#i like yamace more
embrose · 6 months
I'm surprised there's so few fics in AO3 for Ace x Yamato. I'm rewatching One Piece and got to the point where Yamato talks about Ace, their friendship was so cute. I platonically ship them, naturally, but there's some good romantic potential there too, me-thinks.
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booburt · 9 months
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hey........ siiiiigh......... twirls hair......... siiiiiiigh........ (normal)
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Yamato would be that type of boyfriend to start dating Ace but loving Luffy a ton, and so every time they hang out, Ace has to make sure Luffy isn't home because otherwise Yamato is probably going to spend most of the time with him instead
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tomzzstarz · 7 months
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i have no excuse for this... i drew this on march of 2023, but i forgot to post on tumblr.. so here it is! redraw of a piece i did last year, its the lost boys!!
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shalpilot · 6 months
scuttling into your abode. what are your favourite one piece ships aside from kidkiller.
I was actually just talking abt this!!
Let’s see the ships I actively enjoy areeee
-kidkiller obviously (childhood friends… right hand man…. Extreme loyalty n self-sacrifice…. AIBOU…..)
-kid/law/killer in a silly throuple (comedy and also to give killer and law a break from. Him.)
-crossguild. (Funny potential off the god damn charts. Crocodile wants buggy out of his school. Buggy wants to live. Mihawk! Is there! (IN THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY I LOVE WHEN ITS LIKE MOSTLY CROC AND BUGGY AND MIHAWK IS JUST LIKE. ALSO IN THE ROOM. ITS SO FUNNY))
-dofuwani funny as fuck
-caemingo also funny as fuck (blame my girlfriend for this)
-yamace :3 (also acesan is funny and I like it)
-namvi (girblfirend s…..)
-there’s more i’m forgetting
-frobin obvs. married and cute.
-zosan in a specific way like either it’s goofy and they’re fighting over stupid shit that doesn’t actually matter or INCREDIBLY SAD w themes of self-worth and sacrifice. No in between. i do like a sexually charged fight as much as the next guy but I see them more as like … rivals who are friendly rivals but they will never admit that
As you can see my type is like. “Shut the fuck up” “you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid”
I like shipping villains like this more bc obviously the evil guy is going to be a worse romantic partner than just. Two guys who bicker but are good people. also it’s funny to see them being fine with murder and crime and all things heinous but this Fucking Guy gets them so hot and bothered they don’t know how to deal with it. also I like when a big guy gets knocked down a peg or two. no pun intended unless
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demonio-fleurs · 4 months
tagged by @eriklehnsherrr, my true valentine <3 one of these days you'll bake me something for my bday <3
list 3 ships you like - chex will always be THE otp of all otps for me, but rn i've been really feeling saboala, namivivi and yamace or deuace from one piece. i get that's more than 3 but ssshhhh.
first ship ever - mamouso or sailor moon/tuxedo mask, it's the first ship i can remember being really into
last song you heard - uHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH probably either just communication from one of the gundam animes or assu from one piece. i listened to them on my way home from work last night
favorite childhood book - the his dark materials trilogy !!!!!!! lyra silvertongue you will always be legendary to me <3
currently reading - i'm wrapping up my reread of egghead and then i'm back to reading all of one piece physically instead of digitally since..... i own basically every volume thats out in the west rn.
currently watching - just finished the first episode of abbott elementary (thank god its back ;-;) and now i'm watching some good ol fashioned inuyasha
currently consuming - buttered popcorn and some orange mio flavored water cause im a basic ass bitch B)
currently craving - i just ate and i am fucking full so what i was craving earlier was spicy tonkotsu ramen with extra bamboo shoots and that is what i got for dinner and it was fucking delicious.
lets tag...... @iam-jacks-redacted-information @nebulazenithstorm @fern-pajamabrain @latinokokonoi and @luffys-holy-chanclas
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the-loststone · 1 year
Turkish Dramas I Watched In Order of Love to Didn't Love Part 2
Part 1 | Part 2
I promised myself that when I found a show that I like better than Halka, I'd make a new list. Also I was running out of room in my tags for the last list. So please reference Part 1.
Also please be aware that this list has spoilers! So be prepared. I will typically mark when I reveal a spoiler.
This review is longer than I thought but I have so much to say about this. I have a longer review linked.
So, what can I say about this show. I previously said that Halka was my favorite show and while I still maintain it is an amazing show, Soz has completely knocked it out of the park. I mean, yes, it is a very patriotic show that is obviously military propaganda, but . . . I mean, sign me up for the military!!! This show was amazing. The acting of the main cast was phenomenal. Tolga Saritas moves into my list of favorite actors. His character Yavus is simply the best. I don't know how to describe besides the fact that he has his shit together. You know how many shows (too many) are about lead characters who don't have their shit together, and then there's that side character who acts as a mentor to the lead character because they do have their shit together, even when they are going through drama. Well Yavus is that side character, except the show is about him and he's the male lead. And I am so happy. So happy we have characters who are competent!! Even when he's losing his shit he's doing it competently! I'm just praising the lord that this man has a brain!!! The other characters (the rest of the team and the girls) add so much to the show. They have story lines, I'm interested in their development and growth. The action was staged but I loved it, and most of it was good! Every episode had an action scene in it, and I don't think I was ever bored by it. And that's another point... this is a long show... and I wasn't bored. I'm shocked. Generally I get very tired by a show (especially considering I'm a binge watcher) but nope, I stayed invested. They did storytelling so well. Balancing gravity, humor, victory, and defeat very well. The death scenes (of which there are multiple so don't go thinking plot armor protects everyone) are so important and acted so well. I was literally a puddle.
Some parts, not gonna lie, were a bit confusing. Especially the ending there. But still so worth it!
