#i live breathe and die yoonmin
solastia · 5 years
Tuqburni | Finale - Healing
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Pairing: Yoonmin x Reader
Word Count: 5,308
A/N: Here we go, the “Official” ending. I will still eventually put out “Finale: Heartbreak” as an alternate version for those that wanted her to move on, as well as a small epilogue later on (will be nice and smutty and set in the future). For now, though, this is the end. It has been a very long journey with this fic as life often got in the way, and I thank (most of you) for being patient with me. I hope you learned a few things along the way. Each and every one of you is important and precious, never let anyone make you feel like you are a second choice or inferior. All relationships are complicated and communication is key no matter your dynamic. But especially so in polyamorous relationships. If anyone ever makes you feel like “the other” or “the third,” talk to them. If they won’t listen, leave. Your worth is not based on other people. You are worthy all on your own. Also, the weekly plan that my character follows is a real system that works. It was given to me by my counselor who I thought was a nut herself at the time, but it worked so well. I’m still working through a lot of stuff myself, but this weekly routine saved my life. 
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It had only been a few months so far, but it felt like a lifetime. 
Seokjin and Namjoon had tried to talk you into staying with them, but you’d decided it would make you feel too guilty to rely on them like that and invade their space. Instead, you were now renting your own apartment. It came furnished and the lease was month to month so you could leave at any time. It felt nice though, having your own space, even if it didn’t allow pets. Especially once you’d been able to reduce Jin’s visits to no more than three times a week. 
Taehyung and Jungkook, friends of all of yours and signed to the company you worked for as idols, finally came back into town a few weeks after “the incident” while you were still staying with Jin. You’d forgotten they were due back and only discovered they were here when Yoongi and Jimin both showed up with black eyes and bruised cheeks. You had assumed they came from Jungkook - who had always looked up to you like an older sister - but you were pleasantly surprised to learn they had been inflicted by his boyfriend Taehyung instead. He had proudly admitted it during lunch one day while demanding a turn at petting your hair, and you wondered if he too saw you as a sister or a pet. Either way, you were touched that he thought enough of you to try to “defend your honor.” 
Still, it wasn’t like you never saw Yoongi and Jimin. You still had to work with them, obviously. Jimin worked on the other side of the building, but he had taken to eating his lunch with you, and you were usually joined by Namjoon and Jin so you didn’t feel too pressured. There was still the looming cloud of ‘someday’ that scared you, but without being forced to pretend to be and feel a certain way every day you were able to look at him in a new light. 
The Jimin that you saw now was one that you had caught glimpses of before. He was sweet and kind, but quick-witted and prone to just enough wicked humor to make him interesting. Unfortunately for you, he seemed to also be a natural flirt and making you flustered was as easy as breathing for him. After a couple weeks, you finally started to flirt back and the results were incredible. He would blush and act so shy that he would practically duck under the table. Seemed he could dish it out but couldn’t take it. Honestly, you were beginning to really look forward to your time with him every day. 
With Yoongi, it was naturally a little harder. Your first day back to work had gone a long way towards smoothing things over a little. Yoongi had actually dropped to his knees and bowed along with his apology. He apologized for the way he’d spoken to you that day, as well as for dragging you down into the mess that your relationship had become. The two of you had cried together and hugged, and he promised to go to counseling as well when you mentioned you had signed up to see someone. Anything, he promised. 
“I’ve been horrible and selfish, but not once did I ever stop loving you. I think I’ll love you until the day I die. I’m going to work hard to deserve even the scrap of affection you might still have for me. If you decide that you want to move on, that’s fine. Whatever makes you happy. But know that I’ll always be here loving you and you can come to me for anything at all.” 
Those words felt like a tattoo on your heart. A promise of forever if you ever wanted to reach out and take it. 
But first, you needed to learn to love yourself before you could accept it. You needed to learn to be strong and figure out more about you as a person before becoming a part of something so complicated again. Maybe then you would believe that you were an important part of the relationship, rather than a side piece or someone that they settled for. 
The first step was signing up for a therapist. She was a little pricy, but out of the four other people that you’d talked to before settling, she’d been the only one that made you feel genuinely comfortable. You were pretty self-aware of your flaws and why you had them in the first place, so it wasn’t like you needed someone to hold your hand and drudge up every painful memory. You just needed help trying to get past it all and get to a place where you were comfortable with yourself. 
The therapist was chill enough that even you thought she might work for Jimin and Yoongi as well, and they quickly made appointments with her when you told them. You obviously weren’t able to know what they were talking about with her, but you’d noticed after a few weeks that both of them seemed a little lighter. Jimin practically sparkled whenever he joined you at lunch and Yoongi was quick to smile when he joined you in your combined studio, sometimes sneaking a coffee onto your desk that was just the way you liked it. He’d even started bringing your dog Holly to the office every day so that you could spend time with him. 
Jimin and Yoongi admitted that several of their sessions have been as a pair since they had the added trauma of Yoongi’s prior attempt on his life. They asked you to come to a couple yourself since you were part of it as well. You were the one to find him and help him through all of it, and they felt that it would help any lingering bitterness or fear from the incident would be helped that way. You agreed and started attending once a month as a group. 
She was wonderful for you, you thought. You never felt judged, not even when you brought up the relationship with Yoongi and Jimin and how it was handled. She simply let you talk and then asked you what you wanted. To close your eyes and envision what you hoped was waiting for you at the end of this journey. 
Yoongi’s face was the first thing you thought of and wasn’t surprising. That Jimin was right there next to him and holding out a hand towards you was. You wanted this to work. You wanted to be happy, and you wanted them to be happy. Without you, if that had to be it. With you would be even better. Somehow Jimin had slotted himself a place in your vision of the future.  
One of her biggest things that she preached was finding a routine that made you feel happy and safe while building your sense of self. She claimed it was an essential part of healing for many, especially those dealing with past trauma like you. That while many of the tasks she wanted you to do seemed silly or self-indulgent, that in the end you might discover more about yourself and develop healthy habits. So, she assigned you a weekly routine to follow. 
There was Me Monday, in which you spent the entire day “dating” yourself. It was a little difficult considering your work, but the day was essentially pampering yourself as much as possible. You eat what you want to eat, you watch what you want, when you get out of work you go do what you want. You use that day to get massages or pedicures. She said it was to teach you that it’s okay to be a little selfish from time to time. That taking care of yourself and putting yourself ahead of someone else on occasion wasn’t a crime. It was healthy because at the end of the day no one else can live your life but you. 
Try Something Tuesday was essentially what it sounded like. You take that day to try something new. You tried out new hobbies, new activities. Anything that you had once said no to because you were scared, this was the day to do them. So far you’d gone to dance classes and discovered you were actually pretty good, went to play laser tag with Jin and his friends, and started biking almost daily with Namjoon. Jungkook has been trying to talk you into going skydiving and the fact that it terrifies you tells you it’s probably going to happen eventually. 
Work through it Wednesday was the day you went to see your therapist. You’d work through the list you had to make throughout the week of things you wanted to cover. A lot of what you went over was stuff that you pretty much knew inside your head, but she would drag it out of you and once it was out there and being spoken about by another person, it helped to see it in a new light. She covered everything from your abandonment issues to the fact that you had never fully put your trust in Yoongi in the first place. That you had always expected him to drop you at any moment and when he brought Jimin in, for you it was simply confirming what you had been telling yourself all along. That you weren’t worthy of being loved and no one would want you. When that came out, she essentially told you to snap out of it. That you shouldn’t let your anxiety win. There was a lot more to it, but you were working on it. 
“Them” Thursdays were one of the more difficult days. Since she counseled all three of you and all of your ultimate goals were to someday find your way back to each other, she allotted you all one day to spend some time all together. Nothing romantic or sexual - simply re-learning each other and discovering how you work together. The first few Thursdays had been borderline painful. You’d all met in a cafe for coffee and awkwardly sat around the table. Jimin would try to talk about funny things he saw on the internet or some anime he was watching in an attempt to kill the silence, while Yoongi usually seemed content to listen while he stared at you like a lost puppy. When it was obvious that something needed changing, your therapist suggested other locales. Places that would give you all a shared experience and something to break the ice. 
The spot that finally worked its magic on all of you was the cat cafe. On your first visit, it was obvious as soon as you all walked in that Jimin was in heaven. He cooed at and cuddled every single one that would let him. You’d never thought of Yoongi as much of a cat person and figured he would just lay around and nap somewhere while you and Jimin played. He did lay out eventually, but was soon joined by at least six cats that all decided he made a perfect bed. 
“Look, they recognize one of their own,” Jimin had giggled to you. 
It soon became a place of comfort for the three of you. Somewhere that seemed to make you all happy and comfortable enough to talk. You were all very careful not to make promises, as that’s not what these visits were about. They were about healing. About getting to know each other on a new deeper level without the pressure of romantic entanglements.
It wasn’t like you all weren’t still attracted to each other, obviously. There were still moments where you would be laughing and glance over at Yoongi only to find him piercing you with hooded eyes, biting his lip in the way that you knew from experience meant he was holding himself back from kissing you. Even Jimin would sometimes flip a switch and go from a giggling dork to running his hands through his hair and looking like sex personified as he stared you down.
Of course, it probably also didn’t help that - unless they were lying - neither of them had even touched each other like that in months. They claimed they were staying in separate bedrooms and didn’t want to do anything that could jeopardize everyone’s healing. You mostly believed them because Jimin was always free of hickeys or other marks. Yoongi always left a mark. This made you feel both relieved and guilty. Relieved because that would mean if you decided to start over with each other, it would be from the beginning for everyone. You wouldn’t feel left behind. But you also felt guilty because it seemed like such a selfish thing to expect from them. To expect them to not fuck around when you weren’t even promising getting back together seemed messed up as hell. However, it was Jimin’s idea in the first place and Yoongi had completely agreed with it, so you supposed it was up to them if they wanted to continue that or not. It’s not like you’d know if they did do something since you didn’t live there anymore. 
After “Them” Thursdays was Friend Fridays. Once you began to talk to your therapist more, you realized that your life had pretty much revolved around Yoongi to the point where you hadn’t even maintained or started any friendships outside of the ones you met through him or work. Which wasn’t too bad in your mind, since that meant you had Jin and Namjoon as well as Jungkook and Taehyung, and they were the best friends anyone could ever ask for. However, your therapist recommended seeking out friends of your own that wouldn’t be thrown into the middle of a war should your relationship ever go south again. Friends that were just yours that would have things in common with you and that you could count on to be there for you. This was all easier said than done, as it was hard for adults to make friends outside of work. But you did your best, chatting up other people that you met through your dance classes or other activities. You had a tentative meetup on your next Friday with some girls you’d met at the park. Yoongi was going to leave Holly with you after work and you were going to meet them there and have a meetup with all of your dogs. It wasn’t bad for a first step, you thought. 
Sensual Saturdays was...well, pretty much how it sounded as well. It was your day to convince yourself that you were attractive and desirable. During your sessions, you’d apparently compared yourself to Jimin far too often. You often mentioned how much more beautiful you thought he was than yourself, how you wouldn’t be surprised for anyone to pick him over you. How compatible Yoongi and Jimin were in bed. So, in order to help you cease - or at least lessen - how often you talked down yourself and get you to view yourself in a new light, a day was set aside for you to work on precisely that. You would buy yourself lingerie and walk around in it at home until you were comfortable enough to actually begin to admire yourself in it. You bought a huge mirror for the back of your bedroom door and played with yourself in front of it, curiously watching your expressions as you imagined it was Yoongi’s fingers instead. It was definitely a work in progress and you weren’t sure you’d ever be considered on Jimin’s level realistically, but you were beginning to at least find it more believable when someone complimented you on your appearance. 
Silent Sundays was a day you took to recharge. You left your phone on silent, you kept the TV off, and you ignored everyone. You spent the day writing in the journal you had to keep for therapy, going over everything that happened that week and how you felt you had changed versus what you felt you still needed to work on. You’d also read or draw, sometimes write lyrics, maybe do some baking. It was usually on Sundays that you missed your little house the most, as you pictured a Silent Sunday spent there instead. You’d probably spend it outside working on the garden in the backyard. Holly would walk back and forth between you in the garden and Yoongi muttering curses as he built something on the patio. Jimin would probably come outside to bring you both drinks and peck you on the cheek before he rushed back inside to watch his show, not wanting to stay out in the sun too long. It was such a believable scenario and you could see it so clearly that your chest ached with longing. 
The fact that Jimin was always right there whenever you pictured going home wasn’t lost on you, either. You were beginning to accept fully that somewhere along the line you had dropped your wall of bitterness long enough for him to charm his way through and you were as whipped for him as everyone else was. For every thought you had of Yoongi, one of Jimin followed soon after. You’d imagine Yoongi’s sexy smirk and intense eyes, then Jimin’s lips and strong muscles. You’d think of Yoongi’s quiet thoughtfulness and warm heart, then Jimin’s kindness and cheerful energy.
Whenever you thought of home, you thought of them.
A decision would have to be made soon, but you were pretty sure it was already made in your heart. However, in fairness to yourself, you were going to do one last thing. Try to move on
Jung Hoseok was an absolutely gorgeous man. He was tall and lanky, but with the toned muscles you were used to seeing on dancers. And his smile was dangerous - one moment it was brighter than the sun with adorable dimples, the next it was a smirk lethal enough to melt anyone.  
You had noticed him around the company before, but you’d never really talked to him. He was good friends with Taehyung and Jungkook, and Jin always spoke fondly of him, but back then you were just so wrapped up in Yoongi that only him and those immediately close to him gained your interest. You were a little disappointed you’d never talked to him sooner. 
He was bright and loud and quite possibly the most fun you’d ever had on a date. He was proud and passionate about his work, loved his family and friends, and was absolutely perfect. And yet everything he did, you compared to ‘them.’ Or wondered what they would think. Things like, “Jimin must love this guy.” or “Yoongi would be wishing he would choke on a bread roll just for a moment of quiet.” 
All throughout dinner you couldn’t shake the feeling that this wasn’t where you belonged and that he would never be the one. But he was so nice and kept you laughing with his hilariously animated stories that you couldn’t just bail. Instead, you stayed and ordered another glass of wine and giggled as he continued entertaining you. 
An hour later you’re both standing outside of the restaurant making your goodbyes in front of your taxi when his gaze suddenly changes from friendly to smoldering. His eyes rake you from top to bottom and you remember that today was Sensual Saturday. You’d certainly dressed the part. He couldn’t see all the black lace lingerie you had on underneath your red sheath dress, but you’d unquestionably left little to the imagination.  
“So, uh, it’s really unusual for me to ask on a first date, but...maybe we could take this to my place? If you want? It’s just...you are so fucking beautiful and sweet and totally too good to be true. I’ll even throw in breakfast, although I’m a shitty cook. But I’d make it up to you for dinner.” 
“Wow. You have all day tomorrow planned too, huh?” You joke nervously. The two and a half cups of wine you’d had with dinner were settled comfortably in your tummy, warming you in places that made you think that just maybe you could go through with this. You weren’t blind - he was fucking hot as hell - but the thought of being with anyone other than Yoongi, or even Jimin, was terrifying. But your new motto of trying to do things that scare you, along with this being ‘Sensual Saturday’, led you to believe that you really needed to do this. 
“Yeah, kinda pictured a day spent in bed, watching some movies, ordering Chinese...you can tell me to fuck off if you don’t want to or you want to wait. I won’t be offended,” he shrugs, his little grin deepening a dimple. 
You sigh and grab his hand, leading him towards the taxi. “Tell him your address.” 
His eyes widen like he can’t believe his luck and he stutters out his address to the driver. He leans back and buckles in before tentatively reaching over to grab your hand. It’s nice and warm, with pretty fingers. But even then you’re comparing his hands with Yoongi’s beautifully vein-laced ones. 
The building you’re led to is a nice apartment complex - quite a bit nicer than the month-to-month one you’re renting but not fancy enough to make you feel out of place. As he excitedly pulls you into the elevator and onto his floor, you realize the light buzz of alcohol that was clouding your thoughts was slowly easing away, leaving the light thrum of anxiety and discomfort room to grow. 
It definitely wasn’t him. He was sweet and funny and super, super hot - did you mention he was hot? He just wasn’t ‘them.’ 
You steeled yourself, however, because you owed yourself this. You owed yourself a chance to move on, to experience someone else. Surely this feeling would dissipate once you, you know, got going. People did this stuff all the time, why couldn’t you? 
His apartment was nicer than you expected. Clean and bright, with cute little accents here and there that spoke of his colorful personality. It even smelled amazing, which seemed odd for a bachelor pad. Like citrus and vanilla. 
Hoseok knelt down and helped you out of your heels before standing up to take off his blazer. 
“You need a drink or anything?” 
You shake your head, wanting to get started before you can talk yourself out of it. He smirks, obviously thinking you’re just nervously eager for him. 
He walks up and cups your jaw, tilting your face up. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
“Yes,” you whisper, closing your eyes as he moves closer. 
It’s a nice kiss. Slow and sensual, barely any tongue, and he strokes his thumb across your cheek the whole time. Any other person would feel excited and be touched with how sweet it was. It was like he was silently promising this wasn’t just sex for him. It only served to make you feel guiltier that you weren’t being totally honest with him. 
When he pulls away, his eyes seem a little dazed as he escorts you to his room. Again, nothing to complain about there. The room is nice and clean, smells good, has a few cute Snoopy stuff animals laying around. He’s gentle leading you in and maneuvering you to sit on the bed.  
His breath is shuddering as he slowly leans in to kiss your jaw and work his way down. You can feel a slight twinge of interest since your neck is one of your weak spots, but it dies down again once the expect bite never came. Yoongi was a biter and always left marks that you proudly wore, no matter how many people told you it was tacky. Your neck and chest were his favorite places to do it, so when Hoseok simply traveled around leaving light kisses and maybe a lick or two, you were nearly disappointed. Also slightly relieved because what if the boys saw a mark on you? You could nearly see Jimin’s eyes tearing up now. 
Hoseok inhales and moans, making you jump a little because you’d nearly forgotten about him you’d been so stuck in your own mind. His hand slowly slides down and up, reaching under your dress. His hands are nice enough, but they don’t have the expert feel of Yoongi’s fingers knowing your body like the back of his hand. Or even Jimin’s - thicker and earnest to learn and please. 
You cringe when he slips into your panties because you know he’s going to feel you’re as dry as a desert down there. 
Sure enough, he pauses and his shoulders slump. He slides his hand out and peeks up at you. You can tell he’s forcing himself to smile, but his eyes are soft with understanding. 
“I’m not doing it for you, am I?” 
You rush to explain. “Oh, God...it’s not you. It’s so not you. You are unbelievably hot and funny, just so sexy and I really wish I could get out of my head, but...”
“Yoongi and Jimin, right?” You nod and he sighs, sitting up on the bed next to you. “Jin hyung told me not to get my hopes up, but you are so pretty and sweet that I think I lost my head there a little bit.” 
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, turning to look down at the floor. 
“Nah, I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t make you feel pressured or like you had to come here with me.” 
“No, of course not. I thought if I just tried I could...with you. You are amazing.” 
Hoseok sighs and smiles sadly, twisting your heart. If you were another you, not so stuck on ‘them’, you’d grab this man up in a heartbeat. 
He chuckles and helps you up. “Fine, but let them know if they fuck up again I’m coming for you.”
You blush and let him lead you out of the room. “Thank you, Hoseok. If it’s not too awkward, I’d like to be friends. Not like the bullshit line people say when they really don’t mean it, but really friends. You can hang out with us in the cafeteria at work on Monday if you want.” 
He looks surprised for a split second before the tension in his face melts and he smiles genuinely at you. 
“You know what? I might just take you up on that.” 
“Okay. Thanks, Hoseok. And I’m sorry, again.” 
“It’s all good. You can still stay the night if you want? I have an extra room and I promise no funny business unless you ask for it.” 
You giggle and slide into your heels. 
“No, thanks though. I’m gonna...” 
“Yeah,” he nods in understanding. “Be careful.”
“Thanks. I’ll see you.” 
You escape to the elevator quickly, ordering a cab on your phone. When you’re done, you lean your head against the wall and sigh. Honestly, you’re not sure if you’re doing the right thing. Hoseok was incredible and had so much potential, but you’re you and you have to do what’s right for yourself. And given how much you can’t stop thinking of two certain people, your path is clear. 
The taxi pulls up to the familiar little house and you quickly slide out after paying and just stand there, looking at it. 
It still looks the same. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but it still looked like home. Yoongi still kept up the yard, though your flowers looked like they might be struggling a little bit. He’d forgotten to put his basketball away again since it was just sitting there in the driveway waiting to get run over. Jimin must have been sitting on the porch reading earlier because one of his mangas was on the wicker table. 
You take a few steps closer, amazed at how your chest felt lighter with each one. As soon as you walk up one of the stairs you can hear Holly at the door, scratching a little and whining. 
“Yah, you mongrel. What’s your problem? You too good for the doggy door in the back now?” 
You grin shakily as Yoongi’s complaining filters through the door. Once you’re close enough to hover your hand over the door you can hear Yoongi shuffling closer to the door. Your heart is pounding and you can feel your eyes filling up and you fight to contain yourself. You knock twice. 
Yoongi cracks open the door, his confused expression morphing into disbelief once he sees you. 
“Hi,” you say breathily. 
He gulps and quietly responds, “Hey.” Holly happily hops all over the place and does circles to try and get your attention. You smile at him then turn back to Yoongi. 
You both are quiet for a moment, looking each other over. His eyes roam over your outfit is wide-eyed wonder. 
Jimin wanders in fresh from the shower, running a towel over his head still. 
“Who is coming by this late?” 
You poke your head to the side and wave a little. 
“Hey, Jimin.” 
“Noona?” He smiles happily, rushing over to join Yoongi at the door. “You look incredible. What’s going on?” 
Yoongi already knows. You can see it in the way his shoulders have relaxed like someone just lifted the weight of the world off of them. A single tear travels down his cheek as he smiles softly at you. 
“We have to keep going to counseling. I’m not going to go back to the way things were. We are going to be better than that. We are going to communicate and talk everything through. If I’m the one not talking about something I should, call me out on it. This is going to be equal and no one is going to feel left out.” Yoongi nods enthusiastically and reaches out a hand that you eagerly grasp. 
Jimin gasps as he catches on. 
“Noona, you’re back?” 
“I’m all in. With both of you, if you still want me.” 
You hold your free hand out to him and his smile grows bright as he accepts it and tugs you inside the house before enveloping you in a hug. Yoongi shuts the door and takes Jimin’s place when the other pulls back. 
He cups your jaw and his face comes so close you can see his lip trembling with barely contained emotion. He sighs and lays his forehead against yours. 
“Welcome home, Princess.” 
Jimin wraps his arms around you both from the side, placing a quick peck on both of your cheeks. You blush and cuddle further into Yoongi’s hold, feeling right for the first time in a very long time. 
You know it’s not perfect yet and you all still have a lot to work on and figure out, but for now, this is perfect. 
Because home was ‘Them.’ 
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animeniacss · 3 years
Stuck at the Door - Yoonmin One-shot
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Synopsis:  Yoongi works at night, Jimin works during the day. Yoongi's first contact too Jimin is an angry post-it note telling him not to slam his door, however, now they have begun using this as some form of communication. However, will either one of them find themselves able to meet the other in person, or will they remain stuck at the door unable to find the courage?
*This fic was a gift done for a Frosty fic fest on ao3. The prompt was given by user @/kisslater and this story came of it! Enjoy and show her love too!
Genre: Romance, One-shot, Mutual Pining
Length: approx. 7k words
Stuck at the Door - Yoonmin One-Shot
Close your god damn door a little quieter next time, will you? – M. YG, Apt # 13
            That was the first sticky note that Park Jimin had ever gotten on his front door. At first, he didn’t notice it, staggering towards his door just as the sun was starting to set over his apartment complex. However, after setting down his bag and scrambling to get his keys, a yawn escaping from his tired mouth, the note finally catches his attention as it slipped from its place on the door, floating delicately towards his feet. When he bent down to pick it up, scanning the message, he pouted.
            “Was I that loud?” He mumbled to himself. He glanced in the direction of Apartment 13, which was right next to his. He had never once seen the guy, Min Yoongi, who lived in Apartment 13 because they were alive and functioning at different times of the day. By the time Jimin got home in the evenings, Yoongi seemingly was long gone, off to work at whatever job he had. Jimin sighed, sticking the note into his pocket before slipping himself into the apartment and closing the door behind him. He made his way deeper into his apartment, towards his desk where all of his university supplies and other stationery needs waited for him every day. “Well, guess I should apologize.” Quickly, Jimin grabbed hold of a yellow sticky note, scribbling down the words I’m sorry! I’ll try to be quieter in the future. “There.” Jimin got up, heading back outside and opening the door. He looked around, trying to see if he could hear any noises that could be Yoongi still in the area. When he heard nothing, he walked to Apartment 13’s door, pressing the sticky note onto the door. He grinned. “Perfect.” With that out of the way, Jimin headed back inside, locking himself in his apartment so that he could get his work done.
            After that note, Jimin was sure that the issue had resolved itself. He was making sure that he would close his door quietly both when he left and when he returned home, just in case Yoongi was ever in his apartment resting before his night shifts. That seemed to be the end of it for a while, and Jimin was already moving on.
            Yoongi, however, felt the exact opposite. Yoongi worked the night shift at a local convenience store that ran for 24 hours a day. By the time the sun was rising in the morning, Yoongi wanted to crawl into a hole and die every single time. He wasn’t a fan of his job, but he did it because with just barely scraping through high school and having no intention of going to college, Yoongi needed some way to pay the bills. So, this was his ticket to do so while he pursued his real passion: rapping. Yoongi was a phenomenal rapper, and his home was the underground rap scene. That’s where he spent his weeknights, and his days where he wasn’t at home passed out on the couch, he was there preparing for his next performance.
            So, when Yoongi was home, the last thing he needed was to be woken up by Jimin slamming the door as he exited his apartment. The first time was fine, and the apology note was cute. However, the next time it happened, Yoongi flung himself out of bed and frowned. His eyes flew to the alarm clock, where he saw the time flashing. It was 7 a.m., meaning Yoongi had only been home and asleep for 3 hours after a long night at the rap club.
            “The little punk.” He scoffed, before heading out of his room and towards the door of his apartment. When he flung the door open, he poked his head out. “Oi! Park Jimin!” He shouted. However, there was nobody in the hallway of the apartment level, and Jimin was gone as if he were the kiss of an angel. “Damn…” Yoongi stepped outside, crossing his arms. As he turned his head, a note caught his attention. Another yellow sticky note was resting on his door, and he quickly pulled it off.
            I slammed the door on accident I’m so sorry!:(((((( - P. JM Apt. 12
            “…What the hell? Does he carry sticky notes outside with him now?” Yoongi asked. He looked over at Jimin’s door again, before storming inside and grabbing his blue sticky note. Lifting a pen out of the cup it sat in on his desk, Yoongi scribbled that exact question down onto the paper. He walked back out and pressed it against Yoongi’s door. “Idiot.” The man huffed before heading back into his apartment and closing the door.
