#i like to do photos and like how this came out
stayteezdreams · 3 days
Scenarios: Stray Kids Hyung Line Finding You Asleep In Their Bed
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Scenarios: Stray Kids Hyung Line Finding You Asleep In Their Bed.
~Maknae Line~ *coming soon
Pairings: Boyfriend!Bang Chan x Gn!Reader; BestFriend!Lee Know x Gn!Reader (Friends to more); Boyfriend!Changbin x Gn!Reader; Best-Friend!Hyunjin x Gn!Reader (Friends to Lovers).
Requested By: 🔮 Anon
A/n: Even though I'm the one who made the prompt I wasn't really sure what to do lmao so I hope you like it!
Warnings: A couple kisses throughout, but otherwise its all just casual fluff.
Words: Just under 2k
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He forgot he was going to meet up with you after he was done at the studio.
Glancing at the time he jolted out of his seat, seeing it was late and he had already missed the time he said he was going to meet you.
So he rushed back to the dorm, guilt washing over him the entire time.
He tried texting you the whole way back but his messages went unread.
When he arrived back at the dorm, he was sure you would have given up on and him and left.
The living room was empty, but he saw the light in his bedroom still on.
Quickly entering his bedroom, an apology was out of his mouth before he came to a halt.
You were on top of his bed cuddled up to his pillow, fast asleep, phone in hand. He could see the unread notifications of the messages he sent apologizing blinking on your screen.
He let out a soft sigh and sat on the edge of the bed, watching you. He felt guilty for accidentally standing you up for movie night, but he was glad he could see you like this. So peaceful and at ease, though he was afraid to wake you, fearing you would be angry.
As he adjusted the blanket, covering your legs, your eyes fluttered open, landing on him immediately.
You glared sleepily at him as your soft sleepy voice came out. "You forgot me."
Chris pouted, "I'm sorry baby, I really am."
"Did you finish the song at least?"
He nodded and you smiled softly making his heart skip a beat. "Good." Adjusting your body, you laid your head on his legs as you looked up at him. "You owe me a movie night though."
Chris's chest exploded with adoration as he looked down at you with a smile. Leaning down he pressed a quick kiss to the tip of your nose. "I'll make it up to you I promise."
You nodded sleepily as you threatened to fall back asleep. Chris gently patted your head as he moved you back to your original position. "Just sleep for now baby."
Your fist grabbed his jacket softly as you didn't want to let him go. He grinned as he gradually pulled away from you. Getting himself ready for bed, he held you in his arms until he fell asleep beside you.
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Lee Know:
You had been cat-sitting for him while he and his family were away.
He came back a few days before them, arriving late in the evening to surprise you and the cats.
As he snuck in, his heart nearly stopped as he found you in the living room, asleep on the couch, and all the cats sleeping around you peacefully.
Lee Know knew he had developed feelings for you a while ago, but in this moment he really understood just how much he adored you.
He stared at you for a few moments before snapping a few photos on his phone.
Sneaking over to the couch, he crouched down and looked at your peacefully sleeping face. Dori, upon waking up at his presence mewed softly before stretching.
Lee Know pet them softly before looking back at you. He got lost, staring at your face, reaching up, he found himself gently caressing your cheek. His heart leapt when your eyes slowly opened, meeting his as you stared at him silently for a moment.
A soft smile crept onto your face and Lee Know felt his chest clench. "You're back."
He nodded and he spoke softly, "Yeah. I didn't want to wake you."
You stretched, waking up the other cats as they all began to greet Lee Know.
You smiled at the sight. "They missed you."
He grinned, "I missed them too." He looked up at you, "And you."
You rose your brow at his sudden affection, "Me?"
He chuckled softly, "Of course."
Your heart was still racing from waking to find Lee Know gently touching your cheek, now it felt as though it might escape from your chest.
"I missed you too." You admitted, wondering if your feelings for your friend were showing.
He smiled at you for a minute before he rose, "Stay here."
You hummed in curiosity as he left. Coming back a short time later, he was now in his pajamas. Watching him with wide eyes as he adjusted the blanket over you and climbed onto the couch behind you.
You stared at him over your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you from behind pulling you into his chest.
Meeting your gaze he smiled, "Let's sleep."
Both of you were aware of how hard the other's heart's were racing. Silently understanding you both felt the same thing in that moment, lying together in the darkened living room.
Getting comfortable in his arms, he smiled into your shoulder as he held you against him. You felt him press a soft kiss to your shoulder before he pressed his face into your neck and let out a long content breath as he held you in his arms for the first, and definitely not last time.
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Changbin was coming home from tour, and you hadn't seen each other for over a month.
His mood was already sour because his flights continuously got delayed. He was supposed to be home hours ago, but luck was not on his side.
All he wanted was to see you, to hold you, to kiss you, to be with you.
By the time they got back to the dorm, he was sure he would have to wait until tomorrow to see you since it was already so late in the night.
Entering into his bedroom, he came to a halt when he saw the best thing in the world.
His eyes grazed over your figure as you slept on his bed. Your phone was lying half-way in your palm, his pillow curled underneath you. You were wearing one of his shirts, and dead-asleep.
Changbin set down his bags, repressing the guttural sound that threatened to escape at the sight of you. The cuteness aggression he was feeling was almost overwhelming as he crouched down beside the bed and stared at your slumbering face.
Unable to resist, he reached towards your face and gently poked your cheek, causing your eyes to shoot open. He felt guilty, but it faded quickly as your sleepy face quickly became more animated as you set eyes on Changbin.
You grinned as you suddenly leapt forward, wrapping your arms around his neck as you were now hanging half-way on the bed, your other half in his arms.
He giggled as he held you, all of the stress of his trip back home fading as he finally held you in his arms.
He squeezed you with a groan, "God I missed you."
You mumbled into his shoulder, "I missed you too. You're not allowed to leave again."
Standing up, he laid you on the bed on your back as he leaned over you. "Okay. I wont leave."
He caressed your cheek as he noticed your still tired eyes. "It's late let's sleep, okay? We'll talk more tomorrow."
You nodded with a soft smile before climbing under the sheets and waiting for him. You almost drifted back off before he climbed into the bed himself. Wrapping you in his arms he held you close.
"Thank you for waiting here for me."
Cuddling yourself as close as you could, you breathed in his scent, feeling yourself drifting back to sleep as you mumbled. "I missed you too much to leave."
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You and Hyunjin often hung out in silence.
Both of you drawing, writing, playing games on your phone, listening to music, etc. Just finding comfort in each others company
There was an unspoken feeling between you that neither of you acted on, always afraid it would ruin your friendship.
So you just spent as much time together as you could, each hoping the other silently new how you both felt.
One evening when Hyunjin was engrossed in a sketch, he hadn't noticed you had gone completely still.
Eventually turning to you to ask about his sketch, he froze as he found you slumbering on the bed.
He stared at you for a few moments, admiring you as his heart ached with the feelings he had been repressing.
Flipping the page of his sketch book, he turned to face you, quickly outlining your figure on paper. He could take a photo of you in your peaceful sleep, but it felt more...intimate, to draw you.
His hands moved swiftly as he sketched, feeling more inspiration than he had in a while. He smiled to himself, realizing that he often drew or painted more when you were around.
Eventually, you found yourself waking up, eyes fluttering open. You saw Hyunjin sitting in front of you, sketching in his book.
You smiled at the sight, the soft smile on his face as he was engrossed in his art.
"What are you drawing?"
Hyunjin's eyes shot up, seeing you staring at him with a soft, tired gaze. He grinned as he continued to sketch. "I'll show you when I'm done."
You nodded softly as your eyes drifted closed again. You didn't fall back asleep, but you lied still, listening to the scribbling of his pencil on paper. Smiling at the occasional hum or annoyed grunt that escaped him.
After a while Hyunjin sighed happily, "Finished."
Opening your eyes, you sat up, stretching as you faced him. Reaching out your hands you motioned your fingers for him to pass it over. "Let me see."
Nervously, Hyunjin gave you the sketchbook. Seeing the way your eyes lit up in surprise as you saw your own sleeping figure on the paper.
You let out a soft chuckle, "You drew me?"
He nodded, "How could I not, you were so cute and peaceful."
You giggled softly, feeling your neck and cheeks grow warm. Seeing something written under his signature at the bottom you felt your heart skip a beat.
"My Muse?"
Looking up you met his gaze as he looked at you softly before nodding. "You are. You always have been."
You bit the inside of your lip as you stared at the words. From your peripheral, you saw Hyunjin lean closer. You assumed he was looking at the picture. Freezing as you looked up, you met his eyes as he stared at you, his face only an inch from yours.
Your voice came out in a whisper. "What are you doing?"
He smiled softly as his eyes glanced to your lips briefly. "Just taking a closer look. Can I draw you more often?"
Nodding mutely, his smile widened as he took the sketchbook from your hands, but kept his eyes locked with yours. Leaning in, he pressed a quick, almost hesitate kiss to your lips.
Your eyes widened a bit as he pulled away. You didn't speak or pull away, so Hyunjin did it again. And then again, before you pulled away with a giggle you couldn't contain.
Hyunjin grinned as he scooted closer to you, this time placing his hands on your face. He pressed the tip of his nose to yours as he stared at you. He caressed your cheek with his thumb before he kissed you again, and as you kissed him back, he deepened the kiss.
When he pulled away he let out an excited noise that made you laugh as he pushed you back onto the bed and lied beside you. You stared at each other for a few moments in silence as he gently held your hands.
"Stay with me?"
You nodded softly as he pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you. Lying in silence together for a while, your pounding hearts eventually calmed as you fell asleep in each other's arms.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @otsilliak, @brattybunfornct, @bahng-chrizz, @otakutrash669, @tinyelfperson,
@pinievsev, @teenyfinds, @everythingboutkpop,  @shymexican
Stray Kid Taglist: @laylasbunbunny, @skz1-4-3, @prettymiye0n, @thunderous-wolf, @thedistractedwriter,
@briqnne, @dinossaurz,  @staytiny2000, @msauthor,
@vnessalau, @dancinglikebutterflywings, 
Changbin: @lieutenantn Lee Know: @hongjoongsprincess Hyunjin: @dear-dreamie
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hellodropbear · 1 day
like she used to (V)
alexia putellas x sister chapter I, II, III, IV from alexia's perspective tonight :)
My younger sister hates me. 
I don't know why, I don't even know when it happened. 
But I know that my younger sister hates me, and I have absolutely no idea what to do about it. 
I have known there was something wrong since she started skipping our dinners on Thursdays, claiming to have Barcelona B training until late. 
I knew they finished up an hour before dinner started. 
Alba says that I spent to much time away from her, that I didn't focus on her enough. 
Mami says that she is growing up and simply becoming less reliant on her older sisters. 
But neither of those explanations seem to make sense, because my younger sister is not the girl that I once knew any more. 
The girl who would sleep in my bed every night, who wiped my tears when I cried and put a smile on my face when all I wanted to do was bury my face into my pillow and scream about how unfair the world was. 
Because she's Elena and she's happy, she always has been.
But Elena does not seem happy anymore. And I don't know when it changed, but I hate myself for not being there to make her smile like she did for me so many times when we were younger. I hate myself for not being there to put a smile back on her face as soon as it fell off. 
She lives with bags under her eyes, her usually olive skin turned pale, her eyes constantly downcast and her eyebrows set in a solemn line. 
She used to tell me everything, but then I blinked and my baby sister's name was on my team sheet and I didn't even know she had been training with the first team. 
Mami said that she was sleeping, that she didn't want to talk about it now. Mapi told me the next day that she found her 45 minutes away from home, sitting in the park by her house. 
I should have been there more, I should have gone to her games. I know that, everyone knows that. But I broke up with Jenni, who had been my rock for as long as I could remember. I broke up with Jenni and she moved to Mexico, leaving me alone for the first time, in an apartment full of memories that would swallow me every time I entered.
I felt alone, every fibre of my being felt alone. I was isolated and my world was crumbling around me. And I didn't know who to turn to, I didn't know where I could find support. 
I didn't know that Elena was sat at home in bed, staring at her phone and waiting for me to call her, to text her. 
I used to call her every night, but slowly, those phone calls died out. Elena would all asleep with her phone in her lap. Until she gave up. Until she switched her phone off as soon as she reached her bedroom in the evenings. 
Back when Papi died, I relied probably a bit too much on my little sister to get me through it. Mami always said it was the wrong thing so I didn't want to make that mistake again. I avoided Elena, not wanting her to realise how weak I really am. She always said she admired me for being strong, powerful. I was her inspiration, her hero. 
I didn't want to ruin that image she had of me by crying on Mami's couch, unable to be alone after something as superficial as a breakup. 
But I think I ruined that image in other ways. 
I stopped going to her games. 
I stopped holding her as she fell asleep in my lap on a Thursday evening, instead watching her move further and further away from me on the sofa, until she wasn't there at all. 
I stopped being there for her, helping her with her homework, picking her up from training, taking her out for ice cream. 
I stopped being her sister, and I don't think I will ever forgive myself. 
I don't think she will ever forgive me either. 
And to make everything worse, I only thought about it properly when Olga brought it up a few weeks ago. 
"Why haven't I met your younger sister yet? There are so many photos of her here, but I have never even spoken to her."
It was then that everything came crashing down, reality hitting me like a truck, driving 100 kilometres an hour along the highway. 
Olga couldn't understand why I was suddenly sobbing into her arms, my words more incoherent than my thoughts. But she held me close and told me one thing. 
"If there is something wrong with your little sister, you need to fix it."
Obviously she was right, she didn't need to tell me that. 
I felt an enormous surge of guilt explode inside of me, and for once Olga's arms didn't do anything to help me. I don't deserve her comfort, I don't deserve to feel good when I have left my baby sister behind. 
Because she is everything to me but I haven't spoken to her in two years. 
I don't know how I let it go this far.
Mapi's voice is scratchy and quiet over the phone, and I could tell something is wrong. She wouldn't tell me what. 
"Elena is here with me. I texted Eli but she didn't reply but I needed to tell someone that she is safe and asleep in my spare room. We will take her to the game in the morning."
She didn't say much else, other than that she found my sister at the park after she had taken the bus from home. 
But, the look that she gave me at the game the next day told me everything I need to know. 
