#i loooove the other hunting dogs too
jodefrostwallart · 1 year
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Hunting Dogs Doodles
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
Okay I hope this is an okay question and it's purely because I'm incapable of visualising things. (It's some brain thing idk what it's called). And I really don't mean to simplify your design!!
But I watched the first avatar movie with my mom last night and we got to the scene where jake is attacked by the big cat/dog thing and I just thought it reminded me a bit of your Ryahl design. Is it similar? Clearly not exact since the Ryahl has more eyes and generally different skin/face but ya know am I on the right course? (I might just try to draw it one day to get an sense of how it looks)
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I've copied a picture in in case you have no clue what I'm talking about lol but loooove the story and you are so very welcome to just ignore this is you don't like the question. I won't take it personally❤️
anonymous: Have you watched avatar the way of water? The alien culture and work building made me think of your fic. I personally like the na’vi and made me think of them in world of voltron, so I curious to what you thought
the rhyahl as relates to terran fauna | how the rhyahl consumes quintessence
So I did watch the original avatar when it first came out in,,,, shit, 2009?? GOD i'm old, anyway, I watched that in 2009 apparently and I'll be honest I do not remember a great deal more than "the humans had worked out how to grow giant blue bodies for themselves so that they could infiltrate the aliens"; I've also not seen the sequel (though I'll probably get around to it at some point), so I am not well-informed enough to answer this one without gratuitous referencing of the wiki, and because of that, this post is long as hell 😅
The thanator is a carnivorous animal native to the forests of Pandora. Although many regions of the moon have yet to be explored, xenobiologists currently believe that it may be the apex land predator; reminiscent of a Terran panther or lion, this enormous, powerful and ferocious animal is unique in its ability to lord over its territory striking fear into other largest and fiercest of Pandora's terrestrial carnivores, and even the Na'vi, who are renowned for their courage and skills in hunting, are shaken by the approach of the creature. - Avatar Wiki
So from that basic description I can certainly see the similarities—a land-based apex predator that even the planet's dominant native people are afraid of—but also a couple of differences too: the rhyahl isn't technically a carnivore due to sustaining solely off of quintessence, and though it did stray into Daibazaal's jungles, its primary haunt was the desert.
A lean and agile feline-like creature, the thanator's musculature is pronounced and impressive, providing power for protracted runs and leaps. The speed of its neck and jaw strike is swift. In addition to conventional ripping and tearing, the thanator can also deliver a lethal blow from its thin armored tail. An impact from the tail is strong enough to defend against other thanators. The creature's senses are so highly developed that, depending on atmospheric conditions, it can detect prey up to thirteen kilometers away.
✔ lean, agile, & feline, with powerful musculature —exactly what it says on the tin, no notes.
✘ built for protracted runs & leaps, with a neck & jaw built for swift strikes —the rhyahl is more an endurance predator, built to comb vast swathes of land for prey which, when located, it can subdue without a fight via its high-frequency cry, inducing a hallucinogenic state of paralysis.
✘ attacks with conventional ripping and tearing —again, the rhyahl is an endurance predator that rarely engages in overtly aggressive assault, and though it does have blunt claws, these are typically used for grip, or even just cleaning between its own scales.
✘ the thanator can also deliver a lethal blow from its thin armored tail —though the rhyahl's armoured tail is broad/heavy and likely could do sufficient damage to a smaller creature if hit, it's structured as more of a defensive asset to shield the rhyahl (when curled up into a ball, as pangolins do) from sandstorms, or other hungry rhyahl.
✔ highly developed senses allowing it to detect prey over great distances —the methodology differs (see below) but the rhyahl certainly has keen senses!
The thanator has ten sensory quills that sprout from sections of armor plating that encircle the rear of its skull. The function of the quills is still a mystery, but it has been hypothesized that they may be tied to an internal mechanism of prey location; possibly echolocation or another sensory pinpointing system. The quills also flare up and produce a more menacing appearance. The plates themselves are cartilaginous in nature.
✘ ten sensory quills that sprout from sections of armor plating that encircle the rear of its skull [...] it has been hypothesized that they may be tied to an internal mechanism of prey location; possibly echolocation or another sensory pinpointing system —the rhyahl has no such quills, and its method of prey-detection is infinitely more similar to that of a snake, using its many feathered tongues to "taste" quintessence in the air.
✘ the quills also flare up and produce a more menacing appearance —again, no quills, and no real need to intimidate its prey either, however, the rhayhl does flutter and undulate its scales to refract the light in a beautiful but very rarely recorded display to attract a mate.
✘ the plates themselves are cartilaginous in nature —rhyahl scales are much smaller than those of the thanator appear to be, and, like a pangolin, they're formed not of cartilage but rather keratin: the same protein that makes up horses' hooves, reptilian scales, and even human hair/fingernails.
It also has an armored neck and back, a massive distensible jaw, and twenty-three centimeter long sharp teeth. The thanator has burnished black skin. Its ten external sensory quills are colored bright red and yellow. The upper lip folds back for maximum tooth extension. The Na'vi, who are around 9 to 10 feet (3 meters) tall, could ride on the back of one of these beasts, making the thanator approximately 20 feet (6 meters) long. It has six long legs, and two sets of opercula on each side of its neck. When sensing for prey or for threats it can raise its front body and two front legs, standing on its four back limbs as it sniffs the air.
✘ an armored neck and back [and] burnished black skin. —rather than being partially armoured, the rhyahl is covered top to tail, and, unlike the thanator which seems to be largely smooth (I would assume due to its tropical and therefore humid jungle environment) the rhyahl is built for an infinitely more arid heat.
✔ a massive distensible jaw —t'would be a great pity for the rhyahl to have lured itself a nice meal only to be unable to properly feed from it, so it is capable of unhinging its jaw like a snake if need be.
✘ twenty-three centimeter long sharp teeth [and] the upper lip folds back for maximum tooth extension —the rhyahl is a toothless little murder-babey! Instead, its jaw is lined with a rigid calcification beneath its gums that served to clamp its prey in place without puncturing them and risking too swift a death.
✘ ten external sensory quills are colored bright red and yellow —the rhyahl's colour palette is cast in that wine-dark red/purple so as to better disguise it against Daibazaal's desert sands: again, as an endurance predator, its job was made easier if it prey didn't see it coming from any great distance, as once it was within auditory range it was already too late.
✘ the Na'vi, who are around 9 to 10 feet (3 meters) tall, could ride on the back of one of these beasts, making the thanator approximately 20 feet (6 meters) long —the rhyahl is actually notably smaller and more lithe than this, standing 5ft (1.5m) at the shoulder and probably around 12ft (3.7m) in length, but regardless literally who in their right mind would try to ride either of these beasties??
✔ six long legs —though the correct number, in comparison to that picture the rhyahl's legs are more even (both in terms of size and placement): all its limbs are powerful things rather than whatever the thanator has going on with those stumpy little hind legs, and evenly spaced along its torso. It's feet are also less hand-like than those of the thanator, and more camelid-esque as I've mentioned in my previous posts.
✘ it has two sets of opercula on each side of its neck —"opercula" seems to be an avatar-specific term referring to alien neck-nostrils, presumably taken from the latin root of "operculum" which refers to a covering flap in animals, such as a gill cover. This is not the case for the rhayhl, as its nostrils are situated on its face rather than its neck, and concealed beneath its scales.
✘ when sensing for prey or for threats it can raise its front body and two front legs, standing on its four back limbs as it sniffs the air —though not, I suppose, a biological impossibility for the rhyahl to sit up like a meerkat, seeing as it is a roughly feline creature, and big cats can in fact do this (though it looks so silly), this isn't a typical behaviour often exhibited by them.
