#i live in a town with just over 10 thousand people. in my entire fucking town. in my perspective that's more or less the world around me
lord-radish · 2 years
Tens of thousands of people have been fired in the tech sector in the last six months alone. With the economy the way it is, and with people who are already unable to get a job, I wonder how an extra 20,000+ jobseekers are going to have any luck finding work.
#i just want to point out that this isn't just automation. it's different for every company but a lot of it comes down to profiteering imo#the video game industry made disgusting amounts of money during the pandemic. best three years of sales in history#but that momentum was never going to keep up forever. even when the momentum was at full swing people were getting laid off#Activision-Blizzard laid off over a hundred people just before christmas while bobby kotick got a $250 million bonus#thst might have even been before the pandemic#but you're seeing it with microsoft and ubisoft. wouldn't surprise me if sony and nintendo were following suit in a less public manner#microsoft - arguably the biggest tech conglomerate in the world (next to tencent) - laid off 10 thousand workers alone#i live in a town with just over 10 thousand people. in my entire fucking town. in my perspective that's more or less the world around me#all of those people - jobless#facebook - didn't like 7k people just get fired? that's hot on the heels of john carmack leaving too#john carmack is probably one of the top 100 people in the tech industry. his tech improvements helped aging PC hardware keep up for years#DOOM might be a meme but it ran that well because id software under john carmack revolutionised rendering techniques and scrolling#and stuff like that. john carmack has been at the forefront of graphical technology and game development for 30+ years#that's resulted in a couple duds like RAGE. he was also all-in on voxel technology before he moved into VR#all of that was context for this: john carmack left meta (who bought oculus) and lambasted the company for poor management on the way out#saying that he'd never seen such unnecessary and wanton expenditure in his career. meta were throwing their money at things thay don't work#here's john carmack trying to lay the groundwork of a successful game for meta's metaverse. here's meta chasing superfluous buzzwords#meta spent almost $14 BILLION on buzzwords and marketing at the behest of the actual tech. and then they FIRED 7000 PEOPLE!!!!!!#they had a HAIL MARY working on their game - because metaverse IS A GAME - and they prioritised SELLING THE PRODUCT BEFORE BUILDING IT#IT COST THEM $14 BILLION + THEIR HAIL MARY - AND THEN THEY FIRED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!!!!!!#Ubisoft and Activision-Blizzard have been facing mass resignations after years of abusive and toxic workplaces#and on top of that they're firing people too. google stadia just went under. it wouldn't surprise me if 2k and rockstar were firing people#I don't know how many other unemployed people there are in america - hundreds of thousands? but 20k more is even worse for everyone#keep in mind that even with a $14 billion loss - meta still makes billions. Microsoft is in no financial danger#tech is more lucrative now than ever. i genuinely believe that these cuts are to keep record profits at record heights#because the pandemic boom is ending and their ALREADY OBSCENELY LUCRATIVE revenue flows are going back to normal#so 20k+ tech workers are losing their jobs to keep $80 billion instead of $79 billion. all of those people - jobless#that's 20 thousand people with individual lives and families and expenses. lost their jobs in the last six months#that example i gave - $80 billion instead of $79 billion. that's not revenue. that's profit.#all of those people out of work due to incompetence at best and rank orofiteering at worst. their salaries and benefits come under revenue
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avelera · 1 year
There's a fake marriage fic you wrote from a while back and I absolutely love and obsess over it. In "Come live with me and be my love" how is Dream feeling about the whole "small town life"? Like I know we've established that the rumors are not the best, but have they enjoyed it at all? Are there any aspects in particular that they like about walking with humanity in that story?
Absolutely love your work btw!!!
So the "small town" aspect of "Come live with me and be my Love" is not quite done yet! In fact, the chapter I'm working on now is going to continue delve into the *mumble mumble oh god why didn't i ever name this place mumble* town life a bit more!
Gonna cut for spoilers and rambling!
I know you didn't ask about Hob but I'll quickly make an aside about him: Hob deliberately chose a really small, landlocked, agrarian town where he could sell books as a way to distance himself from the "shipping business". He figured that between going back to printing, which eventually brought him to "Mr. Fell" and bookselling, and going into business on his own from the urgings of Mr. Wentworth, that he'd found a quiet place where he could spend 5-10 years just... chilling. Being as self-sufficient as possible, in a low-cost rural area, where he couldn't hurt anyone, with a trade that he knows and that is about as far away from "shipping" as he could possibly get in terms of direct impact, and where he was nominally about as distant as one could be in the 1810s from a global evil that helped prop up the burgeoning British Empire that's about to explode in even further in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars.
Basically, I don't personally see Hob as a superhero setting out to right wrongs after he made his personal reparations, insofar as he could, to the people he personally wronged, but I do see him pulling inward for a time to reassess himself and the world at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, when all of a sudden one man can in fact cause tens of thousands of people to suffer because of industrialized human trafficking, among other evils, without being a king or even particularly important, unlike Hob's early days as a bandit or a soldier where, yes he's killed and robbed and probably done all sorts of unsavory things but at least he did those on a largely individual basis.
So Hob's reasons for picking this town are, to me, sort of important for understanding what Dream does or does not get out of being there.
Anyway! I'm really passionate about Hob's headspace in this story so, to your actual question, is Dream enjoying this life at all?
Thing is, what Dream is going to enjoy about this life is coming up in future chapters. It's only been about a week (ugh) and Dream is still majorly reassessing a lot of his assumptions about what this bet would mean to take part in. He's falling in love with Hob on a level he never expected (he was entirely geared up for "fuck buddies" and that was it), he was expecting the human life part to be negligible and beneath his notice, only to discover it was far more complicated than he anticipated.
Dream's realizing there are consequences that come from his decision to pick Hob as a husband. He picked Hob as the human he'd most want to spend a year with, but in a "if I had to pick a human" sort of way. But Hob's immortality and friendship and good qualities with regards to Dream like his devotion and love, mean that Dream can't just fuck around, prove the point that he's fine with being human-ish for a year, without consequence. If he fucks up Hob's life, if he damages that friendship, that doesn't go away! Because Hob's not going anywhere!
So Dream is still much more in the, "Ok, what IS this year ACTUALLY going to be like, now that it turns out ALL of my assumptions about it were wrong because I deeply underestimated why Desire picked this particular setting and challenge for me and maybe possibly put more thought into planning this challenge, uniquely for me, than I put into my own plans for them if I won?"
To that end I will say: Dream just hasn't really thought about if he likes human life in this town in general yet. I'd argue that even by the end of this year, I'm not sure there's aspects of human life he's going to be particularly nostalgic for.
Thing is, this isn't Retired Dream AU. It's not like he's getting to skip out on work while he's here. Actually, Dream is doing all his usual work as Dream Lord but with 1/3 of the time to do it, as Hob sleeps at night, so if anything, he's even more overworked. This isn't a Dream who is bereft of powers, either. They're just dampened. So he's more annoyed at his limitations than he is having revelations about real human life. Because even Desire doesn't really want to live as a human, they're not doing this the way Death does it for a day, with totally memory wipe and no powers, it's at most a slightly depowered version of when Dream and Death went to the White Horse in the first place.
All the lessons for Dream have to do with Hob. Dream is seeing Hob in his (*nature documentary voice*) natural habitat: blending in as an immortal in normal human life. He's seeing Hob hold down a job, at a time when Hob doesn't have any sort of immortal reserves to fall back on, because he gave it all away as reparations and truly started again from scratch. So Hob losing his business isn't a laughing matter like it would normally be! Dream's having more time to hear Hob's life story, he's getting more opportunities for Hob to "come to his defense" and he's seeing just how much Hob cares and wants to do that.
Dream's real experience here, the thing he would look back on fondly about life in this town, is... the chance to see who Hob really is, and the realization that the person he meets at the White Horse is a very curated version of Hob, at best, and maybe not even as curated as Hob would like when Dream won't even pay attention to him for the full length of Hob's prepared report. He's learning what he means to Hob in this town, and what matters to Hob in general, and how Dream matters to Hob more than his job, or this town, or his livelihood, or any human concern. Like, it's not even close, Hob will drop everything to make Dream happy.
And that's a very novel experience for Dream, whose own wife didn't even move in with him when they were married!
And one last reason I'm not super able to say what this town means to Dream is, well, a year is a long time. A very long time to put up with small town politics. And the world is a very big place. And Hob may never get a chance like this again to live with Dream for a year.
So asking about the town is a little like asking about the starter zone in a video game ;)
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pinkrubberducky · 2 years
What is Music if not for Concerts?
(this site only allows me to put in one of my own files so enjoy the whole concert from YouTube- there will be one file at the end of my own)
Many people who enjoy music usually agree that they either have seen their favorite artist perform live or want to see them live. The reason for this is because people generally feel connected to the artist they see live, or at least more close to. I’m guessing that’s the reason so many Harry Styles fans fly across the country, spending thousands of dollars on him. Honestly, I’m not judging, if I had the means to do that, I would as well; Though for me, it would be to see Machine Gun Kelly play live again. The emotions that poured through my body were overwhelming to say the least. 
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(from 19 news)
Over the summer, August 13, 2022, to be exact, I had driven to Cleveland, Ohio to see MGK play a sold out show in the Cleveland Brown’s football stadium, FirstEnergy Stadium. It was amazing, possibly even the best show of my life. It started off with a lot of positive energy, which I think possibly fueled the entire rest of the show. The day was considered “MGK Day”, where there was merch and games and his music playing while he was getting some award from the rock and roll hall of fame. Not to mention, the whole city was turned pink as well, in lue of support to Kells. In addition, the mayor of Cleveland presented MGK with a national day, like MGK Day, every year on August 13th, at Kell’s own coffee shop- 27 Club Coffee located in Cleveland. 
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(family picture :) at 27 club coffee shop )
To start out, there were 3 “pre-show” events including Willow, Avril Lavigne, and Trippie Redd. A lot of people were freaking out about seeing these live performances, though I only knew like 2-3 songs from each of their sets, so I thought it was just okay, like maybe a 7/10. They were entertaining to watch but I was here for MGK more, if that makes sense. I will say, Trippie’s act was kind of insane. Not only did he blatantly get high on stage from a large blunt, it looked like he would sing a little bit then go back backstage to maybe throw up and then rally a bit more. He was also like “wow I’m really fucked up right now” to the crowd as well, making it to me, seem like he just didn’t really care about his fans. It was still entertaining though a plus. 
Finally, MGK is up to play. By this point, I’m getting a second hand high from the people in front of us smoking, which you know, makes sense given the crowd. Anyways, the board begins to play a video of a pilot of a helicopter as his stage has a pink helicopter strapped to the top. Born with Horns begins to play AS HE IS COMING OFF A LADDER FROM A REAL LIFE HELICOPTER. It was purely epic and Ithink it was a great way to start his show. 
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(travis barker and mgk, taken from my iPhone)
He then began to sing his hit songs from both tickets to my downfall and mainstream sellout. In between the songs he would tell a little story, something like this song is for so-and-so and I really want you guys to feel the emotion. I really love this part of the show because it felt like I was really connected to him and everyone singing along made it feel like I was less alone. I think also he did a really good job with his stage presence, while going between a couple hit songs on Binge and Hotel Diablo, he Zip-lined from the top of the stadium to the bottom wearing a Cleveland Browns Jersey with the logo XX on it. The logo stands for everyone stands together and he calls it his XX mob, which basically means we love you for who you are, we don’t care what differences you have as a person, let's embrace them because you’re amazing. I think this can be seen through the way he brings the crowd together; it just feels like a family. 
In addition to the zip line he also had three outfit changes, smashed a wine glass on his head, performed with Travis Barker and climbed a pillar as he was singing. To me this feels like he’s really dedicated to a show and really dedicated to pulling something together that his fans would like. I think that’s one of the reasons people really relate to his music is because he put so much effort into his lyrics that people feel connected enough to engage with him as a person; that’s why he puts on the shows that he does and I think that’s why people especially men leave a concert feeling loved and less alone. 
(mgk end of twin flame, rocking out, caught on my iPhone)
Reading this you must be thinking, “wow she really loved the show” and yes that is correct, I did.However, I wanted to share my favorite part. My favorite part was when he’s about to sing Twin Flame, which is his ending song; he looks out into the crowd, because he knows his daughter is there, and is like “wow make some noise for my beautiful daughter” and starts praising her which is extremely cute and makes me think he’s such a good father. This is especially cute because the song he sings is about the loss of an unborn child from his fiancé Megan Fox, and how much he loves and cares about his family. Praising his daughter and letting her know that she’s loved before playing this song just goes to show how having to abort an unborn child affects an entire family. I think it just shows his personality really well;  it seems like he is a person who has many layers- he grew up poor, got kicked out before 17, parents died and tried to sell his music on tapes to make a name for himself. He should be proud of himself and I don't think he really was until he saw his hometown stadium sold out. It was incredible to see. 
Like I said before, that was one of my favorite concerts. MGK played beautifully and sang his heart out. It was fun singing along and feeling like I was a part of a big family. I will 100% be seeing him live, even if that means spending money I don't quite have.
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theveryworstthing · 4 years
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So over on patreon Trevor asked for my take on the Addams Family and I grew up LOVING the Addams family movies so here we are. Instead of doing a straight up style interpretation, I decided to do a full on design challenge, using the characters as bases to make a black southern gothic Addams au. I actually drew the kids first, using the character bases of Wednesday and Pugsley to create some delightful kiddos I'm calling Sunday and Blanche. I of course then redesigned Gomez and Morticia into Carlisle and Mortesha.
The Addams have a very specific high aristocratic goth aesthetic (they've got a butler and nobody really works among other things) so in this re-imagining I wanted to go with vibes that run a little more middle class/upper middle class.  I thought it would be interesting to think about what would be considered weird and off-putting in an entirely different culture, and how being a big ol' goth is way less controversial than it used to be.
I tried to keep this short (HAHAHAHAHAHA) so I didn't spin off into an essay about villain coded families, black people in the horror genre, and normalcy as it pertains to social survival, but just...bits of that are in these designs and lore. Keep that in mind.
Also I made the kids twins because they've flip flopped in age so much in different media and also twins run in my family (i'm the daughter of one). And let's face it, I'm pulling a lot of their southern gothic traits from living as a southern goth so *shrug*.
10 thousand pounds of lore incoming loooooooooool.
The Parents
From the moment he saw her he knew that there was a 50/50 chance of him either never making it out of that swamp alive or marrying the figure that was creeping out from under the distant willow tree in a black cocktail dress. The third time she found him trussed up in one of her traps, he complimented her rope work and asked if she'd like to go out sometime after his head wound stopped bleeding.
Or while it was still bleeding.
If she was into that.
Some kids and a mysteriously burnt down Piggly Wiggly later, their love is still as strong and inescapable as a bear trap in a sink hole.
Carlisle Guillermo (now Addams through marriage but I wanted to give him two first names for a name since Gomez has two last names) makes a vaguely described living practicing ‘law’ around town. A loophole king, people come to him from miles around with contracts signed in blood, fights over chunks of hair buried in their rivals’ yard, dehydrated primate hands, memories that seemed like dreams until the evidence of their happenings became too real, and other regular Legal Items asking for counsel which he is all too happy to give. For a price. Sometimes that price is a homemade pie and sometimes it’s a million dollars, depends on who you are. Whatever you’re asked to pay it’s worth that price, and if you try to scam him out of work or he just plain doesn’t like you? Well. He knows how to twist a contract better than anything at the crossroads.
And he always gets his due.
He doesn’t just serve the local (living)humans though, there are many things that need proper legal representation in this day and age. You wouldn’t believe how many city councils try to build on sacred burial grounds even after he lets them know that his ghostly clients are totally gonna haunt the FUCK out of the ensuing shitty condos and curse their families for all eternity. At least 50% of his energy goes towards dealing with real estate bullshit.
Carl is an excitable and good natured(?) man who loves his family, cigars, dancing, and his many knife-based hobbies. People find him very charming once they get past the feeling that they’re talking to a sultry gator badly disguising itself as a human. I didn’t put a ton of deep thought into designing him, mostly I wanted to make a middle aged dude who looked like he would have been voted ‘most likely to smooch the literal devil’ in high school. Tbh he probably has, but no demonic ex’s can compare to his lovely wife~
Mortesha Addams(her name was already perfect so I just tweaked it)is a woman of many talents. A self proclaimed homemaker, she prides herself on a greenhouse full of Concerning Foliage, a beautiful wasp apiary, and a coop full of what are probably chickens that she keeps for what are probably eggs. She’s also an avid creator of the outsider art that can be seen around the estate. She has taken on the family business of selling her homemade goods in a little stall by the road just outside the swamp with her mom, and makes pretty good money doing so. A surprising amount of poison gets bought in quaint southern towns.
Speaking of poison, people who come out to the edge of the swamp to buy it are usually carrying a lot of secrets around, and Mortesha knows most of them. It’s not like she pries the truth out of people, it just so happens that many nervous hellos eventually turn into the tragic backstory power hour if she’s alone with a client for long enough. She supposes that’s just how people are. Despite the fact that the Addams are very active in the community (whether the community likes it or not) she especially, as a direct descendant of the first Addams matriarch, is seen as…Well not an outsider because the community feels A Certain Way about outsiders and despite it all the Addams are their people, but maybe something like an exception. They feel like whatever weirdness they’re hiding can’t be weirder than any given Addams, so they get a little loose with their words.
This is amusing to her, since Addams’ don’t naturally keep the kind dramatic secrets that their surface level prim and proper neighbors do. It’s much more fun to openly talk about those things.
Do they have a sadly decrepit yet terrifying grandma up in the attic? Yeah, like three. They got a tv, all the creepy porcelain dolls they could want, and they’re close to family. Where do you keep your gram-grams?
Any bodies buried on the property? Yeah some, but most are thrown to the gators.
Any creeping through the balmy summer night with ill intentions? Yeah dude, everyone loves a nice family stroll.
What about dangerous forbidden love? If an adult Addams isn’t incorporeal then they’re either queer or in a torrid romance with some person/thing mysteriously drawn to that awful swamp. Sometimes both at the same time. Most times actually.
Mortesha would know.
The current head of the Addams family is just as outgoing as her husband but a lot quieter and harder to read. She never really seems to get mad about much and always has a genteel smile for everyone whether they deserve it or not. A seven foot tall human shaped “Oh, bless your heart”. A perfectly composed Lady even when she’s, oh I dunno, burning down a Piggly Wiggly. You know. A regular southern mom. Chat her up at the hair salon for 50% off a jar of wasp honey with your next purchase of a mysterious but foreboding packet of herbs.
Designing her was pretty easy because I just drew a lankier Grace Jones and called it a day. I had some problems with her outfit simply because if we were going HARD southern gothic then she’d probably be wearing a white/cream dress with a fuller skirt but I thought keeping the silhouette and the black was more important. She’s supposed to be an anti southern gothic southern gothic character anyway. A woman who looks like she has a million secrets who is actually the most open person you could meet. For better or worse. The red hair came from a coloring error that I really ended up liking (my mom had red hair her whole childhood that only darkened up in high school so I can buy that an Addams can be naturally fire engine red) and the veil was to get more of that classic Morticia silhouette in there.
The Children
Sunday and Blanche are the twin children of Carlisle and Mortesha Addams. Some say the Addams clan got their cursed homestead when a wealthy local businessman made a deal with the devil and lost, leaving his grand mansion to his least favorite maid and cutting his losses once he realized that the swamp would do everything it could to drag the house into the water and take what was owed with its horrible curse. Others say that the family has just always squatted there and no one really cares because man, fuck that particular swamp. Have you been in there? Absolute horror show.
Blanche is the more outgoing sibling and quite the engineer/mad scientist in the making. He started going grey at 2 weeks old but considering he was also rocking some extra fingers, toes, and a tiny tail (he takes after his dad), his parents just put it on the 'not life threatening' pile and decided not to worry about it. He's the kind of smart that teachers find utterly infuriating, less a dog eagerly learning and obeying commands and more a hyena who keeps teaching itself how to pick locks. He has a few friends in his school's robotics club (which they honestly allowed him to make so the school could contain his... creations) but mostly hangs out with his sister exploring the swamp. They find all sorts of neat things in there! wedding rings, suspiciously lumpy garbage bags, cloaked cultists who can't read private property signs, it's an adventure every day!
Blanche is all about experimentation with his creations, his look, and his tether to this mortal coil. Is lipstick a cool thing to try? Let's find out. Can he get out of a strait jacket fast enough after being pushed into the depths of the swamp by his sister? let's find out. He's not dead yet and confused local doctors can attest to the fact that he's rarely attained more than a bad bruise so he's pretty set on continuing to kiss rattlesnakes on their cute little heads and have his sister practice her knife throwing at him until that fact changes.
Blanche is very much a country goth. Cowboy boots (customized by his mom), knife, and lighter are daily accessories. He likes to wear the crusty swamp jewelry they find (the rust adds a splash of color!) and despite appearances he does try to keep himself neat. He's just got  natural Grunge Colors and a tendency to wear clothes he likes until they fall apart. Pugsley always seemed the most modernly styled to me (which might just be because little boys clothes have been the same for a long time) so I wanted Blanche to be the most purposely fashionable Addams. Everyone else is goth by nature, but he's the only one truly familiar with goth as an alternative fashion.
I got really into designing Blanche because honestly, I find Pugsley to be the most boring member of the family. And he was hard to design! I had to mess with his vibe a lot to get him looking how I wanted. I know he's supposed to evoke an " 'evil' little boy next door who's parents never reign him in", but that's just goth Dennis The Menace.  I's 2020. We can at least go queer goth Calvin.
Sunday was much easier to design. Wednesday was my favorite as a child (of course) and I really wanted to keep the spirit of her look while adding things like billowy sleeves (it gets HOT down here), big poofy twists instead of braids, and a nice tie. She's a professional after all, been running the local pet cemetery since she was 6 and the previous groundskeeper met with an unfortunate accident after telling her that tarantulas don't have souls. Her specialty is creating beautiful naturalistic animal funerals similar to those that Maquenda (https://linktr.ee/artofmaquenda) makes, and she takes pride in creating miniature dioramas of her subjects after each burial which she uses as a kind of 3D catalog for future clients.
She really wants to try out her skills on humans one day. Well. Publicly try out her skills. Lotta random bodies float into the swamp. None of them have turned down her requests for diorama models so far. Most seem downright flattered. Plus, she usually figures out which graveyard/crime scene they floated over from and gets her parents to give them a lift back. She'll even help enact terrifying revenge from beyond the grave on whoever put them there if she's not, y'know, busy.
Besides arts, crafts, and pet based funerary arrangements, Sunday is an avid lover of archery (any ranged weapon really), books where little fantasy adventure animals die dramatic deaths, and history. She is That Kid who eagerly raises her hand when asked who Christopher Columbus was and ends up being sent out of class after 15 minutes for making 'a scene'. Her favorite party trick is just picking an item in the room and talking about how it relates to either some obscure historical figure with a buck wild life or a horrible disaster. At least one charity pancake breakfast ended with children in tears after her vivid description of the Great Molasses Flood of 1919.
Social-wise, while Wednesday is the girl that people ask to smile because they think she'd, "look so pretty", Sunday is rarely asked anything at all. People just kind of assume from her quiet nature (in between horrible history facts) that she's angry all the time and that she hates everyone. This is untrue. She hates some people but she's ambivalent to most everyone else and even downright friendly if you bother to talk to her like a person instead of a terrifying cryptid. Like, she IS a terrifying cryptid but she's also a little girl.  
That’s about it for now. One day I might do the other family members but for now I’m happy with the four I’ve redesigned. Making an au! Lurch in a family that doesn’t do butlers could be interesting. Over on patreon I put forth that he could just be Motesha’s mute little brother (similar bone structure) but Amy Crook had the nice idea of quote: “ a mysterious "cousin" that "helps around the house" whose origins are both long in the past and faintly unsettling. He's good for lifting heavy things, like that tank of propane you're about to throw into the burning Piggly Wiggly... “ which i now consider canon. Who's kid is he? How old is he? Not important. Anyone willing to commit arson with you is family.
Annnnyway.  This challenge was a lot of fun! I love indulging in AU’s.
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Day 136: Long Drive
Sorry friends. The second half of my week last week was really difficult and I went away for the weekend to recharge. Without further ado, here's the next ficlet. Thanks for your patience <3
Harry loved the States for a lot of reasons; it was way easier to disappear here than in England; even if people knew his name, they were way less likely to recognize his face; you could basically pick any climate that you wanted and find a place that suited you; and lots of other weird things.
But mostly he loved road trips.
He loved the entire concept behind getting in a car and just driving. The road unfurling endlessly in front of him, windows down, radio turned up and blaring whatever struck his fancy. With Max in the car beside him, wagging his tail and sticking his head out of the window, Harry felt practically weightless.
"Alright, buddy," he told the pittie when he pulled over to grab some breakfast at a little diner, "You hang out in the back, yeah?" he asked, scratching behind his ears and pressing a kiss to the broad bridge of his nose. "Go on," he said, nudging him toward the back that Harry had magically enlarged and turned into a comfortable living space.
Muggles had campers and rvs but with a little bit of magic, the beaten up Subaru served him just fine.
He got out and hit the lock button, listening to the satisfying little beep as he headed toward the diner, catching up his curls and tying them into a loose messy bun on top of his head.
The diner was cute, all red and white checkered decorations and a counter with spinny stools. Harry sat down at one and grabbed a menu, perusing and trying to decide what to order when he heard the crash of something being dropped to the ground and breaking.
His head snapped up and he blinked, wondering if it had been too long since he'd gone to sleep because he had to be hallucinating. "Malfoy?" he spluttered.
(Read more below the cut)
But before the other man could respond there was a shout from the kitchen in the back, "Damn it! You clumsy, stupid ass!" the man shouted and Harry felt himself recoiling from the anger in his voice. "You'll be paying for that!"
"Yes, sir!" Malfoy shouted back, bending over and hastily sweeping up the pieces.
"Well don't mess around with that now!" he shouted. "You've got a customer, you worthless piece of-" his voice trailed off as he slammed a door in the back but Harry could fill in the rest.
"Malfoy?" he repeated as the man in question stepped over to him. "How on earth did you find me?" he asked.
"You found me, Potter," he snapped. "Not the other way around. Now what can I get you?"
"You actually work here?" Harry asked in befuddlement.
Malfoy gritted his teeth, "Obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't be wearing this stupid apron and I wouldn't be getting screamed at by the arsehole that owns this place. What can I get you?" he repeated.
"Umm," he said, glancing down at the menu, "I will definitely have a cup of coffee. And then maybe the first special on your board with scrambled eggs, bacon, and rye toast," he said. "And also grape jelly, if you have it."
"Got it," Malfoy replied, scribbling on the ticket. "Coming right up."
He spun on his heel and strutted off before Harry could say anything more and Harry just stared after him, wondering if he was dreaming.
Malfoy was back a few minutes later with a mug and a coffee pot, filling Harry's cup and sliding it over to him.
"Thanks," Harry said, reaching for the sugar. "What are you-"
"Look," Malfoy hissed, leaning over and keeping his voice low, "Please do not blow this for me. I know that you have no reason to help me but I really need this job, Potter."
Harry blinked and by the time he'd unstuck his tongue from the roof of his mouth, Malfoy was gone again.
It wasn't long before the other man emerged once more, carrying Harry's plate of breakfast. "Here you go," he said as he set it down and slid a couple of grape jelly packets toward him. "Enjoy. Do you need a warm up on your coffee?"
"Uhh," Harry replied, glancing at his half full cup, "Sure."
Malfoy nodded and grabbed the pot to refill his cup.
"When do you get off work?" Harry found himself asking.
The other man's brow furrowed, "Why?"
He shrugged as he slathered jelly onto his toast, "Thought it might be nice to catch up."
"To catch up?" Malfoy repeated. "Is that code for-"
"Hear about your life," Harry supplied.
Malfoy's eyes narrowed, "Fine. I get off at 10:00. If you pretend that you are just a customer passing through I'll give you fifteen minutes."
"Done," Harry replied easily. "So what touristy shite is there to do in this town until 10:00 am?"
After he finished breakfast, Harry ended up just taking Max for a walk and then to the dog park to chase a ball around him. He'd worked hard to train him the first few months after he'd found him abandoned, tied up to a dumpster and all but starving. And Max had learned quickly, mastering basic commands in no time which was for the best, since people took one look at him and decided he was scary.
