yeah whatever literally none of what i did wrong was in the rules. especially for out of server stuff YEAH. IT WAS OUTSIDE THE FUCKING SERVER
 IT WAS ALL IN A PRIVATE GROUP CHAT AND SOMETIMES (RARELY) DMS. everyone in the group chat was completely and 100% fine with EVERYTHING happening! everyone had said so. (let me clarify: there was no out of server rules when we were banned, they added them so they can fucking control their server members over shit like this like bffr.) stuff in the rp wasnt supposed to make anyone uncomfortable or be serious in anyway when it came to sexual stuff, the rp itself actually existed outside of the groupchat with extensive lore but it wasn't really sexual at all. the rp was kept private SO PEOPLE WOULDNT BE UNCOMFORTABLE.. even so, it being private wasnt enough apparently because some little rats had to jump into a place they didnt belong and build a whole ass story off the shit I did wrong?? when i literally did NOTHING against the rules. sure you can be like "oohh you were sexualizing chonny jash" sure! hms were there but we never mentioned chonny himself. we treated all three of them like our own ocs and completely unaffiliated with him, we thought it was fucking weird to sexualize chonny in anyway. (soul wasnt sexualized and anyone else in the rp were just OCs).
i never meant to make anyone uncomfortable, I never meant to make chonny uncomfortable i never meant to do ANYTHING wrong. I didnt think i was doing anything wrong. I didnt do anything wrong by the rules. IT WAS ALL PRIVATE. it was all JOKES. other people (CORDIAL) literally make hms nsfw jokes (AND JUST NSFW) about HMS in PUBLIC and get less backlash than i did? like are you serious? what is this favoritism? what did i even do wrong against the rules or in general if we just fucking allow this stuff?
you all act like im a piece of shit and problematic for what I did. but, I wasnt sexualizing chonny jash. I wasnt making anyone uncomfortable. I wasnt being weird in public. I was just a stupid kid bro, I know what I did was wrong. I'm sorry if you want to hear. i havent erped or done anything sexual since that whole thing.. ESPECIALLY NOT WITH CHONNY JASH!!! i dont even rp HMS in general AT ALL and avoid it outside of my roblox group + youtube channel.
Seriously guys It's been a fucking year I'm tired of you dragging my name when you dont know the whole story. you only know the things said by sal and the people who got me banned and they're ALL FUCKING WEIRDER THAN ME.
they fucking ran into something that wasnt their business, they stole screenshots from a groupchat they werent even in and fucking plotted getting us banned for like a week or two? like how odd are you? cordial's weird. cordial did / does the same shit i did that got me banned BUT WORSE. cordial does even more weird shit I can't disclose because the person who came out to me asked me not to. i quite literally was a scapegoat for this fucking weirdos and im so tired of having my name dragged because of them.
now, Sal?? sals a fucking weirdo too. like how are you the owner of a fucking huge fan server and when your server member gets wrongfully banned you continuously TALK SHIT IN PUBLIC CHAT ABOUT THE WHOLE SITUATION? what kind of a fucking owner are you? you really sat there telling EVERYONE about the situation, dragging my name, and for what. because you were bored? you're a fucking adult and im a minor. need i bring up the weird shit you say in general chat too? i remember seeing you saying weird shit about a server member wearing a collar. fucking creep. now lets talk about the other admins!
who are you—fucking adults when the whole situation was with minros—to ban us out of fucking no where when it wasnt against the rules and private. then fucking drag our names with it. YOU ARE ADULTS. WE ARE KIDS. WE WERE DUMB KIDS. mind your fucking business instead of making it a whole big deal and making everyone hate us for over a fucking year.
HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO STRESS THIS? WE. WERE. DUMB. KIDS. I'M SORRY! I AM. If i made you uncomfortable, tell me! i will personally respond and give you a fucking apology and im 100% serious bro just stop treating me like im a fucking monster.
all I ever wanted to fucking do was make you people laugh and have fun with you then you fucking get me banned and drag my name and call me problematic when the shit i did WASNT EVEN BAD.
i dont care, if you forgive me i'll forgive you and we can forget everything but you have to fucking see my side of the story. you have to look me in the eyes and understand where im coming from; if you're even willing. i dont hate any of you, I still love the community (maybe not chonny jash as much just because I still feel guilty..) and I just wish I could come back and be accepted for the funny gal I once was known as.
I didnt know I was doing anything wrong, not until I was fucking banned out of the blue without being asked my side of the story. until I got that banned message with no context, without a fucking explanation without ANY reasoning or reaching out to me. suddenly everyone I loved in the server where I met all of my friends hated me and thought I was problematic?? i was so fucking sad and confused and nobody gave a SHIT about me.
ur server died and sucks since u banned me btw should've minded your FUCKING BUSINESS. but thats besides the point,
you mods suck. the people who got me banned, suck. the people who slander my name when you dont understand, SUCK!!! and im sorry. im sorry for everything, im sorry for making you uncomfortable and upset, even if I was wronged. I dont know how many times I have to say it or beg to be understood or how many CJ fans I have to re-meet and tell me im really cool and didnt deserve what happened until you actually fucking understand and let me back in, because Im not a piece of shit! im probably the nicest person you'll ever meet, if you even fucking bother to meet me.
i forgive you, please just forgive me and recognize the fact that i aint a monster or problematic.. im just a stupid kid who didnt mean to do any wrong and ive grown since then.
I'll clear up one more thing, because as you know I'm dating mortis (THE MORTIS) and shes a lot more problematic than me:
mortis does her own things and when we started dating she didnt act like this and I know there's kindness in her thats why I dont leave her for her actions. I dont support all the stuff she does, not at all. I'm afraid to talk to her about it (hi mortis you're definitely reading this!) I love her, even though she does the stuff she does.
I'm pro-Palestine, and I love and support everyone regardless if I know you or not. in order to function, we have to all see eachother eye-to-eye. I don't think any of you are insane, or "mentally ill freaks", I love everyone. except you cordial fuck you but I do love everyone else. even if I have a differing opinion, or think a certain way about you or your behavior, I'm not gonna hate on you or go out of my way to bully you like she does and I apologize on her behalf for the things she has said.
separate me from her actions please, I love her and I could never bring myself to leave her unless she actually does physically hurt someone or do something else insanely bad (p.s. shes also pro-palestine she just um is weird about it. clearing that up)
I like chonny jash still (mostly CCCC), I like the community still, I love my girlfriend, I love everyone and I just want to make everyone happy and smile so please stop dragging my fucking name. I. AM. SORRYYY!!! I have so many people that can vouch for me in the community and outside of it, please for once just listen to me and them.
sorry for bad grammar/formatting and repeating myself I'm really trying to get my point across here and just thinking as I type.. (no this is not president mind returning, he wont ever be this is just routersims here and im trying to get people to like me again, maybe!!! maybe even unban me!!!!!!!! im fucking innocent!!!!!)
yea thats about it guys
this is for mortis: hi if you;re reading this / still reading this I didnt mean to hurt you in any way by that I really really love you but a lot of the things you do are really evil and youu probably shouldnt be doing them.. everyone is a person, it's everyone's first time living. we're all scared and confused and hurting people for how they are or the things they like really isnt helping anyone.. i love you so much and I always will but lets be nicer okay? you can bring this up in vc if you're still worried about me being mad at you and stuff but im not and I love you
ok bye
ps. adding chonny jash tag cuz my friends are telling me to, im not trying to get chonny to see it.. just adding this little note!
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getvalentined · 6 months
What’s your opinions of the various ffvii compilation games?
Oh I am a huge proponent of the Compilation as a whole; I know that opinion is rare for someone who's been in the fandom from the beginning, but I'm an insufferable lore gremlin and I just eat up everything the series has to offer. I have three different copies of Advent Children (the original on DVD, ACC on DVD, and ACC on blu-ray) and even still watch Last Order on occasion.
The series itself is really fascinating and staggeringly consistent (I've talked about how the implied timeline of the Jenova Project as presented in-game is so consistent that it matches up with real-world human gestational science), with the exception of the FF7Re series—which I can deal with, since it's canonically on a different timeline and therefore any retcons there are literal in-universe retcons, which is pretty brilliant.
