#<- bc it has to be alliterative in some way
im-not-a-l0ser · 9 months
Okay, I want to talk about the Trans Richie headcannon. I'm not going to say anything bad about it, this is just some ideas and opinions about it, regarding it as canon.
I like the idea that if Richie and/or Trevor were trans, they'd be given an alliterative name set originally. Like Richie and Rachel, Trevor and Tracey, or Samantha and Sabrina; something like that. And then when one or both changed their names, they were so relieved that their names didn't start with the same letter anymore. Maybe they even hated it so much that they'd like... go by Chel, CeCe, Sam and Rina. Shit like that, that'd be so funny.
I would really like to see a show about how they grew up. As much as I don't know how to feel about a cis person playing a trans character, I also wouldn't want Richie played by anyone else— *the idea of Jae Hughes as Richie* Okay, that'd actually be pretty sick, and you could have both Trevor and Richie on stage without Jon having to do a bunch of quick changes, or prerecordings, and you could even have them on stage at the same time, but YOU GET WHAT I'M SAYING! Anyway, I think it'd be really neat to have a song of Richie post-transition and Richie pre-transition singing about how they feel out of place, or how they have this secret that they have to keep, pre-trans not being out at all, and post-trans having transitioned in stealth mode. It'd be cook to see 'her' looking in a mirror or something, seeing post-trans Richie there because that's what they want to be. Some fuckin' reflection from Mulan shit, y'know?
Maybe it's just that I want to see Her as a musical, maybe that's my problem... I mean, now I'm thinking about it, and I'm right. I want that so fucking bad. Like, just imagine that for me, will you? I keep specifically imagining a scene of Jeri and Jerry berating 'her' for being too masculine as a song— I'm sorry, I'm being such a dork.
If Jon Matteson did a stream where he read trans richie headcannons and fics, I would fucking cry, especially if Her was included, since I'm very proud of it thus far.
I need like... a 5+1 fic of Richie coming out to people, I'd love that.
I forgot any other thing I wanted to say, just give me a second.
Oh, okay, here we go. I like to think that Richie is a cosplayer (my sister disagrees with me, so I know that some people don't agree) but I like to think that him cosplaying masc characters is one of the things that helped him realise his identity. This has nothing to do with the fact that after I started cosplaying TSS I got more masc and embraced that side of me, I don't know what you're talking about.
I wonder what Jon Matteson (and Will Branner, and everyone else) thinks about Childhood Friend Michie, not even them together romantically. Bc like, I fully understand not understanding that ship; I don't fully understand it myself, despite literally shipping it. But them as childhood friends? It almost makes too much sense, whether or not Max knows Richie is trans. Either way, you can make it make sense in some regard. I particularly like how @24-guy handled it in their trans richie story, but I won't spoil that for you (that's also their user name on ao3)
I think that's all I got for now, maybe I'll make a part two when I'm on a proper dose of adderall that actually does anything for me.
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scribefindegil · 1 year
We know what Ninth House poetry is like (terrible!) but we should talk about which meters and poetic forms are in vogue for the other Houses. Some initial thoughts:
The Second: Meter? Iambic or maybe trochaic. Absolutely has to be one of the two-syllable feet though. Number of feet can vary. Form? Couplets. The Second is about epigrams, about the sort of pithy little poem that you could engrave onto the handle of a weapon or use as a grave marker. Short and regimented. They don't *do* long-form.
The Third: Dactyls all the way babyyyyy! Lots of playful/light verse; tend to think everyone else takes poetry much too seriously. A bunch of funky little closed forms with triplets and repeating lines. You know, the sparkly kind where you don't really say anything but it's great for showing off how clever you are. Also. Villanelles.
The Fourth: Iambic tetrameter. Lots of cross-rhymed quatrains; little emphasis on closed forms.
The Fifth: They get iambic pentameter, the lucky bastards.
The Sixth: The sestina is absolutely the most Sixth House poetic form in existence. I bet they have competitions where they're given the end words and have a time limit to complete their poems. I bet Palamades has written sad sestinas about Dulcie. Probably dactylic hexameter even though I kind of feel like that's too cool for them. They might also use Alexandrines bc they're both six-footed and insufferable.
The Seventh: Ballad meter! In the real world we think of this as alternating lines of iambic tetrameter and trimeter, but if you throw it all on one line you can call it iambic heptameter instead. If you want. Great for poems about melancholy and death! Also they write a lot of sonnets (14 lines!), especially the Petrarchan form.
The Eighth: I feel in my heart that they look down on purely syllabic meters and also the concept of rhyming and insist that the only worthwhile poetry is some accentual-syllabic Beowulf shit. Irl this manifests as four alliterative accented syllables per line with the strongest emphasis on the last one. You *could* just string two lines together to make eight accented syllables and call it a day, but that isn't stupid enough. Merely contemplating Eighth and Ninth house poetry should be enough to give you a headache. It is one line with eight stresses. It's awful. Every stressed syllable has to alliterate except the final one, and when a poet finally reaches the end of the line everyone watching applauds in sheer relief.
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dragon-grunkle · 4 years
star wars and flight rising are in the same universe and here’s why, a ted talk by stanley
in an effort to both 1. talk about my lore more often like i’ve been meaning to and 2. explain what i meant when i went off about it in the tags of my last post, i’m gonna attempt to explain my rationale for deciding star wars and flight rising can totally coexist in the same universe.
there’s a tldr at the very bottom! i do use rebels as a basis for some of this lore, since it basically just confirms concepts i was already thinking of before i even watched the show, but it IS a little spoilery sometimes.
SO. what do we know about sornieth? here’s a summary: it’s the fourth planet from its sun. it has at least one but possibly two or more moons. powerful beings of pure elemental energy sprung up in the early days of the planet’s formation. a darkness from beyond attacks the planet, and the gods build a pillar to keep it out. after this, humanoid races flourish and they learn to combine magic with technology, but eventually someone gets too arrogant and builds a big machine that blows up all of civilization. from this, the arcanist is born. he grows curious and encounters the shade, which breaks the pillar. the other gods see this and decide to go their separate ways. they create dragons.
this new society has reached a point roughly equivalent to the 1920s, and that’s as far as we’ve gotten. that’s it, that’s flight rising. no aliens mentioned, except for the shade (and possibly the forbidden portal enemies if you count those, but that’s for another time).
what about star wars? as we all know, it’s set ‘a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away’. there is a lot of history here that isn’t really relevant, so i’m just going to talk briefly about the layout of the galaxy: it isn’t named, but there are different sections to it that are, and they’re grouped according to how far away a planet is from the center of the galaxy. you have: the core worlds, the inner rim, the mid rim, the outer rim, and wild space. generally, planets are more densely populated towards the center of the galaxy and less as you go out. compare coruscant, a core world entirely covered by a city and inhabited by trillions of people, to tatooine, an outer rim planet that wookieepedia states has 200,000 inhabitants total. 
where does sornieth fit in this map? the answer is simple: wild space. this region lies beyond the outer rim, where not many bother to travel because it’s just not worth it, and it’s where i’ve placed sornieth in this scenario. wookieepedia says:
Unlike other regions of the galaxy, Wild Space existed along the entire circumference of the galactic disk and on the borderlands of the Unknown Regions. It was inhabited by sentient species but not fully charted, explored, and civilized.
star wars: rebels touches on wild space a bit: one of its main characters is a lasat, a species thought to be wiped out by the empire. lasats come from lasan, but they have a legendary ancestral homeworld called lira san. except it turns out that lira san isn’t a myth: it’s real, it’s populated, and it’s in wild space.