It wasn't angry, really, she just looked confused and hurt. She looked upset as well and I knew exactly what it was about. Because Elena has always loved Mapi, and Mapi has always treated Elena like a little sister. 
Elena would have told Mapi something, and even though I don't know what it was, I know it would have been bad enough to make Mapi overthink everything, to realise how awful I have been over the past few years. 
I was anxious through the whole game, separated from my best friend by Frido and Jana, trying my best to ignore the looks that Mapi kept sending me. 
The looks that were filled with such emotion that I couldn't handle. Emotions that were hard to read because they were filled with so much meaning. 
I am too much of a coward to face her and my consequences, I realise, so I ignore it for as long as I can. 
But I knew I could not avoid everything when Mami pulled me to the side after the rest of the girls had gone back into the changing rooms, after Alba had gone to the bathroom. 
"What are you doing?" 
She was furious, and for good reason. But I stay silent, still too scared, too guilty about everything I had done. The only thing on my mind was  trying to figure out how I could ever fix this. 
"Alexia Putellas! Answer me! What are you doing?" 
Her face was almost red, but if I looked hard enough I would have been able to see the tears that dried up in her eyes, never given the chance to slip down her face. 
"What do you mean, Mami?" 
She rolled her eyes dramatically and scoffed loudly. 
"Your baby sister is 15 years old and without any help from you, her older sister, was sitting on the bench for your team. The best team in Europe. She is 15, Alexia! This is such a huge achievement and all she wants is a hug from you, for you to tell her you are proud of her, that you love her. But no. Nothing. Nothing at all from the great Alexia Putellas who cares about nothing but her career!" 
Mami's words are a slap in the face, really. Thinking back to them, however, they are the truth. The terrible, painful, horrendous truth. 
Not that I don't care about anything but my career, of course, but about how I haven't done anything to help Elena get to where she is. 
I pause before responding, debating internally how I should respond. 
I could respond with fire, but that would just make Mami even more furious.
So I don't. 
"I know she is, Mami! That is why I am about to go do exactly that. I am so, so proud of her but I can't find the words to tell her just how proud I am."
She looks at me for a moment, as if assessing the validity of my statement. 
"We are going out to dinner tonight, Alexia. You are coming with us and we are celebrating Elena. Not you, Elena."
I nod, telling her that I will go get Elena and meet her and Alba outside. 
Except that doesn't happen, because I see Elena in the changing rooms, but she doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with me. 
I see the 15 year old girl laughing and interacting with my team, holding Aitana close and whispering in her ear. 
But honestly, the whole scene flipped my insides out. I am not focused on Olga as she chats to me, as she notices how distant I am from reality, moving towards Mapi. 
When I do finally speak to my sister, it does not go well. She is cold and I don't know how to get through to her because she is right to not want to talk to me, she is right to stick up for herself. I have messed up and I still have no idea how to fix things. And until I do, she is right to act like this. 
So I didn't end up going to their dinner, instead sitting alone in my apartment and staring blankly at my switched off tv, wondering what on earth I can do to fix this mess. To fix this mess that I single handedly created. 
It meant that Mami came round late, storming into my apartment, smoke practically billowing from her ears.
"You have messed up, Alexia. She is so upset and it is entirely your fault! You are stupid, you are irresponsible and you have been a terrible sister." 
I cowered under her strong gaze but she did not soften. She sat down, placing her head in her hands.
"You are almost 30! You should know better. I have not raised you to be like this, I have not raised you to throw people away without any thought, not caring how it might affect them. She is so confused and so, so upset and it is all because of you. All because you decided a few years ago that you did not have time for her anymore."
There are tears in my eyes, but Mami can not see them. Mami does not care, she should not care because I did all of this, all by myself. 
"No, Alexia. You will tell me what has happened, why you have done this. You have ripped apart our family, Alexia. Alba is practically mourning the destruction of it and I just can not begin to understand why you have decided Elena doesn't mean anything to you any more."
"I haven't decided that!" My yell took my mother off guard and she recoiled. I continued before she could speak again. 
"I love her! So much and I am proud of her! I don't know what I have done, Mami and I don't know how to fix this." The tears that filled my eyes began to slip down my face. "I have ruined everything."
My voice broke and Mami softened, looking at me in confusion, some sort of inner turmoil and for the first time in my life, I recognised that she had no idea what to do. 
She didn't know what to do as I broke down into sobs, my body practically folding into itself, loud cries wracking through my body. 
"I don't know what is wrong with me." 
Mami and I spoke for ages that evening. She convinced me that I should take a step back and let Elena come to me. That I should try and talk to Elena soon to tell her that I love her, that I am proud of her. 
But it ended up with another unsuccessful attempt of speaking to Elena. She was in bed and wanted nothing to do with what I wanted to say. I told her everything that Mami told me I should, ignoring the protests of my insides. 
I do not want to take a step back because I am already so far away. I want to be there for my sister like I should be, there for a hug or for some assurance. But that is not what I tell her, because apparently, that is not what would be the best for her. 
All I want is the best for her. 
I want nothing more than to tell her I want to be a part of her life like I used to be, I want things to just go back to normal. But nothing is that easy. I have to face the consequences of all my mistakes. 
Huge, terrible, life altering mistakes.
I tried again the next morning, but she ignored me completely, heading up to her room without a single utterance of a word. I could practically hear her exhale in relief as the piano chair creaked and waited until she had begun her playing to walk upstairs and sit by her door. 
She has improved at it so much, skyrocketing right past the level that Papi used to play at. The notes rang out at such a pace that I could barely keep track of where the song was going, up, down, fast, slow, loud, soft. 
The rhythms flew through the house and I didn't register the warm liquid slipping down my face until it fell with a splat into my lap. 
It is painful to realise how much I have missed; how much I miss her. 
Her playing is mesmerising and I could feel the emotion that radiates from her and her piano. 
It used to be Papi's, but now it is hers.
Because she has grown up into such a talented person and our father would be so proud of her. 
Me, I don't think he would be so proud of. 
And I hate myself because of it. 
The song broke down into soft chords and if I strained my ears I could hear her quiet whimpers. But I can't comfort her any more. 
No matter how much I want to. 
She will not be comforted by me. She doesn't want me there to comfort her. 
So I creep down the stairs and leave. I drive back to my apartment, back to Olga. 
At this point, I am used to the constant stream of water on my face. 
But there is nobody to blame but myself. 
The next few weeks were equally as painful, despite Olga's efforts to lighten me up. My mood was down when I woke up in the mornings, and only got worse after training, seeing Elena light up when she spoke to my friends but escape every room I entered, cowering when I glanced over at her, leaving conversations as soon as I joined them. 
It's like she is scared of me, intimidated by me. I hate it. 
Mapi was silent in rehab, which is a big change from the constant stream of chatter I am used to. I don't think she knows what to say to me anymore, knowing what I have done. 
I wouldn't know what to say to me either. 
It is Vicky approaches me one day after training. We are all sat in the changing rooms when wanders over and asks for help with her homework. It is maths, and I tell her with a laugh that I will be no help at all, but she persists, opening her book and pointing at the maths equations, confusion written all over her face. 
I help her as much as I can, laughing at the drawings she has scrawled out on her page, explaining the trigonometry to her as she stares at me intensely. It takes a while, but she gets it eventually, finally answering a question correctly. 
"Nice, Vicky! So much better, so quickly!" 
Mapi stands up from across the room, grabbing her bag and storming out of the room, slamming the door behind her. 
From where they are sitting in quiet conversation, my sister and Aitana look up at the door, their eyes scanning the room. Aitana's eyes land on me first and she rolls them dramatically, shaking her head in what looks like disgust. 
"Vicky, I did that yesterday. I can help you." 
Elena's voice is level, but I can see confusion in her eyes at the scene that had just unfolded. 
Vicky sighs in relief, closing her book and walking across the room to Elena. 
"I forgot you were smart!" She beams, plonking herself down on the seat beside my sister and they both dive into the world of mathematics. 
Aitana is standing up by now, her bag over her shoulder. 
"Alexia, can I speak to you outside?" Her voice is steady as she continues. "There is something wrong with my dribbling and I would like some help."
It is a lie and everyone knows it. There is never anything wrong with Aitana's dribbling. 
But I pick up my bag, following the shorter midfielder out the door, immediately faced by Mapi who stands there, anger all over her face. 
"What the hell are you doing?" Her voice is low and her words come out as a whisper, full of venom. Full of anger. 
It is something I am not used to from Mapi and it takes me off guard. My hesitance gives her the chance to continue.
"Helping Vicky Lopez with her maths when you don't have the first clue whether Elena is even at school. Elena, your sister."
"She goes to school." 
My voice is full of confidence, but Mapi is right, I don't even know how she manages to fit it all in. I don't know the first thing about her timetable. 
She rolls her eyes, scoffing. 
"Do you understand just how much damage you have done?"
I nod, inhaling and exhaling deeply. 
"She hates me, I know. I have ruined everything. It is all my fault."
Mapi nods, but it is Aitana who speaks next. 
"She doesn't even hate you, Alexia. It just shows how much she loves you. You have done all this and she still loves you, still would do absolutely anything to get your approval, your attention."
I blink to stop the tears and bite the insides of my mouth to stop it from trembling. 
"She has been begging for you to notice how hard she has been working. How well she is doing. But you do not, you don't see her, it is like you are blind! And then Vicky Lopez gets a maths question right and you give her more praise than you give Elena for being selected in this team, for working hard, for being so, so incredible." 
If Aitana wasn't whispering to keep this conversation from the ears of the people in the room we just left, she would be fully yelling, her face red and her eyes narrow. 
"She is perfect, Alexia, and it is so sad because you just can't see it, you can't see how good she is, how smart, how kind, caring. And it makes me so, so angry because you have changed her so much in the past few years, and not in a good way."
Mapi puts her hand on Aitana's arm, trying to get her to stop. Mapi knows me well, and knows when I am about to break. 
But the usually stoic midfielder has tears in her eyes when she continues, her voice softening and breaking at the same time. 
"She was such a happy little girl, so excited by everything. She loves you so much and she always looked up to you. But now she is insecure, she is lonely, isolated. She is confused and feels like she needs to fight for validation every day. Everyone has pressure on them in this team, especially when they are young, new blood. Coming from La Masia and the B team you should know this, Alexia. You should know about the pressure better than anyone because I do too. But your sister? She has it worse than anyone because she has all that, but she is your sister. Alexia Putellas, two time Ballon d'Or winner. She has to live up to that in some way and is trying to hard to do it without anyone's help. She is only 15, Alexia. 15."
Aitana stops, but I am not sure whether it is because she has nothing more to say or if it is because she is too upset. She is silenced by weak tears, shaking her head as Mapi places a soft arm around her shoulder. 
"She is right, Alexia." Mapi's voice is soft and she looks at me with that same concerned glint in her eye. "And I don't know what is going on with you, but whatever it is, it needs to be fixed. You have made some significant damage and if you don't do something about it, it will all become irreparable."
"I don't know what to do." It is a cry for help, and it is all I can say without letting my tears escape from me once more. 
Because Aitana's words are nothing I don't know, but the fact that she is saying them, that she feels the need to tell me all that, is enough to tell me that it is not clear to anyone that I already know. 
Because I have been a bad sister, I am not denying it. 
And I am guilty, I feel absolutely terrible. 
Mami said to leave her alone, let her come to me, but I don't think that was her best advice any more, because my sister is struggling. 
She is struggling and I am only making it worse. 
But I can't do anything about it. 
When she was little, she would be the person I would go to when I needed to be cheered up. She would make me smile, laugh, feel better about myself and the world around me. Her small arms would wrap around me, her chubby fingers would wipe my tears from my face and she would chatter and giggle into my ears until I was smiling again. 
She was the light in our household when Papi died, but I think that was partially because she didn't understand what was happening. 
We avoided his study like it had the plague, she would go and sit on the piano stall, practicing the songs he had taught her. 
She gave us endless cuddles, basking in our attention, her heart set on making us feel better, on putting a smile back on our faces. 
She made the darkest time of our lives bearable, she helped me get through the hardest times of my life. 
And this... this is how I repay her. 
"Ale... Alexia? Ale." Mapi's hand is on my shoulder and Aitana looks at me curiously. 
"Stop, just... stop." My voice is soft, and Mapi's eyes soften as I slide down the wall behind me. "I just... I don't know what to do."
Mapi sits down beside me, perhaps thinking that maybe she had been too harsh. 
"I had Elena over yesterday." Mapi's voice is quiet. "She said... she said she misses you, Alexia. And that... she said you told her you were going to take a step back. She thinks you already did. She doesn't want that. She just wants you."
"But I have ruined everything, Maria. This is all my fault." A singular tear finds itself on my cheek and Mapi places an arm around me. 
"You're right, you made so many mistakes. But I know you, I know you love her. She means everything to you. And she loves you as well, Ale. I know you two can get through this, but she is struggling to stay afloat with all this pressure and no support. Aitana and I... we need to look out for her because your Mami works all the time and she doesn't want to burden Alba with her problems and ruin her life. We need to be there for her at the moment because the poor girl is crumbling."
I wish she would realise that I am crumbling too. 
Olga is always there to hold me, to calm me down, but as much as she tries, she can't understand what is going on with Elena. She doesn't know Elena, which I know is my fault. 
But Mami is angry with me, so is Alba. For good reason. 
And Mapi is my best friend, but she needs to be there for Elena. 
All I want to do is cry out for help, but I know I can not because I caused it. 
"I am taking Elena out this afternoon." Aitana speaks up from where she has been stood silently. "I will talk to her again, we will work on it. I'm going to go now, but Alexia, if you need to, you can talk to any one of us."
I nod at her, trying to muster a smile onto my face as she walks back into the changing room. 
"Mapi, you are my best friend." 
She nods. 
"You will be honest?"
She nods again. 
"Do you think this is fixable? Do you think I've ruined my chance of ever getting my Lena back?" 
She rests her head on my shoulder. 
"I hope so. I miss seeing the smiles on both of your faces and truthfully, I don't think that Elena will thrive here if she keeps going on like this. She needs support, from you, your Mami and your sister and I don't really think she is getting it."
"But Mami and Alba are there for her!" I find myself getting defensive of my family. 
