#i like when he gets into situations and actually calls the cops instead of running off by himself
xay2jang · 2 years
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pov u used some random kid as a hostage in beika and it really did not turn out well for you
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spicysix · 1 year
crush crush crush | steddie X reader
eddie likes steve. he's not subtle about it. he's also brave about it, unlike you, and development: steve likes eddie back. you like both of them. well, ain't that just your fucking luck?
warnings: canon divergence, brief mention of homophobia/lgbtqphobia, polyamorous relationship, gn!reader (use of they/them pronouns), buckley!reader, fluff. and my already known absurd use of italics word count: 7.6k author's note: this one has been a long time coming! i started writing it so, so long ago, and it's finally ready! i really hope you enjoy it, and if you do, don't forget to reblog! comments are always appreciated as well ♡
↳ ao3
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Eddie was not very subtle.
Well, you actually weren’t sure he was even trying to be subtle, but, if he was trying, it was definitely not working.
Not with all the stolen glances, and the closeness and proximity every chance he could get. Not with all the pet names, and the cat calls, and with the ‘getting nervous and panting and kind of sweaty’ every time he saw more skin than just arms - like a little stomach when a shirt lifted, or a neck when a head was thrown back in frustration.
And you got it. You could definitely understand the appeal. Steve was very handsome.
When he took off his shirt to dive into Lovers Lake to find a portal, while Eddie lit up a cigarette you looked away because you saw the way Robin glanced suspiciously at Nancy - honestly, Robin was the only one not appealed by Steve's lack of shirt - and you did not want that kind of glance being thrown at you too. And after Steve was bitted by those fucking demobats, you saw it in Eddie’s eyes how he wished it was him bandaging Steve up instead of Nancy - and you also kinda wished it was yourself. He got way too serious about throwing his vest at Steve ‘for his modesty’ too.
And when Eddie called Steve ‘big boy’, Harrington was not the only one who got flustered, because suddenly your head was filled with many images that were not appropriate for the running-from-the-cops-and-also-from-a-interdimensional-monster situation you were all in. Eddie seemed so proud for making Steve lose his words. You just stood in the back of the RV and tried to ground yourself instead of giving into the little green feeling growing inside your chest when Nancy sat at the seat beside Steve while he drove. You heard them talking about kids, for fucks sake.
And when Steve looked so worried about Nance, did everything he could to wake her from her trance, even started singing a song he thought she liked, and was later so focused on listening to her plan. When he gave you a tight hug right before he left with the girls to the Creel house, you almost melted into a puddle. Then he looked so worried about Eddie, asked him to not play the hero when the actual plan was about to start, you could understand if Eddie's heart skipped a beat because yours definitively did - and you were sure the metalhead wanted to say something else when he called out for Steve, but he settled for ‘make him pay’ instead.
And you actually thought it was a one-sided thing, but when Eddie woke up weeks later in a hospital bed, in a different state, after literally almost dying in your and Dustin’s arms; you, Dustin, and Steve were there to see him wake up, the huge smile plastered on Steve's face was enough to light up the whole room and Eddie's own smile reciprocated. And you looked at Dustin feeling like you were interrupting something. And they shared a hug, and Steve was cautious not to hurt Eddie's tummy filled with bandages and stitches. And you and Dustin said you were going to grab a coffee, and when you came back they looked a little pinker in the cheeks than they were before and their hairs were all out of place - Steve’s hair was never out of place.
So, yeah, you could understand Eddie's crush on Steve. With his brown soft hair, all prepped up with too much Farrah Fawcett hairspray (Dustin couldn’t keep a secret for his life), always smelling so good. And his caramel soft eyes, worried about everything and everyone around him but himself. And his preppy, stupid polo shirts and jeans combo, always ironed - you were pretty sure he ironed them himself. The freckles that went all the way from his neck down his torso and his back, splattered in such pretty patterns you kinda wanted to connect them like dots in a kid’s play. With your tongue, to be more precise.
But! YOU, specifically, did NOT have a crush on Steve. You just understood why Eddie did.
When all dust had settled and you were able to go back to Hawkins - thank god for Hopper coming back from the dead and giving Eddie all the alibis he needed, and thank god for their FBI friends for covering everything up as they did with the mall situation the year prior - Steve was very eager to have Eddie staying at his place while the metalhead (and his uncle, of course) searched for a new home. Because his trailer was destroyed, of course. And he was still recovering from all the injuries, of course!
Steve was very smart when he needed to be.
Not everyone in Hawkins was entirely convinced of the whole made-up story, and some people were still very rude to Eddie and the Hellfire boys on the streets, but Hopper was definitely more respected than Powell. So no matter what some people thought, the truth installed was that Eddie was innocent after all. Everyone just had to accept that.
After a while, as life went back to normal - as normal as it can be when you’ve saved the world more than once and half the town was under restoration because of an ‘earthquake’ - you started noticing how the boys were always together. Like when you’d pass by Family Video to see Robin (to see Robin, okay!) and Eddie was also there, leaning on the counter with a soft smile as Steve registered someone else’s borrowed tapes.
Or when you’d go downtown and see them together sharing a banana boat on the new Scoops Ahoy franchise that opened up again on Main Street. Or when you’d volunteer with Robin and Vickie to help those whose houses were destroyed and both boys were also already there, following each other around on their assigned tasks. Or when you went to parties or threw your own parties and they always came in together, never left each other’s side, and went back home together too, always just the two of them.
One day you went to Eddie’s work at the music store and Steve came in behind him as he stepped out of the ‘employees only’ door.
I mean, there’s only so much someone who’s not an employee can be doing with an employee inside a ‘employees only’ room. We all know that.
“Hey, guys,” you greeted, faking obliviousness as you went straight to the New Wave session that was slowly growing as more bands went famous across the country - famous enough to reach Middle Of Butt-Fuck Nowhere, Indiana.
“Oh, hey babe!” Eddie smiled as he came to your side. “What can I help you with today?”
You pretended not to shiver with the nickname. “Well, aren’t you employee of the month,” you mocked, looking at Steve (still behind Eddie) from the peripheral, whose cheeks just went pink. “Do you have New Order’s latest?”
“Oh, I think I saw it back there!” both yours and Eddie’s heads turned to Steve as he enthusiastically revealed, and if you thought he was pink before, he had just created a new shade of pink just then.
“I’ll go get it for ya,” Eddie gave you a smile trapped between real and fake and left for the infamous ‘employees only’ back room.
You smiled at Steve, your own smile trapped between soothing and teasing, and turned your attention back to the vinyls in front of you. A few moments passed in silence before he decided to talk again.
“You’re going to Robin’s this weekend?” you looked him straight in the eyes after his question. He could not be serious.
His prolonged silence made it clear that he was serious.
“You do realize it’s my house too?” you asked.
“Oh Jesus fuck, yeah, no, of course!” he waved around and you couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, I know, you’re siblings and all, I keep forgetting that, ‘cause you’re nothing alike, of course it’s your house, it’s just, I was wondering maybe you had, like, another commitment, maybe a date, I dunno, can’t hurt to ask right!” he was babbling.
God, he was so cute.
No, scratch that. Forget it, you’ve never said that. Forget it right now!
“No plans at all this Saturday except to hang out with you nerds. Don’t worry,” you winked at him and he let out a sigh as he smiled.
Eddie came back from the inventory room, New Order’s ‘Brotherhood’ in his hands and that typical huge smile on his lips. “There you go, babe.”
You rolled your eyes playfully and paid for the vinyl before leaving, waving at them through the huge glass windows of the storefront. They waved back just before you saw them running to the ‘employees only’ room again.
Guess they were in their honeymoon phase.
You were completely fine and not envious at all.
Saturday arrived, and as you were serving soda to the kids playing board games on the coffee table in the living room, Steve and Eddie walked in knowing there was no need to knock. You walked past them as you went back to the kitchen to fetch some chips.
“There you are!” Eddie sounded excited, a six-pack in one of his hands while he pulled you in for a tight hug with the other one.
You smiled. “Where else would I be, doofus? Hey, dingus.” You waved at Steve through the cloud of Eddie’s frizz.
The boys followed you into the kitchen to put their stuff in the fridge. Nancy and Jonathan were intertwined leaning on the island and only let go of each other to say hello to the newcomers as you poured potato chips onto a big bowl and went back to the living room. Everyone else came back with their drinks in hand, including Robin and Vickie who were in the garden for some reason, and chatter began.
This was something you tried to do at least once a month, reunite with everyone including the kids - especially since Hopper and Joyce joined forces and decided to stay in Hawkins, god knows why but you were grateful for it.
That month the reunion was set on your and Robin’s house, your parents finding it weird that their adult offspring were friends with so many high schoolers when you explained that what you were having was not a party, but a friendly get-together. They let you host it anyway, even with the weirdness of it all, when you promised to clean the whole house - not just the living area where you’d all be at - afterward. And they went for a date that night, to give you the full house - very nice of them, and good for them, you guessed?
Everyone had been busier, with the younglings busy with high school and the young adults attempting at adulting, but you all felt the need to check in on each other every once in a while, and just hang out together in peace instead of trying to fight bullies, or Russians, or interdimensional assholes. Shared trauma was a great bonding experience!
A few hours later you, Mike, and Erica were fighting to decide which movie you were all going to watch when Steve and Eddie came back from the kitchen with a chocolate pie they had brought and several plates and forks. Eddie cleared his throat loudly and the room went quiet, looking at them.
“I, uh, we wanted to share something…” Eddie said as Steve put everything on the coffee table. You adjusted yourself in the bean bag you were lying on. “Me and Harrington, we, uh. It’s just, like. I don’t know, I don’t think you’ll be mad or anything. I mean, it’s not like it’ll be a first-time thing, I know you’re all cool with it, considering Robin and Vickie, it’s just. Uh.”
“We’re dating,” Steve went right to the point.
There was a loud silence for at least one whole minute before Dustin spoke up.
“Okay, and the actual news is?”
Eddie and Steve blinked at the same time.
“What,” was more of a deadpan than a question out of Harrington’s lips.
“You really thought we were all this dumb?” Lucas asked gesturing around to point at everyone in the room. Everyone was nodding along.
“Neither of you is subtle. Like, at all,” Max wasn’t even looking at them anymore, sharing a She-Hulk comic with El.
You couldn’t hold your laugh any longer and saw the unexpected couple looking at you immediately. “You knew too?” Eddie sounded really offended for some reason.
You laughed louder, almost falling out from the bean bag. “Are you not listening? Everyone knew! I went by your work this week and you came out of the back room together! Your clothes were all crumpled,” you pointed at Eddie and heard everyone giggling along.
“And we saw you coming out of a dressing room in that fancy store Steve likes. Also together,” Mike pointed at him and Will, who nodded enthusiastically, a shy smile growing on his lips.
“Eddie’s not even trying not to flirt with you in front of our other clients anymore,” Robin stated.
“You were licking on the same popsicle when we went to the lake the other day. At the same time,” Nancy pointed out.
“Nothing serving as a barrier between your tongues besides a very thin strawberry popsicle,” Jonathan concluded with a smirk.
Both boys looked actually astonished as if they were so sure they were hiding something. They looked at each other again before sighing and sitting down in the only tiny space left on the couch, Steve almost in Eddie’s lap. You turned your eyes away.
“So is this our celebratory pie? For our fist man-on-man couple of the group?” you asked, already diving in to get your piece. “Here’s to many more to come!” Mike choked on thin air, you pretended not to notice.