He wasn't, he was a sweet boy who loved people and who loved to play but it didn't seem to make any difference. Still, once he was trained, Harry had started taking him to the park and he wouldn't let other people bully them out.
Around 9:30, they headed back to the diner and Harry settled Max into the back, making sure his water bowl was full before he climbed back out of the car and leaned against the hood, waiting.
Malfoy emerged a few minuted after 10:00, looking a bit disheveled in his black t-shirt and skinny jeans, and immediately lit up a cigarette before looking around and spotting Harry. His eyebrows rose like he was surprised to see him before he squared his shoulders and made his way toward him.
"Hey," Harry said, straightening up as Malfoy approached him.
Malfoy blew a stream of smoke out of his mouth, "Hey?" he asked. "Is that really what you have to say to me?" He shook his head, "Just get it over with Potter," he said. "If you want to gloat just fucking gloat so I can move on and go get my groceries."
"I don't want to gloat," Harry protested.
"What do you want, then?" he asked scathingly.
And that was the question, wasn't it? What did Harry want? "Why are you working here?" he asked.
Malfoy rolled his eyes as he exhaled another puff of smoke, "It's amazing where you end up when you're a convicted death eater whose wand is monitored," he replied. "Then add to that the fact that it didn't seem to matter where I got myself set up in muggle London, someone found me and within hours I'd lose whatever job I'd been working. So here I am, just trying to get by and who should appear but the savior himself," he said with a little mock bow. "I should just put my two weeks in here now, at least-"
"I'm not going to tell anyone you're here," Harry said quickly.
"Right," he huffed sarcastically.
"I'm not," he argued, "Because if I told them where you are, they'd know where I've been."
"You're running away too?" Malfoy asked, cigarette dangling loosely from his fingers as he stared at Harry in surprise.
"Obviously," Harry replied. "Come on," he said after a moment. "Your feet must be killing you. I'm sure that arsehole doesn't give you breaks," he added as he opened the hatch.
"You want me to climb into the trunk of your car?"
He rolled his eyes, "I know you think I'm an idiot," he said, "But I'm less of one than you think. Just," he crawled in and stood up, "come on."
After a moment Malofy followed him through but before anything else could happen Max bounded over and all but climbed onto Malfoy's lap.
"Max-" he started to scold before Malfoy started talking over him.
"Oh, hello you sweet baby," he said, pulling Max further onto his lap so he could pet him better and scratch his neck. They looked ridiculous, Max was almost as big as Malfoy, but there he sat anyway, "hello. Aren't you a lovie?" he asked. "Yes you are. You're a giant lovie," he said.
And in that moment, Harry's mind was made up. "Have you ever gone on a road trip?" he asked.
Malfoy looked up at him and Max licked a stripe up his cheek. He laughed and stroked his side, "What?" he asked.
"Have you ever gone on a road trip?" Harry repeated.
"What is that?"
"Like a really long drive," he said. "Where you just get in your car and drive and stop for food when you want to and sleep when you want to." He scratched the back of his neck, "Max and I are headed to California to see the giant redwoods."
"That sounds nice for the two of you," Malfoy replied, steadily patting Max.
"Come with us," Harry said.
The other man blinked. "Sorry?"
"Just," he shrugged, "What else do you have here?"
"A job-"
"That you hate."
"A flat-"
"That is probably smaller than this," he said gesturing to the space they were sitting in.
"What happens when you get sick of me?"
He shook his head, "Come on. Just come with us. If I kick you out I'll give you $5000. That should be enough to help you settle wherever you want, right?"
He stared at him for a moment. There were a thousand reasons that flitted through Harry's mind, a thousand things that he could say, but none of them made any sense. Not yet at least. "Why not?" he settled on.
Malfoy took a slow inhale and then nodded once. "Fine, but you're going to need to make a second bed and we have to stop for my stuff."
"Done," Harry replied, grinning and feeling the familiar feeling of freedom that he felt when he was gliding down the open road unfurling in his chest.
Finally, he was going on an adventure worth having.
Day 135: Off-Guard | Day 137: Symmetry
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lavender-lotion · 3 years
Fanfic Writer Asks
I was tagged by @asarcasticwitch - thank you so much!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
737, which is an ugly number :(
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,890,054 words, which ... AH I might actually get to 2mil by the end of the year!
3) How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
thank you, ao3 dashboard for this handy list:
Teen Wolf (TV) (377)
X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) (187)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (93)
Glee (29)
Young Justice (Cartoon) (11)
Kingsman (Movies) (9)
Original Work (9)
The Avengers (Marvel Movies) (8)
Criminal Minds (US TV) (7)
Thor (Movies) (6)
Deadpool (Movieverse) (5)
Weird City (TV) (5)
X-Men (Original Timeline Movies) (4)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga) (4)
Ragnarok (TV 2020) (4)
Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) (3)
Teen Wolf (TV) RPF (3)
Iron Man (Movies) (3)
The House in the Cerulean Sea - T. J. Klune (2)
Venom (Marvel Movies) (1)
Stranger Things (TV 2016) (1)
Captain America (Movies) (1)
Fate: The Winx Saga (TV) (1)
Power Rangers Ninja Storm (1)
X-Men - All Media Types (1)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (1)
Riverdale (TV 2017) (1)
X-Men Evolution (1)
Push (2009) (1)
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
With You, I Belong
Mates and Marriage Proposals
The Perceptions of You and I
(baby) maybe that matters more
Breathing You In
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
ughh so, fair warning, I have a lot of works. I definitely do not remember all of them, however I do have four works tagged as Unhappy Ending and then another nine works tagged Ambiguous/Open Ending, which is way more than I’d thought I had! 
however, there is one fic that stands out in mind when I think about which of my works has the angstiest ending! Heed the tags :)
And Now?
Teen And Up Audiences | Major Character Death | M/M | Teen Wolf (TV) | Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski | Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski | Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Canonical Character Death, Peter Hale Dies, Unhappy Ending
Stiles Stilinski finds out who his soul mates are by setting one on fire.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
ughhhhhhhh I truly do not know??? 
7) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t write many crossovers at all! I have some mcu/teen wolf cross overs, I have a teen wolf/glee cross over plotted (that i’ll probably never write), but my strangest is probably this teen wolf/x-men cross over!
what-ifs (don’t fuckin’ matter to no one)
Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | M/M | X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)Teen Wolf (TV) | Logan (X-Men)/Sheriff Stilinski | Logan (X-Men), Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski | Memory Loss, Telepathy, Mentions of War, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Child Neglect, Grief/Mourning, Telepath Stiles Stilinski, Telekinetic Stiles Stilinski, Nightmares, Cuddling & Snuggling
There’s somethin’ there. Somethin’ that has him sleeping curled up on his side with a pillow tucked to his chest, somethin’ that has him splittin’ up his food ‘fore he eats ‘cause he don’t need as much as a baseline. Has him turnin’ to tell someone shit that ain’t there. There’s just...there’s just somethin’ there that’s missin’ and it shouldn’t be missin’.
8) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
sometimes! I don’t write a lot of smut because I actively dislike writing it, but the smut I do write is super super soft and sappy and full of emotions lol
9) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to almost all of my comments! comments i won’t respond to: negative comments, unsolicited criticism, comments that aren’t relevant to the fic itself, comments simply asking for more 
I love love love responding to comments! I love every single comment that I get and I want to show how much I appreciate getting them, and personally I think responding to comments is the only way to do that! everyone has different comment philosophies, but for me, if someone is taking the time to comment on my fic like I so badly want them to, I think it’s important to respond to show my appreciation! 
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
aha YEAH I DO. this past weekend I actually got a number of shitty comments and had to file two ao3 abuse reports for harrasment (: I love it
I am no stranger to hate comments. I write copious amounts of age difference fic. I write copious amounts of incest. I am not going to apologize nor am I going to feel bad for enjoying either.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
ughhh I sure as heck hope not! 
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I have a number of them :) I always always do my best to make sure it’s linked to the original fic, AND that I add a tag noting that there’s a translation!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have made a few attempts! the only successful attempt is there's nothing i wouldn't do to make you feel my love which is a collaboration with @flightinflame, not quite a co-write!
14) What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I am unable to answer this lol I don’t have an all-time favourite. mutli-shipping forever.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
god okay this is such a good question! imma ramble about a few so bear with me here! (i may have 700 posted works but I also have a few hundreds wips & ideas floating around in my gdrive, too)
gone & past - this is a starrish wip i’d started in 2017. I ended up deleting it from ao3 to rewrite it and never got there, but I have about 20k of content! I built my home, inside of you - thorki human au with college jock thor and high school dancer loki. i’ve got a start and nothing else Sheriff Stilinski Gets Some Sweet Sweet Lovin’ - massive wip where... well, the sheriff fucks his way through the entire pack. I want to write it but. trans allison au - this is an au where allison is trans and that changes the entire season 1 canon. it features stallison, petopher, and a looooooong ass outline that will never exist beyond my wips You Fill My Heart (With Such a Gentle Love) - this is a stetopher a/b/o au with pregnant omega stiles and alpha pair petopher falling in love. it started as a labour of love to someone I no longer have in my life. I have about 30k, a full outline, but idk. makes me sad to think about it they slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered - this is my big x-men first class rewrite that I honestly don’t think i’ll ever finish. I have a few thousand words, a full outline, but no love lost for cherik so. doubtful Physiotherapy (I'll Be Your Baby) - this was a fic I was SO excited about, and then it kinda flopped and stayed a wip because I didn’t have a plan or the motivation to finish it. it’s a winterspider human au with amputee bucky and science twink peter that I adore the premise of but who knows breathing you in chapter 2 - I have a massive second chapter planned for this fic but the first did so good so fast I am way too intimidated to write more in case everyone hates it lmao
there are more arjgoirjeg there are so many more but these are the bigger ones I can think of right now!
16) What are your writing strengths?
ughhhhh I hate answering this because I have, like, seriously bad imposter syndrome around my writing BUT I do think i’m able to weave poignant backstory into narration & i write strong, distinctive narrative voices!
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
literally I can’t write settings at all. I don’t know how people vividly describe settings but I absolutely cannot do that and it’s one of the reasons I haven’t delved into original fiction. I need to write the town my characters live in?? fuck that imma just use a location we’ve seen on screen & let readers fill in the blanks lmao
I am also shit at long fic. I don’t have the mind for long and interesting plots, and I don’t have the focus to write long fic (which is why every long fic i’ve ever posted has taken me literal years to complete smh).
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I like it! both as a reader and as a writer. as a writer, I generally only use a few words, or small sentences that can be understood by context, and I generally don’t 
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
the last thing I wrote and posted was this one:
Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | M/M | X-Men (Original Timeline Movies) | John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake | Bobby Drake, John Allerdyce, X-Men (Team) | Not Canon Compliant, Future Fic, Established Relationship, Summer, Teasing, Fluff
It was a really, really hot Saturday, and most of the school was outback, enjoying the sun, not caring about the heat, and having the time of their life.
Everyone but Bobby, of course, who was melting away.
“I just want to remind everyone that I make ice. I am the Ice Man. I am not built for the heat and soon enough I’m going to melt away into nothing.”
20) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
this is another impossible question! I have a few I really enjoy, but I really don’t think I have a favourite that stands out above the rest!
i’m tagging: @4magicandmayhem @insertmeaningfulusername @midrashic @wynnefic @ikeracity @stronglyobsessed @elledelajoie @wolfnprey​ & anyone else who sees it and wants to do it! seriously! go ahead :)
blank questions below the read more!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
3) How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
7) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
8) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
9) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14) What’s your all-time favorite ship?
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
16) What are your writing strengths?
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
20) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Cast your mutuals but it’s only Lottie because it’s her birthday 🥳🎂
I just want to say that I see you, I hear you, and I’ll deliver (even tho I’m lazy and I could never do this if it wasn’t for you)
Cast your mutual ( @imdreamingwiththestars ) as...
Marvel Man — Ant Man, Scott Lang
Wait before you get mad hear me out! SCOTT LANG IS THE SEXIEST AVENGER! First off he’s fucking hilarious without even trying. Like HILARIOUS. Everything he says has me in stitches. Second, he’s a great fucking father— literally the best fucking father. Kinda like how you’re always telling me to drink water and to go to bed. Third, he’s adaptable! He can switch between superhero, commendable dad, friend, awkward, sexy— this man is everything and you are everything. Fourth, he’s a dork. And you can’t get mad at me for that because it’s not a jab— it’s the reason we’re friends. The scene in Ant Man and the wasp where he’s doing a thousand things while bored at home just screams Lottie and the way one moment you’re sending pictures of the bracelet you made and then the next your doing something entirely different. Finally he’s sexy— he’s hot as fuck and anyone who doesn’t think Paul Rudd— America’s true golden boy— is sexy then I don’t want to know you. He’s sexy not only because he’s just plain sexy with no substance (which he’s not and neither are you) but because of all the things I said before saying that he’s hot. This fucking DILF makes me want to be a MILF.
Marvel Woman — Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff
Chaos Queen bisexual witch with nerd boyfriend— sounds about right to me! No— you don’t have nerd boyfriend but he’s out there (and maybe his name is SCOTT LANG). She loves fiercely when it comes to family and feels like she’s dying when those she loves are hurt. Family relationships get rocky at times but would do absolutely anything for her found family. She has meltdowns that rock entire towns and then, in the next second, is fine. Maladaptive daydreamer who creates the realities she would rather be in and adds the extra creative flare that the rest of the people around her are missing. That town was suffering before she showed up and gave it the ol’ razzle dazzle. Like please, take over my mind anyday. Deals with my Agatha Harkness level drama with grace. Like oh shit I kidnap you and force you to relive trauma and you don’t kill me? Wow a queen. 100/10 would bang and, yes, that needed to be added because it’s an important attribute. Also when I picture Lottie’s marvel costuming I see red and I see corsets and that’s enough for me 😌
TVD Man — Kai Parker
No, you aren’t a sociopath but neither was Kai Parker!! He was a kid who’s family fucked him over in every way because he was different and then— when he lashed out after years of straight abuse— got locked up. He’s not crazy— he’s hurt and no one’s fucking listening. He’s made mistakes but everyone would rather say shit about him instead of looking at their own lives. At the end of the day no one was better than Kai Parker despite how much they would like to think they are. He appreciates the little things— snowflakes and good food and sharp knives. He’s charming and has a voice that makes me melt— I can picture him going for walks and sending me videos about his coffee and what he bought at target. He needs a hug and a vacation and an I’m sorry.
TVD Woman — Bonnie Bennet
Is it telling that I picked another witch? Possibly. Am I gonna do it again? Definitely. Bonnie Bennet is a badass despite the fact that literally everything goes against her. She isn’t a badass because it’s easy, she’s a badass because it’s in her fucking DNA. No one wants her to be a badass— even her grandma at some points hates her— but she can’t turn it off so she doesn’t. She shouldn’t turn it off. She’s level headed but oh boy when she gets angry fucking watch out. She’s ride or die for her friends but will put them in her place when she needs to. She’s the most powerful one but no one treats her like it?? Creative problem solver with a penchant to let her powers kinda slip from time to time until a building or two is on fire. Falls for the hottest people but also might fall for your brother. She is the hottest one— full sexy— and again, yes, that’s important.
TO Man — Marcel Gerard
It was a toss up between him and Vincent Griffith but I have made my choice. Marcel is the poster boy for found family but also for knowing when it’s right to separate and do his own thing. The true king of NOLA who has exquisite taste in music. He was kinda evil at the beginning but it really only made him sexy so?? He thought he was protecting his city and vamp fam and I think that’s reasonable. Cares deeply, is beyond loyal, and would kill for those he loves. Saves a dorky awkward gay from death and that goes without saying hey thank you ma’am dorky gay here thankful for you’re consistent messages in her inbox I would be dead on here without you. Accidentally acquires a child but becomes one of the best dads ever despite her temper and unpredictable powers. Has an on off relationship with an equally sexy blonde. Himbo CEO vibes and I think that’s lovely— like you. You are lovely.
TO Woman — Hayley Marshall
Fierce, sexy, hybrid who loves two men even though they makes her so damn angry. Family drama 100%, found family drama 200%. Wolf queen who appreciates the downtime of chilling in nature with a cold drink and good people. Would die for her family but before it even gets to that point she would kill anyone who got in between her and them. Would go to unknown lengths to do the literal impossible like bring her family back from the dead. Impeccable mother— impeccable friend— impeccable leader. IS SO FUCKING SEXY. Also kinda angsty lol.
A Favourite Song — Drops of Jupiter | Train
Despite what it may seem like, I didn’t choose this because I know it’s one of your faves. I chose it because when I think about you I think about little things. Dunkin donuts and bikini tops and mugs and pink purple blue bracelets and late night talks about nothing. The verses of this song talks about all the little things she does that makes him love her and that’s how I feel about you. I love you because you don’t say hi, you say things akin to “Finn Mikaelson deserves to feel sexy like the rest of his brothers” and I think this song has that energy.
A Favourite Movie — Treasure Planet
“You’re gonna’ rattle the stars, you are.”
A coming of age adventure story with an angsty main character and a happy ending— it’s perfect. Sometimes to find yourself you need to find a golden map, get your moms rich friend to fun your pirate ship, hire a sexy cat captain, and befriend a father figure whose also a villain. Sometimes you also have to let him get away at the end. It touches on themes of discovery, forgiveness, trauma, and self love. Jim is a capable sarcastic smart kid and his best friend is an awkward robot who talks too much— wow, it’s us. Please bring me to space school when you get accepted 😌
I hope this makes you smile on your birthday! I love you most 💕
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amazedforjjk · 4 years
Black Crow - Yoongi
Tumblr media
Summary: It’s not often you stumble upon a handsome tied up man in your parking lot in the dead of the night. What adventures this mysterious stranger is going to embark you on?
Genre: mafia!Yoongi, angst, humor, a tiny tiny hint of fluff
Warnings: Strong language, violence, blood and injuries, mentions of abuse and torture, tragic backstory, snarky Yoongi
A.N: Black Crow is finally here!! I’m so excited for you guys to read it! I’ll go on a hiatus for about two weeks but I’ll be back, don’t worry! I already have a new story idea I’m excited about!! Please tell me what you thought of Black Crow, I love interacting with you guys!!
Word count: 14K
10:43 pm
It’s pitch black when you step out through the big glass doors of your office complex and the only way you manage to put a foot in front of the other without falling on your face is thanks to your flashlight on your phone. Everyone is already gone by now, and you should be as well but your boss had asked you to stay later tonight, because that fucker isn’t able to prepare a powerpoint by himself. Fucking boomers and their inability to use a computer. You huff in frustration as your heels click on the ground. You try to readjust your tight skirt by pulling at the edge. You hate this office with a passion, from your boss to his abject dress code. You absolutely despise having to dress in a tighter than normal grey skirt along with dark pantyhoses and a white blouse just for him to ogle you and your female coworkers. Your scalp hurts from having to pull your hair in a tight bun everyday.
Your heels are so fucking painful after a day of working, your boss making a point of having you run around the open space for different files that he strangely doesn’t need merely five minutes after asking you for them. You are not his assistant either, so you shouldn’t have to do anything for his fat ass but he holds your career in his hands, promising you the position you aspired towards for the past year without ever committing to his word. You huff again as you try to find your car in the dark, holding your phone between your shoulder and your cheek while you rummage in your purse to find your keys. Your office’s neighborhood isn’t exactly unsafe at night but you’d rather be home as fast as possible.
Admittedly, no one’s waiting for you there, except your bed and a comfy pair of pants, but you still sigh in contentment when you find the button to open your car. You get in in a hurry, throwing your bag across on the passenger seat and starting the car up. You already feel more relaxed in your car, removing your painful heels to drive. Your ankles are covered in blisters for sure and the tight fabric of your pantyhose pressing against the tender skin makes you grit your teeth. You drive home in a hurry, certainly not very safely but you don’t seem to care tonight, still fueled on the rage you piled up inside you today.
It’s definitely not your dream job, but a writer’s salary doesn’t pay the bills, at least not yours. And it’s not that bad; Sure you hate everyone in this office but the work in itself is okay, and the paycheck is worth the trouble. It’s thanks to that that you are two steps from owning your apartment in the center of the city, currently reimbursing your loan from the bank. It’s also why you need that new position; Bigger responsibilities but a bigger paycheck and flexible hours, perfect for an aspiring writer. Most importantly, you’ll don’t have to do anything for your asshole of a boss anymore.
You park in your parking spot down your building complex, calming down as you retrieve your keys from the ignition. You sigh. Sometimes you think you let the rage of your job consume you because it masks the loneliness overflowing from you everytime you come back home. You shouldn’t feel that way; you are the one who decided to move thousands of miles away from your parents. You are the country girl who decided to flee her small town to settle in the big city. You are not the only one, most of your friends moved as well, but not to the capital and sometimes you feel really alone. Even if you live in an over crowded city you can’t seem to find people to talk to other than a therapist.
You sigh as you slip your uncomfortable heels back on, stepping out of your car with your bag. You don’t notice at first the grunts and sounds of straining as you close your door and lock the car, but when you do you still instantly. Your eyes scan all around you while you strain your ears to find the origin of the noise. It sounds like a man is struggling against something, huffing and puffing in frustration.
The parking lot is empty and dimly lit, which is not unusual at this time of the night. You grab your phone tightly in your hand. The screen reads 11:07 pm before you tap on the emergency button. You don’t call the cops yet, but you feel a bit more reassured now that they are only a phone call away. You tentatively step closer to the trunk of your car towards the sound, steadying your breathing to be as silent as you can. Surely the person making the sound has already heard you arriving in your car and knows you are here but the fear gnawing your stomach keeps you from thinking straight. You forget about your painful heels, the rage of the day and your loneliness to focus entirely on the sounds . You can tell the man is still struggling, grunts and curse words alike becoming louder.
The deep voice spits a “Fuck!” and a car two rows away from yours sways lightly as if someone pushed against it. Having finally located the source of the sound you approach the car slowly, only stopping when you are close enough to determine what’s happening. A man is sitted against the back door of said car, head turned to look at his hands behind his back while struggling so that you can only see his raven hair. From the rope tied around his shoulders, you gather that his hands must be tied up as well and that he must be trying, with no success thus far, to break free.
He doesn’t seem to have noticed you yet, and you take advantage of that to figure out what the hell you are supposed to do in this situation. You could call the cops, leave him in their hands and he’ll be fine. Or you could try to free him from his bonds, there’s no need to get the police involved if it’s only a bad prank gone wrong. You glance at the chains around his neck; a silver skull is on the biggest of them and you can’t help but gulp. He could be dangerous… Like a gang member? Who else wears chains and skulls nowadays? Or he could be in danger, you realize as you notice a big dark stain on his khaki shirt. Wait, is that blood?
You let out an involuntary squeak as the stain seems to get even bigger. Your eyes widen when you realize how much you fucked up and you bring your hands to your mouth as if it would silence you but it’s too late. At the sound the man snaps his head in your direction, his grey eyes instantly finding yours. His brows are furrowed in both frustration and surprise, making him look intimidating. What shocks you the most though is the huge scar coming from his forehead to his cheekbone. You can’t help but take a step back, your hands falling to your sides, revealing your gaping mouth.
His eyes scour you and his eyebrows relax when he seems to understand that you pose no threat to him, but he still doesn’t talk. He gets up from where he was sitting, using the car behind him for support, gritting his teeth together in effort. You take another step back and your rear meets the car behind you. He looks much more intimidating now; he isn’t particularly tall nor is he very broad but his stance makes him terrifying. Your instincts are screaming at you to run away, that he is dangerous, but it’s like you are glued in place, unable to move. It’s only when he winces in pain again, surely from the wound on his side that you regain your ability to form coherent thoughts.
He is tied up and wounded; The man’s not a lot of a threat for you right now. A kick in his groin and you should be able to get home without a problem. You gulp before breaking the silence.
“You are wounded… It looks bad” is all you can muster tentatively. Silence.
Wow, that was lame, you internally cringe. He simply cocks an eyebrow and a smirk appears on his lips.
“Yeah, no shit”
You stammer and you feel your face heat up. Unable to find a witty comeback, you just huff, crossing your arms on your chest.
“Look, you need help or not?” you say simply but that is enough to wipe the smirk off his lips. It’s his turn to huff before looking away from you and you wonder how he could seem so intimidating earlier. He turns around, not without difficulty, facing away from you in an incredible demonstration of trust, displaying his tied up hands and you warily step towards him.
“Don’t try anything, I have a taser in my purse,” you bluff, eyeing the ropes currently cutting into his chafed wrists. The ropes are bloodied and you question how long he was trying to break free for. His shoulders move up and down as he laughs.
“I’ll be good,” he says, his voice filled with sarcasm. You roll your eyes. He is way too sassy for someone presently tied up.
You start to tug at his binds, trying to find the knot to let him free. He grunts as you put pressure on the damaged skin of his wrists. You look up from his wrist to look at him. He is turned but you can see his strained face in the car window’s reflection. Now that you can see him from a closer perspective, he looks abnormally livid, eyes unfocused and panting. He looks like he’s about to pass out, you note. Wait, he is passing out! You barely have the time to catch him before one of his knees falters.
“Hey hey hey- Dude? Are you okay?” you ask, voice full with concern. He mumbles, quite clearly unable to talk. “Fuck” you curse under your breath. You’ll deal with the rope later, you need to treat his wound. You grab his shoulder, trying to get him to lean on you and you start to walk to your apartment complex. He doesn’t even try to complain, and you are grateful; It’s already too difficult to carry his weight in your flimsy heels, especially without a good grasp on him. The ropes around him make it difficult for you to hold him steady, and he almost fell a few times when you tried to get a better grip.
Your perfect bun is ruined by the time you reach the elevator, and you are panting from the effort. Who’d have thought having to drag a semi conscious man across a fucking parking lot would be so difficult? The elevator ride provides you with a break, and you simply keep him against the wall while you catch your breath. His face is lolling forward, chin pressed against his chest. He still looks white as a sheet and you start to worry. Was it really a good idea to bring him home? You are capable of treating wounds, that’s not the problem, but if his wound is too deep or if he needs a blood transfusion you won’t be able to do anything.
“Shit, I should’ve brought you to the hospital,” you say, mainly to yourself as you stare at the elevator’s mirror.
“NO!” he shouts, making your head snap to look at him, alarmed. He managed to lift his head to look at you, his grey eyes burning with a fiery determination. “No hospital,” he repeats, and you nod at him, disconcerted. He calms after your nod, his head sinking back down to his chest.
Entering your apartment was a challenge; You had to hold the black haired man against the wall with your side while you searched your purse for your keys. He almost fell when you found them and forgot to press into him against the wall to open the door. Thankfully for him you realised your mistake early enough, dropping both your keys and bag to keep him from crashing on the wooden floor. You are also grateful none of your neighbours decided to take a midnight stroll, or they would have seen you pressing a tied up and passed out man against the wall with your body while desperately trying to open the door. Hardly something you want to be remembered by.
You plop the unconscious man on the couch unceremoniously, forgetting for a second his wound. You wince when you realise your mistake, but thankfully the man is too out of it to make one of his snarky comments. You retrieve your first aid kit from the bathroom and take advantage of his state to treat his wound. It is not too deep so you are able to patch it up without having to stitch him up. You’ve never been so happy to have a nurse as a mother, having learned most of your healing skills from her. You conclude, relieved, that his passing out is mostly due to the shock rather than excessive blood loss, since he didn’t seem to have a concussion when he talked to you. Adrenaline must have kept him in a conscious state of mind until he realized you didn’t mean any harm.
You cut through the rope with a kitchen knife, taking the opportunity to inspect him for any more injuries. You treat his wrists with an antiseptic cream before bandaging them. He is not otherwise severely harmed, though he does sport some nasty bruises on his --surprisingly toned-- chest. What the fuck happened to him?
You sit back on the ground, facing him, when you finally finish your check-up. His breathing is steady and he seems to have regained a splash of color on his face. You take the opportunity to take a better look at him. His features are sharp though he does have a cute button nose and cute pink lips. You shake your head to chase those thoughts. What is wrong with you, checking out a passed out man?