            The sun began to set later in the day, and Yoongi was preparing for a night at the underground rapping scene. He had good connections, knowing the man who ran the scene pretty well, and he had been preparing for another night like this for the past few days. Nights like these were the best, dawning casual black clothes rather than a convenient store polo and slacks. Yoongi looked himself over in the mirror, running a hand through his hair as he nodded. He looked good and felt ready. Grabbing his overnight bag, phone, wallet, and keys, Yoongi headed out the door. As he made his way to the end of the hallway, descending the steps to the bottom floor of the apartment complex, he heard a voice coming closer and closer.
            “No, I barely even opened up that assignment yet…Yeah, I read the directions like fifteen times, but I have no clue what Professor Choi wants!” Yoongi rolled his eyes, quickly slipping his hands into his pockets as he quickened his pace down the steps. The other man he passed did not once look in his direction, so immersed in his conversation with whoever was on the phone. Yoongi didn’t even bother offering a nonverbal greeting, as he made it to the bottom of the steps and headed straight out the door and in the direction of the train station.   
            Jimin heard the front door of the apartment building slam shut, but didn’t turn back to look at it. “Yeah, if you want to come over, we should work on it together, Tae.”
            “Sure. I’ll take Yeontan for a walk and then I’ll-.”
            Jimin’s eyes finally fell onto his front door as he went to unlock it, and he blinked. “Oh my goodness.”
            “Hm? What is it?” Taehyung asked from the other side of the phone.
            “My neighbor being a bit of a hardass because I slam my door when I leave the house and I guess it wakes him up. I have never once seen the guy, so I can’t even go and have a real conversation with him.”
            “Ew. Guess you should slam the door on purpose and see if he busts your door down.” Jimin chuckled a bit as he stepped into his house.
            “Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.” He hummed. “I’ll get dinner ready, so just lemme know when you’re here.” As the duo said their goodbyes, Jimin hung up and set his phone down onto his coffee table. His eyes wandered down to the sticky note in his hand again.
            Do you keep sticky notes on you at all times now just to talk to me? – M. YG, Apt. 13
            Hmm…Jimin’s eyebrow raised a bit, his eyes scanning the sentence over and over as he stood in his living room in silence. I might be able to have some fun with this. Jimin walked towards his desk, grabbing a colored pencil and his set of sticky notes. Quickly, Jimin scribbled down a reply and hurried out the door to stick it on the neighbor’s door. He took a moment to stare at his handy work, laughing a bit to himself. “This is fun.” He said to himself, heading inside.
            Despite the lights and the blaring music that were erupting the underground rap scene in a sea of constant energy, Yoongi was currently sitting backstage, arms crossed as his head rested against the wall. His eyes were closed, but he wasn’t sleeping. The only reason was that he heard a familiar voice coming his way that alerted his attention, making him lookup. He saw fellow underground rapper, Kim Namjoon, better known as his stage name RM. RM was drinking some water, and as he got closer, Yoongi could see the sweat dripping down his forehead and covering the collar of his shirt. Being under the blaring lights amongst a sea of screaming fans, belting out raps so fast it can make your head spin was enough to send someone backstage with a little drip or two on their forehead and frantically searching for a glass of water.
            “I rarely see you sitting and resting before a performance. Everything okay, Hyung?” RM asked curiously. Yoongi nodded.
            “Yeah. My neighbor just loves to slam his door, so I end up waking up in a panic almost every other day and I find it hard to go back to sleep afterward.” RM offered an amused chuckle. “So, I thought I could rest here before I go on, but-.”
            As if scripted, the current performer provided a loud and aggressive yell as he finished his final verse, sending the crowd into a fit of hysterical cheering and howling over him. “Well, yeah. That…” Once again, RM chuckled, and this time Yoongi followed.
            “I’m sure you’ll wake up once you get on stage, Hyung,” RM assured. The duo offered one another a wave, and RM headed deeper backstage to find something to eat. Yoongi slowly rose from his spot on the floor, and headed towards the back of the stage, waiting for his performance. As he watched the current performer finish up, he took a deep breath. He had no time to worry about his obnoxious neighbor, he had more important things to worry about.
            He had finished yet another phenomenal performance, the crowd cheering and shouting for him as he belted out every word, every syllable slipping through his lips at the fast and intense pace that Yoongi had become known for. After his performance, RM and he, like they always did, went out to a local 24-hour restaurant to eat, celebrating their hard work by stuffing their faces. Namjoon would mostly do the talking, about school life or his love life. Love life? Yoongi thought to himself. Do people have those? Despite his sarcastic comment to himself, Yoongi continued to listen as Namjoon gushed over the date he had taken her on just recently.
            “Anyway, we went for a walk in a local park and got some lunch. It was something special, Hyung.”
            “I’m glad.” Yoongi smiled a bit. Anyone who met this version of Namjoon, someone who is wise beyond his years and talks as if everything he says is being graded by a college philosophy professor but god damn it if you don’t want to take in every last work anyway, would never imagine that he’s also the same guy that shouts swears and throws his head back as he spits straight fire with a deep voice almost every night for the underground rap scene. They were two different people, almost, and Yoongi knew them both well.
            “You should find yourself, someone, too.” Namjoon pointed out. “I think it would do you some good.” Yoongi rolled his eyes, popping a fry into his mouth as Namjoon continued. “I mean, when the time comes, of course. You can’t rush this kind of stuff.”
            “I guess not.” Yoongi hummed. Namjoon, sensing Yoongi was already bored by the subject, moved on by asking him if he wanted dessert. Yoongi scoffed playfully. Of course, he did.
            Yoongi was entering his apartment building just as the rays of the sun were rising over the buildings of Seoul. He was full, and being full made him dirt tired. The idea of sprawling out in bed, Holly snuggling up beside him, just filled him with such content that he could barely contain it. The sight of his door at the end of the hallway made his hand slipped into his back pocket, and pull out his house key. When he approached his door, however, the bright, yellow square pressed right on top of his little peephole. He pulled it off and skimmed it.  
Do you like that I always have you on my mind? – P.JM
A crudely scribbled wink was placed beside it and Yoongi felt the back of his ears heat up just slightly. What on earth was this punk trying to pull? He looked at Jimin’s door, assuming the boy was still asleep, preparing to wake up any moment to get ready for work. Yoongi walked into his house, closing the door behind him. Grabbing his sticky note, he scribbled down a response and walked back outside.
I hate you. But I think it is kind of funny how seriously you’re taking this. – M.YG
Upon walking back outside, Yoongi walked to Jimin’s door. As he pressed the sticky note to the door, he heard a bit of commotion coming from inside the apartment. After further examination, Yoongi could hear the faint sound of an alarm clock, until it was interrupted by someone seemingly putting it on snooze. Yoongi blinked, stepping back from the door. Jimin was awake this early? Could he finally have an opportunity to meet this little brat once and for all, and put this dumb game of cat and mouse to rest?
            When the time comes, of course. Namjoon’s deep voice played through his mind. Yoongi once again looked at the sticky note that was resting on his door, and he crossed his arms. He could very easily wait for Jimin, or even initiate and knock on the door. But for some reason, his body wouldn’t let him go any closer to the door. It didn’t make any sense to him. However, before he could try to rationalize with himself, he walked back into his room.
            “…I’ll wait and see if he replies to the note,” Yoongi said softly, locking his door and heading into his bedroom to get some much-needed shut-eye.
            Jimin did reply to that note. This unique method of communication made them excited to come home, even more so than before. Every second that passed ascending the steps of their apartment made their heart beat a little faster, until before they knew it, they were practically sprinting past other tenants and up the steps to get to their apartments faster. Reaching the door was like some sort of euphoria each time, their minds racing with what the response of the other could possibly be. It became a daily dose of serotonin, something they looked forward to. With every day that passed, every note that found itself on one of their doors made them feel a little closer with one another. They studied each other’s handwriting, their phrasing, Yoongi smiled at every silly face Jimin drew, and Jimin giggled at each sarcastic remark Yoongi provided him with. They felt close to each other without actually having to see each other.
The duo found themselves constantly sharing messages for the next week and a half. They had long since dropped the inclusion of their apartment number but instead began to include a lot of variated conversation starters. The messages were ranging from so many different comments, no longer were they only focused on the loud slams of Jimin’s door. Instead, they were question-based. What’s your favorite color? Were you born and raised in Seoul? What job do you have that keeps you from ever actually meeting me?
That last and most recent one stunned Jimin when he saw it pressed against his door one evening. He had just gotten home from work, ready to prepare for his friend Taehyung’s arrival for their planned study session when he saw this question. He walked back inside, grinning a bit. So far, Jimin had been the one to insinuate the flirtatious messages, but to see Yoongi ask one this time, just made him feel something in his stomach. Stomach nostalgic and exciting.
Taehyung did not seem as invested in this.
“So, you still haven’t talked to the guy?” He asked curiously.
“Well, no,” Jimin said, not even bothering to look up from his homework. “I work when he sleeps, and he works when I sleep, so we don’t get the chance.”
“It can’t always be perfectly lined up that way.”
“…Has been so far.”
“Okay then, have you sent him a reply to his message?” Jimin nodded.
“I told him I go to school and work at a restaurant during my off days.” Taehyung nodded as he listened to his friend continue to talk about the story, he thought he had only heard in dramas and television shows. As he looked up at Jimin from his notes, he could see Jimin’s eyes sparkling a bit.
“It’s charming, and I think he’s just too nervous to talk to me in person right now. Which is fine, I don’t know if I’d want to talk to him yet either. I like things the way they-.” Before Jimin could finish, Taehyung stood up, catching his friend’s attention. “What are you doing?”
“You might not be ready to talk yet, but that doesn’t stop me from trying.” Jimin felt his heart sink as he watched Taehyung head to the door.
“What? Tae, no please!” Jimin quickly followed after him. “He’s probably already at work. Or at least getting ready to go.”
            “So? He can spare a minute to say hi to his neighbor.” Taehyung said simply. Jimin followed his friend outside, continuing to try and turn him back around. No luck. Taehyung saw the note Jimin said he posted on Yoongi’s door but wasted on time knocking.
“Tae-.” Jimin covered his face. His heart was racing, and he felt like he wanted to cry, but he wasn’t sure why. His eyes were burning and the idea that this could be the moment Yoongi steps out of his apartment and into his view…well, he just wasn’t ready.
“…Okay, guess he did go to work,” Tae said, turning back to Jimin. When Jimin looked up, Taehyung could see his red eyes and slightly trembling lips. “Are you that nervous to meet this guy?”
“Of course, I am! We never started talking until I slammed the door and woke him up. Sure, he seems to be over it now but what if he doesn’t like me when we meet? I didn’t think this would last so long…I can be flirty and fun on the notes, I think I’ll get too nervous if I were to meet him right now.” Taehyung said, tossing his arm around Jimin and leading him back inside.
“Then he’s a bigger idiot than I thought…” Taehyung said simply.
“So, he works at a restaurant hm?” Yoongi muttered to himself, setting his note in his pocket. He, much like Jimin had been doing for a while, pulled out his little sticky notes from his pocket and scribbled down a comment, pressing it to Jimin’s door. He had just arrived home from a night soft at the store.
Once I find out which restaurant, just know I’ll make it my regular spot. -M.YG
Jimin almost collapsed on the floor when he read that comment after his shift that afternoon. He was tempted to share the restaurant he worked at, but still, he didn’t feel ready yet. The idea that he could run into Yoongi at any moment when he wasn’t ready, freaked him out something fierce. However, Yoongi didn’t have to know that. His next note read the following:
You must be into the kinky serving fetishes, aren’t you? Well, don’t expect me to give in that easily! – P.JM
“Oh my God…” Yoongi snickered, scratching his cheek a bit. That next morning, Yoongi made sure to only give an adequate reply to Jimin’s comment:
Listen here, punk. I just want to see you working and now I’m being needlessly kink shamed. I’ll never forgive you. -M.YG
As Jimin rested on his couch, a smile formed, and he couldn’t stop staring at the note that was clutched so tightly in his hands that he almost crumpled it up. He glanced over at his little pile of post-it notes on his dresser. He didn’t know what Yoongi looked like, but he couldn’t help imagine what his face looked like, all scrunched up in embarrassment at the idea of sexual kinks. Jimin couldn’t wait for the idea of seeing him in person, and he sat up, hurrying over and grabbing hold of his pen and paper, scribbling down his response.                    
That evening, as Yoongi’s performance high, was wearing off, he stood just under the awning of the venue, watching as the rain fell in buckets around him. He had watched the weather and had even brought his jacket to the short shift he had to cover at the convenience store. However, after rushing out of there, his mind elsewhere, he realized his jacket was still hanging on the rack in the back of the staff room. He kicked himself just thinking about it. Running a hand through his hair, he watched as Namjoon stepped beside him, crossing his arms.         
“My girlfriend is gonna be here in a few minutes.” He stated. “I’m sure she’ll drive you home.” Yoongi smiled.
“Tell her to thank you, but I’m not far from here. If I run then take a hot shower, I’ll be okay.” Namjoon sighed, crossing his arms.
“Hyung, you’ll get sick.” He pointed out. Yoongi nodded.
“Remember the time I told you I got into that nasty motorcycle accident as a teen and messed up my shoulder?” he asked. Namjoon nodded. “Yeah, no cold I’ve had since has compared to that. I’ll be okay. Night.” Just like that, with a wave of his hand, Yoongi rushed out of Namjoon’s sight, in the direction of his apartment. When he arrived, he was soaked to the bone, not truly underestimating the power of the rain at the moment. He honestly just wanted to get home. As he headed to his door, he saw a sticky note on his door and grinned as he took it.
You probably look so cute right now, when you’re embarrassed! – P.JM
“Cute, hm?” A curious tongue pressed on the inside of Yoongi’s mouth, a grin forming on his lips as he saw a droplet of a waterfall off the tip of his lips and onto the floor. Heading inside, he set the note down on the table and went to shower.
Jimin did not think too much of it when Yoongi did not respond the next morning. It rained, and that must have blown it away, no big deal. Jimin was in a rush anyway and hurried to his morning classes without thinking too much of it. He’ll probably notice before he goes to work, and he’ll put a new one up. The hopeful student thought to himself. His stomach bubbled with a childlike giddiness of how he would mock the older man for it in future messages, and he practically skipped to school. However, upon returning that afternoon, Jimin came home in the evening to see…well…he didn’t see anything on his door. No sticky note, no remnant of a sticky note, no nothing. It made Jimin’s little lips turn into a sour pout as he entered his apartment. Maybe it blew away. It’s still windy after the rainstorm…Jimin thought to himself, locking the door. Despite having this thought run through his mind, Jimin still felt a sense of uneasiness course throughout his body. Jimin walked to his desk, setting his bag down and slipping into his chair. Maybe he’s running late so I got home before he could do it…Jimin lowered his head down on the table. “I shouldn’t let something so silly get to me. I’ll just write one to him and see what happens tomorrow…” Jimin quickly got up. After scribbling something down, Jimin headed out the door and pressed the new sticky note to his door. Letting out a soft sigh, Jimin headed inside, planning to distract himself with homework until he figured out the true meaning of what was going on with his next-door neighbor.
            Much to Jimin’s utter disappointment, no message was left for him the next morning when he got up. When he looked towards Yoongi’s door, he saw that the original post-it he had left the evening prior was still there. Walking over, Jimin pulled it from the door and frowned as he stared at the hours-old message. He pouted. Well, this changed things completely. Jimin took one step closer to the door, temporarily courageous enough to knock. Did he not go to work today? There had to be a reason for Yoongi to just…stop, right? Jimin pressed the note back onto the door and quickly headed back inside. Grabbing a sticky note, Jimin scribbled down: Oh, so now we’re ignoring me? >3< - P.JM, placing that onto the door beside the previous note. Jimin knew he could always…you know…knock. But he just didn’t want to…so he headed inside his apartment to see what tomorrow would bring.
“It’s been almost five days, Taehyung.” Jimin whimpered over the phone. “And he still hasn’t replied. My post-it notes are piling up. I think he’s over it…” Legs pulled to his chest, Jimin rested a puffed-out cheek onto his knees, while his hand cradled his phone against his ear.
“Well…” Taehyung began. “You can always go talk to him for once. Maybe this is his way of telling you that he wants to meet you in person.” Jimin huffed.
“But I…Taehyung I told you already, I’m too nervous to meet him in person. What if it doesn’t work out?”
“But what if it does and you’re just stalling?” Taehyung asked simply. He could hear his best friend whine over the phone, and it made him smile. Although he found the whole ordeal a bit dramatic on Jimin’s end, Taehyung didn’t want his friend to be upset. “How about this.” He began. “Jungkook invited me to see his friend perform at some underground rap thing this Friday. Do you want to come? Get your mind off of everything?” Jimin hummed in response. “If you don’t hear from your mysterious ink prince by then, consider it a sign and go talk to him in person.” Jimin was silent for a moment, and Taehyung rested his head against the back of his spinning office chair. “Well?”
“…Fine. I’ll go.” He said simply. “But the last part of your deal is a maybe, at best.” Taehyung cheered on the other end of the line before Jimin said his goodbyes and hung up. He sighed, resting back on his bed. “I should probably finally talk to him…” Jimin mumbled to himself, holding up the most recent sticky note he had yet to put on the door. “But if I put too many more then he might start thinking I’m annoying. I’ll just have to wait….”
            A deep cough ripped through Apartment 13 the next morning, and Yoongi groaned. He was bundled in several blankets, too cold to be uncovered, yet also sweating from the absolute fiery inferno raging within him. “I really should have taken that ride the other day, damn it…” Yoongi grumbled to himself, feeling another cough shake his body. As he was resting, the sound of jingling keys alerted his attention, and his head lolled in the direction of his door. His name was called, and the sound of Holly padding the floor towards the door made him sit up. He had to drag himself out of bed, wrapping one of his many blankets around himself as he did so. Upon entering the kitchen, his coworker Hoseok was standing there. When he caught sight of his friend, he grinned.
“Hyung! You’re finally up and out of bed! Is my soup working just like I said it would?” Yoongi only groaned as he shuffled to the couch, plopping down onto it and allowing for the coolness of the new location to envelop him. He heard footsteps approach him, and when he looked over, Hoseok leaned down and felt his forward. “Your fever seems to be breaking too. If you keep this up, you’ll be ready to perform again Friday night.” Yoongi nodded.
“I hate to be a burden on you, Hoseok…” Yoongi sighed. “But thank you.” Hoseok smiled.
“It’s the least I could do. If you didn’t have to cover my shift last minute, you could have brought your jacket straight to the venue and avoided this whole event.” He said simply. As Hoseok continued to stock Yoongi’s fridge, he hummed. “Oh yeah. I saw that there were a bunch of sticky notes taped to your door when I walked in. All of them said ‘P.JM’ on them, too.” Yoongi sat up once again as Hoseok continued. “Is it…a secret lover? Hmmm, let’s see…P.JM…Park Jimyul…Park Jung-.” As Hoseok began rattling off different names, Yoongi stood fully up off the couch. He had to steady himself for a moment, and the immediate action stopped Hoseok’s daydreaming and alerting him back to his friend. “W-what are you doing?” he asked as he watched Yoongi walk towards him. He stuck out his hand, and Hoseok pouted, handing his friend the sticky notes. Yoongi looked down at them.
You probably look so cute right now when you’re embarrassed! – P.JM
Oh, so you’re going to ignore me now? >3< -P.JM
Okay, maybe you are…. -P.JM
The last one had Yoongi’s heart tighten. He sighed, heading over to the door despite Hoseok’s pleas to sit back down. After forcing down another cough, Yoongi stepped outside. The bright lights made him flinch, but he still stepped right outside and looked at Jimin’s house. He was too sick to get out of bed, much less reply to the messages he was receiving from Jimin. Based on how many days he’s been sick, and the number of replies he had taped to his door, Yoongi realized Jimin had stopped replying for at least two days. Running a hand through his hair, Yoongi sniffled and walked closer to the door. He could hear a faint noise coming from behind Jimin’s door and assumed that he had yet to leave for work or class. Yoongi was tempted to knock, however, he was currently not feeling well enough to maintain a long conversation with this kid. Also, he was in no way looking his best for a first meeting. He simply headed back into his apartment, earning himself a scolding from Hoseok about going outside barefoot when he was sick. Yoongi drowned it out as he crawled back onto the couch.
It had seemingly been two days since he had gotten any other messages. Jimin was probably over it.
            “Guys, this is going to be so fun.” Jungkook beamed, turning to his friends. Taehyung smiled, throwing a supportive arm around Jimin. The trio stood inside of the venue late that Friday night, the music already blasting and people nearby already being sure to try their hand at the bar. A few people had already performed, and they were currently taking a small break while they prepared for the next group. That was when the trio had arrived, mid-shift. Jungkook looked at Jimin, who was simply watching the stage despite nothing of interest currently happening. “You recognize any names, Jimin-Hyung?” he asked, and Jimin looked over at the other boy.
            “Hm? Oh, uh no…this music isn’t my thing.” Taehyung offered Jimin a tight hug around the shoulders, grinning.
            “No need to pout, Jiminie~. Tonight’s the night you may confront your sticky-note admirer. You should be happy.” This had been the topic of conversation for the trio, mainly Jungkook and Taehyung, since they met up, so Jungkook was already well aware of the whole event. Jimin sighed, pouting even more despite his friend’s high energy.
            “I told you, I’m already not looking forward to it.”
            “He needs a drink.” Jungkook nodded. “I’ll grab us all something.” He said, hurrying over to the nearby bar as he excused himself past some people. Jimin crossed his arms, shuffling in his spot as Taehyung tried to talk his ear off. He had still gotten no replies from Yoongi, and the thought only brought him down more. All he wanted was for Jungkook’s friend to perform so he could go home and sleep.
            When Jungkook was grabbing a few drinks, his attention was alerted by a deep voice calling his name. When he looked over, he saw Namjoon approaching him with his usual kind smile gracing his lips. “Glad you made it in time. Are your friends here?”
            “They’re somewhere in the crowd.” Jungkook beamed, smiling. “Are you going on soon? I’m excited to see you perform again.” Namjoon grinned, nodding.
            “They’ll probably be ready in a couple of minutes. My friend is performing before me, so I should go get ready, I just wanted to come to say hi before I did.” He said happily. “But I’ll come to find you after the show, okay?”
            “Okay, see you later, Hyung.” Jungkook chimed. He watched as Namjoon waved him off, before disappearing into the crowds of bustling teenagers and young adults, all of whom were continuing to chat and converse long after Namjoon squeezed through their groups of people. Jungkook, pleased to have seen his friend, grabbed the drinks and headed back into the crowd as well.
            Jimin rested idly beside Taehyung, who was happily sipping his drink and chatting with those around him. Normally, Jimin would be right in there as well, eagerly chatting up individuals and learning their backstories over a drink while simultaneously sharing his own. However, he didn’t feel like it tonight. He couldn’t stop thinking about Yoongi, he couldn’t stop thinking about the entire ordeal. He wanted to at least know the reason for Yoongi’s sudden pause in responses. Though his mind told him to be sensible, his heart was doing anything but.
            “Hyung, don’t look so down.” Jungkook smiled at him. “Everything with that neighbor of yours will work out. I think you should take a deep breath and have fun for now. Standing around like a sad sack won’t do any good for anyone.” Jimin smiled a bit, taking another sip of his drink.
            “I guess you’re right.” He said simply.
            “Besides, if it turns out he really did get bored and just stopped writing altogether, then it’s his loss and he deserves to be alone.” Both men chuckled at Jungkook’s statement. “My friend goes on soon so please just let loose and have some fun.” He grinned. Jimin nodded. As if on cue, the lights dimmed again and an announcer, a man in his mid-20s with glasses on and lots of excessive jewelry, got on stage with a microphone in hand. He grinned.
            “I hope everyone’s ready to introduce the next performer of the night.” He said, and a sea of eager shouts filled the room. Taehyung and Jungkook cheered happily beside Jimin, who raised his half-filled glass with a grin. “Let’s give a big welcome to the next performer, SUGA!” Almost immediately, the crowd began shouting and the group watched as a male hurried on the stage. Jimin watched the man grab his microphone, brushing the hair out of his cat-like eyes and offering a grin to the crowd. He quickly turned his head, coughing into his hands silently, before turning back around. Jimin blinked, watching as the music began to beat through the room. Almost immediately, this man known as SUGA began belting out intense rap verses, so quickly that it took an untrained ear a lot more time to process the words being shouted. Despite that, Jimin was in awe, entranced by the flow and the beat of the man giving his everything on stage. He could hear hints of a raspy voice on certain notes, and it made Jimin tilt his head as he listened, wanting to know if he could hear anymore. Watching this man perform, it was almost as if any of Jimin’s problems were blown away simply by the power of this man’s verses. He couldn’t turn away as he watched. Jungkook must have noticed Jimin’s heavily focused gaze because he held his arm tightly.
            “Isn’t he amazing? Everyone that performs here is crazy good. My friend is probably up next, so get ready!” Jimin now offered the younger boy an even wider, more genuine smile, as the duo turned back to the man performing on the stage. He watched a SUGA’s attention scanned the crowd, eventually landing on the area where Jimin stood. Jimin stared up at him, arms crossed with an amused smile on his face. From his spot, he could see an amused grin form on the performer’s face as he continued to go up and down the stage, the microphone pressed to close to his lips you’d think he was trying to eat it.
            As SUGA’s performance drew to a close, Jimin smiled and clapped, even cheering along with the rest of the crowd. SUGA lifted his hand to wave out to the crowd, before offering a bow of his head in appreciation. As he scurried off stage, Jimin could have sworn he saw SUGA’s intense gaze turn to him once more. Jimin only would have noticed because his eyes were practically glued to the man as he exited the stage.
            “Wasn’t that amazing?” Taehyung beamed. “Holy crap!” Jimin nodded.
            “Yeah, it was.” He chimed. His friend offered him a boxy grin, and they raised their drinks in a toast before tossing them back.
            Backstage, Min Yoongi offered a cough into his arm as he descended backstage. Almost immediately, Namjoon patted him on the back.
            “Yet another stellar performance, hm?” He grinned. “You did awesome, Hyung.” SUGA nodded.
            “Thanks.” He hummed. “But I think all of that messed with my throat. I might head out early and get some rest.” Namjoon nodded, watching as Yoongi suppressed another small cough. “Good luck out there, my guy.” He waved off his friend, before stopping backstage and grabbing all of his belongings. He walked out towards the door, and the sound of people cheering and chatting filled his ears. As he headed to the door, he looked over into the crowd. His mind was wandering back to that gentleman in the crowd. The one with wide eyes and plump, adorable lips stared at him in awe as he performed. He wondered if that guy was still here, he wondered if he was still around if he wanted to talk. However, no luck for him, and with a shrug, and cough into his arm, he headed home.