The conversation was easily shifted back to the movie discussion, the couple ‘news’ soon forgotten as you all settled back into your domestic routine, pies in hands, beers and sodas being shared (age appropriately!), and screaming about terror versus action. Again.
Robin had called your work in the middle of your (and hers) shift to invite you to come with her, Steve, and Eddie to the movies after all of your duties were over. You’ve said yes and thanked the gods you always took a change of clothes with you to work so you wouldn’t have to show up to the theater in your ugly uniform.
Not that there would be anyone there you wanted to impress. Of course not.
As you arrived, the boys were already there, but your sister was nowhere to be seen. “She’s in the bathroom or something?” you asked. They shared a glance.
“I thought you’d talked to her?” Steve questioned. You raised an eyebrow. “She wasn’t feeling so good, so she went home. Said she’s sorry.”
“Something about diarrhea,” Eddie grimaced and you sighed.
“Great, love being the third wheel,” you murmured under your breath. “You wanna go do this by yourselves? We can reschedule. Invite Jon and Nancy next time too.”
“No, we wanna go with you!” Steve stated quickly and Eddie coughed loudly. “We promise not to go overboard, okay? We’ll put you in the middle seat.”
“Also, not everyone in Hawkins is nice. Mostly no one, to be honest. So we’re not adept to PDA anyways,” Eddie concluded, shrugging. “Basically no one knows we’re dating except for you, our friends,” his voice was in a very low tone, almost whispered, to not draw attention.
You empathized, also keeping your voice low. “Yeah, that sucks. Robin and Vickie are always complaining about it, and they’re also not openly affectionate to each other in public places. And honestly, I’m really scared for them sometimes. I know Robs can stand up for herself and Vickie, but they’re also so tiny. Little babies,” you brought your thumb and index finger together, showing how really smol your younger sister and her girlfriend were. “And people are mean.”
“What’re some bigots in comparison to a real-life D&D monster, babe? Don’t worry,” Eddie put his arms around your shoulder, Steve on your other side, guiding you to the ticket booth.
Eddie paid for the tickets - something about a fly, yeah, the bug - and both you and Steve fought for the right to buy the popcorn, but while you were bickering Eddie went and bought those himself too. As you finally went to the screening room and took your seats, Steve was serious about you being in the middle. Eddie went to the bathroom while the trailers didn’t start.
“So that’s what he’s like as a boyfriend? Doesn’t let you buy stuff?” you curiously asked Steve while shoving a handful of popcorn into your mouth. You kept your voice low again so no one would easily hear you talking.
He smiled dreamily. “Yeah, especially since he’s been getting ‘clean money’, as he calls it, with his ‘grown up’ job.” He made quote marks with his fingers. “He’s a really thoughtful guy. I mean, that was already obvious before, but as a partner… it’s different, you know?” you nodded and asked him to continue. He was getting flustered, talking about the boy he liked made him look so cute… You just had to. It was all you would ever get from him, anyway. “He’s very affectionate, as you could guess. He has to always be touching me in some way. I thought I would get annoyed at some point, but it still hasn’t happened and, honestly, I don’t think it will. I like touching him at all times, too.
“He also likes to do everything together, even silly minor tasks like getting groceries or something. Gets me little gifts almost every day, and not always stuff he buys, but things he sees that remind him of me. Flowers that he steals from other people’s gardens, he once bought me a heart-shaped pebble. It’s so stupid,” he giggled.
“And I love it. He’s so kind. People treat him like shit most of the time, and he’s still always as polite as he can. Only fights back the really aggressive ones. Kids are scared of him because of their parents’ closed minds, but he approaches them and tells them not to fear, and plays stupid magic tricks to get them to like him. Helps old ladies cross the streets and shit. He’s probably the best person I know,” he was rambling. Your heart was so full. “And I had no idea, you know. That I could feel like this for another guy. Eddie calls himself my bi awakening,” you both shared a laugh.
“You deserve it, Steve. After Nancy…” you gulped lightly, and so did he. “I didn’t think you would ever get over her. And she wasn’t able to give you the love you deserved, not her fault obviously, but still true. It wasn’t meant to be between you two. But you and Eds really fit together. Pieces of a puzzle, Dingus and Doofus. You give each other the love you don’t give yourselves with those annoying low self-esteem of yours,” you nudged him with your shoulder and he looked down to laugh, but you saw his eyes watering.
After a while, he looked up. “Yeah, I guess that’s true. I’m really, really happy.”
His smile was really brighter, and his eyes sparkled more. He looked lighter as if part of the huge hero weight he carried on his shoulders had been lifted. You could imagine that the fact that your lives not being in constant danger helped, but love… Love gets you through anything. And you were really, really happy too - for them.
When Eddie came back from the bathroom, bowing for a girl to walk in front of him to her seat, the trailers were already starting. And the bright light from the screen enveloped him in a kind of aura, and his hair looked so fluffy, and his Motorhead shirt sleeves were rolled up to his shoulders, his arms covered in tattoos for show. His shredded jeans, and his chain belt, and his funny wonky walk, and the way he fiddled with his rings. He threw himself at the sit beside you, his arm instantly coming to the rest of your chair behind you while the other reached for the popcorn bowl on your lap, his huge trademarked smile plastered on his face and his beautiful calf eyes looking into yours. You gulped. Something inside your belly swirled.
“Ready for the film, babe?”
Your heart almost leaped out of your chest as you nodded and smiled back at him.
You had a crush on Steve.
And you had a crush on his boyfriend.
You were so very screwed.
They gave you a ride home, even though your house was way off their own route, and made you sit between them in Eddie’s van too. Steve’s arm was around you and Eddie’s hand occasionally touched your arm or knee and they let you choose the songs - even though none of you shared musical taste by any means - while you commented on the movie. They even got off the van to give you hugs when you arrived home.
And although you had one of the best afternoons ever, you were also mentally exhausted.
Apparently, finding out you had crushes on two people who were dating each other and then spending your whole day trying not to make heart eyes at their every move was very draining.
Robin was in the living room, a random rom-com on the TV that she and Vickie were pretending to watch, while they were actually attached to each other’s mouths. They let go when they heard the door closing behind you though. Your parents were still not home from their jobs.
“Hey, how was the movie?” your sister asked excitedly. You raised an eyebrow.
“The movie was fun,” not that you had paid a lot of attention. “The being a third wheel part, not so much,” you got closer to them and messed up Robin’s hair. “I actually realized I have a massive crush on both of them and kinda wanna throw myself off a cliff right about now.”
You and your sister had absolutely no secrets between you (that’s how you ended up with her, Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington, a random middle-school nerd and a very sassy ten-year-old trying to break into a secret Russian base under the town mall Summer of ‘85). So it was a no-brainer that you were gonna tell her about your crushes. And you knew she was gonna tell Vickie anyway, so you just said it with her there and then.
Vickie’s eyes widened with your confession, but Robin didn’t seem to bother. “Yeah, honestly, I had that figured out. I know you too well, ya’ know. Can’t hide shit from me anymore. I’m glad you uncovered your truth, though.”
“Fair,” you shrugged. “You look good for someone with diarrhea, by the way,” at that, she did look guilty about, while Vickie laughed loudly, but you wasted no more time before heading to the bathroom.
You needed a long, calming bubble bath to realign your chakras and rest your stupid, stupid little head.
Later that night, contradicting your expectations Vickie went back to her house, and Robin knocked on your door with a PB&J sandwich for you that she left on your nightstand. You were already under the covers, your head buzzing with so many thoughts and feelings that you were no closer to understanding. And apparently, your sister knew that. She laid down beside you, both of you on your sides facing each other.
“How you feeling?” she asked, basically whispering.
You whispered back: “Like shit. I dunno what to do.”
“Do you wanna do something about it?” her hand found yours under the covers.
“I don’t think there is something to be done about it, Robs. They’re dating.”
You both went quiet for a few minutes. You were trying not to cry, but your sister’s caresses on your palm and the warmth of the blankets around you were making it very hard.
“I really thought Steve liked you, you know?”
Robin smiled sweetly at you. “Yeah, he would constantly bring you up on random conversations at work. Wanted to include you in every plan we made,” she paused just for a minute. “But, in hindsight… he did that with Eddie too.”
“Well, Eddie reciprocated him faster. And made his move, so there’s nothing I can do about it now. And I’m happy for them, I really am. They look - they are! So happy together. This,” you gesticulated around yourself, “just some goddamn sour grapes. It’ll pass.”
“Yeah, it will,” she got closer to you and hugged you, and you finally let your tears drop.
“Might take some time. Might take some distance,” you sniffled. “But it’ll pass.”
You were serious about the distance.
So you tried to steer clear of Family Video, except on days you knew Steve didn’t have shifts on. You thanked every god and the universe that none of the bands you liked released anything so you wouldn’t have to go to Eddie’s work to buy new vinyls or tapes. You’d see them on the streets and take a detour, a longer route home, walked into stores so they wouldn’t see you back.
Robin noticed, of course, she knew you like the palm of her own hand, but she didn’t comment on it. She would invite you to movie sessions with her and Vickie and would hold herself so they wouldn’t be too touchy and accidentally make you feel bad. Not that you would actually care. It wasn’t them you were in love with, your bitterness was not that big.
You even tried to go on dates of your own, tried to force the crushes out of your system. People who’d ask for your number at work, one of your coworkers, even someone that started a conversation about mayonnaise on the market aisle once. But none of them were nice enough, or funny enough, or sweet enough, or snarky enough, or caring enough, or Steve enough, or Eddie enough.
You felt like the biggest idiot in the County.
You couldn’t hide from them forever, though. You couldn’t hide from them at your monthly get-together. Especially when it was being held at the Munsons’ new apartment - mostly financed by government hush money.
And you were avoiding Steve, Robin - his other soulmate - wasn’t. Therefore, it wasn’t a huge surprise when he pulled up on your driveway to give you and your sister a ride to his boyfriend’s house that night. You tried your best not to act like an asshole, but as you sat in the backseat you knew you were quieter than normal. You could feel Steve’s eyes on you through the rearview mirror at every stop at a red light. He didn’t ask, though. He just kept listening to your sister’s rambles.
But, after he rang the intercom and Eddie opened the gateway and Robin ran up the stairs, you tried to follow her but Steve stopped you with a weak tug on your arm. You turned to him.
“Are you alright?” he asked, his hazel eyes filled with worry. You softened.
“I’m good Stevie, can’t wait to see Eddie’s apartment, shall we?” you tried to get past the conversation, but he didn’t let go of your arm.
“You know you can talk to me if something’s wrong, don’t you?”
“Of course I do. Seriously, don’t worry. Let’s go, Eddie must be wondering where we are already,” you pulled your arm with strength enough to be released from his grip and went up the stairs without waiting for an answer. You heard him sigh, though.
When you reached Eddie’s floor, he was standing in the doorway. “There you are! For a second I thought you’d bail on me, babe,” he said, and if you had ever heard him call Steve babe you could swear he was talking to his boyfriend. But he only ever called you babe.
He pulled you in for a hug, and you squeezed your eyes shut at the smell of his cologne, the way his hair tickled your nose, the way his cold rings felt against your warm skin, and how he was tracing circles with his thumb on your shoulder.
This was way too hard.
You gently pushed him away, ending the hug faster than you really wanted it to end, and looked at his face. “Give me the tour, will you?”
He grinned widely at you, but you didn’t miss the questioning look he threw Steve behind you before he turned and started showing you the apartment. Dustin, Max, and the Sinclairs were already there - Steve picked them up before he did it with Robin and you.
