#i listen to a segment of my lil course!
invinciblerodent · 8 months
at the risk of sounding weird- do you ever genuinely feel like a big ol' bumblebee in a flowering alfalfa field as you're flitting back and forth between Interests
and isn't it just Fun
is this what Having Fun is like
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fatuismooches · 27 days
hello, this is my first time doing something like this on tumblr but I had an idea and thought it might be worth talking about qvq
what do you think of a fragile reader who, upon waking up from their coma, felt really homesick? and how would dottore and his segments react to this? i’d imagine the shock of waking up in a completely different country being really overwhelming, and want to hear your thoughts TvT
Surprisingly, this is one of the times when Dottore won't be a stranger to your feelings. He very clearly remembers when he had to adapt to Snezhnaya, all the things that were so different from what he was used to. Now, he's completely adjusted to it, but the most important part is that he and the segments are very much lying to themselves when they claim to not miss their homeland. No matter how much you pry, him ever admitting to longing for the place that kicked him out is a far-fetched fantasy. Still... the feeling nags at him sometimes if he lets his mind drift, though he quickly occupies himself to prevent it from spreading.
Dottore predicted this happening, after all, it doesn't take a genius to know that such a dramatic shift in scenery can take a toll on the mind, especially considering your illness. You're intrigued for a short while, taking in the blankets of snow that cover the ground as far as your eyes can see, wondering how the droplets of snow feel on you. However, it doesn't take long for the homesickness to creep in. You long to bask in the sun, to run around and roll in the soft grass, holler at him from the trees at him like you used to as a student. There's no doubt Snezhnaya is beautiful in its own way, but you can't help but remember what you've lost, and won't get back for a long time. Still, your lover will do his best to prevent the dreariness from seeping into you, coupled with your illness, it won't end well. Granted, Dottore is Dottore, so it's going to be a lil awkward, but he won't let you hurt by yourself. He'll let you sob in his arms about how scary this all is if you really need to.
He and the segments are a good listening ear when they're not intensely focused on their work - perhaps this is the most comforting part, knowing that he too has experienced something similar to you. He listens to you reminisce about your homeland, all the things you miss there and want to go back to do one day, him included of course. He'll ask the chefs to prepare your favorite foods from there (imagine how shocked they are to see him considering how he seems to eat once in a blue moon.) He'll somehow get music spincrystals of your favorite tunes. Clothes, snacks, books, scents, random items - Dottore will make a quiet note of anything you mention that could be acquired. He's no Pantalone, he doesn't splurge mindlessly but carefully analyzes each thing to see if it'll help ease your homesickness. Still, he knows in the end that these are all material items and can't actually replace the sensation of home, so he'll keep a close eye on your state.
However, the biggest thing he can offer you is the promise of taking you back to your homeland one day. You can only place your trust in your doctor and hope he fulfills your request.
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rivangel · 1 year
can i pls request a lil something with the sit prompt from the smut prompt lists with levi and afab gn reader pls? with reader being in levi’s lap preferably <3
yesss of course😌 to be gn i didnt mention reader's upper half and underwear. i hope that's what you had in mind!<3
[ SIT ]  for one muse to finger the other who sits in their lap fully clothed,  keeping an arm around their waist to make them stay still. 
modern/college au, edging, teasing and teasing, fingering | 0.7k
His hand, clamped to your mouth, has long-since grown hot and moist from your shallow gasps and pinched whimpers. You lick his palm and feel the satisfying scrape of callouses against your tongue in one more pitiful act of rebellion against keeping you quiet, because—and he never fails to stress with two fingers moving in your cunt—a very important documentary for your very important chemistry class plays on TV in front of you.
You know he's full of it. You both know he is, or else finally laying his palm flat on your pussy earlier wouldn't have been the way he dealt with your complaints about watching a boring documentary for your boring chemistry class.
To anyone else, you're just laying astride in his lap. There's no way to tell what he's doing, if anything, under the thick fleece blanket thrown over the both of you.
"If your roommate were here"—Levi curls his fingers as he murmurs in your ear—"you would've got us caught twenty minutes ago."
Your nostrils flare. You can't rebuke him, but you find it hard to believe Levi is paying enough attention to what is playing to know it's been twenty minutes. But then you lose even your thoughts as a third finger slithers under the crotch of your wet shorts and dips inside you with ease.
You squeeze your eyes shut. "Mm."
The fingers closed on your mouth loosely spread. "What was that segment about?"
"U-Uh, I don't—"
His thumb taps your swollen and neglected clit. You about sob. "I don't know," you babble.
You lean your temple against his, gripping his bicep. It's his fault that you're squirming like this, how you can't help but shiver and tense up when he gives the slightest inclination he's going to finger-fuck you faster.
"You know how to ride my fingers, but not how to listen?"
He pumps them quickly for an explosive moment, making you writhe in his lap. Only to whine pitifully when he slows again to a crawl. He kisses your jaw sweetly.
He clamps his hand over your lips again. "I know you're close. Why do you think I'm teasing you like this?"
The implications of that could either be torturous or amazing, if he feels like taking pity on you.
Well, if his idea is to edge you until the documentary ends, you decide to change his mind in advance.
Subtly, gruelingly, you grind your ass down on his lap. He warned you about that earlier, but it's a risk you're willing to make at this point.
His teeth hook on your tender neck, and whichever out of many marks he's left in the past "twenty minutes".
"Fuck," he huffs. "You're impossible. You know that?"
“Mhm?” His lidded eyes take in the state of you with a cool look.
With a forced huff for being inconvenienced, he kisses you.
He's always so in-control. Shifting you into his lap proper, right where he wants you without disturbing the blanket, and in doing nothing but inhaling sharply as you bring his heavy cock out of his sweatpants. His gasp is like a volt of electricity against your neck.
"How long have you been this hard, baby?" you giggle secretively.
With a hand on your cheek, he brings your lips together. "How long have you been dripping all over my fingers?"
Your eyes flutter closed as the heavy girth of him slides through your lips. For a moment, your mutual teasing evaporates all together. Levi grips your hip, smearing your wetness, as if all of his true desperation is concentrated to his hand.
"Please," you whisper to his sweaty temple as his hips rock forward.
His cool silver eyes gaze into you knowingly. "We could fuck for the rest of the runtime and you would've retained none of it."
"I love Google almost as much as you fucking me."
He scoffs, offset by a soft gasp as his tip presses into your rim, and slides in. "Idiot... I can't tell if that's a low bar or not."
"Mm... I love you more than anything?"
Your eyes meet, barely lidded as your insides flutter and part around him, until you rest comfortably in his lap.
"Decent save."
The narrator is reiterating something about the potency of liquid nitrogen now. You'd laugh if you were listening to it, and not Levi's soft, stuttered moan as he thrusts hungrily into you. The documentary won't have your attention back for the rest of the night.
| levi masterlist | main masterlist |
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basedkikuenjoyer · 4 months
Spiderwebs Part 748
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Okay Toei, I forgot about this one being on y'all and it is a dope addition. Cavendish has cutouts of adoring fans if none are around. He needs them, he has a condition. A condition I find hilarious. This specific moment is where I want to end this series on and thankfully Cabbage gets a little more love as a key lead-in. Remember the idea is early Dressrosa & where it breaks down is the biggest example of what the Straw Hats lack going forward. Cavendish is a great example of who works well as a counter...but he's just too damn annoying to be more than the star of the Grand Fleet. Yes, the fact he has a foil dynamic with an adoring fanboy is certainly relevant when compared to a later renowned beauty with a demon alter ego.
This anime addition is bolstering an interesting scene in Dressrosa, 748 is kind of an internal story that serves as a transition for Luffy & Zoro but also reinforces this overall idea. Like, it comes in later but echoes some of those early ideas. That's what I wanna look at, from the perspective this chapter is where we really see the idea of a Grand Fleet start to form:
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You probably remember this gag well. A bunch of the future GF captains badger Luffy about how they're all going to kick the shit out of Doflamingo. But looking back there are some more interesting scenes. The first is this. Because fame is an important context when we talk themes that come up later in Wano. It's telling Luffy doesn't really even get what Cavendish is on about here. Remember this is between Jinbei struggling to get Luffy to understand this concept and Wano showing him get it; you're a famous figure now and that will influence how you got about things. See Lucy in the Colosseum.
Cabbage is a great example of how fame can net you enemies through no fault of your own. But it isn't just him. This segment is interesting because its a lot of future Grand Fleet captains coming together. You could argue this is a key moment where the Fleet forms, and fittingly for my bullshit it's also a big place where you see how rowdy and prone to infighting the group can be. An early example that they don't always listen to Luffy well. Even Zoro tries and fails to craft a sensible plan. That plus what prompts this meeting already is a pretty damn cool coincidence to have 200 chapters before the big reveal for Kiku in Udon.
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Luffy and Zoro get tossed down because of losing their shit at Pica's voice. Which is objectively hilarious. But actually stop and think beyond the gag. Losing their composure for a bit had big consequences, the scene pushes that angle. It delayed them and Pica's rampage contributes a lot to Dressrosa's destruction. This is an idea that'll come up in the fight too; Doflamingo tries to taunt Law about Corazon and remarks that he's matured when it doesn't work. Kaido tries another version that does work on Luffy by being silly and flirty in a dire moment.
Part of why I find the trans reveal for Kiku in Udon as interesting. Chopper's one thing but getting bogged down in a big conversation about that right at that moment wouldn't just piss off our beloved Crane Wife and made her (metaphorically) fly away, it could have jeopardized the whole capture of the prison. They needed to act fast to keep the report from getting out. You know, pulling a Doflamingo and giving a fake one.
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Where this all comes together for me though isn't the coincidence with a chapter number...it's the title. Ore no Onagaeshi or "I'm Returning the Favor" like what the future captains are shouting as they all come together. Of course, that's interesting in light of the lil bookend we have around Bakura Town. 913's Tsuru no Onageshi and it's folklore allusion that casts a long shadow over Kiku's story followed by 918's Luffytaro Returns the Favor.
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Of course, the story of Luffy, Zoro, and a strange new girl making everything in Wano more complicated because they had to save a little girl and dole out vigilante justice. It was still a much more orderly type of chicanery even if Law griped about it. Seriously though, this segment does use a lot of the same concepts and it's cool how it all comes together around someone who impresses Luffy at least would theoretically be good at keeping that group of ruffians in line.
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creamyandrich · 1 year
Mettaton's "Biggest" Fan
A lil story I wrote a few months back and posted on my DA. Was going to post this for Vore day but I forgot :3
Story under the cut!
"This is my biggest fan?!  Is this a joke?"
Your tiny form shifted awkwardly as you stood on your VIP backstage pass like a stage.  It was sitting on Mettaton's makeup vanity.  THE Mettaton.  You won this personal meet-and-greet through a contest, but the robotic star that was looming above you seemed... less than thrilled as he talked into his hot pink phone between bites of a Glamburger.
"I mean, how did they even enter?  Don't we have height requirements for these things?!"
Mettaton rolled his eyes as the person on the other end of the call spoke.  You simply stared up at the robotic superstar in silence, in utter awe of him.  Recently, Mettaton had increased the amount of cooking segments on his program, and it was starting to show.  The star was now sporting a very noticeable muffin top with a much wider set of hips to match.  His whole lower half jiggled and bounced above you as he listened on the phone, drumming his fingers on the vanity.
He snapped, abruptly hanging up as his gaze moved to you.
"Sorry darling, just ironing something out with my manager..."
He said, taking a seat, his shapely body making the stool creak as he sat down and tossed the final bite of the burger into his mouth.
"So... barely an inch tall and you're bold enough to win my 'Biggest Fan' contest..."
He smirked.
"You must admit darling, the irony is delicious."
