#i like noticing when someone's glasses match their shirt etc etc
prettybearbutch · 1 year
I think I exist to put homosexual thoughts into Christian barista's brains when I interact with them
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lowkeyremi · 7 months
Haikyuu men as fathers pt. 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Ft. Ushijima, Kita, Kyotani and Asahi
Note: The age range of the kids will differ for each character but it’s from babies up til like 17 or 18. Bringing this series back for someone who requested Kita :3 @warriordemigosworld
content: Indication of pregnancy, relationships, marriage, certain styles of parenting, etc
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
When you arrive home you're met with the sight of both your husband and your baby girl knocked out on the couch. Her little head is resting upon his chest, her small hand curled up in a fist too.
You can see the drool on his shirt from her little lips. She's just so tiny and he's so big. Whenever you'd post them on your social media the first thing people comment on is the size difference. They always talk about how soft and gentle he is with his baby girl for such a big man.
Wakatoshi seems to notice your staring because his olive eyes open looking around for a second before they meet yours.
"Looks like you two had a good time." A smirk graces your lips. He chuckles quietly, rubbing her back when she starts to stir awake.
"She wanted to play animals so I dressed up as a tiger for her. She insisted that she should paint my face to make me look the part." Oh. So that's why his face is orange with smears of black on it.
"I'm guessing she was a baby tiger?" Your little girl's face was also colored in orange and black face paint.
"Precisely." Wakatoshi watches as you pull out your phone and snap a few pics.
"I'm sure Grandma and Papa would want to see what you two were up to today." He nods, a small smile gracing his face.
Wakatoshi is the kind of parent to let his child experience little moments that make them happy
He doesn't limit their imagination as his mother tried too when he was younger because of his left-handedness
He doesn't enjoy singing but he will hum his baby to sleep
When his baby was little he would always have her sleep on his chest which is why she's so used to it (i love his chest....)
all in all ushi is such a good dad
Kita Shinsuke
You were watching as Shinsuke and your little boy were out in the rice fields. There were two cold glasses of water waiting for them when they came back.
They had matching hats and overalls; the whole thing. Shinsuke insisted his six year old should be interested in little boy stuff like playing and discovering the world, but your little boy wanted to help his daddy out in the fields.
So of course, Shinsuke would show him how to do basic things around the rice fields. He made his son a mini bag of rice to carry since the normal bags are way too heavy for a six year old.
Little giggles escape your lips watching the two of them haul the bags of rice toward his truck.
"Are you helping daddy out?" You ask recording him.
"Yep! I'm almost as strong as daddy is!" To prove his point he flexes his little muscles.
"Oh wow!! You are super strong." Shinsuke chuckles too. He's sweating up a storm, wiping his forehead every few minutes.
"Do my two favorite boys want to come take a water break?" Your husband is grateful for your observation skills, he could use some water.
Your son looks to his father waiting to see what he says. The little boy admires his father with his life.
"Yeah let's get some water, bud." Shinsuke scoops up his son causing the little boy much joy.
Kita is very stern with his kids, he likes order (which is why they have so much respect for him)
Almost never breaks the rules like if there's not supposed to be any sweets before bed he'll listen to the rules even if his kids beg and beg
He teaches them to be honest hard working children (just like how he was when he used to help his grandma clean)
There are fun days too, he'll take them to amusement parks and such.. only for good behavior though
lmaoo I think he looks a little scary to other kids, so when he's chaperoning at field trips and stuff none of the kids (even the most mischievous ones) dare to act up
he's always taking his kiddos to onigiri miya because they always talk about how much they "love their uncle samu's food!!"
if they show any interest in volleyball he takes them to see the red falcons (aran) or the black jackals (atsumu) they always think it's the coolest thing ever
Kyotani Kentaro
The screaming match going on downstairs didn't concern you in the slightest.
Your husband and your daughters do this at least once a day, which is why you're still laying in bed minding your own business.
"IF YOU DON'T DO YOUR PROJECT YOU'LL FAIL!" Kentaro yelled at his ten year old daughter. She was; in your opinion a carbon copy of her father.
"I DON'T WANT TO!!! IT'S BORING-UHHHHHH." She drags out the last syllable, causing a giggle to leave your lips.
"WELL LET'S GO SEE WHAT YOUR MOM HAS TO SAY ABOUT IT." You pretend to sleep as the three of them stomp up the stairs to see what you have to say.
"[name], your child won't-" when he notices that you're "sleeping" he shushes his children and walks them out of the room.
You hear a mumbled, "Will you do it if I help you?"
The older daughter of yours agrees with her father's suggestion. The younger one has no clue what's going on but she wants to be included too. So, she also hums in agreement.
He communicates his love through snarky comments and eye rolls
Doesn't find them annoying, just could use a break sometimes
He thought being a dad would be a piece of cake.. imagine his surprise when he changes his first poopy diaper
Scary dog privileges still apply; no one dares to look at his kids wrong, much less try to hurt them
He girls think it's funny that he's "bald"
Will NEVER admit it but he is a girl dad
Azumane Asahi
"I think I'm gonna be sick, babe, what if we don't find him?" Asahi asks tugging in your shirt sleeve. This isn't your best parenting moment; your little boy is lost somewhere inside this huge Costco. Your son who's eight insisted he'd go grocery shopping with you even though he was probably gonna complain after ten minutes about his legs hurting.
Of course your husband wanted to tag along. He enjoys family bonding and he saw this grocery trip as an opportunity to execute it. The two of you had gotten so caught up in conversation that you didn't even realize your son went missing for maybe four or five minutes? You hope it was only that long.
"Ren! Where are you honey?!" You yell out, not too loud so it's not fairly obvious of your failure as a parent but loud enough that he could hear you and follow the sound of your voice.
To make matters worse he has his nintendo switch that his eyes are probably glued to.
"Oh baby, what.. what if someone takes him?" Asahi's voice sounds horrified. Little seeds of insecurity make their way into your brain, but you must keep strong because your husband is absolutely losing his shit.
"Management on aisle twenty-seven, we have a child climbing the racks." You two give each other a knowing look. That sounds 100% like something your son would do.
"You stay here with the basket, I'll go get him." Asahi says leaving no room for argument when he runs off to get his child.
Within a few minutes he returns with Ren. Asahi's confused by the way you giggle, but you find it cute how his man bun was undone, most likely from running fast.
"Man, I haven't ran that fast since high scho-"
"Dad you need to work out more!!" Naive little Ren says, causing his father to sigh loudly with a cheeky smile.
"And you," you say pointing to the little boy in question, "need to stay where mom and dad can see you. Are we clear?"
He nods in a respectful manner.
"Now let's finish shopping.. as a family."
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cheolaholic · 1 year
ring of love; csc (01)
summary; agreeing to join vernon spectate an underground boxing match wasn't how you'd expect to spend your friday night. you also didn't expect to see seungcheol, someone you've lost contact with for years, become a part of the ring.
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modern! au • boxer! au • hhu focused • multiple kinds of tropes • fluff, angst, smut
ngl, i posted up the teaser at around 1am just to see how it'd go (was planning on deleting it right afterwards if nothing showed up). i woke up like 6 or 7 hours later and holy shit yall - i wasn't expecting it to get so much attention or blow up 😭 and it was just a TEASER 😭✋🏻 i've also gone through the small notes section of the taglist form (my favorite is the one that said they like my brain lol) either ways, i'm so glad you're all as excited as i am for this fic 🥹🫶🏻 it really means a lot to me <33
i'd also like to point out that i'm writing this fic as i go, kind of going with the flow, so, occasionally some things might not make sense but let's hope the flow goes well 🙏🏻
taglist at the end !
click here to join the taglist ♡
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“hey there, babygirl,” vernon greeted as he took a seat in front of you at the library desk.
the nickname had you looking up from your laptop, shooting the boy a grimacing look.
“vernon, what the fuck?”
vernon chwe, an art major you had met on the first day of college during orientation, since both of you were in the same freshman group during said orientation.
you were entirely new to seoul, having spent most of your life in a small town in daegu (alongside your introverted nature, talking to new people while having to adjust to your new surroundings was basically an introvert’s nightmare).
when vernon approached you during one of the 30 minute breaks, he handed you a bottle of coke, a friendly gesture you appreciated a lot. that wasn’t what caught your eye though - it was his clothes. it’s not every day you’d see a college student wearing a bright neon tie-dyed shirt.
when vernon noticed your staring, he simply said “ah, yeah, the rest of my clothes are in the dryer. i’m vernon, by the way! vernon chwe!”
“...i’m ___,” came your response, “lee ___.”
from then on, you’ve both been stuck to each other like glue. always seen together to the point you both had been mistaken as a couple one too many times.
guess the saying of 'you're not real besties unless people think you're a couple' is true to an extent.
though you both have made it clear that the relationship between the two of you is strictly platonic.
the boy laughs at your reaction before shutting up as a few students shoot him a dirty look, a few others shushing him. “it’s fun messing with you, ___,” he said in a soft voice, not wanting to get on the nerves of the other students, “watcha working on?”
“just the usual presentation preparations,” you answered as you pushed back up your glasses and continued typing away.
“is this a group or solo project?”
“solo, which thank god. if this was a group and i had another bad luck on my groupmates, i was going to lose it.”
vernon cringes at the mention of groupmates. in your previous group assignment, you were stuck with not one, not two; but three parasites. he remembered how sleep deprived and stressed you were throughout the semester for said group project. he’d gotten you to submit an email to the lecturer in charge, writing out in extreme detail how you had to bear the responsibilities of the group members while they were out and about, partying, going out on dates etc.
however, you decided to go even further than just submitting an email.
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it was the day of the presentation. as your lecturer sat in the front row seat alongside two other faculty members, you looked at your parasitic freeloading groupmates that were standing to your left.
“are you guys ready?” you asked in a quiet voice.
when they nodded their heads, you smiled as you pressed the clicker in your hand. anyone would have assumed your smile was that of an encouraging smile. you however, knew better.
as the first slide was projected onto the projection screen, the topic of the presentation was written in a big font while all four names of yours and your groupmates were written underneath it.
as you pressed on the clicker, one by one, the names of your groupmates began to be removed from the slide. the classroom was confused before catching on - you were calling out your group mates for being parasites.
your groupmates watched in a panic state as the students began whispering amongst themselves; the faculty members jotting things down on their clipboards.
once all the three names were removed with your name being the only one left on the slide, in a calm and collected voice, you said, “now, shall we begin the presentation?”
vernon remembered the proud expression you had when he met up with you the same day. “how’d it feel?” he asked, having helped you with your research and planned out the execution for the revelation of the free loaders.
“amazing!” came your reply with a beaming smile, satisfied.
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“whatever happened to those three anyways?”
shrugging, you heard from some classmates that they had either gotten suspended or needed to retake the class. but, you didn’t care.
why would you?
if anything, you were glad you didn't have to deal with them for the rest of your studying years.
"hmm, fair enough," vernon responded before placing both arms on the table, leaning forward, "so, got any friday night plans?"
"if you're planning to drag me to a frat party-"
"not a frat party."
looking up from your laptop with an eyebrow raised, the boy just shoots you a smile - a smile that you can't help but feel suspicious of.
as you saved your work progress and shut down your laptop, vernon spoke again.
"have you heard of underground boxing?"
"i am not going to get in a boxing ring."
"you don't have to!"
once you've packed up your stuff and headed out of the library together, he explained more about the underground boxing.
it's a monthly event and is usually held somewhere in itaewon. when you mentioned that you didn't think vernon was the type to take part in these events, he replied with, "that's because i don't. a close friend of mine does and i usually go to support him with two other close friends!"
"and where do i play a part in this… support group?"
"don't hate me for this, okay? i just think that you could use some outdoor time, ya'know? i know you're introverted and want to hole up in your apartment the entire weekend, but it wouldn't hurt to try something new!"
you were silent for a moment.
"so, i'm a bore, is what you're getting at."
"what!? no! absolutely, not!"
when you let out a laugh at vernon's reaction, it had a few students around both of you stunned.
maybe it's due to your introverted nature that everyone assumed you'd be cold-natured too, black cat energy they call it.
but to vernon, he knew it wasn't the case. you just needed to be around the right people or in a setting you're familiar/comfortable with to be yourself.
'naturally introverted, selectively extroverted' as they called it.
"i'll go if you pick me up."
"does seven sound good to you?"
"aight, bet."
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introverted ass: ik i should've asked this earlier
introverted ass: but is there like a dress code or smtg?
introverted ass: bcs i don't wanna show up looking extremely out of place
vrrnonie: casual should be okay
vrrnonie: maybe bring a jacket along
introverted ass: but it's a boxing match
introverted ass: wouldn't it be hot and stuffy from all that sweat
introverted ass: ?
vrrnonie: it's actually air conditioned, believe it or not
vrrnonie: and it's well ventilated too
vrrnonie: and there's not much people, dont worry
vrrnonie: the place can hold up to 100+ ppl
vrrnonie: but they usually only let in abt 70-ish?
vrrnonie: not wanting to be too stuffy, crowd control etc
introverted ass: so i'm assuming i can just wear my sweater and tights?
vrrnonie: yeapp
vrrnonie: reaching in 10 btw
introverted ass: wtf
vrrnonie: you can do your makeup in the car when we reach
vrrnonie: it doesn't start til 10pm so we can grab some dinner
introverted ass: again, wtf
vrrnonie: love ya bestie 😘
introverted ass: 🙄✋🏻
true to his word, vernon did show up ten minutes later at your apartment front door.
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parking his mercedes-benz in one of the few empty spots, he then brought you to a diner he deemed to have the best burger in all of itaewon (of course that was after he let you finish doing your makeup, as he had promised you).
"so… how long have your friends been doing this whole underground boxing thing?" you asked, stabbing a few fries on a fork before shoving them into your mouth.
"oh, just one of them actually," vernon replied with his mouth half full of his beef burger. "wonwoo hyung acts as the manager while mingyu hyung and i are there as first aiders. occasionally, we'd help him train too. but, mingyu is the one he trains with since he works out more than i do."
"does this boxer friend of yours have a name?"
"i can't really say his actual name out here. but, his stage name is scoups!"
why does that stage name sound so familiar… you ponder.
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it's now 1230am and you've been out way longer than you should be (technically, more like longer than you wanted).
by right, shou should now be on your bed, cuddled up in your blanket as you binge whatever series or movies are available on the many streaming platforms offered.
yet, here you are - in an underground boxing ring somewhere in itaewon all because your best friend had decided you should spend more time outside.
the match was nearing its final round and based on what you've heard from the people sitting beside you (vernon had left to go to the locker rooms where his friends were; but had assured you everyone is respectable and won't try anything weird. it didn't reassure you completely to be left alone in the crowd, but any kind of reassurance is acceptable at this point), it seems that the two final boxers would be JK and scoups.
(you had also taken a lot of toilet breaks due to the overwhelming feeling of being in a crowd for an extended period of time)
you still ask yourself why the name 'scoups' sound so familiar…
it was only when the loud cheers snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to shift your focus onto the ring that you finally realise why that name sounded so familiar.
because right in that boxing ring, stood an old face you've been longing to see for years.
choi seungcheol.
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taglist (i can't tag a few for some reason ㅠㅠ);
@yoonclip @1004luvangel @catjunhui @mystikha @spk93 @tinkerbell460 @yoozuku @dnylwoo @christinewithluv @limbomoon @plutoxxxworld @i-give-up-1234 @m1ngyuc0re @yunloyal @leclercloverbot @bettybeako @billboard-singer @ocyeanicc @krupyadoorrahe @seobinnieshi @xcynthiaaa @k411z @disneyprincesshuri @sunnyapp @khxsh @staygenezy @loufi8iepuff @ursweetener @noisypapergalaxy @wonwootakemyheart @sugainpinksweater @leah-rose03 @thisisnotthelastofus @yearnoclock
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hello !! i’m not sure if you have all 12 requests for your match ups but i’d really like one if they are still available !!
i’d like a match up with a haikyuu male if that’s okay.
some physical attributes about me! ∑(゚Д゚)
• i’m afab (assigned female at birth) and my pronouns are she/they. i’m pretty insecure about how i look but i am asian american (chinese) with my black hair down to my back (it’s recently dyed pastel purple underneath). my eyes are a dark brown with eye bags cause i’m often a night owl (my glasses help hide them a bit ;;;) !! i think my most confident feature is my shoulders (i just like how they look)!
• most people like to note how short i am (4’10) and that kind of has lead to me being a bit down about myself from many times others have pointed it out as a flaw.
• i wear glasses cause i’m extremely blind (honestly to the point that the glasses aren’t helping cause i haven’t updated them in..forever) so it’s sometimes easy to catch me squinting because i can’t read-
• i’m pretty casual with my appearance. i don’t really dabble in make up (too confusing) and when i’m lazy, i default to jeans, t-shirt and a jacket (basically comfy attire). i do adore dressing up to impress though! skirts with thigh highs, dresses with sandals and tight-form fitting clothes are my favorites in my explorative wardrobe right now.
personal attributes about me! ( •⌄• ू )✧
• i am a libra (september 25th) and a infp! i can very much seem like a extrovert at times but around strangers, i get very shy and i am a indoors person. my hobbies include gaming, hanging out with my friends, reading manga, sleeping (this sometimes can be my horrible coping mechanism when i’m upset), and scrolling online to adore the arts (writing, illustrations, music, etc.) !! art is often my outlet for expression which is why i love it! my music genre can be very expansive as i am open to many suggestions. my main genre is mostly pop (english, c-pop, j-pop, k-pop, i like them all!), video game soundtracks and some classical music!
• my love language is quality time (second and third is probably physical touch and words of affirmation)! my giving love language however is probably physical touch with how much my friends like to comment about how touchy i am.
• my pet peeves are usually people who are confrontational and arrogant. i also may be a tiny bit germaphobic so i get protective of my personal living space. i am a huge scared-y cat too (a list of my fears are: the dark, heights, spiders, doctors, storms, the horror genre, gore, and jumpscares/loud noises) so i don’t appreciate when people force me into those kinds of things.
• first things i tend to notice is probably how talkative someone is. i often times like to be the jokester in the group, either making myself or someone else into a funny comment or just tell funny stories so i can sense if someone is actively present or not. i also can notice physical boundaries (like how they hug someone) they may have since i am also a very affectionate person.
• my outlook on life is usually optimistic but i can also become heavily pessimistic easily. i struggle with a lot of self esteem issues and can be very quick to self-blame or self-sabotage. i’m a very daydream-y person and love living in my imagination (basically with rose colored glasses-), so i love believing in the good of people. i used to have a philosophy of giving love to everyone but that’s recently changed from some traumatic events i’ve gone through. i still want to be open-minded and care for people whenever i can assist because that’s just where i’ve found myself to be happy and useful. i’m very curious and unaware because i can be a bit ignorant to my surroundings, i’ve been told that it’s allowed many people to make assumptions off of my actions regardless of my intentions.
• lastly !! i love love love romance tropes and some of my top favorites are love at first sight, soulmates, mutual pining, love in school settings, friends to lovers and maybe a bit of enemies to lovers. i’d honestly love and adore the idea of being in love with someone fluffily !! i’d probably fall for someone from just the first few meetings, if they made me laugh, comments on small things that they notice about me or they just have interest in things i like! ( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓)◞♡
i hope this list did okay in summing me up. if not, you’re always welcome to peek into my dms! thank you so much and i hope you’re doing well! take breaks and drink water whenever you can! - nami ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*☆
Thank you for Checking the Weather your forecast is...
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Daichi Sawamura!
So, It was incredibly hard to decide between this and second place, I genuinely thing that there's an equally matched amount of compatibility, I had my reasons for picking Daichi, but honestly, 2nd place would adore you just as much. Daichi is the strong-willed and rock-solid base of Karasuno. His level-headed plays and easy-going nature lead him to really connect with his teammates and earn their trust. He commands respect, but never abuses his power, proving himself loyal and kind. He's not afraid to keep people in line, yet has enough compassion to not be too harsh with them.
I genuinely think Daichi adores you as a partner. He'd really think you were out of his league, but would still attempt to befriend you. I don't believe he's incredibly talkative, especially while flustered (which he easily gets around you), but he often makes casual conversation. I think you'd begin to notice the small things, like him increasing the font on his notes or moving things to lower shelves intentionally.
I think that Daichi's love language is a mixture of acts of service and quality time. He is very thankful for you, and is a respectful king. I really think that he likes talking with you over a cup of tea or coffee. If you're comfortable with it, he adores giving you forehead kisses, piggyback rides or just pulling you into his arms. I very much imagine it's like the feeling of putting on fluffy socks right out of the dryer when your feet are cold.
In this relationship, I think that Daichi has a gift of grounding and encouraging you. Anytime you begin to spiral, Daichi's right there to help. You also help him with his own struggles, You calm him when he's about ready to snap and bring such a light of passion he never would've thought he deserved his lifetime. he melts if you ever hug him out of the blue. He gets so flustered when you dress up he once ran into the doorway. Sugawara laughed.
I headcanon Daichi's quite protective of you, especaily because of your optimistic nature and kind heart. He doesn't want you to be hurt while you're around him, and I imagine he sends his death-glare if anyone says anything. He protects you from anything you're scared of and if you have to face it, he holds your hand the entire time. he's honestly a sweetheart though and I genuinely believe that he just wants the absolute best for you.  
All and all, this is a super wholesome relationship, I have a feeling that Daichi will encourage you to advocate for yourself and set up boundaries, and you'll help him let loose a little. I see many dates, including ice skating and netflix w/ gummy bears. I think he'd love to surprise you, and would always give you his hoodie. He adores you, and will do absolutely anything to make you happy. 
Second: Oikawa would also absolutely adore you, I have a feeling there was a rivalry for a bit. I do think he might get on your nerves with his insensitive comments, arrogant nature (despite being insecure) and busy schedule. It's an extremely close second but He might be a little neglectful, as why I chose Daichi. However, I do think he'd treasure you as a friend, maybe never fully get over it, but he'd also want you to be happy. 
Third: Akaashi, this man. He's attentive, sweet, and would be an excellent pairing for you, I don't think that he'd make any moves though and might struggle to not be harsh. He'd genuinely care about you, and I think you and him would be some really close friends.
(on a side note, I thought it was super cool, I'm an infp too and we have similar outlooks. Even though I considered most of the cast as I always do, I was surprised how much this matchup lined up with previous ones I, myself, have gotten.)
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jikookiekosmos · 3 years
Stay With Me || jjk
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➥Pairing: best friend!jungkook/reader, husband!jungkook/reader
➥Summary: Being married to Jungkook was everything you’d wished for and more. There wasn’t a problem the two of you couldn’t tackle together, and building this life with the person you loved most was all you could ask for. But when a ghost from your past returns and threatens to pull you two apart in whatever way they can, will things still be the same?
➥Genre: established relationship, heavy angst (I’m so sorry), smut, fluff, hurt/comfort
➥Rating: 18+
➥Words: ~14.2k (more of a one shot than a drabble I know, oops)
Before you continue there are darker themes explored in this drabble; please read at your own risk. Appropriate warnings are listed below.