It wasn’t a huge apartment, but it was enough for Eddie and Wayne. They had a fairly big living/dining room, separate from the kitchen, and two bedrooms now. Eddie’s room was already filled with posters on its walls and ceiling, the usual mess the boy used to make already scattered on the floor. Sweetheart had her special spot on the wall too, looking as beautiful as ever.
As you went back to the living room, complimenting and congratulating Eddie on the house, Nancy arrived with Mike and the Byers siblings. As a heartwarming gift, you had all agreed to participate in a campaign that day, even Steve, Max, and Nancy went for it - after lots of bribery, but still. You had always been curious about it, so it didn’t take much to convince you too.
So you all gathered around the dining room, pulled out your character sheets - the kids helped you create your own characters along the month - and settled for what you knew were hours of adventure. And some (a lot of) bickering.
The one-shot campaign was a success. Eddie was a great DM - not that you knew a lot about that, but it felt like he was a great DM. He said he had some insights from Will, who looked very proud of the help he provided. Everyone seemed to have a good time, even Nancy, Steve, and Max who reluctantly smiled their way through the campaign. Dustin had a blast that his favorite humans were together and enjoying the same things at the same time. Your characters saved the day in the end and it felt rewarding.
Mr. Sinclair had passed by and taken both his kids, plus Dustin and Max, home. Vicky was on her way there to get Robin and you. Nancy and Jonathan, in the living room talking to El, were waiting for their brothers, who were in Eddie’s room talking to both him and Steve.
As you were coming back from the bathroom, you couldn’t help but listen to the conversation.
“…so yeah, Will, it’s absolutely okay to like boys,” Eddie’s voice wasn’t loud, but you were just by the door so it was clear enough for you to hear.
“And how did you know you liked both?” Mike asked.
Steve cleared his throat and before you could pry even longer into their conversation, you passed by to the living room, sitting beside your sister on the couch, arms crossed.
“Okay?” Robin asked, and you nodded. El looked at you in that curious stare she had, and Nancy pretended not to notice. Jonathan was staring at the wall. Probably high out of his mind, and missing Argyle.
You poked on your cuticles until the LGBT lecture for the baby gays was over, and the four boys walked out of Eddie’s room. You smiled as sweetly as you could at Will and Mike - Will smiled back, but Mike seemed kinda shocked and so his smile was more of a grimace. Poor boy needed time to settle into his self-discovery, apparently.
“Shall we?” Nance asked and El and Jon got up from where they were sitting on the floor. They all said their goodbyes to Steve and Eddie before getting out.
A few minutes passed by in awkward silence, you and Robin sitting on the couch, the boys standing up in the middle of the living room, no sign of Vickie. You could see your sister and Steve having a weird telekinetic conversation, you knew he was the other third of her soul, and was already fearing for your life because your sister was known to make stupid-ass decisions.
“I’m gonna take a wee!” aaand there she goes.
She got up way too fast and you couldn’t hold her arm to force her to stay, and so you saw yourself alone with. The boys you liked. It was like your body was preparing itself to ignite into explosive inside-out combustion, a mantra rolling in your head repeatedly ‘calm the fuck down, breathe in-breath out, calm the fuck down!’, not helping very much but you still tried.
Eyes closed, you felt the couch sinking as they both sat beside you. You took a glance and Steve was directly to your right, Eddie beside him, both of them sharing another silent conversation before Steve turned back to you.
“So-” your attempt at cutting the ice was cut out.
“I like you,” Steve blurted. Your eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
“Steve, what the fuck, Eddie’s sitting right there,” you discreetly pointed at the other boy, your voice somehow caught between a yell and a whisper. Eddie wiggled his fingers at you.
“Yeah, he’s part of the conversation?” Steve answered, sort of asked, and you couldn’t be more confused.
“We both like you,” Eddie joined, scooting closer to Steve, making Steve scoot closer to you, making you scoot a little backward.
What the fuck was going on.
“You. Both? Like me?” they just eagerly nodded. “Well, that’s fucking weird. Like, not normal. At all.”
“Is it, though?” Steve asked, no malice in his voice, eyes full of affection. “You like the both of us. Is that weird?”
“WHAT-how-what-no?! What! ROBIN?” your eyes went straight to the little corridor leading to the bathroom where your apparently betrayer of a sister was, and you could swear you heard some thumping coming from that direction.
Steve stretched out his arms, ready to touch you before he gave up. You couldn’t decide if you felt grateful or sorrowful. “No, your sister didn’t betray you. She didn’t have to tell me, I can tell when people like me.”
“You couldn’t tell with me,” Eddie pitched in, and you suddenly remembered he was there. Quieter, probably for the first time in his life. Why was he so quiet?
Steve rolled his eyes at his boyfriend’s remark. “Yeah, okay, I said people, not big ass confusing nerds.”
“Are you telling me they’re not big ass nerd?” Eddie pointed at you, but you were still in too much shock to even process what he was saying.
Steve looked at you again, his eyes going back to that affection you saw before, and he called your name sweetly, and you had absolutely no idea what that conversation was and what you were supposed to tell them because, yeah, you liked them, but what? They liked you? And what the hell were you all supposed to do with that?
You didn’t have to answer, though, because Robin got out of the bathroom and Wayne walked in through the front door, and Steve and Eddie scooted backward again, and you got up faster than your sister did with her ‘wee’ whatever.
“Robin let’s fucking go goodnight mister Munson nice to see ya bye boys what the fuck!” you didn’t stop to hear any of their answers, nor for Robin to catch up to you, nor to take a fucking breath, and just bolted down the stairs.
You had a lot of thinking to do that night, wrangled up in your sheets, a PB&J sandwich by your nightstand, Robin probably cuddled up to you.
What the fuck.
Two whole weeks passed by.
You continued on your ‘avoid them at any costs’ plan, even though Robin was all up in your ass bugging you to talk to them, even though you told her you didn’t know what to say, even though she practically gave you a scripted speech, even though she tried to convince you it couldn’t go wrong, even though she was most probably right, even though she kept saying Steve and Eddie were in sour moods, even though you felt like shit for making them sour. Because you still had no idea what to say.
But you were also in a sour mood, because you missed them, and because you didn’t understand but you wanted to understand, and because your crush was probably more than a crush, and you really wanted to see where all of this could go even though you have never heard or seen anything like this. Deep down in the confusing fortresses of your heart, you were willing to be a pioneer on that matter. Even if you very likely wouldn’t pioneer shit.
And so when your feet automatically walked six blocks from your work to Family Video on a random Tuesday after your shift, and your heart unclenched a little bit when you saw both Steve’s bimmer and Eddie’s van - and no sign of Robin’s bike -, and when you walked in and saw it with our very own two eyes that even though they were clearly happy to be around each other - Eddie bugging Steve in his closing shift - it felt like something was missing there, and you desperately clung to the idea that what was missing was you.
“How’d you talked about this?” you asked, their heads turning to the sound of your voice, Steve instantly letting go of the broom he was swiping the floor with, Eddie instantly standing up from where he was all slouched over the counter.
“This… what?” Steve asked, his eyes avoiding yours for a second to look outside from the glass doors. You turned around and switched the plate from ‘open’ to ‘closed’. Fuck Keith if he complained Steve closed half an hour earlier.
“This. You liking me. How did you get to that subject, and then decided to bring it up with me?” you pointedly looked at Eddie. He was way too quiet last time. You needed to hear him saying.
He apparently understood you just fine, “I brought it up. Even before we agreed we were each other’s boyfriends, I asked Steve something similar, how did he know he liked me, and he told me how confused he was because he liked both me and you,” he said.
You gulped and tried not to deflate.
“And Eddie said, quote-unquote, ‘fuck yeah they’re the best, I really think I like them too’. And we didn’t do much about it, because we didn’t think there was anything to be done, and soon we were serious about each other. Until Eddie took us to a gay bar he used to go to in Indy,” you think you remembered Robin talking about this to Vickie someday, their plans on going too.
“And we talked to some of the people I knew from other times, and we ended up talking about you a few drinks down, and. Apparently, there are people who date more than one person. And it’s okay,” Eddie shrugged as if it was nothing, a shy smile on his lips, and you hadn’t noticed but you were all a few steps closer to each other. Steve’s broom forgotten on the floor, both of the boys’ eyes on you, adoringly, sweet as fucking candy, a whole conversation they had about you with strangers at a gay bar in Indianapolis.
“I need to sit down.”
Steve brought you a cup of water, and Eddie was sitting beside you on the ‘employees only’ room couch in the back of Family Video. Fucking ‘employees only’ back room. Eddie wasn’t sitting too close, but he wasn’t far, and that was comforting.
You gulped down the water in practically one go and settled the cup on the side table. Scooted a little closer to Eddie, patted down on your other side, Steve followed your command and sat down too. You couldn’t look at them, though, not yet.
“You did your research”, your voice was quieter than you wished.
There goes being a pioneer, you guess.
“We weren’t even looking for it, the information just literally landed on our laps,” Steve said.
“We were just rambling on and on about the person we both like. A lot,” Eddie smirked, but there was no real danger in his smile, never was. Your shoulders decompressed a little, and it was like they were both waiting for that to scoot a bit closer. Eddie’s hands just beside your thigh, Steve’s arm draping behind you on the couch.
A few minutes passed by, your mind a whole mess of a race, but they waited patiently for your next question. “How would that even work?”
“Like any other relationship. Except it’s three of us instead of two. And we can have dates, no one will know it’s a date besides us, it’s what Eddie and I already do, people think we’re just two guys being bros. We will look like three friends hanging out, but we will know.”
“And we can sit next to each other and hold hands, hidden under the diner table, we can have a whole schedule,” Eddie joked, you chuckled, and he held your hand. You let him. Squeezed his fingers with your own. “And sometimes we can go to Indy and we don’t have to hide there.”
“Or we can have home dates, and Eddie can cook, and I can bake, and you can just sit there and look pretty as you do,” Steve’s fingers grazed on the nape of your neck. You got goosebumps.
“Are you saying I can’t cook?”
“Well, last time your lasagna was not that good-” you let go of Eddie’s hand to swat at his thigh, and he laughed out loud. “Just kidding, babe, it’s just cause we wanna treat ya,” you quickly held his hand back.
“You know how Eddie likes to treat the ones he cares about,” Steve said, and you remembered your conversation at the movie, that day.
“Did you plan that movie? When Robbie had ‘diarrhea’?” Steve’s cheeks turned instantly pink, and you and Eddie both snickered at that.
“Stevie might have begged your sister to leave,” there was so much fondness in Eddie’s voice, and you noticed just then, how much fondness was in the voice he used to talk to you, too. “You make him nervous, you see.”
Steve’s ramblings made more sense.
“You make him nervous too, he’s just the weird kind of nervous,” Steve remarked, and now Eddie’s quietness the other day made more sense too.
God, you had been oblivious.
“And we can make this work? You really think we can make this work?” you asked, still unsure. Okay, you weren’t a pioneer, but you still had never heard of this before.
“We can totally make this work, babe. I swear to you is not as complicated as it seems. Is just-” he interrupted himself, thought for a second, his eyes staring intensely into yours, vulnerable, a little pleading, decided to go with it: “Well, it can be just love.”
Eddie’s words echoed in your head for what felt like a long time. Not a fucking crush, oh no. You knew them too well for that. You knew yourself too well for that. All of the fear washed in a wave out of you, and you sighed a happy sigh.
Just love.
Felt right.