You check for his temperature before sighing. You are incredibly tired, the day was already exhausting as it is, nevermind with this sudden encounter. You decide against putting away the kitchen knife, instead taking it with you to your room. You are nice, not stupid, and though you don’t feel in danger anymore, you are not the one to take unnecessary risks.
It’s already well past midnight when you go to sleep, knife under your pillow. You hope your guest on the couch will wake up early as you need to be up early tomorrow for your job. You’d like him to be gone as soon as possible, men like this only mean trouble. Sure you’d like to know a bit more about him, like how did he wind up in your parking lot at 11pm tied up and injured. But you know the saying, ‘curiosity killed the cat’, and you value your comfortable life too much to put it in jeopardy for a man’s backstory. Who knows what could happen?
You wake up late the next morning. After a quick shower and almost falling flat on your ass trying to get dressed as fast as possible, you sprint out your room into the living room. The couch is empty and you smile to yourself. He’s gone. Good. It’s one less thing for you to worry about so you dart through the door, trying to make it in time before getting chewed out by your boss for arriving 3 minutes late.
You manage to sit at your desk one minute before the start of your shift and you sigh. Here we go again, another day of having to deal with dumbasses. Despite the fact that you woke up late, the rest of the day proves to be quite good. Instead of being his usual manipulative asshole self, your boss decides to ask you in his office to talk about your well deserved promotion, and tells you that an interview is set for you tomorrow in order to decide whether or not you should get the job. You spend the rest of the day on cloud nine, excastic to finally see your hard work rewarded.
You rush home after another hard day of work, sleep deprived and craving the comfort of your covers. It seems however that fate has other plans for you, you realise when you open the door to fall on last night’s guest. He was still here. Shit. He is comfortably seated on your couch, feet on the table while he’s watching TV. Eyes wide, you drop your bag on the floor.
“What the fuck are you still doing here?! I thought you were gone!” you shout at him. He nonchalantly eyes you up and down, smirking at your crestfallen expression.
“You locked me in this morning,” he answers simply. “I couldn’t open the door to get out.”
The way he pronounces these words without a care in the world leads you to believe he mustn't have tried really hard to get out. You bring your hands to rub your face, feeling anger building up within you. Who does he think he is?
“You have a nice place,” he says gesturing around him with his hand. “Also, you shouldn’t keep a knife under your pillow, it’s dangerous,” he adds, brows furrowed in fake concern.
“You went in my room?!” you ask, clearly fuming. The nerve of this guy!
“Of course, I had to make sure I couldn’t find another exit”, he says, as if it was obvious. This guy is seriously getting on your last nerve, and you grit your teeth, trying to avoid exploding in his face. He seems to pick up on your aggravated state and his face becomes serious. He lifts his feet from the table, standing up to move closer to face you.
“Thank you for last night. I owe you a lot”
He bows slightly and it’s like your anger evaporates, making way for your curiosity to take over.
“Yeah about that… What happened to you last night?” His face hardens instantly and his whole body stiffens. He seems to ponder what to say for a while, obviously not quite ready to let you in on the situation.
“I can’t tell you--”
“I think you owe me that much” you retort, interrupting his refusal. He huffs and thinks for a bit more time.
“You’re right. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. I had... uh...  Some troubles... With a gang”
By the way he forces the words out of his mouth, you figure this is the most you’ll get out of him right now. It does make sense in a way, and you are now glad you could help him. You hum in acknowledgment and he seems relieved to know you won’t ask anymore questions. It’s his business anyway, and you already know enough.
“I figure that you need to lay low for a while, wrong?” you sigh, passing by him to go to the kitchen. He looks surprised but quickly regains his composure. He hums positively, still not quite sure where this is going. “It’s late, you can stay tonight as well if you want.” 
You don’t know why you are saying this. Inviting a stranger to stay for one more night? Are you going nuts? Are you really that lonely that you would invite someone --whom you met in sketchy circumstances, let’s not forget-- to spend the night with you? His response cuts the little voice in your head nagging at you.
“That’d be good, yes” and you turn to meet his eyes. His face is still serious but you can discern a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“I’m Y/l/n Y/n by the way”
“Min Yoongi”
“Nice to meet you, Yoongi. Tonight’s menu is take out,” you say, turning to face him completely, leaning on the counter behind you.
“I’m fine with that,” he says with a playful smile and you don’t fail to notice the glimmer of amusement in his eyes. Did you say something funny?
You brush it off, instead focusing on ordering chicken fried rice and dumplings from your favorite chinese place in the neighborhood on your phone. Yoongi returns to focus on the TV while you order, and you take advantage of this to observe him. At first glance, he looks fairly nonchalant, without a care in the world, but the more you examine him, you notice the slight movements of his eyes whenever you make a sound. He doesn’t look uneasy, more like generally careful of you. In fact, it looks like he chose to sit where he could monitor you without you catching him, sitting at a certain angle so he doesn’t have to turn his head to watch you.
You gulp, suddenly feeling more on edge than before. Now that you see it, he seems more controlled than you would think, as though the very way he sits is meticulous; as if to convey that he is non-threatening to you, while still being able to act if need be. You can’t help but feel he might have downplayed his troubles, that type of behaviour does not match with a small lowlife’s who would just have “some troubles with a gang”. No, he knows what he’s doing, and has known from the very beginning, purposefully using sarcasm to break the tension and get you to help him. You don’t think he manipulated you into bringing him home though, that man was too passed out to manage that feat.
You grab the counter to ground you. Realising you just welcomed someone that appears to be dangerous and manipulative into your own home is not a great feeling. If Yoongi has noticed your sudden tenseness, he doesn’t let it show. He’ll be gone by tomorrow, you remind yourself, trying to calm your pounding heart. You feel like a prey stuck with a wolf in sheep’s disguise. But you are no damsel in distress, you’ll be just fine if you stay wary. Keep your guard up while not letting him know you figured him out. Guess you’ll be sleeping with a knife under your pillow tonight as well.
The rest of the night continues on fairly pleasantly. You do most of the talking during the night, telling him stories about your awful boss and your dream job. Yoongi is actually good company, listening to you with a smile, though you still feel that he contains himself. You purposefully avoid talking about his past or his job, not wanting to make a wrong move and anger him. The less you know the better. The atmosphere between the two of you is still somewhat tense, and you all but jump when the doorbell rings, announcing your dinner’s arrival.
He does seem to relax once his stomach full, even going as far to flash you a gummy smile when you lose balance and the empty take out boxes come crashing onto the ground. Granted, he was laughing at your clumsiness but you had a good time nonetheless.
“I need to be up early tomorrow, I should hit the sack,” you say while throwing out the take out boxes. “I’ll leave at 7:30 so you’ll have to leave at that time too”, you add and he hums in understanding.
You bid him goodnight before entering your room and as you are pushing the door a small “Thank you, Y/n” escapes his lips. You turn around and return his small smile. Is it just you or did this one seem sincere?
You don’t wake up sleep deprived this time around. In fact, you feel better than you have in a while. Is this the effect of having company for once? You scoff at your own thoughts before preparing yourself for the day. No, it’s of course because of your near new job interview. Yoongi is up and ready when you step out of your room to get your coffee, his wet hair sticking to his face.
“You want one?”, you ask him, pointing at the coffee machine. He nods and thanks you when you hand him a coffee. This morning feels a little awkward, you note. You are not quite sure what to say in this situation, and apparently neither is he because the both of you are just staring at each other while sipping your coffees, waiting for the other to say something. You also note the contrast between you too; him, wearing worn out grey jeans and an oversized khaki bomber jacket, and you, wearing a tight black skirt, an assorted suit jacket and an ironed white blouse. Once done with your coffee, you slip your uncomfortable heels and the both of you step out into the elevator.
It is finally time for you to separate when you step out on the street. You turn to face him, suddenly feeling embarrassed. What to say? You are relieved when he starts talking first.
“Thank you for letting me stay, Y/n, I owe you one”, he says with a small smile.
“Well, two if we’re honest”, you answer with a smirk. He looks at you amused. You take a glance at your watch. “Alright, I should go, or I’ll be late for my interview. Goodbye, Min Yoongi”. You wave at him. You fail to notice the men coming up from behind him. You should have, you have never seen them before, and them sporting black clothes and heavy gold chains would have stuck with you. Yoongi does notice the ones coming from behind you though, his eyes widening. It’s far too late however, and he cannot reach you before he is grabbed from the back. You scream when you feel two pairs of hands on each side of you, maintaining you in place. Yoongi is trying to fight off his assailants but he is quickly overpowered, knocked out by a nasty blow to his temple. For your credit, your struggling gave them a hard time trying to contain you as well, scratching and kicking in every direction, but a hit in the face is enough to finally calm you, rendering you unconscious.
You wake up face down in the trunk of a car. You can tell by the sound of the engine as well as the smell of gasoline. Your head hurts and you are disoriented. Everything is dark and you are cramped up in a tiny space, something soft under you. The haze surrounding your mind lifts instantaneously when you remember what happened before you blacked out. You struggle when you find out your hands and feet are tied up, but still at once when the soft thing under you releases an ‘ooomph’ sound.
“Yoongi?!”, you shriek. You immediately regret speaking so loud, cursing under your breath. Just because you can’t hear them in the car doesn’t mean they can’t hear you.
“Yeah..” he responds, voice strained, obviously in pain from the elbow you lodged in his ribs as you tried to move around.
“What the fuck is going on?”, you whisper-shout, anger boiling in your veins. You knew that man was trouble but you invited him in anyway. This is what you get when you don’t listen to your instincts. You hear him sigh above your head.
“Remember the gang I told you about?” he says tentatively, knowing you are only inches away from exploding. “Well, I killed their leader and they are not very happy with me right now.”
You can’t believe what you are hearing.
“And that’s ‘some troubles’ for you?! What the fuck, Yoongi?!”
“That’s really all that you take away from what I just said?”, he retorts in disbelief.
No, it’s really not. But right now, the fact that you are acquaintances with a murderer is the least of your worries. “Fuck”, you utter, hitting your head softly on his chest. The fear mixing with anger inside you makes it difficult for you to think. How are you going to get out of this mess?
“You seem awfully calm for someone who’s just been kidnapped, Yoongi”, you say against his chest, your head still a bit dizzy from the hit you’ve received from your kidnappers.
“This is not my first rodeo, sweetheart”
You scoff at his nonchalant response, but it somehow reassures you a bit. At least you are not alone.
“So, what’s your fucking plan to get us out of here then, cowboy?”, you ask, expecting a brilliant plan to get the both of you out of harm’s way unscathed and-
“I don’t know yet”
Were you drinking anything, you would’ve spat your drink in his face in disbelief. But you are not, so you decide to head butt him in the chest instead. Hard.
“Ow, what the fuck?”, he whisper-shouts, obviously surprised by your sudden violence.
“You got me in this mess dude, now you get me out of it!”
You are seeing red. Even in this kind of situation he isn’t serious, driving you crazy with his nonchalant responses. He is going to get me killed, you think to yourself.
“I’ve escaped once from them, I can do it again. They are not exactly the brightest bunch”, he says, and you feel him shift under you. “The sole fact that they took you with me is proof. Would you turn on your back please, darling?”
Though you don’t understand why, you comply without a complaint. The man is supposed to be used to this, now’s not the time to ask questions. You twist on your back with difficulty, not without purposefully elbowing him in the stomach once again, disguising it as an accident when he starts to curse you out. As soon as you are in position, you feel his hands feeling around their way to yours, reaching your binds in no time. You can’t help but shriek when the cold blade of what you guess is a knife touches your forearm.
“First rule of kidnapping, darling, always check the belt”, he explains while cutting through the rope attaching your wrists together with dexterity. You are free in less time that you need to say it, rubbing your chafed wrists in disbelief. You are impressed to say the least, and quite relieved to have underestimated your kidnappee buddy. He hands you the knife.
“Alright, now I need you to free our feet. With you on top of me like that I can’t do it”
You start to shift in the small space trying to bend in order to reach your feet, feeling as you go. You’ve never been the most flexible but you don’t pay mind to the pain in your lower back as you start to cut through the rope around his feet, a weird feeling of deja vu settling in the back of your mind.
“Wait… Is that MY kitchen knife?!”, you ask in an ushered yet still incredulous voice, recognizing the grip of the knife in your hands.
“Of course it is”, he says as if it was obvious. “Did you seriously think that I, a hit-man searched for by the most dangerous gang of the country, would leave anywhere unarmed?”, he adds after hearing your disbelieving scoff. His feet are free now and you start to cut through your binds.
“The most dangerous- What?! I thought you said they weren’t the brightest bunch?!”, you reply, incredulous, stopping to cut for a second.
“Well yes, I killed the brains of the gang”, he says matter-of-factly. “You done with the knife? Give it to me.”
You hand him back the knife, your ankles now free of the restraints. The car is still moving, and you start to wonder what Yoongi is planning to do. Best course of action would probably be to wait for the car to stop and the kidnappers to open the trunk, taking them by surprise.
This doesn’t seem to be what Yoongi has in mind however, as you feel him start to rip off the carpet on the floor of the trunk. Your eyes widen but you try to move over to the front part of the trunk, letting him space to go on his rampage on the carpet. Has he gone mad? Is this how you die?
“What the fuck are you doing?”, you ask him through gritted teeth. Now’s not the time to attract attention.
“I’m looking for the trunk release cable” he says flatly, obviously focused on his task.
“It should be… Right about... Here!” He pulls on something at once and the trunk suddenly opens. Your eyes hurt from the abrupt surge of light and you shield your eyes. The car starts to sway dangerously, the kidnappers obviously as surprised as you are to see the trunk pop open. Your eyes don’t have the time to accommodate before Yoongi yanks you by your hand, making you crash in his chest, before jumping, effectively throwing the both of you out of the trunk onto the road. Thankfully, Yoongi had the presence of mind to jump at an angle, making you tumble into the sidewalk instead of underneath the wheels of the car behind yours.
You barely have time to register what just happened before Yoongi pulls you by the hand again. Everything hurts and you are not quite sure what just happened, but you follow suit, running after him. You discard the only heel left on your feet after your little acrobatic feat in order to be able to run properly on the sidewalk. You don’t even pay mind to the incredulous glares the two of you gather. Oh what a sight you must be, running barefoot in the streets, cheeks, hands and knees wounded, your clothes a mess and your previously done up hair flowing in the wind. There are not many people around, making it easy for you to run, but easy for your kidnappers to find you. The car must have stopped a few moments after the trunk popped open because men are running after you, screaming.
Yoongi makes a sudden turn in a narrow and dark alleyway. You want to ask him where he is leading you but you are too breathless to even say a word. You don’t know how long you’ll be able to keep going like that, especially since your feet are starting to hurt from the gravel and the shards of glass covering the alleyway. You keep on running anyway, somehow convinced that the man running in front of you knows what he’s doing.
The sound of a gunshot rings right next to your ears, the bullet embedding itself on the wall alongside you. You shriek as the sound brings you back to earth, and you start to run even faster, adrenaline coursing through your veins. Yoongi doesn’t even flinch, continuing to run, brows furrowed and eyes trained in front of him. You make a second abrupt turn, leading even deeper in the maze of alleyways of your city. This part of the town is known to be the headquarters of the criminal activity, so it’s no wonder you are completely lost here whereas Yoongi expertly proceeds through, leading you to an unknown place.
The deeper you sink in the maze, the more people you meet, and the more scared you become. Everything is so foreign and dangerous to you, and you grip tighter on Yoongi’s hand as he pushes through the mob. It might be a bit stereotypical but these people all look too intimidating to you, especially since you are running away from men who just tried to kill you. You should thank them really, since they help you escape, unbeknownst to them. The alleys are larger now, though still very dark, and your nose catches whiffs of grilled meat and other delicacies as you run past the shady food stands. You are a bit overwhelmed as you progress through the crowd; Your heart is beating in your ears and your mind is racing, unable to entirely make sense of what you are experiencing.
Yoongi yanks on your hand once again, beckoning you to turn in yet another alley. This one is distinctly smaller and emptier than the former, and Yoongi stops abruptly in front of a back door, letting go of your hand to pound on the dirty metal door. His pounding is insistent and for the first time he looks nervous, eyeing where you just came from warily. The door doesn’t seem to want to open despite his persistence and he starts to curse. Behind him, you are quite literally trembling with anxiety. Your heart is throbbing in your chest and you only just realise your cheeks are wet with tears. Have you been crying the whole time?
“Fuck Jin, open the god damn door!”, Yoongi shouts, fist thumping against the metal, startling you from your thoughts. The door finally rattles and opens to reveal a tall yawning man. His brows are furrowed in discontent and you can tell he is going to chew Yoongi out before stopping crestfallen upon seeing his state. He doesn’t even notice you at first, too preoccupied for his friend to cast you a glance.
“Took you long enough” Yoongi grumbles, quickly grabbing your wrist and pulling you inside after him, pushing past his friend who is still staring at him, mouth open wide. The latter sighs before closing the door without a word and following you. The doorway leads to a small living room with a kitchen in the corner lit up by a yellow light bulb. Yoongi lets go of your hand to sink on the couch, and you stay still, not quite sure what to do while Jin settles on the armchair on the opposite side.
Jin looks fairly angry, his eyebrows furrowed and his tired brown eyes shooting daggers at Yoongi. He passes a hand through his black hair, exposing his forehead. He is obviously waiting for Yoongi to explain, his plump lips pressed in a tight line when he realises his friend isn’t going to say anything.
“What the hell are you doing here and what happened to you?” is the first thing he says, concern not well hidden under the apparent annoyance in his tone. He turns his head to you and he shoots you a concerned look. “And who is she?”
Normally, you would have clapped back that she has a name and that if he wanted to know anything about you he could ask directly, but you are too shocked to say anything, still unable to register what is happening right now. He must sense what state you are in because he walks to the kitchen and offers you a drink. You accept it wordlessly, staring blankly at him and then at the glass.
“Well apparently, Wolf’s Fang did not appreciate me killing their leader and tried to kidnap me. Twice”, Yoongi replies with his usual nonchalance. You are happy to note that you are not the only one it drives crazy, judging by the look on Jin’s face.
“Wolf’s Fa- Yoongi, I told you not to approach them, they are trouble,” he says, jaws clenched in obvious annoyance as his friend shrugs. He sighs and turns to you. You can tell he is trying hard to conceal his anger, though the furiousness of his eyes betrays him. “You don’t look so good, sweetheart, you should go to the bathroom”, he tells you, pointing at a corridor. He doesn’t need to pry, you are happy to get away from the tension in the room, making your way towards said corridor.
The bathroom is small, covered in tile. You lock yourself in, slashing your face with cold water, eager for the haze surrounding your mind to leave. You might have a small concussion from your earlier acrobatic feat, along with the mild marks of road burns on the side of your head. You can still hear the argument in the living room between the two men, and you cut the flow of water to listen to the ushered voices.
“-I told you it was the worst idea you’ve ever had, I can’t believe you did it anyway”
“What was I supposed to do, Jin, let them get away with it?”
“It was twenty years ago Yoongi-”
“They killed my parents, I don’t really think there’s a ‘best before’ date on revenge.”
“That is not what I meant and you know it. Just because you are used to killing people doesn’t mean you can take on everyone, Yoongi. They were too dangerous for you but you still went away and killed their leader. I told you to wait and build a team but no, you couldn’t fucking wait, could you? I shouldn’t have told you.”
“It was MY revenge Hyung-”
“That’s why you involved the girl?” Your brows furrow, and you sit on the toilet seat, eager to know what they are going to say about you. Yoongi takes a second before answering, his voice calmer and you have to strain your ears to hear him.
��No. That- That was a mistake. She found me the first time I escaped and she helped me.”
“And that’s how you repay her, by implicating her in your shit?”
“No, I- I just wasn’t careful enough. I didn’t mean for her to get caught up in this.”
“Awww, little Black Crow didn’t want her to get caught in this” Jin retorts sarcastically. “Well guess what, fucker, because of you she’s going to have to hide from one of the biggest gangs in the damn city! I don’t even care that you bring ME into this mess, but you just had to involve an innocent person. I thought you despised that.”
“I fucking hate it!”, Yoongi shouts. “But it’s too late to change anything about that, isn’t it Hyung?”
You rise from your seat, having heard enough. You don’t want them to fight because of you, and you’re afraid you’ve spent much more time in the bathroom than appropriate. Having finally regained your senses, you feel the strain your chase has on your body; your muscles ache and your feet are bloody, shards of glass and tiny pieces of gravel embedded in your skin. You tiptoe back into the living, jaw clenched from the pain, trying to avoid putting too much weight on your feet as well as bloodying the floor. They both fall quiet when you appear through the opening of the corridor, eyeing you with concern.
You can easily guess what is going on in their heads. You are still very pale, and you seem weak, eyes still a bit unfocused as you lean on the wall for support. they must wonder how much you’ve heard, and how much of a problem you are going to be to them. You are a witness and you know what Yoongi does for a living - ha, puns- and though it hasn’t crossed your mind to call the police on them, they don’t know that. Finally, you still have a gang trying to snag you, and you don’t know just how much information your kidnappers have on you. They could try to use you as bait, thinking Yoongi must be attached to you in some way.
In conclusion, this is a mess. You’ve missed both work and your interview this morning and people are bound to ask questions about your whereabouts. You’ve always been the most diligent in terms of work, never taking a day off or arriving more than 10 minutes late. You obviously don’t have your phone or your wallet on you right now, having lost everything when you were kidnapped, and trying to go back to your apartment right now, without your keys on top of that, seems fruitless.
“How are you feeling?”, Jin asks, breaking the uncomfortable silence that settled in the room.
“Still a bit light-headed. I might have a minor concussion… I think. Also I need a first aid kit, if you have one please?”
“Sure, I’ll get you that. Sit down.”
You settle on the other side of the couch as Jin exits the room from the corridor. Yoongi hasn’t said anything yet but you can see hints of concern in his eyes. Similarly to you, his already scarred cheek and his hands are bruised because of the fall from the car, though he doesn’t seem to have hit his head -which isn’t surprising since, unlike you, he was expecting the impact. He moves closer to you on the couch to take your hands in his, observing the wounds on the back of your hands.
You are slightly taken aback but don’t say anything, an unexpected blush creeping on your cheeks. He seems too focused on your hands to notice your tenseness, and you are glad. What the hell is wrong with you? It must be the concussion, making your cheeks heat up, because it certainly can’t be the way his soft hands delicately hold yours- No! What is going on in this brain of yours?
“Are your feet okay?” he asks suddenly, and you squeak in surprise as his grey eyes find yours. He doesn’t comment on your reaction, and you are happy to not receive one of his snarky remarks.
“Not really, that’s why I asked for the first aid ki- Whoa, what are you doing?!”, you shriek when he grabs your legs to prop them on the couch. He sits at the end of the couch, grimacing as he takes in the poor state of the bottom of your feet.
“There’s gravel in there, I’ll have to clean it up--”, he starts.
“No- No, you don’t have to do that, I’ll do it myself,” you interrupt, slightly panicked. To be completely honest, you don’t really trust him to do any good. The man doesn’t exactly save lives, he takes them, and he doesn’t really strike you as the healer type. You think you are saved when Jin comes back and hands you the first aid kit, one of his eyebrows raising in a silent question as he reads the anxiousness on your face. Unfortunately for you, Yoongi doesn’t seem to mind your nervousness, simply snatching the kit from your hands and putting himself to work.
Turns out you were nervous for -mostly- nothing. Yoongi actually has a steady hand, and he removes all gravel and shards of glass in an instant and rather unpainfully. He does however make the mistake of spraying antiseptic directly in your wounds, which hurts like hell. He apologizes profusely, obviously distraught by your unexpected blood curdling scream while Jin laughs freely at his startled face. As he finishes bandaging your feet and Jin brings you hotel slippers to wear for the night. They are way too big for your feet but actually quite comfortable so you accept them with a smile.
You are set to stay low in Jin’s place for the day. It would be too dangerous to leave today according to both Yoongi and Jin, and the both of them decide that you would leave during the night.
“It’s at that time that the alleys are the more crowded,” explained Jin, “the less attention you draw, the better”. That is a kind of logic you can get behind, especially since you can barely walk - let alone run if anything goes wrong.
Yoongi advises you to sleep when he notices your eyes getting droopy, and he leads you to a bedroom. You sink on the bed in exhaustion, your body suddenly refusing to carry you anymore. You feel sleep enveloping you as Yoongi starts to leave the bedroom.
“What’s going to happen after we leave?” you ask sleepily, barely keeping your eyes open. The question stops him dead in his tracks, and he turns to face you, a serious look on his face. He ponders for a little while before answering you.
“I’ll bring you to my place and we’ll find a way for you to go back to your life,” he responds, eyes earnest and you hum sleepily in acknowledgement. Satisfied with the answer, you let yourself slip into an easy sleep.
You wake up a few hours later, with an empty stomach but an already clearer head. It takes you a minute to remember exactly what happened to you and where you are, feeling dejected when you realise it wasn’t just a very realistic nightmare. It’s all his fault, you realize. Your life was going well before you decided to help Yoongi - well, before you were manipulated into helping him is more correct. Even if you despise your job because of your boss, you still enjoy your little routine. Working during the week to pay off your loan, writing during the weekend or enjoying your free time. Sure you were alone most of the time and you longed to meet new people, you still liked your quiet life. It was all supposed to come together today once you’d get that promotion, but no, that had to be ruined for you. One thing is certain: once all of this is over, you don’t want to ever hear from Min Yoongi again.
You decide to limp to the living room, the rumbling of your stomach prompting you to seek sustenance. Both Jin and Yoongi are in the living room, Yoongi sleeping on the couch while Jin is busy on the phone looking out the window near the kitchen. His brows are furrowed and he looks deep in thought, making you reconsider asking him for food right now. He doesn’t seem to have noticed you entering the room and sitting on the armchair, and you take advantage of this to stare at him in tranquillity.
It makes no doubt for you now that Jin is also a very dangerous man. If his earlier behaviour wasn’t particularly intimidating in any way, the man barking at the phone in front of you  exudes a deadly aura. He is quite obviously trying to resolve the mess his younger friend put himself -and you- into, calling multiple people and furiously scribbling on a notepad on the counter in between calls. He seems to know exactly who to contact, calling people back to back, until he slams his phone on the table, sighing in exasperation. He takes his head in his hands and sighs again.
“Jin?” you ask tentatively, and Jin’s head snaps in your direction. His dark eyes immediately find yours, and you gulp, intimidated by his intense glare. When he realises it’s just you, his features soften and you feel yourself being able to breathe again.
“Do you have something I could eat?” you ask after he beckons you to speak with a hum. He nods, making his way to the cupboards. He rummages through them and you settle on a stool behind the counter. Jin doesn’t look satisfied as he pulls out a cup of instant ramen and he shoots you an apologetic smile. “Ramen is fine,” you assure him, feeling too hungry to fuss over the quality of the meal. It actually reminds you of your student days, living off ramen, coffee and the sheer will of escaping your parent’s house. Granted this is not how you envisioned your future, running away from a gang with your new friend Yoongi the murderer, but you longed for adventure, right?
Well it’s not like you have much of a choice anyway, you remind yourself as Jin sets the meager meal in front of you. You must pull a crestfallen grimace because Jin laughs at you and you dive in, eager to hide the embarrassment creeping on your cheeks at his windshield wiper laugh.
“Who were you calling?” you ask with a mouth full, keen to change the focus on him rather than you. He rests his elbows on the counter across from you and he tries to find his words.
“People who could help resolve the situation,” he answers simply.
“Right… ‘Resolve’” you say with a sarcastic smile. The only way to ‘resolve’ the situation, as Jin says, is surely to take out the gang altogether. It is obviously weak at the moment because of the loss of their boss, and it’s the best time to strike.
“We need to ensure your security - that is, unless you believe you can do it alone?” he retorts, raising one of his eyebrows in defiance. You scoff at his smirk.
“Of course not.” You pause. “Thank you for helping me,” you add earnestly after a second.
“Don’t thank me, thank Yoongi. He’s the one who asked me to help you. Apparently he owes you”, he says dismissively, returning to the kitchen to throw away your no empty ramen cup. You swallow with difficulty. Of course he’s only doing that because he owes you, what did you expect? Both of those men are hardened criminals, though you don’t exactly know what Jin dwelves in. It would be foolish of you to think that neither of them is protecting you out of the goodness of their hearts. They are not as naive and generous as you are, and Yoongi could easily have left you to die had you not saved him earlier.