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percysblakeney · 3 years
1, 9, and 14! :)
These will be fun to answer! I’ll try not to ramble too much... I tend to talk a lot when I get excited. 
1. Describe your dream house
I think the best way to describe my dream home would be... well... old, first and foremost, which is probably obvious, but I tend to fluctuate between wanting a smaller house (like an 18th century home in New England or something - I loooove the wide-planked floors) and wanting a large drafty English manor house with ghosts and passages, you know? I feel like my personality is so multi-faceted that it’s hard for me to stay going in one direction. However, the house I picture is ALWAYS old. I feel a strong desire - almost a need - to protect old, crumbling architecture. I think the inside of my house also tends to fluctuate with my moods, as I have a deep broody side and a side that prefers lighter, airier things, so it’s hard to say, but I love both lush, dark interiors and also minimalistic and bright ones. I have quite a fascination with bones (I studied them in school and hope to go to grad school so I can study them for a job) - and I just know my house would have articulated skeletons and specimens everywhere, so I see this as well. I also love the natural world and animals and would love to try my hand at taxidermy (only on animals that have died naturally or ethically, of course, I don’t like hunting, even though I know it’s necessary). I’m a closeted goth, so expect that to come out in my decorations as well lol. Ultimately, it’s an old house with eclectic furnishings. 
9. Talk about your favorite historical period
This one will be so difficult for me because I don’t think I have one solid favorite - if you’ve noticed, it’s difficult for me to make up my mind on things! lol - I think I will have to give you a wishy-washy answer of... the 18th and 19th centuries! (sorry). I’ve always had an interest in the Revolutionary War and the clothing of the late 18th century, as well as the French Revolution, and when I was a child I was fascinated with the 1860s and the American Civil War. I think that I have always been interested in (and have become obsessed with) the darkest and most gruesome events I could learn about - I was a strange child and I am a strange adult - so you tend to find my interests lying in the dark corners of history. I think, as well, that these moments in time are fascinating because they resulted in so much change (for the most part) and were so crucial to the development of today’s world. For example, I’ve always felt drawn to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of 1911, to the point where I feel like I must have lived it in a past life. Edgar Allan Poe once said that there was nothing more poetic than the death of a beautiful woman, and I think the romanticism of dying young and tragically while you’re still full of life and rosy really tugs at something in me - which is why I’m drawn to these things. So... I haven’t really given an answer... and I’m sorry for that. Truth be known I don’t actually know a huge amount about history outside of the United States (but I am always learning and I love history with my whole heart). 
14. Write a review of the last film you watched
I had to write many formal reviews for my film class freshman year (and I got really sick of it), so I’m going to make this pretty informal 😉. The last film I watched was “The Hunt for the Wilderpeople” directed by Taika Waititi. I absolutely love Taika’s films (What We Do in the Shadows is one of my favorites). I watched it with my sister on a whim when we were looking for things to watch on Netflix, and I’m really glad I did that! We did this once before and found “Knives Out”, which is now one of my favorites, but this review is not about that movie lol. This film is a comedy, which is a rare genre for me, but I really really enjoyed it. It’s one of those films that is not only funny but heartfelt and emotional at times. It’s about a boy who leaves the foster system in New Zealand to live with a couple out in the middle of nowhere and how his relationship with them grows and changes. There are some pretty crazy and unexpected events that transpire that I won’t spoil, but I definitely recommend it. I thought that the cinematography reminded me of Wes Anderson at times (with less symmetry), and the soundtrack was unique and interesting. It was overall just a very cute, quirky, and heartwarming film. Plus the actor who plays Ricky Baker is just the cutest kid. His character makes a lot of tongue-in-cheek references to other movies and things in pop culture (he names his dog Tupac) which I think is really fun - I found myself comparing a shot to The Lord of the Rings, right before his character joked that it was like The Lord of the Rings. I don’t know - I’m rambling - but it was a really good movie and I’m really glad I watched it. I would probably give it a pretty high score... like an 8/10 or a 9/10. 
Thanks for asking these! It felt nice to use my brain 🤤 
I know I rambled a lot, but it’s late so I blame the time and not my (very present) inability to stick to one topic. 😂
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Survey #371
“some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses”
What is one song you feel as though you sing particularly well, if any? Probably none, lol. What was the last lengthy task you completed? I love these unique questions I've had lately, but damn, are a lot of my answers "I don't know," lol. What type of photography do you enjoy looking at? Do you take any photos yourself, and if so, what types of things do you prefer to photograph? I love floral and wildlife photography. Landscapes, too, and I have a great fondness for boudoir for reasons I've mentioned in previous surveys. I like taking nature pictures, mainly. Have you ever gone out for the Black Friday shopping rush? Did you enjoy it, or not so much? Or, what’s the busiest shopping day you’ve ever experienced? Hell no, that's a hard pass. I'm sure the busiest shopping experience I've had was like at the mall or something around Christmas, idk. Do you enjoy reading diaries or stories you wrote from when you were younger, or does it embarrass you? If you’ve kept them, was there a particular reason for hanging on to them so long? NO. I DON'T. BECAUSE I CRINGE INTO ANOTHER DIMENSION. I keep a lot of it for memory's sake, but goddamn, is it always embarrassing. What would you say was your first true hobby? What about your most recently developed one? Um... the first thing I really remember is video games. I played Spyro like, a LOT, along with other childhood games. I was just really into gaming at a young age. Is there one thing that throws off your mood more than others, whether it be lack of sleep, lack of food, heat/cold, etc., and when was the last time you felt especially cranky? THE HEAT. I become so irritable. I was needlessly cranky a few days ago for whatever reason. What kinds of things are you likely to complain about? My legs hurting, more than anything. Also being hot. Do you like to put any extra effort into your food in terms of presentation, or do you prefer to just put it on a plate and eat it as it is, no frills? Ha, no. It's not gonna look fancy in my stomach, so whatever. Have you ever dated someone who had kids? No, and I very much doubt I ever would. Are there any candles in the room with you? No. Does the last person you kissed have tattoos? No, but I tell her all the time that dainty nature tattoos would be THE most beautiful on her. When was the last time someone called you pretty? I think when I last updated my Facebook profile picture. Do you like the color pink? It's my favorite! Does your cell phone have a case on it? What color? It came with this thin purple one. What was the last song you had on repeat? "Moon Baby" by Godsmack. Ever kissed someone your parents hated? No. Your most recent ex says he/she hates you, you say? I wouldn't *say* anything, I'd break down sobbing. Would you feel hurt if your last ex was in a relationship? No. Have you ever had to choose between two people? Yes: Jason and Juan. Juan and I dated for less than a day not all that long before Jason and I got together, and Juan was pretty upset. He was nooot a fan of Jason due to a shared ex-girlfriend. Jason, meanwhile, just didn't care. What is the saddest thing that has happened to you? What about the happiest? I think the saddest thing has to be my breakup, especially when you know just how madly in love I was with him and had endless trust that he would never leave, and then he was gone in a flash one night. The happiest is, in turn, my recovery from said split. I found strength in myself and felt hope for once as I learned coping mechanics and got a psychiatrist that was worth a shit in my partial hospitalization program. What was the last new drink you discovered that was delicious? *shrug* Do you have a YouTube channel? Yes. I don't make videos anymore, though. Were you happy as a teenager? God no, my depression was awful. What do you do for your mom on Mother’s Day? Sigh. Not enough. I just tell her happy Mother's Day, give her a hug, and try to be an extra good daughter. Do you know anyone who follows a raw vegan diet and lifestyle? No. Can you go see a doctor alone or do you like to take someone with you? I can do it alone (but only have once), but I like to bring my mom with me still. Would you have sex with someone of the same gender as you? I'm bi, so. Have you ever had a concussion? One or two, I can't remember. How many dresses do you own? Zero. Do you know anyone who has a pet gecko? Yeah, my friend Summer has a darling leopard gecko. I want oneeeeee. They look so damn derpy and adorable, and their chill demeanor is something I really like in pets. Would you ever go bear hunting? No. Absolutely never. Do you prefer drawing or painting? Any particular reason why? Drawing, for sure. At least you can erase stuff, and paint is just so messy. Do you like raisins? NO THANKS MAN. Do you remember your locker combinations from high school? Nope. Do you forget to flip the page of your calendar at the start of each month? I don't have a calendar. Are you racist to any race? Nope. Have you ever intentionally hurt an animal? I've given cats and dogs a small pop on the rear, but nothing more than that. I hate doing even that, but with the language barrier and all, sometimes it's the only way to get your point across. Do you own any autographed memorabilia? No. Have you ever dated a twin? No. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Oreos. Have you ever considered being a cop? Yeah, no thank you. What’s your favorite superhero movie? Maybe Logan. I thought it was very emotional and just overall a good movie. Name somebody you know who deserves a better life than they have: MY MOM. Name something that you’re good at but don’t like: uhhhhhhhh Name something that you’re bad at but DO like: Dancing, maybe. Which is worse: Stale chips or flat soda? Stale chips, for sure. It's certainly not my preference, but I can drink flat soda. Who’s the hottest guy and hottest girl out there? M-Mark Fischbach. :') Girl... let's seeeeee... maybe Alissa White-Gluz from Arch Enemy. GodDAMN what a WOMAN. ❤_❤ Do you ever trip over your pets? Yes, because he just looooves to follow me at my feet. What’s your relationship like with your exes? Aaron, Juan, Jason, and Tyler: nonexistent. Sara and Girt: great. What was the last thing you turned down doing? Going to my nephew's t-ball game. I always feel bad when I say no when Mom asks if I wanna go... but at least the kids know I just don't handle the heat well. Are you a party animal? Faaaaar from it, my friend. Who are you the biggest fan of? m-m-m-mMARKIPLIER You’re DJ for the night - first track to get everyone going? Uhhhh maybe "Party Hard" by Andrew W.K.? Have you ever been hit on by a pushy person? I think Juan was kinda pushy, but not to an uncomfortable degree. He respected what I felt. What accent do you find attractive? Most attractive, British. But I also really like Scottish and Irish. Also French accents in women I tend to find very beautiful-sounding. Have you ever had feelings for a friend's partner? Yes. What’s your favorite thing to do that doesn’t cost much? Drive around take pictures, maybe? Let's, uh, ignore the whole gas crisis in this answer. When in danger are you more fight or flight? Flight. Do you feel self conscious about a certain body part? *gestures to entire body* Have you been accused of being manipulative? Yes. Have you ever considered violence to solve your problem? No. Are you romantic? I personally think so. If you are a smoker, how long does a pack typically last you? If you aren’t a smoker, does anybody you are close to smoke, & if so, are you against the fact that they’re a smoker? I don't smoke. To answer the next part, yes, like my dad and stepmom. I wish they would stop so badly, like it's literally going to kill them both. Do you have more subscribers or more people that you are subscribed to? On YouTube? I'm definitely subscribed to waaay more people. Is there anything that has been drilled into your brain since you were young & you finally decided to stop listening to? How did it feel once you decided to listen to yourself over what you were told? Yes: "finish your plate." Teaching your kid to eat beyond their comfort can be very destructive, and I'm glad I never stuck to that once Mom stopped enforcing it. If you are currently in a relationship, what is one thing that seems to be unique or different about your relationship with this person, compared to other relationships in general? If you are currently single, is this more of a choice or is it more just the way things are going, not really something you chose? If you are neither “single” or officially in a relationship, what are your feelings on your current situation? I'm single, and it's just how it is. I know realistically I wouldn't tell what felt like the right person no, but it really is probably better that I stay single and keep figuring my shit out. Think of somebody famous that you have a lot of respect for. What is something that you really admire them for? To name just one thing I admire in Mark, his relentless "I'm going to do this no matter what" attitude is very inspirational to me. He lets like... n-o-t-h-i-n-g get in his way. If somebody were to leave a harsh comment on a survey you took, judging you on one of your opinions, how would you react? I'd get pretty self-conscious, just because I in general take judgment quite poorly. I obsess over "what if they're right, and you're just an idiot?". Are there any other sites you use to find surveys to take? What sites do you use? I mainly use Tumblr and LiveJournal, but in times of great desperation, I'll use Bzoink and just google surveys as well, haha. Have you sent or received any friend requests on Facebook lately? Not sent, but I got one from someone I had no mutual friends with the other day. Safe to say I declined it. Can you recall the last time you turned down an offer, of any kind? Uhhhhh no. Which fruit would you say you eat the most often? Apples. What was your pet’s last vet visit concerning? Roman has been to the vet once to get neutered (and I think shots?). I took Venus many years ago because I thought she had a respiratory infection. Thank god, she didn't. Which animals do you tend to go check out first at pet stores? The reptiles, snakes in particular. Have you ever been a victim of a house fire? No. What’s the longest you’ve ever had to wait before being seated at a restaurant? Like, over an hour. Have you ever had a cavity before? How about a root canal? A tooth pulled? Braces? Cavities and braces, yes. What is your favorite zoo animal that you would like to set free? Probably polar bears. Like especially here, it gets so hot in the summer, and the poor things sometimes only have a bit of snow in the shade. Like... they can't be very happy. Especially when you see those videos of them playing in snow, and then you think about situations like our zoo here... ugh. What kinds of artifacts fascinate you? I really think old figurines built with like clay and stuff are cool. But all artifacts I find to be very intriguing. It's so interesting to see that the desire to create has always been with us as a species. Is there anyone that you’ve visited in jail? No.
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lemon-pilled · 3 years
bloodswap andari (maybe???)
 because just thinking about it wasnt enough lol-
i honestly have no idea what im doing or why, but when my brain says do it i do it. andari is my trollsona, shes jade so i wont do a jade version of her cos thats dumb. i guess ill start with rust? but i should probably introduce andari or something. ok.
andair leinol is my trollsona. shes a jadeblood, has a hive that looks like a tree and is a tree, and has a barkbeast lusus (who she calls norri). regular andari is kinda a jerk? like, she lives in a forest and shoots down anyone who walks too deep into said forest. except for her quadrants but she only has a moirail. she talks | l!ke th!s. !f no one xan understand then thats the!r problem not hers. |.
she acts like someone who cares very little about anything. which is true, she only really cares for her hive and her lusus (and her moirail too).  id say she dosent like the caste system that much but lives by it cause she dosent want to get culled. yknow what thats the one thing that all the andaris have in common.
yeah ok bloodswap time :33
so rust!andari is quiet. other lowbloods dont seem to like that about her, so they stay away, which makes her a great target for the highbloods to bully, which then just causes her to be even more secluded, and the whole cycle loops. she accepts it, cause hey shes a lowblood what else is she supposed to do? somehow its also sorta lucky. if the highbloods love to push this one troll around, they probably wouldnt cull her. of course shes still scared of what would happen if they eventually got tired of her. rust!andari wears oversized longsleeved shirts and pants, to make herself seem smaller and blend into the crowd.
bronze!andari would be determined and hard-working. she wants to come off as a good worker, though sometimes she overworks herself and ends up getting hurt. she will gladly listen to trolls in higher castes, since she dosent want to be culled, and also because she thinks that her hate for the caste system is forbidden and shouldnt even exist.
gold!andari is a bit of a crackhead. her psionics are neon green and yellow. she stays in her hive most of the time because shes not exactly a social person. 