“Feels right,” you said, feeling Steve’s forehead thumping on your shoulder, his fingers getting lost in your hair, he was closer than before.
Eddie was closer than before, you looked at him, his nose touching yours, his breath tickling your skin, suddenly his lips on yours, and your whole body collapsed into him, your fingers still tightly holding onto his, your free hand searching behind you for Steve’s hand, Eddie’s free hand in your face, cradling your jaw, so gentle, his lips so soft even though you knew he had a habit of picking on the skin there, but he was so soft, so soft, so soft.
Steve’s lips were on your neck, and suddenly you switched it up, let go of Eddie’s lips, turned your head, now Eddie’s lips on your neck, your lips on Steve’s, he was soft, you knew he liked Chopstick, he was real soft, but his fingers on your neck, tugging on your hair, his hands on yours, he was a bit frantic, not as slow, not as gentle, just as sweet, sweet as fucking candy, and you were going into a sugar-coma, head spinning, breath caught, couldn’t wait to do this over, and over, and over, and hiding in a diner, and in a gay club in Indy, and in your house, and their house, in their beds, or your couch, and over and over and over again, dizzy with all the expectations because you felt it, right through those kisses: you could make this work.
You would make this work.
It was working already.
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hoperays-song · 5 months
Marcus and Fighting
Ok, I wanna talk about something real quick: where did the fandom belief that Marcus is aggressive come from?
Like he's not? The few scenes where we see him upset are scary, yes, but he never physically lashes out at any character in them. He slams his hands down on a table in the jail disownment scene, which is a common behavioral cue of frustration. And he looks mad... which makes sense because he's in jail! I don't think many other people would be that happy about that situation either. Yet he never hits the glass, threatens his kid physically, or raises his voice more than one time. Did he handle the situation well? No, but I wouldn't call that straight up aggressive.
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He was upset and frustrated, so his body language said that. He's in an extremely stressful situation and is having to mentally process a lot. Everything is going to be big emotions for him, but that doesn't make him aggressive for feeling those.
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And as for the bank robbing stuff? The nearby police didn't know of the crime until the alarm goes off. Most banks have a hidden button at every desk that deals with customers that alerts police silently of a robbery. The fact that the nearby police were clueless means that button was not pressed and therefore the people in the bank likely didn't see them either. They didn't hurt anyone.
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And then, when they were caught by cops later in the movie? They didn't even try to run, let alone fight. Marcus, along with the others, turned himself in without any fuss. Not what you would expect if someone was a violent and aggressive criminal.
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And as for in the second movie? Neither Marcus, Stan, or Barry throw the first punch. In fact, they only act defensively. They're trying to keep the guards out of the theatre. That's it. They don't go out of their way to attack Suki or Jerry when they are just standing there because they aren't posing threats to the troupe. And the gang was just defending them, not going out and picking fights.
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See? Jerry was fine, despite clearly being a Crystal employee. If Marcus or any of the others had been trying to hurt people, he would have been hurt. But they left him alone.
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They even wait to make sure that the guards are going to attack them and only move when they do, going by school rules of "never throw the first punch and make sure you have witnesses to prove you didn't". Technically, since they did that, they could argue self-defense.
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And they did also give them the chance to just walk away as well, gently pushing Jimmy away when he tries to get in.
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Sure, Marcus enjoys boxing. But that doesn't mean he's an aggressive guy. I did years of martial arts and was pretty good at it but I still flinch when I see people get paper cuts and avoid conflict like the plague. It was just a sport I liked. The same is probably true with Marcus.
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Besides, we see Johnny do boxing as well and I don't think anyone could possibly ever call that ball of anxious energy stuffed inside a theatre kid's body aggressive.
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Marcus is not actually committing acts of outright aggression in the two moments that he's commonly marked as being aggressive in. Instead he's upset/frustrated and protective. He never actually harms a character without an actual reason to do so, with the only reason we see being his son potentially being hurt. He's not aggressive, he's just a parent with emotions.
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Poll #100
Character 298: She's a snarky, morally questionable AI lady who hates her job and has little to no regard for human life in general. She often threatens to kill her employees, she killed her programmers, she adores the movie Cats(2019) to an upsetting degree, she likes to make up nicknames for people, she just wants a holiday and frequently takes simulated spa breaks. She's even bisexual!
Character 299: he’s first introduced as the man with a scar. he’s canonically gay but the worst at relationships. he accidentally slept with the prime suspect for the case he’s supposed to be working on. he’s a cop but it’s the cold case unit so it’s probably fine. he’s looking into his dad’s suicide because he thinks he was murdered. his brother used to take child him to drug dens because he wanted to get high and didn’t particularly care about his kid brother. he keeps adopting kids and they keep betraying him. he’s been helping one of the constables to rise through the police force and she calls him sarge and helps bring him back to the world of not being stupid. his godmother is high up in the police force and he aggressively refuses to be part of nepotism and then later on she gets kidnapped. his life is terrible and he gets attached to crime scenes. he received the scar on his face from another member of the police force. he’s insane. i love him
he keeps getting info from the guy in charge of the mob. his friends keep turning out to be serial killers. he & one other police guy keep attacking police corruption but nobody likes them so it’s pretty slow. he has the worst taste in men. he straight up asked one guy “did you kill my dad?” and he once managed to break through a wall in a house on fire by scraping the slightly wet cement out from between the bricks and then running at the wall really hard. he’s literally a lunatic. i love this guy so much
Character 300: A short boy who starts out as a typical nerd stereotype but one rock concert later he starts to unleash his sass, he can be kind of a jerk sometimes actually but most of the time he is a cinnamon roll. Literally sang a rock song about following the rules, yeah. Despite the rock concert he still is and probably always will be obsessed with grades (boy almost got a panic attack because he got an A instead of A+) Has a comfort show that he references to often and trusts more then his own logic when in stressful situation. He is super smart but can't read social cues sometimes. Is often carried like a luggage and ends up okay with that. He litterally cloned himself because he couldn't make any decisions and when he had enough of his clones he went 'oh. wait. I can get revange on my friend-bully now" and he almost did, got pied in the face in the aftermatch though. He's a sweetie pie, the boy ever, one of the best characters in the whole show. You can't hate him, it's impossible.
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keyh0use · 9 months
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in honour of finishing delicate + the fic trailer + because I'm emotional + I don't actually know when I'll post either, have some headcannons from my SOA rafebarry fic that only I care about
☠︎︎ Rafe is the definition of institutionalized, needing structure and guidance to thrive.
☠︎︎ His time inside the prison wasn't wasted. Rafe learned many useful skills and bulked up considerably, he even attended therapy to learn how to control his temper and communicate in better ways, though there was still a lot of work to be done. Getting clean definitely helped.
☠︎︎ The Outer Banks didn't welcome Rafe home with open arms. The words cop killer stalked after him and haunted him late at night, remembering the blood and the gushing and the cries.
☠︎︎ Seeing Barry for the first time was a gut punch, waves of emotion the boy had spent years taming crashing over him. At least it looked like the situation fucked Barry up too, the older man immediately asking if Rafe had come to kill him.
☠︎︎ Tig was the one to take Rafe to pick out a motorcycle and give him some pointers on riding it. The two of them had a different relationship with eachother than with the rest of the club, Tig affectionately calling Rafe son instead of brother and always checking in on him.
☠︎︎ It seemed like wherever Rafe went, Barry happened to be.
☠︎︎ More often than not, Rafe would give in to Barry's invitations to hangout, both of them powering through the awkward conversations and shifty glances. Barry was trying to be like they were before, and Rafe wasn't sure if that was possible.
☠︎︎ Rafe knew Barry was trying, the boy just needed time.
☠︎︎ The Cameron family was in shambles and it hung over the patriarchs head like a target from the other snooty families in Kildare. Sure, Sarah had forgiven their father enough to keep in touch and Wheezie picked up the phone every so often, but it wasn't enough. Of course it wasn't. Nothing was unless it was exactly how Ward wanted it to be, which means Rafe flat out ignoring him just wouldn't do.
☠︎︎ As things start to heat up between the SONS and a rival MC, Jax decides they need extra help to maintain their front. Who better to hire to run the garage than a freelance mechanic who's already old friends with a patched member?
☠︎︎ Rafe just about melts into a puddle when he rolls into the lot to find Barry elbows deep in the guts of a Harley.
☠︎︎ Hating Rafe has brought the pogues back together, more determined than ever to foil his schemes like he's some sort of super villain. The accusations never end.
☠︎︎ Rafe keeps Barry's betrayal from the club, knowing what happens to a rat.
☠︎︎ A can of spilt paint is what finally sends Rafe stumbling over the edge of his finely drawn sanity. Red spreads across the pavement like the mess of sludge from Opie's brain matter that night in solitary after the brutal bludgeoning and Rafe has to empty the contents of his stomach into a bush outside the trailer. The flood gates open when Barry tries to comfort the boy, screams of anger spewing out with Rafe's dinner to fall around them, infecting their newfound sorta friendship. But Barry doesn't lose his cool, instead fighting Rafe until they can embrace. It's that very same night Rafe decides to open up and recount all the gory details of his sentence with a very compassionate, very apologetic Barry.
☠︎︎ Rafe has never admitted what he is out loud in fear of repercussions, once from his father and now from the club, unsure where he would stand. But Tig figures it out the first time he watches Barry and Rafe interact, the way they share inside jokes and shove eachother playfully and sneak lingering touches.
☠︎︎ Tig knows—Tig knows and he doesn't beat the shit out of Rafe like Ward has so many times. Tig knows Rafe is gay and all he does is press a kiss to the boy's forehead and pull him into a comforting embrace before the tears even have a chance to start leaking out.
☠︎︎ Time is filled with violent days followed closely by peaceful nights with Barry by his side, feeling content even as tensions between MC's grow and Ward tries again and again to force his way.
☠︎︎ Rafe confided in Tig that he wasn't sure if Barry was into him, let alone boys.
"He's at least half gay," Tig tells Rafe while peeking out from behind a curtain to watch Barry work. "Yup, I can see it in the way he wipes his hands with that rag."
It's ridiculous but makes Rafe laugh, feeling a little lighter at having someone to talk to.
☠︎︎ Meeting the Reaper for the second time in his short life has Rafe making the bold decision to come clean to Barry about his feelings, convinced he's not going to get lucky twice as the infection from the bullet wound spreads.
☠︎︎ Rafe doesn't have a moment to himself in the stark white hospital room, sterile environment feeling warm and safe in the company of his brothers, and Barry.
☠︎︎ Rafe and Barrys first kiss is bloody and violent, split lips and possessive hands.
☠︎︎ Being with Barry is the sunlight Rafe's been missing since he was eighteen and convicted of murder one. All those years he spent imagining what it would be like sinking toes into warm sand and feeling salt water on his skin that came from a source other than his own bloodshot eyes...only to come back and feel nothing. The OBX provided him no comfort, no happiness...but Barry snuck in and lit him up, kept him full of hope and want and potential.
☠︎︎ Taking his place on the older man's lap, Rafe patiently watches Barry sew his Men of Mayhem patch onto his cut—awarded to those who kill in the clubs name.
☠︎︎ Rafe would commit horrendous, rotten acts and return to Barry in the aftermath, violet knuckles kissed and every scar worshipped, before the older man would bury somewhere deep in him and ease away the last traces of guilt with each thrust.
☠︎︎ Tig confessing to the club he's been dating the call-girl the club did business with, who happens to be a trans woman, makes Rafe feel safe enough to disclose his own relationship.