            Jimin got home around 1 a.m. the next morning, exhausted and with a sore throat from hours of shouting. Though he had thought he would go home and sleep right after Jungkook’s friend performed, he ended up staying for several performances after, SUGA’s performance hitting him with some sort of second wind. A breathless chuckle escaped his lips as he headed down towards his apartment door. When he arrived, he opened his door and realized that, once again, no note was waiting outside his door. He sighed. “Guess I’ll keep my end of the deal, Kim Taehyung…” he scoffed to himself. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow…” with that decided, he headed inside.
            The next morning, Jimin woke up feeling refreshed. He had the day off, allowing him to sleep in just slightly after his late night at the venue. When he woke up, a sinking feeling hit his stomach. His greatest fear came to fruition today, and he knew he had to at least knock on the door next store…he had to try and talk to Min Yoongi. As he got out of bed, Jimin threw on a set of casual clothes, thinking of what he was going to say. As he continued to think about it, that little knot in his stomach got tighter and tighter, and his mind began racing. He had been running a few sentence starters in his mind. Like a teenager preparing for his first date, Jimin had no idea what was going to become of this. Stepping into his living room, Jimin’s eyes fell onto his sticky notes on his desk. As he walked over, lifting the sticky notes, Jimin blinked.
            “Maybe I’ll write a note first,” Jimin said simply. Grabbing hold of a pen, he jotted down a note and then headed towards the door. As he stepped out onto the hallway, he turned towards Apartment 13.  The apartment whose tenant had somehow managed to get him feeling like a giddy schoolgirl for almost a month. As he walked up to the door, he pressed the note to the door, making extra sure that this thumb pressed against it. After a moment, he stepped back. He stood there for a moment, staring at it. For a moment, he asked himself if it would do something remarkable, hence why he hadn’t moved yet. Eventually, he decided it was time to head off. Since he was up, he might as well get breakfast. Turning on his heel, he began walking down the hallway towards the stairs that waited at the end.
            However, just as he took the first few steps, the sound of a door clicking behind him made him stop dead in his tracks. When he turned around, he saw the door to Apartment 13 open, and out step its tenant. When he turned around, the door closed and a pair of cat-like eyes stared in Jimin’s direction. He felt his heart sink into his chest, and he put his hands in his pockets. Yoongi was standing right there, only a few feet away. This idea, though completely possible in the world of reality, never felt like it would be something Jimin experienced.
            Yoongi stared at Jimin as well for a moment, then blinked. “Oh…” he said. “You were the kid I saw at the performance last night.” Jimin immediately nodded, the images of SUGA spitting fire last night flashing through his mind.
            “Yes…” he said. “I…wow, what a small world that you-.”
            “-And I happen to be neighbors, I know.” Yoongi also chuckled. He stepped closer. Almost immediately, he coughed a little, covering his hand with his arm. Jimin blinked. “Never thought I would get to see you.”]
            “I know,” Jimin said softly. “I’ve wanted to come and talk to you but…I guess I’ve gotten nervous each time.”
            Yoongi smiled. “Me too…” he said. “But no better time like the present, right?” He turned over to the door again, tugging off the sticky note. He skimmed it over and smiled. “This says ‘I want to talk to you but I’m too nervous. So, let me know if you want to do that’. Huh…” Yoongi set the note into his pocket. “Crazy how fate works, huh?” he grinned.
            “Yeah.” Jimin smiled, walking closer. “Well, you stopped replying for a while, so I thought you were kind of over everything. I didn’t want to seem annoying.”
            “Yeah, about that.” Yoongi sighed. “I was sick for the past few days. Getting over a cold.” As if on cue, he suppressed another cough into his chest. “See? I’m better now, but still…”
            “Oh…” Jimin said. See, you dramatic idiot. It was sensible.
            “By the time I got better, you had stopped. I figured you were kind of over it too. Funny hm?” Yoongi offered a smile.
            “Well, I thought it was fun.” Jimin laughed a bit. “It made me look forward to coming home more so than I already did.” Yoongi nodded.
            “Me too…” He agreed. A moment of silence fell over them, and Jimin looked up at Yoongi. Yoongi scratched the back of his head, also seemingly trying to find the right words to say. Then, Jimin got an idea.
            “Do you uhm…want to join me for breakfast?” Jimin asked curiously. Yoongi blinked. “Maybe we can get to know each other without writing it all down, you know?” Yoongi smiled a bit. “If you want, of course. I don’t know why you came out here, after all, so I-.”
            “I stepped out here because I heard someone outside my door.” He smiled. “Kinda glad I did.” Jimin turned a bit pink and chuckled. “Let me throw on some…” he motioned to his sweatpants and old white shirt. “Decent clothes?” Jimin nodded. “…Here, come in.” Yoongi motioned to his door, leading the almost hesitant Jimin inside. Jimin grinned, quickly following the older man into the house. As he closed the door, he struck up a conversation. “So…what had you at my show last night?” he hummed.
            As the conversation moved the duo from Yoongi’s home to the streets of Seoul and eventually to a nearby breakfast place, the both of them only thought of one thing coursing through their mind:
            It’s about time.
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kmindset · 5 years
The Innocents₁
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❧ synopsis. Jimin is simply doing as he usually does. A bullet here, a punch there. However, when two innocents get caught in the crossfire his need to save them thrusts them all into an unconventional situation.⁣
❧ pairing. jimin x reader, yoongi x reader, yoonmin x reader⁣
❧ word count. 2.9k ⁣
❧ warnings.  Violence, Sexual Language, Strong Language    ⁣
   𝒶𝑜𝟥    ❦    𝓀𝓂 𝒹𝒾𝓇𝑒𝒸𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎   ❦    𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓎𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓈𝑜𝑜𝓃⁣
₁ Innocents
Sorry for the wait. Check out the 2019 Spooky Season piece, The Monsters In All Of Us: An Eternity 
Sometimes he really hated himself.
At times it was for something as simple as forgetting to grab a midnight snack before brushing his teeth. Other times it was for prematurely putting a bullet someone’s head. He annoyed himself. Nothing could truly explain his self-loathing but at this moment he felt it was warranted.
Two innocent strangers stumbled upon a dead body and were now being rushed across town at less than legal speeds due to carelessness. ‘Take a wild guess how much shit we’re in, Jimin.’ he thought angrily to himself.
The girl was sobbing loudly, choking another sob with each sharp turn or hard hit to the car’s exterior. The guy, on the other hand, was strangely calm as he protectively covered the girl. Not unfazed but like it’s a familiar experience. Sure it sounded crazy, this isn’t the simplest of situations but the man’s mystery almost distracts him fatally so. He looks back in time to see and swerve to miss the other van that was strategically placed in his way.
A shrill ring came through the car’s speakers. He hastily hit ‘Answer’ on his screen.
‘Give me good news hyung. These assholes are popping up everywhere.”
“Calm down!-”
“Calm down!?” He swerved again to avoid a sinkhole. “Tell that to my new goddamn Mercedez you bastard!”
One of the people following got a particularly good shot into the side of the car, good enough to completely shatter the glass of the window near it, making the girl squeal louder as the man pulled her closer to protect her withering frame from the glass.
“What the hell was that?” Namjoon questioned.
Jimin sighed. “Well Namjoon hyung, that is the sound of one of two innocent people that are trying desperately not to get shot in the backseat of my fucking car!”
He could feel the man’s harsh stare on the side of his face at the harsh words but he spoke the truth. And he was saving them wasn’t he?!
More or less.
“Out of the fucking car.” Namjoon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
The dark-haired girl only continued to shake in the hold of the man. Namjoon grabbed her arm, ready to pull her out when he felt something cold against his throat. Barely lifting his eyes, his met with a cold, hard stare focused so harshly on him he felt like he was burning throughout his body but where what he assumed was a knife was being held against his throat.
“Woah!” he heard Jungkook from behind him.
The man’s voice came as steady as the hand that held the knife. “Remove your hand.”
Despite the nearly empty garage of well trained, quick-witted men, everyone was at a loss for action or words at the sight. Namjoon slowly let up his grip on the brunette and backed away.
Jin, of course, composed himself the quickest. “We’re sorry.” he made eye contact with the man as he lowered the knife, gaze still just as hard as it flicked over to Jin. The oldest continued. “We aren’t trying to harm you. Despite the lack of care in you getting from where you were to here, we aren’t here to hurt you.
Jin could see the man’s grip on the girl’s head tightened some, keeping her face close to his chest.
“Yoongi,” it was faint. If there was even the sound of a penny dropping, they would have missed it. “It’s fine now.”
The girl was finally speaking. She stopped crying and though this Yoongi character still seemed tense he allowed her to move when she shifted from his hold. They could see her face now as he sat at the edge of the seat now, legs hanging out of the car.
Jin slowly approached her to offer a hand. She took it as she lowered her shaky legs to the concrete.
It was only then they noticed the blood covering her the front of her shirt. Taehyung was quick to approach, his medical training moving his body before his rational brain could form a thought.
“Are you hurt?” he questioned with genuine worry.
“N-No, why-” she looked down and pure horror spread across her face as she saw the blood staining her blouse. She felt around her chest for a source wound. But there was nothing.
She and Taehyung shared a moment of realization and looked into the van were Yoongi still sat quietly.
He was looking, almost in confusion, at his bloodied hand. Near where his hand was going limp in realization was a spreading bloodstain and visible wound.
He looked up in a panic with a quiet plea in his eyes.
The group worked quickly. The two strongest following Tae’s instructions to aid the man that seemed to be losing quite a bit of blood. Jimin led the way, providing passage through the endless doors and hallways, finally ending up to a sterile-looking room.
She looked on in concern as Taehyung began ordering them to hand him this and that. She nearly missed the first touch of Jimin’s hand. But there was no way. The strength of it made her eyes snap up to him. He gave her a look but something behind his eyes told her he felt it too.
She was being touched again. This time carefully. Jungkook was calmly leading her out of the room.
What the hell is this place and was Yoongi alright?
Three different strong emotions were going through the house right now.
An intense distaste for the unpredicted.
Worry and discomfort.
And a fading confusion hidden by adrenaline.
The magnitude of them together almost made the air too thick to breathe. She could feel it growing by the second when worry wasn’t preoccupying her mind.
She looked around. There wasn’t a lot of stuff in the room she was led to. It looked like someone wanted it to be a sitting room but didn’t know much about furniture...or taste. She picked up a strange vase set on a small table. Plainly put, It was ugly.
“Hello.” she whipped her head around to see the same kind man from earlier. “I see you were inspecting our vase.”
She had almost forgotten she was holding it. She was going to sputter out a lousy response but he spoke again as he took the vase from her hands. “It truly is the most hideous thing I’ve ever seen.”
She snorted before straightening up. He wasn’t wrong...but he’s a stranger.
“I’m SeokJin.” he held a huge hand out. “Most people call me Jin but either is fine.”
She hesitantly took it, with a low introduction of her own.
He smiles an absolutely breathtaking smile.
Once she retracts her hand she buries them in the sleeves of the jacket Jin believes belongs to her friend that Taehyung is desperately trying to keep from losing any more blood. The thought, though grim, doesn’t show on his face. He maintains a smile knowing full well this traumatized stranger’s friend could die in this house similarly to many others.
The only difference being they are trying to save him. Many others were quite the opposite.
“Let’s go somewhere with more taste.”
They moved to the living room, which as Jin said, had much more taste. Not a hideous vase in sight. After what felt like years, Jungkook comes in with a significant amount of blood on his clothes.
Jin rushed to the man. “Are you alright? What happened?
Jungkook tsked. “Ah, Hyung don’t get all mushy. You know I am used to assisting Tae. Especially from gunshot wounds.”
“Gunshot wounds?”Her voice was laced with concern. There was nothing else it could be but she was still confused. This was her and Yoongi. They didn’t get involved with things that didn’t concern them, let alone basically kidnapped and with damn bullet wounds.
“He is fine. One bullet knicked him good across the arm, the other penetrated his abdomen.” Jungkook shook his head as he took a seat. He looked tired. She imagined this wasn’t how his night was supposed to go. Hers damn sure wasn’t.
Taehyung sighed deeply. His tense shoulders sagged a bit as he exhaled with his palms against the cold table. “Now that a stranger isn’t bleeding out on our compound, care to explain why there was a bleeding stranger?”
Jimin, who is leaning against a clear wall, sighs as well. “Not really but I know you’re willing to be a thorn in my side until I do.”
Tae arches his eyebrow, agreeing and waiting for the answer.
“I was at The Neon to oversee the drop as we planned but Lee was on the move. I followed him and saw the bastard was planning to do it in public. Not just in public but in my business. I and two of our men followed them. He slipped around a corner. As soon as we did the same there were four guns in our face and two of our other men knocked out.”
“Exactly.” Jimin pulled out a cigarette. “That shit wasn’t going to fly though. We had Sun and Moon coming around the fire exit. They got the drop on ‘em. Lit the bastards up. Of course, Lee got away, not without two of my bullets in him, but he still got away.”
“Where do Blondie and the girl come in?”
Jimin shot his friend a look and Taehyung held his hands up in defense.
“Sorry go ahead.”
“The fire alarm going off wasn’t too big a deal for the drunks in the club but fire some shots and all bets are off. From the first shot Moon took, I heard people scrambling. I tried to follow Lee out but he started getting lost in the plethora of drunken people wishing to live another day of cocaine-fueled partying and spending their parents' money. I got outside and realized I’d completely lost him but his men had eyes on me. They were roughing up basically anyone they could get their hands on. I was trying to book it for my nice new fucking car when I noticed the two. Their clothes told me immediately they weren’t involved. Not even the slightest. Blondie was holding her just as tight as he was earlier, hell I could barely tell there were two of them at first not until one of Lee’s guys tried to take her like Namjoon. He kicked the guy square in the chest. He probably would have done something worse with that blade I didn’t know he was hiding if another one hadn’t tackled him.”
Jimin thought back to the moment he made his split-second decision. “Next thing I know I’m knocking one out, taking out the other, and pushing them toward my car. You pretty much know the rest.”
“Damn indeed.”
“I just spoke to Taehyung and Jimin,” Jin informed you. “They said he probably won’t be awake for a while. There should be an empty bed next to him in the medical corridor. You can get some rest in there. I’m sure It will help both of you to be there when he wakes up.”
It was welcome news but he was headed the opposite way of where you needed to go. “Where are you going?” The question was a little more vulnerable than you were comfortable with.
He gave an apologetic smile. “To do my job. I’ve been here way too long.”
“Wait don’t you work here?”
He laughed. “You’d think so, wouldn’t you? I work with this group but I technically work for Jimin’s mother.”
This confused you for many reasons. “Don’t think about it too hard. She might feel it.”
You started to laugh but when he didn’t you made a mental note about her. Thankfully, a freshly changed Jungkook came back signaling you to follow him as Jimin wanted to speak to you. The quiet of the big house unsettled you a bit but the design made you feel comfortable. You were led past beautiful paintings hung on dark brown walls. Right as you reached the end of a long corridor, you were able to see the large portrait of a beautiful woman, a little boy, and an intimidating man. He opens a door next to the painting to see Jimin sitting in a chair by his fireplace.
“You can head out, Kook.”
“You sure, Hyung?” Jungkook side-eyed you. It was obvious what he was hinting at but Jimin could protect himself well. Plus, he didn’t think you would be much of a threat. He simply nodded with a smile. Once the younger man left, Jimin looked you up and down as you stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.
He chuckled. “Most people just sit down on their own but I guess I’ll say it. Have a seat, Miss.”
You bit your lip. “I’m still covered in blood.” Just saying it, knowing it was Yoongi’s blood made you want to vomit but you figured the man wouldn’t appreciate blood on his upholstery so vomit would probably be a no as well.
“I’m sorry. I’m a bit desensitized to it at this point. Feel free to shower or bathe. Your room has a standing shower and an alcove tub. The jets are tricky but worth the hassle.”
While a bath did sound nice, you were taken aback. “My room??”
“Well, yes. I ended up having him moved down the hall from the medical corridor to something more comfortable for you. I figured you would want to be close to your boyfriend.”
“Friend.” You muttered.
“I- uh- He’s just my friend.”
The look on his face said he didn’t fully believe that but he went on. “If you prefer to leave him in our care that’s fine. You can go home and I can call you when he is awake.”
The current situation you and Yoongi were dealing with outside of the night’s events made the thought of staying there the much better- and comfortable- option.
“No no. I want to stay with him.”
Jimin smiled. “Good. I’ll show you to your room.”
Getting to the room you were staying in was more of a walk than you were used to in something considered a “home”. You found yourself thinking the house could definitely benefit from a golf cart. Jimin was busy looking at his phone, having roamed the halls enough to know the way around with minimal effort. The urge to speak to him was stronger than your anxiety related to your current situation.
“How many rooms does this place have?”
He stopped for a moment causing you to nearly bump into him. “That’s a good question. Do you mean designated bedrooms or rooms in general? Also, would you count the other buildings on this property as “this place”?”
You stuttered. That question wasn’t supposed to have layers.
Suddenly, he broke out in a smile. “Ten, Love.”
He began walking again and you decided to stay quiet.
“Here’s your room. I suggest keeping the TV low so your ‘just friend’ can get enough rest.” You stepped in next to him to see Yoongi sleeping peacefully in the most expensive-looking room either of you has ever stepped foot in. Though...maybe that isn't true. You think hard trying to get to the memory just out of reach.
“Did you hear me?”
“No. I’m sorry.”
“I said if something happens use the landline and dial 6. It calls my cell. Alright?”
You nodded silently. “He offered a small smile before leaving.
Finally left to something semi-familiar, you and Yoongi alone, you felt a little more relaxed. A need to be next to him was strong but he didn’t need any more blood near him if it wasn’t in his body. You decided to make use of the tub Jimin told you about. It took a minute to figure out the knobs but it was well worth it. In the soapy, warm water, you tried to make sense of the day. All you were trying to do was survive like you always did now Yoongi has a few dozen stitches and is out cold in a stranger’s mansion. One of the most dangerous strangers, you’ve come across too. This where your mind began to wander. His dark hair obviously acquainted with the feel of his hands. That smile. The charming yet authoritative aura he resonated. Something about the way he said ‘love’. The way your body reacted. He was dangerous. And not only because he has put bullets into more people’s heads before dinner than you’ve seen on one episode of the crime show you watched as a teenager. No, he was dangerous because he made you slip into parts of your mind you thought were closed off. After soaking until you were as wrinkled as a raisin, you looked through the drawers of the extravagant dresser. A plain cotton sleep gown was nestled in the second drawer. From the assortment of unisex clothes in that drawer, you figured it was one of the many used rooms.
Freshly cleaned and free of any blood, you stood by Yoongi’s side. It felt like home to hold his warm hand. For as long as the two of you were on your own there hasn’t always been a physical home, most times not even a roof but there was always somewhere to lay your head. On nights where sleeping in the shadows of an alley had to sacrifice, he was there to offer his lap or chest for you to rest on. He tended to put you above his own well-being. The safety of his arms was the bubble that protected you. They were the comfort on the days where life seemed to have no goodness left to spare you. It tore you up to know he suffered because of it.
The call of a real bed was strong but the need to be close to your home pulled you onto the bed where he lay. You carefully positioned yourself with an arm wrapping around him to pull him gently closer to rest on your chest.
“Jimin.” He reached out his hand.
Yoongi stared at him, unsure of how to feel.
She stepped forward. “Yoongi, how are you feeling?”
“Are you alright? Did they hurt you? Ca-”
“Calm down lover boy, we didn’t do anything to her. She is fine and so are you. If you keep behaving like that you’ll break a blood vessel.” Jimin sat next to the bed.
“I’m fine. Really. They’re really kind. Jin took care of me while they were operating on you.”
“What?!” His face went from mild annoyance to utter shock. He tried to sit up quickly to inspect his body but the pain came all at once.
Jimin sighed. “Did I not just say calm down?”
“What the hell happened to me?”
Jin spoke up this time. “You got shot. Twice.”
Yoongi’s eyes widened. You nodded and held up two fingers for emphasis.
“A few stitches on your arm and a little work on your midsection. You should be alright though.”
“Yes, should. As long you calm the hell down you will be perfectly alright. I recommend you stay at home until it’s looking better.”
It was silent then. You looked to Yoongi but he looked down.
Jin carefully said your name. You hesitantly met his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“We-We don't-”
“Thank you for your help. We’ll get going now.” Yoongi tried to get up quickly, falling back against the bed in pain.
“Stop. I don’t know why you’re in such a hurry now but you’re hiding something.”
“I don’t like it when people are hiding things,” Jimin spoke. She wasn’t sure why she was so intimidated. He barely raised his voice but his authority was stifling.
“We don’t really have a home.” You spoke softly but they all heard you. After a long moment of silence, Jin asked. “Then where do you sleep?”
You shrugged, trying to be nonchalant like you saw Yoongi do. “Wherever we can.”
“Alleys, shelters, parks.” Yoongi listed off.
Jin’s mouth hung open. “So that night, when Jimin brought you here…?”
“We finished eating at this diner that lets us have the night’s leftovers sometimes. It was getting pretty late so we stopped for a minute to figure out a plan for the night. We would have gone elsewhere but those guys that caused all the trouble were moving in quick. Yoongi pushed me further into the alley where they couldn’t see us. Right when we started to make our move, all hell broke loose.”
Jin started to speak but by this point, Yoongi managed to pull himself to a standing position. Rather wobbly but standing nonetheless. “Thank you for your help. We should go.”
“You can stay here,” Jimin said.
“What?” Everyone’s simultaneous disbelief had no effect on the leader. He smiled that gorgeous smile. “Not for free of course. Once Tae clears you, you will be doing jobs for me. I saw some of what you can do, especially when that little one is in danger. I’ll put a roof over her pretty little head and yours if you join my crew.”
You were in a state of pure disbelief.
Yoongi’s agreement widened Jimin’s smile and furthered your shock.
You were now living with the head of Korea’s most powerful and feared mafia.
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hungline · 5 years
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pairings: jihope, yoonmin, side namjin  genre: angst, soulmate au, uni au, rated t  warnings: color blindness, past character death  words: 2574 
summary: “You see in black and white until you meet your soulmate.” 
“Why? That sounds horrible, Mom.” 
“Only your soulmate should be the reason you see the world for what it really is, Hobi.” 
Or, Hoseok has horrible luck and of course, finding and attaining his soulmate wouldn’t be easy. On top of that, college fucking sucks. 
⇢ chapter one of moonless marigold 2.0 
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Steeling himself in front of the mirror, Hoseok draws in a deep breath.
Only his reflection greets him as he chews on his bottom lip, but that does nothing to calm his nerves. As he once again fixes his dark hair, a nervous habit that he doesn't really remember where he picked it up from, Hoseok assures himself for what feels like the nth time that morning that there is absolutely nothing to worry about.
As he looks down at his jeans and a t-shirt outfit, he hopes for the life of him that his clothes actually match right now.
Though knowing that Seokjin had picked out this outfit for him eases his nerves a tiny bit because his hyung would never let him go out looking like a five-year-old had dressed him.
At the same time, however, Hoseok feels embarrassed that he still needs help picking out his clothes. He is in his twenties now and still has to ask someone to help him make sure his clothes match. Hoseok lets out a long sigh and wishes once again that he could see in color.
"You see in black and white until you meet your soulmate."
Hoseok's entire body locks up, a wave of terror washing over him entirely and drowning him.
His mother's words don't drift through his mind very often. But whenever they do, his heart begins to ache as much as it had on the day she died. He doesn't want to remember when she first told him about soulmates and why most people don't see in color. He doesn't want to remember the way she pushed back his hair behind his ear to see his face better and let her palm rest on his cheek, the memory of her soft, warm skin against his enough to draw tears to his eyes. He doesn't want to remember when he asked her the simplest of questions that a six-year-old could ask, followed up by a typical complaint that a six-year-old would make.
And yet, it doesn't matter what Hoseok wants. What Hoseok wants has never mattered. If it did, then his mother would still be here with him.
"Why? That sounds horrible, Mom."
Hoseok doesn't want to remember the next words that left her mouth and have been influencing him up until now. And he doesn't. He pushes the memory back, fighting it with all his might and grips the edges of his dresser hard enough to leave dents in his palms. He keeps his head bent low as he bites his lip to hold his oncoming sobs back. Hoseok looks up into the mirror and finds that's his biggest mistake because his eyes are burning with the tears he doesn't want to shed.
Never does a day go by where the pain that accompanies memories of his mother lessen. Hoseok is just going to have to deal with that, he guesses.
It's been years and nothing's changed. Hoseok is still the big crybaby he's always been, he's just taller now is all.
He rubs at his eyes then and takes in another deep breath in a vain attempt to pull himself together.
What a wonderful way to start the first day of the term.
Hoseok grabs his book bag and leaves after that. He can't bear being alone in the dorm room any longer. Even if he is going to be forty minutes early to his first class of the semester, being outside helps clear his mind and draws his attention away from all the underlying anxiety pumping through his system at this moment.
Hoseok makes it to and from the lecture hall with no incidents. After living with color blindness for so many years, he's always been aware of his surroundings in case there might be danger nearby. His first class of the term had majorly sucked, all they'd done was listen to the professor drone on and on about why he taught math. Hoseok only took the class because it's a mandatory course to earn his required credits. Even if he is majoring in dance and choreography, it didn't matter to the school system one bit.
He's only been back in the dorm for a total of five minutes when Namjoon comes bursting through the door with Seokjin trailing behind him, a wary expression on the eldest's face.
"I told you he'd be here, hyung," Namjoon whines as soon as he spots Hoseok and turns on his heel to confront his soulmate.
Seokjin shrugs his broad shoulders, a not so timid smile curling his lip. "I never said he wasn't going to be here. He lives here with you, after all, Joonie. You should know this stuff."
Hoseok turns back to the pot of tea he'd been busy brewing beforehand, no longer interested in the couple's arguing, and only being pulled out of his own thoughts when Namjoon yells his name.
Hoseok calmly turns to face him, trying his best to not let on about how his heart is racing from fright. "Yes?"
"Come with me to the recording studio."
Seokjin has his arms crossed over his chest, expression peeved, as he gives Namjoon the death glare and Hoseok can't help but wonder why.
"Why? Didn't we just record your new track a few days ago?" Hoseok turns off the pot, resigning to brew his tea at a later time when Namjoon doesn't need something from him.
Seokjin's glare intensifies as Namjoon responds, "We're re-recording some parts of the track to fit the new verse I got a friend to make."
Hoseok's gaze flickers between Seokjin's angry expression and Namjoon's questioning one. "What friend? And why does it look like Seokjin-hyung, is planning your funeral right now?"
Namjoon waves his arm in an off-handish manner. "Don't mind, hyung. He just doesn't approve of my friend."
"Who's your friend?" Hoseok tries again.
"Min motherfucking Yoongi," Seokjin spits out his name as if its bile or something else that is equally as disgusting.
Hoseok's eyes widen. He's never seen his hyung act so resentful or say anything so hateful towards another person during the many odd years that they've known each other. Namjoon merely rolls his eyes, as if he had expected this from Seokjin, and turns his attention back towards Hoseok.
"Yeah, Min Yoongi. Now, are you coming or not? He's waiting for us there," Namjoon sighs as Seokjin lets out a haughty breath beside him.