➥Content Warnings: POV switches, feelings of anxiety from being in danger, jungkook is protective (and for good reason), we see a pissed off hoseok, (tw: harassment, violence, implied/attempted kidnapping, reader gets injured), yoongi & jimin to the rescue (bless them), jungkook is pissed off (again for good reason), jungkook cries, reader also cries, jungkook has feelings of insecurity and not being good enough, they have ✨very emotional sex✨ up against a wall, cursing (fuck is said a lot), slight hair pulling, fingering (very brief), jungkook has a big dick, unprotected sex (safe sex is great sex), dirty talk, rough sex, cumming inside, aftercare, jungkook is actually the sweetest, reader and jk are so in love with each other it hurts, also jk saying ‘only for you’ is a thing i started and can’t stop now oops except there’s a twist this time around
A/N: hello! This is part of my Only for You (OFY) Drabble series, but it can be read as a stand-alone! However, I would highly recommend reading OFY beforehand so as to better understand the relationships between these characters since there’s a lot of history behind everything that will make more sense. (I also mentioned this in the post for OFY but for those who haven’t read it, the Kun in the story isn’t referring to any other irl person specifically, it was just a name I chose to make the initial story easier to write.)
The POV switches between the reader and a few of the characters, but this will always be indicated by the name in the switch being bolded (i.e. you or Jungkook will be in bold, etc.).
I always do this but thank you to @dntaewithluv​ for keeping me sane during the writing process and giving me feedback as well as the motivation to continue when I feel discouraged, I love you so much 💜
I’ve written a few other drabbles and will list them below, along with a general timeline:
Use My Best Colors For Your Portrait - ~6 months after OFY
When I Dream Of You - ~1 year after OFY
This fic takes place a few months after the dream drabble. I welcome feedback, so if you ever want to talk to me about my writing, please do! I hope that if you read this, you enjoy it~
➥OFY Spotify Playlist (songs I listened to for inspo)
➥Series Masterlist
➥All Works Masterlist
taglist: @inlovewiththemoonn @diorkookie @swee3tcreature​ @sugaslittlekookies​ @moonchild1​ @bangtanhome​ 
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Visiting Jungkook at the bar during his shifts had become one of your favorite pastimes over the last few years. And not just because you got to see him, but also because it gave you a chance to get closer to some of his - and now your - friends as well.
Take tonight for example: you stopped by on your way home from work, and everything happened like it usually did. Jungkook’s smile was typically the first thing to greet you when you walked through the door before he and Jimin got into a playful bickering match about bar duties.
You parked yourself in your usual stool at the bar and watched the scene before you unfold - Jimin tossing one of the bar towels to Jungkook, who caught it with ease, all the while mumbling ‘less distraction and more action, Kook.’ Jungkook slung the towel over his shoulder before making a big show out of walking over to you.
“Hey pretty lady, what can I get for you tonight?” Jungkook’s voice was dripping with charm and it made you giggle. He leaned across the bar, resting his forearms on the wood. Even when he was just standing here in a plain black t-shirt with his dark hair curling in front of his eyes you still thought he was the most ethereal person you’d ever seen.
You hummed. “Hmm, I think I’ll have just a water, thanks.” Jungkook was already moving to fix your beverage before you even finished. “Do you always greet people like this,” you teased him as he sat the glass down in front of you.
He was wiping his hands on the towel still perched on his shoulder. “Nah, I only save it for the special ones. I am a married man, after all.”
You giggled again and he reached further across the bar to give you a quick kiss before being interrupted by Jimin again.
“You two are adorable, I love that, but I really could use some help over here, Kook!”
Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes before he excused himself to tend to his actual job. You just sat and observed while you drank, looking at him with loving eyes. He was really in his element here and it showed. All his customers were always happy patrons because he treated them all well.
Yeah, everything was playing out as it normally did on nights like these.
What you weren’t expecting, however, was for that to change.
On your way to find Yoongi so you could stop by and chat with him before heading home, you passed by a booth where a few rowdy men were seated. You tried to slip past them and pay them no mind-
-until one of them caught you by the wrist.
You froze. You wondered if maybe this was someone you knew and had possibly offended by not saying hello, but one look at the table let you know you’d never seen these 3 men before in your life.
“Hey, where you off to in a rush, baby?” The pet name made your skin crawl and you wanted nothing more than to just slink away and pretend like this never happened. But it was happening, the man’s tight grip on your wrist a reminder of that.
One of the other booth members spoke up. “Yeah, why not have a seat with us and talk for a bit? You look like you’re in need of some company.”
You shook your head and tried to muster a small smile so you could turn them down easy. You’d read and heard way too often about moments like these that could turn out badly if you acted a certain way.
“No thank you, I was just on my way out,” you hoped that would be the end of it, but the man holding your wrist wasn’t having it. He jerked you down to where you were seated right beside him in the empty space of the booth, making you whimper in pain when you hit the seat hard. His other friends laughed boisterously at your distress.
You situated yourself and looked up to see if you could spot someone, anyone around that you knew. You were unfortunately at the back corner of the bar, since Yoongi’s office was around here.
You tried to get up and make a break for it, but the man pulled you down again. “C’mon sweetheart, we don’t wanna hurt you. We just wanna talk, that’s all.”
Before you could respond, another voice cut through.
“Hands off,” the voice was low and stern, making all heads at the booth turn. When you looked up you saw Hoseok standing above you, arms crossed and looking pissed.
“Hoseok,” you breathed out, grateful that he was working the floor tonight and had stopped by before the situation escalated.
Hoseok didn’t say another word as his eyes drifted down to you quickly before glaring at the man still holding on to you.
“Lighten up, man, we’re just trying to have some fun-”
“I saw the whole thing and she’s clearly not wanting to engage in your idea of ‘fun’ so again: hands off.” Hoseok’s fingers flexed around his forearm, and apparently that was all the warning they needed.
The man let go of you and shoved you away from him, almost making you fall to the ground if Hoseok hadn’t steadied you. He wrapped an arm around you before calling out.
“Joon, Jin, need a hand here!”
Within seconds, the bodyguards of the establishment - also friends of yours - were at the table, looking as intimidating as ever. The 3 men still seated were starting to look a lot less pleased about the ordeal.
“I think these 3 have had it for the night,” Hoseok stated, starting to walk the both of you away so your friends could work their magic. You looked back at them one last time, just barely catching their interaction, which consisted of Seokjin promptly putting one of the men in his place when he tried to throw a punch.
When Hoseok had you seated in an empty booth at the other end of the bar, he knelt down beside you.
“Hey. You ok?” His voice had lost all its frightening timbre, now laced with nothing but concern. You didn’t realize you were still a little shaky until you noticed yourself trembling. You nodded, the best answer you could give right now.
Hoseok patted your knee before he stood up. “Stay here, I’m going to go get Kook-”
You reached out lightning fast to grab onto his sleeve before you pleaded “Don’t.”
Hoseok’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What, why not?”
“I don’t- I don’t want him to worry.” You were telling the truth; Jungkook had been on edge lately, and things were finally starting to get somewhat back to normal. If you didn’t have to add to that worry, you didn’t want to.
Hoseok’s frown deepened. “Y/N-”
“There you are!”
That voice that always managed to make your heart flutter only made you panic more in this instance. Jungkook was walking over to your booth quickly with a huge smile on his face, waving to the two of you. Hoseok moved out of the way so Jungkook could see you more, and you tried your best to smile back.
“Hey, I’ve been looking all over for you,” Jungkook addressed you as he pushed his hair out of his face. “I thought you went to go talk to Yoongi, but he said he hadn’t seen you yet.”
“Yeah, I was just on my way, but I ran into Hoseok-”
“Y/N,” Hoseok warned. Jungkook’s smile turned into one of confusion.
“What’s going on,” Jungkook was quick to ask before you could respond. It was then that he fully noticed how you were seated, somewhat curled into yourself.
“You need to tell him,” Hoseok’s eyes were burning into yours, and Jungkook felt a small pit of unease settle in his stomach. He knelt down beside you, similar to how Hoseok had done moments prior.
“Angel, hey, talk to me. What’s this about?” Jungkook took one of your hands in his and shook it slightly before placing a kiss on the back of it.
“It’s nothing, really-”
“Some guy put his hands on her.” Hoseok clearly was over you beating around the bush.
“What,” Jungkook’s tone was slipping into one you didn’t recognize and for good reason: he sounded furious. His hand tightened around yours.
Hoseok nodded, Jungkook’s attention on him now. “Yeah, I’m glad I noticed. Saw some dude grab her wrist and pull her down into the booth with them.”
Jungkook was up on his feet, hand disappearing from yours.
“What the fuck, where did they go,” he started to walk off but Hoseok held him back.
“Joon and Jin already took care of it, don’t worry. But I still just thought you should know.” Hoseok patted Jungkook on the shoulder and you watched as his body, still visibly tense, relaxed somewhat.
“I gotta get back to work, you can take a little time though, yeah?” Hoseok started walking off after giving you one last look, almost as if he was saying sorry but you knew he did the right thing.
Jungkook took a deep breath before finally looking back at you, his face softening instantly. He slid into the seat across from you, placing his palms on the table as he looked down.
“Are you ok, at least,” his voice was low, but you could still hear it just over the faint tunes of the jukebox.
“I’m fine-”
“Define fine,” he scoffed. It was clear the two of you wouldn’t get anywhere like this, so you did the only thing you could think to do: you reached out and took both his hands in yours.
Jungkook looked up then through the curtain of tresses still falling into his eyes. He sighed.
“Sorry, baby, I know I shouldn’t be acting like this. It’s just- with everything we’ve been through with him I can’t help but worry about stuff like this.”
You understood completely because you were in the same boat.
Both of you had recently been experiencing less than pleasant encounters with your ex-fiancé, Kun, who for some reason decided he had a vendetta against the two of you. A vendetta that only got worse when you both made it clear you wanted nothing to do with him ever again.
The past week had been pretty quiet, but neither of you could shake the awful feeling that Kun wasn’t gone for good. And tonight’s fiasco did nothing to help that.
“Well it’s over now and I’m ok and I didn’t get hurt so let’s try not to focus on it, yeah?” You squeezed his hands for emphasis and he sighed. The last thing you wanted was for Jungkook to be worried the rest of his shift, and he still had a few hours left.
“Yeah, I’ll try. I’m just so glad Hoseok was around...are you still wanting to talk to Yoongi?”
You nodded, happy to see Jungkook had relaxed some more from when he first sat across from you.
“I’ll take you to his office, then.” Jungkook got up, pulling you with him since his hands were still in yours. When you both were standing, he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you into a hug.
He looked down at you before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Also I hate to ask but do you mind staying until I get done with my shift? I’m not too keen on the idea of you going home alone now with everything-“
You giggled and caressed his cheek. “Of course, Koo. I’ll come sit at the bar when I get done talking to Yoongi.”
Jungkook brushed his nose against yours. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you,” you responded before you reached up to place a gentle kiss on his lips. His hold around you tightened, and he deepened the kiss for only a moment before pulling back.
“Fuck, I forgot I’m at work, I need to be careful when you’re around.” He carded a hand through his hair before shaking his head to let it fall back into place.
You laughed at his flustered nature, feeling a bit flustered yourself at the fact that even now you still had such an effect on each other. “Well we are back here in a dark corner where not many people are around,” you teased.
Jungkook smirked before tickling your sides, making you laugh louder as you squirmed to get away.
“Don’t tempt me. I’d rather not get fired for public indecency if I can help it.”
“Fine, fine, I guess just take me to see Yoongi then,” you pretended to pout and were rewarded with a chuckle. He led you to the back now where Yoongi’s office was at, his hand wrapped around yours while he scanned the bar the whole way there.
When the two of you reached the familiar door, Jungkook gave your hand one last squeeze and kissed your cheek.
“I’ve gotta get back to the bar, just come chill up there when you’re done, yeah?” His eyebrows were slightly furrowed like he was still worried, but your gentle smile helped smooth them out.
“Of course. I’ll see you soon.”
You knocked on the door and after hearing Yoongi’s muffled greeting you opened it to walk through, not sparing another glance at Jungkook.
“Y/N! I was wondering when you might be stopping by.” Yoongi smiled brightly at you, always making you feel welcome no matter the circumstance. You took a seat in your usual spot across from his desk where he was currently reclining in his chair.
“Hey, Yoon. How are things?” It’d been a little while since the two of you had properly caught up since things had been so chaotic lately.
Yoongi shrugged. “Can’t complain. Business is good and we’ve been pulling in more regulars. I’d like to say it’s thanks to Jungkook but don’t tell him I told you that. Kid has a big enough head as it is.”
You couldn’t help the proud grin that stretched across your face. Jungkook had been working hard to help turn the bar into a more welcoming environment and increased his work hours to also assist with some building upgrades Yoongi had been wanting to install for years. Their business had increased exponentially as a result, so you knew Yoongi meant it when he said he had Jungkook to thank.
“I’ll be sure to keep it our little secret,” you brought your hand up to mimic a ‘shh’ expression and Yoongi chuckled.
“Perfect.” He leaned forward then, an elbow resting on his desk and his head supported by his palm. “So tell me: how’s married life?”
“It’s everything I could ever want and more. I can’t say much has changed except the whole ‘legally being bound together’ thing, since we still act the same. It’s just…nice. Really, really nice.” Your gaze drifted down to your wedding ring, and as it was with every other time you saw it, you could feel something akin to butterflies fluttering inside your stomach.
Yoongi gave you his trademark lopsided grin. “Glad to hear it. You know, I was always rooting for you two from the start.”
You feigned annoyance, playfully rolling your eyes. “I know, I know, you only tell me every chance you get.” Yoongi never took a liking to your ex-fiancé and had always favored Jungkook, this much you knew. Even before Kun turned into the person he was now, Yoongi never cared for him. And he made sure it was known.
“Have you thought about when you’re going to pop the question?” You decided to switch gears and put him on the spot, giggling at the way he seemed flustered.
“Well I uh, I’ve thought about it I just- it’s hard to figure out the right time, you know? And is she even ready for that, I can’t tell-”
“Min Yoongi, you stop that right now. She is so in love with you that I bet she’s ready for you to ask any day now, just so she can say yes like she’s been wanting to for so long now.” You had spent enough time around Yoongi and his long-term partner to know that the two were head-over-heels for each other, nearly rivaling you and Jungkook in how easy it was to tell.
Yoongi grinned. “You think so, huh?”
“No doubt in my mind. In fact-” you were cut off by the feeling of your phone vibrating in your pocket. You hastily took it out, not sure who could be calling at this hour.
It dawned on you then that you had been expecting a new client to call, and the number on your screen was one you didn’t recognize so you figured it could be them. Your boss had heavily expressed the importance of this client and their business venture they were offering, so without giving it another thought you hopped out of your chair.
“Sorry Yoon, I need to take this real quick. Do you mind if I step out the back door? It shouldn’t take too long.” You were already heading to leave his office, trying to catch the call before it stopped ringing, barely missing his soft “Go ahead.”
You bolted through the back door of the establishment, out into the dimly lit parking lot. As soon as you heard the door shut, you swiftly answered the call.
“Hello, this is Y/N speaking, may I ask who’s calling?” You gave your usual greeting for work related or other conversations when you didn’t recognize the number. The silence that you were met with on the other end made a chill run down your spine.
You froze altogether when the other voice spoke.
“Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to answer calls from numbers you don’t know?”
You felt your lower lip tremble. “K-Kun?”
A dark chuckle from the other end of the line. “Missed me, sweetheart?”
‘Just hang up,’ your brain was screaming at you, but you were holding your phone in an iron-tight grip, knuckles taut.
“Leave me alone and never contact me again,” you were finally able to respond, moving your arm to bring your phone down to hang up.
Your phone hit the ground before you got the chance.
Someone had come up behind you and pulled both arms behind your back, a hand coming around to muffle the scream you let out.
“Shhh,” someone whispered beside your ear. “You don’t want to make this harder for yourself, hm?”
That voice, why did you recognize that voice?
The person started dragging you off into one of the darker corners of the parking lot, ignoring your futile attempts to kick and writhe out of their grasp. You continued screaming into their palm but to no avail.
When you reached where they wanted you to be, they let you go and pushed you down onto the ground, causing your back to hit the wall and briefly knock the breath out of you. Before you could pick yourself back up, 2 other shadowy figures blocked your path. There was just enough light for you to finally make out the faces of the 3 people standing over you.
They were the same ones from earlier in the bar, the ones who had harassed you and yanked you down into their booth.
“What do you want,” you sobbed out into the night air. You were too terrified to try screaming again, afraid of what they might do. Especially now that you were across the lot, away from your phone and any chance of contacting someone else. Not to mention the fact that it was loud inside the bar, so screaming wouldn’t do you many favors anyway.
And if someone walked by, nothing would look out of the ordinary since it was just dark enough where you were to obscure the vision of anyone looking from the outside.
Before any of them could answer you, there was another sound you heard faintly in the distance: footsteps.
“Hel-,” you started to cry out, but as if they knew what you were planning, one of the men dropped down and covered your mouth again, now letting you see who was approaching behind them. Your eyes widened in terror as you took in the newcomer’s sinister grin.
You watched as Kun nodded to the other 2 men and they moved aside, while the third one still keeping your mouth covered moved slightly out of the way. Kun knelt down and moved his hand, replacing it with his own before you could scream again.
“Well well, fancy seeing you here.” Kun reached out and caressed your check with the back of his other hand, making you let out a strangled whimper as you tried to move back and away from him. He shook his head at your action and grabbed onto one of your arms now instead, pulling you and himself up in a swift motion.
His grip around your arm was painful, making you wince. Kun either didn’t notice or didn’t care. One look into his eyes was enough to see that the man you’d spent many years of your life with was completely gone with no trace left whatsoever. You didn’t know this person standing in front of you now.
And you didn’t ever want to.
“Now, I’m gonna move my hand, and you’re not gonna scream. Got it? Because if you do,” he moved forward to where his face was inches away from yours now. “I promise this will be so much worse for you. And you know I always keep my promises, don’t you?”
Kun was laughing before you could react at all, knowing good and well he’d broken several promises during your time together. He must have taken your silence as compliance because you could feel his hand relaxing around your face.
“Good girl,” the words made you shudder repulsively, wanting nothing more than for this to be just a terrible figment of your imagination and for you to be back inside at the bar waiting on Jungkook.
Jungkook. The thought of him caused a lump to form in your throat. You had no idea what Kun had planned for you, and that caused your heart to constrict as the vision of Jungkook smiling lovingly at you flashed through your mind.
You squeezed your eyes shut and felt a tear roll down your cheek. You opened them again once you felt Kun’s hand disappear.
“Ah, so you can take direction well. I guess Jungkook’s trained you somewhat since you’re his bitch now-”
“What do you want,” you asked through gritted teeth. The last thing you wanted to hear come from this man’s mouth was the name of your beloved. You didn’t want him brought up at all, the less this was focused on Jungkook the better.
But, since it was Kun, that obviously didn’t happen.
Kun laughed again, a loud, ugly sound. “What do I want? The same thing I’ve always wanted. Isn’t it obvious?”
The 3 men were crowded around both of you now, and it dawned on you then that they were blocking any means of escape for you. That didn’t bode well for you and you knew it, but you held your ground. You didn’t want to give Kun any more of the upper hand than he already had.
Kun finally dropped his other hand from your arm in favor of now caging you in against the wall. You were trapped even more now, but you just stared back at him, trying your best to look unfazed. Kun dipped his head down and you held your breath.
“What I want,” you could feel him barely hovering over your lips and the feeling made your skin crawl, “is for Jungkook to pay.”
“Pay for what,” you couldn’t help your annoyed tone. Kun’s obsession with Jungkook and ‘coming out on top’ – whatever that even meant, you weren’t entirely sure – had gotten old and you were beyond sick of it. “He owes you nothing, we owe you nothing.”
Kun hummed and shook his head, his nose almost brushing against yours, but you turned your head and let it graze against your cheek.
”I don’t think you get to decide that, not in the position you’re in, anyway. You see, I’m tired of seeing Jungkook get literally everything handed to him without trying-”
“Jungkook has worked hard for everything he has, something you wouldn’t know about,” you spat back. Kun was right, you were certainly in no position to be talking back right now, but you wouldn’t stand idly by while he slandered Jungkook just because he felt like it. “You’ve always been jealous of him-”
“Shut up, shut up!” Kun snarled, all but yelling in your face before he grabbed you by the jaw. You grimaced from the pain of it, a sound something like a scream starting but dying in your throat.
“You fucking infuriate me sometimes, you know that? I can’t believe I wasted so many years with you.” His grip around your jaw tightened as he finished talking, making it almost too hard for you to respond.
“Likewise,” you managed to get out, not being able to help the sob you let out when he squeezed more.
“Doesn’t matter.” Kun’s face stretched into that evil, Cheshire-like grin and for the first time that night you felt genuinely horrified about what his true intentions might be. “I’m not concerned with you or how you feel.”
Kun finally let go of your jaw and you let out the breath you didn’t realize you had been holding in. He grabbed one of your wrists and tugged you closer, knocking you off balance and unfortunately causing you to brace yourself against his chest.
He hugged you to him and whispered in your ear: “What I do care about is seeing Jungkook’s reaction when his precious wife is suddenly nowhere to be found.”
That kicked you into fight or flight mode, eyes widening and mouth opening to scream as you flailed your hands around. Your flailing did little to help you because Kun was already dragging you alongside him away from the wall, still holding you close.
“Let me go, you psycho!” you screamed, only causing him to turn you around and put a hand over your mouth again while his other arm held you firm against his torso.
“One of you bring the car around,” Kun ordered, and you saw one of the men dashing away. As you were pulled further away from the bar, your vision was clouded with a film of tears and your muffled sobs were hidden behind Kun’s hand. You were no match for his strength, and he proved it because he was literally dragging you across the concrete despite you being so uncooperative. Gentle raindrops had just started falling from the sky, further impairing your vision.
It was then that you heard a pained grunt followed by a thud coming from a little further away, in the direction the other man had ran off to. You tried to focus your eyes to see what was happening when the next sound that graced your ears was fast footsteps as they pounded against the pavement.
“Get your fucking hands off of her!”
A familiar voice made you cry out with joy and fight harder against Kun.
“Yoongi,” you cried out, still muffled but enough to draw his attention to your face now. He was running toward Kun fast, and when he saw the position you were in, he sped up, determined to free you by any means necessary.
You briefly worried about the other men behind him, until you saw that another was already knocked down and someone else – you thought it might be Jimin – was currently fighting with the third man. While your attention was on them, you didn’t register Kun tossing you aside until it was too late.
You slipped on the now wet pavement and fell down, barely able to brace yourself for the impact in time. Your earlier vision of Jungkook smiling was the last thing to flash through your mind before your head hit the ground.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
Yoongi glanced at his watch for the second time. It’d been about 10 minutes since you stepped outside to take your phone call, and he figured it had to have been important if you were still outside.
As he was wondering whether or not to call you himself to see if everything was alright, Jimin stuck his head inside the office, peeking around the door. “Hey boss, is Y/N around?”
Yoongi sat up straight. “Yeah, she stepped outside to take a call but it’s been a few minutes. Why?”
Jimin’s face blanched. “She went alone?”
“Yeah... Jimin’s what’s going on?”
Jimin took a deep breath. “It’s probably nothing, but earlier there were some guys that straight up harassed her. They were thrown out but-“
Yoongi held a hand up. “Wait. Pause. Someone harassed her? Why is this the first I’m hearing about it?”
Jimin had stepped fully into the room now, rubbing at the back of his neck as he looked at the ground. “Well it wasn’t that long ago, so maybe nobody had the chance yet.”
Yoongi’s brows furrowed. “Does Jungkook know?”