☠︎︎ Later, when Jax and Rafe have a moment alone the boy is pulled into a full body hug, a rough hand on the back of his head caressing affectionately. "I love you, brother," Jax says softly, just like he has a hundred times before.
☠︎︎ Rafe is happy. There are internal issues with the club and with his family, still, but it's okay because things have been looking up. Besides, his relationship is perfect.
☠︎︎ As Ward's efforts grow desperate, his motives starting to present themselves.
☠︎︎ "This life...it ain't romantic or free. There's no path to anything that makes any sense. It's just dirty and sad, and we both know it's only going to get worse."
I decided to leave out the NSFW headcannons because it's a whole other thing, but I'll post it soon
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Detective Darren Wilden x Reader (x Jason Dilaurentis) || Oneshot
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Plot: Jason DiLaurentis irritates and intimidates Wilden. So when a certain DiLaurentis is finished 'showing the principal who's boss', and he runs into Wilden going through Toby's locker... and you (One of Wilden's favourite torture victim's, apart from the girls) are sneaking by to the get something out of your classroom- lines get crossed and you're unfortunately put in the middle. Fucking Wilden, that douchebag.
Warnings: Original Jason D! Because he's scary and I love him. Also this fic is just a mess of drama.
"Ahh, L/N."
Oh shit, fuck, crap, noodle- Rolling my eyes deeply up into my skull as I stop moving, not at all surprised but none the less frustrated at getting caught sneaking by, I slowly turn around; Painting a a very forced, closed mouth smile to my lips. "Oh... " You're here, Wilden. That's great. I didn't see you. Nooo, I was not sneaking behind your back... "Hi." My voice comes out dry- I didn't even try to sound pleased. Its Wilden.
The detective smirks smugly at you, as you stare boredly up at him. His hand hovers above your upper arm, mere centre metres from touching you, but seeming to think better of it as he instead gestures to the other man present instead, who is not a cop searching poor Toby's locker. "Have you met Mr DiLaurentis, here?"
What? Don't you use me as a scape goat, Wilden, I swear to god- "Um, no," I turn with a slightly more polite heir about me, to Mr DiLaurentis' and offer my hand, with a little smile. "It’s nice to meet you, I'm Y/N- Is Wilden here harassing you, too?"
Wilden's head snaps down to you with a stern expression on his irritating face. Mr DiLaurentis, on the other hand, smiles quite charmingly at me and takes my hand- giving it a nice, firm shake. "Mr DiLaurentis is my dad- Call me Jason." I nod, in return, smiling. "And, no. I think I intimidate him… a little more. Sorry to hear you're struggling, with him; Anything I can do?"
Giggling, I shake my head. "No, thank you." Then, I turn back to Wilden, and raise my eyebrows. Can I go, now? "I actually just came here to pick up something from my classroom."
Jason's eyes darken immediately, at hearing me. "You're a student?" His eyes flick to Wilden, and I can imagine what's going through his head. I hear Wilden sigh.
"Oh!- No, no, sorry. I have work placement here. I go to Hollis, getting my teaching degree." Pointing my thumb back towards the bane of my existence, I shrug. "Before I got work placement I worked weekends doing office work at the Police station. He got attached, and misses me."
It’s a good enough excuse.
Wilden lets out a puff of a scoff behind me, breath brushing the back of my head. "Don't flatter yourself, L/N."
"Oh, I'm not." Neither Wilden or I look at each other through this interaction, instead I look to Jason. He's rather amused by us, it seems, the little devious smile on his face proof of that. I roll my eyes to him, about Wilden. "Anyway- Goodluck. I gotta go."
Jason nods.
"It was nice meeting you."
"You too- " I turn to cross the hall and get into my classroom, but this time Wilden actually does grab me- manoeuvring me back in front of him and in front of Jason. I flash a very awkward smile at the DiLaurentis. "Guess I'm not going anywhere... "
"Anyway, the reason I called you over, is, I thought Jason here- "
"Mr DiLaurentis, to you."
"Right... " Wilden agrees, patting my arm as I give a snort, like- Shut up. "Well, I just thought he might want to ask you questions about Toby. I already did, but," He looks up at Jason, who's eyebrows of shot up his forehead, a curious, smug look on his face. "Maybe you can get more out of her."
What- For the first time today, Jason's evil eye is turned on me instead of Wilden, but my head snaps up to look accusingly behind me, at Daren. "... Like I said- Toby's a sweet kid. I don't think he had anything to do with- "
"Why, Detective?" Jason cuts me off and my eyes snap to him now, blazing. But he's looking at Wilden, too, now. I do not like this situation. I do not like it one bit. Not letting me leave, talking over me, ignoring me... What the hell? "You need me to do your job for you?"
I now move out of Wilden's grasp, his hands slipping off me as I step away. He's too busy glaring at Jason. "Oookay, Wilden, I’m just gonna head off- Nice meeting you Jason... “
I thought no one was paying any attention to me as they continue to argue, but Wilden grabs my arm again before I can walk away; Pulling me back. “Stop right there.”
“I wanna talk to you after I’m done with this.”
“You have my phone number, Darren.” Darren- I rarely call him that. But it exhumes a certain lack of respect compared to Detective or Wilden, that is just perfectly accurate to how I feel about the Detective, so I use it. He looks at me once I’ve said it, focusing on me for half a moment rather than Jason - Mr Dilaurentis, -, and I feel my heart hammer in my chest. Oh… how in the world did I used to think this man was cute…
Now he’s the bane of my existence.
A smirk flickers across his face, then. It’s different from his usual cruel, suspicious, i-know-what-you-did kind of rueful, grin. It’s almost comfortable, and my heart is thrown entirely out of whack by it. What?- “Well, I have you here now. So no need to call- Y/N.”
My first name coming out of his mouth causes me to consciously scowl, but it also generates a certain, uncomfortable flapping feeling in my stomach somewhat like giant, carnivorous butterflies. Giving him a careful, raised eyebrow look, I lift my arm out of his grip. Like, I’ll wait- but let go.
He does so, not caring, and turns back to Jason who curiously witnessed that odd interaction.
As they talk for a few more moments, before thankfully Jason gets a phone call and bids his goodbyes to Wilden and I, I try to curb that odd fluttery feeling inside me. There’s no way its regular butterflies- not for Wilden. He’s handsome, sure, but he’s also gross and a dick. And he likes to harass me- which isn’t charming at all. Rather unpleasant, in fact.
Though… he has never outright scared me. Or made me feel in the least bit threatened, miraculously- so there’s that about our ‘relationship’. He’s never even come close to making me feel unsafe when he’s in the general vicinity, despite grabbing me every now and then which is not entirely unpleasant but I’m still not thrilled about. In fact, when he’s around, even when I worked in the police station, I felt somewhat… safe. Even with burglars and fighters all around giving me the occasional once-over or glower, I knew he had it under control. It was like- Oh there’s Wilden. I hate his guts; I’m glad he’s here to do his job.
And so I wait, until Jason has turned the corner, when I have Wilden’s total attention. Turning to him, I raise a brow. “So?”
“You’re taking precautions, right?” Wilden asks suddenly, looking very serious.
I’m caught by surprise, for a moment. … What? Is Darren Wilden expressing… concern, for me? Wow, a momentous day. “Uhh… I think so?... “
“As someone who was close to Cavenaugh, you need to be. Lock your doors and your windows at night and carry pepper spray.” I gape. What!?
“I am not going to carry pepper spray- “More importantly, I am not going to pepper spray, Toby!
Sighing, I shift my weight under his gaze; Not listening to the lecture he is now bestowing upon me. I see now- he’s just doing his cop thing. Making sure those close to the defendant don’t become future victims. But I’m not afraid of Toby and Wilden psyching me out is not going to change that. “-are you hearing me?”
Snapping out of my trance of ignoring him, I nod. “Yep.”
He just sets me with a look, that reads; No your weren’t. And he knows it- special detective powers, and all that. I cross my arms. “Are you done, now??”
“No- do you even own pepper spray, Y/N?” Okay so now he’s just calling me by my first name all-casual?? Fuck.
I give a shrug. “No, I don’t- “
“I’ll get you some.” The smug bastard smirks, because he damn well knows I want nothing from him.
“Oh no you will not- “
“And I want you to start keeping your phone on- seem to remember you have a bad habit of turning it off. You need it on, so- “
“You can reach me?? Maybe that’s exactly why its off.” Flame rages beyond my eyes, tensions rising.
He smirks, and its infuriating to me. “So you can call the cops, if you need us. But… yeah, if I need to talk to you, I need you to be reachable.” God, he just gets worse and worse. What part of our relationship is not clear? He is no position be demanding I be available to him all the time!
“You are exasperating!! No, I’m not going to do what you say- and you’re not getting me pepper spray. In fact!” Taking out my phone now from my back pocket, I quite obviously shut it all the way off under his swiftly darkening gaze. “There. Are we clear?”
“And don’t call me that!”
“Y/N,” He suddenly steps forward, and time seems to slow to crawl abruptly as his hand wraps around mine holding the phone and his other grabs hold of my waist, and he backs me up into biting steal- lockers. “… turn that back on.”
“… Why!?”
“Because I need you to be safe!” He shouts, but I don’t blink.
I’m still feeling utterly confused, as I search his furious face. “Why!? This doesn’t make any sense to me, Wilden!- We hate eachother, don’t we??”
His eyes widen for a split moment, before narrowing once again even worse; Teeth gritting behind his lips. And the next words that pass through, make time start up again- this time, 2 times the speed of before. My hearts beating erratically in my chest and he’s so close that I can feel his doing the same, and suddenly all I want is for the dam to break. “No.”
“… then show me.”
The words are barely out of my mouth before Wilden’s lips are on mine. I immediately melt into the lockers behind me, the feeling this terrifying, clarifying kiss brings with it enough to make me forget my own name. Why I hate him, why I like him, why I shouldn’t do this- it goes flying and before I know it I’m guiding him into my classroom. He’s locking the door behind us, and fighting to keep my mouth to his even as I back up to my desk at the front; His tie between my fingers.
Slowly his blazer is the first thing to go, then my sweater. And then his hands are on my thighs- mine on his belt- All the while we’re kissing, and its amazing. I’ve never been kissed like that before.
But then suddenly the music comes to a crashing end, like someone pulled the plug. Because the walkie strapped to Darren’s hip is crackling, a clear male voice speaking through it.
He picks it up and responds into it, voice a little huskier then usual…
But he’s Wilden again. Detective Wilden.
Just like that.
Clearing my throat awkwardly, sitting on my desk and feeling ridiculous, I try to gather my composure again; Letting go of his black tie. Okay… Oh, fuck. What just happened?
Once he’s done talking, having been summoned somewhere, he looks back at me and I - albeit, grudgingly, - meet his eyes. “… I have to go.”
“I gathered.”
“What just happened… - “
“Won’t happen again,” I assure, ready to go right back to how things were, but then his hands encircle my waist again and he leans back between my legs. Eyes wide, I almost back up when he goes to kiss me again.
This kiss is much softer; Makes me melt as I grant him access, then, inside my mouth. It only lasts a few unexpectedly lovely moments before he finishes and gives me one of his infuriating smirks- which I’m glad to find that, despite this odd slip, is still very much infuriating. “No. Just… Don’t go forgetting it before I see you again, alright?” Grabbing his jacket, he heads to the door. “And keep your damn phone on, I swear to god.”
His footsteps slowly disappear down the school hallway, and I’m left alone to my thoughts. No, I think, I certainly won’t be forgetting it.