Anyways, I'm genuinely upset that this show isn't more popular. It was amazing! I love it! I highly recommend it. (Tolga Saritas has joined Serkan Cayoglu as one of my favorite turkish actors). I will say, that I did like season 1 and 2 a bit more, not because of any shipping drama, but because I can't get enough of Tolga in a uniform 😉.
I LOVE MAFIA DRAMAS! And this one takes the cake! It was one of the best dramas I have seen. The main character, Yamac, is perfectly characterized by Aras Bulut Iynemli. (I've only seen a couple of his works but after this show, he's moved into my list of favorite actors). He played so well, completely embodies his character, every emotion is so raw and passionate. He's amazing! Yamac is the youngest of a mafia family, who ran away when he was 18 and is forced to return upon the death of his brother and the hospitalization of his father. From there we see his character shine. It is shown how intelligent he is. He went to college, but it's not just mentioned, but shown! He uses his intelligence. HE'S SO SMART! As a chemist and engineer he loves to blow things up and we see that. As the youngest brother, he loves to play with his older brothers and he has a very playful and childish side. We see his kindness and his love. Is he a criminal, yes. But a competent criminal with a heart of gold and the ability to forgive almost anyone and the patience of a saint. But it's not just him; the portrayals of his family members are done amazingly as well. Each relationship is distinct and I just... I love it. I love his relationships with his brothers: from the support, to the betrayals, to the forgiveness. Throughout the series we see their connection and bond. We see the friendships between other characters. Some of my favorites are Medet and Salih, Celansu and Meke, Yamac and Alico, and Kemal and Metin. My other favorite relationship (and this isn't about shipping wars) is Sena and Yamac. They were my favorite couple. And I won't say any spoilers, but just know that she's my favorite and she has such a presence in the show, whether or not she's in the scene.
Throughout the seasons, we also see how all the characters develop. All of the brothers change, especially Yamac who has to deal with the most and is burdened the most. We see him go from a young man who was happy and in love with his wife and just married and completely unburdened, to a man who is crazed, lost half his family in some of the most traumatic ways, burdened by the pressure to protect the rest while dodging bullets flying at him at all sides (and most of the time getting hit), to a man who's holding on to what's left and trying to rebuild.
I love him, and I love this show, and I can't recommend this enough. The show is very much centered around family. The first season is about betrayals, the second about regret and forgiveness, the third is about madness/insanity, and the fourth was about healing (towards the end at least).
The soundtrack of this show goes down as one of my absolute favorite soundtracks. The music is a character in this show. As a musician, Yamac uses it as an entrance, he's very much a showman. And it shows his crazy side. Speaking of crazy sides, this show has some of the best fight scenes ever done. Very well played and acted. Please please please watch! Longer review linked!
Günesin Kizlari
This was so soapy, I have bubbles coming out of my mouth. I kid you not, I love this so much. It was a great show. Not gonna lie, going in, I thought it was going to be light, but I was waaaayyy off. It was heavy! That was some heavy heavy drama. I LOVED IT! Okay, to start I'm going to say Hande and Tolga are everything! They had the best chemistry I've seen them have compared to other shows they're in so far. I need them to act together in something else! Selin and Ali were my favorite couple; I don't know how, but somehow, at some point, they were the most functional compared to the other couples on screen. I was so surprised because these two are ridiculous. But I love them. They had the best relationship, (fun fact, the movie that they were referencing when playing their game is a French movie called "Jeux D'enfant" or Love me if you Dare, which is amazing too and deserves to be watched) and they were so cute together. Their scenes were everything to me. The characters were great. The kids were hilarious and dramatic and most of the time I was wondering what brain cells they even had to rub together to get ideas out. The adults were the most toxic, dysfunctional people I've seen in a minute. Every adult, even Gunes, was problematic! (And I say even Gunes because there were so many moments, but one that stands out to me is in episode 26, while this kid is reeling from his entire life being a lie, she goes up to him and is like "your dad feels really bad right now, you should talk to him and help him." like no! No!!!) It was ridiculous. Episodes 16 and 17 were obviously my favorite, and every scene with Ali and Selin being cute. I like that there are actual obstacles in everyone's way, especially the kids (since the adults are the obstacles in most cases).
The music was banger! Loved it! The cinematography was kind of shit, which was annoying. Very old fashioned and low cost production type of camera work, especially in the beginning.
This made me cry. I genuinely did not expect that twist at the end there. I mean, it made perfect sense and I don't know why I didn't see it but... Anyway. Tolga and Engin do an amazing job in this.
Once again watching a show for Tolga Saritas. I'll say he makes it worthwhile. Baba was a good show, it had a complex story line that was focused on family. Love a father has for his sons, love a father has for his daughter, love a brother has for his sister, love children have for their parents. These themes stayed central to the story line. It was a good show, although I will say that season 1 was better than season 2 (and generally just made more sense). The first season is about a middle-class family entering the class of obscene wealth, and how one son is the only one who can keep them from failing, and all the obstacles in his way. Then season 2 is about how despite all his efforts, the family is now in extreme poverty, and once again the son is tasked with leading his family and the rest of the community.
I noticed, and love, that Tolga Saritas has never played a bad character in the shows I've seen him in. Whoever is his agent does a good job of picking projects for him. I hope to see the trend continue. His character, Kadir, is a great man, who loves his family and is willing to do anything to help people. He is acted wonderfully and has amazing chemistry with his costar Haluk, who plays his father. Their relationship is a big draw to the series.
Religion is also a big aspect of this show, and how it serves as a tool for justice and consequence. I enjoyed that they used it to make people accountable for their actions. Good show overall.