You opened your mouth to speak, but you were immediately cut off by a loud grumbling.  Mettaton looked down and placed a hand over his stomach, his fingers sinking into his softened midsection as he let out a sigh.
"Ugh...  AND of course you show up right in the middle of lunch..."
As he spoke, you saw his eye slowly widen and look over at you, the spark of an idea forming in the robot's head as a sly smile formed on his lips.
"Oh darling,"
He said, his voice suddenly dripping with saccharine sweetness.
"I have a proposition for you.  You see, a performer like myself needs a lot of energy through the day.  Usually I just need to plug in for a bit, but I can get my energy from other sources if the need arises..."
He leaned over, looming above you as his stomach growled again.  His satin white gloves slid onto the vanity next to you, a devilish smile on his face.
"Would you be a dear and help give me a little boost to make it through the rest of the day?  You wouldn't want to disappoint my other, bigger fans, would you?"
The predatory look in his eye sent shivers down your spine, and your heart sank as he spoke.  Fear overtook you and you turned around to run.  Before you could take a step, however, Mettaton's thumb and pointer finger roughly pinched you around your waist and lifted you off the desk, turning you around to face him.  You pounded your fists against his gloved metal digits to no avail, the massive robot only giggling as you struggled.
"Ohohoho!  I'll take your struggling as a yes, darling.  Thank you!  Don't worry, I'll be gentle, just sit back and enjoy the ride!"
Your struggles intensified as he moved you closer to his face.  His glossy black lips parted, revealing his waiting maw.  His fangs glistened in the light, barely visible threads of drool dripped off of them onto his thick pink tongue.  It slowly undulated in a beckoning motion as his head cocked upwards, letting you stare down the dark abyss of his throat.  A wave of heat washed over you as he let out a happy moan, his breath carried the scent of strawberries.  You felt Mettaton's grip loosen on you and you attempted to grab onto his glove, but the silky smooth fabric gave your hands no purchase, and you felt yourself plummet downward. 
With a splat, you landed on the center of his tongue.  His jaws snapped shut around you as an amused hum rumbled up from his throat, sending vibrations through your body as his tongue started moving.  He playfully swished you around his mouth, pressing you against his perfect teeth and pinning you flat against his pallete.  You were soaked to the bone in his thick saliva, coughing and sputtering as he idly played with you.  He rolled you across his tongue and sucked on you like a piece of candy for several minutes, amused giggles rising from his chest as you struggled in vain against him.  Your limbs became sore from constant wrestling with the artifical muscle, but you were re-invigorated to fight as you felt yourself sliding backward.  You felt the curvature of his tongue slope downward as his throat opened beneath you.  You clung on for dear life, but you barely found any grip on his slick taste buds and could feel yourself getting closer and closer to his throat.  His uvula jostled above you as a chuckle rumbled up from his throat.
Suddenly, light streamed into Mettaton's mouth as his lips parted.  He opened his maw and you looked past his fangs to see his reflection in the vanity's mirror.  He stared back at you, pink blush on his plush cheeks.  He fluttered his eyelashes and gave you a flirtatious wave in the mirror, before his mouth snapped shut once again and you were sucked downward in a deafening gulp.
Mettaton sighed, feeling your tiny body slide down his throat.
"Oh yes~!  Darling, you went down as smooth as wine."
He teased, rubbing his hand across the latex covering his belly.
"If you can hear me in there, do your best to go to my thighs!  I know you don't have that many calories in your teensy little self, but every little bit helps~!"
He said, chuckling to himself as he picked up your VIP backstage pass and haphazardly tossed it into a wastebasket.
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mystic-story-lover · 1 year
Hey there friend! Just popping in to request a soft lil thing with Alex Shelley where the reader wins their first big title in impact and they have a cute little moment backstage afterwards whilst taking some pictures
~ My Champion ~
Alex Shelley x Zoe (Female!OC)
Word Count: 3048
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of smut
Type: Fluff
Summary: At Slammiversary, Zoe wins her first title in a triple threat from Deonna and Trinity. After the three count Alex comes running out to celebrate.
A/N: I know that officially, the men were the main event and Josh walked out after, but I switched that up just a bit to give a little more for the story
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Gif is mine
“Are you nervous for tonight?” Deonna questioned as I sat beside her.
“Is it bad if I say yes?” I smile at her, and she shakes her head.
“Not at all! I know this is something you’ve been pushing to achieve for so long, and you deserve it Zoe.” She replied, placing a reassuring hand on my arm.
We sat and talked for a while, mostly about how the match would go tonight, and having a friend to listen to my worries truly helped. Deonna and I became friends shortly after her arrival in Impact, and it became a tradition for the two of us to sit together before one of us had a title match.
“Babe, there you are.” I heard from behind me, and spotted my boyfriend coming up to us.
“Hey babe, what’s up?” I asked as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.
“Well, I just had a meeting with Scott, and he mentioned that my match has been moved to the co-main event. You, Deonna, and Trinity are going to close the show.” He smiled down at me, and a feeling of dread overcame me.
“What?! When did this happen?” I asked frantically as I began to panic. 
“Hey, Zoe, it’s alright. The match will still go on as normal.” Deonna stated, giving my arm a gentle squeeze. 
I shifted my gaze to her, and she gave me a soft smile. A warm hand drug itself over my arm, and I glanced up to see Alex looking down at me. He wore a smile as well, and when I looked at him, he placed a kiss on my lips. 
“It’s going to be okay.” He reassured me before kissing me a second time.
“You guys are right. I’ve just been so nervous about this.” I sighed before leaning back, my back coming into contact with Alex’s belt. “Shit that’s cold.” I hissed.
Both of them chuckled at my words, and Alex took off his denim jacket before helping me into it. Once he knew it was settled on me, he helped me lean back against him once more, this time the jacket protecting my back from the cold.
“When is Chris fighting?” Deonna asked, and I checked the time from my phone. His match was going to start soon, so we needed to be at the monitor’s for the segment with Alex.
“Soon, which means we should go in a moment.” I spoke, and Deonna nodded at my words.
“I’ll see you later then Zoe. Good luck Alex, you’re going to do great.” She stated before standing up and walking away.
“Are you ready to go beautiful?” Alex asked, massaging my shoulders a little. 
“Yeah, I am. I’m going to try and catch Chris before his match.” I replied, and Alex released my shoulders, giving me the chance to stand.
Once I was up on my feet, Alex reached for my hand, and he interlaced our fingers together. We greeted those who we passed in the hallways as we made our way to the interview area, that way, once Chris’ match came to an end, Alex would be there ready to go. When we arrived, Alex released my hand and gave me a gentle kiss to my lips.
“Could you tell him that I’m proud of him?” Alex asked, a hint of sadness in his eyes.
“Of course, and I’m sure he’s going to appreciate it.” I smiled at him, which he softly returned.
I turned around after that, and began walking over to the guerilla. Lio was standing there waiting for his music, and I watched as he bounced on the heels of his feet. Chris was over in the corner talking with the ABC, since their match would be only seconds after this was. 
“Zoe, what are you doing over here?” Lio questioned.
“I came to check on Chris before the match, and deliver a message to him for Alex. Are you ready for this?” I replied, and asked as he began to shake his arms.
“A little part of me is, yeah.” He answered, but before he could say more, his music began to play. “See you later!” He called as I began walking towards Chris.
He stopped his conversation as he saw me approach them, and the others welcomed me with a smile.
“Hey, Alex wanted me to let you know that he’s proud of you.” I stated, a giant smile plastered on my face.
“I’ll give him my thanks after the match.” He smiled at me. “I heard you got moved to the main event.”
“Terrifyingly so,” I laughed. “That’s your music, time for you to go.”
Chris nodded, and shifted his face into a serious expression, and walked toward the curtain. Ace, Chris, and I watched as he disappeared before they turned to speak with me.
“So, you’re nervous about the main event?” Chris asked.
“Yeah, I mean this is something I’ve worked for, but it’s terrifying that it’s actually here.” They nodded at this, and we heard Lio’s music begin to play again.
“Well, guess we better get ready.” Ace chuckled, trying to bring light to the situation.
“Give me too sweet.” I smiled proudly. 
Ace and I debuted around the same time together in Impact, and we’d always been close because of it. When it was just the two of us trying to make a name for ourselves in Impact, we had each other’s backs, and that never really changed. He was my best friend, through and through, but I was grateful for the other friends I’ve made along the way. Both Sabin and Bey, the Chris’ as we called them, were two of those that came around shortly for me, and we’ve been friends since. The guys too sweeted me, and they smiled as I waved goodbye.
“Hey, babe, I’m over here.” I heard Alex’s voice, and turned my head to the right, spotting him smiling at me. 
“Hey you, how did your segment go?” I asked, smiling as I got closer to him.
“It went well, at least I think so.” He chuckled, a smile forming on his face.
“Alex!” Chris called, and I watched as Alex’s gaze shifted, thus causing me to turn around and spot Chris coming our way.
“Hey man!” Alex retorted, and I watched as the two men struck up a conversation.
It was only a few months after my debut in Impact that I met Chris. Everything around me was nerve-wracking, and I was still adjusting to being in a major company. Seeing my nerves, Chris swore to take me under his wing and make sure that I was safe here, and that I was happy with my career. Since then, he’s been one of the people I trust most in life. Not long after meeting him, he introduced me to Alex. 
“Babe, are you with us?” Alex waved a hand in front of my face, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Oh, sorry, what did I miss?” I asked, and Chris started to laugh. I playfully punched him in the arm, and he pouted, causing Alex to erupt in a fit of laughter.
“We were talking about our favorite bands to listen to.” Chris replied, rubbing his arm in a dramatic effect.
“Well, mine’s definitely got to be FIDLAR.” I smiled, and Alex nodded.
“No way, there’s so many bands to choose from.” Chris groaned. “How can you just pick?”
Alex and him began to argue over which bands were better, allowing me to get distracted in my thoughts once more. The conversation reminded me of my first date with Alex, and a smile grew on my face at the thought. It started with lunch, which we went to a cozy restaurant, and then he took me around town to explore Detroit. I’d just moved there about a month before, but was so busy with Impact and Indies that I didn’t have the time to get around to it before our date. Once our tour was over, Alex took me for a beautiful stroll of the beach at sunset, and that’s the spot where we share some of our best memories. When Alex asked me to move in with him, we were spending time at the beach, and he waited until the sunset arrived to ask, mentioning that it was his favorite memory from our first date, therefore he wanted it to be as important for this.
“Earth to Zoe, are you still there?” Chris asked, but I didn’t notice. 
Everyone knew how I felt about Alex, no matter how much I worked to cover it. Ace was the first to figure it out, and from there he mentioned it to Gia. Second to learn of my feelings was none other than Alex’s best friend, and he instantly came running to me when he realized it. The conversation mostly consisted of “you can’t tell him” and “I won’t but you need to”, even though I never intended to. I wanted to wait for the feelings to disappear on their own, but when Alex asked to talk to me, and told me how he feels, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to tell him the same thing. Once our feelings were known, Alex and I became even more inseparable, much to the annoyance of Chris.
“I think she’s thinking about you.” Chris stated.
“How can you tell?” Alex asked, looking over at me, still lost in my own little world.
“Look at how she’s smiling. She wore that same one when she told me you asked her on a date.” Chris replied, pointing at my face.
“Huh? What’s wrong?” I asked, confusion wrapping itself into my facial expression.
“Ah, there she is!” Chris exclaimed. “Were you thinking about your boyfriend?” 
“Yes sir I was.” I spoke matter of factly. “Mostly about how everyone knew how I felt before he did.” 
“Well, as much as I’d love to hear about how you were thinking of me, I’ve got to go. Nick’s walking out in a second.” Alex smiled at me before placing a kiss on my forehead, causing Chris to gag.
“Did the other two matches end already?” I asked, completely unaware of how much time had passed.