fuck its hard to write a good desc for all the castes so imma just stick to something simple. anyways
lime/mutant!andari is always on the run. not cause shes an outlaw, but cause shes scared of being found out.
olive!andari acts like a feral animal just to make people stay away from the area around her hive/hole in the tree.
jade andari is normal andari lol
teal!andari likes to pretend to be a detective, but really shes just there for show. she does work as a legislacerator, but shes not the best.
cerulean!andari will offer her services (spreading propaganda) for a price. she be a sneaky, sly bitch.
indigo!andari really likes to suck up to the highbloods. like, if a purple, violet or fuchsia tells her to do something, shell do it. anything for the highbloods, am i right.
purple!andari is a cuckoo. she dosent exactly like the church, but as long as they let her kill stuff then who gives a damn.
violet!andari looooves her weapons. especially if they have shiny things (jewels). also her lusus is now a manta ray, not a dog. shes pretty ruthless, loves to dress up as her ancestor or some other famous violetblood.
fuchsia!andari would probably be nicknamed the hidden heiress, since she spends most of her time underwater. the only trolls that know what shes like would be violetbloods. the only time she might even be seen out of water would be when shes hunting lusii to keep g’lbgloyb quiet (i think g’lbgolyb is the lusus for every fuchsia heiress? not sure lol).
but yea this is the base ideas i have for all the bloodswap versions of andari
maybe ill draw some art of each one?
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Sin 1: Lust 1. Who was the last person you checked out? Did they check you out too? Surprise surprise, it’s my girlfriend. Yeah she did - I think I’d start worrying if she didn’t, lmao.
2. Who was the last person you desired, but they didn’t feel the same? Gab, at one point. Other than her, I haven’t desired anybody else; but I was on the ‘didn’t feel the same’ side at least once, back when Mike used to like me.
3. Ever cheated on a significant other? If so, have you learned from it? No, I’ve never cheated.
4. Do you watch porn? Yes. I’d have phases where I’d view it 2-3 times a week, then I’d completely stop for months – kinda like how everyone plays The Sims lol. I don’t know why it works like that for me.
5. Do you masturbate? Sometimes.
6. Best physical features on your preferred sex? I don’t have a preferred sex, and my favored features differ per person.
7. Who are some celebrities that you think are totally hot? Kristen Stewart, if you don’t me already haha. Also Eugene Lee Yang from the Try Guys, Beyoncé, and Jennifer Aniston.
8. Did you ever lust after a best friend’s significant other? How did it turn out? Mmm nope, I never found myself attracted to Hans in any way. The fact that he has always been associated with Angela ever since high school also helps.
9. When was the last time you had sex? Like a week before Christmas, I think.
10. Ever pursued someone, even though they were taken? No, that’s a little awful.
Sin 2: Gluttony 1. When did you last eat at a restaurant? What restaurant was it? Last Monday – Gab and I went to Yabu to catch dinner. We had been entertaining my mom’s guests and their kid all day and thought we couldn’t leave the house cos it’s a bit impolite, but I had such a craving that I ended up asking permission if we can go to Yabu by 8:30 even though the mall closed by 9 lol. I realize I talk about Yabu an awful lot on here so for those who wanna know, it’s this local Japanese place that serves theeeee best katsu.
2. When did you last have fast food? Where did you get it? I don’t actually remember. If I’m not wrong, it was around two or three weeks ago, and we had KFC delivered to our house because we were too lazy to cook or go out. I had the Zinger Steak, which I hope they never phase out because it’s insanely good.
3. What was the biggest meal you had all day? I haven’t eaten yet, and it’s only 10:51 AM. 
4. Do you have too many clothes? How often do you go shopping? I wouldn’t say it’s overwhelmingly many, but I definitely own more clothes than the pieces I’d usually wear, and that’s because I don’t like throwing old stuff out just in case I’d need them in the future (definitely got my great-grandma’s hoarding tendencies). I go shopping once in a few months, which in itself is pretty seldom, but that’s because when I go shopping I usually already buy a shit-ton of new clothes, enough for me to be able to mix and match to come up with new outfits for the next few weeks.
5. What’s something you have a LOT of? Black clothing. I’ve made an effort to get more colored tops, but the blacks still overpower.
6. Do you eat a lot? I’m very takaw-tingin, which is a Filipino term used when you get a crapload of food either because you’re hungry or because you’re confident you can finish it – or both – then you never do. Takaw means greedy or glutton, tingin roughly means sight, so it literally means that you just kinda want to get everything because it looks like a lot. So to answer the question, I always feel like I can eat a lot, but at the end of the day I just end up with stomachaches and I never learn.
7. What was the last thing you splurged (spent a lot of money) on? If a bunch of stuff counts, then I splurged on Christmas presents for various people that I all bought in one go – I got massage oils, a garlic press, a frisbee, Marikina sandals, lipstick, and Instax film. If you’re talking about a single thing that I had to drop a ton of money on, it was for my dog’s blood test and some arthritis meds that the vet recommended.
8. What do you spend most of your money on (besides bills and anything necessary like that)? I only ever spend on necessities like gas, clothes, and food, honestly. Other than that... I spend on (and this is very seldom) whatever hobby I’m into at the moment. At one point I spent on slime because I got interested in them, and before that – and y’all know about this – I spent my Christmas savings on adult coloring books and pencils.
9. Last time you ate candy? What was it? A week or two ago; I had a Crunch bar.
10. Last thing you ate too much of? Eggs, I think. My mom makes it for breakfast so I have it almost every day.
Sin 3: Greed 1. Do you share things? How often? Yeah I can be pretty generous with my stuff. I know I’d appreciate it when other people lend me their belongings, so I try to do the same. I once lent my phone to Rita for over an hour just because she wanted to play Mario Kart, and I also lent a book that’s really important to me to an online friend I barely knew; it was with him for like two years, lol.
2. Someone asks you for a piece of your cookie. You break it in half, but the pieces aren’t equal. Who gets the bigger piece? Usually it would be me; but if the person who asked for it was Gab, or if that particular person likes the cookie I have, then they get the bigger piece.
3. When you see change on the ground, do you pick it up? Only if it’s a 10-peso coin, because I’m greedily picky like that lmao. Other people might need a peso or a 5-peso coin more, so I leave it be.
4. How often do you lend money to people? I don’t, and that’s one thing I wouldn’t tend to lend. My parents just give me allowance and it’s usually enough for necessities and for treating myself once or twice a week, so I wouldn’t be able to have some left for others. Besides, that’s my parents’ money and it would be pretty fuckin’ unfair to them if I just give it away to others lmao.
5. Do you loooove money? I hate what it’s done to society, how it’s divided the rich and the poor, and how the people with the most money also tend to be the most selfish coughcoughBILLIONAIREScoughcough. But I love spending for my own, hah.
6. If someone offers to pay for you, do you decline or readily accept? Oh no no no. Decline all the way. If they keep insisting then I’ll probably give in because it’s the polite thing to do, but if I can, I’ll keep declining.
7. Which of your friends is the wealthiest? Rita. Her grandpa is a former senator and she lives in literally the swankiest neighborhood in Metro Manila; I was a bit intimidated when she invited us to her place for the first time lol. She’s the simplest person I know, too; and that’s my favorite kind of rich.
8. Would you take a high-paying job that you didn’t really like just for the money and benefits? That’s definitely what I plan to do, lmao. At least this is how I know myself now: I have enough money to buy whatever I want, and I’m a happy camper. That may change in a few months or within the next year and I may eventually wanna search for a passion – but for now, it’s the mindset I’m going with when I go job-hunting soon. If I survived four years of college with a very burnt-out, emptied passion for journalism that I thought I had, I could probs do the same in the workplace.
