Remus : I'm not in love with her
Sirius : ...
Remus : I just miss her when she’s not around, I think about her all the time, and I imagine us one day running towards each other in slow motion through a field of flowers.
Sirius : *sighs
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starrylayle · 8 months
coming on here to quickly rant abt remadora. Okk yess I know ‘another wolfstar shipper shitting on remadora’ here me out okay!!! Just for a sec!! I read the Harry Potter books for the first time back in 2017 and remadora was my shit. Remus was my second favourite male character and tonks was my second fave female character. (Harry and cho were my first faves — yes I self inserted into Harry and had the biggest crush on cho — yes I cried when they broke up — shut up we all had our embarrassing phases!!)
Anyways back to remadora, I just thought they were so cute together, even tho it felt a little random. But one thing that I remember that really pissed me off was the ship name. I never understood why it was ‘remadora’ and not ‘ronks’. Tonks hated being called Dora!! I remember ranting abt this on my Wattpad acc (yes I know SHHHH) when I was reviewing all the Hp ships.
I don’t ship it anymore (obviously lol) and looking back, I think my issue with the ship name is lowkey symbolic for my key problem with remadora — it basically removes everything that made her interesting in the first place and reduced her to just Another Woman Character in the series. When she got with Remus, she became more mellow, more feminine, more complacent — which are fine traits btw — but that’s not tonks!! Now as I’m older, and re-reading the series, I see a lot of subtext for a gender non-conforming and possibly genderqueer person forced into a heterosexual relationship simply becoz jo didn’t want ppl thinking Remus was gay and coz she had this weird thing abt all ‘good’ women being mothers.
Which brings me to tonk’s pregnancy — I wouldn’t mind a storyline for tonks having a child — I just hate how jkr had to fit it into this whole nuclear family model and get her and Remus to get married. I feel like a more compelling, or at least consistent characterisation would have tonks having a one night stand with Remus after they were both mourning their cousin/uncle/lover’s death. Shit happens sometimes. And it would be interesting to see Tonks and Remus grapple with this and what it means for their child.
Another head cannon I saw on tik tok was that Tonks had a threesome with Fleur and Bill and since polyamory wasn’t socially acceptable she asked Remus to be the stand in legal father — and ofc Remus would say yes coz he’s Remus!! This hc sounded wild to me at first but they all gave me queer vibes and it just makes me happy so now this is the headcanon I stick with lol.
Anyways not every woman has to have a husband and 2-3 kids to be a good person jkr!! Families are complex! Women are complex! And Tonks deserves better imo.
P.s. if you ship remadora that’s completely okay!! This is just my opinion!! I’ve seen remadora shippers who don’t water down tonk’s character/subtextual queerness — I just hate how jkr depicted the ship in canon.
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saintsenara · 2 months
For the unhinged ship asks series: Tonks/Ron!
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
despite what he claims in half-blood prince [that tonks is "alright-looking" but nothing compared to fleur], ron would one hundred percent go there.
how do we know? because ron is having a full-on bro-code-induced breakdown during the preamble to the seven potters chase:
Everybody mounted their brooms. “Hold tight now, Ron,” said Tonks, and Harry saw Ron throw a furtive, guilty look at Lupin before placing his hands on either side of her waist.
as for whether or not this would be reciprocal... well, it should be, since ron is the right combination of chill, funny, cocky [both deservedly and undeservedly], a bit prone to moping, and a bit prone to attention-seeking to mesh really well with tonks' canon personality.
except - as we know - she has tunnel vision for men who are terrible for her [same, girl!].
ron's getting ignored while she sobs into her pint about her latest fuckboy.
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sshurkis · 2 months
I wish the anti-remadora tag did not exist
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remadorafest · 1 year
Mark your calendars: REMADORA FEST COMING JANUARY 2024!
Though the poll results favored March, @remuslupinfest begins posting in March. It'll be best for creators to have enough time for both fests, so we're going first in January. If you are a writer/creator and plan to contribute to Remadora fest, please consider writing for Remus Lupin Fest as well! Pros include more Remus and Remadora goodness. Cons: nonexistent.