No wait… This is because of him that you are in this mess, of course he has to fix this situation!
“Anyways,” Jin adds as he comes back to face you, “Yoongi is going to bring you to a safer location and then he - along with my team - is going to sort this mess out. And then you’ll be good to go, as if this never happened.”
He emphasizes his last words with a dark fixed gaze on you. You gulp at his sudden change of demeanor from casual to threatening. You know exactly what he means by that; You’ll have to keep quiet about what happened, or else. You nod a bit too eagerly, suddenly intimidated by him. This seems to please him however, and he smiles at you, obviously content that you understand the true meaning of his words.
You spend the next hour or so abstently watching TV from the armchair while waiting, Yoongi still happily slumbering on the couch. There isn’t much more to do than wait, and you are bored out of your wits by the time Jin decides Yoongi slept too much and hits him with a rolled up magazine to wake him up.
“What the- What was that for?!” Yoongi indignantly asks, rubbing his head, his still sleepy eyes shooting daggers at the elder.
“It’s time for you to move” is all he says before he leaves the room, not even paying attention to the string of curses Yoongi sends flying his way. You chuckle at his indignation and he shoots you a dark look, amusing you even further. He sighs before chuckling too and he rises from the couch to stretch his limbs. Jin comes back to the living room with a backpack he chucks at Yoongi. The latter catches it effortlessly before sitting back on the couch to rummage through it, taking out a gun and observing it, checking the magazine in a swift motion.
“You might need that,” Jin says, leaning back against the kitchen counter and Yoongi thanks him. You eye warrily the weapon; You can’t say you feel particularly reassured with this. You’ve never been one to like firearms, and the sole fact that you were shot at earlier today reinforces your apprehension. Yoongi seems to sense your tenseness and he hands you your kitchen knife. You look at him questioningly.
“It might be too early for you to use a gun, let’s stick with things you know for now,” he explains with a knowing smile. For now. You can see Jin’s eyebrows furrow in the corner of your eyes but you don’t comment on his choice of words, merely nodding in understanding. There’s also a pair of grey sneakers in the bag, which Yoongi throws your way. They are too big for your feet but this is the best you are going to get so you don’t complain. You are now set to leave and Yoongi beckons you to follow him through the corridor. There’s a back door that you hadn’t noticed after the door leading to the bedroom.
Yoongi reaches to open the door and stops, taking a look at you. You are opening your mouth to ask him what’s wrong when he suddenly removes his jacket to throw it around your shoulders.
“You’ll attract too much attention otherwise” he says, and he slips through the door. You follow him into the alleyways, clutching his jacket to cover you more, hiding the knife in your hands under it.
The alleys, much like Jin explained, are more crowded than when you arrived. You are significantly less scared than before, focusing on following the man in front of you instead of observing the people around you. Yoongi is leading you through the crowd, eyes scanning the mob looking for potential threats. Jin had advised you to leave separately but it just wasn’t possible for you to navigate through this maze alone, and you are grateful to be with Yoongi right now.
People don’t seem to pay much attention to either of you and you are able to reach an underground parking lot safely. Yoongi had made sure you weren’t followed before reaching for keys in the bag. He presses the button and the lights of a car a few rows from where you are flare up. Yoongi grabs your hand and leads the both of you to the black car, letting you get seated on the passenger side before unceremoniously throwing the bag on the back seat.
The car is surprisingly nice, a black Mercedes with tan leather seats. You squeak in surprise when Yoongi makes the engine roar as you are attaching your seat belt. You don’t even have the time to say anything before he slams the acceleration pedal, leaving the parking spot like a mad man. You grip the armrest in a futile attempt to feel safer, not quite at ease with Yoongi’s aggressive driving.
You can tell he is a good driver, expertly avoiding the few other cars as he speeds down the highway, but you can’t help your heart from pounding in your chest. You’ve never been this fast on the road, and the happy glimmer in Yoongi’s eyes everytime he goes faster doesn’t exactly reassure you.
The only positive aspect with him driving this fast is that you quickly arrive at the destination. You are surrounded by tall glass buildings, and you furrow your brows. This can’t be where Yoongi lives, can it? It doesn’t make sense. Yoongi parks the car in another underground parking structure, and you step out of the car with wobbly legs and a confused expression plastered on your face. You don’t even have time to ask the first of the thousands of questions swarming your mind right now before Yoongi makes his way towards an elevator.
Unlike you, he seems perfectly at ease as he waits for the elevator, even smirking at your bemused face. The ding of the elevator makes you step out of your thoughts and you start to stammer as you follow Yoongi inside. He presses the button going to the 37th level.
“You- You live here?!” you ask, incredulous as the elevator starts its ascension. He shoots you another smirk, his eyes playful.
“What, you think I kill for the sole pleasure of it? Of course not, I’m not a monster, Y/n.”
“I- I don’t--”
“Hitman is a relatively high paying job, I’ll have you know,” Yoongi explains in fake seriousness, obviously reveling on your confused state of mind. You raise one of your eyebrows in defiance at his words, eyeing him up and down as if to prove a point. He isn’t exactly dressed as someone who makes a lot of money. He scoffs at your attitude, and he crosses his arms on his chest.
“Hey! I like these clothes!” he says in indignation and you roll your eyes at him. The elevator stops and the both of you step out of it. “Anyway, nobody knows about this place so we’ll be safe here,” he says while walking to a door at the end of a corridor.
“Nobody?” you ask as he opens the door.
“Not even Jin. It’s a safe measure. I don’t know where he lives either. No one in the gang does. That way, if someone gets caught, they won’t be able to tell where the others are.”
He opens the door and enters his apartment. You take a second to look around you. His apartment is big and modern. The walls are painted white, contrasting with his dark furniture. In the back of the apartment is a huge window, providing an incredible view of the city. But the view is unable to distract you from the many questions swirling in your mind; How many people has he had to kill in order to pay for a place like this? The place you were at just earlier wasn’t Jin’s home? The gang? What is going on? Yoongi must notice your confusion -- maybe because you are still on the doorstep, staring around with a gaping mouth -- because he sighs and starts to explain further.
“We were not at Jin’s. It’s one of our safe places all over the city. There’s always at least one member there, and this time it was Jin’s shift and I knew he was going to be there,” he starts explaining.
“Wait wait- You are in a gang?!” you exclaim, eyes wide. The more you think you know about Yoongi the more lost you get. It wasn’t bad enough that he is an assassin, he’s also part of a gang?
“Would you please come in before shouting those kinds of things?” he retorts through gritted teeth, ushering you inside and closing the door. You sink down on the leather couch and stare in the void, still not quite able to process everything. You should have seen it coming if you are really honest, but it seems that you find yourself to be in an even bigger mess than you thought everytime Yoongi tries to explain himself.
“Yes, I’m in a gang. I’m an assassin. Jin is the leader’s right-hand man. More than that he is my friend,” he says, eyeing you warrily and holding his hands up in a defensive stance, as if scared you’ll explode. If anything, you should be the one to be scared, you think to yourself, especially since you can’t understand why he would say that. Perhaps it’s because you are aware of what would happen to you, would you ever try to say anything to anyone. Not that anyone would believe your story anyway, or that you would risk telling anything to anyone. You shudder when you remember Jin’s hidden warning. Yoongi lowers his hands as you seem to have calmed down and he sits across from you on a leather armchair.
“I talked with Jin about taking down Wolf’s Fang. I’ll leave tomorrow to deal with that with other members of the gang. Then you’ll go back to your life”, he explains nonchalantly. For some unknown reason, his last words set you ablaze with rage.
“What life, Yoongi? You ruined that, remember?” you spit at him harshly, rising from your seat. He looks completely taken aback by your sudden outburst. You had made sure not to let show how much you resent him for dragging you in this situation; You needed him to fix everything, and shouting at him that it’s all his fault surely wouldn’t help your plans at all. But you snap because of his nonchalant attitude. He destroyed your chances at getting your promotion, having to go no-contact. He put you at risk of getting kidnapped and then shot, even though he knew he was himself in danger.
“Aren’t you an assassin, aren’t you part of a gang? Didn’t you know you would put me in danger with you?” you shout at him, pointing at him aggressively to emphasize your words.
“I didn’t mean--” he starts, but you interrupt him. Anger is bubbling inside you and you can’t contain it anymore.
“You knew you were putting me in danger but you stayed anyway!”
“You were the one who said I could lay low at yours!” he retorts, rising from his seat. You scoff at his irrelevant argument and he immediately cringes at his poor wording.
“I didn’t know you were an assassin and a gang member! I would’ve thought twice about letting you come into my life if I knew I’d get kidnapped!” you spit, your jaw clenched in anger.
“I didn’t want this!”
“Well I sure hope so!”, you scoff, hands rising in the air in disbelief. “But what did you seriously expect, huh?” You try to chase away the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. Now is not the time to cry.
“I know I should’ve left you!” he starts in anger but his voice breaks and he looks away. You look at him in confusion. You are not used to seeing vulnerability in him. Granted you don’t really know him but this feels out of character for him. “I just- I didn’t want to be alone,” he says, voice pregnant with emotion. You are taken aback by his sudden openness, brows furrowed and mouth gaping in confusion. He still doesn’t look at you, and you don’t manage to say anything, too lost to be able to utter a word.
He passes a hand through his black hair and sighs loudly. The both of you are standing awkwardly, you staring at him and him making a point of avoiding your eyes. You can tell he’s waiting for you to say something, anything, but you are left utterly speechless. He scoffs darkly before walking towards the back of the room to a kitchen.
“Anyway, you’ll be safe tomorrow, and you’ll be able to leave.”
Yoongi exits the room and you are left alone with your thoughts.
You decide to sit on the floor in front of the big windows, enjoying the unending view. It must be one in the morning, and the streets are empty, apart from the odd car driving down the road every once in a while. The sight is calming, as you see the few lights still lit up in the night. Your apartment is not exactly downtown so you don’t have a view as nice as this one. Everything is so silent, so still. You know exactly why you are staring so intensely at the view, trying to chase any thought of Yoongi.
You are definitely calmer now but you don’t want to think about him, trying to bottle up any emotion deep down. You’ve never been one to have a healthy relationship with your feelings, and you are not going to start now. Most of your resentment is gone now that you finally confronted him about it, but your last exchange only left confusion. Confusion on what he was talking about, but also on why your heart squeezed so painfully when you saw him so vulnerable or when he walked away from you. You bring your knees to your chest.
In a way, you can understand where he is coming from. You let him stay and threw all care in the wind also because you were feeling lonely. Perhaps both of you were weak at that moment. Surely he should have been more careful, but you don’t blame him as much as you did before.
You hear a door open and close but you don’t move from your spot, keeping your eyes trained on the view. From the corner of your eyes, you see Yoongi sit cross legged next to you. The both of you stay in silence like that for a bit of time, watching the horizon before you decide to break the silence.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you like that,” you say softly, turning your head to look at him. His grey eyes meet yours. They are definitively warmer than before, and you feel reassured.
“Hmm. I just hope the neighbors didn’t hear you scream,” he answers with his usual snarky grin. You shoot him an apologetic smile.
“Yeah, that might be a problem in the future.”
He doesn’t look too concerned, shrugging and leaning back on his arms, stretching his legs as he takes in the view in front of him. One question still plagues your mind, and you can’t stop it from spilling from your lips.
“When you said you didn’t want to be alone earlier, what did you mean?”
He doesn’t look taken aback by your question, and he turns his head back to you, sitting up straight.
“You ever wonder where I got that from?” he says, pointing to his scar across his right side. You nod positively. “When I was six, my parents were attacked by a man and his small gang. My father was a rich accountant who refused to work for them, and the leader of the small gang took offence. One night, they raided my house, torturing and killing my mother in front of his eyes, and they planned to do the same to me.”
Yoongi pauses, staring at his trembling hands, and you regret asking him such a personal question. It is obviously a very difficult subject for him, but he resumes talking before you can say anything.
“Apparently, the neighbors heard the commotion and called the police as the leader carved a line across my eye, so he decided to kill my father and to flee. I was placed in an orphanage for boys. During that time, I met with Jin and 5 other boys. We all grew up without being adopted, and one of the other boys, Namjoon, decided that we needed revenge on life. We started partaking in some pretty illegal stuff, and our little group grew. We were seven at first, and now we are the most powerful gang” he says, a hint of pride in his voice at the last sentence.
“For more than twenty years I searched for the people that killed my parents, and Jin is the one who finally found them. It was the leader of Wolf’s Fang, a rival gang, and I decided that I waited enough for revenge. I made sure he felt tenfold the pain he inflicted my parents.”
Yoongi’s eyes are dark as the night now, contrasting with the paleness of his skin under the moonlight. An aura of dangerousness is radiating from him, and you can’t help but feel intimidated.
“But when I finally killed him I felt so empty. What was there anymore?” he adds with furrowed brows and he stares at his open hands. “I got what I wanted. I lost my edge that day. I had nothing left to fight for, or at least I was convinced of it. They found me easily, I wasn’t even trying to hide. But I remembered that they already caused my family too much pain, I wasn’t going to let them cause more. If I were to die, it wouldn’t be by their hand. So I escaped. And that’s when you found me”
He turns to face you, his eyes back to their warmth, making your cheeks heat up.
“I guess I just needed a stranger to take care of me a little,” he concludes, smiling awkwardly at you.
A comfortable silence settles between you while the two of you enjoy the view. Something seems to have lifted from Yoongi’s shoulders, he looks much more relaxed than when you entered his appartement. Maybe because he told you everything, the whole truth, and that he doesn’t need to hide anything from you.
You don’t know how much time you spent in silence together, enjoying each other’s presence before you start to feel tired again. You haven’t really slept that much yesterday and all the tension from the day vanishes, leaving tiredness in its wake. A yawn escapes your lips. You don’t even know why you lean your head on his shoulder but you do, perhaps too sleepy to even realise what you are doing. Yoongi doesn’t seem to mind thankfully, and he leans his head on top of yours. You fall asleep like that, and you don’t even stir when Yoongi lifts you up to place you on his bed before joining you.
It’s well into the morning when you wake up. It takes you a minute before understanding where you are, your heart racing a bit when you realise you are alone in an unknown bed. Yoongi must already be gone, you realise when you walk into the empty living room. It’s already 12 am so you decide to head to the kitchen in search of something to eat. After your meal, you take a shower, taking some clothes Yoongi left for you this morning. You can’t help the blush creep on your skin as you realise he thought to leave you clothes just before leaving to take down a gang. The clothes he left are too big for you, an oversized t-shirt, a sweatshirt and a comfortable pair of sweatpants, but you enjoy the cozyness --and his smell on the clothes-- too much to complain.
The rest of your day is spent waiting. You start by exploring every inch of the apartment, trying to discover more of Yoongi. Unfortunately for you, you don’t find anything except one photo, hidden between two books. You found it by error, accidentally knocking a row of books on the desk. You instantly recognize two people in the photo, Yoongi and Jin. They seem much younger, barely adults. The others seem much younger, and your heart twists. These boys are too young to be in a gang... You turn the photo to inspect the back and you find an inscription.
“Birds of prey - 2013
Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook”
The seven of them are looking in defiance at the camera, as if they have something to prove. You sigh before placing back the photo.
By the time seven rolls around, you can’t help but feel a bit worried. Is it normal that he’s been gone for so long? What if something has happened to him? What are you supposed to do then? You decide against pacing, choosing to sit on the armchair across the door instead, knees to your chest as you wait for his return.
When the door finally opens, you spring from your seat. Yoongi comes in while limping but as soon as his eyes fall on you, a warm smile erupts on his bruised face. You are too preoccupied by his disheveled state to return his smile, instead coming to his side to help him walk to the couch. He stops you in your tracks with a raise of his hands.
“Don’t worry, someone already took care of me. I’m all patched up,” he reassures you, and a bit of tension eases from your shoulders. You sit on the armchair as he settles on the couch. He can tell that you are dying to know what happened, seeing as you are practically buzzing across the edge of your seat across him.
“It’s over,” he states simply at first and you let out a sigh of relief. It’s finally over? It almost doesn’t feel real, as if these past days were just a dream. “We took care of most of the members, and Namjoon ordered some of our men to make sure the rest join them soon”
“That means I can go home?” you ask excitedly. You could have sworn you saw a hint of disappointment in his eyes but it left as soon as it came.
“Yes, of course,” he says, “I could drive-”
“But first, we need to celebrate our freedom,” you interrupt him with a smirk. He is surprised at first, but soon returns your smile.
“You’re right, let’s order some takeout for tonight”
You spend the evening eating and laughing. You are happy to finally see Yoongi relax completely with you, able to tell you stories about his life. You now would like to meet the rest of the boys in the photo, first and foremost to thank them since they were part of the team that took out the gang, but also because they sound funny in Yoongi’s stories. They all seem closer to a family than most of the conventional ones, and the fact that they are gang members doesn’t really scare you anymore. They are Yoongi’s friends, after all.
By the time you finish your meal and a movie, it’s ‘unfortunately’ too late for you to go home, and Yoongi advises you to stay just one night more. Seeing that you’ve done the same for him, he has to return the favor, he explained, and you happily oblige, perhaps a bit too ecstatic to be able to spend more time with him. It’s funny how fast you’ve come to trust this man and enjoy his company, even though you are aware of his profession.
This time, it’s him who falls asleep first, head leaning on your shoulder while watching a movie on the couch, and you decide to put him to bed. You chuckle at the feeling of deja vu when you lead him to the bedroom, supporting him as he limps his way to the bed. You pause for a moment after he sinks on the mattress; Where are you supposed to sleep? On the bed with him? On the couch? You are about to step out of the room when a hand catches your wrist.
“Where are you going?” he asks groggily, eyes barely open to look at you. You smile at him.
“Nowhere” you answer, and he closes his eyes back, his hands slipping from around your wrist as a reassured smile creeps across his lips.
You settle on the other side of the bed, careful to still put distance between you. You turn on your side to be able to face him. He is peaceful like that, and you smile to yourself as you brush away the stray strands of black hair covering his eyes.
The next morning passes rather quickly, mostly due to the fact that you sleep off most of it in Yoongi’s arms. After a rather flustered waking up, and an awkward breakfast, the both of you decide to get you back to your apartment. You need to swing by your office first, as you need to retrieve your spare apartment keys in your locker. If you were previously warry to go back there and face your boss, you don’t even care anymore. You’ve almost died for fuck’s sake, what can he possibly do that will scare you. If anything, he will be the one to be scared if he dares to say anything, Yoongi assured you, making you smile.
This time, he drives rather calmly and you are grateful for that. First of all because you don’t want to die in a car crash, and secondly because the longer the ride, the more time you can still spend with Yoongi. He is more silent than usual, a sullen look on his face. You can understand him, for some reason you aren’t exactly the happiest at the prospect of going back to your previous life, to your stupid job and your stupid boss, and more importantly to your empty and lonely apartment.
Maybe some of Yoongi’s nonchalance rubbed off on you, you think to yourself as you stroll inside your office building, wearing oversized sweats and followed by a scary looking man with a scar across his face. You don’t even stop to answer the questions the office bitch sends your way, shutting her up with a dark glare. You’ve never liked her, she always took credit for other’s work, so you don’t feel guilty for scaring her. You go straight to your locker, Yoongi still following behind you. You are thankful for him being with you, you are sure you wouldn’t have the same confidence without him.
You are rummaging through your locker and retrieving your things when a furious voice interrupts you.
“Y/l/n! Where were you? You’ve missed almost a week of work! It’s unacceptable-”
A week? What a joke, it’s only the third day you’ve missed. Anger starts to bubble inside you. You’ve never missed a day of work before, and this asshole makes it as though it was a regular occurrence, not an ounce of concern in his annoying voice as he shouts. You tune him out as you continue to search for your stuff, and you ignoring him only seems to infuriate him more - and you love this. You’ve suffered his abuse too much to pay anymore attention to him, and when you finally find your keys, you slam your locker door, shutting him up instantly.
You turn around to face him, reveling on the look of absolute shock written on his face. The once so soft spoken and respectful employee is so disrespectful now. You notice Yoongi glaring daggers at him, jaw clenched, and you are thankful that he doesn’t say anything. This is your moment.
“Listen asshole, I’ve had enough of your shit. So stop harassing me or I’ll make sure you won’t ever be able to open that mouth of yours again,” you spit coldly. He stammers, trying in vain to say anything. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Also, don’t even dare try to complain about me to HR or the police, I have enough proof of workplace abuse to get you fired in a second. I’ll be back to take the rest of my stuff,” you add, glancing around in the office to find every pair of eyes on you. Satisfied with your little outburst, you leave, prompting a smirking Yoongi to follow after you.
It’s only in the car that the frown on your face lifts instantly and you burst in laughter with Yoongi.
“That felt good,” you confide with a playful grin. He returns your smile, his eyes twinkling with something that looks like awe and pride. The car ride to your apartment is already more cheery, the both of you laughing at the looks on their faces when you exited dramatically. You’ve dreamed of doing that more than once, and it seems that Yoongi gave you enough confidence to stand up for yourself this time.
The realisation that it’s goodbye seems to dawn the both of you when you enter the elevator. Your heart squeezes in your chest as the elevator gets closer to your floor. This can’t be it. You have to do something. The door opens on your floor and you step out after Yoongi.
He follows you to the door and waits as you turn your key in the lock. Thoughts are swirling in your brain; Will you be able to see each other after this? Does he even want to? You turn around when the door is finally open. You don’t know what to say, and your racing mind isn’t helping you trying to figure out a way for him to stay with you. He seems nervous as well, biting his bottom lip as his eyes avoid yours.
“Thank you… For keeping me safe,” you say meekly, cheeks heating up. His smoke colored eyes meet yours.
“Of course Y/n, you saved me first,” he responds softly, a small smile tugging at his lips. He does have pretty lips. So pink, and they look so soft. You don’t even realise you are staring at them until they come closer. Wait what? You snap your eyes to Yoongi and you meet his gaze. His face stops only inches away from yours and you feel your whole face burn, and your heart beats at a thousand miles an hour. He is right there in front of you, so close that you can feel his hot breath tingling against your skin, yet he is not close enough for you.
You crash your lips against his in impatience. It feels as though you’ve been waiting for this for your whole life, feeling so right to be in his arms. The kiss is full of passion, his tongue sneaking past your lips to find yours. His hands grip on your hips to get you closer and you practically melt in his arms. Everything feels so hot, his lips against yours, his hands on your skin, your hands entangled in his hair. You breathlessly pull away from his kiss to grab him closer to you, flushing his body against yours. He hastily closes the door behind you and his lips resume their assault on yours. Let’s just say that you stayed together in more ways than one that day.
Meeting Min Yoongi was maybe the best mistake of your life. Sure, you got kidnapped and shot at, you lost your job and had to hide from a powerful gang with an assassin, but you’d do it all over again just for him.
Thank you @minty-joonie​ and @wwilloww​ for helping me proofread!
I hope you liked it!! Please tell me what you thought of Black Crow!!
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Anything where derek is royalty/really rich and stiles isn’t? Perhaps homeless? Thanks :))
For sure!
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Harvard Halls by Wolves_of_Innistrad
(2/? I 3,635 I Mature)
Rick kid!Derek Hale and scholarship student!Stiles Stilinski at Harvard.
It's up to you, New York, New York by StilesWithAlmostAnyone
(2/? I 6,177 I Mature)
Derek Hale lived in New York City as a born human, only holding an Alpha-kind status when it came to his rank at his work-office. When on his way to said job one morning, he happened to bump into Stiles Stilinski. Or, more accurately correct, Stiles Stilinski happened to bump into him. And Stiles would quickly find himself quiet unfortunate for being a constant klutz after that encounter.
Intersection by Shirazia 
(9/9 I 12,258 I Not Rated)
Derek may seem like a successful young professional, but drug addiction doesn't care about your status. Stiles is your friendly neighborhood drug dealer without a bed to sleep in.
the cost of living by starcanopus
(1/1 I 14,102 I Explicit)
Derek blinks, attention still anchored on where it had landed. He reaches out without thinking and brushes his hand over the green numbers set starkly against pale skin, pressing his index finger against the seconds ticking down, only vaguely aware of the other man sucking in a sharp breath.
That can't be right.
"You...you have..." Derek glances up to see Stiles looking back at him with an unfathomable expression on his face. "You only have six hours left."
The other man jerks his hand away, a pained look flickering across his delicate features before he quickly averts his gaze. "Yeah, thanks for the reminder, asshole."
AU in which people stop aging on their 25th birthday and time becomes currency
The Promise by My Fandom Life (satisfied_with_tranquillity)
(7/7 I 18,883 I Mature)
Rich businessman Derek Hale and poor art student Stiles Stilinski are determined to marry, despite the disapproval of Derek’s uncle. When an accident leaves Derek in a coma and Stiles disfigured, Stiles makes a deal with the devil to make himself worthy of Derek again. But Stiles underestimates how far Peter will go to keep them apart.
Hale Hath No Fury Enterprises by Nival_Vixen
(11/? I 39,832 I Mature)
Derek's a billionaire with anxiety and a complete inability to be socially adept in any way, shape, or form (just ask Laura). He only agrees to the dating service because Laura's nagging's worn him down, but then he sees Stiles' video response and agrees to go on a date with him.
Stiles just wants to go on a date (it's been forever and a day since his last one), and he has a thing for this guy's eyes/smile/everything, so he replies to the somewhat personal questions via video. He's surprised that he's asked on a date, but won't turn it down, even if he's just spent the last of his money on clothes to impress said date and probably won't be able to afford dinner.
Rich Man, Poor Man by TyReed
(10/10 I 58,055 I Mature)
During a first date gone horribly wrong, Stiles Stilinksi realizes that the snarky guy he's been asked out by is actually Derek Hale, an heir to Hale Industries, one of the most profitable companies in the entire world. Who is, for whatever reason, interested in the son of a teacher and a cop, a loser who spends all weekend watching movies in his pajamas, and who is also possibly one of the biggest dorks on the Internet.
At the same time, after screwing up their first date horribly, Derek Hale realizes that the funny guy he's asked out is Stiles Stilinksi, the warmest and kindest individual he's ever met in his life, with a family just a loving and caring. Who is, for whatever reason, interested in a guy who screws up everything he does, lacks any semblance of a backbone, and who is possibly one of the biggest history dorks in all of the United States.
These rich and poor men will come to experience a taste of each other's lives, and learn where the real blessings in the world can be found.
Surely It's Impossible by Stiles_Hale_38
(2/? I 61,267 i Explicit)
All Omegas from the ages of eighteen to forty are entered in the annual Mating Run, where one candidate will be chosen from each Sector to compete.
A time of great joy and excitement, Stiles is praying he won't be chosen. While others turn in thousands of submissions, Stiles turns in one. He doesn't want to run, doesn't want to be mated to a random Alpha, doesn't want his life to change.
Everyone wants the riches, fame, glory, and an Alpha to keep them safe and warm at night. Stiles just wants to be left alone.
Surely he won't get chosen. Surely It's Impossible.
Married at First Glance by WonderWolf
(14/14 I 63,558 I Explicit)
“Those contracts that you signed was you agreeing to follow producer instructions.Your instructions were to give us drama. Whether or not you like each other, you are, for all intents and purposes, hired actors for these seven weeks,” Finstock snaps. “Pretend to actually like each other or I will dock your pay.” - - - Married at First Glance gives its participants seven weeks. Seven weeks, starting when they meet and marry their “perfect match”, to decide if they want to stay married or divorce.
For Stiles and Derek though, the challenge lies within trying to pretend that they don’t absolutely hate each other’s guts. When you’re married to a werewolf who dislikes humans, however, this can get a little tricky.
But the sweet, sweet cash reward at the end will be worth it. Right?
Followed by the past by Amatour424
(12/12 I 90,806 I Explicit)
“Just to be clear: you want to give a good fuck like, a literal fuck as a birthday present to Derek Hale,” Scott said uncertainly, his voice laced with confusion.
The pack nodded to his statement, one by one.
“He'll be 30, and we want him to spend this special night in a very-very pleasurable situation. Like any good pack would do for their leader. He deserves it,” Boyd smirked at the human boy.