That said, I'mma put ratings for the pieces of the Compilation individually under a cut!
OG FF7: 9/10. would be 10/10 if the English localization were better. Where it all started, still one of my favorite games of all time.
Advent Children (+Complete): 8/10. Not a game, but part of the Compilation! Anyone who says the plot makes no sense doesn't realize that they're watching a sequel that relies very heavily on people understanding the history and characterization of every single character shown.
Last Order: 6.5/10. Also not a game, also part of the Compilation. Love that this is implied to literally be Tseng's coverup of what happened with Zack, presented in anime form. Makes no sense in multiple places as a result, but if you know that's what it is then you can 100% see why it's portrayed that way! Honestly I really enjoyed it and wish more people would appreciate it for what it is.
Dirge of Cerberus: 7/10. The gameplay kinda sucks but honestly the storyline is super good—or it would be, if the entire fucking prologue hadn't been cut from any release outside Japan, thereby leaving the entire issue with DeepGround completely unexplained to all other audiences. Once you know what is going on, the storyline here is fantastic, and I've never really forgiven SE for not releasing the rest of it. I love that Dirge fills in the lore for Vincent that was cut when he was relegated to "optional" in the OG, and that it also helps to clarify why Midgar could have 9 functional mako reactors while every other reactor in the world is either sputtering to nothing or exploding. (It's Omega. Midgar is built over Omega. It's the place where all lines of the Lifestream converge so that Omega can draw it all in and carry it away at the end of the world, and Shinra never discovered that's why the mako well there is so expansive. I love good worldbuilding, and Dirge is a beautiful example of that.)
Before Crisis: N/A. I want this game so bad man where is it give it to meeeee. Honestly tho I've watched playthroughs and read scripts where available, and while I don't think it looks like much fun from a modern gameplay perspective, I have huge respect for it as far as development goes. This is one of the first really mainstream mobile games ever made, it was made for flip phones, and it's super extensive! Also it gave me Veld, who is one half of my favorite ship ever, which means it automatically gets a 7/10 even if I've never played it.
Crisis Core (+Reunion): 9/10. As fun to play as the OG. When I first played this on PSP over a decade ago, it hit me with such an intense feeling of nostalgia that it almost took me off my feet. In spite of the dramatic difference between game mechanics in CC versus the OG, it felt exactly like playing the OG again, and that feeling never really left. Humanized Sephiroth in a beautiful way that pissed off a bunch of fanboys and made me fall in love with him all over again. Also introduced my second favorite FF7 character ever, Genesis, who is one half of one of my core FF7 ships, so A+ on that too!
FF7 Remake (+InterMISSION): 8/10. Had a lot of fun with this one, and it's beautiful, but it doesn't have a lot of replayability in my experience, which is a shame. Would have been 6 or 7/10 if not for InterMISSION, which was a fucking delight.
FF7 First SOLDIER: 6/10. This applies to both the Battle Royale and the title in Ever Crisis. I am not a fan of Glenn & Co. but I love 14 year old Sephiroth and really appreciate that extension of lore and worldbuilding, so it's a decent balance. I love that the opening cutscene for the battle royale literally filled a 20+ year old plot hole in under two minutes.
FF7 Rebirth: 9.5/10. The only things that could make me like this game more would be if Vincent were playable (although I understand why he's not and, in spite of him being my favorite fictional character ever, I agree with this decision), and fewer required minigames. Just cut like one or two. Or fix the controls, maybe. Glide de Chocobo is even more broken now that it's been patched.
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stormyrainyday · 5 months
đŸŽđŸ«đŸ‘ if it's not too much at once <3
omg hi !!
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
Kind of basic but I'm not really one to write smut like it's fine I enjoy consuming it from time to time. Honestly, it's not even a matter of being uncomfortable I just don't like to write it. If I think about it, I wonder if it'd be fun to use sexual intimacy to discover more about how I think two characters would interact but I'd be so far out of my depth that I'd have to leave it for a long while down the road.
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
I've had an Alhaitham/Kaveh and Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch crossover rotting in my brain for ages and just haven't had the time to replay the game to flesh it out. But I imagine it as broken-hearted Alhaitham and pure-hearted Kaveh. A silly, sweet AU. Then they become companions and explore the world together it'd be cute as fuck.
If you've never heard of Ni No Kuni you should look into it it's so fun and gorgeous if a little childish and it's animated by Studio Ghibli it's so cool. I love the real time turn-based combat it was my first time playing a game like that.
đŸ« What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Oh man, can I make a list.
Shenhe and Baizhu as characters are so underappreciated. Shenhe is part of a major story quest (the first Interlude quest) but so rarely makes appearances after that. On top of that, she's a pretty niche unit that's only rerun once so I feel like people don't give her enough attention which is a damn shame because her backstory is so cool to pick apart. She's also canonically the most powerful human in the game? The only rival to her in strength is Childe and even then between you and me I think she could beat him. Childe is my favorite but Shenhe is stupid powerful in her lore. So yes. I wish more people talked about her characterization and lore but unfortunately half of her tag is rope bondage smut.
Baizhu keeps getting fucked over by Hoyo and gets a lot of hatred from the fandom for being gay-sounding (which, I don't love his English voice acting but homophobia from the Genshin Impact fanbase is fucking rich). It's actually kind of shocking how much hate he gets when he is literally just existing. I think there isn't enough work dissecting the utter tragedy of his situation and the way he values selflessness to the extreme-- even the game seems to treat his contract and his pursuit of immortality as something to be celebrated, when in reality he is dooming himself to an eternity of suffering should he succeed. Most of the works about him are shipping him with Pantalone or are just your standard run-of-the-mill sickfics (nothing wrong with that, I just think that he is open to much more dissecting and prodding and that there should be more works cutting him open to show his heart).
Also I haven't written about it yet but I am absolutely batshit insane about Childe x Lyney rarepairing, when I have more time I will compile my incoherent google doc about them into a fic or at the very least an extensive Tumblr post. Before I get shot I would like to gently remind you guys that Childe in canon is in his early 20s and Lyney is not a kid he's just short please read the character stories thanks <3
Not Genshin related but I also feel very strongly about certain Stardew Valley NPCs and feel like we don't talk enough about how nuanced their characters are despite having relatively straightforward cutscenes and dialogue but that's a post for another time
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unrealblacklightvirus · 1 year
um hi guys i made a sideblog for this whole alex thing.. . Infodump below :0 [and a lil edit, oct 2023]
call me whatever you want, Alex is fine if ur used to calling me that LOL, unAlex (lmao) as long as it's not too weird I'm probably fine. i use he/him pronouns too, aromantic. i dont ship any characters with anyone, sorry if u were looking for that here!
I started realblacklightvirus as a way for me to make a funny blog and joke around with my silly little headcanons... combining lots of little bits of other's ideas too (you may have noticed that some stuff that alex does or is or talks about might be suspiciously on target with your ideas... hehe) but it was mostly for myself and creating a comedic space.
Then I started getting more followers which I was happy to have (still am! I'm glad that you all love my alex and the game so much!!!) and now a lot of the people who've I've seen as long time prototype enjoyers interact with me? I've always seen myself as just an outside viewer, watching all these people talk and create about this game that I truly love so I was inspired to make my own little hole, never expecting it to become anything other than a half-joke blog.
When people started role-playing with me, I'll admit that I was afraid. Not of the people initiating it, but because I genuinely haven't roleplayed since I was like, 11 . Sticking with my character was hard because I built him on mostly lighthearted ideas with the occasional angsty lore dump, but I hope I've done well rping with yall.
I am not super familiar with rping rules especially unspoken ones, probably most obvious with me never using ooc notes (I am really into not breaking immersion for myself, I am completely fine when others do it though, i think it makes everything so much clearer and I love the funny ooc notes when the character does something!)
Unfortunately I am also not good with going beyond the original content, so I deeply apologize if I struggle to interact (or fail to interact at all) with your rp. I really have a hard time getting into character when meeting someone that breaks or bends the original "reality" too far. But I will try picking at bits and pieces that work with me when I can!