Senden Daha Guzel
A good story. Very cute actors. They had a good chemistry that was very fluffy. It was a simple story. There wasn't much going on or need to put any thought in it. A good little short to pass the time.
Ask 101 (Love 101)
This was cute. I watched it mainly for the Yargi pairing but the kids storylines were cute as well. I found the second season much better than the first. It was very short for a dizi, so I recommend it as a palate cleanser or something to watch when bored. The cast was filled with exceptional actors. The soundtrack was good too. Overall, I'm pleased with this show.
Miracle in Cell No. 7
Remake of a Korean Movie by the same name. Both movies are perfect for sobbing your heart out. Admittedly, the Turkish version does end on a happier note than the Korean version, but both are full of heart-wrenching moments. About a man with mental disabilities who gets sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit. He and his daughter are the miracles in the cell. Very moving story. Absolutely recommend, both versions!
I saw this one after Cukur. Aras had impressed me so much that I wanted to watch his other works as well. I'll say that he still is one of the best aspects of the show. Him and Cagatay. They played very well and had excellent chemistry. I think I would have liked it more if they had more scenes together. They had great stories separately but we took forever to get to the reveal and they had so little time together, I felt like there was a missed chance to show off their chemistry, which was really the highlight of the show. Because they were crazy alone, but they were completely chaotic together. These two were crackheads.
Also, what is it with the shows I've watched recently fridging the love interest!!! Why?!?! They need to stop! It upsets me.
I think my biggest criticism with this show is that there is a lot of over acting. Sometimes they'll say things and I'll just be thinking that it's a little ridiculous. Also it went on a little too long. But otherwise, a worthwhile series to watch. Great plot! Mert is a great anti-hero and Sarp is a great hero. I was heartbroken for Mert for a lot of the series but also I was rooting against him for the most part what with him being on the wrong side. But anyway, great series.
Son Yaz
Good show. Not bad. I think what bothered me the most is that there was a naïveté to the characters in the mafia that shouldn’t have been there if they were born in the mafia. I mean, other mafia shows, the characters knew not to trust anyone, and that everyone was out to kill them. And on the off chance that they did trust someone, they were smarter than them so they could counter. But here, the characters are all stupid and trusting. I’m just like… you dumb dumbs. DUMMIES!! WHY!?! Who’s got the braincells here. Maybe Soner? Sometimes? No. That’s not right either. Selim most of the time, but try as I might, couldn’t like him that much. I tried, I genuinely tried to be on board with him, but he was so complicated in a way that was not appealing, mainly because he was an absent father and an overbearing one at the same time, while also having a very narrow view of the world that didn’t allow for other people’s points of view. It sucks because he was the only remotely competent one there. 
That’s another problem. These dummies are so dumb, all their plans are stupid. How did they get this far in life? I say this with love. I mean, it was part of their charisma I guess. They were young, so being stupid is excusable. It’s not like I’m putting them on the same level as Yamac Kocovali from Cukur or something. That guy was in his late 20s at the start of the series and he was smart. Also that series was much more liberal about murder. These kids are just dumb and there’s the stakes are pretty much just being imprisoned. Understandable since it’s not about being in the mafia but trying to get out of it.  
Okay, but besides them being so stupid, their relationships were cute. Naz and Soner were adorable and I love them. Yagmur and Akgun were chaotic little beans who I love so much. They are both so impulsive in different ways. Yagmur is straightforward with her emotions while Akgun is PANIC! EMOTIONS!
Season 2 was definitely better to me. I really liked the darker turn it went to. Good series. Not a bad watch. But it was canceled so the ending is full of plot holes and loose ends. 
A good movie. It had a nice premise and I enjoyed the actors. I watched it for Mert and it was well worth it. A good little palate cleanser. Not a lot to say about it, but it was worth checking out.
In Good Hands
A good movie. Had an unexpected twist at the end that was very clever. I enjoyed it. Don't have a lot to say about it considering it was only an hour and a half. Heartily recommend as a palate cleanser.
Yali Çapkini
Ongoing while I'm writing this. I dropped it at around episode 17, but I might come back to it if I see that there is an improvement in the characters. Cinematography, acting, music, are all good, but I had to drop because I don't like any of the characters and I'm constantly frustrated by them. I'm sorry, it's not that I don't like them, it's that I don't like that they are the main characters. If Ferit and Seyran weren't the lead couple, I think I would be much more entertained by them, because I wouldn't have to see the consequences of their (Ferit's) actions. But I do see, and Ferit is such a dumbass. If he weren't the lead, I could just call him a himbo and be done with it. But he is the lead so I have say that he's a narcissist, inconsiderate, and immature to boot. So... you see my struggle. I want to like him so much because Mert plays him so well, and he is so charming and good-looking, but, unfortunately, he's a dick. I want to come back to this show when he improves as a character. To be fair, a lot of the situations that happen are not his fault, but he does not make the situation better in a lot of the cases. So I hope they have a time lapse where he improves himself over a course of years and then reunites with his wife or something, or he just is a better character in another 10 episodes. I'll check up on it.
Oh Belinda
Honestly I skipped through most of this movie trying to get to the end. It wasn't terrible but I also didn't really feel the vibe of it.
I am so sad that I didn't like this. I gave up around episode 9 and I can understand why it was such a short show. It's so complicated. I really could not understand the plot lines at all. Everyone was so toxic and destructive. I love the lead actors and had seen them together in Carpisma where they had such great chemistry but it was the same problem as Carpisma where the plot couldn't save them. Like, the plot buried their natural chemistry. I'm so sorry for it. Just a really boring, complicated show. Not for me unfortunately.