“Yes, they did Miss Daydream.” Chris laughed and I flipped him off.
“I’ll see you after your match. Good luck babe.” Alex said before kissing me.
“The same to you handsome!” I called as he walked away. 
Chris turned to face me, and he wore a smirk, making me know something was up.
“What do you know that I don’t?” I asked, poking him in the chest with my finger.
“Just that Alex has a surprise for you.” Chris said, raising his hands in surrender before walking away.
“What was that about?” Deonna asked as she approached me.
“I’m not sure, to be honest with you. All I know is Alex has a surprise, and he walked away before saying more.” I sighed, bringing a hand up to my hair. 
“Weird, maybe it’s something to congratulate you.” Deonna asked with a smile.
“Possibly, but I’m not sure.” I answer her and begin to pull my hair out of the braid it was in. 
I ran my fingers through my hair as Deonna and I watched the match on the monitor. Alex was quick with his movements, but it was clear they wanted to show it as Nick had the power advantage to take the win. We watched as Alex hit “Sliced Bread” and heard a hiss behind us, causing me to turn around and see Trinity. I smiled and waved at her before turning back around to continue watching that match. As we continued to watch, more of our friends came over to see how this played out. 
“Here is your winner, and still your Impact World Champion, Alex Shelley!” It was announced, and I let out a little scream of excitement. We watched as Alex walked up the ramp, and Chris was right next to me as we waited for him to come back.
“Hey, there’s my champ.” Chris whistled, smiling at Alex. 
“Hey man!” Alex laughed, but stopped when he spotted me.
“Congratulations, champ.” I whispered and watched as Alex smiled.
“I did it for us, baby. We’re gonna run this place.” He whispered back, approaching me. I leaned into his palm as he rested his hand against my face, and smiled up at him.
“Get a room you two!” Ace shouted from the crowd, causing us both to laugh.
“She has a match first!” Sabin called back.
“Did you really think I’d miss it?” I asked.
A rupture of “no” came from the group, and I laughed. When everything seemed to go wrong, these were the people who showed me they could go right. I’d always be thankful for my friends here, no matter what happened to me.
“I’m glad I had a spare jacket waiting for me by the way.” Alex laughed, and I blushed.
“Is it okay if I wear this one tonight?” I asked with red cheeks, and he nodded before kissing me so I could go.
A whistle interrupted us, and I knew that it was time for me to get in position. I gave Alex one last peck before walking to right behind the curtain and waiting for my music to begin. Once it played, I walked out, and made my way to the ring where I waited for Trinity and Deonna. As they came out, I moved out of the ring to give them space. When everyone was out here, I slid back into the ring and got into a corner where I waited for the bell to ring.
The match was back and forth for all of us for a while, each trying to hit their signature move instantly. A quick win wouldn’t be easy, that much was clear for us, so we continued to battle it out. As Trinity was about to end the match, I shoved her out of the ring, and hit Deonna with a Shellshock, giving me the opportunity to pin her. I did exactly that, listening as the ref hit the mat three times, and I scored the win. I quickly rolled off of Deonna and watched as she rolled out of the ring, allowing me room to celebrate. 
“Here is your winner via pinfall, and new Knockouts World Champion, Zoe Scott!” I grabbed the belt from the referee’s hands, and tears fell from my eyes. I raised the belt above my head, and I could hear the fans cheer for me. Truly, it was a dream come true for me. As I was celebrating, the Motor City Machine Guns song began to play, and both men came running to the ring. Chris instantly wrapped me in a massive hug, allowing me a moment to let my tears out. When we let go, he raised my hand, showing everyone that I was supported by him, causing me to smile in between the tears. After a second, he released my hand, and Alex reached for my other one, using it to twirl me into him before placing a passionate kiss on my lips. Normally, I’d kiss him back, but I was caught off guard as Alex and I weren’t public with our relationship. It took a second, but I did end up kissing him back. When the kiss broke, Alex signaled for a mic, and he was granted with one.
“Congratulations to my wonderful girlfriend on winning her first title here in Impact.” Fans screamed when he used that title, and I smiled as tears continued to roll down my cheeks. “I love you so much Zoe.”
I ran into his arms, belt still in my hands, and he embraced me in a tight hug as we celebrated my win. We spent roughly five minutes in the ring before walking back hand in hand with Chris beside me. Once we were in the back, I released Alex’s hand and ran towards the area where I spotted Ace. At this point, I was wearing the belt around my waist, so I was easily able to run into his arms for a hug. 
“You did it Zoe!” He exclaimed, squeezing me. “I’m so fucking proud of you.” 
“Thank you for everything Ace, I mean it. You’ve been my best friend for years, and you never once gave up on me.” I cried, and he began to rub my back.
“Zoe, I’ll always be here for you. You’re my best friend.” He smiled as I pulled away.
I hugged him once more before turning around to see Alex. He was smiling at me, and I ran back into his arms, this time jumping for him to hold me.
“We got a wild Zoe on the loose.” Chris joked, and I laughed, throwing my head back.
“Don’t fall now!” Ace chuckled.
“I won’t drop you, don’t worry.” Alex reassured me, sliding one hand up to support my back.
We spent half an hour with our friends, having a blast and reminiscing on past times. By the end of the night, I was exhausted, and I could tell Alex was too.
“Babe, we can go back to the hotel, you know that right?” I sighed as I laid my head on his shoulder. 
“I know, but I want you to keep having fun.” He answered.
“All I need to have fun is you.” I whispered and kissed his neck.
“Babe, what are you doing?” He groaned as I placed another kiss. 
“Showing you we can have fun too.” I state before kissing higher up.
“We’ll head back and have as much fun as you can handle then,” Alex groaned again as I kissed right under his earlobe. “But I have a question first.”
“What’s up?” I asked, pulling away from him.
“Will you wear my jackets more? They look good on you.” He asked sheepishly.
“Of course I will!” I giggled, excited at the question.
“Good. Now let’s go celebrate.” Alex smirked as he stood up.
“It’s gross to think my best friends are leaving to have sex.” Chris made a disgusted face as he began walking away.
“Oh don’t worry Chris, I’ll make sure to tell you all the details.” I joked.
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thicctails · 2 years
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
💞 Who's your comfort character?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
for the ask game? Hi!
👀 I've got two fics currently; De spatio and ghost stars. Here's a lil snippet of both
Ghost stars:
A mix of gravel and mud stuck to Bumblebee's tires as he rolled slowly along the back road that led to Pleasant Meadow Cemetery, the thick liquid settling into the grooves of his tires. The Autobot's engine whirred softly, a ripple of discontentment going through him. Pleasant. What a joke. There was nothing pleasant about this place. It was just a grassy field with carved stones. There was no colourful glass murals or written life stories, no carefully crafted songs being sung by friends or loved ones to commemorate the lives of those passed. Indeed, there was nothing around that would indicate that the savior of Earth had been laid to rest here.
“This place… ain’t all that.” he sifted through various channels on the radio, trying to get his point across. “My boy… deserves better, baby!”
His passenger, Mikaela, gently rubbed his steering wheel with her thumb, trying to comfort the Camero. One of Sam’s old stuffed toys was tucked under her arm, Sam’s carrier having requested that the young lady deliver the toy to his grave. This wasn’t the first time they’d visited together, and it certainly wasn’t the first time he’d voiced his opinion. “This is one of the nicest cemeteries around, Bee, you know that. Most of the world doesn’t know what Sam did, so it makes sense not to have something super extravagant.”
Bumblebee growled in disagreement, digging his tires further into the moist road as his armor subtly shifted in anger. The world should know about Sam! The young human deserved recognition at the very least! He stood his ground against Megatron, something that most Autobots would never be brave enough to do. Not only that, but he’d killed the Decepticon leader! He’d been so, so afraid, and he’d had the opportunity to take the easy way out and listen to Optimus’s command, yet he’d chosen to thrust the AllSpark into Megatron’s spark.
‘And this is what it got him.’ he thought sadly, pulling into the empty parking lot. It was early in the morning, the sky just starting to turn a rosy pink, ‘Put in a hole in the ground and left to rot, unknown by almost all the people he saved.’
De spatio inter astra:
Starscream hadn’t truly appreciated recharge until he’d arrived on Earth. The taxing demands of scouting and patrolling an entirely alien planet with strange weather phenomenon and air currents usually left him exhausted. This latest mission had proved no different, sapping his energy and leaving his wings close to trembling with how difficult it was to keep them from drooping.
He’d been so exhausted, in fact, that he’d started to hallucinate. He thought he’d seen a Sparkling, of all things, nestled in Knock Out’s arms and letting out little chirps.
 Maybe he should go see the medic, make sure his Carrier coding hadn’t somehow been activated…
He blinked slowly as he came out of recharge, colour and sight returning to him as his optics came back online. Feeling well rested, Starscream stretched and made to sit up.
As he did so, a weight on his chassis shifted, a quiet ’mrrmph’ coming from somewhere on his abdomen. The Seeker stiffened, unsure of what the best course of action was. Slowly, he sat up, propping himself up on his elbows.
There was a small form curled up on his chassis, a dull pink ball of barely segmented armor. Wings, much different from his own, hid much of the thing’s body. It shifted again, a tiny tail twitching in irritation at the disturbance. A weak EM field brushed against his own iron-clad one, sending a sharp shock of surprise down the Decepticon’s backstruts.
💞 Charlie Watson my beloved ❤️❤️❤️
🤯 Mystery I feel like. I can't keep my damn mouth shut I just wanna go go go!
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aria0fgold · 23 days
Crazy worldbuilding my dream just gave me. Basically I ended up getting sent into a different world and got turned into a lil kid with the most vibrantly shining blue hair and golden eyes there is, I think I also got split in a way??? Cuz I had a puffy and round stuffed toy where 2 of my headmates (Vita and Gala) got put in, I can still communicate with them in my mind but I'd need the stuffed toy near me. I was in the middle of a forest during daytime and the clouds overhead was so strange, it was segmented and moves like waves then a bunch of people found me and thought I was the kid of their leader which was a Forest Tiger that can shapeshift into a human form.
He had blue fur with white stripes instead of the usual orange and black in his tiger form, his eyes were also golden so it's no wonder those people thought I was his kid and sent me there and the guy was like-- Cold Duke of the North type but didn't sent me away and actually practically adopted me??? But he always has a frown and never says anything much so dream me doesn't even know if he Actually thinks I'm his kid or he just decided to take in this random kid with the Exact features he has but Girl. The castle is like the Chinese palaces in the ancient times and since I'm supposed to be the "King's" kid, I got educated bout the overall place and turns out I'm in some sort of Ancient China fantasy land where the Chinese Zodiac are the leaders of the countries and the Forest Tiger is supposedly the king of the land.
And the servant with me was like: "It's a good thing you haven't encountered a dragon."
And I was like: "There's a dragon???"
The servant's face was ??? "Yeah, in fact, the clouds are dragons."
I looked up with the most shocked face ever and stared at the clouds for so long that I did manage to see tiny lil dragon forms on it and the servant elaborated that the clouds were a subspecies of a dragon and a spirit so it isn't really a Dragon dragon, but that was still crazy. And also turns out that the Chinese Dragon equivalent to the Forest Tiger was rare to come by but guess what? Dream me still found not one! BUT TWO! orz...
Dream me was walking around the border of the land when there were two dragons farther outside fighting (one was red and the other blue). And "my dad" was like: "Don't get too close" while all the servants in the back whispering and just shocked that :o two dragons?!!?!?! HERE!?!?!! But of course, me being me, didn't listen and just went: "It's fine, there's a wall anyway--" Dream Logic kicks in and the supposed wall turned into a roof below me and I ended up slipping sliding, accidentally letting go of my stuffed toy and of course Dream Logic continues cuz turns out I'm MUCH CLOSER NOW. The red dragon was closer to me and thought I was related to the blue dragon so I ended up getting kidnapped. While the blue dragon was just ??? "Whose kid is that--" Then the Forest Tiger appeared in front of the blue dragon in his tiger form to order them to save me and the blue dragon was like: "Oh shit it's the spirit tiger's kid? Wait this is beneficial if our country made a connection with him." So they went to chase after the red dragon while "my dad" prepares to save me too.