Stiles left the town after his graduation with his boyfriend. He moved back after some serious shit happened to his father. Now, he's alone, without any friends, with a lot on his shoulders. He finds himself in the middle of a horrible misunderstanding, which will maybe lead him to a life he always dreamed about.
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #238
Tues May 05 2020 [02:04 AM] Wack'd: Have some Wolverine publicity
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[02:05 AM] maxwellelvis: It BEGINS [02:06 AM] maxwellelvis: THERE's the John Byrne we know and... sigh because the guy who comes up with great covers like these is still the guy who sabotaged Jean Grey's spinoff attempt. [02:06 AM] Wack'd: John Bryne: fun dude but still a friggin dude [02:07 AM] Wack'd: So here we go. The secret story of Frankie Raye [02:08 AM] Wack'd: Turns out this is naturally what she looks like naked, plus a spiffy pair of elbow-length gold gloves
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[02:08 AM] Bocaj: He didn't notice the gold gloves at any point? [02:08 AM] Wack'd: All this stuff just...vanishes when she puts clothes on [02:08 AM] Wack'd: Yeah no Johnny is like "I've seen you in a bikini" and she puts her robe back on and the gold clothes vanish [02:09 AM] Bocaj: "My terrible secret is that I'm a never nude" [02:09 AM] Bocaj: "There are dozens of us. Dozens" [02:09 AM] Wack'd: I understood that reference [02:09 AM] Wack'd: So anyway Frankie has been somehow psychologically conditioned to never notice that a superhero outfit appears on her whenever she's naked [02:10 AM] Wack'd: As well as not to think too hard about the fact that she has no memories before age 14 [02:10 AM] Bocaj: Uh. [02:10 AM] Bocaj: Well y'know what fair enough. I try not to think about that stretch of time either [02:11 AM] Wack'd: Her earliest memory is waking up in a dingy warehouse under an old labcoat [02:11 AM] Wack'd: She lived alone in a deserted apartment and got checks for a thousand bucks in the mail every week [02:11 AM] Wack'd: And was psychologically conditioned not to think about how off-spec that was for a teenager as well [02:12 AM] Wack'd: A lot of nonsense here resting on, essentially, a Somebody Else's Problem Field [02:12 AM] Wack'd: Whoever set all this up probably would've had a lot easier of a time if they just...gave her a normal life? [02:12 AM] Bocaj: I feel that however this explains her fear of fire from earlier on, this cannot have been what the original plan was even a little [02:13 AM] Wack'd: Anyway somehow meeting Johnny started to make the conditioning decay [02:13 AM] Wack'd: She freaked out when Johnny flamed on because it made her think too hard about things, but she was attracted to him in part because of that [02:14 AM] Bocaj: uh [02:14 AM] Wack'd: Anyway Johnny pushes her to explore this whole ordeal further, because she feels like the dam is finally about to break [02:14 AM] Bocaj: I have a dumb thought [02:14 AM] Wack'd: And break it does
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[02:14 AM] Bocaj: She was completely naked in that- HOLY BEANS [02:15 AM] Bocaj: she was completely naked in that scene where she had the breakdown in that other issue and she didn't get the gold booties there [02:15 AM] Wack'd: She didn't but also because up until that point she was Somebody Else's Probemed into not seeing them, remember? [02:15 AM] Wack'd: And so we the audience didn't either [02:16 AM] maxwellelvis: Like the clown graffiti all over John's house [02:16 AM] Wack'd: Johnny uses his fire absorption powers to keep the building from burning down and gives chase [02:18 AM] Wack'd: He catches up to Frankie and gives her a crash course in steering and pacing herself before she and her new ecstasy for life burns down New York [02:18 AM] Wack'd: And she explains Frankie Backstory 2.0 [02:19 AM] Wack'd: She was raised by a simple repairman, a good man, who suddenly lost his friggin composure when the Fantastic Four arrived [02:19 AM] Wack'd: Ranting about how dare Johnny call himself the Human Torch, he dragged her to an old warehouse and began raving about old experiments [02:20 AM] Wack'd: Frankie humors him for a bit but while carrying an old oil drum it bursts into flames, leaving her miraculously unharmed [02:20 AM] Bocaj: Simple repairman has a point. Kind of rude, Johnny [02:20 AM] Bocaj: Jim was a war hero, ya dink [02:21 AM] Wack'd: And then dear old stepdad hypnotized her and abandoned her [02:21 AM] Bocaj: 😐 [02:22 AM] Wack'd: A year later a package arrived with a tape recorder and a gold costume. The tape recorder hypnotized her into putting on the costume and then erased her memories [02:22 AM] maxwellelvis: What a drip [02:22 AM] Wack'd: Anyway from all this Johnny deduces her stepdad was Phineas Horton [02:22 AM] Wack'd: But you guys already figured that out, I bet [02:23 AM] maxwellelvis: I forgot who he was. [02:23 AM] Wack'd: Jim Hammond's dad [02:23 AM] maxwellelvis: Oh [02:24 AM] Wack'd: Anyway Johnny decides to become her mentor and, after she tries to fly as high as possible and runs into that pesky atmosphere problem, takes her back to the Baxter to have Reed run some tests and figure out what her limits are [02:24 AM] Bocaj: I'm for once not sad that Ultron killed him after forcing him to turn the original human torch into the Vision [02:25 AM] Bocaj: Until Byrne retcons that to not be the case because dude loves him some jim hammond [02:26 AM] Wack'd: Anyway I misremembered what Frankie's deal was. I assumed android [02:26 AM] Wack'd: But Reed thinks that whatever was in that fateful oil drum was some sort of superscience chemical that mutated her [02:26 AM] Wack'd: Not sure what the point of her being a nevernude was [02:27 AM] Wack'd: Or why Phineas Horton brainwashed his fourteen year old daughter into wearing a strapless bathing suit at all times [02:28 AM] maxwellelvis: The guy labeled Jim a renegade when he showed the first signs of not being completely under his command [02:28 AM] Wack'd: It sure is a good thing this teenager with no parental guidance never did anything where that bathing suit might've become a problem! [02:28 AM] maxwellelvis: guy's a drip [02:29 AM] Wack'd: Reed has proven his hypothesis that biological sex determines how flame powers work I guess??!?!?
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[02:29 AM] Wack'd: What sort of cis nonsense is this [02:30 AM] maxwellelvis: Johnny speaks for us all [02:30 AM] Wack'd: What all that means is "after a period of suitable training, we may be calling our friends at Marvel Comics and telling them to start publishing the Fantastic Five!" [02:31 AM] Bocaj: This is a thing that marvel does sometimes [02:31 AM] Wack'd: Good news for all those Spider-Girl fans I guess [02:31 AM] Bocaj: They've decided that Laura Kinney's foot claw is what girl wolverines be like [02:31 AM] Wack'd: *sigh* [02:33 AM] Bocaj: I'll say that Spider-Girl did it better by not saying, as far as I recall, that the difference was because man vs woman. [02:34 AM] Wack'd: Okay so we have another story in this issue [02:34 AM] Wack'd: Well, two, kind of [02:35 AM] Wack'd: First a brief interlude in which it is established at some point the Four will be going to the tiny town of Benson, Arizona to investigate cases of people being "frightened to death" [02:36 AM] maxwellelvis: @Wack'd My primary suspect is this man [02:37 AM] Bocaj: Put those tingles away [02:37 AM] Wack'd: Here's a Sue pinup which I'm mostly crossposting to see if I can wrangle a coherent set of interests out of her bookshelf
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[02:38 AM] Wack'd: Pogo's on there. Sue has good taste in comics [02:38 AM] Bocaj: I was about to say [02:38 AM] Wack'd: And now on to our second feature [02:38 AM] maxwellelvis: She's got a copy of Shogun in there [02:39 AM] maxwellelvis: Dangerous Visions, a sci-fi anthology [02:39 AM] Wack'd: Meet Crow T. Rob--I mean, HERBIE 2.0
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[02:40 AM] maxwellelvis: "You listen to me, 'Mr. Fantastic', you are NOT my real father!" [02:40 AM] Wack'd: "I want to decide who lives and who dies!" "So long as Franklin is in the 'lives' category I'm strangely okay with that" [02:41 AM] maxwellelvis: "Hey, Franklin, the secret word for today is 'booger'! Booger booger booger booger-AAAUGH!" [02:41 AM] Wack'd: Anyway this is not the only surprise Reed has in store today! [02:42 AM] Wack'd: He also has A Cure for Being the Thing Number Fucktillion [02:42 AM] Bocaj: Panel 2 Franklin does not look like a child [02:42 AM] Wack'd: He looks like a 1950s Western bit player [02:43 AM] maxwellelvis: "Oh great, another cure! How does this one work, and where can I hide when it backfires?" [02:43 AM] Wack'd: Ben is skeptical but as Reed points out science is always marching on [02:44 AM] Wack'd: He has more data than he's ever had [02:44 AM] Wack'd: Ben you've never asked her that before because it's literally never come up before. Fuck she's dated you while you were cured! Remember when you were riding around in that robot suit?
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[02:45 AM] Wack'd: Anyway [02:45 AM] Wack'd: The machine blows up [02:46 AM] Wack'd: Welp
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[02:47 AM] Bocaj: Could be worse [02:47 AM] Bocaj: At least its not pinecone grimm [02:47 AM] maxwellelvis: Oh that's coming [02:47 AM] Wack'd: Could be covered in bees. That'd be pretty bad [02:47 AM] maxwellelvis: Not for Ben it wouldn't. [02:47 AM] maxwellelvis: Unless they flew into his mouth. [02:47 AM] Bocaj: "Hahah sting you fuckers" [02:48 AM] Bocaj: "This time it is permanent!" Reed shut up [02:48 AM] Wack'd: Anyway this sure is weird nostalgia baiting [02:49 AM] Wack'd: Folks have done plenty of Lee/Kirby throwback stuff but was anyone nostalgic for this, like, at all [02:50 AM] Wack'd: Also like. C'mon Bryne, integrate your story developments naturally. You shouldn't need an entire issue where all that happens is status quo changes [02:50 AM] maxwellelvis: @Bocaj You might know, had Byrne ever written a comic book before his FF run? [02:51 AM] Wack'd: I guess Frankie was integrated a little naturally (even if she went from recent love interest to team member in no time flat) but the Ben is fairly hamfisted [02:51 AM] Wack'd: You can just check Marvel Wiki [02:51 AM] Bocaj: He co-plotted with Claremont I know [02:51 AM] Bocaj: And Claremont was big on the idea of co-plotting. [02:51 AM] maxwellelvis: But this would be his first, like, his first time flying solo? [02:52 AM] Wack'd: Dude has a lot of X-Men credits and some Captain Americas [02:52 AM] Bocaj: His first writing credit was on Iron Fist apparently [02:52 AM] Bocaj: at Marvel [02:54 AM] Bocaj: But from a skim of wikipedia fantastic four was his first extended solo writing thing
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agreateryesterday · 4 years
Reylo - ABO fics
An Unexpected Vacation
An Unexpected Date by tigbit
*Finished* 10 chapters, 4 chapters
In which Rey attempts to bolster her bank account by volunteering to fuck an Alpha in a scientific study. Plans go pear-shaped when she accidentally triggers scientist!Ben’s first Rut.
Rey and Ben go on their infamous date.
Terminal Velocity by AQuill2Thrill
(Last updated Feb 22, 2020) 6 chapters
In her final year at the University of Coruscant, Rey Kenobi navigates painful memories of her past while simultaneously fighting to get into the Coruscant Academy of Law. Broken in more ways than one, she finds herself dumbstruck when she receives a letter of dismissal from the Skywalker-Organa Scholarship Program - her one and only ticket into graduate school. Without the necessary funds, her future is completely dead in the water... right? Meanwhile, fast boi Ben Solo - better known as Kylo Ren on the MotoAmerica docket - is competing among world champion racers on dangerous tracks throughout the country. He's got all the wealth and fame he could ask for, so why does he still feel a pang of emptiness as he crosses each finish line like a man possessed?
True Love Waits by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 18 chapters
In Rey's tiny Southern town, courtship for Omegas begins when a woman turns fifteen and ends with mating and marriage on the sixteenth birthday. All of her friends have already settled down, but Rey has a free spirit that isn't so easy to subjugate and control. Ben Solo intends to change that.
The Runner by JaneEyre1847
(Last updated Jan 16, 2020) 18chapters
Rey Niima has a one-in-a-billion secret. If found out, she'll become the target of religious fanatics and political reactionaries the world over. If they catch her, she'll lose everything, including her career, her freedom, perhaps even her mind. So, she pretends to be a normal, if highly unusual Omega, using her unique talents as an endurance athlete and automotive engineer to make a life for herself and craft a meaningful future. Ben Solo is finally, finally free of his past. Still young, still a highly dominant Alpha in an Alpha's world, he has enough money from selling his startup to start a new life in Boulder, Colorado, safe from his mistakes, safe from his family, and safe even from Snoke. All he wants now is to be happy and share his life with the right Omega. It's too bad Ben's past is coming for him. It's too bad his past is coming for Rey.
You Burn First by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 22 chapters
Rey is kidnapped to be a slave for the ruthless Kylo Ren in exchange for the protection of her people. The post-apocalyptic world she lives in is brutal, but he might be worse
Not your omega. by riseofskyloren
*Finished* One Shot
Rey Johnson and Ben Solo cannot stand each others, she's way too joyful and he's just so cynical. They're definitely not mate material, not a chance. But what happened when the person you despise the most in the entire world becomes the one your body's craving?
Pretty Little Thing by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 3 chapters
Rey is forcibly claimed by Kylo Ren. Though the pairing isn't complete, he pulls to her while he's in prison for his crime, and she struggles to ignore her instinct to go to him.
Kitty Cat by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 2 chapters
Rey accepts a ride from a polite Alpha, Ben. He's a perfect gentleman. For now.
Premature by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 5 chapters
Ben is Rey's awkward IT neighbor. She gives him a little bonus for helping fix her Wifi, and his obsession deepens, and he wants to prove he isn't some weirdo.
Bentacles by MalevolentReverie (creature fic *technically no ABO)
*Finished* One Shot
Kylo was kidnapped by humans and turned into a display piece at an aquarium. He meets a kind new girl, Rey, and decides she'll make the perfect mate.
Heat Wave by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 2 chapters
Ben's next door neighbor Rey gets a little too hot. Her heat comes and he'll help her, even if she doesn't want him to.
Yellowstone by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* One Shot
Rey goes on a survival trip with her friends, but they get sick, and the friendly ranger doesn't have her best interests in mind.
Happy Birthday, Rey by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* One Shot
Every year, Rey receives a letter from a stranger. Every year, they get weirder.
Birthday Lick by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* One Shot
Rey decides to finally cut loose on her sixteenth birthday. She sneaks into a club and meets Ben Solo, who's charming, funny, and takes whatever he wants.
Fledgling by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* One Shot
Rey runs away from home and takes a break at a very dangerous rest stop.
derangeD by MalevolentReverie (child like Rey)
*Finished* One Shot
Next-door neighbor Ben is really nice. He used to babysit Rey and gave her a weird bite on the nape of her neck. If he needs help, she's happy to provide it.
Burnt Coffee by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 3 chapters
Ben 'accidentally' forgets to pick up his sister's suppressants. He gets what he wants in her empty coffee shop.
Halcion Days by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 3 chapters
Ben has never seen anything hotter than his unconscious stepsister.
Stay Still by MalevolentReverie (beta Rey)
*Finished* One Shot
Beta Rey babysits her Alpha neighbor Ben's nephew. One night he comes home drunk and aggressive and Rey can't escape.
WENDIGO by MalevolentReverie (creature fic *technically no ABO)
*Finished* 2 chapters
Rey is saved from a wolf attack by a mysterious stranger. He wants more than she’s willing to give, but he’s going to take it anyway.
Fine. Little. Pieces. by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 3 chapters
Ben loves his mate and his pup very much—and they better love him back.
As Above, So Below by MalevolentReverie (creature fic *technically no ABO)
(Last updated May 9, 2020) 1 chapter
Rey goes on a spelunking trip in North Carolina with her friends. She quickly gets lost and is stalked by a strange, inhuman creature.
Reclaimed by betts
*Finished* One Shot
After the passing of new legislation, Rey and thousands of other omegas are rescued from the abusive grasps of their alphas. She gets adopted by a new alpha and braces herself for the cruelty she’s grown used to. But Ben isn’t like other alphas, and Rey slowly warms to his kindness.
He's Just Not That Into You(r) Scent by SaintHeretical
*Finished* 4 chapters
Rey is a young and single Omega who hasn't had a lot of luck so far finding a nice Beta guy who isn't a total flake. They say they've had a great time with her, but seem to have a difficult time with calling her back. Ben is an Alpha bartender who is tired of hearing about her dating difficulties, and is ready to drop some truth bombs.
A Myth of Devotion by KiraStar
(Last updated Jan 9, 2020) 1 chapter
Rey shouldn't have gone out drinking that night. Ben shouldn't have claimed a 16 year old girl.
all things bright and beautiful by freewalrus
*Finished* One Shot
Rey looks down at the little blue and white stick clutched in her sweaty palm and feels like her stomach is about to fall out of her ass. There, in the tiny gray window, are two seemingly harmless black lines. Two. She blinks rapidly, trying to clear whatever fog has obscured her vision and made her think she is currently holding a positive pregnancy test. She's not pregnant. She can't be pregnant. She just can't be. Because if she is, her mate will leave her. Ben will leave her.
Alpha by PrinceofDarkness15
(Last updated Jan 4, 2020) 2 chapters
"You're walking a very dangerous line here, Kenobi." Ben growled, exposing a row of razor sharp canines. "I wouldn't try it again."
The Claiming Party by SithLord98
(Last updated Feb 16, 2020) 12 chapters
No summary available.
A Wolf At the Door by KiraStar
(Last updated Dec 29, 2019) 4 chapters
“What’s a pretty little thing like you doin’ all alone on a Friday night?” Rey meets an older boy at the drive-in.
Let it Linger by CaptainCabinets
(Last updated May 26, 2020) 3 chapters
Ben Solo and Rey Jones have history. One that they were both hoping to forget. But their past becomes increasingly hard to ignore when Rey starts attending Ben's prestigious boarding school. - Or - Ben is an Alpha. Rey is an Omega. And they forget how to function like normal human beings when they are around each other.
My Heat Will Go On by SpaceWaffleHouseTM
*Finished* 14 chapters
Lucky Omega Rey wins a third class ticket to America on the Titanic. Rich, miserable Alpha Ben holds a first class ticket to a life he doesn’t want. Another tale as old as time unfolds, but this time with... heat.
(Can't Stand) The Heat
Stay Out Of My Kitchen! by SwanSongremix
*Finished* One Shots
She would feel terrible if she asked him to come home early. Wasting all of her alpha’s hard work. He had always been so accommodating of her hectic schedule as an emergency room nurse, it would be unfair to not reciprocate. Besides, she had gone through plenty of heats on her own before meeting Ben. What was one more? In which omega Rey doesn't call her mate, and Ben is a disaster child.
“Seriously, though, how am I supposed to hide this?” Ben asked, following his friend to the front door, waving his covered hands. “I don’t know! Get creative!” And with that, Poe made a hasty retreat outside. Ben stared at the closed door in disbelief. “Fuck my life.” In which Poe is not allowed in kitchens, and Ben is still a disaster child.
Imprints by KyloTrashForever
*Finished* 23 chapters
“I was happy you’ll be working with someone you know. He’ll take good care of you.” Take good care of you. The words send a shiver down her spine, sparking memories that flood her with embarrassment. She feels a strange itch just below her ear, her gland giving a phantom pulse as if her body remembers the incident even still. Suddenly her triumph fades into dread, the idea of working here leaving a hollow pit in her stomach. Poe is still talking, but she doesn’t hear most of it. Her mind is firmly trapped in the vivid memories of six years ago— in a moment she wishes she could forget. By the time she hangs up the phone— she isn’t sure anymore if she can do this.
First Order University by Water_Fox (KnightSiren)
(Last updated April 6, 2020) 3 chapters
A young beta named Rey Kenobi can't believe her luck when she gets miraculously admitted to First Order University, the largest and most prestigious university on Coruscant. She has big plans for her engineering degree and has no problem sticking up for herself in a pool of hormonal alphas. But, when she crosses paths with a strange Alpha named Kylo Ren and unexpectedly finds herself soaking wet and falling at his feet... those plans are threatened to be thrown out the window.
welcome to my cage, little lover by KyloTrashForever
*Finished* 8 chapters
“Come here, Beta.” Every step is difficult— as if her legs are made of stone themselves. He motions that she sit behind him, and she remains there on her knees for several seconds as she wonders what he might want. “Your hands. Use them.” In which Rey is brought to the house of the infamous warlord, Kylo Ren, to serve his every need. Omegas are not allowed. Surely nothing will go wrong.
And They Were Roommates by KyloTrashForever
*Finished* 13 chapters
“This isn’t going to work.” He points a finger between the two of them. “This arrangement.” Her eyes narrow. “You didn’t put any specifications on who could apply.” “Yeah…” He rubs the back of his neck then, the action making it look longer, making her wonder what it might feel like under her fingers. “You have to know that this isn’t a good idea.” She knows what he means, she does—but she’s so tired of being brushed aside for her designation that she challenges him anyway. “And why not?” His eyes bore into hers, his expression blank as he says, “Because I can tell how much scent-block you put on—and I can still smell you.” In which Rey’s new roommate turns out to be a lot more than she bargained for.
The mortifying ordeal of being known (and the reward of being loved) by vuas
(Last updated May 13, 2020) 9 chapters
The omega in apartment 7b was going to pose a problem.
Knot My First Time by KyloTrashForever
*Finished* 5 chapters
“Who can tell me the purpose of knotting?” Holy fuck, are you kidding. His face is going to catch on fire. The teacher still scans the room, looking for a victim of her mortifying question until her eyes finally settle somewhere behind Ben. “Ah, yes. Ms. Johnson?” “Originally, to ensure conception.” Ben sneaks a glance behind him, finding her every bit as distracting as he always does. Rey Johnson. The girl who moved here just three months ago. The girl who seems to excel at everything she does. The girl he can’t get off his mind. The girl he’s heard so much about. In which Ben’s Alpha instincts have always been there, and now they’re awake.
Don't talk to strangers by P_Dunton
(Last updated March 3, 2020) 9 chapters
“Don’t talk to strangers, don’t leave the path and walk straight to Grandmother’s house.” The village of Jakku has a dark and terrible secret. An unknown evil lurks in the nearby forest and will only be satisfied with an annual offering of a local virgin. Nobody knows where the mysterious messenger comes from every year. Once a year, a masked person appears out of the forest and selects the virgin to be offered to the forest. Poor little orphan Rey, is wrapped in the ceremonial red cloak and escorted by the whole village to the edge of town. In a hundred years, none have ever returned. Will Rey be eaten by the Big, Bad Wolf, or does she have a few tricks up her sleeve?
Let’s Get Together by KyloTrashForever, ohwise1ne
(Last updated Jan 15, 2020) 6 chapters
“You didn’t tell me,” he murmurs quietly, careful that someone won’t overhear. “That you were a counselor.” “Neither did you.” “I told you it was my job to keep disobedient boys and girls from causing trouble.” “Why, sir.” She directs a sly look at him through her lashes. “Do I look like the sort who would cause trouble?” “You look like you’d never stop. But don’t worry.” He lowers his mouth right beside her ear. “I'd know exactly how to make you behave.” When Ben is roped into a job at his mother’s alpha/omega summer camp, he expects to have an uneventful month full of bad knot jokes and teenage hormones — until a counselor from the Omega side of camp turns his whole summer upside down.
Foresight by Aerographer
(Last updated April 6, 2020) 3 chapters
This Hunt would not be Rey’s first. She was 21 now, and had been in them since her 18th year. She’d never had a reactive heat. Never been reduced to a whining shell because of a scrap of fabric. She was one of the lucky ones.
Garbage girl and the Prince: an A/B/O fairytale by Hosnianprime, Trueffle123
*Finished* 19 chapters
Rey is a nobody and an Omega, who is known as “the garbage girl” in the small town of Chandrilla because as an orphan she was caught eating discarded food. Ben Solo used to be “the Prince” of Chandrilla, the heir to the influential politician Organa and businessman Han Solo. So even if Rey and Ben grew up in the same town, their lives couldn’t be more different…After Ben Solo graduated, he decided to leave home and cut almost all ties with his parents. One day, however, Leia (fed up with her son wasting his life involving himself with dodgy businesses such as financial investments for the First Order Syndicate) comes up with a cunning plan: Ben Solo needs to return home for an arranged mating if he doesn’t want to risk disinhersion.
a little death (goes a long way) by crossingwinter
*Finished* 7 chapters
“That’s good of you,” he replies. “Especially with the O-Negative.” “It’s a good deal,” she says and he glances up. Yeah, because Omega blood is harder to find. A taste of life, because they almost never survive the turn.
Down South
Outrun Me by Spencebox
*Finished* One Shots
Omegas were on the brink of Extinction, and staying in Jakku was a a death sentence. But luckily for Rey... “Please Rey, Armitage and his family live down here and they’re perfectly normal. Do you remember Ben Solo? He lives down here too! His mom Leia kind of runs a few of the businesses here and is pretty cool. And Ben even turned out to be an Alpha; he’s totally not like the ones in Jakku. I talk about you sometimes and he seems to remember you. If you have the chance, stop by and we can catch up!” Rey saw no harm in driving down to the Deep South to Coruscant to stay with Rose for a couple of days. Besides, how bad could it be?
There was no going back now—not like this. Rey was running with nowhere to go and nowhere to hide; Unkar Plutt had sold her off ages ago and had kept her locked away since. But this full moon, she ran .
To Resist by Sweetnlow444
(Last updated April 26, 2020) 2 chapters
“I'm in a relationship, I'm in love, I'm happy.” He kept telling himself this, hoping it would help. It didn't. It did nothing. Couldn't do anything in the face of that fucking smell, that intoxicating, mouth-watering, life-altering smell. Rey. He knew who it came from now and it made it all worse.
Desert Concubine by IkonQueen
(Last updated March 1, 2020) 1 chapter
Emperor Kylo Ren has sent out a galaxy wide announcement that he will handsomely reward those who bring him artifacts from the First Empire; Rey, a scavenger from the desert planet of Jakku, finds something even more priceless, though she doesn't know it. When she is brought before the emperor, her life will change forever.
The Perfect Life by Sweetaro
(Last updated Feb 1, 2020) 1 chapter
All any alpha ever wants is to come home to an omega cooking dinner and ready to be knotted. In the case of Ben Solo, that’s exactly what he has, and he couldn’t be happier. Although from the beginning, he has to teach her. But that's fine, he's going to make sure she's the perfect omega too.
You Should See Me in a Crown by 3todream3
(Last updated April 5, 2020) 9 chapters
“I’m leaving,” she blurted out. “Leaving? What do you mean?” He rubbed his jaw with his hand, trying to wake up. “When will you be back?” “You’re not getting it, Finn. I’m leaving.” She inhaled the familiar scent of the stable, wishing what she was saying wasn’t true. “I’m leaving...for good.” Rey watched as her best friend’s shoulders drew back, straightening his spine as he did. A bitter reality was sinking in before the rooster had even crowed. Finn was her protector, her keeper, her friend. If she left him, she would be lost in the world. “You can’t...you need to stay here!” he blurted out as the words Rey spoke finally woke him up. “The princess has been betrothed, and I am to go with her to her new home.” A sob escaped from deep within. “I can’t let them find out about me!”~o~ Rey, a handmaiden to Princess Bazine, has a secret she must keep at all costs, but her life is put in danger when she must leave her only home. Rey must accompany the princess, who is set to marry the infamous King Ren. Can she keep her secret and also keep her loyalty to her princess? Or will an Alpha make it all go to hell?
Tied to you by I_am_the_trash_queen9478
(Last updated Feb 1, 2020) 11 chapters
For months, since he combed through her mind on Starkiller, they had felt a strange pull towards one another. Fighting it only made the bond stronger; in a moment of frustration, Rey and Kylo decide to give it what it wants and allow themselves to be pulled together. They only wanted to find out how to control it, now everything has changed and they don't know how much longer they can keep fighting this feeling, this heat, between them. What could possibly go wrong when the Alpha Ben Solo and newly changed Omega Rey are tied together, in more ways than one?