9. Ever stole from anyone? What about stole from a store? What happened? I unknowingly stole a box of crayons from a store back when security equipment wasn’t that rigid yet lmao. I realized I ‘stole’ it because I had it in my hands and not in a paper bag when I walked out, so I immediately went back to pay for it. I’ve never stolen anything from anyone.
10. Do you ever have enough money? I don’t think anyone ever feels this way. Ever heard of billionaires?
Sin 4: Sloth 1. Last thing you procrastinated on? Washing the dishes last night.
2. When you’re at a strip mall and the next store you want to go to is at the other side, do you drive over there instead of take a short walk? It depends how far “the other side” is. <-- Yep pretty much. If it’s literally on the other side of a street, then obviously I’d go walk. But in places like my school which is super big and where ‘other side’ could mean 2 km away, a drive would be more convenient.
3. What’s a typical day off of school and/or work like for you? I’d normally spend the day lazing around on the couch with my dog beside me and lurking around social media.
4. What’s one talent you have that you don’t really work on, even though you have the ability to be good at it? Public speaking, or debating.
5. How many hours of television do you watch a day? I keep Friends as a background noise on Netflix nearly all day because I hate when it gets too quiet around me. As for watching on an actual television, I haven’t used one in years.
6. What about the amount of time you spend on the internet a day? The internet takes up my entire day it’s crazy lol. I kinda need it for everything now.
7. How many hours of sleep do you get a day? Do you sleep in late? It’s always different. I can go anywhere between 3 and 10 hours of sleep. I don’t sleep in often, though.
8. Do you drive to places that are less than three blocks away? I don’t know how big blocks are supposed to be since we don’t use that system here. But yes, I usually drive even though Point A to Point B is very much walkable hahaha. My friends make fun of me a lot for it but I don’t care, at least I don’t get to my destination all sweaty and smelling like the sun.
9. When was the last time you exercised? November, on my last PE class.
10. Ever copied and pasted your homework from a website on the internet? I never did this. My schools always emphasized the consequences of plagiarism so as someone who always stuck by the rules, I always made sure I at least paraphrased the content I see on the internet.
Sin 5: Wrath 1. If you could kill one person and get away with it, would you do it? I know it’s pretty dark to come from such a place, but I’ve always thought death is an easy way out for people who’ve done awful things. I could answer this question with a name of a corrupt politician, rapists, or animal abusers, but tbh they don’t deserve the sweet escape of death, even if it were from murder.
2. Is there anyone you honestly and truly can say that you hate? Anybody who has hurt cats and dogs.
3. Is there anyone you want revenge on, whether you want to get them back big-time or just play a little prank on them for hurting your feelings? Like I said, I’d daydream about getting revenge just to satiate my desire for it, but I think it’s pretty childish and downright cartoonish to actually go through with it. I’ve only ever seen people getting petty revenge in movies, but it seems a bit stupid in real life.
4. Are you fighting with any friends right now? Why? No. The most that’s happened was me kinda scolding Andrew for not letting me know beforehand that he submitted our thesis proposal to our prof through VIBER, which is incredibly unprofessional and I definitely let him know what I thought about it. I didn’t fight with him though.
5. Last time you were really angry? What happened? The aforementioned thesis prof letting me know we’re missing a part of our thesis on the last day for profs to submit their grades. That meant that however early we submitted a revision, she wouldn’t have been able to give it a mark anyway. That definitely pissed me off, especially considering that she was silent for two weeks and didn’t give back any comments which made us think we were good to go.
6. When you’re angry, what do you do to calm yourself down? I watch Friends or any one of my favorite YouTubers so I can have some relief. Other times, I’d force myself to sleep.
7. “Hate is just the fear of loving someone.” true or false? No. That makes no sense to me.
8. What’s the best revenge you ever got on someone? Never done this before.
9. Was there any hard feelings after your last break-up? On whose end was it on? There were definitely hard feelings in the beginning because she executed the breakup so poorly and I thought I didn’t deserve any of the treatment I was getting, and I was also mad that I wasted my time for that long only for her to break up with me in the end.
10. Ever been cheated on? How did that make you feel? No.
Sin 6: Envy 1. Is there anyone you’re jealous of? Name a person and tell us why. Envious is the better word, and I feel this way towards anybody who live with both parents. My dad’s worked overseas all my life, and as grateful as I am for his sacrifices, having a dad at home is more foreign sensation to me than the idea of having a dad who’s gone for 4-6 months a year.
2. List three physical features some other people have that you’re envious of (no need to get specific and name people; you can just say something like “brown eyes” or “having perfect eyebrows”). Straight teeth, fixed eyebrows, legs that don’t need much shaving.
3. List three personality features that other people have that you’re envious of. Confidence, independence... is privilege a personality trait lol?
4. Are you a jealous significant other? I can be. I don’t make a big deal about being jealous as much as I did two or three years ago anymore though.
5. Could you date someone who was really jealous? Gab can be a little jealous but for the most part it’s endearing because it’s never turned into abuse.
6. What celebrity’s looks do you envy the most? Audrey Hepburn.
7. Do you think anyone is envious of you? In your opinion, what characteristics (physical and mental) do you possess that you think someone might be envious of? Being in a long-term relationship, definitely. A lot of people my age want significant others so bad, and I know this because a good chunk of them post the same wish over and over on social media lol.
8. What are a few things you wish you were good at? Drawing, playing an instrument, dancing ballet, changing a car tire, COOKING.
9. Did you ever date someone, break up, and then see them dating someone very attractive a few days later? Were you jealous of that person? This has never happened to me.
10. When looking at a love interest’s exes, do you often find yourself jealous of their good-looking exes? I haven’t had to do this, because I was Gab’s first. I wouldn’t want to fixate on exes if I were in a different situation, though.
Sin 7: Pride 1. What’s something you brag about a lot (be honest–we all brag sometimes)? My school is easy bragging rights. Everybody wants to be in UP.
2. What physical features do you take the most pride in? My body figure in general. Also my fingers, legs, and jawline.
3. Are you satisfied with what you have? Yeah but as the above questions have made it clear, I can always use more money lol.
4. Be honest… when someone is telling you something, do you often change the subject so it’s about you and your accomplishments instead? NEVER. That’s one of the worst things anyone can do. I feel like I used to do this when I was younger, then it just hit me one day about how tasteless it can be so ever since then I’ve let other people hype themselves up and be excited about accomplishments or new things in their life as much as they want with me, as long as they aren’t being so conceited.
5. Do you like talking about your achievements? If I’m in a group and we started sharing our achievements then yeah I’d join in. But I wouldn’t bring it up if it wasn’t already being brought up. It’s better to let the accomplishments speak for themselves.
6. Do your parents tend to brag about how well you came out? My mom is definitely more ~braggier than my dad, but she’s never come off as an asshole about it. If she was, I’d pull her aside.
7. Do you strive to be better than others? Do you think competing with others is healthy? I keep a mindset of competing with others, but I keep it internal.
8. What do you do better than most people? See the little details. I’m always surprised at how most of the people I work with just look at the big picture – like how they don’t pay attention to the red squiggle under misspelled words on a group paper (or if they do see it, they don’t do anything about it), or how they don’t seem to care about proper spacing on a Powerpoint and proceed to just dump a bunch of text on one slide. Now this is something I can brag about too, cos a lot of people are just so not detail-oriented lol.
9. Do you believe in taking pride in things you can’t control (ex. being proud of your heritage, being proud of your skin color, being proud of your natural artistic ability)? I don’t see why that’s an issue.
10. Who are you competing with right now (it could be anything–classmates for a grade, co-workers for a position, other girl for a guy, etc.)? There’s no particular person, but like I said, I’m always in this perpetual mindset of wanting to compete with others just so I’m more motivated to perform well and get things done.