Jimin nodded. “Yeah, he’s the one who asked me to come check on her without being too obvious about it. I think the whole thing has him spooked.”
Yoongi didn’t like the feeling that was slowly creeping up on him. He dialed your number and put the receiver to his ear, hoping to hear a busy signal on the other end.
When he was met with a series of rings, his heart started beating faster. He was up and out of his chair fully by the time he heard your voicemail greeting.
“Fuck,” he mumbled out loud to no one in particular. He was jogging over to the back door, a confused Jimin following close behind.
“Yoongi, what-”
“Not now, Jimin.” He picked up his pace, feeling his chest tighten as he approached the door. He was hoping that when he opened it you would be on the other side, because maybe you just lost track of time and your phone was on silent.
Wishful thinking helps in times of peril, right?
Yoongi pushed the door open quickly, letting it bang against the side of the bar. You were nowhere in sight, his eyes frantically searching through the lot for a trace of you.
What he was met with, though, was instead the sight of 3 - maybe 4? - dark figures across the lot, huddled in a suspicious way. His heart dropped to his stomach.
He started running, not knowing what would meet him when he did, but not caring either. As he approached, one of the figures tried to block him. He took them down easily with a single punch, making them groan in pain as their body connected with the ground. Yoongi never stopped running for even a moment.
His heart wrenched when his vision finally adjusted enough to the darkness outside and he could see you and exactly who was holding you.
“Get your fucking hands off of her!” He shouted as he continued running, getting ready to barrel into Kun at any moment.
Hearing your faint cry of his name only made him go faster when his eyes landed on your horrified face.
It was raining now but Yoongi wouldn’t let that stop him from saving you. What he didn’t anticipate was for Kun to throw you in the opposite direction, making him conflicted about who to go after now. He settled for pursuing Kun still, finally reaching him and grabbing him by the shirt.
“What the actual fuck is your problem,” Yoongi yelled in Kun’s face. Kun brought his hands up to try and tear Yoongi’s away, but they wouldn’t budge.
Kun stopped trying to fight back and smiled at Yoongi, making a fresh wave of disgust cascade over him. When Kun spoke, his voice had a calm edge to it. “I’ll just keep coming back, no matter how many times you and those idiots in there,” he jerked his head in the direction of the bar, “try to keep me away.”
Yoongi quickly spun Kun around and forced him to the ground, keeping his hands behind his back and not giving him a way to escape. “Jimin, call the cops,” he called over his shoulder before leaning closer to Kun’s face. “We may not be able to keep you away, but they certainly can with all the dirt we have on you.”
Kun chuckled slightly before grimacing when Yoongi twisted his arm further. “You know,” he huffed out, “Y/N was pretty off balance when I threw her earlier.”
Yoongi stilled. He realized that Kun was trying to distract him by making him worry about you, and unfortunately for Yoongi it was working. Especially when his eyes fell on your unmoving figure several feet away, lying on your side.
“Shit,” he jumped up and ran over to you, completely abandoning Kun, beyond caring at that point. He knelt down and turned you over. He swallowed when he saw the way your arm landed limply on the ground beside him. He embraced your upper body within his arms, shaking you a little.
“Y/N, hey, wake up,” he begged. He could feel that you were still breathing, but it was very evident your fall had knocked you out. And Yoongi knew there was no telling what happened before he even got to you, so he had no clue how injured you might actually be.
He heard footsteps approaching from behind him, splashing against the puddles that were starting to form in the parking lot. He didn’t have to look up to know it was Jimin, since the other man was calling out his name before he got there.
“Yoongi, I called them, they said – wait where did he go?” Jimin was standing over Yoongi now, looking from one area of the parking lot to the other, but Kun was nowhere in sight. “Did you let him leave?”
Yoongi’s silence prompted Jimin to finally look down and his mouth dropped open as he himself dropped to kneel next to Yoongi.
“Holy shit, what happened,” Jimin reached out to gingerly touch your arm, frown deepening when he got no response from you.
“She probably hit her head when that bastard threw her earlier. She’s just knocked out, I think,” Yoongi’s voice was lined with unbridled anger. “Go see if you can find Jin since he’s the closest thing we have to a medic right now. And get Kook.”
Jimin nodded and without another word took off toward the bar. Yoongi couldn’t fathom how Jungkook would react but he knew it wouldn’t be good. As he waited, he held you closer, trying to shield you from the rain.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
Jungkook’s fingers were drumming against the bar absentmindedly as he listened to one of his regular patrons drone on about their week as they usually did on nights like tonight. He was genuinely trying to focus on what they were saying, truly he was, but his mind had been so muddled ever since the incident earlier that he found it hard to think about anything else.
Which is exactly why he had asked Jimin to casually check in on you and Yoongi.
It’d been a few minutes and Jimin still wasn’t back; Jungkook hoped that they were all 3 chatting and Jimin was just taking his time. He did want him to be inconspicuous about it, after all.
His patron finally excused themselves to go to the restroom, and Jungkook offered them a soft smile. For a second, he allowed himself to take a deep breath and try to push any lingering negative thoughts out of his mind so he could make it through the rest of his shift.
Jungkook should’ve known better than to hope for a moment’s peace.
He heard Jimin before he saw him, colliding with the other end of the bar. Jungkook cautiously started walking over to him, trying to ignore the heavy feeling that settled over his body like a suffocating blanket.
“Kook,” Jimin panted, “we need you. Now.”
The expression on Jimin’s face and the urgency of his voice made Jungkook’s blood run cold. He wasted no time in leaving the bar as he followed Jimin, nearly running him over when Jimin stopped once they were outside. As his sight adjusted to the drizzling rain, he saw something that made him run as fast as he could before eventually falling to his knees, panic seizing his heart.
“No. No no no no no,” Jungkook was chanting over and over as he stared at you, huddled against Yoongi as he held you close. Your eyes were closed and you weren’t moving.
Jungkook’s hands were shaking, and he could feel his lips quivering. Yoongi stared at Jungkook somberly before gentle passing you over to him.
He immediately drew you to him, burying your face in his chest while he cradled the back of your head with his palm.
The rain started pouring down harder now and he knew it was pelting against his back, cold and wet enough to chill him to the bone. But Jungkook felt nothing. There was nothing but numbness as he continued to rock you gently in his arms and placed a kiss on the top of your head.
“Hey angel, I’m here,” his voice was unsteady. “It’s me, baby, I’ve got you. You’re gonna be ok,” his arm that was wrapped around your back tightened its hold on you and he placed his head in the crook of your neck. You still didn’t rouse, no matter what he tried, and his shoulders started to shake.
“Kook-” Yoongi had to talk loud to be heard over the sudden downpour. “We need to get her inside.” He tried reaching out to touch Jungkook’s arm but Jungkook flinched away, embracing you even tighter now as if he was trying to protect you from anything and everything.
He just wanted to protect you. And the fact that he had failed was currently eating him alive with regret.
Yoongi sighed but tried again. “Jungkook,” he said it softer this time but still loud enough, “let’s take her inside. You don’t want her to get sick.”
At the mention of your well-being potentially suffering further damage, Jungkook started to somewhat come back to his senses. He held you tight and stood up with a little help from Yoongi, making sure to keep you as close to his chest as possible so you wouldn’t get soaked and because right now, he needed you near.
When the 3 of you were inside, Yoongi ushered you all into his office since there was a small couch in there were you could lie down. Jungkook placed you as gently as possible on the couch, feeling his heart break piece by piece every second you remained unmoving. The only thing that could offer him solace was the faint rise and fall of your chest as you breathed.
He dropped to sit on the floor beside the couch, holding one of your hands in his while he used his other one to brush some of your wet hair out of your face. He leaned his forehead against the arm of the couch and inhaled shakily.
Yoongi was leaning against his desk with his arms crossed, looking at the two of you. Jungkook appreciated Yoongi for giving him time to try and calm down before talking again.
“What happened,” Jungkook managed to croak after a minute or so had passed.
Yoongi took a deep breath. “Kun was here.”
Jungkook whipped his head around fast, his hair splaying water droplets on the couch. His eyes were glazed over with unshed tears, and Yoongi had never seen him look so angry.
He’d never seen Jungkook look so hurt.
“Kun did this to her,” Jungkook asked, tone low and dark, but it came out more as a statement because he already knew. He could tell by the angered inflection in Yoongi’s voice when he mentioned Kun.
Yoongi nodded. “Unfortunately. When I first made it outside, he was holding onto her, dragging her away-”
“Dragging her where,” his hand that was holding yours involuntarily squeezed harder.
Yoongi shrugged, shaking his head. “I don’t know, it looked like he was trying to take her to a car…”
Jungkook didn’t miss the way he trailed off. He waited for Yoongi to collect his thoughts.
 “Jungkook, I- I think he may have been trying to abduct her.”
Jungkook felt like the room had suddenly tilted. The idea of that – God, the idea of anything remotely close to that – made him feel violently ill.
He looked at your face then, noticing how it wasn’t scrunched up in pain; you actually looked quite peaceful despite the circumstances, almost like you were simply in a deep slumber. He tried hard to swallow around the ever-growing lump that was still forming in his throat when he brushed his fingertips along the length of your arm.
You were here, physically here. He could see you and he could touch you. Yoongi had saved you in time before you had been whisked away to who knows where. The fact that Kun had even dared to try to take you away… the possibility of you being gone and Jungkook not knowing where you had been taken to or if he’d ever see you again-
It made Jungkook see red.
This isn’t the life he wanted for you. He never wanted you to have to look over your shoulder in fear at the idea of someone following you, like you’d been doing the last several weeks. He never ever wanted you to get hurt, especially in such a way as this.
He could feel anger flowing through his veins, seeping into his bones and consuming him, with the only thing able to ground him right now being the feeling of your soft hand enveloped by his own.
Yoongi was saying more but Jungkook couldn’t make it out over his own voice screaming at him inside his head. His mind was waging a war with itself, questioning so many things-
Was he really the best person for you?
Was there someone out there who could protect you, who could keep you safe in ways he couldn’t?
Would loving you be enough if he could never fully promise you peace?
What if-
“Jungkook,” Yoongi’s stern voice cut through the thick fog of his mind and Jungkook shook his head to try clear it completely. He focused his attention on his friend that was now staring at him, sporting a frown on his face full of concern.
“Did you hear anything I just said?”
Jungkook gulped. “Honestly? No.”
Yoongi’s frown intensified. “Kook-”
“Don’t, just- please repeat it. Please.”
Yoongi sighed, closing his eyes for a moment before he continued. “I was saying that Kun threw her to the ground and that’s how she hit her head.”
Jungkook’s unoccupied hand balled into a fist and he clenched his jaw. Yoongi could see him tense up but continued speaking.
“I asked Jimin to fetch Jin seeing as he’s had more medical training than any of us and I figured it’d be better than waiting on an ambulance.”
He had barely gotten the last word out before there was hurried knocking on the door. Yoongi walked over to the door quickly to open it, and Jin rushed in without a moment’s hesitation.
“Sorry it took so long, I needed to get supplies.” He made his way to the couch, crouching down in front of it next to Jungkook. He placed the bag he was carrying down onto the ground beside him as he started sifting through it to find other things he needed. Jungkook watched Jin without really seeing him, flinching a little when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Kook,” Yoongi said softly as Jungkook looked up at him. “We need to let Jin look at her. C’mon,” he patted his shoulder before walking away, and Jungkook knew Yoongi expected him to follow him.
Jungkook also knew Yoongi was right, and he needed to let Jin get to work. He hated the thought of leaving you, but he knew he wasn’t going far. In fact, he wasn’t even going to leave the room, and if he was encouraged to, well-
There wasn’t anything anyone could do to make him leave that room short of physically removing him themselves. And with how wound up Jungkook was about this entire situation, that wouldn’t be an easy feat by any means.
Thankfully, Yoongi didn’t ask him to leave, opting instead to offer him his office chair. Jungkook graciously accepted the offer and sat down, briefly observing how Jin carefully examined you from across the room before he placed his head in his hands.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
Some time passed before Jungkook felt like he could properly breathe again. And he was only feeling like that now because you had finally started to stir.
As soon as the faintest noise was heard from you, Jungkook was out of his seat and in front of the couch again.
You groaned as you rubbed your eyes, trying to adjust to the light by blinking a few times. After doing this, you tilted your head to the side and your eyes landed on Jungkook. He inhaled sharply, feeling like he might break apart when you gave him the sweetest smile.
“Koo,” you breathed out softly as your hand reached up to caress his cheek. He vaguely heard Jin telling Yoongi something about you still having decent control over your motor skills being a good sign, but right now all his focus was on you specifically.
Well, he was also focusing on not having a breakdown, but you were most important.
His hand came up to cover yours that was still on his face and for the first time in what felt like ages, his lips curved upward into a smile.
“Hey, angel,” he responded. “How are you feeling?”
 Your eyebrows furrowed. “Well, my head hurts but otherwise I’m fine? A little sore, though-”
“That’s probably from your fall earlier,” Jin interrupted, pulling your attention back to him. You looked at him, bewildered.
“I fell? When did I fall?”
Yoongi and Jungkook shared a look then, and Jungkook would be lying if he said you not remembering what happened didn’t worry him.
It worried him a lot, actually.
Jin hummed. “We can talk about it later. I need to examine you now though, ok? Make sure you don’t have any signs of a concussion or something else.”
The scared look on your face made Jungkook’s chest tighten.
“O-ok, yeah, sure. Do whatever you need to,” you said as you tried to sit up straight, Jungkook and Jin both helping to steady you as you did.
It didn’t take long for Jin to conduct his examination. While he was checking you over, Yoongi relayed the events from earlier to you and Jungkook observed as the look in your eyes switched from one of confusion to one of horror the more Yoongi went on.
“I-I remember now. Right before you came out there, Kun told me-” you trailed off, speaking to Yoongi but looking over at Jungkook now. His heart started beating painfully when you paused.
“What did he tell you, baby?”
You inhaled unevenly, the sight tearing Jungkook up even more on the inside. “He told me that he wanted to see your reaction when I was nowhere to be found.”
This time, he swore his heart stopped.
So Kun had not only planned to take you away, but he wanted to make sure you couldn’t be found?
Jungkook made a promise to himself then and there that if he ever saw Kun again, he’d-
Your pleading tone made Jungkook’s eyes snap back up to your face. You were trying to give him a small smile, but he could still see the fear lying behind your eyes.
“It’s going to be ok,” you attempted to reassure him. “Don’t worry.”
Jungkook had no idea how you could sit here an expect him not to worry but he didn’t want to fight you on it. You’d both had enough excitement for one night so all he did was nod and hope that would suffice for now.
His mind was starting to race again with the same kind of thoughts he had earlier, plaguing him with questions he didn’t know the answers to.
Frankly, he didn’t even know if he wanted the answers either.
Jin stood up from where he was seated on the floor, straightening himself up and stretching his long limbs. “She’s going to be fine. Just keep an eye on her for the next few days, but I don’t see anything to be alarmed about. If anything changes, you can call me but also if you’re more comfortable going to a hospital, that’s fine too. I won’t be offended.”
Jungkook smiled at his eldest friend. “Thank you, Jin. Seriously, thank you.”
Jin nodded, offering a warm smile to you before exiting the room.
Yoongi walked over to the couch and ruffled your hair. Jungkook watched the exchange with fondness, seeing two of the people he cared about most in the world also caring for each other.
“I’m so glad you’re ok,” Yoongi said, sounding utterly tired. You thanked him again for what he had done, and Jungkook left the two of you alone momentarily so he could check on Jimin and Hoseok at the bar. They entertained him for all of maybe 5 seconds before shooing him away, assuring him that they could handle things and that he should just take you home and be with you right now.
Jungkook thought nothing sounded better.
When he made it back to Yoongi’s office, he saw that you were now sitting on the armrest of the couch. Yoongi must have helped you get up from the couch, seeing as he was standing beside you, and Jungkook strode over to take his place now with an arm around your waist. Yoongi didn’t say anything about him leaving other than to wish you both a goodnight and that he would talk to Jungkook later.
Jungkook helped you walk to the car, not letting you go for even a fraction of a second, despite your teasing him about being able to walk on your own. Be that as it may, he still wouldn’t let go, because the truth of the matter was he was just too scared to.
It wasn’t until you were both in the car riding home that Jungkook let those negative thoughts devour him once more.
And this time, they were almost impossible to shake away.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
When both of you finally arrived home, Jungkook opened the door and surveyed the room before letting you go inside. You knew his paranoia was at an all-time high right now and frankly you couldn’t blame him; you were still really unsettled, too.
But you were more of the mindset that it’s in the past now and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. You never liked to dwell too long on things and Jungkook was becoming better about that as well.
You weren’t sure if it’d be that easy this time, though.
He’d barely said a word to you the whole ride home, and even now as you were both standing by the front door while he locked it, he was still eerily quiet. Once it was sufficiently locked enough by Jungkook’s standards, he gave you one last look before he started walking down the hallway. You frowned and followed him.
No response.
“Baby? Talk to me.” It looked like he was trying to go to the kitchen, but it was still dark in the house since he’d barely turned on any of the lights, so you weren’t sure. Still no answer.
“Jungkook.” You called out sternly this time and just barely spotted him as he disappeared into the kitchen. When he heard you walk in, he finally spoke.
“You should eat something, what do you want?”
His voice broke your heart.
“I’m not hungry-”
“You can go lay down, Jin said you didn’t have a concussion so it should be fine. I can bring some food up for you.” He was leaning against the counter in front of the sink, his back turned to you and his head hanging somewhat.
He sounded not at all like himself, and it scared you. Not in the way that you were scared of him, but you were scared because you didn’t know what to do.
Talking was obviously getting you nowhere, so you instead walked up to him and wrapped your arms around him from behind, placing your cheek against his back. He flinched.
“Baby, please,” his voice sounded like it was breaking so you just held him tighter, hoping he could feel your love from the way you embraced him as if you never wanted to let him go.
“Koo, I need you to talk to me. I need to know what’s wrong-”
“What’s wrong is me,” he gritted out, tone louder than before and it made you jump. He then released himself from your arms and tried to walk away.
“Jungkook, wait,” you scrambled to go after him, catching him before he could disappear into another room, this time turning him around to face you. He was leaning against the wall and didn’t try to move past you anymore, but he avoided your gaze.
“Koo, look at me,” you stressed, ducking down to peek up at him. He finally raised his head so you could look into his eyes at a normal level. You noticed the tears in the corner of his eyes, and it nearly made you start crying yourself.
Jungkook never hid his vulnerability from you, he never hid anything from you. But even so, it was still a rare sight to see him cry.
“Why do you want to be around me right now,” he questioned, voice wavering and you recognized the sound. He was trying to hold himself back from crying.
“Koo, what do you mean, why wouldn’t I want to be around you? I love you-”
“I couldn’t protect you,” his voice rose in pitch, not to talk over you but because he was just so upset. “I couldn’t save you, I wasn’t around to help you- God, baby, you got fucking attacked and I wasn’t there.”
He was trembling and you tried to steady him by placing your hands on his shoulders. Tears were flowing freely down his cheeks now, and they were bound to start pooling in your own eyes any second.
“None of that is your fault,” you emphasized your words by squeezing his shoulders. “Ok? No one could have predicted what that psycho was gonna do, not you, not me, not Yoongi, nobody.”
“For fuck’s sake, he almost kidnapped you-”
“But he didn’t and I’m here.” You brushed his cheek to wipe some of the tears away and he choked back a sob. “I’m here, with you, and that’s what matters.”
“I could have lost you,” he said it just above a whisper as you moved to brush the tears away from his other cheek.
You blinked back your own tears. “You didn’t lose me.”
“But I could have. We have no idea what the fuck he’s capable of and just- every time I think about what might have happened if no one got to you in time, I start to lose my mind.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and reached up on your tip-toes to place a gentle kiss on his lips, heart lurching when he actually kissed you back and his hands found purchase on your waist as they usually did.
“You didn’t lose me. You have me. All of me. I’m right here,” you kissed him once more. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
Jungkook let out a sob as he pulled you closer, nearly crushing you with his embrace. You ran your hand through his hair to try and soothe him when he leaned his forehead on your shoulder.
“I was so fucking scared,” he said against your skin. “So terrified. I love you so much,” a tender kiss was placed on the side of your neck now, and you could feel his lips still trembling.
“I love you,” your response prompted another small sob from him, “I love you more than anyone or anything else in this world and I’ll show you that everyday for the rest of my life, as long as you let me.”
“Baby-” Jungkook’s voice cracked with so much raw emotion and you couldn’t help yourself anymore. You were determined to show him your conviction behind your statement, so with your hand still buried in his hair, you pulled him down to your level once more as you crashed your lips together.
You’d never felt anything quite like the emotions that coursed through you every single time you kissed Jungkook. It didn’t matter if it was the cute good morning kisses upon waking up, the silly, laughter-filled ones that happened in the midst of playing around, or the intense ones bursting with passion that always led to something more. Each one was different and better than the last, and it was like a language between you both filled with unspoken words that demonstrated exactly what you felt.
This was one of the many ways the two of your expressed your devotion to one another, through an action as simple as kissing yet the feelings it always evoked inside of you were anything but. And even during times like tonight when you’d both endured something extremely emotional, you could still find comfort in each other through these gestures.
When you finally broke apart, you were both panting breathlessly, and Jungkook rested his forehead against yours.
“Sorry, baby,” Jungkook breathed, voice somewhat raspy. His fingers had started gripping your waist harder during the exchange, but you felt them start to loosen.
That was most definitely something you didn’t want, so you placed your hands on the sides of his face and looked him in the eyes.
“Koo,” you spoke softly, cautiously, as if you were testing the waters. “Can I give you all of me?”
His eyes sparkled with the realization of what you were implying, and for a moment you wondered if he would reject you. And if he did, that would be completely fine with you because his comfort mattered most of all to you right now, as it always did. Tonight had been a lot to deal with and you weren’t sure what mindset he would be in about this sort of thing-
That thought remained unfinished in your mind as Jungkook captured your lips again and all other rational thought went out the window. All you could focus on now was how Jungkook’s body felt melded up against yours, how his mouth was exploring yours like he’d done so many times before, how his fingers dug into your skin like he was afraid to let you go.
You jumped up and Jungkook wrapped your legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss while he turned you around so that your back was against the wall. You heard a low groan come from him as you intensified the kiss before he pulled away.
“Angel, are you sure about this?” He was holding you up with help from the wall, hands placed on your thighs just underneath your ass. Your hand was playing with the hair at the nape of his neck since you knew how much he loved that. “The last thing I want to do is hurt you-”
“Koo, I’m fine. I feel fine and I’m not in pain. I promise. I want this. I want you,” you gave him another searing kiss that you felt yourself melting into. “But only if you want it too.”
Jungkook’s next kiss knocked the breath out of you and he swallowed the surprised whimper you let out. “Of course, baby. I always want you.”
His words never failed to make you feel warm all over, with love and adoration as well as arousal. Right now, you were feeling all of these things as he situated your legs around his waist in a more comfortable position.
“Do you want to do this here,” he panted as his eyes met yours again. You could tell he was getting worked up just having you like this here against the wall, so you wasted no time answering him.
“Yes Koo, please,” you urged him to continue. “Wanna feel you close. Don’t wanna wait.”
“Fuck, I mean, I could take us upstairs-” his words ended with a grunt as you drew him closer by wrapping your legs tighter around him, making him grind against you. His head dipped down to rest against your shoulder as he let out shallow breaths, his fingers threatening to make indentations in your skin.