This will be the timeline for the Remadora Fest:
Prompting: opens 25 September and closes 25 October
Claiming: begins 31 October
Works due: 31 December
Posting: begins 3 January 2024
Under the cut you'll find guidelines on what the fest is looking for.
Fics must be a minimum of 1000 words. All ratings permitted. If/when there are more mature topics, content warnings are a must.
All visual art is accepted, with the exception of AI generated images. No AI artwork or writing is permitted.
All works for the fest must be new and must be able to stand alone. You can add sequels or prequels as you see fit, but the work itself must be able to stand as its own entity.
The works must be centered on Remus and Tonks's relationship. It can be told from others' perspectives but Remadora must be endgame. E.g. if you are planning to write a Remadora break-up fic, this may not be the fest for you.
This will be an anonymous fest. Works will be posted anonymously at first and author reveals will come at the end of the fest.
AUs are permitted. As long as Remadora is endgame and central to the work, you can shape the world as you see fit. (Ex: you can genderbend the characters, you can have Remus and Tonks be the same age, make it a Muggle AU, etc.)
This fest should be a welcoming space for everyone. The following will not be tolerated: bashing, harassment, bigotry, misogyny, transphobia, racism, and/or hate speech. Be kind.
If you have a question, send an ask.
We're looking forward to a smashing time! Please reblog and share!
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Love and self-doubt
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In most of my fics remadora always find their way to each others after some trials and errors no matter where and when.
I must say that tonks might be one of the most strongest women in the whole HP universe, because even if I love lupin I wouldn't dare to marry him, not because he's a werewolf, that's my least concern.
It's the fact that lupin is suffering from self-loathing and was scared to even stand against his "friends" actions because he was scared of being alone.
Tried to push her away from ever loving him for being old, poor and dangerous, because he can't believe someone will ever love him this way or want to make a family with him.
In a way he was irresponsible of his own actions that once things gets real he tried to run if not advised otherwise.
Was indecisive and needed a little push from others to do his heart content (aka Arthur and Harry).
And yet, Tonks stay by his side through all of this and once he got back to her, he stays and becomes better.
Tonks love and patience saved this man soul because if I went through all she went through I would withdraw on the first setback.
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alyweasley · 1 year
*When Remus and Tonks met each other*
Remus: Hello i am Remus, and you are?...
Tonks: Single.
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noahmullariii · 5 months
I've been thinking about how much I adore Tonks and Remus' dynamic but physically cannot ship them because my brain is being weird about their fucking age gap. this is so frustrating. they would have been so lovely for me if Tonks was like at least 27 in 5th book. Ronks (yeah I'm not calling it Remadora, Tonks hates her birth name ffs) would have been my ride-or-die alongside Jily and Wolfstar for sure.
because literally nothing else that Ronks antis consider deal breakers for them matters to me - not the fumbled way they get together in canon, not them getting married so quickly, not Tonks getting pregnant, not the assumed queer-coding of both characters (which I personally see, don't get me wrong. but it's assumed and who the fuck says they can't be queer4queer anyway?). sure, the nuclear family narrative being pushed so quickly and thoroughly onto them is peculiar but who says they didn't want to make the most of their time during a war? I love wartime drama and they would have been my shit if it weren't for... well. Tonks being 22 and Remus 35 when they meet.
I just can't ship big age gaps unless the youngest character is closer to 30 than 20. which is infuriating, because Ronks is objectively more fascinating because of their gap. my fucking loss, don't you think?
anyway, after thinking of ways I can make Tonks older without hurting the story, I began wondering whether her age is narratively important, and yes, turns out it very much is - for Harry.