Üç Kiz Kardes
I gave up. I'm sorry but this was just too ridiculous for me. And I'm sorry for it because it's a beautiful show. Like the actors are beautiful, the set is beautiful, the cinematography, the music. Lovely show. Honestly, the plot is not bad, like as in there is a good story in there, but it's . . . how do I put this . . . not well executed. I don't believe the love story, because it's scattered, the parents are either too evil or too good, or too oblivious. The sisters are naive. The boyfriends are either assholes (except Serdar, who's an angel and the only one I rooted for). I gave up at episode 15. I couldn't anymore. Sadly. Maybe someone else will like it. But it wasn't for me.
Duy Beni
Uhhh... this was interesting, in the way that watching a car crash is interesting. These kids are in desperate need of therapy. All of them. None of them are likable. The only person worth rooting for is the mom. Everyone is ridiculous 95.5% of the time. I mean, the main characters aren't even on screen. They have, like, 5% screen time together. Which is a really missed opportunity because they are crazy attractive and have good chemistry. I'm just... no. I started this because I was looking for Gunesi Beklereken (which I can't find anywhere) and this was on it's recommended page and people have said it was good, but I'm just. Not for me I guess. It was way too melo. No one really deserves any sympathy, a lot of problems could have been solved if they just hadn't been so ridiculous. I want to feel bad for the leads, but even then I'm just exhausted by them half the time. The love story was hard to believe because the lead actors didn't have any screen time. Sorry I couldn't like it.
The amount of disappointment I feel for this drama is incredible. It had the potential to be so good. The casting was great. The acting was good. The scenery and film was perfect. But the plot collapsed! I mean. It was so bad! I disagreed with every choice that was made and I ended hating nearly every character. That's hard to do. Ates is the only character I ended up still liking, and it was mostly out of spite at the end too because I hated every other character who kept f*cking with him so much. I HATE Yaman. I loath him. I think he is the worst character ever and the fact that Feraye stayed obsessed with him in the end. I mean, girl?! This is so dumb of you. You know at this point, they are both so infuriating, they deserve each other. I was justifying her in the beginning because she was going through some emotional stuff, but I cannot support her choices. And just... this is all I can say about this show. It was disappointing. The show could have been great, and it flopped. It flopped hard!
Ferhat Ile Sirin
I didn't understand. I thought it was going to be a love triangle, and it sort of was, but then it went off a deep end and I just didn't understand what happened in the end. Ended on a weird note, probably because it was cancelled. Tolga was the only good thing about it. I mean, the acting and everything was fine, and ignoring the incomprehensible plot it was okay. But . . . yeah... not a worth it watch unless you're doing it for a specific actor like I was.
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etienne01 · 1 year
More polls I like doing it this way for some reason
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dangermousie · 2 years
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This scene!!!
Also, I was worried there would be a love triangle between the vivid Leyla (who I am a little in love with myself) and our cop and mobster heroes Efe and Kartal but thank God, nope, it’s way more delicious than that.
Leila is Kartal’s sister!!!!!! Cop x Mob Princess is EVERYTHING!!!!!
Also, I love the relationship between Kartal and his aunt (and clearly his mother figure):
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Cukur (by the same team) was almost unique in giving so much screen time and complexity to older female characters - Sultan, the mob matriarch and Yamac, Selim and Cumali’s mother was not always likeable (in fact, she was often a monster, like the rest of them) but she was so complex and so fascinating and such a great character. And I have the same hopes here.
Also, I loved the theme of family (once again, Cukur had that too) in general but this scene, where Efe happy with his father figure is intercut with Kartal carrying his wasted father home was chef’s kiss!
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I only finished the first ep so far (I am short on time and Turkish show eps are so long) but I am so utterly in love with everything.
But the other thing I noticed and one that makes me so happy? How utterly fucking solid the acting is. That was the case in Cukur too - even when the script sometimes went off the rails in the later seasons, it uniformly had some of the best acting I’ve seen in a Turkish show and carried it through (it helped that even when plot derailed in terms of events, the characters’ conversations and scenes felt authentic within the scene even if not in between.)
In this show just as in Cukur, most men are not anyone’s idea of a pin-up. Even the good-looking men like Ekin and Uraz have the demeanor and haircut/look of someone you can pass on the street - I really think they gave Uraz that terrible hair so his looks won’t stand out as much and it works. And Ekin’s character looks like his ulcers have ulcers and he’s never done skin care in his life. It feels tattered in the best way - even the mob house is shabby even in its glitter.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
also thoughts on yamace now that you've seen them
Stabbing me in the esophagus would have hurt way less than watching these two interact. I want to give you a proper answer like I always do instead of incoherent screaming, but I watched the flashback so recently that I'm still fucking sobbing. I can't stand gay people and their daddy issues. They make me insane. But since I'm an annoying writer, I will try and explain why Yamace has suddenly made his way to my top 5 ships in only three episodes. I'm pretty sure everybody knows all of this already because I'm late to the boom of episode 1015, but damn, I really need to talk about this or I'll die.
Okay, first of all, their personalities are so good together. They're both silly and fun to watch and impulsive and they want to be free from the chains their fathers put them in (metaphorically and, well, also literally). Perhaps the animation and direction of the show (especially on episode 1015 because oh my fucking goodness) helped a little in setting the romantic mood, but the interactions were all them. These two are literally something else.
To me, it's the angst of falling in love in the span of a night with a stranger with whom you have a lot in common and then watching them go, hoping to see them again- Like, basically being the only thing you look forward to because you don't have anything else except them and the freedom they promised you. And then watching them drift away between your fingers without being able to do anything. It's the frustration and helplessness and the way Yamato's life was the best it could've been and then crumbled down to the point where he had to place his faith in a man who he only knows because Ace talked about him constantly without shutting the fuck up because he's the most annoying brother ever (I love him).