[Edit oct 2023: just here to revise the above; i am not a roleplay account! Or at least, not a roleplay account of normal means. I will avoid doing extensive roleplay that makes characters do this, go there, do a certain action move, parenthesis or italics or asterisks or otherwise... i will do character talk, dialogue, implied action (there are some good examples when alex replies to stuff like questions, or when hes "in a situation". This is kind of hard to explain but ill do some light, and i mean REALLY light roleplay with a very select group of people.) I am not really open to rping with new people, especially ocs, unless they are really good/well-made and pretty canon-adherent. Even then, i wont really jump into every roleplay convo because again, i am not a roleplay account. I am here to make funny joke and say in-character crap... With occasional angst and minor rp elements. Also i dont stray from canon too far, although i can make exclusions that are plausible. Check out the #alex notes tag for what i think.]
Please note that I think I am neurodivergent... haven't been diagnosed (I understand both sides of the diagnose or not argument, this is not about that) but I have genuine sensory problems, anxiety, and hyperfixations (which is probably very obvious....ahem Alex ahem...). A lot of Alex's characterization is based off of me! I can understand nondirect ways of speaking and figurative language though, pretty good at telling emotions , love ela and microexpressions, etc. But I struggle with online conversations and sometimes I may type something that may seem a little rude - please tell me, I overthink everything I type!!!
Thanks for reading!
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lady-green-sleeves · 3 months
Since I don’t want to be another broken record talking about how b&c wasn’t the same as the books, instead I’m gonna give my husbands thoughts on it as someone who’s never read the books and doesn’t know what’s gonna happen.
So first off he was confused by the motivations of the characters, not being able to tell if blood & cheese were only in it for money ,or if they also felt some sense of loyalty to Daemon/Rhaenyra/team black.
He was also confused if Haelena knew what was gonna happen like exactly or just a vague unclear idea of what might happen, so far it seems she kinda knows what’s gonna go down. He felt like that along with her just offering only a single necklace made it feel like she had excepted her sons fate and that’s why she didn’t offer more jewelry or money or anything, or why she didn’t beg them to spare her children.
The comment about giving up the kings heir made him feel like Haelena didn’t even like her son bc she saw him as an extension of his father who she clearly has a bad or at least strained relationship with. He also didn’t feel like the whole ‘which ones the boy’ thing made a ton of sense like they easily could have “checked” off camera but instead they make her pick and then still almost go to kill Jaehaera (which ik is supposed to be a Lowkey callback to the book but it’s not well done) instead bc they think she’s lying. But also at the end of the day doubtfully anyone on team black would be able to tell the difference between one head vs the other and if they were wrong by the time the news was out that it was the princess and not the prince b&c could have been long gone with their money (going back to what exactly are their motivations)
Which I do honestly agree with, it’s hard to tell the exact motivations of the characters there must be more than one necklace in that room, it does seem like Haelena had already excepted that Jaehaerys would die. But as someone who has read the book I can see them maybe using her relative ease in giving up jaeherace as the guilt that eventually drives to her suicide instead of it being her picking between her sons.
We both also agreed that the AliCole sex scene Haelena walks in on after is so unnecessary and seems only for extra like shock value. We thought they were gonna keep the relationship between those two more psychosexual than actually sexual so having multiple sex scenes with them kinda dulls the ship down for us (I liked that alicent was followed around by a bunch of freaky men who would do anything for her but she still won’t have sex with them).
I’m not upset that they didn’t follow the book for this scene, they haven’t been following the book that closely since the beginning. I’m upset that they’re trying to tell their own story while also trying to take parts from the book and it’s not working. They just need to pick one story and stick with it. The whole ‘pick one’ scenario doesn’t really work in the context of the story you’ve written so then write something that does. Or make Daemons offer different so the picking makes more sense, so many changes (some relatively minor) could have been made to make the story more coherent and none were taken. It’s one of the most impactful moments in the book imo and they managed to make it confusing along with some cheap gore sounds and unnecessary sex scenes.
The thing that saved the scene imo was Phia’s facial acting you could really see the total horror and helplessness written across her face. Emma and Phoebe also ate up and left no crumbs during their scenes at Luke’s funeral, their grief is portrayed so nicely. I absolutely can’t wait to see more of Phoebe/Rhaena this season, her face card never declined even at a funeral. These three women got barely any screen time but they still managed to save the episode with their grade A expressions and acting.
Some unrelated things I liked about the episode was the little Daeneys the dreamer lore drop (which I absolutely didn’t notice till I saw someone mention it on here) that if confirmed to be true is honestly so cool and could have some fun even if ultimately unimportant plot implications. The costumes seem to be better so far we’re only one episode in but still imo they’re already better than majority of S1E1 outfits. Who was the random north boy in the beginning and why did he look so much like season one Jace, pretty sure it was the same bad wig and all. The writers kinda did the Velaryon/Strong boys dirty with that one lmao they are def not letting them beat the bastard allegations.
Sorry this is so long is you made it to the end thanks for coming to my TED talk and if I said something blatantly wrong feel free to destroy my media literacy in the comments💕
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arttheclown · 2 years
💖 + your MLP faves and your Digimon faves and why. Now
💖 send me this & i will ramble about my faves!
🐮 discord — amazing slow-burn (& realistic) character development, excellent voice acting by one mr. john de lancie, has chemistry with nearly every character he interacts with, sympathetic while still retaining a wild & unpredictable edge. has NO right to be as funny as he is. my baby boy.
🐮 tirek — manages to be endearing & kind of stupid without erasing how dangerous he can be; surprising soft side that doesn’t erase his cruelty; interesting backstory & dynamics with his family; reluctant dad dynamic with cozy glow that melts my heart. also he’s super hot sowwy 😔
🐮 twilight — highly relatable 2 me on a personal level; an extremely dynamic main character that the writers weren’t afraid to depict as flawed or a little ugly sometimes. really good friend and big sister. needs to be nicer to herself 😭 i just care for her a lot & all of her accomplishments on the show felt really earned
🐮 celestia — ugghhh she has such a fascinating backstory & there are so many interesting implications about her character that i wish the show explored better. this lady has dealt with so much grief in her life while having to maintain an image of poise & dignity for her kingdom. i like that they showed us she has a sense of humour & is nowhere near as perfect as she seems but i do wish they took her. a Little more seriously. i care her đŸ„ș
honourable mentions: fluttershy, pinkie pie, trixie lulamoon, queen chrysalis, rarity, applejack, spike, big mac.
đŸ‘Ÿ impmon / beelzemon — i like him for a lot of the reasons i like discord tbh. his character arc is one of my favourites in fiction, ever, and never ceases to rip my heart out every time i rewatch the show. i appreciate how seamlessly he goes from annoying comic relief to tragic to a near-complete monster to atoner to genuine friend to the main cast. in the span of less than 50 EPISODES too, wtf. not to mention he’s the other half of one of my fav. fictional ships & great with kids to boot. there’s little i Don’t like about that little man (or big man, depending on what form he’s in).
đŸ‘Ÿ renamon / sakuyamon — would defend her with my life tbqh. anyone who reduces her to being an uwu sexy furry bait or an extension of the people she cares about i will bite the FUCK out of you. she’s so much more than that & had a whole arc of her own, if not one of the best ones of the series, but people won’t mention it or all the interesting implicative lore surrounding her because she’s quiet or because they’re too busy ogling her. big sigh
đŸ‘Ÿ mitsuo yamaki — why does no one TALK ABOUT THIS DUDE. not only is he super funny in the english dub but his character development is fantastic in both versions of the show. (seeing a pattern here?) i love that he goes from a well-intentioned extremist to a villain to a weird uncle figure to the kids. he deserves way more attention than he gets & i get so excited every time i see fans acknowledging him at all 😔
honourable mentions: jeri katou / juri katou, janyu wong / janyu li zhenyu, terriermon, calumon / culumon, henry wong / lee jianliang, leomon.
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movedtoferinehuntress · 1 year
Alright. *stretches fingers and cracks knuckles ready to type* Let's do this.
I cannot understate how much your Caitlyn portrayal influenced how I see that character in the show. Obviously, I never hated Caitlyn, nor did I hate Caitlyn x Vi as a ship, but it was never something I paid much mind to. Indifference is probably the best term to describe how I was feeling originally about Caitlyn. And then you showed up - and bashed that indifference into a million pieces!