Bloodmoon by AlexandrinaRen
(Last updated Feb 28, 2020) 4 chapters
Rey has always tried to stay as far away from pack business as possible, living her life as normally as humanly possible for an Omega and a Werewolf. But when a new Alpha comes in to town and challenges the leader of her pack, even she has to attend the Summit where the Alpha rite is about to be held.
That Fragile Scarlet Tree by Lula_Landry
*Finished* 11 chapters
Rey is asked by her boss Ben Solo to join his inner circle at First Order International, putting her brilliant mind to good use. The biggest problem? Rey is an Omega in hiding, living in a world where her kind have become nearly extinct, while Ben is an Alpha amongst Alphas, triggering her biological responses in ways she's never had to deal with before.
I'll Kill The Traitor, But I Will Save My Omega. by ClaireLou
*Finished* 7 chapters
Poe arrives at Bens house to inform him that his boyfriend is missing, not only that but he has taken the Omega. Unfortunately for Finn, The Omega is Bens wife, his soulmate and his forever. Ben will kill Finn himself. But first he needs to get the pack together and get back his Mate.
Say Yes to the Nest by writing2savelives
*Finished* One Shot
“Rey―?” She cuts him off with a whimper, stepping closer. “Please.” “No,” he growls. “You have to use your words. You have to say yes. Say ‘Yes, I want you’. Say it. Please.” Her pupils are dilating again rapidly. She sinks to her knees in front of him, the ultimate display of submission and his Alpha preens. “Yes Ben. I want you. Please Alpha.” Rey's heat is triggered after she must stay at Ben's apartment, prompting her to build a nest of his clothes. This is how Ben finds her.
A Rose For My Love by Spencebox
(Last updated May 12, 2020) 1 chapter
Poor Omega Rey and Rich Alpha Ben are newly dating and though Rey wants to take things slow, Ben has every intention of locking it down. There is a hesitancy in her- he's a decade older, has more money than she could count, is an Alpha that truly emits every stereotype she's ever know, and is ready for everything from mating to having babies. She wants to take things slow but he's in the fast lane. What's an Omega to do?
Keep the Car Running by CaptainCabinets
*Finished* 7 chapters
Someone new joins the carpool. Rey is not happy about it. (Until she is).
Your Sweetness by EyesSoQuiet
(Last updated April 23, 2020) 2 chapters
Kylo is in the middle of a rut when he finds his omega.
Ms. Independent by Athelise
*Finished* One Shot
Rey goes back into heat and begins to miss the one Alpha she trusted to see her through them. If only he hadn't called her a "charity case" she might actually be tempted to ask.
The Courtship of a Southern Belle by Lapinrose
(Last updated May 20, 2020) 7 chapters
In 1860 New Orleans, Louisiana, Rey Josephine Camille is a young girl about to enter womanhood. Her year-long secret courtship with popular alpha Poe Dameron has not been fruitful: he has not proposed nor has he asked to be her escort at the debutante ball! Before she turns 16, she must get engaged or become an outcast in New Orleans high-society but she does not want to marry someone she does not love. That's when she meets aloof alpha and eligible bachelor Benjamin Solo Augustus.
In Plain Sight by LBellicose
*Finished* 23 chapters
Rey never thought she would ever be lucky enough to go to college, much less win a scholarship to the prestigious University of Naboo. Rey meets Rose, before long she is part of the Resistance, a group of liked mind individuals working to solve the mystery of missing Omegas. Everything points to the First Order health. Rey goes undercover suppressed and poising as a Beta to find out what they are doing with the Omegas. She thinks she has it all under control until she meets the First Order's head of security Kylo Ren who has taken an interest in the newest lab tech.
Winter Flower by MelancholyBrilliance
(Last updated April 17, 2020) 2 chapters
"That’s my number,” he informs her, pinning her with his gaze. “Do not leave this hospital until you call me, Omega.” The command comes from somewhere deep inside of him, a place that usually lies doormat despite barking orders to medical personnel every day. It has an immediate effect on Rey, whose pupils visibly widen as she stares at him, enraptured. She nods, and it’s clear that she’s not entirely in control of herself, and maybe Ben should feel guilty about how satisfying it all is, but he releases a pleased rumble from his chest instead. When Rey’s scent spikes in response, he practically runs out of the room, trembling all over. (ABO/Modern AU in which Rey is essentially a homeless youth, and Ben is a doctor who just wishes he didn’t have to feel so guilty about helping her.)
Vertigo Theory by GlassSolomon
(Last updated March 20, 2020) 2 chapters
Rey has just begun the semester as a Biology student and already she is stretched thin. Being faced with the setbacks that come with being an Omega on top of everything else that comes with attending school she must take on an enormous course load and a job on the side to stay afloat through school. It's most certainly not sustainable. Professor Solo, her Anatomy professor soon takes notice of the young Omega in his course and despite strict Faculty Student Relations rules at the University he cannot take his eyes off of her.
Desolate by lhlsy
(Last updated May 12, 2020) 13 chapters
“I don’t care what her reason for sending you over here is,” he huffs out an annoyed breath, “I’m not interested.” At that her stance changes, she straightens up, almost puffing her chest out, her eyes regard him with a sort of intensity he has never seen an Omega exude before, “Mr. Solo, I’m a police officer,” she starts, her tone now laced with annoyance, and even a hint of anger, “I merely came over to introduce myself since I’m tasked with your security.” He smirks, a small snicker escaping his lips. He can’t help it. He really can’t. It’s just so extremely laughable that the young woman in front him is supposed to be his security. Not that she’s really there to protect him, like she seems to think. The police are only there to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid, like try to take off his ankle bracelet and skip town.
Pheromatch by pinkhairedhoe
*Finished* 3 chapters
Ben doesn't like to think of himself as a desperate man, but with little free time, a secret desire for a relationship, and pressure from his well-meaning mother to settle down, he turns to Pheromatch, a dating service for alphas and omegas. Rey Niima, an omega grad student who keeps crushing on betas, thinks using a dating service is a cop out. She sincerely doesn't think she'll find anyone. Except one of the alphas kind of smells incredible.
Howl Of The Pack by LadyErica
(Last updated April 14, 2020) 19 chapters
 Rey doesn't do howling and giving in to her wolf. Until she is called to the ritual of pack master. She is one of many Omegas in the pack that is unmated. The pack master is getting old and it is time for a new pack master. Rey watches the challenge in her pack and doesn't like appreciating in old brutal rituals of her pack. Thus why she doesn't give in to her wolf. A wolf she hadn't turn into in a long time since she presented as a Omega. Then the new pack master chooses a mate. That mate is her.
Baby Steps by Athelise
*Finished* One Shot
Rey is an Omega who has never been in heat and fears Alphas and their knots. But with her admission to Naboo University Rey gets a new lease on life with their Omega-inclusive policies and some of the best suppressors in the country to hide her from the eyes of Alphas. Not only that, but her burgeoning friendship with the adorkable Beta, Ben Solo, may just be the best thing to ever happen to her.
love the way you wear that black on black (take it off like that) by galactic_enterprise
(Last updated May 8, 2020) 1 chapter
“You're mine, Alpha. No one else can ever have you.” She placed his belongings at the head of her den, making Ben swell with pride. “Of course, Omega, and you are mine. Such a good little thing. So hard-working and slick, so ready and beautiful for her Alpha. Do you want me, little one? Do you want me to fill you with my knot and coat you with my cum? To put my pups in that little belly of yours?”- or - Kylo Ren wakes up to Rey trying to nest using his things.
Rey's Anatomy by lovelyjades
(Last updated April 11, 2020) 1 chapter
Freshly graduated Rey Kenobi was thrilled to have been accepted into an internship at the esteemed Skywalker-Organa Hospital in Seattle, and everything was going perfectly fine until she met her neurosurgeon supervisor, Doctor Ben Solo, an arrogant alpha who just so happened to be the best smelling man she'd ever met.
But I Do by Spencebox
(Last updated May 19, 2020) 7 chapters
Rey Kenobi couldn't believe it; she was definitely, totally, and without a doubt, shocked. Ben Solo- Alpha, looked like he belonged on the front of a magazine, not pictured as the profile for the Alpha she'd been matched with. Ben Solo was totally, definitely, and without a doubt, out of her league. But that doesn’t mean his name didn’t leave her lips when she fingered herself that night.
Knot Sure by coldmoonviolet
*Finished* 16 chapters
Omega Rey is excited to be finishing up her degree but after a night out with friends ends in the most embarrassing one night stand Rey could have imagined, she's horrified to discover the Alpha in question is her Professor.
Wanderlust by inexorablydrawn
(Last updated May 5, 2020) 8 chapters
Rey had spent her whole life pretending to be something she wasn't. She had hoped to live a perfectly average life without influence by her designation. But when fate calls to her, pulling her out of her city comforts, she finds out that accepting who she is might be far easier than being alone when Ben Solo finds her wandering aimlessly in the expanses of nature.
graceless hearts by darthdarcyy
(Last updated May 5, 2020) 10 chapters 
Rey Niima, independent Omega and millennial college graduate trying not to starve during a recession, takes a desperate job at a tech support call center. One slow Saturday evening, she watches as a tall, beautiful Alpha moves into the luxury loft apartment building next door. To the apartment directly across from her window. The rest, as they say, is history. you smell like every good memory i've ever had. (previously certain things happen in the dark)
in the back with the racks and the stacks of your load by praetorreyna
(Last updated May 29, 2020) (Last updated Feb 10, 2020) 11, 2 chapters
Rey is a senior in college, and ready to graduate the top of her class. Enter Ben Solo, her new literature professor who happens to be an alpha. An alpha that also happens to smell irresistible. Her mind is telling her to keep pushing forward, but her hormones are saying the complete opposite. She just needs to make it through the year with out consequence. That shouldn't be too hard, right?
vignettes for Baggage
the threat is real
when his sight goes red again by 11minutes (redlondons)
*Finished* (last updated May 8, 2020) 7 chapters, 1 chapter
Kylo Ren is sick of going through his ruts alone. Rey is sick of going through her heats alone. A dystopian soulmates au with a happy ending.
Our Royal family is trying to get back into the swing of being together. Padme is being the grandmother she was always supposed to be to Ben. Rey has a secret that will cause havoc in the kingdom. And what happens when the Legacy Saber is stolen and Ben shows the depths of his dark side powers? Alderaan is in a state of revolt, Rey and Ben have a lot of work to do!
Lost & Sold by MalevolentReverie
(Last updated May 18, 2020) 11 chapters
Rey is ten days from her work visa expiring. Her boss, Leia, happens to have a single son who’s more than happy to help.
On The Brightside by Spencebox
*Finished* 3 chapters
On the bright side, he had a nice house.
The Ecumene by P_Dunton
(Last updated May 26, 2020) 35 chapters
The Ecumene (or oecumene): the permanently inhabited portion of the Earth as distinguished from the uninhabited or temporarily inhabited area. In the world where Alphas are meant to rule, Kylo Ren is aiming to wipe the Omegas off the face of the Earth. In the world where Omegas are meant to serve, Rey Johnson has suddenly discovered her true designation.
Good little omega by kylosbrickhousebody
*Finished* One Shot
Only a month ago, Rey found herself trapped in her worst nightmare: presenting as an omega and bonding with a strange, older alpha. Trapped under his care by law, Rey finds herself running from the alpha at every turn. Ben tries to convince her otherwise.
Post: Part 2
19 notes · View notes
glumvillain · 4 years
GlumReviews #10
If you’re like me then the year 2001 was just a shitty year to be alive.  George Bush was president,  Now That’s What I Call Music was on it’s 7th volume, Freddy Got Fingered and Bridget Jones’ goddamn Diary.  The internet had transformed the landscape of music and the industry was pivoting to serve a customer base that no longer wanted to pay for the music they so enjoyed.  Pandora internet radio would not be a public option until 2005.  The ancient technology known as just the plain ol’ radio was a large factor in determining one’s career success.  Yes, you could spend years touring on underground circuits garnishing a cult following from small town to small town, but nothing quite beats a radio single that can be played simultaneously for an entire nation.  In other words, the general public still played a determining factor for your determined breakthrough.
It is with this in mind that I present to you the case for Nickelback’s 3rd studio album Silver Side Up.  One cannot deny the societal connotations that come with just mentioning this band, and in my opinion, that horse has just long been laid to rest and I invite you to open your mind musically for just one second, as I have forced myself to in this series of truly eye-opening reviews.  Taking the title as Canada’s most commercially successful band among many many other prestigious honors of a similar nature.  Surely an entire generation doesn’t consider this band laughable and just a shitty shitty representative of rock music, especially in the year of our forsaken lord 2001? 
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Is Nickelback a prime example of male mediocrity failing upwards into superstardom? or is there a valid claim for their status as a “pussy band” (which sounds kinda cool to me tbh) among rock n roll aficionados and real cool dudes in the scene?  We plumb the depths of a road at least 10 million have previously plumbed.
1.  Never Again
I’m gonna have a difficult time saying this is a “shitty” band whenever their first song addresses something that (excuse the pun) hits so close to home.  As an intro track they open up with a pretty heavy song about domestic violence “He’s drunk again, it’s time to fight/ She must have done something wrong tonight/  The living room becomes a boxing ring”.  Told from the point of a view of a child growing up to see his mother abused at the hands of his drunken father.  It’s a heartbreaking song that has a satisfying ending for those of us who don’t like to dwell too much on the downsides of life. Especially if one chooses to escape through music, but sad music in sad times is a personal habit I partake in.  This is a great song, content wise.  Kinda weird to have it set to such an upbeat sounding song but I guess it goes to serve the rage of a child being helpless in the face of his abusive father.
2.  How You Remind Me
Does the lead single of this album really need a review? Yes, because this review is about taking a second look at shit you take for granted.  This song is just poetry.  In the fact that it’s just a perfectly executed song, lyrically.  Being non-cryptic and just flat out honest about ones feelings.  There’s thousands of songs about being down in the dumps or heartbroken and I can see why this is easily one of their biggest hits.  It’s a song that doesn’t care about your preconceived notions of masculinity or what rock music should or shouldn’t be.  Some people were put on this planet to make one song to connect the world to each other, and I think this is Nickelback’s song.
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3.  Woke Up This Morning
Now I wouldn’t exactly call this metal, but it’s too heavy to be pop-rock.  But it easily straddles these fine picket fences of being almost too heavy for their own lyrics at times.  There’s noticeable flavors of southern rock sprinkled throughout the album which I can see having a blue collar/WWF crowd appeal.  Again another song consisting of being absolutely honest with the listener “I felt like shit when I woke up this morning, I’ve been a loser all my life I’m not about to change”.  
4.  Too Bad
With the events of Track 1 in mind, this song takes a remorseful shift into the story of the father.  Now racked with guilt, the song title lays it out pretty evenly.  It’s too bad.  It’s too late.  Despite the behavior of an antagonistic and toxic father, they made it out on their own without the breadwinner of the family.  At the expense of the mothers time and love, at least they still had clothes on their backs and food to eat.  Another heartbreaking but heartfelt song that is one of the first songs that I’ve reviewed in this series that actually gave me chills.  
5.  Just For
This is the typical male violent fantasy that could lean either way.  It’s either about a girl he lost to another man, or given the past material in the album being about his mom, it could be pertaining to his relationship with his father.  However you feel personally about this band, understand that lead singer Chad Kroger opened his soul up on a record which is rarely an experience put forth in an album.  Now arguably you could tell me that’s what all bands do, and yes I’m inclined to agree.  But it’s rare that it’s not wrapped up in sarcasm or a false sense of confidence.  Usually such displays of anger and torment are disguised with metaphor and mystery.  There’s none of that at play here.  And usually I’d call that dumb music for a monkey brain audience.  But this is just some of the most sincerest lyrics you could listen to.
6.  Hollywood
Now listen I know I said all that stuff about his lyrics being pretty straightforward?  Well I’ll eat my own words on this song, as I can’t really pickup the metaphor he’s laying down...correct me if I’m wrong but is this song about being in a mental hospital or going to a methadone clinic?  Don’t beat yourself up if this track isn’t your cup of tea, I didn’t really vibe with it like other tracks.
7.  Money Bought
Pretty straightforward song about a woman whose living off of her parents just being an all around Samantha .  Songs like this I could really do without, heavy strong riff but if there’s one production complaint I have is that alot of the mixes are too guitar heavy and the drums get washed out.
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8.  Where Do I Hide
Feels like a continuation of the previous song with the too loud guitar mix, the lyrics themselves are pretty boring and not really worth going over as I can’t figure out if he’s making an outlaw fantasy song or something about his dad again. There’s a decent little guitar solo but I wouldn’t say to go out of your way to listen to this song.
9.  Hangnail
I’ll give them this, they can kick out some pretty good riffs.  But like good standard rock riffs.  I couldn’t tell you they have their own sound musically.  I think their sound is largely wrapped up in the lead singers voice.  You could convince me it was 3 different bands if 3 different singers sang their songs.  This song feels like a weak follow-up to “How You Remind Me”, and if that’s the case it really missed a mark in my opinion.
10.  Good Time’s Gone
Nothing says “album closer” like acoustic guitar strumming away into a swaying jam.  Definitely leaning more country western than most of their songs, but with a hard rock kick to it.  It’s a nice revamp of energy from the previous couple of songs that just felt to get a little weaker as the album progressed.  Kroger gives a powerful vocal performance to lead us out and I can’t help but think to myself, dear god I just listened to a Nickelback album several times today.
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So where do you land on the spectrum of hate for Nickelback?  For me, personally I see absolutely no reason why Nickelback is more hated than say Three Days Grace or Papa Roach, both of which have garnished their own cult followings respectively.  No, I believe this to just be a meme that society has taken and ran with it by constantly making Nickelback be the butt of some non-existent joke.  Are they the best band ever? Fuck no.  Should people be mocked or made fun of for listening to bands they enjoy? Double fuck no.  Because music becomes your personal experience, and we should let others bask in what little, small things bring them joy.  Why gatekeep listening to music?  Music is supposed to connect others and bring about the feeling of belonging, the act of belittling others for their choice in music isn’t only pointless, it’s just downright disrespectful of a persons identity and personal choices.  And with that being said, Five Finger Death Punch is REAL garbage music.
I refrained from mentioning that this album was actually released on September 11th, 2001.  Not wanting that to factor into my writing but it’s at this point that I argue the case that Nickelback was a relic of a time before shit got worse in America.  Without 9/11 in the narrative of some of these tracks I feel like they don’t hit as hard and yeah, in some fucked up way I’m saying that if it wasn’t for 9/11 itself, I don’t think they would have had a breakthrough.  As audiences scrambled to tune into something different I’m sure the radio offered some form of escape from a world ravaged by national news.  I give the album:
This album begins pretty lively and begins to fizzle out about halfway with track #6, saved only by the ending track.  This was a decent album and if you’re curious to check it out, I recommend tracks 1-5, then just skip to 10, the album makes more sense that way. 
1 note · View note
stone-man-warrior · 4 years
-January 10, 2021: 3:22 pm:
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These control features are not what I have been accustomed to seeing here for posting a new post here on Tumblr, and, these colorful icons are not present when I do an edit of an existing post here on Tumblr. There are fewer controls for an edit, and the controls are grey in color, not rainbow color spectrum. The zoom needs to be set at 130% in order to make a new post here on Tumblr, any other zoom setting brings up a different screen where no text can be entered.
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With this variety of Tumblr text box, the use of "Ctrl + v" for pasting a screen shot is not possible, I must navigate to the "screenshots" folder in my computer to find the screenshot I just now captured.
That navagation to the "screenshots" folder is not necessary when I do an edit of an existing Tumblr post, when edditing an existing post, I am able to simply use "Ctrl + v" to paste the last screenshot that was captured.
The Centurylink/Google/Tumblr internet terror consortium is using the fact that I can either paste, or must navigate to the "screenshots" folder in some way to frame or set me up as having posted child pornography. The child pornography that is being shown to the federal agents is on a computer that is almost identical the one I use, however, the porn computer is a 15' model, mine is bigger. That computer is sometimes in posession of Lorena Chapman, but the actual pornography of the children is from Myers at 560 Jackpine, is real porography images of children taken at the 560 address. in a barn/shed in the backyard there, and at other places that are not far away from 560 Jackpine, and the Lorena Chapman/Micheal Brassil terror cell at 3701 Russell Road.
It's another example of how Federal Fools who refuse to do their own research are being jacked around by the local authorities who use Myers to do the actual terror in the background, while Lorena Chapman provides the pretty face up front, to please the Federal Fools.
So I post that by pressing a button marked “Post now”.
Then, I come back a few minutes later to edit that post I just created. This part below is all “edited”, is just adding more to the post, after posting the titled new post of the day, or, any new post. You can post, then come back to “edit” and add more detail, and repair the changes that are put there by the Centurylink/Google/Tumblr terror consortium. They make small spelling changes, contextual punctuation changes, and addition and subtraction of a few select words, nothing very substantial is changed by the terror consortium, but every detail does make a difference, and the information is sensitive, lives and national security are dependent on the accuracy of what is written and how it is interpreted by those who may wish to use the information to save lives and preserve Freedom and nation. Every time I make a correction edit, another thing is changed such that I could end up spending an entire day just going around in circles to make the spelling and contextual punctuation repairs. That, and now the after doing this edit, the button to post it only says: “Save”.
3:50 pm:
There are the controls the way I have been accustomed to seeing them, in grey, with fewer controls.
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And that photo and the one above was posted simply with use of “Ctrl + v” to paste the latest of the screenshots I took, while the others with the colorful control icons required that I had to navigate to the “screenshots” folder, with use of that little colorful camera icon control feature.
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I want to talk about how that VKA promotional email is saying something about the Ronald Reagan Library.
But first, I am going to push the “Save” button, then do an edit on this part of today’s 1-10-2021 entry where I only needed to go open the email, take a screenshot w/ “windows key + Prt Sc”, then come over here to the opened Tumblr post edit screen tab I have opened, to use the “Ctrl + v” to past the screenshot of the VKA email. Then, I just go back to the email, scroll the screen, take another screenshot with use of “windows key + Prt Sc” to take another screenshot, then, come back over here to the Tumblr edit post tab I have open and am working on to try to get some help, and use “Ctr + v” to paste that other screenshot, then, I go back to the email tab. scroll the screen, take another screenshot.... ect.
Pretty soon, I will have talked about how that VKA email says something about the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, it could be a matter of life or death in the email, but there is no one watching the baby, so, no one cares about VKA or why they are using coded language to say stuff about Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, or, are interested in making this connection secure, or, interested in any of the efforts of the terror army who are finding many different ways to make the report about the VKA email very difficult to do.
I can do alternate zoom though with “edit”, is not available with “new post”:
Ctrl + v:
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4:44 pm:
On second thought, fuck it.
I am not going to do any more than say that there is enough there to say:
“All Terrain Cycle” and “Red Dirt” or “Red Earth”. Then “Tierra Rejada” comes up on Decoder Ring RADAR. After that, the notion that the people who are in charge at VKA are old enough, and are familiar with conditions that existed in Moore Park area in 1970 and thereabout, are knowledgeable about a killing field that existed there at that time called “Indian Hills”, a motorcycle riding area, w/rental and repairs available there at the time. That motorcycle area is not to be confused with the race track that was at Hope Town, that is a different killing field from the 1960′s, not 1970′s like VKA is referencing.
So, if you want more than that, you are going to have to send some help to Oregon. I have absolutely no help, and the only weapon I have for defense is a fingernail clipper, some reading glasses that don’t work very well, and Bic Lighter.
Please send help.
If the bastards explode the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, there will be a lot of terror associated evidence destroyed as a result, and, at least one big ass jet airplane will also be destroyed at the RRPL. Even the building and the construction methods there are terror evidence.
Send help, learn more.
1-10-2021: 4:58 pm.
5:13 pm:
Other global considerations:
First this:
Brand new blue jeans come torn up, with holes in them, is “The Style”, costs extra for someone else to wear out your jeans before you buy them.
Brand new guitars can be purchased with “Road Worn” dings, scratches, all banged up, costs extra for someone else to use up your guitar before you buy it, it’s “The Signature Model” and is a perfect copy of some asshole’s guitar as it looked on a particular day... upgrades to the “Road Worn“ authenticity come from two directions, as the famous asshole puts more dings and scratches over time, and, as you put more dings and scratched on the one you bought. Those won‘t match up, spoils the authenticity of the “Road Worn” signature model.
“Gnosis” = G + no + sis....
“Gene Osis”. A disease. Corona Virus. Gene Osis. Geneosis: A disease that kills your whole family, is not a health condition, is a Road Worn Signature Model w/Gig Bag.
Great Gig in the Sky, comes by parachute w/Axe.
Those jeans that are pre worn out and cost extra, are the slave children at the denim factory trying to get some help, they invented that stupid idea, but no one is watching the baby, so, it just costs extra, and no one is helping the slave children at the denim factory.
Don’t be too surprised when you learn that all of those worn out jeans are faithful recreations of the pants that were worn by the victims at the time they were taken captive, each pair of worn out jeans then was crafted, so that it would represent the way the victim looked on that day, and, people line up at the store to buy those, worn out slave “Signature Model” jeans, to help finance the Pope and his terror army to continue to take victims. Each pair of worn out jeans comes with a name, Cindy, Roberta, Michelle, Audry, Linda, Lean, Valerie... so, go ahead and support the Pope and his Textile company.
It must be perfect.
The cover is not a photo op on a publication, it’s finding ways to cover up the mass murders, and, prophet from the cover at the same time, while doing more mass murder. Worn out jeans bought new, is a cover operation for mass murder.
5:58 pm:
It goes farther, deeper into the Russian Mother of all Hoaxes.
The Christian way, is the way of the Bible, the way it’s written, subject matter, the deity, the anti-deity, the Dark vs Light... it’s deep.
On the surface, the pirates clean themselves up, make themselves look innocent, and are “The meek who inherit the Earth” that way. While in Darkness is the other side of the coin, the Lucifer end of the whole spectrum that is the terror pirate ship of Christianity. You cannot accept God, without also going for a ride with the Devil, they are both part of the same story, one come with the other, and there is no way around that, unless you are not Christian.
The Great Gig in the Sky is an instrumental tune by Pink Floyd.
The Text, for today’s entry considerations, is the denim signature model of pre-worn jeans, each with a name, each represents the face of the victim who was wearing the recreated Signature Model Jeans at the time they were killed, or, when captured and taken prisoner as a slave at the various Text facilities.
So, the terror army landed in California first, they came from Canada aboard USPS DC 9 postal air mail aircraft in the 1970′s, in tandem, two per parachute, at a time after the Winchell’s Doughnuts had been installed by the Windsors of Winston Churchill in Los Angeles, and by the time those airplanes dropped all of those many thousands of Canadian terror soldiers in Los Angeles County, all of the police has already been killed and replaced with Screen Actor Guild actors, fake police. If not all of them, then at least Rampart and Hollywood, and West Valley precinct had already been swapped out, sacked, manned with terror soldier commanders from SAG.
Terror uses the California Penal Code after that as a communication reference tool. Terror soldiers are educated about the penal code. Meanwhile, the general public of citizen victims is brainwashed with fake police codes from Adam 12 TV show. They call to report crimes, murder, rape, but only know the Adam 12 variety of codes, are marked for take-out for having watched the TV show that set them up with special bullshit language to use if they are having trouble conveying what the witnessed.
The paratroopers are all over the place in The Valley, blending in as they select victims to murder and replace.
Those people are “The Axe men“, they show up and do a kill. They  need to report to the terror police... it’s 5:00 am, or, 5:00 pm. A basketball game with 5 minutes on the clock, each team has a 100 points to start with, the result is the same as if the game was full length.
The basketball game w/5 minutes is secret terror knowledge, everyone calls me a fool for saying it, but the fools are those who are not paying attention, won’t help me to say secret terror knowledge, and only make it more difficult for me to help to save their lives.
Then, at 5:00, the terror soldier is there to take the victim.
That happens.
It’s 5:01. The terror soldier who made the murder hit has Pants now, Levi’s 501 Button Fly Denim.
Those are magic words. The 501 Button Fly is an identifier for who he is at the next part of this basketball game.