the fact that an entire species believed their original homeworld was a myth means we can easily set sornieth there without ever having to worry about political groups such as the republic, the empire, and the rebellion coming across the planet and mucking up our established rule of No Aliens Besides Shade (And Maybe Arcanist). it’s conveniently out of the way AND protects the lore of both continuities very well, ensuring that they don’t interfere with each other by introducing a previously-unheard-of super-powerful flying magical race to the galaxy, or having stormtroopers invade the southern icefields, or something else fucky like that.
now that we’ve got location covered, we have to talk about the force, magic, and the gods. i’m gonna get a little handwavey here, but it’s also, i think, the most interesting part of this whole thing, so here we go.
first off, the force. what is it? here’s how obi-wan describes it in a new hope:
It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.
with that description in mind, i want to draw attention to one little throwaway line from the flight rising lorebook chapter 1: the first age: 
From this bedlam, the magical energies themselves began to concentrate and change. Similar particles receded into four great beings, each overwhelmingly dense with a different element. As if eager to proudly display their emergence to some unseen divinity, these beings took on the shapes of great wyrms.
that ‘unseen divinity’? yeah, that’s the force. you could even take the ‘similar particles’ bit to mean midi-chlorians, if you want to acknowledge the prequels’ interpretation of the force.
as we know, some people are stronger with the force than others. these people usually become jedi or sometimes sith, depending on whether they use the light or the dark side. but the jedi and sith aren’t the only force users out there: there are plenty of civilizations who have different names and explanations for it and how it manifests itself varies from person to person. in fact, the lasat people i mentioned earlier recognized the force as something called ‘the ashla’. so different concepts for the force exist across the galaxy, and it’s very possible that what we know as ‘elemental magic’ on sornieth is simply how dragons see different aspects of the force. as if that wasn’t enough, we also know some force users can use the force to manipulate the elements themselves, like how palpatine can use the dark side to create lightning.
so really: i don’t think it’s a stretch to say some intensely powerful creatures born of the universe itself could specialize in a specific aspect of the force and manifest entirely that way.
[billy mays voice] But Wait, There’s More! i’m gonna reference rebels again. yeah, i know. on the planet of atollon lives the bendu, a being of the force who is neither light nor dark. he’s powerful, and at one point, turns himself into a giant storm and strikes down ships with lightning to defend his planet. loth-wolves are a similar concept. they’re animals which are shown to have a deep connection to the force, but only as it relates to the planet they call home, lothal. at one point a character asks if the loth-wolves are on their side and the answer is "they're on lothal's side.” this is how i see the gods as existing in the greater star wars universe: powerful beings intrinsically linked to the planet they originate from. they’re capable of great feats on their own, but can guide others (like humans or dragons) to use the force / magic in their stead.
the gods are real inasmuch as the force is real, and act as extensions of one another. if we wanna go a step further, the deities could all be light-side users and the shade is their dark counterpart, which is a REALLY fun concept to explore.
phew, that’s it. i’ve covered most of it except for how dragons get off sornieth and into the wider galaxy, which is...somewhat less essential than the stuff i talked about above, but i still want to address it, especially since we’ve established they have no outside contact and are limited to 1920s tech. to keep it brief, the easiest answer is...magic.
i don’t want to get tooooo deep into rebels stuff again, but space-time portals do exist in star wars, which is really exciting for me personally, and also a nice setup for dragons to get out into the galaxy - if they have access to them, that is; in rebels they only appear in a jedi temple, but i think it’s possible other access points exist, given that other force-societies also exist. the point is, being handwavey and saying ‘eh, portals’ is a valid excuse that doesn’t totally break either universe because they are canon to both universes. you could also go the route of magic experiments gone wrong, the deities picking off a few special individuals and sending them out, or crazy lighning-arcane tech mergers shooting dragons off into space, never to be heard from again.
there’s any number of possibilities here, ranging from crazy space wizard shenanigans to early spaceflight gone very very wrong.
tldr: sornieth is located in the far reaches of the galaxy, away from major events, and has remained undiscovered. the deities are manifestations of the force channeled through the planet itself; the gods and the force are extensions of one another. sometimes dragons can get off sornieth, but not often, so dragons are rare in the wider galaxy. there is no conflict of lore that says these two things CAN’T exist in the same universe, and in fact, the lore sometimes even supports them coexisting.
or in other words: star wars and flight rising coexist because i want them to, but also because i have legitimate justification for it. i’m too powerful and nobody can stop me from making star wars dragons now.
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glitternightingale · 3 years
Yeah so I'm also here post-animation process video drop and your brilliant break-down about Bruno's belly. Hi! I’m not on Tumblr and hope you mind a long ask in lieu of reblogging/adding to your OP.
The confirmation has been validating, is one big thing. But is it weird that with regard to the three whats/whys in your break-down (artistic choice, chub, malnutrition), I was like “ah but couldn’t it be a little, or be some combo, of all three?" - said with an intonation à la Mirabel’s "and I think it's all because of me?" I think I'm a bit of the mind that his belly is round (and "disproportionate") more due to malnutrition than from having actual healthy adipose, based on its shape? and stuff, but that's probably me reading way too into things.
There's this other part of me that's also like, what are the chances that someone like Jared Bush, who does answer questions about the canon on his Twitter, would further confirm… or maybe not confirm per se, but shed a lil insight into some of the choices?
And and: have you been able to compare the 1st and final passes at the chase scene animation? I’m no artist, but I feel like I noticed a few differences between the two Brunos (using side-by-side screen grabs bc I am 100% Like That). Ex. when he’s running toward the camera and goes to leap for the pipe: in the 1st test his stomach actually looks larger than it does in the final test; and, in the final his chest/rib cage/sternum area... and kind of his whole frame tbh... look smaller and more... shrunken/visible. Which I’m sure makes sense since it’s the final version and stuff like the muscle rigging(?) gets tweaked, but I just found the changes interesting in light of your post, the discussion, and because process stuff is cool.
This is all over the place, sorry! Last thing I swear: I love your fic, WAACH - and your art! More and more with each chapter. Always so happy seeing a telltale alliterative title in an email from AO3 :)
Oh, it could definitely be all three! I actually only broke it up into sections to structure my mess of thoughts on the matter. Well, then I forgot to point out exactly that. 😅
Here's the link to the referred post: Bruno's Belly: Artistic Choice? Chub? Malnutrition?
Bruno's Belly (2): Artistic Choice? Chub? Malnutrition?
When I wrote the first little meta about this topic, I was also really thrown off by the frames you mentioned:
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(I tried my best to keep them comparable, but the more rendered version is from a slightly different, more dynamic perspective.)
And then we have this, where his belly disappears completely:
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I know nothing about professional 3D animation, but this difference really strikes me. It doesn't seem to serve the purpose of exaggerating the action (like stretch and squash, for example), so where -- and why -- did it go?
Please, if anyone who reads this is brave enough, ask Jared Bush on Twitter! I need a concrete explanation. 😭
I once came upon a post where people were discussing the notion that these two Brunos aren't even the same model in the final version of the movie (correct me if I remember it wrong):
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At least there's continuity where Bruno's wrists and ankles are concerned and that is that they are skinny all the time:
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Here's my humble opinion on the matter in general:
I absolutely agree with your take, anon, and I think that it makes too much sense for it to not be canon. I believe Bruno is malnourished (as mentioned in my latest part of WAACH) in both meanings of the word. My fic works with the implications that Bruno had too little food (and that it wasn't of great nutritional value), as well as a diet with little variety.
I'm so glad you enjoy my fic! I'm always really scared that I'll ruin it with my updates and that everyone who keeps up with it will be disappointed. BUT! The next installment will be called "Building The Base" and you can already guess from the first letters who it'll focus on. 😉
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gringolet · 4 years
under the cut for absurd length
The Arthuriana fandom is very broad and there's no one piece of media, which can be confusing for people just getting into it! There’s no right way to engage with arthuriana, and no minimum level of knowledge or reading you need to attain to qualify. 