But I won’t be turning my phone back on, either. If he wants to see me, he’s going to have to come find me.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
I wouldn't be mad if Megan came out with a song that called out every person in the industry by name who shitted on her during that trial… lyrically destroy them! The fact that there are still people defending him disgusts me. I’ll never understand this obsession with wanting assault victims to be liars. i will get back to my rant in a moment but i need to say that i always want the world to burn and pay for their crimes for their mistreatment of black women.
it’s not just meg. Rihanna, Kelis, Tina Turner, Ashanti, Keke Palmer, Dee Barnes, Michel'le, & so many other Black women were done wrong
Aaliyah never really came forward. But when the news broke that she was illegally married to R. Kelly she was shamed as if she wasn’t a victim. You can literally look up what happened during that time. Her industry peers was still working with him & didn’t give a damn.
Robin Givens was framed as a “gold digger” & was victim blamed after Mike Tyson abused. The Black community was terrible to her. Despite Mike Tyson saying in his book that punching Robin Givens “was the best punch I've ever thrown in my entire life.”…
People were nasty as hell to K Michelle when she accused Memphitz of abusing her. Only for him to later admit that he actually abused her. I can’t recall anyone who dogged her out in his defense recanting or even apologizing for the harm they brought to her.
Biggie used to abuse tf out of Lil Kim & instead of people acknowledging what happened to her they just rush to talk about her plastic surgeries (as a result of abuse btw)
Karruche, Tyra Banks , Kimora Lee Simmons , Tisha Campbell etc. all lost jobs and opportunities for speaking up
The police leaked Rihanna’s nude pictures from her phone. Nas & Dr Dre are still pillars in the community. People made fun of Keke hiding from Trey. The women of love & hip hop basically told K. Michelle she was lying. Like come the tf on. Society doesn’t care about victims especially if they are black.
if you support a nasty person who hates bw and intentionally harms them and abusers, then you’re dead to me and you can go to hell you abuser and anti bw slut!
Now back to that Canadian pos.
It’s the way he’s gone out of his way so many times to avoid accountability and paint him as innocent it’s disgusting. The narcissism. The sociopathy. The way he played the victim
Overall, Tory’s ego is why he is in the predicament that he’s in. Not because of him shooting a woman (a problem in itself). Had he owned up to what he did & took a plea deal, he would’ve been better off. He would have never had to face two decades of prison and deportation, just a couple of years in jail and that’ would be it.
& We all know folks love an abuser redemption arc. I just see it now “he took accountability for what he did” “he changed” “he’s showing growth”.. So folks would’ve ate that up! 🙃🙃 like you can’t redeem those who haven’t genuinely repented
God really blessed him with the worst team/lawyers possible. Still remember his lawyer acting a fool. “Y’all come back with a not guilty verdict yet?” He really thought social media was the judge and jury 🤣😂🤣😂
He thought the fact other misogynists and abusers were loudly backing him meant he would've gotten off. Womp womp!
she more of a real nigga than him. she was just gone let that shit ride but he started talking shit. He should have been grateful that she didn’t turn his dusty behind to the cops at the crime scene at first, she was gonna let him off the hook and was willing to let the whole situation go as well? She was being extremely gracious but he chose clownery, he still decided to run his mouth & drag her on the internet now he’s jailed. It’s what he deserves.
the fact that she literally tried to protect him from the police at first despite what he did to her. she was literally willing to let it go and try to move on, HE dragged it and was in the blogs calling her a liar.
Literally or just not say anything if no one else was saying anything he decided to drag it a be corny
if a mf show you mercy, just take that lesson and keep it pushing. At the very least be grateful. Most people would have turned that person who shot them that same night and called the cops. When people grace you you better not take it for granted.
I swear people be getting too big for they britches and think fat meat ain’t greasy.
i say this all the time not once did he show a ounce of empathy or even keep quiet , he was antagonizing her for a whole 2 years straight being the ring leader having ppl encourage his disgusting behavior, Literally all he has to blame is his ego. Megan had no initial intention of cooperating with the state/cops or outing him as the shooter. He could have gotten away with this if he wasn't such an egotistical, opportunistic, entitled, sociopathic, narcissistic, misogynist prick. so now he’ll have plenty of time to think about his actions and I hope they deport that leprechaun with the quickness 🫶🏾 .
It’s definitely his fault and I’m glad to see him burn.
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fandom-susceptible · 7 months
Supernatural Rewatch S1E6 Skin
Is the color balancing this bad for the whole series or is it just the site I'm watching it on? Everything's so washed out.
*wheezing* oh my god I forgot Sam being like "oh I'm an innocent college student just like you but Dean's totally a cop" to convince his friend Becky they could help. Like these two really just spout off the most insane stories about each other to strangers and the other one just rolls with it.
It hurts me watching Sam try so hard to maintain friendships outside of hunting and Dean be convinced he shouldn't. Because Dean couldn't.
The random leanings into animals being aware of the paranormal is kinda hilarious in this show with it being so inconsistent. Like right here, this one dog's aware of Shit Going Down with the murder. But this only comes up at random intervals.
"That's not like any camera flare I've ever seen" Sam says. Have you looked at much video, Sammy? It's. This is random eye shine.
Okay but fr what ARE they doing there at 5:30 in the morning? Also, can Sam stop bitch facing for two seconds and answer the question instead of dragging everything out?
What made them think the ambulance going by had anything to do with their case?? This is in a city. Ambulances go by all the time, unfortunately, for good reasons and bad.
Why do these two keep having conversations about their cases in broad daylight in public? It's a wonder they weren't caught more often than they were. Or were the cops just over there like "yk what we don't get paid to go after the crazies that we don't have a current crime connected to." Also why didn't they get in worlds of trouble opening a manhole cover, again in broad daylight on a busy city street right next to a crime scene?
Can Sam quit bitching and just acknowledge that Dean's right about the lying to his friends bit and how bad it can go?
Sam can't see shit apparently, and also can't aim.
Again, these two should be in worlds of trouble for fucking around with manholes in busy public areas.
Sam walking around trying real hard not to tip anybody off, meanwhile Dean just runs down the street with a gun in hand. How many times has he been arrested?
Ok props to Sam for calling the shapeshifter on his shit so quickly, but also be a little more decisive bro this is how we end up in shitty situations.
Jensen's acting is phenomenal. I also think it's interesting how the shapeshifter (from Dean's POV, speaking from Dean's memories) says "I know I'm a freak." The stress pattern there on just the first "I", as if it isn't that Sam's actually different - it's that Sam doesn't know, refuses to know, that he's also a freak. And it's that ignorance that lets him have that shot at a normal life, it's that ignorance that Dean's jealous of. Then we get into Dean's abandonment issues, straight into the deep end, the shapeshifter pretty much confirming that Dean's sluttiness is a substitute for the real connection he wants but isn't getting from anybody.
What the hell was the yell back there when she screamed, Jensen? It wasn't even like, a Menacing Roar noise, he just fuckin yelled the same way lmao, it's so funny
why is the makeup identical on every woman the shapeshifter's attacked this episode. I could swear every single one has had the bandage wrapped around the head, bruising on the cheeks, three lines of blood dripping down the right shoulder, hair caked in the same spot . . .
I remember the shapeshifting scene really hitting me in the creepy feelings the first time I watched this but this time I was just fascinated by how much Jensen's changed over the years. He packed on so much more muscle over the next four years alone.
They really just like tying these men up don't they? And Dean is so much more relaxed about it than Sam is, and there's so many fun headcanons you could pack into that. Is it angst? Was he just trained to it? Or does he just Like It?
"Did Jessica know?" "No, she didn't." Yeah, because you weren't. doing it then. Sam. "What can I do, it's my family" you're literally only back because you've got it out for Jessica's killer, it's still about you, mfer. Why do you try to pretend it's for Dean?
Do they ever go back to St. Louis? I could swear they do. Shouldn't it come up more that Dean's wanted for murder there? They had the one season where the FBI were hot on their tails but then the angels started getting involved and we suddenly got a whole lot less of the consequences of the boys' actions.
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I'll actually tell you what happened.
Monday morning I was doing laundry near my apartment when I noticed a shirtless and barefoot man laying in the middle of an intersection as I walked to the store after putting my stuff into the machines. Someone was already calling an ambulance so I asked the guy on the floor if he was okay, he said no and curled up on the floor and closed his eyes. Knowing an ambulance was coming the guy who called the ambulance and I tried to stop traffic from running him over as he presented no threat to anyone.
At that time some guy smoking a blunt and drinking something comes out and starts to engage with the guy on the floor. He starts tell the guy "you're crazy aren't you, you want to fight don't you. Ill kick your ass" He starts egging the guy on, makes him get up and tells him to square up and swing at him. At this point he let us all know his dad is a cop and hes going to call the cops now on this guy who wants to fight.
I think the cop thing is important, it became clear to me this guy who just looking to act tough. He came out looking to get this guy to swing at him knowing then he could beat this guy up and tell his cop dad it was "self defense".
The guy on the floor in some kind of drunk manic state of course got up and started squaring up to fight and got super agitated and nearly got himself hit by a car. He also nearly knocked over an old man and then wandered away agitated into the neighborhood. This absolutely made me fucking livid. He took a perfectly under control situation and made it fucking worse. Instead of this man being taken in an ambulance he was now off who knows where to probably meet up with aggressive cops instead of a damn EMT. So I told him so. I told him what he did was fucking unhelpful and stupid.
He of course got mad and started yelling and threatening me. Telling me he helped people all the time and i was doing nothing while he handled it. That I was a bitch ass nigga and pathetic. He told me he would kick my ass and that he would call his fat brother to beat my fat ass with him. He kept demanding I swing at him for disrespecting him. I of course refused. I wasn't looking to fight but I refused like my neighbors to let some asshole put someone in danger for whatever pathetic validation they wanted.
He clearly also didn't want to fight me on anything approaching fair terms. He yelled and yelled and followed me up the block but never got close to me. He waited for me at the store but stayed across the street. He mentioned his age and three kids and kept mentioning his dad too. It was clearly what he wanted, he wanted me to swing at him so its self defense then him and his boys jump me and his cop dad will then get him off as "I told him my dad was a cop and he attacked me. it was self defense"
I will not be goaded into doing that though. Like what kind of grown ass man tells you he is going to call his brother to help him handle his shit. I refuse to engage with such a bitch ass limp dick little punk.
I grew up in a scene with dudes who didn't act tough or put on a front. Most looked like any other person. However they were not to be fucked with because while they wouldn't start a fight they knew how to handle a fight. I feel the same way. I will not risk my freedom taking a swing at someone clearly looking for some pathetic validation but if this guy thinks he can harass me or intimidate me he has something else coming to him.
I am a sensitive caring fat man who just wants to pet cats and make my silly posts. I will always help you if I can. However never ever think I am some fucking push over. I will fuck your shit up, Ive done it before, I can do it again. I hope this guy doesn't need to learn that lesson the hard way.
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sprite-real · 2 years
How do the boys act at a Halloween Party? Slasher Headcanons.
Characters: Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Candyman, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Sam, Sinclair brothers, Billy and Stu.
Tonight was the night for Halloween and a Halloween party was thrown, originally not for the Slashers, but once they get in they’re mistaken to have killer costumes and are just now sitting in the room.
Please do not repost, claim/steal my writing.
The night was chaos when all the boys were brought together, like lord.
Michael was first at the house, he was blood thirsty and ready to kill.
When the front door opened while he was sneaking around, the person gave off a fake scream and laugh and welcomed him in.