Your Caitlyn is so nuanced. I love how you looked at Piltover and instead of shying away from the challenge in showing Piltover screws up not just the lower class, but the higher one as well, you dove right in and created what I honestly consider to be my Piltover. Even if I may not say it, I feel that a lot of how Vi regards Piltover and feels about it, comes from what you made. I love how you made this city so much more than just a force of oppression and how you find all those little elements, which enrichen it and make it feel like a lived-in place instead of a boogyman.
And then your Caitlyn looks at all of this and more or less spits into its face. XD I love how much your Caitlyn tries to defy Piltover's rigid social etiquettes, yet at the same time, she is still so clearly from Piltover and has an identity which goes back to the Kiramman household. I love how you can tell Grayson influenced her moral compass, but also didn't completely overturn what Cassandra taught Caitlyn.
I love how your Caitlyn never feels like a pushover. She has all those caring and soft traits, all this love and compassion, and yet you still allow her to kick ass! She can keep up with both Jinx and Vi and she is not afraid to arm herself, whether that be with her words or her rifle. I genuinely feel like you made Caitlyn a figure of authority, you have to take seriously. She is honestly the perfect adversary for Jinx and I am 100% sure, this nuanced rivalry would not work if you weren't the one, handling Caitlyn.
At the same time, you made me fall in love with Caitlyn and Vi's dynamic. Without you, I wouldn't care nearly as deeply for this ship. Like I know Caitlyn is important for Vi and Vi loves her, but your Caitlyn really makes me feel like I am actually writing someone who is genuinely in love and would do anything for that person. The way these two click is still so mindboggling to me. We didn't even plan for it and it just happened.
You have a wonderful imagination. I adore your lore, I adore your AU version of Caitlyn. I adore listening to you talk about Piltover or Caitlyn and what you made up or noticed. I adore that you share the same passion for not just writing but worldbuilding and that you are not afraid to share that passion. Your Caitlyn feels so unique as a result. Some part of me wishes she was actually canon.
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☟ *  ―― 「 @misstantabismuses 」 ≣ ASK MEME :   HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL? = ❝  * send anonymously or not. feedback is appreciated! ❞
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I literally, I don't know where to start with this. I'm literally just, my heart, I'm balling and just, this is
I think right now all I can do is scream and hold this ask cause it makes me so so happy. and I don't know if I am even able to explain HOW happy I am to read this.
Okay, get my brain to pause on the Dopamine high I'm getting XD
I really am so glad that I could let you see Caitlyn in a whole new light. I think that's probably something that happens with a lot of people. The indifference or hatred (you don't do that but like, you've heard me talk a lot about it from things I found and how people hate on caitlyn and want jinx to kill her). But just, I love that I could let you see a whole different side to her, to see Caitlyn not as an extension of a romance (which I do love cait x vi) but just, getting to see Caitlyn as her own person.
Honestly, your entire worldbuilding of Zaun and all that goes into it has been my leading inspiration to really build on Piltover! I really wanted to get into how Piltover is so much, oppressive but also, its a city of its own culture too! and how Zaun and Piltover are mirror differences yet so interconnected that despite all their struggles you really can't have one without the other. And digging into these mask that Piltover has, that they are just as monstrous as Zaun yet they try to paint it in a way they they are more civilized. Yet if you look into the shadows you can see where they are just as dark. Just the concept of "who is the real monster?". But also the idea that despite all of this, there are still people who live here, thriving and just trying to survive. Things that make a city worthwhile from the festivities to the market places and that, yet there is corruption but there are still a living thriving people here. Just, a society!
and omg, I love that that is so visible. Caitlyn fighting back against the establishment, still has these influences on her (from her refine cultured way of talking even if she can be a bit blunt at times, or having to look like an elite and even playing the game of politics that she so desperately hates). Like its a part of her despite how much she fights against it (just like vi fights against her zaun culture!). Just, yes!!! So much of this, I want her to clearly show she hates the corruption in the city but it has shaped her into who she is as well.
The whole dynamic with Jinx has been such a joy to entertain because it hasn't felt boring or the same ol same ol. Like, I love that your jinx is ultimately Caitlyn's Moriarty. They are equally matched in brains and their skills with weaponry. an dhow they both fight against each other because they are each others ultimate nemesis. And how, in many ways, Jinx's actions often dictate how Caitlyn reacts. Like that idea (I haven't written up yet) how Caitlyn is going to upgrade her rifle to have different functions from the net gun to electric paralysis bullets. And How Jinx in her own way starts to adapt and try to fight back against Caitlyn due to her actions. Just this constant pull and push between the two of them and yet the hatred never fades. The both see red against each other.
And vi's dynamic with Caitlyn, holy shit, I never expected such a click with them. I really love how they have these dark and dangerous moments, how they are a power couple force to be reckon with, and yet they have these tender soft moments that are uniquely theirs. Others might not get it, but to them its just so nature and tender. And I love how their love is not just instant 'soulmate' status, how they grew together based on their events in the undercity to their struggles in Piltover against the council. And how all of this just bonds them together more. Its a slow but beautiful development of two people who "shouldn't work" in the eyes of society and yet they do and they do so beautifully! I literally can't get over their story we've created!
Honestly, you have been such an inspiration and an encouragement to really dig even deeper into my world building and headcanons, to really dig more into Caitlyn; keeping to what we see in Canon but absolutely crafting this Caitlyn that is solely mine and mine alone. and the fact that you see all of this, that you can feel it and imagine it and that it all feels natural and real to the canon of the show. Just
AH!!! I have so much dopamine and I literally am so happy. this is what I wants, this is what I want to share <3
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guzmapkmn-archive · 2 years
I sent an ask but I think Tumblr ate it so..
I’m genuinely curious about one thing, I love seeing you gush about Oswald but is it really easy having a villain f/o?
Do you imagine being evil with him? Or are you just yourself? (Im sure he loves you either way) also what’s the lore between you two within the plot line of Gotham?
yeah its pretty easy!! despite being a villain hes never done anything i would consider a dealbreaker - although when i was first watching the show there was a scene that did almost make me stop shipping with him. he basically adopts an orphan named martin who i love to pieces, and he pretends to kill him, but you dont know he doesnt actually die until after that scene. so the first time i saw that i was like Hmm!! bc they had become rlly close and oswald is basically like a father to him
my s/i is literally just Me But A Villain - hes been oswalds right hand man for pretty much the whole time theyve known each other. also ok. my lore is EXTENSIVE so i will spare you from all of it BUT i will share how we meet
so ryan is like the adoptive son of falcone who helps him move to got.ham bc of his home life, and he would briefly run into oswald a few times bc the woman he works for works with falcone, but they dont actually Talk until 2 years after ryan moves to got.ham. oswald is very interested in power and becoming the king of got.ham - ryan isnt, despite being the son of a powerful mob boss, and oswald is Very observant so he can tell ryan doesnt care abt any of that despite his status. and that intrigues him. he wants to learn more abt ryan, if his intentions are different than hes letting on, and just what his Deal is
thats really. all i can talk abt without explaining not only my lore but the shows lore too which will take ages and idk if anyone would really want to read all that UIFHUFIFH this post is already so long-
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pinocchiozee · 1 year
HIII TUMBLR!! SORRY FOR THE LONG TIME I NEVER SPOKE :[ I just got these things finally and i wanted to talk about it!! I hope after this ill be able to become more active, i wanna start using tumblr now! :]
Also i wanna show my GDT collection one day, its mostly just Pinocchio but i got this Fake leather Guillermo Sketchbook i draw in from a few months back and recently got the art book for Shape Of Water!! [My favorite live action people movie ive seen him make so far!]
Anyways have this very long story because the only thing i can talk about is myself😭😭
I have really old art ive never shown past the eyes of Discord😭😭😭
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I CANT WAIT FOR THESE TO COME!! Ill give an extensive review of these and post it on here! Also another very big reason on why i also got them is to repaint them!! :] they need a repaint so badly😭😭
So the lore...