Back in the red dragon's base (he turned into his human form) and I'm like-- being treated well and even given a map with my country back on earth in it that I ended up getting so excited to see I blurted it out and the red dragon was like: "So how long have you been here?" And I was sweating cuz Oh Shit so I went to pronounce the name wrong this time but the guy wasn't buying it anymore and just said "Most people has trouble pronouncing that, in fact many doesn't know How to actually pronounce it but you manage to do it first try. You're not really from here, right?"
Then I woke up.
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eziojensenthe3rd · 5 months
I had a sheezyart account before it went down and it was an alright site. Course the moments when it was all coming down was bad. If you dared to have an adblock active, they'd redirect you a lot to a webpage that has a massive, flashing, seizure triggering banner that read "ADBLOCK PARTY". I wasnt in the best of moods round that time this was happening since it was maybe a month or so after a funeral of my sisters best friend having "unsubbed from life", and being in the same room as her when my mother walked in and broke the news was not very good no sure. So when Sheezyart did that shit I was pissed off, not because of the adblock thing, there were "nicer" ways to ask someone to whitelist a site and this was not one of them.
Anyone recall fireball20xl? I'll give you minute to compose yourself from the brick of bad vibes i just lugged at you.
Anyway remember fireball20xl, it was a site run by a man called psyguy which hosted webcomics made by him and friends of his, among other things. They also hosted a podcast called Whachow "its like a kick in the nuts" which was one of the first podcasts i listened to regularly and had some guests such as shadyvox and lil kuriboh, with segments such as reading out nsfw fanfiction with hammy voice acting, which in hindsight was not appropriate material for someone who was attending high school at that age. One of the segments however was called Personal Fuck You's which were viewer-submitted letters of people anonymously airing grievances towards people/companies and such that pissed them off. Hence the name Personal Fuck You's.
So being me, i decided to write a personal fuck you aimed at Sheezyart and sent it to the submission email. I watched the following podcast live to see if they would read it, though the chances were slim. It got picked. It got read live on the air. Several members including Lil kuriboh read out my letter saying Fuck you to Sheezyart. That night was magical. Nowadays things are different, Psyguy was outed as an abusive, depraved, narcissist (to put it lightly). The site was shutdown and everybody not named psyguy left for much better pastures.
Im currently sitting in my old house, now my sisters house as my mother, step-father and myself moved to my grandparents house since they caught covid last year which left my grandma delerious and vulnerable and my grandfather dead. Im sitting next to a black cat whos on her tower noshing on food and a wee doby pup who is sleeping peacefully beside me on the couch. I like to think im doing pretty ok atm.
I tried seeing if my old account was still around on that site, it doesnt seem like they have it nor my email and i dont feel like making a new account. It was an alright time when it was relevant to my interests but not anymore.
Oh i also met a girl on there who i developed a crush on, whos family were antivax conspiracy nuts, who has ghost friends and was chill to talk with on deviantart. That was neat.
0 notes
messrmoonyy · 3 years
number 20 with Remadora would fit so perfectly ‘ bandaging their wounds ‘ :)
This ones a little short, more of Drabble than a one shot. But I thought a lil short thing did it justice. Enjoy :)
Prompt from this list
Prompt: bandaging/stitching up an injury
Pairing: Remus lupin x Nymphadora Tonks
Warnings: very vague mentions of injury
Check my masterlist for all my other writing, and as always I am open for any and all requests! Drop me an ask! Check my masterlist for who I wrote for <3
It was just getting light when Remus came stumbling into the living room at Grimmauld place. The pigeons were making their daily morning racket outside and London had that usual early morning fog that was common at that time of the year. Condensation was building on the ancient windows and the sky looked full of rain. Remus found it oddly comforting. Tonks was waiting for him as she always was. The fire was cracking away in the ornate fireplace, there was an ever refilling mug of tea steaming on the coffee table, an overflowing box of potions and bandages beside it, and of course Tonks herself. She had a blanket clasped in her hands that she wrapped around him the second he appeared in the room, dashing to his side and helping him to sit down in the armchair.
It had become routine now. For past 6 or 7 moons she’d been waiting for him. He’d tried to resist her help at first, insisting he could do it himself. Or to just let Sirius do it alone. But she was stubborn. And he realised he was actually quite thankful for her in the end. She had more knowledge on healing than anyone else he knew- it was a mandatory segment of auror training- and she patched him far more efficiently than Remus could himself. And Sirius for that matter. Not that he’d tell him that.
Though Sirius had stopped appearing completely now. At first he’d half help, letting her take over. Then occasionally just went down to popping his head around the door to check on them. Now he left her to it. And Remus liked it really. He found that her face had become the greatest form of healing after his monthly nights of hell. Sometimes she’d chat away quietly to him, telling him what she’d done at work that day, crack slightly ridiculous jokes or simply just tell him about the weather. And it was nice. Her voice was soothing. Calm. It eased him back into the real world again.
He wasn’t particularly talkative himself for the majority of the day following the moon, but he was more than happy to listen to her talk. And watch her usually clumsy hands bandage him up with nothing but precision and care, let her drop potions into his abused skin and coax warm tea down his throat. It made his heart swell everytime, pushed his usual post moon self loathing thoughts away, replaced them with nothing but affection. Reminded the voice in his head that so often tried to tell him he was purely worthless that he was…. Something. He was wanted. Needed. Cared for. Loved.
She’d always suggest a sleeping draught when she was done, his skin mostly covered by fresh white bandages and the chemically sent of medicinal potions lingering in the air. He would always accept it, happy to sleep away his aches and pains and fall asleep whilst overwhelmed with the good mood she put him in. Which he always found quite laughable, that after the hellish nights that usually wrecked his sleep with nightmares, he would want to sleep. But nightmares didn’t follow the moon if she was the last person he saw before the potion closed his eyes for him. He did wonder if she was mixing another potion into his sleeping draught, ensuring his dreams were nothing but pleasant. But maybe it was just her. Maybe simply her presence alone scared away the monsters in his head for the night.
She never left his side until he did fall asleep, sometimes toying with his hand and rubbing circles across his knuckles to relax him further. And sometimes, when she thought he was asleep, right before the potion truly did claim his consciousness, she’d press a kiss to his forehead. Or his cheek. And he’d let the potion take him then, the last waking memory he had being of how soft her lips were against his skin. He never did tell her knew about it and maybe he should. But he didn’t want to embarrass her. He got the feeling that that moment was mostly for her, for reasons unknown to himself.
But the one thing he did know? He much preferred Tonks bandaging him up after a moon over Sirius.
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afrival · 4 years
Hamilton Songs That Remind Me of AoT Characters
so. I was talking to a friend last night abt this and now I can’t stop thinking abt it ✌️ I’m not doing every character just ones I can actually think of songs for
Porco: I wanna start off w this mf bc as I’m writing this I’m listening to the song I chose for him, which is The Room Where It Happens, specially from 3:20 to the end
- If you ignore mostly everything abt this song that’s abt American politics you can kinda see this as Porco REALLLY wanting to be the one who goes to Paradis. “The room where it happens” refers to Marcel’s death to me— Annie, Bert, and Reiner were the only ones who saw it happen so of course, when they came back, Porco was like “what the FUCK”. If we want to be technical in this then Reiner is Alexander’s part.
Reiner: Oh fucking bless, this musical was made for him. I listened to Wait for It and wanted to cry, like MANNN ITS JUST SO GOOD
- I can’t make a whole essay on this so the best thing I can do is tell you— if you SOMEHOW haven’t— heard it to listen to this song HDHFJF. The whole segment where Burr is going off abt Hamilton is just Reiner going off abt Eren don’t @ me
Erwin & Eren: History Has Its Eyes On You needs absolutely no explanation lmao
- Erwin definitely gave this lecture to Eren at some point, and it matches their circumstances extremely well
Eren: I hate this song but Hurricane— please
- Obviously this is about the rumbling and/or when mf went to Marley— I think it just captures his thought process and feelings very well on it. Also, this is the part of the musical where Hamilton becomes the villain of his own story. Sounds a lil familiar DONT IT
Okay there’s several more but I don’t want this post to be fucking long as hell and I just wanted to go over the big ones 🏃 my brainrot has no limits
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hotelofheroines · 3 years
Bean and Sister Lilith
A little bit of writing that I’ve been working on on-and-off for a few weeks. It’s supposed to take place a week or two after the Halloween party, where Bean “confessed her sins” (ate her out) to Lilith in her nun costume. If this does well, I’ll probably be encouraged to do more fics like this in the future! Word Count: 1966
Bean anxiously sat on the couch in the main room of her suite, looking over at the clock in the kitchen and the door that leads out to the hallway. It was 1:20 in the morning and she was growing more impatient and rejected, but her heart skipped a beat when she heard a knock at the door. She immediately shot up and rushed to open it, much more relaxed when she saw Lilith standing on the other side of the threshold.
“You came! Here I was worried I stayed up for nothing!” Bean said with a deep sigh, stepping aside to let Lilith enter.
“I do apologize for being late. Transitioning to the midnight manager took longer than expected. Thank you for waiting.” Lilith replied, smiling as she entered the suite who’s layout she knew so well. She was still in her business outfit, white dress shirt pulled tight and tucked into her black pencil skirt. Short heels made her just all the more tall compared to Bean, who’s head would fit neatly between Lilith’s chin and bosom, right into the bit of chest on display by the three open buttons of her shirt.
“Okay then. Um…is there anything that we should discuss before we start? I’m kind of nervous about this. It is my first time with...this kind of stuff.” Bean said as she placed the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door and closed it. Bean couldn’t help but admire Lilith’s eyeglass figure in the tight outfit, nervously looking down at herself in her blue cotton robe and slippers. She was naked underneath, figuring it would help in the night that they had arranged.
“Well, I have some ideas for what to do to you, but we’ll quickly go over each so that you can veto them, but I’ve taken the things that you’ve expressed interest into account. And of course, if you feel like you need to stop, or something I do or say goes too far, all you need to say is ‘Mercy’ and I’ll stop everything and move into aftercare.” Lilith explained, setting down the messenger bag that she had on her shoulder onto the coffee table in the center of the room. Bean listened and nodded, taking a seat on the opposite couch, actually crossing her legs and displaying some modesty while they negotiated Bean’s first experience with BDSM.
Bean was impatient to get the negotiation segment over with; yes to orgasm denial and forced orgasms, yes to anal hooks and shibari, yes to Lilith’s religious kink, a hesitant yes to light impact play with spanking and floggers. Bean had flirted with Lilith enough, and she assumed that Lilith saw enough of her answers for sponsor questions, that she was sure Lilith knew what she wanted to try and wouldn’t go too far. The brief discussion of names in their scenes was interesting; between Revered Mother and Sister Lilith, Bean decided to go with the latter, and gave Lilith permission to call her Princess, Sister Bean, or Harlot, the latter of those being suggested by Lilith and Bean was willing to test out.