The basis of the Arthurian Legend is a body of hundreds of texts written across the medieval and early Renaissance period in dozens of languages and cultural traditions. Which can seem pretty overwhelming, but there are a lot of modern vernacular translations-- you absolutely don’t have to learn old French or anything. I’ll go more in depth on where to get started with texts further down.
You also don’t have to read texts at all. As I said, there is no minimum basis-- if you prefer to engage with modern adaptations, or want to engage with medieval arthuriana outside of reading texts, that's also cool! 
In terms of modern adaptations there is a wealth of choices, which I am very much not an expert in lol, so I’m afraid I can’t give much in the way of reccs. Books I have heard good things about are, Exiled from Camelot, Idylls of the Queen, The Buried Giant, the Squire's Tale series, and Gawain by Gwen Rowley (warning that this one is apparently erotica? Good for him). I trust @princesslibs  for modern book reccomendations. and if you speak French Kaamelott is purportedly a very good tv show. Frankly no modern adaptation will ever be better than Spamalot to me, but that's just my personal take. 
If you are curious about engaging with texts but (understandably) don’t want to read a ton of dense medieval literature, one really cool resource is Norris J Lacy's New Arthurian Encyclopedia, which you can pick up at most used bookstores for under ten bucks. It’s a very thorough easy to look through reference of characters stories and texts. I know a lot of people like the Nightbringer wiki, though I personally am wary of it because it basically never cites sources. It’s a good quick reference though and a lot of people like it, I’d just take it with a grain of salt. Sparknotes also has a lot of summaries of the major texts like Le Morte D’Arthur and the romances of Chrétien De Troyes. You are not a fake fan for doing this I promise. And of course you’re always welcome to send me an ask <3 
Finally, getting started with texts. Quick glossary of terms:
--Verse Romance
    A verse (poem) story which can vary a great deal in length. These deal with the adventures of individual knights, usually Gawain, and tend to have a great deal of magical elements and the stereotypical monster slaying, questing, damosel rescuing knight adventures.
--Prose Novel or Romance
    A non poetic narrative, more like a modern novel, more likely to deal with the fall of Arthur, sword in the stone, Mordred, fall of Camelot sort of affair. They are usually quite long. Most famous of these are Le Morte D’Arthur and the French Vulgate, but there are a slew of late medieval Prose novels floating around. Eluding Rey.
    I’m gonna b real these are boring I think. These are, as the name suggests, written as accurate depictions of history.  They very much are not, but they claim to be. Most famous of these is Jeffrey of Monmouth, Mr Jeff Mouth himself, and his History of the Kings of Britain, which I haven’t read because it bores me. You can if you want. It’s in Latin. Whatever. These tend to be some of the earliest texts, and include the “lives of saints” stories. Life of Gildas is the only funny one.
    These are only arguably texts, as most of them were written after the time of the “canon” being composed. But I like them. These are songs telling stories, recorded by people like Francis Child and Thomas Percy. They are very short and fun and include stories like The Boy and the Mantle, Kempion, and King Arthur and the King of Cornwall.
    A specific type of French verse poem, usually quite short. The most famous collection of lais are those of Marie le France, including things like Bisclavret and Lanval. 
    Since Arthuriana was written all over, there are different literary traditions across time and space. The French tradition is one of the most famous, including works like the vulgate, Chretien and a lot of verse romances. The English tradition is one of the most influential on modern adaptations, including the Morte D’Arthur and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. There are also Welsh, German, Dutch, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Greek, Belarussian, Scottish, Irish, Breton, and probably even more. There’s a lot. It’s very cool and sexy.
A note that there is also a big tradition of Victorian revival Arthuriana. I wrote a starter guide to that here, it’s all very fun and like, aesthetic. 
Alright, now, which texts do you start with?
If you’re a little intimidated by long texts or medieval lit, starting with short verse romances in modern translation is a great place to start. These include Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, which is very good and gay and well known, Lancelot and the Hart With The White Foot, which is very good and gay and underappreciated, or Lanval, which is homophobic but funny. 
If you want to start with what is considered the oldest King Arthur Story, Culwch and Olwen is short and fun!
If you want to read about the grail quest, you can start where it started with Story of the Grail or Percival, then the four continuations, Essenbachs Parzival, the vulgate version of the Grail quest which you can buy paperback for like 5 bucks (I can also scan my copy for you just shoot me an ask <3)
If you want to read about the fall of camelot, I have the Vulgate death of Arthur section scanned here. There’s also the Alliterative and Stanzaic mortes, which are in middle English. I have scanned Simon Armitage's Alliterative Morte translation here. I’m working on my own translation of the Stanzaic but it’s not done lol. If you want the first third or so DM me lol. King Artus is very short and readable and it’s a Jewish text which is really cool.
If you want to read about Lancelot, Chrétien de Troyes Lancelot is his first text. He also has a whole long vulgate section, the first part is scanned here by val <3, and there's Lanzelet,  Sebile is in it so it’s probably very good. He’s also basically the main character of Le Morte D’Arthur which I might as well talk about here uhm. It’s long and fun in places and boring in others but it does have like the version most modern adaptations take from and tells the whole story of Arthur and Camelot from beginning to end. The Keith Baines version scanned by val is the most readable but it is an abridgement I believe. people who like le morte usually read this version so its probably the best choice lol
If you want to read about Gawain, good news! He’s in basically everything. Even texts that aren’t supposed to be about Gawain are doomed to become The Gawain Show Featuring The Protagonist Of This Text As A Sidekick. Which is so funny of him. The Roman Van Walewein is very funny and long and Gawain™. I also recommend, L’atre Perilous, Diu Krone, Sir Gawain and the Turk, and I could go on but for brevity's sake let's start there. 
If you want to read about Tristan, go shoot an ask to Valentine @lanzelet on tumblr because Tristan scares me. 
Thank you to rey @gawain-in-green for helping me find links and put this together! They are also a super great resource for stuff and very cool and nice <3 They have a tag on their blog for full text resources so deffo look at that if you want more scans and links, and an info tag and tons of cool shit that is way better organized than my blog lol
Okay finishing this off, if you want content warnings for any texts, feel free to shoot an ask! I know medieval lit can be A Lot and there aren’t a lot of good warning systems, so if I’ve read it or know someone who has I can give you warnings if you want to read something but are understandably wary . <3
In terms of tagging, Arthuriana and Arthurian Legend are the main ones on tumblr. Arthurian Mythology is also used but tbh shouldn’t be. On Ao3, we’re trying to get our own Arthurian Literature tag but <3 its a whole thing. Anyway the tag is Arthurian Mythology, but I’ll b real, it’s kind of flooded with stuff that doesn’t really belong there, because even though it’s a fandom tag other people unknowingly tag stuff as Arthurian Mythology when it’s like, a knight au. Which is not their fault bc it’s confusing but, ah, alas. ANyhow, feel free to drop in my inbox anytime with questions, suggestions, reccs, etc!
Okay godspeed!! Have fun reading, watching, browsing, etc! 
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Harringrove tag game! by @lovebillyhargrove
I was tagged by @mrsblackruby! tysm!! <3
1. Do they get together BEFORE MF possessing Billy or AFTER shit goes down? (Or maybe DURING😲)
Typically I say before, like at around Christmas time in ‘84. I think anybody in a small town puts aside character prejudices around the holidays and tries to make those connections with everyone, so I’ve always felt, especially since the fight was literally only a month before, that Steve would reach out to Billy the night of the Snowball and things would, well, snowball from there.