"I know they are, but she needs more than that at the moment. She has been skipping school because nobody is home to tell her to go to it, she has been skipping meals because nobody is home to eat with her. She doesn't sleep properly, she doesn't eat properly. It is not your mother's fault that she has to work, or Alba's fault that Elena doesn't want to burden her, but she needs more support than she is getting." 
My brain is telling me that Mapi is wrong, that my sister is fine, that my family is fine. But in my heart, I know she is right. And it makes me feel sick. 
Because if it wasn't for me being such a terrible sister, such a terrible person, Elena would not be struggling so much. She would not need Mami or Alba as much as she does, she would be thriving in this environment. 
But she is not. 
The pressure is something I only really felt when I got older, when I had thicker skin. I had a force of people around me to fall back on, to get support from. But Elena has so much pressure building on her at 15, with less experience, with less people to support her. 
And the pressure will keep building and building on top of her, until it is so high that everything falls over, falling down on top of her until she breaks. 
As if reading my mind, Mapi continues after her pause. 
"And if she does crumble under all this pressure, she will need so much support. Aitana and I will be there for her, if nobody else is."
~~~~~~ hope you enjoyed :)
Will probably be back to elena's perspective next chapter, just thought it'd be easier to write this in a different one
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indieyuugure · 1 day
Hello!!! :3 just came by to say your art is Awsome, and I cannot wait till the next chapter!!! Oh and also do u have any hidden sketches of them as turtles of humans u would like to share!?! Okay that’s all for me bueeee! >:)
Aw, thank you! ^v^
Hm, I don’t have a ton right now, but here’s some I can share:
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Mostly Indie TMNT at the moment since that’s the next project coming up. Hopefully you can make out literally any of this 😅
Also, the middle picture is the new designs I’ve made for them, the previous ones felt a bit blank(since they were being used for concept art), so I added extra detail and gear for the comic version of their designs :] (the first photo is sketches of me trying to figure out how I wanted to add detail)
Good question! :]
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forzalando · 9 hours
the element of surprise
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3k celebration blurb for @mvk1ma! friends to lovers!max with a bit of blurred lines friendship. you can find my celebration post here if you'd like to celebrate with me! open until the 16th :) wc: 1064 summary: max always throws you a birthday party - this year, he'd decided on a surprise party. however, the surprise isn't exactly what you expected.
Birthdays were never really your thing until you met Max Verstappen – somehow he’d turned the day from a reluctant celebration into something you looked forward to every year.
He always planned a party, attuned perfectly to what you’d be in the mood for whether it was a game night with close friends, a massive party at a club, or a dinner out with the few most important people in your life.
This year he’d planned a “surprise” party at his place – but was it really a surprise if you knew that something was going to happen?
You had lied when he asked you if you were surprised, and he knew you were lying, but he still smiled and fist-pumped like he’d just won some grand prize.
The party had been in full swing for a few hours and Max hadn’t left your side except to wait on you hand and foot. If he wasn’t refilling your glass or getting you a snack, his arm was wrapped around your waist. You were both in the kitchen chatting to Oscar, a newcomer to your friend group courtesy of Lando, about his past year working for McLaren as an automotive engineer.
The conversation lulled naturally, Oscar’s eyes drawn to Max’s thumb rubbing circles on your waist.
“So,” he chirped, “how long have you guys been together?”
“We’re not,” you answered coolly. “Why do people always ask us that?”
“You’re joking, right? You’ve been attached at the hip all night, there was cheek kissing! I saw you sitting on his lap earlier!”
“That doesn’t mean we’re together – we’re just close friends!”
Oscar’s eyes were wide, flicking back and forth between you and Max with a look of pure shock written on his face. His eyes finally settled on Max and his expression softened before he spoke.
“Good luck, mate,” he sighed, before walking away to join Lando, Carlos, and Alex in, what seemed to be, a very intense conversation about men’s football.
You twisted out of Max’s grip to face him – “That was weird, right? Oscar assuming?”
“What do you mean by weird?”
“It just never occurred to me that people would think that about us, so it felt weird.”
“The idea of being with me is weird to you? Why is that weird, would there be something wrong with that?”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, his immediate defensiveness catching you completely off guard.
“Oh gosh no, Max, I just…I hadn’t considered it.”
In truth, you had considered it quite often, practically every minute that you spent with Max you thought about it. But, you’d been friends for years, his only dates were with models, and he was wildly successful. The idea itself wasn’t weird to you – only the thought that someone deemed it possible for Max to look at you that way.
“Never? You’ve never considered it? Never seen me that way?”
“Of course I have! But you haven’t so what am I supposed to do about it?”
He blinked rapidly, like his eyes were adjusting to the light, and then turned and walked away from you. Your mouth dropped open, you were sure you looked like a fish out of water, and of course everyone within earshot was staring at you with wide eyes.
“What the hell was that about?” Charles whispered from somewhere on your right. You heard a swatting sound and figured it was courtesy of Alex, a silent “shut up”.
Before embarrassment could fully set in, Max came storming back into the room with an envelope in hand, your name printed on the front with a heart. He didn’t even have to tell anyone to leave, just one look at his face had everyone scurrying into the living room.
“Read this,” he whispered, passing you the card in his hand.
You opened it carefully, slipping your finger under the seal and pulling out a copy of a photo of you and Max that Lando had taken of you two earlier this year. You were both smiling ear to ear, your faces smushed together and arms squeezing tight around the other. Just looking at the picture brought a smile to your face, and you almost protested when Max reached out to flip it over until you noticed the familiar scrawl of his handwriting.
Happy Birthday! I hope you were surprised, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Instead of a traditional card, I asked Lando for a copy of this picture – my favorite picture. Seeing you happy means everything to me and knowing that I put this smile on your face is the world’s greatest treasure. I hope to always make you smile this wide, feel loved beyond measure, and throw your birthday parties for the rest of our lives.
All my love,
When your eyes lifted up from the photo, Max was looking at you the way he always did – soft eyes and a small smile, but the energy felt completely different.
“Does that sound like I only think of you as a friend? That I only care about you as a friend? You mean everything to me, I thought I was pretty obvious about it.”
“I guess I just never thought you’d see me that way, I never imagined that you cared about me as something more than a friend. I’ve always loved you, but I’m just me.”
“Exactly,” Max whispered, enveloping you in his embrace. You could feel the rapid beating of his heart in his chest and smiled knowing your heart was beating just as fast. As quickly as the moment began, a familiar accent sang through the air.
“Well, it’s about damn time,” Daniel shouted. Caught up in Max, you hadn’t noticed that the music had been turned down and your friends, although you loved them dearly, had been eavesdropping on your entire conversation.
“Alright, alright, everyone back to partying. And everyone say thank you to Oscar for asking the question that’s been on everyone’s mind since these two first met,” Lando gestured towards you and Max, as if anyone needed a visual to know who he was referring to.
As you looked around at all your friends here to celebrate you, decorations in your favorite colors and your favorite playlist now playing again from the speakers, all courtesy of Max, you decided that there was an element of surprise tonight: how shockingly oblivious you both had been.
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punktactical · 1 day
⋆୨୧˚  PERVERT !
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sanji ; catches his roommate taking photos of him, proceeds to get turned on.
⋆ " hello!! okay, so, I got OBSESSED with the perverted sanji and perverted reader fic😫😫 I wanted to request kind of the opposite ?? reader getting caught getting off to photos of sanji, and they end up doing it ?? sorry if it's generic ANYWAYS I love your blogggggg <3333 "
WARNINGS ; fem!reader , pervert!reader , virgin!reader, first time , unprotected , dirty talk , dacryphilia , praise , vaginal sex , shower sex , sanji is also a perv lawl ..
A/N ; srry for the hiatus ,, im back tho hehe. thank you for the request !!
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a very wrong routine.
long story short - you'd sneak photos of sanji in the shower and then go get off to them. simple as that. yeah it was wrong, but you couldn't help it. he was hot but he was also your roommate so it could never be anything more.
today was nothing new, sanji came home from work, exhausted as usual. you'd go 'prepare' dinner as he took a shower.
waiting in the kitchen, you'd listen attentively for the sound of water running, before grabbing your phone and sneaking into the bathroom. you were seriously starting to feel bad, but you were in too deep now. twisting the doorknob ever so slowly, you pushed the door open, not a lot so he couldn't feel the cold from the outside rush in.
through the foggy glass of the shower, you could barely see his lean figure, water running down his shoulders, all the way down to his ankles. you shuddered, shaking your head quickly before opening the camera to your phone. you always made sure to silence the shudder sound on your phone, to avoid being caught, of course. if you ever got caught, you'd probably jump off a building.
climbing onto the toilet seat, you peeked over the shower just enough to catch a glimpse of sanji. god, you almost had a nosebleed. gasping softly at the sight, you turn away quickly, looking away in shame. how could you do this? to your roommate? you had to be some sick pervert to do this.
which is exactly what you are.
with a shaky hand, you hold your phone up over the shower, making sure that sanji's eyes were closed at the time. sucking in a breath, your fingers pinch at the screen, zooming in on him. biting your lip, you click the capture button, heart sinking the very next moment.
if god existed, he was cruel.
cruel to perverts like you.
scrambling off of the toilet seat, you trip, falling onto the floor quickly. catching your breath, you try to get up, failing at the sound of the shower being turned off. crawling over to the door, you're about to open in until sanji opens the shower door.
you couldn't make out his expression, tears covering your vision. maybe you would've come up with an explanation if it weren't the heat beginning to pool between your legs. "s- sanji, i can explain!!" you squeal, jumping to your feet. you began to blabber about stupid things, excuses that made no sense, all while your phone was still open on the camera app, lying on the toiler seat.
sanji gulped, sniffing back a nosebleed. you're expression, paired with the nervous tears, made his cock stir. he bit his lip, watching as you rambled. he was literally exposing his body to you, why were you apologizing? he knew you were taking photos of him, he just could never bring it up to you.
your blabber died down as the tears finally rolled. you sniffled, your gaze now wracking sanji's whole body. his toned muscles, v-line, and a hardened dick made you red in the face. smacking a hand over your face, you squeak. "fuck- i'm so sorry! i'm such a freak!" turning around, you hand slams onto the doorknob, trying to pull it open. unfortunately, it seemed it was jammed.
"it's fine."
you shriek as you feel sanji's hands land on your shoulders, the water sinking into your shirt. "i like that you were taking photos of me, 'kay? and as you saw, i have a problem." you gulp, his hands moving from your shoulders down your arms, rubbing them lightly. the 'problem' pressed up against you, rubbing against your ass. you both gasp at the contact, sanji bit back a moan while you fight off the urge to whimper. "just fucking help me already." he groaned, already lifting up your shirt.
which is how you ended up in the shower with sanji, one leg lifted over his shoulder while the other was held up by his arm.
clothes were scattered on the tile floor, long forgotten. water slid down your back, glistening in the light.
his cock teased your clit, sliding back and forth between your slick folds. fat tears rolled down your cheeks, red from all the crying. "fuck- i forgot you're a virgin.. so fucking hot." he whispered the last part, biting his lip as he slapped his dick on your pussy. you sobbed, head hung low. he nestled his face into your neck, kissing along your jawline. "shh.. i'll go slow, such a pretty little thing .." he muttered, kissing your tears away. his hand gripped his cock, guiding it inside of you.
your breath hitched at the stretch, watching as his cock slowly sunk into your pretty pink pussy. sanji watched your face attentively, adoring the way your round eyes were wide with wonder. he almost felt bad he was your first.
he can't wait any longer. sanji grumbles, finally thrusting all the way into you.
you threw your head back with a sob, crying incoherent things. sanji sighs at the feeling of your gummy walls squeezing him, hiding his face in your neck. "sssanji, it's hurts..." you sniffle, wrapping your arms around his neck. you can feel him smile against your skin, making you shudder in delight. "shhh, you just need time to adjust.. you can take it."
over the course of a few minutes, you have been reduced to a whiny and whimpering mess, pathetic.
sanji sighed, rocking his hips back and forth slowly. he watched your expression of pleasure, teary eyed and drooling, just barely being able to take his cock. he wanted nothing more than to just fuck you deep and good, show you what you've been masturbating to. alas, he knows you've never taken real dick before and you need time.
it seemed you noticed his frustration though. you try to move your hips, but he clicks his tongue at you. your eyes meet and he smiles softly, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "i don't think you can take it." he chuckles, moving his hips slowly, watching his cock move in and out of you. with a frustrated whine, you move your leg from his shoulder to his backside. you do the same with your other leg, wrapping around his torso and pulling him in closer. "please fuck me, sanji. oh god- please.." hearing your words turned him on. "shit- are you sure?" you nod frantically and that was enough for him.
his pace was steady at first, pumping himself inside of your velvety walls. your choked sobs and cries made him dizzy. he wanted to cum later, to make this experience special for you, but god he could barely hold back with the way you cried, begging him to fuck you deeper. the longer he went, the sloppier his pace got. you felt this funny feeling in your tummy, whining into sanji's neck. "sssanji! i'm gonna- i think i'm gonna cum, oh fuck!" sanji practically busted inside of you right at that moment. his hand quickly traveled to your clit, his thumb rubbing the senstivie bud in swift circles. the pressure against your clit and the way his cock nestled deep inside had you cumming in a matter of seconds. "cum, please cum on my cock, god you're so beautiful-!" he pleaded, pressing himself deeper into you. 
"please cum, gorgeous. i need to feel you cum on my cock- oh fuck!" the funny feeling in your tummy snapped, making you shriek in delight. sanji growled, fucking you through your orgasm. "just like that- shit...!"
he pulls himself out of you quickly, gripping his cock and pumping it swiftly. you watched with teary eyes as he pumped his load out onto your stomach, drizzling down your wet skin. you both huff in silence, trying to regain your breath. "i-i'm so gross, sorry sanji.." you start, sniffling. he shushed you, pulling you into a sloppy kiss. mumbling against your lips, he grins.
"i knew you were taking pictures of me, i guess i should've made a move first."
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adumbwriter · 2 days
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𝙰𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚍
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝𝟷 | 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝟸 | 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝟹 | 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝟻
Vox roared, sweeping everything off the table, cups, and plates shattering all over the ground in pieces. “It’s been weeks! And no one has seen her?!”
His assistants flinched in the presence of the raging overlord, praying they wouldn’t be the next thing he broke.