“Alright! Looks like we are all set. You can disrobe now, then turn around and bend over so that I may begin.” Lilith instructed, pulling out a bottle of lube, a large length of silk rope, the headpiece of her nun costume which immediately put on, and an anal hook, the kind with a butt plug-like ball at the end of it. Bean gulped as she felt some anxiety, but did as instructed: standing up and letting her robe fall onto the couch so that she was completely naked in front of Lil- Sister Lilith. She would have to get used to that, but the fact that Lilith wore the habit headdress during would help with that. She turned around and leaned over the couch, one hand reaching back to spread her ass for Lilith. She’d taken a shower and other preparatory measures to get ready for all of this, so she was more than ready. Lilith put on a latex glove and began applying the lube to the hook before stepping forward and pressing her glistening fingers against Bean’s hole, working it until her two fingers slipped in and proceeded to finger her for a little bit to make sure that her ass was ready for the hook. Bean let out some huffs and grunts during the warm-up, but when she felt Lilith pull her fingers out only to be replaced by the cold metal, she flinched and let out a moan while her ass was spread by the ball. It wasn’t that big, but definitely thicker than a cock, so it was more than she was used to and required a bit more work to get it. After Lilith successfully got the ball halfway in, Bean’s ass did the rest of the work, sucking it in and making the princess yelp and tremble as she felt so suddenly full. It was no surprise at this point that Bean’s pussy was glistening with arousal, a little drop running down her thigh.
“Excellent! Now slowly stand up so that I can begin the Shibari.” Lilith instructed, removing the glove from her hand. Bean did as instructed and stood up with a groan, clenching to try and keep the ball in. Lilith came over with the silk rope and secured the looped end through the hoop at the other end of the hook. As Lilith put the twin cords over Bean’s shoulder and pulled down to start tying, the hook was pulled taut, lifted up as it was inside of her. Bean stood on her tiptoes instinctively but wouldn’t actually help; still the sensation of being suspended by her ass set her nerves on edge and wasn’t an aspect of the toy that she had thought about; but she didn’t say the safeword. She stood still as Lilith applied the rest of the rope, spreading her arms and legs to give her plenty of room. Bean’s torso was quickly in a cage of crisscrossing pink rope but Lilith tied it around her thighs in such a way that her pussy, and her little tuft of white hair, was still fully exposed.
“Now, Harlot, turn around.” Sister Lilith ordered after securing the extra rope in a knot just above the hook, letting go to move back to her bag. Sister Lilith came back with a vibrating dildo and showed it off to The Harlot. It was one with a rotating head, spinning base, and bullet off-shoot to vibrate against her clit. The Harlot became excited at seeing it, the toy being much better than the basic silicone one that she had. “Spread your legs.” Sister Lilith ordered, The Harlot eagerly and nervously following the command. Sister Lilith easily slipped the toy into her pussy, The Harlot being so wet already. “Sit.” Sister Lilith’s next order was simple, but with a dildo clenched in her pussy and an anal hook in her ass, The Harlot had a much harder time with that order. Sitting down on the couch, her robe keeping her off the fabric, The Harlot groaned as both toys were pushed into her holes.
“Now, Harlot, it is time for your lesson. You must not orgasm, no matter how much you may want to. Doing so will lead to a more severe punishment for your sins.” Sister Lilith said, leaning down to activate the nodes at the base of the vibrator, only turning them on low, but The Harlot still flinched and mewled as she was exposed to several stimulations at once. As Sister Lilith stood back up and pulled another thing out of her bag, The Harlot tried her best to control her breathing; she was already aroused with excitement of the situation, mixed with the stimulation from the hook and tight ropes, so the vibrator was very distracting. Her focus was quickly disrupted by a sudden pain on her right thigh, eyes shooting open to see Sister Lilith pulling up a flogger after hitting her thigh with it. This was her first time being hit with a flog as well, so she was surprised at the sensation, the stinging turning to burning. Sister Lilith waited a few moments to give the Harlot time to become accustomed to the pain before she brought the flog down on her other thigh, causing the Harlot to jump once more.
Her ass being stretched and pulled by the hook and both of her thighs burning with pain, the vibrator inside of her was an island of pleasure in a sea of pain, and The Harlot could help but focus on it, which would be her downfall. With a loud whimper, The Harlot felt her climax rock through her, cum squirting out around the vibrator as she came despite Sister Lilith’s orders against it. Sister Lilith sighed as she watched the Harlot cum after so little pain and pleasure, kneeling down in front of her to grab her by the chin and make her look at her. “An unrepentant sinner. Very well. If you cannot control yourself, then I must teach you the error of your ways. I must make you cum until it hurts, to teach you to regret it.” Sister Lilith spoke, reaching down and turning the vibrator immediately to the highest setting, the Harlot crying out as her still-sensitive pussy was overstimulated.
Bean quickly lost count of how many times she came while Lilith used the flog on her body; not just her thighs, but her mild tits, and when Bean eventually fell forward onto the floor, face pressed against the ground, Lilith started using it on her ass. True to her word, Lilith made Bean cum so much that she started to ache all over, especially her pussy. In her foggy mind, she tried desperately to remember the safeword, even as her body wanted even more. Safeword. Safeword? What was the fucking safeword!? “Mercy!” Bean finally cried out after her mind cleared enough to remember. True to her word once again, as soon as Bean said that magic word, Lilith stopped flogging Bean and turned off the vibrator, pulling it out of Bean’s sore, dripping pussy.
Lilith picked Bean up and let her rest her torso on the couch so she could come out of subspace while the manager started to untie the ropes. Bean mewled and gushed out more of her femcum when Lilith carefully pulled out the hook, leaving Bean naked, sweaty, and covered in her own cum. To Bean’s surprise, Lilith didn’t leave after everything was cleaned up. Once the toys were in a container to be cleaned and everything in the bag, Lilith sat next to Bean on the couch and pet her head. “Normally I’d do more for aftercare, but I do need to get ready for my next shift. Are you going to be okay? Can you shower by yourself?” Lilith asked, the exhausted Bean only nodding against Lilith’s shoulder to answer. “Alright then. Shower, have a nap, and come see me when you wake up, if you want to discuss this. I want to know how it was for you.” Lilith explained as she rose and grabbed her bag. 
“It was good!” Bean said as she watched Lilith head towards the door, shakily putting on her robe (which was as soaked in her cum as she was). 
Lilith lingered in the doorway with a smile for a second at Bean’s exclamation. “Well, I’d like to know more than that, but I’m glad you liked it. I’ll start thinking of the scene for next time.” Lilith chuckled with a wink before heading out, unaware of how Bean’s heart skipped a beat at the thought of a ‘next time’.
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tmnt-mags · 4 years
Raphael x Fem!Reader
Reader is April's little sister and meets the turtles through her. I changed the ages and timeline a bit just because I don't feel entirely comfortable writing the turtles as 15 year old kids. SO the turtles are 18 the reader is 17 nearing 18 and april is 27.
Warnings: some mention of parent death, but nothing else!
Part 1/ ??
Im still pretty new at writing fanfic and have only done a few and this is my very first tmnt one. Constructive criticism and nice things only please!
I didn't remember my dad. My mother gave birth to me a month before his death. I didn’t remember him but my big sister April did. She told me everything she could about him, all kinds of stories and old home videos. It's almost like I know him but I don’t. Sometimes it's sad and I wish for nothing more than to have some memories with him, but I’ve had a good life and have a great family. I’ve lived with my sister since our mom passed 2 years ago from cancer. I miss her a lot, but I like living with April and I love our apartment.
We both have a deep love for media. She is a reporter with Channel 6 and I started making youtube videos right around the time mom died. It was like a video diary back then and has since turned into something completely different, though there are the occasional personal diary type videos.
I was wearing my favorite oversized sweater. It was a deep forest green and nearly reached my knees. It was worn and a bit tattered in some places, but it was the coziest thing ever.. I was barefoot in the kitchen listening to April talking about the latest Foot Clan activity and thinking about the questions she was planning for some guy who worked on the docks. She had convinced her camera guy Vern to take her over there before they shot her morning segment.
“You’re gonna be late!” I called into the living room while putting some breakfastt in a container for her to take on the road.
“Thank you shorty,” She rushed in and gave me a kiss on the cheek as she grabbed her breakfast and rushed out of the kitchen again to grab her bag “I’ll either be back for dinner or late!”
“That's really specific April,” I mutter as a lean in the kitchen doorway and watch her check her purse. “Do you have your touchup bag and your toothbrush?”
April let out a small gasp and rushed back to the bathroom. She came back out with a bag, gathered her things and blew a kiss as she ran out the door. I let out a laugh and went to eat my own food.
I spent the day editing a new video. I just hit 700k last week so I was making a special video to celebrate. It had some songs that I had covered laid over a video of me painting a portrait of my mother and father. It was taken a year before he had died and they had gone on a weekend getaway in the Appalachian mountains.
I didn't look up until April burst through the door. It was already dark out and I hadn’t even noticed.
“I just witnessed a Foot Clan attack!” she called as she walked through the apartment.
“What? Oh my god! Are you okay?” I practically jumped up and followed her as she began pacing around the living room. “April? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine! There I was at the docks trying to get some answers and then BAM! They were there!” She went on about the attack and then started about some kind of vigilante that fought them off.
“Vigilante? Are you serious?” She didn't answer, she just went into her room. I sat back down on the couch and tried to process what she had said. In the end I shook it off and went get some dinner ready.
Over the next few days April was hard to find. She seemed to be constantly on the move and didn't answer her phone. She came home talking about dad's old experiments and giant turtles, and over the next 2 days seemed to just be gone. The spire on the Sacks building fell and The Shredder, who was the leader of the Foot Clan, was arrested and Eric Sacks was revealed to have been working alongside him the whole time. It was a wild time for New York, and April was suddenly quiet about the vigilantes.
Time began to move on and April started talking about these 4 new friends she had that were brothers. They seemed like a fun nice group, and the stories she shared were great.
“So,” I started as we sat together on the couch, “when do I get to meet the brothers?”
April choked on her glass of white wine. “What? Meet them?”
“Yeah, You talk about them all the time! I would like to meet them. They’re all you’ve been talking about for like 3 weeks.” I said as I pushed her with my foot.
“Ummm,” April stopped to think and had a vague look of concern on her face, “I'm not sure actually. They’re pretty busy guys.”
I narrowed my eyes at her. “Uh-huh. If you don't want me to meet them just say so. I was just curious.” I turn my face away from her.
“No it's not that, It's just they’re kinda shy. They don’t really like meeting people.” April's face said that she was telling a lie.
“Okay.” I left it at that clearly something is bugging her about me meeting her friends.
April went to spend some time with the boys, but couldn’t stop thinking about them meeting her little sister. How would she react? She thought to herself, ‘I fainted when I met them, and there are still times when it kinda freaks me out a bit. I don’t want my baby sister to get scared and I don’t want the boys to get hurt because of it.’ They had tried to act like April’s reaction didn’t hurt them, but she knew it did. ‘I just want everyone to be happy.’ She was sitting in the lair watching the boys fight and Mikey brought up their Christmas pop album again. She smiled, (y/n) loved music and often performed covers on YouTube. She was really good at it. She had even written her own songs but at this point refused to release or talk about them on her channel.
“April, is something troubling you?” The brunette turned, surprised to see Master Splinter.
“Oh it’s nothing really.” She paused, “Actually could we talk? I am having some trouble.” Splinter nodded and gestured for her to follow. Not answering the questioning looks of the brothers, they went into Hashi.
“The boys avoid this room as much as possible,” Splinter said with a chuckle, “they will not listen in in here.”
“Makes sense,” April laughed and sat down on a mat with Splinter while looking at the odd structures in the room, “I’m having some trouble with my sister.”
“Oh yes, little (y/n) she had only just been born. I believe your father brought her down to the lab twice in those last weeks.” He thought back fondly on the small soft baby that looked so tiny in the arms of her father but so big compared to him then. “ what is it that is wrong?”
“She wants to meet the brothers. She doesn’t know that they are turtles, but she knows I have new friends.” April said looking down, “ we are very open. We’re the only family we have left so we always know each other's friends. It’s a safety thing I guess.”