2. Who kisses who first?
Definitely Steve. I firmly stand by the hc that Billy’s never kissed a boy before Steve, and maybe Steve hasn’t either, but he’s the romantic, no way is he going to let Billy kiss him first.
3. Where do they have their first sex? (Location) (HJs and BJs count)
I don’t really have a solid answer for this? But definitely somewhere very spur of the moment, maybe somebody’s couch or the locker rooms?
4. Who says 💖 I LOVE YOU 💖 first?
Imma say Billy. Opposite of my last answer, I don’t feel like either of them would say they love each other on accident or like, in the moment. I think their first I love you’d would be very very controlled. I also think Billy has less experience with actually being in love, so when the time comes that he’s actually mustered up the courage to say it to Steve, I think he’s super nervous and practices the perfect scenario in his head a dozen times. It’s definitely not blurted out.
5. I believe this fandom is way past having hard feelings about it, so
BottomSteve! or BottomBilly?
I don’t have a strong opinion either way, but typically, I prefer bottom!Steve. No particular reason, that’s just the way I tend to read things!
6. Do they give gifts to each other?
Absolutely! Billy doesn’t have the disposable income to run out and buy Steve new things every time he wants to give him something, so I think he does a really cheesy like, giving him a kiss as a present and making a big deal out of it.
Steve is sort of the same way, in that he doesn’t like to give Billy material things, because he doesn’t want him to think he’s being pretentious or trying to hold his wealth over Billy’s head like he’s his mom or something, so he only gives Billy personal things. Old pilled t-shirts to wear to bed and a blanket to keep on the couch in his room that smells like him. Things like that.
They also try to make eachother things as presents, like food or little knick knacks in art class, but they always fail miserably and think it’s really funny when all they have to show is a smoking mess.
7. Where do they end up living? California, Chicago, Hawkins... Idk .. Alaska??)))) Any other location?
I honestly think they stay in Hawkins. I don’t think after everything Billy would be able to leave Max behind, and I also think that Steve would like having a connection to where he grew up, even if bad things happened there. If they did leave though, I see them going down south, maybe tourist trap Tennessee?
8. What are their future jobs?
In my mind that very much depends on if we’re following canon and this is post Starcourt or like, if it’s a whole new AU. Because after that I don’t think Billy would actually ever be physically well enough to work again. I know it’s a pretty unpopular opinion, bc the general hc is that he bounces back within a year or so with some scars (which is cool! I’m not knocking that I’m just sayin) but I think he'd be permanently disabled, on oxygen support 24/7, and just with all sorts of health complications from, you know, literally having a gaping hole in his chest, that would make it impossible for him to work. In that sort of scenario I usually think of Steve as a being teacher or an artist, something that he doesn’t have very long work hours or can do from home so he can be there to take care of Billy.
If we’re going with like, a no upside down or a Billy is never hurt au, I think he stays in Hawkins and just works in some sort of a mom and pop until he’s the new manager, like at an antique store maybe?
(p.s. stay tuned for an upcoming fic about Billy working in a fix-it shop!!)
As for Steve, I feel like he wouldn’t ever be able to settle on one career when he didn’t have limitations. I don’t really know what he’d eventually decide is his calling, maybe design of some sort? Jewelry making?
This is a hard question, I don’t really see them as being tied down to one career indefinitely, but I do know I don’t see either of them ever working desk jobs.
9. Who's a better cook?
Neither of them. Billy wasn’t allowed in the kitchen growing up because Neil said it’s a woman's place, and Steve is just god awful at following directions, like, can’t tell the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon or preheat the oven awful. They just eat takeout and like, cold sandwiches literally all the time until someone (Joyce) notices and teaches them how to cook on the weekends.
10. Steve Hargrove or Billy Harrington?
Billy Harrington. I don’t see him wanting to be a Hargrove anymore. He has no positive ties to the name with his mom leaving and his dad being his dad, so I think he’d want to take Steve’s last name. Also this is kinda weird but I am VERY particular about my middle name hcs (I think it’s an ocd thing? idk) and I have an alliterative name for Steve that wouldn’t work if he was a Hargrove instead of a Harrington, so that’s also part of the reason.
11. What's Max's reaction when she hears they're together?
I think probably just like, confusion. Not over Billy being with a boy, but over that boy being Steve. Like, she doesn’t know Steve well, but she knows he’s the responsible big brother to Dustin, and that’s the exact opposite of what her brother is like, so it catches her off guard. She’s definitely a little gossip though, wanting all the not-gross details about Steve from her brother. She’s basically just a little sister about it, I guess.
12. Describe in ONE SENTENCE Hopper's reaction when he hears the names Hargrove and Harrington mentioned together?
Not again.
13. Does Robin like Billy OR does Robin hate Billy?
I think she likes him. I have a little hc that she and him were together in an underground pre-gsa kinda thing in high school. She pretends she can’t stand him, but the two of them are quick best friends. (this might just be me but I think the two of them together would give statler and waldorf vibes)
14. What about Dustin?
Dustin I think actually thinks Billy is really cool. Like, he’s like a little double agent, hearing from Max all the annoying things about Billy, and from Steve the good things. He’ll gag if Steve gets too mushy over him and he’ll definitely join in with Max in calling Billy gross, and he also absolutely gives Billy a (very non-intimidating. he’s too soft) shovel talk, but I think he really likes and looks up to Billy as like, his other big brother.
15. Fav Harringrove AU?
Oh gosh, I can’t even pick. I think I like childhood friends aus best? They’re really fun to play with and it always ends up being super sweet. I’m a big fan of soulmates too for kind of the same reasons. I like mushy stuff.
16. Billy+Camaro=...??? (Not strictly Harringrove, but I can't not to ..)
I honestly don’t think Billy cares about the camaro that much. He’d be sad when it gets totaled because that was his only way of getting around and also his first car, but I don’t think the car itself has that much value to him. I mean, he treats it with absolutely zero respect, jumping curbs and driving too fast and slamming on those breaks. The camaro is just a car. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’ll tag: @lifegaurd-hargrove85! @deardmvz! and @strangebrainrot! no pressure! and as usual, if anybody else sees this and wants to participate, feel free!
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c0rpsedemon · 3 years
hiiii can u please advise me on where to start with reading arthuriana ? i am fascinated by it and love it very much , but i just read arthurian encyclopedias and such … i would like to read actual texts if that makes sense . thank u :-)
!!!!!! don't worry you make perfect sense and i'd absolutely love to give you a few starter text recommendations, i'm going to link ways to read all of them online bc physical copies are uh. incredibly hard to come by for most texts. also, brace yourself for fifty wildly different variants of each name, usually there's some sort of appendix you can read to know who's who, or you can rely on context clues.
first off i legally have to recommend the byelorussian tristan bc it's. kinda a part of my brand. and my favorite book... ever, even outside of arthurian stuff. it's believed to be one of, if not the last entry in the arthurian canon, and certainly in the tristian canon, and it's so good. it's a retelling of a lost slavic text that was a retelling of tavola ritonda, the italian retelling of the prose tristan. it's really well-written and the only version of the tristan and isolde story where they both get to live, highlights include galehalt basically asking tristan to join his marriage (i say marriage in reference to his relationship with lancelot bc theyre kinda. uh. bfs would be an understatement), palomydes having two swords (it's bc he's That skilled at fighting and also bc he's bisexual) as well as lending one of those swords to tristan, galahad briefly showing up to fight tristan and lancelot, then getting embarrassed that he fought his dad and just? dying or something?? and the worst kei name variant out there (geush.....). overall, i have to recommend this one bc if it had been my starter text i know i would have immediately read every medieval text i could find, and bc it's the text that actually made me like tristan.