“I’m sorry sir, we’ve tried everything, whenever we’ve managed to track her all the electronics, the cameras, they freak out! It’s like something is interfering on purpose.” 
He growled as he sat back down, hunching over the table with his claws digging into the wooden surface. He glared down at the last photo managed to be taken of you through CCTV cameras. You were crossing the street dressed up for a night out and behind you lurked a shadow with a menacing grin, making direct eye contact with the camera.
You laughed as Alastor recounted his most recent escapades at the hotel, detailing literal loan sharks and a meeting with Lucifer himself. You always felt so enthralled in his stories. He had such a charismatic personality it was hard not to be deeply invested in anything he said. 
“But enough about me, how have you been my dear?”
“Really good actually.” You said, smiling ear to ear. Something you found came very easily in his presence. When you first came crawling to him you had been miserable for so long. But since then, you’ve felt happier than you can ever remember being.
“Oh? Pray tell what’s got you in such a good mood.” He said, leaning forward on the dining table.
“Well it’s a bit of a long story, I don’t want to bore you.”
“Nonsense! I’m all ears.”
You looked down, playing with your sleeves. “Well…I don’t remember much from my time on Earth. Anything, really. I get flashes here and there but never anything I can understand."
"How interesting. What do you remember?" He asked, his face ticking curiously, an unknown emotion swimming behind his plastered grin.
"Random things. Mostly memories with my Dad and a garden, I think it was mine." Alastor nodded, tapping his claws against the wooden table, seemingly in contemplation. “But when I went to sleep after our night together, I had a memory. A real memory. It was like I was living it again. I mean it was still blurry in some places like I can’t remember that man's name for the life of me–”
“Man?” He asked, sitting a little straighter.
“Yeah, this stranger that came up to me at my fathers funeral. We had drinks at a cafe together.”
“What can you remember about him?”
His sudden curiosity in the man from your memory raised a certain suspicion in you but you chalked it up to him simply wanting to help.
“Well he was good-looking, he had these golden eyes and soft brown hair. He said he worked with my father. And he said this thing about…” As you were about to mention the conversation surrounding the man's smile you looked up at Alastor, staring at his toothy grin. The image of the man from your memory flashed before you in Alastor’s place. A stab of pain shot through your skull again. You flinched backward, squeezing your eyes shut.
He can’t be…
“Y/n–” He placed a hand over your own and the pain increased. Your brain filled with a fog of white noise so loud that whatever he said next was completely drowned out. Shapes swam behind the backs of your eyelids, spinning until you found yourself somewhere new.
The smell of cigars filled the speakeasy and upbeat jazz and swing played from the stage. You sat at the bar reading today's newspaper. 
“Here you are, Cher.” A꙰l꙰a꙰s꙰t꙰o꙰r꙰ appeared, sliding you a martini. You put the paper down and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.
“Thanks, A꙰l꙰.”
He slid an arm around your waist, pulling you to his side.
“What’s this?” He asked, staring down at the paper.
“They discovered more victims of that serial killer.” You said shoving the paper towards him. “I’m worried about you, they found these people near your work.” 
“You don’t need to worry darling, I can defend myself.”
“I’m sure they thought the same, just…be safe?”
His face softened and he leaned down, pressing his lips to yours in a lingering kiss.
“I promise.”
A glimmer of mischief flashed behind his eyes and he grabbed your glass from your hands sitting it down on the bar, causing you to squint up at him. He slid his arms from your waist to your hands, pulling you towards the dancefloor. Your eyes widened in realization and you began shaking your head.
“No, no–”
“Dance with me.” He said as he pulled you onto the floor, immediately spinning you around and then pulling you back to him. You rested your hands against his chest, looking up at him with wide-eyed embarrassment. 
“A꙰l꙰, you know I can’t dance!” You laughed. He gazed at you with pure adoration as he rocked you back and forth to the music. 
“Of course, you can.” He said as he spun you again, bringing you to hook an arm around his neck before he dipped you low. “See?” He brought you back up, holding you between his arms as if you were his entire world. “Anyone can dance, you just haven’t had the right teacher.”
Your heart swelled so full of love for the man before you. So much so that you began to feel emotional. To think that a year ago you were sitting in an old cafe meeting over tea and coffee and now you wore his mother's wedding ring. He had come barreling into your life at your lowest moment and filled a hole in your soul. 
“I love you Alastor.” You whispered.
“And I love you, Cher.”
You blinked and you came back to reality, sitting in the swamp of Alastors hotel room. His hand tightened over yours as your breaths became short and panicked. Tears pricked your eyes, your heart pounding. Everything suddenly felt so overwhelming. A new fact of your life before this now loomed over you, but you couldn’t accept it. It didn’t feel real. Your world came crashing down on you. You looked at his hand that covered your own, eyeing the golden band that wrapped around his ring finger. Dreadful confirmation of the vision you had just seen. You jumped back, snatching your hand away as if he had burnt you. His face flashed with hurt as his smile strained uncomfortably. 
“Cher–” He reached out to you again and you flinched backward.
“Don’t touch me!” You cried, tears now streaming down your cheeks as you hugged yourself tight.
“I know you must be confused–”
“You knew! You knew who I was this entire time!” You hit his chest, sobs wracking your body.
“My love please–”
“No! You knew and you didn’t say anything! You left me with that fucker!” You screamed as you hit his chest over and over again. He let you release your frustration and when you were tired of your anger you sunk into heartbreak, gripping the lapels of his suit. He cautiously brought a hand up to stroke your hair as you cried into him.  
“Do you have any idea how miserable I’ve been all these years? And you never said a thing.”
“Would you have believed me?” He asked.
You fell silent.
No. You thought.
I wouldn’t have.
“You have no clue how badly I wanted to tell you. To steal you away from him and live how we used to. My beautiful girl.” A harsh sob shook you and he held you ever tighter, pressing a firm kiss to your forehead. “No death could compare to the pain of having to see you with that wretched man.”
All this time you had a husband. Someone who actually loved you. All the while you've been spending your afterlife trapped in a glorified tower, settling for a man who treated you like dirt. Every day you spent alone, every hour you tried to pretend you were happy, every minute you spent trying so hard to make a prison a home, you could have been with your true partner. And realising that now hurt. It hurt so bad your chest felt like it was caving in. How much time have you wasted in misery when you could have been in the arms of someone who truly loved you.
You sniffled and took a step back, his arms falling away. 
“I have to think.” You wiped your tears, taking a deep breath, looking anywhere but at him. “I have to be alone.”
You grabbed your coat that hung on the back of your chair and turned away, walking towards the door. 
Alastor wanted to reach out to you, to pull you back again. He wanted to talk and fix things. He had spent so many years without you, watching you be with somebody else, knowing he could only wait until you somehow remembered. And now you were finally back and you finally knew who he was again. Who you were. His darling wife, his whole existence. But he knew you needed time. No matter how much his cold dead heart ached to be in your presence, to be loved by you again. So he watched you leave and for the first time since your death, Alastor cried. 
You walked down the busy street on the way back home, heels clicking against wet pavement. You wrapped your coat tight around yourself to deflect the cold of the pouring rain and shot Blitzø a text asking when he can get back from work. He replied in barely legible spelling that he could be back in a couple hours. As you turned the corner your phone screen began to glitch.
"Stupid rain." You sighed in annoyance banging it against your palm in a futile attempt to stop it. The screen flashed with a familiar logo, and a large zap of electricity shot out, completely frying the device. You yelped, covering your face against the blinding neon light. When it dissipated you slowly lowered your arms, looking up to find someone you never wanted to face again.
"Hello dear."
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blackkatdraws · 2 days
Black and Narry lore! [Narry is owned by @insomniphic and some of the art here were drawn by her too]
[Small Note: None of these are canonical to their stories and were made just FOR FUN.]
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As a being of purity and light, Narry was appalled when he first came across Black who appeared to be the very embodiment of darkness and wrongness [at least in Narry's point of view]. Narry sees Black as a waste of potential because of how much power Black ["the bad guy"] has at his disposal.
Black feels indifferent to Narry's existence, as he's already used to similar beings like him. He sees Narry as a waste of power since he's clearly holding it back for the sake of the people he wants to protect.
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Because of how much impurity Black's power emits, Narry is incapable of seeing Black normally.
In Narry's perspective, Black is a huge writhing mass of something that's very unpleasant to look at. This appearance is inconsistent and can shift continuously. This effect extends all the way to even photos or depictions of Black.
He physically cannot [refuses to] be in the same room as Black because he can't stand the feeling, the smell, the sight, everything about his power. It sickens him.
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There's no context for this comic. This is a What If scenario where Black and Narry are going somewhere together when a group of bad guys come and attack them.
Narry is the type to hold back his true power in order not to hurt the people that are attacking him which annoys Black into stepping in [because he has somewhere else more important to be and Narry is delaying it].
Of course, Narry ends up getting injured and Narry makes Black promise he won't kill the aggressors before passing out.
[Admittedly, this scenario breaks a few canonical lore for both characters but we'll go with it for now.]
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As a response to that idea, Insomni drew this.
Narry wakes up after the fight was long over and he sees piles of bloody bodies laying on the floor. He gets upset that Black didn't follow through their promise.
Black does not care. Instead, he laughs at Narry for finally snapping [considering it took a while for Narry to finally loose his cool at Black].
Black did keep his promise. All the aggressors are still alive, but barely.
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We talked some more about their dynamic and we both drew these.
In this scenario, Black and Narry are fighting. [Started by Narry, who had the full intent to kill him for (what he perceives as) the greater good.]
He thinks this world would become cleaner without Black around.
Narry is convinced that Black is a monster incapable of feeling or doing anything remotely positive. Even as Black saves Stanley from the attack that Narry himself sent towards Black, he's still in that mentality where he sees everything that Black does as something for negative reasons.
Narry is a good person but his (justified) blind dislike for Black leads him into taking extreme actions at times. Plenty of people dislike Black for what he is, but Narry is the only one with the power to actually do something about it.
[The last drawing is another What If scenario where Black had to take Stanley and flee because he keeps getting in the way of their fight (and Narry is too focused on his task to take other people into account). Black doesn't want Stanley dying because of a stupid scuffle.]
[Note that Narry won't actually hurt anybody EXCEPT Black, he's a good guy who wants to do what's best for other people. Black is just EVILLLLL mwehehehe]
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[Then I proposed another What If scenario where Narry won the fight causing Insomni to draw this.]
As Narry was about to strike with a powerful attack to finally end him off, he felt something familiar coming from within Black.
In the ocean of filthy dark energy Black emitted, there was light.
It was small. It flickered weakly in the air as the darkness that kept it safe was falling apart, but it didn't go out. It lit up softly without any signs of extinguishing any time soon.
Narry was in disbelief.
Stanley had done the impossible. His relationship with Black had given birth to a different side of Black's power, tucked away deep inside where only they're allowed to see.
And it was now in full display to Narry.
As a being filled with goodness and empathy, his guilt starts to eat away at him as he finally snaps out of it and sees the extent of what his impulsive actions have done.
[Insomni and I both agree that their fights would probably be settled with a draw or mutual death, so this scenario is not as probable to happen. It's interesting to think about though.]
[Again, breaking a few canonical lores but we like gay people here so it's whatever. I was the one who proposed the idea anyway. (❁´◡`❁)]
[Here are fun extra doodles!!]
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zvdvdlvr · 5 hours
Would love some more Hotchner blurbs. How about one where you are BAU and have a baby girl (name is up to you) and you bring in the little doll because you (and baby girl) wanted to see daddy? If you are against writing for children, please write Hotch x Reader where she is a civilian and has a stalker problem? Would love to see protective Aaron Hotchner. Thanks
— Popsicles
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📎 — synopsis. You, Jack, and Giada go and visit dad at work!
📎 — warnings. Fluff. Tooth rotting fluff. Jack calls reader ‘mommy’. Will def be writing about reader with a stalker problem :)
The summer heat in Virginia was downright unbearable. To you especially, considering your aversion to heat. Thankfully, after being given a rather generous maternity leave, you could enjoy most of the beginning of summer in the air conditioned house.
Of course, Aaron had to go back for work earlier than you. That left you, Jack, and little baby Giada at home most of the time. You loved your babies- blood or not- but still missed the last part of your family: your husband.
So now here you are, Giada in arms as Jack jumps excitedly in the elevator with a cooler in his arms. Giada had been cooing and scratching at everyone and everything for the better part of two hours. You smiled down at the baby, heart swelling with joy as Jack wrapped an arm around your leg and started ushering you forward.
“Aunt Penny!” Jack shouted, dropping the cooler and heading straight towards his favorite technical analyzer. You reached down for the cooler before Derek materialized beside you and picked it up before you could.
“Not letting you lift a finger, y/n,” Derek scolded.
You just chuckled, earning a loud squeal from Giada. “Yeah, baby? Tell ‘im.”
Derek chuckled and wrapped an arm around you before moseying over to where Jack animatedly told Emily, Spencer, and Penelope about the Spider-Man cartoon he’d been watching.
Emily still listened intently as she wrappen an arm around you and let Giada grip her finger tightly. “It’s been rough without you,” she whispered to you. “I think Hotch misses you more than all of the rest of us combined- if that’s even possible.”
You nod, adjusting Giada. The toothy smile she shot up at you and Emily made all the recent sleepless nights worth it. “It’s been hard on all of us- being separated. I just might call Strauss up and tell her Derek needs to take over for awhile again.”
“Do it,” Emily agrees with a chuckle. She gently pries her finger out of Giada’s and nods towards Hotch’s office with a go get your man.
Your surprised that Aaron didn’t emerge like a caveman from his office (mancave) when Jack announced his presence, but at least now you have the opportunity to surprise him. A short come in filters through the door after your gentle knocked. You entered, seeing Aaron’s hunched over body. He wrote fast, you noticed. A smile lit up your face: positioned unprofessionally close to Aaron was a photo of all of you with Giada asleep in your lap- Jack’s head rested on your thigh with his mouth open in a little ‘O’ as he slept. Aaron was sat on the other side of you when he took that picture. He whipped out his cell and angled the phone so that you and the kiddos took up most of the screen.
“Say hi, baby,” you murmured, gently poking your baby girl’s chubby belly. Giada replied with a mix between a raspberry and a laugh.