And- I don't know, man. The chemistry is unmatched. Like, I actually felt I was interrupting their romantic moment watching that shit. If I hadn't known anything about them I would have genuinely thought they would kiss.
The whole "You can't choose your parents" and "What do you really want to do?" left me crying and sobbing on the floor. I literally had to sit down on the floor and cry because I couldn't take the parallelisms between them, both being children of important pirates and feeling (a very valid) resentment towards them. It's so good. The way they bond and talk to each other,,, The way they look at each other? This is the type of thing you only see in a romcom. Because quite literally: What the fuck.
And it's not only the obvious parallelisms or the fact that their personalities match perfectly (and also that, aesthetically, they look amazing together. But I think that's what happens when both boyfriends are hot af) but the fact that in the span of a night... Their feelings were so genuine. Ace wanted to come back, he just wasn't strong enough at the time and he was so positive and determined to become stronger so he would go back to Tama and Yamato,,, And Yamato? Waiting for Ace? Yamato waiting for his only friend to come back but knowing he will never do it? Yamato was so cute and excited to meet Ace, and seeing him hurt but it hurt less knowing that he would come back. The fact that he's dead takes that away from him. It just makes him have more faith in Luffy because he carries Ace with him.
How can a ship be so fucking good in only three episodes???? Going fucking wild. Ace taught him the meaning of living freely. Ace made him want to fight to be free. Ace changed his life and, honestly, Yamato changed his life too because it was the second biggest promise (first one being with Luffy, about not dying) he made and he had to actually train and fight to fulfill it. And he wasn't able to do it, but the whole "Luffy carrying Ace's promise" thing makes me go fucking wild.
Well, basically, to finish this: Expect a lot of posts from me about Yamace from now on and also a lot of edits to Taylor Swift songs.
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This is so,,, God. It's so romantic. The lightning. The smiles. The fact that they're literally two intersecting lines that will never meet again. It makes me sick.
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npc-guy · 7 years
Half-Elf Druid
Druid is one of my favorite classes in Pathfinder, in fact my first long-term character as a player was a human druid with a wolf companion. He wasn’t the most complicated character, and in fact he was a bit of a self-insert. But he helped me learn the system and learn more about role-playing and character growth. And that’s one thing that I think druids need most of all: growth.
When a character becomes a druid, they choose to grow closer to nature. When they choose to have an animal companion, they are choosing to share their life with that animal and become a partner with it. What they choose to do with their druidic powers is also a feature of their growth, showing whether they have chosen to take responsibility for a location and its denizens, the balance of nature and civilization, or perhaps spreading even druidism and worship of nature.
Half-elf druids are probably going to be similar to half-elf clerics, looking for a place or a cause to belong to. However, the average city likely isn’t going to treat a cleric the same as a druid. Or they actually might, but that’s because they don’t understand the difference between the two. But someone who becomes a druid isn’t in it for the servitude necessarily. They’re in it for the connection to nature, for that ability to touch the world around them in a way that few others can and become enriched by that experience. In the quiet forests, or the raging rapids, or the howling winds of the deserts, perhaps they can hear something which will bring them comfort and contentment.
Emlyn of the Valley of Purity
Most pilgrims don’t know that the clerics of the Shrine of St. Tulboch don’t actually lay claim to the land around their holy site. In truth, the valley has been protected by the druids of the moon since before the Lord of the Sun’s name was spoken in these lands. The druids don’t mind the clerics or the pilgrims, as long as they keep to their designated paths and the few buildings they have. Emlyn is the youngest moon druid in the valley, and sometimes her desire to prove herself gets the better of her. The elders have already had to have her apologize for scaring pilgrims in the form of black-colored wolf or giant spider, and it doesn’t seem she understands how she might upset the balance in her own home.
Sabah Yamac
Born to a mother who wandered and a father who vanished, Sabah always felt restless in their life. Always moving, always fidgeting, never able to sit or stand silence. But one day their impatience got the better of them, and they fell down a canyon while scouting for the caravan. Rescued by a strange old dwarf with no fort or clan, Sabah was nursed back to health in a beautiful crystal cave hidden behind a waterfall. Unable to move for some time, Sabah was forced to be alone with hardly any sound for hours at a time. But eventually, they realized there was sound after all: drips of water onto stalagmites, the slight echo of the waterfall, a rare whisper of wind. After being healed, Sabah asked the old dwarf if they could stay a while. Soon after, the dwarf began to teach them about the druids and how they protected places like the crystal cave. Now, Sabah finds solace in the sounds of nature and the gentle gleam of crystals.
Agnar Drullaholu
The elves and humans of the Serpentbound Peninsula have long been at war, though there are some who continue to argue for peace. Agnar’s clan was neutral, composed of humans, elves, and more half-elves than anywhere else. But their neutrality didn’t keep a human jarl from attacking their village. Agnar lost his family, and fled into the wilderness to survive. In his rage, he heard a call from a sleeping fire-mountain and made his way there. Years later, Agnar reappeared after that jarl’s city had been consumed by a volcanic eruption. Next on his list, was to burn the forest of the elves who never cared.
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csyu-blog1 · 6 years
Purchasing Meat and Game
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Ha ha, I identified my meat... ba dum tss...
Okay my meat is Chuck Tail Flat, which is also known as Short Rib Boneless Meat. It comes from Beef. I choosed Prince Edward Island Beef. It is an humanely raised free ranch beef. Meat is a little saltier and rich on iron compare to regular meat. The reason I picked it:
The animal, I didn’t make a choise actuall I just wanted an animal that I can write something interesting about it, and this one was the cheapest one in that category.
The cut, not a choise either, the marbling was just so good...