also i'd like to note that tavola ritonda, the byelorussian tristan's italian predecessor is pretty good if i remember correctly, i never finished it bc i got busy with school stuff but i know i liked what i did read of it and that a lot of arthurian tumblr would recommend it. if i wasn't on green knight lockdown i'd probably pick it back up right now.
other tristan-related recs include chevrefoil by marie de france, it's incredibly short and makes me kinda sad for unknown reasons, it's also what got me invested in tristan and isolde's relationship, strassburg's tristan, yet another text i started and then dropped bc of school related reasons, i remember i liked what i read of it though, trystan and esyllt, a welsh tristan and isolde text which is. incredibly different from the normal tristan and isolde story, but it's short, lighthearted and fun in the way welsh texts are, and uhhhh the prose tristan which i mentioned earlier, i've read the whole thing and it didn't really stand out to me (albeit its been a while) but it's what most people will point you to if you want to get into tristan and isolde.
stepping away from tristan and isolde, there's culwch and olwen, which is believed to be the first arthurian text, it's kinda short and fun in the way that welsh texts always are, it's about this kid whose stepmother cursed him to only be able to marry the daughter of this giant, who will never let her marry bc there's some curse that says he'll die on her wedding day, so the giant gives this giant list of impossible tasks and arthur, culwch, kei and co. set out to do them and only like. 3. are actually mentioned more than once. it's fun and i like welsh kei.
next are the dutch texts which are. so good. they're so good. they're all right here bc i don't feel like linking each different one. my first rec is lancelot and the hart with the white foot, which, despite being named after lancelot, is really about gawaine. it's short and fun and the remarkable (lancelot x gawaine) fans adore it. next is the roman van walewein which is. absolutely off the rails. basically this magic chessboard shows up in arthur's court and walewein (gawaine) has to go after it, he ends up murdering a bunch of people, there's a talking fox who tries to steal gawaine's armor, gawaine gets thrown in his love-interest-of-the-week's torture dungeon, which has a secret tunnel connecting it to said love interest's rooms which she apparently had the arcitect of drowned (which is treated like a perfectly fine and normal thing by the text btw) where they presumably do bdsm or something, gringolet (gawaine's horse) kills a dragon with his hooves, it's wild. then there's walewein ende keye, kei tries to get rid of gawaine, gawaine goes and proves his honor, kei gets banished, gawine's a bit of an unlikable prick in this one but it's entertaining. and then there's morien, it's about this 13 year old who shows up looking for his deadbeat dad and gawaine and lancelot help him out, gawaine hijacks the plot but it gets back to morien by the end, also they have to rescue arthur. there are more dutch texts but these are just my favorites.
this has gotten longer than i originally intended so uhhh there's lanval by marie de france which is short. guinnevere's homophobic but in a funny way.
then there are the big famous ones and why they're bad starter texts, le morte de arthur and sir gawain and the green knight. le morte's giant and in middle english, if you must read it go for a translation, i've heard good things about this one but i haven't read it, overall it's not that good, especially in comparison with the vulgate and alliterative morte, don't read it unless you're already familiar with med lit and really invested in the characters, it's good for the book of gareth and a few short parts but overall kinda eh. as for sgatgk, it's just not a good first gawaine text bc he's so wildly different than he is in literally everything else, here are a ton of translations, it's best to go into it with the point of view that it was his first quest and looking for the themes and symbolism (gawaine fox motif my beloved) instead of the common approach which is looking for the gay kisses bc you'll get a lot more out of it that way.
i'd also like to anti recommend a solid 3/4s of modern arthuriana, especially anything derived from the *nce and f*ture k*ng by th wh*te or the m*sts of av*lon by m*rion z*mmer br*dley bc jfc those two have done. so much harm. to the genre. "modern" works i'd recommend usually tend more towards victorian poetry, highlights including anything by tennyson that doesn't involve tristan and isolde bc he has bad takes on them, but especially his stuff regarding elayne of astolat/the lady of shallot, bedevere, and gareth and lynnette, as well as everything by william morris but especially sir galahad a christmas mystery and palomydes's quest. you can find pretty much any victorian poem on the camelot project so i'm not going to go looking for them. also i've heard good things about ea robinson's poetry. but despite the few good modern works out there, it's best to get rid of all pop-culture based notions of what arthuriana is before you go into the actual canon.
i feel like i'm going to remember at least three texts i left out like an idiot but this has gotten long enough, if you have anymore questions just ask i absolutely love introducing people to arthuriana.
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itonje · 3 years
How did you get into Arthurian legend? I don't know where to start!
hi omg sorry for getting to this late but uh i alwaysss recommend my mutual @/gringolet's post on an intro to arthuriana which covers most of it but hmmm if you're asking me how i went about it i started semi chronologically with uh some early arthurian adjacent docs irt to subroman britain (i dont recommend this. dont do this have fun) and made my way up to historia regum britanniae (i do recommend this one but you can just read the arthurian parts if you dont want to read anything else lol..) also i recommend reading other pseudohistories! layamon's brut and historia gentis scotorum are my favs but wace's roman de brut is good as well..then when you get to romances most famously there are the romances of chretien de troyes. my favorite is lancelot, knight of the cart but it is...a lot. yvain, knight of the lion is also very good i recommend that as well. perceval, or the story of the grail is unfinished so fair warning but there are lots of other grail narratives if thats your thing (my personal favorites are parzival, peredur fab effrawg, and the didot perceval. i really like perceval stories lol) also theres the epigonal romances and like thats an entire thing in itself but my favorite of all of them has to be meraugis de portlesguez it is so entertaining it is more entertaining than a lot of modern stuff ive read honestly.
if you're looking for prose romances, there is...the lancelot grail cycle, or the vulgate, which is really long and has a lot of content it is where most of the most popular arthurian traditions originate. then there's the post vulgate which is a sort of a condensed version of it? ive not read either i dont know how much they differ lol. i know that it features more tristan and iseult stuff which is like, if you like or want to read tristan and iseult stuff this post is really good also by my mutual @/tillman i personally am not really invested in the tristan and iseult stuff but like. that is a personal thing lol. also irt to prose stuff the three romances of the mabinogi + culhwch ac olwen + breuddwyd rhonabwy are the arthurian stories in the book but i just recommend it in general it is so good. it is so good please god read the mabinogion im a big fan of welsh arthuriana in general so if you want to have more recs for that specifically lol...
also yes i will talk about the english stuff now cause thats what people like well layamons brut is in like..extremely archaic english but there's also the prose merlin (highly recommend but it is hard to find a translation online that's in like. contemporary english), there's also lancelot of the laik which is great, the alliterative morte arthure which is probably one of my favs it is excellent but then again i like the iliad so maybe i'm a biased slut for war epics (also yeah its a war epic lol). um also theres sir gawain and the green knight which i know is like the most famous of all of them and theres a movie coming out and whatnot and like its fine. its a good starter because it tells a very contained story on its own it doesnt expect you to understand everything ab arthurs court its very entertaining but imo i would read other romances featuring gawaine before this one (which is basically like. all the verse romances lol hes a popular character. my little meow meow). speaking of gawaine the dutch romances (which feature him. heavily) are good. theyre very good and i recommend them highly they also tell contained, highly entertaining stories um id start with moriaen (which is what i started with) and then skip around from there they're all great tho.
um now everyone's wanting me to say it which is uh. lets talk about le morte darthur! i dont recommend it as a starter text even tho i read it like really early on myself so do what you want however id say get one of those like, condensed versions like howard pyles king arthur, andrew langs book of romance, beatrice clay rodger lancelyn green and henry firth bc they all tell condensions of it and id keep it on you while youre reading the original thing just in case like things dont make sense or whatever lol plotwise. le morte is a very late text, and it is very strange for an arthurian text so like idk why people say to read it first because. if i had to say read any arthurian medieval text last. it would honestly be this one because there is such a beautiful finality to it.