Though not having any idea as to who Min Yoongi might be, Hoseok nods and yelps when Namjoon grabs him by the hem of his dark shirt. Namjoon then pulls him out into the hallway shortly afterward, barely giving Hoseok any time at all to slip his shoes back on.
"Didn't know you meant right this second. Jeez," Hoseok huffs with slight irritation as he tears his shirt out of Namjoon's grasp.
Seokjin is behind them, looking angry, but determined to come along as they make their way down the hall and out of the dorm building. Namjoon leads the way across campus to the recording studio in the music department as Hoseok numbly trails after the couple in front of him. An unexpected wave of bitterness washes over Hoseok as he watches how Namjoon unconsciously takes Seokjin's hand and draws him closer to his side while they walk. The two have been together since early childhood, with Hoseok always as the third wheel of sorts and maybe Hoseok should just be used to that too at this point.
Hoseok had met Seokjin first when he was five. Seokjin had sat down at his empty table to give him half of his lunch because Hoseok had forgotten his at home. They hadn't spoken beforehand and Hoseok never really understood why Seokjin had done it, but he knew better than to bring it up. Seokjin always teased him about how pitiful he had looked sitting there at a table all alone; no friends or even food to distract him from the rest of the student body in the cafeteria.
At age six, Hoseok met Namjoon through Seokjin when he had just moved to their small town. Even though he was the same age as Hoseok, Namjoon had skipped two grade levels due to his high IQ and landed sitting right next to Seokjin in their English class. Since then, Seokjin had been helping Hoseok pick out his clothes.
There isn't really a set age for when someone might meet their soulmate. It can happen at an early age, or never at all. Those cases are rare though: where someone can go their whole life, never being able to see color because they have never met their soulmate or when people can claim that they've been able to see color since their elementary days. Namjoon and Seokjin are one of those rare cases and Hoseok feels that he might be one too since he has never been graced with good luck in life.
Hoseok has imagined many different scenarios of when and where he would meet his soulmate, but none have seemed to come true. Despite trying his best not to, Hoseok's a sucker for romance and only wants what most others have when it comes to their soulmate. But then again, since he hasn't met his own soulmate yet, at least he doesn't have to endure the rarest and most painful fate: have his soulmate die prematurely.
Eventually, Hoseok realizes that they are now walking into the music department building and half-wonders how he could've fazed out for the entire walk over while Seokjin begins arguing with Namjoon.
"I don't like him, Joonie," Seokjin hisses as they make their way down the corridor to the recording room.
"Hyung, that was one time, and you know I didn't do anything because you were there as an eyewitness." Namjoon's voice is laced with mild irritation. "Let it go already. I love you, alright?"
Seokjin sighs, crossing his arms over his chest with an unhappy expression on his face. "Fine. I'm sorry."
"What the fuck?" Hoseok whispers to himself as he watches his oldest friends make up.
"Good. Anyway, I told you Yoongi-hyung is back with Jimin, so he hasn't tried anything in a long time." Namjoon puts an arm around Seokjin's shoulders and pulls him close while they continue walking.
"Seriously, what the fuck?" Hoseok asks again, his voice louder.
Seokjin looks back at Hoseok as if he'd forgotten that he was there and the tiny sting that brings is pitiful enough for Hoseok to ignore as he waits for the elder to speak. "I'll explain later. We're here though, so prepare yourself to meet Yoongi. He's a dick."
Namjoon shakes his head and pauses in front of the door that leads into the recording studio. "Just be polite, Hoseok, and Yoongi-hyung should be polite in return."
Hoseok nods, not knowing why he wouldn't be polite. As bitter as he feels most of the time, Hoseok can't be an asshole to anyone even if he tried.
Namjoon opens the door for Seokjin and waits until Hoseok is close to enter after him. They are greeted with two men shamelessly sucking each other's faces and rubbing against one another.
Hoseok freezes.
"Jeez, hyung. Keep it in your pants, this is where we work," Namjoon scoffs before approaching the two men as they slowly break apart.
Hoseok can't move. He's too busy staring at the younger man with bright, colored hair.
Hoseok doesn't know what color, but he can clearly see that his hair is in fact colored. The man stares back at Hoseok too, equally as shocked, but makes no attempt to approach him. The other three in the room are oblivious to what is going on between them.
Seokjin shakes his shoulder then. "Hoseok-ah, what's wrong? Do you know Jimin-ssi? You two are staring at each other as if you've seen a ghost."
"H-his hair...what c-color?" Hoseok feels that he can't speak properly and is surprised he managed that much.
Realization dawns on Seokjin's face while Namjoon and Yoongi silently watch it all. The man named Jimin remains silent, but sits down on Yoongi's lap anyway, as if he doesn't care that his freaking soulmate is standing right in front of him.
"Orange," Seokjin whispers.
Jimin speaks up then. "You look like a horse."
Seokjin sputters out curses that Hoseok can't make out, but he's pretty sure he's never heard anything as foul as them leave the elder's lips.
Hoseok merely mutters, "I have to go."
He turns on his heel and leaves without another word.
Hoseok is surprised that the hallway remains colorless when he runs down it, but then he remembers that he won't be able to see in all the colors the world has to offer him until he and his soulmate love each other. At this moment, that doesn't quite seem possible when he remembers that he had just walked in on his own soulmate making out with someone who Seokjin considers a dick. Without knowing it, tears are falling down Hoseok's face as he rushes back towards the dorms concluding that he really has been gifted with the worst luck ever.
As he runs across campus, other students stare at him go past as if he's some manic lunatic. Hoseok blinks away tears every time the color orange appears in his surroundings. The sun itself gives out odd orange rays that land on random objects and splinter his vision into orange or colorless.
God he's going to have the worst headache ever once he throws himself into his bed.
It's when Hoseok finally reaches his dorm that he realizes he can finally see color.
He looks up and finds the school banner on his wall is orange.
He quickly tears it down with tears in his eyes, remembering Jimin with Yoongi.
Hoseok knows that he really shouldn't be reacting this way. He doesn't even know Jimin, but they are fated to be together anyway. Remembering the jab Jimin had made at his looks draws out a louder sob out of Hoseok. He'd just walked in on the meant-to-be love of his life dry humping someone else only to get insulted afterward as if Jimin didn't care.
As if Jimin could ever possibly learn to love him.
Hoseok stumbles over to his mirror and grabs the edges of the dresser. He keeps his head bent low as he remembers his mother's words about how special soulmates are. It doesn't go past him that he's back where he started this morning, except now he knows who his soulmate is.
He allows the memory from that morning to flicker through his thoughts once more as tears spill onto the chestnut wood beneath him.
He's too tired to fight it anymore. He needs to let this memory play out so that it can stop haunting him and jumping at him at the most random of moments. The fight goes out of Hoseok as he slouches away from the dresser and sluggishly throws himself into his bed, securing himself in the warm cocoon of his blankets.
More tears are drawn out of him but Hoseok is alone and he doesn't care anymore.
Hoseok is alone.
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   "You see in black and white until you meet your soulmate."
"Why? That sounds horrible, Mom."
"Only your soulmate should be the reason you see the world for what it really is, Hobi."
How wrong his mother had been.
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redhead-33 · 6 years
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Yoonmin fanfic idea: cliche I love the bad boy Yoongi and soft boy Jimin perhaps a little too much **mentioning of parental physical abuse** Yoongi is the stereotypical bad boy or so everyone thinks. Everyone, even his friends Namjoon and Hoseok think that Yoongi is the biggest punk in the school. He is two years older then everyone in his grade so what exactly do you expect? It doesn't help that he rides a motorcycle, wears a leather jacket, and there are even rumors that he smokes! Of course Park Jimin tries to stay exactly 17389 miles away from him at all times. The Junior already has enough to worry about with pretty much the rest of the school bullying him, he'd rather not have the schools toughest guy pounding his face in as well. But one fateful day at the nurses office brings the two together in ways they never expected. Jimin was there trying to get his nose to stop bleeding when Yoongi walked in with a black eye. The nurse sighed when she saw him and asked what his father had gotten mad about this time. Yoongi smirked at the nurse, a woman everyone knows is his aunt, and told her that its because he didn't make a 33 or higher on the ACT. Jimin had never seen a woman so angry in his life. The nurse got up and put her hands on her hips, her tone was more then fed up, "That man. How dare he! You had a 32 dammit. You've already been accepted and given full scholarships to what? 6 schools? Good ones at that! If your father thinks he can do better you should tell him to come see me because I might just need to give him a mental exam!" Yoongi let out a small chuckle, "calm down Aunt K. I know it seems frustrating but it's ok. Once I leave it'll be fine. I just hope he doesn't get any stupid ideas again." The nurse threw her hands in the air, "Yeah! Like uprooting his whole family from Korea without any notice and moving to America and making his son take kindergarten twice because he had no English teaching before school. Or maybe like moving again once the same child was in 8th grade and already had fantastic friends where he was just because he heard the weather was better in North East!" Jimin of course wasn't sure if he was supposed to be hearing all if this so he tried to sneak out of the nurses office but sadly hit his hip on the edge of a table and was compromised. The two heads simultaneously snapped to jimin st the same time, one gaze a lot kinder then the other. Jimin awkwardly smiled and forcibly laughed, "sorry, I'll be going now, I think my nose stopped bleeding. Thanks for the bandaids Nurse K." The woman nodded, her smile was kind, "I'm sorry we ran out of the regular ones. I just had those I'm my purse and it's my emergency stash for my daughter. I hope it's ok that they are pink and blue." Jimin shook his head, "it's ok, really. I like the colors. They're my favorite actually. You could probably tell, ya know, my hair and all." The woman let out a small laugh, "I guess so. But Jimin, are you sure you dont want to tell the principal this time?" Jimin nodded yes. "Why not sweetie? If you tell the principal who is doing this they could get suspended or something. You don't have to endure this bullying." Jimin sighs, "What happens when they come back from suspension? They just say 'Oh golly gee I realized what I've done wrong sorry ol jimin pal!' No, they'll kill me. I'd rather be bleeding then dead." The woman sighs back, "Ok. Just, try not to get hurt anymore ok. I'm running low on supplies." Jimin nods his head before leaving. Right before he exits the main office to go to class there's a hand on his arm and Jimin curls in on himself, ready to be hit. But it never comes, instead a deep, slightly gravelly voice fills his ears, "Don't tell anyone." Jimin opens his eyes and looks up to see Yoongi, looking quite anxious at that. "Don't tell anyone what?" Yoongi rolled his eyes, "what you heard in there. Don't tell them about the schools or the score and dont you fucking say a word about my dad. Jimin nods, "I want planning on it." He started to leave but Yoongi's grip stayed firm. He looked back at the boy and Yoongi was giving him a confused look, "What?" "Why do you let them do it?" Jimin furrows his eyebrows, "Who do what?" Yoongi mutters a swear under his breath, "Why do you let those shit heads hurt you? I've seen you dance when I'm passing by the dance class, you have muscle even if your cute oversized sweaters cover it. You could take them but instead you let them hurt you because what? You're gay? Why dont you fight back?" Jimin almost laughs, "I'm not much if a fighter. Even if I could've take them I wouldn't want to. Small, ignorant minds talk with their fists." Yoongi scoffs, "Well I don't find it too smart to allow yourself to get beat up every day. It's not stupid to fight back, it's self defense, it's bravery." Jimin shakes his head, "Your bravery is nothing but a mask to hide your emotions. My bravery is coming to school every day even when I know what awaits me. I'm not going to stoop to their level. They only hurt me because they are afraid of me." Yoongi cocks an eyebrow, "Why do you say that?" Jimin smirks, "Let's face it, I'm hotter then half of the girl population at this school and almost all if the boys. I scare them because I threaten their idea of masculinity and make them question their idea of sex." That was when Yoongi knew he wanted Jimin. There was something about the way the boy had said those words that left Yoongi stunned. Jimin shook Yoongi hand off and left. That was also the day Yoongu decided to beat the living shit out of anyone who hurt Jimin. A few months pass and Jimin doesn't get beat up quite as often and he is starting to get suspicious. He doesn't get why its stopping but then it all goes to hell as he's walking home one day. Three boys jump him and start to beat him up. Jimin doesnt really know what happened at first but all of the sudden he's on the ground and his favorite sweater has holes in it while one of the guys from the football team kicks him repeatedly in the side. As he comes to terms that this is where he'll die Jimin shuts his eyes and tries to curl into himself as the three continue to kick and punch him. But then it stops and Jimin hears a few grunts and then shoes running on the pavement and then there's a hand on his cheek, gentle and warm. Jimin slowly opens his eyes and sees the face of Min Yoongi. His lip is busted but aside from that he looks unscathed. The boy looked at Jimin in concern as he tried to sit up but doubled over in pain. Yoongi helped him sit up and then spoke, "What happened? I swear to god I'm gonna kill those bastards, I tell them that if they ever hurt you at school again I'll kill them and then they go and wait for you outside of school. I'm gonna destroy them." Most of what Yoongi was saying was rambling and if Jimin were honest he barely understood because he kept looking at the olders bottom lip where blood was coming from that was covering his chin. Jimin brought his hand up and brushed Yoongi's lips, effectively shutting him up, "You're bleeding. " "Jesus fucking christ Jimin. Who cares about my lip when you are bleeding and bruised-" Jimin pouted, "Me. I do." They sit there for a few seconds just looking at each other, realizing what Jimin Just said. Yoongi broke the gaze off when he felt his cheeks start to turn red and moved to take his jacket off, "Here, put this on. Your shirt is ripped pretty badly." Jimin looked at the jacket in awe, "I didnt know you could take it off. I've never seen you without it on. This is so weird!" "Oh for god's sake just put the damn thing on." Jimin struggled at first but was finally able to put it on. The two spoke just a bit longer before Jimin agreed to go with Yoongi to his house, Yoongi only offered because his father wasn't home. It was there that the two great closer. Jimin found out that Yoongi actually didnt smome but had only tried it out once in the ninth grade and never did it again because of all the coughing he did afterwards. People only assumed he got addicted after that. Jimin also found out that Yoongi was really into music and that he didnt want ti fo ti some ivy league school for college but actually wanted to peruse music. Yoongi found out that Jimin is planning on going to a preforming arts college after high school and that he had been dancing ever since he was three years old. He also found out that jimin is heavily inspired by love poems and short stories and he loves to write in his spare time. That night the two boys fell in love and nothing else in the world mattered to them in that moment. Not bullies or strict abusive fathers. Not grades or sexuality. Only love.
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freebullets · 6 years
Yoonmin - superpowers/xmen au?
Jimin shut himself in his room in his small apartment as soon as he got home from school, diving into bed and hiding himself under the covers. At least here he was less likely to hurt anyone. 
It had started when he turned fourteen, or at least that was when he first noticed it. He’d been convinced that he could start fires with his mind, little bursts of heat escaping when his body became tense or overexerted. As he’d grown older, the ability had grown stronger, and he was able to recognize it for what it was. It wasn’t fire. Not really. It was radiation. 
His mother had been diagnosed with cancer last year. And then his father six months after that. It was then that he realized he was the one poisoning his family.
Luckily, they were both willing to let him leave and not turn him in for being one  of those things they always heard about on the news. Those things that were dangerous. That ruined lives. Even though that was exactly what he was. 
A monstrous thing. Who was probably slowly killing all of his classmates every additional day he went to school. He just wanted to finish high school. Just a few more months, and then he would go where no one else would be hurt by him. Maybe out in the woods, or an island. Somewhere with no people. 
He poked his head out from the covers in confusion at the knock on the door. He never had visitors. No one even knew that he lived there. He swallowed, pulling the covers back over his head. They would go away. 
Except what followed was the sound of splintering wood, and Jimin fell out of bed trying to get to his feet in a hurry. His bedroom door was flung open next, a tall man taking up most of the doorway as he gave the room an unimpressed once-over. His yellow-tinged eyes settled on Jimin, and he smiled. 
“Ah, there you are,” he said. 
“Wh-who are you?!” Jimin stuttered. “What do you want?”
“Just to talk,” the man grinned, showcasing pointed teeth. “You’re special, Jimin. You don’t belong in a dump like this. You belong with us.”
“U-us?” Jimin whispered. 
“Those of us with the advanced X-gene, Jimin. Mutants.”
Jimin winced as he said the word. “No, I…I’m not–”
“You are,” the man said, closing his eyes to breath in deeply. “I can smell it all the way from over here. Strong. Not like a weak human at all.”
Jimin swallowed, eyes darting around the room for a way to escape, but finding nothing except the small window. He was on the eighth floor, so there was no way he’d survive a jump. The fire escape?
“However fast you think you are,” the man said, “I’m faster.”
Jimin swallowed. Lunged for the window. 
He felt the tips of sharp claws gouge into his shoulder before he was falling, everything suddenly black and directions indiscernible. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t see, he couldn’t hear, like he was trapped in a vacuum, choking for air. He closed his eyes, knowing that this was the moment he would die. 
Except the air came back, and hands were roving over his body worriedly. Jimin turned his head to the side to get sick, his stomach unable to handle the twists and turns it was just forced into. 
“Geeze, Yoongi, I told you to be gentle!”
“I can’t control fucking black holes, Seokjin!”
Jimin blinked, glancing blearily at his surroundings. He was no longer in his apartment. Instead, it looked like he was in a laboratory, sprawled across a hospital bed. “Where?” he rasped, instinctively pushing himself back to get away from the people surrounding the bed. 
“Sorry about that,” one said, twisting his hands in front of him anxiously. “I just–I heard you, and it sounded like you needed help, so I dragged Yoongi in here to grab you. Are you alright?”
Jimin’s head spun with the new information that still didn’t make any sense at all. His shoulder felt hot, and he reached up to touch it, fingertips coming away bloody. The yellow-eyed man wasn’t a dream, after all. He stared at the two in front of him. “You…pulled me out of my apartment…somehow?” he questioned, trying to piece things together. 
“Well, yes, kind of,” the nervous man answered. “Yoongi’s gift is being able to reach through time and space. Mine is, unfortunately, an empathic connection to other mutants. Which was why I felt it when you were in trouble. I don’t know why, it just…it hit me really strongly.”
“Where is here?” Jimin questioned, heart finally slowing down to a bearable rhythm. 
“We’re going to get fucking expelled,” the one called Yoongi muttered, running a hand through his messy hair. 
“Umm,” Seokjin hesitated. “I’ll just, umm, go get someone better equipped to explain all of this.” He reached out slowly to rest his hand on top of Jimin’s. “Welcome to the Xavier Institute.”
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minnieyoonie · 6 years
Today, We Fight| 10
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Characters: Yoongi x Jimin (Yoonmin) / feat. BTS
Ratings: Mature
Words count: 3K
Warnings: Character’s Death, Blood, Gore, Violence, Explicit language ,smut, light fluff, heavy angst.
Summary: One peaceful night, Yoongi receives a strange phone call from his best friend that he’s been in love with since for awhile now. Only to get a bad news of some sort of weird outbreak that is currently spreading throughout their country. Despite the panic and terrifying encounters with an infected, lies a deep secret that revolves around them. A burden that they were force to carry as a child, through sufferings and their strong bond of love, they both seeks answers for the truth with nothing but their past to move forward and survive the dead world with six more friends that they could trust their life with.
Chapter Index
Jimin wakes up groaning. His entire body felt raw and sore, every muscle in his body felt strained and his head throbs a little but all that disappears the moment he'd breathe in the air, the metallic smell of copper with stench of rotten flesh fills his nostril and Jimin's first reaction was to gag. He felt his stomach clenched and knotted with unease. He wonders what could've make it smell worse than death. It's not until his eyes started taking in his surrounding that everything slowly starts to set in.
Jimin scrambles in a jolt to sit up as his eyes takes in the sight around him. Somehow, he was all alone or someone had thrown him in here. Piles and piles of dead bodies were gathered in the corner of the four white walls and lots of blood coating the walls. The ceramic tiles too, were painted with red and a few unidentified limbs were scattering around the room. Jimin's brain just refused to acknowledge it as his stomach clenches and recoiled at it, swallowing the lump that rises up in his throat and forcing himself not to throw up right then and there.
Forcing himself to remain calm, Jimin looks around him again for any signs of escape or his friends. But the moment he let his mind drift off to Yoongi, his stomach twist uncomfortably and his heart aches for him. Jimin wondered what happened to them and the last thing he'd seen was Yoongi's worried eyes. He can't even imagine what Yoongi would have felt back then, when Jimin had slipped out of consciousness again. He just hopes that Yoongi's safe with Taeyung and Jungkook. The only problem was why this is happening. If this have anything to do with the military, then it might as well be the involvement of the Government. Definitely some fucked up shit they'd get themselves into. But what's got everything to do with the dreams he'd been having then? Somehow it doesn't seem to sit well with everything. As if there's still a puzzle missing but Jimin doesn't have any more time to dwell on it.
He needs to leave and find his boyfriend and his friends. He needs to get out of here and he can't do that by just wrecking his brain and sitting with piles of dead limbs. None of it would have helped. Jimin shakily stood up and dusted off his clothes. Walking directly towards the only door in the room, ignoring and skillfully avoiding from stepping on any remains of the limbs and pools of blood. By the time Jimin managed to get a hold of the double doors, before he could even open it, he felt something move behind him and Jimin immediately froze.
Jimin swears what he heard next was the only thing he could hope that he was just imagining things but nope, the sound of guttural snarls and the clicking of teeth definitely wasn't something that Jimin had imagine. As if to prove his point, Jimin turn his head slowly to look behind his shoulder.
He's definitely fucked.
Jimin watches in horror as the dead bodies lying on the ground before started getting up. their nostrils flared as they smelt his presence in the room. Jimin gulp, eyes darting around in the room panicky for anything that could help him but he was defenseless right now and there's nothing he could do but Jimin wasn't going to give up just yet – not when he knows that his friends were somewhere in the building with him. This is not the time for him to be weak and accept his fate. Nope, that's definitely not going to happen, not any time soon nor in the future, where everything is an unknown. They need to survive this hellhole – he needs to survive this shit if he ever wants to be with his friends and Yoongi again.
Jimin hastily turn and pushes the door open.
He keeps pushing the door but it didn't bulge. It was locked and Jimin is stuck in here with three undead coming his way. Probably preparing ways of how they would devour him for lunch or dinner? Who cares! Jimin was fucked and that's all there is. He's going to die and this time, he couldn't say goodbye.
Yoongi groaned awake, his hands reaching his aching jaw and he blinks a few times to clear the blurring of his vision. When it finally became clear, he was greeted with two pairs of brown eyes staring down at him with guilt and apologetic smile. Yoongi frowned, suddenly feeling confused.
"wh- what happen?" Yoongi ask groggily, his voice raspy from disused, he wonders how long he'd been out. He didn't know how but the last thing he could remember before he was unconscious was Jimin's paling face.
Yoongi sat up abruptly at remembering Jimin, headbutting Taehyung's forehead in the process. Taehyung groaned and winces at the pain.
"hyung! What the h-"
"Jimin! Where's Jimin?!" Yoongi asked in a panic, eyes darting around to find his boyfriend. Ignoring Taehyung's whines and groans of pain.
"I'm sorry hyung." Jungkook whispered softly, his hand was on Yoongi's shoulder to calm him down, "I'm really sorry, I have to do it, I had no other choice."
Yoongi's eyes narrowed and turn cold as he glared at the younger. "what. Did. You. Do."
"I said, what did you do!"
Jungkook gulped at how cold and full of void Yoongi's voice sounded and he knew he'd fucked up and there's nothing he could do to make the elder forgive his actions.
"it's not Jungkook's fault, I told him to do it." Taehyung speaks up on his behalf, taking the full blame on himself and Yoongi's eyes narrowed towards his direction and back at Jungkook. If looks could kill, Jungkook and Taehyung would probably be dead right now at the intensity of Yoongi's glare. None of them spoke then, the tense and awkward atmosphere felt heavy around them. Not Taehyung nor Jungkook even dared to break it until Yoongi finally inhales sharply and both of them flinches at the intensity of Yoongi's rage. Somehow, they could feel it radiating around him and no amount of preparations to ready themselves of Yoongi's wrath could compare to what is happening right now.
"I SAID WHAT THE FUCK DID THE TWO OF YOU DO TO JIMIN! AND WHERE THE FUCKING HELL IS HE." Yoongi slammed his hand against something behind him and the sound of metal being hit echoes loudly around them. Yoongi stands abruptly and took a step forward but stop short when he notices the two boys cowers and took a step back away from him. The look of their terrified faces somehow makes Yoongi's heart ached. He'd never shown his anger to anyone in his entire life – especially not to his favorite dongsaengs nor did he ever raise his voice against them. Yoongi suddenly felt all the irrationality of his brain disappears and his eyes soften.
Yoongi exhales and quickly ran a hand on his face. He felt utterly conflicted. As much as he was worried about Jimin and angry at the two boys, a part of him felt guilty for throwing his temper at them whereby Yoongi knew that, whatever the boys had to do, must be equally hard and painful for them to decide.
Because Jimin was in fact Taehyung's best friend and Jungkook's beloved hyung and Yoongi wasn't making it any easier for them either. Yoongi knew what they must've felt back then when Yoongi attempted to kill himself for just the thought of living life without Jimin. The looks of uselessness and dejected were so strong on their faces at seeing their hyung acted the way he did and right now, it was no different. That very same look was donning on both of their faces and the more Yoongi look at it, the more he felt his heart break at the transparency of their vulnerability.
Especially when all they got right now, was each other. Yoongi sighs and sat back down on the floor he was lying before, crossing his legs under him. Yoongi sits for a moment before gesturing for the two boys to do the same.
"I'm sorry. - just sit and tell me what happen." Yoongi's voice came out as a whisper as he stared down at his hands on his lap instead, not trusting himself to look at them or speak any louder than he could since he could feel the trembles of his lips and the aching in his heart – the telltale signs of an incoming sob of swirling emotions overwhelm him. He isn't sure if any of them heard it at all but he knew they did when both the boys started moving closer and sat down in front of him from his peripheral view.
None of them spoke at first and Yoongi have to force himself to swallow the lump in his throat and be prepared of what's to come and prevent himself from snapping at them for taking their own sweet time despite the urgency of the matter. Yoongi decide playing with his fingers to keep himself distracted while the boys compose themselves.
Yoongi doesn't know how long the time had passed, his mind drifting in and out until he felt both of his hands were in the grasps of Taehyung's and Jungkook's. Their touch was gentle and assuring, as if letting him know that no matter what happen, they would go through this together. That, they were here and they love him. That, apparently had Yoongi looking up and the look on both of their faces makes Yoongi smile even though not really reaching his eyes. Their eyes were full of love and concern for him, for Jimin. And Yoongi felt his heart swell.
"Hyung.. Actually I-" Jungkook started softly.
"we're sorry hyung." Taehyung suddenly blurted out. Probably tired of trying to figure out a way of saying it without hurting Yoongi but can't find any.
"we had to knock you out since you won't keep your voice down when Jimin fainted and we had to leave Jimin behind because someone was coming and we can't carry the both of you without getting spotted. We figure that whatever they are doing here, they would need Jimin and they wouldn't cause him any harm and Jimin would probably be locked up somewhere if they spotted him by chance."