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I volunteer with DC Dogos, a breed specific 501(c)3 rescue, and right now we are absolutely flooded with dogs.  We are a nationwide rescue that takes Dogo Argentinos from high kill shelters and euthanasia lists into foster homes where we vet and train them.  
Right now we have 25 dogs, which is way past capacity for us and vet bills and training are very expensive.  Please share my post and help us get some exposure.  If you have a few dollars to spare it would be a huge help (you can donate here) or if you’re not using AmazonSmile yet, please choose us as your charity and Amazon will donate a percentage of every purchase you make.  And of course, you can always consider adding a Dogo to your family!  We will arrange transport for most of our dogs for the right home.  
What is a Dogo Argentino?  They’re large (80 - 110 lbs) mastiff-type dogs that were created in Argentina for hunting large game, primarily wild boar.  They typically have a high prey drive so aren’t cat or small animal safe, but are generally very people friendly and adore their families.  Some may not be good with other dogs at all, or may be particular so they’re not good dog park dogs but they do make great pets.  Most Dogos have a great off switch, so with a good long walk every day, they’re happy to cuddle on the couch or relax with a chew.  
We have Dogos of all ages, activity levels, and personalities available right now!  Check them out here and I’m going to highlight a few down under the cut.  
First up, Maya!  If you’re looking for a daily jogging partner, this is it!  Maya is super sweet, super active, and BIG girl.  I was her temporary foster so I have a more information than her profile page.  She is good with other dogs and looooves people.  I’m not sure if she has been tested with kids but is most likely good with them also.  She does need some manners as she has a lot of energy and no idea how big she is.  
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Looking for a less active dog?  We have those too.  Meet Bowzer!  This handsome guy is dog friendly but he does have hip and elbow dysplasia so would do best with older or small dogs who won’t hurt him.  He likes kids as well, but no roughhousing or grabby hands.  Bozer prefers to hang out inside with his people on a soft bed and give hugs and kisses.  Click his link to see his first time with his new anti-skid shoes.  <3
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Next up is Mia!  She loves people of all sizes, and gets along with brother Dio (available together or separately) but doesn’t get along with other dogs.  I don’t have any other information on her, but if you contact us on Facebook or at [email protected] they can tell you more.
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Chaos doesn’t let his deafness stop him and either should you!  He loves to run and play and his friendly with other dogs but may not always understand what they’re trying to tell him so his playmates will need to be chosen carefully.  His adopter will need prior deaf dog experience or to be in the Houston area please!
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Looking for a cuddlebug?  Check out Athena!  She looooooves her people but prefers to be an only dog.  She’s eager to please and willing to learn, - good news as her obedience training is still in progress, but she’s doing her best!
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Thank you so much for taking the time to read through this and reblogging!  You can also check out on Facebook at DC Dogos for more dogs and rescue updates.  
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worstmissionever · 7 years
similarities/parallels between bates motel and lost because everything happens for a reason
and i’m a huge lost nerd with too much free time and too much feelings for both tv shows. this post is a mess and it’s just a list of things. there are topics but the single points don’t appear in any order. I WILL SPOILER YOU BOTH SHOWS COMPLETELY, like, the fucking end. 
i do this for fun. carlton cuse both worked on lost and bates motel as a show runner and that’s my only connection. if i see too much, well, that’s me then but it’s FUN.
even if you don’t care about lost or haven’t seen it, it might be interesting...? you could at least read THE RULES until the lost part begins if you want to avoid spoilers.
index: 1. The Rules (BM & Lost part) 2. Dylan Thomas and Romero 3. Mental Institution/Hurley’s and Norman’s Question 4. books and poems 5. alpert vs. romero 6. shapeshifter 7. moving on 8. mother/jacob/men in black vs. norma/norman/mother
1. The Rules + games between certain people
in both shows an important reaccuring theme is the set of rules. rules between people or in certain places, in science... some people play games with each other and have to follow the rules. i start with bates motel.
a) in bates motel you have norman and norma playing their relationship as a game (according to norman in 2x08), to love each other unconditionally. that is the goal. then there were rules which norma changed because the loss of trust between them.
example, 2x08:
norma: Nothing has changed.
norman: Everything has changed. You changed the rules.
norma: What rules? What are you talking about? 
norman: I don't trust you anymore, and that changes everything. Okay, it's all up for grabs now. You no longer know who I am either, because we're different.
norma: What? Stop it. Stop. Stop it, Norman.
norman: It was all just a game. The game was that we were devoted to each other, and no one could ever come between us, that we loved each other more than anyone could ever love another person.
norma: But we do love each other.
norman: Do we? Do we really, mother?
a powerful example of how the rules have changed or maybe what has been part of the rules all along is in 2x10:
norman: How can you ask me to live with this? 
norma: Because I will die if you leave. I will, I'll die, Norman. We're like the same person. If you kill yourself, I'll be there one step after. We have to be together. We're supposed to be together. No matter what, I will be with you every step. I will be right by your side, and we will face this together. Please.
norman: All right, mother. You win.
norma brought up the rule ‘if you die, i will die’ and norman says ‘you win’ when he decides not to kill himself. for her. off-topic: these two situations have been such a turning point for the show, everything changed after that, especially after norman says norma had won. like...another game starts and both of them don’t know the rules yet; if some of the old rules even apply anymore. i loooove that.
b) norman and mother have a similar game ongoing but it’s more vague and the first rule and also goal that stands out is mother’s need to protect norman. norman starts with not wanting to know the truth, with oblivion to what is happening/has happened, then he changes somehow the rules because he wants to know the truth, because their relationship doesn’t work that way anymore.
mother: Like Adam wanting all the knowledge and eating the apple in the Garden of Eden, you get the truth, but you also see the pain. We are partners now, Norman. You have no choice. We are on even footing.
their ‘game’ ends when norman knows everything and mother doesn’t need to protect him anymore. somehow they both win in a....tragic way...lol not lol.
mother: You know everything now, and there's nothing for me to protect you from.
c) everyone who is involved with the drug business, so basically the whole town. it only works (somehow) because people follow the rules they made up, especially in the beginning it’s ‘an eye for an eye’.
one example in 1x02:
shelby: The people in this town, they deal with things in a different way, but it gets dealt with.
norma: And what about the guy who was burned?
shelby: It'll be dealt with. An eye for an eye. It'll get handled.
you also have sheriff alex romero whose job seems to be to make up cover stories for situations like this.
d) chick mentions the rules in 3x02 when he meets dylan and caleb after they shot his dog.
chick: You know, there's rules, right? We respect the rules. That's how we respect each other, right? If we all understand the rules, then we can coexist. Isn't that right, Dylan? Yeah.
dylan: Yeah, I guess.
e) other rules. of course there are other rules. rules in the police station, ‘standard procedures’. rules in the mental institution, you can see the rules printed there on the wall. 
a) i will keep it short, lol. ben linus and charles widmore are rivals. charles wants to find the island (again) and ben wants to stop him. when one of widmore’s people threaten to kill ben’s daugther, ben believes that she won’t be harmed because of the ruuuuuules they seem to follow up to this point (4x09)
ben: So if you want to kill her, go ahead and do it—  [long story short, she gets killed] He changed the rules.
i love ben linus and i love norman bates and they say the same, gosh. later in that episode ben finds widmore and confronts him.
widmore: Have you come here to kill me, Benjamin?
ben: We both know I can't do that.
well that is one big rule. he stands right in front of the guy that killed is daugther and is bound by rules. i won’t go into lost-lore to give explanations, lol, that’s not the point right now.
ben: I'm here, Charles, to tell you that I'm going to kill your daughter. Penelope, is it? And once she's gone... once she's dead... then you'll understand how I feel. And you'll wish you hadn't changed the rules.