Aaron’s head shot up. In record time, he crossed the room and enveloped the two of you in his arms and exhaled deeply. “Hi.”
You smiled up at him when he pulled away. “Hi, you,” you mumbled as your free hand came up to run a hand through Aaron’s tousled hair. “Gi and Jay wanted to come say hi… We miss you.”
Aaron’s eyes softened. “I missed you too, sweetheart.” He basked in the feeling of your comfort and Giada’s mindless babbling. “Where is Jack?”
“Handing out popsicles to the team,” you answered. “Here,” you eased Giada out of your arms and into Aaron’s. You watched with soft eyes as Aaron smiled brightly at the little body, gasping when her head fell on his shoulder.
“Clumsy girl,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to the girl’s temple before adjusting her in his arms and letting you lead the way to the bullpen.
Rossi had joined the crowd of federal agents that now scarfed down popsicles like it was their last meal.
“Look who finally showed up,” Rossi quipped, jabbing you in the arm with a red popsicle. “Took you two lovebirds long enough.”
Jack giggled at your encounter and held up a popsicle. “Here mommy- I saved one for you! Uncle Spence was gonna eat it and it was the last blue one!”
“Thank you so much, kiddo,” you answered, accepting the blue raspberry popsicle. You held it out so Penelope could cut the top off for you. “Where’s J.J.?”
Spencer pointed in the direction of her office, wordlessly crunching the frozen treat. You held open and Jack took it. “Grab a green one so these heathens don’t eat all the good ones,” you told Jack. He grabbed one and giggled, avoiding Emily’s attempt to tickle him.
Jack pulled you forward, singing a random excerpt from a classic rock song you’d heard on the drive to the office. He skipped up and down, something you would have told him not to do if he was munching on a popsicle. You smiled to yourself, wondering how you’d gotten so lucky for your family.
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pantheresssy · 24 hours
In The News (Art Donaldson/Reader)
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Hi there!
First fic and also first smut in a long time! I didn’t remembered that it was so complicated to write, but I think that’s pretty good (not in the end tho). Hope u guys enjoy.
Summary: You make an article not very favorable to Tashi and Art's marriage, and he just has to show you how well they are; by fucking you while talking about how much he loves her.
warnings: smut, +18 only, kind of dom!art (even when it doesn’t look like that, power play, r is a smart bitch, quick fuck, and art talks about tashi less times than I expected.
The marriage of the two biggest tennis stars is on the verge of collapse! Art and Tashi Donaldson share only two things in common: their profession and a daughter, since love is not equal.
Tashi seems very unhappy with where she lives and, to escape, she hangs out in the middle of the night with a loser named Patrick Zweig to have something more.
May be Art losing his so loved wife?
And just like that his morning was ruined.
This article was the first of many that would come, Art was sure. With those words, he would become even more the center of attention, this time bringing the worst part of his marriage to the surface. Nothing but perfection was what Tashi taught him to show when it came to that union, with that matter, everything she took care of, even the smallest detail, fell apart. Everything would turn into a snowball because of a few words and a photo of her leaving in the middle of the night.
Even though he didn't want to see anything else, Art picked up his phone and quickly looked for the name signed. Y/n Y/l. The first to really bother him. He just had to take matters into his own hands.
That's how he ended up in front of the door of your house, ringing the bell without stopping.
When you opened it, the look of surprise on your face almost made him smile. You were prettier in person than in the photos on the internet, not that he would really care about that. "Sir. Donaldson, what a surprise."
He rested his shoulder on the hinge of the door and looked at you. He had a serious expression, but his eyes sparkled with something that you guessed was amusement. "I can say the same. The news earlier today were quite a shock to me, you know,"
"Oh, you read it." The shock weighed on your face. You were using it to confuse him and play innocent, and it might actually be working, if the way he moved was any indication. "I'm sorry you find out this way, but a good story just need to published."
He clenched his jaw and gave you a tight-lipped smile. "I understand that, but you might have misunderstood the real situation. And I would like to clarify things to you."
Your smile brightened. "An exclusive interview? This would be wonderful, Mr. Donaldson. Come in, please." He hummed and passed by you when you took a step back.
Art sat in an armchair facing you, with the coffee table being the only thing separating the two of you. "Tashi was trying to convince Patrick to let her be his trainer, no date's like you said."
"But she was trying to convince him at 2 am? It's quite a anormal time for a job meeting, don't you think?"
He wanted to rip out all the quick answers you had and throw them away before it led to a more tragic ending. You weren't worried about anything other than having something fresh to say and you would wrap him in a web until you pulled the answers out of his mouth. "She didn't want me to know about it. Him and I have a hard past."
You nodded understandably and looked at him with sad eyes. What is she doing. "I know. You took his girl, but not before he took her from you."
Frozen in place. That's how he was. Frozen and looking at with quite scared. Nobody knew about what happened in Stanford, he didn't have anyone to tell, nobody was paying attention to Art Donaldson. "And how you assume this?"
Your eyes shone as if he had made the one million question. "Nothing better than have a history from the ones who experienced everything." And when your smile became more malicious, he finally realized.
"Patrick were never good on telling things," He affirmed, trying to put the control back on his lap. "But the lies he tell must be pretty convincing."
You agreed. "They were, if you being here is an indication."
Art felt fucked. He didn't know how to convince you. You were a journalist, even when publishing those things. It was your job to check the facts and not being fooled easily.
So he appealed for his best quality; his seduction.
He wasn't by far the ultimate guy on flirting, but he could do one thing or other. And, if he was being honest, it wouldn't be the worst thing trying to do it with you. After all, you're a pretty, fucking bastard woman, who he just wanted to make take back your own words.
Art rested his elbows on his knees and placed his hands in fists under his chin. This way, he would look at you underneath. "You know how to do a pretty number out of people,"
Again, your smile. "I would be worried if I don't. This is my job, Mr. Donaldson."
"You're good at it," He corresponded your amusement and ran his eyes on you. The way you're sitting didn't let much to look for, but it was enough to make him flinch.
You got silent for a little, waiting for him to take the lead. When it didn't happen, you took the ball back. "Well, you never told me how you felt about you ex best friend going out with your wife."
He dismissed the question. "I didn’t because there's nothing to feel." It wasn't as convincing as he thought, but it was a will-do answer.
You got up and went to a table behind the couch you were sitting, giving him the opportunity to drop his shoulders and close his eyes. "I could be more convinced if you had told me that you already know and didn't care. Tashi doesn't love you, does she?"
And again, he was fucked. "Of course she does. She wouldn't be with me if she didn't." And he wanted to believe his own words.
"She can't play anymore, Mr. Donaldson, but you can."
A glass of whiskey is given to him and he took without thinking twice. The first sip burned his throat, but the second seemed softer than the look you're throwing in his direction. "She's not with me for it, Y/n. Trust me." The amount of times he had justified himself was getting out of his math.
You sit on the center table, mirroring his position so you would be closer to his face. "If she's not then why she didn't let you retire? To live the the peaceful and easy life you desire?"
Art blinked and took a deep breath while thinking about what you asked. It was a hard question since he knew the reason why, but he wouldn't let you win. "She wants to see me go higher,"
The laugh came out of you easily, so much that you didn't even made any effort to put it out. "You know I'm right, Mr. Donaldson. Just say it." His eyes locked with yours and he stopped breathing.
No second passed before he putted his lips on yours, letting the cup on the floor to wrap his hands on your neck. And for the first time he was happy to have something from your mouth.
You were pulling him by his shirt, bringing him up so you could take off his clothes without success. His breathing was hot against your check and he was devouring you as if you were the last meal he would have. Maybe you were, who knows.
The steps you took backward led you to the drinks table, where he pressed you back with his pelvis, making you feel how hard he was just for that little moment. "Mr. Donaldson,"
Art tangled his fingers in your hair and pulled your head back. You sucked on his lip as you were forced away from his mouth and he groaned. It was something low and hoarse that made you grin.
"I don't wanna waist no time." He whispered.
You pushed him away, not too much, and took your clothes off. First the shirt, the jeans, your bra and underwear. All of this under his eyes. "Won't take yours off?"
He quickly got as naked as you, giving you a pretty view of his trobbing cock. Art pushed you on the table, your ass beating against the tray with the drink bottles and shaking everything out of the place. You loved the silverware but at that moment your mind was running with the idea of him.
His lips were making their way to your breasts, his tongue flicking your nipple sending a shiver to your back. Your hands were os his shoulder, your nails digging into his skin leaving red trails on it's way. "I I underestimated you."
He squeezed your thighs, his thumb rubbing against the Inside. "Why?" His lips kissed your belly and he kept his way down.
"I thought you were Tashi's pretty doll, that she could control and play anytime." You pulled his hair when you felt his tongue close to your pussy. "But here you are, about to fuck me against my table,"
He only shaked his head in agreement, still more focused on what his mouth was doing. His arms went around your knees and opened your legs wider. "I love Tashi," He said and licked a line in your slit.
You closed your eyes and dropped you head behind, smiling. "You do?" A hum.
"I fuck her every day. Not him. She carries my ring, we have a daughter."
His fingers caressed your clit, his tongue now going inside your opening. The moan that came out of your mouth were the most pornographic you ever gave. "Then why you're here, Mr. Donaldson?"
Art left his spot making your hips clench with a sharp spasm. His lips quickly went to your neck, letting small kisses that burned like fire in each part of your body. "To tell how much we love each other."
Your hands went for his cock, "Do it then, tell me."
Art stepped between your legs and he let your hands guide him. Reaching your entrance, his cock twitched as he felt the heat, and his hips went forward with a impulse. He was against your g spot.
His noises were the best thing you've ever heard. "We've been together for years, no fights, never breaking up. But you just had to put something to make us fight, don’t you?”
Art's hips moved away and came back, knocking against yours making a loud noise. The table became unstable beneath you. "I have to give people a good run for their money, Donaldson."
You clenched around him, pulling him tigh. Art looked to were you both were together and stared to go faster. Your smell was in the air between you. "Tashi is my wife," He whispered in your ear. "The one I put a ring on."
Your hands went down to his ass, squeezing and help him with his moves. "And look were you are now."
He could feel the angry again. Not even when he was pounding on you hard you stopped the smart mouth. The way you always knew what to say to let him lost.
Trying to put you into silence, he grabbed your knees. Now, your back was against the wall.
“When I end with you, I’ll be back to her. I might fuck her just like i’m doing to you.” The pleasure in your face made him go harder.
You placed your hands in the table and stretched your back, giving him a better view of your breasts. You could feel him everywhere inside you. “Same position too, Mr. Donaldson?”
Art didn’t respond, just kept his rhythmic, feeling he could cum anytime soon. But he won’t do it before you, he wanted to see you underneath him looking well fucked and sweating. And he would.
Everything was becoming too much. His touch, his smell, the way he pounded on you, his moans. Art was a sign for the eyes, and him being so concentrated on not coming just did it all better. His frowned eyebrows gave him a tougher expression, ruined only by his blue shiny eyes. How good he looked that way.
Tashi was a lucky mother fucker.
Your teeth pulled his lips, chin and cheek. You were biting all the places you could reach, digging hard when you got into his neck. Art’s moans were full of pain, but they were also carried by lust. The sensations were getting stronger as the time goes, you could feel that you would come anytime, so you took your fingers to your clit. The moves were fast and tight, following his owns.
You were lost.
“Cum for me,” He said in your ear and you felt your body shiver. So you did it. You were higher than you expected, feeling the waves of your orgasm hit hard on you. The sensation got stronger when he came deeper inside you.
Art didn’t take long for get out of you, stepping back and watching you squirm with barely disguised satisfaction. Being mother fuckers was a couple thing, as you could see. “I was hoping to have an exclusive interview.”
Art smiled and helped you get down, “Wasn’t that better?”
You raised you eyebrows and shook your shoulders. Your clothes were everywhere on the floor, so you took them and started to get dressed again. “It might have been.”
And he was convinced that nothing would come out about his marriage again.
After stealing his best friend’s girl and being cheated on, Art Donaldson wants to have the word time!
Not happy about Tashi sneaking in the middle of the night, he decided to give the pay back but in a different way: in the middle of the day! This time, who could possibly be this girl? Her best friend from Stanford time?
This was a ride!! Hope it all went good! My english isn’t the best but I tried to do it without google translate every word since I really don’t trust it’s ways of doing it. Please I’m sorry if it all went a mess.
See u in the next one!
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Let's go enjoy the sun and 55!
Hopefully I'm doing this correctly eksoqheb-
Let's go enjoy the sun!
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Haru might have convinced you to help out for their fundraiser so let's see who are the three people who come to spend the evening in Jabberwock
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Wc: ~1,8k
“Is everything ready?” Haru asks from the door of Jabberwock while he carries out a very homemade stand under his arm before setting it down. It's the equivalent to a child's lemonade stand but rather it read ‘jabberwock fundraiser’ in big black letters
“Are you honestly doing this?”
“We are really in need of money, ren!” He pouts before saying something to Towa who was humming in agreement.
“Why are you even here? You aren't even part of Jabberwock” Ren looks up from his raid to side eye you.
“Haru looked pretty depressed while he vented so I decided to help”
“Are you stupid or spineless?” a sigh leaves his lips and he doesn't wait for an answer before focusing again on his phone.
“Stop bothering them, Ren! At least I heard what you said so now you only have to wait on visitors and charge them”
“And you forced me to not take shifts to do what I do for my job?” 
Ignoring him Haru pulls a marker and writes down the prices.
500 yen for 30 minute foraging group tour with Towa
800 yen for 30 minute capybus ride with Haru
But when you reach your price for essentially frolicking around the hills and sunbathing your breath scapes your lungs
“So expensive”
“Don't undersell yourself!” Haru chimes and towa hums “I'm sure you will get us more earnings than you think!”
“That is like 2500 diamonds in Shock of clans” Ren comments, and it makes you remember when he spent 30 minutes thinking if buying diamonds was smart. Next he throws a sly smirk  “seems like someone else can take care of the cashier for me”
“Then you can go feed the salamanders! Such good thinking Ren!” Haru chimes.
“Forget it, I just remembered they weren't good at math"
“Hello, senpai” Sho smiles as he hands the money to Ren, who was still bitching about now having to pay proper attention to his job and not the game.