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Prince Edward Island Certified Beef, raised on Canada’s Food Island is genuine in character and old world flavour for the tables of those who choose to eat better. For generations, Prince Edward Island farmers have been raising cattle using a traditional, holistic approach. Today, cattle continue to be raised on the Island’s small family owned farms. Salt air, iron-rich soil, and rolling pastures produce healthy, stress-free animals. There’s a relationship between farmer, animal and the land that can’t be replicated resulting in beef as distinctive as the Island itself.
Why PEI Beef? (n.d.) Retrieved from: http://islandbeef.ca/why-pei-beef/
Chuck Tail Flap, also known as Chuck Flat, Chuck Meat Square is a term more frequently used in Canada to denote boneless Chuck Rib meat. The Chuck Tail Flap comes from the Short Rib of the Chuck (Ribs #1 - #5 counting from the head to the tail). The primary muscle is the serratis ventralis, though the Pectoralis superficialis and Scalenus dorsalis are often included.
Chuck Tail Flap (n.d.) Retrieved From: https://www.smartkitchen.com/resources/food/meat/beef/chuck-tail-flap
The meat I purchased was around one third of a pound, and it cost me approximately $6 dollars.
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Because the marbling was so good I just decided to pan fry the meat with a basic seasoning. I used sunflower oil to oil the pan, and salt and pepper for the seasoning. I already had some rice, spinach, and miso soup from last days lab, so serving it basic as possible was a nice idea for me...
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I just needed a cast iron pan for that, which I don’t have, actually I don’t even have a pan, so, desperate times needs smart solutions... I used my pot... But don’t tell anyone 🤫🤫🤫
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I really didn’t work with this kind of cut of the meat before... A meat marbled this much... But I’m sure I could marinate it for like 20-30 minutes prior to cooking in many ways and it would taste better. Which I’m not complaining at all!!! It really tasted good!!! It really had a creamy texture conpare to Striploin Steak, which I really liked... And the outside of the meat caramalized just so good, which added an amazing flavour...
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Servet Yamac Unver
September ‘18
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touristguidebuzz · 7 years
5 Tropical Islands to Visit Before They Become Tourist Traps
Discovering a tropical island paradise that hasn’t lost its authentic beauty to stampeding tourists yet is a rare occurrence nowadays. If you were to visit the island of Koh Phi Phi in Thailand during the early 1990s, you would have found beautiful coral reef systems, untouched marine fauna and crystal clear blue waters — fast-forward to 2017 and you’ll find fast food restaurants and hotels on every corner. What was once an immaculate tropical island has since suffered major damage due to increasing amounts of visitors. Here are five beautiful under-the-radar tropical places to visit before the tourists take over.
1. Coron Island, Philippines
This enchanting little village perched on the eastern half of Busuanga Island is without a doubt one of the most stunning tropical places I’ve had the pleasure of visiting. Eight years ago the entire island was without roads, phone lines or even a water system, but word has begun to spread and its recent growth has me worried that a steep spike in tourism is looming just around the corner — just look at what happened to its neighboring island, Boracay, over the past 10 years. If you visit Coron Island today, you’ll have the option to hop around 3,000 little islands, scuba dive in a plethora of clear water locations including Kayangan Lake, climb up mountains with breathtaking views, swim in natural hot springs and eat like a local without a Starbucks in sight.
Image courtesy of Sean3810 via Getty Images.
2. Koh Rong Samloem, Cambodia
My first visit to this spectacular island was on a surprise birthday trip where I was literally blindfolded until the point when we boarded the ferry. After about an hour on the water, I was transferred to a tiny boat that would slowly drift us toward this tiny island — I had no idea where I was, only that I was somewhere off the coast of Sihanoukville, Cambodia, floating toward a slice of paradise. You’ll instantly fall in love with this remote island if you’re looking to unplug and get some much-needed peace and quiet. There are no roads, which means there are no big hotels and restaurants, and all you’ll find are private beachfront bungalows with little mom-and-pop restaurants. In fact, there are only a few places on the island that offer Wi-Fi at all and sometimes the signal is out completely. People come to this island to get away from it all, so it’s the perfect place for your next budget-friendly romantic getaway. You’ll find top-notch scuba diving, snorkeling, paddle boarding, fishing and the chance to swim at night with bioluminescent plankton, then wake up in the morning to white sandy beaches and dip your toes in the shimmering, unclouded water. What are you waiting for?
Image courtesy of yanicktargonski via Getty Images.
3. Roatán, Honduras
Surrounded by the second-largest coral reef in the world, it’s no surprise that this tropical destination is primarily visited by diving and snorkel enthusiasts. There aren’t many islands left in the Caribbean that you can visit without being shoulder-to-shoulder with tourists. Roatán has managed to hold onto its authentic charm while still being able to provide familiar western comforts. Cruise ships didn’t start coming here until 2005 and there aren’t a whole lot of flights to the area, which means the secret isn’t out quite yet, though this may change quickly as more people continue to flock to this 35-mile stretch of gorgeous Caribbean coastline. If you’ve never heard of Roatán, consider yourself lucky and put it on your list of tropical places to visit sooner than later.
Image courtesy of Yamac Beyter via Getty Images.
4. Kep, Cambodia
What was once a French colonial resort town in southern Cambodia is now a quiet coastal getaway surrounded by tropical islands. Known for its seafood market, where the fish practically jump from the water to your plate, it’s easy to see why Kep won’t be kept a secret for long. For the time being, you’ll find very few tourists among the locals sampling fresh crab, lobster, shrimp (and pretty much anything that swims) at its popular seafood market — you can go there around sunset and have yourself a five-star meal for less than a few dollars. Travelers visit Kep for its laid-back atmosphere rather than an extensive list of activities. In the past, Kep was primarily limited to expats living in Phnom Penh looking for a quiet weekend getaway, but with a variety of nearby tropical islands like Koh Tonsay — better known as Rabbit Island — it’s no wonder Kep is becoming more difficult for visitors to stay away from.