that sounds a lot like an eye for an eye to me, right? 
widmore: That island's mine, Benjamin. It always was. It will be again.
ben: But you'll never find it.
widmore: Then I suppose the hunt is on for both of us.
and that’s another example of a game that two characters play.
b) *heavy sigh* okay, another set of rules is brought to you by...MOTHER. yes, you’re still reading the lost part and it’s part of the biggest lost/bates motel parallel EVER, i tell you, i almost CHOKED ON MY EXISTENCE when i noticed it, but more later. first of all:
mother set up rules between her two surrogate children in 6x15:
mother: If they [other people] found you, they would hurt you.
jacob: Why would they hurt us?
mother: Because they're people, Jacob, and that's what people do.
boy in black: But we're people. Does that mean that we can hurt each other?
mother: I've made it so you can never hurt each other.
another imporant things mother says is that they can’t ever leave this island and that both of them ‘don’t have to worry’ about death, meaning they won’t be able to die (that easily, cough). rules.
the boy in black aka the man in black aka the smoke monster’s goal is to leave the island, desperately trying to find a loophole.
which brings us to 
c) the game between jacob and the man in black when they were LITTLE. they played an ancient senet game (imagine old chess or blackgammon). jacob moves a stone on the board, also 6x15.
boy in black: You can’t do that, Jacob.
jacob: Why not?
boy in black: Because it's against the rules.
jacob: You made the rules.
boy in black: I found it. One day, you can make up your own game and everyone else will have to follow your rules.
which brings us to
d) the game between jacob and the man in black when they were OLDER. like i said the man in black wants to find a loophole to leave this island. also, he really wants to kill jacob.
man in black: Do you have any idea how badly I wanna kill you? 
jacob: Yes. 
man in black: One of these days, sooner or later... I'm going to find a loophole, my friend. 
jacob: Well, when you do, I'll be right here.
there’s more about the three of them in the very end because it’s...a long one. and a messy one.
2. DYLAN THOMAS and Romero
i admit it, it’s...probably made up out of thin air but i love it, okay, it’s my little precious secret lost reference in the end of bates motel and i’m still laughing about it.
5x10. you remember the woman with her two children checking in after norman nearly died in the woods? one son was called dylan. NO, wait for it and hear me out.
norman: His name's Dylan? I have a brother named Dylan.
woman: Yeah? We named him after Dylan Thomas. The poet.
dylan thomas. so i googled that guy. he wrote a poem called ‘and death shall have no dominion’. WAIT FOR IT. 
I will quote wikipedia on you.
In the Season 6 soundtrack of Lost the piece which shares its name with the poem is played while detailing Richard Alpert's life.
Richard Alpert is played by Nestor Carbonell.
3. Mental Institution / Hurley’s and Norman’s question
in both tv shows a character get’s treated in a mental institution and said character sees people that don’t exist but heavily influence their behavior. you got hurley in lost and of course norman in bates motel
but the funnier parallel is in a question both characters ask:
hurley: Did either of you see a guy run through here... in a bathrobe... with a coconut?
norman: When when she was in here, was she with anyone? Or maybe a man, very dark hair, eyes, 6', maybe with the look of an escaped convict?
in both situations, the questioned person somehow doubts if the other one is doing quite well. ok i think it’s funny...
4. book and poem references
in lost and bates motel you will find a lot references to mentioned books and poems, i already wrote three posts about examples in bates motel. (great expectations, fire and ice, the titanic one.)
in lost you have books like mice of men, carrie....and so much more, seriously, it’s lost.
5. Romero in Lost vs. Alpert in Bates Motel, ah shit, the other way 
as you might now, nestor carbonell plays sheriff romero on bates motel and richard alpert on lost and yes, there are similarities.
i want to mention a certain scene in 2x10 bates motel.
romero: I think you're smart enough to understand how things work around here. What you can do, what you can't do. And right now right now, there's a vacuum. Somebody's gonna fill that vacuum. That's as inevitable as the sun rising in the morning.
dylan: I'm not your guy. I didn't sign on for any of this.
romero: Well, somebody's going to, and I want to be sure that person who fills that vacuum, Dylan, understands the rules, because the rules are what make it possible for all of us to live here together in a peaceful manner.
So once again you have the rules here. but also romero who wants to recruit dylan to fill an important role. romero can’t take this job for himself so he needs to find someone who can do the job, someone who knows the rules and keep the balance. 
in lost richard alpert is an advisor to the leader of the island. he can’t ever be leader himself but he helps choosing one. he’s the person between jacob, basically his boss, and the people who come to the island. the scene of romero and dylan in bates motel very much reminded me of his role in lost. and romero is always in the middle between the drug business and the law/the town.
6. shapeshifter
the man in black appears in the shape of different people for the crashed people on the island, to manipulate them. i REALLY need a fanfic where norman lands on the lost island and sees the smoke monster as his mother. that’s just...i have so many feels about that.
7. Moving On
Oh, that’s a nice one, too. in the end of lost, it’s all about moving on. the losties meet in this flash sideways world, get together because they shared such an important part of their lives together, and together they move on. 
that’s pretty much what norman does in the end. when he sees himself in the woods, running towards norma. that’s his moving on. like the losties, norman and norma were always meant to be together and now, joined in the after life, they can move on together.
8. Jacob, the Man in Black, Mother vs. Norman, Mother and Norman
that’s my last one and it’s a tricky one and i won’t be able to give a proper conclusion because you can see it in a lot of different but very interesting ways. it’s long and messy and basically just a mind game so if you’re not into lost and that topic....no shame if you skip it.
6x15 lost plot:
a lonely island. claudia, pregnant, arrives on the island. she gives birth to jacob and another son, we call him the boy in black/man in black. a woman called simply mother (for realz) kills claudia and raises the boys. jacob is blonde, more innocent, does what mother says, wants to be good, in some way. the boy in black is dark haired, the opposite, asks questions, wants more autonomy. one day he learns that mother killed their real mother claudia and wants to join other people on the island. mother doesn’t like that because other people are BAD and forbids it but he goes anyway. he desperately wants to leave the island. meanwhile jacob and mother live their life. jacob sometimes chats and plays board games with the man in black. then mother learns that the man in black almost has found a way to leave the island so she kills every other person he was living with (my guess she’s a smoke monster btw). the man in black then kills mother. jacob is angry at him, throws him into a certain cave that turn people into something “worse than dead”. the man in black becomes a smoke monster, now is REALLY unable to leave the island. the dead body though still exists and jacob puts the man in black’s body next to mother’s body in a cave.
jacob and the man in black (he can take his old form) then live in a game-like world. the man in black tries to find a loophole to escape. meanwhile jacob brings people to the island to prove that they’re not mean. the man in black says everyone’s mean. lol  i put it very simple. 
let’s just start with one option.
jacob - norman
the man in black - mother
mother - norma
if you’re really into lost, bates motel and that topic, you can try to start playing with the idea. switch between characters. who could be who. 
jacob - norman and mother - mother. then mother’s (lost) sentence ‘now you and i are the same’ would be a great reference to 5x06 bates motel right before norman kills sam. or you can say man in black - norman and mother - norma. so the man in black runs away because mother lied to him. and then he kills her.
claudia is norma, mother is mother and both jacob and the man in black are parts of norman.
i know, i know, it’s messy, like i said. but i love to think about it.
ANYWAY. that’s it, i am done!
i can’t believe i wrote this post, lol.
if you have any suggestions or comments, let me know.
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sierrabrewerxo · 7 years
50 Facts About Myself
so i want people to know more about the girl behind this account.. i figured this would be an easy start to that..