i do recommend it though but fair warning that things presented in le morte are like. not the same across all texts? thats something you should keep in mind in general like a lot of these texts are from diff cultures diff languages with their own shifted traditions of arthurian stuff so just in case theres contradictions or whatever between them even in the texts itself (i am looking at you geoffrey of monmouth and anna's family tree) like, dont sweat it or whatever theyre just weird like that. its like comics or whatnot.
anyways this is all to say you have a lot of places to start and pick around from id recommend shorter stuff first and stuff whose translations are usually pretty accessible and contemporary (this is why i highly recommend de troyes' romances in the beginning) just to get used to it cause the 'plot' structure of these things esp in the verse romances is like a bit different than modern lit so i know that can be offputting for some people. like i said like modern condensions of arthurian stuff are invaluable, so are um indexes? there's a couple i don't know if there are any pdfs floating online but i know they usually carry them at libraries and whatnot...
there's a lot of modern modern stuff i dont know about any of it. i couldnt even tell you about bbc merlin i am quite stupid in regard to it. i do know a fair bit about victorian stuff which is modern tho! i should make a post on that but like tldr victorian arthurian poetry good. most of it. victorian arthurian content tho is really in a whole different world as compared to medieval lit so like. well leave all the generally post medieval stuff off for a min asjkldfskld
so like. yeah have fun i know i didnt leave any links on this post (mostly) but if you want any text i mention here please please ask me i WILL send you a pdf guaranteed except for the vulgate and the post vulgate i have not read those and afaik they are hard to come by. i dont know of any pdfs of arthurian indexes if you want one but i could try to find one..?
anyways yeah if this is confusing im sorry 😭😭😭ive answered a question like this a couple times as well jic ehehe https://itonje.tumblr.com/post/641224624484581376/could-i-ask-how-you-got-started-in-arthurian
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thediverismylove · 3 years
1, 14, & 16 for the oc asks (:
1. How does your OC feel about their full name?
adeline: her full name is adeline rose zabka, and she likes it a lot! she goes by addy most of the time but she thinks adeline is lovely.
paloma: her full name is paloma marie woods, which she likes fine. not obsessed w it but doesn't hate it either
jade: her full name is jade dorothy jenkins, and she doesn't really care for it. she hates her middle name and wishes her parents didn't choose an alliterative name for her, but she does like her first name.
vincent: his full name is vincent jack huntington, which he likes. his dad and grandpa both have the same name tho, so he's not obsessed w that.
14. What attributes do they have that are inherited from their parents or shared with their siblings/other relatives?
adeline: in terms of physical attributes, she looks quite a bit like her mom — same dark hair, same wide eyes, same big nose, etc. in terms of her personality, she takes after her dad. he was creative and smart and resourceful, and so is she. she also is quite similar to her younger brother ben in that they are both slow to anger but get VERY angry once they're good and mad, and she and her younger sister cora both rarely get sick and have a weird sense of humor and are impulsive.
paloma: she takes after both her parents quite a bit in terms of appearance. she has her dad's smile and his big ears and the same slightly pointed nose, and she has the same golden complexion and dark, thick hair and petite frame as her mom. in terms of her personality, she's more like her mom, passionate and talkative and charming, but also like her dad in terms of having tons of ambition and being quite honest. she doesn't have siblings so! yeah <3
jade: she takes after her mother so much that some people who know both her parents question if her dad even is her dad, which drives her insane bc she is very close with him. she has high cheekbones and thick thighs and hazel eyes like her mom, and she also has the same dirty blonde hair, though she dyed her hair and her mom kept her natural color. she doesn't really take after either of her parents in terms of personality. she's careless and creative and charming, which neither of her parents really are. like paloma, she's also an only child, so no siblings to relate to lol.
vincent: he looks like a mix of his parents for sure! has his mother's warm smile and her thick, dark curls and her small nose, and he's tall and thin like his dad and has the same dark brown eyes. more like his dad in terms of personality, his mom is quite friendly and kind but also is a take no shit kind of woman and is quite honest. his dad is more charming and funny and a bit lazy and is willing to lie to get his way, which vincent is also like. not as funny and more lazy than his dad but is also very charming and a bit of a liar. and also quite friendly like his mom. he's similar to his youngest brother eddie in that they both are creative types; vincent is a writer and eddie is a musician, and his other younger brother hugo and him are similar in that they both are v stubborn.
16. How has their childhood affected the way they view an aspect of their life (people, education, society, themselves, etc)?
adeline: she grew up in a pretty positive home environment, so she views herself like. decently. but she also grew up w a mom w anxiety and a dad who was terminally ill, so she is v anxious and sometimes succumbs to hating herself, but when she's not mad at herself for smth she doesn't think she's like. dumb or ugly or evil lol. she didn't grow up around lots of creative types so moving to her current city where lots of ppl are writers/artists/musicians/actors/etc. is a shock for her; she's also not used to how wealthy some ppl are
paloma: she grew up with very wealthy parents who were also quite involved in the book publishing world, so she has lots of knowledge abt that aspect of society and it shaped her interests from early on. her wealthy background made her assume that the kind of wealth she grew up with was normal, which it obviously is not.
jade: she grew up with not a ton of money and always having to work for what she had, so she's definitely more Aware of the gap btwn the socioeconomic classes than most of her friends. was never close with her mother and in fact resents her quite a bit for plot-related reasons that we won't go into here. is very close with her father as he was definitely a better parent to her as a child. besides her two closest friends, who are women, generally has better relationships w men than women perhaps b/c of that but also who knows?
vincent: grew up with doctor parents, but acts as though he's not well-off bc his parents don't have connections in his chosen field, which is supremely annoying to those who know him. close with his family and wants a family of his own someday. not very self-aware abt his level of privilege b/c of his sheltered childhood (and also his somewhat dickish personality).
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andie-cake · 3 years
My brain is void of any questions as of right now, so this is kinda basic (sorry!) but what is one interesting fact about each of your OCs?
Oooohoho, yeah. These guys have some History, so this'll be fun. Putting this one under a cut.
Francesca "Frankie" Falkenrath
The reasoning behind her name is because I created her as the unisex protagonist of a musical idea I had when I was 15/16. I was looking at a list of gender neutral names, saw and liked the name Frankie, looked through surnames starting with "f" bc I wanted the name to be alliterative, found the surname "Falkenrath" in a list of German last names, and picked it bc it essentially means "council of falcons" which is badass as hell. By the time I made her into a non-unisex character, I'd gotten so attached to the name that I ended up keeping it.
Damien Hall
(Fair warning, a lot of this trivia is gonna be name-based) I originally came up the name "Damien Hall" for the male lead of a musical I came up with after seeing Phantom of the Opera in Cleveland when I was 14. He was an angel that guarded over a massive cemetery and used this big church bell to calm restless spirits, and he ended up falling in love with a recently orphaned girl whose singing also calmed spirits. I ended up passing the name around a lot of stories before finally using it for my favorite veterinarian boy <3
Det. Shiloh Hawthorne
Y'know how I said I originally created Frankie for a musical idea I had? Shiloh also originated from that idea. Basically, the plot would've been about Frankie being murdered, acting as the narrator while her boyfriend (then named Elliot) tried to solve her murder, on top of having her own subplot about coming to terms with her death. Helping Frankie do that would've been Shiloh, then simply known as "The Reaper". He wasn't a detective back then, he was an agent of the Grim Reaper. Also, he had a crush on Frankie, but I nixed that bc ehhhhhh... I ended up working that "used to be a Reaper in a previous draft of the story" detail into his backstory, making him a Reaper-turned-detective.