“oh? I didn't expect you to come by, Sho!” quickly you walk around the stand and hug him. Seeing he paid, you link both of your arms and start leading where Haru told you was your ‘station’.  
“and leave you with whatever pervert might come? After you helped around the truck some weirdos came asking when you would be there again” 
“Mhm, so you decided to be the weirdo?” You two walk down a path between some overgrown red cap mushrooms that were as tall as trees, this would be such a good place to record an Alice in wonderland movie.
“Here I come trying to save you from perverts and this is how I get treated?” Sho feigns being hurt, his hand slapping his chest “so what were you supposed to do?”
You throw yourself on the red blanket laying down on the floor before smiling knowing he would crack up “ I'm hosting a flower themed tea party” and your hand signals to the glass teapot with lotus designs and the matching lotus shaped teacups that hotarubi lent “and if you want I can make you a flower crown” without missing a beat he laughs “to be fair, I thought I would lead a tour or play cashier” 
“And they ended up having you serve tea?” You nod “and you didn't complain?” you nod again “well, are you going to pour me or what?” He sits down next to you, soon drinking the jasmine tea.
For the hour that he booked you two mostly chatted about how he was doing, how he was getting closer to Subaru, and how his food truck was going. It was so nice to be able to chat with Sho without Leo interrupting or him dividing his attention between cooking and receiving clients but every few minutes his phone would start buzzing making him frown until he checks who is sending the texts.
“Oi, smile” Sho raises the telephone and takes a photo of you making him a flower crown with some dandelions and wild flowers.
“keeping a photo for the memory? I would have fixed my hair if you were gonna to photograph me” 
“Leo is texting me nonstop, maybe this will stop him a bit” he puts down the phone and grabs one of the cookies that were on the plate, they are the typical chocolate chip cookies from the kiosk but that are a worthy accompaniment.
Not even a few minutes later Leo uploads a post on wickchat and Sho gets a notification, from his scowl you can guess he isn't happy. In his screen there is a story with a snarky comment mocking his friend and soon the comments flooded with people sympathizing with him.
damn, my friend bailed out of a hang out to go out with his crush who doesn't even like him
“That asshole” the comment and the cluck of his tongue slip without thinking, soon getting your attention from the almost finished craft.
“Is it that bad?” Curious, you take your own phone from your cardigan but before even being able to type Leo's user in the search bar Sho throws himself at you, arm quickly swatting away the phone. Effectively ensuring you didn't see the post but making him lose balance and fall over just in time for Ritsu and Ren walking in.
“Hey, YN, can you watch the stand for a sec? He wants to go on a tour and I can't find To-” his eyes widen when he sees the scene “what the…”
“If you  desire to file for sexual harassment I would be honored to be your lawyer in the proceedings”
“Wait a minute this isn't what it looks like!” 
“He just lost balance, there is no need to jump to conclusions”
“No need to feel ashamed, there are two visual witnesses to attest, I'm sure Darkwick will respond”
Soon enough, either because of embarrassment, Ren looking at him with thinly veiled disgust or Ritsu pushing you to file a restraining order, Sho leaves soon after entering jabberwock.
“Tsk, why would you bring me here?” Jin scratches the back of his head, icy blue eyes almost closed due to the sunlight he isn't used to.
“Hermits can be prone to vitamin D deficiency, and I saw this as the perfect opportunity for you to take some sun”
“Go to hell and die, asshole” Jin barks at him between clenched teeth but Thoma doesn't bother with him and goes to the stand.
“Morning, Thoma!” You wave as he gets closer
“inspector? I wasn't expecting to see you here”
“Yeah, Ren left me here while he led a first year to Towa’s tour” your hand points to the wooden slate with the three options and prices.
“Oh? I didn't hear that there were different tours” Thoma grabs his chin, looking over the proposals curiously. Behind him Jin is kicking dirt and cursing under his breath, if he could teleport with his sword why is he here still?
“Yep! Towa just left with the foraging party so he shouldn't return for a good few minutes, but Haru should be back soon”
“Hmm… I do see your name here, do you host a tour of your own?”
“It isn't quite like that” you laugh a bit “we decided that I shouldn't be alone with the anomalies just in case anything goes wrong. I just have a sort of tea party” 
“That does seem more like Jin's thing out of these options” Thoma mumbles lightly
“Oh, right now I'm taking care of the stand so I can't really entertain people” out of nowhere Ren’s hand lands on your shoulder, prompting you to give him his seat, last time you refused to he pulled his floatie around your torso so you couldn't move. He had a smile from ear to ear, sadistic brat.
“did you decide what you want to do?” Ren uses his customer service voice, barely different from his normal voice, just somehow more lifeless. If that was possible.
“we both will go with YN” Thoma pulls his wallet and pays. Ren hums while counting the money.
 Jin scoffs seated on the checkered blanket, a smirk on his lips “so you are going to be waiting on me again, servant”
You roll your eyes at his comment, even if this time you were technically serving him “yeah, yeah, it was indeed on the description” a soft smirk forms between your lips seeing a way to tease him. you turn around to face the teapot you ask “jasmine or black tea?” your hands fiddle with the lid, acting as if you were going to open it and put leaves in.
“Fine then, I want black tea”
“Wrong, it's jasmine” as you turn around to serve it and see his annoyed face and Thoma's amused one “this teapot never runs out of warm tea but it's always Jasmine” silently he complains but still drinks the tea, getting slightly more annoyed from the fact it tastes good, soft flowery flavor that leaves a nice sweetness on the tongue.
“Isn't that quite the useful anomaly?” Thoma muses, watching how slowly the liquid inside swirls from side to side and starts going up, filling itself again.
“I thought the same, Subaru was so nice for lending it to us for a day! He said to take it as Hotarubi’s support” you can remember clearly how he offered it before assuring that he didn't mean that he expected Jabberwock to help his dorm if anything happened! And that it wasn't like he was expecting anything like that and- luckily Haku popped in before his dorm leader had a panic attack.
“Isn't that nice of them? I'm sure we could use a source of warm drinks in Frostheim” 
“Haku told me that the wait list for it can get pretty long, around two months at a time” idly your hand brushes the grass, plucking a white flower growing close to the blanket and you bend the stem to make a small ring. Seeing Jin's pale hand resting on his lap you might as well give it to him but before you lean to the right and grab Jin's hand he moves it.
“Don't even think about it” like a cat with a too cuddly owner, he swipes his hand behind his back.
“Fine, Thoma give me your hand then” you lean forward but before you can grab Thoma's hand Jin snatches it “oh~? I thought you didn't want it”
He stuffs the ring in his pocket “Tsk what you give to your king can't be taken back even if you want to so stop whining”
When the time finished they both walked back to frostheim when Thoma hums softly a song.
“Do you want to die? bastard” when he flips him off the little white flower is in the next finger to the middle finger 
“Did I do something to anger you? It's just some notes” and he keeps humming the wedding march.
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burning-sol · 3 days
Because I'm a loser I'm going over this piece of controversy because if it catches on here I will lose my mind. This controversy surrounds @ jinxontherocks and Charlie Slimecicle. All the following screenshots were taken the same day as typing, and I made this post with what may be incomplete information. DO NOT HARASS ANYONE INVOLVED!! Regardless of who you're contacting, regardless of your intentions, DON'T contact anyone shown here.. ANYONE!!
Jinx's Instagram lists their pronouns as she/they/he, please don't misgender her: https://www.instagram.com/jinxultraviolet
CW this shit is about RPF and MCYT NSFW (pornographic content of Minecraft Youtubers' characters and they themselves), there are screenshots showing censored posts of it and there is a brief mention of rape amongst them.
The tweet that started off my little investigation and is causing outrage..
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Something I noticed as I was adding alt txt.. I don't know anything about Jinx or how she assigns "Close Friends" on his Instagram, but basically users can assign someone as a "Close Friend" and you can then post stories only ppl within that group can see. If Jinx is the kind of person who hands out this status to anyone they know, this isn't a big deal, but if this person was close to Jinx I want you to keep in mind the possibility that this is potentially a violation of Jinx's boundaries. If this person knew Jinx closely, they could have talked to her in private, but instead they chose to make this a public affair. At best this could have been something the anonymous person genuinely thought was the moral thing to do, or this person could at worst be straight up an emotionally abusive person who shared these photos as a way to egg on Jinx's "downfall" or something similar. Again, this is only POTENTIALLY, but you need to be critical of who is sourcing your information and what their intentions are.
So the screenshots do prove Jinx knows Charlie and has been interacting with him and maybe (MAYBE) even dating him.. Which!! I just wanna clarify before you ask, I searched this up, Charlie and Grace broke up. Jinx and Charlie are both in their early to mid twenties. Aside from this controversy, there is really nothing to say abt them that isn't just, "mind your own business".
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So why is this an issue? What's with the controversy? Let's check out that first quote tweet.
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The claim is that Jinx, possibly, willingly engaged with someone who posted MCYT porn. Which the user states, "it wasn't my intention to present the examples of what that person posted as if u liked them" but then proceeds to reiterate again that "u have to go out of ur way to find an acc like that." so which is it? That's a rhetorical question, we know which it is because if it was the former people wouldn't be so mad. But at least we know where these initial claims came from so let me scroll back and see what this user had initially posted as proof.
Here's the thread.
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The archive page linked: https://archive.md/g8xOX
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So yes, this does prove Jinx followed an account that posted NSFW of Charlie (RPF) and Charlie's characters (MCYT). However, just following someone isn't necessarily proof you've seen the full extent of their content. So let's finally circle back around to Jinx's tweet in response to this (something that was quote tweeted earlier) and discuss why I have such an issue with this entire controversy. Time to crack open the point of this entire post.
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Hi everyone, apologises for taking a few days to address this as I've been logged off of twitter for my own mental health and due to the constant harassment and death threats that I have been receiving. Recently, there was a thread posted on me showing how I was following someone who created NSFW art of some content creators, specifically Charlie who I'm friends with. I absolutely condemn this kind of boundary-breaking NSFW art of content creators, and would never willingly follow or interact with an account that I knew created art like this. I am only semi-active on Twitter, especially on my 18+ account, and I was shocked and upset to discover I was following an account like this at the same time everyone else did. Because this account is now deactivated, I'm not sure what I originally followed them for, but it was likely COD or puppy girl art. I've privated my NSFW account as well because I'm not comfortable with a bunch of people who are likely minors in the community scrolling through it. Because people are making some gross assumptions as well I want to clarify that I met Charlie IRL, and had no idea who he or his friends were at all or as content creators before meeting them. We met naturally, became friends, and still are. Throughout this past week I've received an insane amount of harassment and threats, and have seen tons of misinformation spread about me and the whole situation so I definitely felt a need to clarify everything. I knew essentially nothing at all abt this acc or any of their callouts or whatnot, that just wasn't the sphere of cc I was in at any point, and while I post semi frequently on here, I'm not very interactive with content beyond my mutuals. Likely gonna retcon that going forward and look more into who I'm following before I do. Also pointing out that a lot of the sc's included in this thread or others are being presented as or shown as if they were from my likes? They were not, straight up not. Just gonna clear that up now. Lastly, please do not harass the creator of the thread or anyone else involved in this situation please. Please be kind y'all, and good day!
Quick note, if behind the scenes Jinx had immediately gotten harassment and death threats after the conception of that thread, THAT'S why Jinx was suddenly "stalking" leaktwt. Like of course Jinx is going to find the source of a bunch of people who are telling her he sucks and (possibly) telling him to kill themselves. Someone becoming conscious of their own controversy very quickly after it's conception isn't an abnormal thing.
So basically, I felt like I was going bananas because I'm going through replies trying to see if there's more evidence but there's nothing really condemning Jinx that strongly. You have evidence they followed someone who posts RPF NSFW, SHE confirmed she'd followed the acc that posted RPF NSFW.. But do they condone it? Did he see it? WHERE is your evidence?? WHY are you all so convinced she condones RPF NSFW? Well I stumbled across this brilliant series of screenshots someone added that's making me lose my marbles.
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artist: im genuinely baffled if anyone believes rhis like i cannot emphasize how much i only posted on that acc to post porn 😭 other user: she only followed you this april right? like after she meet charlie? artist: yess like only a few days to a week before the thread was made? im so confused how she couldve found me in the first place let alone follow me because ,, i only post abt charie my bio is nsfwrpf and my pfp was bsd and banner was fnaf? nothing to warrant her following me?
artist: uhmmm she followed me few days to a week before the first thread was made? i dont remember but i got the notification when she followed me on her very public acc? i didnt realize it was jinx tho so i just let her follow me? when i stalked her acc she just seemed like a normal nsfw acc without any nsfwrpf even in her likes. thats it in regards to interacting with me but its also strange how she even found me in the first place? my account is sightly inactive so it wasnt like i was tweeting something funny or even spamming the tl to regard being followed? anytime i posted on the public acc it was about porn because thats what the account is for 😭 so idek how she found my acc in the firstplace cuz i also censor everything?? but thats all i know xP artist: u already know most of it but yk
artist: omg ugh artist: literally the only things i posted on that acc ever was cc nsfw artist: if it was unrelated i would post it on my priv
My jaw DROPPED when I saw this. I wanna hone in on this one tidbit that you may have glossed over, "when i stalked her acc she just seemed like a normal nsfw acc without any nsfwrpf even in her likes. thats it in regards to interacting with me".. So that's it. THAT'S IT. Even the artist in question only has proof he followed them, not that there was any tangible interactions to prove she saw the RPF content. And also, "my bio is nsfwrpf and my pfp was bsd and banner was fnaf? nothing to warrant her following me?" So it is 100% possible that he had only seen the artist's pfp, banner, the words "RPF" but not the problematic content in question.. And here's a relevant reply from Jinx on the fact the artist had RPF in their bio-
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So we actually need to talk about how exactly social media works, because for some reason nobody is bringing this up despite USING Twitter and KNOWING what Twitter feeds look like.
If you have ever been on a Twitter For You page (I'm checking mine now) you will know that the feed isn't strictly curated based on your following, Twitter has an algorithm that'll put posts on your feed based on different factors. When I go to mine, my feed isn't strictly people I follow (in fact it's barely people I follow), it's not chronological, and I don't know if this is still a feature but I distinctly remember times where I got shown posts that were LIKED by someone or RETWEETED by someone- So again, your feed can show you a lot of varying things that you're either only somewhat adjacent to or something that's not anything you're remotely interested in. So basically, you cannot know exactly what someone's feed looks like unless a person hand you their phone and you scroll through it. You can make ESTIMATES of what you thing someone's feed will look like, but, again, you can only know exactly what someone's feed looks like if you're able to scroll through it.