01. I was born Monday May 12, 1997.. Which makes myself a Taurus! 
02. I stand comfortably at 5′2
03. I have been in one relationship, and was very madly in love..
04. I attended cosmetology school fresh out of high school. I tested out and earned my official license last year. 
05. Although I finished cosmetology school, I do not believe it is something I want to do as a career at this moment in my life. I am kind of intrigued by an office type job at this moment.
06. I am not a picky eater in the slightest. But I am strange in the fact that I only enjoy chocolate on occasion and I am not a big fan of pizza.
07. My all time favorite foods include mexican food, bacon cheeseburgers, and french fries. 
08. When I turned the age of really getting to choose what I wanted for my birthday. I started to ask for pie instead of cake. Which has been going on for many years. 
09. I have a little demon named Violet [coming from the fact that when I got her as a kitten, her eyes were a purple color. but they are now a bright green.] and an adorable little fluff ball named Thor [no special story to this, my mom named her!]
10. When I have always thought about my future, I have a son and a daughter. My son being the oldest of the two. It’s been that way for as long as I can remember.
11. I am trying to build my way up so I can move to Texas. There is nothing there for me, just something in me that is drawn towards it. I truly believe in my heart that I have gained all I can from where I live and would like to expand my horizons somewhere else. 
12. I have a beanie baby that I have had since I was two years old. I had the exact one before and lost it in Walmart when I was little. I wouldn’t stop crying so my mom went hunting for a new one. I have had that one ever since, a safety blanket type of thing. 
13. I’m very old fashioned when it comes to love. I love the idea of just doing everything you can for that person, because they’re your world and you want them to be happy and know they are loved. But that love always needs to be returned, relationships should never be one sided. They are your best friend and they are there for you, that should never be forgotten.
14. I absolutely loooove sour gummy worms!
15. I am completely mesmerized in astrology and greek mythology. I am also intrigued by the world of tarot cards, stones, and all those magical things deep within the mind and soul.
16. Part of me always wishes that I never colored my hair. I have been brunette, red, blonde, black, and some long pink mermaid hair too! I did have fun and enjoy all the colors. I do believe though, as I’m getting older, that there is nothing wrong with what you were born with. I was very bored with the fact that all of my features looked the same. ashy brown hair, ashy brown eyebrows, and basic brown eyes. I felt very plain. But now that I’m older I have learned I am far from it.. 
17. It wasn’t until recently, from my family, that I learned although I am a shy person, I don’t shy away from a lot. I am a girl that likes straight answers, it’s tough but it goes a long way. I am also a girl that does her own thing [wearing what I want to wear, trying out new hair, and just doing things that intrigue me]
18. I love spring and summer simply because the outfits I get to wear! The shorts, maxi skirts, maxi dresses, summer dresses, and sandals!
19. I actually prefer Marvel movies over DC. Spiderman, Daredevil, and Elektra being my all time favorites when I was a little girl. 
I feel like this next one should be something special.. let me think...
20. I have always wanted to go to a music festival. which is weird and special to me, because I am not big on going to concerts. only going to three concerts in my life.
21. My favorite Disney Princess movies are Aladdin and The Little Mermaid. My favorite Disney movie being The Lion King. 
22. Something in me wants to start a YouTube channel, but I don’t know what content I would upload. 
23. Although I love cheeseburgers, I have a ginormous soft spot in my heart for all animals. I hope one day to really stick to a way to not eat animals. I have done well in the ways of not using products that test on animals, but I would like to expand that to volunteering and so on. 
24. I have always wanted to explore Europe. Spending a lot of my time in Greece and Italy. I have always wanted to travel the whole world and gain as much knowledge as I can. But Europe would definitely be my starting point.
25. I do not a specific genre of music that I like, but I do have my favorite artists. ACDC, Led Zeppelin, and The Chainsmokers being at the top of that list. 
26. I do not have any strong religious beliefs, but I do not disregard others beliefs. everyone’s life is their own. Part of me does believe though that there is a form of afterlife.
27. I love the smell of sweet perfumes, candles, and body sprays.. vanilla, cotton candy, caramel etc. But when it comes to my body wash I enjoy the more earthly smell. 
28. I have been on a shopping hunt for overalls for about three or four years now, and still haven’t found the right pair.
29. I did not know my ring size until the end of last year. 
30. I have only shared my middle name with the people I have been closest to. my best friend from third grade [still one of my closest friends to this day], my best friend from 5th grade, my best friend from 7th grade, and my former boyfriend. To me, it is something that shows I confide in you and that I trust you. 
31. My favorite thing about carnivals, fairs, etc. has always been the fact that the corn dogs and cotton candy.
32. I am not a big soda drinker.. My preferences include coffee, sweet iced tea, and lemonade. My favorite drink from Starbucks lately being an iced green tea latte with soy milk.
33. I am currently working as a sales associate at Charlotte Russe and am enjoying it, my coworkers being the best part of my job.
34. My first job was when I was 16 at a part gas station part firework stand. It was a seasonal job I did for three summers. Hardly uttering three words my first summer there [I worked for about two or three weeks] to gaining an amazing group of people my second year [met former boyfriend this summer. can always share a story if wished] My third summer being a veteran and again loving the company of my coworkers, amazing people. I really came out from my shell that summer. 
35. I considered my second job cosmetology school. They were eight hour days, beginning in a class and then making your way to actual clients three months later. So for eight months or so, I worked on clients for eight hours of the day, earning some tip money, and learning to stand my own. 
36. My favorite sport is actually hockey. I love seeing it in person though, the chill in the air and the fights. I just love it. I have been to two hockey games in the past few years. One being a Mavericks game and the other being a St. Louis Blues game.
37. I am a girl that focuses on visual and detailed work. Some girls in college suggested I be an interior designer or a wedding planner instead. 
38. I have never broken a bone, had braces, or needed glasses. 
39. I am quite an accident prone girl, my list going on and on.. damage to wood fixtures due to nail polish remover and wall plug ins.. spraying pepper spray while in the house.. accidentally flooding our wash machine twice, causing our ceiling in the garage to give out the first time.. getting my head stuck in my bed frame., and falling off some weird shelves at the supermarket, being rushed to the hospital.. the story goes that the shelves were removed that same week.
okay, final ones, let’s see what I can think up for you..
40. I am from good ol’ Missouri!!
41. I father is originally from North Carolina and my mom from Missouri. They met in high school, my dad moving here when he was young. If my memory serves me correctly, my dad proposed in my mom’s bedroom on Christmas Eve. They’ll be married 22 years this year. The way they treat each other gives me such high expectations for my future relationship. 
42. I have one older sister! It’s just the two of us weirdos.
43. I got into my first car accident a month after I got my license. I was t-boned by another lady and my car was totaled. It was a situation where I knew what was going to happen before I could stop it. 
44. I am a girl who will stow her crap and say she’s fine even in the rare times she is crying. But I always become emotionally invested in the people in my life. I do everything I can for them and always make sure they’re at peace with themselves. It is both a wonderful trait and a curse. Feeling happy when I make the ones I love feel better, but not really knowing what I did wrong when they leave. 
45. I absolutely love fruit, grapes and pineapples being my favorite.. cucumbers and tomatoes being my favorite in the vegetable group.
46. I own a keyblade replica of the kingdom key from the Kingdom Hearts video game. I used to play the game endlessly when I was younger. 
47. I was in Color Guard for three years while I was in school but always wondered what I would be like as a cheerleader.. doing many years of gymnastics when I was young. 
48. I seem to have a type for tall guys with bright eyes and brown hair.. and i definitely don’t mind some facial hair. 
49. I have no other forms of social media as of the beginning of 2017. 
50. I am a nocturnal human being. always up in the late hours of the night... or early hours of the morning.. however you want to look at it
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