A very long time ago, at the movies official release like 5 months ago.. a few days after that i went looking for cool stuff because i needed to know if there was any newsđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
And i did! The first line of toys they produced was the Mego Corp GDTPinocchio toy line, which i was very excited to get since i had the money, albeit i wasted all of it before on the books and the pop figures that just came out, then along came the limited edition Pinocchio Maquette replica one month after..
(Also i might get the timeline wrong, i have a problem with remembering and the understanding of time)
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[which costed 10 times less than the actual handcarved limited edition WOODEN PUPPET😭😭 Id have to be a millionaire to get THAT ONE! Ill work hard to get that once i start my summer job]
Sooo i decided to save for that instead, pushing away the one thing that i was able to get in favour of the Maquette, each month i kinda got forced to waste alot of my money on things i never wanted to get, so it was a very slow rise, i never got to my goal before they already got sold out, i was 100 dollars away because of the SHIPPING, THE SHIPPING COST 100 DOLLARS TO GET TO SWEDEN, I ACTUALLY ALMOST HAD ENOUTH😭
This gave me a money complex that lasted for about a few months, i used to be a compulsive buyer but i completely shifted because of that, i mean im still very compulsive but now i get so shameful every time i get anything and i avoid the shops like the plague.. because i dont need it!! [Also to get the maquette replica]
Okay thats my story, Ofcourse ill only talk about GDTP and every other single Pinocchio adaption, and Guillermo Del toros every other movie and series, this is why i got tumblr LOL
[and maybe some other things!! I have other interests as well, but not as intense as this one]
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[i like all adaptions lol]
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cryofanewbcrn · 5 months
Nearly dead- nearly gone;
Pinned post of cryofanewbcrn.
Hi, my name is Nayen (it/its only, please). I'm new to Monster Hunter rp, please be gentle with me.
This blog and it's lore are largely based on headcanon post-game wise. This blog's Oltura wasn't slain, but nearly killed. Dying, she takes to hiding away in the deep jungles of Hakolo, where she is found and nursed to a somewhat stable health by a stray Felyne that doesn't know what she's dealing with and took pity on Oltura.
Interactions with Oltura are always considered inperson and cannot happen non-f2f unless we are implementing some sort of telepathy lore.
Please read the rules underneath the cut before interacting- I will know if you haven't.
I'm 27 years old and live in Germany. I will have mature content be present on this blog, mostly in the form of violence, death, and sometimes, gore. If this troubles you, please be sure to save your own mental health and not follow.
I will not follow muns under the age of 20 for my own comfort.
This blog follows from my main blog, @shewholovedthem.
Oltura is an antagonistic character, but based on her nature as a Monster, she is not a VILLAIN any more than the Nergigante is. She can and does hold grudges, can and does have trauma, and as a being that doesn't understand this sort of thing, will act on it. - This means that Oltura is likely to become violent if she feels threatened. - Oltura is not a muse for your character to live their hero fantasies out on. She is crippled and disabled, yes, but she is still a massively powerful Elder Dragon, and whilst no longer in control of the power she once had, she is still capable of killing and will react to provocation.
There will be topics of animal cruelty and -death talked about on this blog, as that's essentially what monsters are, the way I see it.
Even though Oltura is more intelligent than most monsters, she is not human, and never will be, and as such, does not understand human language, customs, behaviour, or morality. She can learn little things here and there, but is unlikely to, due to her trauma-based innate hostility toward them.
Oltura is unshippable, even with other monsters, as I consider her a newborn of sorts. She has only just erupted from her larval form into her "mature" form, but I don't feel comfortable treating her as an adult of her species yet. - Platonic ships like friendship and found family are welcome and encouraged, but be warned that Oltura is hard to get through to.
I choose who I follow and interact with, and whom not with. Do not badger me, please. Respect my decisions.
I do not give my discord out to people I have not had extensive ooc interactions with.
If you want to plot, be my guest, but don't just approach me, ask to plot and then never make an offer and expect me to do all the heavy lifting of it. - I also suck at plotting extensively myself, and work best in a moment to moment sort of way, but I am welcoming still to plotting, or trying to anyway, so long as you're patient with me.
I do not touch ooc drama. I do not touch pro/antis/h/ip debate. This blog is for fun, it's a hobby, not to stress myself more out.
I will likely not use many icons on this blog because it's not easy for me to get material for them.
If you have any questions, let me know. I'm much friendlier than I sound like here, I promise- I am simply jaded and have had many traumatic experiences in the rp scene and feel the need to stake off my territory in terms of comfort.
I'm much more scared of you than you are of me.
I know my rules are a lot, but I really appreciate you taking the time to read them. Thank you so much!
Blog will be low activity because I am very low energy, and I prioritize certain interactions over others, simply because of mental illness reasons. Please don't take it harshly.
0 notes
sitp-recs · 2 years
Random ask:
Hi Liv! What really draws you to Drarry as a pairing and Harry and Draco as individual characters?
Personally I was always a fan of Draco (because of the whole bad boy rebel thing- I didn’t realise there was so, so much more to him than until I started getting obsessed with Drarry) but I actually never really liked Harry (except I always supported his decisions and loved his sass) all that much in the beginning until I joined the Drarry fandom and realised that in retrospect, he’s an incredible character and wasn’t done any justice at all in the series. I mean the turning point for me was revisiting the part where he tricked Ron into performing well by pretending to give him the Felix Felicis. Like this boy-
But what made me fall for Harry was The Ordeal of Being Known by @lou-isfake . That fic. Oh. My. Gosh. The amount they delved into Harry psyche and the extensive knowledge they had of that character, what he went through and how all of these experiences shaped his life later on; I’m a little suspicious of them actually being Harry’s actual creator and not the terfling (I personally think all rights of Harry Potter should go to them).
And Draco. What the fuck. He’s the most underrated character in the entire series because unlike how he was portrayed as a villain who ended up receiving no redemption arc, he was a victim of his own circumstance just like (his lover) Harry, and they were both very gay grey characters.
And the more fanfics I read, the more and more I fall in love with the millions of slightly altered versions of them both and honestly it’s criminal how little we really know about them. And well, Drarry. My obsession with these reading about these two idiots falling in love (which is canon in my mind) grows enormously every single day and I just pray for more opportunities to get involved within the fandom because I’d quite literally have lost my mind if it weren’t for Drarry.
But my thesis aside I really want to know what you feel about it as well (and your lovely followers too!).
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk x
Well this was one hell of a Ted Talk, I love it! It was really interesting to read your thoughts and insights about this. And TOOBK is an absolute masterpiece, @lou-isfake deserves all the love and praise for coming up with such a moving, thoughtful and emotionally complex story, honestly their mind!!!
As for me
 I will admit that I haven’t revisited the books in ages, probably even before Cursed Child came out *hides* I found the increasing plot holes, lack of character depth and diversity issues very disappointing and since fic gave me everything I needed in terms of expanding the universe, I kinda let go of the books pretty early on. I moved abroad 4 years ago and didn’t even think of taking them with me lol for shame 💀
Which brings me to my second point: I’ve never felt particularly drawn to either Harry or Draco in the books. Great levels of sass aside, I found Harry boring, whiny and indolent, while Draco was confined to that one-dimensional bully arc that wasn’t really done in a clever or satisfying way, and didn’t deliver redemption or closure. I’ve never found them compelling as main character/antagonist, I didn’t even care enough to ship them. Now I understand my perception was shaped by young Liv’s limited mind and bad writing, I’d probably read Harry differently and be more compassionate towards him. Isn’t it great that good fic and growing up give us some perspective!
So to answer your main question, what drives me to them is a good “enemies to lovers” story because I freaking love these dynamics. I love the fire, the intensity, the inner conflict, the vulnerability, give me all the implications and complications. Fic makes it possible because it gives them emotional depth while exploring multiple post-war possibilities. There are so many ways to bring them together and pull them apart, and so many interesting ways to expand the universe and the magic lore while doing that. Like you said, it’s refreshing to see those slightly different versions of them finding each other and falling in love! At this point I feel like I’m more knowledgeable about fanon as the canon characterization becomes a distant memory in the depths of my mind. I love it that fics take time to properly explore their trauma and give them the room to process it and to do some self-discovery, whether it’s professional, sexual/romantic, in a found family scenario, etc. One fic that transformed the way I see Harry is Away Childish Things by lettered, it felt like a punch in the stomach but oh, it hurt so good!