Taehyung was breathless by the time he finishes explaining and when he finally realizes what he had said, he wince at how inconsiderate he sounded. Yoongi watches him carefully, choosing to remain calm and waited for Taehyung to continue but when nothing else was said, Yoongi raises his brows.
"uhm, when you said that you figure it out, I take it that you're just assuming it and by the look on your face right now, you finally realize how wrong that assumption could be – am I right?"
Taehyung winces and deflates immediately at Yoongi's bluntness. Every words piercing right through him internally and he could only look away at his hands and mumbles "I'm sorry."
Yoongi sighs and stood up, dusting his clothes off. "alright, come on." He said as he walks away.
"wait hyung, where are you going?" Jungkook ask innocently and Yoongi had to remind himself yet again to remain calm and compose himself. He sighs for the umpteen time.
"well, I don't know about you guys. but I'm not gonna stay here and assume things." Yoongi didn't miss the way Taehyung wince and Yoongi curses himself for the lack of apathy in his words whenever his mind started doing the talking instead of his heart. "I'm gonna find Jimin. Are you both coming or not?"
Yoongi was about to turn and walk away when the two boys scrambles to their feet and Jungkook blurted out a hurried, "You're not mad hyung?"
Yoongi inhales sharply at that, words coming in and out of his brain that he could easily say it out loud and reprimand them of their stupidity of assuming things and at how ridiculously dumb they were to leave Jimin behind and all the other nasty brute words that's threatening to spill from his lips but Yoongi swallows everything up and the only thing he said was, "as much as I would like to murder the both of you. I also love you both. And I wouldn't want to waste any more time than we already had. So, come on. Let's find Jimin and get out of here before it's too late."
Jimin closes his eyes shut, preparing himself from the impact that was about to come but then, a loud bang on the left side of the wall startled him. His head snapping to the side at the sound. It was weird, because it sounds exactly like someone just hit a wall and there's no way that could happen. The wall was solid and it’s a thick bricked wall but it sounded like a metal clinging. Jimin's eyes widened at the realization, holy shit. That couldn't be it would it? Would there be a hidden door or something? Jimin could only hope it's true.
He chances a glance at the infected and where the sound had come from. The distance was a few feet away and if he doesn't react now and risked it, he would just die in vain and suddenly his thoughts were filled with soft cat-eyes, milky skin and gummy smiles. Jimin frowned – nope, if he's going to die, he's going to die trying. He's not going to just stand here and let himself to his fate. He's going to try for Yoongi because deep down Jimin knows that Yoongi is waiting for him somewhere and he's definitely finding ways to get to Jimin. He could feel it in his heart that Yoongi wouldn't give up without a fight and Jimin knows he shouldn't either. Not when he knows there's a possibility that he could survive this. Jimin closes his eyes, inhales and exhales slowly, calming his raging heart.
"I can do this." Jimin whispers to himself again and again like a mantra as the infected closes in on him, only an arm's length away. Feeling the adrenaline slowly courses through his body, Jimin opens his eyes and the first thing he saw was the infected snapping jaws and he quickly dodges it sideways while another infected reached out for his arm and Jimin reflectively lands a kick on its ribcage and he shoves the third infected towards the first one, making it collide with a thud. The infected tumbles and snarled while Jimin make a run for the 'hidden door'.
Jimin slammed his body against it. Mentally cursing himself for not thinking it thoroughly cause if it's really isn't a door, he might just dislocate his shoulder but fortunately, he didn't. The sound of metal echoing loudly around him and Jimin can't help feeling proud. He hit it with his fist this time and the same sound echoes off. He was right, there is a hidden door but now there's another problem though. There's no handle or switches, how on earth is he going to make the goddamn door open? There must be a way for him to get out or perhaps it could be open on the outside, but who's going to help him? He's trapped here all alone. Suddenly all the confidence he felt drains out of him and what happen next was too fast for him to react. Jimin felt his body falls to the ground and he screams when he felt nails as sharp as a knife pierce through his flesh on his tights.
Jimin had let his guard down and now the infected have got to him. Jimin continue screaming and keeps banging on the door with his right hand while his left hand desperately clings on a corpse next to him as he was being drag away from his only escape. Tears started spilling on his cheeks, bloods oozing out of his thighs.
"Help.. Me.. Please.. Anyone, someone. - Yoongi." Jimin cries out helplessly as he felt his energy slowly waning off while desperately fighting off the infected clawing on his flesh. It hurts so much and he just hope he could just die but he couldn't – his mind fills with the thoughts of Yoongi and his heart clenches. Jimin wanted it to end – the suffering. Just the thought of a smiling Yoongi hurts and the pained that he could never touch Yoongi again was devastating. Jimin just want it to end and die. Leave everything and let go but in reality, he's not doing any of it. His heart longs for Yoongi and his body's disobeying his mind. While his mind just wants it to end and die, his body wanted to fight to live and Jimin is just – suffering.
"Yoon- Ah!" Jimin screams and winces when another set of sharp nails dig into his shoulder and tore off the flesh away. "Fuck." Jimin curses, panting while trying his best to fight back, struggling weakly. Jimin didn't know how long it had been but soon enough he felt his consciousness slipping away.
This is it, Jimin thought. It's time, I guess I couldn't say goodbye. I'm sorry hyung but I love yo-
Bang. Bang. Bang.
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mini-min-yoongi · 7 years
October AO3 Yoonmin readings:
1) Just like a tattoo (i’ll always have you)
Yoongi eyes him curiously, a small smirk playing on his lips as he observes Jimin’s movements. “First time?”
“Y-yes, I’m a virgin!” Jimin squeaks out, eyes wide and cheeks flushed, embarrassed at his own words.
Some sexual innuendos, Yoongi covered in tattoos and a very shy Jimin. Perfect combination.
2) Kickstart Series (Gang AU) (*)
This entire series is a masterpiece, I loved the story and all the characters. I recommend reading every single one even if Yoonmin is not the main focus in some of them.
2.1. Experto Crede (*)
“I-I don’t understand…” Jimin said, eyes watering as he focused on Yoongi. “I thought…you were going to kill me…in the bathroom.”
“Yeah, well so did I,” Yoongi said wryly, and Jimin flinched, trying to make himself impossibly smaller.
AKA It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Min Yoongi in possession of a heart will be in want of sleep.
I’m not lying when I say that i REALLY liked this one. If I’m not mistaken, this was my first time reading a gang yoonmin au and it was awesome. Dark and protective Yoongi taking care of a scarred Jimin. Keep in mind that this story deals with abuse and torture so please don’t read it unless you are comfortable with those themes. The only “bad” thing about this fic is that it’s only three chapters long (I needed more when I finished it SO BAD). Luckily, the author did a sequel which is the next one ->
2.2. Attero (*)
“Beautiful,” the man repeated under his breath, and Jimin felt a cold shiver travel from the bottom of his back to the nape of his neck. The way he said it wasn’t a compliment, or an observation, it was…it was like something Dongwon would have said, smiling as he held Jimin’s head underwater or ripped out chunks of his hair. It touched something that Jimin thought he’d buried a long time ago.
“H-have a n-nice day,” Jimin said softly, curling his fingers into his uniform apron. Sometimes it was best to pretend.
“Get lost,” Jungkook jerked his chin towards the door. “And don’t come back!” he called after the man, who glanced over his shoulder one last time before leaving the café.
*Follows Experto Crede
I loved seeing Jungkook and his foul mouth working as a barista and trying to protect Jimin with all his might. Also, Yoongi trying to be extremely careful with Jimin, worried about having scared him or disappointing him because of his actions. In general, Yoongi being so soft towards Jimin and wanting to protect him is such a contrast to his profession as a hitman (I MEAN HE CALLS HIM JIMINNIE). It’s a great sequel to Experto Crede and it shows us more of what Jimin had to go through during all those years so please be careful because it contains descriptions of torture and it can be triggering for some people.
2.3. Solus (Jungkook centric) (*)
“Yoongi changed you,” Jin said softly. “But Jimin is changing Yoongi.”
Jungkook frowned, teeth grinding together. “But…but I…” he said, looking at Jin hopelessly. “I don’t want him to change…”
*Companion piece to Experto Crede, but can be read independently.
MY BABY JUNGKOOKIE. I didn’t know I needed this but I really did. I appreciate so much this one because I came to understand better Jungkook’s actions in the first part. He really went through a lot and he just wants to be cherished and loved by the people who helped him and who he also loves. Also, I loved seeing Yoongi’s change in behaviour when he’s with Jimin through the eyes of another person. But the most important thing is how Yoongi cares so much about Jungkook but he’s not able to show him because he feels guilty. The hug broke my heart.
2.4. Cor Aut Mors (Namjoon & Seokjin)
The day Kim Namjoon said no to Kim Seokjin would be the day the earth stopped turning on its axis.
*Companion piece to Experto Crede, but can be read independently.
2.5. Caritas (Hoseok & Taehyung)
“Hoseok,” the boy answered distractedly, looking around the small space, the single bed. “Tae’s room? Are you Tae?”
“Mostly,” Tae shrugged. “Except when they give me medicine, and then I feel much less like him than I’m supposed to.”
“I feel that,” the boy nodded, reaching his arms over his head to stretch, a few joints popping along the way. “Remind me to never try and kill myself again,” he muttered. “One stupid time and they stick you in an asylum for half a year. But hell, I guess it worked. I don’t wanna’ die anymore, I wanna’ kill my family for sticking me in here.”
*Companion piece to Experto Crede, but can be read independently.
3) Give me a sign
Yoongi thinks the universe is a dick for a lot of reasons. Reason #1: It gave a deaf person a soul-mark that revolves around speech. Reason #2: Once he decided to hate his soulmate no matter what they were like, the universe gave him a really attractive soulmate. Reason #3: Said soulmate is overly kind, no matter how much of a dick Yoongi is. Reason #4: Yoongi is definitely fucked.
Soulmates au, deaf and stubborn Yoongi and some bullying. It was a good read.
4) Burn It Up (contains smut) (*)
“Hey,” Yoongi says. “It’s okay, what’s up?”
“I — ” Jimin stutters. “They — I dunno, hyung, I don’t — I think they might have fucked up my dosage or — I don’t — ” His voice cracks and he swallows, a little involuntary noise spilling out of his mouth as he tries to catch his breath.
Yoongi’s eyes widen in realization, something cold and numb slithering around his heart and squeezing so tight he feels like he’s suffocating.
“I think I’m in — ”
Alpha Yoongi and omega Jimin. They are both in BTS. I liked it a lot because the author mixed smut with angst and Yoongi tells us about his past and I really liked reading about his inner turmoil.
5) Where the heart is (contains smut) (*)
She hadn’t been ready to be a mother and Yoongi hadn’t been ready to be a father, but where she had turned tail and run, Yoongi had vowed never to do the same.
Single parent yoongi and babysitter jimin. I’ve been wanting to read this for a very long time and it didn’t disappoint. This story was extremely cute and the smut was GREAT even though what i enjoyed the most was reading about their struggles before they could have sex (living with a little kid is not the ideal scenario for sexy time) and the epilogue
6) Sweeter than sweet (contains smut) (*) 
Cupcake shop owner park jimin always worries & waits for his husband, special agent, min yoongi to come back home but one night he doesn’t.
I knew I was going love this the moment I saw the description. I really like seeing bangtan in the role of secret agents and gang aus and if you add a baker Jimin the combination can only be as sweet as this one.
7) Crybaby (work in progress) (*)
Min Yoongi and Park Jimin navigate the troubles of childhood, adolescence and young adulthood together; and all of the ups, downs and trauma that life brings.
“What’s the Park clan’s number one motto huh, Yoongi?”
“…Love yourself.”
GO READ THIS ONE RIGHT NOW. In this story, kid Yoongi has selective mutism and suffers from anxiety. I want to protect little Yoongi with all I have. It’s a work in progress but it’s going to depict Yoongi and Jimin’s lives as they grow up. I don’t like reading stories that are not complete but i’ve been wanting to read it since august and i finally gave in. It’s so well-written, I love Yoongi, Jimin and Jimin’s parents. I just loved all of it and I find Yoongi’s condition so heartbreaking and interesting and in a way relatable. I’ve been dealing with social anxiety for a very long time and even though it has never been to such an extent it still hits close to home and my heart breaks for little yoongs. Can’t wait to see how this story develops, (Seriously, I’m so obsessed with this story that I even made a moodboard because I’ve got no chill).
8) Bullet Boy (work in progress) (*)
If you want to make it big, you’ve got to start off small. This is something that Jimin acknowledges, for he just carries on singing features for underground rappers in the hopes of breaking into the mainstream scene even when the lyrics mean nothing to him.
If you want to make it in the scene, you’ve got to fake it in the scene. This is something that Yoongi understands intimately. But he’s never been one to be a poser, and there’s only far stuntin’ can get you before you burn out like the end of a cigarette.
Yoongi finally wants to move on from his bad past and take the gamble so that he can drop his first mixtape as ‘D-boy’, and he can’t think of anyone more perfect to feature on it than rising talent: Park Jimin.
Jimin really wants to break free from nights spent singing at hip hop clubs for a pittance and finally have his name on an official track in the music charts, but he’s going to need some help navigating the brutal world of music contracts and the paparazzi; and being involved in a scandal the likes of which the industry has never seen before.
GO READ THIS ONE RIGHT NOW TOO. This is another story I didn’t want to start until it was finished but OH WELL. It’s so good, like so freaking good. Her characters are all complex and I love it when fics deal with serious issues such as homophobia. This story is also set in South Korea and the author is working hard to get all the details right and I find that so commendable because it’s not easy at all. I really like how Yoongi ad Jimin kinda fall into the relationship slowly and naturally. I know there’s going to be so much more angst as the story progresses and it’s going to break my heart but the author said that it’ll have a happy ending so I’d recommend everyone to give it a try. It’s seriously good.
9) Pretty Little Baby Boy (contains smut) (*)
Jimin glanced through the open gap in the bag to see starched white cotton and a flash of bright red tartan, and that was when he realised what he was looking at.
Yoongi had brought a schoolgirl uniform to the love motel with him, which he was quite clearly going to wear just for him.
I read it this summer but I totally forgot about it because I didn’t write it down so that’s why I’m including it now (also i just reread it because it’s so good so here you go). Soft smut is always a blessing. Yoongi and Jimin explore crossdressing in this fic and you can find insecure Yoongi and reassuring boyfriend Jimin who is eager to see this side of his lover. Everything about this was so freaking cute. ALSO, Jimin taking pictures of Yoongi crossdressing was SO GOOD.
 Special mention of the month: 
~Creating a Home Series by  (*)
Namjoon/Seokjin + the rest of BTS as their foster/adopted kids
(She’s got a Tumblr account @thecheekybrunette so give her lots of love for such an amazing story) (Thank you so much for making me feel so many things and giving me five kids that I’ve come to love as if they were my own)
1.1. Welcome Home (*)
Seokjin is used to getting calls from social workers at all hours of the day, but never this late at night.
(In which Hoseok loses a mom and gains two dads and four brothers.)
This has to be my favourite namjin story I’ve read until now. I loved their characters and how they are not only a great couple but also the best team. They both care so much for each other and their children. All the children in this story have a special place in my heart: shy Hoseok, anxious Yoongi, loving but sometimes not gentle Jimin, epileptic and dramatic Taehyung and the cutest baby ever (I want to hug him and pinch his cheeks in every scene) Jungkook. This fic shows the hardships of taking care of children that aren’t yours and have many problems but also how that makes you love, care and worry about them even more. I loved this one too much.
1.2. Big Kids, Young Adults (work in progress)
“Jungkook had been so sweet growing up. He had the cutest little bunny smile, and he used to like snuggling something as he walked around, like his Elmo plushie or his teddy bear. He had been so cute.
And now he was so grumpy.”
(In which Jungkook forgets his place at home, and the rest of his family does their best to support him and each other.)
Sequel to Welcome Home. The kids have grown up and are teenagers now. It depicts the struggles that normal teenagers go through, but they have extra luggage that they are carrying from their childhood traumas and illnesses. I love how much Namjoon and Seokjin try to communicate with them and try their hardest with all of them even when sometimes they make mistakes. They are such loving parents and my heart broke so many times when reading especially with Taehyung, Yoongi and Jungkook. A scene that I won’t forget is when Jungkook lashes out at Seokjin in the car on their way to the psychologist, I seriously teared up because it was too real. Can’t wait to read the following chapters.
1.3. I Have You
There wasn’t an untouched piece of skin left on Jimin that Jin could see. There was blood matted in his hair and bruises webbing across his face. Maybe he was better off under his clothes, but something about Jimin’s bitten hands told him otherwise. His chest constricted.
“Up,” Jimin repeated, his soft forehead wrinkling in confusion.
Seokjin shook himself out of it. “Yeah, honey, come here,” he said, his throat closing up. The words were barely a squeak.
Jimin’s first night at Seokjin and Namjoon’s house.
1.4. Something to Do and Someone to Love
“Watching Seokjin take such good care of their son always made Namjoon feel like the luckiest man alive. He had such great kids and such a great husband.
One thing was for certain: Seokjin had made him promise to not let the kids spend more than ten dollars each on him, but he deserved way more than that. Namjoon was going to have to raise the budget just a little bit.”
In which, Seokjin wants his kids to have a perfect Christmas, Namjoon wants Seokjin to have a perfect Christmas, and this one is more about the dads.
The family celebrating Christmas. For some of them it’s their first Christmas and it’s the sweetest. Jungkookie in this one made me want to hug him so much, my heart melted.
1.5. Puffy Eyes and a Pink Nose
Seokjin came into the living room, wrapping his robe a little tighter against his body. “Look who’s asleep,” Seokjin said. His voice was soft in the wee hours of the morning.
“And look who’s not,” Namjoon replied as Seokjin joined him on the couch, curling into his side. “Why don’t you go back to bed, babe?”
“Nah. Wouldn’t want to miss out on all the fun.“
(In which Jungkook wreaks havoc during his first few days at Seokjin and Namjoon’s house, but it’s not his fault at all.)
Jungkook suffering from Neonatal Abstinence Syndrom and Seokjin and Namjoon doing their best even when it is too much to handle, especially when they have to watch their baby suffering and being unable to do something about it.
1.6. Lucky to Have Someone Like You
“Hey,” Namjoon said, pressing a kiss to Taehyung’s cheek. His nose flattened against Taehyung’s temple. “No crying. You’re okay. We’re going to eat dinner.”
(In which Seokjin, Jimin, and Namjoon all take care of Taehyung post-seizure.)
I have developed such an attachment to epileptic!Taehyung you don’t even understand.
1.7. Sunscreen and Sunshine
“Splish splash,” Jungkook said, smushed up against the edge of his playpen. Seokjin detangled himself from Jimin and Taehyung and freed Jungkook from the fence encircling him. The sand engulfed his tiny feet when Seokjin put him down.
“Do you wanna come walking with us, Jungkookie?” Seokjin asked.
“Splish splash with Chim Chim,” Jungkook said seriously, his cheeks flushed from the hot sun. Seokjin held his hand.
“Okay, let’s go splish splash,” he agreed, looking to see if Namjoon was ready to go. He had Taehyung clinging to his back and Hoseok’s hand in his.
“Ready?” Namjoon asked.
Seokjin squeezed Jungkook’s hand. “Ready.”
(In which Namjoon and Seokjin take the boys to the beach.)
Namjoon and Seokjin go to the beach with their five little kids which means laughter, tears, fears, excitement and every emotion you can think of. This was too cute, especially Jungkook’s obsession with crabs.
1.8. Vulnerable
“Jin?” Namjoon piped up, his voice small in the silence that had washed over them. Seokjin grunted in acknowledgement. “Do you ever… Do you ever…” Namjoon played with the hem of his sheets. “Do you ever think about what it’ll be like to bury Taehyung?”
Seokjin’s book fell closed.
(In which Namjoon is terrified for his newest foster son, and rightfully so.)
Namjoon’s special connection with Taehyung and his inability to stop worrying about him. It broke my heart when he talks about his fears to Seokjin.
* my favourite stories
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yoonminfiction · 7 years
Any Immortal Yoongi and Mortal Jimin reincarnating over and over again?
Here’s a little list anon.  I hope it’s what you’re looking for.
Immortal Yoongi and Human Jimin
Fated by atlantis_princess
“Never again.” Yoongi had told himself as he poured Jimin’s ashes into the ocean. “This will be the last time.”
Yet, they meet again for the 6th time.
Immortal Yoongi keeps running into mortal Jimin and his reincarnations.
Bonus: Immortal Jimin and Human Yoongi
Reincarnation by styoongi
“What’s going to happen when he dies?” Jeongguk said one day.“We’ll mourn together,” Jimin said, “Just like the last six times.”
Park Jimin is given the chance to fall in love again and again with the reincarnations of Min Yoongi.
Reincarnation/Past Lives YoonMin
he comes for me when it is getting dark by dokidokiharahara (anewkindofthrill)
Jimin has an imaginary friend and he waits for him to come and get him in the dark.
When I Was Young Love by miniimin
He could live a thousand lives, and die a thousand deaths. One thing would always be constant; in each life, Yoongi and Jimin would find each other. (Rated: M)
In Another Life by MiMi (CmiMiu)
They’ve lived in a thousand universes and through a thousand different lives.
But Park Jimin, somehow, will always love Min Yoongi.And Min Yoongi, somehow, will fall for Park Jimin.
However, life, somehow, never lets them meet.
In another life by yoongasm
“i will find you in any lifetime.”
(in which jimin is a writer and he retells his previous life, of how he and his soulmate didn’t end up together.)
forever is a tangent by astringxnt
“I don’t think I will ever find the words to describe the anger, the devastation; it swallowed me up from the inside out, killed me right where I stood as I listened to your breathing slow to naught, until there was only static.” (Rated: M)
Steadfast by parkjizzmin
5 times Jimin knew exactly what Yoongi’s past lives were, and 1 time he knew his own (Rated: M)
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jinjikook · 7 years
House of Cards: An Ace (M)
word count: 4.8k
genre: super angst + references to smut; non-idol AU ; set in i need u + run mv universe, references to other mvs
pairing: ot7/reader (includes all pairings but enforced yoonseok, vhope, jikook, yoontaeseok, sugamon, yoonmin, jinkookmin)
summary: all eight of you were just trying to live life, go with the flow. unfortunately, fate had much more awful plans for you all.
warning(s): lots of angst, plenty of major character death, suicide, self-harm, depressing thoughts, cursing, sex (straight and gay), murder, violence, eating disorders, codependency, drugs, smoking, verbal, physical and mental abuse, sexual situations, use of the word slut and whore (both used only once), promiscuity, mentions of being arrested
a/n: this is suuuuper angsty so please read the warnings beforehand because it has a million things that could trigger someone. this was inspired by the song listed, along with a video edit that i’d love to link but unfortunately, the one link i had seen it from was a repost with no luck in finding it so if anyone recognizes the edit to go with the song, please let me know!
music: dynasty - miia
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There was no definition for you all.
Just following your hearts until it inevitably led you over the edge; into the unknown, the deep dark abyss of which you never thought you’d welcome so familiarly, like a distant cousin or old friend from kindergarten. Like someone you’d lost touch with and barely remembered their name but you still had shards and fragments of their memory, burned and etched into your mind in a million insignificant, nonspecific ways—from how the bitter taste of your coffee was like the candies from their mom’s purse or the hollow sound of your desk drawer reminded you of someone’s hollow eyes, empty smile full of promises you knew neither of you would keep.
You couldn’t say you all hadn’t tried to stay together, amongst it all.
When Taehyung’s dad would beat him to a pulp, you all vowed to make it the glue to hold you closer. When Yoongi’s music went nowhere, it just solidified your need to stay united. When Jimin’s love rejected him, it just made you all codependent on each other, saying how no one’s love could compare to the bond you all had.
Even when Hoseok swallowed a bottle of pills, you all realized that it made the group tighter, as you huddled around the too-stark-white hospital bed, stench of chemicals and medicine in the air; with the boy who used to breathe life in everything he did, his sunshine warm skin now pale in comparison to the milky sheets he was laden in. All your knuckles matching the empty color along the bars of the bed, gripped tight and the fabric below just darkened with tears as they soaked into them, only making Hoseok look that much more devoid of life.
But sometimes, life had its limits.
As much as your little ragtag gang liked to test them, push past them and tease Mother Nature by screaming in that bitch’s face with as much malice as you could muster, at the end of the day there were things that you all just weren’t capable of withstanding, holding up like a weak twig on an already bare tree, trying to weather the hurricane that came rushing at millions of miles an hour, determined to break you off and sweep you into the whirlwind until you’re forever forgotten, spread across acres as only bits and pieces of who you used to be.
Soon all would remain are those stale, empty, hollow memories.
Like how a strip of aluminum foil just made you think of the burrito joint Taehyung danced on a table at, how a candle’s gentle flicker would remind you of Jeongguk’s birthdays, his favorite thing to do being blowing out them out and waiting with his eyes scrunched shut and wish being plotted for his friends to smash his face with frosting and bits of cake.
The smell of fresh strawberries made you retch, only able to recall the sweet taste you used to savor, Seokjin’s chapstick melding with your own countless nights, only for you to be torn away and forced to mash lips with Yoongi right after, just because he was always the one to taste you last, to leave with your tongue on his.
Some called you a slut, a whore.
For what? Just letting things run their course?
You weren’t sure if you’d ever end up with any one of the guys, feeling like all it would ever be is whirlwind romances, quick fucks in closets and stairwells with palms muffling sounds until you reached your high, going lax in their grip and smiling contentedly at your inner beast being satiated, while whoever was with you finished quickly. It was never a chore but it was something done daily, just another aspect of humanity you all indulged in.
Sometimes it was with one of the guys, sometimes they did it with each other and sometimes you just took care of it yourselves.
Not that big of a deal you always told yourself, because it really wasn’t. You loved them, and you always hoped the feeling was mutual amongst them as well.
“Hey Y/N, wanna blow me?” Jeongguk asked one night and all you could do was shrug and tug his zipper down, wetting your lips because you knew he liked things sloppy. Not once did you doubt their intentions, fear that they’d speak ill of you or treat you like some object because your friendships ran deeper than that.
Hoseok and Yoongi were close, Taehyung somewhere sandwiched in the middle there. Jimin was fond of Jeongguk and the latter was protective of Jimin, Seokjin being the Taehyung in their pairing. Namjoon and yourselves just slotted in the cracks in-between, being something along the lines of rubber cement in the shredded wallpaper lining your friendships.
Somewhere along the line, the rain began to trickle in and soften your hold, the boys slipping from your grip one by one.
Taehyung was the first to go.
He had always been a rebellious guy, loved to go tagging with Namjoon and mock fast food workers for giving into society’s ploys. Never one to back down from a challenge, he’d participated in more orgies than you could count on your fingers and toes and you’re sure he’s never said no to a dare—having slept with a teacher, gone streaking past a police station and even slipping in a tab of ecstasy on his tongue, just for shits and giggles. You swore he’d be the one to go kicking and screaming if anyone even thought about threatening your groups bond.