Master Splinter hummed and looked at April, who continued.
“She wants to meet them and honestly I want her to too! I think they would all get along so well and I think the boys would adore her. It would also be nice to know that there are 4 ninjas who would look out for her.” April sighed and looked up at the ceiling.
“I just don’t want the boys to get hurt. What if she is afraid of them? What if she screams and calls them monsters or freaks? What if she passes out or cries. It would hurt them so much, and I don’t want to see my sister frightened anyway.” April’s shoulders slumped and she lowered her face to look across at Splinter.
“You know your sister well? Do you think she will react this way?” The rat questioned.
“I don’t know. This isn’t exactly a situation that has ever come up before or one I ever thought I would be in.” She played with her fingers in her lap and she watched him stroke his beard.
“I think you know your sister well and know what would be the best course of action.” He smiled, “I think the trouble now will be convincing the boys to risk meeting her. I have no doubt that it will be a split crowd.”
April nodded and gave a kind of exasperated smile. She knew exactly what he was talking about. Mikey and Ralph would agree, Donnie was iffy, but Leo would say no.
“Thank you Splinter. That does actually help. Do you mind if I stay in here a bit longer?” She asked.
“Go ahead child. Take your time.” Splinter got up and left the Hashi.
April sat and thought about what he had said. She thought back to everything she knew about her sister and what she knew of the boys. If her sister could be accepting she knew that they could have a great friendship. The boys were half a year older than her and they didn't know anyone their age. It would be nice for them to have that she thought. She knew Mikey would be super friendly right away, maybe even too friendly. Donnie would be polite but wary at first and a bit excited. Raph would be happy just to meet another person, but Leo would be cold. She feared that he would be distant and unapproachable and she knew her sister well enough to know she wouldn't be able to handle that.
She took her time and eventually rejoined the brothers. She brushed off their questions with a simple: “I needed advice.” She sat down with them as they all talked and joked around. Finally Donnie brought up the perfect opportunity.
“April you're lucky you don't have brothers.” He said as Mikey bombarded him with insane ideas for gadgets.
“Well I don't have any brothers but I do have a baby sister.” The turtles all turned towards her clearly shocked by this news. “She's actually about 4 months from turning 18.”
“Woah Angelcakes, We didn't know you had a lil’ sis. Is she as beautiful as you?” Mikey said while batting his eyes at her.
“I think she is absolutely gorgeous, and she sings and does art. She’s about to be a senior in high school.” April said while leaning closer to mikey. “Shes shorter than me and has curves for days. She used to be on the dance team actually.” April laughed and Mikey threw himself back and fanned himself with his hand.
“Why haven't you mentioned her?” Leo asked.
“You never asked if I had any siblings. She was born a few weeks before my dad died.” April smiled sadly at that “She actually asked if she could meet you.”
The boys seemed to freeze at that, and suddenly all eyes were on her.
“You told about us?”. Raph asked.
“Kinda. I might have left out the part about being ninja turtles, but I told her about my new friends and she wants to meet you guys.” Raph scoffed at her answer.
“So you didn't actually tell her about us.” He almost snapped at her.
“Cool it Raph.” leo warned.
“I don't wanna be looked at like a freak. She won't want to meet us when she sees us.” he stood up and walked off. April looked at the others who all looked like they wanted to disagree and agree with Raph at the same time.
“Sorry angelcakes, I'm sure baby angelcakes is great though.” Mikey shrugged.
April sat in disbelief that they all basically said no. The lair was quiet after that and she left after they ate some dinner.
She got home only to remember her sister was spending the night at her friends house. So she had the place all to herself. She let out a sigh and poured herself a tall glass of wine and sat on the couch thinking about the events of the day. She came up with a plan as she finished her cup and decided that by the end of the week they boys will have met her baby sister. She grabbed her phone and invited the boys to come hang out at her place for once this upcoming weekend. They didn't even ask if her sister would be there.
April had gone out to pick up some pizza for a late night dinner. I had school, homework, and some video editing to do and forgot to cook. April came home late and said not to worry about it and would grab some pizza. Her new favorite place didn’t offer delivery so she went to go get it. I decided that a nice hot shower sounded good and went in. I got out as I heard the front door open and close. I made my way to my room about to throw on my favorite green sweater only to remember that It had been washed and was in the dryer. So, I wrapped my towel back around me and opened my door to head out into the living room. I walked out and looked up only to meet with 4 pairs of eyes.
“Oh my bad,” I said, turning to go back to my room only to stop and turn right back around. “Ummmm…” I trailed off not sure what to say as I stared at 4 very large, very green, oddly human like turtles, all while in a bath towel that left most of my left hip exposed.
“Oh hi (y/n). I forgot to mention I had friends coming over.” April said walking into the room. “You might wanna put some clothes on though.”
“Yeah…” I said not able to look away from the very large turtle creatures sitting in the living room.
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gldie · 3 years
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A year after her departure from KPWR-FM, 𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐄 has scored a career as being a television host for BET. In this interview, 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃 took the time to drive right on down to Westchester to ask her all the questions that people want to know about her rise to fame and how she’s juggling it along with motherhood and her love-life. 
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━━  ❛ 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃. ╱ 
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: Goldie mfn’ Forde! How are you doin’ on this beautiful afternoon? Your house looks great, by the way. I love it! Thank you so much for havin’ me. 
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: Holli Hoooood! I’m doin’ great, actually. Just tryna’ get used to being on the opposite end of an interview. But, no. Thank you for takin’ the interest in interviewing lil’ ol’ me. ❜ 
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: Well, we gotta interview the hottest women in the game right now and your talk show THE GOLDEN HOUR has been killing it as of lately. You should be proud! You workin’ your ass off and still make time to be a mother. I must say your little boy is the cutest. [ The woman gestures at the little boy who is sleeping on her mother’s lap. ]
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: Aw, gosh. [ She blushes with a wide smile on her face and she glances down at him, running her hand along the baby’s back. ] I don’t know what else to say but thank you. All these compliments makin’ me blush! [ She laughs softly before looking back at the interviewer. ] Workin’ my ass off is in my blood, though. I gotta from my momma. She don’t play that lazy sh*t. Doesn’t he look just like his momma, though? I need that on the record just in case someone tries to say that he looks like his daddy. ❜ 
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: He sure does, y’all look like twins. Woulda’ swore that you had that baby on your own, honestly. [ The interviewer chuckles before placing her hand on the notepad she held. ] But how are you liking motherhood? Is it a hard transition? 
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: [ The smile on her face doesn’t fade doesn’t fade until she hears the last question that she asks. Sighing softly, she looks up at the sky as she tries to find the words to answer. ] In the beginning it was actually. I struggled a lot trying to get use to being a mother and not letting it consume who I am. Like of course, I’m a mother before everything, but I’m also a sister, friend, business woman, you know stuff outside of that. [ Looking back at the interviewer, she continues with a soft smile on her face. ] I also kinda’ struggled to connect with my child. I felt like I wasn’t going to be the best mother to him, I felt lonely, the whole nine. But now, we’re good. He’s my whole heart. Who I do it for, my everything. ❜ 
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: That’s beautiful, Goldie. I know a lot of women struggle with Post-partum depression after having their first child. I know it must be hard trying to balance your career-life and being a mother but you make it look easy. 
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: Whew, girl when I tell you it takes a village and that’s the only reason it looks so damn easy. [ A laugh emits from her lips before she feels her child shift in her lap. Mouthing the words oops, she picks him up in her arms before looking over her shoulder for her mother. ] Mommmyyyy, can you get your grand-baby? [ She speaks softly so that she won’t disturb him before pecking his cheek repeatedly. Once her mother walks over and takes him, she turns around to finish the question. ] Without that woman, wouldn’t be no Goldie on television. My mother and father, his father along with his side family help me out so much. He’s on set with me sometimes, but most of the time I want him to be somewhere quiet and not too rowdy. ❜ 
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: Wow! You seem to have the ideal support group. Why happened to you and ZION’s father?
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: [ A dry chuckle left the woman’s lips as she stared at the interviewer’s visage, swallowing the lump in her throat before she shifted in her seat some. ] Uh, lack of communication and failure to reason with one another. Yup. [ She finished with a soft head nod. ] But co-parenting is great. You know, our focus is completely on our son and what’s best for him. Next question, please. ❜ 
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: Alright, Goldie. What achievements from last year are you most proud of? 
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: My greatest achievement is Zion Israel Powers. I mean, with all the struggles that I experienced with pregnancy, I couldn’t be more grateful that God granted me the opportunity to be his mommy. [ She couldn’t help but to beam when she spoke about her child. ] The second great achievement of last year was putting myself first and leaving a job that didn’t serve my purpose. I will always be grateful to KPWR, but leaving a job that stifled my creativity was the best decision that I ever made. ❜ 
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: I know that’s right, Goldie! We leaving everything that doesn’t serve us in 2020, okay!? [ She laughed with a point before moving on to the next question. ] And what about the achievements of this year?
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: And neva’ eva wrong. [ She laughed back while pointing back at the woman with her index finger. ] Uh.. I’m proud of the fact that I overcame a dark time in my life and I found a new part of myself that I never really got the chance to know. I’m happy with... uh... I’m happy with my life. Yeah. I’m making the kind of money that I want. I achieved two of my biggest dreams, I’m more secure in my body and I’m happy. Yeah. ❜
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: We love seeing black women happy, sis. I know a lot of people have been trying to steal your shine and happiness in the blogs. Do you have anything to say to the former talk show host that you replaced? She’s been in the media outlets throwing shade and subliminals a lot. 
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: [ A short chuckle leaves the woman’s lips before she scratches her nose with her acrylic nail, pursing her lips up slightly. ] Mm... Not really, if it’s not direct, it doesn’t get acknowledged by me. I truly wish her the best in her future endeavors, though. I know it’s hard seeing someone else win while you struggle. I been there myself, but hating on the next woman isn’t going to change anything so.. ❜ 
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: Well said. Very professional! I’m over here tryna’ be miss messy boots and you curvin’ it. You sure you haven’t had any media training? [ She snickers before moving onto the last question of this segment. ] Okay, lastly, what goals do you have for next year?
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: None whatsoever. I’m just good like that. [ The woman speaks with a small smile before tilting her head to the side while she listens to the question asked. ] Goals for next year? To keep growing my brand, girl. Hopefully create my own app, merch, go on a talk show tour, maybe write a book? Who knows! I’m most definitely putting my momma and daddy in a new house, though. I know that. [ She said with a nod before clasping her hands together and shrugging. ] I’m letting life take me on this journey and I’m just ridin’ the wave. I pray it takes me in the right direction. ❜ 
 ━━ ❛ 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄. ╱ 
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: Now this house, what made you choose a house like this? Especially in a neighborhood that you’re not used to.
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: It was definitely a change from my apartment in Crenshaw. I’m still in Inglewood but I’m not on the same block that I’m used to be on. I’m not doing hair out of my apartment to make some extra money. You know, I’m in the rich neighborhood and sometimes, you know I feel left out. But when I saw this house, I knew it was the one for me despite the neighborhood change. I needed a space that could accommodate me and all my needs along with my family. ❜
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: Can we get a tour? I mean, a house this beautiful needs to be viewed by the people and I’m sure your fans would like to see how you livin’. Don’t you think?
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: This isn’t my dream house, but it’s definitely an impressive STARTER HOME, ya’ know? It’s very spacious for family events and my family like to link all the damn time, so. I like it a lot. It’ll hold me over until further notice. I got everything baby proofed because I just know this lil’ boy gon’ be something else when he starts getting more a handle on this crawling thing. ❜
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: The entire house is flawless, but let’s get into this STACKED WARDROBE. You take this fashion sh*t serious, don’t ya’? Let me borrow some of these clothes. Or at least show me how you do it, chile. 