This is to say that it's 100% possible at some point Jinx came across a post from the account on their feed, didn't see it anything RPF related in the post or on their immediate page (assuming they clicked on the profile because you can follow people without going to their profile), and followed them. And even if they posted RPF the rest of the time, there is no way to know what % of Jinx's feed it would have been present on.. Which! Btw, is also influenced by if Jinx even frequents the For You page at ALL.. Which, Jinx claims he's not super active on Twitter, so that lines up perfectly with her explanation.
(And before you say something about it, we don't have access to the NSFW account because it got deactivated, but I personally doubt that the user literally only posted NSFW of RPF and MCYT. Most NSFW accs I've seen in my time always have even the slightest amount of variety.. So it's not to say it's not possible, but I think the artists' words are likely an exaggeration. That's the assumption this point is functioning under.)
Plus, remember what I mentioned about people liking or retweeting posts? It's kind of a whole point of social media that posts spread in chains, and it's 100% possible for posts from obscure or problematic people to reach normal people in the right circumstances. Again, this is just.. This is just how Twitter works?? How social media works?? And I feel like I'm insane sitting here typing out how posts actually end up on your feeds and reminding people what an algorithm is and that some people just AREN'T as online as you.
And I'm not saying all this to say that I am 100% sure that Jinx is innocent because I don't KNOW, and that's the POINT. You can't KNOW what Jinx has seen and what she hasn't unless you have proof of him interacting DIRECTLY with something.. And follows don't count because I know PLENTY of people (including myself at times) who don't vet the people they follow, and follow people from a post they've seen on their feed instead of their profile. The artist THEMSELF said, as I will highlight again, "when i stalked her acc she just seemed like a normal nsfw acc without any nsfwrpf even in her likes. thats it in regards to interacting with me"..
All the evidence I've seen as of typing this is heresay, and unless all these people can present some substantial evidence that actually SAYS what they WANT it to say, I'm going to believe that Jinx made an honest mistake.
There's probably some other arguments I could make to prove my point, but I've been so thorough with everything I've been typing for literal hours just covering this. So I just wanna get at something that REALLY pisses me off about Twitter and I don't want to fucking see.
STOP calling people complicit in someone else's behaviour just because they're close to them. You are very potentially blaming VICTIMS THEMSELVES and I'm so fucking done with this.
Some people are saying Charlie is condoning this behaviour and it is DISGUSTING because can you actually take a step back and think about what you're saying?? Maybe Charlie does know, maybe he's into some freak shit, IDK, but I think it's WAY more likely Charlie didn't. The chances are far more likely that, if the allegations here are true, Charlie's boundaries were VIOLATED and HE'S the victim here. Though we can't really know because (I can't stress it enough) we don't KNOW what's happened behind the scenes. Charlie liked the tweet jinx made..
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Which could mean several things. Maybe! The allegations aren't true, and Charlie is showing support for her. Maybe! The allegations were true, but they've quietly resolved the situation behind the scenes. Maybe! The allegations were true, and Jinx LIED to Charlie so he believes her.
(And yeah, I am implying these allegations could be true and I STILL think Jinx should be given some leniency based on if they've changed their mind on the morality of that content and have apologised in private to Charlie.. Because life is weird and people are weird and people change. Like IDK, again, maybe Charlie into that freak shit. What are you gonna do if a guy likes NSFW being drawn of himself? Complain to HIM about what his boundaries should be?)
You don't KNOW, you CAN'T know. I will state this over and OVER, YOU DON'T KNOW. Don't harass Jinx over things you don't know are true. If you don't like him after hearing these allegations? You're allowed to! It's fine! Block them and move on. But DON'T pretend that's the same as having evidence, because from what I've seen, you don't.
And I got very heated in that last bit so I just wanna say, I've spent all my time (again, these past few hours) writing this post. I don't know if Tumblr knows about this or is already talking about this, but this is my thorough take on the situation. I just hope it clears up some things because I would really fucking hate if it caught on and everyone starts spread (potential) misinformation and ruining someone's life for literally no reason.
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plentyoffandoms · 2 days
I'm good thanks.
That's awesome to hear.
Can I request for Lord Alfred Debling. Please and thank you.
He finds a wife who is just as obsessed about astrology as he is about nature, which she also received ridicule for. The marriage was arranged but they bond over they're interests. She travels with him since she can use the stars to navigate. They eventually settle at his estate once she gets pregnant. They have the cutest litter of children running around. And they're just the sweetest family. The kids names are even themed to their interests.
Our Family
Lord Debling x f/Reader
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Main Masterlist ♡ Bridgerton Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs and photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @didanagy
Warnings. None
Requested by anonymous. I hope you like it, and such a cute idea
WC: 836
My wife and I were strolling in our garden, with our children running around. It was getting late in the evening, and it was the perfect time to look up into the night sky.
Our children were very excited as the night sky had no clouds and they could see the stars. They are also excited as the summer flowers are starting to bloom, and many bugs are starting to come out due to the warmer weather coming on.
My wife and oldest daughter, Ivy, were discussing their latest book they had read, and I was keeping an eye on the younger children, but their oldest brother, who is Ivy's twin, Berry was keeping them from wondering off.
When I first met my darling wife all those years ago, I was not happy. My parents and her parents got together and arranged our marriage.
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Her and I are considered odd in our society as my love of nature and her love of astrology. Most people could not wrap their heads around it.
Our parents were concerned that my way of life at the time was no means for a lady. I was leaving after the wedding and her staying at our estate, but not her.
She joined me on my adventures, getting to know the real me, and I got to know her. I showed her the beauty in our world, and she showed me the beauty of our vast sky.
The first few days into my trip, I became concerned that we were getting lost, but she showed me how to navigate with the stars.
I truly became memorised by her, and I slowly fell in love with the woman my parents arranged for me to marry.
Once she became pregnant, I decided that it was time for us to settle at our estate and start to make a home worthy of our children.
Archer and Basil ran past me, laughing, bringing me out of my memories.
"Now boys, please watch where you are going." I said to them, not wanting to ruin their fun, but for then not to get hurt or hurt one of their siblings.
"Yes, father." They muttered before running off, playing some game of tag that is only between the two of them.
I helped my wife up the hill, as she was once again pregnant, but our sweet little Cordelia came rushing down the hill, wanting to help her mother up the hill.
Cordelia is the youngest at four years of age and is excited to be a big sister.
My wife sat down on the bench I had placed here not long after we came home.
"Now, you all know the rules. No fighting, no shoving, no yelling. We all get a turn." I didn't like to impose 6 many ruled on my children as our society does that already, but after the first time we did this, and the telescope got broken, their mother and I knew that some rules had to be put in place.
I stood next to the telescope as our children, from oldest to youngest, looked up into the night sky, completely in awe.
Ivy, Berry, Aurora, Archer, Basil, our other set of twins, Willow, Jupiter, Celeste, and Cordelia all took their turns, then rushed to their mother's side, asking her questions.
"Now, now, my darling children, it is your mother's turn." I said as they parter for me to get to her, to help stand her up from the bench.
"Take your time, dear. We have all night." She gave me a soft smile and leaned into look into the telescope. Our children ran off to play the scavenger hunt game I made for them before we came out here.
They had to find a certain bug or plant and cross it off their list. I even drew pictures next to what they need to be looking for.
Once, I knew the children were occupied, safe, and having fun, which I could tell by the squeals of laughter coming from around our garden, I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my head on her shoulder.
"Oh, Alfred, it is just beautiful." She said as she straightened and leaned back into my arms.
"Not as beautiful as you, my beautiful wife."
"You shush now, husband. You are going to make me become vain with all your praises." Her and I laughed at that.
I turned her around in my arms so we were facing one another, I kissed her while placing my hand on her stomach, her and I was giggling at feeling our newest one kicking.
"Oh gross, they are kissing again." I heard Archer say before running off.
"How about when we are done here, and they are put to bed, you and I have some fun our bedroom."
"It's like you are trying to get me pregnant, even though I am already pregnant." She teased.
"We make lovely children." I told her.
"That we do Alfred, that we do."
Tag list: @madhatterbri
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martiandmichelle · 2 days
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OK, it's time to tell the story all my friends are on me to tell. . .
I'll start by explaining this blurry photo (as taken by my associate Kaatje). The morning the Southeast exhibition of my Agency opened (at 9:00 am) those of us who had a display booth were asked to be ready for an inspection by the staff beginning at 7:30. The convention center was nice enough to open for us at 5:30. The previous night I had gotten a call from one of the organizers asking if I could be ready by 7:00 and I'm like "Sure!" since I'm a morning person anyway. I arrived at 6:00 dressed as in the photo (it was unusually cold outside for early Spring). As many of you know who have attended these kind of things, the flow when you walk into the arena is usually you go right and the last booth you see are the ones of the far left. Well, I was the far left booth - though it was an unusually large booth. So I should be the last one anybody visits, right? Well, read on.
The lady pictured whose booth was next to mine was an absolute riot - friendly and funny. She's a 6'4" trans lady named Melodee. She and I hit it off immediately: short me with the monster boobs and tall Melodee with the long legs and schlong. We had chatted for maybe 10 minutes when I grabbed my bag to go change (after agreeing to go with her and her trans friends to a bar that night - "they're going to LOVE you!" she said) when suddenly her smile change to a gasp with an OMG look on her face. "What?" I asked.
"It's him, it's Mr. G------! The global CEO!" She acted like she was putting something on a table in her booth when there was actually nothing in her hand. "Be careful," she said quietly. "He's an absolute bastard." Then she exclaimed "And, oh fuck, he's coming this way!"
Melodee was suddenly a nervous wreck. I wasn't sure what to do; I mean, I've fucked my share of wealthy, powerful men and stared down plenty of assholes in the past so I just held on to my bag and smiled as he approached.
As he approached a big smile lit his face. "Good morning, ladies," he said as he got close. "You're Melodee, right?" he said shaking her hand. "What's wrong?" he then asked her shocked face.
"Nothing, sir. I mean I'm just surprised you remember my name," she answered.
"Not at all," he said. "It's important to remember someone's name, and, besides, I hear good things about you. Congratulations!" She blushed and nodded a thank you. He turned to me. "And you must be Miss Marti. I've been dying to meet you!" He reached out his hand and I took it. "Very anxious to meet you indeed," he repeated then bent and kissed my hand. I could see Melodee behind him mouth a long "Wooooow!" in my direction. He turned to Melodee and asked "May I borrow your neighbor for a few minutes?" She nodded and he directed me to the back of my booth.
"But you are at a disadvantage," he said when we turned to face each other. "Here, my name is Bas. Well, Bas G-------. But I won't you to call me Bas," he seemed more nervous than I felt. "It is only fair for me to say that I am the Global CEO of -------------- (my Agency) but I want you to forget that. I am here this morning because I wanted to tell you without others around that I am a huge fan of yours." His eyes roved to my chest, stayed for a few seconds then came back to my face. "Yes, a VERY BIG fan. And I wanted to thank you for all you do for the Agency's business and for my eyes - and, well, other parts, too!"
Where was this asshole Melodee warned me about? He was being very nice and charming. Bas was tall, the same height as Melodee, gray haired, nice looking, and fit, especially for a man in his late 60's. But I was most impressed by how this very wealthy and, in this circle at least, very powerful man only wanted to talk about me. So we had a very pleasant 15 minute talk, we laughed some, he spent a lot of time staring at my breasts - which I enjoyed - and then he had me autograph one of my photos for him.
When he took my hand to say goodbye, he had one last thing to add. "I am, unfortunately, very busy with business this weekend during the show, but I have cleared my lunch time today. Would you join me?" I said "yes" and he beamed, made our lunch plans, then left to spend a bit of time with the other girls and guys who were showing.
When he was away from Melodee and I she grabbed my arm as I left to go change. "Girl," she said. "That man adores you!" I waved her off and went to change.
I'll stop there. More to come!
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miyasturniolo · 2 hours
ICECREAM | chris sturniolo
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pairing: bf!chris x f!reader
summary: chris wasn't the best boyfriend when it comes to dates and he even knew that but for a first he came up with a simple idea after having a meltdown.
warnings: fluff, kissing, pet names (ma, babe, darling), flirting, crying, sadness, swearing, mention of y/n.
a/n: not my photos, on pinterest. I came up with this idea because I found my lets trip shirt which has an icecream van. (photo on top but the shirt) I’m not sure about this one tbh..
WORDS: 2.0k
miyasturniolo on wattpad
you - pink | chris - orange | nick - purple | icecream man - red
Chris wasn't the most attentive boyfriend when it came to planning dates, and both of you were aware of that. Sometimes he made an effort, but deep down he knew his ideas were lackluster, so he simply referred it as two people who love each other and spending time together.
He often lamented his lack of creativity when it came to planning dates, despite having a vivid imagination that sometimes even confused him with its randomness.
At this moment though, he was in his room, rubbing his eyes to wipe away tears of frustration. He couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't good enough for you, believing that you deserved to be taken out by someone who could provide a better dating experience than a YouTuber like himself, who feared ruining your time together.
The sound of his sniffles filled the quiet room as he listened to music, unaware of how loud he was being. He hoped to become a better boyfriend, seeking solace in the music to calm his nerves.
Meanwhile, you were in the kitchen, making yourself a drink while spending time with Nick because chris had as well snapped at you earlier, asking for some alone time, which had left you feeling unsettled.
You heard a faint sound that was possibly just your imagination, but you recognized the sobs and sniffles that prompted you to set your drink down and glance towards his room.
Although you knew he wasn't in the mood to see anyone, you couldn't shake off the worry, so you made your way to his room.
He didn't hear your knock on the door since the music in his headphones. As you entered and closed the door behind you, you found him crying, curled up into a ball.
When his eyes met yours, he quickly wiped his tears and turned off his music. "What are you doing here, y/n?" His voice trembled slightly, trying to act like he hadn’t been crying.
Your expression softened into a frown, but you remained silent until you sat down next to him on the bed, offering a gentle hug. “what’s up?”