I took many breaks from Drarry over the years but I keep coming back because we’re lucky to have SO MUCH top notch content. It blows my mind the amount of talented creators that keep joining the fandom, the superior quality of their works, the sense of community we all share. I haven’t found this anywhere else and it fuels my love for the ship which, let’s face it, might not have survived under other circumstances. I wondered if creating a blog would be a good idea because I didn’t plan on staying around for very long, yet here I am two years later nowhere close to leaving 😂
Wow this got really long and somehow I feel like this was an extremely vague and unsatisfactory answer, sorry anon. Thanks for the ask, I’d love to see other people’s thoughts on this too!
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meirimerens · 3 years
You made me start to ship peterstakh so you’re basically the ceo of peterstakh tbh. Your art of them is so good it lives in my brain rent free. Do you know/remember if they ever interact or talk abt one another in any of the routes??
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now look at me. listen to me. i'm going to put you on in a secret. i do not remember a single instance of them talking about each other. and you know how little i care? the #realones of this blog will remember the time i extensively drew The Evil Within fanart. now, there's this ship nicknamed "mobiusshipping" or "julitati", right. my mobile header still has i think a screenshot of an anon i got telling me "you're the goddess of mobiusshipping" which by GOD i was. you want a secret? these women do not interact in any of the games. we learn they're colleagues in the DLC. we learn they're colleagues, we can assume they bumped into each other but we can't be sure, and y'know what? i have drawn them kissing extensively. i have written (never published because i lost my brain en route) about what they would share together. i Was the goddess of drawing these two women, who haven't shared a word, kissing. and goddess willing i will become it again.
peter and stakh? at least we can imagine they could discuss once. i go with NOTHING but vibes for them i really do. my two types of favored ships are "it makes so much sense" and "makes no damn sense. compels me tho" and peterstakh fits in that second category. now. if you want to know what's the #lore i give them, here it is:
one of the games has lines about vlad jr and rubin being friends. since at heart i am a bit of a vladrey truther, i like to imagine rubin and peter would have a first vague meeting from that.
i like to think about artemy telling rubin "hey... work with me bro... can you check on that drunk guy and make sure he doesn't defenestrate himself." rubin being like "i'm not your assistant" "come on please" "FINE" and when he goes to check on Peter... cue that one "he makes me feel so normal" drawing i did [here] . they hang out.
they start liking to hang out because rubin can vent his problems to someone who's far removed from his earthy inheritance menkhu boddho problems and who doesn't judge. he can say whatever he wants and peter is like (hums and nods). rubin also like the fact that what he hears from this guy is so fucking Out There it makes his problems feel deeply solvable in comparison. and peter likes hanging out with him because he can say the most outlandish psychotic (as in: suffering from psychosis) shit and rubin doesn't look at him like he's a maniac (even though he thinks it, but he understands it's because it is so removed from his own reality). peter also likes his company because he's like nice and a reassuring presence, very grounded to make up for how un-grounded he is. rubin needs a bit of time to Adjust to how absolutely baffling of a person peter is, but he's So Different and such a change of pace from his usual life he keeps coming back well after artemy's told him "dude i think he'lI be fine you don't have to check on him every evening".
ALSO in my brain rubin is not out as gay to artemy because he's been away for 7 years so at this point are they even friends still (/j) but since everybody knows the twins are bi he can be open about that to peter, whose complete removal from rubin's friend group allows them to like. share boy troubles. (until they become each other's boy troubles 😳)
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Top five fanfics?
Oh fuck (gets shot)
Well, I shot myself in the foot with that one.
Keep in mind, these are in no particular order, and I'm a bit of a pleb when it comes to reading fanfic. I just tend to like what's popular or stuff written by my friends.
I need to give Height Treason by @wholesomeklei a huge shout-out.
I'm not sure if this fic will ever be continued or not. Last I heard of Klei, they had a cancer scare (it wasn't) updated a chapter about Sizz-lorr and then vanished from the internet entirely. I hope they're taking a much needed break from online stuff and nothing bad happened to them.
But anyways, I can not thank Height Treason enough for existing. It gells with the humor of canon so seemlessly it feels like I'm watching an "Invader Zim after dark" show. Yes, even despite the not safe for work canon.
I love the lore they weave and I'm always a fan of "zim finds out the truth of his mission and schmoops and gets revenge on the Irken empire" stories. Also Pining Zim has my whole heart.
And it even paints side characters with much love.
Membrane tries his best and sucks at parenting and it inspired me greatly for how I write and came to understand Membrane as a character.
Miss Bitters is a delight. Sargent Slabrankle gets a cameo. Tak's ship has an existential crisis. Gosshloog gets an entire chapter about a spicy love afair with his boss. Zim's Computer is his usual sassy self and has ackward conversations with a frustrated teenage Dib.
Like the love for the side characters is amazing.
Height Treason was the fanfic that inspired me to write an entire fanfiction based on Computer Brain lore.
The lore is amazing, it's in character and this fic inspired me SO MUCH and is the reason that Tech Support (and the Brainbrane fic by extension) even exists.
I've probably reread this fic over twenty times.
However, I can't link the fic here, since it's VERY nsfw. As in, explicit sex scenes later. (The chapter where zim learns sex education is great)
So I can't link it, but it's easily searchable on A03.
If you're of age, and don't mind nsfw I highly recommend it.
Honesty Hour by @patchworkpoltergeist is one of those new fandom classics.
Like I don't even know how describe this fic.
Honesty Hour chills me to the core and has me looking at my ceiling for hours on end questioning my own existence.
Like it's Zim gets therapy, but in a psychological horror way.
Patch is a master wordsmith and just has a way of describing things. Everything is in the details.
I just love how Zim thinks and that half the time I don't know what's going on as much as Zim does. Which is honestly more scary then I think.
There's lots of details that I miss and usually after talking about the chapter with Patch or the Moo-ping10 gang, I realize "oh fuck that's what happened?! The hell"
Anyways. I fear and look forward to every update.
But I honestly have to run a mental health check before I even attempt to read the chapters.
Emotions, Cryptids and the possible end of the world series by @bamsara
I feel Bamsara does onto theirself and I don't need to sing her fics praises but I will.
I am a bit behind on my reading, cause I haven't read the latest chapter of Galaxy Days yet.
But I love the casual yet feral friendship Dib and Zim have built throughout this series.
There's just a constant yearning throughout the whole thing, and the two boys are at the center of it all. Like the feeling of a real long road trip with no destination in mind. That's often what these series of fics feel like. There's an underlying tenderness and longing but also something dark and sinister. A lot of moments stay in my head for days after the fact. Not just the cryptids of the fic, but the smaller moments. Zim and Dib having breakfast in France as the sun rises, Dib crying his eyes out in a dingy motel room near the beach, Zim breaking into Dib's hospital room in the dark, Dib attacking Zim in a fit of insomnia hallucinations....
The list goes on.
There's plenty of good moments, and I've even drawn Zim giving Dib space (cause that's the fucking gayest romantic thing and I still lie in bed thinking about it)
Also Dib constantly running into Death's arms and Zim often doing fisticuffs with her and both getting stupid trauma over stupid decisions is very good.
I feel a lot of Sara's soul in these fics and it shows. Especially with how Dib is written and I can tell this is an extremely personal project with passion behind it and I can't help but admire that.
Every star another sun series by @dionysuscrysis
I really love this series. The end.
Okay, unfair.
But Dion's series really needs more views and appreciation.
I like how it just skips over the "zim and dib become friends somehow....realizes mission is fake..yadda yadda" part of the story and just jumps right into the thick of it.
Space Adventures! Wooooo!!!!
A giant sandworm, a Battle Zoo!!! An alien spa, badass good guy Skoodge, and mad max style sci-fi racing.
And I'm glad that Dib is already in his early twenties here. And Dib is just so smart with machines and not a complete lost duck in space. He's sharp as a tack and dumb as an ox this boy and I love him very much.
Lol I'm old. I'm sick of seeing teenage drama sometimes.
And I can also feel a lot of Dion's soul in their fics.
Lots of hurt comfort in here....
It's actually kinda like the Bamsara effect in reverse...