Tonks being 22 in order of phoenix makes her the closest of Order members to Harry's age (Weasley twins don't count because they're Ron's brothers first, order members second for Harry) and the one Order member Harry can relate to the most in his youth and desire to fight. She almost perfectly parallels marauders and Lily in first war and represents the fun of the fight, the fire of youth, the confidence of a new recruit, the safety of relatability for Harry. She's one of the biggest inspirations for his newfound dream of becoming an auror. Harry needs Tonks among those older, battle-worn, cautious, secretive adults who don't take him seriously and never look him in the eye, because he wants to be what she is even before realising it and only reflects on it after spending time with her.
all in all, Tonks being 22 matters quite a lot for Harry's story.
now, we have no way of knowing whether Joanne came up with Ronks storyline prior to Tonks' introduction, but it shouldn't matter for their relationship, not in Joanne's opinion - Tonks' youth already fulfilled its narrative role in order of phoenix and stopped being an important asset of her character in half-blood prince.
oh, but unfortunately it still matters in the grand scheme of things, Joanne. you don't just introduce a young adult character (I'm 21 myself and gods, 22/23 is barely more mature), chuck their established age out the window and pair them up with a character in their mid-to-late thirties. and of fucking course it makes sense for a 23 year old to be down bad for some scruffy 36 year old man, it's incredibly realistic! this 36 year old man acting upon such crush is a little questionable, but still realistic (and we know Remus is very flawed, so I'm not surprised). but you know what isn't realistic at all?
Molly - a 46 year old woman, married to her high school sweetheart, mother to 7 children, 3 of which are close to Tonks' age - being extremely supportive of actually engaging in that sort of relationship, going as far as reprimanding Remus for not committing to it. I'm sorry, what? Molly might have some flaws as a mother, but she is nothing if not protective of her kids and those in their age range. She genuinely becomes somewhat of a mother figure for Tonks during their time in the Order, and I just cannot for the life of me understand how Molly could encourage her to pursue Remus and vice-versa, instead of consoling Tonks in her tragic crush and making sure Remus doesn't even look at her like that.
Minerva - an even older woman who taught both Remus and Tonks at Hogwarts, witnessed Remus becoming an adult from his graduation in 1978 up until 1981, then saw an 11 year old Tonks start Hogwarts 3 years later in 1984 - chiding Remus for not being "brave" enough to commit to such relationship. first of all, why the fuck is she involved in that narrative at all? it's none of her business??? she's not in any pseudo parenting role for either of them, unlike Molly, so I never understood why she even has a place to voice her opinion about their romance. second of all, even if it was her business, Minerva - a professor who witnessed both Remus and Tonks grow up so many years apart - would realistically feel pretty weird about such relationship.
those aren't problems with the ship itself, but rather the way Joanne implemented their romance in the story. I think it would be more realistic if Ronks was some kind of fucked up forbidden romance from other characters' perspectives. the way everybody is so instantly supportive of them is quite jarring to me.
interestingly, when I read hp for the first time at 11 I was quite adamant in my belief that Tonks was in love with Molly up until that scene in half-blood prince. a very weird belief for a kid, I know. I just only liked girls at the time and was relating to Tonks quite a bit since her introduction, so I guess I unconsciously decided she was a lesbian even without knowing that term yet. I also had a crush on my teacher in 4th grade and she was quite similar to Molly... yeah, this girl was projecting too much. I didn't pick up on Remus' queer-coding until I fell down the rabbit hole of lgbt discourse at 14, but was pretty shocked to read about Tonks falling for a man at 11. she was so like me until she wasn't :) it's pretty funny to think about now.
in conclusion, I'm hella jealous of those of you who don't have weird brains and can enjoy Ronks to their fullest potential. their canon writing has its issues but they're more interesting for it, truly. I'll stay in my no fun corner, headcanoning them as lavender married, queer-platonic, bisexual besties co-parenting Teddy Alastor Tonks.
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impossible3girl · 2 years
On the Remadora age gap:
Considering the fact that Remus and Tonks were wizards with a life expectancy of around 137 if not more their age gap is probably one of the least weird things in the Harry Potter series. Sometimes you just can't judge fiction by real life standards.
In this house we stan Remadora and they are happily raising Teddy.
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 2 years
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Molly : So how’s parenthood treating you guys?
Tonks : Good, but I didn’t expect this much crying.
Molly : Don’t worry, that’s normal for babies this young.
Tonks : What? No, Teddy's fine..... I was talking about Remus.