Confused, he followed anyways, and slowly more and more of the slashers would follow.
Bubba was covering his ears and whimpering as the costumes scared him and the music was too loud. He had no idea how he got dragged into the party but he HATED it. He doesn’t even know how he ended up here, one moment him and his twin brothers were trick or treating and suddenly Nubbins and Chop Top were dragging him into a house.
Thomas was beside Bubba, trying to comfort his alternate. He ends up taking Bubba outside and brought him some fruit punch and cookies. Thomas didn’t really care for the party, he’d rather be at home asleep if anything.
Daniel was called through the mirror, and instead of hooking somebody’s face, he was grabbed by his hand and hook and was pulled out to dance. He actually really enjoyed it, he was hated for years and suddenly people were having fun with him, dancing. He ended up flirting with a few people too.
Michael Myers was merely standing around, scaring people because he’d be around the corner. He did get some entertainment out of it, but he doesn’t really like parties, he ended up stabbing a few people and almost eating the house owner’s dog. 😬
Jason was overall confused and overwhelmed, he had never been to a Halloween party. He studied the room before joining in on some dancing, but grew really shy, so he went to sit by the food bar and ended up fighting Michael over the dog. A small brawl between the two over a dog.
Sam is at the candy bucket, eating every single piece. He’s getting away with it too because he’s so god damn adorable. People were cheering him on too like he was chugging the candy like it was fruit punch, rather wild. Sam did enjoy the Halloween party a lot and he approved that people were following his rules set for this haunted day.
Vincent was mostly walking about, admiring people’s handmade costumes, the paintings or art pieces in the house. Vincent hasn’t really been in a social situation like this so he was just mostly chilling. He wanted to go home and get back to work on his art projects and doesn’t know how his brothers convinced him to leave the basement or even the house.
Bo is a fucking party animal, he’s chugging beer left and right and passing out on the floor. Honestly that’s how I can see it, just him passing out somewhere, having Vincent and Lester drag him home.
Lester on the other hand is either everyone’s favorite or least favorite at the party, no in-between. He’s having fun telling his stories, showing off his knife and whatever else he has on his person, he’s on the dance floor. Literally had a blast and was a bit mad that Bo had to pass out on them, making them go home early.
Billy was dragged by Stu and honestly sat in the corner for the most part with Michael, he went around and occasionally flirted but other than that, he went home early, leaving Stu there.
Stu and Lester became instant besties, they were partying up a storm and overall having a great time. Literally cling to Lester’s leg when he was trying to leave wailing dramatically. He’s also the reason why the neighbors called the cops, he ended up fleeing through the window, shattering it and running down the street, more than likely with no shoes on.
Bubba and Thomas were already gone as soon as they saw the police lights, both BOLTED, Bubba squealing in fear and Thomas focused on just getting the hell out of there.
Daniel wasn’t too worried, if anything he just disappeared as soon as the cops go into the house. Along with Sam, Sam just hobbled out, full of candy and took off into the streets, never to be seen again until next year.
Jason hurried his ass out before anything, he got out through the back door and scrambled to the woods.
Michael Myers straight up stabbed a few cops before getting shot at several times. He ended up arrested but stabbed his way out of jail, like the old badass he is.
Overall, Halloween was chaos this year.
Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you enjoyed, I was thinking of giving you a Halloween treat and I hope you got a good chuckle out of the crack writing I did. Have a safe Halloween!🎃🎃
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
Soap opera: picard ep 3
You know that moment? That moment where picard and beverly are standing in silence for a few beats too long to be comfortable across the room from each other (nice intentional usage of wide screen format, btw) and they didn’t score it so it really Was an uncomfortable silence? Half way through that silence? That’s where they should have played the eastenders theme (it is the most prolific and well known british soap opera). 
any of y’all who can vid??? bc that’d be iconic
anyway, the episode mvp’s were Sidney LaForge, Seven, Worf and Raffi. I love you all. 
Worf recently swallowed a self help book and i am Living for it. 
the good cop bad cop they had going on here was Impeccable. It is unfortunate that is perfectly juxtaposed the hyped up melodrama of the other part of this episode and made it look even worse by proxy. There was drama with these two, raffi’s a mess, the situation is dire (if not as immediate), but it was still personable and not over the top. There were even laughs! 
Like i get that they’re all stressed but you know that episode of snw when they’re first attacked by the gorn in that nebula? How good that was? How tense it was? How they didn’t rely on interpersonal melodrama with people being obtuse to manufacture excess drama because they realised it wasn’t needed with an already dire situation?
anyway i saw some comments @ the holo scene with Troi before i saw the ep and i was worried but it wasn’t half as bad as implied. I mean, that’s such a typical dudebro scene and my eyes are rolling so Hard but there was no sign deanna was in danger at any point in the birth. The baby can be in danger without the parent being in danger. Like, slower heartrate in utero can make doctors panic while the parent is still 100% healthy. Seems to me like they didn’t like the baby’s vitals so called Will but it turned out he was fine. (my niece did this. panicked a fair number of people for an 100% healthy baby.) 
i’m not even going to go Into the whole justification stuff here other than to say that if she was gonna do that, just have the decency to own it properly instead of whatever that was. If he forgives her in the course of this season I call bullshit. Nobody has that done to them and gets over it quickly, not after so much was lost that will never be recovered. If i liked either of them a lot, and if i shipped them properly, i’d be distraught over this turn of events. And before i get some smart ass saying she didn’t have to tell him, well Clearly she didn’t bc she’s not exactly under arrest right now, but everybody else has a right to think what they want of her for what she Did do. And it was objectively shitty to him. I don’t even like the dude and it grinds my gears. 
'you’re insane’ with seven @ jack after that punch dfjffdjfdkdkd the Line delivery here. That seven and jack get on makes total sense! no notes. 
 will gets points for lasting so long before telling picard to sod off, BUt, is it captain of the titan disease to not own up to your own orders??? first shaw and now will??? sure Picard was being an irritant but damn dude he who ordered it dealt it and he didn’t wrest command from you. 
Unless u meant what happened in the Last episode and not this once, which, fair, but instead i call bad writing bc you instinctually look for what they Just did and picard was actually right in that if they can’t run they have to fight back at that point, which is the Only reason Will actually did fight back, so yeah... 
if the entire resuscitation sequence starting from the turbo lift did not last exactly seventeen seconds i will ask them why they even bothered tbh 
the changeling special effects have certainly improved
tho i sense i will rue the day i never got past the halfway mark of s1 of ds9 
beheading day is on wednesday
worf i love you. You’re a much better intelligence officer than a lawyer. Yeah i rewatched the movie this week in ode to the Plummer family. 
if we see seven with a hair out of place next week we know she’s been copied. I figure that this point she has mess resistant hair. 
will telling jack to call him captain lollllllllllllllllllllllllll 
the portal warfare??? super cool!!!! 
i was both amused by Shaw noping out of captaincy and also irritated by it. Like i get it dude, but still... I suppose i forgive him for being potentially fatally injured. The man is a class A jerk in a situation where he’s not actually in the wrong and that always grinds the gears. 
hearing seven call herself commander hansen in a rote way was weirdly upsetting. 
but really. The drama of interpersonal relationships Added onto the drama of the plot was too much. The tension between picard and beverly. the tension between picard and jack. the tension between riker and picard. The tension between beverly and the medical staff. the crew side eyeing jack. too much. Tone it down. they’re all already injured, being hunted, AND you have a changeling sabotaging you. Too much at once. 
now my ideal seven and raffi spin off involves worf being on the cast as well. Before it was the two of them and Elnor and his pet cat. Maybe Miral Paris. If we can have a baby LaForge we can have her. 
honestly i would have had way less notes for this ep if the snw one similar to it wasn’t so recent and so much better lol
anyway, i hope next week’s one won’t be as.. much... as this. 
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jaydonsjam · 1 year
Werewolf By Night XII
Werewolf By Night #22-23
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Werewolf By Night #22-26 - writer: Doug Moench | penciler: Don Perlin (22-26) | inker: Vince Colletta (22-24), Don Perlin (25-26)
The Werewolf fights a disfigured actor! Steve Rand is out for vengeance on everyone who worked on the movie that caused his disfigurement. I gotta wonder if Jason Voorhees’ face was based on Rand’s (or Atlas as he calls himself) because it’s a spitting image of Jason. I checked the dates cause it was bothering me and Friday the 13th didn’t release until 1980 while this comic came out in 1974. Just to put it to bed, since you aren’t hearing my voice or tone, I’m kidding but look at that resemblance!
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Anyways, I liked the story here but it does hit on the same type of themes that we’ve seen this comic cover already. Jack fights another monster and accidentally plays hero. I did enjoy the framing around Hollywood and movie sets. That made for an interesting backdrop into the motivations for the villain. Don Perlin did a great job drawing the action sequences and fights. A fun read but it’s also been a couple weeks since I last read this comic so maybe I just missed reading this series but either way, I liked this arc. Plus Buck Cowan actually had stuff to do and a real reason to be in this storyline which I loved.
Werewolf By Night #24-26
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The Hangman returns! We get two antagonists in this three issue arc which ends in a three-way-fight at the end of #26. We find out a Doctor by the name of Winston Redditch has developed a serum which is meant to remove the “evil” animalistic side of humans leaving only the “good side”. The problem is that he’s a terrible scientist and doesn’t label his own beakers so he accidentally mixed it wrong and in a Jekyll and Hyde type situation he drinks the evil one! Seriously this dude is an idiot but whatever I can look past it. He then becomes DePrayve and starts wrecking havoc on Los Angeles. Now what does this have to do with Jack Russell? Well Buck wants to get the serum and see if it cures Jack of his lycanthropy. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t work. How does The Hangman come into the story? Well he tracks the carnage that DePrayve had wrought and found Redditch and Werewolf fighting. Instead he bides his time and strikes at Jack when he’s running through the city and in a callback to his previous appearance, strings Jack up by his noose. It was interesting to see The Hangman come back but he ultimately gets captured by cops. I still find the idea that he sees everything as black and white and if you stray in between at all, it means you deserve to be punished and dead. The three-way-fight was cool enough. I dug all of the action and I’m glad they took care of The Hangman pretty quickly because that was already starting to feel like a retread. The Jekyll and Hyde wannabe DePrayve plot line with the serum ended up not working so it felt like a waste. It was just another reason and monster for our Werewolf to fight. It does seem like Lissa is going to take center stage soon so I’m interested in that Werewolf plot line with her to be tied up but besides that and Moon Knight coming up, this book seems to just cycle through similar antagonists a bit too much.