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: I really don’t know what I’m doing with this fashion shit, I just know what looks good on me. Which is damn near everything. [ The woman speaks cockily, letting a laugh follow soon after before she looked over her closet. ] But I think I take a lot of my looks from old models and vixens of the 90s and 00s. Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of brands and clothing lines reaching out trying to get me to wear something from their lines. So, I’m excited about that. [ She says in a sing-song tone before doing a little dance. ] If you ever want me to give you some pointers, be sure to watch my show for my fashion tips segment. The girls really like that. ❜
❛ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃: I’ll be sure to tune in for that, girl! Thank you so much for this wonderful interview. You’ve been a pleasure to interview, honestly. [ The interview reaches over to shake her hand with a grin on her face. ] I told you it wasn’t going to be that bad. You guys be sure to tune in THE GOLDEN HOUR feature the gorgeous GOLDIE on BET everyday @ 5/6 ET. 
𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄: Thank you so much for having me! You were great, made me feel so comfortable and everything. [ She compliments the interviewer while she shakes the woman’s hand then she looks directly into the camera lens. ] Listen to the woman, y’all. She know what she’s talkin’ ‘bout. Kisses, see y’all lata’! ❜
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artemisunicorn · 3 years
Naruto Shippuden Openings Ranked
Aight y'all, I said I would do this months ago, so here we are.
Just like my last ranking post, I have no real reasons as to why I like this OP over that one. They're just poor reasons and explanations that I'll probably change my mind about after posting.
But yeah, this is gonna be a long post, so let's get to it.
Also just a disclaimer- I had a very difficult time ranking the openings, especially at the bottom. Just note that I like and enjoy every OP except one.
Actual ranking is below the cut because yay I can use my laptop to make posts now :D
Number 20 - Tsuki no Ookisa - OP 14
I always thought this was called “Size of the Moon” or something like that
This OP
Oh boy
I used to just hate this one with a passion
And I still do!
Okay not literally, but it’s still my least favorite
I see what they were going for
Red, black and white vibes
And the song
It just doesn’t make me feel anything but the huge urge to skip it
I’m so sorry if you really like this OP but goodness I really don’t like it
It’s one of the only ones I don’t like vs don’t mind
I will say
The end though?
Where its showing the freeze frames of everyone
That looks great
Itachi at the beginning looks great
It definitely has its moments, but just not enough to make me really enjoy it
Number 19 - Hotaru no Hikari - OP 5
Or as I like to call it
I already know y'all but to come for me on this one I'm sorry
This opening is,,,okay…
Now that I’ve seen all of them, I kinda have this bias of “I know what the next opening is and that’s a whole BANGER” so I kinda sleep on this one
But its not bad
I always love the Naruto and Sasuke parallel shots
Just not up there for me
Number 18 - Guren - OP 15
Another OP I lowkey just disregard after watching all of them because we all know what follows this one
But it’s not bad at all
I love the split screens
And then it all comes together
Kakashi and Obito’s split screen looks amazing
Actually, all of their shots look amazing
The song goes well with the visuals
I love the colors they used
Seeing Madara is always a treat
The shot of the hokage is good
But uhhh
Yeah that’s about all I got
Number 17 - Newsong - OP 10
Don't kill me plez
A lot of people don’t like this OP
I can see where they’re coming from
But it's goofy and wacky, and honestly not so bad
It ain’t nowhere near top tier, but I can enjoy it more times than not
The part where they’re running and do a lil jump
That took me out when I first saw it
The animation is supposed to accompany the wacky feel, and I feel that the animators had a lot of fun with this one
Overall, I don’t dislike this OP like most
I actually like it
But admittedly, it’s not strong
It’s very cute tho
It makes me smile
That team jutsu though
What the hell
I don’t know how I feel bout that
Also B falling
That was a nice addition
Also also Sasuke refused to be a part of this wacky ass OP which I love
Number 16 - Niwaka Ame ni mo Makezu - OP 13
This OP is fine
It doesn’t really do anything for me until the 5 Kage are shown fighting Madara
Which looks great by the way
But also gives me storm 3 war flashbacks
It’s pretty overall
Like all the parts with Naruto look really good
The individual shots of the 5 Kage and Sasuke are meh
I don’t really care for that part
Overall, ehhh
Number 15 - Moshimo - OP 12
I’m not gonna lie
I totally forgot about this OP
It’s fine
Nothing really excites me
I do like 2 parts though
Where Ay tries to punch Minato and he gets out of the way to fist bump baby B
And when Naruto is in the middle and it zooms out to show Kushina and Minato behind him
The song is good
Overall, okay opening
I was torn over whether to put this one above or below OP 13, but I decided above because I like the ending part more
Number 14 - Toumei Datta Sekai - OP 7
Another OP I really slept on
A lot of people really adore this one but I just don't see it??
It takes a second to kick off
It really only gets started for real when we see Pain and the trio’s flashbacks
After that, it’s pretty good
The music picks up, the visuals start getting quite interesting
And that Pain v Naruto moment where they just stare at each other and it shows both faces
Looks amazing
And of course, Kakashi brings some spice into the mix
It’s always a great time when we can see him in action
Makes me wish we got the girls v Konan though
But yeah, the shot with Naruto falling in
From then on, it's incredible
Number 13 - LINE - OP 18
From here on, these OPs are just the ones I love
This OP is a major breather
The song is very slow and nice
Visually, I love the choice in focusing on one thing at a time
Once character at a time
It looks very nice
The little destiny shard flying around
And I love how there’s variants in who interacts with the shard at the very end
My favorite is Itachi because he gives the shard to us and I’m not crying you are
It’s really pretty too
Not much to say here
I just really like it
It’s not top tier, but it’s a great OP nonetheless
Number 12 - Closer - OP 4
Where everyone is looking back
I absolutely love it
I absolutely must know if the budget was actually blown on Hidan spinning his scythe
The shot looks great though
Another vibe kinda opening
The ending is so cute with Naruto jumping in the air
they did that to cover the gaping hole in our hearts
Also I completely forgot there was a second version until I saw it while pulling up the link
First version is better
Number 11 - Lovers - OP 9
That beginning part with the camera cutting and focusing on the three
Yeah that right there is great
And the explosion behind Killer B
Love that shit
They really went all out for the aesthetic kinda look
And it really pays off because the OP looks very very good
The song is pretty good too
But I probably wouldn’t listen to it outside of what’s in the OP
Every shot with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura on the divide is really good
Number 10 - Blood Circulator - OP 19
Ah the top 10
Another song that is hype asf
I honestly prefer the third version with Naruto and Sasuke
But even still, this OP is pretty great
It’s a lot better visually in the second version because there’s not a lot of lingering shots
I love the shots of Minato, Kushina, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Itachi and Iruka
But I also love that the whole first version is summed up in no time in the second and we move onto better shots
But the third version is the best visually
With the fights and flashbacks
And the ending with Sasuke staring and Naruto crying and then they fight
That rasengan is great
But even still, all versions look pretty good
I really don’t have that much to say about this one
I enjoy it quite a lot
Number 9 - Hero’s Come Back!! - OP 1
Everybody and they mama be dancing to this I swear
It’s a bop and a half
Honestly what a great way to start the series
I’m bopping every time it comes on
And that shot of Gaara holding out his hand before he don’t feel so good
My heart
I mean, what else can I say about this one
It’s just great
Number 8 - Totsugeki Rock - OP 11
First things first
Naruto’s face at the beginning caught me off guard the first time I saw it
Visually, this OP isn’t bad at all
I actually really enjoy this OP a lot
It makes me dance and headbang lmao
I would say the song carries this one, but nah
The visuals really go well with the song
I really don’t have much to say about this one
It really is just so fun and hype
And I really love it
Number 7 - Kaze - OP 17
This OP is very pretty
It’s another one I slept on
It’s animated so well
All of the freeze frames we see are stunning
And it’s animated very well
Also long Kakashi segments always get extra points from me
And this one is gorgeous so even more points
I love the kinda traditional style they were aiming for with the textures
The cuts to the hand signs are good too
Also in sync with the music which y’all know I love
The aesthetics in general are just so lovely
This OP has some of the best visuals in all of the OPs
I can’t even express how beautiful it looks
And seeing Minato and Rin slowly fade by as Obito falls and Kaguya is revealed
So good
The song goes well with the visuals too
The song in general slaps
Overall, very good
Number 6 - Distance - OP 2
I just love this mcfuckin opening so much
It caught my attention when I first started watching Shippuden
And it’s very pleasing to look at
Also that “Thank you my friend”
Hits me every time
And overall it’s a vibe kinda opening
The walking scenes are the best
Not a lot going on on the eyes, but it still looks really good
Honestly, it’s probably my favorite OP, but it’s not the best OP
And I’m a sucker for the emotions
And this OP brings it hard
It’s definitely ranked higher than most would put it, but I can only put it so low
I love this OP so much
Number 5 - Karano Kokoro - OP 20
Holy fuck
This OP
Damn near brings me to tears every time
This OP was,,,,well,,the end
This was the conclusion of the story
And my goodness y’all
It still hits me in the feels
The visuals with this one carry it on home
It hits hard seeing everyone growing up
Let’s talk about the visuals shall we
Starting right from the beginning
Shikamaru just sitting as the music comes in
By the way, the music fits so well with everything
But yeah, seeing him just look up with this soft music just warming your heart
And then it cuts to the shogi board so we know exactly what he’s thinking about
Then to Sasuke
With everything that’s happened with him, just seeing him be able to just breathe
It’s everything y’all
And then we get to see Naruto’s stone face up there with the rest of the hokage and then to this lovely vibe
Naruto and Sasuke doing the hand sign that saved the world
"Tell me the story of your life"
That shit right there
They knew what they were doing when they chose this song y'all
InoShikaCho eating some barbeque
Kiba being loved to death by Akamaru and Hinata smiling
Do y’all see why this just makes me so happy yet?
Free Kakashi points
The shot of Naruto as hokage
That part got me good when I first saw it
And even a little now
Lee, TenTen, and Temari showing that they’ve still got it
The zoom in on InoShikaCho to Ino saving Sai
The story has finally come full circle
And there's finally peace
It’s just overwhelming happiness
I really love this OP so much
Number 4 - Blue Bird - OP 3
Blue Bird slaps
Visually, it’s absolutely incredible
Like that one part
Y’all know that part I’m talking about
Where Sasuke and Naruto do that parallel switch
*chefs kiss*
It’s just so good
Y’all better know by now how much I love the visuals synced with the music
And this song delivers on that
I know I have so much to say about this one, but I’m not gonna remember to say it until after I post
I prefer the second version (even though it’s just the same animation from Closer)
Number 3 - Diver - OP 8
Let me get this out of the way
I LOVE Diver
It’s another OP that just always got my attention from the get go
They really calmed down with the visuals on this one
Instead opting to have the very pleasing gentle visuals that match so well with the song
And then he gets blasted out of the water and it gets SO GOOD UGH
All the hidden gems you don’t recognize until you rewatch it after seeing everything come together
I love that
And then Sasuke coming in to get all up in Naruto’s personal space just to fuckin chidori the shit out of him
It’s quite sad
But then his friends just lift him up
My heart
Then he wastes no time just rushing in to save Sasuke in the same 30 seconds as when Sasuke attacked him
It really shows his character
But also it was a whole direct reference to how Sasuke was looking over him back when he first left in the rain
That’s the subtle little hidden gems I love to see
Also the music just slaps so hard???
Like hello??
Who told y’all to make something so good????
And did I mention that I just love the visuals??
Number 2 - Sign - OP 6
*drums going ham and guitar absolute shredding*
Okay now that that’s out of the way,,
I am ashamed to admit that I used to sleep on this OP
Both Sign and Silhouette have people turning to look at the camera-
And they’re both so good…
Dare I say…
Is this a….SIGN
I’ll leave now..