In a somewhat frenzied manner, Jungkook put you back down on your feet so the both of you could remove your clothes, too impatient to take everything off and only getting rid of what was necessary. When both of your lower halves were bare, he secured you around his waist once more, his length rapidly hardening against your now naked thigh.
You reached in between the two of you to wrap your hand around him, and the feeling was enough to have him inhaling sharply before he kissed you with a newfound urgency. You could tell by the way he was moaning against your mouth that your teasing caresses were working and within no time he was ready. You let out a stuttered moan when Jungkook’s long fingers disappeared inside of you so he could make sure you were stretched enough.
When he deemed you prepped enough – and when you started rocking against his fingers with impatient whimpers – he withdrew so he could line himself up with you. Your already soaked folds were threatening to pull him in, and it was almost too much for him to handle in his heightened emotional state.
He pushed in slowly, inch by inch, as he always did. The stretch made you lean your head back against the wall, his soft curses only spurring you on even more. On other nights you might would try to coax him to be a little rougher because you knew you could take it, but tonight you weren’t in a rush for anything, and neither was he. Tonight was about you two being together as one, relishing the way you shared this connection with each other and conveying it through this intimate act.
Both of you sighed in pleasure when Jungkook bottomed out, finally experiencing that complete closeness the two of you craved more than anything else right now. His hands gripped your ass firmly to start moving you up and down his length in slow, steady strokes. He didn’t want to take things fast or go hard tonight – he just wanted to enjoy this feeling, having you so close and yet still wanting to pull you impossibly closer.
The feeling of your warmth around him mixed with the tousling of your hands in his hair was driving him crazy. Every touch from you, no matter how small, always ignited something within him that he couldn’t explain. He was so unapologetically, wholeheartedly in love with you.
And he’d just come so close to losing you.
Pain twisted his heart as he stared at you, watching your face scrunch up in the most beautiful way. Your head was tilted back with your eyes crinkled shut while his name was falling from your lips in hushed whispers. Each thrust was pushing you further up the wall before he would bring you back down again, and your arms wound themselves around his neck to help anchor yourself further.
You looked ethereal, and Jungkook was trying so hard to focus on you and not the negative thoughts that were once again settling uncomfortably in his mind. His body was fighting itself on whether he should succumb to the pleasure he was feeling or if he should submit to the dark cloud blanketing his mind.
His change in demeanor didn’t go unnoticed by you.
Jungkook continued to move inside of you, keeping a consistent pace, but something wasn’t right. He was looking at you, but he wasn’t looking at you. He had a pained expression on his face, and that’s what kicked your own worry into gear.
“Koo, baby, hey what’s wrong?” You held his face in both of your hands and watched as he crumbled underneath your touch. He had slid his hands up to rest against your back now in an attempt to embrace you further, hands trapped in between you and the wall.
You almost started panicking when you saw the tears start to brim in his eyes again.
“I just-” he choked on a cry and your heart wrenched at the sound, “I can’t stop thinking about it.” He was still moving but his pace had slowed down to a near stop.
“Thinking about what?” You weren’t sure you wanted to know but you needed him to talk to you.
“Thinking about losing you, I can’t-”
His hands reached up higher to grasp onto your shirt you were still wearing, clenching the fabric in his fists as he dragged it down. You could feel the collar of the front of your shirt tightening around you while he hid his head in the crook of your neck and started to shake. You wrapped your arms around him as tightly as you could and ran a hand through his hair, trying to soothe him.
“Please stay,” he whispered, almost too quiet for you to hear. “Please stay with me.”
“I love you so much, I don’t want to lose you,” more sobs wracked through his body. He had otherwise stilled inside of you but made no effort to move away. “I can’t lose you, I-”
“Baby, look at me.”
Jungkook slowly brought his head up to face you, the sight making you want to break down yourself. He looked so defeated, so broken, and his eyes were shining with tears he didn’t bother hiding anymore.
You cradled his face in your hands, rubbing your thumbs across his cheekbones before they travelled to trace along the curves of his jawline.
You placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, listening as he tried to control his erratic breathing. “I won’t leave you.”
A soft kiss on his lips. “I’ll never leave you.”
You brushed his hair back from his face, and his eyes captivated you as they swirled with so much intense emotion.
“I promised you forever, and I intend to keep it. Nothing, and no one, is going to keep me from you. I love you too much to let that happen,” you granted him a sweet smile and brushed your thumb across his lower lip that had started to quiver. He sniffled as you continued.
“Do you remember our wedding vows?”
Jungkook swallowed as he nodded, seeming a little calmer now.
Your smile widened, and your own set of fresh tears had gathered in the corners of your eyes, ready to spill. “Remember how I told I would give you all of me? That I would give you the best of me?”
He nodded again, and your heart soared at the tiny smile he presented you with.
“I promised you those things. So, no matter what happens, I’ll never leave you. And with everything life throws as us from here on out, we’ll make it through together.”
His smile was widening into the familiar, bunny-like grin you knew and loved dearly. Your Jungkook was coming back to you, and it was almost like you could see the dark fog that had surrounded him evaporating before your very eyes.
“I love you, Jeon Jungkook.” You leaned up to tenderly press your lips to his once more, smiling into the kiss as he let out a content sigh. “You’re my person. My forever. Please always remember that.”
You had swept a long lock of hair back from his face as you finished your words, and while you were distracted with that, Jungkook stared at you like you hung the moon and all the stars.
Your declarations of love stirred something inside of him and it dawned on him then that he was still inside of you. This was made more evident when you shifted in his embrace, probably to make yourself more comfortable since you were still against the wall, but it caused your walls to clench around him.
He closed his eyes and groaned, the sound causing arousal to radiate throughout your body. The two of you clearly must have forgotten the position you were in but that was no longer the case when you felt him twitch inside of you.
“Fuck,” he moaned at the sight of you when he opened his eyes again, his hands letting go of your shirt in favor of settling on your waist. Your cheeks were still flushed, with drying tear stains running down them. You were panting softly and Jungkook’s heart felt like it might burst with all the love he had for you.
“I love you,” he declared while he brushed his nose with yours. “And I honestly cannot believe I forgot I was fucking you, like how does that even happen.”
You giggled, kissing the tip of his nose before you drew back to rest contentedly against the wall. “I’m not sure, but do you perhaps want to finish what we started?”
You moved your hips as best you could at your current angle, and it pushed his cock further inside you, making you both moan at the action. He captured one of your hands in his and brought it up to place a kiss on your knuckles.
“Will you still let me give you all of me,” you reiterated your phrase from earlier in the night before all of this started. Jungkook’s eyes had darkened now with lust and he gave you a sly smile.
“Always, baby,” was his response. “Question now though,” he leaned down to let his lips ghost along your neck, making you shiver, “is can you take all of me?”
You tugged on his hair for him to look up at you, making him hiss in the process. You gave him your best challenging stare, and hoped it was convincing.
“Always,” you copied him, “I can easily take anything you give me.”
Jungkook arched an eyebrow and you felt his length twitch at your words. “Is that so?
You barely had time to nod before he was pinning your hand that he was holding on the wall beside your head, his other one gripping your waist hard enough now you knew it would leave a mark.
He pulled out almost all the way before he thrusted back into you hard, making you whine embarrassingly loud. He chuckled dark and low then, squeezing your hand as he intertwined your fingers.
“Too much for you, angel?” Jungkook knew he couldn’t keep this up forever and that he’d eventually crack himself, but he never missed an opportunity to tease you like this. “Thought you said you could take everything I give you.”
You nodded vigorously, not an easy feat with your head leaning against the wall. “I can, I can take it,” you breathed out, clenching around him to try and persuade him to move again. He stuttered out a low moan, determined to not lose his composure just yet.
“Yeah? You sure? Does that mean you want more?” He was shallowly moving inside of you at a torturously slow pace, the drag of his cock against your walls pulling a loud noise of desperation from your throat.
“Please,” you begged, not even caring how desperate you sounded. You just wanted to feel him, all of him, and your core throbbed at the thought of him finally relenting and fucking you how you wanted. “Please give it to me. Please give me more.”
“Fuck, baby, I love hearing you beg for me,” Jungkook moaned, readjusting his grip on your hip. “Gonna give you exactly what you want.”
He hungrily kissed you for a few moments, sinking further into you before he pulled back, panting as he placed his forehead against yours, eyes closed.
“Angel?” His voice was low and just the tone alone made you clench.
He opened his eyes and smiled. “You might wanna hold on tight.”
You just had enough time to wrap your unoccupied arm around his back before he started pounding into you like his life depended on it. He slammed into you repeatedly, making you scream out his name over and over again whenever he’d hit that bundle of nerves inside of you. You gripped his shirt to have something to ground yourself with, and your eyes rolled back as he increased his pace.
Jungkook was grunting into your skin, teeth grazing against your neck. “You feel so fucking good, always so tight and perfect for me, my perfect angel.” He squeezed your hand hard enough that his knuckles were taut, but it didn’t hurt you. If anything, it turned you on more because he was finally letting go, caring more about just being in the moment with you than potentially hurting you.
And you knew he still did care about that, he always would; he was Jungkook, after all. But time and time again you had pleaded with him to stop handling you like you would break under the slightest amount of pressure. This was the first time he did without hesitation or working himself up to it.
And you fucking loved it.
In fact, it was overwhelming enough to the point where you knew you weren’t going to last long at all with the way he was drilling into you. All the emotions the two of you had endured tonight mixed with the passionate entanglement you found yourself wrapped up in now, it was no surprise that you were hurtling toward your undoing at a very fast pace.
“Koo, baby, oh my God-” you finally found your voice again, running your nails down his back, hard enough that if he hadn’t been still wearing his shirt, you’re sure it would have left scratch marks.
“Fuck, angel, can feel you around me, always so good for me,” his tongue darted out past his lips before he captured your bottom one between his teeth and tugged on it gently. “Always my good girl.”
His words made you spasm around him, and he moaned loudly at the feeling, eyes fluttering shut. His damp hair was falling into his face so you brushed it back, gasping at the sight of him.
You’d seen Jungkook like this many times before, but this time? This time was different.
A few curls were still framing his face but he had his head tilted back and his lips parted as the most amazing sounds escaped from them. His brows were furrowed and he looked almost pained, but in a completely different way than he had earlier that night.
Your heart ached at the memory, but you didn’t have long to think about it before he pulled you more flush against his chest, now opting to grab your ass with both hands so he could move you up and down his cock with his strength alone.
“Holy shit,” he breathed out, “I love you so much, angel, just wanna stay with you like this forever.” He was speeding up again and with the new angle, your body felt like it was on fire. You couldn’t even make a noise as the stimulation kept hitting you in wave after wave.
“You said earlier,” Jungkook continued, a little breathless now but never letting up on his powerful thrusts, “that I was ­– fuck – that I was your person.”
You nodded, still not really able to say anything or make any sound because your orgasm was approaching fast and you didn’t want it to happen so soon. Not until you knew he was there with you.
“Did you mean it,” he asked, hooded eyes trying to search yours. You kissed him with all the strength you could muster, swallowing down his moans as your walls clenched around him.
“Of course I did. I meant everything I said earlier.” A high-pitched moan tore itself from your throat when his hips snapped into you harder at your words.
“Fuck, it always does something to me when you say things like that,” he was losing his composure now, you could tell it by the way he sounded.
His admission made you chuckle fondly. “You know, you said something similar the first time we were together.”
Jungkook opened his eyes to stare at you and grinned at the memory. “Yeah, I did. Meant it then and I mean it now too.”
“I’m glad I still have that kind of effect on you,” you responded, breaking off to moan loudly at a harsher thrust. Jungkook’s grip on you tightened, and he increased his pace, finally pulling you over the edge.
“You do, holy shit, you really do. I hope I can say the same- fuck,” Jungkook knew you were close with the way your walls kept spasming around him every few seconds. “Gonna cum for me, baby?”
You nodded and whined, holding onto his shirt for dear life while he rocked you through the first stages of your euphoric bliss. He was panting right by your ear now, the sounds making your eyes roll back.
“Go on, cum for me then. Fucking love when you cum all over my cock,” Jungkook’s filthy words had you moaning out his name. “My beautiful angel,” he continued, pulling down the collar of your shirt slightly so he could place a kiss on your collarbone. “Always so pretty for me.”
“Fuck, I’m close, Koo, want you there with me,” you opened your eyes in time to see him pulling his lip between his teeth.
“I’m right there, baby, let go for me,” he reached in between the two of you and barely brushed your clit before your sudden orgasm made you clench so hard around him that he had to throw his head back and let out a guttural moan.
“Angel, fuuuuck, I’m right there, I’m-” you crashed your lips against his and swallowed down every loud noise he made, feeling his lips tremble against yours as his hips stuttered when he filled you up with his release.
He broke apart from you with a gasp, leaning his head back and letting out a strained “holy fuck” before he looked at you again. He slowed down now, thrusting a few more times before he stilled completely, breathing hard.
He moved you away from the wall, and you thought he might put you down but instead he tightened your legs more securely around him and walked the two of you over to the nearest bathroom to shower, his lips never leaving yours the whole way there.
Thank fuck Jungkook had such great muscle memory and knew where he was going because you definitely couldn’t have pulled that off.
He stayed inside you until he was able to put you in the shower, helping you discard the rest of your clothes before he did the same and joined you. It was your usual ritual and preferred form of aftercare since the water from the shower soothed any sore muscles and it helped you get clean in the process. Not to mention it was another way for you to be close to Jungkook, him only reiterating that truth now and he pulled your back against his chest so he could massage shampoo into your hair.
“Love you,” he whispered softly, placing a kiss on your temple since you leaned your head back at the feeling of his touch. He treated you so delicately now, the complete opposite of how he was just fucking you up against the wall. You loved moments like this just as much, always receptive to everything Jungkook did, every touch that flittered across your skin.
“I love you,” was your response as you turned around to wrap your arms around his neck and pulled him into a chaste kiss. He smiled into it, his fingertips brushing against the skin right above your waist.
After your shower, Jungkook carried you upstairs, ignoring your attempts at getting him to put you down because as you told him repeatedly your legs worked just fine and you could walk by yourself. His response?
“Don’t care, still wanna carry you.”
All you could do then was huff, pulling a laugh from the man you loved so much, the sound always beautiful and able to make your heart skip a beat.
When you were both snuggled into bed, you found it hard to sleep. There were still things you two needed to discuss, but you didn’t have the energy – and not really the want – right now to bring them up.
However, Jungkook did.
“Hey,” he was running his hand through your hair as you were laying your head on his shoulder. You hummed in response.
“I’m sorry,” he started, and before you could interrupt he quickly went on. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you, but I’m also sorry about how I acted earlier.”
“Koo, it’s fine-”
“Please don’t,” his eyes were pleading and you let him continue.
“It’s not fine, it’s- I get in my head sometimes and it can be hard to come back from that. You’re always able to bring me back, but tonight…fuck, it was bad.” There was a frown on his face now and you tried to make it disappear by placing a kiss on his cheek.
“I kept thinking about how maybe I’m not the best for you-”
You couldn’t help interrupting this time. “Jungkook, you are the best for me.”
“We don’t know that though-”
“I don’t have to, because I know in my heart that you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure we have the best life together, the same as I’ll do for you.” You brushed a curl out of his face before you continued, “Only for you.”
He cracked a smile. “That’s my line.”
You shrugged, giggling when Jungkook began trying to poke your sides. “Regardless though, I don’t want you feeling that way. You’re enough, Jungkook, you’re more than enough.”
His smile widened. “Really?”
“Really.” You thought about it for a second. “What can I do to convince you?”
He raised an eyebrow, eyes full of mischief. “Well, I can think of a way…” he said in a suggestive tone, making you roll your eyes before you turned away from him. His laughter fell on your ears and you couldn’t help the smile that broke out on your face.
“Hey, c’mon, you know I’m just kidding,” he turned you to face him again, running his hand up and down your side now.
“No you’re not,” you snorted.
He pretended to think about it for a moment. “Ok, you’re right- but­ I know you’re too tired so I’m half kidding? Sorta?”
It was your turn to laugh then, huddling closer to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his throat.
His hands found their way into your hair again, and he continued to run them through the strands long enough that you almost fell asleep until he spoke up again.
“We need to do something about him, though.”
The way he said ‘him’ let you know exactly who he was talking about.
You nodded, sliding your head up to lay in the crook of his neck. “We will. But that’s a problem for another day. Right now,” you yawned, “we need sleep.”
He chuckled and kissed the top of your head. “Get some sleep, angel. I’ll stay up a little bit to make sure you’re ok. Jin said it was a good idea for tonight, anyway.”
You were already nuzzling deeper into his embrace, barely registering his words. “Mm-hmm,” came your sluggish response. “Goodnight, Koo.”
“Night, baby,” was his last response you heard before slumber took over, the feeling of his strong arms around you more comforting than anything else you’d ever known.
Jungkook stayed awake for a few hours, listening to your soft snoring and observing you as you slept peacefully. There was a gentle ache tugging at his heart as he remembered everything that you’d been through that night, but when you unconsciously snuggled closer, he felt the ache dissipate.
He made a promise to himself that whatever happened in the future, he would be there for you. He would keep you as safe as he could, and love you with everything he had.
After all, you were his person, just as he was yours, and he hoped that’s how it would stay.
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sleeperswakewriting · 2 years
Levi with other upper rank officers were sent to attend a charity event with the nobles. Just Levi kept on comparing those noble women were nothing more compared to Petra. Like how their eyes colour are not like hers, they didnt act like her etc and that moment he realised his feeling for her and rush back to the clueless Petra😂
Rating: G
Word Count: 1.8k
thank you, anon! I have two other drabbles planned for this week (Rivetra rival tea shop owners is what I'm excited about lol)
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Even though Levi might not look it, he was a big fucking softie. He donated nearly a third of his paycheck to Underground efforts, also known as liberation fronts, and the other to local orphanages. He had more than enough to sustain his simple lifestyle. Always anonymous, never breathing of it to any soul, he would donate his entire paycheck if it meant avoiding socializing with nobles of all people. 
This is exactly what he told Erwin when all upper-rank military officers were invited—no, ordered— to attend a charity event funded by the government. Charity was a loose word, with Levi questioning where the money was even going, to which Erwin replied to refugees from Wall Maria. 
Hm. Levi couldn’t exactly say that wasn’t a worthy cause, but certainly donating the money instead of throwing some lavish and ridiculous event would be more cost-effective. Still, Levi wasn’t the type to disobey a direct order, no matter how much he wanted to rip his skin off and disappear. He was expected to mingle, encourage funding from the Scouts, and if he got lucky, more recruitment. Erwin was best at that, he couldn’t fathom why his presence was required, but Erwin chuckled, mentioning that his reputation was far more impressive than Levi thought. 
Grumbling, Levi was about to leave the Special Ops barracks dressed in his finest; a black suit with coattails, an ivory cravat, and a matching vest. He spotted Petra reading by the fireplace, curled up with a blanket, completely engrossed he didn’t even notice his footfalls from the stairwell. A serene smile was upon her lips, her civilian clothes were loose, with the top button of her shirt undone while gray socks peeked from the knit blanket. 
He coughed, alerting her, and she looked up in surprise. 
“Sir!” she greeted cheerfully. “Heading out now?” Levi already griped about the ball to his squad, bemoaning that he would be alone with Eyebrows. 
‘You’re all elite, why didn’t any of you get invitations?’ he asked, hanging his head. 
‘Well, not all of us are Humanity’s Strongest,’ Eld teased. It was unlike Levi to complain, and the squad enjoyed poking fun at their nearly unflappable leader now and then. 
“How do I look?” He felt ridiculous and he tugged at the collar of his dress shirt. 
“You always look impeccable, sir,” Petra said, closing her book, but left a placeholder with her thumb. “I hope you have a good time!” 
He scoffed, “If I’m lucky, we can leave early if Erwin gets all his schmoozing done before midnight.” 
Giggling, Petra tucked her feet into the blanket and tilted her head. “I’m sure the Commander has his reasons.” 
Levi sighed, then looked at the table where she made herself some tea and a half-eaten biscuit sat. “No plans for you? It’s Saturday night.” 
“You know me, sir. I like a quiet night.” 
Envious of his subordinate, Levi gave a half-smile. “I know. See you around, Ral.” 
Petra gave a wave and immediately returned to her book as Levi walked out. The ride to Mitras would take a few hours, and with nothing to do than entertain Erwin’s battle strategies, he daydreamed of amber eyes and black tea. 
If someone called Levi’s name one more time, he would not be responsible for any damage incurred tonight. Grip tight on the wine glass, Levi finished off his third drink—unfortunately, not tipsy in the slightest—and set it on a waiter’s tray while he went to sulk in a corner. 
‘Tell us all about the Titans, Captain!’ the nobles said, swarming him as he entered the ballroom. ‘You simply need to describe how vile those creatures are! Oho-ho, we’re so lucky to be within Sina. Have you thought about retiring here?’
Levi, with all his delicacy and grace, replied, ‘Have you ever seen your friend’s head bitten off? Or know what blood smells like after it has clung to you for nearly twelve hours?’
Rendered silent, he excused himself, knowing he crossed a line, but Erwin wasn’t around to tell him off. He didn’t usually lose his composure, but something about the atmosphere of being around nobles, and not a single friendly soul in sight sent him reeling. Sure, there was the Garrison, but he only exchanged pleasantries with Pyxis and his second in command seemed to rotate based on whoever was willing to put up with his drunken antics. 
Levi always hated contrived politeness. Used to bullshit, he didn’t understand the purpose of dancing, drinking to get drunk, or talking someone up only to go behind their back later. It was headache-inducing, keeping up with the social politics of it all, and Levi knew he didn’t belong in this world. 
He liked his quiet nights with tea, paperwork, and looking at the stars. He’d read if he was feeling particularly bored, but stories never seemed to keep his attention. Petra always regaled her books to him, mostly when they were in the kitchen together, and he’d listen to her melodic voice. It didn’t matter if it was informational, fiction, or his least favorite, romance, he just liked to hear her and her boundless enthusiasm for the make-believe. 
Then there were the nights they’d sit upon the roof, in amicable silence, and she’d fall asleep, not wanting to leave him alone. It was wordless between them, with her shoulders usually covered in a blanket, and he’d carry her back down while she pretended to be asleep. She’d wake in her bed and make him breakfast the next morning, not mentioning it, but the warmth of her smile was like a hidden secret. 
God, he wanted to do that now. With the musicians playing another upbeat song, he just wanted silence, and with a maddening thought, he looked around. Erwin was talking to a woman, leaning closer than just for business, and Levi took that as his cue that their duties were fulfilled. Erwin could take the carriage back, he preferred to ride. He rode his way back to the barracks with a military horse, not looking back as the night air whipped around him. 
It was as if he’d never tasted anything so pure and fresh before. Cheap perfume suffocated the ballroom, and the murmur of the crowd felt like a Titan roar. Out here, alone, Levi knew peace, as tumultuous as his life was.
He already had one foot out the door when he dropped the horse off at the stable, letting the stablehand take care of it, a luxury he usually liked to indulge in. But like a magnet, his feet guided him back to the barracks, and he swung the door open with fervor, immediately looking to the fireplace.
Petra was asleep, her book about to slide off her lap, and the fireplace was dying with its last embers. Levi shook his head, a tender smile filling him as he bent down to set her book aside and pulled her blanket up. 
“Goodnight, Petra,” he murmured, stoking the fire, and took her empty plate and teacup. 