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Poll #100 2nd place RUNOFF
Character 299: he’s first introduced as the man with a scar. he’s canonically gay but the worst at relationships. he accidentally slept with the prime suspect for the case he’s supposed to be working on. he’s a cop but it’s the cold case unit so it’s probably fine. he’s looking into his dad’s suicide because he thinks he was murdered. his brother used to take child him to drug dens because he wanted to get high and didn’t particularly care about his kid brother. he keeps adopting kids and they keep betraying him. he’s been helping one of the constables to rise through the police force and she calls him sarge and helps bring him back to the world of not being stupid. his godmother is high up in the police force and he aggressively refuses to be part of nepotism and then later on she gets kidnapped. his life is terrible and he gets attached to crime scenes. he received the scar on his face from another member of the police force. he’s insane. i love him
he keeps getting info from the guy in charge of the mob. his friends keep turning out to be serial killers. he & one other police guy keep attacking police corruption but nobody likes them so it’s pretty slow. he has the worst taste in men. he straight up asked one guy “did you kill my dad?” and he once managed to break through a wall in a house on fire by scraping the slightly wet cement out from between the bricks and then running at the wall really hard. he’s literally a lunatic. i love this guy so much
Character 300: A short boy who starts out as a typical nerd stereotype but one rock concert later he starts to unleash his sass, he can be kind of a jerk sometimes actually but most of the time he is a cinnamon roll. Literally sang a rock song about following the rules, yeah. Despite the rock concert he still is and probably always will be obsessed with grades (boy almost got a panic attack because he got an A instead of A+) Has a comfort show that he references to often and trusts more then his own logic when in stressful situation. He is super smart but can't read social cues sometimes. Is often carried like a luggage and ends up okay with that. He litterally cloned himself because he couldn't make any decisions and when he had enough of his clones he went 'oh. wait. I can get revange on my friend-bully now" and he almost did, got pied in the face in the aftermatch though. He's a sweetie pie, the boy ever, one of the best characters in the whole show. You can't hate him, it's impossible.
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I have got to the point where when someone makes an obviously bullshit accusation of someone being a russian misinfo bot if you say anything critical of biden, that's an automatic block.
You KNOW they're not a bot. You just refuse to engage in good faith with what they're saying. You know the things biden does are indefensible, so you don't defend them, instead you make up different stuff to pretend the commenter said, stuff that's a lot easier to argue against, and talk to them like they're a moron. "Oh, and trump's gonna be better how, exactly?" That would be an easy argument to win, if the other person had actually said that. But they didn't. You created a strawman to argue against instead, and are gonna be loud and aggressive about it so they'll just shut up, and you won't have to worry about the ethical implications of defending an evil status quo.
Biden lied, right from the beginning, about having personally seen the nonexistant photos of beheaded babies. He used that to try to trick us into consenting to help them bomb the bejesus out of a captive population.
Biden supports the ban on tiktok, which has been giving the american people a perspective not pre-filtered by major u.s. news sources and social media. If we don't hear those nasty facts, we might stop complaining about helping them do it.
He's also denying that it's a genocide and letting his press people get pissy at reporters when they press them about it.
Biden supports the suppression of the protesting students. Not a surprise, because the BLM protests and what led to them inspired him to tell us how much he loves the cops, and how the answer to police brutality is to just give them more and more money and support.
Let me emphasize this further: biden has access to more information on this situation than possibly any other. There is no question he knows what is actively going on. He is using his power as predident to make it easier for them to commit this genocide. His response to our backlash about this is suppression and punishment of dissent.
Biden campaigned on how fucked up the concentration camps for Mexicans at the border were, and then proceeded to not only do nothing to fix it, but to let it get even worse on his watch, and just never mention it again.
There's the health coverage crisis, that if you remember, when he was running in the primary against Sanders, his platform was to not help us because our ability to choose between insurance providers in the business of not helping us was more important than getting medical care. He said, out of his own mouth, that he was not a progressive.
If trump is standing there, and you draw a line in front of him, no, in fact, fuck no, biden is not nearly different enough from trump to be qualified to stand on the other side of that line and point at trump and call the kettle black.
I undersrand a lot of you are in vulnerable positions. You might say, "hey, i have to vote for him in self-preservation, because the other side are openly planning on criminalizing my existence." To that, I say "fair point." I'm not arguing against it. In fact, and I'll capitalize it for emphasis:
I would pay to see both of them fall into an active volcano like the Gollum.
What I am telling people they should do is stop perpetuating bullshit. Stop trying to get people to stop saying true things because it makes it harder to pretend the guy you want them to vote for isn't both stupidly evil and arrogantly obvious about it. Stop acting like it's our obligation to eat shit and pretend it's chocolate ice cream. Stop acting like voting for biden isn't something we're being made to do under the threat of trump. Stop acting like the democrat party isn't encouraging the republicans to get further out of control because it makes it easier for them to look good by comparison while steering, (I won't say "drifting" because that implies it could be accidental) further and further right every year.
Things are dire, but you don't have to be a useful idiot and give your fucking endorsement to things worsening. You don't have to volunteer to help them hold the gun they're pointing at us to coerce us into voting for them. You don't have to run into every post rightfully critcizing biden and accuse people of a psyop while making a show of how hard you can suck his fascist dick.
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bbg100 · 6 months
The Kill Club by Wendy Heard
This review WILL contain spoilers, because I love to gossip and analyze.
The Kill Club is written with some honestly pretty engaging emotional moments, a VERY juicy plot concept, and characters that repeatedly forget to be complex because the plot needs to happen.
Overall, I liked it, but there's some final act drama that really embodied the subtle problems with the entire book-namely, that characters will act motivated by story need and not character motives. I would recommend reading it, even if it wasn't my cup of tea I know it would satisfy many people.
The plot- abusers should die. Here's a dyke biker with sleeve tats who loves her kid brother*, but doesn't have custody of said kid brother due to foster home custody nonsense. She witnesses some crime, gets a shady flip phone, and all of the sudden she's told that if she kills a person she's never met, someone else will kill her abuser for her and she will never get caught. This is the set up and call to action, and it rocked. From here on spoilers and plot summary will be rampant
*he's her kid kid, but this book has three plot twists so I'm not even going to bother with this one
Don't worry about the plot. Most of the plot, while engaging, is really not done justice by a internet summary. Because the plot is Not about events as much as it is emotional moments- Jazz begging Carol to let Joaquin have his medicine, Jazz feeling desperate and angry and worn down in turns, Sofia's desperate attempts to get her kid back, the dawning horror when you realize that redheaded dude you only knew for one chapter just became a canary in the coal mine for the club killing it's 'failed' members.
The plot, without those strong character motivations that tie the actions into a whole, becomes honestly kind of...trite. Jazz runs around not getting help, and has a moral backbone that's completely out of place. Okay, bouts of rage...but only rage that's on 'proper' targets. Trespassing, but only to being medicine to her kid. The narrative bravely shields her from any chance of succeeding at her darker urges, like when she wants to kill Carol and there's randomly another operative there, cosplaying as Carol, completely blending in with church goers, oh and also apparently you're free to run around at church and aren't bound in pews like bookmarks in a dictionary.
Sofia is an upright (but not uptight) vice principal, who gives a straight girl tm hug in one chapter and then initiates make outs in another. While I won't pretend to be well versed in LA county schools, I feel like the type of school Carol would send her kid to would not love a lesbian vice principal. LA religious fanatics seem to group together, only floating around to evangelicalize in public.
A twist is that the person behind the shady phone calls is a cop. No, this does not seem to be foreshadowed, but if I missed it I'd love to be wrong. Then she gets killed in what is honestly a pretty cool scene. Then, plot twist! The killer is actually TWO cops! In a trenchcoat!! And cop 2 is going to bring Jazz back into the main plot for no reason but to build last page sequel suspense.
Sofia had a moment where I thought a really interesting conflict of interest would occur. I thought she might attempt to murder Jazz. I was in fact excited for this. Unfortunately, Heard's characters aren't allowed to actually do anything too dubious, so for no particular reason she's tasked to spy instead. And she's so guilty about it, and not at all cutthroat like she was earlier about protecting her kid mama bear style.
Jazz also manages to avoid any morally bad killing, for honestly pretty weak reasons. Oh I know this dude... Oh sorry got my ass beat... Oh I meant to kill an abuser but I accidentally killed an murderer. Jazz also isn't allowed to be in the wrong about Joaquin's situation either- years of neglect (honestly a harsh word, but not inaccurate) by allowing Joaquin to be in an actively dangerous house is brushed off with an oh I guess I was scared.
Honestly, the worst thing about the kill club is how empty it is. Again, there are genuinely strong emotional moments, complex characters, and cool settings. But the plot itself is paper thin, and if I took a shot everytime a character contradicted themselves to further the plot I would be one of the random homeless junkies that pop up whenever Jazz is thinking. Did I mention the random homeless junkies? In all fairness, it is set in LA, but the way they only existed when Jazz was upset made them like magical depression fairies.
Anyway, I would recommend this book, but I advise you handle it gently lest the plot crumble under your fingers. For those who care, the gay sex is fade to black, pretty much every character who stays alive is a woman, and there's some bomb ass quotes to put out of context on Instagram.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Like, I seriously cannot stress enough how much better everything feels, and how much SMOOTHER everything goes, when those two are together.
They just balance each other so well, and the way they understand each other and play off each other and just know what to do when they're with each other...
Everything is better, everything is easier, and everything is perfect.
Okay, with (most of) my never-ending Sciles love out of the way for this post...
OMG that scene at the Sheriff's station.
I am LOSING my mind laughing I CANNOT! XD
The way Noah keeps looking back and forth between the picture and our Young Derek, trying to make the connection and not QUITE figuring out what's wrong with this situation yet (also as an aside, we freaking love Parrish actually being a good human being and a good cop and wanting to help instead of TORTURING A FREAKING TEENAGER YOU F*CKING--).
And then when Stiles and Scott, like, run in and skid to a halt and just lock eyes with him, the FACE Noah makes… XD It's such an "oh my god what now?" before he gives the "I'll handle this." to the rest of the squad.
I'm not gonna quote the whole thing, only because I'm gonna put it all in gifs instead at the bottom of the post (XD), but just...OMG THAT WAS PURE GOLD!
And the FACE Scott makes when Stiles just babbles with WAY too much detail (although, in Stiles's defense, his dad DID say to be absolutely and completely honest, so... XD). I mean, mans didn't even bother to hide his cringe as Stiles kept going.
"We were! It…it was…in Mexico."
And, like, the way he gets all sheepish now that he's actually processing what he just said I CANNOT WITH HIM! XD XD <3
And then there's the Sciles and Derek scene (back to my Sciles love!!), which was less funny, but honestly just awesome, because they handled that so well, and the way Scott was able to keep his heartbeat steady even as he lied (it's technically a partial truth and I think that's why he got away with it), and the way that Stiles was sassy and distracted as ever (somebody better explain that Eichen House letter to me sooner rather than later), but he was still able to back up his best friend the whole time, and ultimately, they both managed to convince Derek to trust them and roll with it.
And then because SCILES, the freaking transition scene was so sweet with Stiles comforting Scott over having to lie (because I do think it was the best thing to do in this situation or Derek never would've come with them or believed them), but also so funny with Scott deciding to go to Peter (which...I also think is the best call, admittedly, although that's gonna be a VERY weird phone call...) and Stiles's "Yeah I hate that guy." XD XD
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(Some of the gifs aren't loading right but the quotes are there, so it works!! PURE GOLD I TELL YOU!! PURE GOLD!! XD XD <3 <3 <3 <3)
Update: Okay, that scene between Lydia and Kira was so cute, and I fully support this new friendship in the absence of Allison (because I feel like that's what they're trying to do, at least to some degree). I mean, her little "You're a Katana-wielding, badass Kitsune, and he couldn't be more into you." and the way Kira just SMILED like...I loved that. So wholesome. I approve. <3 So of course they had to find the dude's dead body, but WHATEVER, it's FINE.
Update Part 2: Technically this happened before everything I talked about above, but I just realized I didn't talk about it at all, so...that scene where Scott and Stiles were talking about Malia was kind of hilarious and kind of adorable and Malia just really does not know how to human but I kind of love it and Stiles is really just rolling with this because he kind of loves it and Scott is just not even sure what to do with these two idiots but he loves them anyway. XD Stydia is still my Stiles OTP, but I really don't hate the energy in the current Stalia relationship. XD <3
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