The opening part with Jiraiya and Naruto and then Sasuke and Itachi
My heart y’all please
There really isn’t a single second where I wanna look away
I can’t gush about this OP enough y’all
It’s so damn good
Also y’all know I gotta mention the hair whip
I’ve never felt pain like I did for Jiraiya and Itachi
It still hurts
But the OP
It’s just amazing
It still gives me goosebumps
But as I’m rewatching all of the OPs for this, I just fell all the way in love with the show again because of this OP
Number 1 - Silhouette - OP 16
Speaking of silhouette
We all been knew
From the get go, it’s just a blast
The song and visuals are a match made in heaven
Oh, and don’t think I won’t be gushing about them individually
The song
KANA-BOON need to chill bruh
This song is SO GOOD
The colors pop
It’s so pleasing to the eye
All of the transitions and smooth animations
Like Obito and Madara aging up (and down)
The quick flash of baby Kakashi and baby Obito before we even see Madara’s aging transitions
Y’all know I love the camera focus/glitch effect and it’s used a lot here
Naruto’s aging up while running
The switch between the static look to the smooth look
And the pencil drawn kinda look
They really went so hard on this OP
Everyone getting the cloak
That shot of Rin spinning in time with the music
Everything is always synced perfectly with the music and it really just makes it so much better
Especially because the song is so fast paced
To match up the visuals with individual words and not just full measures or half measures
Like just one example
Obito walking and him aging up
All synced with the music
I can go on about this opening FOREVER
It’s a true masterpiece
Right, well that's my ranking. Took many hours but I'm pretty happy with it for now.
My ranking will be completely new by tomorrow morning
But yeah please hit me up if you disagree/agree with the ranking. I love discussing these kinds of things with people!
This is starting to sound like a youtube outro
Also unfortunately no gifs to make the post pretty this time ;-; I'm having technical difficulties.
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Power Transfer
Also on AO3!
One for all is a power that has been passed down for generations. Turns out the most recent generation can afford to be a whole lot more liberal with his sharing. Also turns out sharing quirks runs in the family.
An AU where Izuku can share OFA full cowling with multiple people at once.
shared power ofa,
izuku giving aizawa 5% of one for all durring the usj or izuku giving toshinori 99% of OFA durring the last fight
cause consider the world never finding out about small might, all might retires but izuku knows
the rescue team all having the max amount of ofa they can use, which is around 2% each, cause a lil sparking team of heroes
izuku using kirishima to give bakugo some too n them using it to get away
izuku having two quirks is my favourite goddamn thing bc him being able to share his quirk but not having anything to share is great
he gives bits to allmight, like a constant 1% so he can teach classes and do press stuff
some rando wants to do an "all might" where is he now segment and it spans a good few months so izuku is continuously in the background just
conspiracy theory starts that izuku is a villain or allmights son
a villain and all might's son
izuku has no double toe joint but the doc cant find any evidence of a quirk? so he tells them izuku is either quirkless or has an invisible quirk. something subtle, or specific enough to have not activated by now
bakugo kinda,, is chill with izuku. he was waiting for izuku to develop a quirk till he judged him, but he never did so he kinda withheld judgement long enough for them to become decent friends
anyway, izuku likes to ramble about different things his quirk could technically be, bakugo likes to join in. they can go at this for h o u r s cackling about stupid hypotheticals
they workout together, they both do boxing and try out random moves they see on the internet on each other. they have a pile of gym mats in the woods like the weirdos they are
bakugo is like,, convinced izuku's quirk is actually an intellect up but he just shrugs
izuku has to grab something before he heads home so he takes the underpass and we get basically episode 1 from there. all might says no, the villain gets away, attacks Bakugo. izuku runs in, throws dust in the villain's eyes and pulls at bakugo's hands. all might jumps in, saves the day yada yada
some background for u about all might bc his past is a touch different here. during the battle with afo, afo was distracted. all might sustained the same injures but won more easily.
night eye never looks into his future because "my purpose is done, nighteye. let's live like everyone else, no fate of the world on our shoulders" he never looks into all mights future again at his request
they stay together
so instead of the big argument they go get ramen and get drunk because they don't have to be superhuman anymore, they can relax now
back to the main timeline-
so izuku is already fit, cleans the beach in 8 months, nighteye supervises
all might gives izuku the quirk 2 months before the entrance exam, nighteye is there to "oversee" (he wants to see izuku choke on a hair and laugh at this kid hes become pretty fond of)
also mirio! is izuku's bro because i love he
izuku eats the hair and gets the quirk like, instantly which?? is confusing nighteye and all might. nighteye has like,,, hidden behind a car because hes the only person with self-preservation
allmight touches izuku and the lightning climbs up his arm and he just pOofs out into swolmight. hes ShooK, so is izuku
anyway, he manages to turn it off and izuku is just standing there like "oh my god what the fuck"
"izuku,, what,, happened there"
",,,, one for all??? leaked out??? into allmight????"
"nighteye come over here."
"izukU nO"
nighteye is forcibly given a little of ofa and regrets a lot of stuff
anyway, izuku breaks an arm trying to use ofa and hes muttering trying to work out how to use it, nighteye basically says "well, think back to how ofa came about" and izuku is like ",,, what"
and nighteye screams because TOSHI YOU DIDNT TELL HIM?????? and allmight ",,, o o p s"
so izuku gets to hear the story of all for one while hes being driven to UA for recovery girl hes,,, really quiet for a second
"when did you fight him?"
"six years ago, april?"
",,, this has to be a coincidence"
hisashi went out on a "business trip" 6 years ago and they haven't seen him since. he calls, but hes never visited and izuku has this terrible feeling
because izuku cant calm down and because nighteye thinks this kid might be on to something they call tsukauchi and he agrees to meet them at UA
izuku gets treated, naomasa is in v quickly afterwards before he calls his dad he turns to nighteye, allmight and Naomasa
"i've never been able to lie to my dad. i thought he was just really good at reading me but,,"
"if hes afo he might have a quirk"
"yeah. so i'll just twist the truth. im good at that, but thats all i'll be able to do"
anyway, he calls up his dad and slaps this big grin on his face. the phone is on speaker
"hey dad!!!!" "izuku! is something wrong?"
"oi, cant i call my dad for no reason?"
"you, willingly calling someone? dont make me laugh"
izuku giggles despite himself
"anyway, you'll never guess!!"
"did youuuu,,,, hmmmm, meet all might?"
they freeze but izuku just laughs
"yeah,, but thats not the most exciting thing!!! my quirk came in finally"
"yeah! imagine the worlds most basic power enhancer, but i can share the energy! you have any idea where that could have come from?"
"no! i can't think of anyone in our family with a quirk like that! sounds crazy!"
naomasa looks grin, and mouths "liar"
izuku pales but keeps his smile
"do you think you could visit, id love to show you!! oh, maybe we could test it together! you always had the best ideas for my quirk notes"
"id love to izuku, but im stuck in america for the near future, you know it is. i'll see what i can do tho, ok champ?"
naomasa shakes his head again "lying" izuku looks like hes going to be sick. nighteye is pale, all might looks stunned. izuku grits his teeth but his voice is still light and happy
"i'm gonna make it into UA so you can watch me kick butt from america! you better cheer me on!"
"im looking forward to it. say hi to your mother from me."
naomasa nods. hes telling the truth. that makes nighteye feel the sickest
"love you izuku"
",,, love you too dad"
izuku hangs up the phone and retches into the bin. nighteye is shaking. all might storms out. naomasa punches the wall
izuku looks up with tears in his eyes
",,, does my mum know?"
nighteye wants to cry
"i dont know kid"
izuku tells katuski that his quirk finally came in! but,,, in the worlds biggest mess of a way
basically hes lying in bed, trying to work out why he can't use it without breaking bones but the people he shares it with can, he bolts upright
he runs out his door all the way to bakugos house and climbs in through his window, grabbing a sleeping bakugo by the shoulders
"IZuKU whAt tHE fuCK"
"my quirk!!! i was breaking bones because i wasnt modulating it!!!"
",,,,q QUiRK/???/?"
",,,, oh yeah oops"
mitsuki runs in with a frying pan ready to murder a villain but its just izuku
"carry on"
izuku doesnt tell him its ofa but he explains his quirk has finally showed up, bakugo asks him if hes registered it yet
"wait what? you, breaking the law? mister "i cant kill an ant because all might himself will call me a villain""
izuku, w the most shit-eating grin, explains that you only legaly have to register your quirk when it shows up, or after you are tested when you are five, whichever happens first so, legally, he doesnt need to register because it would be seen as voluntary updating
cut to the enterance exam
aizawa is holding the papers for the kids hes observing right then
"quirkless? that kid doesn't look quirkless"
and yagi sighs
"of course he didnt,,,"
"all might? do you know him?"
",,,, r i g h t"
“aizawa listen i have never seen young midoriya in my life ever”
basically, izuku is hiding the "transfer" part of his power from most people bc hes stubborn and thinks it could be useful
also,,, in this au shinso makes it in on hero points thanks
bakugo is about to rush the 0 pointer but shinso can see its going to fall on him shinsou yells
shinsou and bakugou are the type of friends that flat out have no love for each other but would punch anyone who says anything bad abt the other. like shinsou walks into school and bakugou s just
“dammit i thought u fucking died smh”
“i wish i did then i wouldn’t have to look at ur ugly ass”
in this au shinso and izuku bond when they are standing outside they door bc izuku looks like hes gonna fucking cry hes so scared and shinsou is like "wow big mood"
shinso is not shinson in this au! bc izuku is gonna do a soft
basically, quirk test? shinsou is s w e a t i n g bakugo looks a little worried for his new friend but no one would notice if they weren’t izuku
shinsou turns to him like "my quirk is mental im going to fa I L"
izuku grabs his hand and he feels this rush of energy, you can almost see it dancing along his skin. izuku grins
"i think you'll find you do just fine"
(izuku gave him like,, less than a full 1% but hes like doubled in strength and speed and hes??? shook?? bc whats happening)
aizawa is lost bc shinso has a mental quirk he shouldnt be doing this well, so he tries to cancel it
nothing happens and aizawa is so lost??? bc shinsou is kinda reedy and not super fit but hes placing solidly in the middle
and he noticing that shinso’s eyes seem to be glowing and so are they eyes of the kid coming in second and gives a big "hm,mmmm"
anyway, ball pitch, he cancels izukus quirk and turns to look at shinso, his eyes are dim. izuku looks sheepish but also like hes ready to throw down and its an interesting look
aizawa just sighs "you know what? just throw the ball."
izuku g r i n s and yeets it into next year using more of his quirk than he like,, really should have? to prove a point (his finger is bruised, not broken. he used 25%)
anyway aizawa shows the results, shinso is in the middle, izuku second, hagakure is last and sadly shes not getting expelled bc plot reasons – im sorry I have a thing against her shes perfectly valid probably im just still convinced shes the traitor even tho its totally a teacher
he calls izuku out on it but does admit he didnt say you couldnt help eachother, so its kind on him. shinso looks like hes going to pass out with relief
Hagekure is the traitor in this au though, 100%
during the camp she is at the pick up zone, hiding. izuku pulls bakugo out of the way, they all seem safe
she pushes izuku in through the portal as it closes
fyi afo takes her quirk and leaves her braindead in the nomu factory bc shes not useful anymore. also because now he needs to have a really awkward conversation with his son he was hoping to avoid
also usj? is really melodramatic
he gives aizawa 4% which is the max nighteye could hold without it hurting
aizawa takes a hit from the nomu and he reaches out his hand
izuku cries as he gives him an extra 4% and aizawa gets free but he can see bruises forming with every step his teacher takes
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