There was always tomorrow night.
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jjuzoir · 4 years
Homare Arisugawa General HCS
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request: “Hi Sora! I never see any art/writing for my boy Homare from A3! (Maybe because his dialogue is so ridiculous.) Would you mind writing something for him?” from tlali
a/n: ahhh i don’t think i’ve ever taken so long in a request jdjdndnd but i just wanted to make it right because i love homare so much❕ he deserves everything and more i just HDHSJJA we need more homare love 🤬 his dialogue is hilarious and i feel like we need to appreciate his style more no more homare slander 🙅
word count: 1667
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- He smells like earl gray tea. No one knows why since he uses unscented soaps, he says it’s probably because he spends most of his time drinking or around tea.
- He’s very particular about his hair, he uses very specific shampoos and conditioners that he will absolutely not share or change unless he notices his hair needs it. Talking about his hair, it’s naturally kind of dry so he uses a lot of hydrating products which leaves him with the softest, most fluffy hair ever. It’s like touching a cloud.
- One of his favorite gifts given to him is a tie given to him as a birthday gift by his members. Everyone pitched it, including Izumi, and Azuma picked it out. It’s black, much like his everyday tie, but it’s got a small embroidered snowflake.
- He’s got three main pairs of glasses; his everyday ones he keeps at hand when he goes out, his at home ones which are (according to him) less flattering, and his driving ones. Keep in mind he can’t drive, he doesn’t even own a car.
- He can speak french and latin, and he’s super loud about it too. He’ll sometimes slip in french phrases and no one will understand other than Chikage and it’s just a mess - Muku is always so amazed that he knows two other languages too and probably asks him to teach him sometime.
- Definitely has the prettiest handwriting when it comes to the roman alphabet, he writes in ink and with fancy pens that cost more than Banri’s tuition.
- Absolutely has a bunch of business cards printed out, each with its own quote made by him. Sakyo thought it was such a waste printing them until he realized that no matter how many Homare took when he went to run errands he always gave them all, to whom? No one knows.
- He’s very well respected in the literary community, which still shocks pretty much everyone. He gets stopped often by fans or people who’ve read his work, it happens at least once a day and Izumi really doesn’t… she doesn’t understand, poor girl.
- He’s not that good with phone calls, he’s not bad but he definitely prefers texting or just talking face to face. To him there’s just a certain level of discontent he doesn’t like that doesn’t exist in other mediums.
- His favorite shows are either comedies or heavy hitting detective shows, there is no inbetween. You’ll walk in on him watching a sitcom leave the room and walk in on a serial killer chase down.
- About his love for detective shows, his favorite pastime is trying to solve the mysteries with the main character. He’ll rewatch the episode so many times to try and pick up clues, he’ll take notes and come to a conclusion and he loves the feeling of getting it right.
- In the same spirit as the statement above, absolutely got Tsumugi and Sakyo hooked on some of his favorites and they hang out to talk about the latest episodes and the overarching mystery. The conversations can tend to get kind of heavy very quick, more than once Muku thought they were investigating a real crime and almost fainted.
- He looks like he’s probably allergic to wool sweaters, they make his skin itch and he always needs to use a shirt underneath them - so he tends to buy those expensive anti-allergic ones that need to be washed in a very specific way that could probably pay Tsuzuru’s whole college debt and it takes a lot of restraint from the playwright not to steal one and sell in the black market.
- Talking about Tsuzuru, he often gives him writing advice. Said advice tends to be very useful, like keeping a pen and notebook on him in case anything comes to mind during the day or writing daily to help ease him into a style, etc. Homare genuinely wants him to bloom into a writer and is willing to beta-read anything Minagi needs, be it a script or a sleep deprived rambling about the gay subtext in Nocturnity.
- Arisugawa sets himself reading goals each month, he likes to read at least one book. He prefers poetry books or classic english literature, but he also likes to read romance books or really bizarre dystopian novels.
- Has read more books than most people in the company and can give very detailed recommendations if you give him like a day.
- Sings operas in the shower, unless stopped he will keep going until the second act. Surprisingly good falsetto, but one time Tenma thought it was a Banshee for a second and almost cried into Juza’s chest.
- He’s not only an overly emotional drunk but also a loud drunk, he’s already quite loud but when he’s downed half a bottle of wine and a shot of vodka he’s louder than the Summer Troupe combined. Because of this, Izumi tends to restrict his alcohol intake when they’re at the dorm.
- I can see him being very big into musicals, not all musicals but a very specific niche; classic horror novels turned into musicals. He’s a very big fan of both the German and Korean versions of Dracula, his favorite song is probably “Zu Ende” or the Korean version of “It’s Over”. He also likes the Frankenstein musical too, but overall he finds Junsu’s Dracula more interesting thus his preference.
- He will talk your ear off if you mention any musical though, be it a classic like Phantom or something newer like Heathers.
- A very big fan of Ghibli movies, he told me so himself today. He really likes Spirited Away though, it’s a movie he’s watched so many times but he’s still completely enamoured by it; he probably has made the Winter Troupe watch it at least once and Hisoka definitely knows the beginning of the movie by heart now.
- Homare is also really good at drawing, not like Kazunari but he’s probably the second best. He learned by analyzing and looking at artists he admired and picking up on their techniques. A true Renaissance Man™️.
- I feel like he’d also have a bunch of skills that are kind of, useless? He can probably carve wood and make candles, he also took a course in glass blowing probably. Arisugawa just wants to try everything at least once, his motto is probably to explore and learn as much as possible, not just about art but the world (he can be surprisingly smart if you have a dictionary at hand).
- Very observant, just in general. Which can be both good and bad, it’s good because it helps him understand the situation in ways others might not but it leads to him to sometimes overthinking things and behaving in manners which may annoy or hurt others.
- He also has a hard time trying to react to social cues, as seen in game, with certain people. While he’s worked it out with the Winter troupe and the Mankai company he still struggles when it comes to new people.
- Will make little tunes he sings in the shower that kind of become a little daily song, each day there’s a new one he’ll hum.
- He also canonly makes music and he makes contemporary electro-pop, you cannot change my mind. He probably also mixes opera and classical music into his tunes, which can go from 1 minute to 10, so you end up with a very cool mix of orchestra and techno-pop - it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but he’s probably got his own niche group.
- Now, into more romantic HCs...
- He’s a good flirt, a very good flirt. They may sound weird looking back at it, but his pickup lines work and they work well.
- He knows when to stop pursuing someone too. He senses even a bit of discomfort and he’s backing away, won’t ask anything. Very big on consent and unless stated absolutely explicitly he’ll keep his distance.
- A true gentleman, please - he’ll never let his dates pay, always open the doors for them, will even do the “walk on the inside of the sidewalk” when he’s walking you home.
- His favorite dates tend to be ones where you get to know more about each other, not always necessarily by talking though. Being able to go into a bookstore and look at the books, seeing the ones you pick, what you pick at a cafe or restaurant, it all helps him draw a better picture of who you are and he likes to think it helps you get to know him better too.
- He’s very in tune with his S/O’s feelings but is afraid of overstepping any boundaries which may lead to some miscommunication at the beginning of the relationship. But it’s workable and it wouldn’t be that big an issue in the long run as long as his partner is willing to help him understand them.
- Not big on PDA, thinks certain things should remain inside - not to say he wouldn’t talk for hours about his partner to anyone who listens but things like kissing or hugs tend to be behind closed doors. He’s okay with hand holding and maybe a kiss on the cheek though!
- Likes wearing matching outfits with his S/O, thinks it shows how they’re “one in spirit, heart, and mind” and will not stop pointing it out to the point even married couples feel single as they hear him ramble on about the subtle coordination in your color schemes to create a perfect contrast.
- Notices the smallest things like how much sugar you like in your drinks, the telltale signs of when you’re lying or uncomfortable, how you act when you’re too cold or too hot, and learns it by heart.
- Homare is also the kind of boyfriend who’d confront the waiter if they get your order wrong, he’s not ashamed of it either.
- He kind of just wants to make sure you’re doing well and happy, he’s a gentleman.
- Damn… I love him so much
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Inkubus x Vampire!Fem!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: Always There
I think outta all Englund's characters on this blog, I like writing for Inkubus the most. Which is criminal seeing as I write for him the least. I need to change that haha.
Plot: You meet up with a very old friend of yours and you spend some time catching up. And he's so clearly in love with you, its unbelievable and torturous to him that no matter what he does, you don't notice.
Warnings: A very unreliable narrator (In terms of particular other peoples clear feelings for her), BLOOD, DRINKING BLOOD, DRAINING SOMEONE OF BLOOD (But in a sort of polite way? Hah), MENTIONS OF AN ABUSIVE EX PARTNER, vampires and incubus'.
The smell of iron and petrichor fills your nostrils, disgusting and refreshing and also, just... relieving... in equal measure filling you up as you kneel by the victim - the man you'd chosen, - for tonight; A needle and tube attached to a blood bag between your fingers and digging into the poor mans neck.
You hate doing this, knowing this guy will be weak and sick feeling for the next day - maybe two depending on how much you take from him, - without understanding why. But, its for sure better then the alternative- which is just digging in right here and now with your teeth. That's messy, and the marks you leave behind aren't easy to explain away as 'animal attacks' anymore.
You need the blood, but you aren't a savage, jeez. You always catch any new vampire movies or shows together with your daughter and watch those actors with blood all over their chins, and think... How old are these vamps supposed to be?? 300 hundred years old!?
And they don't know how to eat without getting it all over their face?
Pfft! Rolling your eyes, you gently shake your head at the memories of bloody Edward Cullen and Lestat and Damon Salvetore swimming around in your head as watch the man's breathing. To be fair, you love them all - Twilight, Interview with a Vampire, The Vampire Diaries, Nosferatu, Vampires Vs the Bronx, etc, - but that's just because its more fiction then truth- and that's coming from an honest to goodness bloodsucker.
Finally deciding you've taken enough without truly hurting the man, you put pressure on his neck and pull out the needle, carefully wipe away any mess with a cotton ball from your bag and put a band aid on him.
"Now," You talk firmly, softly, as you look into his eyes - which are dull, almost sleeping. A nice touch to the docile state you put your victims, in so they can at least not feel any pain or fear while you're collecting your feed, - , hands on his shoulders. "You're not going to remember this, or me. You're going to get a taxi home," You tuck some money in his shirt pocket, a thank you for his service; Its the least you could do. "Then get into bed and have a wonderful sleep with lots of lovely dreams. Thank you so much."
After you watch the man get up, still in a bit of daze but shaking it off - and not even noticing your presence, crouched down by where he's standing, - and leave the alleyway, you carefully pack away the blood bag and the tube and needle (In a separate plastic bag, for you to clean and sanitise when you get home) in your satchel and finally get back up, wrapping the strap over your head and resting it on your shoulder.
Brushing a hand through your hair, you turn to leave the alleyway and go home- when a familiar voice speaks up from the very back of the alley- and immediately your hopes rise.
"You look even more beautiful every time I see you."
You smile, peering into the darkness. "Oh, that's very sweet... but you and I both know I look like trash. I haven't eaten for a week!" When he just chuckles back, you tilt your head and waive him over. "Come out here so I can see you!; When did you get into town?"
Gracefully - more so then even you can manage, being a goddamn vampire, - Inkubus slips out of the darkness and you're happy to see he looks well. Its been forever since you say him last - 40 years? 70? - and you always have it in the back of your head for some reason that next time you see your friend, it'll be the last time. So its always lovely when he turns up and looks just as healthy as he always does.
"Oh I just got here; Thought I would come see you immediately. Otherwise you might nag at me." This time you chuckle, rolling your eyes. His eyes flicker to your satchel. "Collecting our dinner our we?"
"Yep! Smells like A Negative, my favourite. When was the last time you ate?"
"Ohh, a couple weeks ago. I'm due for my next fill soon, though... any suggestions?"
"No," Scrunch up your nose, you put a lot of emphasis on your response; See, you don't subscribe to the notion that monsters like the two of you have to act all blasé and cocky about the terrible things they must do. Apart from these night time trips to find breathers to bleed, you live a... mostly... normal life! So no- you definitely don't know anyone he can make his next victim.
And Inkubus knows this, which is why he laughs and you roll your eyes again at him, fixing the satchel on your shoulder. "So- " Again his eyes flicker to your bag, this time with meaning. A cheeky grin flits across his lips. "Want to get a drink?"
Smiling, you turn on your heel, you loop your arm through his and lead the way. "So have you been?"
4 hours later and the two of you are still stewing at a 24-Hour-Diner you frequent - seeing as you don't really sleep that much, - and are onto your 9th drinks at this point. You two may not see each other too often since the 1400's and went your separate ways in the world, but you never go longer then a hundred years - preferably 80 maximum, - without seeing each other and when you do- you have a lot to say. Filling each other in on what you've missed in each others lives is always a... disorientating experience, at times, but you must do it. You couldn't survive in a world where you didn't know what was happening in your best friends life. That would just be too lonely.
See, Inkubus is the only one you know - still, to this day, - who knew you when you were human, aside from the man referred to very nearly exclusively as 'Dick for brains' - being your daughters father, - and while having human friends who can make you feel normal again, is wonderful... so is feeling normal, in what you actually are currently. And that's not human. That's thousands and thousands of years old and a mystery to scientists. And, seeing as he's a literal demon... that's a very easy service for him to provide.
A waitress walks by to pick up you empty glasses and looks oddly at your personal tumbler. You clearly weren't meant to notice, but you do of course, and unassumingly shrug. "Bloody Mary... don't tell." You give her a conspiratorial wink, and she chuckles, walking off.
When you look back to Inkubus, he looks ready to make a joke so you give him a timid shrug. "Well, there is vodka and Tobasco sauce in it!... " He smirks, but lets it go- seeing as your words were funny enough.
"And how is Bethany? Has she seen her father lately...?" Your eyebrows arch, hearing Inkubus ask about him; Dick for Brains, Beth's father and the bane of your long, long existence. Obviously, seeing as the bastard impregnated you with his literal spawn of hell causing you to die during childbirth at age 26 so he could then turn you into a vampire, made you raise your daughter alone- and then returned 20 years later just to turn Beth into a vampire as well and claim that you can all be a 'proper family now'... you aren't a huge fan of the guy. And talking about him you don't do often, as it causes a horrible clenching feeling in your stomach and heart. Luckily, Inkubus is one of the few people who is allowed to make you feel that way. Him, and Beth.
You sigh, taking a slow sip of your drink through the matching metal straw and metal tumbler set Beth got your last mothers day (So as to hide the fact that its blood inside), you wonder what to say... "Beth's great, as always... she's fallen in love with a human, though. That can only end brilliantly." Shaking your head, you look to Inkubus to see his reaction and catch him rolling his eyes, smirking. Yep. "Um, and... yes. There has been contact with Dick for Brains... He recently, like... 20 years ago? turned up at her place in Egypt, and wouldn't leave till I had to fly down there and shoo him away." You grit your teeth. There is so much wrong with that man- you do honestly with you had never met him sometimes. That's horrible, you know, as if you hadn't met him you wouldn't have had Beth and she's the light of your life, but... at times like that instance? When he troubles her?
Its hard to not wish his existence away.
"Do you want me to speak with him?... Again... ?" Your gaze returns to Inkubus again, feeling at ease the moment your minds back in the diner with him and not in your head with Dick for Brains; Eyes softening. The idea is tempting, unbelievably tempting... And it would keep your friend around awhile longer. "That always seems to win you a couple hundred years of reprieve."
Taking a deep, needless breath - an anxious habit, - you set down your tumbler and shake your head. "No, that's okay... thank you for the offer, though. He seems to be giving up, slowly, finally. But damn, its taken him long enough to get the hint, huh?"
"Far too long." Inkubus' voice is bitter and dark, talking about your ex- and his eyes are reading much different. You know if you let him, he would kill Derek... but you cant do that. If anyone's going to kill him, it would be you or Beth, and neither of you are there yet. Inkubus takes a deep breath, relaxing again like a chameleon changing its colours. "Anyway, love; Onto prettier business. How did that thing go, that you had with that Djinn half a century ago. You seemed quite optimistic about that one."
A fluttering of laughter immediately comes out of you and Inkubus' truly cheers up at the sight of it, and you just look at him and shake your head; An awkward toothless smile on your lips. Ha! No.
His brows arch, laughter in his eyes. "Didn't end well?"
"That ended up being the shortest affair I've ever had and that's saying something." Brushing hair back from your face, you chew on your bottom lip. "You'd think after nearly 10 centuries, I'd learn... Oh- wait- make that 10 and nearly a half, centuries... Boy, am I clueless."
"Clueless about what, love?" You're just breathing in to respond, when a cheeky look crosses Inkubus' familiar face. "I mean, you are quiet clueless- about plenty of things. But specifically, this time."
You scrunch up your nose at him in response, grinning, before once again chewing on your bottom lip. "... I'm just not the woman that gets proposed to." You shrug, as if its no big deal; Even though your heart bleeds saying it out loud for the first time, to someone that matters and not just your ex-therapist, Julie. Setting your drink on the table in front of you, you idlily twist it. "Obsessed over and stalked, yes." You grin, a tinge of sadness to it. "Fucked, yes. Dated even, yes. But married?... Ha, no... "
His eyebrows climb up his forehead even more, before he softly smiles and pats your hand. "I asked you to marry me, all those years ago, sweetheart. Remember?" He reminds you gently, and you cant help giving a soft smile back at your well-meaning friend.
"Oh, yes of course I do. That was very sweet, but... I mean for love, you know? Not because I'm pregnant and alone."
Inkubus sighs, slightly frustrated, and leans back in his seat. "Mhmmm... " Rubbing a finger under his nose, he quickly clears his throat. Then he reaches his hand further up your arm to lay it on your forearm, running his thumb comfortingly across your skin. "Love, I'm sure that you'll find someone. Perhaps multiple someone's. Or, maybe, you don't need to find anyone new."
A little smile twitches at your lips as you pick up his hands and hold it on the table in both of yours. "... Maybe." For a split millisecond, your friend smiles. Sighing wistfully, you shrug. "Maybe I can learn to be happy alone. I mean, I like my life. I like my daughter, I like my job, I like my patterns... Maybe I don't need a man." Immediately his smile disappears and he rolls his eyes.
"You definitely don't need a man." He sighs, frowning. "But one can be good for a few things, no?"
"Hey." You set him with a stern look. "I thought we were making me feel better, about not having one?"
"Oh, you're right. I rescind my comment."
"You better." A cheeky grin crosses your face.
He looks back at it, the cheeky grin of yours, and the smile returns to his face.
The sun is warming up when you're on your way home, Inkubus beside you with his arms folded carefully behind his his back and your hands stuffed in your leather jacket pockets; One arm linked affectionately through his. You're an odd sight, you're sure, to any early morning commuters. You, and your barely-out-of-college looking self walking so close - and so domestically. A fact that is lost on you but not on the smug demon walking beside you, - to a man that currently looks to be in his 60's-70's age-wise.
Not that either of you care.
"Well, this is my place! Whatdaya think?" You ask, letting him go in order to unlock the door or the townhouse apartment and push open the door. He walks on in past you, looking around and you watch a soft smile grace his handsome features. "You like it?"
"Much better then the hole in the wall you thought was a good idea to show me in Transylvania- took everything in me not to sweep you away somewhere safer... with fewer mould spores... " He turns to look at you over his shoulder, a mischievous smirk on his mouth as you scrunch up your nose at him, before smiling.
"Well then, Mr Judgmental... I guess you don't want to know, that I chose this wallpaper cuz of you."
That definitely catches his attention, more then anything else you've said. He turns around in a full 360, assessing the wallpaper before looking curiously at you. "You... you chose this wallpaper because of... me? How so?"
You shrug, still leaning back against the open front door- sunlight filtering through the doorway. "The colour is very you. Its got 'Inkubus' vibes. You know," Raising your brows at him, you smirk. "Eccentric, full of itself." At that cheeky remark, he says 'Ha ha', sarcastically. "And, I guess, I missed you. Sooo... yeah... wallpaper."
"Hm... " Looking really far too pleased about this, looking a lot more engrossed by the home then before- but mostly the wallpaper. "This place is looking better, suddenly... "
"Like I said- Full of itself." You roll your eyes, laughing. Then you push off the door, push it closed with your foot and then go to pass by Inkubus to hit the livingroom. "Oh! The book! The one we were talking about at the diner- I'll find it for you! Come on- "
"Y/N." A hand curls gently around your arm, at the perfect moment so that you don't get yanked back with the force of your travelling and instead you just coat to a careful halt at Inkubus' side.
Blinking up at him curiously, wondering what he needed you for so suddenly, you tilt your head to the side. "Yes?"
For a good moment, he just looks at you whilst you become worried. What is happening? Every second that passes by, more and more ridiculous ideas cross your mind.
Finally, the man tilts his head slightly in sincerity.
"Sweetheart, are you ever going to see how ridiculously in love with you I am?"
And... for all of the disastrous and ridiculous possibilities that came to mind when he was saying nothing, you had a response. To this, you just stand their dumbly, your shoulders dropping and just looking at him in total shock. "... wel- uh- um... a few more hundred years?" You feel like a ton of bricks has just been dropped on top of you. "Maybe?" You squeak. You actually squeak.
And of course, you squeaked. You'd be surprised if you had managed to keep your composure after a confession like that. Here's this beautiful man, who against all foreseeable odds understands you, and cares about your kid, and whom you love... and somehow he's telling you that he loves you? That, for some reason, he wants you?
Is there something wrong with him?
There must be. Something terribly, horrible, irreversibly offensive that you aren't already aware of.
But you rack your brain and theirs nothing. Nothing, at all, that you can figure that would make you turn away from him right now.
He smiles a little bit at your awkward reaction, and lets go of your wrist in favour of tucking some hair back behind your ear. "Do you quite mind if I kiss you now?"
Your breath hitches, it actually hitches, like a tiny shy anime girl who's giant crush just got down on his knees in front of her for whatever reason, and you have to fight to pull yourself together; Rolling your shoulders back, hands on your hips. Totally, and translucently fake confident. "Um- you know? I don't?"
God, you are a centuries old vampire; Your vernacular should be yards better then this.
And then kisses you.
Oh god- And then he kisses you.
Because you're suddenly struck hard in the face with a million words and phrases, from current to boomer-speak to old fashioned to forgotten, to describe it but mostly you're just wondering why in the world you hadn't been doing this the whole damn time. Your hands find the sides of his coat in order to steady yourself, and pull him closer as you carefully tilt your head into the kiss. It comes so naturally, the kissing does. Between you and him. Its like, despite the bounds of your relationship never having reached this level before, you know exactly how to kiss each other. There's no awkwardness or searching. You just fit.
When finally, you slowly end the kiss, you fail to open your eyes for a good moment, before cracking them open slightly, half lidded and flickering up to his eyes.
And you take a deep, unnecessary breath and step away, torturously out of Inkubus' personal space. "... holy shit." You have so many questions... None of which touch on how exactly you're feeling because you get that much, at least.
But you cant help but wonder why- and for how long this has been brewing and how long exactly that you missed it- and how the hell this is going to work-
He follows you, thank god, a roguish yet soft look on his face. "Maybe we should take this to the livingroom, love. I promise, I can explain everything to you."