Det. Chester "Chess" Murdoch
Probably the oldest character here in terms of when I created them! I've had this dude around since I was 10-11 years old! Back then, I wanted to be an animator, and I had an idea for a cartoon called "Chess and Alfie". It was about a human detective named Chess who solved cases alongside his talking tuxedo cat Alfie. Obviously, Alfie was eventually replaced with his twin sister Abby, though that happened way later. I don't remember what his last name was back then, so I just gave him the surname Murdoch bc it sounded cool.
Det. Abigail "Abby" Murdoch
Again, I created Abby looooong after Chess, ironic considering she's the older sibling in-story. I vaguely remember writing that Chess and Alfie-era Chess had an older sister, but that was such a long time ago that I could be misremembering.
Victoria Waterford
Not the most interesting fact, but those of y'all who were here when I first introduced these characters may remember that she was originally a baker instead of a hairdresser!
Robin Barrows
Was originally the protagonist of a different story idea I once had called "Trackside Town", about a girl trying to find her abducted parents in a mysterious, run-down city inhabited by monsters. Their last name was "O'Malley" back then, I ended up changing it to "Barrows" because I had the Clock Tower series of games on the brain at the time.
Xavier Lewis-Hall
He came about a bit later than some of the other characters. Like, pre-Mary Ann and Lucille, but still sometime after the original 8. I'd been requesting asks abt my then-recently-introduced-to-tumblr characters, and somebody (I believe it was @cutter-kirby ?) sent in an ask about which of my characters would tell/fall for the updog joke. I mentioned that Damien would tell it to "one of his kid cousins". Then I came up with the name "Xavier" for the oldest of said kid cousins for a post about how Frankie and Damien met, and I ended up liking him so much that I made him a fully-fledged character.
Jason Fitzpatrick
His name was originally "Freddie Fitzpatrick", and he was the husband of the main character of another musical idea I had (of which there were clearly a lot), simply entitled "Claire". Unlike the Jason we know now, Freddie was a sweetheart who loved his wife a whole lot. After reusing the "Fitzpatrick" name for this story, I changed his first name to "Jason" bc that was the name of one of my bullies in my last year of public school. Also bonus fact, I'm pretty sure that "Claire" musical is indirectly the reason I ended up dream-casting Lauren Lopez as Frankie, because I had also dream-casted the titular character of Claire as Lauren. Once I ditched the Claire idea, I ended up merging a lot of her character into Frankie, so uh,,, yeah,,,
Christina Baxter
...I honestly don't have much in the way of facts about her. Oops.
Skylar Fitzpatrick
His "seeing and talking to ghosts" thing was originally part of Robin's character. Skylar was created to flesh out Jason a bit more, and I gave him the seer traits instead bc I needed a way to justify his presence in the story. Though admittedly, his existence has had me struggling to figure out Robin's role in the story for ages now.
Hunter Luzzatto
Hunter's an odd case bc he technically has two different origins. His name came from the Trackside Town story that Robin was originally from, but the character concept (originally named Parker) came from an early draft of Frankie and Shiloh's origin (then called "Who Killed Frankie Falkenrath?"). I had an idea where the band of that show would also be characters in the show, and proto-Hunter was the guitarist of the band. He was a lot less antagonistic then, being more of an active ally to Frankie and proto-Shiloh.
Mary Ann Fleisher
So, you remember how I named Paul and Emma's landlord in DTfiles "Ernie Fleischer"? Believe it or not, Ernie was created a few months before Mary Ann. I just used a different spelling of his last name for Mary Ann bc hey why not?
Lucille Dagwood
Fun little trivia for you HoHF fans, her first name was originally "Harriet". I changed it bc I already had a ghost character with an H name, and I'd already long since established Hunter's character at that point. I decided I'd rather change the name of this new character than the one of an already established character.
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kegbasher · 5 years
6, 23, 71, 81, 98 for Bree?
(also 51 lol)
lmao sorry i completely forgot about this until i opened the thing i had all this typed up in. this was from a dnd character ask thing that i reblogged ????? weeks ago
6. what is your character’s opinion on nobility? on authority?
bree’s opinion on nobility/authority is kind of complicated. she comes from a fairly privileged position and she always tries to see the best in people, but she’s read enough to know that people in power shouldn’t be trusted just because of their status. power corrupts and all that jazz. she’s also pretty headstrong and tends to do things without much forethought which usually leads to her getting in trouble with authority figures
23. if your character could go back in time and change one thing about their life, what would it be?
bree isn’t really one for regrets and tries to make the best out of every situation so if you asked her, she’d probably say nothing. in reality, she would probably go back and let her parents know that she’s alive and well in the aftermath of the attack on her temple instead of just sneaking away to avoid their judgment. she’s still worried about what they would think or do, but she wants to spare them the pain she put them through by just leaving.
51. is your character more swayed by ethos, pathos, or logos?
bree’s pretty reactive so she’s most likely to be convinced through pathos. she’s not one for sitting around for long periods of time to make detailed plans or listen to all of a person’s qualifications before they make their point so if that’s your style, you’ll probably lose her attention quickly. getting her fired up in some way (positive or negative) and letting her use that energy is your best bet. she does listen to reason though so logos also works well when you can get her to slow down for a second
71. describe how your character feels about the party’s current situation/objective/etc.
well we totally destroyed a mind flayer last session so she had a good time with that. the almost getting possessed by a tiny brain with legs that happened right before that wasn’t as fun but still
81. what does your character’s name represent to them? (or: why as a player did you choose your character’s name?)
bree’s full name is brigid valentina isobel bronzeriver because i think it’s funny when a character who goes by a nickname actually has a really long name. brigid apparently means “power” or “exalted one” and valentina means “strength” or “health” and those really seemed to fit the whole aasimar paladin vibe. isobel means “god is my oath” which felt right bc both of bree’s parents worked in a temple and the idea of an oath goes back to the paladin thing. i got bronzeriver from fantasynamegenerator bc i like alliterative names
98. what advice would your character give to a younger version of themselves?
maybe do more research on strange artifacts (especially swords) before you start your job and shit goes down? i’d say something like “actually think before you do things” but present-day bree still hasn’t figured that one out yet lol
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nochiquinn · 5 years
call of cthulhu: cathulhu
I missed the opening bc I was trying to kill sharks in AssCreed Odyssey
I'm exactly grumpy enough to wish they could run other systems without it being a plug
like I know they gotta keep the lights on but also
"I picked you especially for this"
I like that they're actively moving away from the garbage man
taliesin you can't do that voice
"can I leave"
has anyone noticed travis keeps using alliterative names for his non-CR characters
he really is trying to kill travis
why am I getting intense sunrise service vibes from this
"my cat is just a rat I attached cat ears to"
I'm not used to marisha doing accents
liam is just vax
ashly looks like someone's grandma
marisha is giving me strong serena joy vibes
"captain badger will ferret it away" snrk
do I sense lesbians
oh so it's just bertrand bell, got you
"should we all name our cats"
"just went there, didn't we"
"nyan" erika pls
call of cathulhu
"the greenhouse of giants" is a great phrase
ashly: let me rolL A DICE
"you all just scooby-doo'd into this"
"come on, dora the explorer"
"your pants are more exciting than mine right now. well, that's not true, my pants are exciting, just in the wrong way." taliesin why are you like this
liam you've just wanted to do something spooky since the game started
"new game who dis"
foiled by taliesin's light switch puzzle
"you are all hilarious"
"what will a spirit Do"
septimus has definitely banged a ghost
why do I feel like septimus is the prologue to a Haunted Doll Watch
"I love a good potato clock"
"it's like 1890, anything could happen"
taliesin: erika what are you doing with my prop
"did you wingdings the kanji"
did ash just ask if she could have some kevin poop in her pocket
travis only ever does british accents so he can say "shed-yool" prove me wrong
tal's face as marisha rips liam a new one
(I cannot remember anyone's character names)
"I know what all of you look like when you're dead"
"voice that's launched a thousand shipwrecks"
"just enough give to irritate a child for hours. I say DEFINITELY not from experience."