Instead of Dib throwing himself head first into danger...
Zim is the one doing it.
And Dib thinks an appropriate way to fix this is throw himself at the same danger.
Help them.
Parade of Indignities by @rissynicole
Finished recently and since then my heart has never known peace.
It's one of those fandom classics that I ended up reading due to Bamsara's fic recommendation list like roughly two years ago.
Rissy has a way with words and their strengths lend themselves to action scenes extremely well.
Zim finds himself critically ill and it's up to Dib to travel back to irken space to save him.
Thats the basic premise but there is so much more.
A conspiracy, involving the other Invaders, Zim's massive wall of denial, and how everything Zadf happens from Dib's perspective.
I remember reading all the available chapters (like 15 of them) all in one night until 5am the first time I read it.
It's a master suspense and thriller story and I enjoyed it very much.
I still have to leave a huge comment.
Also honorable recommendations:
@melodyofthevoid 's Royalty AU.
....just. it good. Save these kids.
And ofc me and @paketdimensioncomic 's collab fics:
"Jerking around the House" and "Membrane's guide to be a better parent, lose your fucking arms"
You're a delight to work with and I love how your writing style compliments my insane ramblings so they're less wordy.
Also gotta give a shout-out to my Baby Tech Support.
Is it vain to plug your own fics? Maybe.
Do I care.
I love my stuff. And I'm glad others do too.
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andromedasstarship · 4 years
faceless, nameless - the prologue
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gif credit - @kylos 
pairing - kylo ren x reader 
warnings - canon-typical star wars violence, depictions of death/violence, fighting (verbal + physical), loosely implied physical intimacy (really up for interpretation here), angst, tension, implied mild love triangle, kylo ren betrays you 
summary - For four years, Kylo Ren considered you to be many things: his right hand, his confidant, an irreplaceable strategist, a friend and most importantly his equal. It all ended when he left you with a blaster shot to the stomach on a near deserted planet. On the brink of death, a rather dashing Resistance Pilot stumbled upon you, saving your life.  
Donning a mask to hide your identity, you’ve grown to become the most fearsome Resistance fighter they have; bewildering the First Order as to how you always seem to ruin their plans and avoid capture. Kylo Ren is a different man from when he left you two years ago, so how will he react when he accidentally finds you alive and well in Poe’s memories?
masterlist // series masterlist // read it on ao3 here 
next chapter 
the prologue - the sun 
On Starkiller Base, there were plenty of rumors as to why Kylo Ren kept you around. Some said it was because of your extensive training in hundreds of different languages, both spoken and signed. Others were sure it was due to your diplomatic upbringing that came with countless connections and near endless wealth. Or, maybe it was due to your more than adequate ability in battle that served him the most. Even some people thought you were a kept woman, who only existed as a way for Kylo Ren to blow off steam behind closed doors. Your favorite rumor was that you were actually a high-ranking Resistance spy who was tasked with infiltrating the First Order at the highest level and that Kylo Ren had become weak because of you. Had it not made you laugh so much the first time you heard it, Kylo would’ve crushed the windpipe of the lowly officer who created the elaborate lie. 
Of course, there were some truths in all the rumors, but none of them exciting. You were in fact trained in hundreds of languages and that training was a product of your diplomatic upbringing. You were exceptionally trained in various forms of combat, but that was something that came after you met Kylo; he had always been afraid of you not being able to properly defend yourself. You were most certainly not a kept woman, not that you and Kylo weren’t intimate, but certainly not in the type of dynamic people thought. You absolutely were not a Resistance spy, but even though neither of you said it aloud, Kylo Ren was definitely weak for you. 
How it actually happened is quite boring. The two of you met when Kylo had just turned 24, still more Ben Solo than Kylo Ren. You were recently 23 at the time, head of a diplomatic welcoming committee that met with Kylo as part of his first official diplomatic endeavor as ‘Kylo Ren’ the soon to be Commander of the entire First Order. He quickly became enamored with you and the way you commanded a team full of older men who clearly didn’t approve of your position- whether it was due to your age or gender he didn’t know- but still treated you with respect; in short, you radiated a confidence and power he desired. For you, it was quite the opposite, Kylo Ren still wasn’t sure of himself and at times still acted like the awkward lanky Jedi boy who had never spoken to a girl outside of school purposes. He was a fresh and welcomed change from all the annoyingly rich and cocky men you met with on a daily basis. 
Him and his team stayed on your home planet for nearly three months. Countless delegates from various planets flocked there for balls, meetings, conferences, and more. Your connections ran deep and you directly aided in the First Order’s successes during those three months. For the first few weeks, you and Kylo skirted around the obvious pull between the two of you. He wasn’t exactly sure how to ‘woo’ a girl, nor was he even sure if he was allowed to. His lack of action caused you to regularly doubt if he also felt the spark, or if it was completely one sided on your end. Weeks of longing gazes and accidental brushes of fingertips finally came to an end when the two of you were sitting on your private balcony, overlooking the well kept grounds, discussing the conference that had just ended. It was a roaring success for your planet as well as the First Order, both of you securing mining resources at an exceptional locked rate for a minimum of fifty basic years. You made the first move, he was irresistible under the moonlight, closing the space between you on your bench and pressing your lips directly on his. In his hesitation you thought you had completely misread the past month, but it was only a moment later that his hands found purchase in your hair, pulling you closer. The two of you were nearly inseparable for the rest of his trip. 
It was difficult, when he finally had to return to his new master and some massive ship that would be lightyears away from you. Unspoken promises were made the night before he left, declarations of love and devotion made behind closed doors. He was still far from truly becoming Kylo Ren, had copious amounts of training to finish before he would see himself be fitting for someone like you. If he was nothing else, Kylo was desperate for loyalty and when you watched his ship leave you had no doubts he would come back. 
And he did, nearly an entire standard year later. You almost didn’t recognize him when he stepped off his personal ship. All broad shoulders and shrouded in layers of black, with that intimidating mask covering his face. He was proving to be quite the warrior, the tales of him and the Knights he commanded reaching the farest edges of the galaxy. When the welcoming festivities had ended and he removed his mask in the privacy of your room, you found a mature face that had lost the softness you once knew. It was no matter to you, flinging yourself into his arms and vowing to never let go. 
This time, when he left, you went with him of course. Kylo had been shocked when Snoke approved it, but Snoke, ever the manipulator, knew the growing attachment between the two of you would inevitably prove to be valuable in controlling Kylo Ren. 
Moving into a giant spaceship wasn’t easy for you. The dark, cold and everlasting expanse of space was a sharp contrast to your warm ocean planet. You missed the sun on your face and your people, but when you vowed to never let him go, you meant it. As time went on, you grew accustomed to the ship and then eventually Starkiller- which was an entirely different battle, that piece of ice had you complaining for months-, and soon enough you couldn’t imagine a life not in space. 
Most of your days were monotonous, not that you minded. From the first day you stepped foot onto base, Kylo began training you himself. He never wanted you to feel as hopeless and afraid as he did when he woke up to his uncle ready to kill him in his sleep. So he trained you, and he trained you hard. You could wield a lightsaber well enough, as he argued that should anything ever happen to him- a thought you hated entertaining-, his saber would be the best weapon you had available. You were smaller than him, so close combat was a challenge but you learned to use your size and agility as an advantage. What you specialized in, was the staff. It allowed you to give a larger opponent at a safe range until it was possible to take them down. Kylo had a special one created just for you, with double edged electrical ends that you could easily turn on or off. It was rare that he actually let you on a battlefield with him, but when he did you were unstoppable. Not that you minded, you quite enjoyed working behind the scenes, forming battle plans and leading diplomatic endeavors for the First Order. 
Other than Snoke, no one out ranked you, not even Ren; a fact he had been extremely particular about after a visiting diplomat made the excuse of outright ignoring and belittling your presence in a meeting. You were equals in everything, even going as far as taking on the ‘Ren’ moniker. 
Among First Order subordinates, you were fairly well liked, and not just because it was unspoken that anyone who thought badly of you would probably die at Ren’s hand. The people actually liked you. Ren was cold, you were warm. When he was sharp, you were soft. It worked well, his ability to command troops and fuel the fires of war was complimented perfectly by your ability to talk nearly anyone to your side. 