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leejeongz · 4 years
nsfw a-z CHOI HYUNSUK (treasure)
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🔅highly requested so i hope that you’re all happy with this and it’s what you wanted 🥺 these are so fun to write🤗🔅
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
the nicest boy on the planet. he’ll get you water and will clean you up. he becomes your little puppy and would do ANYTHING for you. he asks you if you’re okay a LOT and is super soft and giggly with you. also tonnes of compliments 🥺
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he likes his mouth and what it can do to you. using it on any part of your body has you moaning… even just gentle kisses. he likes that he has that influence on you and uses it to his advantage.
on you his fav is… he doesn’t have one? he can’t find anything he likes more than the rest, everything about you is perfect to him and he tells you that regularly. but he is a big fan of your legs and how sexy they look 👀
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
on your face, in your mouth or on your chest. not really a fan of finishing inside because 1. he prefers safe sex 2. HE DOESN'T WANT A CHILD YET and so doesn't wanna cum in the condom either lol just in case. likes to cum on ur tits because it looks nice and it makes him cum thinking about it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he likes sending and receiving voice notes. it’s easier to get off to when you guys aren’t together and faster than texting. enjoys phone calls too but doesn’t have time to think before he speaks on the phone so that’s why voice notes >>. plus they last forever, he can return to them at any time.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
keeps it on the low because he doesn’t wanna make you think you have to “live up to previous partners” or “he’s just using me as a statistic” but he’s had a lot of sexual partners. most were romantic partners (as romantic as 3 month relationships can be) but he’s probably had to relieve stress with other people on occasion. he knows what he’s doing, but he doesn’t wanna compare you to other partners so he keep all of his experiences separate from whatever you’re doing together if that makes sense.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he likes hitting it from the back, doggy all the way. his hands rest on your ass and spread your cheeks occasionally. also gives him the best angle to spit on his dick before pushing it in (doesn't just rely on spit alone as lube tho, he learnt that the hard way).
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
i wouldn’t call him goofy in the moment, but he’s not serious either. he’s just having a good time and so are you. he still remains the same person you see everyday, fun loving and sweet.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
the first few times he knew you were gonna do stuff, he shaved or at least trimmed. but the care slowly started fading out and he stopped doing anything down there. if you don't like it, that’s your problem, not his, it’s a lot of effort to go to for someone who clearly doesn’t accept him for him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
everything you do, it’s full of love, and it shows. he treats you like his queen and nothing less.
sometimes he can be distant tho, especially during quickies, he has one goal and that is to cum, you’re simply there to assist at that time. but after he’ll show you all the love in the world, he’ll even thank you hehe.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he does it in the shower most of the time. it’s private and also reminds him of times he’d had sex in there so it’s a winner.
the idea of having sex or looking back at sex is mainly what he gets off to, but he uses porn ocassionally when he’s jacking off in bed.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
PRAISE (giving)- likes to tell you when you’re doing something well and likes to let you know that you look good throughout. it’s his favourite thing to do because he means it. he tells you that you look good on your knees because you do, he tells you that he loves the way you moan because he does. he recognises that this makes him vulnerable but it builds trust.
daddy- only if you’re okay with it bc some people don’t really enjoy it for obvious reasons, but he likes you calling him daddy. he likes your voice anyway, but dropping “daddy” innocently into sentences not only turns him on but also makes him eager to please. you’re his baby girl so it’s only natural that he’s your daddy. he has to treat you right.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
he’s up for it anywhere when he’s in the mood. he loves shower sex. although a little impractical and kinda annoying at times, he loves being able to make out with you in a hot and steamy room and fuck you agasint the shower glass.
he’s also a fan of just basic on the bed, on top of the sheets. it’s convenient and hard to mess up.
both places mentioned he considers quite romantic too, which is why he likes them.
very very very turned on by the idea of fucking you in a bathroom or dressing room backstage but he isn’t sure if you’d be up for it or not, definitely something you’d have to initiate but he’s love it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
your voice and your moans - you turned on = him turned on. hearing you moan or talk in the way you know he likes… HARD ON STRAIGHT AWAY!!!!!
running your hand through his hair - it sends him crazy. his eyes roll to the back of his head and he has no control over himself when you do that.
wearing his clothes - especially if you wear nothing underneath. he’d encourage that shit too, constantly giving you hoodies and t-shirt’s to wear when you’re at his place.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything that puts your safety at risk. you are his happiness and seeing you suffer, even if it something you enjoy, he hates it. he also isn’t one for receiving pain himself. i think he’d not only be hurt physically but also emotionally… like why would you do that to him?
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
likes to keep it equal, always repays the favour. actually enjoys eating you out tho and it’s his ✨forte✨. let’s just say he knows what he’s doing with his tongue. he likes to hold your hand when he eats you out, like in a romantic, intimate way.
when you suck his dick, he’s the type to have his hands laced in your hair. he wouldn’t be too forceful and would let you go at your own pace. he never expects you to suck his dick, he’s not one to request a blowjob all too often, but he would never refuse one.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he would start of steady, letting you adjust and what not, before making you set the pace. you can back into him as slow or as fast as you want but after a few seconds he’ll be there to steady it out again. he’d be quite rough even though he’s attempting to be romantic, but it’s just to add a little spice.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
oh he LOVES quickies. they turn him on, even just thinking about them turns him on (and usually leads to one when possible). sex is sex and he’s game for any at anytime. most of the time these happen when people are in earshot. he tells you to be quiet but neither of you want to be. the idea of getting caught fucking you in his dressing room turns him on.
he’d actually prefer quickies to dragged out sex. fast fucking to get the job done is more appealing to him than dragging it out sometimes.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he likes to stick to what he knows. he’d rather know that what he’s doing is good and is actually making you feel good rather than experimenting with something that could go wrong.
he does take risks in the sense that he’s gonna fuck you where you guys could possibly get caught but not as far as to inflict pain or injury.
saying that, he isn’t opposed to trying something that you want to try, or something that you’ve brought from previous experiences.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he drags out the whole thing if you have the time to, spends a lot of time on foreplay. although this doesn’t happen very often, this type of sex is once in a blue moon.
as mentioned above, he loves quickies, they’re his most favourite type of sex since they happen when either of you need it, not when it’s been built up for god knows how long because he’s too busy for that.
he usually can go for two+ rounds but chooses not to. once he’s started on his aftercare, there isn’t a chance you’re getting more dick after that, you’re gonna have to wait (unless you tease him ofc 11/10 would recommend).
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he’s in two minds about them. if you already own them, he wants to see you use them and might use them on you too. if you don’t have any but you want to incorporate them, he’s not opposed to it but he’d rather you found out what you liked in relation to toys first. if you didn’t want to use them he wouldn’t even bring it up.
if you wanted to use some on him, he would let you try it out, but he wouldn’t force himself to enjoy it. if he doesn’t enjoy it he’s not letting you use it again.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he’s a tease outside of the bedroom but during sex, everything is as you see it. he doesn’t want to waste time teasing you, especially if you don’t have the time.
he likes teasing you when people are around. seeing you getting all clammy in front of your friends or his friends to assert his power over you. his favourite thing you do is wink at you and smile. so innocent yet it means so much more to you than it would to someone else when he does it.
sometimes teases you unintentionally. he puts his hand a little too far up on your thigh and before you know it you’re wet and he’s just having a laugh with his friends, not even noticing what he’s done to you. time to take him to the bathroom and show him i think ;).
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
loud! groans and moans a lot, he’s not afraid to do it either, he doesn’t hold back. he knows you get turned on by his groaning just the same as he gets turned on by your moans and so he takes great pride in not being shy to make some noise.
dirty talk is a must among you pair once the initial shyness has gone. you could get off to each other’s voices alone. add that to some amazing sex and you’re all set for orgasm after orgasm.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
(i have a strange feeling that someone has written something like this before about hyunsuk (but better obvs and in more detail) but i can’t remember who… if that’s the case i promise this isn’t me stealing their idea or anything malicious).
“i’ve never done this before” you confessed, opening up your laptop to the screen he’d caught you on. you were really embarrassed that he’d caught you watching porn, but he wasn’t embarrassed in the slightest, in fact, it really turned him on. that’s why he suggested you watch it together.
“we can try it together” he encouraged, pressing the spacebar to continue the video. you turned up the volume a little, making sure you could both hear.
it took you both a few minutes to really become comfortable with the situation. you’d gotten back to imagining yourself and hyunsuk in that situation, while he studied it to pick up on anything that you might be into.
“oh” he looked over at you who was clearly deep in thought “you like blindfolds too?” he asks.
“yeah, it’s hot” you reply, not once taking your eyes off the screen.
hyunsuk looks around your room when his eyes land on your sleeping mask. he hesitates for a second, thinking he might ruin the atmosphere if he springs in on you straight away. he decides to not ask you just yet, he’s a little too tired to have sex right now, but remembers it for the next session.
you glance over towards him, his trousers and hands catching your eye before noticing that he wasn’t even watching.
“are you embarrassed? i can turn it off if you want” you question. he slowly removes his hands from over his pants and instead replaces it with yours. you begin to palm him while steadying the laptop with your other hand. the laptop was soon moved to the end of the bed. your hand was now in your underwear and his was in his boxers. the experience was surreal, it was a lot of firsts for you, you’d never even thought about rubbing one out while your boyfriend did the same next to you, but you were definitely enjoying it.
“don’t cum until i do,” hyunsuk ordered. easier said than done. “i wanna cum listening to your moans, baby”
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's smaller than average…4-5” with average thickness but he gets the job done and it doesn’t affect the pleasure he can give to you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
proper sex, 1-2 times a week. he can be horny whenever you want him to be and you both know that, but he doesn’t always wanna have sex. sometimes he’s just happy with getting you off, especially if he’s tired.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he gets a little hyper after sex and wants to stay awake just to be around you and show you how much you mean to him. falling asleep is the last thing he wants to do. if you haven’t actually had sex, just a little fondling and playing, he’d fall asleep pretty much straight away afterwards. the whole reason you pair didn’t go all the way at the time was because he was tired so…
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sortavibing · 4 years
team captains’ aesthetics📼
ok- let’s be honest here- most of these guys don’t know how to dress to save their lives, like- they are teenage boys, so this is just what i wish they wore :)
he used to just wear the basic dad aesthetic, which was just a white t-shirt and worn out jeans and the faded baseball cap until suga told him that he had to change the way he dressed.
he doesn’t like being too over the top, because he doesn’t really care how his “aesthetic” looks to the public, so most of his clothes are pretty basic, but still classy.
he hates ankle pants with a passion. he doesn’t see the appeal to them and they always make him feel really uncomfortable, so he avoids them at all costs.
whenever he puts more effort into an outfit, he gets afraid that he is going to mess it up, so he becomes extra careful to not get it dirty, or to crease the fabric.
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he is a well dressed king- like did you see his outfit when he was watching the shiratorizawa vs karasuno match? immaculate i tell you. he rocks the academia aesthetic, and he always brags that he’s the most well dressed person on the aoba johsai team and he is
he doesn’t need glasses, but he still bought like 5 pairs to match his aesthetic, and iwazumi makes fun of him for buying them soley for the aesthetic, but he couldn’t care less.
oikawa tries to give the aoba johsai team fashion tips they need it and everyone hates it, because he says that he’s trying to “make you unfashionable little boys into beautiful men”. kyoutani has almost murdered him every time he says that.
he never slacks on an outfit, it’s always perfectly put together, and a little over the top, but he loves to be extra because it gives him even more confidence and he feels like a model.
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he’s a chemistry nerd at heart, so he has that business casual aesthetic, that’s simple, but still classy, because he knows how to match colors pretty well.
he doesn’t want to be super extra, because he likes to be comfortable, but he still wants to put together a nice outfit, so he can lowkey brag to the nekoma team.
 kuroo constantly asks kenma if his outfit is good, if the shirt came untucked, if he looks fashionable, etc. and kenma couldn’t care less. he always just responds with a half assed “yeah sure”, while he focuses on his game.
whenever he’s with bokuto, they both like to show off their fits, and make fun of each other’s outfits and aesthetics. after they finish joking around, they take way too many pictures of themselves and each other, and kenma and akaashi are just standing there like “are you done yet :l”
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he 100% has the edgy eboy aesthetic, like- he has the tongue piercing and all. he has a tik tok where he posts those eboy thirst trap videos, and he has a good amount of followers who absolutely eat up his aesthetic and content.
he likes to go to thrift stores to find vintage rings and jewelry, and he has a depop, where he sells some of his finds that he doesn’t really like anymore, and he makes a good amount of cash.
he isn’t that careful with how he treats his outfits, so if they get dirty, or creased, he doesn’t notice until someone points it out, and he still doesn’t care that much.
terushima will drop subtle hints about how fashionable he is in conversations, and if someone gives him a compliment, he will act surprised and say shit like “oh, wow thank you for noticing!” or “this? no, this is just a casual outfit i put together last minute”
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since he is so energetic, he needs breathable clothes that will let him move around a lot, so he refuses to wear jeans or anything fancy, and will just stick with baggy pants and shirts.
sometimes he goes thrifting with terushima, but he usually ends up knocking over some clothes racks, or going into emo mode because he can’t find something he likes.
akaashi was the one who recommended that he should start dressing better, because before the change, bokuto only wore the highlighter nike fit, and it had to be stopped.
bokuto hates wearing accessories, because he doesn’t like feeling the metal bouncing around when he is running, jumping, or just being himself, so he doesn’t wear any add-ons to his outfits.
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he hates when outfits aren’t comfortable, and he also likes if they are practical, and can keep him warm, so layers are essential. tendou is the person who recommends more of the “edgy” elements to his outfits.
he’s kinda indifferent about this whole aesthetic thing, like he doesn’t really try to be fashionable, he just wears whatever he wants and he somehow pulls it off.
he doesn’t buy anything expensive, because he believes clothes are something that should be able to get dirty and withstand wear and tear, so he doesn’t get anything fancy, because he doesn’t see the point.
tendou once got him to wear the eboy aesthetic and it was amazing, and tendou got so many pictures, but ushijima didn’t really like it so he won’t wear it again.
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he likes the light academia aesthetic, and he is 100% the most put together person on the inarizaki team. he knows how to make an outfit look good, and he is an aesthetic icon.
kita dresses on the more fancy side, so he is careful not to ruin his outfit, because the clothes he buys costs more than other people’s things. whenever possible, he likes to thrift his outfits, and makes sure to disinfect them afterwards.
since he wears so many sweaters that have special washing processes, every sunday he devotes at least 2 hours to give his clothes proper treatment so they don’t get ruined easier.
he gives his teammates fashion advice, because he genuinely thinks that they need it, and he doesn’t realize that it may seem like bragging, so everyone is just like “wow, thanks i guess” and he feels happy that he’s helping them not look basic.
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i hope you enjoyed!
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pokeheadcannons97 · 4 years
Hello friend ^_^ I’m the chicken anon 🐤 I call myself because I’m too much of chicken to come off of anon 😊 Anyway lol. Can I request Lance, Raihan, Leon, and Cheren with a fem!S/O who’s like... really blunt and doesn’t hesitate to speak exactly what’s on her mind. It’s a blessing and a curse lol
I only do 3 characters at one ask, so imma do, Raihan, Leon, and Cheren, since I know their characters better, I hope that’s okay! ;w;
When the two of you were interrupted on your date for the upteenth time, your patience had ran thin. 
Raihan was trying his best to accomadate both you, the camera personelle, and a large group of fans that had surrounded your table at a local pastry shoppe in Hammerlocke. He kept mouthing apologies towards you every few moments with a strained look on his features. 
Raihan was a sweet guy, and tried to go above and beyond for everyone. 
He just didn’t seem to know when to say no. 
Your time to shine. 
You had crossed your arms and with a look that could send Pumpkaboos running you stated sternly. “If you couldn’t see with all the large lense cameras,” you tapped the glass with your right knuckle. “We are trying to spend some time together, you know, a date?”
The cameraman immediately pointed the large, expensive camera towards you.  “Y/N! How is it to be in a relationship with the tamer of dragons, Raihan?”
A growl of fustration escaped you. “It would be absolutely perfect, if you lot would learn how to give someone some space!” You replied while pointing at Raihan. “Raihan has had four matches, plus a meet and greet afterwards. Can you not see that he is tired? The two of us just wanted to have some quality, quiet time together after such a long day.”
You placed your hands on your hips and pointed your index finger towards the group. “The interview, selfies, chatting, etc, is over.” You said with your voice ringing through out the now much quieter restaurant. “Next time, try to be more respectful of the people you love so much, it’ll do you some good!”
As the fans and reporters quickly left, albeit begrudgingly, you noticed Raihan giving a small applause towards you. 
“What would I do without you, Y/N?” he beamed and bent over the table to give you a kiss on the lips. 
Raihan really does see your bluntness as needed when he can’t be the one to say no. 
You were busying yourself by scrolling through Pokegram until you heard the curtain from the changing room come open. You glanced up towards your boyfriend and nearly let out a strangled noise.
“So?” he asked while doing his signature pose he was known for. “What do you think?”
In front of you, Leon was wearing the most ridiculous of clothing choice. It took forever for you to convince him to get rid of the shorts and long leggings combo with the tacky diamond pattern down the sides, but this, oh Arceus this was so much worse. 
The poor man did not know which kind of patterns went with which. He sported a plaid button up shirt that was red in color, with yellow polka dot patterned pants that came down to his calf. Socks of the most ridiculous neon yellow were encased in sneakers that had red and white zigzags through them. 
He noticed you staring at his shoes and he puffed out his chest and tapped them against the floor and they began to flash. “Pretty sweet am I right?”
“Oh my God, they bloody light up.” You whispered in disbelief and almost wanted to cry. 
He looked at you expectantly with a giddily expression, waiting for your reaction. “What do you think? A win?” He pulled on the shirt and laughed. “The shirt is my favorite, but you can’t not love these shoes! They light up an-”
“You look like a beacon for everything painful.” you said not letting him finish. 
“You mean beau-” 
“Terrible, go change. I’ll pick something that matches the rest of your clothes.” you said as he whined in protest. 
“I’m keeping the shoes!”
Cheren was at work, grading papers from the pop quiz that he had given earlier that day. He went to grab another paper from the quickly decreasing stack to his side but his hand landed on a familiar, softer one. 
He blinked and looked up to meet your gaze as you were leaning over his desk with a raised eyebrow. 
“Ah, Y/N. What are you doing here? We’re supposed to meet up later at your house for dinner, no?” he asked glancing back down to the paper he was in the middle of grading, circling a couple questions and calculating the grade with a calculator close by. 
You gave a heavy sigh, your clueless boyfriend as absorbed in his work as ever. “Cheren, it’s actually an hour passed the time that you were supposed to meet me at my house.” you stated bluntly, taking in a bit of amusement as his eyes widened and he spun his head at the clock on the wall that read 19:02.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry!” he replied, fluttering the pen over the paper and writing the grade at the top. “I got so absorbed in grading and tomorrows lesson plans, I seem to have lost track of time...” he scratched his cheek embarassingly. 
Your arms found their way around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. “You really do need to manage your time better, this isn’t the first time this has happened. And I’ve gotta say, if you don’t like my cooking all you’ve got to do is tell me.” you added and chuckled at his reaction of alarm. 
“Y/N, no no no, that’s so not what I meant to convey by being late!” he insisted and it made you laugh with a roll of your eyes. 
“I know, Cheren, don’t worry that smart noggin of yours.” you pulled away from him. “Now, how about we head home?” you said with a warmer smile. 
“Sounds perfect, love.” He replied with a tired, but happy sigh. 
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sharpwin101 · 3 years
N.B. Hey guys, I'm re-uploading this narrative due to previous grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. mistakes. I'm completely bad at proofreading lol, and didn't take the time to read over, but after receiving some very impactful feedbacks on twitter, it gave me the motivation I needed to somewhat correct these mistakes🤞hopefully enough, finishing this fanfic, which I must say I'm quite excited for you guys to read.
I don't get it?  As tears stream down her cheeks,
Her thoughts raced as she remained in front of her bathroom mirror long enough to get agitated by her own self-pity. 
She understood that harboring such feelings would not only be self-destructive, but would keep her trapped, she was mentally stronger, and refuses to let it sabotage the barrier she has construct throughout the years.
She knew conquering and embracing Max’s indecisiveness, was just a question of time. That continues to fail him terribly, repeatedly, to define them, what they meant to each other, wondering how much longer, if not impossible, it will be for him to embrace and overcome his own fetters to unleash what he truly feels. 
Will he ever? she’s impel to believed, naively unaware of her imperceptiveness to his true desire, behind his barriers, causing her to suspect mistakenly,
Questing “does he feels the same” 
She paces back and forth, flipping her heels off with a small grimace, scattering them on the floor.
Fervently turning to her living room, with an instant wipe of her tears, in the direction of the liquor cupboard, pulling the first wine bottle her hand came across, desperate for a wine opener, she run-walk towards the kitchen, leaving nearly all of the drawers open while probing through.
She spotted the opener. Yes, yes! Clutches it obstinately, relieved. 
As she holds the bottle inverted between her knees, she struggled to open it a bit, her mind still being indistinct after their encounter, temporarily forgotten how to open the wine bottle.
(The wine cork flew free)
She hastily turns it to her head, gulping it down as if she didn't have time to consume it a bit slower, inadvertently spilling it on her. 
Returning to the bathroom in search of her robe, while undressing herself and gulping more wine down her throat.
Being the clean freak she is, immediately after, she brought her clothing towards the laundry room, as she senses the impending intoxication looming over her.
(Crash)The wine bottle slipped from her deft grip and shattered on the floor. 
she slowly slumped to the floor, leaning against the laundry door for support grappling to sit up. While her clothes slowly unfold from her arms, As she casts a longing glare into space.
She ruminate aloud, frustratedly. 
What is wrong with me? Staring up towards the roof, as though she was seeking answers to all of life's unanswered questions from a greater Entity.
Why I’m I so unlucky?
I fought on, knowing that I wasn't even sure whether I'd be ready too, if you chose me then or now, she added, laughing.
All the walls I've worked so hard to build, comes crumbling down whenever I see, I can’t comprehend it. 
As she gently holds the nape of her neck, breathing deeply, with her left hand  supporting her head, while facing down. I don't want to lose control; I can't lose control.
You say these significant things,
you look at me in the way you do, and then you do nothing?  How can I fight for that?
You asked me why I did what I did, despite the fact that you already knew the answer. I asked you to define us; 
what exactly, this, we are?  as she motioned for answers
I've given you so much, and I tried so hard not to but it's as if all my rationale goes out the window when you're in danger. (laughing sarcastically at her self). 
For God sake, you yelled at me.......... whenever I try to help.
I have these fantasies about you before getting out of bed, I've tried to ignore it; believe me, I have (laughing) 
now I'm just here talking to myself.
As her gaze wandered around the room, she became irritated by the smashed wine bottle. 
(KNOCKING) She tilted her head, confusedly glancing towards the front door, wondering if it was the alcohol or someone was actually at the door.
Struggling to get up from the floor, as she continues to listen attentively to hear whether the knocking was coming from her front door. She slightly slipped when grabbing for her phone on the kitchen counter, to check the time.
Tightening her robe as she wiped her face, pondering, a few names flashed through her mind, But why would they not call? silently muttering to herself. Her phone started to ring as soon as the knocking ceased. Resuming her attention to her phone, which lids up, displaying "Dr. Max Goodwin” with a slight discontent look, she responded, still gazing at the door, nervously biting down on her index finger.
What, what do you want? She answered. 