Image courtesy of Vincent Jary via Getty Images.
5. Phú Quốc, Vietnam
This underdeveloped island is on the fast track to becoming Vietnam’s next major hotspot. Although it’s technically a Vietnamese island, you’ll find it positioned just off the coast of Cambodia in the Gulf of Thailand. Its sparkling waters, silky smooth sand and dramatic scenery make it a very picturesque locale. Although it’s now home to an international airport (PQC) and cruise ship port, the north and east sides of the island remain largely untouched by hoards of tourists. Take one of the dirt roads out past the rugged jungle for a taste of what the island was like way back when. Nowadays, visitors come to Phú Quốc for many reasons other than just the surf and sand. Explore its azure waters, isolated coves, pearl farms, pepper plantations or opt for a full-day tour of the nearby An Thoi islands, an archipelago of 15 islands and inlets off the southern coast. The best part is, you’ll find hardly any tourists — for now, that is.
Image courtesy of Somnuk Krobkum via Getty Images.
Have you been to any of these places yet? Tell us about your experience, below.
Featured image of Coron Island in the Philippines courtesy of saiko3p via Getty Images.
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
thoughts on transman yamato and transwomen ace? (ik yamato is already canon so this is mostly just thoughts on transwomen ace lol)
I feel like if I think too much about Ace being a woman my lesbian heart won't be able to handle it but. But yeah. My thoughts are very-- Positive. Dying of lesbianism here.
I've always considered Ace transmasc but this is so good too??? I believe Ace as a woman would like. Be the same. But woman. Kind of like Luffy ngl. The thing with ASL is that Ace comes out as a woman and the other two are like "Oh cool! *change pronouns when talking to her*" and that's kind of. The whole thing for them? They're extremely supportive and WILL beat the shit out of you if you say something about their sister. But. Like. Ace is already the one beating people up for that so they don't need to worry--
Thinking about Ace coming out like, time after the sake thing and Luffy telling her that they need to do it again because "We swore we were brothers but!!!! I want to drink sake with you again and swear you will always be my older sister!!!!!" and it melts Ace's heart completely. Not to mention that now nobody fights about who's the oldest because now Luffy has an older sister and an older brother!!
Makino would be the sweetest soul to her,,, She teaches her stuff and Ace is always asking her things to be more of a ""real woman"" and Makino is like ???????? "what do you mean real woman, sweetie, it doesn't matter what you do and how you look like as long as you're comfortable!! Don't let other people tell you otherwise!!" and Ace realizes that's the type of girl she wants to be to become a good older sister to Luffy. Supportive and kind and herself even if a lot of people won't see her the way she is.
Ace goes through life so not giving a shit-- I think she is the same except that when she wins fights and people think she is a guy she is just like "haha a woman beat you up fucking loser" and when people realize she is a girl they're all like "noooo cover your chest that's indecent!!" and she's so confused and angry because why is it okay to do so when they think she is a guy but it's wrong when they find out she is a girl???? She goes boobs out everywhere fr fr.
I think Ace is the type of saying "I can't have surgery and boobs so I'm just gonna do so much exercise my chest will look huge" and she is so committed to that. Good for her.
And!!!!!! When she meets Yamato??? And Yamato tells her he is a guy??? Ace is like "OH ME TOO ME TOO I AM A GIRL AND PEOPLE CONSTANTLY THINK I'M A GUY IDK WHY" and they have their "we the same fr" and fall in love bc no matter the gender Yamace is always canon. `You have this cool but a bit of a failgirl Ace and her tall af cute boyfriend. Boy who says teehee x Girl who laughs like a lunatic.
Also, I think her relationship with Roger would change a bit? And she already loves her mom but she would do it now even more because she would feel like-- More connected to her experience as a woman? I think Ace should wear a little flower in her hair just like Rouge, too.
And not to be depressing af but when Marineford happens and everybody treats her as Roger's SON she is having the worst time of her life for so many reasons. And Luffy just tells everybody he sees that Ace is not a guy and he might be in the middle of saving her but he will fight people so they refer to her right.
Idk I think there are more things to say but I am eepy and I just woke up. But I absolutely love this and Ace as a trans girl lives in my mind rent free.
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
We love to talk about deadbeat fathers in one piece, don't we? Anyway, I was thinking about how hilariously fucked up is that Kaido canonically enjoys spending time with Luffy more than with his own son.
Like, he fought the guy for the entire time, and he still was super proud at his accomplishments with his Haki, and compared him to Roger and Rocks, and told him (a 19 old guy) he had been waiting for 20 years for a fight like that.
In a different universe, I think Kaido would have given his blessing to a Yamace wedding just to have Luffy as a son-in-law, lmfao
Lmfao, yeah. Typical father who likes your friend better than you on a modern AU. I can actually totally imagine one in which Kaido is, like, well, still an awful father but he acts sort of nice around Yamato's friends because he likes Luffy and it makes Yamato feel like shit. But tbh Luffy would fucking hate him for that so you can imagine how that goes 😭
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Modern au trans Ace has been consuming my mind lately so I thought I'll just share all of my headcanons or else I'll explode:
• Sabo was the first person he had come out to. It happened when they were around 9. Ace had always felt that something was "wrong" about him. That the way he acted, his interests and past times, and just how he would do things were "unnatural" or wierd". Once Ace became familiar with the conspet of transgenderism he just opened up to him, and was met with instant support.