He managed a faint smile, though it seemed forced, as if he believed he didn't deserve your comfort and should push you away to find a better and more attentive boyfriend who would take you out on dates.
He lapsed into silence, avoiding answering your question, and simply gazed at you with his red, tear-filled eyes.
Chris shrugged, showing reluctance to talk, but he did rest his head on your chest as you embraced him. Although he didn't hug back, he did lean on you for support.
You had numerous questions, but you chose to remain quiet, waiting for him to open up since you had ways of encouraging him to share. Your hands comfortingly rubbed his shoulder.
"Why are you with me?" he finally asked, no longer meeting your gaze as he stared at the wall. "What?" you responded, puzzled.
He nervously bit his nails, a small habit of his, but it wasn't something he did constantly. "I'm a terrible boyfriend," he admitted.
You simply gazed at him, unsure of how to respond because his self-criticism caught you off guard. "No, you're not," you reassured him.
He shook his head and let out a hollow laugh, indicating his disbelief in your words, leaving you feeling even more perplexed as you struggled to figure out how to help him.
"If I were a better boyfriend, you would have felt more ease around me, even when my fans criticized you because of our relationship. I wish I could be the partner you deserve, but I struggle with planning and going on dates. I fear that choosing a bad date could even change your perception of me," he expressed, his thoughts jumbled and unclear.
You observed his expressions as he spoke, tears welling up in his eyes once more. Gently pushing his hair back, you planted a kiss on his forehead as he wiped away his tears.
"Chris," you whispered, unsure of how to comfort him. He simply shook his head and embraced you tightly, the scent of his cologne enveloping you.
He sniffled, wiping his tears as he noticed the stain on your shirt. "Don't Chris me, darling," he whispered.
You gently put your hand on his jaw, making him look at you. You kissed his soft lips, noticing the pineapple lip balm he had been using, a gift from his oldest brother which was his brand.
He kissed you back, but then pulled away, smiling slightly with watery eyes that didn't shed tears. "I feel like a terrible boyfriend, every time we go out there's always a problem, and they are always shit” he mumbled.
The few outings we had were always interrupted by fans or canceled for various reasons. He wiped his nose with his sleeve before resting his head on your shoulder, sitting on his bed with you, now essentially in your lap.
His hands toyed with your shirt as he kissed your neck, then pulled away to stand up and get dressed. "Get dress.. please ma," he said with a hint of puppy eyes, not too intense though.
"Why?" you asked looking at your shirt and pyjama bottoms, but he just rolled his eyes and asked you to change once more.
Your gaze was fixed on him as he removed his jumper, revealing his bare chest since he wasn't wearing a shirt, and proceeded to change into more appropriate attire for going out.
Noticing your confusion and unchanged state, he fetched a shirt and shorts for you from his closet, as you have a drawer with your clothes there. "Here you go, babe," he said.
You accepted the clothing with a small smile, and he returned the gesture, although he was still somewhat upset.
After changing, unfazed by his gaze as he had seen you undressed before, his attention was once again on you while he sorted himself out.
"What's going on?" You inquired, but Chris just shrugged, pretending not to know, before embracing you from behind and planting a kiss on your neck, adorned with his love bites that you had concealed with makeup earlier so his brothers didn’t see. "How dare you cover my artwork," he teased before pulling away.
His mood lightened a bit, which was a positive sign, but you remained silent as he took hold of your hand and led you out of your room, causing you to let out a small gasp of surprise at the sudden movement.
"We have to walk there, it's just a ten minute walk," he said as he grabbed the keys, making your heart race with curiosity about his intentions.
You followed him into the clear, warm night, his piercing blue eyes alternating between you and his destination.
"Chris, where are we going?" you inquired, but he cut you off, teasingly remarking, "You sound like you don't trust me, ma," as he draped an arm around your waist.
Despite his usual bad luck with encountering fans when he wasn't in the mood, he was surprised that no one had recognized him yet.
An uneasy silence lingered, with you sensing that he wanted to share something important but struggled to find the words. Eventually, unable to contain himself, he blurted it out hastily.
"I'm sorry for being shit to you earlier. I feel like everyone else has perfect relationships while I struggle with being a good boyfriend. I'm not very creative when it comes to planning dates, and sometimes I find them awkward. But I want to make an effort with you because... I don't know," he said once again, trying to choose his words carefully.
You turned to look at him as he stared at the ground. "You're not a bad boyfriend, Chris. You never have been and you're not now," you said firmly.
He just shrugged, but then he gently squeezed your hip and kissed the top of your head. "I still feel like I am," he admitted.
You glanced at him and then at the path ahead in the park, noticing that his gaze was fixed on the moon in the dark sky as it was already 9pm.
He let out a quiet sigh and changed the subject. "Are you hungry?" he asked, his blue eyes finally meeting yours. You nodded with a small smile. “Yeah”
"Good," he chuckled softly and took you down a road that wasn't empty, with a few shops along the way. He released his hold on your waist and instead held your hand tightly to ensure he wouldn't lose you.
You followed him, feeling his firm grasp, so you had no choice but to go along. Your eyes shifted between his hand and the direction you were heading.
He led you to a small town that operated 24/7, where he suddenly stopped and pulled you close to him, as he had been running and didn't want you to continue.
"I want to try and plan a date, even if it's simple," he whispered, kissing the top of your head before taking you to an ice cream parlor that was still open late at night, around 9pm.
He kept his gaze on your face as you surveyed the flavors available, a small smile playing on your lips. His hand rested on your waist as you examined the options, then back at the ice cream parlor. "What would you like, y/n?" he asked.
Your eyes landed on Chris, a small smirk playing on his lips. "I'll just go with my usual," you said, revealing your favorite ice cream flavor.
As he placed the order for both of you, swiftly paying before you had the chance to do so, he whispered in your ear, "All on me darling," before the ice cream vendor handed you both your treats with a smile. “Here you go”
Taking his ice cream and receiving yours, he smiled, and you both thanked the vendor before following Chris. He glanced at you, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you indulged in your dessert.
He was aware of your presence behind him, ensuring your safety as you walked together. "Listen, I'm sorry if I'm not the best boyfriend, especially when it comes to dates- and snapping at you," he apologized, a sense of familiarity in his words.
"Stop repeating your apology’s, it’s okay, you idiot," you whispered with a smile, causing him to chuckle before saying, "I’m not a idiot” to which you shake your head in response.
"Whatever makes you happy," you whispered, your gaze fixed on him as you guys walked through the park. “Your the idiot”
For the past hour or more, you were chatting and hanging out with friends, until you eventually ended up at his place. It was around 10, almost 11 pm, so you both went quiet and tried to head to his room when suddenly you heard a voice.
"Are you serious?! You had me worried, thinking you both disappeared since you didn't answer your phones and left me alone, y/n," Nick exclaimed, causing your eyes to widen as you remembered mentioning you were going to the kitchen, but then got caught up in other activities.
"I owe you a hangout session tomorrow," you replied, only to have Chris playfully place his hand over his heart, pretending to be offended that you would choose to hang out with his brother over him.
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sturnioloisland · 21 hours
Happier | M.S.
Hello everyone :) this is very much my first time posting on tumblr, and I quite literally have no clue what I am doing.
I’m also making this post from my phone, so if it’s messed up just ignore it. Let me know if y’all like this or hate it. Either one is fine.
Pairing: Matt x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: I posted something similar to this on ao3 many a years ago when I was part of a different fandom.
Matt walked down the sidewalk heading towards his favorite coffee shop he used to frequently visit. Within the last month, he seemed to be living in a constant nightmare. He’d wake up everyday alone without her body next to him. He no longer got to see that warm and beautiful smile first thing when he woke up.
Every night was a battle to fall asleep and every morning was a struggle to get out of bed. He regretted his decision, and if he could take back everything he said, he would in a heartbeat. It was just a stupid fight because of his own insecurities. 
Matt remembers the look on her face after he spewed those hateful words. He remembers the tears in her eyes when he said he didn’t love her anymore. He didn’t mean to say it, but he did, and he struggles living with the consequences of his words.
The cold wind nipped at his nose as he approached the coffee shop. It had been a while since Matt had been there. This was the place where they had their first few dates. Melancholy was set deep in his heart, and he couldn’t shake that feeling away. What he would do to go back in time and change the happenings of that night.
He finally reached the shop and quickly entered, the warmth inside immediately thawing his shivering limbs. Matt was always cold, but the girl he once loved - still loved - was always warm, and Matt used to always melt into her embrace.
The line was rather short with only a few people in front of him. Matt already had his order in mind. It was the same thing he got every time. Soon enough he reached the register, immediately recognizing the barista as someone who used to work all the time when he came in with her.
“Hey,” He said with a warm smile, “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you in here. You used to come in all the time.”
Matt smiled timidly and gazed down at his feet. “Yeah, yeah it has been a while, but I plan on coming back more. I sure do miss the muffins you guys sell here.” 
The barista chuckled, “So I take it that you’ll be having your usual order then?”
Matt nodded.
“Okay, I’ll get right to it. It was good to see you again. You disappeared for a few months, so I hope you’re doing well.”
Matt once again flashed him a fake smile, “It was good to see you too.” He finished paying for his order and stepped to the side - secretly grateful he wasn’t asked about why he was there without her.
He messed around on his phone looking through messages from friends who were still checking up on him. He felt guilty for never responding to them, but he didn’t know how. All of them asked how he was or if he was okay or even if he needed anything from them. The one thing he wanted was something that they couldn’t give him.
He scrolled through his camera roll looking at old pictures, the guilt slowly creeping back into him as he looked at the old photos he never bothered to delete. Matt felt that familiar burning sensation behind his eyes and quickly closed the camera roll on his phone. He wouldn’t cry in public. No, he wouldn’t cry at all. He’s done too much of that.
“Matt?” A barista called out as his order was finished. He walked to the counter, grabbed his coffee and warm muffin and thanked the barista before turning to head out, pausing only to grab a few napkins.
On the way out, he saw a familiar head of hair that was styled in a way that he remembered seeing it. He stopped dead in his tracks as he came to realize who it was. The girl whose heart he shattered into a million pieces was standing in line just about four feet away from him. 
She looked as beautiful as San remembered her being. Her beautiful eyes, the small mole under them, her hair, and most importantly her smile. She was smiling brightly, and Matt felt the glass around his heart shatter because she wasn’t alone. No, she was holding hands with another man. A man that wasn’t him.
Matt was staring and he was sure the girl felt his eyes burning into her, for when the latter turned her head to face Matt, that enchanting smile faltered. They both stared at each other, both in disbelief of seeing the other. It was she who broke the silence between them.
“Hi Matt.” Her tone was bitter, and Matt didn’t blame her at all. He broke her heart into a million pieces and left verbal wounds that he knew he could never take back no matter how much he wanted to. He broke the girl’s heart, and Matt was in disbelief that she even acknowledged him.
He hesitated. He hadn’t said her name in so long, and he was trying not to choke on his words. It was a name he used to say full of love and passion. A name that was now just reduced to a memory of something good he once had, something good that he ruined. “Hi y/n.”
A/n again: sorry if this sucks. It was quite literally the one and only thing I have ever written.
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desire-mona · 2 days
Opinions on jacksfilms v sssniperwolf?
Penny for ur thoughts plz 🪙 (<- pretend that is a penny shhhhh)
this ask is an equivalent to asking for my hand in marriage just btw.
so in case anyone doesnt know anything abt this old ass drama (i dont know as much as i could either, this is a retelling from the bits and pieces i remember):
so basically sssniperwolf used to be this gaming youtuber but she eventually turned into a half baked "reaction" channel where she just watches tiktoks, makes low effort surface level commentary, and then doesnt credit the creator of said tiktoks. jacksfilms is a comedy youtuber who does a bunch of stuff (sketches, streaming, something called YIAY where he gives ppl prompts / questions to answer n reads em out(with credit!(also hes been doing stuff with ai recently but mostly to show how mid it is which like. eh idk how i feel abt it but its not a dealbreaker))) and he at one point in 2023 called out sniper for her content stealking and lazy content.
he started doing this thing where he reacted to her videos the way she reacts to the videos she steals? i think? and then he gives credit to the creators that sniper reacts to i hope ur following. sniper eventually got mad and was like "uhhhmmm ur stealing from me....." which is rly funny considering she steals from SO many ppl. they had lowkey beef for a while (and obv jack was in the right the entire time) and on uhhhhhh lemme look this up hold on. october 13th of last year sniper posted an instagram story poll like "jacksfilms is close to this place im shooting at should i go see him" i guess to like? talk things out?
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and then some amnt of time later while jack was playing jackbox on stream with his editors and stuff (dubbed the council) sniper showed up at his house, stood outside, and posted a video OF HIS HOME ON HER STORY. ON HER INSTAGRAM WITH OVER 5 MILLION FOLLOWERS. also to add even more context that i found out from youtube comments, sniper has been arrested for armed robbery before, so! some council member alerted jack and erin (jack's wife) was like "erm im gonna go outside" and everyone was like NO DONT OMG. eventually she deleted the story but by that point it was like wayyyy too late. and photos of his house were alr on twitter and stuff. the most ridiculous part is that when jack was rightfully like WHAG GHE HELL she was like this guy is creepy and hes been harassing me! i just wanna talk!!!
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jacksfilms made a video being like heyyyyy youtube can u do smthn abt this???? youtube, of course, did nothing in response. i honestly dont know how it ended but snipers still doing her thing and so is jack so ultimately nothing substantial came of it, i guess. i wasnt on stream when it happened but i was GLUED to twitter as it was unfolding since ive been a big jacksfilms fan since i was 12ish. crazy times
also fun fact! ive had a couple convos with a council member (marshaldoesstuff u will always be famous) and i was in his discord FOREVER ago. like 2018 forever ago. got groomed in that server it was kinda goofy (NOT marshal's fault - nor the mods of said server, im still friends with a few of those mods and they were always so protective of me and were there to put a stop to everything, i love them dearly.) so yeah im kinda etched into jacksfilms lore in a way that VERY few remember. which is the case for a few different fandoms tbh.
second fun fact: jack and erin r house md fans (erin has a crush on house and jack has a crush on cuddy which is sooo based of them)
thank u for asking and thank u for reading :3 i luv jacksfilms
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