Remus : *sobbing from the nursery*.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
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starrylayle · 8 months
have you considered that maybe you projected a bunch of stuff on tonks that wasnt there and reading further into the books simply proved you wrong? (for example, the fact that you say she hates being called dora, when what she says she hates is her full name, nymphadora). not every woman has to want kids and be married, but why should tonks have been that woman when she wasnt intended to be so, your own sterotypes on her "type" of character aside? because you liked her?
ok first things first -- you're right about one thing -- Tonks wasn't written to be a queer character. Like at all. I don't think jkr intended anyone in the hp series to be queer,, not even dumbledore (that was definitely an afterthought lol). Any reading of queerness is subtextual no doubt.
That being said,, queerness in media, especially children's media, before 2010 is almost always subtextual. It is very difficult to find any canonical queer characters in 90s/2000s children's media. Queer ppl are still gonna read these books however. And a lot of us relate to a certain 'type' (as you put it) of character -- usually ones that are 'different', don't conform, etc, etc.
A lot of queer hp fans saw themselves in Remus (ostracized for his lycanthropy aids metaphor -- which is not a very well done metaphor but i digress) or Tonks, in her disregard for femininity, tomboyish ways and spunky nature.
Now the problem I have with people saying that we can't headcanon characters who have stereotypically queer traits is --- well who would u rather we headcanon as queer then? It's unrealistic that every single person in the harry potter universe is a raging cis heterosexual -- thats just not how life works lol. Sometimes people will say, 'hc some one as queer that's not a stereotype'. Ok would you rather me headcanon ron as trans? Hermione as a lesbian? because i can provide analysis' for those readings too. But then the argument would be,, 'there is nothing queer about these characters you're just making shit up'.
What I'm trying to say, is that these questions feel like a trap. If we headcanon characters who have traits that alot of queer ppl have the argument is 'you're just stereotyping!!!' If we headcanon people that have traits that aren't especially common with queer folk then the argument is that we're 'just grasping for straws'. The only correct answer in this scenario is to not headcanon anybody as queer for the sake of not hurting cishet ppl's feelings.
also i just wanna add that tonks is not the only tomboyish character in the series!! We have Ginny, the girls on the quidditch team and probably more that I'm forgetting -- plenty of str8 tomboyish characters to go around lol.
I think you'll find that queer ppl aren't as obsessed with queer headcanons as u think -- we just want representation. You'll find in a lot of fandoms that centre around queer shows like the owl house, heartstoppper, our flag means death,, people generally just accept the sexualities presented to them because there are already canonical queer characters in the show.
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Written for @remadoramicrofics day 1: haunted. 943 words. Read on AO3 here or read below.
The Shrieking Shack stood tall and imposing above them, leaning to the side against the fading autumnal light. Tonks had never been this close to the dilapidated structure, despite her teenage attempts, and she shivered in the brisk November wind, clutching her cloak around her chilly body. 
It was hard to believe that only a decade ago, she was making bets with her Hufflepuff friends to see who could get closest to the Shack without getting scared. She’d won, of course, being the most fearless of them all. But even then, she remembered the way her pink hair flopped against the back of her neck, leading her to believe an unknown presence was around her, ready to snatch and entrench her within the decrepit walls of Scotland’s most haunted building. 
A tree branch snapped and she gasped, releasing a puff of warm breath, condensing smoke-like and wispy. It vanished away, carried on the wind with a flurry of dead, browning leaves.
“Not a chance, Lupin.”
He lifted a brow at her. “I don’t know why you wanted to see this place.”
“Call it insatiable curiosity.”
“Whatever you say,” Lupin replied drily. “Lead the way, Nymphadora.”
“Don’t call me that,” she growled, punching him lightly in the side. His eyes crinkled in that smug, amused way of his. He seemed to take a peculiar kind of pleasure in calling her that ridiculous name. Too irritated by the smirk and corresponding chuckle on his lips, she stomped into the Shack and started sneezing.
“Evanesco,” Lupin murmured. The layers of dust disappeared from the floor and walls. “Shall we go on?” 
Tonks was ready to agree, until something black and winged flew out from one of the rafters.
“ACK!” she shrieked, reaching out for Lupin.