• Immediately after this, Sabo gave Ace his (trademark) transgender haircut in the bathroom of Dadan's house. She actually entered it while they were there and upon seeing it she cried out of happyness. (Mothers know everything)
• Coming out to Garp was a bit harder for Ace since he wasn't sure how an older person would have reacted, I mean Garp just left there his grand"daughter" and came back to a grandson after all. But we all know that Garp would never discriminate, and plus now he has another grandson to train.
• Luffy arrived in his life after a full year after he had transitioned, so at first Ace wasn't sure how to exacly explain this to Luffy, but he did manage to open up to him after they officially became brothers. Luffy wasn't just an innocent kid, while he didn't fully understood concepts like transphobia, to him Ace is just his brother so if anyone is mean to him or calls him names he'll just kick their asses.
• Ace had been homeschooled for the 5 years that would have been him attending elementary school. Middle school was the first time he attended an actual school and at first he wasn't open or confident at all and was ready to just beat up anyone who tried to shit talk him.
• Surprisingly he made a few friends. They were mostly just Luffy's friends who were older than him or his friends's siblings, but he appreciated it anyway. His absolute best friend ever tho is Kuina. I hd her as non binary using she/they so its just trans supporting trans, and they also have like a million of other reasons to be friends but those were already pointed out.
• His top surgery was payed by none other than his father Newgate. The Whitebeards pirates would be just this one tatoo shop Ace works at that Newgate he opened after "retiring" from biker gangs and stuff.
• Obbligatory T4T Yamace, but we all already knew this, didn't we?
• Ace gets the best older trans guy advice from Franky. Because to me, he is just what every trans guy aspires to be, cool and hardboiled. And who wouldn't want to get advice from the dude who did his own top surgery in his father's mechanic shop at 15?
These are all from me, but feel free to add your own or elaborate on the ones you like.
Trans Ace is so real to me that I quite literally can't imagine him being cis. It's just so,,, Weird to me. And I absolutely love everything you said. I definitely think Sabo was the first one to know and the one who helped Ace the most with his transition, also telling Garp, who actually is way better (if you can say 'better' when something isn't even 'good' but yeah) at raising boys. At least he understands them better. So I think he wouldn't have a problem with it at all even if he's more on the "I don't really get it that much, kid, but as long as you're happy" type of vibe. I agree with everything,, When he was younger he really didn't interact with many people and usually preferred to be alone. Teachers considered him more of a problematic kid than anything, and always compared him to Sabo with the typical "how are you like this when your brother is just so polite and smart!?" but then Sabo always ends up fighting the teachers for saying that shit in front of the class and Sabo stops being so perfect in their eyes (also he starts rebelling himself a lot against the educational system lmao). And not to talk shit about Garp, but talking shit about Garp I'm sure Ace would get in trouble a lot and Garp wouldn't show up to the meetings with Ace's teachers. That only makes Ace feel lonelier and everyone thinks he's extremely troubled. When he's literally a sweetheart to both Sabo and Luffy,, When he meets Luffy's friends, he starts to open up to people. He still gets in a lot of trouble, honestly, but that's just him. I think his classmates find out about him being trans, of course, and not a lot of people are okay with that. He truly wants to fight them but he knows that if he keeps going like this he'll get expelled and he doesn't like the idea of leaving Sabo and Luffy alone ('doesn't like the idea' meaning he almost gets expelled and Sabo had to scold him and tell him that even though he has his own friends he doesn't know what he would do without him in school), so Luffy and Sabo are usually the one defending him a lot of the time since the teachers, even though they're chaotic, don't really hate them (because look at those cutie patooties how could you hate Luffy???? He gets along even with teachers). The Whitebeard pirates accept him with open arms and he finally feels he has a place to belong to. Newgate doesn't even offer to pay for the surgery, he just pays without telling him first because he knows Ace wouldn't have let him do it otherwise. He's so so grateful for them. And his brothers. And his friends. And everybody that has ever supported him. I think that he has lots of issues with depression and self-image and he often has a hard time when he acts impulsively, but Newgate always helps him. He grounds him. Gives him something to focus on. And Franky is soooo fun to be around. Newgate tells him to go see Franky and give him the money he owes him, and that's how they meet, basically. It's obvious he's trans because he goes shirtless all the time and scars are there and everything... And Ace just has to ask about his experience. Franky helps him gladly. And it's not only cathartic but also very comforting. He also meets Robin there!!!! Because married Frobin in this one. And I think Ace would absolutely love her because she keeps being oh so nice to him. She kind of reminds him of Makino, and it's extremely sweet. I think Ace now goes to help Franky from time to time when the Tattoo shop doesn't really need him there or, well, whenever he wants to because he also is extremely interested in bikes.
T4T Yamace my beloved.... Guys being guys. Dudes being dudes. I think they meet because Newgate tells Ace something about this man Kaido (leader of a gang) who owes him lots of money or something or did something very nasty to him yadda yadda Maybe they just have beef from when Newgate was into the gang stuff. And Ace keeps saying he should go and settle things with Kaido and beat him up for that, but Newgate is retired and he really, really doesn't give a single fuck about it. Lmao. Ace says he could take down Kaido himself. Newgate laughs. Ace is too proud. So he ends up looking for Kaido and fighting Yamato late at night in the street and,, Well. You know how it goes. They become daddy issues besties and turns out Yamato does not want to follow his dad's steps. Ace is curious about Yamato's experience because he doesn't seem to want to have surgery or anything, and they keep bonding over their pasts and family and Yamato ends up joining the friend group. And it's so cute. Newgate can see the kid is in love because every day he waits for Yamato to come pick him up to hang out. Or maybe he begs to get out earlier to go see Yamato. He keeps talking about Yamato,,, All the time. Even Sabo and Luffy are done with him. It's endearing.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA This is just so good. Modern Au my absolute beloved.
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