The terror soldier just goes driving around in the area where the SAG Police are on patrol, swerves a bit where the cop will see, gets pulled, over.
It’s 502 on the penal code now. Game over.
The terror soldier at that point in 1970 has just gained an ID, and some pants, car and keys to the victims home, and has reported to Rampart while on a routine traffic stop. Rampart does some magic at the precinct to solidify that the terror soldier is the victim the was killed at the basketball game w/5 minutes on the clock that leads to the 502 at  the consecrations stand for a cool one at half time.
The fools are the people who are reading this, and are in charge of national security and protection of all of the US Citizens, but refuse to do their jobs because they are too fucking stupid to understand what I just explained for them.
So the explanation appears to have the “cool one at the concessions stand” after the game was over by two minutes, but it’s terror math, so, it’s “half time”, and “game over” at the same time, all of the time, so that the game can perpetuate forever.... in a game that is really a ten-minute game, but only five are accounted for. The 501 keeps on going, with new Levi’s (LE Vice) after the 502, to put another five minutes on the clock and do it all over again tomorrow, to start over at 5:00 after work.
“I went today, maybe I will go again tomorrow” ~Edge of Seventeen.
This goes on eternally with other Russian Fractal View iterations of the same ideas presented and carried out similar to the basketball game analogy, but I am not just making this up as I go along, that is real Christian terror shell language that is like the Energizer Bunny, has a battery, big ears, and a drum... on attack with Vatican Power.
To learn more about “cover of the rolling stone” and how it applies to Levi’s 501 Denim then take the Way Back Machine to 1970′s Levi Strauss & Company to see when exactly the company was hijacked by the Pope. There is a time when Levi’s began to sell 501 Denim in many colors, not just blue jeans. They came in “Technicolor” at a particular time in the 1970′s for a short time. That is when SAG took over at Levi’s under direction of The Pope.
Then you fast forward your Way Back Machine w/Fractal Viewer Attachment to a place when David Letterman showed up at the Tonight Show with World Wide Pants and Big Ass Pork Products. That is exactly the same as the 502 on the freeway near Rampart.
Real Police = Officers
SAG Fake Police = Pigs
That too, is real terror terminology. Only a terror soldier can survive that kind of COVID Test. Terror soldiers with a vocabulary of magic words, such as “Pig” in the presence of a uniformed police officer who is really a SAG police, can say “You’re a Pig” to the fake cop. That and some other magic words identifies that the person using the terminology is part of he terror army, in the 1970′s and 1980′s. If a non terror soldier tries to say “you’re a pig” to the same cop, that is going to work out bad for that person who does not have the complete other body language or magic words that go with the statement, while the terror soldier is able to continuously say “Pig, pig... ♪ ♫ Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon ♪ ♫“ at a demonstration presented on nbc news on Twitter. That way, everyone in the global viewing audience knows what is really going on, provided they went to terror communication school at church. Everyone else is baffled, can‘t figure out WTF is happening there.
Then you take your Secret Decoder Ring Rig over to Oregon in 1998, maybe before that, to Circle K convenience stores where the very best coffee is there, and a side door always open. The term “Circle Jerk” is the same in Oregon as is the term “Pig” in Los Angeles. It’s an iteration of the Russian Hoax Fractal w/geographically identifiable components that can be used when remote attacking and terror conventions are taking place, to introduce who is who in crowd, in a way that says from where each terror soldiers are from, without revealing any other thing while doing so, and speaking with strangers to see who among a group is part of the same team. Such places include SXSW convention, and the NAMM music industry convention.
Real Police = Officers
SAG Fake Police = Pig = Jerk = Royal Canadian Mounted Police and/or SAG actors.
“Pig” seems as a nation wide term. “Jerk” or “Circle Jerk” seems as a Oregon specific term, could be Josephine County Oregon specification terminology useful for making contact about Royal Canadian Mounted Police and/or SAG actors imposter police.
This subject is difficult to obtain specifics about, so, that much I have survived gaining the information. To get more, send some help to Oregon, I will get more information about Jerks and Circle Jerks terror comm.
1-11-2021: 5:00 pm: extended information:
The fake police are Hollywood actors. In Hollywood, we are told that someone who is over-acting, is a “Ham”. In terror, the leadership consider themselves as “Overlords”. To, a SAG fake cop, is over-acting, is a Ham, plays role of uniformed overlord. That, I believe is the unwritten history of the term “Pig” when associated to a cop. Further looking at the matter, is about pride of ownership of the “Pig” label among the terror fake police, they play role of overlord, are backed at the high levels, are untouchable, they control the activities of the terror soldiers, so, there is some Pig Pride among them because of the power they posses. A pig is a animal found in a jungle as Wild Boar, and on the farm in the mud rolling around while waiting to be a Ham, pork chops, sausage, and is sold as a commodity at Wall Street as Pork Bellies. So, the pride is in the notion that the Pigs all know that their jobs are that of a protected and subsidized Dirty Cop, again, a Pig. I am sure there is a Hog in the lore also, but I don’t have information about Hog Pride, only Hog Tied comes to mind. Bay of Pigs, at high tide, or low tide, or “Astronomical High Tide”, then, a star is born at the Bay of Pigs.
Comes w/guilded binding on a US Flag, to make Hi-Jack.
You can get some “Jesus was a Carpenter” out of the notion that a SAG police Hollywood Rampart Division Union Card Holder, is a Pig, by putting an Auger Bit onto a Milwaukee Hole Hog drill motor. The Carpenter uses those for Plating, and Post & Beam work where bolts and saddles are required. That gets into the Ibuprofen Union at the same time, kills two birds with one stone that way. The IBEW, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (the people who installed all of our electrical outlets upside down) use the Milwaukee Hole Hog w/Auger Bit, as their primary tool for installing wire on the jobsite. The Carpenter and the Electrician both have the same Hole Hog in common. Power Company Linemen also use an Auger while working in the field, oddly, the Linemen use a gas powered internal combustion equivalent to the Milwaukee Hole Hog w/Auger bit, but that will never produce an “Ohh Geee! That looks so pretty the way that hole worked out right there” like the Carpenter can do. Carpenter uses OG grade bits when drilling holes.
You can go into the Russian Mother Hoax there too, one place is the Hollywood presentation of the “Irish Cop” as a command language from long ago. Hollywood inserts a lot of special scenes and jargon into the movies they produce, so, “The Irish Cop” (eg: Officer O’Malley, Officer O”Hair” and such Irish names we learned about by watching movies). “The Irish Cop” I am pretty sure is about Winchell’s Doughnuts, and that is connected to a Puppet Show for children called “Winchell Mahoney Time” from the 1960′s. There was a barn featured in “Winchell Mahoney Time”, and the actual barn they used was at the bottom of the 118 Ronald Reagan Freeway at Kuener Drive, about one and a half miles from Hope Town, and just across Simi Valley from Rocketdyne. (this goes on forever into the Russian Mother Hoax from there, stops by for a visit at Spawn Ranch)
Bonus actual factual info and truth may be obtained at place that was called “The Card House” by locals of Simi Valley in the 1960′s and 1970′s. It looked like a residence on the top of a pointy hill visible from Santa Susana Pass, and the freeway. Going north on the freeway, at the crest of where Simi Valley is, to the left is the “Card House”. There was just one house, and only room for that one house on that pointy hill. There was something special about it, I was only about 6 years old when the talk of that Card House was a subject of the adults at the time. Maybe some interested people can find some history there at that Card House on the pointy hill above Simi Knolls.
The “Jerks” of A Street Circle K terror police HQ are “Mimes”. When on attack, after regular work day, they wear black leotard, with white gloves. They do not speak when in Mime Mode. The white gloves serve as their vocabulary, can speak to one another with hand gestures in the night from shadows where they hide while on attack. Again, this is difficult information to obtain, please send help.
Those guys who were in the Bekins Cross Town Movers truck yesterday were Jerks, or extension thugs who work under Jerk command out of A Street Circle K. They had all of the necessary markings and identifiers, and, the truck graphics decode to “Beacon Ave. Department of Motor Vehicles” as I already mentioned. The body they were carrying was also in black at the time they loaded it into the Bekins truck.
Associated to all of the Christian terror army at the high levels is “The Ell” and is easily overlooked and forgotten about. “The Ell” is the slice made on a mechanical or geometric drawing of the section of an object.
The Ell is the cut. The Ell is the swing of the sword at a given angle of attack.
Is important not to forget that one, I always forget about The Ell when I do decoding, so, others who check my work should know that I always forget about that there is “The Ell” to put into the comm sometimes.
The Ell is the reason that Santa Clause has Elves.
In that Fleetwood Mac Edge of Seventeen Official Video Version available at the Stevie Nicks You Tube account, you can see an example of communication done with the Ell of a Cone on a vertical decent at the outer skirt of the wide part of a cone when struck and slices off with the Ell of a sword.
The guitar player is wearing a blue shirt, on the back of the shirt, it’s torn, the shape of the tear is that of the slice made as described, vertically on decent on the skirt wide part of a cone, is sliced off of his shirt.
That is shirt and it’s conically modified Ell reveal, is what I spoke to Stevie Nicks about at a time before the concert took place. She had come to my home, with those Guitar makers and and other musicians at a time when me and my family was held captive in around 1998-2002-ish. We also talked about “The Chicken Dance”. and I remember requesting that she kick one leg as high as is possible for her to do onstage, and she did so, one time, as the Ell of the cut on the guitar players shirt at that performance.
The driver of the Bekins Cross Town Movers truck yesterday looked a lot like Stephen Bell who does not seem to live across the street at 445 Jackpine anymore as of about three weeks or so ago. The driver seemed too light to be Stephen Bell, who is about 50 to 75 pound heavier than the man I saw who was driving the Bekins truck. Also, the Bekins truck can be assicated to JP Morgan Chase Bank Aerial Assault Division at the 7Th and Morgan St. Branch. Those details are far too difficult to specify here. It just is both DMV and JP Morgan Chase Bank Aerial Assault Division of the bank, they have a terror air force presence among the Air Support Terror Air Force that is HQ’d at 535 Jackpine, and in close association to United States Postal Service nation wide terror cell called “The Stork”.
The terror bastards are using the poison that makes my vision poor right now, I am having a great deal of trouble seeing the page, so, send help, to learn more.
There is a man who works at the Fred Meyer Electronics Department, maybe other departments there at the Grants Pass Fred Meyer store that is directly across the street from the Grants Pass DMV on Beacon Ave. who fits the description of the man who was driving the Cross Town Movers Bekins truck yesterday. The man is the same description I would give for Stephen Bell except Stephen Bell is about 50 to 75 pounds heavier than is the Fred Meyer terror associate. I also saw someone from the Juseph Myers terror cell of 560 Jackpine drive passed my driveway while the dead bodies were being loaded into the Bekins Cross Town Truck. The Myers Family terror cell has a close relationship with Fred Meyers Department Store, and Kyle Myers who lived at 560 for many years works as a grocery checker there at Fred Meyers Department Store, is Lieutenant Rank or higher among the terror army. Kyle Myers is hard core terror, is white mail, albino, white hair, white gotee beard, about 55 years old, 6′1″, about 240 pounds, is Juseph Myers brother, both are albino, Kyle has a unfinished tattoo on his right calf that is a Victorian Corset, has some stripes, is not easy to see that it is a Victorian Corset.
I suspect the driver of the Bekins Movers Cross Town Truck is closely associated to the Myers family terror cell at 560 Jackpine.
There is someone who stays at Myers family cell for extended time on occasion, is the head pharmacist at the Fred Meyer Pharmacy, a female, about 65 years old, has shoulder length grey hair, about 5′4″ about 175 pounds wears white coat, has reading glasses always at the end of her nose, with chain around the neck to hold them on.
The Myers family terror cell is the most scary, the most terrifying people on Earth. They are not the most physically aggressive, they are not the meanest looking, they are not the most outwardly offensive, but indeed they are the most terrifying people on the planet, hands down, there are no others who even come close to the Myers family terror cell when the subject is how scary, terrifying a terror cell can be. You have to know that they select victims to kill based on the skin color and amount of clarity the victims skin possesses, any markings. scars, or moles, skin discoloration is worth less on the Myers family grading scale of skin characteristics, where pasty white is most valuable if there are no blemishes. The Myers remove the skin of their kidnapped victims, while the victims are alive, they “tan“ the skin, and create costumes from human skin that others wear as disguise for terror attack. They call those “Fat Suits”, are sewn with double stitching from a Serger sewing machine. The Myers work closely with Ray’s Food Place also, at Merlin Galice Road, and Monument Dr. where Christopher Mecca’s wife is a Lieutenant grocery checker rank soldier, her name is Kelly Mecca. the Mecca’s live in the house where the Church Pastor is supposed to live at the Grants Pass Community Church on Russell Road just behind the house where the Myers family terror cell is at 560 Jackpine, and Christopher Mecca is the terror attorney who lives in the pastors house while crafting up all of the necessary legal documents for the local “Ye Olde English 800″ terror family cells, and the imposter local authorities to use at the County Courthouse where the Chapman/Brassil terror family cell is among the terror leadership there.
Driver of Bekins Cross Town Movers = Fred Meyer Electronic Department terror associate. Best Guess.
9:35 pm:
Centurylink/Google terror internet consortium is using the Vaio Care software to install or remove, or both, items to and/from my computer just now. They continue to turn off my number pad today, throughout the day.
That, and my vision is very poor right now. The Monroe terror cell still has the black nissan Quest van from A-1 Exterminators of 7th St. there the last time I drove by, I think it was there yesterday, is full of many different kinds of poisons. the poison me and park the A-1 Exterminator van so that I know exactly that I a being poisoned, because there are no police that I could call to stop them from using the poisons. My leg rash I put photos of is worsening, and the burning is internal, is from the Monroe and Chapman and Myers terror cells. They have access to many kinds of poisons, and that is the reason there are no more small forest animals here anymore, and very few small birds. Only a few deer remain and I have not even seen any turkeys around for a few weeks, just a few wild turkeys are around. Today the terror cells are releasing a gas that blurs the vision of those exposed to it.
10:30 pm:
Local update:
There was nothing in the mailbox.
A walk out there revealed some highly unusual conditions at Strong’s terror cell, a “SAG House” at 3747 Russell Road where there has been a television turned on and visible through the woods from about 800 feet away for the past ten years or more non stop, was not visible. That is huge news for someone, somewhere, to me, it’s very unusual, has never happened before in ten years or so the the TV is not visible at Strongs terror cell.
The electric water pump at Monroe’s continues to sound a fake water pump noise, is high pitch whine, is “Turn Water into Wine” Myers style Christian terror reminder that the phrase “He Turns Water into Wine” is a statement made by the Christian terror cult for saying that when Jesus is tacked onto the mast of the Christian pirate ship, and the church goers all realize that they have been fooled by the Vatican for two thousand years, that they all begin the cry for help, are considered as Water on the high See’s, at the Church, and the are indeed the platform on which the Christian pirated ship is floated under the power made possible by nailing new church members to the mast of the ship to propell the thing along in it’s search for Power, Land, Riches, and Slaves all with use of the wind, all that is used to gain all of the spoils of the pirating is all conjured up out of the air, they have absolutely nothing personally invested in the takeover of the world towards Global Domination Under the Cross.
They take, by using the victims they kill to provide everything necessary for the global takeover.
Wind drives the pirate ship, based on lies, all stacked up in layers, with the new coming church goers, given one chance to accept “Jesus”, to accept “God”. Those who refuse to become a Christian Pirate, are nailed to the mast along with Jesus, and some wind is applied to propel the boat forward. Some are a fixed to the front of the boat, to part the see ahead of the ship, that statue of the hot chick on the bow, is a slave girl all bent over, ready to serve the desires of the Christian scalawags who crew the ship.
Lies, and wind, blame, and more lies, is the Christian way, for more than 2,000 years... people all over the world have believed a fairy tale about an all knowing invisible man in the sky, when the real all knowing one is the church pastor who spies on them in every way possible.The information gained is used to convince the fools who go to church that their private information must have been provided to the church by God. There is no other way the church could have so much personal knowledge about everyone, right?
That “Water into Wine” well pump at Monroe’s is just a speaker that plays an unpleasant sound, and begins as I am stepping in that direction when I go for a walk outside. It’s laud, the sound is a signal to others who are waiting out there for a chance to shoot a cross bow at me. Tonight as the thing began to spin, as it sounds like the Tazmanian Devil cartoon noise, that sound carries on the wind, a long way, others are signaled that I am on my way to the mailbox with that sound. Someone from the Clyde Baum terror cell began to make owl noises to the south about at Dietricks at 601 immediately as the wine began to spin, then owl sound moved towards the church, not far from Dietricks.
Whoooo whooo whoooo
So, at the corner are 5 trash cans, they are not in a order of layout that I can read. 598 is between Deitricks, looks bad for 598. Freeberg is presenting a small black trash can, they usually present two small ones, dark and light colors. I don‘t recall the color combination of the others right now.
Freeberg turned off their holiday house decorative lighting as of tonight. They were the last ones to have holiday lighting that I can see from where I walk.
Chartrand’s house at the far back of the property is presenting conditions that are more like a normal condition, pre-takeover after Chartrand’s terror family members were all killed in defense a coupe of months ago. It took about 6 years to defend agains all of the Chartrand’s family cell members. but other “Ye Olde English 800 Green Jello” terror members and Google terror cell keeps sending others to occupy the Chartrand’s terror cell house at 376.
520 Jackpine is all dark. Only one light on, the one I can see as I step out onto my front porch, otherwise 520 is very dark, no other lighting.
Myers terror cell at 560 is all lit up inside the house. “Every light in the house on” conditions are at Myers terror cell. That means they are out on attack with the Clyde Baum members who are doing the Owl noises.
All is dark at former Bell terror cell at 445.
There was one screech sort of scream sound that came from the direction of Bell’s or from Phillips at 507 as I was on my driveway, was brief, was not the Clyde Baum style owl I am referring to.
no other sounds were noted. There was no indication of any traffic on the Freeway or local streets that I could hear.
I could see where someone had been hiding at the corner of my storage trailer behind a mattress that is leaning up there against the trailer, that mattress was moved around, someone pushed it to make room to hide there behind it.
There was a sweet flowery scent of lilac at the place where the big ass corona tree is still laying in my driveway on the return walk. It was not laundry soap, the scent of fresh lilac flowers was there. That is very unusual to smell that in January at night, at 36 degrees outside.
Upon return to my front walk way, there was a cloud of fog hovering over my front walk way, about 30 feet wide and twenty feet tall ball of fog only right there at my front walk way. I waited for that to dissipate before coming into the house.
That’s all.
11:50 pm:
Absence of the Norton Life Lock pop-up windows is notable for both having gone outside and returned, then having made some food, and turned on my upstairs light without the pop-up windows occurring.
11:57 pm:
Global terror considerations:
There is a story that is told in Church circles about the first sound that a human baby makes is “Ga” as the baby takes it’s first breath. That story is the reason why Lady GaGa is Lady GaGa.
“MAGA” could be translated with that story as “Mother & Child” as Trump instructed the sleeping giant under his command, that he is about to apply Alpha Breast conditions  to the terror monster that he commands, separately from the SAG Democrat/Republican conglomeration. There is only one political party, SAG plays role of both perceived political parties, Republican and Democrat. It has become very appearance that SAG did not take into account that there could be a Pope Benedict faction in opposition to the SAG/Britain/Vatican arrangement and has been secretly undermining the SAG party for decades.
The MAGA seems as “Mother & Child” statement, turns the word “Breast” into verb, “To Breast” with the idea: “How shall I breast thee, let me count the ways” and a commencement of feeding one terror army while starving the other one, was underway as Trump took office and drained the Federal Reserve and US Treasury, again, his way this time, not the SAG Ronald Reagan way. Trump in league with Britain/Vatican in differing ways than Britain/Vatican/SAG arrangement, where the Corona Virus looks as though that was a SAG pre-planned event, while the COVID 19 is the Trump adaptation sequel of the same prearranged screen play, German style, with Pope Benedict/German backing, rather than British/Bergoglio fake SAG Google Pope backing.
Further fuckery of freedom includes that Boris Johnson seems to be on the Trump/German team, while this other fellow Rishi Sunac (Rushy Goldstien) seems as a Prize Fighter sent in to face the Big Johnson to learn more about him and why everything is so fucked up all over the place, and is doing so for the Google Bergoglio (SAG) camp in the Parliament and House of Lords.
For the true freedom warriors out there, see if you can find something in this set of alpha-numeric sequence that fits into the innaugaration of Biden on January 20, 2021:
My read is:
“Three Kings; One Dead Bitch; House of Lords; One Russian Whore”
It’s personal.
I don’t see a way to make connection to January 20, 2021.
I need help to find a definite date to make association to the set of alpha-numeric sequence 3K80320.
We have to make a note, that there is no January. The year needs to be divided by ten (10) to then distribute the days, 365 of them, each with about 36 days, and a start date in the month of March, not January.
Perhaps alternating current is helpful here. So, each of ten months would alternate as 35 days, with the odd numbered months having 36 days, or vice-verse, with room for a Leap Month somewhere in the mix.
That still starts at the 20th, no matter how you slice the pie. March 20, 2021, two Wednesdays from now.
Complicated Terror Math starts here:
Begins in January on the current calendar, makes reference to 3K80320 in an alternate calendar that starts in March, [ends on the 20th].
(The Alternate March Calendar is the “Real Calendar”, the one we are using currently is part of the Russian Mother of all Hoaxes, is a fake calendar, and might be the lie that Marcus told to frame Jesus that fateful day, 2021 years ago, when someone stole Jesus’ date book, and Marcus tossed two Blood Moons into the mix, for confusion service, all so that Marcus could run off with Jesus’ Ol’ Lady)
Inaugurate: Add MAGA: It’s January 20, 2017 at that moment out front.
Author’s note: 1-11-2021: 1:01 pm:
Reality is it’s Super Bowl Sunday, in around 2008, details are sketchy, Time Warp Terror begins; Beta Twitter is rolled out to a select group of SAG Members. Lady Gaga is at the Pepsi Half Time Show, drops in from the roof, thousands of fans are murdered in the stands, all is viewable on the live broadcast, no one sees the murders, as Lady GaGa performs on stage.
Presidential Pep Rally: The record will indicate that Lady GaGa Half Time Super Bowl Pepsi Show was February 5th, 2017.
“Mother & Child Reunion” = Lady GaGa at Super Bowl = Birth of Baby Trump.
3/20 (is January 20 in current calendar; March = January; It’s a lay-over flight, tuck that date away)
Hijack US Treasury (Ga-1) & US Federal Reserve (Ga-2), to make Alpha Breasts
K8032 is between. (Covfefe happens, K8032 is in the Irony position)
There is a Russian Whore at the center, the “0″. (Airplane Vodka)
K8 0 32 (step the fuck back, have a look at the ship)
O “You gotta keep ‘em separated” (Make like a brazier, lift & separate; It’s made by ACME Tool & Die, three hasps made of iron)
Add Pope Power and some Drugs: Dr. Suess, Cat in the Hat. Featuring Thing 1 and Thing 2 as Pope Bergoglio; Donald Trump; Boris Johnson.
“You gotta keep ‘em separated” (Make like a brazier, lift & separate; It’s made by ACME Tool & Die, three hasps made of iron) O
I/O: Johnson brings a off/on button, unlocks Pandora’s Box remotely.
K8 Russian-Whore 32 (K8 changes to K + 8 here {you have to bring your own Sword, it’s personal here, sword not included, not available in stores})
Conspiracy of One ~The Offspring have arrived. (Borrow a bra from Dolly Parton, One SAG Brazier for cover, contains the two Alpha Breasts: Name the Babies: “Treasury & Reserve”, this is no Turkey, bring hand trucks for parting of the ways, with means)
118 = Alpha numeric K + 8 = 19 (Ronald Reagan 118 Freeway, A Celebratory Parade; Steal the airplane from inside Ronald Reagan Presidential Library)
19 Russian-Whore 32 (Do Math: Sum 11 + 8; put the whore back in bed; 32 means Jesus was still alive at the time of the crime)
COVID Russian-Whore 32 (modernize the Airplane w/Moderna [Aerial Assault happens here])
COVID Russian-Whore 5 (You are President of USA: Jesus’ head comes off here with COVID, they crown him w/thorns & roses [that’s US Citizens by the way]; you are lying around with the Alpha Breasts’; Take the fifth)
COVID Russian-Whore Thunderbird’s (Relax: That new calendar is good for a puppet show on TV, check TV Guide, see what’s on)
COVID Lie Thunderbird’s (nothing but puppets and lying whores on TV)
3K80320 = COVID Lie Thunderbird’s January 20, 2021
It’s personal.
Comes w/Boeing to the MAX aerial gas assault, and Gig Bag.
Great Gig in the Sky, everyone gets their fifteen minutes of fame, and they choke doing it, that’s why it’s only fifteen minutes of fame.
After the smoke clears:
Features Mitt Romney as first King of French North American Republic Territory on the Throne, up front in the lights.
A Communist Kingdom.
Justin Trudeau as first Prime Minister, in the seat of Power, in the shadows of Darkness.
The math for the 3K80320 works out twice, once for the year 2020, and once for the day of the month as the 20th. It could continue to work out for the entire twenty-first century, unless I am missing something in the math, but is always in March the way I did the math. Maybe it works differently with a different Decoder Ring.
Are there any Cracker Jack’s Fans out there?
(latest revised 3K80320 terror math: 1-11-2021: 11:41 am)
(11:58 am)
Hmmm... there must be some kind of holdup.
That’s not Donald.
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(coitus interuptus)
K8 0 32
(it won‘t simplify)
Author’s note: 1-11-2021: 1:26 pm:
Conspiracy of One by the Offspring features a song by the same name, Conspiracy of One. Previously, I believed it was about George W. Bush mass murdering his own US Military Troops during his tenure. After many years of contemplation and eye-witness of events, immersion within terror controlled society in the heart of it’s Head Quarters here in Oregon, the revised thought is that song and album are more than just that, it reflects the long history of many US Presidents who have engaged in the mass murder of US Military Troops over many decades, and then replacing those US Soldiers with Canadian impostor soldiers, and with Screen Actor Guild actors at the Commanding Officer positions, starting with Linden B. Johnson at Vietnam War, could go as far back as the Korean War under Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman, as I suspect, but have not researched. I do have small indications of the significance of Korean War to the Canadian terror army, specifics of the significance are not known. I have only the indication that there is a story told about a pilot, a co-pilot, and a navigator in the cockpit of a DC-9 in Korea. The navigator was a Canadian or a SAG member, was a traitor, is the story about the Korean War and it’s known significance to the Canadian terror army in USA.
The Conspiracy is to take over USA. The “One” can be said as: “USA: The country the kills itself” as “The One”. Suicide nation, by Presidential Command.
Terror Math Revised: 1-11-2021: 12:48 pm.
Revised again: 1-11-2021: 1:19 pm.
Revised again: 1-11-2021: 1:47 pm: The parts are mostly there, enough to solve the presidential puzzle. The words I used for the “Terror Math Proof” are not per “Trinity Rules” as they should be for a perfect test score. I did, however, explain most of where the parts come from, you need a lot of pre-requisit knowledge to even see that there is a puzzle to solve, and that the puzzle serves as a road map, and an identifier for leading global terror operatives. I happen to have a copy of the “3K80320″ which gives me an advantage over others. So I shared that, I think there will be a copy of something labeled “3K80320″ at the homes and offices of leading terror operatives, certainly in Donald Trump’s possession, and Boris Johnson, and The Pope Bergoglio’s Vatican HQ, and another in Argentina, somewhere.
Although the wording in the “Terror Math Proof” I did above is not exact to what can be found with the same title at Trump’s office, it is the same kind of language that is used for “Trinity Rules”. Terminal ideals such as the story of the “Jesus’ Ol’ Lady who ran off with Marcus and was a Russian Whore” is a real Trinity Rules insider ideology that reflects the true nature of the Christian lies told in effort to continue the pirating done by the Vatican. The modern Trinity Rule is closer to Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll than it is to anything taught at church. The currently promoted, actual Christian Russian Whore is a Porn Slave by the name of Lola Dolices. She’s like a mascot for the Vatican Pirate Ship.