"I'm at your door; will you let me in?". Quickly swallowing her saliva, her heart races, instantly lowering her phone to her side, with a million thoughts rushes through her head as she looked at the messed she had created, quickly ending his call. She began picking up her clothes from the floor and rushed to the washroom, staring at her flushed face, unbothered at this point and didn't care whether he noticed she was crying.
She trudged towards the front door, spotting her bed slippers and pulls them on.  Briefly pausing before opening the door.
There he was, standing in front of her. Casually dressed, in blue jeans, a grey    t-shirt, and his black jacket, which she had seen him in before.
Trying not to look into his eyes, but he has already peered right into hers. Struck by how small and delicate she looks outside the walls of the hospital, becoming completely lost in her eyes, unable to speak. 'Um, I... What are you doing here? she asked, before he could finish his sentence.
Were you crying? With a slight head tilt, she rolled her eyes irritably as she turns her back on him, leaving the door ajar. What are you doing here, Max?, her voice raised rather than normal. The frustration in her voice perplexed him. I wanted to ‘Um, before noticing the shattered wine bottle on her floor. 
As she reaches to get the mob and dustpan from the storage area adjacent to her kitchen. He watches her as she teeters, shutting the drawers that she left open earlier.
As she approaches the spilt wine on the floor, she kept her eyes lowered trying not to look him into his. He detects her shakiness as she extends the broom over the shattered wine bottle. No! he said, with no intent, to say it so loudly. Reaching his hands towards the broom.
Let me help, she still persisted. He gently withdrew the broom from her grasp when she walked away towards another section of her apartment, as his eyes followed her.
He disposed the shattered glass in the trash can, placing the mob and dustpan into the already opened storeroom.
In search of her, he returned to the living room area. noticing she had her back to him, curled up on her couch in a sitting position, fully wrapped in a blanket that matches the color of his shirt.
He stood behind her for minute before approaching.
Placing his hand on her shoulder as he walks to the side of the couch. She shivers at his touch just enough for it to go unnoticed while still looking down.
Seating next to her, he tries to get her attention. Helen, she did not respond. I'm sorry.... As he questioned. Are you okay? Placing her right palm on her forehead, displaying a tiny discomfort. She muttered, I have a minor headache. ‘Um, do you have any pain relievers? Instantly patted his forehead after, quickly realizing she wouldn't be able to take it seeing that she was drinking. Hastily corrects himself, do you want me to make you some tea? she fixes her gaze on him.
Please let me make you tea, while he makes his usual puppy eyes at her.
She gave her approval with a nod. Where are your…...? Instructing him with a finger while drawing the blanket back up to her shoulders. He stood up lively, walking towards her kitchen, absolutely taken aback by how tidy and organized her apartment looked.
Already knowing what kind of tea because they both enjoy it the same, reaching into the pantry for the box of tea bags on the lower shelf, pulling a cup from the washer and placing it on the hot water kettle. He spoons in 1/2 teaspoon of sugar exactly how she likes it. While leaning his back on the counter.
As he waited for the water to heat up, he indulged in his thoughts, gazing around her kitchen.
The whistling from the kettle stopped, with relieved he turned around, adding the hot water to the tea bag and returning to her,
With a wide smile on his face, he hands her the cup, she noticed he didn't have his wedding ban, she looked into his eyes as her hands extends to take the cup. He noticed that she noticed, with a little distance between them, he sat beside her in silence. 
on her third sip of tea, he glances at her and proceeded to apologize.
I should never have let you walk out that door, ‘I, I.... I have tried to hide this.  It's been hard,
It almost drove me completely insane. As she looked at him, intently listening 
I've tried to hold back, since the day we met.......................... It's been eating me alive knowing I felt this way while being married and had already started a family,
but I can't deny that I haven't felt this, not any more, he remarked, shaking his head.
For the longest time, I felt guilty, knowing I had felt this way about you,
if I let you slip out of my life, without trying, to fighting for us, I will not survive it, 
I see you, Helen. it’s just that sometimes it takes me a minute, to remember what matters more than anything, you.
He drew closer to her, as she sets the tea cup on the center table. Helen, 
I’m ready to fight. Fight for you, for Us. 
Every time you've been near me, I've wanted to do stuff to you, imagining what it would be like. 
You are undeniably BEAUTIFUL and sexy, and I need to have you, in all the ways I have been dreaming of.
She swallows her nonexistent saliva as he got closer. With her mouth partially open, uncontrollably batting her eyes at him. She searches his eyes, while he searches hers for permission, to touch her, intimately. Placing his left hand on the right side of the back of her neck sliding his fingers upward, gently holding on to her hair, a rush of adrenaline prickled her stomach, as he watched the whooshing of her breathing, thinking how soft on silky the growths of her hair felt.
She needed him to touched her, she needed to grip him closer, but her body was weak, weak to his touch. As they stared intensely at each other, their faces being only a few inches apart, tightening his grip on her hair, causing her to slightly tilted her head back, finally freeing of her temporary paralysis, she grabs hold to his muscular arm with her left hand, while clutching his side with her other hand.
He knew he was in charge, and she wanted him, his lips being a inch closer to hers, her eyelids, fill down slowly closing.
Their lips touch, as their bodies tingles, her chest rises, left her feeling like she had no air. The instant chemistry they felt, was uncontrollable. His thinking slowed when his lips met hers. Time becoming unknown, as if he were in a dream, how warm and crazily soft her lips were.
As they draw each other deeper and further into each other's sanctum, thrusting herself up with a knee for support. 
Has he pauses, looking intently into her eyes, slowly begin rolling her robe over her shoulder.
In complete awe of how clear and smooth her skin appears, while stirring her down. He notices she was wearing a black lace bra that matches her thong, which complemented her skin tone well, lost in her eyes, before entirely removing her robe. As she gets back up on both knees, yanking his jacket off, while he impatiently helped her to removed his shirt.
Unbuckling his belt, she unzip his jeans. Holding her by the lower portion of her cheeks, he punches his tongue into her mouth. Resting his back on the couch, hoisted her up on top of him.
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feeling her body, with both his hands on her waist, recognizing how small it was in comparison to her hips, being considerably wider. She bends her knees and places her hands on the couch over his shoulder. As his tongue trails down her neck, while unclipping her bra, struggling a little.
Carefully pulling it off, her hands fill to her side, looking down at him, when he stroked her breast with his hands, causing her head to fall back uncontrollably, as a rush of adrenaline went to her vulva, gasping harder as he places his mouth over her tit, slowly sliding his hand into her thong concomitantly.
He gave her a look, realizing she was already lubricated, as she gasped for breath somewhat dropping her upper body backwards as his hand quickly supported her back, her mouth flew wide open, when he slid his index and middle finger in an upward motion on her clit.
She moaned loudly as he stroked it faster, her body slipping in and out of his grip, being a fraction of a second from an orgasm, he halted.
He hoisted her up positioning her back laying on the couch, with one of his hands intertwined with hers above her head. He opens her legs slightly with his bent knee, while she bends her knees up to give him access. Passionately kissing her while caressing her clit with his right fingers. Her heart races. As he drags his tongue in between her breasts, he releases her hands as he went down further, trailing his tongue towards her navel, causing her tummy to jerked.
He elevates his head up as he pulls himself down more to her vulva, while holding on to her hips. He tasted her, swiftly clinging to the cushion behind her, unable to keep her legs steady as he licks her clit. (she rapidly gasp for air).  
She weakly tries to pull him up, with her orgasm being at it’s peek, moving back towards her lips, as they exchanged sensual glances. Using his hands as a support to keep himself upright while holding on to his already-erected dick. He puts the blanket under her back to elevate her slightly.
Penetrating her. Max, she screamed, quivering and gasping for breath, as she looks deeply into his eyes, attempting to caress the side of his face, (while she bit her bottom lip, as he went in deeper, she clutches onto him.
His sweat drips on her skin, as he moans, they couldn’t get enough of each other.
As he penetrates deeper, harder and faster inside her, he tightens his grasp around her waist. As they drew closer, their moans became more even louder.
Fuck! he shouted as he ejaculated his semen into her, simultaneously in the instant of her orgasm relief. They both felt to the ground. Looking at each other, completely in awe. 
He extends his hand to the side of her face, pulling her in, to cuddled her.
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writing-fool · 4 years
mlqc | sunday morning
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I recently (well~like three months ago) got into this game called Mr Love: Queen’s Choice, and after doing some ‘research’ aka gaming, I felt confident enough to write something. So, here’s a little headcanon about a blissful Sunday morning with the boys~
Warning(s): ever so slightly NSFW (insinuations of a dirty-minded author), profanity/swearwords
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Victor’s quite the workaholic, as we all know
like this man will be working 60-70 hours a week, often bringing work home with him 
you’ll be on the couch in pajamas and acting like a total bum while he’s literally next to you wearing glasses and breezing through 50 reports and documents
you steal his laptop and glasses when he starts criticising your report 
“Victor noooooooo~work mode OFF!” as you zoom past him with his prescription glasses (he got them fancy glasses with the blue light filter because he’s A WORKAHOLIC and he’s always staring at a computer)
needless to say, this man doesn’t usually have time to spare
sunday mornings are yours though
Victor doesn’t necessarily take the entire day off, but after a certain dummy’s whining, he has agreed to try and have a lie-in on sundays
he *usually* still wakes up before you, because he functions on like 5 hours of sleep (lemme tell y’all, it’s a curse and a blessing in one) 
Vic’s a total tsundere, but these moments definitely show off his #SoftCEO side
his little lovebug is sleeping peacefully, wearing one of his pyjama shirts (I bless you with the headcanon that Victor sleeps in silk pyjama pants sans shirt because he runs HOT)
actually, you’re drooling a little bit but even though Victor’s going to pretend he’s annoyed, he never is
oOOhh, also canon that this man is the big spoon in sleeping positions. he naturally gravitates towards you and holds you tight because he’s NEEDY
sometimes you’ll sleep facing each other. Victor holds you against his chest and just cradles your body in his like his life depends on it
100% will entangle his long ass legs with yours
strokes your hair and presses kisses on the crown of your head to wake you up in a gentle way (despite his demeanour, he’s actually remarkably gentle y’all see why i call him #SoftCEO?)
as you wake up, he’ll mock your bedhead with this incredibly fond look in his eyes baby boy these words don’t match your actions
you guys actually get up rather soon after, cos you are both busy people...
fun times in the bathroom not like tHAT well actually kinda~ but for legal reasons everything you do is PG, please spare author-nim who’s still ~barely~ underage
you take a shower and belt your favourite song that’s playing from the built-in speaker (did Victor get a built-in speaker because you thought it was cool? yep. did you ask? nope. did he do it anyways? yehep.) while he goes through his simple morning routine
you probably have more steps in your skincare routine, but he uses a serum, cleanser, moisturizer and some eye cream on the daily
has given you permission to do his skincare at night whenever you both have time
to reciprocate, he dries your hair after your shower you guys HAVE listened to the Right Beside You ASMR, right? ...it’s on YT for free because we’re poor, i know
also canon, blowing raspberries on Victor’s bare back while he’s brushing his teeth will make him choke on toothpaste. tested and approved by MC
“Dummy. What on earth are you doing?”
he hangs around and waits for you to get ready if he’s already done, you do the same. time is something Victor knows all too well, so the precious time he has, he wants to spend with you.
you guys DON’T shower together in the morning because really you’re not getting cleaner ahhh author-nim should really stop
afterwards, you get dressed in some relatively casual clothes (i’m talking a dress shirt without a tie or a polo shirt because no way that this man owns actual t-shirts) and have a simple breakfast
he cooks, obviously. 
always makes a balanced, Chinese breakfast (congee or wonton, noodles, tofu pudding, etc.) because he wants you two to start the day well, even on a slow sunday
also, he travels a lot, so he likes eating Chinese food whenever he’s home
ahh...waking up with Victor just sounds like a dream
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i’m a bit biased on this bitch because he was my first favourite in the game so this might get long. might not. just,,,we’ll see
Lucien is a bit like Victor, where he doesn’t sleep much and works a lot
On the other hand, his work is...ehem...shadier, so he usually works in his office when he’s at home
you’ll both have your own space to do whatever you need to do
days off for Lucien are rare. he usually powers through until he drops
for someone who constantly reminds you to take care of yourself, he’s mediocre at doing exactly that
after getting to know him better, which wasn’t an easy feat because damn this man has more layers than an onion he’ll also make you cry more bUUT we’re not ready to unpack that suitcase, you start noticing when he needs a day off. often even before he notices
you lock his office door and force him to take the FULL day off at least
he could technically open his office again, but he loves you and he’ll humour your attempts
Lucien wakes up before you. always. you’ve seen him asleep like 3 times in your entire relationship. 
Luci sleeps like 8 hours,,,a week.
he watches you sleep i feel like that makes too much sense for his character. we love a creepy boy. and wholeheartedly feels at rest with your sleeping figure by his side
in his sleep, Lucien lies on his back, holding you by the waist as you sleep on top of him. your leg is often slung around his middle, so you’re enveloping him. he likes the weight of you on top of him; it keeps him grounded and he likes feeling like he’s yours as much as you are his.
on another note, Lucifer—ah whoops—sleeps butt naked. i honestly can’t imagine him wearing clothes in bed. he’s not shy about his body and feels absolutely no need to cover up for his significant other. 
you, however, don’t usually sleep naked. well...nowadays you end up sleeping naked more often than not because alright author-nim’s horrible. can’t help it, he’s a fucking scorpio?
because you guys take a day off, Lucien’s content with waiting and watching until you wake up
he feels you stir on his chest and honestly your drowsy eyes make him swoon
“Already awake, my beautiful butterfly?”
his slightly husky morning voice *really* does things to a person tbh
you guys stay in bed for a good half hour after you wake up, just cuddling and talking, also sneaking in a kiss here and there
you have the same habit of tracing each other’s bodies with your fingertips
his fingers flutter over your waist, you trace his chest or hands with your index again, it’s a very grounding experience to Lucien
when you do get up and head to the bathroom, first thing you do is shower together
he likes washing your hair
bathroom bits might happen, but surprisingly, it’s not a thing that happens a lot so don’t come at me. we’re being wholesome
Lucien’s incredibly intimate and his love language is touch. Yes, he has a way with words but he’s also a really good manipulator
he’s used his words for evil too often and therefore can’t trust words anymore. so he uses physical intimacy as a way to show love.
Lucien has a skincare routine of dermatologically approved products. a double cleanse, serum, essence and moisturizer. he uses anti-age sometimes to prevent later wrinkles.
they’re also one of the reasons why he smells clean and fresh
will tickle you when you’re rinsing your mouth. you’ve sprayed water all over the bathroom mirror before. he loves the reaction. 
if you’re having a day off, you’ll probably just wear sweatpants and a t-shirt or a sweater. Lucien’s closet is relatively plain but clean. he has the best cable-knit sweaters/cardigans though.
your breakfast consists of western things like yogurt or oatmeal. Lucien likes having fruit at the start of the day
the rest of the day is spent relaxing and lounging, walking in the park, biking, reading, drawing, whatever you’d like
maaan...i wish i had more days off
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Gavin’s actually a decently laid-back person on weekends
like, sure he has to work a lot, but his job doesn’t necessarily force him to work from home, so you pretty much have his full attention at home but also he can’t bear to not give you his full attention so what are we expecting
the nasty thing about Gavin being a police officer is that sometimes, he gets called up and needs to work at unconventional hours
also, he gets injured. most of his injuries are minor, but that doesn’t stop you from worrying.
but anyways, he’s not a total busy bee when he’s at home, and relaxing isn’t exceptional
sunday mornings are...well...active. Birdcop goes on a run/hits the gym every morning, so he’s awake by 6am. what did y’all think i was going to write
afterwards, he takes a quick shower and joins you in bed again. 
Gavin sleeps in a pair of basketball shorts and a singlet. he’s somewhat shy about sleeping shirtless, and god forbid he sleep naked. but it’s all good and he respects your boundaries. besides, he’s comfortable in his sleep and that’s all that matters.
you spoon in your sleep. sometimes, he’s the big spoon because he likes being able to ‘protect’ you in his sleep. other times, he relishes in the comfort of being the little spoon and feeling you pressed up against his back. 
very important headcanon! you’ve learnt to sleep with the bedroom window open. on workdays, Gavin gets home late and jumps right into the bedroom. it’s become a typical habit for you two, although you used to be grumpy about not being able to sleep with the noises of traffic. 
you’re usually awoken by the sound of the shower and Gavin’s humming it’s canon that he hums now, bitches. also I bet his singing voice is amazing
so it’s less ‘sleeping in’ and more ‘lounging in bed like the lazy bastards you are’ i’m kiDDING
if he’s able to, Gavin might convince you to go on a run with him....but let’s be honest, you rarely agree
Gavin’s a total cuddlebug though, so be prepared to spend the next forty-five minutes in the tightest hug ever (to be fair, you’re not complaining)
he’s completely soft for you and you’ll have to wrestle out of his grip to get to the bathroom
you don’t shower in the morning, so everything’s pretty quick
Gavin doesn’t actually have a good skincare regiment tbh...he’ll slap on some cream and that’s it. probably washes his face in the shower with body wash...AND HIS SKIN STILL LOOKS AMAZING
you like making funny faces in the mirror while brushing your teeth and making Gavin laugh while he’s watching you in the doorway. he loves how you just make his day with the smallest things.
you guys both dress in really casual clothing, like hoodies and shorts/sweatpants/pj pants unless you’re going somewhere
Gavin has them grey sweatpants, if you know what I mean okay I’ll chill, sorry~
you wear his shirts a lot because they’re super big on you and Gavin secretly not-so-secretly thinks you’re adorable in them (a good thing about Gavin is that he’s easy to read; he blushes rather quickly)
“Ahh...it’s just—you look so tiny and cute.” guess he’s not the only one blushing now
i see Gavin as a ‘bun for breakfast’ kind of person. he picks them up at the stall a couple of miles away when he heads home. sometimes he does so running, other times...well he’s not called Birdcop for nothing
you guys have 2 buns each for breakfast because they’re delicious 
lounge time is often spent gaming or cleaning the house (you’re both busy people and Gavin tends to get messy because he just chucks clothes on the floor after a hard workday)
you make the most out of your sunday, hoping Gavin doesn’t get called in
who wouldn’t like being domestic with Gavin?
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Kiro, unsurprisingly, has an incredibly busy schedule
one that, similar to Gavin, isn’t really decided by himself
i suppose his situation is a tad bit worse than Birdcop’s, since his workdays don’t even actually end when he gets home. he constantly practices choreos, singing, etc. at home
so, full days off are few and very, very far between
this makes them extra precious
it helps to have a lazy morning once in a while though (in Kiro’s case, lazy sundays are most likely a bi-weekly thing)
you wake up first! Kiro needs his beauty sleep, and damn this boy can knock in 16 hours of sleep if need be
you’ll probably lay in bed for a while and then attempt to get up and ready for the day
until...you feel Kiro’s arm tugging you back
for a skinny, lithe boy, he’s remarkably strong. he pulls you back to bed with the groggiest, cutest sleep-laced voice EVER 
“Mmm, Miss Chips, it’s not time to wake up yet, is it?” 
he snuggles into you and refuses to wake up unless you give him kisses
during the night, Kiro sleeps in actual pyjamas with cute characters on them. when he feels lazy, he’ll probably just slip on a t-shirt and some boxer shorts, but he likes putting in the effort to wear matching couple pyjamas
Kiro cuddles with you 24/7, and sleep makes little difference here. he’s often the little spoon because he does like feeling your presence and your grip on him. he moves around when sleeping, so you might end up out of each other’s embrace, but Kiro subconsciously always touches you in some way or form, like holding hands or intertwining legs. he’s a man with many identities and needs your presence as a reassurance that he’s still the man that you love
he loves to pepper your face with kisses after getting home from rehearsals/concerts, claiming that it gives him energy
you do the same in the morning, anything to hear that sweet giggle of his
he’s deceptively cute though, and innocent morning kisses tend to spiral into...something more let’s just be honest, his stamina is something else entirely i’M SORRY 
morning exercise? check. Hotel? Trivago. non-sponsored~
you guys don’t shower in the morning. Kiro’s used to showering after practice, which is late at night, and you shower in the evenings to help you relax
however, on a rare occasion, you’ll draw a nice bath together and play around with bubbles and scented bath bombs so fun and relaxing
Kiro totally has a 14-step skincare regiment. you don’t get that beautiful baby-smooth skin without some effort.
he has the best ‘mid-range to high-end’ products on the market, and loves sweet and floral scents for his skincare and makeup. you guys try to line up each other’s routines to be able to do them together every morning.
Kiro also has a huge bedhead in the morning! it’s your job to get this sleepyhead styled for a fun day
even Kiro’s casual loungewear is top-notch hip and trendy. he has fun sweatpants with chains, belts, patches, you name it. he likes holding a little fashion show with you, no matter what you two are wearing
old jeans? strut it. thrifted shirt? vogue, honey.
Kiro’s on a strict diet, so usually he has a smoothie and some tofu pudding for breakfast. on occasion, you’ll indulge him in something decadent, like French toast or pancakes. on moments like these, you swear he loves you juuuuuust a little more but don’t tell Savin!
you guys are a relatively active couple, so unless you’re inside gaming or busy working, you’ll spend some time in thrift stores or karaoke bars, arcades, fun fairs,...
just thinking about Kiro brightens my day...
As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this! I’ll try to bring out more content for K-Pop idols, otome characters and anime characters during the holidays. Requests are still open, so don’t be afraid to send a little message in my ask-box!
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Some do’s and don’t’s for the hobbyist fanfic writer.
Do remember I am also a hobbyist writer, but these are things I’ve noticed after the last 10 years of reading/writing fanfiction, and writing in general. You can take this with a grain of salt if you wish.
Word choices for kissing/sexual encounters
Something that irks me like no other is specific word choices when a couple is kissing/having sex. 
Firstly, kick the word cavern out of your vocabulary, unless it’s about an actual cavern. Mouths/vaginas/anuses are NOT “Moist” or “Wet” caverns, please stop using that phrasing. I don’t know how that started, but speaking from experience as a reader and after talking with others, it is a very odd word choice and it does not work out well.
Secondly, do not describe a french kiss as a battle for dominance. This one is extremely popular, more so in older works thankfully, but I don’t understand why. I have french kissed someone before; it’s not a wrestling match. You can’t fight for dominance in the kiss all that much. 
Instead of “You fought his tongue for dominance in a heated kiss”, think something like “You swirled your tongue along his in a heated kiss”. Tongues work cohesively, not against each other.
Descriptions of clothing in fanfics
Wanna know something that completely sucks me out of a story the second I start reading it and makes me click out of it? Clothing descriptions.
“You were wearing a hoodie, skinny jeans, and your favorite pair of converse.”
“You slid on your favorite skirt and blouse.” “Your skirt swished around you.”
“You donned your favorite pair of skinny jeans.”
“He tugged down at the thong you were wearing.”
Stop doing that. ESPECIALLY THE THONGS- WHY ARE THEY SO POPULAR? We do not need a complete description of what YOU imagine the MC to be wearing in fanfics, because WE are the MC!!!! I don’t own skirts, I don’t own skinny jeans, etc. and other people might not either!
We should not have to pretend to like a certain style of clothing because you think it’s a good choice for the story. Try to be as general as possible in all of your descriptions for clothing.
Instead of “Skirt” think “Bottoms” or just general “Pants”, and instead of “Blouse” it never hurt anyone to just say “Top” or “Shirt”. 