You never wavered in your support for him, ever loyal by his side no matter what he did or who he killed or how many villages he burned to the ground. You stood next to him, never behind, when new planets presented themselves as potential allies. You watched from above when he burned villages, that dared aid the Resistance, to the ground. You cleaned and healed every single wound he received from Snoke’s brutal training. You held him together when the pull to the light made him feel weak and undeserving. 
Anyone could see that you were the sun that Kylo Ren revolved around.  
So, when he came back to Starkiller on that fateful day, covered in blood- your blood-, announcing that you were dead- and he was the one who killed you-, and that your name was never to be uttered on his base or by any First Order subordinate ever again, no one knew what to do. 
 a/n - hi!!! im so excited for this story, ive never written star wars before and my lore knowledge isnt the best ill admit, so please excuse any minor bits of pieces i may get wrong! comments/likes/reblogs always appreciated. if you wanna be added to the taglist, just ask and ill make one! :D 
no permission is given to copy or republish my writing on any other platform or account. if you see this story outside of my blog or my ao3 it is stolen work. i do not own nor claim to own star wars or any of the character involved in it. 
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dragon-grunkle · 4 years
star wars and flight rising are in the same universe and here’s why, a ted talk by stanley
in an effort to both 1. talk about my lore more often like i’ve been meaning to and 2. explain what i meant when i went off about it in the tags of my last post, i’m gonna attempt to explain my rationale for deciding star wars and flight rising can totally coexist in the same universe.
there’s a tldr at the very bottom! i do use rebels as a basis for some of this lore, since it basically just confirms concepts i was already thinking of before i even watched the show, but it IS a little spoilery sometimes.
SO. what do we know about sornieth? here’s a summary: it’s the fourth planet from its sun. it has at least one but possibly two or more moons. powerful beings of pure elemental energy sprung up in the early days of the planet’s formation. a darkness from beyond attacks the planet, and the gods build a pillar to keep it out. after this, humanoid races flourish and they learn to combine magic with technology, but eventually someone gets too arrogant and builds a big machine that blows up all of civilization. from this, the arcanist is born. he grows curious and encounters the shade, which breaks the pillar. the other gods see this and decide to go their separate ways. they create dragons.
this new society has reached a point roughly equivalent to the 1920s, and that’s as far as we’ve gotten. that’s it, that’s flight rising. no aliens mentioned, except for the shade (and possibly the forbidden portal enemies if you count those, but that’s for another time).
what about star wars? as we all know, it’s set ‘a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away’. there is a lot of history here that isn’t really relevant, so i’m just going to talk briefly about the layout of the galaxy: it isn’t named, but there are different sections to it that are, and they’re grouped according to how far away a planet is from the center of the galaxy. you have: the core worlds, the inner rim, the mid rim, the outer rim, and wild space. generally, planets are more densely populated towards the center of the galaxy and less as you go out. compare coruscant, a core world entirely covered by a city and inhabited by trillions of people, to tatooine, an outer rim planet that wookieepedia states has 200,000 inhabitants total. 
where does sornieth fit in this map? the answer is simple: wild space. this region lies beyond the outer rim, where not many bother to travel because it’s just not worth it, and it’s where i’ve placed sornieth in this scenario. wookieepedia says:
Unlike other regions of the galaxy, Wild Space existed along the entire circumference of the galactic disk and on the borderlands of the Unknown Regions. It was inhabited by sentient species but not fully charted, explored, and civilized.
star wars: rebels touches on wild space a bit: one of its main characters is a lasat, a species thought to be wiped out by the empire. lasats come from lasan, but they have a legendary ancestral homeworld called lira san. except it turns out that lira san isn’t a myth: it’s real, it’s populated, and it’s in wild space.
the fact that an entire species believed their original homeworld was a myth means we can easily set sornieth there without ever having to worry about political groups such as the republic, the empire, and the rebellion coming across the planet and mucking up our established rule of No Aliens Besides Shade (And Maybe Arcanist). it’s conveniently out of the way AND protects the lore of both continuities very well, ensuring that they don’t interfere with each other by introducing a previously-unheard-of super-powerful flying magical race to the galaxy, or having stormtroopers invade the southern icefields, or something else fucky like that.
now that we’ve got location covered, we have to talk about the force, magic, and the gods. i’m gonna get a little handwavey here, but it’s also, i think, the most interesting part of this whole thing, so here we go.
first off, the force. what is it? here’s how obi-wan describes it in a new hope:
It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.
with that description in mind, i want to draw attention to one little throwaway line from the flight rising lorebook chapter 1: the first age: 
From this bedlam, the magical energies themselves began to concentrate and change. Similar particles receded into four great beings, each overwhelmingly dense with a different element. As if eager to proudly display their emergence to some unseen divinity, these beings took on the shapes of great wyrms.
that ‘unseen divinity’? yeah, that’s the force. you could even take the ‘similar particles’ bit to mean midi-chlorians, if you want to acknowledge the prequels’ interpretation of the force.
as we know, some people are stronger with the force than others. these people usually become jedi or sometimes sith, depending on whether they use the light or the dark side. but the jedi and sith aren’t the only force users out there: there are plenty of civilizations who have different names and explanations for it and how it manifests itself varies from person to person. in fact, the lasat people i mentioned earlier recognized the force as something called ‘the ashla’. so different concepts for the force exist across the galaxy, and it’s very possible that what we know as ‘elemental magic’ on sornieth is simply how dragons see different aspects of the force. as if that wasn’t enough, we also know some force users can use the force to manipulate the elements themselves, like how palpatine can use the dark side to create lightning.
so really: i don’t think it’s a stretch to say some intensely powerful creatures born of the universe itself could specialize in a specific aspect of the force and manifest entirely that way.
[billy mays voice] But Wait, There’s More! i’m gonna reference rebels again. yeah, i know. on the planet of atollon lives the bendu, a being of the force who is neither light nor dark. he’s powerful, and at one point, turns himself into a giant storm and strikes down ships with lightning to defend his planet. loth-wolves are a similar concept. they’re animals which are shown to have a deep connection to the force, but only as it relates to the planet they call home, lothal. at one point a character asks if the loth-wolves are on their side and the answer is "they're on lothal's side.” this is how i see the gods as existing in the greater star wars universe: powerful beings intrinsically linked to the planet they originate from. they’re capable of great feats on their own, but can guide others (like humans or dragons) to use the force / magic in their stead.
the gods are real inasmuch as the force is real, and act as extensions of one another. if we wanna go a step further, the deities could all be light-side users and the shade is their dark counterpart, which is a REALLY fun concept to explore.
phew, that’s it. i’ve covered most of it except for how dragons get off sornieth and into the wider galaxy, which is...somewhat less essential than the stuff i talked about above, but i still want to address it, especially since we’ve established they have no outside contact and are limited to 1920s tech. to keep it brief, the easiest answer is...magic.
i don’t want to get tooooo deep into rebels stuff again, but space-time portals do exist in star wars, which is really exciting for me personally, and also a nice setup for dragons to get out into the galaxy - if they have access to them, that is; in rebels they only appear in a jedi temple, but i think it’s possible other access points exist, given that other force-societies also exist. the point is, being handwavey and saying ‘eh, portals’ is a valid excuse that doesn’t totally break either universe because they are canon to both universes. you could also go the route of magic experiments gone wrong, the deities picking off a few special individuals and sending them out, or crazy lighning-arcane tech mergers shooting dragons off into space, never to be heard from again.
there’s any number of possibilities here, ranging from crazy space wizard shenanigans to early spaceflight gone very very wrong.
tldr: sornieth is located in the far reaches of the galaxy, away from major events, and has remained undiscovered. the deities are manifestations of the force channeled through the planet itself; the gods and the force are extensions of one another. sometimes dragons can get off sornieth, but not often, so dragons are rare in the wider galaxy. there is no conflict of lore that says these two things CAN’T exist in the same universe, and in fact, the lore sometimes even supports them coexisting.
or in other words: star wars and flight rising coexist because i want them to, but also because i have legitimate justification for it. i’m too powerful and nobody can stop me from making star wars dragons now.
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