But one day, it was just too much.
Too many bruises on his skin, too many harsh words spat at him and his sister, too many days where he wasn’t sure if the sun would rise and he’d be alive long enough to see it.
So he made sure one day he would see it, but his father wouldn’t.
He ran for days after it happened, after someone called about screams and wails of anguish; after his apartment was littered with cops, each inspecting the spatters of blood along the floor and window of the small room, swabs in clear cases turned purple to indeed confirm it was exactly that, blood. Tests were ran to show the fingerprints on the broken beer bottle indeed were the dead man’s son’s, the boy with a record for graffiti and public indecency. The boy with a boxy smile that charmed all the female officers whenever he’d be brought in, the boy who you felt inside you too many times to forget.
It wasn’t like any of you hadn’t tried to find him, countless days of searching and shouting and hoping he’d turn up like a lost dog, ears perked and stomach receded until you finally brought him in to have a big meal and a warm bath.
But he never came.
Someone spoke of a boy with pretty eyelashes and dead eyes standing by the ocean, muttering about how sorry he was, how he wished things could’ve been different but he wouldn’t have changed a damn thing because every small, seemingly insignificant detail in his life led him to you, to your friends. To his lovers and exes and all the in-between that you couldn’t name or define. That same someone said they watched as he took a deep breath and jumped over the railing, taking a plunge and never emerging from the dark waters of the stormy shores.
The hurricane powered on.
It took ages to even sort of recover, Yoongi went back to smoking and as many times as Jeongguk would blow out his fire to keep him alive a little longer, it only served to double his cigarette count. Namjoon always kept a journal on hand, writing the most obscure details of the days in it because he was worried one day, something else would happen to another one of them and he didn’t want anyone’s memories to die with them, for their days to be meaningless and forever lost in the wind. He had a black hair tie always on his right wrist, a running joke that he just wanted to give it to a pretty lady one day just to make her life easier but you knew what it was for. You at least commended him for taking the tamer route in hurting himself, unlike Jimin who—no matter how many sweaters he’d wear even on the hottest of days—couldn’t hide how he befriended a razor, the dotted lines of scabbing and scarring flesh being his only lifeline, as ironic as that was.
Hoseok lied and said the orange bottle in the trash wasn’t his and Seokjin would just keep dealing out cards on game nights, as if nothing happened, as if he wasn’t putting out stacks for eight players when there were only seven of you seated. As if Taehyung’s cologne wasn’t still sitting there in Jeongguk’s gym bag right where he forgot to grab it. As if the scratch marks from when Yoongi fucked him too hard on the table you were sitting at weren’t prominent still, the grooves dipping under where your dug your nails into, hoping to cover them up with your own tracks.
You want to say it was unexpected, that you all had no idea it was coming.
But really, it was just a matter of time before someone else came crumbling down, an unfortunate victim to the Domino Effect.
Jeongguk was covered in bruises, supposedly not from the car that carelessly drove straight into him. The medical examiner said he was in a fight, two different assailants with big fists and a drive to kill but the stake in his coffin, the final nail, were the headlights that he stared into before it barreled into him, splattering him onto the pavement.
It was poetic, how his blood looked so similar to Taehyung’s father’s, to Jimin’s when his wrists began to leak down his arm. It was just blood, it flowed in everyone and despite the fact that when you donate it, you have to be so specific when you scribble it down on paperwork, it all looked the same on the ground.
“Kiss me.” Yoongi looked at you with disgust, his lighter a constant flicker in his fidgety fingers.
“What is it with you people? Two of us are dead and we’re supposed to act like it never happened? Like we can all go through the motions without their presence around?” It was the first time someone had verbalized it, made it real by saying it out loud. The room was pin-drop quiet—not like it wasn’t already—but now everyone’s eyes were on Yoongi.
“We’re not forgetting about them, Yoongi,” Namjoon corrected. His pen already blindly scratching down the date and time of this incident to forever keep in his records.
“Just because you put a few things in your little dream diary doesn’t make them alive, Namjoon. They’re fucking dead, in the ground and lost at sea forever. At least with Jeongguk, we got some fucking closure but Taehyung… he’s still out there, floating like trash or sunken like…”
“Like treasure.” Hoseok finished.
Taehyung was always closest with Hoseok and Yoongi. Jeongguk also but…. he wasn’t around to speak his mind right now.
“Maybe we just need to be with them then. They’re waiting for us, probably. God knows Jeongguk can’t do anything without one of us to hold his hands anyways.” Jimin mumbled, fingers toying with what laid under his striped sleeves, his skin marred in a similar pattern. You don’t even know why he even bothers with the sweaters anymore, it was no secret what he did to himself.
“Jimin. Never say that.” Seokjin chastised, fingers wringing out excess water from the sponge he was using to clean up the drink Namjoon has spilled on the table. The table that still has sticky sweet liquor inside the grooves that Taehyung left behind.
“It’s not like we aren’t already headed that way anyways. Hobi has tried and so have I. Pretty sure Y/N attempted to too, after Jeonggukkie died.”
“Don’t call him that.” It was Yoongi’s turn to chastise the younger, eyes shutting as he tried to push the rotten, beautiful memories of Jeon Jeongguk in his prime, chasing after butterflies and having the stars in his eyes.
“So what if we’ve tried? Clearly, God doesn’t want us, that’s why we haven’t succeeded.” You picked at the stray tweed from the sofa, knowing you were not only unraveling the lining of the cushion but also in the patched layer of your friends. “He wants the good kids, it’s why he took Tae and Guk. God is a selfish prick, he can suck me.” You seethed.
“Or you could.” Yoongi looked at you with his dead eyes, and you knew he probably couldn’t get it up if he had swallowed as many Viagras as Hoseok took pretty white pills in unmarked bottles. But it didn’t stop you from getting up and tugging his belt off.
The calendar marked today as some off-brand holiday, something that a store somewhere would profit off of. It marked that it’d been a week since you choked on Yoongi’s limp dick in front the rest of your numb friends. The red circle on the date, however, was because today was yet another tragedy.
In your dreams, you pictured Jimin to die in the tub, the water murky with his blood and something poetic inscribed in his forearm, a picture or something of equal significance burned into scorched soot by the clawed feet of the porcelain bath.
You didn’t think it’d be Seokjin found like that instead.
Namjoon wrote in his journal, tore out the page and burned it the minute he finished with it. The hair tie on his wrist was replaced with something sturdier, more industrial. The colored rubber band snapped harder, louder and left a bigger welt. He tried to take pride in the fact that he still hadn’t resorted to pills or fire or the end of a blade but honestly, this was so much worse. He lived a lie, a façade that he was alright just because his choice of pain wasn’t that of vulgar taste. He lived among the common faces of the world, blurred in the crowds but nothing would make the bright green on his wrist blend into the bland, colorless world.
Jimin tried to cry, the tears burning at his retinas but nothing ever came to fruition, his fingers scratching at the scars he chose to keep visible to the world today.
Of-fucking-course Kim Seokjin would ask to be cremated, to be turned into soil for trees. It was such a “him” thing to do, something he probably read on FaceBook or saw on Pinterest. You honestly thought if he was to be reincarnated into anything, he’d ask to be a pressed into a diamond, so he could always be has beautiful as he said he was. As he really was. No one was as beautiful as Seokjin, both inside and out.
The screen of your phone was shattered and you couldn’t bring yourself to get it fixed, the constant swiping on the glass leaving shards in your thumbs and making you smile whenever another cut embedded itself into your skin. You were just as weak as Jimin, though you hoped that you looked a little more civil since at least you didn’t have to wear jackets in ninety degree weather.
“What are we ordering for takeout?” Hoseok flickered through the several menus in his hand, mind caught between Chinese and pizza. Namjoon just shrugged and Yoongi pointed his chin at the one in Hoseok’s right hand, the Chinese menu. He scanned the options and asked what meats and sides for everyone. When he reached dumplings, Seokjin’s favorite, Jimin ran to the bathroom and left the door wide open as he puked into the toilet.
It was a resounding no for dumplings that night.
“Do you ever think… we’re being punished?” Namjoon started one night, his journal long forgotten as he inhaled deep, passing the joint to Yoongi before puffing out a big cloud of dragon-like smoke.
“For what? Fucking a lot and tagging some abandoned buildings?” Yoongi bitterly spat, Jimin next to him flinching with every venomous syllable. His body was constantly trembling, fingers unable to stay steady unless they were gripping something, anything. This time, it was Yoongi’s own shaking hand.
Hoseok took his own inhale of the drug before giving you the rolled up papers, the joint looking more and more displeasing to you as you stared at it.
“Maybe this is why we get out every time we’re put in a cell, because our ultimate justice will come from a higher power.” Hoseok drawled; weed always made his tongue slow and his eyelids heavy. He’d probably pass out on your shoulder any minute now.
“I think we’re just bad people getting what’s coming to us.” Jimin whispered, eyes still stuck on the break in the floorboards where Jeongguk drunkenly fell, his ass breaking the wood but no one caring because Jimin was on top of him, making out heavily mid-party. You all cheered for the two of them, watching their sexual tension unfold and you yearned for those days back, when you’d skip school and come to this little shack of a home, broken and frayed at the edges but still home. Just like you and your friends; your family.
“Stop repeating what your deadbeat alcoholic of a mother says to you, Jimin. She’s more worthless than any one of us.” Yoongi tightened his grip on Jimin, his squeak of pain doing nothing to ease the tension in his fingers. He didn’t want to lose him too, to watch him slip through the cracks.
Hoseok began to sing, slightly off-key but still melodious, somber in the empty house with broken furniture and too many memories to stay sober near. Namjoon couldn’t sing to save his life but his voice joined, a low murmur along Hoseok’s. Soon, the scratch of Yoongi’s voice intertwined like the threads in Jimin’s crocheted sweater before he too, began to sing. He harmonized with them, a missing link tying the bridge to the chorus. When you finally gave in, it was when you’d all reached Jeongguk’s name, singing Happy Birthday to him one last time.
 “Did you know the Song dynasty ended in 1279 but it coincided with the Liao and Western Xia dynasties as well?”
“Who gives a fuck, Namjoon?” Yoongi pulled off Namjoon’s dick long enough to try and shut him up, hoping he’d just be quiet for once and take the damn blowjob without making a damn lesson out of it.
Hoseok was asleep on the couch, Jimin and you in a heated battle of black jack, currently you had 20 and you could chance it and hope you’d pull an ace and win all the graham crackers you’d put in the pool or you could play it safe and hope Jimin had less than you. He wasn’t a great card player but lately, all his expressions look the same so his bluffing was the same as his genuinely sad face, making you lose your cookies too many times in a row.
You used to use real money when you played, back when you had a reason to want to win. Back when you’d cheer for taking all of Taehyung’s money and you and Seokjin would go out to spend it on stupid shit that you’d regret a day later but in the moment, it just looked so useful and convenient.
When Jeongguk would win it back the next day just to see Taehyung smile again, to have him underneath him that night to repay him for his chivalry.
“Hobi, did you want me to suck you off too?”
“Hobi?” You murmured, looking over in his direction. Jimin’s sad eyes followed.
Namjoon tucked himself back in, not zipping up the rusted metal in his tattered jeans.
You put down the card in your hand, moving from where you hovered over the deck to turn and watch as Yoongi crossed the room to shake Hoseok, his voice incomparable to the ringing in your ears as he screamed for Hoseok to wake up, to just wake the fuck up.
Jimin didn’t look away, Namjoon frozen in place as Yoongi continued to slap and shake his best friend, his lover, his confidant, hoping he’d wake up from some deep slumber. You turned back to your game, hand back on the deck as you decided it was time to give fate a chance. You pulled a card, the black butterfly in the middle telling you what you never hoped for.
An ace.
You won.
It used to be “us against the world” with you eight, a force not to be reckoned with whenever you all banded together. When you originally met, it was through friends of friends, mutual interests and one through a really interesting Tinder profile. You all had sworn fate brought you together for a reason, happiness meant to be share amongst the lot of you.
You wish you’d never met them, not a single one.
“Jimin? Could you let go?” You touched his shoulder, his body no longer jerky with anxiety. He was desensitized, no longer feeling anything. His eyes stayed on the cascading waves as he released the urn he had clutched against his chest, as if Hoseok still radiated his warmth through the pretty patterns and decorative top.
He wanted to be spread into the ocean, to find Taehyung. He didn’t want to leave him alone out there, knowing that Yoongi could be strong and handle him being gone. His note read:
“Just because I was weak, doesn’t mean you have to be. Let us live on in your hearts, let them beat for the rest of us. Taehyung was a tragedy, Jeongguk an accident, Seokjin an unfortunate chain of events and I, an outlier. Don’t make us into martyrs, something we’re not. We’re just kids, dealt a bad hand. But you all still have your game faces on, so come on Yoongi, pull an Ace for the rest of us.”
Yoongi set fire to his bedroom instead; with the lighter Jeongguk used to blow out, the very one Seokjin used to light his birthday candles, the one Taehyung bought at the gas station at the corner of where you lived. Namjoon threw the remainder of his journal pages in there, Jimin tossed his sweaters inside the flames. You stood by and warmed your hands by the fire, feeling your tears dry from the heat until the firetrucks came screaming and the hoses put out the fire that was in Yoongi’s heart. They killed him. Right before your eyes.
  And then there were three.
Jimin never ate, walking bones that creaked and cracked whenever he moved. Namjoon refused to give up his rubber band, switching to a thick red one that turned white when he stretched it beyond his limit, matching the color of Hoseok’s pills, the mayo that globbed out of Seokjin’s burger, the come that Jeongguk would get on the bed after round two, the boxy grin Taehyung used to get everyone in more trouble than it ever did help. The same color that burned when the ignited fire got to its hottest, right in the core. The color of Yoongi’s skin when he found his friends dead, one by one.
“Should I take up the flute?” Jimin shook his head and told Namjoon his fingers weren’t dexterous enough, that he’d never manage the fine skill it took to play such an instrument. You nodded, knowing the damn thing would break the minute it slipped between his grimy fingers.
“Taehyung liked the sax, maybe you should try that instead.” At the sound of his name passing your chapped lips—lip balm no longer appealing to you because every flavor reminded you of someone different, someone dead—Namjoon stiffened, Jimin motionless like always. You’re sure any sort of use of energy from the younger male would cause him to pass out, the hunger in him always there but food never enticing enough for him to give into the temptation and give his body the energy it so desperately needs.
“Yeah, maybe.”
Another tack on the wall as Namjoon robbed a music store and let the cops gun him down. You never thought Namjoon would be the kind to go out in a blaze of glory, let alone one to own a gun. He was a pacifist, but when the crime scene investigator told you that the initials M. Y. were on the handle, messily scratched with probably some house tool, you knew what he’d done.
  Jimin stopped holding hands, not having the nutrition in him to making his fingers tighten around yours, the bones probably seconds away from turning into dust. Your throat was dry, like the days you used to love. The days where the sun burned something serious and the boys only wanted to run around outside, despite your protests. Those were the days that everything seemed so simple, so cut and dry. So… easy.
You really hoped that Jimin would be stronger than you, that you’d finally give in and join the others so you wouldn’t have to deal with the pain of yet another piece of your soul, your very being, shot dead right in front of you. So you wouldn’t have to go to another funeral or service or spread another’s ashes or read another’s will; so you wouldn’t ever have to hear crying wails or heartfelt apologies, hushed murmurs about how tragic it all was and how you all slipped through the cracks, the school system and your parents all failing you. So you wouldn’t have to etch a seventh mark, as you found Jimin, strung up from the ceiling fan.
The bedsheets were Jeongguk’s, the bandana Taehyung’s, the dishtowel Seokjin’s, the rubber bands Namjoon’s, the shoelaces Yoongi’s, the scarf Hoseok’s, and the sweater Jimin’s.
All knotted together to create a perfect noose, just like you all were meant to come together as. Only good for bringing the worst, death hovering over you all like an ominous storm, threatening to rain on the parade you’d created for yourselves.
All that was missing from Jimin’s perfect noose was yourself.
So you made sure to remedy that.
Putting yourself next to him with the aid of a rickety dining table chair; your hands wrapped around his throat to create a vice, to wrench the last breaths from his body, knowing that his heart was weak but his eyes weren’t; finally there was a spark inside his irises, something more than fear and dismay. You felt his body go limp before you finally checked his pulse, confirming that he indeed, was gone.
You sat down on the ratty couch, the same one you’d had sex with each and every one of them on; the same one that hosted countless movie nights and had popcorn tossed all over it whenever Hoseok got scared or Taehyung too excited. The couch that cradled Jimin when he cried at night and when Jeongguk would hold him for hours, promising to never leave him. The same couch that Yoongi would always fall asleep on, Seokjin covering him because he knew he’d catch a cold if he wasn’t kept warm. The couch that sat Namjoon when he’d heard the news on the phone:
“Kim Taehyung has committed murder.”
It felt like weeks, months, years scrawled by before you heard the front door open, slowly and then suddenly. The creaking something similar to Jimin’s bones, his body still hanging from where he killed himself; where you killed him.
Taehyung walked in, eyes on Jimin then you.
“How’s Hell?” You murmured, knowing damn well he could hear you clear as day.
“I just got back.”
You smiled and let death sweep you up, leaving just one. The first, the domino that started this terrible chain of events. The butterfly on your card, the Ace you needed.
Taehyung took one small breath before taking your life, making sure he followed right after.
Maybe you’d all meet up again, in some maze of chain link fences and pristine white ribbons like the bedsheets of Hoseok’s hospital bed, the suds in the sink where Seokjin scrubbed, the wax of Jeongguk’s birthday candles, the hoodie Taehyung always wore, the blond of Yoongi’s hair, the pages in Namjoon’s journal, the nailbeds on Jimin’s small hands. The white on the back of your playing cards, the ones built to be a steady house but instead crumpled in on itself.
But for now, you just welcomed the white and hoped that no one else would follow in this Butterfly Effect.
222 notes · View notes
dreampvck-archived · 7 years
Hey uh do you by change have like a recs list for any of your favourite fics? Or any fics you think would be good to read?
u bet i do !!!
i tried to keep this list small by only reccing completed works but uhh.. it’s still super long lmao + in no particular order
Nu ABO: A Memoir by Park Jimin by decompositionbooks[Non-AU, ABO, Jikook, 34k]
The world didn’t think it was necessary to give him a guide when it shoved all of these omega hormones at him, so here it is, Park Jimin’s handbook on dealing with heats, unrequited love, and Jeon Jungkook.
Craigslist Date by springrain21[Fake Dating, Yoonmin, 48k]
Min Yoongi’s family are judgmental and unsupportive of his lifestyle and his mother won’t stop nagging him about how he’s still single. When he finds Park Jimin on Craigslist offering to pose as someone’s fake date to mess with their family, Yoongi can’t help himself. What starts as a prank on Yoongi’s family turns into something more when the two of them quickly develop feelings for each other. Will Yoongi, who doesn’t know how to handle feelings, let his chance at love slip away, or will he go after the silver-haired boy and hold onto him forever?
Inspired by that tumblr post about the guy on Craigslist who you can hire to be your date for Thanksgiving to screw with your family because that post makes me cry laughing every time I see it.
it’s your heart i wanna live (& sleep) in by knth[College AU, Vmin, 22k]
The first time Jimin sleeps over at Taehyung’s, it’s an emergency. The other times after? That’s a different story.
i’ve been drinking, i’ve been drinking by decompositionbooks[Bartender AU, Jikook, 12k]
Jungkook tries to figure Jimin out with Yoongi’s trademarked “What Your Drink Says About You” alcohol psychoanalysis.
All he knows is that Jimin likes fruity little drinks.
love in the time of social media by abillionstars[Non-AU, Taekook, 23k]
“You want me, an internationally famous celebrity living in a restrictive society that would tear apart any news of me dating, to set up a very public Tinder account under a fake name?” Taehyung cocked an eyebrow. “Just thought I ought to clarify.”
“Yes,” said Seokjin, looking strangely determined.
“Well, shit,” Taehyung said, exiting out of the Words With Friends game. “I’m in.”
In which Taehyung doesn’t swipe right on anybody at all (except in his heart), goes on absolutely no wild adventures, but ends up falling in love anyway.
honest you do by mnsg
[’We Got Married’ AU, Jikook, 26k]
“Do you think you’ll be a good husband?”Jimin smiles. “I’ll really, really try.”
Korea’s darling, Park Jimin, gets married.
pull me closer in the backseat of your rover by moonsuns[College fwb!au, Yoonmin, 14k]
Jimin had just wanted to get off. He didn’t think he’d end up with a boyfriend at the end of it all.
Or, another friends with benefits AU.
light me up (i’ll keep you warm) by kaythebest[College AU, Yoonmin, 13k]
He’s already taking a deep breath when he hears someone twisting the doorknob. “Jung Hoseok, I have a bone to pick with you, you absolute asshole,” he starts.
It is not Jung Hoseok.
Definitely not.
Min Yoongi.
Jimin coughs awkwardly into his fist. “Hello,” he finishes.
(In which Jimin has a crush, yells a lot, and maybe falls into like.)
The Emotional Journey of Park Jimin: Token Straight Guy[College AU, Yoonmin, 9k]
…Okay.Okay, so that was, uh. A thing that. That happened that was a thing that happened and everything is fine. Everything is fine! Perfectly normal! The prank they played on Hoseok went over swimmingly, because of course it did, and everything was fine.Except this one thing.Park Jimin can’t sleep.
Requite by wickedqriosity[Minjoon, Taekook, lil bit of Vmin, 74k]
requite (verb) 1 a : to make return for; repay. b : to make retaliation for; avenge. 2 : to make suitable return to for a benefit or service or for an injury.
Jimin, a soft-hearted retail supervisor, moonlights as a professional cuddler to buy a new loft.
When the object of his workplace obsession offers to help him move, and subsequently moves himself in, Jimin hopes that his lonely daydreams are coming true. Until, the silver-tongued squatter begins to demolish Jimin’s ‘happy place’ and inflict fresh wounds over old scars.
Devastated and frustrated, Jimin soon meets a new cuddle-client who encourages him to question—and ask for—what he really wants.
Kickstart series by Error401[Hitmen AU, Yoonmin, 35k]
“I-I don’t understand…” Jimin said, eyes watering as he focused on Yoongi. “I thought…you were going to kill me…in the bathroom.”
“Yeah, well so did I,” Yoongi said wryly, and Jimin flinched, trying to make himself impossibly smaller.
AKA It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Min Yoongi in possession of a heart will be in want of sleep.
Snapshot Vigilante by Error401[Superhero AU, Yoonmin, 58k]
Jimin knew that life in the big city would be different, but dealing with super powered mishaps and one piece of bad luck after another was a bit much.
Lucky him that the vigilante Suga was watching his back.
En Passant by Error401[Jikook, Criminal!Jimin and Cop!Jungkook, 10k]
“Hey,” Jungkook said, voice low, “whatever he did, he didn’t deserve that.”
“Oh?” Choi said, mouth twisting in amusement. “Did you know his boyfriend likes to sever heads and preserve them? I hear he’s got quite the collection.”
Jungkook felt his eye twitch. “That’s disgusting, and also not funny.” He glanced at the crying boy, who’d now curled his legs up to fit on the chair, his feet bare and as tiny as the rest of him. Lines of red were spilling from under the cuffs, dripping onto the table. “I’m going to find a first aid kit and treat those.”
“I wasn’t joking,” Choi said, as Jungkook slipped out of the room.
Conflicting Arrangement by PrettyBoyKiller[Fake Dating, Yoonmin, 162k]
“Absolutely not,” Yoongi deadpanned. “Namjoon-ah. I value you as a friend, and I think I’d even go as far as to say that you’re my best friend, but absolutely fucking not.”
“You owe me,” Namjoon pleaded. “Come on, Yoongi, it’s not a big deal.”
“Your boyfriend’s best friend’s best friend needs a fake boyfriend to come out to his family this Chuseok, all the way in fucking Busan.” Yoongi repeated drily without pause, making Namjoon wince. He flipped a page of his textbook, picking up his highlighter. “Not a big deal, Namjoon. Amazing.”
refrigerator humming, chewing gum and instant karma by locks[Mafia AU, Taekook, 61k]
Taehyung sets the flowers down on the dining table, plucking the card off the little holder. “Dearest Taehyung, just wanted you to know that I’m thinking about you. I hope you’re thinking about me too. Love–” he pauses and squints before cocking an eyebrow and pursing his lips. “Hyung, why is the boss of your little boy band gang professing his love for me?”
Yoongi drops the noodles on the floor with a loud curse as he burns his hand.
Or, Taehyung’s been trying his hardest to avoid Yoongi’s criminal life for a long ass time, but a cute kid and his infuriating father keep pulling him deeper into the mix.
Barbershop SUGA series by MissterMaia[Hairdresser AU, Yoonmin, 35k]
Jimin’s impromptu visit to a salon called SUGA turns out to be more interesting than he expected. Way more interesting.
Hey, Piano Man by MissterMaia[Bartender AU, Yoonmin, 15k]
In which Yoongi, after having his evening completely ruined by a drunk asshole on his way home from a rough day at the studio, decides he himself needs to get drunk and wanders into an old-fashioned pub. He may or may not find his bad mood washed away by the cute bartender, and he may or may not end up completely and utterly smitten when said bartender gets on the small stage and starts singing in the most angelic, beautiful, seductive voice he’s ever heard in all his life.
“You play the piano?”
“I… yeah, I do, actually. How’d you know?”
The bartender’s smile is shy and confident all at once, and Yoongi’s heart lurches in confusion. “Just a feeling,” Jimin says softly, busying himself with drying a glass. “Your hands are beautiful. They look like they were made to play an instrument.”
in your eyes (it’s where i wanna be) by bonnia[Coffee Shop AU, Yoonmin, 5k]
Jimin pauses with his marker inches away from the cup, because — is he really going to do this? Isn’t it a bit old-fashioned to write something flirty on a coffee cup? But no matter what his churning gut says about danger and what the hell are you doing do you want to die, this guy is — with no better way to put it — totally Jimin’s Type with a capital T.
(Or: Jimin accidentally starts a nickname war with the cute blonde who likes his coffee way too bitter.)
Hit The Lights by lethallergic[College AU, Taekook, 7k]
You’re My Genie, Lamborghini (You’re My Teenie Weenie Meenie) by mindheist[Youtuber AU, Jikook, 7k]
You know those people who say technology is driving people apart? Yeah, fuck them.