I especially hate female targeted fanfics because I feel I don’t fit their image of a female because I don’t wear the clothing they always describe.
Don’t blatantly go for makeup
I see this frequently in fanfics, and it also makes me piggyback off of the last point about female targeted fanfics and not fitting the image.
I do not own a single ounce of makeup. I never have and I never will. I don’t see the point in it, so you know what makes me immediately not wanna read your fanfiction?
Saying that the first thing I do in the morning is wake up and put on makeup. Saying that I’m not wearing makeup around the love interest for the first time. 
Just ditch the makeup. Instead of saying “You got up and put on your makeup”, say “You got up and went through your morning routine”.
Don’t assume what your reader looks like (Hair/skin/weight)
This one has lots of no-nos for me.
First, hair. Do some of you not understand that short hair is a thing? I swear, 90% of the fanfics I have read note that the MC has long hair that is “Tied up in a loose bun”, or “Tugged into a quick ponytail”, or “Cascading down your back”. 
For all that is good in the world, stop doing this. Some people have short hair. It sucks me right out of the damn story when people mention this. Sure, you might have long hair. Sure, you might envision the reader with long hair. Is it 100% guaranteed that the reader will have that long hair? NO! Be as general as possible with hair descriptions. 
Secondly, skin. Do some of you not realize that POC exist and read fanfics? Because it seems like it. I have white, pale skin; and yet I get annoyed when the reader is described with that. Wanna know why? Because my first thought is “My POC friends wouldn’t get enjoyment from reading this because they are being excluded.”
Instead of saying “Your pale skin”, think along the lines of describing the skin itself instead of the tone of it. Think along the lines of “glowing”, “vibrant”, “complected”, etc.
Also, stop assuming people don’t have acne. I hate seeing “He gazed at your unblemished and perfect skin” because bitch I don’t have that. Stop describing skin generically as being blemish free.
Thirdly, weight. Do some of you not understand that not every fanfic reader is thin? Because it seems that way to me. 
I am a large girl. Some of my friends are larger people. You know what depresses me and sucks me out of a story? Describing the MC as being a thin person, with a slender figure/frame. Not everyone fits that image, and it excludes me and others and makes me feel like we can’t fit into the story. People of ALL shapes and sizes read fanfiction.
If you cannot think of a general way to describe someone’s body shape then don’t describe their body shape at all.
Also, boobs; women don’t hyperfixate on them sweetheart. I do not think about my tits at all, unless I forgot a bra or am wearing something too tight. So guess what? Your female MC shouldn’t either.
Also, for an extra added bonus; stop assuming people don’t wear glasses. I need them to survive, and when you make it seem like the reader doesn’t have glasses on it sucks me out.
On the topic of physical descriptions
Do you know what a gender neutral fic is? Then write like it.
If you are writing a gender neutral fic, then DO NOT describe the body of the reader, unless you use gender neutral terms.
I have read so many “gender neutral fics” that are NOOOOT gender neutral. They describe the reader with a female’s body but “they/them” pronouns, and sweetheart, that is NOT how gender neutral works. 
If you cannot write gender neutral, do not market your fics like that, ESPECIALLY as NSFW fics.
I write in complete gender neutral unless it’s requested, so don’t say it’s impossible either. I have written sex scenes in gender neutral. I have written normal scenes as gender neutral. It is possible. You wanna know how?
Stop describing your reader, and focus on describing the scene, how they’re feeling, the love interest. Be basic and general with your descriptions. If you can’t write a sex scene without specifying genitalia, then don’t write gender neutral sex scenes.
If you can’t write a general fic without giving the GN reader explicitly male or female body stereotypes, then don’t write gender neutral.
There is nothing wrong with writing female targeted or male targeted fics, so LABEL them that way. Don’t market yourself as GN and then not write that way.
Feel free to add on with other tips/tricks if you would like. These are just the MAIN things that I have noticed as a reader.
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scvrllet · 3 years
If you're still doing these, could I get a 🎫 concert ticket for Harry Potter and Once Upon A Time?
Glad to have found your blog!!!
I'm Lucifer, but people call me Luci or Luce, I'm 21 (22 in September), I identifiy somewhere around the nonbinary category, but I see gender as something trivial. I'm a panromantic demisexual and prefer they/her pronouns. 6'3 tall, long wavy blonde hair, black eyes. I wear glasses and usually skirts with old band t-shirts (that I actually listen to).
I always have a bunch or rings around my fingers as well as multiple ear piercings. I'm super pale, to the point that people often ask me if I'm sick.
I'm introverted, but I can be a social butterfly if required. I love listening as much as talking. I never really talk about emotions/feelings but anything else I'mhappy to chat about. I don't really react to things apart from my facial expressions. The lift of an brow, a smirk or an eye-roll will let you know how I feel about things without verbal confirmation. I'm always calm and collected, and my voice stays monotonous no matter what ; I don't stutter, yell or scream.
I'm highly intelligent and very sarcastic, and rarely laugh outloud, but smirk a lot. I might come across as rude and blunt but on the inside I am a softie, just don't show it often.
I love literature (especially classic), arts and learning languages (I currently speak 18). I'm also musically very inclined. I study History and mythology. When it comes to hobbies, I read and collect lots of things things such as lighters, tarot cards, night lights, rocks/crystals and books.
I have four siblings and am the oldest, but I don't really keep in touch with my family that much. I have a few good friends (2 or 3) and I don't even really need much more.
I'm a Virgo, Slytherin and INTJ-A if that tells you anything.
I'm not athletic in the least, but am in good shape. My body is an hourglass figure and I also got a bunch of tattoos.
I have a bad habit of smoking, and usually having a glass of scotch or wine with me (but I never get drunk or even tipsy). I love spending time near water, but hate getting wet. I usually take long walks outside after midnight while listening to creepypastas or true crime podcasts. I love the genre horror overall, yet I rarely get scared. The only thing I'm scared of is being scared if something. And Santa Claus (<-- no idea as to why).
If I were to go on an ideal date, it'd hopefully be something original and not the cheese classics, but I wouldn't mind them either. I just want to experience new things.
I don't really celebrate holidays (e.g. Christmas, Ester) since I was raised in an atheist/witchcraft household.
If I still might add something, when it comes to relationships I'm never overly dramatic. I don't, as previosuly mentioned, yell or really even cry. I don't get frustrated or suspicious easily. If I see any inclination that my partner might be e.g. cheating on me, I ask them about it directly and will absolutely under no circumstanses go through their phone, computer or start stalking them. 
You wanted 3 random things, here :
1. I can't cook shit, I have set spaghetti on fire, cracked a pan in half and blown up a microwave.
2. I'm very unpredictable, but at the same time I like to stick to certain routines etc.
3. I've had my hair dyed more times that I can count with more colors than I know how to name.
Uhhh, I think that's all? I hope you have a good day :)
(🎫) CONCERT TICKETS - get a platonic or romantic ship/match-up from the fandom of your choice (max. two) along with a shirt headcanon
I ship you with....
Peter Pan
- Arriving on Neverland, in hindsight, was a mistake. Magic beans while very reliable were prone to mistakes every so often and so instead of appearing in the Enchanted Forest, you were on the beach of a large island. And what was the most odd of all, was not the strange feeling you felt upon arriving on the island, but the pair of eyes you could practically feel staring at you from the trees. Hoping that it was just an animal of some sort, you walked off the beach and headed to the path through the forest.
- Unfortunately for you, the feeling lingered, following you almost as you walked through the forest. Tall trees lined the path and every once in awhile you’d see some small animals scurry away. What seemed to stand out the most however were the silhouettes standing off in the side, deep within the trees but standing right below the sunlight for you to see clearly. There was four, than five, than six than......only one. Looking at your surroundings, you saw your footprints in the ground before you and it hit you. You’d been walking in circles the whole time and the silhouette was still there.
“Hello?” You called out, not sure as to whether or not the silhouette really was there.
Without a verbal response, the figure disappeared only to reappear a few feet in front of you.
You jumped back in shock but quickly regained your balance as you studied the person before you. It was a boy, looking to be around your age, with a questioning look on his face as he looked at you. “Who are you?”
“I could ask you the same question.”
“I asked you first!”
“And I’m in charge of this island!”
“You? In charge of an island? What is this Neverland?” You rolled your eyes at the possibility. Neverland was a place made up so that kids could fall asleep. Not a real place that you could visit.
“Yes it is, and I run things around here so tell me, who are you.” The boy replied, emphasizing his last three words as he spoke.
“As if, what’s next? You call your little Lost Boys to come prove to me?” You scoffed. To believe that you were on Neverland was already too much and all you wanted was to get home to the Enchanted Forest but it seems you’re stuck playing pretend with a boy who doesn’t want to grow up. A shame really
Smirking, the boy simply pressed two fingers to your forehead and before you could even say something, your mind went foggy and your vision was filled with black.
- To say you got off on a rough start was an understatement. The two of you were constantly at each other’s neck while he kept you on the island, the camp specifically, and didn’t let you leave due to belief that you were a spy of some sorts. Not that he had anything to hide. Not yet at least.
- As time went on however, the two of you had begun to form a friendship. It wasn’t anything big or odd, but it was definitely new. He’d be less of an ass to you and let you explore the island on your own (with some exception).
- Upon finding your out about your hobbies, he would discreetly try to surprise you with materials to help you engage in them even if Neverland’s magic still had some restrictions. He would still try to the best of his abilities.
I also ship you with....
Blaise Zabini
- Losing was one thing Blaise never took lightly. Competitive he was but even with his ambition and skill, it was the mundane things that revolved around luck that often made him lose. Like the stupid bet he made with Theo on whether Gryffindor would win or lose where the loser would have to make a full four course meal complete with drinks for all the Slytherins in their year. Unfortunately for him, he had lost unlike Gryffindor and now here he was, spending his Saturday afternoon in the kitchens and a cookbook Pansy had given him “to help”.
- Blaise didn’t know what he’d see upon entering kitchen. He was sure to see a few House Elves, perhaps he could ask them for help, but what he didn’t except was to see you standing in front of the stove with a pot spilt cleanly in half somehow and a fire burning below. And to make matters worst, you were simply standing there as if you had been frozen.
“Hey watch out!” He called out as a flame went up towards you. Pushing you out the way just in time, he managed to save you from the burn in return of him getting burned.
“Fuck.” He hissed out in pain. Gripping his arm as he put out the fire with his wand before dropping it on the ground.
Without a word, you simply grabbed your wand and waved it above his burn. You seemed to be muttering something, a spell of some sort, as a cooling sensation covered his wound. Looking down, he was shocked to see that the burn was actually healing.
“How, how did you.... Thank you.”
“I was practicing a charm, fire control, but thank you for the concern.”
Feeling sheepish for thinking that you didn’t have it under control, he ended up excusing himself from the kitchen to head back to his dorm where his friends immediately pounced on the chance to tease him for a variety of reasons.
- The next day, instead of going to Hogsmeade with his friends, Blaise stayed back at the castle to catch up on a paper he had failed to submit on time. Deciding on going to the library, sh was disappointed to see that almost all of the tables were taken. All but one in the far back corner. Quickly heading towards it, a sigh left his lips as someone dropping their book bag into the table beat him to the table: you.
“Oh did you need the table? I can leave if you’d like?”“ You said upon noticing him standing in front of the table.
“No, no it’s alright I just uh, planned on finishing a paper for Flitwick’s class.” He admitted.
“You can have a seat if you’d like, I’ll just be doing my own work and you can do yours.” You kindly offered and Blaise gladly accepted. He really need to finish this paper or else he’s be kicked off the Quidditch team so while he didn’t get the complete privacy he originally wanted, he’s fine with this.
As the two of you worked in quiet, occasionally Blaise would sneak glances your way which you ended up catching once.
“Hi.” was all you managed to muster out as you tried to contain the wide smile that wanted yo grow on your face.
Trying his best to not chuckle at your slightly flustered state, he mirrored your smile as he replied with a “Hello.”
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nat-20s · 4 years
this is a Wild™ prompt so no pressure to actually do it, but i’ve had the scenario of “somehow s5 martin ends up in s1-s2, has to figure out how to deal with that” and if u want a narrower thing, maybe how he reacts to seeing someone again/for the first time? (Sasha, Juergen Leitner, Prentiss, etc)
Please have fun with Whatever this is:
“Don’t go wandering off in the middle of the apocalypse” seems like a pretty simple rule to follow. “Especially don’t go through any weird doors, Christ, Martin, how can that possibly be a good idea on any level, do you remember nothing from the last five years of your existence?” also seems like a generally easy thing to keep in mind. And yet, Martin is guilty of the same sin that appears to be intrinsic of all of those who find themselves under the influence of the eye, his need to know something overriding his common sense. In his defense, the door was only like 2 meters away and he wasn’t planning on going through it or even touching it at all. He just wanted to look, because it appeared to be made of a liquid version of frosted glass, and it was translucent enough that he could sort of make out the other side of it. As he got closer, he confirmed that the other side of the door a: definitely didn’t match the rest of their own little hell-scape, and b: seemed familiar in a way he couldn’t quite make sense of.  
Of course, in the dream logic of their reality, you don’t have to place your hand on the door knob in order for you to enter some place new. All it takes is getting within a foot of the door, squinting to futilely try and bring the scene across from him into better focus, and a blink and suddenly he is not where he’s supposed to be. Instead, he is staring down the hallway of his former apartment complex, watching as a familiar woman attired in a red dress and countless words is steadily knocking at his door. There’s a weight in his hands that wasn’t there before, and he looks down to find a fire extinguisher in prime position to be fired. Huh. How serendipitous.
Martin’s surprised to find that he doesn’t feel afraid, not in this moment. It appears that for all the two weeks spent hiding from her still frequent more often than not in his nightmares, for all that the sight of canned peaches still makes him nauseous, in his (probably) waking hours, she is far less intimidating than the myriad of horrors he has faced since. Or, perhaps, it’s simply that he is actually equipped to face her, and that takes away some of the teeth of his fear. Any semblance of preparation, of a plan, has given him comfort when he had little else, and that continues on now. Admittedly, though, while he does have preparation for this encounter, his plan is little more than “get Prentiss off of my fucking lawn and then see where we go from there” before he’s striding towards her.
He’s able to get close to her, about as close as he’s willing to get, before she takes any notice of him. Once he’s about five feet away, she turns her head, and briefly pauses that incessant, infuriating knocking. She gets as far as saying, “Oh, aren’t you inter-” before he sends a spray of foam directly to her face. It’s far from enough to kill her, but it’s enough to kill off some of the worms, so there’s no way that it doesn’t at least sting quite a bit. The CO2 makes her stutter and take several steps back, swatting at the foam at an attempt to get it off.
He considers pulling the handle once again, but he’s really more concerned with getting her to leave than hurting her further, and he doesn’t to run out of ammo this early should she recover and decide to go on the attack. However, he likes to think he’s not too much of a fool, so he keeps the nozzle trained on her as she becomes less frantic.
Finally she stills her swatting, breathing heavily and glaring at him, as much as she can make any sort of facial expression with what’s left of her face. “That was rather rude of you, little one. And we are trying to offer you an escape from being so tragically singular.”
Martin raises the nozzle slightly higher, just enough to bring focus to the motion as he replies, “Yeah, well, it was rude of you to stalk my apartment for two weeks and try to kill me and my coworkers, so forgive me if I don’t feel all that grateful for your oh so generous offer.”
“Hmm. So you are his future. That’s a shame. We are made so loneliness is impossible, it would not wrap itself so throughly into your form. Our love could still be given to you, in this time.”
“I have no interest in your hollow version of love. He has no interest in it. Now, leave.”
Prentiss give an airy wave of her hand, and the worms that had been trying to find any crack in the sealed door come crawling back to their home. “Fine, fine. This was just a bit of fun, anyway. I’ll be seeing him soon enough anyway.”
Martin makes a hum of acknowledgement, though he response makes little difference to her taking her leave. There’s a few silver-grey disgusting stragglers that be promptly and throughly kills with a combination of the fire extinguisher and some well placed stomps. It’s only after he finishes this that the hesitation hits him, the trepidation curling low in his stomach until it solidifies into something akin to fear. He’ll take a worm monster over facing himself any time of any day.
What would he even say to himself? Good luck, the next years of your life are completely fucked? Hey, congratulations, you actually made it to your 30s, so that’s a bit of surprise, but you’re almost certainly not going to get to 35? Don’t talk to a man named Peter Lukas, or maybe just avoid any Lukases in general? Maybe he should lie, tell him things are going to turn out okay when they’re definitely not?
Wait, okay, maybe he has something with the Peter tip. If there’s an opportunity to give this version of him some advice that could prevent future grief, he might as well go for it. It’s like, how badly could he actually mess up the time line with his interference? The world could end again? Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Upon the realization that basically no matter what he does right now there’s basically no where to go up but up, he makes an executive decision to go in there and confront himself head on. Hell, maybe that’s the Thing that’s needed to get him back to Jon.
As he goes to turn the door handle he also, briefly, thinks that he should bring up that he’s madly in love with someone who feels the same. It’s not immediately relevant for trying to prevent some of the mistakes he’s made, but Martin remembers being 28, utterly convinced both that love was real and something that was completely unattainable for something like him. Being wrong on the second part of that conviction is one of the few true comforting things he can provide.
The door is, of course, locked, so he goes with plan B. Turns out fire extinguishers are rather handy for smashing things, and he brings it down several times in rapid succession until the knob breaks. There’s one step down, but he had forgotten about the furniture barricade that had been put in place. He can get the door open about 7 centimeters before it refuses to budge, and he begins to wonder if all of this is an exercise in futility. At least his voice won’t be muffled when he calls out, “Martin? You in there?”
There’s nothing but silence, and he sighs and leans his head against the apartment door. “Seriously, Martin, could you respond? And maybe move some of this furniture? If you’re dead that means things are way more messed up than I expected.”
After a beat, a strained voice calls out, “Oh, so a bad impersonation of me is part of your dumb monster powers now? Piss off!”
After a groan and an eyeroll, Martin calls back “I’m not-!” before cutting himself off. He meant to say “I’m not a monster, I’m you” but both of those things are only about 60-70% true. Instead he goes with, “I’m not an impersonation. If I was something pretending to be someone else to get inside, wouldn’t I pick one of your coworkers coming to get you? Like Tim or Jon or Sa- you know, um, one of them?”
“You have a peephole, right? You could look through it, confirm that I’m not worm-infested?”
He doesn’t hear a response with words, but he does hear the sounds of motion coming from inside. After a few minutes, the furniture is pushed aside, and the door is opened for him. Jesus, the guy on the other side of the door looks like shit. He probably doesn’t look much better, apocalypse grime covering every inch of him, but still. The man in front of him has deep bags under his eyes and a gauntness to his face that will take a while to ease. Worst of all, he looks painfully young and painfully afraid, and while Martin can recognize himself on a logical level, there’s a forced disconnect that makes him feel like he’s looking at a stranger. The knife that’s being held between them probably doesn’t help matters.
His former self’s voice shakes with a mix of adrenaline and exhaustion. “You got the hair color wrong. And the age.”
“That’s because I’m 32. Also, still not an impersonation.”
“My hair goes white in 5 years?”
“Not in the natural way. You know those hokey stories where people are so scared their hair turns white? That’s...sort of what happened. And it’s not going to happen to you, if I can help it.”
That’s the wrong thing to say, apparently, as the younger Martin’s face twists up. It’s a lot, Martin thinks it’s a lot and he’s far more experienced in the reality of the esoteric, but sometimes things being a lot is unavoidable, and he’s pretty sure time travel is one of those cases. He shrugs in response to the younger’s confusion, and says, “Can I come in? I think I’m here to dole out some advice, and I’d honestly prefer to do while not standing in worm corpses.”
He’s studied for a few brief moments, before he’s told, “You broke my doorknob.”
“You’re never gonna live here again, and it’s not like you were getting the security deposit back anyway. Does it matter?”
The younger one’s face collapses, despondent when he replies, “But. I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
Martin’s been experiencing a nauseating mixture of anger, pity, and compassion while seeing his past self, but that’s enough to kick in his care-taking instincts, and he really just wants to wrap the guy in a blanket. That’s not going to help either of them, but what he says next might. With a frankly ridiculous wave of fondness for that uncomfortable cot (or, more accurately, for the memory of a certain someone offering said cot), “You will. After you go back to the institute, you, um, you won’t have to stay here again.”
Martin, junior edition, only looks more lost, but he does step aside to let Martin inside the apartment even if he doesn’t lose his death grip on the knife. Martin pulls the door behind him, and as he does so, it transforms into the door that got him in this mess, so looks like he made the right choice. It doesn’t immediately take him (hopefully) back to his own time, but Martin’s gut is telling him that he won’t be spending much longer here. “Okay, so, you have a notebook around here, right? Because I’m about to dump quite a bit of information on you all at once, and I happen to know that our memory for things of this sort is not fantastic.”
The younger one glances over to the table where a notebook and pen are laying and while he moves towards it, he’s clearly hesitant to occupy both his hands with writing. The precaution makes sense, but Martin’s getting tired of it nonetheless due to a combination of running out of time and generally being tired of people seeing him as a threat. With a sigh, he tries his best to evenly say, “The next few years are going to be, um, messed up, to say the least, but hopefully if you have more information than I did, they’ll be less messed up.”
Younger Martin finally concedes, putting the knife down to pick up the pen, and flips the notebook open. Primed to start writing, he gives slight nod of his head to tell Martin to keep talking. Martin takes a breath, lets it out, and spills everything he can think of. “Okay, most immediately, CO2 kills Prentiss’s worms, and enough of it will kill her. A fire suppressant system will do the trick, but make sure there’s a way to actually trigger it inside of the archives. Makes sure the weird spooky table doesn’t get destroyed, it seems like it should be destroyed, this instinct is wrong. Generally speaking, you should get a buddy system set up, as it’s usually when people go off on their own that particularly bad things start to happen, whether it’s on an investigation or going to America. Speaking of, don’t let Jon go to America. Don’t let Tim go to stop the Unknowing. The Unknowing won’t work anyway, but you’ll probably still want to have the circus blown up, just make sure everyone is doing it from a distance. Don’t let yourself work for Peter Lukas, actually don’t interact with Peter Lukas, except maybe to, I don’t know, hit him with a shovel. And most importantly, kill Elias Bouchard as soon as possible-”
“-and in particular make sure you destroy the eyes, that’s vital to this whole thing. Turns out he’s actually a 200 year old scumbag named Jonah Magnus, you know, the founder of the institute, and by getting rid of him, you’ll save yourself a quite literal world of pain.”
“I don’t, what, I don’t think I could kill somebody-”
Martin felt a sharp tug towards the door, and he knew his time here was up. “Oh, wow, I really have changed, huh. Anyway, uh, final notes: you’re not going to end up alone and unloved and forgotten before you’re even fully gone, so feel free to lay that fear that occupies a disconcertingly large amount of your mental space to rest. Good luck, and try not to die!”
Before he can hear his other self’s response, he’s back in the wastelands he currently calls a twisted version of home, and Jon’s arms are wrapped around his neck in a fierce hug. As far as he can tell, nothing’s changed from his little literal trip down memory lane. There’s a few explanations for it, but since Martin’s not going to go out of his way trying to prove any of them, he choses to believe in the one that’s the most hopeful; that somewhere, out there, with some well timed words, there’s a universe that has turned out kinder than their own.
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