“Just a bat,” he said, his gaze locked on the space between them. Tonks let go of his hand, feeling suddenly shy at her overreaction.
Lupin flexed his fingers and shook his head. 
“Don’t worry about it.” 
Pink had invaded his cheeks and neck. Tonks gaped, having never seen him so flustered.
“Anyway,” Lupin cleared his throat, “shall we go on?”
As he led her throughout the rest of the Shack, Tonks noticed the way he kept his distance from her. He hadn’t been like that in weeks, not since the start of their friendship, when she’d learned he was a werewolf. Wondering if she’d done something wrong, Tonks tried to get closer, but Remus backed away from every attempt. By the time they stepped out of the Shack, his shoulders were tense, his jaw was clenched, and he was giving her terse replies.
“Well, thanks for the tour, I s’pose,” Tonks said, talking to his shoulder, as he decided not to look at her anymore. “Meeting’s still at eight?”
“It is.”
“And you’re free till then?”
“I am.”
“So am I.”
“Hmm.” Lupin had walked away. He stared up at a tree, examining a leafy branch. 
“Er, Lupin?”
He raised the slightest brow at Tonks’s address.
“Since we’ve got the time . . . would you like to get a drink with me before the meeting? Maybe at The Three Broomsticks?”
Lupin rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not sure that’s the best idea.”
“Why not?”
“I’m, er . . . ” The curious shade of pink returned to his face. He’d finally turned to meet her gaze. “I’m not exactly a welcome patron there.” He gestured lamely at the ramshackle Shack they just left behind. It took a few seconds too long for Tonks to realize what he was referring to. 
“What about a Muggle pub?” she said hurriedly. “In London?”
A slight, wounded line appeared between Lupin’s brow. “I’m sorry, but I haven’t the money for drinks.”
“How about—”
“Tonks,” Lupin interrupted, strained, “I’m sorry. I’m not the kind of person you should want as a friend.”
“But you are my friend. Already.”  
Lupin’s shoulders hunched over. He tucked his hands inside his pockets and grimaced. The wind whipped around him, blowing crispy brown leaves across his prematurely lined face. 
Tonks reviewed the events of the last half hour; everything had been fine until she took his hand. He began acting strangely then and refused to let her anywhere near him. His easiness and humor had vanished, giving way to the standoffish, closed man he’d been when she’d discovered his deepest, most shameful secret. 
“Remus,” said Tonks, getting his attention with the use of his given name, an idea forming on the tip of her tongue, “are you seeing anyone?”
Remus’s eyes flew wide open. He seemed almost too stunned to be embarrassed. 
“Is that a yes?” 
“No!” He replied, nearly too fast. “No, I’m not.”
“Well then . . . seeing as we’re friends and you’re not with anyone,” Tonks reasoned, “and neither of us has anywhere to be for a while . . . what’s stopping us from taking a walk around a park? Maybe Holland Park, which has the Japanese gardens?”
“It doesn’t cost anything to walk around the gardens and we’re already friends.” 
Thinking quickly, Tonks closed the space between them and grabbed his arm. Though they were separated by layers of clothing, a little thrill came over her at being able to touch him again. 
The tips of Remus’s ears turned red. Tonks fought the smile that threatened to overtake her face. She was becoming more sure of her hypothesis by the moment.
“Please?” She batted her eyelashes at him and offered her most indulgent, winning smile. “If you do, I’ll let you call me Nymphadora while we’re there.”
A shy, sweet smile finally played at Remus’s lips. 
If she wasn’t mistaken, Tonks believed she’d discovered another one of his biggest secrets. 
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sshurkis · 2 months
remadora is a good ship, but most of you don't get it
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moonysdora · 2 years
Remus after passing Tonks the salt during breakfast, 12 Grimmauld Place, 1995
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remadorafest · 1 year
Hello, world!
This is the brand new, official blog of Remadora Fest! While it's being set up, let's run a longer poll to figure out when we want this fest to happen.
Why the dates only begin in 2024: it takes work to set up, publicize, and run a fest. This fest couldn't feasibly be set up in less than three months, and December is usually a busy month for fests.
More details about the fest coming soon!
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