Out of My System by xxdevillishxx[College AU, One Night Stand AU, Yoonmin, 101k]
Yoongi likes one night stands and he understands how they work. What he doesn’t understand, however, is how he ended up in bed with a probably-not-legal kid crying in his arms about his broken heart, because he’s pretty sure (and correct him if he’s wrong) that a babysitting job was not what he was looking for when he went to the opening of his friend’s new club.
when you’re in love all the lines get blurred by jflawless[Fake Dating AU, Yoonmin, 36k]
Jimin isn’t sure what possessed him to lie to his mother and tell her that he had a boyfriend, but now that he’s opened the position, he has no choice but to fill it. Yoongi is, apparently, his only option.
dating for dummies by sugasus[High School AU, Taekook, 12k]
in which twitter is evil, jeon jeongguk is a bit tsundere, park jimin is satan and kim taehyung may or may not have a boyfriend.
those are a bunch of my faves, lemme know if you want more of a specific pairing !! 💖💐
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insolublesalts · 7 years
A/N: A taekook fic based on the kdrama Goblin. Written by my lovely bff @stupendouspaperplane and me. Sideships include yoonmin and namjin. Other alternative ships might happen if we decide to do alternative endings. Hopefully this long prologue won’t bore yall too much we had too much to cover. Chapter 1 coming very soon!!!! Until then, sit back and enjoy... ((plus EXID cameo bc I’m an army-leggo hybrid))
Prologue // 1 // 2 // 3
   In a night of ice and snow, where the moon was gone and the shadows thick. Everything seemed to be frozen by the freezing cold, a piece of art fresh from the hands of nature. Blues and whites and greys. And red.
                   Blood red.
                   In the sea of white lay a man surrounded by blooming flowers of red. Each breath he took was harder than the previous, but in his mind was neither his life nor death. “Ple... please.. be okay ... my baby..” Tightening his grip on his child, he could feel that his face was wet. Was it blood? Or tears?    
                  “Help...” The baby’s cheeks turned red where his fingers lay. “If there is a divinity in this world ... please help me... please.. Anyone...” His voice was lost in the wind, growing weaker as seconds passed by. “Help this baby...” He choked and blood dribbled down from his mouth. “Jungkook.. Jungkook must live..” Small hand in his own, he held on. Hard.
                    Namjoon had considered his life quite a success.
                    From graduating high school to becoming an underground rapper, now he is a music producer in Bighit Entertainment. Recently -more like a few years ago- he got married to his girlfriend that he had been together with since high school. The image of them reading their vows to each other accompanied by the sweet expression they shared was still fresh in his mind.
                    He still remembered the day that changed his life. It was the first of September, rain poured down from the sky as he rushed to the hospital. The long corridors, blinding white lights, screams and cries and the sound of his own footsteps as he paced back and forth. The metal handle of the door was cold against his sweaty hands, his legs were barely supporting his weight as he took his firstborn from the nurse. The little one with the face of an angel, sleeping peacefully in his arms.
                    “My little one” he spoke under his breath. The boy yawned and grabbed his thumb gently. He remembered sharing a smile so big with her until his cheeks hurt, and her tired smile as he kissed her on the forehead. He remembered the days and nights spent taking care of the newborn, every first moment they shared as new parents, the laughs, cries and the sound of arguments. He remembered all of them.
                      A little bit too well.
                      He could feel the weight of those precious memories crashing down on him, “What do you mean? Leaving?” He looked around their room to find all her belongings packed in a big suitcase. The room felt empty with all those things gone. And so was his heart. “Where? I mean, why? When are you coming back?”
                       She looked at their wedding photo. “I’m not coming back.” Her fingers brushed over the picture, as if she was afraid it would shatter under her touch. The words were heavy on her tongue, “I'm pregnant, Namjoon.” It tasted bitter.
                        He knows he should be happy about the news, but the situation did not feel right. He tried to reach her, but his legs were as heavy as steel, planting him onto the floor. “You're pregnant? Th..then where.. why are you leaving?” The room had become as cold as ice, so quiet even a soft breeze could be heard. His face, pale as a sheet of paper.
                        “It’s ..not yours..” Her whisper was so light he had no idea how he had managed to hear it. However, he did, not a word missed. His heart sunk as the words rang in his ears. She set the photo down and turned to face him, tears wetting her face. He was always the one wiping away her tears, but he could not bring himself to do it this time. He let the tears flow. “Why ?”, he forced out the words through his teeth.
                       Before he could make sense of the situation his body took action, ignoring the screams in his mind persuading him to stop. “How DARE you do this to me ?!”, he took a step forward. “How DARE you betray our vows ?!”, another. Soon he was already in front of her. “HOW DARE YOU ?!”, his breath was racing as he stood, hands balled into fists. Her eyes tightly shut as he sent his fist towards her face.
                      And it stopped, right before the tip of her nose. He could hear Jungkook’s cries from the adjacent room. He held his hand still for what seemed like forever before he took a few deep breaths and lowered his hand. Her big round eyes stared at his, but he could not spot beauty in them, not anymore. There was only tears, regret and fear. She was shaking when he grabbed her hand and put something in her palm. It shone in the light, paired with the one around her ring finger. His wedding ring.  
                     “Leave.” He took a step back, ignoring the pressure in his chest as he walked towards the cries. “Live happily.” He took one last look over his shoulders to find her dropping onto the floor, her body shaking uncontrollably as soundless sobs escaped her throat. He forced himself to turn away before his heart could betray him and go comfort the crying woman.
                         He remembered later that night, after the front door clicked shut, after he tucked his son back to sleep, he let himself cry.
                         “Shh baby, we are heading to the hospital now.” He pulled the blanket to ensure his boy was well protected from the cold, not wanting the baby’s already high fever to get any worse. He had rushed back home from his office after receiving a call from the babysitter he had hired, informing him that Jungkook had gotten sick. He was walking out of Bighit’s office, carrying the child in his arms, the winter night sending shivers up his spine. “How stupid of me to forget my wallet on the table...”, he mumbled.
                        He was brushing away the baby’s fine hair away from his eyes when it happened. The sudden light from ahead, the horrifying car horn breaking through the peaceful night, the baby’s cry that was barely audible and his own heartbeat pounding in his chest. Suddenly everything went fast forward. He watched as the light and sound approached him. Unable to bring himself to move out of the way in time, he turned, back against the car.
                       Pain swallowed him up whole as he choked on blood. The baby he held in his arms gave out a weak cry as he collapsed to the snow covered road.
                       When he opened his eyes again the vehicle was nowhere to be found and he was covered in a thin layer of white. His attention was immediately directed towards a small someone who lied within his reach. Jungkook!  Every move he made sent shocks throughout his body. He extended his hand inch by inch until his fingers hooked on the blanket. The cloth dyed red as it glided across the snow.
                       He released a breath he didn’t knew he was holding when he saw small clouds of grey white that rose every now and then from his child. From this close up, he could see the baby’s long eyelashes casting shadows on his round cheeks. He forced his heavy eyelids to stay open and watched, as the wind burnt his eyes; as his blood spreaded out to form flowers; as the colour slowly melted away from the small angelic face of his son; as death walked towards them.
                      “If there is a divinity in this world ... please help me...please...anyone…” He prayed. “Help this baby...Jungkook..Jungkook must live…”
                        Up high on one of the countless buildings in Seoul stood a man. His face was ageless, his brown eyes felt young yet old at the same time. His long, slim fingers pushed back his brown hair that dropped before his eyes. He took a sip of beer and glanced at the city beneath him.
                        “If there is a divinity in this world ... please help me... please.. anyone...” a voice rang in his head, who might this be? He thought. There were always desperate calls of help that would reach him, though not often. Cases of him stepping in those situations were rare, especially when it involved life and death. “Help this baby” the voice echoed. “Jungkook.. Jungkook must live..” the voice was weak, like a feather skimming through the surface of water, like it was there yet it wasn’t. He could count the short, shaky breaths the owner of the voice was taking, and he knew if he did not do anything, those lives will be carried away by the cold winter wind.
                         He had been through many deaths of mortals, even his closest ones that had broken his heart into pieces. Yet he felt something heavy on his chest.“Jungkook.. Jungkook must live..”  The way the man said the name made his heart ache. What was that?  He did not know those people, but he had a feeling that he must do it, or else he would regret it. What’s wrong with you? he laughed bitterly.
                        The man finished the last bit of his beer with a tilt of his head. Blue flames rose and within a blink of an eye the man was gone, only an empty beer bottle to prove that he was there after all.
                         “Help.. my son pl..please..” The man continued to plead in the blood-stained snow, stroking the baby’s cheek ever so lightly, unintentionally leaving streaks of crimson on his fair skin. The child’s cries echoed in the night as he pulled him closer, trying to warm up his shivering son.
                        He thought all hope was lost. Hot tears trailed down his cheeks before he heard footsteps against the fresh snow approaching him. “Please help my son..” He mustered all the little strength he had left to lift his head to see a young man kneeling down in front of him. The newcomer had soft brown hair, bright dark eyes and a strong jawline. He had extended his hand towards the dying man slowly, blue flames emitting from his palm and swirling around his fingertips.
                        “No,” he said what a sane person would not. “Save my son,” the baby had long stopped crying and whimpered softly instead. “Please...it's so cold, he’s going to die…” His grip on his child loosened.
                      “Very well.” the mysterious man carefully plucked the baby from his weak embrace and pulled him close to his chest, “But I can't leave you here either,” He put his hand on the dying man’s shoulder. “Your son needs you.”
                          It was the same night, the wind now carrying cherry blossoms instead of crystals of snow. It was an odd thing to witness, he noted. Fully bloomed flowers in the middle of the winter? The man was wearing all black from head to toe, he had pale skin that matched the snow surrounding him, his soft features pictured confusion with a hint of shock in his charcoal coloured eyes. His stare was fixed on a pool of blood, only a pool of blood.
                      He looked down at the two name cards he held in his hands. “Kim Namjoon. Cause of death, car accident. Kim Jungkook. Cause of death… hypothermia.” He read out loud, usually the act would help him make sense of a bizarre situation, but not today. The two bodies that were supposed to be here were nowhere to be seen. He doesn't worry about that, the dead can be floating in the sky and he won’t give a flying fuck. His concern was the souls.
                    The souls. His goosebumps crawled up his skin just by thinking about the amount of paperwork he would need to trade his sleep for. The man ran his hand through his ink black hair in frustration. Why did he get stuck in this sticky situation? He sighed.
                   He shifted his attention from the blood to the soft pinks carried in the wind. Deep inside something clicked, flowers in the middle of January ? Only HE could, and would do something this weird and unnecessary. The man in black then looked down at the blood with an intense stare and mumbled under his breath, “Could it be ...?”
                    Soft wind blew and stroked the trees, causing the branches to sway and a few stray leaves to flutter. Some trees were already bare, as they were getting ready for the autumn to end and winter to arrive. The whole landscape was coloured in warm browns and reds.
                     A boy about five years old sat alone in the playground, next to a big concrete building. He sat in a swing by himself, a small MP3 in his hands and headphones over his ears. He listened attentively to the ups and downs of the beat and the sweet swaying of the melody. The piece he listened was an incomplete composition by his beloved father, among the rest of the music his father made stored safely in the drive.
                  The child was lost in his own world, his attention on the music in his ears. He shut his twinkling dark orbs, completely absorbed in his father’s work, not a care in the world.
                   He was so oblivious to his surroundings he did not realize another child approaching him and giving him a few taps on the shoulder. “Excuse me ?” The newcomer asked in a soft but bright voice. His eyelids sprang open to see a slightly taller stature in front of him. The kid had dark hair like him, soft chubby cheeks, a cheerful smile and eyes that smiled too.
                  “Hey there!” the boy greeted him cheekily and held out his hand. “I’m Park Jimin, nice to meet you!” Words accompanied by a pair of smiling eyes. The smaller child was a little startled by the sudden friendliness Jimin showed, but collected himself quickly and took his hand out to shake it.
                  “Nice to meet you too.” He said shyly while shaking Jimin’s little hand gently. “My name is Kim..” A pause. “Jeon Jungkook.”
                  Jeon Jungkook. The mention of his own name relieved a memory.
                  “Dad?” He asked his beloved father one day. One word was already enough to direct his father’s attention away from the sheets of lyrics. “What is it son?” He replied, all attention on the little human that stood beside his desk. “W-why do I have a different family name than yours?” Jungkook directly blurted out. “The kids at school have same family names as their dads.” The kid waited expectantly for an answer, his fingers tracing over his name tag on his uniform, curious round eyes staring at his parent.
                  “Ohh…” Namjoon was taken aback, he did not expect that his son would ask about this. “It’s actually nothing big Kookie! It's an advice from a wise man.” He only chuckled as he patted the small kid’s head. “It’s for your own safety.” His dad added with an assuring smile when he saw Jungkook’s confused face.
                   “Okay then Jungkook!” Jimin’s bright voice snapped him back into reality. Jungkook removed his headphones while the other boy took a seat in the empty swing beside him. “What are you listening to?”Jimin asked, voice full of curiosity. “A-ah it's nothing really, my father is a music producer, I-I’m listening to one of his works.” A shy response. The fact that he had stuttered made him even more embarrassed. However, Jimin just smiled on without pointing out his cheeks were a light shade of pink. Cute.
                   The two children spent the cool afternoon chatting, getting to know each other more and having a few laughs every now and then. After getting tired in conversing, they got up and started going through the many obstacles available in the playground.
                  “Kookie!” A familiar voice called out. Jungkook turned his head to the voice’s direction to find his father. “Time to go home buddy.”
                  “Okie dad!” Jungkook slid down the slide, closely followed by his new friend, Jimin, before dusting himself off and heading towards his father. “See you soon Jimin!” He waved his friend goodbye, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
                    “See you soon Jungkook!”
                   “Yah! There’s too much homework for today!” exclaimed Jimin before taking a bite of his fragrant bread, savouring the sweet flavour in his mouth.
                   “You better get started on them soon.” Jungkook mumbled through the cookie crumbs in his mouth, a few brown chips escaping past his lips.
                  The two boys sat in the school garden during recess time, admiring the green and the clouds lightly dotting the sky above them.
                    Jimin finished his food faster than his younger friend and stood up to dust off his hands on his pants. “I’m going to the toilet for a bit okei? Be a good boy and stay put.” He said jokingly. Jungkook gave him a glare and shooed him away with a few waves of his hand.
                 The first day of school went well so far. Teachers were friendly, classmates were fun. He even met Jimin whom he met at the playground years ago. He was Jungkook’s senior since he was two years older than him. During recess, the elder showed him around school until they decided to fill their rumbling stomachs.
                  Jungkook was lost in his thoughts when he heard people whispering.
                 “Did my eyes deceive me?” said a voice.
                 “I am hundred percent sure that that’s the mark!” Another voice, this one slightly louder that the previous, excitement was radiating from the voice.
                  “But shouldn't a bride be like, you know, a girl ?” Yet another voice. This time uncertainty filled the voice.
                  The mark? The child looked around curiously. Who were they ? There was no one here at all.
                  Or there was.
                  Jungkook finished off his last piece of biscuit before getting up from his position and walking towards the whispers. His hearing was sharp, leading him to a cluster of bushes. Slowly and carefully he approached the greenery and looked behind them to find three grown women kneeling on the ground. Who are those people?
                 The three mysterious beings immediately turned their heads towards the boy. One of them has brown boy-cut hair, dressed in loose shirt and shorts. Another one had dark shoulder-length hair with thin bangs over her forehead, wearing a flowery lace blouse. The third one had light brown hair reaching her elbows, a round face and wore a simple dark green jacket. The three of them stared at the child with shocked expressions as he did the same.
                   It was not after a few seconds until the one in lace hit the short haired girl lightly on her arm.
                 “Yah! I told you to be quiet now he found us!” she exclaimed.
                 “Unnie you are equally loud too!” the girl clad in dark green pointed at her.
                  Who are you guys? Jungkook thought, only when three pair of eyes stared at him he realized he had spoken out loud.
                  “Umm…” They were speechless until the short haired girl spoke up.
                  “You probably don't know yet, but we're ghosts!” she exclaimed cheerfully, as if it was the most normal thing to say. Ghosts? Jungkook was sure he had misheard the word. “My name is Hyerin.” She beamed a smile at the boy. “She’s Hani,” the girl gestured to the one with dark long hair. “And she’s Junghwa.” She patted the girl with light brown hair on the back. The two waved at Jungkook to greet him. “Nice to meet you!”
                   “G-ghosts ?” The boy blurted out. “They’re real?”
                   “Very real, little boy.” Hani replied in a cheerful tone. “You’re seeing three yourself.” He noticed that her eyes were dull despite the bright sunlight, as well as the other two.
                   “What’s your name little boy?” Junghwa asked, approaching the boy slowly.
                   “Jeon Jungkook,” He answered without hesitation, “It’s Jeon Jungkook.”
                   “How did you get that mark Jungkook?” Another question from Junghwa.
                   “What mark?” He was confused. Did he got something on his face?
                   “The one behind your neck, you didn't know?” “It means you’re the goblin’s bride!” “How can it be? Shouldn't the bride be a girl?” Not even a moment passed they started to gossip again while the boy watched on, bewildered by the situation.
“Jungkookie!” A familiar voice sounded in his ears before he felt a presence beside him. “Who are you talking to?” Jimin wrapped his arm around the kid while looking around, obviously confused. Jungkook eyed the trio that were now full of giggles.
                    “Um.. No one, I just saw a kitten but it’s gone now.” He answered, a hint of nervousness in his voice. Thankfully, Jimin paid no mind to it.
                    “C’mon, recess is almost over,” The taller child led the other towards the school building. “I told you to stay put you restless kid.” he laughed. “Hyung!” 
                 Jungkook woke up to a soft touch on his cheeks. He closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth brought by those long slim fingers. His small movement was noticed by his father, a smile unfolding on his face, dimples on full display. “Hey, my birthday boy is awake.”
                 After a series of yawning, turning around and rubbing his eyes in attempt to shake off his sleepiness, Jungkook sat up and looked into his father’s bright eyes. “Can we get a cake for my birthday this year?” He asked with a sweet smile, knowing his father cannot resist his smiling eyes.
                  “Of course we can, anything for our birthday boy.” Namjoon said, fondness all over his voice. He gave his beloved son one last pat on the head before leaving to prepare for work.
                    Jungkook could not hide his excitement during the school hours. He was skipping and humming songs throughout the day, earning him glances from his classmates. He was heading towards the canteen when a hand landed on his shoulder. He knew the owner of the tiny hand from the back of his head. “Jimin hyung~” He turned around, beaming at the elder.
                    Jimin had grown taller and slimmer these days, even though his full cheeks still remained. He was a head taller than Jungkook, hence he always teased the younger by messing with his hair whenever he had the chance. He was not doing it now though, his hands were preoccupied. “Happy 9th Birthday Jungkookie~”
                  Jungkook watched as those small hands wrapped something red, fluffy and warm around his neck. “A scarf? Why did you give me this hyung?” The person in question stood a step back, admiring his work. “Perfect~” Jimin sung and dragged the younger towards an empty table.
                   “Hyung, answer me.” He pouted.
                   “Such impatience.” Jimin giggled. “Hyung brought it during that trip to Canada last holiday.” He opened his lunch box and sighed. Another day with bread and strawberry jam. “ I thought of you the second I saw this red scarf, plus I hope you can take care of yourself when I won't be around one day.”
“Thanks, hyung.” Jungkook said, touched by his dear friend. He glided his fingers over the scarf and noticed Jimin’s signature with a heart on a corner. It hung loose around his small frame even after he wrapped it around his neck several times. He liked it though, it felt warm and had a energetic yet warm vibe. Like Jimin hyung. 
               “Dad I'm back~” Jungkook hopped into the dining room. “Look what Jimin hyung got me for my birthday~” His heart skipped a beat when he saw a square box that was placed high on the counter. The birthday cake!  He looked around the room but failed to locate his father. He turned around when he felt pressure on his head. “Hey Kookie~” Namjoon grinned down at the boy. Weird. He did not hear the sound of footsteps. When did dad up his sneaking game?
                    The thought slipped away when the man started to set up the birthday cake. Nine candles were set perfectly on the cream cake, a knife beside it. The candle flames reflected off the walls, making the place look like the sunset. “Make a wish Kookie,” Namjoon said, gesturing to the candles, a smile bright on his face.
                    Jungkook smiled brightly and clasped his hands together to make a wish. It was the first time for him, what should he wish for ? He looked up at his father, the question hanging on his tongue, but it never had the chance to be asked.
                    He was staring at his father, his eyes to be specific. It was dark brown as usual, but there was no light in it, not the warm colours of the candles nor his reflection. Just plain brown, dark and hollow. And lifeless.
                     He is a ghost.
                     His mouth hung open while he stared at them until the information finally sunk in. His dad is a ghost. He is dead. Jungkook’s eyes grew impossibly larger, but his vision got blurry as he felt tears filling his eyes and streaming down his cheeks. “D...Dad.” He said, but it came out more of an ugly sob.  Namjoon’s smiled faded as he looked at the crying mess before him with sad eyes, knowing his son had discovered the truth. He wiped away the tears with the back of his hand, whispering sweet nothings  to calm down the child.
                    It took Jungkook forever to force out a complete, audible sentence. “Dad… Where are you?” “I'm here Kookie,” He shook his head hard, the scarf unraveling around his neck. He focused on the candle flames, unable to look at his father’s eyes. “N-No! I mean,where are you dad? Where are you?” There was a moment of silence between them, long enough that Jungkook was about to repeat the question. A soft sigh reached his ears, he lifted his head a bit, carefully avoiding the pair of lifeless eyes.
                Namjoon’s heart burned at the horrifying memory -well, that is if he still had one- he remembered the people approaching him , there were around five, he wasn’t sure. They stopped him on his way back home, voices rising in anger as they forced him down on his knees. Before he could defend himself, a punch landed on his chest and knocked his breath away. Another followed by another, he tried hard to get away from them, but they were everywhere. There was blood, his vision went blurry on the edges and everything went black.
                   A scream rose from the streets, a poor lady found his blood covered body lifeless in a dark, dirty alley. Her scream attracted people from every direction then suddenly the alley was full of buzzing people, gossips and theories being passed around. Apparently someone had called the cops because the sirens were swallowing up the buzz. He stood there, watching everything that happened, he saw his own body being covered and police trying to calm the crowd.
                “Kim Namjoon,” A monotone voice reached his ears, he turned just in time when the man finished his talk and their eyes met. “...cause of death, excessive bleeding. Is that you ?” The man had pale skin, dark circles visible under his eyes, his lips a light shade of pink. He tilted his head to the side, the black hat he was wearing moved slightly.
                “Yes it’s me… who are you?” “The grim reaper who’s sending you to either hell or heaven.” The man turned, not wanting to wait for Namjoon to continue his questioning. “Wait!” Namjoon shouted, the grim reaper halted and turned to face him. His face was the expressionless but there was a slight hint of annoyance as his eyebrows rose in question. “Give me a hour please! I promise I'll be right back! “
               “Dad?” a small voice dragged him back to reality, “O-oh.. There was an.. accident, at the end of the street.” The boy looked lost, not sure what to do with the information. Namjoon knew he didn't had much time left, he needed to warn Jungkook. “Hey Kookie listen to me okay?” “Emm..” “Promise me, if a man with a black hat approaches you, avoid him at any cost okay?”
                Jungkook mumbled an agreement half-heartedly, he still could not wrap his mind around the fact that his father is dead. All the happy memories they shared were playing in his head like a movie and he knew that after today there will be no more. He would have no family, he would be alone, forever. Thinking about it overwhelmed the boy, tears were starting to pour down his small face.
                “Kookie, hey, look at me please.” Jungkook could not bring himself to do it. “D-dad, I can’t- ” He was tired, he just wanted to sleep and wake up to his dad telling him that everything is fine, that it was just a nightmare. “Kookie-” Hearing his dad’s voice made his cries more violent than ever, this is the last time he will be listening to this wonderful voice.
                                     His thoughts were drowning him, tears could not stop wetting his scarf. He heard his father’s voice calling for him, but he was unable to stop. Air could not reach his lungs and panic flooded his veins, his hands trying hard to undo the scarf. Every second felt like a thousand stones on his chest, his lungs were screaming for relief. DAD! HELP- I CAN’T - NEED AIR-   
               His senses were shutting down, body shaking from the overwhelming emotions. He thought he was going to die but then a gentle touch broke him away from the swirl of thoughts. “Jungkook please listen to me-”  Namjoon’s voice was so far away. “Please Kookie, breathe for me...yes that's it, you can do it.”
                    Namjoon’s words of encouragement and gentle touches never left his side, he focused on them. Breathe, take a deep breath, yes you’re doing good Kookie. The pain in his chest was relieved as air rushed into his lungs, he took a few more breaths of air until he could feel himself again. His vision slowly recovered and Namjoon’s worried face came in sight.
                    His head was still pounding when Namjoon helped him up and let him lean on his side, his fingers still drawing circles on the his back. “Better ?” Jungkook nodded, “I’m sorry dad..”
                     If Namjoon’s heart was not broken enough already, that definitely did it, his voice was so and vulnerable. “I'm sorry Kookie, for not being able to be by your side when you grow up.” There was no response from the boy so he continued, “I'm sorry and I know this will be hard, but I know you’ll be okay.”
                        He held Jungkook’s small hands in his own,“Because you’re my son, Jeon Jungkook. You’ll stay strong, won’t you?” Jungkook gave him a small smile, “Always.” Namjoon pulled Jungkook in for one last hug, “Go find Jiminie hyung, tell uncle and aunt Park what happened, they will take care of you before your mother comes and brings you to her place.”
                   He helped Jungkook with his scarf and gave him a dimpled smile.“Be a good boy, Kookie. Always remember that I love you. I'll always be watching over you, my birthday boy.” were his last words. The lights flickered, and he was gone.
                    “I love you too, dad.”
                     The old wooden fence closed with a soft click, Jungkook pocketed his keys and walked down the street towards Jimin’s house. He walked with his head down, not wanting anyone to see his puffy eyes and red nose. He was once again lost in his own thoughts about his soon to be ‘family’, he didn't even remember a time where he was with his mother. Life is such a big joke, he laughed bitterly. He was so deep in his own world that he didn't notice someone trailing behind him.
                        “Yah! Why does this kid walk so damn fast?!” Jungkook almost tripped on thin air, shocked by the sudden exclamation. Me?  He turned towards the voice, who even complains about someone out loud?   It was a man that stood a few meters behind him, everything about him was black and white. He let his curious eyes skim over the man from head to toe.
                        Nice expensive clothes, veiny hands, pale skin, ink black hair and a hat. The man seemed to be doing the same, his cold gaze scanning him up and down. Who is he? I don't think I've seen him before. There is something about the man that is unsettling to the boy, but he could not pinpoint it in his foggy mind.
                      “Erm.. Can I help you?” Whatever Jungkook was expecting, it’s not this. The man looked genuinely shocked, like mouth hanging open, eyes big, cheeks a light shade of pink kind of shock. Weird. The man cleared his throat and walked toward Jungkook, “Do you... know the family who lived in that house?”. Jungkook followed his gaze and did a double take. Yes, the man was pointing at his house. He was asking for his family. For him.
                     There was a thousand questions racing in his mind while he stared at the man. The man gave him a questioning look while he adjusted his hat. Something inside Jungkook clicked. That's it! The hat! Dad said to avoid a man who wears a black hat! Aaa what should I do now- “Ermm.. No! I -”
                     “Kookie-ah!” If Jungkook was not as frantic as he was, he would definitely burst into tears at the nickname, only dad calls me that. “Why are you talking to strangers? Don't you ever listen to me!?” It was not his dad, the owner of the voice was a old man whom he had never seen before. Aware of the boy’s confusion, the old man gave him a quick wink.