As explained before, the symbolic pirate ship is a submarine by the name of HMS Eleanor Rigby. The Trinity Rule of language based on sex that is used to propel the boat forward, is the fact of the matter that is the Vatican pirate ship and it’s Captains and crew, which has prevented any research into a notion that the Christian church is a front for global pirating. They have successfully managed to use, and get away scott free, with use of pedophilia, as a cover operation. That is some powerful hokus pokus that can make that happen, while everyone just turns the other cheek, to get hit again.
1-11-2021: 2:48 pm:
This simple graphic can be used to demonstrate the basic idea of how the Vatican powered pirate ship with all of it’s British Captains, it’s French speaking scalawag crews, and fame of SAG personalities (includes US Government Elected Officials) have used nitrous oxide airborne gas as a weapon used for taking over almost any company, public safety office, government agency, residential home, US Navy Vessel, or US Military Base.
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Every kind of social organized assemblance includes that there is a place where work is done, at that place, there is a separation of power within, where there are leaders who make decisions, and there are workers, who support the existence of the organizes assemblance of people. The workers are separated from the leaders in some way, at a company where products are made, the leaders are the managers, CEO’s, CFO’s, other corporate officers and foreman. The workers are in the factory area, the leaders are separated by some kind of wall, or other divisor, such as the offices in the hallway at the factory.
All it takes is a dinner party, holiday gathering, other reason that the company will have a celebratory event. The event is one where entertainment is provided for both the workers and the leadership, Sometimes just the leadership is at the party where there is entertainment. Either way, all the needs to happen is for that company to show up on a hunting list of the pirates. The pirates get a foot in the door somehow, someone associated to SAG gets a job there in the normal way, that is the foot in the door. When it’s time for the annual Christmas party, that is when the SAG infiltrator suggests that they have connections to some top notch entertainers for the party, and convinces the CEO that Dolly Parton can and will perform at the party. So, arrangements are made for someone like Dolly Parton to come to do the entertainment at the annual Christmas Party at the big corporation.
The drawing shows what could be the office centrally located in the factory, that oval shape. The pentagon shape is for demonstration also, represents the building where the factory is at, and is where the Christmas Party is to be held.
There are some red people, and some green people at the party. The red people are in the big office where all of the leaders are at partying as Dolly Parton sings When Johnny Comes Marching Home.
All that needs to happen, is for the CEO and Dolly Parton to wind up in the CEO office for a private autograph session for a short time. There is a whole parking lot filled with cars outside, one bus is there waiting with some special team SAG Hit Assassins in it dressed as janitors. They are in contact with Dolly the whole time, and she advises of progress towards the private autograph session in the oval office there after the singing is over, and some drinks have been had by all. Dolly releases some nitrous gas in the oval office. The CEO is overwhelmed, and passes out. Dolly leaves, and leaves the door unlocked, as the party is still going on in the main hall. That is when those special people come in to remove the CEO, they have a look-a-like who stays in the oval office, and the real CEO is removed by the special team who only needs to be the janitor team to pull this off. Dolly goes down all of the hallways, to do private autograph session with as many leading managers as possible, and look-a-like replacements have already been arranged by the janitor team. They repeat that down the halls, takes about two hours for the whole job at the Christmas party replacement session. All they need to do is get Dolly (famous entertainer) alone in the private office of the leadership for a short time to release some nitrous gas to overpower the leadership, once all of the look-a-likes have been arranged before the party started, with help from that one foot in the door that was hired the usual way. Dolly goes home after the autographs are signed, her job is done at that point.
Then, with that done, after the party, everyone goes back to work, separated from the leaders in the offices, as they make the products in the factory part of the building. The look-a-likes are all there, being impostors, and staying in their offices, while claiming that they have a cold, or flew, don‘t want to get the workers sick, so are staying away from the rest of the employees.
Meanwhile, special team janitor is torturing all of the leadership in a basement somewhere. They gain all of the information they need to maintain the company, keep the workers working making products. Then, later, those imposters start to clean house at the factory, fire the workers one at time, then bring in SAG friendly workers, or some variation of that.
The simplest explanation is that everything is set up where there is a separation between the leaders, and the workers, even family households have that kind of structure, leaders, and those who are led.
All it takes is to get one gas wielding SAG member into the safe area where the leaders are at for long enough to overpower them with nitrous gas, once the look-a-likes are already to go, on attack day, at the office party so the janitor can do their job of carting the victim away unnoticed. After that, there is ample time to take over the entire company, ship, house, military base with other means. The look-a-likes goal is to stay out of sight during the transition period, so, they don‘t have to do much once they are in the safe oval office area, and say that they have a cold, are sick, and don’t want to infect others, so they just stay in the office, and cancel any appointments they may have, to reschedule another day, with an attack plan in place to take over who ever may have an appointment to see the CEO leadership.
After the smoke clears, about one month, that is when announcement of new ownership is made, the company changes hands officially, and as expected, things are different after the “sale” of the corporation.
See “Gibson Family of Brands” for after the fact guidance of acquisition tactics the SAG/Vatican way.
See Kroger Foods to see how that arrangement is used to control all of the food we consume, and other Kroger Family of Brands holdings are also used to control places where victims are lured to for take-out at the stores.
1-11-2021: 4:10 pm:
Meanwhile, this is where I am, trying to get a connection that leads to some friends to get some help:
1-11-2021: 6:38 pm:
There are over 800 entries here all discussing nitrous oxide used as the primary weapon for global take-over advanced by Britain/SAG/Vatican command chain with an army from Canada for doing the majority of the offensive in USA. Hong Kong is the Canadian equivalent for taking China, and other Asian nations there. I have not mentioned much about the Hong Kong elements.
The reminder is that I am aware of a alternate story being told, one that mirrors what I have explained here, but details changed to reflect some offensive brought by China to take USA with use of cellular telephone towers and 5G capabilities. I know of that Chinese cell tower offensive story, it’s false, some of the details about that are coming from Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon.
The only thing I know about a takeover that includes cellular phones is already contained here in great detail throughout this Tumblr account. The Chinese story is false, is used to cover the truth about the SAG/Britain/Vatican w/Canadian terror soldiers attack on USA.
So, just a reminder that what is written here is as straight forward as it can be written about by someone such as myself who is not trained to make reports of terrorism and is not a news reporter. Everything about the cellular towers network is hijacked by the SAG/Britain/Vatican leadership, does not work the way it’s supposed to, and was designed not to be fully functional from the beginning of the introduction of cellular phones. The phones and internet are all set up to favor the terror army, while leaving the citizens with no way to get help.
There is also that German component that throws a big curve ball into trying to explain what is going on. That German part I only figured out this past year or so, I don‘t have much information about it, but the information is coming together at a rapid pace now that I can see it. I have talked about “The Afterswords” terror cells this past year or so, that is the German components if you are reading these entries. They take over the British/SAG at times when they are able to, without giving themselves away, and while pretending to be the among the British/SAG groups. “The Afterswords” is the terminology used by those members, is not something I made up. Maybe Afterswords could be described as German/SAG/Vatican (Benedict) vs British/SAG/Vatican (Bergoglio/Google).
Complicated mess, does not include offensive by China.
Also, the Corona Virus looks to be a “Boris Johnson/House of Lords” sort of product, where the COVID 19 seems to be the “Trump/WH Cabinet” equivelent to Corona Virus. Niether of them are an disease, infection, or virus that makes you sick. They are both “Viral” in the speed, length, and breadth at which the armies are advancing the offensives against citizens, all with details designed to draw victims into a medical health provider, and all of those were taken over by the respective terror armies ahead of the “Virus” attack scenario. There are no more medical facilities where US Citizens can get health related treatment. A visit to a hospital is an appointment with death imposed while within those highly controlled environments in the medical establishments. This is not a new thing, the labels “Corona Virus” and “COVID 19“ are relatively new. The Hospital killings have been going on in Oregon for since the Asante Health Three Rivers Medical Center was built in 2001 at 500 SW Ramsey Ave 97527. However, that hospital was built on the graves of the murdered victims who were killed at the Washington Ave hospital, and the Dimmick Ave Hospital. I suspect there was a lot of Medical insurance billing of treatments that murdered patients at those two places never recieved, were murdered, insurance billed for every kind of test and treatment plan as was possible without being cought of noticed, The proceeds seem to have been used to grow the Asante monster into what it has become since 2001. Asante pretty much took over all of the hospitals in the Southern Oregon area as time has progressed.
All of that hospital activity for mass murdering is covered up to make the facilities appear as top rate facilities. They are all loaded up with actors in the lobbies, in the hospital rooms, working as technicians and nurses. The Canadian terror army receives the very best medical care available anywhere, all of them are very healthy and kept healthy while the US Citizens are poisoned to make them sick and go to a doctor. The terror army is all fed the best food at restaurants that were all hijacked, while the US citizens are poisoned or are captured right there at the same restaurant. The terror army is “Forbidden“ to cook meals at home, and the food at the grocery store is like Food Roulette, maybe is poisoned, maybe not. I have many symptoms of repeated poisons from many various means of delivering the poisons, but I have no way to get treatment for those symptoms. That is why I keep saying “Please send medical services to Oregon“ every day and “Bring your own hospital”.
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thinger-strang · 5 years
Singing in the Shower and Other Sins (aka three times Steve was caught singing and the one time he wasn't)
@gideongrace this is for you 😚
(link to the version on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/21394876 )
Steve sings all the time. Loud and off key in a goofy sort of lovable way. He jams with Dustin on their way to school, dances around Scoops and Family Video when it's slow, uses anything and everything as a mic.
Which made it so weird when Robin walked into work to find Steve singing like, good.
He had his back to her with an armful of tapes. His voice was soft and he was gently bopping (so he didn't drop all the videos). But his voice was so good!
Robin leaned against the wall and just observed Steve for a moment. It was weird, almost wrong, to hear the correct sound notes come from him.
"Having fun there, Springsteen?"
She shouldn't have scared him, she knows that. But his face was so funny when spun around, barely holding onto his stack of tapes.
"Jesus, warn a guy, Buckley!" He snapped, running his free hand through his hair.
"You can sing."
"You always sing bad when I'm around, but you can like actually sing! Like sing really good!"
"Oh, no I wasn't singing? That was...that was definitely just the radio, I can't sing for shit, you know that--"
"Nuh uh Harrington, I know your dirty little secret now! You've got pipes!"
Steve rolled his eyes.
"Rob." He started putting stuff away again. "You of all people know I can't sing to save my life."
"I just heard you, don't know why you're denying it."
"Whatever, go get your vest before Keith gets here." Steve nodded towards the break room door but smiled at her knowingly.
"Fucking knew it!" She shouted as she went to put her vest on. "Why are you trying to hide this magnificent gift God herself has bestowed upon you?"
Steve shrugged and handed her half his stack once she got back.
"Don't tell anyone, don't need you messing up what little cred I have left."
She flipped him off.
He stuck his tongue out at her.
Life went on.
Steve made the mistake of telling Dustin where the spare key to his front door was. Under the ceramic frog in the planter left of the door. But the kid was basically his little brother and he'd shown Steve where his spare key was the week before. So they were even now.
So Dustin let himself and the rest of the party into Steve's house for an impromptu hang out sesh. Mike, Lucas, and Max made a beeline for the kitchen to drop off the arm fulls of snack they had while Dustin showed Will and Jane around.
Jane had started going by "Jane" full time since the Hopper-Byers move and the party was supportive as always. And since their move, the party had had three? maybe four hang outs at Steve's. So a tour was necessary since they missed the preliminary Casa de Harrington party.
"Holy shit do you guys hear that?" Will whispered once they got to the second floor's landing.
The other two stopped and listened. They heard a shower running and a radio going. Nothing special. Dustin strained his ears.
"No way."
"'No way' what?" Lucas asked as he, Max, and Mike joined them.
"That's Steve singing in the shower!"
"What's so bad about him singing in the shower?" Jane asked.
"Steve can't sing to save his life!" Mike said, incredulously.
"He's not that bad guys," Max tried to defend him.
"Okay, I love the guy like a brother but he drives me to school everyday and no, he cannot sing." Dustin explained as they crept closer to the bathroom door.
The shower shut off and his voice became clearer. The party continued bickering until the door swung open. Steam billowed out and Steve sang a line until he noticed the gaggle of teenagers in his hallway.
"What the fuck guys."
"What the fuck yourself Steven!" Mike shot back.
"Yeah, are you serious? For like, almost a year I've had to listen to you screech along to the radio when you've had the voice of an angel this whole time?! That's just plain rude." Dustin crossed his arms dramatically.
"Angelic's a little generous, Henderson."
"Your voice is really pretty," Jane said in awe.
Steve blushed and wrapped his arms around his torso.
"Thanks kid. Hey, how's Missouri treating you guys?" Steve pulled his shirt from the floor and put it on.
"Pretty good, the school has a huge library and Will joined an art club!" Jane said excitedly.
Will nodded along with her, putting his hands into his hoodie.
"Oh that's awesome! Glad you guys like it up there--"
"Can we get back to the whole 'Steve can actually sing' thing? Because that's still blowing my mind," Lucas interjected, flailing his arms a little.
"Yeah, can you sing Whitney? Because those were some pretty high notes if my ears don't decieve me." Max grinned evilly.
"No, I can't sing Whitney, I can barely sing, remember?" Steve sounded like he was talking to toddlers.
"Dude, none of use are deaf, we all heard." Mike gave him an unimpressed look.
"Yeah, and that was Queen and you definitely hit all those high notes. You can totally sing Whitney!" Max laughed and nudged Will when he stifled a giggle.
"I can't believe I'm being mocked by a bunch of 10 year olds!"
"We're fifteen, Harrington," Dustin said sarcastically.
Steve rolled his eyes.
"Okay, can you shits get out of my room so I can get dressed? Don't feel like spending the day in a towel while you make fun of my singing abilities."
He started to herd them towards the stairs as they protested, claiming they weren't making fun, just confused as to why he would torture them with a fake awful voice.
When Steve came downstairs, Max pushed play on the tape player in the living room. "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" started playing and Steve turned red.
"This isn't fucking karaoke night you dweebs!"
But he started laughing when they all started throwing popcorn at him and he proceeded to dump snacks onto everyone else, starting an epic pre-movie night food fight.
Robin's parents were going to be out of town for the first time in a thousand years so, naturally, she was throwing a party.
It wasn't a typical high school rager, more like a get together between friends and absolutely no children, Steve!
So really it was just Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, Barb, and Billy.
Steve and Billy came over early to help make food. Which translated to Steve making food while Billy sat on the couch and read, using the "I died for you bitches" excuse for the millionth time.
And ever since Robin had caught him singing at work, he became more and more comfortable singing around her. She didn't ask about him singing around Billy. So here he was, singing while mixing something together in a bowl. Like a goddamn housewife.
"If my parents were here they'd be so pleased I found a nice boy who knows what he's doing in the kitchen." She said as she measured some milk out for the brownies.
She could hear Billy snort from the living room over the "knowing what he's doing in the kitchen" comment.
Steve laughed and kicked at her shins.
Wham! came on and Steve's face lit up. And it was the yo-yo song, the best freaking one. And Robin was in band so her inntonation wasn't like awful, she definitely had the lungs for singing.
So they were singing along to George Michael in the Buckley's colorful kitchen while making brownies when the other three showed up.
"You can sing?" Barb asked with big eyes.
"You act like I've never sung in front you you before." Steve replied while hunching over, self conscious.
"Yeah but normally it's more...pitchy," Nancy offered.
"We're not judging your anything man, you've got a great voice," Jonathan filled in quickly. "Didn't really believe Will when he said Steve could sing."
He said that last part mostly to Nancy, but everyone heard it.
And Robin was kind of done. Because Steve told her, one time when they were hotboxing his car, that he sang bad on purpose because his dad thought it was "faggy" to be able sing that well. That he sounded like Freddie and George and Bowie in the worst way. And she knew he was bi, knew he got embarrassed when people started talking about him singing because of what his dad said.
She was about to call them out when Billy flipping Hargrove beat her to it.
"Leave him alone, you're just jealous your pipes aren't as good," Billy said in a monotone voice from the couch.
"It's fine, Billy, they're--"
"No he's right, lay off."
Nancy and Jonathan at least had the decency to look embarrassed. Barb walked into the kitchen to help out.
"Your voice really is good. Didn't mean to sound so shocked before. You were just...really good. And I totally remember you singing into a hairbrush that one time? And your voice cracked all over the place?" Barb bumped her hip into Steve's, wiggling her eyebrow.
"Oh my god, I almost lost my voice from that! God, that was forever ago, cannot believe you remember that."
"Yeah that's what made me realize 'King Steve" was like an actual human boy, not this entity the entire school and Nancy made you out to be."
Billy migrated from the couch to the counter when he heard the words "King Steve" and put his book on the counter top.
"When was this?" And thank god for Billy because Robin wanted to ask so bad what they were talking about.
"Oh Steve threw a little party back in junior year to woo Nancy and he was a little buzzed and was trying to make her laugh by singing along to, what was it?" Barb turned to smirk at Steve.
"ABBA, it's was ABBA."
Billy rolled his eyes and mumbled "of course" as Robin cackled.
"Very on brand, dingus."
"Yeah but he overexaggerated the awfulness and his voice cracked, like, painfully. Like, I felt it, it was so bad!"
Steve scrunched up his nose at the memory and laughed. Robin and Billy started laughing too and Barb continued telling embarrassing stories about Steve that the other two had never heard before.
Steve jolted awake to a loud clattering sound coming from the other end of his room.
"How many times do I have to tell you to clear off your fucking desk, Harrington," Billy stage whispered angrily.
"How many times do I have to tell you to use the fucking front door, Hargrove."
Steve hopped out of bed to meet Billy by the window. He scanned his face for bruises which made Billy rolls his eyes.
"Can't a guy just visit his boyfriend in the middle of the night without anything being wrong?"
"Yeah but you only sneak in through my window when you've had a bad night, you dramatic fuck." Steve cupped Billy's face with one hand and let him lean into it.
Comfortable silence enveloped them before Billy broke it.
"Couldn't sleep," he mumbled.
"Okay." Steve let Billy drop his head into his shoulder. " Do you wanna talk about it or go to bed?"
Because "couldn't sleep" is generally code for nightmares.
Billy shrugged, shoulder bumping Steve's chin a little, and Steve nodded, tugging him towards the bed.
He helped Billy get down to just his boxers and a tee before getting under the covers. Steve positioned them so that Billy was half laying in Steve with his ear over his heart and their legs tangled. Because Steve liked the pressure and Billy liked listening to the steady thrum of his heartbeat.
They laid like that for a minute, getting comfortable and used to each other's warmth.
And Billy had told him, a long time ago, that his mom used to sing to him when he couldn't sleep. And that was before Billy knew Steve could actually sing. That was what made Steve sing for real in front of him.
So, on nights like this, Steve sang.
He started humming the intro to "Going to California", moving his fingers in time up and down Billy's back. Billy let out a sigh and pressed himself closer into Steve's chest.
So Steve sang into the dark of his bedroom, chasing away monsters; the kind that live in your house and the kind that live underground, until Billy drifted off and pulled Steve with him into a warm and deep sleep that only comes when wrapped around someone you love.
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bookish-blooms · 5 years
Australian Bushfires 2019/2020
So basically Australia is burning. And has been for months and will continue to burn for many months to come.
I’ve seen lots of posts about what is going on in New South Wales, which don’t get me wrong is absolutely horrid. But down here in Victoria we’re suffering just a bit. I am very lucky where I am that we are currently not under any threat. But, the entire eastern part of our state is engulfed by fire.
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To provide some context, where I currently live is in the blue circle in a place called Bendigo and the purple circle is the area which I grew up in and where my parents live which is currently a little bit surrounded but bushfires in areas that crews can not access. And it is only 227km (141 miles) apart.
But that’s is not why I am here, see that big red blob in the map above? That is a place called East Gippsland, this area is a pretty touristy area at this time of year, and as a result of that there are thousands of extra people who are in these areas that shouldn’t be and are therefore being impacted by these hellish conditions. If you look to the far right of Victoria there is a tiny little tourist town called Mallacoota. This place basically was destroyed and the 4000 civilians and the 12 CFA Volunteers from around the state were forced to take cover on the beach and in boats in the ocean.
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Scary, huh? Now, yes I know this isn’t affecting me directly by being my backyard on fire. But it does affect me, my dad and boyfriend are both CFA volunteers. In 2019, my boyfriend was deployed in a strike team in New South Wales before we began to burn back home. He was on the list to go Mallacoota as soon as they were able to get transport into the cut off town. But was taken off of the list because they needed at least one of the brigades Leiutennts to man the station back home. And if it also wasn’t for the fact that we are going to America next week he would have already been on the Navy Ships and Army Blackhawks with a strike team to relieve the 12 exhasted CFA members which one of his best mates happened to be one of. But instead, he is manning the fire station everyday for the next 10 days before we leave to make sure that if we do have any more fires in our area that we are safe and protected like he did in the photo below of a grass fire that was deliberately lit last Saturday.
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These fires are expected to burn through out extremely drought ridden and dry state for months to come. I want to take this moment to thank our CFA volunteers who drop everything in their lives to go and help strangers in a time of crisis and for months at a time. Thank you to the brave CFA volunteers who in Mallacoota, gave up all of their own dust masks for the civilians around them so it was easier for them to breathe in the heavy smoke and as a result are suffering some from of smoke inhalation. Thank you to the relief crews that finally found a way to get in and help in east Gippsland. Thank you to our volunteers, we wouldn’t survive without you.
Since posting this 2 days ago everything as gone to, please excuse my swearing, absolute fucking shit.
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All of these fires to the south east of Victoria have now converged together, there is a massive fire in the north east which is racing into New Soutb Wales and there are a heap of bushfires in the mountainous high country started by lightning from the Pyrocumulus clouds (I’ll explain) which can’t be access by crews that are rapidly growing towards civilisation.
Now these Pyrocumulus clouds, these clouds are basically the smoke of bushfires that create their own weather systems. As the smoke cools, it creates clouds and then thunderstorms, short down bursts of rain and then lighting. The god damn lighting then causes more fires.
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These fires that are in the dense high country ( the centre most fires, near the binocular image) are so close to where I grew up that my family is preparing to evacuate. The animals have already have been taken to my Nanna’s in town, my mum has everything in her car ready to go, my sister is on her way there to pack up her things and my dad is carrying his CFA gear with him where ever he goes just in case he gets ‘the call’. And to top it all off, my boyfriend who lives 3 hours away got ‘the call’. The call to drive head on into an area near mum and dads to do what he can to help save the people, the property and the animals.
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I honestly don’t know how else to explain this feeling that I know a lot of fellow Australians feel towards what is happening. From hundreds of kilometres away I can’t do anything for my family who are right in the middle of it. It is frustrating that no one in higher power (Looking at you Prime Minister Scott Morrison), will do anything to help. No foreign aid because he says so, no funding to the CFA, RFS being pushed their way because he said so, it’s all about building the economy he says not about the climate catastrophe that we are facing. We need all the help we can get. I’ve seen many different fire situations in Australia over the last 14 years since first almost losing my childhood home and this is by far the worst ever. Yes we’ve had terrible fires like Black Saturday but there has never been this vast amount of our country burning at any one time before.
So here I ask, Mr Morrison what are you going to do? Visiting one town with one bag of supplies isn’t going to help. What are you going to do ScoMo?
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I meant 1 through 85 😎
Well you already know 1 and 85 so
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
Of course, being in a good relationship will always be worth it.
3. Are you a virgin?
Yeah, unfortunately.
4. Are you in a relationship?
5. Are you in love?
6. Are you single this year?
7. Can you commit to one person?
Already am
8. Describe your crush
My girlfriend is my crush so; curly brown hair, brown eyes, little taller than me (just a little jum), beautiful smile, smart, funny, the coolest girl there is and idk she's just very fucking amazing.
9. Describe your perfect mate
My girlfriend.
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Nope, I think that's just feeling attracted to someone, it takes a lot more than just looking at each other for 5 seconds to be in love idk.
11. Do you ever want to get married?
Yeah I can't wait to marry my girl.
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
Depends on why this person betrayed me of course.
13. Do you get jealous easily?
Kind of, I just keep it inside until I forget about it because I know I'm just being stupid.
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Besides my girlfriend, not really.
15. Do you have any piercing?
Yeah and I'd like to get some more.
16. Do you have any tattoos?
Nope but I'll definitely get some.
17. Do you like kissing in public?
I would if I had someone to kiss :(
20. Do you shower everyday?
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
I know someone does.
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
I know someone is.
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
I think I can last an entire life in a relationship and not cheat, if not then why am I even in a relationship?
24. Do you think you'll be married in 5 years?
I really hope so.
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
I am in one.
26. Has anyone told you they don't want to ever lose you?
Yeah, and that made me really happy.
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
I think so, it was kind of a poem I guess.
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
I've considered changing my nose but now I know I don't want to.
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
Yeah, lots of times.
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
At first I thought it was unrequited and was obviously heart broken but then last year I found out she loved me too but was just too scared of people knowing about us so bitch.
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
Ugh, no.
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
No :(
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
Yeah, that didn't end well.
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
Yeah and they were absolutely right about her.
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn't expect to?
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have?
Yeah that hurt a lot.
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
I tried a few times but that didn't work.
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
42. How long can you kiss until your hands start to wonder?
I honestly have no idea like maybe ten minutes(?
43. How long was your longest relationship?
Six months, seven at the end of this month.
44. How many boyfriends/ girlfriends have you had?
45. How many people did you kiss in 2011?
I can barely remember what I did yesterday, Idk probably 0 because I was 9
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
47. How old are you?
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
I'd probably be too busy crying my eyes out to think about something to say.
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend what is your favorite thing about him/her?
Everything about her is my favorite thing tbh.
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
Ugh, nope.
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
Yes c:
52. Is there anyone you've given up on? Why?
I haven't, is more like someone gave up on me.
53. Is there someone mad because you're dating/talking to the person you are?
Not really but I know my parents would if they knew about her.
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
Yeah there are some friends I'll never forget.
55. Share a relationship story
I cut my hair like two weeks ago on video call with my girlfriend, I didn't even know how to do it so I'd ask her every 5 minutes "does it look straight?" And Idk I really loved it.
56. State 8 facts about your body
- I'm fat
- I'm small
- I have hairy arms
- Short hair
- fat legs
- small eyes
- nice eyebrows
- brown eyes
57. Things you want to say to an ex
I'm sorry because I messed up too.
58. What are five ways to win your heart
You can't because my heart already belongs to someone else.
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture)
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60. What's the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
A year and a half.
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
Well their face, obviously.
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
Dance for me, kiss my neck, just touch me for no reason.
63. What is your definition of having sex?
Maybe just this intimate moment with the other person, being naked, touching, giving each other pleasure, Idk it really depends on what you think having sex is it's different for everyone.
64. What is your definition of cheating?
When you betray someone's trust in any way.
65. What is your favorite foreplay routine?
Telling the pizza she's pretty before I eat her.
66. What is your favorite roleplay?
I don't think I have one.
67. What is your idea of a perfect date?
Just connecting with the other person, doesn't matter where or when it you connect that'll be for sure a perfect date.
68. What is your sexual orientation?
I'm very attracted to being a disappointment.
69. What turns you off?
People who think they're better than everybody else and criticize everything.
70. What turns you on?
Just being treated well.
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
I've just had regular wet dreams nothing weird.
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
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73. What's something sweet you'd like someone to do for you?
Just come an visit without telling me and spend the day with me.
74. What's the most superficial characteristic you look for?
Nice hands(?
75. What's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you?
I lost a very important conversation on WhatsApp and she offered me to send me screenshots of it and they would be at least 2 thousand.
76. What's the sweetest thing you've ever done for someone?
A letter
77. What's your opinion on age differences in relationships?
I think I'm no one to judge but there are some limits.
78. What's your dirtiest secret?
I'm actually an alien
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
I can't remember.
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
Like 10 minutes ago
81. Who are 5 people you find attractive?
- My girlfriend
- My girlfriend
- My girlfriend
- My girlfriend
- My girlfriend
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
My sister.
83. Who was your first kiss with?
One of my neighbors.
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
We lived in a small town so we were scared of being judge and that didn't allow her to completely express how she felt about me and I just got tired I guess.
I'm very sorry about the boring answers.
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