"I cannot believe you convinced me to let you have that"
oh no is the museum gonna take revenge. is it that kind of story
and then the fountain bites him
look my soul leaves my body every time they say "thackery" even though it's not even the same name as in taz
mala: it's red lyrium
okay okay. marisha is alexandria(?), erika is hanako, travis is badger, ashly is ida, liam is septimus. still have not caught phil's character's name. I'LL GET THERE
this is just Madness. like the sagas of sundry season, not like. chaos.
(that too tho)
"it is a danger to hold" "like I'm doING NOW"
liam stop breaking things
"you die instantly"
I'm banning the word entity
(please read edda-earth)
"it goes in a lock" your grog is showing
ty liam
pocket! that's phil's character. got it.
I'm missing stuff bc house distractions and I feel like that's gonna fuck up following the game :(
black sun, it's a homestuck
"I thought it was just for fancy"
"it was glass" uh oh
"it shatters" UH OH
they made the museum mad
"stealth roll" "oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit"
"could do blow it all in one go notthatI'mgoingto" press x
don't split the partyyy
"I'm SO sane"
"tickle me cthulhu"
"there's so much sexual tensioooooon" that's just this whole game
"make a sanity roll" "aaaaaAAAHHHH"
"I don't know, but my head got tingly"
"you're so sane. you're so sane. ...he failed."
"however" "oh, fuck"
"you guys are fuuuuucked"
"collect ourselves and - "clean our pants"
"I'm not crazy" press x
"we will never see each other again"
they're only echoing the bits about themselves
"I don't want it"
"if I had a nickle for every time I heard that" travis
there are four lights
it's fine. this is fine.
I just can't get over "captain badger"
"what's the worst that could possibly happen?" welp marisha dies next
so many down thumbs
"I do jiujitsu!"
don't like it
"I'm gonna let her go"
"they are forward in the mirror" "SCREAMS"
liam that's a bad heckin plan
liam what the fuck
"I'm an aCTOR"
"take a lantern you piece of shit"
taliesin did you make woRKING PROPS
liam has to sit like that the rest of the night
ashly accidentally picking up liam's accent
this is a hell of a time for me to get tired
liam why that accent
"machines are so creepy" yes THAT'S what's creepy here
"biff tannen is president"
"you can interpret it as you like" that's not helpful
"nobody appreciates the value of a good redshirt anymore"
"they're all quiet and they're all staring at you"
cats just be like that honestly
badger ded
the circle behind tal's head has tentacles and I don't like it
well fuck
"there's something about you they really don't like" "I get that a lot"
"we don't go back theEEErrRe"
om nom motherfucker
did he just call taliesin "devil man"
(bc mood)
make expensive choices
that's all liam wanted out of tonight
"very no"
erika's face
oh hai archie
"everything's odd and he looks hungry"
"I thought the lights were off everywhere" "not for the RICH PEOPLE"
"you critted on thaT ROLL?!"
"I was so looking forward to murdering the rest of you"
tag urself I'm travis
"are you alright, bentley?" "absolutely not"
"are there others like you?" "who knows?" you literally just said "we". also that you were a student, which implies a teacher. c'mon, guy.
kevin should be fine, right? on account of being, y'know, a rat
"that was what was containing it" CALLED IT
"well done, you did both"
“is it halloween yet”
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sammisafetypin · 6 years
Hello! 1, 2, 7, 24, 28, please! -- Grey from Ailuronymy.
Thank you so much ! I’m only about a third of the way through my series reread, being a good ways into The New Prophecy, so my memory of some stuff might be really blurry , and I haven’t even touched DotC or AVoS , but I’ll do my best ! Also my answers get kinda long bc I liek to ramble … sorry abt that !1: Favourite canon warrior name? - That’s not an easy one, but I really like the way that Mapleshade sounds. Mumblefoot too, as completely ridiculous of a prefix as that is no matter what system you use . Why does he mumble … we just don’t know. It’s just really fun to say. Hawkfrost is also a pretty nice name on the ear, even if -frost seems like a really mean suffix. I prefer to name my own characters with prefix-to-appearance and suffix-to-skill, but some lyrical names just sound so nice . I also just love the name Eeltail, even though she only existed for about 5 seconds in Mapleshade’s Vengeance . Eeeeeeelllllltaaaaaaiiiillllll. Yeah, we’ll go with her. 
2. Least favorite canon warrior name? - My immediate thought is AVoS Tigerstar. It’s one thing for two characters to share names, especially when one is minor. I don’t mind that there was a ShadowClan elder named Ashfur, or two different Heronwings or Ivytails. But with AVoS Tigerstar being, y’know, a leader, and to my knowledge fairly important (though like I said, I haven’t read avos, and i’m narrowly avoiding spoilers), and literally one of the most important characters in the whole series also being Tigerstar, and them LOOKING EXACTLY ALIKE because the Erins won’t stop cloning TPB Tigerstar … yeah, it’s kinda annoying. He should’ve just had a different prefix, or not been leader. It’s obnoxious to have to call him AVoS Tigerstar or Tigerheartstar just to make the difference obvious . I’m also really not a fan of Mistmouse . I even like alliterative names , and Mistmouse just sounds gross to say , I don’t know why . -mouse shouldn’t be a suffix . It doesn’t sound good . It just sounds weird . Mistmouse . Missed mouse? My new theory is that Mistmouse was named to mock her terrible hunting skills via pun . 
7. Favourite Warriors book? - Like I said earlier , I’m about a third of th ways through a reread , so my memory of everything isn’t super sharp , but I remember really enjoying Crookedstar’s Promise as a kid , and I’m currently really enjoying Mapleshade’s Vengeance . Or maybe I just like Mapleshade , but I actually despised her when I was younger , so I don’t think that’s it . In my opinion , novellas and Super Editions stick out best as particular books , since to me all 6 books in an arc are like one big-giant book that I tend to have similar thoughts on unless something I really, really like or really, really don’t like happens in a specific one . Power of Three was a good arc , so says my memories of it , even if– no, wait, I’ll save that question for the next one . 
24. What would you ask Erin Hunter, if you could? - Why didn’t Hollyleaf have a power ? Like , seriously , why ? ‘We couldn’t think of one’ doesn’t make much sense at all , especially since they had a perfectly good idea to hand over to Dovewing . You can argue it wouldn’t work as well with Hollyleaf , but still . There were plenty of powers I’ve heard people suggest for her – others physically can’t lie to her, an ability to be a human (well, feline) lie detector , and so on and so forth … my own idea is a bit of a mix , I like to imagine she can sense when a cat has bad intentions or is breaking/going to break the Warrior Code , since she’s so attached to it and sees it as so important to warrior life ! Wouldn’t it be cool if she could sense that a cat had done something bad or was going to , but she didn’t know exactly what and didn’t have means to prove it beyond just her power ? Like some sort of Cassandra ! It would really make her dynamic with Leafpool fascinating . This went on a tangent , but yeah. Why doesn’t Hollyleaf have a power . 
28. What would your warrior name be? - Skipperstorm ! I’m a redhead, and really like colorful things and mixed-up splotches of color , so I think if I was a cat I would be a tortoiseshell or calico , and Skipper- is a really pretty prefix in my opinion . As for -storm , I have definitely been called unpredictable or just generally loud and energetic . Not sure if it’s a compliment or an insult , but I’ll take it ! Skipperstorm it is ! 
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