                     “Now go home, your family is waiting for you.” The old man said with a gesture towards the road leading to Jimin’s house. Jungkook definitely had questions but he took the cue to escape the scene. He gave the old man a quick bow and a thankful smile before running full speed towards his destination. The man with the black hat watched with his mouth wide open while Jungkook disappeared down the street.
                     “You! I was talking to the kid! Ah seriously!” Bright pink was decorating his cheeks and ears. He was pointing at the old man when something hit him. “HOW CAN YOU SEE ME! THE KID TOO!” The old man ignored the disrespectful words and actions, only chuckled lightly at the other’s frustrated look. “There’s so much more that you don’t know, Mr. Grim Reaper.” He slowly walked past the young man who was still in shock.
                      “Wait! Sir, may I know your name ?” The grim reaper watched as the old man stopped for a moment and turned to flash him a bright smile. “The name is Jin. Kim Seok Jin.”                         
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freebullets · 7 years
BTS, yoonmin, underneath the ice
Jimin cradled his elbow close to his chest, stumbling to thelocker room as the bone radiated with pain and his lacerated skin stung fromthe chill in the air. He shouldered the door open, bypassing the tall rows oflockers and instead angling towards the mirrors and sinks.
He released his pained arm in order to spin the warm waterknob, sighing as his fingers left bloody stains on the shiny chrome. Hissing, heslowly extended his arm to rest under the faucet, the water clearing away someof the still-running blood, the warmth soothing. It had been a cold winter ofachy bones and demanding performance.
It could have been worse. They didn’t have to stop at thepush, they could have kept going. He was lucky.
He glanced up at the mirrors, and his heart nearly jumpedout of his chest at the pair of eyes that met his own. “Wh–?” Jimin jumped,spinning around to face the expressionless boy. “If you were here, why didn’tyou say anything?!”
“Am I required to announce my presence?” the other saidwryly, unlit cigarette dangling from thin pink lips.
Jimin frowned uncertainly, reaching absently up to pull ahandful of paper towels from the dispenser and press them against his wound. “Who-whoare you? You don’t dance here, do you?”
The man said nothing, eyes flicking to the blood seepingthrough the makeshift dressing.
“Because, umm…” Jimin said weakly. “This is the…the practicebuilding and…you might get in trouble if someone finds you here.”
“Oh?” the man said, corners of his mouth curling upwards. “Whydo you assume I’m not a pupil?”
“I just,” Jimin said, shifting uncomfortably. “I thought Iknew everyone. There’s not that many of us.”
“Not that many of you handpicked to train and perform forthe royal family, yes I know,” the man waved off, running a hand through messybleached-white hair. “They take you away from your homes and your families andmount the insurmountable pressure of perfection on your shoulders. Lucky you,”he huffed.
Jimin narrowed his eyes, annoyed and in pain. “It’s a greathonor to be chosen!”
“Whatever,” the man shrugged his slim shoulders. “Shouldn’tyou get that looked at?”
Jimin blanched. “No, I…I can’t.”
“You can’t?” the man said skeptically.
“Because…” Jimin sighed, leaning against the sink. “You can’tperform if you aren’t perfect.”
“Do you think the royal fuckheads will enjoy yourperformance if you look like you’re in pain the whole time?” the man saidnonchalantly. “You really think highly of them, don’t you?”
“Don’t say things like that!” Jimin said, wild eyed as helooked around quickly. “You’ll get in trouble!”
“You gonna’ tell on me?” the man smiled around thecigarette, finally removing it and flicking it to the ground.  “Report me to the secret police?”
Jimin shook his head slowly, eyes dropping to the floor. He duckedhis head, turning to leave.
He could feel the man’s cold gaze follow him from the room.
Jimin swallowed as he re-entered the practice room, avoidingeye contact as a few others stopped what they were doing to mark his progress.He tried to ignore them, stopping in his usual corner and beginning to stretch.The blood had clotted into the beginnings of a scab, and it wasn’t bad enoughto quit practicing.
He had just begun to build up a sweat when the doors swungopen, a dozen or so people entering the room with a commotion and fanfare. Mostwere dressed in dark suits, with sunglasses tucked into pockets.
Three men in particular were dressed extravagantly, withmasks covering the lower halves of their faces. The dancers and instructorsimmediately dropped to their knees, Jimin included, not daring to stand in the presenceof royalty.
“I come to check the progress of my artists, but insteadthey fall to the ground,” the masked man in the middle said, amused. “This willmake dancing quite difficult.”
The man to his left inspected the people in the room,tilting his head to peer at bowed faces. “Where did they find these people, afactory? Hyung has good taste.”
The third said nothing, seemingly uninterested.
The man who had first spoken began to weave among thekneeling people, a large percentage of the room trembling at his approach. Oneword, and he could end not only their dreams, but their lives.
Jimin’s breathing grew erratic as black boots appeared inhis peripheral vision, but he kept his eyes stuck to the floor. The bootsstopped in front of him, and Jimin felt his heart stutter. “You’re injured,”the man said. Jimin noticed the small pool of blood dripping from his arm,smeared where he’d been pressing it to the floor. Jimin quickly pushed hisforehead to the ground in apology, shaking violently. “Hey, no, you’ll make itworse,” the man said.
Jimin didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to act. Hewasn’t sure he was breathing.
Jimin wanted to die as he felt a hand around his uninjured arm,pulling him harshly to his feet. It was the second man who had spoken, nowstaring intently at Jimin’s face. “A factory, I swear,” he muttered.
Jimin felt faint, desperately keeping his gaze focuseddownwards.
Jimin was pulled away from the second man by the third, theone who hadn’t spoken. “Come,” he said, voice rough and cold. Jimin could donothing but obey, the room deathly silent as he was lead, trembling, outside ofit.
Jimin’s breath hitched as the man brought him down thehallway towards the entrance, a few others in suits trailing behind them. Washe being kicked out already? “P-please,” he managed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean tofall, but—but I’ll do better, I swear—“
“Begging is ugly on a person like you,” the cold voice said,and Jimin instinctively raised his head to look. He recognized those eyes. “Thisroyal fuckhead’s going to drive you to the doctor, you need stitches.”
Jimin opened and closed his mouth a few times. “I…yelled ata member of the royal family?” Jimin whispered.
“You yelled at the worstmember of the royal family,” the man corrected, slipping the mask off. “Luckyyou.”
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sopesmic · 7 years
When I look at you, I see...
Tumblr media
yoonmin/ Park Jimin/ Min Yoongi
word count: 689
Genre: drabble, romance, psychological issues
When I look at you, I see...
When I look at you, I see the countless nights I spent awake, when my head was full and my lungs were tight and I just couldn't get my eyes to close and take the rest I was so needy of.
When I look at you, I see all the cigarettes I smoke in a desperate way of forgetting the world around me, when it was just too noisy and people were too much to handle and I needed a way out. Sometimes, looking at you, I can even smell that thick scent of melted paint and burnt wood that are so oddly familiar.
When I look at you, I see the pills. Those goddamn pills. Even thinking about them now makes my body tremble and a shiver run down throught my spine. I still have nightmares about them one day or another, and I can't stand the bright orange that will always remind me of those capsules.
When I look at you, I see the lonely days I spent trapped in my room, when my social phobia took away the best of me. When even thinking about the idea of another human being somewhere around me could take away my breath and make me choke on my own guts.
When I look at you, I see the floor of that bathroom I once tried to sleep in. When my confidence lacked and I was afraid of myself. When I felt I was becoming a monster because of my self-hatred and the depression that once again, as many other times, came to play with my head.
When I look at you, I see the shoulder I once crashed in an accident during my delivery job, when life was shitty and I couldn't count with anybody, because no one was there for me, and I felt I just didn't have a reason to keep on doing what I was doing. To keep on living.
When I look at you, I see the time I killed Min Yoongi.
I see the time I killed Min Yoongi, but he didn't actually die.
When I look at you, I see the nights I spent awake struggling with my anxiety, and that are gone for a long time now. Replaced for nights spent cuddling or talking about random stuff. Something we seem to be the best at doing.
When I look at you, I see the cigarettes I smoked as a way out and that are now in the trash, waiting to be turned into ashes, because you're my new addiction.
When I look at you, I see all the things that are related to my depression, social phobia and self-hatred. I see them, and they are far away now.
Even thought I see all these things as I look at you, they are faded memories. Because they are now obfuscated by your brightness.
Now, when I look at you, I see your soft cotton-candish pink hair, that, surprisingly, brought sweetness back to my life.
When I look at you, I see the eyes that turn into perfect crescents as you smile fondly.
When I look at you, I see your full an kissable lips that are always so invitable.
When I look at you, I see the fluid moves you show as you walk around, dancing without even noticing.
When I look at you, I see the hands that, even being so soft and small, are capable of holding all the heavy bagggage I brought with me when I came into your life.
When I look at you, I see every date, every movie, every small gesture and every picture we took and will yet take together.
When I look at you, I see the important role you have in my life, when even knowing how damaged I was, you didn't thing twice. You entered without knocking, threw away all the unnecessary things I had glued to me and made look at you.
When I look at you, I see how much my life changed since your arrival, and how much better things are now.
Because when I look at you, I see.
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yoongiwyd-stop-blog · 7 years
Pairing: Yoonmin
Genre: Fluff(?), Angel!AU
Word Count: 2550+
Jimin rolled his eyes as Yoongi attempted (keyword: attempted) to attract the attention of a hazel haired beauty, feeling himself groan in secondhand embarrassment.
He almost laughed when the hazel haired boy rolled his eyes and walked away from Yoongi with a flick of his hair.
“Sehun-ah, wait!”
“Bye bye, Yoongi.” The younger boy trilled before disappearing around the corner. Yoongi sighed, his shoulders slumping at another failed attempt of trying to get into a relationship.
Jimin giggled from his spot under the lamp post, making Yoongi look up and glare at him. The orange haired Guardian Angel grinned before materialising into his human form which was really just him without his angelic glow and wings, his pure white garments disappearing to be replaced with mundane, human wear of ripped jeans and a large black sweater.
Transforming always felt pleasant, like Jimin was being enveloped in warm clouds that lightly kissed his skin as the air around him rippled slightly. The clouds were then replaced by the sensation of silk being wrapped around his being which was the actual process of being clothed in human clothes. Satisfied, he ran his fingers through his considerably coarser human hair before starting towards his upset Human.
“Cheer up, hyung.” Jimin said, offering the green haired boy the brightest smile he could muster as he threw his arm over his shoulder. Yoongi grunted and looked away, ducking out from under Jimin’s arm.
“You know, as my Angel, shouldn’t you be helping me with things like that?” Yoongi wondered, walking ahead before waiting for Jimin to catch up with him.
The Angel chuckled, shaking his head as they walked side by side. “I’m your Guardian Angel, pabo, not Cupid. As long as you aren’t getting physically hurt or being incredibly stupid to the point where you’re risking your safety, I can’t do anything to help you.”
“But, Jimin,” Yoongi whined, pouting in a way that made Jimin want to squeal and violently squish his cheeks. “I’m getting emotionally hurt. Doesn’t that count as something?”
Jimin arched an eyebrow, looking at him blankly. “Really? You heartbroken over Ooh Sehun?”
Yoongi smiled meekly before shrugging. “He’s cute,” the green haired boy muttered, walking ahead, his pace unexpectedly picking up.
“So am I, fool.” Jimin sighed before jogging to catch up with his Human. “Why the hurry, hyung?”
“I just realised I left something back at campus.” Yoongi scowled as Jimin tried to keep up with him.
“I have short legs,” Jimin whined, speed walking in the little butt clenching way athletes did, making him look constipated.
“So do I, genius, but—” Yoongi cut off with a giggle. “You look constipated, Minnie.”
Jimin scowled half heartedly, his legs not being the strongest, most controlled part of his body. Most of the time, he kept up with Yoongi by gliding alongside him in his Angel form which usually wasn’t a problem as the only human that could see him was Yoongi.
“You can just fly, Minnie. You don’t have to walk alongside me.” Yoongi mused, slowing down for his Angel’s sake.
“If I’m in Angel form, you won’t be able to speak to me. People will think you’re crazy if you do.” Jimin reminded him, thankful he could walk at a normal pace again.
“Fuck society.”
Jimin’s brows furrowed, his mouth tilting into a frown as his hand rose and descended on the back of Yoongi’s head with a thwack.
“Ow, what the hell?” Yoongi whined, staggering to a stop as he rubbed the back of his head, glaring daggers at Jimin.
“Language, Yoongi.”
Jimin watched as Yoongi’s expression turned blank. “I’m older than you, brat.”
“Only my appearance! I was born several thousand years before you! I’ve lived several thousand years longer! I’ve eaten ten million more grains of rice than you!”
Yoongi laughed, shoving Jimin in the shoulder. “Yah, yah. Enough.” The orange haired giggled, watching his Human glance at his watched before his expression turned panicked.
“Shit,” Yoongi swore, shooting Jimin a glare before the Angel could open his mouth to chide him. “I’m so late.”
Yoongi took off in a slow run which surprised Jimin for the sole reason that Min Yoongi didn’t do such a thing as running. He stared at Yoongi’s receding, speeding figure—arms tucked to his sides as he ran, oddly resembling a runner who had the sudden stunning urge to go to the toilet mid race. 
He chuckled before following after his Human, his eyes never leaving the back of the head of green hair as an amused smile tugged the corners of his lips.
He smile quickly disappeared as Yoongi rounded a corner, making Jimin momentarily lose sight of him, in the physical sense and in the way a white fog suddenly clouded over his vision, blinding him to everything else before him as his irises morphed into a chilling gold, a foreshadowing vision dancing across his open eyes.
Visions were common foreshadowings amongst Guardian Angels like Jimin but rare occurrences and were usually brief flashes or short playing with clipped sequences of the near future usually related to their Human’s wellbeing, sent from a higher power that over watched everything Angels and humans did. In the five years Jimin had been assigned to Yoongi by a representative of said higher power, he had only gotten one other vision that had warned him of an impending threat on Yoongi’s mortality.
It took the Guardian Angel a moment to realise he was submerged in a vision and was no longer looking at the sidewalk he had been previously walking on due to the fact that his vision was a projection of an almost identical sidewalk with Yoongi jogging in front of him. The only thing that gave away its vision-like nature was the gold and silver shimmering at the corner of his sight.
When comprehension settled in him, Jimin’s eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated on what his vision was trying to show him, his heart rate climbing with anxiety.
There was a clear street ahead of the green haired boy and Jimin held his breath, predicting that his Human would be the idiot that he was and would fail to notice the pedestrian traffic light blink and switch from a safe, comforting green to a bright, alarming red that screamed hazard and get slammed into a truck or a bus or something with large wheels.
He was proven wrong when the vision showed Yoongi slowing to a stop as the green pedestrian crossing sign blinked rapidly, signalling its oncoming change of colour. He could see Yoongi’s face contort in annoyance and impatience at having to wait but showed no signs of being overly desperate and determined to sprint across the street a second before the light turned red.
Impatiently, Jimin began to wonder what was so wrong about that until the scene he was watching changed perspective so he was now looking at the front of the waiting crowd. Yoongi shuffled impatiently behind a woman on her hand phone, her attention completely focused on the stupid rectangular device in her grip.
The toddler beside her was engrossed in an Iron Man print ball and gasped when it left his hands. The toddler darted forward into the street to retrieve the ball, unaware that a large truck was barrelling its way towards him.
Jimin held his breath, his heart seizing in his chest as he saw Yoongi’s eyes widening  as he swore before throwing himself forward, shoving past the woman who finally looked up from her goddamn phone and gasping along with the crowd as she saw her child seconds away from being sidewalk pancake.
The vision seemed to have hit fast forward, Yoongi’s impending doom seeming to approach far too quick. The truck driver uselessly slammed the horn and brakes as Yoongi glanced it once, his pupils dilating in fear before he reached the toddler and shoved him out of the way, leaving Yoongi to be collided into by the truck and flung several feet away like a life sized rag doll, the sickening sound of bones shattering accompanying the screaming from the pedestrians.
Jimin was shocked out of the vision, his breathing shallow and nauseous as he tried to swallow the horror and bile that was rising in the back of his throat. He broke into a run, shoving past pedestrians and rounding the corner, seeing the back of Yoongi’s head approach the street crossing.
He could not revert back into his Angel form in the middle of the public. It would cause too much of a spectacle as reverting back to his true form was much more conspicuous (it involved a lot of bright lights and sparkles and, according to Yoongi, often left a hint of roses and clear spring water lingering in the air).
With gasped ‘excuse me’s, Jimin shoved past pedestrians who shot him nasty looks which he couldn’t find in himself to care about in the moment. A small ball of hope manifested in his chest as he neared Yoongi. Perhaps, he would make it after all.
Or perhaps not.
Just as he was several feet away, Jimin heard the collective gasps and one very prominent obscenity from Yoongi as the toddler ran into the street. The Guardian Angel pitched himself forward, the tips of his fingers brushing the back of Yoongi’s jacket, his Human’s name sitting on the edge of his tongue—
Yoongi shoved through the throng, ready to play hero. Ready to lose his life.
He heard the screech of brakes and the deafening scream of the truck’s horn as if they were nails being dragged across a blackboard. Jimin screamed Yoongi’s name, unsure if his human had heard him as he threw himself forward.
Jimin barrelled towards Yoongi and the toddler, a determination to not let the both of them die in that moment igniting his entire being.
With a burst of energy like a bullet leaving a gun, Jimin extended his arms, wrapping them around Yoongi and the toddler as he collided steadfast into them, throwing all of them sideways from the force.
Jimin felt the panicking proximity and the whoosh of air the truck produced as it narrowly missed him, adrenaline making him hyper aware of everything in that moment.
All three boys stumbled until they crashed into the opposite sidewalk, Jimin’s head knocking against the concrete as his grip on them loosened. He felt the side of his scalp throb and his shoulder ignite in raw fire, a pained groan tumbling from his lips.
As a Guardian Angel, pain was something he was quite unaccustomed to despite his many years of existence. He wasn’t Human, where he was forced to endure long, irritating periods of recovery and pain if he was injured as recovery was almost instantaneous for him—if he was in his Angel form. Neither was he as careless and clumsy as the ones he cared for—being a Guardian Angel granted Jimin extraordinary grace and the blessing of being limber.
Shoving aside his own pain, he allowed worry to take its appropriate place on the front of his mind as he hovered over Yoongi and the toddler, his eyebrows furrowed and his heart unable to calm itself as it pounded within him.
Yoongi, for a lack of a better word, looked dishevelled but otherwise well. There were no visible injuries from Jimin’s plain view. The toddler latched himself onto Yoongi’s side, embracing the green haired boy as he smiled, unable to grasp that he had been several inches away from death. He was unharmed, probably due to the fact that he had two people three times his size as cushions when he fell.
“Are you both okay?” Jimin breathed as people began gathering around them, worried murmurs surrounding them. He brushed off a few people who tried to help him up, his focus on the two very mortal humans before him.
“Yes, hyung!” the toddler hummed, pushing his Iron Man ball onto Yoongi’s lap.
Yoongi nodded as he sat up, wincing uncomfortably before turning to look at Jimin, his eyes widening.
“Jimin, your head!”
“Hmm?” Jimin murmured, uninterested. He lifted his fingers to the side of his head, brushing against his temple which was coated in wet, warm liquid that came away red.
He stared at the blood for a little too long, momentarily distracted by the brightness of it. When Angels bled, pure light poured from their wounds and he rarely bled in his human form. If he did, it usually wasn’t enough to flow.
Shaking his head slightly—to maintain his focus and shrug off Yoongi’s worry—he smeared off the blood on his dark pants before taking Yoongi’s face in his hands and brushing his green hair away to check for any injuries.
The corner of his mind registered the fact that lifting his arm hurt and only turned to look at it when Yoongi’s eyes stared pointedly at it.
The sleeve of Jimin’s sweater had torn from it stitching so it revealed a patch of his skin, grazed and littered with small, angry cuts that weren’t deep enough to bleed unlike his head wound.
“Jimin, you’re not okay.”
He waved off his Human’s unnecessary worry as the toddler’s mother ran towards them, one hand clapped over her mouth, tears streaming down her face.
“Jungkook! Oh, my baby. Are you okay?” the woman sobbed, kneeling to hug Jungkook. The Guardian Angel fought the urge to give the woman a long lecture on good parenting, biting his tongue in a literal manner before turning to fuss over Yoongi again.
Yoongi, however, had different plans, gripping Jimin’s hand to stop him from fussing. “Watch your kid, would you? Your phone won’t go anywhere.” he snapped, glaring. The woman’s cheeks flushed a deep red as her eyes cast downwards in shame as her son wrapped his small arms around her.
“Thank you,” she whispered, picking up her son and standing, bowing deeply at the both of them. “Thank you so much. Would you allow me to send you both to the hospital? My car is just around the corner.”
Jimin bit his lips, preparing to decline her offer. Angels healed faster than humans anyways and he really didn’t feel like dealing with human doctors. They asked far too many questions and worked too slow.
Yoongi, however, beat him to the chase and accepted her offer in almost bitter manner, gently pulling Jimin up with him.
A minute later, Jimin found himself and his Human seated in the backseat of the woman’s car, Yoongi’s fingers intertwined with his own as he eyed Jimin’s bleeding temple with worry.
“I’m fine,” Jimin sighed, leaning his head against the headrest, careful not to get any blood on the leather upholstery. He was very aware of Yoongi’s soft skin against his own, his warmth making his flesh tingle.
The rode the car ride in silence until Yoongi shifted beside him, his eyes glazed with deep thought.
“What’s wrong?” Jimin asked, worried if he had missed an injury on Yoongi.
“Thank you,” Yoongi mumbled, his eyes cast downwards. “For saving my life.”
And quickly, with the brush of a butterfly’s wing against his cheek, Yoongi kissed him before an embarrassed red blossomed beneath his pale skin and he quickly sat facing forwards with a rigid back once again. Jimin’s face burned and he couldn’t help but smirk.
Yoongi never let go of Jimin’s hand.
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freebullets · 7 years
yoonmin + food fight!
A/N: look, idk. humans are vampire food. food fight. violence cw.
Yoongi shuddered as he watched yet another man fall, palefingers tightening around the metal bars that caged him in. Every second was afight for survival, every moment balancing on the edge of a precipice. A click,and the bars began to shift upwards, opening the cell.
Yoongi threw himself forward, not even allowing his petrifiedopponent a moment to breathe before his fingers were wrapped in the man’s hair,pulling back and thrusting frontward to slam his face into the rough cementwall. The crack of his nose breaking brought Yoongi no satisfaction, other thanthat his victory over this slow person was practically guaranteed.
He’d been getting those a lot lately, the ones who had nosurvival instinct. He suspected that the pretty monster had something to dowith it.
He heard several disappointed sighs, as the man crumpledjust like all the others. He wondered why they kept him alive, if he alwaysended it too quickly for their liking.
“Mine,” a sweet voice said softly, and Yoongi glanced up tothe stands of seating to lock eyes with the monster who’d chosen him for twoweeks in a row. Yoongi frowned, returning back to his cell just as the door onthe other side opened, revealing the same man. Yoongi was no longer surprisedby how fast they could move, how strong they were, the depths of their cruelty.
He had the face of angel, but somehow that made looking athim practically unbearable.
“Come,” he said, smiling brightly. His clothes and skin wereunblemished, but the blood under his fingernails was unmistakable. “If you haveanything in here that you would like to save, take it with you.”
Yoongi hesitated, brow furrowing in uncertainty. “Take itwith me?”
“You won’t be coming back,” the monster said sweetly.
Yoongi swallowed, looking around at the bare space stainedwith spatters of blood. There was only one possession he left in his cell, hisbroken watch. He quickly shoved it into his threadbare jean pocket. Unsure, hefollowed the small man from the room. It wasn’t like he would be able to runaway.
They took the usual route to what he assumed was the man’sliving quarters. They were lavishly furnished, and with surprisingly brightcolors. Every surface was soft and pleasant to the touch. Small mercies whenhaving one’s blood drained.
Yoongi went to take his usual position kneeling on thefloor, on the cushion placed there for him, but the man stopped him with alight brush against his arm that gave him goosebumps. “No,” he said, “here.” Heled Yoongi to the overstuffed couch and sat him on it, Yoongi feeling horribly confusedby this turn of events.
Yoongi knew why they were made to fight. It was because themonsters enjoyed the taste of fear and adrenaline and endorphins in the blood. WhatYoongi didn’t know was why this particular monster was infatuated with him.
“You’ll be staying here,” the man finally said, small handssettling in his lap. “With me, I mean.”
Yoongi frowned. “I don’t understand.”
“I have fed from you so much that the others say you arebeginning to smell like me,” the man said softly. “They will not feed from you.If I did not claim you, then you would be killed.”
Yoongi huffed in sordid amusement. “I don’t think I’d mind,at this point. Just get it over with, fuck.”
“You would rather die than stay here with me?” he said,voice hitching as his slim shoulders slumped inwards. “I have…I have mistreatedyou?”
Yoongi was genuinely confused by the monster’s words. Whatdid it matter? Why did it care what Yoongi thought? “You’re…fine,” Yoongi saidslowly. The blood-sucking was unpleasant, but he was always fed well andoffered a shower. “But what does all of this mean? I don’t have to fightanymore?”
“Ah, no,” the monster said hurriedly, playing with hisfingers. “I…no.” He began to gnaw at his bottom lip. “I tried…to send only theweak ones your way.”
“I don’t deserve to live any more than they deserved to die,”Yoongi said flatly.
The man’s shoulders tensed, and Yoongi was prepared forviolence. But what followed was merely a dainty sigh slipping from plush lips. “Youmay sleep wherever you wish,” the man said softly. “Please don’t leave, or theywill harm you.” He rose gracefully his feet, shuffling slowly towards whatYoongi knew to be his bedchamber.
The words were out before Yoongi could stop them. “You aren’tgoing to eat?” Fuck. Fuck. Fuckingstupid, idiot, dumbass—
“I don’t want you to hate me, human,” the monster said, glancingover his shoulder. “They say the older you get, the sweeter it tastes. Buthatred has always been bitter against my tongue. I am tired of tasting itwithin you. I will not feed tonight. Please rest well, human.”
The monster blinked. “What did you say, human?”
“My name isn’t human, it’s Yoongi.”
“Ah,” the monster said, tilting his head to the side. “It isa pleasant name. I remember when I used to have one. I remember that it was…”the monster shook his head. “It was a very long time ago.”
“What, you guys don’t call each other by name?” Yoongi said.
“It is unnecessary,” the monster said. “The Old Ones took myname when I was changed. It is nothing but a black space in my memory. I knowthat I had one. I do not know what it was.”
Yoongi nodded in understanding, watching as the monsterslipped silently into his bedchamber. To not even know your own name…
Toeing off his battered shoes, he pulled his entire bodyonto the couch, resting his cheek against a purple velvet pillow.
The monster’s face was entirely too dangerous.
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